
P oop D eck
The Monthly Newsletter •
From the Helm
I am not
how to express
to you for all
of the congratulatory words,
encouragement and support
that I have received since being
inducted as your Commodore.
Many of you celebrated with
me and my family by attending
both the outstanding Change of
Watch dinner party as well as the
spectacular Big Bang fireworks the
following day. Thank you!
As we move into the new fiscal
year, I want to provide you with a
brief update on our membership
level. At press time, we had
received a total of 51 resignations
from the annual renewal process.
We now have a total of 513
voting members. This is great
news since the membership level
exceeds the number that was
used to develop the Club budget.
With some renewal requests still
outstanding, I do expect to receive
a few more resignations. But
optimism is building and we may
have the opportunity to exceed
our membership targets for the
coming year.
Many of you have approached
me over the past few weeks
to share your thoughts about
personal experiences at the BYC.
Some have been to tell me about
a wonderful meal experience or
a fantastic time at a recent event.
Others have been to express
some concerns about a less than
satisfactory meal or a service
issue. I believe my initial response
to all of you was the same, “Did
you fill out a comment card?”
The comment card system is an
important measurement tool
that is used to track member
satisfaction, identify the need
for changes and as an objective
measure for a portion of our
manager’s compensation. Ken
Nyhus reviews comment cards
weekly at his management staff
meeting and reports the results
each month at the Board of
Directors meeting. We need
your help to make this the best
Club for all of our members. So
please take time to record your
constructive comments.
The annual membership survey
is another tool that the BYC
uses to keep a pulse on what the
membership likes or dislikes. Sent
out several months ago, it is in
the final stages of summarization
and was distributed to the
Board of Directors at their
July meeting. After viewing a
portion of the results, there still
appears to be some concern
about the “consistency” of our
food. There is also an indication
that the “attentiveness” and
“professionalism” of our service
staff may need a few tweaks.
There are no quick fixes to these
problems, but I know that there
are already a few ideas being
reviewed to address these areas.
Several months ago, the Board
of Directors authorized the
formation of a Quality Assurance
Committee to work behind the
scenes. They identify potential
areas for improvement and
August 2011
Commodore Rick Shaurette
work with Club management
to recommend practical and
workable solutions. While this
group is still in the formative
stage, they have established
an email account to capture
member comments and ideas
for improving the quality of our
Club. The email address is: QA@ Please
share your thoughts and ideas. I have just a few more
comments about some upcoming
events before I close. Make your
reservations now for what I am
sure will be a sold out event,
The Country Western Party with
Jodell & the Mountain Road
Band on August 27th. Following
that event, the Club will be shut
down from August 28th through
the 31st for some annual cleaning
and a few maintenance projects
that are still being finalized. The
Kick-Off Regatta is scheduled for
From the Helm.........................1
Welcome Aboard......................3
Bridge Club.................................3
Club Manager...........................4
Change of Watch......................5
Fleet Captain Sailing...................6
Great Mates..................................7
Main Events...........................8-9
Fleet Captain Power............... 10
What are the Chances?........... 11
Fleet Captain Fishing.............12
July 4th...................................13
BYC Board of Directors..........16
Yacht Club
2011-2012 Officers,
Directors & Committee Chairmen
Flag Officers
Commodore.................................... Rick Shaurette
Vice Commodore............................ Evan Guido
Rear Commodore............................ Denise Cabanillas
Past Commodore............................. Harry Blenker
Secretary......................................... Summer Smith-Pope
Treasurer........................................ Karin Grablin
Fleet Captain Power....................... Ken Sosville
Fleet Captain Sailing...................... John Izmirlian
Fleet Captain Fishing..................... Mike Reeves
Director/Entertainment................. Janet Amar
Director/Publicity.......................... Jack Gorman
Director/House.............................. Joe Kennedy
Director/Long Range Planning..... John Millard
Director/Membership.................... Brian Smith
Director/Basin................................ Jim Terry
Junior Director .............................. Ryan Denton
President - Great Mates.................. Sydney Shaurette
Bradenton Yacht Club
4307 Snead Island Road
Palmetto, FL 34221
OFFICE (941) 722-5936 • FAX (941) 723-6639
Office Hours: Tues - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Please call ahead to reserve your table
Tuesday-Thursday: Lunch Menu 11:30 am to 9:00 pm,
Dinner Menu 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Friday & Saturday: Lunch Menu 11:30 am to 9:30 pm,
Dinner Menu 5:30 pm to 9:30 pm
Sunday Lunch: 11:30 am to 4:00 pm
Tiki Bar: 4:00 pm to 11:00 pm, Friday; Noon to 11:00, Saturday;
Noon to dusk, Sunday. Weather Permitting. The Tiki
Bar will close during an electrical storm, or when the
temperature dips below 40!
