the PDF of May`s OUT
the PDF of May`s OUT
7<A723¬ B63B7<5B7<5A B63AC>@3;3A 03BB30=C@<3 27</;/@B7</ >:CA 0:/19>==: DA0@756B=< A13<3¬ 4CA7=<4@3<HG 1:C01=CBC@3 /B:=>@=47:3 2B>;¸A07@B62/G A>/13/B/@3/ 0@7/< >/22719 0@=C56B B=0==9 EEE=Cb;/51=C9 7AAC3A3D3<B33<#& 4@33 B63C:B7;/B35C723B=5/G:=<2=< WORDS BY LOREM DELOREM | PHOTOGRAPH BY MAET IPSUM :=@3; =CbZ]`S[ =CbT`]\b HUDSON’S LETTER It saddens me somewhat that this year’s election for London Mayor has turned into one of London’s most bitterly fought political battles of recent years. Rarely have I known friends and colleagues to be quite so divided in opinion on the relative merits of the candidates involved. So much media coverage has focused on the personalities and personal lives of those involved, that it’s all too easy to overlook what they’re actually offering. In this month’s issue, besides our interview with Brian Paddick, we’re bring you a brief look at the policies of the main contenders. Make your voice heard and use your vote on 1 May. We’ve got comprehensive listings for everything worth catching over the next few weeks, from gigs and films to clubs and bars. We’ve also introduced some new food listings, as we know many of you are enjoying our food reviews. Enjoy and keep sending us your feedback. EDITORIAL//ADVERTISING Editor -in-chief David Hudson Publisher Sarah Garrett//Linda Riley +44 (0)20 7258 1943 Head of Business Development Rob Harkavy Contributing Editor Adrian Gillan Design Concept Splicer Design Art Director Markus Scheef Sub Editor Kathryn Fox Contributors Simon Blake, Eric Charge, Polly Coldwell, Charlotte Dingle, Adrian Foster, Karen Holden, Knight Hooson, Laura McCaffrey, Gary Ryan, Richard Tonks, Michael Turnbull, Stephen Unwin, Iwan Watson, Emma Willis Photographers Chris Jepson ISDN: 1473-6039 +44 (0)20 7258 1936 Sales Executive Dan Goodban +44 (0)20 7258 1832 Sales Executive Faye Hodge +44 (0)20 7258 1991 Sales Executive Maz Ogden +44 (0)20 7258 1777 Square Peg Media Ltd. 27 Harewood Avenue London NW1 6LE Phone +44 (0)20 7258 1777 Fax +44 (0)20 7258 1787 The content of this publication, either in whole or in part may not be reproduced, stored in a data retrieval system or trasmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without prior permission from the publishers. Opinions expressed in Out In The City are not neccessarily those of the publishers. © Square Peg Media Ltd 2000 - 2008. Square Peg Media Ltd t/a Out In The City magazine will not take any responsibility for any loss/claim resulting from a transaction with one of our advertisers/ Media Partners. Cover image: Chris Jepson - PAGE 18 BRIAN PADDICK CONTENTS PAGE 04 LETTERS Send your correspondence to PAGE 06 MY LONDON Theatrical legend Bette Bourne PAGE 09 DIARY May’s cultural highlights in and around London PAGE 28 TING TINGS The best thing to come out of Salford since… well, like, ever! Pop’s hot new electro duo allow us into their world PAGE 30 FILM Charlie Bartlett, Timber Falls, Smart People, Dangerous Parking and Outpost reviewed PAGE 16 SHOPPING Gay wine and bamboo underwear! PAGE 34 THEATRE Jersey Boys reviewed, Pam Ann, plus other latest theatre news PAGE 16 BRIAN PADDICK Following the publication of his autobiography, The Line Of Fire, we talk to the ex-cop turned London mayoral candidate PAGE 36 DINA MARTINA We chat to one of America’s top cabaret acts ahead of a Soho Theatre residency PAGE 24 COLUMNIST Gary Ryan anticipates another UK disaster at Eurovision this month PAGE 26 MUSIC New albums from Madonna, Ting Tings, Sparks and Palladium PAGE 58 SPACE AT AREA PAGE 43 OUT THERE Upcoming scene highlights for May, plus coverage of Fusion, Matinee, Lo-Profile, Enclave, The Cock, DTPM and Space PAGE 84 PROPERTY Living in Limehouse and the latest homeownership schemes PAGE 73 OUTREACH Gay counselling service PAGE 102 MOTORING PACE and the services We test drive the new that it offers Nissan Micra C+C PAGE 104 TRAVEL Blackpool vs Brighton and the latest travel news PAGE 38 FOOD The Loft in Clapham reviewed plus our new restaurant listings PAGE 40 COLUMNIST Knight Hooson is illuminated on a recent trip to Blackpool PAGE 76 OUTNEWS Gay stories from home and abroad PAGE 108 HOROSCOPES PAGE 44 MATINEE PAGE 113 HEALTH Diabetes and weight, hair restoration, and coping with HIV ! =CbT`]\b :3BB3@A AIDS TERROR KEITH HARING T-SHIRTS We’re loving the new range of Keith Haring T-shirts available exclusively through Uniqlo. Very 80s, very iconic, and delightfully cheap, at just £12.99. LEONA LEWIS Credit where credit’s due. From Hackney receptionist to a number one US album and single in less than 18 months. Miss Lewis, we salute you. INTERNET TV Channel 4’s On Demand and the BBC’s iPlayer have finally been followed by the new Catch-Up service. Never will we be tied to TV schedules again! WHAT’S HOT AND WHAT’S NOT THIS MONTH’S RISE AND FALL DIANA Ten years down the lines, many millions of pounds later, the inquest confirms that her death was the fault of the paparazzi and driver. Time, finally, to move on. EGYPT Continues to harass and imprison its gay men, with widespread reports of abuse and violence to extract ‘confessions’. Probably not likely to be receiving tourist money from us any time soon. ANDY ABRAHAM Sorry – we’re all for flying the flag, but this is arguably our dullest Eurovision entry in many years! ON ICE " CRUSADING 7O[e`WbW\Ub]g]c eWbVOZWbbZSRWabOabS]T g]c`O`bWQZSµ6SZ^W\U 6O\Ra¶I=7B1 ³/^`WZ&K/ZbV]cUV7 eV]ZSVSO`bSRZgOU`SS eWbVbVSPS\STWba ]Td]Zc\bSS`W\UT]` QVO`WbWSa7OZa]aSS bVObg]cO`SPWOaSR OUOW\ab1`caOWRPg \]bW\QZcRW\UbVS[W\ g]c`ZWab /ag]cY\]e1`caOWR VOdSPSS\O`]c\R ]dS` gSO`aOaO PSVW\RbVSaQS\Sa QVO`WbgUWdW\UTW\O\QWOZ VSZ^b]bV]aSOTTSQbSR eWbV67D/72A\]b ]\ZgVSZ^W\Ub]^Og PWZZaO\RPcg[cQV \SSRSRWbS[aPcbbVSg OZa]ac^^ZgQ]]YS`a T`WRUSaO\R^OgT]` `Sa^WbSQO`ST]`bV]aS \SSRW\UWbb]W[^`]dS bVSW`_cOZWbg]TZWTS BVSµEOZY4]`:WTS¶ Wa]\S]TbVSPWUUSab eOZYabVObOQVO`Wbg R]SaT]`67D /WRaW\3c`]^SO\R ']TbVS^S]^ZS e]`YW\U]\bVObROg eWZZPSd]Zc\bSS`a BVS1`caOWRAV]^W\ >W[ZWQ]WaOZa]OVWdS]T OQbWdWbgT`][^S]^ZS R]\ObW\UU]]Ra PcbOZa]d]Zc\bSS`a e]`YW\UW\bVS`S >ZSOaSQ]cZRg]c W\T]`[[SeVg 1`caOWRO\RWba dOZcOPZSe]`YVOa PSS\T]`U]bbS\]`aWRS abS^^SR- Mr Chris Crickmore, N15 6C2A=<@3>:73A( A]``gbVObg]ceS`S RWaO^^]W\bSRPg]c` TSObc`SS\Q]c`OUW\U ^S]^ZSb]d]Zc\bSS` 1V`WaESZWYSb] bVW\YeSQO``g_cWbS OZ]b]TW\T]`[ObW]\ ]\QVO`WbWSaO\R TOP OF THE POST STAR LETTER PHOTO © DEBORAH ANDERSON ON FIRE MISS THANG Thank you for the interview with J Alexander [OITC – April 08]. I couldn’t believe it when I spotted the latest issue of Out in my local gay bar and Miss J was on the cover – I adore that man and really enjoyed the interview, which asked all the stuff that I wanted to know (like whether Tyra has the final word on who is voted off Top Model!). I didn’t know that he had a young son – what a remarkable and inspiring individual – and what mad photos! Loved the ones of him doing his make-up! A great interview – keep up the good work! Charlie, Stoke Newington WIN! The writer of June’s Star Letter will win a copy of He Kills Coppers on DVD. The three-part series, recently screened to great acclaim on ITV, was adapted from the novel of the same name by Jake Arnott, and concerns itself with a two-decade hunt for fictional cop killer Billy Porter, pursued by policeman Frank Taylor and journalist Tony Meehan. The production stars Rafe Spall, Kelly Reilly and Maureen Lipman. The DVD includes a ‘Making Of’ feature and interviews with the cast, and is available now for £19.99. Please be sure to include your full name and postal address with your letter if you want to be in with a chance of winning. 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No, not the club in Vauxhall, but the swanky opera house in Covent Garden! Expect renditions of classics hits from her long and varied career, which has taken in everything from Kander and Ebb’s Cabaret to the Pet Shop Boys. Tickets cost £35-£95. Box office 0871 220 0260. www. 30 APR-4 MAY PHOTO © DAVID BELISLE The annual Sci-Fi-London film festival returns, taking over the Apollo West End (19 Regent Street, SW1) for five days for a wealth of screenings and associated events. Highlight screenings include the premieres of Dante 1010 and Chemical Wedding – starring Simon Callow – alongside Russian flicks Paragraph 78 and Wolfhound. For details and bookings, check THUR 01:2]e\eWbV O^ObVg5Sb]cbO\R d]bSBVS:]\R]\ [Og]`OZO\R5:/ SZSQbW]\abOYS^ZOQS b]ROgeWbV9S\ :WdW\Uab]\S0]`Wa 8]V\a]\O\R0`WO\ >ORRWQYO[]\Uab ]bVS`aPObbZW\UWb]cb T]`g]c`d]bSeee Z]\R]\U]dcY MUSLIM MICKEY BY RON ENGLISH COURTESY OF ELMS LESTERS PAINTING ROOMS CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS//MAY 2008 24 APR-10 MAY: /[S`WQO\R`OUaS\aO bW]\2W\O;O`bW\O OYO^S`T]`[S`5`ORg ESab[OYSaVWaC9 RSPcbeWbVOaS`WSa ]TaV]eaObbVSA]V] BVSOb`S3f^SQb ac``SOZPWhO``SO\R VWZO`W]caS\bS`bOW\[S\b T`][;Waa;O`bW\OO\R VS`V]``WTgW\UdWRS] QZW^aBVSaV]eaO`S Ob'!^[O\RbWQYSba Q]ab #%# eeea]V]bVSOb`SQ][ U`]eW\UPgbVS[]\bV eWZZPSRWa^ZOgW\UO aSZSQbW]\]Tb`ORS[O`Y P]ZR^]`b`OWba]\P]bV QO\dOaO\RQO`RP]O`R BVSaV]e`c\a ! ;OgeeeSZ[aZSabS`a Q]cY THUR-FRI 01-02:4]Z Z]eW\UbVS`SZSOaS]T aSQ]\ROZPc[9]\Y BVS9]]Ya^ZOgbVS 0`Wfb]\/QORS[g eeebVSY]]YaQ]cY 2-31 MAY:BVS/RO[ /\R@]\AV]eWaO X]W\bSfVWPWbW]\T`][ c`PO\O`bWaba/RO[ <SObSO\R@]\3\U ZWaV4O\aO\ROR[W`S`a ]TSOQV]bVS`¸ae]`Y bVWa[OX]`SfVWPWbW]\ ObbVS3Z[a:SabS`a >OW\bW\U@]][aeWZZ TSObc`S#aWbSa^SQWTWQ ^OW\bW\UaPg3\UZWaV POaSRc^]\>WQOaa]¸a 5cS`\WQOW\eVWQV bVS]`WUW\OZA^O\WaV QWdWZWO\aVOdSPSS\ b`O\aT]`[SRW\b]2Wa \SgQVO`OQbS`aAb`SSb O`bWab<SObSeV]aS `S^cbObW]\aSS[ab]PS 3-11 MAY: Grand Designs Live comes to Excel in Docklands, with hundreds of exhibitors displaying thousands of ideas for making the most of your home. It’s a must for all fans of contemporary design or anyone wanting some fresh ideas for decorating and refurbishment. Tickets cost £10 in advance, or up to £18 on the door. ' =CbT`]\b 27/@G CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS//MAY 2008 FRI-SAT 16-17 MAY: Your favourite, feisty female band, Girls Aloud perform two nights at the O2 Arena. www. TUE-WED 06 & 08 MAY Having finally finished her long-running show in Las Vegas, Celine Dion is touring the world. She brings her extravagant Taking Chances show – and an extensive back catalogue of hits – to the O2 Arena on 6 and 8 May. 02 MAY-07 JUNE: 4]ZZ]eW\UO\ObW]\OZ b]c`WZZcaW]\Wab2S``S\ 0`]e\S\X]gaO`SaW RS\QgObbVS5O``WQY BVSOb`S]\1VO`W\U 1`]aa@]OReWbVVWa 3dS\W\U=TE]\RS`a ³OZWdS[OUWQaV]e W\a^W`SRPg'!a[W\R `SORS`a7b`c\aT]`! 4`SaVT`][bVS\c[ PS`]\SacQQSaa]T RSPcbOZPc['/RSZS ^S`T]`[abe]aV]ea ObbVSAVS^VS`R¸a0caV 3[^W`SeeeORSZSbd PHOTO © GARY MOYES TUE-WED 06-07 MAY: ^S`T]`[O\QSa]\Zg eWbVbWQYSba %# "eee\W[OfbVS Ob`SaQ][ WED 07 MAY:4]ZZ]eW\U OC9b]c`bVSBOYS BVOb[caWQOZ<SdS` 4]`USb`]ZZaW\b]bVS ESab3\RbOYW\Uc^O `SaWRS\QgObbVSAOd]g BVSOb`S]TTBVSAb`O\R BWQYSba'### eee\SdS`T]`USbbVS [caWQOZQ][ WED-THUR 07-08 MAY: <WQY1OdSO\RBVS 0ORASSRa^ZOgbe] \WUVbaObbVS6O[[S` a[WbV/^]ZZ]^`][]b W\UZObSabOZPc[2WU :OhO`ca2WUeee \WQYQOdSO\RbVSPOR aSSRaQ][ MON-TUE 12-13:BVS @]gOZ/ZPS`b6OZZV]aba Oa^SQWOZ abO\ \WdS`aO`g^S`T]`[O\QS ]TbVS[caWQOZ1VSaa abO``W\UCAaW\US`8]aV 5`]PO\;O`bW>SZZ]e O\RESab3\ROQb`Saa 7RW\O;S\hSZeee `]gOZOZPS`bVOZZQ][ ‘IMAGE COURTESY OF THE JOHAN KUGELBERG COLLECTION TUE 06::WUVba^SSR 1VO[^W]\OYO2Sd 6g\SaP`W\UaVWaT]ZYg P`O\R]TOQ]cabWQW\RWS b]bVS^ZcaVQ]\TW\Sa ]T9]Y]W\1O[RS\ 01 MAY-1 JUNE May 1968 saw Paris erupt into rioting, with a near revolution prompted by students and workers. That same year, the Hayward Gallery opened, and to commemorate both events, the gallery will be hosting an exhibition of street posters from the 1968 Paris uprising. May 68: Street Posters From The Paris Rebellion runs from 1 May to 1 June. =CbT`]\b 27/@G =CbT`]\b 27/@G 9 MAY-7 SEP: HIGHLIGHT EVENTS//MAY 2008 THUR 15:/VSOR]TbVS `SZSOaS]T\SeOZPc[ DSZ]QWTS`]]cb 8c\S :ORgb`]\^ZOgbVS /ab]`WOBWQYSba"# eeeZORgb`]\Q][ PHOTO © HUGO GLENDINNING 16-18 MAY:>WQYc^ 07-10 MAY Fans of dance won’t want to miss The Ballet Boyz: The Greates Hits at Sadler’s Wells this month. The company, formed by Micheal Nunn and William Trevitt, will be staging a selection of dances from its seven-year history, including Russell Maliphant’s Broken Fall and Yumba vs Nonino, a tango choreographed by Strictly Come Dancing judge Craig Revel-Horwood. Dancers participating include Ed Watson, the principal dancer with the Royal Ballet. Tickets £10-£35. WED 14:0OQYab`SSb¸a POQY4]`[S`/[S`W QO\P]gPO\RbVS 0OQYab`SSb0]gaVWb :]\R]\T]`OVSORZW\ W\UUWUObbVS= b] ^`][]bSZObSabOZPc[ C\P`SOYOPZSeee POQYab`SSbP]gaQ][ a][SOTT]`ROPZSO`b ObbVS0ObbS`aSO1]\ bS[^]`O`g/`ba4OW` eWbV]dS`#O`bWaba aV]eQOaW\UbVSW`e]`Y O\RaSZZW\URW`SQbb] bVS^cPZWQ0ObbS`aSO /`ba1S\b`S=ZRB]e\ 6OZZ:OdS\RS`6WZZ AEeeePQOTW\T] eWbVaS[WTW\OZa]\ bVS bVO\R \R]T ;OgT]ZZ]eSRPgbVS 5`O\R4W\OZ]\ AObc`ROg ";Og BVWagSO`¸aTOd]c`WbSa W\QZcRSAeSRS\eV] VOdSOUOW\S\bS`SR bVSW`'''eW\\S` 1VO`Z]bbS>S``SZW\SS FRI 16:BVS6S`S/\R <WZaaS\eWbVO\]bVS` <]eB]c` &`]ZZa 3c`]^]^ab]`[S`bVS W\b]ES[PZSg/`S\O ]ZRaY]]ZbSQV\]]T28 T]`bVS\WUVbeWbV^S` 0OZbVOhO`O\R2SS^ T]`[O\QSaT`][@WQY H]\ST`][0cZUO`WO /abZSg0O\O\O`O[O O\R7`SZO\R¸a2cabW\ 1c`W]aWbg9WZZSRBVS BVSBc`YSg/bbVS 1Ob>OcZG]c\U/01 bW[S]TU]W\Ub]^`Saa O\R¬c[8]V\\g P]]Y[OYS`aEWZZWO[ 6ObSa8OhheeeVS`S 6WZZeS`S]TTS`W\U O\R\]eW\T] ]RRa]T"]\bVS C9¸a/\Rg/P`OVO[ TUE-SAT 20-24 MAY: aQ]]^W\UbVSb]^ BVS#!`R3c`]dWaW]\ ^`WhS¬]`T]`OaOTS` A]\U1]\bSabWaRcSb] PSb$]\VW[aQ]` bOYS^ZOQSW\bVSAS` W\U·\WZ^]W\ba¸eee PWO\QWbg]T0SZU`ORS Sc`]dWaW]\bd The Design Museum hosts a retrospective exhibition this summer of the work of Tim Walker. The Londonbased photographer has established himself at the cutting edge of fashion photography, with his work often gracing the likes of Vogue, Harpers Bazaar and Vanity Fair. His images capture a sublime moment in time, evoking a sense of epic drama and beauty. This comprehensive show will offer a glimpse into Walker’s artistic method, exploring the design and planning process that goes into producing the sometime elaborate sets and scenery. The exhibition space itself will be transformed into a larger than life photography studio where a giant-sized camera and oversized picture frames will place the viewer in the world of the fashion photo-shoot. Tim Walker – Pictures at the Design Museum, Shad Thames, SE1 (entry £8.50/£6.50 concessions). WED 28:4]ZZ]eW\UbVS `SZSOaS]T\SeOZPc[ BeS\bg=\S;gabS`g 8Sba^ZOgbVS4]`c[ eee[gabS`gXSbaQ][ WED-THUR 28-29 MAY: >ZOgW\Ub]USbVS`T]` bVSTW`abbW[SW\& gSO`aBVS0Z]e ;]\YSga^S`T]`[be] \WUVbaObbVS8Ohh1OT{ W\1O[RS\eeebVS PZ]e[]\YSgaQ][ Q][WQ8S\\gpQZOW` ^ZOgaO\WUVbObbVS 0Z]][aPc`gBVSOb`S Oa^O`b]TVS`C9·7 4]`U]bB]5Sb/>S\ aW]\¸b]c` eeeXS\\gSQZOW`Q][ FRI 30:4]cZ[]cbVSR SAT-SUN 10-11: Ballet dancer Darcey Bussell and Welsh opera singer Katherine Jenkins bring their Viva La Diva show to the O2 Arena for two nights. Tickets £27.50-£75. =CbT`]\b 27/@G ! PHOTOGRAPHY © TAMLA MOTOWN ARCHIVE. SONGSHEETS TAKEN FROM THE ERIC CHARGE COLLECTION :743ABG:3 " =CbT`]\b =CbT`]\b 27/@G A LOVE SUPREME /63/2=4/;/8=@3F6707B7=</BB63D/3F/;7<7<5B637@ 1/@33@/<2:35/1GAC>3@4/<3@7116/@533F>:/7<A6=E63 43::7<:=D3E7B6=@757</:57@:5@=C>B63AC>@3;3A µBVS`SVORPSS\C9VWb`SQ]`RaPgPZOQYUW`Z U`]c^aW\bVSSO`Zg$¸aPST]`SBVSAc^`S[Sa ab`cQYWbPWUBVS@]\SbbSaBVS1`gabOZaBVS AVW`SZZSaO\RBVS1VWTT]\aVOROZZac\Ua]\UaW\ ^`OWaS]TP]ga³W\^]^[SZ]R`O[OaUcO`O\bSSR b]ab`WYSOQV]`RW\bVSVSO`ba]TRSdSZ]^W\UUOg YWRaZWYS[S0cbbVSAc^`S[SaeS`Sa][SbVW\U []`SEWbVbVS[]\c[S\bOZ;]b]e\a]c\R PSVW\RbVS[O\ReWbV2WO\O@]aa]cbT`]\bbVS UW`Za¸`SQ]`RaeS`STO[WZWO`]\^W`ObS`ORW]abObW]\a O\RXcYSP]fSaOQ`]aabVSQ]c\b`g ;g[]bVS`VORaSdS`OZ^O`bbW[SX]PaObbVSbW[S b]VSZ^^OgbVSPWZZaO\R]\S]TbV]aSX]PaeOa QZSO\W\UO^cPW\bVS[O`YSba_cO`SW\3\TWSZR B]e\2c`W\UaQV]]ZV]ZWROgaaVSa][SbW[Sa b]]Y[gaWabS`O\R7OZ]\UO\ReSVORb]VSZ^ ]cb^]ZWaVW\UbOPZSaO\ReVOb\]bBVS`SeOa OXcYSP]feVWQVbVSZO\RZORgVOR^ZOgW\UeVWZab aVSRWRVS`]e\QV]`SaO\R7`S[S[PS`PSW\U a[WbbS\PgbVSd]WQSaQVO\bW\UµPOPgPOPg¶ O\RbVObab][^W\UPSOb7eOa\¸bSdS\gSO`a ]ZRPcbOaObVO\Yg]cT]`VSZ^W\UVS`]cb[g []bVS`P]cUVb[S[gTW`abAc^`S[Sa`SQ]`R ·EVS`S2WR=c`:]dS5]¸O\RaSb[S]\bVS`]OR b]PSQ][W\UOBO[ZO;]b]e\ORRWQb BVSW`'$#OZPc[;]`S6Wba0gBVSAc^`S[Sa VORbVSW`\O[Sa]\bVSQ]dS`³a]bVSQVSSYg ]\SeOa4Z]`S\QSbVSZSORaW\US`eOa2WO\OO\R bVSQcbS]\SeWbVbVSPWUa[WZSeOa;O`g3dS\ [g^O`S\baQ]cZR\O[SbVSU`]c^[S[PS`aBVS C9eS\b\cbaT]`bVS[ BVS[ObQVW\U]cbTWbabVSabgZWaVeWUabVS^]cbW\U ^]aSabVSRO\QS`]cbW\SaeWbV^ZS\bg]Te`Wab OQbW]\OZZeS`SaSS[W\UZgRSaWU\SRb]W\T]`[bVS OQba]TR`OU_cSS\aT]`RSQORSab]Q][SBVSaS eS`SaOaagQ]\TWRS\bO\RaSfge][S\ BVSAc^`S[SaaQ]`SR[O\gTW`aba(W\'$"·0OPg :]dS¸eOabVSTW`ab\c[PS`]\ST]`;]b]e\W\ bVSC9)bVSdS`gTW`ab`SQ]`R]\bVSC9¸aBO[ZO ;]b]e\W\'$#eOa·Ab]^7\BVS<O[S=T:]dS¸) bVSgeS`SbVSTW`abPZOQYUW`ZU`]c^]\bVS@]gOZ DO`WSbgAV]eW\'$&)O\RW\bVSCAbVSgYWQYSR P]bVbVS0SObZSaO\RbVS@]ZZW\UAb]\Sa]TTbVS b]^]TbVS^]^QVO`ba BVSacQQSaaTcZAc^`S[Saa]c\ReOaQ`SObSR PgbVSe`WbW\U^`]RcQW\UbSO[6]ZZO\R2]hWS` O\R6]ZZO\R7ZSO`\SRb]RO\QSeWbVbVSVO\R QZO^^W\UT]]bab][^W\U`VgbV[a]T;]b]e\¸a TW\Sab`SQ]`Ra7OZa]ZSO`\SRbVOba]cZ`SQ]`Ra Q]cZRb]cQVa][SbVW\URSS^W\aWRSO\RSf^`Saa TSSZW\UaPcPPZW\UOeOgW\bVS[W\R]TOZ]dSZ]`\ bSS\UOg]`ab`OWUVb BVSAc^`S[SaeS`SO\W\a^W`ObW]\b]/[S`WQO¸a VO`R^`SaaSRPZOQY^]^cZObW]\BVSU`]c^PZOhSR Ob`OWZOQ`]aa/[S`WQO¸a\ObW]\OZbSZSdWaW]\abObW]\a O\R[WRRZSQZOaaaV]ePcaW\SaadS\cSa=^`OV EW\T`SgaOWRµEVS\7aOebVSAc^`S[Sa]\BD WbeOa[OUWQOZb][SPSQOcaS7VOR\SdS`aSS\ PZOQYe][S\]\bSZSdWaW]\]`O\geVS`ST]`bVOb [ObbS`eV]Q]\dSgSRacQVUZO[]c`O\RU`OQS /\R\]P]RgeOacaSRb]aSSW\Uca^]`b`OgSR bVSeOg7aOebVSAc^`S[Sa¶ 0cbbVSAc^`S[SaeS`S\]bXcabOP]cbUZO[]c` O\RQObQVga]\UaBVS\WUVbOTbS`;O`bW\:cbVS` 9W\U8`eOaOaaOaaW\ObSRbVSAc^`S[SaeS`S ]\bVSB]\WUVbAV]eeVS`SbVSg^S`T]`[SR A]\RVSW[¸a·A][SeVS`S¸Q][^ZSbSeWbVO a^]YS\b`WPcbSb]bVSU`SOb[O\BVSU`]c^ eOaOQbWdSW\bVS>]]`>S]^ZS¸a1O[^OWU\O\R bVSEO`=\>]dS`bg7\'$$O`O`S`ORW]]\Zg aW\UZS·BVW\Ua/`S1VO\UW\U¸eOa`SQ]`RSRW\ ac^^]`b]TbVS3_cOZ3[^Z]g[S\b=^^]`bc\Wbg QO[^OWU\ 4O\ab]ROgO`SabWZZRWdWRSR]dS`bVS'$% aOQYW\U]T4Z]`S\QS0OZZO`RT`][bVSU`]c^( WbeOaSdS\bVSQS\b`OZ^`S[WaS]TbVS[]dWS 2`SO[UW`ZaEOaaVSSObW\Ub]][cQVR`W\YW\U b]][cQV]`Xcabb]]]cba^]YS\-EVObSdS`bVS `WUVbaO\Re`]\Ua4Z]RWSR\W\SgSO`aZObS` 0gbVSS\R]T'$']\Zg3ZdWa>`SaZSgO\RbVS 0SObZSaVOR[]`S\c[PS`]\SaW\bVSCA/bVO\ bVSAc^`S[SaBVS\2WO\O@]aaZSTbT]`OVcUSZg acQQSaaTcZa]Z]QO`SS`;O`gEWZa]\`O\bVS\Se Ac^`S[SaeWbVaS\aObW]\OZ\SeaW\US`8SO\ BS``SZZW\bVSZSORO\RT]`USROVSORT]`OeVWZS eWbVQZOaaWQRO\QSTZ]]`VWbaZWYS·C^BVS:ORRS` B]BVS@]]T¸·Ab]\SR:]dS¸O\R·<ObVO\8]\Sa¸ BVSW`TW\OZC9VWbeOaeWbVOTc\YgAbSdWSE]\RS` Q]\Q]QbW]\S\bWbZSR·0ORESObVS`¸³bVSgeS\b ]cb]TbVSQVO`baeWbVOPO\U 2WO\O¸aTW`aba]Z]`SQ]`R`SZSOaSaeS`SQ`SObSRPg bVSbSO[]T<WQY/aVT]`RO\RDOZS`WSAW[^a]\ eV]SZSdObSRQ]\TSQbW]\aZWYS·@SOQV=cb/\R B]cQV¸O\R·/W\¸b<];]c\bOW\6WUV3\]cUV¸b] bVS`SOZ[]TQO[^QZOaaWQa/aObSS\OUS`7aOe WbeOaRS`WUcSc`T]`UOgZORab]^]aSPST]`SO [W``]`eWbVOVOW`P`caV]`aW[WZO`[WQacPabWbcbS O\R^S`T]`[OZ]\UeWbV2WO\O;O\g]TbV]aS ZORaO`S\]e[WRRZSOUSR[S\Pcb7PSbbVSgabWZZ QO\R]bVS·Ab]^7\BVS<O[S=T:]dS¸`]cbW\S /ZbV]cUV2WO\OW\aWabaP]bV·7¸[1][W\U=cb¸ T`]['&O\R''$¸a·7EWZZAc`dWdS¸eS`SOP]cb bV`SaVV]ZRaW\VS`^S`a]\OZZWTSbVSgO`Sa]\Ua dS`g[cQVbOYS\b]VSO`bPgUOgTO\aBVS a]\Ua]TBVSAc^`S[SaVOdSQS`bOW\Zg^ZOgSR O\W[^]`bO\b^O`bW\[g]e\RSdSZ]^[S\bOaO UOg[O\Ob^]W\babc`\W\UW\b]O\]PaSaaW]\bVOb R`]dS[gTO[WZg[OR[g[c[eOa\]\Sb]] ^ZSOaSReVS\7b]ZRVS`bVSZg`WQaOP]cbO[]bVS` W\·7¸[:WdW\¸7\AVO[S¸`S[W\RSR[S]TVS`(·<] [ObbS`V]eaVSb`WSRaVSOZeOgaZ]]YSRO[Saa¸ ;c[VORO^]W\b6]SdS`WbeOa\¸bXcab[SBVS W[^OQb]TBVSAc^`S[Sa]\UOg[S\W\US\S`OZ eOaVcUS3dS\\]eWT7^]W\bOQO[S`OObO\g U`]c^]TUOg[S\O\ROaYbVS[b]^]aSZWYS BVSAc^`S[SabVSgY\]ebVS^]aSab]ab`WYS/a 2WO\OVS`aSZT]\QSaOWR·0SW\UORWdOWaOZZOP]cb bOZS\bObbWbcRSO\RTOaVW]\¸¶ BVSAb]`g=TBVSAc^`S[SaT`][bVS;O`g EWZa]\1]ZZSQbW]\W\QZcRW\UWbS[aT`][3`WQ 1VO`US¸a]e\Q]ZZSQbW]\]T[S[]`OPWZWO`c\a ObbVSD/1`][eSZZ@]ORA]cbV9S\aW\Ub]\ AE%T`][!;OgbWZZ'=Qb]PS` & /R[WaaW]\#eeedO[OQcY # =CbaV]^ >@=2C1BA SHOPPING... THREE TO ROAM We love internet dongles – those handy little USB modem devices that we can plug into our laptops and surf the web pretty much anywhere that we might choose. 3’s best-selling Mobile Broadband range just got better with the introduction of a Pay As You Go [PAYG] selection – allowing you to avoid being tied to a minimum contract. The dongles come in black, pink or white, and can be topped up in advance with £10, £15 or £25. They cost £99 and are available from ART ATTACK Following on from Phaidon’s highly successful 1995 tome Art Today by Edward Lucie-Smith, Art & Today is a vast, comprehensive survey of international contemporary art from the 1980s to the present. In fact, with a whopping 560 illustrations and photographs, and accessible discussion by author and renowned critic Eleanor Heartney, we reckon it’s going to take us most of the rest of the year to get through it! Still, it’s a more than gorgeous addition to our coffee table, and one we’ll enjoy dipping into again and again. Art & Today is out now priced £45 from all good book stockists. WINE NOT? May we introduce you to the world’s first gay wine? Yes, you read that correctly. A wine company in Spain has come up with this rainbow-decorated bottle of vino for the discerning homosexual drinker. Producer Bodegas y Viñedos Robeal has created Mundo Gay (meaning ‘Gay World’) in honour of the gay community. Spokesperson Fernando Martin says, “With gay marriage having been introduced in Spain and more liberty in the country, we wanted to take a step towards opening people’s minds in the small agricultural area of Ribera del Duero.” Aaah, bless. At the moment, Mundo Gay Crianza is available online at priced at €20. HOUSE OF BAMBOO One of our favourite underwear labels has just unveiled one of its more unusual ranges…. Aussiebum’s Bamboo pants made from 100% sustainable bamboo fibres! Now trust us on this one, but bamboo fibres are considerably more comfortable to wear than you might imagine. In fact, they feel quite silky, don’t stick to the skin and possess natural ‘breathability, so help sweat to evaporate sweat. The Bamboo range comes in a range of colours, all featuring the distinctive – and all-important – Aussiebum waistband. 