Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Ltd ACN 000 498
Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Ltd ACN 000 498
Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Ltd A.C.N. 000 498 386 Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Ltd A.C.N. 000 489 654 Administrators’ Report to Creditors Pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 3 September 2012 Administrators: Mark Robinson Jack Bournelis Daniel Walley G Page |1 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 TABLE OF CONTENTS ANNEXURES ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 GLOSSARY ........................................................................................................................................................ 4 1. Disclaimer .................................................................................................................................................. 7 2. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 8 2.1 Purpose of Report................................................................................................................................. 8 2.2 First Meeting of Creditors ..................................................................................................................... 8 2.3 Meeting of the COC .............................................................................................................................. 8 2.4 Second Meeting of Creditors ................................................................................................................ 8 2.5 Purpose of the Second Meeting ........................................................................................................... 9 2.6 Administrators’ Opinion ...................................................................................................................... 10 2.7 Preliminary Investigations ................................................................................................................... 10 2.8 Voidable Transactions ........................................................................................................................ 10 2.9 Independence ..................................................................................................................................... 10 2.10 ASIC Assistance ................................................................................................................................. 10 3. Executive Summary .................................................................................................................................12 4. History of Darrell Lea ...............................................................................................................................17 4.1 Background ......................................................................................................................................... 17 4.2 Group Structure .................................................................................................................................. 17 4.3 Statutory Information – DL .................................................................................................................. 18 4.4 Statutory Information – Ricci .............................................................................................................. 19 4.5 Financial difficulty and events leading up to our appointment ............................................................ 21 5. Sale of Business and other assets...........................................................................................................23 5.1 Sale of Business ................................................................................................................................. 23 5.2 Sale and Recovery of other Assets .................................................................................................... 25 6. Directors Report as to Affairs ...................................................................................................................27 7. Financial Position .....................................................................................................................................33 7.1 Financial Performance ........................................................................................................................ 33 7.2 Historical Balance Sheet .................................................................................................................... 35 7.3 Overall summary................................................................................................................................. 37 8. Offences, Voidable Transactions and Insolvent Trading .........................................................................38 8.1 General Investigations ........................................................................................................................ 38 8.2 Books and Records ............................................................................................................................ 38 8.3 Risks of Litigation Action(s) ................................................................................................................ 38 8.4 Proving Insolvency.............................................................................................................................. 39 8.5 Voidable Transactions ........................................................................................................................ 39 8.6 Insolvent Trading ................................................................................................................................ 41 9. Estimated Return on Winding Up.............................................................................................................45 10. Receipts and Payments ...........................................................................................................................50 11. Remuneration...........................................................................................................................................52 11.1 Initial Estimate of Fees ....................................................................................................................... 52 11.2 Voluntary Administration ..................................................................................................................... 52 11.3 Approval sought to the Conclusion of the Administration ................................................................... 52 11.4 Liquidation .......................................................................................................................................... 53 11.5 Deed of Company Arrangement ......................................................................................................... 53 Page |2 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 ANNEXURES A Notice of the meeting B Proxy and Proof of Debt forms C Statement of Administrators' opinion D Declaration of Independence, Relevant Relationships and Indemnities E ASIC Information Sheet: ‘Insolvency information for directors, employees, creditors and shareholders’. F PPSR summary of registered interests G Leased assets schedule H Administrators’ Estimated Realisable Value by company I GEERS Fact Sheet – ‘How Your GEERS Claim Will Be Assessed’ J Individual company accounts K IPA information sheet entitled “Creditor Information Sheet: Offences, Recoverable transactions and Insolvent Trading”. L Summary of Administrators’ time spent to date M Summary of Administrators’ time expected to be spent in the future N Liquidators’/Deed Administrators’ estimated summary of time O Administrators' remuneration report Page |3 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 GLOSSARY Defined Term Definition Act Corporations Act 2001 (Commonwealth) A.C.N Australian Company Number Administrators Mark Robinson, Jack Bournelis and Daniel Walley of PPB Advisory A.E.S.T Australian Eastern Standard Time AFR Australian Financial Review APAAP All Present and After Acquired Property (Fixed and Floating) ASIC Australian Securities and Investments Commission ATO Australian Taxation Office AU$ Australian dollar Bank Westpac Banking Corporation Limited Big W Big W department store. Part of Woolworths Limited COC Committee of Creditors COD Cash on Delivery Creditors Creditors of either Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited or Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (both Administrators Appointed) who have a claim admissible to prove in the Voluntary Administration or Liquidation of the company Companies or Darrell Lea Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited and Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) DEEWR Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Directors Michael Lea, Alan Batley, Peter McLoghlin and Charles Smith DIRRI Declaration of Independence, Relevant Relationships and Indemnities DL Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited (Administrators Appointed) DLN DLN Pty Limited, ultimate holding company of the Companies DOCA Deed of Company Arrangement EBITDA Earnings before Interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation EFTPOS Electronic Funds Transfer at Point of Sale EOI Expressions of Interest Page |4 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 Defined Term Definition ERV Estimated Realisable Value Excl. Excluding First Meeting of Creditors The First Meeting of Creditors convened in accordance with Section 436E of the Act FYXX Financial year ended 30 June 20XX GEERS General Employee Entitlements and Redundancy Scheme Group DLN Pty Limited and entities controlled and associated with it GST Goods and Services Tax IPAA Insolvency Practitioners Association of Australia k $’000 m Million Management Senior employees of DL NDA Non-Disclosure Agreement NES National Employment Standards NPBT Net Profit Before Taxes NSW New South Wales Observer An attendee at the meeting who is not a Creditor of the Companies PAYG Pay as you go withholdings PBT Profit before tax PDF Portable Document Format POD Proof of Debt PPE Property Plant and Equipment PPSR Personal Property Security Register PILN Payment in Lieu of Notice Purchaser or Quinn Family DL Assets Pty Limited being an entity associated with Anthony Quinn and family RATA Report as to Affairs Report Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Act Page |5 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 Defined Term Definition Ricci Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Administrators Appointed) ROT Retention of Title Second Meeting of Creditors The Second Meeting of Creditors convened in accordance with Section 439A of the Act UK United Kingdom USA United States of America Westpac Westpac Banking Corporation WIP Work In Progress Page |6 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 1. Disclaimer In reviewing this Report, Creditors should note the following: • This Report is based on information sourced from the books, records and other information provided by the Directors and employees of the Companies. Whilst the Administrators have reviewed the information there has been no independent verification of the information; • The statements and opinions given in this Report are given in good faith and in the belief that such statements are not false or misleading. Except where otherwise stated, we reserve the right to alter any conclusions reached on the basis of any changed or additional information which may be provided to us between the date of this Report and the date of the Second Meeting of Creditors; • Neither the Administrators, PPB Advisory, nor any member or employee thereof are responsible in any way whatsoever to any person in respect of any errors in this Report arising from incorrect information; • In considering the options available to Creditors and formulating their recommendations, the Administrators have necessarily made forecasts of asset realisations and total creditors. These forecasts and estimates may change as asset realisations progress and claims are received from Creditors. Whilst the forecasts and estimates are the result of the Administrators’ best assessments in the circumstances, Creditors should note that the outcome for Creditors may differ from the information provided in this report; • This Report is not for general circulation, publication, reproduction or any use other than to assist Creditors in evaluating their position as Creditors of the Companies and must not be disclosed without the prior approval of the Administrators; • The Administrators do not assume or accept any responsibility for any liability or loss sustained by any Creditor or any other party as a result of the circulation, publication, reproduction or any use beyond that permitted above; and • Creditors must seek their own independent legal advice as to their rights and the options available to them at the Second Meeting of Creditors. Page |7 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 2. Introduction On Tuesday 10 July 2012, Mark Robinson, Jack Bournelis and Daniel Walley of PPB Advisory were appointed as Joint and Several Administrators of the Companies by the Companies’ Directors pursuant to Section 436A of the Act. We submit our Report which has been prepared in accordance with section 439A of the Act and is based on information obtained from the Companies’ books and records, financial systems, representations from the Directors and Management, and from our own enquiries and investigations. 2.1 Purpose of Report This Report is designed to provide Creditors of the Companies with sufficient information to allow them to make an informed decision about the future of the Companies at the Second Meeting of Creditors. 2.2 First Meeting of Creditors The First Meeting of Creditors of the Companies was held on Friday 20 July 2012. Minutes of that meeting have been prepared and lodged with ASIC and are available in the ‘Creditors’ Information’ section of our website – www.ppbadvisory.com. We note that the Creditors did not resolve to replace the incumbent Administrators and elected to form a COC for DL, comprising: Name Bruce O’Keefe Terry Rowney Meredith Pollock Mitchell Mathas Robert Casey Jacqueline Wilcox Brad Baker Faye Wattsmith Representing Australian Manufacturers Workers’ Union Labelcraft Pty Limited Creative Toolbox Pty Limited DLN (legal advisor) Westpac Banking Corporation The Manildra Group K L Koh Australia Pty Limited E. Karras Refrigerated Transport Pty Limited Creditors did not resolve to form a COC for Ricci. 2.3 Meeting of the COC The sole meeting of the COC was held on Tuesday 14 August 2012. Minutes of that meeting have been prepared and lodged with ASIC. The Administrators discussed with the COC the status of the Administration and details with respect to the progress of the sale of business campaign. No resolutions were put to the COC. 2.4 Second Meeting of Creditors The Administrators must hold the Second Meeting of Creditors, often referred to as the ‘decision meeting’, for the Companies within five business days before or after the end of the convening period. Ordinarily, the convening period is 20 business days from the date of appointment of the Administrators. On Friday 6 August 2012, the Administrators made an application to the Federal Court of Australia and successfully sought an extension of the convening period to 5 September 2012. This extension was sought to allow for the sale of the Companies’ business and assets as a Page |8 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 going concern and to allow the Administrators more time to carry out investigations into the reasons for the Companies failure. Accordingly, we advise that the Second Meeting of Creditors of the Companies will be held on: Date: Registration Time: Meeting Time: Location: 12 September 2012 10.00am A.E.S.T 11.00am A.E.S.T Ionic Room, Sydney Masonic Lodge, 66 Goulburn Street, Sydney NSW 2000. Please note that Creditors / Observers may be excluded from attending the meeting should they arrive after the stipulated commencement time. Creditors are encouraged to attend 60 minutes prior to this time to enable orderly registration for the meeting. Attached are documents in relation to the meeting: • • The Notice of Meeting as Annexure A; and The Proxy Form and Proof of Debt form as Annexure B Completed Proof of Debt and Proxy Forms should be returned prior to close of business, Tuesday 11 September 2012 by either: Email: dlea@linkmarketservices.com.au Post: c/o Link Market Services Limited Locked Bag A14 Sydney South NSW 1235 Telephone: (02) 8280 7660 Facsimile: (02) 9287 0303 Only Creditors of the Companies are entitled to attend and vote at the Second Meeting of Creditors for the respective company that they are indebted to. To be entitled to vote at this meeting, an informal Proof of Debt (Form 535) will need to be completed and supporting documents attached and submitted to Link Market Services by either email or post prior to 5pm on Tuesday 11 September 2012. If you have already submitted a proof of debt you are not required to do so again. If you are unable to attend in person or are a corporate creditor and wish to appoint a representative, a Proxy Form (Form 532) must be completed and returned to Link Market Services by either email or post prior to 5pm on Tuesday 11 September 2012. Please note that the proxy form submitted for the previous meeting does not apply to this meeting and a new proxy form is required to be completed. 2.5 Purpose of the Second Meeting The primary purpose of the Second Meeting is to enable Creditors to decide the future of the Companies by choosing between one of the following three options: • • • The Companies execute a DOCA; or The Companies be wound up; or The Administration comes to an end (and control of the Companies reverts to the Directors). The meetings may also be adjourned for a period of up to 45 business days. Page |9 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 2.6 Administrators’ Opinion Section 439A of the Act also requires that the Administrators provide a statement setting out the Administrators’ opinion as to which course of action is in the best interests of Creditors and to provide a statement dealing with the reasons behind the Administrators’ opinion. In the absence of a DOCA proposal, and given that the Companies are insolvent, it is the Administrators’ opinion that it would be in the Creditors best interest to resolve that the Companies be wound up at the Second Meeting of Creditors. This will enable a more thorough investigation of the affairs of the Companies, realisation of assets for the benefit of Creditors, and the pursuit of any potential claims (as identified below). Please see Annexure C for further detail. 2.7 Preliminary Investigations This Report is based upon our preliminary investigations to date. Any additional material issues which are identified subsequent to this Report may be the subject of a further written report and/or tabled at the forthcoming meeting of creditors. Should the Creditors resolve to wind up the Companies, the Liquidators of the Companies are obliged to investigate and report further. 2.8 Voidable Transactions Corporations Regulation 5.3A.02 of the Act requires the Administrators to specify whether there are any transactions that appear to be voidable transactions in respect of money, property or other benefits which may be recoverable by a liquidator under Part 5.7B of the Act. This is discussed further in Section 8 of this Report. 2.9 Independence In accordance with Section 436DA of the Act and the IPAA Code of Professional Practice, a DIRRI was enclosed with the first circular to Creditors on 12 July 2012. There is no change to the information provided in the DIRRI. A copy of this is attached as Annexure D. The declaration disclosed information regarding the independence, any prior personal or professional relationships the Administrators or PPB Advisory had with the Companies or related parties, and any indemnities received in relation to these appointments. 2.10 ASIC Assistance To assist Creditors, employees, and shareholders to understand the Voluntary Administration process better, ASIC has released a package of insolvency information sheets. These have the endorsement of the IPA. P a g e | 10 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 Enclosed at Annexure E for your attention is the ASIC publication ‘Insolvency Information for directors, employees, creditors and shareholders’, which provides an index of all the information sheets that are available. You can download these as PDF files from the ASIC or IPAA websites. The respective websites are: • • www.ipaa.com.au; and www.asic.gov.au P a g e | 11 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 3. Executive Summary Item Preliminary Findings and Recommendations Analysis Future of the Companies This Report is designed to provide the Administrators opinion to Creditors and to provide Creditors of the Companies with sufficient information to allow them to make informed decisions about the future of the Companies at the Second Meeting of Creditors. Sections 2.1 and 2.4 There are three statutory options available for the future of the Companies: • • • The Companies execute a DOCA; or The Companies be wound up; or The Administration comes to an end (and control of the Companies reverts to the Directors). Administrators’ Opinion At the time of writing this report the Administrators have not received a DOCA proposal and the Companies are insolvent. As such, the Administrators recommend that the Companies be wound up. Section 2.5 and Annexure C Key Milestones 10 July 2012 – Appointment of Mark Robinson, Jack Bournelis and Daniel Walley as Administrators of the Companies. 12 July 2012 – Advertisement for sale of the business as a going concern placed in the AFR. 12 July – 31 August 2012 – Expedited sale campaign. 20 July 2012 – First Meeting of Creditors - Administrators’ appointment confirmed. 2 August 2012 – Closure of 32 retail stores nationally. 14 August 2012 – Meeting of the COC. 31 August 2012 – Contract for sale of the majority of Darrell Lea assets to the Quinn Family including the transfer of 83 jobs. 3 September 2012 – Pre-completion restructuring undertaken involving notice that the remaining 27 retail stores will be closed and some manufacturing, warehouse and head office employees not offered a position with the Purchaser. 3 September 2012 – Administrators’ Second Report issued to all Creditors. 7 September 2012 – Scheduled date for completion of the sale of business to the Purcchaser. 9 September 2012 – target date for the closure of the remaining 27 retail stores. 