June 2014 - CA-1K
June 2014 - CA-1K
CA-1K KOALA NEWS JUNE 2014 HIGHLIGHTS kEn’S KORNER NADINE’S WOW BOB’S EDUCATOR NEWS AND VIEWS VINCE & PAM’S UPDATE KOALA’S ON THE GO CELEBRATE! THIS & THAT JUNE EVENTS EVENTS CALENDAR’S OFFICERS & CA INFO ABOUT CA-1K CHAPTER STORE FOR SALE SPONSORS This Months Features MDR RECAP & UPCOMING EVENTS Thanks to everyone attending our Annual Mother’s Day Run May 3rd. Check out pictures and story on pages 2, 6, 7, 8, & 9. Check out upcoming rides below and don’t forget to sign up for the California District Convention to be held August 29 - 31 in our backyard, Agoura Hills. Registration information is on page 2. Our next meeting is Saturday JUNE 21st or 28TH pending East Coast visitor schedules. Watch for E-mail Updates or check our website - www.ca1k.org Denny’s Diner 8330 Topanga Canyon Blvd Canoga Park, CA WE MEET LAST SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH UNLESS CHANGED SO WE CAN ATTEND OTHER CHAPTER EVENTS UPCOMING EVENTS CA-1L 7-June Yo Ho,Yo Ho, A Pirate’s Ride For Ye! CA-1D 14-Jun Hanging with the Dawg’s CA-2R 21-Jun Redding Road Runners Calling all Koala’s and fellow GWRRA members. It’s time to start signing up for the California District Convention to be held in Agoura Hills, CA, This is a great opportunity to catch up on / renew rider education courses as well as visit with great friends and participate on fantastic rides. See you there! Page 3 CA-1K KOALA NEWS “kEn’s Korner” Chapter Director Ken Freeland “Thank You!” We had a GREAT Mother’s Day Ride this year. There were 105 GWRRA members attending our luncheon at The Alamo. The buffet was really good and we gave away a lot of prizes. I want to thank the chapter members that contributed so much time and effort to putting this event on. Once again, so few do so much for so many. We have a solid core of members that always attend and support the chapter events. They are the ones that make the chapter really fantastic. Without those members there would be no chapter. I found a Tee shirt from the first CA1-K rally I put on. It was in 2004. It was Ride to the River. Held at the AVI Indian Resort. It was really an experience. That was the last and only time we had Tee shirts for our event. I have always thought it would be fun to stage a rally during the cool winter months back where we had our first one. We could call it “Back to the River”. Anyway, we have quite a few Poker Runs put on by other chapters to go to and our District Rally over Labor Day at the Sheraton Hotel in Agoura Hills to attend. We will be in charge of 50/50 sales on Friday from 1:00 pm till 3:00 pm. We will also be in charge of putting on all the rides for the weekend. The goal is to have three Saturday morning rides and two Sunday morning rides. We will have a meeting prior to the District Rally and decide who will be leading each ride and where it will go. For those of you who did not make our May meeting and ride you really missed out on a good day. We rode up to Lake Isabella/Kernville and had a really good lunch at the El Rio Café in Kernville. The ride home over Walker Pass was good until we hit the 14. Then we had 41 miles to Mojave of really bad cross winds. Other than that section it was a fantastic day of riding. Coming up events is the CA1-L ride out of San Louis Obispo on June 7th and the Flag day event & parade with CA1-D in bellflower on June 14th. kEn Freeland CA1-K CD Page 4 CA-1K KOALA NEWS “Nadine’s Words of Wisdom” Assistant Chapter Director Nadine Galli “Steps to a Zen Life” Things to think about: 1. Save the whales, collect the whole set. 2. A day without sunshine is like night. 3. On the other hand, you have different fingers. 4. I just got lost in thought, it wasn't familiar territory. 