Former Iran Hostage Recalls His Career as a Marine Security Guard


Former Iran Hostage Recalls His Career as a Marine Security Guard
Official Publication of the Marine Embassy Guard Association
Mission of the
Marine Embassy
Guard Association
To inspire love of Corps and
To encourage Marines to
aspire to a career in the Marine
Security Guard program
To render aid to Marines and
others when in need
To promote camaraderie and
esprit de corps
To provide a forum in which to
assemble for social interaction
To serve as a catalyst for
communications on matters of
mutual interest
To revere the memory of our
departed shipmates
To assist in preserving the
historical records of Marine
Security Guards and their
To perform any other lawful
purpose or purposes
Winter 2014
Former Iran Hostage Recalls His
Career as a Marine Security Guard
by Malini Wilkes, former director of story development for the USO
Rocky Sickmann was a high school senior
in Krakow, Missouri, when he enlisted in
the Marines in 1975. His dream was to
become a Marine Security Guard (MSG),
stationed at a U.S. embassy somewhere
exotic and far from home.
“It was just a Marine in dress blues in
front of the American embassy that I
wanted to become, and see the world,
coming from a very small country
town in the middle of Missouri,” said
Sickmann. “And that is what I did.”
Marine Sergeant Rocky Sickmann waves to
the crowd just outside Lambert-St. Louis
International Airport.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch photo by Karen Elshout
It was a fateful choice for the young
sergeant. After spending a few years as an infantryman, he applied for the MSG
program, and reported for duty at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran in October 1979.
Less than a month later, Islamic militants stormed the compound, and for the next
444 days, the embassy became a prison for Sickmann and 51 other Americans.
Three decades later, Sickmann can still recall every detail of the harrowing days and
nights in the hands of his captors. For the first month, he was tied to a chair and not
allowed to speak. He was handcuffed, blindfolded and had to knock on the door to
request an escort to the restroom. If he knocked too loudly, they made him wait.
He and the other hostages were interrogated and forced to watch torture videos with
scenes of people dropped in vats of boiling tar, whipped with rubber hoses and shot
in the head. He vividly remembers the threats, the humiliation and the fear.
“For 444 days there was a gun pointed at us, with the mock firing squad, with the
Russian roulette,” said Sickmann. “You don’t forget those days.
“It was 444 days of a bad movie experience.”
Marine Security Guards like Sickmann protect embassies and consulates overseas.
The program is a partnership between the Marine Corps and the State Department’s
Bureau of Diplomatic Security. MSGs safeguard staff, property and classified
documents inside the embassy facilities, while the host country provides security
outside the perimeter. In many countries, political and diplomatic tensions make
American embassies flashpoints for protests and violence, and MSGs have to be
ready to respond to any emergency.
Continued on page 5 …
Chairman’s Corner
New Requirements
for the Marine Security
Guard Program
Chairman’s Corner
My term as Chairman will come to an end at the March
reunion. I also plan to step down from my three rewarding
years as a Board of Director, but will continue to volunteer
as Chairman of the Election Committee. With that in mind,
you will find within these pages of this newsletter a call to fill
three vacant Boards of Director’s and Secretary Positions. The
Association needs new leadership from within the ranks to
continue to move Marine Embassy Guard Association forward.
Forward From MEGA Member Ken Crouse
Interesting that a Secret clearance is now a requirement just
to apply. My sense is that should weed out applicants who
would get dropped anyway for issues that would otherwise
come up at school preventing them from getting a TS
Also, 1st Class PFT is a requirement - I didn’t start regularly
hitting 1st Class until in Brussels where our NCOIC provided some inducement - monthly PFT’s and if you scored
250 or better, you’d be exempt from P.T. for the following
month. P.T. went at 0500 each day (M-F) unless you were
actually on post (coming off of post at 0100 did not exempt
you from P.T. 4 hours later). Lots of incentive with that and
as a detachment we were about 85% 1st Class at all times.
My appreciation and thanks to: Kevin Hermening, Director,
Treasurer and this year’s Reunion Chairman; Stewart Grant,
Director, Vice Chairman, Membership Chairman, Historical
Archives Chairman and Webmaster and Ed Vasgerdsian, Director and Newsletter Editor, all of whom have volunteered
many hours this past year in the support of the Association.
