Beirut Mission Renewed: Marines Take Pride In Returning To Guard
Newsletter Official Publication of the Marine Embassy Guard Association Mission of the Marine Embassy Guard Association n n n n n n n n n To inspire love of Corps and Country To encourage Marines to aspire to a career in the Marine Security Guard program To render aid to Marines and others when in need To promote camaraderie and esprit de corps To provide a forum in which to assemble for social interaction To serve as a catalyst for communications on matters of mutual interest To revere the memory of our departed shipmates To assist in preserving the historical records of Marine Security Guards and their achievements To perform any other lawful purpose or purposes Winter 2014 Beirut Mission Renewed: Marines Take Pride In Returning To Guard Embassy By James K. Sanborn Marine Corps Times Staff Writer The return of Marines to Beirut as full-time embassy guards for the first time in more than 30 years is a notable milestone for those who fought to maintain stability in Lebanon, a country oft-wracked with religious and ethnic tensions. As of early September, Marine October 23, 1983 killing 299 American and French servicemen security guards are again manning Post One in Beirut. From their perch in the lobby they screen building visitors and, most importantly, safeguard classified information for the first time since the 1980s. The post holds profound significance for Marines young and old. The embassy there was bombed in 1983 and again in 1984. But the most vicious attack occurred in October 1983 when a suicide bomber in an explosive-laden truck destroyed the Marine Corps barracks at the Beirut airport killing 220 Marines, 18 sailors and three soldiers. Official investigations would later reveal that the explosion was the largest non-nuclear blast in history up to that point — equivalent to 21,000 pounds of TNT. It was the single biggest loss of Marines since the Battle of Iwo Jima. The incident hastened the withdrawal of U.S. and international peacekeepers. A contingent of Marines continued to guard the embassy until 1986 and on a temporary basis through the early 1990s. Seeing the return of full-time MSGs marks a proud day for many who served there. “It is just right to have our Marines there with our ambassador and our team,” said Maj. Gen. Mark Brilakis, the commanding general of Marine Corps Recruiting Command. He served in Beirut as a lieutenant at the time of the barracks bombing and lost six fellow Marines from his unit. “It is good for the State Department and good for the Marine Corps and good for the nation of Lebanon.” Continued on page 3 … 1 Chairman’s Corner Attention on Deck We Texans are having a no host Happy Hour. This monthly event takes place on the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 17: 30 – 19:30 at: I want to wish each and every one of you a joyous holiday season. As 2014 comes to a close it naturally invites us to reflect on the past year; our triumphs, our successes, as well as our misfortunes and losses. MEGA has lost members over the past year and we should remember them as the New Year dawns. As 2015 draws near we need also to look to the future. I encourage each and every one of you to think about how you can help MEGA in 2015. Tolbert’s Restaurant 423 South Main Street Grapevine, Texas 76051 As always guests, spouses and other Marines are always welcome to join us. Let me know if you can attend. Semper Fi, Bill Allen, Reunion Photos Needed If you have any pictures from the 2014 reunion, please send them to Mary Tracy at MEGA is on the cusp of great things, but great things cannot be achieved without great support and the dedication of our members. In other words we all need to seek new members. You may be surprised to find Marines who have been on MSG program from your daily contacts. Talk to people at Marine Corps League meetings, the VFW, AmVets, or the local Moose lodge. Put an ad in the newsletter for any association you belong to. It doesn’t have to be a military association. Former MSGs are out there and they don’t know we exist. Marine Corps Security Guard Group Graduation Dates: Quantico, VA MSG Class 1-15: Friday, Dec. 5; MSG Class 2-15: Friday, Feb. 20; MSG Class 3-15: Friday, May 1; MSG Class 4-15: Friday, July 10: MSG Class 5-15: Friday, Sept. 25. Semper Fi, Gene Frantz, MEGA Executive Liaison Membership Report Part of the selling point for MEGA is the annual reunion! Talk it up. Speaking of the reunion, don’t forget to start making plans now. It will be in Providence, RI on June 3-7. It is shaping up to be a wonderful time. Look for updates in your email or visit your MEGA website for more info. Stewart Grant As of December 02, 2014, we have 601 MEGA members