Newsletter - First Unitarian Church of Albuquerque


Newsletter - First Unitarian Church of Albuquerque
The Messenger
March 2016
AlbuquerqueCarlsbadEast MountainsSocorro
In Harmony
Music yokes together mind, body, and spirit. Singing together in worship, we align our breath to
musical phrases, sustained by rhythmic pulse and mathematical harmonies. Listening, waves of
sound and poetry submerge us. Breath, heartbeat, and mirror neurons synchronize with those
around us.
Our lives are awash in music: On the airwaves and internet; in concerts, shows, recitals, and
earbuds; overhead while shopping; as sonic wallpaper at restaurants. Some prefer to listen, some to dance. You
might crave playing music yourself. Do you desire calming strains, or the rush of emotion from soaring strings
or a pounding backbeat? Contemplation or celebration? Inward nod or exuberant applause? Context matters,
and variety, and above all, community.
In my first weeks as Director of Music, I have been blessed by this congregation’s joyous music, with so many
musical threads woven into the tapestry of worship. I am grateful for the recent wide-ranging conversation
around music and applause during worship: Clapping disrupts the flow, clapping is participation, clapping belongs in the concert hall, clapping is embodied gratitude, clapping is habitual, clapping feels great, clapping is
hard on ears, some but not all of the above. This is not a unique concern; many congregations explore “the clap
The consensus from the UU Musicians Network is that attempting to enforce a clap/no-clap policy doesn’t
work. Rather, we encourage each other to practice empathy, and to tune in to the flow of energy in worship. If
an anthem, sermon, or rousing hymn moves you to express gratitude, you might applaud, say “amen,” rub
hands together in “warm applause,” or shake uplifted fingers in American Sign Language applause. A meditative solo, thoughtful lyric, or prayer might evoke silent reverence or a deep sigh. May we continue learning
from one another and creating vibrant worship in community.
P.S. If you are one who craves singing music yourself, the Chalice Singers have exciting repertoire lined up for
spring. All voice types welcome, no audition required; just a love of singing and commitment to Thursday night
Susan Peck
The Congregation of First Unitarian Church, Albuquerque
Invites You to Celebrate with Us as We Ordain
James Galasinski to the Unitarian Universalist Ministry
Sunday, April 10, 7:00 pm
First Unitarian Sanctuary
Reception to Follow in the Social Hall
Sundays & Candles
March 6
Worship, 9:30 & 11:00
“As You Are”
The Rev. Angela Herrera
How do we know when we should
push ourselves versus when
should we try to accept ourselves?
A sermon about self acceptance,
personal growth, and community.
Explorations, 9:30
How to Create Less Stress in
Relationships. Facilitator: Wendy
Foxworth, author of Co-Creating
Good, Healthy Relationships:
Living Life the WeWay.
March 13
Worship, 9:30 & 11:00
“God, Human, Chicken, Egg”
The Rev. Angela Herrera
Which came first? A sermon
about the evolution of God, told
through the lenses of science,
history, and scripture.
Music: The Chalice Singers
Explorations, 9:30
The Privilege Walk. An
interactive exercise and
opportunity to understand the
intricacies of privilege.
Facilitators: The Diversity Task
March 20
“Conspiracy of Love: A HymnSing Service”
Director of Music Susan Peck
will lead singing to celebrate the
spring, and talk about the not-sosecret ways that singing together
generates love and community.
Music: David Schepps, cello
We light a candle for Alan Clawson,
whose brother died; for Keith
Christopher, whose father died; for
Jetta Reynolds, whose close friend
died; and for Emma Kochenderfer
as she grieves the suicides of two
classmates at Cottonwood Classical
Prepatory School.
James Galasinski, Ministerial
Our thoughts with Becky O’Boyle,
who is recovering from shoulder
surgery; with Dick Carruthers, who
is recovering from knee surgery;
with Joe Holdredge, who is facing
health challenges, and with Nancy
Magnusson, Will Ranken, and
Carolyn Browne, who are recovering
from injuries.
This interactive, contemplative
service begins in the courtyard,
where we’ll commemorate the
cycles of rebirth and renewal in
our lives. We’ll conclude after
carrying our light into the
We celebrate with Anna Eder and
Nick Schumer in the birth of their
daughter, Lucile Luna Schuman;
and with Carlsbad UUs Erica Rogal
and Kurtis MacNeil-Allen, who
were married on Valentines Day at
the Carlsbad Branch.
Music: Spare Parts
Explorations, 9:30
Being Mortal Follow Up.
