The November 2014 Newsletter of OK
The November 2014 Newsletter of OK
SHAWNEE HONDA COOKOUT All these happy, fun loving people of Chapter OK-B and employees of Shawnee Honda during our monthly Cookout at Shawnee Honda’s Monthly C u s t o m e r Appreciation Day. Saturday was a beautiful day with lots of customers and friends. Read inside about our relationship with our Friends and major sponsor Shawnee Honda. The November 2014 Newsletter of OK-B Region H, GWRRA, Shawnee, Oklahoma Nov2014 Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge page 1 Inside this issue: Table of Contents - Oct recap 2 Cover Story— Shawnee Honda Cookout 3 Chapter Director Message 4 Assistant Chapter Director Message 5 Chapter Couple Message & COY info 6 Rider Education Message 7 Motorist Awareness Proram Message 8 Membership Enhancement Program Message 9 “GWRRA My Way”, a poem by Judy Mott 10 Special Ride Nov 1 11 Nov celebrations & winners at monthly gathering 12 Chapter OK-B Recipe Page - No Corn Syrup Pecan Pie 13 Special event opportunities 14 Chapter OK-B Team Info 15 OK District News: OK Chapter Information District Team 16 17 Region H News 18 GWRRA News 19-20 Chapter OK-B Sponsor Page 21 November Event Calendar 22 Come join OK-B at the monthly gathering held on the 4th Tuesday of every month at the Golden Corral, 2513 N Harrison, Shawnee, OK. We meet to eat at 5:45pm. The fun begins at 7pm with the Pledge to the Flag. The November gathering will be held November 25, 2014. We hope to see you there! October event participation numbers Oct 2nd Dinner ride to Bosco Joes, Seminole: 9 Oct 4th OK-W’s party: 9 Oct 9th Dinner ride to Blue Moon Café, Ada: 14 Oct 16th Dinner ride to La Donna’s Grill, Meeker: 15 Oct 23rd Dinner ride to Domencas’ Italian Restaurant, Shawnee: 13 Oct 25th Breakfast at Jimmy’s Egg: 7 Shawnee Honda Cookout: 15 Oct 28th Monthly Gathering: 36 If you attended all 5 District Conventions plus the Region H convention in 2014, please let Joel know by November 10th! You are eligible to be entered into a drawing to win free region/district convention registrations for 2015. If you did not attend all 6 Conventions, no action is required. Joel’s number is 405.258.6334. His e-mail is Special thanks to Johnie & Gina Fredman for their time and efforts in coordinating our October rides. November 2014 Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge page 2 Shawnee Honda and Chapter OK-B Cookout Each month our Chapter joins in with our major sponsor, Shawnee Honda, in their Customer Appreciation Day. As members of Chapter OK-B, you are aware that Shawnee Honda’s owners and employees provide to the public a lunch of Hamburgers and Hotdogs w/drinks on the last Saturday of each month to say thank you to all that patronize and visit their business in Shawnee. I’m sure they realize that providing this service to their customers is just good business. This service that Shawnee Honda provides is also a great opportunity for our Chapter to be “seen and heard” in presenting the story of the GWRRA to the motorcycling public. And of course we want to take full advantage of the opportunity to strengthen our Chapter with new members. The Goldwing Road Riders Association is a volunteer organization when it comes to all the events we participate in. One of our monthly events is the Shawnee Honda Cookout and Recruiting Event. Our chapter has volunteered to assist Shawnee Honda each month by cooking the hamburgers and hotdogs, and serving the customers that come by for lunch. Our members are some of Shawnee Honda’s best customers and enjoy all the fun that comes along with the assistance they provide. The guys usually do all the cooking. The fellowship and greeting of customers is lots of Fun. The gals also enjoy their time doing most of the serving, prep work, and cleanup afterwards. Occasionally your might find a guy in the kitchen area doing some of those chores. They all have big smiles and friendly conversation for the visitors that come thought the serving line. We always have information and recruiting material set up with a friendly face to explain any questions that customers and visitors may have about Chapter OK-B and the GWRRA. Along with our Chapter banner, which is proudly displayed, is our Mascot and yearly Scrapbook. Several times a year our chapter has a bake sell of cookies and cupcakes to raise money for our charitable organizations, to include the chapter’s support of the Hope House in Shawnee. As the Chapter Director, it is plain to see that