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Editor David Hudson +44 (0)20 7258 1943 PAGE 41 OUT THERE Upcoming scene highlights for June, plus coverage of Circa, XXL and We London Design Concept Boutique Marketing Graphic Designer Ryan Beal Sub Editor Chance Delgado Contributors Adrian Foster, Simon Gage, Anthony Gordon, Nick Levine, John O‘Ceallaigh, Paul Murphy, George Prior, Steven Sparling, Justin Swift, Richard Tonks, Michael Turnbull, Josh Winning Photographer Chris Jepson Publishers Sarah Garrett//Linda Riley PAGE 61 OUTREACH The Stonewall Equality Walk in Brighton, and community listings CONTENTS Head of Advertising Rob Harkavy + 44 (0)20-7258 1777 + 44 (0)20-7258 1777 Advertising Manager Dan Goodban +44 (0)20 7258 1777 Square Peg Media Ltd. 37 Ivor Place London NW1 6EA Phone +44 (0)20 7258 1777 Fax +44 (0)20 7258 1787 The content of this publication, either in whole or in part may not be reproduced, stored in a data retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without prior permission from the publishers. Opinions expressed in Out In The City are not neccessarily those of the publishers. © Square Peg Media Ltd 2000 - 2009. Square Peg Media Ltd t/a Out In The City magazine will not take any responsibility for any loss/claim resulting from a transaction with one of our advertisers/ Media Partners. HUDSON’S LETTER Sadly, there are some anniversaries that one doesn’t really feel like celebrating. I was reminded recently that June 2011 marks the 30th anniversary of the first reported cases of AIDS. In summer 1981, scientists in the US reported on an unexpected cluster of deaths of men from a rarely encountered form of pneumonia. All the men were believed to be gay, and it was soon realised that they were all suffering from a disorder that wreaked havoc with their immune systems. I was only a child in 1981. I can’t imagine what it must have been like to have been on the gay scene at the time, when rumours of a mystery illness began to circulate – or the fear and terror that that news must have prompted. Though treatment for HIV infection has improved greatly over the past three decades, it is depressing that we still do not have a cure. Frustratingly, one of the greatest barriers in preventing the spread of HIV remains that of ignorance. Some people are still uncertain of how it’s transmitted, and many gay men do not have a regular HIV test. It’s recommended that all sexually-active gay men should have a test at least once a year. Finding out that you are HIV soon after infection can make a huge difference to your treatment, prospects and quality of life. Many of those who die from AIDS are the ones who only discovered their condition when they began to fall ill. When did you last get tested? Empower yourself by taking our HIV quiz on page 97. Some of the facts may surprise you. PAGE 06 MY LONDON Scene host and DJ Ma Butcher gives us his capital highlights... PHOTO © CHRIS JEPSON PAGE 04 LETTERS Send your correspondence to editorial@outmag. ISDN: 1473-6039 Head of Business Development Lyndsey Porter PAGE 64 OUTNEWS All the gay news from home and abroad PAGE 42 WE PARTY PAGE 08 SHOPPING New cameras from Leica and classic retro iPhone handsets PAGE 26 FILM Last Night, Bridesmaids and The Messenger reviewed… PAGE 68 FAMILY The London Sperm Bank and British Surrogacy Agency PAGE 11 DIARY June’s cultural highlights in and around London PAGE 30 THEATRE Betty Blue Eyes and Bette & Joan reviewed PAGE 76 CAREER Jacob Nieuwkoop and Julian Victoria PAGE 32 FOOD Royal China reviewed PAGE 78 PROPERTY Interior design and homeware PAGE 18 JAKE SHEARS Ahead of Scissor Sisters’ headline appearance at Lovebox, we catch up with Jake Shears PAGE 36 WHY DO WE CLASH OVER CASH? PAGE 86 TRAVEL Gay Madrid PAGE 22 MUSIC New albums from Lady Gaga and Patrick Wolf PAGE 24 FRANKIE KNUCKLES David Hudson catches up with the godfather of house PAGE 84 MOTORING PAGE 95 HOROSCOPES PAGE 24 FRANKIE KNUCKLES PAGE 96 HEALTH How good is your HIV knowledge? ! =CbT`]\b STAR LETTER ON FIRE ADELE The girl with the world at her feet: two albums and singles both clogging up the top ten at the time of going to press, and a number one single and album in the US. SIR ELTON JOHN Holds talks with Prime Minister David Cameron to discuss rising HIV rates and the work of the Elton John AIDS Foundation. Love. Him. TYSON The sexy creator of the dark and irresistible slice of 70s disco-inspired electronica that is ‘Out Of My Mind’. Keep an eye out for a second single in late June. WHAT’S HOT AND WHAT’S NOT THIS MONTH’S RISE AND FALL FELLAS WIPES ‘New male intimate wipes’ said the press release that landed on our desk, for all those bits that get sweaty during the summer. Hmm... we’ll stick with soap and water, thanks. UGANDA Thankfully, the Ugandan parliament has shelved the Anti-Homosexuality Bill that it was due to discuss… but it could still be debated later in the year. BLUE The veteran boy band may have stripped-off plenty in a storm of pre-event publicity, but they still managed to lose out to Jedward at Eurovision. ON ICE " SNOW STORM BVO\Yg]cT]`g]c` Q]dS`OUS]TbVS8]V\ A\]eYWaaW\bVObb]]Y ^ZOQSW\A]V]I=7B1 ³;Og K7QO\¸b PSZWSdSbVObbVSAO[cSZ A[WbV0`SeS`geVWQV ]^S`ObSabVS^cPVOdS abWZZ\]bWaacSRO\g O^]Z]Ug]`W\RSSRO\g abObS[S\beVOba]SdS` OP]cbbVSeV]ZS W\QWRS\b2]bVSgbVW\Y bVObeSO`SXcabU]W\U b]T]`USbOP]cbbVWa-2] bVSgbVW\YbVObbVWaWaO\ OQQS^bOPZSTOQST]`bVSW` PcaW\Saab]^`SaS\b b]bVS^cPZWQ-1ZSO`Zg bVSgR] 7Tg]c``SORS`aVOdS\¸b OZ`SORgR]\Sa]7 e]cZRc`USbVS[b] aWU\bVS]\ZW\S^SbWbW]\ bVObWaPSW\UaS\bb] bVSP`SeS`g5]b] eeebVS^SbWbW]\aWbS Q][O\RaSO`QVc\RS` ·8]V\A\]e^cP O\RAO[cSZA[WbV 0`SeS`g¸3dS\PSbbS` bVSgQO\OZa]e`WbS OZSbbS`]TQ][^ZOW\b RW`SQbb]bVSP`SeS`g ³eVWQVg]cQO\aS\R dWObVSQ][^O\g eSPaWbSObeee aO[cSZa[WbVaP`SeS`g Q]cY 7\bVWaROgO\ROUS eSaV]cZR\]bPS Sf^SQbSRb]b]ZS`ObS PSW\Ub]ZRbVObOYWaa PSbeSS\be][S\Wa Q]\aWRS`SR]PaQS\S ;O`Y3 FAITHFUL FEEDBACK BVS5]dS`\[S\bO`S Q]\acZbW\U]\`SZWUW]ca P]RWSaPSW\UOZZ]eSR b]QO``g]cbQWdWQ `SUWab`ObW]\aS`dWQSa T]`UOgO\RZSaPWO\ Q]c^ZSa FILM FABULOUSNESS 6OdW\UXcab`SORg]c`SfQSZZS\b;OgSRWbW]\]T =cb7\BVS1Wbg[OUOhW\S7TSZb7[cab`Sa^]\Rb] bVSZSbbS`T`][;WQVOSZ<%·4WZ[4c\Y¸7b]bOZZg RWaOU`SSeWbVeVObVSWaaOgW\U4W`abQcbbW\U bVSTSabWdOZR]e\b]]\SeSSY[SO\bbVOb[]ab ^S]^ZSQ]cZR\]bUSbbWQYSbaPgbVSbW[SbVSg eS`S]^S\b]bVSUS\S`OZ^cPZWQPSQOcaSbVS047 [S[PS`aVORP]]YSR[]ab]TbVS[ ASQ]\RZg]\S]TbVSbVW\Ua7VOdSS\X]gSROP]cb bVS:]\R]\:SaPWO\O\R5Og4WZ[4SabWdOZ]dS` bVSgSO`aWabVObWbaV]ea[O\g\SeTWZ[abVOb e]cZR]bVS`eWaS\]bPSaSS\]\[OW\ab`SO[ aQ`SS\a7:]dSG]c>VWZZW^;]``WaO\R7PSZWSdS 0SUW\\S`aeS`SOdOWZOPZS]\US\S`OZ`SZSOaS eVWQVeOaU`SObPcbeVgaV]ebVS[OUOW\ObO\ ::544SabWdOZeVS\bVS`SO`S]bVS`abVObQO\PS aV]e\-BVS]\S7eOaOPZSb]aSS6SO`b0`SOYa =^S\eOaOU`SOb\SeTWZ[O\RVORWbaTW`ab ^cPZWQaV]eW\UObbVSTSabWdOZBVSRWaQcaaW]\eWbV bVSRW`SQb]`eOaOZa]dS`gW\bS`SabW\UBVWaWaeVOb bVSTSabWdOZWaT]`W\[gdWSeA]^ZSOaS047\Sfb gSO`P`W\UPOQYbVSbe]eSSYa Alan, London, EC3 WIN! 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SINFUL Perfectly launched to coincide with the arrival of Spring is Guilty – a new fragrance (or “contemporary fougère”) for men from Gucci. It offers a light and zingy dash of lemon and mandarin with crushed green leaves – supposedly evocative of sap rising – and hints of pink pepper, undercut by middle tones of lavender, cardamom, orange flower and neroli – topped by the patchouli that hallmarks all Gucci fragrances. We love it. It’s available as Eau de Toilette (30ml, 50ml, 90ml), aftershave, deodorant, shampoo, after shave balm and body massage oil, and is available from the Perfume Shop and other good stockists. SPECS APPEAL Not only does James Franco cut a dash on the silver screen, but he also looks pretty hot on the red carpet, as he did when he turned up to perform Oscar-hosting duties earlier this year in a pair of Persol 0714 sunglasses – as made famous by Steve McQueen in the original of The Thomas Crown Affair. The firm has produced 10,000 of this classic folding frame as part of a limited edition range. Select Specs are selling a variety of colours for £213.12 at HE’S ON THE PHONE Skype has transformed the way in which we stay in touch with friends and family… but don’t you sometimes just crave to nestle a receiver next to your ear? If you’re a fan of all things retro (or find that slamming an iPhone down on the sofa is not quite the same as slamming down a receiver…), then you may be interested in this new POP handset from French designer David Turpin. It boasts a quality speaker and microphone, and a 3.5mm jack (compatible with the iPhone). It can be used with all mobile phones when fitted with the correct adaptor (sold separately) and, when fitted with a USB adaptor (sold separately), can be used for VOIP computer telephone calls (Skype, Google Talk...). Available in a range of colours, it costs £24.95 from & LEICA LOVE Other camera brands may boast of their megapixels, but Leica appreciates that a quality lens is a more important factor when it comes to stunning imagery. With this in mind, may we present the Leica V-Lux 20 (pictured). Yes, its £505 price tag is hefty for a compact digital camera, but fully justified by its high-quality images – thanks to the Leica DC Vario-Elmar 4.1-49.2mm f/3.3-4.9 ASPH zoom lens. You can also shoot HD video and geotag photos, among many other features. Also worth checking out is the £644-priced Leica D-Lux 5, which looks purposefully retro but takes compact digital photography to an even higher level of excellence. EARN YOUR STRIPES A regular shopping haunt whenever we’re in Soho is XTG – the Spanish underwear brand that’s set up camp on Old Compton Street. These new stripey designs have been launched – apparently – in time for Father’s Day. We think they’re better suited to the young bucks (such as the hunk pictured) with generous sugar daddies! Collection includes boxers (pictured - £26.50), briefs and T-shirts. Shop online at or visit the store at 60 Dean Street, Soho W1D 6AW. =CbT`]\b 27/@G SUN 19 JUNE: Being huge CALENDAR EVENTS// JUNE 2011 W\VS``]ZSOaQ`SOb]` e`WbS`O\ROQb]`eee POTbO]`U Andrea Corr MON 06 JUN: BVS 01 AND 22 JUN: The Kings of Leon, whose Come Around Sundown album has steadily grown on us, play a rescheduled date at the O2 Arena on 1 June, (the performance was cancelled a few months ago following a fire on a tour bus outside the venue). They follow this up with a huge concert in Hyde Park on 22 June, supported by Paul Weller and White Lies. THUR 02 JUNE: 4]ZZ]eW\UbVS`SZSOaS ]TVS`aSQ]\Ra]Z] OZPc[:WTSZW\Sa7`WaV a]\Uab`Saa/\R`SO 1]``^S`T]`[aO\ W\bW[ObSaV]eOb :]\R]\¸aC\W]\ 1VO^SZW\7aZW\Ub]\ eeeO\R`SOQ]``Q][ P`WZZWO\b;W`O\RO 6O`beWZZPSV]abW\UO 0/4B/;OabS`QZOaa ]\;]\ROg$ 8c\SBOYW\U^ZOQS Ob0/4B/'# >WQQORWZZgbVS bWQYSbSRSdS\bWa ]^S\b][S[PS`a ]TbVS^cPZWQ%# 4]QcaW\U]\bVSQ`OTb ]Te`WbW\UQ][SRg X]W\;W`O\RO6O`bW\ Q]\dS`aObW]\eWbV BVS5cO`RWO\¸a5`OQS 2S\bb]Sf^Z]`SV]e VS`OeO`ReW\\W\U aS`WSa³;W`O\RO ³eOaQ]\QSWdSR O\RWae`WbbS\) eVS`SW\a^W`ObW]\ O\RW\TZcS\QSWa R`Oe\T`][)O\RbVS QVOZZS\USaaVSTOQSa FRI 03 JUN:BVS9WZZa e`O^c^bVSW`C9b]c` eWbVOVSORZW\SaV]e ObbVS@]c\RV]caSW\ 1O[RS\³^`][]bW\U `SQS\bOZPc[0Z]]R >`Saac`Saeee bVSYWZZabd FRI 03 JUN: BVSBe] 2]]`1W\S[O1ZcP `Sbc`\b]:]\R]\ T]`O]\S]TTRObS ObbVS= /QORS[g 0`Wfb]\Vbb^( be]R]]`QW\S[OQZcP Q][ O7 JUN-20 AUG:/a [S\bW]\SR]\^OUS bVS@]gOZ/QORS[g VOaeVWbbZSRR]e\ !acP[WaaW]\a T]`bVS^WSQSa ]Te]`YW\WbaO\\cOZ Ac[[S`3fVWPWbW]\ A][S]TbV]aSeV] R]\¸b[OYSbVSQcb USbbVSQVO\QSb]abWZZ VOdSbVSW`e]`YaSS\ PHOTO © ELLIE KURTTZ fans of Kathy Griffin, we were overjoyed to hear that she is heading to London for a couple of exclusive shows. Originally booked for a oneoff evening performance (8pm) at the Palace Theatre on Shaftesbury Avenue, ticket sales have been brisk, and she’s now also going to be performing a matinée show at the same venue at 4.30pm in the afternoon. This is the double Emmyaward winner’s first UK appearances since 2007, and she’s promising an evening of “laughter, swearing and negativity!” “I’m humbled to be bringing my inappropriate jokes to the historic Palace Theatre. It’s a venue that’s long overdue for an international incident. Put the American Embassy on standby.” All tickets are priced at £30 (plus booking fee). Call the box Office: 0844 412 4656 or Ticketzone: 0844 875 8758 ( or 01 JUNE-03 SEPT: Former Dr Who David Tennant is reunited with Catherine Tate this summer – on stage at the Wyndham’s Theatre on Charing Cross Road. The two will be starring as sparring lovers Benedick and Beatrice in a new production of Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing. THUR 02 JUN: New Yorker Moby headlines the Roundhouse in Camden. Expect a show packed with classic hits and material from his latest album, Destroyed. =CbT`]\b 27/@G CALENDAR EVENTS// JUNE 2011 02 JUNE-19 NOV: Mathew Kelly returns to the West End to take a starring role in Lend Me A Tenor: The Musical at the Gielgud Theatre. Based on the award-winning comedy by Ken Ludwig (which made its West End debut back in 1986), this new musical production promises to be a riotous, unpredictable explosion of mistaken identities and unexpected romance. The story is set in 1934. The world’s greatest tenor, Tito Merelli, has come to Cleveland, Ohio, to save its Grand Opera Company by singing Verdi’s Otello, but when he is unexpectedly incapacitated, Max, the opera director’s meek assistant, is given the daunting task of finding a last-minute replacement. Tickets cost £10-£62.50. ObbVSO\\cOZ·<]b BVS@]gOZ/QORS[g¸ eVWQVQ][Sab]bVS :ZSeSZZg\/ZSfO\RS` 5OZZS`g " $BVS 1cbA3PSbeSS\% 8c\SO\R /cUcab 7\a^W`SRPgbVS]`WUW\OZ ·AOZ]\RSa@STca{a¸ VSZRW\>O`WaW\bVS'bV QS\bc`gbVSUOZZS`geWZZ SfVWPWbbVSPSab]TbVS e]`Y\]baSZSQbSRPg bVS@]gOZ/QORS[g 3dS`g^OW\bW\UeWZZPS T]`aOZSO\R[OgPS bOYS\PgbVS^c`QVOaS` ab`OWUVbOeOgOZZ]eW\U a^OQST]`O\]bVS` ^WSQSb]PSRWa^ZOgSR 7\bVWaTOaVW]\bVS UOZZS`gV]^Sab] aV]eQOaSO`]c\R &^WSQSa]TO`b /R[WaaW]\WaT`SS Derren Brown MON 13 JUN:1O\Wb `SOZZgPSbS\eV]ZS gSO`aaW\QS/ZWQWO 9Sga`SZSOaSRVS` aS[W\OZRSPcbOZPc[ A]\Ua7\/;W\]`- B]Q][[S[]`ObS bVSTOQbaVS¸ZZPS ^S`T]`[W\UO]\S]TT Q]\QS`bObbVS@]gOZ /ZPS`b6OZZbVWa[]\bV eeeOZWQWOYSgaQ][ 14-16 JUN:5`O[[g 08 JUN-16 JUL: 7ZZcaW]\Wab2S``S\ 0`]e\`Sbc`\ab]bVS ESab3\ReWbVVWa\Se aV]eAdS\UOZWT]`O T]c`eSSY`SaWRS\Qg ObbVSAVOTbSaPc`g BVSOb`SVbb^( RS``S\P`]e\Q]cY \][W\ObSRa]cZO\R `¸\¸PabO`/\UWSAb]\S PSZba]cbVS`VWbaObbVS 8Ohh1OT{W\1O[RS\ ]dS`ObV`SS\WUVb `SaWRS\Qgeee O\UWSab]\S]\ZW\S\Sb MARTIN CREED - WORK NO. 998. 2009 COPYRIGHT MARTIN CREED. PHOTO BARBORA GERNY PHOTO © JAMES BULLIMORE IMAGE: TORSO © STEVEN DAVID LIM 21-26 JUNE: Following the success of its inaugural exhibition last year, the Gay Photographers Network will be hosting its second show this month at the Strand Gallery (32 John Adam Street, WC2). Last summer’s show was entitled ‘Guys Hanging’, and this year’s show is simply called ‘More Guys Hanging’. The Gay Photographers Network is simply a club for gay men with an interest or passion for photography.This year’s show (which will be officially opened by actor and singer Toyah Wilcox) will feature the work of over 40 photographers (both professionals and talented amateurs), and will cover a wide range of genres – from portraits to cityscapes, abstracts to landscapes, nudes to reportage. The photos exhibited will be available for sale but there will also be an opportunity to win limited-edition prints in a charity auction/prize draw held over the course of the week to raise money for the Disabled Photographers Society and London Friend. 07 JUN-15 AUG: Always a highlight of the London calendar is the annual Summer Exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts. Expect an exhibition crammed with 1,000 pieces of work, whittled down from 13,000 submissions. It’s the largest open contemporary art exhibition in the world, and will include paintings, drawings, photography, sculpture and architecture – so make sure you allow yourself a few hours of browsing time! =CbT`]\b 27/@G CALENDAR EVENTS// JUNE 2011 PHOTO © RUVEN AFANADOR WED 29 JUN: Liza Minelli returns to London for an exclusive performance at the Royal Albert Hall. Expect classic songs from her back catalogue and material from her latest album, Confessions. PHOTO © JASON BELL SAT 15 JUN: ;O`YW\U VWaabObcaOa]\S]T bVSe]`ZR¸a[]ab W\RS[O\RRO\QS ^`]RcQS`a1O\ORO¸a 2SOR[Oc#VSORZW\SaO ]\S]TT]cbR]]`UWUW\ SOab:]\R]\¸aDWQb]`WO >O`Y;O`Y@]\a]\ O\R1OZdW\6O``WaO`S O[]\UbV]aSa^W\\W\U 28aSba eeeRSOR[Oc#Q][ 14 JUN-19 FEB 12: Previewing now, Shrek The Musical officially opens on 14 June. Following success on Broadway, the stage adaptation is derived from the story and characters from the Oscar-winning DreamWorks Animation film. This London production will star Amanda Holden (as Princess Fiona), Richard Blackwood (Donkey), Nigel Lindsay (Shrek) and Nigel Harman (Lord Farquaad). It’s currently booking from now until next February. 16 JUN-18 SEPT: BVS O\\cOZ0>>]`b`OWb /eO`R`Sbc`\ab] bVS<ObW]\OZ>]`b`OWb 5OZZS`gW\QS\b`OZ :]\R]\AV]eQOaW\U bVSe]`Y]TbVS dS`gTW\Sab^]`b`OWb ^OW\bS`abVWaVcUSZg ^]^cZO`aV]eOZeOga TSObc`SaO\O``SabW\U O\RRWdS`aS`O\US]T e]`YBVWagSO`¸aaV]e eWZZTSObc`S##S\b`WSa T`][O`SQ]`RQV]WQS ]T !% W\bS`\ObW]\OZ S\b`WSa/R[WaaW]\T`SS eee\^U]`UcYP^ SUN 19 JUN: <]e TW`[ZgS\aQ]\QSR]\ bVSSOab:]\R]\O`ba QOZS\RO`bVSO\\cOZ DOcfVOZZ/`b1O`0]]b 4OW``Sbc`\ab]bVS 0`WQY:O\SbVWa[]\bV =^S\T`][\]]\bWZZ ]\bVS'8c\S0`WQY " :O\SGO`R³Q]`\S`]T 0`WQY:O\SO\R0cfb]\ Ab`SSb3g]cQO\ Sf^SQbO\OTbS`\]]\]T Q]]ZO`bO\RT`Wd]Z]ca S\bS`bOW\[S\ba eWbV]dS`%^WbQVSa a^SQWOZ]\QO`O\R W\QO`O`bQ][[WaaW]\a ZWdS28¸aZWdSPO\Ra ^S`T]`[O\QSaT]]R O\RR`W\Y/R[WaaW]\ WaXcab"eee O`bQO`P]]bTOW`Q][ 25-30 JUN: 7b¸abVS RObSabVObOZZ5ZSS TO\aVOdSPSS\ eOWbW\UT]`¬bVS5ZSS :WdSB]c`Q][Sab] bVS= /`S\OT]` OVO\RTcZ]TRObSa ObbVSS\R]T8c\S AObc`ROg #8c\SbWZZ BVc`aROg!8c\SPcb \]^S`T]`[O\QS]\ %8c\S3f^SQbOZZ bVS[OX]`abO`aT`][ bVSaV]eb]PSZb]cb bVSVWbaZWdS]\abOUS eeeUZSSb]c`Q][ THUR 30 JUN: BVS TOPcZ]ca1g\RW:Oc^S` ^ZOgabVSZOab\WUVb ]TVS`C9b]c`ObbVS 6;D6O[[S`a[WbV /^]ZZ]eee Qg\RWZOc^S`Q][ 30 JUN-08 JUL: BOYW\U OP`SOYT`][VS` 30 JUN AND 02-03 JULY: The legendary Janet Jackson finally returns to London for a trio of live dates as part of her ongoing world tour. Catch her at the Royal Albert Hall in Kensington. Z]\U`c\\W\U:Oa DSUOaaV]eeVWQV VOa`c\T]`bS\ gSO`aO\RU`]aaSR a][SbVW\UW\bVS `SUW]\]T%[WZZW]\ /[S`WQO\Q][SRWS\\S @WbO@cR\S``Sbc`\a b]:]\R]\T]`TWdS SfQZcaWdSRObSaOb bVS:SWQSabS`A_cO`S BVSOb`S³VS`TW`ab :]\R]\aV]eaW\ []`SbVO\#gSO`a BVSOQb`SaaOcbV]` ^ZOge`WUVbRO\QS`O\R Q][WQVOaPSS\d]bSR ·0Sab1][SRWO\W\:Oa DSUOa¸T]`O`SQ]`R \W\SgSO`aW\O`]eO\R Wa]\S]TbVS[]abeSZZ `Sa^SQbSRQ][SRWO\a W\bVSPcaW\Saa3f^SQb bVSaSbWQYSbab]aSZZ ]cbTOab1ObQVVS`]\ !8c\S 8cZg$8cZg %8cZgO\R&8cZgBVS aV]eWaOb%!^[O\R bWQYSbaQ]ab %# ##0]f]TTWQS(&"" &%!!"