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erald Union H Vol. XXIII, No. 15 Wiesbaden: Our home in Germany April 28, 2016 Fish takes reins of USAG Wiesbaden Photo by LaDon Hooser Installation Management Command – Europe Regional Director Michael Formica (center) passes the U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden guidon to incoming Garrison Commander Col. Todd J. Fish (left), representing his taking command of the garrison at a change of command ceremony April 22 at the Wiesbaden Fitness Center on Clay Kaserne. Fish took command following the relinquishment of command by Col. Mary L. Martin (right). By Emily Jennings U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs The U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden community welcomed a new garrison commander during a change of command ceremony April 22 in the USAG Wiesbaden Fitness Center on Clay Kaserne. Col. Todd J. Fish took command of the garrison following the relinquishment of command by outgoing commander Col. Mary L. Martin. Community members, staff, host nation members and about 120 official guests, including nearly 100 official host nation partners, were in attendance. Twenty-five reservists from Inside Amelia Earhart sweeps Topper Awards See the full story on page 2. Landeskommando Hessen participated in the ceremony as well, to honor the partnership between the garrison and its host nation. Installation Management Command – Europe Region Director Michael Formica, thanked Martin for her service and praised her dynamic leadership skills and many accomplishments during her time as garrison commander. While in command, Martin oversaw more than 160 construction projects in support of European Infrastructure Consolidation actions; she established an official partnership between Hessian Forces Command and USAG Wiesbaden and was able to meet a demanding mission during a time of Garrison recognition ceremony Multiple award winners recognized, see page 4. significant manpower and budget reductions, Formica said. As commander, Martin led the way in the garrison earning numerous awards, including the Installation Award of Excellence, the Secretary of the Army Energy and Water Management Award and the Certified Gold Service Award for the Wiesbaden Lodge, he continued. Formica praised Martin’s record of maintaining a strong alliance and forging vital bonds with host nation officials. “While a garrison commander’s job is complex and important anywhere in the world, I would argue that it’s even more complex and more important in Europe, especially now,” Formica said. “This is a time when dramatic events have made it more significant than ever that we show a strong and dynamic presence.” Martin bid farewell to the community at the event. Her next assignment is as the commandant for the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute at Patrick Air Force Base, Fla. “I must say, my most rewarding experience has been meeting so many wonderful people,” she said. Martin expressed how proud she was of garrison community members, as well as the host nation community and leaders, for all they’ve accomplished during her time as commander. See ‘Command’ on page 2 Freedom Run See photos of the event on page 16. News and features Command. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Continued from page 1 “The garrison is doing amazing things to ensure our community has a great place to live, work and play,” she said. Formica also welcomed Fish, who comes to Wiesbaden from the 19th Expeditionary Sustainment Command, at Camp Henry, South Korea. His wife, Tracy, and children, Joshua and Jordan, will join him this summer. Fish’s hard work and global perspective, starting out as an enlisted infantryman and serving on multiple deployments in the Pacific, Middle East and Southwest Asia, give him experience that will serve him well here, Formica said. Fish thanked the U.S. and German military counterparts for their service and expressed his appreciation for the warm Wiesbaden welcome, and shared his eagerness to join the Wiesbaden community. “I’m very happy to be back in Germany,” he said, repeating in German for the host nation members in attendance, “Ich freue mich sehr, wieder in Deutschland zu sein.” For more information, including Fish’s complete biography, visit Photo by Emily Jennings Reservists from Landeskommando Hessen stand in formation at the U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden change of command ceremony April 22 at the Wiesbaden Fitness Center on Clay Kaserne. Amelia Earhart Playhouse sweeps ‘Topper’ awards Wiesbaden troupe takes 13 honors By IMCOM–Europe Public Affairs The finest praise that any actor or singer can receive is a standing ovation. Winning a little hardware isn’t bad as well, such as a Topper trophy. Installation Management Command-Europe recognized its best community theater performances during the annual Topper Awards ceremony held April 24 at Armstrong’s Club on U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz. Almost 50 awards went to individuals and troupes for their technical, musical, acting, artistic and directing achievements when producing 16 shows at military installations located throughout Belgium, Italy and Germany. The Toppers shine a spotlight on those who take the stage, as well as many who work behind the scenes, with all involved giving their time freely, whether as a backstage crew member, designer, technician, usher, performer, director or musician. Overall last year, some 3,000 people contributed more than 300,000 volunteer hours in producing plays, musicals and special events held on region installations. “These folks do so much for our communities,” said Michael Formica, director of IMCOM-Europe. “We cannot thank them enough for providing such quality entertainment for our enjoyment.” U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden’s Amelia Earhart Playhouse swept the awards, taking 13 of the trophies home at the event, including Best Play for “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.” The entire list of awards for Wiesbaden’s playhouse was: Best Sound Design for a Play, Anthony Medina, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest; Best Director of a Play, Olivier Gigaud, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest; Best Make- Photo by Lt. Col. David Yuen Jeremiah Ward, from Wiesbaden’s Amelia Earhart Playhouse, performs at the Topper Awards ceremony April 24 at Armstrong’s Club at U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz. Up for a Musical, Meagan Noranbrock, Amy Shafer and Michelle Susca-House, The Fantasticks; Best Instrumentalist, Valerie Cribbs (Harp), The Fantasticks; Best Orchestra or Musical Accompaniment, The Fantasticks; Best Director of a Musical, Brian G. Buckley, The Fantasticks; Best Ensemble for a Play, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest; Best Actor in a Featured Role in a Play;, Sterling Munro (Cheswick), One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest; Best Supporting Actor In A Play, Cody Smith (Billy Bibbit), One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest; Best Ensemble for a Musical, The Fantasticks; Herald Union published by The Herald Union, printed exclusively for members of U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden, is an authorized, unofficial Army newspaper published under the provisions of AR 360-1. Contents are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by, the U.S. government or the Department of Defense. The editorial content is the responsibility of the USAG Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office. No payment is made for contributions. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for sale, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. This is a biweekly newspaper published by AdvantiPro GmbH and printed by Oggersheimer Druckzentrum. Circulation is 6,000 copies. For display advertising rates: call Jaqueline Samad at civ (0631) 3033 5537, email; classified advertising rates: call Isabell Smith at civ (0631) 3033 5530 or post at Editorial offices are in Building 1205 on Clay Kaserne. Address: USAG Wiesbaden, Herald Union, Unit 29623 Box 60, APO AE 090059623; Telephone: mil 548-2002; civ (0611) 143-548-2002; Email:; Home page: Page 2 Herald Union Best Actor in a Featured Role in a Musical, Philippe Michael Augustin (The Old Actor; Henry), The Fantasticks; Best Actor in a Musical, Jeremiah Ward (The Boy; Matt), The Fantasticks; and Best Play, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. For the entire list of awards, visit article/166666/. Command and newspaper staff USAG Wiesbaden Commander......................Col. Todd J. Fish USAG Wiesbaden CSM..........Command Sgt. Maj. Larry Addington Public Affairs Officer............................................Anemone Rueger Editor..................................................Jacob Corbin (mil 548-2002) PA Specialist......................................Amy L. Bugala (mil 548-2003) PA Specialist. .....................................Emily Jennings (mil 548-2004) April 28, 2016 ...................................................................... Commentary Drive safe by reviewing your defensive driving habits By U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Safety Office Every driver needs to make an occasional review of defensive driving habits. Whether you are driving at work or off the job, in your home town or on vacation, you must drive defensively and without distractions. Defensive driving means being aware the other driver can make a mistake, endangering you. It means watching other vehicles and anticipating their moves. It means focusing on driving and not allowing yourself to be distracted. Follow these tips for defensive driving: – Your vehicle must be in good condition. Check all safety systems such as brakes, windshield wipers and lights. Tires must be in good condition and properly inflated. Make sure windshields and lights are free of obstructions such as dirt. – You must be in good shape to drive. Do not operate a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Be rested and alert. – Buckle your seat belt and safety harness before driving. Insist everyone else in the vehicle buckles up. – Obey all traffic laws. This includes observing speed limits and passing restrictions. – Be prepared for special road conditions and weather problems. Slow down if visibility is poor or if the road surface is rough or wet. – Don’t jump a red light or try to make it through on an amber light. Someone else might be trying to cut it close and the result will be a collision. – As you travel, leave enough space around your vehicle so you can stop or swerve if you have to. – Continually look from side to side of your vehicle, and check all mirrors. You need to know what the other drivers are doing. Here are some reminders for driving safely without distractions: Certainly people today are rushed, and have made a habit of doing other, dangerous, things while driving. However, driving while trying to do other tasks decreases the safety of the driver and passengers, because you do not have as much control of the vehicle and you cannot drive defensively – anticipating other Larceny has long-reaching effects By Donald Rosenkrans U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Civilian Misconduct Actions Specialist The Wiesbaden Exchange has seen an increase in larceny at their facilities, including both shoppettes and “fuel drive offs” at the gas pump. The items are of small value and common items like cosmetic items, clothes, and perfume – but that doesn’t mean it’s a small crime. Once you have been charged with larceny on Exchange property, AAFES will assess a $200 civil recovery fee to “recoup administrative costs” such as stopping the shoplifters, paying for cameras and loss prevention employees. If the stolen item is damaged or otherwise not sellable, the cost of the item will be added to the civil recovery fee. In addition, AAFES will request Exchange identification card privileges be suspended for six months for the first offense, according to AR 215-8. A second charge of larceny will result in the suspension of Exchange privileges for one year with another $200 fee. During the suspension period, the accused is barred from all AAFES facilities to include Exchanges, shoppettes, food malls and movie theaters. If they are caught violating this six month period, it could warrant trespassing charges. The garrison commander is the civilian misconduct action authority for actions for individual logistical support in the Wiesbaden community for all contractors, Family members, Department of Defense civilian employees, DoD Education Activity employees, diplomatic staff, retirees and local nationals working for the military. The CMAA has administrative jurisdiction, meaning the CMAA can only take administrative and adverse administrative action, not punitive action. Some of these examples of ILS privileges are commissary, morale and welfare, driving, ration cards, fuel cards, postal and exchange services. The host nation has exclusive criminal jurisdiction over civilians under the Status of Forces Agreement. The civilian misconduct program provides fair, meaningful, and impartial adjudication of incidents pertaining to the misconduct of civilians. It also establishes administrative actions and procedures to be taken in response to civilian misconduct to safeguard the resources, facilities, and welfare of U.S. Forces communities in Europe. These repeated acts of misconduct could result in curtail- ment of tour or early return of dependents, sending these repeat offenders back to the United States. It is a privilege to be here in Europe and not a right. A larceny charge on a person’s record could prevent a student from getting a summer job, or an adult from taking employment for a job on post, or joining the Military depending on the amount. Also, these shoplifters increase prices of goods because AAFES has to make up for the losses that larceny creates. Shoplifting harms everyone, especially in the military community, since AAFES profits help fund Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation programs. If the temptation is too great and you get caught then there are steps taken for the misconduct. The first step is a letter of intent from the garrison commander stating that misconduct took place. By regulation you have three days from receipt of the intent letter to make a rebuttal of why the action should not take place. Then the final action memo will come from the garrison commander stating that the privileges have been suspended and the accused has seven days to go to Bldg. 1023 East to get a new ID card removing the suspended privileges. drivers’ actions. – Make sure you use cell phones safely. The safest thing is to make your calls before you set out. If you receive a cell phone call while you are driving, let the caller leave a message, pull over, and text or call that person back – Be aware that using a hands-free, voice-activated cell phone can still distract you. – A safe driver also stops before checking maps and addresses, looking at paperwork, and dealing with similar distractions. – Program your GPS and familiarize yourself with the route before you start driving – Even eating, drinking, fiddling with the radio or vehicle sound system, adjusting heaters and digging items out of the glove box while driving have caused vehicle crashes. – Avoid arguments or stressful conversations with passengers that could divert your attention from the road. Do you drive defensively at all times? Review your defensive driving skills on a regular basis. Crime Prevention Protect your home by taking the following measures: – When not present, lock doors and windows (close rolladens). – Ensure proper exterior lighting (motion sensors). Leave a light on inside your home. – Do not open your home to solicitation attempts. – Report any suspicious activity in the neighborhood. At events – Carry bags and purses with the flap or lock side closest to your body. – Do not leave bags, purses or jackets unattended or draped over the back of a chair as a thief will take advantage of your inattention to strike. – Large crowds bring out pickpockets. – Avoid becoming a victim by taking a few precautions: Carry only the necessary cash, debit, or credit cards to accomplish your planned task and distribute your cash, cards and cell phone in different locations on your body to avoid losing everything. Looking for photos of a recent USAG Wiesbaden event featured in the Herald Union? Visit com/photos/wpao to download high resolution images! ..........................................................................April 28, 2016 Herald Union Page 3 News and features Garrison members recognized at ceremony News flash By Emily Jennings Upcoming closings Due to the German holiday on May 5 and Shop Agreement Day on May 6, the following front door services will be closed: Driver’s Training & Testing, TMP, Installation Property Book, Central Issue Facility, Personal Property Processing Office and POV Inspection Point. For additional information, contact the Logistics Readiness Center at DSN 546-6002/6010. In addition, other offices may be closed. Please call ahead to any garrison services before traveling. Passport processing U.S. Consulate representatives will be on Clay Kaserne to process tourist passports and Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA) applications, May 3 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., in Bldg. 1029. (Processing will take place in a room near the library. Signage will be posted). All applicants must bring a typed application form available at Fees must be paid with a money order or cashier’s check. Personal checks, dollars, or euros will not be accepted. First Time Adult Passport is $135; Adult Tourist Renewal is $110; Child Tourist Renewal is $105; CRBA and Tourist Passport is $205; and CRBA and no fee passport is $100. Applicants should bring all original documents. Photocopying resources are limited. Frankfurt USO closure The USO at the Frankfurt International Airport (FRA) is permanently closed as of April 14. Over the past three years, the center has seen a decline in the use of the facility as a result of the shift of arriving military personnel and their families from FRA to Ramstein Air Base. The location now primarily serves as a spot for visitors to wait for commercial shuttles to local installations. Practice bicycle safety Bicycle operators and passengers on U.S. military installations must wear an approved safety helmet properly fastened under the chin. Other bicycle safety rules include not using cell phones or wearing listening devices; using a headlight that emits a white light and a taillight that emits a red light; wearing light-colored clothing or reflective accessories when riding at night or in low light; and bicycle wheels must have two reflectors mounted 180 degrees apart on the spokes. Bicycle pedals must have reflectors designed and placed to be visible from the front and rear of the bicycle. Note: Local national personnel are not required to wear a safety helmet when riding a bicycle on U.S. military installations in Germany. Wearing a safety helmet is, however, highly recommended. Page 4 Herald Union U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Garrison personnel