Table of Contents - chaptere


Table of Contents - chaptere
Table of Contents
Chapter Director
Rider Education
Assistant CD
Birthdays & Anniversaries & Team
Upcoming Events
Kansas Twisters
Fall Foliage Ride
Chapter E FUN
Ok District Team
Ok Chapter Directors
Wind Ding
For Sale
Our monthly meetings are on the second Tuesday of each month at Golden Corral at 8144 E
21st Street, Tulsa, Ok. We eat at 6:00 pm and the meeting starts at 7:00 pm.
August, 2016
Friends for FUN, Safety and Knowledge
Our 2016
Chapter Director
Hellooooooooo Chapter E,
I hope everybody’s July was good. It was definitely a hot one. We had quite a few activities planned last month
(11). Our main one was the Bug Gut Ride on the 16th. We had folks from Chapters X, P, and B come ride
with us. We had a couple of different groups from K&N come as well. There was one chapter obviously
missing from the ride that shall remain nameless. Chapter ( ? ). Now, the leader had a good reason to miss. His
bike is being worked on. Now, just so you guys know if the shoe was on the other foot I’d be hearing about it,
too. I’m not complaining about them not coming; I’m just razzin’ him about not stepping up! That’s just the
way bruthas from other muthas do each other.
July was the first of two more “abbreviated” meetings. I heard word that if someone had known it was going to
be short they wouldn’t have come. All I can say is talk to your Chapter Director because I sent an email to all
Chapter Directors letting them know of this change for JULY, AUGUST & SEPTEMBER. Nothing has really
changed about the social aspect of the meeting, which is why people come in the first place. Eat at 6 pm, meet
at 7 pm. We have the things we are required to have by GWRRA: the flag salute, a rider’s ed segment,
announcements, words from other chapters, the contingency prize and 50/50. The only thing I took out was the
“fluff.” When the meeting is over everybody usually stands around and visits or goes home. This format just
adds another venue for the ones who like to ride in the evenings to do that as a group. It’s a win for everybody.
I’m a BIG supporter of ANYTHING GWRRA. SURPRISE!! If you know me it’s not really a surprise. I think
it all boils down to one question. Are you a MEMBER or PARTICIPANT of GW? Members pay their dues
and participate when it suits them, when it’s something they like or someplace they want to go. Participants go
and do practically everything even though they may have done it before because that’s what the group is doing.
I would like to see Chapter E become absolutely full of participants. When we have a Chapter outing planned,
lets show up in force. Make people take notice that E is in the house!!! Don’t get me wrong, We are a good
Chapter!!! Let’s be a GREAT CHAPTER!!!! Let’s bring that comaraderie back to the group.
Watch out OKLAHOMA.
Brett Keathley
Chapter Director
Brett has a new email address, please change your information:
August, 2016
Friends for FUN, Safety and Knowledge
Safety Is An Attitude
It is a good idea to review and refresh your safety thinking now and then. I did some interesting reading earlier this
month myself. For this article, I am reprinting and using some safety tips straight from the manual. Take a moment and
read through them, you may find information you had forgotten about or did not realize. Go over each one individually
and give it some thought. How does each apply to how you normally operate your motorcycle?
"Do not allow familiarity with the machine to make you careless. Remember that a careless fraction of a second is
sufficient to inflict serious injury."
"Tragic accidents can occur if the operator is not alert."
"Use extra care when approaching blind corners, shrubs, trees, or other objects that may block your view."
"Dress properly - Wear heavy, long pants, long sleeves, gloves, and protective footwear. Do not wear loose fitting
clothing, short pants, sandals, or go barefoot."
"Always wear eye protection."
"Stay alert - Watch what you are doing and use common sense. Do not operate while tired, upset, or under the
influence of drugs, alcohol, or medication. A moment of inattention may result in serious injury."
"Check all nuts, bolts, and screws at frequent intervals for proper tightness to be sure the equipment is in safe working
The first one is worth repeating.
"Do not allow familiarity with the machine to make you careless. Remember that a careless fraction of a second is
sufficient to inflict serious injury."
A common theme here is that we, the operators, are responsible for our actions. I am responsible for my actions. I like
the idea. My safety starts with me.
By the way, the manual these motorcycle tips, word for word, are from did not come with a motorcycle. This manual
came with a battery powered lawn mower I just purchased.
Safety is an attitude. Is it yours?
Harry Sanders, Chapter Educator
"Because I want everyone to experience the added fun and safety that comes from riding with an even higher level of
skill than they currently employ."
