From the Helm - Bradenton Yacht Club
From the Helm - Bradenton Yacht Club
BRADENTON YACHT CLUB P oop D eck The Monthly Newsletter • From the Helm Calling all members of the Bradenton Yacht Club, make a New Years resolution to participate and enjoy our Club! 2010 is here -- a new year with some exciting events coming up, including new menus, specials and many attractions guaranteed to bring you here. While our revenues for the months of November and December were behind budget, your Board of Directors and Management Team are not sitting back and blaming the economy. We are charging full steam ahead and will continue to be creative in our offerings, events, and improving amenities to our members. In the insightful words of Past Commodore Bill Baker, “This is your Club; come use it!” And as always, we welcome your feedback and suggestions to drive participation. Our keys to success this year will be increasing member utilization and membership growth. You can help us with both! Speaking of improved amenities, we are moving forward Ron Delavan with an enhanced website for the BYC. We expect to “go live” in the first quarter of this year. Features will include user friendly online chit detail, bill pay options, profile updates and much more! Thanks to Judy Engberg and Jeanne Reeves along with the Publicity Committee for making this project a reality. Back by popular demand! Saturday, January 23rd, the Florida Cracker Party returns and Saturday, February 27th, the second BYC Crab Races are scheduled. Find more details on these events and more inside the Poopdeck. Mark your calendars now for two important Bradenton Yacht Club events and traditions. The Annual Membership Meeting will be held on TUESDAY, APRIL 27th, at 7 pm followed by our Saturday, May 1st, Memorial Service, Blessing of the Fleet and Member Appreciation Party. I encourage all of you as members of the BYC to be present for both, and show your support and appreciation for the volunteer members who have served and will serve on the Board of Directors of our Club. Gary Alderman’s 36’ Nanny took first place in the Lighted Boat Parade. Look for more Boat Parade pictures inside. January 2010 Commodore Deborah Ross Special thanks to the 12th Annual Holiday Boat Parade Committee and participants! For once we can truly say the weather was beautiful, and as always the parade was spectacular. We can all be proud that the BYC took the reins on this event and provided a show for all of Manatee County to enjoy. Congratulations to our Harbor Lights Winners! First Prize Food – Joe and Casey McClash’s Bananas Foster First Prize Beverage – Steve and Joy Fredrick’s Red, Red Wine Decorated Boats – First: Nanny, Gary and Carol Alderman; Second, Knot at Work, Bill and Mary Beth Westbrook; Third, Bimini Twist, Mike and Jeanne Reeves Happy New Year everyone! I’ll see you at the Club. From the Helm............................. 1 Bridge Club.................................. 3 Employee of the Month................ 3 Welcome Aboard.......................... 3 Lighted Boat Parade.................. 4-5 Club Manager............................... 6 Fleet Captain Fishing................... 7 Fleet Captain Sailing.................... 8 Membership................................. 8 Harbor Lights............................... 9 Main Events............................ 10-11 Outdoor Adventurers................. 12 Cocktails & Candlelight............. 12 Fleet Captain Power................... 13 Brunch with Santa...................... 13 Employee Holiday Party............. 14 A Remberance............................. 15 Entertainment............................ 16 Great Mates................................ 17 BYC Board of Directors...............20 Bradenton Yacht Club 2009-2010 Officers, Directors & Committee Chairpersons Flag Officers Commodore.................................... Deborah Ross Vice Commodore............................ Harry Blenker Rear Commodore............................ Rick Shaurette Past Commodore............................. Joe McClash Secretary......................................... Linda Howe Treasurer........................................ Jim Freeman Fleet Captain Sail........................... Gerald Baily Fleet Captain Power....................... Wayne Duckstein Fleet Captain Fishing..................... Mike Reeves Directors Director (House)............................ David Bailey Director (Publicity)........................ Judy Engberg Director (Membership)................... Evan Guido Director (Entertainment)............... Michael Messer Director (Long Range Planning).... Susan Tibbits Director (Basin)............................. Tony Toledo Junior Director . ............................ Summer Smith-Pope FCYC Representative...................... Jack Gorman President - Great Mates.................. Susan Vorpahl Bradenton Yacht Club 4307 Snead Island Road Palmetto, FL 34221 GENERAL MANAGER/COO...Ken Nyhus, CCM OFFICE (941) 722-5936 • FAX (941) 723-6639 E-mail: WEB ADDRESS: Office Hours: Tues - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm WEBMASTER: Douglas Peck POOPDECK EDITOR: Judy Engberg Reservations Please call ahead to reserve your table 722-5936 Tuesday-Thursday: Lunch Menu 11:30 am to 9:00 pm, Dinner Menu 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm Friday & Saturday: Lunch Menu 11:30 am to 9:30 pm, Dinner Menu 5:30 pm to 9:30 pm Sunday Lunch: 11:30 am to 6:00 pm Tiki Bar: 4:00 pm to 11:00 pm, Friday; Noon to 11:00, Saturday; Noon to Dusk, Sunday. Weather Permitting November Visitors by the Sea Bradenton YC 15 Carlouel YC 1 Charlotte Harbor YC 5 Davis Island YC 1 Florida YC 1 Ft. Walton YC Isles YC Pasadena YC St. Petersburg YC Tampa YC Total Number of Visitors 44 Total Power Boats 37 Total Sailboats 7 Diesel Fuel Sold Gas Sold 1 3 1 15 1 3,618 gallons 3,402 gallons Attention All BYC Members... Two (2) members’ names will appear hidden within the Poopdeck. If you find your name (with a star next to it), you will receive two (2) complimentary bar drinks, one time during the month, on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday evening. Please let your server know that you are one of the chosen ones for the month. BYC Phone Extensions Phone # 941-722-5936 • Fax # 941-723-6639 Dockmaster Cell # 941-374-2310 Dept. Contact Accounts Payable Debbie Accounts Receivable Jenifer Banquets/Reservations Bar To Go Chef/Kitchen Todd Controller/Office Manager Alice Dining Rooms Manager Helen Dockmaster Doc For Assistance Operator General Manager Ken Podium (making reservations after 5 p.m.) Tiki Bar Outside Ext. 201 202 206 208 209 204 205 212 0 203 207 211 Bridge Club Carl Kramer Now that all the excitement and parties are over, we can concentrate on our Spring Tournament starting on February 4th. All the sharpies are back from the North, their claws are sharpened and we’re ready to roll. Nov. 19th 1st 2nd 3rd David Tyler & Chris Grubaker Bill & Sandy Boyce Joan & Mike Simms Dec. 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd David Tyler & Chris Grubaker Mary & Newell Yaple Dixie Keeney & Eilene Pierson Dec. 10th 1st 2nd 3rd Bessie Sands & Freda Logan Carla & Gary Morgan Mary & Newell Yaple A new year is here. PLAY MORE BRIDGE! Employee of the Month The BYC’s employee of the month is the kitchen’s very deserving Carlos Morales. Carlos was born in Morelos, Mexico and moved to Florida at the age of 4. He graduated from Bradenton’s Southeast High School, then joined the Marine Corps in 2004. With the Marine Corps, Carlos was able to travel to Guam, Hawaii, Singapore and Australia. Carlos served two tours of duty in Iraq in 2006 and 2007. We are honored and proud to have a member of the United States’ most noble brotherhood on staff at the BYC. When asked about his service to our country, Carlos responded, “If called back to duty, I would do it in a heartbeat!” Thank you, Carlos for your service and contribution protecting all Americans. Carlos was married in 2006 and he and his family now live in the Bradenton area. Regular Membership #2379 Karl & Deborah Reekstin 2186 Centerview Ct. N. Clearwater, FL 33759 (727) 725-1092 “Liberty” - 60’ Sea Ray #2380 Richard & Chloe Fargione 1887 Nuthatch Way Palm Harbor, FL 34683 “East Coast Xpre” - 39’ Sea Ray #2381 David & Linda Disesa 525 Crystal Dr. Madeira Beach, FL 33708 (727) 397-0363 “Esperanza” - 46’ Hatteras In Memoriam #657 Beth Harsch BYC Member Appreciation Night Friday, January 29th 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Free Draft Beer while it lasts Special Buffet prepared by the Chef $14.95++ Reserve at 941-722-5936 3 The Judges Lighted Boat Parade Club Manager Happy New Year everybody; I hope your night of festivities New Years Eve was enjoyable and safe! Whether you were here at the Club, or out and about, I hope you were with loved ones, and your ‘09 ended well and 2010 began with a bang! I have to thank our entertainment committee because our Club looked great through the Holidays and for New Year’s Eve. It is they who organized the decorators, purchased the decorations, raised funds for the decorations, displayed them beautifully and then put all of the decorations away. It is a labor of love for these members who selflessly give of their time, money and their talents. I want to thank them personally for making our Club a beautiful festive place for the holidays. For all of our new members who joined during the last year, we are having a Newer Member Orientation on January 30th from 10 a.m. to noon! This will be a great opportunity to come in and chat with the Board, with Committee Chairs and Department Heads, and have any questions you have answered. Plus, the Membership Committee will pick up your breakfast tab! This is totally win/win. You will receive an invitation in the mail after the first of the year; a timely RSVP will be appreciated. Thank you to all of the members who supported our employee Holiday Fund! Because of your generosity, our employees were provided with an envelope of Holiday Cheer at our Annual Holiday Employee Party! We are truly blessed to have such giving members! Even in this economy, our members gave generously to our Holiday Gift Fund. Speaking of our Employee Holiday Party…again, our members have outdone themselves! A very special thank you, from all of our Crew, to all of the volunteers who came to the Club to cook, clean, serve and bartend for us at our party. The BYC Team so appreciates the opportunity to enjoy this event, and get treated like