Houghton News - Houghton Bossington
Houghton News - Houghton Bossington
Houghton News Barry This month’s editor - Fiona Evans Diaper Greetings to you all and to the new readers who have not yet subscribed. Dates for your Diary Fri 4 December Stockbridge Lights p12 Mon 14 WI Christmas p9 Tue 15 Village Carol singing p4 Sat 19 Harmonium Singers p16 Mon 21 Candlelit Carol Service p 36 2016 Sat 16 Jan Coffee Morning p6 Now, you may recall that last month there was a collection of limericks as a result of the Harvest Supper (and a rather copious amount of imbibing). Well on page 10 there is a very fitting riposte! All in good ‘spirit’ of course.. This year has seen many excellent gatherings from the Village Hall coffee mornings to Suppers. In all of these, there is someone heading a team of helpers behind the scenes. A huge round of applause goes to ALL the people who generously give up their time to make this village a friendly and welcoming place whilst raising needy funds for our community, beavering away at cookers and sinks, on PCs and phones at all hours of the day or night. THANK YOU! Sat 13 Feb Valentine Drinks p5 Sun 17 April HOUGHTON TRAIL p9 Sun 9 May Parish Council AGM p33 The next edition is due in February. You will be called upon for sub renewals (still a mere £7.00) during the course of January. If you would like to subscribe / renew please contact Maureen Stephens (distribution contact details on page 35). A Very Merry Christmas to you all - I’ll raise a glass to THAT! Village Progressive Supper THANK YOU GINA! What a fantastic night, once again thanks to the sterling efforts put in by Gina Livermore and the Star Bakers in the village! Superb evening enjoyed by everyone which raised £1,200.00 for All Saints’ Church. Seven Bakers + Fifty Mouths + Three Courses each! A big thank you also to Mike Woodhall’s Secretarial Team and David Livermore for hosting the fort at the final gathering at The Mill! !! Spaces available at Houghton Yoga !! Village Hall : Wednesdays 10 - 11.30 am Pay-as-you-go; Beginners welcome Contact jenny@cliveharris.co.uk 01264 860256 A great success! Deadline for articles and ads: 18 January 2016 Email: houghtonnews@yahoo.co.uk Village Website www.houghton-bossington.org.uk Church News Dear Friends Christmas 2015 is almost upon us and as I write this Christmas message I am reflecting upon the horrors of the Paris terrorist Diaper Barry attack with so many people killed and injured. I want to be upbeat and happy, after all it’s Christmas! But at the same time what makes us human beings is the ability to empathize with others and being able to look back at what has happened and think ahead to what might be. Christmastime is not just a very beautiful story about an infant child being born into the world, with angels and stardust. It is more especially about a real human being born into the real world with a fanfare of trumpets, yes and a choir of angels yes, shepherds and wise men too. But it is crucially also about a child real and full of life who looks our world and our lives in the eye of perception, directly in the eye and who says to us, Yes I know! I know what it is to be human, I know what it is to be loved, I know what it is to be rejected and ill treated by others and yes even killed. Yet in all of this, I open my hand to you as your Lord and your Saviour. As Julian of Norwich a great Christian mystic of the fourteenth century, author of the book known as the "Sixteen Revelations of Divine Love" says, all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.' All will be well because your Lord and your Saviour is born into the world, and has overcome the world and is with you always, yes said Jesus even to the end of all time. What a most wonderful promise, the Lord of love and life brings to us! May you be richly blessed this Christmas, and may the year to come be one where you can know Christ’s presence and love is with you both in the difficult and in the good times. Please join us for our Christmas worship across the Benefice. With my prayers and blessings Ron PARISH REGISTER CREMATION at Southampton Clifford Francis Lawrence 29 October 2015 Anyone who believes that men are the equal of women has never seen a man trying to wrap a Christmas present! 2 The PCC has recently drawn up a plan outlining the way forward for All Saints'and its Ministry. We as Christians are quite reserved about proclaiming our faith. The Bible says a lot about prayer, and the power of praying together, and I have decided to become more Evangelical. Village magazines often have prayer forums, and a decision was made at our meeting, that this may be right for us. Let's begin with a Christmas prayer: Loving God, help us to remember the birth of Jesus, that we may share in the song of the Angels, the gladness of the shepherds, and worship of the wise men. Close the door of hate and open the door of love, all over the world. Let kindness come with every gift, and good desires with every greeting. Deliver us from evil by the blessing which Christ brings, and teach us to be merry with clear hearts. May the Christmas morning make us happy to be thy children, and Christmas evening bring us to our beds with grateful thoughts, forgiving and forgiven, for Jesus' sake. Amen. Richard James 3 Broughton Bright Hour Thursdays at 2.30 pm in the Meeting Room - St. Mary’s Church, Broughton. December 3rd Christmas Lunch. 10th Visit to the Fairground Craft Centre Weyhill. Barbara Perry, Booking Secretary No further meetings until February 2016. Everyone welcome, please come and join us. Once again I shall be leading the village "choir" around the village, to sing joyous Christmas Carols. We shall be setting off from the village hall at 6.30 p.m on Tuesday 15th December. Everyone is welcome - literally the more the merrier. We finish at "The Boot" around 9.00 ish, where last year a jug of port was awaiting us! Please let me know if you would like, or conversely prefer not to have a visit. We'll try not to interrupt any important business calls this year! Happy Christmas Marilyn James (388534) CLEANING ROTA December 5 12 19 26 Fiona Evans Sharon Morgan Sheila Bradley Helen King Anna Allport Julie Moldon Jacqueline Jenkins Diane Haslam January ALL SAINTS’ CHURCH 4 3 10 17 24 31 Jan Gregory Zoe Aitcheson Jackie Diaper Sally Salz Marilyn James Lucy Gosse Susan Marshall Rosie Cardoe Gina Livermore Christine Hough Village Hall s! w e N Look out for the Village Hall’s Christmas Tree!! The Village Hall can now offer a Marquee for hire. The hirer will need to provide 3 people to help erect it but there will be a VH rep there to