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WWW.CHRISJEPSON.COM THE LIFE OF BRIAN ' 7O[Q][^SbS\bBVS\bVS3dS\W\UAbO\RO`R ^cb]\bVSW`T`]\b^OUSbVOb7eOabVW\YW\U]T `c\\W\UT]`[Og]`O\R7U]bObSfbT`][2OdWR O\RVSaOWRµ>ZSOaSabO\RT]`;Og]`eS¸ZZac^^]`b g]c¶7¸[\]bOTbS`b`gW\Ub]^WQYc^PWU\O[Sa³7 Y\]eQSZSP`WbgQ]c\baT]`OZ]bPcbWbXcabVO^^S\a bVOba][S]T[gRSO`T`WS\RaO`S3Zb]\8]V\O\R 2OdWR4c`\WaV 7abVSUOg·bOU¸O[WfSRPZSaaW\U>S]^ZSOaY[SWT7POQY1ZW\b]\]`=PO[OO\R 7aOgµE]cZR\¸bWbPSTOPcZ]cab]VOdSOe][O\ ^`SaWRS\b-¶O\RbVS\7aOgµE]cZR\¸bWbPSU`SOb b]VOdSOPZOQY^`SaWRS\b-¶O\RµE]cZR\¸bWbPS U`SObb]VOdSOUOg;Og]`]T:]\R]\-¶BVWaWaO ZWPS`OZQWbgEVObPSbbS`O[POaaOR]`T]`:]\R]\ bVO\OUOg;Og]`-7R]\¸bbV]cUVSf^SQb^S]^ZS b]d]bST]`[SPSQOcaS7O[UOgG]c\SSR a][S]\SeV]WaQO^OPZS]TR]W\UbVSX]P7[Sb OUOgUcgZOab\WUVbO\RVSaOWRµ7aOeg]c]\ BDgSabS`ROgg]ceS`SdS`gU]]RG]c¸`S\]b UOgO`Sg]c-¶7b]ZRVW[7eOaO\RVSaOWRµ0cb g]c¸`S\]b]cbO`Sg]c-¶A]SdS\UOg^S]^ZSO`S bVW\YW\U7¸R[OYSOU]]R;Og]`SdS\PST]`SbVSg `SOZWaS7¸[UOg 6OdSg]cSdS`PSS\OdWQbW[]TV][]^V]PWOGSa7bOYSWaacSeWbV;ObbVSe>O``Wa¸adWSebVOb UOgaVOdS\SdS`VORWba]U]]R³7¸dSPSS\ eOZYW\UOZ]\UbVSab`SSbVO\RW\VO\ReWbV[g P]gT`WS\RO\ROeVWbSdO\R`WdSaPga]c\RW\U VWaV]`\O\Rg]cZ]]YO\RVS¸aR]W\UbVSeO\YS` aWU\GSabS`ROg7eOaW\3ZbVO[TWZ[W\UObbVSa^]b eVS`SAbSdS\:Oe`S\QSRWSRO\R7eOaeWbV 2eOg\S0`]]YaeV]eOaeWbVVW[]\bVOb\WUVb O\ROaeSeS`STWZ[W\Ua][S]\SeOa[OYW\U []\YSg\]WaSaT`][OdO\BVWaWaV]e[cQV V][]^V]PWOO\R`OQWa[bVS`SabWZZWaW\bVWaQWbg /aa]]\OaeSSOaS]TTbVW\UaeWZZabO`bU]W\U POQYeO`RaESVOdSb]YSS^c^bVSTWUVb 6]eR]g]cbOQYZSV][]^V]PWO>S]^ZSVOdSbVWaabS`S]bg^SbVOb\SSRab]PS P`]YS\BVS`SeOaOR]Qc[S\bO`gBVS>`]PZS[ EWbV5Og;S\PgAW[]\4O\aVOeSSf^ZOW\W\U bVS·^`]PZS[¸eOabVObUOg[S\O`S]PaSaaSR eWbVg]cbVOZeOgaR]e\\WUVbQZcPaOZeOga bOYW\UR`cUaZOgW\UOP]cbW\aOc\OaPcbVS`SeS O`SObAQ]bZO\RGO`RO\RVS`SWa0`WO\>ORRWQY OaS\W]`]TTWQS`bVWaWabVSa]`b]T`]ZS[]RSZeS \SSR7beOaO\]cb`OUSBVS^]W\bWaeS\SSR b]USbOeOgT`][bVWaWRSObVObUOgaO`SeSOY O\RSTTS[W\ObSO\R]\ZgR]^O`bWQcZO`X]PaES O`SacQQSaaTcZW\SdS`gTWSZR]TZWTSB]VOdSOUOg ;Og]`e]cZRPSacQVOaV]QYb]abS`S]bg^SabVOb Wbe]cZRSdS\USbV][]^V]PSabVW\YW\Uµ6O\U ]\O[W\cbS[OgPS7¸dSU]bbVWae`]\U¶ EWZZeSVOdSOUOg>`W[S;W\WabS`W\]c` ZWTSbW[S:]\R]\;Og]`TW`abUOg>`W[S;W\WabS`\SfbBVS RWTTWQcZbgWabVObbVS`SO`S^`]POPZgZ]ba]TUOg ;>a³7Y\]eO^O`bWQcZO`Q]\aS`dObWdS;>eV] WadS`gT`WS\RZgW\RSSRO\RVOaOeWTSO\Rbe] YWRaObV][S³PcbbVS`SO`SOZ]b]T^S]^ZSabWZZ Q]\QS`\SROP]cbQ][W\U]cbES¸dSVORbe] UOgQOPW\Sb[W\WabS`aW\bVS^OabeSR]\¸bVOdS O\gObbVS[][S\bPcbWbWaO`SOZ^]aaWPWZWbg EVObWTg]c¸`Sc\acQQSaaTcZW\g]c`PWRb]PS [Og]`e]cZRg]c`c\T]`>O`ZWO[S\b<]PSQOcaS7¸[V]^SZSaaObR]W\UeVOb7¸[b]ZR IZOcUVaK7T7eOab]ZRb]U]W\b]OQS`bOW\Z]PPg7¸R PHOTO © CHRIS JEPSON =CbabO\RW\U Brian campaigning at the London Citizens Mayoral Accountability Assembly - April 2008 WE NEED TO GET AWAY FROM THIS IDEA THAT GAYS ARE WEAK AND EFFEMINATE, AND ONLY DO PARTICULAR JOBS. ^`]POPZgU]W\b]bVS]bVS`]\SXcabb]OaaS`bbVOb 7O[W\RS^S\RS\b0SW\UO\;>WaOdS`gRWTTS`S\b `]ZSBVWaWa\¸bOP]cbVOdW\UOTWfSROUS\ROWb¸a OP]cbR]W\UeVOb7bVW\YWa`WUVbO\RZWabS\W\U b]eVOb:]\R]\S`aaOgTW\RW\U]cbeVObbVSW` ^`W]`WbWSaO`SO\ROQbW\U]\bVOb 6OabVSQO[^OWU\OTTSQbSRg]c`^S`a]\OZZWTS<]bObOZZ;gP]gT`WS\RWabVS[]abe]\RS`TcZ bVS[]abc\RS`abO\RW\UUcg7VOdSSdS`[Sb /\R7¸dSYWaaSROTSeT`]Ua7QO\bSZZg]c7R]\¸b Y\]eV]eVS^cbac^eWbV[S7bR]SaUSb_cWbS ^`Saac`SRT`][bW[Sb]bW[SO\RgSbVSXcabaOga ]\SaS\bS\QSO\RSdS`gbVW\U¸aTW\SOUOW\ EVOb`SOQbW]\R]g]cUSbT`][^S]^ZS]\bVS ab`SSb³VOaO\g]\SbV`]e\bVSW`Y\WQYS`aObg]cIZOcUVaKESZZbVS\c[PS`]TbW[Sa7¸dSVORb] aOgµBVO\Yg]cdS`g[cQVPcb7R]\¸bbVW\Y[g P]gT`WS\Re]cZRO^^`]dS¶BVS]bVS`eSSYeS RWRO6SZZ]bg^S^V]b]aV]]bO\ReWbV]cb[S Y\]eW\UWbbVSga]ZR]\S]TbVS^WQbc`Sab]bVS 3dS\W\UAbO\RO`RO\RO^^O`S\bZgbVS`SOQbW]\ T`][UOg[S\O\Rab`OWUVbe][O\eOadS`g ^]aWbWdS 7b¸abVObaWZdS`T]fbVW\Ug]cU]bU]W\U]\ IZOcUVaKAb]^Wb0cbbVO\Yg]c 2]g]cUSbbVSQVO\QSb]U]]cb]\bVSaQS\S bVSaSROgaGSOV7aOeg]cZOab\WUVbI/bbVSZOc\QV]TbVS :]\R]\:SaPWO\5Og4WZ[4SabWdOZK/\R7VOR bVSZOc\QV]T[gOcb]PW]U`O^VgZOabeSSY³BVS :W\S]T4W`S^cPZWaVSRPgAW[]\O\RAQVcabS` %''OdOWZOPZSObOZZU]]RP]]Yab]`Sa EVObe]cZRg]cZWYSg]c`ZSUOQgb]PS7¸RZWYS^S]^ZSb]bVW\Y]T[SOaa][S]\SeV] OZeOgab]ZRbVSb`cbVOP]cbbVSeOgZWTSWaOP]cb eVObVO^^S\SRO\ROP]cbeV]VSeOa+ BRIAN PADDICK – A LIFE Q Born 24 April 1958 in Balham, London. Q Attended Bec Grammar School in Tooting Bec Q Joined the Metropolitan Police Service in 1976, where he swiftly rose through the ranks. Was a frontline sergeant during the 1981 Brixton riots. Q On a police scholarship, gained a degree at Queen’s College, Oxford, before undertaking further study at the University Of Warwick. Q Was married to former wife Mary Stone in 1983, but the two separated in 1988. Q Became chief inspector for Brixton in 1993, and then Superintendent of the Personnel Department at New Scotland Yard in 1996. In 2000 he became Police Commander for Lambeth, and then in 2003 Deputy Assistant Commissioner. Q In 2001 he caused controversy after implementing a policy whereby those caught with cannabis were not automatically arrested but issued with on-the-spot warnings. The Mail On Sunday ran a false story claiming that Paddick had used cannabis himself, but it later admitted its story was wrong, apologised and paid damages. Q He retired from the police force in May 2007. He currently lives in Vauxhall with his long-term partner. Brian Paddick’s autobiography, The Line Of Fire, is out now and available from all good bookstores and online stockists. =CbabO\RW\U WHO GETS YOUR VOTE? 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Possibly driven by this, Madonna’s eleventh studio album, Hard Candy, finds the queen of pop recruiting Timbaland and Pharrell Williams of the Neptunes to add some urban beats to her sound. You’ll already know ‘4 Minutes’, the Timbaland-produced lead single featuring Justin Timberlake. Whether you like the rest of the album or not will probably depend on your fondness for that song, as everything else follows a pretty similar template. Those who find that Madonna’s collaborations can sometimes be a little cold and clinical are not likely to embrace Hard Candy. Some of the songs seem overwhelmed by the relentless beats and studio trickery, with the base-line melodies fighting to be making themselves heard. However, Madonna’s longevity can be chiefly ascribed to the fact that she has an impeccable ear for a good tune. She’s not going to release an album of dross… whatever acclaimed profile her current musical partners might enjoy. Most of the tracks are irresistibly slick and effective dancefloor grooves, such as second single ‘Give It To Me’, ‘Beat Goes On’ (featuring Kanye West), and album centerpiece ‘She’s Not Me’, which finds Madonna berating a former lover for taking up with a Material Girlwannabe (‘she’s not me, she doesn’t have my name, she’ll never have what I have, it won’t be the same’). Over the last few years, Madonna’s has undoubtedly brought out the best in her chosen musical partners (Stuart Price, Mirwais, William Orbit). Hard Candy fails to convince she’s pulled off quite the same feat with Pharrell and Timbaland, but it has more than enough sweet delights to maintain her position as the queen of pop. Where she goes next though is anyone’s guess. DH Out: 28 April +++++ Salford-based duo The Ting Tings have been quietly building themselves a following since last summer, when they released punk electro anthem ‘That’s Not My Name’ as a limited 7” single. They were snapped up by Columbia shortly afterwards, and big-label debut ‘Great DJ’ came out in March. Although heavily playlisted, the single wasn’t chart eligible, almost guaranteeing that when ‘That’s Not My Name’ gets a much-deserved re-release this month it will crash into the upper echelons of the Top 40. And rightly so. It’s been a while since we were treated to such a fresh and seemingly effortless debut. The Tings Tings – Katie White and Jules De Martino – have taken choice elements of pop culture – from 60s girl group harmonies to punk – and fed them through a garage-electro filter. The result is an album of catchy, shouty, beat-laden, simple pop. ‘That’s Not My Name’ is the sound of the Go-Go’s if they’d been produced by Richard X. It should be number one. For a month. ‘Great DJ’ soars similar heights. It doesn’t so much make you tap your toes as want to jump up and down, preferably on your bed with a hairbrush for a microphone. ‘Shut Up And Let Me Go’ and ‘Keep Your Head’ maintain the tempo, with the latter sounding like a Deborah-Harry fronted Depeche Mode circa 1983. At the beginning of the year, The Ting Tings came third in the BBC’s Sound Of 2008 poll, behind Adele and Duffy. On the strength of We Started Nothing, they were robbed of a higher position. AG Out: 19 May +++++ $ SPARKS Exotic Creatures Of The Deep (Lil’ Beethoven Records) PALLADIUM The Way It’s Not (Virgin) Sparks have come a long way since they first terrified British kids performing ‘This Town Ain’t Big Enough For The Both Of Us’, on Top of the Pops in 1973. Aside from being surely the only duo to successfully pull off the ‘Hitler on a date with Brian May’s sister’ look, the Californian brothers Mael provided the ‘inanimate keyboardist (Ron) + flamboyant singer (Russell)’ blueprint for the likes of the Pet Shop Boys and Erasure. Set the Tardis to 2008 and their creativity remains undimmed. Exotic Creatures Of The Deep finds them as innovative as ever, making origami shapes out of the rock rulebook. Lead single, ‘Good Morning’, is a witty track about waking up after a one-night stand (‘I hope it’s just your laugh that is infectious’), while the T Rex stomp electro of ‘I Can’t Believe That You Would Fall For All The Crap In This Song’ aims its verbal-darts at lyrical clichés. Best of all is ‘Lighten Up, Morrissey’, an homage to Archbishop Tofu himself. Sounding like Gary Glitter performing the theme tune to ‘90s children’s TV series Round The Twist, it’s packed with lyrical gems about a boy who finds his girlfriend comparing him unfavourably to the be-quiffed deity (‘She won’t dine out with me because my T-bone steak is at fault/She won’t dine out with a murderer passing salt’). Songs falter when the hooks fail to keep pace with the clever-clever observations, but overall, Exotic… is an assured strut of an album that, while not measuring up to the classics, makes a confident case for Sparks still being around. GR Palladium are camp, sublimely silly and approximately a million times more fun than the Pigeon Detectives. At their first ever gig last September, keyboardist Rufio Sandilands dressed as Peter Pan, while the group’s day-to-day image seems to be the result of nicking Steve Strange’s Oxfam bag. Previously, if a friend asked you to “burn a copy of The Police’s Greatest Hits”, they would hand you a can of kerosene and a match, but in this age of Guilty Pleasures – where no band name is too profane to utter in polite company – the quartet take their cues from the likes of Toto, Yes and Steely Dan. They’re akin to a boy band version of The Feeling. A kind of Fleetwood McFly. However, lurking beneath the chintz are prodigiously wellcrafted pop songs. Rather than an exercise in pastiche, their debut album is filled with guitar-pomp as good as their influences, fusing the textual richness and masturbatory guitar solos with fizzy hooks and soaring ringtone-friendly choruses. The slick’n’spunky ‘High Five’ and ‘Get It Right’ are desperately searching for a Brat Pack movie to soundtrack, and are both guaranteed to affix a cheesy grin on your face. ‘Midnight Service’ is a nuclear-explosion of slap-bass assisted funk, while the epic ‘Miracles’ is primed to elicit held-aloft mobile phones in stadiums. It’s prog-rock for Generation Skins, likely to infuriate as many listeners as it infatuates. But with great tunes, tight musicianship and even tighter satin trousers, what’s not to love? GR Out: 19 May Out: 12 May +++++ +++++ REVIEWS: DAVID HUDSON, ANTHONY GORDON AND GARY RYAN THE TING TINGS We Started Nothing (Columbia) =Cb\]e % =Cb\]e ;CA71 IT’S A TING TING ‘TING! ;716/3:BC@<0C::53BA B635:/;=@=CA8=0=4 B@/D3::7<5B=AB=93B= 7<B3@D73EB63@/B63@ 2/A67<58C:3A4@=; 0@7B/7<¸A<3FB075B67<5 A=8C:3A6=E¸AB67<5A/ZZU]]RES¸`SUWUUW\UVS`SW\Ab]YSb]\WUVb/`S eSR`W\YW\UgSb-6OVO¬\]bgSb <=EG=C¸@3;=@34/;=CA1/<G=C 1/::B63A6=BA- GSOV[]`SbWQYSbaT]`R`W\Ya]\bVSTS``WSa I:OcUVaK;]`SVO[Pc`US`aEVOb¸a`SOZZgeSW`RWa bVObeSUSbUWdS\bV]aSZWbbZSPOUa]T\cba E6/B97<2=4<CBA/Z[]\RaVOhSZ\cbabV]aST`cWbO\R\cb]\Sa 7bVW\YbVSZOPSZY\SeeSeS`SU]W\Ub]PS R`W\YW\U]\bVS`]ORO\RbV]cUVb·@WUVbeS¸`S U]W\Ub]USba][SdWbO[W\aW\bVS[¸ESR]\¸b SObbVS[=c`b]c`[O\OUS`^cbabVS[W\bVWaPWU PW\ZW\S`EVObVO^^S\ab]bVS[-7R]\¸bY\]e BVSgXcabaWb]\bVSb]c`Pca 6=E272G=C0=B6;33B- 9ObWSeOaW\OUW`ZPO\RQOZZSRB9=O\RbVSgeS`S `SVSO`aW\U\SfbR]]`b][gPO\RES[SbO\R abO`bSRe`WbW\Ub]USbVS`bOZYW\U]\ZW\SbVS`SeS`S WRSOaTZ]eW\UPOQYO\RT]`eO`RaESeS`SW\b] >]`bWaVSORa]eS[SbOUcgeV]eOaO28O\R OaYSRVW[b]X]W\bVSPO\RBVObZOabSROP]cb OgSO`O\ROVOZTPcbWbOZZeS\ba]PORZge`]\U eWbVbVSZOPSZbVObWb`SOZZgT`cab`ObSRca E6/B6/>>3<32<3FBESZZbVS\9ObWSO\R7abO`bSRR]W\UV]caS^O`bWSa BVSV]caS^O`bWSabc`\SRW\b]SdS\baBVSSdS\ba bVS\bc`\SRW\b]UWUaESeS`SR]W\UbVWa]\S ^O`bgO\RPSQOcaSeSeS`Sa^S\RW\U[]\Sg]\ PSS`eSSf^SQbSRa][SR]\ObW]\aESS[^bWSR bVSUcba]cb]TbVWaBDO\RZSTbWb]cbT]`[]\Sg BVS`SeS`S&^S]^ZSO\ReSU]b!ESXcab Z]]YSRObSOQV]bVS`O\RbV]cUVb·BVWaWaeVOb eSaV]cZRR]T]`OZWdW\U¸ 6=E272G=C1=;3C>E7B6B63</;39ObWSeOae]`YW\UW\OP]cbW_cSO\R]\S]T bVSUW`ZaaVSe]`YSReWbVeOaQOZZSRBW\UBW\U BVSUW`ZaOWRWb[SO\b·PO\RabO\R¸W\;O\RO`W\ PcbeSU]]UZSRWbO\RQO[Sc^eWbVbVW\UaZWYS ·W\\]dObW]\¸O\ROZa]O8O[OWQO\R`W\Y0cbWb¸aO VSOR[OaaOUS`b]]eVWQVT]`[SaSOZSRbVSRSOZ B9=>3@4=@;32E7B6AB3>A272<¸B B63G- ESZZ7bVW\YAbS^aRWR^ZOgbVSW`Z]QOZb]e\W\ a][S[W\WTSabWdOZ9ObWSO\RVS`T`WS\RaRWROZa] ^S`T]`[Pcba][SeVS`SW\OTWSZRO\RbVSgeS`S eOgR]e\]\bVSPWZZAVS]^S\ZgOR[WbabVOb aVSeOaW\OUW`ZPO\RAVSVORBOYSBVOb^S\QWZ QOaSa7b¸aeVS`SVS`POQYU`]c\RWa³^]^a]\Ua 9ObWSRWaQ]dS`SR^S]^ZSZWYSBVSA[WbVaO\R8]g 2WdWaW]\bV`]cUV[S & Jules De Martino and Katie White SHE OPENLY ADMITS THAT SHE WAS IN A GIRL BAND. KATIE DISCOVERED PEOPLE LIKE THE SMITHS AND JOY DIVISION THROUGH ME. E6/B/0=CBG=CESZZ7¸dSRWaQ]dS`SRBOYSBVObI:OcUVaK7¸dSOZa] Q][SOQ`]aa·C[P`SZZO¸O\R·B]fWQ¸7e]cZR\¸b VOdSUWdS\bVS[bVSbW[S]TROgPST]`SPcb\]e 7bVW\YbVSg¸`SO[OhW\Ubc\Sa E6/B¸AB63AB=@G03BE33<G=C0=B6- ESO`S\¸bW\O`SZObW]\aVW^b]USbVS`/bbVS PSUW\\W\U-ESZZ¬eVS\g]c¸`SO[caWQWO\bVS`S¸a OZeOgaOZ]b]TSU]0cb7[SO\9ObWS¸a !O\R 7¸[!!a]bVOb[WUVbUWdScabVSaSQc`Wbg]T\]b R]W\UbVOba]`b]TbVW\UESXcabTSSZ`SOZZg_cWbS QZ]aS G=C@D723=A/@3D3@G163/>/@3<¸B B63G6OVO¬bVS`S¸aORSPObSPSQOcaSeS[ORSbe] dWRS]aT]`·BVOb¸a<]b;g<O[S¸ESXcabeO\b b]USbc^bVS`SO\RVOdSTc\^S`T]`[W\UW\T`]\b ]TZ]ba]TQ]Z]c`6]eSdS`eSRWR[OYSO\]bVS` dWRS]T]`·BVOb¸a<]b;g<O[S¸ 7A7B/::>7;>A/<26=¸A<]Wb¸a\]b7b¸aabWZZPOaSRO`]c\RbVSaO[S ^S`T]`[O\QS)Wb¸aXcabbVObeSRWRWbW\[]`S]TO\ OW`VO\US`S\dW`]\[S\b7b¸aRW`SQbSRPgA]^VWS ;cZZS`I5eS\AbSTO\WA]^VWS3ZZWa0Sfb]`K 6=E7<D=:D32/@3G=C7<ABG:7<59ObWSe]\¸bVOdSO\gbVW\Ub]R]eWbVabgZWaba2] 7S\X]gR`SaaW\Uc^-7S\X]gbVSTOQbbVOb^S]^ZS [OYSOVcUSRSOZ]cb]T[gac\UZOaaSa@Og0O\ YSS^bV`]eW\UabcTTOb[S 2=G=C6/D3B=;3<B7=<7B7<3D3@G 7<B3@D73E6OVO¬\]7VOdSOZOhgSgSO\R^`]PZS[aeWbV ]dS`VSORZWUVbW\UA]7¸dSVORSdS`g]\SaS\RW\U [Sac\UZOaaSaBVOb¸aOP]cbbVS[]abR`SaaW\U c^7USb;OgPSa][SSgSZW\S`-1O\g]cW[OUW\S [SeSO`W\USgSZW\S`-EVS\7^ZOgUWUa7aeSOba] [cQV7¸RZ]]YZWYSO[S[PS`]T>]Wa]\ 47</::GE6/B/@3G=C@3/27<5/BB63 ;=;3<B;WQVOSZ>OZW\¸aRWO`WSa7¸[]\ZgZWYS ^OUSaW\ Pcb7¸[OPWUTO\]TVWa=c`R`SO[ac^^]`be]cZR PS;WQVOSZ>OZW\ The Ting Ting’s debut album, We Started Nothing, is out 19 May. =Cb\]e ;CA71 ' =Cb\]e 47:; FILMS OUT IN MAY THE BEST DVDS MAY ’08 CHARLIE WILSON’S WAR Loosely based on a true story, Tom Hanks (alongside Julia Roberts) stars as congressman Charlie Wilson, who, back in the 80s, provided covert assistance to Afghanistan rebels in their war against the invading Soviet forces… not realising that such assistance would have long-reaching consequences. Don’t be put off by the subject matter – this is an accessible and interesting insight into a overlooked but decisive chapter of American foreign policy. CHARLIE BARTLETT []bVS`aS\RaVW[b]OdO`WSbg]T^agQVWOb`Waba OUT: 5 MAY eV]RcZg^`SaQ`WPSVW[[SRWQObW]\=\ZgeVS\ +++++ 1VO`ZWSabO`bab]OQbOaOac``]UObS^agQV]O\OZgab b]VWaTSZZ]eabcRS\baO\RaSZZab]bVS[VWa PS, I LOVE YOU ^`SaQ`WPSR^WZZaR]SaVWa^]^cZO`WbgPSUW\b]a]O` Hilary Swank, Gerard Butler, /ZbV]cUV\]b_cWbS[ObQVW\UbVSW`abO\RO`RWT Gina Gershon, Lisa Kudrow g]cZ]dSR`SQS\bW\RWS]TTS`W\UaZWYS:WbbZS;Waa and Kathy Bates star in this Ac\aVW\SO\R8c\]g]c¸ZZTW\R[cQVb]ZWYSW\ so-so romantic comedy about a 1VO`ZWS0O`bZSbb7bbOQYZSabSS\O\UabO\RbVS widow (Swank) who discovers \SdS`S\RW\UVWUVaQV]]Z_cSabT]`^]^cZO`Wbg ten messages left for her by eWbVOU]]RR]aS]TPZOQYVc[]c`O\ROb]cQV her late husband to help her ]TbVS4S``Wa0cSZZS`¸a2Og=TT7bOZa]P]Oaba]\S overcome her grief. It’s all a ]T@]PS`b2]e\Sg8\`¸aPSab^S`T]`[O\QSaOa bit schmaltzy and syrupy, and 1VO`ZWS¸aOZQ]V]ZWQO\RT`cab`ObSRVSOR[OabS` although it does its best to tug at your heartstrings, never eV]¸a\]b]\ZgT]fSRPg0O`bZSbb¸aU`W^]dS`bVS moves you quite as much as you might hope. A shame. aQV]]ZPcbOZa]VWa`][O\bWQW\d]ZdS[S\beWbV OUT: 12 MAY VWabSS\OUSROcUVbS`AcaO\9Ob2S\\W\Ua/a +++++ OQVO`OQbS`³ZWYS0cSZZS`O\R8c\]PST]`SVW[ ³0O`bZSbb[Ogab`SbQV^ZOcaWPWZWbgPcbWbaOga[cQV SWEENEY TODD T]`GSZQVW\¸abOZS\babVObg]c¸ZZabWZZS\Rc^TOZZW\UT]` Johnny Depp stars as the bVWaa^]WZb`WQVYWR¸aQVO`[a ‘Demon Barber Of Fleet =cb(';Og Street’ in this visually lavish, +++++ OUTPOST /a[OZZPO\R]T[S`QS\O`WSaO`S`SQ`cWbSRPgO aVORgPcaW\Saa[O\b]OQbOaP]RgUcO`RaT]` VW[]\O[WaaW]\W\b]eO`b]`\3OabS`\3c`]^S 6S`S^`SaS\baOQ][^O\gbVObVOaP]cUVbZO\R bVS`SO\RVOaPSS\RWa^ObQVSRb]W\dSabWUObS bVSW\dSab[S\b7\RSS^e]]RZO\RbVS[S\ RWaQ]dS`OaSQ`SbE]`ZREO`77Pc\YS`eVS`S bVS<OhWaQ]\RcQbSR[SRWQOZSf^S`W[S\ba]\ eOgab]^`]Z]\UbVSZWdSa]TbVSW`a]ZRWS`aGS^ g]c¸dSUcSaaSRWb¬PST]`Sg]cQO\aOg·6SWZ6WbZS`¸ UV]abZg<OhWaO`S^WQYW\U]TT]c`^ZcQYgV]bQV ^]bQVPO\R]Ta]ZRWS`aeWbVW\Q`SOaW\UZgU]`g `SZWaV :WYSBVS2SaQS\b=cb^]abWaO\STTWQWS\bO\R US\cW\SZgaca^S\aSTcZ0`WbWaVV]``]`bVOb[O\OUSa b][OYSOaZW[PcRUSbU]OZ]\UeOgBVSab]`g VOaOeVWTT]T2]Qb]`EV]OP]cbWbO\Rg]cVOZT Sf^SQb2OdWRBS\\S\bb][ObS`WOZWaSO\RaOdSbVS ROgC\T]`bc\ObSZgWb¸a\]bb]PSZSOdW\U`cUUSR @OgAbSdS\a]\OabVSVSOR]TbVSU`]c^b]b`g O\RaV]]bVWaeOg]cb]TbVSW\Q`SOaW\UZgPZSOY gSbaZWUVbZgaWZZg^`SRWQO[S\b/aeWbV[]abUV]ab ab]`WSaWbR]Sa\¸b^Ogb]aQ`cbW\WaS=cb^]ab¸a^Z]b ! darkly gothic adaptation of the award-winning Stephen Sondheim show from director Tim Burton (‘Edward Scissorhands’). Plenty of showtunes… and surprisingly, enough blood to warrant an 18-rating! Helping to bring the seedy underbelly of Victorian London to life in this grisly romp are Brit stalwarts Helena Bonham Carter, Alan Rickman and Sacha Baron Cohen. OUT: 12 MAY +++++ THE SAVAGES T]`Z]UWQ]``SOa]\PcbWTg]c¸`SaSSYW\UOU]]R ]ZRTOaVW]\SRaZOaVS`=cb^]ab]TTS`abVS`S_cWaWbS O[]c\b]TU]`SO\RbS\aW]\ =cb($;Og +++++ The tale of a middle-aged brother and sister who are forced to deal with their father’s deteriorating health and dementia may not sound like the most entertaining or fun way to spend a couple of hours, but The Savages is something of a gem, with stand-out performances from the always-brilliant Philip Seymour Hoffman and Laura Linney as the frustrated but ultimately united siblings. OUT: 26 MAY +++++ REVIEWS BY DAVID HUDSON <SeQ][S`/\b]\GSZQVW\RSZWdS`aORSZWUVbTcZ O\R[S[]`OPZS^S`T]`[O\QSOabVSbWbcZO`abO`]T bVWa_cW`YgZ]ePcRUSb/[S`WQO\Q][SRg@WQV YWR0O`bZSbbGSZQVW\ZWdSaeWbVVWa\Sc`]bWQO\R SQQS\b`WQ[]bVS`6]^S2OdWaW\bVSW`abObSZg TO[WZg[O\aW]\3f^SZZSRT`][OZZbVSZ]QOZ^`WdObS aQV]]ZaT]`OdO`WSbg]TR]RUgS\b`S^`S\Sc`WOZ aQVS[Sa1VO`ZWSVOab]TW\OZZgaSbbZST]`ObbS\RW\U bVSZ]QOZ^cPZWQVWUVaQV]]ZeVS`SVWa`STW\SR O\RQcZbc`SR[O\\S`Wa[a_cWQYZg`SacZbW\VW[ PSW\U]ab`OQWaSRPgbVS`Sab]TbVSabcRS\bP]Rg /ZWS\ObSRO\R^WQYSRc^]\1VO`ZWS¸aT`cab`ObSR =Cb\]e ! =Cb\]e 47:; FILMS OUT IN MAY DANGEROUS PARKING >SbS`6]eWbbTW`abU`OQSR]c` aQ`SS\aW\bVS&aaWbQ][0`SOR PST]`Sac`^`WaW\U[O\gPge`WbW\U O\RRW`SQbW\UbVS5eg\SbV >OZb`]eabO``W\UAZWRW\U2]]`a W\''&<SeTSObc`S2O\US`]ca >O`YW\UT]`eVWQVVSVOa^S\\SR bVSaQ`SS\^ZOgRW`SQbSRO\RabO``SR Q][SaOQ`]aaOaO[]`S^S`a]\OZ ZOP]c`]TZ]dS6S^ZOga<]OV /`Ye`WUVbOa[OZZbW[SW\RWSTWZ[ RW`SQb]`eV]aSZWTSWaa^W\\W\U]cb]T Q]\b`]ZRcSb]OQ`W^^ZW\UORRWQbW]\ b]OZQ]V]ZO\RQ]QOW\S/\]bVS` OZQ]V]ZWQ9`WabW\@OQVOSZAbW`ZW\U ^S`acORSaVW[b]b`g//O\R`SVOP O\R³OTbS`OTSe[]\bVaa]PS` ³PSab[ObS@OgASO\>S`beSS W\b`]RcQSaVW[b]QSZZ]^ZOgS`1ZO`S AOTT`]\0c``]eaeWbVeV][VS TOZZaW\Z]dSA]TO`a]VO^^gSdS` OTbS`¬SfQS^bbVObWb¸a]\ZgeVS\ VS¸aR`gO\RaSbbZW\UW\b]bVWa\Se `SZObW]\aVW^bVOb<]OVRWaQ]dS`aVS VOaPZORRS`QO\QS` 7TbVOba]c\RaPZSOY6]eWbbR]Sa VWaPSabb]POZO\QSbVSUZ]][ eWbV[][S\ba]TZORRWaVZWUVb VSO`bSR\SaaO\RaSZTQ]\aQW]caZg hO\gPZOQYVc[]c`6]eSdS`Wb¸a OPOZO\QW\UOQbbVObVSR]Sa\¸b _cWbS^cZZ]TTO\RbVSS\R`SacZb RO`baPOQYW\T]`bV\]b]\ZgW\ bW[SPcbOZa]W\b]\S6Wa^]`b`OgOZ ]TOQS`bOW\bg^S]TOZQ]V]ZWQWa `SOZWabWQeWbV<]OVQ][W\UOQ`]aa OaOaSZT^WbgW\U[O\W^cZObWdSO\R RO[OUSRW\RWdWRcOZ6]eSdS`VS a^S\Raa][cQV]TbVSTW`abVOZT]T bVSTWZ[PSVOdW\UZWYSO[Wa]Ug\WabWQ O`aSV]ZSWb¸aRWTTWQcZbb]PSUS\cW\SZg []dSRPgVWa^ZWUVbW\bVSaSQ]\R VOZT7b¸aSdS\[]`SRWTTWQcZbb]PSZWSdS bVObbVSaS\aWPZS1ZO`S[WUVbTOZZT]` acQVO\c\Z]dSOPZSO\Rc\ZWYSOPZS W\RWdWRcOZ /RO^bSRT`][bVSOQQZOW[SR\]dSZ ]TbVSaO[S\O[S2O\US`]ca >O`YW\UaV]cZRPSO^^ZOcRSRT]` Wbaag[^ObVSbWQSfO[W\ObW]\]TbVS Z]\UO\RVO`R`]ORb]`SQ]dS`g TOQSRPg[O\gORRWQba0cbZWYS OR`c\Y`SUOZW\Ug]ceWbVbVSW` ZWTSab]`gW\OPO`g]c[WUVbTW\R g]c`aSZTSgSW\Ug]c`eObQV]` [OYW\Ug]c`SfQcaSaeSZZPST]`S bVSS\RQ`SRWbaPSUW\b]`]ZZ =cb( !;Og +++++ SMART PEOPLE `SOZ[][S\ba]TUS\WcaeWbVWba RSZWQW]caZgPZOQYVc[]c`BV][Oa 6ORS\1Vc`QV³OabVS^`]TSaa]`¸a PORP]gOR]^bSRP`]bVS`1VcQY ³bc`\aW\O^O`bWQcZO`ZgO[caW\U ^S`T]`[O\QSOaR]Sa3ZZS\>OUS Oa:Oe`S\QS¸a^`SQ]QW]ca[]]Rg bSS\OUSROcUVbS`7b[Og\]bPS bVSTOabSab^OQSRTWZ[W\bVSe]`ZR O\RWbWa^]aaWPZSb]aSS[]ab]T bVS^Z]bbeWabaQ][W\U]dS`bVS V]`Wh]\PcbOa^ZS\RWRaQ`W^bO\R Q`Wa^QVO`OQbS`WhObW]\[OYSbVWa]\S e]`bVQObQVW\U =cb($;Og +++++ TIMBER FALLS ·4`][bVS^`]RcQS`a]T:WdS4`SS=`2WS6O`R¸ ^`]QZOW[abVS^`][]bW]\OZ[ObS`WOZT]`BW[PS` 4OZZa¬\]R]cPbPSQOcaSg]c¸`Sc\ZWYSZgb] Y\]eSWbVS`bVSRW`SQb]`]`bVSabO`a1ZOW[W\U b]R]T]`·QO[^W\UO\RVWYW\UW\ESabDW`UW\WO eVOb6]abSZRWRT]`POQY^OQYW\UW\AZ]dS\WO¸ bVSTWZ[Wac\OaVO[SRZgbVSZObSabW\bVSZW\S ]T·ac`dWdOZV]``]`¸[]dWSa]`·b]`bc`S^]`\¸ Oaa][SVOdSRcPPSRWb6]eSdS`eWbVW\ bVObU`cPPgZWbbZS\WQVSbVWaWaOTOW`ZgZW[^ ORRWbW]\;WYSO\RUW`ZT`WS\RAVS`gZaSb]cbT]` OeSSYS\R]TQO[^W\UW\bVS[]c\bOW\a]\Zg b]TW\RbVS[aSZdSaYWR\O^^SRPgO5]RTSO`W\U ! REVIEWS BY DAVID HUDSON AND CHARLOTTE DINGLE (SMART PEOPLE) A[O`b>S]^ZSbSZZabVSbOZS]T OZ]\SZgPWbbS`eWR]eS`eV] ³bV`]cUVTW\RW\UZ]dS³RWaQ]dS`a O\SeO\RVO^^WS`ZWTST]`VW[aSZT 3\UZWaV:WbS`Obc`S^`]TSaa]` :Oe`S\QSESbVS`V]ZRO\OZ[]ab c\`SQ]U\WhOPZS2S\\Wa?cOWR TW\RabVSe]`ZRRSd]WR]TX]gOTbS` bVSRSObV]TVWaeWTSOaR]SaVWa aW[WZO`ZgU`WSTab`WQYS\TO[WZgBVOb Wac\bWZVSPc[^aW\b]OT]`[S` abcRS\bAO`OV8SaaWQO>O`YS`O\R SdS`gbVW\UQVO\USa /a][SeVObT]`[cZOWQ^Z]b WabVO\YTcZZgS\ZWdS\SRPgO\ Sfb`S[SZgeWbbgaQ`W^bbVObaV]ea RS[S\bSRTO[WZg]T`SR\SQYaeV]eO\bb]caS bVS[T]`bVSW`]e\^S`dS`bSRS\RaO\RR]ZS]cb ^ZS\bg]T^c\WaV[S\bb]bVSµaW\TcZT]`\WQOb]`a¶W\ bVS^`]QSaaBVS`S¸a^ZS\bg]TU`ObcWb]caPZ]]R a^WZZW\UW\O\ObbS[^bb]YSS^U]`STO\aVO^^g Pcbab`O\USZgOTbS`ORSObVW\bVS]^S\W\UQ`SRWba g]cVOdSb]eOWbc\bWZbVSZOabbS\[W\cbSaPST]`S O\g]\SSZaSUSbaPc[^SR]TTG]c¸RV]^SbVOb RW`SQb]`B]\g5WUZW][WUVbcaSbVSW\bS`dS\W\U& [W\cbSab]`OQYc^bVSbS\aW]\PcbaORZgbVOb¸a eVS`SBW[PS`4OZZa¬eSZZTOZZaTZOb =\ST]`TO\a]TbVSUS\`S]\ZgPcbSdS\bVSg [WUVbTSSZa][SeVObaV]`bQVO\USR =cb( !;Og +++++ =Cb\]e !! =Cb\]e PHOTOS © BRINKOFF & MOGENBURG B63/B@3 BOOK NOW ROCK HARD BOY OH BOY 2/D726C2A=<@3D73EA83@A3G0=GA /``WdW\UeWbVOQZcbQV]TB]\g/eO`RaT]ZZ]eW\U WbaVWb0`]OReOg^`]RcQbW]\8S`aSg0]gaWabVS OQQZOW[SR[caWQOZPW]^WQQ]\QS`\W\UbVS`WaS b]TO[S]TBVS4]c`ASOa]\aGSaWb¸aO\]bVS` QObOZ]UcS[caWQOZ`ObVS`bVO\O\]`WUW\OZaQ]`S O\RgSabVS4]c`ASOa]\aR]\¸bSfOQbZg^`][^b bVSaO[SRSd]bW]\]`\]abOZUWOW\bVWaQ]c\b`g bVObbVSg[OgSZWQWb]dS`bVS>]\R6]eSdS` g]cR]\¸bVOdSb]PSOTO\]TbVSPO\R]`ZSOR aW\US`4`O\YWSDOZZWb]S\X]gbVWaTOab^OQSRO\R W[OUW\ObWdSaV]e 6S`OZRW\UT`][<Se8S`aSgW\bVS[WR#abVS U`]c^eOaT]c\RSRPgbSS\OUSRSZW\_cS\ba B][[g2SDWb]O\R<WQY;OaaWBVSg`SQ`cWbSR bVS$gSO`]ZRDOZZWb]bVSPO\RPSbeSS\abW\ba W\XOWZDOZZW¸aRWabW\QbWdSTOZaSbb]PSUO\b]USb bVSbVS[\]bWQSRO\RbVW\Ua`SOZZgPSUO\b] bOYS]TTeVS\bVSg`SQ`cWbSRa]\Ue`WbS`0]P 5OcRW]b]PSQ][SbVST]c`bV·aSOa]\¸EVS\bVS P]ga[]dSRb]<SeG]`YW\bVSSO`Zg$aO\R PSUO\e]`YW\UeWbV0`WZZ0cWZRW\UVWb[OYS`0]P 1`SeS]PdW]caZgUOgOZbV]cUV\SdS`Sf^ZWQWbZg abObSRVS`SbVSgPSQ][SbVSTW`abCAPO\Rb] aQ]`SbV`SSQ]\aSQcbWdS\c[PS`]\SaW\UZSa eWbV·AVS``g¸·0WU5W`Za2]\¸b1`g¸O\R·EOZY :WYS/;O\¸4O[SO\RT]`bc\SO`ST]ZZ]eSR PgUO[PZW\URSPbaT`WQbW]\PSbeSS\PO\R [S[PS`aO\R^S`a]\OZb`OUSRWSa^`][^bW\U bVSSdS\bcOZRS^O`bc`S]TP]bV2SDWb]O\R;OaaW ³eVWZS5OcRW]O\RDOZZWU]]\b]aQ]`SZObS`VWba eWbVbVSZWYSa]T·2SQS[PS`'$!