in our association. The MEGA Board of Directors welcomes the following new members: Semper Fidelis, James R. Hawn, Jr. RM (Helsinki FI 89-91, Brazzaville CG 91-92) Donald O. Hendrich, RM (Tripoli LY 61-63), Steven Maxwell, RM (Kuwait City KW 83-84, Santiago CL 84-86) Tim Wood, Chairman New Delhi IN 84 -85 Santiago CL 85 -86 Please keep your contact information current. Members with Internet access can change their own demographic information online or they can email the changes to me. In Memoriam: The membership roster is updated twice a month and can be viewed or downloaded to your computer. Hardcopy of membership roster is available upon request. Members without Internet access can send me changes by USPS mail. Trevor L. Jones November 5, 2014 RM (Seoul KR 57-58, Hong Kong HK 58-60) Dues Reminder Charles M. “Chuck” Umnuss November 3, 2014 Madrid, ES 1953-55 2 There are approximately 127 active members whose membership will expire on December 31, 2014. Stewart Grant 8009 N Lydia Ave, Kansas City MO 64118-1558 Marine Embassy Guard Association 2015 Reunion Information June 3 – 7, 2015, Providence/Warwick, RI Hotel Information Hotel reservations cannot be made at this time but more information will follow. We will be staying at the Crowne Plaza Hotel Providence/Warwick located at 801 Greenwich Ave., Warwick, RI 02886. The hotel room rate is $115.00 plus 13% tax per night based on single or double occupancy. A full hot breakfast is included each morning during the reunion for guests staying in the hotel only (served in the hospitality room). Providence, Rhode Island For those who choose to arrive early or stay late, the same room rate is available 3 days prior to and 3 days after the official reunion dates, based on availability. Proposed Tours: Foxwoods Resort & Casino (6 Hours) Battleship Cove Maritime Museum & Lunch (5 Hours) Traditional New England Clambake Dinner (4 Hours) Newport Mansion & Sightseeing Tour (7 Hours) Newport Sightseeing Tour & Newport Naval Base (7 Hours) Culinary Museum & Archives (3 Hours) Providence City Tour (5 Hours) Complimentary high speed internet service is included in the room rate. The hotel has a strict no smoking policy throughout the building. There is no cost for parking. The hotel has a free shuttle from the airport, which is located 2.3 miles from the hotel. The first major strike was against the embassy on April 18, 1983. Lash had been slated to hold a joint news briefing with the State Department there, but a last minute decision was made to hold it at the airport. …Continued from page 1 The return to Beirut is a sign of U.S. commitment to diplomacy, said Fred Lash, a retired Marine public affairs officer who served in Beirut at the time of the first embassy bombing. About five to 10 minutes after 1 p.m., a massive explosion erupted, killing 17 Americans including the Marine at Post One. In all, 63 people died in the embassy explosion. The recovery included accounting for the human toll, as well as digging out the Marine killed at Post One and the U.S. flag, which Lash was entrusted to deliver to leadership at the Pentagon. Lash, a charter member of the Beirut Veterans of America, who refers to that chapter of Marine history as “the first battle against terrorism,” added that the return is a proud moment not just for Marines, but for the country as a whole. “I think it takes things full circle. They can knock you off the horse, and you can stay off the horse for a while, but you are going to get in the saddle again,” he said. “It shows willingness on the part of the American people and State Department to stick with this diplomacy thing.” British soldiers give a hand in rescue operations at the site of the bomb-wrecked U.S. Marine barracks near the Beirut airport on Oct. 23, 1983. A bomb-laden truck detonated, collapsing the four-story building and killing 220 Marines, 18 sailors and three soldiers. (Bill Foley/AP) When Lash arrived in March 1983, he said things were peaceful. He would often drive up to Le Commodore Hotel, where much of the press corps he dealt with lived. Article submitted to MEGA by Fred Lash and Jerry Paull. “It was a soft-cover kind of trip,” he said. “We might have had a helmet and flak thrown in the back, but we thought peace was just around the corner. Then the bombing started.” 