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Wiesbaden: Our home in Germany
Vol. XXIII, No. 20
July 7, 2016
Celebrating fun and friendship
Winner hopes to use
voice to be an advocate
for military young people
By Jacob Corbin
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs
One military youth took the next step in a
competition to see who the best military youth
is, June 23.
Elizabeth Jacobson, a member of the Ramstein
Air Base Youth Center, took the title of Overseas
Military Youth of the Year at the competition,
held here at the Community Activity Center.
The Military Youth of the Year competition
is a component of the National Youth of the Year
program, held by the Boys and Girls Clubs of
Photos by Erin Gavle
rides and enjoy
carnival food and
live music at the
German-American Friendship
Festival June 30
to July 4.
See story and
page 16.
See ‘Youth’ on page 6
Traffic improvements coming
By Amy L. Bugala
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden
Public Affairs
As part of a road and traffic safety
improvement project, Hargis Street
on Clay Kaserne will no longer be
a through street and is officially
closed as of June 27.
Hargis Street, Wheaton Avenue,
Heerstrasse, Lucas Street, and
King Avenue, known locally as the
Surgeon General
visits Wiesbaden
Lt. Gen. Nadja West, Army
Surgeon General, stops at
Clay Kaserne,
page 9.
5-corner intersection, will undergo
resurfacing and restriping over the
next six months to improve the
vehicle and pedestrian safety at
the intersection according to Eddie Johnson, Directorate of Public
Works director. Permanently closing Hargis to through traffic is just
the first phase of project.
“Hargis is a narrow street and
was never designed for two-way
traffic, or meant to be used as a
main access road,” said Mike Jungeman, deputy director of emergency
services, U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden. “Closing Hargis where it
intersects at Wheaton Avenue, near
the health clinic, will improve traffic safety at that intersection before
road work even begins.”
Paying it
Shopping spree
winner helps
page 2.
See ‘Traffic’ on page 4
Photo by Jacob Corbin
Overseas Region Military Youth of the
Year Elizabeth Jacobson (third from left)
is presented her award for being selected
as the Europe Region Military Youth of the
Year by Ed Brown (left), Director of Organizational Development with the Boys and
Girls Clubs of America; Natalia Lynch (second from left), 2014 Military Youth of the
Year; and RianSimone Harris (right), 2015
Military Youth of the Year, June 23 at the
Clay Kaserne Fitness Center.
Jobs in Romania
and Bulgaria
Positions are now
open to current
employees, page 13.
News and features
Spree winner pays it forward
Vigilance reminder
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden community members
are reminded to remain vigilant and practice personal
protection measures at all times. If you see something, say
something immediately, call the MP desk at (0611) 705114 or the Polizei at 110. Visit the USAREUR Reporting
Portal at
Personal protective measures:
Christine Thomas pushes her final shopping cart across the line without a second to
spare, after a frantic three-minute sweep of the Wiesbaden Commissary aisles, June 28.
Story and photo
by Amy L. Bugala
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden
Public Affairs
Who hasn’t spent a moment thinking about
what they might grab during a timed race through
a supermarket?
Christine Thomas has been pondering that
question for weeks after being randomly chosen during the annual Volunteer Recognition
luncheon for the Supermarket Sweep Event at
the Wiesbaden Commissary June 28.
However, for this Army wife, traditional
sweep strategies like grabbing big ticket items,
non-perishables, meats, razors, and spices, were
cast aside when PCS orders arrived for her husband, Sgt. Earl Thomas, 525th Military Working
Dog Detachment.
“My strategy is to push it forward and help
families here,” said Thomas whose household
goods were shipping to Fort Stewart, Ga. the
very next day, limiting what items she can take.
“I’m excited because of the opportunity to see
how many babies I can diaper, or how many dogs
can maybe get an extra bag of food.”
According to the rules of engagement,
contestants have three minutes to race through
the commissary without assistance, using five
pre-positioned carts. No more than two of each
product can be taken, and no rationed items like
coffee or tobacco are allowed.
Thomas, who has worked as a Zumba instructor in the community for the last three years, was
physically ready for the challenge.
“Everybody keeps telling me [I’m ready],
but this is a sprint, it’s different,” Thomas said.
“I’m hoping to not pull a ‘hammy.’ ”
Leo Dobash Wiesbaden Commissary store
director, gave Thomas one last opportunity to
peruse the aisles before the start.
“I left here last night thinking about these
families I am helping,” she said, confirming the
location of a few meat products and mentally
visualizing her moves.
“Are you ready?” asked Dobash.
“I’ll say ‘yes’, but really it’s ‘no’,” Thomas
Moments later she was flying through the
aisles grabbing food and merchandise, according to plan, along with a few spontaneous “purchases.” She finished with two carts
totaling $1,277.59 in merchandise, with quality
beef, diapers, Italian oils and toiletries topping
the list of items swept from the commissary
Thomas and her family may leave behind
much of the merchandise in Wiesbaden, but
will probably collect a few more friends before
they depart.
This is the seventh annual shopping spree
event hosted by the Wiesbaden Commissary and
sponsored by S&K Sales and Acosta.
– Stay informed via official channels, news reports,
etc., about current potential threats.
– Avoid large public gatherings such as demonstrations
or rallies. If you encounter such gatherings, leave the area
as quickly as possible.
– Keep a low profile and try to “blend in” to the local
environment. In public, avoid wearing or carrying overtly
American or military clothing or other items.
– Be unpredictable. Vary routines such as routes and
departure times to and from work.
– When traveling, become familiar with local emergency
numbers and places that could serve as refuge, such as a
military installation, embassy or police station. Learn or
carry a few key phrases in the local language, such as “I
need a police officer” or “I need a doctor.”
– Instruct your family and associates not to provide
strangers with information about you or your family.
– When leaving office or home, be sure to tell someone
where you’re going and when you expect to get there.
Crime Prevention
Protect your home by taking the following measures:
– When not present, lock doors and windows (close
– Ensure proper exterior lighting (motion sensors).
Leave a light on inside your home.
– Do not open your home to solicitation attempts.
– Report any suspicious activity in the neighborhood.
At events
– Carry bags and purses with the flap or lock side closest to your body.
– Do not leave bags, purses or jackets unattended or
draped over the back of a chair as a thief will take advantage of your inattention to strike.
– Large crowds bring out pickpockets. Avoid becoming
a victim by taking a few precautions: Carry only the necessary cash, debit, or credit cards to accomplish your planned
task and distribute your cash, cards and cell phone in different locations on your body to avoid losing everything.
Off-post uniform wear reminder
Wearing uniforms off-post is prohibited. There are only
a few exceptions to the no uniform wear off-installation
restriction. Uniform wear is not authorized while riding
motorcycles/scooters, bicycles or while on foot, or any
form of public transportation. Carrying backpacks or other
items that convey Department of Defense affiliation is
discouraged. DoD personnel in off-installation hotels may
wear uniforms when departing or arriving in an enclosed
vehicle, but uniform wear in public areas of hotels such
as breakfast, dining rooms or fitness rooms is prohibited.
Wearing uniform while escorting children to/from or
waiting at off-installation DoDEA bus stops is prohibited.
Herald Union published by
The Herald Union, printed exclusively for members of U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden, is an authorized, unofficial Army newspaper published under
the provisions of AR 360-1. Contents are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by, the U.S. government or the Department of Defense.
The editorial content is the responsibility of the USAG Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office. No payment is made for contributions. Everything advertised
in this publication shall be made available for sale, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status,
physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. This is a biweekly newspaper published by AdvantiPro GmbH and printed by Oggersheimer Druckzentrum. Circulation is 6,000 copies. For display advertising rates: call Jaqueline Samad at civ
(0631) 3033 5537, email; classified advertising rates: call Isabell Smith at civ (0631) 3033 5530 or post at
Editorial offices are in Building 1205 on Clay Kaserne. Address: USAG Wiesbaden, Herald Union, Unit 29623 Box 60, APO AE 090059623; Telephone: mil 548-2002; civ (0611) 143-548-2002; Email:; Home page:
Page 2
Herald Union
Command and newspaper staff
USAG Wiesbaden Commander......................Col. Todd J. Fish
USAG Wiesbaden CSM..........Command Sgt. Maj. Larry Addington
Public Affairs Officer............................................Anemone Rueger
Editor..................................................Jacob Corbin (mil 548-2002)
PA Specialist......................................Amy L. Bugala (mil 548-2003)
PA Specialist. .....................................Emily Jennings (mil 548-2004)
July 7, 2016 ..........................................................................
News and features
2nd Signal gets new leadership
By Erin Gavle
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden
Public Affairs
“It seems like I just stood up here
and said ‘This is awesome.’” Col. Ed F.
Buck Jr. said from the podium set up on
the basketball court of the Wiesbaden
Fitness Center. “And here I am, 24
months later, and I can still say ‘This.
Is. Awesome.’”
Buck is referring to his time leading
the 2nd Signal Brigade, which came to
an official end in a Change of Command
ceremony on June 30th, when command
of the brigade was assumed by Col. C.
Jeff Worthington.
According to Buck, 2nd Signal,
known as the “Brigade of Excellence,”
is the best brigade in the U.S. Army
to command. He joked that he was
jealous that someone else was taking
over, but told Worthington, “You are
the right guy, with the right skill set at
the right time,” and he looks forward
to seeing what Worthington will do
in the future.
In addition to major 2nd Signal
accomplishments, like running a successful exercise with British allies and
passing every major inspection, Buck
noted how invaluable the small things
all signal brigades do are to the Army
community. He explained that every
VTC, call and email sent and received
by soldiers was possible because in 2nd
Signal, “We make it happen.”
According to Col. Jimmy L. Hall Jr.,
the 5th Signal Command Commander,
and the ceremony’s Officiating Officer,
the event was a tribute to Buck’s time
well spent in command. “You’re leaving 2nd Signal better than you found
it. You’ve been a [key player] in accomplishing General Hodges’ vision
of a Strong Europe.”
To Worthington, Hall extended a
warm greeting. “Welcome to our Signal
family. We offer you our hands and our
hearts,” he said. “I guarantee your role
will not be insignificant.”
As the new commander, Worthington
expressed his gratitude for Buck’s prior
leadership. “Thank you for leaving the
brigade in such good shape. I look forward to working with them in the next
few years.”
He assured 2nd Signal that he was
prepared to lead them in the right direction. “I am here to serve you, your
families and those we support.”
Photo by Erin Gavle
Col. Ed F. Buck Jr. relinquished command of 2nd Signal Brigade to Col. C.
Jeff Worthington in a ceremony June 30 at the Wiesbaden Fitness Center.
Cloudy with a chance of construction
Tanks, Bradleys
back in Europe
By Maj. Randy Ready
Photo by Jacob Corbin
The mast and boom of the red crane that supported a construction project on Clay
Kaserne was dismantled June 24. For the past two years, three construction cranes,
each approximately 187 feet tall, dominated the skies over Wiesbaden, serving as a
point of reference for miles in any direction. Their removal is a sign of progress for
the European Infrastructure Consolidation project scheduled to be complete in 2017.
GRAFENWOEHR, Germany — The 1st Armored Brigade
Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division has brought Abrams Main
Battle Tanks and Bradley Fighting Vehicles back to the Baltics,
Central and Southeastern Europe
as they take over the Operation
Atlantic Resolve mission, July 1.
The 1st Brigade takes over
the U.S. Army’s Operation
Atlantic Resolve mission in
Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
from Soldiers of the 2nd Cavalry Regiment while also assuming the mission in Hungary,
Romania and Bulgaria.
The brigade previously took
over the Atlantic Resolve mission in Poland, May 1.
“Nothing demonstrates
commitment like having U.S.
Soldiers and heavy armored
equipment on the ground train- ............................................................................. July 7, 2016
ing side-by-side with ourAllies,”
said Col. Phil Brooks, the commander for 1st Brigade. “This
is a clear demonstration of our
continued commitment to the
collective defense of Europe.”
As the regionally allocated
force for U.S. European Command, 1st Brigade is responsible
for serving as the European
Rotational Force and the NATO
Response Force.
“We look to build on the relationships developed during our
previous rotations and continue
to build interoperability with
our allies and partners so that
we can operate seamlessly as a
combined force,” said Brooks.
Since April 2014, U.S.
Army Europe has led the U.S.
military’s land forces efforts
by conducting multinational
training and security cooperation activities with allies and
partners in eastern Europe.
Herald Union
Page 3
News and features
Traffic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
News flash
Continued from page 1
Traffic advisory for Hainerberg
Due to ongoing construction projects,
drivers should expect traffic disruptions on Hainerberg for the next several
months. Please be advised of the following changes:
- The exit-only access gate next to the
Hainerberg Exchange facilities is closed
for vehicle and pedestrian traffic due to
the Access Control Point construction.
All traffic must exit at the Hainerberg
Gate at New York Strasse until the new
ACP opens this Fall. Due to this gate
closure, the Hainerberg Gate at New
York Strasse will no longer provide
dual-lane entry between the hours of
7:30 to 8:30 a.m. on weekdays.
- A portion of Washingtonstrasse nearest
the Exchange will narrow and become
one lane.
- The Washingtonstrasse entrance/ exit
to the Exchange parking lot will be restricted to service and delivery vehicles.
- Vehicle access to the Exchange parking lot will be from Texasstrasse only.
Drivers are advised to stay alert for
revised permanent road signage, use
caution until familiar with new traffic
patterns and adjust travel times accordingly.
Exchange hours change
The main Exchange on Hainerberg
is now open at 9 a.m. Monday through
Saturday. Sunday hours remain 10 a.m.
to 7 p.m.
Temp sign-in procedures
for Hainerberg
Visitor passes will not be issued at the
Hainerberg Gas Station Access Control
Point through July 10 due to logistics
surrounding the German- American Fest.
Sponsors can sign in guests at the main
Hainerberg ACP or obtain a visitor pass
up to three days from Amelia Earhart
or Clay Kaserne. A valid visitor pass
obtained from other U.S. Army Garrison
Wiesbaden ACPs can be used to access
Summer fire safety
Grills and commercially purchased
fire pits may be used under the following
Grills and fire pits shall be located
a minimum of 20 feet (6 meters) from
buildings, in a clean and clutter-free
area, away from combustible materials,
shrubbery and overhanging tree branches
or canopies. A fire extinguisher or garden hose with a spray nozzle should be
nearby. Do not leave a grill or fire pit
unattended at any time until all embers
have been extinguished and cooled
Page 4
Herald Union
Rendering by Directorate of Public Works
The diagram shows Hargis Street as a dead end at Wheaton Avenue. Road work to improve the safety of
the intersection will begin July 13 and continue through fall.
The five-corner intersection was
identified as one area of concern
during a transportation development
study completed for Clay Kaserne in
January of 2016. The study was contracted to validate the overall master
plan designed to make Clay a more
walkable community.
The study observed a couple of
safety concerns at the intersection to
include poor line of sight for drivers
approaching the intersection traveling
in the direction of Newman Village,
and general issues with pedestrian
safety. Jungeman said these same
concerns have been observed by both
residents and garrison engineers.
The second phase includes road
work to realign the intersection
and improve crosswalks, lighting
and landscaping to safely integrate
pedestrians and bicycles. Phased
road closures along Wheaton/King
Avenues and Heerstrasse/Lucas Street
are required and scheduled to take
place as follows:
- July 13 to Aug. 28, Heerstrasse will
be closed
- Aug. 29 to Sept. 16, HeerStrasse
and King Avenue will be closed
- Sept. 19 to Oct. 16, Lucas Street will
be closed
Jungeman advises drivers to stay
alert for detours and to use caution
until familiar with new traffic patterns.
USAG Wiesbaden summer hires get sworn in
Photo by Jacob Corbin
Summer hires for U.S.
Army Garrison Wiesbaden get sworn in
June 27. The program
provides unskilled jobs
involving clerical, light
labor and childcare
duties and is open to
qualified family members of active duty
servicemembers and
DoD civilian employees
throughout Europe.
July 7, 2016 ..........................................................................
News and features
Customer service award winners
Photos by U.S. Army Garrison
Wiesbaden Public Affairs
Clockwise from top left:
Andrea Peterson, Ezekiel Waan, Lewis Pullum,
Jacob Corbin, Deborah
Julian and Patrick Hoban
were presented a customer service award and
a check for $500 by Col.
Todd J. Fish in recognition of their process improvements, eagerness
to assist others and internal customer service
Nominations must be
a Customer Service
Awards Board member.