our members enjoy coming to Shawnee Honda each month, just as much as Shawnee Honda enjoys having us there. We would like to say “Thank You” to Randy, Jason, and all the Shawnee Honda employees that have included our chapter in their day of Appreciation for their Customers. We enjoy the time that we spend there each month. And to the great members of Chapter OK-B, Thank You for all that you do for our chapter and volunteer time that you give each month. I truly believe that both organizations benefit from this monthly gathering of “Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge.” Joel Wakefield Chapter Director Nov2014 Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge page 3 A Message from Your Director Carol and I really believe that November is the beginning of the Greatest Time of the Year! During late fall the changing foliage, cooler weather, and upcoming holidays gives us a warm feeling deep inside. Late fall is a beautiful time of the seasons. And of course it’s a wonderful time to ride bikes and trikes! Our Chapter is rescheduling our trip to the Woolaroc Museum & Wildlife Preserve, in north central Oklahoma. The new date is November 1st. Same time and places of interest. We know the days are shorter so we may adjust the departure and return times to stay in the daylight hours. See the November calendar. We are looking at a Talimena Drive to Mena, AR and an overnight ride in early November also. These are just a couple of rides that are planned in November. November is a busy month for all of us, whether it be for Chapter Events or personal events. Starting with November 4th, which is Election Day in our country. Not voting is not an opinion! The only vote that doesn’t count is the one not cast! Please exercise your rights and vote! Remember that on November 11th we honor our military veterans and all the individuals who gave their life to preserve this country’s right to remain free. Please join your local community in honoring those who have given so much for our country. Carol and I will be attending ceremonies in Chandler that honor our veterans. God Bless Our Veterans! Along with all our regular dinner rides, monthly gathering, and cookout there is a special day for a personal family gathering. Thanksgiving Day is November 27th. Carol and I have always shared Thanksgiving with our families. Thanksgiving has always been at my mother’s home in El Reno. We spend the day with our family w/kids, my brother’s family w/ kids, Dad and Mom, her sisters, brothers, and their families, aunts, uncles, and cousins, so many wonderful family members. For years it was always a full madhouse. But we wouldn’t have had it any other way. Family was always “Thanksgiving” and “Thanksgiving” is always family. Time has changed our family, fewer and fewer each year, until there is just a small group of our family that once was. Still we gather each year and give thanks for our blessings and family. I’m sure your family is much the same. But the ability to give to those that are down and in need of a helping hand is a blessing in its self. Most of our communities and churches participate in feeding and clothing programs for the needy. Volunteering is a great way to give back to the communities that have been so good to us. Monetary donations are another great way to give to the needy through communities and churches. Anything you can do to help will always be greatly appreciated. Please support your community and churches. especially during this time of the year. Carol and I hope that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. And for our Chapter, we will have a “Thanksgiving” November to remember, with “Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge.” Thank You for Supporting Your Chapter! Joel and Carol Wakefield GWRRA, OK-B Chapter Director November 2014 Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge page 4 A message from your Assistant Chapter Director(s) Jim & Linda Foshee GWRRA is an International Association of Gold Wing and Valkyrie motorcycle riders. GWRRA is an informal educational, social organization of proud, unique and special people—Gold Wing Owners. Owners of other brands of motorcycle owners are accepted as associate members. It was formed for people with whom we can exchange ideas, share safety information relating to motorcycling and motorcyclists educate the non-motorcycling public concerning motorcycling problems and participate in impromptu rides. In addition, it supports the Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) and assists all motorcyclists in achieving and/or improving public acceptance of motorcyclists. GWRRA is a family-oriented organization, without political or religious affiliations or influence and supports civic, local, police, charity, and government organizations. GWRRA publishes and distributes Wing World and other media that will inform, educate, entertain and enlighten our Members and Officers. All that said, it all boils down to good people wanting to have fun with their motorcycle. The most important item in a Chapter, is you, the members. We will get out, what we put in. The chapter is all about you, and having fun. If you have a question, or a suggestion, step right up and speak up. We, as officers of the chapter, are eager for your help and suggestions. Got a new place to eat? Found a new neat place to ride to? Just want to go on a group ride? Our rides and activities are not limited just to our Thursday night dinner rides. It can be a spur of the moment idea for a neat ride. Send out an e-mail and probably as likely as not, there will be some members that would like to take the ride with you. Fall is here, the leaves are changing, the weather is great, and there are places just calling our name. Come on down. Fun awaits. Nov2014 Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge page 5 A note from your 2014 Chapter Couple of the Year Smitty and Kay Smith Chapter B couple of the Year 2014 The weather outside is beautiful and the riding has been great. This fall has been the best for riding and being with our fellow Chapter B members and other riders too. We show our pride and joy of being with our friends. As the Chapter members in their gold shirts and black vests walked into LaDonna’s Grill, we were greeted with looks of awe by the other patrons. It was fun to see them smile and then stand up and look at the bikes and trikes outside. I love to go to the different businesses and show off our Chapter Pride. It brings a smile every time. When we leave the place the fellow patrons know we had a great time There is much laughter and that shows we are a fun loving group of friends. I love seeing all the gold shirts sitting together at these events. It makes me proud to be a part of it. We wear our Chapter Couple of the Year medallions and Chapter shirts, and Smitty wears his signature “bowler” to add to the pride of the Chapter. So, keep up the pride and wear your chapter shirts and GWRRA vests and keep those smiles coming our way. We look forward to seeing all of you again on our next ride. Thank you Chapter B! November 2014 Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge page 6 Stay Safe and Wear All the Gear All the Time Kay Smith, Chapter B Rider Educator If you are going to ride at night, you are going to face the headlights of oncoming vehicles. Riding at night presents a challenge just because of the lack of light; but then when another vehicle approaches, the challenge increases. Suddenly your view of the road and surrounding areas get even worse as those offending headlights cause your eyes to adjust to their brightness. You could almost see the road before, now you can’t see it at all! It gets even worse if the oncoming vehicle’s lights are not adjusted properly, or if the high beams are on. It takes a good few seconds for your eyes to readjust after being blasted by those headlights, plenty of time for your path of travel to become, shall we say, errant. You probably won’t be headed toward the oncoming vehicle, but you may be unintentionally headed for the side of the road. Older riders have a bigger problem with this than younger ones. So do riders who are fatigued, or are not sober. We can’t make this problem go away (unless we NEVER ride at night), but we can mitigate it. Here are some ideas: Let’s start out with some obvious things: be refreshed, alert and sober. Wear clean, non-tinted eye protection. Choose a lower speed for night travel. Make sure your headlights are working and adjusted properly. Here are some tips that are not so obvious: Before you get on your bike at night, spend a few minutes in the dark in order to allow your eyes to adjust to the darkness. Once you are riding, and an oncoming vehicle approaches, focus your vision toward the right side of the road, perhaps on that white line that often defines the edge of the roadway, until the oncoming vehicle passes you, and then refocus your vision to the road ahead. As always, be alert all the time. It is