12 September 2012 – Second Meeting of Creditors to be held in which the future of the Companies is to be decided. Throughout report P a g e | 12 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 Sale of Business The Administrators have conducted an expedited sale campaign comprising: Section 5.1 a) advertising an EOI campaign in the AFR on 12 July 2012; b) indicative offers due by 25 July 2012; c) accelerated period of due diligence by interested parties from 25 July 2012 to 6 August 2012; d) binding offers due 6 August 2012; e) preferred bidders selected by 9 August 2012; f) target for sale agreement as agreed between the parties by 20 August 2012; and g) contract exchanged with the Purchaser on 31 August 2012. During the sale campaign there were more than 100 enquiries about a possible bid to purchase all or some of the assets of the Companies. Parties executed 27 NDAs and were provided further information. We received six indicative offers in various forms for all or parts of the assets of the Companies and one binding offer. In the Administrators opinion, the Quinn Family offer represented the best return for the majority of the Companies creditors. $’000 Recoveries to 29 August 2012 Pre-appointment debtor collection (Ricci) Pre-appointment debtor collection (DL) Post-appointment debtor collection (Ricci) Post appointmner debtor collections (DL) 2,035 2,759 184 224 Total Recoveries to date 5,202 Sections 5 and 9 In order to achieve the above realisations of assets, the Administrators have completed the following tasks: • Identification of assets; • Correspondence with customers to secure payment of debtor balances; • Continued operation of retail stores and rationalisation to remove underperforming stores; • Correspondence with debtors to secure ongoing support during the Administration; and • “Business as usual” trading since the date of appointment. P a g e | 13 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 Estimated Future Recoveries Pre-appointment debtors opening value Administrators’ trading revenue (less retail sales) less receipts to date Balance of debtors to collect Stock at 26 August 2012 at cost Total to collect $’000 7,839 7,595 Sections 5 and 9 (5,202) 10,232 10,990 21,222 The estimate the book value of circulating assets to collect totalls $21.2m. In our estimated position statement at Section 9 we have applied assumptions around the percentage collections of these assets under both a going concern and a break-up scenario. We estimate that future collections may be: Ricci Debtors DL Debtors Inventory Total Going concern $’000 Break-up $’000 4,268 1,601 3,917 5,091 13,276 1,469 2,748 5,818 We are unable to diclose the estimate of future realisations of other assets due to the commercial sensitivity surrounding that information. Secured Creditor claims The Bank has an APAAP (fixed and floating) charge over the Companies as security for money lent to the Companies and its related parties. The Directors’ RATA identifies $19.7m as being owed, secured over the assets of the Companies. Section 6 As indicated in Section 9 of this Report, we are unable to indicate what the likely return to the secured creditor will be as the value of some assets is commercially sensitive. P a g e | 14 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 Employee claims We have calculated employee claims totalling $18.2m in relation to outstanding wages, superannuation, various leave entitlements, PILN and redundancy. These calculations are based on the worst case scenario of all employees being terminated. If the going concern sale of the business is completed pursuant to the terms of the sale agreement, the incoming purchaser will assume the liability for entitlements attaching to transferring employees. This would result in employee claims being reduced to $12.3m Section 6 We expect to communicate with employees in the week commencing 10 September 2012 to confirm individual outstanding entitlements balances. Employee entitlements will be paid from funds recovered by the Administrators/Liquidators where there are sufficient funds to do so. If there is a shortfall, and the Companies are placed into liquidation, employees may be able to make a claim to GEERS. This process is discussed further in Section 6 of this Report. Ordinary unsecured creditor claims and estimated dividend Per the Companies’ books and records, unsecured creditors total approximately $12.7m (DL $12.3m and Ricci $0.4m). Section 6 Given the insolvent position of the Companies and the likely shortfall to the Secured Creditor, it is unlikely that there will be a distribution to unsecured creditors. Administrators’ fees to date and expected fees to the Second Meeting $’000 Administrators’ fees to 29 August 2012 Ricci DL Estimate of Administrators’ fees from 30 August 2012 to end of Administration Ricci DL Date of Insolvency Section 11 468 1,636 39 318 Although we have identified possible indicators of insolvency dating back to July 2009, given the support of the Companies’ shareholders and banker, it is our preliminary opinion that the Companies did not become insolvent before July 2012. Section 8 The Directors took the view that it was unlikely that the business could be sold or the debt refinanced outside of a formal insolvency appointment and accordingly the Directors resolved to appoint the Administrators to the Companies on 10 July 2012. The issue of insolvency is a complicated question that may require determination by a court. P a g e | 15 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 Related Party Transactions We have identified a number of transactions totalling $0.3m involving related parties to the Companies. Section 8 If the Companies are placed into liquidation a liquidator will investigate these transactions further. Unfair Preference and Uncommercial Transactions We have not identified any payments made to creditors in the six months prior to the commencement of the administration, which may be unfair preferences or uncommercial transactions and which warrant further investigation by a liquidator. Section 8 We would expect a liquidator to undertake further investigations and seek legal advice to clarify whether recovery of the above payments could be pursued as potential unfair preferences for the benefit of unsecured creditors. P a g e | 16 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 4. History of Darrell Lea 4.1 Background Established in 1927, Darrell Lea is one of the largest Australian owned confectionery companies and a leading Australian speciality confectioner Darrell Lea is vertically integrated, holding a unique industry position by participating in the manufacturing, distribution, wholesaling, export and retailing of a broad range of confectionery products through most channels in Australia. At the date of our Appointment Darrell Lea operated 65 specialty retail stores, six outlets managed by third parties under a licence agreement and had in excess of 1,200 active stockists in a wide range of channels Australia wide. Darrell Lea also distributes liquorice through the grocery channel in Australia under the Darrell Lea brand, the Ricci brand and private label. Darrell Lea has agents in the USA, UK, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, Belgium and Denmark to sell and distribute Darrell Lea and Ricci branded liquorice. Darrell Lea has been able to establish its strong export position through its innovative “Soft Eating Liquorice”. It is particularly strong in the USA where it is the leading brand of Soft Eating Liquorice and overall the fourth largest liquorice company. Darrell Lea manufactures the majority of its product at its Kogarah manufacturing facility based south of Sydney. In 2005, a state-of-the-art liquorice plant was added to the facilities, representing a capital expenditure of $11.0m. This plant has supported the successful expansion into international confectionery markets. Darrell Lea has a broad range of products such as Soft Eating Liquorice, Rocklea Road, Peanut Brittle and Bo-Peep jars. Rocklea Road and Soft Eating Liquorice have commanding market positions. Further, a range of seasonal products are also available over Easter, Christmas, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Valentine’s Day. 4.2 Group Structure The immediate parent company DLN, is wholly owned by Bentala Pty Limited, which is the trustee for the Lea Family Trust and Lea Family Trust No. 2. It has five subsidiaries as follows: • • • • • Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited; Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited; King and George Pty Limited; Amalgamated Brands (Australasia) Pty Limited; and D.L.V Pty Limited. The Darrell Lea confectionery business is wholly owned and operated by DL and Ricci. We understand the other DLN subsidiaries, together with Land and Portfolio Pty Limited which is directly owned by the Lea family, largely operate as property holding entities. DL leases a number of properties from DLN including its Kogarah manufacturing plant, Ingleburn warehouse and two retail stores. This group structure is illustrated on the following page: P a g e | 17 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 4.3 Statutory Information – DL 4.3.1 Background DL was incorporated on 8 June 1965. 4.3.2 Corporate offices and place of business DL’s registered office and principal place of business is 188-200 Rocky Point Road, Kogarah, NSW 2217. 4.3.3 Directors and officers Directors Date appointed Date ceased Michael James Roberts Lea 17 April 1975 Current Alan Francis Batley 01 July 1996 Current Peter McLoghlin 06 April 2006 Current Charles Stuart Smith 03 May 2011 Current Secretaries Date appointed Date ceased Michael James Roberts Lea 27 November 1972 Current Sandra Du Toit 03 May 2011 Current P a g e | 18 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 4.3.4 4.3.5 Alternate Director Date appointed Date ceased Nicholas Stephen Lea 22 May 2006 Current Auditors Date appointed Date ceased HLB Mann Judd 27 November 1972 Current Shareholders Shareholder Class Number held Fully paid DLN Pty Limited Ordinary 400,000 Yes Personal property security register (PPSR) The following APAAP charges (formerly a fixed and floating charge) were migrated from the Corporations Registrar of Charges to the PPSR on 30 January 2012 and take the form of either a fixed and floating charge over the whole of DL’s assets and undertakings, or a fixed charge over specific assets belonging to DL: Secured party Westpac Registration number Effective Date 201112052877832 06/03/2009 Date registered Type 30/01/2012 APAAP (fixed and floating) APAAP (fixed and floating) APAAP (fixed and floating) APAAP (fixed and floating) APAAP (fixed and floating) APAAP (fixed and floating) APAAP (fixed and floating) APAAP (fixed and floating) APAAP (fixed) Westpac 201112204562770 21/08/2009 30/01/2012 Westpac 201112204563115 21/08/2009 30/01/2012 Westpac 201112210017323 25/09/2009 30/01/2012 Westpac 201112210041527 25/09/2009 30/01/2012 Westpac 201112210264326 20/10/2009 30/01/2012 Westpac 201112212031741 30/04/2010 30/01/2012 Westpac 201112220062429 07/07/2010 30/01/2012 Westpac 201112280211379 30/01/2012 30/01/2012 Attached as Annexure F is a complete list of security interests recorded on the PPSR. 4.4 Statutory Information – Ricci 4.4.1 Background Ricci was incorporated on 25 March 1965. P a g e | 19 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 Corporate offices and place of business The registered office is located at 188-200 Rocky Point Road, Kogarah, NSW 2217 while the principal place of business is located at 3 Brooks Road, Ingleburn, NSW 2565. The latter is used for warehousing and distribution. 4.4.2 Directors and officers Directors Date appointed Date ceased Michael James Roberts Lea 17 April 1975 Current Alan Francis Batley 01 July 1996 Current Peter McLoghlin 06 April 2006 Current Charles Stuart Smith 03 May 2011 Current Secretaries Date appointed Date ceased Michael James Roberts Lea 19 January 1973 Current Sandra Du Toit 03 May 2011 Current Alternate Director Date appointed Date ceased Nicholas Stephen Lea 22 May 2006 Current Auditors Date appointed Date ceased HLB Mann Judd 01 July 1993 Current 4.4.3 Shareholders Shareholder Class Number held Fully paid DLN Pty Limited Ordinary 1,000 Yes 4.4.4 Personal property security register (PPSR) The following APAAP charges (formerly a fixed and floating charge) were migrated from the Corporations Registrar of Charges to the PPSR on 30 January 2012 and take the form of either a fixed and floating charge over the whole of Ricci’s assets and undertakings, or a fixed charge over specific assets belonging to Ricci: Secured party Registration number Effective Date Date registered Type Westpac 201112052877464 10/10/1991 30/01/2012 Westpac 201112280211346 30/01/2012 30/01/2012 APAAP (fixed and floating) APAAP (fixed) Attached as Annexure F is a complete list of security interests recorded on the PPSR. P a g e | 20 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 4.5 Financial difficulty and events leading up to our appointment Based on our review of the Companies’ financial statements and our discussions with Management, Darrell Lea has traded at near break-even PBT for several years prior to the FY10 financial year where a $(2.1)m loss was recorded. This was attributed to cost pressures and falling retail sales. As economic conditions continued to weaken for both the manufacturing and retail sectors, PBT losses continued to decline to $(6.5)m in FY11 and $(6.0)m in FY12. The Companies also experienced significant working capital pressure, particularly in funding its export business which requires extended credit terms of up to 150 days. Management advise that addressing the underlying performance of the business was difficult given the macro-economic and financial market downturn that contrived against the industry sectors in which the Companies operate (manufacturing, retail and export). The period between FY09 and FY12 saw the business experience significant trading challenges. This included decreased consumer spending in the retail industry, a strengthening Australian dollar affecting international exports and an increasing local cost base. This manifested itself in fluctuating profits and losses for Darrell Lea across these years. Management advise that they were confident that they had financial support from both the Bank and its parent company (DLN) to continue to trade through these challenging years. 4.5.1 Significant Losses in FY11 and FY12 Indications of more serious financial distress became apparent in FY11 when Darrell Lea recorded pre-tax losses of around $6.5m, of which $1.3m related to an impairment of assets and the underperforming retail stores. Management attribute these losses to declining sales and increased manufacturing costs. During this period, Darrell Lea required a loan of $2.2m from its parent company DLN to enable it to make full repayment on its seasonal loan facility. Management advise that for the first six months of FY12, trading was consistent with expectations (despite being below budget) and they felt that the business was stabilising. All divisions of Darrell Lea, apart from retail, were profitable generating a combined PBT of $1.0m. This represented a significant improvement of $1.0m on the prior year. Darrell Lea continued to meet their financial obligations to creditors and the Bank. Management advise that as a result of the support of the Bank and parent company, they were of the view that Darrell Lea would be able to survive these difficult economic conditions and cash constraints while they implemented various revenue generating and cost saving initiatives. These initiatives including significant store closures, manufacturing productivity programs, enhanced distributor arrangements, strategic sourcing program, new channel initiatives (grocery and mass discounters), loyalty reward scheme and retail store design. A business plan was finalised by December 2011 which identified the above initiatives and outlined an implementation plan. As managements’ business plan to address the sustained losses and negative cash flow was developed and costed, it became evident that significant expenditure was required to implement the initiatives. During FY12 Darrell Lea also increased its distribution of an exclusive range of products to Big W. Demand was significantly overestimated, resulting in an inventory build that materially impacted on the Companies’ cash flows and ultimately resulted in inventory write offs. Darrell Lea had budgeted for sales to Big W of $8.5m in FY12 against actual sales of $1.3m. Immediately prior to our appointment $2.4m of obsolete stock, primarily consisting of packaging materials, was also written off. P a g e | 21 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 4.5.2 Expiration of bill facility in related entity and attempted refinance A $3.7m bill facility in a related entity (Land and Portfolio Pty Ltd), which was secured over the assets of Darrell Lea, was due to expire in December 2011. This facility was not immediately rolled over by the Bank. In January 2012, McGrath Nicol were appointed at the request of the bank to conduct a review of the financial performance of Darrell Lea. On 19 March 2012, the board of DLN resolved to commence a concurrent refinance of the Group’s debt and a sales process of the Darrell Lea business. The DLN board appointed independent corporate finance and debt advisors to assist with this process. During the first quarter of FY12, results were broadly in line with the revised business plan and improved on the prior year. At this point, Management advise that there was significant interest for the refinance, which was expected to be completed prior to July 2012. The refinance was to be completed with respect to all the total Group’s debts, and secured over the Group’s substantial real property holdings and the assets of the Companies. 4.5.3 Poor seasonal Trading and Facility Repayment Shortfall Results in April and May 2012 (traditionally strong months for Darrell Lea with Easter and Mother’s day) were significantly below forecast ($0.6m PBT compared to a forecast $2.0m), primarily resulting from poor sales in the licenced channel. Management disclosed these shortfalls to the potential financiers, and the refinance offers were subsequently revised downwards or withdrawn. At this point, Management became aware that any refinance package would be insufficient to enable them to fully pay down their seasonal bill facility as required. On 7 June 2012, the board of DLN resolved to sell its Ingleburn warehouse and to seek a refinance sufficient to replace the seasonal credit facility. In addition, the board of DLN resolved to accelerate the sale process of the Darrell Lea confectionery business. On 23 June 2012, the board of DLN met with the Bank to present the April and May trading results for Darrell Lea and a revised forecast which indicated an inability to repay $3.8m of the seasonal bill facility by its 2 July 2012 deadline. At this point, Management advise us that the Bank agreed to support the refinancing and sale of the confectionery business and Ingelburn while holding DLN assets as security. On 25 June 2012, the board of DLN was advised that the expected refinance to replace the seasonal facility was not likely to be successful and that the trading figures had continued to worsen. On 30 June 2012, the seasonal bill expired, and despite a positive net asset balance sheet position and the Bank providing a forbearance period, Management believed that Darrell Lea was likely to require additional funds in excess of the seasonal bill repayment at a stage in the future. The sales process for the business was further accelerated and an offer from an interested party was considered on 5 July 2012. This was rejected on the basis that additional funding was required from the parent company to complete the deal and this was not available. P a g e | 22 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 5. Sale of Business and other assets 5.1 Sale of Business The Directors of the Companies had been seeking a sale of the business in the months leading up to our appointment and had held advanced discussions with at least four parties. These parties later participated in the sales process conducted by the Administrators. We understand that offers received for the Companies’ business in the period immediately prior to our appointment consisted of no cash consideration and for working capital funding to be provided by Darrell Lea’s parent DLN. We understand that the failure of the sale process was a material factor in the Directors’ decision to place the Companies into administration. Immediately upon our appointment, we commenced a sale of business process aimed at: • • • • • Capitalising on the existing advanced discussions with a number of parties who already had a detailed knowledge of the business; Advertising to the wider market in the AFR on 12 July 2012, seeking indicative offers by 25 July 2012; Identifying our own list of potential acquirers through proprietary databases, discussions with management and industry contacts; Completing an expedited sale to preserve goodwill in the business; and Transferring ownership as quickly as possible to mitigate the adverse impact of the Administration on customers, suppliers, employees and other stakeholders. Due to the confidential nature of the sale of business process, we are unable to disclose the details of any party that participated in either the pre or post-appointment sales processes. 5.1.1 Process The Administrators determined the quickest and most effective method of sale was to provide an information memorandum and to establish an electronic data room for the conveyance of information to interested parties. Expressions of interest were sought for the business as a going concern or for individual assets of the Companies with the preference being a sale of the business as a whole. A sale of the business and its assets on a going concern process was likely to result in the best outcome for employees and creditors. Interested parties were required to complete an NDA as part of the sale process. The following timetable outlines the key milestones achieved during the sale campaign: P a g e | 23 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 Week Date Milestone 1 10 July Date of appointment and immediate commencement of sale of business campaign by EOI. 1 12 July Advertisement appears in AFR calling for EOI. 1-2 10-18 July Administrators engage with pre-appointment interested parties and canvas other interests. 2 18 July Administrators provide NDA and information memorandum to interested parties. 2 19 July Data room goes live and due diligence is commenced by prospective purchasers. 3 25 July EOI campaign closes with indicative offers due. Preferred bidders selected to progress to advanced due diligence. 3-4 25 July – 6 August Accelerated due diligence period and ongoing negotiations with prospective purchasers. 4 6 August Binding offers for the Companies’ business and assets are due. 5 9 August Short-list preferred bidders are selected. 7 20 August Target date for agreement to terms of sale agreement. 7 24 August Contents of sale agreement agreed with preferred bidder and the Administrators. Transaction submitted to the secured creditor for consent to release assets. 8 31 August Contracts exchanged between the Administrators and Purchaser. 9 3 September Employees advised of sale and offers of employment made to transferring employees. 9 7 September Scheduled date for completion. 5.1.2 Outcome During the expression of interest campaign, we received more than 100 enquiries in total from both domestic and international businesses and private equity funds. A total of 27 NDAs were signed, with those parties undertaking due diligence and being provided with access to the data room. We received six indicative and conditional offers for all or part of the assets of the Companies during the course of the Administration and ultimately received one final offer, all of which were submitted at various stages of the process. The Administrators formed the view that the Quinn Family offer represented both the best outcome for the majority of creditors and was the party best in a position to complete the transaction in the shortest period of time. As the offer was predicated on being granted a lease of the operating premises at Kogarah (from a related party to the Companies), the acquisition of the warehouse facilities in Ingleburn (owned by a related party to the Companies) and the acquisition of assets that were subject to the Bank’s security, the full particulars associated with the offer were provided to both DLN and the Bank who each supported the transaction. We reached agreement with the Quinn family on the sale of business on 24 August 2012 and contracts were exchanged on 31 August 2012 following a release being provided by the Bank over the assets subject to their charges. P a g e | 24 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 The acquisition will result in all Darrell Lea operations, with the exception of the retail business, continuing to operate under private Australian ownership. A total of 83 employees at both the Kogarah and Ingleburn sites were provided with continued employment. Completion is scheduled for 7 September 2012. As the sale of business has yet to complete and title to the assets subject to the sale have not yet been transferred, for commercial reasons we are unable to disclose the consideration paid by the purchaser for the Companies’ plant and equipment assets, goodwill, intellectual property and business records. The purchaser has agreed to acquire the majority of active finished goods, work in progress and raw material inventory. 