5. 42.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot. 6. 99% of lawyers give the rest a bad name 7. I feel like I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe. 8. Honk if you love peace and quiet. 9. He who laughs last thinks slowest. 10. The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese. 11. I drive way too fast to worry about cholesterol. 12. Support bacteria, they're the only culture some people have. 13. A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory. 14. Change is inevitable, except from vending machines. 15. Get a new car for your spouse, it'll be a great trade! 16. Plan to be spontaneous tomorrow. 17. Always try to be modest, and be proud of it! 18. If you think nobody cares, try missing a couple of payments. 19. How many of you believe in psychokinesis? Raise my hand... 20. OK, so what's the speed of dark? 21. How do you tell when you're out of invisible ink? 22. If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something. 23. When everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane. 24. Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just don't have film. 25. If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends? 26. How much deeper would the ocean be without sponges? 27. Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines. 28. What happens if you get scared half to death twice? 29. I used to have an open mind but my brains kept falling out 30. I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder. 31. Why do psychics have to ask you for your name? 32. Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what happened. 33. Light travels faster than sound. That is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak Thanks Steve Saunders for your words of wisdom. Ride Safe! Nadine Page 5 CA-1K KOALA NEWS “News and Views” Chapter Educator Bob Finkelstein “Murphy Rode a Motorcycle” I am always looking for something fun to share. While doing an internet search I came across Murphy’s Law of Motorcycling and Fun Facts on the a J&D Cycle in New Mexico website. I thought you might find them enlightening. How many of these have you experienced? Murphy’s Laws Of Motorcycling: Fun Facts: When cornering 75% of a bikes grip comes from the front tire. The first Harley Davidson motorcycle built in 1903 used a tomato can for carburetor. A bike cannot fall over without an Kawasaki also makes spaceships. audience. The odds of a bike falling over a directly proportional to the size of the Cucciolo (name of the first Ducati) also audience and the owners ego, The cost of means puppy. the bike is also a contributing factor. When torque in foot pounds and in Bhp You will not feel the need to go to the are plotted on the same scale, the curves restroom until you put on your rain suit. always cross at 5252. The fact that your keys are still in your Famous Quotes: pants pocket will not become apparent 8% of all Harley's are still on the road. The until after you put on your gloves. other 2% made it home. Quick fixes are so named because that is Broken Breakdown Coverage: For those how long they stay fixed. of us that have “breakdown” insurance make sure you check you coverage. If The only part you really need will be the you are towing a trailer on your motorcyone on permanent backorder. cle you may be considered an RV and have to pay extra charges. Check with Nothing is harder to start than a used provider before you have an bike being shown to a prospective buyer. issue! You will never suffer a punctured tire on Please take the time to ensure you and the road until you leave your repair kit at your bike are in tip top shape for every home. ride, and that you make yourself