The December 2014 Newsletter of OK


The December 2014 Newsletter of OK
The December 2014 Newsletter of OK-B
Region H, GWRRA, Shawnee, Oklahoma
Like ‘Old Saint Nick’, Chapter OK-B is planning another Wonderful Holiday Season.
Some time for our Chapter and some time for our Families. That’s what the Holidays
are all about!...‘Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge’ and Family traditions. Hope
you enjoy the Holidays like ‘Old Saint Nick’.
December 2014
Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge
page 1
Inside this issue:
Table of Contents - Nov recap
Cover Story— December 2014
Chapter Director Message
Assistant Chapter Director Message
Chapter Couple Message & Lady’s Day Out
Rider Education Message
Motorist Awareness Program Message
Membership Enhancement Program Message
Message from Chapter Newsletter Editor
Special Ride Nov 1—Tom A
Dec celebrations & winners at Nov monthly gathering
Chapter OK-B Recipe Page - Christmas Fruit Salad
Christmas Carol Puzzle Page
Chapter OK-B Team Info
OK District News: OK Chapter Information
District Team
Region H News
Chapter OK-B Sponsor Page
December Event Calendar
Come join OK-B at the monthly
gathering usually held on the
4th Tuesday of every month at
the Golden Corral, 2513 N
Harrison, Shawnee, OK.
meet to eat at 5:45pm. The fun
begins at 7pm with the Pledge to
the Flag.
The December gathering will be
held December 16, 2014. We
hope to see you there!
November event
participation numbers
Nov 1—Destination ride
to Woolaroc: 6
Nov 6—Dinner ride to
Bandana Reds Steakhouse, Shawnee: 18
Nov 12—Lady’s Day: 5
Nov 13—Dinner ride to
Catfish RoundUp,
Seminole: 22
Nov 20—Mystery Dinner
ride to Bar-H-Bar
Roadhouse, Seminole:
Nov 25—Chapter
Monthly Gathering: 22
Notice: Chapter OK-B and OK-L announce new website addresses. Please update your
web site addresses to show OK-B now at and OK-L at
Don't forget to check out the Oklahoma District web site at
Robert McClure, Webmaster
Oklahoma District
OK Chapter B:
Special thanks to Robert & Voleta McClure for their time and efforts in coordinating our November rides.
December 2014
Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge
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The Cover Story
Family and Friends
December is a time for “Family” and “Friends”. This December our Chapter will be
doing both as always. Chapter OK-B is planning Fun Holiday events and time for our
members to enjoy the season with their Families. Of course, that has always been part of the
GWRRA’s core values. Family 1st and Chapter life when it is possible.
We are planning just a few events for the Chapter this month. No dinner rides, but food
is always part of GWRRA events! We are starting with the Shawnee Christmas Parade on
December 4th. Parade lineup is 4:30 to 6:30 and starts at 7 PM. Hopefully the weather will be
great and our chapter will have a good participation for the evening and a trip to Braum’s
On December 13th we will have our Annual Chapter Christmas Party. Our party will be
at the Shawnee Home Builders Association, Located off of Hwy 102 at Lake Road, 33001 Lake
Road, Shawnee. We have had great parties during the past few years and I feel that this year
will be no different. There will be lots of good holiday food and gifts for all. Be there at 5pm.
On December 14th weather permitting, we will participate in the Shawnee Toy Run.
This is our chance to give back to the community and make Christmas a little better for
children that may not have a Merry Christmas. The run will be starting in the parking lot of
the Grand Casino at I-40 and Hwy 102, time TBA and end at the Firelake Event Center, on
Hardesty Road. More details to come.
On December 16th we will meet at the Golden Corral in Shawnee for our Monthly
Gathering. As our last event for the year, we hope that everyone can participate for an evening of Fun and perhaps a few surprises.
We can all get back to gather for the District Polar Bear Ride and Luncheon on
January 1, 2015. Time: 12 Noon, at the Sirloin Stockade, 130 S. Woods Ave, Okmulgee, OK. If
the weather is good we can plan a group ride. Must RSVP by Dec. 17th. to Bill Shenberger at
918-859-7608 or
We want all our members to enjoy the holidays and remember the true meaning of
Christmas. So have a safe and memorable Holiday!