5.2 Sale and Recovery of other Assets The primary assets available to be realised for the benefit of creditors consists of the Companies’ debtors, inventory and plant and equipment assets. The Companies primary trading premises (Ingleburn and Kogarah) and three of its retail stores, are owned by a related party and are not assets of the Companies. The remaining stores were all leased from third parties. 5.2.1 Debtors and inventory Below is a summary of the Companies’ debtors and inventory available for realisation by the Administrators: DL $’000 Ricci $’000 Total $’000 Pre-appointment debtors (as at appointment) 3,071 4,768 7,839 Post-appointment debtors created (GST excl.) 4,808 2,787 7,595 Finished goods (estimated as at 26 August) Raw materials and packaging (estimated as at 26 August) Work in progress (estimated as at 26 August) 5,702 NA 5,702 3,385 NA 3,385 1,905 NA 1,905 18,871 7,555 26,426 Total Upon appointment we made considerable efforts to ensure that the supply chain continued to operate on a “business as usual” basis both domestically and internationally. We negotiated with key suppliers to ensure that raw material supplies and ongoing essential services would continue to be provided during the Administration. Despite unprecedented demand for Darrell Lea products on the back of the publicity associated with our appointment, the Companies’ manufacturing operations were able to produce the required levels of stock to meet immediate demand while also building inventory to service the Father’s Day trading period. During the Administration we received significant support from the Companies’ licensed channel customers, which in part was driven by the support of the Australian public. We collected $3.5m in pre-appointment debtors in the first month of trading which grew to $4.8m by 26 August 2012. The collection of these debtors, together with strong retail sales and funding provided by DLN, enabled the Administrators to be confident in their ability to continue to trade the business for a short period while a sale of the business as a going concern was pursued. P a g e | 25 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 Debtors and inventory to be collected as at 26 August 2012 Opening value (as above) DL $’000 Ricci $’000 Total $’000 18,871 7,555 26,426 (2,759) (2,035) (4,794) (224) (184) (408) Less Pre-appointment debtors collected Post-appointment debtor receipts collected (GST excl.) Balance to collect 15,888 5,336 21,224 e The sale of business agreement does not provide for the acquisition of debtors which remain available for the Administrators to realise. The purchasers will be acquiring the majority of inventory assets at cost (less overhead and burden). Refer to Section 9 for an overview of the estimated realisable value of both the purchaser acquired stock and the remaining stock available for the Administrators to realise. In the unlikely event that completion is unable to occur in accordance with the sale of business agreement, a “break-up” analysis of the estimated position of the Companies is provided alongside the “going concern” scenario at Section 9. 5.2.2 Plant and equipment The Administrators engaged Grays Online and Slattery’s Auctioneers to provide valuations of the Companies’ assets on a “value in use” and “estimated auction value” basis. As the Bank holds a fixed and floating charge over the assets of the Companies which is likely to cover the majority of fixed assets, we sought the consent of the Bank to sell the majority of these assets. The remaining plant and equipment that is not subject to the sale agreement consists largely of leasehold improvement associated with the retail stores. Where there is a benefit in removing those leasehold improvements to sell by auction, we intend to do so. As the value of these assets is commercially sensitive, we are unable to disclose their value. 5.2.3 Leased assets The Administrators also engaged Grays Online and Slattery’s Auctioneers to provide an estimate of the value of leased assets. This valuation indicated that there is no equity in any of the leased assets and that there is likely to be a deficiency to the financiers should the assets be realised at auction value. The sale of business contract does not provide for the assignment of any leases and as such, we are working with the financiers to take possession of the assets and either return them or realise them for the benefit of the financiers. A summary of leased assets is provided at Annexure G P a g e | 26 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 6. Directors Report as to Affairs Upon the appointment of an Administrator, Directors must provide a RATA outlining the financial circumstances of the company concerned, including an estimate of the book values and realisable values of known assets and liabilities as at the date of our appointment (10 July 2012). On 18 July 2012 the Directors submitted a single RATA for the Companies. We note this RATA was signed by each of the Directors. The RATA provided was prepared on a consolidated basis between the two entities subject to our appointment. As such, the information provided below has also been provided on a consolidated basis. A summary of the Administrators’ opinion of the estimated realisable value per entity has been provided at Annexure H. A number of the items below are commercially sensitive and have been withheld from this report. Notes Book Value Director ERV Administrators’ ERV $’000 $’000 $’000 Assets not specifically charged Trade debtors 1 8,451 Nil 7,839 Other assets 2 409 Nil Nil Cash on hand 3 49 49 49 Cash at bank 3 979 979 13 Stock 4 12,623 Nil Withheld WIP 4 2,385 Nil 2,364 Plant and equipment 5 17,899 Nil Withheld 42,796 1,028 Withheld Sub Total Assets subject to specific charges 6 Nil Nil Withheld Less: amounts owing 6 Nil Nil Withheld Nil Nil Withheld 7 (3,963) Nil (18,153) Less: Amounts owing and secured by debenture or circular security interest 8 (19,661) Nil (19,661) Unsecured creditors 9 (12,732) Nil (12,732) Contingent Assets 10 Nil Nil Nil Contingent Liabilities 10 Nil Nil Nil 6,440 1,028 Withheld Surplus/(deficiency) Less: Amounts owing for employee entitlements Estimated Surplus/(Deficiency) P a g e | 27 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 The information disclosed in the RATA by the Directors is relatively uninformative. Accordingly, we have undertaken a separate review of the major asset and liability categories disclosed in the RATA, discussed in the notes below: Notes 1. Trade debtors The Directors’ RATA disclosed trade debtors of $8.5m as at the date of appointment. Our review of the Companies’ books and records at the time of writing this report is relatively consistent at $8.8m. We believe that the debtor collections in Administration should be strong given our positive dealings with customers to date and the continuity of supply that the sale of the business provided. However, we note that there remains a risk in collecting older or disputed balances and in realising overseas debtors. We note that we have collected $4.8m of the balance that was due at appointment (refer to Section 5). A summary of the ten largest debtors as at 10 July 2012 is provided below: Debtor Woolworths Big W (Syd) Petty Wood & Co Limited Grocery Holdings Pty Limited Big W (Melb) International Food Association Limited Kookaburra Liquorice Co (USA) Trader Joe's Company Glader Distribution Pty Limited Premier Brands Canada Total top 10 debtors (in value) Others Total 2. International /domestic Domestic Domestic International Domestic Domestic DL ($‘000) Ricci ($‘000) 1,253 923 592 489 Total ($‘000) 1,253 923 592 489 413 International 380 380 International International International International 296 274 296 274 189 176 4,985 2,854 7,839 413 189 602 2,469 3,071 176 4,383 385 4,768 Other assets The Directors RATA disclosed pre-payment assets totalling $0.4m. prepayments will be recovered. It is unlikely that these The Directors’ RATA did not disclose any related party loans, however, the Companies’ balance sheet as at 30 June 2012 indicated $0.4m in related party loans payable to the Companies’, consisting of the following: Loan account Description DLN Pty Limited DLN Pty Limited Total Administration and other fees PAYG tax instalments $‘000 98 258 356 The PAYG tax instalments formed the quarterly tax instalment which Ricci remitted on behalf of the DLN tax consolidated group. We also note there is a loan of $2.2m owing to DLN. As such, for the purposes of this report, we have assumed a realisable value of nil. Should creditors resolve to place the Companies into liquidation, further investigations into the related parties’ capacity to repay the loans will be undertaken. P a g e | 28 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 3. Cash at bank At appointment the Administrators requested a debit freeze over the Companies’ bank accounts. Below is a summary of all pre-appointment bank accounts and their balances as at the date of our appointment. Cash at bank available to the Administrators is consistent with the Directors’ RATA, less the Bank’s application of set-off. Account DL – Westpac Account DL – Non-Westpac Accounts Ricci – Westpac Account Application of set-off by the Bank Total cash at bank as at 10 July 2012 Balance $’000 863 13 104 (968) 13 At the date of our appointment the Bank froze $968k of cash in the Companies accounts which was captured by its registered security interest over the Companies. The Administrators have instructed the Bank to sweep all future deposits into the Administrators’ Macquarie bank account. Cash on hand consisted of floats from retail stores, Kogarah manufacturing site/head office and Ingleburn warehouse totalling approximately $49k. 4. Stock and WIP The Directors’ RATA discloses stock with a book value of $12.6m and WIP totalling $2.4m. This is broadly consistent with stock as per the Companies’ perpetual inventory system at the date of our appointment, indicated below at book value: Inventory assets as at 10 July 2012 Finished goods Raw materials Packaging WIP Total Balance $’000 9,039 1,660 2,340 2,364 15,403 Given the realisable value of stock and WIP at the date of our appointment is commercially sensitive, we have not disclosed an estimate of the realisable value for the purposes of analysing the Directors’ RATA. Immediately upon appointment we instructed Grays Online to conduct some sampling exercises to confirm physical stock existence. This exercise did not uncover any material variances to the Companies’ perpetual inventory count. We have received a total of 14 claims for retention of title or security interests over stock registered on the PPSR. We are currently reviewing these claims with the view to either paying for or returning stock associated with any valid claim. P a g e | 29 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 5. Plant and Equipment Plant and equipment comprises a number of pieces of machinery primarily associated with the bulk production of confectionery products. The balance of the equipment includes packaging, office, retail store fit-out, and other sundry assets. The Administrators engaged Grays Online and Slattery’s Auctioneers to conduct a full stocktake and valuation of all plant and equipment of the Companies at both primary operating sites. A sample of retail stores stocktake and valuation was also undertaken. As the Administrators have exchanged contracts with respect to the Companies plant and equipment, we cannot provide further specific details of expected realisations due to the commercial sensitivity of that information. The Directors’ RATA identifies PPE with a book value of $17.9m as at 10 July 2012. 6. Leases and specific security interests The Companies have a number of leases primarily with respect to manufacturing equipment, forklifts and vehicles. The Directors’ RATA has not disclosed a value for these assets. We instructed Grays Online and Slattery’s Auctioneers to conduct a valuation of all leased plant and equipment in order to determine whether there is any residual equity in the equipment. Our preliminary investigations suggest that the payout figures are likely to exceed the valuation and therefore there is no equity in those assets for the benefit of creditors. We have not disclosed the value of the assets as that information is commercially sensitive. 7. Employee Entitlements On appointment, the Administrators confirmed their intention to continue to trade the business in order to maximise the prospects of selling the Companies’ business as a going concern. Upon completion, the sale of business agreement provides for the transition of 83 employees to the Purchaser. The employment of 339 casual employees and 277 part and full time employees have been made redundant during the course of the administration. Given the unlikely event that the sale of business does not complete, we have prepared our estimated employee entitlements on both a “going concern” and “break-up” basis. Our calculations of employee entitlements are based on the Companies’ payroll records and discussions with our legal advisors. The calculations differ to those disclosed by the Directors in their RATA primarily as a result of the crystallisation of severance and pay in lieu of notice. For illustrative purposes we have provided a summary of the entitlements below. P a g e | 30 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 Director Going RATA Concern $’000 $’000 $’000 Nil* Nil* Superannuation Nil Nil 61* 61* PILN Nil 1,353 1,890 364 579 1,737 2,506 1,526 2,254 Nil 7,220 10,863 3,963 12,261 18,153 Employee Entitlements Pre-Appointment Wages Personal / carers leave Annual Leave and Rostered Day off 3,963 Long Service Leave Redundancy Total Break-up *We note that the Administrators have discharged all pre-appointment unpaid wages and superannuation. We note that the Companies’ EBA also provides for participation in NEST, where certain entitlement balances (annual leave to six weeks and all long service leave) are required to be paid into trust for the benefit of employees. As at the date of our appointment, NEST was significantly underfunded with a balance of $0.9m. NEST holds funds that are individually assigned to employees. Employees are encouraged to contact NEST directly to make a claim for the individual balance held by them. The balance of entitlements owed to employees are provided priority treatment in the administration and liquidation of the Companies. Section 556 of the Act, indicated that employees are priority creditors in respect of outstanding entitlements such as wages, superannuation, annual leave, long service leave, PILN and redundancy (if applicable) from the realisation of circulating charge assets. Entitlements for excluded employees (including the Director and his lineal relatives) are capped at $2,000 for wages, including superannuation, and $1,500 for unpaid annual leave and long service leave, with the balance of their entitlements ranking as an unsecured claim pursuant to Section 556 (1A) and (1B) of the Act. DEEWR, a Federal Government department, administers GEERS. GEERS is a safety net in the event that a company is placed into liquidation and has insufficient funds to pay the employees’ entitlements. GEERS is a Federal Government discretionary scheme and claimants are subject to GEERS’ Operational Arrangements. DEEWR has a right of subrogation in respect of employee claims once it has paid these amounts (i.e. it stands in the shoes of employees in liquidation). The Administrators will work with employees and DEEWR to help facilitate the payment of employee entitlements in the event the Companies are placed into liquidation and we are unable to realise sufficient assets to discharge all outstanding entitlements. A copy of the GEERS fact sheet has been attached as Annexure I for employees’ consideration and review. An estimate of the return to employees and other creditors of the Companies is included in Section 9. P a g e | 31 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 8. Secured creditors The Director’s RATA indicates the debt owed to the secured creditor is $19.7m. 9. Unsecured Creditors The Director’s RATA identifies unsecured creditors totalling $12.7m which is consistent with the Administrators’ estimate An estimate of the return to unsecured and other creditors on a Group basis is included in Section 9 of this Report. P a g e | 32 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 7. Financial Position Outlined below are the financial statements of the Companies’ for the 12 months to 30 June 2010, 30 June 2011 and 30 June 2012. These financial statements have been prepared on a consolidated basis. The individual financial accounts are provided at Annexure J. 7.1 Financial Performance Management Accounts Audited Accounts Audited Accounts 12 months to 30 June 2012 $‘000 12 months to 30 June 2011 $‘000 12 months to 30 April 2010 $‘000 93,191 98,562 103,070 (4,901) (52,981) (57,882) 35,309 (4,693) (55,272) (59,965) 38,597 (4,761) (59,889) (64,650) 38,420 38% 39% 37% (4,492) (4,765) (3,580) (9,456) (12,557) (1,517) (36,367) (4,833) (3,690) (3,966) (9,981) (13,084) (1,799) (37,353) (3,567) (2,717) (4,365) (9,794) (12,322) (1,644) (34,409) Operational EBITDA (1,058) 1,244 4,011 Depreciation & amortisation (3,386) (4,810) (4,831) (4,444) (3,566) (820) (1,571) (1,530) (1,268) (6,015) (1,388) (6,484) (2,088) Revenue Less cost of goods sold: Freight Other COGS Total Gross Profit Gross Margin % Expenses Direct overheads Head office costs Marketing Rent & outgoings Wages & Salaries Other expenses Total Expenses Operational EBIT Interest and borrowing expenses Asset write-down PBT These figures have been extracted from audited and management accounts. We are unable to comment on the accuracy of these figures. We note that audited financial statements have not been prepared for the Companies for FY12. P a g e | 33 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 The Companies sustained losses in each of the last three financial years. The extent of the losses increased significantly in FY11 with a PBT loss of $(6.5)m, an increase of $4.3m from the prior year. The FY11 loss included, however, an extraordinary $1.4m write-down relating to an impairment of leasehold improvements in the Companies’ retail stores. The Companies’ were in a similar loss making position in FY12 with a PBT loss of $6.0m. Throughout the three year period, the Companies’ revenue continued to decline while cost base and gross margin remained relatively consistent at 37% to 39%. Despite a 9.6% decline in revenue from FY10 to FY12, the business was not able to make savings in its cost base with expenses increasing by 6%. Since FY11, the Companies’ have been unable to generate sufficient EBITDA to cover their interest obligations. The Companies’ losses in FY11 and FY12 resulted in an inability to generate sufficient cash from operations to meet debt service obligations. EBITDA Interest expense Surplus / (shortfall) FY12 ($’000) FY11 ($’000) FY10 ($’000) (1,058) 1,571 (513) 1,244 1,530 (286) 4,011 1,268 2,743 P a g e | 34 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 7.2 Historical Balance Sheet Detailed over the page is a summary of the Companies’ balance sheet for the last three financial years. Management Audited Audited 30-Jun-12 30-Jun-11 30-Apr-10 Notes $’000 $’000 $’000 1 2 3 3 3 455 8,411 2,489 4,077 8,772 363 24,567 58 10,575 3,133 4,338 7,952 555 26,611 97 10,511 4,173 2,112 8,568 465 25,990 1,785 17,964 19,749 3,236 19,601 22,837 2,126 22,225 24,351 44,316 49,448 50,340 9,446 19,300 4,548 123 33,417 8,849 8,130 4,580 2,484 24,043 11,574 3,916 4,489 19,979 359 361 19 739 671 494 19 9.850 11,034 702 225 20 10,550 11,497 TOTAL LIABILITIES 34,156 35,077 31,476 NET ASSETS 10,160 14,371 18,864 Current Assets Cash Debtors WIP Raw materials and packaging Finished goods Prepayments Total Current Assets Non-Current Assets Tax related assets Property, plant & equipment Total Non-Current Assets 4 TOTAL ASSETS Current Liabilities Trade payables and provisions Loans and borrowings Provisions for employees Shareholder loans Total Current Liabilities Non-Current Liabilities Provisions for employees Hire purchase liabilities Tax related asset Loans and Borrowings Total Non-Current Liabilities 5 6 5 These figures have been extracted from both audited and management accounts. We are unable to comment on the accuracy of these figures. Further commentary in relation to certain accounts has been provided on the following page. P a g e | 35 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 1. Cash The Companies maintained a low cash balance at each of the financial period ends. The Companies had an overdraft of $5.8m as at June 2011, which is included as loans and borrowings above. 2. Debtors Total trade debtors have decreased over the last three years primarily as a result of a reduction in turnover. Debtors include the various channels in which the Companies operate; licence channel, grocery, route and export. 3. Inventory The Companies held total inventory (WIP, raw materials and finished goods) at circa $15.0m at the end of each financial period. Finished goods include both retail store and warehoused inventory. 4. Property, plant and equipment The Companies’ PPE predominantly includes manufacturing equipment and leasehold improvements made to the Companies’ leased retail stores. The majority of PPE is aged (with two noticeable exceptions being the new liquorice line and modern packaging equipment) and has been depreciated significantly to net book value. The leasehold improvements are also significantly impaired with over five different ‘generations’ of store fit-outs still in existence. The remainder includes financed and owned motor vehicles. 5. Loans & borrowings The Companies’ overdraft was reduced from $6.5m to $1.0m in September 2011 and replaced with a flexible limit facility of $5.5m. The Companies’ were in receipt of total financing from the Bank of $19.3m as at 30 June 2012. This financing arrangement is secured over the assets of the Companies, by registered mortgages over property owned by related entities and fixed and floating charges over the Companies and other related parties. 6. Related party loans The Companies’ parent DLN provided a loan of $2.3m to the business in June 2011 to assist with working capital deficiencies. This loan remains payable to DLN as at 30 June 2012. This loan is offset by $2.1m relating to receivables owed by DLN to the Companies, as illustrated in the table below: Amounts owing from DLN Amounts payable to DLN Net liability 30-Jun-12 ($’000) 30-Jun-11 ($’000) 30-Jun-10 ($’000) (2,161) 2,284 123 2,484 2,484 - This $2.1m owing from DLN relates primarily to tax refunds payable to the Companies based on the utilisation of tax losses within the consolidated tax group in FY12. P a g e | 36 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 7.3 Overall summary The Companies have maintained a positive net asset position throughout the comparative periods. The Companies net asset position has progressively declined, reducing by $4.5m from FY10 to FY11 and $4.2m from FY11 to FY12. The Companies liquidity position declined substantially in FY12 as evidenced by the current and quick liquidity ratios. The current ratio is current assets divided by current liabilities, while the quick ratio is current assets less inventory divided by current liabilities. A ratio of less than one is a key indicator of insolvency as discussed in Section 8 of this report. Current ratio Quick ratio 7.3.1 30-Jun-12 ($’000) 30-Jun-11 ($’000) 30-Jun-10 ($’000) 0.74 0.28 1.11 0.47 1.30 0.56 Director’s explanation for the Companies’ failure The Directors each provided the following explanation for the failure of the Companies in their questionnaire completed on appointment. • A very weak speciality retailing market; • Increased competition from overseas products; • Strength of the Australian dollar; • Failure of a number of initiatives to improve trading; and • Strength of the confectionery offer in supermarkets (particularly Coles and Woolworths). 