February - GWRRA Chapter CA1-I
February - GWRRA Chapter CA1-I
Chapter CA1-I—Covina The “I” of the Tiger Newsletter February 2015 Happy Valentine’s Day In This Issue From the CDs ...................................... 2 From the CA District Director .......... 4 Sunshine .............................................. 6 Calendar .............................................. 8 Ride and Event Details ...................... 9 Photos............................................ 11-13 Chapter I Officers & Staff ................ 15 Region F Staff .................................... 17 CA District Staff ................................ 17 CA Chapter Meeting Times ....... 19-20 Valentine Rally Flyer ....................... 21 ...and please see our sponsors’ advertisements throughout Join us at our next monthly Gathering! Saturday, February 14 Breakfast 8:00am, Meeting 8:30am Denny’s Restaurant 546 W. Baseline Rd., Glendora After the Gathering Ride to and then enjoy the Cable Airport Air Show We meet the 2nd Saturday of every month. Hurray...it’s here! 33rd Annual Valentine Rally February 7th Bert’s Mega Mall, Covina Details on 3 and 21 CA1-I Website/Activity Calendar www.gwrra-ca1i.org California District www.gwrra-ca.org Southwest Region F www.gwrra-regionf.org National www.gwrra.org Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge 1 CD’s George and Norma Why We Rally? As we write this, final preparations are underway for Chapter I’s 33rd Annual Valentine Rally. We are so thankful for you who help us to get ready for the big event and to all who will work hard on Friday evening and Saturday. In the midst of the busy week to come, we thought it would be good to review why we put on the Valentine Rally. Here are some of our main reasons… 1. Through the registrations, 50/50 and Grand Prize ticket sales, we raise the funds needed to run Chapter I for 2015. If you’d like to see how Chapter I’s 2014 budget was spent, and have a voice in how our 2015 dollars are invested, please come to the next business meeting. 2. Hosting the Valentine Rally is a way of inviting our sister chapters to go for a great ride; not only riding from their homes to Covina, but taking our Poker Ride when they get here. 3. By giving away an impressive spread of door prizes, we say “Thank you!” to our guests. 4. All of the other extras, from the donuts and coffee, to the games and the grand prizes...and, of course, the hugs, are all meant to make sure that everyone has a lot of FUN! Our heartfelt thanks for all your work on Friday evening (6:00 PM at Bert’s — pizza, drinks and extras provided) and Saturday (8:00 AM to closing). This is YOUR chapter, and the time and energy you invest in this Valentine Rally will ensure that we all have the resources we need for lots of fun, food, education, and so much more. That’s why we “rally” and we hope you’ll all come and have a great time hosting our friends. We’ll see you there. George & Norma Mark Your Calendar Now! Reno Rendezvous June 18-20 Grand Sierra Resort For info see www.renorendezvous.org 2 Gettin’ Ready to Rally! It’s time to… 1. Donate soda, bottled water, and cookies. 2. Bring 3 to 5 door prizes per household. You can bring them to the Friday Night Set-up on Feb 6th, or by no later than 8:00am on Feb 7th at Bert’s. 3. It’s not too late to solicit grand prizes from local businesses or other contacts you know. You may even want to donate a grand prize. Just email or call Norma so she can make room at the Grand Prize table. 4. Volunteer to help wherever you are needed. A few rally reminders… 1. Chapter I members are expected to register. 2. Set-up time is Friday, Feb 6th, 6:00pm. Pizza and drinks afterwards. 