Soldiers and civilian employees are eligible.
The used
 
 
car guys
Weilerbacherstr. 110
67661 Kaiserslautern
Jacob-Pfeifer-Str. 100
67661 Kaiserslautern
Hillstr. 45
54529 Spangdahlem
Am Lanzenbusch 1
66877 Ramstein
 0631 680 312 10
 0631 987 41
 06565 957 315
 06371 920 000 ∙
view our inventory - updated daily ............................................................................. July 7, 2016
Herald Union
Page 5
News and features
Youth . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Continued from page 1
Wood shop to offer
new monthly flat rate
By Karl Weisel
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden
Family and MWR Marketing
Photo by Jacob Corbin
Elizabeth Jacobson speaks about winning Military Youth
of the Year June 23 at the Community Activity Center.
America each year. It recognizes
a club member who served on a
military installation, according to
the Boys and Girls Club website.
“I consider myself lucky,
because I’ve been a part of Boys
and Girls Club-affiliated youth
centers my whole life,” Jacobson
said. “Who I am today stems from
my time with the youth center.”
Jacobson faced off against
Maya-Olivia Pugh, from the
Asia region, for the overseas
title, and was presented her
award by Col. Todd J. Fish,
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden
commander, and Ed Brown,
Director of Organizational
Development with the Boys and
Girls Clubs of America.
“I’m inspired by the two
young ladies I just heard speak,”
Fish said. “You are our future. A
lot of people will let opportunity
pass them by, but I don’t get that
feeling from you two.”
Former Military Youth of the
Year Winners Natalia Lynch,
herself a USAG Wiesbaden community member, and RianSimone
Harris both emceed the event and
spoke at the event about their time
as Military Youth of the Years.
“This youth of the year
journey, for me, has been such
a phenomenal ride,” Harris,
the 2015 winner, said. “I have
grown and gained so much
confidence this year.”
Lynch emphasized why it’s
important to hold the Military
Youth of the Year competition
and recognize military youth.
“Though they don’t wear a
uniform, military youth serve
too,” Lynch said.
She also had some advice
for Jacobson, as she goes on
into the competition.
“Your experiences will stay
with you,” she said. “I am proud
to be a military youth and a
military alumni.”
Jacobson, who said it feels
amazing to have won, hopes
to use her win to help military
youth everywhere.
“It’s great to be able to get so
far in the journey and have my
voice be heard,” Jacobson said.
“Now I can use that voice to
advocate for our military youth.”
As to why she won, and
why she’s doing well in the
competition, she gives credit
for that to others.
“I would attribute my success to my youth center,” Jacobson said. “Everything I do, I am
supported by the youth center.”
Anton Hehn Strasse 09
55246 Mainz Kostheim-Kastel
0 61 34 - 616 92
Page 6
Herald Union
There’s something extremely satisfying
about creating an object that is used and
treasured every day. That’s what patrons of
Wiesbaden’s Arts and Crafts Wood Shop have
been discovering for years.
“We’ve always maintained this is one of
Wiesbaden’s best-kept secrets,” said John
Gardner-Brown, Wood Shop manager. “We
really want to inspire new people to come in.”
With that in mind, the Wood Shop will offer
a new monthly flat rate starting July 15. It’ll
only cost $30 a month, regardless of the number
of times the patron comes in, Gardner-Brown
said, as opposed to the new $10 single use rate.
“I’ve been running the shop for 12 years
now, and hourly rates have stayed pretty much
the same. To keep up with hourly expenditures
we’ve adjusted the rates,” he said, adding that
the new monthly flat rate gives patrons an affordable way to start and complete a project
over the course of the month.
“This is a sanctuary where you can get
away from your everyday job, learn a new
craft and come away with a new skill. We’ve
built everything in here over the years,”
Gardner-Brown said, describing just a few of
the objects — tables, desks, coin holders and
even a model tank.
“In general it’s cheaper to build (or refurbish) your own furniture — and you get the
satisfaction of making the item. Sometimes
people come simply because they don’t have the
machinery at home. We’ve had Soldiers making
things for their barracks rooms — to better fit
the needs of their room — and to save money.
“Patrons can also make an object that can
be easily broken down and shipped when moving,” he said.
The shop manager added that plans are in
the works to offer more classes in the future.
“We’re trying to find a group of people who
all want to build the same thing — such as a
coffee table. We really want to get people in
Photo by Karl Weisel
John Gardner-Brown, manager of the Wiesbaden Arts and Crafts Center’s Wood
Shop, works on a custom-designed project for a patron’s military retirement.
who can learn enough to leave with something
tangible after their first visit.
“The only limitation is someone’s imagination,” Gardner-Brown said. “The sky’s the limit.
“The ideal thing is to each people enough to
build their own projects and then want to come
back. When you make your own furniture it’s
usually more durable.
“We’re giving people future life skills,”
he added.
Besides offering one-on-one instruction and
assistance, the Wood Shop also does custom
work for patrons.
The Arts and Crafts Center’s Wood Shop is
open Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
For more information about the new monthly
flat rate and other services stop by the center
in Building 1214 on Clay Kaserne or call civ
(0611) 143-548-9838.
Check out our website at
July 7, 2016 ..........................................................................
USAG Wiesbaden — Wackernheim, Wiesbaden
Community notes
Welcome to Wiesbaden
WiesbadenArmy Community Service conducts Host Nation
Orientations every Tuesday at
9 a.m. at the Wiesbaden Entertainment Center. Newcomers
are invited to learn more about
German culture, language and
public transportation and get tips
on living in Germany. Call civ
(0611) 143- 548-9201 for more
information. Learning German
is a great way to get the most
out of your experience living
overseas. See page 9 of this
issue for a variety of Germany
language resources.
Dining in Germany
Visit a different German
restaurant every month as
part of the Army Community
Service Relocation Readiness
“Mahlzeit Mit Frau Irmgard”
program. Participants can practice using public transportation
ask questions about local food,
drink and dining practices. The
next dining and learning opportunity is July 13. Call ACS
at civ (0611) 143-548- 9201 to
reserve a seat.
Rhine River Cruise
The Adjutant General Corp
Regimental Association and the
Wiesbaden chapter of the U.S.
Army Warrant Officers Association invites you to a 4-hour
scenic Rhein River cruise July
23 from 1 to 5 p.m. The boat will
depart from Rheingaustrasse
148, Wiesbaden-Biebrich. Tickets are 22 euro for adults and 12
euro for children 6 to 12; under
6 are free. Open to all ID card
holders. To purchase tickets go
or contact Capt. Dina Boley at
USO wine education
Learn about sparkling wines
from around the world at the
next Wiesbaden USO wine
education course, July 15.
Learn to buy, taste and experience blended wines July 29.
Classes cost $35 per person and
take place from 6 to 8 p.m. at
the USO Wiesbaden Cottage.
For more USO programs and
events during the month of July
download the “Eine Brücke”
USO magazine at http://eu.uso.
WEC Lounge Luau
The WEC Lounge is breaking out the mini umbrellas
and the Tiki Bar to give you a
taste of the Big Island during
a Luau July 30 from 9 p.m. to
2 a.m. Wear your favorite lei
and receive a door prize and
get loosened up for the limbo
competition. Call civ (0611)
143-548-9404 for details.
Fellowship, Bible study
Join the Wiesbaden Protestant Women of the Chapel for
fellowship, worship and Bible
study during their summer
sessions July 12 at the USO Pavilion on Hainerberg; and July
26 and Aug. 9 at the Clay Kaserne Chapel. All sessions meet
10 a.m. to noon. Watch care
available on first come, first
serve basis July 26 and Aug.
9 only. For more information
contact infowiesbadenpwoc@
so great at the upcoming USO
cooking classes with Chef Jan
Parker from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.
The July 8 class will feature
Korean Cuisine; July 25, Strawberry Cream Eclairs; Sept.
12, Chocolate Mousse with
Raspberry Eclairs; and Sept.19,
Pasta: Gnocchi, Spaghetti &
Lasagna. Classes cost $35 per
adult and take place at the USO
Wiesbaden cottage. Contact
Arts and Crafts Contest
Artists are invited to showcase their talents in the Family and MWR Army Arts and
Crafts contest. The competition
includes two separate divisions
— Novice and Accomplished
— with 10 categories in each
division: Ceramic Art, Digital Art, Drawings, Fiber Art,
Glass Art, Metal Art, 2D and
3D Mixed Media, Paintings
and Wood Art. Winners at the
Department of the Army level
will receive $300 for first-place,
$200 for second place and $100
for third place.
Participants must complete an online profile and
submit photos of the artwork
now through Aug. 12 on the
contest website https://cloud. For
more information about the
contest rules, see: 2016 Army
Arts and Crafts CONTEST
RULES.pdf or stop by the
Wiesbaden Arts and Crafts
Next CIE is in August
The next monthly Community Information Exchange will
be Aug. 23 at 9:30 a.m. at the
Community Activity Center.
Everyone is invited to attend
to learn more about what’s
happening in the community
during the month of September.
Auto Skills can help
The Wiesbaden Automotive
Skills Center on the North Side
of Clay Kaserne offers a variety
of services including a wheel
alignment service, tire pressure
monitor system repair, basic
maintenance class for spouses
and more. Stop by to find out
about these services or to work
on your own vehicle. Call civ
(0611) 143-548-6679.
Play in the playground
The New Parent Support
Program hosts play dates for
families with preschoolers at
alternating locations during the
summer months. Parents are
invited to meet and socialize
with other parents while their
children play. This summer’s
playdates and locations are:
July 8 and 22 at Clay Kaserne, Aumann Strasse Fairytale
Playground; Aug. 12 and 26 at
Crestview Housing, Pluto Weg
Playground and Gazebo; Sept. 9
and 23 at Hainerberg Housing,
Californiastrasse behind Bldg.
7741. For more information call
DSN 548-9201.
Concerts on the lawn
The U.S. Army Garrison
Wiesbaden and Family and
MWR are teaming up with the
U.S. Army Europe Band and
Chorus and host-nation bands
to bring live music to Newman
Village on Clay Kaserne. Free
concerts will be featured on the
following dates from 6 to 8 p.m.
July 13 – Musik Brigade
July 28 – To be announced
Aug. 25 – Hessen Police
USO Cooking Class
Love to eat? Love to cook?
Learn how professional chefs
make everything taste and look ............................................................................. July 7, 2016
Herald Union
Page 7
News and features
Voting is your Right and Responsibility
Send it home!
State Primary
State Primary
State Primary
State Primary
State Primary
State Primary
State Primary
State Primary
State Primary
State Primary
State Primary
State Primary
State Primary Runoff
State Primary
State Primary Runoff
Territory Primary
State Primary
State Primary
July 10, 2016
Michigan 8/2/16
Washington 8/2/16
Tennessee 8/4/16
Virgin Islands8/6/16
Minnesota 8/9/16
Wisconsin 8/9/16
Connecticut 8/9/16
S. Dakota 8/16/16
Wyoming 8/16/16
Oklahoma 8/23/16
Registration deadline is
Education Center Luau
For assistance contact the USAG Wiesbaden Voting
Assistance Officer at DSN 548-1312 or CIV 611-143548-1321. For more information on the Federal Voting
Assistance Program email or learn
more at
50 Years
in business
We at Auto Hollmann would like to invite you to stop by and visit our
Collision Center. We have seven collision/paint technicians with a combined
experience of years which enables us to fix your vehicle right the first
time. We at Hollmann feel that our employees are our strongest asset so
we work very hard to keep up to date with our training standards. Our
techs are factory trained along with various accomplishments from the
major paint manufactures.
Photos by Erin Gavle
Top: The Island Dancers: Mari-fe Wendt, Katie Moortel, Cris Weisbecker, Kim Sullivan
and Geneieve Brewer perform for community members June 29 at the Education Center
Luau Open House. Left: University of Oklahoma Site Director for Wiesbaden, Megan
McReynolds discusses education options
with a soldier at the OU table. Above: Katie
Moortel and Geneieve Brewer, members of
The Island Dancers perform a routine.
Direct repair shop with most major insurance companies.
Climate controlled paint booth and prep station.
Drive-on frame and unibody straightening rack for both full frame and
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Call or swing by Monday to Friday from 7 am to
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Page 8
Herald Union
Katerina Ramirez, Military Education Coordinator for University of Maryland University College Europe in Wiesbaden, speaks to community members about education
options while living overseas at the Education Center Luau Open House on June 29.
July 7, 2016 ..........................................................................
News and features
Resources abound for learning German
By Emily Jennings
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden
Public Affairs
Sprechen Sie Deutsch?
Even though Germans are
known for being able to speak
English, learning to speak their
language can greatly enhance
your experience of living in
Sure, you can get by in Germany (and probably most places)
without speaking the language,
but for those who will to be here
a while, being able to confidently
order food, buy a bus ticket, read
signs, ask for directions or just
chat with the locals can make for
a more enjoyable time.
So, what’s the best way to
learn German?
There are many resources
that can be useful even before
moving to Germany, such as
YouTube channels, mobile
phone apps and software programs, all of which have the
advantage of being available
at the time or location of the
user’s choice.
Once here, community
members have access to U.S.
Army Garrison Wiesbaden resources, such as the Wiesbaden
Library, Army Community
Service conversational classes
and USO courses, as well as
The University of Maryland—
The Wiesbaden Library
offers language resources in a
variety of formats. In an hour-
Off-post resources
The following resources are
available in the city of Wiesbaden. This is not a complete list.
Berlitz — Individual instruction, virtual instruction and immersion courses from beginner
to very advanced (www.berlitz.
VHS — Volkshochschule Wiesbaden offers reading and
writing, grammar, intensive
and day and evening courses
Language International — LI
offers private lessons while
staying in your teacher’s home
Inlingua — Focus on pronunciation by developing German
reading and writing skills. Inlingua offers day as well as
evening courses (http://www.
Logos — Small learning
groups, no obligation to stay for
a long period of time. It is possible to start a course immediately by joining existing groups,
free trial lessons, teaching materials provided (
long program on Aug. 18 at
4:30 p.m., library staff will
help people explore options
for learning German with their
audio CDs, books and online
learning program as well as tips
and tricks that will help people
get immersed in the language,
said JoAnn Ogreenc, supervisory librarian.
One thing she recommends
is putting what you’ve learned
into practical use, whether that
be out at a restaurant or at the
grocery store. “You have to
go out and talk to people in
If you can’t make it to the
class, don’t worry. Once a
user account is set up with the
library, their language database,
Mango, can be accessed at any
time, from anywhere in the
world. For more information,
call (0611)143-548-9821 or
visit the library in Building
1029 on Clay Kaserne.
A husband and wife volunteer team hosts free conversation-based classes at ACS.
Registration is mandatory and
the classes fill up quickly, said
Gigi Wilson, relocation readiness program manager. Classes
are held in building 7790, Room
22 in Hainerberg Housing. The
next class with open slots will
be from Oct. 4 to Nov. 1 on
Tuesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m.
Call (0611)143-548-9201 to
Photo by Emily Jennings
The Wiesbaden Library offers books, audio CDs and online resources for learning German.
The USO offers German
classes for $120. No experience
is necessary for Level I German.
This class gives students the
basics for being in Germany,
said Rose Torgerson, assistant
to the director, USO Rhein
Main Area. She added that the
course instructor is an invaluable resource about life here.
“The educational experience
goes much further than the
language; it really becomes an
education about the nuances of
culture in Germany, our home
away from home.”
Learning those cultural
differences, on top of being
able to communicate really
helps people adjust better to
life here and enjoy their time,
she said. “Living in another
country, even one as friendly
to Americans as Germany is,
is a huge change. German language classes, I believe, really
help instill that confidence to
embrace living here. It’s such
a unique and once-in-a-lifetime
experience and learning even
a little German helps people
make the most of it.”
Those interested can register
at the Clay Kaserne or main
Exchange USO locations or
call (0611) 7120-2890 for more
The University of Maryland-Europe, located in Bldg.
1023 East, Room 12 on Clay
Kaserne offers Elementary
German I and II beginning in
August. For more information, visit their office or call
Army Surgeon General visits Clay Kaserne
By Sgt. Daniel Cole
U.S. Army Europe Public Affairs
U.S. Army Europe Headquarters
based on Clay Kaserne welcomed Lt.
Gen. Nadja West, Army Surgeon General, June 23, as a part of her visit to
select installations in the region.