were recognized during an awards ceremony April 15 at the Tony Bass Auditorium. Command Sgt. Major Larry Addington made it a point to thank everyone for making the U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden community a great place to live and work. “It’s a privilege to be stationed here and to work alongside all the great civilians and military that we have here. You guys make USAG Wiesbaden what it is,” Addington said. USAG Wiesbaden’s then-Commander Col. Mary Martin agreed, telling audience members, “If it was not for you, we couldn’t do half the things that we do.” (Editor’s note: Martin relinquished command in a change of command ceremony April 22, after this story occured). Martin lauded the progress and achievements of each of the garrison directorates and organizations, citing how much these organizations touch the community. The Certificate of Commendation was awarded to James Weber, OIP Inspection Bavaria, for outstanding service in preparing and executing the Headquarters, U.S. Army Installation Management Command, Organizational Inspection Program initial command inspections. Directorate of Family Morale Welfare and Recreation awards were also presented. The Achievement Medal for Civilian Service was awarded to DFMWR employee Geraldine Wilson for her exceptional meritorious service to the Soldier and Family Assistance Center, Survivor Outreach Services and Army Community Service from December 2008 thru March 2015. Gerald Gardner was presented the Achievement Medal for Civilian Service. Gardner was recognized for his exceptional performance of duty from January 2008 to December 2015 for successful accomplishment of a long series of building renovations for DFMWR. Gardner also received an incentive award for $1,500. DFMWR employee Gaetano Vecchio received the Achievement Medal for Civilian Service for his retirement after 44 years of service as an automotive maintenance technician. The First Quarter Customer Service Award went to DFMWR employee Charlesetta Jackson. She received a $750 cash award and will Geraldine Wilson, Directorate of Family Morale, Welfare and Recreation, is presented the Achievement Medal for Civilian Service at the Garrison Recognition Ceremony April 15. have her name engraved on the Garrison Customer Service trophy and picture displayed with the trophy and a plaque at the Garrison Headquarters The Team Excellence award winner was the Army Community Service Team, DFMWR, which included the following people: Maciej Golonka, Victor Garcia, Earl McFarland, Ruben Wallace, Sara Clow, Geraldine Wilson, Shelby Van Voris, Mary Cheney and Stephanie Talcott. In addition to a team excellence certificate, they also received a trophy that they will retain for the following quarter, as well as a framed picture of this event to be displayed in the Command Headquarters. The Army Community Service Team was recognized for their role as an extremely devoted group of professionals that exceeded the highest professional standards and contributed to enhancing quality of life services to Soldiers and their Families. The First Quarter Cross-Organizational Award was given to the Holiday Decorating Team, whose members were Joseph Harris, DFMWR; Terese Toennies, DFMWR; John Starkey, DFMWR; Reginald Stewart, DFMWR; Patrick Hoban, DFMWR; Frank Endres, DPW; Thomas Her- rmann, DPW; Manfred Jung, DPW; Sascha Roehsel, DPW; Andreas Zorn, DPW; Heinz Michael Lenz, DPW; Aziz Demirbas, DPW; Manual Di Leo, DPW; Sedat Selmani, DFMWR; and Peter Witmer, DFMWR. Members of this team received an 8-hour time-off award, a Certificate of Appreciation and a framed photo displayed in the Garrison Headquarters hallway. The Second Quarter Cross-Organizational Award was given to the Community Forum Team: Anemone Rueger, PAO; Lt. Col. Michael Zink, DES; Nadine Bower, PAO; Jacob Corbin, PAO; Amy Bugala, PAO; Emily Jennings, PAO; Maj. Mark Miller, USAREUR PAO; Sgt. Marcus Franklin, DPTMS; Anthony King, DPTMS; 1.PHK Thomas Fink, West Hesse Police Presidium; Bill Clements, USFLO Hessen; and Lt. Col. Wolf-Teja von Rabenau, Landeskommando Hessen. The team was recognized for their contribution toward enhancing trust in leadership and publicizing the cooperation with Host Nation officials in the USAG Wiesbaden Community. They will receive an 8-hour time-off award and a Certificate of Appreciation. April 28, 2016 ...................................................................... News and features Auto Skills Center named among best in the Army By Karl Weisel U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Family and MWR The staff of the Wiesbaden Automotive Skills Center took a few minutes out April 21 to join patrons in celebrating winning the Installation Management Command’s Army Recreation Award for Best Medium Sized Automotive Skills Center in the U.S. Army worldwide. “When I’m walking around in the community, I always get comments about what a great job this team does at the Auto Skills Center,” said Col. Mary Martin, then U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden commander. “They truly deserve this award for everything they do for the community.” “Everyone needs to fix his or her vehicle, and they don’t turn anyone away,” said Martin, who relinquished command April 22 before heading to a new command assignment in the United States. “Thanks for all you do.” Martin and Garrison Command Sgt. Maj. Larry Addington presented members of the staff with command coins during the Celebration of Excellence which featured free food, courtesy of the Wiesbaden Entertainment Center, BMW Karl+Co. and Military Auto Source; a car smash; live AFN-Wiesbaden broadcast; an air bag demonstration and giveaways. “These guys work hard,” said Richard Babcock, Automotive Skills Center manager. “I’m really happy for them. I Photo by Karl Weisel Col. Mary Martin (left), then U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden commander, and Command Sgt. Maj. Larry Addington (right) congratulate the staff of the Wiesbaden Automotive Skills Center April 21 for being named among the best in the U.S. Army. Patrons are effusive in their praise get the full support of my team, and we for the local auto skills center. have a great crew.” “It’s clean. All the mechanics have The Celebration of Excellence event was “a way to show our customer ap- been helpful,” said Spc. Tony Milheiser, preciation,” the center manager said. a technician with AFN-Wiesbaden. “It’s “I love it (having earned the worldwide cheap and it’s close.” Milheiser said he was especially recognition). “Cars are important to people,” said impressed by having the opportunity Babcock, who has been with the Wies- to use the facility to help his wife learn baden center since 2007 and served for her way around basic car maintenance. “My wife had never changed her a decade as a U.S. Army light-wheeled oil and it was easy to come out here mechanic. “When you give them the help and show her what to do — something they need it’s very rewarding.” she had never thought about doing,” he said, adding, with a smile, “It was one of our dates.” “If you’re willing to come and get dirty and listen, you can really learn a lot and save money,” said Terry Pitts, a U.S. Army civilian with the garrison’s Plans, Analysis and Integration Office. “Basically everything I’ve learned (about car maintenance) is from Army crafts shops.” While the staff members take their jobs very seriously, as witnessed by a consistent stream of positive Interactive Customer Evaluation feedback and the recent IMCOM-level award, there have been less serious moments, Babcock said. “We’ve had people come in to get their air conditioners fixed — and it turns out they didn’t have one. We also had a customer ask to have her tire pressure checked. When we checked it, it was 90 pounds in each tire (dangerously overinflated).” In each case, the staff was quick to explain the workings of the vehicle and to assist, Babcock added. Wiesbaden Automotive Skills is located on the North Side of Clay Kaserne (enter through Wiesbaden-Erbenheim). The center is open Tuesday to Friday from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. For more information visit http://wiesbaden. The used 522nd MI BN activates car guys Weilerbacherstr. 110 67661 Kaiserslautern Jacob-Pfeifer-Str. 100 67661 Kaiserslautern Hillstr. 45 54529 Spangdahlem Am Lanzenbusch 1 66877 Ramstein 0631 680 312 10 0631 987 41 06565 957 315 06371 920 000 ∙ buy sell Photo by Susanne Goebel Command Sgt. Major Christopher Matthews (left) and Lt. Col. James Snyder (right) unfold the new 522nd Military Intelligence Battalion flag on March 24 during the unit’s activation ceremony on Clay Kaserne. Trade finance U.S. SPEC — ALL BRANDS! view our inventory - updated daily ..........................................................................April 28, 2016 Herald Union Page 5 News and features The beauty of recycling Students learn processes, benefits of local landfills By Emily Jennings Photos by Emily Jennings U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Trees’ leaves lightly shudder in the spring breeze as sheep graze along the hillside. The air is clean and crisp. A hoopoe bird swoops by, wings outstretched, showing off its detailed coloring, a rare sight in the city. We’re not at a bird sanctuary or in the remote countryside. We’re standing on top of 270 feet of garbage, in the middle of the Dyckerhoffbruch Landfill, one of Germany’s largest, on the south side of Wiesbaden. Wiesbaden elementary school children got a glimpse into this well organized and clean facility during a field trip April 15, facilitated by Garrison Wiesbaden Directorate of Public Works as part of a spring break camp at the Hainerberg Youth Center. Americans and others new to Germany learn a little bit about recycling when they sort their own trash by color-coded dumpster, but there’s much more to it than melting discarded packaging to make new packaging, as Adam Gordon, DPW environmental technician explained. “Way back when, we used to dump everything. We did not sort trash,” Gordon said of the mountain of garbage. But things have completely changed. “[Now] we do not dump any trash in Germany. It all gets sorted and taken to different places. The remaining trash that we’ve got gets sorted here and taken to Frankfurt where it gets incinerated. And all we take back here and dump here is the ash.” (Clockwise from left) Adam Gordon, environmental technician with Directorate of Public Works, leads elementary students on a tour of the Dyckerhoffbruch Landfill in south Wiesbaden April 15; Tristen Wescott (left) and Emma Baker look in bins where cork is sorted for recycling; a line of photovoltaic cells produces more than a million killowat hours of solar energy, enough to power 300 homes. Oohs and ahs and a bit of laughter erupted from the crowd of children as Gordon detailed the items buried under the pile: Cars, refrigerators, televisions even. The facility is so efficient that even though the old trash mound is not economically viable for sorting and recycling with today’s technology, gas is collected from underneath and transferred to generators, which in turn produce heat and electricity for the buildings at the landfill complex, Gordon said. Bio waste from the brown bins, where residents of Wiesbaden dispose of their yard clippings and vegetable peelings, is brought to a bio-generator. “It gets treated there and it rots down, producing a lot of heat and a lot of gas. It produces so much heat, that there’s a pipeline that goes from [the landfill] to Clay Kaserne, and it provides 50 percent of our heat — from your trash.” The children were surprised to learn that garbage powers the garrison, said Fred Birt, assistant director at the Hainerberg School Age Center. “They were really impressed,” he said. “It sparked a lot of interest.” In the past, waste was something that was buried and forgotten, according to Michael Zorbach, Head of Waste Management, in the facility’s informational brochure. “Landfills were a blot on the environment,” he wrote, about former industry practices. “But today they form a hub of environmental responsibility.” LICENSED GM WARRANTY REPAIR GM PROFI GmbH Anton Hehn Strasse 09 55246 Mainz Kostheim-Kastel 0 61 34 - 616 92 Page 6 Herald Union Check out our new website at April 28, 2016 ...................................................................... USAG Wiesbaden — Wackernheim, Wiesbaden Community notes Army Ed survey The Wiesbaden Army Education Center is looking for all service members, family members, civilians, contractors, host nation employees and veterans to participate in a survey regarding Education Services. This is an important opportunity to let the Education Center know what courses and programs you are interested in taking. To take the survey go to WIACES. For more information contact, the Education Center at DSN 548-1302 or civ (0611) 143-548-1302. Kinderfest Celebrate the Month of the Military Child during the 2016 Community Kinderfest, April 30 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Wiesbaden Entertainment Center. Enjoy a day filled with great music, games, crafts, sports, information booths and more. There’ll also be an inflatable obstacle course, bouncy house and a live DJ. Event is free and open to all U.S. ID Cardholders. Baby Fair New and expecting parents can pick up a variety of valuable information about community resources available through local agencies at the Army Community Service Baby Fair, April 29 from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wiesbaden Entertainment Center in Hainerberg Housing. No registration is required. Meet other parents and learn what to expect during your baby’s first year. Refreshments and prizes will be featured. Dining in Germany Visit a different German restaurant every month as part of the Army Community Service Relocation Readiness “Mahlzeit Mit Frau Irmgard” program. Participants can practice using public transportation ask questions about local food and drink, dining practices and enjoying life the Wiesbadener way. The next dining and learning opportunities are May 11 and June 8. Call ACS at civ (0611) 143-548- 9201 to reserve a seat. Mother’s Day Bowling Mothers can bowl free at the Wiesbaden Entertainment Center on Mother’s Day, May 8 from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. As an added special thanks — get $2 off the price of any pizza when Mom orders that day. Mother’s Day Brunch Enjoy brunch at the Little Italy Restaurant and Catering Center May 8 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. featuring biscuits and gravy, bacon, sausages, fried potatoes, waffles, pancakes, French toast, omelets, eggs, oven-baked chicken, baked fish, pork cutlets, roasted rosemary potatoes, roast beef, ham, pasta, seafood, salad and a range of desserts, beverages, juices, ice cream, champagne and wines. There will also be activities for children including a play corner and movies. Cost is $23.95 for ages 13 and above, $9.95 for children ages 6-12, free for ages 5 and under. The Little Italy is located in Building 1011 on Clay Kaserne. retired military personnel on Armed Forces Day. The clinic will focus on the fundamentals of the golf swing to include grip, stance and posture, the back swing and follow through. Driving range balls and clubs will be provided. Meeting point will be at the golf course driving range at 11 a.m. Advance registration is requested, but walk-ins are welcome. The Wiesbaden Entertainment Center invites Soldiers to bowl for free all day long on Armed Forces Day. That evening (starting at 9 p.m.) enjoy Caribbean Night and Music by Savage in the WEC Lounge. Publishing class Have you ever thought you might want to write a book, but didn’t know where to start? Do you have book ideas and excerpts stuck in a notebook somewhere, just waiting for the inspiration to strike? Learn how to use social media to connect with agents and editors. Also, find out if you are a plotter or a pantser (writing by the seat of your pants), about high concepts and what it means to be a writer. Class is 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. May 11, Wiesbaden Library, Bldg. 1029. Cost is free. Learn about e-resources Having trouble downloading or accessing the Army Europe Libraries’ e-resourc- es? Come to the Wiesbaden Library’s “e-Resources for Dummies” class — just bring in your own portable device and we’ll show you how it’s done — “quickly simply and painlessly.” Class is 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. May 19, Wiesbaden Library, Bldg. 1029. Cost is free. AAFES Evening Social The Wiesbaden Exchange will host its first ever evening social April 28 at 7 p.m. at the Wiesbaden Mall Stylique. Open to everyone, the social will provide a unique experience at the discover tips and tricks from professional hair stylists and learn about hair care, proper product selection, and the newest fashion trends. AFTB classes Army Family Team Building is a series of free training modules taught through Army Community Service covering topics such as basic informa¬tion about the Army, personal growth skills and leadership skills. Classes are May 2 to 4, 16 to 17 and June 6. Call civ (0611) 143-548-9201 to sign up. Armed Forces Day Celebration Join Family and MWR in celebrating Armed Forces Day May 21 with a host of special events. The day kicks off with an Armed Forces Day 5k run/ walk at the Wiesbaden F itness Center. It starts at 9 a.m. with the first to register that morning picking up free commemorative T-shirts. Wiesbaden Automotive Skills invites community members to work on their vehicles that day. Active duty and reserve military members get half off on bay fees from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. The Rheinblick Golf Course holds a free golf clinic for all active duty and ..........................................................................April 28, 2016 Herald Union Page 7 News and features Child Abuse Prevention Month: At risk children By Shelby Van Voris USAG Wiesbaden Victim Advocate Coordinator Knowing about child abuse, its definition and types is important. However, getting acquainted with information on protective factors is even more critical and is proven in reducing and eliminating cases of child abuse and neglect. These factors help ensure that children and youth function well at home, in school, at work and in the community. Research has found that positive interventions must both decrease risk factors and promote protective factors to guarantee child and family well-being ( Nurturing and Attachment Our fast-paced life and juggling the demands of work, home and other responsibilities, may lead some parents to feel that they have no time to spend with their children. Nonetheless, small acts of kindness, caring and offering safety count — a loving word, a hug, a lunch note — make a big difference. Research shows that babies who receive affection and nurturing from their parents have the best chance of developing into children, teens, and adults who are happy, healthy and possess individual-level protective factors such a relational, self-regulation and problem solving skills. Research also shows that a consistent relationship with caring loving adults in early years of life is associated with better grades, healthier behaviors, more positive peer interaction, and an increased ability to cope with stress later in life ( Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development When parents are not aware of normal developmental milestones, interpret their child’s behaviors in a negative way, or do not know how to respond to and effectively manage a child’s behavior, they can become frustrated and may resort to harsh punishment. Information about child development and parenting may come from many sources, including extended families, media, and parent education classes. Interacting with other children of similar ages also helps parents better understand their own child. Observing other caregivers who use positive parenting techniques provide an opportunity for parents to learn healthy alternatives Parental Resilience Parents who can cope with stress as well as occasional crisis, have flexibility— the flexibility to bounce back when things are not going well. Their ability to deal with life’s ups and downs serves as a model of coping behavior for their children. All parents have inner strengths or resources that can help in building their resilience. For instance, faith, flexibility, humor, communication skills, supportive caring relationships, or the ability to identify and access outside resources and services when needed. Social Connections Parents with a network of supportive friends, family, and neighbors often find that it is easier to care for their children and themselves. We all need people we 50 Years can call when we need a sympathetic listener, advice, or assistance in occasional child care. In other words, a positive and supportive community environment. On the other hand, research has shown that parents who are isolated and have few social connections are at higher risk for child abuse and neglect. Being new to a community, recently divorced, or a first-time parents makes a support network even more important. USAG Wiesbaden FAP The Family Advocacy Program is designed to prevent domestic abuse and child abuse and neglect by providing education and awareness programs for all members of our military community. Many people become uncomfortable when they hear the primary purpose of the ACS-FAP. The discomfort is a result of the stigma related to both child and spousal abuse. This tends to affect the actual purpose of the program and results in a lack of program resource utilization and community participation. The FAP offered at ACS is designed to enhance the well-being of all Service members, DoD Civilians, and their Family members. We strive to achieve these goals by providing information, support, education, and tools on important matters pertaining to specialized programs for the prevention and treatment of child and domestic abuse. To contact family advocacy, please call DSN 548-9201 or civ (0611) 143-548-9201. AFN receives Green Boot award in business COLLISON CENTER We at Auto Hollmann would like to invite you to stop by and visit our Collision Center. We have seven collision/paint technicians with a combined experience of years which enables us to fix your vehicle right the first time. We at Hollmann feel that our employees are our strongest asset so we work very hard to keep up to date with our training standards. Our techs are factory trained along with various accomplishments from the major paint manufactures. Direct repair shop with most major insurance companies. Climate controlled paint booth and prep station. Drive-on frame and unibody straightening rack for both full frame and custom made vehicles. We have our own paint mixing system to match even the toughest colored vehicles. We offer a complete line of repair including alignments. 24 hour towing at 0171-6538059 (USAA 5 Star Shop) + We offer repairs on all makes and models + Lifetime warranty on all workmanship + Inexpensive transportation/loaner vehicle + Accurate Measuring System + All OEM Parts shipped directly from USA (US Warranty) Deliveries each week + We offer many more services + We work for all major insurance companies Call or swing by Monday to Friday from 7 am to 7 pm or look us up on Hochheimerstrasse 111 55246 Kastel/Kostheim Phone 06134-3381 Page 8 Herald Union Photo by Tomasz Filatow Then U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Commander Col. Mary Martin and Garrison Command Sgt. Maj. Larry Addington present the Green Boot award for AFN Wiesbaden April 15. AFN Wiesbaden members pictured are (from left to right) Staff Sgt. Henry Gundacker, Sgt. 1st Class Corey Ray and Gary Bautell, AFN station manager. April 28, 2016 ...................................................................... News and features Military Spouse Appreciation day: 5/6 Recipe for: A Military Spouse STATE Ingredients: Directions: To the ingredients Add 2 table table- - 1 1/2 cups Patience spoons elbow grease and let stand alone for one - 1 cup Courage - 3/4 cup Tolerance - Dash of Adventure - 1 pound of Ability year. Marinate frequently with salty tears. Pour off excess fat and sprinkle ever so lightly with money interthen Knead dough until payday. Season with inter national spices. Bake 20 years or until done. Makes unlimited servings. By Herald Union Staff What is Military Spouse Appreciation Day? On April 17, 1984, then President Ronald Reagan declared May 23, 1984, the first Military Spouse Appreciation day with Proclamation 5184. The Department of Defense has recognized spouses of Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force or Coast Guard on the Friday preceding Mother’s Day. Following the president’s declaration in 1984, Congress officially recognized Military Spouse Appreciation day in 1999. Since 1984, Military Spouse Appreciation Day has served as a time to honor the efforts of the men and women married to military person- Voting is your Right and Responsibility Send it home! Upcoming Voter Registration Deadlines nel, recognizing the toll deployments and training can take on the spouse of a service member. Today, the Department of Defense dedicates a variety of programs to improving the quality of life and resiliency of military families. Programs such as Army Family Action Plan and Total Army Strong seek to strengthen military families year-round. This year Military Spouse Day is May 6. Family and MWR will be hosting Military Spouse Appreciation Day at the Army Community Service Cafeteria from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., recognizing spouses from the U.S.Army Garrison Wiesbaden Community. ELECTION DATE California 6/7/16 S. Dakota 6/7/16 S. Dakota 6/7/16 Iowa 6/7/16 New Jersey 6/7/16 New Jersey 6/7/16 Montana 6/7/16 Montana 6/7/16 New Mexico 6/7/16 New Mexico 6/7/16 D.C. 6/14/16 D.C. 6/14/16 Maine 6/14/16 Virginia 6/14/16 S. Carolina 6/14/16 S. Carolina 6/28/16 N. Dakota 6/14/16 Nevada 6/14/16 N. Carolina 5/24/16 Washington 5/24/16 Utah 6/28/16 New York 6/28/16 Oklahoma 6/28/16 Colorado 6/28/16 REGISTRATION TYPE OF DEADLINE ELECTION May 23 Presidential Primary May 23 Presidential Primary May 23 State Primary June 7 State Primary May 8 State Primary May 8 Presidential Primary June 7 State Primary June 7 Presidential Primary May 10 Presidential Primary May 10 State Primary May 15 Presidential Primary May 15 District Primary June 14 State Primary May 23 State Primary May 15 State Primary May 14 State Primary Runoff Not Required State Primary May 14 State Primary May 23 Federal Primary Runoff May 24 Presidential Primary May 30 State Primary June 3 Federal Primary June 3 State Primary June 28 State Primary For assistance contact the USAG Wiesbaden Voting Assistance Officer at DSN 548-1312 or Civ (0611) 143548-1321. For more information on the Federal Voting Assistance Program email or learn more at Month of the Military Child – Bubble Day Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. Germany Alumni Chapter Dr. F. George Palmer SCHOLARSHIP BALL May 7, 2016 1800-1900 Social Hour 1900-2200 Program ARMSTRONG CLUB KAISERSLAUTERN 1036, VOGELWEH HOUSING, 67663 KAISERSLAUTERN Photo by Amy L. Bugala Alayah, left, and Norah, right, blow bubbles in the play yard of the Hainerberg Child Development Center April 6. The spirits of military children are recognized every April during the Month of the Military Child. U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden CDCs held a variety of events throughout the month to mark this special time. Donation: $55.00 Contact: or call +49 171 389 99 39 ..........................................................................April 28, 2016 Herald Union Page 9 Sports and leisure Sports shorts Learn the fundamentals of the golf swing, short game and putting, along with etiquette and rules through a series of five beginner-friendly lessons taught by professional staff at the Rheinblick Golf Course. Classes take place Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. or 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Sessions start May 16, June 13, July 11 and Aug. 29 and cost $99 for the full series. Call civ (0611) 143-548-5485 to sign up. German Fishing Course Learn what you need to know to purchase your German Fishing License and fish successfully while in Germany during this four-day class which runs May 7, 8, 14 and 15. Classes are held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Outdoor Recreation Building on Clay Kaserne. Cost is $60 for Hunting, Fishing and Sport Shooting members; $75 for nonmembers; $95 per family for HFSS members or $105 per family for nonmembers. Minimum age to participate is age 10. Stop by Outdoor Recreation in Building 1043 or call civ (0611) 143548-9801. Functional fitness throwdown Functional Fitness enthusiasts will compete in this open team event composed of teams of either two male or two female competitors, April 30, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the Wiesbaden Fitness Center Annex. Paintball at McCully Barracks Looking for a little competitive adventure with your friends, family or coworkers? Spend a day splashing around the colors at the McCully Barracks Paintball Range. Group reservations and special requests will be accommodated. In accordance with German guidelines for paintball players, ACUs, BDUs, ABUs and camofaluge clothing of any type are not permitted on the field during normal operating days. U.S. Army military training is the exception. All personal markers must have an “F” stamp. The minimum age requirement is 16 years for both U.S. and non-U.S. ID cardholders. Proof of age may be required at registration. Youths ages 16 and 17 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Cost is $25 per person and includes Tippman paintball marker, protective mask, hopper, unlimited air and field fee. Paintballs are not included and must be purchased on site. More information: civ (0611) 143-548-9801 Herald Union By Karl Weisel U.S. Army Garrison Learn to golf Page 10 Fitness Center set to reopen following renovation Wiesbaden Family and MWR As the Wiesbaden Fitness Center nears its 10-year anniversary this June, the staff is gearing up to re-open its primary cardio area after extensive renovations to repair the effects of water damage last fall. “The water damage — as bad as it was — provided us with an opportunity to improve our weight room floor, create a functional fitness center (and make other enhancements),” said Kevin Ringgold, Wiesbaden Sports and Fitness manager. “When the Wiesbaden Fitness Center opened in June 2006, the state-of-theart facility was designed for people to work out in a climate-controlled environment,” Ringgold said, explaining that the temporary creation of the Fitness Center Annex provided an immediate relief to the closure of the fitness center during repair work, but it was never intended to be long term — not having the same air conditioning, showers and other features. After more than $700,000 in repairs, patrons will benefit from new flooring, remodeled cardio space, im- Graphic courtesy of USAG Wiesbaden FMWR This graphic shows where sections of the current Fitness Center Annex will transition back to the reopened Fitness Center after extensive renovations. proved Wi-Fi and enhanced a more permanent home is $45 for a book of 10 tickets found for that aspect of the or $80 for a book of 20 — ventilation systems. “We really have a great overall sports and fitness they will now pay $4 per facility that is admired program. class, $30 for a book of 10 With the planned grand tickets or $50 for a book of throughout military installations in Europe (and exceeds re-opening of the workout 20 tickets. the standards for fund- space in the Wiesbaden For more information ing and square footage),” Fitness Center May 9, com- about classes, programs, upRinggold said. “I think our munity members will find a coming sporting events and patrons should rest assured host of brand new cardio and other aspects of Wiesbaden that we’ll provide the proper strength equipment — plus Sports and Fitness, visit spacing for the equipment reduced fees on group fitness http://wiesbaden.armymwr. and that the functional fit- classes. com/europe/wiesbaden/ Where patrons formerly programs/clay-kaserneness facility will remain open (for at least a year) until paid $5 for a single ticket, fitness-center. AFE presents a magical evening Photo by Terese Toennies Wiesbaden community members enjoy the sleight of hand tricks and illusions presented by the Armed Forces Entertainment’s Magic All Stars show April 20 at Wiesbaden’s Taunus Theater. For more photos of the event visit wpao. April 28, 2016 ...................................................................... Sports and leisure By Donald Seltzer Volksmarch Editor Take a hike: RInterested in volksmarching but not sure how things work? Send an email to volksmarch@gmail. com with the subject “Getting Started HU.” R The postal code is included in the listings for readers using navigation devices. Autobahn exit numbers are added for those without Donald Seltzer such devices. R Would you like to receive Take a Hike at the same time as the newspaper editor? A complete listing of the monthly volksmarching feature is available by emailing volksmarch@ with “Subscribe HU” in the subject line. Weekend of April 30-May 1 R amstein-Miesenbach (66877) — The Ramstein Roadrunners club plays host to this volksmarch which offers a surprising number of trails. The number of club members working the event partly illustrates why the Roadrunners are one of the few active American clubs remaining in Germany. Wanderers will find the event to be a friendly and relaxing family activity. From Wiesbaden, use Autobahns 643 toward Mainz, 60 toward Darmstadt, 63 toward Kaiserslautern, and 6 toward Saarbrücken. Exit at Ramstein-Miesenbach (13), turn left at the light at the end of the ramp, and follow IVV signs to the start. Start: Mehrzweckhalle at Am Kiefernkopf 22 Saturday: 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. (5 km), 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. (10 km), 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. (16 km), 7 a.m. to noon (21 km), 6:30-10:30 a.m. (32 km) and 6:30-9:30 a.m (42 km) Sunday: 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. (5 km), 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. (10 km), 7 a.m. to noon (16 km) and 7-11 a.m. (21 km) Trail: Slightly hilly, fields and forests Award: Wine tasting Join a wine tasting hike on Wiesbaden’s Neroberg on May 27 to enjoy three delicious, exclusively selected wines and a guided walking tour that presents you with a breathtaking view over the city. The group meets at the Russian Chapel at 6 p.m. for a 1.5 hour walk through the hills; please wear appropriate shoes as none of the paths are paved. Tickets are available online for 21 euro including a wine glass to take home. For more information go to Outdoor Rec adventures Wiesbaden Outdoor Recreation will feature a Bavarian Getaway (biking in Munich and visit to the Dachau concentration camp) May 7 and 8; Mountain Biking in Stromberg May 15; Baltic Sea Fishing May 20 to 22 and a Garmisch Jamboree (camping, kayaking, hiking and more) May 27 to 30. Call civ (0611) 143-548- 9801 to reserve your space. Magic Bike Rüdesheim Join hundreds of motorcycle enthu- Souvenir (shorter trails) or patch and certificate (marathon). Weekend of May 7-8 B undenbach (55626) — This event, the second for the new club, is located sort of midway between Idar-Oberstein and the Hahn airport. From Wiesbaden, use Autobahns 643 toward Mainz, 60 toward Bingen, and 61 toward Koblenz. Exit at Rheinböllen (45) to use B50 toward Simmern. At Büchenbeuren, pick up a minor road through Rhaunen and leading to the start at Bundenbach. From the KMC, use B270 north from Kaiserslautern to Fischbach, then connect with a minor road to Mörschied. From there, connect with minor roads to Sonnschied and Bundenbach. From Baumholder, use secondary roads to Ruschberg, Reichenbach, and Idar-Oberstein. Connect with B41 to Fischbach, and take minor roads to Mörschied, Sonnschied, and Bundenbach. Start: Glückauf-Halle at Schulstr. 25 Saturday and Sunday: 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. (6, 10 and 20 km) Trails: Unknown Award: None. L imburg an der Lahn (65549) — This event, featuring a volksmarch triathlon, will be found in Limburg proper. A shuttle bus will transport swimmers to the pool facility in Limburg-Offheim. From Wiesbaden, use Autobahn 3 toward Köln and exit at Limburg-Nord (42). Cross the Lahnbrücke bridge and turn right at the second street. IVV signs will be posted. Start: Markthalle on Ste.