3 Paris Marines next ante. Two of the seven players drop out leaving five to play out the game. One player makes only small bets on a hand that ultimately shows 4 hearts and a final hole card to come and unknown. The other players are not showing any promising cards except for one hand that shows a pair of 3’s. The hearts player bets a hundred and is called by the pair of threes and one other player who’s ‘up cards’ shows nothing. The threes hand raise to two hundred and both the others call. Final cards are dealt and the flush bets two hundred and is raised by the guy holding threes. The nothing guy just calls along not raising on his own but letting the other two keep the raises coming. Finally raises and calls are made and the flush guy turns his fifth heart. The guy with the threes turns over his third three and another pair for a full house. But the nothing guy who hasn’t initiated or raised a bet all night turns over three little deuces to add to the one in his up cards. The crowd goes wild, the game is ended: fade to black and roll the credits. AKA Poker to Disco By Bobby Johnson Moscow RU 66-67, Paris FR 67- 68, Brussels BE 68 -68 The Paris Marine Detachment firmly believed and practiced in the unwritten law of the USMC that states: “Where there be Marines, so also shall there be poker”. Ranging from five or six guys playing small stakes games lasting only a few hours to higher stakes games running for 96 hours poker was a popular way for the Marines to occupy themselves during off-duty hours. Nobody was ever seriously hurt financially or physically. One memorable marathon game occurred in the late summer of ’67. It began on a Tuesday afternoon and continued around the clock for over three days. There were more players than seats at the table so there was an immediate replacement for anyone leaving the game. Some of the losing players even sold their seats to an anxious replacement thereby helping recoup part of their losses. Others who left the game to stand a scheduled watch and returned to buy their seats back as soon as they were off duty. The game lasted over 100 hours and involved somewhere in the neighborhood of 35 players. The average loss or win was no greater than about 30 bucks each. The final pot yielded in excess of $1,100 which the nothing guy quickly spent on a brand new set of Pearl drums complete with Zildjian cymbals bought at a local music store. The nothing guy’s purchase was to have a lasting effect on the fortunes of the Marine Detachment. Players went beyond MSGs as code clerks; consular officers and others of the US mission were also available and inclined toward games of chance. It came in the form of an epiphany another Marine had while drinking and dancing in a newly opened Paris discotheque. It was the common disco scene of loud-recorded music, lights and a DJ who supplied banter and spun the records. There was a difference; this disco featured a live drummer playing along with recorded music. The effect was stunning; the live drums pumped up the intensity of the beat to a level that seemed to drive the dancers to a new level of excitement and brought more dancers out on the floor. Original discotheque dancing did not involve couples ushering one another to the dance floor; no, it was the practice for anyone moved to dance to go out there and do it alone. If they were good enough then a partner soon joined them. The signature game was Seven-card Stud: nickel ante, pot limit, and trips to win. It only costs a nickel to play. The ante doubled with each successive deal, which made the game a killer. Thus, if no player achieved three- of-a-kind or better on the original deal, the cards were re-dealt and each remaining player paid a doubled ante. Also, should you drop out of a hand – you’re out of the game. You do not get to ante up in to the next re-deal. The effect is obvious everybody antes, everybody calls every bet and, since the bet limit is the size of the pot, the bets can get very big, very fast. On this particular night the room soon resembled the scene in “The Cincinnati Kid” where Steve McQueen and Edward G. Robinson are head to head in the final hand of their 5-card stud game. The ante reached $12.80, and then doubled to $25.60. Players just wanted the damn game over before the The Marine witnessing this was instantly blinded by a strobe-like progression of facts flashing through his brain: The Marine House has Friday night parties with music. Caption Contest Please send suggested captions to these photos to Winners will be printed in the next newsletter. PHOTO 1 PHOTO 2 6 PHOTO 3 There is dancing. There is a Marine in the detachment that had a brand new drum kit. IT - COULD - WORK! clearly not prepared for this happening. For about the first sixteen bars of the tune, everyone just stood and gaped at the boys. Then, alone on the dance floor was one of the Australian Lido dancers, quickly joined by a Marine. That did it, the dance floor soon overflowed and just about everyone present was dancing in wild abandon, driven by the enhanced sound and living beat. Before the song transitioned from “Blue Dress” to “Miss Molly”, the whole room was alive and kicking in this