Visitors by the Sea
Bird Key YC
Bradenton YC
Carlouel YC
Clearwater YC
Davis Island YC
Fort Walton YC 1
Isles YC
Sarasota YC
St. Andrews Bay YC 1
St. Pete YC
Total Number of Visitors 50
Total Power Boats
Total Sailboats
Diesel Fuel Sold
7,854 gallons
Gas Sold
8,163 gallons
Attention All BYC Members...
Two (2) members’ names will appear hidden
within the Poopdeck. If you find your name
(with a star next to it), you will receive two (2)
complimentary bar drinks, one time during the
month, on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday
evening. Please let your server know that you are
one of the chosen ones for the month.
BYC Phone Extensions
Phone # 941-722-5936 • Fax # 941-723-6639
Dockmaster Cell # 941-374-2310
Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivable
To Go
Controller/Office Manager Alice
Dining Rooms Manager
For Assistance
General Manager
Podium (making reservations after 5 p.m.)
Tiki Bar
From the Helm (cont’d)
September 23rd through the 25th and the planning
committee is looking for sponsors. If you would like
to sponsor the event, please contact John Izmirlian
or Jeff Walden. Lastly, please wish our General
Manager Ken Nyhus Happy Birthday on July 31st as
he achieves the major milestone of 50 years old!
Clubhouse Closure
The Clubhouse will be closed August 28 to
September 1 for minor renovations, repairs
and deep cleaning. The Tiki Bar, Pool and Pool Restrooms, the Long Wall & Fuel Docks will be open. Tiki Chill & Grill on Sunday the 28th,
Noon to Dusk, and Tuesday & Wednesday the
30th & 31st, Noon to 8:00 p.m. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Bradenton Yacht Club
August 9th Book
the guernSey LiterAry
& PotAto PeeL SoCiety
by Mary Ann Shaffer
& Annie Barrows
Regular Membership #2475
#2476 Michael & Deborah Imparato
2825 Terra Ceia Bay Blvd. #1402
Palmetto, FL 34221
Typically, there are many membership
resignations at the end of the fiscal year. For a
complete list of the July and future resignations,
please go to, sign
in and look for them under Member Central/
Bridge Club Carla Morgan
If you are interested in playing bridge, please join
us on Thursday nights at 5:30 for dinner and 6:45
for bridge. Or you can call Carla Morgan at 941-981-9017 for
more information. June 16
September 13th Book
Cutting for Stone
by Agraham Verhese
Tom and Sylvia Gibson
Newell and Mary Yaple
Gary and Carla Morgan
Newell and Mary Yaple
Tom and Sylvia Gibson
Gary and Carla Morgan
Newell and Mary Yaple
Dixie Keeney and Freda Logan
Dave and Betty McLauchlin
June 30
J U LY ’ s r at i n g :
the red tent
by Anita diamantMix d it to not
love uch!
so m
Deborah Iaboni, Chair
847.207.7622 •
Russell & Tonya Briggs
108 61st Street East
Palmetto, FL 34221
721- 3929
“Nut N Honey” -- 22’ SeaRay
July 7
Visit the BYC website at
Club Manager
Thank you to all of the
members who completed our
2010-2011 Annual Survey. We sent
out some 550 surveys and received
a little better than 180 back. It
seems that the average return rate of a survey such
as ours is 26 to 32.5%; we are right at the high end
around 33%. While the entire census portion of
the data has not been tabulated, we have finished
tabulating the pertinent data addressing our Crew,
services, menu, prices, etc. I am happy to say that
our Great and Good responses far outweighed the
Fair and Unsatisfactory. The survey results have been
shared with the Board, and my team and I are busy
developing plans to address areas of need, identified
by your comments. Although, to the member who
suggested “wet t-shirt contests” in the Entertainment
portion of the survey, you will be disappointed as
that has been shot right down! If you would like to
see the survey results, they will be posted on the BYC
Webpage, behind the Member’s firewall.