-Foy-Straße for walk and cycling and Hallenbad Offheim at Am Hallenbad for swimming Saturday: 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. (6 and 11 km, plus cycling), 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. (20 km) and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (swim) Sunday: 6 to 1 p.m. (6, 11 and 20 km, plus cycling) and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (swim) Trail: Hilly, woods Award: From previous events. Weekend of May 14-15 K Autobahns 643 toward Mainz, A guide to volksmarching in the 60 toward Darmstadt, and 63 Kaiserslautern/Wiesbaden area toward Kaiserslautern. Exit at riegsfeld (67819) — This event is south of Bad Kreuznach. From Wiesbaden, use Erbes-Büdesheim (9) to use minor roads through Wendelsheim and Nieder-Wiesen to reach Kriegsfeld. From the KMC, use Autobahns 6 toward Mannheim and 63 toward Mainz. Exit at Erbes-Büdesheim (9) and follow a secondary road through Wendelsheim and Nieder-Wiesen to reach Kriegsfeld. Start: Turn- und Festhalle at Hinter Kirch 10 Saturday: 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. (5 and 10 km) and 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. (20 km) Sunday: 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. (5 km), 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. (10 km) and 7-11 a.m. (20 km) Trail: Fairly hilly, fields and woods Award: From previous events. Weekend of May 21-22 B endorf (56170) — This event is north of Koblenz and a bit of a drive — 95 minutes from the KMC and about an hour from Wiesbaden -- but offers the chance to explore Koblenz afterward. From Wiesbaden, use Autobahns 66 toward Frankfurt, 3 toward Koblenz, and 48 toward Trier. Exit at Bendorf/ Neuwied (11) to use B42 and minor roads to Bendorf and the start. From the KMC, use Autobahns 6 toward Mannheim, 63 toward Mainz, and 61 toward Koblenz. Take exit 37 to connect with A48 toward Koblenz, then use the Bendorf/Neuwied exit (11) to pick up B42. Use local roads from B42 to reach Bendorf. Start: Stadthalle at am Yzeurer Platz, Rheinstraße Saturday: 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. (5 km) and 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. (10 and 20 km) Sunday: 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. (5, 10 and 20 km) Trail: Expect fairly hilly, fields and woods Award: None. W eiler bei Bingen (55413) — This walk is part of the year-round Rundweitwanderweg in the beautiful Hunsrück area. From Wiesbaden, Mainz and points east, take Autobahn 60 to Bingen and Autobahn 61 toward Koblenz. Exit at Stromberg (46) and head toward Waldalgesheim to reach the start. Start: Rhein-Nahe-Halle on Mannesmannstraße Saturday and Sunday: 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. (6 and 11 km) and 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. (20 km) Trail: Hilly, woods Award: None. Things to do siasts for a ride through the Rheinvalley during the 16th Magic Bike Rüdesheim am Rhein, May 26 to 29. The Middle Rhein Valley is an ideal motor bike region with beautiful routes along the Rhine and the hills of the Taunus and Hunsrück. Two imposing castles are the backdrop for a meeting with old and new friends. For more information in English go to www. Suspension bridge A visit to Germany’s longest pedestrian suspension bridge in Geierlay is a family and pocket-book friendly outing that can be enjoyed by all ages. The Hängeseilbrücke just opened in October 2015 and is quite impressive at 360 meters long and 100 meters high. A visit to cross the bridge is free; however parking in the town of Geierlay will cost 2 euro. There is a 1.7 kilometer walk to the bridge from the visitor center (Kastellaun Straße 23, 56290 Mörsdorf) Strollers are possible on the walk, but are not recommended to take across the bridge. Neroberg Kletterwald Park Climb from tree top to tree top while overlooking the city of Wiesbaden at the “Kletterwald” (climbing forest) park in Neroberg. The climbing park consists of several courses of varying heights and levels of difficulty. Safety gear and instructions are provided by the staff. All courses are self-guided. The park is now open for the summer. For more information go to link: www. Theater and music festival The Internationale Maifestspiele is taking place under the motto of “A feast for all the senses” from April 30 to May 29. Ticket sales are underway. Singers and actors, directors and dancers, musicians and choreographers from all over the world will be coming and going at the Hessian State Theatre during this month-long event. The Internationale Maifestspiele promises an unforgettable experience for the eyes, the ears and the emotions once again this year. Whether opera or operetta, concert or song recital, dance or drama —Artistic Director, Uwe Eric Laufenberg, is bringing successful productions from all genres to the Hessian capital. More info: Football Wiesbaden’s personal American Football team, the Phantoms, is playing against the Gießen Golden Dragons at their homestadium at the Europaviertel on Sept. 3 at 5 p.m. Tickets cost 10 euro at the box office and promise an hour of all American fun for the whole family that feels like home. For more information go to .........................................................................April 28, 2016 Herald Union Page 11 News and features Wiesbaden transitions to new request for child care website Robert Dozier Special to the Herald Union The Army is transitioning to a new single portal Department of Defense website designed to make it easier for Soldiers to find the child care they need. In March 2016, select Army garrison families will begin to use as their website to search for and request child care services where they are or where they are planning to move. U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden will transition in September 2016. “The vital function of this website is to simplify the child care search process, helping patrons make better informed decisions about their child care needs,” said Theresa Sanders, the Installation Management Command Child, Youth and School Services Outreach Services Program Manager. “The DOD has worked hard to develop a system which allows patrons to create their own account, search and request care, manage requests and update their profile from the convenience of their home,” she said. Using, parents can find comprehensive information on child care programs worldwide, conduct a customized search for the care they need, and submit a request for care at any time from any location, Sanders explained. Web services were first tested in pilot programs throughout the military branches including U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii. Photo by U.S. Army Shown here is a screenshot of Military Childcare’s website — designed to be a one-stop DoD-wide resource for military families needing child care services. Soldiers and Families at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Forts Belvoir, Campbell, Detrick (Forest Glen and Frederick), Drum, Knox, Lee and Meade, Watervliet Arsenal and Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall will gain access to the site in March. Each garrison is working directly to notify the families affected and assist in the implementation of the DOD website rollout. “We expect the implementation of this new website to be seamless,” said Sanders. “Those families already receiving child care services will continue to receive those services without interruption. Those whose name is already on a waiting list will be entered on the new website.” More details will be available at Parent Central Services at each garrison. According to officials at the U.S. Army Installation Management Command, the Army will continue its rollout in June with 28 new garrisons, including: Forts Benning, Bliss, Buchanan, Bragg, Carson, Gordon, Hamilton, Hood, Jackson, Leavenworth, Leonard Wood, McAlester, McCoy, Polk, Riley, Rucker, Sill, Stewart; Detroit, Picatinny, Pine Bluff, Redstone and Rock Island Arsenals; Anniston and Tobyhanna Army Depots; Carlisle Barracks; West Point; and U.S. Army Garrison Miami. Specific dates of access will be announced locally so that all Soldiers and caregivers will be aware of the timing of the change and how it will impact their family. Garrisons in Europe are scheduled to follow in September, including Ansbach, Baumholder, Brussels, Garmisch, Grafenwoehr, Hohenfels, Kaiserslautern, Liverno, Schinnen, Shape, Stuttgart, Vicenza and Wiesbaden. The final wave of garrisons is planned for December 2016: Forts Greely, Huachuca, Hunter-Liggett, Irwin, Wainwright; Joint Base Lewis-McChord; Sierra Army Depot; Dugway and Yuma Proving Grounds; White Sands Missile Range; U.S. Army Garrisons Daegu, Presidio of Monterey, Kwajalein Atoll, Japan and Yongsan; and Camps Humphries and Red Cloud. FINDITGUIDE.COM COLLEGE SHOWCASE CAMP 4TH ANNUAL BOYS’ SOCCER EXTRAVAGANZA BITBURG, GERMANY MAY 28 – 30, 2016 12 Students have won Scholarships at our Camps! • Follow us on Facebook: • Upload your personal video to showcase your skills: • Email for info & registration: • College Coaches run 6-8 field/classroom sessions • Provide individual feedback for players • Presentation about athletics at universities • Info on NCAA Eligibility Center registration process • Cost 325 Euro for room, board & college level training 12 COLLEGES WILL ATTEND: • United States Military Academy – West Point • United States Naval Academy • United States Merchant Marine Academy • Wentworth Military Academy • University of Dubuque • Northern Kentucky University • University of Albany • North Carolina Wesleyan University • Maine Maritime Academy • Villanova University • Indiana University - Purdue University • Hawaii Pacific University Telephone Numbers • Classified ads • Free • 24/7 Page 12 Herald Union April 28, 2016 ...................................................................... News and features Hansenberg School students visit USAREUR headquarters By U.S. Army Europe Host Nation’s Relations A Bundeswehr youth officer and a group of 13 students from the Hansenberg School for highly gifted students visited U.S. Army Europe’s headquarters, here, April 15. The visit, which was requested by the German Armed Forces State Command Hesse, was coordinated by the U.S. Forces Liaison Office-Hesse. It included a full-day’s program for the 13 students (ranging in age from 15-18 years old) and the student’s international security issues seminar leader. The youth officer program brings the German service members into German schools and provides information to youth on defense policy and related issues. Included on the site visit were facility and history exhibit tours, “Strong Europe” and command center briefings, a visit to the airfield and an authentic Army lunch at the installation’s Strong Europe Cafe dining facility. Photo by U.S. Army Europe Host Nations Relations Hansenberg School students and a German Armed Forces, or Bundeswehr, youth officer visited U.S. Army Europe’s headquarters in Wiesbaden April 15. 102nd Sig BN named NETCOM 2015 NEC of the Year By William B. King 5th Signal Command Public Affairs The 102nd Signal Battalion Network Enterprise Center (NEC) was recently named the U.S. Army Network Enterprise Technology Command (NETCOM) NEC of the Year for 2015. This is the fourth year in a row that the unit has won the award, carrying on what has become a winning tradition of excellence in network service and customer support. Maj. Gen. John B. Morrison Jr., commander of NETCOM, and Command Sgt. Maj. Stephfon Watson, NETCOM senior enlisted advisor, presented the award to the 102nd Signal Battalion, 2nd Signal Brigade at an Orange Call event March 21 at the Community Activity Center on Clay Kaserne. The NEC award program recognizes a signal command NEC that is responsive to enterprise building efforts; supports enterprise solutions; has shown the most innovative solutions to resource shortfalls; is cohesive in teambuilding, morale and structured approaches to employee relations, to include contributions towards selected enterprise initiatives. James Ellersick, 102nd Signal Battalion regional director, said unit cohesion helped create a special bond between Soldiers and civilians during the past several years and allowed them to overcome obstacles and support warfighters. “We also have an elite team of leaders at each level of the battalion, company Photo by William B. King Maj. Gen. John B. Morrison Jr. (far right), commander of U.S. Army Network Technology Command, and Command Sgt. Maj. Stephfon Watson (far left), NETCOM senior enlisted advisor, present the award for 2015 NETCOM NEC of the Year to leaders from the 102nd Signal Battalion, 2nd Signal Brigade. From center left to center right: James Ellersick, 102nd Signal Battalion regional director; Lt. Col. Chris Keeshan, 102nd Signal Battalion commander; Command Sgt. Maj. Anthony Davis, 102nd Signal Battalion senior enlisted advisor. and NECs that navigates us through the One of the biggest battalion initia- between fully centralized support and tough times, but also provide mentorship tives that happened in 2015 was the fully local support,” Sobey said. “In this for the future up and coming leaders in consolidation and reorganization of time of reduced resources, regionalized the organization,” Ellersick said. services for Grafenwoehr, Hohenfels support is the best way to keep misThe 102nd Signal Battalion’s award and Ansbach under the new Regional sion customer requirements first-andentry included the accomplishments of NEC Bavaria. Tom Sobey, director of foremost while still providing services the NECs in Wiesbaden, Baumholder, the Regional NEC Bavaria, said region- in a cost-effective manner.” Kaiserslautern, Grafenwoehr, Hohen- alization allows them to better organize As for the possibility of winning fels and Ansbach, and the 181st Signal to take advantage of technological ad- a fifth straight NETCOM NEC of the Company’s Enterprise Satellite Gate- vances while still maintaining the touch Year award, Ellersick said the unit is way and Theater COMSEC Manage- labor and direct customer interaction working hard to improve service and ment Office, and the combined effort required to efficiently provide services. complete several network modification of the Headquarters and Headquarters “Regionalization meets NETCOM’s and infrastructure upgrades before the Detachment and battalion staff. vision by striking a happy medium end of the year. ........................................................................ April 28, 2016 Herald Union Page 13 For your health German Hospital in Wiesbaden clear of MRSA, open to all TRICARE patients By Landstuhl Regional Medical Center Public Affairs Horst Schmidt Kliniken in Wiesbaden announced March 10 that they successfully disinfected a methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, infection discovered in the neonatal intensive care unit in January 10, 2016. The Wiesbaden public health department cleared HSK Hospital to reopen to all patients. The disinfection success was confirmed by an independent provider, a German federal organization responsible for disease control and prevention. HSK is one of our valued network hospitals within Germany. MRSA is a common bacteria that is resistant to our usual first line antibiotic therapy. A positive culture for Staph Aureus does not necessarily mean that the patient will develop an infection. At the time, it was recommended that expectant mothers or ill infants receive care from other TRICARE network providers on the local economy until HSK resolved the issue. For information about MRSA, including signs, symptoms and treatment, please visit the Centers for Disease Control website at www.cdc. gov/mrsa. For any questions, please contact the Wiesbaden Army Health Clinic Patient Advocate at DSN 590-1364/ Commercial 06371-9464-1364. For assistance after duty hours and weekends, you can call 01622-70-7743 or 01622-70-7746 or go to TRICARE online at ContactUs/ContactEUR.html. How to avoid stress fracture By An important thing to know about stress fractures is how to avoid them. A stress fracture is a tiny crack in a bone that happens when your muscles can’t absorb shock and transfer stresses to the bone. Most occur in the lower extremities, especially the lower leg and foot. A stress fracture is usually an overuse injury that develops over a long period of time – from weeks to months. They’re especially common among military recruits, in about 3 percent of men and 9 percent of women. And since it can take several weeks to months for a stress fracture to heal, the best approach is to avoid getting one. Here are some tips for prevention: Use the progression principle of training: Gradually increase your training intensity, usually by no more than 10 percent weekly if you exercise 3 or more days a week. Slowly incorporate higher-stress activities such as jumping and interval training into your workout. Set incremental goals to help you develop your training routine step-by-step. Check your footwear and make sure it matches your training routine. Replace old or worn footwear. Check your form. Are you moving properly when you exercise or does your form put you at risk of injury? Pay attention to early signs of injury. Unusual muscle soreness and other aches and pains can be a sign of injury and/or imbalances that could worsen if they aren’t addressed early. Monitor your diet, specifically calcium and vitamin D intake. To learn more, read the National Institute of Health’s Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet on calcium and HPRC’s article on vitamin D. And check out HPRC’s Injury Prevention section for more on how to avoid injury. Photo by Albina Glisic / Stress fractures are common among military recruits — about 3% of men and 9% of women, and it can take several weeks to months for stress fractures to heal. Most occur in the lower extremities, especially the lower leg and foot. MHS GENESIS rolls out as name for new electronic health record By Military Health System The new system to transform military health records has an official name. Military Health System (MHS) officials say the new electronic health record (EHR) will be called MHS GENESIS and will launch at the end of calendar year 2016. To keep pace with medical advances and innovations in technology, the DOD has purchased a new state of the art EHR that will support us in our mission to continue to provide high quality healthcare to our beneficiaries, as well as an agile, responsive system for our healthcare professionals. The configuration and deployment of MHS GENESIS constitute a multi-year effort to provide a state-of-the-market system of sharing health records electronically and documenting the continuum of care. The new EHR will begin Page 14 Herald Union implementation in the Pacific Northwest at the end of this year, followed by a pre-planned, programmed installation expected to be completed over a severalyear period. Whether on a ship at sea, at a local clinic, or in a major hospital, MHS GENESIS will be available throughout all Department of Defense facilities, and accessible to all members of the DoD’s healthcare team. While on the surface it appears just a system for health records, Dr. William M. Roberts, a retired Navy rear admiral who serves as the MHS functional champion, said it really reflects a whole new way of doing business for the MHS. “We’ve looked at this process as finding what is best for the MHS as a whole, not just in individual areas,” said Roberts. “We see this as the latest step in making sure patients are able to be fully engaged in their own health.” “We want people to know MHS GENESIS is a safe, secure accessible record for patients and health care professionals that is easily transferred to external providers, including major medical systems and Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals and clinics,” emphasized Roberts. “When our beneficiaries see this logo or hear the name, they’ll know their records will be seamlessly and efficiently shared with their chosen care provider.” April 28, 2016 ������������������������������������������������������������������������ www�wiesbaden�army�mil Bulletin board At the movies April 28 - Mai 11 Movie plots Taunus Movie Theater Editor’s note: The movies listing was the most current at the time of publication. Please visit for the most up-to-date schedule. Thursday April 28 The Perfect Match (R) 1900 Friday April 29 Keanu (R) 1900 Saturday April 30 Zootopia (PG) 1500 Keanu (R) 1730 Sunday May 1 Keanu (R) 1500 Miracles from Heaven (PG) 1730 Monday May 2 Closed Tuesday May 3 Closed Wednesday May 4 Closed Thursday May 5 The Huntsman: Winter´s War (PG-13) 1900 Friday May 6 Captain America: Civil War in 3D (PG-13) 1900 Saturday May 7 Captain America: Civil War in 3D (PG-13) 1400 Captain America: Civil War (PG-13) 1830 Sunday May 8 The Jungle Book (PG) 1500 Captain America: Civil War (PG-13) 1800 © 2016 Disney / Photo courtesy of In “Zootopia,” a rookie bunny cop and a cynical con artist fox must work together to uncover a conspiracy in a city of anthropomorphic animals. Monday May 9 Captain America: Civil War (PG-13) 1900 Tuesday May 10 Closed Wednesday May 11 Closed © 2016 New Line Cinema / Photo courtesy of The two nerdy friends must act like hardened gangsters in an attempt to get the kitten “Keanu” back. The Perfect Match — Terrence J. stars as Charlie, a playboy who’s convinced that relationships are dead. His two best friends, Donald Faison and Robert C. Riley, bet him that if he sticks to one woman for one month, he’s bound to get attached. Charlie denies this until he crosses paths with the beautiful and mysterious Eva, played by singer/actress Cassie. They may agree to a casual affair, but eventually Charlie is questioning whether he may actually want more. Keanu — Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele, a.k.a. the hugely popular comedy duo Key & Peele, star as Clarence and Rell, two cousins who live in the city but are far from streetwise. When Rell’s beloved kitten, Keanu, is catnapped, the hopelessly straight-laced pair must impersonate ruthless killers in order to infiltrate a street gang and retrieve the purloined feline. But the incredibly adorable kitten becomes so coveted that the fight over his custody creates a gang war, forcing our two unwitting heroes to take the law into their own hands. Zootopia — The modern mammal metropolis of Zootopia is a city like no other. Comprised of habitat neighborhoods like ritzy Sahara Square and frigid Tundratown, it’s a melting pot where animals from every environment live together—a place where no matter what you are, from the biggest elephant to the smallest shrew, you can be anything. But when optimistic Officer Judy Hopps arrives, she discovers that being the first bunny on a police force of big, tough animals isn’t so easy. Determined to prove herself, she jumps at the opportunity to crack a case, even if it means partnering with a fast-talking, scamartist fox, Nick Wilde, to solve the mystery. Miracles from Heaven — The movie is based on the incredible true story of the Beam family. When Christy (Jennifer Garner) discovers her 10-year-old daughter Anna (Kylie Rogers) has a rare, incurable disease, she becomes a ferocious advocate for her daughter’s healing as she searches for a solution. After Anna has a freak accident, an extraordinary miracle unfolds in the wake of her dramatic rescue that leaves medical specialists mystified, her family restored and their community inspired. ........................................................................ April 28, 2016 Herald Union Page 15 FREEDOM RUNNING Family and MWR hosts marathon event Participa run. Winn Women 1 40-49 Tim Page 16 Herald Union April 28, 2016 ............................................................ Photos by Olha Oliinyk ants run in the 5th annual Freedom Run April 16 on Clay Kaserne. Runners could choose from a 10-mile run, a 5k fun run/walk or a 1/2-mile kids’ ners of the 10-mile race were as follows: Overall winners were: first place Timothy Moser; second place Rich Gifaldi and third place Frederic Curtaz. 18-19 Doaa Salah; 30-39 Jennifer Pullen; 40-49 Vicki Harris; and 50 plus Mary Beth Kluegel-Owens. Men 18-29 Ryan Peacock; 30-39 Rich Gifaldi; mothy Moser; 50 plus Roger Gerber. 28, 2016 Herald Union Page 17 Spring and Sunshine Photos by Peter Witmer taken at Hainerberg Elementary and Wiesbaden Middle schools. Wiesbaden: Point your children in the right direction ... and when they’re older, they won't be lost! Hainerberg Elementary School students make their way towards the playground. Page 18 A great place for a break from school, students delight in their playground experience. Herald Union Jump for joy, its spring time! After the long winter, Wiesbaden Middle School students enjoy a warm spring day to have lunch outside. Middle School students enjoy a spring day playing soccer and basketball during lunch recess. April 28, 2016 .......................................................................... Student safety guards. Glad to be outside! Adison having fun as a student safety guard. Wiesbaden: Point your children in the right direction ... and when they’re older, they won't be lost! Wiesbaden kids get moving outdoors Photos by Yoori Sung A view from the playground slide. Fun on the basketball court. ............................................................................... April 28, 2016 Herald Union Page 19 WHAT?! Now with classifieds!!! Now I can sell stuff on! Sell your used stuff for FREE Yeah! And for FREE! Find used stuff in your community Search for local businesses The New THE FINDIT GUIDE Open 24/7 including Sundays! Online and in print! Find your next job Look for a rental property Questions? Please call AdvantiPro at 0631• 30 33 55 31 AdvantiPro GmbH takes no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any of the products and services advertised in the KA. Readers are responsible for checking the prices, qualifications, warranty and any other factor that might help decide whether to do business with an individual or company advertising herein. Apt in Rodenbach, 131sqm, new BIK, open living and eating space (61sqm), wood flrs, bath w/window, guest bathrm, balc, baseAll ads & pics on ment, €1300+€245 util, 10min to Ramstein and Kaiserslautern, Calling all SNCOs; did you know town has open-air pool, fast autothat there is an all-service profes- bahn A6 connection, info@judith sional organization in the KMC area known as the KMC Top 3? Interested in becoming a mem- Beautiful furnished apartement, ber? Visit nice light apartment in quiet area KMCTop3 for more information! close to nature. Fully equipped with partly antique furniture. Near KMC Top 3 Golf Tourney 23 Jun city. Two more sleepingplaces in at 0800. Door prize ticket w/ reg the livingroom. With view of the at 0630 (tickets sold on-site). 4Hohenecken, casle.hajuuhrig@ Person Scramble $50/$35, 0631-57182 mbrs/mbrs. Contact unit or event POC to sign up! Thomas Sea- Beautiful loft Apartment in Weilermans/Duvall Roundtree bach. 3 closed BR, 2 full baths, or 478- guest toilet, 2 kitchens, gallery, 4684/480-7451. balcony. Approx 211m² of living space plus basement. 2 parking Moving help wanted, Need to spaces available. 0151 10776585 move a normal three cushion sized couch and a normal sized be- Beautiful XL 2floor Apt, Matzendroom dresser from one house in bach, 10 min to RAB, Beautiful XL Hochspeyer to another house 2floor Apt, 1530sqf 4BR, 3bath, 2km away. I need two helpers and BIK, liv rm, din rm, storage, baa vehicle. Costs to be agreed. sed, € 750+ € 280 utl. 0157Thanks, 82787841 ANNOUNCEMENTS Nice apt. in Weilerbach, 67sqm. Fully furnished, ready to move in! Great for one or two perAll ads & pics on sons.1BR, BIK, Liv, full bath, storage room, DSL-Internet ready, Apartment in Ramstein down- AFN, cable. Non-smoking. town, bedroom, bathroom, one €450+util. Avail. now. Call: 06374other room, modern spacious 914694 open living area and balcony, washing room, garage. Perfect for Reichenbach - St., wonderf.renosingle/ couple. 2km away from ba- vated, 140sqm, 2BDR, 1,5baths, se, non smoker, no pets, new BIK, padio, rent€950-warm-, €640+util+3months rent, Contact: no fee,, Dieter 01726823232 004917699995718 APTS FOR RENT Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Worship Service Children’s Ministry Provided AUTOS All ads & pics on Caution: Some Classified ads have become a target for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer you payment methods other than cash. 1997 BMW 523i Sport Sedan, $6,495, Eur Spec, Automatic, Leather, Heated Seats, Just serviced, 12 months guarantee included in price! Perfect Condition, Call: 0176-22730967, Email: info@euro, Web: http:// 1999 VW Passat Sport Combi, $4,995-, US SPEC, Manual, Navigation, Cruise Control, Heated Seats, Roof Rails, Cloth Interior, HiFi System, Perfect Condition, $$ Second Chance Finance $$ - Call :0176 22730967, Email:info@ Have you got credit issues that, Web:http:// may be holding you back from purchasing a reliable car? Military 2000 Skoda Fabia, good on gas, Used Car Sales can Help! 0631dependable, dealer maintained, 3549908 asking $2500 obo, for more info 02 Peugeot MUST GO!!! Descrip- contact Brian at 0176-31508726 tion: Dealer maintained!!! Great car in excellent condition (minor scratches and scraps on exterior). 2001 BMW 318I Sport Sedan, Equipped with Computer (Driver $6,495-, German SPEC, Manual Information System), Keyless Ent- Transmission, Cloth Seats, Autory, Power Windows, 3x3 point re- matic Climate Control, Power WinExcellent Condition, ar seat belts, Height adjustable dows drivers seat, Power steering, Re- Call:0176 22730967, Email: info@ mote central locking, Central, Web:http:// locking, Airbags, CD Player, Ra- dio, Folding rear seats, and 40 2001 BMW 320i Sport Sedan, MPG! Car will also come with win- $7,995-, EU SPEC, Automatic, ter cover. Fresh oil change, new ti- Leather Sport Seats, Cruise Conres, muffler, battery, and more! A trol, Alloy Wheels, Excellent Congreat and reliable car! Available dition, 12 Months Warranty, 1 OwMay 1st. Please call 0174-949- ner Vehicle, Call: 0176 2273 0967, 8063 for additional questions or Email: showing. $3000. 2001 VW Passat Sport Combi, 1 PT Cruiser, 2.2 Diesel, 2003, Green, Plates, 5-speed, 4-door, new TÜV, Air Cond, 2 Sets of Tires, Summer/Winter, ABS, Power Stearing, Elec Windows and Locks, Keyless Entry, €2000, 1995 BMW 318i. Clean, runs good, mechanic maintained. 140,000 original km. All-season tires. $1800 obo. Call Grant, days; 0170-7058804, after 1800hrs: 06301-31354. Available 22 April 2016. Over 15 Nations Represented. Sunday Services: Bible Study - 11:15 Worship - 12:30 1997 VW Golf For Sale Well main2005 Mercedes ML 270 CDI 4x4, tained, just passed inspection TaTurbo Diesel, 2.7L 5 Cyl, Turbo king offers Call: 0174-147-6831 Diesel, Automatic/Tiptronic, 2005 Audi A3 Sportback 1.9 TDI 96,900 KMs/60,000 Miles, ObsidiGerman Specs $4800 Contact an Black Metallic Price: $16,990, 0160 968 44778 0631-354-9908 Sunday Sund Su n ay Worship: nd Wor orsh ship sh ip:: 10:00 10:0 10 :000 a.m. a.m m. Penta Hotel Abraham-Lincoln Strasse 17 Wiesbaden 65189 Equipping His Peop Eq People eople le by Te Tea Teaching each His Word “Member of International Baptist Convention” 15 minutes from Hainerberg P.X. Page 20 Friedrich-Naumann-Str. 25 | 65195 Wiesbaden Tel: 06122-12730 | Herald Union Pastor Ronald Henry 2003 VW Sharan Diesel Family and Utility Van, Diesel Fuel Turbo diesel engine - German Specifications -TUV Inspection valid to April 2018 - 235 000kms (145 000 miles) Seven (7) passengers/Cargo Driver/Front Passenger seats heated, and adjustable. Child safety seats- two seats convert rapidly to built-in child safety seats. Five seats snap in/ out for cargo space Tires: Two sets-winter and summer (1 set of wheels/rims) Stereo Radio and CD player Air conditioning system (needs compressor) Price: $5,000, €4,450 OBO Contact: John 0152-0702-7323 (English) Location: GlanMünchweiler 2006 Honda Accord "EX" Sport Sedan, $9,995, US spec, Manual, Power Glas Sunroof, Cruise Control, Cloth Seats, Alloy Wheels, Excellent Condition, Call: 017622730967, Email: info@european $5,995, US Spec, Manual, Naviga-, Web: http://www.euro tion, Cruise Control, Heated Seats, Roof Rails, Cloth Interior, 2006 Peugeot 206 CC RC-Line HiFi System, Perfect Condition, Convertible, 1.6 Liter/108 HP, GerCall: 0176-22730967, Email: info@ man Spec., 15" Winter & 17", Web: http:// mer Tires + Rims, JBL Sound tem, German Inspection until 04/ 2002 Toyota Rav4 SUV with 2017, Great Condition, asking AWD, $8,995, US specs, Manual, €4500, Call 0173-6345979 (KaiCruise Control, Power Locks, Al- serslautern) loy Wheels, All Wheel Drive, 2006 Pontiac G6 GT, 3.5L, V6, Power Windows, Perfect Conditi- Sedan, automatic, gas, on, Call: 0176-22730967, Email: in 87,500miles, Bright White, Black, Web: Premium Leather interior, $8,495, contact mark@americanmo Immanuel Baptist Church True Vine Ministries Serving the English Speaking Community of Wiesbaden for Over 50 Years. 2003 BMW 318i 143,412km/ 89,112miles Excellent condition. New top-rated all-season tires. $6100., 0176-93136972 2006 Toyota Corolla (German Specs):- Clean, Non-Smoking, Pet-Free Car in Good ConditionCar was previously registered on Base- Diesel Fuel, very Fuel-Efficient- 5-Speed Manual Transmission- App. 251,000 km- All Maintenance done regularly- German Inspection good thru June 2017Includes Winter tires, ak_grown@ 2006 Toyota RAV 4 US specifications, suv toyota, stuttgart germany, $8200, 2007 Chevrolet Corvette, 6.0L, V8, 400HP, 71,591 miles, red, black leather interior, $26,995, contact mark@americanmo, 0176-93136972 April 28, 2016 �������������������������������������������������������������������������� www�herald-union�com ke from i M o t s n atio Congratul ning a n i w n o n r te Kaiserslau ing up on n g i s r o f D TV 40 inch H ! m o c . e d i u FindItG INI! M D A IP N A IN W TO CE N A CH A R FO AY D SIGN UP TO ! !! s d e ifi s s la c h it w w o N The is New and Improved! Open 24/7 including Sundays! Online and in print! Now you can: Sell your used stuff for FREE Find used stuff in your community Search for local businesses Find your next job Look for a rental property Sign up for FREE today! ............................................................................... April 28, 2016 Herald Union Page 21 AUTOS All ads & pics on 2007 Lexus SC430 Coupe/Convertible, $25,795, US specs, Automatic, Leather, Cruise Control, Power Seats, Alloy, Power Hard Top, Perfect Condition, Call: 017622730967, Email: info@european, Web: http://www.euro 2007 MINI Cooper "S" Hardtop, $12,695, US spec, Manual, Leather, Cruise Control, Heated Seats, Alloy Wheels, Power Glass Sunroof, Perfect Condition, Call: 0176-22730967, Email: info@euro, Web: http:// 2007 Mustang GT, 4.8L, V8, 300HP, Coupe, 74,262 miles, manual, gas, Grey Metallic, Black Premium Leather, $13,995, contact, 0176-93136972 2007 VW Touran, BEST OFFER, low miles 63000 km, excellent condition, like new, one owner 87 year old, email: KEModest@t-onli, phone: 06374-5162. 2009 Dodge Challenger RT Classic- OVER 400HP!!, $23750, Rare B5 Blue, upgraded suspension, brakes, intake, exhaust, tires, tuned, roll control, 6 sp manual, winters on rims included. Too much to list., 0162-250-21 2010 Dodge Challenger R/T Coupe, $25,995, US Spec, Automatic, Cruise Control, Power Glass Sunroof, Power Seats, 20 inch Alloy Wheels, Perfect Condition, Call: 0176-22730967, Email: info@euro, Web: http:// 2010 Dodge Challenger R/T, 5.7L, V8 Hemi, Coupe, 55,531 miles, manual, gas, Black Crystal, Black premium Leather interior, $24,495, contact mark@american, 0176-93136972 2010 MAZDA 3i Sport Sedan, $10,995-, US SPEC, Automatic Transmission, Cloth Seats, Cruise Control, Front Wheel Drive, Alloy Wheels, Excellent Condition, Call: 0176 2273 0967, Email: info@euro, Web: www.euro 2010 Toyota Corolla "S" Sport Sedan, $14,695, US spec, Automatic, Cloth Seats, Cruise Control, Power Glas Sunroof, Alloy Wheels, Perfect Condition, Call: 0176-22730967, Email: info@euro, Web: http:// I have a Fantastic Range of Tires in Stock at Great Prices, €, 0631/ 91572 Page 22 2010 Volkswagen GTI, 2.0L Turbo 200HP, Sport Hatch, automatic, gas, Dark Grey Metallic, GTI Cloth Interior, $15.995, contact, 017693136972 2010 VW EOS Convertible. 1.4 l turbo - 122 hp. 6 gear stick. Euro specs - 86000 km. Silver outside with black/grey interior. Add. summer tires on original VW rims. 12500$ - Tel. 0170-9335830 2010 VW Golf For Sale, American Specs. Just passed inspection. All service checkups done on schedule. PCSing - Car available 20 April 16. $3000.00 or 2011 Mercedes ML300 Turbo Diesel, €23,000, Grand Edition model with many extras. Ride in style for 1/4 the price of a new ML. excellent condition, contact: email: 2011 MINI Countryman "S" ALL4, $23,795-, US SPEC, Automatic, Leather, Cruise Control, Alloy Wheels, All Wheel Drive, Glass Sunroof, Excellent Condition, Call:0176 22730967, Email: info@, Web:http:// 2012 BMW 128i, 3.0L, i6, 230HP, 28,470 miles, Blue Metallic, Cream Leather interior, $25,495, contact mark@americanmo, 0176-93136972 2012 BMW 328i Hardtop Convertible, $28,995, US Spec, Manual, Leather, Cruise Control, Heated Seats, Alloy Wheels, Navigation System, Perfect Condition, Call: 0176-22730967, Email: info@euro, Web: http:// 2012 GMV Acadia, 3.6L V6 288HP, 63,764 miles, automatic, Gas, black metallic, grey leather, $24,995, contact mark@american, 0176-93136972 2012 Hyundai Elantra, 1.8L, Sedan, 48,050 miles, automatic, gas, Grey Metallic, Grey Leather interior, $15,995, contact mark@, 017693136972 2012 Jeep Liberty, 3.7L, V6, 210HP, SUV, 23,598 miles, gas, Black Metallic, $24,995, contact, 017693136972 2012 Jeep Patriot, 2.0L, 158HP, SUV, 16,961 miles, automatic, gas, Silver Metallic, Dark Slate Grey interior, $15,495, contact, 017693136972 2012 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 3.6L, V6, 285 HP, 49,209 miles, SUV, manual, gas, Silver Metallic, Dark Slate Grey interior, $29,995, contact mark@americanmo, 0176-93136972 Herald Union 2012 Nissan Maxima, 3.5L, V6, 290HP, Sedan, 24,250 miles, automatic, gas, Deep Purple, Beige Cloth interior, $23,495, contact, 017693136972 2012 SMART Brabus sports car GERMAN specs, sports car smart brabus, 2012 German specs grey (similar to picture)...great car.Specifications: 1.0L I-3 70 P engine 5spd tip auto-shift man transmission w/OD Fuel Economy City 34.0 mpg city fuel economy Fuel Economy Hwy 38.0 mpg hwy fuel economy Rear-wheel drive Keyfob (all doors) remote keyless entryABS & driveline traction control USB/ Bluetooth connections Stability control Side impact beamsBuilt-in navigational systemStability control4-wheel anti-lock brakes (ABS), $11500.00, nancyme72@ 2012 Toyota Rav4 "Limited" V6 SUV with AWD, $24,695, US spec, Automatic, Cruise Control, Power Seat, Alloy, Navigation, Glass Sunroof, Perfect Condition, Call: 0176-22730967, Email: info@, Web: http:// 2012 Volvo XC60, 3.2L, V6, SUV, 32,059 miles, automatic, gas, Black Metallic, Black Premium Leather, $29,495, contact mark@, 017693136972 2013 Audi A3 Quattro, 2.0L, 220HP, 6,788 miles, automatic, like new, $34,995, contact mark@, 017693136972 2013 Toyota Avalon, 3.5L, V6, 268HP, Crimoson metallic, Black leather interior, $25,995, contact, 017693136972 2014 MINI Countryman JCW ALL4, Blue, $34900, 12821 miles, Manufacturer Warranty, Automatic, Panoramic Sunroof, Leather, Navigation, Auto Climate, Xenon 2013 Toyota Highlander, 2.7L, Lights, Heated Seats, Rain Sense SUV, 17,109 miles, automatic, Wipers, Upgraded Sound System. gas, Grey Metallic, Grey Cloth in- Call or text 017680420465 terior, $26,495, contact mark@ 2015 Jeep Patriot 4X4, 2.4L,, 0176- SUV, 2,715 miles, automatic, gas, Deep Blue Metallic, Dark Slate 93136972 Grey interior, $21,995, contact, 017693136972 2015 Land Rover Range Rover Sport HSE Brought in October 2015 and have been tranfered from my work in france to US and needs to sell it urgently for 21,000$ .... Please if you are inte2013 Toyota Limousine, 1.5 Hy- rested contact me: pciudadani@ brid-Gas-Electric, German Spec. 56,500 KM/34,000 mls, 2015.5 Volvo XC60 T5, This beau$11,000.Heated Front Seats; Auto tiful XC60 T5 Premier Drive-E is Climate Control with Dual Temp very well equipped and awaiting Zones;CD player/Radio, Auxiliary your test drive at our KaiserslauInput;Cruise Control; Navigation tern showroom. Some of the feaSystem;Automatic Transmission; tures on this car are: Laminated Blue Tooth (Mobile Phone);Backpanoramic roof, Leather seating Up Assist Camera; Dealer Maintai surfaces, Heated front & rear ned;, seats, Rear park assist camera, 0173-166-2197 Park assist front and rear, BLIS, 2013 Toyota Rav4, 2.5L, SUV, 0631 351700, 0171 7554004, in 14,837 miles, automatic, gas, Red Candy Metallic, Grey Cloth interiBMW 316 I, compack, red, ABS, or, $22,995, contact mark@ameri air bags, elec windows, 5 speed,, 0176-93136972 air cond, call 0175-3213199 or 2014 BMW 335i - 6 cyl. 300-hp. email, $1400, if you have any car US Spec, home shipping. 