!! eeeZSWQSabS` a_cO`SbVSOb`SQ][]` eeebWQYSbh]\SQ]cY =CbT`]\b 27/@G SUMMER OF LOVE eWZZPSVSZRW\O^O`YW\ AV]`SRWbQV]\Ac\ROg 8cZg >`][]bSRPg eSZZY\]e\aQS\STOQSa EOg\SAVW`SaO\R9W[ :cQOabVSgO`SRSaQ`WPW\U bVSSdS\bOaOµ]\S]TT ]^S\ZgUOg[caWQO\R QZcPPW\UTSabWdOZ¶BVSRc] VOa]dS`be]RSQORSa]T Sf^S`WS\QSW\]`UO\WaW\U SdS\baO\RQZcP\WUVba O\ReWbVA@@bVSg¸`S aSSYW\Ub]Q][PW\SbVS BVSO^^`]OQV]Tac[[S`[SO\abVObTW\OZ bVSeW\\S`¸a`SQW^SeWZZTSObc`SW\OT]`bVQ][W\U PSabSZS[S\ba]TeVOb ^`S^O`ObW]\aO`SPSUW\\W\Ub]bOYS^ZOQST]` /ZPS`b9S\\SRgB`cab`SQW^SP]]Y3[OWZO bVS:]\R]\QZcPaQS\SVOab]]TTS`³eWbVZWdS bVWagSO`¸aO\\cOZ>`WRS:]\R]\TSabWdOZBVS `SQW^SO\R^V]b]]Tg]c`Q`SObW]\b]^`WRS. ^S`T]`[O\QSa28aO\RRO\QSbS\ba^ZcaT]]R VWUVZWUVb]TbVSTSabWdOZWabVS^O`ORSbV`]cUV aWZdS`O\RQZO`SbQ][³O\RQVSQYbVS>`WRS O\RR`W\YBVSS\R`SacZbeWZZPSbVS^S`TSQb :]\R]\eVWQVWaaSbb]bOYS^ZOQS]\AObc`ROg eSPaWbST]`TcZZRSbOWZaeee^`WRSZ]\R]\]`U P]cbW_cSUOgTSabWdOZ 8cZg/aOZeOgabVWaeWZZPS^`SQSRSRPgbVS>`WRS BVS>O`ORS]\AObc`ROg 8cZgeWZZabO`bOb0OYS` AV]`SRWbQV>O`YVOaOQO^OQWbgT]`O\R O`baTSabWdOZ³eVWQVWaRcSb]`c\T`][%8c\S Ab`SSbOb^[O\ReWZZT]ZZ]eWba\]eb`ORWbW]\OZ bVSg¸`SSf^SQbW\UbVSSdS\beVWQVVOaObWQYSb bWZZ!8cZgBVWagSO`¸aT]`b\WUVbeWZZW\QZcRS[caWQ `]cbS³R]e\=fT]`RAb`SSb@SUS\bAb`SSbBVS ^`WQS]TXcab#³eWbVOZW[WbSR\c[PS`]T bVSOb`SRO\QSQ][SRgdWacOZO`baa^]`bO\R Ab`O\RO\REVWbSVOZZ7beWZZPST]ZZ]eSRPgbVS ORdO\QSbWQYSbab]aSZZ]cb_cWQYZg1ZcPaO\R RSPObS^ZcaO"&V]c`TWZ[TSabWdOZO\RUOZOSdS\b [OW\abOUSS\bS`bOW\[S\bW\B`OTOZUO`A_cO`S PO`abOYW\U^O`bW\QZcRS3Oab0Z]Q>]^abO`h Ob:SWQSabS`A_cO`SBVSOb`S³RSbOWZa]TeVWQV ³eVWZSg]cQO\OZa]Sf^SQbA]V]b]PS^OQYSR 0]]bgZWQW]caEWU=cb5S]`US2`OU]\ eS`SabWZZPSW\UQ]\TW`[SRObbVSbW[S]TU]W\U O\R^O`bgW\U 5cbbS`aZcbAc\ROg6O^^g2OgO\RbVS8]W\S`a b]^`Saa 1VSQYbVSeSPaWbST]`bVSZObSabRSbOWZa³eee /`[aeWbV[]`Sb]PSQ]\TW`[SRBVSTSabWdOZeWZZ G]cVOdSc\bWZ8c\Sb]S\bS`bVSTW`ab>`WRS ^`WRSZ]\R]\]`U³]`T]ZZ]e>`WRS:]\R]\]\ `c\T`][\]]\c\bWZ^[ :]\R]\1OYS2SaWU\1][^SbWbW]\BVSeW\\W\U 4OQSP]]YOb·>`WRS:]\R]\¸ 3[[[S``WbSaQ][WTg]ceWaV Q`SObW]\eWZZPS b]PS\]bWTWSR]TeVS\bWQYSbaU]]\aOZS `OTTZSR]\ 0SaWRSa>`WRS:]\R]\bVS`SWaU`SObSfQWbS[S\b /ZbS`\ObWdSZg·ZWYS¸bVS·Ac[[S`@WbSaAc\ROg bVS[OW\ O`]c\RbVSTOQbbVObbVS]`UO\WaS`a]TbVS 8cZgbV AV]`SRWbQV>O`Y¸^OUS]\ abOUS Ac[[S`@WbSaO\RA]V]>`WRSTSabWdOZO`S 4OQSP]]Y]`YSS^QVSQYW\UbVSeSPaWbSOb O\R `Sbc`\W\UeWbVO\SeSdS\bAc[[S`@WbSa@S[Wf eeeac[[S``WbSaQ][ B67A8C:GE7::A33>@723:=<2=</5/7< 1=;3B=B63AB@33BA=4B631/>7B/: /<2B633/53@:G/E/7B32@3BC@<=4 AC;;3@@7B3A43AB7D/:7</;=@37<B7;/B3 ·@3;7F32¸4=@;/B=CB7<B6317BG:==9A /63/2B=E6/BG=C1/<3F>31B¬ ON THE BUSES Square Peg Media (publishers of Out In The City) are the media partners for A unique experience for major Gay Pride Festivals around the United Kingdom, whilst raising money for pride charities, with 10% of all bookings going to the Pride funds. Providing the ultimate open-top bus experience under the beating sun, breezing through the heart of London, Brighton and Manchester Gay Pride Festivals on-board entertainers such as Diva Fever, Stacey Jackson, Keith George and Rozalla will provide an open-air concert environment while you enjoy the on-board refreshments and take in the sights below. There are various options available for each Pride giving you the opportunity to be part of the actual parade and see the festivities from a whole new angle. Visit for more information. $ =CbabO\RW\U PORTRAIT BY KEVIN TACHMAN TALES OF THE SCISSORS... 8/93A63/@A=4A17AA=@AA7AB3@AB/:9A3F1:CA7D3:GB= =CB7<B6317BG¸AA7;=<5/53/0=CBB630/<2¸AC>1=;7<5 >3@4=@;/<13/B:=<2=<¸A:=D30=F43AB7D/:/<2 E@7B7<5B63<3EB/:3A=4B6317BG;CA71/:¬ 8OYSAVSO`aWaO[OabS`]TOZZb`ORSa(AQWaa]` AWabS`aOZPc[abVObaSZZPgbVSb`cQYZ]OR)abO` ]TO\gTSabWdOZVSO\RbVSPO\RQO`Sb]U`OQS O\R\]e¬bVSe`WbS`]TO\Se[caWQOZPOaSR]\ /`[WabSOR;Oc^W\¸aBOZSa]TbVS1WbgP]]Ya @]ZZW\UPOQYV][ST`][`SVSO`aOZaT]`bVS [caWQOZW\AO\4`O\QWaQ]VS¸aQ]]ZS`bVO\ g]c`OdS`OUSQcQc[PS`W\aOUUgZ]eaZc\U aeSOb^O\baOeW\RP`SOYS`Tc\\g]ZRVOb O\RO;WQYSg;]caSPOQY^OQYaZc\UT`][VWa aV]cZRS`a0cbVS¸aOVO^^g[O\<]b]\ZgVOdS AQWaa]`AWabS`aPSS\YWZZW\U/[S`WQO]\b]c`Pcb VSWaac^S`SfQWbSROP]cbBOZSa]TbVS1WbgeVWQV V]^Sa]\SROgb]P`W\Ub]:]\R]\O\RVSVOa bVSZ]dS]TOU]]R[O\b]YSS^VW[eO`[eSZZ ]\bVSTSe]QQOaW]\aVS¸aW\b]e\ /aAQWaa]`AWabS`aUSO`c^T]`bVSW`PWZZb]^^W\U ^S`T]`[O\QSOb:]dSP]feSb]]YbW[Sb]VSO` OP]cbeVObb]Sf^SQbO\ROP]cbbVOb[caWQOZ A]V]e¸aBOZSa]TbVS1Wbg7b¸aOTcQYW\U[OhW\U7¸[Xcabac^S`SfQWbSR OP]cbWb)bVS`S¸aabWZZb]\a]Te]`Yb]R]O\RWb¸a ^`SbbgW\bS\aSO\R^`SbbgTOabPcb7¸dSPSS\Z]dW\U bVSSf^S`WS\QS7b¸aPSS\O\O[OhW\UbW[SO\R7¸[ ^`Sbbg^`]cR]TbVSaV]e 6Oa/`[WabSOR;Oc^W\VOR[cQVb]R]eWbVWbGSOV6S¸aPSS\O`]c\Rb]\aO\RWaOZ]dSZgZ]dSZg [O\BOZSa]TbVS1WbgeOabVSTW`abP]]Y7SdS` `SOReWbVO^]aWbWdSUOgdWSe^]W\bW\Wb7TW`ab`SOR WbeVS\7eOaOP]cb!O\Ra]`SOZZgbVSP]]Ya [SO\OZ]bb][S 6]eRWRbVS[caWQOZQ][SOP]cb7¸RY\]e\8STTEVWbbgeV]¸ae`WbbS\bVSaQ`W^b T]`OP]cbTWdSgSO`aPST]`SVSOaYSR[SWT7¸R PSW\bS`SabSR7aOWR·OPa]ZcbSZg¸¬abO`bSRe`WbW\U a]\Ua¬O\RTWdSgSO`aZObS`Wb¸aU]W\U]\bVSPWU abOUS7b¸aOTcQYW\U[OaaWdS^`]RcQbW]\`SOZZg _cWbSOaV]e7b¸aOdS`gQ][^ZWQObSRQ][^ZSf ab]`geWbVOZ]b]TQVO`OQbS`aO\RV]eR]g]c Q]\RS\aSbVOba]Wb[OYSaaS\aSW\OVOZTV]c` aV]e-7bVW\YeS¸`SW\U`SObaVO^SO\R7bVW\Y eS¸`SOZZSfQWbSRT]`bVSaV]eb]abO`b & A]eVOba]`b]Ta]\UaaV]cZReSPSZ]]YW\U T]`eO`Rb]BVS`S¸aO\]¸QZ]QY\c[PS`QOZZSR·>O^S`4OQSa¸ eVWQVWabVWaPWUTcQY]TTPOZZOReVWQVWaO[OhW\U OPWbRO`Y)7¸[`SOZZg^`]cR]TWbBVS`S¸aO\c[PS` QOZZSR·@WRS·3[6O`RO\R>cb·3[2]e\ESb¸ ac\UPgO\O\QWS\bV]]YS`eVWQVWa`SOZZgTWZbVg 3dS`g`SORW\UeS¸dSVORSdS`ge]`YaV]^7¸dS XcabZ]dSRSdS`g[W\cbS]TWbO\R7R]\¸bbOYS O\g]TWbT]`U`O\bSR/\RWTbVWaWabVS]\Zg ^S`T]`[O\QS7SdS`aSS]TWb7¸[a]VO^^gO\R bVO\YTcZ6]^STcZZg^S]^ZSW\]bVS`^ZOQSaUSbb] aSSWbOaeSZZ7be]cZRPSa][cQVTc\b]P`W\UWb b]:]\R]\a][SROg I’M SUPER FUCKING HAPPY. 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I’M VERY LUCKY TO HAVE HIM; WE’RE VERY MUCH IN LOVE Scissor Sisters: (L-R) Babydaddy, Jake Shears, Ana Matronic and Del Marquis AVS¸aa]^c\Y`]QYaVSR]Sa\¸bUWdSOTcQYaVS¸a b]bOZZg27G0ST]`SaVS¸aU]W\U]\abOUSbVS`SaVS WaPOQYabOUSeWbVVS`UZcSUc\^OabW\UabcRa]\ bVSPOQY]TVS`R`SaaAVS¸aabWZZOTcQYW\U^c\Y 7¸[a]^`]cRb]PSO^O`b]TbVObZW\Sc^O\RWb¸a U]W\Ub]PSa][cQVTc\OZ]b]TTS[OZSS\S`Ug U]W\U]\Wb¸aOdS`gTS[OZSQS\b`WQ[OW\abOUS7b¸a 7b¸aTc\\gbVObbVSaSTSabWdOZaVOdSYW\R]T \WQSb]aSSbVSZORWSaUSbbW\Ua][SObbS\bW]\O\R abS^^SRW\T]`eVOb5Og>`WRScaSRb]PS Wb¸aU]W\Ub]PSOTcQYW\UPZOab/\RWTbVS`SO`S BVObeOaRSTW\WbSZgOdS`gUOgROg7b¸aT]`^S]^ZS Z]ORa]TUOgabVS`SbVS\bVOb¸aOeSa][S eV]Z]dS[caWQ\]bXcabUOgaPcbbVSZW\Sc^Wa /`Sg]cV]]YSRc^`][O\QSeWaSObbVS ac^S`UOgT`WS\RZgg]cY\]e>S]^ZSZWYS@]Pg\ [][S\b9SZWa0Z]\RWSca¬ES¸dSU]bOb]\]TUOgTO\a 7¸dSU]bOVcaPO\RES¸`S\]b]TTWQWOZZg[O``WSR /`Sg]cVSORW\UbVSPWZZOP]dS0Z]\RWSPcbOTbS`aSdS\gSO`aWb¸a[]`SbVO\OP]gT`WS\R GSa7bTSSZadS`ge`]\U0cb]\TSabWdOZabOUSag]c /`Sg]c[]\]UO[]caR]\¸bZ]]YObWbZWYSbVOb/\R7¸dSY\]e\2SPPWS GSOVOPa]ZcbSZgES¸dSVOROdS`gO[OhW\U T]`OZ]\UbW[SO\ReS¸dS^ZOgSRaV]eaeWbV `SZObW]\aVW^]dS`bVSgSO`aO\RbVSU`OaaeWZZ bVS[O\RaVS¸aOU`SObT`WS\R]T]c`aW\<SeG]`Y \SdS`PSU`SS\S`6S¸aSdS`gbVW\Ub][SES O\RWb¸aXcabacQVO\O[OhW\UbVW\Ub]R]O\]bVS` [SbdS`gSO`Zg]\XcabPST]`SAQWaa]`aYW\R]TVWb UWUeWbVbVS[7XcabZ]dSR]W\UUWUaeWbV0Z]\RWS WbES[SbW\21bV`]cUVO[cbcOZT`WS\RO\R7 BVSg¸`STcQYW\UOeSa][SO\RaVSTcQYW\UYWZZaWb XcabTSSZZWYSbVSZcQYWSabUcgOZWdSa][SbW[Sa7 LOVEBOX This year’s Lovebox festival takes place in Victoria Park in east London on 15-17 July. Sunday’s ‘Out and Out Fierce’ line-up will include Scissor Sisters, Blondie, Robyn, Kelis, Beth Ditto, Marc Almond, 2 Many DJs, Hard Ton and Azari & III, amongst others. DJs will include Jim Stanton, James Hillard, Severino, Luke Howard and Dr Noki, while Horse Meat Disco and Jodie Harsh’s Circus will also be present. One-day tickets for the Sunday (17 July) event start at £48.50 (£48.50 for Saturday and £28.50 for Friday). A three-day pass costs £99. Tickets are on sale now, and are available from as well as from Ticketmaster ( or by calling 08448472436. You can also buy tickets in person from the London HMV stores. PHOTO © TOM BUNNING Robyn OZeOgabV]cUVb7e]cZRVOdSb]aSbbZSO\R7¸[ dS`gZcQYgb]VOdSVW[eS¸`SdS`g[cQVW\Z]dS 6S¸aXcabTW\WaVW\Uc^OR]Qc[S\bO`gOP]cbO dWRS]PZ]UUS`QOZZSR1V`Wa1`]QYS`6S¸a[ORSO []dWSOP]cbVW[O\RWb¸aacQVOPSOcbWTcZbVW\U 7b¸aTOaQW\ObW\U E]cZRg]c[O``gWTg]cQ]cZR[O``g3dS\bcOZZgA][SROg7¸[OQbcOZZgU]W\Ub] ^`Saac`SVW[W\b]R]W\UWbVS¸aacQVO^c\Y BVS`SO`SOQ]c^ZS]TabObSag]cQO\R]WbW\Pcb7 W[OUW\SW\bVS\SfbTSegSO`aW\bVSCAg]c¸ZZPS OPZSb]R]Wb7bTSSZaZWYSeS¸`S[O``WSRO\geOg7b¸a dS`gVO`Rb]PSW\O`SZObW]\aVW^eWbVa][S]\S ZWYS[S7b¸aO`SOZZgQ`OhgZWTSabgZSG]c¸`Sb`OdSZZW\U bVSe]`ZRb]\a7VOdS\¸bPSS\W\<SeG]`YT]`O gSO`Xcabbe]]`bV`SSeSSYaW\<SeG]`YO\R bVOb¸aOQVOZZS\USG]c¸dSU]bb]PSac^S` S[]bW]\OZZga]^VWabWQObSRO\RORdO\QSRb]PS OPZSb]VO\RZSPSW\UW\O`SZObW]\aVW^ZWYSbVOb O\RbVS`SO`S\¸bb]][O\g^S]^ZSeV]Q]cZRR] Wba]7¸[dS`gZcQYg Beth Ditto =Cb\]e ;CA71 It makes the world go round, it heals all wounds, and it seems to have made Patrick Wolf the happiest bunny since Bugs won a year’s supply of organic carrots from Abel & Cole. As he prepares to enter into a civil partnership with partner William, the man he clearly regards as his soulmate, Wolf cuts a very different figure to the bondage-clad dissident of his last LP, 2009’s brilliant but somewhat abrasive The Bachelor. Named after the ancient Roman festival of love and fertility, Lupercalia is Wolf’s most infectious and accessible record yet, its joyous major key pop songs embellished with handclaps, horns and harps. Not to mention strings – lots of strings – that swell like a proud mother’s bosom. These are songs about the redemptive power of love, the ability of love to trump economic hardship, the fact that there’s precisely sod all difference between heterosexual and homosexual love, and the comfort of spending the night tucked up safely with the one you love. ‘The City’ even finds Wolf recalling, “The day we kissed up by Niagara Falls”; an image so incorrigibly romantic it’s almost (Taylor) Swiftian. The melancholy of yore creeps in two-thirds through, but only when Wolf contemplates a life without his beloved, and it’s telling that he rediscovers his joie de vivre on penultimate track ‘Together’, which begins as a missing-mylover lament before becoming a celebration of what they might achieve once reunited. Bless. Now, how to score an invite to that wedding? NL ALBUMS OUT IN JUNE PATRICK WOLF +++++ Lupercalia (Mercury) SOPHIE ELLIS-BEXTOR Make a Scene (EBGB’s/Universal) The worst fate to befall a popstar? Nope, not getting tricked into representing Britain at Eurovision, nor being forced to record a duet with Daniel Bedingfield, but having to withstand a backlash. Lady Gaga, of course, is currently in the midst of one. Born This Way – which, lest we forget, is only her second full studio album – will supply bountiful grist to the whingers’ mill. It’s bloated, subtle as a page three model’s cleavage, a bit silly, kind of cringe-inducing in its proclamations of equality (re: that title track), and it doesn’t have anything quite as undeniable as ‘Poker Face’. But it’s also a frequently thrilling stadium pop behemoth with nods to Queen, Pet Shop Boys, Elton John, Madonna circa True Blue, Madonna circa Like A Prayer and… er, Madonna circa Erotica. Thumping tune by thumping tune, it arguably trumps her 12-million selling debut. Highlights include the hymn-like synth-pop of ‘Bloody Mary’, the giddy ‘Bad Kids’ with its bad/brilliant “twit”/”degenerate” couplet and a big blowsy Mutt Lange ballad called ‘Yoü and I’. And if it’s ‘Springsteen goes techno’ that you want, ‘The Edge Of Glory’ delivers... right down to the sax solo! So, moan away about over-exposure, but at least Gaga gives us something to talk about. When did Rachel Stevens ever proffer a song like ‘Government Hooker’ and sing the line, “Put your hands on me, John F. Kennedy”? Whether born or a product of impregnable self-will, we wouldn’t have her any other way. NL Ms Ellis-Bextor proves herself pluckier than a female impersonator’s tweezers, peddling the daaahnciest album of her decade-long career – just as her commercial fortunes reach something of a low ebb. It’s been four years since Sophie last strutted into the top ten; her most recent single stalled at... um... number 165! Then again, in purely musical terms, her confidence is far from misplaced. Featuring contributions from some of the top producers in British pop (Freemasons, Richard X, Calvin Harris), Make a Scene is a consistently entertaining collection which flirts purposefully with Hi-NRG (‘Bittersweet’, ‘Dial My Number’), filter disco (‘Starlight’, ‘Magic’), trance (‘Can’t Fight This Feeling’), the throb-tastic Balearic (‘Not Giving Up On Love’) and even ABBA (‘Under Your Touch’), before (nearly) always returning to the warm embrace of a solid pop chorus. Preferring Daft Punk-style vocoder to Ke$ha-esque auto-tune, and leaving the “swagga” to J.Lo & Co., it’s also an inherently elegant and quintessentially British affair. The mildly eccentric, ‘outsiders-unite’ stylings of the title track find Ellis-Bextor prescribing: “All of the hierarchies are broken now that we’re not at school.”Who else could carry off that kind of line? Who else would try? It all adds up to a career best effort from the only real rival to Debbie Harry’s “Sharpest Cheekbones In Pop” title. (Siva from The Wanted comes a respectable third). When it comes to dancefloor shenanigans, men might perspire and ladies may glow, but on this evidence, Sophie Ellis-Bextor truly sparkles. NL Out: 23 May Out: June 6 +++++ +++++ TIM & JEAN Like What (Publica) Aussie youngsters Tim Ayre and Jean-Christophe Capatorto first hooked up in 2008 at the tender ages of 17 and 14 respectively. Immediately hitting it off musically, they started jamming together – citing a shared love for the likes of Stevie Wonder, Tom Petty and Fleetwood Mac as their main influences. Listening to their debut album, it’s likely that both were also listening to MGMT’s Oracular Spectacular on heavy repeat, as that – and fellow Aussie synth-pop rockers Empire Of The Sun – are the more obvious contemporary inspirations. Like What bounces along on an initially hard-to-resist summery vibe, all squelchy 80s synths and multi-layered vocal harmonies. Opener and title track, ‘Like What’, would love to be ‘Time To Pretend’. It’s almost perky enough, but is let down by uninspired lyrics (‘life is a rollercoaster, don’t be afraid to ride it’). That said, it remains a highlight, alongside ‘Veronika’, recent single ‘Come Around’ and ‘Give It Up’. ‘Solina’ is also pleasant, in a Goldfrapp sort of way, but again highlights the somewhat second-rate nature of many of these tracks, which all roll along at exactly the same pace. It sounds like a homage to bands (Goldfrapp, Empire Of The Sun) already paying homage to other bands. Although only offering an economical ten tracks, by the time you reach closer ‘Hustle’, you’ll be left with the feeling that Tim & Jean currently only have one trick up their sleeve. Undeniably talented, here’s hoping their second long player offers a little more light and shade. DH +++++ Out: 30 May REVIEWS: DAVID HUDSON AND NICK LEVINE LADY GAGA Born This Way (Polydor) Out: June 20 =Cb\]e ;CA71 THE GODFATHER 4@/<9739<C19:3AB63·5=24/B63@=46=CA3¸6/A@3;7F32/<2@3 @3:3/A32A=;3=467A1:/AA71B@/19A63A/B2=E<E7B62/D726C2A=< B=B/:9/0=CB67A1/@33@5/5//<2AC@D7D7<51:C0:/<2¬ O`SeWZZW\Ub]R]bVObWaOU]]RbVW\UEVS\Wb Q][Sab]5OUOO\RVS``SZSdO\QS7bVW\YbVSTOQb bVObaVSQVO[^W]\aUOgQVWZR`S\O\RaVSPSZWSdSa W\[]dW\UT]`eO`RW\bVS`WUVbeOgOPa]ZcbSZg ³7¸[b]bOZZgT]`WbEVS\WbQ][Sab]5OUObVS O`bWab³[[[[³7QO\bOYSa][SO\RZSOdSa][S G]c¸dSPSS\]cbW\g]c`QO`SS`T`][bVSdS`g abO`b2]g]cTSSZRWaO^^]W\b[S\bbVOb[]`S ^S]^ZSW\bVS[caWQPcaW\Saa³^O`bWQcZO`ZgW\bVS CA³R]\¸bQV]]aSb]PS]cb<]\]bObOZZPSQOcaSbVOb¸abVSW`QV]WQSO\RbVS bVW\UbVOb^S]^ZSYSS^T]`USbbW\UWabVObSdS`g]\S VOaOQV]WQS7Tg]ceO\bb]Q][S]cbbVS\U`SOb Pcb7R]\¸bbVW\YO\g]\SVOabVS`WUVbb]P`W\Ug]c ]cb7R]\¸bbVW\YO\g]\S¸aU]bO`WUVbb]^caVg]c ]cb G]c[cabVOdSaSS\[O\gQOacOZbWSa]dS`bVS ZOab"gSO`aW\bVS[caWQO\RQZcPPcaW\Saa ³^S]^ZSeV]VOdSTOZZS\^`Sgb]R`W\Y]`R`cUa 6]eVOdSg]c[O\OUSRb]Od]WRPSQ][W\UO QOacOZbg2]g]cabWZZS\X]gW\U28¸W\UOa[cQVOaSdS`]` 7VOdS\]WRSO7V]\SabZgVOdS\]WRSOV]e7VOdS O`Sg]c[]`SQ][T]`bOPZSW\bVSabcRW]ac`dWdSRWbEVS\bVSTW`abeOdS]T/72AQO[S 7[cababWZZS\X]gWbO\R7aOgbVOb]\ZgPSQOcaS¬ bV`]cUVO\RXcabaeS^bOeOga][O\gW\Q`SRWPZS IZOcUVaK7eOaU]W\Ub]aOg·EVObSZaSe]cZR7 ^S]^ZS7OaY[gaSZTb]bVWaROgV]eRWR7[O\OUS R]-¸PcbbVOb¸a\]b`SOZZgWb7b¸aXcaba][cQVO^O`b b]Od]WRWb-A][O\g\WUVba^ZOgW\UW\\WUVbQZcPa ]TSdS`gbVW\U7R]g]cY\]eSf^S`W[S\bW\UeWbVOZZYW\Ra]TR`cUaOZZYW\Ra 7b[cabPSO^O`b]Tg]c`2</Pg\]e ]TQ`OhW\Saa7abWZZac`dWdSROZZbVObO\R7R]\¸b 7bWab]bOZZgO^O`b]T[g2</ c\RS`abO\RWb7R]\¸bVOdSO\O\aeS` :]]YW\UPOQY]\g]c`QO`SS`eVOb`SQ]`RaO`S 2]g]cbVW\YUOg[S\O`S^O`bWQcZO`Zg g]c[]ab^`]cR]Te]`YW\U]\acaQS^bWPZSb]bVS^WbTOZZa]TOVSR]\WabWQ 7¸[`SOZZg`SOZZg^`]cR]TSdS`gbVW\U7¸dSe]`YSR ZWTSabgZS]\1S`bOW\a]\UaabWQY]cbOZ]bZWYS·@]QYEWbV 7bVW\YSdS`gP]RgWaacaQS^bWPZSb]Wb5Ogab`OWUVb G]c¸Pg;WQVOSZ8OQYa]\PSQOcaSVSVO\R^WQYSR eVObSdS`7bVW\YWb¸aSOaWS`b]^ZOQSWb]\a][S]\S [Sb]R]Wb)e]`YW\UeWbVB]\W0`Ofb]\OZa] eV]¸aUOgPSQOcaSTW`abZgOZ]b]TUOgQVWZR`S\ PSQOcaSOUOW\aVSVO\R^WQYSR[Sb]R]WbA]¬ O`S^caVSR]cb]TbVS\SabObO\SO`ZWS`OUSO\R ^`OQbWQOZZgSdS`gbVW\UBVS[caWQ7¸dSe]`YSR]\ b]abWZZPSVS`SO\Rb]PSOPZSb]O^^ZgbVOb7¸[\]b bVSg[OYSbVSW`T`WS\RaO\RTO[WZg]\bVSab`SSb ^`Sbbg[cQVQV`]\WQZSa[gZWTSg]cY\]e7QO\bSZZ b`gW\Ub]`SW\dS\bWb7¸[Xcabb`gW\Ub]^cbOZWbbZSa^Wb O\ReVS\g]c¸`SZWdW\U]\bVSab`SSbbVSaSO`SbVS g]ceVS`S7eOaeVOb7eOaR]W\UO\ReVOb7eOa O\R^]ZWaV]\Wb;OYSWb[]`S`SZSdO\bO\Re]`Y bVW\Uag]c`acaQS^bWPZSb]7eOaZcQYgPSQOcaS bVW\YW\UeVS\7eOae]`YW\U]\O\g^O`bWQcZO` T]`b]ROg¸a[O`YSb eVS\7eOaZWdW\U]\bVSab`SSbObOdS`gSO`Zg a]\U0cbR]\¸bbSab[S]\bVObIZOcUVaK EV]R]g]c`ObSObbVS[][S\bW\bVSQc``S\b OUS7VOR^S]^ZSO`]c\R[SbVOb`SOZZgQO`SR G]c¸dS`SQS\bZg`S[WfSROQ]c^ZS]Tg]c`QZOaaWQ RO\QSO\R^]^e]`ZRO\RbVSgaOWR·:WabS\g]c`SOZZg\SSRb]U]b] b`OQYa³W\QZcRW\U·0OPgEO\baB]@WRS¸O\R·7¸ZZ 7R]\¸bY\]eWT7QO\`SOZZg[S\bW]\O\g]TbVS[7 aQV]]Z³e]`YOZZbVS\WUVbQZcPag]ceO\bPcb BOYSG]cBVS`S¸³eVOb^`][^bSRg]cb]`SdWaWb bVW\Y5OUO¸a=9PcbbVS`SeOaObW[S7bV]cUVb abOgT]QcaSRO\RU]b]aQV]]Z¸5SbO\SRcQObW]\ bVS[;OR]\\OeOa=9PcbbVS\aVS^SOYSRg]c O\RSdS`gbVW\UOTbS`bVObg]c¸ZZPSOPZSb]VO\RZS7 EVS\7RSQWRSRb]`Sbc`\b]^`]RcQbW]\bVS Y\]eeVOb7[SO\-7Z]dSeVOb5OUO¸aR]\ST]` QO[SRO\US`]caZgQZ]aSW\O\c[PS`]TaWbcObW]\a ]\Zg`SOa]\7RWRWbeOaPSQOcaS7¸[\]eOPZS bVSQ][[c\WbgbV]cUVbVSabO\RaVS[OYSa eVS`S7^`]POPZgQ]cZRVOdSZ]ab[gZWTSPcb b]R]bVSbVW\Ua7eO\bb]R]bVSeOg7eO\bb] T]`bVSQ][[c\WbgO\Ra]bVOb^O`b]TVS`7VOdS 7RWR\¸bY\]eWbObbVSbW[S0cb7RWROa[cQV R]bVS[0SW\UQ]\aWRS`OPZg]ZRS`\]eO\R \]bVW\UPcb^`OWaST]` aQV]]ZOa7Q]cZRO\RbVS\bVSe]`YabO`bSRO\R aSSW\UbVSQ`SObWdSaWRSO\RbVSPcaW\SaaaWRS G]cbVW\Y5OUO¸a^SOYSRbVS[]\SgabO`bSRQ][W\UW\O\R7bVW\YabOgW\U W\OeOg7RWR\¸baSSbVS[ !gSO`aOU]7 <]7R]\¸bbVW\YaVS¸a^SOYSRObOZZAVSabWZZVOa T]QcaSR]\bVObWaeVOb^`]POPZgYS^b[S]cb]T VOdSO[cQVQZSO`S`c\RS`abO\RW\U]TWbO\RO OZ]bb]aOgO\ROZ]bb]R]7U]bW\d]ZdSReWbV b`]cPZS U`SObS`O^^`SQWObW]\T]`Wb/\R7Y\SebVOb7VOR ZOc\QVW\UbVS6O`dSg;WZYAQV]]ZW\<SeG]`Y c\TW\WaVSRe]`YeWbV8O[WSI>`W\QW^ZSKEWbVOZZ a][SgSO`aPOQYO\ReVS\WbQ][Sab]bVSUOg Frankie Knuckles’ Director’s Cut feat. Jamie Principle – ‘I’ll Take bVSSO`ZgabcTTbVObeSRWRb]USbVS`7bV]cUVbWb Q][[c\WbgO\RPSW\UOPZSb]ZS\R[gVO\RW\ You There’ is out now. It will be followed soon by remixes of RWR\¸bUSbWba^`]^S`RcSO\ReWbVbVSW\Rcab`g O\gYW\R]TeOg7¸[OZZT]`Wb7RWR\¸bVOdSbVOb7 ‘Your Love’ and ‘Baby Wants To Ride’. PSW\UbVSeOgWbWa\]eWb¸a\WQSb]bOYSbVObO\R RWR\¸bVOdS^S]^ZSe]`YW\U]\[gPSVOZTeVS\7 ^cbOT`SaVQ]Ob]T^OW\b]\Wb eOaOYWRg]cY\]eeVOb7[SO\-EVS`S^S]^ZS 4`O\YWS9\cQYZSaWa]\S]TbVSe]`ZR¸a[]ab TO[]ca28a4`][Vc[PZSPSUW\\W\UaW\<Se G]`YVSa^c\bc\SaObbVSW\TO[]ca1]\bW\S\bOZ 0ObVaW\bVSSO`Zg%aVS`SZ]QObSRb]1VWQOU] O\RPSQO[S`SaWRS\b28ObbVSEO`SV]caSQZcP c\bWZWbaQZ]ac`SW\'&!