new and amazing miasma of sound that took favorite tunes to a place they didn’t know existed. It had worked. And did it work. Combining the turntables, speakers and amplifiers of three or four stereo kits loaned by other Marines a sound system was created that would blow the roof off the joint. More importantly, the levels could be balanced to keep pace with the natural volume of live drums. The nothing guy that won the card game had to learn some new music – he had been posted in a curtain country for the previous year and had never heard Motown, but he seemed to be a quick study and would probably do ok. Over the span of the next few months, the disco format became the hallmark of the Friday Night Parties and the house was packed to SRO even after a one-buck cover charge was added. The increase in Marine House revenues was kicked up to new levels and the reputation of Club Marine enhanced even further. Such was the influence of a poker game, four little deuces and an epiphany on the nightlife of the Paris diplomatic community. Unannounced at about 11:00 pm during a Friday Night Party, the juke box was turned off and the nothing guy drummer and the DJ kicked off the first disco night with Mitch Ryder’s, “Devil with the Blue Dress on/Good Golly, Miss Molly” a very loud, very fast straight-up rock and roll monster. The multi-purpose room at the Marine House in Paris is huge and bounded by a solid bank of windows on both sidewalls. It resembles the hangar deck of an aircraft carrier and on this night there was a fair size crowd who were Bobby Johnson, Cpl., USMC paid advertisement announcing the release of Post 1 by jim hawn Gunnery Sergeant Bob Turner, accompanied by his wife and two children are posted to the Republic of Congo, a country undergoing a political change, and the American embassy is caught in the crossfire. Turner has to balance an angry wife with carrying out his duties as Detachment Commander. He frequently has to put others’ safety before any personal troubles he has. Former MEGA Board Members Celebrating Marine Corps Birthday 2014 As tension escalates, both personally and professionally, Bob must keep his wits with him as his family’s safety is threatened and as his Marines safeguard American lives and protect their embassy from being seized. Will they survive the assault? Will help arrive in time? Front: Joe Mitchell, Pete Gonzales, Michael Laumann Back: Bill Allen, Scott Smith, Ralph Caton. MEGA Announces Newsletter Ad Rates Post 1 by Jim Hawn Available in Paperback October 2014 at $22.95 ISBN 978-1-63417-024-6 Digital edition/e-book available November 2014 at and through other electronic literary outlets February 2015 at $9.99 ISBN 978-1-63417-025-3 Do you have a product to sell, advertise, or want to hype? MEGA will carry your message in our newsletter. Rates are per edition and will reach all members either electronically (email) or hard copy. Rates: Quarter Page $25.00. Half Page $150.00. Full Page $300.00. 4 Welcome New Board Members level. In my years with DOD, I have served as a union steward and a board member on the AFGE Law Enforcement Officers Committee. I am also active in Cub Scouts as a Webelos Den Leader. Shelton S. Mackey III Elected to a 3-year term on the Board of Directors Jeff Covert I am a Charter Member of MEGA, having joined in 1997 because I believe in continuing the esprit de corps and camaraderie that we all experienced as MSG’s across the globe. I was posted to Kabul Afghanistan May 1984 - Jul 1985 and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Aug 1985 Nov 1986. I went on to serve until I retired in 2001. I have been involved in the board of several other organizations, understanding the importance of a continuous flow of members at the board level to help sustain the viability of the organization and its membership. I look forward to the opportunity to give back to an organization that is focused on preserving and advancing what we have all enjoyed. Vincent Downes Elected to a 3-year term on the Board of Directors MSgt Jeff Covert retired from the Marines in 2004. He served as a watch stander in Saudi and Haiti. He also served as the Assignments Chief at MSGBn in Quantico, VA and as the Admin/Ops Chief for Company G, in Cote d’Ivoire. Jeff holds a Bachelors degree in Information Technology and an MBA in Project Management. He enjoys a second career as the Programs Manager for a Corporate Jet Maintenance company. Jeff is a certified Project Management Professional with the Project Management Institute. Jeff met, courted and married Ginny, his wife of 26 years on the MSG program. Ginny and Jeff enjoy boating, snow skiing and organizing cruise ship vacations for family, Marines and friends. Jeff is a life member of MEGA