as visible as possible to other motorists. “Universal” accessories are so named because that is where you have to search Ride Safe My Friends. to find a bike they fit. Bob. Page 6 CA-1K KOALA NEWS District Director Review Vincent & Pam Puterbaugh Put On Your Rally Hats Throughout California, 2014 continues to be the year of the Rally! CA1-I, CA1-R, and CA1-Q all had over 200 attendees, CA1-A, CA1-K, and CA2-K all broke their previous all-time high attendance records with CA2-K almost reaching 200 for the first time. Last month, almost 500 GWRRA members made the ride out to St. George, Utah for the Region “F” Rally and three days of fun, games, seminars and beautiful riding. As your District Directors, Princess and I would like to sincerely thank you for all the support you are showing your sister chapters. We know that attending all of these events can put a drain on your weekends (not to mention your pocketbooks), but the fact that hundreds of you are coming out to spend time with your GWRRA family tells us that you are all doing something right. Many of you have come up to us at these events and told us how much fun you are having in your chapters and we applaud you and your Chapter Officers for keeping the focus on having a good time. the backside of the Malibu Hills with terrific canyon riding and the world-famous Rock Store only 20 minutes away. Truthfully, the Rock Store is just a hamburger and beer joint, but is frequented by celebrity bikers. The last three times I was there, I ended up breaking bread with Jay Leno, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Sonny Barger - you just never know who is going to walk in. This year’s theme is hats. Big hats, little hats, baseball caps, berets, fedoras, sombreros or what-ever else you can come up with. Don’t just bring one of them, bring all of them! I’m sure most of you have seen the hats Princess and I have been wearing to the various Chapter Rallies and we will be wearing all of them at the District Rally (just not at the same time). Along with the hats, we are also tying in a magic theme. We don’t want to give away all of our surprises, but I bet you can probably guess what Sunday night’s dinner show entertainment is going to be. Like last year, those that pay for the dinner will get to enjoy the entertainment and after the show, we will open the doors for everyone else to attend closing ceremonies. Again, we appreciate the way you have come out to support all of the other events and we hope to see you in Agora Hills in August. This year’s District Rally will be held at the Sheraton in Agora Hills over Labor Day weekend. The last time we held our rally there, it was hot. Not, “boy I sure hope my 3-day deodorant pad holds up” kind of hot; I mean “the face of the sun must be cooler than this” kind of hot! Agora Hills set an all-time high temperature record for Labor Day weekends that year and most of us still remember it. For Until next time, ride well and ride often. those of you that still haven’t gotten over it here is a news flash: the end of August in the Sincerely, inland of California is going to be hot no matter where we go. The good news is that the Vincent and Pamela Puterbaugh Sheraton has excellent air conditioning, a swimming pool, $89 a night room rate (normally $159), inside chapter games, on-site bike games, on-site performance area for the Gold Angels, and it is only a block away from the ARC and TRC lots. Additionally, we are on Page 7 CA-1K KOALA NEWS 2014 Mother’s Day Ride Thank You Anita, JR, Pamela, Vincent, Linda, John, and fellow GWRRA members for supporting our ride. Page 8 CA-1K KOALA NEWS 2014 Mother’s Day Ride Page 9 CA-1K KOALA NEWS 2014 Mother’s Day Ride