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the pdf
Vol. XXIII, No. 12
Wiesbaden: Our home in Germany
Garrison launches new website
March 17, 2016
Supervision policy
supports child safety
on, off installation
By Amy L. Bugala
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden
Public Affairs
Photo by Emily Jennings
The new U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden website features a responsive design that can be viewed on mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets to help keep our on-the-go community informed.
U.S. Army Garrison
Public Affairs
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden
has a new website. The new is up and running,
with a little help from our counterparts
at the USAG Bavaria Public Affairs
The new site features some of the
same great information, but is built
using a responsive design, which
makes the site more accessible on
mobile devices, such as tablets and
smart phones.
Facebook will continue to be the
‘go to’ place for breaking news or
alerts for the USAG Wiesbaden community; however, we hope the new
website serves you and your families
as a long-term resource.
The site is still a work in progress
and it may take some time for us to
work out all the kinks. Please let us
know if you find broken links, incorrect information or other bugs and
we’ll be happy to fix them. Ways to
contact us and provide feedback can
be found at
Soldiers, family members and civilian
employees with children are advised of the
new Army in Europe Child and Youth Supervision Policy that went into effect Jan. 13.
The IMCOM-Europe memorandum,
IMEU-MWR-A, replaces what was previously guidelines with an established policy
that applies to children and youth both on
and off post.
“Ultimately, parents are responsible for
the safety and care of their children and we
want to promote good parenting habits as
well,” said Sara Clow, U.S. Army Garrison
Wiesbaden Family Advocacy Program Manager. “The Child Supervision Policy is in
place to protect our kids and keep them safe,
while simultaneously providing a parenting
role model for our children and our Army
The policy now clarifies the supervision
of children, by age and activity.
For example, children birth through
age 4 may never be left alone, under any
circumstances. This includes being left in a
vehicle alone.
Beginning at age 5, a child may be permitted to play at a playground, as long as
See ‘Childcare’ on page 3
Test your limits with
mountain biking, hiking,
skydiving and more
By Karl Weisel
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden
Family and MWR Marketing
There’s nothing quite like the thrill
of speeding down a narrow gauge
trail in the woods on a mountain bike,
crunching over gravel and branches,
while getting set for the next jump
Belgium —
A flavorful city
for many tastes!
See pages 16 and 17.
along the route.
“It’s a good adrenaline rush – a nice
ride in the woods,” said Jason Bennett,
Outdoor Recreation’s acting program
manager. “It’s primarily a downhill
mountain bike ride – about 45 minutes
away from Wiesbaden in Stromberg.”
That, and a host of other adventures
are on tap this spring and summer with
Wiesbaden Outdoor Recreation. Outdoor Rec offers the day-long mountain
bike trips to Stromberg May 15 and June
5. Cost is $45 including round-trip trans-
Willie Graham drinks
his coffee with milk
and sugar. How do
you take yours?
See page 2.
portation, full suspension mountain
bike rental, helmet and guide to help
familiarize participants with the trails.
“Even if air is not your thing, you
can just relax and enjoy the single track
flow on the side trails available to easily
avoid the jumps,” Bennett said.
Or maybe you’d prefer jumping
out of a perfectly good airplane to go
sailing over the countryside around
Bitburg. Outdoor Recreation features
Skydiving in Bitburg June 4. Cost is
$299 per person (for jumpers) or $49
(for non-jumpers).
Participants are given a short briefing before boarding an aircraft to jump
in tandem with a jump master from
between 3,000 and 4,000 feet above
sea level.
“Thanks to a special harness, you
are securely connected to your tandem
master,” Bennett explained.
“If someone wanted, he or she
could also arrange for his or her own
freefall — but that’s considerably more
See ‘Outdoor’ on page 10
ACS career fair
draws a crowd
See photos
on page 5.
News and features
Ask the commander
Feedback: How do you take your coffee?
Editor’s note: Have something
you’d like to share with the commander, or a question you’d like
answered? Send an ICE comment
or contact the Commander’s Hotline (click the Feedback link on the
garrison home page) If you have a
suggestion instead of a question,
you can also visit the suggestions
link on the ICE website.
house and their own personal
trash cans that they’re responsible for. Those in stairwells
live in apartments with several
other families in their building
with thin walls that allows you to
hear everything others are doing.
Furthermore, we don’t have any
personal outdoor space, many of
us don’t have balconies, we have
tiny storage units, we have to fight
Military police at
for parking and our community
school bus stop
trash cans are overflowing and
Anonymous said: The MPs
trash routinely blows onto my
who are supposed to ensure the
mostly grassless, muddy front
safety of school children boardyard (which doesn’t help the
ing busses in the morning on
with rats that we have,
Herrstrasse are not doing their jobs
burrowing holes are
(minus one). The military policeeverywhere).
I don’t mean to be
man who does it right pulls his car
rude, but I don’t understand how
into the traffic lane, lights flashing,
blocking anyone from passing the busses, when the it’s acceptable for some families to have such a
busses pull forward. Kudos to him. He must have high standard of living, and other families to live
kids. Then there are the others. I personally stop in stairwell housing that they consider substandard
and correct at least 3-4 motorists every week, even to meet the needs of their families. I really think
on days that military police are on site. A couple this needs to be addressed, as several families in
of weeks ago I stopped a vehicle who was passing stairwells feel the same way I do.
Response: Thank you for your comment.
the busses as I walked my son across the street. The
Village was established (construction
military policeman approached the car from the
rear and had the vehicle pull into a parking space complete) in June 2012 to accommodate the adon the right until the busses left. After the busses ditional housing needed to transition a three star
and vehicle left, I asked the military policeman headquarters from Heidelberg to Wiesbaden.
if he cited the driver. He said the driver said “he All other USAG Wiesbaden housing areas were
wasn’t aware of the rule,” at which time I pointed established many years prior, from the late 1940s
out that anyone having a USAREUR license has through the BerlinAirlift timeframe. Over the years
been to the driving class and should know better. a lot of money has been spent renovating our older
Since when does ignorance of the law get you off single family homes (located in Aukamm-with
the hook? I’m not saying military police don’t have yards), duplexes (located in Aukamm and Clay
discretion over who they do and do not ticket, but -with yards) and our older apartments (located
I think endangering little kids should be met with in all housing areas) to ensure they meet/exceed
zero tolerance. And “ticketing discretion” would modern housing standards for Europe. Whether
imply that they actually write tickets for this sort utilized or not, all of our apartment buildings have
common area outdoor space around the area. Adof infraction, ever.
Response: We appreciate your input pointing ditionally, our DPW does its best to ensure for the
out the deficiencies of the military police at the adequate housing of all families with the budget
bus stops, as this type of input helps identify areas they have at hand. Until our Army defines the needs
we need to focus on in regards to their training of the force, we will continue to do all we can to
and guidance. As such, it is clear we have room ensure our Soldiers and Families are adequately
for improvement; we will re-emphasize the role of housed in clean, renovated homes. In that, we
the military police at the bus stops to our patrols need to hear from Soldiers like you as you are our
to ensure they are doing everything they can to eyes and ears to the things we can’t see such as
protect the members of this community. We will pest that may be getting out of control - pests are
also relook at our operating procedures to ensure throughout the USAG Wiesbaden footprint (yes,
they properly address the duties of the military including Newman Village). Newman Village was
police when they are tasked to perform courtesy built on old farmers’fields and little creatures exist
there as well. In case you are not aware, governmissions such as the school bus monitoring.
ment homes in CONUS have some of the same
Housing areas issues
differences/disparities; however, due to available
Anonymous said: How can the Garrison explain acres, it is rare to see apartment style homes in our
the disparity between quality of living for those CONUS locations. If we had the dollars, acres,
people who live in Newman Village, and those who city approval, and DoD approval to build more
live in stairwell housing? Those in Newman have single family homes for USAG Wiesbaden, we
yards, patios, garage, attic, parking right at their absolutely would.
Herald Union published by
The Herald Union, printed exclusively for members of U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden, is an authorized, unofficial Army newspaper published under
the provisions of AR 360-1. Contents are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by, the U.S. government or the Department of Defense.
The editorial content is the responsibility of the USAG Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office. No payment is made for contributions. Everything advertised
in this publication shall be made available for sale, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status,
physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. This is a biweekly newspaper published by AdvantiPro GmbH and printed by Oggersheimer Druckzentrum. Circulation is 6,000 copies. For display advertising rates: call Jaqueline Samad at civ
(0631) 3033 5537, email; classified advertising rates: call Isabell Smith at civ (0631) 3033 5530 or post at
Editorial offices are in Building 1205 on Clay Kaserne. Address: USAG Wiesbaden, Herald Union, Unit 29623 Box 60, APO AE 090059623; Telephone: mil 548-2002; civ (0611) 143-548-2002; Email:; Home page:
Page 2
Herald Union
Cassie Davis
“With sugar.”
Chaplain (Lt. Col.)
Martin Kendrick
“Black. Straight up.”
Stefanie Ramsey
“With lots of milk. Preferably a latte or cappucino.”
Brad Gavle
“With two cubes of sugar
and cinnamon creamer.”
Lauren Russel
“Well, I’m pregnant now,
so I can’t have coffee, but
when I’m not, it’s sugar
and cream, or Starbucks.”
Command and newspaper staff
USAG Wiesbaden Commander......................Col. Mary L. Martin
USAG Wiesbaden CSM..........Command Sgt. Maj. Larry Addington
Public Affairs Officer............................................Anemone Rueger
Editor..................................................Jacob Corbin (mil 548-2002)
PA Specialist......................................Amy L. Bugala (mil 548-2003)
PA Specialist. .....................................Emily Jennings (mil 548-2004)
March 17, 2016 ......................................................................
News and features
Childcare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Spring Ahead!
Don’t forget to set clocks ahead
one hour before going to bed
Saturday, March 26. Daylight
Saving Time takes effect in the
early hours of March 27.
The U.S. sprung forward
March 13. So, until our time
change takes effect, USAG Wiesbaden is five hours ahead of
Eastern Standard Time, six hours
ahead of Central Standard Time,
seven hours ahead of Mountain
Time and eight hours ahead of
Pacific Standard Time.
Continued from page 1
an adult can see or hear the child. Adults
are defined as anyone over the age of 18
or a married person under the age of 18.
A child may begin walking to and from
school alone by age 6, and by age 7 be
left alone in a car.
Beginning at age 10, a child may be
left at home alone for no longer than 6
hours. Additionally, 10 year olds may be
left alone outside to play. Children age
11 may begin babysitting others for up to
two hours, provided they are babysitting
a sibling or close family friend.
IMCOM-Europe highly recommends
that children and youth wishing to babysit complete the Red Cross Babysitters
Youth under 15 years old may not be
left home alone overnight. At age 16-17,
children may be left home alone overnight,
but not exceeding five consecutive days
provided the child’s sponsor provides a
designated adult official point of contact
that will make daily face-to-face contact.
“We know every child is unique and
develops at his/her own pace, this policy
supports the development of independence while maintaining the overall safety
of the children and youth in our community,” said Clow. “Our kids deserve our
very best,” she added, and following this
policy can help keep your children safe
and your parenting in compliance.
For more information contact the
Family Advocacy Program staff at Army
Community Service DSN 548-9201
or civ (0611) 143-548-9201. The FAP
has prevention programming to support
families with children of all ages.
The policy memorandum is available in its entirety at https://aepubs.
Army in Europe Child and Youth Supervision Guidelines by Age
Age of
May be left
alone at home
for < 2 hours
May be left
alone at home
for > 2 hours
May be left
alone overnight
May be left
outside unattended
(To include playing)
May be left
in vehicle
In playgrounds or yards with
immediate access (visual
sight or hearing distance) to
adult supervision.
Age 10, No.
Age 10, No.
Age 11- Yes, up
to 2 hours.**
Age 11- Yes.
May babysit
only for siblings
or close family
friends for up to
2 hours.
to age 4
May walk to
and from school.
With ready
access (phone
number) to an
adult supervisor.
At age 6, may
walk to and
from school.
In playgrounds or yards with
immediate access (visual
sight or hearing distance) to
adult supervision.
Yes. Except in hot
weather. Keys must
be removed and the
handbrake applied.
Maximum 10
minutes with adult
within sight.
With ready
access (a phone
number) to an
adult supervisor,
but no longer
than 6 hours.
Provided keys are
removed and the
is applied.
With ready
access (a phone
number) to an
adult supervisor,
but no longer
than 6 hours.
Yes. Up to
3 hours
- Age 15 with access to adult
supervision; sponsor in local area.
- Age 16 /17 may be left alone
not to exceed 5 consecutive days.
- Parents must designate an adult
official point of contact that will
make daily face-to-face contact.
* Children enrolled in DODDS Kindergarten, regardless of their age, must always be accompanied by a parent or designated caregiver when walking to and
from school or a bus stop.
** Refer to country-specific guidance available at the Army Community Service, Family Advocacy Program. It is highly recommended that youth who wish to
babysit (siblings or others) complete the Red Cross Babysitters Course.
The January 13, 2016 memorandum is available at ........................................................................ March 17, 2016
Herald Union
Page 3
News and features
Legal center relocates, receives warm welcome
News flash
Closures for Easter holiday
Due to the German federal Easter
holidays March 25 and March 28, the
following garrison services or facilities
will be closed: Wiesbaden Health Clinic,
Vehicle Registration Office, Off and
On-Post Housing Office, Furniture Management Office, Work Order Desk and
the Self-Help Store. The Directorate of
Resource Managment Office will offer
limited services. TDY orders using the
Defense Travel System may be impacted.
The IACS satellite office located in Bldg.
1023E will be closed March 25, but the
main office in Bldg. 1062 will be open.