³eVS`SVS^W]\SS`SRSO`Zg V]caS[caWQ6SVOa\¸bab]^^SRe]`YW\UaW\QS \]b]\ZgS\X]gW\U\c[S`]caQZcP`SaWRS\QWSaPcb \]bQVW\Uc^a]Z]acQQSaaW\VWa]e\`WUVb·BVS EVWabZSA]\U¸O\R`S[WfW\USdS`g]\ST`][ ;WQVOSZ8OQYa]\O\R2WO\O@]aab]6S`QcZSaO\R :]dS/TTOW`O\R2S^SQVS;]RS 6SQ]\bW\cSab]b]c`bVSe]`ZRO\Rb]`SQ]`RO\R `SQS\bZgU]bb]USbVS`eWbVZ]\UbW[SQ]ZZOP]`Ob]` 3`WQ9c^^S`b]T]`[^`]RcQbW]\^O`b\S`aVW^ µ2W`SQb]`a1cb¶`SdWaWbW\Ua][S]TbVSSO`ZWS` aS[W\OZ`SQ]`RW\UabVObVS[ORSeWbVd]QOZWab 8O[WS>`W\QW^ZS=^S\ZgUOgaW\QSVWaQO`SS` abO`bSRVSZWdSaW\<SeG]`YeWbVVWa^O`b\S`]T bVSZOabbS\gSO`a " 2]SabVOb[SO\g]ceS`S\¸bVO^^geWbV bVS]`WUW\OZa7eOaVO^^geWbVWbPcb7R]\¸bbVW\YbSQV\]Z]Ug OTT]`RSR[SbVS]^^]`bc\Wbgb]`SOZZgUWdSWb SdS`gbVW\UbVOb7Y\]e\]e7Y\]ea][cQV[]`S OP]cbbVSPcaW\SaaT`][O\O`bWabWQO\RQ`SObWdS S\RbVO\7Y\SePOQYbVS\7eOaabWZZOPOPgPOQY bVS\EVS\eSeS`SR]W\U·0OPgEO\baB]@WRS¸ O\R·G]c`:]dS¸O\R·EOWbW\U=\;g/\USZ¸OZZbVOb abcTT7[SO\7VOR\SdS``SOZZg^`]RcQSRO\gbVW\U PST]`S0SZWSdS[S7¸dSU]bO\SRcQObW]\7b¸a\WQS WHEN THE FIRST WAVE OF AIDS CAME THROUGH AND JUST SWEPT AWAY SO MANY INCREDIBLE PEOPLE, I ASK MYSELF TO THIS DAY, HOW DID I MANAGE TO AVOID IT? =Cb\]e ;CA71 # =Cb\]e 47:; FILMS OUT IN JUNE THE BEST DVDS JUNE ’11 DAVID’S BIRTHDAY Two married Italian couples go away on a beach holiday together and, at first, both Diego and Shanny and Matteo and Francesca seem united; but a spanner is thrown into the works by the arrival of Diego and Shanny’s son, David. Unexpectedly, Matteo is drawn to the young man’s good looks, and finds himself wrestling with his feelings. An evocative, beautifully-shot drama, it’s one of the better European gay films we’ve seen recently, even if it builds to a somewhat OTT climax. +++++ BRIDESMAIDS OUT: 13 JUNE THE FIGHTER ]\TcSZ0`WRSa[OWRaWabVSUOaaS`bVObXcabYSS^a U]W\UUSbbW\U^`]U`SaaWdSZgTc\\WS`eWZRS`O\R []`SRSZWUVbTcZZgRWaU`OQSTcZOaWbX]c`\SgaSdS` ]\eO`R 7b¸ac\RS\WOPZgEWWU¸aaV]eO\RbVSAObc`ROg <WUVb:WdSOQb`SaaWa[]`SbVO\c^b]bVSbOaY UZcW\Ub]USbVS`Oab`W\U]TW\Q`SOaW\UZgVWZO`W]ca aSb^WSQSabVObW\QZcRSOQOZO[Wb]caR`SaaTWbbW\U aSaaW]\O\RO`W]b]ca^ZO\SX]c`\Sgb]DSUOa0cb bVSaSQ]\RO`gQVO`OQbS`aOZa]SZWQWbPWUZOcUVa Q]c`bSag]TaV`SeRQVO`OQbS`WaObW]\O\Ra][S b`cZgRSdWZWaVUOUa /RRb]bVObO\S\RW\Uab`OWUVb]cb]TO8]V\ 6cUVSa¸[]dWS`S^ZSbSeWbVT`WZZgT`]QYaO\RO \]abOZUWOZOQSR^]^O\bVS[O\R0`WRSa[OWRaWa Oa\SO`O^S`TSQbac[[S`Q][SRgOaeS¸`SSdS` ZWYSZgb]USb;Saag`cRSeO`[O\RZOcUV]cb Z]cRTc\\gWbSO`\aSdS`g]\S]Tg]c`XcPWZO\b QOQYZSa8E +++++ =cb "8c\S LAST NIGHT µBVWaWaO`SOZZgPORQ]\\SQbW]\¶aOga8]O\\O 9SW`O9\WUVbZSgµ7Y\]e¶`Sa^]\RaVcaPO\R ;WQVOSZAO[E]`bVW\Ub]\BVSg¸`SbOZYW\U OP]cbO^V]\SZW\YPcbbVSSfQVO\USOZa]\]Ra b]bVSabWQYgacPbSfb]TbVSW``]QYg[O``WOUS eVWQVWa^cbb]bVSbSabW\bVWaOPa]`PW\UaZ]e R`W^RSS^bVW\YS`bVOb¸a]PaSaaSReWbVbVOb[]ab W\Tc`WObW\U]T_cSabW]\a(·EVObWT-¸ 2c`W\UO\WUVb]cbT]`Oe]`Y^O`bg8][SSba ;WQVOSZ¸aObb`OQbWdSQ]e]`YS`:Oc`O3dO ;S\RSaO\Raca^SQbabVS`S¸aa][SbVW\UU]W\U ]\PSbeSS\bVS[BVS\eVS\;WQVOSZ¸a]cb]T b]e\]\PcaW\SaaeWbV:Oc`O8]Pc[^aW\b]]ZR TZO[S/ZSf5cWZZOc[S1O\SbO\RTW\RaVS`aSZT aS`W]caZgbS[^bSR 3PPW\UeWbVO\OTTSQbW\U[SZO\QV]Zg:Oab <WUVb]TTS`a9\WUVbZSgVS`[]abU`]e\c^`]ZS b]RObS)bVSOQb`Saa¸`SQS\bT]`OgaW\b]bVSOb`S SdWRS\bW\VS`W[^`SaaWdSZgZOgS`SR^S`T]`[O\QS ;S\RSa[SO\eVWZSWa\]bVW\UaV]`b]T[Sa[S`WQ ³eVS\aVS¸aW\O`]][OZ]\SeWbVQ`caV]PXSQb E]`bVW\Ub]\:Oab<WUVbPSQ][SaSZSQb`WQ $ Even if boxing films normally leave you cold, the awardwinning The Fighter is worth seeking out. Starring Mark Walhberg, Christian Bale and Melissa Leo, it’s based on the true story of fighter Micky Ward, who ascended, Rockylike, through the ranks to take the world welterweight title in the early 80s. His victory came despite well-meaning but cack-handed help from his dysfunctional family – specifically, his mother (Leo), and older brother, Dicky (Bale). Predictable, but entertaining. +++++ OUT: 20 JUNE BRIGHTON ROCK Writer and director Rowan Joffe takes Graham Green’s iconic 1938 tale and re-sets it in 1964 against a backdrop of the mods vs rockers riots. Teen gangster Pinkie (Sam Riley) kills rival gang member Hale, sparking a gang war between Brighton’s protection racketeers. A young, naïve waitress, Rose (Andrea Riseborough), stumbles on the truth, but falls for Pinkie’s charms. Although visually stunning, with a great performance from Riseborough, a lack of genuine suspense or intrigue renders this a strangely flat offering. +++++ OUT: 20 JUNE RABBIT HOLE eWbVbS\aW]\/aW\OQbWdWbgaOaVOgaSdS`QZ]aS` b]RSdOabObW\UOQbWdWbge`WbS`;OaagBORXSRW\¸a RW`SQb]`WOZRSPcbbOYSa]\O_cWSb^]eS`bVObeWZZ a^SOYb]O\gP]RgeV]¸aPSS\bS[^bSReVWZSW\ O`SZObW]\aVW^B`cS:Oab<WUVb¸aR`SO[g^OQW\U [Og^`]dSb]]ZO\Uc]`]caT]`a][SPcbOaO\ W\bW[ObSbV]cUVbTcZSfO[W\ObW]\]T`SZObW]\aVW^a Wb¸aVOc\bW\UZgSTTSQbWdS8E =cb!8c\S +++++ Nicole Kidman and Aaron Eckhart star in this film from director John Cameron Mitchell (Shortbus). They play the formerly happily-married couple grieving the loss of their son. Although sombre, Rabbit Hole emerges as a poignant and moving experience, with some corrosive wit ensuring that it avoids becoming a drab, maudlin slog. +++++ OUT: 20 JUNE REVIEWS: DAVID HUDSON AND JOSH WINNING ESRRW\UaUSbOPOR`S^cbObW]\ObbVS[]dWSa BVO\YTcZZgO\gQ]\QS`\abVOb0`WRSa[OWRae]cZR abc[PZSR]e\bVSaO[SRSa]ZObSOWaZSOabVSZWYSa ]T0`WRSEO`aO\R@c\OeOg0`WRSO`S_cWQYZg RWa^SZZSRW\Wba]^S\W\U[][S\ba/a9`WabS\ EWWUbV`OaVSaO`]c\RW\PSReWbV;OR;S\¸a8]\ 6O[[bVS\a^O`aeWbV`]][[ObS;Obb:cQOa PST]`SUSbbW\UQObbgeWbVVS`S\UOUSR044¸a a\]]bg\Se044Wb¸aQZSO`bVOb0`WRSa[OWRaWa\] ASf/\RBVS1Wbg! 4]`OabO`bWbVOaEWWU/a/\\WSaVS¸a[WaS`OPZS W\bVSeOYS]TVS`PcaW\Saa¸PO\Y`c^bQgPcbVS` ZWTSWaTc`bVS`Q][^ZWQObSReVS\PSabT`WS\R:WZZWO\ ;OgO@cR]Z^VUSbaS\UOUSRO\ROaYaVS` b]PS[OWR]TV]\]c`;OYW\UbVObbOaY\SO`Zg W[^]aaWPZSWa:WZZWO\¸a^`Waag\Se[]\SgSRT`WS\R 6SZS\@]aS0g`\SeV]Q][^SbSaeWbVVS`T]` bVSP`WRS¸aObbS\bW]\OTTSQbW]\W\bVS`c\c^b]bVS PWUROg C\ZWYSbVSUZcb]T6]ZZge]]RQ][SRWSabVOb`Sd ]cb]TbVSV]ZRW\UPOgPST]`S_cWQYZg`c\\W\UZ]e % =Cb\]e 47:; FILMS OUT IN JUNE KABOOM 7Tg]c¸`SOTO\]TeVW^ZOaVW\RcQW\URWOZ]UcS aeSSbg]c\UbVW\UaVSOZbVgR]aSa]T`O[^O\b \cRWbgO\R¿Z[aeWbVO\O`RS\baS\aS]TbVS OPac`R9OP]][Q]cZRPSg]c`\SeTOd]c`WbS []dWSE`WbbS\O\RRW`SQbSRPg5`SUU/`OYW ]TBVS2]][5S\S`ObW]\O\R;gabS`W]ca AYW\TO[SWb¸aOP`WUVbVSORa^W\\W\U]RSb] eWbV\cbbg0`WbWaVPW`R:]\R]\8c\]BS[^ZS BVW\UabOYSObc`\T]`bVSab`O\USbV]cUVeVS\ A[WbVS\Q]c\bS`aOU`]c^]TO\W[OZ[OaY eSO`W\UeSW`R]aeV][Og]`[Og\]bVOdSXcab YWZZSROTSZZ]eabcRS\b 9OP]][ROaVSaOZ]\UObOVSQY]TOZWQYW\ ^]ab[]RS`\W`]\WQeVW[ag1VO[^W]\W\U eVW^a[O`bRWOZ]UcSO\ReWbVO^ZSOaW\UZg UZ]aagaVSS\Wb¸aQZSO`bVOb/`OYW¸aVOdW\UTc\ b]gW\UeWbVcaQVcQYW\UW\=BBac^S`\Obc`OZ VO^^S\W\UaO\RaSfgROgR`SO[ab]YSS^ca ]\]c`b]Sa3dS\bVS¿Z[¸aQS\b`OZ[gabS`g O^^SO`ab]PS]\SPWUX]YS EVWQVWaa]`b]TeVS`S9OP]][Q][Sac\abcQY =9a]\]P]RgabOgaQZ]bVSRT]`[]`SbVO\¿dS [W\cbSaPcb9OP]][SfWabaW\OZW[P]eVS`S TSeOQbW]\aVOdSRWaQS`\OPZSQ]\aS_cS\QSa [SO\W\UbVS`S¸aZWbbZSb]U`OPOV]ZR]T3dS\ bVS¿Z[¸a[gabS`gPSQ][SaOTO`QSeWbVbVS VWab`W]\WQQZW[OfacP[WbbW\Ub]Y\]eW\UZg 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JUSTIN SWIFT REVIEWSBETTE & JOAN Any gay man worth their Maldon sea salt must surely be aware of the celluloid inferno of spite and campery that is the classic 1962 film Whatever Happened To Baby Jane, and of the legendary feud between its iconic stars, Hollywood legends Bette Davis and Joan Crawford. Playwright Anton Burge has re-imagined for the stage what might have occurred in those dressing rooms on the Warner Bros back lot during the movie’s long days ! bVSU`SObSabQ]c^]TbVWa^`]RcQbW]\Wbab]^WQOZWbg O\RbVSaVSS`Q]W\QWRS\QS]TO[caWQOZQ]\QSWdSR W\ #VOdW\Ua][O\gb]cQV^]W\baW\ 7b¸a\]b RWTTWQcZbb]bVW\YbVObWbeWZZYSS^^`]RcQS`1O[S`]\ ;OQYW\b]aV¸a^]QYSbaZW\SRT]`_cWbSa][SbW[S 0Sbbg0ZcS3gSabVSZObSab[caWQOZb]Q][ST`][ bVS^S\]T0`WbWaVe`WbW\URc]5S]`USAbWZSaO\R /\bV]\g2`SeSeV]aS^`SdW]caQ`SRWbaW\QZcRS 6]\YO\RORRWbW]\OZa]\UaT]`;O`g>]^^W\a eWbVP]]YPg/[S`WQO\a@]\1]eS\O\R2O\WSZ :W^[O\bVSSfSQcbWdS^`]RcQS`aQ`SOb]`aO\R e`WbS`a]TbVS/[S`WQO\dS`aW]\]T?cSS`Oa4]ZY 7b`SdWaWbabVS/ZO\0S\\SbbTWZ[/>`WdObS4c\QbW]\ eVWQVabO``SR;OUUWSA[WbVO\R;WQVOSZ>OZW\O\R eVWQVeOa`SZSOaSRW\'&"³O\]bVS`bW[SeVS\ filming and infighting. The result, Bette & Joan – which is now playing for a limited run at London’s Arts Theatre – is both extremely funny and very touching. Taking on the title roles in this two-hander are Greta Scacchi as Bette Davis and Anita Dobson as Joan Crawford. Both clearly relish inhabiting their respective characters, and the exquisite badinage that is played out between them. Scacchi seems to have the most fun, playing up the more outrageous and vulgar facets of Davis’ personality, but it is Dobson who is awarded the best one-liners as the incredibly cool, controlled and devious Crawford. Both actors display flawless comedy timing and have the unmistakeable quirks and mannerisms of their creative wards totally down pat without being patronising or distracting. The first act in the production is essentially +++++ PHOTOGRAPHY © RALPH RAPLEY A_cW\bg]c`SgSaOPWbO\RbVSaW[WZO`WbWSa PSbeSS\0`WbOW\W\'"%O\R0`WbOW\b]ROgO`S O[OhW\U>]abeO`0`WbOW\acTTS`SRbV`]cUV ab`WQb`ObW]\W\UOU]dS`\[S\bab`cUUZW\Ub] Sfb`WQObSbVS[aSZdSaT`][bVSTW\O\QWOZO\Ra]QWOZ RSab`cQbW]\]TeO`O\RO^]^cZOQSeV]eS`S USbbW\UTSRc^eWbVbVSQ]\QS^b]T·4OW`AVO`Sa4]` /ZZ¸eVS\bVS`SQZSO`ZgeS`SbV]aSeV]eS`S\¸b ^ZOgW\UPgbVS`cZSaBVSgeS`SRWab`OQbSRT`][bVWa ^OW\PgO`]gOZeSRRW\U(>`W\QSaa3ZWhOPSbVb]>VWZW^ ;]c\bPObbS\A]c\RTO[WZWO`B]ROgOabVSQcba]TbVSQ]OZWbW]\U]dS`\[S\babO`b b]PSTSZbWb¸a\]bbVObRWTTWQcZbb]`SZObSb]0Sbbg0ZcS 3gSaeWbVZg`WQaZWYS·bVWa^WaaabOW\SR^Waa^]]`^Waa ^]bQ]c\b`gbVObeS¸dSZWdSRW\aW\QSbVSeO`¸BVOb¸a 1]\aS`dObWdSQcbaeS`SabO`bW\Ub]PWbS7bbSZZabVS ab]`g]TOVO`Re]`YW\UQ]c^ZS(bW[WRQVW`]^]RWab 5WZPS`b1VWZdS`a@SSQSAVSO`a[WbVO\RVWaa]QWOZ QZW[PW\UeWTS8]gQSAO`OV:O\QOaVW`SBVS^Z]b `Sd]ZdSaO`]c\RO^`WhS^WU0SbbgeWbVVS`PZcS SgSaeV]WaPSW\UWZZSUOZZg`OWaSRT]`OPO\_cSbb] QSZSP`ObSbVS`]gOZeSRRW\U=\SeVWTT]T^]`Y OTbS`OabSORgRWSb]TA^O[R`WdSabVSZ]QOZdWZZOUS`a Q][^ZSbSZgQ`Ohg 7b¸aOZZ_cWbSaWZZgPcbPOaSR]\bVSOcRWS\QS¸a `SOQbW]\OU]]Ra_cSOZWaeVObSdS`g]\S\SSRa `WUVb\]eBVSVc[]c`WaO^^ZWSReWbVO^`SbbgbVWQY P`caVO\Rb]]]TbS\`Sa]`bab]^]`Yg^c\aO\RTO`b X]YSabV]cUVbVSgO`SSf^SZZSReWbVeWb AO`OV:O\QOaVW`SWa[]`SQ][T]`bOPZSeWbVaW\UW\U bVO\VS`Q]abO`AVSO`a[WbVPcbeVObVSZOQYa W\d]QOZOPWZWbgVS[OYSac^T]`eWbVPcQYSba]T QVO`[EWbVVWa·[OUWQTW\US`a¸Wb¸a\]e]\RS`bVS e][S\]TbVSb]e\Z]dSWbeVS\VS[OYSaVWa V]caSQOZZa BVSS\aS[PZSWadS`gbOZS\bSRO\ReSZZcbWZWaSR W\O\c[PS`]TabgZWaVRO\QS\c[PS`aSa^SQWOZZg bVSPWU^`]RcQbW]\\c[PS`a·<]P]Rg¸·:W]\VSO`b¸ O\R·7b¸a/\7ZZEW\R¸1V]`S]U`O^VS`AbS^VS\;SO` RSaS`dSaO\]ROaR]SaRW`SQb]`@WQVO`R3g`SeV] YSS^abVS^OQS[]dW\UO\RbVSab]`gQZSO` BVSaSbWaO`SOZWabWQRS^WQbW]\]TO\]`bVS`\b]e\ eWbV^O\SZaO\R^WSQSaQ]\abO\bZgaVWTbW\UO\R []dW\Ub]Q`SObSRWTTS`S\bZ]QObW]\aBVS^S`W]R Q]abc[SaO`SZ]dSZgO\R\]bRWaaW[WZO`b]eVObg]c aSS]\OROg]cbW\AV]`SRWbQV/\ReVObQ]cZR PSQO[^S`bVO\O\O\W[Ob`]\WQ^W\YTchhg^WUeWbV TZcbbS`W\USgSZOaVSad]WQSRPg\]\S]bVS`bVO\;Waa 9gZWS;W\]UcS- the funniest in setting out each characters’ egos and eccentricities while weaving in salacious Hollywood gossip, classic quotes and witticisms from the ladies themselves. The second act succeeds in fleshing out their personalities by trying to explain how and why events made them the people they were and the flawed stars that they became. The end result is a fun night’s entertainment with real substance behind the humour. Highly recommended. +++++ ! =CbbVS`S 4==2 SUM DAY DAVID HUDSON REVIEWS ROYAL CHINA 24-26 Baker Street, London W1U 7AB 020 7487 4688. A dear friend first introduced me to the concept of dim sum around nine years ago. I took to it immediately, but can understand why some people avoid it purely because they find the idea a little bit confusing or fear they won’t know what to order. The success of restaurants such as Ping Pong – which have aggressively marketed the younger end of the market – have greatly boosted the popularity of dim sum, but there remain many food lovers who have yet to feast upon this most traditional part of Chinese cuisine. Whether you are a dim sum virgin, or a connoisseur, one of the best and most authentic destinations in London in which to sample a whole range of the stuff are the Royal China establishments. This family-run empire began in Hong Kong (where there are still several restaurants), before spreading to these shores with the launch of a Bayswater branch in 1996. Sister venues now run in Harrow-on-the-Hill, Fulham and Baker Street. A branch opens in Canary Wharf on 1 June. It was the Baker Street branch, near the Out In The City offices that I decided to check out. Take note – this is not to be confused with the ‘Royal China Club’, a few doors down the road. That establishment is owned by the same group but offers a slightly more contemporary, and pricier, twist on classic Chinese dishes. Royal China, at 24-26 Baker Street, is a hugely popular lunchtime destination – particularly at weekends. It serves an estimated 2,000 dim sum dishes alone on Sundays! Things are – thankfully – a little quieter during the week. The venue itself is large (150 covers) and elegant. The interior is decked out in shades of gold (with a signature gold wall along the front half of the room), soft browns, and dark, smokey, reflective surfaces. The dim sum selection – unsurprisingly – is wide and varied. Like Spanish tapas, it’s best to order and share several of these small dishes – probably 3-4 per person. They generally cost between £2.80-£4.10 each. Feeling hungry, my companion and I ordered nine. Long-time favourites of mine include honey-roast pork puffs (£3.10) – delicious puff pastry parcels of minced pork – and roast pork buns (£3). Sometimes called char siu buns, these are white, fluffy, steamed balls of dough filled with barbecue pork. Minced pork dumplings with shrimps (£3) come served in their wicker steamer. For some reason they always remind me of the alien pods from the film Alien – thankfully, their contents were much more agreeable! Shanghai pork dumplings (£3.20) were similarly fabulous, while fried minced squid balls (£3.10) were very more-ish. Turnip cake with Chinese meats (£2.90) offered some extra carbohydrate to our meal, while – from the specials menu – deep-fried seafood dumpling (£4.10) added some visual ‘wow’ factor – ornate parcels with intricate pastry frills. The steamed prawn and green pea dumplings (£4.10) – also from the specials menu – were the only slight let down, being limp and forgettable, while ! we had to wait ages for the prawn cheung fun (£4.20) – a sloppy, but delightful, prawn lasagne. Dim sum desserts were a new experience for me. We finished our meal with an unusual black sesame and coconut pudding (£3.80) and steamed sweet egg custard buns (£3). The former was an unappealing grey and white striped block of jelly – its unusual colour belying its tasty sesame flavouring. The buns were great – steamed dough balls filled with pleasingly stodgy dollops of egg custard. If you have never had dim sum, Royal China offers an authentic yet affordable introduction in surprisingly exclusive and upmarket surroundings. All the staff were helpful throughout, and we didn’t feel rushed (you can be during a hectic dim sum lunch session at other establishments). If you are already a fan of this particular brand of Chinese cuisine but haven’t yet discovered Royal China, then do so – it easily one of the finest dim sums restaurants in London. =CbdWSe 1=:C;<7AB ONCE UPON A TIME… 53=@53>@7=@E=<23@AE63<27A<3GE7:: 1@3/B37BA47@AB=>3<:G5/G16/@/1B3@¬ A^SOYW\UObO`SQS\b^`SaaQ]\TS`S\QSW\/cab`OZWO /\R`SOa2SXOOaS\W]`dSbS`O\2Wa\SgO\W[Ob]`eOa _c]bSROaaOgW\UbVObWbeOaµ]\ZgO[ObbS`]TbW[S¶c\bWZ bVSQ][^O\gTSObc`SR]^S\ZgUOgQVO`OQbS`aO\RUOg TO[WZWSaW\WbaO\W[ObSRTWZ[a 2SXOeV]e]`YSR]\BVS:W]\9W\U/ZORRW\O\RBVS 0SOcbgO\RbVS0SOabaOWR(µ7abVS`SSdS` U]W\Ub]PSOTO[WZgbVObVOabe]RORa ]`be][c[a-BW[SeWZZbSZZ7bVW\Y]\QS bVSgI2Wa\SgP]aaSaKTW\RbVS`WUVbYW\R ]Tab]`geWbVbVObYW\R]TQ]\QS^bbVSg eWZZR]Wb7bVOab]PSbVS`WUVbYW\R]T ab]`gO\Rg]cVOdSb]TW\RbVObTW`ab¶ 6WaQ][[S\baa^O`YSR[gW[OUW\ObW]\ /`SbVSaSdS\ReO`dSaOP]cbb] S[PO`Y]\OeV]ZSRWTTS`S\bYW\R]T ·P`]bVS`V]]R¸-EWZZbVS^`W\QSaVc\ AZSS^W\U0SOcbgT]`OAZSS^W\U0SOcAV]cZR2Wa\SgRSQWRSb]W\QZcRS ]^S\ZgUOgQVO`OQbS`aW\b]Wba [OW\ab`SO[TWZ[aWbQO\]\ZgPSOabS^ W\bVS`WUVbRW`SQbW]\T]`[OW\ab`SO[ OQQS^bO\QS]T:50B^S]^ZS >S`QS^bW]\a]TbVSe]`ZRW\eVWQVeS ZWdSRSdSZ]^Rc`W\U]c`SO`ZgQVWZRV]]R a]VOdW\U:50B`S^`SaS\bObW]\ae]cZR W\SdWbOPZgVSZ^UOgYWRa`SOZWaSWb¸a=9 \]bb]PSVSbS`]aSfcOZ]`bVObaO[SaSf ^O`S\baO`SOaZ]dW\UO\Ra^SQWOZOabVS []`Sb`ORWbW]\OZTO[WZgc\Wb7be]cZR OZa]S\Q]c`OUSVSbS`]aSfcOZQVWZR`S\ b]U`]ec^eWbVO^]aWbWdS\]bW]\OP]cb bV]aS]T]bVS`aSfcOZ^S`acOaW]\aO\R e]cZRVSZ^b]S`ORWQObSV][]^V]PWO 7bQ]cZRPSO`UcSRbVOb2Wa\SgOabVS e]`ZR¸aZSORW\UYWRa¸S\bS`bOW\[S\b P`O\RVOaO`Sa^]\aWPWZWbgb]VSZ^[OYS bVSe]`ZROTOW`S`^ZOQSPcbaORZgW\ `Sa^SQbb]:50BWaacSaWbVOa\¸bgSb `caVSRb]bOYSc^bVSQVOZZS\US /\R`SOa2SXOeV]WaUOgVW[aSZT[Og PS]dS`Zg]^bW[WabWQ)gSbWTVSWa`WUVb 7QO\¸bVSZ^bVW\YW\UbVObO\]^S\Zg UOgQVO`OQbS`³]`SdS\O`][O\QS ³[WUVbPS[O\ggSO`aOeOg7be]cZR c\R]cPbSRZg`WaYc^aSbbW\UbVS eSOZbVgW\TZcS\bWOZ1V`WabWO\@WUVbW\ /[S`WQOeV]VOdSUS\S`OZZgPOQYSR 2Wa\Sg¸a·eV]ZSa][S¸TO[WZgW[OUST]` US\S`ObW]\a PERHAPS THE CLERGYMEN HAVE BEEN AFFLICTED WITH THE SAME CONDITION AS ME: THEY SEE THE GAYNESS IN EVERYTHING 6]eSdS`O_cWQY5]]UZSaSO`QV O\Rg]ceWZZaSSQ]c\bZSaaeSPaWbSa S\R]`aSRPg]`UO\WaObW]\abVObe]cZR [OYS4`SR>VSZ^a¸ESabP]`]0O^bWab 1Vc`QVaSS[b]ZS`O\bBVSgO`SOZ`SORgaZO[[W\U2Wa\Sg T]`SdS\bVW\YW\UOP]cbOZZ]eW\UUOgaW\b]bVST]ZR =\bVSeSPaWbSXSacaWaaOdW]c`Q][@Sd@]g4WaVS` ]TbVS4W`ab0O^bWab1Vc`QVW\<OaVdWZZSaOgaµ2Wa\Sg !" 