NEW HOPE NEWS - Messiah New Hope Lutheran Church
NEW HOPE NEWS - Messiah New Hope Lutheran Church
Messiah New Hope Lutheran Church 5001 E. Madison Street Sioux Falls SD 57110 NEW HOPE NEWS New Windows Published for members and friends of messiah new hope Lutheran church Freshly canned tomatoes OCTOBER 2016 You Are Invited! Soup and Pie Supper Worship With Us! Sundays Sunday, November 6 4:00—7:00 pm 8:15 AM Traditional Worship 9:30 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Contemporary Worship Adults: $6.00 Children 6-12: $3.00 kids 5 and under free (kids meal available) Wednesdays 4:00 PM Open Gym 6:00 PM Community Supper 6:30 PM Church School, Rt. 67, Confirmation 8:00 PM HS Youth Group Looking Ahead @ Messiah New Hope October October October November November November November 08 30 31 06 06 20 24 November December 26 10 MS Corn Maze Confirmation Trunk or Treat Soup and Pie Supper All Saints Sunday Consecration Sunday Thanksgiving Eve Worship And Pie Social Decorating for Advent A Down Home Christmas Please see sign-up sheet in the Narthex for volunteers to bring soup, pie and for set-up and clean up. Bring your friends! Join us! Inside this issue: Pg 2 August Giving Report Pastor’s Letter Pg 3 Governing Bd Highlights Community Prayers Whole-life Wellness Milestones 4 Keys Pg 4 Serving Schedule Attitude of Gratitude 2nd Half Wed Community Supper Pg 5 October Calendar CONFIRMATION Reformation Sunday OCTOBER 30 10:30 am Pg 6 Food To You Bread Break All Saints Sunday Reformation Tour Pg 7 Youth & Family Update ADULT BIBLE STUDY Pg 8 Looking Ahead Please join us, and pray for our young person confirmed that day: Ashley Moen Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study will begin on October 9. Pastor Don will be leading a study on the Book of Revelation. 5001 E Madison St • Sioux Falls, SD 57110 MESSIAH NEW HOPE STAFF Don Salberg Interim Pastor Home 605-359-1864 Jes Carson, Youth Ministry Director 605-470-0120 (position open) Contemporary Worship Director Del Hubers, Organist, Choir Director & Traditional Music 605-789-1524 Susie Oberg, Wednesday Supper Coordinator 605-940-1287 Church Office, 605-333-0971 email: Messiah New Hope Governing Board Jon Moeller, President John Nordlie, President-Elect Jeff Eidenshink, Treasurer/Finance Beth Hallstrom, Secretary Open position Building & Grounds Jesse Goebel, Communications Aaron Moen, Youth & Family Linda Albrecht, Worship Leon Stoel, Discipleship Charlie McIntyre, Service & Mission Ginger Pelley, Community Life 254-4922 360-6384 271-0607 339-4664 941-8854 321-9485 201-1519 332-8517 582-6044 330-9361 August Giving Report $20,000.00 $18,000.00 $16,000.00 $14,000.00 $14,370.00 $12,807.00 $12,000.00 August $10,000.00 $6,882.00 $4,963.33 $8,000.00 $6,000.00 Budget $4,000.00 $2,000.00 $328.34 $0.00 General 2 Capital Free to Serve Youth and Family October Pastor’s Letter GRACE ABOUNDS It was a lively and stimulating conversation between me and my longtime friend who is skeptical and not all that sure he wants to be part of the church. Yet he is still searching and wonders,so he seeks and asks “What do all these churchy sounding words mean for me and for anybody for that matter; what does the church have to say to our post-modern age; what does grace mean for me or anybody”? So we talked and many cups of coffee later I still wasn’t sure that I had calmed and satisfied his questioning spirit. So it is; I ask you, dear readers, how would you respond to his questions. Indeed, what is Grace? Before you answer I suggest that you read Romans Chapter 5. As St. Paul clearly reminds us grace can only be given, never do we by ourselves claim it. There is no way to earn it, deserve it or bring it about any more than we bring about our own peculiar birth. Yet when you stop and think about it the same observation can be made about a good nights sleep, the smell of newly cut hay, refreshing rain and so goes the list. There seems to be no end to grace. Somebody loving you is grace just as you loving somebody is grace as well. It can be said I believe, that the first and most important truth of Christian faith is the assertion that we are SAVED BY GRACE which simply means that there is nothing we HAVE to do, there is nothing we HAVE TO DO! I might have never been but I AM because God in his wisdom decided his creation wouldn’t be complete without me. He has given me his world which most of the time is beautiful, yet at times ugly. But in and through it all HE is with me and in more ways than I can count; in more acts of love and mercy than I can comprehend, He assures me that I am loved. There is one catch however. Like any other gift, the gift of grace can only be mine(ours) if I(we) reach out to receive it which when we stop and think about it, the reaching out and receiving is gift as well. FOR BY GRACE WE HAVE BEEN SAVED THROUGH FAITH—THIS IS NOT OUR OWN DOING; IT IS GOD’S GIFT TO US! And so it is and ever shall be! May your October days be