June 1, 2014 - Saint Thomas the Apostle Church, Bloomfield New
June 1, 2014 - Saint Thomas the Apostle Church, Bloomfield New
St. Thomas the Apostle Roman Catholic Church Rectory/Parish Center: (973) 338-9190 . Fax: (973) 338-4224 . Religious Education: (973) 338-7400 School: (973) 338-8505 . Convent: (973) 338-9118 Address: 60 Byrd Avenue, Bloomfield, NJ 07003 . Website: www.stachurchbloomfield.com Rev. Charles J. Miller, M. Div., Pastor Parochial Vicar: Rev. Andrew N. Onyemaobi, M. Div., M.A. PERMANENT DEACONS: Deacon Albert H. Tizzano • Deacon Thomas J. Coyle • Deacon Brian J. Murphy Deacon Dennis J. Besida, Retired Eucharistic Liturgy Pastoral Associate for Elementary Catechetics: Saturday Eve: 5:00pm Tracey Hann Sundays: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30am & 12:00 Noon School Principal: Ms. Joan Ferraer Weekdays: 7:30, & 11:30am DIRECTOR OF LITURGICAL Saturday Mornings: 8:30am Only Holy Days: 7:30, 11:30am & 7:30pm MUSIC MINISTRIES: Nancy A. Cardone Assistant Liturgical Holidays: 8:30am Only Music MinisterS: Kimberley Mesiti Pastoral Associate for Family Sacrament of Reconciliation: (Penance/Confessions) Saturday: 11:00am Marian Devotions: Mondays Novena Prayer 11:30am Mass Liturgy of the Word With Children: Sundays: 10:30am Mass September - June Catholic Community Services Offering Social Service Assistance 1(800) CCS-7413 Fax: 596-3735 & Adult Formation Ministries: Robert P. Miller Coordinator of Youth Ministry: Mr. Timothy Dennin FINANCE CHAIRMEN: Peter Maulbeck, Finance Council Patrick DeCotiis, Finance Committee June 1, 2014 . Seventh Sunday of Easter Seventh Sunday of Easter June 01, 2014 Masses for the Week Sunday, May 25 Sunday, June 1 7:30 am For the People 9:00 am Teodorico Q. Flores - Family 10:30 am William McGreevy - Family 12:00 pm Alice Coyle - Family Monday, June 2 7:30 am The Tarantini Family - Family 11:30 am Enrique Iking Celis - Family Tuesday, June 3 7:30 am Deceased of McIntyre Family - Bequest 11:30 am Casimir Kilyanek - Family Wednesday, June 4 7:30 am Helen Rohan - Family 11:30 am Mary Margaret Tizzano - Bequest Thursday, June 5 7:30 am Fred & Catherine Winters – Bequest 11:30 am Franco Napolitano - Friend The seventh Sunday of Easter is a Sunday of expectation. It is part of the first novena of prayer, as the disciples prayed in Jerusalem, awaiting the gift of the Holy Spirit. Friday, June 6 7:30 am Elizabeth Bagiackas - Friend 11:30 am Ferris Family - Family First Reading: The passage from Acts is a glimpse of Saturday, June 7 8:30 am Debbie Podolsky - Friend the disciples after their descent from Mount Olivet, the mount of the Ascension. They go back to the upper room, where they “devoted themselves with one accord to prayer”/ Mary and the other faithful women are with them, along with other disciples. The community is following the example of Jesus, who prayed at all times-in the desert, on the mountain, in the garden. There are times for action and times for contemplation. Sunday, June 8 Saturday, June 7 5:00 pm Frank & Blanche Colucci - Family Sunday, June 8 7:30 am Charles Buddenburg - Family 9:00 am For the People 10:30 am Bill McGuire - Family 12:00 pm Janice Holler-Lewandowski - Brother Responsorial Psalm: Many of the psalms of Easter are glad shouts of praise. Psalm 27 is a song of quiet adoration. Second Reading: The last of our readings from 1 Peter continues the prevailing theme of that letter. Peter tells us to rejoice in our sufferings, because thus we share in the sufferings of Christ and those who share his sufferings share his glory. PRAY FOR OUR SICK Danny Burgers, Marion Palagano, Kiran Fernando, Rosaln Renda The Gospel: This passage comes from Jesus’ prayer to his Father on that last night, just before his arrest and trial. Jesus prays for the fulfillment of his Father’s purpose and plan, and in the second part of today’s reading he prays for his disciples. In the deceptively simple language of the fourth evangelist’s account, we have a glimpse of the new relationship with God Jesus wants for us--a relationship in which we have a share in the total sharing of Father and Son. REST IN PEACE Darlene A. Bassi Lora C. Rago Raymond McArdle CANDLE INTENTIONS Church: Jerry Mulvaney Church: Mary Selfridge 2 595 Saint Thomas the Apostle School STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE The main source of operating funds for St. Thomas is our weekly / holyday offertory collections. The information below will show where the Parish is as of May 25, 