=VEVOb/ <WUVb¸O\R·1O\¸bBOYS;g3gSa=TG]c¸ 7VOdSb]OR[WbbVOb7¸[a][SbVW\U]TO^]^\S`R O\RQO\VO^^WZgeObQVbV]aS1ZOaaWQ/ZPc[ R]Qc[S\bO`WSa]\D6c\bWZZObSW\b]bVS\WUVb7 Y\SeZWbbZSOP]cbbVS4]c`ASOa]\aPST]`SbOYW\U [gaSObO\Re]cZRVOdSPSS\VO`R^`SaaSRb] \O[SO\g]TbVSW`VWbaW\UZSa;gY\]eZSRUS]T 4`O\YWDOZZWPSUO\O\RS\RSReWbVbVSbVS[S bc\Sb]5`SOaS/aacQV7T]c\R[cQVb]S\X]g !" 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Back in the late 1950s, Rock Hudson was the biggest screen idol in Hollywood, yet his career was constantly threatened by possible exposes in Confidential magazine. The only man who stood between Hudson and scandal-based obscurity was his unscrupulous agent, Henry Willson, who would do anything to protect his biggest client. A new play by Tim Fountain, Rock tells the story of Wilson, as played by theatrical legend Bette Bourne [see ‘My London’ on pages 6-7 of this issue]. It’s the first time Bourne and Fountain have collaborated since their acclaimed show about Quentin Crisp, Resident Alien. Rock comes to the Oval House in Kennington from 27 May to 21 June, with a special Red Carpet event on Friday 30 May in which Bourne will be inducted into the House Of Homosexual Culture Hall Of Fame. Tickets £12 (£6 concessions). TERROR TIRADE Pam Ann is back, and this times she’s bringing ‘Terror At 41,000 Feet!’. Everyone’s favourite airhostess and glamour puss, Pam’s new show is currently touring the UK, with its closest-to-London dates taking place in May. Catch her at the Orchard Theatre (01322-220 000) in Dartford on 14 May, the Fairfield Hall (020-8688 9291) in Croydon on 15 May, and the Beck Theatre (020 8561 8371) in Hayes on the 20-21 May. Expect an evening of caustic wit, big hair and outrageous aviation anecdotes. For more details and bookings, check THREESOME The Warehouse Theatre in Croydon will this month be presenting the world premiere of Clocked, a new play that tells the tale of three men whose lives and relationships affect and inflict one another in the most deadly of ways. ‘Quinn, a painter, works out of a studio in his modest townhouse which he shares with Moore who has a mysterious job that requires him to work all hours. Late one evening, Moore’s life is interrupted with the appearance of a man in the house who tells him that’s his name is Ray, that he met Quinn on the balcony and he is now his assistant… Is it true? And hadn’t Moore met him before in strange circumstances?’ A thriller that explores the themes of relationships, secrets and sexual identity, Clocked has been written by acclaimed Irish writer Neil Flynn. It runs from 2-25 May, and for more details see www. or call 020-8680 4060. =Cb\]e 3<B3@B/7<;3<B !# =Cb\]e PHOTO © DAVID BELISLE B63/B@3 MARTINA TIME 0@=C56B=D3@B=B63 C90GB63A/;3B3/; B6/B7<B@=2C132CAB= 979763@0/<2B/G:=@ ;/127</;/@B7</7A B63:/B3AB/;3@71/< ?C33@B/:3<BB=5@/13 =C@A6=@3A/63/2=4/ @3A723<1G/BB63A=6= B63/B@363B3::ACA E6/BB=3F>31B 6=E1=;37B¸AB/93<G=CA=:=<5B= 5@/13=C@A6=@3A7¸dSOQbcOZZgP]]YSRaV]eaVS`SOTSebW[Sa ^`]POPZgT]c`]`TWdSbW[SaPST]`SPcbbVSg OZeOga`ORW]SRca]\bVS^ZO\SO\RaOWRµYSS^ U]W\U·bWZg]cVWbA^OW\¶a]eSRWRA^OW\¸a\SOb bV]cUV E39<=EB6/B7B¸AG=C@47@ABB7;3 >3@4=@;7<563@30CBE7::7B03G=C@ 47@ABD7A7BB=:=<2=<B===V\]7¸dSa^S\bZ]ba]TbW[SW\:]\R]\Xcab\]b ]cbaWRS6SObV`]e0cbbVSaV]^^W\UbVS`SWa O[OhW\UO\RbVSQOT{aO\R`SabOc`O\baO`Sb] RWST]`7¸[bVW\YW\UOP]cbac[[S`W\UOb5ObeWQY E6/B/@3G=C:==97<54=@E/@2B= /0=CBD7A7B7<5=C@1/>7B/:>cPZWQPSVSORW\Ua /@3G=C<3@D=CA/0=CB>3@4=@;7<5 4=@/0@7B7A6/C273<13<]bObOZZ7¸ZZPS^S`T]`[W\Uc\RS`bVSW\TZcS\QS ]TaSdS`OZ=Zg[^WQO^^`]dSRR`cUaa]7¸ZZPSW\O abS`]WRW\RcQSR`OUSRc`W\UbVSaV]e G=C¸D3>3@4=@;32/::=D3@B63 AB/B3A6/D3G=C1=;3/1@=AA/<G >/@B71C:/@:GB=C56/C273<13A7eOaW\BSfOa`SQS\bZgO\RRWRO^`]RcQbW]\]T BVSEWheWbVO\OZZeVWbSQOab7e]cZR\¸b`SOZZg aOgbVObOcRWS\QSeOab]cUVbV]cUVC\VO^^g [OgPS 4=@/<G=<3E6=2=3A<¸B9<=EG=C E6/BA=@B=4A6=E1/<B63G3F>31B7b¸aOTO\bOabWQaS_cS\QS]TVO^VOhO`RZg Oaa]QWObWdSW[OUS`gOaaSS\W\R`SO[a]`TSdS` 7b¸aTc\ 1/<G=CB3::CA/07B/0=CBG=C@ 0/195@=C<27eOa`OWaSRW\:OaDSUOaO\ReSeS`SdS`g^]]` ;gTObVS`RWSRW\QVWZRPW`bVa]7\SdS`Y\SeVW[ ;gSO`ZWSab[S[]`WSaO`S]TabO\RW\U]cbaWRSbVS QOaW\]aaSZZW\UXcWQSO\RQ]bb]\POZZaEVS\7eOa dS`gg]c\U[g[]bVS`U]b[SabO`bSRW\OQbW\U 7RWROZ]b]TQS`SOZORdS`baOZ]b]TaVO[^]] ORdS`ba7eOabVS8]V\a]\¸aBVc[PbOQYa5W`Z EVS\7eOa&7[]RSZZSRT]`OeVWZS³[]abZgT]` bVS0`OWZZSSRWbW]\]TD]UcS !$ Dina Martina... freak of nature? MY FATHER DIED IN CHILDBIRTH, SO I NEVER KNEW HIM. E6=6/A7<A>7@32G=CAb`]\Ue][S\W\a^W`S[S7`S\S1O`Og]cY\]e- 8SacaWa\SObbV]cUVVS¸a\]bOe][O\6SWa ab`]\UbV]cUVO\RVSQ]cZRPSOe][O\WTVS eO\bSRb]PS /@3G=C7</@3:/B7=<A67>=@E7::G=C 03A3397<5B631=;>/<G=43:7570:3 0@7B7A6;3<E67:AB=D3@63@37¸[aW\UZS\]ePcb7eOaW\O`SZObW]\aVW^T]`be] gSO`aeWbVO\Oa^W`W\U[OUWQWO\eVWQVeOaYW\RO \SObPSQOcaSVS¸ROZeOgaPSR]W\UZWbbZSaZSWUVb ]TVO\RX]PaOZZ]dS`bVSV]caS7¸[\]bZ]]YW\Ub] [SSbOacWb]`W\:]\R]\Pcb7¸[\]b`cZW\UWb]cb a]7¸ZZ^`]POPZg^OQYO\WQSbc\WQ 6=E2=G=C23/:E7B6/<G=<3@C23 3<=C56B=6319:37bVW\Yb][gaSZTµEVObe]cZR8SacaR]-¶g]c Y\]e-/\R7bVW\YVS¸R^`]POPZgS\ZWUVbS\bVS VSQYZS`eWbVVWaW\TW\WbSeWaR][]`[OgPSbc`\ VW[W\b]OTWaV/\R7QO\¸bR]SWbVS`]TbV]aS bVW\UaA]bVS\7bVW\YµESZZeVObe]cZR7`S\S 1O`OR]-¶/\Rg]cY\]e7bVW\YaVSe]cZRQ`g A]bVOb¸aeVOb7R] Dina Martina, created and performed by Grady West, comes to the Soho Theatre from 24 April to 10 May. Show at 9.30pm. Tickets £10-£15. and =Cb\]e 3<B3@B/7<;3<B !% =CbbVS`S 4==2 LOFT LIVING IWAN WATSON REVIEWS THE LOFT 67 Clapham High Street, SW4. 020-7627 0792 When you think of Clapham, you think Kazbar, Two Brewers, kebab and then home - right? Who would have thought that sprawled above the high street monster that is Tesco Metro would be a place straight out of Sex & The City? Welcome to The Loft, Clapham High Street’s latest offering. A bar/lounge/restaurant, its contemporary mix of comfy vintage leather and industrial concrete has a dark and seductive atmosphere, with a funky soundtrack adding a slightly clubby feel. It’s Tuesday night yet the place is buzzing. We were thirsty climbing the stairs (OK, there were only two flights but it had taken us a while to find the discreet entrance) so we headed straight for the impressive and imaginative cocktail list at the seemingly mile-long concrete bar. The cocktails are grouped into categories such as ‘crowd pleasers’, ‘infusions’ and ‘concoctions’, with pictures showing you what size glass they come in to avoid any disappointment when your Long Island isn’t very… er, long. The food menu offers a choice of ‘familiar but with a twist’ dishes made from seasonal British produce, and includes bar snacks and brunches if you feel like slobbing out on one of the sofas. To start, we went for handmade ravioli stuffed with rabbit and porcini (£5.00) and a daily special; crab salad. The ravioli was delicious, with the most tender rabbit combined with caramelised onion, whilst the crab salad suitably fresh and delicate. Considering the ultra-sleek surroundings, we were pleasantly surprised by the hearty mains on offer. I decided on the Gloucester Old Spot pork belly (£13), which was twice roasted and served with spiked mash and red cabbage. You can have it either ‘thin and crispy’ or ‘fat and juicy’, and I went for the latter. It was enormous, deliciously mouthwatering and topped with perfected crackling. I struggled to finish it. If you’re after healthier fayre, my companion went for grilled, line-caught sea bass fillet, with broccoli, anchovies and chilli (£13.50). It was simple, fresh and light, but packed with flavour. Make sure you leave enough room for a pudding. The rich and heavenly chocolate pot came served with a caiprinha granita (£5), which we both agreed had the edge over my partner’s pear, almond and honey tart (£5). As our meal ended – as if on cue – the lighting dipped and the beats got louder, suggesting that whether it’s for a feast or just a few drinks, this place could be the perfect start or end to a night out in Clapham. And if you do end your night there, there’s always the option of the lift to get you back down the stairs. The Loft’s dining area (top) and stylish cocktail bar (right) EATING OUT GAY-FRIENDLY FOOD SUGGESTIONS CENTRAL Amato, 14 Old Compton Street, Soho, W1. 020-7734 5733. Busy café and patisserie - very popular with gay Soho. www. Balans, 60 Old Compton Street, W1. 020-7439 2183. The nearest Soho has to a gay restaurant. Traditional British dishes with Meditteranean and Asian flourishes. See also the nearby Balans Café at 34 Old Compton Street. Bodeans, 10 Poland Street, W1. 020-7287 0506. Cheap and cheerful barbecue restaurant, with counter service upstairs and restaurant down below. Branches also in Clapham, Fulham and Westbourne Grove. Boulevard Bar & Dining Room, 57-59 Old Compton Street, W1. 020-7287 0770. American-brasserie style restaurant, offering a ‘modern British menu with an Italian !& influence’ in heart of gay Soho. First Out, 52 St Giles High Street, WC2. 020-7240 8042. Long-running, gay-run café and bar, serving homemade vegetarian dishes, coffee and cakes. Ping Pong, 45 Great Malborough Street, Soho, W1. Our favourite place for dim sum. Modern, stylish, with a great selection of cheap dishes – check www. Ristorante Biagio, 189 Piccadilly, W1. 020-7434-1921. Great, authentic Italian food in contemporary and smart surroundings, spread over four floors. Steph’s, 39 Dean Street, Soho, W1. 02-07734 5976. Longrunning, gay-friendly restaurant in Soho, presided over by hostess Steph and offering classic British comfort dishes. Wagamama, 10a Lexington Street, Soho, W1. 020-7292 0990. Our favourite branch of the noodle chain, offering cheap, healthy Japanese delights – great gyoza and… well, noodles! Approx. £16 per head. Royal Teas, 76 Royal Hill, Greenwich, SE10. 020-8691 7240. Delightfully charming café offering tea, scones, cakes and other delights for an eclectic crowd. Brit camp fabulousness. NORTH Gilgamesh, Camden View, Camden Stables Market, Chalk Farm Road, NW1. Huge, ornate and lavish pan-Asian restaurant with one of London’s most stunning interiors. Worth a visit for the décor. Cheaper at lunchtime than evenings. www. The ornate interior at Shoreditch’s Les Trois Garcons EAST British/French menu. www. Bistrotheque, 23-27 Wadeson Street, Bethnal Green, E2. Modern, contemporary classy restaurant with basement bar and cabaret room. Modern British cuisine and French bistro dishes – approx. £35 per head. The Easton, 22 Easton Street, WC1. 020-7278 7609. Cool gastropub just off Exmouth Market. Sunday lunch is packed with Clerkenwell-istas. www. Little Bay, 228 Belsize Road, NW6. Wonderfully down-toearth and charming restaurant serving Modern European cuisine at very reasonable prices. Excellent value for money. Kenza, 10a Devonshire Square, EC2. 020-7929 5533. Delightful and sumptuous subterranean Middle Eastern restaurant, a stone’s throw from Liverpool Street station. Approx. £35 per head. www.kenza-restaurant. Bonnington Café, 11 Vauxhall Grove, SW8. Cheap, cheerful and very gay-friendly cooperatively run vegetarian café in Bonnington Square. Pig out on three courses for £10! http:// Pick More Daisies, 12 Crouch End Hill, N8. Californian café bar - great for a weekend brunch or Sunday lunch – attracting trendy-ish North London crowd. Les Trois Garcons, 1 Club Row, Whitechapel, E1. 020-7613 1924. A former Victorian boozer, stuffed with baroque decor and antiques, creating a camp, culinary haven near Old Street. The Riverside, 5 Hamilton House, 5 St George Wharf, Vauxhall, SW8. Great pub food in upmarket, riverside gastropub that boasts terrific views of the Thames. La Porchetta, 141-142 Upper Street, N1. 020-7288 2488. Great value pizza and pasta restaurant, with possibly some of the biggest pizzas in London! Approx. £17 per head. SOUTH The Stonhouse, 165 Stonhouse Street, SW4. Lovely Clapham gastropub with great steaks, burgers, salads and sandwiches. Approx. £22 a head. WEST Balans Knightsbridge, 239 Old Brompton Road, SW5. 0207244 8838. Very gay-friendly Earls Court restaurant, offering British and Mediterranean dishes. The Fat Badger, 310 Portobello Road, W10. Upmarket and classy gastropub, serving fine British cuisine. Good Sunday roast. S&M Café Portobello, 268 Portobello Road, W10. 020-8968 8898. The sausage and mash café (hence S&M!). Great British grub in kitsch café surroundings. =CbbVS`S 4==2 !' =CbdWSe AB=@G QO\RO\QS0Sbbg:SUa2WO[]\RVOaVWUVYWQYabVOb e]cZR^cbO@]QYSbbSb]aVO[S=\b]^]TbVObbVSW` `]cbW\SaeS`SaZWQYeSZZ`SVSO`aSRO\Ra]^]ZWaVSR bVOb7Q]cZRaSS[g`STZSQbW]\³O\RWbeOaOZ]]Y]T RWaPSZWST]\[gTOQS7eOaT]`QSRb]SOb[gVObbVOb \WUVbO\R`SbVW\Y[gabO\QS]\R`OUaV]ea4c\\g 5W`ZaVOdSaSbbVSPO`T]`[ST]`R`OUS\bS`bOW\[S\b BLACKPOOL ILLUMINATIONS 9<756B6==A=<47<2AB=:3@/<13 /<2/113>B/<137<B63>@=D7<13A¬ 7\SdS`Z]dS:]\R]\[]`SbVO\eVS\7O[ \]bbVS`SO\R`WUVb\]e7O[TO`OeOgT`][[g OR]^bSRV][S7O[b]c`W\UbVSQ]c\b`geWbVO PWUPcRUSb[caWQOZO\RT]`[gQ]\aWRS`OPZSaW\a eSVOdSeOaVSRc^W\0ZOQY^]]ZT]`be]eSSYa >S`VO^aWbWaO\WQS^ZOQSc\RS`bVSac[[S`ac\ OZbV]cUV7VOdS[gR]cPbaPcbW\bVS`OW\gQ]ZR]T OZObSeW\bS`¸aROgWbab`WYSa[SOaOPO`\OQZSQZW\UW\U b]bVS3\UZWaVQ]OabBVSeW\RaPZ]eab`]\US\]cUV b]^caV[S]dS`)7ab`cUUZSb]TW\RO\gbVW\U]bVS` bVO\`]QYQO\Rg]`TWaVO\RQVW^ab]SObO\RbVS`S O^^SO`ab]PSa][SaS`W]caW\bS`P`SSRW\UU]W\U]\ O[]\UabbVSZ]QOZT]ZYeVWQVVOa`SacZbSRW\Ob]e\ ^]^cZObSReWbVDWQYg>]ZZO`RQZ]\Sa<]e7Y\]e eVS`S]ZRaVSZZacWbaU]b]RWS 6]eSdS`O[WRabOZZbVSTZ]baO[O\RXSbaO[VOdS S[S`USRbe]c\Sf^SQbSR^SO`Za]TRSZWUVbBVSTW`ab eOaOdWaWbb]4c\\g5W`ZaAV]e0O`³bVSTO[]ca R`OU`SdcSabO``W\U0Sbbg:SUa2WO[]\R7O[\]bO PWUTO\]TR`OUaV]ea7R]\¸bTW\RbVSOPWZWbgb]eOZY W\VSSZaO\R[]dSg]c`ZW^aW\bW[Sb]bVS[caWQ b]PSO^O`bWQcZO`ZgOR[W`OPZSbOZS\bO\RVOdSaOb bV`]cUVa][O\gaV]RRgc\RS``SVSO`aSRRSPOQZSa [Oa_cS`ORW\UOaQOPO`Sbb]ZOabOZWTSbW[Sa]7eOa VSaWbO\bb]VSOR]TTb]O\]bVS`]\S 6]eSdS`7eOaPZ]e\OeOgBVSQ]abc[SaO\R aSbaeS`SP`WZZWO\beWbV^`]RcQbW]\dOZcSabVObQ]cZR `WdOZbVSESab3\RBVSgVOdSbVSW`]e\`S\]dObSR O`bRSQ][]dWSbVSOb`SeVWQVVOaPSS\R]\Sc^ W\^OabSZQ]Z]c`aPcbWbeOabVSRO\QW\UO\RbVS QV]`S]U`O^VgbVOb`SOZZgaV]\SEObQVW\U[S\W\ R`OURO\QW\UbVSW`TOYSbWba]TTP`]cUVbb][W\RbVS _c]bSOP]cbV]e5W\US`@]US`aRWRSdS`gbVW\U4`SR /abOW`SRWR]\ZgPOQYeO`RaO\RW\VSSZaBVSaSUW`Za " =RRZgS\]cUVbVS]bVS`W\QWRS\beVWQV ac`^`WaSR[SOZa]W\d]ZdSRRO\QSESdWaWbSR bVS0ZOQY^]]ZB]eS`0OZZ`]][T]`OESR\SaROg OTbS`\]]\bSORO\QSBVWaabc\\W\U4`O\Y;ObQVO[ RSaWU\SRPOZZ`]][VOaPSS\TWZZSReWbVbeW`ZW\U Q]c^ZSaRO\QW\Ub]bVSbc\Sa]TbVSEc`ZWbhS` ]`UO\aW\QS&''BVS`SeS`S^`]POPZg#e`W\YZSR Q]c^ZSaab`cbbW\UbVSW`abcTT]\bVSRO\QSTZ]]` ³SOQVb`gW\Ub]]cbaVW\SbVS\SfbQ]c^ZSeWbVbVSW` RO\QSaYWZZa/abVSgeVW`ZSR^Oab[S]\SQ]c^ZS QO[SW\b][gdWSebVObeS`SRWTTS`S\bbVO\OZZbVS `Sab7\OaSO]TVSbS`]aSfcOZQ]c^ZSaeS`Sbe] [S\·]TOQS`bOW\OUS¸S\X]gW\U\OgZOcUVW\UbVSW` eOgO`]c\RbVSRO\QSTZ]]`BVSaSbe]P`]cUVb \Se[SO\W\Ub]RO\QW\UbVS·5Og5]`R]\¸BVSW` abS^aeS`S^]ZWaVSRbVSW`XSO\aOPWbb]]bWUVbT]` Q][[]\RSQS\QgO\ROPSO[W\Ua[WZS\SdS`ZSTb bVSW`TOQSaA][SbVW\U W\[SeO\bSRb]`c\c^ O\RVcUbVS[PSQOcaS bVSgeS`Sa]QcbSa] ]cbO\Ra]^`]cR3dS\ []`SO[OhW\Ub][S eOabVOb\]]\SSZaS W\bVSS\bW`SPOZZ`]][ aSS[SRSdS\bVS aZWUVbSabPWbP]bVS`SR Pgbe][S\RO\QW\U b]USbVS`<]bO\SgSZWR eOaPObbSR<]]\S eVWa^S`SR]`^]W\bSR <]]\SUOdSOb]aa BVSgeS`SOZZc\WbSRW\ bVS^ZSOac`S]TORO\QS BVSaO[PObVS`c[PO bVSbO\U]SdS\bVS ]ZRUOg5]`R]\³bVSg Y\SebVS[OZZ NO ONE ELSE IN THE ENTIRE BALLROOM SEEMED EVEN THE SLIGHTEST BIT BOTHERED BY TWO MEN DANCING TOGETHER /a7aObSObW\U[gQ`SO[bSOO\ReObQVW\UbVS aQS\S^ZOgW\U]cbW\T`]\b]T[S7e]\RS`SRWT Ab]\SeOZZ`SOZZgRWRQVO\USOa[cQVOaeSbVW\YWb RWR2WRbVWa]ZRS`US\S`ObW]\eV]b]ROgaSS[a] c\TOhSRPgWbOZZOZeOgaTSSZbVObeOg-=`VOdSbVSW` VO`aVXcRUS[S\baU]bbS\a]TbS`eWbVOUS-7R]\¸b VOdSbVSO\aeS`PcbeVOb7aOe]\bVSRO\QSTZ]]` bVObROgeOabVSTcbc`SbVOb7VOdSOZeOgaV]^SRT]` UOg^S]^ZS7bVW\YeSeWZZO``WdSObOP`WUVbTcbc`S eVS\V]eeSSf^`Saa]c`aSZdSaWaa][cQVO^O`b ]TbVS\]`[bVObWbR]Sa\¸bSdS\`SUWabS`]\bVS `ORO` 7[cabOR[WbbVOb7VOdSPSS\ac`^`WaSRPg 0ZOQY^]]Z7\SdS`RWRTW\RRSQS\bQ]TTSSPcb7RWR ZSO`\a][SdOZcOPZSZSaa]\a 7O[ZSO`\W\UbVOb7bS\Rb]bVW\YW\dS`g^]ZO` eOga(:]\R]\+U]]R\]\:]\R]\+POR)O\R `c\\W\UOZ]\UaWRSbV]aSOaac[^bW]\aWa:]\R]\+ U]]Rb]PSUOg\]\:]\R]\+PORb]PSUOg7bVW\Y bV]aSOaac[^bW]\aO`SUSbbW\UQVOZZS\USR;OgPS 0ZOQY^]]ZR]Sa\¸b\SSRb]QVO\US;OgPSWb¸a[S eV]\SSRab]QVO\US =CbdWSe :7D7<5 " A13<3 " =CbbVS`S CLUBS>BARS>FASHION>GOSSIP>NEWS>TRENDS>SCENES>QUEENS>FACTS> =CbbVS`S 012 PAGE XXX 012 LOREM DELOREM 008a Ipsum maet Init il illut praesto od dolum venim La faccum 012 PAGE XXX 012 LOREM DELOREM 008a Ipsum maet Init il illut praesto od dolum venim La faccum PAGE 46 FUSION Proving a force to be reckoned with, the bank holiday superclub took things to a whole new level in April PHOTOGRAPHY © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM PAGE 54 CLUB COUTURE Lo-Profile cemented its reputation as one of W1's most fashionable venues with the launch of its latest night VESTED INTEREST... ;=<B6:GA>/<7A6<756B;/B7<337A0C7:27<5 7BA3:4?C7B3/4=::=E7<5/B4/0@71 PAGE 56 DTPM The Sunday favourite invited Boy George to help celebrate its 13th birthday last month The Iberian stalwart has very much made the Clerkenwell superclub its London home. The crew are thrilled with how their trips to the UK capital are proving - particularly April's bank holiday bender. Check our review on pages 44-45... "! =CbbVS`S @3D73E MATINEE LA LECHE /A=C@>71BC@3AA6=EB63;=<B6:G A>/<7A64:/D=C@32;/B7<33>/@B73A/B 4/0@71/@35=7<52=E</AB=@; After flying around the Vauxhall venues last year, the Spanish Matinee Group has finally settled in to their new London home and regular monthly slot at Clerkenwell’s Fabric very nicely indeed. We popped along over the last bank holiday for the 12-hour marathon that was their La Leche White party and were absolutely blown away by the whole experience. The 2,500-capacity crowd were of the drop dead gorgeous variety that seem to crawl out of the woodwork for circuit parties, but like will-o’-the-wisps if you try and grab one they just slide through your fingers and are gone … and believe me, we tried! "" Music came courtesy of Matinee superstars Rafa Ariza and Jose Louis as well as some of the best London has to offer… Guy Williams, Oliver M, Pagano, Eduardo de la Torre and many more, and consisted of floor filling, arms-in-the-air anthems and the best uplifting and funky sounds. A PA from Katherine Ellis took clubbers to the edge of the precipice and kept us teetering on the summit of the rollercoaster ride that seemed to last right through the night and way past sunrise. Matinee returns on 4th May with 'Papparazzi', so buff up your glitz and glamour and prepare to walk the runway! Matinee, monthly at Fabric, 77a Charterhouse Street, EC1. WORDS AND PHOTOGRAPHS BY CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM =CbbVS`S @3D73E "# =CbbVS`S @3D73E FUSION B63/@163A7<:=<2=<0@7253>:/G32 6=ABB==<3=47BA0CA73AB3D3@<756BA 4=@B630/<96=:72/G4CA7=<>/@BG¬ Arranged by the same team behind XXL, and arriving on the scene for the first time in 2007, the bank holiday Fusion parties have been growing in size and stature since their debut. That said, when we arrived at the most recent bash, which took place on Easter Sunday, even we were unprepared for just how busy the event would prove. Rumours had been circulating for days that all the advance tickets had sold out, so we knew it was going to be popular, but it turned out to be the busiest party we’ve ever been to at the Arches! Inside, the atmosphere was truly electric. The night attracted a real cross-section of customers, with many XXL regulars joined by a wider selection of dance aficionados, girls, muscle boys and twinks. The first arch was transformed with swathes of white material and ceiling decorations, while the third arch was themed as part-boudoir, part-Arabian Nights. All the bars were rammed, but the real melting pot was the main dancefloor in arch two, which was heaving from start to finish with a stripped-down, sweaty crowd. Christian M kicked the night off, spinning and looping tracks on no less then three turntables at once. He was followed by the night’s star guests, "$ the Freemasons (pictured above with promoter Mark Ames), who took to the DJ box at 1.30am and kept the dancefloor flying for the next couple of hours. Their remix of their self-penned Kylie track, ‘The One’, went down a particular storm. They were followed by Daz Bailey, who maintained the action with a storming set of electro anthems. The venue struggled to cope with the sheer volume of customers at some points in the evening, and promoter Mark Ames would like to thank everyone for their patience when dealing with the queues that arose at the bars and coat-check. He’s already sitting down with his team to plan how to make the next event go without any hitches whatsoever. Talking of which, put the Bank Holiday Sunday on the 25th May in your diaries now, as that’s the date that the next Fusion takes place – and there’s every reason to assume it will be just as busy as the last one! Fusion , The Arches, 51-53 Southwark Street, SE1. PHOTOS © CHRISJEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM =CbbVS`S @3D73E "% A13<3 "& =CbbVS`S =CbbVS`S A13<3 "' =CbbVS`S @3D73E BEAR PRIDE 2008 B63/@@7D/:=4;/G;3/<A7B¸AB7;3=<13;=@34=@FF:¸A /<<C/:03/@>@72343AB7D/:E31/C56BC>E7B6>@=;=B3@ ;/@9/;3AB=47<2=CBE6/B¸A7< AB=@34=@B6303/@>@723 E3393<2=< ! #;/G B6328/>>3/@/<13 4@=;AB=<30@7253 7A/<=B63@1=C> ³E6/B:32G=CB= B6/B0==97<5-E/A7B 6/@2231727<5=</< /1BB=4=::=EB63 4@33;/A=<A- I believe and hope that it will be bigger and better this year. Qualitywise, it’s in a different league. On the Friday (23 May) we have two big events going on in two different cities. In London, we are looking after the Leather Bikers Bears at Xtreme whilst in Birmingham we are putting Bear Pride and Birmingham Pride together and creating a full-on, fur-frenzy orgy of fun! The Saturday night party is going to be a night unlike any other I have ever done and I have secured some very special surprises in order to make this XXL’s biggest party to date. There are some special acts lined up on the night that I am not advertising, but they will be the icing on the cake… and we have one big cake! As for the Fusion (25 May), it’s already London’s most talked about party, with the best DJs and a very different vibe. The whole weekend is one of the few Pride events that’s still making money for charities, is not running at a loss, and is aiming to expand without selling out. B63#B@7>:3E6/;;G /2D/<13B7193BA4=@ ;3;03@A³53BB7<5G=C 7<B=FF:3FB@3;3FF: /<24CA7=<³A=C<2 :793/0/@5/7< Yes, well, why be a member if there are no benefits? That’s the main reason I want the members to be there and to experience a hasslefree weekend. # Stonebridge 4CA7=<6/2A=;3 >@=0:3;A:/AB;=<B6 ³6/D3AB3>A033< B/93<B=3<AC@3B63G 2=<¸B6/>>3</5/7<- Fusion’s always been about pushing limits. The last one was no exception, and it did in every way! I don’t know many people who were there who wouldn’t return. Yes, things got hectic and people had to queue, but every one got in apart from a few hundred who would not wait for others to leave as it was a one-out-one-in policy towards the latter part of the night. While we had large queues in the front bar, there was only a small wait in the back bar; the third arch was fairly cool and chilled all night too. We had a few spanners in the works on the night, like a number of staff not turning up, but shit happens. Both Bear Pride and Fusion will have a marquee outside to hold a new cloakroom and chill-out space, and I’m spending some crazy six-figure sum on new toilets that will more then double our rest rooms. There’s a new security team to manage the event, and two extra bars for the night. I think everyone will be impressed. 