filled with joy and delight. Pastor Don Salberg As we look forward to celebrating the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in October of 2017, we recognize those who have been educated in the Lutheran Catechism and in the Scriptures. Ashley Moen will be confirmed on Sunday, October 30th. We find Christian education—more specifically—Lutheran education, to be very Almost Overnight important to the Ministry of Messiah New Hope. As we approach the end of our first month of classes for the year, it is important that the teachers of the Scriptures be acknowledged. Thank you to those who are spreading Christian education and the gospel to the youth. Jes Carson, Youth & Family Ministry Director Trunk-or-Treat Monday, Oct 31 5:00-6:00 PM Middle School Corn Maze October 8 7:00 PM Heartland Country Corn Maze Email to let us know you’re coming! Confirmation Bring your vehicle, decorate it however you’d like, and pass out candy. Hot dogs, hot chocolate, and lots of candy. Trick-or-Treaters welcome. Email to let us know how you’ll be decorating your vehicle. 7 Ashley Moen will be confirmed on Reformation Sunday (Oct. 30). Ashley will be presenting her faith statement during the 10:30 AM service on that day. Pastor Olaf Roynesdal, East Side Lutheran Church, is hosting a 10day Reformation Tour to Germany May 23-June1, 2017 as part of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation. Cities/towns to be toured include Berlin, Juterborg, Wittenburg, Torgau, Leipzig, Eisleben, Erfurt, Eisenach, the Wartburg Castle, Mainz, and Worms. The deadline for registering is December 1, 2016. For more information you may email him: PLEASE PRAY God's Healing for … Steve Graf (friend of Mike & Jean Bauman) Grant Stahl (friend of John Nordlie) DW Duhacek (friend of Chuck & Deb Heimes) Pam Boehman (cousin of Amy Bullis) Randy Clark (friend of Roger/Jean Tiede) Pam Eastman (dtr of Kay Nordlie) Laurie Button (Katie Willer’s sister)) MNH sponsors the November 10 Food To You distribution. We will need 15 to 20 volunteers and 200 jars of peanut butter for the Food of the Month. Donations can be left in the cart outside the MNH office and sign up sheets will be available in the narthex. Financial Well-Being We will also be serving our holiday meal for the guests at the December 8 distribution. Extra volunteers and servers will also be needed for this special meal. Our focus will be on Financial well being and will lead into our 2016 general appeal and Consecration Sunday on November 20. Pastor Don is planning a sermon series. 243 TONS to date Sunday, November 6 We will be observing All Saints Sunday on Nov. 6. It is a chance in the church year to recognize those individuals who have passed away in the previous year and are now among the saints in heaven. We will list the names of those who have died in our bulletin on that day. To help us make sure we remember all loved ones, please complete the form below and put it in the offering plate at church by October 30. Since we have not officially recognized this Sunday in the past few years, please feel free to include the name of your loved one, even if it has been more than one year, so that we can celebrate their heavenly homecoming. The Worship Committee Focus in October and November Messiah New Hope Lutheran Church Governing Board Meeting September 15, 2016 Fundraising for the replacement of the windows is complete. First step towards looking for new Pastor is preparing a church profile. Executive committee will prepare church profile. Since our meeting, Surveys have been distributed to the congregation to be used in completing the congregational profile. Our constitution states that our Call Committee is to be made up no more than six members. If interested in being considered, please let anyone on the Governing Board know. Upcoming Events: Soup & Pie Supper scheduled for November 6th. November 20th will be Consecration Sunday. Next Governing Board Meeting will be October 20th Our August food harvest picked up and distributed by Bread Break was 19,647 pounds which is valued at $34,971. KFC on Kiwanis is expected to begin donating soon, followed by Einstein’s Bagels on S. Louise. We are bringing bagels and pastries to Collision, a student led Christian movement providing a breakfast one day a week at many area middle schools and high schools. We will be included in a Sioux Falls Food Donation Guide created by the city of Sioux Falls. They are finalizing the website and it should be available next month. We always need people to alternate with and substitute for our volunteers. To add your hands to this effort, please contact Mike Bauman @ (605-496-9358) or email: Respectfully Submitted, Beth Hallstrom FOUR KEYS FOR OCTOBER The Four Keys are a format for faith formation that can be used in our homes. All families are different and the ideas can be adapted to your family. Traditions Fall is here with the many colorful leaves. Gather a few leaves or sit