There were a lot of other Board members, Committee Chairs,
members and others that are a big part of what make MEGA
an outstanding organization.
MEGA Announces Newsletter
Ad Rates
I want to stress the importance of ‘volunteers’ to serve on
committees. This is where you can make a real difference in
improving MEGA.
Do you have a product to sell, advertise, or want to hype?
MEGA will carry your message in our newsletter. Rates are
per edition and will reach all members either electronically
(email) or hard copy. Rates: Quarter page $100.00. Half
Page $200.00. Full Page $350.00.
In closing, I want to remind members of the Founders Award:
Criteria: Awarded to members of the Marine Embassy Guard
Association who, subsequent to January 1, 2010, performed
outstanding volunteer service in support of, or in furtherance
of the association’s mission and goals, of a sustained, direct
and consequential nature. To be eligible, an individual’s
service must (1) be to the Marine Embassy Guard Association; (2) be significant in nature and produce tangible results;
(3) reflect favorably on the Marine Embassy Guard Association and the Marine Security Guard program; and (4) be of
a sustained and direct nature. While there is no specific time
threshold to qualify for the Founders Award, the Board of
Directors shall ensure the service to be honored merits the
special recognition afforded by this award. The Founders
Award is intended to recognize exceptional association support over time and not a single act or achievement. Further,
it is intended to honor direct support of association activities.
Membership Report
From Stewart Grant, Membership Chairman
The MEGA Board of Directors welcomes the following new
Kevin D. Baker, Regular Member, Bucharest RO 74-75,
Vienna AT 75-75, Oslo NO 75-76
Joseph G. Gschwind, Regular Member, Frankfurt DE
68-69, Sofia BG 69-70, London GB 69-69
Gerald L. Henthorn, Regular Member, Calcutta IN 81-82,
Berlin DE 82-83
Glenn T. Morroni, Life Member, Dakar SN 78-78,
Rome IT 78-80
The Board of directors shall then evaluate the merits of each
nomination and make a selection by majority vote.
As of January 25, 2014, there are 628 active members in the
Association. As of January 25, 2014, there are 48 regular/
associate members who will be deactivated on February 1,
2014 for non-payment of dues.
I’m looking forward to seeing all of you in sunny San Diego
next month.
Semper Fidelis,
If you have any Membership questions, please send me an
email at
Ray Kunkle, Chairman
Kabul AF 1961-62, Ankara TR 1962-63, Abidjan CI 1963-64
MEGA Officer and
Board Of Director Elections
reunion news
The 2014 MEGA election for Officers and Board of Directors
members will take place during our annual reunion. With the
exception of our Legal Counsel, who is appointed, members
serving in positions of MEGA leadership are normally elected
to three-year terms. The following positions are open for
Secretary – three year term
Four Board Members – each for a three year term
An ideal board is comprised of members who possess
computer communication skills, and have some knowledge
of our historical culture about what has taken place in the
past. New members seeking to serve are encouraged to bring
innovative and fresh ideas and suggestions to the board.
Town and Country Resort and Hotel
San Diego, California
March 26 – March 29, 2014
It is suggested that those interested in running for any
position should read the Election Process Rules. Of particular
interest will be Section IV, Eligibility of Candidate and
Voters, Section V, declaration of Candidacy, and Section
VI, Campaign Literature. The rules can be found on the
website under the “Members Area” link, found on the menu
on the middle column of the MEGA home page (www.
Be sure to reference:
Marine Embassy Guard Association or MEGA Reunion
Beach Party Comes to
San Diego’s MEGA Reunion
Zelda Rocha, Associate Member
All interested members in good standing must submit a
biographical sketch of 125 words or less along with an
indication of which position you are seeking. Although a
photo is not required, it is recommended.
Splish - Splash - Let’s make some waves and have some
fun. Its a Beach Party so Let’s Get The Fun Started. Were
not going to the Beach – however – we are bringing the
Beach Party to You!!! The Choice is yours – wear your
Bikini or your Shades – most important Ladies come
join your MEGA friends for Fun and Food at the Ladies
2014 MEGA Reunion Spouses Event. We will gather for
our Beach Party at 9 A.M. on Saturday March 29, 2014
at the San Diego Town and Country Conference Center,
exact room location will be posted at the MEGA Reunion
registration desk.