“This has been a great visit,” said
West. “The mission that we have here
for Army medicine in Europe is very
unique and very challenging but the
team here is up for the task. I am very
proud of what they do for our Army
here in Europe and for our Army in
West, a graduate of the United States
Military Academy, is the first female to
earn the rank of lieutenant general from
West Point.
Additionally, she is the first black
female lieutenant general.
While she has undoubtedly set the
bar high, it was not above her to spend
time at Clay Kaserne’s health clinic,
meeting with the Soldiers and civilians
working behind the scenes to ensure
every patient was cared for with the
utmost attention.
One of these Soldiers is Spc. Robert
Matson, a health care specialist, who
not only met West but had the opportunity to raise his right hand and
repeat the Oath of Enlistment led by
the general.
West will continue her tour in
Europe meeting with other health
commands in the area and building
relationships with those on her Army
medical team.
Photo by Emily Jennings
Lt. Gen. Nadja West, Army surgeon general, gives Spc. Robert Matson his
Oath of Enlistment June 23 at the Wiesbaden Army Health Clinic. ............................................................................. July 7, 2016
Herald Union
Page 9
Sports and leisure
Hofheim Summer Fest
Sports shorts
Women’s locker room construction
The women’s locker room at the Fitness
Center will be closed July 18 to 29 in order to
install dehumidifying equipment. During this
time, the locker room at the Tony Bass Fitness
Center will be available from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Monday to Friday.
Summer sports enrollment
Enrollment for summer sports is now
through July 29. The following programs are
for children 2 to 18 years old: Start Smart Flag
Football, Start Smart Golf, Start Smart Basketball, Youth Fitness Camps: Plyometrics and
Speed Training, Cheer Day Camp and Varsity
Cheer Day Camp, Hyper Evolution Football
Camp, Outdoor Dodgeball, Summer Bowling
and Soccer Camp. Stop by Parent Central Services or call civ (0611) 143-548-9356.
Youth sports physicals
All children eligible to participate in youth
sports and fitness programs and school activities
must have an annual physical. The Wiesbaden
Army Health Clinic is offering youth physicals
by appointment only to non-enrollees (family members of DoD civilians/contractors/
DoDEA) July 22 from 1 to 3:45 p.m. To make
an appointment call DSN 590-1303. Army
Dependents can book a youth physical during
any regular day appointment.
Photos by Hannah Kuhn
Above: U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Commander, Col. Todd J.
Fish, accompanied by the mayor
of Hofheim, Gisela Stang, and
Anemone Rueger, garrison public affairs officer, speaks to the
crowd at the Hofheim Summer
Fest June 26.
Left: The USAREUR Rhine River
Ramblers perform at the festival.
Diamond’s Elite Baseball Camp
IMCOM-E and Child, Youth and School Services is partnering with DoDEA, Major League
Baseball, and Dinger Bats to host Diamond’s
Elite Baseball Camp in Wiesbaden’ Newman
Village July 18 to 22. Camp is limited to 10
participants and geared towards elite baseball
and softball players ages 13 to 18 (on or before
July 18, 2016) as the training will be a MLBtype clinic to showcase players to scouts. Call
civ (0611) 143-548-9356.
G-A Exhibition Basketball Game
The German Professional Team, Fraport
Skyliners will face a Division I, NCAA team
from Boston, the Northeastern University
Huskies right here on Clay Kaserne. Don’t
miss this free exhibition basketball game at
the Wiesbaden Fitness Center August 25 at
3 p.m.
Hit the greens
Make your own four-person team for a
fun and competitive nine-hole scramble at
the Rheinblick Golf Course every Monday
from 6 to 9 p.m. Cost is $4 for Rheinblick
members, $14 for non-member ID cardholders.
Or unwind after the work week with a little
friendly competition during a Friday Night
Scramble on July 22 from 6 to 9 p.m. Cost is
$10 for members, $20 for non-member U.S.
ID cardholders. Golfers can also compete in
the Blickster Shamble Best Ball Golf Tournament July 30. Cost is $20 for members or $35
for U.S. ID cardholder non-members. Call civ
(0611) 548-5485.
Page 10
Herald Union
Health Clinic change of command
Photo by Dee Crawford
Center Commander Col. James A.
Clinic guideon to
outgoing WAHC
commander Col.
LaShanda Cobbs
during a change
of command ceremony on Clay
Kaserne June 28.
Incoming WAHC
Commander Lt.
Col. Nelson So
stands at center.
July 7, 2016 ..........................................................................
Sports and leisure
Berlin – Built for efficiency, not affection
By Paul Hughes
AFN Wiesbaden
When I think back to a visit to Prague,
my memory gives me an overwhelming
sense that I had seen something incredible
— the beauty, history and architecture.
When I think back to Paris, my memory
serves up a feeling of grace, elegance and
cultured romanticism. When I think back
to London I remember the ceremony,
tradition and hustle and bustle. When
I think back to Berlin, I think of, well,
actually, I can’t quite put my finger on it.
Arriving on a wet Friday at the incredibly modern and shiny “Hauptbahnhof” (Main Train Station), everything
was just how it should be albeit with a
curious sterility. There are trains, shops
and many tourists as you would expect,
but when you step off the train at Milano
Centrale, London Paddington, or Paris
Gare du Nord, your first breath fills you
with an immediate sense of the city.
Millions of people have walked before
you through these buildings that were
built to be noticed. Train stations are the
historic gateways into cities and were
designed to be grand and impressive. In
Berlin, I got a sense that this was distinctly German - in that it was built for
efficiency, not necessarily for affection.
Berlin is a young city, even younger
when you think that it has only been unified since 1990. In fact, if I am honest,
I do not believe that I ever truly understood the magnitude of the Berlin Wall
and its impact on the city until I visited
what is left of it. Visiting the Berlin Wall
Memorial on Bernauer Str., you will read
Idstein Jazz Festival
Listen to more than 30 bands, playing
on six stages in Idstein’s picturesque
old town July 8 to 10. Exhibitions, attractions for kids, information and sale
stands as well as a rich variety of food
make the Idstein Jazz Festival a great
experience for young and old.
Heidelberg castle lighting
Don’t miss the unforgettable Heildeberg Schlossbeleuchtung or castle
lighting and fireworks display July 9.
This event is held three times every
summer in memory of the three times
the castle went up in flames (1689, 1693
and 1764). After the castle “burning”
enjoy a 15-minute fireworks display
launched from the Old Bridge.
Hochheimer Winefest
Enjoy great wines in a unique
atmosphere during the 67th annual
Hochheimer Winefest, July 8 to 11. The
fest is one of the largest wine festivals
stories about “defectors, escapers, spies
and snipers” that bring to life what is now
unthinkable in a modern, unified Europe.
Much of the city was obviously destroyed in WWII, so aside from a visit
to the Berlin Wall, touristic buildings of
historic importance are harder to come
by. When the city was rebuilt, it was
done so without much affection towards
its past. You will of course on any visit
take time out to see the Reichstag, where
the German Parliament sits, then there’s
the Brandenburg Gate and the Victory
Column, but then what?
I’m sure many Berliners will feel
justified in screaming at their computers
citing buildings of note I have failed to
mention, but from my point of view,
had I gone to Berlin just to see the sites
then I would have left disappointed. I
suggest you have to dig deeper. For me
Berlin needed to be felt, in order to really experience it. Luckily for me, we
happened to discover the Mauerpark.
Taken from the Mauerpark website
( “Situated in what
was once the militarized “death strip” of
the Berlin Wall (or Mauer) that divided
East and West, Mauerpark is now a social,
cultural, and artistic center of the city.”
Visiting Mauerpark on a Sunday is
like visiting a hipster’s paradise. Not only
do you have the park, but also a “Flohmarkt” (Flea Market) and Hundreds of
stalls selling clothes, music and treasures
from all over the world. Catering stands
cook up delicacies from all cultures such
as, Japanese fish, Mexican Burritos,
Turkish Falafel, and French Crepes,
Photo by Paul Hughes
Street entertainers perform a routine at an amphitheater in Berlin.
something for every taste. Once you have
tired of this (or you run out of Euro) you
can visit the Mauerpark proper.
Stepping through into the park, I first
noticed a large gaggle of people gathered
around a three-piece band. They were
playing funky rock with electric instruments and amplifiers, hooked up to an
old car battery. On the other side of the
park stood an amphitheater built into
the hillside, where a large audience was
watching a street performer. Between
here and the amphitheater, the park was
littered with small groups of people dancing to music, cooking out, and soaking
up the friendly atmosphere that’s laid on
by the cosmopolitan people of the city.
This was the Berlin I had heard about,
but in the first two days of my visit had
just not discovered.
Leaving the park a few hours later to
Things to do
in the Rheingau region where you can
listen to 25 different bands on seven
different stages. The fest opens July 8
at 5 p.m.; July 9 at 3 p.m.; July 10 at 11
a.m. with Sunday shopping open from
1 to 6 p.m.; and July 12 at 5 p.m. The
fest stays open until midnight every day
(Hochheim am Main, 65239).
USO Vineyard Bike Tour
The USO hosts a family-friendly
bike tour in the vineyards around MainzKostheim, July 23. The tour starts at 9:45
a.m. on Clay Kaserne. Participants can
sample three locally produced wines,
accompanied by soft pretzels and juice
for the kids. The tour will end back at
Clay Kaserne with a BBQ lunch. Tour
costs $10 for Adults; and $5 for children
under 12. Price includes bike guide,
wine and lunch. BYOB: Bring your own
bike! Contact
Trips and more with ODR
Wiesbaden Outdoor Recreation is
going all out to offer a wide range of
travel adventures. ODR will visit the
Kletterwald Ropes Course July 16.
Enjoy a three-hour climbing package
that meets your skill level. Jump in the
saddle for a Stromberg Mountain Bike
Tour July 17, a trip to Cologne July 23
to 24, and a visit to the Danish capital,
Copenhagen, July 29 to 31. Call civ
(0611) 143-548- 9801.
International beer festival
For three days, the banks of the
Rhine river in Mainzer Rheinufer at
Kurfürstlichen Schloss will transform
into a Mecca for beer lovers during the
18th annual Mainzer Bierbörse, July
8 to 10. Visitors can discover 60 beer
catch the train home, I think I understood
Berlin for the first time. It’s about easygoingness, acceptance of individuality,
and embracing it. Just in this one park,
it was all being physically demonstrated
through art and culture by the people.
My memory of that day, of all those
people in the park is enough to make me
feel like I belonged there. It is no longer
a memory of a disappointing visual tour
around Berlin; now it is a memory about
the excitement, curiosity and envy that
others get to permanently live amongst it.
Berlin may have been built for efficiency. But affection for it, has been
built by the people.
Experience Berlin for yourself with the
USO on their Berlin overnight tour Aug 27
to 28 priced at $349 per adult. Pick up a
copy of the “Eine Brucke” from your local
USO center today, for more information.
and snack shops, national and international specialties. The fest opens July
8 and 9 at 5 p.m.; and July 10 at noon
(Rheinufer am Kurfürstlichen Schloss,
55116 Mainz).
Schiersteiner Harbor Festival
The Schierstein Harbour Festival
will take place July 8 to 11. Head down
to the harbor to see the Schierstein
Dragonboat Regatta, and the legendary river swimming during this festival
which opens July 8 at 3 p.m. with the
Dragonboat Races taking place July 9
and 10 starting at 9 a.m.
Enjoy a short break by heading to
the beach! From now until July 31 the
Mucke-Beachclub on the sandy shore of
the Eltville Rhine is open every weekday at 2 p.m. and weekends at 11 a.m.
Parking is available or jump on bus 171
and get off at Schwimmbad. Check out (Eltville
am Rhein, 65343 Germany). ............................................................................ July 7, 2016
Herald Union
Page 11
News and features
Army cyber events attract new technologies
By Claire Heininger
U.S. Army
Md. — Cyber Blitz. Cyber Quest. Cyber
Innovation Challenge.
Feeling the whiplash? Good — then
hackers and attackers will, too.
Seeking to attract cutting-edge
technologies from the public and
private sectors as it equips a growing
cyber force, the Army has established
a series of events to quickly evaluate,
integrate — and in some cases, purchase — cyber capabilities. As part of
the Army’s broader cyber equipping
strategy, the distinct but linked events
are fueling the early experimentation
that leads to more agile and informed
“We have to understand what is
already out there,” said Portia Crowe,
director of cyber operations at the Army
Program Executive Office for Command, Control and CommunicationsTactical. “There’s a lot of capability that
industry has, and it may not be specific
to the Army, but we can tweak it and
adapt it to what we really need it to be.
So every cyber experiment we do puts
us leaps and bounds ahead of where we
would be if we had to develop these
capabilities on our own.”
Set in field and laboratory environments, the three experiments share the
goals of assessing prototypes, validating concepts and informing future
requirements for capabilities that will
allow commanders and Soldiers to
understand, detect and counter cyber
Where they differ is in the operational context, specific focus areas and
maturity levels of the technologies under
evaluation, as well as the immediate
outcomes for industry and government
Photo by Capt. Meredith Mathis
Soldiers from the 25th Infantry Division out of Hawaii participated in the
U.S. Army’s Cyber Blitz April 2016 at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst,
Spc. Spencer Secord, right, an intelligence analyst assigned to D
Company, 14th Brigade Engineer
Battalion, 2-2 ID, helps camouflage
Sgt. Alfredo Munoz, a cryptologic
linguist also assigned to D Company during a cyber training exercise
at Joint Base Lewis McChord, Oct.
20, 2015.
participants. Together, they form a broad
net that allows the Army to put cyber
capabilities under the microscope and
in the hands of Soldiers to influence
integrated acquisition and technology
“Cyber Warfare is a revolution in
military affairs,” said Col. Joseph Dupont, trail boss for the Army Cyber Acquisition Task Force. “With that, many
are working hard to enable the Army to
conduct operations in cyberspace. Cyber
Blitz, Cyber Quest and Cyber Innovation
Challenge are not competing events.
They complement each other through a
partnership to inform decisions and give
program managers a venue to quickly
assess the operational readiness of new
Some of the events are:
• Cyber Blitz, which held its inaugural event in April at Fort Dix, New
Georgia, is executed by the Army’s training and doctrine community, specifically
the Cyber Center of Excellence (CoE).
Cyber Quest aims to provide a rigorous,
integrated operational setting — with a
near-peer threat that reaches from the
brigade to the squad level — in order to
evaluate technology solutions that have
achieved TRL 6/7 status.
Driven by the Army’s priority cyber
requirements, Cyber Quest 2016 will
focus on integrating situational understanding tools for cyber and electronic
warfare, as well as demonstrating tactical
radios as electronic warfare solutions
at the tactical edge. Next year’s Cyber
Quest 2017 will address other capability
areas including forensics and malware
detection, insider threat detection, defensive cyber operations mission planning
and various tactical electronic warfare
Photo by Kristen Kushiyama/ U.S. Army CERDEC
Jersey, is executed by the Army science
and technology community, specifically
the Communications-Electronics Research, Development and Engineering
Center (CERDEC) Space and Terrestrial
Communications Directorate. Combining CERDEC’s integrated modeling and
simulation environment with its lab and
field-based risk reduction processes,
Cyber Blitz looked to address how the
Army is adapting the physical construct
of the main command post and interactions between different staff functions
to execute cyber and electromagnetic
activities. Future Cyber Blitz events,
taking place twice a year, will expand
to include pre-Technology Readiness
Level (TRL) 6 materiel solutions focused on broad capability gaps affecting
cyber and electromagnetic operations at
the tactical level.
• Cyber Quest, which will conduct its
first annual event in July at Fort Gordon,
US, allies, partner nations gather for exercise
By Capt. Scott Kuhn
YAVORIV, Ukraine —
Rapid Trident 16, an exercise
involving the U.S., Ukraine
and 11 additional NATO and
Partnership for Peace nations,
officially kicked off at the International Peacekeeping and
Security Center here Monday.
Rapid Trident 16’s primary
focus is on defensive operations
and validating training of units
attending the Joint Multina-
Page 12
tional Training Group-Ukraine
program at the IPSC. The Joint
Multinational Training GroupUkraine program consists of a
55-day long rotation that trains
Ukraine soldiers in individual
and collective tasks.
Ukraine Col. Eduard Moskalyov, co-director of the
exercise and first deputy
commander of Operational
Command North greeted participants and thanked them
for their commitment. “I
congratulate you on the begin-
Herald Union
ning of the training and hope
you feel enthusiasm, vitality
of spirit and body, rewarding
professional development and
mutual support with reliable
new comrades in arms,” he
During the course of the
two-week exercise the partner
nations will conduct a brigadelevel command post exercise
integrated with both situational
and field training exercises. All
of this is aimed at enhancing
joint combined interoperability
among Ukraine, U.S., allied and
partner nations.
