St. Thomas the Apostle
St. Thomas the Apostle
St. Thomas the Apostle Roman Catholic Church Rectory/Parish Center: (973) 338-9190 . Fax: (973) 338-4224 . Religious Education: (973) 338-7400 School: (973) 338-8505 . Convent: (973) 338-9118 Address: 60 Byrd Avenue, Bloomfield, NJ 07003 . Website: Eucharistic Liturgy Saturday Eve: 5:00pm Sundays: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30am & 12:15pm (12 Noon during summer months) Weekdays: 7:30, & 11:30am Saturday Mornings: 8:30am Only Holy Days: 7:30, 11:30am & 7:00pm Holidays: 8:30am Only Rev. Charles J. Miller, M. Div., Pastor Rev. Peter K. Funesti, M. Div., Parochial Vicar Rev. Philip A. Sanders, S.T.B., Parochial Vicar Rev. Thomas F. Blind, M. Div., In Residence Permanent Deacons: Deacon Albert H. Tizzano Deacon Dennis J. Besida Deacon Thomas J. Coyle Pastoral Associate for Elementary Catechetics: Tracey Rennie Pastoral Associate for Parish Ministry: Sister Arleen Crimmins, O.P. School Principal: Ms. Joan Ferraer DIRECTOR OF LITURGICAL MUSIC MINISTRIES: Nancy A. Cardone Interpreted Mass for the deaf Fourth Sunday of Each Month 12:15pm Liturgy of the Word With Children: Sundays: 10:30am Mass September - June Sacrament of Reconciliation: Paul DiBianca Pastoral Associate for Family & Adult Formation Ministries: Robert P. Miller Coordinator of Youth Ministry: (Penance/Confessions) Saturday: 11:00am Catholic Community Services Offering Social Marian Devotions: Service Assistance Mondays Novena Prayer 11:30am Mass Assistant Liturgical Music Minister: 1(800) CCS-7413 Fax: 596-3735 Mr. Timothy Dennin Pastoral Council: Tom Rossano, Chairperson Orly Trias, Vice Chairperson Michele Sweetman, Secretary FINANCE CHAIRMEN: Peter Maulbeck, Finance Council Patrick DeCotiis, Finance Committee August 12, 2007 . 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 12, 2007 Right to Life Masses for the Week For those who prepare to be married: that they might hear the call of God and live the Sacrament to which they have been called; We pray to the Lord Sunday, August 12 Saturday, August 11 5:00 pm Janet Besida - Friend Sunday, August 12 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 pm Jennie Ciampi - Family Helen Palermo - Family Salvatore Prezioso - Wife For the People of the Parish Am I waiting for the “right “ time to become a good steward? Do I plan to share my time and talents “later”? Today’s Gospel warns those who are procrastinating about stewardship to be prepared – “at an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come.” Monday, August 13 7:30 am Anthony Giangrande, Sr. - Wife 11:30 am Austin Patrizo - Friend Tuesday, August 14 7:30 am Valerie Camisa - Daughter 11:30 am Frances Hughes - Friend Pray For Vocations “You must be ready; for the Son of man is coming at an unexpected hour.” In today’s Gospel, the Lord is preaching about preparedness for His second coming. To prepare for this event, much spiritual and religious work must be performed by each person. The Sacraments are key elements in this preparation. The Deacons, Priests and Religious men and women of the Archdiocese of Newark do an excellent job preparing and performing the Sacraments of the Church, thus preparing souls for everlasting Life with the Triune God. Are you willing to act in one of these roles, each being an integral part of Christ’s work of Salvation in the world? If so, you may have a vocation. Pray for Christ’s wisdom and guidance, and contact the Vocations Office at 973.497.4365 or email Wednesday, August 15 ASSUMPTION OF MARY 7:30 am Asuncion A. Flores - Children 11:30 am Lillian Damiano – Friend 7:00 pm Marie Contaldi - Nephew Thursday, August 16 7:30 am Salvatore Nesto - Wife 11:30 am Frances M. Hughes - Friend Friday, August 17 7:30 am Frances Hughes - Friend 11:30 am Oczechowski Family - Daughter Saturday, August 18 8:30 am Joseph Simeone - Family Sunday, August 19 Saturday, August 18 5:00 pm For the People of the Parish Wisdom of the Church Let no one dare say anything false, let no one fear to say anything True. – Pope Leo XIII Sunday, August 19 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 pm Stephen A. Giordano - Friends Salvador Calandra - Wife William Mandra - Family Ponzio Family - Daughter St. Thomas School is now accepting applications for students of all grades except K, 6th, and 7th. Summer office hours: Mon. – Thurs. 