Lions` gift will bring joy for years to come


Lions` gift will bring joy for years to come
November/December 2011
Lions' gift will
bring joy for
years to come
LION, South Pacific Edition | November/December 2011 1
Let’s Celebrate Our Miracles and Heroes
Leadership is not about the Leader
As the owner of an international cargo company, I understand all the skills, resources
and assets required to successfully compete in the marketplace and deliver goods on time.
How it all comes together is the result of planning,
at the club, zone and district levels. We must identify leaders
communication and execution. It happens by design, not
among us in our Lions family and then they must cultivate their
by accident. It takes many people working together. As the
potential through training.
owner, I am the leader. But I understand that every employee
is important. Every worker has a job to do. Everyone on the
payroll has a skill to contribute.
This year I have been conducting
many president-meets-thepresidents meetings. I want to
As president of Lions Clubs International, I lead 1.35 million
listen to Lions, learn from you,
Lions. But I understand that leadership is about ensuring the full
motivate you and be motivated
participation and encouraging the enthusiasm of all Lions. Every
by you. As your international
Lion matters. We've been able to save millions from blindness,
president, I have the duty to
deliver food and water to multitudes of disaster victims and
support Lions of the world, to listen
teach millions of youth life skills because Lions have believed
to your needs, to show you I care,
in service and believed in the necessity of action.
to make your service easier and to help your dreams come
It's been said that a good leader inspires others with confidence
in him while a great leader inspires others with confidence in
true. That's why I am meeting with presidents and why one of
my themes is "my club, my family".
themselves. This year I want club presidents to really step
If I am unable to visit your Lions family, I want you to know I
forward and inspire Lions to completely believe in themselves,
believe in you and your capabilities as Lions. Together we can
to believe in the power of courage, commitment and action. I
continue to change the lives of millions of people.
am asking Lions to step forward and take advantage of LCI's
many valuable leadership training tools. Our online Leadership
Wing-Kun Tam
Resource Centre can enhance the efforts of Lions leaders
Lions Clubs International President
Leos: special members of the Lions family
I believe our clubs will prosper if we treat members like family, and we must be extra attentive to
very special members of our Lions family: Leos.
We must support and guide them, care about them and love
them. The relationship of Lions and Leos is like a friendship.
We want the best for them and we will respectfully work with
them in service on an equal basis.
what to do. We are equal partners in service. Let us be mindful
about respecting Leos and their ideas. Let us value their input
and listen to what they say. We can mentor them and model a
life of service.
I am proud to be an honorary Leo, proud to be the "world's
oldest Leo," as I like to call myself. In Seattle at our international
convention I was privileged to speak at the Global Leo
Conference and meet Leos from around the world. Do you ever
get a little down or discouraged about the state of the world?
Then spend some time with Leos. Their idealism is contagious.
They bring a fresh energy to every endeavour. They will refresh
our service mission as they grow into Lions.
This year in my travels I hope to meet with as many Leos as
possible. I look forward to hearing their ideas and embracing
their visions of service.
It's important we serve together with Leos and not tell them
Lions Clubs International is supporting Leos in new and exciting
ways. We will have a Leo e-clubhouse. I plan to hold a Leo/Lion
summit next June at the international convention in Busan, Korea.
Meanwhile, please believe in Leos and continue to serve with
them. They bring many gifts to our clubs and communities and
let's continue to appreciate their presence.
LION, South Pacific Edition | November/December 2011 2
60 good kids reap rewards
Trees and more trees
Multiple District Convention preview
Child Mobility Trust established
50 years for Hastings Host
ANZI Pacific Forum success
Cover: Vision resource teacher Aleisha Mahony, with Masterton Holdsworth Lions past
president Glenys Hansen. Photo courtesy of Piers Fuller/Wairarapa News
Contributions should be posted to The Editor, P O Box 3276, Wellington 6140, New Zealand
or emailed to
LION South Pacific Edition accepts no responsibility for unsolicited material, nor for the opinions expressed or coincidental names used, by the authors.
Contents copyright.
LION - official publication of Lions Clubs International. Published by authority of the Board of Directors in 18 languages: English, Chinese, Danish, Dutch,
French, Finnish, Flemish-French, German, Greek, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish.
Publications Committee: The Executive Management Committee
Publications Executives - Lions Clubs International: Dane LaJoye - Managing Editor, Jay Copp - Senior Editor
Distribution of this magazine is by bulk delivery to each Lions Club from where it is distributed to each Lions member. Updating of membership numbers is carried out by the District Secretaries each month.
Queries in relation to distribution should be addressed to The Executive Officer, P O Box 691, Orewa 0946, New Zealand or email to:
International President: Dr WING-KUN TAM, Hong Kong, China; Immediate Past President: SID L SCRUGGS III, Vass, North Carolina; First Vice President: WAYNE A MADDEN, Auburn, Indiana, USA;
Second Vice President: BARRY J PALMER, Berowra, NSW, Australia.
SECOND YEAR (elected in Sydney, Australia)
YAMANDU P ACOSTA, Eufaula, Alabama, USA; DOUGLAS X ALEXANDER, Brooklyn, New York, USA; DR GARY ANDERSON, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA; NARENDRA BHANDARI, Pune,
India; JANEZ BOHORIC, Kranj, Slovenia; JAMES CAVALLARO, Springfield, Pennsylvania, USA; TA-LUNG CHIANG, Tiachung, Taiwan; PER K CHRISTENSEN, Denmark; EDISSON KARNOPP,
Santa Cruz Do Sul, Brazil; SONJA PULLEY, Portland, Oregon, USA; KRISHNA REDDY, Bangalore, India; ROBERT G SMITH, Sacramento, California, USA; EUGENE M SPIESS, Moore, South
Carolina, USA; EDDY WIDJANARKO, Surabaya, Indonesia; SEIKI YAMAURA, Tokyo, Japan; GUDRUN YNGVADOTTIR, Gardabaer, Iceland.
FIRST YEAR (elected in Seattle, Washington, USA)
USA; TSUGUMICHI HATA, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan; MARK HINTZMANN, Watertown, Wisconsin, USA; PONGSAK "PK" KEDSAWADEVONG, Muang District, Thailand; CAROLYN A
MESSIER, Windsor Locks, Connecticut, USA; JOE AL PICONE, Brenham, Texas USA; ALAN T "TED" REIVER' Wilmington, Delaware, USA; BRIAN E SHEEHAN, Bird Island, Minnesota,
USA; JUNICHI TAKATA, Toyama, Japan; KLAUS TANG, Neustadt, Wied, Germany; CARLOS A VALENCIA, Miranda, Venezuela; SUNIL WATAWALA, Sri Lanka.
DISTRICT GOVERNORS: 202D GAY HARVEY, Bell Block Puketapu; 202E MARY GRIFFITHS, Christchurch Pegasus; 202F LYNETTE BATT, Invercargill Southern Pride New Century;
202J ROBERT NAISMITH, Waiareka Valley; 202K ERIC CARTER, Henderson; 202L ANDREW MALLOCH, Hamilton St-Andrews; 202M SIMON DOMPER, Norsewood.
LION, South Pacific Edition | November/December 2011 3
2011 has been an action-packed year. Lions in 202L continue with their major fundraising drive for the
Cancer Society's Lions Lodge in Hamilton. They have been pleased to receive a grant from LCIF for
around $86,000 which is nice to have in the bank!
District 202K has got in behind the B-Speak campaign by the
contributing to the well-being of the planet - which is the
Royal New Zealand Foundation for the Blind to upgrade its
desired result.
talking books service, and Northland clubs are working hard
for Project Promise, a campaign to raise funds through the
community to build a new Oncology Facility in Whangarei.
It is heartening to read with what gusto Lions Clubs all around
the country have taken up this challenge. An account of some
of the efforts can be found in this issue. We are aware of
Clubs in 202D and 202M continue with their fundraising for the
many more tree planting projects planned for next year so
new Ronald McDonald House in Wellington. Funds now stand
New Zealand's total should end up being extremely high. We
at $750,000 - boosted during October by more than $6,000
will never be able to compete with India, which is claiming 3.4
raised by sausage sizzles each weekend at Mitre 10 Mega in
million, but a long way ahead of Poland and Ecuador, who
Petone. Organised by Silverstream Lions Club, with several
have recorded just four!
other clubs joining in to help, this exercise gave massive profile
to Lions, was a fine example of clubs working together and
may well result in new members joining.
While you are taking a break, take a moment to consider
attending the Multiple District Convention in New Plymouth
in April next year. The MD Convention is not only 'your' AGM
February's devastating earthquake in Christchurch and the
but also a wonderful way to learn new skills, meet new friends
on-going aftershocks have put enormous pressure on the
and freshen up your thinking. The registration form is now
Lions of 202E. Supported by neighbouring 202J they continue
available from your club secretary or downloadable from your
to do whatever they can to relieve some of the stresses being
new-look Lions website.
experienced by so many.
On that positive note, your Lion magazine team wishes you
One of 202F's major claims to fame is that for a few
and yours a safe and happy festive season, and a refreshing
days they led the world in the number of trees planted
holiday, a chance to recharge your batteries in preparation
in a district. Granted their total included about 340,000
for the second half of the Lions year and all those worthwhile
trees from the Maniototo Lions Club which has members
(and fun) things that you do.
with forestry blocks totalling 261 hectares. Perhaps not
quite what International President Wing-Kun Tam had in
mind when he called on Lions to take up the challenge
Iain Morrison, Editor
to plant a million trees, but enterprising all the same and
Mission statement of Lions Clubs International:
“To create and foster a spirit of understanding among all people for humanitarian needs
by providing voluntary services through community involvement and international
LION, South Pacific Edition | November/December 2011 4
Toy library gains special vision section
Blind and low vision children now have a special range of toys just for them at the Masterton Community Toy
Library, thanks to Masterton Holdsworth Lions.
Following a Lions International-issued
the community. The club decided to take
was also successful in obtaining a grant
challenge to clubs around the world to
up the challenge and set up a "Toy Library
from Eastern & Central Community Trust,
participate in "Sharing the Vision" (a
for Blind and Visually Impaired Children" as
bringing the total raised to $5,350.
Global Service Action Campaign for
a specialised extension within the existing
sight related projects during October,
Masterton Community Toy Library.
