chapter p locator page
chapter p locator page
CHAPTER P LOCATOR PAGE Region Director MELISSA EASON PHONE Email- MICHIGAN DISTRICT DIRECTORS Brad & Connie Garner ASSISTANT DISTRICT DIRECTOR Harold & Sandy Jacobs 517-403-7338 734-812-1338 NATIONAL EDUCATOR MIKE & LORI STIGER Phone 517-769-4824 MICHIGAN RIDER EDUCATION RANDY & LONI WESTCOTT Phone: 810-636-9117* Chapter P Monthly meetings: Sunday Morning Breakfast Second Sunday of every month 9:30pm Breakfast at 9am Jimi’s Restaurant—Royal Oak 714 S. Washington Ave Royal Oak,, MI 48067 Jimi’s Restaurant—Royal Oak 714 S. Washington Ave Royall Oak, Mi 48067 Chapter P Director: Cathie Kinnee 248-515-3153 Chapter Treasurer Larry Green 248-545-3380 Chapter Sales Chapter 50/50 sales/Hospitality Rose Lock Arlene Green 248-259-4838 248-545-3380 Member Enhancement Really need someone Sunshine Lady Really Need Someone CHAPTER WEBSITE: Our sponsors Letter from Chapter Director Note from Chapter Director Chapter P Order Form First I would like to wish everyone a HAPPY VALENTINES ‘s DAY Second HAPPY NEW YEAR AGAIN … Tri- Mountain Jackets $60.00 Long Sleeve Polo Shirt $26.00 At the ride meeting at the end of the there were some good suggestions given , and I sure did listen. The ride schedule for Chapter P will be up and ready for review in Feb 2010 and plans and reservations are being done as this is being reviewed for publication . Long Sleeve Twill Shirt $32.00 There will be monthly dinner rides, visiting of chapters and chapter events, travels to the Upper Pennisula, and out of state adventures. Short Sleeve Polo Shirt $21.00 Holloway Windbreaker $52.00 Full back Logo $40.00 Penguin design $5.00 Chapter Logo - small $10.00 Caps $15.00 ** no charge to put names on left chest The riding season will begin soon, so count the days and plan your schedule around visiting chapters that have events during these cold months waiting for the warmer riding weather. I know that I would really like Chapter P members to accompany me on these visits . I will highlight on the monthly calendar the events I hope to be able to attend. So as you lay your head down each night, or look out your window and see nothing but snow and ice, just think about the fun, and friendship that awaits the 2010 riding season Please if you have the chance sell those Bike raffle tickets Hope to see everyone at the meeting Cathie Februarry 2010 Sun 7 Mon Tue W Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 B-day B-day Abgail Trombley Dan Benns 8 9 1 10 11 9am Jimi’s breakfast Monthly Gathering 14 12 13 Wingless Wingless Weekend Weekend 15 16 1 17 18 19 20 22 23 2 24 25 26 27 9am Jimi’s breakfast Chapter F2 Ice Cream party 6pm 21 9am Jimi’s breakfast 28 9am Jimi’s breakfast Chapter P Rider Education Dealing With The Weather Let’s talk about the general principles of dealing with extreme weather conditions. It covers cold, and rainy conditions. recommend a wide variety of clothing options to help deal with these conditions. As your budget allows, you may own a variety of motorcycle clothing. For day trips you can take just that perfect piece of clothing for conditions on that particular day. On tour you won't have this luxury. You'll need to carry with you all the gear you'll need for whatever conditions you encounter. If conditions change and what you need is not somewhere on the bike, you're screwed. When on these tours remember to bring gear for temperatures between 25°F and 110°F and assume that it could be raining continuously (as in 24 hours a day). do this no matter where you are going and no matter what the time of year. It may seem silly to bring an electrically heated vest when touring in northern Michigan in July . seldom has there been a trip where you didn't use every piece of riding clothing that was brought at least once. You can't bring every piece of gear that you own so you need to make sure that the gear you do bring is as flexible as possible. Sunshine Lady report This month we have 3 birthdays They are: Abigail Trombley 2/1 Dan Benns Jim Heiler 02/06 02/09 Warm wishes go out to all these special members on their special days Younger Rider’s Column : This month , the only conversation this writer could get out of the YOUNG (FUTURE) Goldwing riders of our chapter, was WHEN Do the events begin, and why are they seeming to be all the same as last year. My youngest rider, is really looking forward to some of the other chapter events, but my oldest rider just wants to know WHEN HE CAN TAKE HIS MSF course and be qualified to ride a motorcycle, My answer to both is this. 1. find the fun in all the events we have planned to attend, that just like Wingless weekend the themes can change . 2. MSF classes will start in the spring and as soon as available you will be able to take the course and be able to ride, Classified Ads CLEARANCE SALE: EVERYTHING MUST GO Larry Green is selling of his remain stock 248 545 3380 So get the bargains while they last For Sale have a lot of Elect Conn LED'S ‐ 2.00 each gl1500 left and right pocket hard covers‐ 10.00 ea Elect Connect wiring trailer harnesses‐ 15.00 each Ground blocks ‐ 10.00 ea trunk lights ‐ 5.00 ea headlight shims‐ 3.00 ea gl1500 alt brushes 2.00 ea oil filter wrench‐ 5.00 PEACE in the WORLD IF there is light in the soul, There will be beauty in the person There will be harmony n the house If there is harmony in the house There will be order in the nation If there is order in the nation There will be peace in the World PHRASES OF FRIENDSHIP If you’re alone, I’ll be your shadow. If you cry, I’ll be your shoulder. If you want a hug, I’ll be your pillow. If you need to be happy, I’ll be your smile…. GWRRA strives to provide Members with benefit packages that are unparalleled in the motorcycle industry. Heck, our benefits are unparalleled in just about any industry! Take advantage of just one or two of our benefits and your GWRRA Membership pays for itself! *GWRRA benefits are intended to provide Members with options and are not guaranteed to be the best option or the best pricing for every individual situation. We strongly encourage all Members to explore their options before making a buying decision with any company. BENEFITS TO BEING A GWRRA MEMBER • • • • • • • • • • • • GWRRA MEMBER BENEFIT PROGRAMS Wing World Magazine – Rescue Towing and Emergency Roadside Assistance Gold Book Service Directory – Rider Education Chapter Life – Leadership Training – Membership Materials Find-A-Friend Council – couple of the Year (COY) –. Special Interests Groups Professional Office Staff – Members’ Only Message Boards – Visit us at for a complete list of GWRRA benefits; and while you’re there, why not join and begin accessing your benefits right away! Cathie & Peter Kinnee Chapter P GWRRA 1799 Enterprise Troy, Michigan 48083 Jokes of the Month Chapter Staff Still needed ** remember if you want our chapter to thrive and Prosper, I really need your help. Please consider a position Why do Penguins carry fish in their beaks? Because they don’t have any pockets What do Penguins sing on a birthday Freeze a jolly good fellow Member Enhancement RIDER EDUCATION Chapter Secretary Newsletter reporter /Michigan News Reporter Ride Coordinators/Road Captains Chapter Historian What do mother Penguins say to their children before They go out in the dark Beak…..careful out there Why do two Penguins in a nest always agree Because they don't wanna fall out Chapter Greeter ** Master of Fun and Games** Marketing Director Only you can make a difference What do Penguins have for Lunch Icebergers