As I expected and understand, we do not rate
“Great” to every member, every time, doing
everything. Our goal is always good to great, fair is
average and we want better. Unacceptable is, well…
unacceptable! Being involved day to day, as I am, the
survey results provided no surprises. To most of our
members, we do a good to great job in every area. The
areas that received the most fairs and unsatisfactory
marks were consistency from the kitchen, and in the
price department as relates to the food and beverage
areas. It is no coincidence that we hired a new Chef
six months ago. This was done to bring us back to
where we felt you, the members, want us to be.
As to the price concerns and comments associated
with them, we are launching a comparative initiative
with local clubs and restaurants to see where we really
are. Some of you have stated you can eat almost
anywhere cheaper than here. I accept the challenge
of finding out how true that statement is. I see the
grocery bills and know what we are paying, and I
know what our food and beverage cost percentages
are. These percentages are set when we make the
budget for the year, and they directly reflect the sales
price of everything we produce. These percentages
are set well above local restaurants, in an effort to
provide better quality at more affordable prices. Last
year our prices were better than, or in line with, local
clubs; that was confirmed through the FCYC annual
survey. I am very interested to see if we are still better
than most local clubs and where we are compared to
Ken Nyhus
local restaurants. More to come on this in the next
few months.
The best news about the survey is that our BYC
Crew Members, the ones that make our Club great,
all got way above average marks. The Office team got
the most favorable marks, the service and bar staff
rated very high on friendly and polite, the Basin and
Dock Crew rated high there too. The areas that we
will focus on will be on attentive and professional. While these areas still got above average marks, they
had the most fair and unsatisfactory marks too. The
Kitchen Crew was only measured on Creative and
Consistent, and did not fare as well as the other
departments. Still 79% of the respondents rated
those two areas good to great. The good news is the
Kitchen Crew wants better grades, and they agree we
can do better in the consistency department. So I
expect great things from them in the near future.
The Management got rated too, and we were rated
90% good to great, 9% fair and .6% unsatisfactory. Speaking for myself, I take that to heart. I come
to work daily with the intent to make the Club
awesome. I know I can’t please all of the people all of
the time, but I do try. I assure you all I will work with
my team to correct our/my shortcomings. The Club
will benefit from your taking the time to fill out the
survey. My short term business plan is to move all of
the check marks less than great up one notch and
to incorporate as many of your suggestions as are
feasible into our day to day routine. Thank you again
to all who participated.
I look forward to your verbal feedback and am
excited to help create and direct the solutions to
correcting your communicated areas in need of
improvement! See you all around the Clubhouse! Power Fleet Dinner
August 9th
6:00 p.m. Cocktails, 7:00 p.m. Dinner
Dog Days of Summer Cook-In
Fried Chicken, Sliced Marinated Flank Steak
with Jam of Onions, BBQ Shrimp, Sweet
Potato Bar, & Corn O’Brian, with a Banana
Split for Dessert, $16.99 + + You could win a $35.00
BYC Gift Certificate if you attend!
Please, Please Reserve,
before the day of the event!
Visit the BYC website at
Gary Morgan
Change of Watch
Visit the BYC website at
Fleet Captain Sailing
For the last several years,
The National Fishing Tackle
Manufacturers Association has run
an ad campaign titled, “Take a Kid
Fishing”. Makes sense; if you take a
child fishing, they learn more about the beauty of
nature and develop physical skills. Less chance of
creating a couch potato. Let’s take this concept in another direction, “Take a
Kid Sailing”. Each week when several of our sailboats
participate in our weekly Thursday night race, you
can see that a younger person is participating. On
our boat, (Lil Gringo), we have a rotation of three
young men who are learning about sailboat racing.
Frequently Black Star and Killer Tomato can be seen
with crew members under the age of sixteen. Several
of these younger fellows also participate in the
Manatee Pram summer program. Not only are they
learning racing and seamanship skills, they are
actively participating and interacting with adults in
a teamwork environment. Spinnaker Class
Mischief, Bob Armstrong
First Place
Non Spinnaker
Special K, Bob Klements
John Izmirlian
If you have a son or a daughter who may want to
learn about sailing, feel free to contact me and we
will try and get the child a crewmember position.
If you have room aboard for a developing sailor,
kindly let me know.
On Saturday, June 18, Regatta Point Marina held
their third annual Summer Solstice Regatta. We are
proud to report that of the sixteen boats participating,
BYC had eight entries. Our Club nearly swept the
spinnaker division taking 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6th places.