Self-Help Store closure
The Self-Help store will be closed
March 26, April 2, 9 and 16. Regular
Saturday openings will resume April 23.
New Garrison Website
The new U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden website at
mil is up and running! Community is
invited to check out the new design from
a mobile phone, tablet or desktop computer. It may take time for users to get
familiar with the new navigation and for
us to work out all the kinks. Your patience
is appreciated. Users can report errors,
broken links, comments or kudos to the
Public Affairs Office. Click the “Contact
Us” link on the new website or email Army.
Overseas housing survey
Military personnel living in off-post
private rental housing are asked take part
in the annual overseas housing survey
by March 31. The survey is critical for
ensuring OHA rates are properly set at
overseas locations and directly affects
the amount of housing allowance paid to
service members. Spouses are authorized
to take the survey if the service member
is deployed or unavailable. To take the
survey, go to : https://www.defensetravel.
Photo by Emily Jennings
(From left) Spec. Min Jae Lee, Maj. Rob Michaels, Staff Sgt. Jason Cotham, Deputy to the Garrison
Commander Doug Earle, and Spec. Marisa Patton, along with a room full of guests, celebrate the grand
re-opening of the Wiesbaden Legal Center in Bldg. 1023N (just to the left of the food court) with a ribboncutting ceremony.
Landeskommando reception celebrates GA partnership
Photo by Christian Schramm
German Brig. Gen. Eckart Klink (left) stands
with U.S. Army Europe
Commanding General
Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges at
the annual Landeskommando Hessen reception at Schloss Biebrich,
March 11.
Tourist passport processing
Due to a garrison passport agent shortage, all applications for tourist passports
will be processed by the U.S. Consulate in Frankfurt, now through May 31.
Customers wishing to apply for a tourist
passport must make an appointment on
the Consulate’s website at http://frankfurt., complete a passport application, and take all required documents
on the day of the appointment. The U.S.
Consulate in Frankfurt is located at U.S.
Consulate, GiessenerStr30, 60435 Frankfurt am Main. The Wiesbaden Passport
Office will continue to process official
passports and Birth Registrations.
Page 4
Herald Union
March 17, 2016 ......................................................................
News and features
Dressed for success
Photos by Karl Weisel
More than 600
interviews were
conducted and
more than 70 job
offers were made
on the spot at the
annual Wiesbaden
Army Community
Services Career
Fair, March 9 at the
Wiesbaden Entertainment Center.
‘It is fun to have fun, but you have to know how’
Photo by Olha Oliinyk
library technician Reginald
Stewart reads a
Dr. Seuss story to
assembled children during Read
Across America
Day, the annual
celebration of Dr.
Seuss’s birthday,
at the Wiesbaden
Library, March 2.
The Used
Car Guys
“Good Cars From Good Guys”
Weilerbacherstr. 110
67661 Kaiserslautern
Jacob-Pfeifer-Str. 100
67661 Kaiserslautern
Hillstr. 45
54529 Spangdahlem
Am Lanzenbusch 1
66877 Ramstein
0631 680 312 10
0631 987 41
06565 957 315
06371 920 000 ∙
W OUR INVENTORY - UPDATED DAILYY ........................................................................ March 17, 2016
Herald Union
Page 5
News and features
‘Battle of 73 Easting’ exhibit unveiled on Clay Kaserne
By David V. Fulton
Wiesbaden Mission Support
U.S. Army Europe and U.S.
Army Garrison Wiesbaden
staff came together Feb. 26 in
the Gen. Shalikashvili Mission
Command Center on Clay Kaserne to commemorate the 25th
Anniversary of the Persian Gulf
War and officially unveil a new
historical exhibit.
The new exhibit features a
life-sized mock-up of an M1
Abrams Tank with an artist rendering of the actual Persian Gulf
attack battle in the background.
Supporting the display are
storyboards describing the
movement of VII Corps and
the actual Battle of 73 Easting, which Brig. Gen. Markus
Laubenthal, the U.S. Army
Europe chief of staff, referred
to as “the last great tank battle
of the 20th century.”
“The 73 Easting Battle is a
great example of young leaders
understanding the battle plan,
the commander’s intent and
executing battlefield decisions
while on the move and in an
environment is undoubtedly
complex,” said Laubenthal.
“What ensured victory on this
day 25 years ago is the same
thing that will help ensure
victory today -- junior leaders
and well-trained formations
who are prepared to adapt and
execute mission command in
a volatile, uncertain, complex
and ambiguous environment.”
Also present at the exhibit
opening were several veterans
of the Persian Gulf War.
One of these veterans was
retired Col. George Seiferth, a
company commander assigned
to the 3rd Armored Division.
His unit followed the 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment into
the battle.
“Besides the miserable
Photo by Sgt. Daniel Cole
Molly Bompane, the U.S. Army Europe curator, speaks to guests Feb. 26, in the Gen. Shalikashvili Mission Command
Center on Clay Kaserne to commemorate the 25th Anniversary of the Persian Gulf War and officially unveil a new historical exhibit. This particular exhibit is the fifth rotational exhibit organized by Bompane. Previous rotational displays
have included depictions of Normandy Beach, the Ardennes and a WWII victory celebration in Pilsen.
weather, you just didn’t know
what was ahead,” said Seiferth, reminiscing on what he
saw that day. “You heard the
guns. Yet, when we passed
through the 2ACR sector and
saw the burning vehicles and
multiple oil fires, we realized
the significance of the battle
that transpired.”
This particular exhibit is
the fifth rotational exhibit organized by Molly Bompane,
the U.S. Army Europe curator.
Previous rotational displays
have included depictions of
Normandy Beach, the Ardennes and a WWII victory
celebration in Pilsen.
“What makes these exhibits
special is the fact that they are
located in the workplace,” said
Bompane. “Out of 103 museum
Anton Hehn Strasse 09
55246 Mainz Kostheim-Kastel
0 61 34 - 616 92
Page 6
Herald Union
entities located throughout
our Army, U.S. Army Europe
is one of the few, if not the
only one, embedding these
large museum-style rotational
displays in the locations were
we work.”
Laubenthal concluded the
exhibit opening by encouraging staffs to capitalize on the
historical exhibits in the MCC
as an opportunity for learning
and educating family and colleagues on our rich U.S. Army
Europe history.
The 25th Anniversary of
the Persian Gulf War Exhibit
resides just inside the main
doors of the MCC and is open
to anyone authorized access to
Clay Kaserne during normal
business hours.
Like us on Facebook at
March 17, 2016 ......................................................................
USAG Wiesbaden — Wackernheim, Wiesbaden
Community notes
Religious holiday
Stations of the Cross will
be observed during the Lenten
season, March 18 and 25, at 6
p.m. at the Hainerberg Chapel,
followed by soup and bread.
The following services will
take place at the Hainerberg
Chapel during Roman Catholic
Holy Week.
• March 20 – Palm Sunday,
Catholic Mass at 9 a.m.
• March 24 – Holy Thursday,
Catholic Mass at 6 p.m. and
Holy Hour at 7 p.m.
• March 25 – Good Friday,
Liturgy of the Word at 3 p.m.
• March 26 – Holy Saturday,
Catholic Mass at 8 p.m.
• March 27 – Easter Sunday,
Catholic Mass at 9 a.m.
Easter Sunrise Service
Community is invited to attend an Easter Sunrise Service,
March 27, 6:30 a.m., outside of
Bldg. 1669 (the airfield wash
rack on Clay Kaserne). The
location is on the left immediately after entering the old
truck entrance. Complimentary
hot beverages and snacks will
be available.
Easter Egg
Scavenger Hunt
The Red Cross will host an
Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt,
March 19 from 10 a.m. to noon.
Soldiers, families and teens
are invited to take a crack at
answering Red Cross trivia
questions and collecting puzzle
pieces hidden in eggs throughout Clay Kaserne. Prizes will be
awarded to the winning teams.
Call civ (0611) 143-548-1760
or email wiesbaden@redcross.
Children of all ages are
invited to an Easter Egg hunt
March 26, from 11 a.m. to 1
p.m., at the Wiesbaden Entertainment Center. Children can
visit the Spring Bunny (parents
are encouraged to bring a camera for photos), and enjoy arts
and crafts and games. The hunt
will be divided into the following age groups, 1-3 years,
4-7 years, 8-12 years, and are
available at all four start times.
(11 a.m., 11:30 a.m., noon and
12:30 p.m.)
Easter Brunch
Enjoy a scrumptious brunch
at the Little Italy on Clay Kaserne, March 27, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
featuring biscuits and gravy,
bacon, sausages, fried potatoes,
waffles, pancakes, French toast,
eggs, oven-baked chicken,
baked fish, pork cutlets, roasted
rosemary potatoes, roast beef,
ham, pasta, seafood, salad and
a range of desserts, ice cream,
champagne and wines. Cost is
$23.95 for ages 13 and above,
$9.95 for children ages 6-12 and
free for children 5 and below.
‘One Flew Over the
Cuckoo’s Nest’
Don’t miss the next production of the Wiesbaden Amelia
Playhouse – “One Flew Over
the Cuckoo’s Nest” – opening
March 25. See the bittersweet
comedy, which featured Jack
Nicholson in the movie version,
March 25, 26, April 1, 2, 8 and
9 at 7:30 p.m. Matinees take
place April 2 and 3 at 2 p.m..
Cost is $15 per person or $60
for a group ticket (up to five
people). Call the playhouse at
civ (0611) 143-548-9812 for
Nursing. For more information
contact Maj. Rosemary Wosky
at DSN 590-1478, civ (06371)
SHARP Amazing Race
Come out and cheer on
teams during the SHARP
Amazing Race, April 1, at 6
a.m. in Hangar 1036 on Clay
Kaserne. Teams are invited to
participate to help raise awareness about sexual assault and
harassment. Race participants
will compete in staggered heats,
with runs to various stations
around the installation. Call civ
(0611) 143-548-9201.
Right Arm Night
Come out to right arm night
at the Wiesbaden Fitness Center Lounge, March 24, from 4
p.m. to midnight. Enjoy cards,
dominoes, chess and more.
There will be free pool and complimentary finger foods from 4
to 7 p.m. Karaoke contests with
cash prizes will be held from 7
to 11 p.m. Call civ (0611) 143548-9404 for details. Right Arm
night is scheduled to take place
again April 7 and May 26.
Boutique Bazaar
Family and MWR’s Boutique Bazaar is your opportunity to discover and purchase a
range of exceptional European
merchandise right here at the
Wiesbaden Fitness Center
Items include Irish sweaters,
pottery, tiles, cheeses, carpets,
jewelry, art and lots more. The
bazaar will take place April
1 from noon to 7 p.m., April
2 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and
April 3 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
USAJobs class
Army Community Service
hosts a free USAJobs class
once a month from 12:30 to
2 p.m. Learn how to put the website to work
for you during your job search.
From creating an account to
interpreting job vacancies, creating resumes on the system to
applying for jobs. The monthly
class is scheduled to take place
again, March 30, April 27 and
May 25. Learn how to use
USAJOBS to monitor progress
on applications and to send
alerts of new job prospects. Call
civ (0611) 143-548-9201 to
reserve a space in the class.
NAF Excess Property
Pick up bargains on a variety of excess Non Appropriated Funds property including
everything from bar stools to
children cabinets, dishes and
utensils to computer work
stations — all at great prices.
The sale takes place April 2,
7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Hangar
01193 on the North Side of
Clay Kaserne.
Upcoming CIE
The next Community Information Exchange will be held
March 29 at 9:30 a.m. at the
Community Activity Center.
The community is welcome to
attend or follow along on the
“Garrison Wiesbaden” Facebook page.
Quit Tobacco Use
Are you interested in quitting tobacco products and improving your overall wellness?
Tobacco cessation services
are offered to individuals and
groups by the health promotion
team in the Army Wellness
Center and Army Public Health ........................................................................ March 17, 2016
Herald Union
Page 7
News and features
Laubenthal hosts business, civic and military leaders
Business leaders, retirees with the German Department of Defense, along with civic leaders from Wiesbaden
and Frankfurt, gather for a group photo during a site visit to U.S. Army Europe’s headquarters at Clay Kaserne,
Wiesbaden, March 3.
50 Years
Story and photo by
U.S. Army Europe
Host Nation Relations Branch
German Brig. Gen. Markus Laubenthal, chief of staff, U.S. Army Europe,
hosted a group of 59 business CEOs,
retired German Department of Defense,
or Bundeswehr military leaders, and civic
leaders from Wiesbaden and Frankfurt, at
the headquarters March 3.
The visited included a tour of Clay Kaserne, the airfield, the Mission Command
Center, and a “Strong Europe” briefing.
During a social gathering after the tour
and briefing, USAREUR local national
staff answered additional questions with
respect to what visitors had seen and heard.
Visitors left with a greater understanding of the military in general, USAREUR
contributions to NATO and to a Strong
Europe, and how those contributions are
in the mutual interest of both the United
States and Germany.
Site visits are an integral part of the
chief of staff’s public outreach program
and meet the USAREUR Commanding
General, Lt. Gen. Ben Hodge’s, goal to
increase transparency of the U.S. Army
within the local community.
Accessing military programs made easy
in business
We at Auto Hollmann would like to invite you to stop by and visit our
Collision Center. We have seven collision/paint technicians with a combined
experience of years which enables us to fix your vehicle right the first
time. We at Hollmann feel that our employees are our strongest asset so
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Page 8
Herald Union
Photo by Karl Weisel
Mary Cheney, an instructor with the Family Program Instruction, leads a class at Wiesbaden Army Community Service, Feb. 29. The class taught participants how to become
better informed about military programs that serve service members and their families.