Thank You for Supporting Your Chapter!
Joel and Carol Wakefield
Chapter Director
December 2014
Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge
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A Message from Your Director………
Happy Holidays!!
It doesn’t seem like a year since the holiday season of 2013 but it has been. Time
really flies when friends are having so much Fun! It’s been a great year for all our
“Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge.” We are looking forward to another exciting year
with the GWRRA and Chapter OK-B.
Carol and I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the members of the
Chapter OK-B a Merry Christmas and Happy and Safe New Year! But most of all we want
to wish you good health in the New Year! Safety and good health is at the top of our list in
2015. Hope yours is too!
We want to remind our members that Chapter OK-B’s Monthly Gathering in
December will be on Tuesday the 16th rather than the 4th Tuesday of the month. This will
be our last event for the year 2014. We want our members to be able to spend as much
time with their families and friends as possible during the holiday season. We will get
back together at the District Polar Bear Ride on January 1st, 2015. Enjoy your holiday
season. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
Thank You for Supporting Your Chapter!
Joel and Carol Wakefield
Chapter OK-B
Region H, GWRRA
Chapter Director
December 2014
Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge
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A message from your Assistant Chapter Director(s)
Jim & Linda Foshee
December 2014
Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge
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A note from your 2014 Chapter Couple of the Year
Smitty and Kay Smith
Chapter B couple of the Year 2014
Merry Christmas 2014 from your Couple of the Year.
As the Holidays are approaching and the end of the year is
near, it is time to reflect on what has happened throughout the year as your Chapter Couple
of the Year.
We have enjoyed the rides, the people, and all the events that we have been to. We are
proud and honored and showed it with pride.
We have been to Conventions, to Wing Ding, to Chapter Anniversaries, and plenty of rides
throughout the year. We made sure we wore our medallions, the Chapter’s colors, and our
smiles, all with pride. We had a lot of fun and enjoyed it all.
So everyone have a Merry Christmas and a Happy Great New Year ahead. Enjoy your
family & friends and most of all stay safe.
Lady’s Day Out
November 12 was designated Lazy Lady’s Day Out since we spent
the day in our own town of Shawnee. (Not because the Lady’s are
lazy) It was cold and windy. Five brave women ventured out to give
Shawnee merchants the joy of our patronage. We started at the
“banner” store to gather information and then proceeded to “Artsy-Fartzy.” That was a
cute store. The next two we attempted to bless were closed. They lost out on such a good
deal. We went to lunch and then went to the downtown stores, finding about half of them
We had so much fun, as we always do. The stores do not have to be open for us to enjoy
There will not be a Lady’s Day Out in December, and the Cookie Exchange that was on the
calendar for Dec 7th is cancelled.
We hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas. We will gather again next year for more fun
and adventure as we discover Oklahoma towns, stores and places to visit and eat. See you
Mike & Judy Mott
December 2014
Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge
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A message from your Chapter Educator
Kay Smith
Winter Season Come:
Basic Steps to Winterize Your Bike
We know that motorcycle enthusiasts out there are knowledgeable enough in how to care
for their bikes. Having a motorcycle and considering it as a prized possession is indeed tedious
work. And here, we would like to share bits of information about several things that you may
find really important, especially if you’re a motorcyclist from northern climates.
Northern climates motorcyclists experience dilemmas during the winter season comes. Once
winter approaches, they either take the option of continuing their motorcycle riding, not
wishing to be apart from their motorcycles for the winter spell or they winterize their
motorcycles and put it away until spring comes. Winter brings with it cold, icy, wet weather.
These conditions do not bode well for your motorcycle’s condition and neither is it a great
condition for riding your bike.
Every motorcyclist may have many different opinions on how to do the process of
winterizing their motorcycles. Doing it is a matter of grave significance in order to restore the
power and build of your motorcycle in order for it to be sturdy during its active lifespan. Once
you have decided on putting away your bike temporarily as the winter sets in, here are several
basic steps to winterize your bike and put your mind at ease for the rest of the winter.
