Houghton Parish Magazine
Houghton Parish Magazine July and August 2012 Editor this month: Lucy Gosse Dates for your Diaries Mon 2 July PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Village Hall Sat 21 July MIDDAY MUSIC AT ST. PETER’S Stockbridge Sun 5 August TROUT ’N ABOUT Stockbridge Sat 18 August WI CREAM TEA Stockbridge Sun 19 August POOCHES & PEOPLE Houghton Lodge (for Enham) Full details of all these events inside the magazine! Congratulations to the Village Hall Committee and all their helpers and supporters for raising just over £1700 for the Hall’s refurbishments programme at the Diamond Jubilee Family Fun Day. The saying ’the sun shines on the righteous’ has now applied for the second year running for the annual village fete, so a lot of people are doing something right! July marks a very special event for the village: the arrival of Revd Gillian Nobes as Benefice Curate. There is a special Songs of Praise service on Sunday 1 July at 6.00 pm at St. Mary’s, Broughton to welcome Gillian, and offer the opportunity to meet her, and her husband Andy. We wish her a happy time with us. The Buckingham House cake (see below - and ‘yes’ it is all edible but for the flag pole!) is the wonderful creation by Fiona Evans which was raffled at the Fun Day. Won by Peter Kennesion, he kindly donated it for a re-raffle, at the Drinks Party event at The Limes on 30 June, in aid of the Village Hall; most generous - of both of you! Fiona, Ingrid and I wish you all a happy, peaceful and sunny summer! Next Issue’s deadline for articles and ads - 20 August. Email to: houghtonnews@yahoo.co.uk Village Website www.houghton-bossington.org.uk Church News Dear Friends, On 2 August 1828 the Revd. Marmaduke Sealey was licensed as Stipendiary Curate to Broughton-cum-Bossington on a stipend of some one hundred pounds per year plus surplice fees (marriage, churching and burial fees), plus glebe land of some £36. He worked as the Curate to the Rector who held the head tithe of Broughton. Marmaduke served in Broughton for some 28 years and is buried in St Mary’s Church Broughton; his plaque is near the vestry door in the sanctuary. In 1828 the Rector, besides his clerical duties and collecting the head tithe (10% of the cereal crops grown in the parishes) and fees for glebe land (no need for fund raising then), was also the registrar of births, deaths and marriages and sat as a Magistrate. The Rector could retire from his duties and leave his Curate in charge as he went and painted in Venice or studied butterflies! Ummm…. interesting thoughts! Today life is much different as we have a widespread Benefice not a single parish; Curates no longer stay for 28 years but come to train and minister for four years until they have their own parishes. Therefore it is a great delight that we do have a Curate coming into the Benefice, the first since The Revd. Marmaduke Sealey. The Revd. Gillian Nobes will be moving into Mottisfont as the Benefice Curate on 21 June. Gina and I have often prayed that God would bless us with a Curate for these parishes and I am absolutely delighted that Gill with the support and blessing of the Diocese is coming to serve among us and that she will be ordained in Winchester Cathedral on 1 July 2012 by The Bishop of Winchester. Gill will be moving into Mottisfont on the 21 June and once she is Ordained we will provide her phone number as part of the ministry team. Please would as many people as possible come to the welcome Songs of Praise Service we are holding on Sunday 1st July at 6.00pm in St Mary’s Broughton. The service will be followed by refreshments and a chance to say hello to Gill and to her Husband Andy. We are so fortunate to be receiving such a faithful, committed and gifted person, and Gill is blessed in coming into our beautiful widespread and challenging Benefice. Please pray for Gill as she prepares to come and serve among us and may God richly bless her ministry in these parishes. Ron Corne - Rector PARISH REGISTER Marriage 19 May Deborah Anne Kill and Daniel Stephen Major. 26 May Gemma Hayley Welsh and Daniel Robert Lewis. All Saint’s Houghton Parochial Church Council (PCC) will be holding its next meeting on Tuesday 3 July at 7.30 pm (at Guildway Bungalow, Leckford,). If you would like further information or would like to attend, please contact Dawn Williams, PCC Secretary . 2 Special things to note in July in the Benefice Sunday 1 July There are no morning services on this day as our new Curate, Gill Nobes, will be ordained in Winchester Cathedral. 