March 17, 2016 ...................................................................... ..............................................................................March 17, 2016 Herald Union
Page 9
Sports and leisure
Sports shorts
Outdoor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Continued from page 1
Fitness Center Closure
The main gymnasium floor of the Wiesbaden
Fitness Center will be closed March 31 to April
3 to support the Family and MWR Boutique
Rheinblick membership drive
Enjoy free golf as a U.S. ID cardholder during Rheinblick Golf Course’s 2016 Membership
Drive throughout the month of March. Also,
register your household in GolfTrac (or show
your already established household) and receive
a voucher for one large bucket of driving range
balls. Call civ (0611) 143-548-5485 for details.
Get fit with Zumba
Get your body moving and blood pumping
with Zumba! Classes are offered for free at the
Army Community Service cafeteria, Bldg. 7790
in Hainerberg housing on Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday at 9 a.m. or Wednesday and Thursday at 4:30 p.m., or relax and
recover with free yoga on Wednesday at noon.
March fitness schedule
The Wiesbaden Fitness Center and Annex
offers a variety of fitness classes from Body
Tone to Lunch Time Core and Cardio, Pilates to
Total Body Express. Download a class schedule
at Classes cost
$5 per class, or $45 for a book of 10 classes.
Freedom Run and Fitness Expo
Lace up your running shoes and get ready
for the Family and MWR and Andrews Federal
Credit Union 2016 Freedom Run 10-Miler, 5k
Fun Run and Half-Mile Children’s Run April
16 at 10 a.m. at the Wiesbaden Entertainment
Center on Clay Kaserne. Cost is $15. Register
by April 14 for the run by visiting wiesbaden.
A free Health and Wellness Expo will be
held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the same day in
conjunction with the Freedom Run. Community
is invited to explore health and well-being services, information, and resources available in
the Wiesbaden community.
Fitness Center dress code
Appropriate dress is required when using the
Wiesbaden Fitness Center. ACUs are permitted
only during lunch hours from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30
p.m., shorts should be longer than finger-tip
length when arms are straight alongside the
body, and exposed midriffs and flip-flops are
prohibited. For details, visit the FMWR website at www.
wiesbaden/ and search “dress code.”
Page 10
Herald Union
Photo by Karl Weisel
Hikers make their way up to Germany’s highest peak, the Zugspitze, from Garmisch-Partenkirchen.
“Or how about getting to see the
expensive, and they would have to
stay overnight,” he added.
National Football League’s Giants
Bennett said the Wiesbaden play the Rams in London Oct. 21Family and MWR tour special- 24?” Bennett said. “You get to see
ists are focusing more on outdoor the game, tour London and then
adventures this year, in addition take optional tours to Stonehenge
to their usual assortment of travel or Wales.”
opportunities throughout Europe.
Other travel destinations range
“It’s more our specialty and from the French and Italian Rivieras
we’re trying to grow more interest Sept. 1-5 to spending Independence
in such programs as hiking, canoe- Day in Rovinj, Croatia, during a
ing, kayaking, mountain biking and trip to the Adriatic resort June 30
skydiving,” he said.
to July 4.
Community members can get
“That one’s (the trip to Rovinj)
their fill of hiking and white-water also a great place to enjoy outdoor
during a Memorial Day Weekend adventures with tons of places to
Jamboree in Garmisch-Partenkirch- walk and hike on nearby islands,”
en May 27-30.
Photo by Karl Weisel
Bennett said. “You could literally
“We’ll have instructional type
stay in the resort for the entire trip Mountain bikers will find
training, hiking and options to go
and not leave while enjoying saunas, something to fit their style
kayaking, white water rafting on a
volleyball fields, tennis on the beach with a host of different downriver tour with canoes and kayaks,”
hill trails on Wiesbaden Outand more.”
said Bennett.
The acting program manager door Recreation’s upcoming
The Garmisch Jamboree trip
said people should be aware that trips to Stromberg, Germany,
costs $199 per adult or $99 for
May 15 and June 5.
children including round-trip trans- they don’t have to pay for an entire
with a bike. If you want it for the
portation, camping and “a weekend
weekend, you’re basically only
packed with adventure activities
getting charged for the pick up and
such as white-water kayaking, flatneed
return days – the weekend days are
water kayaking, canoeing, mountain
biking, hiking and rock climbing,” reserve a space,” he said. That way free,” he said.
the planners know there are enough
he said.
Outdoor Recreation also rents
Other outdoor adventure trips people to justify the trip so that it a range of camping equipment, cainclude biking through Bavaria’s won’t be cancelled at the last minute. noes and lots more. To view what’s
Community members are also
capital, Munich, May 7-8 and biking
always invited to stop by to rent available, find a list of upcoming
in Amsterdam June 25-26.
trips and tours, and more informaThose who would prefer the equipment for their own travel
tion about Outdoor Recreation,
adventure of fishing on open water adventures, Bennett added.
“We just got new hard-tail 29- visit http://wiesbaden.armymwr.
will want to sign up for Outdoor
Recreation’s Baltic Sea Fishing Trip inch bikes. People can just come in com/europe/wiesbaden/programs/
and get fitted and roll out of here outdoor-recreation.
May 20-22.
March 17, 2016 ......................................................................
Sports and leisure
Escape to Scandinavia
Explore the land of the Vikings during this three-country tour of Scandinavia, March 24-28. In addition to visits
to Norway, Sweden and Denmark, the
trip will include a visit to Germany’s
second largest city — Hamburg. Trip
costs $619 per adult; $509 for ages 13
and under. Price includes round-trip
transportation, hotel with breakfast
and tours. Call DSN 548-9801 or civ
Travel with Outdoor Rec
Wiesbaden Outdoor Recreation
offers the following trips in April:
Prague Overnight April 2 to 3; Calella,
Spain, April 7 to 15; Europa Park April
16; Paris April 23 to 24 and Brussels
April 30. Outdoor Recreation also
hosts Recreational Shooting April 23
from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the JMTC
Wackernheim Range. Visit Outdoor
Recreation or call civ (0611) 143-5489801 for details.
Neroberg Kletterwald Park
Climb from tree top to tree top while
overlooking the city of Wiesbaden at
the “Kletterwald” (climbing forest)
park in Neroberg.
Things to do
The climbing park consists of several courses of varying heights and
levels of difficulty. Safety gear and
instructions are provided by the staff.
All courses are self-guided.
The park is now open for the summer. For more information go to link:
Klassikstadt Car Museum
Visit the Klassikstadt Car Museum
in Frankfurt and see more than 350
cars from different eras while looking over the shoulders of experienced
mechanics working on the vehicles in
the museum’s repair shops.
The museum is open Monday
through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 8
p.m. and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m
and there is no admission fee. For more
information: http://www.klassikstadt.
Easter Egg Decorating Party
Children of all ages can join the
annual Easter egg decorating party at
Hessenpark in Neu-Anspach, March
22, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Laubweg 5,
Neu-Anspach, 61267) The event is free
with an admission ticket to the park.
Adults 8€; Children (6 to 17 years old)
2.50€; Family Ticket 16€. Visit www. for more information.
Website has limited information in
Chamber music concert
The lord mayor of Wiesbaden is
hosting the second USAREUR Band
and Chorus Chamber Concert, March
19, at the Erbenheim Buergerhaus at
7:30 p.m. Musicians from the USAFE
Band, the USAREUR Woodwind
Quintet, Excelsior Brass Quintet and
the Jazz Combo will be performing.
The concert is free but tickets are
required to get in. Tickets available
on a first come, first served basis at
the Wiesbaden Tourist Information.
Repair Café
Repair and reuse is the motto of the
Repair Café, which gives refugees the
opportunity to use their skills and do
something good for others while getting connected with their community.
Do you have small household items
that need to be repaired? (toys and
clothes, to electronic devices etc.),
then head down to the Repair Café at
Graf-von-Galen-Str. 3 in Wiesbaden
(15 minutes from USAG Wiesbaden)
to have your item repaired for free
(Customers pay for the material used
and donations are welcome). The Repair Café is open every first Saturday
of the month. For more information
go to
USO travel
Join the USO for trips to Amsterdam Overnight March 25-26, Bern,
Switzerland and Chocolate Factory
Express Tour March 26, Riesling
Route March 27, the American Army
in WWI Battlefields, April 2-3 and
the Speyer Spring Festival by Train,
April 9. See upcoming tours, classes,
and programs on the USO Wiesbaden
and USO Wiesbaden Tours & Travel
Facebook page. Call DSN 548-5103
or civ (0611) 7120-2880 for more
information. ....................................................................... March 17, 2016
Herald Union
Page 11
News and features
Thousands give 2nd Cav. Regt. warm reception in Lodz, Poland
Capt. Scott Walters
Special to the Herald Union
U.S. Army troops from 2nd Cavalry Regiment were
warmly greeted by as many as 4,000 residents in Lodz,
Poland, waving American flags during a procession that
also included Polish forces.
The three columns of 31 Stryker armored vehicles
and support vehicles from K Troop, 3rd Squadron, 2nd
Cav. Regt. set off Feb. 22 from Drawsko Pomorskie in
northern Poland on a cross-country tactical road march
dubbed “Operation Knight Rider.”
The convoy of about 150 Soldiers arrived in Lodz
Feb. 23 before moving to Nowa Deba in southern Poland
to continue exercises with the Polish Army.
Lodz residents gathered on the city’s historic Piotrkowska Street to give high-fives and take photos with
K Troop Soldiers while getting an up-close look at U.S.
military equipment. Polish children waved American
flags and tossed a football with the U.S. Soldiers, who
also handed out Operation Atlantic Resolve pins to
eager citizens.
“The relationships we are forging with the Polish
people, especially during events like this, help leverage
our mission to support allies in preserving peace throughout the region,” said Capt. Thomas A. Duncan, K Troop
commander. “Talking to the residents in Lodz and the
warm reception we received was just a great reminder
that there’s a shared commitment here to promoting a
secure, stable Europe, and our efforts are appreciated.”
Operation Knight Rider tested K Troop’s readiness
and demonstrated the unit’s freedom of movement
through Poland while underscoring the U.S. commitment
to NATO security, said Duncan. The road march also
gave junior leaders valuable convoy experience while
testing their ability to quickly deploy.
Polish soldiers from the Military Medical Training
Center in Lodz and the 25th Air Cavalry Brigade from
Tomaszow Mazowiecki also took part in the exhibition
as a sign of unity with their U.S. counterparts.
The U.S. Ambassador to Poland, Paul W. Jones, and
Lodz Mayor Hanna Zdanowska formally greeted the
crowd as residents interacted with Soldiers.
“What we are witnessing in Lodz is happening every
day in Poland. Training and exercising together with
Polish soldiers, U.S. troops are ready to defend every
inch of Polish territory,” Jones told the crowd.
Capt. Dennis Greenberg, a civil affairs officer with
Company D, 80th Civil Affairs Battalion, whose civil
affairs team helps facilitate community outreach efforts
in Poland in support of 2nd Cav, described the reception by Lodz citizens for the U.S. troops “incredible.”
“There was an overwhelmingly positive response
meeting the citizens in Lodz, smiles all around. We saw
some of the older generation shedding tears because a
show of solidarity like this brings a big feeling of security
for those who once experienced an occupied Poland
(during World War II),” said Greenberg.
He added that the opportunity to interact directly
not just with Polish citizens but also the soldiers at the
Lodz Military Medical Training Center literally opened
new doors for his team.
“We ended up getting a tour of their medical facility,
which created the opportunity for future joint training
with them,” he said.
Staff Sgt. Scott Balliett, also with the 80th Civil Affairs Battalion’s team in Poland, said he was greeted by
two older gentlemen who expressed their appreciation
for the U.S. Army’s presence in their country. One of
the men, he said, presented him with a hand-pressed
copper warship modeled after the Polish Navy destroyer
he once served on as a token of thanks.
The 2nd Cav. Regt. troops passing through Lodz have
been training with their Polish counterparts in Drawsko
Pomoroskie as part of Operation Atlantic Resolve, an
ongoing multinational effort to train together while
providing security cooperation activities throughout
Eastern Europe.
The same day K Troop met the people of Lodz, they
arrived in Nowa Deba, where the unit is conducting
further exercises with the Polish Army until March 10.
Over the past year, 3rd Squadron has participated in
several community events like the one in Lodz, including
opportunities to reach out to Polish citizens in Torun,
Drawsko Pomorskie, Sandomierz and Rzeszow.
‘Leader-first’ plan for full gender integration
Todd Lopez and Gary Sheftick
Army News Service
The Army will begin training women
for infantry and armor specialties later
this year, according to its Gender Integration Implementation Plan released,
March 10.
The plan will be executed in phases,
first bringing female officers into combat
arms this summer after they graduate
from the U.S. Military Academy, ROTC
or Officer Candidate School.
Enlisted recruits are expected to begin
training in infantry and armor military
occupational specialties beginning this
fall. By the time they graduate Advanced
Individual Training and report to their
first combat units, female officers will
already be there. It’s part of the Army’s
“leader-first” approach to integrate the
last 19 military occupational specialties
that had been closed to women.
“We’re not going to turn our back on
50 percent of the population,” said Acting
Secretary of the Army Patrick J. Murphy.
“We are opening up every occupation to
women. I think that’s pretty historic.”
The Army is currently in the first
phase of its integration plan. It has developed gender-neutral standards and is
Page 12
Herald Union
educating the force about its implementation policies.
“An incremental and phased approach by leaders and Soldiers who
understand and enforce gender-neutral
standards will ensure successful integration of women across the breadth and
depth of our formations,” said Chief of
Staff of the Army Gen. Mark A. Milley.