members for the day! As to the business of 2010, your Management Team has been watching the trends in our revenues vs. expenses. We know there are choices to be made on where people spend their money when it comes to dining, entertainment, and recreation. Believe me; I have spent much time with my department heads, committees and our Board of Directors developing ways to make the BYC your destination of choice. One thing we have learned in the past, for some members it’s about the price, for some members it’s about the experience, for some members it’s about the 6 Ken Nyhus camaraderie, for some members it’s about the FCYC and for some members it is about the entertainment. For some members it’s a combination of two or more of the aforementioned items. So, while we have our work cut out for us in the new year, we are busy devising new menus, fun new activities and bringing back some requested events as Commodore Ross stated in her article. As I speak with my peers at other yacht clubs in the area, the number one question for 2010 is will we be in survival mode, revival mode, or can we as managers develop a program that will allow our clubs to continue to thrive. To that effect, I will be sending out some electronic surveys to several targeted groups of members, asking for opinions about our operation to help plan our direction for the future. As our Club has a diverse member base with many different wants and needs, it is challenging at best to put a plan into place that pleases everyone. Several years ago in an effort to offer finer dining, we developed menus that featured higher end products that warranted somewhat higher prices. We alienated and aggravated members who wanted the Club to be more casual with more modest price points. As the economy has shifted, we have targeted more affordable menu items, and it seems we have alienated and aggravated the members who prefer finer dining. It is our goal to develop menus that are pleasing to all of our members. We may without intention remove one of your favorite menu items. I thank you all in advance for understanding that this is a work in progress, and as Commodore Ross stated in her article, “We are not going to blame the economy,” rather we are going to figure out how we can better market to and please all interests of our members. I know our members love and support our Club, as do I. Together, we will outlast the situation we find ourselves in, and not let the negative fallout of this situation grind us down. God bless you and yours. I want to wish you and your family a happy, safe, PROSPEROUS New Year in 2010. Remember to come out to the Club for a safe haven of fun and camaraderie in January and all of the New Year! Check out the new menus we’ve assembled, try a new event, or just come meet your friends for a smile and a drink. See you all around the Clubhouse! Visit the BYC website at Fleet Captain Fishing December was a challenging month. Even the weatherguessers couldn’t figure out what was going on. Not the near perfect conditions that we are accustomed to. Hopefully as you are reading we’re back to our winter norm of several good weather days followed by a few slightly flawed, and then back to great days again. Not a bad way to spend our seventy-five day winter. Now to my problem. The editor says she needs a couple hundred words. My old brain won’t come up anything relevant. Almost nobody, including me, has been doing a lot of fishing. Last month’s rough and tumble conditions gave up a few snapper, grouper and kingfish. Each trip was followed by at least four Advil. The fly rods sit gathering dust. Yes, we are a little spoiled. I am going to take the notebook into the den and watch the outdoor channels for a while – hopeful for some inspiration. Now I am engulfed by my big old chair, magic clicker in hand and tuned into the Fishing Network. Oh, oh, not a good start, the current show is some Bassin Bubba catching 6-pound fish on 60-pound line; yard work is better than this. Wait a minute -- Jimmy Houston is not pond poking with the good old boys this week; he is fishing the flats down in the Keys. Sit tight, I’ll be back in 30 minutes. That was pretty good. He was fishing with a guy I know from Bud’n Mary’s on an old Hewes. I was vicariously right there. I’m a little tired but didn’t get too much sun. Jimmy caught six big bonefish in 11 minutes, giggling the whole time like a school girl with a hormone rush. Now the clicker takes me to channel 318 where Sportsman’s Adventures is in the Gulf catching wahoo. Six monster hoos in four minutes – these guys are really good! Another commercial; some way too handsome guy is talking about a new and improved Calcutta Baitcaster. Back to the action and one second later a big fat grouper is in the boat, another commercial, (same reel - I’ve gotta have one!). Now they are hooked up with a little blackfin. Man, would I like to have a wahoo, grouper, blackfin honey hole. OK back to ESPN and whatever is on. Jose Wejebe, all right! Life is good. He is not in the Keys but way down south fishing out of La Guiara, with mates Speedy and David. It’s giving me goose bumps. I am right there trying to remember my Spanish. It kind of comes out gringolingo. I swear that I smell the Venezuelan