9am - 2pm (973) 338-8505 PRAY FOR OUR SICK: Dana Allen, Glen Pernia, John Gagliano, Joan Loconte Paul Strickland, Michele & Nicholas Fasone, Teresa Branca Eleanor & Peter Franco, Sr. Natalie Marie Moore The Assumption of Mary REST IN PEACE: Kenneth Sharry, James J. Campbell CANDLE INTENTIONS: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 Church: Lillian Damiano Rectory : The Keenan Family HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION Next Sunday’s Readings: Jeremiah 38:4-6, 8-10 Hebrews 12:1-4 Luke 12: 49-53 Masses at: 7:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. 2 595 A LITTLE BIT ABOUT THE NEW SENIOR HIGH YOUTH GROUP NEWS 9/9 Fall Kick-Off Meeting Email Tim Dennin with any questions ST. THOMAS PICNIC CARNIVAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date - Saturday, September 15th, 2007 2pm to 7pm If you would like to sing with the Youth Singers in Church, please join us after the 10:30 a.m. Mass on August 19th. Rain Date- Sunday, September 16th, 2007, same hours All Day Rides Ticket-$20 for those over age 8 Advance Sale ticket-$15 Age 7 and under-$10advance sale-$7 Rides for ages toddlers to teens 2 section obstacle course, 22 ft dual lane slide, 3 in 1 sports center, moonwalk, radar speed pitch. Mark your calendar: Confirmation Penance Service 9/10/07 at 7 p. m. “T H I S W E E K” Monday – 8/13 September Club – 12 Noon in St. Peter Games - carnival tents for 8 carnival games with prizes-1,000 small and 1,000 medium plush prizes, dunk tank including some of your favorite people as dunkees. Also a Tatoo artist. Tuesday – 8/14 Men & Women’s Senior Fitness – 2:00 p.m. St. James Men’s Cornerstone Meeting – 7:30 p.m. in St. Peter Food - From Vinnie’s- Pizza, sandwiches-meatball, Wednesday – 8/15 eggplant parm, sausage and peppers, Pasta- penne vodka and ravioli, soda and water (great deal from Pat, the owner). The Assumption of Mary Masses: 7:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. in Church Thursday – 8/16 SCC Thursday – 7:00 p.m. in St. James From Pilipino community - hot dogs, burgers, etc. From our entertainment company - ice cream, Friday – 8/17 SCC Friday – 6:30 p.m. in St. Peter popcorn, snowball ice cones, cotton candy. Zeppoles by our own people. We will have $1 tickets for games and food, same color ticket. Of course there will be different prices, for example-2 tickets for pizza-or 1 ticket for water etc-so you need multiple tickets. Advance Sale tickets for food and Games - 15 for $10, 20 for $15, 25 for $20, 30 for $25, 35 for $30, 40 for $35 and 50 for $40. Picnic day-face value example-10 tickets for $10 etc. Other – Large tent with tables for 100 people – WE’RE GOING FISHING!! eating and bingo. Tent for purchase of ride tickets, food and game tickets, 50/50 raffle cash purchase, Bake sale-cash, Beer-cash, Bingo-cash. Monday, August 20, 2007 BOAT: MI JO II Advance Sale of tickets - after mass on Sat, Aug 25th, 9 am, 10:30 am, 12 noon on Sunday, August 26th, same on Saturday, September 8th and Sunday, Sept 9th. Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey FEE: $45.00 – Rod & Bait Included Men, Women, Children are all welcome. Visit our website at ATTENTION CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES! Confirmation Service Project… Volunteer to help at the Parish Picnic. Call Mr. Dennin at (973) 495-4940 for time schedule Also, WE NEED VOLUNTEERS to work the games, some of the rides, the cash booth, bingo, raffles and soda & water. For reservations call either the parish center at (973) 338-9190 or Jim McKittrick at (973) 338-3145 Call Paul Alongi 973-338-4665 or Parish Center 973-338-9190. 3 595 Wellness Ministry Cares… Assistance Program KEEP CHRIST IN YOUR VACATION The Wellness Ministry phone line is available Mon-Fri, 9am to 8pm. Call the Parish Center 973-338-9190 ext. 20. A return call will be made within 24 hours. A Parish Nurse will provide limited confidential health counseling & referrals to Community health resources & services. Volunteers are available for errands, home visits and phone contacts. During the summer months, let us remember to keep the Lord in our lives. The opportunity to witness His message through Scripture and to be strengthened by the Eucharist is a necessity in our relationship with God and with each other. As you travel on vacation, take time to visit and worship the Lord in a nearby Church. For those remaining at home in your Parish, and to all visitors, the invitation for continued worship at St. Thomas’s is extended and will certainly serve to enrich your summer. For Nationwide Mass Times & Locations, call 1-410-676-6000. Prayer Shawl Ministry Summer Schedule Let us continue to pray for those making shawls and those who will receive them. THERE WILL BE A MORNING OF REFLECTION FOR THE SENIOR WOMEN OF OUR PARISH (WOMEN OF WISDOM) We will be meeting once a month at 1:30 p.m. in the St. Thomas room in the Parish Center, Aug 19th, and Sept. 16th. Over the summer we will be planning our projects for the fall. Please come and share your ideas with us. Anyone interested in this Ministry is welcome. If you have finished or need a shawl please contact Alicia at (973) 473-6633, Bernadette at (973) 893-0114, or call Sr. Arleen at (973) 338-9190. Saturday, October 27th, 2007 MARK YOUR CALENDARS! We welcome into our Community of Faith With our prayers and good wishes, Our newly Baptized… More information will follow in the upcoming weeks! - Sister Arleen Session Dates for Baptism 2007 CATECHESIS PREPARATION St. James Room in the Parish Center at 1:30 p.m. August 19 - September 30 November 11 - December 2 - October 28 Marco Pasquale Sozio Parents: Jayme C. (Trisuzzi) & Lorenzo Sozio BAPTISM CELEBRATIONS All at 1:45 p.m. in Church August 12 - September 2 - September 23 - October 7 October 28 - November 18 - December 9 Lauren Marie Yozzo Parents: Anna M. (Nilsson) & Scott C. Yozzo Olivia Ann Adams Parents: Jamie (Pero) & Keith E. Adams Dylan Matthew Mitzak Parents: Christiane M. (Adornato) & Anthony M. Mitzak Rite of Christian Initiation Erin Olivia Rau Parents: Christine (Broderick) & John B. Rau Do you or another adult that you know need to receive the sacrament of Baptism, First Eucharist, or Confirmation? St. Thomas the Apostle Church offers classes for adults needing to receive these sacraments beginning the first Sunday in October and running through Pentecost. Call Bob Miller for more information at (973) 338-9190 x29. Aidan James Reilly Parents: Tara (Sanborn) & David Reilly Gabriel Manuel Santos Parents: Wendolyn Y. (Diaz) & Jose Manuel Santos Olivia Joan Sousa Parents: Trina M. (Berger) & Edward T. Sousa 4 595 Good to the Last Drop SUMMER SIGN UP! for Children’s Christmas Event OPEN TO ALL CHILDREN OF THE PARISH Ages Pre-K4 – Grade 3 Epiphany Pageant Plan now for you children to participate! Sunday, January 6, 2008 Immediately following 12:15 p.m. Mass. You know the line about opera: “It ain’t over till the fat lady sings.” The same is true about Sunday Mass. Sated (miraculously with just a morsel and a sip), stuffed on grace, a