supervise and help. We’re going to buy a Dishwasher – hurrah! It’ll make clearing up after ‘foodie’ events so much quicker and easier! We’ll be doing plenty of research before buying so as to ensure we have one robust enough! The committee greatly appreciates a most generous donation of £500 from the Busk family; proceeds from the Tombola stall at the recent Stockbridge Shopping Night raised just over £100; and the village harvest supper boosted funds by £291.43. Village Hall funds are currently just over £5,700. Jeanneth is our new Cleaner – she works a couple of hours every other Tuesday afternoon, keeping our Hall nice and clean – thanks, Jeanneth! VH Committee members will be calling at all households during January inviting you to buy Village Hall Draw tickets for 2016. (*) The Draw is ‘self-funding’ and at £12 a year, it’s good value! Plans are afoot to start a Table Tennis evening, probably once a month on a Wednesday. More details to follow. Proceeds from the 2016 Houghton Trail (17 April) will be split between All Saints Church and the Village Hall; the VH committee will be helping Fiona, the main contact for the team, particularly with organising marshals; so if you’d like to help, do make a note of the date in your diary! There’ll be Valentine’s Drinks on Saturday 13 February 2016 from 6.30 to 8.30 pm - £10 to include a glass of wine and delicious canapes and nibbles! More details to follow in the New Year. The VH Committee meets approximately every other month and is very keen to hear from villagers about the sort of facilities and events they’d like to have in the Hall. Do let us know your ideas and suggestions: contacts in Village Directory at the back of this magazine. The next Village Hall Coffee Morning is on Saturday 16 January 2016 Village Hall Draw - October winners! £30 - Pam White 135 £20 - Andy Brown 82 £10 – Mrs Hanham 69 £5 - Anne Carlyle-Gall 136 (*) An annual Village Hall Draw ticket is £12 a year (Jan-Dec) or pro rata if you join during the year. The draw takes place at The Boot on the last Friday of the month, so it’s a lovely excuse to drop in ….and hope to win some money to pay for your drinks! If you’d like to buy a Village Hall Draw ticket, contact James Allport or Nick Harding. (contact numbers in Village Directory at the back of this magazine). 5 Informal snippets from Houghton Parish Council’s November meeting Finance Houghton Parish Council (HPC) funds stand at £14397.01 as at 31 October 2015. Matters arising/new correspondence remaining after the Harvest Supper. The Hall has received £500 from donations given at Martin Busk’s funeral. Appreciation was expressed. The VH Committee is considering buying a dishwasher. Andrew Gibson (HCC Cllr) said that it may be able to apply to his devolved budget for funding towards this. The PC has written to Caroline Noakes MP about its concerns about (the lack of) rural affordable housing. No response had been received by the date of the PC meeting. Not only….but also… The development company (Metis Homes) owning Kent’s Orchard held a public event at the A villager notified the parish council of a tree damaged to the rear of Stevens Drove. village Hall on 23 October to present its initial Concerns were raised about speeding tractors proposals to villagers. through the village recently (related to silage TVBC has requested the owners of the old movements). The police were notified at the Wheelwright’s building to name it The time and although the matter has been resolved, Wheelwright’s Shop. the PC will write to the farm concerned to A request has been made via TVBC and the request that it notifies the parish council of Royal Mail to name the 2 new developments to future tractor movements through the village. the north of Forge Cottage as Barley Field and A villager raised concerns about an articulated Bywater. lorry driving up Church Lane which was thought Highways to be travelling to the Solar Farm. Ingrid Burt Concerns about (continuing) drainage problems contacted the developer to ensure this does not at Tiebridge were highlighted; Andrew Gibson happen again. (HCC Cllr) agreed to liaise with the Highway A group of villagers wishes to form an advisory Engineer (Jonathon Bambridge) to arrange a site group to discuss planning within the village; visit to survey and check the condition of the anyone wishing to join would be welcome. The highway and drains. group would not be related to the Parish Council. Planning TVBC has notified Houghton Parish Council of the following applications: Willows: erection of a pool house; ground Floor & 1st floor extension. No Objection by HPC Land at Eveley Farm: to allow works on weekdays to start at the same time as on Mondays. No Objection by HPC Horsebridge Mill: Replace existing boiler with a condensing central heating boiler; install ventilation holes in rear wall of stores building and cap these with grille vent covers; associated works in the chimney. No Objection by HPC Village Hall The Village Harvest Supper was a success and proceeds were split equally between All Saints and the Village Hall. The Village Hall Committee plans to hold another social event…..to use the wine stocks 6 Next Parish Council meeting Monday 4 January 2016 7.30 pm LG Come along and find out what the Parish Council is doing for the village and have your say about matters that are important to you in the village! Houghton Conservation & Development Group Houghton is under serious threat from development. The Local Plan has been revised so that large areas of land in the village are now available for development for the first time. Many such sites are large enough to support full scale housing developments, a radical change for our village. Many residents have been approached by developers to sell their property or gardens for development. Currently there are over 20 houses being built or proposed, at sites such as Houghton Farm and Kent’s Orchard. Another two-house development has just been proposed for Houghton Farmhouse garden. More will undoubtedly follow. Developers can put considerable resources into gaining permission for whatever they want to build. Witness the developer owners of Kent’s Orchard bringing their Public Relations consultant when they showed us their ideas for Kent’s Orchard. Developers are driven by a profit motive and have no inherent interest in benefit to the wider community. Yet the proposed housing developments greatly exceed the village’s current, defined housing need, and stand to change fundamentally the character of the village in which we live. We face increased pressures on local resources and large