“Your training efforts over
the next two weeks contribute to
the regional security of Europe,
expand mutual cooperation,
and assist Ukraine in furthering their Defense Reform and
Modernization efforts,” said
U.S. Army Col. Nick Ducich,
Co-director of the exercise
and commander of JMTG-U
speaking to the assembled
The exercise includes nearly
2,000 personnel from Ukraine,
the United States, Bulgaria,
Canada, Georgia, Great Britain,
Moldova, Lithuania, Norway,
Poland, Romania, Sweden and
“Today’s presence here
of such a powerful cohort of
our partners and comrades in
arms demonstrates the broad
international support for the
struggle of the Ukrainian nation
for sovereignty and territorial
integrity as a democratic European state,” said Moskalyov.
July 7, 2016 ..........................................................................
News and features
Jobs available in Bulgaria, Romania
Positions are now
open to IMCOM-E
employees only
By Michael Formica
Director of IMCOM-Europe
We have a new mission
inside of Europe.
Camp Mihail Kogalniceanu, Romania, and Novo Selo
Training Area, Bulgaria, are
forward operating sites that
support EUCOM’s mission in
East Europe.
Both are contingency bases,
but unlike other places around
the world, they are not located
in a hostile fire or hazardous
duty location. This is a great
opportunity for our Army
professionals to gain experience in a contingency base
environment without some of
the hazards that many of you
have encountered in places like
Afghanistan or Iraq.
IMCOM-Europe is assuming responsibility for base
operations at Camp MK and
Novo Selo with IMCOM personnel to bringing expertise and
experience to these contingency
bases. We are offering an opportunity for our IMCOM-Europe
employees to volunteer for this
exciting new mission, while
living in Romania and Bulgaria.
If interested, please read this
entire letter, which explains the
pros and cons (there are some of
each). If you are interested and
qualify for any of the positions
listed at the end, send your resume to Damon.K.Wilford.civ@ of USAG Ansbach S1.
He will screen and send
resumes to CPAC for their
concurrence on who meets
the criteria to be selected.
Employees must be qualified
for the position in Romania
or Bulgaria just as if the announcements were for openings
at U.S. military installations
in Germany, Belgium or Italy.
Like any Department of the
Army civilian job announcement, USAG Ansbach will
convene a panel to screen and
score qualified resumes. From
there, officials will interview
applicants just like we would
for any other position.
The big difference and a big
plus for us here: because this
process is limited to IMCOMEurope employees initially,
the selection process will be a
by-name request. Accordingly,
employees must be eligible to be
placed noncompetitively to the
grade of the position for which
the application is submitted.
If we cannot fill these
positions inside of IMCOMEurope, then any slot not
filled will be announced on
USAJOBS. We may not offer
an Overseas Tour Extension
(OTEX) and bonuses once we
go to USAJOBS. That is why
this is an early opportunity for
you to support a great mission.
There are some rules we
have to follow concerning
promotions for those of you
currently serving in a position
at a lower grade than the grade
of the vacancy. Indicate in your
resume why you are eligible or
why you meet the requirements
for the promotion. CPAC and
USAG Ansbach will determine
this against OPM qualification
standards. They will review
your resume and eligibility to
make a determination.
If you do not meet the requirements, you can make a decision if you want move forward
or not. Like any job, we have to
meet EEO and OPM rules. This
is a great opportunity; but we
have to follow the right rules.
As mentioned, there are
some pros and cons, including:
a. This is an eight-hour/40hour work week. Unlike other
contingency bases, there is an
opportunity to serve without
necessarily working a 72-hour
work week. This is not to say
there will not be times or days
where the unit has to surge to
meet support requirements.
However, unlike other places
our goal here is to have a routine
work week. We will assign all
volunteers under Temporary
Change of Station (TCS) status
for 18-24 months while stationed in Romania or Bulgaria.
b. Everyone needs to know
that folks currently receiving a
living quarters allowance (LQA)
will have to switch their LQA
from one country to another. You
will lose your LQAfor Germany,
Positions Available
Deputy Support Team Commander: GS0301-14
Community Relations Specialist: GS-1035-11
Admin Support Specialist: GS-0303-09
Human Resources Specialist: GS-0201-9/11;
Postal Clerk: GS-0303-07
DEERS/RAPIDS Systems Specialist: GS0303-09
DEERS/RAPIDS Systems Specialist: GS0303-07
Operations Plan Specialist: GS-0301-13
Management Analyst: GS-0343-11
Supervisor Recreation Specialist: GS-0301-12
Recreation Specialist: GS-0188-09
Recreation Specialist: GS-0189-07
Resource Management Analyst: GS-0501-12
Acquisition Support Analyst: GS-1101-12
Facilities Manager: GS-0801-14
General Engineer: GS-0801-13
Environmental Engineer: GS-0801-11
General Engineer: GS-0801-11
Admin Support Specialist: GS-0303-07
IT Specialist: GS-2210-11
Director, Emergency Services: GS-0301-13
Italy or Belgium; however, LQA
is offered for both Romania and
Bulgaria. Families that continue
to reside in Germany, Italy or
Belgium will retain Individual
Logistics Support (ILS) since
this is a temporary assignment.
Like all job announcements,
CPAC makes the LQA qualification determination. LQA for
Romania and Bulgaria is less
than Germany for example;
however, the cost of living is
cheaper in these countries compared to Germany. Plus, with
ILS, the offset is not as bad as
some think.
c. Employees who need an
OTEX to remain in Europe will
have an opportunity to receive
a two-year extension if they are
hired for a position in Romania
or Bulgaria.
d. Some of our volunteers
may receive Involuntary Separate Maintenance Allowance
(SMA). Like LQA, CPAC will
apply OPM rules to make SMA
qualification determination.
e. Employees will also
receive Post Hardship Differential Allowance (PHDA).
f. Employees may receive
Cost of Living Allowance
g. As mentioned, the work
week is expected to be a regular
40 hours. The exact duty day
at the sites will be determined
Fire Chief/Emergency Management Specialist: GS-0081-12
AT/FP Program Manager: GS-301-11
Site Director: GS-0301-14
Public Affairs Specialist: GS-1035-11
Admin Support Specialist: GS-0303-09
Language Assistant: GS-1040-11
Human Resource Specialist: GS-0201-9/11
Postal Clerk: GS-0303-07
Operations Plan Specialist: GS-0301-12
Management Analyst: GS-0343-09
Recreation Specialist: GS-0188-11
Resource Management Analyst: GS-1051-12
Acquisition Support Analyst: GS-1101-12
Facilities Manager: GS-0801-13
General Engineer: GS-0801-12
Environmental Engineer: GS-0801-12
General Engineer: GS-0801-11
IT Specialist: GS-2210-11
Director, Emergency Services: GS-0301-12
Fire Chief/Emergency Management Specialist: GS-0081-12
Physical Security Specialist: GS-0080-11
by your supervisor. Like our
jobs in Germany, for example,
anything over 40 hours will be
compensated through overtime
or compensatory time.
h. Because Romania and Bulgaria are not hostile fire zones,
employees will not receive special R&R leave as they do in Iraq.
However, they may take leave
as desired. Although military
block leave is not appropriate for
civilian employees, supervisors
should use a liberal-leave policy
for returning civilian employees
who wish to take personal time
off when consistent with mission needs.
i. Shipment of a POV at
government expense is not authorized. However, employees
may drive their private vehicle
to their duty location and file
for a reconstructed rate of
j. Employees will be authorized to ship 600 lbs. of unaccompanied baggage.
k. There are always some
cons, so I want to be fully
transparent with everyone.
Those that volunteer to work
in Romania or Bulgaria will
be responsible for finding their
own rental accommodation
because there is no Garrison
Housing Office like there is
at our installations in Italy,
Germany or Belgium. You will ........................................................................... July 7, 2016
need to find an apartment or
house that has appliances you
may need. With that said, we
are told there are plenty of furnished rentals available. There
are already Soldiers and DoD
Civilians living off post today
in cities surrounding Camp MK
and Novo Selo who can provide
informal help. Government onpost training barracks may be
used if available.
l. A real “con” is that any
spouse — who is employed
under spouse hire provisions —
of an employee hired for these
announcements will lose their
position. Spouses who work for
IMCOM may request an Exception to Policy (ETP) from the
Region Director for one year.
Thanks for all that you do every day for our Soldier, Civilians,
and their Families. I greatly appreciate your thoughtful consideration of this opportunity. Again if
you are interested and qualify for
any of the attached 49 positions,
send your resume to the USAG
Ansbach S1, Damon.K.Wilford.
This article has been edited
due to space constraints. To
read the letter in its entirety,
go to
Herald Union
Page 13
For your health
Block the burn, stay safe in the sun
By Cpt. Andreia Williamson
Wiesbaden Army Health Clinic
Ahhh, its summertime! It is the time
when millions of people take part in
enjoying outdoor activities with family
and friends. It is the time when anything
from hiking, biking, swimming, outdoor
sports, or just leisurely relaxing in a park
is most enjoyable. However, too much
sun exposure without protection can lead
to adverse health effects, ranging from
a painful sunburn to more serious skin
conditions such as cancer.
So what do we do? Stay indoors
and miss all the fun? Of course not!
Please, feel free to enjoy the outdoors
and explore any activities that you love
to do, but be smart and protect yourself
from the damaging effects of ultraviolet
(UV) rays. It is estimated that 90 percent
of non-melanoma skin cancers and 65
percent melanoma skin cancers are associated with UV exposure from the sun.
What is UV radiation, and how
does it affect my skin? There are
two types of UV radiation (a known
carcinogen) that you should be aware
of. UVA and UVB have both been
linked to skin cancer, premature aging
and cataracts (a condition that damages
eyesight). UVA rays are not absorbed
by the ozone layer and penetrate deeply
into the skin contributing to 90 percent
of skin changes especially premature
aging. UVB rays are extremely harmful
rays that are partially absorbed by the
ozone layer. UVB rays mostly affect the
surface of the skin and are the primary
cause of sunburn.
Everybody regardless of race and
ethnicity are subject to the potentially
harmful effects of the sun. However
those with fairer skin tones tend to burn
Photo by
more rapidly and severely than those
with darker skin. Therefore everyone
should take precautions and protect
themselves from harmful exposure to
UV radiation. The use of sunscreen is
one way to help protect your skin.
How sunscreen works. Most sun
protection products work by absorbing,
reflecting, or scattering sunlight. They
contain chemicals that interact with the
skin to protect it from UV rays. The FDA
requires that all sunscreens contain a Sun
Protection Factor (SPF) label. The SPF
reveals the relative amount of sunburn
protection that a sunscreen can provide
an average user when used correctly. It
is important to know that all products
do not have the same ingredients; if
your skin reacts badly to one product,
try another one or call a doctor. Be sure
to read the labels. You want to use a
sunscreen that provides protection from
both UVA and UVB rays known as a
broad spectrum sunscreen.
You should use a broad spectrum
sunscreen with at least SPF 15 and apply at least 20 minutes before you go
outside, even on slightly cloudy or cool
days. Don’t forget to put a thick layer
on all parts of exposed skin. Get help
for hard-to-reach places like your back.
And remember, sunscreen works best
when combined with other options to
prevent UV damage.
Reapplication. Sunscreen wears off
and should be reapplied every 2 hours.
Also reapply after swimming, sweating,
or toweling off.
Expiration date. Check the sunscreen’s expiration date. Sunscreen
without an expiration date has a shelf
life of no more than three years, but its
shelf life is shorter if it has been exposed
to high temperatures.
Cosmetics. Some makeup and lip
balms contain some of the same chemicals used in sunscreens. If they do not
have at least SPF 15, don’t use them by
What about protecting my children? It is important to protect children
and babies from UV exposure and begin
to teach them sun safety practices at an
early age. Sunscreen should be applied in
the same manner as an adult, which is to
apply at least 20 minutes prior to going
outdoors and reapplying after 2 hours of
sun exposure, swimming, sweating or
toweling off. Blistering sunburns during
childhood significantly increases the risk
of developing skin cancer later in life.
Is sunscreen guaranteed to prevent
me from getting skin cancer? The short
answer to this question is NO. Using
sunscreen does not mean it is safe to
spend more time in the sun, especially
when the UV Index is high. Although a
sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher
offers protection from sunburn, it does
not block all of the sun’s damaging rays
So what else can I do to protect
myself and my children from UV
exposure? In addition to applying
sunscreen, further protection can be
obtained by seeking shade, minimizing
peak hours of sun exposure, and by wearing protective clothing including a hat.
For more information on how to safe
in the sun, contact Wiesbaden Army
Health Clinic Army Public Health Nursing at civ 06371-9464-1374.
Prevent food poisoning while barbecuing
The season for barbeques,
cook-outs and picnics has officially started.
These fun, summer gettogethers are a wonderful
opportunity to spend time and
relax with family and friends.
They’re also a time to be wary
and take the appropriate precautions to avoid foodborne illness,
commonly referred to as food
According to the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention, one out of every six
Page 14
Americans gets sick from
consuming contaminated foods
or beverages each year. While
foodborne illness is a common
public health problem, it is also
an easily preventable one.
“Everyone always warns
you to watch out for the potato
salad, but there’s a lot more to it
than that,” said Terresio Pope,
a community health nurse at
Womack Army Medical Center’s Epidemiology and Disease
Control Clinic.
She said that the four things
to remember in order to help
prevent food poisoning are:
Herald Union
cook, clean, chill and separate.
When it comes to cooking,
temperature is the key. The
CDC cautions that is important to cook food to the right
temperature and that the only
way to know for sure is to use
a food thermometer. Judging
when food is “done” simply by
its color or texture is not always
accurate and unsafe.
Clean hands and counters
can help prevent the spread of
harmful bacteria.
“The rules are the same
for picnics and barbecues as
they are throughout your daily
life,” said Hannah Smith, also
a community health nurse at the
EDC Clinic. “Wash your hands
– before you eat and before you
prepare food.”
Properly chilling food is
important, too. She said that
foods shouldn’t sit out longer
than one hour.
The other thing to avoid is
cross-contaminating raw meat,
poultry, seafood or eggs with
ready-to-eat foods.
Smith said that food poisoning is more serious than most
people may think.
“Food poisoning is often
thought of as an inconvenience
that will just cause digestive
issues for a couple of days,”
she said. “While that’s sometimes the case, it can often be
more serious than that. Some
foodborne illness can lead to
long-term health conditions
and even death.”
Symptoms of most foodborne illnesses include nausea,
vomiting, abdominal cramps
and diarrhea.
If you suspect you may have
food poisoning, contact the
nurse advice line at 800-TRICARE (874-2273), option 1.
July 7, 2016 ..........................................................................
Bulletin board
At the movies July 7-20
Editor’s note: The movies listing was the most
current at the time of publication. Please visit for the most
up-to-date schedule.
Taunus Movie Theater
Thursday July 7 — Closed
Friday July 8
The Legend of Tarzan in 3D (PG-13) 7 p.m.
Saturday July 9
The BFG in 3D (PG) 2 p.m.
The BFG (PG) 5 p.m.
The Purge: Election Year (R) 7:30 p.m.
Sunday July 10
The BFG (PG) 4 p.m.
Mike and Dave need Wedding Dates (R) 7 p.m.
Monday July 11 — Closed
Tuesday July 12— Closed
Wednesday July 13
Mike and Dave need Wedding Dates (R) 7 p.m.
Thursday July 14
The Purge: Election Year (R) 7 p.m.
© 2016 Warner Bros. / Photo courtesy of
“The Legend of Tarzan:” It has been years since
the man once known as Tarzan (Alexander
Skarsgård) left the jungles of Africa behind
for a gentrified life as John Clayton III, Lord
Greystoke, with his beloved wife, Jane (Margot
Robbie) at his side. Now, he has been invited
back to the Congo to serve as a trade emissary of Parliament, unaware that he is a pawn
in a deadly convergence of greed and revenge,
masterminded by the Belgian, Captain Leon
Rom (Christoph Waltz). But those behind the
murderous plot have no idea what they are
about to unleash.
Friday July 15
Ghostbusters in 3D (PG-13) 7 p.m.
Saturday July 16
The Secret Life of Pets (PG) 3:30 p.m.
