Houghton News - Houghton Bossington
Houghton News - Houghton Bossington
Houghton News Barry This month’s editor - Lucy Gosse Diaper Following the sad loss of so many precious friends and family in the village over the last few months, we must now look forward to the green shoots of spring and fresh and positive challenges. Fri 12 Feb Stockbridge Cinema p10 Sat 13 Feb Valentine Drinks p7 Mon 15 Feb WI meeting p9 Wed 17 Feb Stockbridge cinema p10 Sat 20 Feb Coffee Morning Mon 4 April Parish Council Annual Assembly p8 Sun 17 April Houghton Trail p9 STOP PRESS! Saturday 20 February - 11 am In memory of Tara Scougall, two flowering trees will be planted by the Village Hall Committee on the bank in front of the Village Hall. Please come along and join in! The Coffee Morning will start a little earlier at 10.15 am...so time for a cuppa and a chat before the planting ceremony! The village has lots of exciting things to look forward to, including the new ring of six bells in All Saints church. There will also be plenty of opportunities to regenerate other community initiatives. There has been enormous discussion and many varying views about the solar farm. However, it’s here now and is on track to be generating electricity by 31 March. As a result, Houghton will be the beneficiary of a substantial sum of money for community use and the village will have the opportunity to implement a range of initiatives, some of which have been only paper dreams until now. The solar farm contractor, PS Renewables, is of course keen to promote the positive aspects of the ‘farm’ and plans environmental projects such as bird boxes and beehives; in time, there will be opportunities, especially including local primary schools, to visit the site. Before then, there’s Valentine’s Drinks at the village hall, which includes a Cake Raffle to raise funds for RNLI; the monthly village coffee morning and a WI meeting. The Houghton Trail team will be very pleased to hear from those of you who would like to help with this year’s event Lent starts on Tuesday 11 February; do enjoy those Shrove Tuesday pancakes…...and many good wishes to everyone in achieving new personal goals. Six new bells will be hanging, ready for ringing, in Houghton’s All Saints Church by the end of March. If you’d be interested in learning to ring them, please contact Bob Gosse (p13) Deadline for articles and ads: 18 February 2016 Email: houghtonnews@yahoo.co.uk Village Website www.houghton-bossington.org.uk Church News Dear Friends Lent is almost upon us, as Easter is very early this year, so just as you are packing away the tinsel we are moving towards Lent. Barry Diaper Ash Wednesday is on Wednesday 10th February, and we start our Lenten period with a Service at St Mary’s Broughton at 7.30pm with ashing and Holy Communion. This year we will be following the Winchester Lent Course entitled I Witness. There will be five Monday lunch time sessions starting on 15th February beginning at 11.30am with lunch provided at 12.45 and we will finish by 1.30pm. Venues will be notified by Revd Gill in the pew sheet and by e-mail, and it would be good to know numbers so if you are thinking of coming along please e-mail Gill direct on nobes@guernsey.net Lent is a very important time for engaging with the deeper things of our faith and a time for setting new goals and seeking spiritual change and deepening. Lent is also the penitential season of approximately 40 days set aside by the Church in order for the faithful to prepare for the celebration of the Lord’s Passion, Death and Resurrection. During this holy season, Christians are called to prepare for Easter by a recalling of Baptism and by works of penance, that is, prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Ron Corne Rector PARISH REGISTER DEATHS Jeanne Featherstone 7 December 2015 Michael Moldon 17 December 2015 Tara Scougall 23 December 2015 John Smart (formerly of this village) 28 December 2015 2 Tribute by Ingrid Burt on behalf of Houghton Parish Council for Tara Scougall Tara’s impact on the Parish Council was immediate. She was a complete breath of fresh air, bringing enthusiasm, energy and a brilliant “can do” attitude. Nothing was too much trouble for Tara. She was always the first to volunteer and was never negative about any of the tasks that she signed up for. She was a real force for good and didn’t shy away from difficult decisions or tricky consultations. Tara and her family moved to Tiebridge Farm on 7 April 2010. It was only a couple of months afterwards that Tara made her first appearance as a parishioner at a Parish Council Meeting. We were looking for a new Councillor and she was co-opted onto the Council there and then. It wasn’t long after she was co-opted that we began the review of the revised Local Plan and started our consultation. Claudia reminded me the other day of when the three of us; Claudia and I on bicycles and Tara on a scooter (!) travelled through the village attempting the first stab at mapping the Local Plan. It was a hoot. Tara was also a massive supporter of the Village Hall. She was on the Village Hall Committee and was very much part of the recent revitalising of the Hall. The seats that we are all comfortably sitting on are