6.00 pm—St Mary’s Broughton—Please come to a special Songs of Praise, as we welcome Gill to the benefice. There will be refreshments following the service and an opportunity to meet Gill and her husband, Andy. Sunday 8 July: Sea Sunday We hope to have a visiting preacher from the Mission to Seafarers at : 9.30 am - All Saints’, Houghton 11.00 am - St Andrew’s, Mottisfont Sunday 29 July: Benefice Sunday Please join us at St James’s, Bossington at 9.30 am or 6.30 pm as we celebrate St James’s tide. BROUGHTON BRIGHT HOUR Every Thursday at 2.30 pm in the New Room at St. Mary’s Church, Broughton Speakers for July: 5 Mrs Carole Boast Please note! 12 Visit to Wisdom House, Romsey There are no meetings during August! 19 Mrs Shelia Few 26 Tea at Ann’s Everyone is very welcome but if you are a non-member, please contact Ann on 01980 862232 in advance, so that we are aware of numbers. Barbara Perry, Booking Secretary 01794 301466 Church Cleaning Rota July 7 Sally Salz & Gina Livermore 14 Marilyn James & Christine Hough 21 Phillipa Williams & Carolyn Bowen 28 Jan Gregory & Lucy Gosse August 4 Sandra Harper & Tara Scougall 11 Fiona Evans & Jacqueline Jenkins 18 Isobel Gilbert & Julie Moldon 25 Pam White & Mary-Lou Evans Would you like express a view or opinion about something affecting our Parish? Or perhaps you’d like to advertise your business. If so, please contact the Editor with your letter, article or advertisement at: houghtonnews@yahoo.co.uk. 3 A HUGE ’thank you’ to everyone who donated either items or their time to the Houghton Family Fun Day this year, we raised a fantastic £1,743.51 !!!!! plus 6 Euros, and a further 18 coins from various countries around the world – as yet, some unidentified!!! If you are off to Hong Kong, India, Australia or New Zealand at any point please let us know as we can probably help you out with some coins!!! We were sooooooo lucky with the weather for the day – everyone agreed even if we hadn’t made ANY money it was a fun day for all and great to see so many of the village out in support so THANK YOU for making it such a great success!!! As announced at the fete the Village Hall is looking for a logo - please submit your entries (on A4 paper with your name and contact info on the back) to: The Limes, Church Lane, Houghton by FRIDAY 28TH SEPTEMBER Would you like to sponsor a chair for the hall?? £40 per chair – including an engraved message on the back!! Ideas include - In Memory of / Mr & Mrs / Family / House Name Please contact Tara Scougall tara@scougall.com or 01264 811618 for further info. 4 Life is like a piece of flat-pack furniture. You never know what you are going to get until you try and put it together. These days God couldn't build the world in six days - the unions wouldn't allow it. Reminders of the sunny Diamond Jubilee fete…... 5 More pictures in September’s issue 6 ...and another event to raise funds for our Village Hall …….. ******************************************** (9) 6. Water barrier (3) 7. Precious gem (7) 9. Mistake (5) 10. One of the senses (5) 12. Expert (3) 13. Beer mug (5) 14. Score (5) 16. Very old (7) 18. Self (3) 19. Stage name (9) Down 1. Military chaplain (5) 2. Compunction (7) 3. Survival (9) 4. Fifth sign of the zodiac (3) 5. Emblem (5) 8. Tried (9) 11. Physician (7) 13. Frighten (5) 15. Tempest (5) 17. Drinking vessel (3) 7 QUICK CROSSWORD Across 1. Eternal HOUGHTON W I This month’s meeting was a case of pleasure before business, when members enjoyed a walk round the Old Rectory garden. With Mrs Iona Priestley leading the way the group enjoyed the mix of exotic and everyday plants; and on a summer evening, this was very enjoyable. Then it was back to the Hall and business, but not before everyone enjoyed a glass of wine to celebrate the Jubilee. The Hall had been decorated and anyone who had any Coronation souvenir put them on display. The planned walk of the Test Way was from Inkpen to Linkenholt again on a sunny evening. The shuffleboard and another game run by the W.I. raised £3.60 on the Village Jubilee Day and this was included in the final figure. In plans for the proposed refurbishment of the Hall is a chance to buy a new chair with a plaque on the back, and the W.I. plan to purchase 2 of these. The Darts competition resulted in a 2-1 win and the team will now go on to play Colden Common. Further news of 'our' Canine puppy. He is a brown Labrador named Baxter. and we will receive further reports on his training. It costs £5000 during the first year, and any more money now being collected will go towards this. Canine Partners are launching a used stamp appeal to raise funds, and if anyone would like to collect these up and let me have them I will send them on. Following the W.I. Report last month I would like to re-assure everyone who made cakes for the Refreshment table at the Houghton Trail event that all the money taken (£307) was included in the final cheque handed over to the Church. We were most grateful for the lovely cakes received and the competitors said they deserved a gold medal. So to everyone who baked for us, we send a sincere thank