The Army has also been developing a
new Occupational Physical Assessment
Test. The OPAT will be administered to
recruits beginning no later than June,
according to Phase II of the plan.
OPAT includes physical performance
tests developed by the U.S. Army
Research Institute of Environmental
Medicine. These tests will measure the
ability of a recruit or cadet to perform
physically demanding MOS tasks.
The new test will include a standing
long jump, a dead lift, an interval run
and a seated power throw to measure
strength needed for tasks such as loading
Phase II is the initiation of genderneutral training. It begins April 1 as the
Army starts enlisting women under the
Delayed Entry Program for armor and
infantry One-Station Unit Training or
OSUT. Training won’t actually begin
for the enlistees until fall and could be
delayed for up to a year until they graduate high school.
Military Occupational
Specialties opening
to women:
– 11A (Infantry Officer)
– 11B (Infantryman)
– 11C (Indirect Fire Infantryman)
– 11Z (Infantry Senior Sergeant)
– 13F (Fire Support Specialist)
– 19D (Cavalry Scout)
– 19A (Armor, General)
– 19B (Armor)
– 19C (Cavalry)
– 19K (Armor Crewmember)
– 19Z (Armor Senior Sergeant)
– 18A (Special Forces Officer)
– 180A (SF Warrant Officer)
– 18B (SF Weapons Sergeant)
– 18C (SF Engineer Sergeant)
– 18D (SF Medical Sergeant)
– 18E (SF Communications
– 18F (SF Assistant Operations
and Intelligence Sergeant)
– 18Z (SF Senior Sergeant)
Phase III involves assigning women to
operational units. Again, female officers
will be assigned to infantry and armor
units first, to prepare the way for enlisted
Soldiers to arrive at end of the year.
Phase IV is “Sustain and Optimize.”
In this phase the Army achieves full
operational capability and re-validates
MOS screening requirements. Through
talent management, it continues to select
the best Soldiers for the right jobs, according to the plan.
Over the last four years, the Army has
opened a substantial number of positions
to female Soldiers. The Army opened
95,216 positions and nine occupations to
women between May 2012 and October
2015, including combat engineer (12B)
and artillery MOSs.
The first female cannon crew member, 13B, graduated this month from
Advanced Individual Training at Fort
Sill, Oklahoma, at the top of her class.
Now under the Army’s Gender Integration Implementation Plan, the final 19
MOSs will provide an additional 220,000
job opportunities to female Soldiers,
though that number may change based
on end strength reductions and ongoing
force structure changes.
March 17, 2016 ......................................................................
News and features
First women having ‘blast’ as combat engineers
By C. Todd Lopez
Army News Service
In June of last year, the Army opened
the 12B combat engineer position to
female Soldiers. Today, women are
going through the school house at Fort
Leonard Wood, Missouri, and joining
units around the Army.
Pvts. Brianna Moore, Chrisslene
Tialavea, and Lashonda Ivy are all recent
graduates of the 12B course. All three
enlisted last year around the time the
MOS was opened to female Soldiers,
and they are among the first women
to be admitted to the 12B military occupational specialty.
Among other things, combat engineers construct fighting positions, fixed
or floating bridges, obstacles and defensive positions; they place and detonate
explosives; they conduct operations that
include route clearance of obstacles and
rivers; they prepare and install firing
systems for demolition and explosives;
and they detect mines visually or with
mine detectors.
From Merrillville, Indiana, 18-yearold Ivy joined the Army, she said, for
a lot of reasons — though she cited
educational opportunities and financial
stability as leading the pack. At her
recruiter’s office last year, she didn’t
know that the 12B MOS was opening
to female Soldiers, and possibly didn’t
know the MOS had ever even been
closed to women. But her recruiter, she
said, offered up an Army option to her
that she said sounded enticing.
“My recruiter asked me if I wanted
to blow stuff up,” Ivy said. “I thought
that would be pretty cool — so I picked
that MOS.”
Now, Ivy serves as a combat engineer
with 43rd Combat Engineer Company,
Regimental Engineer Squadron “Pioneer,” 3rd Cavalry Regiment, at Fort
Hood, Texas.
Moore, from Tulsa, Oklahoma,
now serves as a combat engineer with
Company A, 3rd Engineer Battalion
“Beaver,” 3rd Armored Brigade Combat
Team, also at Fort Hood. Like Ivy, she
said the educational opportunities in the
Army appealed to her.
She enlisted in July of 2015. When
she first approached the Army for a
job, she said 12B wasn’t yet open to
women. But when the career field did
open, she dove in.
“When it opened up, that’s when I
went for it,” she said. “I looked at the
MOS and I thought it was pretty cool,”
Moore said. “I figured
if I was going to join the Army, I was going to do
something that was kind of out there.
We use explosives ... for everything.”
Photo by Capt. John Farmer
Combat engineers with Company B, 91st Brigade Engineer Battalion, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry
Division detonate a mine clearing line charge during the combined arms live fire exercise at Grafenwoehr Army
Base, Germany, June 27, 2014.
“They didn’t really like the idea of of training. Then we go to gunnery, and
Tialavea, originally from Queens,
New York, now serves a combat engi- me doing 12B, but I did it anyway,” then we head to NTC.”
When not deployed, or at the NTC,
neer with Company B, 3rd Engineer Bat- she said. “I told them — look at me, I
talion “Beaver,” 3rd Armored Brigade made it. All it took, honestly, was a lot of Moore says as part of Company A, “we
Combat Team — right alongside Moore. motivation and stamina and willpower.” keep up on maintenance and take care
And from her unit, Tialavea said — of our vehicles that we drive, and we
Similar to Moore, she was interested in
they’ve been on board with her since have specific times we go and train in
getting paid to work with explosives.
the field — we keep it moving,” she said.
Tialavea and Ivy actually went she came on board.
For the future, Moore wants to get
“So far I’ve been getting along with
through engineer school together —
and “make something out
along with about 30 other female everybody in my platoon, and they are
is I pursue,” she said. She
Soldiers. Moore, on the other hand, very supporting and accepting,” she said.
to go into architectural
Moore has also been out to the NTC
went through the 12B schoolhouse with
in the future.
nothing but guys. She said that wasn’t to train with her unit, where she said she
to re-enlist
a problem, however — everyone, she served mostly in a support role. “We
to one
got to do a little bit of demolition and
said, acted like pros.
“We all worked together,” Moore movement and formations and stuff, but
said. “It was Soldiers working with we didn’t get to go ‘all out’,” she said.
pursue a master’s degree in psychology.
“We did our MOS, but we didn’t get to
Ivy said she wants to go to the Sapper
Actually, Moore, Ivy and Tialavea all do it to the extreme.”
School or to Ranger School — once she
Ivy’s unit is now getting ready for the
say that despite being among the first
has attained the rank to allow her to do so.
female Soldiers to go through the combat real thing in Afghanistan this September.
Moore says that she can see herself,
engineer course, they have seen nothing
“We’re deploying soon,” she said.
later in her Army career, serving as a
but support from their male counterparts “We have the Route Reconnaissance
mentor to other female soldiers who
who are already on the job.
and Clearance Course in about two to come into the Army — but now, she
“I love my platoon and my com- three weeks.”
said, she’s focused on “learning my
pany,” Moore said. “They all accept
After that, she said, it’s off to Af- job, and being able to perform to the
me and we continue to work together ghanistan. She’s never left the United expectations.”
without any problems.”
States before, she said, and her family
Tialavea said right now for her, “my
During a National Training Center is “really scared” for her. But she’s not job is driving and operating a Bradley
rotation last year, Ivy said, the other worried, or at least not willing to admit and I find that to be really fun, a cool
Soldiers in her unit made sure she knew it. “I’m ready,” she said.
experience,” she said. “To me, this is a
what to do. “My platoon was really
Tialavea hasn’t yet gone to train with regular job -- there is nothing special, I
supportive. They helped me,” she said. her unit at the NTC — though they are guess. But I can see myself serving as a
“I just got to my unit five days before getting ready to go in September, and role model for the women that do plan
I left for NTC. It was good bonding she is preparing alongside them for the on being a 12B in the future, by doing
with them.”
event with a “whole lot of training.” the right thing and setting an example
Tialavea said she did get some push- Right now, she said, they are in the field for them, and when it’s my time to
back on her choice to be a 12B — from “making sure we perform dismount become a leader, to just give them the
her family and friends.
training, driver training, and all kinds mentorship.” .......................................................................March 17, 2016
Herald Union
Page 13
For your health
Spring forward but stay rested
Story and photo by
It’s no coincidence National Sleep Awareness Week, March 6-12, happens just before we
“spring forward” into Daylight Savings Time.
Although you’ll technically be losing sixty
minutes, there are ways to make sure the time
difference has minimal impact on your sleep.
According to the National Sleep Foundation,
almost everyone in the U.S. springs forward on
the second Sunday in March and falls back on
the first Sunday in November. That means that
the second Monday in March is likely going to
be a day when most people will feel more tired
than usual. This is because the average person
sleeps 40 minutes less the night following the
springtime change than they do on a typical
night. The good news is that most people adjust
by Wednesday; however, others will end up suffering for the entire week.
To prepare yourself ahead of the time change,
there are a few things you can do. First, make
sure you’re caught on sleep, meaning getting a
regular 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night. If you’re
already sleep-deprived when Daylight Saving
Time comes, it’s going to hit you harder. Next,
use the daylight to your advantage. Try waking
up with the sunlight and getting more light during
the day and then dimming or eliminating the light
when it’s time to go to bed. This includes staring
at illuminated TV, computer and phone screens.
Finally, consider changing your evening or
nighttime activities. If you workout at night,
consider switching to the morning; forgo that
evening coffee or cocktail. Avoid anything that
might act as a stimulant, including nicotine.
If you are having trouble sleeping, talk to
your primary care doctor. TRICARE covers
sleep studies, but you must be referred to a sleep
disorder center and meet certain conditions.
TRICARE also covers home/portable sleep
studies as an alternative to in-facility studies for
the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea in an
adult when certain criteria are met. Check with
your regional contractor for details. For more
information on what is and is not covered, visit
the Sleep Studies page on the TRICARE website.
The observance of daylight savings time
has been around since 1918 and isn’t likely to
go away any time soon. It’s best to anticipate it
and prepare for it, to make sure you don’t lose
valuable sleep during this transition.
VLER HIE Initiative: Because having the right information is always important
When it comes to your health, information is important. Your doctors need
information about your medical history
and the need for information continues
as long as you need care. The Military
Health System (MHS) is making it easier
for you and your providers to get the information you need, all from one resource
— the Virtual Lifetime Electronic Record
Page 14
Herald Union
(VLER) Health Information Exchange
(HIE) Initiative.
Access to your information is important to all of your providers, regardless
of where you receive care. Through
our private and secure network, only
authorized healthcare professionals will
access your health care information. The
information exchanged is already part of
your TRICARE benefit. If you are active
duty, your information is already shared
through VLER HIE.
Non-active duty beneficiaries can
choose if they want to participate. If you
don’t want your information accessed by
your doctors in VLER HIE, you can opt
out. Once you opt out, the MHS will not
be able to share your information, even
in case of an emergency.
To opt out, you can go to TRICARE.
mil, download and complete the VLER
Opt-Out (In) Letter template, then mail
it to the address provided on the letter.
If you choose to opt out now and change
your mind later, you may opt back in.
March 17, 2016 ���������������������������������������������������������������������� www�wiesbaden�army�mil
Bulletin board
At the movies March 17-30 Movie plots
Taunus Movie Theater
Editor’s note: The movies listing was the most
current at the time of publication. Please visit for the most
up-to-date schedule.
Thursday March 17
The Brothers Grimsby (R) 1900
Friday March 18
The Divergent Series: Allegiant (PG-13) 1900
Saturday March 19
The Divergent Series: Allegiant (PG-13) 1600
Deadpool (R) 1900
Sunday March 20
The Divergent Series: Allegiant (PG-13) 1600
Miracles from Heaven (PG) 1900
Monday March 21
Miracles from Heaven (PG) 1900
Tuesday March 22 — Closed
Wednesday March 23 — Closed
Thursday March 24
Deadpool (R) 1900
Friday March 25
Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice in 3D
(PG-13) 1600
Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice in 3D
(PG-13) 1930
Saturday March 26
Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice in 3D
(PG-13) 1600
Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice in 2D
(PG-13) 1930
Sunday March 27
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 (PG-13) 1600
Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice in 3D
© 2016 20th Century Fox / Photo courtesy of
Brothers Grimsby up to save the world.
(PG-13) 1830
Monday March 28
Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice in 2D
(PG-13) 1600
Tuesday March 29 — Closed
Wednesday March 30 — Closed
© 2016 Warner Bros. / Photo courtesy of
Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice — Fearing the actions of a god-like superhero left unchecked,
Gotham City’s own formidable, forceful vigilante takes on Metropolis’s most revered, modern-day
savior, while the world wrestles with what sort of hero it really needs. And with Batman vs Superman at war with one another, a new threat quickly arises, putting mankind in greater danger than
it’s ever known before.
The Divergent Series: Allegiant — After the
earth-shattering revelations of Insurgent, in
Allegiant Part 1 Tris (Shailene Woodley) must
escape with Four (Theo James) beyond the
Wall that encircles Chicago to finally discover
the shocking truth of what lies behind it.
Deadpool — Based upon Marvel Comics’ most
unconventional anti-hero, the movie tells the
origin story of former Special Forces operative turned mercenary Wade Wilson, who
after being subjected to a rogue experiment
that leaves him with accelerated healing
powers, adopts the alter ego Deadpool.
Armed with his new abilities and a dark,
twisted sense of humor, Deadpool hunts
down the man who nearly destroyed his life.