Organize to begin follow-up
research and collecting resources
for our congregation. Facilitator:
Angela Merkert
We Light a Candle
Easter Services:
March 27
7:00 am: “Easter Sunrise”
9:30 & 11: “Easter Hallelujahs”
The Ministers and Susan Peck
We’re going to celebrate Easter
this year with a variety
of “Hallelujahs,” musical,
spoken, and sung. Whether your
spirits are high or low in this
season, the practice of praise
makes for healthy bodies and
positive feelings, so come and
join us! The children will begin
in the service with us and then
depart for an Easter activity.
Music: The Chalice Singers, with
brass and rhythm sections
Explorations, 9:30
The Spiritual Practice of StorySharing. Facilitator: Ron
Flowers Needed!
Our Sanctuary Flower calendar is
now open for late March and April
donations. Creativity is
encouraged and arrangements do
not have to be fancy! Do you have
an anniversary or birthday to
celebrate, or perhaps someone
who has passed that you would
like to honor? Upcoming dates are
March 27 and April 3, 10, and 24.
Please email
News & Programs
MDD Spring Assembly
First U will host the Mountain Desert District (MDD) Spring Assembly, “Interdependence: Exploring
Our Unitarian Universalist Way.”
Join UUs from Montana, Utah,
Wyoming, Colorado, and New
Mexico on Saturday, April 16 for
relevant, thought-provoking workshops. Registration is open now!
Caught in the Act
(Of Generosity)
Hats off to Ron Friederich for his
community service! Over many
years of quiet service, Ron has given much. He founded the
Healthcare for the Homeless Eye
Clinic and volunteered as their
ophthalmologist for 26 years.
Nowadays, he is a hospice volunteer, after school tutor, and
BioPark botanic garden docent. In
his words, “This volunteer work
has helped give me a sense of purpose in retirement.” Several of
Ron’s unique calligraphy plaques
appear throughout the church. His
first outdoor carving (above) is
located to the right of the sanctuary doors.
First U values all of our volunteers
and artists, and their service within and beyond our church
grounds. We hope these inspiring
stories help all our members connect to that energy and see how
our efforts combine to create an
environment where generosity
grows. If you have a story to share,
please let us know.
-The Radical Generosity Committee
Keynote speaker, the Rev. Gary
Kowalski, will discuss concepts
from his book, Blessings of the Animals: Celebrating Our Kinship
With All Creation. The $50 registration fee also includes workshops
on healthy congregational practices, a light breakfast, and a hearty
lunch from Garcia’s Kitchen. Registration and breakfast
starts at 8 am and the Keynote address begins at 9 am. Workshops
begin after the Keynote and continue until 5 pm, with the MDD
Annual Meeting immediately following lunch.
For more information, visit
Flair Trade
Are those heels a
little too tight?
Did someone give you a pair of earrings that aren’t quite your style?
Do you have items in your closet
you haven’t worn for over a year?
And, most importantly, do you
love to get new clothes for
Angela Herrera is hosting a
“women’s clothing” (etc) exchange
party on Friday, March 18 at 7
pm in the Memorial Hall. Bring
finger food to share and a few
items (or a whole bag!) of giveaways in good condition. Suggested donations of $5-20 will support the UU Church of Kenya
and leftover items will be donated to charity.
Make new friends and take home
your new favorite thing! Open to
persons of all genders, ages, sizes, and shapes who love to wear
women’s clothing, shoes, and/or
accessories. Contact Angela at
Ostara Celebration
On Saturday, March 19 at 6 pm,
Coyote Willow CUUPS invites
you to join in celebrating Ostara,
the spring equinox and the return of life and warmth, as Mother Nature once again awakens.
We will be in the Wesson Room.
Set up will begin at 5 pm, and
our usual potluck will follow the
ritual. As you are able, please
bring a non-perishable food
donation, which will be given to
the food pantry. If you have any
questions, please contact Raven
Theology on Tap
Theology on Tap will meet Monday, March14 and 28 at 7:00 pm
at O’Niell’s in Nob Hill.
(4310 Central Ave SE).
Come for a libation and stay for
the conversation.
News & Programs
March Hike
Board Notes
On Saturday, March 12, we will hike up eight
switchbacks to reach the top of the 500’ volcanic
escarpment, La Bahada (“the descent”), an impediment for oxcart travelers along the Camino Real
from 1598 to the mid-1800s.
It has been a busy month for our Board of Directors.
Contact Kathleen Rhoad at
or 225-9747 to learn more or to RSVP (required).