bit tired from sincere thanksgiving and sustained praise, the assembly has to finish this liturgy before it’s over. Would the cast leave before the final curtain? The orchestra before the finale? The team before the final buzzer or last out? At Mass, we are all the cast, all the orchestra, all the team. The end of Mass comes quickly: After the silent reverie that follows communion, there is a prayer and maybe a hymn. Some announcements follow, then a blessing and dismissal, perhaps a final song. So is it really asking too much of each other to see it through to the very end? Sure, you might be blocking in someone’s car in the parking lot. But if we all stay till the end, what difference does it make? Of course the little ones are antsy; we all are at this point. A few minutes more won’t hurt. (Nor will cries and squirming now.) And yes, not slipping out early means rubbing elbows with everyone, people jamming up at the doors and a procession of cars crawling out of the parking lot, but isn’t this a consequence of the communion that we just shared? Isn’t this how we know that we are becoming what we have shared: the body of Christ, risen from the dead, going out into the world to give to others what has been given to us? It’s a simple act of kindness—finishing the liturgy before leaving. And if we slow down just enough to finish our liturgy, maybe we’ll slowly learn to finish well other things in life, too. And when we learn to relish and not rush the end of things—the last minutes of a movie, the final words of a conversation, the last hand of cards and the final set of pins to knock down—what we are truly learning is to relish and not rush the end of our days—a final act of gratitude that gives God praise. As always, we will be looking for Angels and Shepherds to join our Nativity and Epiphany scene. Three Kings Reception in the Parish Center following the pageant. If interested please complete the form below and return to the Parish Center by September 9, 2007 attention: “Children’s Pageant”. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Child’s Name: _________________________________________ Age: ________________ Grade: ________________ ______ I would like to help with costumes. ______ I would like to help with the Three Kings Reception. Parent Name: _________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________________ JOIN THE ST. THOMAS THE APOSTLE FRIDAY PRAYER GROUP Father Daniel Kyom, our summer priest, will be hosting a prayer group entitled “TEACHING THE SCRIPTURES” based on the Sunday readings, the following Fridays in the Parish Center, St. Peter room: 7:45 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. August 10 August 17 August 24 and August 31. Come and grow in our Catholic faith! ~ ~ ROSARIANS NOTICE ~ ~ First meeting will be held at promptly 6:30 p.m. in St. Peter’s Room. Monday, September 10, 2007. There will be Installation of Officers promptly at 6:30 p.m. followed by a meeting and refreshments. Dues of $10.00 will be collected at this meeting. All Rosarians are invited to witness the Installation Ceremony conducted by Father Charles Miller. DON’T miss this meeting. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. - - - - - - - - ALSO - - - - - - - St. Thomas’ Church picnic will be held on Sept. 15th 2:007:00 p.m. Rosarians are asked to volunteer to assist. Your support and assistance is needed. Please call Paul Alongi (973) 338-4665 or Maria Melograno (973) 338-6321. Copyright © 2001 Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 1800 North Hermitage Avenue, Chicago IL 60622-1101; 1-800-933-1800; Text by David Philippart. Art by Luba Lukova. All rights reserved. Used with permission. 