August 2014
August 2014
Wings Around Nashville News Visit us online at: Volume 22: Number 8 August 2014 GWRRA Region N Chapter TN-A The Word is HOT-COOL-HOT-COOL!! That's right everyone! It has been a strange July, but Chapter A has been busy. On July 3rd our Couple of the Year went on a mission. They went on a mission to bring Paul and Sally home, because they left after Spring Fling on their big trip. Brian and Ruth called us and said they did find them and also found Pam and Jimmy! They all had a great time at Wing Ding. And the main thing they all had a safe trip, and we can’t wait to see the pictures. Tim, Carol, Jimmy, Susan. We all had a good time, and yes we are going to do this again in August. We will be visiting Brian and Ruth Fugate's Vickie and Troy Hurt TN-A Senior Chapter Directors On July 3rd Wink and Bob had everyone out to their house to watch the fireworks show put on every year by Fairvue Plantation. Wink had to provide jackets to several girls because of the September temperature. (Editor’s Note: The party was cancelled two years ago when it was about 109o.) There were about twenty of us there, and she locked her bedroom door to prevent someone from short sheeting their bed. There is a long story behind this. We want to thank Wink and Bob for having us out. July 12th several of us went to Chapter Z's gathering in Columbia. Jeff Cato, Mike Walters, Ann Edwards, Vickie Hurt, Troy Hurt, Tim Moore, Carol Moore, Brian and Ruth Fugate. This was Mike's first ride and he did really good. It sure was good to see the Blue Angel back on the road. As always, Charlie and Pam did a real good job, and we all had a lot of fun and are looking forward to the next gathering. At July staff meeting Chapter A staff thought up a new idea. We want to visit different churches where our members go, and afterwards go for a ride for lunch or a picnic. So on July 13th Chapter A went to Living Springs Baptist, the church that Vickie and I attend. Those that made the trip were Don and Shelia, Zearl, Brian and Ruth, Mike and Ann, Troy and Vickie, and Don and Emma. Afterwards we all went to Long Hunter State Park for lunch, and there we had even more people show up; Church on August 10th. We will be going to Bethel Church of the Nazarene, 405 Broadmoor Drive Nashville 37216, 9:00am Sunday School and the service is at 10:00 am. Everyone seemed to like doing this, so please come and join us for a great time. July 17th Chapter A went to Five Guys in Mt. Juliet. Bob and Susie, Don and Emma, Steve and his daughter and granddaughter, Nancy Miller, Vickie and Troy, Pam, Ruth and Brian, and Ruth’s mom, Charlotte Cox. This is a very good place to eat, and we plan on doing this again soon. July 19th eighteen Chapter A folks went to visit Chapter Y, but we missed both plaques. We were happy to have Sally and Paul back home to add to our mileage to Murfreesboro. Also happy to see Dave Murray back from his winter home in Florida. And Brian made it to the front desk first with his winning GWRRA numbers. (Editor’s Note: Ann and Wink did a lot of phone calls to get Chapter A folks to visit Chapter Y, and when we called Angela and Monte as a joke, we found them in TENNESSEE helping Derek pack to move to Califorina! They had enjoyed breakfast that Friday morning with Vickie, Troy, Pat and Jeff. Ann and I felt left out; don’t y’all??) Golden Corral, Hermitage (Nashville) TN Eat at 6 pm; Meet at 7 pm Central Last Tuesday of Every Month except December Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge Go to page 5 Wing News Around Nashville Page 2 August 2014 SENIOR CHAPTER DIRECTORS MEMBERSHIP ENHANCEMENT COORDINATOR Troy and Vickie Hurt Carol and Tim Moore 615-453-1508 The Beginning Born in New Jersey on November 25, 1948 Carol grew up and lived in and around the Jersey-New York area until moving to Nashville Tennessee in 1986 with her 3 children. Eventually she settled in Murfreesboro, all while working in Carol and Tim Couple of the Month a variety of retail and restaurant