December 2014/January 2015 - Good Shepherd Church in


December 2014/January 2015 - Good Shepherd Church in
From Pastor’s Desk…
Tis the Season…to celebrate the joy of the
Christ Child once more as we anticipate the
awe and wonder of Emmanuel “God with us” in
the Christmas celebration.
“Tis the Season”
Tis the Season…for us to reflect
upon the “Seasons” Sermon
Series just experienced during
November Worship Services. The Seasons of
our spiritual lives were connected with our
Journey Beyond and we encountered
“immeasurably more than we could ever ask or
(Ephesians 3:20-21)
Tis the Season…for all of us to go BEYOND as
did Mary and Joseph when they traveled to
Bethlehem and Beyond and in so doing
experienced God going BEYOND their wildest
Tis the Season…for us to ponder once again
the vast degree to which God has gone
BEYOND for us as we truly understand the
essence of the Incarnation “God made flesh”
and realize that “He who did not spare His own
son for us…” (Romans 8:31) went way
BEYOND for our salvation!
Tis the Season…for us to give Thanks…as
experienced this Season with vibrant Worship
and palate pleasing pie topped with great
fellowship on Thanksgiving Eve.
Tis the Season…for Giving as we lovingly care
for those in great need through “Gifts from the
Heart”…including the Angel Tree, the Dream
Catcher Tree, the Gift Mart, the Mitten Tree,
and the Shining Star Tree…preceded by the
Operation Christmas Child Gift Boxes. (See
related articles in this newsletter)
Tis the Season…to be inspired by that “Silent
Night” and follow that Star that leads to the
Christ Child going BEYOND where only God
can lead as we experience “God’s Generosity
as a Way of Life”.
Tis the Season…
-Pastor Gary
Divorce Care
January 7—April 1,2015
Room 118 Education Wing
Divorce Care is a relationship recovery ministry
designed to provide hope, help and healing for
those dealing with separation, divorce, and
broken relationships. Registration $20 email:
Starting in January we will feature a
new series that candidly addresses
difficult issues that we all face as
individuals, families and a community
of believer. This will be an empowering
look at topics that deeply affect our
society but far too often are ignored in
our church discussions.
“Holding Your Family Together”
Big Small Group Experience
6:30-8:00pm Thursdays
January 8—February 12, 2015
Good Shepherd
Christmas Orchestra
10th Annual Pancake Breakfast
Good Shepherd’s own Boy Scout Troop 75 is hosting
a Pancake Breakfast.
Saturday, December 6th
7:00am - Noon
Activity Center
Calling all young musicians! The Good
Shepherd Christmas Orchestra is preparing for
our Christmas celebration. We would like to
invite all of our musicians to join us in leading
the music for our Christmas Eve services, this
includes all Band and Orchestra instruments,
from Jr. High School through college. As long
as you can read the music samples for this
year, we have a place for you. Students can
perform at one or both services. What a great
way for our Good Shepherd students to use
their musical gifts for Gods Glory!
pancakes, sausage, coffee and juice.
Tickets are $5.00 per person or
$15 for immediate family.
All profits benefit Troop 75’s camping and
outdoor adventure program.
Music will be provided at the Connect Center.
Rehearsals are set for Saturday, Dec 6, 13, 20
at 9:30-10:45am. Please contact Paul Wood: for
more information.
Tickets can also be purchased at the door.
“Encounter Christmas”
A Very Special Evening
Tuesday, December 16th - 7:00pm
A beloved Good Shepherd tradition continues as we
seek to escape the bustle of the Christmas season and
enter a time of joy. Led by Ryan Hammer and our
stellar musicians, come join us for an evening of carols
and scripture.
Let the quiet joy and peace of the season renew your
soul as we gather in the Worship Center on Tuesday,
December 16th at 7:00pm.
