April 2014
April 2014
Wing News Around Nashville Visit us online at: Volume 22: Number 4 www.gwrratnchaptera.com April 2014 GWRRA Region N Chapter TN-A We Were There March has been a busy month. March 8th Chapter A went to Chapter Z. They had a full house and had the Middle Tennessee Traveling Plaque. Chapter A's very own Sally Tampien had the winning ticket! It is always a lot fun going to other meetings. We had our second Sunday of the month ride. Ten people rode, and Jack Wheeler led us to Carthage where we had a nice lunch at Timber loft Restaurant. We Were There nounced that they were stepping down after Spring Fling. We can remember when they came into GWRRA and time has March 11 at the staff meeting we decided to go to Chapter S in Portland because they had the Tennessee Travel- really gone fast. It is hard to believe they are Senior District Directors. On behalf of Tennessee Chapter A, we wish them ing Plaque. We had several folks there, and WOW! we came home with more wood. It amazes us what wood does for visita- the very best of luck. They worked very hard for Tennessee. tion. But it really is fun having them. We Will be There Chapter Y will have their fun day on March 29th. We hope to have a large group go and support them. We always We Were There have a lot of FUN! March 20th we had a dinner ride to Opry Mills, and there were 18 people there. It was great to see Mike and Mary We Will be There Foster and Steve and Gina Abell. Mike has had a rough go of April is always a fun filled month. We are planning on it, but folks, he looks really good. Steve and Gina are doing going to Chapter L's meeting on April 5th. They meet at Ryan's very good, but they have been spending a lot of time with fami- at 8am for breakfast, meeting starts at 9am.Then on April 12th ly. to Chapter Z’s meeting. April 19th Chapters Y and S will have their meetings. Tennessee Chapter Q in Clarksville’s meeting We Were There th Chapter A's 2014 Couple of the Year Brian and Ruth is on April 28 . We are planning to go and speak about our own Fun Day, which will be May10th. Fugate went to Chapter G because they had the Couple of theYear Plaque. But Chapter Z went home with this one. But Brian and Ruth gave them a run for their money. We Will be There We all know where we will be April 24- 26, SPRING FLING. Be sure to check out the District Web Site for all the We Were There details. This is really a lot fun. There will be so much going on. The Winter Event was held on February 15th. We had 15 people there, and we all had a great time. This event gives We hope to see everyone there for a GREAT TIME!! I will be leaving Friday morning April 25th. Vickie is coming up after us the chance to see people we have not seen in a while. There are several people with phones or cameras, and several work on Friday. pictures had me down on all fours writing numbers on tickets; things a Chapter Director does… man! But it was FUN and And We Want to be There that is what GWRRA is all about. Again, thanks to the District Staff for a great event. At the April 15th staff meeting we will be putting toth EVERYONE And speaking of the District, Richard and Becky an- gether our own Chapter A fun day, A May Thing. This is very important for Chapter A. So everyone page 4 Golden Corral, Hermitage (Nashville) TN Eat at 6 pm; Meet at 7 pm Central Last Tuesday of Every Month except December Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge Wing News Around Nashville April 2014 Page 2 All about us! SENIOR CHAPTER DIRECTORS By Jerry and Connie Grimes 615-453-1508 gwrrachaptera@gmail.com Troy and Vickie Hurt My how time flies! We’ve had 32 wonderful years together, with our time in Tennessee being some of the best. Jerry grew up in Omaha, Nebraska, obtaining in 1980 a Mechanical Engineering degree at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln (yes, a lifelong Cornhusker!). Moving to the Detroit area to work for General Motors in 1981, he was blessed to meet the love of his life, Connie, through a church small group. Connie was born and raised in Detroit, moving to a suburb at the start of her high school years as a result of the Detroit riots in 1968. She obtained a degree in education from Madonna University, and enjoyed a long career educating pre-schoolers. She has an amazing gift for relating