Ghostbusters (PG-13) 6 p.m.
Sunday July 17
The Secret Life of Pets (PG) 3:30 p.m.
Ghostbusters (PG-13) 6 p.m.
Monday July 18 — Closed
Tuesday July 19 — Closed
Wednesday July 20
The Legend of Tarzan (PG-13) 7 p.m.
© 2016 Universal / Photo courtesy of
“The Secret Life of Pets:” For one bustling Manhattan apartment building, the real day starts
after the folks on two legs leave for work and
school. That’s when the pets of every stripe,
fur, and feather begin their own nine-to-five
routine: hanging out with each other, trading
humiliating stories about their owners or auditioning adorable looks to get better snacks.
The buildings top dog, Max a quick witted terrier rescue who’s convinced he sits at the center
of his owner’s universe, finds his pampered life
rocked when she brings home Duke, a sloppy,
massive mess of a mongrel with zero interpersonal skills. When this reluctant canine due find
themselves out on the mean streets pf New
York, they have to set aside their differences
and unite against a fluffy-yet cunning bunny
named Snowball, who’s building an army of
ex-pets abandoned by their owners and out to
turn the tables on humanity… all before dinner
Movie plots
© 2016 Walt Disney / Photo courtesy of
“The BFG” tells the exciting tale of a young London girl and the mysterious Giant who introduces
her to the wonders and perils of Giant Country. Based on the beloved novel by Roald Dahl, “The
BFG” (Big Friendly Giant) was published in 1982 and has been enchanting readers of all ages ever
since. Dahl’s books, which also include “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,” “James and the Giant
Peach,” “Matilda” and “Fantastic Mr. Fox,” are currently available in 58 languages and have sold
over 200 million copies worldwide
Ghostbusters — Three odd-ball scientists get
kicked out of their cushy positions at a university in New York City where they studied the
occult. They decide to set up shop in an old
firehouse and become Ghostbusters, trapping
pesky ghosts, spirits, haunts, and poltergeists for
money. They wise-crack their way through the
city, and stumble upon a gateway to another
dimension, one which will release untold evil
upon the city. The Ghostbusters are called on
to save the Big Apple.
The Purge: Election Year — Expanding upon the
explosive universe introduced in the sleeper
hits that have earned $200 million at the worldwide box office, Universal Pictures’The Purge 3
reveals the next terrifying chapter of 12 hours
of anarchy that is sanctioned annually by the
New Founders of America.
Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates — Two
brothers place an online ad to find dates for a
wedding and the ad goes viral. ............................................................................July 7, 2016
Herald Union
Page 15
Celebrating 5 days o
Festgoers enjoy
rides, live music
By Emily Jennings
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden
Public Affairs
Local residents and community
leaders from both countries came
together for five days of camaraderie
and celebration for U.S. Army Garrison
Wiesbaden’s third annual GermanAmerican Friendship Festival, which
began June 30 and culminated in a
fireworks display July Fourth in celebration of Independence Day.
Col. Todd J. Fish, garrison commander, thanked the city of Wiesbaden,
the Polizei and everyone else who supported the festival and helped make it
a safe and successful event.
“Thank you for helping us celebrate
our country’s birthday this year,” he
said. “The German-American Friendship Festival is our opportunity to open
our doors and offer some hospitality
to our German neighbors and friends.
Photos by Erin Gavle, Jacob Corbin and Emily Jennings
“Over a glass of beer and some
Germans and Americans came together over the Fourth of July weekend to enjoy the third annual German-Ameri- barbecue ribs, there’s a chance to
can Friendship Festival June 30 to July4 on Hainerberg.
build shared understanding and a close
relationship between the U.S. military,
civilians, families and our German
Page 16
Herald Union
July 7, 2016 ...............................................................
of fun and friendship
yed food, beer,
c and fireworks
neighbors. This fest helps us celebrate
a friendship that has grown over many
decades, and we hope will continue well
into the future.”
Sven Gerich, lord mayor of Wiesbaden, expressed his delight with the
revival of the fest.
“This is a wonderful tradition. I
am very happy that we revived this
fest again.”
Joe Harris, FMWR chief of special
events, who helped organize the festival, said the event is a little bit different
from year to year, and that’s no accident.
“Our goal was in the beginning to
keep it always changing and always
interesting,” he said.
He also noted the family-friendly
atmosphere and the fact that this year,
they had a handicap accessible gondola
on the ferris wheel as well as handicap
accessible restrooms.
The intent, he said, is that people
enjoy themselves in a safe setting and
have the chance to converse with their
“It’s about meeting new friends and
having a great time.” 7, 2016
Herald Union
Page 17
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Story courtesy of
Photo by Mark Breck /
Winter is now behind us as beautiful days of spring steadily approach.
It’s the perfect time to take the family
on a road trip to check out Germany’s
take on amusement parks. From an
afternoon spent with Shrek to an exuberating dive on a roller coaster, these
fantasy worlds will satisfy thrill-seekers of all ages.
Theme Parks in Western Germany
Movie Park Germany
At the Movie Park Germany in Bottrop-Kirchhellen, visitors can explore Bikini Bottom, take a wild water ride with
Dora the Explorer and meet SpongeBob
for an afternoon of fishing. This park, in
Bottrop-Kirchhellen, features characters
from “Ice Age” and “Shrek,” as well as
characters from other movies and television shows. In the Wild West section of
the park, saloons and barber shops create a replica of a Hollywood movie set.
The park also includes several shows,
such as the “Shadows of Darkness -The
Van Helsing Show” and “Back to the
Movies,” where visitors can travel back
in time to experience movie highlights
of the past decade. Entrance prices run
from €29 for children ages 4-11 and €35
for adults.
Freizeitpark Schloß Beck
In Bottrop, one hour north of Duesseldorf, is Castle Beck. Here, the surrounding area was transformed into
a theme park in 1960. The theme park
has many moving figures, a scary basement, a children’s playground, a family roller coaster, go carts, kiddie rides,
pedal boats, rowing boats, bumping
cars, cable cars, a giant slide, trampolines and so much more. Starting in
June there will be more room to climb,
slide, hide and run around. The new super slide will have suspension bridges,
caves and up to 26 feet high tower. Entry prices are €9 for ages 3-15, €10 for 16
and older and free for children under 3.
The theme park in Brühl (12 miles
south of Cologne) attracts approximately 1.75 million visitors annually.
Park goers can have limitless fun, action,
adventure, excitement and great entertainment at Phantasialand. The park has
been steadily adding new and exciting
rides since 2007. In 2010 five rides were
added, in 2011 two new rides were added and 2013 a new flume log ride was
built. The park is divided into six theme
areas: Fantasy, Deep in Africa, Berlin,
Mystery, Mexico and China Town. Passengers can have a cosmic experience in
the darkened enclosed roller coaster ride
Temple of the Night Hawk, which can
be found in the Fantasy theme area. In
the Mexico theme part of the park thrill
seekers can climb aboard the Colorado
Adventure, a Western style roller coaster.
Since 2006, the brave ones have enjoyed
the Black Mamba, an African themed
inverted roller coaster. In China Town,
check out the Feng Ju that Palace, as
well as the many other attractions can be
found in the Berlin area. Spectators can
catch one of the following performance
shows: JUMP!, Relight my fire, Seven,
Drakarium, African dancers and China
artistry. Additionally, there are several
mini shows as well as the opportunity to
meet the park’s dragon characters. Entry
prices are €22 for ages 4-11 and €45 for
12 and
Kurpfalz Park
Kurpfalz is located in the middle of
the Palatinate Forest, about 45 minutes
east of Kaiserslautern. At the park visi-
Photo by Kzenon /
tors can enjoy a roller coaster, free fall
slides, tube slides, toboggan run, chair
lifts, cable cars, bumper boats and so
forth. Fun activities for children include
climbing the Pirate’s Nest as well an adventure playground, a play castle, a petting zoo, a puppet theater, a maze and
more. Being located in the forest, there
are also educational games and activities about nature as well as a forest trail
to explore. Visitors can also catch the
Palatinate Express to explore the fun
and educational wildlife park. There are
thousands of educational things that can
be discovered in the park, not to mention the bird show and the water fowl
and trout ponds. See the animals such
as the lynx, the moufflon, the fallow
and red deer, wild boars, falcons and eagles and others. Entry prices are €12 for
ages 4-14 and €14 for age 15 and older.
Holiday Park
With more than one million visitors annually, Holiday Park is one of
the most visited amusement parks in
Germany. It is located in Hassloch, one
hour east of Kaiserslautern. Its Free
Fall Tower was the first amusement
ride of its kind in Europe and it still
is the most popular ride at the park.
Thrillseekers come from a far just to
ride the Expedition GeForce, a steel
roller coaster that travels up to 75 mph
through a course of a quarter mile long
with seven periods of weightlessness.
This rides reaches 174 ft above ground.
The newest ride opening this April is
the Scream Sky. This action-packed
catapult roller coaster shoots the train
from the station, passes perpendicularly into the air and then rolls headlong
into slow motion. There are various
fun water rides that the entire family can enjoy. The little ones will get a
kick out of the dancing fountain as the
rhythm and the streams of water constantly change. The Thunder River water ride ventures through raging water
and then passes caves and waterfalls.
Entry prices are €9.99 for kids 85 cm-1
m, €24.50 for kids (1-1.40 meters) and
€28 for all visitors over 1.40 meters.
For the full story visit:
Explore your new home
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IN GERMANY ...................................................................................July 7, 2016 Herald Union Page 19
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Calling all SNCOs; did you know
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The Green Knight Military Motorcycle Club s hosting a Poker Run
on July 9 at 9AM to benefit a local
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chaptered out of active duty. We
will have the start/registration and
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just outside of the west gate in
Ramstein village. There will be
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For more information, please
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$6,495, Eur Spec, Automatic, Leaencouraging patients in the KMC
Caution: Some Classified ther, Heated Seats, Just serviced,
via monthly meetings-2nd Tuesads have become a target 12 months guarantee included in
days, 6PM-Pizza Gallerie-Ramfor scams. Please be cau- price! Perfect Condition, Call:
stein Community Ctr. Find us on
tious if potential buyers offer 0176-22730967, Email: info@euro
you payment methods other,
than cash.
The Darmstadt Retired Military
Group is looking for new mem- *We are giving $2000 off new 1997 BMW 735i great condition,
bers. We meet once a month to BMWs, , Kaiserslautern, $ starts @ about 170,000 miles, very reliable,
clean in and out, new tires and
share ideas and help each other. $29600,
brakes, not trashed out, moving
No Dues. If you are a Retired U.S email:
michael.cumiskey@bavaback to states and need quick saMilitary Service Member, survi-
le.Call Louis @ 0151 6414 6124
ving spouse or a retired American
in the area and are interested 2003 Porsche Cayenne S AWD- 1999 VW Passat Sport Combi,
please contact Larry at 06151- Euro Spec, $8600 obo, phone: $4,995-, US SPEC, Manual, Navi52548 or at lemery1366@ya 01622964164, email: tsather31@ gation, Cruise Control, Heated
Seats, Roof Rails, Cloth Interior,
HiFi System, Perfect Condition,
Call :0176 22730967, Email:info@, Web:http://
2001 BMW 318I Sport Sedan,
$6,495-, German SPEC, Manual
Transmission, Cloth Seats, Automatic Climate Control, Power Windows
Call:0176 22730967, Email: info@, Web:http://
With D!
2005 Audi A3 Sportback 1.9 TDI
German Specs $4800 Contact
0160 968 44778
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Tel: 0611-463104  Follow the signs to Forum Kohlheck or call for directions
Page 20
Herald Union
Opening Hours:
Mon– Fri 9.00 –19.00
9.00 –18.00
Special arrangements
2001 BMW 320i Sport Sedan,
$7,995-, EU SPEC, Automatic,
Leather Sport Seats, Cruise Control, Alloy Wheels, Excellent Condition, 12 Months Warranty, 1 Owner Vehicle, Call: 0176 2273 0967,
2006 Chrysler Town & Country Limited (van), Landstuhl Post Germany,
017640425215, email: werjedi@
2006 Honda Accord "EX" Sport
Sedan, $9,995, US spec, Manual,
Power Glas Sunroof, Cruise Control, Cloth Seats, Alloy Wheels, Excellent Condition, Call: 017622730967, Email: info@european, Web: http://www.euro
2001 VW Passat Sport Combi,
$5,995, US Spec, Manual, Navigation, Cruise Control, Heated
Seats, Roof Rails, Cloth Interior,
HiFi System, Perfect Condition,
Call: 0176-22730967, Email: info@, Web: http:// 2006 Peugeot 206 CC RC-Line
Convertible, 1.6 Liter/108 HP,
man Spec., 15" Winter & 17" Sum2002 Toyota Rav4 SUV with mer Tires + Rims, JBL Sound SysAWD, $8,995, US specs, Manual, tem, German Inspection until 04/
Cruise Control, Power Locks, Al- 2017, Great Condition, asking
loy Wheels, All Wheel Drive, €4500, Call 0173-6345979 (KaiPower Windows, Perfect Conditi- serslautern)
on, Call: 0176-22730967, Email: in
2006 Pontiac G6 GT, 3.5L, V6,,
87,500miles, Bright White, Black
2003 VW Sharan Diesel Family Premium Leather interior, $8,495,
and Utility Van, Diesel Fuel Turbo contact
diesel engine - German Specifica-, 0176-93136972
tions -TUV Inspection valid to 2006 Toyota Corolla (German
April 2018 - 235 000kms (145 000 Specs):- Clean, Non-Smoking,
miles) Seven (7) passengers/Car- Pet-Free Car in Good Conditiongo Driver/Front Passenger seats Car was previously registered on
heated, and adjustable. Child sa- Base- Diesel Fuel, very Fuel-Effifety seats- two seats convert ra- cient- 5-Speed Manual Transmispidly to built-in child safety seats. sion- App. 251,000 km- All MainFive seats snap in/ out for cargo tenance done regularly- German
space Tires: Two sets-winter and Inspection good thru June 2017summer (1 set of wheels/rims) Ste- Includes Winter tires, ak_grown@
reo Radio and CD player Air con-
ditioning system (needs compres2006 Toyota RAV 4 US specificasor) Price: $5,000, €4,450 OBO
tions, suv toyota, stuttgart germaContact: John 0152-0702-7323
ny, $8200,
Glan2007 Chevrolet Corvette, 6.0L,
V8, 400HP, 71,591 miles, red,
2006 BMW Z4 2.5 L Euro spec black leather interior, $26,995,
with 6 sp. trans. 159,000 km. Ex- contact
cellent condition. Comes with a, 0176-93136972
€3000 removable hardtop in per2007 Chevy Cobalt, 97000 miles
fect condition as well as the also
- Red - 4 door - Automatic Transperfect cond. soft-top. 2 sets of
mission - $ 5000 OBO - Get it whiwinter and summer tires both with
le it lasts Contact me at
great tread life and on nice alloy
wheels. New Xenon headlights. 3
Lexus SC430 Coupe/Conmonths ago I spent 1700 Euro on
Timing chain and new VANOS. vertible, $25,795, US specs, Auto29mpg combined. Color is Silver. matic, Leather, Cruise Control,
Leather heated seats. Back up Power Seats, Alloy, Power Hard
sensors. Nav. Call or text Mike at Top, Perfect Condition, Call: 01760151 2042 1717 or email at 22730967, Email: info@european $11,300., Web: http://www.euro
and r
orm ks
all cl
Bring n top on
Gebr. Stern GmbH
An den Quellen 3
65183 Wiesbaden
Tel.: 0611-30 21 12
World’s biggest Cuckoo-Clock
Full English Website incl. driving directions, payment methods etc.!
2007 MINI Cooper "S" Hardtop,
$12,695, US spec, Manual, Leather, Cruise Control, Heated
Seats, Alloy Wheels, Power Glass
Sunroof, Perfect Condition, Call:
0176-22730967, Email: info@euro,
2007 Mustang GT, 4.8L, V8,
300HP, Coupe, 74,262 miles, manual, gas, Grey Metallic, Black
Premium Leather, $13,995, contact,
July 7, 2016 ..............................................................................
K fait
Intercessory Prayer
Wednesday – 6:00 pm
Sunday – 8:30 am
Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
Worship Service
Children’s Ministry Provided
Bible Study
(Youth, Teens, and Adults)
Wednesday – 7:00 pm
Sunday School
(Youth, Teens, and Adults)
Sunday – 9:30 am
Sunday Worship Service
Sunday – 11:00 am
True Vine Ministries
Bishop Kendall L.
