the messenger - First Presbyterian Church


the messenger - First Presbyterian Church
First Presbyterian Church, Fargo
October 2015
Halloween Lock-in
First Presbyterian Church, Fargo
650 2nd Ave N
Fargo, ND 58102
Phone: 701-293-6311
Sheltering week 2016
On October 30 at 7:00 pm, FPC will be hosting a
Youth, Halloween themed, lock in! There will be a
costume contest, so start thinking about your tasteful
costume! Bring a friend or two and come join us for
food, fall activities, and lots of fun! Please RSVP by
October 21 to kbones@fir stpr esfar go.or g
Planning your winter get-away? If you are going to
be part of the Sheltering Church Project, you’ll want
to be here during our week of sheltering – Sunday,
February 21 through Saturday, February 27, 2016.
Watch for the signup sheet coming to the volunteer bulletin board October 25.
Pie Baking Day
Peace/Global Witness Offering
What do you get when you mix fresh apples, expert
pie crust makers willing to teach, and lots of eager
people willing to learn and help on Pie Baking Day
at FPC? You get lots of fun, fellowship, and delicious, yummy pies!
The pies will be baked on Saturday October 17,
starting at 9 am, in preparation for our Fall Festival to be held after worship on Sunday, October
18, details to come. The pies will be sold at the festival as a fundraiser for the youth education program
at First Pres.
It’s easy to get involved! Those of you with apple
trees can donate apples the week prior. Those of you
with pie crust expertise, those who want to learn,
and those who know how, but just want to help, can
all sign up at the Volunteer Opportunity Board.
Please contact Joni Nudell with questions.
Mission Fair
On October 4, the Mission Committee has invited
many of our mission partners to set up booths in the
Gathering Space and Jennie Roberts Room to highlight various local and global ministries your mission dollars support. This Mission Fair will be in
place starting at 9:00 am! We thank all of our mission partners!
Sick of Canning?
As the gardening season is winding down, think of
others who couldn’t have gardens of their own. If
you find yourself with more vegetables than your
family can eat, bring them to the church office Sunday mornings and they will be delivered to Churches United on Monday. Thank you for your generosity with this continued ministry.
The Peacemaking Offering is now called The Peace
and Global Witness Offering. Gifts given to this denominational offering are divided in the following
manner – 25% retained by our congregation to support local peacemaking efforts, 25% used to support
presbytery/synod peacemaking efforts; and 50% forwarded to the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program of
the Presbyterian Mission Agency. This offering is
collected on World Communion Sunday, Oct. 4.
Kirkin’ of the Tartans
Save the date of Sunday, November 8 for our annual
Kirkin’ of the Tartans worship, to celebrate the Scottish heritage of the Presbyterian church. The two services
at 9:00 and 11:00 are identical.
Adult Faith & Science Class
This class begins Wednesday, October 7, 6:15-7:15.
Generally speaking, mainline denominations have
stayed out of the debate between creation and evolution. Consequently, we seem to be disengaged with
ALL discussions about science and faith. We’re going to change that! Pastor Mary will lead a fourweek class in October on various science topics, beginning with evolution and creation. Come and be
part of the discussion Wednesdays in October!
Bridging Event
On October 25 during the Sunday
School hour, the children’s and
youth programs will participate in
a bridging event. Instead of going
to regular classrooms, we will all
meet together in the Social Hall for fun, food and
fellowship! Grow team, grow!
PW News
October 2: Fir st Pr esbyter ian hosts the annual
meeting for Church Women United with a luncheon
at 11am. All women are invited.
October 13: The PW Boar d Meeting will be held
at 10:00 am. This will be followed with the PW general meeting and luncheon at noon. Lunch and devotions will be furnished by Esther Circle. The program will be presented by women who attended the
Church Wide Gathering, One Body, One Spirit.
Char Rufer will dedicate the Thank Offering.
October 20: All women ar e invited to attend PW
Circles which are held at the church at 9:00 am,
1:00 pm and 7:00 pm. Ther e is also a Satur day
Circle that will meet on the 24th at 10:00 am. They
will be discussing the second lesson from "Come to
the Waters, is Life-Giving Waters---Baptism". For
more info contact Sue Van Osdel or Ruth Colwell.
October 27: Mission Sewing continues at 9:00 am
in the Social Hall. Emphasis will be on sewing costumes for the Bdecan church youth for their Christmas program. Coffee, goodies and great conversation is also available for all who wish to participate.
Everyone welcome.
Martha Circle is in charge of kitchen duties for the
month of October and Rachael/Naomi have
those responsibilities for November. PW Cluster
Fall meeting for the South is Oct. 10 in Jamestown.