establishments. Timothy was born in Nashville on April 3, 1972 living and growing up in the Smyrna area. I graduated from Lavergne High School in 1990 and MTSU with a Bachelors of Business Administration in 1995 while working in a variety of warehouse and restaurant work throughout school. ASSISTANT CHAPTER DIRECTORS Sally and Paul Tampien 615-300-8360 CHAPTER EDUCATORS Don and Sheila Luth 615-746-2005 TREASURER Jeff and Pat Cato 615-876-4592 How We Met We met while both of us were working at a Mrs. Winners in Smyrna, Carol as a manager, me as a cook from around 1990 through 1995. After I finished college Carol and I started dating and eventually moved in together… all the while working jobs, from newspaper delivery, house cleaning, and restaurant until we finally decided to start TLC Janitorial Company and work for ourselves. The next few years we did sub-contract cleaning, stripping and waxing for companies like TJ Max, Marshalls, Starbucks, and Walgreens all through Nashville to Memphis area. Finally we got tired of the travel and decided to concentrate on building our own business. This year we have been fortunate enough to be able to expand our company to include carpet, tile and grout, upholstery, and mattress cleaning named TLC Floor Care. How We Got into Riding How we got to begin riding and found the GWRRA is another story entirely. I had always wanted a Goldwing trike since high school, so we would periodically stop by Sloan’s Honda, look at them, and dream. Then about 6 years ago we had a house fire. Well, we decided not to rebuild. Instead, we moved into one of our rental units (that we had purchased at auction several years earlier) which was right next door to our home. Now it was time to learn how to ride. A friend who rode a lot had several bikes, one of which was a Honda Rebel 250. He taught me how to ride on that little 250. While looking for the perfect bike that was already triked, (and that we could afford), I purchased a 750 Honda Shadow to practice my riding skills. So we got out on the road to enjoy the freedom that only riding offers. Immediately after purchasing the Shadow I knew I was going to eventually get a Gold Wing, so I began looking for a riding club. I found GWRRA on the internet and was a signed-up member before I even had the perfect bike. Finally I found a used silver 2002 Gold Wing trike and became involved with the local Chapter Y. This affiliation gave us the training to be a better rider, the friends to keep wanting to ride, and the confidence to do more both on the bike and within the association. This year we found ourselves with Chapter A, but still have friends, opportunity’s to improve our skills, and folks to have fun with in a variety of other chapters within our region. Life Now Life now is fun and busy with 9 grandchildren and 9 greatgrandchildren, one of which we watch several days a week and who now lives in a newly placed home next door where the house fire took place. Plus we are building a new division of our business from scratch, which means we don’t get the time to ride as much as we would like. Every time we do get to attend a gathering, go to a training class, or just get to ride, it is the most relaxing part of our week or month. Tim Moore COUPLE OF THE YEAR Ruth and Brian Fugate NEWSLETTER EDITORS Bob and Wink Rager 615-451-1444 WEBMASTER ROSTER Tammy Coffman 615-957-1730 MEMBERSHIP ENHANCEMENT COORDINATOR Carol and Tim Moore WEARHOUSE MANAGER Don and Emma Hurley 615-453-4755 RIDE COORDINATOR DINNER RIDES Jeff Cato Troy Hurt Paul Tampien HISTORIAN Ruth and Brian Fugate 50/50 Ann Edwards, Zearl Black and Mike Walters SUNSHINE Nancy Miller 615-758-3940 GREETERS Ruth and Brian Fugate Sally and Paul Tampien SERGEANT AT ARMS Eileen Blackmon Wing News Around Nashville August 2014 Page 3 Hand Signals - POP QUIZ Reprint from March, 2010 Does our co-rider have something to do other than sleep or sight see? A well involved co-rider will be helping his/her rider in any way possible. By no means is this meant to be