Washington Sr. &
Pastor LaYona
welcome you!
Immanuel Baptist Church
Serving the English Speaking
Community of Wiesbaden for
Over 50 Years.
Sunday Worship: 2:00 p.m.
Christliches Zentrum Wiesbaden
Daimlerring 8B
65205 Wiesbaden
Equipping His People by Teaching His Word
Pastor Ronald Henry
Johannes-Gutenberg Str. 2
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Worship - 12:30
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Tel: 06122-12730 | ...................................................................................July 7, 2016 Herald Union Page 21
All ads & pics on
2008 Corvette Z51, 3LT options
package, Z51 handling package,
0-60 in 4.0 seconds, heads-up
display, lateral G-force sensors,
driver-programmable power leather seating w/ exit assist, touchscreen bluetooth DVD player w/
stealth subwoofer, removable Targa-top,
2008 Ford Fiesta, white 1.3 lt gas
engine, 52,700 miles, 5 sp manual
trans, new tires and including winters, am/fm radio cd player
2008 Porsche Cayman S, US
Spec. 2nd owner. Maintained by
local German Porsche Center.
Power windows, seats, mirrors,
door locks. Heated seats. 6 CD
changer. Extra rims with winter tires. Excellent condition! Wiesbaden $27000, email: thomasrodeha
2008 Toyota Sienna LE, miles:
88600, Seats: 8, new all season tires, located in Kaiserslautern Germany, $11000, email: tony.montes
2008 VW Touran, BEST OFFER,
low miles 63000 km, excellent
condition, like new, one owner 87
year old, email: KEModest@t-onli, phone: 06374-5162.
2010 Dodge Challenger R/T,
5.7L, V8 Hemi, Coupe, 55,531 miles, manual, gas, Black Crystal,
Black premium Leather interior,
$24,495, contact mark@american
2009 Toyota RAV4 Limited, 0176-93136972
(S1472), Automatic SUV 4X4, Ja- 2010 Honda Element EX 4Door
cob-Pfeiffer-Straße 100 67661 (S1467), Automatic Crossover, JaKaiserslautern Germany, $16999, cob-Pfeiffer-Straße 67661 Kaiphone: 0631 98 741, email: na serslautern Germany, $12999,
phone: 0631 98 741, email: na
2010 Buick Lucerne CXL V6
(S1254), Automatic Sedan V6, Jacob-Pfeiffer-Straße 67661 Kaiserslautern Germany, $13999,
phone: 0631 98 741, email: na
2010 Honda Odyssey 3.5 EX-L 7
Seater (S1374), Used Car Guys
Used Cars Ramstein Kaiserslautern Baumholder, $14999, phone:
0631 98 741, email: nathan@used
2010 MAZDA 3i Sport Sedan,
$10,995-, US SPEC, Automatic
Transmission, Cloth Seats, Cruise
Control, Front Wheel Drive, Alloy
Wheels, Excellent Condition, Call:
0176 2273 0967, Email: info@euro, Web: www.euro
2010 Dodge Caliber SE, $12500.
29K miles! AC/Heated Seats.Inspection completed. Perfect fami- 2010 Toyota Corolla "S" Sport
ly car. Available after 6 Jul 2016. Sedan, $14,695, US spec, Autoemail:
sweetautumn915@ya matic, Cloth Seats, Cruise Control, Power Glas Sunroof, Alloy
Wheels, Perfect Condition, Call:
2010 Dodge Challenger R/T Cou- 0176-22730967, Email: info@euro
pe, $25,995, US Spec, Automatic,,
Cruise Control, Power Glass Sun-
roof, Power Seats, 20 inch Alloy
Wheels, Perfect Condition, Call: 2010 Volkswagen GTI, 2.0L Tur0176-22730967, Email: info@euro bo 200HP, Sport Hatch,,
http:// tic, gas, Dark Grey Metallic, GTI
Cloth Interior, $15.995, contact, 01762012 BMW 128i, 3.0L, i6, 230HP,
28,470 miles, Blue Metallic,
Cream Leather interior, $25,495, 2010 Volvo XC90 3rd Row SUV
mark@americanmo (S1396), Used Car Guys Used, 0176-93136972
Cars Ramstein Kaiserslautern
Baumholder, Jacob-Pfeiffer-Straße 100 67661 Kaiserslautern Germany, $19499, phone: 0631 98
Got enough
Exhaust, Brakes, Inspections,
A/C, Shocks, Alignment, Tires!
Wiesbadener Str. 85 | 55252 Mainz-Kastel
Tel: 0 61 34 - 72 96 76 |
Hours: Mon-Fri 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
2011 Ford Fusion SEL. NADA
$14,000. 47,000 miles;6-Speed
autom;Red candy metallic tinted
w/ charcoal black leather upholstery.New all-weather tires and
new rear brakes.Contact mjma
2011 Hyundai Sante Fe GLS V6
(S1431), Automatic Crossover, Jacob-Pfeiffer-Straße 67661 Kaiserslautern Germany, $15799,
phone: 0631 98 741, email: na
2012 GMV Acadia,
3.6L V6
288HP, 63,764 miles, automatic,
Gas, black metallic, grey leather,
$24,995, contact mark@american, 0176-93136972
2011 Jeep Compass Sport
(S1454), Automatic SUV Crossover, Jacob-Pfeiffer-Straße 67661
Kaiserslautern Germany, $10999,
phone: 0631 98 741, email: na
2012 Honda Pilot EX-L 4WD 8
seater (S1311), Automatic SUV 8
Seater 4 Wheel Drive, Jacob-Pfeiffer-Straße 67661 Kaiserslautern
Germany, Mileage 28999, phone:
0631 98 741, email: nathan@used
2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee 4×4
Laredo (S1437), Automatic SUV
4X4, Jacob-Pfeiffer-Straße 67661
Kaiserslautern Germany, $22999,
phone: 0631 98 741, email: na
2012 Hyundai Elantra, 1.8L, Sedan, 48,050 miles, automatic,
gas, Grey Metallic, Grey Leather
interior, $15,995, contact mark@,
2011 Mercedes ML300 Turbo
Diesel, €23,000, Grand Edition
model with many extras. Ride in
style for 1/4 the price of a new
ML. excellent condition, contact:
2012 Hyundai Sonata SE Sedan
(S1345), Used Car Guys Used
Cars Ramstein Kaiserslautern
0631 98 741, email: nathan@used
2011 MINI Countryman "S"
ALL4, $23,795-, US SPEC, Automatic, Leather, Cruise Control, Alloy Wheels, All Wheel Drive, Glass
Call:0176 22730967, Email: info@, Web:http://
2012 Jeep Liberty, 3.7L, V6,
210HP, SUV, 23,598 miles, gas,
Black Metallic, $24,995, contact, 017693136972
2012 Jeep Patriot Latitude 4×4
Sunroof (S1436), Automatic SUV,
Jacob-Pfeiffer-Straße 67661 Kai2011 Nissan Rogue SV AWD serslautern Germany, $17499,
(S1461), Used Car Guys Used phone: 0631 98 741, email: na
Cars Ramstein Kaiserslautern
Baumholder, Jacob-Pfeiffer-Stra2012 Jeep Patriot, 2.0L, 158HP,
ße 67661 Kaiserslautern GermaSUV, 16,961 miles, automatic,
ny, $13999, phone: 0631 98 741,
gas, Silver Metallic, Dark Slate
Grey interior, $15,495, contact
2011 Volvo C30 T5 Turbo LOA-, 0176DED (S1478), Automatic Turbo 93136972
Hatchback, Jacob-Pfeiffer-Straße
100 67661 Kaiserslautern Germa- 2012 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon,
ny, $19799, phone: 0631 98 741, 3.6L, V6, 285 HP, 49,209 miles,
SUV, manual, gas, Silver Metallic,
Dark Slate Grey interior, $29,995,
2012 BMW 328i Hardtop Conver- contact
tible, $28,995, US Spec, Manual,, 0176-93136972
Leather, Cruise Control, Heated
Seats, Alloy Wheels, Navigation 2012 Nissan Altima S (S1428) AuSystem, Perfect Condition, Call: to Sedan, $14,999, Used Car
0176-22730967, Email: info@euro Guys Used Cars Ramstein,
http:// serslautern Baumholder, phone:
0631 98 741, email: nathan@used
2012 Dodge Durango SXT AWD
7 Seats (S1434), Automatic 7 Sea- 2012 Nissan Maxima, 3.5L, V6,
ter SUV, Jacob-Pfeiffer-Straße 290HP, Sedan, 24,250 miles, au67661 Kaiserslautern Germany, tomatic, gas, Deep Purple, Beige
$21699, phone: 0631 98 741, Cloth interior, $23,495, contact, 0176email:
Open Mon-Fri 7 a.m. – 6 p.m. • Sat 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. by appointment only (sales only)
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Page 22
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July 7, 2016 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ www�herald-union�com
All ads & pics on
2012 SMART Brabus sports car
GERMAN specs, sports car smart
brabus, 2012 German specs grey
(similar to picture)...great car.Specifications: 1.0L I-3 70 P engine 5spd tip auto-shift man transmission w/OD Fuel Economy City 34.0
mpg city fuel economy Fuel Economy Hwy 38.0 mpg hwy fuel economy Rear-wheel drive Keyfob (all
doors) remote keyless entryABS &
driveline traction control USB/
Bluetooth connections Stability
control Side impact beamsBuilt-in
control4-wheel anti-lock brakes
(ABS), $11500.00, nancyme72@
2013 Audi A3 Quattro, 2.0L,
220HP, 6,788 miles, automatic, like new, $34,995, contact mark@,
2013 Chevrolet Tahoe V8 LT 4X4
8 Seater (S1441), Used Car Guys
Used Cars Ramstein Kaiserslautern Baumholder, $33999, phone:
0631 98 741, email: nathan@used
2013 Dodge Dart, 2.0L 160, Sedan, 36,591 miles, automatic,
gas, grey metallic, Diesel Grey
Cloth interior, $15,495, contact, 017693136972
2013 Ford Escape Titanium 4WD
(S1449), Automatic SUV 4WD, Jacob-Pfeiffer-Straße 67661 Kaiserslautern Germany, $22499,
phone: 0631 98 741, email: na
2012 Toyota Rav4 "Limited" V6
SUV with AWD, $24,695, US
spec, Automatic, Cruise Control, 2013 Ford Focus, 2.0L i4, HatchPower Seat, Alloy, Navigation, back, 23,642 miles, automatic,
Glass Sunroof, Perfect Condition, gas, deep cherry red, Dark Slate
Call: 0176-22730967, Email: info@ Grey interior, $14,995, contact, Web: http://, 017693136972
2013 Toyota Avalon, 3.5L, V6,
268HP, Crimoson metallic, Black
leather interior, $25,995, contact, 017693136972
2014 Ford Mustang GT, 5.0L, V8,
405HP, Coupe, manual, gas, Gun
Metal Grey, Black Premium Leather interior, $32,495, contact, 01762013 Toyota Highlander, 2.7L, 93136972
SUV, 17,109 miles, automatic, 2014 Honda Pilot EX with Leagas, Grey Metallic, Grey Cloth in- ther (S1305), Automatic SUV 7
terior, $26,495, contact mark@ Seater,,
0176- 67661 Kaiserslautern Germany,
$30999, phone: 0631 98 741,
2013 Toyota Rav4, 2.5L, SUV,
14,837 miles, automatic, gas, Red 2014 Jeep Cherokee Latitude
Candy Metallic, Grey Cloth interi- 4×4 (S1475), Automatic Crossoor, $22,995, contact mark@ameri ver 4X4, Jacob-Pfeiffer-Straße
67661 Kaiserslautern Germany,, 0176-93136972
$22999, phone: 0631 98 741,
2015 Hyundai Sonata HYBRID Limited (S1347), Automatic Hybrid
67661 Kaiserslautern Germany,
$24999, phone: 0631 98 741,
2015 Hyundai Sonata Limited Navi Panoramic Sunroof Loaded!
2.4L (S1407), Automatic Sedan,
Jacob-Pfeiffer-Straße 67661 Kaiserslautern Germany, $24499,
phone: 0631 98 741, email: na
2015 Jeep Compass 4X4 Sport
Trail-Rated (S1402), Automatic
SUV 4X4, Jacob-Pfeiffer-Straße
67661 Kaiserslautern Germany,
$20999, phone: 0631 98 741,
2014 MINI Countryman JCW email:
ALL4, Blue, $34900, 12821 miles,
Manufacturer Warranty, Automa- 2015 Jeep Patriot 4X4, 2.4L,
tic, Panoramic Sunroof, Leather, SUV, 2,715 miles, automatic, gas,
Navigation, Auto Climate, Xenon Deep Blue Metallic, Dark Slate
Lights, Heated Seats, Rain Sense Grey interior, $21,995, contact
Wipers, Upgraded Sound System., 017693136972
Call or text 017680420465
2012 Volvo XC60, 3.2L, V6, SUV,
32,059 miles, automatic, gas,
Black Metallic, Black Premium
Leather, $29,495, contact mark@,
2014 Ford Explorer XLT V6 7
Seater (S1486), Automatic Crossover 7 Seater, Jacob-Pfeiffer-Straße 67661 Kaiserslautern Germany, $31499, phone: 015253927310, email: nathan@usedcar
2013 Honda Odyssey EX-L Mini-
van (S1312), Automatic Minivan 7 2014 Ford Mustang 5.0 GT/CS
Jacob-Pfeiffer-Straße Coupe, $28,895, US Spec, Manu67661 Kaiserslautern Germany, al, Leather, Power Seats, Alloy
$28999, phone: 0631 98 741, Wheels, California Special Pack,
Perfect Condition, Call: 0176-
2012 Volvo XC70 3.2 I6 AWD
(S1412), Automatic AWD, JacobPfeiffer-Straße 67661 Kaiserslautern Germany, $25999, phone:
0631 98 741, email: nathan@used
2013 Nissan Altima, 3.5L V6
240HP, Sedan, 24,300 miles, automatic, gas, storm blue, black
premium cloth interior, $20,995,
mark@americanmo, 0176-93136972
2015 Honda Accord EXL 3.5L V6
Sedan (S1405), Automatic Sedan
V6, Jacob-Pfeiffer-Straße 67661
Kaiserslautern Germany, $26999,
phone: 0631 98 741, email: na
2015.5 Volvo XC60 T5, This beautiful XC60 T5 Premier Drive-E is
very well equipped and awaiting
your test drive at our Kaiserslautern showroom. Some of the features on this car are: Laminated
panoramic roof, Leather seating
surfaces, Heated front & rear
seats, Rear park assist camera,
Park assist front and rear, BLIS,
0631 351700, 0171 7554004, in
2015 Honda Pilot EX-L AWD 8Seater Tow Pack (S1394), Used
Car Guys Used Cars Military Kaiseslautern, Weilerbacher Str. 110
67661 Kaiserslautern Germany,
$36999, phone: 0631 98 741,
22730967, Email: info@european email:
2nd Owner selling 1995 BMW, Web: http://www.euro BMW 316I 4 door automatic blue 320i, solid transportation reliable
elec windows ft all weather tires low mileage, Winnweiler GermaPCS Sale: Mazda 3 German very good Aand dependable fami- ny, $2400, phone:06302-982Specs, Diesel: $3,800. Call 0176 ly car. $ 1799.OBO, 90, Germany, 5977,
7177 4655 ...................................................................................July 7, 2016 Herald Union Page 23
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Page 24
Herald Union
July 7, 2016 ..............................................................................
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Page 26
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July 7, 2016 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ www�herald-union�com
All ads & pics on
Cute Little Car needs a good home,
A160,1999, 145,000 KM, Silver.This little car is in perfect condition inside and out with low mileage for its age.Great for scooting around town and parking!It
has automatic transmission, air
conditioning, power steering, brakes and windows, radio with CD
player, European specs.Email: Mer,
Audi A3 Sportback 1.6TDI Diesel
5-speed, privately owned. Heated
cloth seats, air conditioning, cruise control and Bluetooth. Dealer
maintained, last service was performed 30June 2016. Professionally cleaned(interior shampooed,
exterior waxed and wheels cleaned). Winter tires on rims and win- Good Year Ultra Grip Winter Titer floormats.100023 km. Price res with steel rims, 175/65 R14.
