Newsletter Official Publication of the Marine Embassy


Newsletter Official Publication of the Marine Embassy
Official Publication of the Marine Embassy Guard Association
Mission of the
Marine Embassy
Guard Association
To inspire love of Corps and
To encourage Marines to
aspire to a career in the Marine
Security Guard program
To render aid to Marines and
others when in need
To promote camaraderie and
esprit de corps
To provide a forum in which to
assemble for social interaction
To serve as a catalyst for
communications on matters of
mutual interest
To revere the memory of our
departed shipmates
To assist in preserving the
historical records of Marine
Security Guards and their
To perform any other lawful
purpose or purposes
Summer 2010
MEGA’s 12th Annual Reunion:
A Class Apart
By Lou Gallio (London 59-61)
This was my first MEGA reunion and I did not know what to expect. Afterwards,
terms that come to mind were well-organized, professional, exciting, inspirational,
fellowship and simply “esprit de corps.”
There was a thread of pride and uniqueness not always evident in other military
reunions go—and I have been to several—MEGA is definitely a class apart.
Union Station was an excellent venue. Driving up Market Street and about a mile
away, I noticed the magnificent train shed—a 606-foot wide, 810-foot long Victorianstyled structure. The 140-foot high edifice resembled a giant umbrella that shrouded
the parking area and led the way to the historic station.
Like the trickle of 12-year old Scotch, the temperate, humid St. Louis air soothed
my throat. I sensed a certain mystic about the majestic station: I envisioned clusters
of chattering passengers and a conductor bellowing, “All aboard!” Not surprising
though—in its heyday, Union Station was a central hub for busy travelers from all
parts of America.
As I approached the entrance to over 85 shops on the ground floor, a gaggle of
people stood nearby. Someone spotted my Marine Corps logo shirt and shouted,
“Semper Fi!” I jerked my head towards the crowd, chest out, shoulders squared and
responded in kind. I immediately felt that sense of Marine Corps dignity—a throwback moment to active duty. A rush of warmth flowed in my veins. I was finally
amongst comrades and close to home: The MEGA Marine House.
From the second deck of the lobby across from a walking bridge, a MEGA banner
hung on a balcony banister—there was the Marine House, suite 3000. Once inside,
I introduced myself to a cadre of busy MEGA officials and checked out the area.
Except for a fully stocked bar, iced-down beer in the bathtub, and MEGA
paraphernalia, the setting was a typical, nice-sized hotel suite with a balcony
overlooking the Grand Hallway. This was a very suitable hospitality suite for
MEGA members, spouses, family and guests.
Active MSGs anchor at varying quarters in all corners of the globe, and it makes little
difference about the digs. As long as there is a place to congregate and partake, we will
make it home. MSGs uphold that innate tradition and this reunion was no exception.
continued on page 6
Chairman’s Corner
MEGA 2010 Reunion Report
Chuck Norris, Reunion Chair
Greetings MEGA Members
For those of you that missed the 2010 Reunion St. Louis
Union Station Marriott Hotel April 22-April 25, 2010, you
have my deepest sympathy. In my humble opinion, this
reunion turned out to be one of the best.
I hope this letter finds you all healthy and enjoying the
summer. If you did not attend the reunion in St Louis you
missed a good time. It was a huge success due largely to the
efforts of Reunion Chairman, Chuck Norris. The Marriott
Hotel venue provided our members with a wonderful Marine
House and Military Reunion Planners (MRP) was efficient
in the co-ordination of scheduled events. A special thanks to
MEGA member Rocky Sickmann (Tehran IR 79-81) for his
efforts id providing us with a tour of the Budweiser Brewery
tour coupled with a bratwurst feast and beer tasting. Our
Saturday night gala was enhanced by nationally recognized
singer Lt. Colonel Shane Tomko USMC, who provided an
inspiring rendition of our National Anthem, and former
watch stander MSG Colonel Lay L. Houston, CO 24th
Regiment as Speaker and Guest of Honor. I would like to
thank the MEGA Board of Directors for their support and
professionalism in the execution of the reunion. On to San
Diego in 2011!