scale change to the look, feel and character of the village, to housing density, to traffic volumes – in short, to the way we live. The Parish Council does a first class job dealing with planning issues, but as an organ of local government is under legal constraints as to what action it can take. For example, it is prohibited even from discussing prospective planning applications until they have reached a formal stage, and then has only 3 weeks to formulate its response. By contrast, many development proposals have been months or more in preparation, which tends to load the dice in favour of the developer. The Parish Council alone cannot match these resources, but if the village unites we, as a community, can concentrate and maximise our resources to try to achieve the best possible solutions for our community. It was for these reasons that the Houghton Conservation and Development Group (‘HCDG’) was recently formed with a view to assisting in pursuing a co-ordinated community response to the challenges posed by development in the village, free of the constraints under which the Parish Council has to operate. HCGD can and will seek to take an objective and strategic view, define what resources, professional, communal or otherwise, are needed in relation to a specific proposal, endeavour to obtain them, and pursue a co-ordinated, community-led response. We are a small but growing group, recently formed, and now invite everyone who lives in the villages of Houghton and Bossington, cares about the future development of the village, and wishes to get involved, to join with us to prevent the detrimental development of this unique place. In the first instance, please contact me on 01794 388 538 or rmarshall123@btinternet.com Informal snippets from Houghton Parish Council’s Extra-ordinary meeting on 23 November The following Planning Applications were discussed: Whitehaven: demolition and replacement house; HPC objected to the design of the proposed new house, it being not harmonious with adjacent properties or the village generally, although no objection to the demolition. Marwin Cottage: HPC supported plans for an extension on south side of house for a re-positioned kitchen. Rectory Cottage: HPC had no objection to revisions to previously submitted plans. Settlement Boundary in Draft Local Plan: HPC agreed to write to TVBC, enclosing a copy of the final draft of the Houghton Village Design Statement, expressing concern about how the interpretation by TVBC of areas for potential development appears to be counter to the PC’s understanding when it submitted its Settlement Boundary earlier this year; and inviting the Planning Office representatives and Conservation Officer to visit the village to get a better idea of the overall rural nature of the village. LG 7 Houghton WI NOVEMBER MEETING One of our WI members, Ruth Harper-Adams, gave us a talk on the history of The Romsey Show which had its beginnings in 1842. Ruth outlined the huge amount of work behind the scenes to make this Hampshire Show one of the most prestigious in the country. We now look forward to our Christmas Meeting on Monday 14th December at 7.30 in Houghton Village Hall. This is an Open Meeting and we would be very happy to welcome you as a visitor. Please contact our President, Jane Anderton, if you would like to come. 01264810928 Sue Marshall Message to the ladies of Houghton You’re probably aware that this year has seen various celebrations for the centenary of the national Women’s Institute. You may not know that Houghton’s own WI is itself approaching a centenary, as it was founded in 1918. For all that time Houghton ladies have enjoyed meeting together and contributing in many ways to village life, and to the wider activities of the county and national WI organization. Unfortunately, member numbers in Houghton have been gradually dropping over the past few years, and it would be such a shame if Houghton WI has to close from lack of support. We currently have a core of very loyal members and meetings are still very enjoyable, with interesting speakers (and of course excellent refreshments!) as well as theatre outings, visits to gardens and historic houses, and meetings of the Book Group and Lunch Club. However, if numbers drop too low, Houghton WI may well become financially unviable. We are in a “use it or lose it” situation, and we feel that losing the WI would be a great shame for the village, particularly for the Village Hall as the WI is its most regular user! We understand that there are many demands on people’s time these days, but we would love it if more local ladies felt able to support the WI. We usually meet on the third Monday of each month, and our members are a very varied and friendly group, with a multiplicity of talents and interests. You would be extremely welcome if you’d like to come and join us, or just drop in for a meeting sometime. We’d particularly like to invite you to come along to our Christmas meeting on 14 th December, 7.30pm, when there will be a delicious supper provided by the members, a sales table, a grand raffle, and a very entertaining speaker on a Christmas theme. If you’d like to come please let me know – jane.anderton@btinternet.com, 01264 810928. Looking forward to seeing you! Best wishes, Jane Anderton President, Houghton WI Would you like to join the editorial team of Houghton News? Lucy and Fiona are looking for new team mates! If there were 4 editors, each would be doing 2 or 3 editions a year rather than 3 or 4! Knowledge of Microsoft Publisher would be useful but certainly not essential; it is not difficult and it doesn’t take long to learn! If you like being creative and inventive, this is the job for you and it’s a great way to be involved in village life. We are always looking for new articles so this is also an opportunity to come up with new ideas! If you’d like to know more, do please call Lucy or Fiona or email us at houghtonnews@yahoo.co.uk 8 Advance Notice! The 13th Houghton Trail - Sunday 17 April 2016 If you would like further information about this either as a entrant running, walking or cycling, or - just as important - helping with the organisation of this major village event, please contact Fiona Evans who is the main contact for the team organising next year’s Houghton Trail 01794 389237 houghton.trail@gmail.com Proceeds will be split between Houghton Village Hall and Houghton All Saints Church 9 Tally’s Revenge!! The Tally is busy every day The food is fantastic - Hooray! Houghton's news letter Claimed their pub's beer is better That's Rubbish! - what more need we say? Carols Old and New