mandatory, because it isn't. But it would be nice to pass proper hand signals to bikes behind us while we are riding. I'm not going to give a Road Captain course by any means. I am not trained to do so. These are just things that can be done by any of us to help us arrive at our destination safely. Not every motorcycle is going to have an operable CB. It is important for Road Captains to make sure that these individuals are intermixed within our group to help them along whenever possible. The best idea is to relay important information to them via hand signals. Hand signaling isn't always convenient or safe for riders, especially when we travel on curvy narrow roads. This is where our co-rider can help. When we have a fully involved corider, we will be in contact with them via intercom. Because it is an internal system, (unless we have it turned down to tune them out,) we can give information to them and they can pass it to those behind us via hand signals. We would like everyone to review these hand signals, and during our Chapter Meeting, I will ask for 5 corider volunteers to give out one hand signal each. Because this information will be passed back to the rider behind you, only riders will be eligible to win prizes. (yes Don Hurley, this probably means candy). Let me know if you want to take a Road Captain Class and I’ll either get an instructor for the Chapter, or let you know when another Chapter is doing one so that you can attend. Don and Sheila Luth Don and Sheila Luth 2010-2014 Chapter Educators Wing News Around Nashville Page 4 Ruth and I attended our first Wing Ding in Madison, WI. We traveled 2,208 miles traveling through TN, KY, IN, IL and WI. We left the Friday before Wing Ding to visit with Brian’s sister in St. Anne IL. Then Saturday we traveled to Byron IL to spend a couple of days with Brian’s daughter, Kimberly, her husband, Joe, and daughter, Robin. Joe is into motorcycle drag racing competitions, and he won 2 of his 4 races. It was fun to watch and great to see how many safety requirements are mandated. After the last race on Sunday, we loaded up and traveled to Cameron WI, where Kimberly and Joe live, and spent a couple of days visiting. We finally arrived in Madison on Tuesday to start our adventure at Wing Ding. Wednesday we attended the opening ceremony, then walked through the area that had hundreds of vendors. We met up with Paul and Sally. It was great to see them and hear some stories about their great adventure. Thursday we went to The House OnThe Rock in Spring Green WI with Paul and Sally and Earl and Liz from Morristown. The House OnThe Rock is the world's most bizarre and vast collection of stuff -- everything from scrimshaw and medieval armor to carousel horses and mechanical music machines -- and all of it may be fake. Or all of it may be real. We walked about four hours looking at what Alex Jordan collected, and it was a sight to see. That guy collected thousands of items including four full size carousels. It is a major tourist attraction and definitely worth seeing. Friday we watched four drill teams, with one being from British Columbia, as they showed their riding skills. We attended a maintenance class on Friday. One afternoon we went with Paul and Sally to the lake by downtown Madison and watched the Madison City Ski Team practice. Then we went to a fun place called Ella’s Deli for supper. Another day Ruth and I drove around Madison, which is a beautiful city with lots of bike riding lanes. Saturday night after closing we watched the light parade which had a lot of bikes. Wisconsin does not have a helmet law, and lots of the riders did not wear helmets. We were surprised. Where was the safety that GWRRA preaches? August 2014 Brian and Ruth Fugate 2014 TN-A Couple of the Year We started our trip home on Sunday which was our longest trip on our trike. Thankfully we had no problems, so our trip was successful. Wing Ding was a great experience. We met lots of riders, ate lots of food, and rode lots of miles. We are looking