“Gifts From The Heart”
Shining Star Gifts
Local At Risk
School Children
Gift Requests
for Children & Elderly
DuPage Convalescent
Nursing Home
Robin Schoolman
Sign-up and pick a star from the
tree in the Cornerstone Cafe
Angel Tree Gifts
Prison Fellowship
Gift Requests ($20-25)
for Children of Incarcerated Parents
Sign up and pick an “Angel from the
Tree in the Cornerstone Cafe
Amy Bruner
Friends of the Lakota
Menards & Visa Gift Cards
for Pine Ridge Reservation Families
Donate $5, $10, $25, $50…
Sign up and pick a Dream Catcher
In the Cornerstone Cafe
Diane Savage
Mitten Tree due by December 22nd
Good Shepherd Preschool
Collecting Kids’ or Adults’
Mittens, Hats, Scarves, etc.
Caryn or Kim
Gift Mart December 15th
Help families in East Aurora & Joliet with the gift of your time on December 15th at East Aurora High
School. All information available online at Use this site to register
to participate
All Gifts Need To Be Returned
by December 14th to the Connect Center.
Volunteers are needed to help sort & distribute all the gifts collected.
Call the church office or sign-up on the Connect Sheets
Please join us on Friday, December 5th from 6pm-7:30pm, as
Children’s Ministries partners together with Good Shepherd
Preschool to present ADVENTure Night! This informal gathering will
be held in the Activity Center as we enjoy an evening of pizza,
praise, music, and a project to make and take home to use during
the Advent season.
Please sign up to attend by scanning the code and the cost is $15
per family (pay at the door).
Or Sign up at Connect Center,
or Connections Sheet
Flowers Needed for
Christmas Season
Offering Envelopes
Every year the Sanctuary and
Worship Center are decorated
with donated flowers given in
honor or memory of someone
special to you.
Stop by the Connect Center to
complete your donation of $15 per plant.
Orders are due by
Sunday, December 14th
Look for your offering envelopes in the Narthex,
There will be a sheet to sign your name if there
was no box set issued. Envelopes will be
available for you the following week.
Stock Donations
The IRS offers special tax benefits for stock donations. Members who
own stock may want to consider donating it to Good Shepherd for their
offering. Please contact April Fecht for more information at
630-961-9220 x19 or
Year End Contribution Guidelines
Contributions received or postmarked 2014 will be reported in 2014. Contributions received in 2015
will be reported in 2015, unless postmarked in 2014.
Feed The Need! Naperville is an informal coalition of Naperville area congregations
and civic organizations working together to sponsor an annual
Feed My Starving Children MobilePack in Naperville.
On February 15 & 16, 2015, Good Shepherd Church will join approximately
15 other congregations to pack 500,000+ life-saving meals at
Feed The Need! Naperville’s 4th Annual MobilePack
Hosted by North Central College.
Volunteer registration begins in January 2015. Watch the church bulletin for details on how to sign up.
To support this event, make check payable to Good Shepherd with ‘FMSC #1502-162’ in the memo line and
submit to the church office, or visit
Questions? Please contact Mary Miller at or 630-922-4124.
at Feed My Starving Children’s facility
555 Exchange Court, Aurora
Saturday, November 29th
Tuesday, December 30
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
2:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Saturday, January 24, 2015 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
To Sign Up Online:
Go to and click on 'Volunteer Registration'.
Click on 'Permanent Site' and select 'Join a Group'.
Under 'Search for Group', enter ‘Good Shepherd Church’ for the group name and select
'Aurora, IL' for the location. Click Search.
Find the packing session date you want, click 'Join' and follow the prompts.
Questions? Please contact Mary Miller at
Tegucigalpa, Honduras 2014 Mission Trip
Perspective from a first timer, Dave Baumgardner
This trip was one of the most awesome things I have ever done., It holds a
close second place to the marriage of my wife and the births of my two boys,
and I don’t think I will go another year without going on a mission trip as long as
I live, God willing.