7AB6303/@A13<3 @3/::G/</BB7BC23 4@33/<B72=B3B= B63@3AB=4B63 1=;;3@17/:5/G A13<3- Well, I can’t speak for the whole of the bear scene, but XXL is still pretty attitude-free. There are only really two attitudes at XXL – fun and friendly. And maybe mine. In the words of Prince, “maybe I’m too like my mother, she’s never satisfied!” I want the club to be perfect, and if I see one thing wrong I get very stressed. But attitudes are something I try hard to keep out, and so far it’s worked. 03/@>@7236/A@/7A32 #4=@16/@7BG B=2/B3³E6=E7::03 03<347B7<54@=;B67A G3/@¸A3D3<B- We change who gets the money every year, to spread the finances around. This year, we chose the British Heart Foundation and Prostrate Cancer Research. 6/D3G=C5=B/<G =B63@>:/<A4=@B63 /@163A=@FF:=D3@ B631=;7<5;=<B6A B6/BG=CE/<BB= B3::ACA/0=CB- I always strive to make both the club and XXL better, and as I’ve said, the toilets are all being ripped out and a new toilet area installed, along with a new cloakroom and air-conditioning too. XXL evolves and continues to hold its place as the world’s premier bear club. We’ve got a 4,000-capacity party in New York coming up, parties in Spain and Germany, as well as some new openings in the UK – watch this space! Bear Pride takes place 23-25 May 2008. All London parties take place at The Arches, 51-53 Southwark Street, SE1. There are 500 Triple Whammy Advanced tickets available that allow entry to Friday night’s Xtreme or XXL Birmingham, Saturday nights XXL Bear Pride party, and Sunday night’s Fusion. These are priced £15 for members or £23 for non-members (available from XXL London, Clone Zone Soho, RoB London and online at www. The Fusion party will feature an exclusive DJ set from Stonebridge (‘Put ‘Em High’). Both the XXL Bear Pride party and Fusion will run from 10pm til 6am. PHOTOGRAPH: CHRISJEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM E6/B1/<E3:==9 4=@E/@2B=4@=;B67A G3/@¸AFF:03/@>@723- Stonebridge is from the same stable, so it was a case of sidewards really. He is similar, yet different. It’s about offering people something that’s different and but worth attending. Music is always moving and changing, but I think the UK-London gay scene is going backwards musically. As a club promoter, I have to give people what they want, but as a clubber, I want Fusion to take the gay scene back to where it was when I first started clubbing. We had the best clubs and were way ahead of the straight scene. =CbbVS`S A13<3 # =CbbVS`S @3D73E The first X:Periment was organised by friends Arjen Opbroek and Johnny Kalifornia, for their friends, in September last year at Brixton’s Southside Bar and was publicised just by word of mouth and social networking sites such as Facebook. It worked brilliantly and had the vibe of a great house party. The duo have now got themselves an Oyster card and have moved to the West End for a Saturday night slot at the spankingly new Enclave on Brewer Street… far more handy for most of us than Brixton! Enclave is a freshly designed contemporary bar (ground floor) and club (basement) with an extensive drinks and cocktail list, cute bar staff and gorgeously comfortable seating, and thus offers the intimate and polysocial ambience for which X:P is already building itself a name – the perfect setting to introduce your straight and gay friends to, and great to get into the groove before moving the party on to elsewhere afterwards. Downstairs, the super frisky dance floor – with its buzzing little lights – plays host to resident DJs on rotation including Tom Burns and Simon Wallis, whose uplifting, vocal, soulful tunes set the theme. Guest DJ Helene Di Firenzi from Amsterdam played a jazzed-up funky house set that had us bumpin’ through the roof! If Soho were a house party then X:Periment at Enclave would be the kitchen… the place where everyone gravitates to and where it all happens. This is one successful experiment that should be patented pretty damn quick. Enclave, 25-27 Brewer Street, W1. # WORDS AND PHOTOGRAPHS BY CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM X:PERIMENT AT ENCLAVE A=6=A<3E3AB0/@3<1:/D3=< 0@3E3@AB@33B:/C<1632<3E A/BC@2/G<756BA3AA7=<F(>3@7;3<B :/AB;=<B66¬ =CbbVS`S A13<3 #! =CbbVS`S @3D73E Although only open a few months, Gaydar’s new baby Lo Profile is definitely through the crawling stage and is now up and running at full speed. Under the guidance of a new promoter in the shape of scene guru Matt Joshua, new nights have sprouted up. Hosted by Vanity (winner of Project Catwalk 2007), Thursdays is now the fashionably accessorised Club Couture. It launched last month with the end-of-season party for Project Catwalk 2008 and winner Jasper Garvida (pictured right with Vanity). The glamour started from the moment we arrived at the venue and were greeted by models Johanna Sweeny and Jason Alburey on the door. Despite its subterranean aspect, the club is a visual delight of star-studded ceilings and walls, leather banquettes, booths and balconies. Music comes from a raft of DJs on rotation including Tasty Tim, Miss White, Tom McMillan and many more. The crowd were made up of London’s most colourful, flamboyant and creative types, from Hoxton homos to West End Wendys, and included a few famous faces, including Graham Norton, Big Brother’s Gerry Stergiopoulos and Lewis Bradley (3rd place in the BBC’s Any Dream Will Do). With a different theme every week – whether an homage to 50’s glamour or East End nu-rave – Club Couture is sure to leave you with stardust in your eyes. Club Couture, every Thursday at Lo-Profile, 84-86 Wardour Street, W1. #" WORDS AND PHOTOS © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM CLUB COUTURE - LO PROFILE =CbbVS`S @3D73E DTPM A7<137<3<2327BA@3A723<1G/B4/0@712B>;6/A 033<;C16;7AA32A=B6/<95==2<3AAB63B3/; 2317232B=@3BC@<4=@/07@B62/G0/A6/BB633<2 When promoter Lee Freeman said, “It’s all back to mine for a party”, he wasn’t inviting us to a bedsit in Kings Cross, but to The End in W1, spiritual home of DTPM. The occasion was the club’s birthday, and it celebrated with a bit of the old and lots of the new. Conceived more years ago than anyone cares to remember, DTPM rolled out a fantabulous line-up of resident and guest DJs. These included Guy Williams and Steve Thomas in the main room bashing out funky and dirty uplifting house, while Ben Jamin and The Di Angelis mashed it up in the Lounge. Cabaret (yes, #$ there really was cabaret at DT!) came courtesy of those hirsute hunks Bearlesque, who went down an absolute storm, before superstar Boy George took a turn on the tables and brought the whole room to a grinding halt as everyone turned their camera phones on him. Eventually he shoo-ed them away and the dancing continued as he pulled an eclectic set from his box that got possibly the most mixed and mixed-up crowd we have ever seen in a single venue bumping and grinding in harmony. Undoubtedly one the best parties of the year so far, we truly hope this is the shape of things to come for DTPM. PHOTOS AND WORDS © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM =CbbVS`S @3D73E #% =CbbVS`S @3D73E SPACE @ AREA /@3/7<D/CF6/::>:/G326=ABB=5C3AB707H/<1:C0A>/13 7</>@7:/<2B63>:/13E3<B7<B=/0A=:CB3;3:B2=E< PHOTOS AND WORDS © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM Any doubts as to how popular the newly revamped Area was proving with London’s clubbing fraternity were comprehensively answered at the venue’s recent party in conjunction with Ibiza club legend Space. With maestro Paul Heron on the decks, our senses were assailed by the sights and sounds of the white isle, right in the heart of Vauxhall. It was arms-in-the-air uplifting house all the way as a bobbing Heron handed over to super sexy Spaniard Juanjo Martin for something a little harder with a splash of electro that, when combined with the runway-style ceiling lights chasing down the length of the main room, took the packed floor on an epic journey that would have rivalled Jules Verne. At the opposite end of the hanger, the stage #& played host to a plethora of dance acts and entertainment through the night as breakdancers popped and spun, burlesque dancers twisted and twirled and go-go’s flexed and posed in a visual treat that had us red-blooded homos frothing at the mouth! This was the Area of old and the Area we love – shirtless hot guys packed on to a dance floor, euphoric soundtrack and sweet, sweet eye candy… it might have been hailing outside, but for six hours in an arch in Vauxhall, it was a scorching summer’s night. Space will be returning to Area on Saturday 3 May. Find Area at 67-68 Albert Embankment, SE1. =CbbVS`S @3D73E #' =CbbVS`S @3D73E Who would have guessed that when it first launched six years ago that The Cock would become such a Friday night scene stalwart? The night has a small, but dedicated following, who ensure that Friday nights down at the Ghetto in Falconberg Court are always a busy and buzzing affair. Predominantly presided over by DJs Tasty Tim and Princess Julia (pictured bottom left) and their non-stop of mix of addictively catchy electro-pop stormers, the Cock team occasionally come up with a live PA for their faithful followers. Their early Scissor Sisters PA is still legendary, and the April appearance from New York’s highly-tipped electro-rock outfit Heloise And The Savoir Faire is equally sure to linger in clubland’s consciousness. We knew it was going to be a good night upon arrival as the place was heaving, with plenty of regulars putting a little bit of extra effort into their attire in honour of their New York guests. Ghetto is not the biggest subterranean nightspot, so arguably not best suited to live gigs (there’s no stage!), but the foppish band of disco reprobates (signed to Elijah Wood’s Simian Records) took to the floor and launched into their PA with unbridled gusto, unleashing three tracks from their upcoming album Trash, Rats And Microphones upon the packed club. Music over, the beeps and blips kicked in again and the dancing re-commenced… this is one Cock that stays hard until the very early hours! The Cock, every Friday from 10.30pm till 3am at Ghetto, 5/6 Falconberg Court, W1. $ PHOTOS © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM THE COCK B631=193<8=G32=<3=47BA0CA73AB<756BA:/AB ;=<B6E63<7B>:/G326=ABB==<3=4<3EG=@9¸A ;=AB/11:/7;32<3E27A1==CB47BA =CbbVS`S A13<3 $ =CbbVS`S A13<3 aZWUVbOW`]Taca^WQW]\]`^S`VO^aSdS\^Wbg7\abO\b Obb`OQbW]\WaTO`[]`SW[[SRWObSO\R^]bS\bWOZZg W\b]fWQObW\UW\OQZcPbVO\^S`VO^aO\g]bVS`a]QWOZ aSbbW\U>S`VO^aWb¸abVSSTTSQb]TbVSPOaa]\bVS P`OW\O\RbVS[Oaa`SZSOaS]Tb`WPOZS\S`UgPcb bVS[SaaOUSaT`][SgSb]P`OW\QO\a][SbW[Sa b`O\aT]`[bVS[]abZc[^S\VSORSRT`SOYOh]WR W\b]bVS[]abU]`US]cabVW\Ug]c¸dSSdS`ZOWRSgSa c^]\=`^S`VO^aWb¸aXcabbVOb[]abQZcPaO`SRO`Y O\R³ZSb¸aPSV]\Sab³[]ab^S]^ZSO`SQ][^ZSbSZg ]TTbVSW`VSORaPgO[/\RbVOb¸aXcabbVSTW`abQZcP ]TbVSSdS\W\U¬ PULL THE OTHER ONE… >C::7<57<1:C0A7A0/19075B7;3 /<2@716/@2B=<9A27A1=D3@AB63 @3AC:BA1/<033F>:=A7D3¬ /\geOgWabVS`SO\gbVW\Ue`]\UeWbVPOaW\UbVS PSUW\\W\Ua]TOaS`W]ca`SZObW]\aVW^]\bVSaVO`SR [cbcOZZ]dS]TORO\QSTZ]]`a^OQS/a7VOdS`SQS\bZgRWaQ]dS`SReVS\be]OZ^VO QZcPPS`a[SSbO\RO`SZObW]\aVW^T]`[abVS`SacZba QO\PSSf^Z]aWdSBOYS[g`SQS\bR]][SRZWOWa]\7 VORbVSObb`OQbWdSUcSabZWabQ`SRS\bWOZaO\Rac^S`W]` Y\]eZSRUS]T28aO\R]c`aQS\SR][6SVORO ac^S`PaSb]TT`WS\RaacPZW[SbOabSW\[caWQO\RO\ ]cbZO\RWaVZgU]]RQVSab=c`QZcPPW\UOZU]`WbV[a eS`SW\bS`beW\SRO\RSOQVbW[SeSVSORSR]cbeS eS`SaS`dSRc^OPWU]ZRaZWQS]TQZcPRWaQ]VSOdS\ ES\SdS`VORb]ZSOdSbVSQZcPOZ]\SO\RPS\STWbSR T`][bVSSQ]\][WSa]TaQOZSW\bVSaSRWTTWQcZb TW\O\QWOZbW[SaPgaVO`W\UbOfWaa^ZWbbW\UP]bbZSR eObS`VOZdW\UbVSQ]aba]TbV]aSROe\b`W^ab]bVS GET ON THE GUEST LIST Due to popular demand the Popstarz crew are now taking over the whole of Sin in order to ensure those hordes of indie clubbers are able to get gain entry. The increase in size will see the addition of an extra pop and rave room, two extra bars and more cloakroom facilities. Make sure you pick up the queue-jump passes from Trash Palace on Wardour Street beforehand. Popular with indie-kids, gay grrls and pop princesses. Popstarz is at Sin, Charing Cross Road, WC2, ever Friday from 10pm till 4am. Free with a web flyer from www.popstarz. org before 11pm, NUS/Flyer £5 before midnight. WHAT’S WRONG WITH BASING THE BEGINNINGS OF A SERIOUS RELATIONSHIP ON THE SHARED MUTUAL LOVE OF A DANCEFLOOR SPACE? A super-furry month of EVS\7TW`ababO`bSRY\]QYW\UO`]c\RbVS aQS\S7caSRb]O^^`]OQVSOQV\WUVb]cbZWYSO [W\WPObbZSOQ]\_cSabWTg]ceWZZ/QZcPPW\U Sf^S`WS\QSbVObRWR\¸bS\ReWbV^c`QVOaW\UO\Se b]]bVP`caVT`][bVSQ]`\S`aV]^PgOab`O\US`¸a V]caSeOa\¸bO^`]^S`\WUVb]cb7TVS¸aOZ`SORg U]bOabS`WZSa^O`SW\bVSPObV`]][Qc^P]O`RVS¸a RSTW\WbSZgOYSS^S`/\WUVbeWbVQO`\OZ^]bS\bWOZ e]cZRabO`b]cbeWbVaSfgUZO\QSaO\Ra[WZSaOQ`]aa bVS`]][W\bVSV]^SbVObbVSg¸RPS`Sbc`\SR EVS\g]c`[ObSaO`STSRc^eWbVbVS^c^^gR]U aW[^S`W\Ug]ceO\RS`]dS`b]bVSaSZSQbSRUcgW\ _cSabW]\b`gW\Ub]Z]]YOaV]bOa^]aaWPZSeWbV]cb TOZZW\UTZOb]\g]c`TOQSBVS\g]cabOgO\RQVOb ³]`ZSUWbPOQYb]bVSPO`WTg]cRWaQ]dS`bVSgVOdS "V]c`UO`OUSO\Rb]TW\WaVWbOZZ]TTW\RcZUSRW\ UO[[gSgSaO\ReS`S\¸bOQbcOZZgZ]]YW\UObg]c QVWZZSR]cbROga]TT`SSS\bS`bOW\[S\bbWZZbVSOZO`[ ObOZZ eS\b]TT]\;]\ROgeSOZZY\]ebVSPSabQc`ST]` Oa]`SVSOR`WUVb- 7¸dS`SOROZ]b]TW\bS`SabW\UZWbS`Obc`SOP]cbbVS abObS]T]c`aQS\SPSWbPSOP]cb[caWQRO\QW\U C\T]`bc\ObSZgbV]cUV`SZObW]\aVW^aPOaSRa]ZSZg ^`][]bS`a]`U]aaW^³O\RWbaW\TZcS\QSa]\^]^cZO` ]\QZcPPW\UcacOZZgS\Rc^Oa`]Pcabb]g]c` QcZbc`STOaVW]\O\R[OW\ab`SO[[caWQ6]eSdS` OdS`OUSeVW^^S`a\O^^S`DOcfVOZZ28¸aQO`SS` T]`[SbVS`SeS`SZ]\U^S`W]RaeVS\bVSaQS\S AV]`bZWdSR=\SZO`USeSSYS\RR]e\bVSZW\SWb¸a eOa[]abZgXcabOP]cbbVS^cZZW\U;]ab]TbVS \]`[OZZgO0O\Y6]ZWROg]`a][S]\S¸aT`WS\R¸a bc\SPSROhhZSR[caWQO\RQZcPPW\U^`SaaaSS[b] PW`bVROgQSZSP`ObW]\O\Rg]cS\Rc^eO\bW\Ub] VOdST]`U]bbS\bVWa7\bVSW`ObbS[^bb]bc`\WbW\b] U]b]RWTTS`S\bOTbS`V]c`aO\R`SOZWaSOZZg]cVOdS OVWUVP`]eO`bbVSg¸dS]dS`Z]]YSRbVObQZcPPW\U W\Q][[]\WabVOb28a[Wf]Ta]O\Ra]O\RO\ T]`[O\gWaZWbbZS[]`SbVO\bVSQ][W\Ub]USbVS` OPWZWbgb]\]baZSS^T]`bV`SSROga/\RObeWabSR ]TZO`USO\RW\dO`WOPZgb`OaVgU`]c^a]T^S]^ZSb] a^ZWbS\acSa³a]PSeO`\SR/QZcPPW\U`SZObW]\aVW^ QVSQYSOQV]bVS`]cbBVSgTO\QgOaeSObg\WUVb [SZbR]e\QO\PSb`WQYWS`bVO\bVS\OabWSab]T ]cbT]ZZ]eSRPgOaeSObWS`Q]QYbOWZ]T[]`\W\UTc\ RWd]`QSa6OdW\Ub]QVSQYeWbV[cbcOZT`WS\RaeV] PSbeSS\bVSaVSSba WaU]W\UeVS`S]`c\Sf^SQbSRZgPc[^W\UW\b]SOQV 2Sa^WbSbVS^WbTOZZaO\RO\UabO\R]QQOaW]\OZ ]bVS`W\bVSUS\ba³]\SeWbVUcgW\b]ebVS]bVS` TZOQQWRWbg]Tb`gW\Ub]^WQYc^]\bVSRO\QSTZ]]` eWbV]cb³QO\¸bPSO\g]\S¸aWRSO]TTc\ QZcPaQO\abWZZPSOU`SOb^ZOQSb]^WQYc^O^]bS\bWOZ 8cab[OYSac`SWTWbVO^^S\ab]g]cg]cUSb ^O`b\S`]`Z]\UbS`[a]cZ[ObSC\ZWYSO\W\bS`\Sb Qcab]Rg]Tac^S`QZcP4W`S¬ RObSV]]Yc^WTg]cbSZZ^S]^ZSg]c[Sbg]c` ^O`b\S`W\OQZcPbVSge]\¸bZ]]YObg]ceWbVbVOb $ May is in store for the more hirsute amongst us with the XXL boys hosting an extreme leather weekend on 2-3 May plus XXL Bear Pride from 23-25 May, where you can expect a bear-packed weekend of big-bellied beefy partying. XXL is at London Bridge Arches, 53 Southwark Street, SE1, from 10pm till 6am Saturdays and 10pm till 3am on Wednesdays. XXL Extreme runs every Friday. =CbbVS`S A13<3 A13<3 $! =CbbVS`S <756BA HIGHLIGHTS XTREME FRIDAYS If our travel feature this month [pages 104-106] has tempted you to head off to the south coast, may we recommend you go on Bank Holiday Sunday 4 May. That’s the night that Wild Fruit will be throwing another Bank Holiday bender down at the huge Tru club in Brighton. The theme for this bash will be ‘Sleaze’, so expect an extra saucy and fruity party, with a floor show from Goloka, guest DJ Steve Pitron, plus a PA from former Sugababe, Mutya Buena! Doors will be open from 10pm till 3am, with admission £12 (£8 for members with a flyer before 10.30pm, £10 with a queue-jump ticket). The action doesn’t stop there though. With two bank holidays in May, the Wild Fruit crew do it all over again on Sunday 25 May with a party themed ‘Queens From Outer Space’. Special guests The Freemasons will be joining the Wild Fruit residents for a party that’s guaranteed to be out of this world! Tru is West Street, Brighton, and for more details or to purchase advance tickets, check Finally, if you are down Brighton way, don’t forget to check out Wild Fruit’s sister night Sunday Sundae. The summer social reopens for 2008 on Sunday 27 April, and will run weekly thereafter until the autumn. Doors are open from 6 till 11pm at The Terraces, Marine Parade. Admission is £3 before 7pm, £4 before 8pm and then £5 after. www.aeonevents. BOOTIE SHAKER Ben Jamin’s Dirty Fairy gang are returning in May for a big-one off party to be held in conjunction with San Francisco’s Bootie club. The Bootie team (DJ duo A plus D - pictured above) will be over in London and the two crews will be uniting in the main room at Discotec on Thursday 8 May. Bootie has won awards for its particular brand of mental mash-up clubbing over in the States, and this will be the first time that it’s been let loose in a London club. “I’m really excited to get Bootie over here,” Ben Jamin told Out. “I’ve headlined for them over in San Francisco and the club is huge with a brilliant mix of people and tunes, all 100% mash up! It’s great that we have the chance to throw a party with Dirty Fairy Vs Bootie as we have similar party values. We love our mash-up big time, and Bootie are actually responsible for 50% of the best mash-up coming out of the States.” For more details on Bootie, check out and Discotec runs every Thursday night at The End, 18 West Central Street, W1. Doors are open 11pm till 4am and admission is £5. $" WORK Promoter Patrick Lilley’s new night Work! has made an immediate impact on the midweek scene. Taking over the legendary Heaven in Charing Cross, Patrick and his crew take over four of the rooms, offering a giddy mix of dance delights. The excellent Freddie Thomas presides over the main floor, supported by Kris Di Angelis and Manny Patel Jnr. The 80s/Electro room in the Dakota Bar features Dennis Da Silva and a rotating line-up of scene guests, while the likes of Jim Stanton, Stewart Who? and MC Angel take turns throughout the month in the Departure Lounge. Finally, we popped along recently and found that the most popular room was the HipHop/R&B/Dancehall session in the Star Bar, which featured Jeffrey Hinton, DJ Philly, T Rex and Big Jon cooking up the sounds for the mixed boy-girl crowd of urban lovers. All this plus performances every week on the main stage. Work! runs every Wednesday from 11pm till late at Heaven, Under The Arches, Villiers Street, WC2. NAG CLOSURE We hear at Out were saddened to hear that the final Nag Nag Nag is fast approaching. The groundbreaking and influential night first launched six years ago at the Ghetto in Soho. It immediately became a hit with hipsters, fashion kids and the most cutting-edge celebrities, offering the best in electro grooves and underground disco from DJs Jonny Slut, Fil OK (both pictured on the left) and JoJo. It’s provided a live showcase from some of the most innovative acts from the electro scene (and sometimes just the downright weird), and provided London with some of the most memorable parties of recent years. “After six years it felt like the right time for myself, JoJo and Fil to draw closure on Nag Nag Nag,” Jonny told Out, “Before we got sick to death of it and/or each other! I think our job’s done. We’ll all be carrying on DJ’ing in our own right. Fil and myself are continuing producing music as Atomizer, and JoJo is also producing her own tracks. I’m off to Goldsmiths in September too!” The final Nag Nag Nag party will take place on Wednesday 28 May, and the team will be going out with their very own ‘Disco Bloodbath’. ‘Come see Jonny Slut hung, drawn and quartered, JoJo De Freq buried alive and Fil Ok electrocuted!’. Expect a greatest hits set from the trio, plus some surprise special guests on the night. Doors will be open 10.30pm till 3am, with admission £3 before 11.30pm with a flyer, £5 without. =CbbVS`S A13<3 $# =CbbVS`S :7AB7<5A GOING=Cb MOOD SWINGS Rising British pop-rock-soul star David Jordan (pictured) will be making a guest appearance at G-A-Y on Saturday 3 May, performing such hits as ‘Sun Goes Down’, ‘Place In My Heart’ and new single ‘Move On’ – all tracks taken from his acclaimed Trevor Horn-produced debut album Set The Mood. At the time of going to press, host Jeremy Joseph was still confirming acts for 10 and 17 May, but he could confirm that appearing on the 24 May would be dance stars Cascada (‘Everytime We Touch’) and special guest Samantha Mumba (‘Always Come Back To Your Love’). G-A-Y is one of London’s biggest Saturday night excursions, packing in 2,000 punters each week at the huge Astoria on Charing Cross Road, with sister nights on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays – all spinning commercial, poptastic sounds. For full details, check VENUES: CENTRAL LONDON floors, with club-style basement. Comedy Camp stand-up night each Tuesday. 