7,200 for dispose of, accident, Non opemiles. Metallic Blue/Black Lea- rational, we remove it for you, ther. Luxury Package. Cold Wea- email for info ther Package. Driver Assistance BMW 320d touring, HU 04/2017, Package. Harman Kardon sur- Automatic transmission, 110 kW round sound system. Single ow- (150 PS), Diesel, FR 05/2004, ner. No lien. Great condition. Call 170,000 km, full leather grey, Acci01712236903. dent-free, full serice history, full 2013 Dodge Dart, 2.0L 160, Sedan, 36,591 miles, automatic, gas, grey metallic, Diesel Grey Cloth interior, $15,495, contact 2014 Ford Mustang 5.0 GT/CS, 0176- Coupe, $28,895, US Spec, Manual, Leather, Power Seats, Alloy 93136972 2013 Ford Focus, 2.0L i4, Hatch- Wheels, California Special Pack, back, 23,642 miles, automatic, Perfect Condition, Call: 0176gas, deep cherry red, Dark Slate 22730967, Email: info@european Grey interior, $14,995, contact, Web: http://www.euro, 0176- 93136972 2013 Lexus ES 350 Base $8,800USD!!! The car is accident free, with a low mileage, well maintained and service regularly. Full Options!!! Tires are 100% great, the Car is in perfect shape. Interested buyer should contact me: 2013 Nissan Altima, 3.5L V6 240HP, Sedan, 24,300 miles, automatic, gas, storm blue, black premium cloth interior, $20,995, contact mark@americanmo, 0176-93136972 equipment, all comfort, Negotiable €8700, call 0176-62056022 BMW 525i Model 2000, new German inspection, power stearing, power locks, air cond, leather interior, seat heating, power windows, alloy rims w/new summer tires, new battery and brakes. 2014 Ford Mustang GT, 5.0L, V8, €1800. 0152-06467728 405HP, Coupe, manual, gas, Gun BMW 730i 2005, 63000 miles, Metal Grey, Black Premium Lea- 258PS, Automatic, sunroof, ther interior, $32,495, contact wood, accident-free, full service, 0176- history, garaged, non-smoker, 93136972 AC, Navigation professional, tele2014 Lexus ES 350 Base phone, leather power seats w/hea$8,800USD !!!The car is accident ting, 4winter+5summer tires, perfree, with a low mileage, well fect condition, $14,900. Call 0151maintained and service regularly- 27104833 Full Options!!!Tires are 100% gre- Car for Sale, 2006 VW Touran, at, the Car is in perfect shape.Inte- low miles 63000 km, excellent rested buyer should contact me : condition, like new, one owner 87 year old, best offer, email: KEMo Audi A4, 1998, 2.4L V6, Automa-, phone: 06374tic/Tiptronic, 119,600 KMs/74,300 5162 Auto BMW 2001 Z3 Convertible, Auto BMW Convertible Z3, Miles, Santorin Blue Mica Metal- PCS Sale: Mazda 3 German €8.500, email: jeffraiders@ lic, $5,030, Euro Spec, 0631-354- Specs, Diesel: $3,800. Call 0176 9908 7177 4655 April 28, 2016 �������������������������������������������������������������������������� www�herald-union�com AUTOS All ads & pics on Camper For Sale, $29000,, Mercedes-Benz Marco Polo with Activity Package-loaded. Auto, diesel, AC, stove, frig, awning, sleeps 4. Chevrolet HHR LT, 2009, Mileage 78000 mi, Options Air Conditioning, All Season Tires, Pwr mirrors, Power locks, Power seat, Power windows, Alloy wheels, Body Sedan Doors 5, Engine 2.2L 4cyl, Auto, Patriot Military Sales Tel: +49 (0) 631 357 8231 Ford Focus 1999, 4-door, 5speed, all-weather tires, ABS, power stearing, German TÜV till Jan 2017, my phone 01753213199, $1200, if you have any care to dispose of, accident, non operational, we will remove it for you, email Hyundai Accent, GLS, 4, door, automatic, ABS, power stering, 1.4 LTR, $1550, if you have any car for dispose of, accident, non operational, we remove it for you.Email Intake manifold, never used, for a civic type R or a Acura Acura RSX type S PRC $120, Ford Ka - Model 2004, €1380, ste or, Ford 017622987498 140.000km, silver, 5speed, very clean. Great car for the winter, Mercedes-Benz C 180 Avantgard new winter tires, front-wheel Automatic 2004, A Black, Automadrive, phone calls 0152-06786080 tic Transmission, 2004, 1.8 , with 124,000 miles. Runs fantastic…perfect for traveling EuFord Kuga, 2015, $28,500, German Specs. Titanium (Escape) rope. Seats five with lots of room 1.5l Eco-Boost. 150hp. 6 speed for luggage in the back.Full Optimanual. Polar Silver Metallic. Lea- on.8 Aluminum weelcup Call ther Heated seats. Keyless entry, 015117610336/em: essamhindi@ push button start. 4 winter and Inspection Guarantee. summer tires, auto headlights, MINI Cooper Cabrio, green, insiand much more. eapropin@out de black and part leather, new res (all year tires) on aluminium rims, lots of extras, all services doGood Year Ultra Grip Winter Ti- ne, Accident-free, FR 09/2005, res with steel rims, 175/65 R14. 76000km, Petrol, 85 kW (116 PS), Daihatsu silver met, 4-door, 5- Excellent condition used one win- replacement engine, Negotiable speed, 1.0 ltr, year 2002, air cond, ter. Rims 4x100. $175; Call: 0162- €8,400. 0176-62056022 summer tires and winter tires, CD 297-2951 player, ABS, air bags, $1100, and we deliver if you have any cars for Guaranteed Used Cars at Great dispose of, accident or non opera- prices, We have a Huge Selection tional, we will remove it for you, of Low Mileage Cars Trucks & email for info Suv s in Stock. All our used cars Ford Escort SE, 1998 blue, automatic, US mod, all season tires, $1699, and we deliver anywhere, if you have any cars for dispose of, accident, non operational, we will remove it for you my phone is 0175-3213199 call or e-mail, are German TÜV inspected before sale and inspection on Base is Guaranteed. Our Pricingis fair and if you have a trade in US or European we will gladly give you a fair Quote. We offer financing. 017699970323,0631 414 898 19, michael.cumiskey@bavarianmotor Mitsubishi Cosama, 1.6ltr, green, 4-door, 5-speed, ABS, power stearing, German TÜV till Jan 2017, my phone is 0175-3213199, $1500, PT Cruiser, 2.2 Diesel, 2003, Green plate, 5 speed, 4 door, TUV new air cond, 2 set of tires summer/ winter, ABS, power stering elec windows, and locks, key less entry, price €2000, if you want any cars for dispose of, accident, non operational, we will remove it for you, email for info ddundkk@ hotmail.DE Motorhome - See Europe in style. Fleetwood Tioga 1996, 31ft x 100 inches. Sleeps 5/6, queen master bed and separate shower and toilet. Beautiful with many luxuries. $15K OBO. Call Scott for Thinking of buying a new Quality pictures and more info Pre-owned car, then look no fur01622972951. ther, we have over 150 cars in New new + German TUV GER- stock. Patriot Military AutomobiMAN TUV+No US inspection les 09662-702 6280 Need +++ Mitsubishi Eslipes G L, Red, 2.0 LTR , 16 VAL, air cond, 2 door, 5 Speed, elec windows KMS 163,000, $1695, ddundkk@ Nissan Almera TINOdi, 2002, German specs,, 2nd owner, no accidents, TÜV summer/2016, AC, 5seat, standard, great travel car, no rust, POV inspection guaranteed, €2400, full tank goes 1100km, call 015145261009 or stefandsanya@ Visit our winery in Rauenthal Asparagus Season Start 65345 Eltville-Rauenthal Vor dem Kaltenborn 3 Tel: (06123) 7 14 34 Open: Tue, Wed, Thu 3:30-11:00 p.m. Sat & Sun 3:00-11:00 p.m. Mon & Fri closed 016 SPRING 2 ............................................................................... April 28, 2016 Herald Union Page 23 AUTOS All ads & pics on REGISTER NOW! All Memberships are FREE! You Could Win an iPad Mini! Sale by Owner: 2013 VolvoXC90 R-Design Platinum 7-seater. Execellent cond rating! Fully-loaded: Platinum, Climate pkgs, NAV, Bluetooth, sun/moon rf, BLIS, rear sensor, leather int, black metallic ext. $29,928, tiffanylanigan@ya V W GOLF 16 V 75PS 157000Km 6 x Airbags. ESP, Central Look, Aircondition, Radio CD USB, Electric Windows and Mirrors.Very Nice Shape, Black Magic Color and Rear Windows with Black Foil. LED Rearlights. Good Condition. Pass Inspection!!!! 0170 - 1910484 Volvo Model: XC90 T6 AWD RDesign Year: 2016 Color: Bursting blue metallic Upholstery: Charcoal Nubuck / Nappa leather with contour seats Transmission: 8speed automatic w/ geartronic, in or 06134-284943 VW Golf 16V Black Magic !! 75PS 157000Km 6 x Airbags . ESP , Central Look , Aircondition , Radio CD USB , Electric Windows and Mirrors.Very Nice Shape , Black Magic Color and Rear Windows with Black Foil. LED Rearlights.Good Condition.Pass Inspection !!!!0170 - 1910484 VW golf cabriolet, This convertible was born in 2013, has 40,000 km, GPS, automatic, air conditioning, black leather interior, dealer maintained, all the bells and whistles one could want. For €15,000 someone is walking away with the fun car of their dre What?! Now I can sell stuff on! is New and Improved! THE FINDIT UIDE Page 24 Herald Union VW GTI 2013, $17k, The perfect car! 66,000 mi, xtra winter alu rims/tires, roof rack, winter matts, new clutch, bluetooth, heated seats, satelite radio, keyless, power everything, iPod connect, plad interior, airbags. Very good cond brethelenius@google VW Passat Wagan 1999, 1.6 liter, Silver, 5-speed, ABS, power stearing, air cond, winter tires, German TÜV, lots of new parts and dealer maintenance, front, keyless entry, $2250, VW Touareg SUV - 2006, 87,4K mi; Leather w/wood trim interior, Parking assistance/Nav-capable, Kaiserslautern Germany, $9995, email: ELECTRONICS Honda Cassette Car dio.$35.chefsteven2015@ Ra HPXP with Mouse, Keyboard and Remote. AEG ÖKO-favorite, 220 volt dish Orig.Box.chefsteven2015@ washer, ex. condition. More info please call after 1700 hrs. 0163- Induction hob ECO 2000, Induc8853574 tionhob ECO 2000, glass-ceramic AFN Decoder.Dual Voltage.Re- surface, plastic touchpad, automote Control.User Guide.Orig. matic pot recognition, 10 power Box.Perfect Off Base Wor settings, time function 1 to 180minutes at 1 minute intervals, king.$250.chefsteven2015@ temperature preselecting 240°C, 220V, overheating protectiBelkin, Surge Master, under mo- on, lying idle - looks like a new nitor power center, 110V, never one, used, $15.00. Pic available cchhrriiss99@netscape.netWiesba JBL L-100 Speakers, Have been den, 0611 / 5858 9640, call after described as the best speakers ever made. Bought in 1975. Great 19:00 or leave message. condition. Has the old style, maCanon BJC 7000 Color Bubble nual speaker wire connector -Set Printer. Incl. Cartridge and strip the wire and manually insert USB Cable. CD Booklet. $20. the bare metal wiring into the vided attachment. Large! john@ad Dell Inspiron 23 - All-in-one desktop computer, desktop com- Juicer sized to fit lemons, limes, puter, Brücken (Pfalz) Germany, oranges and grapefruits.Orange $450.00, email: charleshtollejr@out top w/ filter & pourer.Container, phone: 015144959369 made from glass.12 ounces Electro Party Wok, 230 V, 1300 (355ml.).NEW.chefsteven2015@ W, Unold Electro, lying idle - looks like a new one, pacesun@ All ads & pics on Food Steamer. 3 Tiers of Stackable Baskets. 60 min. Timer with Bell. Up to 8ltr. Capacity and 1.1ltr. Rice Container. 220V. Orig. Box.NEW. $25. chefsteven2015@ LCD TV 24" HDMI/DVI/VGA/PC/ Foot Massage Bath. 5 Massage DVI/USB Remote Control User Settings. With Heating. Massage- Guide Orig. Box.Great worchefsteven2015@ ball + Massagebrush. 3.3ltr. 100 king.$135. Watt.220V. User Guide. Orig. Box. $15. Lexmark, S605, Copier, Printer, Garment Press, Kalorik, 110V, Scanner, €40, Like new condition. Kalorik Garment Press, 110V, new Ink cartridges low. jcambr@ya $ 349.00, asking $75.00.Wiesba- den, 0611 / 5858 9640, call after LG Freezer, good condition. For pickup only. Kaiserslautern city. 19:00 or leave message. €80. Call Jacky 0179-5352827 Great Hyundai Computer screen 17 inch. comes with stand. Dual Phillip iPod/CD Stereo, Designer, voltage. Includes VGA monitor table top stereo. Holds a CD or cord. Works great. $40 bretheleni put your iPod Touch on it. Loud enough for one room. Perfect for a small location. Can charge it and take it outside when grilling, too! Original price: €350. Used only a couple of times. john@advanti Router, Belkin N150, $10, Green mini stereo 220volt. Good condtion. With cd player. Perfect Samsung TV's, 1 black, 1 silver, for kids. Call 017622987498 21" screen. very good condition. Hair Dryer. 3Heat + 2Speed Set- Asking $40.00 ea. OBO. For more tings. Cold Shut Button. Concen- info please after 1700 hrs. trator + Finger Diffusor Attach- 01638853574. ment. Lightweight. Super Quiet. Sony 20 CRT TV (model KV Removable End Cap. 1875 Watt. 20S40), $20 - NOT a flat screen, User Guide. Orig. Box.. but works well. phone: 015144955943 Heating pad, neck massage, So- Sony 32 LCD TV and Atemo Safa heating pad, Silver Crest, 220V, tellite Receiver System. The per100W, 30x40 cm, rapid heat up, 0- fect system to watch satellite pro6 temperature settings, Automatic grams in Englich and German. get switch-off function after approx. all English prgms available from 90 minutes, washable, red color; UK Satellite. Sony Bravia LCD flat andElectric neck heating pad, screen TV and ATEMO AM500HD TCM, 38x38 cm, 100% cotton, Sat. Receiver as a complete set. 220V, 46W, washable, 0-3 heating settings; andNeck massager with Sound, Scholl, with heat setting, Sony Cassette Car Stereo/Radio magnets, 8 natural sound options, Protection Case. Cables and User generated from 2 built-in spea- Guide. $30. chefsteven2015@ kers, mains or battery operatedall White all black interior BMW 328i, Fully loaded M Sport package BMW with 63000 miles. In good condition! Heated seats, navigation, comfort access package and so much more. Email for more details. The picture of the car is of them in a good shape, lying id- Transformer. USA Voltage Conin the profile picture. le, separately, $20, pacesun@ verter.$20. chefsteven2015@ April 28, 2016 �������������������������������������������������������������������������� www�herald-union�com ELECTRONICS All ads & pics on The perfect system to watch satellite programs in English or German Sony Bravia LCD flat screen color TV and Atemo AM 500 HD Satellite receiver selling as a complete set. $195. for both, al@mer Toshiba 40 inch Regaza HDTV For Sale, Flatscreen HDMI Remote Surround Sound, 67273 Weisenheim am Berg Germany, €175, email: brethelenius@google, phone: 01623305535 Transformer/converter 2000 watt110V to 230V-200/240 volt to 100/ 120 volt-very quiet-great working7 month old - selling for best Treadmill - Proform 635 CW, $249,, well maintained/functioning treadmill. Adjusts for speed & slope. Cross fit ski poles adjustable for tension. Emergency situation stop. XtremeMac iPhone Radio Clock, MP3 Player Remote Alarm Docking Station, 67273 Weisenheim am Berg Germany, $75, bre, 01623305535 Yamaha AV Receiver/Amplifier. Premium Aluminium. Dolby Digital/ EX Decoder. Pro Logic II. 100 Watts x 10. AF/FM Tuner. 40 Station Random + Direct Tuning. Remote Control. User Guide. Dual Voltage. Excellent Working. €350. FOR SALE All ads & pics on Caution: Some Classified ads have become a target for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer you payment methods other than cash. 2 each 120V Cisco Wireless-G Internet Home Monitoring Cameras Model WV54GCA, with manual and CD. $40, spvendor@ TVs, Voltage Regulators, €250, 3 tier steel mesh desk tray.Black.Front loading.$5. White leatherette case for IPAD mini W/removable bluetooth key- 50 Plastic Clothes Hangers. Strong and Dura board, $45.00, firm. al@mer Black. / 06371-60179 White Mini IPAD. Includes white leather case and Bluetooth keyboard.Keyboard is removable.Infrequently used. No scratches or blemishes. Latest IOS installed.$185.00 06371-60179 9 Slot Storage Block.Space for Chef Knife, Meat Forke, Sharpener, Shear and 5 other knives.Hard and Durable Wood (Bu che).$ Brambach Baby Grand Piano (manufactured NYC) Built in the early 1920s, this 5’ baby grand is in very good condition and plays perfectly. Tuned last on February 19,2016. $2500 or best offer.mar Beautiful Mori Lee Wedding Dress, Only worn once!! and we Brassed 4 fold firescreen are still together! Make this your stands.21 High.Orig. wedding dress on a budget.Size: Box.NEW.$15.bethmary100@ 8-10Color: White creamThe train is approx. four feet long (not royal Candle Holder, Has black metal long!).It is looking for a home, so and glass housing. Large, over 3 contact me if you are interested. feet high. Rustic look. Great for Inbrethelenius@google doors or Outdoors. Holds a very Aeropostale Hoodie. Turquoise- $150, blue. Lettering “aero” and zipper large candle. Helps create a at the front. Size M. Barley worn. Bicycles, 4 Bikes. 2 Adult Girls warm, cozy atmosphere. john@ad €13. style, 1 Adult Male Style, 1 Kid bi- Aeropostale long sleeve. Pink. ke. One girls bike needs new bra- Canister Vaccum Cleaner, CreviOn the front are pictures of pea- ke cable, others in minor states of ce Tool, Upholstery Tool, Floor ces signs and the label name is needed repair. $175 for all 4 or Brush, Mattress Brush, Extra Filshown. Size M. Barely worn. $50 Each. Sold As Is. Make an of- ters, User Guide, great for car Good condition. For pics see fer! Pick Up Only! email stvvee@ cleaning, $35, chefsteven2015@ €9. jani for pictures. Black knitted pullover. Size XS Canon Camera w/ Case.Canon Alessis 110V/220V digital perfor- but fits also for size M. €5. See Camera Sure Shot 85 Zoom.User for pictures. mance/studio piano w/chair, muGuide.Orig. Box.Case Logic Casic stand, stool, hard case 750$, mera Case 3 Pockets (2 Zipper call 06374-991073 pls leave a Blanket/throw Horse. 72"x52". Pockets).Belt Loop.Very Reversible. Heavy Quality. Machi- Sturdy.$35.chefsteven2015@ message Baby Jogger Summit 360 Jog- ne Washable. Machine Dry At ging Stroller, $275, phone: Low Heat. Great Condition. $20. CD/DVD Organizer, Perfect for a 015144955943 small location. Black metal. Body Fat Scale. Digital Display. Sturdy. Barbie and Ken Collection. Precision of 100g. Precision Body Fat 0.1%. Max 140 kg. Save Info Chopper. Stainless Steel Blades. Bath Robe.Black. 100% Polyster for up to 10 User. User Guide. Stainless Steel Body for DurabiliOrig.Box. NEW. $15. Sherpa Fleece. Shawl Collar.Long Orig.Box. €10. chefsteven2015@ ty. Sleeve. One Size fits All.Orig. 6 Step Metal Ladder.Folda NEW. ble.$ Box. 8 beverage glasses .16 Beautiful hand-made purple/pink felt flower brooch, perfect gift, can be pinned on jackets, scarves, bags and more! €12, for pics see jenniferwil bethmary100@ Brass Companion Set, 5 pieces.Poker, Tongs, Dust Brush and oz.6.5highx3.5diameter.Perfect High.Orig. Candle Holder. Iron Base with Pan.16 for ice tea, smoo Glass Cylinder. 9" High. $15. Box.NEW.$15.bethmary100@ thies.$ Cognac/Brandy Glass Set. Engraved Horse. With Box. $20. Comforter Queen Size. beautiful design. ............................................................................... April 28, 2016 Herald Union Page 25 Your community. Your website. FOR SALE + event calendar + movie schedule + travel articles + videos + more! Presented to you by Europaallee 3 67657 Kaiserslautern Page 26 Dog Feeder. Adjustable Bowl Height to your Dog's Needs. Perfect for Growing Puppies or Senior Dogs. 2 Stainless Steel Bowls All ads & pics on (Dishwasher Safe) Each Bowl (1.6Qt.) 17.4"H x 15.7"L x 18.8"W. Collection of leather bound, siVery Sturdy. Orig. Box.