16 lisbon 18 maastricht 20 vienna 32 paris 56 kleine scheidegg
16 lisbon 18 maastricht 20 vienna 32 paris 56 kleine scheidegg
SCANORAMA MARCH 2010 T HE S C A N D IN A VIA N A I R L I N E S MA G A ZI N E S I N CE 1 972 YO UR PERSONAL COPY ˆ Q SCANORAMA ²-JGFJTMJLFUIBUTPNFUJNFTZPVIBWFUPEPUIJOHTZPVEPOµUXBOUUPEP*UXBTNZEVUZUPTFSWFUIF4XFEJTI"DBEFNZ³°QFSNBOFOUTFDSFUBSZPETER ENGLUND 16LISBON $BOOFEEFMJHIUT 18MAASTRICHT )FBWFOPOFBSUI 20VIENNA 5IFMFBUIFSNBO 32PARIS $IJDIJDPVTDPVT 56KLEINE SCHEIDEGG 4QMFOEJEJTPMBUJPO no. 03 ˆ .PSFPSMFTTBEWFOUVSPVTNPVOUBJOFFSTIBWFTUPQQFEGPS MVODIBUUIF#FMMFWVFEFT"MQFTTJODFUIFT"QBSU GSPNUIFNFOVOPUIJOHNVDIIBTDIBOHFETJODFUIFO Worldwide beauty journalists granted Génifique Prix d’Excellence de la Beauté Marie Claire 2010. Youth is in your genes. Reactivate it. Visibly rejuvenated skin in just 7 days1. GÉNIFIQUE Génifique became a worldwide success. The most influent beauty journalists have endorsed it. Millions of women4 have already acclaimed it. What about you? Discover its delicate texture that refines the skin: immediately, it feels cushiony soft, velvety to the touch and astonishingly even toned1. After 7 days1, your skin is visibly rejuvenated. 3 Lancôme changes the face of skincare with the first youth activator GÉNIFIQUE. Now revive2 genes’ activity and stimulate3 the production of youth proteins. 1 At the very origin of your skin’s youth: your genes. By expressing themselves, the genes produce specific proteins that can be found on the skin’s surface. The proteins are the skin’s signature of youth. shop online at lancome.com 2009: after 10 years of research, Lancôme launched a futuristic treatment, redefining skin care, Génifique. Self assessments - 34 women 2 In vitro test on active ingredients Skin proteins dosage - 25 women - 8 weeks 4 Source sell in 2009 YOUTH ACTIVATOR A message from the CEO Mats Jansson President and CEO, SAS Group Airlines, airports and airspace – working together for you A s a customer, you depend on numerous suppliers and services during your trip, although we at SAS are your main point of contact. But a good cooperation and mutual understanding between airlines and two of their most important suppliers – the airports and air traffic control organizations – are at the heart of providing you with a smooth and safe journey. At SAS, we have long-established relations with our three main hub airports (Copenhagen, Oslo and Stockholm), and through numerous projects (both small and large scale), we are constantly trying to find joint solutions to improve your travel experience. A “Fast Track” through security checkpoints, well-located lounges, and a pleasant, relaxing environment when you wait for your flights are just a few examples. Through a recent far-reaching partnership agreement with Copenhagen Airport, we are helping to further shorten transfer times between flights, thereby reducing your total travel time when you are connecting at our Danish hub. Further product developments and quality improvements are also in the pipeline. There are many ways cooperation takes place behind the scenes: improving logistics on the ramp, quickly clearing the snow when there are adverse weather conditions, and running a reliable and efficient baggage-sorting system, to mention a few. The list is very long. Air traffic control is equally critical, making sure you can rely on safe guidance in the sky as well as considering the environmental aspects of aviation. We are very pleased that Denmark and Sweden are leading the development of For the latest news from Scandinavian Airlines, turn to the Our World section creating a common airspace, ignoring national borders and improving efficiency for airlines and their passengers. This might become a model for the rest of Europe. There are many organizations doing their utmost to provide you with the safe and efficient service that you have come to expect from aviation and from SAS. We are constantly working together to help improve the infrastructure in order to make your travel experience as safe, pleasant and efficient as possible. That is also part of providing “Service and Simplicity.” Welcome onboard! ˆ no. 03 SCANORAMA ˆ 12 Editor’s Letter 14 The Hit List 'SPNUIF¾TIFSNBOµTGSJFOE UPUIF'JSFNBOµT4VQQFS 24 The Tech 5IF4DSFXQVMM-.1MBUJOVN 26 The Traveler #SFBLJOHUIFJDFXJUI5JJOB*ULPOFO 28 The Agenda &YUSFNFTLJJOHXJUI'SFESJL&SJDTTPO 30 The Details 4DBOPSBNBµTSFTPSUDPMMFDUJPO 32 ˆ Running with the fashion pack 0GGDBNFSBBU1BSJT'BTIJPO8FFL 40 The Lunch 1FUFS&OHMVOEPOQFSGPSNJOH IJT/PCFMEVUZ 49 Perfect 10: Marrakech 'SPNSJBEMJWJOHUPSPPGUPQEJOJOH 56 Haunting house 'FXIPUFMTBSFBTNFNPSBCMFBT 4XJU[FSMBOEµT#FMMFWVFEFT"MQFT 64 Wish You Were Here 4USFFUMJGFJO1BMFSNP4JDJMZ Our World 5IFMBUFTUOFXTGSPN4"4 ˆ SCANORAMA The Hotel Bellevue des Alpes in Kleine Scheidegg, Switzerland, photographed by Erik Olsson 16LISBON $BOOFEEFMJHIUT 18MAASTRICHT )FBWFOPOFBSUI 20VIENNA 5IFMFBUIFSNBO 32PARIS $IJDIJDPVTDPVT 56KLEINE SCHEIDEGG 4QMFOEJEJTPMBUJPO no. 03 ˆ ˆ TOP AND BOTTOM: ERIK OLSSON. MIDDLE: HÅKAN ELOFSSON ˆ SCANORAMA EDITORIAL EDITOR IN CHIEF Per Olsson (responsible under Swedish press law) EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Rikard Lind ART DIRECTOR Martin Genberg ACTING ART DIRECTOR Mathias Forslund EXECUTIVE EDITOR Graeme Nadasy SENIOR EDITOR Thomas Sjöberg OUR WORLD EDITOR Dan-Marcus Pethrus OUR WORLD ART DIRECTOR Douglas Dittmer TRANSLATORS Mikaela Hincks and John Ambrose e-mail: firstname.lastname@dgcom.se DISTRIBUTION Carina Wuolikainen Eklund e-mail: carina.wuolikainen-eklund@sas.se DG MEDIA SALES Sweden DIRECTOR SALES & MARKETING Catarina Berggren Kerstin Adell, Display advertising Christina Arrhénborg, Display advertising Peter Brodersen, Display advertising Annika Stiernspetz, Sales and booking coordinator Tel: +46 8 797 04 00, Fax: +46 8 21 31 71 e-mail: firstname.lastname@dgmediasales.se INTERNATIONAL SALES DIRECTOR Anita Wollroth anita.wollroth@dgmediasales.se Tel: +46 8 797 03 47, Fax: +46 8 21 31 71 Norway Siri Danielsen Tel: +47 21 60 81 90, Fax: +47 21 60 81 91 e-mail: firstname.lastname@dgmedia.no Chosen by Michael Owen - Football Player IN TOUCH WITH YOUR TIME Denmark Ulrik Brostrøm Morten Petersen Tel: +45 33 85 30 00, Fax: +45 33 85 30 01 e-mail: ubr@jbmedia.dk, mpe@jbmedia.dk Scanorama is published by DG Communications AB, SE-111 57 Stockholm www.dgcom.se MANAGING DIRECTOR Lennart Löf Jennische PUBLISHER Magnus Lindvall PREPRESS Datagraf, Auning, Denmark PRINTERS Stibo Graphics A/S SAS Customer Relations www.sas.se/feedback Scanorama is distributed 10 times a year by SAS. Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors or persons interviewed and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors, DG Communications AB or Scandinavian Airlines. All rights reserved. Material in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. Please note that unsolicited manuscripts, photographs and illustrations are not accepted. Scanorama accepts no responsibility for such material sent to its office, nor is it liable for loss of, or damage to, such material. All editorial material in Scanorama is digitally stored and may be republished by DG Communications or its clients, either in printed form or in various digital media. Persons contributing material to Scanorama consent to digital storage and republication. Any reservations against this should be made before publication. All correspondence to Scanorama may be published. Expe r ie nc e m o r e at w w w. ti s s o t .c h The genuine cuban mojito ¡ Bienvenido a la Habana ! Welcome to La Bodeguita del Medio, the cradle of the Mojito. Right at the heart of Havana, this mythical bar has been preparing this famous Cuban cocktail for decades. Anyone entering La Bodeguita, is immediately caught up in its unique and lively atmosphere. The first thing that hits you are the walls. They are covered with graffiti from famous people as well as ordinary clients. All around you, frames and posters recount a thousand stories. A place rich in history. First opened in 1942, La Bodeguita del Medio quickly became the centre of Havana’s cultural effervescence. Writers, choreographers, musicians, including Pablo Neruda and Gabriel Garcia Marquez met there, but its most famous regular was Ernest Hemingway. His inscription, “My Mojito in La Bodeguita” is still visible on the wall. The undisputed star of the place remains the Mojito. Always prepared in the purest tradition, with “Cuban gold”, the rum HAVANA CLUB. Dive into La Bodeguita del Medio and learn how to prepare the Cuban Mojito on havana-mojito.com Enjoy your Mojito responsibly. WWW.GANT.COM THE EDITOR Fortune favors the brave 7caSRb]b`OdSZOZ]b]\[g]e\7beOaSfQWbW\UO\RTc\O\R 7ZWYSRUSbbW\UO`]c\R_cWQYZgO\RSOaWZgeWbV]cbQ][^`] [WaS0cba][SbW[SabVS`SO`SR`OePOQYab]U]W\Ua]Z]=\QS 7VSORSR]TTb]bVS2][W\WQO\@S^cPZWQ]\bVSPOQY]TbVOb gSO`·aQ`OhS(bVSOZZW\QZcaWdSb`W^=\^O^S`Wba]c\RSRU`SOb( \WQSPSOQVV]bSZO\ROa[cQVT]]RO\RR`W\YOag]cQ]cZR eO\b^`Sbbg[cQVeVS\SdS`g]ceO\bSRWb ;gTSZZ]eb`OdSZS`aQS`bOW\Zg[ORSbVS[]ab]TWbBVSg `SOZZgS\X]gSRbVSPWU^]]ZbVSaVORSObbVSPO`bVS`SabOc `O\ba·dO`WSR[S\caO\RbVSUS\S`]caR`W\Ya0cb7S\X]gSRWb T]`]\Zg]\SROgBVSc`USb]Sf^Z]`SbVSQ]c\b`g]\[g]e\ eOab]]U`SOb BVSV]bSZeOaa][SRWabO\QST`][bVS\SO`SabPWUQWbg >cS`b]>ZObOO\ReVS\7OaYSRbVS`SQS^bW]\RSaYT]`ObOfW W\b]b]e\bVSgaOWR7aV]cZReOWbT]`bVS^`SO``O\USRaV]^ ^W\Ub`W^ZObS`bVObeSSYBVSgRWR\·bbVW\YWbeOaOU]]RWRSO T]`[Sb]b`OdSZOZ]\S/aO\OZZW\QZcaWdSUcSab7eOabVSW` `Sa^]\aWPWZWbgO\RbVSg^`STS``SRb]YSS^[SaOTSeWbVW\bVS V]bSZQ][^]c\RBVS\SfbROg7[O\OUSRb]¾\RO[]^SR `S\bOZeVWZSX]UUW\U]\bVSPSOQVPcbeVS\bVSgT]c\R]cb eVS`S7eOaabOgW\UbVSgVSaWbObSR 7U]bW\Q`SRWPZgT`cab`ObSRPcbSdS\[]`SQc`W]caOP]cb eVObeOaeOWbW\UT]`[S]cbbVS`S:ObS`bVObROg7[SbOUcg eV]e]\RS`SRWT7eO\bSRb]dWaWbO[S`S\UcSQZcPbVObVWa P`]bVS`]e\SR7aOWRWbe]cZRPSRWT¾QcZbT]`[Sb]USbbVS`S aW\QS[gV]bSZVORYWR\O^^SR[S0cbbVObOTbS`\]]\VS I got even more curious about what was out there T]c\RO[]^SReSQ]cZRcaS7b e]cZRPSPSabWT7R`]dSVSaOWR EVObeWbVbVSV]bSZ·aeO`\ W\UaO\RVWaWRSO]TPSW\U R`WdS\O`]c\R7e]\RS`SR eVOb7VORZSb[gaSZTW\T]` 0cb7\SSR\·bVOdSe]``WSR BVSQZcPeOaXO[^OQYSRSdS\ bV]cUVWbeOaSO`ZgOTbS`\]]\O\RdS`gRO`YO^^O`S\bZgb] Q]\QSOZeV]eOaRO\QW\UbS\RS`ZgeWbVeV][BVS`Sab]T bVSeSSY7`]RSO`]c\R]\bVS[]^SReWbV[g\SeT`WS\R7 ObS`WQSO\RPSO\RW\\S`aeOaVSRR]e\eWbV`c[ObVWaU`O\R [O·a^ZOgSRPSOQVa]QQS`W\bVSOTbS`\]]\aO\RZSO`\SRbVS [S`S\UcS7VORbVSbW[S]T[gZWTS/\R7·[ac`S[gTSZZ]e b`OdSZS`aRWRb]]0cbOeV]ZSe]`ZRVOR^OaaSRbVS[Pg 7\bVWaWaacSeSdWaWbO\]bVS`e]`ZRbVSe]`ZR]TTOaVW]\ Ob>O`Wa4OaVW]\ESSYESOZa]QOZZW\ObOQ][^ZSbSZg[OUWQOZ V]bSZVWUVc^W\bVSAeWaa/Z^a 6O^^gb`OdSZaASSg]cOUOW\W\/^`WZ PER OLSSON 3RWb]`W\QVWST VISIT US ONLINE AT WWW.SCANORAMA.COM ˆ CONTRIBUTOR: HÅKAN ELOFSSON, PHOTOGRAPHER You went to Paris for this issue of Scanorama. What’s the first thing you do when you get to Paris? 7cacOZZgaSSb]WbbVOb7O``WdSW\bW[S T]`Zc\QV7OZeOgaS\Rc^ObO^ZOQS bVObaS`dSaQ]\¾bRSQO\O`R^`SaS`dSR RcQY7b·abVS^S`TSQbabO`bb][gdWaWb Do you have a restaurant in mind? ESZZWbdO`WSaPSQOcaS7OZeOgaZ]]YT]` OQVSO^V]bSZb]abOgW\0cbQ]\¾bRS QO\O`RWaOQZOaaWQbVObbVS4`S\QVQO\ R]XcabOP]cbO\geVS`S7eOaVWbR]e\ eWbVOPSS` But there must be some places that stick out in the memory. 7OZeOgaU]b]1VSh=[O`7bcaSRb] PSbVSP`OaaS`WS:O1]c^]ZSW\;]\b ^O`\OaaSeee¿]P`OaaS`WSaQ][ 12 Elofsson in traditional Indian wedding attire PSQOcaS]TbVSQ]\abO\bPchh7OZa] ZWYSeO\RS`W\UbVS:S;O`OWa\SWUV P]`V]]R/\R7cacOZZg¾\RbW[ST]` ]\S]TbVSPWUQS[SbS`WSaSWbVS`>|`S :OQVOWaS]`;]\b^O`\OaaS/U]]R ^ZOQST]`Zc\QVWa:S1VObSOcP`WO\R 'OdS\cS>O`[S\bWS`BSZ(!!"! #%"#'# What else have you been up to lately? /QbcOZZga][ST`WS\RaO\R7eV]RWR O\7\RWO\Q]]YS`gP]]YeS`SW\dWbSR b]OeSRRW\UW\8OW^c`@OXOabVO\7b·a O^O`bgbVObU]Sa]\T]`aWfROga²eS eS`SbVS`ST]`bV`SSESe]`Sb`ORW bW]\OZQZ]bVSaO\Rb]]Y^O`bW\bVSQS` S[]\gO\RTSabWdWbWSaeVWQVTSObc`SR OPO\RO\RSZS^VO\ba7beOaOb`cZg [S[]`OPZSSf^S`WS\QS www.ef.com/academy International Academy Schola rships availab le for Nor we gian stu dents ianor w ay@ef.c om EF New York Campus Last call for boarding... school! EF International Academy offers private international high schools with a cosmopolitan atmosphere and a global philosophy. Study the IB Diploma Program or the A-levels together with classmates from over 30 different countries at our campuses in New York, Oxford or Torquay. Invest in an international education UÊ7À`V>ÃÃÊÌi>V iÀÃÊ>`ÊÃ>ÊV>ÃÃià UÊ ÃiÊLiÌÜiiÊL>À`}ÊÃV ÊÀÊ ÃÌÊv>ÞÊÛ} UÊÊ"ÕÌÃÌ>`}ÊÀiÃÕÌÃ\ÊÊÃÌÕ`iÌÃÊ >ÛiÊi>Ài`Ê«>ViÃÊ>ÌÊÌ«ÊÕÛiÀÃÌiÃÊVÕ`}Ê"ÝvÀ`]Ê >LÀ`}i]Ê«iÀ>]Ê-Ê>`Ê>ÀÛ>À` UÊ*À}À>Êi}Ì Ê£{ÊÞi>Àà EF International Academy New York UÊV>Ìi`ÊÊ/>ÀÀÞÌÜ]Ê{äÊÊLÞÊÌÀ>ÊvÀÊ> >ÌÌ> UÊÊ«>Ê*À}À>Ê>`Ê} Ê-V Ê*À}À>Ê}À>`iÃÊÊÊ£ÓÊ UÊÊ-Õ«iÀÀÊV>«ÕÃÊVÕ`iÃÊÌiÀ>VÌÛiÊV>ÃÃÀÃ]ÊÃViViÊ>LÃ]ÊLÀ>ÀÞ]Ê three theaters and full boarding facilities UÊÝÌiÃÛiÊëÀÌÃÊv>VÌiÃÊÜÌ Ê`ÀÊÃÜ}Ê«]ÊwÌiÃÃÊViÌiÀÊ>`ÊëÀÌÃÊwi`à NÊ1ÊNÊ1-ÊNÊ >>`>ÊNÊÕÃÌÀ>>ÊNÊ-}>«ÀiÊN EF International Academy, Fridtjof Nansens Plass 2, Postboks 1334, Vika, 0112 Oslo. Tel.: 22 94 12 23, Fax: 22 94 12 12 Elisa from Oslo, Norway studied at EF International Academy in New York in 2008-2009. It was the best time of my life, I highly reccommend EF International Academy. It is amazing to sit in the cafeteria surrounded by people from at least 10 different nationalities. The teachers are highly qualified and they care about each student. At EF International Academy I have met the people that are my best friends today, I will stay in touch with them for the rest of my life even though we live in different parts of the world. I wish I could start all over again. ˆ The Hit List Editor RIKARD LIND 'SPNGFFMHPPETIPQQJOHJO1BSJTUPNJOECMPXJOHDPGGFFJO *UBMZBOEBEFTJHOIPUFMJO.BBTUSJDIUUIBUXJMMCSJOHZPVUP ZPVSLOFFTJUµTUJNFUPHJWFUIBOLTGPSUIFHPPEUIJOHTJOMJGF STYLE If you live in the northern hemisphere, precipitation of one form or another is a fact of life. Luckily, you can dress accordingly. Grundéns has provided protection from storms since 1926, when Carl A. Grundén opened his rainwear factory in Grundsund, a small fishing village on Sweden’s west coast. Now in its third generation, the company caters for commercial fisherman and landlubbers alike. “We have always carried a selection of clothing for everyone,” says Berndt Grundén, CEO. The Koster 55, Sweden’s answer to Britain’s mackintosh, is a classic. Made from lightweight PVC-coated knitted nylon, this all-weather raincoat has been a favorite of older – or should we say distinguished? – gentlemen since the 1930s. But it looks good on women, too. If you’re lucky you might even find one hanging in the back of grandpa’s closet. $78. Anna Blom ˆ www.grundens.se 14 SCANORAMA MARCH 2010 BOBO O LSSO N Fisherman’s friend THE HIT LIST Primo dolce CAFÉS As you’ve probably found out for yourself nobody brews better coffee or makes better pastries than the Italians. So, who is the best in Italy, or the world for that matter? Try the award-winning Bar Alba (as it’s known locally) in Palermo, Sicily, voted the best coffee bar and pasticceria in southern Italy by the influential food and wine magazine Gambero Rosso. Pasticceria Alba was founded in 1955 by Sebastiano Costa, who still works alongside his sons, Alessandro and Vincenzo. The numerous chatty, impeccably dressed staff produce a great atmosphere, and killer coffee. Regulars zip in and out all day, or sit down with a newspaper and a cannoli on the terrace outside. Pasticceria Alba has become a destination in itself. It does things the way it always has, but regularly comes up with new recipes and ideas, such as shipping its über-delicious range of dolce worldwide. 