We began the first day by arriving in Tegucigalpa, the Honduras Captial. Getting through customs was easy and we waited for others from the US to complete our team. We then traveled by the yellow school bus for 40 minutes to the mission house. Once inside, there was a guided tour of
where everything was located, including sleeping arrangements, and then viewed the orientation video of
what happens and what to expect. This was a little overwhelming but I knew God was in control.
I went into this trip with some expectations, but received many more impactful experiences. For the first time
we had 3 generations of men with us. A standout moment was shared after Dale and his son Cody returned
from providing a concrete floor for a family of 9. When Cody saw their empty dirt floor he asked the
translator, where was their “stuff.” The translator responded “they don’t have any stuff”. Cody looked at his
father and said “Wow, we throw away so much stuff they could use, and we do it every six months.” When
Cody shared this story that night , he and his father could not feel worse about how good we have it and how
bad they have it. There was not a dry eye in the group. This is what it is all about!
They explained we would be working at two churches . The first church was on a hilly dirt road in a very poor,
highly congested area that includes tiny residences with typical dirt floors. They welcomed us into the church
and I was able to put into action the Spanish I had been practicing. After spending the afternoon with the
residents, it was clear that they were excited to see us and to come back the next day to perform the work we
came to do. This consisted of dentistry, optical, doctor evaluations, prescribed medicine, concrete floors,
removing lice from children’s hair, and of course evangelism. Every night before the mission, our team
leaders discerned which tasks we each would do the next day. We performed all of the above in small
churches and the lines of people were at times 4-5 hours long. We saw on average 750 people a day. I
performed optical the first day, dentistry the second day, concrete floors the fourth day, and finished with
evangelism the fifth day. The third day (in between serving the two churches) I
visited Rancho Ebenezer, where WGO provides schooling, meals, and nice shelter for orphans from the streets. This was the most powerful ministry I felt connected to serving in the future. They provide a structured environment from Kindergarten through high school. These kids graduate school with a diploma and all
are bi-lingual. I believe about 95% get jobs in the city fairly easily because of the
education they receive. I believe children are our future and this touched my heart
the most in a deep and profound way. Why wouldn’t I want to promote and fundraise for this great cause?
Every night we would come back to the mission house and share our numerous experiences, many joyful and
many heartfelt. In my opinion, it’s okay for grown men to cry. It seemed like an endless running water faucet
coming from my eyes every night, sharing stories with each other. I think the most moving experience and
certainly the most anxiety I had, was when I was called to do one-on-one evangelism. I am not a Biblical
scholar by any stretch of the imagination, but God was beside me to show me the way. He worked His
blessings through me and rewarded me with the spiritual guidance to help these Honduran people who were
seeking His guidance. To say I was humbled beyond my imagination would be the understatement of the
year. It was such an honor to be humbled like this being a Christian. I would have never thought it could be
this rewarding and fulfilling in a million years. The Honduran people were so appreciative of all our efforts,
you could see it in their eyes with every person we encountered.
What I have learned from this great GSLC, is the simple fact that giving your time and serving is what God
calls us to do. That is the journey and current mission in my life. I hope you give the mission a try, He
promises not to let you down!
Growth Groups!
A Tuesday Morning Women's Bible Study~
Winter/Spring Session starts
Tuesday, January 27, 2015 - May 12, 2015
Save the date(s) and join us as we study the book of Luke
9:30am - 10:30am:
Large Group Teaching with Pastor Glen in Worship Center
New Participant Registration at the Connect Center or online at
* If you were a Fall 2014 Growth Groups participant, there is no
need to re-register - you will stay with your same Small Group and same room.
What I like about Large Group...
"I love the community feeling of Godly women together"
"The history & background to the stories/lessons"
"I really like it! Pastor Glen is amazing. I appreciate learning so much"
"Love the teaching! Always learn & grow from the scripture"
"The depth of learning, the audio/visual aids, Pastor Glen is fantastic!"