from The Harmonium Singers Local chamber choir The Harmonium Singers is presenting an attractive programme of Christmas music old, new and familiar at St. Mary’s Church, Andover on Saturday 19 December at 7.30pm The charity concert will have something for everyone as the choir sings favourite traditional carols and carol arrangements in a programme entitled ‘On Christmas Night’. Also, with less than a week to Christmas there will be well known carols for all to sing. Proceeds for the evening this year will go to the Andover Crisis and Support Centre and a member of Centre will speak at the concert about their work. The Centre provides telephone, drop-in support and counseling services for those in need in the community and accommodation for women and women with children who are in need of a supportive environment. Tickets at £8 include refreshments and will be available from Newbury Building Society, the Lights and choir members or at the door on the night for £10. Under14s will be admitted free. Further details are on the choir website at www.harmoniumsingers.org.uk 10 BAFTA Award Winner, Clare Balding joined by Middle Wallop Military Wives to turn on Stockbridge Christmas lights Friday 4th December - 6.00 pm This Christmas, Stockbridge will be celebrating its links with the Prince of Wales, subsequently King Edward V11, and will be dressing to an Edwardian theme. There will be street entertainment including rides on a Christmas Carriage pulled by two Suffolk Punch Heavy Horses, the Town Crier, Father Christmas at the Owl & The Pussycat from 5.30 pm and Lane End Kitchenware from 7 pm, bell ringers at the Church and a face-painter at Beccy’s Greengrocery. Shops will be open until 8 pm, many offering complimentary Christmas fare and the Country Market will be at the Town Hall. The evening will be rounded off with carol singing from the Middle Wallop Military Wives Choir at Old St Peter’s Church at 8 pm. Clare said: ‘‘I'm delighted to have been asked to turn on the Christmas lights in Stockbridge. I have many friends in the area and as my father has always thought Stockbridge the perfect small town, he is particularly pleased. I look forward to seeing lots of familiar faces and hope as many people as possible come to enjoy the festivities.’’ You can also see this feature on : www.stockbridgechristmas.webeden.co.uk, and the Stockbridge Christmas Facebook page. Bert, aged 25. 'My wife's an angel'. Don, aged 57. 'Your lucky, mine is still alive'. Romeo: What would it take to make you kiss me under the mistletoe? Juliette: An anaesthetic. Silver Christmas charms bring you good fortune. Packaging Notice: Potential choking hazard: do not use with food. 11 What is happiness? I have said it before and I'll say it again. People who are very clever are no better at getting things right than anyone else. They just go wrong in a very clever way. What is happiness? It varies from one person to another. For some, it's having a sense of purpose, and a feeling that they are doing something worthwhile. For most of us, it's knowing that we are loved, and also giving out love to others. It can be the belief that we have achieved a reasonably just and fair society, in which we are making a contribution that is recognised and appreciated as being of value, one way or another. For many people, happiness just means having a full stomach. When the Americans in the eighteenth century spoke of the pursuit of happiness as a commendable aim in life, I think that, at that date, this meant aiming for the well-being of human beings. I don't think it means that life should be a self-centred and hedonistic process of having one long jolly ha-ha after another. Happiness is a result rather than an aim in itself. If we aim selfishly for our own well-being, then we are unlikely to get it. If we aim for the well-being of others, then we may find ourselves feeling reasonably happy. So much today seems to be aimed at stirring up envy and discontent, with a view to making people want more and more - rather than encouraging a philosophy and belief that we should make the most of what we have and find delight in simple things. Most of us want to feel we are living in a reasonably just society, where crime does not pay, and where people are treated reasonably fairly. It's a mistake to make people feel that they have an entitlement to perfection in life - because they won't get it. Too much cynicism in life is equally a mistake. We need to have some ideals. Confucius (551479 B.C.) believed that if we get our values right in the home, then society will reflect this and be the better for it. The fact is that the home is where things may begin to go "right" (for want of a better word). It is also where things can begin to go wrong. The casualty of today's trendy and politically correct thinking is in the attitude towards the home and family life. Did you watch the Borgen series on television? In that series, it seemed as though the real victims were the children. What has happened to the concept of giving children a reasonably balanced and stable childhood? I don't mean some totally idiotic and unrealistic namby-pamby existence. I just mean giving them the feeling that they are wanted - that their parents care about them - and that they matter. This might equally be applied to our old parents, as they start to deteriorate. Making money the King in today's society seems to make us end up with something that is empty and out of balance. Christmas is a good time for reminding ourselves of the things that really matter in life - such as love, kindness, good friends, and family. J.D.B-H. We had grandma for Christmas dinner. Really? We had turkey. 12 Is a wood burning stove right for me? With their glass doors and sleek looks, today’s high efficiency wood stoves can provide a visual centrepiece as well as winter warmth. However, there are practicalities to consider before buying one: 1. Do I have a chimney? You’ll need to feed a flue up a chimney or out through a wall. 2. Can I store the wood? Do you have a dry space for a few cubic metres of wood? A tonne goes quickly in winter! 3. Am I fighting fit? Lugging and/or splitting wood is hard work. There will be wood ash to clear if you are burning logs rather than pellets. 4. Will I use it? A wood stove may be surplus to requirement if you have a good boiler and central heating. 