due largely to Tara. She even roped in James to put the plaques on the back of each one. She was also instrumental in sorting out the gate at the recreation ground. There are many other things over the five and a bit years that she was a Councillor that she was part of. Too many to list, but suffice to say that she was a real contributor to this Council. So we all got the dreadful news of Tara’s diagnosis at the beginning of 2015. Typically, she decided to continue as a Councillor. She felt that she had to carry on regardless and that’s exactly what she did. We were all astonished at how she continued with her duties as a Councillor even through the worst of her treatment. She was still responding to emails from her hospital bed and even turned up to the solar farm meeting we held in November to discuss the community benefit. She was in terrible pain that night, but she bore her illness with dignity, style, humour and immense stoicism. We have lost a very valued and admired Councillor, but we have all lost a friend too. Her legacy here at the Council and at the village hall is that we can take responsibility and we can make a difference. Our thoughts are very much with James, Eleanor and Edward and the rest of Tara’s family at this very sad time. We also lost Mike Moldon and Jeanne Featherstone recently. We would like to pay tribute to Jeanne for all of her support for the Council as a parishioner. She hardly ever missed a meeting and we really valued her input and her comments over the years. Jeanne was very much part of the All Saints congregation and PCC and I am sure that they will be remembering her too. Mike was a Parish Councillor for a couple of years and his contribution was very much appreciated. He focused much of his retirement in the running of the Friends of All Saints. He was a true gentleman, kind and thoughtful and again I am sure that those involved with All Saints will be remembering him too. 3 Thanksgiving Service for Michael Moldon Julie would like to thank everyone for the many messages of sympathy for her and the family following Michael’s death in December. The kindness has been a tremendous support to them all. Michael came from a farming family and had continued to farm in Owslebury before coming to live in Houghton over 20 years ago. He was a country man, but his great loves were his family and sport, especially cricket. These themes ran through his Thanksgiving Service in All Saints’ Church on 22nd January. The whole family would like to thank all those who parked cars, (in heavy rain) and those who did so much to ensure the service was a fitting tribute to a fine man. Remembering the smiling faces of Michael, Tara and Jeanne. 4 Reflections of Jeanne Featherstone From her son Robert and the Revd Ron Corne Jeanne was born on 15 May 1923 in Hampstead and her French Godmother Madeleine influenced the spelling of her name. After her schooling in Finchley, Jeanne trained as a Children’s Nurse and at the outbreak of war, at 16 she went to work at Dyhram Park, South Gloucestershire, looking after evacuated children. At that time Dyrham Park, a 17th century country mansion was still owned by the Blathwayt family but since 1961 its owner has been the National Trust. Jeanne last visited the house a few months before she died. Jeanne made lifelong friendships with the eleven ‘Dyrham girls’ and in particular kept in close contact with ‘Woodie’. When they had time off, Jeanne and her friends would hitch a lift to Bath and once got a lift with Queen Mary in her Rolls! Jeanne met her future husband George at a dance near Dyrham. His first words to her were “Let me get a cup of tea, then we can have a dance.” Jeanne and George married in February 1947 and lived in Pimlico near the greengrocers shop owned by George. In 1948 they bought a house in Raynes Park SW20, their solicitor lending them the £20 deposit! It was there that they raised Robert and John. Their first dog was a collie called Rex, but because he snapped at John, Rex was given to a farm in Nottingham. Jeanne became Akela (Cub Scout Leader) of 13th Wimbledon cubs in 1957. When her husband got pneumonia and was off work for four months, Jeanne travelled up to London by train and bus every day to run the shop. Following compulsory purchase of the greengrocer’s shop in 1967, Jeanne and her husband moved to Worcester Park. In 1979, when Jeanne’s husband was working for Tesco, his job moved to Hampshire and Jeanne and George moved to Houghton. During the 36 years Jeanne lived in the village, she was involved in so many charitable groups – the WI, WRVS and Meals on Wheels, the local hospital tea shop, Stroke Club, and the Parochial Church Council and the church choir. And of course she always had her beloved dogs as company. Jeanne was one of the great supporters of All Saints’ Church Houghton. If you needed something doing Jean would be there whether it was setting up the Altar for Holy Communion or preparing for Evensong, lighting the candles, getting the service books ready or struggling with the heavy brass cross. Whatever the occasion whether it was preparing the church for a wedding or a funeral, Jeanne could be counted on. Most of all, Jeanne was out and about and supported most of the services which were held at All Saints. Jeanne was a woman of deep faith and took great pleasure not only in worship and prayer but also in singing in the choir or serving on the PCC. If you needed something doing ask Jeanne and she was there, with a lovely smile and her gorgeous little chuckle. I will miss Jeanne a great deal; she was a friend and a support to the church, to me and many others. Now Jeanne is with our Lord and I am sure she is praying for us, as she always did here on earth. 