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QgQZSPOQYeeebTZU]dcY CLUBS>BARS>FASHION>GOSSIP>NEWS>TRENDS>SCENES>QUEENS>FACTS> © CHRISJEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM =CbbVS`S Page 44 XXL For an early taster of its huge Bear Pride party at the end of May, we got along to Arcadia to sample the delights of the legendary XXL... © SAM KNIGHT PAGE 47 CIRCA The launch of a new Soho bar is always cause for celebration - which is why we were first in the queue at the unveiling of Circa... PUTTING ON A SHOW B634/0C:=CAE3:=<2=<>/@BG@3BC@<32B= 3:3>6/<B/<21/AB:3:/AB;=<B6 PAGE 59 BURGER QUEEN Scottee unveils his new beauty contest for chubby boys and girls at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern... The team took over the huge Coronet venue for lavish 'Broadway' party, which prompted another elaborate stafe production with lashings of sex appeal. Check out our full review on pages 42-43... " =CbbVS`S @3D73E WE LONDON WORDS AND PHOTOS © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM 7<B3@</B7=</:1:C007<50@/<2E3 @3BC@<32B=:=<2=<7<;/GE7B6/ 0@=/2E/G7<A>7@32A3::=CB¬ With a huge crash and the flashing of a million light bulbs, Spain’s WE Party landed again at the Coronet in Elephant and Castle in May with a Broadwaythemed spectacular. The stage was transformed by a specially built and shipped in set of giant illuminated signs that provided the back drop for more than a dozen beautiful hard-bodied topless boys and exotic dancers in fantastic creations of feathers, leather and flesh. It was like something plucked from the Las Vegas strip. As always, the auditorium was packed with an equally hot crowd of trendy guys, muscle-circuit party boys and OTT dressed-to-the-nines exhibitionists – with everyone taking advantage of the bank holiday to let their hair down in true Balearic, Ibizan style. " Scorching pyrotechnics flew overhead, giant lasers that could have performed mass eye surgery shone out from the stage, magnificent confetti cannons deposited their contents high in the rafters (only to see them flutter down over a euphoric crowd) and CO2 cannons blasted us with cooling wafts of air as a welcome respite in the steamy environment. A 'diva with attitude' PA belted out the club tracks before handing back to an all-star DJ line-up of London residents Steve Pitron, Gonzalo Rivas and D’Johnny. They were joined by special guest DJ Nano, who laid down some superb Spanish-inspired beats. WE Rocks! For those of you with a sweet tooth, WE returns with its ‘Candy’-themed bash on Saturday 28th May. =CbbVS`S @3D73E "! XXL FF:13:30@/B32B633/AB3@0/<96=:72/G E3393<20GB6@=E7<5=>3<B632==@A =47BA>:/G03/@;/<A7=</5/7<¬ Pausing between mouthfuls of chocolate to answer the phone, we were persuaded by mates that perhaps Easter was about more than just cocoa solids! Persuaded to venture out, we put on something tight and tarty and headed over to the Arcadia arches for XXL’s Playbear Mansion party – and boy, were we glad we made the effort! DJs Christian M and Alex Logan kept the main room pumping with energetic and upbeat anthems as we found ourselves helpless and happy in a heaving sea of men. Over in the fourth arch DJ Joe Egg was in retro classic heaven –spinning a mixture of indie, pop, rock and dance –with his packed room spilling out "" onto the terrace. The dress code throughout the venue could best be described as ‘skimpy’ and the Easter egg hunt provided hours of fun – did we mention how much we love chocolate? It all made for a fabulously fun-filled evening. Consistently one of the busiest clubs every single week, XXL really comes in to its own on holiday weekends, and their next biggie is at the end of May as Bear Pride hits our shores. Friday 27 May sees a one-off XXLXTREME with a plethora of dark and cruisy areas to get lost in, followed by the main Bear Pride party on Saturday 28 May and Fusion at Pulse just up the road on Sunday 29 May. WORDS AND PHOTOS © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM =CbbVS`S @3D73E =CbbVS`S A13<3 b]VOdSOU]]R`]]bO`]c\RW\bVS`SO\RVOdSO QZSO`]cb 7b\SdS`]QQc``SRb][SPST]`SbVObO\g]\S VORSdS`\]bWQSRbVOb7O[RSQWRSRZgPOReWbV []\Sg<]bbVOb7O[^O`bWQcZO`ZgPOReWbVeVOb Waab]`SRSZSQb`]\WQOZZgW\bVSPO\Y]`]\[gQ`SRWb QO`Ra7XcabVOdSZWbbZS`Sa^SQbT]`bVSQ]]ZVO`R `SOZabcTTbVObaWbaW\g]c`eOZZSb;]\SgaZWRSaa] aObWaTgW\UZg]cb]TbVSQOaV[OQVW\SO\RgSb`c\a bV`]cUV[g¿\US`aZWYSeObS`]TbS\S\RW\Uc^ Q`c[^ZSRRO[^]`b]`\W\bVSPOaS]T[geOZZSb =gabS`QO`RV]ZRS`]`^]QYSba <]b`SOZZgY\]eW\UV]e[cQV[]\SgWaW\g]c` eOZZSbQO\PSVOhO`R]caW\[gPOQYgO`RSOab :]\R]\OaOTOW`TSeSabOPZWaV[S\baQO\¸bPS b`cabSRb]OZeOgabOYSQO`Ra7XcabYW\R]TOaac[S bVS[]\SgWabVS`Sa][SeVS`SO\RWT\]b `Sa]`bb]bVS\SO`SabQOaV^]W\b`OQYW\Uc^O NICE PACKAGE @716/@2B=<9AE=<23@A74B6/B¸A /<C<@C:GE/::3B7<G=C@>=193B =@E63B63@G=C¸@38CAB>:3/A32 B=A3367; 7baSS[aO^bbVObRc`W\UbVSdS`gWaacSbVOb Sf^Z]`SaeVObe]\R`]cabVW\UabVS`SO`Sb]R] W\:]\R]\T]`ZSaabVO\ObS\\S`I^OUS!&K7 ¿\R[gaSZT^SS`W\UW\b]bVSS\b`OWZa]T[g]e\ eOZZSbO\Re]\RS`W\UeVS`SWbOZZeS\be`]\U ;geOZZSbO\RWbaQ]\bS\baaSS[b]RWTTS`U`SObZg T`][bVOb]T[g^SS`aBVSgOZZa^]`bbVS[]abc^ b]RObSTOaVW]\abObS[S\ba`O\UW\UT`][DWdWS\\S ESabe]]R ^Zgb]1][[S2Sa5O`Q]\a^]cQV ]`\SOb>`OROQ`SRWbQO`RV]ZRS`/ZZRSQWRSRZg []`SORcZbbVO\[g`ObVS`R]USO`SRSTT]`b eVWQV7R]\¸b[W\ROR[WbbW\U7VOdS]e\SRO\R `Sa]ZcbSZg`STcaSRb]`S^ZOQSaW\QS7eOaObS\RS` "gSO`a]TOUS/\ReVWZSeSOZZOU`SSRbVObOa O\OQQSaa]`gOeOZZSb[Og\]bPSOaW[^]`bO\b OaeSZZaVW\SRaV]SabVSQ]\aS\acaaSS[ab]PS bVOba][SbVW\Ua[O`bO\R\SObeVW^^SR]cbOb bVSPO`b]]`RS`bVS\Sfb`]c\R]TPSddWSaeOa W\RWQObWdS]Ta][S]\SeV]QO`SaOP]cbbVSW` O^^SO`O\QSO\RZSROTOW`ZgQWdWZWaSRZWTSabgZS EVObO`SbVSgb`gW\Ub]aOg;geOZZSbWaabcTTSReWbVQ`c[^ZSROaa]`bSR Qc``S\QgW\QZcRW\Ua][SabS`ZW\U3c`]aA]cbV 9]`SO\e]\[gZcQYg/[S`WQO\R]ZZO`O\R a][S7a`OSZWaVSYSZaBVS`SO`S`OUUSRg`SQSW^ba O\]ZRdW\bOUS^V]b]]TO\OYSR[O\ab]ZS\ T`][O\·W\bS`OQbWdS¸SfVWPWbW]\W\/[abS`RO[ O\ROaa]`bSR^V]\S\c[PS`aT`][OdO`WSbg]T Q]\_cSaba]dS`[O\geSSYa[]\bVa^S`VO^a gSO`aBVS^]W\bWa7VOdS\SdS``SOZZgP]bVS`SR "$ MONEY SLIDES SO SATISFYINGLY OUT OF THE CASH MACHINE AND YET RUNS THROUGH MY FINGERS LIKE WATER... a[OZZT]`bc\SW\ORRWbW]\OZeWbVR`OeOZQVO`USaW\ bVSZ]QOZQ]`\S`aV]^W\bVSTcZZY\]eZSRUSbVOb eVObSdS`WaeWbVR`Oe\eWZZPSa^S\b 0cbabgZWabWQOZZg[g]e\`Sb`]ZSObVS`\c[PS` Wa\]bOZZPOR7beOaP]cUVbT]`[SW\bVS'a Rc`W\U[gTO[WZg¸a¿`abb`W^b]A^OW\O\R`S[OW\a VWUVZgTc\QbW]\OZeWbV[cZbW^ZS^]QYSbaO\R Q][^O`b[S\babVObaSS[b]UWdS]`RS`b]bVS RSb`Wbca7OQQc[cZObS >S`VO^a^S]^ZSZWYS[SeV]\SdS`Y\]eV]e [cQV[]\SgWaW\bVSW`eOZZSbaO`SOQ]\TcaSR P`SSRBVSbS[^bObW]\b]^cZZ]cbOQ`SRWbQO`RWa dS`gU`SObWTg]c¸`S\]bac`SV]e[cQVWabVS`S 0cbbVSTOQbbVOb[geOZZSbWaabcTTSReWbV`SQSW^ba Waa][Sa]`b]TVOZTVSO`bSRObbS[^bb]YSS^bOPa ]\[g[]\Sg =\]\S]QQOaW]\7Z]ab[geOZZSbO\RWbT]c\R WbaeOgPOQYb][SdWObVST`WS\RZgaSZTaS`dWQS QVSQY]cbOaaWabO\bObbVS0WaV]^aUObSBSaQ] ;Sb`]/TbS`O\OZZ\WUVbS`Ob4W`SW\DOcfVOZZ 7eOaTSSZW\U[]`SbVO\OZWbbZS^O`O\]WRBVS `SOZWaObW]\bVOb7VORZSTb[geOZZSb]\bVSaQO\\S` ^`][^bSRO^`SdW]caZgc\Sf^S`WS\QSRS[]bW]\OZ ObbOQV[S\bO\Rb`Oc[ObWQaS^O`ObW]\O\fWSbg0cb bVObeOa\bXcabOP]cb[gQO`RaO\RQOaV7bVW\Y WbVOR[]`Sb]R]eWbVbVS^V]\S\c[PS`7VOR e]`YSRVO`ROZZ\WUVbb]USbO\Rab]eSROeOg]\ bVSPOQY]TO`SQSW^b7eOaeSZZOeO`SbVS`SeOa ZWbbZSQOaVb]Z]aS G]caSSSdS\bV]cUVbVSgVOdS\bVSZ^SR[S [O\OUS[gQOaVÀ]ebV]aS`SQSW^baO`ScaSTcZ T]`a][SbVW\U GET ON THE GUEST LIST Bit of an early heads-up here – but boutique clubbing festival Summer Rites is back Sunday 10 July at Shoreditch Park. Brought to you by scene stalwarts Wayne Shires and Kim Lucas, expect showcasing from the likes of East Bloc, George & Dragon, Meat, The Joiners Arms, Gutterslut, Popstarz, Bootylicious – with more and more added every week. With only 10,000 capacity, this will definitely sell out so check out the ‘Summer Rights Remix’ page on Facebook and make sure you sign up for early notification of tickets – as earlybird offers go on sale soon for a cool £10. Check out www. Hard On has recently moved to the third Saturday of every month and enjoys a super seedy new venue at Factory in Vauxhall. Expect some of south London’ most pervy decadence. DJs include Brent Nicholls, Zack Hadley and HaLo-Is on rotation with sexy, funky and uplifting house. It returns the 18 June to Factory, 65 Goding Street (just behind Chariots). Entry is strict fetish – think leather, latex, sleaze, skinhead or just ‘boots-only’. Entry is £15 and membership required – members may sign in up to four guests. See www.hardonclub. for full dress code. and membership information. =CbbVS`S A13<3 BAR CIRCA WORDS AND PHOTOS © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM B63:/B3AB/227B7=<B=B63A=6=0/@ A13<3B6@3E=>3<7BA2==@A7<;/G¬ While club nights and names may change more frequently than Katie Price’s partners, new additions to the roster of our beloved gay venues are few and far between. However, this month saw the launch of a new kid on the Soho block. With former incarnations including the Budda Bar, Jrink and even a pizza restaurant, 62 Frith Street (just off Soho Square) is now known as Circa and is in the more than capable hands of Alan Winter, former manager of Ku Bar and The Edge. Previous layouts have always had a tunnelling effect, so walking through the front vestibule, thanks to a great use of lighting, mirrors and furniture arrangement, we were surprised at how spacious the venue now feels. The back end of the room is dominated by a giant mirror-ball that houses the DJ, while LED lights cycle through the spectrum to constantly change the colour scheme of the walls. The venue offers both comfort and style, with soft leather sofas and tall bar stools. A bevy of Soho socialites, drag queens and a raft of lovely DJs offer different beats across the weekend… On Fridays Monroe Burgdorf brings you her unique blend of pop and commercial house, Saturdays sees James Pople spinning club beats, and on Sundays drag darling Alyna Chic brings you a truly camp end to the week with pop, R&B and old school hits. It's open from 4pm ‘til 1am every night of the week. "% =CbbVS`S PHOTO © ABSOLUT QUEER PHOTOGRAPHY NASTY BUT NICE 2/E<@756B</ABG7AB6328/<2>@=2C13@=4B63 <3EA3@73A=42/D726=G:3¸AA6=EA/BB63@=G/: D/CF6/::B/D3@<B634:/;36/7@3227A1A>7<<3@ 16/BB32E7B6=CB7<B6317BG¬ BSZZcaOPWbOP]cbg]c`POQYU`]c\R¬eVS`SR] g]cQ][ST`][]`WUW\OZZg2Oe\(:WdS`^]]Z7\SdS`U]POQYbVS`SPcbWbeOa O\W\bS`SabW\U^ZOQSb]U`]ec^Rc`W\UbVSSO`Zg &a7eOabOYS\b][gTW`abUOgQZcPPg>SbS 0c`\aO\RVWaeWTS:g\\SeV]YW\R]TOR]^bSR [SOabVSW`ZWbbZSESR\SaROg/RRO[aBVSg b]]Y[Sb]OQZcPQOZZSR8]Rg¸aeVWQVeOaU]bV R]e\abOW`aO\RUOgc^abOW`a³T]`OPOPg_cSS` U]bVWbeOa^S`TSQb7aOeAgZdSabS`^S`T]`[]\ bVObTW`ab\WUVb)VSPZSe[g[W\R:ObS`7e]cZR aSS[S[PS`a]T4`O\YWS5]Sab]6]ZZge]]R VO\UW\U]cbbVS`S/`]c\Rb]e\g]ce]cZRaSS 3QV]O\RbVS0c\\g[S\=;2O\R8cZWO\1]^S a]WbeOadS`g[caWQOZZgW\a^W`W\U7YW\R]TeWaV7 eOaOZWbbZS]ZRS`Oa7\SdS`U]bb]U]b]3`WQ¸aO\R PSW\eWbVbVObeV]ZSZSUS\RO`gaQS\SPcb7eWZZ OZeOga`SUO`R>SbSO\R:g\\SOa[ga^W`WbcOZ U]R^O`S\baO\RPSU`ObSTcZbVObbVSgOZZ]eSR[S b]a^S\RbW[SeWbVbVS[ 6]eRWRg]cbOYSc^28¸W\U7abO`bSR28¸W\UObbVS@Sb`]0O`W\ bVSg VORO\O[ObSc`\WUVbQOZZSR27G28O\RbVS ]`UO\WaS`bOZYSR[SW\b]aWU\W\Uc^T]`WbeVWZS7 eOaR`c\YBVS\SfbROg7\SO`ZgQVWQYS\SR]cb Pcb[gT`WS\R;O`YAObO\WQeV]caSRb]PSW\ bVS@SORS`aEWTSa^]^U`]c^OU`SSRb]R] WbeWbV[SESRWRObe]V]c`aSb]T^c\Y O\R`SUUOSQZOaaWQaO\RT`][bVS`S7¸dS \SdS`Z]]YSRPOQY "& WE RECENTLY JOKED ABOUT HOW WE BOTH HAVE A REPUTATION FOR BEING A BIT DIFFICULT OR SCARY... 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This hugely popular night has been running for a number of years now, and is wildly popular with trannies, drag queens, Soho reprobates, boys, girls and everything in between. The night is presided over by Dusty O (pictured above) and a gaggle of London’s best gender benders and scene queens. The ‘gals’ are never shy of throwing a party, and Dusty has given us advance warning of a couple of special events taking place in June. Join them on Wednesday 8 June for ‘Blitzed Out Broads’ – a celebration of the Blitz. Expect a 1940s-style party and a war-themed show from all the Trannyshack girls, with music spun by Munroe Bergdorf and Dusty O. The next special event will be a guest appearance from New York drag diva Miss Peppermint, who will be sprinkling her own brand of Manhattan glitter across the Jo Jo’s stage. For a taster of what to expect, check out her videos on YouTube. Trannyshack takes place at Madame Jo Jo’s, 8-10 Brewer Street, Soho, W1. Doors are open from 10.30pm till 3am, with free entry for anyone who makes a gender-bending effort before midnight (or £5). HEY MR DJ! Following the success of last year’s competition, the team at Ku Bar has decided to again host another DJ competition – to search for new, young deck talent. The winner of last year’s contest, DJ DouG’ium, has gone on to great things, regularly spinning the sounds not only at the Ku Bar but also at other London club nights. He’s even played at Brazil’s famous The Week in his hometown of San Paulo, and was voted Best DJ Newcomer in a leading scene publication. Once again, the winner of this year’s contest will win a residency at Ku, and will get to play at a major event at Fire in Vauxhall. The contest will run from 3 June for 12 weeks, with the grand final taking place on the August Bank Holiday. Anyone interested should send a 30-minute mix, along with contact details and a recent photo, to the Ku Bar – you can find all details at www.ku-bar. – Successful applicants will be invited to spin a one-hour set at the Friday night club O Zone, in the Ku Klub on Lisle Street. This will be their chance to impress the judges and Ku crowd and win themselves a place in the final! # DO THE HUSTLE! The world-famous HustlaBall makes its annual return to the UK for its 2001 London date on Saturday 11 June. This year’s event – which always attracts a capacity crowd – will take place at Fire in Vauxhall. The event will feature five dance arenas, and no less than 50 adult entertainment stars! Quite simply, this is going to be one, long, debauched, sexy night of partying! Expect stars from such wellknown studios as Raging Stallion, Hot House, Falcon, Lucas Entertainment, Bel Ami and Stag Homme. Names confirmed to attend include Samuel Colt, Kyle King, Rafael Alencar, Harry Louis, Austin Wilde, Ricky Sinz, Heath Jordan, Chris Porter, Ryan Raz, Martin Mazza and many more. They will be joined by newcomers from the US, Spain, Germany, France and UK. However, it’s not all about flesh flaunting, as the organisers take the music side of things very seriously too. Expect a roster of international DJs to keep all the floors busy, with Bear Necessity and Hard On confirmed to host their own rooms, plus Gaydar (with Paul Burston and Jodie Harsh on the decks) taking care of the VIP Room. Other confirmed DJs include Francesco Pagano, Germany’s Chris Bekker, Guy Scheiman (Israel), Ricky Sinz (Chicago), Aurel Devil (Paris) and Dani Toro (Barcelona). Confirmed London DJs include HiFi Sean, Sharon O Love, Tony Bruno and many more. Limited earlybird supersaver tickets are online now (£15 standard or £55 VIP). For more information and bookings, check WORDS BY LOREM DELOREM | PHOTOGRAPH BY MAET IPSUM BLITZ KIDS The end of May Bank Holiday brings with it the annual Bear Pride festivities. This year, in a slight change to previous formats, the Bear Pride party will chiefly take place as a one-night mega bash at XXL at Arcadia. The party runs from 9pm till 6.30am, with admission £8 for guests and £15 for guests. You can expect all four arches to be packed out, plus the outdoor cabaret area to be put to full use, with confirmed appearances from Sheri Vine and New York’s Peppermint. This party is always full to capacity, so make sure you arrive early if you want to avoid any queuing! This will be preceded on the Friday night (27 May) by a one-off party entitled XXLXTREME. Again, it will take place at Arcadia (51-53 Southwark Street, SE!), between the hours of 9pm and late. Promoter Mark Ames will himself be behind the decks to spin the sounds, and you can expect plenty of dark areas of the club to explore. Admission will be free before 10pm and £5 after. Finally, the bank holiday weekend will wind up with another dose of Fusion on Sunday 29 May. For the first time in its history, Fusion will be leaving Arcadia and moving into Mark’s new super club – Pulse. This is set to be the biggest Fusion party yet, and if you’ve still yet to have checked out the 5,000-capacity Pulse, then this will be the perfect opportunity. Again, there will be live PAs from Sherri Vine, Peppermint and other guests, while the special guest jock will be Dave Aude, alongside XXL resident Christian M. Doors will be open from 10pm till 8am, and you’ll find Pulse at 1-4 Invicta Plaza, SE1 9UF – a short walk from Arcadia (and Southwark tube station). =CbbVS`S :7AB7<5A GOING=Cb regular piano bar and tasty food. ESCAPE, 10a Brewer Street, W1. 020 7734 2626. Piccadilly Circus tube. 5pm-3am. Cover charge after 11pm. Every night’s a party at this late-night video dance bar. FIRST OUT CAFÉ, 52 St Giles High Street, WC2. 020 7240 8042. Tottenham Court Road tube. 10am-11pm. Sun 10.30pm. Over 20 years old and still going strong. Long-running community café bar. FREEDOM, 66 Wardour Street, W1. 020 7734 0071. Piccadilly Circus tube. Opulent style bar, with late-night club promotions for a mixed, metrosexual crowd. SLUT HUT Gutterslut returns to East Bloc on Old Street on Saturday 28 May for its monthly debauched shindig. Returning to host the night will be Miss Kystilina, while special guest DJs will be Musiclovemakers – a duo whose name has steadily been rising since they made their debut in Shoreditch’s Joiners Arms with their Sunday club night Cock-OVan. They will be joined in the main room by Nic Fisher and MC Miss Crystal. Meanwhile, in the disco room, taking turns behind the decks will be Will Viper from the White Leather Viper Club at Dalston Superstore and James Phillips of Best Before. They will join resident Ralf in spinning the pop, avant-garde disco, hip hop, electronica and retro classics. Projections and visuals will come from PRICKIMAGE and the Dalston Gay Mafia. Doors will be open from 11pm till 6am, with admission £5 before midnight, £10 after. For the £5 concession guestlist (before 1am), email East Bloc, 217 City Road, London EC1V 1JN. VENUES: CENTRAL LONDON 79 CXR, 79 Charing Cross Road, WC2. 020 7734 0769. Leicester Square tube. Mon-Sat 1pm-3am, Sun 1pm-10.30pm. Cover charge after 11pm. Large, cruisy, late-night bar - always busy after 10.30pm with those who don’t want to head home too early. 020 7494 4041. Tottenham Court Road tube. Mon-Thu 5-11.30pm. Fri & Sat 5pm-2am. Sun 5-11pm. Longrunning and famed lesbian bar. CIRCA, 62 Frith Street, Soho, W1D 3JN. Tottenham Court Road tube. New Soho gay bar, offering pop and r’n’b tunes, drag hostesses and cute bar staff. Open 4pm till 1am every day. ADMIRAL DUNCAN, 54 Old Compton Street, W1. 020 7437 5300. Leicester Square tube. Friendly, famous, traditional gay pub - just look out for the purple and pink exterior! COMPTONS, 52 Old Compton Street, W1. 020 7479 7961. Leicester Square tube. Noon-11pm. A Soho institution. Large, traditional gay boozer on two floors, attracting a butch and manly crowd. www. BARCODE, 3-4 Archer Street, W1. 020 7734 3342. www. Piccadilly Circus tube. Mon-Sat 4pm-1.30am. Sun until 10.30pm. Dance bar on three floors, with club-style basement. Comedy Camp stand-up night each Tuesday, and more danceoriented sessions at weekends. THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON, 77 Wardour Street, W1. 020 7439 1274. Piccadilly Circus tube. Mon-Thu noon-11pm, Fri & Sat noon-midnight, ‘til 10.30pm on Sun. Traditional and fun gay pub over two floors, attracting a good cross-section from across the scene. CANDY BAR, 4 Carlisle Street, W1. THE EDGE, 11 Soho Square, W1. 