Bob Armstrong racing Mischief placed first in the
spinnaker class and second overall in all divisions,
followed by Killer Tomato, Harrumph, Lil Gringo,
and Crescendo in the Spinnaker division. Special K
and Windcaller placed fourth and fifth in Non spin
out of a group of eight. Catastrophie placed second
in the multi hull division. I believe we did our Club
During July, our spring river series came to an end
with the following results:
Second PlaceThird Place
Killer Tomato, John Marcin
Black Star, Reid Winder
Tie in 2nd, Jason Rosnos and Windcaller, Joe McClash During September, we host the BYC Annual Kick Off Regatta. At this time, we are looking for volunteers for
mark boats. If anyone is interested in participating, kindly let me know. 6
Visit the BYC website at
August starts off our new year
of events with our Western night.
Come and join us on Saturday,
August 27th, as we dance away
with JoDell and the Big Mountain Road Band. The Entertainment Committee promises to have a
special surprise planned for the evening. Make your
reservations for a fun packed evening.
Don’t forget we still have Texas Hold ‘Em at the
Tiki Bar on Sunday, August 7th from 4-6 pm. Thank you to all the participants for the BYC
Cookbook. We received hundreds of fabulous
recipes. It was a great effort by all involved but it’s
done and we are now in the printing stage. Books
will be arriving by the end of October. Enclosed in the Poopdeck is the golf sign-up sheet
for our third annual golf tournament. This year the
event will be held on Sunday, October 16th, with an
October 23rd rain date, at River Wilderness Golf &
Country Club. Please make sure you fill out the form
if you would like to participate and/or be a sponsor
for the event. The forms may be dropped off at the
Club office. This is a “friendly” tournament so all
Great Mates
Janet Amar
golfers as well as golf wannabees are welcome to
play. This event is not limited to members so you are
welcome to invite friends and family to join. The day
ends with a dinner at River Wilderness following the
tournament. There are amazing gifts to be won that
evening. Don’t be left out ….. sign-up now. September is going to be a “killer” of a month.
Randy Howrigan may be contacting you for your
acting ability. We are once again having our Murder
Mystery Dinner so save the date for September 17th. Please understand that reservations may be limited
for this evening. Join BYC as we get ready to take off on our first
International Dinner tour. Our first stop, Thursday,
September 15th, will be Italy and our host will be
Roberto Alvarez, aka former WTOG sportscaster
Bob Alvarez, who will present an entertaining and
passionate introduction to the Italian language,
culture and food. You will hear much more about
this new event but save the date for your first stop on
our Trip Around the World. Enjoy the rest of your summer and we will see you
at the Club. Sydney Shaurette
I’m so proud to announce that August 5th deadline. The interview results will then
Nancy Christian has volunteered to be presented to our Great Mates Board on August
take on the position of Community 17th and the difficult task of choosing the top three
Outreach Chair for 2011-2012. will begin. The three finalists will then be announced
Nancy is not one to sit back and observe activities at via email and in the September Poopdeck. our Club; she stepped up early on and joined the BYC Mark your calendars now to attend the Great
Membership Committee. From phone campaigns to Mates Luncheon on September 15th at 11:30 AM,
manning our BYC Membership Booth at numerous Main BYC Dining Room. The three finalists will each
functions, she has unselfishly offered her time and have eight minutes to make a presentation to the
talents. Through the Entertainment Committee, attendees and to answer questions preceding the vote
Nancy has been compiling the recipes submitted for by our members. our upcoming BYC Cookbook reaching out to all of How easy is it to become a Great Mate? If you are a
us for input. Nancy is passionate about our Club spouse of a Bradenton Yacht Club member or a single
and looks forward to working with you to honor member, you become a member by simply attending
the chosen 2011-2012 Community Outreach Charity a meeting. In order to vote for your favorite charity
on September 15th, you must pay your annual dues
During this month, Nancy and I will personally of $1.00 at Registration and be in attendance when
interview each charity that submits a letter by the the vote is called. How simple is that? Visit the BYC website at
Snow Crab Night
Friday, August 19th
All you can eat Snow Crab Legs, with Fries & Slaw
$19.99 + +
Regular menu available too!
Wine Tasting
Wednesday August 24th
6:30 p.m. start
Join us for our first wine tasting of the New Fiscal Year!
We will taste 6 wines pairing them with foods that tantalize your
taste buds.