5 ALL SAINTS’ CHURCH CLEANING ROTA February 7 Philippa Williams Carolyn Bowen 14 Shelagh Bradley Jacqueline Jenkins 21 Jill Harding Lindsay Parker 28 Janet Roche Iona Priestley Magazine subs due now please! Still only £7 for 10 issues. Whoever delivers your magazine will be collecting these over the next few weeks…..so this is just a reminder! Many thanks to all those who support Houghton News - it’s a magazine for YOU - so let us know what you’d like to see in it! Broughton Bright Hour Thursdays at 2.30 pm in the Meeting Room - St. Mary’s Church, Broughton. Speakers for February 4 Members’ Meeting 11 Mr Ron Caddy 18 Mr David Stone 25 Mrs Sheila Few Barbara Perry, Booking Secretary 01794 301466 Everyone welcome, please come and join us. A bell is no bell 'til you ring it, a song is no song 'til you sing it; and love in your heart wasn't put there to stay - love isn't love 'til you give it away. Oscar Hammerstein, Sound of Music, You Are Sixteen (Reprise) 6 Village Hall With the very sad passing away of Tara Scougall, the Village Hall Committee has lost the tremendous vitality and immense contribution Tara made to how the village hall is run and used. We all miss her hugely. We shall be making a donation to the RNLI for Tara’s lifeboat and to help ensure she remains always in our thoughts we will be planting a couple of flowering trees outside the village hall. Our next ‘do’ is Valentine’s Drinks on Saturday 13 February 6.30 to 8.30 pm Fantastic value at £10 to include a glass of wine and delicious canapes and nibbles! If you’ve not got your ticket yet, please contact one of the village hall committee (names below) - to ensure there are plenty of canapes for you! For Bacs payment Ingrid Burt - ingridburt@btinternet.com 01794 388070 For cheque or cash Rosie Cardoe - rosiecardoe@aol.com 01794 388771 Lucy Gosse - spindle.berry@btinternet.com 01794 388617 Clare Stephens - clarestephens1974@yahoo.co.uk 07814 094029 s! w e N Maureen Stephens - maureens51@yahoo.co.uk The proceeds of the evening will be split between the RNLI (for the lifeboat Tara) and The Friends of All Saints Church, Tara Scougall’s and Michael Moldon’s preferred charities respectively. Village Hall Draw - November, December 2015 winners! November £30: Mrs J Cowen December £30: Oliver Busk £20: Llyn Adams £10: Richard Priestley £20: Julie Moldon £10: Mike Smart £5: Sharon Morgan £5: Roydon Roche An annual Village Hall Draw ticket is £12 a year (Jan-Dec) or pro rata if you join during the year. The draw takes place at The Boot on the last Friday of the month, so it’s a lovely excuse to drop in ….and hope to win some money to pay for your drinks! Being the start of the year, members of the Village Hall Committee will have been knocking on doors to sell Draw tickets. If you missed this opportunity, please contact Nick Harding. (contact number in Village Directory at the back of this magazine). The next Village Hall Coffee Morning is on Saturday 20 February - a little earlier this month at 10.15 am - with tree planting in memory of Tara at 11 am on the bank outside the Village Hall. Do join us! Proceeds from the 2016 Houghton Trail on 17 April will be split between All Saints Church and the Village Hall. The VH committee will be helping Fiona, the main contact for the team, particularly with organising marshals; so if you’d like to help, do make a note of the date in your diary and contact Clare Stephens as soon as possible - 07814 094029. 7 Informal snippets from Houghton Parish Council’s January meeting Planning Applications TVBC has notified Houghton Parish Council of the following applications: A budget for 2016/17 of £11,417 (including Cherry Trees: reduce height of conifer and £1,717 ring fenced for ’Stoppit’ campaign; prune willow: No objection by HPC Village Design Statement; Allotment legal fees ) was agreed. Elm Tree Cottage: accommodation above garage and link from main house to new A precept (local tax) of £9,000 2016/17 was accommodation. No objection by HPC agreed, which is a small increase on the current level. Not only….but also… A villager expressed concerns about drivers Highways/Footpaths failing to observe the speed limit throughout the The PC will write to the relevant landowners Parish; the PC will discuss this with Police and requesting that a fallen tree on Stevens Drove is the Transport section of TVBC with a request removed; and that overgrown hedges on for a Police speed check of traffic through the Stevens Drove and Houghton Down byway are village trimmed. The Judicial Review for the Solar Farm has The PC recommended that Field Path and been withdrawn. Stevens Drove are included in HCC’s ‘Priority Cutting’ list. It is hoped a meeting would be arranged between the PC and