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Opinions expressed in Out In The City are not neccessarily those of the publishers. © Square Peg Media Ltd 2000 - 2009. Square Peg Media Ltd t/a Out In The City magazine will not take any responsibility for any loss/claim resulting from a transaction with one of our advertisers/ Media Partners. HUDSON’S LETTER Like many people, I was horrified by the recent Dispatches documentary on attitudes towards gay people in some parts of Africa. The level of ignorance and prejudice was truly alarming. It served as a reminder of how lucky we are here in the UK. In tandem with the Dispatches screening, judges at the Supreme Court were ruling about the fate of two immigrant asylum seekers in the UK – one from Iran and the other from Cameroon. Shockingly, gay asylum seekers have previously been advised to return to their country of origin and to avoid getting into trouble there by being ‘discreet’ about their sexuality. The appeal judges rightly felt that this approach was wrong. Gay people, wherever they reside, should be entitled to live without fear of persecution or violence, and the Home Office should be prepared to welcome such applications with greater sympathy. It was a decision that clearly outraged some in the right-wing press. Former Conservative MP Ann Widdecombe labelled it ‘absurd’, questioning whether either of those seeking asylum had been able to prove that they were in imminent danger of being arrested. As if the police in some countries send you a written warning that you are to be arrested – or lynching mobs ring you beforehand to tell you that they’re on their way, eh Ann? The Supreme Court Judges made the right choice. There are other countries in the world where LGBT people live in fear of their lives. If anyone fulfills the criteria for being given asylum, it is surely they. PAGE 06 MY LONDON DJ Wayne G gives us his capital highlights… PAGE 08 SHOPPING The latest Sony Ericsson phone and eye-catching pants PAGE 15 DIARY August’s cultural highlights in and around London PAGE 20 PRIDE LONDON This year’s festival in words and pictures PAGE 26 JOHN PARTRIDGE The EastEnders actor talks about life on and off Albert Square PAGE 58 CIRCUS brother and sister duo Mark Palmerfrom X Factor, are back! Edgecumbe on working in the legal PAGE 34 profession, plus Herts FILM Police and Manchester Undertow, Mother Fire Brigade and The Last Seven reviewed… PAGE 92 PROPERTY Living in Woolwich and PAGE 38 THEATRE the latest products for Wolfboy reviewed, the home theatre news and Jonathan Paul Hellyer PAGE 102 MOTORING We test drive the new PAGE 44 FOOD Peugeot RCZ Paramount and Gelupo reviewed PAGE 104 TRAVEL Gay Tel Aviv PAGE 111 HOROSCOPES PAGE 30 MUSIC New albums from Katy Perry, Arcade Fire and StringerBessant PAGE 32 SAME DIFFERENCE Sean and Sarah, the PAGE 64 LOVEBOX PHOTO © TOM BUNNING ISDN: 1473-6039 PAGE 86 CAREER PHOTO © CHRIS JEPSON PAGE 04 LETTERS Send all your correspondence to editorial@outmag. Head of Advertising Rob Harkavy + 44 (0)20-7258 1777 PAGE 82 OUTNEWS All the gay news from home and abroad PAGE 112 HEALTH Brighton Bootcamp and Body Talk with muscle man Lucas Alexander ! =CbT`]\b :3BB3@A ON FIRE COX COOKIES AND CAKE Shoe designer Patrick Cox launches his first cupcake store on Brewer Street, Soho, on 1 September. The corner cake shop gets a radical revamp. TOM HARDY © FAMOUS The rising Brit star first caught our eye in Bronson, but he’s even sexier in complex sci-fi thriller Inception – in cinemas now. LONDON BIKE HIRE Following the example set by other European cities, you’ll soon be able to hire bikes by the hour to nip around town – with bike parks now sprouting up all over the West End. WHAT’S HOT AND WHAT’S NOT THIS MONTH’S RISE AND FALL THE DAILY EXPRESS For its coverage of the recent gay asylum seekers case. The publication was stridently outraged and disapproving. THE REVAMP OF THE BBC WEBSITE The Beeb has revamped its news website. We don’t like it. Please change it back to how it was! BAD CASTING © MICHAEL BUCKNER/WIREIMAGE Mickey Rourke – recently seen in Iron Man 2 – is rumoured to want to play gay rugby player Gareth Thomas in a film about his life. We’re not buying it. ON ICE " LOSERLEE EVg]VeVgRWR g]ceOabSbW[S W\bS`dWSeW\UbVObWRW]b :SS@gO\I=7B18cZg KeV]gSbOUOW\ O^^SO`SRb]VOdS \]bVW\U]TW\bS`Sab ]``SZSdO\QSb]aOg ]TTS`W\Uc^W\abSORVWa ]e\RSZcaW]\OZaSZT PSZWST6S¸ae`WbbS\O aQ`W^bbVObB][1`cWaS Wa`SORW\U-GSOV`WUVb :SSG]c`\SeOZPc[¸a U]W\Ub]^cbg]c POQY]\b]^-4c\\g bVOb³bVSZSORaW\UZS O^^SO`ab]VOdSabOZZSR ]cbaWRS]TbVSb]^! >S`VO^ag]cPSbbS` PSP`W\UW\UbVOb0ZcS `Sc\W]\T]`eO`RMel, Holborn HOT BOD >Ve]]O`1]cZReS VOdSa][S[]`S^WQa ]T/O`]\4SZZ]ea I=7B18cZg K ^ZSOaS-7Z]dSZWbbZg QVc\Yg[caQZS[S\ O\R;`4SZZ]eaTWbbSR bVSPWZZ^S`TSQbZg A][S^WQa]TVWaZSUa e]cZR\¸bU]O[Waa¬ ^c`SZgb]OR[W`SVWa _cORaO\RUZcbSOZ [caQZSa]TQ]c`aS Scott, Forest Hill POST-PRIDE? 7VOdS\]bSReWbV W\bS`Sab[cQV]T bVSRSPObSO`]c\R :]\R]\¸a>`WRS [O`QVI=7B18CZg KO\R7QO\¸b VSZ^e]\RS`W\U eVSbVS`bVSUS\S`OZ ZOQY]TS\bVcaWOa[ T]`bVSSdS\bWa\]b a][cQVR]e\b] Wba]`UO\WaObW]\ PcbOZa]R]e\b] US\S`OZO^ObVg7eS\b ]\[gTW`ab>`WRS STAR LETTER _cSabW]\OPZSeVSbVS` bVOb[]bWdSabWZZSfWaba W\ 7\TOQb7¸[ \]bac`SeVg[O\g g]c\US`UOg[S\O\R e][S\e]cZRTSSZ bVS\SSRb][O`QV)b] RS[]\ab`ObSeVOb SfOQbZg-A][S^S]^ZS aOgbVObWb¸a\]eO ·QSZSP`ObW]\¸PcbR]Sa bVObQ]\QS^bb`cZgUSb ^S]^ZS]cb]\b]bVS ab`SSba- MAN’S STUFF 7c\T]`bc\ObSZg`SOR9\WUVb6]]a]\¸a`SdWSe]T 6]ZRW\UBVS;O\b]]ZObSb]QObQVbVS^ZOgeVWQV a]c\RSROdS`g[]dW\UO\RO``SabW\U^WSQS]T e]`Y5]W\U^c`SZg]\eVOb;`6]]a]\aOga7 V]^SbVObWb^S`VO^aUSbabc`\SRW\b]OTWZ[Ob a][S^]W\ba]bVObWbQO\`SOQVOeWRS`OcRWS\QS <]b[O\g^S]^ZSU]b]bVSbVSOb`SQ][^O`SRb] bVSQW\S[O:]ba]T^S]^ZS³^O`bWQcZO`Zgg]c\US` UOg[S\³`SOZZgR]\SSRb]PS`S[W\RSROP]cb 67DO\R/72A]TbVSUS\S`ObW]\abVObeS`SZ]ab O\RbVSW[^OQbbVObWbVOaVOR]\bVSUOgaQS\S O\ReWRS`a]QWSbg7Y\]ebVOb[SRWQObW]\Wa PSbbS`\]eOROgaPcbbVS`SabWZZ`S[OW\a\]Qc`S D, N1 7¸[\]bac`SeVObbVS O\aeS`WaPcbW\bS`[a ]T]`UO\WaObW]\7abWZZ R]\¸bc\RS`abO\ReVg >`WRSQO\¸bVOdS]\S ]`be]PWU\O[SOQba ]\bVS[OW\abOUS ³SdS\WTbVSg¸`SXcab /\g]\SeV]VOaOZSbbS`^cPZWaVSRW\bVS a][SbVW\UQZOaaWQ AS^bS[PS`WaacS]T=cb7\BVS1WbgeWZZeW\O T`][bVS&abVOb Q]^g]T@OUW\UAc\@OUW\UAYg³O\OeO`R bVSgVOdSb]^OgOPWb eW\\W\UUOgbVS[SR ]T[]\Sgb]eO`Ra S^WQT`][;SfWQO\OcbSc` >S]^ZS[WUVbPS[]`S 8cZWt\6S`\t\RShbVOb¸a eWZZW\Ub]Q]\b`WPcbS Q]\QS`\SReWbV]\Sg]c\U Sfb`O[]\SgWTbVSg [O\¸a_cSabb]TW\RVWa Y\SeeVObbVSg [WaaW\UZ]dS`7b¸a]cb\]e eS`SUSbbW\UT]`bVSW` dWOB:/@SZSOaW\U³aSS []\SgPSaWRSabVS eeebZO`SZSOaW\UQ]cY T`SSR][b]eOZYR]e\ BVSe`WbS`]TAS^bS[PS`¸a =fT]`RAb`SSbO\R AbO`:SbbS`eWZZ`SQSWdS b]PSVS`RSRO`]c\R OQ]^g]T@OUW\UAc\ B`OTOZUO`A_cO`Sb] @OUW\UAYgO\ROQ]^g]T7:]dSG]c>VWZZW^ eObQVa][S[SRW]Q`S ;]``WaAbO``W\U3eO\;OQ5`SU]`O\R8W[ 1O``SgbVWa_cW`YgQ][SRgQVO`babVSb`cSZWTSbOZS 2ZWab^]^OQbaO\R Q][[c\Wbga^SOYS`a ]TTZO[P]gO\bQ]\[O\ 7eWZZQ]\bW\cSb] AbSdS\@caaSZZ³OUOg [O\eV]PSQO[S]\S]T ac^^]`b>`WRS¬SdS\ bV]cUVbVS]`UO\WaS`a /[S`WQO¸a[]ab^`]ZWTWQ R]\¸bOZeOga[OYSWb T`OcRabS`aO\ReV] e]cZRaSS[W\UZgab]^Ob SOagb]R]a] James, NW1 \]bVW\Ub]abOgeWbVVWa ^O`b\S`7b¸a]cb]\2D2 /cUcab 2]\¸bT]`USbb]W\QZcRS g]c`\O[SO\RORR`Saa WTg]ceWaVb]PS Q]\aWRS`SRT]`O^`WhS 3[OWZZSbbS`ab]SRWb]`WOZ.]cb[OUQ]cY WIN! 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The XPERIA™ X10 is the new flagship phone in a new series from Sony Ericsson. Signature applications include Timescape™, which seeks to combine all your communication with one person (texts, calls, Twitter, Facebook, etc) in one place, and Mediascape, which aims to make it easy for you to get all the music, photos and videos you want from your favourite friends and artists. There’s an 8.1 megapixel camera, while intelligent face recognition enables the phone to recognise up to five faces in any picture, automatically connecting them with your social phonebook! The words ‘state of the art’ spring to mind! http://blogs. sonyericsson. com/products PANTS PEOPLE Lenita and XTG – two underwear and swimwear companies hailing from Gran Canaria – have just opened their first UK store in Soho. The companies have made themselves a name in Spain for their colourful and creative designs and despite only two years on the market, the UK branch will be the seventh store of its kind, with the chain is expected to expand further this year. Check out the range at 60 Dean Street (on the corner of Old Compton Street, W1). Prices range £10–£60. and DATE MATE Learn how to achieve your relationship goals with Jaye Sassieni’s guide for all lovelorn Romeos – Gay Dating: Your Guide to Finding Love. Sassieni is a self-proclaimed matchmaker and the creator of the website Urban Connections, which arranges dating events for gay singles. This book is a positive and straightforward guide that offers essential tips and tricks for all gay men struggling to find Mr Right. It’s available to order from and for £9.99. BRIEF BLING We know how much some of you love a li’l bling, so how can you resist this new range of underwear from bespoke label QZ? These figure-hugging black briefs are embroidered with genuine Swarovski crystals. They’ll set you back £58 per pair, so you’ll want to be sure not to accidentally put them on a boil wash in your machine! Check out the full range at & =CbaV]^ A6=>>7<5 STORYVILLE 7Tg]c¸`SW\bS`SabSRW\ac^^]`bW\Uc^¸\¸Q][W\U UOgTWQbW]\e`WbS`aZ]dSOU]]Rab]`g]`O`S Z]]YW\UT]`bVS^S`TSQbV]ZWROg`SORbVS\^WQYc^ OQ]^g]TbVS\SeZg^cPZWaVSR0]gaO\R5W`Za) O\O\bV]Z]Ug]TUOgO\RZSaPWO\ab]`WSaOP]cb g]c\UZ]dS7b¸aPSS\SRWbSRPgOQQZOW[SRUOg e`WbS`O\RX]c`\OZWab>OcZ0c`ab]\O\R^cPZWaVSR W\Oaa]QWObW]\eWbVbVS/ZPS`b9S\\SRgB`cab ³bVSQVO`WbgbVOba^SQWTWQOZZgVSZ^aTW\RV][Sa T]`dcZ\S`OPZS:50BbSS\OUS`aBVSP]]Y ³eVWQVWaPSW\U^cPZWaVSReWbVP]bVOP]g¸a Q]dS`O\RUW`Z¸aQ]dS`³WabVSZObSab^cPZWQObW]\ T`][PSa^]YS^cPZWaVW\UV]caS5ZOaaV]caS 0]]Ya µA][S[]\bVaOU]7eOaO^^`]OQVSRPgO[O\ QOZZSR0]PPg<OggO`OP]cbO\Se^cPZWaVW\U dS\bc`S¶Sf^ZOW\a>OcZ0c`ab]\µ7¸dSY\]e\ 0]PPgT]`_cWbSa][SbW[SEVOb0]PPgVOR W\[W\ReOaO\SeYW\R]T^cPZWaVW\UV]caS ³a[OZZS`O\RT]QcaSR]\P]]YaaS`dW\UbVS YW\R]T`SORS`aeV]O`S\¸bQObS`SRT]`PgbVS ac^S`[O`YSba/\Ra]5ZOaaV]caS0]]YaeOa P]`\¶ 5ZOaaV]caSVOa^`]RcQSROVO\RTcZ]TP]]Ya aW\QSWbaW\QS^bW]\Pcb>OcZWa^O`bWQcZO`ZgSfQWbSR OP]cbbVWa\Se]TTS`W\UEVS\VSZOc\QVSR >]ZO`W:]\R]\¸a]\ZgUOgZWbS`O`gaOZ]\VSRWR a]eWbVbVSO[PWbW]\]T^`]dWRW\UO^ZObT]`[ T]`\Se:50BbOZS\b]dS`Z]]YSRPgbVSSfWabW\U ^cPZWaVW\UW\Rcab`gB]bVWaS\R0]gaO\R5W`Za [WfSaSabOPZWaVSR\O[SaeWbV\SebOZS\b7bOZa] W\QZcRSab`cSZWTSab]`WSa]Tg]c\U^S]^ZSeV]¸dS PSS\VSZ^SRPgbVS/ZPS`b9S\\SRgB`cab 6WUVZWUVbaW\QZcRS3fWbBV`]cUVBVSE]c\RPg <]`bV;]`UO\OaQObVW\UaObW`WQOZOQQ]c\b]T OUOg5`SSY[O\`Sbc`\W\UV][Sb]5`SSQST]` 1V`Wab[Oa9SWbV8O``SbbQ]\b`WPcbSa:WabS\W\U =cb4]`BVSASOOP]cbOP]geV]WaT]`QSRb] aSSVWa^Oab]`b]Qc`SVWaa]QOZZSR·OTTZWQbW]\¸ 2OdWR:ZSeSZZg\¸a4]ZRW\U9WbaWaOab]`gOP]cb Og]c\U[O\T]`QSRb]e]`YW\VWaTObVS`¸a ZOc\RS`SbbSeV]T]\RZg`S[S[PS`a^`SdW]ca VO^^WS`ac[[S`aa^S\beWbVbVSaQ`c[VOZT]T bVSZ]QOZ`cUPgbSO[9`WabWO\8]V\a¸TO\bOabWQOZ 2gW\UO\R=bVS`Ac^S`^]eS`aQ][PW\SabVS VO`aV`SOZWbg]TO[O\eV]Q]\b`OQba67DOTbS` O\WUVb]TPO`SPOQYaSfeWbVbVSQ`SObW]\]TO \Seac^S`VS`]>OcZ0c`ab]\VW[aSZTQ]\b`WPcbSa BVSC\PSO`OPZS0SO`eVWZSbVSOQQZOW[SRAbSZZO 2cTTgWa]\S]TaSdS`OZTS[OZSQ]\b`WPcb]`aeWbV VS`ab]`g8OWZ0ZOW` Paul Burston Kristian Johns Boys & Girls is out now, and will be launched with a party on Thursday 14 August at BarCode Soho, Archer Street, at 7.30pm. North Morgan PAUL BURSTON PHOTO © ADRIAN LOURIE ;/930=GA57@:A>/@B =4G=C@3AA3<B7/: AC;;3@ 6=:72/G @3/27<5¬ =CbT`]\b 27/@G CALENDAR EVENTS// AUGUST 2010 27-28 AUG: DAVID GUETTA © ROBERT ASTLEY SPARKE The inaugural L.E.D Festival in east London’s Victoria Park is looking unmissable for all fans of dance and electronica. David Guetta, Calvin Harris, Goldfrapp, Aphex Twin, Audio Bullys, Leftfield, Professor Green, Soulwax, Sebastian Ingrosso and Annie Mac are just a few of the names appearing over the two-day festival. Tickets are still available at £70, or £40 for just one day. Full details at www. WORDS: IRINA BUZNEA 13 JUL-15 AUG Just a short time since wowing judges on BBC1’s Over the Rainbow, finalist Steph Fearon has wasted no time in making a name for herself on the stage. At the Landor Theatre in Clapham, she stars in the first major revival of Smokey Joe’s Café since its West End run in 1996. Leiber and Stoller’s renowned play features well-known and well-loved jukebox numbers such as ‘Jailhouse Rock’ and ‘Stand by Me’. This Grammy award-winning musical is a real feel-good hit for the summer. 1 AUG: B`O\aT]`[W\U O0`WQY:O\SQO`^O`Y W\b]O^`]TSaaW]\OZ P]eZW\UU`SS\T]`]\S ROg]\ZgbVSDOcfVOZZ ;]b]`a0]eZW\U1ZcP ³V]abSRPgB"¸a@WQY 3ReO`Ra³WaXcabbVS ^S`TSQbeOgb]S\X]g bVS3\UZWaVac[[S` >]bbS`W\UO`]c\R eWbVO\WQSQ`SO[ O[WRTZObQO^^SR US\bZS[S\[WUVb a]c\ROZWbbZSbeSS O\RaS\aWPZSPcbeWbV 5OdW\O\RAbOQSg¸a ;Obb6]`\S]\bVS RSQYab]^`]dWRSbVS a]c\Rb`OQYWb¸aac`Sb] PS\]bVW\U]TbVSa]`b b]#eVWQV[WUVb aSS[OZWbbZSabSS^ PcbbVSaSe]`ZRQZOaa ^S`T]`[S`aO`SO\ OPa]ZcbS[cabaSS eeeQW`_cSRca]ZSWZ Q][ 05 AUG: >Ob`WQYE]ZT 01 AUG: 2]\¸b[Waa bVSTZO[P]gO\b aS_cW\QZOR[caWQOZ >WSR>W^S`eV]RSTWSa US\`Sab]^aPgbVS 0caV6OZZT]`]\S \WUVb]\Zg:]]YW\U ZWYSO\O\R`]Ug\]ca Z]dSQVWZR]T2OdWR 0]eWSO\R9ObS 0caVE]ZTWaOP]`\ aV]e[O\eV]aSZWdS aV]eaOZeOgaa^O`YZS eWbVac`^`WaSaeee ^Ob`WQYe]ZTQ][ bVS]^^]`bc\Wbgb] aSSAOZbW[PO\Q]8cab ]\S]TbVS`S\]e\SR aV]eaT`][bVSe]`ZR TO[]ca1W`_cS2c A]ZSWZbVS^`]RcQbW]\ `c\aT]`TWdS\WUVba]\Zg ObES[PZSg/`S\O BWQYSba`O\UST`][ # SAT 07 AUG: >`WRSW\ 0`WUVb]\O\R6]dS `Sbc`\ab]bVSa]cbV Q]OabO\ROTbS`ZOab gSO`¸aR]e\^]c`a eS¸ZZOZZPSV]^W\U bVObbVWagSO`bVS ac\RSQWRSab]^cb 30 JULY-01 AUG Bringing a little culture to Hackney, the WickED Art Festival 2010 returns for another year, this time with artist Gavin Turk as its patron. With mobile galleries, auctions and a cheeky bit of body painting, WickED will showcase a plethora of artists, catering for every taste while pushing the boundaries of convention. Even if you’re no art buff and the idea of traipsing around studios doesn’t appeal to you, there will still be something for you: each day is enhanced with cabaret, comedy and a variety of entertaining and experimental art forms – this festival is about more than just paint on canvas. Of course, none of this can be done on an empty stomach – Queen’s Yard will offer a range of culinary delights, which you can dance off at the Live Music Stage. See for more information. W\O\O^^SO`O\QS 3f^SQbbVSb`ORWbW]\OZ ^O`ORST]ZZ]eSRPg bVS^O`bgW\UW\>`Sab]\ >O`Y^Zca^ZS\bg]T Oaa]QWObSRQZcPPW\U SdS\ba SAT 07 AUG: /TbS`O_cWSbTSe []\bVa]`WUW\OZ >]^7R]ZEWZZ G]c\UeWZZ^S`T]`[ ObbVS^WQbc`Sa_cS AO\R`W\UVO[3abObS T]`]\S]TbV`SSC9 # =CbT`]\b 27/@G CALENDAR EVENTS// AUGUST 2010 26-30 Aug: Bringing August to its conclusion, the UK’s biggest annual horror film festival, Film4 Frighfest, returns to the West End’s Empire Cinema for its eleventh year. The event opens with director Adam Green’s Hatchet II and closes with producer Eli Roth’s The Last Exorcism, with plenty of deliciously gory surprises in between. There will be screenings of 36 films over two screens, with entries from 14 different countries, and numerous European premieres. Highlights will include British post-apocalyptic thriller Monsters, African zombie flick The Dead (above), and the UK premiere of the latest film from cult queer director Gregg Araki: Kaboom (pictured left), telling the tale of a bisexual college student who stumbles upon a monstrous conspiracy in a seemingly idyllic Southern Californian town. Check the full programme at 02-29 AUGUST From Jacobean drama to tongue-in-cheek orgasm tutorials, there’s something for everyone at this year’s Camden Fringe Festival. Running throughout August, hundreds of fresh names in comedy and alternative theatre are taking to the intimate stages of North London. Bawdy rising stand-up star Scott Capurro (pictured above) brings his electric black humour to the Roundhouse Studio Theatre and Camden Head, making light with matters as dark as AIDS, while hardhitting musical Elegies for Angels, Punks and Raging Queens tackles this same issue from a more sincere angle. Offering all the artistic thrills and frills of Edinburgh without breaking the bank, the more local Camden Fringe Festival is not be missed. $ RObSabVWa/cUcab BWQYSbaO`S^`WQSR Ob! #eee eWZZg]c\UQ]cY Q]\TW\SRZWTSW\<Se 8S`aSgWaOTO`Q`gT`][ VWaP]VS[WO\R`SO[a @Sa]ZcbSZgVSVSORa b]<SeG]`Y1Wbg]\ O^]WU\O\bX]c`\Sg]T aSZTRWaQ]dS`gW\bVS V]^S]Tb`OQW\UbVS T]]babS^a]TVWaWR]Z³ ZSUS\RO`gT]ZY`]QYS` 0`cQSA^`W\UabSS\ eee_cSS`W\bVScaO Q][ 12-15 AUG: 6OWZSR PgBW[S=cbOa ·]\S]TbVS`SOa]\a b]O^^ZOcR<Se G]`YBVSOb`S¸BVS 4Ocf@SOZBVSOb`S 1][^O\gab]^aW\Ob bVS3bQSbS`OBVSOb`S Oa^O`b]TbVS1O[RS\ 4`W\US4SabWdOZ ^`SaS\bW\U?cSS`W\ bVSCA/E`WbbS\ O\R^S`T]`[SRPg ;O\cSZAW[]\abVS ]\S[O\aV]eT]ZZ]ea OTSSPZSW\b`]dS`bSR UOgbSS\OUS` QVOZZS\USRb]·ZWdS ]cbZ]cR¸C\QS`bOW\ ]TVWaWRS\bWbgO\R abWTZSRPgV][]^V]PWO ObaQV]]Z8]V\\g¸a 13-15 AUG:0OaSR ]\AO\2WSU]¸a 1][WQ1]\bVS047 A]cbVPO\Y^`SaS\ba 3[^W`S;]dWS1]\T]` bVSbVW`RgSO``c\\W\U >OQYSReWbVSfQZcaWdS TWZ[aQ`SS\W\Ua _cWhhSaO\RUcSab O^^SO`O\QSaT`][ bVSZWYSa]T@]PS`b 2]e\Sg8\`bVWa eSSYS\RVOa\SdS` TOZZS\aV]`b]T Sf^SQbObW]\aO\R UcO`O\bSSab]aObWaTg bVSTWZ[USSYW\g]c eeeS[^W`S]\ZW\S Q][[]dWSQ]\ SAT 14 AUG: BVSO\\cOZ C90ZOQY>`WRS 04-06 AUGUST Hailed by Andrew Lloyd Webber as ‘the best youth music theatre in the world’, the National Youth Music Theatre’s adaptation of Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street is sure to do justice to Stephen Sondheim’s classic. Performed in a spooky, authentic Victorian warehouse, London’s most thrilling, blood-curdling musical – which was recently transferred to the screen by Tim Burton – will certainly send shivers up your spine. Having sprung the likes of Jude Law, Matt Lucas and Sheridan Smith on to the national consciousness, who knows which fresh faces of tomorrow the National Youth Music Theatre might give us the privilege to preview! S weeney Todd will be performed at The Village Underground, 54 Holywell Lane, Shoreditch, EC2. % =CbT`]\b 27/@G CALENDAR EVENTS//AUGUST 2010 19 JULY-11 SEPT: Big Scenes is the name of a two-month photography exhibition coming to the Hay Hill Gallery in Cork Street. It features the work of photographer Marco Sanges, whose pictures have been inspired by the visual and performing arts of the glamorous 1920s and 1930s. Combining the surreal with the erotic, Sanges shoots narrativebased work using ordinary Londoners, actors and friends. This, Sanges’ most high-profile show, comes on the back of acclaimed exhibitions in New York and at the Hackney Empire. `Sbc`\ab]:]\R]\ ³bOYW\U]dS`bVS PSOcbWTcZac``]c\RW\Ua ]T@SUS\ba1]ZZSUS W\bVSQS\b`S]T @SUS\ba>O`YBWQYSb W\T]`[ObW]\O\RRSbOWZa ObeeecYPZOQY^`WRS ]`UcY 20-30 AUG:7Tg]c¸`S 13-15 AUG Vintage At Goodwood is a brand new summer festival created by designer Wayne Hemingway. The aim of the festival is to celebrate both British music and fashion – shining a light on ‘creative British cool’ from the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s (hence the ‘vintage’ tag). “Whether it’s Swing, Rockabilly, Mod, Soul, Funk, Disco, Ska, Electro, Burlesque, Film or Art & Design that’s your thing, whether you just want to dress up and get an authentic ‘flat top’ and make-over for a day, Vintage at Goodwood will be visual, responsible, aural and sensual, a big family dressing-up box, a collector’s dream and a joyous creative feast for all ages.” Expect fashions shows, market stalls, plus music from the likes of Sandie Shaw, Heaven 17, Aswad, Buzzcocks and The Damned. Singer Lily Allen will also use the event to launch her own fashion collection, while Queer Nation’s own Patrick Lilley will be acting as ‘Glambassador’ for the event. For further details, check or Patrick Lilley’s Facebook page for ‘Vintage at Goodwood’. & acTTS`W\UT`][O QOaS]T^]ab>`WRS PZcSaeWbV^ZS\bg ]TQSZSP`ObW\UZSTbW\ g]cOTbS`ZOab[]\bV¸a :]\R]\TSabWdWbWSa eVg\]bVSORc^ \]`bVb];O\QVSabS` T]`bS\ROga]T:50B `SdSZ`g-;O\QVSabS` >`WRSWa\]e gSO`aab`]\U(]TTS`W\U O`bQcZbc`S[caWQ \WUVbZWTS³bVSe]`Ya @SU`SbbOPZgbVS0WU ESSYS\R;OW\AbOUS ZW\Sc^`ObVS`^cba :]\R]\¸ab]aVO[S TSObc`W\U\O[SaacQV Oa0SdS`ZSg9\WUVb 0SZW\RO1O`ZWaZSO\R 8]\ObVO\@]aa¸a4]c` >]]TaO\RO>WO\] O[]\Uab]bVS`aEVWZS >`WRS4`W\USeWZZaSSO \c[PS`]TQ][SRWO\a O\RW\RS^S\RS\b bVSOb`SQ][^O\WSa bOYW\Ub]bVSabOUSbVS :SaPWO\O\R5Og4WZ[ 4SabWdOZTOZZW\UObbVS aO[SbW[SeWZZSfVWPWb W\a^W`ObW]\OZTWZ[a T`][OQ`]aabVSUZ]PS ;O\QVSabS`>`WRSeWZZ QZ]aS]\;]\ROg!bV eWbVOQO\RZSZWbdWUWZ W\AOQYdWZZS5O`RS\a ³O[]dW\U^S`W]R ]T`STZSQbW]\O\R `S[S[P`O\QST]`OZZ bV]aSZ]abb]67Deee [O\QVSabS`^`WRSQ][ Arcade Fire 27-29 AUG:7Tg]c` ^OaaW]\WaZSaaT]` RO\QS^]^O\R SZSQb`]\WQOO\Rg]c¸`S eO\bW\Ub]`]QY bVSO\\cOZ@SORW\U 4SabWdOZWabVS^ZOQSb] PS7beWZZPS^`SaS\bW\U PWU\O[SaT`][O eWRSdO`WSbg]TUS\`Sa 6SORZW\SRPgbVS ZSUS\RO`g5c\a<¸ @]aSa/`QORS4W`S O\R0ZW\Y& bVWaZOab [OW\ab`SO[TSabWdOZ]T bVSac[[S`Waac`Sb] U]]cbeWbVOPO\U 28-29 AUG: This August Bank Holiday, South West Four returns to Clapham Common for its seventh year. Joining forces with the former Get Loaded Festival and stretching out over an extra day, this will no doubt be a doubly explosive weekend. Headliners include Dutch trance producer Armin Van Buuren on the Saturday, while Fatboy Slim (pictured), the man who brought us such anthems as ‘Praise You’ and ‘Right Here Right Now’, brings the festival to a close on the Sunday. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder – and after 15 years away, hip hop royalty Salt N Pepa are sure to receive the welcome back that they deserve. With unforgettable dancefloor classics such as ‘Push It’, ‘Shake Your Thang’ and ‘Let’s Talk About Sex’, the ladies sold over 15 million records worldwide, making them well-deservedly the biggest selling female rap-group, and one of the most influential. The trio’s SW4 appearance is a UK festival exclusive, so dust off your Reeboks and acid-wash jeans – Salt N Pepa are not to be missed! Tickets cost £40 for the day or £75 for the weekend. =CbT`]\b @3>=@B Trafalgar Square One of many queens The Out In The City bus PRIDE LONDON 2010 >@723:=<2=<67BB631/>7B/:=<A/BC@2/G!8C:G³E7B6 0:/H7<5AC<A67<32@/E7<53FB@/<C;03@A7<B=13<B@/: :=<2=<4=@B6343AB7D7B73A¬ =`UO\WaS`a]TbVWagSO`¸a>`WRS:]\R]\eVWQV b]]Y^ZOQS]\AObc`ROg!8cZgVOdSVS`OZRSR bVSROgOaO\]bVS`acQQSaa³SabW[ObW\UbVOb O^^`]fW[ObSZg]\S[WZZW]\^S]^ZSbc`\SR]cbb] S\X]gbVSROg³SWbVS`bOYW\U^O`b]`eObQVW\UbVS ^O`ORS]`ObbS\RW\UbVSB`OTOZUO`A_cO`S`OZZg O\R]bVS`Oaa]QWObSRSdS\ba /ZbV]cUV>`WRS:]\R]\OZeOgaObb`OQbaa][S Q`WbWQWa[O\RQ][^ZOW\baOZ]\UbVSZW\SabVObµWb¸a \]bOaU]]ROaWbcaSRb]PS¶bVS]\SbVW\UbVOb SdS`g]\SQ]cZROU`SSc^]\bVWagSO`eOabVObbVS eSObVS`eOa^S`TSQbC\R]cPbSRZgbVS^`SRWQbSR VWUVbS[^S`Obc`Sa^`][^bSR[O\g[]`S^S]^ZS bVO\cacOZb]VSORW\b]QS\b`OZ:]\R]\T]`bVS TSabWdWbWSa :OabgSO`¸aSdS\beOaOZa]Q`WbWQWaSRPga][S T]`R`WTbW\Ub]]TO`T`][>`WRS¸a^]ZWbWQOZ `]]ba>S`VO^a[W\RTcZ]TacQVQ`WbWQWa[bVS ]`UO\WaS`abVWagSO`QV]aSb]Q][[S[]`ObS bVS"bVO\\WdS`aO`g]TbVS5Og:WPS`ObW]\ 4`]\b7beOaOQZSdS`O\RO^^`]^`WObS[]dSO\R b`cZgb]cQVW\Ub]eWb\Saaa][S]TbV]aSeV] VORPSS\OQbWdSW\bVS]`WUW\OZ5:4[]dS[S\b b]ZSORbVWagSO`¸a[O`QV³W\QZcRW\UbVSZWYSa ]T^S`T]`[S`0SbbS 0]c`\SO\RbW`SZSaa Vc[O\`WUVbaOQbWdWab >SbS`BObQVSZZ BVS^O`ORSOacacOZ PSUO\W\0OYS`Ab`SSbO\RX]W\W\UbVS5:4OZc[\W ObbVST`]\beOabVS;Og]`]T:]\R]\0]`Wa 8]V\a]\OZ]\UeWbV]bVS`^]ZWbWQWO\aW\QZcRW\U `SQS\bZgSZSQbSR1]\aS`dObWdS;>;O`U]b8O[Sa ³]\ZgbVSaSQ]\R]cbZSaPWO\W\>O`ZWO[S\b BVS^O`ORSW\QZcRSROZO`US\c[PS`]T [O`QVW\UU`]c^a³eWbV`S^`SaS\bObWdSaT`][OZZ =CbT`]\b @3>=@B The banner sums it up! Dr Christian Jessen Waving the flag down Regent Street PHOTOS © DAVID HUDSON Girl power! bVSP`O\QVSa]TbVSO`[SRT]`QSaOZ]\UeWbV aSdS`OZb`ORSc\W]\aO\RQVO`WbgU`]c^aBVS`S R]SaaSS[b]VOdSPSS\O[]dSOeOgT`][ TZ]Oba^S`VO^aPSQOcaS]TbVSQ]abaW\Qc``SR W\RSQ]`ObW\UbVS[PcbbVS`SeS`SOU`SObS` \c[PS`]TR]cPZSRSQYS`PcaSa³[cQVSOaWS` b]R`O^SeWbVPO\\S`aO\ROQ]\aWRS`OPZg[]`S ZSWac`SZgeOg]TUSbbW\UT`][bVSabO`bb]TW\WaV ES[WUVbPSPWOaSReVS\eSaOg]\S]TbVS PSabeOabVSPcaZOWR]\PgA_cO`S>SU;SRWO ³^cPZWaVS`a]T=cb7\BVS1WbgO\RU!