Munchies are included
$20.00 + + Non-Wine Society Members, only $10.00 for Wine Society Members
Reservations are a must, 941-722-5936
Boot Scootin’, Rootin’-Tootin’ Country Western Party
Saturday, August 27th
7:00 Fire Water, 8:00 Chuck Wagon
Everybody seemed to enjoy Jodell & the Mountain Road Band, so we
invited them back for this here Soiree!
Come dance, drink, eat & be Countryfied! Put on your country finest, and
come enjoy this fun evening of good food and great Boot Scootin’ Dance
Biscuits & Honey, Delmonico Steaks cooked on the Charcoal (1 per person), BBQ
Chicken, Fried Florida Flounder, Grilled Corn on the Cob, Baked Potato Bar,
Fried Gizzards, Hot Apple Pie with Cinnamon Ice Cream for Dessert $24.99 + + 8
Look for More Events Elsewhere in the PoopDeck!
Labor Day, Pool Party & Fish Fry
Monday, September 5th
Party Noon to 7:00 p.m., Food Noon to 6:00 p.m.
Fresh Fried Grouper, BBQ Shrimp Skewers, Burgers, Dogs & Bratwurst,
Pulled Pork and Chef’s Accompaniments & Composed Salads. Only
$16.99 + + + Kids only $8.99 + +! We will have a waterslide, a slip & side & Bounce House, Coin
Dive, Shirt Tie Dye ($6.99) and more!
Call for reservations, 941-722-5936
Reminder, the Clubhouse and Docks will be closed on Tuesday,
September 6,
as we are open on Labor Day.
Summer Slaying, Murder Mystery
Saturday September 17th will be the night of our 2nd Murder Mystery!
Calling all senior sleuths, BYC junior detectives, grey haired gum shoes, nosey
neighbors and plain old BYC Members to help us solve a Murder!
You read that right…someone is going to die this night, and we need your help in
solving the crime! Randy & Pauldie Howrigan, along with Mike & Barbara Mott
are casting for the mayhem! The last Murder Mystery a year ago brought over 120 people to the Club to solve the
case. Mark your Calendar now, and make your reservations if you dare…
More to come soon!
BYC’s Kick-Off Regatta
Friday, Saturday & Sunday, September 23 -25th
The BYC Long Wall will fill with sail boats and tall masts, as
BYC hosts the 28th annual Fall Kick-Off Regatta. Boats will
arrive all day Friday, and the races will be on Saturday & Sunday,
with an awards cook-out & celebration Sunday afternoon! Look for More Events Elsewhere in the PoopDeck!
Fleet Captain Power
As July rolled in with several
days of needed rain, I have had
the opportunity to meet several
new members and work with the
Board of Directors to continue to
make the Bradenton Yacht Club one of the best yacht
clubs in the state of Florida.
Recap of the Cruise to Pasadena Yacht Club from
June 10th thru the 12th:
The Power Fleet cruise to Pasadena Yacht Club
included ten boat cruisers and three land cruisers
attending. Paul and Neva Sayers led the cruiser group
as Larry and Maureen Stanczak drove up on Friday
night for the group dinner. Saturday night dinner was
pool side with a Mexican/Margaritaville style buffet.
Roy and Jackie Woolf drove up to participate in this
Saturday evening event. Carl and Paula Trembicki
also drove up to attend Saturday events. As Pasadena Yacht Club is a private club with
many amenities including golf, there were many that
golfed on Saturday. They included Paul and Neva
Sayers with Barry and Cecelia Allen, Bob and Ann
Hawkins with Ray and Elayne Barr, Carl Trembicki,
Bob Luscombe and Larry Stanczak to round out the
list of golfers.
Three generations of a BYC member were present
as Arnie and Wanda Abitabilo had their daughter
and two grandkids there on Saturday. The “bikers”
Bill and Mary Beth Westbrook took their bikes for a
Ken Sosville casual morning ride. In addition, other participants
included: Jeff and Pat Poulson, Fred and Mary Smith
with daughter Pam, Bob and Jill Brown, Bob and
Annette Luscombe and Hugo and Alicia Keim who
keep their boat there.
As I did not attend this cruise, I want to thank
Larry Stanczak and Fred Smith for providing me with
information to write this article.