2014 compared to the budget amount for the year. The break even date is June 30, 2014. The amount needed each week is $17,656 and the amount collected last weekend was $16,863. Budget Amount Year to Date $900,500 $806,217 Bloomfield’s Catholic School NEW FAMILY REGISTRATION currently underway To schedule a tour, please call the school office at 973.338.8505. Remaining Amount $94,283 The year to date amount is short by $5,959 as of week number 46 in our budget year. CHRISTMAS COLLECTION SHORTFALL Budget - $85,000 Actual - $73,054 Shortfall - $11,946 EASTER COLLECTION SHORTFALL Budget - $60,000 Actual - $54,592 Shortfall - $5,408 Pre K3 through 8th grades Middle States Accredited Full-Day and Half-Day Pre K 3 & 4 Full-Day and Half-Day Kindergarten Before-Care Programs After-Care Programs Advanced Technology Jr. High Science / Synergistics Program Physical Education for all grades Spanish Classes Art & Music Classes Wide Variety of Extra-Curricular Activities TOTAL SHORTFALL TO DATE IS $23,313 Food Pantry Perhaps not all are aware that there is a Food Pantry here at St. Thomas, established to serve the needs of our parishioners and others in need. The goal of the program is to provide sustenance to individuals and families who, for many reasons, do not have enough to eat. If you are in this situation simply contact the parish office at 973-338-9190. Answer a few questions and we'll do our best to assist you. If you know of a parishioner that you feel may have this need, please make them aware of the program and have them contact us. stthomastheapostlenj.com ST. THOMAS WELLNESS MINISTRY Inviting all active or inactive nurses and volunteers to join the WELLNESS ministry of St. Thomas and be a part of a loving team. Contact: Loida Togonon 201-618-7590 Gerry Neville 973-207-3199 Milette Padilla 973-487-0843 The September Club Men’s Scripture Reflection Cordially invites all seniors 55 years of age and older to join us for fun & fellowship. We meet once a week, as well as sponsor special events and trips. For more information about our meetings and activities, call Bea Ucci at 973-661-2920. Meeting Dates: June 2nd, 9, 16, 23 July 14, 28 August 11, 25 All men are invited Monday, June 2 at 7:30 pm in St. James room for Scripture Reading, Reflection and discussion. The focus will be on the next Sunday readings as well as readings from the book "Rediscover Catholicism" by Matthew Kelly. You can still pick up a copy at the parish center. rish center. 3 595 EUCHARISTIC ADORATION in 2014 STA HOME & SCHOOL ASSOCIATION is selling SHOP RITE GIFT CARDS Adoration will be held on: June 23 Schedule: 11:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 9:45 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. June 1 and 15 Holy Rosary Holy Mass Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Chaplet of Divine Mercy Holy Rosary Angelus The Cards Can Be Used At ANY Shop Rite & For All Purchases!! PLUS: There Is No Cost To You! You Receive 100% Cash Value & STA School Earns 5% of EVERY Sale Respect for Life Holy Hour Questions? Call Ed @ 201.921.2244 Excerpt from REDISCOVER CATHOLICISM STA “300 CLUB” RAFFLE Dear “300 Club” Members, "Within each of us there is a light. It is the light of God, and when it shines it reflects not only the wonder of God but also the greatness of the human spirit. We live in difficult times. I pray that we never become fearful, but rather we turn our focus to nurturing the light within us. I hope we allow that light within us to be nourished (by prayer and the Sacraments) and to grow. Darkness has one enemy that it cannot defeat; light. Let your light shine!” I want to say thank you for supporting our parish “300 Club Raffle”. Because of your generosity so many things are able to happen at St. Thomas the Apostle Parish. Our “300 Club” is also a great way to take a chance at winning a significant prize (better odds than most lotteries). Most of us could use a few extra dollars, so it was an exciting moment when we announced the winners. Thanks to you, we were able to sell 277 tickets. The winners and amounts won are as follows: “300 CLUB” RAFFLE WINNERS Ticket #0231 Kim Foreman Ticket #0222 Dondero & DeCicco Families Ticket #010 Lillian Giovannucci Home and School Association The Home and School Association is conducting a raffle to benefit the educational programs at St Thomas the Apostle Parish School. We are selling 50/50 with 50% of the proceeds going directly to the educational programs at the school. The