 Even before the winter sets in, check over your motorcycle for any mechanical problems. If
you find something wrong, put it in repair immediately.
 The engine oil and oil filter of your bike must be changed. After this, run the engine briefly
so that the oil can circulate completely through the system. Try to avoid using used motor
oil as it is contaminated with acids. Drain your float bowls by running the engine, shutting
off the fuel or letting the engine use up the fuel in the float bowls.
 After the last ride of the season, top off your gas tank. This will prevent water condensation
in the tank. You can treat your gas with a gasoline stabilizer for your fuel to stay good
through the winter.
 Your motorcycle’s battery should be checked. This entails cleaning the battery terminals
and connecting a Battery Tender or similar trickle charger. You can also remove the
battery and store it in a warm, dry place.
 Take time to clean and wax your bike. After cleaning and waxing it thoroughly, dry it up
real good and cover it. Find a nice and warm garage that’s safe from cold drafts in which to
store your bike.
 Ooops! Before leaving your bike alone in its cozy place, check your tires and inflate them to
the proper pressure. Also, make sure the garage you found can be locked up real tight and
the registration and other papers are removed from its case.
There’s no law saying not to drop in on your bike every couple of weeks. This will remind you
that once the winter is gone, you and your bike will both be back in the road again!
Enjoy the ride when you can.
Kay Smith
Chapter B Rider Educator, Oklahoma District
December 2014
Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge
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A message from your
Motorist Awareness
Program Coordinator,
Kay Smith
Now that the weather is really showing that it is winter, cold, windy, and dark longer, as
riders you need to make sure you dress warmer in all your gear, wear bright outerwear, have
working lights that can be seen, and be sure your bike or trike is in good working condition.
Be aware of the changes of the weather and be prepared for it. Take additional time in
planning for your rides so you can enjoy the ride and stay safe.
Since it is becoming dark earlier and staying dark longer, be watchful of all your surroundings
and make yourself seen. Other motorists are getting used to seeing fewer riders out there.
Motorcyclists and other motorists alike are trying to stay warm, rushing about to get ready for
the holidays and not paying attention to the activity on the road as they should. It could be
very hazardous, so you decrease the hazard by making yourself easier to see. You may want to
add additional lights or some sort of reflection on your jacket, helmets and on the bike/trike.
Bikes and trikes need to be winterized, if you will be storing them. If you are riding the this
winter, be sure to keep it in good running condition.
Most of all enjoy your Holidays and stay safe to ride again. Look twice, Share the road, and no
matter what mode of transportation you choose, watch out for all drivers.
Merry Christmas,
Kay Smith Chapter B MAD
Rex visited OK-B at the November gathering.
Dennis & Betty (OK-X) came along too!
December 2014
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Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Membership Enhancement Program
Chapter OK-B, Shawnee, OK
Paul & Becky Lawson
Membership Enhancement Coordinators
By Steve and Billie Fleming, Region H MEC’s
Clique or Faction? Name Your Poison.
Have you ever considered yourself to be different from everyone else? Well,
you are. There is no one just like you in the world. You may have also heard it
said that we are all wired alike and to some degree, that is true. We all experience things that are unpleasant at one time or another and it triggers mixed
reactions from anger to resentment or just plain sadness. We also experience
pleasant things which also produce a mixture of responses from giggles to elation and euphoria. So though we are wired alike, it is only in generality but it
is those things that we hold in common that will keep us together through
thick and thin.
The more things we have in common the more we will tend to cluster in
smaller groups where we are more comfortable. This is where the first poison
can form if we are not careful. The axiom of “There is strength in diversity” is
We will naturally develop friendships with those we associate with on a regular basis and some of the friendships will endure far beyond our riding days
or outside of GWRRA functions. That is a good thing. Friends are a special part
of each of our lives and we should foster and nourish the relationships. The
downside, if there is a downside to friendship, is to let it become an exclusive
association with no room for others to participate while at a GWRRA function
or event. That is where a “clique” is formed.