Borough Cllr Busk and his Solicitor to discuss a lease for the allotments Planning with the Parish Council and Allotment Some HPC Cllrs have met Mr Jackson, Head of Committee. Planning at TVBC to discuss the potential impact that future planning applications may have on important areas in the village. TVBC Items proposed for discussion at the March meeting include: explained that certain areas of land are designated for development within the Revised A suitable village memorial in memory of Cllr Tara Scougall. Local Plan and Mr Jackson advised the PC to Formation of a Management Committee for meet with developers to discuss preliminary Solar Farm Funds. planning applications. This goes against the advice previously given by TVBC; consequently TVBC’s Legal team can advise on how best the Next Parish Council meeting PC deals with developers prior to formal Monday planning applications. The PC can also request 7 March - 7.30 pm a TVBC Case Officer to be present at any such Annual Parish Assembly discussions. Monday 4 April - 7.30 pm The draft Village Design Statement is now lodged with TVBC although the PC has the opportunity to add specific areas in the village Come along and find out what the that are of particular importance. Although this Parish Council is doing for the village will not necessarily stop development, it could and have your say about matters that lessen the impact to the appearance of the are important to you! village. A meeting of PC reps with TVBC’s recently appointed Conservation Officer is planned. Finance Parish Council (PC) funds stand at £11,553.71. 8 Houghton WI Houghton WI met on 18 January with an optimistic start to the New Year, welcoming two new members. The speaker was Eddie Howe, who gave an inspiring talk about his work with Raleigh International in Tanzania while on his "gap year" in 2015. He showed some impressive photos of the teams he worked with in rural Tanzania, helping on various community projects which were obviously much appreciated by the local people. Eddie's enthusiasm for the work and his appreciation of the wonderful sights he'd been given the chance to see were obvious to all. Next month's meeting is on 15 February, when Gill Young will be talking to us about volunteering in Belarus - any visitors or potential new members will be extremely welcome. Jane Anderton Advance Notice! The 13th Houghton Trail - Sunday 17 April 2016 If you would like further information about this either as an entrant running, walking or cycling, or - just as important - helping with the organisation of this major village event, please contact Fiona Evans who is the main contact for the team organising next year’s Houghton Trail 01794 389237 houghton.trail@gmail.com Proceeds will be split between Houghton Village Hall and Houghton All Saints Church Would you like to join the editorial team of Houghton News? Lucy and Fiona are looking for new team mates! If there were 4 editors, each would be doing 2 or 3 editions a year rather than 3 or 4! Knowledge of Microsoft Publisher would be useful but certainly not essential; it is not difficult and it doesn’t take long to learn! If you like being creative and inventive, this is the job for you and it’s a great way to be involved in village life. We are always looking for new articles so this is also an opportunity to come up with new ideas! If you’d like to know more, do please call Lucy or Fiona or email us at houghtonnews@yahoo.co.uk 9 Letter from Mollie Hello everyone….it seems ages since I last told you all my news…back before Christmas in fact! It is all Mum’s fault, she just does not seem to get on with things where I am concerned, but she does feed me, although it was a bit doubtful on Christmas day, a day when everyone was stuffing themselves full of goodies, I almost got nothing! Breakfast was okay, and then we went for a long walk after Church, and Mum came in and sat down with a cup of tea at about 4.00.pm. I usually get my tea at 5.00.pm. so I sat between the kitchen and the lounge as I usually do, but nothing was forthcoming! After a couple of hours I thought I would sit beside her and give her a stare….but still nothing, but I did notice the sherry bottle was well in evidence! I wandered about a bit, by now I was getting really hungry, then she got up to get her own supper, that is when she noticed “Oh Mollie” she cried, you haven’t had your tea!! “I thought, well, you can say that again! My ribs were practically touching by then! She was very contrite, I thought, well, if you will hit the bottle! After I had eaten it, not enough again, but still, something! A friend of Mum’s rang on the telephone and she told him how she had had a couple of glasses of sherry and forgotten to feed me, he said he would call the RSPCA ,it’s a good job someone worries about me that’s all I can say! And I had so many treats and presents for Christmas from my friends, I thought I was going to sit down with a feast! But no, how did you guess, she has been rationing them! One or two a day if that, I am sure my friends meant me to have them all at once and really enjoy myself! Mum said too many at once would make me sick, and who would clean it all up? I actually had a doggy’s advent calendar, and I had one of those little crunchy treats every day, but when I came to Christmas day, it was a really large one and she wouldn’t let me have that! She said it was far too big and I might choke! I bet she has eaten it herself! I notice that the chocolate wasn’t rationed where she was concerned; it’s one rule for her and a completely different one for doggies around here! See you next month, Love, Mollie. 