7.3.2 Administrators’ opinion on the reasons for the Companies’ failure Our preliminary investigations into the cause of the Companies’ failure disclosed the following factors which may have contributed to the Companies’ demise: • • • • • 7.3.3 Poor macro-economic conditions including the strength of the Australian dollar on exports and a challenging domestic retail environment; A tired retail concept at the same time as a number of competitors aggressively increased market share through modern retail experiences; Working capital pressures on international trading terms and seasonal products; Underperforming distribution agreements; and Tight pricing on grocery channel products. Outstanding or previous winding up applications There are no winding-up applications detailed on the ASIC search. P a g e | 37 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 8. Offences, Voidable Transactions and Insolvent Trading 8.1 General Investigations Administrators are required to complete and lodge a report with ASIC pursuant to Section 438D of the Act where it appears to the Administrator that a past or present officer of the company may have been guilty of an offence in relation to the company and in other limited circumstances. For general information about what offences may be identified by an Administrator, please refer to the attached as Annexure K, IPA information sheet entitled “Creditor Information Sheet: Offences, Recoverable transactions and Insolvent Trading”. Throughout our investigations to date, we have not identified anything that would suggest that the Directors may be guilty of any offences as defined in the Act or the IPA information sheet. 8.2 Books and Records Pursuant to Section 286 of the Act, a company must keep written financial records that: a) Correctly record and explain its transactions and financial position and performance; and b) Would enable a true and fair set of financial statements to be prepared and audited. Failure to maintain books and records may give rise to a presumption of insolvency pursuant to Section 588E of the Act. This presumption may be relied upon by the liquidator in an application for compensation for insolvent trading and other actions for recoveries pursuant to Part 5.7B of the Act. The Companies’ records and accounting systems are maintained at their registered offices 188 200 Rocky Point Road, Kogarah NSW 2217. Our preliminary view is that the books and records maintained by the Companies are compliant with Section 286 of the Act. 8.3 Risks of Litigation Action(s) If the Companies are wound up, Part 5.7B of the Act gives liquidators (but not administrators) the right to commence certain legal proceedings to recover money, property or other benefits for the benefit of the unsecured creditors of a company. In the context of the Companies, those legal proceedings cannot be commenced if Creditors resolve that the Companies execute a DOCA. As an initial comment, Creditors should note that recovery actions: • • • • have the potential to add to the funds available to creditors; are usually expensive, lengthy and have unpredictable outcomes; should not be commenced unless defendants have the financial resources to satisfy any judgement; and must be funded out of the existing assets or, where such assets do not exist, by creditors or by external litigation funders (who are likely to require a significant share of the proceeds of any judgement as a condition of funding the litigation). P a g e | 38 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 8.4 Proving Insolvency Creditors should also note that certain recovery actions under Part 5.7B of the Act, namely those relating to unfair preferences, uncommercial transactions and insolvent trading require liquidators to demonstrate that the company was insolvent at the time of the transaction (or in the case of insolvent trading, when the company incurred the particular debt). In all but the clearest of cases, proving insolvency is a relatively complex exercise, will be subject to conjecture and ordinarily involves further time and expense. Further investigations will be conducted by the Liquidators should the Companies be wound up. 8.5 Voidable Transactions The Act requires an Administrator to specify whether there are any transactions that appear to the Administrator to potentially be voidable transactions in respect of which money, property or other benefits may be recoverable by a liquidator under Part 5.7B of the Act. This issue is relevant to creditors if they are being asked to choose between a DOCA and liquidation, because voidable transactions are only able to be recovered if the company is being wound up (i.e. in liquidation). Our investigations into the Companies’ affairs have identified some transactions that have characteristics consistent with those of voidable transactions. Should the Companies be placed into liquidation, further investigations are warranted by a liquidator to determine if any of those transactions may be voidable by a liquidator. These are summarised as follows: Voidable Transactions Unfair Preferences Uncommercial Transactions Unfair Loan Unreasonable Payments to Directors Related Party Transactions Voidable Charges Note No. of Transactions 1 2 3 4 5 6 Nil Nil Nil Nil unknown Nil Amount Nil Nil Nil Nil $322k Nil Notes: 1. Unfair Preferences In accordance with section 588FA of the Act, if a company is placed into liquidation, certain payments to creditors may be recoverable as voidable transactions if the creditor has received more than they would have otherwise received in the winding up of the company. A liquidator is typically only able to recover unfair preference transactions made in the 6 months preceding the date of administration. For an unfair preference to exist it must be established that: • • the company in liquidation was insolvent at the time of the transaction or became insolvent as a result of that transaction; and the creditor or a reasonable person in the creditor’s position had reasonable grounds to suspect that the company was insolvent. P a g e | 39 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 Through our enquiries (and as confirmed by officers and staff of the Companies) we have not identified any of the following indicators that would typically suggest unfair preference payments may exist: • • • formal or informal payment arrangements in place with creditors or suppliers; payment plans in place in respect of taxation or other statutory debts; or written demands or threats of legal action received within the six month period prior to our appointment. We have investigated the Companies’ bank statements for the six month period prior to our appointment, we are not aware of any transactions that have characteristics consistent with that of an unfair preference per Section 588FA of the Act. 2. Uncommercial Transactions Section 588FB of the Act provides that a transaction is uncommercial if, and only if, it may be expected that a reasonable person in the circumstances would not have entered into the transaction having regards to the detriment to the Companies as a result of the transaction. Our investigations to date have not revealed any transactions that would be deemed to be uncommercial in terms of section 588FB of the Act. 3. Unfair Loans Section 588FD of the Act provides for loans to be voided in circumstances where they were extortionate. From our preliminary investigations we have not identified any unfair loans made by the Companies. Further investigations into loan transactions shall be completed should the Companies be placed into liquidation. 4. Unreasonable Payments to Directors Section 588FDA of the Act provides for payments to be voided in circumstances where a reasonable person in the Company’s position would not have entered into the transaction. Our preliminary investigations to date have not identified any payments that would be deemed to be unreasonable paid to directors in terms of section 588DA of the Act. 5. Related Party Transactions Section 588FE(4) of the Act provides that payments to related parties may be voided where the company was insolvent at the time of the transaction. A liquidator is able to recover related party transactions made in the four years preceding the date of administration. Our preliminary review of the Companies’ related parties’ transactions during the 24 month period immediately prior to our appointment has identified a number of transactions totalling $322k that were made to a related party. The transactions relate to the application of rebates notionally paid by the Companies to a related party pursuant to a licence agreement. These rebates have historically been used to reduce the amount payable for stock and rent by the related party. If it is ultimately determined that these payments are potentially recoverable as related party transactions, it would be necessary to establish: P a g e | 40 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 • • • that the relevant Company was insolvent at the time the payments were made; and that the recipient had reasonable grounds for suspecting that the company from which the payment was made was insolvent at that time; or would become insolvent as a result of the payment. If creditors vote to put the Companies into liquidation, we will investigate these transactions further. 6. Voidable Charges Pursuant to Section 266(1) of the Act, a charge may be void against a liquidator on the basis that it was registered within six months prior to the critical day (that is, 10 January 2012). The transaction may also be voidable under Section 588FE(5) of the Act if it was created whilst the company was insolvent and the transaction was likely entered into for the purpose of defeating creditors. We have reviewed the PPSR and have listed at Section 4 a schedule containing all the registered APAAP (fixed and/or floating) charges over the Companies. We have reviewed the underlying charge documents for the Bank’s registered security interests and note that all but two charges were created and registered before 10 January 2012 (i.e. in excess of six months prior to our appointment). As such, these charges are unlikely to be voidable against a liquidator. We have not been able to obtain copies of underlying documents from PPSR for the two charges registered on 30 January 2012 (within the 6 months prior appointment period). Further investigation will be carried out if creditors vote to put the Companies into liquidation. 8.6 Insolvent Trading 8.6.1 Definition of insolvency Section 95A of the Act provides that a company is insolvent if, and only if, the company is unable to pay all its debts, as and when they become due and payable. A significant body of case law has developed with respect to this definition. The exercise of proving insolvency requires a consideration of a company’s financial position taken as a whole but with specific reference to the company’s cash flow. 8.6.2 Indicators of insolvency The primary indicator of insolvency is a shortfall between: • • the funds available a company at a particular point in time; and the total commitments a company has which are due and payable at that time. The funds available to the company include any overdraft (or similar facility) and financial support from the directors and related parties. Further indicators of insolvency include: • A low current ratio (being current assets / current liabilities). As a rule of thumb, a trading company may be insolvent if its current ratio is less than one and will likely be solvent if its current ratio is greater than two. Where a trading company has a current ratio of between P a g e | 41 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 one and two, then the likely solvency status will depend on a number of factors to the company and the industry in which it operates. • The company exhibiting some or all of the “usual indicators of insolvency”. Those indicators have been accepted by courts in Australia as being the typical characteristics of an insolvent company and include: unpaid group tax, payroll tax and worker compensation premiums or superannuation contributions; outstanding tax returns; inability to produce timely audited accounts; high staff turnover; dishonoured cheques; suppliers insisting on COD terms; the issue of post-dated or round sums cheques; special arrangements with creditors; demands from bankers to reduce overdraft and other evidence of deteriorating relations with bankers; receipt of letters of demand, statutory demands and court proceeds for debt collection; and loss of major customers. 8.6.3 Provisional opinion on insolvency In considering whether the Companies may have traded whilst insolvent, we have performed a preliminary review of historical trading performance, working capital and cash flows of the business and held discussions with the management of the Companies. We have noted early indicators of insolvency commencing from July 2009 when Darrell Lea began to suffer regular losses before tax on a monthly basis (but for some seasonaly better performing months). Despite experiencing sustained losses beyond FY09, the Companies’ have received the ongoing support of the Bank and its parent, who have provided funding until the date of the appointment of Administrators. Accordingly, our preliminary view is that the Companies became insolvent upon the withdrawal of financial support from its parent which happened in the period immediately prior to the appointment of Administrators. Ultimately the issue of insolvency is determined by a court. Our preliminary investigations have revealed the following indicators of insolvency: • On a consolidated basis, Darrell Lea was largely loss making on a monthly basis from July 2009, and made consistent losses before tax in FY10 ($2.1m), FY11 ($6.5m) and FY12 ($6.0m); • Since at least June 2011, Darrell Lea has had insufficient current assets to cover its current liabilities. The current ratio declined from 1.11 at June 2011 to 0.74 by June 2012 - that is the Companies only had $0.74 in current assets to satisfy every $1.00 in current liabilities. When excluding inventory from this calculation, the quick ratio as at June 2010 was 0.56 and this declined to 0.47 by June 2011 and 0.28 by 30 June 2012, that is the Companies only had access to cash assets and assets readily convertible to cash of $0.28 to satisfy $1.00 in current liabilities; • The Companies had made several employees redundant in the months leading up to our appointment; • In FY11, Darrell Lea required a $2.2m loan from its parent (DLN) in order to pay its seasonal bill facility as required; P a g e | 42 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 • The auditors raised a going concern issue in the notes to the financial statement for the year end 30 June 2011 due to the negative net current asset position of Darrell Lea. However as the directors of the Companies had received a written letter of continued financial support from its parent, and the directors believed that such financial support would continue to be made available, the financial statements were been prepared on a going concern basis. We have subsequently sighted a further signed letter of support from DLN dated 8 June 2012; • The aged profile of creditors, along with the total trade creditor balance was slowly deteriorating. At the time of our appointment, approximately 12% of $7.1m of creditors were greater than 60 days old, compared to 1.5% of $3.8m in January 2011; and • We note that the Companies had largely kept up to date with all statutory requirements including taxation returns and employees superannuation contributions. Proceedings may be commenced by a liquidator if, after the assets have been realised, there is a shortfall to unsecured creditors. Recovery action will be assessed on a cost/benefit basis and will include consideration of the financial position of the relevant party against whom recovery action is taken. a) Potential Defences There are certain defences available to directors under the Corporations Act 2001 in respect to insolvent trading. We have not yet been able to form a view on these defences. b) Director’s Personal Financial Position On appointment, we requested the Directors provide a statement of their personal financial positions to assist in the assessment of the amount likely to be recovered from the Directors in the event of a successful insolvent trading action. The Directors provided this information, however, did not consent to the disclosure of that information to creditors. c) Examination of Officers of the Companies and Others The provisions of Div 1 of Part 5.9 of the Act provide a means by which an ‘eligible applicant’ such as a liquidator can examine officers of a company and others about its examinable affairs and any other person who may be able to provide information relating to such affairs. ‘Examinable affairs’ is a comprehensive term of wide ranging application and includes: • • • The promotion, formation, management, administration or winding up of the corporation; Other affairs of the corporation; and The business affairs of a connected entity of the corporation in so far as they appear to be relevant to the corporation or its affairs. If a court is satisfied that a summons for examination should be issued, the examinee is usually required to produce at (or prior to) the examination specified books that are in the person’s possession and relate to the corporation. It is an offence if the person to be examined fails to attend the court, fails to answer a question, makes a false or misleading statement or fails to produce books stipulated in the summons. P a g e | 43 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 d) Litigation Funding Should creditors resolve the Companies be wound up and a liquidator be appointed, it is likely they will be substantially without funds to meet the costs of any recovery actions which may be determined to exist. In these circumstances, the liquidator will invite creditors to consider providing funding to conduct further investigation of potential insolvent trading claims or other potential recovery actions detailed in the preceding paragraphs. Alternatively a liquidator may look to external funding from a litigation funder in exchange for a percentage of the recovered proceeds. In the event that creditors resolve that the Companies be placed into liquidation, then the future appointed liquidator may request litigation funding in the absence of creditor funding. Until further investigations are completed by a liquidator, we do not recommend examinations of the Directors. P a g e | 44 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 9. Estimated Return on Winding Up While the Administrators’ primary focus is to work toward ensuring that completion of the sale of the business is achieved in accordance with the agreement, the Administrators’ alternate option is to realise the assets of the Companies on a break-up basis. Given the commercially sensitive nature of the value attributed to some assets, it is inappropriate for us to disclose a value for the goodwill, intellectual property, plant and equipment of the Companies’ assets. Under both the going concern sale and break-up scenario, we have also assumed that the Companies will continue to trade until 9 September 2012. Although completion of the sale is scheduled to occur on 7 September 2012, some further trading activities will be ongoing as we liquidate residual stock through the existing retail network before it is shut down on 9 September 2012. We note that the Companies operate substantially together and the primary trading activities are held with DL. DL employs all the employees, leases all the property, owns all the plant and equipment, holds the stock, orders the majority of materials and it is only when a sale of stock is made that the sale is recognised as that of Ricci. Pursuant to Section 571 of the Act, in certain circumstances a liquidator may make a determination that two or more companies are a “pooled group” for the purposes of distributing the proceeds of the assets of those companies. Section 571(1) of the Act provides that a liquidator can make a pooling determination where: • • • each of the companies in the “group” have property that is owned by one company and used by the other company in business; the liquidator forms the view that it is just and equitable, as between the various creditors of the companies in the group, for the group to be pooled; and the grouping is for the purposes provided for under the Act It is our view that DL and Ricci are sufficiently connected such that a liquidator may make a determination that the Companies are a “pooled group” in accordance with Section 571 of the Act. To the extent that the Companies are placed into liquidation and a liquidator does determine that the Companies are a pooled group, the creditors of the Companies must resolve to accept the pooling determination. Regardless of whether a liquidator makes a pooling determination, we estimate (based on the current information available to us) it to be likely that all of DL’s net non-circulating asset recoveries would likely be payable to the Bank and all net recoveries from circulating assets would likely be payable to employees to meet their entitlements. These recoveries are net of other obligations required to be paid in advance of both the Bank and employees pursuant to Section 556 of the Act. The primary impact that pooling would have on creditors is with respect to the net circulating asset recoveries in Ricci. To the extent that a pooling determination is not made, those realisations would likely be paid to the Bank under their security. To the extent that a pooling determination is made, those realisations would likely be paid to employees to meet their entitlements. For the purposes of this report, we have prepared estimated outcome positions for both DL and Ricci as separate corporate entities, we note that the net realisations from circulating assets in Ricci would either be payable to the Bank under its security or employees should a pooling determination ultimately be made. These estimated outcome positions have been prepared under two scenarios: the completion of the sale as a going concern and the realisation of the Companies assets on a break-up basis. A summary of the estimated returns is provided over page: P a g e | 45 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 DL Estimated Position Statement Unencumbered assets subject to fixed charges less estimated realisation costs Estimated funds available from unencumbered assets Debt owed to secured creditors Estimated return to secured creditor from unencumbered fixed charge assets Going concern ($‘000) Break-up ($‘000) Notes Withheld Unknown Withheld Withheld Unknown Withheld 1 19,661 19,661 Unknown Unknown 5,091 2,759 224 250 3,667 5,640 1,680 2,748 2,035 224 94 1,375 5,640 1,680 19,311 13,796 Stock to collect Collection of pre appointment debtors to date Collection of post appointment debtors to date Balance to collect from pre appointment debtors Balance to collect from post appointment debtors Retail store receipts Funding provided by parent Total floating charge assets Estimated Administrators' costs Insurance Trade on costs Repayment of Administration funding provided by parent company Administrators' fees to date Estimated future administrators fees Estimated liquidators’ fees Estimated legal costs Other advisors and agents Venue hire for creditor meetings and other costs Total Administrators' costs (35) (9,750) (35) (9,750) (1,697) (1,636) (318) (350) (300) (300) (5) (14,391) (1,102) (1,636) (318) (350) (300) (300) (5) (13,796) Estimated funds available for employee entitlements Estimated employee entitlements Estimated return to employees 4,920 (12,261) 40c in $ Nil (18,153) Nil Nil 12,300 Nil 12,300 Nil Nil Estimated funds available for secured creditors from floating charge assets Estimated unsecured creditors (before claims from lessors) Estimated funds available for unsecured creditors 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 P a g e | 46 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 Ricci Estimated Position Statement Unencumbered assets subject to fixed charges less estimated realisation costs Estimated funds available from unencumbered assets Debt owed to secured creditors Estimated return to secured creditor from unencumbered fixed charge assets Collections of pre appointment debtors to date Collections of post appointment debtors to date Balance to collect from pre appointment debtors Balance to collect from post appointment debtors Total floating charge assets Estimated Administrators' costs Insurance Trade on costs Administrators' fees to date Estimated future administrators fees Estimated liquidators’ fees Estimated legal costs Other advisors and agents Venue hire for creditor meetings and other costs Total Administrators' costs Estimated funds available for employee entitlements Estimated employee entitlements Estimated return to employees (cents/$) Estimated return to secured creditor from circulating assets Estimated unsecured creditors (before claims from lessors) Estimated funds available for unsecured creditors Going concern ($‘000) Break-up ($‘000) Withheld Unknown Withheld Withheld Unknown Withheld 19,661 19,661 Unknown Unknown 2,035 184 2,186 2,082 6,487 2,035 184 820 781 3,820 (12) (3,000) (468) (39) (150) (80) (45) (5) (3,799) (12) (3,000) (468) (39) (150) (80) (45) (5) (3,799) 2,688 Nil NA 21 Nil NA 2,688 400 Nil 21 400 Nil 2,688 (12,261) 22c in $ 21 (18,153) Nil Nil 400 Nil Nil 400 Nil Notes 1 3 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 OR IF A POOLING DETERMINATION IS MADE Estimated funds available for employee entitlements Estimated employee entitlements Estimated return to employees Estimated return to secured creditor from circulating assets Estimated unsecured creditors (before claims from lessors) Estimated funds available for unsecured creditors 9 10 To the extent that a liquidator does make a pooling determination, the combined funds estimated to be available for employee entitlements are $7.6m in a going concern scenario and nil in a break up scenario. This represents a return of 62 and nil cents in the dollar respectively. Should a pooling determination not be made, employees will be paid as per the DL Estimated Position Statement and between nil and $2.6m is estimated to be available from circulating assets to the Bank. All amounts identified above are GST exclusive. P a g e | 47 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 Notes: 1. Unencumbered fixed charge assets Estimated realisable values of all unencumbered fixed assets are withheld as they are commercially sensitive in both scenarios whilst the Administrators seek to complete the sale transaction. Given the level of debt owed to non-circulating asset charge holders it is unlikely that there will be a surplus available from the sale of unencumbered fixed assets for the benefit of employees or unsecured creditors. 