where you can see them. Get a pumpkin and carve it into a jack-olantern and place a light inside or sit by a lighted candle or other small light. . Caring Conversations Looking at the warm colors of the fall leaves remember the many people who have warmed your life and what they have done to make it better. Thank those people with a note, phone call, or in person. Service Looking at the light from your jack-o-lantern or other small light think about how the light of Jesus shines on us and how it shines through each of us. Chose one small way that you can be the hands and feet of Jesus. Devotions Read from your Bible or Story Bible. In prayer, Thank God for coming and being the Light of the world, thank him for the many people you have warmed your days, and ask for guidance on how to be the hands and feet of Jesus every day. Nancy Gage- Milestone Ministry Coordinator ______________________________________ (Name of Saint) _______________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________ (Name of Saint) (Year of death) (Submitted by) _______________ _____________________________ (Year of death) (Submitted by) 6 3 September Serving Schedule Greeters OCT. 2016 Sunday 8:15 Service 10/02 10/09 10/16 10/23 10/30 The Moen Family Bev Heitman, Joyce Lunstra Katie & Corey Meyer Kay Nordlie, Amber Clements Curt Struck Family Sunday 10:30 Service 10/02 10/09 10/16 10/23 10/30 Layne Nelson Family Doug & Stephanie Knutson Delma Beckman, Pat Tuley Tim & Pam Banwart The Tolk Family Servers Coffee Set Up & Clean Up 3 Dozen Treats 10/02 The Torbert Family Scott & Jenny Getting Patti Torbert Jennifer Schmidt Jen Ohlenkamp 10/09 Pat Fritz Pat Fritz Jennifer Benson Bev Heitman Char Johnson 10/16 Jon & Myrna Moeller Myrna Moeller Pat Tuley Joyce Lunstra Brad Helm 10/23 Scott & Jenny Getting Jenny Getting Brian/Amy Mitchell Family Amy Mitchell Kay Nordlie 10/30 John & Valoy Nordlie Renae Eidenshink Valoy Nordlie Renae Eidenshink Marlys Madsen OUR ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE MNH Gives Thanks to: Doug Dreke, Jon Moeller, Roger and Jean Tiede, Charlie and Nyla McIntyre, Lynn & Anna Kimball, Jon Nordlie and others, for working to obtain and install our new windows in the sanctuary. Larry and Beth Hallstrom for the matching funds challenge and everyone who contributed financially to the Windows Project . Mike Bauman for repairing doorstops and the step leading to the daycare entrance. Frank Taylor for trimming branches and doing other clean-up tasks on our grounds Roger Lunstra, Jon Moeller, Todd Madsen, Doug Dreke, Roger Tiede, Craig Hanna, Steve Gage, Leon Stoel, Chad Grev, Dallas Bratton, Mike Wheelock, Pat Munneke, and Dean Mikkelson for mowing and keeping our church grounds looking great. Sunday Monday Tuesday If your treats contain nuts, especially peanuts, could you put a note on them? We have some members with allergies and it is not always obvious when foods contain nuts. THANKS! Wednesday Community Supper Every Wednesday, 6:00 pm, everyone is invited! Please join us weekly for good food & fellowship 4 Friday Saturday 3 7:00 PM Lutheran Women Today 4 5 4:00 PM Open Gym 6:00 PM Community Meal 6:30 PM Children's School, Rt 67, Confirmation, MNH Choir, Adults 8:00 PM Sr High Youth Group MS Open Gym 6 7 8 7:00 PM Middle School Corn Maze 9 8:15 AM Traditional Worship 9:30 AM Educational hour for all ages 10:30 AM Contemporary Worship 6:00 PM 2nd Half 10 11 12 4:00 PM Open Gym 6:00 PM Community Meal 6:30 PM Children's School, Rt 67, Confirmation, MNH Choir, Adults 8:00 PM Sr High Youth Group MS Open Gym 13 6:00 PM Food to You 14 15 16 8:15 AM Traditional Worship 9:30 AM Educational hour for all ages 10:30 AM Contemporary Worship 17 18 19 4:00 PM Open Gym 6:00 PM Community Meal 6:30 PM Children's School, Rt 67, Confirmation, MNH Choir, Adults 8:00 PM Sr High Youth Group MS Open Gym 20 6:00 PM Team Meetings/ Supper 7:00 PM Governing Board 21 22 23 8:15 AM Traditional Worship 9:30 AM Educational hour for all ages 10:30 AM Contemporary Worship 24 25 NEWSLETTER DEADLINE 7:00 PM Altar Guild 26 4:00 PM Open Gym 6:00 PM Community Meal 6:30 PM Children's School, Rt 67, Confirmation, MNH Choir, Adults 8:00 PM Sr High Youth Group MS Open Gym 27 28 29 30 CONFIRMATION SUNDAY NEWSLETTER DISTRIBUTION 8:15 AM Traditional Worship 9:30 AM Educational hour for all ages 10:30 AM Contemporary Worship 31 5:00 PM 6:00 PM TRUNK OR TREAT 2 4:00 PM Open Gym 6:00 PM Community Meal 6:30 PM Children's School, Rt 67, Confirmation, MNH Choir, Adults 8:00 PM Sr High Youth Group MS Open Gym 3 4 5 October 9 6:00 pm Thank You for providing treats so generously! Thursday 2 Singing Boys Concert Choir at 8:15 Worship 8:15 AM Traditional Worship 9:30 AM Educational hour for all ages 10:30 AM Contemporary Worship 2ND HALF This group for those of us over the half century mark will meet for a potluck meal and fellowship. Our potluck theme is Oktoberfest. Contact Jean Bauman with questions at 605-743-0039 or Wednesday 1 5