It all started with the Marriott Hotel itself, which was until
late 70’s, the St. Louis Union Station railroad depot. The
Marine House was once again the center of social activities
and it ranks right up there with Falls Church and San Diego
as outstanding.
Our association owes a great deal to MEGA Member,
Rocky Sickmann, Director of Military Sales for Anhauser
Busch. It would be tough to imagine the donation of all the
beer for the Marine House and the large cash donation to
defray costs without him. A tour of the brewery was followed
by a German fest buffet. Many thanks, Rocky.
Our dinner was an event in of itself. Colonel Jay L. Huston,
Commanding Officer, 24th Marine Regiment, was our
honored guest and speaker. Colonel Huston is a former
MSG watch stander and served in New Delhi, India; Seoul,
Korea; and Beijing, China. The color guard was from the
3rd Battalion, 24th Marines (St. Louis) which had recently
returned from a deployment in Afghanistan. We were proud
having them as our dinner guests. Lieutenant Colonel T.
Shane (Rhino) Tomko, also from the 24 Marines, honored us
(A-capella )with a heart thumping rending of our National
Election Results 2010
Virgil M. Johnson, Election Committee Chairman
I was honored to be in-charge of our reunion but there are
a lot of folks who pitched in to make it successful. Many
people need to be thanked. But a special thank you to Wally
Calderon for managing the Marine House Bar for the last
few years and to Zelda Rocha for her continued leadership in
the Ladies Brunch.
In accordance with the MEGA By-Laws, an election was held
during the annual reunion held in St. Louis. Four candidates
submitted their names for the three open seats for threeyear terms on the Board of Directors. Additionally, Kevin
Hermening submitted his name for the position of Secretary.
He was the only candidate for Secretary. The results of the
election for Members of the Board of Directors as listed on
the ballot are as follows:
The success of any reunion is dependant on the degree of
volunteerism that is embraced by attendees. Reunions are a
lot of work and the more people involved the less work there
is. San Diego is our next reunion; let me know that you’re
available to help.
Gene Frantz 153
Terry Adams 154
William Kunkle125
Tim Wood128
Bill Allen* 1
*write in vote
Semper Fidelis
For a pictorial view of the reunion
please go to
For the position of Secretary:
Kevin Hermening
Thank you to all who participated in the election.
Ships Store
MCESG Graduation
Joe Mitchell, Ships Store Manager
Gene Franz, MCESG Liason
I am sure everyone knows what a great Reunion we had,
especially Ships Store. A big “Thank you” to all who purchased items during the reunion and to those that purchased
during the year. Total sales for the 2010 reunion came to
over $2,500.
Marine Security Guard School Class 03-10 graduated on
Friday, April 30th, 2010 at Little Hall, Quantico MCB,
Virginia. The class included 8 new Detachment Commanders
and 96 MSGs. The new Marine Embassy Security Guards are
being dispatched across the 148 Detachments located in 134
countries including such exotic places such as Paris, London,
Rome, Chad, Venezuela and many others. Also in attendance
were about 25 members of the Fall of Saigon Marines Association (see picture below) who were holding their reunion at
Quantico in conjunction with the 35th anniversary of the fall
of Saigon. These Marines are also former MSGs and some are
members of MEGA.
We still have some 2010 Reunion T-shirts (gray with MEGA
color logo on the back) reduced to $7.00 each. Also, some
2009 Reunion T-shirts are available at $5.00. See them on
the Ships Store web page. There is a $3.00 shipping charge.
Check out the Ships Store web page on the MEGA site. You
may find something you can’t live without!
The class recognized several of their own for outstanding
achievements during their training cycle. These Marines were
also recognized by MEGA with a certificate of recognition
and one year regular membership.
Editors Note: A special note of appreciation on behalf of our membership to Joe’s wife, Susie, who is always there along side helping out.