you. Next Meeting: 16 July - On the Reef Speaker: Neil Stewart. Jeanne Featherstone OUR ‘GREAT’ ASSETS Let's hear it for Great Britain, Our talents and dreams The heroes and poets Our Kings and our Queens. St George is there watching, His presence Is felt Over bridges and landmarks And the rolling Green Belt. From Wordsworth to Shakespeare Bronte to Blake Britton to Beatles Victoria sponge cake! Now Olympics and Jubilee - a summer unique Will give many memories For ever to keep. Our ironic humour and keen sense of fun, The Boat Race, the Marathon, And Great North Run. No need to rewrite our country's history with flair Or put the 'Great' back In Britain... It's already there! The charitable nation when appeals fill our screen To help needy others We've never even seen! 8 MIDDAY MUSIC at St. Peters Church, Stockbridge Saturday 21 July The Stockbridge Augmented choir will perform (for about 40 minutes) a selection of music and songs to please all-comers! Come and hear the story of Salad Days in words and song, other songs from The Sound of Music and a short interlude of something a little more serious! Light refreshments will be served following both these events, which are FREE, with a retiring collection. For further details, please ring Dawn Williams - 01264 810724 Nature Notes - Summer quiz Set by Lindsay Parker 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Whose Latin name is ‘vulpes vulpes? Are moles insectivores or omnivores? How many hours per day do moles sleep 3, 5 or 10? What is the name of Britain’s largest beetle? Are ladybirds carnivorous? Is the glow worm a worm or a beetle? Is the hedgehog a mammal? What are the correct names for a male and female hedgehog? What is the name of Britain’s smallest bat? What do you call a colony of bats in flight? Do bats hibernate? What is in the pellets that owls regurgitate? What are baby owls called? Why do rabbits thump their back feet? Why do rabbits dig little scrapes in the grass? Which are bigger rabbits or hares? What is unusual about the Cuckoo? Where on a bees body are its pollen baskets? Who has the longer forked tail, a swallow or a House Martin? Which amphibian lays its spawn in strings, the toad or the newt? Monty is taking his first holiday to Scotland very seriously and has been getting used to the dress code! Have a great time, Monty! 9 Letter from Billy Hello Everyone! I have had a grand month, when we had that few nice days a little while ago I spent a long time out in my favourite sunny spot in the garden, spying on Edward, and the other next door dogs, which includes a Jack Russell called Lily. Lily wanted to play with me, so I thought it would be a good idea if I helped her dig a little hole and then she could climb through, which she did! She was ever so pleased and ran all around the garden, all over Mum’s flower bed, and attacked Mollie! What a wimp that Mollie is, of course she had to go running indoors to tell Mum, and the next thing we have is Mum out by the fence telling me what for!! “that is really naughty Billy” she said, “you are old enough to know better, are you going through a second childhood or something? Mollie is terrified” well, I was quite pleased to hear that although I tried not to show it, I would only get another telling off! It is about time that Mollie was put in her place! Mum of course blocked the hole up again, but I have promised Lily that when the hullabaloo has died down a bit, I will dig it out again and she can come in to tea, (she can share Mollie’s, not mine, I don’t get given enough to share with anybody!) I am always hungry, I am not sure I can exist much longer on such meagre rations! It looks like the van is being got ready for some sort of outing, I thought with Daddy not here we wouldn’t be able to go away in it, I don’t trust Mum’s driving, we shall probably end up in a right dog’s dinner if she has to do it all without Daddy telling her the right thing to do! I would much rather stay here and keep an eye on Edward! I will tell you all about any mishaps that Mum has in my letter next month! I hope you all have lovely holidays and give your doggies lots of treats! If they are all such devoted companions as I am, selfless and thinking only of others, they deserve them! Lots of Love, Billy HOUGHTON W.I. invites you to a ‘CREAM TEA BY THE RIVER’ Saturday 18 August 2 – 4 pm—Blandford House, Stockbridge By kind permission of Mrs Pam White Bring and Buy & Raffle £4.00 per person, to include a Cream Tea 10 Bessie’s Corner “Well I suppose I was 11 or 12, so it was in the mid 1920s. I guess it was just the two upper classes in the school that had to write something before Empire Day – May 24th and if I remember rightly, if it was nice weather we wrote it outdoors. You had to write all about the British Empire, you know, like