breakfast that Olga is cooking and can almost taste Grand Captain Mike Reeves Reserva Selectro that is waiting at the end of the day. Now another commercial with that same darn reel but this time they give an 800 number. ....”my expiration date is 11/2045 and yes I will pay $989 for overnight shipping.” Nothing is perfect. We must now endure some guys duck hunting in a cold wet muddy swamp. There is no way in the world my princess of a lab would do what these dogs are doing. Next up Fly Fishing the World is in South America catching all kinds of exotic stuff. This is a pretty cool show. We need to see how many air miles it takes to get to the Amazon. I would name the fish for you but my spell check won’t help and I don’t have a clue. This is dangerous; I could turn into a pale, lard bellied, button pushing armchair angler. One look out the window and I know that won’t ever happen. What a place to live! Well, just like in high school I have been counting the words as I type. Just a few more and I am out’a here. This has not been a bad 90 minutes though, with sensational fishing right at my finger tip. But doing is a heck of a lot better than watching. So, out of the comfy chair, e-mail this to the editor, hide the clicker so Jeanne can’t find it, grab Sunshine, get two cold ones, grab the good rod, find my best mirrorlure, fire up the skiff and boy I love life. Hope I see you out there somewhere in our little piece of heaven. Anglers please watch your BYC e-mail this month for an important announcement. Catch of the month. While free diving (no scuba) in about 45 feet of water off Anna Maria, Taylor Chadsey III speared this thirty pound Kingfish. I am guessing that it took him for a bit of a ride. That is Taylor Jr. silently counting his son’s fingers to see if there are still ten of them. Visit the BYC website at 7 Fleet Captain Sailing Since the last issue, we have had several new and interesting sailing related events. We now have two of our JY-15 sailboats ready to sail. Ted Weyhrauch of Innovative Marine and I put two of the boats together and replaced defective equipment. Ted supplied the lines at a discount. Sunrise Sails checked the sails, did a few small repairs at no charge, made the new hiking straps and supplied tiller extensions at a discount. Now we have boats to use and Joe McClash or I will check out our members who want to use the boats during Club hours. We have check out and sign in and out sheets in the dockmasters office. The boats are near our beach on the river. Call me to arrange a check out. Ravi Parent, who was sailing Opti’s in Scotland last summer, won the District 13 Laser Championships on December 5th. He finished with five first place races and a 4th place throw out race to win over 17 other boats. Way to go, Ravi ! On Thanksgiving weekend, Regatta Point Marina hosted the Turkey Run regatta. The race was a reverse handicap from just off Regatta Point to Emerson Point and back with a few other marks to go around Membership Captain Jerry Baily along the way. In a reverse handicap, the boats have different starting times depending on their handicap and in a perfect race all would finish at the same time. Midnight Sun with Greg Knighton sailing finished second, Killer Tomato was third, and Catastrophie and Mischief had a very close race. Caliente and Lil Gringo also sailed with us. The Regatta Point Marina staff put together a really great buffet and wonderful service. Thanks to Peter and Ben and all their staff for a great event. If you are near the marina and hungry, stop in; you will not be disappointed. On Saturday December 5th, the Around Egmont Race was sailed. There was some confusion about the date and day for which I am responsible. The weather was so cold, rainy, and windy, for which I was not responsible. Rather than the 20 boats we expected, we had only three boats, each in a different class. The plan is to resail the regatta in the spring. We will have a sailing committee meeting in late January with sailors from Tampa Bay and Sarasota Bay to work out racing schedules for the rest of the year. If you are interested in attending, please let me know. I hope your Christmas season was truly blessed. Evan Guido Membership continues to go We are seeing many members return from the frosty well in terms of bringing in new snow covered North. So make sure to welcome them members. After speaking with back into the swing of things as well. others in the club community The Club has many unique groups and and reading the surveys Ken committees that are looking to INCLUDE YOU. My brings back from his continuing wife Brittany and I have made many close friends education courses, I am happy to report that we are through participating in committees, which has “Leaps and Bounds” ahead of many other clubs in made the Yacht Club a meaningful part of our lives. terms of the value the BYC offers for the nominal cost Please participate by joining an event planning group of membership. Even more important is that we have or a committee to help ensure your BYC experience better retention rates and continue to bring in new is even better. Simply contact me at 941-906members constantly. This can be directly attributed 2829 - OR any board member to the hard working office staff, in particular Alice to get involved. McCann, Jenifer Gordon, and Debbie Hemmerly. THANK YOU for all you do behind the scenes to BYC New Member support our committee and make the Club a great place to belong. Orientation Breakfast As many of you are aware, the “30 Day Test Saturday, January 30th Drive” Membership is a great way to include friends, colleagues and neighbors in the BYC Experience. 