November and December 2010), thenclub president Glenys Hansen wanted to
come up with a project that would bring real
improvements to the lives of blind and low
vision children.
The club invited Aleisha Mahony, a vision
resource teacher with the Blind & Low
Vision Education Network New Zealand,
to be a guest speaker at a club meeting
to talk about the work she does in the
Wairarapa area with children who are blind
or visually impaired.
The purchases are being made under
the guidance of Aleisha Mahony as these
Initial set up costs for toys and storage
specialised toys and equipment need
were estimated at $5,000 and the club
to be sourced from various Teaching
committed to raising this money for this
Aid Outlets. Aleisha is choosing toys
project, with Aleisha Mahony acting in
with special consideration to her clients'
an advisory role along with a specially
needs. The Lions Club will keep $500-
appointed committee of three.
$800 in reserve for maintenance and
Both Glenys and fellow Lion Judy Taylor
held special fundraisers called, "Restaurant
in my Dining Room" in their respective
homes, which raised over half of the
required funds. Other fundraising projects
followed. A Sausage Sizzle on Boxing Day
replacement. The Masterton Community
Toy Library has agreed to host a special
cabinet containing all the toys and
resources for the blind and low-vision
children, which will only be available for
those families.
After this talk they decided that providing
outside the Warehouse raised $500 and
"As the vision resource teacher for the
the children with special learning and
the evening premiere of movie "The King's
Wairarapa, I am extremely grateful for the
development toys would be a real asset to
Speech" raised a further $550. The club
work of the Masterton Holdsworth Lions
and their support for these
children," says Aleisha.
"The toy library will allow
local children with a visual
impairment to address two
major issues they deal with one is gaps in their concept
development and the other
is social connections."
The Masterton Holdsworth
Lions Club has since been
recognised with a District
award for their project
and it is hoped that other
Lions Clubs around New
Zealand may take their
idea and create toy library
resources in their respective
Wairarapa News
LION, South Pacific Edition | November/December 2011 5
Old money funds sixty students to OPC
The Heads Up for Kids campaign and Hutt Valley Lions have been the catalyst in bringing together 60
students from two rival colleges, three major New Zealand brands, Pub Charity and the Sir Edmund Hillary
Outdoor Pursuits Centre into a joint venture to reward good Kiwi kids.
Local Lions Clubs and Heads Up for Kids
organised the funding for the year 9 and
10 students of Naenae and Taita Colleges
- low decile Hutt Valley schools. The
students paid less than $50 in cash toward
their $600 course fees, but will be expected
to work off an equivalent number of hours
helping Lions Club members provide a
community service and fundraise for next
year's intake of students to attend an
outdoor adventure and leadership course
during 2012.
The 60 students were selected for their positive
attitude toward school and learning.
"We chose students who are potential leaders
within the college, those who demonstrate a
level of commitment to the school and on
teacher recommendation," said Taita College
deputy principal Clint Hawke.
Feedback from students, parents and
teachers who went on the four-day
leadership and team building skills course
at the Outdoor Pursuits Centre has been
Taita College student Tama Tuita'alili-Moreli belays a fellow climber on the rock wall, watched
closely by schoolmate Jordan Kainga (right).
hugely positive. Some of the students had
what each student had to contribute to be
never been out of the Hutt Valley and the
part of a team, the art of compromise and
geography value of the bus trip up through
respect for each other.
the central North Island was the start of a
series of completely new experiences.
The students were put into mixed groups
to overcome the normally unfriendly rivalry
that exists
between the
two schools.
PE teacher
H a m i s h
from Naenae
College said
d i ff e r e n c e s
were quickly
the course the
"It was great to see them all having fun
and getting stuck in and working for each
other," Mr Muirhead said.
big lessons
Taita College teacher Paul McGillicuddy
were about
said he saw normally reserved students
put aside and
by the end of
LION, South Pacific Edition | November/December 2011 6
"They were all very willing and
exchange can be recycled into positive, life
uncomplaining when asked to do things
changing experiences for young people, he
they would never do at home, like get up
said. The Pub Charity scholarships have been
early, help with breakfast and make lunch
provided by the Outdoor Pursuits Centre.
for their group," Mr McGillicuddy said.
Silverstream Lion Rex Bullard, a former maths
teacher at Naenae College, said local clubs
will continue working with the schools.
"The idea of community service and the
concept of helping younger students attend
next year is something we are very keen to
Year 10 Taita College student Grace Gillard,
who said she had overcome her fear of heights
and small dark places when she abseiled and
went caving. "I've also met new friends and
had to rely on their judgement," she said.
foster and we are hoping that it will lead to
come out of their shell and others conquer
For Kids a huge PR boost. The campaign
their fears of being in confined spaces
partners who include New World, Resene
(caving) and heights (the high ropes)
Paints and Fastway Couriers have been able
followed by the euphoria of achievement.
to see first-hand how old coins and foreign
the formation of two new Leos clubs in the
Hutt Valley," Rex said.
The pilot programme has given Heads Up
Preparing for the high ropes course are Saraya
Barrett (Taita), Shaliajo Edwards (Naenae) with
Naenae teacher David Murden. The anxious
looks on the students' faces soon turned to
exhilaration and pride in their achievements.
Coin trail boosts the coffers
By Graeme Mably
On October 5, Ashburton Pakeke and Ashburton Lions joined together and held a coin trail on the chess
board on East Street in the middle of Ashburton's business centre.
The site was set up at 9am and ran through to 3pm with members
of both clubs and some of their wives taking part during the day.
The day was fine but overcast and cool, so there were not quite as many
people around that could have been, but a good number came and
donated coins of New Zealand and foreign denominations to the trail. The
area covered by the trail would have been approximately 6m x 6m.
At the end of the day, when the coins were picked up, they filled
about eight of the Resene Heads Up 4 Kids collection tins. According
Ashburton and Pakeke Lions who joined in the event: Back - Graeme
Mably, Bob Rodgers, Meredith Lowe, Mike Hanham. Front - Judy
Gibson, Helen Lowe, Christine Bateup, Colin Jowers. Photos
courtesy of John Hobbs/Mid-Canterbury Herald.
The coin trail snakes its way over the chess board.
to Heads Up for Kids project manager Olivia Lacey, eight cans
would be about $2,800. [A very good effort; helped no doubt by
the substantial amount of pre-event publicity we noted in local
newspapers. Ed]
LION, South Pacific Edition | November/December 2011 7
'Thanks for the amazing opportunity'
Michael-Lydia Winiana, a Year 13 student from Mahurangi College, near Warkworth, was nominated by her
teacher for a Heads Up for Kids scholarship that was part of a Facebook promotion in April this year. She
elected to sail on the Spirit of New Zealand.
Dear Lions
Firstly, I would like to
thank the sponsors
(and everyone who
made this trip possible)
for giving me the
amazing opportunity
of a lifetime.
Embarking on my
quest at 6.30 am on
Sunday 11 September
my whole family
packed into the car to
see me off at Princes
W har f, Auckland.
Seeing the ship up
close for the first time
was breath-taking.
I have occasionally
seen the Spirit of New
Zealand parked up in
cooks, navigators and engineers. Under the
were so tired from all the activities of the
asleep; you have bare feet because sound
resonates like a sound-shell, therefore
your toes are going blue because every
20 minutes you have to go outside and
check that the engine room isn't on fire
or flooding. You're listening to the radio,
not one with music that you are craving
to listen to, but for Mayday, panpan or
another distress call. You watch the radar
hoping no land comes into the circle
because we're being swung around by
the wind. You hold the safety of everyone
on board.
day you would sleep through the sound of
Traveling on the sea was my favourite part of
amongst a group of friends I was just
Kawau Bay, but seeing the 45-foot ship up
close is a whole other experience. Seeing
the crew for the first time, I recognised
no familiar faces, and other trainees that
walked past me just seemed like distant
strangers I might walk past on the street.
Accommodation on the Spirit consists of
three-man bunks on either side of the ship,
splitting the girls from the boys. Sleeping
was either interrupted by the red light that
was always left on, or not - because you
the anchor chain going up and down, which
is extremely loud.
Night watch was experience on a higher
level. You sit awake, while everyone else is
the trip. Setting the sails then turning off the
engine and just sailing. Mizon, Main, Midships,
Foredeck. On the final day we elected
trainees for Captain, 1st mate, 2nd mates,
LION, South Pacific Edition | November/December 2011 8
command of Captain Georgie and Me at 1st
mate we sailed home to Auckland.
The final day we were woken up at 5.30
to do final clean up, and goodbyes were
said on deck before all luggage was taken
to the wharf, where tears were shed and
everyone went their separate ways.
The greatest part of being on the Spirit was
definitely meeting new people from all over
the country, with different backgrounds
and personalities, and finding myself in
waiting to meet :)
Naku Noa
Michael-Lydia Winiana
House auction helps build funds
By Simon Edwards/Hutt News
Mitre 10 Mega Petone is all about selling home building and landscaping supplies but the recent sale of an
entire house was a first.
Built by Registered Master Builders
Bidding got down to $500 jumps before a
over a cheque to Ronald McDonald
Wellington in the store's car park, with
phone bidder from Wellington clinched the
House chief executive Lesley Slieker for
builders and contractors volunteering
deal for $155,000.
more than $100,000.
The successful buyer later told Hutt
Work has started on a new, $15 million
News they intend using the house as
34-bedroom house in Newtown, where
a family home and it made "heaps of
out-of-town families of seriously ill
difference" during bidding to know that
children can stay while their youngsters
what they would pay would go to such a
undergo treatment.
great cause.
The new facility, which is expected to open
Master Builders Wellington spokesman
in August next year, includes a picture
their time and dozens of suppliers giving
materials for free or at cost, the fully finished
three-bedroom home was auctioned as a
fundraiser for the new Ronald McDonald
House in Newtown.
John Ross of The Professionals Hutt City
conducted the auction and though it was
tense for the 25 registered bidders he
injected humour, at one stage trying a
Rudy van Baarle said that while there
theatre and art room.
crafty, "put your hand up if you can hear
are still some bills to finalise, his
Tribute was also paid to the Lions Clubs,
me, sir", comment to a man at the back.
organisation is confident they'll hand
who helped with the house project.