Not only will the feelings of the “outsider” be hurt, the very real possibility of
losing a Member and friend or possibly the future Chapter Director or other
leader may become a sad reality. It could, if left unchecked, eventually lead to a
Chapter closure.
Paul is putting together a (hopefully) pictorial directory for the Chapter. He needs pictures
of you and your co-rider (and your motorcycle, if possible) by December 10. Send those to
him at We would really like to feature all of our current
participants that are part of the family of Chapter B.
December 2014
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And now a message from your Chapter Newsletter Editor:
Next month….I will be assisting Joel, our Chapter Director, in putting together the chapter
newsletter. The month after that, he will be on his own, and I will have one less chapter duty
to perform. I have enjoyed producing the Chapter newsletter for 4 out of the 5 last years.
I want you to know that I thoroughly enjoyed doing this for the chapter. Since retiring I have
been able to carry on some of my “work” skills by producing a decent readable newsletter and I
appreciate having had that opportunity. A few months ago, I mentioned in a gathering that we
were looking to find someone new to consider taking over the newsletter. No one volunteered.
I’m pretty sure that Joel possesses the capability to produce a good newsletter. After all the
main purpose of the chapter newsletter is to keep the chapter informed and who better to do
that than the Chapter Director? So, Joel & I will work together to be sure you have an
informative January newsletter and the February edition will be his solo edition.
I will tell you this...having been the Chapter Director, I know that Joel would be most
appreciative if someone in our Chapter would come forward and volunteer to produce the
monthly newsletter with his guidance. We know that he has a lot on his plate, not only in his
GWRRA life, but also in his personal life and right now might not be the best time for him to
have to take this on. That said, after all of my own life circumstances to consider, I must give
it up now.
The regular contributors to our newsletter are easy to work with, and I have always used
Microsoft Publisher but I know that the year Gina produced the newsletter she worked it up in
Word, so if you have decent skills and like to have fun playing on the computer, maybe you
should give this a try. If you were to try it and decide you don’t like it, or if you and Joel
decide it isn’t for you later, this isn’t one of those positions that you have to fulfill for a certain
period of time. There are plenty of people in our chapter
with computer and software skills to call on so you would
never be all on your own, unless you wanted it that way.
Think about it. I’ll still be around, you could even call me.
I hope that you have enjoyed reading our chapter newsletter
as much as I have enjoyed producing it and distributing it for
Chapter B. And I know that no one is irreplaceable.
Carry on— SDC
December 2014
Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge
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Special Rides
Saturday morning the 1 st of
November six eager souls met at
Shawnee Honda for a day ride and visit
to Woolaroc Museum and Wild Animal
Park. There were three trikes and one
bike. Due to the cool morning Carla
drove her car so that co-riders could
ride with her until noon when the
weather warmed.
Starting out at 28 degrees and a
gorgeous morning we took I-40
Ok-99, turned north, with a gas
stop in Stroud. Our destination was the
town of Hominy where we ate lunch at
Wild Country Meats. We arrived at
11ish with very few patrons on site. I was beginning to rethink our choice for a lunch stop.
When we were through I noticed that the place was packed (good sign). If you haven’t eaten
at this restaurant/meat market, you’re in for a real treat. The food was great, with buffalo
and elk burgers on the menu. Some of the rooms were converted cattle cars.
Leaving the restaurant we again headed north on Ok-99, turning East at Ok-11 and
turning North at Hwy 123, finding Woolaroc on the left side of the road after several
miles………….Note ! Occasionally the lead motorcycle might throw in an interesting short
cut as I did on this trip.
We arrived to find the short drive on the access road to
the museum took us through the wild animal portion of
Woolaroc. We spent about two hours touring the welcome
center and the museum. We would have needed a full day to
see the rest of the museum and the Phillips residence.
I led the group to the museum with Joel Wakefield pulling
drag. Joel took lead for the trip home with Jim Foshee
pulling drag. A special thank you goes out to all that made
the trip this day; Joel Wakefield, Jim and Linda Foshee,
Carol Haynes and Carla Arnold and me.