Historical Archives Report
SNCO Honor Graduate – SSgt. Jarrett B. Rentz
MSG Honor Graduate – Cpl. Paul J. Demontalvo
MSG Distinguished Graduates – Cpls Jonathan D. Dvorak
and Charles K. Rodriguez
Top Gun Award – Sgt. Eric M. Schonewolf
SNCO Leadership Award – SSgt. Scott J. Pence
Stewart Grant, Historical Archives Chairman
Photo Gallery
The 2010 Reunion produced over 350 pictures that have
been posted to the various Photo Gallery albums. Currently,
our Photo Gallery contains more than 7,000 photos/images
and we are always looking for more contributions from our
The guest speaker was Lieutenant General Thomas D.
Waldhauser, Deputy Commandant for Plan, Policies and
Operations which includes the MSG Program.
Populating the Historical Archives Detachment Web Pages
Several members of the Historical Archives team volunteered
and completed the initial population of 100+ active and
inactive detachment web pages. This process was completed
in the month of March 2010. Though much improved, our
web pages can be better still, with contributions from our
The graduates, with their family and guests, then proceeded
to Marshall Hall for the post ceremony reception and to
finish preparations for posting over the next few days.
Marine Corps Embassy Security Group (Quantico) Website
MEGA’s gateway web page now has a link to MCESG
website. All members are encouraged to take a tour on their
newly activated website.
MEGA Webmaster
Stewart Grant has taken over the duties and responsibilities of
the MEGA Webmaster, previously performed by Lance Parcell.
Fall of Saigon Marines: John Stewart; Ron Duffey; Mrs. Ron (Thanh) Duffey;
Col.Douglas Fairfield; Col. Boyette Hasty USMC (ret.) and Ken Crouse
Historical Archives Team Members Needed
We continue to look for new PageMasters to support our
Photo Gallery and Detachment web pages. MEGA members
who are interested in keeping the MSG history alive through
direct support of the MEGA Historical Archives, please contact
Stewart Grant, via email, at
Ron Duffey was A/NCOIC of the Bien Hoa detachment when it
was evacuated. The flag was left flying to give the impression of
continued occupancy of the consulate. Ron flew back to Bien Hoa
the next day and retrieved the flag. He retired from the Marine
Corps and became an officer with the Swansboro. NC Police
Department. Ron and wife, Thanh, were married in 1975 following
their return to the United States.
Membership Committee
Dana T. Marino (Schneider) RM-1546 - Abu Dhabi 99-00/
Jerusalem 00-01
Charles J. McGarvey RM-1535 - Warsaw 85-86/Helsinki
Timothy D. Meltabarger RM-1559 - The Hague 87-89/
Moscow TDY 88/Djibouti 89-90
John A. Northcott, Jr. RM-1556 - Lagos 73-74/Athens
74-75/Rio 83-86/MSG School Instructor 87- 88/
Bucharest 88-89
Michael P. Pate RM-1554 - Moscow 63-64/Geneva 64-65
Donald G. Ross RM-1561 - Panama City 56-59
Kenneth Shaw RM-1539 - Munich 89-91/Guatemala City
Tieron G. Spear RM-1562 - Riyadh 02-03/Ashgabat 03-04
Fred Tittle LM-1549 - Panama City 71-72/Guatemala City
T. Shane “Rhino” Tomko AM-1548
Scott P. Tranchant RM-1542 - Dhaka 98-99/London 99-01
Robert J. Wood RM-1560 - London 76-79
Dale B. Zemke RM-1536 - Belgrade 62-63/Bonn 63-65
Bill McClure, MEGA Membership Chairman
New Member to the Membership Committee: Don Ross Panama City 56-59.
Updated MEGA Membership Rosters are available in the
MEGA website Members Area and for those without internet
access, hard copy MEGA Rosters are available for $3.00
(cost of publication and mailing) by sending a check made
out to MEGA to Bill McClure, 4750 N. El Camino Drive,
Beverly Hills, FL 34465. If you have any problems gaining
entry to the MEGA website Members Area please contact me
at 352-746-5184 or
We are pleased to report we have added 54 new MEGA
members over the past year. 23 were reported in the last
newsletter. Please welcome our 31 new members.