India, Australia, you know, all the places that belonged to the British Empire then. I can’t think who it was, I suppose they picked out the best two or three and then made their mind up which was the best of them and we’d be told on the day who’d won the thing. I think they used to give a prize but I think the prize was a small gift in the Post Office Savings Bank, you know, you didn’t get the money in your hand, it was put in the bank for your use in the future. I knew it all but I could never get the things down on the paper – do you know what I mean? I knew this, that and the other ... it’s the same as when we had the exam for grammar. I would get all the answers right but couldn’t the flow of the thing right! I had to sit twice for that! I don’t know whether the trees are still there in the playground at Kings Somborne School? There was two conker trees, as we used to call ‘em. But of course there isn’t an Empire now, is there? I don’t know how long it was since the Empire was washed out. The last time I went past the school they had a high fence or wall up. Well of course we never had even the gate locked when we were there and I don’t think anyone ever went out of the playground. Now of course it’s all shut up with a high fence round. ‘Course there’s more traffic about now. There’s a gentleman goin’ to visit me, called Peter Few. He’s been in touch with Mary as he’s trying to track his roots – wants to know about the Chant family. Well, I said to Mary, if he’d like to come and see me I’m willing to see him. Course there was Mrs Chant (Dulcie) and Mr Chant (Tom). Then there was the children, Tom was the eldest, then Humphrey, Gordon, and then I’m not sure whether the daughter or the boy came along next – I’ve got a feeling the boy was last. He was a funny little nipper too if I remember rightly. During the war Mrs Chant, I sometimes went up for a cuppa tea with her, you know to pass an hour, kind of thing, if you were there he wouldn’t come in and have tea and he’d sit out! Whether he’s still alive now or not I don’t know. Can’t remember his name... I hear from Mary that the Jubilee fete went very well! As far as the other Jubilee celebrations went, it seemed as if it dragged out such a long time. They were either sayin’ something about it or where the Queen was goin’ and so on. Well, they had to, I suppose.. Would been so awful if somethin’ had ‘appened to Prince Philip in the middle of that.. whooo..” A STILL, SMALL VOICE In a world where we are Always rushing around, When we have many tasks to fulfill, When there never seems time to pause and reflect We must take a short while to be still. 11 We all need a moment to rest and relax, To rid our mind of worries and cares, To count up the blessings which we surely will find And turn all our dreams into prayers. It is when we are quiet and empty our mind, When silence comes creeping like balm, That we hear in the stillness the answers we seek. In the small voice we hear in the calm. As Roses come towards the end of their first flush of flowering, I find it is worthwhile to feed them with a complete fertilizer which has high potash content as this will help the second lot of flowers. It is wise to spray roses against greenfly and hidden mildew. Mildew is common if the weather is damp. The feeding of Dahlias should begin, a mulch of garden compost will help a lot, as Dahlias like moisture. Remember to stake taller varieties because the heavy and brittle shoots are easily broken off. Outdoor Hydrangeas should be treated now with one of the advertised colorants, if blue flowers are required next year. The best blues come from those that in alkaline soil have pale pink flowers. Now is the time to begin propagating many Shrubs. Cuttings of half ripened wood of such shrubs as Forsythia, Flowering Current, Escallonia, Nigella and Deutzia will all root easily. Pull off the shoots with a heel of older wood, trim this neatly with a sharp knife, dip in hormone rooting powder and then put the cuttings in sandy soil in a tray or pot with a piece of glass over the top, (cling film will also be fine). All such cuttings must be shaded from bright sunshine. Late Savoy Cabbage can be sown now where the plants can be left to mature. Sow thinly and then thin seedlings to 15 – 18 inches apart. The Winter Cabbage January King should be planted now without delay and it is also time for planting out Autumn Cauliflower and Broccoli. A little fertilizer sprinkled now between onion rows and hoed in will help produce large bulbs. Spinach Beet and Seakale Beet are two vegetables not grown enough. As they produce a very good crop over a long period, both can be sown now. Keep a close eye out for Cabbage White Butterflies as there are often quite a few about this time of year (if we ever get any sun that is). And Caterpillars