10:00 a.m. to Noon With that said, you will continue to see new member If you are a new member who joined within the pineapples throughout the Club. Having spoken to last year, expect to see an invitation to our New many of the new members, I assure you they are Member Orientation in the mail “ready and waiting” for you to introduce yourselves. 8 Look for More Events Elsewhere in the PoopDeck! Harbor Lights Michael Stowe Look for More Events Elsewhere in the PoopDeck! 9 January BYC MAIN Florida Cracker Party January 23rd 6:00 p.m. Cocktails featuring Jack Daniels and cases of Miller Lite 7:00 p.m. Conch Chowder, Florida Citrus Salad, Paiela, Shrimp and Cheese Grits, Rustic Roasted Chicken, Dry Rubbed Pork Ribs, Ocala Prime Rib $19.99 + + Music for Dancing and Entertainment by Southern Spice Dress is Red Neck Casual • Reservations please, 941-722-5936 Gourmet Wine Dinner Saturday, January 30th 6:30 Champagne and Amuse Bouche Crab and Shrimp Cocktail with Remoulade Sauce 7:00 Dinner Commences Balsamic & Mushroom Panini Amuse Bouche Venetian Crab Soup Spicy Green Salad with Manchego & Pears Seared Duck Breast with Cherries and Port Sauce with Grilled Asparagus and White Bean and Roasted Garlic Puree Sundried Tomato & Garlic Crusted Rack of Lamb with Pommes Parisian and Ratatouille Coffee-Caramel Crème Brulee $50.00 + + per person for Wine Society Members $70.00 + + per person Non-Wine Society Members Reservations please, 941-722-5936! 10 New Years Day 2010 Tiki Squeaky Noon to 6:00 p.m. Watch the big game, have some hair of the dog that bit ya, enjoy a little Tiki in your New Year! Parades, football, food and beverage! Sliced Ham, Fried Chicken, Black Eyed Peas, Collard Greens, Potato Salad and Cole Slaw $10.99 + + BYC Chili Cook-Off Sunday, January 17th 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Bring a pot, pan or crock-pot of your favorite home-made Chili and enter our contest. Bring enough to be judged, and to share. Bring a Recipe, and we can compile a delicious dossier for all to take home! After the tasting, stay and watch Football in the Clubhouse, or at the Tiki Bar! Look for More Events Elsewhere in the PoopDeck! EVENTS February Valentines Sweetheart Dinner Dance Saturday, February 13th Dinner Reservations start at 6:00, and are every ½ hour until 8:30 p.m. Dance the Night Away with The Venturas! She Crab or Beef Lentil Soup Bistro Salad of Mixed Greens, Walnuts, Apples, Blue Cheese, Cranberries & Balsamic Vinaigrette Fire Roasted Filet Mignon, topped with a Maryland Crab Cake & Béarnaise Sauce, or Cornish Game Hen with Amaretto Stuffing & Honey Glaze Bananas Foster Prepared Tableside $29.99 + + 941-722-5936 Regular menu available in the lounge Chocolate Tasting Saturday night, February 20th • 8:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Taste 7 kinds of Chocolate and experience some of our most decadent Chocolate Concoctions, including a Chocolate Martini! $10.00 + + per person for Wine Society Members $20.00 + + per person Non-Wine Society Members Reservations please! Crabby Saturday Saturday Night, February 27th BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND!! BYC’s Crab & Slab, all you care to eat Crab Legs & BBQ Ribs $19.99 + + $1 Draft Beer & 2 for 1 Well Drinks 5 - 7 p.m. Crab Races! Reservations please 941-722-5936! Look for More Events Elsewhere in the PoopDeck! 11 Outdoor Adventurers The BYC Outdoor Adventure group will be getting the New Year off to a great start with a BYC first our own onsite US Coast Guard Captains course where you can earn your OUPV (six pack) license. The course will be taught at the BYC by Captain Jeff Stephens of the well known SEA School. As some of you heard Captain Jeff describe at our November meeting, the course will be held on weekend days in January and February. (January 30 and 31, and February 6, 13, 20 and 21 to be exact), followed by the final test on February 27. The cost of our class will be $450.00, a $100 saving from regular tuition. So not only will you be able to take the course in the comfort of your Yacht Club, you’ll save substantially. Brian Smith You must enroll before the first class meeting on January 30. Please contact the Sea School directly at 800-237-8663 for details and enrollment. If you’ve been wanting that Captains license but have been putting it off because it was too much trouble, don’t miss this special opportunity. We have many exciting adventures planned for 2010 including a concealed weapons permit course, a skeet shooting trip, tailgating at a polo match, a basic SCUBA course, a boat cooking demonstration by the author of Yachting Cookbook, and, of course, more kayaking. If there’s something else you’d like to see us do, please get in touch with me or come by our meeting on January 26th. Cocktails & Candlelight 12 Look for More Events Elsewhere in the