to 3 year olds, like some sort of pied piper! We were married in 1982, and were blessed with two sons. Mike, 31, is a pilot living in Chicago with his lovely wife Nicole. Kevin, 28, served with the US Marines for 5 years including a tour in Afghanistan. Kevin lives near Baltimore, providing computer support services for the military through a private contractor. We’re very proud of our children leading successful independent lives! Jerry has been in the automotive industry for 35 years, most of it in the Detroit area. He spent almost 9 years at GM’s Detroit Diesel Division, then 20 years in Ford Motor Company’s Climate Control Division, including spinoff into Visteon as a supplier, and another spinoff as Automotive Component Holdings. Johnson Electric, one of his suppliers in Springfield, TN, offered him a position as a Chief Engineer, so we decided to accept it and began a new life in Tennessee! In a fairly unusual start to riding, we learned together on a performance tandem bicycle. We put thousands of miles on it, riding, attending rallies, and thoroughly enjoyed being together on one machine. With our kids graduating high school, and Jerry’s parents being enthusiastic GoldWing riders, we began considering motorcycling as our next phase. After taking the MSF Basic Riding Course (twice, sigh…), Jerry’s first bike was a used V-Star 650. After Jerry became sufficiently proficient by riding 5000 miles or so, Connie went for her first ride behind him. We rode a total of 10,000 fun miles on that bike, most of it in Michigan. Now it was time to upgrade since riding had become a big part of our lives. To encourage us in that direction, Jerry’s parents very generously gifted us with their 2002 Gold Wing, and our lives changed significantly! We became involved in Michigan’s GWRRA Chapter B, including our first distance rides and Wing Ding. The riding friends we made are now large part of our social experience. In early 2009 we moved to Tennessee, and we immediately became involved in Chapter TN-A. The warm welcome into this chapter family made our transition to Tennessee easy and fun. These relationships have grown and deepened over the years as we’ve enjoyed so many rides, gatherings, and rallies. In 2011, we were surprised and deeply honored by the Chapter selecting us as Couple of the Year. As with so many things, we tend to get out of it what we put into it, and our involvement has rewarded us in many ways. With our outreach efforts as Couple of the Year, serving as webmaster, and recently Assistant Chapter Director, we have sure enjoyed participating in this Chapter. With Jerry’s serious health issue last year and the loss of his mom in September, another aspect of the support of the chapter was deeply appreciated, with special friends helping us get our feet back on the ground again and find our way forward out of Page 4 ASSISTANT CHAPTER DIRECTORS Connie and Jerry Grimes 615-934-3179 gngrimes@gmail.com Sally and Paul Tampien 615-300-8360 rnggldwng07@gmail.com CHAPTER EDUCATORS Don and Sheila Luth 615-746-2005 dluth@charter.net TREASURER Jeff and Pat Cato catojl@comcast.net 615-876-4592 COUPLE OF THE YEAR Ruth and Brian Fugate brian270bowler@yahoo.com NEWSLETTER EDITORS Bob and Wink Rager 615-451-1444 wink219@comcast.net WEBMASTER ROSTER Tammy Coffman 615-957-1730 itcoffman@comcast.net WEBSITE PICTURES Jerry Grimes MEMBERSHIP ENHANCEMENT COORDINATOR Carol and Tim Moore WEARHOUSE MANAGER Don and Emma Hurley 615-453-4755 EHurley1@aol.com RIDE COORDINATOR DINNER RIDES Jeff Cato Troy Hurt Paul Tampien HISTORIAN Ruth and Brian Fugate 50/50 Ann Edwards and Mike Walters SUNSHINE Nancy Miller 615-758-3940 GREETERS Ruth and Brian Fugate Sally and Paul Tampien Connie and Jerry Grimes SERGEANT AT ARMS Eileen Blackmon Wing News Around Nashville April 2014 Page 3 Don and Sheila Luth 2010-2014 Chapter Educators We are really looking forward to the day when Sheila more” is actually true. Create a packing inventory list. For and I can get on our bike and just ride. I know there is some- every item on that list, we ask ourselves if we didn’t take it, thing special about going on a long distance motorcycle trip. could we easily buy a replacement on the road without breakCould it be the excitement of getting to spend a good chunk ing the bank. If so, remove it from the