020 7439 1313. Tottenham Court Road tube. Noon-1am, Sun 2pm-11.30pm. Stylish, hip gay bar spread over four intimate floors, with regular nights from top DJs, FRIENDLY SOCIETY, 79 Wardour Street, WC1. Piccadilly Circus tube. Trendy and unique, intimate basement bar with quirky decor and fun atmosphere – attracts a mixed crowd. G-A-Y BAR, 30 Old Compton Street, W1. 020 7494 2756. Leicester Square tube. 12pm12am. Huge, poptastic gay bar, with a multitude of video screens, pop tunes and drinks promotions. G-A-Y LATE, 5 Goslett Yard, off Charing Cross Road, WC2. Tottenham Court Road tube. 11pm-3am. Late-night sister venue to G-A-Y Bar – more video screens, camp pop fun and cheap drinks.Gets very busy most nights of the week. THE GREEN CARNATION, 4-5 Greek Street, Soho, W1. 020-7434 3323. Stylish, three-floored late night gay venue, with bar, dancefloor and nightly promotions. Attracts a very mixed crowd. www.greencarnationsoho. HALFWAY TO HEAVEN, 7 Duncannon Street, WC2. 020 7321 2791. Charing Cross tube. Mon-Thu noon-11pm, Fri & Sat 12pm-12am. Old-style gay pub spread over two floors. HEAVEN, The Arches, Villiers Street, WC2. Charing Cross Road tube. Huge, world-famous gay club, which is now home to G-A-Y, along with mixed/studenty Monday nighter Popcorn. Check for details THE KINGS ARMS, 23 Poland Street, W1. 020 7734 5907. Oxford Circus tube. Mon-Thur 12pm–11pm, Fri-Sat 12pm-12am, Sun 12pm-11.30pm. London’s bar for bears and blokes. Traditional atmosphere plus pool table. Sunday night karaoke very popular. KU BAR, 30 Lisle Street, Leicester Square, WC2. 020 7437 4303. Leicester Square tube. Large, award-winning, upmarket gay bar spread over three floors, open till 3am daily and always busy throughout the week. www. KU BAR SOHO, 25 Frith Street, W1. Leicester Square tube. New, smaller sister venue to Lisle Street Ku Bar, with entrances on Old Compton Street and Frith Street - open till 11pm daily. The first floor houses a Gay Tourist Office from noon-6pm throughout the week ( KUDOS, 10 Adelaide Street, WC2. 020 7379 4573. Charing Cross tube. 3pm-11pm, Sat noon-11pm, Sun noon-10.30pm. Beautiful and stylish café bar, with clubbier vibe and video screens in the basement. Popular with Asian crowd upstairs, plus a basement women’s bar. LO-PROFILE, The Basement, 84-85 Wardour Street, W1. Swanky, sophisticated, 400-capacity latenight basement bar and club space – from the people that bring you Open 11pm-3am Thursdays, and 10pm4am on Fridays and Saturdays. MADAME JO JO’S, 8-10 Brewer Street, W1. Long-running, late night gig venue, nightclub and cabaret bar - open to very mixed crowd. Home to popular Wednesday nighter Trannyshack. MOLLY MOGG’S, 2 Old Compton Street, W1. 020 7434 4294. Tottenham Court Road tube. Small, intimate little gay pub, with regular drag shows attracting a mixed crowd of theatre folk and tourists. NEW BLOOMSBURY SET, 76 Marchmont Street, WC1. 020 7383 3084. www.newbloomsburyset. New, intimate basement bar and lounge, beneath Snappy Snaps on Marchmont Street - half way between Russell Square and King’s Cross tubes. Open 4-11pm Mon-Sat (2-10.30pm Sunday). PROFILE, 84-84 Wardour Street, W1. 020 734 3444. Piccadilly Circus tube. Upstairs bar above Lo-Profile, SPRING SALVATION Salvation is back! The semi-regular London circuit party is returning for a May bank holiday date on Sunday 29 May. Following the success of its New Year’s bash, it will be taking over the opulent surroundings of Koko in Camden. The theme for this party will be ‘Sci-Fi’, with the team aiming to present a vision of the clubbing future. Expect the main stage to be brought to life with hi-tech laser walls, LED’s, CO2 and Special FX, while sexy dancers illuminate the stage and aerial artists high-wire above the crowds. DJs confirmed for the event include Miswhite, Oliver M, Paul Coals and Pier Morrocco, while Howard Turner and Phil Marriott will take care of the VIP Room. There will also be a PA, but the team is keeping the name under wraps at the time of going to press. Doors will be open from 7pm till 2am, and you’ll find Koko at 1A Camden High Street, London NW1 7JE. Advance tickets cost £20, VIP tickets cost £25 (includes separate VIP entrance, free VIP cloakroom and VIP area) from Prowler, Profile Bar (Soho), Barcode (Vauxhall) & Soho Gyms (Covent Garden, Clapham and Camden). Pick up tickets online at #! =CbbVS`S :7AB7<5A owned and run by the team behind Gaydar. Stylish gay bar/diner, open for food and drink from early morning through till 11pm – when the action moves downstairs. THE QUEBEC, 12 Old Quebec Street, WC1. 020-7629 6159. Marble Arch tube. Long-running and huge pub, on two floors, attracting an older crowd. Open till 3am at weekends. Off the beaten Soho track but well worth checking out. THE QUEEN’S HEAD, 25 Tryon Street, SW3. 020-7589 0262. Sloane Square tube. Popular, very long-running, cosy gay pub – a Chelsea institution. RETRO BAR, 2 George Court, WC2. 020 7321 2811. Charing Cross tube. Mon-Fri noon-11. Sat 5pm-11pm, Sun 5pm-11pm. A traditional boozer for the gay scene’s indie, alternative and student-types – Tuesday’s pop quiz is an institution. RUPERT STREET, 50 Rupert Street, W1. 020 7292 7141. Piccadilly Circus tube. 12-11pm, Sun 10.30pm. Large, designer-style bar, popular with professional gay boyz DOUBLE TONKER The Tonker crew will be using the late May bank holiday weekend to host a double helping of bear-sized mayhem at Eagle London. The regular Friday night Tonker will take place on Friday 27 May, and has been titled the ‘Brute by FaBEARge’ bank holiday special. Doors will be open from 9pm till 3am, and special guest jock Phil Marriott from Gaydar Radio will be behind the decks. The delightful, muscled Shot Bears will be distributing the drinks in the garden, and there will also be a free barbecue from 9pm. Admission will be £6 on the door. This will be followed on bank holiday Monday (30 May) with the ‘Bear Holiday Bonanza’, which will run from 8pm till 2am. Expect more of a chilled-out party to end the extended weekend, with another free barbecue in the beer garden to help kick off proceedings, plus music from promoter Tim Jones (pictured above). Entry will be just £3 on the door. #" and post-work drinkers. SHADOW LOUNGE, 5 Brewer Street, W1. 020-7287 7988. Piccadilly tube. Exclusive, gorgeous, late-night bar and club for A-list gays and celeb-spotters. Open from late each evening. THE STAR AT NIGHT, 22 Great Chapel Street, W1. Tottenham Court Road tube. Relaxed, mixed gay/lesbian bar – in traditional, bistro-type surroundings. Great food menu and cocktails. Open 6-11.30pm Tue-Sat. www. SWEATBOX, 1-2 Ramillies Street, Soho, W1. 020-3214 6014. Exclusively gay gym (ground floor) and sauna (first floor), with occasional late-night parties. Open Sun-Thurs noon-2am, and till 7am Friday and Saturday. www. VAULT 139, 139 Whitfield Street, W1. 020-7388 5500. Central, daytime and evening intimate cruise club, for a men-only crowd. Open 1pm-1am seven days a week. VILLAGE, 81 Wardour Street, W1. 020 7434 2124. Piccadilly Circus tube. 12-1am, Sun 11.30pm. Late night door charge. Soho’s original gay café bar, spread over four floors, and now with basement dancefloor and discos. Popular with a youngish crowd of boys and girls. THE YARD, 57 Rupert Street, W1. 020 7437 2652. Piccadilly Circus tube. Mon-Thur 4pm-11pm, Fri & Sat 1pm-11pm, Sun 1pm10.30pm. Busy gay bar with hugely popular courtyard area, outdoor balcony and cosy loft bar. SAUNAS CHARIOTS WATERLOO, 101 Lower Marsh, Waterloo, SE1. 020 7401 8484. Waterloo tube. Wellpresented, popular sauna, open 24/7. PLEASUREDROME, 124 Cornwall Road, Waterloo, SE1. Waterloo tube. Big venue with lots of different areas – open 24 hours, 365 days of year. Saunabar Portsea, 2 Portsea Place, Marble Arch, W2. 020 7402 3385. Marble Arch tube. Small and friendly gay sauna with masseurs. Saunabar Covent Garden, 29 Endell Street, Covent Garden, WC2. 020 7836 2236. Covent Garden tube. Basement sauna with pool, sauna and rest rooms. Check website for discount entry. SWEATBOX SOHO, Ramillies House, 1-2 Ramillies Street, Soho, W1. 020 3214 6014. Oxford Circus tube. Gay-owned and run gym and basement sauna. NORTH LONDON THE BLACK CAP, 171 Camden High Street, NW1. 020 7485 0538. Camden Town tube. Shufflewick Bar: Mon-Thu Noon-1am, Fri-Sat 12noon-2am, Sun Noon-10.30pm. Club: Mon-Thu 10pm-2am, Fri-Sat 10pm-3am, Sun 10pm-1am. Longrunning, famed gay pub – probably the most famous cabaret pub in London. CENTRAL STATION, 37 Wharfdale Road, N1. Tel: 020 7278 3294. Kings Cross tube. Big, late-opening gay bar on three floors, with ground floor cabaret and infamously cruisy cruise nights in basement. Upstairs B&B accommodation. www. CLUB KALI, The Dome, 1 Dartmouth Park Hill, Tufnell Park, N19. World’s biggest lesbian and gay Southern Asian music night, running every third Friday of the month. Always busy and rather unique. EGG, 200 York Way, King’s Cross, N7. 020 7609 8364. King’s Cross tube. Bespoke club space on three floors, hosting occasional gay club nights and after-hours sessions ## =CbbVS`S :7AB7<5A PLAYPIT, 357 Caledonian Road, N7. Caledonian Road tube. 0333 700 1231. Intimate, King’s Cross sleaze club – basically a basement darkroom. Open Thur-Sat 9pm3am, Sun 3pm-1am. Take your own booze. SOUTH LONDON AREA, 67-68 Albert Embankment, SE1. Gorgeously-designed, hard dance club and cabaret rooms, with eclectic roster of different gay nights and one-off promotions, including Friday nighter Onyx and new Sunday nighter Booster, amongst others. BARCODE VAUXHALL, Arch 69, Albert Embankment, SE11. 0207 734 3342. Vauxhall tube. Open 7 days a week. Mon-Thu 4pm-1am, Fri-Sun 4pm-4am. Very popular club bar, with dancefloor and mezzanine chill-out space - gets busy at weekends. (mixed afterhours every Saturday night/Sunday morning). www. THE GREEN, 74 Upper Street, N1. 020-7226 8895. Angel tube. London’s first ‘gay gay-stropub!’ Stylish, Islington bar, serving full food menu and wide range of ALL HEART Performance artist Scottee’s latest instalment of Eat Your Heart Out – his monthly cabaret extravaganza at Stratford Circus – returns on Saturday 27 May. Out In The City popped along to the show last month and enjoyed a delightfully mixed bag of entertainment and thought-provoking pieces from Scottee and around half a dozen other performers. It all takes place in the boutique theatre space at Stratford Circus, between the hours of 7.30pm and 10.30pm. “We want you to think of us as Britain’s Got Talent meets the South Bank Show,” says Scottee. “It’s edgy, cheap and has a nice theme tune.” This month, he’ll be joined by Marawa the Amazing, Myra Dubois (pictured), Spencer Wood and Miss Annabel Sings, with “collaborators” Sue Hart, Nando Messias and Masumi Tipsy. Admission will cost £9 or £6 concessions. Advance tickets: or 0844 357 2625. You’ll find Stratford Circus in Theatre Square, Stratford, E15 – just a couple of minutes from Stratford tube. #$ cocktails. Mixed, chilled crowd - now run by the same team as The Edge in Soho. KING EDWARD VI, 25 Bromfield Street, N1. Tel: 020 7704 0745. Angel tube. Sun-Thu 12noon12midnight, Thu 12noon-1am, Fri-Sat 12noon-2am. Very long-running gay pub, with ‘local’ atmosphere and character, plus popular beer garden. KW4, 77 Hampstead High Street, NW3. 020-7435 5747. Large, cosy, traditional old gay pub, with regular entertainment, beer garden and food. One of London’s longestrunning gay establishments. THE LOAD OF HAY, 207 Pinner Road, Watford, 01923-441113. Watford’s only gay pub, with big beer garden and regular entertainment. THE OAK BAR, 79 Green Lanes, N16. 020-7354 2791. Manor House tube. Friendly, diverse gay bar with late-night club promotions, and open ‘til 3am at weekends. Very popular with lesbians and male friends. CANDY BOYS THE EAGLE, 349 Kennington Lane, SE11. 020 7793 0903. Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat 9pm-late, Tue 9pm-2am, Sun 9pm-late. Vauxhall tube. Large, club-bar with nightly promotions. Tonker (Fridays) and Horse Meat Disco (Sundays) are particularly popular. Following the storming success of the last WE outing (see out pictures on pages 42-43), the team have announced that they will be back at the Coronet in Elephant and Castle over the late May bank holiday weekend. The next party is entitled WE Candy, and it will take place on Saturday 28 May between 11pm and 7am. The team promises the most spectacular live show yet, which, given the lavish production staged at the beginning of May, is quite a big promise! Expect a neon playground, with LED installations, laser shows and amazing lighting – transforming the Coronet into the most spectacular of club spaces. Dancers and go-go’s from both Madrid and London will take to the stage, dressed head-to-toe in revealing WE couture. DJs for the party include Carlos Gallardo, Paul Heron, D’Johnny and Gonzalo Rivas, while the live PA will come from Peyton plus a very special guest. As a thank you from the WE Party London team, a special batch of 500 x £10 super advance tickets has been released to be available online only. If they haven’t already sold out, get yours now at – with admission more on the door. EXILIO, Bar Rez, Club Colosseum, 1 Nine Elms Lane, SW8. Vauxhall tube. Long-running, Friday night gay Latin and salsa night. Open 11pm till 4am. around the clock at weekends. or or CLUB COLOSSEUM, 1 Nine Elms Lane, Vauxhall, SW8. Huge, late-night venue for after-hours crowd – hosting various monthly promotions such as Bootylicious ( and Exilio. FACTORY, 65 Goding Street, SE11. Stylish, railway arch Vauxhall venue, hosting occasional dance and cruise nights. THE FORT, 131 Grange Road, SE1. 020-7237 7742. Small cruise club, open till 11pm throughout week, with regular boots-only and underwear parties. Check website for full listings. FIRE, South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8. Vauxhall tube. Infamous, late-night gay venue beneath the Vauxhall railway arches, host to the likes of Orange, A:M, Later and Juicy. Open THE FRIDGE, Town Hall Parade, Brixton, SW9. 020 7326 5100. Brixton tube. Large and legendary venue - formerly a theatre. Now home to occasional gay club nights. THE GEORGE & DRAGON, 2 BlackheathHill, Greenwich, SE10. 020 8691 3764. Deptford Bridge DLR. Mon-Thu 4pm-1am, Fri & Sat 4pm-4am, Sun 4pm-2am. Late-night pub with nightly entertainment and cabaret. HIDDEN, 100 Tinworth Street, SE11. Railway arch venue, home to infamous Hard On night once a month (, and now also Megawoof (www. and popular urban night Work on Wednesdays. THE HOIST, Arch 47c, South Lambeth Road, SW8. 020 7735 9972. 10pm-late. Door charge and strict dress code. One of London’s most famous dress-code and cruise clubs - busy with a men-only crowd. Open Friday-Sunday and occasional Thursdays (SM Gays every third Thursday of the month - JACKIE’S JUKEBOX, Rivoli Ballroom, 350 Brockley Road, SE4. First Saturday of the month, 7pm-midnight (£7). Gay ballroom and Latin dancing night, attracting up to 300 dancers a month to the glam 1950s-style Rivoli Ballroom. Crofton Park BR. =CbbVS`S :7AB7<5A PARIS GYM, 73 Goding Street, Vauxhall, SE11. 020 7735 8989. Vauxhall tube. Huge, well-equipped men-only gym with large, devoted following. Regular classes. Tourists welcome. Check website for entry details and membership. MOULIN MAY-NESS! Promoter Logan bounces back with the next instalment of his massive SuperMartXé parties. After two successful outings at Pulse, the night is now well and truly settled at the SE1 super club. The venue, which only opened a couple of months ago, boasts a whopping capacity of just under 5,000 – allowing plenty of room and dancefloor space for the SuperMartXé masses. For the late May bank holiday, the SuperMartXé theme will be ‘Moulin Rouge’. “Enter a world where fantasy is real. Where you can be anything you want. A place where you can discover glamour, passion, and London’s biggest clubbing phenomenon...”, says a spokesperson for the party, which they’re promising will be full of showstopping surprises. Musical talent on the night will include Ab Garcia, Tony English, Kris Di Angelis, Per QX, Jamie Hammond and guests. Jodie Harsh will host the night, and there will also be a special live PR – details of which were still to be announced at the time of going to press. SuperMartXé parties are always well attended, and this Bank Holiday party should be a particularly busy affair. Doors will be open from 10.30pm till 6.30am. Advance queue-jump tickets, which are sure to be snapped up, cost £16. Get them from www.clubtickets. com or the usual Soho outlets (Prowler, Clone Zone, DV8, etc). More details at KAZBAR, 50 Clapham High Street, SW4. 020 7622 0070. Clapham North tube. Mon-Thu 4pmmidnight, Fri 4pm-1am, Sat noon- 1am, Sun noon-midnight. Clapham video bar, popular throughout the week, with DJs at weekends. LITTLE APPLE, 98 Kennington PULSE, 1-4 Invicta Plaza (corner of Blackfriars Road and Southwark Street), SE1. Southwark tube. State-of-the-art, 5,000-capacity megaclub, hosting occasional gay parties and one-off events. www. ROYAL VAUXHALL TAVERN, 372 Kennington Lane, SE11. 020 7840 0596. Opening times vary. Vauxhall tube. Door Charge. Huge, traditional and historic gay pub, with long history of hosting cabaret. Packed to rafters on Saturday (Duckie) and Sunday (S.L.A.G.S/Chill-Out). Check or the facebook group RV Taverners for information. THE TRAFALGAR ARMS, 148 Tooting High Street, SW17. 020-8767 6059. A spacious, lively, attitude-free, gay-friendy pub. Excellent food served all day. Weekly DJs on Friday and Saturday nights. Karaoke on Wednesdays. THE TWO BREWERS, 114 Clapham High Street, SW4. 020 7819 9539. Clapham Common tube. Mon-Thu 5pm-2am, Fri & Sat 5pm-4am. South London’s most famed gay cabaret venue. Large bar and separate dancefloor room. 286, 286 Lewisham High Street, SE14. 020-8690 7648. Large, lateopening gay venue, with regular entertainment, DJs and cabaret. Open till 2am Sun-Thur and 4am Fresh from the success of its second birthday party, the team have Dalston Superstore have announced details of some dates coming up over the next couple of weeks. Kicking off June in fine style on Friday 3 will be top dance producer and musician Mylo, with his monthly ‘Mylo Presents’ session. Expect special guests (to be confirmed) and Grizzle spinning tracks in the upstairs bar. Doors are open 9pm till 3am, with admission £5. Before that, catch Brainwaves on Friday 27 May, with DJs Chris Flatline, Jonas Ransom, Jonny Woo, Ma Butcher and John Sizzle spinning the electro, techno, disco and pop (with admission again £5). Revive Her Vs Naïve Melody takes place on Saturday 28 May, with guest DJs Kaos and Tiago downstairs, and Dan Beaumont, Bi Bop and Elliot Mess upstairs. Legendary girls’ night Twat Boutique returns for its next bi-monthly date on Thursday 2 May. One of east London’s hippest hangouts, the lovely Dalston Superstore (which is open all day) can be found at 117 Kingsland High Street, E8 2PB. D.E Experience LARGE AND LIVE! UNION, 66 Albert Embankment, SE1. 