forward to our next trip. Brian Wing News Around Nashville Chapter Directors August 2014 Page 5 From page 1 2015 Events Spring Fling will be back at Camp Jordan in East Ridge near Chattanooga. They are calling it a Southern Family Reunion. The date is April 2325, 2015. Be sure at check out the district web site at Wing Ding next year will be in Huntsville Alabama. More information will be ready soon, so be sure and keep an eye out. Here is a list of up-coming events. All of this is on the District Web Site: 1. Chapter Y change of gathering place, the Murfreesboro Jaycees Colonel's Club, 403 Hickerson Dr., Murfreesboro; Allen and Dottie Wessels CD's. They will still meet the 3rd Saturday of every month. 2. Chapter H has canceled their September Gathering. The Plaques are as follows: 1. Chapter L in Lebanon has the Middle Tennessee Plaque, and their gathering is on August 2nd at Ryan's on Hwy 231 Eat at 8 AM and meeting at 9. 2. The Couple of the Year Plaque is at Chapter O in Cleveland TN. They also meet Saturday, August 2nd at the Golden Corral, 350 Staurt Rd NE I-75, Cleveland. They eat at 9 and meet at 10. 3. Chapter Z in Columbia has the Region N Wanderer Plaque and the Tennessee Traveling Plaque. Their next gathering is on August 9th. They meet at the Catfish Campus. Passenger Floor Boards Chrome Center Stand and Side Stand LED Clear Lens Front Turn Signals and Mirror Trim Bullet Exhaust Color Matched Valve Covers Chrome Trim – Navi Panel, Light/Suspension Panel, Radio Console Panel, Front and Rear Speakers, Key Plate, Timing Chain Cover, Fuel Door, Fairing Air Intake, Mirror Trim , Saddle Bag Trim, Handle Bar Controls Covers, Brake and Clutch Reservoir Covers, License Plate Trim ‘Til Next Time, Ride Safe in 2014 Troy & Vickie Senior Chapter Directors Chapter TN-A, Nashville Tennessee Driving Lights LED trim Lights on valve covers, front fender Trunk Luggage Carrier Trunk Mounted Brake Light Bar Trunk and Saddle Bag Carpeting Two Color Matched Aria Helmets with J&M Comm Units Goldwing waterproof storage cover and light weight dust cover Honda Goldwing GL18HPNAM7 – 2007 Asking $18,500.00 Crucible Orange Metallic Code YR275 Mileage 8,700 Always garage kept from new Excellent Condition Security System ABS Brake System Navigation Heated Grips Heated Seats AM/FM Radio Rider Floor Boards Heel Toe Shift Back Rest – adjustable position If anyone has a place that you think everyone would like to visit please let us know. Zearl has told us of a place in Nashville, and we are going to put it in our plans for all of us to enjoy. Please send Wink and Tammy your pictures and articles. A lot of people see and read these, and they work very hard to put these together for all of us. And we do thank them for the work they are doing!! Paul Rising – Hermitage TN 615-289-4783 White Gold Wing Trike and Trailer for sale. 2004 bike with 2006 CSC Trike Kit. mileage 54,859 Trike has lots of lights and extra chrome. It has been kept inside. It has been serviced and maintained faithfully. Also included are a saddlebag tote kit, bike covers and one Arai helmet with headset. Trailer is a 2004 Escapade trailer. It has a chrome tongue and a covered cooler on the tongue. It has a hanging clothes bag. Also, two extra wheels go with the trailer. Total for all $26,000. Boots & Phyllis Streetman at 931-358-9423 or 931-237-6594 email Thank you, Boots & Phyllis Streetman Wing News Around Nashville Page 6 From Our Assistant Chapter Directors Sally and Paul Tampien organization) what YOU put into it. Remember, WE are ALL volunteers in this organization. Saturday Ride Coverage (Troy would normally cover this but he turned his article in early.) What started out as a Luncheon Ride to Campbell Station Country Store, but it turned into a 200 mile ride for everyone. We met at Sloan’s in Murfreesboro Paul and I are very glad to be home and headed out from there. after our long trip out West. You can read We had eight bikes and one the first section of the trip in our September car. Paul and I were