Our intention is to return in the spring next year, with a
picnic on the grounds at the museum and an overnight stay
in a nearby motel………………tom
December 2014
Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge
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12/3 Tom A
12/18 Robert Mc
12/19 Kaitlin A
12/28 Leo French
12/28 Chris M
December Anniversaries:
12/30 Earl & Judy D
Special December days:
Dec 7—Pearl Harbor Day (1941)
December GWRRA Anniversaries
Linda Miller
Robert McClure
Dec 21—Winter begins
Dec 25—Christmas Day
Becky L is
the 50/50
pot by Kay
at the Nov.
John Owens is presented the progressive
pot of $30 by Paul L (Chapter MEC) at the
Nov. gathering
OK-B Boomerang Award:
Carol Haynes was nominated by Ervin and she takes
home the prize. Performing radio checks after last
month’s gathering in the parking lot, Carol kept asking
Ervin if he could hear her transmit over her CB. He
kept telling her he can hear her but not over the radio.
After moving closer to her he told her, if you would key
the mic, I could probably hear you over the radio.
Way to go Carol. Congratulations! Wear it with pride!
Pictured here is Judy M (filling in for Larry C) handing
over the Boomerang to Carol.
December 2014
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Recipes from Chapter B
The Recipe Lady -Becky Lawson
This recipe shared by Becky Lawson
Christmas Fruit Salad
1- 16 ounce can of cherry pie filling
1 medium container of cool whip (you can use sugar free)
1 container of cottage cheese (small curds are best)
1– 12 oz can of pineapple tidbits
1 or 2 boxes of cherry jello
Chopped pecans (optional)
Mix together and chill for about an hour and a half—or longer
This is pretty enough to use as a dessert.
Be sure to RSVP to Bill Shenberger at 918-859-7608 or by e-mail at by Dec. 17th
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The answers are somewhere in this newsletter
December 2014
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GWRRA OK-B Chapter Team
Chapter Director & Newsletter Editr:
Joel & Carol Wakefield
Assistant Chapter Director:
Jim & Linda Foshee
Membership Enhancement Coordinator & Benevolence Coordinator:
Paul & Becky Lawson
Chapter Educator & Motorist Awareness Coordinator:
Kay Smith
405. 201.3601
John Owens
Robert McClure
Chapter Webmaster:
Chapter Couple of the Year 2014:
Smitty & Kay Smith 405.201.3601
Special Ride Coordinator:
Tom Arnold
Judy Mott
Becky Lawson
Fun Activities Coordinator:
Recipe Coordinator:
Chapter Photographer:
Smitty Smith
Scrapbook Coordinator:
Bonnie Neuberger
December 2014
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Chapter B:
Chapter E:
Joel Wakefield
Carol Wakefield
4th Tuesday at Golden Corral, 2513 N Harrison, Shawnee, OK, meet at 7PM
Kenney Graham
Sherry Graham
2nd Tuesday at Golden Corral, 8144 E 21st St., Tulsa, OK, meet at 7PM
Chapter G:
Jim & Bonnie Guillane
1st Tuesday at Montana Mike’s Steakhouse, 3825 SE Adams Rd, Bartlesville, OK meet at 7PM
Chapter I:
Mattie & Eason Jones
4th Monday at East China Buffet, 13202 S Memorial Dr., Bixby, OK, meet at 7PM
Chapter J:
Don & Pam Redinger
3rd Thursday at Johnnie’s Charcoal Broiler, 33 E 33rd, Edmond, OK, meet at 7:15PM
Chapter K:
Bud & DiAnn Ashpole
2nd Thursday at Pizza Hut in Ponca City, meet at 7PM
Chapter L:
Tom Clouse
Paula Clouse
1st Monday at Golden Corral in Lawton, OK, meet at 7:30PM
Chapter M:
Ralph Stephan
Evalina Stephan
2nd Thursday at Cowboys BBQ, 401 N York, Muskogee, OK , meet at 7PM
Chapter N:
Larry LeTarte
3rd Tuesday at Libby’s Café, 111 E Center St., Goldsby, OK, meet at 7PM
Chapter P:
Beth Jensen
Larry Jensen