cost of the ticket is $10.00 a piece with three chances to win. $ 9,695.00 $ 2,770.00 $ 1,385.00 Congratulations to all of our winners. I would also like to thank our parish Finance Committee for all of their hard work which made the raffle possible. Special thanks to Jim Gasparini, Terry Lupo, and Paul Alongi for their efforts. Thanks also to all of you who sold tickets and encouraged others to take part. As we begin planning for next year, we look forward to the possibility of your support in the future. While most of us didn’t win this year’s raffle, it is a comfort to know that our contribution helps to keep the many ministries and good works of St. Thomas the Apostle Parish alive and well. May God, who is never outdone in generosity, bless you and all those you love. A representative from the Home and School Association will be available to provide raffle tickets to parishioners before and after church services Saturday and Sunday until June 8th. The tickets are also available in the school office during school hours. The drawing is on June 14 at noon at the school. Ticket holders need not to be present. Thank you is advance for supporting our kids. Sincerely, 4 595 COME HOLY SPIRIT Come Holy Spirit… St. Thomas Youth Group Food Drive John Angotti Returns to St. Thomas for Pentecost Weekend St. Thomas the Apostle Youth Group is proud to present The Music of St. Thomas A unique presentation of the seasonal music we use at liturgy and other Angotti Favorites. Saturday June 7, 2014 at 7:30 p.m St. Thomas the Apostle Church 60 Byrd Avenue, Bloomfield, NJ A free-will offering will be collected Non-Perishable foods will be collected after All Masses on Pentecost Weekend June-7-8. John will also share his special talents With our community at all weekend Masses Please join us for this wonderful evening Collected Food will be donated to: The Missionaries Of Charity 170 Sussex Ave, Newark, NJ 07103 All are welcome. Rosary Society All are invited to pray the Rosary Support STA’s September Club June 8, St. Peter’s Room The Rosary Society will meet at 7 p.m. in the church on June 2. Meetings to follow in the Parish Center Crafts & Bake Sale After all masses Help keep our group thriving and support the programs and activities of our seniors by purchasing homemade goods and handmade crafts. Greeters needed The only thing required is a welcoming smile and a sincere attitude! If interested please contact: Debbie Walsifer at 862-307-5250. September Club members will be available to speak with about our Club, our Mission, our Meetings, and the special events we sponsor. We would love to meet you! If you need to take the elevator, call Fran: 848-448-4335 for assistance. 5 595 Sign Up for Special Ministers of Communion St. Thomas the Apostle We are currently in need of Special Ministers of Communion to assist with the respectful distribution of the Eucharist at all of our masses. If you are over 18 years of age and a practicing Catholic in good standing, you may qualify for this ministry. The mandate as a Special Minister is given by our Archbishop to those who are qualified and have completed the training sessions. Training Sessions will take place right here in our Parish Center Session One: The Theology & Spirituality of Liturgical Ministers Thursday, June 12 at 7:00pm St. Peterʼs Room in Parish Center Session Two: Rituals & Parish Practice Saturday, June 14 at 1:00pm Church Sanctuary Please sign me up for the training sessions to become a Special Minister of Communion at St. Thomas the Apostle Parish. NAME: AGE ADDRESS CITY STATE HOME PHONE ZIP MOBILE PHONE E-MAIL The Mass that I usually attend is: (Circle One) Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12:00pm Please fill in all the above and return this form by bringing it to the Parish Center, or by dropping it into the Sunday Collection.. You can also mail it to Rev. Charles Miller St. Thomas the Apostle Church 60 Byrd Avenue Bloomfield, NJ 07003 JOHN P. MCDERMOTT BLOOMFIELD AUTO BODY ATTORNEY AT LAW Auto Accidents • Real Estate •Slips, Fall, Etc. Wills & Estates • Workers’ Compensation •Municipal Court Italian-American Cuisine 72 Burroughs Pl., Bloomfield Free Initial Consulation • 429-9211 J.Q. Automotive 24 Washington Ave. Nutley, NJ 973-235-0505 1050 Broad Street Bloomfield www.AmericanBistro.net Catering On and Off Premises 973-893-9239 Foreign & Domestic Repair Specialist Family Owned, Operated & Trusted For 25 Yrs. Computer Diagnostic Specialists Emission Repair