Congratulations Prize Winners and Thank You Sponsors: *Cycle Gear www.CycleGear.com 1-800-CYCLEGEAR *Streetmasters www.StreetMasters.info (951) 549-1717 *Starbucks Coffee Company www.Starbucks.com *Trader Joe’s www.TraderJoes.com *Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf www.CoffeeBean.com *The Alamo Bar & Grill www.TheAlamoGrill.com (805) 498-3115 *DJ David Illuzion www.DJDavidIlluzion.com (888)413-2626 *Hamer Toyota & Scion www.HamerToyota.com (877) TOYOTA-99 And Thank You To All The Koala’s That Helped To Plan And Make Our MDR a Success! Page 10 CA-1K KOALA NEWS Koala’s On The Go! As noted by Ken in his opening page, For those of you who did not make our May meeting and ride you really missed out on a good day. We rode up to Lake Isabella/Kernville and had a really good lunch at the El Rio Café in Kernville. The ride home over Walker Pass was good until we hit the 14. Then we had 41 miles to Mojave of really bad cross winds. Other than that section it was a fantastic day of riding. Page 11 Celebrate! Happy Birthday! Warner Miram May 17 CA-1K KOALA NEWS Happy Birthday! Jay Brara June 15th Ken Klingbill June 17th Happy Anniversary! May 19 Birdie & Dave Gilman Pass a driving test or skills class? New family members, grandkids? Someone graduate? Promotion? Awards? Pat on the Back for a member? Let us know so we can give a shout out ! This & That The date chosen for Flag Day is the day the Flag Act was first passed and is considered the birthday of Old Glory. In 1889, a New York school teacher, George Balch, first made his students celebrate Flag Day and this tradition spread like wild-fire throughout the United States. In 1916, after years of unofficially celebrating the holiday, it was made official by President Woodrow Wilson in a presidential proclamation and was finally made “National Flag Day” through an act of Congress by President Harry Truman in 1949. From the sands of Iwo Jima in World War II to the sands of Fallujah, Iraq, the American colors have seen plenty of action in its days. “The flag is a symbol of sacrifice,” said Pfc. Patrick R. Raymond, an embarkation specialist with Combat Logistics Battalion 6, Combat Logistics Regiment 27, 2nd MLG. “It’s important to remember the sacrifices people have made for that flag.” Raymond truly believes it is more than just a piece of cloth sewn together, as many Americans do. “A flag is just a flag, but a flag with meaning behind it becomes a symbol,” Raymond concluded. Page 13 CA-1K KOALA NEWS Ridership Levels All members are encouraged to read about, and apply for, levels that demonstrate their commitment to safe riding. Contact your Chapter Educator Bob Finkelstein for forms and info. or to help update this page which is a work in progress. Levels will be updated in our August 2014 Newsletter. Level I: Linda Cabourne Ron Cabourne Birdie Gilman Werner Miram Darrell Seel Debra Seel Charles White Susan White Level II: Roque Moscoso* Level III: Bob Finkelstein Ken Freeland Nadine Galli Dave Gilman* High Mileage: 50,000 Ken Freeland Nadine Galli * Due for ARC / TRC ** Due for First Aid/CPR Let’s Go For A Ride Our Next Ride is June 21st or 28th. Watch for E-mail notifications. Look for additional information and E-mails coordinating rides to other Chapter meetings and events. Hope to see all of you this month. Any question or concern please contact me. All of our events are posted on our web-site, facebook page and Chapter Newsletter. www.ca1k.org https://www.facebook.com/groups/208857152509495/?bookmark_t=group FOR SALE Ultimate Custom seat for GL1800. Black with Orange seat inserts and side panels. On the AVATAR Trike. Cost $1500.00. LIKE NEW. $500.00 or Make offer. kEn Freeland 818-403-8729 Home 