2. ˆ Pasticceria Alba Piazza don Bosco, 7 Palermo, Sicily. Tel: +39 0913 09016 www.baralba.it Dolce vita: The helpful staff at Bar Alba serve killer coffee and pastries to die for Golden oldies how quickly these products were starting to disappear,” says journalist-turned-shopkeeper Catarina Portas, who opened the store in 2006. You can pick up tubes of Couto toothpaste from Porto, sweet-smelling soaps in art deco packaging from Confiança or packets of Gorreana tea from the Azores. Naturally, Portas sells the national staple, cod, as well as tuna and sardines, all of which come in retro tins from local cannery Conserveira de Lisboa. Ivan Carvalho 3. ˆ A Vida Portuguesa Rua Anchieta, 11 Lisbon, Portugal. Open Mon-Sat, 10am-8pm. www.avidaportuguesa.com Oldies but goodies: Portas draws on customers’ childhood memories of brands such as Viarco pencils 16 SCANORAMA MARCH 2010 TOP: ERIK OLSSON SHOPPING Tucked away on a side street in Lisbon’s historic Chiado district, A Vida Portuguesa’s shelves groan with consumer nostalgia. Housed in a former cosmetics warehouse, the store stocks locally produced ceramics, foodstuffs and toiletries once commonplace on Portuguese shelves before the multinational brands arrived and upended the domestic retail scene. “I was doing research for a book on everyday life in 20th-century Portugal when I noticed www.castillodemolina.com www.vinsprit.se www.pernod-ricard-norway.com THE HIT LIST Temple of design ˆ Kruisherenhotel Maastricht Kruisherengang 19-23, Maastricht, The Netherlands. Tel: +31 43 329 20 20. www.chateauhotels.nl Doubles from $280. 4. HOTELS For centuries Maastricht was a place of religious pilgrimage. But nowadays it’s art and antiques rather than religious relics that draw visitors to the Netherlands’ oldest town. The conversion has not been lost on local hotelier Camille Oostwegel, who has turned a 15th-century gothic monastery into the deluxe Kruisherenhotel. As soon The café terrace is a popular as you set foot in the futuristic copperplace for people to congregate paneled tunnel it’s apparent you’re worshipping at the altar of modern design. Inside the church, Catholic icons have made way for polished aluminum barstools by Philippe Starck, a statuesque Big Shadow floor lamp by Marcel Wanders, and a spiraling Tatlin sofa by Mario Cananzi and Roberto Semprini, alongside pieces by Marc Newson, Piet Hein Eek, and Roderick Vos. The nave of the church features a split-level mezzanine, where you’re served breakfast “between heaven and earth” under the otherworldly disclike light installations of Ingo Maurer. A glass elevator connects the church to the monastery, where the monks’ once spartan cells have been turned into 60 individually furnished rooms and suites, with frosted glass and wallsized pop art offset by stained glass windows and medieval frescoes. God would be amused. Matylda Krzykowski The Fireman’s Supper 6. A cut above the rest FASHION Shoppers in Malmö, southern Sweden, are hardly spoiled for choice when it comes to fashion. So Très Bien Shop must be something of a revelation with its range of carefully selected designer clothes and pieces from small cutting-edge labels. Not easily found – the store is tucked away in a courtyard behind Friisgatan – this is a place for the initiated few and those with a passion for details and quality. “We’re really too big for this town,” says Hannes Hogeman, one of the owners. The business is actually driven by a web shop that allows Très Bien to provide choosy customers all over the world with quality clothing. But the shop itself is always worth a visit, whether you want to stroke the leather on a 18 pair of Church’s classic shoes, get a whiff of Commes des Garçons’ latest fragrance or try on peculiar designs by Ann-Sofie Back or Patrik Ervell. Jakob Törnberg, another of the four impeccably dressed young men who run the company, says: “We like clothes that have a story. Take S.N.S. Herning, for example, they started off making sweaters for Danish fishermen in the 1920s and still produce quality clothes.” Sophia Genitz Très Bien Shop Friisgatan 6C, Malmö, Sweden. info@tresbienshop.net www.tresbienshop.net ˆ From left: Très Bien’s Björn Lindén, Simon Hogeman, Jakob Törnberg, and Hannes Hogeman SCANORAMA MARCH 2010 BOTTOM: MIRIAM PREIS. LEFT: BOBO OLSSON 5. LUNCH Östermalmshallen, in Stockholm’s well-to-do Östermalm neighborhood, has long been one of the best places in the city for finding quality foodstuffs or a good lunch. The food hall’s many restaurants all have a dish of the day, from fresh perch or lobster to hare, moose, “gold” entrecôte (dry aged for eight weeks), and game. Jarmo Tammisto of Nybroe Smørrebrød is best known for his openfaced Räkor i trängsel (“Crowded Prawns”) sandwich. But our favorite is the double-decker Brandmannens vickning or “Fireman’s Supper.” The sliced potato that makes up the first layer is smoked the day ˆ before, then topped with bacon. The second Nybroe Smørrebrød layer of rye bread is smothered with chicken Östermalms Saluhallen salad, and garnished with finely sliced chive and Nybrogatan 31, Stockholm. grated carrot. The end result is a sandwich big Tel: +46 8 662 23 20. enough for lunch or dinner. “It’s best enjoyed with a www.nybroe.se Bornholmer aquavit and beer,” Tammisto says. Per Olsson 3DLQW WKHWRZQ %OX )DOOLQORYHZLWKWKHZRUOGRI5DGLVVRQ%OX WKH1RKRWHOEUDQGLQWKH1RUGLFV ZLWKKRWHOVLQRYHUFRXQWULHV UDGLVVRQEOXFRP 6RXUFH²%'5&1RUGLF+RWHO%XVLQHVV*XHVW6XUYH\ THE HIT LIST Blooming marvelous BOOKS If you’re a book lover with a somewhat academic bent you should head for this veritable treasure trove in London’s Bloomsbury neighborhood. But be warned: you could be here all day. Judd Books specializes in secondhand and remaindered books covering everything from art, design and photography to philosophy and history. The shop is stacked with books from floor to ceiling over two stories. Indeed, you have to clamber up a ladder to reach the top shelves. Prices are competitive and the owners pride themselves on having 50,000-plus titles in stock. If they haven’t got what you’re looking for they can usually get it in. More books pile up everyday and there are bargains to be had on the tables outside. Michael Dee ˆ Judd Books 82 Marchmont Street, London, England. Tel: +44 20 7387 5333. www.juddbooks.com DESIGN For most of us shopping is hardly a lifechanging experience, but it was in Viennese bag maker Robert Horn’s case. “At that time in Vienna it was almost impossible to find a decent briefcase,” he recalls, 30 years after his fruitless search for a new workbag. “They were usually dull, rather ugly and black.” He soon set things right by starting his own leather goods workshop, R. Horn’s. Working with the finest Italian calfskin, his craftsmen make everything by hand – special techniques include double-folded stitching for clean edges. Today, his collection has expanded to wallets, handbags and a line of dog accessories for owners who like to spoil their pets. We like the 24-Hour Weekender Travel Bag ($1,215) in soft leather that’s sure to attract envious looks when placed in the overhead bin. ˆ R.Horn’s Stephansplatz 3, If you can’t find the right size Vienna, Austria. or color, Horn says he’s more Tel: +43 1 513 64 07. than happy to take a custom www.rhorns.com order. Ivan Carvalho 20 Oh, Vienna: Carrying one of these may cause a twinge of envy among your fellow passengers 8. TOP: JEFF RICHT Life-changing bags SCANORAMA MARCH 2010 First Card ges ut av Nordea Bank AB (publ) According to our customers, First Card is the payment system with the greatest potential for saving money. Why not try it yourself? (Source: Nordic Business Travel Barometer 2008.) Statistics show that in theory you can add 50 euro to each supplier’s invoice to be paid. It is a widelyaccepted truth that administration costs a lot of money. Yet we still get the impression that many people do not know how to bring down their costs, not least when we present the advantages of First Card to companies we have not met before. Our simple message often comes as a surprise. fewer invoices and faster handling With First Card the number of invoices is lower, because a large volume of different purchases can be brought together in the same system. This applies to all card purchases and also travelling costs, which can be handled easily through the First Card travel account. Furthermore, there is a good chance that changing to First Card means faster processing of your invoices than before. The First Card payment system is designed to adapt to and interact with a large number of different accounting systems. what does this mean for your company? Since every company is unique, you are surely wondering what effects First Card might have on your administration costs. Please contact us and let’s look at this together. Welcome to First Card. The payment system that saves money. firstcard.se firstcard.dk firstcard.fi firstcard.no THE HIT LIST Helly Hansen’s knitted Ask cardigan 9. Sport a new look OUTERWEAR Two outdoor brands with Scandinavian roots are moving in interesting new directions, with collections that will look just as good on the slopes as city streets this spring. Helly Hansen’s new Ask (for him) and Embla (for her) lines, named for the first man and woman in Nordic mythology, are inspired by nature and come with elaborate details and beautiful materials. We’re especially fond of the Ask knitted cardigan ($205). Mover has been in and out of fashion for years, but recently hit new heights with its top-notch functional wear in sleek, clean shapes. The Aluminium Light Jacket ($413), Multipurpose Parka ($895) and Merino Cap ($55) stand out. ˆ www.hellyhansen.com www.mover.se Thanks be to Merci The wine cellar at Eataly FOOD Leave it to an Italian to marry the American supermarket concept with Italy’s Slow Food movement. Oscar Farinetti, previously the owner of UniEuro, one of Italy’s biggest electronics chains, opened Eataly three years ago in Turin. The food and wine megamarket brings together the best artisanal producers in Italy under one roof. True to the Slow Food spirit – the foodie organization Slow Food Italia acts as a consultant to Farinetti – fruit and vegetables are only sold when they are in season. On the shelves you’ll find handmade Gragnano pasta from Naples, a vast selection of cheeses, quality prosciutto and other cured meats from Emilia Romagna, plus premium olive oil and wines. There’s even an assortment of hard-to-find regional sweets and drinks. And should you work up an appetite, Eataly has several restaurants on-site, including a walk-up pizzeria and gelateria. Eataly’s runaway success has already led Farinetti to take his idea overseas. Tokyo now boasts two stores and there are plans to open one later this year in New York. Ivan Carvalho 10. ˆ ˆ Merci 111, boulevard Beaumarchais, Paris, France. Tel: +33 1 42 77 00 33. www.merci-merci.com BOT TOM: LOU IS E E NHÖRNING A true taste of Eataly SHOPPING Merci is the boutique on every Parisian’s lips. And rightfully so. Housed in a former factory and spread over three stories, which explains the maze of different rooms and layouts, Merci has managed to create a friendly, playful atmosphere that puts you in the right mood to shop for clothes, perfume, furniture, carpets, sculptures, paintings, lights, flowers, and more. Here Stella McCartney, A.P.C. and Yves Saint Laurent share space with customized and vintage pieces, as well as gardening tools. We especially like the peaceful café that does an impressive line in used books, and that all the profits (once salaries have been deducted) go to a charity for poor children in Madagascar. Petra Dokken Eataly Via Nizza 230, Turin, Italy. Tel: + 39 011 1950 6801. www.eataly.it 22 SCANORAMA MARCH 2010 PHOTO: DANIEL LINDH MINI COLLECTION PEACE – I HAVE A DREAM PENCEZ DE MOY – THINK OF ME AMOR VINCIT OMNIA – LOVE CONQUERS ALL STOCKHOLM HORNSGATAN 42 & 44, BIRGER JARLSGATAN 9 GOTHENBURG KUNGSGATAN 61 HELSINKI ANNANKATU 22 OSLO BOGSTADVEIEN 15 S HO P O N LIN E ef vaat tling.com THE TECH Words by PAUL REDSTONE Slick operator -F$SFVTFUµT4DSFXQVMM-.1MBUJOVNJTOPSPVHIOFDL BUILT TO LAST PULLING POWER BVS:;!#WaQ]\ab`cQbSRT`][ORc`OPZS [SbOZOZZ]g7b·aa]ZWRZgS\UW\SS`SRb]abO\RbVS bSab]TbW[SO\RQ][SaeWbVOgSO`UcO`O\bSS BVSZSdS`OQbW]\Waa[]]bVO\R SOag`S_cW`W\U[W\W[OZSTT]`bb] `S[]dSbVS[]ababcPP]`\Q]`Ya IMPECCABLE FINISH BVS^ZObW\c[¾\WaVWaa[]]bV aVW\gSZSUO\bO\R`SaWZWS\b RSZWdS`W\UZ]]YabVObaV]cZR ZOabOZWTSbW[S SMOOTH AND SHARP 2`OeW\U]\OS`]a^OQSbSQV\]Z]Ug6S`PS`b/ZZS\ W\b`]RcQSRbVSBS¿]\Q]ObSRaQ`Seb]`SRcQST`WQbW]\ BVS^`SQWaW]\]TWbaVSZWQOZaVO^SO\R^]W\bUcO`O\bSSa O^S`TSQbO\UZS]TS\b`g3dS\bVSbWUVbSabO\R[]ab T`OUWZSQ]`YaO`S`S[]dSRc\P`]YS\SdS`gbW[SBVS `S^ZOQSOPZSaQ`SeWaU]]RT]`OP]cb ]^S\W\Ua OPEN WIDE BVS:;!#QO\OQQ][[]RObSbVS eWRSab]TeW\SP]bbZS\SQYaeWbVO UcWRST]`Q]``SQb^]aWbW]\W\U STANDING PROUD FINGER ON THE TRIGGER BVS:;!#Q][SaeWbVO`cPPS`abO\Ra]g]cQO\ RWa^ZOgWbaPSOcbgb][OfW[c[STTSQbO\RYSS^WbVO\Rg 7b·a\]aV`W\YW\UdW]ZSbbV]cUVO\RRS[O\Raa^OQS G]c[OgOaYg]c`aSZTWTg]cQO\ZWdSeWbV]cbbVSb]OabS` BVSS`U]\][WQb`WUUS`U`W^V]ZRabVS :;!#aSQc`SZgW\^ZOQST]`Oa[]]bV ]^S\W\UOQbW]\ = WZR`WZZW\U`WUaeS`SbVSc\ZWYSZg W\a^W`ObW]\T]`bVS¾`abAQ`Se ^cZZQ]`YaQ`SebVSP`OW\QVWZR]T 6S`PS`b/ZZS\OBSfO\]WZO\ROS`]a^OQS S\UW\SS`bc`\SReW\SQ]\\]WaaSc` 4`cab`ObSRPgRWT¾QcZbQ]`YaVWaeWTS QVOZZS\USRVW[b]Q][Sc^eWbVOPSbbS` Q]`YaQ`Se6Wa`Sa^]\aSe]\VW[bVS CA/7\dS\b]`]TbVSGSO`OeO`RW\'%' 24 BVSZW[WbSRSRWbW]\>ZObW\c[`O\US eOaRSaWU\SRb][O`YbVS!bVO\\WdS` aO`g]TbVSAQ`Se^cZZP`O\R\]e]e\SR Pg:S1`ScaSbBVS:;!#ZSdS`OQbW]\ Q]`YaQ`SeWaaObWaTgW\UZg`]PcabO\RbVS Zcab`]ca^ZObW\c[¾\WaVWa¿OeZSaa7bOZa] Q][SaeWbVOaS^O`ObST]c`eVSSZT]WZQcb bS`eVWQVR]SaO_cWQYO\R\SObX]P =^S\W\UWaOQW\QVBVS:;!#QO\ PS^]aWbW]\SReWbV]\SVO\RbVSb`WU US`V]ZRW\UbVSP]bbZSaSQc`SZgW\^ZOQS >caVbVSZSdS`O\RbVSBS¿]\Q]ObSR aQ`SeUZWRSaSOaWZgW\b]bVSQ]`Y>cZZ WbPOQYO\RbVSQ]`YWa`S[]dSReWbVO ^ZSOaO\bZga[]]bVOQbW]\8cabb`gb] `Sab`OW\g]c`aSZTT`][]^S\W\USdS`g bVW\UW\bVSV]caS0]bb][ac^" eeeaQ`Se^cZZQ][ SCANORAMA MARCH 2010 New SAS EuroBonus American Express® Card A faster way to EuroBonus trips With American Express and SAS EuroBonus combined in one Card you can collect points on all your purchases wherever you go shopping, as well as on SAS flights and their partners. That way you can collect points towards your EuroBonus trip even faster. Each time you pay with the Card, you earn SAS EuroBonus Extra points. A purchase of SEK 100 gives you 20 points. So keep on shopping, but don’t forget to use ski wax. SAS EuroBonus American Express Card is only available to residents in Sweden, but we are pleased to have SAS as a Membership Rewards partner in many other countries. To transfer your Membership Rewards points to EuroBonus Extra points, please visit the website for Membership Rewards in your country. americanexpress.se/resmer More EuroBonus Extra points on all your purchases THE TRAVELER As told to KARIN STRÖM A sucker for ice sheets 'JOOJTIQIPUPHSBQIFS5JJOB*ULPOFODBOµUHFUFOPVHIPGOPSUIFSO (SFFOMBOEPSUIF1PMBS&TLJNPTTIFµTQIPUPHSBQIFEGPSZFBST ‘‘ Uummannaq III 2007 ZOUSBVSdWZZOUS`ab]ZR[S7Q]cZRabOg ObbVSVc\bS`>WZcbO_·aV]caSeVWZSVS eOaOeOg]\Ob`W^7eOaOT`OWRVSe]cZR Q][SPOQYO\R¾\ROab`O\US`W\VWa V]caS:cQYWZgVS\SdS`bc`\SRc^/\ ]WZbO\YS`b]]Y[Sb]bVS\SfbdWZZOUS ?S_S`bObeVS`SOab]`SYSS^S`·aTO[ WZg]TTS`SR[SOPSR]\O``WdOZ:WbbZSPg ZWbbZS7ZSO`\SRa][S5`SS\ZO\RWQe]`Ra O\RU]bOQ_cOW\bSReWbVbVSZ]QOZa I expected to find a stress-free way of life, and I wasn’t disappointed. 3dS`g bVW\UVO^^S\aW[[O_OOUO_c²´[OgPS b][]``]eµ/\RbVS\SfbROgbVSgaOg W[[O_OOUO_cOUOW\>S]^ZSZWdSOQQ]`R W\Ub]bVSQZW[ObSO\RbVSaSOa]\a4`][ bW[Sb]bW[SVO`aVeSObVS`^`SdS\ba b`OdSZW\UPSbeSS\b]e\aOaeSZZOa¾aV W\UO\RVc\bW\UB]eOWbOROg]`SdS\ OeSSY[OYSa\]RWTTS`S\QS<]P]Rg ˆ WaW\OVc``gBVS`S·aOZeOgabW[Sb]USb bVW\UaR]\S Altogether I have made eight trips to Greenland, each lasting about six weeks. ;g[]ab[S[]`OPZSb`W^eOaW\ eVS\7dWaWbSRbVS>]ZO`3aYW[]dWZZOUSa ]T\]`bVeSab5`SS\ZO\RT]`bVSbVW`R bW[S7eOaaV]eS`SReWbVW\dWbObW]\a b]PW`bVROgaO\RVc\bW\Ub`W^a7VOdS e]\RS`TcZ[S[]`WSa]TZWdW\UO\Re]`Y W\UW\AOdWaaWdWY²Vc\bW\UPgR]UaZSRT]` aSOZeVOZS`SW\RSS`[caY]fPW`RaO\R ¾aVQObQVW\UOcYaSOPW`Ra]\[]c\ bOW\aZ]^Sa^ZOgW\Ua]QQS`]\aSOWQS ;gTOd]`WbS^ZOQSWaCc[[O\\O_eVWQV [SO\a´b]e\PgOVSO`baVO^SR[]c\ bOW\µ;gV]aba/\\/\R`SOaS\O\R =ZS8]`US\6O[[SYS\`c\bVSe]`ZR·a \]`bVS`\[]abQVWZR`S\·aV][SO\RbOYS My interest in Greenland was sparked by the legend of The Mother of the Sea.BVS ;]bVS`]TbVSASO^c\WaVSabVS5`SS\ ZO\RS`a·SdWZRSSRaPgUObVS`W\UOZZbVS O\W[OZabVSgVc\bW\VS`VOW`ObbVSP]b b][]TbVSaSO7¾`abeS\bbVS`SW\''# 7eOaabWZZabcRgW\U^V]b]U`O^VgObbVS C\WdS`aWbg]T/`bO\R2SaWU\W\6SZ aW\YWO\RRSQWRSRb]a^S\RaWfeSSYaW\ 5`SS\ZO\RbOYW\U^V]b]U`O^VaT]`[g ¾\OZSfO[^`]XSQb From Nuuk, the capital, I traveled to small villages in the far north of Greenland. 