Sizzling success for
Silverstream Lions
Silverstream Lions Club has been
spear-heading fundraising from Lions
Clubs throughout Ronald McDonald
House's catchment, and seized the
opportunity to further raise Lions profile
by undertaking to run the barbecue,
with assistance from nine other clubs,
every weekend throughout the build.
"The Mitre10/Ronald McDonald House
project has accomplished many things
on all fronts," said Lion Rex Bullard. "We
raised in excess of $6,000 for RMH; we
have worked well with other clubs in the
district, many of whom have indicated
that they would like to do more of this
type of activity; we had a great team
helping cut the onions and fill the sauce
bottles, etc; we had great socialising
and mixing of family members, and
we increased the Lions profile to the
Eastern Suburbs Lions Charley Potter, Rowan Taylor and Ian Taylforth with their expert taster Lyric
Davis (front) who was helping out his grandfather Charley.
LION, South Pacific Edition | November/December 2011 9
thousands of visitors to Mitre 10 Mega.
The exposure was fantastic!"
Successful sausage-making school
By Trevor Hawkins
A sausage-making school is the latest innovative fundraiser by the Ngongotaha Lions Club, giving the
average person in the street the chance to learn about the mysteries of creating sausages and bacon at home.
Sausage-maker Brian Livingston came from Auckland to instruct
over 50 people in the art of sausage-making. He also explained
how to cure your own bacon with a process that could be followed
and used in your own home.
The audience at the Ngongotaha Hall were animated, with
questions flying about seasoning, meats and fat content against
no fat content. There were plenty of laughs and much interaction
between those attending, with many a comment "if you do this
again, let us know."
Several of the audience were hands on in producing five different
types of sausages which were then cooked for dinner. Along with
vegetables and a dessert, the dinner was enjoyed by all.
If you are lucky enough to know anyone who came to the School,
watch out for their efforts on the barbecue this coming summer.
Club members have stated that it is the best Lions project that they
have been involved in.
Profits from the venture will go to Wingspan Birds of Prey Trust.
Learning the art of sausage-making.
Enjoying the fruits of their labours.
LION, South Pacific Edition | November/December 2011 10
Glittering event brings out the glamour boys
By Fern Blake
Ashburton County Lions have held their first "Miss Ashburton with a difference" to raise money for the
Westpac Rescue Helicopter.
A beauty pageant of a different
kind, 12 local businesses entered
a man to contest the "Miss
Ashburton" title. Each contestant
had to compete in three sections
- day wear, evening wear and
a talent show - and also learn
a dance for the opening and
closing numbers.
Contestants put a lot of hard
work into preparing for the night,
helping to make the show a huge
success. Day wear and profiles
had to be filmed at their workplace
or at different locations.
Three hundred calendars were
also printed, showing contestants
stripped down to their swimwear for
a photo shoot. A DVD of the beauty
pageant was also produced and
sold for $15. Although this concept
has been used by other towns, it
was a first for Ashburton.
This show was a huge undertaking for
This is a show that we will all remember. Thank
Lion Noel Lowe, Ashburton Pakeke.
the club. To make it work all businesses,
you to our film crew Roger Scammell and
film crew, photographer, choreographer,
Alan Champness and also our photographer
The Westpac Rescue Helicopter benefited
by more than $13,000.
contestants and members of the club had
to work together to bring it to fruition.
Not only was it a success but it involved
the whole community and it certainly put
Ashburton County Lions out there. We
gained publicity on You Tube and on and in newspapers
such as The Guardian, Essence, Latitude,
Courier and the High Country Herald.
This show has brought people together,
especially our contestants who formed
new and lasting friendships.
Calendars are proving a popular fundraiser for clubs - Temuka District Lions
Club has again produced its 'Calendar Girls' calendar, and Opotiki Lions Club
has produced a 2012 Prize Calendar fundraiser. Only 500 calendars have been
printed and numbered 0001-0500. Each month during 2012 there will be 10 x $25
and 2 x $50 New World Gift Vouchers drawn. In December 2012 there will be an
additional 8 x $100 New World Gift Vouchers drawn. Total value of prizes - $5,000.
152 prizes with only 500 calendars means odds of close to 1 in 3. At just $20 per
calendar, this is sure to be a popular Christmas gift idea. This idea came from the
Russell Lions Club in Ontario, Canada, who shared their project with Opotiki Lion
Jim Towersey when he visited them last Christmas. Palmerston North Intermediate
Leos have also produced a fundraising calendar.
LION, South Pacific Edition | November/December 2011 11
Lions leap on board with 'Living Legends'
Inspired by Lions Clubs International President Dr Wing-Kun Tam"s call to plant a million trees, about 60
Howick Lions and friends joined a contingent of over 400 people on the Hauraki Gulf island of Motuihe to
plant native trees, along with "Living Legend" Bryan Williams.
"A very nice touch to end a successful
and enjoyable day, with the Waitemata
Harbour and the weather on their very
best behaviour, was Bryan Williams at the
end of the gangplank shaking hands with
every departing participant as a 'thank you'
gesture," said Lion Ian Packwood.
Devon McLean, chairman of Project
Crimson and the MC for the day,
commented: "Thanks for all your support
on Saturday and for the great turnout from
Lions. What a glorious day and a very
successful one too, with 6,800 plants in
the ground and beautifully watered in on
Sunday by the welcome rain."
Four Invercargill clubs helped out at the
The Howick contingent on Motuihe: From left - Agnes Li, Brian Stocking,Nigel Oliver, Gillian Stocking,
Elsabe Molvik, Neil Hornblow, Gordon Myer, president Alan Sheath, Ian Packwood. Photo by 2nd
VP Terry Molvik.
Living Legends Muck-in at Bushy Point,
Otatara. It was a great day with about 260
plastic bags, putting them in the hole, and
was all completed by 12 noon," said Lion
people showing up to help plant 5,000
then filling them with dirt.
Graeme Wilson.
native trees. Ruud Kleinpaste was the
"Waikiwi Lions Club did a sterling job on
"All in all it was a very successful and
MC and Kevin Laidlaw was Southland
the car parking and Invercargill South
satisfying day, knowing that at the end of
Living Legend, who was presented with
did a great job on the barbecue lunch,
a spade and had the honour of planting
it, the fruits of our labour will be around for
where they coped with the large crowd
the first tree.
many years and the children of today will
wanting sausages at the same time. The
get to enjoy the effort that we all put in."
3,000 holes had been dug so it was a case
other clubs present helped with the tree
of removing the plants from their black
planting, which started at 10.30am and
About 400 people, including 25 Lions and
six members of the United States rugby
team, turned out to plant 5,000 trees on
New Plymouth's coastal walkway, just
north of Te Rewa Rewa bridge.
Local Living Legend Ian 'Legs' Eliason was
delighted with the newly planted 'forest'
named in his honour.
"It will be marvellous when they all grow
up," he said. "They did me proud. And
they gave me a nice shiny spade, all
engraved with my name. I'm very chuffed
Taranaki Lions with Te Rewa Rewa bridge behind them, on New Plymouth"s coastal walkway.
about that."
LION, South Pacific Edition | November/December 2011 12
Local needs met with fruit trees
In response to the International President's
Raglan rips
into it
call to plant trees, Drury Lions Club
Raglan Lions
researched what the need would be in
Club responded
their local area, as native trees are aplenty
to International
and native walks already well established.
President Tam's
The need soon emerged for planting fruit
challenge with
trees and teaching our next generation how
a goal to plant
to care and maintain them. The Orchards
one tree for
in Schools project was born, with a group
every resident in
of Lions going to Ramarama School (near
Raglan. That's
the base of the Bombay Hills) to teach a
3,000 trees for one
couple of representatives from each class
small dedicated
how to plant ready grown fruit trees. Lions
club that serves
will continue to visit over the coming year
its community. The first 13 Raglan trees
"As at 1 November, 202F have a total of
to teach the children how to maintain these
were planted on the 10th August. As
345,992 trees planted by nine clubs. This
trees using organic methods. This is a
the project gained acceptance from the
includes the Maniototo Lions Club which
continuation of the project already started at
community, Whaingaroa Harbour Care
has members with forestry blocks totalling
nearby Ararimu School but with much more
invited the Lions Club to participate
261 hectares, and on each hectare 1300
involvement with the on-going care.
in a weekend of tree planting, with 28
trees were planted," says DG Lynette Batt.
puriri trees going in at the Upper Wainui
"And I am expecting about another 5,000
Reserve, assisted by Moto and Roy
trees associated with the Living Legends
from Whaingaroa Harbourcare. After
planting at Bushy Point in Otatara. For
an article appeared in the local paper,
a brief time 202F led the world by being
the club was asked to assist with the
the District with the largest volume of
planting of more than 7,000 trees on the
trees planted, but this total has now been
Pokaka Stream.
surpassed by another District."
Districts take up the challenge
More than five million trees have been
At 1 November, seven clubs in 202L had
planted 8,037 trees, beating DG Andrew
planted around the world, in response to
the president's challenge.
Malloch's pledge to plant 2,000 trees by
PDG Michael Kemp helps pupils at
Ramarama School plant their fruit tree.
6,037. "All the trees planted in 202L have
been planted by volunteers, and have
been planted in the spirit of community
Living Legends, a community
conservation initiative uniting rugby
and conservation, ran 17 native tree
planting projects throughout New
Zealand during Rugby World Cup
2011. Each project was dedicated to
a regional "Rugby Legend" selected
by local rugby unions. The goal is to
plant 85,000 trees in 2011 and a total
of 170,000 trees by the end of 2015.
good," he said.
DG Robert Naismith reports: 15 clubs
have participated in tree planting projects
to date and planted a total of 6,289 trees.
This well exceeds the 1,300 that I
pledged at the International Convention
in Seattle.
Seventeen clubs in District 202D have
planted a massive 28,944.
LION, South Pacific Edition | November/December 2011 13
The first of Raglan"s trees goes into the
No light reading here
By Tasha Black/Kapiti Observer
A mammoth book has added weight - literally nine kilograms - to the annual Lions Monster Bookfair.
The book was found beside the Lions
collection box at Coastlands and left book
fair organisers scratching their heads as
to where it came from.
Published in New York in 1945, the tome
would not make for light reading - all 2,772
pages are lists of other books.