818-370-3572 Cell KJFreeland@aol.com Page 14 CA-1K KOALA NEWS Upcoming Events Calendar Chapter Directors - Please Send Any Additional Information on Your Rally’s and Special Events to Bob Finkelstein (finkdub@aol.com) 2014 Events 2014 CA-1K Meetings CA-1L 7-June Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Pirate’s Ride For Ye! CA-1D 14-Jun Hanging with the Dawg’s CA-2R 21-Jun Redding Road Runners Wing Ding July 2-5 Wing Ding 36, Madison, WI CA-C 19-Jul Bear Country Bear District August 29- 31 Celebrating California Magical Hat Trick Agoura Hills CA-1Z 27-Sep Annual 8 Ball CA-1V 28-Sep The V-run CA-2N 18-Oct Run with the Frogs CA-1F 25-Oct Halloween Fun Run CA-1C 8-Nov Coyote Round Up June 21 or 28 July 26 Aug. 30 - Sept. 2 CA Convention September 27 October 25 November 29 December 27 Go To WWW.GWRRA-CA.ORG Click on California Rallies to Download Each Chapters Flyer Chapter Meetings for Southern California Meeting Dates & Times Chapter Chapter Directors 1st Saturday Breakfast 8:30 AM Meeting 9:15 AM CA-1A Lance & Dee Wilson Cell: (661) 992 7701 kardude555@yahoo.com 1st Saturday Breakfast 8:00 AM Meeting 9:00 AM CA-1Z John & Linda Boman (951) 440-0657 jdboman@Yahoo.com 1st Sunday Breakfast 8:00 AM Meeting 8:30 AM CA-1I Gary & Denece Newman (951) 808-1878 GNewman1878@att.net 1st Sunday Breakfast 7:00 AM Meeting at 8:00 AM CA-1R Cathy & George Diaz (949) 551-4896 geocatdiaz@sbcglobal.net 2nd Saturday Breakfast 8:00 AM Meeting 8:30 AM CA-1F Dana & Carol Rowely (619) 921-5419 akadmyster@gmail.com 2nd Saturday Breakfast 8:00 AM Meeting 8:30 AM CA-1L Kevin Herrera (805) 704-6829 Hexnut8@msn.com 2nd Sunday Breakfast 8:00 AM Meeting 9:00 AM CA-1M 2nd Sunday Breakfast 7:30 AM Meeting 8:00 AM CA-1Q 3rd Saturday Breakfast 8:00 AM Meeting 9:00 AM CA-1C Pat & Ellen O'Donnell (714) 525-3993 PDOPEK@aol.com Sherman & Dorie Jared (760) 989-7138 ShermanJared@Yahoo.com CA-1N Len & Carolyn Foley (760) 476-9450 GWRRA-CA1N @DSLExtreme.com 3rd Saturday Breakfast 8:00 AM Meeting 9:00 AM CA-1S Jo Jolitz (805) 216-6661 GL1800JO@Yahoo.com CA-1E Diane & Jerry Danton (626) 890-3219 jpdanton@verizon.net 4th Sunday Breakfast 8:00 AM Meeting 8:30 AM CA-1D Tim McShane (562) 920-6564 timmcshane90706 @verizon.net 4th Sunday Breakfast 7:30 AM Meeting 8:00 AM CA-1V John & Lynda Baker (760) 949-2186 Bigfoot5@verizon.net Last Saturday Breakfast 8:30 AM Meeting 9:00 AM CA-1K Greenhouse Cafe 1169 Commerce Center Lancaster, CA 93534 (661) 723-3522 Home Town Buffet 40390 Margarita Rd. Temecula, CA 92591 (951) 694-1116 Covina Bowl 1060 W. San Bernardino Rd. Covina, CA 91722 (626) 339-1286 HomeTown Buffet 1008 E. 17th Street Santa Ana, CA 92707 (714) 521-3020 The Broken Yolk Cafe 1851 Garnet Ave. Pacific Beach, CA 92109 (858) 270-9655 IHOP Restaurant 212 Madonna Road San Luis Obispo, CA 93405 (805) 547-9140 Steve & Sandy Damico(909) 391-4021 Hidden Valley Golf Club ca1m.chapterdirector 10 Clubhouse Drive Norco, Ca 92860 (951) 278-3393 @gmail.com 3rd Saturday Breakfast 7:30 AM Meeting 8:30 AM 3rd Sunday Breakfast 7:30 AM Meeting 8:15 AM Meeting Location Nadine Gall (818) 398-0763 GirlsRyd2@Yahoo.com Hof's Hut Restaurant 7005 Knott Ave. Buena Park, CA 90620 (714) 521-3920 Burger Time 78365 Varner Rd Palm Desert, CA (760) 345-3589 Grandma BB's Cafe 539 Vista Bella Oceanside, CA 92057 (760) 757-8777 Carrow's Restaurant 2401 Harbor Blvd. Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 643-1390 Home Town Buffet 10910 Foothill Blvd. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 (909) 481-7730 Paramount Elks Lodge 8108 E. Alondra Blvd. Paramount, CA 90723 (562) 633-1804 Maxwell's 17772 Wika Road Apple Valley, CA 92307 (760) 242-5505 HomeTown Buffet 6705 N. Fallbrook Ave. Canoga Park, CA (818) 713-1776 Chapter Meetings for Northern CaliforniaPage 16 1st Saturday Breakfast 8:00 AM Meeting 9:00 AM CA-2A Sherry & Danny Rhoten (559) 542-0103 sherry.rhoten@gmail.com 1st Saturday Breakfast 8:00 AM Meeting 9:00 AM CA-2W Jim & Caren Moody (559) 974-9193 cmoody7617@sbcglobal.net 2nd Saturday Breakfast 8:00 AM Meeting 8:30 AM CA-2J Alex & Marcy Ageev (925) 497-4480 goldwingalex@gmail.com 2nd Saturday Breakfast 8:00 AM Meeting 9:00 AM CA-2N Ken Stark flyerq68@yahoo.com 3rd Saturday Breakfast 8:00 AM Meeting 8:45 AM CA-2S Robert & Irene Neitro (408) 934-0408 Truhubby814@sbcglobal.net 3rd Saturday Breakfast 8:00 AM Meeting 8:30 AM CA-2Q Steve & Jacque Foster (925) 829-3747 sgoldwing@comcast.net 3rd Sunday Breakfast 8:00 AM Meeting 8:45 AM CA-C Rodney & Anita Brooks (916) 422-8089 carpet@softcom.net 4th Sunday Breakfast 8:00 AM Meeting 8:30 AM CA-2K Nick & Kim O'Dell (707) 643-4279 nicklodell@comcast.net Neilson's Restaurant 137 South M St. Tulare, CA 93274 (559) 688-8563 Yosemite Falls Cafe 4020 N. Cedar Ave. Fresno, Ca 93725 (559) 222-7800 Hometown Buffet 2050 Diamond Blvd. Concord, CA 94520 (925) 685-1886 Pine Tree Restaurant 19601 Hess Ave. Sonora, CA 95370 (209) 536-6065 Home Town Buffet 212 Ranch Drive Milpitas, CA 95076 (408) 935-8093 Carrow's 7505 Dublin Blvd. Dublin, CA 94568 (925) 828-9725 Denny's Restaurant 7900 College Town Dr Sacramento, CA 95826 (916) 383-7071 Jack & Linda's Country Cafe 2390 N. Texas St. Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 425-1442 Quick First Aid / CPR Review Basic guidelines to follow that will help reduce body fluid transmission when rendering first aid care. Avoid direct contact with bodily fluids and blood whenever possible Place barriers, such as gloves or a clean, dry cloth, between the victim's bodily fluids and yourself Wear protective clothing, such as disposable gloves, to cover any cuts, scrapes or skin conditions you have Wash your hands with soap and water immediately after giving care Do not eat, drink or touch your mouth, nose or eyes when giving first aid Do not touch objects that may be soiled with blood or other bodily fluids Be prepared by having a first aid kit stocked and easily accessible By following these simple guidelines, the risk of getting or transmitting infectious diseases is reduced. Page 17 CA-1K KOALA NEWS CA-1K Officers Chapter Directors Ken Freeland 818-403-6729 H GWRRACA1K@aol.com 818-370-3572 C Assistant Chapter Director Nadine Galli 818-398-0763 GWRRACA1K@aol.com Chapter Educator Bob Finkelstein 818-383-4171 finkdub@aol.com Treasurer Linda Davison 661-714-1964 mr.honda4376@yahoo. com Chapter Store Susan White 818-231-5276 SkyWhiteCA1K@yahoo.com Web Master Dave Gilman 818-362-8925 JDGilman@aol.com Newsletter Editor Bob Finkelstein 818-383-4171 finkdub@aol.com Ride Coordinator Open California District Staff District Directors Asst District Directors Asst District Directors District Treasurer Newsletter Editor District Educators Asst District Educators Asst District Educators District Store Vincent & Pam Puterbaugh vincentputerbaugh@gmail.com, pamputerbaugh@gmail.com John & Linda Boman Jim & Caren Moody Donna Kougel donnakougel@sbcglobal.net Pam Puterbaugh Jerry Gragg Mike & Ruth Burke John & Lynda Baker Bob & Barbara Dowdy Region F Staff Director Asst Directors Asst Directors Asst Directors Treasurer Educators Webmaster Region Store Anita & JR Alkire Larry & Donna Pickens Garry & Kerry Woo Joyce & Rick Elmore Crystal Richardson Dave & Dee Gormley Paul Fenton Gay & Dave Redline jralkire@cox.net Res0r1sy@verizon.net Gwoo225@comcast.net Jelmore16@gmail.com Crystal.richardson@san.rr.com ddfroggy@aol.com pfenton@plgassociates.com gredline@me.com Page 18 CA-1K KOALA NEWS