2. Stock The sale agreement provides for the majority of stock to be acquired at a rate that is unable to be disclosed due to commercial confidence relating to the transaction. The balance of stock excluded from the sale is largely obsolete and slow moving and likely to be realised at below cost. For the purposes of the estimated position statement, we have assumed that under the going concern scenario we may achieve realisations of 70% of the book value of stock. Under the break-up scenario, we have assumed a 25% of book value is realised from the liquidation of stock, less known deductions provided for under the sale agreement. 3. Collection of debtors Collections from debtors are based on actual receipts as at 26 August 2012. Please refer to Section 5.2.1 of this Report for further information. Since our appointment, we have recovered a significant portion of the pre-appointment debtor balance. We have assumed a 80% collectability rate for the remaining balance of the pre-appointment and post-appointment debtors under the going concern scenario. Under the break-up scenario, we have assumed a 30% collectability rate for the remaining balance for both the pre and post appointment debtor balance. We note that should we be unable to complete the sale of the business as a going concern, many customers will not receive continuity of supply and it is likely that the realisable value would deteriorate significantly as those customers seek to set-off damages. . 4. Retail store receipts From the period 10 July 2012 to 26 August 2012 the Companies have recorded retail sales of $5.6m. We have not estimated future retail sales as we have applied a collection assumption with respect to the balance of stock available for sale. 5. Trade on costs These costs have been estimated based on our estimated trading commitments, commitments for wages and other trading expenses. Trading costs during the administration have been allocated between DL and Ricci on the following basis: • • 6. Directly to either DL or Ricci where the direct benefit from the expenditure can be determined; and As a percentage of revenue with respect to manufacturing, warehousing and head office costs. Administrators/Liquidators remuneration Please refer to Section 11 of this Report regarding the Administrators fees to date, forecast fees to the conclusion of the administration and forecast fees in liquidation. The Administrators’ time costs have been allocated directly by PPB Advisory staff to the respective legal entity. P a g e | 48 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 7. Other administration costs These costs are based on advice received from our lawyers and other advisors engaged during the administration to date. 8. Venue hire costs These costs represent the cost of hiring venues to convene the first and second Meetings of Creditors. These costs have been allocated equally between the entities. 9. Estimated employee entitlements As noted in Section 6 of this Report, employee entitlements have been calculated based on the employees’ collective agreement, their individual contract or the NES. Under the going concern scenario, employee entitlements are reduced as a result of a number of employees transitioning to the new owner. 10. Return to secured creditors from floating charge assets While the return to secured creditors from non-circulating assets is commercially sensitive, the estimated return from floating charged assets is estimated to be nil should a pooling determination be made by a liquidator and between $1.4m and $2.5m from Ricci net circulating asset proceeds should a pooling determination not be made. P a g e | 49 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 10. Receipts and Payments A summary of receipts and payments of the Companies from the date of appointment (10 July 2012) until 24 August 2012 is shown in the tables below. We note that the receipts and payments as presented below represent the actual cash receipts and payments through the Companies’ two trading accounts (DL & Ricci) and exclude any additional forecast receipts or accrued expenses that have not yet been processed. Therefore it should not be used by Creditors as an approximation of funds available for distribution. A more relevant and appropriate estimate of the possible outcome for creditors, taking into account anticipated future receipts and payments, is included in Section 9. DL Receipts and Payments Receipts and Payments Note Amount ($’000) (GST exclusive) Receipts Cash at bank on appointment Pre-appointment debtors Post-appointment debtors Retail sales DLN loan Other receipts GST Total Receipts Payments Employee costs Operating costs Bank fees and charges Administration costs GST Total Payments Net Receipts/(payments) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5 13 2,446 187 4,798 1,697 193 499 9,833 2,742 2,029 69 168 147 5,154 4,678 Notes: 1. Pre-appointment debtor collections of $2.4m represent 80% of DL’s pre-appointment debtors. 2. Since the start of the Administration DL has raised invoices totalling $4.8m (GST excl.) of which we have collected $0.2m. 3. Retail sales deposited into the Administrators’ account totals $4.8m 4. Represents a limited recourse loan provided by the Companies’ parent to fund the initial wage costs of the administration process. 5. Represents the GST received on post-appointment debtors and retail sale in the receipt line and GST on purchasers in the payable line P a g e | 50 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 6. Includes the net payment of wages to employees, superannuation contributions and some PAYG withheld payments. 7. Ongoing operational costs in trading the business including raw material purchases, license fees, rent, warehouse fees, packaging materials etc. 8. Refers to costs incurred by the Administrators in undertaking the Administration. Including valuation fees, consultant fees and advertising. Note: funds have been deposited into DL’s pre-appointment bank account totalling $0.4m at 24 August 2012 which at this time had yet to be swept to the Administrators’ account. Ricci Receipts and Payments Receipts and Payments Note Amount ($’000) (GST exclusive) Receipts Pre-appointment debtors Post-appointment debtors GST Total Receipts Payments Operating costs Administration costs GST Total Payments Net Receipts/(payments) 1 2 3 2,032 182 18 2,238 4 5 3 15 13 1 29 2,210 Notes: 1. Pre-appointment debtor collections of 2.0m represent 43% of Ricci’s pre-appointment debtors. 2. Since the start of the Administration Ricci has raised invoices totalling $2.8m (GST excl.) of which we have collected $0.2m. 3. Represents the GST received on post-appointment debtors in the receipt line and GST on purchasers in the payable line. As the majority of sale are made to international customers, GST received is quite small. 4. Ongoing operational costs in trading the business including raw material purchases, license fees, warehouse fees, packaging materials etc. 5. Refers to costs incurred by the Administrators in undertaking the Administration. Including valuation fees, consultant fees and advertising. Note: funds have been deposited into Ricci’s pre-appointment bank account totalling $5k at 24 August 2012 which at this time had yet to be swept to the Administrators’ account. P a g e | 51 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 11. Remuneration 11.1 Initial Estimate of Fees Prior to our appointment as Administrators, we were asked to provide information to the Directors of the Companies for their consideration that set out our proposed strategy for the Administration and an estimate of our costs to implement our recommended strategy. We estimated that the costs to operate the Companies for a period of five weeks whilst seeking a going concern sale of the business would cost in the range of $2.0m to $2.5m. To achieve a successful going concern sale of the business we have operated the business for nine weeks which is longer than initially forecast but has secured a going concern sale. Despite having to operate the business for a longer period than initially forecast our costs remain in line with our initial estimate provided to the Directors of the Companies for their pre-appointment review. We note that in our initial circular to creditors we advised that we would seek fee approval based on our complex rates for engagements of this nature. However, due to the strong trading results reducing our level of risk in respect of the Administration, we are now seeking approval for our fees based on our standard rates listed in Annexure O. This represents a net decrease in our fees of approximately $200k. Our initial estimate provided to the Directors was also based on our standard rates. 11.2 Voluntary Administration Creditors will be requested to determine the Administrators’ remuneration at the meetings of creditors by reference to the work undertaken by themselves, their partners and staff, at the hourly rates set out in the aforementioned scale of fees. Creditors are directed to the Creditor Remuneration Information Sheet, a copy of which is contained within the Code of Professional Conduct on the IPA website at www.ipaa.com.au. At the forthcoming meeting, creditors will be asked to consider the work conducted by the Administrators, their Partners and staff since our appointment on 10 July 2012 to 29 August 2012 for the Companies, and to approve our remuneration as follows: • • $1,636,108.30 (excluding GST) with respect to DL; and $467,574.60 (excluding GST) with respect to Ricci. A summary of the time spent by the Administrators and their staff in the conduct of the administration for this period is outlined in Annexure L for the period from our appointment on 10 July 2012 to 29 August 2012. 11.3 Approval sought to the Conclusion of the Administration The Administrators also seek approval for future remuneration for the period 30 August 2012 to the completion of the voluntary administration of approximately: • • $318,272.50 (excluding GST) with respect to DL; and $38,880.00 (excluding GST) with respect to Ricci. A summary of future works to be completed during this period is outlined in Annexure M. P a g e | 52 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 11.4 Liquidation Pursuant to Section 473(3) of the Act, a liquidator is entitled to receive such remuneration by way of percentage or otherwise as is determined: a) if there is a committee of inspection – by agreement between the liquidator and the committee of inspection; or b) if there is no committee of inspection or the liquidator and the committee of inspection fail to agree: i. ii. by resolution of the creditors; or if no such resolution is passed – by the Court Where remuneration is fixed under paragraph (a) above, the Court may, on the application of: a) a member or members whose shareholding or shareholdings represents or represent in the aggregate at least 10% of the issued capital of the company; or b) a creditor or creditors whose debts against the company that have been admitted to proof amount in the aggregate total at least 10% of the total amount of the debts of the creditors of the company that have been admitted to proof; or c) ASIC review the liquidators’ remuneration and may confirm, increase or reduce that remuneration. Where the remuneration of a liquidator is determined in the manner specified in section 473(b)(i) the Court may, on the application of the liquidator or of a member or members, review the liquidators’ remuneration and may confirm, increase or reduce that remuneration. In the event that the Companies are wound up, a further resolution will be put to the meeting for the approval of the Liquidators’ fees for the period 12 September 2012 to completion subject to further fee approval by creditors being sought if required. If the Companies are placed into liquidation, a resolution will be proposed that the Liquidators’ future fees be paid at the aforementioned scale of fees which may be drawn by the Liquidators from time to time, as funds permit. Creditors will be asked to approve the future fees for the Liquidators for the period 12 September 2012 to completion up to an amount of: • • $350,000.00 (excluding GST) with respect to DL; and $150,000.00 (excluding GST) with respect to Ricci. A summary of future works to be completed during this period is outlined in Annexure N. 11.5 Deed of Company Arrangement In the event that the Companies execute a Deed of Company Arrangement, a further resolution will be put to the meeting for the approval of the Deed Administrators’ fees for the period 12 September 2012 to completion subject to further fee approval by creditors being sought if required. However, we note that, to the date of this report, no deed proposal has been received. 11.6 Administrators’ Remuneration Report Attached as Annexure O is a copy of the Administrators’ Remuneration Report. P a g e | 53 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Reinond Chocolate Co Ply Limited (Both Administrators Appoinled) I 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 PPBAi>\, ISOi\Y Creditors' questions will be answered at the forthcoming Second Meeting of Creditors. If creditors have any queries in the interim, please contact Link Market Services Limited on (02) 8280 7660 or dlea@linkmarketservices. coin, au DATED this th 'd day of September 2012 Mark Robinson, JackBou lis&Da elWalley Joint and Several Administrator Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited Ricci Reinond Chocolate Co Pty Limited Page 154 Annexure A FORM 529 CORPORATIONSACT 2001("THEACT") NOTICE OF MEETING OF CREDITORS DAI^RELLLEACHOCOLATESHOPSPTYLTD ACN 000498386 RICCIREMONDCHOCOLATECOPrYLTD ACN 000 489654 (BOTH ADMINISTRATORSAPPOINTED) ("THE COMPANIES") Notice is given that the concurrent Second Meeting of the Creditors of the Companies will be held on: Date: 12 September 20.2 Registration Time: Meeting Time: 10.00am AE. S. T I, .00am A. E. S, T Location: Ionic Room, Sydney Masonic Lodge, 66Goulbum Street Sydney NSW 2000. AGENDA To review the Joint & Several Administrators' report concerning the Companies' business, properly affairs and financial circumstances pursuantto Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001. 2 For creditors to consider the options available and to resolve either: (a) (b) (c) (d) 3, that the Companies' executes a Deed of Company Arrangement' or that the administration of the Companies' should end, or that the Companies' be wound up; or that the meeting be adjourned for period of up to 45 business days To approve: (a) (b) (c) the Voluntary Administrators' remuneration; and the remuneration of the Deed Administrator, if one is appointed' or the remuneration of the Liquidator, if one is appointed. Ifthe Companies' are wound up, to consider: (a) the appointment of a Committee of Inspection, At the meeting, creditors may also, by resolution, vote to appoint someone else as Liquidator/ Deed Administrator of the Companies. Dated this 3 day of September 2012 Mark Robinson, Jack Bournelis and Daniel Walley Joint & Several Administrators Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Ltd Ricci Reinond Chocolate Co Ply Ltd Annexure B Annexure C PPBAi>\, KOI\\' DARRELLLEACHOCOLATESHOPSPTYLTD AC" 000 498 386 RICCIREMONDCHOCOLATEcoPrYLTD ACN000489654 (BOTHADMINISTRATORS APPOINTED) ("THE COMPANIES") STATEMENT OFADMINISTRATORS' OPINION PURSUA"TTOSECTION439A(4)(b)OFTHE CORPORATIONS ACT 200, ("THEACT") This statement sets out our opinions in relation to the alternatives which the creditors of the Companies will consider allhe concurrent Second Meeting of Creditors to be held allhe Ionic Room. Sydney Masonic Lodge, 66 Goulbum Street, Sydney NSW 2000 on Wednesday, 12 September 20.2 at 11:00am AEST (registration at 10:00amAEST). , The following options are available to creditors to decide allhe concurrent Second Meeting pursuantto Section 439C of the Act being that a) anyorall of the Companies should e)BCute a Deed of CompanyArrangement("DocA"); or b) the administration of any or all the Companies should end' or c) any orall of the Companies be wound up. The Actrequires that the Administrators e>press an opinion on each option and make a recommendation. Our opinion on each option and the reasons for our opinion are set out below: The Companies execute a Deed of CompanyArrangement(DocA) At the date of the Second Meeting of Creditors no DocA proposal had been submitted to the Administrators for either of the Companies. Therefore this option is unavailable to the creditors' of either Companies. The administration should end In our opinion, this option is NOT in the creditors'interests for either of the Companies, Our reason for this opinion is that the Companies are insolvent and there is no likelihood of them returning to solvency in their circumstances, c) The Companies should be woundup In our opinion, this option is presen"y the only option available to creditors and therefore the Administrators' recommend that each of the Companies be wound up. DATED 3"dayofSeptember 2012 Mark Robinson, Jack Bournelis Joint & Several Administrators Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Ltd Ricci Reinond Chocolate Co Ply, Ltd anielWally Annexure D DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, RELEVANT RELATIONSHIPS AND INDEMNITIES Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Ltd ACN 000 498 386 Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Ltd ACN 000 489 654 (Both Administrators Appointed) (“the Companies”) Independence We, Mark Robinson, Jack Bournelis and Daniel Walley of PPB Advisory, have undertaken a proper assessment of the risks to our independence prior to accepting the appointments as Joint and Several Administrators of the Company in accordance with the law and applicable professional standards. This assessment identified no real or potential risks to our independence. We are not aware of any reasons that would prevent us from accepting this appointment. Circumstances leading to appointment On Monday 25 June 2012, Mark Robinson met with the board of DLN Pty Ltd (“DLN”), the 100% shareholder of the Companies, to discuss the trading and financial position of the Companies. Between 25 June and 5 July 2012 we communicated with the legal advisor to the Board of DLN, Mitchell Mathas of Norton Rose lawyers, regarding the Companies’ trading and financial position. On Thursday 5 July 2012 and Friday 6 July 2012, Mark Robinson and Daniel Walley met with management of the Companies to discuss their trading and financial position, this included a visit to the main manufacturing facility in Kogarah. On Monday 9 July 2012, Mark Robinson and Daniel Walley met with the board of DLN to discuss the financial position and options for the Companies. The Directors asked us to consent to act as Voluntary Administrators. Consents to Act as Administrators were signed by Mark Robinson, Jack Bournelis and Daniel Walley and provided to the Directors. A meeting of the Directors of the Companies was held on 10 July 2012 where we were appointed Administrators of the Companies. Relevant relationships 1. Relevant professional services Neither we, nor our firm, have, or have had within the preceding 24 months; any professional services relationships with the Company or its Directors, any associate of the Company or any former Practioners of the Company. 