The "Cumulative Book Index 1938 1942, World List of Books in English"
is a catalogue of publications from 59
countries including New Zealand and now
extinct country names, such as Rhodesia
and Czechoslovakia.
Lions spokesman Joe Franklin said
they were puzzled as to how the
"monster" book came to be in Kapiti
in the first place.
Mr Franklin said Meg Bailey of the
collections development section of the
National Library described it as a librarian's
working tool and there are copies held in
the National Library and the Alexander
Turnbull Library.
It is part of a series and editions were
published from 1899 to 1999 when the
information became available online.
Mr Franklin said the task of collating,
compiling and typesetting the book
in pre-computer times, with its
hundreds of thousands of titles,
publishers and authors would have
been mindboggling.
"No wonder it took three years to get to
the printer from the 1942 cut-off date."
The tome would be of interest to a
What a whopper! Jean Tolra checks out the monster book left in Coastlands.
bibliophile, particularly one interested in
"It would also make a nice ornament for
what was published during the first three
someone with a taste for bookish decor,"
years of World War II.
said Mr Franklin.
LION, South Pacific Edition | November/December 2011 14
Bookfair a huge success story
By Joe Franklin
Those responsible for running the Combined Kapiti Lions Monster Bookfair can now regain their collective
breaths after a job well done, and will now gather strength for the 2012 effort.
Organising committee chairman Peter
Cresswell said book lovers queued well
before the doors opened at 8am on the
Saturday to grab the bargains and again
on Sunday morning and he's confident the
outcome will be similar to the last several
years of some $40,000.
"While accounts have yet to be paid, the net
profit should bring the total the Combined
Lions Clubs have been able to give away
since 1998, to $400,000," he said.
"Differences this year included also
opening on Sunday morning and while
takings were similar to the previous onedayers, the pace was more comfortable
and those unable to attend on Saturday
Kapiti Lions Tom Lyons (left) and Ross Hodges dealing with the empty cartons.
Peter said the Bookfair involved a huge tally
The Thursday before the fair Lions, assisted
of volunteer hours by Lions who sorted, priced
by workers from the Paraparaumu Community
and packed donated books. This includes
Work Centre, trucked in more than 2,000
"Another feature was the more relaxed
the time other Lions spent over the past six
cartons of books from the Otaihanga packing
back room where people enjoyed browsing
months clearing books each day from the
venue to the Waikanae Community Hall and
the superior quality books away from the
drop off points around the retail sectors and
in the afternoon, assisted by students from
busier main hall."
ferrying them to the storage depot.
Paraparaumu College, Lions set out the hall
enjoyed the chance to stock up on the
coming year's reading.
ready for the sale.
"None of this could happen without the
wonderful support we always receive
from the Kapiti Community who, each
year, give their books away to make this
all possible. We are extremely grateful
and as always, we will make sure that
worthwhile local organisations benefit
from their generosity and our labours,"
Peter said.
Recipients this year will be the Aquatic
Centre Trust, June Oakley Memorial Trust,
Kapiti Youth Support, Kapiti Retirement
Trust, Malaghan Institute of Medical
Research, Gillies McIndoe Research
Sunday morning shoppers enjoy the opportunity to browse on the second sale day.
LION, South Pacific Edition | November/December 2011 15
Institute and Youth Quest.
Welcome to the Energy Convention 'like no other'
The Bell Block Puketapu Lions Club and Lions Clubs of 202D Zone 6 look forward to welcoming the
upcoming Multiple District Convention to Taranaki, the region 'like no other.'
Home to pristine walking tracks, world class
gardens and some of New Zealand's best
galleries and museums, New Plymouth is
the perfect destination for the 52nd Multiple
District Convention in 2012.
There's an unmistakeable energy to New
Plymouth. It's in the oil and gas that comes
up from the ground; the dairy industry;
the vibrant events programme; the warm
welcome of the residents, and the thriving
local businesses.
This energy hasn't gone unnoticed. New
Plymouth was judged the best place in New
Zealand to live by North & South magazine.
The international Liveable Communities
Awards named it the best small city in the
world, and the city's Coastal Walkway the
best environmental project.
Nestled between the picture-perfect peak of
Mount Taranaki/Egmont and the sparkling
surf beaches of the Tasman Sea, New
Plymouth is a treasure trove of stories and
adventures waiting to be experienced.
Our region is home to a dynamic arts and
culture scene that is behind iconic events
like WOMAD and the Parihaka Peace
To find out all you need to know about
Other accommodation is also available
Taranaki, visit the region's official website
For convention information
MD202Convention2012 or contact
convention chairman Jenny Clarke or convention
secretary Kit Lea
Convention Hub: The Devon Hotel
International Guest: Eddy
Eddy Widjanarko, from Surabaya,
Indonesia, was elected to serve
a two-year term as a director of the
International Association of Lions Clubs
at the association's 93rd International
Convention, held in Sydney, Australia,
June 28 to July 2, 2010.
Festival, and institutions like the Govett-
Centrally located within walking distance of
Brewster Art Gallery, widely regarded
New Plymouth's CBD, The Devon Hotel is
A member of the Jakarta Nusantara
as New Zealand's best contemporary
Taranaki's largest hotel-based conference
Lions Club, and a Lion since 1984,
art museum.
centre and offers a great selection of
he has held many offices within the
If art's not your thing then after the
conference venues amidst beautifully
association, including club president,
Convention is over grab a surfboard
landscaped gardens. The Devon has a
district international relations chair and
and head to Fitzroy or Back Beach or
wide variety of accommodation options
district Merlo co-ordinator.
further round Surf Highway 45 for some
available with access to the extensive
In recognition of his service to the
world-class waves, or take a walk on one
amenities, including complimentary
association, he has received numerous
of the dozens of walkways or fantastic
internet access, mountain bikes to get
awards including the 100% President
parks around the city, or head up nearby
you out on the Coastal Walkway, gym
Award, eight International President's
Mount Taranaki to New Zealand's most
access and a fantastic luxury spa and
Certificates of Appreciation and two
accessible National Park.
pool complex.
International President's Awards. He is a
LION, South Pacific Edition | November/December 2011 16
Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow.
In addition to his Lions activities, Director
Widjanarko is active in numerous
professional and community organisations,
including serving as president of the
Indonesian Footwear Association and as
committee chairman for Foreign Trade for
the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce.
He also served as president of the
International Footwear Conference.
Director Widjanarko and Linda Santoso
have one son and three daughters.
Opening Ceremony Guest Speaker
John Perriam of Bendigo Station, Central
Otago and better known as the owner of
Shrek, the hermit merino sheep will join
the convention on Friday evening as the
opening ceremony Guest Speaker. John
and his late wife Heather have taken
opportunities to fundraise for charitable
organisations such as Cure Kids and Life
Education Trust. John will share some
of his experiences and more, as told in
his best-selling books, 'Dust to Gold' and
many rare and fashionable plants, have
created a grand property punctuated by
a homestead designed by prominent
architect James Chapman-Taylor and
numerous paths and walks. The property's
landscaped garden contains majestic trees,
a water feature and extensive plantings
in different settings. Sense the prestige,
lifestyle and stories of Sir Russell Matthews
and his family with a guided tour of the
homestead and garden.
Cross Te Rewa Rewa Bridge
Reminiscent of a breaking wave or a whale
skeleton, New Plymouth's Te Rewa Rewa
Bridge has been rapidly winning international
accolades. Already a local icon, the tied-arch
bridge was opened in June 2010 as part of
the extension of the New Plymouth Coastal
Walkway, making possible a 10-kilometre
off-road route for cycling, walking, running,
skateboarding and rollerblading. Spanning
the Waiwhakaiho River, its form represents
the sacred relationship between the land, sea
and wind with the Ngati Tawhirikura tribe.
Te Rewa Rewa Bridge. Photo courtesy of
Mark Harris.
'Shrek, A Kiwi Icon'
See the Len Lye Wind Wand
Beyond the Convention
At the centre of New Plymouth's Coastal
The 52-hectare park contains a diverse
Walkway stands the 45m kinetic artwork
range of landscapes, many plant collections
the Wind Wand. A vision of New Zealand's
and exotic specimen trees, formal gardens,
great international artist Len Lye (1901-
lakes and walking trails through native
1980), the Wind Wand fuses art, motion
bush. The adjacent garden estate area
and engineering innovation, and has
of Brooklands is home to the acclaimed
Morning Tea at Tupare Garden
1,296 lights in its glowing red ball. Lye's
TSB Bowl of Brooklands and Brooklands
Sculpted from a hillside overlooking
collection and archive is housed at the
Zoo. Over the summer months, the TSB
nearby Govett-Brewster Art Gallery, which
Bank Festival of Lights transforms the park
showcases the latest contemporary art
after dark into a fairyland setting, complete
from New Zealand and further afield, and is
with thousands of lighting displays and an
widely regarded as New Zealand's leading
exciting events schedule.
Taranaki's legendary landscape and rich
history present many fantastic adventures
for the 52nd Multiple District Convention
Partner Programme.
the Waiwhakaiho River, Tupare is
a beautifully landscaped garden on
the outskirts of New Plymouth. The
property's original developer, prominent
businessman Sir Russell Matthews,
contemporary art museum.
bought the property in 1932 as a gorse
Stroll through Pukekura Park
and bracken covered hillside.
Lunch at New Plymouth Club
Enjoy a bite to eat served with impressive
Often described as the jewel in New
views along the New Plymouth coastline
His clear vision, strong sense of style, the
Plymouth's crown, Pukekura Park is one of
and out to the Tasman Sea. Your table will
skills and wherewithal for major construction
New Zealand's premier botanical gardens
be set for a lunch to remember at the New
and a keenness to be the first to acquire
located in the heart of New Plymouth city.
Plymouth Club.
LION, South Pacific Edition | November/December 2011 17
Long-time driver hangs up his keys
By Chris Steel/Katikati Advertiser
Katikati's Tom Cunningham loves to help everyone. His passion for the community is evident in the
numerous organisations like Lions, Rotary, the Child Cancer Foundation that he is involved in.
The 91-year-old recently retired from
driving the Lions courtesy van, something
he's done for the past 20 years.