$25. gned by the author, 1st edition books, mint cond. Over 100 different books. Authors include: Nor- Eco warrior shoulder bag, handman Mailer, William F. Buckley, made felt, environmentally friendly Joseph Heller, Elie Wiesel, Donald bag made using only wool, water Mc Dunne, John Updicke, Tom and soap, €25, jenniferwilking@hot Wolfe, etc. $ 15.000 - serious in- quiries only! Call: 0631-940213 or Egg Cooker. Cooks 10 Eggs at Once, Nonstick 4egg Poaching 0151-270-19822 Comforter Set. Buttons connect Tray, 3egg Omelet Tray, Brush. the 2 Comforter into 1. Great Qua- Stainl. teelLid, On/Off Switch, Aulity. 75" x 54". Orig.Packed. dible Alert, Standby Mode, Easy Cleanup, 2Egg Holders, Beaker $50.NEW.chefsteven2015@ with Piercing Pin, User Guide, Orig. Box, $30, chefsteven2015@ Complete Set of 4 Books and 5 gmail DVDs (all in superb condition) pls Electric Kettle 1.7ltr. 1500 Watts call 0631 89236720 On/Off Light Automatic Shut-off Cooks 10 Eggs at Once, Non- Dual Water Windows Cordless stick 4egg Poaching Tray, 3egg (Lifts off Base for cordless pouOmelet Tray, Brush. Stainl.Steel ring) User Guide Orig.Box. Lid, On/Off Switch, Audible Alert, Standby Mode, Easy Cleanup, Felt bag, gorgeous hand-made 2Egg Holders, Beaker with Pier- felt bag with blue design, medium cing Pin, User Guide, Orig. Box, size, €30, jenniferwilking@hot Covered Bowl Korea. Porcelain. Floor Lamp, White, round, sits 24 Carat Gold Trim. 3.5" Diame- on floor. Perfect background, ter. Handpainted.. mood-setting light for a small cation. Craftsman Gas Lawn Mower, Foldable Laundry Drying $150, 2 years old Please contact Rack.Very Sturdy.Rustproof sign and easy to stoExtends Crate and Barrel night lamps, 2 re.38Wx26Dx36High. country chic night stand lamps. max. to 44Deep. bethmary100@ Beige lamp shades with chrome base. 110 V. $25 for both. stefanie For Sale, €150, ysamek@google, German 220, Whirlpool front loader washing machine. Crystal Heart Rosenthal, GermaPlease after 1700 hrs. 0163ny. Heart Shaped Crystal. Clear 8853574 Crystal. 3". Orig. Box.NEW.$15. For That Special Collector a autiful The United States CommerCustom-made children's kindermorative Presidential Collection, garten bag with name. Send me a message if you are interested in a unique bag for your child. Perfect Foxy lady, small felt shoulder bag present. All bags are made using with fox design. Discover your wet-felting technique with sheep wild side! All bags are completely wool, soap and water only! € neg, environmentally friendly made depending on design, jenniferwil with wool, soap and water only! €25, Garment Bags, 2 garment bags Dallas Cowboy Hat. NEW.. with pockets-for up to 5 ments-durable material-weather Dark green Roxy Jeans. Size 30. resistant-2 pockets for accessoFind pictures at www.finditgui ries-full length center €10. janina.wuttke@ condition (used the bags twice, Garmin 360 Navigation, $50, German Beer Stein Octoberfest. Decorative Pewter Lid (Carriage). Limited Edition. Heavy Quality. 10"High. €115. chefsteven2015@ German Beer Stein Wildlife. Fox Decorative Glass Bowl Blue.Squa Design. Decorative Pewter Lid (Fox). Heavy Quality. 10"High. re.10.5".$5.bethmary100@ new. Deep Freezer 220V, EUR50, pho- German Beer Stein. Famous German Attraction Theme. Pewter Lid ne 015208261982 9.5"HIGH. €70 chefsteven2015@ Deluxe Steer & Stroll Trike by Ra- dio Flyer, $50, phone: German Beerstein. Kaiserslau015144955943 tern and famous German Cities Desk Top Mini Dart Game, Need Design. Pewter Lid. 9.5"High. Bota cute gift? This Mini Dart game tom is a little chipped (don't see it fits anywhere, at home or in the if Displayed Only). €30. office. Never been used! john@ad German Beerstein.Famous GerDrinking Cup.Stainless Steel.350 man attraction theme.Pewter Lid. ml.Dishwasher Safe.WMF, Germa 9.5"High.$75.chefsteven2015@ Herald Union German Pewter Cup Set. Engraved with Wildlife Theme. 3.25"High. 95% Pewter. NEW. $25. German Pewter Cup. Engraved with Steffi Graf Design (3 Different Motifs). 3.5" High. 95% Pewter. new. German Pewter Plate. Engraved with all 16 German Regional District Logos. 9"Diameter. $45. Gilde Clown. Gilde, Germany. 3.5" High. Handpainted. new. Gourmet Grill Utensil Set, Beautiful high-end chrome set. Solid quality for the serious Grill Meister! Packed in an elegant chrome briefcase! Never been used! john@ Griddler Cuisinart, Dual Temperature Controls for Grill/Panini and Griddle, Reversible Nonstick Plates Switch from Grill to Griddle, Integrated Drip Tray for Easy Storage, User Guide, Orig.Box, NEW, Hand-carved Indonesian table + 6 chairs + two matching cabinets $990 Indonesian and Thai dolls each $35 Antique French Louis XIV cabinet - $750Set of 6 Indonesian shadow dolls - $125, call 06374-991073 Hindu Goddess Statue, Bought in New Delhi, India in 1988. Solid brass. Golden accents. Really nice conversation piece and cool, artsy decoration for your home. Great gift! Hollister strapless top. White color, size M. With ribbons to tie a bow on the back. €15. For pics see Contact Ice Skates black.Size 10.5 (42).NEW.$25.bethmary100@ Indoor Putting Set, Nice leather case, zips up for easy of carrying, storing. Perfect gift for your addicted golfer. Comes with everything you need to get started. john@ad Items for Sale, Crane tabletop leg/arm exerciser, $25.00, Callaway Clones Golf Clubs, 3-9 Irons, PW, SW, good condition, $40.00. Contact Tom Rewis, Casa.rewis@ or 0171-363 0906. Kitchen Aid Hand Blender silver. 2 Speed. Quiet, Powerful Motor. Blend, Puree and Crush. Soft Grip Handle. Blending Arm Dishwasher Safe. 3 Cup Jar with Lid. User Guide. Orig.Box. NEW €30. Like New Poker Chips with carrying case, $20.00, spvendor@ Lot's of things, All Free. A stand for a terrasse Satellite Dish, A Garden Classic Spreader, A 110V Alarm Clock. A Proctor Silex Stream Excel 110V, 2 Line Cordless Phone with headset 110V, A Cuisiant toaster 110V. Lounge Chair, Hunter Green with nice (neutral) green mat that goes on top. Heavy metal frame -- very durable. Has wheels, easy to move around. Folds together to ease carrying. Get ready for spring! Marilyn Monroe Box 12" x 8". $15. Marilyn Monroe Glass Coasters Set of 4. $12. chefsteven2015@ Milk Frother for 8 oz. frothed milk and 12 oz. steamed milk. Dishwasher Safe Removable Milk Pitcher with see-through lid. Frothing and Heating Disks. 3 Temperature. User Guide + Orig. Box. Mirror with Wood Frame.27Highx19Wide. $15. Monitor Stand/Organizer with Cableholder.Very Surdy. 17Wx11Dx5.5High.bethmary100@ Must sell 65 year old flawless solitaire .45 carat diamond ring set in white gold. Asking best offer $700.Will accept $ or €. Call: 06332-41560 from 9 - 18:00. Must Sell, Swarovski crystal at half the value given by the Swarovski company! The last two Retired pieces, whale $690, turtle $150. Both for $755. Will accept best offers $/€: call 06332-41560 between 9am to 8pm. Can deliver to RAB! New never worn fitted caps, New York Mets. The price is $10 ea, caps sizes 7 3/8 and 7 3/4, will mail vial APO brethelenius@google Nike Sports Travel Large. Black. 3 Compartments. 2ft. Long x 1ft. High x 1ft. Wide. $40 Official New York Mets Jerseys and Equipment, Official MLB New York Mets Jerseys from MajesticTeam set of jerseys for sale! Enough to outfit your whole baseball or softball team! These are official jerseys from Majestic. They have been used for a couple seasons, but are still in good shape. The black home jerseys are in good shape. The Orange Spring Training Jerseys have some fading in the ventalated under arm area, but still are good to go. $300, brethelenius@google Org. Thomas Sabo Charm, price new was 49€, never used, was a bday present, selling price €20, for pics please see, Outdoor Propane Heater (Standing), Mushroom top slightly dented but works fine. Propane tank (German specs) included. Great condition! Oversized Cardigan from Review. Black and white stripes. For pictures visit www.finditgui €10. janina.wuttke@ PCS Sale: Thule Ocean 700 Ski box: $150.Charbroil Heatwave Outdoor Grill: $150. 2 Fest tables with benches: $150. Contact 0176 7177 4655 Picture Frame 50x70cm. Orig. Packed.NEW.bethmary100@ Picture Frame 60x80cm.Orig. Packed.NEW.bethmary100@ Plastic Turtle Sand Box, sand box, $20, phone: 015144955943 Porcelain dolls, over 100 to choose from, all dressed. Price Obo Call: 0176-90796039 Small grey felt shoulder bag with mushroom design, perfect gift, €20 April 28, 2016 �������������������������������������������������������������������������� www�herald-union�com FOR SALE All ads & pics on Rice Cooker w/Cable. 3 Cup (makes up to 6 Cups of cooked rice). Removable Cooking Pot. Glass Lid. Keep Warm Function (Indicator Light). Cook Indicator Light. Spatula+Measuring Cup. User Guide. Orig.Box. $5. Rosina Wachtmeister Glass Cat Pair. Can be used with Metal Stake (incl.) or without. 32" High. Goebel, Germany. Orig.Box. $60. Sheep Pendulum Clock, Makes Sheep Sound and Sheep Appears every Hour (Noise can be muted). Orig. Box. NEW. €45. Spoon Set (6 Spoons).Stainless Steel.Dishwasher Safe.Matt.Perfect for Joghurt, Ice Cream, Latte Macciato.....WMF, Germany.Orig. Box.NEW.bethmary100@ Steam Iron. 1700 Watts Power. Stainless Steel Soleplate. Variable Steam Control. Pro Vertical Steam. Spray Button. 3 Way Smart Auto Off. Extra Large Water Tank (8.4oz.). Self Clean. Made in Germany. Excellent Working. User Guide. Orig.Box. $50. Samsonite Sports Travel Bag.Heavy Duty Quality.Great as container box.Ultra Sports Travel Storage tough maid.31 Gallon /117.3 ltr.32.5"x20"x16.8".Made in USA.Shatter Resistant to 0F.Asking $12.Value $22. Super Mario Kart Wii Reversible throw. Fitted sheet pillow case and lining. Never used. Paid over $100, asking $65,017622987498. Toilet Putting Set, Know somebody that is a golf nut who needs to always be practicing? Give him the Toilet Putting Set. He can then practice putting while sitting on the John! Only for people who have everything! Great gag gift! Used RU Braun Automatic Chrono Watch, Watch Date Hand Black Metal, 67273 Weisenheim Swarovski Crystal Mouse. Collec- am Berg Germany, $300, brethele tible Edition. Made in Austria., Orig.Box. Great Condition. new 01623305535 Utility trailer for sale, German utiSwarovski Pegasus - From the lity trailer, one owner, excellent 1998 "Fabulous Creatures" Se- condition, never stored outside. ries. Retired in 1998, Asking available now. $500.Ph. 06374/944828 Swiss Cow Bell. €12. Target practice, eco warrior shoulder bag, hand-made felt, environmentally friendly bag made using only wool, water and soap, Striped hand-made felt shoulder €25, bag, large, trend colors, perfect gift, €30, jenniferwilking@hot The Swarovski Pierrot measures 8". This is the first edition of "MasServing Tong.Great for Serving Suit bags, 2 suit bags with querade" series. Retired in 1999. Fries, Asparagus.Stainless pockets-for up to 5 garments-du- Steel.Dishwasher Sa rable material-weather resistant-2 Toaster, 4 Slice Long Slot, 7 Adfe.$10.NEW.bethmary100@ pockets for accessories full length justable Shade Settings, Bagel + center zipper-great condition Frozen Buttons, Toast + Cancel Set of three pink vases, different (used the bags twice) $15. Buttons, Removable Crumb Tray, shapes but matching in color, per- User Guide, Orig.Box, $25, fect for shabby-chic feature or to Suit Bags, 7 Suit Bags. Stores upcycle. €10, jenniferwilking@hot and protects up to 3 garments. Breathable material with see thru Tricycle: Deluxe Steer & Stroll TriSuper Mario kart lunch cooler, front. 3"x24"x38". bethmary100@ ke by Radio Flyer, $50, phone: $8,017622987498 015144955943 V&B Cermaic X-MAS Ornament Set: German Male/Female Gingerbread Ornaments. 4" High, Villeroy & Boch Germany. NEW. Orig.Box. $20. chefsteven2015@ Various size new gym bags $10.00 each, spvendor@ Viking Sword. Handle and Blade Engraved on both Sides. Real Steel. With Black Wall Display Various music CDs for sale, all Mount. Made in Spain. $275. from the 2000er years. Single CDs from Nelly Furtado, Christina Aguilera etc. for €3, music samp- Vintage Classic Video game from lers like Bravo Hits and The Dome Mattel - Classic Baseball. A must €4. For a picture of the selection have for the collection. Still works see Con- great. $20 brethelenius@google tact ............................................................................... April 28, 2016 Herald Union Page 27 Have fun with the locals Frühling in Wien Johann-Strauß-Orchester Sun, May 1, 8 p.m. Wiesbaden Kurhaus Spring in Wien. Ticket price starts at €7. For more information go to Photo by Andrey_Popov / EVENTS Opera Et Cetera Sat, Apr 30 Wiesbaden, Kurhaus Tickets cost €59. For more info go to Tanz in den Mai Sat, Apr 30, 8 p.m. Wiesbaden, Kulturclub Biebrich Ticket price is €17. For more info go to Street Food Festival & Market at the Harbor Sat, Apr 30, 11 a.m. Wiesbaden, Hafenstr. For more info go to Tanz in den Mai mit zünftigem Bockbier-Anstich Sat, Apr 30 Mainz-Kastel, Brauhaus Castel Entry is free. Dance into May. For more info go to Spring fair Eltville Sat, Apr 30 - Sun, May 1 Eltville, Rheinpromenade For more information go to Timetravel to the Middle Ages Sat, Apr 30 - Sun, May 1 Gernsbach, Murginsel Tickets cost €5 per adult and €3 per child. For more info go to Radrennen Sun, May 1 Frankfurt, Opernplatz Bike race. For more info go to Plant market Sat, May 1 Neu-Anspach Hessenpark Tickets cost €8 per adult. For more info go to Obstblütenwanderung Fri, May 6 to Sun, May 8 Frankfurt, Obsthof am Steinberg Blossom hike. Entry price is €19 per person. For more info go to Sekttag bei Henkell Sat, May 7, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Wiesbaden, Henkell & Co. Sekt day at Henkel. Entry is free. For more info go to Grüne Soß Festival Sat, May 7 – Sat, May 14 Frankfurt, Grüne Soß Festival UG Green sauce Festival. Ticket price starts at €42. For more info go to Cirque de Soleil Amaluna Wed, May 11, 8 p.m. Frankfurt, Festplatz am Ratsweg Ticket prices start at €35. For more info go to Fairtrade breakfast Sat, May 14 Eltville, Mediathek For more information go to ESL One Fri, Jul 8 Köln, Lanxess arena Ticket price €41.90. For more info go to WINE Wine fair Idstein Wed, May 4 Idstein, old city center For more information go to Sparkling Wine tasting hike Thu, May 5 Hattenheim, Wein-und Sektgut Barth Tickets cost €30. Please email to register. For more info go to German Sekt day Sat, May 7 + Sun, May 8 Rüdesheim, city center For more information go to Eltville and Wine, a Walking Tour through the Old Town Sun, May 22 Eltville, city center Tickets cost €12. For more info go to CONCERTS Schlagernacht des Jahres Sat, Apr 30, 6 p.m. Cologne, Lanxess arena Volksmusic of the year. Ticket price starts at €52. For more info go to Method Man and Redman Mon, May 2, 9 p.m. Frankfurt, Batschkapp Ticket cost €40.90. For more info go to Last Days Of April live feat. Texas Is The Reason Sun, May 8 Wiesbaden, Kulturpalast Tickets cost €10. Tickets are available from €10. For more info go to Nelly Thu, May 12, 8 p.m. Cologne, Essigfabrik Ticket cost €37.85. For more info go to Rod Stewart Tue, May 17 Düsseldorf, Iss Dome, 7:30 p.m. Ticket price starting at €82.90. For more info go to MINE live Wed, May 18 Wiesbaden, Schlachthof Tickets cost €17. For more info go to www.schlachthofsaarbrü ZZ Top Mon, Jul 11, 7 p.m. Köln, Open Air am Tanzbrunnen. Ticket price is €59.85. For more info go to Sting Sun, Jul 31, 7 p.m. Wiesbaden, Bowlinggreen Ticket price €80.40. For more info go to SPORTS Wiesbaden-TennisOpen 2016 Mon, Apr 25 - Sun, May 1 Wiesbaden, TC Bierstadt Tickets cost €5-20. For more info go to Soccer - FSV Frankfurt vs. 1FCK Fri, Apr 29, 6:30 p.m. Frankfurter, Volksbank Stadion Ticket prices start at €10. For more info go to Soccer - Eintracht Frankfurt vs. Borussia Dortmund Sat, May 7, 3:30 p.m. Frankfurt, Commerzbank Arena Ticket price to come. For more info go to Football - Wiesbaden Phantoms vs. Franken Knights Sat, May 7, 5 p.m. Wiesbaden, Helmut-Schön-Sportpark Ticket price starts at €9. For more info go to Wiesbaden Phantoms vs. Ingolstadt Dukes Sat, May 21 Wiesbaden, Europaviertel Tickets cost €10. For more info go to All events listed on and in print are subject to change without notice. Please check directly with event organizer. More events on: Page 28 Herald Union military IN GERMANY April 28, 2016 �������������������������������������������������������������������������� www�herald-union�com FOR SALE All ads & pics on Vintage handheld video game from Coleco. Alien Attack is a classic and a must have for every game collection! in great scape. Runs on 4C batteries. $20 brethele Adjustable Full/Queen Size Bed. Headboard, Footboard and Rails. Wall Decor Picture. Hand Craf- Cherry Wood.Very Sturdy.Asted. Deer Hide. Made In Siberia. sembly is easy, no tools required. Made in €45. USA.$250..bethmary100@ Window Panel 50x84.Heavy lity.Caramel Brown.Orig. American Bedroom Set, €190, Packed.NEW.bethmary100@ (or make offer), consisting of ser with 3part mirror, and 2 night WMF Cookware 11pc. Covered tables, solid oak with brass handLow Casserole 16cm+20cm. Coles, very beautiful 06302-5554 fran vered High Casserole 16cm+20cm+24cm. Saucepan Antique 100 yr.old German china 16cm. Cold Handles of Stainless Steel. Dishwasher and Oven Safe. cabinet, matching dining table Orig.Box. chefsteven2015@ with 4 chairs. See photo on KA classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949674, WMF Knife Set with Storage €950, Block (Wood). 9 Pieces. Blades made from Forged Special Blade Antique Bench, with cushion seSteel. Made in Germany. Orig. at, storage space and wheels. Box.NEW.$350, chefsteven2015@ See photo on KA classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949674, €600, WMF Napkin Holder. Stainless Steel. Orig.Box. €20 Antique English Book Case, $75, 45 inches high, 11 inches deep, WMF Saucepan with Lid.16cm 29 inches wide. Curved Door with Diameter.Stainless Steel.Dishwas- Glass Insets. Side Panels with her and Oven Sa Glass Insets, 2 Glass Shelves. Buyer Must Pick Up. Please Call WMF Silverware 30 Pieces. Stain- 0159 0297 6140. less Steel. Dishwasher Safe. WMF Antique French Louis XIV Germany. Orig. Box. $75. Schrank $650. Call 06374-991073 pls leave amessage. Wristwatch Zodiac Sign. Gemini Antique reproduction secretary Design. Black Leather Band. Orig. desk. See photos on KA classiBox. NEW. €25. chefsteven2015@ fieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949674, €120, Bed, Single w/mattress. Solid wood frame. Mattress like new condition. €75, jcambr@ya All ads & pics on 2013 pair of lazy chairs, leather Brown Corduroy Upholstered white. €230 for both chairs. Like Chair, $25, Buyer Must Pick Up. new condition. Please contact Please Call 0159 0297 6140, Nathalie at macarthurnathalie@ Cabinet.Oak.4 adjustable shelves. 58Hx28.5Wx14Deep. 3 & 2 Seat Couches, €500.00, FURNITURE 3 Drawer Cart.White w/ 4 wheels.25.5"H. (w/o wheels 24"H.) x 11.5"W.x14.5"D.Made in USA.NEW.$15 3 Level Shelf Unit with 42High. Each Level 18x18.$15. bethmary100@ Beige leather couch. Purchased at City Polster. Original price €1300. Real leather.Need space else I would keep it. Must pick up in Rodenbach. Asking $450, 017622987498 or isabell_1_98@ya Clock, $150.00, spvendor@ Coffee Table w/Magazine Shelf and Glass Center Piece. 4x2ft. 16"High. great condition €220. Complete German Water Bed Luna- 12 Years Old, May need one of two new water mattresses.It's disesembled. Must Pick up. Please contact: Free Wooden Dining Set. A classic! Table(41x41")plus 2 leaves (12" wide each). 