PoopDeck! Fleet Captain Power I would like to wish everyone a wonderful New Year. As we move into the month of January, our first cruise is at the Yacht Club. We will be staying on the wall and in the basin at BYC. The dates for the cruise are January 22-24 and if you would like to join us, call the Dockmaster to see if there is room on the wall. If you want to join us for dinner on Friday evening, send me an e-mail; all land cruisers are welcome. The February 19-21 cruise is to St. Pete Yacht Club and there is still space available. We will be going to Sarasota Yacht Club March 26-28; e-mail me if you are interested on going on the cruise. My Captain Wayne Duckstein e-mail address is Power Fleet Dinner January 12th 6:00 p.m. Cocktails, 7:00 p.m. Plated Dinner Cup of Soup du Jour • Southwest Rib-Eye Steak with roasted corn and black bean salsa • Teriyaki Salmon with Gingered Edamame & fire roasted tomatoes • Rice Pudding $16.99 + + Please make entrée selection when making reservations Brunch with Santa Look for More Events Elsewhere in the PoopDeck! 13 Employee Holiday Party A Remembrance Past Commodore Dave Wilson In 2009 we witnessed the passing of some very remarkable, wonderful women members of our Club. Many felt that their passing should not go unnoticed. These women worked hard, along side other members, to shape and preserve the Club which we all enjoy today. On December 10, 2009, Beth Harsch, member #657, passed away. Beth was preceded in death by her beloved husband Past Commodore David Harsch who passed in April. Beth was a Past President of our Great Mates, and she and Dave were always a shining light in making new members feel welcome to the BYC. Beth and Dave were high school sweethearts and enjoyed 68 years of a wonderful married life together. Both Dave and Beth were 90 years of age at their passing. They will be sorely missed by many BYC members and friends. Beverly (Bev) Holmes, member #582, joined our club in November of 1974 with her late husband Chuck, a highly decorated Viet Nam veteran. Bev served on Club committees and was a Great Mates member for many years. She was the sister of Past Commodore John Norrie. Joyce Duckwall, member #362, joined our Club in September of 1971. She was a past President of the Great Mates. Joyce still preferred the original name “Galley Maids” which was changed some years ago. She, along with Bev Holmes, always had a warm smile and a hug for this member when I had the pleasure of seeing them together at the Club. Teri Kirkpatrick, member #1502, joined us at the BYC in August of 1994 with her husband, Past Commodore Sherman Kirkpatrick. Teri was very active on many committees at the Club as well as serving as Honorary President of the Great Mates. She chaired the 2006 Community Outreach event and was involved every year since its beginning. She was a great asset to the BYC; her decorating talents were seen throughout the Club on holidays, as well as on most special events. Teri was taken from us too soon; we will miss her. Roberta Cole, Member #992, was a member since 1982 and was one exceptional lady. Roberta served as President of the Great Mates in the 1986-87 year, and I do not believe that she ever missed an annual members meeting. She was a woman with strong opinions and was, to her last days, very willing to share them. It is fair to say that Roberta feared no one. She was somewhat of a historical figure to our area. She was born in 1910 on the Island of Egmont Key. Her father was the resident engineer on Egmont for many years. She left Egmont when her family moved to Bradenton. The year was 1924 and Roberta was 14. Her only return trip to Egmont Key was in 1998 when my late wife, Judy, and I had the pleasure of taking her and a news crew from Channel 8 there on our boat for a short feature which they did on Egmont Key and her family. Roberta passed away in October, at the age of 99. Her mind was still clear, even at that advanced age. Our Club also lost Gail Gross, #2272, and Susan Keen, #1521, last year. We sometimes, I feel, tend to forget the hard work and contributions of those who went before us. We were truly blessed to have had these wonderful ladies as friends and fellow members of the Bradenton Yacht Club. Thursday Night Mongolian Sautee Sunday Brunch You choose any combination of: Beef, Chicken, Pork & Shrimp, then pile on: Broccoli, carrots, sprouts, garlic, cilantro, baby corn, cabbage, jalapenos, mushrooms, onions, peppers, tomatoes, hot chili peppers, pea pods, and eggs, paired with a sauce: Ponzu, Buffalo, mojo, marsala, chimichurri, Sweet & sour, teriyaki, Thai peanut, BBQ, Marinara, or piccata served with: Rice, Pasta, or Tortillas, with a salad bar for only $12.99 + + for 1 time, or $16.99 + + for unlimited. Every Sunday Brunch Buffet 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Lounge Menu Noon to 6:00 p.m. Chef’s Carvery, Entrée du Jour, Smoked Salmon, U-Peel-Um Shrimp, Oysters Rockefeller, Salad Bar, Eggs Benedict, Omelets made to order, Crepe Station, Biscuits & Gravy, Soup Station du Jour, Bacon & Sausage, Home Fried Potatoes, Cheese Grits, & Chef’s accompaniments & more…. $19.99 + + Visit the BYC website at 15 Entertainment Michael Messer The spotlight in January is on the “Cracker Party”! If