³eVWQV TSObc`SRaW\US`:Oc`OAbSSZSPSZbW\U]cbVS`VWba Mayor Boris Johnson (centre) leads the Pride Parade down Oxford Street BVS^O`ORS[ORSWbaeOgbV`]cUV>WQQORWZZgO\R ]\b]ESab[W\abS`PST]`SbVSOQbW]\[]dSR POQYb]B`OTOZUO`A_cO`ST]`bVS>`WRS`OZZgBVWa TSObc`SR\c[S`]caQ][[c\WbgabOZZaO\RbVS [OW\abOUSeVWQV^ZOgSRV]abb]^]^OQbaacQV OaP`]bVS`aWabS`Rc]AO[S2WTTS`S\QSO\RO`b PO\R;OaaWdS3U]OaeSZZOaTSObc`W\Ua^SSQVSa T`][T`]\bPS\QV^]ZWbWQWO\aacQVOa1]\aS`dObWdS ^]ZWQW\U[W\WabS`<WQY6S`PS`bO\R:WPS`OZ 2S[]Q`ObS_cOZWbg[W\WabS`:g\\S4SObVS`ab]\S BVWaSdS\beOaQ]V]abSRPg8cZWO\0S\\Sbb O\RBD¸a2`1V`WabWO\8SaaS\2Sa^WbSbVSZOQY ]TO\gPWU\O[SOQbabVSabOUSObb`OQbSRO VcUSQ`]eRbV`]cUV]cbbVSOTbS`\]]\O\RO ZObSVWUVZWUVbeOaOabS`ZW\U^S`T]`[O\QSPg bVS233f^S`WS\QS³eV]e]cZRVOdS`OWaSR bVS`]]TVORbVS`SPSS\]\Sb]`OWaS2cSb] Q`]eRQ]\b`]ZWaacSaW\A]V]³RcSZO`USZgb] bVS]\U]W\U1`]aa`OWZRSdSZ]^[S\bW\bVSA]V] A_cO`SO`SO³bVWagSO`aOebVS:SWQSabS`A_cO`S QOPO`SbabOUS`S^ZOQSReWbVbVS2O\QSabOUS /ZbV]cUV28aT`][=`O\USRWRbVSW`PSabb] `Sdc^bVSOb[]a^VS`SOab`WQbZW[Wb]\\c[PS`a W\aWRS:SWQSabS`A_cO`S[SO\bbVObbVSO`SO =CbT`]\b @3>=@B Tomorrow’s generation Soho was busy all day! Staff and volunteers with the National AIDS Trust Everyone loves a sailor! Leather and lace... and feathers! \SdS`_cWbSVWbbVSRWaQ]RSZW`Wc[bVObWbaSS[SR b]OQVWSdSW\WbaT]`[S`V][S6S`S¸aV]^W\UbVOb bVS2O\QSabOUSWaOPZSb]`Sbc`\b]A]V]A_cO`S \SfbgSO`OZ]\UeWbVbVSb`ORWbW]\OZe][S\¸a abOUS]cbaWRSbVS1O\Rg0O` A]V]^`SRWQbOPZgeOaOPa]ZcbSZgVSOdW\U bV`]cUV]cbbVSOTbS`\]]\eWbVOZZbVSPO`a `S^]`bW\UU`SObPcaW\Saa2Sa^WbSbVSZOQY]T abOUSaa][S^`S[WaSaS`SQbSRa]c\RagabS[a W\bVSW`eW\R]eaS\ac`W\UbVObbVS`SeOa^ZS\bg ]T[caWQeVS`SdS`g]cdS\bc`SRBVS^O`bgW\U Members of UNISON Q]\bW\cSRc\bWZZObSeWbVOaSZSQbW]\]Ta^SQWOZ QZcPPW\USdS\babOYW\U^ZOQSW\bVSSdS\W\U ³W\QZcRW\UO>`WRS:]\R]\]`UO\WaSRSdS\bOb 9]Y]eVWQVbc`\SR]cbb]PS`ObVS`a^SQbOQcZO` 6S`S¸aV]^W\UbVWab]]PSQ][SaOb`ORWbW]\OZ^O`b ]TbVS>`WRSTSabWdWbWSa 2Sa^WbSQ]\b`]dS`agO\RQ`WbWQWa[>`WRS:]\R]\ [O\OUSRb]]\QSOUOW\^cZZ]TTO\]bVS` acQQSaaTcZROgO\ROZZSgSaO`SOZ`SORgc^]\ \Sfbac[[S`¸aSdS\bB]YSS^c^b]RObS]\ RSdSZ]^[S\ba]`b]d]Zc\bSS`g]c`aS`dWQSa QVSQYeee^`WRSZ]\R]\]`U Blond on blond =CbdWSe 1=:C;7<7AB ANOTHER COUNTRY 2/<73:4@GA33A5/G:=<2=<B6@=C56 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With her notorious ode to bi-curiosity still fresh in our minds, her personal life plastered over gossip magazines and numerous television appearances, it feels as though our Katy has hardly been away. This month, however, she returns with another welcome fix of bubblegum pop – the essential summer soundtrack, Teenage Dream. Back in June, Perry teased us with “a little sneak-peek” of the new album, corrupting all our childhood memories of Hasbro’s Candy Land with a video that can only be described as Mr Kipling’s wet dream. Featuring West Coast rap icon Snoop Dogg, a contagious beat and a generous helping of synth, ‘California Gurls’ has all the ingredients for a beach party hit. Indeed, one might even describe it as ‘exceedingly good’... Met by a tremendous reception, the single deservedly shot to number one, leaving us with high hopes for her August offerings. Sadly, however, the opening ‘Teenage Dream’ deflates expectations, making a disappointing titular track. Far from one of Katy’s club classics, the acoustic number seems better suited to pre-pubescent girls serenading their Justin Bieber posters. The skip-worthy ‘One That Got Away’ is Since exploding onto the music scene in 2004, with their debut record (Funeral – named Rolling Stone magazine’s #1 album of the ’00s), Arcade Fire have had their iconic status affirmed with a whole host of awards and headline festival appearances. While these flattering measures of the band’s success might have done them a number of favours over the years, luring many onboard the Arcade Fire bandwagon, they also prompt one to examine their work with a critical eye, questioning: is the mainstream hype truly merited? Many Arcade Fire tracks are marked by a Beatle-esque simplicity. The catchy title track of their latest album, ‘The Suburbs’, centres around just three principal chords and is a prime example of their effortless musical flair. Likewise, the stripped-down ‘Deep Blue’, with its simple climbing chord progression, has a modest charm. There are several moments, however, when the minimalistic approach of The Suburbs leaves a little to be desired. Listening to less successful tracks such as ‘Modern Man’, for example, one wishes that Arcade Fire might venture beyond their handful-of-chords comfort zone. It is disappointing, though predictable, when a band with early promise eventually begins to lose momentum – in this case, The Suburbs certainly cannot match the breathtaking urgency of Funeral. Win Butler’s vocal delivery often lacks clarity. Unless one pays close and conscious attention, few lines truly register. Ultimately, therefore, few songs leave a lasting impression, since the music alone lacks the driving force to carry them through. IB Out: 2 August Out: 2 August ! +++++ ARCADE FIRE The Suburbs (Mercury) Since whispers of a reunion late last year, 90s surf-rock legends Reef certainly haven’t wasted any time, scoring slots on three summer festival bills and keeping two side projects on the go. While ‘Them Is Me’ allows band members Gary and Jack to delve into old-school rock n’ roll, ‘StringerBessant’ is an outlet for their sensitive side. Their acoustic debut, Yard, is a risky diversion from Reef’s more raucous roots – with only minimal production, there is none of the forgiving distortion that rock so frequently offers. The question is, can StringerBessant sustain the scrutiny that such a strippeddown album invites, or do the boys have their fingers in too many pies? Yard sees Gary Stringer reign in his idiosyncratic squawking vocals, while retaining a certain Steve Tyler twang. The warm quality of Jack Bessant’s mature, controlled voice is a welcome surprise, as he is liberated from his usual back seat on bass. The two men share vocal and guitar parts to sublime effect across the 12 tracks, creating a genuinely goosebump-inducing harmony. From melancholy love song ‘Hey Girl’ to the hearty, get-up-and-go ‘Make It’, reminiscent of Tenacious D, the album covers all bases and provokes a whole range of emotions over its 40 minutes. Yard may not offer that life-altering first listen, or boast the anthem-factor of ‘Place Your Hands’, but a little perseverance is well worthwhile. Whilst giving a certain edge to easy listening, the album evokes a warm ambience, perfect for a quiet evening in. StringerBessant are, if only for now, a well-kept secret – make sure you’re in on it. IB +++++ another of the album’s low points, with its nauseating tinge of High School Musical. The rest of the record, however, is certainly not for the kids... ‘Circle the Drain’ is an irresistibly catchy pop-rock anthem, but with superfluous swearing and repeated references to ‘foreplay’, it tries a little too hard to earn the album its “Parental Guidance” badge of honour. Much in the style of ‘LoveGame’, Teenage Dream is laden with innuendo, though Lady Gaga’s infamous ‘disco stick’ metaphor seems almost innocent by comparison! Katy considerably ups her game with the unambiguous seventh track, entitled ‘Peacock’ – we probably don’t need to say anymore... It’s certainly not MTV-friendly, but it’s one to listen out for at G-A-Y Porn Idol! ‘Firework’ is one of Teenage Dream’s highlights and a likely future single. It’s fair to say that Katy isn’t the smoothest lyricist, but with gems such as this, it hardly matters – a dancefloor power ballad with thumping bass – just waiting to be remixed – ‘Firework’ is, quite simply, Miss Perry at her best. Amidst such strong tracks, the naff interludes are forgivable. Teenage Dream is, overall, an excellent second album, which showcases Katy Perry’s artistic versatility and can be sure to match the global success of her debut. IB +++++ EELS Tomorrow Morning (Universal) Back in June, Eels frontman Mark Oliver Everett (better known as E) hit headlines when police mistook him for a terrorist in London’s Hyde Park. In his own defence, the singer retorted, “Not every guy with short hair and a long beard is a terrorist. Some of us just want to rock.” Exhibit A, the Eels’ latest record Tomorrow Morning comes out this month to conclude a concept album trilogy produced over the last two years. While previous albums sifted through emotional wreckage and shook a fist at the sky, Tomorrow Morning aims to offer refreshing new optimism. In contrast with the threadbare End Times, this experimental electronic album weaves together many strands; a blend of keyboards, drum machines and kooky sound demos communicates just the euphoric ‘celebration’ that he had hoped to achieve, with a hint of punk/jazz fusion. In particular, the raucous rhythm and blues number, ‘Looking Up’ is a foot-tapping triumph. Everett’s raspy, whiskey-and-cigarettes vocal style makes him an ideal candidate for storyteller. His reflective lyrics are enhanced by the credible voice of a man who has been through the mill, conveying a certain maturity, credibility and spark of wisdom. In some respects, however, he lacks the ease of those masters of mope who paved his way (Leonard Cohen, Tom Waits). Tracks such as ‘I Like The Way This Is Going’ feel a little constrained; the simple couplets don’t slot into the song seamlessly. Perhaps pure miserablism suited him better? IB +++++ Out: 24 August REVIEWS: IRINA BUZNEA ALBUMS OUT IN AUGUST ;CA71 ! =Cb\]e =Cb\]e ;CA71 VIVA LA DIFFERENCE A/;327443@3<13/@30/194@3A64@=;AB=@;7<5B63AB/53/B>@723 :=<2=<B63G16/BB32E7B6;716/3:BC@<0C::/0=CBB637@@3BC@<¬ <]]\SSf^SQbSRAO[S2WTTS`S\QSb]USbb] bVS¿\OZ]TBVSF4OQb]`C\OaVO[SRZgR]W\U WbT]`bVSYWRabVSg^S`T]`[SRQ]dS`a]TA1ZcP %6WUVAQV]]Z;caWQOZO\RAQWaa]`AWabS`aVWba BVSgeS`S^]^^S`a]\W¿SRgSbOTbS`PSW\U ]TTS`SRORSOZeWbV`SQ]`RZOPSZAgQ]bVSgeS`S aeWTbZgR`]^^SR0cbOTbS`b]c`W\UV]ZWROgQO[^a O\RUOgQZcPaT]`bVSZOabbe]gSO`aASO\ O\RAO`OVO`SQ][W\UPOQYeWbVO\SeZ]]Y O\RO\Sea]c\RAWU\SRb]bVSc^¸\¸Q][W\U >]^:WTS@SQ]`RabVSaWPZW\UaO`S^`S^O`W\U b]`SZSOaSbVSW`\SeaW\UZS·AVW\S=\4]`SdS` >V]b]4`O[S¸;WQVOSZBc`\PcZZ[SSbabVS[ b]RWaQcaaUOga^]^PSW\URWbQVSRPgAW[]\ 1]eSZZ³O\R¿Z[W\UbVSW`dWRS]ObbVSW\TO[]ca DOcfVOZZ\WUVbQZcP4W`S B3::;3/0=CBB63<3EA7<5:3·A67<3=< 4=@3D3@>6=B=4@/;3¸ ASO\(7b¸aOP]cbbVSTOQbbVObSdS`g]\SVOaVOR O[OhW\UbW[SaW\bVSW`ZWdSaO\R`S[S[PS`W\U bVS[eVS\bW[SaUSbb]cUV7b¸aOZa]OP]cb[]dW\U caT]`eO`ReWbVORWTTS`S\ba]c\RW\b]SRUWS`^]^ ESeS`SPSZWbbZSRZOabbW[SPSQOcaSeSOW[SR ]c`[caWQObbVSYWRa<]eeSO`S[OYW\U^]^ SdS`g]\SQO\S\X]g)Wb¸a\]bXcabT]`QVWZR`S\ A7;=<1=E3::6/2>753=<6=:32G=C /A/167:2@3<¸A/1B6/2<¸B63ASO\(BVSTW`abbW[SO`]c\RbVSOZPc[eOaZOWR ]cbT]`caO\ReS\SdS``SOZZgVOROaOgESeS`S Xcaba]VO^^gb]USbO\OZPc[RSOZESZ]dS^]^ [caWQO\RXcabeO\bSRb][OYSO^]^OZPc[ BVOb¸aeVObeSVOdSeWbV]c`\SeZOPSZ TW`abOZPc[eS]\ZgVOR]\Sa]\UbVObeSU]b b]e`WbS0cbbVWabW[S&]TbVSOZPc[Wa]c` e`WbW\U ASO\(EVS\·>V]b]4`O[S¸QO[SPOQYSdS`g]\S aOWRV]e[cQVbVSgZWYSRbVSZg`WQa/Z]b]TQ`WbWQa aSS[b]bVW\YeS¸`Sabc^WRAO`OV¸aO`SOZZga[O`b UW`ZAVSQO[S]cb]TaQV]]ZeWbV!51A3aPcb bVOb\SdS`USbaP`]cUVbc^0cbV]^STcZZgOTbS` ^S]^ZSVSO`bVWaOZPc[WbeWZZQVO\USbVS^cPZWQ¸a ^S`QS^bW]\7beWZZPSVO`Rb]bc`\WbO`]c\ROTbS` V]eeSeS`S^S`QSWdSRW\bVS^Oab E63<272G=C433:G=C;756B03 2@=>>32/BAG1=AO`OV(7bQ`S^bW\PST]`SeSSdS\`SZSOaSRbVS aW\UZSBVSOZPc[YS^bPSW\U^caVSRPOQY ES`SZSOaSRbVSaW\UZSbVSaO[SeSSYbVOb E]]Ze]`bVaQZ]aSRR]e\O\RbVSgeS`SR]W\U E6/B¸A5=7<5=<7<B63A/;3 OZZ]c`ORdS`bWaW\UeWbVca(·0cgWbW\E]]Ze]`bVa¸ 27443@3<13E=@:2A]eSQ]cZR\¸bSdS\caSbVObESeS`SOaYW\U AO`OV(ES¸`S^ZOgW\U$RWTTS`S\b>]\bW\¸aO`]c\R eVObbVSaSQ]\RaW\UZSeOaU]W\Ub]PSO\ReS bVSC9EScacOZZg^ZOg>]\bW\¸aRc`W\UbVSeSSY \SdS``SOZZgU]bOab`OWUVbO\aeS`7beOaZWYS·=V O\RbVS\>`WRSTSabWdOZa]`UOgQZcPa]\bVS eSZZeS¸ZZQ][SPOQYW\8O\cO`gO\RRSQWRS¸G]c eSSYS\RES¸dSR]\SOP]cbbS\RObSaa]TO`a] \SdS``SOZZgVORbVObTSSZW\UbVObeSeS`SU]W\U eSVOdSOP]cb#b]U]0cbWb¸a\]bROc\bW\U b]Q][SPOQY PSQOcaSg]cY\]ebVS`S¸aU]W\Ub]PSO\ E6/B2=G=CB67<9=4B637;/53 OcRWS\QSbVObUSbaeVObeS¸`SOP]cb =D3@6/C:ASO\(ESVOdS\¸bab]^^SRe]`YW\UaW\QSF ASO\(7b¸aU`SOb7eOaZWYS·/`Sg]cac`SOP]cbbVS 4OQb]`eVWQVWaU`SOb/ZZbVSaSU`SOb0`WbWaV UZOaaSa-/`Sg]cac`S7aV]cZRVOdS[gQVSab V]ZWROgQO[^aO`SW[^]`bO\bT]`]c`[O`YSba] ]cb-¸ESO`SVOdW\UO\SeaV]]beWbVbVS^S]^ZS eSOZeOgaUSbP]]YSRc^ ObDWdWS\\SESabe]]RT]`]c`OZPc[Q]dS` AO`OV(:]\R]\>`WRSeOaW\Q`SRWPZS7beOaacQV 7R]\¸bY\]eV]eeS[O\OUSRb]USbbVS[ OPchhb]aSSbVObO[]c\b]T^S]^ZSW\acQVO W\d]ZdSRI:OcUVaK Q]\TW\SRO`SOBVSQ`]eReS`SXcabU]W\U[S\bOZ B632/<17<56/A5=B32573@6=E/@3 O\RX]W\W\UW\ G=C47<27<5B63;=D3AASO\(>`WRSeOac\PSZWSdOPZS>`WRSeOaO`SOZ AO`OV(7\bVS^OabWb¸aOZeOgaXcabPSS\OTSe [][S\bO\RWbUOdScaOZ]b]TQ]\TWRS\QSU]W\U aVW[[WSaVS`SO\RbVS`SBVWabW[SWb¸aOPWb T]`eO`RBVO\Yab]SdS`g]\SbVS`ST]`bVSW` b]cUVS`O\RgSOVSRUWS`7b¸aPSS\Tc\PSQOcaS ac^^]`b 7¸dS\]bR]\SWbPST]`S0cbeSabWZZVOdSa][S E6G2=G=CB67<95/GA:=D3>=>;CA71 aWU\Obc`SRO\QS[]dSa(bVS·Q`SObSg]c`]e\ A=;C16^V]b]T`O[S¸[]dSb]U]eWbVbVSaW\UZS ASO\(7bVW\YPgOQQS^bW\UbVObg]cO`SUOgO\R I:OcUVaK Q][W\U]cbb]^S]^ZSbVS`SWa\]bVW\Ub]PS B3::CA/0=CBB63; G=C47:;32B63D723=7<B63:353<2/@G OaVO[SR]TOTbS`bVOb0cb7O[ab`OWUVbO\R7 ASO\(>]^:WTSWaU`SOb7b¸aOQ][^ZSbSZgRWTTS`S\b 47@3B== Z]dS^]^[caWQ7¸[\]bOaVO[SR]TbVOb7b¸aXcab YSbbZS]TTWaVb]AgQ]7b¸aZWbS`OZZgXcabT]c`UOg[S\ ASO\(7beOaO[OhW\U7bVW\YbVS`SeS`SOTSe a][SbVW\UbVOb7Z]dS0OQYW\bVSROg7Z]dSR BVSgZ]dSSdS`gbVW\UOP]cb^]^[caWQO\RO`S VO\US`a]\T`][bVSeSSYS\ReVS\eSaV]bWb AbS^a³PcbOZZ[gT`WS\RaeS`SW\b]BVS/`bTcZ a]ac^^]`bWdSEWbVAgQ]7¸[\]bU]W\Ub]aZOU U]W\UQ]ZRbc`YSgW\bVSQ]`\S`I:OcUVaK7¸dSVOR 2]RUS` bVS[]TTPSQOcaSWbeOaU`SObb]PSaWU\SRb] a][SU`SOb\WUVbabVS`Sa]WbeOaeSW`RTWZ[W\UWb AO`OV(7\>]`ba[]cbV7U]b];O`bVO¸aOZZbVSbW[S O[OX]``SQ]`RZOPSZPcbeSOZeOgaTSZbbVObeS bVW\YW\UbVSZOabbW[S7eOabVS`S7eOa]TT[gTOQS 7Z]dSaSSW\UbVSR`OU_cSS\aR]QOPO`SbBVS`S \SdS``SOZZgVOROaOgESeS`SOZeOgab]ZRb] ]\P]]hS WaOUcgQOZZSRESaZSgeV]^S`T]`[abVS`SSdS`g OQbO\RR]bVW\UaOQS`bOW\eOgESTSSZZWYSeS AO`OV(GSa7e]cZRZWYSb]U]POQYPSQOcaSbVS\7 BVc`aROgEVS\eSRWR]c`b]c`ZOabgSO`eS VOdSU]b[cQV]T]c`O`bWabW\bSU`WbgPOQYBVSg QO\U]O\R`SQ`SObSbVSdWRS]:gW\U]\bVSTZ]]` VSZR]c`OTbS`aV]e^O`bgbVS`SO\RVSRWRbVS c\RS`abO\R^]^[caWQO\ReVObeS¸`SOZZOP]cb eWbVOZZbVS^S]^ZSabS^^W\U]dS`[S[WUVb\]bPS S\bS`bOW\[S\b7U]b]bVSab`OWUVbQZcPabVObO`S BVSgaV]ecaOZ]b]TZ]dS bVObObb`OQbWdSbV]cUVI:OcUVaK ac^^]aSRb]PSQ]]ZO\R7Q][SOeOga^S\RW\U E6/BA=@B=47<>CB/@3G=C0=B6 6/D7<5B67AB7;3‘Shine On Forever (Photo Frame)’ is out 29 August on PopLife O`WRWQcZ]caO[]c\b]T[]\SgO\R7RWR\¸b`SOZZg AO`OV(ESUSbb]e`WbSeVWQVWaTO\bOabWQ=\bVS Records. VOdSO\gTc\ WE ARE HAVING A NEW SHOOT WITH THE PEOPLE AT VIVIENNE WESTWOOD FOR OUR ALBUM COVER! I DON’T KNOW HOW WE MANAGED TO GET THEM INVOLVED SEAN !! =Cb\]e 47:; THE BEST DVDS AUGUST ’10 I LOVE YOU PHILLIP MORRIS Jim Carrey and Ewan MacGregor play gay lovers in this offbeat and quirky little comedy which is, amazingly, based upon a true story. Carrey plays Steven Russell, a flamboyant conman who will seemingly stop at nothing to stay with partner Morris (MacGregor) – despite both moving to and from penal institutions. As told here, the story is played largely for laughs, but underneath the surface lays a more sobering and sad tale. FILMS AUGUST UNDERTOW W\bSZZWUS\bO\RW[OUW\ObWdS^WSQS]Te]`Y /ZbV]cUVbVSb`ORWbW]\aO\RPSZWSTa]TbVS dWZZOUS`a[OgPSa^SQWTWQb]bVS`SUW]\[cQV ]TbVS`Sab]TbVSab]`gb]cQVSac^]\c\WdS`aOZ bVS[Sa(bVSU]aaW^bVOb`SUW[S\babVSZWdSa]T bVSdWZZOUS`abVSV][]^V]PWOQ][[]\ZgT]c\R eWbVW\Wa]ZObSRQ][[c\WbWSaO\RbVSSbS`\OZ ab`cUUZST]`OQQS^bO\QSO\RVO^^W\Saa/ZbV]cUV bVSab]`gWaTO\bOagOZZbVSQVO`OQbS`aW\d]ZdSRO`S PSZWSdOPZS³\]\S[]`Sa]bVO\;WUcSZ^ZOgSR Pgb]^0]ZWdWO\OQb]`1`WabWO\;S`QOR]eV] Z]dSaVWaeWTSO\R\SeP]`\QVWZRPcbWab]`\O^O`b PgVWaTSSZW\UaT]`VWaRSQSOaSRZ]dS`EVS`SOa bVSacPXSQb]TUV]abaWacacOZZg^ZOgSRT]`V]``]` ]`T]`ZOcUVaVS`SbVSb]\SbV`]cUV]cb`S[OW\a a][PS`O\Rab`O\USZg\Obc`OZWabWQBVSW\b`W\aWQ aOR\Saa]TAO\bWOU]¸aRS[WaSc\RS`^W\a[cQV ]TbVSTWZ[ 4cS\bSa:S\aV]bbVSTWZ[]\OaV]Sab`W\U PcRUSb³PcbbVS`SacZbWaO_cW`YgbS\RS`O\R cZbW[ObSZg[]dW\U^WSQS]Te]`Y/ZbV]cUVO A^O\WaVZO\UcOUS>S`cdWO\TWZ[OP]cbbVSRSOR [WUVba]c\RW\OQQSaaWPZSbVSTOQbbVObbVWae]\ bVS/cRWS\QS/eO`RObbVS Ac\RO\QS4WZ[ 4SabWdOZWZZcab`ObSabVObbVS`SacZbQO\³O\RaV]cZR ³PSS[P`OQSRPgOcRWS\QSae]`ZReWRS26 =cb($/cUcab +++++ !" OUT: 16 AUGUST +++++ WATERCOLORS Fans of slow-burning gay romance will find much to admire in Watercolors, a tender love story. Contrasting students Danny and Carter, an arty type and swimmer respectively, find themselves drawn to one another, and a passionate affair develops, against a backdrop of high school homophobia and parental disapproval. Strong performances from the two leads elevate this piece of gay cinema above the norm. OUT: 30 AUGUST MOTHER 6OdW\UQ`SObSR]\S]TbVS[]abacQQSaaTcZTWZ[a W\9]`SO\VWab]`geWbV $[]\abS`[]dWS BVS6]abe`WbS`O\RRW`SQb]`0]\U8]]\V]VOa T]ZZ]eSRWbc^eWbVO[]`SW\bW[ObSW\b`WQObSZg Q`OTbSR[gabS`g[SZ]R`O[O/aQV]]ZUW`ZWa RWaQ]dS`SR[c`RS`SRO\RVS`RSObVWaPZO[SR ]\ %gSO`]ZR2]X]]\³OZ]QOZ[O\eWbV ZSO`\W\URWTTWQcZbWSa=cb`OUSRObbVSOQQcaObW]\ OUOW\abVS`]\ZgQVWZRVWa[]bVS`VS`POZWabO\R OQc^c\Qbc`Wab6gSXOaSba]cbb]RWaQ]dS`bVS`SOZ YWZZS`O\RT`SSVS`a]\T`][XOWZ ;]bVS`WaOc\W_cS]TTS`W\UeVWQVWaPgbc`\a QVWZZW\Uac``SOZeWbbgO\RSdS`a]aZWUVbZgQO[^ 7b¸a`]]bSRW\O`S[O`YOPZS^S`T]`[O\QSPgZSOR OQb`Saa9W[6gSXOeV]aSQ]\QS`\T]`VS`a]\ O\RRSa^S`ObW]\ObVWa^ZWUVb^S`[SObSaVS` SdS`gOQbW]\8]]\V]¸aP]ZRaQ`W^bQ][PW\Sa WHIP IT Easily one of our favourite films of the year, if you missed this little gem upon its cinematic release, do look out for the DVD. The directorial debut from Drew Barrymore, Whip It tells the tale of Bliss Cavendar (Ellen Page). Her mom (Marcia Gay Harden) wants her to be a beauty queen, and is horrified when she discovers her daughter would prefer to become a roller derby player. A funny, heartwarming little movie. +++++ PORNOGRAPHY – A THRILLER SZS[S\ba]T/ZT`SR6WbQVQ]QYO\R2OdWR:g\QVb] Q`SObSOPSeWbQVW\UO\R`S[O`YOPZS]TTS`W\UbVOb \SdS`R`OUaT]`O\g]TWba '[W\cbSRc`ObW]\26 =cb( /cUcab +++++ Not quite the thrill-fest that its title might suggest, this feature from director David Kitteridge is likely to disappoint fans of porn or thrillers. What you get is a rather confusing trilogy of interconnected stories relating to the death of a porn star, and a mysterious porn tape – which brings sadistic death to anyone who watches it. That said, it offers a certain David Lynch-style charm, and just enough suspense to carry you through to its finale. OUT: 29 AUGUST +++++ REVIEWS: DAVID HUDSON ASbW\Oa[OZZ>S`cdWO\TWaVW\UdWZZOUSbVWaRSPcb TSObc`ST`][e`WbS`O\RRW`SQb]`8OdWS`4cS\bSa :S\WaOc\W_cSO\Rc\cacOZORRWbW]\b]_cSS` e]`ZRQW\S[O/`Sa^SQbSRTWaVS`[O\;WUcSZ ZWdSaeWbVVWaeWTS;O`WSZOeV]WaSf^SQbW\UbVS Q]c^ZS¸aTW`abQVWZR/QZ]aSY\WbVWUVZg`SZWUW]ca Q][[c\Wbg\SWbVS`;WUcSZ¸aeWTS]`TSZZ]e TWaVS`[S\VOdSO\gWRSObVOb;WUcSZWaOZa]W\Z]dS eWbVO[O\³OZ]QOZO`bWab\O[SRAO\bWOU] A]TO`a]^`SRWQbOPZS¬PcbXcabOag]cbVW\Y·VS`S eSU]eWbVO\]bVS`b]`bc`SRQ][W\U]cbab]`g¸ 4cS\bSa:S\bV`]eaW\OUS\S`]caR]ZZ]^]T :ObW\/[S`WQO\[OUWQ`SOZWa[AO\bWOU]R`]e\a W\OaeW[[W\UOQQWRS\b6WaP]RgZWSaPS\SObV aSOPcbVWaa^W`Wb`]O[abVSQ]OabZW\S=\Zg ;WUcSZQO\aSS]`TSSZVW[4]`]\QSbVSQ]c^ZS QO\eOZYT`SSZgbV`]cUVbVSdWZZOUS³bVS]bVS` dWZZOUS`a]PZWdW]cab]AO\bWOU]¸aUV]abZg^`SaS\QS 6]eSdS`bVSa^W`Wb_cWQYZgU`]eabW`SR]TPSW\U W\ZW[P]O\Rb]^Oaa]\b]bVSOTbS`ZWTSVWaP]Rg [cabPS`SQ]dS`SRO\ROQQ]`RSRO^`]^S`Pc`WOZ 1O\;WUcSZPSO`b]aOgU]]RPgSb]VWaRSOR Z]dS`-1O\VSTW\RAO\bWOU]¸aP]Rg¬O\RWTa] V]eeWZZVSSf^ZOW\b]VWaeWTSO\RQVc`QVeVgVS 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in London in 1605 – the year of Guy Fawkes’s Gunpowder Plot – new production Better Than Sex is described as “a fun, camp and bawdy romp exploring the crazy truth behind this date in English history.” However, the records have been twisted in this account, as King James I is a Marilyn Monroe-wannabe, his secret agent a transvestite and his butler gay-for-pay! Robert B Suda directs this musical comedy in two acts, created by the Hungarian duo Attila Galambos and Mate Bella and translated into English by Jason Charles. Better Than Sex plays between 3 and 29 August at London’s Courtyard Theatre (N1) with tickets costing £14. 32E/@25/;:7<@3D73EAE=:40=G EVWZSbVS^Z]bRSaQ`W^bW]\O\R^`][]O`b [OYSE]ZTP]ga]c\RZWYSO[]dWS^WbQVSR PSbeSS\0SW\U6c[O\O\RBeWZWUVb^Ob`]\a Sf^SQbW\UOV]``]`aV]eeWZZPSRWaO^^]W\bSR 7\TOQbE]ZTP]g³\]eaV]eW\UObbVSB`OTOZUO` AbcRW]a³WaOaca^S\aS^WSQS`Sd]ZdW\UO`]c\R aSfO\ROPcaSbV]cUVWbQS`bOW\Zge]cZR\¸bPS ]cb]T^ZOQSW\OBeWZWUVbTO\¸aQ]ZZSQbW]\ 0SW\UObV`WZZS`Wbe]cZRPSe`]\Ub]a^]WZbVS ^Z]bPcbVS`S¸aOaYSbQV(0S`\WS5`SUU:]eSWa O\]dS`OQVWSdS`eV]¸aR]\SOPORX]P]TaZOaVW\U VWae`Waba6S¸a^ZOQSRW\bVSV]a^WbOZ`]][\Sfb b]2OdWR>OcZ6]Z]eObgO\]bVS`b`]cPZSR g]cbVeV]PSZWSdSaVS¸aOeS`Se]ZT<c`aS1VS``g 3[[O@WUPgZ]]YaOTbS`bVSbe]PcbTOWZab] \]bWQSOabVSgP]\RW\aSQ`SbPSQOcaSaVS¸ab]] PcagaVOUUW\U0S`\WS¸a]ZRS`P`]bVS`1V`WabWO\ 2O\WSZ0]gaeV]VOaORO`YaSQ`Sb7TbVWaeV]ZS bVW\Ua]c\RaZWYSWb¸aab`OWUVb]cb]TbVS6]ZZg]OYa 6OZZ]eSS\A^SQWOZWb[OgPSPSQOcaSVOZTbVSQOab 6]Z]eObgO\R@WUPgO`ST`][bVObaV]e 0SW\UORO^bSRT`][O^ZOgWb¸aVO`Rb]Y\]e V]e[cQVQ`SRWbO\RPZO[STOZZaeWbV]`WUW\OZ Q`SOb]`0`OR4`OaS`O\RV]e[cQVWaR]e\b] RW`SQb]`@caaSZZ:OPSg7b¸aSOagb]aSSbVSO^^SOZ ]TbVS]`WUW\OZQ]\QS^b(Wb¸aTcZZ]TbSS\OUSO\Uab bVS`S¸aOab`]\U[SbO^V]`WQZW\YPSbeSS\e]ZdSa O\RV][]aSfcOZWbgO\RbVS`S¸aOaS`WSa]TQZSdS` ^Z]bbeWabaC\T]`bc\ObSZg:OPSg¸aRW`SQbW]\O\R P]]YWa`ObVS`·a]O^]^S`O¸W\abgZS)bVSOQbW\U WaTZObO\RTSSZa`S[]dSRT`][bVSbSfb:OPSg !& R]Sa\¸bVOdSS\]cUVTOWbVW\bVSOcRWS\QSb] O^^`SQWObSbVSUOgacPbSfba]VSQZ]PPS`abVS[ eWbVWb BVWa^`]PZS[Wa]\Zg[OU\WTWSRPg:S]\ >O``Wa¸aaQ]`SO\RZg`WQa(TcZZ]Tag\bVaO\R R`c[Z]]^aeWbVZWdSd]QOZaPcb^`S`SQ]`RSR POQYW\UE]ZTP]g¸aaQ]`S`O[^ac^bVS Ob[]a^VS`SPcbObbVSQ]ab]Ta]c\RW\UZWYSO\ S[]PO\R¸aRS[]aSaaW]\aBVS[OX]`Wbg]TbVS a]\UaO`S]TaW[WZO`bS[^]O\Ra]c\RO\RbVS PWU`SdSOZaW\[caWQeSZZbVS`SO`S\¸bO\gBVS ]\SSfQS^bW]\³O\c[PS`eVS`SbVSP]ga`SOR ZSbbS`aT`][OeO\Y[OUPST]`Sbc`\W\UbVS[W\b] W\acZbaOUOW\abSOQV]bVS`³e]`YaOaOaQS\SPcb bVSa]\UWaa]TO``S[]dSRT`][bVS`Sab]TbVS aQ]`SbVObWbTSSZaOeYeO`R =\bVS^ZcaaWRS0S\6O``Wa]\¸aa]c\RRSaWU\ OZ]\UeWbV;WYS@]PS`ba]\¸aZWUVbaR]Oa]ZWR X]P]TYSS^W\UbVS[]]RbS\aSO\RbVSQOab ^O`bWQcZO`ZgbVSbe]g]cbVaZ]]YU`SObW\ 8Oa]\2S\dW`¸aaW[^ZSdSabO\R^gXO[OP]bb][ Q]abc[Sa EVWZSE]ZTP]gVOaOZ]bU]W\UT]`WbW\bS`[a]T ^Z]bWRSOaO\RRSaWU\bc`\W\UWbW\b]O[caWQOZ aSS[aW\`Sb`]a^SQbb]VOdSPSS\c\\SQSaaO`g BVSOb`SU]S`aT]\R]TbVSaQ]`S¸a[caWQOZabgZS]` bV]aSeV]U]T]`bVSR`]]Ze]`bVgSgSQO\Rg [OgO^^`SQWObSWb[]`SPcba][SbVW\UOP]cbbVWa aV]eXcabTOWZab]QZWQY +++++ BENT IS BACK The acclaimed play Bent is currently back in London enjoying a revival at the Tabard Theatre in Turnham Green, W4. This hard-hitting piece – which has consistently been performed around the world since its 1979 debut– concerns itself with the treatment of gay men by the Nazis. Written by Martin Sherman, it follows the fortunes of Max, a gay man in 1930s Berlin, who finds himself sentenced to imprisonment in the Dachau concentration camp. What follows is a story of survival, love and self-discovery. Since it first opened at the Royal Court in 1979, Bent has been staged in over 40 countries and translated into at least 21 different languages. This current production runs until 8 August only. Tickets: £16 (£14 concessions). Book online at www.tabardtheatre. or call: 08448 472264 Tabard Theatre, 2 Bath Road, London, W4 1LW. PHOTO © SAM ARMSTRONG HOWLING AT THE MOON HIDDEN TREASURES Blink Twice is a sequel to last summer’s hit BLINK!