3. Doors open for final prep and welcoming our guests, Saturday, Feb 7th, 8:00am. 4. Please wear your chapter vests to the Rally. 5. Park in designated spaces only. 6. Bring your smile and prepare to be hugged. 33rd Valentine Rally February 7, 2015 3 District Directors Vince and Pam Puterbaugh Goodbye to a Dear Friend Last month was an emotional rollercoaster of highs and lows. First, California felt the loss of one of our most beloved Life Members with the unexpected passing of Larry Pickens. Then there was the absolutely perfect memorial service at which over 200 GWRRA members attended. It was beautiful to see so many members come together from all over the Region to celebrate his life and to show his wife, Donna, so much love and support. As your District Directors, it was truly one of our proudest moments as we saw such an outpouring of love and respect for a friend and family member. Later that week, Larry was laid to rest at the Riverside National Cemetery in a solemn ceremony as only the military can do. We can truly say that there is a hole in our hearts that can never be filled. Two days later, most of the same people gathered in Bakersfield for our annual Officer’s Conference. Deputy Directors Anita and J.R. Alkire were there to install Mike and Barri Critzman as our new Motorist Awareness National Directors as well as Mike and Ruth Burke as the new Region “F” Educators. That evening, most of the attendees gathered in our suite for a party that ran until the wee hours of the morning. I would like to provide more details of that event, but we promised everyone there that what happens in Bakersfield stays in Bakersfield so if you want to know what really goes on you will just have to attend next year. This month Chapter CA1-I kicks off our rally season with their annual Valentine’s Day run, this year it is a full week before Valentine’s Day so it will not interfere with your personal Valentines celebration. So please come out and support chapter CA-1I on February 7th at Bert’s Mega-Mall in Covina. We will again announce the winner of this year’s Chapter of the Year. We look forward to seeing everyone there, until next month… Ride well and ride often, Vincent and Pamela Puterbaugh 4 California’s oldest independent Goldwing facility Please support Full Service Maintenance our CA1-I Sponsors. - Suspension upgrades - Tune-ups - Trike Conversions - Electrical - Accident repairs - Lighting - Trailer sales - Oil change - XM Radio install - GPS hookup - Audio systems - Brakes - Tire installation - Safety Check No motorcycle too old here!! 1018 E. Chestnut Avenue Unit I Santa Ana, CA 92701 www.jbjcycles.com 5 Print page 6 & grab a pencil Dan J 13th Chuck H 19th Al 20th Pat 21st for some... Sudoku Fun Larry & Tami 2nd Monte & Lucy 14th They invented hugs to let people know you love them without saying anything. Fill the 9×9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3×3 sub-grids that compose the grid contains all of the digits from 1 to 9 Bill Keane Be there for a Chapter I member in need. If you have good news to share or would like Chapter I to be thinking & praying for you, contact Becky or Pat. (See pg. 15 for contact info.) 6 Please support our CA1-I Sponsors. 