About CA-1K What is GWRRA Chapter CA-1K? We are a family oriented motorcycle organization sponsored by the Gold Wing Road Riders Association (GWRRA). Although most of our motorcycles are Gold Wings, we welcome all makes and models - two or three wheeled. Our Chapter area covers the San Fernando Valley, Santa Clarita, and adjoining cities, a large portion of Simi Valley, Burbank, Glendale, and portions of Los Angeles / West Los Angeles. As GWRRA members, we are committed to the enjoyment of motorcycling, motorcycling safety, memorable rides throughout California and our beautiful country. Committed, happy, and involved members and their families is the cornerstone of our existence. We recently created a photo album on the website for member's to post pictures of their motorcycles, travels, and memorable events. We encourage you to take a look at them. Staying busy, traveling often is commonplace for members of the Gold Wing Road Riders Association, Chapter CA-1K. Stay in touch via our facebook page at GWRRA Chapter CA-1K. Page 19 CA-1K KOALA NEWS Chapter Store Susan White We also have CA-1K Ink Pens, Stuffed Koala Bears, Koala Key Chains, as well as many other GWRRA items. $5.00 $5.00 $6.00 $5.00 $3.00 for each bar $7.00 $10.00 Please contact me at (818) 231-5276 or at ! SHIRTS By ROQUE 5 Designs, 5 Shirt colors, 5 sizes: S, M, L, XL, XXL. Sizes: S / M / L / XL / XXL 2 kids designs: XS to L I AM MEMBER OF CA-1K CHAPTER AND WOULD LIKE TO SHARE MY NEW T-SHIRTS WITH ALL CALIFONIA CHAPTER MEMEBERS , MAYBE YOU CAN HELP ME PUBLISHING THESE ON YOUR NEWSLETTER. I WANT TO THANK FOR THE RESPONSE OF MY FELLOW CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATES THAT PARTICIPATED AT THE MAMMOTH CONVENTION. I WAS THERE INTRODUCING MY FIRST PRODUCTION OF T-SHIRTS FOR GOLDWINGERS AND THE FEEBACK WAS GREAT. I ALSO APPRECIATE THE INPUT WITH SUGGESTIONS FOR NEW PRODUCTIONS. I AM WORKING IN MY WEBSITE AND VERY SOON I WILL SHARE WITH YOU THE NEW SITE. FOR NOW, I AM USING MORE TRADITIONAL WAYS TO COMMUNICATE WITH MY FELLOW GOLDWINGERS. I AM ATTACHING PICTURES OF THE DESIGNS THAT I HAVE AVAILABLE. I HOPE THAT YOU LIKE THEM AND DECIDE TO BUY SOME FOR YOURSELF OR AS CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FOR YOUR LOVE ONES. THE PRICE THAT IS HAVE BEEN ASKING FOR IS $25.00 PER SHIRT, BUT WE CAN HELP EACH OTHER IF I CAN SELL EACH SHIRT IN $30.00, WITH THE COMMITMENT THAT $5.00 OF EACH SHIRT WILL GO DIRECTLY TO YOUR CHAPTER FUNDS. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS PLEASE EMAIL ME OR CALL ME. THANKS FOR YOUR HELP, ROQUE MOSCOSO Orders: roquin@sbcglobal.net or call: 818-968-1038 GotBootsOnline.com Exotic Leather Western Boots Made in U.S.A! * Men's & Ladies Western Boots * Genuine American Alligator * Caiman Crocodile * Full Quill Ostrich * Diamondback Rattlesnake Boots and more * Dan Post Cowboy Certified Boots * John Deere Work Boots & Children's Boots * Leather Care Products and more… Genuine Diamondback Rattlesnake Skin Western Cowboy Boot Model: 3-715 Dingo Men's Black Engineer Boots DI19040 Genuine Caiman Crocodile Skin Western Cowboy Boot Model: 3-7574 Please visit: wwwgotbootsonline.com or call 818-552-7872 Page 22 Our Sponsors Page 23 Our Sponsors Page 24 Our Sponsors 7021 Darby Avenue, Reseda, California 818-921-9151 http://www.gandgmotorsports.com/ Angelica’s Clothing Alterations 18115 Gault Street Reseda, California 91335 (818) 344-3789 Home, 818-854-0916 Cellular Alterations Repairs Resize Dresses, Skirts, Slacks, Suits Pants, Shorts, Jeans, Patches Jackets, Shirts, Blouses Per: Month Quarter Business card $10 $20 One half page $20 $35 Full page, 4.5”X7” $40 $75 Year $50 $75 $150
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