The Pilgrimage is holding a
weekend Compassing Retreat incorporating worship,
fellowship, learning, prayer, personal reflection, and
group discussion. This retreat will be a good starting point for adults interested in The Pilgrimage, as well as those who have already attended classes. After completing the retreat,
participants will join a small group (Compass
Group) for ongoing discussion and support.
The Compassing Retreat will be held on Oct. 23-25
(Friday evening through Sunday noon) at the
Presentation Prayer Center - 1101 32nd Ave S, Fargo. The cost is $50 including meals; add $40 for an
optional overnight stay.
Those wishing to join the retreat can obtain a registration form from the Welcome Desk. Speak with
Pastor Paul or contact for
more details.
Nurse’s Note
Let’s look at the word Halloween. HALLOW-EEN,
the “een” part of the word means “eve”, as in the
night before. “Hallow” means “sacred” or “holy”, as
in the Lord’s Prayer: “Hallowed be thy name”. So
Hallows’ Eve is the evening before All Hallows’
Day, or what some churches call All Saints’ Day.
But, what is holy about this particular evening with
all the scariness – masks, haunted houses? We can
make this day a “holy” day by participating in
wholesome family activities. So, let’s rejoice with
children whose hearts are full of joy and laughter at
this time. We can also begin to turn our thoughts
toward our loved ones who are no longer with us –
in preparation for All Saints’ Day.
Prayer: Thank you for the laughter and joy of children. Help us to make every day a “hallowed” day.
All Saints Day
November 1, we will
remember friends and
members of our congregation who have died this
past year. We invite families/individuals to come
forward during the service to light a candle in
memory of a loved one. Give this your prayerful
Singing Opportunity
Perhaps your schedule does not permit consistent
participation in our Sanctuary Choir. We invite you
to join us for one special, short-term choral singing
opportunity as we prepare for the Kirkin’ O’ the
Tartans Service, November 8. Rehearsal is on
Wednesday, November 4, 7:30-9:00 pm in the
choir room. We will be singing in both the 9:00
and 11:00 services. Call time on Sunday morning
will be 8:30 for the choir. A potluck brunch is
served for the musicians between services. Whether
you are an active participant in our choir, an occasional singer, relative, family friend, or interested
guest, you are welcome. Contact our Coordinator of
Music, Sally Harmon, for more information
World Communion Sunday
If you are an elder or deacon and available to bring
communion to members in their homes on October
4, please sign up at the Volunteer Opportunities
Board. You may sign up with a communion partner
or as an individual, and be paired with someone. If
you have any questions, please contact Pastor Mary.
We list FPC’s births, baptisms, weddings and deaths,
hoping to stay better connected with one another,
especially in times of joy and sorrow.
Births: We celebr ate with J ason & Nicole (Saum)
Bolluyt, and big brother, Nathan, upon the birth of
Cullen Thomas Wesley on August 26; we celebrate
with Chelsea Burns and Drew Estren upon the birth
of Osric Lee (Ozzy) on August 27.
Baptisms: We welcome Cora Elizabeth Argall,
daughter of Joshua & Mindy Argall, baptized on
September 20, 2015.
PPC Annual Brunch
The Presentation Prayer Center’s annual brunch is
Thursday, October 8, 11:00 am-1:00 pm at the
Ramada Inn. This year ’s speaker is J udy Siegle,
a local professional and inspirational speaker. Judy
was a high school basketball star when her life
changed in the blink of an eye. A devastating car
accident left her a quadriplegic. She went on to turn
personal tragedy into a life of significance and success! Tickets to the brunch are $30. If you wish to
purchase a ticket, Pastor Mary can help you.
Annual Book Exchange
The Library book exchange will be held on November 1 from 8:45 am-noon in the J ennie Rober ts
Room. Please bring any book donations to the library by Wednesday, October 28. Thanks for supporting your library.
First Pres(s) Book Club
The 2nd Thursday of the month at noon.
October: #1 Inter national Bestseller , On W ings
of Eagles, by Ken Follett. Ken
tells the inspiring, true story of
the Middle East hostage crisis
that began in 1979, and of the
unconventional means Ross Perot
used to save his countrymen.
Holy Buckets for Oct./Nov.
The Emergency Food Pantry receives our Holy
Bucket donations these months. They are in need of
non-perishable food items (canned soup, peanut butter, cans of tuna and chicken, boxes of cereal, etc.),
and shampoo, diapers, laundry soap, feminine hygiene products, bar soap, toilet paper, etc. Place
items in the green bins in the foyer. Thank you for
your continued support of the EFP!
General Fund Only
YTD Aug. Actual
YTD Aug. Budget
Nursery News
Your children are in good hands in
our nursery! We’d like to welcome
our newest attendant, Hilda Cervantes. Hilda earned a Social Work degree from Concordia College in
Moorhead, MN and currently works
at Probstfield Elementary as an Early Riser Family
Advocate/Behavior Interventionist. She grew up in
Melrose, MN but has made Moorhead her home.