may be seen on Cabbages etc. Where possible squash the eggs on the under-side of the leaves or spray with an appropriate insecticide. Outdoor Tomatoes should be fed once a week with Tomorite or similar and each plant should be stopped one leaf above the fourth truss. Privet Hedges must be clipped fairly frequently if they are to be kept neat and tidy and this is even more important for young hedges in order to build up dense, well-branched plants. Garden Pinks of all kinds can be increased by cuttings or pipings taken now and the same goes for all Perennial Dianthus. The only difference between cuttings and pipings is that the former are cut with a knife or razor blade just beneath a joint whereas pipings are pulled out at a joint. The Early Flowering Clematis Montana can be pruned now. From now on, to keep the garden looking neat and tidy and to encourage repeat flowering, dead flowers must be removed regularly. Nick’s Plot Pooches and People wanted! Please join our Family Dog Walk and Treasure Hunt Houghton Lodge Gardens, Stockbridge Sunday 19th August Any time between 10am – 4pm It’s a lovely day out along the River Test – and at £10 per family, a wonderful way of raising funds for the Enham charity and the disabled people it supports.. 12 Sunday 5th August, 10am-4pm Stockbridge High Street * 60 stalls of local foods, produce & crafts * Juggling Jake Circus entertainment * Live music * Farm animals * Vintage agricultural equipment * Craft Demonstrations A fabulous free day out for all the family! Principal sponsors: For further information please visit: www.facebook.com/TroutnAbout 13 If you wish to advertise in this magazine, please contact INGRID BURT - 01794 388070 Or email houghtonnews@yahoo.co.uk ANNUAL ADVERTISING RATES Full page: ½ page: ¼ page: £126 £63 £32 One-off editions also available HOUGHTON VILLAGE HALL Available to hire for private functions Children’s parties, charitable events, etc. Oil fired central heating; Stage with piano Kitchen with all amenities COMPETITIVE RATES Contact: Trevor Smith 01794 388008 Exercise Your Way to a Stronger You Everybody knows that outdoor exercise is a fantastic opportunity to boost and maintain positive mental and physical wellbeing. However, recent research suggests that 9 out of 10 women lack the confidence to engage in outdoor activity. This means that 90% of the women that come to the Fitness Divas classes initially felt like this. However they have succeeded in putting any such inhibitions to one side and are now reaping the benefits of energising outdoor exercise in a fun and enjoyable group atmosphere. I know that the Fitness Divas classes have helped a lot of women start to feel great about themselves in all sorts of ways. Exercising in the outdoors re-energises your body and mind and hopefully at some point will provide you with your Vitamin D! You work at your own pace and to whatever level you feel comfortable with. There are no routines to follow just a chance to raise your heart rate, tone up your muscles and have fun. Classes are £5 and take place behind Broughton Village Hall: Monday – 9.30am ; Wednesday – 9.30am (running class) & 10.00am (beginners running class); Friday – 9.30am For further information, call Kirsty on 01794 301152 or email kirstycoltart@hotmail.co.uk 14 Hatha Yoga with Marion Beginners & improvers welcome Wednesdays - 10.00 -11.30 Houghton Village Hall Information & booking - Tel: 01962 864823 Answers to Summer Nature Quiz: 1) fox 2) insectivores 3) ten hours 4) stag beetle 5) yes 6) a beetle 7) yes 8) boar and sow 9) pipistrelle 10) a cloud 11) Yes 12) bones and fur from prey they have eaten 13) owlets 14) as an alarm signal 15) to mark territory 16) hares 17) it lays its eggs in other bird’s nests 18) on its legs 19) swallow 20) newt The Building Line DECORATING SERVICE Personal, professional and reliable. All aspects of internal and external decorating Prompt quotes – Efficient and affordable Contact – Nicholas Cardoe 07802 210118 or 01794 388771 thebuildingline@aol.com 15 Weddings at Houghton Lodge will be held on: Saturday 21 July Saturday 1 September Saturday 29 September 16 “Professional advice from approachable people” Legal Services - Business Commercial Conveyancing Company Commercial Commercial Litigation Employment Law Legal Services - Individual Residential Conveyancing Divorce & Separation Wills & Probate Personal Injury 3 Clarendon Terrace Stockbridge Hampshire, SO20 6EY Tel: 01264 810910 Fax: 01264 810977 inmail@brockmanlaw.com www.brockmanlaw.com Enham Trustee Challenge Fund - 2012 Could you do something which will have a positive impact on the lives of disabled people? Disability charity Enham Trust has grants of up to £5,000 available for projects which will benefit the disabled adults they support. Each application will be considered on its own merits. But the project must in some way benefit disabled people at Enham – directly or indirectly by: Improving the physical environment -Promoting health & wellbeing Increasing people’s independence -Enhancing community life Interested? Please telephone the Chief Executive Office on 01264 345800 or e-mail caroline.gumn@enham.org.uk or write to Chief Executive, Enham, Resource Centre, Enham Place, Enham Alamein, SP11 6JS To find out more about Enham visit their website: www.enham.org.uk PLEASE NOTE: it is NOT intended for a specific personal request such as purchasing a new wheelchair, or funding a holiday. 