5 595 REGISTRATION ? Did you know FOR ST. THOMAS PARISH Festival of Faith at the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart On September 29, 2007, the Archdiocese of Newark will be hosting the “Festival of Faith,” a day-long celebration of Catholicism designed to enlighten and inspire all who attend. The festival, which will be held at the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart, 89 Ridge St., Newark, begins at 10 a.m. and will end with Mass at 6 p.m. Admission to the event is free. For more information, please call Liliana Soto at 973-497-4353, or email Media organizations who wish to attend the Festival of Faith should contact the Office of Communications at 973-497-4187. If you are presently not on our mailing list, receiving envelopes and the various parish mailings, the chances are that you are not a registered member of our parish. You are not automatically a registered member because you were married here or even if you were brought up here and lived in the parish with your parents–or went to school here. Membership is by formal registration only. Just call the Parish Center at (973) 338-9190 and let us know that you wish to register and the registration form will be mailed to you. Thank you. Let’s Remember our Advertisers Urgent Appeal for Blood Donations It is through the generosity of these merchants that we are able to place this bulletin into your hands each week without cost to our Parish. New Jersey's eight blood collection organizations, the NJ State Department of Health, and the state's hospitals have teamed up to make an urgent appeal for blood donations. A shortfall of about 23,000 units of blood is projected for the remainder of this summer. Donations typically drop off at this time of year as families take vacations, students leave college and high school campuses, and community groups and churches suspend summer meetings that may include blood drives. Why not get into the habit of looking through the ads and give these neighbors a chance to serve your needs. Let them know how grateful we are for their support! St. Valentine Church - Bloomfield The summer season stretches already limited blood supplies to a critically low point. Fact is, the simple act of donating blood helps save lives. Those of us blessed with good health owe it to others to share our good fortune. FAMILY FESTIVAL ! St. Valentine’s Annual Family Festival September 7th, 8th & 9th Parishioners should contact local hospitals and blood centers to schedule a donation. Please consider giving the gift of life. on parish grounds, corner of E. Passaic and Hoover Avenues. • • • Friday Saturday Sunday 6 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. 4 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. 2 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Moments of Humor... Author Unknown Rides ● Games ● Daily Super 50/50’s and a variety of home made foods! An exasperated mother, whose son was always getting into mischief, finally asked him, "How do you expect to get into Heaven?" For discount tickets contact Cathy King 973-429-7567. Parking available at Franklin School on Curtis Street. MAILING ADDRESSES The boy thought it over and said, "Well, I'll just run in and out and in and out and keep slamming the door until St. Peter says 'For Heaven's sake, Jimmy, come in or stay out!'" F.Y.I. It has come to our attention that as of August 1, 2007, the United States Postal Service (USPS) will not be delivering mail if the address is incorrect or incomplete. It is considered so if the address has a missing or incomplete apartment number, suite number, or missing direction (ie., NE, S, or W). Many people have been receiving their mail at incomplete or incorrect addresses for years with no problems. That will not be the case after August 1st. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I would like to think that God wanted me to have fun in my life and enjoy the gift of laughter in his house as well as in the company of friends once in a while. Yes, Church is a place for reflection but surely when we laugh we want to thank God for the joys in our life as well as seek answers.” Tara Cooke 6 595 American Bank is Your Hometown Advantage. Make the switch today...we make it easy! Joseph Kliminski (973) 748-3600 Chi e f Executive Officer BLOOMFIELD OFFICE: 365 Broad Street, Bloomfield (973) 748-3600 CEDAR GROVE OFFICE: 310 Pompton Ave., Rte 23, Cedar Grove (973) 239-6450 Open 8am weekdays, 9am Saturdays. VIDEO & DVD • HOME MOVIE TRANSFERS • DUPLICATIONS • PAL CONVERSIONS • PHOTO VIDEO KEEPSAKES “Taking Care Of All Your Video Needs” 973-661-1976 15000 OFF w/coupon GARGAS ROOFING, INC. Fred Kowal President & COO JOHN P. MCDERMOTT ATTORNEY AT LAW Auto Accidents • Real Estate •Slips, Fall, Etc. Wills & Estates • Workers’ Compensation •Municipal Court 72 Burroughs Pl., Bloomfield Free Initial Consulation • 429-9211 BROOKDALE DENTAL GROUP Anthony G. DeVincentis, Jr., D.M.D. • Vincent P. DeVincentis, D.M.D. Residential & Commercial • Free Estimates • Fully Insured 973-815-0185 1-800-772-8441 Cosmetic, General and Implant Dentistry 1218 Broad St., Bloomfield • 973-338-3700 We Do & Guarantee our own work! The Corbo Family A Tradition in Fine Jewelry 777-1635 Got Technical Difficulties? Pizza Special - Mon. & Tues Only 2 Pies • Large Sub $19.95 MESUK LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION Landscaping, Lawn Maintenance, Fall Cleanups, Snow Plowing 973-771-0366 Wonder-Tech is standing by. 24 hours a day in your home or office 973-699-5352 Ask about our free performance enhancing software Caggiano Memorial Home for Funerals Recently Enlarged & Renovated Montclair Historic Colonial NORTH CENTER DRUGS CARD & GIFT • Traditional funerals & cremations serving all faiths • Prearrangements counseling available with no obligation Serving Montclair, Glen Ridge & Bloomfield since 1943 Prescriptions • Balloons • Greeting Cards & Much More! 62 Grove St. Montclair • 973-744-6667 386 Broad Street • Bloomfield CARLSON BROS. ROOFING 1055 Bloomfield Ave., Clifton, NJ Mario’s Famous Pizzeria & Restaurant 1279 Broad St., Bloomfield, NJ 973-338-4477 Cape Cod................................$2500 Bi-Level....................................$2700 Split Level................................$2900 973-239-5235 • $100 OFF Coupon 973-748-1299 973-748-1643 Michael A. Caggiano, Manager, Director Karl Jensen JENSEN MONUMENT CO. Monuments - Bronze - Cemetery Lettering 31 Hoover Ave., Bloomfield, NJ Opposite Glendale Cemetery PSAT • SAT • GED • GRE ALL STANDARDIZED TESTS HOME SCHOOLING AVAILABLE Mary Ellen Marmo, State Certified Teacher 973-812-2853 • “When you need a friend” Michael Z. Levandoski, Manager 44 Bay Ave. • Bloomfield 973-743-6969 N.J. Lic. No. 3348 Hair We Go To Your House MOBIL HAIR SALON Cuts • Curls • And Much, Much More! Call Dana 908-416-1223 Bloomfield Total Health Center Michael M. Credico, D.C. Chiropractic Director Beau T. Malimas, Physical Therapist The Ultimate in Health & Wellness Chiropractic Care/Physical Therapy Chiropractic • Physical Therapy Wellness Care • Certified in Sports Injuries Certified in Manipulation Under Anesthesia Diagnostic Testing • Scoliosis & Carpal Tunnel Screening • X-Rays 1129 Broad St. (Brookdale IHOP Plaza) Bloomfield 973-338-3620 “The Cure for the Common Basement.” 