Upcoming cruise for August: The Power Fleet cruise to The Village Marina
at Little Harbor, formerly Bahia Beach Resort, is
scheduled for August 19th thru the 21st. This is an
old favorite destination of the Power Fleet from years
past. Its location is at the mouth of the Little Manatee
where it empties in to Tampa Bay and is known for
its old Florida antiquity. The resort has modern style
condos available for land cruisers that want to join
in on the fun with the Power Fleet cruisers for that
weekend. If you are interested, you can contact me at for information.
Upcoming Events:
August 9th
Power Fleet dinner/meeting
August 19th – 21st
Cruise to The Village
Marina at Little Harbor September 13th
Power Fleet dinner/meeting
September 23rd -25th Cruise to Palm Island
Power Cruisers at Pasadena Yacht Club.
Visit the BYC website at
What Are The Chances??
Three couples, not living in the Bradenton area,
joined BYC over a three-year period. One couple
was from Ocala and two lived in Treasure Island. Because of their distances from the Club, timing was
everything…they had never met. They were literally
“ships passing in the night”.
Fast forward to May, 2011. Phil and Mary
Letourneau from Treasure Island aboard “Paradise”
pulled into Charlotte Harbor Yacht Club while on
a 5-week cruise to the Keys. The Dock Master told
them another BYC vessel would be arriving the next
day. Since the club would be closed, he asked if they
would help the vessel dock.
When Burton and Gloria Marsh aboard “Marsh
Harbour” from Ocala arrived the next day, Phil
and Mary grabbed lines and filled them in on the
club particulars. The two couples made fast friends
sharing adventures, (as boaters do), and found they
had mutual acquaintances.
Both vessels moved on in a few days to Isles Yacht
Club. As each arrived, there was another BYC boat
there already who helped them in. It was Ken and
Freda Agerskov from Treasure Island aboard “Shell
Royal”. Happy Hour conversations revealed the
Marshes knew Mary’s best friend from Ocala and the Agerskovs live only two blocks from the home the
Letourneau’s bought about a year ago in Treasure
Island. The three couples bonded immediately.
They all piled into a taxi and were off for “Chicken
Night” at the Punta Gorda Elks Club which, by
the way, holds the record as having the largest
membership of any Elks Club in the nation. Yes, six
healthy adults piled into one taxi. It took a little fast
talking to convince the taxi driver 1) that they could
all fit and 2) that they would make it worth his while
to take them all in one trip.
The next day included bicycle rides to a Bird Rehab
Sanctuary, West Marine and Fisherman’s Village.
They all parted heading different ways but continued
to stay in touch with each other while cruising and
since returning to land.
Thank you, BYC, for new friends and great adventures.
From the left, Phil & Mary Letourneau, Burton &
Gloria Marsh and Ken & Freda Agerskov.
Moby Ducks
$88,000 was raised for the benefit of the PACE Center for Girls when duckies, purchased for $5.00
apiece, were raced off the BYC long wall last month.
Visit the BYC website at
Fleet Captain Fishing
Have you heard the Great
News? – We are all now recycling
cans, glass, plastic and paper at
the BYC. Bodacious kudos
to the board, staff and many
supporters for making this happen. You may ask -why do anglers care? Did you know that most fish
caught locally should only be eaten once a month
or not at all by children and women of childbearing
age? Nobody should eat some popular species. You know that old adage, “If you’re not part of the
solution…..” A byproduct of generating power is
heavy metal pollution and by recycling we reduce
power requirements dramatically. One last rhetorical
question -- can one person or one yacht club really
make a difference? Decide for yourself.
Recycling one (1) glass bottle saves enough
electricity to light a 100-watt bulb for four hours.
The energy you save by recycling a single (1)
aluminum can will run a TV for three hours.
Recycled paper produces 73% less air pollution than
if it was made from raw materials. Recycling plastic saves twice as much energy as
incinerating it.
Please look for the blue recycle cans around the
Club. We all together will make a difference.
The BYC Catch Board, like the Phoenix, is rising
from the ashes. Please record your catches and report
them to Members fishing
the Firemen’s and DeSoto Tournaments, please send
me your measured results. Captain
Mike Reeves
Crosthwait news. Eighty-eight BYC members
participated in the tournament this year. After
reading Scholarship applications for two years, feel
good in knowing that with home grown kids like
these the future is going to be just fine. The Fire Charity Fishing Tournament, hosted
by you and supported by many members to help
burned children in our community to get a little
extra help, was a big success again this year. Laughter,
cheers, highs, lows, winners and not a single loser
defines the event nicely. Fishing was tremendous
inshore with very large snook, tarpon, trout and
redfish releases. Offshore monster red and cubera
snapper, grouper, dolphin fish, tuna and amberjack
bent down the scales. Several boats had multiple
shots at sailfish, white and blue marlin, but pulled
hooks and broken leaders were the last sentence in
each billfish story. Next year the event is the weekend
before Father’s Day.