too easy to get comfortable an “zone out” while enjoying the ride. Also, remember when riding, “no skin below the chin” (helmet, eye protection, FULL fingered gloves, long sleeve shirt/jacket, long pants and sturdy OVER the ankle foot wear). Ride safe! -Kay Nov2014 Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge page 7 A message from your Motorist Awareness Program Coordinator, Kay Smith By Stacey “Az” Azmaker I ride, and those who know me know I ride. They also know that is not about to change. And, for whatever reason, those who care about me—my fiancé, family, friends, and co-workers— want me to come home from each and every ride safely. (I guess there’s no accounting for taste) We make riding choices every time we throw a leg over. My choices about when, where, and how I ride are influenced by how much I care for the people in my life. To be perfectly honest, I want to come home from each ride safely too, but it’s more than that. They don’t want to lose me, and I don’t want to leave them. Who do you have in your life that wants you to come home? Your kids? Your wife or husband? Your brothers and sisters? Your parents? Your friends? I am free to decide how I’ll ride; not because the government tells me to; not because my riding buddies tell me to; but because I choose to. For me, and for the ones I care about, I choose: To ride sober To ride within my own limits (skill, judgement, fatigue, etc) To keep my riding skills sharp (take training, practice) To dress for comfort, visibility, and protection To wear gear that protects my body, my hands, my feet, my eyes, and my head To get my eyes up and look well down the road and all the way through my turns Your choices are up to you and no one else. It is our New Year’s Wish that all of you come home safely from each and every ride to the ones who love you. Honor them with your choices. To them, your life and health are the gifts that keep on giving. Ride safe. Share the Road, Look Twice and Save a Life. November 2014 Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge page 8 Gold Wing Road Riders Association Membership Enhancement Program Chapter OK-B, Shawnee, OK Paul & Becky Lawson Membership Enhancement Coordinators *Financial Services: Show Your GWRRA Pride! – No Annual Fee GWRRA© Visa® Credit Card Program, with Rewards Program, low introductory APR on Purchases and no balance transfer fees for 6 months. VPI Pet Insurance: As a member of the Gold Wing Road Riders Association, you'll receive a 5% group discount on your VPI policy. Plus, owners of multiple pets are entitled to receive additional discounts! With coverage from VPI, your pets are protected if they are injured or become ill. For more information call 877-PETS-VPI or click here today! Liberty Mutual Auto & Home Insurance: Your member benefits include a special discounted rate on Auto Insurance and Home Insurance from Liberty Mutual. We’re proud to provide our members with a great benefit from a Fortune 100 company that protects millions of people across America. Find out more about Liberty Mutual Home & Auto Insurance at or call 1-800-524-9400 and mention client #117743. Long Term Care Insurance: How will you spend the years ahead? That may depend on the long-term care insurance you choose today. Like most people, you probably recognize the need for long-term care insurance. It's not simply "nursing home" coverage, but insurance that helps assure you of continued independence as you age - without depleting the personal assets you've worked hard to acquire. But choosing the right protection from the many plans available can be a daunting task. Call Long Term Care Resources today to receive a FREE GWRRA Long Term Care Planning Kit. To speak with an authorized LTC Specialist in your area, please contact LTCR Toll Free at (800) 616-8759 or visit! Monumental Term Life Insurance- Guaranteed Acceptance Term Life Insurance, available from Monumental Life Insurance Company for eligible members age 45-75, lets you choose a benefit amount of $10,000, $15,000 or $25,000. (DOUBLE if you suffer a covered accidental death.) The buying power of the GWRRA membership was used to negotiate some of the lowest rates in the industry with no medical exam required. Call 1-800-556-7614 for details! TransAmerica Medicare Supplement Insurance: Don't wait to find out what Medicare doesn't cover, take the time to look at your Medicare supplement insurance options. Medicare supplement insurance is available to you through the GWRRA Members' Insurance