Davy Aguilera RM-1555 - Tokyo 76-79
Warren L. Ashey RM-1558 - Guatemala City 72/Managua 73
Charles R. (Bags) Bagnato RM-1552 - Lima 86-87/Hong Kong
Daniel L. Clinkscales RM-1550 - Ankara 80-81/Dublin
Brent Cloud RM-1543 - Jeddah 01-02/New Delhi 02-03/
Warsaw 03-04
Mark A. Conrad RM-1565 - Cairo 84-85/Riyadh 85 TAD/
Quito 85-87
Edward A. Crouch AM-1544 - MSGBn Staff
Carlton E. Dewberry RM-1553 - Saigon 72/Moscow 72-73/
Geneva 73-74
William J. Dunning RM-1551 - Athens 60-62
Thomas E. Feeley RM-1563 - Lusaka 91-92/Munich 92-93
Michael Frankinburger RM-1540 - Islamabad 84-86/New
Delhi 86-87
Marvin Z. Gray RM-1541 - Nicosia 68/Saigon 68-70/Tripoli 70/Tehran 71
Robert E. Gregory RM-1538 - Beirut 72-74/Addis Ababa
Jay V. Huston RM-1547 - awaiting info
Frederick D. Hyden RM-1545 - Jeddah 80-81/Santo Domingo 81-82
Vincent J. Lostetter RM-1537 - Madrid 61-62/Geneva 6262/Madrid 62-64
Marylinn J. McAfee-Lee LM-1564
Casildo M. Mancilla RM-1557 - Cairo 02-03/Stockholm
2011 Annual Dues payments will be due 31 DEC 2010 so
please don’t forget to continue your much appreciated
membership and support and thanks to everyone for their
hard work and dedication in making MEGA even better.
Bartender of the Year,
Wally Calderon, receiving
certificate of appreciation
from Chairman “Ike”
during St. Louis Reunion.
Editor’s Note: Wally
Calderon was awarded
the “Marine of the Year”
by the Dept. of Georgia,
Marine Corps League
Saturday May 01, 2010 in
Athens, Georgia.
Robert T. Franzen, Mount Juliet, TN
(28 MAY 2010)
Paris 61-62/Hamburg 63-64
The Paris Marines &
The Dogs of the Devil
In response, the Frenchman
got four blank stares from the
Paris Marines.
By Larry Martin (Paris, FR 65-67)
“Yes, it is true,” said the interpreter. “The mayor of Bois de
Belleau is going to honor you
and your fellow Marines again
at the luncheon . . . something
about a World War I battle
that was fought near here. As
I understand it, you Marines
attacked the Germans with
great vigor and helped win the
battle. I think the Germans
called you the dogs of the
Devil because of your fighting
spirit. Today, we are celebrating
the anniversary of this battle.”
During the 1960’s, the Paris Marine Embassy Detachment
worked closely with the Benjamin Franklin Post Number 1
of the American Legion. Paris was the first American Legion
post ever created having been formed shortly after the end of
World War I (WWI) by American military personnel who
decided to remain in France rather than return to the states.
The Paris Marines assisted the American Legion by providing color guards and honor guards for for various parades and
wreath laying ceremonies such as: American Independence
Day, the D-Day landings, Veterans Day (Armistice Day in
France), the liberation of Paris in 1944, George Washington’s
birthday and others.
On one particularly blistering summer day in 1967, four
Paris Marines (including two current MEGA members)
volunteered to serve as a color guard for a military ceremony
somewhere in the Chateau Thierry region north of Paris.
Because the ceremony was conducted entirely in French, the
Paris Marines could only understand portions of what was
being said. From time-to-time, however, various speakers
would point to the Paris Marines and the audience would
break into a round of applause.
Dr. Lawrence (Larry) Martin
is a professor of public
affairs at the University of
Central Florida in Orlando.
From August 1965 to
December 1967, Sergeant
Martin was an MSG
assigned to the American
Embassy Paris, France and
the U. S. Political Delegation
to NATO (North Atlantic
Treaty Organization) also
located in Paris.
The Paris Marines finally
understood. Bois de Belleau
means “Belleau Wood” in
English. This day was actually
a celebration of the heroism
of the United States Marine
Corps at one of its most famous WWI battles, the Battle
of Belleau Wood. Today, the Paris Marines were indeed the
guests of honor.