Facility • Brake Service Exhaust Systems • Front End Repairs Electrical Repairs • Transmission Service Air Conditioning Service GENERAL CONTRACTOR KITCHEN - BATHS - WINDOWS - DOORS All Types of Remodeling Tel: 973.743.7434 Fax: 973.743.3736 578 Broad St. Bloomfield, NJ 07003 WWW.RICHARDPROBSTGENERALCONTRACTOR.COM FREE INSPECTION 236 Broad St., Bloomfield 973-748-2608 D.L.P. Electric North Center Drugs 386 Broad St., Bloomfield, NJ 973-748-1299 Free Delivery! Party Supplies • Cards • Candles & More! Quality Work For Less! Cell (973) 223-8276 Lic #16186 ~ Parishioner Also: Snow Removal Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto www.jppc.net conveniently from your home or office. ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING ONLINE PROOFING Licensed & Insured All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! NJ Lic. #13VH03327200 BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST 908-282-0220 D Thomas H. De Paola De Paola Monument Co., Inc. 909 Franklin Ave., Newark, NJ (973) 482-7667 134 Ridgedale Ave., E. Hanover, NJ (973) 887-6660 www.depaolamonument.com WeltmanHomeServices.com D. Weltman Plumbing Lic. #6440 • G. Nowicki Electric Lic. #6808 Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. PLUMBING • HEATING • ELECTRIC • AIR Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 www.duqcapital.com 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 Electric Bus. Permit #6808-A HIC#13VHO4948800 888.927.0797 24 Hours/7 Days Service You Can Trust Since 1962. VAN TASSEL FUNERAL HOME Serving community for over 125 years Newly remodeled facility - Spacious parking Serving all faiths funerals Izabela Bacza, Mgr., N.J. Lic. No. 4924 337 Belleville Ave. Bloomfield, NJ 07003 (973) 743-1234 Please pat onize the businesses that adver ise in your bulletin, they make your bulletin possible! St. Thomas the Apostle is looking for more sponsors. If you are interested in adver ising your business, please contact us at John Pat ick Publishing Company. 800-333-3166 • www.jppc.net www.vantasselfuneralhome.com 595 St. Thomas the Apostle, Bloomfield, NJ (inside) U John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 • www.jppc.net Garner Bros. Est. 1918 973-748-0981 POWER CLEANER SERVICES Free Estimate 973-474-6691 powercleanerservice@hotmail.com NO JOB TOO SMALL 973-235-1839 Parishioner NJ Lic#6523 Res. • Comm. - Lic. #15098 973-893-1411 973-338-5900 Parishioner We specialize in Home & Office Cleaning Reliable, Hardworking, Detail Oriented & Trustworthy Excellent Customer Service Flexible Scheduling & Availability REFERENCES AVAILABLE Plumbing & Heating Brookdale Funeral Home 1284 Broad St. • Bloomfield, NJ 93 Bay Ave., Bloomfield, NJ Lic. No. 1373 A.A. SANTANGELO Frank Halpin’s Plumbing and Heating Bloomfield, NJ - Parishioner Serving The St. Thomas Community Since 1963 Since 1926 Ronald M. Mowad, Sr., Mgr., NJ Lic. No. 3352 MARIO’S FAMOUS PIZZERIA RESTAURANT MON & TUES 2 LRG. PLAIN PIES $20.00 (973) 338-4477 1279 Broad Street • Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Joseph Perrone ~ Parishioner Free Estimates and Fully Insured PERRONE CONSTRUCTION MASON & GENERAL CONTRACTORS 973-759-4643 Stucco Specialist • Brick/Stone • Sidewalks • Patios Waterproofing • Steps • Driveway • Retaining Walls Brick Pavers • Belgium Block Ask Your Neighbors... Tell Your Friends FREDA & SURIANO DISCOUNT FOR SENIORS O RT H O D O N T I C S 973.748.2248 NJ Specialty License #3386, 3388 Tutoring Algebra 1 & 2, Calculus and SAT Math 973-338-0996 • kluemath@gmail.com N.J. Lic. No. 3348 “When you need a friend” Michael Z. Levandoski, Manager 44 Bay Ave. • Bloomfield 973-743-6969 www.levandoskifuneralhome.com DMD GENERAL DENTISTRY Hours By Appt. slate 973-338-6700 copper roofs, flashings, standing seam, batten seam, valley’s, flat HARRY J. HERZ tile Personal Attention and A Commitment to Excellence spanish, french, flat, brittany, aged Family owned & continuously operated since “1973” Q U A L I T Y Vincent J. Castellano, “churches a specialty” graduated, random, heavy, standard ANDREA KLUEPFEL, Parishioner CERTIFIED MATH TEACHER 10 Elm Street, Montclair, NJ 07042 (973) 744-2080 Fax (973) 744-2552 504 Watchung Ave. Bloomfield, NJ shingles, metal, flat roofing 557 Broad St., 2nd Fl., Bloomfield If Your Floor Covering Is Not Becoming To You... You Should Be Coming To Us. roofing Damon System Invisalign www.fsorthodontics.com FLOOR COVERINGS, INC. B R OWE & CO. 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