… and you missed it! at Above the Stag Theatre (SW1E) – a show based on hidden gems from forgotten musicals. The project is devised by Peter Bull and director Tim McArthur. It will feature songs by masters such as Andrew Lloyd Webber, Stephen Sondheim, Jerry Herman and Kander and Ebb. A must for fans of musicals; the production shines a spotlight on some beautiful songs from forgotten shows. Above the Stag is a pub theatre in Victoria, and is famous for frequently showing gay-themed plays. Blink Twice is running between 27 July and 22 August. Tickets cost £12 on the first week and £14 thereafter. Box office: 020 8932 4747 !' =Cb\]e B63/B@3 ANGELIC EXPERIENCE 6=E272G=C1=;3B=037<D=:D32E7B6 B67A<3E>@=2C1B7=<=43:3573A4=@ /<53:A>C<9A/<2@/57<5?C33<A- A][S[]\bVaOU]7eOaQ]\bOQbSRPg8]V\ 8OQYa]\/Z[]\RbVSRW`SQb]`eV][7[Sb bV`]cUV[g3RW\Pc`UV^`]XSQbOTSegSO`aPOQY 6SOaYSR[SWT7eOaW\bS`SabSRW\bOYW\UO`]ZSW\ bVSaV]eO\ReVS\VSb]ZR[SbVS^ZO\eOab] VWUVZWUVbbVSWaacS]T67D/72AO\R`OWaS[]\Sg T]`BS``S\QS6WUUW\aB`cabeVWZS^cbbW\U]\O U`SOb^WSQS]TbVSOb`S7W[[SRWObSZgaOWRgSa E3@3G=C4/;7:7/@E7B6B63A6=E7¸RVSO`R]T3ZSUWSaPcb7¸dS\SdS`aSS\O ^S`T]`[O\QS7¸dSOZeOgabV]cUVbWbOdS`gRO`W\U O\R[]dW\UWRSOb]^ZOQSO\gbVSOb`WQOZe]`YW\ O\RO`]c\RbVS/72AS^WRS[WQ7bVW\YWbbOYSa O^O`bWQcZO`bg^S]Te`WbS`b]Q`SObSObVSOb`WQOZ ^S`T]`[O\QS]cb]Ta][cQVRSa^OW`O\RTSO` O\Rb][OYSbVS^WSQSa]S\Q]c`OUW\UO\R eO`[ 7B¸A033< G3/@AA7<13B63A6=E E/A47@AB>3@4=@;32B=/<G=<3 C<4/;7:7/@E7B67BE6/B¸A7B /0=CB-E6=3:A343/BC@3A7<B67A >@=2C1B7=<7\a^W`SRPgbVS/72A?cWZb>`]XSQbIO Q][[S[]`ObWdS^`]XSQbSabOPZWaVSRW\bVS SO`ZgROga]TbVS/72AS^WRS[WQKbVSaV]eWaO X]c`\SgbV`]cUVbVSab]`WSa]TOU`]c^]T^S]^ZS eV]VOdSRWSRT`][/72AO\RbV]aSbVSg¸dSZSTb PSVW\RBVSX]c`\SgWa[O^^SRbV`]cUVa]\Ua O\R[]\]Z]UcSaeVWQVSf^`SaaZ]aaV]^SO\R Z]dS3ZSUWSaWa[OaaWdSZg^]WU\O\bPcbO\g]\S Sf^SQbW\UWbb]PSRO`YO\Ra]ZS[\eWZZPS ac`^`WaSRbVOb0WZZ@caaSZZa]O`bTcZZge`]bSTc\O\R b]\UcSW\QVSSY[][S\baW\b]bVSaV]eb]] AW\US`;W_cSZ0`]e\O\ROQb]`a:S]\:]^ShO\R 2]\5WZSbO`SW\bVSQOabBVSg¸`Sa]O[OhW\UZg dS`aObWZS7b¸aOQbcOZZgOPWbVc[PZW\Ub]PS^O`b]T bVS^`]XSQb 2=G=CB67<97BA;3AA/537AAB7::/A @3:3D/<BB=2/G7`SOZZgPSZWSdSWbWaBVSS^WRS[WQWaaW[^Zg\]b ]dS`>S]^ZSOZZ]dS`bVSe]`ZRO`SabWZZRgW\UT`][ /72AO\RW\TSQbW]\`ObSaabWZZa]O`7bVW\Y3ZSUWSa abWZZ[OYSabS``WTWQOZZgdOZWRabObS[S\baOP]cbbVS VOd]QbVSRWaSOaSQOcaSaPcbWbOZa]aOgaS_cOZ O[]c\baOP]cbZ]dSQ][[c\WbgO\RQO`S1O\ eSSdS`aOgb]][cQVOP]cbbVSaSG=CE3<B2=E</AB=@;/B>@723 :=<2=<@313<B:G³6=EE/AB6/B 3F>3@73<134=@G=C7bRWRaSS[b]e]`YeSZZ7eOadS`gQVcTTSRO\R `ObVS`bOYS\eWbVbVObaSO]Ta[WZW\UTOQSaO\R bVS`SOQbW]\]TbVSQ`]eR7VOdSbVSPSabX]P " B6343AB7D/:6/A033<1@7B717A327< A=;3?C/@B3@A=D3@@313<BG3/@A 4/7@1@7B717A;7bVW\YWb¸aO^WbgbVOb>`WRSVOaZSTbbVS^O`YaO\R []dSRW\b]acQVc`PO\ac``]c\RW\Ua7\SdS`TSZb ZWYS7eOaV]ZRW\Uc^b`OTTWQeVWZS7eOaZSO^W\U O`]c\R1ZO^VO[1][[]\0cb7OZa]bVW\Y bVObbVSc`PO\WaObW]\]T>`WRSaOga[cQV OP]cbUOgZWTSW\bVS[Sb`]^]ZWaES¸dS PSQ][SObORb]]O`QVWbSQbc`OZZg]PaSaaSR O\RSaQVSeSR]c`ZWbS`OZZgU`SS\S``]]ba ;OgPSbVS[OaaWdSabgZWaVZgRSaWU\SR PcWZRW\UaVOdSPSQ][SO[SbO^V]`T]` eVObO\ReV]eSeO\bW\]c`ZWdSa4=@A=;3>3=>:3A337<5G=C/B >@723;756B6/D3033<B637@47@AB 3F>=AC@3B=G=C2=G=C>3@4=@; 3F1:CA7D3:G/BB63@=G/:D/CF6/:: B/D3@<7<:=<2=<³=@1/<>3=>:3 1/B16G=C3:A3E63@37<B63 1/>7B/:B]PSV]\SabbVS`S`SOZZgWa\¸bO\]bVS`dS\cS W\:]\R]\7¸ReO\bb]^ZOg/\g]\SeV]VOa aSS\23ObbVS@DBeWZZc\RS`abO\RV]e RWaaObWaTOQb]`gWbe]cZRPSb]UWUSZaSeVS`S BVS`S`SOZZgWa]\Zg]\S^ZOQS7QOZZ[gO`bWabWQ V][SO\R[g·TO[WZg¸O`SbVS`SeWbV[S 47</::GE6/B3:A36/D3G=C033< C>B=:/B3:G=@6/D3G=C/<G=B63@ 3F17B7<5>@=831BA7<B63>7>3:7<3B6/B G=CE/<BB=B3::CA/0=CBESZZeSQSZSP`ObSRgSO`a]TA:/5AOb bVS@DBW\;OgO\R7[ORS[gTW`abT]`OgW\b] QZOaaWQOZaW\UW\UW\8c\SOaQ]c\bS`bS\]`W\O ^S`T]`[O\QS]T0S`\abSW\¸a1VWQVSabS`>aOZ[a eWbVbVS2WdS`aWbg1V]W`ObbVS?cSS\3ZWhOPSbV 6OZZ/Za]7PSUW\T]`[OZOQbW\Ub`OW\W\UOb3Oab #/QbW\UAQV]]ZbVWaAS^bS[PS`7¸ZZPSabcRgW\U T]`O;OabS`aW\OQbW\UO\R7¸[bV`WZZSRb] VOdSe]\O^ZOQS]\acQVOU`SObQ]c`aS 7QO\¸beOWbb]b`OW\O\R7¸[a]SfQWbSROb bVS^`]a^SQb]TP`]ORS\W\U[gV]`Wh]\a W\b]bVSOb`SO\ReV]Y\]eeVObSZaS- ;SO\eVWZS[geSSYZgObbVS@DBXcabU]Sa T`][ab`S\UbVb]ab`S\UbV7¸[PZSaaSReWbV bVSdS`gPSabOcRWS\QSO\R]TQ]c`aS7e]`Y eWbV[gbSQV\WQOZRW`SQb]`AW[]\:SDO\a 6S¸aOUS\WcaOTOPcZ]ca28O\RVS¸a[g[ObS 6S`S¸ab]bVS`Sab]TOe]\RS`TcZgSO` Elegies for Angels, Punks and Raging Queens runs 10-28 August at the Shaw Theatre (NW1) with tickets £25 in advance or £30 on the door (£5 of every ticket sold will be donated to the Terrence Higgins Trust). Box Office: 0844 209 1663 PHOTO © GORM SHACKLETON 8=</B6/<>/C:63::G3@³03BB3@9<=E<B= ;/<G/AB63233F>3@73<13³7A4:3F7<567A B63/B@71/:;CA1:3AE7B6/:3/2@=:37</ <3E>@=2C1B7=<=43:3573A4=@/<53:A >C<9A/<2@/57<5?C33<A63B/:932/0=CB B63A6=EB=2/D726C2A=<¬ =CbdWSe 1=:C;7<7AB THE MEASURE OF A MAN 9<756B6==A=<B@73AB=5@/A>E6/B7B7A B6/B;/93A/;/</;/<¬ 6]eR]g]c[SOac`SO[O\-7¸[\]bbOZYW\UOP]cb ]\ZW\S[SOac`S[S\baeVS`S`S[O`YOPZgSdS`g]\SaSS[a b]Q][SW\Ob&#W\QVSa<]7O[bOZYW\UOP]cba][SbVW\U SZaSbV`]PPW\UW\aWRSSdS`g[O\7¸[bOZYW\UOP]cbVWa QVO`OQbS`6]eR]g]cSdOZcObSbVSQVO`OQbS`]TO[O\BVWa_cSabW]\VOaPSS\]\[g[W\RZObSZg7abO`bSR O\SeX]PbVWagSO`O\R[gP]aaWaOQ][^ZSbS2`8SYgZZ O\R;`6gRSAeSSbO\RQVO`[W\U ]\S[W\cbS¬bVS\Sfb¬Z]]Y]cbBOYS Q]dS`2]\g]c`TZOYXOQYSbA][SbW[Sa g]cQO\aSSWbQ][W\UW\OZ]\UaZ]e PcWZRPST]`SbVSd]ZQO\]PZ]eaWbab]^ =bVS`bW[SaWbQ][SaT`][\]eVS`S HS`]b]RWQYVSORW\OP]cbTWdSaSQ]\Ra B`cZgOab]\WaVW\UEVS`S7TW\RWb[]ab ]TTS\aWdSWabVSRWTTS`S\QSPSbeSS\bVS QVO`[O\RTW\SaaSbVObD7>a`SQSWdSO\R bVSPSZZWUS`S\QSO\R`cRS\SaabVObbVS ZWbbZSUcgaUSb 3dS`g]\SY\]eabVOb[S\]\ []b]`QgQZSa]`W\a^]`baQO`aeV] Z]cRZg`SdbVSW`S\UW\SaVOdSbW\g ^S\WaSa:WYSeWaSWbWac\WdS`aOZZg c\RS`ab]]RbVOb^S]^ZSeV]O`S `cRSb]eOWbS`aQZSO\W\UabOTTO\R `SQS^bW]\WabaO`Sb`cZgeO\YS`aW\OZZ Q]\\]bObW]\a]TbVSe]`R 7]\QSVSO`ROab]`geVWQV7V]^S Wab`cSbVOba][S]\SeOaPSW\U W\bS`dWSeSRT]`O^`][]bW]\b]13=]T bVSW`Q][^O\gBVSP]O`ROaYSRVW[ eVObbVS\O[S]TbVSaSQc`WbgUcO`R eOaeV]aObW\bVSZ]PPgSdS`gROgBVS Tcbc`S13=VOR\]WRSO<]b]\ZgRWR VSTOWZb]USbbVS13=X]PPcbVSeOa OZa]`SZWSdSR]TVWaQc``S\b^]aWbW]\BVS P]O`RRSQWRSRbVOb\]]\SeV]VOR e]`YSRbVS`ST]`OaZ]\UOaVSVORO\R VOR\¸bP]bVS`SRb]USbb]Y\]ebVS aSQc`WbgUcO`ReOae]`bVg]TZSORW\U bVS]`UO\WaObW]\ 6OdW\U^`SdW]caZge]`YSROaO\]TTWQS bS[^T]`a][S^`SbbgVWUVTZWS`aW\ TW\O\QS7eOaU]Pa[OQYSRPgbVS]\Sa eV]OTbS`OeSSY]Te]`YW\UT]`bVS[ P]]YW\UbVSW`TZWUVba[O\OUW\UbVSW` TW\O\QSa`Sa^]\RW\Ub]bVSW`S[OWZaO\R aQVSRcZW\UbVSW`[SSbW\UaabWZZRWR\¸b Y\]e[g\O[SBVS`SeOa]\SD>eWbV [WZZW]\aW\bVSPO\Y7Y\]ePSQOcaS 7VORVWaPO\YabObS[S\baO\RQVS_cSP]]YeV]YS^b QOZZW\U[SAbcO`b4]`OeSSYVSQOZZSR[SAbcO`bRSa^WbS [SQ]``SQbW\UVW[6OdW\UP]bV[]bWdSO\R]^^]`bc\Wbg \SdS`eOabVSbS[^bObW]\U`SObS`b]`SZWSdSa][S]\S]TO [WZZW]\]`be] 7bVOaPSS\aOWRbVObbVSb`cSXcRUS]Ta][S]\S¸a QVO`OQbS`WaV]ebVSgb`SObbVS^S]^ZSbVObbVSgR]\¸b VOdSb]PS\WQSb]ESOZZVOdSb]YWaac^b]bVS^S]^ZS eV]^Og]c`eOUSabVOb¸aOUWdS\PcbeVObOP]cbbVS R]]`[O\eV]V]ZRabVSR]]`T]`g]c-EVObOP]cbbVS QZSO\S`eV]S[^bWSag]c``cPPWaVPW\-7TO\gbVW\UbVSg RSaS`dSb]PSaW\UZSR]cbSdS\[]`S7baSS[ab][SbVOb bVS`Sa^SQbg]caV]cZRUWdSb]a][S]\SO\RbVSW`X]PWa W\dS`aSZg^`]^]`bW]\ObSb]V]e[cQV []\SgbVSg[OYS7\[ge]`ZRbVSPca R`WdS`bVSUcg`c\\W\UbVSR`gQZSO\S`a O\RbVSQcab][S`aS`dWQSOUS\b]\ bVSbSZS^V]\SO`STO`[]`Se]`bVg]T g]c``Sa^SQb^ObWS\QSO\RQVO`[]` ObZSOabOUS\cW\S·bVO\Yg]c¸bVO\ a][S]\SW\OTO`[]`S·^`SabWUW]ca¸O\R eSZZ^OWRX]PG]c`ZOegS`³PWZZW\Ug]c W\aWf[W\cbSW\Q`S[S\ba-6SR]Sa\¸b \SSRg]c``Sa^SQb³VS¸aOZ`SORgU]b g]c`QVS_cSP]]Y 7\bVSRObW\UO`S\OWbVOaPSS\ aOWRb]]PaS`dSV]eg]c`RObSbOZYa b]bVSeOWbS`³PSQOcaSbVOb¸aV]eVS¸ZZ bOZYb]g]cW\OTSegSO`abW[S<SdS` eS`Sb`cS`e]`Raa^]YS\7TbVSgQO\¸b ObZSOabTOYSa][SaW\QS`Wbgb]eO`Ra bVSUcgeWSZRW\UbVS>O`[SaO\QVSSaS V]eO`SbVSgU]W\Ub]b`SObg]cW\O Q]c^ZS]TgSO`aeVS\g]c¸dSa^S\b V]c`a^`S^O`W\Ug]c`TO[]ca`Wa]bb]EVS\a][S]\S¸ab`gW\Ub]e]]g]c V]`Wh]\bOZbVSgQO\ZOgbVSQVO`[]\ OP]cb&#W\QVSabVWQY0cbV]eR]Sa @][S]b`SObg]cgSO`aZObS`eVS\ bVS^OaaW]\VOaRW[[SR-BVSQZcSWa W\V]eVSb`SObabVSUcgeV][OYSa VW[VWaRSQOTZObb{>OgObbS\bW]\\Sfb bW[Sg]c¸`SObAbO`PcQYaeWbVg]c` Tcbc`SVcaPO\RBVSUcgW\bVSO^`]\ ³bVOb¸ZZPSg]cOba][S^]W\bW\bVS Tcbc`S2]g]cZWYSV]eVSb`SObaVW[- 5`SObVS¸aOYSS^S`7aVSOUWb-BVS\ Qcbg]c`aSZTT`SS\]eO\RaOdSg]c`aSZT gSO`a]T[WaS`g<][O\eV]PO``OUSa a][S]\SPSQOcaSbVS`SWa\¸bS\]cUV b]][cQVT]O[]\bVSW`PSdS`OUS QO\SdS``SOZZgPSU]]RW\PSRBVOb¸a O\]bVS`c\WdS`aOZb`cbV/\]bVS`WabVOb eS`SO^eVObeSa]e;OgPSWb¸abW[S bVObeSOZZabO`bb]bOYS]\P]O`ReVOb ]c`[]bVS`acaSRb]aOg·R]c\b]]bVS`aOag]ce]cZR VOdSbVS[R]c\b]g]c¸ OBSERVE HOW YOUR DATE TALKS TO THE WAITER – BECAUSE THAT’S HOW HE’LL TALK TO YOU IN A FEW YEARS TIME... " C\WdS`aOZ`Sa^SQbT]`]bVS`a¬]`&#W\QVSa-G]c RSQWRSeVOb`SOZZg[OYSaO[O\ =CbbVS`S 4==2 SKY HIGH DAVID HUDSON REVIEWS PARAMOUNT Centre Point, 101-103 New Oxford Street, London WC1A 1DD 020 7420 2900. London has a real lack of high-rise dining destinations. Although the capital seriously lags behind New York in terms of skyscrapers, the city’s developing skyline surely warrants a few more elevated dining rooms. The news that Centre Point – the 1960s tower block that dominates the Tottenham Court Road end of Oxford Street – was to get its own 32nd floor bar and dining room was exciting news indeed back in 2008… but that excitement was soon tempered by the fact that Paramount – the name of said establishment – was to offer members-only dining. One can only presume that the uptake on membership – launched just as the recession took hold – wasn’t quite as high as expected. Not only does Paramount now host the odd party by outside promoters (DTPM and Circus have both held memorable parties there), but the restaurant threw open its doors to the public at the end of May. My colleague and I booked our table for a Friday evening as something to look forward to after a long week at work. Paramount did not disappoint at any level (no pun intended). As soon as we stepped out of the lift on the 32nd floor, the building’s incredible views deliver that blessed ‘wow’ factor. The only building of this height for quite some distance, it truly does offer a breathtaking panoramic vista of London in all its glory – especially on a sunny and clear summer evening. Given the impressive view, Paramount’s own interior design is somewhat secondary. Thankfully, designer Tom Dixon has done his best to modernise the space to complement the building’s original 60s design. The interior of the low-ceilinged room is decked out in dark wood. The colour palette is moss green (leather chairs), and copper-brown – with a metal design adorning one of the dark wood walls and a imposing copper bar in the centre of the room. Friendly waiters scurry around in black aprons and ICE ICE BABY DAVID HUDSON REVIEWS GELUPO 7 Archer Street, W1D 7AU 020 7287 5555 Still enjoying huge and well-deserved success with his restaurant Bocca di Lupo, chef Jacob Kennedy has expanded his empire with the launch of a sister venue directly opposite the original Bocca premises on Archer Street. Just a few doors down from BarCode Soho is Gelupo, his new delicatessen and gelateria – a traditional, Italian-style ice cream parlour specialising in homemade gelato, sorbet and granita. It also operates as a coffee bar, offering a range of genuine Italian beverages. Inside, the décor is as cool as the wares on sale – all cream and pale blue tiles, with blue painted floorboards and chrome stools. Food-wise, Gelupo offers exactly what it promises. Taking the best in British and Italian ingredients, there’s a wide selection "" waistcoats. Needless to say, try and book ahead for a table alongside a window, but don’t be surprised if these are all booked in advance. Food-wise – given that this is going to be a prime spot for visitors to the city from far and wide – chef Colin Layfield has opted for a menu of mainly British-inspired dishes. We opted for lobster and avocado salad with confit tomatoes (£11) and a warm salad of quail with confit potatoes, green beans, walnut and pancetta (£10.50). Both were terrific: excellently presented and offering a tried- and-tested marriage of flavours, with my quail being a particularly earthy and robust offering. We followed it up with fivespice monkfish with saffron risotto and crab spring roll (£22.50) and sea bass with potato gnocchi, asparagus, samphire and caviar cream (£25). Again, we couldn’t find fault. My monkfish was delicately infused with spicy aromas of gelato. Whereas ice cream is basically a mixture of frozen cream, sugar and egg, gelato is a frozen milk-based dessert – so is lighter and less fatty. Sorbet is frozen juice and sugar while granita is a more slushy form of sorbet – more akin to a drink. Simple gelato flavours include pistachio, chestnut or hazelnut. Specials on the day of our visit included a couple of bespoke creations; bonet (rum, Amaretti biscuits, chocolate, coffee and egg yolks) and ricotta, coffee and honey. All were delicious. For a more pure and intense shot of flavour, try the indulgently rich chocolate sorbet or coconut sorbet – or try both in one carton for a Bounty Bar-style delight. Fruit flavours include a palette-cleansing pineapple and strawberry, while coffee lovers might want to try the milk-free espresso sorbet. The delicatessen at the back of the store offers a range of pasta; freshly-made pasta sauces; homemade sausages; olive oil; cheese and frozen goods. Fruits stuffed with sorbet and gelato-crammed cannoli (tubular biscuits) are a speciality, and Gelupo will happily take private orders for special occasions or parties. – sublime, yet stodgy in a comfort-food sort of way. There was no drop in quality for dessert, and we enjoyed summer strawberry bavarois with white chocolate and lime (£9.50) and Valrhona chocolate puddings (£10.50) – which turned out to be no less than five little chocolate puds – including pistachio parfait, chocolate samosa and an orange sorbet with chocolate jelly – a chocolate-lover’s dream! Was there anything wrong with the meal? A wider choice of bread would have been appreciated instead of simply presenting us with one roll each at the start of the meal, and yes, the prices are a little on the high side – they’ve not earned themselves a Michelin star... yet. That said, like the interior design, the food is not the main reason for visiting Paramount. You go for the awe-inspiring view. That the food happens to be so good is a definite bonus. Service – as you would expect from one of Mr Kennedy’s establishments – is very gayfriendly, and our charming server Keith was only too happy to explain the food on offer. The venue is open till 11pm, Sundays to Thursdays, and then till 1am on weekends for those wanting a late-night shot of ice. For lovers of frozen desserts, Gelupo is sure to become a regular haunt. The only thing that the team has not managed to import is the Italian climate. Archer Street is still not the most glamorous of Soho streets, and one can’t help thinking that Gelupo might fare better if it were located directly on or very close to Old Compton Street. They’ve also got just a few weeks of British summertime left to establish a big enough following to see them through the autumn and winter months. Food-wise, they’ve got things licked… so spread the word! "# =CbbVS`S 4==2 EATING OUT OUR FAVOURITE RESTAURANTS AND GAY-FRIENDLY DINING OPTIONS CENTRAL Aqua, fifth floor, 240 Regent Street (entrance on Argyll Street), W1. 020 7478 0540. Big, signature restaurant from Hong Kong’s Aqua group – split into two halves; Spanish themed Aqua Nueva and Japanese-inspired Aqua Kyoto. Around £40 per person. www. Balans, 60 Old Compton Street, W1. 020-7439 2183. The nearest Soho has to a gay restaurant, busy throughout the week and open throughout the day and night. Traditional British dishes with Meditteranean and Asian flourishes. Approx. £28 per head. See also the nearby Balans Café at 34 Old Compton Street. www. Bocca di Lupo, 12 Archer Street, W1. 020 7734 2223. Gay-run, hugely-acclaimed, upmarket Italian restaurant, opened November 2008 and running Monday-Saturday. Approx. £29 per head. www. Bodeans, 10 Poland Street, W1. 020-7287 0506. Cheap and cheerful barbecue restaurant, with counter service upstairs and restaurant down below. Popular with visiting Americans, plus the odd bear from the nearby Kings Arms! Branches also in Clapham, Fulham and Westbourne Grove. Cha Cha Moon, 15-21 Ganton Street, Soho, W1. 020 7297 9800. Very popular noodle restaurant from Hong Kong-born restaurateur Alan Yau (Hakkasan). Great selection of soup-based dishes, wok-fried noodles and sides. Ed’s Diner, 12 Moor Street, W1. 020 7434 4439. Delightfully kitsch, American-style 50s diner, at the Shaftesbury Avenue end of Old Compton Street, great for burgers and milkshakes. www. First Out, 52 St Giles High Street, WC2. 020-7240 8042. Long-running, gay-run café "$ and bar, serving homemade vegetarian dishes, coffee and cakes. Lots of gay magazines, community info and flyers. Floridita, 100 Wardour Street, W1. 020-7314 4000. Large, glamorous Cuban-themed restaurant and bar, with regular music acts and even occasional drag. Approx. £36 per head. Wagamama, 10a Lexington Street, Soho, W1. 020-7292 0990. Our favourite branch of the noodle chain, offering cheap, healthy Japanese delights! £16 per head. Check website for other branches - www. NORTH Gilgamesh, Camden View, Camden Stables Market, Chalk Farm Road, NW1. Huge, ornate and lavish pan-Asian restaurant with one of London’s most stunning interiors. Food good rather than outstanding, but worth a visit for the décor. EAST Bistrotheque, 23-27 Wadeson Street, Bethnal Green, E2. Modern, contemporary, classy restaurant with basement bar and cabaret room, and fine dining upstairs – modern British cuisine and French bistro dishes – approx. £35 per head. www. The Easton, 22 Easton Street, WC1. 020-7278 7609. Cool gastropub just off Exmouth Market. Sunday lunch is packed with Clerkenwell-istas and the food is top notch. www. The Luxe, 109 Commercial Street, E1. 020 7101 1751. Large, recently-opened Spitalfields venture offering several dining areas – including takeaway kiosk, ground-floor café and fine dining restaurant. It offers a wide selection of classic British and European dishes, and is great for breakfast, lunch or dinner. www. Saf, 152-154 Curtain Road, Shoreditch, EC2. 020 7613 0007. A stylish and upmarket vegan and raw food restaurant. Approx. £24 per head. www. The Landau, Langham Hotel, Portland Place, W1. 020 7965 0165. Grand and glamorous hotel restaurant, offering a pricey but imaginative modern European menu. Approx. £60 per head. L’Autre Pied, 5-7 Blandford Street, Marylebone Village, W1. 020 7486 9696. Chic, stylish, upmarket restaurant from the same team that created the Michelin-starred Pied-à-Terre on Charlotte Street. Approx. £40 per head. Profile, 84-85 Wardour Street, Soho, W1. Daytime gay bar and diner. Upmarket and smart surroundings, with gorgeous yellow leather banquettes. Offering food and drink from 11am till 11pm. www. Ristorante Biagio, 189 Piccadilly, W1. 020-7434-1921. Great, authentic Italian food in contemporary and smart surroundings, spread over four floors. Approx. £32 per head. Stef’s, 3 Berners Street, W1 0203073 1041. Huge, gay-friendly Italian – formerly Linda’s Pasta Bar on Poland Street – moved to the other side of Oxford Street in 2007. Pizza and pasta heaven. St Pancras Grand, Upper Concourse, St Pancras International, NW1. 020 7870 9900. Old-fashioned, art-deco glamour at this stunning, all-day restaurant from Searcys (who also operate the neighbouring Champagne Bar). Approx. £40 per head. in Bonnington Square. Pig out on three courses for £10! http:// Donna Margherita Restaurant, 183 Lavender Hill, SW11. 020 7268 2660. Traditional, Southern Italian restaurant that’s very gay-friendly – even offering a ‘Pizza Gay’ on its menu! Pizzas from £5.90. www. El Panzon @ The Dogstar, 389 Coldharbour Lane, SW9. Authentic Mexican and Tex-mex restaurant and fantastic prices in the trendy Dogstar bar. Don’t miss the burritos or the taco plate to share. Approx. £14 per head. The Loft, 67 Clapham High Street, SW4. 020-7627 0792. Upmarket and stylish restaurant, bar and late-night haunt. Classic British dishes and lots of cocktails. Approx. £40 per head. The Riverside, 5 Hamilton House, 5 St George Wharf, Vauxhall, SW8. Great pub food in upmarket, riverside gastropub that boasts terrific views of the river Thames. As highlighted in our review of Paramount this month, notable rooftop venues are noticeably few and far between in London. However, one that comes into its own each summer is The Roof Gardens, situated 100ft above ground level at 99 Kensington High Street, W8. Part of the Virgin group, it’s celebrating the summer with a series of events and temporary menus available throughout August. Thursday nights are a weekend warm-up with live jazz playing as guests dine on a luxury barbecue-style menu at the Babylon Restaurant’s outdoor terrace, while on Saturdays, the roof garden, replete with pond and a flamingo or two, becomes the alfresco dining room. Further information and details on how to book are found at the Gardens’ website: Cheaper at lunchtime than the evening. La Porchetta, 141-142 Upper Street, N1. 020-7288 2488. Great value pizza and pasta restaurant, with possibly some of the biggest pizzas in London! Sister branches in Finsbury Park and Bloomsbury. Approx. £17 per head. Little Bay, 228 Belsize Road, NW6. Wonderfully down-toearth and charming restaurant serving Modern European cuisine at very reasonable prices. Excellent value for money. Spotted Dick, 292 Caledonian Road, Islington, N1. 020 7607 5577. Gay-friendly café/bar/ restaurant offering modern and traditional British grub. Open from breakfast till late. www. Green and Red, 51 Bethnal Green Road, E1. 020 7749 9670. Fiesta-style restaurant with Mexican food and a huge tequila selection - with basement bar and dancefloor area for afterwards. Kenza, 10a Devonshire Square, EC2. 020-7929 5533. Delightful and sumptuous subterranean Middle Eastern restaurant a stone’s throw from Liverpool Street station. Arabic interior and mezza menu – approx. £35 per head. Les Trois Garcons, 1 Club Row, Whitechapel, E1. 020-7613 1924. A former Victorian boozer, stuffed with baroque decor and antiques, creating a camp, culinary haven near Old Street. British/French menu. www. Tinseltown, 44-46 St John Street, Farringdon, EC1. Want a double cheeseburger and Mars Bar Milkshake at 5am? Then 24-hour, subterranean American diner Tinseltown is the place to head. Popular with late-night clubbers – very near Fabric. Cool when quiet but avoid if there’s a queue for entry. www. Volupte, 7-9 Norwich Street, EC4. 020 7831 1622. Trendy, popular supper club offering avant-garde cabaret and burlesque performance. Approx. £37 per head. SOUTH Bonnington Café, 11 Vauxhall Grove, SW8. Cheap, cheerful and very gay-friendly cooperatively run vegetarian café Roxy Bar and Screen, 128-132 Borough High Street, SE1. 020 7407 4057. London’s unique, gay-friendly cinema restaurant. Free film screenings – everything from recent blockbusters to arthouse documentaries. www. Royal Teas, 76 Royal Hill, Greenwich, SE10. 020-8691 7240. Delightfully charming café offering tea, scones, cakes and other delights for an eclectic crowd. Brit camp fabulousness. Upstairs Bar and Restaurant, 89b Acre Lane, SW2. Hidden gem and local secret. Critically acclaimed, eclectic European menu, with emphasis on French cuisine. Limited choice but menu changes daily. Open Tue-Sat. WEST Balans Chiswick, 214 Chiswick High Road, W4. 020 8742 1435. Gay-friendly service and British and Meditrerranean dishes. 