After the ceremony was over, a local Frenchman who spoke
English informed the Paris Marines that they should now
proceed to the luncheon. One the Paris Marines politely inquired, “A luncheon? We usually don’t get invited to the food
and beverage portion of these affairs. We just do our thing
and then we get dismissed”.
The four Paris Marines spent the next several hours eating,
drinking and posing for photographs with the old French
World War I veterans who had fought alongside the dogs of
the Devil in that famous battle nearly 50 years ago. For the
remainder of the day the Paris Marines and the French put
aside their national differences and were simply comrades
in arms.
The Frenchman laughed, “You can’t just leave. You are the
guests of honor”.
A Day At the Ball Park
By Karen Stanson, Associate Member Ohio MEGA Members Mike Schuette, Jim Childers and Bill Stanson (top pic at right) and
Karen Stanson and Debbie Schuette (bottom pic) attended a ball game in downtown Cleveland’s
Progressive Field between the Cleveland Indians and Washington National. The game was
dedicated to our military, past and present. Unfortunately it was short notice coinciding with
many high school and college graduation celebrations, thus only 3 of our 13 Ohio members
were able to participate.
It was a lot of fun! We had terrific seats on the Party Deck, which included a buffet for two
hours, plus non-alcoholic beverages. We (Cleveland) won.... always a plus.
Editor’ s Note: Thank you for your submission, Karen. I hope we can hear from other members.
But somehow, it’s hard for me to believe that 3 of our MEGA members drank non-alcoholic drinks.
“Reunion” continued from page 1
not an easy undertaking. In
fact, it can be very problematic
and daunting.
Indeed, seeing a group of former Leathernecks hanging at the
bar was normal and a site for sore eyes! To be sure, a Marine
House is truly a home away from home. Marine Houses have
an imaginary “Welcome” sign, and the MEGA Marine House
was true to form.
Nonetheless, MEGA has done
an outstanding job of overcoming obstacles, steering the
ship and righting the course
to smooth waters. Because of
strong leadership, diligence
and loyalty, it is not surprising
MEGA is where it is today;
and I believe the MSG mindset has a lot to do with it.
MEGA treats all MSGs as “family.”
Reminiscent of the past, the reunion was much like visiting
other MSG posts and of course, my own duty station in
London. Active or inactive, young or old, we are part of the
same family, “In Every Clime and Place.” While on active
duty, you can have a bed, warm chow, scuttlebutt and
blowout parties! Ah yes, those were the days, so long ago, and
yet so near in memory.
A MEGA director explained
it very well. In effect, he said,
“Marine embassy duty tends
to form the cornerstone of a
Marine’s career.”
All Marines have camaraderie, but the elite “Ambassadors in
Blue” stand-alone as a unique group of well-trained Marines
for duty that (except for hardship posts) others likely dream
about. We have dramatic stories to tell, experiences like
no others and memories forever branded in our hearts and
minds. Many of us found our wives in far away places.
I detected common attributes
among many members including integrity, determination
and persistence—the “cornerstone” shifted to civilian life.
The MSG culture has encouraged members to not only
excel, but also go that extra
mile to reach exemplary status.
Hearing the stories brought back the scent of Brasso, shoe
polish, and the rub-a-dub shining of emblems, shoes and
the bill of a cover. Weekend guard duty often left us with
ballooned feet and stretched shoes; and after burn detail,
the odor of burnt paper in your nostrils while chasing down
floating ashes. It was our job, and certainly worth the bonus
of a few days of liberty.
Furthermore, I believe the
success of former MSG
Marines is largely due to
upholding the tenants of duty,
honor, courage, commitment,
integrity and heritage. In fact,
members are notably familyoriented and highly successful
in a public or private capacity.
The St. Louis MEGA reunion was the composite of Marine
Houses across the world—an outreach to former MSGs, a
little business, a ceremony, camaraderie, food, fun and drink!
We were attendees of all ages gathered together with cohorts,
family and friends to celebrate another year of fellowship.
There was also business to conduct, and the job was well
done. In the midst of the appropriate decorum and ambiance, MEGA officers and directors handled business in a
professional, harmonious manner. There were no dagger-todagger squabbles, no grandstanding or meaningless narratives.