"Pastor Glen's amazing insights"
"Historical info and inspirational interpretation of the Bible"
"Pastor Glen and all he can pull from scripture"
10:30am - 11:30am: Small Group Fellowship & Discussion
What I like about Small Group...
"The wisdom of all the women of all ages & perspectives"
"The trust/honesty ~ the sharing of life experiences"
"Hearing each other’s views and beliefs and thoughts"
"Love the discussion & friendships"
"Prayer requests, sharing highs & lows, getting to know my small group of women, loved the booklet"
"Friendships formed over several years & prayer"
"The women are so supportive of each other always!"
"The camaraderie between our group, the discussion"
Childcare is provided.
Growth Groups would love to have you!
Please contact Sheila Ringenbach ( with any questions.
Preschool News
2015 – 2016 Preschool Registration Dates
ates have been set for registration for preschool enrollment for next Fall. If
you are considering our preschool for your child’s early childhood education,
consider making an appointment now to preview our classrooms in action.
Classes are available two to five days a week, for children who are nearly three up
through five-years-old. Please visit OR contact Caryn
Schatz or Kim Jeske for more information at 630-961-9055.
Wednesday, December 3rd
9:05am – 1:00pm
Current enrolled Families and Siblings
Thursday, December 4th
9:30am – 1:00pm
Current enrolled Families and Siblings
Friday, December 5th
9:30 - 11:30am
Alumni Families
(previously enrolled siblings in our program)
Sunday, December 7th
12:30 – 1:00pm
Open House – Church Families enroll
Please use Door ‘A’ to enter the Preschool.
Monday, December 8th
**Open Registration – by appointment only
** If a person is not a church member and is interested in enrolling – please call the preschool office now to be
put on a list of interested families for the 2015 – 2016 school year. Enrollment appointments are made on a firstcome, first-served basis.
Manna Gift Cards
Gift cards will be available following each service between Thanksgiving and the week before Christmas. The location on
Sunday mornings will be in the worship office – located in the hallway near the Pastor’s offices and the main office. The
preschool will receive 2% – 18% profit. Most frequently used cards include:
VISA $25-$50
Downtown Naperville $10/$25
Entertaining this holiday? $25/$50
Bed, Bath & Beyond $25
Carson Pirie Scott $25/ $100
Mariano’s $25/$50/$100
Home Depot $25
Jewel $25/$50/$100
Kohl’s $25/$100
Lowe’s $25
Macy’s $25/$100
TJMaxx/HomeGoods $25
Whole Foods $25
Pottery Barn/Williams Sonoma $25
Last minute gifts needed?
American Girl $25
Barnes & Noble $10
iTunes $15/$25
Best Buy $25
Toys R Us $20
Gap/Old Navy/Banana Republic $25
Taking the night off?
AMC Theaters $9.00
Buffalo Wild Wings $25
Chili’s $25
Lou Malnati’s $25
Noodles & Company $25
On the Border $25
Outback/Carraba’s $25
Olive Garden/Red Lobster/Capital Grill $25
Panera Bread $10/$25
Smashburger $10
TGIFridays $25
Check out for a full listing of cards available for ordering.
Orders are due Sunday, December 14th with pickup on Friday, December 19th.
Manna Gift Cards
Listed below are some of the most popular vendors
but you can add any vendor from the lost of over 500 vendors!
Please submit completed form, with check made payable to Good Shepherd Lutheran Preschool,
at the Connect Center.
Orders are due Sunday, December 14th with delivery by Friday, December 19th.