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PAGE 54 TRANNYSHACK DJ and hostess Dusty O celebrated her birthday at midweek night Trannyshack with a decadent 'Let Them Eat Cake' party... WIG WHAM BAM! E31/C56BB63A3BE=1:C0972A1/;>7<57BC> /BB6317@1CA>@3>@723>/@BG PAGE 63 HORSE MEAT DISCO The Horse Meat Disco team enjoyed another packed club for their latest 'Vauxhall Is Gurning' vogue ball... Jodie Harsh's fabulous night took over the beautiful, art deco surroundings of the Bloomsbury Ballroom, with special guest Peaches behind the DJ decks. Check out our full review on pages 58-59... # @3D73E SUPERMARTXÉ # =CbbVS`S >@=;=B3@:=5/<¸A;=<B6:G<756B >C::32=CB/::B63AB=>A4=@7BA ·E7H/@2=4=H¸>@723A>317/:¬ WORDS AND PHOTOS © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM =CbbVS`S @3D73E The good witch Gerlinda landed in the heart of Elephant and Castle on Pride night – just in time for promoter Logan to throw a stupendous SuperMartXé ‘Wizard of Oz’ party for 2,500 clubbers at the Coronet theatre. The sprinkling of glitz, glamour and a generous amount of fairy dust meant for yet another amazing production, with around 20 costumed dancers and performers on a purpose-built stage set – complete with a yellow brick road stretching out into the audience. DJs Hugo Sanchez, Tony English and Pagano set the main room alight with Spanish-influenced house and some progressive chunky tech beats too, while the lovely ‘Dorothy’-themed singer Abigail Bailey performed the fabulous Rui Da Silva club anthem ‘Touch Me’ and ‘I Just Can’t Get Enough’. Room Two this month was taken over by Jodie Harsh’s Circus club with Kris di Angelis and Fat Tony playing blinding tracks for those that made the effort to explore this labyrinthine venue. Looking around the London clubs over the Pride weekend it was clear to see that some of the cutest, hottest eye candy had upped sticks and hopped on a plane to Madrid for its circuit party festivities, but there were still plenty of locals and visitors to Blighty that made this one of the absolute best SuperMartXé nights we have been to and a cracking highlight of the Pride festivities. Abigail Bailey #! TRANNYSHACK B63;72E33913:30@/B7=<=41@=AA 2@3AA7<56=AB32=<3=47BA;=AB 5:/;=@=CA3D3<BA3D3@4=@28 2CABG=¸A@313<B07@B62/G¬ L-R: Tasty Tim and Dusty O Glamorous tranny-around-town –The Very Miss Dusty 'O' – hosts and DJs at so many parties across London each week that it is sometimes difficult to keep up with her, but last week she took a night off (sort of!) to kick back and relax at Trannyshack for her annual birthday ball bonanza. This year entitled ‘Let Them Eat Cake’, the event was a veritable smorgasbord of French Fancies in period costumes, bearded blokes in beaded frocks, fops, dandies and any number of pretty boys and pec’d up guys squished into corsets and tottering on stillies. T-girls Ritzy and Vanilla created their usual mayhem, while pop and commercial sounds came courtesy of Tasty Tim and #" Lady Lloyd. The fabulous Globe Girls gave a very special birthday cabaret performance for birthday girl Dusty (pictured above in flowing white frock) featuring three high-kickin’ heel-stomping trannies, two Lycra and sequin-clad go-go boys and a couple of real girls (yes, really!) in a mixed up set of ballet, Gaga, Queen, Donna Summer and Barbra Streisand. Madame Jojo’s was its usual packed, glorious riot of red and gold, sequins and spangles, with a crowd that has a no-holds-barred approach to partying that will probably take us another 12 months just to get over – but that won’t stop us going back again week after week! WORDS AND PHOTOS © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM =CbbVS`S @3D73E =CbbVS`S @3D73E ACT ART 8 /<<C/:/@B/<21:C007<53FB@/D/5/<H//1B/@B @3BC@<324=@7BA;=AB>@=D=1/B7D3=CB7<5G3B¬ Now on its eighth outing, and with over 100 artists participating, 40 film screenings, 35 live shows (across ten live spaces), a seated cinema, food and an outdoor area, Marc Massive and Olly Frost’s Art Act is getting bigger and better every year – showcasing the best in experimental, alternative and performance art from both home-grown and international artists. This year’s theme addressed censorship and asked, “Do individuals have the right to say whatever they wish even if this offends someone else?” Angel Rose set up a beautifully intricate tableau of her own funeral complete with all the glitz, glamour and paraphernalia of a life well lived (million dollar bills, diamonds and pills) while Magdalena Suranyi’s installation #$ of a toddler’s bed invited us to rifle through his scribblings only to find disturbing images labelled ‘The Devil is at work in the Vatican’. For us, the highlights are always the interactive performances, so Joseph Mercier as the naked target in a spitting game of Bulkaen was both erotic and fun. After 2-3 hours wandering the labyrinthine venue exploring and experiencing, most visitors converged on the main stage where Scottee presented a hugely talented lineup of performers including the irrepressible Mouse, ‘the human fountain’ (use your imagination and you’ll probably be right!), the self-piercing Chrisalys, East End darling Jonny Woo and Italian avant garde artist Hard Ton. There then followed a night of dancing and fun with music from Scottee, Feral and the legendary Princess Julia. WORDS AND PHOTOS © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM Curator Olly Frost PHOTOS © WWW.LAURENCEJAUGEY-PAGET.CO.UK @3D73E #& =CbbVS`S Peaches =CbbVS`S @3D73E CIRCUS 17@1CA@3BC@<324=@>@723³B/97<5=D3@B63 0:==;A0C@G0/::@==;E7B6A>317/:5C3AB>3/163A Always providing its guests with an arena in which to ‘dress to impress’, Circus took over the fabulously opulent Bloomsbury Ballroom for a one-off special on the eve of Pride for its Summer Ball. The eclectic crowd showcased the best in tranny fashion and tranny roadkill, alongside couture catwalk creations, Hoxton freaks, cute preppy college types and big, burly, muscle jocks – truly, a massive slice through the gâteau of London’s nightlife. Always able to attract cool names, for Pride they welcomed back a Circus favourite, Peaches, whose sitting-on-the-table-legs-up-DJ’ingbackwards style needs to be seen to be believed, and whose mix of house, tribal and electro had the whole room rocking. Also on the decks was hostess Jodie Harsh with her big ol’ box of house, and Kris di Angelis with his trademark flawless mixing and never-before-heard remixes. Out in the crush bar the pec-perfect boys from St Tropez had set up their beach accoutrements to provide a chilled Ibiza corner to kick back, sip cocktails and admire the panorama. For the next couple of dates (Saturday 31 July and Saturday 21 August) Circus returns to its usual home 31 floors up in Paramount on top of Centre Point. For latest information visit or to keep up with the Harsh herself, check out her twitter feed @jodieharsh. Jodie Harsh #' =CbbVS`S @3D73E PROFILE Unbelievably, it is only a year since Profile upped sticks and moved from its old home on Frith Street to its new purpose-built yellow and black heaven on Wardour Street. We say ‘unbelievably’ because it seems like it has been there forever, or maybe we are just there too often – stopping off for some of its great food or a cocktail or just to meet friends before heading downstairs to sister club Lo Profile. For the birthday party last week it seemed like every scene ‘face’ had turned out to quaff the free bubbles and complimentary cocktails, gorge on the never-ending supply of bite-sized burgers and chicken sticks and ogle at the physically perfect specimens of manhood parading around in XTG $ swimwear. Music came from the fantastic Tony English accompanied by bongo maestro David H, and milling about the room was just about every other DJ in London, most of them playing at Profile or Lo Profile on a regular basis. For any venue in Soho, the past 12 months must have been difficult, even more so for a new venue, but with the backing of Gaydar, pre-parties for SuperMartXé and Matinée and other special weekend events, there is always something going on that attracts a good-looking and up-for-it crowd of the hottest guys and their friends. It is a testament to the staff and management that Profile has quickly become the place to be and be seen. WORDS AND PHOTOS © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM 6=EB7;34:73A>@=47:313:30@/B327BA 47@AB/<<7D3@A/@G=<E/@2=C@AB@33B E7B6/4/0C:=CA>/@BG7<;728C:G¬ =CbbVS`S A13<3 W\#gSO`a]T^O`bgW\U7OQbcOZZge]`SaV]`bab]O QZcP7[O\OUSRb]USb[g^W\abV`]cUVO\WUVb ]\bVSRO\QSÀ]]`eWbV]cbe]``gW\U^`]POPZg \SSRZSaaZgOP]cba\SS`W\U0`OhWZWO\a4`WS\Ra Q][[S\bSR]\[gVSOZbVgUZ]eBVSgaOWRWb UOdS[SRS¿\WbW]\BVSgaOWRWb[ORS[S[]`S Obb`OQbWdS 0cbeVgWaWbbVOb\]\S]T[gUOgT`WS\RaaSS[ b]acTTS`eWbVbO\ZW\SaO\RZ]PabS`Pc`\O\R [O\OUSb]acabOW\O\OZZ]dS`VSOZbVg1O`W]QO UZ]eOZZac[[S`O\RW\RSSRT]`[]ab]TbVS Q]ZRS`aSOa]\a-2]SabVS·UOgUS\S¸QO``gO\ S\hg[SbVObZSORab][]`SSdS\bO\\W\U-7Ta] O[7O[SRWQOZO\][OZg\]bb]PSP]`\eWbVWb- THE FUTURE'S ORANGE @716/@2B=<9A7AE/D7<55==20G3 B=037<5>/:3/<2>/ABG¬ /bbVSbW[S]TU]W\Ub]^`SaaWbVOab]PSaOWR bVObbVSQO^WbOZVOaVORO\c\Q][[]\ZgZcQYg a^ObS]TeSObVS`bVObVOaZSRb]]\S]TbVS eO`[SabO\RR`WSabac[[S`abVSQO^WbOZVOa aSS\T]`OTSegSO`a=TQ]c`aSbVWaPSW\U5`SOb 0`WbOW\[SO\abVObObbVSbW[S]TU]W\Ub]^`Saa bVW\UaQ]cZRVOdSQ][^ZSbSZgQVO\USRO\RbVS U]]Ra^SZZQ]cZRVOdSP`]YS\ 6]eSdS`T`][[gT`WS\R¸aP]ZbV]ZS]\bVSa]cbV Q]OabbVSTcbc`SZ]]YaPOZ[g/\Re]``gW\UZgOa [gSgSaeO\RS`b]eO`Ra[g\OdSZW\Q`SOaW\UZg ]`O\US¬ 4]`gSO`a7VOdSa\SS`SRObbVS^`SdOZS\QS]T TOYSbO\O\Rac\PSRcaOUSO[]\U[gUOg P`SbV`S\PcbeWbVbVSP]c\bg]TeO`[eSSYS\Ra ^`SaS\bSRb]cabVWagSO`7¸[OaVO[SRb]OR[Wb bVOb7¸dS`SZS\bSRO\RX]W\SRbVSW`QZcPA][S VOdSaOWR7¸dSUWdS\W\b]dO\Wbg7aOgbVS^cPZWQ aV]cZR\¸bVOdSb]PSO`bVSRSObVZgUZO`S]T[g PZcSeVWbSZSUaO\gZ]\US` EWbVbVSORdS\b]TV]beSObVS`^OabgP]ga ZWYS[SVOdSb]^cZZbVS[aSZdSab]USbVS`O\R ^`S^O`ST]`bVS]\aZOcUVb]Tag[^ObVgGSa7 Y\]e7VOdSb]PSQO`STcZW\bVSac\7¸dSZSO`\SR bVObT`][]dS`!gSO`aZWdW\UW\bVSaO[S ^ObVSbWQOZZgRSZWQObS^OQYOUW\URO`bW\UW\O\R]cb ]TbVSaVORS A]bVWagSO`W\PSbeSS\U`SOaW\U[gaSZTW\ac\ PZ]QY7¸dSQ]a[SbWQOZZg[]RW¿SRbV]aSZWZgeVWbS b]\Sa/RSS^S`aVORS]T^OZSVOaPcWZbc^[g Q]\¿RS\QSO\RW[^`]dSReO`R`]PS^]aaWPWZWbWSa T]`ac[[S`QZcPPW\U:OabeSSYT]`bVS¿`abbW[S $ DOES THE ‘GAY GENE’ CARRY AN ENZYME THAT LEADS TO MORE EVEN TANNING? IF SO, AM I A MEDICAL ANOMALY NOT TO BE BORN WITH IT? /a7ZSO`\bVS`]^Sa]TSfT]ZWObW]\b]OQVWSdS SdS\Q]dS`OUS7T]c\RbVObbVS`SO`SbV]aS O[]\UcaeV]VOdSbOYS\bVS_cSabT]`O P`]\hSP]Rgc\RS`U`]c\RA][SRO\QS`a\]e a^]`bORSS^S``WQVS`[]`SQ]\dW\QW\UbO\³O bO\bVObO^^ZWSaWbaSZTT`][bVSW\aWRS(ObO\bVObWa ZWbS`OZZgaYW\RSS^ EVS\7VSO`ROP]cbbO\W\XSQbW]\aOgSO`]`a] OU]7e`]bSWb]TTOaO^OaaW\UTOR]`a][SbVW\U ]\ZgW\RcZUSRW\PgQS`bOW\P]RgPcWZRS` acPQcZbc`Sa7aV]cZR\¸bVOdSPSS\a]_cWQYb] RWa[WaaWbBVSP]gaR]e\W\DOcfVOZZO`S\]e W\XSQbW\UbVS[aSZdSaeWbVac[[S`BVSR`cU ;SZO\]bO\WabVS\O[S]\bVSW`ZW^a7bQO\PS W\XSQbSR]\OeSSYZgPOaWaW\b]eVObWacacOZZg OabS`]WRS\VO\QSReOaVP]O`Rab][OQVb] OQVWSdSbVObU]ZRS\bO\eWbV]cbVOdW\Ub]USb ]cbW\bVSac\ObOZZG]cQO\ZWbS`OZZgaZSS^OZZ ROgO\RbO\eVWZSg]cRO\QSBVSR`cUOQbaOa abW[cZObW]\]\bVS[SZO\W\^WU[S\bc\RS`bVS aYW\eVWQVUS\S`OZZgR]Sa\]b]QQc`c\ZSaabVS`S Waac\RO[OUSBV]cUVbVSb`WOZa]T;SZO\]bO\ VOdSgWSZRSRa][SSTTSQbWdS`SacZba³acQVOa VSZ^W\UW\bVS`SRcQbW]\]Tac\Pc`\W\TOW`^S]^ZS ZWYS[S³bVS`SWaOZa]O\c[PS`]TaV]`bbS`[ aWRSSTTSQbaOaa]QWObSReWbVWbacQVOaW\Q`SOaSR ZWPWR]O\R³eOWbT]`Wb³eSWUVbZ]aa 0ZW[Sg/\W\XSQbW]\bVOb]TTS`aeSWUVbZ]aa W\Q`SOaSRZWPWR]O\ROac\bO\-Ac`SZg\]UOg[S\ e]cZRU]T]`bVObe]cZRbVSgA]Oa:]\R]\¸aac[[S``]ZZaUS\bZgPg7\]bWQS [g^SS`aa^]`bW\UO\SdS`[]`SVSOZbVgUZ]e O\R^]aWbWdSZg0`OhWZWO\Q][^ZSfW]\a/a]c` aYW\PSQ][SabVScZbW[ObS[]RW¿SRaSOa]\OZ OQQSaa]`g7UcSaa7¸ZZPS^ZOgW\UQObQVc^Pg SfT]ZWObW\UZWYSQ`OhgO\RZWPS`OZZgO^^ZgW\UP]bbZSa ]T4OQb]`#W\abSOR¬c\ZSaaa][S]\S¸aW\dS\bSR OeOg]TW\XSQbW\UbVObb]]- GET ON THE GUEST LIST London dance stalwarts from DTPM will be packing their handbags and taking their hi-octane house sounds to the south coast this summer as they join forces with the Wild Fruit crew to bring you a special party at Audio on Saturday 7 August. Fat Tony, Guy Williams and the House Husbands will be joined by Hi-Fi Sean mixing it up on two floors of Pride madness… DTPM’s Pride Dance event in association with Wild Fruit is On Saturday 7 August at Audio, 10 Marine Parade, Brighton. Open 10pm till 5am – entry costs £13.50 in advance. See www. The Royal Vauxhall Tavern’s Hot August Fringe will have already kicked off by the time you are reading this, but is set to continue throughout August with five weeks of extraordinary performance from upand-coming alternative acts from across London and beyond. Expect everything from the edgy to the hilarious, as well as one-to-one art therapy and a good ol’-fashioned East End Music Hall drag knees-up. Performers include the inimitable David Hoyle, Shazia Mirza, and Scottee. The Hot August Fringe is from 26 July to 27 August. Check out full listings at =CbbVS`S @3D73E VAUXHALL IS GURNING WORDS AND PHOTOS © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM 6=@A3;3/B27A1=>:/G326=ABB=7BA474B6 D=5C37<50/::@313<B:G³B634/0C:=CA ·D/CF6/::7A5C@<7<5¸¬ After a two-year hiatus, the best Vogue Ball in town returned with a vengeance in July to slap a leather glove across the face of apathy and mediocrity. Yes, the House of Horse Meat Disco proudly presented ‘Vauxhall Is Gurning V – The Summer Ball’. Taking place at HMD’s regular home, Eagle London in Vauxhall, special guest performer Hard Ton (left) opened the show with ear-splitting Sylvester-like vocals before the Diva of Ceremonies, Filthy Luka (right), invited the children to ‘walk’ in the categories of ‘Town and Country’, ‘Body Art’, ‘High Fashion Parisienne’, ‘Butch Queen Bride’s Maid’ and ‘Get your freak on’. There were contestants in Harris Tweed, wedding dresses, fishnet and Laura Ashley furnishing tassels, as well as freaks who had clearly watched too much Blue Peter as kids. Judges Dorian Black, Johnny Woo and guv’nor Mark awarded cups to heat winners and an overall prize to ‘best in show’ before handing over to resident DJs James Hillard, Jim Stanton, Luke Howard and Severino for a full night of dancing and merriment. The venue was packed with an eclectic mix of butch blokes, Hoxton dandies, fashionistas and those making a statement merely by not making one, and the garden was awash with smoking fags and fashion tips. Genius! $! =CbT`]\b @3>=@B LOVEBOX SUNDAY Peaches Hot Chip =dS`bVSZOabTWdSgSO`abVSO\\cOZ:]dSP]f TSabWdOZW\SOab:]\R]\VOaabSORWZgSabOPZWaVSR P]bVOT]ZZ]eW\UO\RO\OeO`ReW\\W\U `S^cbObW]\@c\\W\U]dS`bVSQ]c`aS]TbV`SS ROgaW\bVSZ]dSZgDWQb]`WO>O`YbVSSdS\b VOaOZeOgaPSS\^]^cZO`eWbV:]\R]\¸aUOg P]gaO\RUW`ZaaV]eQOaW\UO[Wfbc`S]TQ]]Z 28ac^¸\¸Q][W\UOQbaO\RQZOaaWQO`bWaba /QY\]eZSRUW\UbVWaV][]T]ZZ]eW\UbVWagSO`bVS ]`UO\WaS`aRSQWRSRb][OYSbVSTW\OZROg]TbVS SdS\bAc\ROg&8cZgSfb`OUOgT`WS\RZg BVSgW\dWbSRAOZdObW]\O\RUW`Za¸QZcPEWaVb] bOYS]dS`]\S]TbVSQZcPbS\baO\RbVS6]`aS ;SOb2WaQ]T]ZYb]P`W\UOZ]\UbVSW`P`WZZWO\b<G1 2]e\Z]e³O^]^c^<SeG]`YUOgQZcPBVS P]gaT`][0SO`G]c`A]cZOZa]b]]YQO`S]TbVS D7>O`SOeVWZSaQS\SabOZeO`b8]\\gE]]V]abSR $" bVS[OW\abOUSQO[^W\UWbc^W\P`WZZWO\bac\aVW\S O\RW\b`]RcQW\UO[Wfbc`S]TOQba3O`ZgVWUVZWUVba W\QZcRSR\SeSZSQb`]^]^Rc]6c`baO\R`O^^S` 4S`OZT]`[S`Zg;19W\Yg6]b1VW^RWRbVSW` PSabb]`]caSbVSQ`]eRPcbT]`cabVSVWUVZWUVb ]TbVS[OW\abOUSeOac\R]cPbSRZg>SOQVSa BVSQcZb1O\ORWO\aW\US`VORO^^O`S\bZgVORO\ OQQWRS\beVWZab28¸W\U]\AObc`ROg\WUVbO\RVOR P`]YS\VS`ZSU2WRbVObZSORb]VS`QO\QSZZW\UVS` Ac\ROg:]dSP]fO^^SO`O\QS-2WRWbVSQY µ7Z]dSg]c:]\R]\¶aVSaQ`SO[SReVW`ZW\U O`]c\RbVSabOUSW\OQcab][WaSReVSSZQVOW` µbVS`SeOa\]eOg7eOaQO\QSZZW\U¶AVSeOa ^caVSRO`]c\RPgO\OYSRTS[OZSaVO^SR abc\\S`eV]O^^SO`SRb]VOdSa][SbVW\U RO\UZW\UPSbeSS\VS`ZSUa/ab`O^]\-/ ^`S]^b`O\aaSfcOZ-ES¸`S\]bS\bW`SZgac`S SfOQbZg¬]`eVObbVSg]c\US`[S[PS`a]TbVS OcRWS\QS[ORS]T>SOQVSa¸SgS]^S\W\UO\ReWZR ^S`T]`[O\QS BVSROg¸aTW\OZSO\R[OW\abOUSVWUVZWUVbeOa O\]bVS`WQ]\WQTS[OZSaW\US`³bVSZSUS\RO`g 5`OQS8]\SaeV]^S`T]`[SRO^S`TSQbaSb]T ^OabVWba[O\OUW\Ub]QVO\USVObaT]`SOQV QZOaaWQa]\U BVSac\aV]\Sb]bVS^]W\b]TeVW^^W\Uc^a][S c\Sf^SQbSRRcabab]`[aO\RbVSOb[]a^VS`S bV`]cUV]cbeOab`cZge]\RS`TcZ7beOaO^ZSOaO\b ac`^`WaSb]S\X]gacQVO^]ZgaSfcOZTSabWdOZeWbV P]bVUOgO\Rab`OWUVb`SdSZS`aVO^^WZg^O`bgW\U aV]cZRS`b]aV]cZRS`³[O\ga^]`bW\UbVSabcQY ]\ []cabOQVSabVObg]cVORb]Pcgb]UOW\ S\b`gb]bVS<G12]e\Z]eeWbVTc\RaU]W\Ub] QVO`Wbg;]`SOUOW\\SfbgSO`^ZSOaS PHOTOGRAPHY © TOM BUNNING (PERFORMANCE PICTURES) AND ADAM POTRYKUS Grace Jones =CbbVS`S :7AB7<5A A13<3 VIVA LA REVOLUCIÓN! PHOTO © CHRIS JEPSON WILD WEEKEND Pride in Brighton and Hove takes place over the weekend 7-8 August, and Aeon Events – the promotions team behind Wild Fruit and other top gay club nights on the south coast, will be celebrating by throwing their own Brighton Gay Dance Weekend at the same time – from Friday till Monday 6-9 August. The team is planning a whole series of spectacular parties, showing of the cream of Brighton’s DJ talent and some of its best venues. The celebrations start in style above Audio (10 Marine Parade) on Friday 6 August with a special Pride warm-up party in the bar and sun terrace from 6pm onwards. DJs Hollie and Kate Wildblood will spin dancefloor anthems, and this will lead on to a special club session with guest London club ONYX – featuring DJs Phil Marriot and Mike Mikalis – in the downstairs club until 3am. On Pride day itself – Saturday 7 August – Wild Fruit (with DJs Neil Duffie, Jonny M and Queen Jo) will take over the same sun terrace at Audio between 6-11pm (perfect after Preston Park). This will be followed later in the evening in the club section of Audio by a guest appearance from legendary London club DTPM (10pm till 5am), with legendary DJs Fat Tony and Guy Williams. For those who appreciate more urban, hip hop and soulful beats, check out another London clubbing institution – Queer Nation – which will be at Jam from 10pm till 3am. Mega club Tru will hold the biggest party of the evening, where Gaydar will be presenting a massive Club Nation party featuring Wild Fruit, Lovechild, Tonker and Macho City. Chrissy Darling and Twiggy will be your hosts, and DJs on the night will include Steve Pitron, Hoxton Whores, Dave Kendrick, Neil Duffie, Tim Jones and Alan X. If all that isn’t enough, keeping the party going till the small hours is ‘Beyond Fruit’ at the Honeyclub from 3.30am till late on Sunday Morning – with DJs Mikey D, Jonny M and The Oli. Taking up the torch on Pride Sunday (8 Aug) will be Sunday Sundae, which will be back at Audio’s bar and sun terrace for another legendary session from 3 till 11pm. The biggest attraction of the weekend and the grand finale of the celebrations will be the ultra glamorous Wild Fruit extravaganza at the multi-roomed Oceana – featuring Wild Fruit, the Bears Log Cabin, the Drag Boudoir, Girl-on-girl action in the Tahiti Bar and numerous other swishy bars and luxurious seating areas. The theme is ‘Kings and Queens’… so get ready for a right royal knees up! DJs featured on the night include the Freemasons, Jon Byrne, Tasty Tim, Dusty O, Hi Fi Sean and Dave Kendrick. Again, for those who can’t bear to stop partying, there will be an afterhours with the Rebel team at Digital – from 3am till 8am on Monday morning. DJs Paul Heron and Lee Harris will be squeezing every last bit of hedonistic pleasure from the end of the weekend, with a backdrop of a beachfront sunrise. Full details and ticket information at $$ Kylie and G-A-Y’s Jeremy Joseph PHOTO © JIMMY SIMAK – WWW.SHOOTJIMMY.COM Francois Sagat The new night from Megan Jones and Stevie B, Revolución, returns for its second outing on Sunday 1 August. This early Sunday evening tea dance session runs from 6pm till 1am, and will feature Stevie B and guests spinning “pure, upfront, in-yer-face, kick-ass house music”. He’ll be joined on this date by Danny Gilligan – known for spinning a slightly tougher set of tunes. Together they aim to take you on a musical journey and won’t be satisfied until you’re screaming for more! This new monthly party will take place at the opulent central London venue Opal. Some of you might remember the venue from previous incarnations, when it hosted such nights as Factor 25 and Rock. It’s recently undergone a total refurbishment, making it one of the best clubbing spaces in town (it’s just near Embankment tube station). To help get the party started, there will be plenty of special offers at the bar, including just £2.50 for a double vodka and mixer, £2.25 bottles of Becks and £3 cocktails. Tickets cost £5 in advance from the usual Soho outlets, Opal and - or £6 with a flyer before 8pm and £7 after. Opal, Hungerford House, Victoria Embankment, WC2N 6PA G-A-Y GODDESS It was the worst-kept secret in clubland… the ‘surprise’ appearance from Kylie at her favourite gay club! Dropping in on G-A-Y on Saturday 10 July, Ms Minogue hit the stage with a special performance to celebrate the launch of new album Aphrodite. The Australian superstar performed a full set with a delicious selection of backing dancers, airing tracks from the new album (‘Get Out Of My Way’, ‘Cupid Boy’, ‘Aphrodite’, and recent single ‘All For Lovers’), past classics ‘Can’t Get You Out Of My Head’ and ‘Love At First Sight’) and a nine-minute mega-mix medley that included further smashes from her back catalogue. Host Jeremy Joseph presented her with a huge teddy bear (almost bigger than the pint-sized pop princess!) to pass on to sister Dannii, who’s just had her first child, and the capacity crowd – unsurprisingly, screamed throughout the whole performance. Aphrodite duly debuted at number one in the UK album charts the next day. G-A-Y was still confirming some of its PAs for August, but have The Saturdays confirmed for 14 August and Adam Rickitt confirmed for Saturday 21 August. G-A-Y takes places each Saturday at Heaven, with additional nights Popcorn (Monday), Porn Idol (Thursday) and Camp Attack (Friday) during the week. Check uk for full listings. WORDS BY LOREM DELOREM | PHOTOGRAPH BY MAET IPSUM PHOTO © CHRIS JEPSON HIGHLIGHTS =CbbVS`S :7AB7<5A PHOTO © CHRIS JEPSON GOING=Cb BANK HOLIDAY SPORTS DAY RETURNS VENUES: CENTRAL LONDON Mon-Thu 5-11.30pm. Fri & Sat 5pm2am. Sun 5-11pm. Long-running and famed lesbian bar. 79 CXR, 79 Charing Cross Road, WC2. 020 7734 0769. Leicester Square tube. Mon-Sat 1pm-3am, Sun 1pm-10.30pm. Cover charge after 11pm. Large, cruisy, late-night bar - always busy after 10.30pm with those who don’t want to head home too early. COMPTONS, 52 Old Compton Street, W1. 020 7479 7961. Leicester Square tube. Noon-11pm. A Soho institution. Large, traditional gay boozer on two floors, attracting a butch and manly crowd. www. BARCODE, 3-4 Archer Street, W1. 020 7734 3342. www. Piccadilly Circus tube. Mon-Sat 4pm-1.30am. Sun until 10.30pm. Dance bar on three floors, with club-style basement. Comedy Camp stand-up night each Tuesday, and more danceoriented sessions at weekends. THE BOX, 32-34 Monmouth Street, Seven Dials, WC2. 020 7240 5828. Leicester Square tube. 11am-11pm. Stylish and awardwinning gay café bar popular with scene and muscle queens. Frequent exhibitions on the walls and great food. CANDY BAR, 4 Carlisle Street, W1. 020 7494 4041. Tottenham Court Road tube. FRIENDLY SOCIETY, 79 Wardour Street, WC1. Trendy and unique, intimate basement bar with quirky decor and fun atmosphere – attracts a mixed crowd. G-A-Y BAR, 30 Old Compton Street, W1. 020 7494 2756. Leicester Square tube. 12pm12am. Huge, poptastic gay bar, with a multitude of video screens, pop tunes and drinks promotions. The World Cup may be over but there is still one prestigious tournament to be fought this summer: the annual Vauxhall Gay Sports Day! It takes place on Bank Holiday Monday 30 August at 1pm in Spring Gardens, Vauxhall (SE11) behind the Royal Vauxhall Tavern (RVT). This fun-packed event dates back to the 1980s, and is arranged by the aforementioned Royal Vauxhall Tavern and the health organisation GMFA. If you feel like competing in games such as the drag relay, handbag throw or the fabulous 50m mince, then register your team now at ADMIRAL DUNCAN, 54 Old Compton Street, W1. 020 7437 5300. Leicester Square tube. Friendly, famous, traditional gay pub - just look out for the purple and pink exterior! mixed, metrosexual crowd. THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON, 77 Wardour Street, W1. 