7 February 2015 Sun 1 Mon 2 Tue 3 Wed 4 Thu 5 Fri 6 V RALLY PREP Sat 7 VALENTINE RALLY Bert’s 6:00 PM Pizza after Set-up 8 9 10 11 12 Bert’s 8:00 AM GATHERING 14 Breakfast 8:00 13 Meeting 8:30 After-Gathering V Rally Ride, then HomeTown Buffet, Covina 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Meet & Eat Old Spaghetti Factory Duarte 6:00 PM Newsletter Submission Deadline March 2015 Sun Ride Departure Locations—Page 9 Complete Ride and Event Details—Page 10 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 GATHERING Breakfast 8:00 Meeting 8:30 After-Gathering Buckle & Belts and Oak Glen Pie Ride 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 MEET & EAT 27 Max’s Mexican Cuisine Monrovia 6:00 PM 29 30 21 28 CA1R Rally in the Valley Mesquite, NV 31 8 Check This Out! Upcoming Ride and Event Details Description Place Address Date Time Departure Valentine Rally Set-up Pizza after Set-up Bert’s Mega Mall 1151 N Azusa Covina Feb 6 6:00PM N/A Valentine Rally Bert’s Mega Mall 1151 N Azusa Covina Feb 7 8:00 AM Bert’s February After-Gathering Ride Valentine Rally Ride Ends at HomeTown Buffet 1318 N Azusa, Covina Feb 14 After Gathering N/A Meet & Eat Old Spaghetti Factory 1431 Buena Vista Duarte Feb 26 6:00PM N/A March After-Gathering Ride Buckle & Belts Oak Glen 1007 Calimesa Bl, Calimesa Apple Annie’s, Oak Glen Mar 14 After Gathering N/A Meet & Eat Max’s Mexican Cuisine 1101 E Huntington Dr Monrovia Mar 26 6:00PM N/A CA1R Rally in the Valley Mesquite, NV See flyer Mar 2729 Chapter I Ride Departure Locations Location 1: Mobil Station—2249 Huntington Drive, Duarte From I-210 exit Mt. Olive. Station is on NW corner of Huntington & Mt. Olive Location 2: Shell Gas Station—106 S. Azusa Avenue, Azusa From I-210 exit Azusa. Station is on the SE corner Azusa Ave & 1st Ave Location 3: Shell Gas Station—3177 W. Temple Avenue, Pomona From I-57S take Temple Ave exit. At stop light, head south, straight across intersection to Shell Station. Park on west side by the vacuums. Location 4: McDonald’s—Hwy 138/I-15, Phelan From I-15 travel north to Hwy 138-Silverwood Cutoff. Take exit and turn east on Hwy 138. Travel short distance to Wagon Train Rd and turn south. McDonald’s is on the west side. Location 5: Denny’s Restaurant—919 Foothill Blvd, La Verne PLP From I-210 W take Foothill Blvd exit. Turn right onto Foothill Blvd/CA-66. Follow Foothill Blvd to Denny’s on north side. Bert’s Mega Mall Parking Lot—1151 N. Azusa Ave, Covina From I-210 take Azusa Avenue south. Have a great ride idea? Contact our Ride Coordinator, Kevin! 9 Please support our CA1-I Sponsors. 10 Eye on Chapter I 11 Eye on Chapter I 12 Eye on Chapter I 13 Please support our CA1-I Sponsors. 14 Chapter Directors George & Norma Mocabee ca1igoldwinger@yahoo.com (cell-G) 626-945-5988 (cell-N) 626-890-1129 Assistant Chapter Directors Joel & Marti Winkler martwinkle@yahoo.com Chapter Educator Motorist Awareness Coord Don Nunnally rccwdancer@yahoo.com Assistant Chapter Educator Wade Nygren winginit@att.net 951-371-8323 Treasurer Lorraine Nygren lorraine_nygren@att.net 951-371-8323 Membership Enhancement Coordinator Open Ride Coordinator Kevin Traschler itisikevin@ Newsletter Editor Norma Mocabee mocababa@yahoo.com 626-890-1129 Webmaster Larry Jones lljones.lj@gmail.com 626-404-9007 COY Larry & Tami Jones lljones.lj@gmail.com 626-404-9007 IOY Linda Flechtner blanajedziadogs@aol.com 909-938-2578 Photographer Crash Clymer makeuastar@netzero.com 909-599-1519 Store Manager Tami Jones 626-404-9008 Seamstress Carolyn Weinbaum 626-969-4168 Sunshine Committee Pat Cheuvront pcheuvront@aol.com Becky Klein bexxter@pacbell.net 951-685-6656 Phone Tree Coordinator Marti Winkler martwinkle@yahoo.com 626-969-7486 Phone Tree Committee Willadean Stelmack Betty Rauch Carol Cassel 50/50 Sales Jackie Traschler jdreamn@aol.com Door Prize Assistants Nick & Carol Cassel 626-969-7486 (cell) 626-622-3169 626-485-9148 15 Please support our CA1-I Sponsors. 