10 27 Film Review A Hughes Review I was going to write about how much I enjoyed Star Wars but enough people will have already told you what a great film that is. Instead, a glimpse back to December’s festivities where I ask “just how many John Hughes films did you watch between turkey sittings?”. Film Buff Beth I tend to consume at least two over the Christmas season and one of these has to be a Home Alone. There’s something incredibly innocent about pre-9/11 America when we all watched on with glee knowing the greatest worry when leaving a child at home alone (or, on the wrong plane) was that he'd probably end up at the mercy of bumbling burglars. These films are classics today because Hughes (& director Chris Columbus) knew how to make a film that is relevant and enjoyable year after year. Natural, believable performances are key to comedies and with Katherine O’Hara playing the McCallister family matriarch we understood and warmed to Kevin’s family from the first frame. And every frame of these films is festive - the rich reds and greens used in the set design ooze festivity - you could get pretty tipsy with a drinking game based on the poinsettia count alone - there’s one: shot! I’ve always wanted to visit the Chicago suburb where the films are set. Hughes uses this area a lot and it wasn’t until the closing scenes of another of his classics, Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987) that I realised the Steve Martin’s character, Neal Page, lives on the same street. John Candy is an absolute genius and some of the scenes are as funny today as when I first saw them - the motel portion being the stuff of legend. Through the film Hughes ensures we go from disgust to love, and back again, for both characters at different times and isn’t afraid to bring the tension to a head before the half-way mark without losing pace. Hughes bought Candy back again for Uncle Buck (1989) which also launched Macaulay Culkin’s career well before Home Alone. Culkin is naturally adorable as Miles the, at first fearful, nephew of Buck who comes to look after Miles and his sister during a family emergency. Buck’s hilariously canny way of earning the children’s respect (Buck: Did you brush your teeth? Miles: Yeah. You can even feel my toothbrush. Buck: You know, I have a friend who works at the crime lab at the police station. I could give him your toothbrush and he could run a test on it…) is as effective as it is fun to watch, and Buck’s moody teenage niece provides a cringe-inducing edge to the experience. If, after all those left-overs, there’s still some room then it’s worth heading for The Breakfast Club (1985) for a simplistic, coming-of-age film which both enforces and beautifully breaks down high school stereotypes, all to a killer soundtrack. Hughes died in 2009, but his talent ensured those chosen tunes spoke true of his legacy - don’t you forget about me. STOCKBRIDGE COMMUNITY CINEMA Stockbridge Town Hall Friday February 12 at 7.30pm The Lobster (cert 15) - Starring Colin Farrell, Rachel Weisz, Olivia Coleman A love story set in a dystopian near future where single people are arrested and transferred to a creepy hotel.There they are obliged to find a matching mate in 45 days. If they fail they are transformed into an animal and released into the woods. Wednesday February 17 at 5pm and 7.30pm 45 Years (cert 15) - Starring Charlotte Rampling & Tom Courtenay There is just one week until Kate Mercer's 45 wedding anniversary but then a letter arrives for husband Geoff. The body of his first love has been discovered frozen in a glacier in the Swiss Alps. By the time the party is upon them there may not be a marriage left to celebrate. Tickets: £6 from John Robinson & Garden Inn or www.stockbridgecinema.org.uk Doors open 30 minutes before the film start time. Wine and soft drinks available. 11 12 To advertise in this magazine... email: fiona2.evans@talktalk.net Telephone Fiona Evans - 01794 389237 Annual rates (10 editions) 2015/2016: Size Annual (10 editions) One-off insertion A4 Half page Quarter page £133 £66 £34 £13.30 £6.60 £3.40 www.kingssombornephysio.com Home Visits available 01794 389 251 07966 927 439 Fully registered with all the medical insurance companies Kings Somborne Physiotherapy And Acupuncture Clinic Do you suffer from any of the following? Lower Back Pain • Neck Pain • Nerve pain • Headaches Sciatica • Postural Problems • Frozen Shoulder Muscular Aches and Pains • Tennis / Golfer's Elbow Soft Tissue Injuries • Repetitive Strain Injuries • Sports Injuries Pregnancy Related Pain • Pelvic Floor Problems i.e. bladder weakness Signs of Ageing, Blemishes and Poor Skin Tone We fully understand and appreciate how irritating it can be to be out of action or struggling with an injury or pain. So whether it's your back or neck that's giving you grief, a