5. Will I burn the right stuff? Will the wood you burn come from a sustainably managed forest? For more wood stove Q&As, simply search the blog at www.yougen.co.uk QUICK CROSSWORD Across 1 Assail (6) 4 Systematic procedure (6) 8 Fear greatly (5) 9 Endangered (2,5) 10 Continue (5,2) 11 Upright (5) 12 Car drivers (9) 17 Viper (5) 19 Error (7) 21 Jails (7) 22 Star sign (5) 23 Unmarried (6) 24 Critical examination (6) Solution on Page 21 Down 1 Slave to a habit (6) 2 Mathematical proposition (7) 3 Storage container for tea (5) 5 Put into words (7) 6 Throng (5) 7 Tailed (anag.) (6) 9 Uneducated person (9) 13 Commotion (7) 14 Language of East Africa (7) 15 University grounds (6) 16 Playground item (6) 18 Condescend (5) 20 No longer fresh (5) 13 Good King Wenceslas phoned Domino's for a pizza. The salesgirl asked him:'Do you want your usual? Deep pan, crisp and even?' 14 Neat Sweeps Chimney Sweeping The season is turning, is your chimney in need of a sweep? Neat Sweeps are a local chimney sweeping service qualified through the National Association of Chimney Sweeps. For more information phone 01794 341812 or email neatsweeps@gmail.com or visit www.neatsweeps.co.uk 15 To advertise in this magazine... email: ads-magazine@houghton-bossington.co.uk or Telephone Fiona Evans - 01794 389237 Annual rates (10 editions) 2015/2016: Size Annual (10 editions) One-off insertion A4 Half page Quarter page £133 £66 £34 £13.30 £6.60 £3.40 www.kingssombornephysio.com Home Visits available 01794 389 251 07966 927 439 Fully registered with all the medical insurance companies Kings Somborne Physiotherapy And Acupuncture Clinic Do you suffer from any of the following? Lower Back Pain • Neck Pain • Nerve pain • Headaches Sciatica • Postural Problems • Frozen Shoulder Muscular Aches and Pains • Tennis / Golfer's Elbow Soft Tissue Injuries • Repetitive Strain Injuries • Sports Injuries Pregnancy Related Pain • Pelvic Floor Problems i.e. bladder weakness Signs of Ageing, Blemishes and Poor Skin Tone We fully understand and appreciate how irritating it can be to be out of action or struggling with an injury or pain. So whether it's your back or neck that's giving you grief, a sports injury, problems with your pelvic floor, a work related/postural problem or simply an aching limb or joint, we can help. Types of treatment we can offer: Manual therapy Ultrasound • Mobilisations • Massage and Trigger Point Acupuncture • Acupressure • Sports Injury Rehabilitation • Dry Needling Taping • Cupping • Myofascial Release • Pelvic Floor Assessment and Treatment Exercise Prescription • Ergonomic Advice • Education and Advice on Prevention Facial Enhancement/Rejuvenation Acupuncture (the natural alternative to Botox) 01794 389251 katie@kingssombornephysio.com Moorcourt, Palace Close, Kings Somborne, Stockbridge. SO20 6PS 16 CALLING ALL ADVERTISERS! DON’T FORGET TO LET US KNOW IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO RENEW YOUR ADVERTISEMENT THE RATES ARE THE SAME AS 2015 PLEASE EMAIL AMENDMENTS TO YOUR ADVERTISEMENT TO: ads-magazine@houghton-bossington.co.uk Thank you for advertising with us during 2015 A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL! 17 A gentle and effective approach to chiropractic care suitable for people of all ages. McTimoney chiropractic treatment aims to improve the alignment of your body leading to: • Reduced pain and increased joint mobility in neck, back and shoulders • Effective improvement of migraine symptoms and some other headaches • Recovery from sporting injuries • Reduction in arthritic symptoms • Improved functioning of the nervous system and overall well-being. I offer a free, 15 minute consultation with no obligation to discuss the suitability of McTimoney chiropractic for you. Please contact me, Tricia Hobbs on 07803 003642 or by e-mail, tricia@bodywisechiropractic.co.uk. Tricia Hobbs MChiro MMCA GCC Reg No 04087 The Bodybarn, Salisbury Hill, Longstock, Stockbridge SO20 6DJ OCKENDEN TREE SERVICES Fully Qualified Arboricultural Contractors based in Old Sarum tel: 01722 321183 18 Tree Surgery Felling Hedge Cutting Site Clearance Stump Removal Free Quotes & Advice mob: 07947 380819 email: info@ockendentrees.com www.ockendentrees.com Houghton Village Hall If you would like to use any of the hall facilities or equipment please contact Maureen Stephens, Bookings Secretary houghtonvillagehall@gmail.com 01794 389696 Hire rates - wef 1 June 2015 Session Session Morning 8 am – 1 pm Cost per session/ part –session/ hour £30 Afternoon 1 pm – 6 pm £30 Evening 6 pm – 11 pm £30 Full Day – single booking 8 am – 11 pm £75 Hourly Up to 11 pm £7.50 Hourly After 11 pm £10 Glass hire available! £1 for 10 glasses 48hr period Conveniently crated! Breakages : £1/glass. Tables, chairs, crockery, cutlery also available to hire for private events away from the Hall. Please contact the Bookings Secretary for further details. Convert your aga Range Cooker to Electric Power • Reduce running costs by up to 80% • Hobs and ovens controlled independently • Rapid heat up time from cold Hampshire Cooker Conversions www.hcconversions.co.uk Call Paul on 07730 988361 Free Range Pork - Preserves Home Grown Produce - Cakes & Eggs Plants - Crafts Refreshments Every Thursday 10:00 – 11:45 Stockbridge Town Hall 19 Our local care team has been providing award winning quality homecare since 1989. A family run company we offer you a one-to-one 24 hour live in care service that enables you or your loved one to remain at home with compassion and dignity by assisting with: personal care, companionships, errands and housekeeping. So if you are looking for an alternative to residential care or as a short term answer whilst recovering from illness or operation—then we’re here to help. Semi-Annual after-Christmas Sale. Handmade gifts for that hard-to-find person. 20 Visit Feathers Restaurant for a refreshment stop, to meet up with friends for coffee, or for a leisurely meal as part of your day visit Breakfast Lunch Afternoon Tea Evening Events special menus * meal deals * children’s birthday parties * private functions * dining events * Fully licensed restaurant using locally produced, locally sourced produce Open every day 9.00 am—5.30 pm (except Christmas and Boxing Day) Breakfast Special – Full English Breakfast for £5.50 Served with tea, filter coffee or orange juice Available every day from 9.00am-11.00am Fish Friday Freshly battered fish served with chips and mush peas Available Fridays from 12.00pm-3.00pm Two courses for £7.50 (starter and main or main and dessert) Available Mon - Thurs from 12.00pm-2.30pm Toasted Teacake and Tea or Coffee - £2.50 Available every day from 3.00pm - 4.30pm Michael Saunders MPTA (Above offers not available during weekends of school holidays). Pianos tuned, repaired and reconditioned Free Wi-Fi to patrons. Ample parking. To take advantage of these special