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 — Gold Circle
Entertainment and HBO present a Playtone
production of My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2,
the long-awaited follow-up to the highestgrossing romantic comedy of all time.
Written by Academy Award® nominee Nia
Vardalos, who stars alongside the entire
returning cast of favorites, the film reveals
a Portokalos family secret that will bring
the beloved characters back together for
an even bigger and Greeker wedding.
Kirk Jones (Nanny McPhee, Waking Ned
Devine) directs the next chapter of the film
that will be once again produced by Rita
Wilson and Playtone partners Tom Hanks
and Gary Goetzman. Paul Brooks and Steve
Shareshian return to executive produce
alongside Vardalos and Scott Niemeyer.
Universal Pictures will distribute the comedy domestically and in select international
Brothers Grimsby — Nobby (Sacha Baron
Cohen), a sweet but dimwitted English
football hooligan, reunites with his long-lost
brother Sebastian (Mark Strong), a deadly
MI6 agent, to prevent a massive global terror attack and prove that behind every great
spy is an embarrassing sibling. Nobby has
everything a man from Grimsby could want,
including 11 children and the most gorgeous
girlfriend in the northeast of England (Rebel
Wilson). There’s only one thing missing: his
little brother, Sebastian, who Nobby has
spent 28 years searching for after they were
separated as kids. Nobby sets off to reunite
with Sebastian, unaware that not only is his
brother MI6’s deadliest assassin, but he’s
just uncovered plans for an imminent global
terrorist attack. On the run and wrongfully
accused, Sebastian realizes that if he is going
to save the world, he will need the help of
its biggest idiot.
Miracles From Heaven — A young girl suffering
from a rare digestive disorder finds herself
miraculously cured after surviving a terrible
accident. Based on the book ‘Three Miracles
From Heaven’ by Christy Beam. .......................................................................March 17, 2016
Herald Union
Page 15
By Jackie Workm
Special to the Herald Uni
Photo by Jackie Workman
The iconic Antwerp train station, built in 1905, contrasts historical construction with modern businesses. The station gained
internet fame when a YouTube video of a Sound of Music flashmob there went viral.
Page 16
Herald Union
Waffles, and chocolate, an
Oh my! Nestled on the bord
Netherlands, Germany, Luxem
France, is a unique country n
known as its larger neighbors –
Belgium, is a country with a r
developed from three main reg
ders, Wallonia and the Brusse
Region; with three official l
French, Dutch and German.
Flanders, the Flemish part of th
best known for Flanders Field and
War I battlefield, now an America
Wallonia, often called the Wallo
situated in the southern half of the co
the famous Battle of Waterloo was
The Brussels-Capital Regio
in the middle of the Northern Fla
and is home to the ornate Gran
the heart of Brussels city squa
The most prominent histori
Belgium include the Atomium
battlefield, Bruges, Ghent and M
Atomium building was construc
1958 World’s Fair Exposition. T
structure stands 335 ft. tall and
the only structures open 365 d
What makes this site so remark
360 degree views it offers.
Previous visitors and locals
sider Waterloo Battlefield a mu
March 17, 2016 ..........................................................
nd Tin-Tin!
ders of the
mbourg and
not as well
– Belgium.
rich history
gions, Flanels-Capital
he country, is
d the World
an cemetery.
oon region, is
ountry where
on is found
anders area
nd Place in
ical sites in
m, Waterloo
Mons. The
cted for the
The bizarre
d is one of
days a year.
kable is the
s alike conust see. The
historic park is a 30-minute drive from Brussels’ city square and is where Napoleon was
defeated by the Duke of Wellington. Visitors
can watch a short film before entering the
historic battlefield park, which highlights the
1815 battle. Afterwards take the 226 stairs to
the top of Lion’s Mound, or “Butte du Lion.”
Bruges has been a cultural trading port for
Europe since the time of Julius Caesar, and
was chosen as a UNESCO World Heritage
Site in 2000. Canals lined with cobblestone
streets highlight the city’s history. Visitors
can absorb the architecture, charm, and
history of Bruges or learn about the city’s
paranormal activity on one of the many tours
offered in boats, bikes, or on foot. Or climb
to the top of the Belfry of Bruges clock tower
and enjoy a view of the city surrounded by the
sounds of the 47-bell carillon. Return to the
city’s streets to experience what else Bruges
has to offer including a chocolate museum,
a treasure chamber and a diamond museum.
Ghent is an idyllic port city in Belgium with
landmarks such as the 12th century Gravensteen
Castle and the St. Bravo’s Cathedral.Visitors can
experience the city’s historic past while walking
along cobblestone lined streets and canals.
The city of Mons is situated in the province
of Hainaut, and is home to the NATO headquarters, the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers
Europe, or SHAPE. Mons’town square is lined
with restaurants and markets. Mons is home to
La Collegiale Sainte-Waudru, built in the 15th
Photos by Jackie Workman
(Top middle) The view from the Atomium on an unusually
sunny day in Belgium. (Above) The Clock tower in Ghent
was built from 1313 to 1380; (Below) Visitors can pay to look
through telescopes, located in the various leveled spheres of
the Atomium.
century, the Grand Place and the annual Doudou
fest, a weeklong fest starting May 22. Bizarre as
it may sound, Belgians from across the country
come out to watch the culminating festival
event –the game of Saint George – a reenactment
involving a 32 ft. long paper dragon animated
by men dressed in white, a horse tail, and Saint
George’s defeat of the dragon.
Local food is an integral part of any travel
experience. Waffles, french fries with mayonnaise, mussels, beer, chocolate are all famous
foods that can found in Belgium. Belgian
waffles are topped with pretty much anything
sweet – except maple syrup. A savory Belgium
favorite is French fries and mayonnaise. Bintjes,
are soft Belgian potatoes, fried twice, and served
in a paper cone. Mussels, or moules, the national
entrée of Belgium, are prepared using different
sauces. Servings usually contain enough to feed
at least two customers to the table.
Chimay, Hoeggarden, Duvel, Kriek, Leffe,
Kasteel, Grimbergen, Delierium, Morte Subite,
and StellaArtois are just a few of Belgium’s local
brews. With reservations, many breweries offer
tours with a complimentary pint afterward. Visitors can also make reservations at local Chocolaterie’s to watch artisans perform their craft.
Anyone looking for a new experience is
(Editor’s note: Jackie Workman is a
Wiesbaden High School student and intern
in the U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden
Public Affairs Office.) 17, 2016
Herald Union
Page 17
Student Leadership Conference for Future
Business Leaders of America
Student Leadership Conference for Future Business Leaders of
America (FBLA) was held in Garmisch from March 1 to 5. All schools
from DODEA, Europe District, gathered to compete and discuss
future and present trends in the business world. Students spent
the week with business experts learning about topics including
global business trends, job interview skills, individual and group
presentations, marketing, and the management decision making
Photos by Yoori Sung
Wiesbaden: Point your children in the right direction ... and when they’re older, they won't be lost!
Wiesbaden High School's
Alex English expounds
China's industrial influence in the global market
Page 18
Herald Union
Richard Edwards, Jaedon
Schwartz, Alex English and
Byron Scofield shortly before group presentations at
the FBLA conference.
FBLA participants
learn the value of
networking after a
group session.
March 17, 2016 .........................................................................
Photos by Yoori Sung
Elizabeth Hall, Byron Scofield
and Michael Simmons take a
moment for a picture after their
individual presentations at the
Keiran Smith, Christian Albelo, Jaedon Schwartz and Dennis Sarsozo moments before
receiving their first place trophy at the FBLA talent show.
Wiesbaden: Point your children in the right direction ... and when they’re older, they won't be lost!
Student Leadership Conference for Future
Business Leaders of America
Wiesbaden's contingent at the FBLA conference celebrate their week of learning. ..............................................................................March 17, 2016 Herald Union Page 19
Goulash Soup
Ingredients (for 4 people)
• 1 lb. beef for stew, cut into ¾ inch cubes
• 2 tablespoon oil
• 2 onions, coarsely diced (about 1 inch
• 1 garlic clove, crushed
• 1½ cups tomato juice
• 4 cups beef broth
• 1 teaspoon salt
• ¼ teaspoon fennel
• 1 tablespoon sweet Hungarian paprika
• 2-3 potatoes, cut into 1 inch cubes
• 3 peppers, preferably different colors, cut
into 1 inch pieces
• Salt, pepper, hot Hungarian paprika (optional)
Heat oil in a large pot. Brown half the meat, remove meat it and brown
remaining meat. Return all meat to the pot, adding onions and garlic. Cook
on high heat for several minutes, stirring often. Add tomato juice, beef
broth, salt and paprika. Bring to a boil, cover and reduce heat to a simmer.
Cook for about an hour. Add potatoes and peppers. Cook for another 15
minutes or until the potatoes are tender. Season with additional salt, pepper
and hot Hungarian paprika, if desired.
This soup is great served with some fresh crusty bread and a green salad.
It can also be served Bavarian style, by adding mini bread dumplings to the
The question often comes up — is Goulash Hungarian or German? The
answer is it’s both. The Hungarian recipes usually have potatoes in them
and are more soup like. Many Germans often serve it with the potatoes on
the side or even just bread or buns to dip into the amazing gravy-like broth.
Bon appetit!
Photo by juefraphoto /
Page 20
Herald Union
March 17, 2016 ������������������������������������������������������������������������� www�herald-union�com ..............................................................................March 17, 2016 Herald Union Page 21
Geierlay, Germany’s Longest Suspension Bridge
Story and Photos by Gemma McGowan
Contributing writer to
then turn on a side road on the left
which brings you out to the field.
Opened only in October 2015,
Geierlay is Germany’s longest suspension bridge, and it makes for a wonderful day out in the stunning German
countryside! The suspension bridge is
360 meters long and 100 meters high.
Do you dare to cross it?!
My Arriving
When I added the town of Mörsdorf into my GPS, I felt like I was
about to journey through Middle
Earth to destroy Frodo’s ring. After a
beautiful drive through RheinlandPfalz, we arrived at the Geierlay Visitor Center.
The visitor center is in a modern
wood building which inside has a cafe
and bathrooms. There are no bathrooms by the bridge, so it would be
suggested to use the bathroom before
you depart! The center also has a designated parking area. There is no cost
to go on the bridge, however there is a
fee of 2 Euros per day for parking.
A request from the visitor center
is that you do not try to drive to the
bridge, but to reach it only on the
paths by walking or biking. Also, you
are required to respect the beautiful
landscape and pick up any trash you
may make.
The paved walkway is 1.7 kilometers to the bridge. The way to the
bridge is actually a really beautiful
walk! If you have a little one, I suggest
to bring a stroller or wagon. If not, you
may end up like me and have a child
on your shoulders on the journey
back! Strollers might not fit on the actual bridge, but there is an area where
you can leave them.
When you turn the final corner of
the bridge’s path, there is an area where
you can sit and take in the amazing
After we admired the scenery for a
little bit, we were ready to walk across.
Being there on a weekday, we pretty
much had the bridge to ourselves!
The only thing surrounding the
bridge is untouched, breathtaking forest. It is chicken soup for the soul!
Walking on the bridge was very
thrilling and I felt safe on it! Since we
were not in a rush, we had time to take
in the spectacular surroundings.
It is said that it takes six minutes to
briskly walk across to the other side;
however, it took us much longer because of the snow and taking photos.
For anyone looking to expand the
walk back, you also have the possibility
to take a hike in the woods. There is a
trail map with all of the routes.
One hiking route will take you
across the bridge, down under the
bridge and then up to the other side.
Sounds fun and we will definitely return to Geierlay this spring!
How to Get There
Geierlay Visitor Center
Kastellaun Straße 23
56290 Mörsdorf
The drive to Geierlay is approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes northwest of Kaiserslautern.
Author’s Profile: Gemma McGowan
is a mom, a veteran and an Army civilian living in Wiesbaden, Germany.
With New Jersey roots, she is enjoying
her extended European vacation.
Head to the Bridge
Time to head to the bridge! When
walking to the road, there is a sign post
pointing to where you start the walk to
the bridge.
You turn right on the main road,
Explore your new home
Great city trips, fun playgrounds for kids, delicious recipes and much more.
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Herald Union
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Maundy Thursday - March 24: Soup supper at 6:00pm, Eucharist at 7:00pm
Good Friday - March 25: Services at 7:00am and 7:00 pm
Holy Saturday - March 26: Great Vigil of Easter with lighting of the Paschal Candle at 7:00pm
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ip:: 10:00
:000 a.m.