2nd Monday at Cotton Eyed Joes BBQ, 715 Morentz, Claremore, OK, meet at 7PM
Chapter W:
Terri Lander
Mike Lander
2nd Tuesday at GattiTown, 5833 NW Expressway, OKC, OK, meet at 7PM
Chapter X:
Marie & Steve Wilson
2nd Saturday at Sirloin Stockade, 208 N Perkins Rd., Stillwater, OK, meet at 9AM
Here’s the list of anniversaries & events
within the OK District for 2015
Jan 1—Polar Bear Ride
Feb 28—OK-X anniversary
Mar 1—OK-E anniversary
Mar 14—OK-M anniversary
Apr 25—OK-I anniversary
May 16—OK-N anniversary
May 30—OK-J anniversary
Oct 15-18—OK District rally
December 2014
Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge
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News from and about the
Oklahoma District
2014 District Team
Bill & Debbie Rhoades
District Director
Johnie & Gina Fredman
Asst. District Director
Event Coordinator
Kay & Smitty Smith
Motorist Awareness
Program Coordinator
Jeanne Smith
Max Rowlett
Rider Educator
Bill Rhoades
Asst. Rider Educator
John & Shawn Irons
Trainer & Chapter of the
Year Coordinator
Susan Carter & Bill Miller
Membership Enhancement
& Couple of the Year
Program Coordinator
Steve & Carolyn Cotton
District Couple 2014-2015
June & Mike Stuckey
Newsletter Editor
Robert & Voleta McClure
Webmaster & Vendor
Bill & Donna Shenberger
Camping Coordinators
December 2014
Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge
page 17
Region H News
Your 2014 Region H Team
Jack Wagner
Region H Director
Sam & Anita Belinoski
Region "H" Educators
Region "H" Webmaster
Houston, TX
Ricky & Karen Frazier
Region "H" MFA Coordinators
Porter, TX
Steve & Billie Fleming
Region "H" Member
Enhancement Coordinators
Couple of the Year Coordinators
Pins and Patches
Houston, TX
Garry & Phylis VanBuskirk
Region "H" Assistant
El Dorado, KS
Larry & Brenda Penepent
Region Motorist Awareness
Russellville, AR
Ed & Ann Nahl
Region "H" Treasurer
Region "H" Chapter of
the Year Coordinator
Norman, OK
Ruby Seale
Region "H" Vendor
Pittsburg, TX
Jim & Reba Berry
Region "H" Assistant Director
Region "H"Newsletter Editors
Region "H" Couple of the Year
Monroe, Louisiana
December 2014
Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge
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Region H Rallies & Activities for 2014
Jan 16-18: Kansas MidWinter Rendedezvous, Park City,KS
March 26-28: Louisiana District Convention, Ramada Lafayette Conference
Center, 2032 NE Evangeline Thruway, Lafayette, LA.
Theme: Mardi Gras Madness.
April 16-18: Region H Convention, Marshall Convention Center, Marshall, TX
Theme: Catch the H Train to Marshall
April 30– May 2: Texas District Convention, Temple, TX
May 21-23: Arkansas District Convention, Harrison, AR
June 18-20: GWRRA Reno Rendezvous, Grand Sierra Resort, Reno, NV
Sept 3-6: GWRRA Wing Ding 37, Huntsville, AL
Sep 18-19: Kansas District Convention, Abilene, KS
Oct 15-17: Oklahoma District Convention, Sequoyah Lodge on Fort Gibson
Lake, 19808 Park Road, Hulbert, OK. Reservations: Lodge rooms & Cabins
call 918-772-2030 Use Group ID: 324951 Camp sites $26 call 918-772-2046
Theme: HalloWing on the Lake
December 2014
Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge
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These are the
answers to the
Carols on page
with the
numbers on
the “Carols”
December 2014
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A special thank you to our 2014 sponsors of Chapter OK-B. Your contributions to our chapter have added to our
We hope that we have blessed you at
least as much as you shared with us.
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December 2014
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