12.31.14 16 REGION ‘F’un STAFF Region F Directors Keith & Teresa Morrison Morrison-GWRRA@comcast.net Joyce & Rick Elmore jelmore16@gmail.com 505-414-7239 949-551-4896 Asst. Region Educators Medic First Aid Training Cathy & George Diaz Jelmore16@gmail.com Patti O’Neill-Esposito pattioneill.gwrra@gmail.com Dave & Dee Gormley ddfroggy@aol.com Mike & Ruth Burke mburke24@sbcglobal.net Marti & Joel Winkler jwinkler7@charter.net Asst. Region Educators Motorist Awareness Mike & Barri Critzman itsawingthing@hotmail.com 760-486-3405 Asst. Region Educators Leadership Training Garry Howard scout4life@sprintmail.com 303-677-0203 Membership Enhancement Coordinators Lisa Capano & Bill Weiss flyingace@qwestoffice.net 720-890-8122 Region “F”un COY 2013 John & Barb Pons john@ponsjandb.com 303-396-5520 Region “F”un IOY 2013 Robert Bray Robertbray2@aol.com 614-563-8722 Region “F”un 2012 Chapter of the Year Arizona AZ-D (Mesa, AZ) Assistant Directors Assistant Directors Treasurer Region F Educators Asst. Region Educator 970-619-8140 408-244-7722 520-749-5653 209-536-1318 626-969-7486 Making a Difference and having “f”un one Member at a time! CALIFORNIA DISTRICT STAFF District Directors Asst. District Directors Treasurer/Vendor Coord. District Educator Asst. District Educators Asst. District Educators District Trainers Membership Coordinators Medic/First Aid Coordinators District Store Managers Convention Coordinators PLP Trainer COY & IOY Coordinators Vince & Pam Puterbaugh vincentputerbaugh@gmail.com pamputerbauth@gmail.com John & Linda Boman Donna & Jerry Kougel Jerry Gragg John & Lynda Baker Mike & Ruth Burke Pat & Bonnie Singer Garrett & Dee Bowers Robert & Linda Harmon Bob & Barbara Dowdy Bill & Rene Johnson Tom Jeffries Mike & Ruth Burke 951-453-6000 951-440-0657 707-631-2642 559-297-7189 760-949-2186 209-536-1318 760-946-1642 661-729-6754 661-810-5154 805-226-9175 707-429-2920 916-682-3469 209-536-1318 17 Please support our CA1-I Sponsors. 18 Chapter Date/Time Meeting Location Chapter Director CA1-A 1st Saturday 8:30 am Breakfast 9:15 am Meeting Greenhouse Café 661-723-3522 1169 Commerce Center Dr Lancaster, CA 93534 Lance & Dee Wilson 661-992-7701 karded555@yahoo.com CA1-C 3rd Saturday 8:00 am Breakfast 9:00 am Meeting Burgers & Beer 760-202-4522 72-772 Dinah Shore Dr. Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 Sherman & Dorie Jared 760-288-5962 shermanjared@yahoo.com CA1-D 4th Sunday 8:00 am Breakfast 8:30 am Meeting Paramount Elks Lodge 8108 E. Alondra Blvd Paramount, CA 90723 Cliff Kennish 323-582-4398 ckennish@aol.com CA1-F 2nd Saturday 8:00 am Breakfast 8:30 am Meeting The Broken Yolk Café 858-270-9655 1851 Garnet Ave San Diego (Pacific Beach) 92109 Chrystal Richardson 619-929-6223 CA1-I 2nd Saturday 8:00 am Breakfast 8:30 am Meeting Denny’s Restaurant 546 W. Baseline Rd Glendora, CA 91740 George & Norma Mocabee 626-945-5988 ca1igoldwinger@yahoo.com CA1-K Last Saturday 8:00 am Breakfast 9:00 am Meeting Denny’s Diner 8330 Topanga Canyon Canoga Park, CA 91304 818-883-8874 Ken Freeland 818-403-6729 gwrraca1k@aol.com CA1-L 2nd Saturday 8:00 am Breakfast 8:30 am Meeting IHOP Restaurant 212 Madonna Road San Luis Obispo, CA 93405 805-547-9140 Fred “Rusty” & Janey Angleton 805-345-8776 fredangleton@comcast.net CA1-M 2nd Sunday 8:00 am Breakfast 9:00 am Meeting Pepper Steak Restaurant 26590 Highland Avenue Highland, CA 92346 909-862-8341 Trent & Denice Reid CA1-Q 2nd Sunday 7:30 am Breakfast 8:00 am Meeting Black Bear Diner 7005 Knott Ave Buena Park, CA 90620 CA1-R 1st Sunday 7:30 am Breakfast 8:00 am Meeting Home Town Buffet 1008 E. 17th Street Santa Ana, CA 92701 714-541-3020 Mike & Gayle Davis CA1-S 3rd Saturday 8:00 am Breakfast 9:00 am Meeting Carrow’s Restaurant 2401 Harbor Blvd Ventura CA 93003 805-643-1390 Jo Jolitz 805-216-6661 GL1800JO@yahoo.com CA1-V 3rd Sunday 7:30 am