020 7439 1274. Piccadilly Circus tube. Mon-Thu noon-11pm, Fri & Sat noon-midnight, ‘til 10.30pm on Sun. Traditional and fun gay pub over two floors, attracting a good cross-section from across the scene. THE EDGE, 11 Soho Square, W1. 020 7439 1313. Tottenham Court Road tube. Noon-1am, Sun 2pm-11.30pm. Stylish, hip gay bar spread over four intimate floors, with regular nights from top DJs, regular piano bar and tasty food. ESCAPE, 10a Brewer Street, W1. 020 7734 2626. Piccadilly Circus tube. 5pm-3am. Cover charge after 11pm. Every night’s a party at this late-night video dance bar. G-A-Y LATE, 5 Goslett Yard, off Charing Cross Road, WC2. Tottenham Court Road tube. 11pm-3am. Late-night sister venue to G-A-Y Bar – more video screens, camp pop fun and cheap drinks.Gets very busy most nights of the week. THE GREEN CARNATION, 4-5 Greek Street, Soho, W1. 020-7434 3323. Stylish, three-floored late night gay venue, with bar, dancefloor and nightly promotions. Attracts a very mixed crowd. www.greencarnationsoho. HALFWAY TO HEAVEN, 7 Duncannon Street, WC2. 020 7321 2791. Charing Cross tube. Mon-Thu noon-11pm, Fri & Sat 12pm-12am. Old-style gay pub spread over two floors. HEAVEN, The Arches, Villiers Street, WC2. Charing Cross Road tube. Huge, world-famous gay club, which is now home to G-A-Y, along with mixed/studenty Monday nighter Popcorn. Check for details THE KINGS ARMS, 23 Poland Street, W1. 020 7734 5907. Oxford Circus tube. Mon-Thur 12pm–11pm, Fri-Sat 12pm-12am, Sun 12pm-11.30pm. London’s bar for bears and blokes. Traditional atmosphere plus pool table. Sunday night karaoke very popular. FIRST OUT CAFÉ, 52 St Giles High Street, WC2. 020 7240 8042. Tottenham Court Road tube. 10am-11pm. Sun 10.30pm. Over 20 years old and still going strong. Long-running community café bar. KU BAR, 30 Lisle Street, Leicester Square, WC2. 020 7437 4303. Leicester Square tube. Large, award-winning, upmarket gay bar spread over three floors, open till 3am daily and always busy throughout the week. www. FREEDOM, 66 Wardour Street, W1. 020 7734 0071. Piccadilly Circus tube. Opulent style bar, with late-night club promotions for a KU BAR SOHO, 25 Frith Street, W1. Leicester Square tube. New, smaller sister venue to Lisle Street Ku Bar, with entrances on Old Compton Street and Frith Street - open till 11pm daily. The first floor houses a Gay Tourist Office from noon-6pm throughout the week ( KUDOS, 10 Adelaide Street, WC2. 020 7379 4573. Charing Cross tube. 3pm-11pm, Sat noon-11pm, Sun noon-10.30pm. Beautiful and stylish café bar, with clubbier vibe and video screens in the basement. Popular with Asian crowd upstairs, plus a basement women’s bar. LO-PROFILE, The Basement, 84-85 Wardour Street, W1. Swanky, sophisticated, 400-capacity late-night basement bar and club space – from the people that bring you Open 11pm-3am Thursdays, and 10pm-4am on Fridays and Saturdays. www. MADAME JO JO’S, 8-10 Brewer Street, W1. Long-running, late night gig venue, nightclub and cabaret bar - open to very mixed crowd. Home to popular Wednesday nighter Trannyshack. MOLLY MOGG’S, 2 Old Compton Street, W1. 020 7434 4294. Tottenham Court Road tube. Small, intimate little gay pub, with regular drag shows attracting a mixed crowd of theatre folk and tourists. PROFILE, 84-84 Wardour Street, W1. 020 734 3444. Piccadilly Circus tube. Upstairs bar above Lo-Profile, owned and run by the team behind Gaydar. Stylish gay bar/diner, open for food and drink from early morning through till 11pm – when the action moves downstairs. THE QUEBEC, 12 Old Quebec Street, WC1. 020-7629 6159. Marble Arch tube. Long-running and huge pub, on two floors, attracting an older crowd. Open till 3am at weekends. Off the beaten Soho track but well worth checking out. THE QUEEN’S HEAD, 25 Tryon Street, SW3. 020-7589 0262. Sloane Square tube. Popular, very long-running, cosy gay pub – a Chelsea institution. RETRO BAR, 2 George Court, WC2. 020 7321 2811. Charing Cross tube. Mon-Fri noon-11. Sat 5pm-11pm, Sun 5pm-11pm. A traditional boozer for the gay scene’s indie, alternative and student-types – Tuesday’s pop quiz is an institution. A MADONNA ODYSSEY She may take drastic measures to look younger than her age but it remains the case that Madonna, the Queen (Mother) of Pop, celebrates her 52nd birthday on 16 August. Obviously a landmark event for gays everywhere, the occasion is being marked in London with a Madonnathemed club night at Soho’s Punk nightclub on Sunday 15 August. Titled ‘A Madonna Odyssey’, the party celebrates the superstar with a track list and video art both designed to showcase the most seminal and provocative sights and sounds of her lengthy career. Leading proceedings through the night are a range of faces from London’s scene, including Miss Dusty O and Prince Nelly, while Paul Burston, Lady Beau Peep, Dejay Kurt and Mr. Adam Kenningale also contribute. Get there early as it all starts at 7pm (running till 2pm) and Madonna’s enduring popularity means it should be a busy night. Tickets cost £8 and are available from www. Punk, 14 Soho Street, Soho, W1. $% =CbbVS`S :7AB7<5A RUPERT STREET, 50 Rupert Street, W1. 020 7292 7141. Piccadilly Circus tube. 12-11pm, Sun 10.30pm. Large, designer-style bar, popular with professional gay boyz and post-work drinkers. SHADOW LOUNGE, 5 Brewer Street, W1. 020-7287 7988. Piccadilly tube. Exclusive, gorgeous, late-night bar and club for A-list gays and celeb-spotters. Open from late each evening. SWEATBOX, 1-2 Ramillies Street, Soho, W1. 020-3214 6014. Exclusively gay gym (ground floor) and sauna (first floor), with occasional late-night parties. Open Sun-Thurs noon-2am, and till 7am Friday and Saturday. www. VAULT 139, 139 Whitfield Street, W1. 020-7388 5500. Central, daytime and evening intimate cruise club, for a men-only crowd. Open 4pm-1am seven days a week. A STAR IS BORN The fabulous Trannyshack at Madame Jo Jo’s will be hosting an extra special performance on Wednesday 25 August, with a full show lined up from the brilliant Velma Celli (pictured right). Mz Celli is the creation of Ian Stroughair – a singer and dancer with several years of experience working in West End shows and theatre. It was during his run in the cast of Chicago that Stroughair got the idea for the character. He was understudying the part of reporter Mary Sunshine – often played by a man in drag. It was Ian’s first drag experience and he began to develop a character, gathering together a group of fellow artists from other West End shows. They worked on their act and formed a troupe, Velma Celli and her Screaming Queenz. The whole troupe has been rehearsing this particular performance for weeks. Expect something very special indeed in a show inspired by the legendary Bob Fosse, which will mix pop, jazz, burlesque and comedy dance routines. Trannyshack is one of gay London’s best midweek nights, attracting an eclectic crowd of boys, girls, inbetweeners, trannies and transsexuals. There is cabaret and performance fun every week, with other upcoming highlights including Lady La Rue (4 Aug) and Miss Sahara and Miss Imaani (11 Aug). Dusty O, Tasty Tim and Lady Lloyd spin the camp pop and disco, while Munroe Bergdorf works the door. Trannyshack takes place at Madame Jo Jo’s on Wednesday from 10.30pm till 3am, with admission free for anyone in drag and £5 everyone else. Madame Jo Jo’s, 8-10 Brewer Street, W1F. 020 7734 3040. $& VILLAGE, 81 Wardour Street, W1. 020 7434 2124. Piccadilly Circus tube. 12-1am, Sun 11.30pm. Late night door charge. Soho’s original gay café bar, spread over four floors, and now with basement dancefloor and discos. Popular with a youngish crowd of boys and girls. THE YARD, 57 Rupert Street, W1. 020 7437 2652. Piccadilly Circus tube. Mon-Thur 4pm-11pm, Fri & Sat 1pm-11pm, Sun 1pm10.30pm. Busy gay bar with hugely popular courtyard area, outdoor balcony and cosy loft bar. SAUNAS CHARIOTS WATERLOO, 101 Lower Marsh, Waterloo, SE1. 020 7401 8484. Waterloo tube. Wellpresented, popular sauna, open 24/7. PLEASUREDROME, 124 Cornwall Road, Waterloo, SE1. Waterloo tube. Big venue with lots of different areas – open 24 hours, 365 days of year. SAUNABAR PORTSEA, 2 Portsea Place, Marble Arch, W2. 020 7402 3385. Marble Arch tube. Small and friendly gay sauna with masseurs. SAUNABAR COVENT GARDEN, 29 Endell Street, Covent Garden, WC2. 020 7836 2236. Covent Garden tube. Basement sauna with pool, sauna and rest rooms. Check website for discount entry. SWEATBOX SOHO, Ramillies House, 1-2 Ramillies Street, Soho, W1. 020 3214 6014. Oxford Circus tube. Gay-owned and run gym and basement sauna. NORTH LONDON THE BLACK CAP, 171 Camden High Street, NW1. 020 7485 0538. Camden Town tube. Shufflewick Bar: Mon-Thu Noon-1am, Fri-Sat 12noon-2am, Sun Noon-10.30pm. Club: Mon-Thu 10pm-2am, Fri-Sat 10pm-3am, Sun 10pm-1am. Longrunning, famed gay pub – probably the most famous cabaret pub in London. CENTRAL STATION, 37 Wharfdale Road, N1. Tel: 020 7278 3294. Kings Cross tube. Big, late-opening gay bar on three floors, with ground floor cabaret and infamously cruisy cruise nights in basement. Upstairs restaurant offering gastropub menu, plus B&B accommodation. www. CLUB KALI, The Dome, 1 Dartmouth Park Hill, Tufnell Park, N19. World’s biggest lesbian and gay Southern Asian music night, running every third Friday of the month. Always busy and rather unique. EGG, 200 York Way, King’s Cross, N7. 020 7609 8364. King’s Cross tube. Bespoke club space on three floors, hosting occasional gay club nights and after-hours sessions (mixed afterhours every Saturday night/Sunday morning). www. THE GREEN, 74 Upper Street, N1. 020-7226 8895. Angel tube. London’s first ‘gay gay-stropub!’ Stylish, Islington bar, serving full food menu and wide range of cocktails. Mixed, chilled crowd - now run by the same team as The Edge in Soho. KING EDWARD VI, 25 Bromfield Street, N1. Tel: 020 7704 0745. Angel tube. Sun-Thu 12noon12midnight, Thu 12noon-1am, Fri-Sat 12noon-2am. Very long-running gay pub, with ‘local’ atmosphere and character, plus popular beer garden. =CbbVS`S :7AB7<5A BARCODE VAUXHALL, Arch 69, Albert Embankment, SE11. 0207 734 3342. Vauxhall tube. Open 7 days a week. Mon-Thu 4pm-1am, Fri-Sun 4pm-4am. Very popular club bar, with dancefloor and mezzanine chill-out space - gets busy at weekends. CLUB COLOSSEUM, 1 Nine Elms Lane, Vauxhall, SW8. Huge, late-night venue for after-hours crowd – hosting various monthly promotions such as Bootylicious ( and Exilio. THE EAGLE, 349 Kennington Lane, SE11. 020 7793 0903. Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat 9pm-late, Tue 9pm-2am, Sun 9pm-late. Vauxhall tube. Large, club-bar with nightly promotions. Tonker (Fridays) and Horse Meat Disco (Sundays) are particularly popular. PORN AGAIN The Hospital in Covent Garden is one of London’s swishiest and trendiest private members clubs. However, once a month it throws open its doors for Studio 24 – a polysexual, mixed-up disco extravaganza. Admission is free, but to gain entry you must RSVP beforehand to The next Studio 24 session takes place on Saturday 31 July from 9pm till 2am. The theme for this summer bash will be ‘A tribute to Ron Jeremy’ – the legendary porn actor who’s mentioned in the Guinness Book of Records for appearing in more adult films than any other performer. “The idea behind Studio 24 was to give Hospital Club members and their guests a monthly event where they could let their hair down, show a glittery leg and get down to a choice selection of classic disco,” says promoter Stewart Who? “Obviously, the night is a respectful homage to Studio 54, but it also serves as a nod to Paradise Garage and The Loft in ‘70s/’80s New York, which were made infamous by DJs such as Larry Levan, Tom Moulton and David Mancuso.” Accordingly, for this retro spectacular, all attending are invited to adhere to the suggested ‘Halston, Gucci, Fiorucci’ dress code. The Hospital, 24 Endell Street, WC2. Facebook: “Studio 24” % KW4, 77 Hampstead High Street, NW3. 020-7435 5747. Large, cosy, traditional old gay pub, with regular entertainment, beer garden and food. One of London’s longestrunning gay establishments. THE LOAD OF HAY, 207 Pinner Road, Watford, 01923-441113. Watford’s only gay pub, with big beer garden and regular entertainment. THE OAK BAR, 79 Green Lanes, N16. 020-7354 2791. Manor House tube. Friendly, diverse gay bar with late-night club promotions, and open ‘til 3am at weekends. Very popular with lesbians and male friends. PLAYPIT, 357 Caledonian Road, N7. Caledonian Road tube. 0333 700 1231. Intimate, King’s Cross sleaze club – basically a basement darkroom. Open Thur-Sat 9pm3am, Sun 3pm-1am. Take your own booze. SOUTH LONDON AREA, 67-68 Albert Embankment, SE1. Gorgeously-designed, hard THE GEORGE & DRAGON, 2 BlackheathHill, Greenwich, SE10. 020 8691 3764. Deptford Bridge DLR. Mon-Thu 4pm-1am, Fri & Sat 4pm-4am, Sun 4pm-2am. Late-night pub with nightly entertainment and cabaret. JACKIE’S JUKEBOX, Rivoli Ballroom, 350 Brockley Road, SE4. First Saturday of the month, 7pm-midnight (£7). Gay ballroom and Latin dancing night, attracting up to 300 dancers a month to the glam 1950s-style Rivoli Ballroom. Crofton Park BR. HIDDEN, 100 Tinworth Street, SE11. Railway arch venue, home to infamous Hard On night once a month (, and now also Megawoof (www. and popular urban night Work on Wednesdays. KAZBAR, 50 Clapham High Street, SW4. 020 7622 0070. Clapham North tube. Mon-Thu 4pmmidnight, Fri 4pm-1am, Sat noon1am, Sun noon-midnight. Clapham video bar, popular throughout the week, with DJs at weekends. THE HOIST, Arch 47c, South Lambeth Road, SW8. 020 7735 9972. 10pm-late. Door charge and strict dress code. One of London’s most famous dress-code and cruise clubs - busy with a men-only crowd. Open Friday-Sunday and occasional Thursdays (SM Gays every third Thursday of the month - LITTLE APPLE, 98 Kennington Lane, SE11. 020 7735 2039. Kennnigton tube. Open 7 days a week. Small, traditional gay boozer for local gay boys and girls - open till 1.30am Fri-Sat. EXILIO, Bar Rez, Club Colosseum, 1 Nine Elms Lane, SW8. Vauxhall tube. Long-running, Friday night gay Latin and salsa night. Open 11pm till 4am. FACTORY, 65 Goding Street, SE11. Stylish, railway arch Vauxhall venue, hosting occasional dance and cruise nights. THE FORT, 131 Grange Road, SE1. 020-7237 7742. Small cruise club, open till 11pm throughout week, with regular boots-only and underwear parties. Check website for full listings. FIRE, South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8. Vauxhall tube. Infamous, late-night gay venue beneath the Vauxhall railway arches, host to the likes of Orange, A:M, Later and Juicy. Open around the clock at weekends. or or THE FRIDGE, Town Hall Parade, Brixton, SW9. 020 7326 5100. Brixton tube. Large and legendary venue - formerly a theatre. Now home to occasional gay club nights such as Love Muscle. www.fridge. and PARIS GYM, 73 Goding Street, Vauxhall, SE11. 020 7735 8989. Vauxhall tube. Huge, well-equipped men-only gym with large, devoted following. PHOTO © CHRIS JEPSON dance club and cabaret rooms, with eclectic roster of different gay nights and one-off promotions, including Friday nighter Onyx and new Sunday nighter Booster, amongst others. Lady Lloyd SHOWING OUT Escape in Soho – which has always been one of our favourite West End haunts – has recently undergone something of a revamp. It’s now changed its atmosphere slightly and is pushing itself as the Escape Showbar! The team is aiming to offer something different every night of the week. On Monday nights you can enjoy ‘Camperama’, with shows throughout the evening from the likes of Krystal Fanny, Benji, Holestar and Lady La Rue. DJ Juliet Bravo spins the camp disco at the Tuesday Night Project, while Lady Lloyd hosts the ‘Trannyoke’ on Wednesdays – a pre-Trannyshack party for lovers of drag, cross-dressing and karaoke. Anyone attending can pick up a free entry pass for Trannyshack, which takes place next door at Madame Jo Jo’s. DJ Andrew Elmore spins the chart-friendly dance sounds on Thursday nights, while Juliet Bravo is back in the house on Fridays – joining Tasty Tim behind the decks. Saturdays are host to ‘Kitsch Karaoke’. Hosted by Glamorous Gloria, Dame Vesta Bules – quickly becoming one of the best-known faces on the Soho drag circuit – hosts the karaoke and fun’n’games from 5 till 8pm, before Ms Bravo again takes over deck duties till 3am. It’s the perfect place to kick-start a memorable Saturday night out on the town. The bar is also offering a range of drinks offers. From Mondays to Thursdays you’ll find £2 pints of Stella, £2.20 cocktail shots, £6 cocktail jugs and Eristoff Vodka at just £1 a shot. Escape Showbar, 10 Brewer Street, Soho, W1. % =CbbVS`S :7AB7<5A PHOTO © CHRIS JEPSON Regular classes. Tourists welcome. Check website for entry details and membership. David Hoyle HOT AUGUST The Royal Vauxhall Tavern has an absolutely packed roster of entertainment organised for August. Not only do the team have all the regular attractions, such as Saturday-nighter Duckie and Sunday’s S.L.A.G.S/ Chill-Out session (both of which are packed to capacity on most weeks), but the venue is hosting its second, annual Hot August Fringe Festival – a smorgasbord of cabaret delights featuring comedians, singers, bands, performance artists and even the odd magician or two! The Hot August Fringe will run from Mondays to Fridays, with three acts appearing each evening – usually at 7, 8.30pm and 10pm. Entry is £7 per night for your nominated show, while if you decide to stay on and enjoy a second or third show, an additional contribution to the RVT’s collection bucket will be welcome. We can’t possibly mention all the acts appearing, but highlights will include the fabulous David Hoyle with his ‘Hot unt Dangerous Salon unt Klub Night’ on Friday 30 July and ‘Surrealist Situationist’ on Wednesday 11 August. ‘Underclass Hero’ (Tuesday 3 August and Tuesday 10 August) is a one-man show from upcoming star La John Joseph, re-visiting his formative years on a Liverpool council estate. Sexy and comic male burlesque fun is on offer from More Or Lesque on Wednesday 4 August, Thursday 5 August, Wednesday 11 August and Monday 16 August. Scene star Scottee hosts his new show on Friday-Saturday 5-6 August – a one-on-one performance piece in ‘a forgotten corner of the RVT’. The piece will run in 17 half-hour slots over both days (noon-8.30pm). Join Underbling and Vow and Timberlina for a grand Double Decker Knees Up on Saturday 7 August. Literally, book a ride on the venue’s Double Decker bus, which will offer bingo and sightseeing and other delights on a tour of London. Departure times are 3-4.30pm, 6-7.30pm and 9-10.30pm. The Wotever team make their contribution with a Wotever Extravaganza on Thursday 12 August – offering a whole evening of alternative cabaret. Ste McCabe hosts a band night on Friday 13 August, hosting a variety of up’n’coming queer talent from 7 till 10pm, followed by the monthly Kimono Krush party. The Duckie crew will also be hosting extra nights, with ‘Performances and cocktails’ on Wednesday 25 August, Thursday 26 August and Friday 27 August (tickets £15 for each night). All this, plus much, much more – check the venue’s website for full details. Finally, don’t forget that the Royal Vauxhall Tavern Sports Day returns on Monday 30 August (bank holiday Monday), and that there will be a double helping of S.L.A.G.S/Chill-out that weekend – on both the Sunday (2pm-2am) and Monday (2pmmidnight). The Royal Vauxhall Tavern can be found at 372 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11. – Facebook Group : RV Taverners % ROYAL VAUXHALL TAVERN, 372 Kennington Lane, SE11. 020 7840 0596. Opening times vary. Vauxhall tube. Door Charge. Huge, traditional and historic gay pub, with long history of hosting cabaret. Packed to rafters on Saturday (Duckie) and Sunday (S.L.A.G.S/Chill-Out). Check or the facebook group RV Taverners for information. THE STAG, 15 Bressenden Place, SW1. 020 7828 7287. Victoria tube. Mon & Tue midday-midnight, Wed-Fri midday-2am, Sat 5pm-2am, Sun 4pm-midnight. Dark and atmospheric gay bar in Victoria, with occasional cabaret and DJs at weekends, plus upstairs theatre space. 286, 286 Lewisham High Street, SE14. 020-8690 7648. Large, lateopening gay venue, with regular entertainment, DJs and cabaret. Open till 2am Sun-Thur and 4am Fri-Sat. THE TRAFALGAR ARMS, 148 Tooting High Street, SW17. 020-8767 6059. A spacious, lively, attitude-free, gay-friendy pub. Excellent food served all day. Weekly DJs on Friday and Saturday nights. Karaoke on Wednesdays. THE TWO BREWERS, 114 Clapham High Street, SW4. 020 7819 9539. Clapham Common tube. Mon-Thu 5pm-2am, Fri & Sat 5pm-4am. South London’s most famed gay cabaret venue. Large bar and separate dancefloor room. UNION, 66 Albert Embankment, SE1. 020-7793 9262. Cruisy dance club which hosts regular promotions. Plays areas and hot go-go’s. and XXL, The Arches, 51-53 Southwark Street, SE1. www.xxl-london. com. London Bridge tube. Huge world-famous club for bears, big men and admirers, on Saturday and Wednesday. Pulls in 1,000+ customers each Saturday with uplifting dance anthems and occasional guest DJs. SAUNAS CHARIOTS STREATHAM 292 Streatham High Road, SW16. 020 8696 0929. Streatham station. Large sauna, with weekly theme nights (bears, men of colour, etc). CHARIOTS VAUXHALL 63-64 Albert Embankment, Vauxhall, SE1. 020 7247 5333. Vauxhall tube. Large, modern sauna in converted railway arch. THE LOCKER ROOM, 8 Cleaver Street, Kennington, SE11. 020 7735 6064. Kennington tube. Long-running, intimate gay-owned and run sauna. STEAMWORKS, 309 New Cross Road, New Cross, SE14. 020 8694 0606. New Cross/New Cross Gate station. Small, long-running establishment. SHINKY SHONKY’S 13TH BIRTHDAY Shinky Shonky celebrates its 13th birthday on Wednesday 18 August at the Ku Bar (WC2). Expect an exceptionally naughty pop party with host Boogaloo Stu and other special guests, including the larger-thanlife Le Gateau Chocolat. The aforementioned Boogaloo Stu and DMS will be playing the records, and as usual at Shinky Shonky there will a mix of old and new pop tunes. Claim a birthday badge and free candy upon arrival, and enjoy a selection of drink bargains for just £1.50. Doors open at 10pm and close at 3am and, as entry is free all night. Early arrival is highly recommended! EAST LONDON THE ANGEL, 21 Church Street, E15. Tel: 020 8555 1148. Stratford BR and tube. Big gay pub, always popular at weekends, with regular cabaret, DJs and disco nights. New night Hidden InDa Hood each Tuesday (8pm till late - offering r’n’b, bashment, Soca and funky). THE BACKSTREET, Wentworth Mews, off Burdett Road, E3. 020-8980 8557. Over 25 years old – small but legendary East End dress code leather club, open Thur-Sun. Very strict rubber and leather dresscode, ensuring a wide and loyal following. www. BISTROTHEQUE, 23-27 Wadeson St, E2. Tel: 020 8983 7900. Bethnal Green tube. Very mixed, gay/straight crowd of trendy metrosexuals. Great bar, restaurant, plus separate cabaret room. CHARLIE’S BAR, 124 Globe Road, E1. Tel: 020 7790 1007. Whitechapel tube. Recently refurbished, Moroccan style – friendly, local gay bar. DALSTON SUPERSTORE, 117 Kingsland High Street, E8. 