in the newsletter. The warm reception that we recar as he is unable to wear a ceived from the middle TN folks has touched helmet. The people who us very deeply. We did miss you all, too. showed up included Jeff and Pat, Ann and Mike, Brian We were able to visit four Goldwing and Ruth, Troy and Vickie, chapter gatherings on our trip. Visiting with Dave Murray, Steve Thomthese other chapters made us realize what a as and his granddaughter special group of people we have in Chapter Alexis, and from Chapter Q, A. We are very proud of Chapter A. I am not Paula Jones, and Dennis going to single out any particular chapter, and Jan Peterson. The food however, we noticed that not all chapters at the restaurant is always begin their gathering with the Pledge of Allegood – especially the fried giance. This is important to us. Also, some pies and steaks. Just ask chapters did not wear “chapter colors”. ImagTroy and Mike! ine the looks we received when we arrived in “vests and colors”. Our educaAfter lunch we took a tor, Don Luth, does such a wonderful job middle TN countryside ride with educating us about something each including the Natchez Trace month. We thought this was common practo Leiper’s Fork for ice cream. Some of the tice throughout the organization and learned group had not been there before, so it was a it is up to each chapter as to how they handle treat for all. A place to definitely return to one Education. We attended one chapter gather- day! Remember, Lieper’s Fork has a Christing that had been cancelled, but this had not mas parade. been posted on their website. They had five Ask Troy or visitors and no chapter members. We still Paul for details. had a good time visiting with their visitors. Paul and Sally Thanks to Troy Hurt for always sending all Tampien these e-mails and keeping everyone in the See ya’ down loop. This is not to say that these chapters the road! are bad – just different from Chapter A. So, if you are going to be visiting ACD TN-A other Chapters, wear your colors and vests, Ride Safe and check their website and call the Chapter DiEat Ice Cream! rector to be sure there is a gathering. Visitation is so alive in Middle TN! Let’s keep it going! We also visited the GWRRA headquarters in Phoenix. We were surprised at the size of the building, and we noticed that there was not a single motorcycle in the parking lot – not even one on display-- and our GWRRA logo was not present on the outside of the building. We were met by a Customer Service Rep who gave us a tour of the facility. They have a wall of significant Wing Worlds and pictures of past officers. They did offer us the “Been to the Home Office pin”. We were amazed at how few people are employed in the home office. This made us realize that you get out of life (and this August 2014 Wing News Around Nashville Page 7 August 2014 EDITOR’S NOTE: "A fiery horse with the speed of light, a cloud of dust and a hearty Hi-Yo, Silver! The Lone Ranger! With his faithful Indian companion, Tonto, the daring and resourceful masked rider of the plains led the fight for law and order in the early western United States. Nowhere in the pages of history can one find a greater champion of justice. Return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear. From out of the past come the thundering hoof beats of the great horse Silver! The Lone Ranger rides again!" Click last link, bottom of page 12. And if you remember Steve Martin and Johnny Carson, The Great Flydini also page 12. Please visit the Opry Event Website for more details or GWRRA's Member Services Website to register. You may also call Member Services directly at (800) 843-9460 Wing News Around Nashville August 29-31 GWRRA's Weekend at the Opry GWRRA's Weekend at the Opry in Nashville Tennessee. A Labor Day Weekend to Remember! Dinner & Dance on Saturday. Details and Registration at Information and Register also on the GWRRA Membership site HERE Training Day on Saturday, August 23, 2014 TRAINING DAY TN-L will have a Training Day on Saturday, August 