79 CXR, 79 Charing Cross Road, WC2. 020 7734 0769. Leicester Square tube. Mon-Sat 1pm-3am, Sun 1pm-10.30pm. Cover charge after 11pm. Large, cruisy, late-night bar. THE BOX, 32-34 Monmouth Street, Seven Dials, WC2. 020 7240 5828. Leicester Square tube. 11am11pm. Stylish and award-winning gay café bar popular with scene and muscle queens. ADMIRAL DUNCAN, 54 Old Compton Street, W1. 020 7437 5300. Leicester Square tube. Friendly, traditional gay pub. ASTORIA, 157 Charing Cross Road, WC2. 020-7734 6963. Tottenham Courtg Road tube. Huge, former theatre, with 2,000 capacity. Now home to G-A-Y club nights. BARCODE, 3-4 Archer Street, W1. 020 7734 3342. FEELING SHONKY? Piccadilly Circus tube. Host Boogaloo Stu has Mon-Sat 4pm-1.30am. been in touch to tell us all about the Sun until 10.30pm. upcoming madness at Shinky Shonky. Dance bar on The club brings midweek madness to the two basement club in the Ku Bar every Wednesday, and also every first Friday of the month to the Oak Bar in Stoke Newington. The Ku Bar nights run from 10pm till late, and admission is free all night. Stu and guest DJs Albert Twatlock, Storm and Amy Mazing spin the sounds, which tends to be a top pop and trash selection. Dates in May include the return of Le Gateau Chocolat on 7 and 21 May, Dolly Rocket (pictured) on 14 May. Check out the Ku at 29-30 Lisle Street, WC2. Shinky Shonky North returns to the Oak Bar (79 Green Lanes, N19) on Friday 9 May. Doors are open 10pm till 3am, with admission £6/£5 with a flyer. $$ CANDY BAR, 4 Carlisle Street, W1. 020 7494 4041. Tottenham Court Road tube. Mon-Thu 5-11.30pm. Fri & Sat 5pm-2am. Sun 5-11pm. Long-running and famed lesbian bar. COMPTONS, 52 Old Compton Street, W1. 020 7479 7961. Leicester Square tube. Noon-11pm. A Soho institution. Large, traditional gay boozer on two floors. DISCOTEC, The End, 18 West Central Street, WC1. 020-7419 9199. Famed and long-running Thursday nighter, at gorgeous, designer, two-roomed venue The End. THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON, 77 Wardour Street, W1. 020 7439 1274. Piccadilly Circus tube. Mon-Thu noon-11pm, Fri & Sat noon-midnight, ‘til 10.30pm on Sun. Traditional and fun gay pub over two floors. THE EDGE, 11 Soho Square, W1. 020 7439 1313. Tottenham Court Road tube. Noon-1am, Sun 2pm11.30pm. Stylish, hip gay bar THE GREEN CARNATION, 4-5 Greek Street, Soho, W1. 020-7434 3323. New, three-floored late night gay venue, with bar, dancefloor and nightly promotions. www. – from the people that bring you Open till 2am midweek, 4am weekends, and 10.30pm Sundays. www. ESCAPE, 10a Brewer Street, W1. 020 7734 2626. Piccadilly Circus tube. 5pm-3am. Cover charge after 11pm. Every night’s a party at this late-night video dance bar. HALFWAY TO HEAVEN, 7 Duncannon Street, WC2. 020 7321 2791. Charing Cross tube. Mon-Thu noon-11pm, Fri & Sat 12pm-12am. Old-style gay pub spread over two floors. EXILIO, LSE Underground, Houghton Street (off Kingsway), Aldwych, WC2. Saturday night gay Latin and salsa night. HEAVEN, The Arches, Villiers Street, WC2. Charing Cross Road tube. Huge, world-famous gay club. LONG YANG CLUB, long-running social group for East Asian gay guys and friends. They host a regular Sunday evening social in the basement of Village Soho (81 Wardour Street, W1) from 7pm onwards. Check website at www. FIRST OUT CAFÉ, 52 St Giles High Street, WC2. 020 7240 8042. Tottenham Court Road tube. 10am-11pm. Sun 10.30pm. Over 20 years old and still going strong. Long-running community café bar. THE KINGS ARMS, 23 Poland Street, W1. 020 7734 5907. Oxford Circus tube. Mon-Thur 12pm–11pm, Fri-Sat 12pm-12am, Sun 12pm-11.30pm. London’s bar for bears and blokes. Traditional atmosphere, pool table upstairs and BearHug each Friday. spread over four intimate floors, with regular nights from top DJs. THE ENCLAVE, 25-27 Brewer Street, W1. Intimate, lounge bar and basement club, offering members-bar atmosphere but open to all. FREEDOM, 66 Wardour Street, W1. 020 7734 0071. Piccadilly v Circus tube. Opulent style bar, with late-night club promotions for a metorsexual crowd. FRIENDLY SOCIETY, 79 Wardour Street, WC1. Trendy and unique, intimate basement bar, which attracts a mixed crowd. G-A-Y BAR, 30 Old Compton Street, W1. 020 7494 2756. Leicester Square tube. 12pm12am. Huge, poptastic gay bar, with a multitude of video screens, pop tunes and drinks promotions. G-A-Y LATE, 5 Goslett Yard, off Charing Cross Road, WC2. Tottenham Court Road tube. 11pm-3am. Late-night sister venue to G-A-Y Bar – more video screens, camp pop fun and cheap drinks. GEISHA, 75 Charing Cross Road, WC2. 020-7734 6887. Recentlylaunched, designer gay bar – a riot of pink and oriental chic! Open noon-midnight seven days a week, with DJs nightly. www.geisha-bar. GHETTO, 5-6 Falconberg Mews, W1. 020-7287 3726. Subterranean, trend-setting gay club venue, with nightly alternative promotions, such as The Cock (Fri) and Wig Out (Sat). KUDOS, 10 Adelaide Street, WC2. 020 7379 4573. Charing Cross tube. 3pm-11pm, Sat noon-11pm, Sun noon-10.30pm. Beautiful and stylish café bar (great food!), with clubbier vibe and video screens in the basement. Popular with Asian crowd. KU BAR, 30 Lisle Street, Leicester Square, WC2. 020 7437 4303. Leicester Square tube. Large, award-winning, upmarket gay bar spread over three floors, open till 3am daily. LO-PROFILE, The Basement, 84-85 Wardour Street, W1. Swanky, sophisticated, 400-capacity latenight basement bar and club space PROFILE, 56 Frith Street, Soho, W1. Tottenham Court Road tube. Stylish, big gay bar, owned by the team at - spread over three floors, with internet access and Gaydar radio. THE QUEBEC, 12 Old Quebec Street, WC1. 020-7629 6159. Marble Arch tube. Huge pub, on two floors, attracting an older crowd. RETRO BAR, 2 George Court, WC2. 020 7321 2811. Charing Cross tube. Mon-Fri noon-11. Sat 5pm-11pm, Sun 5pm-11pm. A traditional boozer for the gay scene’s indie, alternative and student-types – Tuesday’s pop quiz is an institution. RUPERT STREET, 50 Rupert Street, W1. 020 7292 7141. Piccadilly Circus tube. 12-11pm, Sun 10.30pm. Large, designer style bar, popular with professional gay boyz and post-work crowd. SHADOW LOUNGE, 5 Brewer Street, W1. 020-7287 7988. Piccadilly tube. Exclusive, gorgeous, ROCK ON Punk ‘N’ Roll is a one-off noise fest being brought to you by the teams at Woteverworld and Rock Society. It’s taking place on Saturday 17 May from 9pm till 3am at the deliciously red and gold-decked Masters Club, 12 Denman Street, W1 (behind the back of First Out). Spinning the punk, rockabilly, glam, metal, indie and grunge will be DJs Joe Pop and Dr Kemp. With admission just £5, the night’s sure to attract a mixed bag of hardcore lovers of alternative noise and classic rock. For more details or notifications, check the myspace at =CbbVS`S A13<3 $% =CbbVS`S A13<3 late-night bar and club for A-list gays and celeb-spotters. SOHO REVUE BAR, 11 Walkers Court (off Brewer Street), W1. 020-7734 0377. Legendary Soho cabaret club, attracting very gay crowd with nightly cabaret, gigs and burlesque. and discos. THE YARD, 57 Rupert Street, W1. 020 7437 2652. Piccadilly Circus tube. Mon-Thur 4pm-11pm, Fri & Sat 1pm-11pm, Sun 1pm1.10.30pm. Busy gay bar with hugely popular courtyard area, outdoor balcony and loft bar. NORTH LONDON TRASH PALACE, 11 Wardour Street, W1. 020 7734 0522. Piccadilly Circus tube. Sun-Thu 5pm-midnight. Fri & Sat 5pm-3am. Indie, rock and trash fun on two floors – very popular with students and alternative club freaks. VILLAGE, 81 Wardour Street, W1. 020 7434 2124. Piccadilly Circus tube. 12-1am, Sun 11.30pm. Late night door charge. Soho’s original gay café bar, spread over four floors, and now with basement dancefloor THE BLACK CAP, 171 Camden High Street, NW1. 020 7428 2721. Camden Town tube. Shufflewick Bar: Mon-Thu Noon-1am, Fri-Sat 12noon-2am, Sun Noon-10.30pm. Club: Mon-Thu 10pm-2am, Fri-Sat 10pm-3am, Sun 10pm-1am. Long-running, famed gay pub – probably the most famous cabaret pub in London, with nightly DJs and entertainment. www. CENTRAL STATION, 37 Wharfdale Road, N1. Tel: 020 7278 3294. Kings Cross tube. Mon-Wed 5pm-2am, Thur 5pm-3am, Fri 5pm-4am, Sat 1pm-4am, Sun 1pm-12am. Big gay bar on three floors, with ground floor cabaret and infamously cruisy cruise nights in basement. www.centralstation. VAUXHALL VISION After taking well-earned holidays, a couple of favourites return to the Royal Vauxhall Tavern this month. Vauxhallville returns on Thursday 1 May, with Nathaniel De Ville, Timberlina, Bearlesque and DJ Dawn Right Nasty, and runs every Thursday night thereafter. Themes include ‘Political Party’ on Thursday 1 May, ‘A Night At The Circus’ on 8 May, ‘A Night At The Opera’ on 15 May, and Eurovision tribute Vauxhallvision on the 22 May. Comedy session Brouhaha is back on Wednesday 14 May for its weekly spot, with hostess Zoe Lyons introducing some of the circuit’s best stand-ups to take the stage. Catch Jo Jo Smith on the 14th and Sarah Millican on the 21st. May also has a couple of bank holidays, which provide an excuse for a couple of extra special parties. On Monday 5 May the bar will be throwing its very own May Fayre, with singer Gill Manly (pictured above), Timberlina, Bearlesque and Nathaniel De Ville, with May Pole dancing, a May day Parade, Punch & Judy and a Wickerman barbecue! It will run from 2 till 6pm, and will be followed by an extra S.L.A.G.S/Chill-Out dance session. This will be followed on Monday 26 May by another extra S.L.A.G.S/Chill-out session for the Spring Bank Holiday, with Simon Le Van, Andy Almighty and Sean Sirrs laying down the big dance anthems for one of the friendliest crowds in town. The D.E. Experience will hit the stage at 5pm on both the 5th and 26th. You’ll find the Royal Vauxhall Tavern at 372 Kennington Lane, SE11. For the full line-up of nights and cabaret taking place throughout May (including the Ursus charity fundraiser for Crusaid on Friday 2 May), check the website at $& CLUB KALI, The Dome, 1 Dartmouth Park Hill, Tufnell Park, N19. World’s biggest lesbian and gay Asian music night, running every third Friday of the month. COSMO LOUNGE, 43 Essex Road, N1. Tel: 020 7688 0051. Angel tube. Sun-Wed 2pm-Midnight, Thu-Sat 2pm-1am. Long, narrow, intimate gay bar popular with locals girls and boys. THE GREEN, 74 Upper Street, N1. 020-7704 0713. Angel tube. London’s first ‘gay gay-stropub!’ Stylish, Islington bar, serving full food menu and wide range of cocktails. Mixed, chilled crowd - now run by the same team as The Edge in Soho. KING EDWARD VI, 25 Bromfield Street, N1. Tel: 020 7704 0745. Angel tube. Sun-Thu 12noon12midnight, Thu 12noon-1am, Fri-Sat 12noon-2am. Very long-running gay pub, with ‘local’ atmosphere and character, plus popular beer garden. KW4, 77 Hampstead High Street, NW3. 020-7435 5747. Large, cost, traditional old gay pub, with regular KU KOOL Congratulations to Gary Henshaw and his team at the Ku Bar. Last month they scooped the 2008 Boyz Award for Best Central London Gay Bar. Not surprising given the amount of events they’ve got planned for May! Down in the basement Ku Klub you’ll find Shinky Shonky on Wednesdays, and the new 99 Comedy Club from 7 till 10pm on Thursdays and Fridays. Later on Thursday nights you’ll find new once-a-monther Garage Gaytion. It kicks off on Thursday 1 May, and is billing itself as the only pure garage music night on the London gay scene. DJs Good-Az and DMA will spin the tunes from 10pm till 3am. It’s followed on 22 May by Madonna 100% - another new once-a-monther; this time dedicated to playing non-stop Madonna tracks! Late on Friday nights you’ll find Dusty O’s O Zone pop party from 10pm till 3am, while Saturday nights offer Heat, with DJ JC spinning the latest dance and r’n’b. The Gay Tea Dance has now closed and Lady Lloyd has now taken over the reins each Sunday for Lady Lloyd’s Hit Factory from 8pm till midnight. Expect ‘handbag hits, dance and decadence, camp and candy’! Admission for that is free. There’s karaoke on Mondays, plus ladies-session Ruby Tuesdays on Tuesdays. All that, plus the ground floor and first floor bars to explore! For updates, check the website at or join the new Ku Facebook site. entertainment, beer garden and food. THE LOAD OF HAY, 207 Pinner Road, Watford, 01923-441113. Watford‚s only gay pub, with big beer garden and regular entertainment! www.loadofhay. THE OAK BAR, 79 Green Lanes, N16. 020-7354 2791. Manor House tube. Friendly, divere gay bar with late-night club promotions, open ‘til 3am at weekends. www. ON THE ROCKS, 25 Kingsland Road, E2. Underground Shoreditch venue that hosts the weekly Trailer Trash club night each Friday – the ‘Dirty Eastend Gay Ravebox!’ www. PLAYPIT, 76 Caledonian Road, N1. Intimate, King’s Cross sleaze club. Open Thur-Sat 9pm-3am, Sun 3pm-7pm and 8pm-1am. CLUB COLOSSEUM, 1 Nine Elms Lane, Vauxhall, SW8. Huge, late-night venue for after-hours crowd – hosting various monthly promotions such as Rain, Bootylicious and Megawoof. DEPOT, 66 Albert Embankment, SE1. 020-7793 9262. Cruisy dance club which hosts monthly parties such as Rent, Manhunt and Prowler on Saturday nights, plus Cruise on Friday nights. THE EAGLE, 349 Kennington Lane, SE11. 020 7793 0903. Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat 9pm-late, Tue 7.30-10.30pm, Sun 4pm-2am. Vauxhall tube. Large, club-bar with nightly promotions. Horse Meat Disco (Sundays) is particularly popular. EGO, 82 Norwood High Street, SE27. 020 8761 5200. West Norwood BR. Sun-Thu 8pm-late, 7pm-4am. Door charge on weekend. Large, popular bar and club, attracting big crowds at weekends. FACTORY, 65 Goding Street, SE11. Stylish, railway arch Vauxhall venue, hosting occasional dance and cruise nights. THE FORT, 131 Grange Road, SE1. 020-7237 7742. Small cruise club, open till 11pm throughout week, with regular boots-only and underwear parties. FIRE, South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8. Vauxhall tube. Infamous, late-night gay venue beneath the Vauxhall railway arches, host to the likes of Orange, A:M, Horizon and Gravity. Open around the clock at weekends. or SOUTH LONDON AREA, 67-68 Albert Embankment, SE1. Gorgeously-designed, hard dance club and cabaret rooms, with eclectic roster of different gay nights (Juicy on Saturdays) and one-off promotions. BARCODE VAUXHALL, Arch 69, Albert Embankment, SE11. 0207 734 3342. Vauxhall tube. Open 7 days a week. Mon-Thu 4pm-1am, Fri-Sun 4pm-4am. Recently opened and very popular club bar, with dancefloor and mezzanine chill-out space. TRASHVILLE Trailer Trash continues to pull in a crowd of kooky club kids, Hoxton whores and Shoredtich degenerates each Friday night to On The Rocks, 25 Kingsland Road, E2. ‘A dirty East-end gay ravebox for trucker boyz, roller grrls and assorted fabulous fashion kids’, hosts Mikki Most, Hannah Holland and Ian Robinson spin the distorted disco and electro, and are joined each week by special guests. Visitors behind the decks in May include Franz & Shape and Fil OK (2 May), La Messa from Milan (9 May), Freelance Hellraiser (16 May) and Riva Starr and Jonjo (23 May). Doors are open from 10.30pm, with entry just £3 before 11.30pm and £5 after. Check =CbbVS`S A13<3 $' =CbbVS`S :7AB7<5A 148 Tooting High Street, SW17. 020-8767 6059. A spacious, lively, attitude-free pub. Excellent food served all day. Weekly DJs on Friday and Saturday nights. Karaoke on Wednesdays. FIRE CHANGES There’s been a slight change to the opening hours of some of the nights taking place down at Vauxhall club giant Fire. Thursday night session Gravity has now gone back to its ‘afterhours’ roots, and now throws open its doors at 1am on Friday mornings, running through till 9am, with DJs David Jimenez, The Oli, Gonzalo, Dave Cross, Terry Bryan and guests. Admission’s £8 or £10 (or £5 with a flyer from selected bars). Tuesday morning’s Brazilian-themed bash Open has also had something of a makeover. It will now open at 4.30am each Tuesday morning, staying open till 10.30am, with Terry Bryan, Elliot J Brown, The Oli and Per QX spinning the sounds. Admission is again £5 with a flyer, £10 without. Between those two nights, you’ve also got A:M, each Friday night from 11pm till 11am the next morning, and Horizon each Saturday night 11pm to 10am. That’s followed by Later, from 10am Sunday till 4pm, and then Orange, each Sunday night from 11pm till 11am. Other dates for you diary include the big return of Space to Area on Saturday 3 May, and a massive White Party at Fire on 24 May, when all attending are encouraged to dress all white for the night. Saturday 3 May also sees the eagerly-awaited return of afterhours club Beyond, which will kick off at 4am on Sunday morning 4 May and continue until midday. DJs Steve Pitron, The Oli, Paul Martin, Pagano and others will spin the sounds over two rooms. Admission will be £10 with a flyer, £12 on the door. Area can be found at 67-68 Albert Embankment, SE1. Fire is on South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8. and THE GEORGE & DRAGON, 2 BlackheathHill, Greenwich, SE10. 020 8691 3764. Deptford Bridge DLR. Mon-Thu 4pm-1am, Fri & Sat 4pm-4am, Sun 4pm-2am. Late-night pub with nightly entertainment and cabaret. www. LITTLE APPLE, 98 Kennington Lane, SE11. 020 7735 2039. Kennnigton tube. Open 7 days a week. Small, traditional gay boozer for local gay boys and girls. HIDDEN, 100 Timworth Street, SE11. Railway arch venue, home to infamous Hard On night once a month ( MANBAR, 82 Great Suffolk Street, SE1. 020-7928 3223. London Bridge tube. Late-night cruise bar (with showers!) for men-only. THE HOIST, Arch 47c, South Lambeth Road, SW8. 020 7735 9972. 10pm-late. Door charge and strict dress code. One of London’s most famous dress-code and cruise clubs - busy with a men-only crowd. Open Friday-Sunday and occasional Thursdays (SM Gays). ROYAL VAUXHALL TAVERN, 372 Kennington Lane, SE11. 020 7840 0596. Opening times vary. Vauxhall tube. Door Charge. Huge, traditional and historic gay pub, with long history of hosting cabaret. Packed to rafters on Saturday (Duckie) and Sunday (Chill-Out). JACKIE’S JUKEBOX, Rivoli Ballroom, 350 Brockley Road, SE4. First Saturday of the month, 7pm-midnight (£7). Gay ballroom and Latin dancing night, attracting up to 300 dancers a month to the glam 1950s-style Rivoli Ballroom. Crofton Park BR. www.therivoli. THE STAG, 15 Bressenden Place, SW1. 020 7828 7287. Victoria tube. Mon & Tue midday-midnight, Wed-Fri midday-2am, Sat 5pm2am, Sun 4pm-midnight. Dark and atmospheric gay bar in Victoria. KAZBAR, 50 Clapham High Street, SW4. 020 7622 0070. Clapham North tube. Mon-Thu 4pmmidnight, Fri 4pm-1am, Sat noon- % 1am, Sun noon-midnight. Clapham video bar, popular throughout the week, with DJs at weekends. 286, 286 Lewisham High Street, SE14. 020-8690 7648. Large, lateopening gay pub and club, with regular entertainment and cabaret. Open till 2am Sun-Thur and till 4am Fri-Sat. THE TRAFALGAR ARMS, THE TWO BREWERS, 114 Clapham High Street, SW4. 020 7498 4971. Clapham Common tube. Mon-Thu 5pm-2am, Fri & Sat 5pm-4am. South London’s most famed gay cabaret venue. Large bar and separate dancefloor room. XXL, The Arches, 51-53 Southwark Street, SE1. London Bridge tube. Huge club for bears, big men and admirers, on Saturday and Wednesday, plus the Friday XXL Extreme party. EAST LONDON THE ANGEL, 21 Church Street, E15. Tel: 020 8555 1148. Stratford BR and tube. Big gay pub, always popular at weekends, with regular cabaret, DJs and disco nights. THE BACKSTREET, Wentworth Mews, off Burdett Road, E3. 020-8980 8557. Over 20 years old – small but legendary dress code leather club, open Thur-Sun. THE BLACK HORSE, 168 Mile End Road, E1. Tel: 020 7790 1684. Mile End tube. Mon-Thurs 8pm-1am, Fri-Sat 8pm-3am, Sun 8pm-1am. Late-opening,East End cabaret bar and disco. Limehouse DLR. Open from 7pm Mon & Tue, from 6pm Wed-Sat, from 4pm on Sun. Small, local, traditional pub, with regular cabaret. BJ’s WHITE SWAN, 556 Commercial Road, E1. Tel: 020 7780 9870. Limehouse DLR. Mon 9pm-1am Tue-Thu 9pm-2am, Fri-Sat 9pm-3am, Sun 5.30pmmidnight. A large, long-running gay pub and club, open throughout the week and legendary across London! Wednesday’s Amateur Strip is an institution. www. Sun 3pm-1am. Regular discos, cabaret, karaoke and one-off events. THE HOPE & ANCHOR, 20 Macbeth Street, Hammersmith, W6. (contact mobile - 07858281995). New gay pub for Hammersmith and Chiswick. Traditional boozer with nightly entertainment – open noon11pm throughout week. THE RICHMOND ARMS, 20 The Square, off Princes Street, Richmond. 020-8940 2118. Longrunning local gay pub, regular cabaret and entertainment. WEST LONDON BROMPTONS, 294 Old Brompton Road, Earls Court, SW5. 020 7370 1344. Earls Court tube. Big, longrunning gay pub and club, open late throughout week. Regular cabaret and club nights. COLEHERNE, 261 Old Brompton Road, Earls Court, SW5. 020 7244 5951. Earls Court tube. Noonmidnight. Large and legendary pub. The spit’n’sawdust feel has gone, but still popular with mixed crowd of male drinkers. THE CULVERT, 54 Cowley Mill Road, Uxbridge. 01895 256 690. Uxbridge tube. Mon-Wed 4pm-1am, Thu noon-2am, Fri & Sat noon-3am, TED’S PLACE, 305a North End Road, West Brompton, W14. 0207 385 9359. Earls Court or West Brompton tube. Mon-Fri from 7pm-late, closed Sat & Sun. West London cruise club. Sleazy… but that’s why the regulars love it! WEST 5, Popes Lane, South Ealing, W5. 020-8579 3266. Large, popular gay pub with Piano Room and cabaret bar, open till late at weekends with entertainment and DJs. WINDSOR CASTLE, 152 Bath Road, Hounslow, TW3. 0208577 6590. Large, local gay pub with regular cabaret and entertainment. www.windsorcastlehounslow. BISTROTHEQUE, 23-27 Wadeson St, E2. Tel: 020 8983 7900. Bethnal Green tube. Very mixed, gay/straight crowd of trendy metrosexuals. Great bar, restaurant, plus separate cabaret room. CHARLIE’S BAR, 124 Globe Road, E1. Tel: 020 7790 1007. Whitechapel tube. Recently refurbished, Moroccan style – friendly, local gay bar. THE JOINERS ARMS, 116 Hackney Road, E2. Tel: 020 7739 9854. Debauched decadence – old-skool boozer popular with post-club crowd at weekends. KINGS HEAD, 11 Church Street, E15. Tel: 020 8534 0197 Stratford BR and tube. Intimate and welcoming East End gay pub – regular cabaret. THE OLD SHIP, 17 Barnes Street, E14. Tel: 020 7790 4082. HEAVENLY MAY If you’ve not been to Heaven for a while, you might notice a few more changes when you get down there. As part of the team’s ongoing improvements, they’ve just completed renovating the reception area and downstairs toilets. As well as the spring clean, the club has plenty planned for May. International guests this month include Dikky Vendetta from Rapido in Amsterdam on Saturday 17 May. Resident jock Pagano will be spinning an extended set on the bank holiday weekend (3 May), while on the second bank holiday weekend (24 May) they’ll have a sexy stage show from Passion UK. Don’t also forget to check out the Star Bar. Dusty O (who recently won the Boyz Award for DJ of the year) and Manny (both pictured above) are keeping the room packed every Saturday night with their non-stop pop hits, adding a commercial and mainstream edge to complement the harder dance tunes on the main floor. Heaven, Under The Arches, Villiers Street, WC2. =CbbVS`S A13<3 % 1=;;C<7BG % =Cb`SOQV =Cb`SOQV 1=;;C<7BG HOW PACE CAN HELP… Since 1985, PACE’s professional and experienced staff and volunteers have been offering a range of free or low-cost services, including: MIND MATTERS? 