list. Every trip we take, of time exploring somewhere new? Or possibly, it’s the promark off the things we didn’t use, and soon we’ll have a lean, spect of getting to spend time on a motorcycle with the one mean list. we love? Whatever the reason, there some tips we should Bring paracord, which is more versatile and takes up know. less space (or bungee cords) and learn to tie the truckers Of course, planning for that long bike trip takes a little hitch knot. more thinking since motorcycles have far less storage opMost of all don’t over-think our trips. Get out there, tions. So what are the basic needs for long trips? First, a explore. We will have more fun than we’ve ever had – or at comfortable, waterproof, motorcycle riding suit. Getting wet the very least create some great memories. Isn’t that the reasucks. Being cold sucks. We’ll probably encounter a situation son we travel in the first place? where we’ll be both wet and cold, which is unsafe. It’s hard to The final tip is to stop browsing the internet and just concentrate on the road try it. We can read, Signpost Forest, Watson Lake, Yukon plan, and debate when we’re soaked through to our shorts. the merits of this Also, something that packing method, breathes, for those days but it’ll never be the temperature reaches better than building into the 100’s. As Jerry up good old fashand Connie will tell us, ioned experience “We only need to cover by doing. up that part of our body Yes we do expect we don’t need skin on.” Paul and Sally to Without a trailer, give us a complete install some type of lugreport on their trip, gage rack. Backpacks but for those who look great at first (hey! I don’t want to wait can carry all of my stuff until they come on my back!), but turn back, talk to Zearl, into a shoulder pinching, Don and Emma, posture ruining, loud, Mike and Ann, wind-flapping-ear-drumand others who http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdzwELRCT2s popper-at-speed back have done this Watch for the Goodlettsville sign attachment we wish we’d many times. never brought. Most of all, have fun, Get our bike a good checkup by a professional, mayride smart, and be Scooby. Or if we don’t have any worries about our bike, ride safe. then a general checkup such as tires, oil, lights, brake fluids, search.htm etc…will probably do. I’d rather use a couple of hours taking it to a shop versus wasting two or three days of waiting for parts while I’m out touring. Long motorcycle trips are an exercise in doing with2014 Chapter Educators out. Ask Zearl about this. He and Jane have made more than a couple of trips, and I’m sure that they found out that “less is Don and Sheila Luth Wing News Around Nashville April 2014 Page 4 from Page 1 From Our Chapter Directors please make plans to be at the staff meeting at Santa Fe on Music Valley Drive, eat at 6 and meeting starts at 6:30 pm. Remember the date May 10th at the Gladeville Community Center, from 10 am till 2pm. We would like to thank Jerry and Connie Grimes for making the fun day flyer for this year. It really looks good. As most of you know Mike Dorris from Tennessee Chapter S had a bad accident on Friday March 14th. That Sunday Vickie and I went to Vanderbilt to see him. He has 7 broken ribs, his left arm had some bad cuts, his left knee is in bad shape and may need surgery, his tail bone is broken, and he has bleeding on the brain. He was setting up when we saw him and he said the bleeding was nothing to worry about. When he told us about the bleeding on the brain, of course I said, “What BRAIN?” He got a laugh out of that. Please keep Mike and Minnie in yours thoughts and prayers. Also let’s keep Emma Hurley in your prayers. She has had eye surgery. And Mike Foster as he still takes treatments. We again would like to thank Paul and Sally for running the February meeting we knew they would good a good job. It is so great to have everyone in Chapter A as our friends. We are so very blessed, and WE DO LOVE YOU ALL!!!!! LearnToRide.Org Upcoming ERC RiderCourses ERC Class Experienced RiderCourse Experienced RiderCourse Experienced RiderCourse Experienced RiderCourse Experienced RiderCourse Experienced RiderCourse Experienced RiderCourse Experienced RiderCourse Experienced RiderCourse Dates Rider Status Coaches Mar 22, 2014 George Full Apr 19, 2014 