23, 2014. The training will be held at the New Heart Christian Church located at 49 Business Park Dr. Lebanon, TN 37090 near Hwy 109 and Hwy 70 in Lebanon. We will offer the CPR/MFA class (for new students, although we will have some who will recertify) and the following Seminars: LTP - Planning a Chapter Event LTP – Studies in Applied Leadership – Debbie Smith has agreed to teach this class. Rider Ed - Co-Rider Seminar Rider Ed - Co-Rider Two Seminar Rider Ed - Riding w/ New or Inexperienced Riders Rider Ed - Night Riding MEP – History of GWRRA MEP – Fun Activities Guide The cut off date to sign up for the MFA class is August 2nd. Anyone wishing to attend should contact Ed before that date to be scheduled for the class. There will also be LTP, Rider Ed and MEP seminars presented. The cut off date to sign up for those is August 20th Contact Ed Wallace, Chapter Educator, GWRRA Chapter TN-L, 615-294-8059 Page 8 19th Annual Wings Across Tennessee Friday 9/12/14 Leave Bristol (Atlas Honda) 9:00 a.m. EDT. (I-81, Va. Exit 5) Arrive Knoxville city Limits 11:20 EDT (Meet Knoxville Police motorcycle escort at Exxon on US 11-W) Arrive @ Cove Shelter/Concord Park 12:00 for lunch ($5 donation) with TN-B host. Knoxville area Chapters join us here. (Directions to Cove Shelter: Go west on I-40, exit on to I-40 at exit 376, south toward Maryville, exit on North Shore Drive, go right to Cove Shelter 4 miles) Leave Cove Shelter 12:45 for I-40, exit 373 for fuel (Police escort) Regroup at Shell and leave Knoxville @ 1:15 EDT Fuel Stop (30 minutes) @ Loves/ Baxter exit 280, 1:30 CDT Nashville Approach: Take exit 235 (TN840) to by-pass downtown, then back on I-40. Arrive Dickson Comfort Inn, (behind Cracker Barrel) I-40, exit 172 3:30 CDT Saturday 9/13/14 Leave Dickson Comfort Inn 8:30 a.m. CDT Fuel Stop in Jackson, I-40 exit 85 9:50 @ Pilot. Re-group on side road beside Pilot heading back out toward interstate. August 2014 Leave Jackson 10:30 CDT DIRECTIONS TO ST. JUDE CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL I-40 west to Memphis. Take exit 1C. (Danny Thomas Blvd.) Turn right @ first traffic light. (Alabama Ave.) Turn right @ first stop sign. (Lauderdale St.) Turn right into Hospital. Arrive 12 noon CDT. (Lunch provided by Hospital) Ride Coordinator: Jerry Fleenor H/432-323-5433 C/423-3401149 MOTEL INFO: Mention Wings Across Tennessee, St. Jude Benefit ride for discount. Comfort Inn ($69 plus tx) 2368 Lee Hwy. (across street from Atlas Honda) Bristol, Va. 276-466-3881 Comfort Inn ($62.99 plus tx) Exit 172, I-40, 1085 East Christie Drive, Dickson, Tn. 615-740-1000. BLOCK OF ROOMS RESERVED. If the block of rooms is full when you call and they still have other rooms, they will still give discount rate. If motel is full, they have overflow arrangements with motel next to them and will try to get discount rate there also. Wing News Around Nashville Hello Wingers, I've been accused of selecting off the wall topics for my articles, and in keeping consistent with that notion, I'm going to broach a question that I've been pondering and researching for awhile, namely: "The attention span for adults". August 2014 Page 9 don't feel like I have the time. It may seem like a ridiculous notion that our GWRRA members would even care about attention spans, but I've heard “time constraints” as the reason to why rallies are offering fewer training seminars, or none at all. The average seminar, either LTP, MEC or RE, will consume I recently heard about a report entitled "How one hour, figuring that it takes 10-15 minutes for Social Media is Ruining Our Minds". It reveals a the preliminaries, and 40-45 minutes of presenrecent study showing that over the course of the tation time. I can see how a few semi-nars last ten years, the average adult's attention could quickly eat up a morning at a week-end span has dropped from 12 minutes to a stagrally. As a MUT, I've been involved in the gering short 5 minutes. I thought the idea that presentation of seminars for years, and it's a bit