7b·a\]bSOagb`OdSZW\UW\OQ]c\b`g eVS`SbVS`SO`S\]`]ORaPSbeSS\QWb WSa7b`OdSZSRb]?OO\OO_Pg^ZO\SO\R VSZWQ]^bS`O\ReOaUWdS\OZWTbb]AW] `O^OZcYPgO<]`eSUWO\aOWZP]ObAW]`O ^OZcYWabVSe]`ZR·a\]`bVS`\[]abdWZ 5 FAVORITES Restaurant Ulo in Ilulissat for fresh fish and tasty meat. Hotel Arctic. Tel: +299 94 41 53. www.ulo.gl Hotel The Hotel Arctic has spectacular views of the Ilulissat Icefjord. Hotel Arctic, Ilulissat. Tel: +299 94 41 53. www.hotel-arctic.gl Store Ultima Thule in Qaanaaq. It’s full of beautiful handicrafts and carvings made by locals. Tel: +299 97 14 73. www.turistqaanaaq.gl City Uummannaq is full of unforgettable sights; the colorful wooden houses on the mountainside, dogsleds whisking off in flurries of snow, mountain peaks obscured by veils of cloud, fishing boats resting on the frozen sea. A view I never forget The Ilulissat Icefjord, the icebergs drifting by like something out of a dream on their fateful journey. 26 U]]RQO`S]T[S7·ZZ\SdS`T]`USbbVS bW[SeSb]]YbVSQVWZR`S\b][SSbAO\bO 1ZOca²eS\SSRSR %R]UaZSRaESVORO ^WQ\WQ]\bVSaSOWQSeVWZSbVSg^ZOgSR The local cuisine is delicious, with plenty of fresh fish, prawns, seal, reindeer and lamb.;gTOd]`WbS5`SS\ZO\RWQ RSZWQOQgWa[ObbOY]``OeeVOZSaYW\ OVSOZbVgb`SObeWbVZ]ba]TdWbO[W\1 BVSab`O\USabbVW\U7·dSSObS\WaYWdWOY ]`TS`[S\bSROcY[SObO>]ZO`3aYW[] RWaVSObS\W\?OO\OO_BVSPW`RaO`S a_cSShSRTSObVS`aO\ROZZW\b]OPOU [ORST`][aSOZaYW\O\RPc`WSRW\OP]f c\RS`U`]c\RBVSRSZWQOQgWabVS\RcU c^]\TSabWdS]QQOaW]\aeVS\bVS`]b bS\PW`RaO`SSOagb]^ZcQYO\RSObXcabOa bVSgO`S9WdWOYa[SZZaO\RbOabSaZWYS]ZR QVSSaS7bbOabSaPSbbS`bVO\Wba[SZZa There’s so much beauty in Greenland. 8cRUW\URWabO\QSaWaOZ[]abW[^]aaWPZS eWbV\]b`SSa]`bOZZPcWZRW\Uab]PZ]QY g]c`dWSe/\WaZO\RbVObZ]]Yab]PS Y[ OeOgWaOQbcOZZgbW[SaOaTO`;]ab PSOcbWTcZ]TOZZWabVS7ZcZWaaOb7QSTX]`RO C\SaQ]E]`ZR6S`WbOUSaWbSA][S]TbVS WQSPS`UaZ]]YZWYS^g`O[WRaeVWZS]bVS`a `SaS[PZSeVOZSa·bOWZaBVSgQO\R`WTbc^ b]"Y[PST]`S¾\OZZg[SZbW\U BWW\O7bY]\S\"ZWdSaW\6SZaW\YW6S` e]`YVOaPSS\aV]e\ObbVS<SeG]`Y >V]b]4SabWdOZbVS;WQVOSZ6]^^S\5OZ ZS`gW\:]\R]\O\RbVSAVWaSWR]5OZZS`g W\B]Yg]6S`¾`abP]]Y7\cUVcWb:WP`Wa "eOaO^]`b`OWb]TbVSZWdSaO\R ZO\RaQO^Sa]T>]ZO`3aYW[]a6S`aSQ]\R P]]YeWZZPS^cPZWaVSRPg6ObXS1O\bh ZObS`bVWagSO`eeebWW\OWbY]\S\Q][ SCANORAMA MARCH 2010 The Original Thai Beer THE AGENDA By KLAS EKMAN Charge of the 8,000er I \ "4`SR`WY3`WQaa]\ Head for heights: PSQO[SbVS¾`abAeSRSb] K2 at 6,300 meters aYWR]e\O\&[SbS` VWUV[]c\bOW\(AVWaVO>O\U [O &! [SbS`a W\ BWPSb 1][S8c\SVSeWZZS[PO`Y]\ VWaPWUUSabORdS\bc`SgSb7\ bVSQ]c`aS]TaWf[]\bVabVS ^`]TSaaW]\OZaYWS`O\R[]c\ bOW\SS`eWZZQZW[PbVSe]`ZR·a VWUVSab^SOYa²;]c\b3dS` Sab&&#[SbS`a9 &$ [SbS`aO\R9O\UQVS\Xc\UO &#&$[SbS`a²O\RaYWPOQY R]e\bVS[OUOW\ BVS^`]XSQb·aQOZZSRAYWbVS 0WU!²g]cQO\T]ZZ]eVWaPZ]U ObeeeT`SR`WYS`WQaa]\Q][ ²O\Ra]c\RaZWYSa][SbVW\U ]\ZgObV`WZZaSSYS`e]cZRbOYS ]\0cb3`WQaa]\!"aOgabVS`SO`S]bVS` `SOa]\ab]bV`]e]\O^OW`]TaYWaO\RVc`Z g]c`aSZTR]e\O[]c\bOW\ ´@SOQVW\UbVSb]^Wa\]b\SQSaaO`WZgbVS []abW[^]`bO\bbVW\U7b·abVSSf^S`WS\QS WbaSZTbVOb[OYSaWba][cQVTc\BVSaSO`S a][S]TbVS[]abPSOcbWTcZ^ZOQSaW\bVS 7eOa%7RSQWRSRb]PSQ][SO\W\ab`cQ e]`ZR=TQ]c`aSg]cUSbOYWQY]cb]TWb b]`/TbS`e]`YW\UW\<]`eOgT]`OeVWZS O\RaSZTOT¾`[ObW]\Oa\Obc`OZZgg]c·`S 7U]bbW`SR]TeVOb7eOaR]W\UO\RabO`bSR ^ZSOaSReWbVg]c`aSZTeVS\g]cacQQSSR b]b`OdSZ7VOdSPSS\b]1O\OROO\R<Se BVS`S·aOZa]a][SbVW\UW\Q`SRWPZg`SZOf HSOZO\RPcb1VO[]\WfacWbSR[SPSaba] W\UOP]cbPSW\Uc^W\bVS[]c\bOW\aT]` bVOb·aeVS`S7ZWdS\]eBVS]\ZgeOgT]` []\bVaObObW[Sµ [Sb]RSdSZ]^OaOaYWS`Wab]bOYS]\SdS\ Like meditation? VWUVS`[]c\bOW\aµ ´GSOV bVWa Wa [g YW\R ]T [SRWbObW]\ How do you prepare for something like EVS\7aYWR]e\O[]c\bOW\7R]\·bbVW\Y this? OP]cbO\gbVW\USZaS7T]`USbO\g^`]PZS[a ´7b·a OZZOP]cb^caVW\Ug]c`P]c\RO` 7VOdSObV][SO\RQ]\QS\b`ObSa]ZSZg]\ WSaG]cabO`b]TTa[OZZO\RbVS\e]`Yg]c` bVS VS`S O\R \]e BVS`S O`S \] `W\UW\U eOgc^G]caV]cZROZa]aYWeWbVa][S]\S QSZZ^V]\SaT]`SfO[^ZSµ PSbbS`bVO\g]c0]bV[gT`WS\RaO\RbVS Why these three peaks? aYWUcWRSaVS`SW\1VO[]\WfVOdSbOcUVb ´7VOdSR`SO[SR]T3dS`SabT]`OZ]\U [SOZ]bµ bW[SPcb^S`a]\OZZg9 TSSZaZWYS[]`S]T How do you stay in shape? OQVOZZS\US7b·aOZa]bVS¾`ab]\S<]P]Rg ´BV`]cUVaYWW\UQZW[PW\UO\ReSWUVba VOa aYWSR OZZ bVS eOg R]e\ 9 <]P]Rg OaeSZZOaOZ]b]TW\bS`dOZ`c\\W\UO\RVWZZ VOa aYWSR R]e\ 9O\UQVS\Xc\UO SWbVS` `c\\W\U7OZa]U][]c\bOW\PWYW\U0ST]`S /\R7eWZZPSbVS¾`abb]aYWR]e\[gaWRS O\Sf^SRWbW]\7·[c^Ob"[SbS`aaSd ]T3dS`Sab7b·aSfQWbW\Ub]R]a][SbVW\U S`OZbW[SaOeSSYb]OQQZW[ObWhSµ bVOb\]P]Rg·aR]\SPST]`Sµ What do you take with you? How did you get into this? ´5]]RabcTTPcb\]bVW\UbVObg]cQO\·b ´7 VOdS aYWSR aW\QS 7 eOa T]c` EVS\ PcgW\Oab]`S7VOdSO^OW`]TTOb]TT^WabS ‘Of course there’s an element of fear, but that’s half the fun’ 28 aYWa T`][ 2g\OabO` O\R aYW P]]ba eWbV cZb`OZWUVb PW\R W\Ua BVSg OZa] VOdS O eOZY []RSeVWQVWaSaaS\bWOZT]` QZW[PW\U7OZa]QO``gObS\b aZSS^W\U POU >`W[ca ab]dS WQS Of O\R Q`O[^]\a /Zb] USbVS` [g POQY^OQY eSWUVa OP]cb YUµ How do you cope with setbacks, such as your previous aborted attempts to ski down K2 and Kangchenjunga? ´7b·a RWaO^^]W\bW\U Pcb 7 ZWYSOQVOZZS\USEVS\g]c·`S T]`QSRb]UWdSc^bVSORdS\ bc`S Wa\·b ]dS` Wb·a Xcab bVOb bVS []c\bOW\ VOa ^cb c^ O U]]R¾UVbBVOb[OYSaWbOZZ bVS []`S U`ObWTgW\U eVS\ g]c¾\OZZgacQQSSRµ When do you decide to call it a day? ´BVS`SWaOZ]bbVObVOab]U]g]c`eOg) bVSbW[W\UbVSa\]eO\R[]ab]TOZZbVS eSObVS` 7\ ^]]` Q]\RWbW]\a OZZ g]c QO\ R]Wabc`\O`]c\RG]c`QV]WQS]T`]cbSWa Sfb`S[SZgW[^]`bO\bG]cVOdSb]eObQV ]cbT]`OdOZO\QVS^`]\SaZ]^SaeOZZa]T WQSbVObQO\Q]ZZO^aSO\RUZOQWOZ¾aac`Sa 7U]c^bVSaO[SeOg7W\bS\Rb]aYWR]e\ a]7Y\]eeVObb]Z]]Y]cbT]`µ Honestly, how dangerous is this? ´7b·a \]b WT g]c·`S QO`STcZ O\R eSZZ ^`S^O`SR =T Q]c`aS bVS`S·a O\ SZS[S\b ]TTSO`PcbbVOb·aVOZTbVSTc\BVS\g]c T]Qca []`S eVWQV `SRcQSa bVS eW\R]e T]`S``]`µ How do people react when you explain what you do? ´6OZT]TbV]aSeV][SSb[ST]`bVS¾`ab bW[SbVW\Y7·[P]\YS`a0cbbVS]bVS`VOZT bVW\YWba]c\RaSfQWbW\Uµ So what’s next once you have skied the big three? ´7·[Q]\bS[^ZObW\UbOYW\U]\OZZ"]T bVSe]`ZR·a[]c\bOW\aVWUVS`bVO\& [SbS`a7T[]\SgeS`S\]]PXSQb7Q]cZR R]WbW\¾dSgSO`a0cbOabVW\UaabO\R\]e 7·[Z]]YW\UObgSO`a/TbS`bVOb7·ZZ^`]P OPZgQOZ[R]e\PcbV]^STcZZgWbeWZZabWZZ PS`SZObSRb][]c\bOW\aO\RaYWW\Uµ SCANORAMA MARCH 2010 MICHELE FAIT %BSFEFWJMTLJFS'SFESJL&SJDTTPOIBTBZFBSQMBOUPTLJEPXO BMMPGUIFXPSMEµTIJHIFTUNPVOUBJOTTUBSUJOHXJUIUIF´CJHUISFFµ JOFAMA.COM/FASHION Foto: Karin Törnblom THE DETAILS Cruise control ,FFQZPVSDPPMBCPWF PSCFMPXEFDLXJUI UIF4DBOPSBNBSFTPSU DPMMFDUJPO By JENNY STEGGO and ANNA LILJA E6 money pot by Terramundi, $40 A Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, No.12 on artofmanliness.com’s list of 100 must-read books Switzerland coin pouch by Acne, $75 Swirl Orange earphones by Aiaiai/Asplund, $75 Montecristi Panama hat, Ankar, $250 Off-white Stand seersucker shirt by Acne, $195 Blue Skies Extreme Protection SPF 30+ sunscreen by Swedish Skincare System/COW, $35 Refined by BB canvas shoes, Bobbie Burns, $225 Kikoy scarves, Ankar, $50 each Striped 1940s button-down linen shirt by Our Legacy, $180 Braided waxed cotton stretch belt by Anderson’s/ Nitty Gritty, $99 Buffalo Papy Fianchi sandals by Schmoove/ fashionisland.se, $115 Terramundi, www.terramundi.co.uk, Acne, www.acnestudios.com, COW, www.cowparfymeri.se, Aiaiai, www.aiaiai.dk or www.asplund.org, Bobbie Burns, www.bobbieburns.se, Anderson’s, www.anderson.it or www.nittygritty.se, Ankar, www.ankar.se, Our Legacy, www.ourlegacy.se, Schmoove, www.schmoove-eshop.com or www.fashionisland.se 32 SCANORAMA MARCH 2010 36//*/(8*5) 5)&'"4)*0/1"$, You need a thick hide and razorsharp elbows to get past the velvet ropes of Paris Fashion Week. But even the fashionistas drop their guard at Chez Omar PARIS, FRANCE Words by KARINA ERICSSON WÄRN Photographs by HÅKAN ELOFSSON I b·a>O`Wa4OaVW]\ESSY=dS`\W\SW\bS\aSROga'"TOaVW]\aV]eaeWZZPS `]ZZSR]cbObP`SOY\SQYa^SSRBVSa^SQbOQcZO`SdS\baO``O\USRPg9O`Z :OUS`TSZRAbSZZO;Q1O`b\Sg8]V\5OZZWO\]O[]\U]bVS`aO`SVSZRW\ OZZa]`ba]T^ZOQSaT`][aeSObabOW\SRa^]`baVOZZab]bS[^]`O`gbS\ba O\RT]`[S`Q]\dS\baB]bVSc\W\WbWObSRTOaVW]\eSSY[WUVba]c\RUZO[]` ]ca0cb[OYS\][WabOYS(bVWaWabVSE]`ZR1c^]TTOaVW]\O\RbVS\O[S]T bVSUO[SWaO\gbVW\UU]Sa0`WPSaW\bVST]`[]TQVOcTTSc`R`WdS\QO`aSfQZc aWdSV]bSZ`]][aO\ROW`ZW\SbWQYSbaO`S\]bVW\U]cb]TbVS]`RW\O`g A]eVOb·aObabOYS->`W[O`WZgT`SSORdS`bWaW\U3dS`gbVW\UT`][O[S\bW]\ W\bVOb[]`\W\U·a\Sea^O^S`b]OUZ]aag[OUOhW\Sa^`SORb]^`OWaSW\a][S ]\S·aPZ]UaQ]`Sa^]W\baEV]SdS`VOabVSPWUUSabPcRUSbVOabVSPSabQVO\QS ]TeW\\W\U9O`Z:OUS`TSZRO\R1VO\SZOZeOgaUWdSBVWabW[SO`]c\RO TO`[²VOgabOQYO\ROZZeWbV:]ZWbOZ]]YOZWYSaT]`[OWRa²VOaPSS\PcWZbT]`O aV]eObbVS5`O\R>OZOWaZOabW\UXcab#[W\cbSa0cbSdS\a[OZZUSabc`SaQ]c\b acQVOaUWTbPOUa¾ZZSReWbV^S`Tc[SaQO`dSa]`ac\UZOaaSa IT’S A LEVEL PLAYING FIELD, THOUGH, ObQ]caQ]caV]caS1VSh=[O`ORO`ZW\U]T bVSTOaVW]\Q`]eRW\bVS;O`OWa?cO`bS`4OQSReWbVO<]`bV/T`WQO\[S\c]T a^WQgPO`PSQcSR[S`UcShaOcaOUSaO\RQ]caQ]ca`]gOZOQ][PW\ObW]\]TZO[P QVWQYS\O\R[S`UcShSdS`g]\SWaS_cOZBVS`SO`S\]bOPZS`SaS`dObW]\aO\R QOaVWaYW\UEOdW\UO^ZObW\c[Q`SRWbQO`R]`OaYW\Ug]c`V]c\RSROaaWabO\b b]a]`b]cbObOPZSWaOeOabS]TbW[S7b·aaW[^ZgOQOaS]T¾`abQ][S¾`abaS`dSR u Paparazzi darling: Dita Von Teese sets off cameras at the Jean Paul Gaultier show SCANORAMA MARCH 2010 Omar Guerida, front center, and his staff make no concessions to the fashion crowd 33 /\RbVOb·abVSeOgWb·aPSS\aW\QS'%'eVS\=[O` 5cS`WROO;]`]QQO\¾`ab]^S\SRbVSR]]`ab]VWa `SabOc`O\bEVWZSbVSeOWbabOTTUSb`SORgT]`bVS Zc\QV `caV 5cS`WRO U]Sa bV`]cUV VWa [OWZ 6S VOa Xcab `Sbc`\SR T`][ <Se G]`Y eVS`S ]\S ]T VWaROcUVbS`aWaabcRgW\Ub]PSQ][SOX]c`\OZWab 5cS`WROeV]aSUZOaaSaQ]\abO\bZgaZW^R]e\bVS P`WRUS]TVWa\]aSO\ReV]aS^O\baR]\·b_cWbSaWb eVS`SbVSgaV]cZRWaaZWUVbZgXSbZOUUSRPcbUZORb] PSPOQY1VSh=[O`WaVWaaSQ]\RV][S ´A][SbVW\U[geWTSVOa\]eOQQS^bSRµVSaOga eWbVOe`ga[WZS/\fW]caZgVSQVSQYabVObSdS`g bVW\UWaOaWbaV]cZRPS6SQOZZaW\b]bVSYWbQVS\ bV`]cUV bVS aS`dWQS VObQV O\R ORXcaba O abOQY ]T P`SORPOaYSba8cabOa5cS`WROeOa]\QSg]c\US` O\RZSO\S`bVS`SabOc`O\bRSQ]`VOaaSS\PSbbS` [OYSa^OQST]`OQObeOZY0OQYabOUSWb·a]`UO\WhSR QVO]a7\be]V]c`abVS9]`SO\RSaWU\S`:WSAO\U 0]\Uc\dSWZaVWadWaW]\T]`ac[[S` A^SOYW\U bV`]cUVO\W\bS`^`SbS`Oab`SaaSRPcbQ]ZZSQbSR:WS AO\U0]\UUWdSaW\ab`cQbW]\a]\SdS`gbVW\UT`][ V]eVWaZ]U]aV]cZRPSRWa^ZOgSRObbVSPOQY]TbVS QObeOZYb]eV]aV]cZReSO`eVWQVaV]Sa=\S]TbVS []RSZaR]Sa\·baSS[b]c\RS`abO\RO\gZO\UcOUS ObOZZO\RVOa\·bOQZcSeVObbVS´T]Qca^]W\bµWa bVSa^]b]\bVSQObeOZYeVS`SaVSaV]cZRab]^T]` OeVWZSa]bVObOZZbVS^V]b]U`O^VS`aUSbO\cZb`O aVO`^aV]bBVS`S·aaV]cbW\UO\ReOdW\UO\R¾\OZZg OQ`]aaWabO^SR]\bVSQObeOZY¿]]`´Ab]^µaV]cba :WSAO\U0]\UO\R^]W\bab]bVSQ`]aa3dS`g]\S \]Rab]aV]ebVObbVSgVOdSc\RS`ab]]R :WSAO\U0]\U·aSdS`ge]`RO\RUSabc`SWaPSW\U Out of the blue, a model is sent packing. Her tears make her mascara run and turn her delicate features into a zebra-striped mess Organized chaos: Backstage at Lie Sang Bong’s show there’s no sparing models’ blushes 34 ROgaBVSQZOaaWQP`OaaS`WSRSQ]`²RO`Ye]]R^O\ SZW\U[cabO`RgSZZ]e eOZZaP`Oaa¾bbW\UaOe]`\ hW\QPO`O\R¿OYW\U[W``]`a²aSS[a]ZRTOaVW]\SR OZbV]cUVWbR]SaZ]]YPSbbS`Ob\WUVb ´B`gbVS^S^^S`abSOYµVSbSZZaca´7b·a@][O\ >]ZO\aYW·a TOd]`WbS 7T g]c·`S \]b Vc\U`g g]c QO\ aVO`SµA]VOZTO^S^^S`abSOYWbWaBVS[SObWaTOP cZ]caZgbS\RS`O\RbVS[cRP`]e\aOcQSXcaba^WQg S\]cUV>S`VO^aWb·a^`SQWaSZgbVWaZOQY]TTcaabVS c\abgZSRac``]c\RW\UaO\R5cS`WRO·a`STcaOZb]PS W[^`SaaSRPgO\gbVW\UbVObVOa[ORS1VSh=[O` O^ZOgU`]c\RT]`TOaVW]\WabOa6S`Sg]cQO\T]`USb OP]cb g]c` W[OUS bOYS bW[S ]cb T`][ O X]P bVOb W\d]ZdSaQ]\abO\bZgYSS^W\Ug]c`UcO`Rc^g]c` T]`SVSORe`W\YZST`SSO\RaV]Sa^]ZWaVSR AT THE MUSÉE D’ART MODERNE W\bVSeSZZb]R]$bV O``]\RWaaS[S\b;]RWUZWO\WO\R9ZSSVOdSVORb] `SQ]`RSRPgO¾dSab`]\U9]`SO\BDQ`SeBVSOZZ [OZSQ`SeO`SW[^SQQOPZgR`SaaSRO\RaSS[b]VOdS ^WQYSRc^bW^aT`][OabgZSUcWRSQOZZSR´6]eb] 2`Saa:WYSO\3\UZWaV 2O\RgµA^]bbSRaWZYVO\R YS`QVWSTa^SSY]cbT`][bVSP`SOab^]QYSba]TbVSW` XOQYSbabVSW`P`]UcSaO`SW[^SQQOPZg^]ZWaVSRO\R bVSW`b`]caS`aaZWUVbZgb]]aV]`bXcabOaTOaVW]\RWQ bObSaBVSTS[OZS^`SaS\bS`]\bVS]bVS`VO\RVOa U]\ST]`bVSRWaQ] _cSS\Z]]Y(Oa^O`YZW\UcZb`O aV]`baS_cW\SRR`SaaO\RSgSZOaVSaa]Z]\UbVObaVS VOab]abO\ReSZZPOQYT`][SdS`g]\SaVSbOZYab] =cb]TbVSPZcSOaYW\\g^OZS[]RSZWaaS\b^OQY W\UPSQOcaSVS`eOZYWa\·bb]:WSAO\U0]\U·aZWYW\U 6S`bSO`a[OYSVS`[OaQO`O`c\O\Rbc`\VS`RSZ WQObSTSObc`SaW\b]OhSP`Oab`W^SR[Saa7bQ]cZR [SO\bVSS\R]TVS`QO`SS`AVSQO\·bQ]c\b]\O ^OgQVSQYSWbVS`W\bVWaUO[Sg]c·`S^OWRT]`aS` dWQSa`S\RS`SRWTbVOb;O\gUZWRSOQ`]aabVSQOb eOZYT]`T`SSW\bVSV]^S]TPSW\U´RWaQ]dS`SRµBVS W\QWRS\b`ObbZSabVS]bVS`[]RSZa3dS`g]\SWa]\ SRUS O\R \]P]Rg eO\ba b] [OYS O [WabOYS BVS []RSZaO`SOZa]Q][^SbW\UO\RVS`Sb]]bVS`SO`S \]`cZSa0OQYabOUSW>V]\Sa^c`aSaO\RaV]SaT]` bVSaV]eRWaO^^SO`eWbV]cbOb`OQS /[]\UbVSQZ]bVSa`OQYaO\RO\O`[g]TR`SaaS`a W\eOWbW\U b`]baO^]`bZg[O\W\PZOQY0S`SbOb]^ VWaaVOdSRVSORO\R[]\]QZSQZO[^SRW\]\SSgS bVSaV]e·aQ`SObWdSRW`SQb]`AOaQVO:WZZWQPSO`aO QS`bOW\`SaS[PZO\QSb]6S`[O\\5`W\U0cb:WZ ZWQeV][]dSaeWbV[W\QW\URO\QSabS^aWaYW\R \Saa ^S`a]\W¾SR /\R VWa a[OZZ bOZY `SZOfSa bVS []RSZa·bVW\bS\aSaV]cZRS`a =\SQ]`\S`VOaPSS\aSbOaWRST]`VOW`R`SaaS`a/ QZ]cR]TVOW`a^`OgVOaaSbbZSR]dS`bVS[W``]`aO\R VOW`R]aBVS`S·aOaVO`^bO\UW\bVSOW`bVObabW\Ua bVSSgSaO\RbV`]Ob0]bVVOW`R`SaaS`aO\R[]RSZa ab`cUUZSb]¾UVbPOQYbSO`aO\ReSaV]cZROZZPS U`ObSTcZbVOba[]YW\UWa\]bOZZ]eSR8cab]\Sa[OZZ a^O`YO\RTOaVW]\eSSYe]cZRVOdSS\RSRPST]`Su SCANORAMA MARCH 2010 Glitz and glamour: The razzmatazz of Fashion Week brings Paris to a standstill, but it’s business as usual at Chez Omar SCANORAMA MARCH 2010 35 ‘I don’t know why they come here, I just know them. They have always come here. Like Yoko Ono whenever she’s in Paris’ WbVORSdS\PSUc\ObZSOabT]`:WSAO\U0]\UBVS 9]`SO\BDQ`Se`c\]TTbVSRWaQ]_cSS\·aSgSZOaV SfbS\aW]\aaSS[W\UZgOb]RRaeWbVbVSabWQYg^c\ US\bdO^]`a7[OYSOVOabg`Sb`SObb]]aW\QS[g Q]\bOQbZS\aSaTSSZZWYSbVSg·`SOP]cbb]RWaa]ZdS /\Ra]WbQ][Sab]USbVS`BVSV]`RSa]T^ObWS\b ^V]b]U`O^VS`aeWbVac^S`aWhSRZS\aSaO\RZORRS`a VOdSPSS\W\^ZOQSOZ]\UbW[SO\R¾\OZZgSdS`g ]\SWaW\bVSW`aSObaBS\[W\cbSaZObS`Wb·aOZZ]dS` 4OaVW]\SRWb]`aeWbVaVO`^SZP]ea[OYSOROaVT]` bVS\SfbaV]e<]P]RgbVW\YabeWQSOP]cbU`OP PW\Ua][S]\SSZaS·aaSObWTbVSg·`S\]bVO^^geWbV bVSW`]e\/\RWTPgQVO\QSOUcO`Ra^]babVS[O\ O\U`gSRWb]`\]e`SZSUObSRb]abO\RW\UV]b]\bVSW` VSSZag]cQO\PSac`SbVSgVOdS[OabS`SRbVSO`b ]TO^^SO`W\URSOTO\RRc[P3dS\ab`SaaSRabgZWaba O\RaQ`c^cZ]caPcgS`a`caVb]QObQVbVS\SfbaV]e BVSSf^S`WS\QSRVOdSObOfWeOWbW\U]cbaWRS<ObO ZWS;OaaS\SbT]c\RS`]TbVSTOaVW]\WabOa·TOd]`WbS ]\ZW\Sab]`S<SbO>]`bS`VOaVS`]e\QVOcTTSc` R`WdS\QO`A]R]Sa0S`UR]`T5]]R[O\·ab]^PcgS` :W\RO 4O`U] BVS []RSZa O`S eVWaYSR ]TT ]\ bVS POQY]T[]b]`QgQZSaBVS`S·a\]SfQcaST]`USbbW\U abcQYW\b`OT¾QRc`W\UTOaVW]\eSSY 0OQYabOUSOb:WSAO\U0]\UbS\aW]\VOaUWdS\ eOgb]SfVWZO`ObW]\/TSeW\dWbSSaVOdSabOgSR]\ BVS9]`SO\BDQ`SeO`SaW^^W\UQVO[^OU\SO\R YWaaW\UQVSSYa:WSAO\U0]\UZ]]YaP]bVabO`bZSR O\R `SZWSdSR BVS Z]U] RWR\·b U] c^ Oa ^ZO\\SR bV]cUVO\RVORb]PSObbOQVSReWbVabWQYgbO^S BVS TOcf ^Oa [OYSa bVS BD \Sea ZObS` bVOb SdS \W\U/\RbVST]Qca^]W\b-ESZZOTSe]TbVS[]R SZa]PdW]caZgT]`U]bOP]cbbVOb 36 DUSK SETTLES OVER PARIS. /Z]\UZW\Sa\OYSa]cb aWRS1VSh=[O`<]bT]`\]bVW\UVOaBVS=PaS`dS` `SQS\bZg ZWabSR 1VSh =[O` Oa ]\S ]T bVS e]`ZR·a V]bbSab`SabOc`O\ba5cS`WROYSS^ab`OQY]TSdS`g bVW\UO\RSdS`gP]Rg\WUVbOTbS`\WUVb0cbVS·aOb OZ]aab]Sf^ZOW\eVgVWaQ]caQ]ca`SabOc`O\bVOa PSQ][SO\W\abWbcbW]\O[]\UbVSQcZbc`OZTOaVW]\ O\R^]ZWbWQOZSZWbS´7R]\·bY\]e7XcabY\]ebVS[ BVSgVOdSOZeOgaQ][SVS`S:WYSG]Y]=\]eVS\ SdS`aVS·aW\>O`Wa0cb7R]\·beO\bb][S\bW]\O\g ]\SPg\O[Sµ@WUVb]\QcSbVS8O^O\SaSRSaWU\S` @SW9OeOYcP]O``WdSaeWbVVS`VcaPO\RB]USbVS` bVSg`c\bVSQcZbZOPSZ1][[SRSa5O`z]\a5cS` WROaeWbQVSaSTT]`bZSaaZgT`][4`S\QVb]8O^O\SaS O\RaSObabVSQ]c^ZSObbVSW`TOd]`WbSbOPZSW\POQY 7b·aaOWRbVOb@SW9OeOYcP]\SdS`a[WZSa0cbbVOb·a \]bb`cSPSQOcaSOb1VSh=[O`VS`ZOcUVbS``W\Ua ]cbZ]cRO\RQZSO`>S`VO^aVS`U`W[TOQWOZSf^`Sa aW]\O\RO\UcZO`VOW`Qcb²OUS][Sb`WQP]P²UOdS `WaSb]bVS[gbVOaeSZZOa1][[SRSa5O`z]\a· W[OUSOaOZOPSZT]`W\bSZZSQbcOZa /a\WUVbeSO`a]\bVS\]WaWS`WbPSQ][SaA][S eVS`SOeW\SUZOaaP`SOYaBVS]`RS`aO`S^]c`W\U W\O\RbVSabOTTeV]O`SOZZW\]\SeOg]`O\]bVS` `SZObSRb]5cS`WROO\RSOQV]bVS`aS`dST]]R¿W`b O\R OQQS^b ^Og[S\b eWbV W[^`SaaWdS ST¾QWS\Qg =\S]TbVSeOWbS`aRcQYa]cbbVSPOQYT]`Oa[]YS ZSOdW\U bVS R]]` OXO` BVS `WQV aQS\b ]T b]POQQ] R`WTba bV`]cUV bVS R]]`eOg O\R [WfSa eWbV bVS O`][O ]T U`WZZSR ZO[P aOcaOUSa O\R [W\b bSO 5`]c^a RWaa]ZdS \Se ]\Sa T]`[ @WdOZ abgZWaba SRWb]`aO\R[]RSZaeV]SO`ZWS`W\bVSROgPO`SZg OQY\]eZSRUSRSOQV]bVS`ZW\YO`[aT]`O\WUVb]\ SCANORAMA MARCH 2010 bVSb]e\A][S]TbVS[U]b]bVS^O`bgO``O\USRPg bVSAeSRWaV>@OUS\QgAQO\RW\OdWO\>`Saa`]][ Obb`S\Rg:·3QZOW`Sc`O\SfQZcaWdSQVOW\]TTOaVW]\ ab]`SaeWbVOZZbVS`WUVbZOPSZaO\RWba]e\[W\W `SabOc`O\b:ObS`bVObSdS\W\UbVS`SeWZZPSRO\Q W\UW\bVST]gS`eWbV0`c\]>WSbS`a6cU]Pg6cU] 0]aaO[]\UbV]aSZSbbW\UbVSW`VOW`R]e\ MEDIA AND DESIGNERS RUBBINGaV]cZRS`aeWbVSOQV ]bVS`P]bV]\O\R ]TTabOUS Wa O `SZObWdSZg \Se ^VS\][S\]\ 7\ '#$ 6cPS`b RS 5WdS\QVg O\R 1`Wab]POZ0OZS\QWOUOPO\\SRbVS^`SaaT`][bVSW` aV]ea0]bVeS`S`SUO`RSROaUS\WcaSaO\RW\\] dOb]`aO\ROR[W`SRT]`bVSaW[^ZWQWbgO\RSZSUO\QS ]TbVSW`QZ]bVSaBVSgZ]dSRbVSW`Qcab][S`aO\R eS`S Z]dSR Pg bVS[ 0cb bVSW` `SZObW]\aVW^ eWbV bVS ^`Saa eOa T`]abg 7b eOa aOWR bVOb bVSW` ^`Saa PO\ ]`WUW\ObSR T`][ O TSO` ]T PSW\U ^ZOUWO`WhSR @c[]`abVObbVS^`Saae]cZRZSOYbVSW`RSaWU\ab] aYWZZSRW[WbOb]`aO`]c\RbVSe]`ZReS`S`WTS/\R bVS`SeOaa][Sb`cbVb]bVS[ 7\VS`P]]Y;]RS`]cZSbbS\´4OaVW]\`]cZSbbSµ '&'0]\\WS`a1O`W\AbSW\eOZZT]`[S`ZgbVS[O` YSbW\U [O\OUS` ]T AeSRWaV TOaVW]\ QVOW\ 6; e`WbSa( ´6; ab]ZS eWbV]cb W\VWPWbW]\ IK bVS ^`}bu^]`bS`aV]eaW\>O`WaeS`S[]`SaSQ`SbWdS bVO\bVS950BVSgeS`Sac``]c\RSRPgO\OZ[]ab W[^S\Sb`OPZSPO`PSReW`S]TaSQc`Wbg^`SQOcbW]\a 7TbVS]`UO\WhS`aVORPSS\OeO`S]T6;·a^`Sa S\QSbVSge]cZRVOdSVORVSO`bObbOQYaµ BVSPO`PSReW`SabWZZSfWaba7Tg]c·`S]\S]TbVS `WQVO\R]`TO[]caaOg;OR]\\O]`9O\gSESab bVS`S·a\]\SSRb]PSUT]`O\W\dWbS0cbWTWb·ag]c` SCANORAMA MARCH 2010 X]Pb]Q]dS`bVSeSSYg]c[cab\SU]bWObSQ]WZc^]\ Q]WZ]TPO`PSReW`SBVS¾`ab]PabOQZSWabVS4{R{`O bW]\4`O\zOWaSRSZO1]cbc`SRc>`}bu>]`bS`RSa 1]cbc`WS`aSbRSa1`{ObSc`aRS;]RS^VSebVS P]RgbVObRSQWRSaeVWQVO^^ZWQObW]\aT]`OQQ`SRW bObW]\aV]cZRPSU`O\bSR3dS\WTg]cUSbOU`SS\ QO`Rg]cQO\·bXcabbc`\c^T]`OaV]eBVS\bVS POZZWaW\bVSQ]c`b]TO\O`[ORO]T^`Saa]T¾QS`a []ab ]T eV][ aSS[ b] PS P]`\ aOR][Oa]QVWaba BVS¾\OZOQWRbSabWabVSaSQc`WbgUcO`Ra]cbaWRSbVS dS\cSa2Sa^WbSO\W\dWbObW]\bVSaV]e[Ogbc`\ ]cbb]PSTcZZW\]bVS`e]`Rab]][O\gD7>aVOdS bc`\SRc^EVS\BVWS``g0O`bV{Z{[g]\S]TbVS aSQc`WbgUcO`Ra^]ZWQW\UbVSQVO]a]cbaWRS0OZS\ QWOUO·aaV]eObbVS6bSZRS1`WZZ]\bSZZacaVWaROg X]PWa^`Wa]\UcO`RWbQ][SaOa\]ac`^`WaS 7\ '$% 0OZS\QWOUO O\R 5WdS\QVg ZWTbSR bVSW` ^`SaaPO\0cbT]`OZ]\UbW[S]\S`cZS`S[OW\SR² ^WQbc`SaQ]cZR]\ZgPS`SZSOaSRaWf[]\bVaZObS` B]ROgbVSQObeOZYa]c\Rb`OQYVOaPO`SZgVORbW[S b]TORSPST]`SbVSaV]eQO\PSQOcUVb]\G]cBcPS /\RbVS[SRWOWa\]Z]\US`]\ZgQ]dS`W\UbVSQOb eOZYaPcbOZa]bVSQ]bS`WS]TTOaVW]\WabOaR`Oe\ b]TOaVW]\eSSYZWYSPSSab]V]\SgBVS`S·a^]aW\U O\R^]abc`W\UbVSVWUVZgQ]dSbSRT`]\b`]eaSOba ^S^^S`SReWbV^cPZWQWbgVc\U`gQSZSP`WbWSa EVS\Pc`ZSa_cS_cSS\2WbOD]\BSSaSbV`SORa VS` eOg bV`]cUV bVS Qc`W]ca V]`RSa UObVS`SR W\ bVSBcWZZS`WS5O`RS\aOVSOR]TbVS2W]`O\R8]V\ 5OZZWO\] aV]eVS`UOhSZ]eS`SRO\RW\aYgVWUV :]cP]cbW\VSSZaO[c`[c`P`SOYa]cbO\RaeSS^a bV`]cUVbVSb`SSa6S`\O[S`SOQVSabVSS\b`O\QS ²OaW\OUO[S]T1VW\SaSeVWa^S`a²PST]`SaVS u Killing time: Lie Sang Bong’s models plug in their iPods while they wait their turn on the catwalk. Many girls work for free in the hope of being ‘discovered’ Black widow: Diane Pernet, the editor of cult blog A Shaded View on Fashion, can make or break a show 37 FIVE FASHION WEEK ESSENTIALS Chez Omar 47, rue de Bretagne. Tel: +33 1 42 72 36 26. Métro: Arts et Metiers/ Republique. Open daily for lunch (except Sundays) and dinner. Doesn’t accept reservations or credit cards. If you don’t want to line up get there before 8pm. La Gazzetta 29, rue de Cotte. Tel: +33 1 43 47 47 05. www.lagazetta.fr Métro: Ledru-Rollin. A restaurant reminiscent of an Italian sports bar and bistro. Behind the pots is Swedish chef Peter Nilsson. The evening’s five-course menu costs $55. Bookings recommended. V.I.P. Room 188 bis rue de Rivoli. Tel: +33 1 58 36 46 00. www.viproom.fr Métro: Concorde. A favorite with models when they want to let their hair down. Nightclub with the right 1980s feeling. L’Eclaireur 8, rue Boissy d’Angla. www.leclaireur.com Métro: Concorde. Once upon a time, the fashion conscious flocked to L’Eclaireur for avant-garde creations. Today, L’Eclaireur has stores as far afield as Tokyo. In the mini-mall by Place de la Concorde, you will find garments and accessories by Dries van Noten, Missotten, Haute, Dior and Marni, among others. O[POaaOR]`b]4`O\QSWaaSObSR R]Sa <]P]Rg Z]]Ya beWQS Ob Ob O Z]\U bOPZS eWbV O[POaaO 0`cQSEWZZWaeV]ab`]ZZaW\b] R]`aT`][;]`]QQ]/ZUS`WOO\R bVS VSOdWZg UcO`RSR dS\cS Ob AeWbhS`ZO\R BVS ASf >Wab]Za· bVSaO[SbW[S Sf[O\OUS`;OZQ]Z[;Q:O`S\ =cbaWRS8SO\>OcZ5OcZbWS`·a DWdWS\\SESabe]]R·a]ZR¿O[S 6? 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Soon we will probably see Barack Obama’ modemonline.com A listing of what’s on at Paris Fashion Week. But to get in you’ll need accreditation. 38 SCANORAMA MARCH 2010 The wait is over Sade’s stunning new album Soldier of Love in stores now Soldier Of Love marks Sade’s first new studio album since the multi-platinum Lovers Rock in 2000. Known for their smooth sounds and rhythmic melodies, Sade has enjoyed phenomenal success throughout the span of their twenty-five year career. Since the release of their debut album, Diamond Life in 1984 the band have seen all five of their studio albums land in the top the album charts selling a total of more than 50 million albums worldwide. Soldier Of Love was mainly written and recorded in 2009 over a series of fortnightly sessions at Peter Gabriel’s Real World studio. Soldier Of Love allows fans to remember why they fell in love with Sade in the first place. 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Tel: +46 8 24 97 60. www.gyldenefreden.se G]cVOdSOZa]bV`]e\g]c`aSZTW\b] bVST]`[S`GcU]aZOdWO''O\R''" 7`O_ # O\R /TUVO\WabO\ ''$ Oaa]]\OaV]abWZWbWSaVOdSP`]YS\]cb 2]g]cVOdSORSObVeWaV- ´<] Wb·a []`S OP]cb ]bVS` bVW\Ua /\ W[^]`bO\b^O`bWabVSaVSS`Rcbg=c`OUS Wa RS¾\SR Pg O \c[PS` ]T ^ZOQSa O\R O \c[PS` ]T Q]\¿WQba O`]c\R bVS e]`ZR 6OdW\U bVS ]^^]`bc\Wbg b] b`OdSZ bVS`S O\RaSSVWab]`g eWbVg]c`]e\SgSaWaW\ OeOgO^`WdWZSUSPSQOcaSbV]aSeO`aeWZZ PS bVS`S eVS\ P]]Ya O`S e`WbbS\ OP]cb ]c`bW[S7T7ZWdSRW\bVS'!aaV]cZR7 VOdSWU\]`SRA^OW\-7\bVS'$aOdWaWb b]DWSb\O[e]cZRVOdSPSS\\Obc`OZT]` O^S`a]\eV]eOaW\bS`SabSRW\bVSe]`ZR O`]c\RbVS[BVS\bVS`SO`S]TQ]c`aS [c`YWS` []bWdSa 7b [WUVb \]b PS OP]cb `][O\QSPcbOP]cbaSSW\UV]eg]cQ]^S eWbVWb6]eP`OdSO[7-6]eQ]eO`RZg- /\R[g`SOQbW]\aVOdSdO`WSR2c`W\U[g ¾`abX]PW\1`]ObWOW\''7VORO^V]b]U `O^VS`eV]TSZba]PORbVObVSZOgW\bVS V]bSZ `]][ PSQOcaS VS Q]cZR\·b Q]^S 7 VORb]bOYSbVSQO[S`O [gaSZTG]cQO\·b Y\]eW\ORdO\QSV]eg]ceWZZTSSZOP]cb WbOZZO\RbVOb·aOZa]^O`b]TbVSObb`OQbW]\ 7eO\bSRb]aSSeVObeO`Z]]YaZWYST`][ bVSW\aWRSO\RbVObVOaaVO^SR[gdWSe ]TbVS^`]QSaaSaObe]`Yµ 6]eVOabVObbc`\SRg]cW\b]OPSb bS`VWab]`WO\´7·dSQ][Sb]`Sa^SQbT]`SfO[^ZSV]e RWT¾QcZbWbWaT]`OaS\W]`]T¾QS`b]OaaSaa OUWdS\aWbcObW]\G]c·`SP][PO`RSReWbV W[^`SaaW]\aO\RVOdSb]OQb]\W[^S`TSQb W\bSZZWUS\QSG]caW[^ZgQO\·bOd]WRPSW\U R`OUUSRW\b]O^]eS`TcZab`SO[bVObg]c R]\·baSSc\bWZWb·ac^]\g]c/\Ra][S bVW\UW[^]`bO\bWaZ]abeVS\OaOVWab] `WO\g]cb`gb]c\RS`abO\RbVOb¿]e:WYS `c[]`O\Ra]]\Wb·aa][SbVW\UbVObVOa b] PS T`SaV 7T g]c eO\b b] c\RS`abO\R bVS[ g]c \SSR b] PS `WUVb bVS`S `WUVb bVS\/TSeROgaZObS`bVOba^SQW¾Q[]]R bVOb`SWU\SR]\bVS¾SZRQO\PSU]\SO\R eWbV]cb bVOb W\aWUVb g]c RW[W\WaV g]c` OPWZWbgb]c\RS`abO\RA]7VOdSPSQ][S []`SVc[PZSµ 6OdSg]cQ][SQZ]aSb]PSW\UYWZZSR- ´7 abWZZ eSO` O ^WSQS ]T aV`O^\SZ T`][ 0]a\WOO`]c\R[g\SQY7beOaW\''O\R OU`S\ORSSf^Z]RSR`SOZZgQZ]aSPgeVS\7 eOa]\O`S^]`bW\UOaaWU\[S\bµ 1]c`OUSaSS[ab]PSW[^]`bO\bT]` g]c7abVObeVgg]cO`Sa]W\bS`SabSR W\PcZZ¾UVbW\U- ´/V7R]\·bY\]eO\OeTcZZ]bOP]cbWb O\RVOdSZ]abb]cQVa][SeVOb0cbWbOZZ abO`bSReVS\7bOUUSROZ]\UeWbVOU]]R T`WS\RbVSRW`SQb]`O\ROcbV]`9`WabWO\ u SCANORAMA MARCH 2010 Earn EuroBonus points with SAS’ largest global hotel partner Best Western Hotels is SAS’ largest global hotel partner. 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Sten Bøe OSLO, :Gullmesteren Tromsø: Pyramiden Gull og Ur Trondheim: G. Pedersen TØNSBERG:Gullsmed Ragnar Rønning Ålesund: John Stamnæss A/S / J.S. Refnæs A/S SVERIGE: Alingsås: Smycka Guld i Alingsås Borås: Smycka Guld Bromölla: Ingegärds Guld & Silver Eskilstuna: Guldbutiken Tre Smeder Gnosjö: Ur & Guld Göteborg: Guldsmedsmästarn / Wranges Juvelerare Halmstad: Guld & Silversmide,Smycka Höganäs: Guldshop Hörby: Kjellkvist Guld & Ur, Smycka Jönköping: Guldsmedjan Kalmar: Molins Guld & Silver Karlstad: Guld & Silverdesign Kristinehamn: Forsbergs Guld Kungälv: Smycka Landskrona: Ateljé Bern Limhamn: Verbaans Guld Linköping: Guldsmedjan Malmö: MK Juvel / Prahls Guld & Juveler Skellefteå: City Guld, Smycka Tranås: Malmqvists Eftf. Uddevalla: Haerens Uppsala: Smyckeboden Ystad: Reutners Guld DANMARK: SJÆLLAND: Ballerup: Ur & Guldhuset N.H.Jørgensen Frederikssund: Carlo Christiansen Frederiksværk: Ure & Smykker Greve Strand: Guldsmeden Greve Center: Helsinge: Birthe Frandsen Herlev: Aage Holmer Holbæk: Christinas Guld og Sølv København K: Stenstrup Juveler København S: Anni Jensen Lyngby: Boutique d’Or Roskilde: Andersen & Enig Sorø: Langes Eftf. JYLLAND: Esbjerg: I. Møller Thorgaard Fredericia: Anne Vibeke Rossing Haderslev: Poul Normann Hedensted: Langelund Guld-Sølv-Ure Hirtshals: Kaj Jensen Holstebro: Ulsted Ure Guld Sølv Horsens: Mørup Ure-Guld Kolding: Lykkes Guld & Sølv FYN: Nyborg: Garvergårdens Smykker Ringe: Bona Dea Nykøbing Mors: Clockhuset Randers City: Clausen Buch Guld-Sølv-Ure Randers Storcenter: Mørup Ure-Guld Sønderborg: Jacob Nielsen & Søn Thisted: Klaus Guldsmed Viborg: Svend Norup www.perborupdesign.dk THE LUNCH >Sb`WeV]eOaU]W\Ub]e`WbSO\O`bWQZS ]\ PcZZ¾UVbW\U T]` 2OUS\a <gVSbS` IO [OX]` AeSRWaV ROWZgK /TbS` bVOb bVS`S eS`SOTSegSO`aeVS\7`SOZZgU]bW\b] WbeObQVSRO\RabO`bSRb]ZSO`\eVObWb eOa OZZ OP]cb ES OZa] abO`bSR b] e]`Y b]USbVS`]\Oe`WbW\U^`]XSQbW\;OR`WR a]bVS`SeS`S[]`S`SOa]\ab]U]bVS`S =\ bV]aS b`W^a eS ]TbS\ ZWdSR Ob bVS PcZZ¾UVbW\UV]bSZ@SW\ODWQb]`WOeVWQV c\T]`bc\ObSZg Wa\·b bVS`S O\g[]`S ES Q]cZR]TbS\[SSbOPZ]]RWSR[ObOR]`W\ bVSZ]PPgµ EVgRWRg]cZ]aSW\bS`Sab- ´/TSegSO`aOU]7eOaVc\bW\U[]]aS eWbVOPcZZ¾UVbS`BVS\Sfba^`W\U7eOaOb bVSAO\7aWR`]¾SabOO\RaOeVW[¾UVb7b eOaQ][^ZSbSZgW\b]ZS`OPZSPSQOcaS\]e7 VORO`SZObW]\aVW^eWbVbVOb^S`a]\A][S bVW\UP`]YST]`[SbVS`SO\R7VOdS\]b PSS\OPZSb]eObQVWbaW\QSEVObWTVSVOR PSS\W\Xc`SR]`SdS\RWSR-µ E \UZc\RUZO\QSaObbVSQZ]QY7b·a a]]\bW[Sb]VSOR]cbW\b]bVS a\]e]\VWaeOgPOQYb]0`a VcaSbbVS]ZRab]QYSfQVO\US ]\Ab]`b]`USb eVS`SbVSAeSRWaV/QOR S[gVOaWba]T¾QSaA\]eaSS[ab]PS]\S ]T VWa TOd]`WbS acPXSQba O^O`b T`][ VWa b]`g6S^ZO\\SRb]e`WbSOP]]YOP]cbWb PST]`SVSU]bVWa\Se^]ab ´7 eOa P]`\ W\ 0]RS\ \]`bVS`\ AeS RS\O\RQ][ST`][Oa\]eQcZbc`S0cb 7 abO`bSR ^ZO\\W\U [g P]]Y OTbS` O RWa QcaaW]\ eWbV =`VO\ >O[cY eV] VOR e`WbbS\ O P]]Y QOZZSR A\]e 7b ^`]dSR b]PSO\W\bS`SabW\Ub]^WQ]TRWaQcaaW]\ >O[cY Wa O\ c^^S`QZOaa P]g eV] U`Se c^W\7abO\PcZO\RVWadWSe]Ta\]eeOa a]RWTTS`S\b«BVS`SWbeOabVSSfQS^bW]\ /aOQVWZRWbeOaS\bS`bOW\W\Ua][SbVW\U g]c ^ZOgSR eWbV /a O\ ORcZb VS aOe Wb Oa[]`S]TO^`]PZS[0cbQ][W\UT`][ \]`bVS`\ 0]bV\WO g]c Y\]e bVOb a\]e QO\PSOU]]RbVW\UB`O\a^]`bSQ]Z]Ug O\R bVS SQ]\][g QO\ OZZ VW\US ]\ Wb 7b `S^`SaS\baeObS`ac^^ZgT]`[cQV]TbVS e]`ZRO\RSdS\a][STOc\OA\]eWaZWYS UOa]ZW\S W\ a][S ^ZOQSa >O[cY·a \SUO bWdSdWSeWa^`]POPZg_cWbSQ][[]\SdS\ VS`SW\AeSRS\eVS`Sg]c]TbS\VSO`]T a\]eQVO]aPcb7ZWYSWbOZ]b7\^c`SZg OSabVSbWQ bS`[a a\]e Wa O\ O[OhW\UZg Obb`OQbWdS ^VS\][S\]\ Oa Z]\U Oa g]c OQQS^bWb]\Wba]e\bS`[aµ /\RW\ZWUVb]TbVSQZW[ObSbV`SObWb Waa]]\SfbW\Qb ´BVSWRSOT]`bVSP]]YabS[[SR^O`bZg T`][bVObESaV]cZRPSU`ObSTcZT]`SdS`g ROg bVOb eS VOdS a\]e VS`S Be] gSO`a OU]7eS\bV][Sb]0]RS\O\RZO\RSROb 9OZZOfOW`^]`bXcab]cbaWRS:cZSy7beOa 2SQS[PS` Pcb bVS`S eOa\·b O\g a\]e ² a][SbVW\UbVOb7T]c\RRSS^ZgaV]QYW\U 7·R\SdS`aSS\O2SQS[PS`eWbV]cbRSS^ a\]eµ 3\UZc\RZ]]YaObbVSQZ]QYOUOW\7OaY VW[V]eVSVOaTc`\WaVSRVWa`]][aObbVS AeSRWaV/QORS[gEVSbVS`VS·a`S^ZOQSR bVS &bVQS\bc`g 5cabOdWO\ QVOW`a eWbV a][SbVW\U Pg 3O[Sa ]` bVS S`U]\][WQ ]T¾QSQVOW`T`][Ab]YYSbVObVS·a^`OWaSR ]\VWaPZ]U ´<]7VOdS\·bQVO\USRObVW\U=VgSa ]\SbVW\U(7VOdS^cbQcaVW]\aW\bVSeW\ R]e\WQVSaBVSg[OYSWb[]`SQ][T]`b OPZSb]aWbO\R`SORbVS`S0cbeVS\7Z]]Y c^T`][bVSRSaY7aSS^]`b`OWba]`Pcaba]T [g ^`SRSQSaa]`a<]\S]TbVS[e]cZR ZWYSWbWT7[SaaSRO`]c\ReWbVbVS`]][ A]7aWbW\bVSaO[SQVOW`Oa6]`OQSµ BVS\VSbVO\Ya[ST]`Zc\QVbOYSaVWa ]dS`Q]ObO\RaSba]TTT]`e]`Yˆ Feel at home in Copenhagen Robin, Front Office Manager Maria, Julie, Fitness Receptionist Lis, Conference Manager Sales & Marketing Manager Christine & José, Café Supervisors Vivi, Managing Director Hotel Apartments | Conference Hall | Health Club | Café Hotel Apartments in Copenhagen Why settle for a small hotel room when you can have a spacious flat with the added benefits of free Internet, central location & superior service? Please contact the sales department for reservation at tel. (+45) 3527 1517. See the apartments and our other facilities such as Health Club, Café and Conference Hall at: www. charlottehaven.com – Welcome Home! Charlottehaven is a comfortable and homely alternative to a regular hotel with a wide range of facilities at reasonable prices. Try our fully serviced apartments next time you are in Copenhagen and enjoy our tranquil atmosphere. Hjørringgade 12C | DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø | Te l : + 4 5 3 5 2 7 1 5 0 0 | info@charlottehaven.com | w w w. c h a r l o t t e h a v e n . c o m $UJ\OH3LQN'LDPRQGV ZZZKDUWPDQQVFRP %UHGJDGH&RSHQKDJHQ.3KRQH Wedged between the snow-capped Atlas Mountains and the endless dunes of the Sahara desert, Marrakech is a fantastic blend of Old World charm and New World chic Words and photographs by TARA STEVENS u Desert oasis: La Pause SCANORAMA MARCH 2010 49 Terrasse des Épices 1&3'&$5."33",&$) The upmarket riad BVS^OabRSQORSVOaaSS\;O``OYSQV `STOaVW]\WbaSZTOabVS´WbµRSabW\ObW]\ T]`O\SeUS\S`ObW]\]TU`]]dS`aO\R aVOYS`a²9ObS;]aa8ORS8OUUS`O\R >2WRRgVOdSOZZ^O`bWSRVS`S²O\Rb] OQQ][[]RObSbVS[bVSQWbg\]eP]Oaba a][S]TbVSe]`ZR·a[]abSfb`O]`RW\O`g gSbOTT]`ROPZSV]bSZaBVSaS`SdO[^SR RO`aQ]c`bgO`RV]caSaO\R`WORa Q]c`bgO`RV]caSaeWbVOUO`RS\O\R T]c\bOW\O`SbVSWQW\U]\bVSQOYS]T O\gdWaWb 3O`Zg`S\]dOb]`abc`\SRbVSW`VO\Rb] ¾fW\Uc^bVSW\b`WQObSbWZSae]]RS\ZOb bWQSaO\R^ZOabS`e]`Y]TbVSW`OQ_cW`SR `cW\aPcb\]eOROgabVS`S·aO[]`SRO` W\U[Wf]T]ZRO\R\Se/UOW\abOPOQY R`]^]T[W\W[OZWabbORSZOYbO^]ZWaVSR ZW[S^ZOabS`¾\WaVg]c·ZZ¾\RYWbaQV0S` PS``cUaZO\bS`\aO\RbSfbWZSa[ORSPg Z]QOZO`bWaO\aOZ]\UaWRSQ]\bS[^]`O`g 3c`]^SO\^WSQSa4]`O\W\a^W`SRbOYS]\ ;O``OYQVWRSaWU\QVSQY]cb@WOR2cS Pg7bOZWO\^V]b]U`O^VS`5W]dO\\O1W\SZ eV]aYWZTcZZg[SZRab`ORWbW]\OZO`QVWbSQ bc`SO\Ra^SQWOZZgQ][[WaaW]\SRO`baO\R Q`OTbaeWbVQO`STcZZgQV]aS\^WSQSaT`][ VS`Q]ZZSQbW]\]T[]RWaV7bOZWO\Tc`\W bc`S@]][aT`][ 72 Arset Awsel, Bab Doukkala. Tel: +212 5 24 38 76 29. www.riaddue.com e]`bVYSS^W\UO^SbWbbOfWeOWbW\UeVWZS g]cZ]]YO`]c\RSf^SQbb]^OgOP]cb #0SabPcgaW\QZcRS[]\]U`O[[SR 3Ug^bWO\Q]bb]\aVSSbaDWO<]bbW PSa^]YSPZO\YSbaO\RQcaVW]\a/bSZWS` <WVOZQ]\bS[^]`O`gQS`O[WQa/YYOZ O\RQcab][RSaWU\SRQO\RZSa/[W`O 0]cUWSOaeSZZOa_cW`YgO`be]`YaacQV OabVSU`]]dgQOQbcaO\RVS\aQcZ^bc`Sa a]ZROb2SaWU\1]]Y www.sidighanem.com OZQ]V]ZZWQS\QSPcbO\O``Og]TT`SaVZg a_cSShSRXcWQSaO\RW\dS\bWdSQ]`RWOZa eWZZYSS^g]cU]W\Uc\bWZ\WUVbTOZZBVS T]]RacWbabVS[]]R(b`ORWbW]\OZ;]`]Q QO\Q]]YW\UW\TcaSReWbVO[]RS`\ b]cQV6WUVZWUVbaW\QZcRSQVSSaSP`SS eObaabcTTSR^Oab`WSaOeVWbS¾aVO\R UW\US`bOUW\SO\RSf]bWQWQSQ`SO[a 15 Souk Cherifia, Sidi Abdelaziz. Tel: +212 5 24 37 59 04. www.terrassedesepices.com The long lazy lunch The Aladdin’s cave BS``OaaSRSap^WQSaWabVSQ]]ZSab`]]T b]^W\bVSa]cYa@SQZW\SacZbO\abgZSW\ ]\S]TbVSQVO`Q]OZVcSRQOPO\OaeVWZS g]c·`Sa^`WbhSReWbV]`O\USPZ]aa][ aQS\bSReObS`]`QVWZZPS\SObVbVS`Ob bO\^O`Oa]ZaOabVSac\aSba]dS`bVS 9]cb]cPWO;]a_cS·a[W\O`SbBVS`S·a\] 3dS`aW\QSQO[SZb`ORS`aO\RaWZYO\R a^WQS[S`QVO\baabO`bSRQ]\dS`UW\U VS`SgSO`aOU];O``OYSQVVOa PSS\O[SQQOT]`aV]^OV]ZWQa6OUUZW\U WaOZZ^O`b]TbVSTc\^`]dWRSRg]cYSS^ g]c`Q]]Z0S^`S^O`SRb]USbZ]abOag]c eSOdSg]c`eOgbV`]cUVbVSa^WRS`eSP ]Ta]cYaSOQVeWbVbVSW`]e\a^SQWOZbg( aWZYYWZW[a`cUaO\RZSObVS`POP]cQVSa aZW^^S`aPSObS\P`OaaZO\bS`\aO\R bSO^]bae]dS\POaYSbaO\RVO\R ^OW\bSRQS`O[WQa^S`Tc[SaO\R^]bW]\a VS`PaO\Ra^WQSa/[O^Wa]TZW[WbSRcaS ]\QSg]cab`OgT`][bVS[OW\O`bS`WSa]T bVS;SRW\O]`]ZRQWbg9SS^O\SgS]cb T]`\SeeOdS´O`bSaO\WOµW\bVST]`[ ]TQVWQQO[SZVOW`^][^][PZO\YSba US][Sb`WQOZZg^ObbS`\SR0S\W=cO`OW\ `cUaYWbaQVO^^ZW_c{RPOaYSbe]`YO\R b`S\RgQ]\bS[^]`O`gQOTbO\aO\RbOW Z]`SRUO\R]`OOY\SSZS\UbVbc\WQZWYS bV]aST]c\ROb9OaPSY $`cS`WOR HWb]c\8RWRBSZ( $$!