The nine-seater courtesy van is a Lions
project in association with Craig Strong,
from the Katikati Bus Company. Lions
drive the van and collect passengers from
7.30am, ferrying them to town for their
weekly shopping. For many of the elderly
passengers, it is the only outing they get.
Lions and regular passengers put on an
afternoon tea at Twickenham Restaurant
in his honour, where two of the original
passengers, Rita Horton and Mary Clarke
enjoyed reminiscing about the fun times
in the van.
"Tom loves to help everybody. He is a
fantastic person," said Rita who produced
a photo of them in the first red van. Tom
hadn't aged one bit.
Katikati Lions immediate past president
Brian Peart thanked Tom for his 20 years
invaluable service.
"Tom has been a Lion for 37 years and
volunteers for most tasks and arranges all
Lions collections. He earlier ran the citrus
projects and has helped out at the Lone
Tom Cunningham wIth Mary Clarke (left) and
Rita Horton, two of the original passengers.
Photo courtesy of Katikati Advertiser
Diners Dinner since 1979 - which he can
now enjoy as a guest."
Driver co-ordinator Russ Somers-Edgar
said the Lions were in a good position with
four permanent drivers for the weekly run,
with seven drivers on standby.
Whisking up a treat for lone diners' dinner
Dining out has never been so good for more than 150 of Katikati's elderly community. Katikati Lions Club
members prepared and served a delicious roast dinner - their 31st Lone Diners Dinner - to coincide with
Lions International World Service Day.
The catering team led by Kay
Stanbury, with Margaret Gill,
Allan Hay (first time as chief
meat cooker) and 16 others
had their work cut out for them
preparing and cooking for a
packed house.
Three massive hams, 18
chickens, numerous potatoes,
kumara, peas and runner beans
were cooked to perfection,
followed by delicious apple
shortcake topped with cream
- all going down a treat.
A mountain of chickens were
cooked to perfection by Lions
Owen King (left) and Allan Hay.
The diners (the eldest being 96) were
given the royal treatment, waited on hand
and foot by Lions members.
Providing the entertainment was president
Kevin Williamson and his band of the '60s,
reuniting after 40 years. Kevin said the
band of Ron Henderson (guitar), Bruce
Findlay (bass), Frank Alefounder (guitar/
keyboard) and George Savage (professional
drummer), had 12 months to practice.
With some of them living in Auckland.
there had been much travelling to and fro
for practices, he said.
After an enjoyable afternoon of food, wine,
good company and great entertainment,
it seems many didn't want to go - the last
guest left at 3pm. Feedback since received
has been excellent, Margaret Gill said.
LION, South Pacific Edition | November/December 2011 18
Trust to run Hart Walker project
Gaylene Lawrence, the former Lions national office manager, has been elected chair of the newly formed
Child Mobility Trust, formerly known to Lions as the Hart Walker Project, at the inaugural Trust meeting in
Wellington in November.
The Trust's operations will be run by
long time Hart Walker and Child Mobility
advocate Genny Hanning from Dunedin.
The Trust's establishment means the
project becomes a separate entity
responsible for its own promotions,
fundraising and grants to help families buy
the $10,000 walking aid.
The Hart Walker allows children with
moderate to severe physical disabilities
to stand and experience hands free
walking for the first time in their lives. It has
1,000 working parts and was invented by
Englishman David Hart.
Past International President Al Brandel
became a huge advocate when he visited
Trustees of the newly formed Child Mobility Trust at their first meeting in Wellington in November.
From left: PDG Julie Syme (Seaward Kaikoura); Ian Pratt (Lower Hutt Host); Chairman Gaylene
Lawrence (Waipu); Neil Hanning (Hinds and Districts); Genny Hanning (Dunedin Toroa); PDG
Rodger Miller (Invercargill East).
New Zealand and saw children lying on
as a miracle through service throughout
The New Zealand Lions Clubs were
the ground unable to move, then the
the Minneapolis international convention,
given the ultimate accolade when
transformation when fitted with their Hart
it featured on the big screen and in his
MD202 won the International Hero
Walker. Mr Brandel referred to the project
presidential report booklet.
Award for a District project.
Walker enables Cody to fly
In the July edition of Lion magazine, we reported
the moving story of Cody Bird receiving his Hart
Walker in April this year. Six months on and his
mother Laurene says he loves it!
"After school he races around the house with it."
Cody is a bright little boy. He took in every detail as Stuart Kerr, the
orthotist from Sydney, made adjustments to his Walker at the recent
Johnsonville, Wellington clinic. Adjustments are required every six
months to ensure the Walker still fits its growing user.
There are now five Hart Walker clinics held around the country,
with the recent addition of Tauranga. The first clinic was held
there in November.
Cody loves the freedom his Hart Walker gives him.
LION, South Pacific Edition | November/December 2011 19
Dynamic Leo leaders instil pride in school
By Linda George
It isn't just those with age, experience and time on their hands who are willing and able to give back to the
community. In Porirua, a group of young Leos are doing just that.
Established in 2009, the Aotea College
Leo Club has had a hugely successful year
under the inspiring leadership of president
Daniel Albert and two equally enthusiastic
vice presidents - Taelar Samuels and Te
Kauri Hurst.
Daniel has been with the Club since its
inception. He joined simply because he
was pulled into it by some mates. But,
he says, he quickly saw what Leos were
offering to the community and society.
"I love giving back to the community, and
society," he says.
Daniel's list of credentials is impressive.
He is a national basketball referee; a
surf lifeguard; a kapa haka tutor; a New
Zealand waka ama rep (he was placed
third individually in an international waka
ama competition in Sacremento, USA, in
2008). He's also a New Zealand kayaking
rep; a Wellington squash champion (placed
third in Maori squash) and he was a finalist
in the Wellington region's sports awards.
He was also part of the organising crew for
the 2010 Polyfest, a cultural extravaganza.
Phew! You might wonder how he finds the
time to fit school in to that lot.
One of the club's projects this year has
been "Operation Fix It Up."
Initially the brainchild of vice-president
Taelar, the idea of "tidying up the school"
has grown somewhat.
"Our aim was to create school pride and
unity - by getting teachers and other [non
Leo] students involved," says Taelar. "We
thought that if students were involved in
cleaning up the school, then it would be
less likely to be ruined - the students would
feel a sense of ownership."
Hannah Corke and Eternity McLean help Daniel with a clean-up at Aotea College.
"The purpose of this, as well as fixing the
school that was looking so run down, was
to create school unity with not only their
peers but with the teachers as well -and
taking pride in the school," says Daniel.
equipment like buckets and spades,
shovels and other gardening tools.
"We, as a club, felt it was important to
create unity and pride so we could change
the negative view that the students have of
their school. By using this project to help
us do such a thing, we asked teachers and
the principal to come on board and help out
on some days to show the students that
they were willing to start creating school
unity and pride. We sought sponsorship
from the local community like Westpac
Porirua, Resene Paints, Waitangirua Lions
(our sponsoring Lions club), Bunnings and
Palmers, and we received a kind donation
of $200 which allowed us to buy our own
took a period out once a week to participate
Support from teaching staff has been
significant and greatly appreciated. All
members of the Maori class, for instance,
in the operation - working together in the
gardens and tidying up.
Teacher Anthony Urwin said Daniel, Taelar
and Te Kauri were highly motivated young
people who had inspired their peers to join
Aotea College Leo Club.
"They are well organised and enthusiastic
about their school environment and
community. Operation Fix It Up is their
project to make a difference and instil
pride and care around their school - and
to make others feel responsible for their
LION, South Pacific Edition | November/December 2011 20
school community and be a place that
they all want to be part of," he said. "I am
really proud of them and their ideas bring
a maturity that stands well."
Teacher, careers adviser and Leos coordinator Pauline Muncey is happy to report
that she has practically been made redundant
by this year's enthusiastic Leos.
"Their whole motivation was to provide an
opportunity that would involve all the kids in
the school. They have been inspiring other
young people - our Leo Club membership
is growing and growing - because they
are co-opting kids left, right and centre,"
says Ms Muncey. "They've picked it up
and they're running. And that's what you
want - these students are taking ownership
of this and seeing that Leos gives them a
mandate to do the things they want to do
for the school and the wider community."
Pauline says her role is really to help
pace things.
"They would be repairing the whole school,
painting the entire school. They have some
wonderful ideas, but don't necessarily
understand the politics of the world. We
(Leos) have some funds, but I need them
to understand and start working alongside
property management - so that the funding
is coming from the appropriate places.
"What is really nice to see is they are showing
humility as well. They are not taking full
credit for their projects - they're not seeing
themselves as all important. They are liaising
with other projects in the school that were
already underway, such as the gardening
club - and all working together."
And aside from the school getting spruced
up, there have already been some
unforeseen benefits coming through.
says Ms Muncey. "This is really their club.
They told me I could retire - 'Miss, if you are
too busy, we can do it', they said."
Daniel is very keen to host a New Zealand
Leo Clubs Convention at Aotea College.
"I expressed my idea to president Bill
(Thomas) of Waitangirua Lions and PDG
Brian Grounds of District 202K - who is
in charge of all Leo activities. I have
received a response and both Bill and
Brian are willing to support this. Brian likes
my enthusiasm in hosting a national Leo
Convention here."
"This project has created a lot of confidence
within people. When we are out doing work
together, people who have never spoken
out in groups before are speaking out, they
are much more confident," says Taelar.
"As a Leo Club president I have a vision
that not only will 'we serve', but we will
excel and go the extra mile and do
something big, not only serving as a Leo,
but as a person. Our Leos have the spirit
of a Leo but the pride of a Lion. We are a
pack. No one gets left behind - and we all
move together."
"I think this is what Lions hope for in terms
of Leo Clubs providing an opportunity for
young people to take on leadership roles,"
Daniel has since joined Waitangirua Lions
Club. His dual membership is probably a
first for the District.
Leos learn to make a difference
"A Leo Club is a wonderful way for students to learn how to run their own meetings and take the offices
of president, secretary and treasurer," says 202D Leos Advisor PDG Margaret Gregory. "They also meet
other students from within the school, and learn to participate in discussion groups.