the 12 minute window was amazingly short. But unsettling that we can't seem to find time for 5 minutes? WOW! I expanded my re-search, this valuable training. So, I began to think what and other sources state that at the very best, we might be able to do to better fit these semithe top attention span for adults was found to nars into our cramped weekend rallies. That's be no more than 20 minutes. when I began to look at the average attention If you spend any time on Facebook, Twitter, span for adults. Most of my GWRRA friends texting or just emailing, you know it's probably and I are chronologically adults, although most true. I seldom take time to read a really long of us don't really act like it. If our attention span article (unless it catches my attention!). I just is really somewhere between 5 - 20 minutes, why then do we have seminars that last 40+ minutes? This leads to the real ques-tions: Are we more interested in exposing our members to the information, or educating them? Can we find a way to do both? Now, I don't actually think we're going to make a radical change to what we're currently doing, but it would be interesting to see if our class attendance would be affected if we did. And, what would be the reaction of church members if the pastor reduced the message down to 20 minutes and they made it to the steak houses before noon next Sunday? Might want to spend the next 12 minutes pondering that one. Don't go bonkers on me... just food for thought, and perhaps a smile. Take time for a ride, Alan and Carolyn Little GWRRA Region N Director Wing News Around Nashville Page 10 August 2014 Greetings from Phoenix! President's Article Abel Gallardo President of GWRRA We're Coming West Serving the membership of GWRRA is a true passion shared by each and every one of us here in Phoenix. There is no better reward than reading the countless letters and emails regarding how much this Association has done for each and every one of its Members; about the friendships that have been made that are sure to last a lifetime; and about the lasting memories made traveling around this great country, experiencing everything their travels and GWRRA has offered. In recent years, a common theme of these communications has also been a lack of attention to the western part of the United States. A great number of you have expressed that GWRRA has focused much of its attention and activities toward the eastern part of the United States. And as much as that perception may be hard to argue with, I can tell you that it has not been done intentionally and our desire to spread ourselves all over the country is as strong as ever. The more the sentiment kept growing, the more committed my team and I were to look for opportunities to bring events and activities that our western Members would attend and enjoy. Month after month and year after year, we would get close, but for one reason or another, the necessary support could not be found. All that being said, as I write this piece for Wingin' It this month, I am excited to say that our commitment to the West never wavered, and our search for support of these efforts never took a back seat to other activities. Which is why I'm so excited to let each and every one of you know that GWRRA is coming West! That's right, in June 2015, GWRRA will bring a new national event to Reno, NV, which we have titled the Reno Rendezvous. The Reno Rendezvous will be held at the Grand Sierra Resort and Casino convention center, and we could not have been more fortunate to find this location. With all of our other events, it has been difficult to find locations that will create an all-in-one environment, but the Grand Sierra does just that. With enough hotel rooms to host all of our attendees, Upcoming ERC RiderCourses trade show space to host the countless vendors and Rider ERC Class Dates Status exhibitors GWRRA continuously brings to its shows, Coaches a 50-lane bowling alley, large entertainment theater/ Experienced venue, this location will redefine the