020 7254 2273. Highbury & Islington tube. New, two-floor mixed gay-straight venue - café by day and fashionable performance space and club promotions at night. Open noon-2am seven days a week. GAY LICK, Club Lick, 58 Hoe Street, E17. Walthamstow tube. Twice-monthly gay promotion at a cruisy club space. Every first and third Friday from 9pm-4am. Entry £4 before midnight and £7 after. THE JOINERS ARMS, 116 Hackney Road, E2. Tel: 020 7739 9854. Debauched decadence – old-skool boozer popular with post-club crowd at weekends. Gets busy later in the evenings. KINGS HEAD, 11 Church Street, E15. Tel: 020 8534 0197 Stratford BR and tube. Intimate and welcoming East End gay pub – regular cabaret. Open till late throughout the week. THE OLD SHIP, 17 Barnes Street, E14. Tel: 020 7790 4082. Limehouse DLR. Small, local, traditional gay pub, with regular cabaret - five minutes’ walk from BJ’s White Swan (see below). BJ’s WHITE SWAN, 556 Commercial Road, E1. Tel: 020 7780 9870. Limehouse DLR. A large, legendary, long-running gay pub and club, open throughout the week. Wednesday’s Amateur Strip is an institution. www. MORE SALT’N’PEPPA Urban celebration Salt N Peppa will return for a third outing to the Long Room at Club Colosseum on Friday 30 July. As its name suggests, the night promises the best in old skool urban rave, and it comes from the folk that used to run the Velvet Room on Charing Cross Road back in the late 90s. DJs Philly, Biggy C and Sugarbear spin the eclectic mix of classic sounds – taking in hip hop, soul and UK garage; everything from Jay Z and Salt’n’Pepa to Beverley Knight and Shola Ama. Doors will be open from 11.30pm till 5am, with admission £8 or £5 guest list. To get on the guest list, send your details to The Colosseum can be found at 1 Nine Elms Lane, London Vauxhall SW8 5NQ. =CbbVS`S DISCO FAG FABULOUSNESS running gay club open WednesdaySunday. Steadily building itself up a weekly following is the latest venture from promoter Wayne Shires. Disco Fag Bar runs at the recently launched East Bloc, at The Doors, 217 City Road, EC1 (near Old Street tube) every Friday night. This quirky, basement venue offers a pocket-sized dance floor and plethora of dark nooks and crannies to sprawl around (we love the bed for lounging!). It’s very underground in every sense of the word. Alongside rotating residents Jon Sizzle, Jeffrey Hinton and Wayne himself, there are guest DJs each week. We checked it out recently to enjoy the mixing skills of the wondrous Stereogamous – otherwise known as Sydney’s brilliant Seymour Butz and Paul Mac – who laid down a groovy, irresistible blend of electro and trash disco. Other recent guests have included the Bear Your Soul crew. Disco Fag Bar runs each Friday from 10.30pm till 4.30am. Check out ‘Disco Fag Bar’ on Facebook – admission is free before midnight for anyone who says they’ll be ‘attending’ on the Facebook page – and it’s £5 after midnight. SAUNAS CHARIOTS LIMEHOUSE, 574 Commercial Road, E14. 020 7791 2808. Limehouse rail station. Multi-level, well-established sauna. Themed parties such as ‘Big and chunky’ each Monday evening, amongst others. with a maze of rest rooms. Very popular (particularly at weekends). E15 CLUB, 6 Leytonstone Road, Stratford, E15. 020 8555 5455. Stratford tube. Deceptively large sauna behind a discreet facade. WEST LONDON CHARIOTS SHOREDITCH, 1 Fairchild Street, Shoreditch, EC2. 020 7247 5333. Liverpool Street station. Biggest gay sauna in UK, :7AB7<5A ESCAPE, 184 London Road, Kingston-Upon-Thames, Surrey, KT2. 020 8549 9911. Revamped, long- THE HOPE & ANCHOR, 20 Macbeth Street, Hammersmith, W6. (020 8748 1873). Gay pub for Hammersmith and Chiswick. Traditional boozer with nightly entertainment – open noon-11pm throughout week, with popular karaoke at weekends. THE RICHMOND ARMS, 20 The Square, off Princes Street, Richmond. 020-8940 2118. Longrunning, traditional gay pub, with regular cabaret and entertainment. One of gay London’s better locals. TED’S PLACE, 305a North End Road, West Brompton, W14. 0207 385 9359. Earls Court or West Brompton tube. Mon-Fri from 7pmlate, closed Sat & Sun. Small, West London cruise club. Dark and sleazy. WEST 5, Popes Lane, South Ealing, W5. 020-8579 3266. Large, popular gay pub with Piano Room and cabaret bar, open till late at weekends with entertainment and DJs. Attracts a big local crowd - particularly at weekends. WINDSOR CASTLE, 152 Bath Road, Hounslow, TW3. 020 8577 6590. Hounslow West tube. Large, local gay pub with regular cabaret and entertainment throughout the week. CIRCUS SLEEPOVER PHOTO © CHRIS JEPSON BRIGHTON Following its storming pre-Pride party, Jodie Harsh’s fabulous club Circus is set to return on Saturday 31 July. For this occasion, the night will be returning to the amazing Paramount (see our food review on page 44) – the club space at the very top of Centre Point tower on the corner of Tottenham Court Road and Oxford Street. This outing will boast a ‘Summer Pyjama Party’ theme, so feel free to don your finest pair of jim-jams for an evening that definitely won’t send you to sleep. Paramount offers one of the very best aerial views of London, and Circus always attracts a complete Jodie Harsh cross-section of boys and girls – indie kids, fashionistas, muscle boys, straight trendsetters, lady lesbians, electro house-lovin’ homos and everything in between. “Everyone loves a sleepover,” says hostess Jodie (pictured), “and that’s what we’re doing on the 31 July. There’ll be drag queen pillow fights, bedtime stories with Scottee, and Pierre et Giles model and former Heaven host Polly will be lounging on her bed. But this is a grown-up pyjama party – so expect go-go dancers, shots of Patron and naked Twister, too. Our parents are away for the night, and we’re on our worst behaviour.” Besides resident DJs Kris Di Angelis and Jodie herself, the guest jock will be dance band the Filthy Dukes. There will be a live performance from Viktoria Modesta, while a new looped film by director Gabriel Gettman will provide a psychedelic, visual backdrop. Doors will be open from 10pm till 4.30am, with tickets £11 in advance on ticketweb. or £10 in advance from Unconditional, 16 Monmouth Street, WC1 (£15 on the door). AUDIO, Marine Parade, BN1. Club venue with outdoor terrace – making it a summer favourite. Hosts regular club nights such as Sunday Sundae (www. AMSTERDAM BAR, 11-12 Marine Parade, BN2. www. 01273 688825. Long-running establishment, with an adjoining hotel and sauna. Great outdoor terrace for the summer months. AQUARIUM, 6 Steine Street, Brighton. 01273 605525. www. the-aquarium-theatre-bar. Long-running, traditional style pub popular with gay guys. Regular entertainment. BLANCH HOUSE, 17 Atlingworth Street, Brighton, BN2. 01273 603504. www. Plush, hip, mixed hotel cocktail bar that’s popular with a cross-section of Brighton residents and visitors. Open late at weekends. BRIGHTON TAVERN, 100 Gloucester Road, North Laine, BN1. 01273 680365. A stylish but homely venue with wooden flooring, open fire, real ales and a friendly welcome. THE BULLDOG, 31 St. James Street, Brighton, BN2. 01273 696996. www.bulldogbrighton. com. Legendary scene bar (nearly 30 years old!), attracting a bloke-ish crowd with drinks promotions, entertainment and long hours thanks to a 24-hour licence in operation at weekends. CHARLES STREET BAR, 8 Marine Parade, BN2. 01273 624091. www.charles-street. com. Large, stylish and popular gay bar overlooking the seafront – particularly busy with pre-club crowds at weekends. DOCTOR BRIGHTONS, 16-17 Kings Road, BN1. 01273 208113. Another long-running scene institution, ideally placed for the seafront, shopping on The Lanes, or Brighton’s club life. THE HONEYCLUB, 214 Kings Road Arches, BN1. 01273 202807. Acclaimed club venue, which hosts occasional gay nights and parties. THE KING’S ARMS, 56 George Street, BN2. 01273 245128. Brighton’s bar for bears and blokes, with promotions throughout the week and occasional dress-code parties. LEGENDS, 31-32 Marine Parade, BN2. 01273 624462. www. A true scene stalwart, and part of the New Europe hotel complex. Longrunning bar that’s still going strong – open late throughout the week. MARINE TAVERN, 13 Broad Street, BN2. 01273 681284. www. Small, cosy, traditional-style bar. QUEEN’S ARMS, 7 George Street, BN2. 01273 696873. Long-running scene pub with camp tunes and fun entertainment throughout the week. R-BAR, 7 Marine Parade, BN2. 01273 608133. www.revenge. Sister bar to the longrunning and famous Revenge nightclub. A hip and stylish establishment that’s popular with its own crowd of regulars. REVENGE, 32-34 Old Steine, BN1. 01273 606064. www. Brighton’s famous, long-running, full-time gay club, offering two floors of music and club promotions. Attracting a wide range of customers from all sections of the city’s gay scene, and a hot spot for visitors. VAVOOM VIDEO BAR, 31 Old Steine, BN1. 01273 603010. As its name suggests, a bight and glitzy video bar, next door to Club Revenge. WILD FRUIT, Tru, West Street, BN1. 01273 327083. The biggest gay night on the south coast. A huge, monthly party that’s been running for years – pulling in clubbers from far and wide. Check the website at www.aeonevents. for details of upcoming dates and ticket prices. THE ZONE, 33 St James’s Street, Brighton, BN2. 01273 682249. Friendly, mixed venue with regular entertainment and laid-back attitude. %! =Cb`SOQV PHOTOS © CHRIS JEPSON 1=;;C<7BG UK BLACK PRIDE B63/<<C/:C90:/19>@723E7::@3BC@<B= @353<B¸A>/@9=<A/BC@2/G"/C5CAB=CB7<B63 17BG:==9A/63/2B=B67AE6/B:73A7<AB=@3/B B67AG3/@¸A3D3<B¬ BVSTWTbVO\\cOZC90ZOQY>`WRSeWZZbOYS^ZOQS ]\AObc`ROg"/cUcab W\bVSU]`US]ca UO`RS\aOb@SUS\b¸a1]ZZSUS@SUS\b¸a>O`Y ³\SO`0OYS`Ab`SSbT`][\]]\c\bWZ '^[ BVSSdS\bWaa^]\a]`SRPg ³O[]\U]bVS`a³UOg`WUVba QVO`WbgAb]\SeOZZO\ROdO`WSbg ]TbVSPSabY\]e\b`ORS c\W]\aC90ZOQY>`WRS `S[OW\aO\]bT]`^`]TWb SdS\b^`W]`WbWaW\U O\RVWUVZWUVbW\U Q][[c\WbgWaacSa /acacOZbVSabOUS eWZZPS^ZOgV]abb] ZWdSOQbaW\QZcRW\U UcSabaTZgW\UW\ T`][bVSCA/ U`SObT]]RO\RR`W\Y O\RbVSPSab[caWQ T`][bVSQ`SO[]TbVS C9¸aUOgO\Rc`PO\ QZcP\WUVba3f^SQb 28ab]PS^ZOgW\UbVS PSabW\`¸\¸PC9Tc\Yg V]caSPOaV[S\b VW^V]^Z]dS`a`]QYO\R^]^;Wf[OabS`aeWZZ W\QZcRS280WU8]V\0WUUg1;O`Z]\ 5]]ROh1VWZZh28>VWZZg8STT`Sg 6W\b]\O\R[O\g[]`S Ab]\SeOZZbVSQO[^OWU\U`]c^ T]`ZSaPWO\UOgO\RPWaSfcOZ`WUVba VOaPSQ][SO[OW\a^]\a]` 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Jo Francis Miss Jason Maisie Trollette Rose Garden Pride Pride’s Got Talent Winner Co-host: Connie Conway Nicolette Street Trashville Tennessee Jamie Watson Sandra Drag With No Name Dave Lynn Finale 3D3@GB67<5G=C<332B=9<=E/0=CBB67AG3/@¸A >@7237<0@756B=</<26=D343AB7D/:³2C3B=67B B63A=CB61=/AB=<A/BC@2/G%/C5CAB¬ >`WRS:]\R]\WaR]\SO\RRcabSR T]`O\]bVS`gSO`PcbbVS^O`bg¸a TO`T`][]dS`T]`bV]aSeWZZW\Ub] dS\bc`S]cbaWRSbVSQO^WbOZ6SZR T`][AObc`ROg!8cZgb]Ac\ROg &/cUcab>`WRSW\0`WUVb]\O\R 6]dS`Sbc`\aPWUUS`P`WUVbS`O\R P`OaVS`bVO\SdS`bVWagSO`eWbVWba bVS[S·>`WRSO\R<]>`SXcRWQS¸ <]bXcabO^ZOg]\8O\S/cabS\¸a \]dSZ³OZbV]cUVg]cQO\Sf^SQbb] aSSOa[ObbS`W\U]T·US\bZS[S\¸QZOR W\P`SSQVSaO\R·ZORWSa¸PSRSQYSR W\POZZU]e\a³bVSbVS[S[]`S US\S`OZZgQ]\aWRS`aO\RQSZSP`ObSa a]QWSbg¸aW\Q`SOaW\Ub]ZS`O\QS ]TRWdS`aWbgO\R`SXSQbW]\]T RWaQ`W[W\ObW]\W\OZZWbaT]`[a 3dS\ba`SOQVbVSW`^SOYRc`W\U bVS^O`ORSeVWQVaSba ]TTT`][;ORSW`O2`WdS ObO[]\%/cUcab SdS\bcOZZgeSOdW\UWba eOgb]>`Sab]\ >O`YeVS`S ]cbR]]` QSZSP`ObW]\a eWZZYWQY]TT T`][^[ <SeT]`bVS 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Amity Zora and the Tatsmiths Carly Bryant Alexia Chellun Qukulele Danni Nicholls Jess Gardham Band Lianne Hall Sandra MacBeth Amity Kenelis Heads.Hearts Greymatter A few surprises to end the show! =Cb`SOQV :7AB7<5A EXPLORE SOHO Join a historical LGBT tour of Soho on Sunday 15 August. The walking tour will meet outside the Admiral Duncan pub (54 Old Compton Street, W1), and will last for two hours – from 2-4pm. Those attending the tour – which will explores the history and heritage of LGBT people and communities in London’s most vibrant and diverse area – are asked to pay £5 each to participate. For more details, and future dates, check www. GROUPS//ORGS Albert Kennedy Trust: 020 7831 6562 (London). Housing advice for under 21s. Antidote: 020 7437 3523. Counselling, Thursday drop-in, complementary therapies around alcohol and drug issues. BKY - Alternative Jewish Community: www.bkylondon. Islington LGB Forum: Rachael: 07989 747824. An initiative between local police, the council and victim support. Regard: Regard, BM REGARD, London WC1N 3XX, secretary@ uk. Disabled LGBT group. Jewish Gay and Lesbian Group: 020 8952 0137. Step Out Tower Hamlets: Social & support group for LGBT and questioning young people. 5-8pm Tues 079 4633 7160 Kairos: 020 7437 6063, www. Soho project promoting health and wellbeing among LGBT community. Lesbian Gay Christian Movement: 020 7739 1249, Lesbian & Gay Immigration Group: – 020 7922 7811. - Every Mon 2-6.30pm, Tue 10am-5pm and Wed/Thur 10am-1.30pm. Helpline and meetings. London Friend: 020 7837 3337. Groups in Islington. Quaker London Lesbian & Gay Fellowship: Religious group – 020 8675 6740. Metro Centre: 020 8265 3311, Greenwich-based LGBT support. Croydon Area Gay Society: Mosaic: 0800 0433 411. www. Youth group based in Brent. Friendly social group in Croydon. 020 8645 0943 - One-Up: LGBT under-18 youth ELOP: 020 8509 3898. Support and community events in Walthamstow. Youth, advice, counselling and groups. Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association, (GALHA): National campaigning organisation, founded 1979. Monthly meetings in central London, all welcome. www. - - 0844 800 3067 Outrage!: 020 8240 0222. Political campaiging group. group, meets every Monday 4-7pm (based in Hendon - North West London) - contact Theresa (PACE) 07504226793 (mobile). OutZone: London-based social and support group for gay and bisexual young men under 25. Every Friday 6.30-9.30pm - - www. PACE: 020 7700 1323. Counselling and support groups. Quest LGB Catholics: 0808 808 0234. READING PRIDE September may herald the period when summer turns to autumn but England’s Pride parties continue unabated. Held on 4 September and now in its seventh year, Reading Pride has grown to be one of the most popular regional Prides to take place in the UK and regularly attracts upwards of 12,500 spectators. As ever, much of the focus of the day-long festival is the %& South London Gays: 020 8672 5268/020 8674 5191. Friendly social group. Stonewall: 020 7593 1850. Campaign group for LGBT rights. HATE CRIME Gay Police Association: Action Line 07092 700 000 (24hrs), Galop: 020 7704 2040. www. Advice and support for victims of hate crime. HIV//AIDS Crusaid: 020 7539 3880, FRONTRUNNERS London Frontrunners is a club for LGBT runners of all distances, paces and fitness levels – whether you’re a competitive marathon runner or just want to stay in shape. Frontrunners has sessions three times a week (on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays) in some of the most stunning environments that the capital has to offer, such as Regents Park, Hyde Park and along the South Bank. The distances vary from two to six miles (three to ten kilometres), and each session attracts between 20 and 40 runners. Beginners are free to run with the group three times before signing on for full membership. Membership costs £25 annually, which pays for changing and showering facilities, T-shirts, promotion and the club’s participation in Pride Parade and Pride in the Park. Being a member also gives you discounts at local running shops and the opportunity to enter competitions as a part of a team. The club boasted several participants in the London Marathon in April, most notably Stephen Whiting, who finished an impressive 148th out of over 35,000 runners! Although running is at the centre of the club’s activities, it also offers plenty of other social activities, such as after-run drinks and brunches. Check the website for full details: GMFA: 020 7738 6872. Gay men’s health charity. Grace’s Cricket Club: The National AIDS Trust: 020 7814 6767, world’s only gay cricket club! or 020 8376 0630. Terence Higgins Trust: 02078121777. Counselling Services. Irons: . Gay golfing, events for all levels. SPORTS King’s Cross Steelers Rugby Football Club: 07090 421 367, Gay men’s rugby. Cruisers basketball: 020 8960 0750 (Debbie)/ 020 7582 7009, (Jordi). Mixed basketball. Frontrunners: 07092 346340, Gay running group. Goslings Swimming: 07814 258 055. Gay social swimming group, Thur 8.30pm-9.30pm. stage in Kings Meadow Park and although acts for the 2010 event weren’t confirmed at the time of press, Reading Pride frequently attracts the stalwarts of the circuit. Past performers have included Nicki French, Lisa Scott Lee and Urban Cookie Collective. Those inspired by the musicians’ showmanship might like to try their hand at the nearby karaoke stage, while the grounds of the park will also accommodate London Amateur Wrestling: The London Royals Hockey Team: Mixed hockey for all levels. or email iainkimmins115@ Out to Swim: 07090 422 526, Gay swimming group. a market place, community village, picnic area and funfair for the festival’s duration. Celebrations kick off at noon and run throughout the day, with the event itself remaining free to attend. Organisers have noted an increase in the number of Londoners attending, with Reading being just an hour’s drive from the capital and a half-hour train journey from Paddington Station. London Raiders: Gay and lesbian softball club – both beginners and experienced players welcome. www. Stonewall Football Club: 07090 422 390. Sunday soccer. 3337. Counselling service. PACE: 0808 1807 223. Helpline open Monday 9.30am-12.30pm and Thursday 6.30-8.30pm, offering structured telephone counselling or 30-minute counseling sessions. Or email HELPLINES POSITIVELINE: 0800-1696806. Broken Rainbow: LGBT Domestic Violence Helpline. 0300 999 5428 (Mon and Thurs, 2-8pm/Weds, 10am-1pm). Dazz-elle: 020 8257 3068. London drug/alcohol support. HIV info and counselling (weekdays: 11am-10pm and weekends: 4pm -10pm). www. Stonewall Housing Advice: 020 7359 5767. Stonewall infoline: London Lesbian & Gay Switchboard: 020 7837 7324 London Friend: 020 7837 Information on all LGB rights WANT TO GET LISTED? Please send listings to =Cb\Sea /2D3@B=@7/: ARE YOU THE MAN FOR THE JOB? B63:=<2=<A>3@;0/<97A7<B3@3AB32 B=63/@4@=;/<G;3<E6=/@3 B67<97<5/0=CB031=;7<52=<=@A BVS:]\R]\A^S`[0O\YWaORSRWQObSRa^S`[ ab]`OUSTOQWZWbg]\6O`ZSgAb`SSbW\QS\b`OZ :]\R]\ ESO`SZ]]YW\UT]`[S\XcabZWYSg]cb]X]W\]c` a^S`[R]\ObW]\^`]U`O[[S 2WaQcaaW]\aOP]cba^S`[R]\ObW]\O`S]TbS\ dS`gb]\UcSW\QVSSY)V]eSdS`]c`aWaOaS`W]ca [SaaOUSESO`SZ]]YW\UT]`VSOZbVg[S\ PSbeSS\bVSOUSa]T&""gSO`aeV]e]cZRPS eWZZW\Ub]^`]dWRSOQVO\QSb][O\ge][S\b] VOdSQVWZR`S\ BVS`SO`S[O\g`SOa]\aeVgR]\]`a^S`[Wa \SSRSR4]`OVSbS`]aSfcOZe][O\eV]aS ^O`b\S`VOa^]]`_cOZWbga^S`[O\RT]`aW\UZS e][O\]`OZSaPWO\Q]c^ZSR]\]`a^S`[[Og PSbVS]\ZgeOgb]abO`bOTO[WZg 7\`SQS\bgSO`abVS`SVOa PSS\[cQV`SaSO`QVb]OaaSaa bVSW[^OQb]TPSW\UOQVWZR Q]\QSWdSRT`][R]\]`a^S`[ /aO`SacZbbVSacWbOPWZWbg]T RWTTS`S\b[S\Oaa^S`[R]\]`a Wac\RS`[cQVaQ`cbW\gBVS`S Wa\]R]cPbbVObe][S\eV] S[PO`Y]\O`bWTWQWOZ`S^`]RcQbW]\ b`SOb[S\bW\dSab[cQV S[]bW]\O\R[]\SgW\bVS ^`]XSQbO\RWTbVSgO`S T]`bc\ObSb]Q]\QSWdS bVSQVWZR]`W\a][S QOaSaQVWZR`S\WaOZeOga [cQVZ]dSRO\ReO\bSR 6]eSdS`bVS`SO`S]TbS\ _cSabW]\abVObOQVWZRVOa OP]cbVWa]`VS`PW]Z]UWQOZ TObVS` BVWaWaeVgbVSRSQWaW]\b] PSQ][SOR]\]`WaacQVO\W[^]`bO\b ]\S/ZbV]cUVR]\]`aVOdS\]ZSUOZ]`TW\O\QWOZ `Sa^]\aWPWZWbgbVS`SWaOQVO\QSbVObOR]\]` Q]\QSWdSRQVWZR[OgeWaVb]Y\]e[]`SOP]cb bVSR]\]`7\US\S`OZWb[OgXcabPSaW[^ZS W\T]`[ObW]\³VOabVSR]\]`Qc`ZgVOW`-=`Wa VS[caWQOZ-0cbbVS`S[OgPS]bVS`W[^]`bO\b _cSabW]\aacQVOaµQO\eS[SSb-¶ BVS6c[O\4S`bWZWaObW]\O\R3[P`g]Z]Ug /cbV]`Wbg643/VOaQ`SObSRO`SUWabS`bVOb OZZ]ea]TTa^`W\Ub]TW\R]cb[]`SOP]cbbVSW` PW]Z]UWQOZTObVS`eVS\bVSg`SOQVbVSOUS]T& gSO`aBVWaW\T]`[ObW]\Wa\]bOdOWZOPZSb]O\g]\S eV]Wac\RS`&]`b]bVSe][S\eV]caSRbVS a^S`[T]`b`SOb[S\b G]cOaOR]\]`e]cZRVOdSO\]^^]`bc\Wbg b]^`]dWRS\]\WRS\bWTgW\UW\T]`[ObW]\OP]cb g]c`aSZTacQVOag]c`TOd]c`WbST]]R]`[caWQ eVWQVe]cZRbVS\PS[ORSOdOWZOPZSb]O\g ]TTa^`W\UWTbVSgQ]\bOQbbVS643/7TOTbS`bVWa bVSgO`SYSS\b][SSbbVSW`·R]\]`ROR¸bVS 643/e]cZR[OYSQ]\bOQbb]VSZ^TOQWZWbObSbVWa THE FIRST STEP Sperm is frozen and stored & BVSTW`ababS^W\X]W\W\UbVS:]\R]\A^S`[ 0O\Y^`]U`O[[SWaOaS[S\O\OZgaWabSabb] Q]\TW`[bVObg]cO`SacWbOPZS7Ta]bVSaS[S\ bSabWaT]ZZ]eSReWbVOPZ]]RbSabO\ROUS\S`OZ [SRWQOZG]ceWZZPSOaYSRb]ObbS\R]\O`SUcZO` POaWab]R]\ObSa^S`[aO[^ZSac\bWZeSVOdS ab]`SRS\]cUVT]`bVS^`]U`O[[SG]cO`ST`SS b]eWbVR`OeT`][bVS^`]U`O[[SObO\g^]W\b BVS:]\R]\A^S`[0O\YeVWQVWaOC9ZSORS` W\a^S`[PO\YW\U`SQ]U\WaSabVObWb[OgPS W\Q]\dS\WS\bb]ObbS\RO\RbVObWb[OgW\d]ZdS b`OdSZO\ROQVO\USW\ROWZg`]cbW\SG]c eWZZbVS`ST]`SPS]TTS`SR`SW[Pc`aS[S\bT]` `SOa]\OPZSSf^S\aSaacQVOab`OdSZQ]aba]` `ST`SaV[S\ba /bbVSS\R]TbVS^`]U`O[[Sg]ceWZZOZa]PS ]TTS`SRO^Og[S\bT]`Z]aa]TSO`\W\Uac^b]O [OfW[c[]T #W\`SQ]U\WbW]\]TbVSbW[S g]cVOdSa^S\bObbVSQZW\WQ A REMARKABLE GIFT 0SW\UOa^S`[R]\]`WaO`S[O`YOPZSUWTb O\RQO\^]bS\bWOZZgQVO\USbVSZWdSa]T[O\g TO[WZWSaeV]O`Sc\OPZSb]Q]\QSWdS\Obc`OZZg ESe]cZRZ]dSb]VSO`T`][g]c³eVSbVS` g]ce]cZRZWYSb]R]\ObSb]]c`[OW\R]\]` ^`]U`O[[S]`Xcabb]VSZ^OT`WS\RbV`]cUV Y\]e\R]\ObW]\ESOZa]O`SOPZSb]ab]`Sa^S`[ T]`Tcbc`Sac``]UOQg^ZO\a]`WTg]cXcabeO\bb] ab]`Sa][SaO[^ZSaW\QOaS]TWZZ\Saa]`OQVO\US W\g]c`Tcbc`SQW`Qc[abO\QSa If you would like any further information without obligation, please contact info@ or call 020 7935 9004. Our opening times are: Monday - Friday 8.30am - 3.30pm. & =Cb\Sea <3EA UK NEWS KILLER TO SERVE LIFE A convicted murderer who attempted to have his sentence reduced has been told that he must serve a full life sentence for his attack on a south London gay couple. David Kilcullen, 47, of Bickley, was sentenced to a minimum of 32 years in prison last December for the murder of Gerry Edwards, 59, and the attempted murder of Edwards’ partner, Chris Bevan, 57. The attack took place in March 2009. At his trial, the jury were told that Kilcullen, an unemployed alcoholic, had visited the couple’s home in order to steal from them, and had expected Mr Edwards, who was seriously ill with an AIDS-related illness to be alone in the house. Kilcullen launch a bid to have his sentence reduced last December, but at the Court of Appeal, Mr Justice Griffith-Williams dismissed the claim. HIV DISABILITY REVIEWS PLANNED The Terrence Higgins Trust has cautioned people with HIV to seek advice following the announcement by the Government that everyone claiming Disability Living Allowance (DLA) is to have their case reviewed. The Government announced the review as part of its wide-ranging cuts to help tackle the UK’s financial deficit. Lisa Power, Head of Policy at Terrence Higgins Trust, said: “THT recognises that this will concern many people with HIV who receive DLA, and particularly those who have already had a benefits review in the past two years due to the changes in Special Rules benefits. While we believe it is very unlikely that the Government will change their mind on this, THT will be working to ensure that the Department for Work & Pensions understands the difficulties that people with HIV who are on such benefits face. We will also be working to make this review as equitable and fair to people with HIV as possible and to support people who have to go through it. “If you are facing a review and are concerned about it, please call us at THT Direct. We will give you phone advice and, where possible, help you through the review.” Contact THT Direct on 0845 1221 200 and AMAECHI JOINS LGBT HISTORY MONTH The organizers of LGBT History Month – due to return in February 2011 – have announced that the event’s next patron will be out gay basketball star John Amaechi (pictured left). Raised in Stockport, Amaechi moved to the US in his late teens to pursue his love of