020-7793 9262. Cruisy dance club which hosts regular promotions. Plays areas and hot go-go’s. and XXL, Arcadia, 51-53 Southwark Street, SE1. London Bridge tube. Huge worldfamous club for bears, big men and admirers, on Sat and Wed. Pulls in 1,000+ customers each Saturday with uplifting dance anthems and occasional guest DJs. SAUNAS THE STAG, 15 Bressenden Place, SW1. 020 7828 7287. Victoria tube. Mon & Tue midday-midnight, Wed-Fri midday-2am, Sat 5pm-2am, Sun 4pm-midnight. Dark and atmospheric gay bar in Victoria, with occasional cabaret and DJs at weekends, plus upstairs theatre space. MYLO PRESENTS… #& Fri-Sat. CHARIOTS STREATHAM 292 Streatham High Road, SW16. 020 8696 0929. Streatham station. Large sauna, with weekly theme nights (bears, men of colour, etc). CHARIOTS VAUXHALL 63-64 Albert Embankment, Vauxhall, SE1. 020 7247 5333. Vauxhall tube. Large, modern sauna in converted railway arch. THE LOCKER ROOM, 8 Cleaver Street, Kennington, SE11. 020 7735 6064. Kennington tube. Long-running, intimate gay-owned and run sauna. STEAMWORKS, 309 New Cross Road, New Cross, SE14. 020 8694 0606. New Cross/New Cross Gate station. Small, long-running establishment. EAST LONDON THE ANGEL, 21 Church Street, E15. Tel: 020 8555 1148. Stratford BR and tube. Big gay pub, always popular at weekends, with regular cabaret, DJs and disco nights. New night Hidden InDa Hood each As always, June is shaping up to be another busy month at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern. Things kick off with the next May Bank Holiday Bender, which means a double helping of S.L.A.G.S/Chill-Out. Get along on Sunday 29 May for an extended session running until 3am, which will feature special guest jock Rob C, alongside residents Simon Le Vans, Andy Almighty and Sean Sirrs. The D.E Experience will hit the stage at 5.30pm. Entry will be £8, or £5 after 9pm. This will be followed on Monday 30 May by another afternoon and evening session of S.L.A.G.S and Chill-Out from 2pm till midnight. Again, the D.E Experience are on stage at 5.30pm and RVT anthems from Simon Le Vans, Andy Almighty and Sean Sirrs will reign. Entry: £8 or £5 after 7pm. This month offers a couple of special runs of shows. On Wednesdays in June you can catch Scottee’s Burger Queen – a new, lighthearted contest to find sexy larger folk and big role models– with a contest open to both men and women. The contest will run over four weeks – launching on Wednesday 1 June and culminating in a grand final on 22 June. The show will commence each week at 8pm – and besides the competition, weekly highlights will include Sami Knight on the decks, ‘What’s Jude from Waitrose eating this week?’. Full details at Taking place each Thursday at the venue, from 26 May through to 30 June, is David Hoyle’s Lives 2 – a new series of shows from the unique and controversial performer. This ‘healing ground for the avant garde’ returns with an all-star cast of supporting artists – check out our interview with show producer and DJ Dawn Right Nasty on page 48 for more details. The show will start each week at 8.30pm, with tickets costing £10. If you’ve still never caught David Hoyle live before, do yourself a favour and get yourself down there for what is sure to be a memorable and thought-provoking performance. Advance tickets can be picked up from www.ticketweb. Friday nights feature a rotating line up of events, including soft rock night Speedwagon (3 June), Kimono Krush (10 June) and indie legend Marvellous (24 June). A new promotion called Push The Button makes its debut on 17 June, celebrating pure pop from the last 20 years. Expect Madonna makeovers from a top make-up artist, a ‘Momentous Britney Moments Medley’ live on stage from Harry Clayton-Wright and various other tongue-in-cheek delights. The week is rounded up with Duckie each Saturday, Timberlina’s Bingo each Monday, and the fabulous, gender-bending Bar Wotever each Tuesday. The Royal Vauxhall Tavern, 372 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11. PHOTO © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM Lane, SE11. 020 7735 2039. Kennnigton tube. Open 7 days a week. Small, traditional gay boozer for local gay boys and girls - open till 1.30am Fri-Sat. =CbbVS`S Tuesday (8pm till late - offering r’n’b, bashment, Soca and funky). THE BACKSTREET, Wentworth Mews, off Burdett Road, E3. 020-8980 8557. Over 25 years old – small but legendary East End dress code leather club, open Thur-Sun. Very strict rubber and leather dresscode, ensuring a wide and loyal following. www. BISTROTHEQUE, 23-27 Wadeson St, E2. Tel: 020 8983 7900. Bethnal Green tube. Very mixed, gay/straight crowd of trendy metrosexuals. Great bar, restaurant, plus separate cabaret room. DALSTON SUPERSTORE, 117 Kingsland High Street, E8. 020 7254 2273. Highbury & Islington tube. New, two-floor mixed gaystraight venue - café by day and fashionable performance space and club promotions at night. Open noon-2am every day. GAY LICK, Club Lick, 58 Hoe Street, E17. Walthamstow tube. Twice-monthly gay promotion at a cruisy club space. Every first and third Friday from 9pm-4am. Entry £4 before midnight and £7 after. THE JOINERS ARMS, 116 Hackney Road, E2. Tel: 020 7739 9854. Debauched decadence – old-skool boozer popular with post-club crowd at weekends. Gets busy later in the evenings. KINGS HEAD, 11 Church Street, E15. Tel: 020 8534 0197 :7AB7<5A Stratford BR and tube. Intimate and welcoming East End gay pub – regular cabaret. Open till late throughout the week. Stratford, E15. 020 8555 5455. Stratford tube. Deceptively large sauna behind a discreet facade. THE OLD SHIP, 17 Barnes Street, E14. Tel: 020 7790 4082. Limehouse DLR. Small, local, traditional gay pub, with regular cabaret - five minutes’ walk from BJ’s White Swan (see below). WEST LONDON VOGUE FABRICS, 66 Stoke Newington Road, N16. New, underground and arty hangout for the Dalston set. Mixed crowd but regular gay events. BJ’s WHITE SWAN, 556 Commercial Road, E1. Tel: 020 7780 9870. Limehouse DLR. A large, legendary, long-running gay pub and club, open throughout the week. Wednesday’s Amateur Strip is an institution. www. SAUNAS CHARIOTS LIMEHOUSE, 574 Commercial Road, E14. 020 7791 2808. Limehouse rail station. Multi-level, well-established sauna. Themed parties such as ‘Big and chunky’ each Monday evening, amongst others. www. CHARIOTS SHOREDITCH, 1 Fairchild Street, Shoreditch, EC2. 020 7247 5333. Liverpool Street station. Biggest gay sauna in UK, with a maze of rest rooms. Very popular (particularly at weekends). BRIGHTON THE HOPE & ANCHOR, 20 Macbeth Street, Hammersmith, W6. (020 8748 1873). Gay pub for Hammersmith and Chiswick. Traditional boozer with nightly entertainment – open noon-11pm throughout week, with popular karaoke at weekends. THE RICHMOND ARMS, 20 The Square, off Princes Street, Richmond. 020-8940 2118. Longrunning, traditional gay pub, with regular cabaret and entertainment. One of gay London’s better locals. TED’S PLACE, 305a North End Road, West Brompton, W14. 0207 385 9359. Earls Court or West Brompton tube. Mon-Fri from 7pmlate, closed Sat & Sun. Small, West London cruise club. Dark and sleazy. AUDIO, Marine Parade, BN1. Club venue with outdoor terrace – making it a summer favourite. Hosts regular club nights such as Sunday Sundae (www. WEST 5, Popes Lane, South Ealing, W5. 020-8579 3266. Large, popular gay pub with Piano Room and cabaret bar, open till late at weekends with entertainment and DJs. Attracts a big local crowd - particularly at weekends. AMSTERDAM BAR, 11-12 Marine Parade, BN2. www. 01273 688825. Long-running establishment, with an adjoining hotel and sauna. Great outdoor terrace for the summer months. WINDSOR CASTLE, 152 Bath Road, Hounslow, TW3. 020 8577 6590. Hounslow West tube. Large, local gay pub with regular cabaret and entertainment throughout the week. AQUARIUM, 6 Steine Street, Brighton. 01273 605525. www. the-aquarium-theatre-bar. Long-running, traditional style pub popular with gay guys. Regular entertainment. E15 CLUB, 6 Leytonstone Road, BURGER QUEEN BLANCH HOUSE, 17 Atlingworth Street, Brighton, BN2. 01273 603504. www. Plush, hip, mixed hotel cocktail bar that’s popular with a cross-section of Brighton residents and visitors. Open late at weekends. PHOTO © SAMI KNIGHT Following our news of its announcement last month, performance artist Scottee’s new venture – Burger Queen – comes to the Royal Vauxhall Tavern this month. A beauty contest with a difference, it will run each Thursday for four weeks – 1, 8, 15 and 22 June. Why with a difference? Because Scottee is describing it as a “A beauty pageant for fatso and so’s!” “Flick through any primetime TV spot and you’ll find a gluttonous array of programmes designed to point and laugh at obesity – Britain Biggest Loser, Britain’s Fattest Man, Supersize VS Superskinny, Gok: Too Fat, Too Young – the list goes on but do these programmes help solve the ‘obesity time-bomb’ or have fatties become the modern freak show?” In an effort to find some positive role models within chub culture, Scottee has devised the first Burger Queen contest. The competition will be open to all, including chub admirers, as “fat is a politic and not just a dress size”. Each heat is judged by some special guest judges, which we’re told will include Paloma Faith, Lisa Stansfield, CockNBullKid, Mel Blatt, Jodie Harsh, Sue Tilley, La Gateaux Chocolat, Julian Ganio and resident judge Amy Lamé! The winner will receive £100 cash and £300 of gifts from the shows sponsors, a paid gig at The Hospital Club during London Fashion Week, and the “golden broken scales award”! The first heat is 1 June, with the final on 22 June. BRIGHTON TAVERN, 100 Gloucester Road, North Laine, BN1. 01273 680365. A stylish but homely venue with wooden flooring, open fire, real ales and a friendly welcome. THE BULLDOG, 31 St. James Street, Brighton, BN2. 01273 -696996. www.bulldogbrighton. com. Legendary scene bar (nearly 30 years old!), attracting a bloke-ish crowd with drinks promotions, entertainment and long hours thanks to a 24-hour licence in operation at weekends. CHARLES STREET BAR, 8 Marine Parade, BN2. 01273 624091. www.charles-street. com. Large, stylish and popular gay bar overlooking the seafront – particularly busy with pre-club crowds at weekends. DOCTOR BRIGHTONS, 16-17 Kings Road, BN1. 01273 208113. Another long-running scene institution, ideally placed for the seafront, shopping on The Lanes, or Brighton’s club life. THE HONEYCLUB, 214 Kings Road Arches, BN1. 01273 202807. Acclaimed club venue, which hosts occasional gay nights and parties. THE KING’S ARMS, 56 George Street, BN2. 01273 245128. Brighton’s bar for bears and blokes, with promotions throughout the week and occasional dress-code parties. LEGENDS, 31-32 Marine Parade, BN2. 01273 624462. www. A true scene stalwart, and part of the New Europe hotel complex. Longrunning bar that’s still going strong – open late throughout the week. MARINE TAVERN, 13 Broad Street, BN2. 01273 681284. www. Small, cosy, traditional-style bar. QUEEN’S ARMS, 7 George Street, BN2. 01273 696873. Long-running scene pub with camp tunes and fun entertainment throughout the week. R-BAR, 7 Marine Parade, BN2. 01273 608133. www.revenge. Sister bar to the longrunning and famous Revenge nightclub. A hip and stylish establishment that’s popular with its own crowd of regulars. REVENGE, 32-34 Old Steine, BN1. 01273 606064. www. Brighton’s famous, long-running, full-time gay club, offering two floors of music and club promotions. Attracting a wide range of customers from all sections of the city’s gay scene, and a hot spot for visitors. VAVOOM VIDEO BAR, 31 Old Steine, BN1. 01273 603010. As its name suggests, a bight and glitzy video bar, next door to Club Revenge. WILD FRUIT, Tru, West Street, BN1. 01273 327083. The biggest gay night on the south coast. A huge, monthly party that’s been running for years – pulling in clubbers from far and wide. Check the website at www.aeonevents. for details of upcoming dates and ticket prices. THE ZONE, 33 St James’s Street, Brighton, BN2. 01273 682249. Friendly, mixed venue with regular entertainment and laid-back attitude. #' =Cb`SOQV 1=;;C<7BG Stonewall supporters take over the seafront STONEWALL HITS THE SEASIDE B63/<<C/:AB=<3E/::0@756B=< 3?C/:7BGE/:9B==9>:/137<B63 A=CB61=/AB17BG=D3@B633/@:G ;/G0/<96=:72/G¬ :50S_cOZWbgQVO`WbgAb]\SeOZZ VSZRWbaSWUVbVO\\cOZ0`WUVb]\ 3_cOZWbgEOZY]\Ac\ROg;Og O\Rc\ZWYSZOabgSO`bVS ac\ RSQWRSRb]aVW\SR]e\ P`WUVbZgc^]\OZZbV]aS eV]b]]Y^O`b BVSSdS\beOa ac^^]`bSRPg /[S`WQO\ 3f^`Saa O\RA_cO`S >SU;SRWO ^cPZWaVS`a ]T=cb7\BVS 1WbgO\R Obb`OQbSR Xcab]dS`# eOZYS`a³P]bV W\RWdWRcOZaO\R U`]c^aBVSgeS`S X]W\SR]\bVSY[ eOZYPgQSZSP`Wbg eOZYS`a1VO`ZWS 1]\R]c1]`]\ObW]\ Ab`SSbO\R6SObVS` >SOQS:W^ AS`dWQSOaeSZZOabVS2S^cbg1VWST 1]\abOPZS]TAcaaSf>]ZWQS5WZSa G]`Y 4]ZZ]eW\UO`]cbSaSbPg0:/5AA 0`WUVb]\:SaPWO\O\R5OgA^]`ba A]QWSbgeOZYS`aVSORSROZ]\UbVS aSOT`]\bbV`]cUV0`WUVb]\¸aUOg dWZZOUSO\RTW\WaVSROb0`WUVb]\QZcP 6]\SgT]`bVS^]abeOZY^O`bgO\R ^`WhSUWdW\U EVS\OZZbVSa^]\a]`aVW^ []\SgVORPSS\QOZQcZObSR bVSQVO`WbgeOa^ZSOaSR b]O\\]c\QSbVObOVSTbg #VORPSS\`OWaSR ³OZZ]TeVWQVeWZZU]b]eO`Ra VSZ^W\UWbb]Q]\bW\cSeWbV WbaU`]c\RP`SOYW\UO\R dWbOZZgW[^]`bO\be]`YW\ OQVWSdW\U:50S_cOZ `WUVbaO\RVSZ^W\U aVWTba]QWSbg¸a ObbWbcRSa b]eO`Ra :50 ^S]^ZS A^SQWTWQOZZg[cQV ]TWbaTc\R`OWaW\U Heather Peace, Ben Summerskill and Charlie Condou WaPSW\U^cbb]eO`RaWba3RcQObW]\ 4]`/ZZQO[^OWU\b]VSZ^Q][POb PcZZgW\UW\aQV]]Za µAb]\SeOZZ¸ae]`YQO\[OYSO\SdS\ U`SObS`RWTTS`S\QSb]bVSZWdSa]TOZZ g]c\U^S]^ZSO`]c\RbVSQ]c\b`g bVO\Yab]bVSacQQSaa]TbVWagSO`¸a 3_cOZWbgEOZY¶aOWR:Oc`O2]cUVbg Ab]\SeOZZ¸a2S^cbg1VWST3fSQcbWdS µ;]\Sg`OWaSRPg]c`ac^^]`bS`a ObbVWaeOZYeWZZS\OPZScab]aS\R O\SaaS\bWOZbSOQVS`b`OW\W\U^OQY b]SdS`g^`W[O`gaQV]]ZW\0`WbOW\ eVWQVeWZZVSZ^bVS[[OYSbVSW` QZOaaSaW\QZcaWdST]`QVWZR`S\T`][OZZ TO[WZWSa¶ µBVSSdS\bVOaPSQ][S[]`SbVO\ OQVO`WbgeOZY¶aOWRAO`OV5O``Sbb]T A_cO`S>SU;SRWOµ7b¸aO[OhW\UO\R S[^]eS`W\Ub]eWb\SaaV]e[O\g ^S]^ZSQ][Sb]USbVS`T]`acQVO U]]RQOcaS0`WUVb]\WaO\WRSOZ Z]QObW]\:cQYWZgbVSac\eOa]cb T]`bVS^`S^WQ\WQW\bVS0`WUVb]\ >OdWZW]\O\RSdS\bV]cUV7¸[\]bO eOZYS`WbeOa\¸bOVO`RbOaYeVS\ bVS`SeS`SacQVU`SObdWSea]TbVS PSOQVT`]\bBVWaWa[gbVW`RgSO` O\RW\O`SZObWdSZgaV]`ba^OQS]T bW[SbVSeOZYVOaPSQ][SOU`SOb ROg]cbT]`OZZRWTTS`S\baSQbW]\a]T bVSUOgQ][[c\Wbg¶ 4]`[]`SW\T]`[ObW]\]\Ab]\SeOZZ O\RWbae]`YQVSQYeee ab]\SeOZZ]`UcY $ =Cb`SOQV :7AB7<5A THE HIGH LIFE Always offering a fun night out is the annual Terrence Higgins Trust Cocktail Club, which this year will take place at Altitude 360, on the 29th floor of Millbank Tower, London SW1P 4QP. The party takes place on Thursday 2 June from 7-10.30pm. Now in its tenth year, the 2011 event is supported by Belvedere Vodka and The Independent. Tickets are £50 each, and include all cocktails and canapés. To purchase a ticket, please visit uk/cocktailclub. GROUPS//ORGS Albert Kennedy Trust: 020 7831 6562 (London). Housing advice for under 21s. Antidote: 020 7437 3523. Counselling, Thursday drop-in, complementary therapies around alcohol and drug issues. BKY - Alternative Jewish Community: www.bkylondon. Islington LGB Forum: Rachael: 07989 747824. An initiative between local police, the council and victim support. Regard: Regard, BM REGARD, London WC1N 3XX, secretary@ uk. Disabled LGBT group. Jewish Gay and Lesbian Group: 020 8952 0137. Step Out Tower Hamlets: Social & support group for LGBT and questioning young people. 5-8pm Tues 079 4633 7160 Kairos: 020 7437 6063, www. Soho project promoting health and wellbeing among LGBT community. Lesbian Gay Christian Movement: 020 7739 1249, Lesbian & Gay Immigration Group: – 020 7922 7811. - Every Mon 2-6.30pm, Tue 10am-5pm and Wed/Thur 10am-1.30pm. Helpline and meetings. London Friend: 020 7837 3337. Groups in Islington. Quaker London Lesbian & Gay Fellowship: Religious group – 020 8675 6740. Metro Centre: 020 8265 3311, Greenwich-based LGBT support. Croydon Area Gay Society: Mosaic: 0800 0433 411. www. Youth group based in Brent. Friendly social group in Croydon. 020 8645 0943 - One-Up: LGBT under-18 youth ELOP: 020 8509 3898. Support and community events in Walthamstow. Youth, advice, counselling and groups. Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association, (GALHA): National campaigning organisation, founded 1979. Monthly meetings in central London, all welcome. www. - - 0844 800 3067 Outrage!: 020 8240 0222. Political campaiging group. group, meets every Monday 4-7pm (based in Hendon - North West London) - contact Theresa (PACE) 07504226793 (mobile). OutZone: London-based social and support group for gay and bisexual young men under 25. Every Friday 6.30-9.30pm - - www. PACE: 020 7700 1323. Counselling and support groups. Quest LGB Catholics: 0808 808 0234. HERE PUSSY, PUSSY… Are you a cat lover? Could you offer a home to an unwanted kitten? If so then the Battersea Dogs & Cats Home wants to hear from you. It has recently sent out an appeal for more volunteers to help it cope with the ‘double whammy’ of kitten season and the upcoming summer holidays. The much loved animal charity relies on the help of local volunteers to provide temporary $ South London Gays: 020 8672 5268/020 8674 5191. Friendly social group. Mark Ravenhill and Bette Bourne Stonewall: 020 7593 1850. Campaign group for LGBT rights. HATE CRIME Gay Police Association: Action Line 07092 700 000 (24hrs), Galop: 020 7704 2040. www. Advice and support for victims of hate crime. HIV//AIDS Crusaid: 020 7539 3880, BETTE BOURNE – THE MOVIE Ever wanted to see your name on the end credits of a film? Sadly, we’re not in the position to offer you Hollywood stardom. However, if you are able to contribute some finances to a new film projectthen the makers of a new film would like to hear from you. Some of you may remember that legendary drag performer and actor Bette Bourne bought her life to the stage recently in a widely-acclaimed production (A Life in Three Acts) at the Edinburgh festival and Soho Theatre. The show, which consisted of a conversation between Bette and playwright Mark Ravenhill about the former’s life, is now being turned into a documentary, which will cover Bette’s career, the Gay Liberation Front, and the founding of radical drag theatre group Bloolips. The producers have invested enough money for pre-production, and raised further funds through sponsorship to shoot the film, but are now turning to the gay community to secure enough funding for all post-production work on the movie. They are hoping to raise £30,000 by 1 July through the fundraising site www. Contributing any amount entitles you to various perks: including your name on the end credits should you be able to donate £30 or more. Contribute £150 and you can even meet with Bette afternoon tea! You can find more details and how to donate at GMFA: 020 7738 6872. Gay men’s health charity. Grace’s Cricket Club: The National AIDS Trust: 020 7814 6767, world’s only gay cricket club! or 020 8376 0630. Terence Higgins Trust: 02078121777. Counselling Services. Irons: . Gay golfing, events for all levels. SPORTS King’s Cross Steelers Rugby Football Club: 07090 421 367, Gay men’s rugby. Cruisers Basketball: 020 8960 0750 (Debbie)/ 020 7582 7009, (Jordi). Mixed basketball. Frontrunners: 07092 346340, Gay running group. Goslings Swimming: 07814 258 055. Gay social swimming group, Thur 8.30pm-9.30pm. foster homes to cats and kittens but currently has a real shortage of suitable foster homes. “During kitten season, we can sometimes see hundreds of kittens and pregnant mothers coming into our three sites,” says Battersea’s Head of Cats, Kirsty Walker. “Some kittens are too young to be re-homed straight away, so we are looking for experienced and kind foster homes to care for them until they are London Amateur Wrestling: The London Royals Hockey Team: Mixed hockey for all levels. or email iainkimmins115@ Out to Swim: 07090 422 526, Gay swimming group. around nine weeks of age and ready to find permanent loving homes.” During the summer months many of Battersea’s existing cat fosterers take well-deserved holidays. This leaves the Home with a shortage of volunteers at the London, Windsor and Brands Hatch sites, right in the middle of the kitten season, which runs from April to October. Even if you can’t help by offering a foster home to a kitten, you can London Raiders: Gay and lesbian softball club – both beginners and experienced players welcome. www. Stonewall Football Club: 07090 422 390. Sunday soccer. 