offers simply bring this advert with you when you visit www.hampshirepianotuner.co.uk Email: info@hampshirepianotuner.co.uk Tel: 07789 382057 Sarson Lane, Weyhill, Andover Hampshire, SP11 8DY t: 01264 773 850 e: feathers@hawkconservancy.org www.hawkconservancy.org 21 We are ‘Outstanding’... Ofsted 2012 Providing education through play. Offering flexible childcare sessions from 2 years of age We provide high quality childcare and education within our purpose built ’Home Lodge’ style building where children have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of interesting activities which promote all areas of learning. There is free flow access to our outside space which has a covered area for all weather use. Our dedicated staff team are very experienced, well qualified and provide a high adult:child ratio. Funding for 15 hours free is available for all children from the term following their 3rd birthday and for eligible children following their 2nd birthday We offer flexible hours Monday to Friday with 5 start & 4 finish times available. Healthy lifestyles are actively promoted and hot lunches are available. For further information or to arrange a visit please contact us: 01794 301286 manager@broughtonpreschool.com Conker Lodge, School Lane, Broughton, Stockbridge, Hampshire, SO20 8AN www.broughtonpreschool.com ENROLLING NOW! FRENCHMOOR COUNTRY STOVES WOOD BURNING/ MULTIFUEL STOVES. FULL INSTALLATION. Cut back on oil and gas! CHIMNEY LINING. SERVICING. For friendly, professional advice please call and make an appointment to see our showroom. Frenchmoor, West Tytherley: 01794 340246 22 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● STOCKBRIDGE OSTEOPATHIC PRACTICE EMMA WIGHTMAN BSc(Hons)Ost. Osteopathy and Cranial Osteopathy A gentle hands on approach for newborns through to adulthood Sports Massage Injury prevention, relaxation and muscular health Pilates Courses tailored for 1 to 1 or small groups. Homeopathy Homeopathy can be used to complement conventional medical treatment, or be used as an alternative choice for many medical conditions. Naturopathy A natural therapy that uses nutrition and advises on lifestyle, to stimulate the healing process. www.stockbridgeosteopathicpractice.com info@stockbridgeosteopathicpractice.com 01264 810028 M D PAINTING & DECORATING Private and commercial Specialists in all aspects of the trade Quality interior and exterior decorating service References available from satisfied customers Mark Davis Tel: 01264 393674 Mobile: 07773 221561 STEVE’S PIANO TUNING & REPAIR Does your piano need attention? Happy to offer help and advice when buying new pianos. Simple repairs carried out on site. Mobile 07905 451131 Land 02381 843927 email steve_robson@hotmail.com web site https://sites.google.com/site/stevespianotuning/ 27 Competitive rates to all readers! A local family run business covering all aspects of building work Call Lewis or Paul now for a free ‘no obligation’ quote 07799 664 308 / 07798 566 424 Email brookbuildingservices@yahoo.co.uk www.brookbuildingservices.co.uk Lower Brook · Kings Somborne · Stockbridge · Hampshire DOMESTICAIR Appliance repair All leading makes Hotpoint/Creda Specialist Washing machines Tumble Driers Dishwashers Electric cookers, fridges etc Guaranteed work Qualified electrician Tel: 01794 390055 C. Cairns Moorlands Oakleigh Drive Landford Wiltshire SP5 1AT 24 MOBILE HAIR ST YLIST 7 years professional experience | NVQ Level 2 & 3 J Pascoe t/a Chilbolton Chair Company Makers & Upholsterers of fine quality furniture LAUREN GREGORY Local, reliable & friendly PRICE LIST Cut and blowdry Gents cut Blowdry Half head highlights Full head highlights T-section highlights Root colour Full head colour Perms E lauren-kate-gregory@hotmail.co.uk M 07775 636647 £20 £10 £10 £40 £55 £25 £25 £30 £40 Unit 12B, Stonefield Park, Chilbolton Stockbridge, Hants, SO20 6BL Tel: 01264 861117 : Mobile 07582 850810 www.chilboltonchaircompany.co.uk We offer a wide range of services: Bespoke hand made furniture Complete re-upholstery of antique or modern furniture Supply of a wide range of fabrics Curtains, blinds, soft furnishings Stock items available for sale Please call, email or visit us at our workshop email: info@chilboltonchaircompany.co.uk Yoga ~ Pilates ~ Meditation ~ Mindfulness Daytime, evening and weekend classes for all abilities Private tuition available Beginners welcome New: Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Pilates for Seniors Children’s holiday classes Tel: 01264 811158, Mob: 07764 949317 www.studioyoga.co.uk Tiebridge Farm, North Houghton, Stockbridge SO20 6LQ 25 A local, independent Company delivering fuel to homes and businesses across Hampshire Small enough to care, big enough to cope KEROSENE CENTRAL HEATING OIL GAS OIL BULK LPG GAS BOTTLE DELIVERY SPEEDY DELIVERY AT LOW COST SERVICING & MAINTENANCE BOILER BREAKDOWNS & REPAIRS NEW BOILER INSTALLATIONS AGA & RAYBURN SERVICING FREE SURVEYS & ESTIMATES Please call 01264 860263 or visit our website www.hbsfuels.com Thirt Way, Martins Lane, Chilbolton, Stockbridge, Hants SO20 6BL What did the reindeer say before launching into his comedy routine? This will sleigh you. Broughton Joinery & Fitted Handmade Bespoke Kitchens Built-in Cupboards, Bookshelves & Wardrobes Individual pieces of Furniture Replacement Windows and Doors Grandad’s Farm Salisbury Road Broughton, Stockbridge, Hampshire, SO20 8BX Howard Fletcher—01794 301517 www.broughtonjoiner yandf ittedfurniture.co.uk 26 ALASDAIR JOHN COX Carpentry Specialist & Building/Garden Maintenance Free Quotations/No Call Out Charge No Job Too Small Internal & External Work Undertaken Fully Insured with References Available JUST CALL No 2 Manor Farm Cottage, North Houghton Stockbridge, Hants, SO20 6LF 01264 810311 or 07900 621842 S J P INDEPENDENT GARAGE SPECIALIST PROVIDING GARAGE SERVICING REPAIRS& MOTs FOR PETROL & DIESEL CARS PLUS LIGHT COMMERCIALS Attentive service Free collection & delivery from Home or Work TYRES & WHEEL ALIGNMENT AIR CON SERVICING & REPAIRS Free Retests All makes welcome and courtesy vehicle available Terms and conditions apply 133—145 BOTLEY RD., NORTH BADDESLEY, SOUTHAMPTON, SO52 9EB 02380 733944 FORMERLY HOUGHTON GARAGE OPEN: 8.30—6.00 MONDAY—FRIDAY 9.00—1.00 SATURDAY 27 Funeral Directors Romsey Independent Family Owned Funeral Directors Serving Romsey and district for over 100 years, and through three generations of the Peace family 122 The Hundred, Romsey Tel: 01794 513393 ● www.ahcheater.co.uk Personal attention from Simon & Michael Peace and Giles Sadd Private Chapel of Rest 24 Hour Service Monumental Masonry Service