sports injury, problems with your pelvic floor, a work related/postural problem or simply an aching limb or joint, we can help. Types of treatment we can offer: Manual therapy Ultrasound • Mobilisations • Massage and Trigger Point Acupuncture • Acupressure • Sports Injury Rehabilitation • Dry Needling Taping • Cupping • Myofascial Release • Pelvic Floor Assessment and Treatment Exercise Prescription • Ergonomic Advice • Education and Advice on Prevention Facial Enhancement/Rejuvenation Acupuncture (the natural alternative to Botox) 01794 389251 katie@kingssombornephysio.com Moorcourt, Palace Close, Kings Somborne, Stockbridge. SO20 6PS 13 QUICK CROSSWORD Solution on Page 25 Honeysuckle Bed & Breakfast Houghton, Stockbridge, Hants SO20 6LT Tel: +44(0)7787 115601 Email@honeysucklebedandbreakfast@gmail.com Website: honeysucklebedandbreakfast.com Across 1. Extremely cold (5) 4. Out of fashion (5) 8. Communication channel (7) 9. Crowd scene actor (5) 10. Part of a church (5) 11. Unlawful (7) 12. Natural abilities or qualities (6) 14. Conundrum (6) 18. Malleable (7) 20. Irritated (5) 22. Spear (5) 23. Acute (7) 24. Stringed instrument (5) 25. Overheads (5) Down 1. Chivalrous (7) 2. Guides (5) 3. Distinguish (7) 4. Writing implement (6) 5. Carapace (5) 6. Lured (7) 7. Intended (5) 13. Curt (7) 15. Ludicrous (7) 16. Interminable (7) 17. Sheep known for its high quality fleece (6) 18. Greek letter (5) 19. Paragon (5) 21. Male monarchs (5) 14 M Diaper & Son Painters and Decorators with over 30 years’ experience. Rosemary Cottage Houghton Stockbridge Hampshire SO20 6LW Tel : Mob : email : 01794 388623 07751745937 jackiediaper@yahoo.com Free Range Pork - Preserves Home Grown Produce - Cakes & Eggs Plants - Crafts Refreshments Every Thursday 10:00 – 11:45 Stockbridge Town Hall OPEN WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY 10AM - 3PM (CLOSED AUGUST) www.theofficersmessinteriors.co.uk Unit 12a Stonefield Park Martins Lane Chilbolton Hampshire SO20 6BL curtains • blinds • headboards • valances wallpapers • carpets • shutters • cushions fabrics • upholstery • bed covers • COLEFAX & FOWLER • MANUEL CANOVAS • LINWOOD • ROMO • • LEWIS & WOOD • KATE FORMAN • DESIGNERS GUILD • • SANDERSON • IAN MANKIN • VOYAGE • VANESSA ARBUTHNOTT • • MALABAR • GP & J BAKER • ISLE MILL • JANE CHURCHILL • • ANDREW MARTIN • CLARKE & CLARKE • 15 Houghton Village Hall If you would like to use any of the hall facilities or equipment please contact Maureen Stephens, Bookings Secretary houghtonvillagehall@gmail.com 01794 389696 Hire rates - wef 1 June 2015 Session Session Morning 8 am – 1 pm Cost per session/ part –session/ hour £30 Afternoon 1 pm – 6 pm £30 Evening 6 pm – 11 pm £30 Full Day – single booking 8 am – 11 pm £75 Hourly Up to 11 pm £7.50 Hourly After 11 pm £10 Glass hire available! £1 for 10 glasses 48hr period Conveniently crated! Breakages : £1/glass. Tables, chairs, crockery, cutlery also available to hire for private events away from the Hall. Please contact the Bookings Secretary for further details. A gentle and effective approach to chiropractic care suitable for people of all ages. McTimoney chiropractic treatment aims to improve the alignment of your body leading to: • Reduced pain and increased joint mobility in neck, back and shoulders • Effective improvement of migraine symptoms and some other headaches • Recovery from sporting injuries • Reduction in arthritic symptoms • Improved functioning of the nervous system and overall well-being. I offer a free, 15 minute consultation with no obligation to discuss the suitability of McTimoney chiropractic for you. Please contact me, Tricia Hobbs on 07803 003642 or by e-mail, tricia@bodywisechiropractic.co.uk. Tricia Hobbs MChiro MMCA GCC Reg No 04087 The Bodybarn, Salisbury Hill, Longstock, Stockbridge SO20 6DJ 16 Call Bev Neat Sweeps Chimney Sweeping The season is turning, is your chimney in need of a sweep? Neat Sweeps are a local chimney sweeping service qualified through the National Association of Chimney Sweeps. For more information phone 01794 341812 or email neatsweeps@gmail.com or visit www.neatsweeps.co.uk 17 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● STOCKBRIDGE OSTEOPATHIC PRACTICE EMMA WIGHTMAN BSc(Hons)Ost. Osteopathy and Cranial Osteopathy A gentle hands on approach for newborns through to adulthood Sports Massage Injury prevention, relaxation and muscular health Pilates Courses tailored for 1 to 1 or small groups. Homeopathy Homeopathy can be used to complement conventional medical treatment, or be used as an alternative choice for many medical conditions. Naturopathy A natural therapy that uses nutrition and advises on lifestyle, to stimulate the healing process. www.stockbridgeosteopathicpractice.com reception@the-SOP.com 01264 810028 Music and readings for Passiontide presented by the Harmonium Singers Saturday 12 March - 7.30 pm St Michael & All Angels, Colebrook Way, West Andover Another thoughtful sequence of music and readings from this local chamber choir, well known for combining appropriate words and music, with the intention of presenting choral music in an accessible way but in the context for which it was written. This time the choir is mining the rich seam of music for