Please send to: Ray Kunkle, Chairperson, Election
Committee, at 510 Via Florida, San Clemente, CA 92672 or by February 22, 2014.
If you have any additional questions concerning the election
process, please do not hesitate to contact me; my telephone
number is (949) 492-0105.
Ray Kunkle
Election Committee Chairman
Should you be interested in modeling your bikini – you’re
on!!! Fun Beach “stuff” for everyone. Special prize for the
Most Outrageous Beach Hat & Sun glasses.
P.S. Please contact me if you are willing to serve on the
Election Committee
Should you have any questions please contact
Zelda at (915) 449-0674 or
This is a no charge event – its part of your Reunion package.
Registration for Reunion at Marine Embassy
Guard Association website
The Krause Family Invades Europe:
In mid Sept. 1998 Denny and wife Vickie, travelled to Garmisch,
Germany to visit their daughter Kim who was working foe the U.S. Army.
The family vacationed together and Kim showed her parents places they
hadn’t seen when they were posted while in Paris. They visited Prague,
Krakow, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Budapest, and Hitler’s Eagle Nest in
While in Munich they went to Oktoberfest, where Denny purchased a
Foaming beer-mug hat, Oktoberfest t-shirt, reportedly had a few beers, and
then some.
Denny and Vickie moved to Oklahoma City in 2004 and attended the
local Oktoberfest each year wearing the same foaming beer mug hat and
t-shirt. He says he received a lot of comments and offers for the hat. This
year they went to the celebration in the afternoon; tables go quickly in
the evening, A photographer from the city newspaper saw the hat and the
rest is history. Denny said they were practicing beer drinking because in
October they were heading back to Prague on a Danube River cruise.
Dear Editor.
In trying to follow in the footsteps of those fearless and intrepid European
river explorers, Vicki and I, along with another couple from California
decided to brave the dangers of cruising the Danube River from
Nurenberg, Germany with stops in Regensburg, and Passau, through
Slovokia, then stopping in Melk, and Vienna, Austria, finishing up in
Budapest, Hungary.
Prior to the cruise, we spent 3 days in Prague, Czech Republic. Now, every MSG
knows that the Marines stationed in their respective countries know what to see,
(not what the tourists get to see); and where to eat, and drink locally, and not where
tourists eat, or drink. So prior to our excursion, I had contacted the NCOIC of the
Marine Detachment in Prague, one G/Sgt. Joshua D. Ortizhartshorn. After our
arrival in Prague, a quick shower, & shave, I phoned the Gunny, and he agreed
to meet me at our hotel after work. Over a couple of beers he gave me the name
of a monastery to visit. We were told they make the best dark beer in the Czech
Republic. We also got the name of a great underground restaurant with authentic
Czech folk music. We liked the place so much that we had a lunch and dinner
there. So far I have managed to visit with the MSG Detachments in Cape Town,
South Africa, and Prague, Czech Republic. Can hardly wait for next years trip to
Italy. Do you think the Pope might see me?
Semper Fi,
Denny Krause
Dear Denny, Next time you visit a ”great” restaurant gives us the name. And
no, I don’t think the Pope will see you. He’s a wine drinker.
…Continued from page 1
He knows the military revised some of its procedures for
embassy security following the Iran hostage crisis—just as it’s
now revising procedures following the deadly September 2012
attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.
Marine Security Guards have protected American facilities
against “anti-American riots and demonstrations and have
helped evacuate U.S. diplomats and their families during
times of crisis,” according to a State Department document.
The department also credits MSGs with saving the lives of
personnel “threatened by civil unrest, earthquakes and floods.”
The Pentagon is in the process of adding another 1,000
MSGs to the current force of 1,200. Captain Eric Flanagan,
a Marine Corps public affairs officer, says they’re seeking the
“best of the best, especially now that we’re growing.”
Marine Security Guards are the first line of defense if
something goes wrong—like the events that unfolded on the
morning of November 4, 1979, at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran.