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Equipping His Peop
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His Word
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Page 24
Herald Union
Easter Sunday, March 27
March 17, 2016 ������������������������������������������������������������������������� www�herald-union�com
2010 Toyota Corolla "S" Sport
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0176 2273 0967, Email: info@euro, Web: www.euro
2013 Audi A3 Quattro, 2.0L,
220HP, 6,788 miles, automatic, like new, $34,995, contact mark@,
2013 Dodge Dart, 2.0L 160, Sedan, 36,591 miles, automatic,
gas, grey metallic, Diesel Grey
Cloth interior, $15,495, contact, 017693136972
2007 MINI Cooper "S" Hardtop,
$12,695, US spec, Manual, Leather, Cruise Control, Heated
Seats, Alloy Wheels, Power Glass
Sunroof, Perfect Condition, Call:
2013 Ford Focus, 2.0L i4, Hatch0176-22730967, Email: info@euro
back, 23,642 miles, automatic,,
gas, deep cherry red, Dark Slate
Grey interior, $14,995, contact, 01762014 Ford Mustang GT, 5.0L, V8,
405HP, Coupe, manual, gas, Gun
2013 Lexus ES 350 Base Metal Grey, Black Premium Lea$8,800USD!!! The car is accident ther interior, $32,495, contact
free, with a low mileage, well, 0176maintained and service regularly. 93136972
Full Options!!! Tires are 100% great, the Car is in perfect shape. In- 2014 MINI Countryman JCW
terested buyer should contact ALL4, Blue, $34900, 12821 miles,
Manufacturer Warranty, Automame:
tic, Panoramic Sunroof, Leather,
2013 Nissan Altima, 3.5L V6 Navigation, Auto Climate, Xenon
240HP, Sedan, 24,300 miles, au- Lights, Heated Seats, Rain Sense
tomatic, gas, storm blue, black Wipers, Upgraded Sound System.
premium cloth interior, $20,995, Call or text 017680420465
mark@americanmo, 0176-93136972
2015 Jeep Patriot 4X4, 2.4L,
2013 Toyota Avalon, 3.5L, V6,
268HP, Crimoson metallic, Black
leather interior, $25,995, contact, 017693136972
SUV, 2,715 miles, automatic, gas,
Deep Blue Metallic, Dark Slate
Grey interior, $21,995, contact, 017693136972
2013 Toyota Highlander, 2.7L,
SUV, 17,109 miles, automatic,
gas, Grey Metallic, Grey Cloth interior, $26,495, contact mark@,
BMW 316i, 4-Door, 5-Speed,
blue met, power stearing, elec
windows FT, sunroof, ABS, air
bags, and we deliver anywhere
cash in hand, $1199, ddundkk@ ..............................................................................March 17, 2016 Herald Union Page 25
All ads & pics on
BMW 320d touring, HU 04/2017,
Automatic transmission, 110 kW
(150 PS), Diesel, FR 05/2004,
170,000 km, full leather grey, Accident-free, full serice history, full
equipment, all comfort, Negotiable €8700, call 0176-62056022
BMW 525i Model 2000, new German inspection, power stearing,
power locks, air cond, leather interior, seat heating, power windows, alloy rims w/new summer tires, new battery and brakes.
€1800. 0152-06467728
BMW 730i 2005, 63000 miles,
wood, accident-free, full service
history, garaged, non-smoker,
AC, Navigation professional, telephone, leather power seats w/heating, 4winter+5summer tires, perfect condition, $14,900. Call 015127104833
Chevrolet HHR LT, 2009, Mileage
78000 mi, Options Air Conditioning, All Season Tires, Pwr mirrors, Power locks, Power seat,
Power windows, Alloy wheels, Body Sedan Doors 5, Engine 2.2L
4cyl, Auto, Patriot Military Sales
Tel: +49 (0) 631 357 8231
Daihatsu silver met, 4-door, 5speed, 1.0 ltr, year 2002, air cond,
summer tires and winter tires, CD
player, ABS, air bags, $1199, and
we deliver if you have any cars for
dispose of, accident or non operational, we will remove it for you,
email for info
Ford Ka - Model 2004, €1380, ste,
140.000km, silver, 5speed, very
clean. Great car for the winter,
new winter tires, front-wheel
drive, phone calls 0152-06786080
Ford Escort SE, 1998 blue, automatic, US mod, all season tires,
$1699, and we deliver anywhere,
if you have any cars for dispose
of, accident, non operational, we
will remove it for you my phone is
0175-3213199 call or e-mail,
Ford Focus 1999, 4-door, 5speed, all-weather tires, ABS,
power stearing, German TÜV till
Jan 2017, my phone 01753213199, $1390, if you have any
care to dispose of, accident, non
operational, we will remove it for
you, email
Ford Kuga, 2015, $28,500, German Specs. Titanium (Escape)
1.5l Eco-Boost. 150hp. 6 speed
manual. Polar Silver Metallic. Leather Heated seats. Keyless entry,
push button start. 4 winter and
summer tires, auto headlights,
and much more. eapropin@out
Good Year Ultra Grip Winter Tires with steel rims, 175/65 R14.
Excellent condition used one winter. Rims 4x100. $175; Call: 0162297-2951
Honda Accord, 2-door, burgundy, leather, air cond, ABS, 2.2
LTR, 16 VAL, Automatic, new
TÜV, power stearing, air bags,
summer/winter tires on rims, we
deliver anywhere with cash,
Hyundai Accent, GLS, 4, door,
automatic, ABS, power stering,
1.4 LTR, $1550, if you have any
car for dispose of, accident, non
operational, we remove it for
Intake manifold, never used, for
a civic type R or a Acura Acura
Mitsubishi Cosama, 1.6ltr, green,
4-door, 5-speed, ABS, power
stearing, German TÜV till Jan
2017, my phone is 0175-3213199,
MINI Cooper Cabrio, green, inside black and part leather, new tires (all year tires) on aluminium
rims, lots of extras, all services done, Accident-free, FR 09/2005,
76000km, Petrol, 85 kW (116 PS),
replacement engine, Negotiable
€8,400. 0176-62056022
Motorhome - See Europe in style. Fleetwood Tioga 1996, 31ft x
100 inches. Sleeps 5/6, queen
master bed and separate shower
and toilet. Beautiful with many luxuries. $15K OBO. Call Scott for
Nissan Almera TINOdi, 2002,
German specs,, 2nd
owner, no accidents, TÜV summer/2016, AC, 5seat, standard,
great travel car, no rust, POV inspection guaranteed, €2400, full
tank goes 1100km, call 015145261009
PT Cruiser, 2.2 Diesel, 2003,
Green plate, 5 speed, 4 door, TUV
new air cond, 2 set of tires summer/ winter, ABS, power stering
elec windows, and locks, key less
entry, price €2000, if you want
any cars for dispose of, accident,
non operational, we will remove it
for you, email for info ddundkk@
Taverne Niko 1979
Greek specialties
Weißenburgstr. 7
65183 Wiesbaden
Phone 0611 – 40 51 20
Par Niko!
Daily from
12 p.m. – 3 p.m. & 6 p.m. – 1 a.m.
Sat starting 6 p.m. – Wed closed
Herald Union
Honored with
Certificate of Ap
rters, V Corps
of the “Headqua
y Europe”
United States Arm vice and
g ser
for outstandin
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Typical Bavarian
i meals
and a cool beer on tap.
We are looking forward
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Wilhelmstraße 58-60
65183 Wiesbaden
Tel: 0611 / 1667 – 101
Fax: 0611 / 1667 - 102
Please visit:
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Honda Cassette Radio. CD Changer has issues, needs probably a
clean up. Radio and Cassette
HP PC XP with Mouse, Keyboard
and Remote. Orig.Box. €135
V W GOLF 16 V 75PS 157000Km
6 x Airbags. ESP, Central Look,
Aircondition, Radio CD USB, Electric Windows and Mirrors.Very Nice Shape, Black Magic Color and
Rear Windows with Black Foil.
LED Rearlights. Good Condition.
Pass Inspection!!!! 0170 - 1910484
Volvo Model: XC90 T6 AWD RDesign Year: 2016 Color: Bursting
blue metallic Upholstery: Charcoal Nubuck / Nappa leather with
contour seats Transmission: 8speed automatic w/ geartronic, in or 06134-284943
IPAD Mini 1 WIFI 16GB, $185.00, / 06371-60179,
White Mini IPAD. infrequently
used. Latest IOS installed. Fixed
VW GTI 2013, $17k, The perfect
car! 66,000 mi, xtra winter alu
rims/tires, roof rack, winter matts,
new clutch, bluetooth, heated
seats, satelite radio, keyless,
power everything, iPod connect,
plad interior, airbags. Very good
brethelenius@google LCD TV 24" HDMI/DVI/VGA/PC/
DVI/USB Remote Control User
VW Passat Wagan 1999, 1.6 liter,
Silver, 5-speed, ABS, power stearing, air cond, winter tires, German TÜV, lots of new parts and
dealer maintenance, front, keyless entry, $2250,
All ads & pics on
AEG ÖKO-favorite, 220 volt dish
Sale by Owner: 2013 VolvoXC90 washer, ex. condition. More info
R-Design Platinum 7-seater. Exe- please call after 1700 hrs. 0163cellent cond rating! Fully-loaded: 8853574
Platinum, Climate pkgs, NAV,
Bluetooth, sun/moon rf, BLIS, rear AFN Decoder. Dual Voltage. Resensor, leather int, black metallic mote Control. Incl. Cables. User
New new + German TUV GER- ext. $29,928, tiffanylanigan@ya
MAN TUV+No US inspection
Need +++ Mitsubishi Eslipes G L,
Canon BJC 7000 Color Bubble
Red, 2.0 LTR , 16 VAL, air cond, 2 Thinking of buying a new Quality Set Printer. Incl. Cartridge and
door, 5 Speed, elec windows Pre-owned car, then look no fur- USB Cable. CD Booklet. $25.
KMS 163,000, $1695, ddundkk@ ther, we have over 150 cars in
stock. Patriot Military
CD Changer for 110 CD's. Remoles 09662-702 6280
te Control. Dual Voltage. User Guide.
Marktstraße 9
65183 Wiesbaden
(0) 611 88024004
Page 26
Seat Leon ST III 1.6 TDI
Start&Stop. 6990km, Diesel, 5
doors, put incirculation April
2015.Under warranty.All options
ABS, soundsystem, airbag, bluetooth, sunroof. Stuttgart late Feb.
17390E (25555E new), marc.pil
Lexmark, S605, Copier, Printer,
Scanner, €40, Like new condition.
Ink cartridges low. jcambr@ya
AEG dryer, old but gold. For
pickup only. Kaiserslautern city.
€30. Call Jacky 0179-5352827
LG Freezer, good condition. For
pickup only. Kaiserslautern city.
€80. Call Jacky 0179-5352827
Sony Cassette Car Stereo. Protection Case. Cables and User
Guide. €35. chefsteven2015@
The perfect system to watch satellite programs in English or German Sony Bravia LCD flat screen
color TV and Atemo AM 500 HD
Satellite receiver selling as a complete set. $195. for both, al@mer
Food Steamer. 3 Tiers of Stackable Baskets. 60 min. Timer with
Bell. Up to 8ltr. Capacity and
1.1ltr. Rice Container. 220V. Orig.
chefsteven2015@ Transformer. USA Voltage
verter. Great for small radios, shaFoot Massage Bath. 5 Massage vers and other appliances up to
Settings. With Heating. Massage- 75 Watt. $20. chefsteven2015@
ball + Massagebrush. 3.3ltr. 100
Watt.220V. User Guide. Orig. Box.
Treadmill - Proform 635 CW,
Great Hyundai Computer screen - well maintained/functioning tread17 inch. comes with stand. Dual mill. Adjusts for speed & slope.
voltage. Includes VGA monitor Cross fit ski poles adjustable for
cord. Works great. $40 bretheleni tension. Emergency situation stop.
TVs, Voltage Regulators, €250,
Hair Dryer. 3Heat + 2Speed Set-
tings. Cold Shut Button. ConcenYamaha AV Receiver/Amplifier.
trator + Finger Diffusor AttachPremium Aluminium. Dolby Digital/
ment. Lightweight. Super Quiet.
EX Decoder. Pro Logic II. 100
Removable End Cap. 1875 Watt.
Watts x 10. AF/FM Tuner. 40 StatiUser Guide. Orig. Box. €15.
on Random + Direct Tuning.
mote Control. User Guide. Dual
Router, Belkin N150,
$10, Voltage. Excellent Working. €350.
March 17, 2016 ������������������������������������������������������������������������� www�herald-union�com
3 Drawer Wide Cart White. With 4
25"H.x22"W.x 15"D. Each Drawer: 7"H.x19.5"W.x13.5?D. Lots
All ads & pics on Of Storage Space. Very Sturdy.
White leatherette case for IPAD
mini W/removable bluetooth keyboard, $45.00, firm. al@mer 50 Plastic Clothes Hangers. / 06371-60179
All ads & pics on
Caution: Some Classified
ads have become a target
for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer
you payment methods other
than cash.
Alessis 110V/220V digital performance/studio piano w/chair, music stand, stool, hard case 750$,
call 06374-991073 pls leave a
Black knitted pullover. Size XS
but fits also for size M. €5. See for pictures.
Comforter Queen Size.
Body Fat Scale. Digital Display.
Precision of 100g. Precision Body
Fat 0.1%. Max 140 kg. Save Info
for up to 10 User. User Guide.
Orig.Box. €10. chefsteven2015@
Aeropostale Hoodie. Turquoise-
blue. Lettering “aero” and zipper
Canister Vaccum Cleaner, Creviat the front. Size M. Barley worn.
ce Tool, Upholstery Tool, Floor
Brush, Mattress Brush, Extra Filters, User Guide, great for car
Aeropostale long sleeve. Pink. cleaning, €35, chefsteven2015@
On the front are pictures of pea-
ces signs and the label name is
shown. Size M. Barely worn. Cannondale V500, aluminum fraGood condition. For pics see me, blue, Manitou front shocks €9. jani (broken, and no longer have the
original forks). Come and get it!
Comforter Set. Buttons connect
the 2 Comforter into 1. Great Qua$15. lity. 75" x 54". Orig.Packed. $50.
2 each 120V Cisco Wireless-G Internet Home Monitoring Cameras
Model WV54GCA, with manual
Beautiful hand-made purple/pink
felt flower brooch, perfect gift,
can be pinned on jackets, scarves, bags and more! €12, for pics
see jenniferwil
Blanket Horse. 72?"x52". Reversible. Heavy Quality. Machine
Washable. Machine Dry At Low
Heat. Great Condition. Euro 20.