"This photo of a large group from our Leo Club at Palmerston North
Intermediate Normal School was taken to put on the front cover of
a calendar that the students have produced to raise funds to buy a
defibrillator for the school. Our young Leos have formed committees
for Heads Up for Kids old and foreign money collection, SPCA, and
KanTabs. These committees have their own directors and in the
calendar we have photos of the students presenting their collections
to the various recipients.
community both at school and outside. At the end of each term we
have a pizza and chip combined lunch and a brief meeting. A great
way to start the holidays!
"I believe that this is the future of our Lions Clubs and we need
to foster these young people and show them just how great and
rewarding it is to do things for other people."
"Leos have also helped Lions Clubs collect for Poppy Day and our
Foodbank appeal. At school they have run sausages sizzles and have
sold balloons and stickers for Youth Diabetes (Yellow Balloon Day).
We have an almoner who remembers all birthdays with a handmade
card and birthday wishes from us all. They also send cards out to
students who have been away sick for a few meetings.
"The students have all made presentations to their various
assemblies promoting Leos and what they can do within the
LION, South Pacific Edition | November/December 2011 21
Award tops off a terrific team effort
"What a team we are," says Kowhai Coast Lion Alwyn Hill.
"We put an entry into the Warkworth
is we will recycle it all when the costume
is finished with.
Wellsford Hospice Catwalk Arts Competition
and won the Recycled Section. Guess
"The skirt really twirled when our model
Rosalie spun around and showed it off
to its best. It was a great effort by all
concerned; so many club members had a
part in it and many others went to the show
to see it paraded.
what we used? Why, wine bottle tops and
can tabs of course. And 'peggy squares'
we use to make blankets with. The entry
was called "Waste Not, Wine Not."
"A number of club members got together
in Lion Lois's workroom where we spent
"It is being shown at several businesses
round the area so the people that collect
for us can see what we did with some of
them. We had a lot of fun making the outfit;
the input from the club members was great
and the whole project was most enjoyable.
We even won $100 and a wall plaque as
the prize for the Recycled Section.
about 140 hours sorting bottle tops and
tabs, threading them on to tapes, sewing
squares together, making all sorts of bits
and pieces out of all sorts of recycled stuff.
We talked a lot as we worked and the end
result was worth it.
"The whole costume just evolved; it
changed a bit every week. We added
accessories - bracelet, necklace, gorgeous
hat, a set of opera glasses made from can
tabs (by our Clive) a handbag, earrings,
shoe decorations and a ring.
"It was pretty heavy by the time it was all
stitched together. We used about 3,000
bottle tops. We have been collecting the
tops and tabs for some time now and have
sent away 257 kilos of them, but kept some
back for the costume. And the good thing
"It was also shown to good effect at our
Pot Luck Dinner for the visiting Australian
Chittaway Bay Lions Club with a challenge
issued to them to see what they could do.
It is amazing the uses you can find for our
most popular collectible items, wine bottle
tops and can tabs.
"This was our first entry in the competition
and we will be looking forward to the next
Kowhai Coast Lion Rosalie models the prizewinning outfit.
one. $27,000 was raised towards the work
of Warkworth Wellsford Hospice."
Call to continue collecting old mobiles
By PDG Roger Robinson
In October 2010 at our Convention, District 202K adopted the collection of old mobile telephones as an
on-going project to help Starship's Mobile Phone Appeal.
Old mobiles are sold to a company that refurbishes them, then sells
them into developing countries around the world. Starship receives
about $5 each phone. All funds raised go to the Starship Air Ambulance
Service, which costs about $1.5m each year. The service is in high
demand, being the only service that specialises in treating and
transporting critically ill children.
While a number of clubs have used the mailing label sent out with our letter
in January, I have become aware that many have just used the standard
Starship envelope that is regularly included with newspapers and some
magazines. As a result we haven't been able to obtain an accurate picture
of Lions' support, which I believe has been substantial.
Please use the special Lions label with our Lion's unique Private Bag
Number on it, so we can track and recognise your support. There is
also space to include your club's name so that we can recognise your
contribution. However, if you do use one of the standard envelopes
please change the address to Private Bag 208011.
The label can be downloaded from the Lions website in the Member area under resources or
from the Bucklands Beach web page.
Thank you to all who have participated in this project. Please keep
sending old mobile phones into Starship.
LION, South Pacific Edition | November/December 2011 22
Charity auction calls for cunning strategy
Tauranga City Sunrise Lions came up with a cunning plan to ensure they were successful at an auction to
buy a boat and trailer package earlier this year.
Not only did they encourage all their
families, friends, workmates - in fact
anyone they could think of - to buy the Bay
of Plenty Times and clip out the special
charity auction dollars, they also sold a
car to fund thousands of newspapers and
worked strategically to end up with 39
million auction dollars.
The boat package, worth about $35,000, was
subsequently sold on the open market for
$30,000 and after deducting project costs of
$10,000 the balance has been passed on to
202L District Governor to add to the Cancer
Society's Lions Lodge appeal.
"Some of the coupons were worth 8,000
auction dollars, so on those days we would
call out the team to rush around town buying
up all the newspapers to not only ensure
we raised as much as possible, but also to
head off the competition," past president
Ken Evans said. "And the sale of the car
is another story in itself. It was given to
us by an elderly Christchurch earthquake
'refugee' who moved up here to an old
folks home. We were able to help her out
by sending President Bruce Bolton down to
Christchurch (where he has family) to bring
back her car and personal belongings that
she needed. She was very grateful and
said we could have the Toyota Starlet to
raise funds for Lions - so we sold it at our
weekly car fair for about $4,000 - which was
promptly spent on newspapers."
Scott Inglis, Editor of the Bay of Plenty
Times, said: "It was heartening to know
we carried out this campaign to raise
money for the Child Cancer Foundation.
[Proceeds from newspapers sold during
the promotion were donated to CCF.]
"An added bonus is, the Tauranga City
Sunrise Lions Club picked up the boat
package and they plan to sell it and donate
the money to the Lions Lodge in Hamilton,
where Western Bay patients stay when
getting treatment."
Appliance package winner Adrian Fensom
said he had his eye on the boat but was
dissuaded from bidding for it after learning
of the Lions' plans.
Greg Prince, winner of the second-largest
item, a diamond ring, also said it was the
boat that he had initially been after.
"The boat was what got me excited and
starting to collect money for the auction," he
said. "Then I found out about the Lions and that
they were collecting money for the boat, so I
thought: 'Well I'm out of my league now'."
Excited Sunrise Lions after their purchase.
The boat package that sold for millions of
charity dollars.
Lions help with coastal clean-up
Many Lions from the Bay of Plenty
area have been helping as individuals
with the clean-up of oil spilt from the
stricken container ship Rena, which
crashed into the Astrolabe Reef 25km
offshore from Tauranga.
"There was originally some suggestions
that we could wear Lions shirts or vests
so we were visible as a group, but as
it turns out all volunteers have to wear
a totally covering white overall," said
Zone 11 Chairman Donna Smallbone.
"This is a long term project and
volunteers need to be fit enough to
swing a shovel in the open air for
four hours at a stretch. Obviously this
restricts our older members."
"We had only a few days with oil on
the beaches here in Tauranga, but
thankfully that seems to have been all
cleared away and the beach is open
again to swimming and boating," said
Margaret Gunter, Zone 10 Chairman.
"If the ship manages to hold together
until they can get all the oil off there
shouldn't be any more problems on
our doorstep."
Officials say it could take at least a year
for the Bay of Plenty to recover from
the Rena crisis.
LION, South Pacific Edition | November/December 2011 23
Swing bridge certainly something to celebrate
By Linda George
2011 marks the 100th year of the Weka Point campsite in Hawkes Bay - and thanks to Hastings Host Lions
and others, it is also the year the new Outdoor Education Centre at Weka Point opens.
The spectacular Lions Bridge that leads to the Weka Point camping ground.
Located at Rissington, on the doorstep
rooms (sleeping 20 people each) and a
club's anniversary celebrations in October.
of Hastings and Napier, Weka Point is a
toilet and shower block.
The $400,000 rebuild of the camping
Hastings Host Lions has sponsored the
facilities was to be opened in November -
peninsula surrounded by the Mangone
River. For more than 99 years, the 6.5
hectare campsite has been a training
ground for the youth of Hawkes Bay, being
used not only by Scouts, but many other
youth groups throughout the region.
new swing bridge - the sole access to the
the centennial of the scout camp.
camp - as their 50th anniversary project.
The bridge has particular significance
With a commercial value in excess of
for local Lions, says Hastings Host past
$100,000, the "Lions Bridge" was achieved
president Phil Allport, because the former
for much less, with the NZ Army carrying
swing bridge was dedicated as a memorial
In 1997 the only hard cover shelter on
out construction and local companies
the site was destroyed by fire. It has been
donating various materials and time.
canvas only, and bring your own water
LMLCCT approved a grant of $10,000
(which previously was collected from the
towards the 73-metre, wire and timber
hut's roof) ever since. However, a new
link bridge, and Hastings Host contributed
Hastings Host Lions have always focused
vision for Weka Point not only improves
a further $25,000 - funds raised from its
on assisting youth and for the last five
access to the site (which has been, up
two-day book sale (one of the largest book
years, the club has supported local scouts
until now, via an old and precarious swing
sales in the North Island and the club's
with Jamboree costs, tents, marquees
bridge), but also provides safe drinking
main fund raiser).
and general camping equipment to $3500
water, power, an open dining shelter with
The all-important access bridge was
fireplace and cooking facilities, five bunk
officially opened by PID Ron Luxton at the
to the son of Lion Kevin Burns of Havelock
North Lions Club - who was drowned while
crossing the river.
each year.
"We think it is a very good cause -
LION, South Pacific Edition | November/December 2011 24
around 1500 visits each year. It has been
said that within three years, the camp
will be in use every week of the year by
Scouts, youth groups, schools, sports
people and other community groups.
supporting youth."
As well as supporting youth camps,
the club helps in sponsoring a number
of local secondary school students to
travel overseas on the Lions Youth
Exchange programme.
All the Scouts in Hawkes Bay (over 200
clubs) enjoy camping at Weka Point and
with a large contingent of Scouts from
outside the region as well, there are
"Once again the Lions have shown
their support for a local project that
aims to give today's youth the ability
to strive for the knowledge and skills
that will groom them to be tomorrow's
leaders," said Scouts supporter coordinator Selwyn Hawthorne.