Program. Call 1-800-556-7614 for details! Nov2014 Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge page 9 by Judy Mott What is GWRRA? That’s what outside people say. Here’s how I’d tell of our organization without a detailed explanation. If you like to be with friends ride to great places to eat, that’s just ONE fun thing we do. Our weekly rides can’t be beat. Monthly we gather, hug and greet, cover agendas, and again, we eat. We’re taught safety rules to heed, play games, discuss the items we need. Rallies/Conventions offer rides galore with games and light parades and more Seminars increase our education and rides to a mystery destination We like to learn while having fun There are programs here for everyone Offering rewards and competition. Choose what fits your own ambition. Does this explain some things we do? Come for a visit, we’d like to meet you!! Please remember to thank the veterans regularly for what they have done for our country but especially on November 11th, Veterans Day November 2014 Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge page 10 Special Ride???? - Rescheduled to November 1 Some of you are probably wondering, hey, where are the special rides we heard we were going to have! Well, to be honest, I didn’t think you would appreciate a long ride in the hottest part of summer. Now that it’s cooler, I have, for your enjoyment, a ride to Woolaroc Museum & Wildlife Preserve. Here is the itinerary, which may need adjusting some as the date gets closer. There is a link below for the restaurant and one for Woolaroc. The date!!! I almost forgot to tell you when! It’s November the 1st, which is a Saturday. 8:15am—meet at Shawnee Honda for safety meeting 8:30 am—leave Shawnee Honda Will head East on I-40 to Hwy 99 then North Fuel & rest stop in Drumright Continue on Hwy 99 to Hominy for lunch 11:00 am—lunch at Wild Country Meats. About 100 miles from starting point, we will then take Hwy 20 (1st street) and go East (on North side of road), 801 E 1st Street, Hominy, OK 12:30pm—Leave Hominy. Proceed back to Hwy 99 and head North Follow Hwy 99 North, then Hwy 11 east and Hwy 123 North Then turn onto Woolaroc Drive—Museum & Wildlife Preserve will be about 2 miles up this road. 1:15pm—After about 34 miles, we will arrive at Woolaroc Museum & Wildlife Preserve, 1925 Woolaroc Ranch Road—918-336-0307. Adults: $10 Over 65: $8 https://www.woolaroc/org/pages/hours-and-directions Will stay about 2-3 hours and then proceed back the same way which means back in Shawnee about 7-8 pm. Tom Arnold Chapter B Special Rides Coordinator October was Breast Cancer Awareness month. Pictured above is the back of Ervin’s shirt and Susan sporting a pink hat, both showing support of the month designated to “wear pink”! Nov2014 Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge page 11 November Birthdays 11/05 Donna A 11/05 Carolyn N 11/17 Charlene L 11/21 Joy G 11/27 Linda M 11/30 Johnie F November Anniversaries: 11/1 Chris & Linda 11/26 David & Dana T 11/28 Tony & Elva Jean K November GWRRA Anniversaries Lloyd S; & Chris M Dinner ride Coordinators for November 2014: Robert & Voleta McClure A celebrity among us! Earl promotes his book. Phyllis & Jim win the 50/50 pot of $45 OK-B Boomerang Award: Foshee’s are the dinner winners Congratulations to Larry Cowan. A little name dropping earned him this award. Wear it with pride! Pictured here is Paul handing over the Boomerang to Larry. Be on the watch and nominate your favorite next month! Note to those that don’t know—this is our version of a Wing-Nut (goofy) November 2014 Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge page 12 Recipes from Chapter B The Recipe Lady -Becky Lawson This recipe shared by Carla & Tom Arnold No Corn Syrup Pecan Pie Don't like a gummy pecan pie that you think is going to pull the fillings out of your teeth? Well, this is the one for you! Rich and creamy. Serving Size: 6 to 8 or maybe 3 to 4 Difficulty: Easy Ingredients: 1. 1/2 cup white sugar (Splenda) 2. 1/2 stick unsalted butter, melted 3. 1-1/2 cups light brown sugar (Splenda brown sugar can be used but only use ½ the amount if Splenda is used) 4. Pinch of salt 5. 2 T. sifted AP flour 6. 3 whole eggs, beaten 7. 1/2 cup half n' half 8. 1 cup pecans, either whole or broken (I like the broken because it's easier to cut the pie.) 9. Single 9-inch pie crust, unbaked Instructions: 10. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 11. In a large bowl, beat the eggs. Add the sugars, salt, flour and half n' half and beat until well blended. 