“Whether working in the embassy or on liberty after the
job, it may be one of the few interactions that some of these
communities have with an American,” said Flanagan. “So it’s
more reason to be of the highest moral character to act an
ambassador for the United States.”
“That morning the demonstrators were out there. They were
demonstrating every day,” said Sickmann.
He was getting breakfast when his walkie-talkie suddenly
crackled with an urgent “recall, recall!”
The program is not for everyone. It accepts only single men
and women who can commit to living abroad for three years
unaccompanied by family, sometimes in tough, isolated parts
of the world.
As he raced back to the main building, he saw protesters had
swarmed the embassy gates. One group began knocking down
the front door. And another group pushed its way into the
basement. Sickmann was called downstairs to help.
“As we get to the basement, the smoke is billowing in, and
you get your gas mask on, and your gas mask is going from
clear to fog, and you get this shotgun in your hand, and then
through the smoke you see the Iranian women come,” he said.
The MSG mission is “more important than ever in the current
threat environment” where “determined terrorists will not
hesitate to harm innocent citizens, including professional
diplomats, at any vulnerable location in the world,” the State
Department document says.
The Iranian men were using the women as human shields,
pushing them slowly forward, and Sickmann got the order to
hold his fire until more help arrived.
Sickmann knew from the beginning that Tehran would be a
rough duty post, though he says he didn’t realize the depths of
the anger and resentment toward the United States.
“Had we fired upon them and killed some of the women, they
probably would have [paraded] them in front of everybody
else,” he said. “Like, ‘Look they are shooting unarmed
innocent women.’”
“We used to hear the young [demonstrators] chant about
America. These kids had never met an American. They had
never gone to America, but they had been trained to hate it,”
said Sickmann, “And that is my concern to this day.”
In his rational mind, Sickmann knows he had no other choice
than to stand down and exercise restraint, but like many
combat veterans, he’s never stopped wondering “what if.”
Looking back at his career as an MSG, the former Marine
says, “I don’t ever wish my bad days as a hostage on anyone.
Whenever I think I’m having a bad day, I think of when I
was stripped nude and made to face a wall for a mock firing
squad. This makes me think how wonderful it is to be free.”
“We were held for 444 days and every day we sat there—from
one day, to one week, one month, one year—we wished we
would have pulled [the trigger on] the shotgun,” he said.
But even after the torment he endured, Sickmann says he
would do it all over again.
Sickmann didn’t pull the trigger, and instead served his
country by enduring a long ordeal that tested his principles
and shook him to the core.
“The Marine Corps prepared me for my survival as a hostage
for 444 days,” he said. “And it was an honor to be a Marine
Security Guard and to serve our country.”
“You got to the lowest level and you hated your family,
you hated yourself for deciding to do this, you hated your
government, you hated everybody,” he said. “You finally came
to a reality that there is only one person that you need to hate,
and that is the people that took you.”
Malini Wilkes is a former director of story development for
the USO.
Editor’s Note: Rocky Sickmann has been a MEGA Member since 2007.
He is currently Director of Military Sales and National Retail Sales for
Anheuser Busch,Inc…and that’s where all the “beer and stuff” we get for
our reunions is from…Thanks from all of us Rocky!
When the hostage ordeal finally ended, the young Marine
Security Guard came home to marry his high school
sweetheart. He left the Marines and became a successful sales
executive with Anheuser-Busch in St. Louis.