17 Ofsted in May 2011 reported: “excellent care, guidance and support underpinned by exceptionally close relationships between the school and home.” Broughton Primary School prides itself on: Small class sizes Wide range of after school activities and clubs On-site pre-school and Year R class sharing modern, purpose-built building Rich and engaging curriculum Welcoming, friendly atmosphere Have a look at our web-site: www.broughtonschool.com for more information. If you would like to arrange a visit or chat with Headteacher, Neil Hardy, please call us on 01794 301286 or email: adminoffice@broughton.hants.sch.uk “Learning at the heart of the community” Country Tree Care Ltd Professional Arboriculture A friendly and enthusiastic approach to your trees, shrubs and hedges Contact us about future projects on: All aspects of Tree Surgery Planting plans Planting of trees, shrubs and hedges Transplanting trees of all sizes, even mature Fire wood Office: 01962 776373 Advice Mobile: 07557 530790 Email: countrytreecare@gmail.com - Web: countrytreecare.co.uk 18 A local, Independent Company delivering fuel to homes and businesses across Hampshire ….On time, Every Time H.B.S FUELS BURNING OIL · GAS OIL DIESEL SPEEDY DELIEVERY AT LOW COST BOILER MAINTENANCE FUEL TANK INSTALLATION SERVICING SMALL TANKER FACILITY AVAILABLE CENTRAL HEATING INSTALLATIONS FREE ESTIMATES FREESURVERYS SURVERYS AND AND ESTIMATES Emergency Delivery Delivery Service Emergency Service 24 HOUR ANSWERING SERVICE 24 HOUR ANSWERING SERVICE ANDOVER (01264) 860263 Thirtway, Martins Lane, Chilbolton, Stockbridge, Hants SO20 6BL IMPROVE YOUR LIFE AT STUDIO YOGA Introduction to Music for the Under 5’s Also available as an Accompanist All ages and abilities welcome! Helen King GBSM, ABSM, PgDipMTPP, MA Professionally Registered Member of ISM Tel: (01794) 388685 Mob: 07917 161585 Meadowsweet Chapel Close, Houghton Nr. Stockbridge SO20 6LT Email: garyandhelen@btinternet.com 19 Yoga and Pilates for all levels of ability Day, evening and weekend classes Ante and post natal yoga Yoga for children and toddlers 1:2:1 sessions or small groups Tel: 01264 811158 / 07764 949317 www.studioyoga.co.uk Stretch your muscles, strengthen your body, calm your mind Painting and Decorating Part P Registered Electrical Contractors. 24 Years’ Experience Top Quality Work Providing a fast reliable friendly service Qualified to City & Guilds 17th Edition. Clean & Tidy Tradesman Trustworthy & Reliable References Available Many satisfied customers in Stockbridge, Houghton, Abbotts Ann, Chilbolton & Broughton Test & Inspection, Certification, New Builds, Extensions, Alterations, Maintenence/contracts, Lighting, CCTV Security & Pat Testing Telephone: 07887 556 559 Telephone: (01264) 324556 Mobile: 07886 165802 ● Email: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● STOCKBRIDGE EMMA WIGHTMAN BSc(Hons)Ost. 20 fieldelectrical@gmail.com ALASDAIR JOHN COX Carpentry Specialist & Building/Garden Maintenance Free Quotations/No Call Out Charge No Job Too Small Internal & External Work Undertaken Fully Insured with References Available JUST CALL 01264 810311 or 07900 621842 No 2 Manor Farm Cottage, North Houghton Stockbridge, Hants, SO20 6LF S J P MOT SERVICE & REPAIR PROVIDING GARAGE SERVICING REPAIRS& MOTs FOR PETROL & DIESEL CARS PLUS LIGHT COMMERCIALS Attentive service Free collection & delivery from Home or Work TYRES & WHEEL ALIGNMENT AIR CON SERVICING & REPAIRS Free Retests All makes welcome and courtesy vehicle available Terms and conditions apply Units 11, 12 and 18 WYNFORD INDUSTRIAL PARK, BELBINS ROMSEY 01794 368371 FORMERLY HOUGHTON GARAGE OPEN: 8.30—6.00 MONDAY—FRIDAY 9.00—1.00 SATURDAY 21 MANUFACTURE—SUPPLY—ERECT HUGE STOCKS OF: ● COUNCIL CONCRETE POSTS ● GATES, POSTS & FITTINGS APPROVED PANELS & POSTS ● POLES & TREESTAKES CONTRACTOR ● POSTS & RAILS ● CHAIN LINK ● BARBED WIRE ● STOCK WIRE ● DECKING (full range) DECKING BOARDS, JOISTS, SPINDLES, HAND RAILS etc. ● TRELLIS TOP QUALITY, ORNAMENTAL TRELLIS, ROSE ARCHES, PERGOLA KITS. ● LOG ROLLS ALL SIZES, GARDEN LOG WALLING & EDGING ● UNILOGS MACHINE ROUNDED, FOR GARDEN STRUCTURES & PLAY EQUIPMENT ● WIRE, LINE WIRE, CHICKEN WIRE, RABBIT WIRE, WELD