Breakfast 8:00 am Meeting Maxwell’s 760-242-5504 17772 Wika Rd (Hwy 18 & Apple Valley Rd) Apple Valley CA 92307 Mike & Barri Critzman 760-245-9218 itsawingthing@hotmail.com CA1-Z 1st Saturday 8:00 am Breakfast 9:00 am Meeting Home Town Buffet 40390 Margarita Road Temecula, CA 92591 Ginger & Danny Merritt 951-285-3597 cd@gwrra-ca1z.org 562-633-1804 626-914-1212 ca1m.chapterdirector@gmail.com Robin & Dave Black 962-930-0254 robinwow3@gmail.com 951-694-1116 19 Chapter Date/Time Meeting Location Chapter Director CA-C 3rd Sunday 8:00 am Breakfast 8:30 am Meeting Elk’s #6 6446 Riverside Blvd Sacramento, CA CA2-A 1st Saturday 8:00 am Breakfast 9:00 am Meeting Old Salles Cafe 2082 North J Street Tulare, CA 93274 CA2-J 2nd Saturday 8:00 am Breakfast 8:30 am Meeting Hometown Buffet 925-685-1886 Alex & Marcy Ageev 2050 Diamond Blvd. 925-497-4480 Concord, CA 94520 goldwingalex@gmail.com CA2-K 4th Sunday 8:30 am Breakfast 9:00 am Meeting The Benicia Grill 2 707-751-0155 Steve & Karen Palatino 2390 N Texas 707-426-4847 Fairfield, CA 94533 STVNKRN@pacbell.net CA2-N 2nd Saturday 8:00 am Breakfast 9:00 am Meeting Pine Tree Restaurant 209-536-6065 Ken & Linda Stark 19601 Hess Ave 209-450-6742 Sonora, CA 95370 qt.pilot@yahoo.com CA2-Q 3rd Saturday 7:30 am Breakfast 8:30 am Meeting Black Bear Diner 5100 Hopyard Rd Pleasanton, CA CA2-R 2nd Sunday 8:00 am Breakfast 8:30 am Meeting Vittles Restaurant 530-378-1799 Dave Wilson 2385 North Street 530-221-0979 Anderson, CA 96007 davewilson@redding.net CA2-S 3rd Saturday 8:00 am Breakfast 8:45 am Meeting Hometown Buffet 408-935-0893 Charlie & Deborah Porzio 212 Ranch Dr (McCarthy Ranch Shopping 408-710-6227 Ctr) chabragoldwing@gmail.com Milpitas CA 95035 CA2-W 1st Saturday 8:00 am Breakfast 9:00 am Meeting Yosemite Falls Cafe 4020 N. Cedar Ave. Fresno, CA 93725 Bob & Nancy Harris 209-744-8560 sashadad@softcom.net 559-684-9600 Greg & Kay Boyajian 559-638-4931 gwboyajian@comcast.net Don & Beth Kuellmer Ca2q.cd@gmail.com 559-485-6951 Steve &Teri Rippe 559-298-2456 tlwsboy@yahoo.com 20 21 22 Chapter I Newsletter Advertising Fees 1/4 Page/Business Card Ads for CA1-I members are FREE! Full Page Ad—$15.00 an issue OR $150.00 a year 3/4 Page Ad—$12.50 an issue OR $125.00 a year 1/2 Page Ad—$10.00 an issue OR $100.00 a year 1/4 Page/Business Card—$7.50 an issue OR $ 75.00 a year Fee includes Free advertising on CA1-I’s website for ALL GWRRA members to view From the Editor’s Desk Your articles, photos, road trip recommendations, classified ads, recipes, jokes, Gold Wing repair and maintenance tips… all are welcome all the time. Send to Norma at mocababa@yahoo.com Newsletter Policy Chapter CA1-I’s newsletter is distributed free of charge to Members in Good Standing of GWRRA or GWRRA Boosters who participate in Chapter “I” activities. The newsletter is also distributed free to all advertisers and certain motorcycle related businesses or interests. Remember, the newsletter is what you make it. Please submit articles that you think will be of interest or informative to other Chapter members. The articles can be about your favorite ride, bike accessory or just a funny story. All articles submitted may be edited at the discretion of the Chapter Director. Controversial material may be edited at chapter staff discretion and not be printed. Please submit your typed article by e-mail to the Chapter Director by the 20th of the month to be included in the following month’s issue. Material may not be reprinted without permission. Newsletter Editor: Norma Mocabee mocababa@yahoo.com The staff of CA1-I would like to acknowledge and thank the staff of KANDID GRAPHICS in Covina for their help with our printing needs. 23