"Lions' massive funding for the new swing
bridge can perhaps be summed up thus:
A young Scout has been undertaking a
weekend experience at Weka camp. He
has packed his pack and after such a great
opportunity of learning and of fellowship, he
walks to the river, climbs the broad steps to
the bridge, swinging his way jauntily across
this wonderful new 73-metre-long wire and
timber link between phases of his journey funded by the efforts of mature lions' paws
that willingly gave hours and hours of work
to so graciously endow this safe, secure
and vital access. Now, at the bottom of the
Chambers Staircase, he heaves himself up
this 50-metre-high challenge and onto the
plateau that leads to the road and home.
Perhaps a blueprint for what is to come."
Students' initiative secures huge haul
Students from Fairhall School, Blenheim, have been supporting Kidney Kids NZ for the past three years
as part of environmental awareness within their school.
Encouraged by teacher Mrs Pauline
Graham, a recycling committee was
formed and driven by the student body,
then progressed with the idea of "Kids
helping Kids".
The students produce an environment
article each week for their school
newsletter, which informs the school
body and wider community of their
progress, and a special Kan Tabs pin,
which is given to the student who collects
the most Kan Tabs each month, is fiercely
sought after.
Blenheim Lions exchange the wine tops
and cans for cash at Blenheim Metal
Recyclers, and the total donation for
202E Zone 3 this quarter, achieved with
the support of local wineries, restaurants,
bars and hotels, is $1,041.30 for Kidney
Kids NZ.
Fairhall School students with the Saint Clair Wines wagon loaded with boxes of wine tops they
managed to secure when the winery was re-branding.
LION, South Pacific Edition | November/December 2011 25
First forum fantastic, Queenstown follows
"From the moment you walked in the door you could tell it was a different experience. There was a buzz of
excitement and anticipation about the inaugural ANZI Pacific forum for Constitutional Area 7," according to
Forum organiser PID Ken Bird.
"The excitement continued through the
"Overall, the Aussies put on a good show.
up to the International Convention in Busan
weekend, from the opening ceremony
There were a huge number of forums
(Korea) and we have been promised the
where the official Forum Flag was hoisted
from personal development programmes
"best ever Governor-Elect School" by
high to become a backdrop on the stage
to club growing pains," said 202L DG
PID Cliff Heywood. I was one of the four
in the main auditorium, to the closing
Andrew Malloch. "I was incredibly proud
women 1st VDGs from New Zealand who
ceremony where it was lowered and
of 202L's PID Lucie Armstrong and PCC
attended this seminar along with several
Sheryl Jensen who teamed up to run
Australians and a couple of Indonesians.
the women's forum and stole the show.
It was good to talk with others at the same
I was a spectator to numerous Lions
stage in their Lions journey," said 202M's
who approached these spectacularly
Robyn Daniels.
handed over to next year's committee.
"There were 730 participants from 10
countries in the constitutional area and
around the world. [58 from New Zealand].
The number of attendees exceeded
expectations for the first forum and
successful crowd pullers to thank them
for raising their personal horizons."
The Forum concluded with the closing
ceremony where many awards were
indicates a bright future for succeeding
DG Robert Naismith, from District 202J,
presented by President Tam, including
forums. The programme of inter-active
said: "There were eight sessions with a
Best Club Project for Constitutional
seminars and workshops had something
choice of seven topics in each session.
Area 7 which was won by Whangamata
for everyone with attendees rushing from
At lunch times we were entertained
Lions Club.
one venue to the next to ensure they didn't
musically and had three interesting
"I decided to present a power point on
miss anything happening in their next
speakers address us. One who left a
Waireka Place Reserve and the planting
chosen seminar."
lasting impression was Australian Sam
of the kauri and native trees undertaken
Bailey, a C6-7 quadriplegic after a car
by the Lions in Whangamata over the
accident aged 19, who set himself goals
past four or five years. I thought this
and achieved them. From a farming
would be well received by the forum,"
background, he and his wife run a 1,250
said president Ross Dingle. "The power
hectare beef farm, Sam using specially
point could only be six minutes with
modified equipment. Having already
photos and script. There were a number
gained his fixed wing licence as a
of entrants and, to my surprise, I won the
attendance as was the Immediate
quadriplegic, Sam's current ambition is to
competition and was presented with a
Past President, Sid Scruggs III and
be the first quadriplegic to fly a helicopter
plaque for our efforts.
International Director Eddy Widjanarko.
(specially modified) with the goal of flying
"I corrected the judges when they
Over the weekend, I had the privilege
directly into schools to speak to students
pronounced our town as' Wang Ga Matta'.
of shaking Dr Tam's hand three times at
and inspire them to fulfill their own dreams
But we are on the South Pacific map now,
various opportunities."
in life. A truly amazing man who accepts
even though we are only a small town."
"I am very pleased that I made the
financial sacrifice to attend this first
ANZI Pacific forum and I am indeed the
richer for having made this investment
of time and money," says 202E Zone
7 Chairman Peter Yearbury. "World
President Dr Wing-Kun Tam was in
Other New Zealanders in attendance
included: MD202 Council Chairman PDG
who he is but challenges himself to
achieve his goals."
The next ANZI Pacific Forum will be held in
Queenstown next year, from 31 August to
Joanne Cameron, PID Ron Luxton, PID
"I was very pleased to attend a session
2 September. Organiser PID Tony Hanning
Lucie Armstrong, PID Tony Hanning,
with First International Vice President
hopes that hundreds of New Zealand Lions
PDG Phil Lynch, District Governors and
Wayne Madden from Indiana, where we
will take advantage of having such an
Executive Officer David Dawick.
heard about what is expected of us leading
occasion right on their own doorstep.
LION, South Pacific Edition | November/December 2011 26
Recognition for talented youth
After seven months of preparation, Spirit of Napier Lions finally saw the results of their Young Achievers
project with a presentation evening featuring highlights of the students' achievements and their ambitions,
and subsequent photographic displays in "pop-up" galleries in vacant shops around town.
Highlighting and recognising the positive
aspects of youth was the goal of the
inaugural Spirit of Napier Lions Young
Achievers Awards. Napier schools were
invited to select high achieving year 13
students who were presented with a
professional photographic portrait at the
ceremony on October 6.
Students selected were excellent role
models and had achieved beyond
expectations in academic or non-academic
fields, Lion Mary McGhie said.
"Our aim is to promote the positive
influence today's youth has on our society
through acknowledging and promoting their
achievements to the wider community."
The Young Achievers (from left): Jack McIvor - Napier Boys' High School; Angela Ho - Sacred Heart
College; Nicole Baird - Taradale High School; Daniel Vong Pha Chanh - Tamatea High School; Zane
Hohepa - Taradale High School; Elijah Martin - Napier Boys' High School; Josephine Stockill- Napier
Girls' High School; Stella McMullen - Napier Girls' High School; Christina Gray - William Colenso
College; Poppy Anderson - Hohepa School; Rita Hokianga - Hukarere Girls' College; (Kyle Weedon
- William Colenso College was receiving his certificate at the time the photo was taken.)
effort and belief in the project," said past
the photographer, and the wonderful
"Success does not come without a lot
president Sue Hansen. "Special mention
photography from Mimi Dwyer. This has
of work behind the scenes and a huge
must be made of Mary's contribution
certainly been a very successful project.
"THANK YOU" must go to all the members
with the many hours she put in working
Thanks to all who have been involved,
of the sub-committee, for their time,
with the school co-ordinators as well as
including LMLCCT for their support."
Generous donation to aid cancer research
A special liquid nitrogen freezer that can store tissue samples at minus 80 degrees Celsius has been
funded by the Christchurch Host Lions Club to assist with the research being carried out by Professor
Bridget Robinson and her team to reduce the impact of cancer in the community.
The Club has provided $55,000 to assist in the purchase of a second
freezer and some operating expenses that will enable expansion of
the Cancer Society Tissue Bank, which collects tissue samples from
people being treated for cancer and makes these available for scientists
around the country to undertake research.
Part of the funding is disbursement of an estate left to Lions by a former
member, Les Burt. Investments of that fund have previously generated
$36,000 of grants, but this grant, supplemented by funding from the
Lloyd Morgan Lions Clubs Charitable Trust and additional fundraising, is
the largest single grant from the Club in recent years. The gift marks the
Club's 50th anniversary of service.
Finding ways to support local charities that in turn benefit others in the
community has been a proud tradition of the Host club in its more than
50 years of service to Christchurch.
Club President Bill McDonald, in presenting the cheque to Professor
Robinson, said the Christchurch Host Lions Club is proud of the research
she leads in Canterbury and values the opportunity to provide additional
capital and on-going operational expenses.
Lions maintain a strong interest in the welfare of communities including medical
support and especially research, which will bring ongoing benefits.
LION, South Pacific Edition | November/December 2011 27
Lions save children from measles
In the pilot year of the Lions-Measles Initiative, Lions and LCIF supported the immunisation of more than 41
million children in four countries.
LCIF joined the Measles Initiative,
support could result in 500,000 more
a collaboration of the American Red
deaths each year.
Cross, the Centres for Disease Control
"This programme is a natural extension of
Lions Clubs International Convention:
and Prevention, the United Nations
Lions' dedication to preventing blindness
"The Gates Foundation is proud to have
Foundation, UNICEF and the World
and improving health," said LCIF Chairman
been a partner in your early measles
Health Organisation. During Lions' pilot
Sid L Scruggs III.
projects. We are excited to continue
year, the Measles Initiative vaccinated
Measles vaccinations are one of the
most cost-effective health interventions
available; $1 provides vaccinations
for one child. Yet in many developing
countries, people do not have access to
the vaccination or are unable to afford it.
the one billionth child, preventing an
estimated 4.3 million deaths.
Measles remains a highly contagious,
heavy public-health burden in many
developing countries. In fact, 450 children
mobilised financial support.