and the MCL. Elected to a 3-year term as Secretary My name is Vincent Downes. I enlisted in June of 1978 and served until 1989. I went to boot camp at MCRD San Diego as a guaranteed 0311. Virgil M. Johnson I enlisted in the Corps after high school in 1955. From Parris Island and Camp Geiger combat training I was then assigned to the Aviation Storekeeper School at NAS, Jacksonville, FL. Next was HMX-1 in Quantico (this was before HMX-1 carried the President) and subsequently to H&HS at MCAS, Beaufort. I was approved for MSG school during the summer of 1957 and assigned to the embassy in Taipei, Taiwan (Republic of Free China) where I served until August of 1959. CMC Barrow ordered me to attended Marine Security Guard Bn. I graduated from Cl-2-81 and Cl-1-86. I began my MSG duty as a Watch stander and completing it as an Assistant Detachment Commander obtaining the rank of Staff Sergeant. I have been a member of MEGA since 2009. I am currently employed with the Arlington County Sheriff’s Office, located in Arlington Va. for the past 25 years. I currently hold the rank as a Sergeant/Supervisor. After graduating from Western Carolina College in NC, I moved to New Jersey and completed graduate studies at Temple University and Rutgers. I spent 27 years in public education and taught at Rowan University for four years. Currently I work part-time as an educational consultant for Delaware Valley College (Doylestown, PA), and for the law firm of Porzio, Bromberg and Newman, PC (Morristown, PA). I look forward to representing MEGA. Semper Fidelis Lance Parcell Elected to a 3-term on the Board of Directors My name is Lance Parcell. I have been a member of MEGA since 1996 and Charter Member #24. In previous years I served as the MEGA Webmaster. I am currently employed by the Department of Air Force as a Police Officer. I have been with DOD since 2007 having started with the Department of Army Police. I was previously with the State of Alaska and moved on to serve at the federal I had the distinction of being the first MEGA Chairman of the Board of Directors after the change from President to Chairman was made. I have also served previously as Chairman of the Elections Committee. I live in Berlin, NJ, am married and have three daughters and four grandchildren, all of who live nearby. I look forward to serving on the MEGA Board of Directors once again and thank you for your support. 5 MEGA Marine House MEGA Marine House is dedicated to bringing you bits of info about the past, present and future. After all, if there was anything happening, it happened at the Marine House. areas is around $7.70 a day. With few exceptions this money will be cut. Wanna bet they’ll issue a ribbon commemorating their deployment as a thank you? And if so (and I ain’t saying it’s going to happen) but dontcha think they could pass the money used to make the ribbons onto those who did the job and forget the ribbon? No! Well okay, you’re weird and I’m not. Don’t Forget Uncle Ebenezer During the Holidays Finally Good News By Ed Vasgerdsian, Newsletter Editor Marine veteran Andrew Tahmooressi, held in Mexico for 214 days, has been released, but you know that already. I’ll bet you didn’t know that TV Host and former Marine Montel Williams testified on Tahmooressi’s behalf before a House Foreign Affairs subcommittee? Of course you did because you’re well read and subject to delusions of grandeur…just kidding. So you embarrassed yourself at Thanksgiving by having a few too many drinks and spilling red wine on your brother inlaw’s imported Irish linen tablecloth. Is that what’s bothering you, bunkie? Then you said his Army Master Sergeant’s stripes he once wore were on an even par with a Marine out of Boot Camp? Is that it bro? And you didn’t zip up before leaving the bathroom? Is that what you did my Post 1 hero? Cheer up! There’s another holiday just around the corner and if you get invited back you can make up for it. I Have Questions? I recall a memorable Thanksgiving in Kinston, NC. A wonderful woman came to the USO and asked me and two other Marines to join her and her mom for dinner. Five years later and back at Lejeune the USO helped find her. This time I took her and her husband out for dinner. What she did for this homesick Marine at Thanksgiving was a gesture of true Southern Hospitality and one I’ve not forgotten…okay that’s it for the holiday stuff. This Goes in the Nonsense File A Call to Arms I know I may be repeating myself here, but anyway. Female Marines and Dress Blues. Women Marines are women, but not according to some irresponsible Marine folks who don’t see it that way. There’s an experiment underway to have both men and women Marines wear the same ‘jacket’. Sure there will be modifications, but