16,000€. Nicole 0171.472.0276
Excellent condition used one winter. Rims 4x100. $175; Call: 0162BMW 320d touring, HU 04/2017,
Automatic transmission, 110 kW
(150 PS), Diesel, FR 05/2004,
Guaranteed Used Cars at Great
170,000 km, full leather grey, Acciprices, We have a Huge Selection
dent-free, full serice history, full
of Low Mileage Cars Trucks &
equipment, all comfort, NegotiaSuv s in Stock. All our used cars
ble €8700, call 0176-62056022
are German TÜV inspected before
automatic, sale and inspection on Base is
63000 miles, 258PS, sunroof, Guaranteed. Our Pricingis fair and
wood, accident-free, full service if you have a trade in US or Eurohistory, garaged, non-smoker, pean we will gladly give you a fair
AC, avigation professional, tele- Quote.
phone, leather powe seats w/hea- 017699970323,0631 414 898 19,
ting, 4winter+5summertires, per- michael.cumiskey@bavarianmotor
fect condition, $14,900.Call 0151-
Camper For Sale, $29000,, Mercedes-Benz Marco Polo with Activity Package-loaded. Auto, diesel,
AC, stove, frig, awning, sleeps 4.
Car for Sale, 2006 VW Touran,
low miles 63000 km, excellent
condition, like new, one owner 87
year old, best offer, email: KEMo, phone: 063745162
Dodge Dart SXT 2.0L (S1465),
Used Car Guys Used Cars Ramstein Kaiserslautern Baumholder,
$15299, phone: 0631 98 741,
Mazda 626 Gray 4 Door 5 speed
air cond KMS 19400 €2900 with 1
year warranty on motor trans and
Mazda Xedos/626 1992 Miles:
200000km Color:blue Transmission: manual Upholstery:leather
Description: selling a 92 mazda
xedos or 626. v6. has a 5 spd manual transmission, car has been
tuv inspected. selling because we
now have a suv. car runs great
and has new brakes all around,
new tie rods and ball joints. $1900
obo. if you would like to come see
it or get pictures or have questions
01711805686 Kevin
Mercedes-Benz C 180 Avantgard
Automatic 2004, A Black, Automatic Transmission, 2004, 1.8 , with
fantastic…perfect for traveling Europe. Seats five with lots of room
for luggage in the back.Full Option.8 Aluminum weelcup Call
015117610336/em: essamhindi@ Inspection Guarantee.
Sale by Owner: 2013 VolvoXC90
R-Design Platinum 7-seater. Execellent cond rating! Fully-loaded:
Platinum, Climate pkgs, NAV,
Bluetooth, sun/moon rf, BLIS, rear
sensor, leather int, black metallic
ext. $29,928, tiffanylanigan@ya
Thinking of buying a new Quality
Pre-owned car, then look no further, we have over 150 cars in
stock. Patriot Military Automobiles 09662-702 6280
VW Golf IV 1.4 1998 with 150000
km for Sale.Vehicle just past German Inspection without any issues. Inspection will be accepted
from US Registration for 30
days.€2490, for more info call:
V W GOLF 16 V 75PS 157000Km +491708128934,
6 x Airbags. ESP, Central Look, or see online.
Aircondition, Radio CD USB, Elec- White all black interior BMW
tric Windows and Mirrors.Very Ni- 328i, Fully loaded M Sport packace Shape, Black Magic Color and ge BMW with 63000 miles. In
Rear Windows with Black Foil. good condition! Heated seats, naLED Rearlights. Good Condition. vigation, comfort access package
Pass Inspection!!!! 0170 - 1910484 and so much more. Email for more details. The picture of the car is
Volvo Model: XC90 T6 AWD R- in
Design Year: 2016 Color: Bursting
blue metallic Upholstery: Charcoal Nubuck / Nappa leather with
contour seats Transmission: 8speed automatic w/ geartronic, in or 06134-284943
All ads & pics on
MINI Cooper Cabrio, green, inside black and part leather, new tires (all year tires) on aluminium
rims, lots of extras, all services done, Accident-free, FR 09/2005,
76000km, Petrol, 85 kW (116 PS),
replacement engine, Negotiable
Volvo V50 2008 Diesel, $3500,
€8,400. 0176-62056022
phone: 0631-30 3355 30, email:
Motorhome - See Europe in sty- German
le. Fleetwood Tioga 1996, 31ft x specs, 225,000KM, Black Metallic
100 inches. Sleeps 5/6, queen w/Black Leather interior, great mimaster bed and separate shower leage (4 liters/100KM), station waand toilet. Beautiful with many lu- gon style (not sedan), 5-gear stanxuries. $15K OBO. Call Scott for dard transmission, air conditiopictures
info ning, heated front seats, front seat airbags, side airbags (front),
electric windows, on-board computer, electric side mirrors, radio/
CD, central locking with remote
control, cruise control, ABS, ESP,
multi-function steering wheel, outside temperature indicator, fold
down rear seats, 2 sets of tires
(winter & summer). Drives great!
Mazda Precary Turbo Diesel Air
Cond 5 speed 1st hand year 1998
new inspection and 1 year warranty, 90, Babenhausen Germany,
Opel Tigra Twin Top 1.4
ble in TOP Condition, German
Mercedes 190 E 5 speed 4 door spec, 70,000 miles, manual, black
power stering ABS new inspecti- interior/exterior, chrome rims plus
on and 1 year warranty on motor winter tires, parking control, just
trans and rear end, 90, Babenhau- serviced, Kaiserslautern €5900,
sen Germany, €3000., email: call
VW golf cabriolet, This convertible was born in 2013, has 40,000
km, GPS, automatic, air conditioning, black leather interior, dealer
maintained, all the bells and whistles one could want. For €15,000
someone is walking away with the
VW Golf 16V Black Magic !! 75PS
157000Km 6 x Airbags . ESP ,
Central Look , Aircondition , Radio CD USB , Electric Windows
and Mirrors.Very Nice Shape ,
Black Magic Color and Rear Windows with Black Foil. LED Rearlights.Good Condition.Pass Inspection !!!!0170 - 1910484
AEG ÖKO-favorite, 220 volt dish
washer, ex. condition. More info
please call after 1700 hrs. 01638853574
B&W Speaker System Silver:
Subwoofer (AS1) 220V.5-Channel
Home Theatre (M-1) incl. Table
Stands, Wall Brackets, Floor
Stands.4 Speakers + 1 Center
Belkin, Surge Master, under monitor power center, 110V, never
used, $15.00. Pic available cchhrriiss99@netscape.netWiesba
den, 0611 / 5858 9640, call after
19:00 or leave message.
Dell Inspiron 23 - All-in-one
desktop computer, desktop computer, Brücken (Pfalz) Germany,
$300.00, email: charleshtollejr@out
Foot Massage Bath. 5 Massage
Settings. With Heating. Massageball + Massagebrush. 3.3ltr. 100
Watt.220V. User Guide. Orig. Box.
+ event calendar
+ movie schedule
+ travel articles
+ videos
+ more!
Your community. Your website. ...................................................................................July 7, 2016 Herald Union Page 27
Have fun with the locals
Fri, Jul 15 – Sun, Jul 16
Schlangenbad, Kurpark
Join this year’s Schlangenfest in Schlangenbad on
July 15 – 16. If you are a sports fanatic then be
sure to join in. There will be a mini Triathlon and
lots of great food including flammkuchen, grilled
food, pizza and much more. For more info go to
Photo by Maridav /
Animalistic relatives
Fri, Jul 8
Eltville am Rhein, Mediathek
Rolf Walther is internationally renowned for
his black and white photography. Admire his
newest exhibition ‘Animalistic Relatives’ at
Mediathek Eltville between June 11 and July
8 where he exhibits animals that are genetically closest to humans in their natural habitat. Admission is free. For more information
go to
Jazz festival
Fri, Jul 8 – Sun, Jul 10
Idstein, town center
Idstein invites you to their annual Jazz festival
in the heart of the city, its historic district, from
July 8 to 10. Countless bands will provide you
and your family with a musical selection from
classics to modern rock & pop originals while
you enjoy a variety of culinary offers. Visit for the entire
weekend’s schedule and more info.
International beer festival
Fri, Jul 8 – Sun, Jul 10
Mainz, Kurfürstlichen Schloss
If you’re looking for something to do this
weekend from July 8 - 10 you can visit the
beer festival in Mainz that will last 3 days.
There will be lots of different beers, plenty of
food, good music and much more. For more
detailed info go to
Schierstein harbor fest
Fri, Jul 8 – Mon, Jul 11
Wiesbaden, Schiersteiner Hafen
Enjoy a fest in the harbor of Schierstein
from July 12 to 14. This event has been going strong for 68 years and lures water and
boat fans alike. You can enjoy water sports, a
large range of music, as well as all the culinary specialties offered. Don’t miss out on the
dragon boat race and the fireworks. For more
info go to
Riverside stomp open air festival
Sat, Jul 9
Mainz-Kastel, Reduit
Feel the beat of Jamaica at this year’s Riverside Stomp open air festival in Mainz-Kastel
on July 9 from 5:30 p.m. and dance to the
Reduit’s colorful program with 7 live bands
and DJs all night long. Admission is free. For
more info go to
Poolside summer lounge
Sat, Jul 9
Eltville am Rhein, Freibad
Eltville’s public pool (Freibad) invites you to
their summer lounge beach party including cocktails and live music by Soul singer
Dominick Thomas on July 9 from 6:30 p.m.
until approximately 1 a.m. Admission costs
€10. For more info go to
Sun, Jul 10
Mainz, Mainzer Volkspark
Looking for something fun to do with
your children, then come to Mainz on
July 10 for the Kinderfestival (children’s
festival). Your children will be able to
join in on a few games, quizzes as well
as dance and jump around. No need
to worry about an entrance fee as it is
all free. There will be a fun-filled program for the children and also something for the adults. For more info go to
Family festival
Sun, Jul 10
Frankfurt, Palmengarten
Enjoy a colorful program at this year’s
family festival at the Palmengarten in
Frankfurt starting at 1 p.m. on July 10.
You and your family can learn about botany and interesting facts about their topic
‘scents, nature and culture’ with the help
of fun games and action packed tours
through the park. Admission costs €7 for
adults, €2 for children. For more info go to
Light in darkness exhibition
Sat, Jul 16
Wiesbaden, Aktives Museum
Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg hid
and saved over ten thousand Jews during the holocaust, providing them with
shelter, food and medicine. The Aktives
Museum Spiegelgasse in Wiesbaden has
now organized an exhibition with many
original documents, letters and pictures
to remember him until July 16. For more
info go to
Run for fun
Sun, Jul 10
Frankfurt, Jahrhunderthalle
Join the funniest, foamiest and most
colorful 5k run at Frankfurt’s Jahrhunderthalle on July 10 from 9:45 a.m. followed
by an after party. There are no rules or
juries, so start dancing, crawling or walking backwards as long as you have fun!
Tickets cost €44 including a t-shirt and
an unforgettable warm-up session before the race. For more information go to
American Football
Sat, Jul 16
Frankfurt, Volksbank Stadion
Watch an exciting American football game
at the Volksbank Stadion in Frankfurt on
July 16 from 7 p.m. as Samsung Frankfurt
Universe play against the Stuttgart Scorpions. Tickets start at €9. For more information go to
Chris de Burgh feat. Nigel Hopkins
Mon, Jul 11
Wiesbaden, Kurhaus
The Irish singer and composer Chris de
Burgh will be playing his greatest hits including ‘Lady In Red’ and ‘Don’t Pay The
Ferryman’ at the Kurhaus in Wiesbaden on
July 11 from 8 p.m. Tickets are available
online from €51. For more information go to
Mon, Jul 11
Köln, am Tanzbrunnen
ZZ Top, Monday July 11, 7 p.m. Köln Open Air
am Tanzbrunnen. Ticket price is €59.85. For
more info go to
All events listed on and in print are subject to change without notice. Please check directly with event organizer.
More events on:
Page 28
Herald Union
July 7, 2016 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ www�herald-union�com
Coach Purse, Authentic canvas
and leather Coach purse, 10 x 8
tan/light brown w/ embroidered logo. See photos on FIG classifieds
All ads & pics on web page. Contact Eric and Mia
Garment Press, Kalorik, 110V,
Kalorik Garment Press, 110V, new
$ 349.00, asking $75.00.Wiesba- Skylander Giants backpack,
den, 0611 / 5858 9640, call after $10, or call 017622987498
19:00 or leave message.
Great Hyundai Computer screen 17 inch. comes with stand. Dual
voltage. Includes VGA monitor
cord. Works great. $40 bretheleni
Cooks 10 Eggs at Once, Nonstick 4egg Poaching Tray, 3egg
Omelet Tray, Brush. Stainl.Steel
Lid, On/Off Switch, Audible Alert,
Standby Mode, Easy Cleanup,
2Egg Holders, Beaker with Piercing Pin, User Guide, Orig. Box,
Cream colored Kipling shoulder
bag, durable nylon fabric w/ zipper closure & adjustable strap,
can be worn as a satchel across
body, gorilla mascot included.
063759949676, $30, eyates9761@
2012 rear seat cover made for
Volvo XC60, designed by Volvo to
fit the rear seat like a glove with
spaces for the seat belts and zippers to accommodate the 40/60
split design, must have for kids
HPXP with Mouse,
$100.00 obo, text 0151-706- CURVE for MEN, Curve Cologne
Men scent perfume, NEW,
ze:25"H.x22"W.x15"D.Each DraLexmark S605 Copier Printer wer:7"H.x19.5"W.x13.5"D.Lots Of Drinking Cup.Stainless Steel.350
Scanner, Printer Copier Scanner, Storage Space.Very Sturdy.Made ml.Dishwasher Safe.WMF, Germa
Hochspeyer Germany, €75.00 in
OBO, email:
Phillips 4K ULTHD TV, Phillips 4K 50 Plastic Clothes Hangers. Egg Cooker. Cooks 10 Eggs at
Once, Nonstick 4egg Poaching
UHD TV, Darmstadt Germany, Black.
Dura Tray, 3egg Omelet Tray, Brush.
$400.00, phone: 06151-52548,
Stainl. teelLid, On/Off Switch, Auemail:
Bicycle, Womans Fischer Ger- dible Alert, Standby Mode, Easy
Purchase Yamaha Tyros 5 with
man Bike. Like new. $50.00. Must Cleanup, 2Egg Holders, Beaker
MSO 5 speakers and IS7 stand,
be able to pick-up. Please email: with Piercing Pin, User Guide,
Orig. Box.chefsteven2015@gmail
Toshiba 40 inch Regaza HDTV Black DKNY fabric purse with Garment Bags, 2 garment bags
For Sale, Flatscreen HDMI Remo- snap closure. Removable strap. with pockets-for up to 5 garte Surround Sound, 67273 Wei- Converts easily to clutch style ments-durable
senheim am Berg Germany, €125, handbag. Contact Eric and Mia at resistant-2 pockets for accessoemail:
brethelenius@google 063759949676, $30, eyates9761@ ries-full length center, phone: 01623305535
condition (used the bags twice,
All ads & pics on
Caution: Some Classified
ads have become a target
for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer
you payment methods other
than cash.
Black Dooney & Bourke leather
drawstring closure with adjustable
shoulder strap. Excellent condition, only used a couple times.
063759949676, $50, eyates9761@
Candle Holder, Has black metal
and glass housing. Large, over 3
feet high. Rustic look. Great for Indoors or Outdoors. Holds a very
large candle. Helps create a
German Beerstein. Kaiserslauwarm, cozy atmosphere. john@ad
tern and famous German Cities
Design. Pewter Lid. 9.5"High. Bottom is a little chipped (don't see it Craftsman Gas Lawn Mower,
On $150, 2 years old Please contact
Beerstein Octoberfest.Decorative Pewter Lid (Carriage).Limited Edition.Heavy Quali
German Beerstein Wildlife.Fox
Design.Decorative Pewter Lid
LEGO Anakin's Jedi Interceptor,
Never opened Star Wars Anakin's
Jedi Interceptor. Son doesnt play
with Lego anymore. isabell_1_98@ or 017622987498
Horizon Adventure 6 Treadmill,
$300.00, phone: 015251048003,
treadmill is aimed at the professional runners, with an extra wide
running track it is very robust.
This treadmill folds for storage
and has wheels for moving.
Lounge Chair, Hunter Green with
nice (neutral) green mat that goes
on top. Heavy metal frame -- very
durable. Has wheels, easy to move around. Folds together to ease
carrying. Get ready for spring!