2. Relevant Relationships (excluding Professional Services to the Insolvent) We, or a member of our firm, have, or have had within the preceding 24 months, a relationship with: Name Nature of relationship Reasons why no conflict of interest or duty Westpac Banking WBC hold a number of security There are no matters of which we are Corporation interests registered on the Personal aware which give rise to a conflict in (“WBC”) - Properties Security Register (PPSR) this appointment. In particular, our Secured Creditor Mitchell Mathas (Norton Rose) – legal advisor to the board of DLN Pty Ltd Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Ltd and Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Ltd (common shareholder – DLN Pty Ltd) previous relationships with WBC are not in relation to the Company’s We have professional relationships and/or the Directors’ affairs or related with the majority of major banks and parties of the Company’s and/or the lenders in Australia and with a Directors. number of staff within their organisations, particularly in the credit area. We have previously undertaken formal and informal assignments on behalf of the WBC for a number of years. Mitchell Mathas is a partner of Norton There are no matters of which we are Rose and was providing legal advice aware which give rise to a conflict in to the board of DLN Pty. He this appointment. introduced PPB Advisory to the board The IPA Code of Professional of DLN. Practice (“COPP”) confirms that We have professional relationships networks of referrals between with the majority of major lawyers in professionals are normal and are Australia and with a number of staff acceptable provided the referral and within their organisations. We have relationship are based on the quality previously engaged and received of professional service and expertise. referrals from Norton Rose and its predecessor firms for a number of As explicitly prohibited in the COPP, years. we confirm that the referral was not conditional upon: • referral commissions, inducements or benefits; • ‘spotter’s fees’; • recurring commissions; • ‘understandings’ or requirements that work in the Administration will be given to the referrer; or • any other such arrangements that restrict the proper exercise of the Practitioner’s judgment and duties. We were appointed as Administrators Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Ltd of Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty and Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Ltd on the same day as our operate the manufacture, retail and appointment as Administrator to Ricci distribution of confectionery products Remond Chocolate Co Pty Ltd. Both together The nature of the business companies are 100% owned by DLN operations mean that the Pty Ltd. administrations can be conducted more efficiently by one practitioner. over the companies. At the time of our appointment, we were not aware of any conflicts of interest between the two companies. Should such a conflict arise, weI will keep creditors informed and take appropriate action to resolve the conflict. There are no other prior professional or personal relationships requiring disclosure. Annexure E Insolvency information for directors, employees, creditors and shareholders ASIC has 11 insolvency information sheets to assist you if you’re affected by a company’s insolvency and have little or no knowledge of what’s involved. These plain language information sheets give directors, employees, creditors and shareholders a basic understanding of the three most common company insolvency procedures—liquidation, voluntary administration and receivership. There is an information sheet on the independence of external administrators and one that explains the process for approving the fees of external administrators. A glossary of commonly used insolvency terms is also provided. The Insolvency Practitioners Association (IPA), the leading professional organisation in Australia for insolvency practitioners, endorses these publications and encourages its members to make their availability known to affected people. List of information sheets • INFO 41 Insolvency: a glossary of terms • INFO 74 Voluntary administration: a guide for creditors • INFO 75 Voluntary administration: a guide for employees • INFO 45 Liquidation: a guide for creditors • INFO 46 Liquidation: a guide for employees • INFO 54 Receivership: a guide for creditors • INFO 55 Receivership: a guide for employees • INFO 43 Insolvency: a guide for shareholders • INFO 42 Insolvency: a guide for directors • INFO 84 Independence of external administrators: a guide for creditors • INFO 85 Approving fees: a guide for creditors Getting copies of the information sheets To get copies of the information sheets, visit ASIC’s website at www.asic.gov.au/insolvencyinfosheets. The information sheets are also available from the IPA website at www.ipaa.com.au. The IPA website also contains the IPA’s Code of Professional Practice for Insolvency Professionals, which applies to IPA members. Important note: The information sheets contain a summary of basic information on the topic. It is not a substitute for legal advice. Some provisions of the law referred to may have important exceptions or qualifications. These documents may not contain all of the information about the law or the exceptions and qualifications that are relevant to your circumstances. You will need a qualified professional adviser to take into account your particular circumstances and to tell you how the law applies to you. © Australian Securities & Investments Commission, December 2008 Page 1 of 1 Annexure F Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 Annexure F – PPSR Summary of Registered Interests DL A.P. Eagers Limited 201202140025027 Date registered on PPSR 14/02/2012 A.P. Eagers Limited 201202140116599 14/02/2012 Other Goods Ausco Modular Pty Limited 201203090002879 9/03/2012 Other Goods Ausco Modular Pty Limited 201205110084360 11/05/2012 Other Goods Bestlan Bananas Pty Ltd 201205160026701 16/05/2012 Other Goods Betta Foods Australia Pty. Ltd. 201205170054830 17/05/2012 Other Goods Secured Party PPSR # Collateral Class /Description Other Goods Bronson & Jacobs Pty Ltd 201202140218205 14/02/2012 Other Goods Buderim Ginger Limited 201203270114643 27/03/2012 Other Goods Coates Hire Operations Pty Limited 201112201524794 30/01/2012 Motor Vehicle Coates Hire Operations Pty Limited 201112201524858 30/01/2012 Other Goods Fleetplus Pty Limited 201203200043400 20/03/2012 Motor Vehicle Imcd Australia Limited 201201090563332 30/01/2012 Other Goods Kraft Foods Australia Pty Ltd 201202030008866 3/02/2012 Other Goods Macquarie Leasing Pty Ltd 201112290285309 30/01/2012 Motor Vehicle Nuplex Industries (Aust) Pty Limited 201201110674510 30/01/2012 Other Goods Peerless Holdings Pty. Limited 201112230850725 30/01/2012 Other Goods Redox Pty Ltd 201202150123713 15/02/2012 Other Goods Scalzo Trading Co. Proprietary Limited 201201040005586 30/01/2012 Other Goods Tacca Industries Pty Ltd 201201020074669 30/01/2012 Other Goods Toyota Material Handling Australia Pty Limited 201201120808532 30/01/2012 Motor Vehicle Toyota Material Handling Australia Pty Limited 201201120808940 30/01/2012 Motor Vehicle Toyota Material Handling Australia Pty Limited 201201120809437 30/01/2012 Motor Vehicle Toyota Material Handling Australia Pty Limited 201201120818615 30/01/2012 Motor Vehicle Toyota Material Handling Australia Pty Limited 201201120818691 30/01/2012 Motor Vehicle Toyota Material Handling Australia Pty Limited 201201120818731 30/01/2012 Motor Vehicle Toyota Material Handling Australia Pty Limited 201201120818945 30/01/2012 Motor Vehicle Toyota Material Handling Australia Pty Limited 201201120818984 30/01/2012 Motor Vehicle Toyota Material Handling Australia Pty Limited 201201120819020 30/01/2012 Motor Vehicle Toyota Material Handling Australia Pty Limited 201201120819065 30/01/2012 Motor Vehicle Toyota Material Handling Australia Pty Limited 201201120819106 30/01/2012 Motor Vehicle Toyota Material Handling Australia Pty Limited 201201120825421 30/01/2012 Motor Vehicle Toyota Material Handling Australia Pty Limited 201201120828107 30/01/2012 Motor Vehicle Toyota Material Handling Australia Pty Limited 201201120828596 30/01/2012 Motor Vehicle Toyota Material Handling Australia Pty Limited 201201120844028 30/01/2012 Motor Vehicle Toyota Material Handling Australia Pty Limited 201201120845309 30/01/2012 Motor Vehicle Toyota Material Handling Australia Pty Limited 201201120850046 30/01/2012 Motor Vehicle Toyota Material Handling Australia Pty Limited 201201120857405 30/01/2012 Motor Vehicle Toyota Material Handling Australia Pty Limited 201201120857446 30/01/2012 Motor Vehicle Toyota Material Handling Australia Pty Limited 201201120857451 30/01/2012 Motor Vehicle Toyota Material Handling Australia Pty Limited 201201120866893 30/01/2012 Motor Vehicle Toyota Material Handling Australia Pty Limited 201201120866935 30/01/2012 Motor Vehicle Toyota Material Handling Australia Pty Limited 201201120876509 30/01/2012 Motor Vehicle Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 Toyota Material Handling Australia Pty Limited 201201120878262 30/01/2012 Motor Vehicle Toyota Material Handling Australia Pty Limited 201201120878301 30/01/2012 Motor Vehicle Toyota Material Handling Australia Pty Limited 201201120879192 30/01/2012 Motor Vehicle Toyota Material Handling Australia Pty Limited 201201120879222 30/01/2012 Motor Vehicle Toyota Material Handling Australia Pty Limited 201201120914805 30/01/2012 Motor Vehicle Toyota Material Handling Australia Pty Limited 201201120914846 30/01/2012 Motor Vehicle Toyota Material Handling Australia Pty Limited 201203270060847 27/03/2012 Motor Vehicle Toyota Material Handling Australia Pty Limited 201206070056595 7/06/2012 Motor Vehicle Visy Board Proprietary Limited 201201050015896 30/01/2012 Other Goods Visy Glama Pty Ltd 201201050005264 30/01/2012 Other Goods Westpac Banking Corporation 201112052877832 30/01/2012 APAAP no exceptions Westpac Banking Corporation 201112204562770 30/01/2012 APAAP no exceptions Westpac Banking Corporation 201112204563115 30/01/2012 APAAP no exceptions Westpac Banking Corporation 201112210017323 30/01/2012 APAAP no exceptions Westpac Banking Corporation 201112210041527 30/01/2012 APAAP no exceptions Westpac Banking Corporation 201112210264326 30/01/2012 APAAP no exceptions Westpac Banking Corporation 201112212031741 30/01/2012 APAAP no exceptions Westpac Banking Corporation 201112220062429 30/01/2012 APAAP no exceptions Westpac Banking Corporation 201112280211379 30/01/2012 APAAP with exceptions Westpac Banking Corporation 201201100397961 30/01/2012 Motor Vehicle Westpac Banking Corporation 201201100397990 30/01/2012 Motor Vehicle Westpac Banking Corporation 201201100398025 30/01/2012 Motor Vehicle Westpac Banking Corporation 201201100398041 30/01/2012 Motor Vehicle Westpac Banking Corporation 201201100398060 30/01/2012 Motor Vehicle Westpac Banking Corporation 201201100398104 30/01/2012 Motor Vehicle Westpac Banking Corporation 201201100398143 30/01/2012 Motor Vehicle Westpac Banking Corporation 201201100398170 30/01/2012 Motor Vehicle Westpac Banking Corporation 201201100398213 30/01/2012 Motor Vehicle Westpac Banking Corporation 201201100398245 30/01/2012 Motor Vehicle PPSR # Date registered on PPSR Collateral Class /Description Westpac Banking Corporation 201112052877464 30/01/2012 APAAP no exceptions Westpac Banking Corporation 201112280211346 30/01/2012 APAAP with exceptions RR Secured Party Annexure G Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 Annexure G – DL leased assets Financier Westpac Westpac Westpac Westpac Westpac Westpac Westpac Westpac Westpac Westpac Westpac Westpac Westpac Westpac Westpac Westpac Westpac Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Asset Motor vehicle Motor vehicle Motor vehicle Motor vehicle Motor vehicle Motor vehicle Motor vehicle Motor vehicle Motor vehicle Motor vehicle Motor vehicle Motor vehicle Motor vehicle Motor vehicle Motor vehicle Motor vehicle Motor vehicle Forklift Forklift Forklift Forklift Forklift Forklift Forklift Forklift Forklift Forklift Forklift Forklift Forklift Forklift Forklift Forklift Forklift Forklift Forklift Forklift Forklift Forklift Forklift Forklift Forklift Forklift Forklift Forklift Forklift Forklift Forklift Photocopier Photocopier Photocopier Photocopier Photocopier Photocopier Photocopier Photocopier Start date 25-Aug-09 25-Aug-09 22-Sep-09 22-Sep-09 16-Oct-09 06-Jul-10 20-Jul-10 23-Apr-10 22-Nov-10 22-Nov-10 22-Nov-10 22-Nov-10 22-Nov-10 01-Feb-11 07-Feb-11 01-Feb-11 01-Feb-11 25-Aug-10 27-Aug-10 19-Jan-11 01-Apr-10 01-Apr-10 01-Apr-10 01-Apr-10 29-Sep-10 29-Sep-10 28-Sep-10 28-Sep-10 28-Sep-10 28-Sep-10 28-Sep-10 01-Apr-10 01-Apr-10 01-Apr-10 29-Sep-10 29-Sep-10 19-Mar-12 01-Apr-10 01-Apr-10 29-Sep-10 29-Sep-10 01-Apr-10 01-Apr-10 01-Apr-10 unknown 01-Apr-10 unknown 29-Sep-10 01-Nov-10 30-Jun-10 30-Jun-10 30-Jun-10 30-Jun-10 30-Jun-10 30-Jun-10 30-Jun-10 Monthly cost ($) 755.08 755.08 755.08 755.08 746.15 728.72 579.18 746.68 600.27 600.27 600.27 600.27 600.27 600.27 609.47 600.27 600.27 738.72 642.25 769.23 845.00 1,186.25 842.98 377.00 386.02 386.02 386.02 386.02 386.02 386.02 386.02 264.33 264.33 277.33 308.82 308.82 617.02 632.66 632.66 947.91 947.91 858.00 901.33 858.00 unknown 351.00 unknown 334.85 168.00 388.86 516.36 330.28 330.28 330.28 516.36 332.56 Annexure H Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 Annexure H– Administrators ERV by company DL Ricci Total $’000 $’000 $’000 Trade debtors 3,071 4,768 7,839 Cash on hand 49 Nil 49 Cash at bank 13 Nil 13 Stock Withheld Nil Withheld WIP Withheld Nil Withheld Plant and equipment Withheld Nil Withheld Withheld Withheld Withheld Assets subject to specific charges Nil Nil Withheld Less: amounts owing Nil Nil Withheld Surplus/(deficiency) Nil Nil Withheld (18,153) Nil (18,153) Less: Amounts owing and secured by debenture or circular security interest (19,661) (19,661) (19,661) Unsecured creditors (12,300) Nil (400) Withheld Withheld Withheld Assets not specifically charged Sub Total Less: Amounts owing for employee entitlements Estimated Surplus/(Deficiency) Annexure I GEERS provides protection for employees who have lost their employment due to the liquidation or bankruptcy of their employer and who are owed certain employee entitlements. This fact sheet provides an overview of the eligibility requirements and the entitlements available under GEERS. What assistance is available under GEERS? Am I eligible for GEERS? GEERS assistance is available for the following outstanding employee entitlements: unpaid wages for work performed in the 3 month period prior to the appointment of an insolvency practitioner unpaid annual leave unpaid long service leave unpaid pay in lieu of notice up to a maximum period of 5 weeks, and unpaid redundancy pay up to a maximum of 4 weeks per completed year(s) of service. Note – if your employer entered liquidation between 22 August 2006 and 31 December 2010, the maximum redundancy entitlement you will be eligible for under GEERS is 16 weeks. To be eligible for GEERS you must meet all of the eligibility requirements outlined in the GEERS Operational Arrangements. An overview of a number of key eligibility requirements is provided below. Your employer has entered liquidation or bankruptcy To receive GEERS assistance, you must be an employee of an employer who has entered liquidation or bankruptcy. In calculating all outstanding employee entitlements under GEERS, a maximum annual wage is used. If you earn more than this rate at the date your employment ceased, your GEERS assistance will be calculated as if you earned the maximum annual wage. The maximum annual wage is indexed annually and rates are available on our website. Unremitted employer contributions under the Superannuation Guarantee are not eligible entitlements under GEERS and are covered by separate legislative requirements. For more information, please contact the Australian Taxation Office Superannuation Information line on 131 020. You are not eligible for GEERS assistance if you are an ‘excluded employee’ (including company directors, principals of bankrupt employers and their relatives), contractor, subcontractor, agent, shareholder, investor, volunteer or are owed money by the employer for any reason other than in respect of eligible employee entitlements. For further information about: Liquidation: visit the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) website – www.asic.gov.au Bankruptcy: visit the Insolvency Trustee Service Australia (ITSA) – www.itsa.gov.au Where a Deed of Company Arrangement (DoCA), Trust, Personal Insolvency Agreement or Debt Agreement operated in the 12 months prior to insolvency, special requirements apply – refer to clause 16(f) of the 1 January 2011 GEERS Operational Arrangements. If you have unremitted employer contributions under the Superannuation Guarantee, you may also wish to contact the insolvency practitioner managing your former employer’s affairs to discuss your rights as an employee creditor. GEERS – Eligibility for GEERS assistance – Fact Sheet Page 1 of 2 Updated: July 2012 Termination of your employment is linked to insolvency You are entitled to reside permanently in Australia To receive GEERS assistance, the termination of your employment must be linked to the insolvency of your former employer. The link between termination of employment and insolvency will usually be clear when your employment has ceased in one of the following ways: To receive GEERS assistance, you must be an Australian citizen or the holder of a permanent resident visa. For further information about Australian citizenship or obtaining a visa, visit the Department of Immigration and Citizenship website – www.immi.gov.au Your employment was terminated because an insolvency practitioner was appointed to your employer You lodge your claim for GEERS in the required timeframe You resigned after the appointment of an insolvency practitioner to your employer, or You resigned or your employment was terminated in the 6 month period before an insolvency practitioner was appointed to your employer. An insolvency practitioner may, for example, include an administrator, receiver or liquidator. You have eligible outstanding employee entitlements To receive GEERS assistance, your entitlements must be provided for in an industrial instrument, such as legislation, an award, an agreement or a written contract of employment. There are no other funds available to cover your outstanding employee entitlements You may not be eligible for GEERS, or the amount of assistance you receive may be reduced if: If you think you may be eligible for GEERS, please lodge your claim form as quickly as possible. We must receive your GEERS claim within 12 months of one of the following events (whichever occurred last): The termination of your employment Your resignation from employment, or The date the insolvency practitioner was appointed to your employer. If you are unable to lodge your claim in this timeframe, please explain the reasons for this with your claim. You provide relevant information in the required timeframe To assess your GEERS claim, we generally rely on the information provided by the insolvency practitioner as they should have access to your former employer’s records. The insolvency practitioner expects funds will be available to pay your outstanding entitlements within 16 weeks of the date we receive your claim. You can contact us if payment is delayed. We may also request additional information from you to support your claim. If you do not provide this information within 28 days of our request or contact us within this timeframe to make other arrangements we may be unable to process your claim. You are able to receive a payment for your outstanding employee entitlements from a fund, such as a long service leave industry trust fund or redundancy trust fund. Want more information? For more information, you can: You receive funds, or are entitled to receive funds, in respect of employee entitlements from any other source. Access our website – www.deewr.gov.au/geers Phone the GEERS Hotline – 1300 135 040 Email the GEERS Hotline – GEERS@deewr.gov.au For language assistance contact the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 13 14 50 for free help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. GEERS – Eligibility for GEERS assistance – Fact Sheet Page 2 of 2 Updated: July 2012 Annexure J Annexure J – Individual company accounts Historical Financial Performance Profit & Loss Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Ltd ACN 000 498 386 Revenue Less cost of goods sold: Freight Other COGS Total Gross Profit Gross Margin % Expenses Direct overheads Head office costs Marketing Rent & outgoings Wages & Salaries Other expenses Total expenses Operational EBITDA Management Accounts Audited Accounts Audited Accounts 12 Months to 30 June 2012 $'000 67,230 12 Months to 30 June 2011 $'000 74,093 12 Months to 30 June 2010 $'000 79,074 (3,225) (33,710) (36,935) 30,295 45% (2,969) (38,024) (40,993) 33,100 45% (3,213) (41,550) (44,763) 34,311 43% (3,741) (3,731) (2,520) (9,456) (11,925) (1,795) (33,168) (5,262) (3,611) (2,641) (9,981) (12,563) (1,395) (35,453) (4,931) (3,550) (2,492) (9,794) (11,785) (2,789) (35,341) (2,873) (2,353) (1,030) Profit & Loss Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Ltd ACN 000 489 654 Revenue Less cost of goods sold: Freight Other COGS Total Gross Profit Gross Margin % Expenses Direct overheads Head office costs Marketing Rent & outgoings Wages & Salaries Other expenses Total expenses Operational EBITDA Management Accounts Audited Accounts Audited Accounts 12 Months to 30 June 2012 $'000 25,961 12 Months to 30 June 2011 $'000 24,469 12 Months to 30 June 2010 $'000 23,996 (1,676) (19,271) (20,947) 5,014 19% (1,724) (17,248) (18,972) 5,497 22% (1,548) (18,339) (19,887) 4,109 17% (751) (1,034) (1,060) (632) (474) (3,951) (589) (1,097) (1,325) (547) (1,078) (1,873) (521) (404) (3,936) (537) (455) (4,490) 1,063 1,561 (381) Historical Financial Position* Balance Sheet Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Ltd ACN 000 498 386 Audited Accounts Audited Accounts 30-Jun-11 30-Jun-10 $'000 $'000 56 4,338 4,339 3,133 54 3,307 4,173 2,177 8,568 Current Assets Cash Debtors WIP Raw materials and packaging Finished goods Prepayments Total Current Assets 20,584 18,744 Non-Current Assets Tax related assets Property, plant & equipment Total Non-Current Assets 3,135 19,449 22,583 1,979 22,225 24,204 TOTAL ASSETS 43,167 42,948 Current Liabilities Trade payables and provisions Loans and Borrowings Provisions for employees Shareholder loans Total Current Liabilities 10,784 8,181 4,498 2,555 26,018 10,910 3,916 4,489 19,315 Non-Current Liabilities Provisions for employees Hire purchase liabilities Tax related liablility Loans and Borrowings Total Non-Current Liabilities 753 362 19 9,850 10,983 702 225 20 10,550 11,497 TOTAL LIABILITIES 37,001 30,812 6,167 12,136 NET ASSETS 8,112 607 465 Balance Sheet Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Ltd ACN 000 489 654 Audited Accounts Audited Accounts 30-Jun-11 30-Jun-10 $'000 $'000 219 8,967 43 7,203 9,186 7,246 101 147 101 147 9,287 7,392 1,082 664 1,082 664 - - TOTAL LIABILITIES 1,082 664 NET ASSETS 8,206 6,728 Current Assets Cash Debtors WIP Raw materials and packaging Finished goods Prepayments Total Current Assets Non-Current Assets Tax related assets Property, plant & equipment Total Non-Current Assets TOTAL ASSETS Current Liabilities Trade payables and provisions Loans and Borrowings Provisions for employees Shareholder loans Total Current Liabilities Non-Current Liabilities Provisions for employees Hire purchase liabilities Tax related liablility Loans and Borrowings Total Non-Current Liabilities * Although requested the Administrators were not provided with the Companies’ financial position statement as at 30 June 2012 on a deconsolidated basis. Annexure K Creditor Information Sheet Offences, Recoverable transactions and Insolvent Trading Offences A summary of offences that may be identified by the administrator: 180 Failure by officer to exercise a reasonable degree of care and diligence in the exercise of his powers and the discharge of his duties. 181 Failure to act in good faith. 182 Making improper use of position as an officer or employee, to gain, directly or indirectly, an advantage. 183 Making improper use of information acquired by virtue of his position. 184 Reckless or intentional dishonesty in failing to exercise duties in good faith for proper purpose. Use of position or information dishonestly to gain advantage or cause detriment. 206A Contravening an order against taking part in management of a corporation. 206A, B Taking part in management of corporation while being an insolvent under an administration. 206A, B Acting as a director or promoter or taking part in the management of a company within five years after conviction or imprisonment for various offences. 209(3) Dishonest failure to observe requirements on making loans to directors or related companies. 254T Paying dividends except out of profits. 286 Failure to keep proper accounting records. 312 Obstruction of auditor. 314-7 Failure to comply with requirements for financial statement preparation. 437C Performing or exercising a function or power as officer while a company is under administration. 437D(5) Unauthorised dealing with company's property during administration. 438B(4) Failure by directors to assist administrator, deliver records and provide information. 438C(5) Failure to deliver up books and records to administrator. 