Business was short and simple—evidence that the formidable
startup years are behind us and we are on the path to greater
achievements. The direction and mission are solid in anticipation of a dynamic future.
A life member of MEGA,
Lou Gallio served as a MSG
in London, 59-61. He is also
a life member of the 1st
Marine Division Association
(Dallas & Houston) and was
a Chapter Rep for several
years. Lou has over 20 years
experience in the Information Technology industry,
now with a focus on cyber
security. He writes in various
genres, whether technical,
business, political or fiction.
He is an avid researcher,
analyst, novelist, aviator and
entrepreneur. He studied
at Southeastern University,
DRI International, (ISC)2
and InfoSec Institute for
Accounting, Information
Systems Security, Business
Continuity and Disaster
Planning. Lou is also the
Houston Homeland Security
writer for “”
It was truly a pleasure to have finally made a MEGA reunion.
I met new friends, laughed heartedly, heard very compelling
stories and formed an everlasting bond. MEGA reunions,
however, are not only a reason to get together, do business
and have a great time. It is also a means of propagating the
MSG legacy by passing the baton to incoming younger
To paraphrase our Guest of Honor, and former MSG,
Colonel Jay V. Huston, “Failure is not an option.” This
concept is undoubtedly in the psyche of MEGA leaders and
its membership. Since its inception, MEGA has accomplished
extraordinary growth and progress. Undeniably, the mission
of forming, building and managing a military association is
True to its mission, MEGA serves to promote and continue
our legacy of pride and heritage.
MEGA is a class apart!
MEGA Marine House
The ambassador copped a mea culpa and he made sure Disher
received a letter of commendation. In 1952 Disher was once
again recognized in a commendation. This time it was for
what he didn’t do while serving in Santiago, Chile? For more
on Fisher go the MEGA website archives and read the specifics under Command Chronology for Santiago, Chile.
By Ed Vasgerdsian
MEGA Marine House is dedicated to bringing you bits of
info about the past, present and future. After all, if there
was anything happening, it happened at the Marine House.
Medals, medals, and medals: Army Gen. S. McChrystal said
no, to a British Commanders call for a medal recognizing soldiers who show “courageous restraint” by avoiding civilian casualties. On the other hand, the Humanitarian Service Medal
has been authorized to those who participated in Operation
Unified Response for relief efforts in Haiti…You may draw
your own conclusions on medals; mine are unprintable.
MSG History: Transition and adaptability have always been
important components for the survival and success of the
Marine Corps. Casual Company Henderson Hall, the first
administrative component of MSG program was designated
as “Fox” Company. This organizational arrangement came
to an end on January 1, 1967 when under the command of
Colonel Forest J. Hunt (CL MEGA Member since 3/1/98)
Fox Company was reorganized as a separate MSG Battalion.
The wood barracks of Henderson Hall were abandoned in
1978 for newer training and living quarters in Quantico. The
designation of MSG Battalion has given way to MCESG,
Marine Corps Embassy Security Group and once again will
relocate to another site at Quantico.
Episodic television, Hollywood style, is a mixture of writers, actors, producers, and advertising executives stirred
into a bowl of equal parts milk and water, and served to the
consumer as being nutritious and good for you. Lifetime
Television’s ARMY WIVES enters season 4 and is therefore
considered a hit show. I shudder to think what might follow
in as much as Hollywood studios has a need to copy others.
THE AIRFORCE, COAST GUARD HOTTIES and MARINE MAMA’S. Then again, Lifetime may be forced into
doing something really creative and give us ARMY WIVES
THE GIRLS OF CAMP DAVID? Like the man said, “…that’s
Military on Film: Well, the motion picture The Hurt Locker
walked off with a bunch of awards at the Academy Awards
show including Best Picture, and from my seat deservedly so.
There was criticism by some military folks who said the film
did not accurately portray Army bomb squad technicians.
Balderdash. It was a movie nothing more than that! You want
accuracy? You say, The History Channel? Balderdash! History
changes each time historians find new documents to reinterpret what they initially put down the previous time. The Hurt
Locker was one person’s story of three guys defusing bombs
and one of the three is guilty of wearing his skivvies too tight.