8 seats left May 17, 2014 George Open Jun 21, 2014 George Open Jul 19, 2014 Open Aug 16, 2014 Open Sep 20, 2014 Open Oct, 18, 2014 Open Nov 15, 2014 Open Troy & Vickie Senior Chapter Directors TN-A Lifetime Members P.S. Remember to check your GWRRA Membership renewals. Some are coming due soon. From Page 2 the gloom. We are also members of Long Hollow Baptist church, and have some very close relationships there as well. The greatly deepened faith resulting from the last year’s events has been one of the greatest outcomes of all the challenges. Tennessee has become our home in very profound ways. In a mere five years we have put down some very deep roots, and developed very precious friends. So, as nothing is constant in life but change, Jerry’s job has recently turned our lives upside-down again. The lab he manages has been relocated back to Plymouth, Michigan, and he is expected to move there to support it. We have filled many Kleenex over the last couple of months trying to cope with this, and are finally beginning to accept it. But we plan to rent our house here, and it will be our landing strip to come back to in a little over three years when Jerry plans to retire. We WILL return to our priceless Tennessee friends, our family, our home! Connie and Jerry Wing News Around Nashville by This month’s Wing World contained an article about ten riders going home from a rally and their experience in Wolf Creek Pass. They rode in wind, hail, snow and ice. It caused me to remember our ride on this same road. April 2014 Page 5 Zearl Black is the San Juan Mountain Range. BEFORE 2000 We lunch in Durango, then go west to the Mesa Verde National Park. There are no motels near the park, it’s early afternoon, and so we go back six miles and find one motel in Mancos. After Our trip started from Elk City Okla- getting a room, we drop the trailer and go homa 32 miles east of the Texas border. back to explore Mesa Verde. We traveled on Texas 152 and US 87 This was the home of cliff dwelling through Pampa, Borger, Dumas and DelIndians. This self-guided tour with sign at hart into the north east corner of New each stop revealed the way they lived, Mexico at Clayton. This is open range protected and governed themselves. Very country (few fences). Cattle felt at home interesting, and we explored until 7 pm. on the road and seemed to resent us inAFTER 2004 vading their turf. In Mancos there is one motel, one gas station and a steak house. Who Fifty miles into Colorado on I-25, needs more? we stopped at a welcome station in Walsenburg. A cool, clean place and After breakfast in Cortez friendly people. We picked up maps and (elevation 6201 feet), it’s downhill all the information about mountain passes. We way to the desert floor. We visit Four Corfound a motel with a Denny’s restaurant ners for the third time, then west to Monunext door on the west edge of town, where ment Valley on US 160. Forty miles and we planned our route for tomorrow. we are into the Chuska Mountains, not as high as the San Juan Mountains, but It’s 8:00 am, bright sunshine, we March Pass is at elevation 6700 feet. are headed west on US 160 wearing long sleeved shirts. Ten miles out we stop for Wolf Creek Pass Tunnel A hundred miles into Wolf Creek Pass, one of the Before work began in Septemsweat shirts; we are going uphill now. An- Arizona AZ 98 takes us north. ber 2000, the east side of Wolf other 10 miles, we get into heavy jackets We are still seeing Buttes. Lake state's narrowest high Creek Pass - 6 mi. from Wolf mountain roads, has reand gloves. We rode through North La Powell is a very large lake creCreek Ski Area - was a narrow ceived a safety makeover Veta pass (elevation 9413 feet) in bright ated by the Lake Canyon Dam road built on the edge of a and a new tunnel to help sunshine. We looked down on valleys, on the Colorado River. We en- tame its dangerous curves. cliff. Fall, 2004, a 906-ft-long, lakes and our road winding around lesser joyed a comfortable night at the What was once an adven28-ft-high tunnel will open to peaks. Higher mountains were always Comfort Inn in Page, Colorado. ture in driving will soon be the roughly 3,000 cars that visible to our west. Awesome! On Then we are off to explore Zion more pleasant and safer. travel that section of road daithrough Alamosa, Del Norte and