1/B@7=</1=@;/194@=;>/13:=<2=<¸A:3/27<5 :50B;3<B/:63/:B616/@7BG6756:756BA93G4/1B=@A 7;>/1B7<5=<5/G3;=B7=</:E3::037<5/<26=E63@ =@5/<7A/B7=<1/<63:> =\SW\T]c`]TbVS^]^cZObW]\Sf^S`WS\QS[S\bOZ RWab`Saa4]`:50B^S]^ZSbVSTWUc`SWaSdS\ VWUVS`>/13^`]dWRSaac^^]`bb]O^^`]fW[ObSZg ^S]^ZSSdS`ggSO` :50BaO`STOQSReWbV[O\g[S\bOZVSOZbVO\R S[]bW]\OZWaacSa`SZObW\Ub]bVSW`aSfcOZWbgacQV OabVSO\fWSbg]TµQ][W\U]cb¶]`bVSab`Saa]T \]bPSW\U]cbO\RTSSZW\UWa]ZObSRRS^`SaaSR O\RZOQYW\UaSZTSabSS[2Sa^WbS^]aWbWdS`SQS\b QVO\USaW\ZSUWaZObW]\W\QZcRW\UbVS3_cOZWbWSa/Qb $O\RQWdWZ^O`b\S`aVW^a^S]^ZSabWZZSf^S`WS\QS V][]^V]PWOO\R]`RWaQ`W[W\ObW]\eVS\`SQSWdW\U aS`dWQSaeWbVW\bVSTO[WZgObe]`Y]`W\eWRS` a]QWSbgG]c\U:50B^S]^ZSO`S]TbS\PcZZWSROb aQV]]ZeWbVVWUVR`]^]cb`ObSaT`][SRcQObW]\/ZZ bVSaSWaacSaQO\W[^OQb]\[S\bOZVSOZbV @SaSO`QVc\RS`bOYS\Pg;W\RI;S\bOZ6SOZbV A]QWOZESZZPSW\U]T5Og;S\:SaPWO\a0WaSfcOZa W\3\UZO\REOZSa !KW\RWQObSabVOb:50 ^S]^ZSO`SObU`SObS``WaY]T^agQV]Z]UWQOZ^`]PZS[a bVO\VSbS`]aSfcOZaO\RacUUSababVObbVWaWaQVWSTZg RcSb]RWaQ`W[W\ObW]\O\RW\b]ZS`O\QSeWbVW\a]QWSbg 0W[S\O\Re][S\W\^O`bWQcZO`O`SQWbSROaTSSZW\U ZSaaObSOaSeWbVbVSW`aSfcOZWbgO\R]TbS\c\OPZS b]µQ][S]cb¶b]T`WS\RaO\RTO[WZgSf^S`WS\QW\U RWaQ`W[W\ObW]\T`][P]bVbVSUOgO\RVSbS`]aSfcOZ ^]^cZObW]\ AcWQWRSaSZTW\Xc`gO\R^`]PZS[R`cUO\ROZQ]V]Z caSeWbVW\bVS:50BQ][[c\WbgQ]\bW\cSV]eSdS` c\aObWaTOQb]`WZg]`]QQOaW]\OZZgb`OUWQOZZgb] µ`SZWSdS¶bVSc\RS`ZgW\US[]bW]\OZRWab`SaaO\Rab`OW\ bVOb^S]^ZSSf^S`WS\QSaW[^ZgT]`PSW\URWTTS`S\b BVS`SQS\b1]c\b;S7\ac`dSgA]cbVeO`Y T]c\RbVOb]dS`VOZT]TOZZ`Sa^]\RS\baVOR acTTS`SRT`][RS^`SaaW]\O\R VORPSS\]\ [SRWQObW]\W\bVS^OabgSO`7bOZa]RWaQ]dS`SRbVOb bVSeOgW\eVWQVbVSµUOgZWTSabgZS¶WaQ]\RcQbSR O`]c\RbVSµaQS\S¶[OgOZa]OQQ]c\bT]`VWUVS` ZSdSZa]TR`cUO\ROZQ]V]ZcaS7\bS`SabW\UZg #]T bV]aSac`dSgSRW\1]c\b;S7\aV]eSRORSaW`ST]` []`SOZbS`\ObWdSµ\]\aQS\S¶U`]c^a]`e]`YaV]^a a^SQWTWQOZZgT]`:50Ba =bVS`[O`UW\OZWaSR:50BacPU`]c^aacQVOa :50BaeWbVRWaOPWZWbWSa]`^S]^ZST`][SbV\WQ [W\]`WbWSa]TbS\Sf^S`WS\QS[cZbW^ZS^`SXcRWQSa( a][SbW[SaW\d]ZdW\U`SXSQbW]\T`][bVSW`]e\ Q]c\b`g]`QcZbc`S]`SdS\RWaQ`W[W\ObW]\T`][ bVS:50BQ][[c\WbgWbaSZT=ZRS`:50BaO`S]TbS\ W\dWaWPZSO\RWa]ZObSR ;O\gb`O\aUS\RS`SR^S]^ZSSf^S`WS\QSWU\]`O\QS ZOQY]TY\]eZSRUST`][VSOZbV^`]TSaaW]\OZaZW[WbSR aS`dWQSaO\RO`S_cW`S[S\bb]S\bS`bVS[S\bOZ VSOZbVagabS[PST]`SPSW\UOPZSb]b`O\aWbW]\ :50Ba^SQWTWQ[S\bOZVSOZbVaS`dWQSaacQVOa>/13 VOdSPSS\SabOPZWaVSRPSQOcaS:50B^S]^ZS VOdSab`cUUZSRb]OQQSaa]`T]c\RWbVO`Rb]PS µ]cb¶eWbVW\[OW\ab`SO[[S\bOZVSOZbVaS`dWQSa O\R^`W[O`gVSOZbVQO`S:50BaVOdSTSO`SRbVOb bVSW`aSfcOZWbg[WUVbPS^ObV]Z]UWaSR]`bVObbVSg [WUVbSf^S`WS\QSV][]^V]PWO`SacZbW\UW\bVS[ \]b`SQSWdW\UbVSVSZ^bVSg\SSR7\[O\gaS`dWQSa :50B^S]^ZSTSSZW\dWaWPZS)Oaac[^bW]\aO`S[ORS OP]cbbVSW`aSfcOZ]`WS\bObW]\]`bVSW`aSfcOZWbg[Og PSWU\]`SR]`S_cOZZg^`]PZS[ObWQOZZgT]QcaSR]\ b]][cQVeWbV]bVS`\SSRa\]bPSW\U[Sb QCOUNSELLING - PACE’s counselling service offers support to people who are facing issues such as anxiety, coming out, sexual identity, depression and relationship difficulties. It offers a range of counselling approaches and all counsellors are lesbian, gay or bisexual and are fully qualified - or in the final stages of their training. PACE also offers specific help about sexual health and HIV as well as employment counselling and counselling for drug and alcohol concerns. QWORKSHOPS & GROUPS PACE offers a wide range of workshops and groups dealing with different aspects of gay life, from sex, self-esteem and relationships to bars and cruising - and everything else in-between. Workshops are safe, friendly and relaxed, with a mix of activities that allow people to participate in a way that’s right for them. QYOUTH WORK If you are under 25 and LGBT or unsure about your sexuality, then PACE’s youth service could be for you. You can get information, advice and support from lesbian and gay youth workers; and meet other young LGBT people. QFAMILY SUPPORT One’s sexuality can affect different family relationships. For PACE, every family member is important. It offers support to parents, their children, couples and prospective parents – including a national helpline. QMENTAL HEALTH ADVOCACY People who are LGBT often face discrimination from mental health services, or feel that they aren’t getting the help that’s right for them. PACE’s advocacy service can provide information on your rights and relevant services. QWORKING PACE Working PACE is a service for the unemployed LGBT individual living in London. The service offers employment coaching, professional career assessments, supported work placements and volunteering opportunities, help with CVs, interview skills, job hunting and applications, support with training and education, and groups and workshops covering various skills and knowledge helpful to the world of work. QTRAINING PACE also offers training, speakers and support to schools and statutory organisations on diversity, HIV/Aids, sexuality and anti-bullying. PACE, 34 Hartham Road, London N7 9LJ. 020 7700 1323; E:; www. %! =Cb`SOQV :7AB7<5A Kairos: 020 7437 6063, www. 9 Archer St, London W1D 7AZ. CRUSAID WALK FOR LIFE Crusaid’s annual Walk For Life takes place in London on Saturday 1 June. To find out more details or to register to take part in this 10km sponsored walk aroundsome of the capital’s best-known landmarks, visit www. or call 0845-367 0180. GROUPS//ORGS Albert Kennedy Trust: 020 7831 6562 (London). Housing advice for under 21s. Antidote: 020 7437 3523. Counselling, support groups, Thurs drop-in, complementary therapies around alcohol & drug issues. BKY - Alternative Jewish Community: www.bkylondon. Regular services and events ELOP: 020 8509 3898. Support and community events in Walthamstow. Youth, advice, counselling and groups. Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association, (GALHA): 01926 858450, Regular London events. Outrage!: 020 8240 0222. Political group. Regular meetings. Lesbian Gay Christian Movement: 020 7739 1249, Lesbian and Gay Immigration Group: 020 7922 7811, meetings once a month. LGBT Choir: 07980 023578. Call Michael for more information. A friendly group with a range of social activities. Stonewall: 020 7593 1850. Campaign group for LGBT rights. HATECRIME Gay Police Association: Action Line 07092 700 000 (24hrs), Galop: 020 7704 2040. www. For victims of hate crime HIV//AIDS London Friend: 020 7837 3337. Groups in Islington. Quaker London Lesbian & Gay Fellowship: 020 8675 6740. Metro Centre: 020 8265 3311, Regular groups in Greenwich. Mosaic: 07931 336668. www. Youth group, every Wednesday. One-Up: LGBT under-18 youth group, meets every Monday 4-7pm (based in Hendon - North West London) - contact Theresa (PACE) 07504226793 (mobile). PACE: 020 7700 1323. Groups promoting lesbian and gay health and well-being. Quest LGB Catholics: 0808 808 0234. Regard: Regard, BM REGARD, London WC1N 3XX, secretary@ uk. Disabled LGBT. Islington LGB Forum: Rachael: 07989 747824. An initiative between local police, the council & victim support. Step Out Tower Hamlets: Social & support group for gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans & questioning young people. 5-8pm Tues 079 4633 7160 Jewish Gay and Lesbian Group: 020 8952 0137. South London Gays: 020 8672 5268/020 8674 5191. www. Crusaid: 020 7539 3880, SISTERHOOD OF KARN The Sisterhood of Karn is an “Earth-based group of gay people united by their interest in Doctor Who and cult TV”. The Sisterhood was founded in January 1994 and now, it its 14th year, is as vibrant as eve. There are no membership fees and gatherings are informal, with the sole purpose of facilitating the fun socialising of like-minded individuals and lots National AIDS Trust: 020 7814 of great conversation. The meetings are an opportunity to discuss Doctor Who, cult TV and related issues without fear of suffering the “ridicule and disapprobation” that many, perhaps 6767, most, devotees seem to face when they “come out” as Doctor Who fans – an event that is, say some, often a more difficult admission than coming out as gay! The Sisterhood meets on Terence Higgins Trust: 02078121777. Counselling Services. the third Thursday of every month, from 7.30pm onwards, in the upstairs bar of the Kings Arms pub in Poland Street, Soho. Additional meetings are held whilst series are actually running on TV (the latest series of Doctor Who is currently screening on BBC1 on Saturday SPORTS evenings). Trips are frequently organised, such as a recent one to the location of the famous Cruisers basketball: 020 8960 1968 Doctor Who episode, Invasion, where the Cybermen march down the steps leading from St Paul’s Cathedral! 0750 (Debbie)/ 020 7582 7009, (Jordi). GMFA: 020 7738 6872. The gay men’s health charity. Mixed basketball. Frontrunners: 07092 346340, Running group. Goslings Swimming: 07814 258 055. Gay social (non competitive) swimming group, Thur 8.30pm-9.30pm. www. Irons: . Gay golfing, events for all levels. King’s Cross Steelers Rugby Football Club: 07090 421 367, Gay men’s rugby. London Amateur Wrestling: London Guns ‘N’ Roses Hockey Team: Mixed hockey for all levels. www.pinkhockey. com or email: iainkimmins115@ National Domestic Violence Helpline. 08452 60 44 60 (Mon and Thurs, 2-8pm/Weds, 10am1pm). www.broken-rainbow. on Saturdays, 1-3pm. Out to Swim: 07090 422 526, Gay swimming group. Dazz-elle: 020 8257 3068. London drug/alcohol support. Raiders Softball Club: 07931 721 377, www.rainbowraiders. com. Mixed baseball in Regents Park / Primrose Hill area. Stonewall Football Club: 07090 422 390. Sunday soccer. Lesbian & Gay Immigration Group: 020 7922 7811. Every Mon 12-5pm and Wed 6-8pm. London Lesbian & Gay Switchboard: 020 7837 7324 HIV info and counselling (weekdays: 11am-10pm and weekends: 4pm -10pm). www. Stonewall Housing Advice: 020 7359 5767. Unison: 0845 355 0845/0800 0967 968 (minicom). Works with LGBT community about work and employment problems. London Friend: 020 7837 3337. Counselling service. HELPLINES Broken Rainbow: LGBT POSITIVELINE: 0800-1696806. PACE: 020 7700 1323. Health and well-being. Tel info/support WANT TO GET LISTED? Please send listings to RECRUITMENT: SALES EXECUTIVES ESO`SQc``S\bZg`SQ`cWbW\UaOZSaSfSQcbWdSaT]`=cbW\bVS1Wbg[OUOhW\S3f^S`WS\QSW\[SRWOaOZSa^`STS``SR Pcb\]bSaaS\bWOZG]ceWZZVOdSU]]RQ][[c\WQObW]\aYWZZaPS]`UO\WaSRe]`YeSZZc\RS`^`Saac`SO\RPSO U]]RbSO[^ZOgS` AOZO`gacPXSQbb]Sf^S`WS\QS Please send a CV and covering letter to or call Robert Harkavy on 020 7258 1777 by 12 May 2008 %" =Cb`SOQV %# NEWS FLASHES UK NEWS SEXIEST MAN IN WORLD… FOUND! Hunky Italian motorcycle cop Fabrizio Chiazza has won the coveted ‘World’s Sexiest Man’ title in’s hugely popular Sex Factor competition. The online contest attracted more than 21 million votes from users based all over the world. The contest was broken down into 13 categories, such as ‘Muscle’, ‘Guy Next Door’ and ‘Bears’, with Chiazza being voted the overall winner. The 33-year-old police agent from Milan came first out of a record 46,501 men who entered the competition. For a full list of winners, check www. DJ TALLULAH 1948-2008 BRIGHTON EQUALITY WALK, 4 MAY Support Stonewall and take part in the fun-filled Brighton 10k Equality Walk, on Bank Holiday Sunday 4 May 2008. The event is being hosted by Amy Lamé, Sue Perkins and Gaydar’s Dicky and Dolly. All money raised will help Stonewall’s ongoing campaign to end homophobic hate crime. Registration is just £10, which includes your t-shirt and a goody bag on the day. For more info and to register: DRTHOM AND THT LAUNCH THT BY POST Online medical service DrThom has teamed up with Terrence Higgins Trust to offer a paid-for range of sexual health tests, including for HIV, and treatments by post - designed for anyone who is unable, or reluctant, to attend a sexual health clinic: THT has also launched a new website called “Hardcell” ( aimed at gay men over 18 who are interested in “rough sex, S&M and other hardcore sexual practices”. GAYS STILL FEAR BIAS OVER PUBLIC SERVICES A major poll of lesbian and gay people, commissioned by Stonewall, has found that - despite recent legislative protections - a majority still believe they will be discriminated against when accessing public services. Almost a third expect to be treated worse than a heterosexual when enrolling their child in primary or secondary school; nine in ten think they would face barriers from becoming a foster parent; and three in five still think they’d face barriers if they wanted to be a parliamentary candidate for the Labour Party - a figure that rises to 90% for the Tories. Many on the London scene was shocked and saddened to hear about the sudden and unexpected death of veteran scene DJ Tallulah, who passed away at home from a suspected heart attack over the Easter bank holiday weekend. He was aged 59. Tallulah was born Martyn Allam in 1948 in Hamburg, where his parents were stationed after the war. At the age of three he returned to England and was raised in Kent, before moving to London in the 1960s to work as a hotel manager. He began DJ’ing in 1972 at a club called The Escort in Pimlico. In the days before disco elevated the art of DJ’ing, Tallulah operated the coat check and DJ’ed on a single deck at the same time! He was one of the London’s few ‘out’ gay DJs during the 1970s, and quickly earned himself an international reputation, culminating in bookings at the legendary Studio 54 in New York. He remained in demand throughout his career, and continued to work up until his death. In 2007 he became the first ever inductee into the House Of Homosexual Culture’s Hall of Fame. Speaking to Out In The City at the time of the induction, he confessed: “I’m quite honoured, to tell you the truth. I’ve never been much of a publicity seeker, but the reason I’m doing it is because I think it’s quite a good thing. I don’t think we necessarily celebrate individuals in our community enough - it’s about time we looked to our own people.” His funeral and a memorial service took place on Friday 11 April. A facebook group, ‘In Memory Of Tallulah’, has been set up in his honour, where friends and fans are invited to leave their own personal memories and tributes. ANNUAL UK STATS SHOW GAY HIV HIKE An estimated 6,840 new HIV diagnoses were reported in 2007 in the UK, according to latest figures from the Health Protection Agency. Over a third (38% - 2,630) were among gay men. This is the third successive year that new diagnoses among gay men have risen above 2,600 - the highest levels since records began. MAN ARRESTED FOR NOT PAYING “RENT” Police have arrested a 37-year old man in Bangor, north Wales, on suspicion of hiring male sex workers - and not paying for them. He has been linked to 17 offences including allegations of obtaining services by deception, theft, administering a substance with intent and rape. Anyone who thinks they may have been a victim of a similar offence should contact police on 020 7232 6159; or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111. %$ Veteran campaigner Peter Tatchell, after attempting to ambush a bus bearing the Olympic torch, as it passed Selfridges in Oxford Street. CHINA SHOULD BE SUBJECTED TO SPORTING PROTESTS - JUST LIKE APARTHEID SOUTH AFRICA WAS. PHOTOGRAPHY © OPHELIA WYNN =Cb\Sea <3EA =Cb\Sea <3EA DINING OUT AB=<3E/::¸A/<<C/:3?C/:7BG 27<<3@@/7A3A! Ab]\SeOZZ¸abVabO`abcRRSR3_cOZWbg2W\\S`aOeOQb]`a`cPaV]cZRS`a eWbV[W\WabS`aObbVS2]`QVSabS`6]bSZW\:]\R]\SO`Zg/^`WZ)O\R`OWaSR ! YT]`bVSUOg[SUOQVO`Wbg¸aQO[^OWU\W\Ue]`YAW`7O\;Q9SZZS\O Q]T]c\RS`]TAb]\SeOZZUOdSO`]caW\UYSg\]bSa^SSQVb]#"UcSaba W\QZcRW\UOcbV]`aAO`OVEObS`aDOZ;Q2S`[WRO\RAbSZZO2cTTg^Zca>OcZ 5O[POQQW\W^`]a^SQbWdS:]\R]\;Og]`OZQO\RWRObS0`WO\>ORRWQYO\R O`bWab;OUUW6O[PZW\U³\]bb][S\bW]\;>aO\R^SS`a/`O\US]TWbS[a eS`SOcQbW]\SRObbVSRW\\S`W\QZcRW\UbVS]^^]`bc\Wbgb]VOdSbSOeWbV B]\g0ZOW`eVWQVaSQc`SROPWR]T YOZ]\S ‘MEHDI MUST STAY’ DEMO =dS` ^`]bSabS`a`SQS\bZgP`OdSR VOWZO\R`OW\\SO`bVS>`W[S;W\WabS`¸a `SaWRS\QSW\2]e\W\UAb`SSbb] RS[O\RbVObUOg7`O\WO\OagZc[aSSYS` ;SVRW9OhS[WPSU`O\bSR`STcUSW\ bVSC9BVSgOZa]c`USROagZc[T]` bVS7`O\WO\ZSaPWO\`STcUSS>SUOV 3[O[POYVaVO\RO\SabW[ObSRR]hS\ ]bVS`UOg7`O\WO\aeV]O`SOb`WaY]T RS^]`bObW]\POQYb]BSV`O\b]TOQS ^]aaWPZSRO\US`]`RSObV NEWS FLASHES INTERNATION NEWS EGYPT: Five men have been sentenced to three years in prison in Egypt for consensual gay sex. Human rights activists believe that Eygptian authorities are not only attempting to crack down on homosexuality, but also on those affected by HIV and AIDS. All those convicted were forced to undergo HIV testing without consent, with four of the five testing positive. A lawyer acting on behalf of the arrested claimed that they were beaten by police in an attempt to get them to admit indulging in homosexual acts. CHINA: Chinese police reportedly stormed and shut two, possibly three, gay saunas in Beijing late March, jailing staff - according to AIDS activists who also claim police have raided bars and cruisy parks and arrested sex workers. Similar problems are reported in Shanghai. MEXICO: The Mayor of the Mexican city of Guadalajara wants to move gay clubs out of its historic centre ahead of the 2011 Pan-American Games there, claim local venue owners. ...AND FINALLY GAY ADOPTION SITE LAUNCHED A gay male couple have launched an online social website for gay people who are either wanting to or have already adopted. The website – - was set up by Andy May, who – together with his partner – is currently going through the adoption process. The website will carry information regarding adoption, and will allow gay couples to talk to others in the same situation. It also carries information about get-togethers and social events for gay families in the London area. CULT QUEER COUPLES CARTOON HITS UK A US animation, described as “making South Park look like The Flumps” will air on E4 later in the year. Featuring hilarious homo duos - from twink plus sugar daddy to its eponymous “perfect pair”, Rick and Steve - The Happiest Gay Couple in the World presents Lego-like characters including baby-obsessed lesbians, three-in-a-bed predators and teeny queens who come out with immortal lines like, “Some people don’t give me enough credit for how smart I ... Oh-my-god! I loooove this song!” GAY GHETTO: BEYOND THE GRAVE? LGBT Danes who are concerned about their final resting place can now get themselves cremated and buried in a gay-only section of a cemetery. The space in Copenhagen is managed by the local Rainbow Association. It can hold up to 45 urns within a large triangle of pebbles, all topped off with a rainbow flag! Said a spokesman: “We don’t want to isolate ourselves, but we also feel a need to be together.” OUTSPOKEN: MATTHEW HODSON WITH CONTROVERSY OVER WHETHER GAY MEDIA AND RETAILERS SHOULD PROMOTE AND SELL ‘BAREBACK’ PORN, GMFA’S MATTHEW HODSON DISCUSSES THE BROADER IMPACT OF GAY BUSINESS VALUES ON OUR COMMUNITY’S SEXUAL HEALTH AND WIDER WELLBEING... Many of today’s major gay businesses started as small community ventures at a time when homosexuality was not as socially acceptable as it is now. The founders of these companies THE COMMERCIAL were motivated not only to pursue INTERESTS OF GAY equality but also BUSINESS MAY to make money out of an emerging CONFLICT WITH THE community. The HEALTH INTERESTS latter does not cancel out the OF GAY MEN. importance of the former. BBC Newsnight recently ran an item on some gay porn performers who had apparently become infected with HIV whilst shooting a bareback film. Whilst some porn producers are fighting to improve safety for their models, others have been driven more by the demand for bareback than by concern for their performers’ health. Additionally, many suspect that bareback porn “normalizes” unprotected sex. What responsibility does the producer have to their performers or to their customers? What responsibility should be taken by the shop that sells the porn, or the magazine that promotes it? Of course, it’s not just porn where the commercial interests of gay business may conflict with the health interests of gay men. For many years bars have been at the heart of the gay scene and this may be linked to gay men’s increased likelihood of alcohol-related problems. In saunas and backrooms, men will have sex with other men, and not all of that sex will be protected. One can also consider the kind of messages that gay businesses often deliver. Arguably, the gay media perpetuates an impossible ideal of slim, youthful, sexuallydriven gay men. As a community, I do not doubt that we are better off for having the gay pressand scene. Difficulties in juggling social responsibility with economic interest are not unique to gay businesses. The gay media strive to balance their commercial needs with their responsibility to educate their readers. I’m grateful there are places that I can go to and socialise with other gay men. I’m glad when clubs and saunas do what they can to support sexual safety. Gay businesses do have a responsibility to their employees and to the community that they serve, as do all businesses. Moreover, we as individuals must also take responsibility for our own actions; and we greatly benefit when we take responsibility for our own health. %% =Cb\Sea @31@C7B PROUD EMPLOYERS Gay and lesbian lobby group Stonewall has tasked UK employers with embracing the specialist skills of the LGBT demographic for a number of years now via the charity’s Diversity Champions Program and Workplace Equality Index. Since 2005, the forum, used by employers to boost their gay friendly credentials and champion the worth of diversity employment, has grown exponentially, tripling from 100 to over 300 members. In recent months, the Stonewall Diversity Champions have enjoyed a membership perk whose benefits LGB employees can reap as much as the employer themselves; Proud Employers, the new platform from which the DC’s can advertise vacancies and increase their gay quota, is proving a valuable resource for LGBT jobseekers. For more details and to check out vacancies, visit www. ATTITUDE JOIN OUR CLUB E7B6;=@3=@5/<7A/B7=<AB6/<3D3@ @31=5<7A7<5B6303<347BA=4/A3@7=CA 1=;;7B;3<BB=27D3@A7BG7<B63E=@94=@13 <=E7AB63>3@431BB7;3B=A3BC>/<:50B 4=@C;7<G=C@=E<E=@9>:/13 WHAT ARE THEY? 