%%#$' eeeYOaPSYOTbO\aQ][ The design factory BVS?cO`bWS`7\Rcab`WSZAWRW5VO\S[ Xcab [W\cbSaPgbOfWT`][bVSQWbg QS\bS`WaOV]bPSR]Tg]c\URSaWU\bOZ S\b6S`Sg]cUSbbVSYW\R]T]\S]TT WbS[ag]caSSW\W\bS`W]`RSaWU\[OUO hW\Sa²]cbaWhSdOaSaeVWbSZSObVS` ^]cTaW\ZOWReWbVaWZdS`²T]`OT`OQbW]\ ]TbVSQ]ab AWRW5VO\S[Q]dS`aaSdS`OZPZ]QYa ]TQO[SZQ]Z]`SReO`SV]caSaO\RWb·a 50 Design & Cook Riad Due These revamped courtyard houses are the icing on the cake of any visit The secret garden 7\OQWbg]TUO`RS\abVS8O`RW\ ;OX]`SZZSPZ]eabVS]bVS`a]cbbVS eObS`T]`WbaROhhZW\UcaS]TZWUVb O\RQ]Z]`BVS4`S\QVO`bWab8OQ_cSa ;OX]`SZZS]^S\SRbVSUO`RS\ab]bVS ^cPZWQW\'"%BVS`W]b]caSf^Z] SCANORAMA MARCH 2010 SCANORAMA Mint tea with rose petals INTERNATIONAL ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES: aW]\]TQ]Z]`²PcbbS`Qc^gSZZ]eV]b^W\YO\R]TQ]c`aSbVS ;OX]`SZZSPZcSW\a^W`SRPgbVS`]PSa]TbVS´PZcS[S\µ]TbVS AOVO`O²O[]\UbVSa]O`W\U^OZ[b`SSaQOQbcaO\ReObS`TSO bc`SaUWdSaWbOeVW[aWQOZaZWUVbZgac``SOZOW`bVObQ][SaOaO eSZQ][SO\bWR]bSb]bVST`S\SbWQ^OQS]TbVS;SRW\O Tel: +212 5 24 30 18 52. www.jardinmajorelle.com INTERNATIONAL SALES DIRECTOR Anita Wollroth anita.wollroth@dgmediasales.se Tel: +46 8 797 03 47, Fax: +46 8 21 31 71 AUSTRALIA: AGS Media Tel: +61 8 8371 5800, david@agsmedia.com.au BELGIUM/NETHERLANDS: giO Media Tel: +31 (0) 6 2223 8420, giovanni@gio-media.nl CANADA: Media Contacts Internat The scrub down Tel: +1 905 845 8300, tompeters@busexec.com BVSVO[[O[WaOa[cQVO^O`b]T;]`]QQO\ZWTSOaObbS\RW\U []a_cS3dS`g\SWUVP]`V]]RVOa]\SO\ROZZg]cVOdSb]R]Wa O`[g]c`aSZTeWbVO^Ob]TPZOQYa]O^O\RO[WbbO\R`SZOfW\ bVSabSO[eVWZSa][SP]RgSZaSaQ`cPag]ca_cSOYgQZSO\7T CROATIA: KG MEDIA d.o.o. Tel: +385 52 427 046, info@kg-media.at FINLAND: Suomen Business Viestintä Tel: +358 10 665 2269, erik.henrikson@sbv.fi FRANCE: I.M.M. France Tel: +33 1 40 13 79 03, v.aarab@imm-france.com Aphrodisiac roses from the Dades Valley GERMANY/AUSTRIA: I.M.M. Germany Tel: +49 40 411 150 70, enaber@t-online.de GREAT BRITAIN: Spafax Inflight Media Tel: +44 20 7906 2001, nhopkins@spafax.com GREECE: Publicitas Hellas Ltd Tel: +30 211 1060 300, hara.koutelou@publicitas.gr ICELAND: Heimur hf. Tel: +354 512 7536, otto.schopka@heimur.is INDIA: Media Star Tel: +91 22 22815538/39, ravi@mediastar.co.in IRELAND: Harmonia Ltd Tel: +353 1 240 53 22, dboyle@harmonia.ie ITALY: I.M.M. Italia Tel: +39 02 3653 4433, lucia.colucci@fastwebnet.it JAPAN: Pacific Business Inc Tel +81 (3) 3661-6138, kai-pbi@gol.com KOREA: DooBee Inc Tel: +82 2 3702 1740, dbi@doobee.com LATVIA/ESTONIA/LITHUANIA: Advertising Agency Santa Tel: +371 700 61 51, info@agency.santa.lv PORTUGAL: Publima Publicidade Tel: +351 21 315 81 61, publima@publima.pt bVS´OcbVS\bWQµPObVaSS[aOabS^b]]TO`P]]Yg]c`aSZTW\b] bVS/\UaO\O@WORaA^OT]`bVSRSZcfSdS`aW]\BVSbe]V]c` aSaaW]\aT]`W\RWdWRcOZa]`Q]c^ZSaW\QZcRSQZSO\aW\UVWPWaQca bSOa`VOa]cZeVWbSQZOg[WfSReWbV`]aSeObS`P]Rge`O^aO aQ`cPR]e\O\RO`][ObWQ[OaaOUST]`# 57-58 Rue de la Bahia, Riad Zitoun Jdid-Medina. Tel: +212 5 24 38 09 78. www.angsana.com The hotel hangout @c\PgbVSaO[S^S]^ZSOabVSQZOaaWQ5`O\1OT{RSZO>]abS bVS0OP6]bSZaSbabVSb]\ST]`bVS\SeZgVW^DWZZS<]cdSZZS ]`<SeB]e\2SaWU\SRPgbVS]e\S`a·ROcUVbS`1ZS[S\QS >W`OXSO\VS`SQZSQbWQQV]WQS]T[cZbWQ]Z]`SR:OZO;WYOUO` POUSPOUZO[^aVORSaO\RPZOQYZSObVS``OU`cUaOUOW\abO POQYR`]^]TQZSO\eVWbSZW\SaO\RaZSSYO`QVWbSQbc`OZ¾bbW\Ua VOa[ORSWbbVS^ZOQSb]aSSO\RPSaSS\G]c·ZZ¾\RbVSQWbg·a g]c\UbVW\UaR`O^SRO`]c\RbVSZWdSZgZ]PPgQc[Q]QYbOWZPO` O\R;]`]QQO\TcaW]\`SabOc`O\bVSORSRPg6OR`WS\DWZZSRWSc eV]SO`\SRVWaab`W^SaOb8]~Z@]PcQV]\·a:·/bSZWS`W\>O`Wa 2]\·b[WaabVSQ]]ZW\Ub][Ob]O\R^W\SO^^ZSUOh^OQV]a^WQSR Z]PabS`W\eOTS`bVW\eO`YO^Oab`gO\R`OQY]TZO[P`cPPSRW\ `OaOZVO\]cbOPZS\R]T<]`bV/T`WQO\a^WQSa Corner of Boulevard Mansour Eddahbi and Rue Mohamed El Beqal, Guéliz. Tel: +212 5 24 43 52 50. u www.babhotelmarrakech.com SCANORAMA MARCH 2010 RYSSLAND: Inflight Entertainment Group Tel: +007 (495) 690 82 55, kdzidzaria@in-flight.ru SINGAPORE/MALAYSIA: SPH Magazines Pte Ltd Tel: +65 6319 6270, alicere@sph.com.sg SPAIN: GDM Tel: +34 91 536 55 07, mjesusr@gdm.es SWITZERLAND: Airpage AG Tel: +41 43 311 3000, furrer@airpage.ch TAIWAN: Lewis Int. Media Services Co Tel: +886 2 2707 5519, ky168@ms14.hinet.net THAILAND: Thai Representation Ltd Tel: +662 3319 690, thitiporn.p@sharmathailand.com UNITED ARAB EMIRATES: Intermedia Tel: + 971 4 342 2112, vdavidson@intermedia-gulf.com USA: AirGroup One Tel: + 1 212 244 5610, dbannister@airgroupone.com PRODUCTION AND THE ENVIRONMENT: Scanorama is printed on Graphocote 65g – an FSC-marked paper – at an ISO 14001 certified printing house: Sörmlands Grafiska Quebecor World, Katrineholm, Sweden. Prepress: done, Stockholm, Sweden. DG Communications maintains a continuous program for environmental improvement. 51 The fantasy nightclub BVSVW^ZWbbZSaWabS`]T;O``OYSQV·aZ]\U bW[SV]ba^]b:S1][^b]W`Y\]e\ T]`WbaPSZZgRO\QS`aO\RacZb`gRSQ]` R]Sa/`OPWO\<WUVba abQS\bc`gabgZS 4`S\QV;]`]QQO\RSaWU\S`G]c\Sa 2c`Sb·aU]ZR^OW\bSRVSfOU]\OZQVWZZ]cb PO`¿gW\UQO`^SbTO\bOaWSaO\RWQ]\WQ ¾PS`UZOaaQO[SZVSORaO`S]cbbVS`SPcb Wbe]`Ya²Sa^SQWOZZgeVS\/hO`VWbaWba U`]]dSO`]c\R[WR\WUVbbVS;O``OYQVW V]caSTcaW\UeWbVbVSb`WPOZa]c\Ra]TbVS RSaS`bBVSQWbg·ab]^[Wf]Z]UWab3`WQ BVWS``gYSS^abVS\WUVb]eZaQ][W\UPOQY T]`[]`SeWbVVWaaWU\Obc`SQ]QYbOWZa Rue de Yougoslavie, Guéliz. Tel: +212 5 24 43 09 20. www.azarmarrakech.com The movable feast 1OZZSR´ZO^ZOQSµZ]QOZZg2XS[OOSZ4\O WabVSPSObW\UVSO`b]T;O``OYSQV0g ROgWb·aOab`SSbbVSObS`]T]`O\USXcWQS aSZZS`aO\Ra\OYSQVO`[S`a/b\WUVbbVS ab]`gbSZZS`abV`WZZ]\Z]]YS`aeWbVbOZSa ]T[gabS`gO\Rac^S`abWbW]\7b·abVS\ bVObWbPc`abaW\b]ZWTS²O[WQ`]QWbg]T T]]RabOZZaSOQVeWbVWba]e\a^SQWOZbg 7U\]`SbVSVO`RaSZZO\ROZeOgaU]T]` Lose yourself in the lanes of the ancient Medina ]\S^OQYSReWbVZ]QOZaG]cQO\a^S\RO Q]c^ZS]TV]c`aXcabV]^^W\UT`][]\S b]bVS]bVS`aO[^ZW\UP]eZa]Ta^WQg QVWQY^SOVO`W`Oa]c^T`WSR¾aVbO\UWOO bS``OQ]bbOc`\]Ta^WQSRPSSTQ]]YSR]\ bVSQ]OZa]TbVSVO[[O[O\RaZOPa]T a^WQSRaSaO[SO\RRObSaeSSba The great escape :O>OcaSWaOUS\cW\SRSaS`b]OaWaXcab "#[W\cbSaR`WdST`][bVSQWbgQS\bS` gSbWbQ]cZRPSO[WZZW]\[WZSaOeOgAc` `]c\RSRPg\]bVW\UPcbbVSO`WRVWZZa]T /UOTOgWb·abVSP`OW\QVWZR]T4`S\QV[O\ 4`SRS`WQ/ZOW[SeV]aSbOP]cbQ`SOb W\UO´dWZZOUSµ]Tb`ORWbW]\OZbS\baO\R ^WaS[cRO\Rab`OeReSZZW\UaOaO\ O\bWR]bSb][]RS`\ZWTSBVS`S·a\]SZSQ b`WQWbgXcabbVSab`O\USaW\UW\UeW\R]T bVSRSaS`bO\RQO\RZSZWbZO\bS`\a7T g]cQO\·babOgVSOR]cbT]`O\SO`ZgRW\ \S`O\ReObQVbVSac\aSb]dS`bVSZc\O` ZO\RaQO^S@SaS`dObW]\aSaaS\bWOZ Douar Lmih Laroussiène, Commune Agafay. Tel: +212 661 30 64 94. www.lapause-marrakech.com The Ultimate All-In-One Zoom: Longest, Steadiest Lens On Earth World record Tamron 18-270mm Zoom has incredible 15X wide-to-super-tele coverage plus advanced VC anti-shake! 18 mm 18 mm 270 mm 270 mm A triumph of advanced optical engineering, the new Tamron AF18-270mm Di II VC is the first 15X (28-419mm-equivalent) zoom lens for consumer digital SLRs with advanced Vibration Compensation (VC). Its best feature: It will bring your picture taking to an entirely new level. 18 -270mm F/3.5-6.3 Di II VC LD Aspherical (IF) MACRO Model * B003 For Canon/Nikon Compensation Lens designed for exclusive use on digital SLR cameras Vibration with smaller-size imagers. Mechanism Vibration Compensation Mechanism 16 mm. This lens is not designed for use with 35mm film cameras and digital SLR cameras with image sensors larger than 24 x Importør: Scandiafilm AS www.scandiafilm.no Tamron Web Site . . . www.tamroneurope.com 4 4 j e w e l l e r y d e s i g n c h a r lot t e ly n g g a a r d • w w w. o l e ly n g g a a r d . d k visit our flagship store at copenhagen airport Essential outdoor gear dri3 Jacket: Serious state-of-the-art recycled 3-layer storm jacket. Tough, storm-enduring, breathable 3-layer jacket bred for heavy-duty safety. Provides first-rate weather protection in extreme conditions. Stormproof, featuring high, brush-lined wind collar, storm hood and backpack reinforcement panels. Features: 1 Weather protective storm hood 2 Waterproof and breathable dri™3 fabric 3 YKK water resistant zippers 4 Long underarm ventings with x-open 5 High hand warming pockets placed above hip belt from the pack 6 One high chest pocket 7 Long cut, with inside waist adjustment 8 Asymmetric cut around wrist 9 All elastic adjustment can be adjusted with one hand The collection flex™1 Cotton Long-Sleeve flex™1 Cotton Midweight Heavy-Duty Photo: Frode Sandbech Welcome to nature Location: Russian mining settlement of Pyramiden, Svalbard. Rasmus is carrying a rifle from 1944, -in case he meets a polar bear. www.norrona.com Snowed in: Bellevue des Alpes stands behind the Kleine Scheidegg railway station at the foot of the Eiger. Right: The revamped interiors have 56 been carefully modeled on the original SCANORAMA MARCH 2010 )"6/5*/( )064& You never forget a stay at the Hotel Bellevue des Alpes, which seems to have been frozen in time at the foot of the mythical Eiger. Perhaps that’s why so many of the guests keep coming back – often for generations KLEINE SCHEIDEGG, SWITZERLAND Words by RIKARD LIND Photographs by ERIK OLSSON A b %[SbS`aOP]dSaSOZSdSZ\]]\SQO\VSO` g]caQ`SO[3a^SQWOZZgWTg]cabOgObbVS0SZZS dcSRSa/Z^SaOV]bSZbVObe]cZRVOdSVORAbO\ ZSg 9cP`WQY [OYW\U a\]e O\USZa WT VS·R PSS\ Z]]YW\UT]`O3c`]^SO\Z]QObW]\T]`BVSAVW\W\U BVSaV]`b]ZWdSU`SS\ES\US`\OZ^POV\b`OW\abO`baeWbV OXS`YO\RPSUW\aWbaVOZTV]c`QZW[P]TXcab]dS`[SbS`a T`][5`W\RSZeOZRb]9ZSW\SAQVSWRSUUbVS[]c\bOW\^OaaW\ AeWbhS`ZO\R·a0S`\S`/Z^S\`SUW]\eVS`SbVS0SZZSdcSRSa /Z^SaWa\SabZSRBe]aS``ObSRb`OQYaW\aWRSbVS]cbS``OWZa VOcZbVSQ]UeVSSZb`OW\c^bVSabSS^W\QZW\SB][gPSeWZ RS`[S\b eS ab]^ Ob aSS[W\UZg `O\R][ ^ZOQSa eVS`S bVS ^S]^ZSeV]USb]TTRWaO^^SO`W\b]a\]eR`WTbaBVSQZ]aSab SCANORAMA MARCH 2010 bVW\Ub]O`SUcZO`abObW]\WaOa[OZZP`]e\QOPW\eWbVU`SS\ aVcbbS`aO\RbVS\O[S]TbVSdWZZOUS³/Z^WUZS\³]\bVS TOQORS ES·dSPSS\]\bVS`]ORT]`[]ab]TbVSROg(ObOfWb]bVS b`OW\)Ob`OW\b]bVSOW`^]`b)O¿WUVbb]O\]bVS`b`OW\eWbV 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by’ at the lovingly restored Bellevue des Alpes ]TbS\OV]bSZ·a[]abSdS\bTcZ`]][O^ZOQST]``SZOf ObW]\a]QWOZWhW\UO\RW\bS`SabW\USfQVO\USa BVS Z]\U\O``]e`]][VOa^O`_cSb¿]]`W\UO¾`S^ZOQS RO`Ye]]R^O\SZW\U]\bVSeOZZaO\RP`OaaQVO\ RSZWS`a/b]\SS\RWaO`]PcabQ]c\bS`]TbVSaO[S RO`Ye]]R^O\SZW\UOP`OaaVO\R`OWZOZW\S]Tab]]Za eWbVZSObVS` aSOba`]ea]TUZOaaSaO\RP]bbZSaW\ [W``]`SRUZOaaaVSZdSRQOPW\SbaW\T`]\b]TbVSPO` BVSPSOcbWTcZZge]`\ZSObVS`QVOW`aeWbVP`Oaa`Wd SbaO`SU`]c^SRO`]c\Ra[OZZ`]c\Re]]RS\bOPZSa ES·`SbVS]\ZgUcSabaBVSaeW\UW\UXOhhb]\Sa]T O\]ZR:>Q`OQYZSaW\bVSa^SOYS`a3dS\bVWa`]][ VO`Ya POQY b] O PgU]\S S`O BW[S VOa ab]]R abWZZ VS`S0cbWb·a\]bPSS\YW\Rb]bVSQWUO`a/a7c\^SSZ bVSe`O^^W\UT`][]\SWbQ`c[PZSaW\[g¾\US`a 7W\T]`[bVSeOWb`SaaPO`bS\RS`O\ROaYWTbVS`S·a a][SbVW\USZaSb]a[]YSeVS`Sc^]\aVS`Sbc`\a eWbVOab`Og;O`ZP]`]:WUVb]\OaWZdS`b`Og :ObS`7·[aS`dSROUZOaa]TU`O^^OeVWQV\]` [OZZg7·R]\ZgPSb]]VO^^gb]OQQS^bWT7VOR\·b ]`RS`SROUZOaa]TQ]U\OQEVS\7OaYVS`WT7QO\ SfQVO\US Wb T]` eVOb 7·R ]`RS`SR ]`WUW\OZZg 7·[ 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Below: The bar, or ‘most eventful room,’ at the Bellevue des Alpes 60 `SOQVSRbVSb]^]TbVS3WUS`;\QV]`8c\UT`Oc 7\&'!bVS`OWZeOgb]bVS9ZSW\SAQVSWRSUU^Oaa O`S[]bSa^]bW\bVSaORRZSPSbeSS\:OcPS`V]`\ O\R 2`SWUSabW`\ eOa Q][^ZSbSR >`SdW]caZg bVS ]\Zg[SO\a]Tb`O\a^]`beOa^OQY[cZS/R]ZTQ]\ ab`cQbSROaSQ]\RPcWZRW\U]\SSdS\[]`SU`O\RW ]aSbVO\bVS¾`abO\R\O[SRWb6]bSZRSa/Z^Sa7b WabVSaSbe]PcWZRW\Ua\]eQ]\\SQbSR bVOb[OYS c^bVS6]bSZ0SZZSdcSRSa/Z^Sa /R]ZT·aROcUVbS`3[[O[O``WSROQOdOZ`g]T¾ QS`:WScbS\O\b4`Wbhd]\/Z[S\]TB`[[SZPOQV 6S_cWQYZg`Sb`OW\SRO\RbVSQ]c^ZSb]]Y]dS`bVS V]bSZW\' #C\bWZbVS\bVSbe]V]bSZaVOR]\Zg PSS\]^S\W\bVSac[[S`Pcb\]ebVSgeS`S¾b bSR]cbT]`eW\bS`BVSbW[W\UQ]cZR\·bVOdSPSS\ PSbbS`7beOabVSW\bS`eO`gSO`aO\RbVSVSWUVb]T bVS@]O`W\UBeS\bWSaBVS0`WbWaVW\^O`bWQcZO` S[P`OQSR bVS \Sea eWbV c\`Sab`OW\SR S\bVcaW Oa[ BVSg U]b W\b] bVS VOPWb ]T QZW[PW\U c^ bVS :OcPS`V]`\]\QSOROg]\bVSW`aYWaO\RbVS\aYW W\UR]e\bVSdW`UW\a\]eb]5`W\RSZeOZR]`ES\ US\ =\ bVS b`OW\ POQY b] bVS V]bSZ bVSg e]cZR ]QQOaW]\OZZgW\dWbSbVSR`WdS`aO\RQ]\RcQb]`ab]O ^O`bgOaObVO\Yg]cT]`O\SfQSZZS\bROg]cbBVSaS eS`SUZ]`W]cabW[Sa]TW\\]QS\bO[caS[S\bBVS `SabOabVSgaOgWaVWab]`g/\R`SOad]\/Z[S\O\R VWaeWTSAWZdWOO`Sbe]US\S`ObW]\aR]e\bVSTO[ WZgb`SS4]`Xcab]dS`ORSQORSbVSgVOdSPSS\Q]\ bW\cW\UbVSTO[WZgb`ORWbW]\OaV]aba]TbVS6]bSZ 0SZZSdcSRSa/Z^Sa =\[geOgb]P`SOYTOab7^OaaAWZdWOW\bVSZ]PPg AVSWaQc`ZSRc^]\bVSa]TOPgbVSabOW`ab]bVS`WUVb ]TbVSS\b`O\QSeWbVVS`be]ROcUVbS`aB]USbVS` bVSgO`S_cWSbZgR]W\UbVSUW`Za·V][Se]`Yb`gW\U \]bb]RWabc`PbVSUcSabaaObW\bVSO`[QVOW`aW\ T`]\b ]T bVS ¾`S^ZOQS Oa bVSg Q][P bV`]cUV bVS []`\W\U^O^S`aA][SbW[SabVSUW`Za^`OQbWQSbVS dW]ZW\O\RQSZZ]\]b\SQSaaO`WZgW\bVSZ]PPgbV]cUV /`b[O^aO\R\]bZSOab]ZR^V]b]U`O^VaRSQ]`ObS bVSeOZZa]TbVSZ]\UQ]``WR]`aBVS^V]b]U`O^VaW\ bVSQ]``WR]`ZSORW\Ub]bVSRW\W\U`]][O`S[]abZg ]TORdS\bc`S`aW\Y\WQYS`P]QYS`aO\RY\SSZS\UbV a]QYa²QZW[PS`aO\RaYWS`a THE BELLEVUE DES ALPES VOaPSS\bVSTOd]`SRPOaS QO[^T]`OR`S\OZW\SXc\YWSaV]]YSR]\bVS^`]a ^SQb]TaYWW\U]`QZW[PW\UbVS3WUS`aW\QSbVSV]bSZ ]^S\SR BVS AeWaa UcWRSa 1V`WabWO\ /Z[S` O\R >SbS`0]V`S\O\R7`WaV[O\1VO`ZSa0O``W\Ub]\ ¾`abQ]\_cS`SRbVS3WUS`!'%[SbS`aW\&#& BVS RSORZWSab aWRS ]T bVS []c\bOW\ bVS \]`bV TOQS]dS`Z]]YW\UbVSV]bSZ^`]dSRb`WQYWS`:]\U Q]\aWRS`SR´bVSZOabPWU^`]PZS[]TbVS/Z^aµbVS <]`ReO\R YWZZSR SWUVb []c\bOW\SS`a PST]`S bVS 5S`[O\a/\RS`Z6SQY[OW`O\R:cReWUD`UO\R /cab`WO\a 6SW\`WQV 6O``S` O\R 4`Wbh 9Oa^O`SY aQOZSRbVS&[SbS`VWUVeOZZW\'!&2]hS\a []`SVOdSRWSRaW\QSbVS\T`][TOZZW\U`]QYaO\R WQSVg^]bVS`[WOO\RSfVOcabW]\SO`\W\UbVSeOZZ Wba\WQY\O[S(bVS;]`ReO\R´[c`RS`eOZZµ ;O\gZSUS\RO`g[]c\bOW\SS`a²@{PcTTOb0]\ ObbW ;Saa\S` 0]\W\Ub]\ 1OaaW\ :Oc^S` ² VOdS QVOZZS\USRbVS3WUS`BVSR`O[OabVObVOdSbOYS\ ^ZOQSVS`SVOdSW\a^W`SR\c[S`]caP]]YaW\QZcR W\UBVS1ZW[PC^b]6SZZPg8OQY=ZaS\O\RBVS EVWbSA^WRS`Pg6SW\`WQV6O``S`¾Z[aBVS3WUS`u SCANORAMA MARCH 2010 AT A T ALL FIRST HOTELS AV A* IN SCANDINA VIA * JA N UA RY 15 T H – M A RC H 31S T / / F I R S T H O T E L S . 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Tel: +41 33 855 12 12. www.scheidegg-hotels.ch Doubles from $355, half board (breakfast and dinner) Trademarks: Most of the rooms have breathtaking views, not least the dining room. It’s not just the cutlery that’s stamped with the hotel’s insignia SCANORAMA MARCH 2010 tomsbyro.se Elwood coat www.didriksons.com Elwood is a breathable and waterproof coat, long enough to cover a jacket. Sizes: S-XXXL. Colours: black, dark green and khaki. WISH YOU WERE HERE PALERMO, SICILY, 8.45AM: ´ESO``WdSRW\b]e\SO`Zg4`WROg[]`\W\UO\R ^O`YSR]c`QO`BVS¾`ab^S`a]\eSQO[SOQ`]aa eOaOUcgaSZZW\UT`SaV¾aVO\RaSOT]]RT`][VWa []^SR7\XcabOTSe[W\cbSaSdS`gbVW\UeOa U]\SO\RVS·RVSORSR]TTb]bVS\SO`SabSa^`Saa] PO`ESRWR\·b`SOZWhSWbObbVSbW[SPcbbVWa eOa\]bVW\U]cb]TbVS]`RW\O`gBVSab`SSbZWTS W\>OZS`[]WadWP`O\bO\RRW`SQbµ– Erik Olsson, contributing photographer 64 SCANORAMA MARCH 2010 MAKE SMARTER INTERNATIONAL PHONE CALLS – AND GET FREE CALLS FOR €5 Global friends. Local calls! 