Cognac/Brandy Glass Set. En- Covered Bowl Korea. Porcelain.
graved Horse. With Box. €20. 24 Carat Gold Trim. 3.5"
Collection of leather bound, signed by the author, 1st edition Crystal Heart Rosenthal, Germabooks, mint cond. Over 100 diffe- ny. Heart Shaped Crystal. Clear
rent books. Authors include: Nor- Crystal. 3". Orig. Box. €10
man Mailer, William F. Buckley,
Joseph Heller, Elie Wiesel, Donald
Mc Dunne, John Updicke, Tom Custom-made children's kinderWolfe, etc. $ 15.000 - serious in- garten bag with name. Send me a
quiries only! Call: 0631-940213 or message if you are interested in a
unique bag for your child. Perfect
present. All bags are made using
Craftsman Gas Lawn Mower, wet-felting technique with sheep
$150, 2 years old Please contact wool, soap and water only! € neg,
depending on design, jenniferwil
Cooks 10 Eggs at Once, Nonstick 4egg Poaching Tray, 3egg Dark green Roxy Jeans. Size 30.
Omelet Tray, Brush. Stainl.Steel Find pictures at www.classLid, On/Off Switch, Audible Alert, €10. janina.wuttke@
Standby Mode, Easy Cleanup,
2Egg Holders, Beaker with Piercing Pin, User Guide, Orig. Box, Eco warrior shoulder bag,
made felt, environmentally friendly
bag made using only wool, water
Dallas Cowboy Hat. NEW. $15. and soap, €25, jenniferwilking@hot
Canon Camera w/Case. Canon
Camera Sure Shot 85 Zoom. User
Guide. Orig.Box. Case Logic Camera Case 3 Pockets (2 Zipper
Pockets. Belt Loop. Very Sturdy.
Chopper. Stainless Steel Blades.
Stainless Steel Body for Durability.
€15. ..............................................................................March 17, 2016 Herald Union Page 27
Have fun with the locals
Easter egg hunt
Mon, Mar 28
Frankfurt, Palmengarten
Visit Frankfurt’s Palmengarten on March 28 and 29 for an exciting Easter egg
hunt in their Easter garden between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Colorful eggs and chocolaty goods will be hidden all over the area to be found by the park’s littlest
visitors and their helpers. Admission costs €7 per adult and €2 per child, the
event itself is free. For more information, visit
Photo by stockphoto-graf /
International family meeting
Thu, Mar 17
Wiesbaden, Familienzentrum Mamma Mia
The Familienzentrum Mamma Mia in Wiesbaden invites parents and their children
from all countries to their monthly international family meeting on March 17 and
24 from 4 p.m. until approximately 5:30
p.m. Exchange tips, questions and experiences with fellow moms and dads getting
accustomed to a new culture, while the little ones can play, paint and make friends
themselves. Admission is free, no registration is required. For more information, visit
St. Patrick’s Day
Thu, Mar 17
Darmstadt, Jagdhofkeller
Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day’s 100th anniversary with traditional Irish music by
La Cairede, drinks, as well as a delicious
menu at the Jagdhofkeller in Darmstadt
on March 17 from 7:30 p.m. Admission is free. For more information, visit
Easter market
Sat, Mar 19
Neu Anspach, Hessenpark
Visit Neu Anspach’s Hessenpark for their
annual Easter market and stock up on
all natural soaps, Easter decorations and
handmade candles in a beautifully colourful and natural area that playfully teaches
your children about life in the past. If you
want to exhibit your own products, you can
buy a booth from €50 for two days from
March 19 to 20, otherwise admission costs
€8 per adult. For more information, visit
Painting workshop
Sat, Mar 19
Eltville, Mühlstrasse 7
Marion Haas is offering a painting workshop
for all levels of experience from beginners to
advanced painters on March 19 from 3 p.m.
until approximately 7 p.m. Learn more about
different techniques, color compositions, etc.
Admission costs €45, all equipment will be
provided. To register online and for further information, visit
Easter egg decorating
Tue, Mar 22
Neu Anspach, Hessenpark
Kids, artists and all creative minds assemble! Get crafty at the Hessenpark in Neu
Anspach and join their annual Easter egg
decorating party on March 22, including
painting and dyeing with all natural colors
as well as Easter Bunny crafting at several
locations. Admission to the park costs €8
per adult, the event itself is free. For more
information, visit
Heart of a Dog
Thu, Mar 24
Frankfurt, Malsehnkino
Musician, artist and director Laurie Anderson has created a fantastic interplay of
life, death, loss and terror in her newest
masterpiece ‘Heart of a Dog.’ Her unique
talent to intertwine personal experiences,
specifically the love she had for her recently
deceased dog, with historical events and
political questions is supported by drawings, animations and personal compositions
coming together for a deeply moving movie
that everyone can relate to in one way or
another. Watch it at the Malsehn Kino in
Wiesbaden from March 24 to 30. Tickets
cost €7 per person. For more information,
Dark visions of a future without art
Thu, Mar 24
Frankfurt, MMK
Based on a science fiction novel, the Museum of Modern Art in Frankfurt has created a dark vision of an artless future using
paintings, collections and installations from
famous artists all over the world, including
Andy Warhol and Martin Kippenberger. See
‘the imaginary museum’ from March 24 to
September 4 and let your mind wander to a
dystopian place not too far from where we
are. Admission costs €8. For further information, visit
Easter spectacle
Sat, Mar 26
Mainz-Kastel, Reduit
Three days of authentic medievalness
await you and your family from March 26
to 28 at the Reduit in Mainz-Kastel. You can
join knights for a meal at the roundtable or
dance to countless live music performances by fools and royal musicians amongst
endless other entertainment options for all
ages from 10 a.m. 1-day passes cost €8
per adult. For a full list of shows and vendors, visit
Easter fire festival
Sat, Mar 26
Wiesbaden, Schlachthof
S’mores, music, good people and the
sound of fire crackling in the background;
Wiesbaden’s easter bonfire has everything you’re looking for in a Saturday
night, so stop by the Schlachthof in Wiesbaden on March 26 and dance around
the heating fire all night long. A special
kids show and real bunnies await the
event’s littlest guests from 6 p.m. Admission is free. For further information, visit
More events on:
Page 28
Herald Union
Sat, Mar 19
Frankfurt, Commerzbank Arena
Eintracht Frankfurt is playing against
Hannover 96 on March 19 at 6:30 p.m.
Come support your favorite team. For
more information, visit
Tue, Mar 31
Mannheim, SAP Arena
Come to an exciting game of handball on March 23. Rhein-Neckar Löwen
are playing against Bergischer HC. The
game will start at 8:30 p.m. Ticket prices
start at €10. For more information, visit
Chris Thompson
Fri, Mar 18
Alzey, Oberhaus
Chris Thompson has been entertaining
audiences of all ages for four decades
and is now taking his Jukebox and Mads
Eriksen band on tour again to put you under his spell as well. See the British guitarist and rock singer at the Oberhaus in
Alzey on March 18. For more information,
Sunrise Avenue
Wed, Mar 23
Frankfurt, Festhalle
Sunrise Avenue is one of the most talented bands in Europe. See them live as they
go on tour with Wonderland Orchestra.
Show starts at 8 p.m. Ticket price start at
€49.11. For more information about the
show, go to
March 17, 2016 ������������������������������������������������������������������������� www�herald-union�com
All ads & pics on
Dog Feeder. Adjustable Bowl
Height to your Dog's Needs. Perfect for Growing Puppies or Senior Dogs. 2 Stainless Steel Bowls
(Dishwasher Safe) Each Bowl
(1.6Qt.) 17.4"H x 15.7"L x 18.8"W.
Very Sturdy. Orig. Box. €30.
Egg Cooker. Cooks 10 Eggs at
Once, Nonstick 4egg Poaching
Tray, 3egg Omelet Tray, Brush.
Stainl. teelLid, On/Off Switch, Audible Alert, Standby Mode, Easy
Cleanup, 2Egg Holders, Beaker
with Piercing Pin, User Guide,
Orig. Box, €25, chefsteven2015@
Electric Kettle 1.7ltr. 1500 Watts
On/Off Light Automatic Shut-off
Dual Water Windows Cordless
(Lifts off Base for cordless pouring) User Guide Orig.Box €15.
Felt bag, gorgeous hand-made
felt bag with blue design, medium
For Sale, €150, ysamek@google, German 220, Whirlpool
front loader washing machine.
Please after 1700 hrs. 01638853574
For That Special Collector a Beautiful The United States Commermorative Presidential Collection,
German Beer Stein Octoberfest.
Decorative Pewter Lid (Carriage).
Limited Edition. Heavy Quality.
10"High. €115. chefsteven2015@
German Beerstein. Kaiserslautern and famous German Cities
Design. Pewter Lid. 9.5"High. Bottom is a little chipped (don't see it
German Pewter Cup. Engraved
with Steffi Graf Design (3 Different
Motifs). 3.5" High. 95% Pewter.
German Pewter Plate. Engraved
with all 16 German Regional District Logos. 9"Diameter. $45.
Gilde Clown. Gilde, Germany.
3.5" High. Handpainted. €12.
Griddler Cuisinart, Dual Temperature Controls for Grill/Panini and
Griddle, Reversible Nonstick Plates Switch from Grill to Griddle, Integrated Drip Tray for Easy Storage, User Guide, Orig.Box, NEW,
Hand-carved Indonesian table +
6 chairs + two matching cabinets
$990 Indonesian and Thai dolls each $35 Antique French Louis
XIV cabinet - $750Set of 6 Indonesian shadow dolls - $125, call
Hollister strapless top. White color, size M. With ribbons to tie a
bow on the back. €15. For pics
see ConFoxy lady, small felt shoulder bag tact
with fox design. Discover your
wild side! All bags are completely
environmentally friendly made
with wool, soap and water only!
Garmin 360 Navigation, $50,
German Beer Stein Wildlife. Fox
Design. Decorative Pewter Lid
(Fox). Heavy Quality. 10"High.
German Beer Stein. Famous German Attraction Theme. Pewter Lid
9.5"HIGH. €70. chefsteven2015@
German Pewter Cup Set. Engraved
3.25"High. 95% Pewter. NEW.
Items for Sale, Crane tabletop
leg/arm exerciser, $25.00, Callaway Clones Golf Clubs, 3-9 Irons,
PW, SW, good condition, $40.00.
Contact Tom Rewis, Casa.rewis@ or 0171-363 0906.
Kitchen Aid Hand Blender silver.
2 Speed. Quiet, Powerful Motor.
Blend, Puree and Crush. Soft Grip
Handle. Blending Arm Dishwasher
Safe. 3 Cup Jar with Lid. User Guide.
Like New Poker Chips with carrying case, $20.00, spvendor@
Lot's of things, All Free. A stand
for a terrasse Satellite Dish, A Garden Classic Spreader, A 110V
Alarm Clock. A Proctor Silex
Stream Excel 110V, 2 Line Cordless Phone with headset 110V, A
Marilyn Monroe Box 12" x 8".
Marilyn Monroe Glass Coasters
Set of 4. $12. chefsteven2015@
Milk Frother for 8 oz. frothed milk
and 12 oz. steamed milk. Dishwasher Safe Removable Milk Pitcher with see-through lid. Frothing and Heating Disks. 3 Temperature. User Guide + Orig. Box.
Mountainbike for men, matt
black, Continental wheeles. Has 1
flat wheel, but I will give you a
new inner tube to fix it. For pickup
only in Kaiserslautern city. Call Nabil at 0176 - 79 222 999
Must sell 65 year old flawless solitaire .45 carat diamond ring set in
white gold. Asking best offer
$795.Will accept $ or €. Call:
06332-41560 from 9 - 18:00.
Nike Sports Bag Large. Black. 3
Compartments. 2ft. Long x 1ft.
MARCH 26 – 28, 2016
Turning, cranking, getting involved and
changing your focal point is all part of the new
special exhibition ‚Effekthascherei‘ (Razzle
Dazzle) at Dynamikum until April 10 including
many suprising and impressing connections in
physics, technology, maths and perception.
There will be 160 exhibits with 18 fascinating experimental stations to help you playfully
explore ‘flowing water,’ the ‘shadow city,’ a
‘Coriolis carousel,’ ‘chaos balls’ and ‘shake
Org. Thomas Sabo Charm, price
new was 49€, never used, was a
bday present, selling price €20,
for pics please see,
Oversized Cardigan from Review. Black and white stripes. For
visit €10. janina.wuttke@
Rice Cooker w/Cable. 3 Cup (makes up to 6 Cups of cooked rice).
Removable Cooking Pot. Glass
Lid. Keep Warm Function (Indicator Light). Cook Indicator Light.
Spatula+Measuring Cup. User
Rosina Wachtmeister Glass Cat
Pair. Can be used with Metal Stake (incl.) or without. 32" High. Goebel, Germany. Orig.Box. €60.
Samsonite Sports Bag. Heavy
Duty Quality. Great as Sports Travel Bag. $40. chefsteven2015@
Super Mario kart lunch cooler,
Sheep Pendulum Clock, Makes
Sheep Sound and Sheep Appears
every Hour (Noise can be muted).
Small grey felt shoulder bag with
mushroom design, perfect gift,
Steam Iron. 1700 Watts Power.
Stainless Steel Soleplate. Variable
Steam Control. Pro Vertical
Steam. Spray Button. 3 Way
Smart Auto Off. Extra Large Water
Tank (8.4oz.). Self Clean. Made in
User Guide. Orig.Box. €50.
Striped hand-made felt shoulder
bag, large, trend colors, perfect
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Full English Website incl. driving directions, payment methods etc.!