MESH, CHAIN LINK ETC ● IRONMONGERY. NAILS. SCREWS. RAWLPLUGS. WOOD PRESERVER. HINGES. LOCKS. PADLOCKS. CHAIN. ROPE. etc ● GATES. TIMBER. FARM. DRIVE. WROUGHT IRON. Opening Hours ‘OUR EXCELLENT ● CAME GATE AUTOMATION STOCKISTS. ● COVERING HAMPSHIRE, DORSET AND WILTSHIRE Monday—Thursday 8—5 Friday 8—4.30 Saturday 9—12.00 REPUTATION IS BUILT ON QUALITY & SERVICE’ DOMESTIC, AGRICULTURAL, EQUESTRIAN, COMMERCIAL, DEER FENCING. DECKING SUPPLIED AND ERECTED. WWW.BARKERANDGEARY.CO.UK info@barker&geary.co.uk CALL 01794—388205 22 ROMSEY ROAD, KINGS SOMBORNE, HAMPSHIRE, SO20 6PW FRENCHMOOR COUNTRY STOVES WOOD BURNING/ MULTIFUEL STOVES. FULL INSTALLATION. Cut back on oil and gas! CHIMNEY LINING. SERVICING. For friendly, professional advice please call and make an appointment to see our showroom. Free Range Pork - Preserves Home Grown Produce - Cakes & Eggs Plants - Crafts Refreshments Every Thursday 10:00 – 11:45 Stockbridge Town Hall 23 Bespoke Exercise designed for you HOUGHTON LODGE GARDENS Now extended to 18 acres. Charlie Parker has 11 years of experience as a Fitness Professional and welcomes you to join her at: Houghton Village Hall Tuesday Thursday 6.30 pm 6.30 pm Pilates Legs, Bums and Tums School term time only Call 07877 014323 or email admin@bespoke-exercise.co.uk For more information visit www.bespoke-exercise.co.uk DOMESTICAIR Appliance repair Come and enjoy the formal and informal gardens surrounding This 18th Century Cottage ornèe Overlooking the tranquil beauty of the River Test. Traditional Kitchen Garden with Espaliers, Flower Borders, Parterre, Herb Garden and Topiary. Orchid House and Hydroponicum (a living exhibition of gardening without soil). Mown paths wind through the Ancient Water Meadows among the wild life and natural flora of the Test Valley. Open 1st March-31st October, daily, 10am-5pm, except Wednesdays. All leading makes Licensed for Civil Weddings. Hotpoint/Creda Specialist Washing machines Tumble Driers Dishwashers Electric cookers, fridges etc Guaranteed work Accompanied Children Free. Dogs welcome on short leads. Refreshments available. Tel: 01264 810502 info@houghtonlodge.co.uk www.houghtonlodge.co.uk Qualified electrician Tel: 01794 390055 C. Cairns Moorlands Oakleigh Drive Landford Wilts SP5 1AT 24 Special offer to Readers of our Parish Magazine: Bring this cutting to admit TWO adults for the price of ONE. (normal entrance £5.00 per head). Please put your name and address on the back of this cutting. Funeral Directors Romsey Independent Family Owned Funeral Directors Serving Romsey and district for over 100 years, and through three generations of the Peace family 122 The Hundred, Romsey Tel: 01794 513393 ● www.ahcheater.co.uk Personal attention from Simon & Michael Peace and Giles Sadd Private Chapel of Rest Monumental Masonry Service 24 Hour Service Graham Pre-payment plans available • Handy PROPERTY REPAIR & MAINTENANCE Your Local Handyman Full Public Liability Insurance Tel: 01794 388 905 Mob: 07711 358223 email: GrahamHandy@aol.com Vine Cottage, Houghton Stockbridge, SO20 6LT 25 Plumbing Carpentry Kitchens/Bathrooms fitted Pipes boxed in Curtain rails/shelves/ doors fitted Flat pack furniture assembled Gutters cleared/repaired 26 Mobile Library - Monthly on Fridays Stopping Time Village Week Location Stockbridge 1,2,3,4,5 Town Centre 9.30 – Longstock 1 Hazledown Farm 13.30 – Houghton 4 Village Hall 14.15 Leckford 4 Leckford Stores 15.05 From July Aug 12.30 6,13,20,27 3,10,17,24, 31 14.00 6 3 27 24 27 24 To – 14.15 - 15.35 For further information about this service (the Andover route) Telephone 0845 603 5631 or email library@ants.gov.uk or visit www.hants.gov.uk/mobile-libraries Houghton Parish Council Parish Council meetings are held every other month, usually the first Monday, in Houghton Village Hall at 7.30 pm. These are public meetings to which all are welcome. Please come along and hear what the Parish Council is doing for you and have your say. Council meetings for the rest of the 2012/2013 year will be on: Monday 2 July Monday 3 September Monday 5 November Monday 7 January Monday 4 March Monday 15 April community- Annual Parish Assembly Monday 13 May - Annual Meeting The Village Directory (on the last but one page of this magazine) lists all Parish Councillors, District Councillors and County Councillors. PLASTIC MILK BOTTLE TOPS! Many thanks to those who deliver bags and boxes full of blue, green, red and mauve milk bottle tops , (washed, thank you!). They are now being collected for Mencap. Please keep collecting them and pass to Lucy Gosse (388617) who will arrange for them to be delivered; alternatively, you can leave them in the porch of Kings Somborne church . 