Or, visit
Promote a Healthy
Our forum team needs four new
members! Help promote a healthy
democracy (one of Unitarian Universalism’s seven principles) by recruiting and hosting
interesting speakers on issues that matter in the
public square. Team members volunteer to help
recruit and host up to one forum per month and
attend quarterly planning meetings. Forums have
the potential to bring in new people from the wider
community, as well as increasing social bonds
within First U. Contact Angela at
Volunteer Opportunities
The folks who work in the sound booth have the
satisfaction of being a part of the team that produces our great worship services, learning a skill, and
getting to know a great bunch of folks. The team
needs a couple of more people for first service, one
more for second on the sound board, and another
projectionist. Training, mentoring, and “easing in”
are all a part of the plan. Be a part of something
If you are interested in learning to run the sound
board, please call the office or talk to the people in
the booth. For more information about projection,
contact Christine at
In January we worked with the staff on the recommended 2016 budget, agreed to propose a few small
bylaw changes, and identified our 2016 church officer nominations. Those items were presented and
passed in the Annual Meeting on January 31. Next,
we had our annual planning retreat in early February for the new (2016) Board. Our work included
aligning on our expectations of each other and setting our 2016 goals, which continue to align with the
5-year Strategic Directions that were presented at
our 2015 Annual Meeting. A summary of the recommendations from that effort and progress to date is
available online:
In our February board meeting, we further clarified
our 2016 goals with specific owners and deliverables, and reviewed our various committees and
teams to see where help might be needed in establishing a 2016 chairperson and full membership for
each one.
The Board is very grateful to Martha Ketelle, who
led a very successful two years for the Board and
presented the recap of 2015 accomplishments at the
Annual Meeting. We would also like to thank Steve
Phillips, who completed his Board service in 2015
and is now refocusing his attention on other critical church initiatives.
The next board meeting is scheduled for March 15 at
7:00pm in the Memorial Hall. Church members are
welcome to attend. We also encourage yout to join
the board for coffee on Sunday, March 6, in the
Library at 10:30 or noon.
Larry Alei
2016 President
First Unitarian Board of Directors
Religious Education
From Our Director of
Religious Education
“Where there is not community, trust, respect, ethical behavior is difficult for the young to learn and
the old to maintain.”
–Robert K. Greenleaf, Servant As Leader
Greetings! So many plans for March—generosity is
our theme in R.E., so be sure to come to the Sanctuary on March 6 for the launch of “Guest at Your
Table,” a Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
(UUSC) program for children that helps us learn to
share generously with other people who are in need,
so that everyone around the world can live in peace.
We are also asking families to donate canned goods
to R.E. all month long, and that will culminate in a
Can Hunt and Parade to the food pantry on Easter
morning. If you’d like to help with hiding the cans
and other Easter morning activities like leading the
parade-marchers and handing out treats, sign up
online to be a Special Events volunteer:
We’re participating in “Read To Me,” and will be accepting new and gently used children’s books until
March 31. Our children will be able to participate in
a Social Justice project and apply labels to the books
to be donated. Last year our church community
donated 603 books!
There will be no Teacher Team Luncheon in March,
due to scheduling conflicts. Our last Teacher Team
Luncheon for this program year will be in April. Let
me know what you think about these luncheons and
the opportunity to spend time with fellow teachers,
the ministers, and me.
From Our Youth
We are now studying Christianity. As a supplement
to our previous studies of Buddhism, on April 3 we
will not have class but will visit the Kadampa Meditation Center at 10 am (8701 Comanche Rd NE). On
Saturday, April 9, from 11 am-2 pm there will be an
opportunity volunteer together at the Road Runner
Food Bank.
The 8th graders in Coming of Age are hard at work
exploring their beliefs and values.
La Amikoj
We exploring good and evil and also examining the
different types of privilege we have. I will be leading
the Mountain Desert District Chaplain Training for
youth and adults in Fort Collins, CO, March 11-13.
10-12th Grade OWL Retreat
Join youth from Santa Fe, Durango, and Los Alamos at
the UU Church of Los Alamos April 8-9. $30 per youth;
email me at to learn more.
Save the Date!
We will host the Mountain Desert District Bridging
Con April 22-24. More information to come.
James Galasinski
March RE Calendar
March 6: Children start in the Sanctuary (launch
of “Guest at Your Table”); Coming of Age; regular
classes; last OWL class
March 13: Regular classes; Coming of Age classes
Mia Noren
March 20: Regular classes; Coming of Age classes; RE Council meeting
March 27 (Easter): Children start in the Sanctuary; Easter Can Hunt; No Coming of Age classes;
Teacher holiday
Earth Web Green Corner
Have Your Gardening Soil Tested
Even if you compost, you may wonder about your
garden’s soil-building potential. Bring a soil
sample in a jar to the Transitions potluck on
Wednesday, March 2 (bring a light snack to
share, too!). We’ll meet at 6:30 pm in the Social
March is “A Guest At Your Table”
For more than 40 years, UU churches have participated in Guest At Your Table, an annual education
and fundraising program that supports the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee’s (UUSC) human rights work. This year’s theme highlights the
empowerment of refugees and displaced people.