August, 2016
Friends for FUN, Safety and Knowledge
Our 2016
Chapter Directors
Welcome our New Assistant Chapter E Directors
Alan and Frances met in 1968 and took their first motorcycle rides together that summer. That’s a long time
ago folks! Life took them each their own way, until coming back into contact with one another in 2008. They
were married in June of 2012 and moved to Sand Springs, OK.
Alan has a widely varied professional background from pilot to law enforcement to communications, which is
his current occupation. He flew both fixed wing craft and helicopters and is still a licensed pilot. Some of his
most interesting stories of flying helicopters come from his piloting for the entertainment industry and fire
fighting in southern California. He has been associated with California Highway Patrol, Los Angeles County
Sheriff and currently Creek County Sheriff. Alan is a US Veteran, with honorable discharges from 3 branches
of service – US Air Force, US Army and US Navy. He did 2 tours of duty in Viet Nam doing para-rescue of
downed pilots behind enemy lines, and his last couple of years in active duty stateside continued his medical
expertise in labor and delivery in a major military hospital….yes, he delivered lots and lots of babies. Alan is
also a licensed locksmith. His hobbies are also many and varied. He is always exploring new things and
interests. Alan has revived his Santa Claus persona and has been catching the eyes of quite a few little tikes in
stores and restaurants. Some of them excitedly grab their parents, saying something about seeing Santa and the
young ones’ eyes get large when he winks at them. He enjoys scuba diving (unfortunately, there’s not many
suitable diving locations near here – certainly not, when he’s been used to diving in the ocean), making jewelry,
woodworking, Ham radio, and many others.
Frances also has a fairly varied professional history. IT fields ranging from building of electronic
components/systems and installation to instruction of end users of computer related equipment and robotics
systems, accounting, and law enforcement. She has worked for both Federal and State Governments and
currently is employed by the State of Oklahoma. Frances currently uses her IT and accounting backgrounds for
the state of Oklahoma. Some favorite hobbies for Frances are sewing/quilting/embroidery, jewelry making,
designing/making home décor and formal wear. She has designed and made wedding/pageant gowns,
men’s/women’s suits, and baby items in addition to the home décor items. One of her original gown creations
won first place in a Miss Teen Colorado pageant. Frances is currently working on a new design for Alan’s new
Santa suit. She also enjoys painting – artistic painting is a preference, but she has been known to paint the
house as well, which is handy from Alan’s perspective.
Alan and Frances are long time animal lovers, with a current flock of 1 kitty (Joey), 2 pups – 1 short haired
dachshund (Dinah), 1 longhaired dachshund (Sasha), and 2 very entertaining birds – 1 blue and gold macaw
(Kenzi) and 1 African grey parrot (Sophie). There is never a shortage of entertainment with those two. They
August, 2016
Friends for FUN, Safety and Knowledge
converse with one another, become very verbal when they want to go to bed, plus talk to and scold the dogs.
Usually when a bird starts scolding a dog, one of the dogs is into something they have no business doing.
In addition to their GWRRA membership, Alan and Frances are involved with Patriot Guard Riders and ride in
memory of both of their Dads, who served during WWII and in honor of Alan’s service during the Viet Nam
war. Alan’s Dad was in the US Army and was in the Pacific Theater. Frances’ Dad was in the US Navy, also
in the Pacific Theater, a survivor of the infamous Bataan Death March and spent over 3 ½ years as a POW of
the Japanese.
Both Alan and Frances are currently licensed for HAM Radio and enjoy sharing their hobbies with one another.
They are both looking forward to their new duties as Assistant Directors of Chapter E and in being more
involved with GWRRA.
Remember to support our new sponsor, Mondo’s is located at 3410 S. Peoria Ave in Tulsa.
August, 2016
Friends for FUN, Safety and Knowledge
Maxine Cody
Sandy Bierma
Roger Good
Mark Cearley
Kathy Oakes
John Goss
Myrl Sullivan
Roger & Annie Good
Jerry & Becky Hodges
Everyone remember Jim & Judy Hill and their family in your thoughts and prayers. There granddaughter,
Addy Owen, underwent double lung transplant surgery on Friday, July 29th in St. Louis. She was still in
critical condition.
Also, Marvin McClellan, S.r is in St. Francis Hospital with heart problems.