Proposed MEGA BUDGET 2014
Treasurer’s Report
Presented at BOD Telecon 12/14/2013
BOD Approval: TBD
Prior Quarter Net Worth – June 30, 2013
Assets (9/30/2013)
Checking Acct. - River Valley Bank, Wausau $60,555.16
Total Assets
Liabilities (9/30/2013)
Prepaid Life Memberships
Total Liabilities
September 30, 2013 Net Worth
September 30, 2013 Bank Balance
Ships Store
Reunion “Profit” (from MRP) $2,000.00
Bank Interest
Total Income
Following are some balances for your review:
Date Prepaid Life
MEGA Bank Balances
10/22/11 $32,625 $52,322.92
12/31/11 $33,975 $55,388.81
03/31/12 $34,625 $57,711.22
06/30/12 $35,505 $51,772.27
09/30/12 $35,830 $54,518.76
12/31/12 $34,035.08* $58,031.99
03/31/13 $36,735.08 $62,854.12
06/30/13 $37,640.08 $60,872.23
09/30/13 $37,640.08 $60,555.16
Newsletter Expense
Printing &
Membership Card Expense
Board Meeting Expense
Ships Store
Reunion Expenses (to MRP)
Reunion Expenses (not to MRP) $2,000.00
Bank & Credit Card Charges
Reunion Deposit
Total Expenses
Net Profit (Loss)
* $3332.17 was transferred out of the Prepaid Life Membership Liability Fund (in
the quarter, $1,700 of Life Memberships was added to the Prepaid Life Membership Liability Fund). Also, $162.75 was transferred out, due to the new 2012 Life
MEGA General Fund Treasurer’s Report
Income Statement For the period July 1 – September 30, 2013
Prior Quarter Bank Balance – June 30, 2013 $60,872.23
Membership Dues*
Ships Store Purchases
Ships Store Advance Return (Mitchell)
Interest Earned
Total Income
Credit Card Charges
$ 247.09
Printing/Membership Card Exp –
Burlingame Press $193.52
BOD Telecon Charges - Intercall
Ships Store Supplies Purchased
Internet Hosting Exp – TCB
Newsletter Exp - Vasgerdsian
Bank Service Charge
Total Expenses
($ 2,647.66)
Quarter End Bank Balance –
September 30, 2013
Respectfully Submitted,
Kevin Hermening
MEGA Treasurer
* The total dues reflect the NET amount of dues received after PAYPAL deducts
their service charge from each payment made online.
~ R/S Kevin Hermening, Treasurer
MEGA Marine House
pointing his swagger stick at people asking if they served on
Iwo? We were sure he was certifiable for a Section 8, as he
went on each morning yelling in his Boston accent about one
thing or another.
By Ed Vasgerdsian, Newsletter Editor
MEGA Marine House is dedicated to bringing you bits of
info about the past, present and future. After all, if there was
anything happening, it happened at the Marine House.
“Ike” jackets as they were called were never worn during any
inspection; Blouse Winter Service coats only. Once during an
inspection performed by General Lewis Puller, AKA Chesty
Puller, our Company lined up with Winter Green (Blouse)
Coats. I say we…everyone except the gunny, he wore the
“Ike Jacket”. Christ, I thought the guy was nuts and he was
going to catch hell.
To quote an MP at Parris Island welcoming in new Boots,
“I hope you had a cool Yule and a frantic First?”
Here we go again:
My New Years resolution is to stay positive, which is
something contrary to my native disposition. Let’s see, the
Corps is issuing more medals. These are for Marines who
responded to natural disasters. Medals?! Don’t laugh – the
Air Force gives a medal out if you complete an educational
program. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, we used to
make fun of the Russkies festooned with medals of dubious
distinction…we’re going down the same road. Give these
Marines money not medals as cash payment when they
retire or muster out. Damn, it’s a good thing I never made
I’m angry that “they” plan to shut down Commissaries.
I’m angry “they” failed to protect the babies and mothers
of Camp Lejuene (1968 – ‘85) thereby elevating the risk of
childhood cancers. I’m angry “they” are still going on about
the pee-pee video that happened showing a bunch of jarheads
urinating over dead Taliban.
My Marine Corps! Like many of you, I get calls and have
conversations with others about how things are changing.
I remind myself from time to time, it’s not my Marine
Corps. I don’t have a dog in the fight, but…damn it I dislike
seeing cammies as part of the everyday uniform for off duty
Marines. And yes, I’m still harping about the cammies the
generals wore in their photo-op at the Commandant’s House.
Boy, that was shoved under the rug quick enough.
Remember all the flack about merging uniforms for both
Male and Female Marines? The talk was the WMs would
look like guys, no skirts just regular trousers for both. Can
you imagine if “they” took the opposite view and announced,
”Effective immediately all Marines have their choice of skirts
or trousers?”
Okay I feel a little better, let me move on.