Hilda enjoys spending time with her family, hanging
out with friends and cooking.
We are also happy to have Alexa
Mazahari working in the nursery on
Sundays and Wednesdays. Alexa
was baptized and confirmed at First
Pres. She grew up in Fargo with her
parents, twin sister, and older brother. She served as a youth deacon and
elder and volunteered in the nursery in high school.
She is an active elder currently serving on Session
and Education Committee. Alexa graduated from
UND in 2014 with a Bachelor’s of Social Work and
minors in Spanish and Psychology. She works at
Cass County Social Services and volunteers with
AmeriCorps through the YMCA School Age Program.
Churches United
The Missions Committee is looking for volunteers
to fill FPC’s monthly slot at Churches United for the
coming year. Our regular commitment is to create
and serve the evening meal at the shelter on the 2nd
Thursday of each month. This meal serves approximately 100 homeless children, women and men in
our community and for this we need 5 or more volunteers each month. Would you prayerfully consider
joining in the creative efforts of one of these evenings? You may sign up as an individual, couple,
family, or group (friends, committees, etc.). To sign
up for one month or for multiple months look for the
sign-up sheets on the Volunteer Opportunity Board,
or contact the CUH volunteer coordinator, Colleen
Ford-Dunker, she is listed in the directory. It's a lot
of fun and it means so much!
Church Events Calendar for October 2015
Sunday Schedule
Wednesday Schedule
9:15 Sunday School for All
9:45 Sanctuary Choir Warm-up
10:30 Sunday Worship
11:30 Time for Fellowship
5:30 St. Andrew’s Brass/
Genesis Ringers
6:15 Children’s/Youth Choirs
6:30 Westminster Bells
7:00 Youth Group
7:30 Sanctuary Choir
9-12 Mission Fair
10:30 Worship Service
6:30 Narcotics Anonymous
9:00 Mon. Morning Breakfast
Group (Fry’n Pan)
10:30 TH Lecture Series
5:15 Personnel Cmt. Meeting
6:00 Health Ministry Cabinet
7:00 B&G Cmt. Meeting
8:00 Bulletin Deadline
11:00 Called S&E Board Mtg.
1:00 Staff Meeting
6:00 Worship Cmt. Meeting
Narcotics Anonymous
7:00 Mission Cmt. Meeting
10-5 Faith Com. Nurse Hours
Wednesday Schedule
6:15 Adult Education:
Faith & Science Class
9:30 TH Board Meeting
12:00 First Pres(s) Book Club
5:00 Serve @ Churches United
6:00 Officer Training
Sunday Schedule
12:15 Connectivity Cmt. Mtg.
6:15 Narcotics Anonymous
9:00 Mon. Morning Breakfast
Group (Fry’n Pan)
1:00 FM Area Music Club
6:30 Education Cmt. Meeting
6:30 Man UP Bible Study
8:00 Bulletin Deadline
9:30 PW Board Meeting
12:00 PW Meeting/Luncheon
1:00 Staff Meeting
6:00 Narcotics Anonymous
7:00 Board of Deacons Mtg.
10-5 Faith Com. Nurse Hours
1:00 Library Cmt. Meeting
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Wednesday Schedule
6:15 Adult Education:
Faith & Science Class
10:00 PW Bible Study Leaders
6:00 Officer Training
Compass Groups 2&3
Sunday Schedule
11:30 Fall Festival
6:15 Narcotics Anonymous
9:00 Mon. Morning Breakfast
Group (Fry’n Pan)
6:00 Session Meeting
8:00 Bulletin Deadline
PW Circles: 9am/1pm/7pm
1:00 Staff Meeting
6:00 Narcotics Anonymous
10-5 Faith Com. Nurse Hours
Wednesday Schedule
6:15 Adult Education:
Faith & Science Class
7:30 Pilgrimage Team Mtg.
6:00 Officer Training
12:00 Messenger Deadline
6:00 Pilgrimage Immersion
10:00 Leah Circle
9:00 Mon. Morning Breakfast
Group (Fry’n Pan)
6:00 Stewardship Cmt. Mtg.
8:00 Bulletin Deadline
9:00 Mission Sewing
11:00 Friends of Nokomis
1:00 Staff Meeting
6:00 Narcotics Anonymous
10-5 Faith Com. Nurse Hours
1:00 Library Cmt. Meeting
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Wednesday Schedule
6:15 Adult Education:
Faith & Science Class
6:00 Officer Training
7:00 Youth Halloween
8:00 Lock-in Ends
9:15 Confirm. & Pastor’s Class
Children/Youth Event
10:30 Sunday Worship
12:00 Immersion Ends
6:15 Narcotics Anonymous
10:00 Church Women United
9:00 Fall Festival Pie Baking
11:30 Narcotics Anonymous