973-872-2212 800-335-8014 $500 OFF Not to be Combined with any Other Offer Louis Roselle ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS INC. All Phases of Electrical Work Elec. Lic. 6810A • Inspector Lic. 005406 748-9141 Bloomfield, NJ 'DQ*UD\ Broker / Sales Representative Weichert 400 Marketed Listings Club Weichert Ambassador Club Off: 973-746-1515 x130 • Cell: 973-715-8186 email: 272 Bellevue Ave., Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 595 St. Thomas the Apostle ~ Bloomfield, NJ (inside) Rt. UPS John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 • SIDING J. COPPOLA AND SONS Est. 1942 Roofing-Gutters-Windows Doors-Repairs-Carpentry Senior Citizen Discounts Free Estimates Owner Operated 973-429-9266 Frank Halpin’s Vincent J. Castellano, DMD GENERAL DENTISTRY Brookdale Funeral Home 1284 Broad St. • Bloomfield, NJ 504 Watchung Ave. Bloomfield, NJ Hours By Appt. 973-338-5900 973-338-6700 Parishioner J.Q. Automotive 1050 Broad St., Bloomfield 973-893-9239 Foreign & Domestic Repair Specialist Family Owned, Operated & Trusted For 25 Yrs. Computer Diagnostic Specialists • Emission Repair Facility • Brake Service • Air Conditioning Service • Exhaust Systems • Front End Repairs • Electrical Repairs • Transmission Service Serving The St. Thomas Community Since 1963 Frank J. Halpin, Jr., Mgr., NJ Lic. No. 3297 Geraldine L Halpin, NJ Lic. No. 2902 1099 BROAD ST. BLOOMFIELD PERRONE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION MASON & GENERAL CONTRACTORS • 973-759-4643 OVERHEAD DOORS Serving NJ Professionally Since 1958 734 Belleville Ave. Belleville NJ 07109 Stucco Specialist • Brick/Stone • Sidewalks • Patios • Waterproofing • Steps Driveway • Retaining Walls • Brick Pavers • Belgium Block - Parishioner 973-759-0016 973.338.8200 FINE TUSCAN CUISINE Joseph Perrone WWW.TOSCANA-NJ.COM Free Estimates and Fully Insured Biondi Funeral Home 973-235-1839 Parishioner NJ Lic#6523 Italian-American Cuisine 24 Washington Ave. Nutley, NJ 973-235-0505 Catering On and Off Premises 973-661-2800 Fax 973-661-3276 540 Franklin Avenue • Nutley, New Jersey 07110 Classic Video Productions Garner Bros. “When Love and Skill Work Together Expect a Masterpiece” (973) 229-6338 $200 OFF ANY ROOF REPLACEMENT • Residential Roofing • Seamless Gutters & Leaders IT’S YOUR WEDDING DAY! “Star In It” We Create Video Memories to be Enjoyed and Cherished for Generations! 973.429.1123 • Parishioners BLOOMFIELD AUTO BODY 236 Broad St., Bloomfield 973-748-2608 If your floor covering is not becoming to you... you should be coming to us. In plant & Wall to Wall Rug Cleaning Robert Bynderian 10 Elm Street President- Parishioner 973-744-2080 Montclair Plumbing and Heating Est. 1918 93 Bay Ave., Bloomfield, NJ 973-748-0981 Lic. No. 1373 Parishioner TECHNOTRANSCENDENCE LANDSCAPING 973-418-2887 Expert PC Guidance For The Home User Keith Franco, Computer & Network Technician FULL SERVICE LAWN CARE Fully Insured • Free Estimates DAVEHOLLYWOODLANDSCAPING.COM 862-371-4272 2¶%2</( )81(5$/ +20( 0LFKDHO+2¶%R\OH'LU Res. • Comm. - Lic. #15098 973-893-1411 N.J. Lic. No. 3067 Bloomfield, NJ - Parishioner Thomas M. Connor,MD,FAAP,FACC Lee, Sang Y, D.D.S. Pediatric & Adolescent Cardiology BOARD CERTIFIED 101 Old Short Hills Rd., West Orange GENERAL COSMETIC DENTISTRY (973) 731-5550 NO JOB TOO SMALL Anthony A. Biondi, Jr., Manager N.J. Lic.# 3893 Anthony A. Biondi, Sr., Director N.J. Lic.# 2350 Kim Mesiti Fully Accredited Vocal Instructor Beginner Singing Lessons Technique Song Interpretation Audition Preparation Ages 10 thru Adult MENTION THIS AD & FIRST LESSON IS FREE Plumbing & Heating An Independent Independent Family - Owned Funeral Home • Our Family Serving Your Family Since 1941 12 month Interest Free Financing Available Kim’s Vocal Studio • • • • A.A. SANTANGELO 307-309 Broad Street, Bloomfield, NJ 270 Belleville Ave., Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Se Habla Español We Speak Filipino Office: (973) 259-9600 Fax: (973) 259-9700 ³$Q,QGHSHQGHQW)DPLO\2ZQHG)XQHUDO+RPH´ 595 St. Thomas the Apostle ~ Bloomfield, NJ (back) Rt. UPS John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 •
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