12. Stir in the melted butter and pecans and mix well. 13. Pour the mixture into your prepared 9-inch pie shell and bake until the filling is cooked but still soft in the middle when you give it a little wiggle, about 45 to 60 minutes depending on your oven. 14. Cool pie on a rack, chill, cut, eat and enjoy! Nov2014 Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge page 13 If you are interested: Free for GWRRA members! A Gun Law seminar will be held on November 20th from 6:30-9:30 pm at the American Legion Post #20, 201 SE Railroad St., Fort Gibson,OK 74434. If you own a gun, have your concealed carry permit or are considering getting a concealed carry permit you will not want to miss this informative legal rights seminar. To register go to and click on Chapter M’s banner. This will take you directly to the registration form. The normal registration fee is $10 per person but registration fees for our GWRRA members will be waived if you enter the promo code GWRRA in the promo code box. You can also go to to get more information about this particular seminar. Chapter B is p l an n i n g to participate in this Toy Run on November 22nd. Please put it on your personal calendar and join in this fun and beneficial time. Note: This is not a GWRRA event. November 2014 Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge page 14 GWRRA OK-B Chapter Team Joel & Carol Wakefield Chapter Director: 405.258.6334 Assistant Chapter Director: Jim & Linda Foshee 405.517.8301 Membership Enhancement Coordinator & Benevolence Coordinator: Paul & Becky Lawson 405.203.1163 Chapter Educator & Motorist Awareness Coordinator: Kay Smith 405. 201.3601 Treasurer: 405.273.5453 John Owens Robert McClure Chapter Webmaster: 405.550.9144 Newsletter Editor: Susan Carter 405.227-8675 Chapter Couple of the Year 2014: Smitty & Kay Smith 405.201.3601 Tom Arnold Judy Mott Becky Lawson Special Ride Coordinator: 405.258.2543 Fun Activities Coordinator: 405.777.6507 Recipe Coordinator: 405.318.8958 Chapter Photographer: Smitty Smith 405.201.3600 Bonnie Neuberger Nov2014 Scrapbook Coordinator: 815.289.5734 Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge page 15 OKLAHOMA CHAPTER INFORMATION & DIRECTORS Chapter B: Gathering: Chapter E: Joel Wakefield 405.258.6334 Carol Wakefield 405.258.6332 4th Tuesday at Golden Corral, 2513 N Harrison, Shawnee, OK, meet at 7PM Gathering: Kenney Graham 918.752.4675 Sherry Graham 918.630.0062 2nd Tuesday at Golden Corral, 8144 E 21st St., Tulsa, OK, meet at 7PM Chapter G: Gathering: Jim & Bonnie Guillane 918-331.5859 1st Tuesday at Montana Mike’s Steakhouse, 3825 SE Adams Rd, Bartlesville, OK meet at 7PM Chapter I: Gathering: Mattie & Eason Jones 405.816.4843 4th Monday at East China Buffet, 13202 S Memorial Dr., Bixby, OK, meet at 7PM Chapter J: Gathering: Don & Pam Redinger 405.626.0222 3rd Thursday at Johnnie’s Charcoal Broiler, 33 E 33rd, Edmond, OK, meet at 7:15PM Chapter K: Gathering: Bud & DiAnn Ashpole 580.352.1805 2nd Thursday at Pizza Hut in Ponca City, meet at 7PM Chapter L: Tom Clouse 580.704.0329 Paula Clouse 580.704.0328 1st Monday at Golden Corral in Lawton, OK, meet at 7:30PM Gathering: Chapter M: Gathering: Ralph Stephan 918.465.6752 Evalina Stephan 918.465.6497 2nd Thursday at Cowboys BBQ, 401 N York, Muskogee, OK , meet at 7PM Chapter N: Gathering: Larry LeTarte 405.323.0776 3rd Tuesday at Libby’s Café, 111 E Center St., Goldsby, OK, meet at 7PM Chapter P: Beth Jensen 918.693.5538 Larry Jensen 918.835.8859 2nd Monday at Cotton Eyed Joes BBQ, 715 Morentz, Claremore, OK, meet at 7PM Gathering: Chapter W: Gathering: Terri Lander 405.201.9847 Mike Lander 405.201.9546 2nd Tuesday at GattiTown, 5833 NW Expressway, OKC, OK, meet at 7PM Here’s the list of anniversaries & events within the OK District for 2015 Jan 1—Polar Bear Ride Mar 14—OK-M anniversary Oct 15-18—OK District rally November 2014 Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge page 16 News from and about the Oklahoma District 2014 District Team Bill & Debbie Rhoades 918-616-8862 District Director Johnie & Gina Fredman 405-397-3850 Asst. District Director Kay & Smitty Smith 405-201-3601 Motorist Awareness Program Coordinator Jeanne Smith Treasurer Max Rowlett 580-704-8290 Rider Educator Bill Rhoades Asst. Rider Educator John & Shawn Irons 405-747-4618 Trainer & Chapter of the Year Coordinator Susan Carter & Bill Miller 405-227-8675 Membership Enhancement & Couple of the Year Program Coordinator Steve & Carolyn Cotton