Lent, Passiontide and Holy Week., as musical director Bruce Randall explains: “There is so much glorious music written for this part of the church’s year that it’s hard to know what to choose. Much of it is intensely beautiful but also very focused on the dramatic events leading up to Easter. To sing this music in the isolation of a concert somehow diminishes its impact and meaning. That’s why we’ve chosen to present these pieces in some sort of context, a seamless blend of words and music that, for some, will be something more spiritual.” Much of the singing will be unaccompanied, making full use of the church’s spacious acoustic. The music spans five centuries and includes Allegri’s famous ‘Miserere’ and miniature masterpieces from Tallis, Lassus, Handel and the young Norwegian composer Ola Gjeilo. Admission is free, with a retiring collection for a re-development project at St. Michael’s and All Angels. 18 Convert your aga Range Cooker to Electric Power • Reduce running costs by up to 80% • Hobs and ovens controlled independently • Rapid heat up time from cold Hampshire Cooker Conversions www.hcconversions.co.uk Call Paul on 07730 988361 19 We are ‘Outstanding’... Ofsted 2012 Providing education through play. Offering flexible childcare sessions from 2 years of age We provide high quality childcare and education within our purpose built ’Home Lodge’ style building where children have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of interesting activities which promote all areas of learning. There is free flow access to our outside space which has a covered area for all weather use. Our dedicated staff team are very experienced, well qualified and provide a high adult:child ratio. Funding for 15 hours free is available for all children from the term following their 3rd birthday and for eligible children following their 2nd birthday We offer flexible hours Monday to Friday with 5 start & 4 finish times available. Healthy lifestyles are actively promoted and hot lunches are available. For further information or to arrange a visit please contact us: 01794 301286 manager@broughtonpreschool.com Conker Lodge, School Lane, Broughton, Stockbridge, Hampshire, SO20 8AN www.broughtonpreschool.com ENROLLING NOW! FRENCHMOOR COUNTRY STOVES WOOD BURNING/ MULTIFUEL STOVES. FULL INSTALLATION. Cut back on oil and gas! CHIMNEY LINING. SERVICING. For friendly, professional advice please call and make an appointment to see our showroom. Frenchmoor, West Tytherley: 01794 340246 20 A local family run business covering all aspects of building work Call Lewis or Paul now for a free ‘no obligation’ quote 07799 664 308 / 07798 566 424 Email brookbuildingservices@yahoo.co.uk www.brookbuildingservices.co.uk Lower Brook · Kings Somborne · Stockbridge · Hampshire DOMESTICAIR Appliance repair All leading makes Hotpoint/Creda Specialist Washing machines Tumble Driers Dishwashers Electric cookers, fridges etc Guaranteed work Qualified electrician Tel: 01794 390055 C. Cairns Moorlands Oakleigh Drive Landford Wiltshire SP5 1AT MOBILE HAIR ST YLIST 7 years professional experience | NVQ Level 2 & 3 Makers & Upholsterers of fine quality furniture (suppliers to The Pig Hotels) LAUREN GREGORY Local, reliable & friendly PRICE LIST Cut and blowdry Gents cut Blowdry Half head highlights Full head highlights T-section highlights Root colour Full head colour Brazilian blowout from E lauren-kate-gregory@hotmail.co.uk M 07775 636647 Chilbolton Chair Company £ 35 £ 20 £ 20 £ 55 £ 80 £ 40 £ 35 £ 55 £120 Unit 12B, Stonefield Park, Chilbolton Stockbridge, Hants, SO20 6BL Tel: 01264 861117 We offer a wide range of services: Bespoke hand made furniture Complete re-upholstery of antique or modern furniture Supply of a wide range of fabrics Curtains, blinds, soft furnishings Please call, email or visit us at our workshop email: info@chilboltonchaircompany.co.uk Yoga ~ Pilates ~ Meditation ~ Mindfulness Daytime, evening and weekend classes for all abilities Private tuition available Beginners welcome New: Yoga for Healthy Lower Backs Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Pilates for Seniors Tel: 01264 811158, Mob: 07764 949317 www.studioyoga.co.uk Tiebridge Farm, North Houghton, Stockbridge SO20 6LQ 22 A local, independent Company delivering fuel to homes and businesses across Hampshire Small enough to care, big enough to cope KEROSENE CENTRAL HEATING OIL GAS OIL BULK LPG GAS BOTTLE DELIVERY SPEEDY DELIVERY AT LOW COST SERVICING & MAINTENANCE BOILER BREAKDOWNS & REPAIRS NEW BOILER INSTALLATIONS AGA & RAYBURN SERVICING FREE SURVEYS & ESTIMATES Please call 01264 860263 or visit our website www.hbsfuels.com Thirt Way, Martins Lane, Chilbolton, Stockbridge, Hants SO20 6BL Broughton Joinery & Fitted Furniture Handmade Bespoke Kitchens Built-in Cupboards, Bookshelves & Wardrobes Individual pieces of Furniture Replacement Windows and Doors Grandad’s Farm Salisbury Road Broughton, Stockbridge, Hampshire, SO20 8BX Howard Fletcher—01794 30151 www.broughtonjoineryandfittedfurniture.co.uk M D PAINTING & DECORATING Private and commercial Specialists in all aspects of the trade Quality interior and exterior decorating service References available from satisfied customers Mark Davis Tel: 01264 393674 23 