3337. Counselling service. PACE: 0808 1807 223. Helpline open Monday 9.30am-12.30pm and Thursday 6.30-8.30pm, offering structured telephone counselling or 30-minute counseling sessions. Or email HELPLINES POSITIVELINE: 0800-1696806. Broken Rainbow: LGBT Domestic Violence Helpline. 0300 999 5428 (Mon and Thurs, 2-8pm/Weds, 10am-1pm). Dazz-elle: 020 8257 3068. London drug/alcohol support. HIV info and counselling (weekdays: 11am-10pm and weekends: 4pm -10pm). www. Stonewall Housing Advice: 020 7359 5767. Stonewall infoline: London Lesbian & Gay Switchboard: 020 7837 7324 London Friend: 020 7837 help by making a donation. Kitten season is an expensive time for Battersea, which receives no government funding and relies solely on donations to carry out its vital work. Please phone 020 7627 7883 quoting ‘Cat Fostering appeal’ or check the cat fostering section at to make on online donation or find out more details. Information on all LGB rights WANT TO GET LISTED? Please send listings to =Cb\Sea <3EA STUDENT FUNDRAISER CYCLES THE TUBE Medical student Adam Fairris (pictured), has set himself the gruelling challenge of cycling the entire London tube network – approximately 300 miles around the capital! The challenge will take place over five days (30 May-3 June), and all money raised via www. will go towards helping HIV and sexual health charity Terrence Higgins Trust (THT). OUTLET SUPPORTS NAT Well-known property and rental agent Outlet has teamed up with the National AIDS Trust in a novel support partnership. Outlet will make a donation to NAT for every property sold or let through them by a NAT supporter, whilst also offering special discounts. If you are looking to rent your property, NAT supporters will receive a full 1% off Outlet’s normal letting fee and Outlet will also donate 1% to NAT. If you sell your property through Outlet, their sales rate will be reduced from 2% to 1.5% and Outlet will also donate 0.25% directly to NAT. Outlet hopes to raise over £5,000 this year for NAT through this new scheme alone. Josh Rafter, Managing Director of Outlet (pictured above with NAT’s Deborah Jack), said, “I am so pleased Outlet is able to give something back to the communities in which we work. From day one, our ethos has been to match people and properties, without prejudice.” DRUGS MASSIVELY CUT SPREAD OF HIV Groundbreaking research, which studied couples where one partner was HIV positive and one was HIV negative, has concluded that if the positive partner takes anti-retroviral drugs soon after diagnosis – rather than once their health declines – it can cut the risk of spreading the virus by up to 96%. The study, which was carried out by the United States National Institutes of Health studied 1,763 couples in 13 sites across Africa, Asia and the Americas. HIV-positive patients were split into two groups. In one, individuals were immediately given a course of anti-retroviral drugs, while the other group only received the treatment when their white blood-cell count fell below a certain level. Both groups were given free condoms and advice on safer sex practices. Among those immediately starting anti-retroviral therapy there was only one case of transmission between partners, while in the other group there were 27 HIV transmissions. The World Health Organisation described the study as a “crucial development”. EQUAL LOVE CELEBRATED AT ROYAL VAUXHALL TAVERN Wedding ‘guests’ Flying the flag at the RVT Taking place on the day of the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton (29 April), A Right Royal Affair was a one-off event held at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern. Many of those attending dressed up as their favourite royal (including someone dressed as a corgi!), while performances came from a whole host of entertainers. Besides being a celebration of the royal nuptials, there was a serious side to the fun and frivolity. The Tavern’s management used the event to raise awareness and funds for the EQUAL = LOVE campaign, which is campaigning for LGB people to get married and for heterosexual couples to have civil partnerships. A grand total of £1,026 was raised on the day. For more details about the EQUAL = LOVE campaign, check PHOTOS © MIKE KEAR UK NEWS Peter Tatchell ANNUAL STUDENT PRIDE GETS THE X FACTOR Joe McElderry and Pride volunterers Green Party MP Caroline Lucas GAY FARMER CRISIS A chaplain in Cheshire says that he has been overwhelmed by the response that he has received after setting up a phone helpline to support gay farmers. Keith Ineson, who is gay himself, set up the service for Churches Together after being approached by farmers who felt unable to reveal their sexuality to family and friends. He says the majority of callers are over 50, and who had bowed to “pressure to get married and produce an heir [and] now feel trapped”. $" The Q&A debate Pride volunteers see pink! Former X Factor winner Joe McElderry was amongst those who performed at May’s Student Pride event in Brighton. The annual event proved a big success over the late-May Bank Holiday, attracting around Dragster Billie Lewis entertains the crowds 1,000 LGBT students from universities across the country. Events include a Question Time-style panel at Oceana nightclub, live performances and speeches, and associated parties in the evening. PHOTOS © SAM MILFORD/WWW.REALBRIGHTON.COM NEWS FLASHES =Cb\Sea <3EA SOHO BOMBING REMEMBERED 17-24-20 supporters gather in St Anne’s Gardens /\OQb]T`S[S[P`O\QSb]]Y ^ZOQSW\A]V]]\!/^`WZ[O`YW\U bVS bVO\\WdS`aO`g]TbVS/R[W`OZ 2c\QO\\OWZP][PObbOQYeVWQV `SacZbSRW\bV`SS^S]^ZSRgW\U O\R[O\g[]`SPSW\UW\Xc`SR BVSSdS\beOa]`UO\WhSRPgbVS % "!QO[^OWU\eVWQVVOaVSZR be]]bVS``S[S[P`O\QSSdS\ba ]dS`bVS^`SQSRW\UeSSYab]OZa] [O`YbVSO\\WdS`aO`WSa]TbVS''' \OWZP][PObbOQYaW\0`Wfb]\%bV /^`WZO\R0`WQY:O\S "bV/^`WZ Ac`dWd]`aT`WS\RO\RTO[WZg]TbV]aS OTTSQbSRPgbVSObbOQYaUObVS`SR ObbVS/R[W`OZ2c\QO\PO`Ob$^[ PST]`SeOZYW\Ub]USbVS`b]Ab /\\S¸a5O`RS\aT]`OaV]`bOQb]T `S[S[P`O\QSeVS`SbVSgeS`S X]W\SRPgeSZZeWaVS`aT`][bVS Z]QOZA]V]Q][[c\Wbg BVSP][PW\UaeS`SQO``WSR]cb Pg2OdWR1]^SZO\RO !gSO`]ZR eWbVSfb`S[S`WUVbeW\UdWSea 6SeOaZObS`aS\bS\QSRb]ZWTS W[^`Wa]\[S\b4]`[]`SRSbOWZa OP]cbbVS% "!QO[^OWU\ QVSQYeee% "!Q][]` Vbb^(% "!\]b]VObSQ`W[S e]`R^`SaaQ][ NEWS FLASHES INTERNATIONAL NEWS BRAZIL Despite Brazil being the most populous Roman Catholic nation in the world, the country’s Supreme Court has voted overwhelmingly in favour of allowing same-sex couples the same legal rights as married heterosexuals. The ruling brings the country into line with fellow South American nations Argentina and Uruguay, which have adopted similar laws recognising same-sex unions. Although the ruling stops short of recognizing gay marriage, the decision to allow civil unions was widely welcomed by Brazilian gay groups. SOUTH AFRICA A woman found murdered in South Africa is believed to have been the victim of a hate-crime because of her sexuality. Noxolo Nogwaza, 24, was a prominent local gay rights activist. She was found dead in an alley in Kwa-Thema township, South Africa, on Easter Sunday morning. It’s believed she had been raped prior to her death. ...AND FINALLY GEORGE MICHAEL SAYS HE FEELS HE’S ‘LET DOWN’ GAY KIDS Singer George Michael has revealed tantalizing details about his next album of new material. At a press conference in early May at London’s Royal Opera House, which he used to announce details of his upcoming Symphonica tour of Europe’s biggest arenas and opera houses, the 47-year-old also said that his next album would be a danceinfluenced piece of work, made in collaboration with gay or gay-friendly producers and artists. He said that the work was being made specifically with the plight of younger gay kids in mind. “I have a really serious problem with the fact that when I brought myself down, I felt I was letting young gay kids down. My behaviour meant these kids suffered abuse and the homophobic language that is legal in this country... My next album will seek to correct the damage I inadvertently caused by making myself so newsworthy.” The Symphonica tour will kick off in the autumn, and he hopes to complete work on the album in early 2012. BEN COHEN RETIRES TO FIGHT HOMOPHOBIA Rugby player Ben Cohen has indicated that he is planning to retire in order to devote his time to campaigning against bullying and homophobia through the work carried out by his own foundation. A report in The Independent newspaper says that the 32-year-old has been released by Sale Sharks despite being their player of the season. Although he thinks he could still play competitive rugby for another couple of years, and has received interest from other clubs, he instead plans to focus on heading up the Ben Cohen Stand Up Foundation. “I have reached the top in my sport. It has been an incredible journey and has put me in the privileged position I am in today to be able to work on these exciting new projects through the Stand Up brand. As athletes, it is not enough just to have strong bodies, we must have strong characters and use our voices to support those who need and deserve it.” OUTSPOKEN: ALASTAIR TALLON, EDUCATION DIRECTOR AT STONEWALL, SAYS THAT HOMOPHOBIA IN SCHOOLS REMAINS A HUGE PROBLEM… It’s shocking that in 2011 homophobic bullying in schools is still almost endemic, and with new technology it’s becoming increasingly damaging. Recent YouGov polling for Stonewall found that two in five primary school teachers say that children in their schools currently experience homophobic bullying or name calling. Three quarters of primary school teachers report hearing phrases such as ‘you’re so gay’ and ‘that’s so gay’. That’s a huge cause for concern. If these children have such a poor experience in their early years, how will they grow up eventually to be happy, confident young adults at ease with themselves and their lives? And if schools don’t tackle the issue, then what message are they sending out to the bullies? The long-term impact of this bullying can blight a child’s chances for the rest of their life. Some young people disengage completely and drop out of school. One of the young people who Stonewall works with, 15year- old William, says: ‘I wasn’t happy to go to school because I knew that homophobic bullying would happen’. IF SCHOOLS DON’T TACKLE THE ISSUE, WHAT MESSAGE ARE THEY SENDING OUT TO THE BULLIES? In an ever-changing society, the concept of family is also changing. There are now more young people than ever from families with two mums or two dads, or who have out gay family members. In Stonewall’s recent report about ‘Different Families’, what shone out was the response of young people with same-sex parents who’d been subjected to homophobia. Eight-year old Holly, for example, said: ‘I wouldn’t have changed it. I just wish other people would have been more accepting’. In 2011, these young people need to know that their home lives are reflected in the ways schools talk about families, that schools welcome diversity and that it’s part of the school’s general ethos and approach to the wider community they serve. Stonewall’s Education for All campaign is working to address these issues. We’ve now created a range of high-quality resources for secondary schools and at our Education For All conference on 1 July we’ll be launching some fantastic new resources for primary school teachers. If schools can create a welcoming, safe environment, not only will their students growing up to be gay feel supported and thrive, but all the other pupils will too. Finally, one way that you can help transform those young people’s lives is by contacting your old school and asking what they’re now doing to tackle homophobic bullying. Just guide them to if they need help. $# =Cb`SOQV 1=;;C<7BG µ;g\O[SWa=ZWdS` O\R7O[`c\\W\UO \Se^`]XSQbRSZWdS`W\U ]cb`SOQV:50BORdWQS OQ`]aaeSab:]\R]\ 7b¸a^O`b]TO\SfQWbW\U Oliver W\\]dObWdSaS`dWQSbVOb Davidge-Stringer VOa\SdS`PSS\ZOc\QVSR W\:]\R]\PST]`S BV`]cUV1WbWhS\a/RdWQS 0c`SOcW\^O`b\S`aVW^ eWbVac^^]`bU`]c^=cbESab7eWZZPS:]\R]\¸a TW`abZSUOZO\ReSZTO`SORdWaS`a]ZSZgT]`bVS:50B Q][[c\Wbg³O`]ZSTW\O\QWOZZgac^^]`bSRPg BcR]`B`cabO\R:Z]gRaBA04]c\RObW]\ BVWa[SO\a7eWZZPSU]W\U]cbW\b]bVS Q][[c\WbgO\Re]`YW\UeWbVbV]aSab`cUUZW\U eWbVWaacSa`SZObW\Ub]RWaQ`W[W\ObW]\[]\Sg eSZTO`SPS\STWbaV]caW\US[^Z]g[S\bTO[WZg O\RQ]\ac[S`^`]PZS[a³OaeSZZOa[O\g ]bVS`a 7bQO\PSS[PO``OaaW\UT]`OUOg^S`a]\b] RWaQcaaeWbVOab`O\US`bVS^`]PZS[abVSg [OgPSTOQW\UW\bVSW`aO[SaSf`SZObW]\aVW^ V]caSV]ZRBVWaWaO\]bVS`O`SObVObbVWa^`]XSQb QO\OaaWabeWbV7QO\OZa]]TTS`RSPbORdWQSb] bV]aSeV]O`STSSZW\U]dS`eVSZ[SRPcbO`S Pc`gW\UbVSW`VSORaW\bVSaO\R BVS`SWaOeWRS`O\US]TeSZTO`SWaacSaabWZZ TOQW\UbVSUOgQ][[c\Wbg2WaQ`W[W\ObW]\abWZZ ]QQc`aO\RSdS\W\:]\R]\UOg^S]^ZSabWZZTOQS Q][[S\baO\Rc\TOW`b`SOb[S\bObe]`Y7bQO\ PSRWTTWQcZbb]Y\]eeVS`Sb]bc`\O\RV]eb] bOYSO^^`]^`WObS OQbW]\BVWaWa eVS`S7abS^W\7 QO\ORdWaS`WUVb c^b]bVS^]W\b eVS`S7Q]cZRVSZ^ bOYSRWaQ`W[W\ObW]\ QOaSab]Q]c`b ]`b`WPc\OZa³W\ ZW\SeWbVbVS\Se 3_cOZWbg/Qb 7[^]`bO\bZgbVS aS`dWQS7]TTS`WaT`SSb]OQQSaa 4]`bVSTW`abbW[SbVWaW[^]`bO\b\Se`]ZS eWZZW\d]ZdSbOYW\UbVWabg^S]TSf^S`bWaSO\R ac^^]`bb][S[PS`a]TbVS:50BQ][[c\Wbg eV]O`S\]bQ][T]`bOPZSeWbVU]W\UW\b]O 1WbhS\a/RdWQS0c`SOcBVWaWaO^WZ]b^`]XSQbbVOb eWZZPSZOc\QVSR]dS`aSdS\P]`]cUVaW\eSab :]\R]\BVS[OX]`Wbg]TbVSe]`Y7QO``g]cbeWZZ PSPOaSROQ`]aaeSab:]\R]\PcbbVObR]Sa\]b [SO\bVOb7eWZZPSc\OPZSb]VSZ^bV]aSeV]ZWdS W\RWTTS`S\bO`SOa]TbVSQWbg 7O[PcWZRW\Uc^Oac^^]`b\Sbe]`Y]T:50B ORdWaS`aOQ`]aabVSeV]ZS]TbVSQO^WbOZb] eV][g]ceWZZPSOPZSb]`STS`\][ObbS`eVS`S W\:]\R]\g]cZWdSBVS`SVOa\SdS`PSS\O\ ]cb`SOQVQ][[c\WbgPOaSRORdWQS`]ZS]TbVWa SfbS\bPST]`SSa^SQWOZZgW\bVSa]cbV]T3\UZO\R BVS]\Zg^`]XSQbPSO`W\UO\gaW[WZO`WbgWa·BVS DWZZOUS¸ORdWQSPc`SOcW\AOZT]`R;O\QVSabS` <]eR]\¸bUSb[Se`]\U³7¸[\]bacUUSabW\U bVOb7O[a][SUOZZO\bQ`caORS`ae]]^W\UW\ b]aOdSbVSQ][^ZSbSZgc\ac^^]`bSR:50B Q][[c\WbgBVS`SO`SU`SObac^^]`b\Sbe]`Ya ]cbbVS`SOQ`]aa:]\R]\6]eSdS`WbWaeWRSZg `SQ]U\WaSRbVObeVObWa[WaaW\UWaOUS\S`OZ $$ HELP IS AT HAND <332/2D7130CB2=<¸B9<=EE6=B=BC@<B= 4=@63:>-=:7D3@2/D7253AB@7<53@B63:50B /2D7A3@4=@B6317B7H3<A/2D7130C@3/C¸AE3AB :=<2=<=CB@3/16>@=831B3F>:/7<A;=@3 /0=CB67A<3E@=:3¬ eSZTO`SORdWaS`eV]QO\Q]dS`bVSORdWQSO`SOa bVObO1WbWhS\¸a/RdWQS0c`SOcb`ORWbW]\OZZgR]Sa( a^SQWTWQOZZgT]`:50BQZWS\baeV]R]\¸bTSSZ Q][T]`bOPZSRWaQcaaW\UbVSW`^S`a]\OZWaacSaeWbV a][S]\SeV]bVSgTSSZQO\\]b`SZObSb]bVS[ /\]bVS`O`SOeVS`SbVWaORdWQSe]`YWaW[^]`bO\b Wa`SUO`RW\UbVSZSUOZbSQV\WQOZWbWSaO\R`WUVba U`O\bSRb]Q]c^ZSaW\QWdWZ^O`b\S`aVW^eVWQV WaabWZZO`SZObWdSZg\SeO\RQ]\TcaW\UQ]\QS^b C\ac`^`WaW\UZg[O\gUOg^S]^ZSO`SQ]\QS`\SR OP]cbeVObZSUOZ`WUVbaQWdWZ^O`b\S`aVW^aeWZZ Q]\TS`)V]ebVSaSRWTTS`b]Q]VOPWbW\U)O\R V]eaW[WZO`bVSgO`Sb]bVS`WUVba]T[O``WSR VSbS`]aSfcOZaBVWaQO\W\QZcRS`WUVbab] acQQSaaW]\]T^`]^S`bgW\VS`WbO\QSO\ROZa] Q]\QS`\aOP]cbeSZTO`SPS\STWba7O[YSS\b] P`W\UOaS`dWQSb]bVST]`ST`]\b]T]c`ORdWQS e]`YbVObOZZ]eaRWaQcaaW]\]TbVSaSW[^]`bO\b WaacSa¶ 7Tg]cO`SZ]]YW\UT]`ORdWQSW\O\g]TbVS ORdWQSO`SOag]ce]cZRSf^SQbO1WbWhS\a /RdWQS0c`SOcb]Q]dS`PcbO`SQ]\TcaSR OP]cbeVS`Sb]bc`\g]cQO\Q]\bOQb=ZWdS`]\ %" #$ !"!"