you missed this last year, you don’t want to miss this one. The staff skit, beer pong and cow paddy bingo were some of the crazy party fun activities. This year come scoot a boot to the music of Southern Spice. So throw on your best Cracker duds and get down to the Club on January 23rd for a guaranteed good time at the second annual “Cracker Party”! Check your Poopdeck or the BYC website for the Friday night band line-up! We are bringing in a few new bands over the next several months, along with some familiar favorite bands. Always a good reason to come to the Club to kick up your heels or just kickback and enjoy the music. We are looking forward to February with two great parties! A Valentines dinner and dance on the 13th and the “Crab Races” are back on the 27th. More to come in the February Poopdeck…… Congratulations to our half tree contest winners last month! Seychelles spa was awarded first place, the Bridge Club took second, membership took third and honorable mention went to the Commodores Club. Thank you to all who participated in this special BYC tradition! A very special thank you is extended to all those who worked hard to deck the BYC halls in December. Joining Christy and me were Richard and Deborah Ross, Pam Burghardt, Cindy Rhategan, Karen and Carl Patton, Jane Fultz, Brian Smith, Rick Hoffmeister, Tom Farmer, Ryan Ross, Susan Vorpahl, Charlene Hoffmeister, Pat Wolcott, Caroline and Jim Freeman, Nancy Schofield, and Randy and Pauldie Howrigan. See you at the BYC! Raw Bar & Seafood Buffet JANUARY 21, 2010 GREAT MATES LUNCHEON Friday, January 22nd 6:00 to 9:30 p.m. Raw Oysters, Steamed Clams, Crab Legs, Fried Calamari, Mussels in Garlic Wine Butter, Oysters Rockefeller, Steamed Shrimp, Seafood Newburg, Chef’s Fresh Catch and more. $26.99 + + BYC Outdoor Adventure Group Meeting Tuesday, January 26th 6:00 p.m. Order dinner on your own, then meet and greet our other adventurers! MEDICATION MANAGEMENT STRATEGY Ever wonder what you should take when you have a headache and you are taking meds for another condition? Or, perhaps you are not sure when you should toss that bottle of aspirin. Chat one-on-one with a registered pharmacist and get answers about your prescription and over-the-counter medications. TOP 10 Regular Dinner Menu available also Thursday, 21st 11:30 Social, Noon Lunch KARIN A. GRABLIN CPA, CFP® $11.85 + + Reservations please, 941-722-5936 16 Rph, PharmD FEBRUARY 18, 2010 FINANCIAL PLANNING TIPS FOR WOMEN Great Mates Luncheon Lobster Bisque en Croute • Wild Mushroom & Asiago Quiche with Cranberry Spinach Salad Chocolate Satin Tart • Coffee, Tea & Decaf CHRISTOPHER LAIRD With more than 20 years experience in financial planning and a Certified Financial Planner for the last nine years, Karin’s level of expertise is widely recognized. She currently writes a financial planning column for The Bradenton Herald and serves on BYC’s Finance Committee. Securities are offered through LPL Financial, member FINRA, SIPC. Great Mates BYC Great Mates Luncheon Guest Speakers are subject to change. Every effort will be made to make each member aware of any changes to the speaker schedule. As a BYC member you are encouraged to bring a guest. Reservations are required. Visit the BYC website at Great Mates Well, here is to another year of good clean living under the belt. My sincere wish is for a healthy, happy and prosperous new year for everyone. Thursday, January 21, will be our first Great Mates Luncheon of the new year. Our speaker will be Christopher Laird, a registered pharmacist from CVS in Tampa. He will be presenting a program on “Medication Management Strategy” - what better way to start out the new year than by taking stock of the medications we take. Christopher will answer questions regarding medications and the different interactions that can happen if you are not aware of what medications you can or should not mix. I would like to thank everyone for your continued support and generosity of all the goodies and gifts you donated to our “Bundles for Babies” campaign. As always, the BYC members showed their generosity and came through with flying colors. North River Pregnancy Care is always so appreciative for all the Susan Vorpahl help that they can get. Also, it is so much fun to shop for those really cute baby items. If you haven’t already, please mark March 6th on your calendar and plan to attend our annual Community Outreach fundraiser that evening. Not only does the fundraiser support a great organization – this year it is Family Promise of Manatee County – but the entire evening has always been a very fun, interactive event. This year’s theme is “All Dat Jazz”. As the planning progresses over the next two months, more details will be shared. I do want to share with you something wonderful that happened at the November meeting. Three new BYC members joined us for their first ever Great Mates luncheon and each made purpose to tell me they had a fabulous time and will definitely be back. So, if you have never attended a Great Mates luncheon please come and see what you have been missing. Cheerio Visit the BYC website at 17 Robert Burns Night and Scotch Tasting January 16th Single Malt Scotch Tasting starts at 6:00 p.m., enjoy up to 8 different