District Couple 2014-2015 June & Mike Stuckey 918-577-5520 Newsletter Editor Robert & Voleta McClure 405-550-9144 Webmaster & Vendor Coordinator Bill & Donna Shenberger Camping Coordinators Nov2014 Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge page 17 Region H News Your 2014 Region H Team Jack Wagner Region H Director 405.514.1234 Sam & Anita Belinoski 281-469-5755 Region "H" Educators Region "H" Webmaster Houston, TX Ricky & Karen Frazier Region "H" MFA Coordinators 281-615-1365 Porter, TX Steve & Billie Fleming 832-630-2038 Region "H" Member Enhancement Coordinators Couple of the Year Coordinators Pins and Patches Houston, TX Garry & Phylis VanBuskirk 316-321-0896 Region "H" Assistant Director El Dorado, KS Larry & Brenda Penepent Region Motorist Awareness 479‐858‐7188 mad@gwrra‐ Russellville, AR Ed & Ann Nahl 405-321-6467 Region "H" Treasurer Region "H" Chapter of the Year Coordinator Norman, OK Ruby Seale 903-767-1022 Region "H" Vendor Coordinator Pittsburg, TX Jim & Reba Berry Region "H" Assistant Director Region "H"Newsletter Editors Region "H" Couple of the Year 2014-2015 318-348-1275 Monroe, Louisiana November 2014 Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge page 18 GOLD WING ROAD RIDERS ASSOCIATION—NEWS!!! Reno Rendezvous, June 18-20, 2015 A different kind of event for GWRRA! SPECIAL SPEAKER ANNOUNCED FOR RENO RENDEZVOUS: CHRIS BALDWIN: PRESIDENT OF WOMEN ON WHEELS Chris took her first ride on a mini-bike at the age seen on her family’s dairy farm in Alma, Wisconsin, and still enjoys the sport of motorcycling 45 years and almost a half million miles later. She is currently serving her fifth term as President of Women on Wheels® (2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014) and her third three-year term on WOW’s Board of Trustees (2006-2008, 2009-2011, 2013-2015). Prior to her service on the Board, she co-founded the Heartland (St. Louis) Chapter of Women on Wheels® , served as the Chapter’s first Director, and served both as Missouri’s Assistant State and State Ambassador. Chris also serves as Vice Chair of the Women’s Coalition of Motorcyclists. The Coalition’s mission is to double the number of female participant in all disciplines of motorcycling (road/ track/dirt) by 2020. Her motorcycling philosophy can be summed up in six words: “Ride safe. Ride proud. Ride often.” Nov2014 Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge page 19 Director's Article submitted by: Ray & Sandi Garris Directors-GWRRA KUDOS TO OUR CHAPTER DIRECTORS As Sandi and I visit various conventions around the country and read all of the many newsletters we receive, we are constantly reminded how much we owe our incredible Chapter Directors. Here is the "short List"of "Thank Yous": For entertaining the troops, making our Chapter gatherings FUN and entertaining for all of us. For leading our Chapter core team in providing our Members lots of fun events, both riding and socially. For helping to deliver to our doorstep all of the many learning opportunities that GWRRA has developed both with live Seminars and online. For inviting all of our Members to all of our rides, social events, conventions, etc. no matter whether they ride or on 2 , 3 or 4 wheels. Making sure that we welcome all riders to our gatherings and events, no matter what brand of bike or trike they ride. For helping to educate us on all of the many benefits that are included in our membership in GWRRA. For allowing all of our Members the opportunity to step up and volunteer for any position open in the Chapter Staff. For setting the example in Rider Education: Riding with proper gear and helping to remind us that our riding skills are "perishable" and need to be practiced often, whether on a bike or trike. For sharing with us the fabulous experiences available to all of us in the Couple Of the Year program and feeling the pride in the Chapter. For enriching our "Chapter Life" and helping us to know each other better while experiencing the many enjoyable facets of our membership in GWRRA. WOW, this was only a "short list". We are so fortunate to have so many wonderful Chapter Directors throughout our Association. Have you thanked yours lately? Have FUN, go for a ride soon, C+BCN November 2014 Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge page 20 Nov2014 Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge page 21 November 2014 Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge page 22
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