Retro Ice Buckets, Classic retro
ice buckets, perfect for your next
cocktail party. One white and one
peach colored. Contact Eric and
Mia at 063759949676, $10 each,
Multi Position Weight Bench,
NEWGolds GymMulti PositionWeight
Nike Zoom New for men size 8.5,
sneakers nike zoom new shoes,
75385 Bad Teinach-Zavelstein
+4932212152735, email: asti.wb@
Tapestry Wall Hanging. Unicorn
and Lion pattern. See photos on
FIG classifieds web page. Contact
Tricycle: Deluxe Steer & Stroll Trike by Radio Flyer, $50, phone:
TV Storage Case.12 Handles.Casters.Foam
Interior.Black.Very Sturdy.Fits TV Size
Panasonic bread maker, 20volt, up to 42".49"L.x31"H.x14.5"De67688 Rodenbach, $40, email: ep.Perfect
Two(2) almost new 3 wheel walPCS Sale: Thule Ocean 700 Ski kers/rollators with baskets and
box: $150.Charbroil Heatwave bags for sale, Paid 80Euros, asOutdoor Grill: $150. 2 Fest tables king $50 for each. One (1) new
with benches: $150. Contact wheelchair
0176 7177 4655
175Euros, asking $150. Call Larry
Perfume Mint by Tony Gard (for at
men), full bottle, €26, email: for details.
Piano, Baby Grand Triftstraße
66879 Kottweiler-Schwanden Germany, $2000, email: marthaoyan@, phone: 0637171770
Purses and Car Caddy, purse car
caddy black white charcoal snake
badge buddy wallet, $35, phone:
015145527264, email: yeddings@ am a Thirty One ad- White Dooney & Bourke leather
dict. No need for these items. purse with brown accent edging,
zipper closure with adjustable
They are brand new/never used.
shoulder strap. Good condition.
063759949676, $40, eyates9761@
All ads & pics on
Adjustable Full/Queen Size Bed.
Headboard, Footboard and Rails.
Cherry Wood.Very Sturdy.Assembly is easy, no tools required.
Antique English Book Case, $75,
45 inches high, 11 inches deep,
29 inches wide. Curved Door with
Glass Insets. Side Panels with
Glass Insets, 2 Glass Shelves.
Buyer Must Pick Up. Please Call
0159 0297 6140.
Antique Oak Furniture, Dining table w/4 chairs ($300), sewing machine (Singer) ($125), hall tree
with bench ($300)-All items available
06314114246 (0730-1700). ...................................................................................July 7, 2016 Herald Union Page 29
All ads & pics on
Kitchen Table (with 2 drop leafs) Microscope, Lomo MB-10 stereo
and 4 chairs. 0176-68390188
microscope with various parts
and lenses included. Excellent
Large 4 Section Closet (Schrank),
condition. €400 obo, jcambr@ya
$250, 7ft 4in by 11ft 5in (3
ons are 3ft 3in wide, 1 section is
1ft 8in wide). Two Clothes Han- Race Car Bed, Twin, solid wood,
ging Rails, Many Shelves. We will color blue, Length: 234 cm Width:
help take apart. Buyer Must Pick 102 cm Height at highest point:
Up. Please Call 0159 0297 6140
63 cm fits mattress size 200 x 90
Executive Assistant: RESPONSIBILITIES: Devising and maintaining office systems, incl data management and filing.Coordinate
with HR dept, travel agent and Administration for visas, making travel arrangements & follow up on
REQUIREMENTS Secretary degree. Minimum 5 years of expericm (not included), buyer must be ence in the same role. German,
able to pick up. $80 Call/text English bilingual, another langua015204445052
ge will be a plus.lm.humancapi
Solid rustic oak dining room,
€500, (or make offer) cabinet
3,80m long, table 2m long with 8
Beautiful French art deco (early
1900s) style buffet and hutch. Comes in three pieces for easy shipping. Buffet counter is black marble. Contact Eric and Mia at
Large office desk/workspace, of063759949676,
fice desk workspace, Brücken
(Pfalz) Germany, $150.00, charles
Brown Corduroy Upholstered,
Chair, $25, Buyer Must Pick Up. 015144959369
Please Call 0159 0297 6140,
La-Z-Boy Rocker Recliner, $75,
Dark Green Fabric, Clean and Cozy. Buyer Must Pick Up. Please
White IKEA Twin Trundle Beds w/
Call 0159 0297 6140.
Mattresses, $175, Buyer Must All ads & pics on
Love Seat, $75, Warm Gold Fa- Pick Up. Please Call 0159 0297
bric, Clean and Cozy. Buyer Must 6140.
2008 HD FAT BOB - as good as
Pick Up. Please Call 0159-0297
new - less than 4000 miles! US
specs. Color Flat Black. Original
HD Sissy bar + luggage rack.
Full size bed, canopy frame, & ca- Mantel Clock from the 60 era.
Windvest 14" windscreen. Living
nopy fabric. Sculpted rose orna- Key wind chines on the half and
ment on headboard and foot- full hour, $70.00, spvendor@ All ads & pics on room (forget garage) kept over the
winter. Full service completed last
board. Black wrought iron with
Dependable individual needed to summer. Asking $12000. email:
gold highlights. Contact Eric and
Mia at 063759949676, $325, Piano nicely done in good conditi- mow & maintain lawns for 2 resi-, phoon recently tuned 590 euro, pho- dents of Clay Kaserne. Must have ne: 01709335830
ne, phone: access and own transportation.
Huge Entertainment Cabinet, ca- 06731 44782
Immediate start is requested. Pribinet
ce is negotiable. Pls email or call 2008 Kawasaki Concours 14 mo66879 Reichenbach-Steegen Ger- Solid oak bookshelf/entertain- and
message.sdlyon@ torcycle--34K miles--sports-toumany, $50, email: swoodbury91@ ment center. Adjustable shelf po- or 0172-614-4484
ring lots of upgrades--new rear tisitions. 61 tall x 60 wide x 20.5
re, heated grips, tip over protectiep. TV area 34.5 high x 38.25 wi- Goufrais Representative, Free- on, highway pegs, saddlebag/enMattress Set: Stearns and Foster de x 20.5 deep. See photos on lance, with Angelic Imports. Exgine guards, windsheild extenQueen, Spangdahlem Air Base, FIG classifieds web page. Con- ample opportunity: Chocolate
ders, & more. $6700 or equivalent
$800, phone: 015144955943
at Fest 681 Maryland Ave Burlington in EURO, email: mnovobilski@
$150, WI 53105 USA, email: info@angeli
All ads & pics on
Single guy, 63, B1 German speaker, not glued to a smartphone,
non-smoker, active & fit, loves
cooking, candlelight, music seeks
an active, emotionally available,
non-smoking lady, 60+ for friend,
your personal
dog trainer
i come to your home!
Cell: 0170-204 0880
Dental Care
Kennel for dogs and cats
Phone 0611-421185
Services offered:
• Family Dentistry
• Certified
• Periodontal
• Implant Surgery
• Root Canals
• Wisdom Teeth
• Nitrous Oxide
• Saturday & Evening
Caring, Friendly
American Staff
Cell 01573-5283573
Silvia Pässler
Auf der Aulenkaut 12 a · 65199 Wiesbaden
Certified American
Dental Hygienists
Tricare Preferred Provider
Page 30
Herald Union
All ads & pics on
There have been reports of
pets being sold from breeding facilities that are not managed at the highest professional standards. Please
choose your pet carefully.
Make sure you check the credentials of the people selling
the pet, and get proper paperwork showing shots and/
or other proof of healthy condition. For further advice,
consult your Veterinarian.
World Wide Pet Transport. Pet
Relocation.Pickup and delivery
between residence & airports
around the world., pet relocation
live animal transport dog cat
Frankfurt Airport pets shipping
service, 60549 Frankfurt Germany, €on request, email: ivar@, 069 96 86 4091
All ads & pics on
Professional Services are offered by registered businesses as well as private people. To ensure a satisfactory
service experience, please always ask for credentials and
deny payments up front. For
cleaning services, arrange
for payments after a final
walk-through and inspection
of the clean house.
Are you looking to meet European women in Wiesbaden? USLoveWiesbaden connect you with
interested, local, European women of all ages who love the American way of life. We know all women personally to help you find
your perfect match. USLoveWies
Make-Up Artist Services available! I can travel to you or you come to me.For events, lessons,
and more! I specialize in contouring! Ramstein-Miesenbach Germany, €30-90, email: sophmua@ call or text: 0170
• Most advanced techniques in body contouring surgery
• Breast augmentation/ reduction & lift • Rhinoplasty
• Blepharoplasty • Face/neck lift • Botox ©, Filler, Peels
• Skin Cancer • Scar revision…and many more
Skin Care Center Wiesbaden
We accept VAT-forms • TRICARE preferred provider
Dr. Bianca Knoll • Savignystr. 61 • 60325 Frankfurt • Fon: 069-7422-7979
Email: •
Dr. Peter Broichmann & Colleagues
State of the art dental treatments with
a team of specialists under 1 roof!
Wiesbaden Dental Care
0611-9887 26 50
Bahnstrasse 14
65205 Wiesbaden
Ramstein Dental Care
06371-40 62 30
Poststrasse 1
66877 Ramstein
Teeth cleaning, crowns & bridges,
pediatric dentistry & much more…
Emergency care available 24/7
Nitrous oxide
Vat forms accepted
English spoken
Preferred Provider
Dermatology Dermatosurgery Allergies (hay-fever, asthma, eczema)
Psoriasis Cosmetic Dermatology (wrinkles, fillers, anti-aging) Laser
treatment (epilation, warts, moles, kouperosis, wrinkles, sun-spots)
Kirchgasse 42-44 65183 Wiesbaden
Tel: 0611 - 30 51 10
Wilhelmstrasse 60
65183 Wiesbaden
Phone 0611-5 05 99 80
Opening hours
Mon - Thu 8:00 am - 7:00 pm, Fri 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
July 7, 2016 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ www�herald-union�com
All ads & pics on
All ads & pics on
Family Portrait, PICTUREONE Real Estate Services are offeYour Photostudio in KMCC Mall
red by registered businesses
on Ramstein Air Base! We offer
as well as private people. To
Photosessions, Photoprints, an IDensure a satisfactory service
photos International experience in
experience, please always
studio, location outdoor and
ask for credentials and deny
event photography since 20
payments up front.
years! KMCC Mall, First Floor
06371-9753925 pictureone.rab@ Apartment, 3 bd, 1 bth, 120 sq
meters, Ringstrasse 33 67685
Weilerbach Germany, €700 + util
+ 2mnth dep, Avail now, email: an
IDPHOTO €10, Your favorite pic-
ture in 2x2 inch printout Ideal for 015773883261or 06374 1591
visa, passport, identity card, driving license, etc.Presentation and For Sale: Building site in Kollweidistribution of the pictures right af- ler 1922 sqm, Hofstraße 35 66879
ter the shoot. You will find us: PIC- Kollweiler Germany Gosenberger
TUREONE Photography Ramstein Hof, €82000, phone:+49-6373KMCC Mall Bldg.3336, First Flr 893499, email:
66877 RAB, 06371-9753925 Mail:
Freestanding country villa in
KMC. 15 mins to Kleber, 8 mins
to Sembach, directly from owner,
Just the way you are! Natural and 2 bdrms, 2bthrms, 190sqm, Langunstaged photos where a profes- heckerhof
Imssional photographer shows emoti- bach.€1330, call +1-49-4636on. Professional wedding covera- 9773979,
ge and portraits that emanate purity and naturalness. Reinhard Mi- FSH in Mehlingen, near Kaisers€240.000,
chel works as a Wedding photo- lautern,
grapher in München, Rosenheim 6303807708, email: lgheysen@
and Salzburg, as well as national or 0177-9563750 193
wide and internationally. admin@ sqm, fenced yard, 4 bdrms., 2
and1/2 baths, double garage BIK,
lvg room, fam. room, patio, for sale by owner, ten minutes to SemRhine River Tours: Exclusive all- bach Kaserne.
day-tour with a small group including Rhine cruise, Rhinestein Gorgeous FSH, Erfenbach 67659
Castle, Germania Monument, Rue- Kaiserslautern Germany, €830,
desheim and lots more! For more phone: 0172 68 55 976, email:
information, please call your tour,
guide Artur: 0160-3431986, email: completely renovated freestanding house located in
tern-Erfenbach, only 15 minutes
to Ramstein. Quiet street, gorRiding lessons, We offer riding geous yard, kitchen, modern balessons in English for beginners throom, nice living area and 3 beand advanced riders (children, drooms. Gas heating, housing apteens and adults)We are open proved, ready to move into immeMonday to Saturday 2pm-7pm diately. Loads of German charm.
and we are 15 minutes from Ramstein Air Base. For an appoint- Home for Sale or Rent, Nice,
ment call: 0160-1795222 or Email: American-owned, home with 1/2
acre enclosed back yard for sale
lesson: or rent in Mackenbach. Great,
convenient location just two miles
13,5$Advanced lesson: 17$
to Ramstein Air Base. Directly on
walking/cycling route to wooded
Violin Lessons, Bruchstraße 13 areas. Outdoor swimming pool
67655 Kaiserslautern Germany, just 4.5 km away along trail route.
phone: 0179 1662 828, email: mi This can be your personal residence,
TLA, €from 100,
email: 125 m² Apartment in downtown, pho- Kaiserslautern! 3 bedrooms, 1 full
ne: 0179 145 6657
bath, basement, balcony. Eisenbahnstraße 67655 Kaiserslautern
Luxury Wiesbaden Townhouse €830, phone: 01717475698 or
Residence, 3 bd, 1.5 bth, 140 sq 063159503, email: eva_hagel@
Apartement with separate entranRamstein 10 mins FSH, 5 bd, 2.5 ce near Ramstein, 2 bd, 1 bth,
bth, 66892 Bruchmühlbach-Mie- 110 sq meters, €670, email:
sau Germany, €1885, phone:
House for rent - The house is
with garden and parking lot.Bus
stop for American school.5 mins
drive to city Wiesbaden. Cell
0178-7828443, 06084-2336.h.vic 0172 68 55 976, email: mre.kmc@
Landstuhl big house, 245sqm, 5
bedrms, 3 baths, garage, balc,
KL-Siegelbach Fstdg House, 5 Ramstein Villag, 650€ (w/o utilyard,
bd, 4 bth, sauna wood stove gara- ties) - 3 bedroom appartment 4
ge carport oil heat, lofted ceiling, rent in Ramstein Village, 3 bd, 1
flat backyrd, bth, 120 sq meters,
senbach Germany, €650, phone:
0162-6044668, email: ap.kartes@
€1935, 1-571-969-2769, 0176-
All ads & pics on
RAMSTEIN:3BR, 1 /Liv rm, BIK,
2 bathrm, BIK, basement, ya. Gra- Pet sitter (2 cats) wanted, Cat sitKtown Downtown Apartment, ge. DSL, no pets, 5 min to RAB, ter wanted on occasions where faKaiserslautern Germany, €700, avail MAY 15, Engl. spk.€ 1.160 , mily is on leave or on travel. Daily
ph: 0172 68 55 976 or email: 00 + util.Approved by Hou- rate negotiable. Administer meds, apart- sing.Call
or dry food and water, clean kitty litment right in downtown K-Town, 015124282056.
quiet street, 2 mins from shops,
restaurants and bars. 80sqm, 2
bedrooms, big modern bathroom,
modern kitchen, nice living room,
speed internet, basement, private
parking, no pets. Available now.
Housing approved.
Wonderful Duplex Hirschhorn 10
km next to airbase Ramstein.Open design, floor heating,
very quiet, outskirts of field and forest. 230 sqm living space, 6
bedrms, 3 bathrms, loggia, 2 livingrms, garage spot pitch, terrace. Rent 1500 EUR +utilities (
ca. 150.- EUR ) Avail now. Please
call 0171-3857873
Row house in Schwedelbach, 4
bd, 3 bth, 185 sq meters, Am Hubel 29 Schwedelbach 67685,
€265000, phone: 06374-2868,
call: 06374-2868 5-9 pm
TLA / TQSA /Short term, 3 bd, 2
bth, 120 sq meters, Ramstein-Miesenbach Germany, 0179 145
6657, email: temp_house@hot
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Call Ms. Williams at 0 61 31-930 70 11 • ...................................................................................July 7, 2016 Herald Union Page 31