Chapter E has set up a phone tree to keep members informed. If you have a need, illness, operation or
other information that you want passed along, please contact Annie Good 918.361.7046 or Kathy Oakes
Chapter Directors: Brett Keathley
Assistant Directors: Alan & Frances Sales
Motor Awareness Director: Roger Good
Web Page Designer/Graphics: Brett Keathley
Goofy Committee Chair: Ken Hackl
Membership Enhancement Program: Ken Frazier
Secretary: Dianne Hackl
Treasurer: Tom Hankins
Scrapbook & Newsletter Editor: Linda Frazier
Sunshine Girl: Annie Good
Event Coordinator: Cindy Russell
Rider Education: Harry Sanders
Chapter of the Year Coordinator: Kathy Oaks
August, 2016
Friends for FUN, Safety and Knowledge
GWRRA OK-E Calendar of Events
August 2016
CH L Gathering
Chapter Visitation,
CH G, Montana
Mike's Bartlesville,
7:00 PM
Smokies BBQ, 5251 Soda Steve's &
E. Kenosha, Broken Music Show @
Arrow, leave Clear
Webbers Falls,
Channel @ 6:30 PM leave Clear Channel
@ 4:00 PM
CH P Gathering
CH X Gathering
CH E Gathering,
Golden Corral, 21st
& Memorial, Tulsa,
come @ 6:00 and
eat @ 7:00 PM
Chapter Visitation,
CH M, Hamlin's
Mexican Rest.,
Muskogee 7:00 PM
CH P Anniversary
1:00 PM, leave
Clear Channel @
12:00 Noon
CH K Gathering
Brown Bag Picnic
CH E Planning
@ Okmulgee Lake, Meeting, 7:00 PM,
leave Clear Channel Brauum’s, 71st &
@ 4:00 PM.
Hwy 169
Okie's Steak House
in Muskogee, leave
Clear Channel @
6:30 PM
CH N Gathering
CH I Gathering
CH J Gathering
Dinner @ Tulsa RV CH P Full Moon
Ranch, Highway 75, Ride, leave Clear
leave Clear Channel Channel @ 8:00 PM
@ 6:30 PM
to ride to Atwoods,
Claremore and
leave @ 9:00 PM
CH B Gathering
Dinner & Movie @
Warren Theatre in
Broken Arrow,
details TBA
Wing Ding starts in
Billings, Montana
Notes: 48 hr. RSVP to Brett @ 918-2323460 required for all events to assure
you can sit with group. Please say
whether you will be at Clear Channel or
meet at restaurant. All rides leave Clear
Channel unless otherwise specified.
Our monthly meetings are on the second Tuesday of each month
at Golden Corral at 8144 E 21st Street, Tulsa, Ok.
We eat at 6:00 pm and the meeting starts at 7:00 pm.
August, 2016
Friends for FUN, Safety and Knowledge
Oklahoma District 2016
August 13, 2016: Chapter P Anniversary, 1717 W. Dupont, Claremore, OK
August 20: OK-P Full Moon Ride, Atwoods 620 Lynn Riggs Blvd, leaving at 9pm
September 16-17: Chapter B Anniversary Party and Camping, Party 11 am on Saturday, Citizen
Pottawattamie Campground, 1702 S. Gordon Cooper Dr, Shawnee, OK, Theme: “Show Your Team
Sept 29-Oct. 1: Oklahoma District in Muskogee, Ok “Country Winging”
link to rally:
November 5: OK-P Crock Pot Dinner, Natural Falls State Park, Eat at 5 pm
November 13: Chapter I’s 5th Annual Toy Run, Line up 12:30, KSU 1:00 pm, Bixby First Baptist
November 19: 3rd Annual Red Bird Toy Run, Meet Kum & Go at Hwy. 51B in Coweta, Lineup
10:30 am and KSU 11:00 am.
Region & National
August 25-27 2016: Nebraska/South Dakota GWRRA DISTRICT RALLY, Wall South
Dakota (On your way to Billings)
August 28-30: Wyoming GWRRA DISTRICT RALLY, Sheridan, Wyoming (On your way
to Billings
August 31-Sept. 3: Wing Ding in Billings, Montana
Sept 29-Oct. 1: Oklahoma District in Muskogee, Ok “Country
Winging” link to rally:
It’s time to send in your registration.
Oct. 21-23rd, 2016: Region H Fall Foliage Ride, Hot Springs and Marble Falls, Ark. (see flyer
section for more details)
August, 2016
Friends for FUN, Safety and Knowledge
August, 2016
Friends for FUN, Safety and Knowledge
For registration forms to mail or register on line, Go to
It is time you get your registrations, don’t procrastinate get it done today.
The Twister Drill
Team will be
performing on
Saturday during the
Oklahoma District
Come see their
The Kansas Twisters Drill Team was established in 2013and consist of 8 members. They were formed with the
purpose of presenting to the public a positive image of motorcycling and motorcycle safety. The Team
accomplishes these goals through participation in competition, performances and demonstrating safe
motorcycling by example. The members are all volunteers and ride their own Honda GoldWing motorcycles.