27 Broughton & Mottisfont Village Bus Services and Fares as at April 2011 Concessionary Bus Passes can be used on this service NO SERVICE ON PUBLIC HOLIDAYS All services depart from and return to Broughton Square Day Destination Departs Destination 9.30 am 12.30 pm Age 16 and over Age 6–15 £3.90 £1.95 9.20 am 2.30 pm Age 16 and over Age 6–15 £5.00 £2.50 1 pm 3.45 pm Age 16 and over Age 6–15 £4.75 £2.35 9.30 am 12 noon Age 16 and over Age 6–15 £3.55 £1.75 1 pm 3.30 pm Age 16 and over Age 6–15 £3.55 £1.75 SALISBURY Tuesday (opposite Marks & Spencer) Wednesday 1st in the month SOUTHAMPTON Wednesday 2nd in the month WINCHESTER (John Lewis) (Bus Station) ROMSEY Thursday (Bus Station, via Waitrose) ROMSEY Friday Fares Departs Broughton (Bus Station, via Waitrose) (subject to alteration) Under 5s Free Public Bus Service 79 between Houghton and Stockbridge (operates as a circular route) Monday to Friday Stockbridge Town Hall 8.59 10.59 12.59 14.59 18.29 Houghton Village Hall 9.07 11.07 13.07 15.07 18.37 Broughton Rectory Lane 9.14 11.14 13.14 15.14 18.44 Stockbridge Church 9.23 11.23 13.23 15.23 18.52 Saturdays (no service on Sundays) Stockbridge Town Hall 8.59 10.59 12.59 14.59 Houghton Village Hall 9.07 11.07 13.07 15.07 Broughton 9.14 11.14 13.14 15.14 Stockbridge Church 9.23 11.23 13.23 15.23 28 VILLAGE DIRECTORY All Saints Church Parochial Church Council RECTOR READER Church Wardens Organist Secretary Rev. Ron Corne Gina Livermore Richard James Richard Burnett-Hall Dawn Williams Dawn Williams 01794 301287 01794 388433 01794 388534 01794 388152 01264 810724 01264 810724 James Allport Anna Allport Jill Harding Mike Moldon Julie Moldon Pam White Andrew Gibson Daniel Busk Peter Boulton Caroline Nokes MP 01794 388328 01794 388328 01794 388325 01794 388204 01794 388204 01264 810598 01264 861138 01264 861087 01794 388389 01794 301212 01794 512132 Philip Page 01794 388512 President Bev Barker Ingrid Burt Geoff Butler Claudia Bradby Peter Kennesion Tara Scougall Alan Young Mrs Sandra Harper 01794 389131 01794 388070 01794 388831 01794 388305 01794 301521 01264 811618 01794 388612 01794 388509 Secretary Treasurer Bookings Mrs Jane Anderton Mrs Julie Moldon Trevor Smith 01264 810928 Jane.anderton@btinternet.com 01794 388204 01794 388008 Chairman Treasurer Brian Standfield James Allport 01794 388431 01794 388328 Peter Kennesion 01794 301521 Treasurer Cleaning Rota Flower Rota Friends of All Saints Chairman Secretary Treasurer Hampshire County Councillor Council Test Valley District Councillor Council Councillor Member of Parliament Chairman Houghton Parish Council Clerk Vice Chairman Councillors Women’s Institute (WI) Houghton Village Hall Neighbourhood Watch Llyn Adams CRonandrew@aol.com dliver@btinternet.com richardljames@btinternet.com rh@b-hall.co.uk postmaster@billybow.demon.co.uk postmaster@billybow.demon.co.uk annaallport@yhahoo.co.uk p.white433@btinternet.com andrew.gibson@hants.gov.uk danielbusk@btopenworld.com pjboulton@btopenworld.com caroline@romseyconservatives.co.uk bevbarkerhpc@gmail.com ingridburt@btinternet.com claudia@claudiabradby.com tara@scougall.com young303@btinternet.com Sandon.harper@btinternet.com 01794 389690 Reception 01264 810524 Doctor’s Surgery 0845 0454545 Non-urgent 101 Police URGENT 0800 0323456 Helpline for Carers 0800 0280880 Hampshire County Council 01264 365534 Citizens Advice Bureau Info on Salisbury—Winchester buses 01722 336855 Transport Broughton/Mottisfont Village Bus 01794 301045 Editors Ingrid Burt 01794 388070 houghtonnews@yahoo.co.uk Parish Magazine Lucy Gosse 01794 388617 Fiona Evans 01794 389237 Distribution Jeanne Featherstone 01794 388891 29 Sunday Benefice Church Services: July and August Broughton, Houghton, Mottisfont, Bossington TIME 1 July Trinity 4 8.00 No Service 9.30 No Service 11.00 No Service 6.00 8 July Trinity 5 Broughton Holy Communion BCP Broughton Family Service ……………… Houghton Holy Communion CW Mottisfont Family Service Broughton Songs of Praise - 15 July Trinity 6 22 July Mary Magdalene 29 July St James’ - - - Mottisfont Holy Communion BCP Broughton Family Communion CW Broughton Holy Communion CW Mottisfont Family Communion Houghton Evensong Houghton Holy Communion BCP TIME 5 August Trinity 9 12 August Trinity 10 8.00 Broughton Holy Communion CW Broughton Holy Communion BCP Bossington Holy Communion BCP Broughton Mottisfont Family Service Holy Communion …………………… BCP .Houghton Holy Communion CW 9.30 11.00 No Service 6.00 Houghton Evensong No Service - 19 August Trinity 11 - Bossington Holy Communion CW for the WHOLE BENEFICE - 6.30pm Bossington COMPLINE 26 August Trinity 12 Broughton Holy Communion CW Broughton Holy Communion CW Mottisfont Family Communion Houghton Evensong Houghton Holy Communion BCP NO SUNDAY CLUB AND COFFEE CLUB AT BROUGHTON DURING JULY AND AUGUST Every Wednesday – 9.30am - St. Mary’s Church, Broughton. HC BCP BCP – Book of Common Prayer CW – Common Worship 30
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