Special in March
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Lots of
Set of three pink vases, different
shapes but matching in color, perfect for shabby-chic feature or to
upcycle. €10, jenniferwilking@hot
Im Rheinberger · Fröhnstraße 8 · 66954 Pirmasens · Telefon: 06331-239 43-0
Mon – Fri: 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. · Sat, Sun, Holiday: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
65189 Wiesbaden Phone: 0611-724 56 800
* applies to glasses order, valid March 17-31,2016 ..............................................................................March 17, 2016 Herald Union Page 29
Various music CDs for sale, all
from the 2000er years. Single
CDs from Nelly Furtado, Christina
Aguilera etc. for €3, music sampAll ads & pics on lers like Bravo Hits and The Dome
€4. For a picture of the selection
Super Mario Kart Wii Reversible
see Conthrow. Fitted sheet pillow case
and lining. Never used. Paid over
$100, asking $65,017622987498. Various size new gym bags
Swarovski Crystal Mouse. Collec- $10.00
tible Edition. Made in Austria.
Orig.Box. Great Condition. $50 Very nice Olympia SM3
ter with carrying case. Vintage
WMF Drinking Cup Stainless
Steel. 350ml. Dishwasher Safe
wrinkled green in color. This is the
same model of typewriter that many famous writers to include Hemmingway used. Operates like
Target practice, eco warrior new, I personally cleaned and
shoulder bag, hand-made felt, en- lubricated it and installed a new rib
vironmentally friendly bag made
using only wool, water and soap, Viking Sword. Handle and Blade
€25, Engraved on both Sides. Real
WMF Knife Set with Storage
Block (Wood). 9 Pieces. Blades
made from Forged Special Blade
Steel. Made in Germany. Orig.
Swarovski Pegasus - From the
1998 "Fabulous Creatures" Series. Retired in 1998, Asking
$500.Ph. 06374/944828
The Swarovski Pierrot measures Steel. With Black Wall Display
8". This is the first edition of "Mas- Mount. Made in Spain. $275.
querade" series. Retired in 1999.
Vintage Classic Video game from
Toaster, 4 Slice Long Slot, 7 Ad- Mattel - Classic Baseball. A must
justable Shade Settings, Bagel + have for the collection. Still works
Frozen Buttons, Toast + Cancel great. $20 brethelenius@google
Buttons, Removable Crumb Tray,
User Guide, Orig.Box, €25,
Vintage handheld video game
from Coleco. Alien Attack is a
Tray. Plush Cushion Base proviclassic and a must have for every
des comfort and stability. 17.5" x
game collection! in great scape.
Runs on 4C batteries. $20 brethele
Ultra Though Storage. Rubbermaid.
ltr. Wall Decor Picture. Hand Craf32.5x20x16.8.
82.6x50x42.5cm. ted. Deer Hide. Made In Siberia.
Made in USA. Shatter Resistant to €45.
0F. Shatter Resistant to -18C. Eu- WMF Cookware 11pc. Covered
ro 12.
Low Casserole 16cm+20cm. CoV&B Cermaic X-MAS Ornament
Set: German Male/Female Gingerbread Ornaments. 4" High, villeroy & Boch Germany. NEW.
Orig.Box. €20. chefsteven2015@
16cm. Cold Handles of Stainless
Steel. Dishwasher and Oven Safe.
Orig.Box. €330 chefsteven2015@
WMF Napkin Holder. Stainless
WMF Silverware 30 Pieces. Stainless Steel. Dishwasher Safe. WMF
Wristwatch Zodiac Sign. Gemini
Design. Black Leather Band. Orig.
Box. NEW. €25. chefsteven2015@
All ads & pics on
2013 pair of lazy chairs, leather
white. €230 for both chairs. Like
new condition. Please contact
Nathalie at macarthurnathalie@
3 & 2 Seat Couches, €500.00,
8 Drawer Dresser. Lots of storage space. 45"H. x 29"W x 14"D.
€70. Picture shows 2 Dressers.
Adjustable Full/Queen Size Bed.
Headboard, Footboard and Rails.
Cherry Wood. Very Sturdy. Assembly is easy, no tools required.
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Opening hours
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Page 30
Herald Union
Dental Care
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Caring, Friendly
American Staff
American Bedroom Set, €190,
(or make offer), consisting of dresser with 3part mirror, and 2 night
tables, solid oak with brass handles, very beautiful 06302-5554 fran
Antique 100 yr.old German china
cabinet, matching dining table
with 4 chairs. See photo on KA
classifieds web page. Contact
Eric and Mia at 063759949674,
Antique Bench, with cushion seat, storage space and wheels.
See photo on KA classifieds web
page. Contact Eric and Mia at
Antique corner desk. See photo
on KA classifieds web page. Contact
Antique English Book Case, $75,
45 inches high, 11 inches deep,
29 inches wide. Curved Door with
Glass Insets. Side Panels with
Glass Insets, 2 Glass Shelves.
Buyer Must Pick Up. Please Call
0159 0297 6140.
Schrank $650. Call 06374-991073
pls leave amessage.
Antique reproduction secretary
desk. See photos on KA classifieds web page. Contact Eric and
Mia at 063759949674, €120,
Bed, Single w/mattress. Solid
wood frame. Mattress like new
Beige leather couch. Purchased
at City Polster. Original price
€1300. Real leather. Need space
else Id keep it.Must pick up in Rodenbach. $500, 017622987198 or
Brown Corduroy Upholstered
Chair, $25, Buyer Must Pick Up.
Please Call 0159 0297 6140,
CD/DVD Storage with 12 adjustable shelves. 45"H. x 26"W. x
10"DEEP. €25. chefsteven2015@
Complete German Water Bed
Luna- 12 Years Old, May need
one of two new water mattresses.It's disesembled. Must Pick
Coffee Table w/Magazine Shelf
and Glass Center Piece. 4x2ft.
16"High. €220. bethmary100@
Couch Relax Chair, €199, great
furniture use as a relax chair or
bed diff moves, cover washable,
like new, was new 398 euro at moebel martin, from a smoke and
pet free home, cell 015145261009
Couch set, €900, stefandsanya@
Couch Table. Glass Table with
Magazine Shelf (Wood). 46"L. x
Desk (with 3 rollout shelves).
30"H. x 35.5"W. x 18"Deep. €45.
Desk with Chair. $75.00 OBO.
Must be picked up in Saalstatdt. 063753889355.
Dining room table and five wooden chairs. (4 shown) €100,
Dining Table Set.Dining Table
with 4 Design Arm Chairs. Dining
Table 61.5"x44".Without Extension 44"Diameter. Great Condition.
. €
Cosmetic surgery - Free consultation
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loss • male breast • botox • fillers • fat transfer (treatment of wrinkles)
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Office - Phone: 06062 - 26 67 84 • Hotline: 0160 - 91 92 78 45 • w w w . p r o f - d r - m i c h e l . c o m
Wiesbaden Dental Care
0611-9887 26 50
Bahnstrasse 14
65205 Wiesbaden
Ramstein Dental Care
06371-40 62 30
Poststrasse 1
66877 Ramstein
Certified American
Dental Hygienists
Tricare Preferred Provider
March 17, 2016 ������������������������������������������������������������������������� www�herald-union�com
All ads & pics on
Dining Room Table & Chairs.
$350.00 OBO. Large table with
18" leaf, 4 regular chairs, 2 arm
chairs. Must pick-up in Saalstadt.
06375-3889355. j_c_hudson@ya
Free Wooden Dining Set. A classic! Table(41x41")plus 2 leaves
(12" wide each). 4 chairs. No major damage, just small nicks. May
want to refinish top. If you can
haul it, it's yours! Call 0631 41 23
71 34 Kaiserslautern
Large 4 Section Closet (Schrank),
$250, 7ft 4in by 11ft 5in (3 sections are 3ft 3in wide, 1 section is
1ft 8in wide). Two Clothes Hanging Rails, Many Shelves. We will
help take apart. Buyer Must Pick
Up. Please Call 0159 0297 6140
La-Z-Boy Rocker Recliner, $75,
Dark Green Fabric, Clean and Cozy. Buyer Must Pick Up. Please
Call 0159 0297 6140.
Solid rustic oak dining room,
€500, (or make offer) cabinet
3,80m long, table 2m long with 8
Freestanding south facing house
4bedrooms, 2livingrooms, baths,
bik, pantry, laundry, balcony, double garage, rent €1450 +, call
TV Stand with 4 Wheels. 3 Le- 06322 958122or 015775332365
vels. 46.5"W x15"D x20"H. Great
Kusel - Ehweiler: Freestanding 4
bedr., 2 bath, built-in-kit.,
nimgrm., patio, yard, Garage
White IKEA Twin Trundle Beds w/ 1460,-- € + util www.agra-immobili
Mattresses, $175, Buyer Must 06371-57656
Pick Up. Please Call 0159 0297
bedr., 2 ½ bath, 2 built-in-kit., liWhite luxus designer couch, 37in ving-diningrm., basement, patio,
W X 82in L, asking $875.00 or yard, 2 garages, 1.650,--€ + util
BO. Excellent condtion. More in- 06371fo, please after 1700 hrs. Cell 57656
Wooden bookshelf. See photo
on KA classifieds web page. Contact
at All ads & pics on
German contractor looking for
an on post and part time inspector. Position ideal for army wives.
Contact Livier Tel 0152 28685096
All ads & pics on
All ads & pics on
There have been reports of
pets being sold from breeding facilities that are not managed at the highest professional standards. Please
choose your pet carefully.
Make sure you check the credentials of the people selling
the pet, and get proper paperwork showing shots and/
or other proof of healthy condition. For further advice,
consult your Veterinarian.
Cute English bulldog puppies for
good homethey are very friendly
with kids and other pets in the
house, they are vet checked,
currently on all shots, Akc reg, pedigreethey come with all papers
Kinder Art. Creative and classical
hands-on art instruction combined w/ exposure to various musical generes. 90 minute classes
All ads & pics on
MRE (Meal Ready to Eat) Wanted!!! Offers to: 0170-1910484
Seeking Racquetball partner. Retired guy 63 desires a Racquetball
partner, M/F, WI area, couple times a week on base for exercise,
fun, NOT competition. Been years
since I've played. Ready to play
All ads & pics on
Cute Yorkie puppies available for
good momBeautiful AKC yorkie
Terrier puppies. they are awaiting Various dresses for women, size
All ads & pics on for their forever home. . beautiful S and M. They can be bought at
our fleamarket stand in MehlinLookin for Sportster parts or a bi- thick silky coat, nice compact bogen. Ask for Marianne. Every
ke ( Ironhead too ) which needs
turday from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Absome work, basket case or sittin
trasse, 67678 Mehlingen
longer time too. BT Ultra Classic
perhaps too. Just make me your
offer what you have and we will
Country Home Baiersbronn: built see.
Various long-sleeve blouses for
1992, 250sqm, 2BR, 2.5baths,
All ads & pics on women, size S and M. They can
livrm, dinrm, BIK+closets, floor hebe bought at our fleamarket stand
at, wellnessrm w/sauna+whirlin Mehlingen. Ask for Marianne.
pool, wine cellar, office, hobbyrm,
Professional Services are of- Abtstrasse, 67678 Mehlingen.
465000€, All ads & pics on
fered by registered busines- Every Saturday from 7 a.m. to 4
07449913773 Tom & Ilka Fremin
ses as well as private peo- p.m.
ple. To ensure a satisfactory
Lookin for friends, female/male
service experience, please alwho likes harleys, works on them,
ways ask for credentials and
who are into Rock music, good
deny payments up front. For Various shirts for women. Size S
food, havin fun, BBQ, beeing outand M. They can be bought at our
All ads & pics on side and enjoying a good time to- cleaning services, arrange fleamarket stand in Mehlingen.
for payments after a final
gether. Just email me and we will
walk-through and inspection Ask for Marianne. Every Saturday
Freest house in Alsenborn 4BR see
from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Abstrasse,
of the clean house.
liv/din rm bik panrty rm laundry
67678 Mehlingen
rm 2,5 baths terrace yard, storage
rm in shed and covered grill area WM,,
free park spot 155 sqm liv space Looking for female from 40 + for
US & German Divorces • Support Issues
€1100+util+€30 for extra rm, friendship or more. Like BBQ, mc
Wills and Probate • Employment • EEO • MSPB
drivin etc.
0174-7403626 / 06303-925656
Personal Injury • Contractor Issues • Tax
Love Seat, $75, Warm Gold Fabric, Clean and Cozy. Buyer Must
Pick Up. Please Call 0159-0297
Mantel Clock from the 60 era.
Key wind chines on the half and
full hour, $70.00, spvendor@
Mattress Pad. Full Size. Tommy
Hilfiger. Great Condition. No
Stains. Euro 20. bethmary100@
Metal Coat Rack with Brass Buttons Very Sturdy 69"H. x 16"W.
Queen Size, Brushed Nickel Finish, Metal Gauge Tubing, Solid
Bar Wire, Delivery available, €250,
One Each 2&3-Seat Couches,
€500.00. Like new from smoke &
pet-free home, anthracite-colored
cloth front & back. New price
1450€ asking 500€. Pick up in Siegelbach. Call 06301-7988092 after 8PM.
Recliner couch loveseat leather,
real leather black, works great not
often used, very comfy, back pillows come off easy to carry, cell
Solid Oak table with 4 matching
chairs for sale. Table can be extended with an extra leaf. To pick
up in Rodenbach. Call 01711805105
Zither, €950 (or make offer), fran,
near Sembach
CALL 069-299-2069-0
Enlist our tax expertise.
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t4FSWJDFBOETVQQPSUBMMJO&OHMJTI JOGP!QKTOFUDPN ..............................................................................March 17, 2016 Herald Union Page 31