August, 2016
Friends for FUN, Safety and Knowledge
Friday, October 21st the adventure starts in Hot Springs, Arkansas meeting up at the Baymont Inn, 5321 Central Ave.,
cost is approximately $85 and includes a free hot breakfast buffet. The hotel can be booked thru the GWRRA website.
There are numerous restaurants close by for dinner.
Saturday, October 22nd, KSU at 8:00 am and it’s off to ride through the Ouachita Mountains. We will be riding Hwy 27
picking up Scenic Hwy 7 at Dover. The group will stop in Jasper for lunch at the Cliff House, which is famous for their
Company’s Comin’ Pie, located at the Arkansas Grand Canyon.
Saturday evening destination is The Hub Motorcycle Resort located on Hwy 7, just south of Harrison, with dinner at
“Scooter’s Restaurant.
This is the first annual Region H Fall Foliage Ride.
Look what has been added as a stop to the Fall Foliage Ride.
It is the beautiful Maplewood Cemetery in Harrison, Arkansas. We had a gas stop planned for Harrison before
heading to the Hub for the evening so this will be an extra added attraction to the ride.
August, 2016
Friends for FUN, Safety and Knowledge
Fun from Last Month
Harry Sanders was winner of the 50/50 at the July
Mother Nature turned down the heat for the Annual
Bug Gut Ride. The winners were:
1st place was Charles Leaver $120
2nd place was Phil McDonald $85
3nd place was Stephen Claborn $40
Come join us in August for more FUN!!
August, 2016
Friends for FUN, Safety and Knowledge
Oklahoma District Team
District Director
Johnie Fredman
Gina Fredman
Assistant District Directors
Kenney & Sherry Graham
Marie & Steve Wilson
District Treasurer
Jeannie Smith
District Educators
Max Rowlett
District Trainer
District Chapter of the Year Coordinators-Linda & Bill Stevens
District Membership Enhancement
John & Shawn Irons
District Newsletter Editor
Linda Frazier
District Webmaster
Robert McClure
District Motorist Awareness Division Coordinators
Kay & ‘Smitty’ Smith
District Couple of the Year
John & Sarah Hoogendorn
District Vendor Coordinators
Robert McClure
District Event Coordinator
Gina Fredman
August, 2016
Friends for FUN, Safety and Knowledge
Oklahoma Chapter Directors
Chapter B Carol Haynes
Gathering: 4th Tuesday at Golden Corral, 2513 N. Harrison, Shawnee OK, meet at 7pm
Chapter E Brett Keathley
918-232-3460 (NEW)
Gathering: 2 Tuesday at Golden Corral, 8144 E. 21 St., Tulsa OK, eat at 6pm, meet at 7pm
Chapter G Jim & Binnie Gullane
Gathering: 1 Tuesday at Montana Mikes Steakhouse, 3825 S.E. Adams Rd., Bartlesville OK, meet at 7pm
Chapter I Dennis & Ann Mullins 918-760-0374
Gathering: 4 Monday at East China Buffet, 13202 S. Memorial Dr., Bixby OK, meet at 7pm
Chapter J
Bill & Julie McIntosh
Gathering: 3 Thursday at Johnnies Charcoal Broiler, 33 E. 33 , Edmond OK, meet at 7:15pm
Chapter K Lee & Cindy Headrick
Gathering: 2nd Thursday at Pizza Hut in Ponca City, meet at 7pm
Chapter L Tom Clouse
Gathering: 1st Monday at Golden Corral in Lawton OK, meet at 7:30pm
Chapter M Robert Jackson
Gathering: 2nd Thursday at Hamlins, 3731 W. Okmulgee, Muskogee, eat at 6, meet at 7:00 pm
Chapter N Mark & Cindy Hoover 405-834-7516
Gathering: 3rd Tuesday at Libby’s Café, 111 E. Center Street, Goldsby OK, meet at 7pm
Chapter P Bobby & Dianah Hale
Gathering: 2nd Monday at Pizza Hut, 600 Lynn Riggs Blvd., Claremore OK, meet at 7pm
Chapter X Char & Ron Sadler
Gathering: 2nd Saturday at Sirloin Stockade, 208 N. Perkins Rd., Stillwater OK, meet at 9 am.