term "stay and Aug 16, 2014 Open RiderCourse play" for all the attendees that join us at the Reno Experienced Rendezvous. Sep 20, 2014 Open RiderCourse The city of Reno is a great destination for entertainExperienced Oct, 18, 2014 Open ment, riding and a true GWRRA event experience. I RiderCourse hope all of our Members will mark their calendars Experienced Nov 15, 2014 Open and join us as we kick off what I know will be one of RiderCourse the greatest events we've ever put together. LearnToRide.Org 11 Wing News Around Nashville August 2014 Jerry Hamilton, recovering from back surgery. Mike Walters, recovering from heart surgery, and looking real good. Ann Edwards, Angel caring for Mike. Anita is suffering foot trouble. Ruth’s mom, Charlotte Cox, is fighting the return of cancer in the blood. Boots Streetman, recovering from July 14 gall bladder surgery. Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 3 TONIGHT July 29 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 14 15 12 Bethel Church STAFF of the Nazarene Santa Fe Eat 6:00 Meet 6:30 18 2 Lebanon 9 Z Columbia S Portland 16 3-S Y Murfboro 19 20 G 21 3-TH Tullahoma 22 23 H 4-S Franklin TRAINING DAY See Page 8 September Newsletter Articles, August 22 Jack Wheeler Q Clarksville 25 26 27 28 29 GWRRA's Weekend at the Opry 29 Pam Melman 29 Susie and Bob 31 1-S L 15Angela & Monte 16 Terasa & Wayne 15 Carol & Tim 16 Pat Cato El- Ray Mexican I-24 exit 40 eat at 6:30 PM. 24 N Jackson Music Valley Dr service at 10:00 am 17 13 Sat 30 Wing News Around Nashville August 2014 12 Let’s Go Visiting Last Tuesday ~ Eat 6:00 pm/Meet 7:00 pm : GOLDEN CORRAL, 315 OLD LEBANON DIRT RD., HERMITAGE Sr. CDs: Troy & Vickie Hurt; 615-351-6629 rd Chapter G ---- 3 Thursday ~ Eat 6:00 pm/Meet 7:00 pm :Gondola Pizza and Steak House, 412 E Carroll St (Hwy 55) Tullahoma CDs: Dennis & Anne Greer; 931-728-1463 Chapter H---- 4th Saturday ~ Eat at 8:00am / Meet at 9:00am : Honda of Cool Springs, 1096 West McEwen Dr., Franklin CDs: David & Barbara Jordan; 931-607-5836 st Chapter L ---- 1 Saturday ~ Eat 8:00 am./Meet 9:00 am : Ryan's, 405 S. Cumberland , Lebanon CDs: Andrew & Debbie Smith; 615-784-9772 (615-78GWRRA) st Chapter N ---- 1 Saturday ~ Eat 5:00 pm/Meet 6:00 pm : Brookie's Barn 561 Oil Well Rd, Jackson Sr. CDs: Tony & Lori Douglas; 731-676-9917 Chapter Q --- Last Monday ~ Eat 6:00 pm/Meet 7:00 pm : Golden Corral, 2811 Wilma Rudolph Blvd, Clarksville CDs: Russ & KJ Kimmett; 615-512-3407 rd Chapter S ---- 3 Saturday ~ Eat 2:00 pm/Meet 3:00 pm : My Time Café on Main Street in Portland CDs: Ronny & Dee England; 615-428-4611 rd Chapter Y ---- 3 Saturday ~ Eat 8:00 am/Meet 9:00 am: Murfreesboro Jaycees Colonel’s Club, 403 Hickerson Dr CDs: Allen & Dottie Wessels; 615-218-4904 nd Chapter Z ---- 2 Saturday ~ Eat 5:30 pm/Meet 6:30 pm : Catfish Campus, 2509 Keith Dr. Columbia CDs: Charlie & Pam Huffman; 931-215-1650 Chapter A ---- WINGS AROUND NASHVILLE GWRRA TN-A Wink Rager, Editor P.O. Box 2681 Hendersonville, TN 37077-2681 August 2014 GOD BLESS AMERICA On the Serious Side: If you click and open some of these links each month (and enjoy them), please tell me…….. Or am I just wasting time saving them up for print day? Only Jeff has given me feedback. Unlike anything you’ve seen before. Watch until the end. Best commercial we’ve ever seen, and good for the soul as well Less Serious stuff: What a Drone Can See From 17,500 Feet, (close to 4 miles). Objects as small as 6” can be seen. This photography is cutting edge, and then some. What to do when you've finished all the beer. Be prepared for some amazing entertainment! What to do once you’ve finished all the beer Last Laughs: This was done once on the Johnny Carson Show in 1992. Good thing he taped it because it was never done again. The Great Flydini TO: Jay Thomas tells his classic Lone Ranger Story on the Late Show with David Letterman. Another wingsuit skydiver dies. Its unbelievable what these guys will try. Wingsuit man dies ...
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