nevertheless the ‘jacket’ including white Barrack Cover will be the same for both. Why? Who the hell knows! The last Commandant, General Amos thought it was a good idea. I think it ridiculous and demeaning …unless during Halloween. I’m looking forward to the MEGA Providence June reunion. Our Association has never been that far north and it’s about time. I’ve been to Rhode Island twice in my life. My first was as a kid with my family. I recall being dragged into a Greyhound bus for a daylong trip from Boston. It could have been a vacation, but I’m not sure. We visited relatives and I came back with the rest of my family, so it wasn’t my family’s chance to leave little Eddie in Providence and with Auntie and Uncle. My second trip came a week before my MSG posting. I met a girl in DC who lived in Providence and being the kinda guy I wuz, I went…long story…adults only. This brings to mind the following: MARS the food company better known for their Mars Bars has developed a chocolate drink made from a special cocoa bean that has been engineered to improve your memory. Someone with the memory of a 60 year old will improve their memory to that of a 30 or 40 year old. I’m not kidding, but maybe they are? If they’re serious, I hope our new Marine Corps leadership eats a few bars. Planning for a reunion takes a lot of work. We…us…all need some volunteers to help out. Oh, don’t be frightened, you’ll not be asked to swing from the hotel chandelier (already spoken for), clean rooms (hotel said they’d do that), or make a monkey out yourself (that’s my job). What we’re looking for are a few people to help with registration, tend bar, and step in as needed. If this is an association you’re proud to belong to, please help. Application is open for everyone. More Bilge The Defense Department is cutting imminent danger pay for some 44,000 troops who serve in perilous or risky parts of the world…Persian Gulf, Liberia, Serbia, and about a dozen other inhospitable places. The stipend for serving in these Far too complicated to discuss in depth here, but can we all agree there are facts on WW I, WW II, Korea and of all wars including WMDs that things didn’t go quite as well as was officially reported? There has been a endless media frenzy around what really happened in Benghazi on September 11, 2012. Who to believe? Accusations and cover-your-ass attitudes continue to prevail, and in the end no one living today or for the next 50 years will ever know the truth. Our grandchildren may get the truth and our only hope is that there will be a lesson learned. I have to go my attendant is looking over my shoulder. edV 7 Marine Embassy Guard Association P.O. Box 6226 Wausau, WI 54402 We’re on the web! MEGA Board of Directors 2014-15 MEGA Committees/Key Contacts Timothy J. Wood, Chairman, Director Eugene (Gene) Frantz, Jr., MCESG Liaison Jim K. Harkins, Jr., Director New Delhi, IN 84-85, Santiago, CL 85-86 Term of Office: 2013-2016 Stewart M. Grant, Vice-Chairman, Director Ankara, TR 61-62; Abidjan, CI 62-63 Term of Office: 2012-2015 Kevin J. Hermening, Treasurer, Director Tehran, IR 79-81 Term of Office: 2013-2016 Algiers, DZ, 65-65; Monrovia, LR 66-66; Calcutta, IN, 74-75, Luxembourg, LU, 76-76 Term of Office: 2013-2016 Virgil M. Johnson, Director Taipei, TW 57-59 Term of Office: 2014-2016 Shelton S. Mackey III, Director Kabul, AF 84-85; Rio de Janeiro 85-86 Term of Office: 2014-2017 Vincent O. Downes, Secretary Moscow, RU 76-77, Dublin, IE 77-79 Stewart Grant, Membership, Webmaster, Historical Archives, Ankara TR 61-62, Abidjan, CI 62-63 Raymond Kunkle, Elections Kabul, AF 61-62; Ankara, TR 62-63; Abidjan, CI 63-64 Michael J. Laumann, Strategic Planning Chairman Beirut, LB 70-73; Addis Ababa, ET 71-71 Paul Robinson, Ship’s Store Kabul, AF 60-61; Ankara, TR 61-63 Budapest, HU 81-82; Tokyo JP 82-83; Moscow RU 85-87 Term of Office: 2014-2017 Lance M. Parcell, Director Paris, FR 92-93; Prague, CZ 93-94 Term of Office: 2014-2017 Charles (Chuck) Moseman, Newsletter Printer Thomas A. Butler, Legal Advisor Paul R. Robinson, Director Juan Rocha, MEGA Chaplain Cairo, EG 54-56 Serves at the pleasure of the MEGA Board of Directors Jeff R. Covert, Director Jeddah, SA 85-86; Port-au-Prince, HT 86-87; MSGBn Co. G Abidjan, CI 2000-2002; Term of Office: 2014-2017 Kabul, AF 60-61; Ankara, TR 61-63 Term of Office 2012-2015 Ed Vasgerdsian, Director Singapore, SN 58-60 Kabul 64-65, Leopoldville 65-66 Fred Samarelli, Technology Administrator Karachi, PK 77-78, Manila, PI 78-79 Cairo, EG 56-59 Term of Office: 2012-2015 Ed Vasgerdsian, Newsletter Editor New Delhi, IN 84-85, Santiago, CL 85-86 Cairo, EG 56-59 Tim Wood, Scholarship Selection Wishing you safe and happy holidays!
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