Name: ___________________________________
Email: __________________________________
Phone: __________________________________
Vendor Name
Vendor Name
Profit $25/$100
Mariano’s $25 / $50 / $100
AMC $25 Gift Card
Meijer $25 / $100
American Girl $25
Menards $25 / $100
Barnes & Noble $10/$25
Michael’s Crafts $25
Bath & Body Works $10/$25
Noodles & Company $10/$25
Bed Bath & Beyond $25
Panera $10/$25
Best Buy $25
Red Robin $10/$25
BP Gas Card $50 / $100
Regal Entertainment $25
Buona Beef $10
Shell $25/$50
Chili’s $25
Staples $25/$100
Chipotle Mexican Grill $10
Starbucks $5
Crate & Barrel $25
Starbucks $10/$25
CVS Pharmacyh $25
Target $25/$100
Dairy Queen $10
TGIFridays $25
Downtown Naperville $10/$25
Toys R Us $20
Dunkin Donuts $5/$10/$25
Ulta Cosmetics $25
Exxon $50
VISA $50
Garden Fresh $20
Walgreens $25
Gordon Food Service $25 / $100
Walmart / Sam’s Club $25/$50
Great Harvest Bread $10
Walmart / Sam’s Club $100
Home Depot $25
Whole Foods $25/$100
Jewel $25 / $100
One Card | Popular Places $50
JoAnn Fabric $20
Kohls $25 / $100
Lands End $25 / $100
Lettuce Entertain You $25/$50
Lettuce Entertain You $100
Lou Malnati’s Pizza $25
Lowes $25 / $100
Selections from the Internet:
Can’t find what you want on this list? Go to to view the participating vendors.
is the Special Needs Ministry at Good Shepherd.
Our mission is to meet the needs of families
touched by special needs and create a
welcoming environment for all people to worship
and grow their relationships with Jesus Christ.
Introducing BUDDY BREAK!
Buddy Break takes the place of Share the Care
Same purpose - A break for families of kids with special needs
Same time - 2nd Saturday of the month from 9am-12pm
Different name - Buddy Break gives families access to
national Buddy Breaks sponsored at hundreds of churches
across the country including three right here in the suburbs!!
FUSION needs you! Here are some ways YOU can support FUSION ministry SET-UP Buddy Break: Friday before the 2nd Saturday from 6:30 - 8:30pm
CLEAN-UP Buddy Break: 2nd Saturday from 12:00 - 1:00pm
Nurses - care for medical needs on Sunday AMs and during Buddy Break
FUEL - buddies needed for students who attend Sunday night FUEL
SPARKS - buddies needed for kids who attend Sunday morning SPARKS
Buddies - 2nd Saturday of the month 8:30am - 12:15pm
Buddy break
Let us give YOU a break!
Tell us about your family.
Buddy Break is for
I have been married for six years to my wonderful
families with kids with
husband and have a 3½ year old energetic little
special needs. Drop off all
How did you come to be at Good Shepherd?
We first started coming to this church after we
attended one of our friends weddings at Good
Shepherd. After the wedding, my husband and I
got to taking to Pastor Gary. He reminded me so
much of my pastor from my childhood church. I
knew that we needed to give this church a
chance. We have been coming ever since.
Why did you decide to become a part of the FUSION Ministry? How long have
you been serving in FUSION?
I have been a part of FUSION for 3 years. When I heard about FUSION I knew
it was something that I had to be involved in and that it would be a great
opportunity to meet more people from church.
What has been the highlight so far of your leadership in FUSION?
One of my highlights in FUSION has been seeing the children with special
needs being welcomed and embraced by all of the leaders in SPARKS. I also
love being involved with the students learning about God.
your kiddos for a morning
of crafts, games, music,
gym time, a movie, and
more while you recharge
and have time to
yourself! Preregistration is
Buddy Break is the 2nd
Sat. of the month from
Save the date!
***December 13th,
January 10th,
February 14th,
March 14th, April 11th,
May 9, June 13***
January 2 & 3, 2015
Friday, January 2nd • 10:00am - 4th-5th Grade Teams
Friday, January 2nd • 4:00pm - High School Teams
Saturday, January 3rd • 10:00am - 6th-8th Grade Teams
Saturday, January 3rd • 4:00pm - Adult Teams
Teams Needed • Event Sponsors Needed
Do you own a small business & would like to advertise to over 500 people at one event?