basketball, eventually earning himself a place in the US Basketball Hall Of Fame through his stints with Orlando Magic and Utah Jazz. LGBT History Month will be focusing on sport in 2011 and 2012, and Amaechi is keen to play an active part in raising the visibility of LGBT people in sport. GAY MEN’S SEX SURVEY GOES ONLINE The largest European online sex survey (, available in 25 languages and 31 countries, has been launched to help gay and bisexual men across Europe improve their sex lives and prevent sexual health problems, including reducing new HIV infections. The European gay and bisexual men’s internet sex survey (EMIS) runs until Tuesday 31 August and covers sex, health and relationships and focuses in particular on stigma and discrimination, sexuality, socialising and HIV prevention. With a target sample of at least 100,000 gay and bisexual men, EMIS will be the largest survey of this population undertaken anywhere in the world. For a chance to have your say log on to: & GAY ASYLUM SEEKERS WIN THEIR CASE TO STAY IN UK PHOTO © TIM IMRIE NEWS FLASHES In a landmark The Supreme Court in London ruling, the Supreme Court has ruled that the Government should not send LGBT asylum seekers back to their country of origin if they legitimately face persecution because of their sexuality. A recent report by Stonewall found that between 2005 and 2009, an estimated 98% of all claims by lesbian and gay asylum seekers were refused by the Home Office. Furthermore, until now, the Home Office has frequently advised LGBT asylum seekers that they should return to their country of origin and be ‘discreet’ about their sexuality in order to avoid harassment. This was a policy that the new Conservative-Liberal coalition government has already indicated it wished to change. The Supreme Court judges, in ruling on two specific asylum claims, also said that such a demand ran contrary to the Refugee Convention, to which the UK is party. The five Supreme Court judges were ruling on two specific cases involving asylum seekers from Cameroon and Iran. Asked to decide whether a gay applicant could be refused asylum on the grounds that he could avoid ill-treatment by concealing his sexuality, Lord Hope said “To compel a homosexual person to pretend that his sexuality does not exist or suppress the behaviour by which to manifest itself is to deny his fundamental right to be who he is. Homosexuals are as much entitled to freedom of association with others who are of the same sexual orientation as people who are straight.” He further noted that the persecution of homosexuals was not seen as a problem when rules governing the rights of refugees were drafted because for many years it was the practice for leaders in countries to deny its existence. “This was manifest nonsense, but at least it avoided the evil of persecution. More recently, fanned by misguided but vigorous religious doctrine, the situation has changed dramatically.” Home Secretary Theresa May said the judgement vindicated the coalition government’s stance. The ruling was also welcomed by Stonewall Chief Executive Ben Summerskill, who said, “Stonewall welcomes this important ruling. Demanding that lesbian or gay people return home to conceal their sexuality bears no resemblance to the reality of gay life in many countries.” EUROPRIDE A SUCCESS IN WARSAW Gay Conservative MP Nick Herbert was among those who attended this year’s EuroPride festival, which took place in Warsaw, Poland. An estimated 10,000 people took part in the 18 Juy parade, and which was held up on several occasions by anti-gay protestors. Fortunately, an estimated 2,000 police officers lined the route, separating marchers and protestors. Commenting on the event, Mr Herbert said that those supporting the march vastly outnumbered those against it. “Warsaw is a brilliant choice for EuroPride. You’ve only got to see the level of support here. This is challenging some of the stereotypical views that we hear a little bit about in the UK about this country.” Nick Herbert (second left) and civil partner Jason Eades (far right), with fellow Europride supporters on the lead float at the July festival =Cb\Sea <3EA NEWS FLASHES GAY MR WALES ...AND FINALLY INTERNATIONAL NEWS OUTSPOKEN: HAWAII PAUL BIRRELL To the dismay of gay rights campaigners in the United States, Hawaii’s governor Linda Lingle has rejected a bill which would have allowed civil unions for gay couples in the state. The bill was passed by the local legislature, but Ms Lingle used her powers to prevent it becoming law, commenting that she believed the bill was “essentially same-sex marriage by another name”. ARGENTINA /\]^S\ZgUOg[O\T`][ 1O`RWTTVOabOYS\bVSbWbZS]T ;WabS`EOZSa /\R`Se ESabS`\ OVSOZbVO\RaOTSbg ORdWaS`Q][^SbSROUOW\ab ]bVS`[S\T`][OQ`]aaA]cbV EOZSaOb1O`RWTT¸aAb2OdWR¸a 6OZZ]\AObc`ROg $8c\S6S¸a bVSTW`abUOg[O\b]eW\bVS bWbZSO\RaOWROTbS`eO`Raµ7O[ Q][^ZSbSZg]dS`eVSZ[SR7O[ `SOZZg^`]cRb]abO\Rc^O\R `S^`SaS\bbVSUOgQ][[c\Wbg W\EOZSaO\RaV]ebVS[Xcab V]eQ]a[]^]ZWbO\bVS;WabS` EOZSaQ][^SbWbW]\WaO\R bVOb\]eOROgaQ][^SbWbW]\a ZWYSbVWaO`S]^S\b][S\ T`][OZZSbV\WQO\RaSfcOZ POQYU`]c\Ra¶ Argentina legalised samesex marriage on 15 July, after the country’s senate backed the bill by a margin of just six votes. Argentina is the first country in Latin America to enact such a law, which also enables gay couples to adopt. The recognition was backed by President Cristina Fernandez’s government, but has received fierce opposition from the Catholic Church. Gay marriage is also legal in Mexico City, while same-sex civil unions are legal in Uruguay and some states in Brazil and Mexico. ...AND FINALLY LORDS OF THE DANCE Pet Shop Boys have created an original score for their first-ever full-length dance show, which will premiere at London’s Sadler’s Wells theatre in the spring of 2011 (from 22-26 March). The show is a contemporary re-working of The Most Incredible Thing, a fairy tale by the 19th century Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen. The legendary pop duo have previously collaborated with Sadler’s Wells four years ago, when they wrote a ballet score for The Royal Ballet Principal, Ivan Putrov, who also features in this new production. Commenting on this new project, the pop duo said: “In the past we have written music for the club dancefloor, so to write music for the ballet stage seems like a logical development.” GEORGE MICHAEL ARRESTED AGAIN Singer George Michael has been arrested again – this time on suspicion of being unfit to drive. The 47-year-old was arrested in the early hours of Sunday 4 July near his home in Hampstead, North London. Police were called after a vehicle crashed into a branch of Snappy Snaps on Hampstead High Street. It’s believed that the singer was taken to a local police station and bailed to return in August pending further enquiries. It follows a similar incident three years ago. In June 2007, the former Wham singer was banned from driving for two years after pleading guilty to driving while unfit through drugs. GAGA’S FACEBOOK FAME Gay icon Lady Gaga – who has enjoyed worldwide success with her debut album The Fame and hit singles such as ‘Poker Face’ – has set a Facebook record – by becoming the first living person to have more than 10 million fans on the social networking website. In fact, at the time of going to press, she had over 11,298,044 fans – beating President Barack Obama into second place position. Despite setting the new record, the openly bisexual singer is still only in sixth place overall – after Texas Hold ‘em Poker, Michael Jackson, Mafia Wars, Facebook and the US TV show Family Guy. THE CHAIR OF PRIDE LONDON, REFLECTS ON THIS YEAR’S EVENT AND THE ORGANISATIONS PLANS FOR THE FUTURE… What a year! Pride London managed to maintain its record attendance, but it’s been a challenge this year, for sure. In common with most festivals, sponsorship levels were down. This is a particular challenge for free events such as Pride as there’s no ticket revenue to fall back on and, as a charity, we are reliant on the goodwill of individuals and sponsors. But Pride London managed to pull through and still deliver a popular event. Pride London also suffered from London’s curse: building works. Back in the spring, Crossrail looked to be annoying, but nothing that couldn’t be handled with a few tweaks – much less of a challenge than the CRITICISM ISN’T Thames Water works ALWAYS A BAD that confronted us in 2008 when half THING, AND IT of Soho was dug CAN LEAD TO up. As the months progressed, more SOME EXCITING works were added PARTNERSHIPS and it became apparent that these tweaks would become more than just minor. Soho was on, off, and then finally on again after some last-minute negotiations. To give you an idea of the impact, the area around Soho Square alone can hold as many as Wembley Stadium. That’s a big crowd to displace. There was also some criticism levelled at us from some of the bar and club promoters, who thought that they could inject even more into the event. I’m pleased to say that we’re now speaking to some of those very people to get them involved: criticism isn’t always a bad thing, and it can lead to some exciting partnerships, as we hope this will. We are also often asked why we don’t move to a park. The simple answer is that London’s largest venue is Hyde Park, and at best it can only hold 90,000 people. That’s not nearly enough to cope with our attendance – indeed it wouldn’t even cover the number of people who go on the parade, let alone spectators or other attendees. Where would everyone else go? Besides, Pride’s more than just a fenced off park – it’s meant to be public! The big Pride events, including New York and San Francisco are street events, and London is getting there to match these grand-daddies of the Pride movement. As we approach WorldPride 2012 in London, Pride London is set to grow. We are already in discussions about how to cope with the additional numbers, and we have some fantastic partnerships in the offing to help build that. We hope to be able to unveil a bigger and even better event in 2011 to give some flavour of what to expect in 2012. I hope to see you there! &! =Cb\Sea 1/@33@ STARTING OUT 74G=C¸@3:==97<54=@E=@9 AB=<3E/::1/<63:>G=C16==A3/ 5/G4@73<2:G3;>:=G3@¬ >`WRS³T]`]\SOROgOgSO` g]cUSbbVSQVO\QSb]`SZOfPS g]c`aSZT[O`QVWTg]ceO\bb] O\RPS]^S\ZgQ][T]`bOPZSeWbV eV]g]cO`S0cbV]eQO\g]c YSS^bVObaS\aS]T^`WRSWTg]c¸`S VSORW\UW\b]OX]PeVS`Sg]cY\]e g]cQO\¸bPSg]c`aSZT]\;]\ROg []`\W\U-4]`bc\ObSZgWb¸a\]e SOaWS`bVO\SdS`PST]`Sb]TW\R]cb eV]O`SbVS[]abUOgT`WS\RZg S[^Z]gS`a 4]`X]PaSSYS`aO\RQO`SS` aeWbQVS`abVS`S¸aAbO`bW\U=cb >`]RcQSRPgUOg`WUVbaQVO`Wbg Ab]\SeOZZbVWaVO\RgUcWRSWa ]\ZW\SO\RQ]^WSaO`SOZa]aS\bb] abcRS\ba¸c\W]\ac\WdS`aWbgQO`SS` aS`dWQSaS[^Z]g[S\bOUS\QWSa O\Rc\WdS`aWbgZSaPWO\O\RUOg a]QWSbWSaOaeSZZOaaWfbVT]`[a OQ`]aa0`WbOW\BVSUcWRS]TTS`a X]PaSSYW\UORdWQSOZ]\UeWbVO ac[[O`g]Ta][S"UOgT`WS\RZg S[^Z]gS`aW\0`WbOW\eWbVQ]\bOQb RSbOWZaO\RcaSTcZTOQbaOP]cbSOQV ]`UO\WaObW]\ /ZWab]T0`WbOW\¸a[]abUOgT`WS\RZg S[^Z]gS`aWaOZa]^cPZWaVSR SdS`g8O\cO`gPgAb]\SeOZZBVS ZWabWaR`Oe\T`][bVSUOgS_cOZWbg QVO`Wbg¸aE]`Y^ZOQS3_cOZWbg 7\RSfOPS\QV[O`YW\USfS`QWaS bVOb¸aT`SST]`S[^Z]gS`aW\0`WbOW\ b]S\bS`BVS7\RSfZ]]YaOb\W\S O`SOa]T^]ZWQgO\R^`OQbWQS EVS\bVS B]^S[^Z]gS`aZWab eOa^cPZWaVSR70;aSQc`SRbVS b]^^]aWbW]\PSQ][W\UbVSTW`ab S[^Z]gS`SdS`b]PS\O[SRB]^ 3[^Z]gS`beWQS<]bbW\UVO[aVW`S 6SOZbVQO`S<6AB`cabeOa\O[SR bVS;]ab7[^`]dSR3[^Z]gS`O\R 6O[^aVW`S1]\abOPcZO`gb]]Y bVSbWbZS]T>cPZWQASQb]`3[^Z]gS` ]TbVSGSO`³T]`bVSaSQ]\R gSO``c\\W\U3G5:3A3`\ab G]c\U¸a5Og:SaPWO\0WaSfcOZ O\RB`O\aUS\RS`<Sbe]`Y eS`SOeO`RSR<Sbe]`Y5`]c^ ]TbVSGSO`³TS\RW\U]TTab`]\U Q][^SbWbW]\OaT]`bVSTW`abbW[S SdS`SdS`gS[^Z]gS`]\bVSZWabVOR O\S[^Z]gSS\Sbe]`YU`]c^ BVS`SeOaTc`bVS`U]]R\SeaT]` UOgabOTTOabVS`SeS`S !\Se S\b`WSa]\bVSZWabaV]eW\UbVOb a][SS[^Z]gS`aO`Se]`YW\U VO`RS`bVO\SdS`b]RSdSZ]^O\R ac^^]`bbVSW`ZSaPWO\UOgO\R PWaSfcOZabOTT/Z[]abVOZT"$]T bVSB]^3[^Z]gS`aVOdS]^S\Zg ZSaPWO\UOg]`PWaSfcOZabOTTOb bVSb]^]TbVSW`]`UO\WaObW]\eVWZS '"]TbVSB]^VOdSO\]cb S[^Z]gSSeV]OQbaOaO\:50`]ZS []RSZeWbVW\bVSW`]`UO\WaObW]\ EVS\bVS7\RSfeOaTW`ab^cPZWaVSR W\ #aWf]TbVSS[^Z]gS`aeV] aSQc`SR^]aWbW]\aW\bVSb]^ `S_cSabSRO\]\g[Wbg4OabT]`eO`R b] O\RbVS`SWa\]e]^S\ Q][^SbWbW]\O[]\US[^Z]gS`a b]OQVWSdSOU]]R^]aWbW]\=dS` !#S[^Z]gS`aS\bS`SRbVS 7\RSfW\ 'T`][ "RWTTS`S\b S[^Z]g[S\baSQb]`a³aV]eW\U Stonewall’s Ben Summerskill addresses the DC600 event at law firm Hogan Lovells &" V]eeWRSbVSac^^]`bO[]\Uab PcaW\SaaWaT]`RWdS`aWbg BVS\SfbB]^3[^Z]gS`aZWabeWZZ PS^cPZWaVSRW\8O\cO`g 3[^Z]gS`aYSS\b]aSQc`SO^ZOQS ]\bVSZWabQO\S\bS`bVSE]`Y^ZOQS 3_cOZWbg7\RSf\]eO\RWbeWZZPS ]^S\c\bWZAS^bS[PS` 7Tg]cTSSZg]c`S[^Z]gS`Wa ac^^]`bWdSO\R[OYSaQS`bOW\bVOb ZSaPWO\UOgO\RPWaSfcOZabOTTO`S RSdSZ]^SRO\RW\QZcRSReVg\]b S\Q]c`OUSbVS[b]S\bS`-3\b`gWa T`SSO\RQO\PSQ][^ZSbSR]\ZW\S DIVERSITY - THE TOP 600 Law firm Hogan Lovells hosted a champagne reception for gay rights charity Stonewall on 14 July, in recognition of the charity reaching the 600th member mark in its Diversity Champions programme. The latest organisations to join the programme were announced on the evening, and included Cisco Systems and Office Angels, with Enterprise Rent-A-Car being the official 600th Diversity Champion. Stonewall’s Diversity Champions programme is Britain’s good practice forum for sexual orientation where employers can work with Stonewall, and each other, to promote diversity in the workplace. Hogan Lovells has been a member since 2007. On hosting the reception, Edward Mills, co-chair of the Hogan Lovells LGBT Network, said, “We are pleased to be able to continue our good relationship with Employers can enter the Workplace Equality Index now for a chance to be in the Top Employers list 2011. Six employers requested anonymity when the list was first published in 2005. Did your employer make the Top 100 Employers list? Visit www.stonewall. to find out. For job-seeking tips and key information on Britain’s gay-friendly employers visit the website at www. Stonewall by taking this opportunity to openly demonstrate our support of diversity in the workplace. Diversity is not an optional extra but a way of life at Hogan Lovells, where being a diverse and inclusive place to work is at the core of our vision and our values.” His sentiments were echoed by David Shields, Stonewall Director of Workplace Programmes. “With over 40 law firms as members, the legal sector has been a significant part of the growth of Stonewall’s Diversity Champions programme to 600 members. Through the programme, law firms such as Hogan Lovells have made major strides in making their workplaces inclusive of gay, lesbian and bisexual people so enabling people to make the best of their talents. During difficult economic times they have continued to demonstrate leadership in their commitment to diversity and to celebrate this through hosting the Diversity Champions 600 event.” =Cb\Sea 1/@33@ Members of the Interlaw Diversity Forum march at Pride London in July JUDGE NOT... B63:35/:>@=43AA7=<7<1:C23AA=;3=4B631=C<B@G¸A;=AB E3::32C1/B32/<27<B3::753<BE=@93@A0CB43E6756 >@=47:3:50B;3;03@A;/@9>/:;3@32531C;03:==9A/B E6GB6/B;756B0316/<57<5¬ Mark Palmer-Edgecumbe is the founder of Ari Consulting, and is one of the world’s leading diversity professionals, having been the Global Head of Diversity at Barclays Group. 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popular hotspots in Woolwich WOOLWICH MARKETS BERESFORD SQUARE, LONDON SE18 Woolwich’s vibrant markets are definitely good for a bargain, with over 100 stalls selling a variety of goods. PLACE TO BE: WOOLWICH 8=6<=·13/::/75627A1=D3@AB6/BE==:E716=443@A>:3<BG =467AB=@G/<2/44=@2/0:3:=<2=<:7D7<5¬ BVS\O[S·E]]ZeWQV¸[OgPS[]ab Q][[]\ZgY\]e\OaO[]`bUOUS RWdWaW]\]T0O`QZOga0O\YPcbE]]ZeWQV VO^^S\ab]PS]\S]TbVS]ZRSabRWab`WQba ]T:]\R]\:]QObSRW\5`SS\eWQV bVSO`SOWa\]e^O`b]TbVSQO^WbOZ¸a acPc`PO\PSZb=\S]TbVS!#[OX]` QS\b`Sa]T5`SObS`:]\R]\E]]ZeWQV eOa]`WUW\OZZgaSbbZSRW\7`]\/USbW[Sa) @][O\`cW\aVOdSOZa]PSS\T]c\R eWbVW\WbaQ]\TW\Sa ;]`S`SQS\bZgW\bVS"aWbaSbOP]cb RWabW\UcWaVW\UWbaSZTOaO[WZWbO`gQS\b`S eWbVbVSSabOPZWaV[S\b]TbVS@]gOZ /`aS\OZT]ZZ]eSRZObS`PgbVS@]gOZ ;WZWbO`g/QORS[gO\RbVS@]gOZ6]`aS /`bWZZS`gW\bVS%a/ZbV]cUVbVSaS PcWZRW\Ua\]Z]\US`Tc\QbW]\W\bVSW` ]`WUW\OZQO^OQWbgE]]ZeWQV¸a[WZWbO`g aZO\b`S[OW\aO\RbVS\SO`Pg5`SS\eWQV 6S`WbOUS1S\b`SR]Qc[S\babVWaTOQSb ]TbVSRWab`WQbE]]ZeWQV¸a[]abTO[]ca Sf^]`bWaO`UcOPZg/`aS\OZT]]bPOZZQZcP WOOLWICH WHAT YOU CAN BUY IN THE AREA 01 RED LION LANE, SE18 £279,950 Two-bed terraced house near Woolwich Common. 020 8318 1311 ' bOYW\UWba\O[ST`][bVST]`[S`@]gOZ /`aS\OZ/ZbV]cUVWbWa\]eabObW]\SR W\6WUVPc`gbVSQZcPeOaT]c\RSRW\ E]]ZeWQVO\ReOaY\]e\OaE]]ZeWQV /`aS\OZPST]`SWba[]dS\]`bV]TbVS `WdS`BVSSfb`OdOUO\bZg\O[SR@]gOZ =`R\O\QS4OQb]`WSa41eOaaSbc^OaO `S^ZOQS[S\bQZcPPcbTOWZSRb]`SOQVbVS aO[SabObc`SRWa[O\bZW\UaV]`bZgOTbS`Wba W\QS^bW]\ E]]ZeWQVWbaSZTWaaS`dSRPgbV`SS `OWZeOgabObW]\a(E]]ZeWQV/`aS\OZ) E]]ZeWQV2]QYgO`RO\R>Zc[abSOR 2:@aS`dWQSaT`][E]]ZeWQV/`aS\OZ O\R9W\U5S]`USDabObW]\aQ]\\SQbb] bVS:]\R]\C\RS`U`]c\RagabS[eVWZS bVSE]]ZeWQV4S``gQ`]aaSa]dS`bVS BVO[SaBVSZSaaS`Y\]e\E]]ZeWQV T]]bbc\\SZeW\RaWbaeOgc\RS`\SObV Wb³^`]dWRW\UO\]dSZWTa][SeVOb QZOcab`]^V]PWQeOgb]b`OdS`aSbVS`WdS` /\]bVS`UZ]POZP`O\RbVObeWZZT]`SdS` BVSaSc\]`bV]R]f[SO\a]T PSZW\YSRb]E]]ZeWQVWa;Q2]\OZR¸a b`O\a^]`bObW]\OZa][SO\bVObbVSO`SO BVS/[S`WQO\QVOW\¸aTW`abC9P`O\QV Wa\¸bQ]\aWRS`SRb]PSO[]\UbVS[]ab O\RWba!bVP`O\QVW\bS`\ObW]\OZZg eSZZQ]\\SQbSRW\bVSQWbgeVWQVW\bc`\ ]^S\SRVS`SW\'%"4]`PSbbS`]`e]`aS bS[^S`a^`]^S`bg^`WQSaaZWUVbZgBe] WbabWZZabO\RaOaO[]\c[S\bb]bVWa PSR`]][TZObaU]T]`OP]cb RSTW\W\U[][S\beWbVO^ZO_cS]\bVS eVWZSWb¸a^]aaWPZSb]TW\RbVS]RR eOZZQ][[S[]`ObW\UbVS]QQOaW]\O\R be]PSR`]][V]caST]`O^^`]fW[ObSZg R`OeW\UO`RS\bVO[Pc`US`OTWQW]\OR]a #³OPO`UOW\W\:]\R]\O\R T`][[WZSaO`]c\R ]\SbVOb[WUVb[OYSWbe]`bVS\_cW`W\U /ZbV]cUVbVS\SO`SabbcPSabObW]\ OP]cbE]]ZeWQV[]`bUOUS`ObSaOb WaOPca`WRSOeOgW\5`SS\eWQV 0O`QZOga 02 ROYAL ARSENAL, SE18, £310,000 03 CHURCH STREET, E16, £154,995 Within the prestigious Armouries development, this stylish two-bedroom flat (left) is modern and spacious both inside and out. The complex also includes a residents-only gym and concierge facility. 020 7973 2020 By London City Airport and Royal Victoria Gardens, this two-bedroom flat (left) is in need of some modernisation but good value for the area. Residents also have access to a communal garden. 020 7133 7777 FIREPOWER – ROYAL ARTILLERY MUSEUM ROYAL ARSENAL WEST, SE18 Open since 1820, this historic artillery and munitions museum is laden with weapons, uniforms and other military paraphernalia. CHARLTON PARK, CHARLTON PARK ROAD, SE12 On the edge of Woolwich, this park has numerous sports fields but is most commonly used as a peaceful place to relax and rest. THE RACEWAY, RIVERSIDE, SE12 One of only two indoor gokarting tracks in the capital, The Raceway is popular with corporations on days out but also opens to members of the public. '! 01 02 03 04 WE WANT B67A;=<B6¸A6=B >@=2C1BA4=@B636=;3 '" 01 BERGEN MISU COFFEE TABLE Simple, sleek and sophisticated, this low-slung coffee table is made from solid walnut and the elbow grease of Dutch craftsmen. Due to the skill, dedication and experience of these expert joiners and carpenters the superior finish should ensure it lasts a lifetime. Every item in the range is finished in satin seal or oiled by request. 02 DROOG 85 LAMPS CHANDELIER We keep on losing count but conceptual design company Droog assures us that this design does indeed contain 85 separate light fixtures. With such an abundance of bulbs, wires and connectors in place, all superfluous features have been rejected, leaving a chandelier that’s austere, but stylish. RRP £1,565 RRP £1,830 03PENGUIN DECK CHAIR Forget the new-fangled fad of fingering your iPad in a darkened Starbucks. For indulgence that has stood the test of time there’s nothing better than sitting in the sunshine and cracking the spine of a good book. Available from Heal’s, this Penguin deck chair is tailor-made for some latesummer reading and relaxation. RRP £60 WORDS BY JOHN O’ CEALLAIGH =CbV]caS >@=2C1BA =CbV]caS >@=2C1BA 05 06 07 08 04 LEGYM SALAD SERVER A cheap price and indecipherable name – it’s obviously time for another IKEA product. Our current favourite from the Swedish brand’s extensive range is the two-piece Legym salad-server set, available in a range of colours and moulded from polycarbonate plastic. At just 99p it’s an easily justified accessory should you plan a last-minute barbecue. 05 400 ARMCHAIR Alvin Aalto, the Finnish designer of this contemporary armchair is known as ‘The Father of Modernism’, – apt when you consider he conceived this still-stylish chair in 1935 and remains revered decades after his 1976 death. One of his signature pieces, the 400 armchair’s clean lines, birch base and plush fabric indicate it will remain in vogue. 