During the month of March, you will hear messages
or be invited to participate in a discussion about
practices that protect and empower the most vulnerable populations in the world. Our children will
have an opportunity to participate in the program
in their classrooms and through the practice of collecting contributions in the Stories of Hope Box on
your dinner table.
The UUSC works through partner organizations
around the world to address human rights issues.
In more than a dozen countries, the UUSC fosters
social justice and works toward a world free from
oppression. Some of the grassroots partner organizations are working now to ensure safe passage of
refugees from Syria and other countries in crisis
and helping protect their rights in host countries.
The contributions collected through Guest at Your
table go to UUSC to support this human rights
work around the world. Watch for more information on how you and your family can participate.
Earth Day Celebration
Mark your calendars for First Unitarian’s and
Earth Web’s Celebration of Earth Day on
April 17 (a week early, to accommodate the
wealth of local Earth Day activities the following
week). RE is joining us for kid-friendly activities
with their teachers during both services. Adults
can learn and confer with a master composter
and water specialist, as well as buy plants! More
details in next month’s Messenger.
Food for Thought
How are you eating differently in February and
March than you will be in June, July, and
Ongoing Groups—Newcomers Always Welcome!
Animal Advocates
12:10 pm, fourth Sundays
Wesson Room
Sacha Bush,
Beginning Yoga
Bring a mat and a donation of cash
or canned food for the food pantry.
12 pm, Saturdays
Memorial Hall
Ann Walton, 265-4675 or
Bread, Wine, and Book Club
Alburquerque: A Novel,
by Rudolfo Anaya
Second Fridays of the
month. Next meeting: 7 pm,
March 11
Martha Beyerlein,
Biscayne Dr NE
Brown Bag Lunch
Topic: Gnosticism
12 pm, Wednesdays
Family Room
John Roth,
Caring Economy Advocacy
10 am, first Saturdays
Arnold Room
Bob Riley,
or 323-0364
Chalice Singers Choir (adults)
7 pm, Thursdays
Susan Peck,
Course in Miracles
3-4:30 pm, Sundays
Wesson Room
Bob Riley,
Covenant of UU Pagans
7 pm, second Fridays
Arnold Room
Raven Peters,
Earth Web
Healing the Earth. Bring your own
plate, cutlery, and a dish to share.
12:15 pm, second Sundays
Wesson Room
Barbara Leonard,
Fiber Arts Group
Bring a lunch and project.
12:00 pm, first and third
RE Room #3
Carole Bonda,
Insights Drop-In Covenant Group 6:30 pm, first and third
Family Room
Torre Near,
Integral Meditation and
Discussion Group
7 pm, first and third Fridays
Arnold Room
Jac Estes, 255-4191 or
Meditation Group
5:30 pm, Thursdays
Arnold Room
John Roth,
Mindfulness Meditation Group
11:00 am, Sundays
Wesson Room
Pam Bliss,
Monday Afternoon Book Club
And the Mountains Echoed,
by Khaled Hosseini
2 pm, March 21
208 Montclaire
Drive NE
Sally Jacobsen, 971-570-2922
Nature & Spirituality Discussion
7 pm, first and third
Kathryn Haase, 255-4191 or
Nonfiction Book Discussion
2 pm Wednesdays
A Walk in the Woods, by Bill Bryson
Arnold Room
Bob Wood,
Public Banking Group
10 am, third Saturdays
Wesson Room
Sally Jacobsen, (971) 570-2922
Secular Buddhism Study Group
7 pm, second Mondays
Wesson Room
Roy Ellis Moody, 344-8930 or
Spirit Singers Choir (grades K-5)
Second and fourth Sundays, RE Room 3
12:30 pm
Susan Peck,
Wednesday Potluck
6 pm, first Wednesdays
Memorial Hall
Mary Wilks, 803-8554
Wisdom Circle
A community of consciously aging
9:30 am, third Saturdays
Memorial Hall
Gary Carlson, or
First Unitarian Church
3701 Carlisle Boulevard NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110
phone (505) 884-1801
Albuquerque, NM
Permit No. 80
Sunday Worship Services
9:30 and 11:00 AM
In the Sanctuary
4:00 PM
First Presbyterian Church
309 W. Shaw
East Mountains
11:00 AM
UU Congregation, E. Mtns.
1 Deanna Ln.
(off Dinkle Road)
4:00 PM
Epiphany Episcopal
Church, 908 Leroy Place
We have a mobile giving page. Scan the QR code
to the left to access our mobile giving page. Thank
you for your generosity!