varieties. Then feast on a Scottish Buffet, for only $18.95 + +, and yes, there will be Haggis! This will be a really fun event, don’t miss it! Winter Tiki Bar Hours: The Tiki Bar will close during an electrical storm! Fridays, 4:00 to 11:00 p.m. Saturdays, Noon to 11:00 p.m. Sundays, Noon to Dusk, Regular Menu last call is 5:30 Yes, we have heaters! Trivia Tuesday & Pizza Bar News Flash!!!!! Trivia is now on Tuesday Nights! Sunday Tiki-gate Party So you think you are SMART? Well, let’s see just how smart you are…and we’ll let you use your friend’s brain power too! Bring your team, join your friends, and enjoy dinner at the Club, while stretching the brain waves! Hot Dogs, $2.99 • $.50 wings $1.00 Drafts, $10.00 Buckets of Beer! Dinner starts at 5:30 and the Trivia starts at 7:00. Watch the game on our 52” flat screen Every Sunday BYC Lunch Bar For the quickest lunch in Palmetto! Tuesday through Friday, 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Enjoy fresh greens, garden fresh veggies, house made salads, fresh dressings, and 2 delicious soups and sandwich fixins. Eat a little, eat a lot, only $8.99++ Wednesday, the middle of the week, hump day, as far from last weekend as it is to next weekend! What to do on a Wednesday Night? Come to the Club, and eat some Pub Grub! Our thanks for sharing the water with us and we look forward to serving your boat purchasing service or storage needs. MarineMax Sarasota 1601 Ken Thompson Pkwy. • Sarasota, FL 34236 (941) 388-4411 Next to Mote Marine at New Pass NOW STOCKING SAILING SUPPLIES QU A R EN’1S-58H7E-7A7D M R 58 4 TE 9 E H Rods-Reels-Tackle Fresh & Salt RS ® Free Salsa & Chips, special prices on Nachos, Fried Cheese Sticks, Calamari, & 50¢ Wings! FIS Boston Whaler 32 Outrage 18 Wednesday Night, Pub Night, new concept! 2 for 1 Pints & Well Drinks MarineMax Sarasota has been serving the boating community for over 30 years and we look forward to the next 30 years! Sea Ray 350 Sundancer® The Winning team gets a Trophy to brag over, and $50.00 bar tab Second place will receive a certificate for Free Dinner the following week to try and dethrone the champs (limited to 4 Trivia Pizza Buffet) Third place will get 1 right answer the following week, to give them that little boost they may need! The Chef will put on a Buffet of Assorted Pizzas, a Pasta Dish, and a Salad Bowl, only 9.99 + + Our Regular Menu is available too 5:30 to 9:00 p.m. MARINE SUPPLIES 121 t BRA 1 First Street Eas 08 42 fis DENTO her N FLORIDA m en sheadquarte Harken, Lewmar, Ronstan, Samson & Others Visit the BYC website at Family Owned and Operated by William “Billy” Baker for over 28 years • Personal and Insurance Work • Three Genesis 2 Laser Unibody Frame Measurement Systems • In-House Dupont® Paint mixing and matching system • Four Continental Unibody Bench Systems • In-House 4-wheel alignments • 5-10 day repair on most major collisions • We work with all major insurance companies • Fast “on-line” estimating On-Site Car Rental Fleet Available For Wrecker Service call 725-4449 or 725-1555 24-Hour Towing Service Flat Bed & Wheel Lift 2 locations in Manatee County Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30 - 12:00 and 1:15 - 5:00 BRADENTON - 2903 9th Street West Palmetto - 903 3rd Avenue West (941) 750-6360 Managers - Tracy Baker-Glasgow and Pat Cline (941) 722-1692 Manager - John Duquette “U UN NP PA AR RA AL LL LE EL LE ED D C CU US ST TO OM ME ER R S SE ER RV V II C CE E” ” “ IN-HOME CARE AND ASSISTED LIVING From a simple helping hand with housekeeping and meals, or help with personal care and hygiene, appointment accompaniment, to full, skilled nursing care as needs may change 4 to 24 hours per day. Flexible and affordable. Short term services after a hospital stay or long term care due to chronic issues. Contact Joyce or Ron Rowe today for a confidential, no obligation discussion and assessment. See us on the web at Lic. NR30211292 AARON HOME CARE AND STAFFING, INC. Homemakers Personal AssistantsSkilled Nurses Call anytime (941) 751-8055 or ask Joyce & Ron Rowe Dr. Jack E. Beal, Jr. (941)722-2456 8:00 a.m.—5:30 p.m. M-F 8:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. Sat 220 7th Street West Palmetto, FL 34221 Visit the BYC website at 19 Pre-Srt Std. U.S. Postage Paid Manasota, FL Permit #160 Bradenton Yacht Club 4307 Snead Island Road Palmetto, FL 34221 For more information, visit our website at 2009-2010 Bradenton Yacht Club Board of Directors deborah ross Commodore Jerry Baily Fleet Capt. Sail JUDY ENGBERG Director Harry Blenker Vice Commodore Rick Shaurette Rear Commodore JOE McCLASH Past Commodore WAYNE DUCKSTEIN Fleet Capt. Power Mike Reeves Fleet Capt. Fishing Susan Vorpahl President, Great Mates Susan Tibbits Director Tony Toledo Director Evan Guido Director Jim Freeman Treasurer Summer Smith-Pope Junior Director david bailey Director Linda Howe Secretary Jack Gorman FCYC Representative Michael Messer Director ~\ r ~:" Many thanks to all of the Bye Members who gave, so that our great, dedicated crew ~ could have a Holiday Bon s! ~ ~ ,~ c,cJ.o~ . TcxOcQ ~ tJi~ ~ ~ . ~~ AI ~~ ~ . / A~~~. 1ft'" M .\~~ \\~ 41'S .F~m all of us, to all of you, thank you!'i} ~ We wish you a Happy New Year! ~
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