Old Corps Stuff! I remember a gunny that wore his utility
cover with the brim turned up. No one else would dare wear
it the same way. He walked around like a bow legged rooster
Puller walked by reviewing the troops and stopped four
feet in front of me and a foot from where the gunny was
standing. The time had come, I thought, Gunny McCormick
was going finally going to get it. Then I took another look.
Puller was wearing the “Ike Jacket’ too! I couldn’t hear the
whole conversation except for, “It’s good to see you Gunny
McCormick.” They shook hands exchanged a few more
words and Puller moved on. Puller and the gunny were the
only two in the whole battalion of Marines wearing “Ike”
jackets. After that it didn’t make much difference what the
gunny said, we listened to every word. The gunny was an
icon. He’s not around anymore. Depending on where he
went, he’s probably somewhere yelling at the saints or sinners
asking them if they served on Iwo?
And talk about icons. I reviewed a book for Leatherneck
Magazine called Kennedy’s General: A Story of Uncommon
Valor – The Remarkable Life of David M. Shoup by Frank
Wallace. Here is a section I found very interesting. “During
the rancor around the issue of “putting the Marine Corps
out of business,” Wallace traces what the film “Sands of Iwo
Jima” did for the Marine Corps as the ultimate recruiting
tool. And it did just that. Harry Truman backed off and
apologized as did his political hacks. The movie was a
contributing factor toward opening up dialogue.
It may be of interest to know that John Wayne, a fit and
athletic man, never served in the military, in contrast to other
movie legends such as James Stewart and Clark Gable to
mention but two who were combat veterans. Initially Wayne
refused the role of Sergeant John M. Stryker but upon
learning of the attempts to abolish the Corps, he took on the
role wholeheartedly. Do you think John had an aha moment,
an epiphany so to speak and said, “I’d better saddle up and
get with the program?”
Marine Embassy Guard Association
P.O. Box 6226
Wausau, WI 54402
We’re on the web!
MEGA Board of Directors 2014
Raymond L. Kunkle, Chairman, Director
Kabul, AF 61-62; Ankara, TR 62-63;
Abidjan, CI 63-64
Term of Office: 2011-2014
Stewart M. Grant, Vice-Chairman, Director
Ankara, TR 61-62; Abidjan, CI 62-63
Term of Office: 2012-2015
Kevin J. Hermening, Treasurer, Director
Tehran, IR 79-81
Term of Office: 2013-2016
Pete M. Gonzales, Jr., Secretary
Paris, FR 68-70
Term of Office: 2013-2014
Thomas A. Butler, Legal Advisor
Cairo, EG 54-56
Serves at the pleasure of the
MEGA Board of Directors
Committee Chairs:
Jim K. Harkins, Jr., Director
Algiers, DZ, 65-65; Monrovia, LR 66-66;
Calcutta, IN, 74-75, Luxembourg, LU, 76-76
Term of Office: 2013-16
Michael J. Laumann, Director
Beirut, LB 70-73;
Addis Ababa, ET 71-71
Term of Office: 2011-14
Paul R. Robinson, Director
Kabul, AF 60-61; Ankara, TR 61-63
Term of Office 2012-2015
Eugene (Gene) Frantz, Jr.,
MCESG Liaison
Moscow, RU 76-77, Dublin, IE 77-79
Stewart Grant, Membership Chairman,
Webmaster, Archives Chairman
Ankara, TR 61-62, Abidjan CI 62-63
Raymond Kunkle, Elections Chairman
Kabul, AF 61-62; Ankara, TR 62-63;
Abidjan, CI 63-64
Charles (Chuck) Moseman, Newsletter Printer
Singapore 58-60
Paul Robinson, Ship’s Store
Kabul, AF 60-61; Ankara, TR 61-63
Ed Vasgerdsian, Director
Juan Rocha, MEGA Chaplain
Timothy J. Wood, Director
Ed Vasgerdsian, Newsletter Editor
Cairo, EG 56-59
Term of Office: 2012-2015
New Delhi, IN 84-85, Santiago, CL 85-86
Term of Office: 2013-2016
Kabul 64-65, Leopoldville 65-66
Fred Samarelli, Technology Administrator
Karachi & Manila 77-79
Cairo, EG 56-59

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