August, 2016
Friends for FUN, Safety and Knowledge
GWRRA National Events
off on Tuesday, August 30th 6pm – 9pm.! Western Street party featuring true
Montana flavors: Buffalo Sliders, Huckleberry Ice Cream and more. The entertainment is by Cold
Hard Cash—the World’s Finest Tribute to Johnny Cash—at Alberta Bair Theater.
Tuesday, August 30th, 1:30 pm—3:30 pm INTERNATIONAL COUPLE OF THE YEAR SELECTION in
MetraPark Rimrock Auto Arena.
Come to support Region H Couple—Jack & Carolyn Cotton
Thursday, September 1st is GWRRA’s Got Talent at MetraPark Rimrock Auto Arena.
Friday, September 2, 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm is a Dueling Pianos Show by Killer Keyz.
There are so many activities at Wing Ding this year, you won’t want to miss it.
For more information see the official website:
Link to the national office:
Visit for full event details. Check-out WINGERS-N-WAVES Alaska, Hawaii & Europe
August, 2016
Friends for FUN, Safety and Knowledge
Blue & White XXL Goldwing Jacket with zip-out lining--$25
XXXL Black Goldwing Jacket (sold new for $145 at Honda of Tulsa 4 yrs. Ago)--$50
Honda GL 1500 after-market parts—Full Windshield w/vent and a rear tire & wheel
I will try to bring everything to the next Chapter E meeting.
If interested contact, Mark Cearley at
. $31,000 (new lower price)
1999 Newmar DutchStar motorhome for sale. 300 HP Cummins Diesel with Allison 6
speed transmission, 38', 2 slides, self contained, very clean and well kept. 40 inch
Sony flat screen TV and a 5.1 surround sound system. Sleeps 4+ and has
"basement" storage. New roof and 4 new batteries. It will easily tow a car or a trailer
with a motorcycle or trike. $31,000 (new lower price) or best offer.
Dick and Anna May Brown
918-272-8421 home
918-814-8421 cell
If we can't answer, please leave a message with phone number and we will call you.
988 Goldwing 1500, 87463 Miles, Ring of Fire on front, Baker Wings, lots of lights, etc. $3500.00 Call Mark
Cearly at 918-694-4413.
2007 Yamaha V Star 650, has Heel Toe Shifter, Vance & Hines Pipes, k & N! Black Excellent Condition. Call
Mike Ewing 918-447-7709
Brand New BILT Blue Tooth Full Face XL Helmet! List Price $399.00 on sale for $150.00. 5 year warranty.
Never worn. Call Mike Ewing 918-447-7709
Brand New Mobile Warming Vest for Ladies Medium Size Black. List Price $159.99 Tour Master, Never Worn
$75.00! Call Mike Ewing 918-447-7709
August, 2016
Friends for FUN, Safety and Knowledge
2 Brand New Tour Master Men’s XL Tall Denim Motorcycle Coats with Quilted Liner & Safety Pads. $100.00
Each Call Mike Ewing 918-447-7709
New lower price $12,000 (this is a steal tell your friends)
2010 Honda GL1800, 35,500 miles, Gray, Excellent condition
Kuryakyn Off-Set Dually Highway Pegs,
Headlight End Trim,
Passenger Floorboard Bottom Covers,
Front Fender Extension,
Premier Shark Gills w/Radiator Trim,
Chrome Saddlebag Molding,
Trunk Pouch,
V-stream Windshield,
New Tire,
Front Fender Accents
1800 Front Fender Fillers,
Luggage Rack, LED Fog Lights, Fairing Intake Grills,
Chrome Frame Cover,
Super brace with fork protectors,
CB & Antenna,
Chrome Key Insert,
Chrome Lower Cowl,
LED Stealth & Mirror for 1800,
Trunk Porch,
Chrome Trunk Molding,
Mirror Turn signals,
CNC Billet Trunk Rack,
Belly Pan,
Spoiler with brake light,
two covers.
If interested, please contact
Jim Morales
For Sale: Chrome Battery Side
Cover (set of 2) NEW! $50.
Call Susan @ 405-227-8675.
August, 2016
Friends for FUN, Safety and Knowledge
NEW - never worn. EXO-900X
Transformer Neon XXXL open face/flipfront helmet with 5-pin headset with new
style connector. Paid $304.95 in March
2015. Be safe and be comfortable in a
new helmet that can be seen! Call Susan
a 405-227-8675.
If you have a motorcycle, and motorcycle related equipment or chrome that you would like
to sale, send me the information and a picture (if possible)
Golden Correl
8144 E 21st Street, Tulsa, Ok
Chapter E meets here the 2nd Tuesday of each month
Meeting starts at 7:00 pm
August, 2016
Friends for FUN, Safety and Knowledge