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Europe Office 1, rue Goethe, L-1637 Luxembourg City, info@operatorone.eu USA Office 475 10th Ave, 9th floor, New York NY 10018, info@operatorone.net Our service is available in: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, United Kingdom and United States. ?]l*-eafml]kg^ qgmj[mklge]jkËlae] [rli^g]bg`cnlm +.l^\hg]lhgmablZ] Mp^gmr&Öo^fbgnm^lblma^Zo^kZ`^k^Z]bg`mbf^_hkZp^ee ikh]n\^]\nlmhf^kfZ`Zsbg^'PaZmphne]rhnlZrmhrhnk [^lm\nlmhf^k8 :lL\Zg]bgZobZÍleZk`^lmikh]n\^kh_\nlmhf^kfZ`Zsbg^l p^dghpahpmh\k^Zm^\hffngb\ZmbhgmaZmk^Zeerphkdl' P^ikhob]^mZbehk&fZ]^fZ`Zsbg^lhenmbhglmaZmlnbmrhnk \hffngb\Zmbhgg^^]lZg][nbe]lZe^lZg]\nlmhf^kehrZemr' P^^o^gk^fZd^^qblmbg`fZ`Zsbg^l' ?hkfhk^bg_hkfZmbhgie^Zl^\hgmZ\mhg^h_hnkh_Ö\^l' ˆ SCANORAMA 12 HOKKAIDO 0OTOPXQBUSPM 14KLOSTERS 4USJLJOHDIBMFU 16STOCKHOLM #SJOHJOHIPNFUIFCBDPO 36ZERMATT "XJOUFSµTUBMF 48BARCELONA 5IFGVUVSFPGXJOF 58MILAN %JOFXJUIUIFMPDBMT no. 12/01 Ko]\]f =@<hffngb\Zmbhgl:; L^k`^elMhk`*+ L>&***.0Lmh\dahef ppp']`\hf'l^ fZ`gnl'ebg]oZee9]`\hf'l^ FgjoYq =@<hffngb\Zmbhgl:(L Ngbo^klbm^ml`Zm^g*- GH&)*/-Hleh ppp']`\hf'gh fhgZ'a^eeng]9]`\hf'gh ˆ <]feYjc =ZmZ`kZ_:(L @Zff^emhko*1 =D&*-.0D¸[^gaZogD ppp']ZmZ`kZ_']d \eZnl'dkh`a9]ZmZ`kZ_']d $;GEEMFA;9LAGF$<=KA?F$HJG<M;LAGF Our World The latest news from Scandinavian Airlines Inside the flight deck Take the captain’s seat in an Airbus A330-300 Page 6 Destination: Washington, DC Explore parks and more in the US capital Page 14 Sky puzzle Slot times help keep order in the air. Meet the people making certain all the pieces of this puzzle fit together: the SAS Aircraft Planning team Page 10 EuroBonus Traveler | SAS Timeline | News | SAS Fleet | Route Maps – Our World 002 | Scanorama | March 2010 | SAS News Headed to New York? Don’t forget your ESTA! From March 1 this year, you must have an approved electronic visa when checking into SAS flights bound for the United States. The US authorities have increased requirements on airlines traveling there. In January 2009, the US authorities introduced a new entry permit, Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA). It applies to all passengers without a visa and whose countries are included in the Visa Waiver Program. Last year, entry to the United States was allowed even if the passenger did not have an approved ESTA. But from March 1, 2010, the rules are being tightened. As of that date, SAS will not be able to check in passengers who do not have an approved ESTA. It is the passenger’s responsibility to apply for the electronic visa before their trip. This is done on the ESTA website, preferably 72 hours before departure. It takes only a few minutes to answer the questions, and the decision is provided online within a few seconds. SAS check-in staff will not be able to help passengers with the application, as it is handled by US authorities and requires personal information from the passengers. If you are at the airport and do not have an ESTA, you will need to find an internet terminal to file the application online (if there is time before check-in closes). In Sweden, SAS has its own internet terminals at all airports. The computers have a link to the ESTA website, and they can be used free of charge. You must apply for an electronic visa to USA on the ESTA website, preferably 72 hours before departure. What about the green form then? In recent years, travelers to the United States have become acquainted with the green I-94W form, which is handed out when checking in or onboard the plane. This form still needs to be filled out, but eventually it will be completely replaced by the ESTA. BY DAN-MARCUS PETHRUS PHOTOS MIKAEL OLSSON, MATTON New entry requirements for trips to the United States EuroBonus Gold members traveling on an international flight with a Star Alliance member airline, irrespective of ticket type, now have access to Fast Track security at the Stockholm-Arlanda, Copenhagen and Oslo airports. Also, Business passengers traveling on SAS, Blue1 and Widerøe marketing flights (code share flights) can also access Fast Track security. This also applies to EuroBonus Gold members, irrespective of ticket type. After having passed the ISO 14001 audit in December 2009, Blue1 (part of the SAS Group) has now become one of the first network carriers in the Nordic countries to receive an ISO 14001 certificate for its environmental management system. Blue1 takes a systematic approach to environmental commitment and continual improvement of its environmental performance. The main emphasis is on executing three environmental programs in flight, cabin and technical operations. The most critical environmental aspects of Blue1’s operations, such as carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions, aircraft noise, unsorted in-flight waste and hazardous chemicals, will be positively affected. Auditing and certification of Blue1’s environmental management system was provided by Bureau Veritas Certification Finland. Almost 90 percent of all SAS planes that landed last year were on schedule. BY DAN-MARCUS PETHRUS PHOTOS BRUNO EHRS, JENS MORTENSEN SAS goes social media SAS was Europe’s most punctual airline in 2009 In 2009, SAS was the most punctual in Europe of all the major airlines. Almost 90 percent of all SAS planes that landed last year were on schedule, or even ahead of it. SAS was also the third most punctual airline in the entire world, after Japan Airlines and All Nippon Airlines (ANA). “We are exceptionally proud to be Europe’s most punctual airline and among the top three in the world. This position really underlines our promises to minimize our customers’ travel time and to maximize their value of the time spent with us. Our staff does a tremendous job to ensure our customers arrive at their destination in time, especially considering the sometimes severe weather conditions we are faced with in Scandinavia during the winter months,” says John Dueholm, Deputy President and CEO, Scandinavian Airlines. Blue1 and Widerøe were also among the most punctual airlines. Blue1’s punctuality in 2009 was 86.4 percent, whereas Widerøe was Europe’s most punctual airline in both November and December. Blogs, chats and social networks. Few have missed the explosive development of social media, with phenomena such as Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube and LinkedIn. Facebook, for example, now has over 350 million members. Now SAS is also stepping into the digital world and meeting its customers there. On www.facebook.com/flysas, we already have a few thousand fans, but naturally we want to meet more of our passengers there in 2010. Welcome onboard online! SAS MD-80s to Allegiant Air The North American airline Allegiant is taking possession of 18 MD-80 planes from SAS. The planes, which were delivered to SAS between 1985 and 1991, will be handed over to Allegiant in the first half of 2010. The sale of the MD80s is aligned with the SAS Group’s strategy to reduce its fleet by 21 planes. After the sale, the SAS Group will have a total of 191 airplanes in operation, of which 25 are MD-80s. – Our World Blue1 is ISO 14001 certified 003 | Scanorama | March 2010 | SAS Extended Fast Track access for EuroBonus Gold members – Our World 004 | Scanorama | March 2010 | SAS News World-class SAS connections at Kastrup As of January 13, it’s become even faster and even easier to fly with SAS via Copenhagen from Stockholm, Gothenburg, Oslo, Bergen, Stavanger and Helsinki. This is thanks to a new deal between SAS and Copenhagen Airport. The two are working together to make Copenhagen one of the world’s leading transit airports. The minimum connection time has been shortened from the previous 40 minutes to 30, which leads to better and more connections. In addition, baggage handling is being streamlined, and SAS is getting a dedicated area in the Copenhagen airport, where all SAS flights will be gathered, with gates next to one another. For passengers, this means that they can get to their destinations more quickly, without needing to rush through the airport. We can now offer some of the best and quickest connections in the entire world. This also means improved connections to other cities – for example, Bologna, Hannover, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Helsinki, Madrid, Munich and Warsaw. During the year, the initiative will also be extended to non-Schengen destinations. New SAS plane There’s a new Viking in the SAS fleet, Fafner Viking. Fuel efficiency in action: a round trip between Copenhagen and Stavanger. The CRJ900 NG uses about 3.2 tons of fuel, whereas an MD-87 would use about 6 tons. BY DAN-MARCUS PETHRUS PHOTOS TOBIAS REGELL, SAS Have you tried our new calendar? The much requested low fares calendar is finally here. It’s now a lot easier for you to find the very cheapest SAS tickets. All you have to do is select where you’re traveling from, where you want to go, and in which month. Then the calendar displays the cheapest airfares for all the available dates that month. Once you have selected a date, a list shows all the options for those days and the various prices. If you prefer to book your trip the traditional way, do as you always have, and choose the flight route and departure date on the SAS websites. The calendar can be found at www.sas.dk, www.sas.se and www.sas.no. Fafner Viking is the last of 12 new CRJ 900 NG planes that SAS has purchased from Bombardier in Montreal, Canada. Flight captains Jesper Skytte and Steven Lech-Gade had the honor of flying Fafner Viking home across the Atlantic Ocean. The route went over Mirabel and Goose Bay to Copenhagen. Fafner Viking is registered in Norway, with LN-RNL as its registration number. The latest addition to the SAS fleet flew for the first time with passengers onboard on January 22. 005 | Scanorama | March 2010 | SAS Is smørrebrød a sandwich or a meal? Scandinavians and Americans had different answers to this question. – Our World Timeline The cost of a sandwich BY DAN-MARCUS PETHRUS PHOTO SAS MUSEUM How could a sandwich cause a huge international conflict within the aviation industry in the 1950s? Here’s the story behind SAS and the Sandwich War. In 1954, SAS inadvertently started the socalled Sandwich War on its North Atlantic routes. Passengers traveling in Economy class had to pay for their meals onboard. Many of the lunch boxes SAS offered on its flights were not selling, so SAS decided to serve Danish smørrebrød (open-faced sandwiches) free of charge instead. In the United States, this was considered a meal and was to be charged separately from the airfare. The last straw for the US competitors came when SAS put out an ad displaying its luxurious sandwiches next to the meager cellophanewrapped ones offered by the US carriers. In response, the Americans threatened to withdraw traffic rights from SAS. The media coverage, however, was so extensive that SAS paid the $16,000 fine without complaint. For SAS to be allowed to continue serving the sandwiches, which it did, one corner of the sandwich had to be clearly visible and not covered in any toppings at all. Another outcome of the Sandwich War: it introduced open-faced sandwiches to the rest of the world. Previously they were known only to Scandinavians. Source: SAS Museum, Copenhagen One corner of the sandwich had to be clearly visible and not covered in any toppings. Here are the same sandwiches before (above) and after (below) the regulations. 006 | Scanorama | March 2010 | SAS – Our World Destination: Washington, DC Explore the parks of Washington, DC. Distance between airport and city center: 40 kilometers (Dulles Airport to downtown Washington). Length of a taxi ride from the airport: 45 minutes to an hour. Price of a taxi ride from the airport to the city: 55 dollars, plus a15–20 percent tip. Length of a train or bus ride from the airport: One hour by Metro bus 5A. Price of a train or bus ride from the airport: Metro bus 5A (Dulles Airport to L’Enfant Plaza in Washington, DC): 3.10 dollars. Washington Flyer Coach Service (Dulles Airport to West Falls Church Metro Station): 10 dollars. Metro train (West Falls Church Metro Station to Metro Center in Washington, DC): 3.20 dollars. Average price of a gin and tonic: 9 dollars. Average price of a cup of coffee: 2 dollars for a regular no-frills cup of coffee at Starbucks. SAS flies to Washington, DC, daily from Copenhagen. The green side of DC Monuments and museums in all their glory! But your visit should also include the city’s parks, markets and festivals. In the public imagination, Washington might be a city colored in red and blue – the colors of the Republican and Democratic parties – but the true color of the city is green. Across the map, green areas interrupt the city grid, from well-known greens such as the National Mall, to little parks tucked away in residential neighborhoods. Stretching the entire length of Washington, north to south, is the enormous Rock Creek Park – a sevensquare-kilometer expanse of ungroomed forest. Hiking trails and bike paths cut through the park, past picnic areas, tennis courts, stables and a public golf course. The eastward expansion of the city and the influx of new homeowners have brought sidewalk cafés and organic markets to street corners once dominated by liquor stores and pawn shops. Once found only in a few city areas, farmers’ markets are finding their way into these newly revitalized neighborhoods. On Saturdays and Sundays, farmers sell their locally grown vegetables and fruits and, on occasion, farm-raised meat and home-baked bread at markets across the city. The incredible collection of Asian and Near Eastern art at the Freer Gallery of Art is a good reason to stop by the museum. Admission is free, and free tickets to the films are distributed an hour before show time. Across the Mall from the Freer, the National Gallery of Art puts on free classical music concerts by world-class musicians in the West Garden Court every Sunday throughout the season (from October to June). Summer in Washington is a relay of underground arts and theater festivals. First out is Artomatic, which starts in midMay and runs for a month. Out next is the three-week drama festival Source Festival, which starts in mid-June. Capital Fringe Festival closes the summer festivals with 18 days of offbeat art, music and theater, divided up in 120 shows at 20 venues around the city. BY KARIN PALMQUIST PHOTO TOBIAS REGELL Good to know – Our World Best of Washington Restaurants 007 | Scanorama | March 2010 | SAS New in town The Source Celebrity chef Wolfgang Puck brings modern interpretations of Asian dishes to Washington, DC, next to the newly opened Newseum. A lounge, wrapped in glass and lit by votive candles, offers quick bites in a relaxed setting on the first floor. The second floor formal dining room, with floor-to-ceiling windows, serves up pork dumpling appetizers and main course stir-fried lamb nestled in cups of lettuce and other intriguing choices. 575 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW. Tel: +1 202 637 6100. www.wolfgangpuck.com Pizza at 2Amys. Shopping at The Shops at Georgetown Park. Meet the locals 2Amys It’s noisy. The décor is somewhat Spartan. There’s a wait. And it’s all worth it. Adhering to strict rules set by the Italian Agriculture Ministry as how to make a Neapolitan pizza, 2Amys serves what is hands-down the best-tasting pizza in Washington, DC, along with wonderful sides such as oven-roasted olives, salt cod croquettes and potato frittatas. 3715 Macomb Street, NW. Tel: +1 202 885 5700. www.2amyspizza.com PHOTOS JING A LING, SINKSANCTITY, CHRIS TRILLANA, HEY PAUL A break at Café Bonaparte. Brunch Café Bonaparte/Napoleon The brunch menu at Café Bonaparte offers a variety of dishes, but most come here for one thing – the crepes. Try the Florentine with tomatoes, ricotta, pine nuts and pesto, or the Budapest with beef, onions and tomatoes. If you are closer to Adams Morgan, try the Columbia Road location, called Napoleon. It has more of a late-night feel but a similar brunch menu. Café Bonaparte. 1522 Wisconsin Avenue, NW. Tel: +1 202 333 8830. 1847 Columbia Road, NW. Tel: +1 202 299 9630. www.cafebonaparte.com Shopping Exploring culture Best bargains If you don’t mind ruffling through rack upon rack to find your designer bargain, try the brand-name outlet chains Filene’s Basement, at two downtown locations, and Marshalls, in the newly opened and metro-accessible shopping center in Columbia Heights. With a bit of digging, you can make that bargain-priced Armani leather jacket or Fendi handbag yours. Every Sunday, 175 vendors set up their stalls, stacked with antiques, jewelry and ceramic pieces, at the flea market at Eastern Market. The Phillips Collection The first American museum of modern art reveals an impressive collection of American and European impressionist works in the intimate settings of the home of steel heir and art collector Duncan Phillips. Of the nearly 3,000 works, the most notable are those of Georges Braque, El Greco, Vincent van Gogh, Paul Klee, Mark Rothko, and the museum’s crown jewel: Pierre-Auguste Renoir’s Luncheon of the Boating Party. 1600 21st Street, NW. Tel: +1 202 387 2151. www.phillipscollection.org Filene’s 1133 Connecticut Avenue, NW. Tel: +1 202 872 8430. 