Sponsorships available.
All proceeds benefit:
Student Ministries Mission Trips
Week of Hope
Workcamp 2015
Guatemala 2015
July 19-24 ● Grand Rapids, MI
6th & 7th Grade students
July 19-25 ● Hastings, MI
8th-12th Grade students
June 13-20
HS, College Age & Young Adults
Registration forms & applications for mission trips are available on church website. for event info, team registration or sponsorship info.
Students going BEYOND!
Church, Community & Abroad!
23 service projects created by students
250 students and leaders working together
2800+ people & “paws” touched by God’s love
30 Jump Ropes for Guatemala
39 Tie Blankets
50 Christmas Cards for Troops
50 Horse Head Candy Canes
50 Hot Cocoa for College Care
50 Lollipop Bouquets
50 Prayer Rocks
60 Toys for ADOPT Dogs and Cats
75 Cross Necklaces
75 Door Hangers for Seniors
110 Books Wrapped - Preschool
150 Advent Projects - SPARKS
180 Bookmarks for Seniors
250 Lunch Bags - Hesed House
285 Flips Flops for Guatemala
390 SPARKS Projects
400 Rubber Band Bracelets
600 Crayon Packs for Guatemala
DELTA Retreat 2014
Theme Verse: “Do not be overcome by evil,
but overcome evil with good.” Romans 12:21
High School Participants = 77
Volunteers = 58
Lives touched by the Holy Spirit = 135
The weekend included passionate student-led
worship, 7 student testimonies, 16 small
group discussions, church-wide mystery game,
and ONE amazing God!
Come in from the cold...
...for some steaming hot soup or
hand-crafted Panini!
Our delicious soups change daily:
- Parmesan, Sausage & Kale
- Roasted Garlic & Sun-dried Tomato
- Creamy Potato with Bacon
- Wildstock Chili with Beef
- Chipotle Sweet Potato
Pair a soup with a grilled Panini:
- Roasted Peppers, Pesto & Provolone
- Bavarian Ham & Provolone
- New! Turkey, Bacon & Ranch
- New! Bacon & Egg – served all day!
When you meet a friend at the café,
you not only help support Good Shepherd’s ministries and
missions, but you introduce them to our welcoming environment.
Who knows?
They just might come back with you on a Sunday!
Winter Hours:
Monday thru Thursday: 8:00am - 8:00pm
Friday & Sunday: 8:00am - 12:30pm
Closed Saturdays
Open during most FUEL and IGNITE events,
including Sunday evenings from 6:00 - 7:15pm
and during Dodgin’4Dough.
Closed for Christmas: December 22nd thru January 1st
We will be open Sunday, December 28th from 8:00am - 12:30pm during services.
Reasons for Celebrating
Sept 21
Knox Darryl Hillman
Brielle Faith Stone
Sept 28
Adelyn Patricia Vance
Oct 12
Tristan Scott Duncan
Oct 19
Stephanie Ann Malin
Sept 26
Carson David Campbell
Born to
David & Jill Campbell
Oct 1
Claire Irene Brown
Born to
Nathan & Courtney Brown
Oct 25
Parker Elliot Wetherell
Oct 15
Christian Reece Dilger
Born to
Brian & Katie Dilger
Oct 26
Raylan Garret Schreiner
Bryson Ryan Phelan
Oct 29
Aaron Cole Levy
Born to
Sept 27
Irene Tong & Raymond Malenki
————— New Members —————
Edgardo & Michelle Barboza
Michael & Jessica Dieterle
Quinn, Gavin, Tatum
Michele Kaiser-Hust
Amanda Sexton & Steve Guerrero
Kiera, Carmen, Angelo
Diana Kennedy
Matt & Lyn Kolodzej
Charlotte & Mike Krueger
Carol Madson
Audrey & Alan Lowe
Karen Martin
Melissa Mitchem & Gordon Butler
Jennifer Manfre
————— New Members —————
Robyn Ortiz
Madeleine, Allison
Judy Phillip
Karen Ringas
Steve & Amy Smith
Emily, Christian
Rhonda & Fred Richmond
Shannon Sullivan
Luke & Heidi Vanderbloemen
Julie, Mark
Nancy Thurman
Ryan Voykin
Kat Hamilton & Tadd Wenman
ETC Quiz
Eating Together to Connect
True or False? This ETC dinner
occurred in November.