[]PWZS`ObSaO^^Zg]`S[OWZ ]ZWdS`Ra.VO``]eVOQ]`UcY eeeQWbWhS\aORdWQS]`UcY =Cb`SOQV >/@3<B7<5 6]eSdS`WTg]cR]\ObSb]O643/`SUWabS`SR QZW\WQacQVOaBVS:]\R]\A^S`[0O\Yg]cO`S \]bTW\O\QWOZZg`Sa^]\aWPZS]`ZSUOZZg`Sa^]\aWPZS T]`O\gTcbc`SQVWZR`S\P]`\bV`]cUVg]c` R]\ObSRa^S`[BVS`SQW^WS\ba]Tg]c`a^S`[O`S bVSQVWZR¸aZSUOZ^O`S\ba\]bg]c µ/QVWZRQ]cZRQ][SY\]QYW\U]\[gR]]`W\ bVSTcbc`SO\RbSZZ[SbVOb7¸[bVSW`ROR¶ BVSOT]`S[S\bW]\SRZOeQVO\USa[ORSW\ #PgbVS643/R][SO\bVObQVWZR`S\ P]`\OaO`SacZb]Tg]c`R]\ObW]\aQO\O^^Zgb] `SQSWdSW\RS\bWTgW\UW\T]`[ObW]\OP]cbg]c]\QS bVSg`SOQVbVSOUS]T&>`W]`b]bVWaOUSbVS ]\ZgW\T]`[ObW]\OdOWZOPZSb]bVS[O`S\]\ W\RS\bWTgW\URSbOWZaacQVOag]c`SgSQ]Z]c`VOW` Q]Z]c`O\RVSWUVbG]cQO\TW\R]cbbVS\c[PS` ]TQVWZR`S\P]`\OaO`SacZb]Tg]c`R]\ObW]\aOb O\gabOUSSdS\Z]\UPST]`SbVSg`SOQV&0g R]W\UbVWag]ceWZZY\]ebVSSfOQb\c[PS`]T ^]bS\bWOZQVWZR`S\bVOb[WUVbeO\bb]TW\R]cb W\T]`[ObW]\OP]cbg]cG]cQO\OZa]TW\R]cb bVSW`gSO`]TPW`bVO\RaSf AbcRWSaVOdSW\RWQObSRbVObQVWZR`S\aSSYW\U W\T]`[ObW]\OP]cbbVSW`R]\]`O`S[]`SZWYSZgb] eO\bb]TW\R]cba^SQWTWQW\T]`[ObW]\OP]cbbVS US\SbWQPOQYU`]c\RO\RO\gaWPZW\UabVSg[WUVb VOdS2]\]`Q]\QSWdSRQVWZR`S\`SQ]U\WaSbVS `SQW^WS\baOabVSW`^O`S\baO\RO`SOZa]]TTS`SR Q]c\aSZZW\U^`W]`b]`SQSWdW\UW\RS\bWTgW\U W\T]`[ObW]\ THE GIFT OF LIFE 6/D3G=C3D3@B6=C56B=4 63:>7<5A=;3=<3B=/1673D3 B637@2@3/;A=4>/@3<B6==2- B=G7<835323=4:=<2=<A>3@; 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For more details, visit the website at: %! =Cb`SOQV >/@3<B7<5 BANK IT E3B/93/:==9/BB63A3@D713/<2E=@9 1/@@732=CB/BB6307@;7<56/;A>3@;0/<9¬ BVS0W`[W\UVO[A^S`[0O\YZ]QObSROb 0W`[W\UVO[E][S\¸a6]a^WbOZWaO\<6A POaSRaS`dWQS7bWa`c\PgObSO[eV]Wa RSRWQObSRb]Z]]YW\UOTbS`R]\]`a7\Q`SOaW\UZg [O\g]T]c`R]\]`aO`S[]bWdObSR^S]^ZS T`][bVSUOgQ][[c\WbgeV]eO\bb]·[OYSO RWTTS`S\QS¸/a^O`b]TRS[gabWTgW\UbVSR]\]` ^`]QSaaeSQVObbSRb]5S]`US]\S]TbVS R]\]`a EVOb[ORSg]cRSQWRSb]PSQ][SOR]\]`7VORPSS\OPZ]]RR]\]`eVS\7eOag]c\US` O\RZWYSRbVSWRSObVOb7Q]cZRVSZ^^S]^ZS7Y\Se a][S]\SeV]eO\bSROQVWZRO\RbVS\7aOe O\ORdS`bbVOb[ORS[SbVW\YbVOb7aV]cZRb`gO PWbVO`RS`O\RQ]cZR`SOZZg[OYSORWTTS`S\QSb] a][S]\S6OdW\U`SOROP]cbOZZYW\Ra]T^`WdObS Q][^O\WSa7aSO`QVSRbVS7\bS`\SbT]`<6A`c\ QS\b`SaO\RU]bW\Q]\bOQbeWbVbVS0W`[W\UVO[ A^S`[0O\Y7bOZa][ObbS`SRb][SbVObbVS b`SOb[S\bQZW\WQ0W`[W\UVO[E][S\¸a4S`bWZWbg 1S\b`SWa^ZSOaSRb]VSZ^O\Rb]b`SObaO[SaSf Q]c^ZSa EVObeOaWbZWYSPSW\UOR]\]`4]`bVSW\WbWOZOaaSaa[S\b7VORbVScacOZZSdSZ]T %" \S`dSaO`]c\RR]W\Ua][SbVW\U\Se6]eSdS` 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Birmingham Pride, or contact them via the website at or email info@ (Tel: 0121 627 2739) If you are interested in starting a family, see the website: or call the Birmingham Women’s Fertility Centre on 0121 627 2700 =Cb^`]TWZS 1/@33@ Jacob Nieuwkoop (left) and Julian Victoria MEN ON TOP 8/1=0<73CE9==>/<28C:7/<D71B=@7/³=E<3@A =4<=BB7<567::¸A>C@>:30=<3/<2AB/@A=4A9G =<3¸ABDA3@73A/27443@3<B0@332¬ Qcab][S`a^S`a]\OZZgO\RbVSW`R]UaES]^S`ObS W\bVSVWUVZgPSa^]YSO\R^S`a]\OZPcaW\Saa []RSZO\RaVgOeOgT`][bVS[]`SUS\S`WQ []RSZa]^S`ObSRPg]c`Q][^SbWb]`aESPSZWSdS WbWabVS`SOa]\]c`PcaW\SaaWaa]acQQSaaTcZ B3::CA/07B/0=CBG=C@E=@9/<2 E6/B7B7<D=:D3A 8OQ]P(>c`^ZSP]\SWaOR]UaV]^O\R5`]][W\U A^OW\<]bbW\U6WZZ5ObSESW[^]`bSfQZcaWdS OQQSaa]`WSa^`SR][W\O\bZgT`][bVSCA/ab]QY ]`UO\WQT]]RO\R]^S`ObSOQOUST`SSO\RQOPW\Sb R`gW\UT`SSa^O>c`^ZSP]\SOZa]VOaO\]\ZW\S PcaW\SaabVObRSZWdS`ae]`ZReWRS 8cZWO\bS\Rab]e]`Y]\bVSac^^ZWS`SZS[S\ba O\R[]`SQ`SObWdSOa^SQba]TbVSPcaW\Saa)eVWZab 7RSOZeWbV[]`S[c\RO\SWaacSaZWYSbOfZSUOZ 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For something classic, head straight for Habitat for this affordably but timeless Breeze Desk Fan – available in black or silver. RRP £45 & 02 OUTBACK METEOR BARBECUE Why lug a tatty disposable barbecue to your local park, and choke strangers in smoke and cinders? Better to invite friends round for a proper barbie at home. This model is packed with features to ensure your meat is grilled to perfection. RRP £399 03 SNACK BALL It looks like a toy, and that’s partially what it is... but the primary purpose of the snack ball is as a container for snacks, so that you can eat on the run or nibble if you feel peckish at your desk. The two halves unscrew, so cleaning is super easy; it’s also great for a game of catch if you want to burn calories after all that scoffing. RRP £6.99 WORDS BY JOHN O’ CEALLAIGH 05 =CbV]caS >@=2C1BA >@=2C1BA 06 07 08 04 MAGNETIC KNIFE BLOCK Jamie Oliver continues his domination of all things culinary with the growth of his Jamie At Home line. One of its latest innovations is a magnetic knife with a slender oak block encasing a series of magnets. Without conventional slots to catch food and dirt, it’s a more hygienic way to store kitchenware. RRP £41 05 BOW HAMMOCK Given the early taste of a British summer, now might be a good time to invest in a hammock. This stylish model is made from hardwearing larch to withstand the weight of generouslyproportioned snoozers and to wear well in the elements. RRP £139 06 FLUX CHAIR The Flux Chair is made from polypropylene and transformed in just two folds from a flat envelope to the seat you see here. It can be dismantled again just as easily, so is a great investment if space is at a premium. It holds up to 160kg and is available in eight different colours. RRP £109 07 MOOOI HORSE LAMP Perhaps it is only the Queen who has real horses in her London abode... but if you’ve plenty of space you might be able to accommodate this extravagant lamp. The size of a thoroughbred, it’s likely to be the focal point of any room. It’s made of polyester, though, so just make sure you don’t try to ride it. 08 BRITISH ICONS BOOKENDS Here’s a sunny day dilemma: do you spend the day exploring the best London has to offer or curl up with a good book? We’d like to think it was this quandary that motivated Susan Bradley to fuse the two by designing these distinctive bookends. A perfect present for any book-loving Londoner, we reckon. RRP £3,165 RRP £18 & =CbabgZS 7<B3@7=@A Caveman Suite KITSCH PALACE 74G=C@B/AB37<6=;34C@<7A67<5A0=@23@A=< B6397BA16B/937<A>7@/B7=<4@=;1/:74=@<7/¸A ;/2=<</7<<¬ 7b¸aZWYSZgbVObbVSOPaS\QS]TQ]`^]`ObS W\TZcS\QS]`W\bS`TS`S\QSWaeVObVOaOZZ]eSR bVS[b]Q`SObSOZO\R[O`YV]abSZ`g\]eY\]e\ bVSe]`ZR]dS`1]\aS_cS\bZgbVS;OR]\\O 7\\¸a`]][aO`SbVS`SacZb]Tc\TSbbS`SRTO\Qg O\RdWdWRW[OUW\ObW]\3OQV]\SWac\W_cSO\R T]ZZ]eaOQS`bOW\bVS[SPcbbVSRSaQ`W^bWdS \O[SaS[PZOh]\SR]\bVSR]]`UWdS]\ZgbVS TOW\bSabUZW[[S`]TeVOb¸aW\ab]`S¬ZWYSeVS\ g]cOaYOQVWZRb]R`OeO^WQbc`S]TbVSW`TO[WZg O\RW\`Sbc`\g]cUSbO^WQbc`S]TU`SS\aYW\\SR UO`U]gZSaO\ROQObeWbVaSdS\ZSUa7b¸a\]beVOb g]cSf^SQbSRPcbWb¸aOZZbVSPSbbS`T]`bVOb BVS1OdS[O\AcWbSWaOQOdS`\]caQVO[PS` QO`dSRT`][Z]QOZ`]QYO\RRSQYSRW\ZS]^O`R ^`W\b)bVS1O`W\acWbSWaOQc`dSR`]][RSQ]`ObSR S\bW`SZgW\\S]\^W\YeWbVaS_cW\\SReOZZaO\R UO`ZO\Ra]TO`bWTWQWOZ`]aSaR`O^SRO`]c\RbVS RcOZdO\Wbgc\Wba³OZa]^W\Y]TQ]c`aS@S^]`bSR b]PS^]^cZO`eWbVVS\^O`bWSaWb¸aOZa]^]aaWPZg bVSQO[^Sab`]][OUOgUcgQ]cZRSdS`V]^S b]abOgW\ & Dining Room The 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VO`Rb]^`]RcQSWbaPSab6]eSdS`Wb`OQSac^b] bVS`SRZW\SOQQ][^O\WSRPgOP`WZZWO\bZg`Oa^g SfVOcab\]bS4]`[]abPcgS`abV]cUVbVS a[OZZS`_cWSbS`S\UW\SeWZZPSSOaWS`b]ZWdSeWbV O`]c\Rb]e\ WOULD WE WANT ONE? /ZbV]cUVWb¸a\]:]bca3ZWaSW\bS`[a]TWba ^S`T]`[O\QS@S\OcZbaV]cZRPSO^^ZOcRSRT]` bVSRSQS\bX]PWb¸a[ORS]Tbc`\W\UOVObQVPOQY W\b]OQ`OQYW\UZWbbZSa^]`baQO`4c\O\RQVSSYg Wb¸aaSbb]PSbVWagSO`¸a[cabVOdSTOaVW]\ OQQSaa]`g On the road price: from £16,105 For information visit: RANGE ROVER EVOQUE A SNIP AT £30K Land Rover has announced pricing for the youngest of its models, the Range Rover Evoque. Available in three design themes (Pure, Prestige and Dynamic), the baby Rangie will be offered in both two- and four-wheel drive variants, with the former priced from £27,955 and the latter at £28,705. Due for delivery from September of this year, the models feature a wide variety of options: three different engines, both a five-door and three-door coupé body and different design themes are sure to result in customers specifying relatively individual vehicles. The top-of-the-range Evoque, fitted with the ‘endless list of options’ and the six-speed automatic gearbox, will cost about £45,000. Powerplants include an updated version of the marque’s 2.2-litre diesel, in 148- or 187bhp guises, as well as a new 237bhp 2.0-litre petrol engine dishing out 0-62mph in 7.1s. Unite the lower powered diesel to the two-wheel drive Coupé and you have an Evoque that emits just 130g/km. Price: From £27,995 Visit: WORDS BY ADRIAN FOSTER/DRIVELINES RENAULT RELEASES WIND The Jaguar E-Type, one of the most iconic and desirable sports cars ever made, will celebrate its 50th birthday this summer when more than 50 examples take part in a cavalcade to Motorexpo, Britain’s biggest free-to-visit motor show. The E-Type cavalcade on 6 June starts in central London and finishing alongside the Motorexpo area in London’s Canary Wharf. The 10-mile route will take in some of London’s most famous landmarks including The Mall, Whitehall, Trafalgar Square and the Tower of London. There are no tickets and no queues, with easy access to the event by bus, London Underground or Docklands Light Railway. Alternatively, there is ample space for cars within Canary Wharf’s four underground public car parks. Motorexpo is open daily from 10am to 6pm (Monday 6 to Saturday 11 June) and 11am to 5pm on Sunday 12 June. Details and information on the show are available at Price: Free entry Visit: =CbeO`R B@/D3: El Escorial ;/2@72@756B:G23A3@D3A7BAAB/BCA/A/·;CAB 2=¸17BG0@3/94=@5/G6=:72/G;/93@AA/GA=CB 7<B6317BG¸A53=@53>@7=@ A^OW\¸aQO^WbOZO\RZO`USabQWbgZ]QObSR]\O VWUV^ZObSOcW\bVSVSO`b]TbVS7PS`WO\>S\W\acZO VOaPSQ][S]\S]TbVSUOgT`WS\RZWSabQWbWSaW\ bVSe]`ZRO\RUWdSaO\gdWaWb]`O[OabS`QZOaaW\ VOdW\UOU]]RbW[S /abVSVWUVSabQO^WbOZW\3c`]^SOb$#[Sb`Sa OP]dSaSOZSdSZO\ReWbVWbaTO[]caZgaVO`^ZWUVb O\RROhhZW\UPZcSaYWSaT]`[cQV]TbVSgSO` ³SdS\W\bVS[WRRZS]TeW\bS`³;OR`WRWaOb`SOb T]`OZZbVSaS\aSa EVS\A^OW\¸aTOaQWabRWQbOb]`5S\S`OZ4`O\Q] RWSRW\'%#bVS[cQVZ]dSR9W\U8cO\1O`Z]a eV]abWZZ`SWU\ab]ROgacQQSaaTcZZgZSRbVS Q]c\b`gPOQYb]RS[]Q`OQgB]ROgA^OW\VOa a][S]TbVS[]ab^`]U`SaaWdSZOeaW\bVSe]`ZR W\QZcRW\UTcZZUOg[O``WOUSbOfPS\STWbaT]`aO[S aSfQ]c^ZSaO\RbVS^]aaWPWZWbg]TQVO\UW\Ug]c` US\RS`]\]TTWQWOZR]Qc[S\bObW]\ AcQVZWPS`OZWa[VOaT]abS`SR;OR`WR¸a`S\]e\SR \SdS`S\RW\U^O`bga^W`WbO\RWbaSObW\UO\R R`W\YW\UQcZbc`SObb`OQbW\U[WZZW]\a]TdWaWb]`a SOQVgSO` 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It’s guaranteed good weather, and sure to attract some of the sexiest men in the world – all of whom appear to know how to party! Somewhat uniquely for Pride festivals, it’s probably the one of the few that ends up marching to a beach – the perfect excuse for many of those attending to walk in their swimwear! The event has been running since 1998, and it now attracts over 100,000 participants. This year, the annual Pride Parade is scheduled to take place on Saturday 10 June, so it’s not too late to book yourself some last-minute flights and accommodation. For full details about the event, and the gay scene in Tel Aviv, go to WHEN IN ROME… Pride season is approaching, and one of the biggest celebrations in Europe is Europride. Last year’s event took place in Warsaw, Poland, but this year the celebrations move to Rome in Italy – right on the Pope’s doorstep! The Pride celebrations officially run from 1-12 June, with an official Europride meeting place located in the gardens of Piazza Vittorio, in the Esquilino district of the city. The main parade is scheduled to take place on Saturday 11 June. There is a host of associated parties and special events, including an official post-Pride spectacular, presided over by special guest jock David Morales – check www. for details. Fans of big and hairy Mediterranean types may also want to know that in the run up to Europride is Rome Bears Week (1-9 June), which will feature guest appearance from London’s clubs own Come To Daddy. You can catch it at the Eagle Club (Via placido Zurla, 68 Rome) on Wednesday 8 June. ELTON SETS UP CAMP IN VEGAS If you’re already a fan of Las Vegas then you will need little persuading to return. There’s always something new to see or do – even for the most frequent of travellers. However, should you need that extra little reason then take note that Elton John has just confirmed a new residency at Caesar’s Palace. Elton will be returning to the Colosseum with his all-new “The Million Dollar Piano” show, beginning on 28 September 2011 for 16 shows. It will mark the beginning of a threeyear residency for Elton at the Colosseum; his second as a headliner at Caesar’s Palace. For more details, check =CbeO`R B@/D3: POSTCARD FROM GRAN CANARIA aSOa]\acUUSababVS`S¸a`]][T]` SOQV 0]bV0c\YS`O\R1]\ab`cQbW]\ ]^S\Ob^[SOQV]\S]TTS`W\U RO`Y`]][a^ZOgO`SOaO\R[]`S 0c\YS`Wa^O`bWQcZO`Zge]`bVOdWaWb WTg]c¸`SZ]]YW\UT]`a][SaZSOhg OQbW]\eWbVaZW\UaPS\QVSa O\]`UgPSROR]UabObW]\ ^c\WaV[S\bO`SOO\R[]`S7T g]c¸`STSSZW\UORdS\bc`]caQVSQY Wb]cb\SfbbW[Sg]c¸`SW\b]e\ EATING OUT 7B¸A033</0CAG43E;=<B6A/BB63:353<2/@G GC;0=13<B@37<2=E<B=E<>:/G/23:7<5:3A 3F>/B>/C:;C@>6G0@7<5ACAC>B=2/B3E7B6 /::B63:/B3AB<3EA¬ 7b¸aO_cW`Y]T^cPZWaVW\URSORZW\SabVObPg bVSbW[Sg]cO`S`SORW\UbVWabVSbS\ROg a^SQbOQcZO`bVObWa;Oa^OZ][Oa>`WRS eWZZ VOdSPSS\O\RU]\S³gSbOa7e`WbSWbeS¸`SabWZZ OTSeROgaOeOgT`][eVOb^`][WaSab]PSbVS PWUUSabO\RPSab>`WRSW\WbabS\gSO`VWab]`gB] aOgbVSOb[]a^VS`SWaOZ`SORgSZSQb`WQe]cZRPS O\c\RS`abObS[S\b ES¸ZZP`W\UOTcZZ`S^]`b]T>`WRSW\]c`\Sfb >]abQO`RT`][5`O\1O\O`WO¬]\QSeS¸dS [O\OUSRb]`WR]c`P]RWSa]TbVSSfQSaaOZQ]V]Z a]`bbV`]cUVbVS[g`WOR]T^V]b]U`O^VaO\R ^cba][SdOUcSZgZSUWPZSe]`Rab]USbVS`7Tg]c bV]cUVbbVS^`SdW]caeSSYZ]\U;Oa^OZ][Oa >`WRSaeS`SP]`RS`W\U]\bVSSfQSaaWdSeOWb c\bWZg]caSSeVObVO^^S\a]\ObS\ROg Sfb`OdOUO\hO¬ Drag fun at Amigos ' YUMBO ACTION EVObSdS`bW[S]TbVSgSO`g]cVSOR]dS`b] 5`O\1O\O`WOg]c¸ZZTW\ROb]^Ob[]a^VS`SW\ O\RO`]c\RbVSTO[]caGc[P]1S\b`S³cUZg Q]\Q`SbSaV]^^W\UQ][^ZSfPgROgVSR]\WabWQ UOg^O`bg^ZOQSPg\WUVb 4]`]\S]TbVSPSabZObS\WUVb^O`bgOb[]a^VS`Sa O\geVS`SW\bVSGc[P]g]c\SSRb]PSOb /[WU]a³OPO`bVObQ]\bW\cSab]U]T`][ ab`S\UbVb]ab`S\UbVaW\QS]^S\W\UW\ 6SOR bVS`ST`][O`]c\R O[]\eO`RaO\Rg]c¸ZZTW\R OU`SObQ`]eR`SOa]\OPZg^`WQSRR`W\YaaSfg RO\QS`aO\RR`OUOQbaUOZ]`SG]c¸ZZTW\RWb]\bVS aSQ]\RTZ]]`OZ]\UbVSGc[P]0]cZSdO`R)Xcab abOUUS`c^bVSabS^a\Sfbb]@WQYg¸a0O`bc`\ZSTb O\Rg]cQO\¸b[WaaWb 7Tg]c`^S`a]\OZGc[P]aQS\SWaZSaa^O`bg[]`S VO`RQ]`SbVS`S¸aOU`SObS`bVO\SdS`QV]WQS]T dS\cSabVSaSROga/\RWb¸aU]]Rb]aSS0c\YS` R]W\UeSZZ³O`SZObWdSZg\SeTSbWaVPO`aWbcObSR W\^O`b]TeVObeOa1OT{:O0SZZSBVS`WdOZ`g PSbeSS\0c\YS`O\RbVSZ]\USabOPZWaVSR 1]\ab`cQbW]\OZ[]abRW`SQbZg]^^]aWbS Q]\bW\cSa]TQ]c`aSPcbbVSTOQbbVObbVSbe] PO`aVOdSPSS\PcagbV`]cUV]cbbVSeW\bS` /Q][[]\_cSabW]\bVOb dWaWb]`aOaYO\g]\SeV]ZWdSa VS`SW\51Wa·EVS`S¸abVSPSab ^ZOQSb]SOb-¸/\R7¸ZZPSbVSTW`ab b]OR[WbbVObbVS`SO`Sa][S ^`SbbgU`W[`SabOc`O\baO`]c\R BVOb¸abVSaO[SeWbV[O\g\]\ QWbgV]ZWROgRSabW\ObW]\a³O\R ]\S]TbVSPSabeOgab]a]`bbVS U]]RT`][bVSPORWa]TQ]c`aS b]OaYO`]c\R0cb\]ebVS`S¸a O\]bVS`eOgbVO\Yab]bVS51 2W\\S`5cWRS 7b¸abVSP`OW\QVWZR]T 4`S\QVSf^Ob1V`Wa :OZZS[O\beV] ZOc\QVSRbVWa\SOb ZWbbZS^cPZWQObW]\ ZOabgSO`/\RWb `SOZZgWacaSTcZ eWbVSOQV^OUS RSRWQObSRb]O RWTTS`S\b`SabOc`O\b OQQ][^O\WSRPgO aS`WSa]Tag[P]Za b]aV]ebVSbg^S ]TT]]R]\]TTS` bVSOdS`OUS^`WQSa bVSa^]YS\ZO\UcOUSabVSbg^S]TO[PWS\QS bVSZ]QObW]\O\R[cQV[]`S7b¸aOP`WZZWO\bWRSO O\R[OYSabVS^`]QSaa]TQV]]aW\UOU]]R `SabOc`O\bOeV]ZSZ]bSOaWS` :]]YT]`g]c`T`SSQ]^g]TbVS512W\\S`5cWRS \SfbbW[Sg]c¸`S]dS`³OdOWZOPZST`][PO`aO\R Q][^ZSfSabV`]cUV]cb>ZOgORSZ7\UZSa ;SO\eVWZSWTg]c¸`SZ]]YW\UT]`O^ZOQSb]U] eVS`Sg]cQO\e]`Y]TTOZZbV]aSSfb`OQOZ]`WSa bVS`S¸aOZeOga0WQS^a5g[aWbcObSROZ]\UbVS [OW\/dS\WRORSBW`OXO\Oc\RS`bVS0O`POR]a77 O^O`b[S\ba=\ZgVS`ST]`OeSSY]`be]-2]\¸b e]``gg]cQO\·^OgOag]cU]¸`ObVS`bVO\bOYS ]\^S`[O\S\b[S[PS`aVW^5]]\ZW\Sb]eee PWQS^aUg[Sab]TW\R]cb[]`S³]`QOZZW\\Sfb bW[Sg]c¸`SW\>ZOgORSZ7\UZSa 4W\OZZgPOQYb]bVSGc[P]³bVSU]]R\Sea bVWa[]\bVWabVObBVS5OZZS`gOa[O`bOW` Q]\RWbW]\SRPO`W\bVS[OW\a_cO`S\SO` bVSb`O[^]ZW\SaVOa`S]^S\SRc\RS`\Se [O\OUS[S\bXcabW\bW[ST]`>`WRSESeWaV2SZ AVSdZW\O\RVWabSO[OZZbVSPSabeWbVbVSW`\Se dS\bc`S @WUVb7¸[]TTT]`O`SabBS\Z]\UROgaO\R\WUVba ]T;Oa^OZ][Oa>`WRSO`SZ]][W\UW\b]dWSeO\R7 \SSRb][OYSac`S7R]\¸b[Waa]cb¬]\O\gbVW\U 7b¸aOb]cUVX]PPcba][S]\S¸aU]bb]R]Wb ' =CbRW`SQb]`g >@=>3@BG ' =CbRW`SQb]`g >@=>3@BG B@/D3: 47B<3AA :35/: 63/:B6 A3@D713A '! '" =CbaQ]^S AB/@A 23 AUG-22 SEP 23 SEP-22 OCT 23 OCT-21 NOV 22 NOV-21 DEC VIRGO LIBRA SCORPIO SAGITTARIUS Virgo, instead of lamenting what you don’t possess, why don’t you take five seconds out of your day to be thankful for what you do have? You’re missing out on so many of the good things –and people – in your life. You’ll get what you need eventually, but in the meantime, count your blessings. Be impulsive this month, Libra. I know it’s going completely against your nature but you need more spontaneity in your life. All this analysing things can sap the joy from any situation. Allow yourself to go with your first gut feeling. Throw yourself into a situation and then let fate decide the outcome. Don’t let conflicting points of views within your group of friends turn ugly. There’s the possibility of a rift forming amongst those close to you because of a silly disagreement over almost nothing. Using all your reserves of tact and patience, step in and show them how precious they’re all being. It’s never wrong to believe in the power of love – and don’t let anyone change your mind! Cynics may get a kick out of trying to make you feel stupid for the fact you have a heart and are not afraid to show your feelings. You need to demonstrate your inner strength and not be swayed by their carping. 22 DEC-19 JAN Try to cut down on some of the more ‘luxurious’ items in your life, Capricorn. It’s easy to ‘treat’ yourself “because you’re worth it”, but a treat’s not a treat if it becomes a daily occurrence, is it? Address this issue now before you wake up one day and realise you’ve become the size of a couch. Eat healthier and try doing a bit more exercise. CAPRICORN GEMINI Prince William 02.06.81 Many happy returns to Prince William – pictured here on his recent wedding day to Catherine Middleton. Those born under the sign of Gemini typically like variety in life, and heir to the throne William – now the Duke of Cambridge – has certainly enjoyed many varied experiences. Geminis also like to have different projects on the go, and to talk – which should help with all those meet’n’greet engagements! Prince William turns 29 on 2 June. 20 JAN-18 FEB You may have been feeling detached from people and lost in your own thoughts, but others are reading it as disinterest on your part. There’s been a real sense of the aloof about you... get a grip of yourself before it gets out of hand. Don’t forget to remind friends how grateful you are to have them – even if you’ve appeared a little quieter than usual. AQUARIUS 19 FEB-20 MAR 21 MAR-19 APR 20 APR-20 MAY 21 MAY-21 JUN 22 JUN-22 JUL 23 JUL-22 AUG PISCES ARIES TAURUS GEMINI CANCER LEO Don’t get too hung up on your looks, Pisces. You may be pretty but nobody likes someone who’s head over heels in love with themselves. You’re not everyone’s cup of tea, dear. Instead of always trading on your looks, try being nicer to people – demonstrate that you have a soul too. Aries, this month you will require a little faith and trust. You’re allowing your suspicious nature to run away with itself, and it’s having an impact on someone close to you. Take a step back; take matters at face value, and don’t waste your time and energy trying to pick apart a perfectly good relationship. Travel broadens the mind and it’s time to think about taking a long holiday. You’ve allowed your outlook to become somewhat narrow-minded. You’re not going to appreciate the bigger picture if you keep going through the same practices. Take a trip or change your mental methodology. Gemini, get off the fence! You’ve been avoiding involvement for too long. Now is the time to pick a side and stand up for what you feel is right. Put your inner fire and strength to good use. Try to make a positive change for you and others around you. You’ll hit barriers, but be tenacious! A vague dissatisfaction with your sex life has been gnawing away at you. It’s not all your partner’s fault, but is more to do with the fact that you find it so difficult to talk about sex. Yes, sex – it’s not a dirty word! Practice opening up those channels of communication – it will pay dividends. You don’t need to sell your soul to get on in work, Leo, but a little more ‘give’ will help your chances of promotion. It’s OK to be strong, but if you’re too stuck in your ways then they may be tempted to seek out someone more flexible. Be more open to suggestions – even if think your way is the best way. 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