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BV`]cUVQ][[WbbSSaSdS\baO\R]\ZW\S \Sbe]`Ya:50BT]`c[aS\ac`SbVObQ]ZZSOUcSa O`SOeO`S]TbVSW`ZSUOZ`WUVbaO\RSfWabW\U RWdS`aWbg^]ZWQWSaBVSgOZa]^`]dWRSO^ZObT]`[T]` O\g`SdWaW]\abVObabOTTTSSZ[WUVbPS\SQSaaO`gOa eSZZOa]^^]`bc\WbWSab]\Sbe]`Y :WYSWbaTW\O\QWOZQ]caW\7\bS`0O\YeVWQVeOaaSb c^W\1O\O`gEVO`TW\''&O\RVOa]dS` [S[PS`a7\bS`:OeV]^SabVOb:50B\Sbe]`Ya W\QWbgTW`[aeWZZµQ]ZZOP]`ObS]\^O\SZRWaQcaaW]\a ^ZO\`SQ`cWb[S\bSdS\ba]`UO\WaSa]QWOZSdS\ba O\RQ][[WaaW]\`SaSO`QVO\RPS\QV[O`YW\U SfS`QWaSa¶ %& HOW CAN YOU START A FORUM AT YOUR WORKPLACE? QBOZYb]g]c`P]aa :50BT]`c[aO`SW\Q`SOaW\UZg^`][]bSRO\R Tc\RSRPgS[^Z]gS`aeV]`SQ]U\WaSbVS PS\STWbabVObRWdS`aWbgQ][[Wb[S\bP`W\Uab] bVS]`UO\WaObW]\;OYSac`SWbeWZZPSORS_cObSZg `Sa]c`QSRW\P]bVbW[SO\R[]\Sg Q1]\acZb]bVS`:50BabOTT 4`][W\T]`[OZQVObab]O\]\g[]caac`dSgaTW\R ]cbeVObg]c`Q]ZZSOUcSaSf^SQbT`][bVST]`c[ G]c¸ZZOZa]\SSROQ]\aS\aca]\[ObbS`aacQVOa bW[SO\R^ZOQS]T[SSbW\UaO\ReVSbVS`bVSg¸ZZ PS`SUW]\OZ]`\ObW]\OZ Q3\ac`SVWUV^`]TWZSZSORS`a]TbVS ]`UO\WaObW]\eWZZ^`][]bSbVS\Sbe]`Y 7TaS\W]`[O\OUS`aeV]Q][[O\R`Sa^SQbeWbVW\ g]c`Q][^O\gPOQYbVST]`c[bVSgeWZZaSbO\ SfO[^ZSb]bVS`Sab]TbVSe]`YT]`QS Q2]SdS`gbVW\Ug]cQO\b]^cPZWQWaSbVST]`c[ P]bVW\bS`\OZZgO\RSfbS`\OZZg 3\ac`S]bVS`abOTTY\]eOP]cbWbeVgWbSfWaba eV]QO\X]W\O\RV]eO\RZSbWbPSY\]e\W\ bVS^W\Y^`SaabVObg]c`Q][^O\gQVO[^W]\a RWdS`aWbg Q1]\\SQbbVST]`c[b]bVS`Sab]TbVS ]`UO\WaObW]\O\R]bVS`\Sbe]`Ya B]USbVS`g]c¸ZZPSPSbbS`S_cW^^SRb]RSOZeWbV WaacSabVObS[S`US If your problem is not the job per se, but your colleagues/employers’ attitudes towards your sexual orientation, why not contact Katherine Cowan (pictured), an independent Diversity Consultant. “How and when you come out at work is something not everybody finds straightforward,” says Katherine. “Your sexual behaviour might be private, but sexuality isn’t just what you do – it’s also who you are. We don’t think twice about how ‘out’ our heterosexual colleagues are, yet wedding rings and post-weekend chats about domestic bliss/hell are all blatant declarations of sexual orientation. So if someone who isn’t heterosexual wants to be out, it’s not actually very different.” If you identify as LGBT and don’t know what to do about being out at work, Katherine may be able to help – not only with issues of confidence but also information concerning legal protection. Visit IN OTHER NEWS… The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has recently granted a widowed German man legal access to his deceased male partner’s pension. Tadao Maruko was refused the pension when his partner died in 2005, but the ECJ has ruled that such a refutation was direct discrimination if the partnership was comparable to marriage. Maruko’s lawyers have alluded to the possibility that the case may have far-reaching repercussions in European Union countries where same-sex partnerships are legal, such as here in the UK. =Cb\Sea @31@C7B %' >@=>3@BG @31@C7B & =Cb\Sea =Cb\Sea @31@C7B & =Cb\Sea >@=>3@BG GOING OUT TOP HANGOUTS We find the most popular gay PHOTO © LONDONSTILLS.COM hotspots around E14 THE NARROW NARROW STREET Gordon Ramsay’s Thameside gastropub recently celebrated its first birthday, and offers classic British dishes to discerning locals. PLACE TO BE: LIMEHOUSE 7<B63A6/2=E=41/</@GE6/@4/<2E7B6/5@=E7<5 @3A723<B7/:>=>C:/B7=<>=::G1=:2E3::47<2AB6/B :7;36=CA3AB@/22:3A=:2/<2<3E:=<2=< <]Z]\US`OeSZZYS^baSQ`Sb]TbVS SOab:W[SV]caS¸a^]^cZO`WbgVOa Pc`US]\SR`SQS\bZgO\ReWbVU]]R `SOa]\AS`W]caRSdSZ]^[S\b]dS`bVS ZOab #gSO`aVOa`SacZbSRW\O\O`SO bVOb¸aQZSO\[]RS`\O\RaOTSeWbV abc\\W\UdWSea]dS`bVSeObS`O\R SfQSZZS\bb`O\a^]`bZW\Ya EVWZS`SQS\bZgRSdSZ]^SRO`SOa a][SbW[SaTSSZabS`WZS:W[SV]caSVOa O`WQVVWab]`gO\RVOa[O\OUSRb] `SbOW\^ZS\bg]TQVO`OQbS`BVSO`SO¸a a^W\S<O``]eAb`SSbeWbVWbaSO`Zg 5S]`UWO\bS``OQSaO\ROb[]a^VS`WQ Z]QObW]\]\bVS`WdS`VOaVWab]`WQOZZg Obb`OQbSRTO[]cae`WbS`aO\RO`bWaba 2WQYS\aO\RBc`\S`VOdSTSObc`SR bVSO`SOW\bVSW`e]`YO\R\]eOROga ^`]dWRSaO^WQbc`Sa_cSaSbbW\UT]`^cPa O\R`SabOc`O\ba EVWZSBVS5`O^SaWaOQ]\bS\RS` T]`PSab`WdS`aWRS^cPWTg]c¸dSU]b g]c`aWUVbaaSb]\O\SOabS\RUSShS` LIMEHOUSE WHAT YOU CAN BUY IN THE AREA 01 POPLAR DOCK, £165,000 Enjoy life on the Dock from this wonderful one bedroom houseboat on a residential & BVS=ZRAVW^O\R08aEVWbSAeO\]\ \SO`Pgab`SSba^cZZW\bVSUOgd]bS EVWZSP]]hS`aOP]c\RWTg]ceO\b b][OYSbVS[]ab]TZWdW\U]\bVS eObS`VSORR]e\b]bVSeObS`a^]`ba QS\b`SObbVS7aZS]T2]Uab]aOWZQO\]S eW\Rac`TO\RU]`US]\SgSQO\RgG]c QO\QgQZSO\ReOZYPgbVS@SUS\b¸a 1O\OZO\Rac[[S``SZOfObW]\WaQZ]aS PgW\bVS^O`YOb@]^S[OYS`a4WSZRa A]bVS`S¸a^ZS\bgU]W\U]\W\bVS O`SOEVObOP]cbbVSQ][[cbS- >O`YW\U¸a\]bO^`]PZS[W\:W[SV]caS O\ROabVS`S¸a\]eOZZSbQ`caVW\U1 QVO`USW\bVWa^O`b]T:]\R]\R`WdW\U WaO^OZObOPZS]^bW]\/ZbS`\ObWdSZg bOYSbVSbcPS(bV`SSab]^aSOab]\bVS 2:@T`][:W[SV]caSeWZZRSZWdS`g]c b]bVS1O\O`gEVO`TBe]ab]^aeSab O\Rg]c¸ZZVWb0O\YO\RbVSQS\b`OZZW\S eVWQVeWZZUSbg]cb]A]V]^`]\b]T]` O\WUVb]cb 7Tg]c¸`SOT`S_cS\bTZgS`1Wbg/W`^]`b mooring. The vessel comprises kitchen and spacious reception, bathroom with corner shower plus two outdoor deck areas. Set directly beneath Canary Wharf. River Homes 020-7407 8000 02 ORION POINT, £349,995 A 12th floor sub-penthouse one-double bedroom offering fantastic views across The River Thames towards Greenwich and Canary Wharf. The property offers floor-to-ceiling windows, under floor heating, air-conditioning and large terrace. The development is WaXcab]dS`#[W\cbSaOeOg 5WdS\Wba^`]fW[Wbgb]bVS1WbgO\R 1O\O`gEVO`T:W[SV]caS¸aW\VOPWbO\ba O`Sg]c\U^`]TSaaW]\OZO\R[O\g ³OQQ]`RW\Ub]Z]QOZOUS\b6c`T]`RAOZdW 1O``³O`Sa^S\RS`a]TbVS^W\Y^]c\R >`]^S`bWSaO`]c\RbVSPOaW\bS\Rb] PS\SePcWZRaeVWZSQ]\dS`bSReVO`T V]caSaO\R]ZRS`^S`W]RPcWZRW\UaO`S OdOWZOPZS]\bVS<O``]eO\RTc`bVS` W\ZO\R BV]cUVabcRW]aO`S]TTS`SR bVSg¸`S]TbVS^S\bV]caSdO`WSbg O\RVOdS^`WQSbOUab][ObQV=\S PSR`]][TZOba`O\UST`][ %# b]"#be]PSR`]][aQ]ab PSbeSS\!#O\R"& O\RObV`SSPSR`]][V][SeWZZaSb g]cPOQYO\gbVW\UPSbeSS\## O\R[WZZW]\ 7Tg]ceO\bOTc\]^bW]\bVObe]\¸b P`SOYbVSPO\YW\dSabW\OV]caSP]Ob T]`# close to Canary Wharf and offers gym and 24hr concierge. 03 THE WATERGARDEN, £419,950 Chase Evans 0845 231 2447 An excellently presented two-bedroom apartment ideally situated at the front of the development with its reception room and balcony benefiting from bright southerly views over ever-popular Narrow Street. Hurford Salvi Carr, 020 7791 7011 THE GRAPES NARROW STREET Featured in Dickens’ Our Mutual Friend, this longstanding pub has a colourful history and loads of atmosphere. BJ’S WHITE SWAN COMMERCIAL ROAD East London’s most wellknown and much loved gay bar, with regular cabaret and late-night dance action… and plenty of cute locals and Essex lads as added bonus. REGENT’S CANAL Stroll or cycle along the towpath, which leads all the way up to Paddington Basin. Or hire a barge and explore London at a leisurely pace. =Cb\Sea @31@C7B &! =CbV]caS >@=>3@BG SWEET SALVATION /@167B31BC@/:A/:D/537AB6347FBC@3A 4:==@7<5/<2E==2E=@94@=;=:20C7:27<5A B6/B6/D3033<23;=:7A632B63>=B3<B7/:4=@ B@/<A4=@;7<5=C@6=CA37<B=/6=;3CA7<5 B63A303/CB74C:>7313A7A3<2:3AA¬ A BUYERS’ GUIDE: Get a rough idea of what you’re looking for. Different salvage yards specialise in specific pieces and in some cases, specific eras. If you have a firm idea of the kind of item you want and the period that it’s from, you will be able to narrow down the field of search. Don’t be fooled into thinking you can turn up and find what you want. Some yards will only advertise their products online, some are so vast they would be tricky to navigate productively and some might not even stock what you’re looking for at all. DESIGN BARTER TAKE CARE Salvage yards will often pre-price goods on sale. This doesn’t mean that owners are closed-off to the idea of haggling, particularly if you’ve seen something similar in another yard. Remember, they want your business and you want the item at an affordable price, so make an offer and go from there. Some pieces of architectural salvage can be really old and unstable; they may have protruding screws, splinters or shattered glass. Before you agree on a sale, and even afterward, take the time to inspect your purchase thoroughly before transport – and especially before you start to integrate it into your home. WHAT’S HOT RIGHT NOW: wood products. Deco architectural salvage. THE HOUSE HOSPITAL 14a Winders Road , Battersea, SW11. 020 7223 3179. For architectural salvage from fireplaces and cast-iron radiators to baths, doors and reclaimed flooring. RETROUVIOUS 2A Ravensworth Road, Kensal Green, NW10. 020 8960 6060. Est. 1993, good for remodelled/ recycled architectural salvage from tables and chairs to desks. Q Old school radiators Q Vintage Wallpapers Q Gym lockers/storage Q Vintage posters ONLINE LINKS: WHERE TO VISIT: LASSCO &" 30 Wandsworth Road, Vauxhall, SW8. 020 7394 2100. For architectural antiques and salvage from doors to baths, radiators to lighting. RECLAIMED TIMBER SPECIALISTS, Leytonstone, E11 3EX MAP, 020 8558 2811. For reclaimed Victorian wood and recycled/reclaimed timber, floorboards and other reclaimed WESTLAND LONDON St Michael’s Church, Leonard Street EC2. 020 7739 8094. Est. 1969, for Gothic and Renaissance to Art Nouveau and RENAISSANCE City Road, EC1. 020 7251 8844 For period fireplaces, doors, chandeliers, mirrors, radiators WORDS BY EMMA WILLIS If you are about to invest in reclaimed flooring for your entire house, York Stone paving for the garden, or some other major redesign involving salvage, it may be in your best interests to consult an interior/landscape designer. While most salvage found is of top quality and invariably attractive, combining it with modern fixtures, furnishings and colours can be a job for the professionals. Similarly, you should consult an expert when restoring period features that already exist in your property. You can do the work of course, but be sure you know how before you start to chip away, polish or paint at the piece in question as mistakes are difficult to rectify and lost parts hard to replace. LAST BUT NOT LEAST! Remember that furnishing and/or refurbishing a home using architectural salvage is an eco-friendly development option. Not only will it save you money but will help save the planet too – you’re effectively recycling a past generation’s waste! =CbV]caS >@=>3@BG &# =CbV]caS 6=;30CG &% =CbV]caS >@=>3@BG FOUNTAIN HOUSE | WOOLWICH Woolwich is widely known as one of the capital’s up-andcoming hotspots, and you too can be a part of it, courtesy of our friends at Asra. The company are marketing a stunning development of one and two bedroom apartments on a HomeBuy basis. £87,000 will get you a 40% share in either Fountain House, made up of new build apartments, or at New Walpole House, a converted boozer with four designer apartments and a supercool maisonette. Existing transport links include National Rail stations at Woolwich Arsenal and Woolwich Dockyard, but it’s the imminent extension of the Docklands Light Railway which will really put the area on the map. And with its buzzing nightlife, easy access to the City and West End, and a host of retail and leisure facilities, we don’t anticipate that either development is going to stay on the market for much longer. What’s more, once you’ve completed, your first six months come rent free. To make sure you don’t miss out on this opportunity, call Asra on 020 7490 6843, email or visit HZONE, FelthamONE | FELTHAM hzone is the final phase of FelthamONE - four exclusive zones developed among a number of landmark buildings as part of the newly regenerated town centre of up-and-coming Feltham. With modern wood and glass exteriors mirrored by stylish interiors, all apartments boast sleek fitted kitchens with integrated cooker and hood, fridge freezer and washer dryer. All living areas are carpeted and master bedrooms are equipped with fitted wardrobes. Positioned next to Feltham Rail station, hzone is ideally placed for travel to central London and Heathrow. Prices start at £ 83,000 for a one-bedroom apartment, and £95,000 for a two-bedroom apartment, based on a 50% share. hzone is available from A2 Housing Group. For information about all A2’s developments call 0845 408 6699 or visit PROPERTY HOT PICKS E3B/93/:==9/BB67A;=<B6¸AB=>>@=>3@B73A =<B63>/@B0CG>/@B@3<B;/@93B WESTGATE | NEWHAM Londoners looking for an affordable home without compromising on location need look no further than One Housing Group’s Westgate development. Westgate, situated in Royal Victoria Docks, Newham, is an extensive, newly built development of one and two-bedroom apartments, which has great links to the City. Simon Scott, assistant director of sales and marketing at One Housing Group, said: “The development is surrounded by world-class facilities such as the ExCeL complex with an exhibition and conference centre, complimented by hotels, offices and a wide range of restaurants, retail and leisure facilities. With Westgate, everything can be found on your doorstep.” All apartments are finished to the highest standards and include carpets, stylish fitted kitchen with an electric hob, oven and hood. The bathrooms are fully fitted with ceramic tiling and some apartments even boast an en-suite bathroom. There is also the 22-acre Thames Barrier Park with its landscaped garden and riverside promenade, ideal for a leisurely stroll or a brisk run. Prices start at £79,000 for a 40% share. More information on Westgate and other One Housing Group New Build HomeBuy properties can be found at www. or by calling 0800 2346 242. && =CbV]caS >@=>3@BG &' =CbV]caS >@=>3@BG BANKING BLUES µ6=CA3>@713AB@30:34=@47@ABB7;30CG3@A¶ A/GAB637<23>3<23<Bµ/003G:/AB:3<23@B= /F323/:¶A/GAB635C/@27/<µ6=CA3>@713 5@=EB6A:=E3ABA7<13''$¶/11=@27<5B=B63 B7;3AE63<7B1=;3AB=B63C9>@=>3@BG;/@93B :/B3:G/<G<3EA7A0/2<3EA THE CREDIT CRUNCH G]c[OgVOdSVSO`RSQ]\][WabaO\R^]ZWbWQWO\a bOZYW\UOP]cbbVSµ1`SRWb1`c\QV¶]dS`bVSZOab TSe[]\bVa7TZWYS[]ab^S]^ZSg]c¸dSPSS\ e]\RS`W\UeVObOZZbVSTcaaWaOP]cb`SabOaac`SR bVObbVS\SfbTSe[]\bVaeWZZPSdS`g`SdSOZW\U ³^O`bWQcZO`ZgWTg]c¸`SOV][S]e\S`]`abWZZ aSO`QVW\UT`cWbZSaaZgT]`OeOgb]USb]\b]bVS ^`]^S`bgZORRS` HOW WILL IT AFFECT ME? 7\OdS`ga[OZZ\cbaVSZZBVS1`SRWb1`c\QVVOa aSS\PO\YaW\Q`SOaSbVSQ]ab]TP]``]eW\UObO\ Sf^]\S\bWOZ`ObSEVS`S]\ZgOgSO`OU]ZS\RS`a eS`S]TTS`W\U[]`bUOUSab]VO`Rc^ TW`abbW[SPcgS`aO\RU`ORcObSaQ][^SbWbWdS dO`WSRRSOZaO\R[]`bUOUSZ]O\ab]bV]aS eWbVPSZ]eOdS`OUSQ`SRWb`ObW\UabVSQc``S\b SQ]\][WQQZW[ObSVOaQOcaSRbV]aSaO[S ' PO\Yab]eWbVR`OeOVcUS\c[PS`]T[]`bUOUS ^`]RcQbabVObeS`SSaaS\bWOZb]Obb`OQb\Se PcgS`a<]e]\ZgbV]aS]TcaeWbVO\W[^SQQOPZS Q`SRWbVWab]`g]` #^S`QS\bRS^]aWbO`SZWYSZgb] ZO\ROZ]O\T`][OC9ZS\RS`³O\RSdS\bVS\Ob W\TZObSRW\bS`Sab`ObSa4c`bVS`[]`SOQQ]`RW\Ub] [O`YSbO\OZgabaO\W\Q`SOaW\U\c[PS`]TZS\RS`a W\QZcRW\U/ZZWSR7`WaV0O\Y1ZgRSaROZS0O\Y1] ]^S`ObWdS0O\Y2S`PgaVW`S0cWZRW\UA]QWSbgO\R G]`YaVW`S0cWZRW\UA]QWSbg\]Z]\US`[OYS]TTS`a dWOP`]YS`abVcaZW[WbW\U[]`bUOUS]^bW]\aO\R ]^^]`bc\WbWSaSdS\Tc`bVS` WHAT ARE MY OPTIONS? G]ceWZZ\SSROacPabO\bWOZRS^]aWb`SUO`RZSaa ]Tg]c`X]PaSQc`Wbg]`Q`SRWbVWab]`g7Tg]c O`SQ][W\U]TTOTWfSR`ObS[]`bUOUSO\RO`S ab`cUUZW\UTW\RO\SeRSOZg]cQO\OTT]`RbVS\ bOZYb]P`]YS`CaW\UOP`]YS`QO\`SRcQSbVS \c[PS`]TV]c`aa^S\bQVOaW\URSOZabVOb O`S\¸bacWbSRb]g]c`Qc``S\bTW\O\QWOZaWbcObW]\ 6]eSdS`W\ZWUVb]TbVSPO\Ya¸`SQS\b^]aWbW]\ ]\W\bS`[SRWO`WSacaW\UOP`]YS`Q]cZROZa] [SO\g]c[Waa]cb]\RSOZRSaWU\SRT]`RW`SQb PcaW\Saa 4]`[]`SW\T]`[ObW]\O\R[]`bUOUSORdWQS dWaWbRW`SQbU]dcY =CbV]caS >@=2C1BA WE WANT B67A;=<B6¸A6=B>@=2C1BA4=@ B636=;3 01 THERMO BAROMETER WALL CLOCK | HEALS This Thermo Barometer wall clock is part of the popular Ever So British range at Heal’s, which showcases the talents of British designers. The range aims to celebrate British tradition whilst maintaining a definite sense of modernity and innovation. Of course, this clock not only looks good and tells the time, it will also warn you (we hope) of some impending summery weather… RRP £85 02 01 02 THE SAME BUT DIFFERENT GLASSES SET | TWENTYTWENTYONE Part of the new Spring Range from TwentyTwentyOne, this set of three mouth-blown glasses plays tricks on your eyes before you even drink anything from any of them. Fear not, however – despite appearances, they all store exactly the same amount (300ml) of liquid. RRP £35 per set 03 BARKSHIRE NEWBURY DOG BED | PET PLANET With the warmer weather meaning longer walks, your canine companion will need somewhere nice to rest his weary paws. Why ruin a gorgeous home by keeping a manky dog bed in the corner? Treat your pooch to the best with this truly luscious couch from Pet Planet’s new Barkshire Woodley range. RRP £129.99 04 OOB THE DOORSTOP | HEMAL PATEL One of the shortlisted contestants in the Grand Designs product awards, we think this curvy, striking little doorstop positively shouts its presence even from down on the floor. Its smooth rubber construction not only makes for great aesthetic appeal, it also means it won’t scratch your surfaces either. The winners of the Grand Designs competition are announced on the 9th May, and we hope Oob the Doorstop gets the recognition it deserves. RRP £20 ' 04 WORDS: CHARLOTTE DINGLE 03 =CbV]caS >@=2C1BA 06 PEJ BAR ACCESSORIES SET | ABSOLUT FORM Make sure you accessorise your barbecues and garden parties in style with this bar set from Danish design company Absolut Form’s extremely cool PEJ range. A bottle opener, bar knife, cocktail strainer and tongs rest in a sleek stainless steel stand, ready and waiting to help brighten the proceedings. RRP £24.95 05 ELECTROLUX ISLAND BARBECUE | ELECTROLUX Forget mad rushes into the kitchen for more beers and burgers – with the Island Barbecue you’ll have everything you need at your fingertips. Boasting both closed griddles and open griddles, and a chiller cabinet capable of storing 15 wine bottles, get one of these and we promise you’ll be the most popular cook on the block this summer. RRP £2,000 - £3,000 dependent on model 05 06 07 LOUIS GHOST CHAIRS | PHILIP STARCK This year, Kartell celebrates 20 years of partnership with designer Philippe Starck. The Louis Ghost chair is a prime example of the successful nature of this union. A baroque style piece ironically rendered in injection-moulded polycarbonate, the seat is shock, scratch and weather-resistant, and perfect, we think, for truly classy outdoor dining. RRP £175.00 per chair 07 08 BANG & OLUFSEN SPEAKERS | BEOLAB We love Bang & Olufsen and could happily browse around the stores for hours compiling a wish-list of products for our dream home. Besides the high-end DVD players, mobiles and digital media, we’re loving the Beolab series of audio speakers. There’s around a dozen different designs to choose from, including the Beolab 4 (pictured right) and Beolab 2 (left). Bang & Olufsen has several stores in London - check out the gorgeous Knightsbridge branch at 50 Brompton Road, SW3. 08 RRP Beolab 4 - £840 (Beolab 4) and £1,900 (Beolab 2) '! :=@3; '& =CbZ]`S[ '' =CbV]caS >@=>3@BG DESIGN YOUR SOFA ;/<G>3=>:3/@3BC@<7<5B=03A>=93A=4/A4=@B637@ 1=<D3<73<13/<2ABG:34C@<7BC@323A75<3@A/@3:=197<5 7<B=B63;=2C:/@A3/B7<5723//<23F>/<27<5B637@@/<53 0G57D7<50CG3@A;=@316=713 TIPS ON CHOOSING YOUR SOFA LEATHER AND COW HIDE SOFA Sofa Design offers a bespoke service, design your own sofa and choose a fabric. They have over 40 designs to choose from. GET ROOM DIMENSIONS ;O\ga]TOaQO\PSQcab][WaSRb]TWbg]c` ^`SQWaSa^SQWTWQObW]\a1]\acZbO\baeWbVa][S RSaWU\OUS\QWSa³acQVOa0]1]\QS^b³SdS\ []QYc^O^ZO\]Tg]c``]][b]VSZ^g]c dWacOZWaSV]ebVSW`^`]RcQbaeWZZZ]]YW\g]c` a^OQS 301-303 High Road, Loughton, Essex. Tel: 020 8418 9400. COMFORT CAN BE KEY 7TQ][T]`bWaW[^]`bO\b[]abaV]e`]][aeWZZ VOdSSfO[^ZSa]TaW[WZO`a]TOaa]R]\¸bPS aQO`SRb]bSabR`WdSbVS[ SO MUCH CHOICE BVS`SO`Sa][O\gQV]WQSa³TOP`WQaaSOb VSWUVbO`[a]`O`[ZSaaO\RSdS\eVWQVZSUa b]]^bT]`]\g]c`a]TO2]VOdSO\WRSO]TbVS bg^S]Tg]ceO\bPST]`SVO\RPSQOcaSWbQO\ USbQ]\TcaW\U]bVS`eWaS '$ MAKE A STATEMENT A]TOaQO\`SOZZgQ][^ZS[S\bO`]][4]` SfO[^ZSWTg]cVOdSZ]eQSWZW\Uab`gO Z]\US`Z]eabgZSeVWQVUWdSbVSW[^`SaaW]\ ]T[]`Sa^OQS]`WTbVS`]][WaPZO\R QV]]aSTOP`WQbVObeWZZW\XSQbOPWb]TQ]Z]c` ORDER IN ADVANCE /ZZ]eObZSOab eSSYaT]`bVSa]TOb]PS [ORSBVWaQO\dO`geWbVa][SRSaWU\S`a LARGO SOFA BoConcept offers two and three-seaters to luxurious corner seating design solutions in a range of fifty lush fabrics and smooth leathers. =CbV]caS >@=>3@BG '% =CbV]caS >@=>3@BG ADVERTORIAL FEATURE BESIDE THE SEASIDE ;=@3>3=>:3/@3=>B7<5B=B/93=<B63 1=;;CB37<B=B631/>7B/:/<2B@/237<B63 0CAB:3=4:=<2=<0G;=D7<5B=0@756B=<B63 A=CB61=/AB¸A5/G3AB17BG We were delighted to hear about Moat at City Point, part of a brand new development in Brighton. The development is handily located close to the city’s mainline railway station – especially convenient for the increasing band of Brighton dwellers who continue to work up in London. And with the London to Brighton line being one of the few rail routes in England that’s consistently reliable, City Point’s location is pretty much spot on. Those of us yet to pick up our two-zillion quid City-boy bonuses might think that a stylish new-build property in this fabulous location is beyond the reach of all but the deepest pockets but, fortunately, City Point is available as part of the government backed HomeBuy scheme. If you don’t already know, this means that you can buy a share in your property and rent the remainder, building up your stake over time and purchasing a larger share as and when you can afford it. There’s a terrific choice of two and three bedroom properties on offer, and exactly what they’ll cost you depends on the specific unit you buy and, of course, your personal '& circumstances. As a ball-park figure, however, and not forgetting that mortgage rates are all over the place right now, a 45% share in a two-bedroom flat will come in at a little under £1,200 per month; a 35% share in a three bedder will actually cost about the same, although the minimum income requirement for these larger units is a little higher than for the others. We anticipate that, even in the current climate, these highly desirable properties are going to snapped up pretty quickly, so to make sure you don’t miss out, visit Moat at or call 07002 662840. =CbV]caS >@=>3@BG '' =CbZOe :35/: ONE-STOP LAW SHOP please send any questions to IF YOU HAVE A LEGAL PROBLEM AND NEED THE ANSWERS VISIT OUR RESIDENT SOLICITOR KAREN HOLDEN DEAR KAREN I have recently found out that I’m HIV positive and am worried about everything, but especially what I should do and how I am legally protected against discrimination at work. Am I legally obliged to let people know about my status? Sam DEAR SAM, Firstly, you are not obliged to tell your employer or work colleagues anything about your sexual orientation or HIV status. However, there are advantages to disclosing this to an employer you trust: if you need time off for hospital appointments or need adjustments at work, say to your work schedule, then your employer will be obliged to go out of its way to make reasonable adjustments to assist you. HIV is a disability under the Disability Discrimination Act 2005 (DDA), which means that your employer must make reasonable adjustments to support you if advised of your condition. A reasonable adjustment is a change to the workplace or work practices which removes a substantial disadvantage that you might experience because of your condition. Advice on what a reasonable adjustment is can be found at: (Disability). This site also provides practical advice on how an employer should handle a disability. If you decide to disclose your status you have a right to confidentiality. If your employer beaches your confidence it will give you the right to a claim in the employment Tribunal and/or under the data Protection Act 1998. Since HIV/Aids are a disability you are protected under the DDA should you suffer any form of discrimination, harassment or bullying or unfair treatment as a result of your HIV status (by your work mates or employer). Your employer should have a policy and procedures manual that specifically deals with disability and sexual orientation discrimination, which governs the way in which you are entitled to be treated and the way in which any complaints should be dealt with. If anyone experiences any discrimination or unfair treatment they should first raise the issue directly with their employer. If the matter is not resolved they should seek independent legal advice from someone you can guide them through the grievance/employment claim process. Here at Giambrone Law we meet a lot of people with sensitive issues such as a HIV diagnosis, and as should be the case for all firms we will respect your privacy and provide confidential, but informative and practical advice. Karen Holden is a specialist solicitor at Giambrone Law with many years experience dealing with discrimination at work and other employment issues. If you would like to contact her, please email her at or by telephone on 020-7353 6800 – Please note that this is general advice and we recommend you seek advice from a solicitor specialising in employment law. 