590 Failure to disclose property, concealed or removed property, concealed a debt due to the company, altered books of the company, fraudulently obtained credit on behalf of the company, material omission from Report as to Affairs or false representation to creditors. Voidable Transactions Preferences A preference is a transaction such as a payment between the company and one or more of its creditors, in which the creditor receiving the payment is preferred over the general body of creditors. The relevant time period is six months before the commencement of the liquidation. The company must have been insolvent at the time of the transaction, or become insolvent as a result of the transaction. Where a creditor receives a preferred payment, the payment is voidable as against a liquidator and is liable to be paid back to the liquidator subject to the creditor being able to successfully maintain any of the defences available to the creditor under either the Corporations Act. Uncommercial Transaction An uncommercial transaction is one that it may be expected that a reasonable person in the company's circumstances would not have entered into having regard to: • the benefit or detriment to the company; • the respective benefits to other parties; and, • any other relevant matter. To be voidable, an uncommercial transaction must have occurred during the two years before the liquidation. However, if a related entity is a party to the transaction, the time period is four years and if the intention of the transaction is to defeat creditors, the time period is ten years. Insolvency Practitioners Association of Australia ABN 28 002 472 362 33 Erskine Street, GPO Box 3921, Sydney NSW 2001 P+61 2 9290 5700 F +61 2 9290 2820 www.ipaa.com.au The company must have been insolvent at the time of the transaction, or become insolvent as a result of the transaction. Unfair Loan A loan is unfair if and only if the interest was extortionate when the loan was made or has since become extortionate. There is no time limit on unfair loans – they only have to have been entered into any time on or before the day when the winding up began. Arrangements to avoid employee entitlements If an employee suffers loss because a person (including a director) enters into an arrangement or transaction to avoid the payment of employee entitlements, the liquidator or the employee may seek to recover compensation from that person. It will only be necessary to satisfy the court that there was a breach on the balance of probabilities. There is no time limit on when the transaction occurred. Unreasonable payments to directors Liquidators have the power to reclaim "unreasonable payments" made to directors by companies prior to liquidation. The provision relates to transactions made to, on behalf of, or for the benefit of, a director or close associate of a director. To fall within the scope of the section, the transaction must have been unreasonable, and have been entered into during the 4 years leading up to a company's liquidation, regardless of its solvency at the time the transaction occurred. Voidable charges Certain charges are voidable by a liquidator: • Floating charge created with six months of the liquidation unless it secures a subsequent advance; • Unregistered charges; and • Charges in favour of related parties who attempt to enforce the charge within 6 months of its creation. Insolvent Trading In the following circumstances, directors may be personally liable for insolvent trading by the company: • a person is a director at the time a company incurs a debt; • the company is insolvent at the time of incurring the debt or becomes insolvent because of incurring the debt; • at the time the debt was incurred, there were reasonable grounds to suspect that the company was insolvent; • the director was aware such grounds for suspicion existed; and • a reasonable person in a like position would have been so aware. The law provides that the liquidator, and in certain circumstances the creditor who suffered the loss, may recover from the director, an amount equal to the loss or damage suffered. Similar provisions exist to pursue holding companies for debts incurred by their subsidiaries. A defence is available under the law where the director can establish: • there were reasonable grounds to expect that the company was solvent and they actually did so expect; • they did not take part in management for illness or some other good reason; or, • they took all reasonable steps to prevent the company incurring the debt. The proceeds of any recovery for insolvent trading by a liquidator are available for distribution to the unsecured creditors before the secured creditors. Important note: This information sheet contains a summary of basic information on the topic. It is not a substitute for legal advice. Some provisions of the law referred to may have important exceptions or qualifications. This document may not contain all of the information about the law or the exceptions and qualifications that are relevant to your circumstances. Insolvency Practitioners Association of Australia Creditor Information Sheet s439A report (2) Page 2 Annexure L Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 ANNEXURE L – SUMMARY OF ADMINISTRATORS’ TIME SPENT TO DATE DL A summary of the time spent by the Administrators and their staff in the conduct of the administration for this period is outlined in the table below for the period from our appointment on 10 July 2012 to 29 August 2012. Task Area Administration 430 hours $138.5k Assets 456 hours $184k General Description Includes Administration support General administration, photocopying, mailing, faxing, printing, file notes, telephone correspondence, general process of receipts & payments. Document maintenance/file review/checklist Initial file review. Filing of documents. File reviews & Updating checklists. Insurance Identification of potential issues requiring attention of insurance specialists. Correspondence with Willis (broker) regarding initial and ongoing insurance requirements. Reviewing insurance policies. Correspondence with previous brokers. Bank account administration Preparation of correspondence for opening bank account. Requesting bank statements. Regular bank account reconciliations. Attendance to bank correspondence. Correspondence with bank regarding specific transfers. Correspondence with retail staff regarding takings deposits. ASIC Forms Preparation and lodging ASIC forms. Correspondence with ASIC regarding statutory forms. ATO & other statutory reporting Notification of appointment. Requesting new GST registration for the Administration. Preparing Business Activity Statement. Corresponding to ATO re GST payments/receipts. Planning / Review Discussions regarding status of administration. Regular with directors, directors’ advisors, senior management and external consultants. Regular internal strategy meetings. Books and records/ storage Retrieve and listing books and records from various sites and project sites as required. Dealing with records in storage. Cash Liaising with banking institutions regarding transfer of preappointment cash at various banks. Cash controls. Daily review of sales takings Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 Task Area Creditors 487 hours $165k General Description Includes Plant and Equipment Liaising with valuers, auctioneers and interested parties. Attending sites to inspect assets. Reviewing asset listings. Reviewing asset valuations. Assets subject to specific charges Liaising with and obtaining payout figure from financiers. Negotiations with interested parties. Disclaiming onerous properties. All other tasks associated with realising a charged asset. Debtors Correspondence with debtors. Negotiate early payment of debtors Reviewing, assessing and maintaining debtors ledgers. Reviewing key documentation and liaising with staff. Negotiating with debtors. Liaising with solicitors as required. Other Assets Collecting books and records from various offices. Collecting Companies’ assets from various sites including following the closure of 32 retail stores. Leasing Reviewing leasing documents for various premises. Liaising with owners/lessors and managing agents. Tasks associated with disclaiming leases. Creditor Enquiries Receive and follow up creditor enquiries via telephone and email. Engaging call centre services to assist with replying to creditors enquiries. Maintaining creditor enquiry register. Meeting with COC Correspondence to the COC Attending to queries of the COC Review and prepare correspondence to creditors and their representatives via email and post. Security interests Claims Reviewing security interest registrations on PPSR. Reviewing initial notification of creditor’s intention to claim. Liaising with creditors and their representatives. Seeking advice from solicitors. Meeting claimants on site to identify goods. Adjudicating security interests claims. Corresponding with claimants. Notifying outcome of adjudication. Secured creditor Preparing appointment notification to secured creditors. Responding to secured creditors’ queries. Assessing secured creditors claims and registration on PPSA. Liaising with secured creditors regarding the sale of business Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 Task Area General Description Creditor reports Dealing with Proofs of debt & Proxy Meeting of Creditors Employees enquiry Employees 169 hours $73k Preparing first circular of creditors upon the appointment Preparing 439A report, completing investigations, preparing for meeting and general reports to creditors. Preparing notices to creditors in relation to extension of convening period. Receipting and filing PODs. Liaising with call centre regarding PODs. Correspondence with OSR and ATO regarding PODs. Updating Proxy register for first creditors meeting. Setting up and maintaining PODs register. Assisting creditors to complete POD and Proxy. Preparation of meeting notices, proxies and advertisements. Forward notice of meeting to all known creditors. Preparing meeting file, including agenda, certificate of postage, attendance register, list of creditors, reports to creditors, advertisement of meeting and draft minutes of meeting. Attending the meeting of creditors. Preparing and lodging minutes of meetings with ASIC. Responding to stakeholder queries and questions immediately following meeting. Uploading creditor notifications to PPB Advisory website. Reviewing and follow up of employee enquiries. Maintaining employee enquiry register. Preparing letters to employees advising of their position and options available. Correspondences relating to employees’ leave entitlements. Review of NEST. Regular discussions with various unions (AMWU, NUW and SDA). Preparing separation certificate. Calculation of employee entitlements by: Calculation of entitlements Other employee issues Investigations 165 hours $68k Includes Conducting Investigation • Reviewing employee files and companies’ books and records. • Reconciling superannuation accounts. • Reviewing industrial awards. • Liaising with solicitors regarding entitlements. Attending to all other tasks related to employee issues. Imagining forensic copy of Companies’ hard drive and key personnel’s’ laptops. Collating the Companies books and records from various premises and construction sites. Requesting and reviewing Report as to Affairs. Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 Task Area General Description Includes Reviewing the Companies books and records. Reviewing and preparing a summary of the Companies’ nature and history. Conducting and summarising statutory searches from ASIC and PPSA. Preparing comparative financial statements. Preparing deficiency statement. Reviewing of specific transactions and liaising with director regarding certain transactions. Reviewing companies’ emails regarding certain transactions. Sale of business 568 Hours $266k Sale of Business as a Going Concern Collect information and preparation of information memorandum. Advertising business for sale. Setting up data room for due diligence purpose. Correspondence and negotiations with interested parties and maintaining register. Negotiating with interested parties who had submitted offers. Internal meetings to discuss/review offers received. Liaising with solicitors. Liaising with bank, charge holders and lessors. Negotiate the release of assets held subject to a lien. Trade On Management Liaising with suppliers. Liaising with management and staff. Attendance on site. Authorising purchase orders. Maintaining purchase order registry. Reviewing and monitoring production. Reviewing and monitoring procurement. Liaising with superannuation funds regarding contributions, termination of employees employment. Liaising with OSR regarding payroll tax issues. Closure of 32 retail stores. Negotiate the release of assets held subject to a lien. Processing receipts and payments Entering receipt and payments into accounting system. Preparing and authorising receipt vouchers. Preparing and authorising payment vouchers. Budgeting and financial reporting Reviewing the Companies’ budgets and financial statements. Preparing budgets. Preparing cash flow forecast and updating daily. Preparing periodic financial reports. Finalising trading profit and loss. Internal meetings to discuss trading position. Trade on 1,814 hours $740k Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 Ricci A summary of the time spent by the Administrators and their staff in the conduct of the administration for this period is outlined in the table below for the period from our appointment on 10 July 2012 to 29 August 2012. Task Area Administration 67 hours $24k Assets 70 hours $30.5k General Description Includes Administration support General administration, photocopying, mailing, faxing, printing, file notes, telephone correspondence, general process of receipts & payments. Document maintenance/file review/checklist Initial file review. Filing of documents. File reviews & Updating checklists. Insurance Identification of potential issues requiring attention of insurance specialists. Correspondence with Willis (broker) regarding initial and ongoing insurance requirements. Reviewing insurance policies. Correspondence with previous brokers. Bank account administration Preparation of correspondence for opening bank account. Requesting bank statements. Regular bank account reconciliations. Attendance to bank correspondence. Correspondence with bank regarding specific transfers. Correspondence with retail staff regarding takings deposits. ASIC Forms Preparation and lodging ASIC forms. Correspondence with ASIC regarding statutory forms. ATO & other statutory reporting Notification of appointment. Requesting new GST registration for the Administration. Preparing Business Activity Statement. Corresponding to ATO re GST payments/receipts. Planning / Review Discussions regarding status of administration. Regular with directors, directors’ advisors, senior management and external consultants. Regular internal strategy meetings. Books and records/ storage Retrieve and listing books and records from various sites and project sites as required. Dealing with records in storage. Cash Liaising with banking institutions regarding transfer of preappointment cash at various banks. Plant and Equipment Nil Assets subject to specific charges Nil Debtors Correspondence with debtors. Reviewing, assessing and maintaining debtors ledgers. Reviewing key documentation and liaising with staff. Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 Task Area General Description Includes Negotiating with debtors. Liaising with solicitors as required. Other Assets Collecting books and records from various offices. Leasing Review of records to identify any leases. Creditor Enquiries Receive and follow up creditor enquiries via telephone and email. Engaging call centre services to assist with replying to creditors enquiries. Maintaining creditor enquiry register. Review and prepare correspondence to creditors and their representatives via email and post. Security interests Claims Secured creditor Creditor reports Creditors 111 hours $49k Dealing with Proofs of debt & Proxy Meeting of Creditors Reviewing security interest registrations on PPSR. Preparing appointment notification to secured creditors. Responding to secured creditors’ queries. Assessing secured creditors claims and registration on PPSA. Liaising with secured creditors regarding sale of head office and sale of other assets. Preparing first circular of creditors upon the appointment Preparing 439A report, completing investigations, preparing for meeting and general reports to creditors. Preparing notices to creditors in relation to extension of convening period. Receipting and filing PODs. Liaising with call centre regarding PODs. Updating Proxy register for first creditors meeting. Setting up and maintaining PODs register. Assisting creditors to complete POD and Proxy. Preparation of meeting notices, proxies and advertisements. Forward notice of meeting to all known creditors. Preparing meeting file, including agenda, certificate of postage, attendance register, list of creditors, reports to creditors, advertisement of meeting and draft minutes of meeting. Attending the meeting of creditors. Preparing and lodging minutes of meetings with ASIC. Responding to stakeholder queries and questions immediately following meeting. Uploading creditor notifications to PPB Advisory website. Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 Task Area Sale of business 382 Hours $184k Investigations 6 hours $3k Trade on 380 hours $177k General Description Sale of Business as a Going Concern Includes Collect information and preparation of information memorandum. Advertising business for sale. Setting up data room for due diligence purpose. Correspondence and negotiations with interested parties and maintaining register. Negotiating with interested parties who had submitted offers. Internal meetings to discuss/review offers received. Liaising with solicitors. Liaising with bank, charge holders and lessors. Conducting Investigation Imagining forensic copy of Companies’ hard drive and key personnel’s’ laptops. Collating books and records from various premises and construction sites. Requesting and review Report as to Affairs. Reviewing books and records. Reviewing and preparing Companies’ nature and history. Conducting and summarising statutory searches from ASIC and PPSA. Preparing comparative financial statements. Preparing deficiency statement. Reviewing of specific transactions and liaising with director regarding certain transactions. Reviewing companies’ emails regarding certain transactions. Preparing investigation file. Trade On Management Liaising with management and staff. Attendance on site. Authorising purchase orders. Maintaining purchase order registry. Respond to international customer queries. Processing receipts and payments Entering receipt and payments into accounting system. Preparing and authorising receipt vouchers. Preparing and authorising payment vouchers. Budgeting and financial reporting Reviewing Companies’ budgets and financial statements. Preparing budgets. Forecasting cashflow and updating daily. Preparing periodic financial reports. Finalising trading profit and loss. Internal meetings to discuss trading position. Annexure M Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 ANNEXURE M – SUMMARY OF ADMINISTRATORS’ TIME EXPECTED TO BE SPENT IN THE FUTURE DL The Administrators also seek approval for future remuneration for the period 30 August 2012 to the completion of the voluntary administration of approximately $318k (excl GST) split as follows between the key tasks: Task Area Administration 40 hours $16k Assets 158 hours $63.5k Creditors 79 hours $32k General Description Includes Correspondence General administration works of photocopying, mailing, faxing, printing, file note, telephone correspondence, general process of receipts & payments. Bank account administration Regular bank account reconciliations. Correspondence with bank regarding specific transfers. Attendance to bank correspondence. Cash flow monitoring/review of receipts and payments. ASIC Forms Correspondence with ASIC regarding statutory forms. ATO & other statutory reporting Preparing Business Activity Statement. Corresponding to ATO re GST/ PAYG payments/ receipts. Books and records/ storage Retrieving and listing Books and Records from various head office site and project sites as required. Planning / Review Discussions regarding status of administration. Finalisation Notifying ATO of finalisation Cancelling ABN / GST / PAYG registration Completing checklists Debtors Correspondence with debtors. Liaising with solicitors regarding recoverability. Attend negotiation and settlement meetings as required. Plant and Equipment Complete sale transaction. Other Assets Deal with sundry assets. All tasks related to realising other assets. Realisation of inventory assets surplus to the sale. Creditor Enquiries Receipt and follow up of creditor enquiries. Maintaining a creditor enquiry register. Instructions to call centre assisting creditors’ enquiries regarding the second meetings of creditors and other general issues. Creditor reports Preparing meeting notices to creditors. Preparing 439A report, completing investigations, preparing for meeting and general reports to creditors. Proof of Debt Receipting and filing PODs. Liaising with call centre regarding PODs received. Updating and maintaining POD register. Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 Task Area Employees 158 hours $64k Sale of business 198 hours $79.5k General Description Includes Meeting of Creditors Notification of and preparation for second meetings of creditors (incl. agenda, notices, advertising). Preparation of meeting packs (including attendance register, list of creditors, draft minutes). Holding the meeting. Lodgement of minutes of meetings with ASIC. Consider holding COC meeting. Employees’ enquiries Receipt and follow up of employee enquiries. Maintenance of employee enquiry register. Sales of Business as a Going Concern Finalisation of sale process. Stocktake coordination. Address retail employees and transfer remaining stock in retail stores. Coordinate offer of employment to transferring employees. Attendance to pre-completion activities. Prepare completion and post-completion statements. Liaising with solicitors. Trade On Management Liaising with suppliers. Liaising with management and staff. Attendance on site. Authorising purchase orders. Maintaining purchase order registry. Reviewing and monitoring production. Reviewing and monitoring procurement. Liaising with superannuation funds regarding contributions, termination of employees’ employment. Liaising with OSR regarding payroll tax issues. Attendance to the closure of 27 retail stores. Hold stock liquidation sale. Discharging administration liabilities. Processing receipts and payments Entering receipt and payments into accounting system. Preparing and authorising receipt vouchers. Preparing and authorising payment vouchers. Budgeting and financial reporting Reviewing the Companies’ budgets and financial statements. Preparing budgets. Forecasting cashflow and updating daily. Preparing weekly financial reports. Finalising trading profit and loss. Internal meetings to discuss trading position. Trading on 158 hours $63.5k Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 Ricci The Administrators also seek approval for future remuneration for the period 30 August 2012 to the completion of the voluntary administration of approximately $39k (excl GST) split as follows between the key tasks: Task Area Administration 4 hours $2k Assets 29 hours $15.5k Creditors 7 hours $4k General Description Includes Correspondence General administration works of photocopying, mailing, faxing, printing, file note, telephone correspondence, general process of receipts & payments. Bank account administration Regular bank account reconciliations. Correspondence with bank regarding specific transfers. Attendance to bank correspondence. Cash flow monitoring/review of receipts and payments. ASIC Forms Correspondence with ASIC regarding statutory forms. ATO & other statutory reporting Preparing Business Activity Statement. Corresponding to ATO re GST/ PAYG payments/ receipts. Books and records/ storage Retrieving and listing Books and Records from various head office site and project sites as required. Dealing with records in storage. Planning / Review Discussions regarding status of administration. Finalisation Notifying ATO of finalisation Cancelling ABN / GST / PAYG registration Completing checklists Debtors Correspondence with debtors. Liaising with solicitors regarding recoverability. Attend negotiation and settlement meetings as required. Plant and Equipment Nil Other Assets Deal with sundry assets. All tasks related to realising other assets. Creditor Enquiries Receipt and follow up of creditor enquiries. Maintaining a creditor enquiry register. Instructions to call centre assisting creditors’ enquiries regarding the second meetings of creditors and other general issues. Creditor reports Preparing meeting notices to creditors. Preparing 439A report, completing investigations, preparing for meeting and general reports to creditors. Proof of Debt Receipting and filing PODs. Liaising with call centre regarding PODs received. Updating and maintaining POD register. Meeting of Creditors Notification of and preparation for second meetings of creditors (incl. agenda, notices, advertising). Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 Task Area General Description Includes Preparation of meeting packs (including attendance register, list of creditors, draft minutes). Holding the meeting. Lodgement of minutes of meetings with ASIC. Consider holding Committee of Creditors meeting. Sale of business 18 hours $10k Trading on 14 hours $8k Sales of Business a Going Concern Finalisation of sale process. Attendance to pre-completion activities. Prepare completion and post-completion statements. Liaising with solicitors. Trade On Management Liaising with suppliers. Liaising with management and staff. Attendance on site. Authorising purchase orders. Maintaining purchase order registry. Reviewing and monitoring production. Reviewing and monitoring procurement. Liaising with superannuation funds regarding contributions, termination of employees employment. Liaising with OSR regarding payroll tax issues. Processing receipts and payments Entering receipt and payments into accounting system. Preparing and authorising receipt vouchers. Preparing and authorising payment vouchers. Budgeting and financial reporting Reviewing the Companies’ budgets and financial statements. Preparing budgets. Forecasting cashflow and updating daily. Preparing weekly financial reports. Finalising trading profit and loss. Internal meetings to discuss trading position. Annexure N Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 ANNEXURE N – LIQUIDATORS’ ESTIMATED SUMMARY OF TIME DL A summary of the tasks to be completed by the Liquidators and their staff, if appointed, in the conduct of the liquidation for the period 12 September 2012 to the completion of the liquidation is outlined in the table below. Task Area Administration $87.5k Assets $52.5k Creditors and payment of Dividends $35.0k General Description Includes Correspondence General correspondence with creditors, employees and other stakeholders. Document maintenance/file review/checklist First month, then 6 monthly administration reviews. Filing of documents. File reviews. Updating checklists. Bank account Maintaining bank accounts controlled by Liquidators. Liaising with banks and correspondence as required. Regular bank reconciliations. Statutory reporting Preparing of statutory reports to ASIC. Correspondence with ASIC’s queries. ATO & other statutory reporting Notification of appointment. Requesting a new GST registration. Preparing BAS lodgements timely. Cancellation and deregistration. Finalisation Notifying ATO/ OSR of finalisation. Cancelling ABN / GST / PAYG registration. Notifying all other stakeholders on finalisation. Planning / Review Meetings regarding status of liquidation. Books and records / storage Dealing with records in storage. Sending job files to storage. Debtors Finalising claims against debtors. Liaising with customers regarding final payments. Finalising ongoing litigation/pursuing settlements. Creditor Enquiries Receive and follow up creditor enquiries via telephone. Maintaining creditor enquiry register. Reviewing and preparing correspondence to creditors and their representatives via facsimile, email and post. Correspondence with committee of creditors. Creditor reports Preparing notification/circulars of the Liquidation. Dealing with Proof of debt Receipting and filing POD’s when not related to a dividend. As required, call for formal PODs and adjudicate. Corresponding with OSR and ATO regarding POD’s when not related to a dividend. Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 Task Area General Description Includes Meeting of Creditors Notification of and preparing for meetings as required. Creating and distribution of circular to all known creditors. Preparation of meeting file, including agenda, certificate of postage, attendance register, list of creditors, reports to creditors, advertisement of meeting and draft minutes of meeting. Preparation and lodgement minutes of meetings with ASIC. Respond to stakeholder queries and questions immediately following meeting. Employees enquiry GEERS Advising employees of GEERS. Assessing and reviewing any potential GEERS claims. Correspondence to DEEWR regarding GEERS claims. Liaising with DEEWR and assisting with claim verifications. Distributing GEERS advances to employees as required. Conducting investigation Continued investigations of potential voidable transactions. Litigation / Recoveries Attending to potential litigation recoveries. Liaising with solicitors regarding recovery actions. ASIC reporting Preparing statutory investigation reports. Preparing affidavits seeking non lodgements assistance. Liaising with ASIC. Employees $87.5k Investigations $87.5k Liaising with DEEWR for the GEERS process. Calculation of GEERS entitlements. Distribution of funds and preparation of correspondence regarding the payments. Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 Ricci A summary of the tasks to be completed by the Liquidators and their staff, if appointed, in the conduct of the liquidation for the period 12 September 2012 to the completion of the liquidation is outlined in the table below. Task Area Administration $37.5k Assets $37.5k Creditors and payment of Dividends $37.5k General Description Includes Correspondence General correspondence with creditors, employees and other stakeholders. Document maintenance/file review/checklist First month, then 6 monthly administration reviews. Filing of documents. File reviews. Updating checklists. Bank account Maintaining bank accounts controlled by Liquidators. Liaising with banks and correspondence as required. Regular bank reconciliations. Statutory reporting Preparing of statutory reports to ASIC. Correspondence with ASIC’s queries. ATO & other statutory reporting Notification of appointment. Requesting a new GST registration. Preparing BAS lodgements timely. Cancellation and deregistration. Finalisation Notifying ATO/ OSR of finalisation. Cancelling ABN / GST / PAYG registration. Notifying all other stakeholders on finalisation. Planning / Review Meetings regarding status of liquidation. Books and records / storage Dealing with records in storage. Sending job files to storage. Debtors Finalising claims against debtors. Liaising with customers regarding final payments. Finalising ongoing litigation/pursuing settlements. Creditor Enquiries Receive and follow up creditor enquiries via telephone. Maintaining creditor enquiry register. Reviewing and preparing correspondence to creditors and their representatives via facsimile, email and post. Correspondence with committee of creditors. Creditor reports Preparing notification/circulars of the Liquidation. Dealing with Proof of debt Receipting and filing POD’s when not related to a dividend. As required, call for formal PODs and adjudicate. Corresponding with OSR and ATO regarding POD’s when not related to a dividend. Meeting of Creditors Notification of and preparing for meetings as required. Creating and distribution of circular to all known creditors. Preparation of meeting file, including agenda, Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 Task Area General Description Includes certificate of postage, attendance register, list of creditors, reports to creditors, advertisement of meeting and draft minutes of meeting. Preparation and lodgement minutes of meetings with ASIC. Respond to stakeholder queries and questions immediately following meeting. Investigations $37.5k Conducting investigation Continued investigations of potential voidable transactions. Litigation / Recoveries Attending to potential litigation recoveries. Liaising with solicitors regarding recovery actions. ASIC reporting Preparing statutory investigation reports. Preparing affidavits seeking non lodgements assistance. Liaising with ASIC. Annexure O Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 Annexure O – DL Remuneration Report 1. Declaration We, Mark Robinson, Jack Bournelis and Daniel Walley of PPB Advisory have undertaken a proper assessment of this remuneration claim for our appointment as Joint and Several Administrators of the Companies in accordance with the law and applicable professional standards. We are satisfied that the remuneration claimed is in respect of necessary work, properly performed, or to be properly performed, in the conduct of the Administration. 2. Remuneration Methods There are four basic methods that can be used to calculate the remuneration charged by an insolvency Practitioner. They are: a. Time based / hourly rates This is the most common method. The total fee charged is based on the hourly rate charged for each person who carried out the work multiplied by the number of hours spent by each person on each of the tasks performed. b. Fixed Fee The total fee charged is normally quoted at the commencement of the administration and is the total cost for the administration. Sometimes a Practitioner will finalise an administration for a fixed fee. c. Percentage The total fee charged is based on a percentage of a particular variable, such as the gross proceeds of assets realisations. d. Contingency The practitioner’s fee is structured to be contingent on a particular outcome being achieved Method chosen. 3. Method Chosen Given the nature of this administration we propose that our remuneration be calculated on time based / hourly rates method. This is because: • • • It ensures that creditors are only charged for work that is performed. Our time is recorded and charged in six minute units. We are required to perform a number of tasks which do not relate to the realisation of assets, for example: o responding to creditors’ enquiries; o reporting to the ASIC; and o distributing funds in accordance with the provisions of the Corporations Act. We are unable to estimate with certainty the total amount of fees necessary to complete all tasks required in this administration. Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 The rates for our remuneration calculation are set out in the following table. Title Hourly Rate (excl GST) Partner 620 Director/Principal 560 Senior Manager 490 Manager 445 Supervisor 410 Senior Analyst 1 370 Senior Analyst 2 360 Analyst 1 305 Analyst 2 240 Graduate 210 Undergraduate 190 Senior Bookkeeper 190 Bookkeeper 180 Personal Assistance 150 Administration 120 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 4. Calculation of Remuneration Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited (Administrators Appointed) CALCULATION OF REMUNERATION Professional fees For the Period 10 July to 29 August 2012 Employee Mark Robinson Jack Bournelis Colin Egan Other Partners Daniel Walley Matthew Gugerly Matthew Jesse Alan Walker Other Directors Michelle Leah Daniel Cawthorne Aaron Finlayson Shane Stewart Andrew Yeomans Other Senior Managers Katie Blyth Claudine Cleaver Eoin Healy Bianca Munoz- Greco Other Managers Ryan Borg Gary Cagney Andrew Fawcett Mahala Hazell Koh Li Tze Richard Lawrence Sophia Liu Mark Monzon Brendan Roney Erica Thompson Other Supervisors Farnaz Bassiri Zheng (Sally) Chen Jeremy Opat Other Senior Analyst 1 Alan Jenkins Other Senior Analyst 2 Mellonie Amin Patrick Hanrahan Michelle Harper Christopher Holt Ashley Orth Sally Pace Jaimie Carmichael Rachit Jaiswal Robert Krachler Other Analyst 2 Position Partner Partner Partner Partner Director Director Director Director Director Senior Manager Senior Manager Senior Manager Senior Manager Senior Manager Senior Manager Manager Manager Manager IT Forensics Mgr Manager Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Senior Analyst 1 Senior Analyst 1 Senior Analyst 1 Senior Analyst 1 Senior Analyst 2 Senior Analyst 2 Analyst 1 Analyst 1 Analyst 1 Analyst 1 Analyst 1 Analyst 1 Analyst 2 Analyst 2 Analyst 2 Analyst 2 Current Rate (Ex GST) 620.00 620.00 620.00 620.00 560.00 560.00 560.00 560.00 560.00 490.00 490.00 490.00 490.00 490.00 490.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 410.00 410.00 410.00 410.00 410.00 410.00 410.00 410.00 410.00 410.00 410.00 370.00 370.00 370.00 370.00 360.00 360.00 305.00 305.00 305.00 305.00 305.00 305.00 240.00 240.00 240.00 240.00 Hrs 152.10 23.80 47.77 6.60 109.00 150.25 19.30 21.50 33.90 20.50 297.70 164.25 17.20 119.90 8.30 12.20 23.40 194.80 38.00 15.50 63.00 251.50 98.60 16.70 26.40 14.90 108.70 92.80 21.40 253.50 33.95 235.60 126.50 12.60 57.00 188.40 65.10 17.40 66.00 13.00 10.40 15.70 22.90 258.00 15.00 25.10 18.30 Total $ 94,302.00 14,756.00 29,617.40 4,092.00 61,040.00 84,140.00 10,808.00 12,040.00 18,984.00 10,045.00 145,873.00 80,482.50 8,428.00 58,751.00 4,067.00 5,429.00 10,413.00 86,686.00 16,910.00 6,897.50 25,830.00 103,115.00 40,426.00 6,847.00 10,824.00 6,109.00 44,567.00 38,048.00 8,774.00 103,935.00 13,919.50 87,172.00 46,805.00 4,662.00 21,090.00 67,824.00 23,436.00 5,307.00 20,130.00 3,965.00 3,172.00 4,788.50 6,984.50 61,920.00 3,600.00 6,024.00 4,392.00 Task Area Administration $ 13,516.00 682.00 5,600.00 6,216.00 672.00 1,400.00 19,845.00 833.00 6,615.00 89.00 712.00 712.00 756.50 13,632.50 205.00 3,075.00 410.00 1,763.00 185.00 4,625.00 2,340.00 1,830.00 5,154.50 30.50 3,965.00 1,800.00 2,016.00 600.00 456.00 Hrs Assets $ 21.80 - 23,002.00 5,022.00 5,600.00 4,060.00 5,768.00 49.00 11,123.00 490.00 2,646.00 1,201.50 13,884.00 1,913.50 4,305.00 1,599.00 2,460.00 2,706.00 18,450.00 48,655.00 111.00 2,775.00 6,300.00 305.00 5,154.50 762.50 3,568.50 4,980.00 1,200.00 - 1.10 10.00 11.10 1.20 2.50 40.50 1.70 13.50 0.20 1.60 1.60 1.70 33.25 0.50 7.50 1.00 4.30 0.50 12.50 6.50 6.00 16.90 0.10 13.00 7.50 8.40 2.50 1.90 Hrs 37.10 8.10 10.00 7.25 10.30 0.10 22.70 1.00 5.40 2.70 31.20 4.30 10.50 3.90 6.00 6.60 45.00 131.50 0.30 7.50 17.50 1.00 16.90 2.50 11.70 20.75 5.00 - Investigation $ 1,240.00 168.00 196.00 489.50 16,910.00 2,050.00 38,048.00 2,419.00 481.00 740.00 3,600.00 884.50 762.50 - Hrs 2.00 - 0.30 0.40 - 1.10 38.00 - 5.00 92.80 5.90 1.30 2.00 10.00 2.90 2.50 - Creditors $ 11,656.0 434.0 2,800.0 4,508.0 7,154.0 22,613.5 489.5 979.0 6,252.5 6,191.0 82.0 11,174.0 45,029.0 185.00 2,745.0 4,117.5 61.0 - Hrs 18.80 0.70 5.00 8.05 14.60 46.15 1.10 2.20 15.25 15.10 0.20 30.20 121.70 0.50 9.00 13.50 0.20 - Employees $ 6,944.00 2,800.00 840.00 784.00 11,074.00 6,615.00 4,895.00 1,735.50 25,830.00 1,640.00 164.00 820.00 41.00 3,280.00 102.50 444.00 629.00 576.00 305.00 549.00 457.50 213.50 960.00 264.00 144.00 Hrs 11.20 5.00 1.50 1.40 22.60 13.50 - 11.00 3.90 63.00 4.00 0.40 2.00 0.10 8.00 0.25 1.20 1.70 1.60 1.00 1.80 1.50 0.70 4.00 1.10 0.60 Sale of Business $ 3,472.00 29,617.40 620.00 21,560.00 112.00 33,467.00 80,482.50 49.00 1,715.00 445.00 311.50 5,022.50 40,426.00 8,774.00 12,505.00 205.00 27,343.00 - Hrs 5.60 47.77 1.00 38.50 0.20 68.30 164.25 0.10 3.50 - 1.00 0.70 12.25 98.60 21.40 30.50 0.50 73.90 - - Trade on $ 34,472.00 9,300.00 2,790.00 22,680.00 69,356.00 10,136.00 9,800.00 12,152.00 9,996.00 63,210.00 7,056.00 18,350.50 4,067.00 5,340.00 8,010.00 65,281.50 2,180.50 72,262.50 6,847.00 1,845.00 4,346.00 29,971.00 3,198.00 69,700.00 11,767.00 1,184.00 4,033.00 12,136.00 67,824.00 10,620.00 122.00 5,154.50 3,904.00 1,952.00 305.00 2,043.50 54,180.00 384.00 5,160.00 3,792.00 Hrs 55.60 15.00 4.50 40.50 123.85 18.10 17.50 21.70 20.40 129.00 14.40 37.45 8.30 12.00 18.00 146.70 4.90 176.25 16.70 4.50 10.60 73.10 7.80 170.00 28.70 3.20 10.90 32.80 188.40 29.50 0.40 16.90 12.80 6.40 1.00 6.70 225.75 1.60 21.50 15.80 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited (Administrators Appointed) CALCULATION OF REMUNERATION Professional fees For the Period 10 July to 29 August 2012 Employee Nicholas Clark Timothy Evans Galvin Tsui Other Graduate Undergraduates Bookkeeper Personal assistance Filing TOTAL GST Position Graduate Graduate Graduate Graduate Undergraduate Bookkeeper PA Administration TOTAL (including GST) Average hourly rate (excluding GST) Current Rate (Ex GST) 210.00 210.00 210.00 210.00 190.00 180.00 150.00 120.00 Hrs 43.74 84.20 231.20 68.40 14.90 1.60 27.80 13.40 4,089.66 Total $ 9,185.40 17,682.00 48,552.00 14,364.00 2,831.00 288.00 4,170.00 1,608.00 1,636,108.30 163,610.83 Task Area Administration $ 751.80 16,149.00 9,870.00 5,901.00 76.00 288.00 4,170.00 1,608.00 138,549.80 Hrs Assets $ 3.58 76.90 47.00 28.10 0.40 1.60 27.80 13.40 429.63 2,011.80 1,428.00 210.00 2,604.00 184,344.30 Hrs 9.58 6.80 1.00 12.40 - 456.58 Investigation $ 210.00 68,198.50 Hrs 1.00 - 165.20 Creditors $ 2,818.20 105.00 35,847.00 126.00 165,367.20 Hrs 13.42 0.50 170.70 0.60 - 487.47 Employees $ 279.30 714.00 228.00 73,328.30 Hrs 1.33 3.40 1.20 168.98 Sale of Business $ 266,126.90 Hrs - 568.07 Trade on $ Hrs 3,324.30 2,415.00 5,019.00 2,527.00 740,193.30 15.83 1,799,719.13 400.06 322.49 403.75 412.82 339.24 433.95 468.48 408.11 11.50 23.90 13.30 1,813.73 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 5. Disbursements Disbursements are divided into three types: A, B1, B2. A Disbursements are all externally provided professional services and are recovered at cost. An example of an A disbursement is legal fees. B1 Disbursements are externally provided non-professional costs such as travel, accommodation and search fees. B1 disbursements are recovered at cost. B2 Disbursements are internally provided non-professional costs such as photocopying and document storage. B2 disbursements are charged at cost except for photocopying, printing and telephone calls which are charged at a rate which is intended to recoup both variable and fixed costs. A break-down of disbursements on this appointment for the period 10 July 2012 to 29 August 2012 are summarised as follows: Classification A Amount $ 0.00 B1 34,717.00 B2 9,647.00 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 Annexure O – Ricci Remuneration Report 1. Declaration We, Mark Robinson, Jack Bournelis and Daniel Walley of PPB Advisory have undertaken a proper assessment of this remuneration claim for our appointment as Joint and Several administrators of the Companies in accordance with the law and applicable professional standards. We are satisfied that the remuneration claimed is in respect of necessary work, properly performed, or to be properly performed, in the conduct of the Administration. 2. Remuneration Methods There are four basic methods that can be used to calculate the remuneration charged by an insolvency Practitioner. They are: e. Time based / hourly rates This is the most common method. The total fee charged is based on the hourly rate charged for each person who carried out the work multiplied by the number of hours spent by each person on each of the tasks performed. f. Fixed Fee The total fee charged is normally quoted at the commencement of the administration and is the total cost for the administration. Sometimes a Practitioner will finalise an administration for a fixed fee. g. Percentage The total fee charged is based on a percentage of a particular variable, such as the gross proceeds of assets realisations. h. Contingency The practitioner’s fee is structured to be contingent on a particular outcome being achieved Method chosen. 3. Method Chosen Given the nature of this administration we propose that our remuneration be calculated on time based / hourly rates method. This is because: • • • It ensures that creditors are only charged for work that is performed. Our time is recorded and charged in six minute units. We are required to perform a number of tasks which do not relate to the realisation of assets, for example: o responding to creditors’ enquiries; o reporting to the ASIC; and o distributing funds in accordance with the provisions of the Corporations Act. We are unable to estimate with certainty the total amount of fees necessary to complete all tasks required in this administration. Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 The rates for our remuneration calculation are set out in the following table. Title Hourly Rate (excl GST) Partner 620 Director/Principal 560 Senior Manager 490 Manager 445 Supervisor 410 Senior Analyst 1 370 Senior Analyst 2 360 Analyst 1 305 Analyst 2 240 Graduate 210 Undergraduate 190 Senior Bookkeeper 190 Bookkeeper 180 Personal Assistance 150 Administration 120 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 4. Calculation of Remuneration Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Administrators Appointed) CALCULATION OF REMUNERATION Professional fees For the Period 10 July to 29 August 2012 Employee Position Mark Robinson Partner Jack Bournelis Partner Colin Egan Partner Daniel Walley Director Matthew Gugerly Director Alan Walker Director Daniel Cawthorne Senior Manager Aaron Finlayson Senior Manager Andrew Yeomans Senior Manager Eoin Healy Manager Gary Cagney Supervisor Andrew Fawcett Supervisor Koh Li Tze Supervisor Sophia Liu Supervisor Maged Mostafa Supervisor Erica Thompson Supervisor Farnaz Bassiri Senior Analyst 1 Ross Jackson Senior Analyst 1 Lu Yang Pan Senior Analyst 1 Alan Jenkins Senior Analyst 2 Christopher Tung Senior Analyst 2 Mellonie Amin Analyst 1 Patrick Hanrahan Analyst 1 Nicholas Clark Graduate Timothy Evans Graduate Nicholas Valtas Graduate Joseph Le Bookkeeper Personal assistance PA Filing Administration TOTAL GST TOTAL (including GST) Average hourly rate (excluding GST) Current Rate (Ex GST) 620.00 620.00 620.00 620.00 620.00 620.00 490.00 490.00 490.00 445.00 410.00 410.00 410.00 410.00 410.00 410.00 370.00 370.00 370.00 360.00 360.00 305.00 305.00 210.00 210.00 210.00 180.00 150.00 120.00 Hrs 24.10 12.40 21.98 76.50 49.45 7.50 16.20 159.65 71.00 118.60 56.75 99.20 20.90 109.30 3.10 38.00 7.00 3.00 0.50 43.00 16.50 14.00 18.30 10.25 5.70 1.10 1.60 10.90 0.10 1,016.58 Total $ 14,942.00 7,688.00 13,627.60 47,430.00 30,659.00 4,650.00 7,938.00 78,228.50 34,790.00 52,777.00 23,267.50 40,672.00 8,569.00 44,813.00 1,271.00 15,580.00 2,590.00 1,110.00 185.00 15,480.00 5,940.00 4,270.00 5,581.50 2,152.50 1,197.00 231.00 288.00 1,635.00 12.00 467,574.60 46,757.46 514,332.06 459.95 Task Area Administration $ 1,550.00 1,302.00 1,209.00 620.00 588.00 3,577.00 845.50 2,460.00 2,214.00 1,271.00 1,110.00 72.00 1,830.00 1,433.50 367.50 1,197.00 189.00 288.00 1,635.00 12.00 23,770.50 353.20 Hrs 2.50 2.10 1.95 1.00 1.20 7.30 1.90 6.00 5.40 3.10 3.00 0.20 6.00 4.70 1.75 5.70 0.90 1.60 10.90 0.10 67.30 Assets $ 248.00 1,127.00 25,365.00 717.50 1,435.00 1,128.50 384.30 30,405.30 431.40 Hrs 0.40 2.30 57.00 1.75 3.50 3.70 1.83 70.48 Investigation $ 62.00 196.00 712.00 1,640.00 2,610.00 427.87 Hrs 0.10 - 0.40 1.60 4.00 6.10 Creditors $ 2,480.0 310.0 2,480.0 1,519.0 3,479.0 21,143.5 2,255.0 7,585.0 2,590.0 185.0 2,440.0 1,921.5 787.5 49,175.50 444.02 Hrs 4.00 0.50 4.00 2.45 7.10 43.15 5.50 18.50 7.00 0.50 8.00 6.30 3.75 110.75 Sale of Business $ Hrs Trade on $ 7,192.00 1,922.00 13,627.60 22,320.00 1,862.00 78,228.50 1,715.00 133.50 2,152.50 40,672.00 8,569.00 5,940.00 184,334.10 11.60 3.10 21.98 36.00 3,410.00 4,154.00 22,630.00 27,931.00 4,030.00 2,009.00 7,031.50 25,721.00 15,682.50 31,939.00 15,580.00 15,408.00 1,098.00 613.20 42.00 177,279.20 482.83 3.80 159.65 3.50 0.30 5.25 99.20 20.90 16.50 381.78 466.32 Hrs 5.50 6.70 36.50 45.05 6.50 4.10 14.35 57.80 38.25 77.90 38.00 42.80 3.60 2.92 0.20 380.17 Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops Pty Limited AND Ricci Remond Chocolate Co Pty Limited (Both Administrators Appointed) | 3 September 2012 Report pursuant to Section 439A of the Corporations Act 2001 5. Disbursements Disbursements are divided into three types: A, B1, B2. A Disbursements are all externally provided professional services and are recovered at cost. An example of an A disbursement is legal fees. B1 Disbursements are externally provided non-professional costs such as travel, accommodation and search fees. B1 disbursements are recovered at cost. B2 Disbursements are internally provided non-professional costs such as photocopying and document storage. B2 disbursements are charged at cost except for photocopying, printing and telephone calls which are charged at a rate which is intended to recoup both variable and fixed costs. A break-down of disbursements on this appointment for the period 10 July 2012 to 29 August 2012 are summarised as follows: Classification Amount $ A 0.00 B1 93.00 B2 198.90