Wolf National Park. Awesome! Since 2000, improvements ly. When finished, the tunnel will have two 12-ft lanes of have been under way to Creek Pass (elevation 10,850 feet). This But that’s improve U.S. Highway 160 two-way traffic, a 6-ft shoula story for on Wolf Creek Pass. Work- der, 3.5-ft sidewalks, two esanother time. ing with Kiewit Western Co., cape adits, lighting, fire supRide safe. Enjoy --- Zearl ASI RCC Inc. and Nielsons Skanska, the Colorado Department of Transportation has spent more than $60 million and four years to improve the pass. pressors, emergency ventilation and sophisticated monitoring systems remotely controlled by the command center in Hanging Lake Tunnel near Glenwood Springs. http://colorado.construction.com/features/ archive/2004/0409_Feature3.asp Wing News Around Nashville Page 6 where the unusual is the usual. And besides, we have a lot of planning to do for our FUN DAY! April 2014 Wing News Around Nashville Chapter TN-S Visit Page 7 April 2014 March 15, 2014 Wing News Around Nashville Page 8 April 2014 Rooms for Steakout Please forward to the Chapter Directors so they may forward to their members. We have reserved a block for rooms for Steakout at the Americourt Hotel, in Elizabethton, Tennessee. They may call 423-542-4466 for reservations. Please tell them when you call, that you are with the Goldwings. The rate will be $64.95 plus tax. Richard & Connie Pendleton Senior Chapter Directors TN-C Griffins Stepping Down (Booo-hiss-hiss) You are receiving this to inform you that as of April 26, last day of Spring Fling, I will be stepping down as your District Director. Becky and I want to thank each and everyone of you for your support during our tenure. We have had a blast serving Tennessee, Region N and GWRRA. We want to thank each of the members of the District Team for all their hard work, we could not have done a thing without all their hard work and support. We will miss working with all of you very much. We are just due a little break but we will still be involved and look forward to our next challenge going forward in GWRRA. We will have more time to ride and with my new job, with weekends off, I am sure we will see many of you at all the Chapter Event. If anyone would be interested in the Position, please forward your resume to our Region Director, Alan Little at alanlittle02@yahoo.com We want to "Thank You" again for all your help and friendship, see y'all on the road and let's make this coming Spring Fling the best ever, Richard & Becky Griffin Senior District Directors, Tennessee Goldwing Road Riders Association Greetings from Phoenix! Wing News Around Nashville Are you an encouraging leader? Page 9 and unload it all at once after a minor incident or during the annual performance review session. Providing feedback is the most cost-effective strategy for improving performance and instilling satisfaction. It can be done quickly, it costs nothing, and it can turn peo-ple around fast. Do your best to catch people doing something right, and let them know you noticed. We're a team, so let's act like a team. Let's care about each other, believe the best, ex-pect the best, and celebrate our successes. The minute you decide to be part of a team, you're going to lose some things and gain others. What you're going to gain is synergy - one plus one equals more than two. What you're going to lose is having your ideas au-tomatically accepted. Fight for your ideas, and try to convince others, but if they can't or won't buy into your thinking, it's time to take a deep breath and let go. That's being a team. Selfishly grasping the ball and taking it to center court and announcing, "If you want to play ball, you'll do it my way" is NOT teamwork. None of us is as smart as all of us. Let this be the guiding principle of your team-building. It'll take the pressure off of any one of us, and allow us to achieve to-gether. Working for you, Ken Blanchard writes, "Anytime you use your influence to affect the thoughts and actions of others, you are engaging in leadership". Maybe you remember your high school foot-ball days, and your coach would place moti-vational sayings on the locker room walls. Sayings like, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going" and "Quitters never win, and winners never quit". We can't go wrong when