06 LAUNDRY BASKET That they stand as containers for sodden gym gear and sullied bed linen means that laundry baskets rarely provide much stimulus for designers’ makeover treatments. Heal’s is making some effort to redress that. Finished in richly stained birch, it’s a sleek alternative to the tired wicker models that predominate the market. RRP 99p POA RRP £130 07 CALLIGARIS LAURENCE VASES These shimmering flower vases coil and curl so fluidly that they’re likely to outshine their contents. However it’s a setback that’s easily avoided if you take your pick from this year’s crop of sunflowers: we think their golden hue would act as a perfect complement to the vases’ burnished bronze. RRP £93 for the pair 08 B-LINE SPINNY DRAWER UNIT It may resemble a particularly treacherous spiral staircase, but this slinky contraption is actually a storage unit. Pivoted by a central column, the 12 shiny drawers differ in size but each one swivels a full 180 degrees for easy access. The unit is available either with a star-shaped base or as a wallmounted appliance. RRP from £619.50 '# =Cb\Sea /2D3@B=@7/: HOME COMFORTS :3/27<56=CA30C7:23@ B/G:=@E7;>3GA>317/:7A3A7< 1@3/B7<52@3/;6=;3A BOgZ]`EW[^SgWabVS\O[SbVOb bV]caO\Ra]TV][SPcgS`ab`cab <]b]\Zgb]VSZ^bVS[TW\RbVSW` R`SO[V][SO\RSOaSbVS[ bV`]cUVbVS[]dW\U^`]QSaaPcb b][OYS^c`QVOaW\UbVSW`^`]^S`bg SdS\[]`SOTT]`ROPZS BVSZSORW\UV]caSPcWZRS`¸aP`O\R \Se4ZSfW;]dSQO[^OWU\ VWUVZWUVbaV]eBOgZ]`EW[^Sg¸a abOTT[OYSWbbVSW`[WaaW]\b]Q`SObS bVSPSOcbWTcZ\SeV][SabVOb []dS`aZ]dSO\Rb][OYSac`SbVOb SdS`gaW\UZS]\S]TbVSW`Qcab][S`a QO\PS\STWbT`][Oa^SQWOZZgbOWZ]`SR ^OQYOUS]TW\QS\bWdSabVOb¸a^S`TSQb T]`bVSW`\SSRa ;O`WO0O`YS`AOZSa3fSQcbWdSaOga µ3dS`gP]RgVOaORWTTS`S\b`SOa]\ T]`[]dW\UO\RSOQVPcgS`VOa bVSW`]e\W\RWdWRcOZ`S_cW`S[S\ba 4]`[SbVSQVOZZS\USWab]TW\R XcabbVS`WUVbV][Sb]acWbSOQV '$ Qcab][S`ObO^`WQSbVSgQO\ OTT]`R¶ µ;]dW\UV]caSQO\PSO\S[]bW]\OZ Sf^S`WS\QSPcbWb¸aU`SObb]PS W\d]ZdSRPSQOcaSObbVSS\R]TWb OZZ7Y\]e7¸dS^ZOgSROPWU^O`bW\ VSZ^W\Ua][S]\STW\RbVSW`R`SO[ V][S¶ 4W`abbW[SPcgS`aQO\`SQSWdS VSZ^eWbVbVSW`RS^]aWbab]aOdS 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BVWaWabVSYW\R]TQO`g]cPcgeWbVg]c`VSO`b `ObVS`bVO\bVSVSORA]ZWYS;O`[WbSg]c SWbVS`Z]dSWb]`^cZZOTOQSBVS@1HWaOab`WYW\UZg PSOcbWTcZdSVWQZS³WbVORb]PS³eVWQVVOa[ORS bVSb`O\aWbW]\T`][abgZSQ]\QS^bb]^`]RcQbW]\ `S[O`YOPZgT`SS]TQ]`^]`ObSW\bS`TS`S\QST`][ bVS[O`YSbW\U^S]^ZS On the road price: from £20,450 For information visit: AUDI CRASHES ELTON’S PARTY An unexpected star of Sir Elton John’s recent White Tie & Tiara Ball was an Audi A1 car which had been specially spin-painted by artist Damien Hirst and which fetched a staggering £350,000 during the charity auction. Close to 700 rich and famous guests from around the world converged on the private home of Sir Elton in Windsor to support his largest annual fundraiser for his AIDS Foundation. These included David Walliams, Dame Shirley Bassey and Lady Gaga, who chose the occasion to perform a new song entitled ‘You and I’. Hirst turned the Audi hatchback (pictured) into a vibrant, dramatic and colourful work of art, even though the latest A1 is not scheduled to reach these shores until November. The Elton John AIDS Foundation manages over £14 million in programmes across 15 countries supporting thousands of men, women and children with life-saving medication, as well as information, nutrition, education, shelter and support. Price: £350,000 Visit: WORDS BY ADRIAN FOSTER/DRIVELINES COUPÉ CUTIE Mazda has introduced a new ‘summer special edition’ version of its iconic MX-5 sports car, named the ‘Miyako’. The new model goes on sale in two versions – the 1.8i Miyako soft-top priced at £18,385 (on-theroad) and the more powerful 2.0i Miyako roadster Coupé featuring the world’s fastest folding-powered roof (up or down in 12 seconds), priced at £20,885 (onthe-road). The name ‘Miyako’ is taken from the idyllic Japanese holiday island of Miyako-jima, considered by many to be one of the most beautiful spots in Japan and the perfect location for open-top motoring. The new Mazda comes well equipped and boasts an interior trimmed with unique Medici-perforated black leather trim with a red underlay and stitching, special badging, floor mats and climate control air-conditioning. On the outside, you get front fog lamps, larger 17-inch alloy wheels, a front suspension strut brace (for improved steering response) and metallic paint at no extra cost. Price: from £18,385 Visit: =CbeO`R B@/D3: VIVA TEL AVIV A7;=<5/53D7A7BA7A@/3:¸A0CAB:7<51/>7B/:B=3F>3@73<13B635/G/>>3/: =4AC<2@3<1632B3:/D7D¬ µG]ceO\bb]U]b]bVSZSaPWO\O\RUOg QS\b`S-¶aOgabVSSZRS`ZgbOfWR`WdS`eWbVO gO`[cZYSaYcZZQO^^W\\SRb]VWaVSORZ]]YW\U Ob[SW\bVS`SO`dWSe[W``]`/[7U]W\Ub]USb Rc[^SRPgbVS`]ORaWRS7e]\RS`-7aVSU]W\U b]aOgO^`OgS`b]aOdS[ga]cZT`][bVSQZcbQVSa ]TbVS2SdWZ-/[7U]W\Ub]USbO[]cbVTcZ]T OPcaSW\6SP`Se- µ0cbR]\¸bg]cY\]eWb¸a:]dS2Og-¶VSU]Sa]\ QVSS`WZgµBVSab`SSbaO`SU]W\Ub]PSQZ]aSR¶ ;OgPSWbaOga[]`SOP]cb[SbVO\VW[Pcb7 eOa\¸bSf^SQbW\UOU`WhhZSR`]c\RbVSSRUSa TOW`Zg`SZWUW]cae]`YW\UQZOaa8SeWaV[O\W\BSZ /dWdb]PSa]Q]]ZOP]cbbVSQ]\QS^b]TOPc\QV ]TUOgaO\Rb`O\\WSaW\^OQYSb`SdSOZW\U aeW[eSO`]`a][SbVW\U:ORg5O5O [WUVbVOdSb]\SRR]e\OPWb^O`ORW\U bV`]cUVVWab]e\7OZa]eOa\¸bSf^SQbW\U ab`OWUVb[c[aeWbVYWRaW\^caVQVOW`a b]PSXWUUW\UOZ]\Ub]1V`WabW\O/UcWZS`O `SQ]`Ra^c[^W\UT`][bVSTZ]ObaOabVS ^O`ORSeS\bPg]`bVS/`OPTOabT]]R dS\R]`ab]VOdS>`WRS2OgA^SQWOZa ORdS`bWaSR=`Q][Sb]bVObQWbg a^]\a]`SR`OW\P]eTZOUabVSZS\UbV]T bVS`]cbST`][bVS[c\WQW^OZbe]ab]`Sg :50B1S\b`Sb]bVSPSOQV 7\aV]`beVWZS7¸[ac`S6OaaWRWQBSZ /dWdWO\aO`S\¸b^]c`W\UbVS^W\Y QVO[^OU\SWbaSS[abVOb[]ab]TbVS QWbgQ]cZRPSRSaQ`WPSROaa][SbVW\U ]TO\]OaWa]TUOgT`WS\RZW\SaaW\O`SUW]\eVS`S V][]aSfcOZWbgWa]TbS\[SbeWbV\][]`S QSZSP`ObW]\bVO\bVS^cPZWQVO\UW\Ua]TbSS\OUS P]ga 7b[OgPSO[]`OZ[W\STWSZRbVSeV]ZS7a`OSZ bVW\USa^SQWOZZgOabVS`OWR]\bVS5OhOOWR e]`YS`a¸P]ObVORVO^^S\SRXcabOTSeROga ^`W]`b][gb`W^Pcb]\SbVW\Ug]cQO\¸bRS\g WabVObeVS\WbQ][Sab]UOg`WUVbabVS7a`OSZWa ³ac``]c\RSROabVSgO`SPga][S^`SbbgU`W[ 7aZO[WQ\ObW]\a³O`SR]e\eWbVbVSUOgYWRa BVSW`O`[geOabVSTW`abW\bVSe]`ZRb]VOdS \]PO`OUOW\abUOgaW\bVS[WZWbO`ga][SbVW\U bVSg¸`SabWZZeOWbW\UT]`W\bVSC\WbSRAbObSa eVWZSbVSU]dS`\[S\b`Sa^]\aSb]OZ]\SQ`Ohg " Uc\[O\S[PO`YW\U]\OYWZZW\Ua^`SSObOUOg bSS\OUS`a¸[SSbW\UObO[OYSaVWTb:50BQS\b`S ZOabgSO`eOab]PcWZROPWUUS`O\RPSbbS`ZSaPWO\ O\RUOgQS\b`S /\RbVSeV]ZSQWbgWaOPSOcbg0cWZbT`][aQ`ObQV Xcab]dS`OVc\R`SRgSO`aOU]eVS\6SP`SeeOa `Sac``SQbSRSdS`g]\SaSS[ab]a^SOY3\UZWaV OaeSZZ[W\R¬bVSb]e\]TTS`aO`QVWbSQbc`S bVOba^O\abVSZOabQS\bc`g4`][WbaQ]ZZSQbW]\ ]T0OcVOcaPcWZRW\Ua³"eVWbS[]RS`\Wab PSOcbWSaPcWZbPSbeSS\bVS!aO\R#aPg 5S`[O\8SeWaVO`QVWbSQba]\bVS`c\T`][bVS <OhWab]\Seb]eS`aU]W\Uc^PgPWU\O[SaZWYS @WQVO`R;SWS`/ZZbVWaO\ROUOgPSOQVeWbVO []`SRSaS`bZO\ReOaP]cUVbeWbVbVSTW`ab`SOZ 8SeWaVQ][[c\Wbg<SdSVBhSRSYT]c\RSR W\bVSZObS'bVQS\bc`gB]ROgWb¸abVS[]ab U]`US]caP]V]O`SOeWbV_cW`YgP]cbW_cSa Ob[]a^VS`WQ`SabOc`O\baO\RabObS]TbVSO`b VO\U]cbaZWYS1ObWb"6OgQVOZ6ObOZ[cRBSZ(# %eeeQObWbQ]WZ BVSEVWbS1Wbga^SQWTWQOZZgARS`]b@]bVaQVWZR WaeVS`Sg]c¸ZZTW\RbVOb0OcVOcaO`QVWbSQbc`S a^`W\YZSROZ]\UO`]OR`S[W\WaQS\b]T0O`QSZ]\O¸a @O[PZOaeWbV]cbbVSa_cOeYW\UPW`RaW\QOUSa eWbVO^SRSab`WO\eOZYeOgW\bVS[WRRZS1][S Ob\WUVbO\Rg]c¸ZZTW\RUOg[S\aWbbW\UO`]c\R eWbVWQSQ`SO[aQ]TTSSaO\R[OgPSQ]QYbOWZa P]cUVbT`][bVSPO`aQOT{aO\R YW]aYabVObab`SbQVc^O\RR]e\bVS `]OR 7b¸aXcab]TTbVWa`]ORbVObg]c¸ZZTW\R 3dWbO!GOd\SAbBSZ/dWdBSZ(#$$ '##'bVSabO`bW\U^ZOQST]`O\gUOg \WUVb]cbW\BSZ/dWd<]b_cWbSOa b`OaVgOabVS\O[SacUUSabaWb¸aO\ W\R]]`]cbR]]`PO`eWbVORO\QSTZ]]` eVS`S:ORg5O5OO\R9gZWSUSb OU]]RaV]eW\UO\RO\]cbaWRS bS``OQSbVObObb`OQbaOeSZZbc`\SR]cb W\bS`\ObW]\OZaSb]TUOga /aT]`TcZZPZ]e\\WUVbZWTS³O\R Z]QOZaZ]dSbVSWRSO]TBSZ/dWdOa O^O`bgQO^WbOZ³W\>`WRSeSSYOb ZSOabg]c¸RTW\RWbVO`Rb]PSObO\geVS`SW\ 3c`]^SBVS`SeOaOYWQY]TT^O`bgOb1]ZWaaSc[ 6OgO`Y]\$Oa^SQWOZ[SUOPSO`\WUVbOb 0SST;S\OQVS[0SUW\#eVWZSAc^S`;O`bf{ VORbOYS\]dS`OZO`USa^OQSR]e\W\8OTTOO\R RSQYSRWb]cbO[OhW\UZgeWbVZWUVbW\abOZZObW]\a O\RbVScacOZV]bP]gaW\A^SSR]aO\RVWUVVSSZa U]U]¸W\U BVS\Sfb\WUVbc^ObBSZ/dWd>]`bO\SeZg `SQZOW[SRO\R`ObVS`Tc\YgO`SOeWbV]cbR]]` S\bS`bOW\[S\bPO`aO\R`SabOc`O\baQZcPZWTSeOa `]QYW\UeWbVW\bS`\ObW]\OZ28aO\RZWUVbaV]eaW\ bVSdS\cSB:DeVS`Sg]cQO\abWZZabS^]cbaWRS O\RUSba^ZOaVSRPgbVSa^`OgT`][bVSaSO =PdW]caZgg]c¸ZZVOdSb]`SaSO`QVg]c`]e\b`W^b] aSSeVOb¸a]\eVS\g]c¸`SbVS`S/aT]`Q`cWaW\U Tel Aviv’s beach front dWPSbVOb¸a\]bO[WZZW]\[WZSaOeOgT`][7PWhO(OZZ `W\YgRW\YZWbbZSPSOQVPO`aO\RP]gaW\A^SSR]a BVSab]`g]TBSZ/dWdabO`bSRW\8OTTO]\S]TbVS ]ZRSabe]`YW\UQWbWSaW\bVSe]`ZRO^^SO`W\U W\bVS0WPZSO\RSdS\bc`\W\Uc^W\1ZOaV]TbVS BWbO\aW\!27b¸aa[OZZeSZZ^`SaS`dSR]PdW]caZg dS`g[cQVZ]dSRO\RaS`dSaOaV][Sb]P]bV /`OPaO\R8Sea`cPPW\UOZ]\UeSZZb]USbVS` 7b¸aQS`bOW\Zge]`bVO[]`\W\UO\R[OgPSZc\QV Ob2`AVOYaVcYO!0SWb3aVSZBSZ(#&$#$O eSW`R]ZRe]`ZR`SabOc`O\baS`dW\UaW[^ZSO\R RSZWQW]caZ]QOZTO`SPS\SObVa][O\g^]baO\R ^O\aRO\UZW\UT`][bVSQSWZW\UWbOZ[]abaSS[a ZWYSO\O`bW\abOZZObW]\/a8SeWaV/[S`WQO\ []\SgQO[SW\b]eVObWa\]e7a`OSZ[]`SO\R =CbeO`R B@/D3: MAIN IMAGE © VANDA BIFFANI Tel Aviv coastline Tel Aviv city Old streets of Jaffa Tel Aviv Pride revellers MAGE © RUSSELL LORD/KENNES TOURS Market shopping Bauhaus-inspired architecture # =CbeO`R B@/D3: TRAVEL NEWS BEARS ON ICE The old port in Jaffa bVSOQbW]\WaQS\b`SRR]e\\SO`bVS6WZb]\6]bSZ ]\BOgSZSbbVSaSOT`]\beOZYeOgbVOba^ZWbabVS [SUOV]bSZaT`][bVSeWRSaO\RgPSOQV/TbS` RO`YbVS^O`YO\RbVSaSU`SUObSRPObVW\UO`SOa O`SbVSV]ba^]baeVWZSRc`W\UbVSROgbVSPSOQV []`S]`ZSaaW\T`]\b]TbVS6WZb]\WaeVS`SbVS UOgaU]\]aSb]\W^^ZSW\PZWabS`W\UbS[^S`Obc`Sa =\SbVW\Ug]ceWZZ[]abRSTW\WbSZg\]bWQSOP]cb BSZ/dWdeVS`SdS`g]cabOgO\ReVS`SdS`g]c U]WabVS_cOZWbg]TbVST]]R=\Ob`W^]cb]T b]e\8S`caOZS[WaZSaabVO\O\V]c`OeOgPg GETTING THERE Simon Gage flew to Israel with EL AL. EL AL operates 17 flights a week from London Heathrow and London Luton Airports to Tel Aviv. Prices for return flight departing August 24 for one week £435. Reservations 020 7121 1400. Web site EL AL’s sister company Superstar Holidays are offering a three night break in Tel Aviv departing August 23 for three nights from £510 per person at the Ami Hotel based on two sharing, bed and breakfast and including flights. Reservations 020 7121 1500 or 0161 834 6553. Web site For more information on Israel, go to or call 0207 299 1100. PLACES TO STAY • Intercontinental David (right) 12 Kaufman, 0871 423 4876 It’s the one where you’re most likely to bump into Obama or Angela Merkel: the sort of swishy, main glamour hotel, albeit in a corporate sort of way. Flawless, if a little soulless. Great breakfast buffet though! • Dan Tel Aviv 99 Hayarkon, Tel: 520 2552 - If you’re pushing the boat out, check into the gorgeous Dan (not to be mistaken with Dan Panorama further up the coast). Fabulously modern and sexy and right on the beach, but a bit of a trek from the gay beach. $ QO`eSab]^^SRObOU`cPPg`]ORaWRS·QOTT¸T]` OPObV`]][P`SOY]\Zgb]TW\RaO\ReWQVSa]TO _cOZWbgg]c¸RPSVO`R^`SaaSRb]b`OQYR]e\W\ bVSQS\b`S]T:]\R]\BVS^S]^ZSO`S]PaSaaSR eWbVbVSW`T]]R0`SOYTOabWaOZeOgaOTSOabTWbT]` O_cSS\eWbVbVSQ]\QS^b]TbVSV]bSZPcTTSb bOYS\b]ZS\UbVabVObOZ[]ab[OYSg]cZOcUV( SdS`gbVW\UT`][bVS\]`[OZSUUaO\RQS`SOZ \][SOb]TQ]c`aS(Y]aVS`RS[O\RabVOb [WZYO\R[SObO`S\¸bQ]\ac[SRObbVSaO[S aWbbW\UQ`]WaaO\baO\RQOYSab][W\RP]UUZW\U aSZSQbW]\a]TaOZORaO\RQVSSaSaO\RT`cWb/\R eVSbVS`g]c¸`SSObW\UW\bVS[WUVbg`SOZ2` AVOYaVcYOaSSOP]dSa][SeVS`SU]`US]ca O\RUZO[]`]caZWYS=`QO#%<OVOZOb0W\gO[W\ BSZ(#$####]`a][SbVW\UW\PSbeSS\ZWYS bVSW\bS`\ObW]\OZ2WfWS5`WZZeeeRWfWSQ]WZ]` 0]gO³Z]]YW\U]cbObbVSaSOW\BSZ/dWd>]`bbVS _cOZWbgO\RQV]WQSO`SSfb`O]`RW\O`g<]`SOZZg 7a`OSZ[WUVbaSS[OTc\\g]ZR^ZOQST]`OUOg V]ZWROg;]ab^S]^ZS7b]ZR7eOaU]W\UeO`\SR [Sb]PSQO`STcZPcbbVS`S`SOZZgWa\]aS\aS ]TRO\US`bV]cUVaSQc`WbgSdS\Obg]c`V]bSZ eVS`SbVSg[WUVbSdS\OaYT]`72PST]`SbVSg ZSbg]cW\WaOZeOgaO^`W]`Wbg/\R^]ZWbWQOZ `SaS`dObW]\aOaWRS³`SOZZgZSb¸a\]bU]bVS`S ³g]c¸dSU]bb]UWdSWbb]bVS[T]`^cbbW\U]\bVWa a]`b]TaV]eO[WRabbVS`SZWUW]caV]``]`a]TbVS eV]ZS`SUW]\ • Hotel Cinema 1 Zamenhof, Tel: 520 7100 A great little boutique hotel based in an old – guess what?– cinema. Rooms are small but lovely, and the common spaces are quirky and cool. • Crowne Plaza 145 Hayarkon, Tel: 0871 423 4876 Although the rooms are a bit ‘whatever’ – best to insist on one high up and near the front – this hotel is party central, however. When it comes to gay events, it’s bang on Gordon Beach where the gay stuff seems to end up. The lobby and deck are modern and fairly cool and it’s just a hop up the road to the gay beach and cruising area. The annual Bears On Ice festival – Europe’s northernmost gathering of bears – is now in its sixth year. It’s set to return on 9-12 September, and events include a Golden Circle sightseeing tour of some of Iceland’s famed waterfalls and geysers, a trip to the world-famous geothermal Blue Lagoon (pictured above), a party at the intimate MSC Iceland club, and a Saturday night party in the centre of Reykjavik. This small, bespoke festival attracts a small number of bears from all over the world – but predominantly Europe and North America. The organisers have arranged package deals from London, including flights and accommodation, from €562 per person. Full details about the festival, and package deals, at MADE IN SWEDEN Follow the footsteps of Sweden’s most popular pop group ever with The ABBA Guide to Stockholm by the ABBA expert Sara Russell. The guide will take you to the most important hotspots of Sweden’s capital, such as The Royal Palace, Gröna Lund and Skansen; but also shares the secret behind the group, such as where the band members Benny and Frida got engaged. Hardcore fans will relish the hundreds of unreleased photographs, but even casual travellerati will be satisfied with the rich illustrations and a handy map of the city. ALPINE RETREAT For the third successive year in a row, Lake Wörthersee in Austria will host the international LGBT festival Pink Lake this year. The festival takes place over the first weekend of September and visitors are expected to attend from Germany, Switzerland, Slovenia, Italy and, of course, the UK. In contrast to many Pride events, which are staged in cities, Pink Lake takes place amidst stunning Alpine scenery. Wörthersee is located in the southernmost part of Austria, in the state of Carinthia on the border with Italy, where temperatures easily top 25° Celsius in the summer. The region is yours to explore, whether you come to party, relax or look for romance. The festival takes place between 2-5 September, with an Almdudler Folkwear Party on the Thursday, a Boat Cruise Party on the Friday and a Black and White Party on the Saturday. A ticket for all three parties costs €20. Check the website for full details of this unique and delightful gathering. % =CbRW`SQb]`g & =CbRW`SQb]`g ' =CbRW`SQb]`g A6=>>7<5 =CbaQ]^S 23 AUG-22 SEP VIRGO Money may be tight, Virgo, but that shouldn’t stop you having a good time this month. There are hundreds of things you can do socially without having to put your hand into your pocket – particularly at the height of summer. Prove to yourself that you don’t need to drink to have a splendid time. AB/@A 23 SEP-22 OCT 23 OCT-21 NOV LEO Whitney Houston 09.08.63 There’s an abundance of celebrity Leos… which may have something to do with the fact that those born under this sign typically love to be the centre of attention! They’re also warm and generous, and are known for loving to throw a party, which might be particularly true of Whitney Houston. The legendary singer – who recently released her first new material in many years – turns 47 on 9 August. LIBRA Everything seems to be centered upon work at the moment, Libra, but you need to do more to separate your working life from your home life. Stop worrying about every little detail at your place of employment. You put in so much effort and don’t seem to get very much back so – try to level the playing field. 22 DEC-19 JAN There’s nothing to stop you getting a bit more education, Capricorn. Just because you’ve been around the block a few times doesn’t mean that you’ve got nothing else to learn. Whether it’s a new skill, facts or talents – throw yourself into some self-improvement. You’ll be drawing upon the knowledge that you gain now in the months to come. CAPRICORN SCORPIO Sunshine does indeed follow rain, Scorpio, and you may well find that out this month as solutions to many of the problems you’ve had recently present themselves. Be careful not to celebrate too madly though, because you need to keep on top of things and keep pushing forward. 22 NOV-21 DEC SAGITTARIUS Stop being so bloody vain, Sagittarius! All this poncing about preening yourself is getting on everyone’s nerves. And contrary to what you might think, it’s not making you any more attractive. Give the fake tan and eyebrow tweezers a rest. Allow a little bit more of your inner beauty to shine through. 20 JAN-18 FEB An old acquaintance will into your life this month, AQUARIUS step Aquarius, and though you’ll welcome them with open arms you need to be wary of their motives. Avoid being paranoid, but just be aware that they might be looking for someone to sort out all their problems – when they should be sorting themselves out instead turning to you. 19 FEB-20 MAR 21 MAR-19 APR 20 APR-20 MAY 21 MAY-21 JUN 22 JUN-22 JUL 23 JUL-22 AUG PISCES ARIES TAURUS GEMINI CANCER LEO Stop being so negative, Pisces. It’s casting you in a terrible light and alienating you from people. Even if you’ve had negative experiences in the past, you have to remember that everything is different now. Keep doing the same thing and you’ll get the same result… so try doing it differently. Aries, you really do need some excitement in your life. It’s not that you’re boring, but your life seems to be plodding along on some sort of plateau. It’s time to get out more, be impulsive, or even break some rules. Just do things that you can remember with a smile – even if they’re a bit risqué. Stay safe though. There’s someone in your life that’s been a bit of a burden to you recently – but don’t give up on them. They’re about to turn a corner in their life and it’s going to have a positive effect on your life, too. Try to stretch your patience just that little bit further, because they really need you to help them. OK, Gemini, you are pretty good in bed, but this month you’ll find yourself unusually horny. In fact, you’ll be gagging for it. Thankfully, someone is appearing on your horizon that will happily put you through your paces. This will be sex that you’ll be remembering way into your twilight years. Cancer, please stop trying to please everyone you meet. You’re a brilliant person, but it’s not coming across. People just see someone who agrees with everything that they say. Don’t be afraid to argue or disagree. Others will appreciate the fact that you’ve got your own opinion about things. Stop feeling so down, Leo! You’re a bright, interesting and goodlooking person – so why are you constantly concentrating on the negatives or worrying about things haven’t yet come to pass? This month, make lots of plans with friends and concentrate on your strengths. Use them to move forward. =CbTWb 63/:B6 Pcbe]cZRPSPchhW\UeWbVS\S`Ug OTbS`]c`W\WbWOZORXcab[S\b4W\US`a Q`]aaSR 3F3@17A3>:/< PHOTO: CHRISTIAN VILA © JASON BARNEY >O`bWQW^O\ba[cabQ][[Wbb]O [W\W[c[]TbV`SS0SOQV0]Rg SfS`QWaSQZOaaSa^S`eSSYPcbeS Q]cZRR]OZZTWdSWTRSaW`SRBVSaS aV]cZRPSW\ORRWbW]\b]O\gQc``S\b `SUcZO`SfS`QWaS1V`WabWO\¸aQZOaaSa O`SOZZT]`a[OZZU`]c^a³]TTS`W\U W\\]dObWdSTc\e]`Y]cbaeWbV YSbbZSPSZZeSWUVbaGSa7¸[bVSTW`ab b]OR[WbbVObOaa][S]\SeV] \]`[OZZgOd]WRaR]W\UeSWUVba ZWYSbVS^ZOUcS·W\\]dObWdS¸O\R ·Tc\¸eS`S\]bbVSTW`abe]`Ra bVOb^]^^SRW\b][gVSOReVS\ YSbbZSPSZZeSWUVbaeS`SW\WbWOZZg Sf^ZOW\SR6]eSdS`[]ab]TbVS QZOaaSaTSObc`S^O`bWQW^O\baT`][ ^`SdW]ca0SOQV0]Rg^`]U`O[[Sa eV]\]eObbS\ReSSYZgQZOaaSaO\R eV]]TTS`P]bV[]bWdObW]\O\RO\ ORRWbW]\OZa]QWOZSZS[S\bBVSTOQb bVOba][S]TbVS[O`S^`SbbgV]b eOaO\Sfb`OP]\ca 3fS`QWaSadO`WSRT`][b]\W\U]c` e]cZRPSaWf^OQYaO\Re]`YW\U ]c`_cORab]`c\\W\UW\aV]`bPc`aba eWbV]c`^O`b\S`V]ZRW\UOUWO\b SZOabWQPO\R<SSRZSaab]aOgO U`SObb`cabSfS`QWaS 273BA633BA BEACH BODS 1/<G=C@3/::G53B/03/160=2G B6@=C56/=<3;=<B6273B/<2 47B<3AA0==B1/;>>@=5@/;;3- =CB7<B6317BGA3<B;/BBA6/EB= 47<2=CB¬ 1V`WabWO\DWZO¸a0SOQV0]Rg ^`]U`O[[SRSaQ`WPSaWbaSZTOa µ0`WUVb]\¸a]\ZgUcO`O\bSSR eSWUVbZ]aa^`]U`O[[S¶ Q][PW\W\U1V`WabWO\¸aYSbbZSPSZZTOab TObPc`\W\Ub`OW\W\UQZOaaSaeWbVO ab`WQbSZW[W\ObW]\RWSb ;]\ROg\WUVba]TTS`\cb`WbW]\ ORdWQST]ZZ]eSRPgSfS`QWaSBVS TW`abaSaaW]\YWQYSR]TTeWbVbVS R`SORSReSWUVW\1V`WabWO\ Sf^ZOW\SRbVObOa[caQZS eSWUVa[]`SbVO\TObVS e]`YaeWbV^O`bWQW^O\ba b]Q]\QS\b`ObS]\W\QV Z]aaO\R0;7P]Rg [OaaW\RSf`ObVS`bVO\ e]``gW\UOP]cbbVS ^]c\Ra7eOaabWZZW\T]` OaV]QYbV]cUV³[g PSZZgVORW\Q`SOaSRPg T]c`W\QVSaaW\QSZOab ac[[S` BVWaeOaT]ZZ]eSRPgORWaQcaaW]\ OP]cbRWSbeVWQVW\QZcRSR ^ZS\bg]TORdWQS]\eVObb] Od]WR<]QOTTSW\S^`]QSaaSR T]]RaOZQ]V]ZeVSObO\RROW`g OZbV]cUVZ]eTOb\Obc`OZg]Uc`b O\RSUUaO`SOZZ]eSRBVWa a]c\RSRVO`RQ]`SPcb]\S]TbVS PSabbVW\UaOP]cbbVS0SOQV0]Rg ^`]U`O[[SeOaUSbbW\Ub]Y\]e bVS]bVS`^O`bWQW^O\ba O\RRWaQ]dS`W\UbVOb 7eOa\]bOZ]\SW\ [gTSO`a1]\QS`\a OP]cbOZWTSeWbV\] OZQ]V]Z]`QV]Q]ZObS eS`S_cWQYZgPO\RWSR O`]c\RbVS`]][ ESeS`SeO`\SR bVObeS[OgTSSZ ZSbVO`UWQObTW`abOa eS^c`USb]fW\a T`][]c`P]RWSa 6OdW\Ub]VO\RW\eSSYZgRWSb aVSSba³V]\SabZgRSbOWZW\USdS`g []`aSZ7ObS³eOaRSTW\WbSZgO\ W\QS\bWdSb]PSU]]R/bbVS \cb`WbW]\QZOaaSaeSRWaQcaaSRWRSOa ]\ac^S`T]]Rab]UWdScabVSP]]ab eS¸R\]`[OZZgUSbT`][Q]TTSS]c` TOd]c`WbS`SQW^SaO\RSdS\RSaS`ba Ab`OePS``g^O\QOYSaO\g]\S3OQV^O`bWQW^O\bVORRWTTS`S\b bVW\UaeSab`cUUZSReWbVBVS OZQ]V]ZeOaSOaWS`bVO\7¸RbV]cUVb Sa^SQWOZZgeVS\7QO[SV][ST`][ OAObc`ROg\WUVb]Ta]ROO\RZW[Sa VOdW\U]\Zga^S\b!# 0SW\UOQV]Q]V]ZWQ7Y\SebVWa e]cZRPS[gPWUUSabQVOZZS\US C\T]`bc\ObSZg7[cabQ]\TSaa bVObOTbS`[g[c[[ORSO\ c\Sf^SQbSRSWUVbROgdWaWbW\eSSY bV`SS7acQQc[PSRb]bVSQV]Q]ZObS O\RQVSSaSaVSZSTbW\[gT`WRUS 3WUVbROga7\SSRSRbVS`O^g/\R7 RWRTSSZaVSeOab`gW\Ub]b]`bc`S[S PgZSOdW\UbVSaSPO\\SRT]]RaW\ [gT`WRUS /bbVSPSUW\\W\U]TbVS ^`]U`O[[S1V`WabWO\ab`SaaSRbVOb T]`Wbb]e]`YeSVORb]Q][[Wb b]bVSRWSb³\]b&]`' 6SOZa]ORdWaSRbVObeSS[^bg]c` Qc^P]O`Ra]TOZZbS[^bW\UT]]RO\R bSZZOZZ]c`T`WS\RaO\RQ]ZZSOUcSa a]Oab]Od]WRbS[^bObW]\ C\T]`bc\ObSZg1V`WabWO\eOa`WUVb Oa]\QS7VORZO^aSRWbeOa[cQV VO`RS`b]USbPOQY]\bVSab`OWUVb O\R\O``]eOaWT7Q]cZRSdS`PS ab`OWUVb]`\O``]e B63E37567< 2c`W\UbVSZOabeSSYeSOZZOW[SR T]`OPWU^caV1V`WabWO\acUUSabSR eSVOdS]c`QO`PaW\bVS[WRRZS]T bVSROgO\Rb`gT]`OTSeROga]T\] ]`Z]eQO`Pa7OZa]VWbbVSV]bg]UO QZOaaSa]\b]^]TbVS0SOQV0]Rg ]\Sab]b`gO\R[OYSO[S\RaT]` [gQV]Q]ZObSO\RQVSSaSaW\a 6]eSdS`ObbVSTW\OZeSWUVW\7eOa ^ZSOaSRb]TW\RbVOb\]b]\ZgVOR7 Z]abbV`SSYWZ]aPcb7¸ROZa]Z]abbe] W\QVSa`]c\R[geOWabO\R[gXSO\a RSTW\WbSZgTSZbZ]]aS`1V`WabWO\OaYSR [Sb]^WQYc^O!Y[SRWQW\SPOZZO\R W[OUW\SQO``gW\UWbT]`OeV]ZSROg BVOb`SOZZg[ORS[SbVW\Y /ZZW\OZZ`SacZbaeS`SO[OhW\U=\S ZORgZ]ab#ZPa$&YU:]\UbS`[ ³ZWTSeWbV]cb^`]QSaaSRT]]RaQO\¸b PSOPORbVW\UO\R[]ab]TbVS RWSbXcab[OYSaaS\aS\]bSdS\ XcabT]`eSWUVbZ]aa/a7R`O\Y[g V][S[ORSa[]]bVWS]\bVSb`OW\ b]e]`YWbacRRS\ZgVWb[SbVOb7¸R PSS\Q]]YW\UO\RaV]^^W\UT]` VSOZbVgT]]ROZZeSSYeWbV]cbSdS\ `SOZWaW\UWb The beach body programme costs £120. More details at or by calling 07876 5588500787 CHRISTIAN’S FIVE TOP TIPS TO ENSURE LONG-LASTING WEIGHT LOSS: 1. Keep hydrated, drinking at least two litres of water a day. 2. Eat small meals regularly throughout the day, which get smaller as the day progresses. 3. Be active every day, with at least three days of hard exercise per week. 4. Limit alcohol to once a week – and don’t binge! 5. Join the next Guaranteed Weight Loss Bootcamp – starting on the 4th September! 63/:B6 =CbTWb 0=2GB/:9 MY BODY =CB7<B6317BG@3/23@A B3::CA/0=CBB637@ 47B<3AA@=CB7<3A PHOTOS © CHRISJEPSON.COM E63</<2E6G272G=CAB/@B E=@97<5=CBEVS\7eOa%7^ZOgSRaS[W^`]TSaaW]\OZT]]bPOZZ 0OQYbVS\7eOadS`gab`]\UQ][^O`SRb]]bVS` P]ga[gOUSPcb7eOa^ZOgW\UOUOW\ab[cQV ]ZRS`O\Rab`]\US`^ZOgS`aeV]YS^b^caVW\U [S]TTbVSPOZZTO`b]]SOaWZg7eOaRSbS`[W\SR b]PSbVSPSabbVOb7Q]cZRPSa]7abO`bSReSWUVb b`OW\W\UW\]`RS`b]V]^STcZZgac`^OaabVS]ZRS` O\Rab`]\US`^ZOgS`aEWbVW\T]c`[]\bVa]T W\bS\aWdSb`OW\W\U[gP]RgVORb`O\aT]`[SR¬ 7eOaab`]\US`TOabS`O\RZSO\S`bVO\[g bSO[[ObSaA][cQVa]bVObOT`WS\RacUUSabSR 7S\bS`OP]RgPcWZRW\UQ][^SbWbW]\7RWR\¸bY\]e [cQVOP]cbP]RgPcWZRW\UPcb7OU`SSRPSQOcaS 7¸[OZeOgac^T]`O\SeQVOZZS\USA]7S\bS`SR [gTW`abQ][^SbWbW]\A]cbVSOab]T0`WbOW\c\RS` &a³b][gcbbS`ac`^`WaS7e]\BVWa[ORS [SZ]]YOb[gZWTSW\ORWTTS`S\beOgO\R[ORS [SbVW\YOP]cbeVOb7eO\bSRb]R]³T]]bPOZZ ]`P]RgPcWZRW\U-BVSbe]R]\¸b[WfdS`geSZZ EW\\W\UbVSQ][^SbWbW]\_cOZWTWSR[ST]`bVS 0`WbWaVQVO[^W]\aVW^aeVWQV7OZa]eS\b]\b] </;3(:C1/A/:3 eW\A]bVObRSQWRSRWb³P]RgPcWZRW\UWbeOa F/< / <2<CB@7B7=<1= 23@³>3@A=</:47B<3AA 4`][bVS`S7eS\b]\b]eW\aSdS`OZ]bVS`0`WbWaV /164=@ G3/@A bWbZSaO\RQ][^SbSW\3c`]^SO\O\RE]`ZR Q][^SbWbW]\a ;gTO[SW\bVSa^]`bZSR[Sb]e]`YW\bVSCAOa O^S`a]\OZb`OW\S`b]bVSQSZSP`WbWSa ]T:]a/\USZSa7a^S\bbe]gSO`a bVS5Og5O[SaW\1]Z]U\Sa][g P]RgQW`QcWbe]`Y]cbO\RAc\ROgWa Q9SS^g]c`aSZTPcagOa[cQVOa ^]aaWPZS³YSS^bVSVSO`b^c[^W\U e]`YW\UeWbVbVS`]gOZTO[WZg]T ^`]U`O[[SWabVWa(7b`OW\beWQSOROg [gROg]T`Sab O\Re]`YW\UVO`RBVS[]`Sg]c ?ObO`OabVSW`^S`a]\OZb`OW\S`4]` Ob%!O[O\R%!^[=\;]\ROga E6/BA=@B=4E3756BA2= aWb]\g]c`POQYaWRSbVSPWUUS`bVS aWfgSO`a7]e\SRO\R[O\OUSR 7R]OPa]\SV]c`]TQO`RW]O\R G=C<=E:74BeOWabZW\SPSQ][Sa [g]e\VSOZbVQZcPUg[\OaWc[W\ POQY=\BcSaROga7R]QVSabO\R 7R]\¸bR][OfW[c[^`SaaSa Ac``Sg7O[Qc``S\bZgOT`WS\RO\R aV]cZRS`a=\ESR\SaROga7R] O\g[]`SRcSb]bVSVWUV`WaY]T ;GB7>A=<5/7<7<5;CA1:3( ^S`a]\OZb`OW\S`b]9ObWS>`WQS OPa]\SV]c`]TQO`RW]PWQS^a W\Xc`gPcbeVS\7eOa 7eOa Q;caQZSa\SSRb]PSTSRQ]\abO\bZg E6/B¸AG=C@BG>71/:5G; O\Rb`WQS^a=\BVc`aROg7R]]\S PS\QV^`SaaW\U]dS`#ZPa @=CB7<3/BB63;=;3<BV]c`]TQO`RW]=\4`WROga7R] a_cObbW\U'ZPaO\RPWQS^Qc`ZW\U b]YSS^ab`]\UO\Rb]U`]e^`]bSW\ SdS`gbe]O\RVOZTV]c`a /bbVS[][S\b7¸[^`S^O`W\UT]` VO[ab`W\UaQOZdSaO\R_cOR`WQS^a "#YURc[PPSZZaT]` `S^a Q;caQZSa\SSRb]PSaV]QYSR OP]RgPcWZRW\UQ][^SbWbW]\Ob =\AObc`ROg7R]OVWUV`S^c^^S` 2=G=CB/93/<G O\Rab`SaaSRW\]`RS`b]U`]e7T <CB@7B7=</:AC>>:3;3<BA7bOYSTWdSbOPa]TO[W\]OQWR g]cYSS^b]bVSaO[SeSWUVbO\R PSbeSS\[SOZa![UdWbO[W\1 `]cbW\SbVS\g]c[caQZSaeWZZabOg SdS`gROg^ZcaQ]RZWdS`]WZ=[SUO OabVSgO`S #TWaV]WZaO\ReVSg^`]bSW\aVOYS QEVS\e]`YW\U]cbbVSZOab bV`SSbW[SaOROg0SQOcaS7¸[ !"`S^a[cabPSdS`gRWTTWQcZb7 b`gW\Ub]USbOaZSO\Oa^]aaWPZST]` \]`[OZZgObbS[^b `S^a^S`aSba] [gQ][^SbWbW]\7¸[Qc``S\bZg]\O 7^WQYOeSWUVbbVOb7QO\]\ZgXcab Z]eQO`PVWUV^`]bSW\RWSb R]%&`S^abOYSORSS^P`SObV 2=G=C6/D3/<G>3@A=</: bVS\O\RTW\WaVbVSaSb]T `S^a7b¸a E=@9=CB/2D713=@B7>AOZeOgabVSZOabTSe`S^abVOb[OYS ;GB7>A4=@:=A7<5E3756B( bVSRWTTS`S\QS QB`g\]bb]SObb]][O\gQO`PaW\ bVSaSQ]\RVOZT]Tg]c`ROg :cQOae]`YaOaO^S`a]\OZb`OW\S` QB]YSS^OTW`[ZSO\ab][OQV Ob8cPWZSS6OZZW\1]dS\b5O`RS\ g]c[cabSOba[OZZS`[SOZa[]`S O\R>O`Wa5g[W\DOcfVOZZ6SQO\ T`S_cS\bZgO\R\SdS`SdS`SObb]bVS PSQ]\bOQbSRObZcQOaOZSfO\RS`. 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