Spike is violating his parole by pinching a little
space here to thank everyone for all the notes and
kind words regarding his awkward exodus. He
was quite surprised and gratified by the volume
and verbosity of the remarks, many of which
contained familiarly amusing, politically incorrect
and sophomoric yet nontoxic social improprieties. Spike’s final sentiment; we are a big wonderfully
diverse family of friends and I feel it a bit better not
to inadvertently affront the demure or strident than
to amuse the indulgent or discerning. – “Don’t cry
because it’s over. Smile because it happened.” Dr. Seuss. er
Fire Charity Fishing Tournament
Visit the BYC website at
4th of
Visit the BYC website at
International Night
Enjoy foods and culture from around the world without leaving the comfort of the
BYC! This will be a monthly event, featuring food, fun, facts, traditions, beverages
and more from different countries. Get a BYC Palatable-Passport and you could be
eligible for prizes. Have your Passport stamped as you attend events and you could
be invited to an International Wine Tasting for free.
Our first event, on September 15th, is “An Evening in Eataly”! Roberto Alvarez, aka
former WTOG sportscaster Bob Alvarez, will present an entertaining and passionate
introduction to the Italian language, culture and food. “Evenings in Eataly” are senza
stress, (without stress). Roberto will entertain you and tickle your funny bone, while
Chef Keith feeds you and tickles your taste buds! Cost for the evening is $19.99
+ + and will include a delicious Italian Buffet of Antipasti, Caesar Salad, Eggplant
Parmesan, Pasta Station with 5 Sauces, Frutti di Mare, &
Sautéed Chicken or Sirloin Marsala, Spumoni for Dessert!
Cocktails @ 6:00, Dinner @ 6:30.
Reservations are a must, 941-722-5936.
Ci vediamo!
superior bc backer.pdf
2:44:17 PM
MarineMax Sarasota
has been serving the
boating community
for over 30 years and
we look forward to
the next 30 years!
Boston Whaler 32 Outrage
Sea Ray 350 Sundancer®
Our thanks for
sharing the water
with us and we look
forward to serving
your boat purchasing
service or storage
Craig Robson, President
P.O. Box 2489 Oneco, FL 34264
4703 15th Street East Bradenton, FL 34203-3619
Phone: 941.755.2850
Fax: 941.727.5980 Cell: 941.374.9560
MarineMax Sarasota
1601 Ken Thompson Pkwy. • Sarasota, FL 34236
(941) 388-4411
Next to Mote Marine at New Pass
1704 7th Avenue W., Palmetto, FL 34221
Visit the BYC website at
From a simple helping hand with housekeeping and meals, or help
with personal care and hygiene, appointment accompaniment, to
full, skilled nursing care as needs may change 4 to 24 hours per day. Flexible and affordable. Short term services after a hospital stay or
long term care due to chronic issues. Contact Joyce or Ron Rowe today for a confidential, no obligation discussion and assessment. See us on the web at
Personal AssistantsSkilled Nurses
Call anytime (941) 751-8055 or ask Joyce & Ron Rowe
Dr. Jack E. Beal, Jr.
8:00 a.m.—5:30 p.m. M-F
8:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. Sat
220 7th Street West
Palmetto, FL 34221
Visit the BYC website at
Pre-Srt Std.
U.S. Postage
Manasota, FL
Permit #160
Bradenton Yacht Club
4307 Snead Island Road
Palmetto, FL 34221
For more information, visit our website at
Bradenton Yacht Club Board of Directors
Rick Shaurette
John Izmirlian Fleet Capt. Sail
Joe Kennedy
Evan Guido
Vice Commodore
Denise Cabanillas
Rear Commodore
Ken Sosville Fleet Capt. Power
Jim Terry
Harry Blenker
Past Commodore
Mike Reeves
Fleet Capt. Fishing
Janet Amar
Jack Gorman
Karin Grablin
Ryan Denton
Junior Director
Brian Smith
Summer Smith-Pope
Sydney Shaurette
President, Great Mates
John Millard

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