529 14th Street, NW. Tel: +1 202 638 4110. www.filenesbasement.com Marshalls 3100 14th Street, NW. Tel: +1 202 265 3402. www.marshallsonline.com Eastern Market 7th Street between Pennsylvania and North Carolina Avenues, SE, on Capitol Hill. www.easternmarket.net 3 great shopping streets Cutting through Georgetown, M Street is lined with stores for all ages and tastes, with Urban Outfitters and Steve Madden on one end of the spectrum and Coach and Club Monaco on the other. With some 80 stores, The Shops at Georgetown Park is a great refuge on rainy days. Wisconsin Avenue, perpendicular to M Street, takes the shopping excursion northward with Diesel, French Connection and Levi’s. Don’t miss the home design stores in Cady’s Alley, a block of turn-of-the-century warehouses just south of M Street that has become Washington’s home design district. The Shops at Georgetown Park. 3222 M Street, NW. Tel: +1 202 342 8190. John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts This box-in-a-box is a time capsule of 1970s architecture. 2700 F Street, NW. Tel: +1 202 467 4600. www.kennedy-center.org John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. – Our World 008 | Scanorama | March 2010 | SAS EuroBonus Traveler “When we’re flying long distances – like to New Zealand – we can have up to 40 pieces of luggage, and my skis alone can weigh up to 60 kilograms. It’s important to be organized then.” Maria Pietilä Holmner Age: 23. EuroBonus member since: 2004. Family: Mom, dad, little brother, big sister and boyfriend. Occupation: Skier, slalom. Up next: World Cup final in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Awards: Second place in slalom at the World Cup. Second place in giant slalom at the World Championships in 2007. Best airport: Copenhagen. I’m interested in interior design and fashion. There are many stores like that there, so I never have to wait around for a long time. Quite the opposite in fact – I can long to go there. Favorite seat onboard: Window seat in the front part of the plane. I sleep well there and have a nice view. Last EuroBonus trip: To Nice last summer. My boyfriend and I went there to get closer to his brother, who lives in Monaco. Great SAS service: Being able to quickly check in at the Business counter. BY JONATHAN LEIJONBERG PHOTO SAMIR SOUDAH For Sweden’s new slalom star, Maria Pietilä Holmner, a lot rests on the boots. That is why she always takes them as her carryon. The result? She’s won silver in both the FIS Alpine World Ski Championships and the FIS Alpine Ski World Cup. What has been the high point of your career so far? Winning silver at the World Ski Championships in Åre in 2007, for two reasons: it was a world championship in my home country, and it was the first time I got to stand up on the podium in such a competition. It’d been my dream since I was little. Where do you like to compete? Åre and Aspen. Åre because it’s where I’m from, and I like to be in the mountains. I think Aspen is a cool place, maybe because my first World Cup in the United States was there. When we were there for the first time, so much snow had fallen that we couldn’t practice. Instead, we were plowing away snow the entire time. We gave up and went skiing on powder snow instead. What makes for a great run? First and foremost, you need to have your technique down. Then it’s in your head – it’s about finding a balance between being charged and ready to go, and being calm. You can’t be too excited. Naturally the right ski wax and sharp steel edges are also important. Fortunately, I’m spoiled to have a great guy looking after my skis. Are you superstitious about your training? A little. I want everything to be perfect, even though I’m trying to get away from that a bit. But I must always run on the spot and jump high before I get into my skis. Not until then am I ready. How many trips do you take in a year? I have around 200 travel days per year. We practice skiing every year between July and May. In August, we usually go to a training camp in New Zealand. During the competition season, we can be gone for a month at a time. Where do you go to relax when you’re not out competing? Going home to Umeå is always relaxing. When the season is over, it can be nice to take a trip abroad – to Thailand or Nice, for example – where I try to think of things other than skiing. Tell us one special memory you have of flying. After the World Cup in Åre, we headed to Kungsträdsgården in Stockholm to celebrate. After traveling by helicopter to Östersund, those of us who won a medal got to travel in a small private jet to Stockholm. It felt very lavish! What’s it like traveling all around the world with your skiing equipment? There’s a fair share of early mornings, and sometimes we need to check in the day before. When we’re flying long distances – like to New Zealand – we can have up to 40 pieces of luggage, and my skis alone can weigh up to 60 kilograms. It’s important to be organized then. But when I have two carts full to the brim with ski cases, I wonder if I really chose the right sport. (laughs) Is it true that you usually take your ski boots as your carry-on? Yes! I can always borrow skis and clothes if they’d get lost, but I just can’t lose my boots. Mine are made especially for my feet, with molded plastic and liners and custom-made soles. In skiing, a lot rests on the boots. Lugging them around can be a bit much, and people seem to wonder ‘Why’s she hauling those boots around?’ But rather that than be without them. How do you make time pass on a plane? If members in the Swedish team haven’t seen each other in a while, we have a lot to catch up on of course. Otherwise everyone has their own thing. I like interior decorating, so I often read those types of magazines, and I watch movies, listen to music and daydream. SAS Group airlines Blue1 Estonian Air Scandinavian Airlines Widerøe Star Alliance™ and other airline partners Adria airBaltic Air Canada Air China Air New Zealand ANA Asiana Airlines Atlantic Airways Austrian Blue1 bmi brussels airlines Cimber Sterling City Airline Continental Airlines Croatia Airlines EgyptAir LOT Polish Airlines Lufthansa Qantas Shanghai Airlines Singapore Airlines Skyways South African Airways Spanair Swiss TAP Portugal THAI Turkish Airlines United US Airways Non-airline partners American Express* Apollo Avis Best Western Hotels Canal Digital* Country Inn Hotels* Diners Club* E.ON* Festival Fondservice* Flygtaxi* Global Hotel Alliance Hertz Hilton Family of Hotels HP Store* Hugo Boss* Language Direct MasterCard* (through SEB Kort AB) MQ* Operator One Park Inn Hotels* Radisson Edwardian Hotels Radisson Hotels & Resorts Radisson SAS Hotels & Resorts Regent Hotels* Rica Hotels Scandic Hotels Securitas Direct* Shangri-La Hotels & Resorts Sixt StopService* Tele2* The Economist* *Not available in all countries. Check our websites for details. sas.se/eurobonus sas.dk/eurobonus sas.no/eurobonus flysas.com/eurobonus – Our World EuroBonus partners 009 | Scanorama | March 2010 | SAS Flying with ski boots A slot time designates within which period of time a flight can take off or land. The big puzzle in the sky SAS is Europe’s most punctual airline. In 2009, almost 90 percent of all SAS flights landed on time. Getting those type of numbers requires extensive longterm planning, involving landing and departure times. Managing slot times is a form of art that the SAS Aircraft Planning team in Copenhagen are experts at. W hat to a passenger seems obvious – starting and landing on schedule – is in reality the result of long-term planning and meticulously piecing together all parts of a complicated puzzle. The SAS Aircraft Planning team is behind it all. The team members have a big task that, if everything goes the way it should, is never noticed by passengers. Well, other than the plane leaving on time, that is. John Nielsen at SAS Aircraft Planning says, “It's great to have the best punctuality in Europe. There’s a lot of effort behind it. Our numbers weren’t so good in the 1990s, so it's great to be back on track again.” Just like all other airlines, SAS has a set playing field within which to operate. SAS aircraft serve the company’s network with a total of 900 departures each and every day. There are takeoffs and landings at a limited number of airports and runways. Add to that the rest of the world’s airlines that are working the same way. Slot times, or slots for short, help maintain order in the sky around our airports. A slot is a period of time that specifies when a flight can take off or land. SAS deals with two types of slots: airport slots and air traffic control slots. Nielsen says, “Airport slots entitle the airlines to traffic a particular airport at a particular time, and use its runways and gates. The type of aircraft is always decided in advance.” Airport capacity and weather On the other hand, air traffic control slots (ATC) are assigned to the flight two hours prior to takeoff, and they come from the Central Flow Management Unit in Brussels, Belgium, which coordinates the air traffic in Europe. ATC slots take into consideration the current capacity and weather conditions at the airport. Considering all the takeoffs and departures that take place each day, the tiniest deviation from the schedule can have big, and costly, consequences. “Our main tasks are to think ahead, and BY JONATHAN LEIJONBERG PHOTOS SAMIR SOUDAH, VISIT COPENHAGEN/MORTEN BJARNHOF, TED FAHN 010 | Scanorama | March 2010 | SAS – Our World Behind the Scenes Allan Mortensen An ordinary dayxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on the job for Allan Mortensen xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. involves piecing together all the ATC slots that SAS has been assigned. At baggage chutes 31 and 32, all bags for the next flight to Copenhagen are collected. Flight plans over Copenhagen Airport. If something serious happens, duty manager Per Faldborg is the first person to get the call. deal with what’s happening in real time. Per Faldborg is duty manager, and he's the one making the decisions in stressful situations. If something serious happens, he’s the first person in all of SAS to get the call. “If I don’t have anything to do, it means everything is under control,” Faldborg says with a laugh. 012 | Scanorama | March 2010 | SAS – Our World Behind the Scenes Another view of Copenhagen Airport. when there are delays, try to recover from them as quickly as possible,” says Nielsen. Grandfather rights Airport slots are distributed among the airlines every half-year during huge conferences that are arranged all over the world by the International Air Transport Association. Airline representatives are there to barter for attractive slots. The size of the airline has no influence here – everyone is equal when it’s time to negotiate. And as long as the slot is in use, it goes under grandfather rights and can be used as long as the company wants. But the slot needs to be used – if the airline uses the slot less than 80 percent of the time, it loses that time. “This is regulated by a European Union directive. Airlines are not allowed to hold on to times they do not use,” explains Nielsen. One of the airports it’s the hardest to get a slot time at is London Heathrow. It’s a popular airport, and its maximum capa- city has long been reached. “All airports controlled by slots have a maximum capacity. The parameters determining the maximum capacity are many, including conditions such as runways, gates, terminals, check-in stations, parking, infrastructure and buses.” Both long-term and daily planning SAS Operation Control Center (OCC) sits two floors under SAS Aircraft Planning at Copenhagen Airport. Aircraft Planning takes care of the long-term planning, and OCC handles the daily. Allan Mortensen is a manager at OCC and has a team of 25 backing him up. It’s a close-knit group who have gone through the same training as SAS pilots, minus the actual flying part. Their goal is to match SAS resources – airplanes and staff – with the landing and ATC slots that the airline has been assigned two hours before the flights' starts. While one person in the team plans for tomorrow and a week ahead, the others Mortensen is quiet for a moment. He’s choosing his words. Then he solemnly lifts his glance up over the open-plan office. “I don’t know. It’s almost as though they can sense when things are going to happen.” One step ahead OCC does its best to always be a step ahead of events by constantly anticipating all imaginable scenarios. They work a lot with air traffic control, who are based in the air traffic control tower and direct planes when taking off and landing. If the weather is poor and several planes are coming in at the same time, the holding times must be kept separate for safety reasons. When this happens, suddenly all incoming and departing flights get a slot later than expected. “When a flight arrives later than planned and we can’t recover the lost time by switching to another aircraft or speeding up the handling process, we have a ‘rotation delay.’ That’s one of the most common problems we face,” explains Mortensen. “That’s when passengers sometimes hear that the departure is being delayed due to a late incoming plane. Our job is to avoid a snowball effect.” The workers around Mortensen are focused on their screens. When asked what makes his team so well-suited for the job, he replies: “The guys have amazing experience. Most of them have worked here for over 20 years and are great at anticipating things.” Mortensen is quiet for a moment. He’s choosing his words. Then he solemnly lifts his glance up over the open-plan office. “I don’t know. It’s almost as though they can sense when things are going to happen.” One piece of the puzzle. Each line represents a SAS aircraft. All airports controlled by slots have a maximum capacity. Runways, gates, terminals, check-in stations and other factors are all considered when determining the maximum capacity. Every day SAS has 900 airplanes up in the air, a puzzle that requires careful planning by SAS Aircraft Planning. At central departure control, supervisors check the weight and the balance onboard the planes. Captain Bo Tørper plans the next flight in the Flight Planning Room next, next to OCC, at Copenhagen Airport. 014 | Scanorama | March 2010 | SAS – Our World Fleet Guide 24 5 2 1 4 6 2 3 9 7 25 23 10 8 20 11 13 18 19 12 BY JONATHAN LEIJONBERG PHOTO JANCO NAGELHOUT 17 A normal day at the office for the captain and first officer of an Airbus A330-300. There are four planes of this type in the SAS fleet. Step into the flight deck It is steered with joysticks, follows pre-programmed flight plans, and goes through all of the pilot’s maneuvers. Here’s a guide to the advanced flight instruments in the flight deck of an SAS Airbus A330-300. 16 15 Today’s aircraft technology is progressing at lightening speed. This applies in particular to the Airbus A330-300, which is part of the SAS fleet. This technical marvel is controlled, like a fighter plane, with a small joystick by the pilot’s side. A pullout table for coffee and cookies can be found where the yoke usually is, and the pilot can take longer coffee breaks than a few years ago – on paper anyway. With the plane’s powerful flight management system, the pilot can in theory program the entire flight plan, 14 3. Speakers For contact with the cabin crew, mechanics and air traffic controllers. 4. Window lever 5. Flight control panel (FCP) Used to control the autopilot: setting air pressure, speed, course, altitude, etc. 6. Standby instruments Mechanical backup instruments used if the ordinary instruments (see 1 and 2) are not working. 7. Clock/chronometer Coordinated with universal time (UTC), timer and stopwatch. 8. Datalink control and display unit (DCDU) For text-based communication with air traffic control. 21 9. Engine warning display (EWD) and electronic centralized aircraft monitor (ECAM) Show the status of the engines, any system errors, and a dynamic and interactive checklist with steps to take in case of a problem with the airplane’s system. 10. System display (SD) Shows different systems, such as the pneumatic, hydraulic and electric systems. Here the system is set to display information for the doors and hatches. 22 11. Flight management system (FMS) Used to program the entire flight plan, both laterally and vertically, from takeoff to landing (theoretically). 