Pre-payment plans available Introduction to Music for the Under 5’s Also available as an Accompanist All ages and abilities welcome! Helen King GBSM, ABSM, PgDipMTPP, MA Professionally Registered Member of ISM and EPTA Tel: (01794) 388685 Mob: 07917 161585 Meadowsweet Chapel Close, Houghton Nr. Stockbridge SO20 6LT Email: garyandhelenking@sky.com 28 OFFICE: 01264 400074 MOBILE: 07887 556 559 17th Edition Electrician FOR A GREENER FUTURE Fault Finding Maintenance Building Projects Energy Efficient Lighting & Installations Commercial & Domestic CCTV EMAIL: fieldelectrical@gmail.com www.electricianandover.com BOOKKEEPING, SMALL BUSINESS ACCOUNTS & TAX RETURNS Private clients Sole traders/partnerships Limited companies GRACE ACCOUNTING, CHALKDOWN, COWDROVE HILL, KINGS SOMBORNE, HAMPSHIRE, SO20 6PJ Practice Licence 11760 T: 07852 634685 E: charlotte@grace-accounting.com www.grace-accounting.com 29 Alexandra Heating Services Ltd Your local heating specialist For all your Oil, Gas, LPG & Renewable energy needs. Domestic & commercial central heating systems, installed & repaired. We also offer emergency breakdown cover, repairs, servicing, plumbing, under-floor heating & system design. Call us on 01722 417873 or email us at sales@ahs-heating.co.uk to book your appointment today! www.ahs-heating.co.uk 30 It’s cool to stay warm for less money...reduce your heating oil costs! If you order via Houghton Oil Syndicate your can increase your ‘buying power’ with local oil companies; together, we can achieve savings of up to 10p/litre - it’s a ‘no brainer’! How it works Join the Oil Syndicate (it’s free!) by contacting Bob Gosse spindle.berry@btinternet.com or call 01794 388617 When you need oil, email Bob who then e-mails all the Syndicate Members, seeking more orders. Almost every month, Bob sources the best deal from local oil companies and orders your oil requirements. You pay the oil company direct, usually after delivery, on invoice. There are currently 56 households in the syndicate: the more members there are the potentially cheaper the oil!. Are you part of the Houghton Village e-mail Group? There are now 120 subscribers! The Village email group helps us all keep up-to-date with what’s on in the village – apart from reading Houghton News, of course! You can hear about things going on in the village more frequently than once a month! It’s so easy to join….just email rosiecardoe@aol.com and ask to join! If you don’t have email, you could ask a friend in the village who does, to send a message on your behalf! GOOD NEIGHBOURS Getting to a doctor’s, hospital, dental, optician or other medical appointment need not be a problem. 0845 094 3713 and a friendly voice will come to your aid and organise transport for you to and from your appointment, courtesy of one of the Volunteer Drivers There is no charge if you are over 60 or have a Bus Pass. If you don't have a Bus Pass but you qualify for one, ring TVBC (01264 368000) to order one. Good Neighbour volunteers can also help with non-medical appointments - eg visiting someone in hospital, help with day-to-day errands such as collecting prescriptions, small shopping commissions, dog walking, so it’s always worth asking if you need help with anything. Do make a note of the number….it could be very useful one day! There are 4 volunteers from Houghton: we support Stockbridge and Stockbridge supports Houghton! 31 Public Transport Services for Houghton: wef January 2015 Service 15: Stockbridge/Andover Mon/Sat only 0345 121 0190 Service 16: Salisbury to Winchester via Stockbridge and Kings Somborne - Mon/Sat only NB: if you wish to travel to Houghton or Broughton on the 13.20 service from Winchester: make sure you request the driver when you get on; otherwise the bus will terminate at Stockbridge. PLEASE NOTE! The Stagecoach public bus service 68 between Winchester and Stockbridge, via King’s Somborne ceased with effect from 1 September 2015 Please contact Stagecoach direct for further information at Stagecoachbus.com or ‘phone Stagecoach South on 0345 121 0190 32 Houghton Parish Council Parish Council meetings are held every other month, usually the first Monday, in Houghton Village Hall at 7.30 pm. The Chairman is Philip Page These are public meetings to which all are welcome. Please come along and hear what the Parish Council is doing for you and have your say! Future Parish Council meetings 4 January 7 March 2016 11 April 2016—Annual Parish Assembly 9 May—Annual General Meeting Broughton & Mottisfont Village Bus Services and Fares as at April 2013 Concessionary Bus Passes can be used on this service NO SERVICE ON PUBLIC HOLIDAYS All services depart from and return to Broughton (*) Day Destination Departs Broughton (*earliest pickup *) Departs Destination Fares (subject to alteration) Under 5s Free Tuesday SALISBURY (opposite Marks & Spencer) 9.30 am 12.30 pm Age 16 and over Age 6–15 £4.15 £2.05 Wednesday 1st in the month SOUTHAMPTON (John Lewis) 9.15 am 2.30 pm Age 16 and over Age 6–15 £5.25 £2.60 WINCHESTER (Bus Station) 1.00 pm 3.45 pm Age 16 and over Age 6–15 £4.90 £2.45 9.40 am 12.15 pm Age 16 and over Age 6–15 £4.05 £2.00 9.30 am 12 noon Age 16 and over Age 6–15 £3.75 £1.85 1.00 pm 3.30 pm Age 16 and over Age 6–15 £3.75 £1.85 Wednesday 2nd in the month Wednesday 4th in the month Thursday Friday ANDOVER (Bus Station) ROMSEY (Bus Station, via Waitrose) ROMSEY (Bus Station, via Waitrose) (*) Stops: The Hollow, South Road, Village Hall, The Square, Chapel Lane, North End, School Lane, The Pound 33 Houghton Village: Groups & Activities If you would like to add/amend information to this list, please contact the Editors at houghtonnews@yahoo.co.uk If you are a neighbour of a newcomer it maybe worthwhile lending this magazine to highlight some of the things available in our village. All Saints Church, Houghton: Monthly services in the Benefice and other church news is published in Houghton News. See Village Directory for contacts for further information. Good Neighbours: Houghton is part of the Stockbridge Good Neighbours scheme, offering free transport to doctor/hospital and other important appointments to those unable to drive. See p35 of this magazine for details. HAHA - Houghton Allotment Holders Association: there are 10 allotments in the village. Please contact Philip Page (HAHA Chair); or Lucy Gosse (Secretary) for more Information - spindle.berry@btinternet.com Houghton News: our monthly parish magazine provides information on village events, church services and other local area news plus a wide range of local advertisers. If you would like to receive a copy (10 editions annually, for £7), please contact Maureen Stephens (see Village Directory). Profits go to All Saints Church PCC. Houghton Parish Council: public meetings held every other month, usually on the 1st Monday of alternate months, in the Village Hall. Councillors are listed in the Village Directory; future meeting dates and informal notes of meetings are usually included in this magazine Formal Minutes are circulated via the e-mail group and on the village noticeboard. Oil Syndicate: members of this village syndicate, run by Bob Gosse, use their bulk purchasing power to get the lowest price per litre. Details on p35 of this magazine or contact Bob spindle.berry@btinternet.com 34 Postal Deliveries: Steve is our regular Postie and his ‘relief’ is Nick. There are 3 post boxes: by Village Hall, almost opposite Bossington Estate offices & on the road into Stockbridge, just beyond Dairy Barn. Singing for Fun: a small, informal singing group, for which no previous singing experience is required. It meets about 6 times a term on Thursday evenings, using the church for sessions. It is led by Helen King a professional music teacher.. Contact Lucy Gosse for more details: spindle.berry@bt.internet.com Village Coffee Mornings: run by the Village Hall Committee usually on the 3rd Saturday of the month from 10.30 to 12 noon, in the Village Hall . A relaxed and friendly way to meet up and catch up over a coffee and cake or bacon buttie! Details sent out via village email group and in Houghton News each month. Village Directory: a list of useful names, phone numbers, email, for organisations relevant to Houghton; published each month on the last but one page of Houghton News. Village e-mail group: a quick ,simple way to send messages and reminders to others in the village about events or if you are looking for an item/household service, etc., Contact rosiecardoe@aol.com to have your email added to the group. Village Hall: Lots of village events happen here! Available to hire p19 of this magazine) and more contacts in the Village Directory. WI: meets monthly in the Village Hall; see contacts in Village Directory for more information. Village Directory All Saints Church Parochial Church Council Friends of All Saints Hampshire County Council Please let the Editors know about updates to this Directory. Thank you! Rector Reader Curate Church Wardens Rev. Ron Corne Gina Livermore Gill Nobes Richard James 01794 301287 01794 388433 01794 341010 01794 388534 CRonandrew@aol.com dliver@btinternet.com nobes@guernsey.net richardljames@btinternet.com Organist Secretary Treasurer Cleaning Rota Flower Rota Chairman Secretary Treasurer Councillor Michael Woodhall Dawn Williams Dawn Williams James Allport Anna Allport Jill Harding Mike Moldon Julie Moldon Julie Moldon Andrew Gibson 01264 810500 01264 810724 01264 810724 01794 388328 01794 388328 01794 388325 01794 388204 01794 388204 01794 388204 01264 861138 01264 861087 Michael.woodhall1@btinternet.com dawney542@btinternet.com dawney542@btinternet.com jamesandannaallport@gmail.com annaallport@yhahoo.co.uk jmmoldon@googlemail.com jmmoldon@googlemail.com jmmoldon@googlemail.com andrew.gibson@hants.gov.uk Test Valley District Council Main Switchboard Councillor Councillor Daniel Busk Peter Boulton 03005551375 01794 388389 danielbusk@btopenworld.com 01794 301212 pjboulton@btopenworld.com MP Houghton Parish Council Chairman Clerk Caroline Nokes MP Philip Page Amy Taylor 01794 512132 caroline@romseyconservatives.co.uk 01794 388512 pjpagehoughton@gmail.com houghtonparishcouncil@gmail.com Ingrid Burt Geoff Butler Claudia Bradby Peter Kennesion Tara Scougall 01794 388070 01794 388831 01794 388305 01794 301013 01264 811618 Alan Young 01794 388612 young303@btinternet.com President Jane Anderton 01264 810928 Jane.anderton@btinternet.com Secretary Treasurer Julie Harwood Julie Moldon 01264 810314 Harwood_house@hotmail.com 01794 388204 jmmoldon@googlemail.com Bookings Maureen Stephens 01794 389696 houghtonvillagehall@gmail.com Chairman Secretary Rosie Cardoe Lucy Gosse 01794 388771 rosiecardoe@aol.com 01794 388617 spindle.berry@btinternet.com Treasurer Ingrid Burt 01794 388070 ingridburt@btinternet.com Neighbourhood Watch Peter Kennesion Llyn Adams 01794 301013 01794 389690 houghtonnhw@gmail.com Houghton Fishing Club tba tba Vice Chair Councillors WI Village Hall Doctor’s Surgery Police Reception EMERGENCY 999 ingridburt@btinternet.com claudia@claudiabradby.com tara@scougall.com tba 01264 810524 Non-urgent 101 catherine.bonter@hampshire.pnn.police.uk Stockbridge Neighbour Care Citizens Advice Bureau Community Bus Broughton/Mottisfont Village Bus 0845 094 3713 01264 365534 01794 301045 - Houghton News parish magazine Advertising Lucy Gosse Fiona Evans Fiona Evans 01794 388617 houghtonnews@yahoo.co.uk 01794 389237 01794 389237 ads-magazine@houghton-bossington.co.uk Distribution Maureen Stephens 01794 389696 maureens51@yahoo.co.uk 35 Editors Church Services - December/January 6th DEC ADVENT 2 TIME 8.00 9.30 11.00 13th DEC ADVENT 3 20th DEC ADVENT 4 BROUGHTON BROUGHTON Holy Communion CW Holy Communion BCP 27th DEC CHRISTMAS 1 BOSSINGTON BROUGHTON BROUGHTON Holy Communion BCP Holy Communion CW & Sunday Club Holy Communion CW HOUGHTON MOTTISFONT MOTTISFONT Christingle Service Christingle Service Carol Service MOTTISFONT HOUGHTON BROUGHTON Evensong Evensong Carol Service 6.00 For the Benefice Every Wednesday 9.30 am St. Mary’s Church, Broughton Holy Communion BCP Christmas Services – December Thursday 17th Friday 18th Monday 21st Thursday 24th Christmas Day Friday 25th TIME Broughton Primary School Carol Service 2.30 pm at St Mary’s Church Bossington Carol Service 6.30 pm Carol Singing at Spearywell orchard 6.00 pm – 7.00 pm followed by refreshments Houghton Carol Service at 7.00 pm Broughton Crib Service at 5.00 pm Mottisfont Crib Service at 3.00 pm Benefice Midnight Mass at St Mary’s at 11.30 pm Broughton Family Communion at 9.30 am Bossington Holy Communion BCP at 9.30 am Mottisfont Family Communion at 11.00 am 3rd JAN 10th JAN 17th JAN 24th JAN 31st JAN EPIPHANY BAPTISM OF CHRIST EPIPHANY 2 EPIPHANY 3 CANDLEMAS BROUGHTON Family Communion CW BROUGHTON Holy Communion CW & Sunday Club For the BENEFICE 8.00 BROUGHTON Holy Communion CW 9.30 BOSSINGTON Holy Communion BCP BROUGHTON Holy Communion BCP BROUGHTON Holy Communion CW & Sunday Club 11.00 HOUGHTON Family Service MOTTISFONT Family Service 6.00 MOTTISFONT Evensong HOUGHTON Evensong 36 BROUGHTON Christingle Service ………………… MOTTISFONT Holy Communion BCP HOUGHTON Family Communion CW MOTTISFONT Family Communion CW HOUGHTON Evensong
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