You want realism, try reading the Punic Wars? Another thing
about portraying realism in this film; do we really want to
show the bad guys how we defuse their IEDs?
In the past year or so I have been beset by everyone I owe
money to on a recurring basis, to become an environmental
activist. From some of the requests I have received I am asked
to believe that I will play a major role in reducing world
deforestation and save a large portion of the rain forest if I will
just allow electronic fund transfers and agree to go paperless.
As a grandparent I cringe at the thought of my kid’s children
growing up in a treeless landscape so I have surrendered to
Comcast, Master Card and various and sundry other merchants.
At our last reunion in Saint Louis the prospect of going paperless became even more personal with the suggestion that
soon even our well respected and eagerly anticipated quarterly
newsletter might join the march to save trees. That’s it! I am
drawing the line on further participation. Not to be unpatriotic
or uncooperative but because when my wife mentions going
paperless and bathroom in the same sentence a guy has to
take a stand.
HBO Iran Hostage Crisis: Hollywood Screen Writer, Andrea
Berloff, has been signed by HBO to adapt Mark Bowden’s
book “Guests of the Ayatollah: The First Battle in America’s
War With Militant Islam.” The story, as you all know, is
about the American hostages taken in 1978 and held in
captivity for 444 days including the Tehran Detachment of
MSGs, a few of whom are now MEGA members.
From MEGA member Bill Disher (Buenos Aires 50-51,
Santiago, CL 51-52, RSO Beirut 62-64) retired from the
Marine Corps as a Lt. Colonel. As a watchstander in Buenos
Aires he had an interesting experience. In 1950 Disher nailed
the ambassador for a security breach. You all remember the
little pink slips? It seems the ambassador wrote a “highly confidential” wire on a note pad to the President. He didn’t realize the note was visible on the second page of the note pad.
From A Member
Marine Embassy Guard Association
P.O. Box 6226
Wausau, WI 54402
We’re on the web!
MEGA Board of Directors 2010
Committee Chairs:
Ike Inacker, Chairman, Director
Stewart Grant, Director
Eugene (Gene) W. Frantz, Jr., MCESG Liaison
Warsaw, Pl 1982-83; Hamburg, DE 83-84,
Vienna, AT 84-85
Term of Office April 2008- 2011
Ankara, TR 61-62; Abidjan, CI 62-63
Term of Office 2009-12
Moscow, RU 76-77, Dublin, IE 77-79
Ed Vasgerdsian, Vice-Chairman, Director
Calcutta, IN 61-63
Term of Office 2009-12
Cairo, EG 56-59
Term of Office 2009-12
Kevin J. Hermening, Treasurer/Secretary,
Tehran, IR 79-81
Term of Office April 2007-10
Eugene (Gene) W. Frantz, Jr., Director
Moscow, RU 76-77; Dublin, IE 77-79
Term of Office April 2007-10
Joe Mitchell, Director
Ankara, Turkey 62-65
Term of Office April 2008-11
Charles (Chuck) L. Norris, Director
Paris, FR 58; Warsaw, PL 58-60,
Brussels, BE 60
Term of Office May 2009-11
William McClure, Director
Stewart Grant, Archivist/Historian
Ankara TR 61-62, Abidjan CI 62-63
Virgil M. Johnson, Elections Committee
Taipei 57-59
Thomas Butler, Legal Advisor
William McClure, Membership Chairman
Cairo, EG 54-56
Serves at the pleasure of the
MEGA Board of Directors
Calcutta, IN 61-63
Joe Mitchell, Ship’s Store
Timothy J. Wood, Director
Singapore 58-60
New Delhi, IN 84-85, Santiago, CL 85-86
Term of Office 2007-10
Ankara TR 62-65
Charles (Chuck) Moseman, Newsletter Printer
Juan Rocha, Group Chaplain
Kabul 64-65, Leopoldville 65-66
Terry D. Adams
Fred Samarelli, Web Administrator
Bamako, ML 80-81; Sofia, BG 84-85
Term of Office 2010-13
Ed Vasgerdsian, Newsletter Editor
Karachi & Manila 77-79
Cairo 56-59

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