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W\bS`TS`S\QSa]PORZgbVObWbeOaa][SbW[SaZWYS `WRW\UeWbVO^\Sc[ObWQR`WZZ TURN OF SPEED :WYSbVSA^]`bdS`aW]\bVS3aaS\hOcaSaO &PV^$ZWb`SS\UW\SeVWQVUWdSabVS11O []`SbVO\OQQS^bOPZSbc`\]Ta^SSRBVS`SO`S bV`SSb`W[ZSdSZaT]`bVS11O\RbVS"''# 3aaS\hOWabVSPSabS_cW^^SROVSOR]TbVSS\b`g ZSdSZC`PWa!#O\RbVSA^]`b!''# /aeSZZOaVOdW\UbVSaWZZWSab\O[SbVS3aaS\hO P]OabaOcb][ObWQOW`Q]\RWbW]\W\UVSObSR^O`b ZSObVS`aSObaO\RRWaQ]\\SQbOPZS3A>\]\S]T eVWQVWaOdOWZOPZS]\ZSaaS`[]RSZa Visit: Price: from £13,250 O.T.R. GOLF HYBRID HAS BALLS A sporty, new eco-friendly hatchback capable of achieving 83 mpg while driving around town has been revealed by Volkswagen. At the core of the new Golf TDI Hybrid is a highly efficient 1.2-litre three-cylinder turbo diesel engine which works in tandem with an electric motor, which drives the vehicle from standstill with the oil burner only engaging should additional acceleration be required at higher speeds. Visual changes to the TDI Hybrid include a unique grille design, smaller front air intakes to reduce aerodynamic drag and subtle ‘TDI-Hybrid’ branding. The Golf TDI Hybrid also sits lower than the standard Golf on revised suspension and adopts the front splitter from the Golf GTI Edition 30 to help further reduce aerodynamic drag. The model is not yet on the market, but if you’re considering investing in an eco-friendly car (if only to save on the Congestion Charge!), keep checking the Volkswagen website. WORDS BY ADRIAN FOSTER/DRIVELINES /2@7/<4=AB3@2@7D3A B63<7AA/<;71@/11 The chic new Fiat 500 was launched – literally – with a star-studded guest list and a flight in one of the London Eye capsules recently. Around 500 celebrities, including Kelly Osbourne, Sting, Jade Jagger, Eva Herzigova, Eddie Jordan, Leah Wood and Lawrence Dallaglio and 1,500 others were invited to the all-ticket launch event, which featured fantastic live performances by pop sensations Mika, The Feeling and The Vibrants. There was a cavalcade of Fiat 500s old and new as the car in the London Eye capsule rose into the air at the start of a two-week ‘flight’ that will see it covering around 84 miles – without turning a wheel! Fiat managing director, Andrew Humberstone, commented: “We are absolutely delighted to have given thousands of people a party to remember and the chance to watch the launch of our new Fiat 500.” Prices start at £7,900. Visit: =Cb`c\ :743ABG:3 ! =CbeO`R B@/D3: BLACKPOOL /AA>@7<5BC@<AB=AC;;3@/2@7/<57::/< 1=;>/@3A/<21=<B@/ABAB63C9¸ABE=5/G3AB 1=/AB/:@3A=@BA BLACKPOOL 0`WUVb]\WbWa\]bBVS0`WbWaVV][S]TSO`bVg YWbaQVO\RQVSS`gbOQYWbaQZOW[b]PSbVS UOgQO^WbOZ]TbVS<]`bV[OgPSRWa^cbSR Pg;O\QVSabS`PcbbVObR]Sa\¸bab]^V]O`Ra ]TUOgROgb`W^^S`aO\ReSSYS\RP`SOYS`a aeO^^W\UabgZWaV1O\OZAb`SSbT]`a][SaS`W]caZg c\^`SbS\bW]caS\R]T^WS`QO[^SRc^Tc\ BVWaa[OZZb]e\eWbVOPWUVSO`b³R][W\ObSRPg R`OU_cSS\aO\R[O`OcRW\UVS\^O`bWSa³acQYa bVS_cSS`a^W`Wb]cb]T:WdS`^]]ZO\R>`Sab]\ O\R^cZZa^c\bS`aW\T`][:]\R]\3RW\Pc`UV O\RPSg]\R0ZOQY^]]Z¸aaQS\SWaZO`USZgR]e\ b]]\SZ]QOZ[O\QOZZSR0OaWZ<SePgeV]¸aPcWZb c^O[OX]`aSdS\dS\cS^W\YS[^W`SPSbeSS\ 0ZOQY^]]Z<]`bVabObW]\O\RbVST`]\bW\bVSdS`g aVOR]e]TbVSB]eS` EVS\WbTW`ab]^S\SROTSegSO`aPOQYTSe bV]cUVbDSUOa]\OQWRb`O\\WSaV]e4c\\g5W`Za #2WQYa]\@]OR&%!#!&$$³TSObc`W\UO ZO`USQOab]T^S`[O\S\bZgROhhZW\UR`OURO\QS O\RQOPO`SbOQba³e]cZRPSQ][SbVSPWUVWb WbVOab]ROg=TQ]c`aSWbQ]cZR\¸bPSUOgS`Pcb bVSOcRWS\QSWa]TbS\^`SR][W\O\bZgab`OWUVba O\RVS\^O`bWSaBVSORX]W\W\U45 #2WQYa]\ @]OR #!$"'#!RWaVSac^R`W\YaO\RO^]^ QVSSaSa]c\Rb`OQYT]`O^OQYSR^]ab4c\\g 5W`Za[WfSRQc[UOgQ`]eReV]Q]cZR\¸bQO`S ZSaaOabVS28eVW^abVS[W\b]OT`S\hg]\bVS TZ]]` 7b¸ae]`bVQVSQYW\U]cbO\]bVS`]T0OaWZ¸a dS\bc`Sa@]fg¸a !?cSS\Ab`SSb #!$ #%!eVWQVb]eS`a]dS`TWdSZSdSZa]TU]bVWQ RSQ]`ZWYSOQO[^UOgT`WS\RZg6]UeO`ba " eVS`SPWbQVgeWbQVgR`OUaV]ZRQ]c`b7b¸ab`cS( V][]^V]PSaQ]cZR\¸bac`dWdSVS`S6]eSdS` a][SQZOW[WbVOaOZa]acQQc[PSRb]]\SVS\ ^O`bgb]][O\g4c\]Ta]`ba Ab`]ZZO`]c\RbVSPZ]QYb][OX]`UOgab`SSb BOZP]b@]ORO\RRW^W\b]>S^S¸a'"BOZP]b @]OR #!$ $$'BVWaa^`OeZW\UPOaS[S\b ·0OaWZPO`¸Wa\]ebVS]ZRSabUOgdS\cSW\ b]e\/UOW\WbTSObc`SaOeSZZ\WUVVgabS`WQOZ 28eV]]^W\UWbc^V]eSdS`VOZTTcZZbVSTZ]]` ZWYSa][S^WS`S\R^S`[OU`W\Q]Q]\cbaVg [S`QVO\bR`c[[W\Uc^PcaW\SaaQ][S`OW\]` aV]eS`BVS`S¸a`SUcZO`QOPO`SbO\Rab`W^^S`ab]] 2]\¸bOZa][Waa0OaWZ¸a[]`Sb`ORWbW]\OZQOPO`Sb PO`]dS`bVS`]ORObBOP]]$'%BOZP]b@]OR #! 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BRIGHTON +++++ 1WbgaWbSa +++++ +++++ AQS\S +++++ +++++ 4`WS\RZW\Saa +++++ 1VWQO\RQZOaa +++++ +++++ +++++ ESObVS` +++++ +++++ /QQSaaT`][:]\R]\ +++++ +++++ 3fQSSRW\USf^SQbObW]\a +++++ $+ B=B/:A &+ $ @SacZb(0`WUVb]\OVSOR]\^]W\ba³[OW\ZgRcSb]Wba ^`]fW[Wbgb]:]\R]\³PcbZSb¸aQOZZWbORW^Z][ObWQRSOR <]`bVA]cbVVSObBOYSg]c`^WQY¬]`b`gbVS[P]bV Last October we carried a review of the gorgeous Myhotel Bloomsbury. This small, boutique chain has a second branch in Kensington, and opened a third outlet in the North Laine district of Brighton last month. In terms of style, the new Myhotel Brighton (17 Jubilee Street, BN1 - pictured above) is touting itself as where ‘Freddie Mercury meets the Maharishi’ – with contemporary style and flamboyant design receiving a spiritual, karmic twist. There are 80 rooms, with select suites co-designed by local Brighton artists like Alex Macarthur and Lucien Hewetson. The penthouse – surreally – even features a 400-year-old vintage carousel as a design feature! Check the website at www. for room rates and special offers. They’re currently offering a ‘Mr & Mr Smith’ Brighton Pride offer of £259 for two nights in a standard double room, but you’d better book quickly. TAKE NOTE A ‘glam guide for discerning travellers’, Travel Notebook ( is a new online directory containing up to date news, tips and information on the chicest places to stay, eat and shop around the world. Aimed at independent travellers, the site has separate categories featuring quality travel gems from Manchester to Marrakech. Set out simply in notebook form to give a snapshot and flavour of each item shown, sections include: ‘Travel notes’ - featuring savvy city guides, unusual weekend breaks and luxury hotel launches; ‘Suite notes’ - a collection of the most exclusive hotel suites available; and ‘Business notes’ – a compilation of the best boutique hotels with first class business facilities such as high tech meeting rooms, 24 hour concierge assistance and translation services. =CbeO`R B@/D3: % =CbaQ]^S AB/@A 23 AUG-22 SEP VIRGO Current insecurities may be attaching themselves to people or situations that simply don’t warrant them. A leap of faith is all that’s required, so please cast your doubts to one side and try to see the bigger picture. If in doubt, try asking a close friend to provide you with a fresh perspective and advice. 23 SEP-22 OCT LIBRA You will always be your harshest critic, so why tie yourself up in knots fretting about what others think of you? Criticism always cuts deep, but if you can take it on the chin and see the good in the comments, you will emerge stronger. Your abilities are vast - it’s only you that stands in the way of fully realising them. 22 DEC-19 JAN Instead of being wary of your impulsive nature Capricorn, you need to learn to embrace it and to go with the flow. Don’t be scared of allowing yourself some fun! Too often you find yourself prone to melancholia, but with the summer approaching, now is the time to concentrate on all good things you’ve got going on in your life... and to celebrate them. CAPRICORN 19 FEB-20 MAR PISCES Although you may have had a tough start to the year, now is the time to focus on long-term plans Pisces. Be patient, accept any help offered and don’t feel guilty about calling in some old favours. Doing the ground work now will reap tangible benefits over the next few months, so get busy! & 21 MAR-19 APR ARIES You’ll find your mood may darken about midway through the month but you shouldn’t let it cast a pall over your life. Don’t allow yourself to feel miserable just because you’re stubborn and find it difficult to admit to being wrong. Accept that you’re not always right and embrace what life is sending your way. 23 OCT-21 NOV TAURUS GEORGE CLOONEY 06 .05.61 Gorgeous George Clooney seems to just get sexier with age. The actor displays typically bold Taurean spirit and determination, both in his film choices and keenness to address injustice wherever he finds it. Taureans are general practical, appreciative and sensible, but can also be stubborn and overly materialistic. 20 APR-20 MAY TAURUS It’s very easy to be swept up by gossip and name-calling. However, as you’re normally a very loyal person, this is rather out of character. Someone you know will be hurt by all this negativity. Don’t just go with the crowd in order to score some short-term approval. However tempting! 22 NOV-21 DEC SCORPIO SAGITTARIUS What’s important in your life may not always be of huge interest to those closest to you, so try not to force your passions upon others, as you’ll only be disappointed by their reaction. Finance and career issues may be looming, so you need all your friends and allies close to you over the coming weeks. Faithful and trusting as you are Sagittarius, a certain degree of cautiousness is called for unless you want to be the victim of manipulation. Be careful that your trusting and free nature is not mistaken for nonchalance and disinterest. Make sure you let loved ones know that you care for them. 20 JAN-18 FEB An altruistic personality can thing but you AQUARIUS bereallya wonderful need to make sure that you’re clear in your reasons for being so generous. Is it always for the benefit of others or is it sometimes for more selfish reasons? To give is good, but it’s even better if you expect nothing in return. Practice giving without receiving... and no giggling at the back! 21 MAY-21 JUN GEMINI This current bout of pessimism is doing you no favours at all. It’s just crushing all your creative urges. Get to the root of the problem and find yourself a solution. It may take a bit of time but in the long run it will be hugely beneficial. Also, keep an eye out for romantic opportunities this month. 22 JUN-22 JUL CANCER Give your ideas some space to grow Cancer. You keep drawing up plans in your head but not following them through. It’s time you focused on at least one of these ideas and carried it through to fruition. Besides a sense of achievement, it will also generate respect from your peers. 23 JUL-22 AUG LEO You may feel fiercely independent Leo, but you sometimes have to realise that it’s more productive to submit or seek the help of others. If you continue to fight a losing battle, all you’re doing is wasting energy that could be used in much more constructive ways. Learn when to move on! =CbTWb 63/:B6 ' 63/:B6 =CbTWb =CbTWb 63/:B6 DOES SIZE MATTER? /A27/03B3AC9 :/C<163A/1/;>/75< B=;/93;=@3>3=>:3 /E/@3/0=CBB63@7A9A =4037<5=D3@E3756B 03/@A7H322@8CAB7< D/@<3G3F>:/7<A;=@3 /0=CBB6327A3/A3/<2 E6=A6=C:203B/97<5 3FB@/1/@3=4B637@ E/7AB:7<3 0SW\U]dS`eSWUVbWaO [OX]`WaacSW\b]ROg¸a a]QWSbgO\ROZbV]cUV [O\g]TcaO`S QO``gW\UOTSeSfb`O ^]c\RaeWbV^`WRS TSe]TcaOQbcOZZgbVW\Y OP]cbbVSW[^OQbbVOb bVSaSSfb`OW\QVSa [WUVbPSVOdW\U]\ ]c`VSOZbVEVS\eS bOZYOP]cbPSW\U·TOb¸ eS]TbS\bVW\Y]TbV]aSV]caSP]c\RSfb`S[Sa \]b]TbVSaSfg[cTTW\b]^PcZUW\U]dS`bVS eOWabPO\R]TOX]QYab`O^]`bVSZ]dSVO\RZSabVOb eSZ]dSb]U`W^]\b]W\PSR /ZbV]cUVbVS`SO`SZ]ba]TeOgab]PSPWUO\R PSOcbWTcZPSW\UOPWUaSfgUcgQ][SaeWbVa][S `Sa^]\aWPWZWbWSaO\RZ]]YW\UOTbS`g]c`VSOZbVWa b]^]TbVSZWab=\S]TbVSaS`W]caaWRSSTTSQba]T QO``gW\UO`]c\RbVObORRWbW]\OZ^ORRW\UQO\PS RWOPSbSaO\R2WOPSbSaC9W\Q]\Xc\QbW]\eWbV <6A:]\R]\VOa`SQS\bZgVWUVZWUVbSRbVWaW\Wba ·;SOac`SC^¸QO[^OWU\OW[SR^`SR][W\O\bZg ObbVS%:]\R]\S`aeV]VOdSbg^S RWOPSbSaO\RR]\¸bY\]eWbgSb 7b¸aPOaSR]\`SaSO`QVbVObacUUSababVObWTg]c O`SO[O\O\RVOdSOeOWabaWhS]T!%W\QVSa ]`[]`S!#W\QVSaWTg]c¸`S]TA]cbV/aWO\ ]`WUW\g]cO`SObaWU\WTWQO\b`WaY]TRSdSZ]^W\U RWOPSbSaBVWaR]Sa\¸b[SO\g]c¸ZZRSTW\WbSZgUSb WbPcbWbR]Sa[SO\g]caV]cZR[OYSac`S g]cY\]eOP]cbRWOPSbSaO\RWTg]c¸`S Q]\QS`\SR^]^W\b]g]c`5>T]`OaW[^ZS PZ]]RO\Rc`W\SbSabb]USbQVSQYSR]cb A]eVObWaRWOPSbSa-7\^ZOW\3\UZWaV RWOPSbSaWaOQ]\RWbW]\eVS`Sg]c`P]Rg QO\¸bcbWZWaS]`^`]QSaaacUO`^`]^S`Zg PSQOcaS]T^`]PZS[aeWbVbVSV]`[]\S W\acZW\2WOPSbSaWaOaS`W]caQ]\RWbW]\O\R]\QS g]cVOdSWbg]cVOdSWbT]`ZWTS7TWb¸a\]bb`SObSR RWOPSbSaQO\ZSORb]^`]PZS[aeWbVg]c`SgSa PZ]]R^`Saac`SO\RVSO`b\S`dSaO\RaYW\7\ a][SQOaSaWbQO\SdS\ZSORb]RSObVPcb]\bVS c^aWRSb`SOb[S\bWa`SZObWdSZgab`OWUVbT]`eO`R O\RZ]ba]T^S]^ZSVOdSOQbWdSaSfgTc\ZWdSaeWbV RWOPSbSa BVS`SO`Sbe]bg^Sa]TRWOPSbSa( Bg^SWaeVS`Sg]c`P]RgR]Sa\¸bQ`SObSO\g W\acZW\]TWba]e\O\RbVWa\]`[OZZgRSdSZ]^a c\RS`bVSOUS]T"gSO`aBg^SWacacOZZg b`SObSReWbVW\acZW\W\XSQbW]\a Bg^S WaeVS`Sg]cP]RgQO\abWZZ[OYSa][S W\acZW\PcbSWbVS`\]bS\]cUV]`T]`a][S `SOa]\WbR]Sa\¸be]`Y^`]^S`ZgBVWaWabVS[]ab Q][[]\YW\R]TRWOPSbSaO\RWaZW\YSReWbV PSW\U]dS`eSWUVb BVS`SWa\]acQVbVW\UOaP]`RS`ZW\S]`[WZR RWOPSbSa=\QSg]cVOdSWbg]cVOdSWbT]`ZWTS O\ROZZT]`[a]TRWOPSbSa³WTZSTbc\b`SObSR ³QO\ZSORb][OX]`VSOZbV^`]PZS[aZWYSab`]YS W[^]bS\QSVSO`bObbOQYaO\RPZW\R\Saa BVS`SO`Sa][SbVW\UabVOb[OYSg]c[]`S ZWYSZgb]RSdSZ]^bg^S RWOPSbSaacQVOaPSW\U ]dS`eSWUVbVOdW\UOW[[SRWObSTO[WZg[S[PS` eWbVRWOPSbSaPSW\U/T`WQO\1O`WPPSO\]`a]cbV /aWO\O\RPSW\U]dS`"gSO`a]ZRA][S]T bVSaSTOQb]`ag]cQO\QVO\USa][Sg]cQO\¸b O\R\]\S]TbVS[[SO\g]ceWZZRSTW\WbSZg RSdSZ]^RWOPSbSaPcbPgPSW\UOeO`Sg]cQO\ [O\OUSg]c``WaYO\RYSS^O\SgS]cbT]`bVS ag[^b][a Ag[^b][a]TRWOPSbSaQO\RSdSZ]^aZ]eZgO\R Wb¸aSOagb]WU\]`SbVS[PcbSO`Zgb`SOb[S\bQO\ [OYSO[OX]`RWTTS`S\QSb]ZWdW\UeWbVRWOPSbSa 1][[]\ag[^b][aW\QZcRS(7\Q`SOaSRbVW`ab ^SSW\UT`S_cS\bZgSa^SQWOZZgOb\WUVbSfb`S[S bW`SR\SaaeSWUVbZ]aaPZc``SRdWaW]\O\R `SQc``S\bbV`caVW\TSQbW]\a 7Tg]cO`SRWOU\]aSReWbVRWOPSbSaWbWa\]bbVS S\R]TbVSe]`ZRBg^S RWOPSbSaQO\]TbS\PS W[^`]dSRbV`]cUVeSWUVbZ]aaW\Q`SOaSR^VgaWQOZ OQbWdWbgO\ROVSOZbVgRWSbA][SbW[SaWb`S_cW`Sa bOPZSbab]VSZ^g]c`P]RgRSOZeWbVacUO` Bg^S RWOPSbSaWa^`]U`SaaWdSa]USbbW\U RWOU\]aSRSO`ZgO\RUSbbW\UbVSO^^`]^`WObS b`SOb[S\bO\RORdWQSWa`SOZZgW[^]`bO\bW\bS`[a ]T^`SdS\bW\UQ][^ZWQObW]\a BVS`SO`SZ]ba]T[gbVaOP]cbRWOPSbSa O\RWaacSaQ]\QS`\W\URWSbVOdS]TbS\PSS\ RWaQcaaSR6]eSdS`OZbV]cUVPSW\U]dS`eSWUVb W\Q`SOaSag]c`QVO\QSa]TRSdSZ]^W\URWOPSbSa PSW\UOQV]Q]ZObSXc\YWSR]Sa\¸bO\RRWOPSbWQa QO\SObQV]Q]ZObSaO\RQOYSaW\[]RS`ObW]\Xcab ZWYSSdS`g]\SSZaSOZ]\UaWRST`cWbdSUSbOPZSaO\R Z]ba]TTWP`S /aOPWUUS`Ucg[gaSZT7Y\]e7O[Ob`WaY ]TRSdSZ]^W\URWOPSbSa7OZa]Y\]ebVOb7O[ Q][T]`bOPZSeWbV[gaWhSO\Ra]O`SbVS[S\ bVObaVO`S[gPSR;geOWabWa"$W\QVSaO\R eWbVbVObQ][SabVS`Sa^]\aWPWZWbg]TY\]eW\U bVOb7O[Ob`WaY]TRWOPSbSaA]eVObR]7R]- 7SfS`QWaSOa]TbS\Oa7QO\a]bVOb[g`WaY]T VSO`bRWaSOaSO\RVWUVPZ]]R^`Saac`SO`S Z]eS`SR7b`gb]SObVSOZbVWZgeWbVOPOZO\QSR RWSb7R]\¸ba[]YSO\R7`O`SZgR`W\YOZQ]V]Z O\R[]abW[^]`bO\bZg7YSS^O\SgS]cbT]` aWU\a]TRWOPSbSa7¸dSPSS\QVSQYSRPST]`S O\RSdS`gbVW\UeOaTW\SPcb\]R]cPb7 eWZZQ]\bW\cSb]PSQVSQYSRPSQOcaS[g VSOZbVWaW[^]`bO\bO\R7PSZWSdSW\PSW\UPWU PSOcbWTcZO\RVSOZbVg Dr Justin Varney works in public health in London. He is the creator of the website. 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For more details about Court House Clinic check www. or call 0845 555 5050 =CbTWb 63/:B6 ! =CbTWb 63/:B6 DOING YOUR HEAD IN? 2@1/B63@7<30CB:3@1:7<71/:>AG16=:=57AB /B>7<9B63@/>G6756:756BAB63;/7<;3<B/: 16/::3<53A4/17<5A=;3=<3:7D7<5E7B667D/<2 AC553ABA6=E03ABB=1=>3 µ0SW\Ub]ZRg]c VOdS67DVOaP]bV W[[SRWObSO\RZ]\US` bS`[^agQV]Z]UWQOZ Q]\aS_cS\QSa BVSaV]`bbS`[STTSQba O`SaW[WZO`b]U`WSdW\U W\bVWaQOaSZ]aa ]TOaS\aS]TaSZTOa µVSOZbVg¶BVS`SQO\ OZa]PSW[[SRWObS RWaPSZWSTO\US`PZO[S]T]bVS`a]`aSZTRSa^OW` O\RRS^`SaaW]\AcQVTSSZW\Ua[WUVb]QQc`W\O\g aS_cS\QS]dS`bVSQ]c`aS]TeSSYa]`[]\bVa O\RbVSgO`WaSPSQOcaSbVSVSORWab`gW\Ub] OQQS^bO\RORXcabb]O\SeWRS\bWbg(bVOb]T a][S]\SeV]Wa67D^]aWbWdS 7\bVS[WRbS`[O\SeZgRWOU\]aSR^S`a]\VOa b]e]`Y]cba][SU`]c\R`cZSaT]`bVS[aSZdSa eWbVeVWQVbVSgTSSZQ][T]`bOPZSacQVOaeV] b]bSZZO\RWTb]bSZZO\RWTbVS`SO`SU]W\Ub]PS O\gQVO\USaW\aSfcOZ]`RObW\UPSVOdW]c`SbQ THE HEAD IS TRYING TO ACCEPT AND ADJUST TO A NEW IDENTITY: THAT OF SOMEONE WHO IS HIV POSITIVE BVS`SWa\]µ`WUVb¶eOgb]R]bVWa7b¸aRS^S\RS\b ]\]\S¸a^S`a]\OZdOZcSa7T^]aaWPZSWbQO\PS VSZ^TcZb]bOZYbVSaSRWZS[[OabV`]cUVeWbV a][S]\S³eVSbVS`T`][ORSRWQObSR<6A 67DbSO[]`T`][OeWRS`O\US]Td]Zc\bO`g ]`UO\WaObW]\abVOba^SQWOZWaSW\bVWaO`SOacQVOa BS``S\QS6WUUW\aB`cab 7\bVSZ]\US`bS`[]\QSg]cVOdSU]bg]c`VSOR O`]c\RWbO\Ra][SUcWRW\U^`W\QW^ZSaVOdS PSS\Q]\aWRS`SRbVSµVSORZW\S¶]T67DbS\Rab] TORSW\b]Xcab]\S]T[O\gOa^SQba]TbVSaSZT 6]eSdS`WbQO\`SO^^SO`OaQS\b`OZZgW[^]`bO\b ObbW[Sa]TQVO\USacQVOaeVS\Q][[S\QW\U [SRWQObW]\abO`bW\U]`S\RW\UO`SZObW]\aVW^ ]`PSQ][W\Uc\eSZZ/UOW\ObbVSaSbW[Sa]T b`O\aWbW]\WbWaU]]Rb]bOZYO\RcaW\USabOPZWaVSR ^`]TSaaW]\OZ`SZObW]\aVW^aT`][SO`ZWS`]\W\67D b`SOb[S\bQO`SWaOaOTSO\Rb`cabSRS\dW`]\[S\b W\eVWQVb]R]bVWa " B=>#>AG16=:=571/:B7>A4=@1=>7<5 E7B6:7D7<5E7B667D( 231723G=C@>=:71G4=@27A1:=AC@3 G]cQ]\b`]ZeV]Y\]eaOP]cbg]c`abObca7T g]cR]\]bTSSZQ][T]`bOPZSbSZZW\Ua][S]\S R]\¸b6]eSdS`PSO`W\[W\RbVObeVS\WbQ][Sa b]`SQS\bQ]c`b^`]aSQcbW]\a]T^S]^ZSeV]VOdS ^OaaSR]\67DbV`]cUVaSfbVSZSUOZORdWQS Qc``S\bZgWab]bSZZa][S]\Sg]cO`S^]aWbWdSWTg]c O`SU]W\Ub]VOdSaSfeWbVbVS[SdS\WTcaW\UO Q]\R][4]`O\c^RObS]\bVWaaWbcObW]\QVSQY eeebVb]`UcY^`]aSQcbW]\a <35=B7/B3A/43@A3F EVS\WbQ][Sab]aSfbVSQ]\QS^b]T µ\SU]bWObSRaOTSbg¶WacaSTcZ2SQWRSPST]`SVO\R eVObaSfTSSZaaOTSS\]cUVT]`g]cP]bVb]S\X]g a]g]cR]\]bVOdSb]e]``gOP]cb^OaaW\U]\ 67D]`QObQVW\UAB7a !A6@C5=44AB75;/ AbWU[OQO\[OYS^S]^ZSTSO``SXSQbW]\WT bVSgRWaQZ]aSbVSW`abObcaO\Re]``gOP]cb Q]\TWRS\bWOZWbgO\RU]aaW^0S^`S^O`SRT]`bVWa O\Rb`gb]TW\ROcaSTcZ[O\b`ObVObe]`YaT]` g]cacQVOaµBVWaWa\¸b^S`a]\OZWb¸a67DbVSgO`S `SXSQbW\U¶ "9<=EG=C@@756BA >S]^ZSeWbV67DO`S^`]bSQbSRZSUOZZg OUOW\abRWaQ`W[W\ObW]\c\RS`bVS2WaOPWZWbWSa 2WaQ`W[W\ObW]\/QbO\R]`UO\WaObW]\aacQVOa >ObWS\b/RdWQSO\R:WOWa]\AS`dWQSaZ]QObSRW\ OZZ[OX]`V]a^WbOZaO\RZW\YSRb]OZZ<6AaS`dWQSa QO\VSZ^eWbVQ][^ZOW\ba]`b]TW\R[]`S W\T]`[SRR]Qb]`a]`RS\bWaba #B/:9B=>3=>:3 7Tg]cR]\¸bUSZeWbVbVSTW`ab^S`a]\g]c[SSb bVS`SO`S[O\g[]`SW\67DQS\b`SaO\R d]Zc\bO`gaS`dWQSaeV]VOdSVSO^a]TSf^S`WS\QS O\RO`SbVS`Sb]ZWabS\ Pink Therapy has a UK-wide online directory listing therapists of all orientations who won’t judge someone because of their sexuality or HIV status: HARD CELL Terrence Higgins Trust has just launched a new website called ‘Hardcell’ ( aimed at gay men interested in rough sex, S&M and other hard core sexual practices. The site combines facts about sexual health and recreational drug use with information about sex acts and rough sex. The site has a section dedicated to sexually transmitted infections including causes, symptoms, treatments and prevention. It also has a section on recreational drugs giving clear information on the effects and risks of drugs from GHB to Viagra. In addition, Hardcell covers issues such as sex ‘addiction’, sexual dysfunction and personal safety. Will Nutland, Strategic Lead for Health Promotion and Health Improvement at Terrence Higgins Trust said, “When we were researching the site we found that men had questions about specific sex scenes but they didn’t know where to get reliable information. The website provides up-front information right through from bondage and branding to tit torture and watersports. The site not only focuses on the pleasures of hard sex - it looks at the risks of mixing different types of drugs during sex, avoiding trouble during harder sex, and gives information on where the law currently stands on S&M sex.” WORD UP Gay men’s health charity GMFA is seeking volunteers to help with a new three-year HIV prevention project aimed specifically at black gay men. The project, in conjunction with GMFA’s black gay men’s volunteer group Big Up, was developed following research that revealed black gay men in the UK are almost twice as likely as white British gay men to be living with HIV. Big Up will be carrying out research to investigate the sexual health needs of black gay men, and in turn provide them with better services. New volunteers are needed to become involved in peer education projects, developing culturally appropriate HIV awareness interventions and outreach programmes aimed at other black gay men, including those men who have sex with men but don’t identify as gay. If you are interested in getting involved in Big Up, or volunteering for GMFA, contact: WORDS BY LOREM DELOREM | PHOTOGRAPH BY MAET IPSUM =CbTWb 63/:B6 #
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