True or False?
The people at this ETC dinner
are velcroed together.
True or False? This ETC
The people at this ETC dinner
are velcroed together
True or False?
The people in this photo are waiting for their
dance lesson to begin.
True or False?
Keith brought the fruit for this
dessert home from Guatemala.
Which of the following are true?
a—ETC is for people who like to eat
and laugh
b-ETC is for people who want to get to
know other adults at GS
c-Sign-ups for the next round of ETC
begin in January.
d– All of the above
True or False?
Barb & Jay were glad they were
invited guests at this ETC
Senior Adults
The September meeting of the Senior Adults Forum highlighted the expectations of Good Shepherd Seniors. The responses from the first meeting of the Forum will be used as a guideline for this new Good Shepherd Ministry.
What works well for seniors in our church community was reviewed as well as future improvements needed to make a
cohesive, interactive program.
Initiatives currently underway have been laid out for spiritual growth and discipleship. Pastor Glen and Pastor PJ have
been working on this vision “for and with” our senior adults.
Pastor Gary led the question and response conversation including
discussions of “Beyond” impact, what to expect at future forums, and finally,
communication needs. Opportunities for service and social activities will be
coming in the near future.
We closed with prayers of thanksgiving.
Our Worship Schedule:
Sunday Worship
traditional services ................8:00am & 9:30am
contemporary service ...........11:00am
alternative services ...............9:29 & 11:01am
Saturday Worship
contemporary ........................5:30pm
Christian Education 2 years to adult ....................September - May
ages 2½, 3, 4 & 5 .................September - May: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday ...................8:30am - 5:00pm
Good Shepherd Church Staff:
Pastors: Gary Olson, Greg Wenhold,
PJ Malin, Glen Wagner
Roberta Carzoo - Office Manager,,
April Fecht - Director of Finance,
Support Team - Kim Bennema, John Harrison,
Laura Ostrovecky, Nancy Menconi,
Debra Vian
New Members—Julie Utter
Children’s Ministries
Caryn Schatz - Preschool Director,
Director of Family Life - Bethany Hammer
Interim Curriculum Coordinator– Gretchen Dexter
SPARKS - Norma Johnson;
NURSERY - Jenn Anderson
Sheila Ray - Communications Director
Family Life
Special Needs Coordinator - Danielle Schaeffer
Worship & Music Craig Parsons - Director
Worship Team - Steve Caballero, Ryan Hammer,
Kate Kalthoff, Steve McGraw, Lori Sonnenberg,
Paul Wood
Student Ministries
Director of Family Life - Janice Rubin
6th - 8th Grade FUEL; High School IGNITE Sue Halford, Laura Jean Martin, Donna Wandke
Directory of Café Ministry - Maureen Caballero
Café Manager - Kris Barker
Shift Managers - Monique Doolittle, Jennifer
Church Council: President: Tom Anderson;
Vice President: Karen Brothers;
Secretary: Jayne Rollins; CFO: Steve Mansmith
Chris Chenoweth, Karl Cordes, John Felton,
Christine Myka, Patrick Rogers
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
1310 Shepherd Dr
Naperville, IL 60565
Tel: (630) 961-9220 •
Fax: (630) 961-5125 •
Inside this Month
Encounter Christmas
Gifts from the Heart
Opportunities to serve
Year-End Giving
Gifts before the end of the year
Dodge for a Cause