Information & Application Form INTRODUCTION TO HOSTELLING INTERNATIONAL August 2016 The Youth Hostel movement was founded in Germany in the early years of this century, and spread rapidly between the wars, especially in Europe. Today, Hostelling International offers you a choice of nearly 4,500 accommodation centres in more than 60 countries worldwide. In Malaysia, the Malaysian Youth Hostels Association - MYHA was formed in the early fifties and effective 01 August 2009 it amended its name to Hostelling International – Malaysia or HI-Malaysia. The HI–Malaysia offers four accommodation centres in Malaysia at Kuala Lumpur & Langkawi which are associate hostels. Kuala Lumpur: Wira Hotel (Associate Hostel) 123, Jalan Thamboosamy off Jalan Putra 50350 Kuala Lumpur. Hotel Citin Pudu (Associate Hostel) 38, Jalan Pudu 55100 Kuala Lumpur ALSO there are Associate Hotels at:Johor Bahru Langkawi Melaka Pangkor Island Taman Negara Check out more details at HI-Malaysia is in search of ideal, well managed and quality accommodation centres, hotels, hostels to be associate hostels under the Hostelling International brand. NO AGE LIMIT Despite their name, hostels are open to people of all ages in virtually every country where they are located. Only a small number of hostels in Germany have an age restriction which is a requirement of the local legislation. Guests under 14 years of age should be accompanied by an adult. MEMBERSHIP To stay at a hostel, you MUST become a member of your National Youth Hostel Association (YHA). In Malaysia, you can become a member of the HI-Malaysia in order to access to the hostels all over the world at affordable prices. PRIVILEGES OF BEING A MEMBER OF THE YHA You can stay at any one of the more than 4000 hostels worldwide at an affordable price now that you are a member of the YHA. You also get the privilege to certain benefits including access to discounts worldwide. You can contact the YHA of the country you are visiting or you can visit the web page of the International Youth Hostel Federation – IYHF Hostels worldwide offer the following: COMFORT CLEANLINESS SECURITY PRIVACY INTERNATIONAL BOOKING NETWORK – IBN MSL Travel Sdn Bhd, as a Booking Centre, can book you at participating hostels. You can book as early as 6 months in advance and as late as 24 hours (subject to availability). You only pay 10% deposit to MSL Travel and the other 90% is paid to the youth hostel upon check in. You can book for a maximum of 6 nights for a maximum of 9 hostellers at any one time at each hostel. Conditions apply !! Booking Hostels on the Web You can now book hostels on the web yourself. All you need is a credit card to secure your bookings. You only pay 6% deposit upon booking on the web and the balance 95% is paid to the youth hostel directly when you check in. Visit the website: Conditions apply !! Anyone can book to stay at the hostels of Hostelling International. There are two rates – Members pay the LOWER rate while non-members pay the HIGHER rate. Be a m em ber and benefit M EM BER SHI P TO HI -M alaysia I S ONLY OP ENED TO M ALAYSI AN S. Non M alaysians m ust apply at their association in their ow n country or apply for an Hostelling I nternational Card at any of the issuing offices personally. Please enclose the following when applying for the HI-Malaysia card: ● Completed application form ● One passport size photo (w e do not accept scanned/ digital photos) ● Membership fees payable to MSL Travel Sdn Bhd ● For Postal Applications, pay additional MYR 5.30 GST included - your membership card will be sent to your address in Malaysia. And send it to M SL Travel office: MSL Travel Sdn Bhd 66, Jalan Putra, 50350 Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA I f your application is incom plete, it w ill be rejected. How to pay MSL Payment by Cash & Cheques MSL Travel Sdn Bhd has accounts with the following banks : Malayan Banking Berhad or MAYBANK - preferred bank ** Bank : Account Number : 5-14020-618063 Account name : MSL Travel Sdn Bhd Bank : CIMB Bank Berhad Account Number : 8001-548-076 Account name : MSL Travel Sdn Bhd If you want to pay MSL Travel Sdn Bhd, please deposit your cash, cheques* or transfer payment to the above account. (*subject to clearance) Please email to " " the Banking Slip to MSL Travel Sdn Bhd with the following information : a. Passengers name or Name of card Applicant b. MSL Travel staff name c. Amount you have banked in d. Travel arrangement or Card you are paying for e. Your Telephone contact number ISSUING OFFICE FOR HI-Malaysia Membership Kuala Lumpur: Penang: MSL Travel Sdn Bhd 66, Jalan Putra, 50350 Kuala Lumpur Tel: 03-404 73 722 Fax: 03-404 73 707 MSL Travel Sdn Bhd Red Rock Hotel Lobby, Macalister Road, 10400 Penang Tel: 04-2272 655 Fax: 04-2272 102 I f you apply at M SL Travel, please have your paym ent be payable to:- I f your application is incom plete, it w ill be rejected. MSL Travel Sdn Bhd Please Note, If applying for the Youth Hostel Card in MSL Travel: It takes only 5 minutes to issue the Youth Hostel Card, If you apply for it in person and your application is in order, you only have to wait for your turn which only depends on how busy the office is. If you apply by mail, how fast you get your Youth Hostel Card depends on the postal services. P lease ensure that you have included your: • correctly completed application form • one passport size photo (w e do not accept scanned / digital photos) • PAYMENT payable to MSL Travel Sdn Bhd (do not send cash) • For Postal Applications, pay additional MYR 5.30 GST included - your membership card will be sent to your address in Malaysia. HI Membership Cards are also issued by HI Malaysia office. Kuala Lumpur: Hostelling International - Malaysia 1-7, Block B, Impian Kota Apartments Jalan Manau, off Jalan Kampung Attap, 50460 Kuala Lumpur Tel: 03-2273 6870 Fax: 03-2274 1115 2015/April Pertubuhan Asrama Antarabangsa Malaysia Hostelling I nternational – M alaysia (HI – Malaysia) Photo Membership No. No. Ahli Please use Glue. Do not Tape or Staple Receipt No. No. Resit Date Received Tarikh diterima APPLICATION FORM Borang P erm ohonan Name Nam a (as per IC/ passport) Address Alam at Postcode City/Town P oskod Bandar Telephone: Work:Home:Mobile:- Occupation Email: Sex P ekerjaan Male/Female Jantina Nationality Laki-laki/ P erem puan W arganegara I/C No. Copy of IC required No. K / P DATE & Place of Birth Te m pat dan Tarikh Lahir Application For Date of Birth Place of Birth Tow n/ Country dd/ m m m / yyyy P erm ohonan untuk [ ] Junior Member** (12 to 18 years) MEMBERSHIP Entrance Fee Annual Subscription 3ULFHLQFOXGHV*67 MYR 10.60 MYR 21.20 Total MYR 31.80 [ ] Senior Member MYR 42.40 MYR 10.60 MYR 31.80 (above 18 years) [ ] Life MYR 318.00 I agree to abide by the youth hostel rules and regulation of the country in which I am travelling. Saya bersetuju m em atuhi undang-undang dan peraturan asram a belia di negara yang dilaw ati. ______________________ Date/Tarikh _____________________________ Signature/Tandatangan ** For applicants below 16 years old, parent/guardian consent required ** Bagi pem ohon dibaw ah umur 16 tahun, persetujuan dihendaki daripada ibubapa ______________________ Date/Tarikh _____________________________ Signature/Tandatangan POSTAL APPLICATION - Please pay an additional fee of MYR 5.30 GST included - your membership card will be sent to you by registered mail to your address in Malaysia PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM LEGIBLY & PROVIDE ALL DETAILS AS REQUIRED
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*GST included