12. Audio control panel (ACP) Used by pilots to select whom they talk to: the cabin crew, mechanics, air traffic control, etc. 13. Radio management panel (RMP) Panel for selecting the frequency for the communication radio and, when necessary, for the navigation instruments. 14. Flap lever Adjusts the wing flaps and slats. 15. Engine start Turns the engines on. 16. Air brakes 17. Engine master switches Turn the plane’s fuel supply on and off. 18. Throttles One throttle per engine. 26 19. Stabilizer control Manual control of the stabilizer on the plane’s tail. 20. Control pedals Connected to the nose wheel, used when maneuvering on the ground. Also control the rudder when flying manually. Work as brake pedals when on the ground. 21. Landing gear indicators from takeoff to landing. The Airbus A330-300 is also equipped with trendsetting fly-by-wire technology. Though it was met by skepticism when it first came, fly-by-wire is available in most aircraft nowadays. The expression “man vs. machine” has been replaced with “man assisted by machine” because the system analyzes all of the pilot’s maneuvers to ensure safety onboard. As a result, it’s impossible to roll in an Airbus A330-300. And thank goodness for that. 22. Brake system Shows the hydraulic pressure in the brake system. 23. Manual deployment of the landing gear The landing gear extends from its own weight. 24. Standby compass An ordinary compass in case the others would be out of function. 25. Control stick Used to steer the plane when flying manually. 26. Transponder A system that alerts the pilots if there is a risk of colliding with other aircraft. – Our World 2. Navigation display (ND) Shows the plane and the surroundings from a lateral perspective. Clouds, coastlines, land, other planes, etc., are shown on the display as symbols. 015 | Scanorama | March 2010 | SAS 1. Primary flight display (PFD) An artificial horizon, where brown indicates the ground and blue, the sky. The bar on the left shows the speed and the right, the altitude. Below there is a compass. – Our World 016 | Scanorama | March 2010 | SAS SAS Fleet Scandinavian Airlines Boeing 737-600/700/800 Number of aircraft 28/19/18 Number of seats 120/140-141/150-180 Max. take-off weight 57,6-59,9/60,3-69,6/ 70,5-75,1 metric tons Max. payload 13,0/15,0/19,0 metric tons Length 31,2/33,6/39,5 m Wing span 34,3/35,1 m Airbus A340-300 Number of aircraft Number of seats Max. take-off weight Max. payload Length 5 245 275,0 metric tons 44,0 metric tons 63,7 m Wing span Cruising speed Range Fuel consumption Engine Cruising speed Range 825/825-890/825 kmph 1,900-2,900/2,200/ 2,000-3,700 km Fuel consumption 0,038/0,032/0,028 liters per seat/km Engine CFM56-7B 60,3 m 875 kmph/545 mph 12,800 km 0,039 liters per seat/km CFM56-5C4 Boeing 737-400/500 Number of aircraft 4/8 Number of seats 150/120 Max. take-off weight 68/53/61,7 metric tons Max. payload 13,5 metric tons Length 35,2/29,8 m Wing span 28,9 m Cruise speed Range Fuel consumption Engine 800 kmph 3150 km 0,034/0,039 liters per seat/km CFM56-3 Airbus A330-300 Number of aircraft Number of seats Max. take-off weight Max. payload Length 4 264 233,0 metric tons 44,0 metric tons 63,7 m Wing span Cruising speed Range Fuel consumption Engine RR Trent 60,3 m 875 kmph/545 mph 9,700 km 0,033 liters per seat/km RR Trent 772B MD-82 Number of aircraft Number of seats Max. take-off weight Max. payload Length 25 150 63,5-67,8 metric tons 17,1 metric tons 45,1 m Wing span Cruise speed Range Fuel consumption Engine 32,9 m 825 kmph/515 mph 2,700 0,041 liters per seat/km P&W JT8D-219 Airbus A321-200 Number of aircraft Number of seats Max. take-off weight Max. payload Length 8 198 85,0 metric tons 21,5 metric tons 44,5 m Wing span Cruising speed Range Fuel consumption Engine 34,1 m 850 kmph/530 mph 3,000 km 0,029 liters per seat/km IAE V2530-A5 CRJ900 NG (Next Generation) Number of aircraft Number of seats Max. take-off weight Max. payload Length 4 141 75,5 metric tons 16,3 metric tons 33,84 m Wing span Cruising speed Range Fuel consumption Engine 24.85 m 850 kmph/530 mph 2,000km 0,040 liters per seat/km GE CR34-8C5 5 50 20,8 metric tons 4,9 metric tons 25,5 m Wing span Cruise speed Range Fuel consumption Engine 29,0 m 500 kmph 1400 km 0,033 liters per seat/km P&W 125 B Fokker 50 Airbus A319-100 Number of aircraft Number of seats Max. take-off weight Max. payload Length 12 88 37.9 kg 10.115 kg 36.2 m Wing span Cruising speed Range Fuel consumption Engine 34,1 m 850 kmph/530 mph 5,000 km 0,033 liters per seat/km IAE V2524 Number of aircraft Number of seats Max. take-off weight Max. payload Length MD-90 Dash 8-Q400 Number of aircraft Number of seats Max. take-off weight Max. payload Length 5 166 73,849 metric tons 17,0 metric tons 46,5 m Wing span Cruise speed Range Fuel consumption Engine 32,9 m 825 kmph/515 mph 3,700 km 0,029 liters per seat/km IAE 2525-D5 5 78 29,257 kg 8,747 kg 32,8 m Wing span 28,42 m Cruise speed 667 kmph Range 2,522 km Fuel consumption 0,036 liters per seat/km Engine 2 x 5,071 hp Pratt & Whitney PW150A turboprop 7 50 18,643 kg 5,897 kg 25,7 m Wing span 27,4 m Cruise speed 528 kmph Range 1,690 km Fuel consumption 0,041 liters per seat/km Engine 2 x 2,380 hp Pratt & Whitney PW turboprop 18 37/39 15,649 kg 3,603 kg 22,3 m Wing span 25,9 m Cruise speed 482 kmph Range 1,280 km Fuel consumption 0,044 liters per seat/km Engine 2 x 2,150 hk Pratt & Whitney Dash 8-300 Avro RJ 85 Number of aircraft Number of seats Max. take-off weight Max. payload Length Number of aircraft Number of seats Max. take-off weight Max. payload Length – Our World Widerøe 7 84–95 42,184 kg 8,075 metric tons 28,55 m Wing span Cruise speed Range Fuel consumption Engine 26,34 m 750 kmph 2,300 km 0,038 liters per seat/km Honeywell LF507-1F Number of aircraft Number of seats Max. take-off weight Max. payload Length Dash 8-100 Estonian Air Estonian Air is also part of the SAS Group. To check out the Estonian Air fleet, please visit www.estonian-air.ee. Number of aircraft Number of seats Max. take-off weight Max. payload Length 017 | Scanorama | March 2010 | SAS Blue 1 – Our World 018 | Scanorama | March 2010 | SAS SAS Route maps Re ykj aví k ICE LA ND Norw At lan tic Oc ea Faero e Is n e gian Sea lands Scandinavian Airlines Nordic & Baltic routes SAS hub SAS destination Shetlan d SAS destination through code share Route operated by SAS Orkne Route operated by SAS subsidiary Widerøe Islands B y Islan ds Route operated by SAS subsidiary Blue1 H Summer program Winter program (Blue1) S Code share partners Cimber Sterling City Airline Estonian Air Destination not shown on map Longyearbyen North Se a Information valid at time of publication, reservation for change. U NI T REP UB IRE LIC OF L AN D © 2005 LIBER AB, Stockholm, Sweden March 2010 Dubli n ED K ING DOM ø Vads Lakselv Sørkjosen e Bar Kirke nts Sea ne s Alta Tromso Ivalo Andenes Bardufoss Harstad/Narvik fo Stokmarknes n e t Svolvær Narvik L o Kit tilä Kiruna Leknes Bodo Røst ite Wh Sea iemi Rovan mo Kuusa Arctic Circle Mo i Rana Sandnessjøen Mosjøen Hemavan Luleå Arvidsjaur le Oulu (U of Skellefteå Bo Storuman Vilhelmina Lycksele Gu Namsos lf Rørvik Umeå Kristiansund ) aborg th nia Brønnøysund ND io Kuop Vaasa (Vasa) Åre/Östersund Trondheim FINL A Molde Ålesund Ørsta/Volda NORWAY Sundsvall/ Härnosand Sandane Førde re Tampe erfors) (Tamm Lake ga Lado SWE DEN Sogndal Mora Bergen ki Helsin gfors) (Helsin Turku (Åbo) urg tersb St . Pe Oslo Haugesund Tallinn Västerås Karlstad Sandefjord Stockholm Örebro Stavanger Norrköping Visby Gotland Ålborg DE NM AR K Billund Växjo Århus Helsingborg/ Ängelholm Copenhagen Ronneby Ba lt ic Se a Palanga L IT H UA Malmö N IA Vilnius Bornholm R U S S IA Rügen GER MAN Y L AT V IA Oland Kalmar Kristianstad Sønderborg Hamburg Riga Oskarshamn Halmstad Karup SIA Saaremaa Jönköping Göteborg Hiiumaa RUS Linköping Trollhättan Kristiansand IA E S TO N Gdansk PO LA ND Minsk BEL A RUS – Our World st 019 | Scanorama | March 2010 | SAS rfe Hamme Hasvik en year byen by Longyear Long mn Meha våg Berle ord Båtsfj ø Vard svåg Honning T 020 | Scanorama | March 2010 | SAS Re ykj ICE avi k LA Nor weg ian Sea ND Arc tic Circle A t Faer o l a n Trondheim e Isla nds SWE Ålesund NOR WAY t i c Shetla nd Islands Orkn e Islan y ds O c Bergen Oslo Stavange e a n Aberd r Kristiansan e en Edinb urgh Glasg U N I T ow ED K ING Belfa st REP IRE . OF L AN D Manc he s Copenhagen ter NETHER L ANDS Bristo l SAS hub Göteborg tle Birm ingha m Scandinavian Airlines European routes d D EN M A R K North S ea DOM Newc as Dubli n Berlin Hanover GERM ANY n B E LG IU SAS destination through code share Lille Route operated by SAS Dusseldorf M Brussels Dresden Frankfurt P LU XE M. Nuremberg Luxembourg Paris Summer program Leipzig Cologne Route operated by SAS subsidiary Widerøe Route operated by SAS subsidiary Blue1 S Hamburg Amsterdam Londo SAS destination C Stuttgart Winter program Munich Salzburg Code share partners Bay Adria Austrian Airlines Aeroflot bmi Cimber Sterling City Airline Croatia Airlines Estonian Air LOT Lufthansa Rossiya Spanair POR TUG Lisb Information valid at time of publication, reservation for change. S PA AL © 2005 LIBER AB, Stockholm, Sweden March 2010 lm Pa e sd Milan Toulou se RRA Nice Marseille Alic ante Rome Ibiza M Mala ga e d Sardinia rc a i N Alghero t Cagliari e r r Palermo a n Algiers Raba t MOR OCC VATICAN STATE Corsica Valenci Mallorc a a Palma de Mallo Grana da Tunis O A LG ER IA SAN MARINO Florence ITALY M en or ca an Gr MO NAC O Barcelona Madr id Sevil la Venice Bologna Montpellie r ANDO IN Lju Turin San Sebast ian on Faro SL Geneva x o Biarritz Destinations not shown on map Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Zurich LIEC HT. Innsbruck SW ITZ ER LA ND Bordeau Bilba AU Basel E Lyon Vigo SWISS s La of B isc a y Port o a FRANC San Com tiago d p o st e ela Ca na ria – Our World SAS Route maps TUN ISIA e a S n – Our World Kit tilä W hi te S ea A I S SWEDEN FIN urg S L AND U Stockholm R Lake a g Lad o Helsinki rs) fo (Helsing e St . P urg tersb Tallinn E S TO N IA a L AT V Se Riga cow Mos IA ic B al t a Palang N IA LI T H UA R U SS IA KA Vilnius BEL A Szczecin Poznan AN Kiev Lodz Wroclaw Prague ST RUS Warsaw PO LA ND Z H AK Minsk Gdansk en e a 021 | Scanorama | March 2010 | SAS Tromsø UKR Krakow C AINE as pi an CZEC H REP. SL OVAK IA MOLD Bratislava AUSTR IA Crim Budape st HU NG ARY Graz ea NI A RO M A SLOVENIA G Zagreb Ljubljana re st Bucha CROATIA BO SN IA AN D HE RZE GO VIN A e Dubrovnik Podgorica Tirana Bari Sofia B U LG ra Anka niki Thessalo Ae TUR ge an d Se a Sicily Catania MALTA KEY I SY R Rhode Chania Crete s CYP RUS sia Nic o ac a Larn LEB ANO N Dam s asc u N NI A n M E Yereva bul n a JA Istan Athens e AR AI IRA IA GREECE S T AZ B ER A R IA Skopje N M AC E D O AL BA NI A Naples IA RG i E O bilis S E R B IA O M O N T E KO S OV Priština N E G RO Split a Se c k Bla Belgrad Sarajevo a O VA au Chisin Vienna Se hda Bag A IRA Q N ku Ba | Scanorama | March 2010 | SAS – Our World 022 SAS Route maps San Diego Mexico City Los Angeles San Jose San Francisco Orange County MEXICO GUATEMALA San José Phoenix Guatemala EL SALVADOR San Salvador Tegucigalpa Belmopan Managua BELIZE COSTA RICA NICARAGUA Houston Kansas City Havana Kingston Port-au-Prince Santo Domingo VENEZUELA Tampa Chicago Indianapolis Jacksonv. Cincinnati Savannah Charlotte Columb. Greensboro Cleveland Raleigh/Durham Pittsb. Richmond Norfolk Washington D.C. Baltim. HAITI DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Philadelphia New York Caracas Edmonton Minneapolis/St. Paul Winnipeg NORTH AMERICA Detroit CANADA Thunder Bay London Sault Sainte Marie Buffalo Toronto Rochester Ottawa Syracuse Albany Hudson Bay Montreal Boston SOUTH AMERICA Regina Des Moines Nashville Orlando Atlanta Fort Lauderdale Calgary Omaha St. Louis Miami JAMAICA COLOMBIA Vancouver Wichita Panama CUBA Denver UNITED STATES New Orleans Caribbean Sea Seattle Dallas/Fort Worth Mexican Gulf HONDURAS Portland Salt Lake City San Antonio PANAMA Sacramento Las Vegas Quebec Arctic Ocean Baffin Island Halifax North Pole Greenland (DENMARK ) St. Johns Svalbard (NORWAY) ICELAND Atlantic Ocean NORWAY Scandinavian Airlines Intercontinental routes Oslo Stockholm Azores SAS hub SAS destination SAS destination through code share Route operated by SAS Winter program (PORTUGAL) DENMARK Moscow Copenhagen EUROPE PORTUGAL Code share partners North America Air Canada, United South America Lufthansa Asia Air China, Thai Airways FRANCE UKRAINE SPAIN Canary Islands MOROCCO (SPAIN) ITALY Rabat Western Sahara Code share destinations not shown on map Australia/New Zealand Auckland, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney South America Buenos Aires, Santiago SWEDEN Algiers TUNISIA Nouakchott SENEGAL ALGERIA MAURITANIA Tripoli Mediterranean Sea GUINEA-BISSAU Bissau TURKEY Nicosia CYPRUS Beirut LEBANON ISRAEL Jerusalem Cairo GUINEA Information valid at time of publication, Conacry reservation for change. Freetown LIBYA Bamako EGYPT MALI SIERRA LEONE Monrovia © 2005 LIBER AB, Stockholm, Sweden March 2010 LIBERIA COTE D´IVOIRE Yamoussoukro BURKINA FASO Ouagadougou Niamey TOGO GHANA BENIN G A Ankara Tunis Dakar GAMBIA Banjul Black Sea AFRICA NIGER CHAD SUDAN S D A J – Our World Bering Sea JAPAN Sea of Okhotsk Tokyo Sea of Japan S. KOREA n Pyongyang PHILIPPINES Seoul N. KOREA Manila Shanghai Beijing Hong Kong RUSSIA Ulaanbaatar South China Sea Guangzhou Bandar Seri Begawan BRUNEI Borneo MALAYSIA Chengdu VIETNAM Hanoi Phnom Penh LAOS CAMBODIA Viangchan ASIA THAILAND KAZAKHSTAN BHUTAN Thimphu Bishkek KYRGYZSTAN TURKMENISTAN Kabul a SYRIA ut N L m Damascus IRAQ Amman Baghdad JORDAN Krabi Kuala Lumpur Putrajaya (INDIA) Bay of Bengal Islamabad Nicobar Islands (INDIA) INDIA AFGHANISTAN Tehran EY Phuket Andaman Islands Delhi Ashgabat Baku GEORGIA Tbilisi AZERB. ARMENIA Yerevan Singapore NEPAL TAJIKIUZBEKISTAN Dushanbe STAN Caspian Sea Yangon Dhaka BANGLADESH Kathmandu Tashkent SINGAPORE Bangkok MYANMAR Astana PAKISTAN IRAN SRI LANKA KUWAIT Kuwait Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte Dubai Masqat Riyadh UN. ARAB EMIRATES d Re SAUDI ARABIA a Se ERITREA Laccadive Islands (INDIA) OMAN Arabian Sea Male MALDIVES San´a YEMEN Indian Ocean INDONESIA Sumatra I CHINA MONGOLIA cow ra 023 | Scanorama | March 2010 | SAS Pacific Ocean Copenhagen Airport 2F Terminal 1 Domestic ■ SAS services Transit check-in SAS Scandinavian Lounge SAS Business Lounge Check-in area Self Service Kiosk Fast Track Security Arrival Service and Baggage Claim H Ticket Office 17 5 A18~A23) A25~A34 18 D1~D6) (C10) (C2~C9) (A2~A17) (D101~D103) (B2~B19) (C15~C40) Terminal 3 Terminal 2 Terminal 1 Domestic 024 Domestic Departures Oslo Airport 1F H International Departures Gate 1-31 Gate 32-62 3F ■ SAS services Service Center + Transfer check-in SAS Scandinavian Lounge SAS Business Lounge Departure hall/check-in area Self Service Kiosks Fast Track Security Service Center Arrival 2F International Arrivals Domestic Arrivals Transfer Gate 1-31 Transfer Gate 32-62 Terminal 3 3F A SkyCity te 61 -7 2 Ga te 1- 10 Ga Service Center + Transfer check-in SAS Scandinavian Lounge SAS Business Lounge Departure hall/check-in area Self Service Kiosks Fast Track Security Service Center Arrival H Ticket Office Terminal 4 Domestic Terminal Gate 11-24 Stockholm-Arlanda Airport ■ SAS services Gate 51-59 1F Gate 30-44 | Scanorama | March 2010 | SAS – Our World SAS Airport Services Terminal 2 Terminal 5 International Terminal H F 1F Ga 3F 2F te F 26 - F6 9 13.80 ct White G/VS Diamonds 18K Gold 1.80 ct White G/VS Diamonds 18K Gold & Tahiti Pearls Photo: Jimmy Nelson Sapphires Tsavorites Rubies Black Diamonds Visit our flagship store in the heart of Copenhagen Grønnegade 36 | 1107 Copenhagen | Denmark | +45 33 36 59 59 www.shamballajewels.com Also available at | Harrods Fine Jewellery and Watch Room | | Barney’s New York | Neiman Marcus | Colette Paris | La Serlas Zürich | | Les Chambres Stockholm | Juvelér langaard Oslo | shop online at Lancome.com Instant Full Body Volume Mascara new HYPNÔSE DRAMA Lancôme premiere: Instant Full Body Lash Volume Hypnotize without moderation
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