we sow positive, supportive, encourag-ing words and actions. And make sure you use both words and actions. As GWRRA leaders and volunteers, our drive and motive for service must be for the love of the associ-ation and its members. Rick Tate says, "Feedback is the breakfast of champions". I've seen a lot of unmotivat-ed people at work, but I've never seen an unmotivated person after work. When five o'clock rolls around, people race from the office to play golf or tennis, coach Little League, or pursue other pastimes. People are motivated to do things that provide them with feedback on results. We all want to know how well we're doing. That's why it's essential for an effective perforAlan and Carolyn Little mance review system to provide GWRRA Region N Director ongoing feedback. Too often we save up negative information April 2014 Wing News Around Nashville Page 10 April 2014 April 2014 Wing News Around Nashville Mike Foster, on-going treatments for cancer of the esophagus. Emma Hurley, eye surgery. Mike Dorris, TN-S, motorcycle (trike) accident. Anita is suffering foot trouble. K.J. Kimmett has been given a stint. Sun Mon Tue P 1-T Springfield 1 Wed Thu Fri 2 3 4 Sun s et, L e 2 Ruth & Brian 6 7 8 2-T Cookeville FULL CHAPTER FUN DAY STAFF PLANNING o n. Sally celebrates 5 N Jackson 1-S L Lebanon 5 Patsy & Roy 13 years 2:30 3 Connie & Jerry 2 Paul Rising U ban Sat 3 Tim Moore 9 10 11 12 Z Columbia Santa Fe Music Valley Dr Eat 6:00 Meet 6:30 13 14 TAX DAY 15 12 Angela Gannon 16 G 17 3-TH Tullahoma 18 Jerry 1 year 17 Jerry Hunt 21 22 23 23 Jeff Cato 24 24 Dave Murray MAY Newsletter Articles, April 24 27 Q 28 L-M Clarksville 29 30 30 Phyllis Almas 19 Y Murfboro 2-S 3-S Chapter Visitation Chapter Y 8:AM Farmer’s in ‘boro 1:30 Grimes celebrates Bellicino’s 109 6:30 20 S Portland 19 Derek Gannon 25 26 Cancelled H 4-S Franklin Wing News Around Nashville March 2014 12 Let’s Go Visiting Chapter A ---- Last Tuesday ~ Eat 6:00 pm/Meet 7:00 pm : GOLDEN CORRAL, 315 OLD LEBANON DIRT RD., HERMITAGE Sr. CDs: Troy & Vickie Hurt; 615-351-6629 rd Chapter G ---- 3 Thursday ~ Eat 6:00 pm/Meet 7:00 pm :Damron's, 714 E. Lincoln, Tullahoma CDs: Dennis & Ann Greer; 931-205-6318 Chapter H---- 4th Saturday ~ Eat at 8:00am / Meet at 9:00am : Honda of Cool Springs, 1096 West McEwen Dr., Franklin CDs: David & Barbara Jordan; 931-728-1463 st Chapter L ---- 1 Saturday ~ Eat 8:00 am./Meet 9:00 am : Ryan's, 405 S. Cumberland , Lebanon CDs: Andrew & Debbie Smith; 615-784-9772 (615-78GWRRA) Chapter N ---- 1st Saturday ~ Eat 5:00 pm/Meet 6:00 pm : Brookie's Barn 561 Oil Well Rd, Jackson Sr. CDs: Tony & Lori Douglas; 731-676-9917 st Chapter P ---- 1 Tuesday ~ Eat 6:00 pm/Meet 7:00 pm : Catfish House 3424 Tom Austin Hwy, Springfield CDs:Gary & Donna Warfield; 615-384-1872 Chapter Q --- Last Monday ~ Eat 6:00 pm/Meet 7:00 pm : Golden Corral, 2811 Wilma Rudolph Blvd, Clarksville CDs: Dennis & Jan Peterson; 931-302-5283 Chapter S ---- 3rd Saturday ~ Eat 2:00 pm/Meet 3:00 pm : My Time Café on Main Street in Portland CDs: Ronny & Dee England; 615-428-4611 nd Chapter U ---- 2 Tuesday ~ Eat 6:00 pm/Meet 7:00 pm : Nick's, on South Jefferson Ave, Cookeville CDs: Glenn & Vickie Stockton; 931-260-6513 rd Chapter Y ---- 3 Saturday ~ Eat 7:45 am/Meet 9:00 am : Sloan's Motorcycle, 2233 NW Broad St. (Hwy 41) Murfreesboro CDs: Ed & Mary Ann Grazier; 615-459-4499 Chapter Z ---- 2nd Saturday ~ Eat 5:30 pm/Meet 6:30 pm : Catfish CDs:Charlie & Pam Huffman; 931-215-1650 Campus, 2509 Keith Dr. Columbia There are two corrections needing to be made on this chart, but they are not in my notes, and I am going to bed. Goodnight. April2014 WINGS AROUND NASHVILLE GWRRA TN-A Wink Rager, Editor P.O. Box 2681 Hendersonville, TN 37077-2681 GOD BLESS AMERICA On the Serious Side: We need to read this daily. Lightning in a Jar This illustrates how truly fortunate we are. https://docs.google.com/presentation/ d/1IDN6GC5umKRIYBkHazM5yOxP15iC2w8FhS9we7zD-j0/embed?hl=en&size=m#slide=id.p4 Food City- Salute Maybe the best commercial ever filmed -- and not a word is spoken https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uoABty_zE00 Less Serious stuff: The Roentgens' Berlin Secretary Cabinet Cop video; http://www.youtube.com/embed/MKikHxKeodA?rel=0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Erkj9cbpeGM Hawk flys with a paraglider http://www.youtube.com/v/pd5BMP_41bI%26rel%3d0%26hl% 3den_US%26feature%3dplayer_embedded%26version%3d3 car ad – on ice. http://www.youtube.com/embed/rv7dGhj5UlA Last Laughs: KIDS REACT TO ROTARY PHONES http://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=share&v=XkuirEweZvM TO: Clean your screen! Make sure you use FULL SCREEN! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEkWFrAl8s0 Kids Say the Darndest Things: Art Linkletter Tribute not the same as last month Bill Cosby hosts a Kids Say The Darndest Things Tribute Show for Art Linkletter who pioneered this wonderful form of entertainment. http://biggeekdad.com/2013/12/art-linkletter-tribute/ Appendix A Appendix B 2014 TN District Convention “Spring Fling” Registration Form April 24 – 26, 2014 Camp Jordan, East Ridge, TN (Note: $5.00 fee for cancellation) (PLEASE PRINT – If information is not legible or the email comes back as undeliverable - you will not receive a confirmation.) Rider GWRRA # Co-Rider GWRRA # Address Age Exp. Age City/State/Zip Phone One up Exp. State/Chapter Miles to Convention Two up E-mail Address: (Confirmations will be sent via e-mail) ***** PLEASE READ CAREFULLY – ALL DATES ARE FINAL – NO EXCEPTIONS***** ALL GWRRA Members $30.00 x Non Member $35.00 x =$ 15-17 years old $15.00 x Thursday Evening Meal $11.00 x =$ =$ =$ *****(spaghetti, salad, drink & dessert) *****Meal cut-off date is April 1, 2013 Total Registration Fees $ ***After April 1, 2014 all registrations will be$5.00 more EARLY BIRDS: Registrations postmarked by March 1, 2014 will receive a ticket for the drawing of $200 CASH!! RV CAMPING REGISTRATION FORMS CAN BE FOUND ON TNGWRRA.ORG Are you attending this convention for the first time? PREREGISTRATION & STATISTICAL AWARDS Registration forms MUST be post-marked by by April 1, 2014. DAY PASSES will be sold onsite for: ½ day Thursday - $5.00 each Friday - $15.00 – due to entertainment Friday evening Saturday - $10.00 Appendix C Tennessee Rider Education Trike Rider Class Application for April 5, 2014. Location is the Highland Heights Church Of Christ, 785 South Lowery Street, Smyrna, TN. The classroom will begin at 8:00 A.M. RIDER___________________________________. GWRRA NUMBER___________ ADDRESS:__________________________________________________________ PHONE: HOME___________________CELL_______________________ E-MAIL_____________________________________________________________ CO-RIDER_________________________________GWRRA NUMBER___________ ADDRESS IF DIFFERENT FROM RIDER____________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ TO PARTICIPATE YOU MUST HAVE A VALID LICENSE WITH A MOTORCYCLE ENDORSEMENT (BRING WITH YOU). ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST WEAR PROPER RIDING GEAR WHILE ON THE COURSE. THIS INCLUDES A DOT APPROVED HELMET, EYE PROTECTION,FULL FINGER GLOVES,AND OVER THE ANKLE FOOTWEAR, WITH THE REMAINDER OF THE BODY FULLY COVRED(LEATHER OR ABRASION-RESISTANT ATTIRE PREFERRED, DENIMN ACCEPTED. JACKETS OR LONG SLEEVE SHIRTS ARE APPROVED. MUST BRING INSURANCE CARD WITH YOU. RIDER SIGNATURE______________________________________ CO-RIDER SIGNATURE______________________________________ THE COST IS $50.00 PER BIKE. The check should be made out to Tennessee GWRRA. Any questions contact Gary Hamilton, District Educator at 865-661-9121 or e-mail at garyahamilton@charter.net. Please mail registration to Gary Hamilton, 2249 Sentell Circle, Maryville, TN. 37803 Instructors are Ed Grazier and Jim Hall. Chapter Y will also be hosting a Road Captains Class the same day at the same location. Contact Ed for more information about this class. 615-948-5695. Directions: From Murfreesboro proceed North on Hwy 41/70 South.(North Broad Street) toward Smyrna. The church is on the right after passing under Nissan Blvd/Victory Pkwy. From Interstate 24. Take Exit 70, Hwy 102 East toward Smyrna. Travel North. Church is on the right. From points North take 41/70 South from Antioch/Lavergne and proceed into Smyrna. You will pass through town. The church will be on your left. Appendix D
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a Honda Rebel 250. He taught me how to ride on that little 250. While looking for the perfect bike
that was already triked, (and that we could afford), I purchased a 750 Honda Shadow to practice