4 chairs. No major damage, just small nicks. May want to refinish top. If you can haul it, it's yours! Call 0631 41 23 71 34 Kaiserslautern Microscope, Lomo MB-10 stereo microscope with various parts and lenses included. Excellent Futon/Couch, the top, plush condition. €400 obo, jcambr@ya cushions are constructed from 30mm of memory foam very sturdy east to fold down 2 cup One Each 2&3-Seat Couches, holders built in seated position: €500.00. Like new from smoke & 86"L x 36"D x 33.5"hflat position: pet-free home, anthracite-colored 86"L x 46"D x 22.5"H great condi- cloth front & back. New price tion selling for best offer, 1450€ asking 500€. Pick up in Siegelbach. Call 06301-7988092 ter 8PM. Large 4 Section Closet (Schrank), $250, 7ft 4in by 11ft 5in (3 secti- PCS sale-German Schrank $450 ons are 3ft 3in wide, 1 section is obo, Coffee Table free, Telephone 1ft 8in wide). Two Clothes Han- stand $20, Kitchen Table w/ ging Rails, Many Shelves. We will chairs $120, Bean Bag chairs $10 help take apart. Buyer Must Pick each, Patio set w/chairs & umbrella $120, Twin Bed Frame $25, ReUp. Please Call 0159 0297 6140 Large office desk/workspace, of- cliner $150, Grill $30, T.V. $25, Vafice desk workspace, Brücken riety of Toys. email:desi00012@ or phone: (Pfalz) Germany, $150.00, charles, 015156744005., Couch Relax Chair, €199, great furniture use as a relax chair or bed diff moves, cover washable, like new, was new 398 euro at moebel martin, from a smoke and pet free home, cell 015145261009 stefandsanya@ 015144959369 La-Z-Boy Rocker Recliner, $75, Dark Green Fabric, Clean and Cozy. Buyer Must Pick Up. Please Call 0159 0297 6140. Love Seat, $75, Warm Gold Fabric, Clean and Cozy. Buyer Must Pick Up. Please Call 0159-0297 6140. Mantel Clock from the 60 era. Key wind chines on the half and Couch set, €900, stefandsanya@ full hour, $70.00, spvendor@ Couch Table. Glass Table with Mattress Pad. Full Size. Tommy Magazine Shelf (Wood). 46"L. x Hilfiger. Great Condition. No 27"W. €25. chefsteven2015@ Stains. Mattress Set: Stearns and Foster Desk with Chair. $75.00 OBO. Queen, Spangdahlem Air Base, Must be picked up in Saalstatdt. $800, phone: 015144955943 06375- Metal Coat Rack with Brass Buttons Very Sturdy 69"H. x 16"W. 3889355. Dining Room Table & Chairs. $60. Headboard+Footboard, $350.00 OBO. Large table with Metal 18" leaf, 4 regular chairs, 2 arm Queen Size, Brushed Nickel Fichairs. Must pick-up in Saalstadt. nish, Metal Gauge Tubing, Solid Wire, very sturdy$250 06375-3889355. j_c_hudson@ya Bar Dining Table Set.Dining Table w/ 4 design arm chairs.Dining table 44 diameter.W/ extension 61.5x44.Great conditi on.$ Metal/Mirror shoe cabinet with 5 drawers and body length mirror.69H.x20W.€100 Piano nicely done in good condition recently tuned 590 euro, phone, phone: 06731 44782 Recliner couch loveseat leather, $390,, real leather black, works great not often used, very comfy, back pillows come off easy to carry, cell 0152-06786080 Red velvet Pier One couch.Great condition.500 obo.Will accept either EUR or USD.Pickup Only. Solid rustic oak dining room, €500, (or make offer) cabinet 3,80m long, table 2m long with 8 chairs. Stearns and Foster Queen Mattress Set, Mattress, Spangdahlem Air Base 54529 Spangdahlem Germany, $800, email: cj.lamont@hot, phone: 015144955943 TV Stand with 4 Wheels.3 Levels. 46.5"W x15"D x20"H.Great Condi tion.$ Welcome to the Fortress Königstein for a great Knight Tournament May 7-8, 2016 IT for You GmbH Philippsring 9 – 55252 Mainz-Kastel – Tel: 06134 – 18 55 0 Individual – reliable – independent Service & repair on-site Notebook & PC repair in house Network & telephone services Data security Opening hours Mon - Fri 10 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Opening Hours: Mon– Fri 9.00 –19.00 Sat 9.00 –18.00 Special arrangements possible 6 Drawer Dresser. Great Conditi 8 Drawer Dresser. Lots of storage space. 45"H. x 29"W x 14"D. $75. Antique corner desk. See photo on KA classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949674, €150, eceiv and r orm ks f T A V oc your all cl Bring n top on o 10% e Gebr. Stern GmbH An den Quellen 3 65183 Wiesbaden Tel.: 0611-30 21 12 World’s biggest Cuckoo-Clock CLOCKS • GIFTS • SOUVENIRS Full English Website incl. driving directions, payment methods etc.! Welcome to the Middle Ages the world of knights and ladies, jesters, medieval merchants and craftsmen. Watch our tournaments on horseback, sword fights and quarrels. Let your child practice in jousting, archery and let them discover what the market has to offer. Be amazed by the diversity of our medieval market, admire the craftsmanship, laugh at the jugglers and spoil your taste buds at the taverns. More info at Knights of Königstein invite you to the 18th knight tournament and look forward to your visit. ............................................................................... April 28, 2016 Herald Union Page 29 FURNITURE TV Stand/End Table with Shelf.With 4 Wheels.20.5"W.x16"D.x23"High, Freest house in Alsenborn 4BR liv/din rm bik panrty rm laundry rm 2,5 baths terrace yard, storage rm in shed and covered grill area free park spot 155 sqm liv space €1100+util+€30 for extra rm, 0174-7403626 / 06303-925656 All ads & pics on Zither, €950 (or make offer), fran White IKEA Twin Trundle Beds w/, 06302-5554 Mattresses, $175, Buyer Must near Sembach Pick Up. Please Call 0159 0297 6140. HOUSES / APTS FOR SALE White luxus designer couch, 37in W X 82in L, asking $875.00 or BO. Excellent condtion. More in- All ads & pics on fo, please after 1700 hrs. Cell 3 Bedroom + FROG + 2 Car Gara01638853574 ge Single-Family House in NW Wooden bookshelf. See photo Grafenwohr / Grafenwoehr, Yard: on KA classifieds web page. Con913 square meters with mature pitact Eric and Mia at ne trees and landscaping Tiled ba063759949674, $150, sement Floor heating (electric at exchange) Tile (ceramic) woodburning stove in living / dining room Wood pellet stove in basement game room Built-in kitchenTEE wo-car garage, FROG (Front Sell your stuff for FR Over Garage): Completed m Room on studio,, €400,000 The find-iT uide Cosmetic surgery - Free consultation For Sale: Building site in Kollweiler 1922 sqm, Hofstraße 35 66879 Kollweiler Germany Gosenberger Hof, €100000, phone:+49-6373893499, email: For Sale: Unique landhouse, 2 bd, 1.5 bth, 135 sq meters, Höhstraße 86 66887 Jettenbach Germany, €250000, email: pe, phone: 0049-151-18213905 15 min. to RAB, If you want to live somewhere Special - dont wait! All ads & pics on Office - Phone: 06062 - 26 67 84 • Hotline: 0160 - 91 92 78 45 • w w w . p r o f - d r - m i c h e l . c o m Cosmetic surgery - Free consultation Completely renewed house-large garden, balcony, winter garden, new bathrooms and floors, basement, garagethe house is completed now and free to move in.quiet neighborhood.bus station close by.Call 01702473900 Prof. Dr. Ralf-Thomas Michel VAT-forms accepted • Free consultation Member of German Society of Plastic and reconstructive Surgery. • Breast augmentation, lift and reduction • Liposuction/lipo transfer • tummy tuck surgery • body contouring after massive weight loss • male breast • botox • fillers • fat transfer (treatment of wrinkles) Prof. Dr. Ralf-Thomas Michel VAT-forms accepted • Free consultation Member of German Society of Plastic and reconstructive Surgery. Office - Phone: 06062 - 26 67 84 • Hotline: 0160 - 91 92 78 45 • w w w . p r o f - d r - m i c h e l . c o m military IN GERMANY Your community, your website. House for rent - The house is with garden and parking lot.Bus stop for American school.5 mins drive to city Wiesbaden. Cell 0178-7828443, 06084-2336.h.vic Houses for rent, !10min RAB, 20min Kaiserslautern, 249m², Busstop 100m, Floor heating, 5 Bedrooms, 3 Bathr, Big liv- and diningr, Kitchen, Studio, Balcony, Garage, 2 Terraces, VDSL, pets allowed, Housing ID: 3556651. from 08/April/16. call me 015155580000, €1775 HOUSES FOR RENT 4BR-Duplex House for Rent PET friendly €900+utilities 25 min to Ramstein RAB and Baumholder, liv/dinrm, new BIK, 2 bath, 142 sqm liv. space, 2 balconys, basement, loft, 1 garage, 1 pks, closed yard 825 sqm, pet OK in 66885 Altenglan, 27 Glanstr., Phone: 063816008318, ch.huethig@free • Breast augmentation, lift and reduction • Liposuction/lipo transfer • tummy tuck surgery • body contouring after massive weight loss • male breast • botox • fillers • fat transfer (treatment of wrinkles) Luxury Wiesbaden Townhouse Residence, 3 bd, 1.5 bth, 140 sq meters, Willi-Brandt-Allee 14 Wiesbaden, €3100, email: Nice Duplex-Half in Mehlbach! Nice Duplex-Half in Mehlbach, 16 km to RAB, 200 m², 6 Bedrooms, 2 Baths, 2 Built-In-Kitchens, Pantry, 2 Living-Rooms w. DiningArea, Storage, Attic, 2 Garages, Yard, Patio, Balcony, Pets negotiable, Avail: Now, Rent: 1300 Euro + 60 Euro Garage + utilities. No finder´s fee. For more info contact G.I. Bill Pay Service at ramstein@ or 06371-465407 or 0160-1065196. www.gibill Jettenbach 10min RAB, 20min Kaiserslautern, 249m², 5BedR, 3BaR, floor heating, living room, dining room, Kitchen, Studio, Balcony, Garage, Carport, VDSL, 2 Ter, attic, yard, call 015155580000, 1775 € no finders fee Home for Sale or Rent, Nice, American-owned, home with 1/2 acre enclosed back yard for sale or rent in Mackenbach. Great, convenient location just two miles A very nice house for rent. With a to Ramstein Air Base. Directly on big garden. Has 2 kitchens. For walking/cycling route to wooded more Information write an email to areas. Outdoor swimming pool just 4.5 km away along trail route. This can be your personal residence, THE FINDIT UIDE REGISTER NOW! All Memberships are FREE! get healthy, stay healthy! Physiotherapy for adults Osteopathy Pain management Physiotherapy for infants and young children Our English speaking staff is looking foward to helping you! Free of commission! Ramstein school district. Housing approved! 4 bd, 1.5 bth, 160 sqm, Eisenbacher Straße 27a 66909 Matzenbach, €1000+util+dep, phone: +49 6383 926829, email: frau American Dental Care Services offered: • Family Dentistry • Certified Orthodontics • Periodontal Maintenance • Implant Surgery • Root Canals • Wisdom Teeth Surgery • Nitrous Oxide • Saturday & Evening Appointments Caring, Friendly American Staff LOCATIONS jona GbR • Bahnhofstraße 36 65185 Wiesbaden • 0611 / 900 660 77 Page 30 Herald Union Wiesbaden Dental Care 0611-9887 26 50 Bahnstrasse 14 65205 Wiesbaden Ramstein Dental Care 06371-40 62 30 Poststrasse 1 66877 Ramstein Certified American Dental Hygienists Tricare Preferred Provider April 28, 2016 �������������������������������������������������������������������������� www�herald-union�com HOUSES FOR RENT All ads & pics on Immersion teachers / classroomassistants (m/f) Are you open to different cultural, religious and political viewpoints? Are you interested in the implementation of new pedagogical approaches? Are you also highly motivated to encourage children to take personal initiative and to learn in a team? Then we are looking for you! Parttime (30 clock hours per week) Your application can be sent, quoting reference number 11 AÜ, preferably by e-mail (info@lehr to Dr. Jörg Köbke Ramstein 10mins FSH: Beautifully renovated Bavarian-style freestanding house with 3000 sqft of living space, 5bedrooms, 2.5bathrooms, new designer kitchen, huge open-plan living area, outside party patio, plenty of parking. Bruchmuhlbach, only 10mins to Ramstein or Landstuhl. Available immediately, housing approved, no finders fee. Rent €1925. Call or text Mindie. Key-Systems GmbH recruits Technical Support Analysts for 01726855976 our headquarter in St.Ingbert/ Nice Duplex-Half near Kusel & Saarland - in night shift (05pmRAB! Nice duplex in Neunkirchen 02am Mon-Fri)! Send your resume am Potzberg, 20 km to RAB, 192 to m², 3 Bedrooms, 3 Baths, 1 WalkIn-Closet, Built-In-Kitchen, Pantry, Living/Dining-Area, Storage, Property Parking, Small Yard, Patio, High-Speed internet available (Quix), Floor-Heating (oil), Pets negotiable, Avail: Now, Rent: 1150 Euro + utilities. No Finder's fee! For more info contact G.I. Bill Pay Service at or 06371-465407 or 01601065196. state MOTORCYCLES All ads & pics on 2001 BMW R1150RTSilver (German spec) 38000 KM, Excellent condition/garage kept/no accidents/falls, hard sidecases and topcase, heated grips, Throttlemeister (cruise control), footpeg lower kits (can be removed), $5500/OBO, thomas621@com Nice Modernized Farmhouse in;Stuttgart area. Herschberg! Renovated and modernized farmhouse in Herschberg, 19 km to LRMC, 184 2008 HD FAT BOB - as good as m², 4 Bedrooms (all real wooden new - less than 4000 miles! US floors), 1 full bath + 2 x 0.75 specs. Color Flat Black. Original baths, Built-In-Kitchen (tiled floor), HD Sissy bar + luggage rack. Living/Dining-Area (real wooden Windvest 14" windscreen. Living floor), Storage, Basement, 1 Stu- room (forget garage) kept over the dio, Barn and property parking, winter. Full service completed last Yard, Patio, High-Speed internet summer. Asking $12000. email: available (Quix), Pets welcome if, phounder supervision, Avail: Now, ne: 01709335830 Rent: 1350 Euro + utilities.No Finder's fee! For more info contact G.I. Bill Pay Service at ram or 06371465407 or 0160-1065196. JOBS Lookin for Sportster parts or a bike ( Ironhead too ) which needs some work, basket case or sittin longer time too. BT Ultra Classic perhaps too. Just make me your offer what you have and we will see. Lookin for friends, female/male who likes harleys, works on them, who are into Rock music, good food, havin fun, BBQ, beeing outside and enjoying a good time together. Just email me and we will see when we can PETS All ads & pics on There have been reports of pets being sold from breeding facilities that are not managed at the highest professional standards. Please choose your pet carefully. Make sure you check the credentials of the people selling the pet, and get proper paperwork showing shots and/ or other proof of healthy condition. For further advice, consult your Veterinarian. German - all levels, Eberhard Vollmer, M.A., 66877 Ramstein,, email:, morning-, afternoon and evening classes, waiting list possible WANTED All ads & pics on MRE (Meal Ready to Eat) WanKinder Art. Creative and classical ted!!! Offers to: 0170-1910484 hands-on art instruction combined w/ exposure to various musi- Pet sitter (2 cats) wanted, Cat sitcal generes. 90 minute classes ter wanted on occasions where faweekly. Contact Snhch@hot mily is on leave or on travel. Daily rate negotiable. Administer meds, dry food and water, clean kitty litHome Security (Made Easy) Ho- ter. me IT Security IP Security Cameras IP Security Alarm Systems Seeking Racquetball partner. ReProfessional Consultation Starting tired guy 63 desires a Racquetball at € 800- + Hardware/Software/ partner, M/F, WI area, couple tiAdded Value Tax10 % Discount mes a week on base for exercise, for all U.S. DOD Personnel ARW fun, NOT competition. Been years European Security Consulting since I've played. Ready to play GmbH Hermanstr. 54-5663263 again. Neu-Isenburg Telefon: 061028169782 Mobile:0175-1634338, E- Wanted: PA/Sound System, Mail: arw@arw-securityconsul Four piece ensemble touring from USA seeks economical PA tem to buy/rent/borrow for perforRiding lessons, We offer riding mance on Friday May 13th or Salessons in English for beginners turday May 14th. Minimum four and advanced riders (children, xlr inputs, 2 x 600W power, two teens and adults)We are open mains and a monitor wedge, plus Monday to Saturday 2pm-7pm cables/stands needed. Thanks! and we are 15 minutes from Ram- stein Air Base. For an appointment call: 0160-1795222 or Email: Beginner's lesson: 13,5$Advanced lesson: 17$We All ads & pics on World Wide Pet Transport. Pet Relocation ... Pickup and delivery between residence and airports around the world., pet relocation live animal transport dog cat Frankfurt Airport pets shipping service, 60549 Frankfurt Germany, €on request, email: ivar@ Wendels Mühle Hotel &, phone: +49 rant, Wendels Mühle is prominent(0)69 96 86 4091 ly located in the peaceful city of Sankt Wendel.Wendel’s Mühle lies in the heart of the most fabulous golf courses; as well as on a 5 kilometer hiking and cycling trail.The Wendelinus Golf Course All ads & pics on is 500 meters away.This familyrun hotel is quietly located in the green Saarland countryside, 7 kiProfessional Services are of- lometers from Sankt Wendel.All fered by registered busines- 12 guest rooms are amended to a ses as well as private peo- country-style.Wendel’s Mühle Hople. To ensure a satisfactory tel offers an exquisite menu of deservice experience, please al- lightful dishes and drinks to satisways ask for credentials and fy diverse tastes. www.wendelsdeny payments up front. For cleaning services, arrange for payments after a final walk-through and inspection of the clean house. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TLA / TDY YARD SALES PCS'ing sale, Kitchen Appliances, Blenders, coffee maker, deep fryer and more, 3 seat couch with recliner on each endtablechairs. ro Various dresses for women, size S and M. They can be bought at our fleamarket stand in Mehlingen. Ask for Marianne. Every Saturday from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Abtrasse, 67678 Mehlingen Various long-sleeve blouses for women, size S and M. They can be bought at our fleamarket stand in Mehlingen. Ask for Marianne. Abtstrasse, 67678 Mehlingen. Every Saturday from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Various shirts for women. Size S and M. They can be bought at our fleamarket stand in Mehlingen. Free Vinyasa Yoga classes all TLA, €from 100, Dependable individual needed to email: Ask for Marianne. Every Saturday mow & maintain lawns for 2 resi- All ads & pics on April @ Alpha Team - 287 Pariser, pho- from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Abstrasse, Strasse Kaiserslautern. Tues- ne: 0179 145 6657 dents of Clay Kaserne. Must have 67678 Mehlingen access and own transportation. WM,, days@10 Thursdays@12. Classes Immediate start is requested. Pri- Looking for female from 40 + for are 1 hour, mats not provided. ce is negotiable. Pls email or call friendship or more. Like BBQ, mc Contact Liz Cole with any questions 0151-15744785 and leave message.sdlyon@ drivin etc. or 0172-614-4484 All ads & pics on PERSONAL All ads & pics on U.S. & GERMAN ATTORNEYS Do you speak English and another language? Are you a US citizen? Are you looking for ways to use your language skills to make a difference? If yes, then the National Language Service Corps may be for you. The NLSC is looking for U.S. citizens who are skilled in English and at least one other language. Learn more about what it means to be an NLSC Member at http://, Swalker.ctr@ or call 1-888-SAYNLSC (1-888-729-6572). German Beer, €10, Part Time rep needed for the Hainerberg and Clay Shopette's. MUST have base access privileges, ron.christof, 0172-6151231 FULL SERVICE LAW FIRM US & German Divorces • Support Issues Wills and Probate • Employment • EEO • MSPB Personal Injury • Contractor Issues • Tax CALL 069-299-2069-0 email: FAST We’ve been making loans of up to $10,000 to Active Duty Military for over 64 years. Click Today...Cash Today® “We love to say yes”® One Price! One Plan! One Place! All included! Staying connected has now become easier! Call us: 06221-750050 t6OMJNJUFEJOUFSOFUBDDFTT (Germany) Visit us: t'MBUSBUFDBMMJOHUP64" XXXQKTOFUDPN t.PCJMFTNBSUQIPOFTPMVUJPOT Email us: t4FSWJDFBOETVQQPSUBMMJO&OHMJTI JOGP!QKTOFUDPN ............................................................................... April 28, 2016 Herald Union Page 31
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