Bill Gates Sr addressed Lions at the 93rd
working together with you to battle this
awful disease and build up immunisation
for all children. You're making sure that
immunisation systems are functioning
efficiently, and then you're mobilising
people in those communities to use those
systems to protect their children."
die each day from measles-related
To support LCIF and Lions, the Bill &
complications, and nearly one-third
Melinda Gates Foundation awarded LCIF
In Mali, Amadou Toumani Touré, President
of all cases result in complications
with a matching grant of $400,000. In
of the country, gave the first measles
including blindness, particularly among
addition to vaccinations, Lions provided
shot and Lions were active in every
malnourished children. The World Health
advocacy at the local, regional and national
region of the country, helping to ensure
Organisation estimates that waning
levels, conducted social marketing and
95 percent of children under five years
old were vaccinated. In
Madagascar, the Minister
of Health, General Pascal
Jacques Rajaonarison,
joined Lions in launching
the campaign.
"Because of the Lions
advocacy programme,
we're able to mobilise
not only the population,
but also from the grass
root to the highest level
of the government," said
Past District Governor Dr
Tebebe Berhan, Measles
Project chairman in
Lions now plan to build
on their successes and
continue to improve
Lions help to raise awareness of the need for measles vaccinations through a public demonstration in Nigeria.
LION, South Pacific Edition | November/December 2011 28
health globally.
Lions, LCIF committed to rebuilding Joplin
By Jennifer Gilbert Gebhardt
Sandy Taylor was one of seven Lions who lost everything when tornadoes struck Joplin, Missouri, in May.
But she was among the first to help others.
"We were exhausted, emotionally
Lions worked on clean-up efforts at
is still much work to do, but Lions are
traumatised, but just being a small part
23 home sites in partnership with First
committed to helping rebuild. After a
of helping somebody move on was
Response Team of America, a non-profit
July visit to Joplin, LCIF Chairman Sid L
so fulfilling," said Taylor of the Joplin
disaster relief organisation.
Scruggs III noted: "In the middle of this
Host Lions Club.
disaster the local Lions' commitment
"Lions don't go
to helping their friends and neighbours
away - they are
rebuild is truly inspiring."
disaster relief."
The deadliest
A young Lion in the field
single tornado
"I never could have imagined the
in the United
feeling I had when I saw Joplin for
States since
the first time after the tornado," said
1947 tore a path
21-year-old Lion Katie Smith. Even
1.6 kilometres
though she barely recognised her
wide and 122
hometown, "at no point did I question
kilometres long
what role I was supposed to play as a
through Joplin. In a few short minutes,
"Working with the First Response Team
more than 7,500 homes were destroyed,
following the tornadoes in Joplin was a
displacing 50,000 residents. Within hours
really rewarding experience. I know we
of the tornado, Lions Clubs International
made a huge impact on the families who
Foundation (LCIF) awarded a $10,000
had lost everything they had. It made us
to be a Lion."
Emergency grant, and Lions provided
as Lions feel good to have someone there
In the weeks after the tornado, Smith
immediate relief.
to work with that had experience with
worked side-by-side with other Lions
disasters and knew just what needed to be
assembling and distributing relief
done," said Debbie Whittlesey, immediate
supply bags, cooking and delivering
past district governor of 26-M6.
meals, giving out grocery vouchers
After discovering that a local battered
and listening to victims' stories.
women's shelter had opened its doors to
"Every tear, smile and hug received
women and children left homeless from
was a reminder of why I became a
the tornado and was struggling to provide
Lion in the first place," said Smith.
120 additional meals each day, Lions took
shelter staff grocery shopping. And to help
ensure that the school year began on time,
Lions adopted a classroom from each of
the five destroyed schools and provided
funds for school supplies.
A Lion salvages a chair.
Lion," she said. "I put on my vest and
went out to do whatever I could do,
and I have never been more proud
Although Smith is a new Lion,
after her experience in Joplin she
is looking forward to many years
of future service. "In the wake of
the tornado I discovered what a
powerful and life-changing thing it
Thanks to generous donations from Lions
is to be a part of an organisation
worldwide, Lions and LCIF are mobilising
like Lions Clubs."
$140,000 for Joplin relief efforts. There
LION, South Pacific Edition | November/December 2011 29
Lions make progress against diabetes
Lions are increasing their efforts to fight diabetes through Core 4 grants and diabetic retinopathy projects. World
Diabetes Day in November provided an opportunity for Lions to reaffirm their commitment to these programmes.
It is expected that the 346 million people
Care at Healtheast Care System. "It has
and professional training to targeted
with diabetes will double in the next 20
also allowed us to form partnerships with
screenings, treatment and low vision
years. The United States has the third
community members, such as the YMCA,
largest number of people (19.2 million)
enabling us to leverage our resources and
with diabetes worldwide.
reach even more people."
The diabetes programme of the Lions
The Lions are arranging targeted
vision can be reduced by 90 percent with
of District 5M 6 in Minnesota promotes
screenings, hosting culturally appropriate
improved control and ongoing diabetic
screenings and provides support to the
training for diabetics and those at high-risk
retinopathy treatment.
underinsured and uninsured. In 15 years,
and purchasing a digital retinal camera
the programme has screened 15,000
to test patients on the diabetes registry
people. LCIF awarded a $75,000 Core 4
who have not been tested for diabetic
grant to expand the district's efforts.
retinopathy. The LCIF grant will also
"The funding from LCIF helped us to reach
hundreds of people in our community
fund the creation of Hmong and Spanish
education materials and fund nine certified
Once diabetic retinopathy is diagnosed,
progression of the disease and loss of
Rehabilitation and regular eye exams are
critical to maximising treatment benefits.
In Algeria, Lions and Leos operate and
support an efficient diabetic retinopathy
screening and referral programme through
diabetes educators.
a mobile unit.
diabetes and perhaps more importantly,
Since 1995, SightFirst has approved
"I am thankful to the Lions for providing
to spread the word about diabetes
US$2.7 million for 21 diabetic retinopathy
prevention," said Lion Marsha Hughes,
projects in 11 countries. The comprehensive
project chairman and director of Diabetes
projects range from public education
by providing resources to help manage
this free care," said Falsa Abdelaziz, a
78-year-old diabetic. "Without this free
clinic, I would not be able to afford the
necessary medication and check-ups to
properly manage my diabetes."
Falsa Abdelaziz is one of the nearly 30,000
people in Algeria who have benefited from
Lions' diabetes projects.
Lions in Algeria received a SightFirst
grant for $185,000 to equip four diabetes
centres with screeners and surgical lasers.
Their goal was to provide 15,000 annual
retinal exams and 8,800 laser treatments
in one year, but they have far surpassed
this goal.
"Our efforts have drawn the attention and
support of the Ministry of Health," said Lion
Dr Malika Bouri, a diabetologist. "What
began as a small dream has grown to a
nationwide programme that will help many
more people."
With funding support from LCIF, Lions in Minnesota are increasing their community outreach and
education programmes.
For information on LCIF's diabetes grant
programmes, visit
LION, South Pacific Edition | November/December 2011 30
Dannevirke Host Lions Club
Golden Anniversary Celebration
Dannevirke Host Lions Club is celebrating its
50th anniversary on Saturday 11 February 2012
Past members and other Lions interested in attending
are asked to contact the Secretary, P O Box 64,
Dannevirke 4930 or email
Lions Club of Feilding Host
50th Charter Anniversary
.The only agent licensed in NZ by
International to apply the Lions logo.
. We can print or embroider onto
garments as well.
. Contact: Dex 027 614 3570
Jonno 07 886 0867
Sunday 12 February 2012
A luncheon to celebrate the 50th
anniversary will be held at the Feilding Golf
Club Rooms. All past members and other
friends of the Club are warmly invited.
Contact Chairman Lloyd Evans, P O Box
88, Feilding or
Lions Club of Te Aroha - 50th
Reunion Celebrations
The Lions Club of Te Aroha is celebrating
its 50th Reunion on 28th April 2012.
Past members who have not been contacted
and other Lions who may wish to be part of
our Reunion Celebrations are asked to contact
us so that your name can be added to our
invitation list.
Please contact Lion Peter Jager, by phone at 07
884 9760 or by email
Noel BOW 1928 - 2010
Noel was born and educated in Auckland,
gaining qualifications in Civil Engineering at
Seddon Memorial Technical College (now
AUT). He then took off on his OE and spent
17 years in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) designing
cool stores for the fishing industry. He joined
Lions as a Charter Member of the BadullaBandarawella Club. On his return to New
Zealand, Noel joined the Mount Albert Lions
Club, serving as president in 1975-6, 19945 and the club's wind-up years 1999-2001.
He then transferred to the Point Chevalier
Club, and was president from 2005-2007.
He transferred to be president of Paparoa
2007-8 and moved to Remuera Lions in
November 2008. Noel served as District
Governor of District 202A in the 1982-83
year. He stood as International Director in
1986 but missed out to PID Ken Jones.
Noel was a Melvin Jones Fellow and a Life
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Member of the Lloyd Morgan Lions Clubs
Charitable Trust. Noel had a great many
interests besides Lions, taking a very active
role in his community as a member of the
choir and on the vestry committee at All
Saints Church and active involvement with
the Sandringham Community Centre. He
was involved in the formation of the National
Foundation for the Deaf and maintained
his interest in this organisation, including
a term as Chairman. He was also a keen
sailor. PDG Noel left a very generous $5,000
bequest to the LMLCCT.
George William BOWIE 1913 - 2011
Takapuna Host Lions Club regrets the
passing of their oldest members and one of
their strongest workers. Even at 97, George
was still running sausage sizzles for the club.
George was a career officer in the Royal
Navy and the Royal New Zealand Navy
with a proud war service record. He joined
LION, South Pacific Edition | November/December 2011 31
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the Royal Navy (RN) in Aberdeen 1934 as
an assistant steward. During the Second
World War he served on the famous British
warship, HMS 'Warspite'. In 1963 George,
accompanied by his wife Joan, was posted
to the Royal New Zealand Navy, Devonport,
to take charge of RNZN Catering. He
served in that capacity until his retirement,
with the rank of Lieutenant Commander, in
1970. George was a pioneer in the New
Zealand Hospitality and Catering industry,
responsible for establishing an education
training system for the hospitality and
catering industry in NZ. Lion George, a Life
Member of the LMLCCT, was special to his
fellow Club members. Widowed for 30 years
and having no children, George adopted the
Takapuna Lions Club members as his family
and this was a very special, and reciprocal,
relationship. He was in the true sense of the
words "an Officer and a Gentleman"