Mobile: 07773 221561 ALASDAIR JOHN COX Carpentry Specialist & Building/Garden Maintenance Free Quotations/No Call Out Charge No Job Too Small Internal & External Work Undertaken Fully Insured with References Available JUST CALL No 2 Manor Farm Cottage, North Houghton Stockbridge, Hants, SO20 6LF 01264 810311 or 07900 621842 High Quality Prompt Private Care Winchester GP Same day appointments Home visits Telephone consultations 24 hour online booking Extended hours telephone reception Free on-site parking No registration fee Use alongside your NHS GP BMI Sarum Road Winchester, SO22 5HA 01962 776010 WinchesterGP.com 24 Funeral Directors Romsey Independent Family Owned Funeral Directors Serving Romsey and district for over 100 years, and through three generations of the Peace family 122 The Hundred, Romsey Tel: 01794 513393 ● www.ahcheater.co.uk Personal attention from Simon & Michael Peace and Giles Sadd Private Chapel of Rest 24 Hour Service Monumental Masonry Service Pre-payment plans available Introduction to Music for the Under 5’s Also available as an Accompanist All ages and abilities welcome! Helen King GBSM, ABSM, PgDipMTPP, MA Professionally Registered Member of ISM and EPTA Tel: (01794) 388685 Mob: 07917 161585 Meadowsweet Chapel Close, Houghton Nr. Stockbridge SO20 6LT Email: garyandhelenking@sky.com 25 OFFICE: 01264 400074 MOBILE: 07887 556 559 17th Edition Electrician FOR A GREENER FUTURE Fault Finding Maintenance Building Projects Energy Efficient Lighting & Installations Commercial & Domestic CCTV EMAIL: fieldelectrical@gmail.com www.electricianandover.com BOOKKEEPING, SMALL BUSINESS ACCOUNTS & TAX RETURNS Private clients Sole traders/partnerships Limited companies GRACE ACCOUNTING, CHALKDOWN, COWDROVE HILL, KINGS SOMBORNE, HAMPSHIRE, SO20 6PJ Practice Licence 11760 T: 07852 634685 E: charlotte@grace-accounting.com www.grace-accounting.com 26 Alexandra Heating Services Ltd Your local heating specialist For all your Oil, Gas, LPG & Renewable Energy needs. Domestic & commercial central heating systems, installed & repaired. We also offer emergency breakdown cover, repairs, servicing, plumbing, Boiler cover plans, under-floor heating & system design. Call us on 01722 417873 or email us at sales@ahs-heating.co.uk to book your appointment today! www.ahs-heating.co.uk 27 It’s cool to stay warm for less money...reduce your heating oil costs! If you order via Houghton Oil Syndicate your can increase your ‘buying power’ with local oil companies; together, we can achieve savings of up to 10p/litre - it’s a ‘no brainer’! How it works Join the Oil Syndicate (it’s free!) by contacting Bob Gosse spindle.berry@btinternet.com or call 01794 388617 When you need oil, email Bob who then e-mails all the Syndicate Members, seeking more orders. Almost every month, Bob sources the best deal from local oil companies and orders your oil requirements. You pay the oil company direct, usually after delivery, on invoice. There are currently 56 households in the syndicate: the more members there are the potentially cheaper the oil!. Are you part of the Houghton Village e-mail Group? There are now 120 subscribers! The Village email group helps us all keep up-to-date with what’s on in the village – apart from reading Houghton News, of course! You can hear about things going on in the village more frequently than once a month! It’s so easy to join….just email rosiecardoe@aol.com and ask to join! If you don’t have email, you could ask a friend in the village who does, to send a message on your behalf! GOOD NEIGHBOURS Getting to a doctor’s, hospital, dental, optician or other medical appointment need not be a problem. 0845 094 3713 and a friendly voice will come to your aid and organise transport for you to and from your appointment, courtesy of one of the Volunteer Drivers There is no charge if you are over 60 or have a Bus Pass. If you don't have a Bus Pass but you qualify for one, ring TVBC (01264 368000) to order one. Good Neighbour volunteers can also help with non-medical appointments - eg visiting someone in hospital, help with day-to-day errands such as collecting prescriptions, small shopping commissions, dog walking, so it’s always worth asking if you need help with anything. Do make a note of the number….it could be very useful one day! There are 4 volunteers from Houghton: we support Stockbridge and Stockbridge supports Houghton! 28 Houghton Parish Council Parish Council meetings are held every other month, usually the first Monday, in Houghton Village Hall at 7.30 pm. The Chairman is Philip Page These are public meetings to which all are welcome. Please come along and hear what the Parish Council is doing for you and have your say! Future Parish Council meetings 7 March 2016 11 April 2016—Annual Parish Assembly 9 May—Annual General Meeting (at which meetings for the rest of the year will be set) Broughton & Mottisfont Village Bus Services and Fares as at April 2013 Concessionary Bus Passes can be used on this service NO SERVICE ON PUBLIC HOLIDAYS All services depart from and return to Broughton (*) Day Destination Departs Broughton (*earliest pickup *) Departs Destination Fares (subject to alteration) Under 5s Free Tuesday SALISBURY (opposite Marks & Spencer) 9.30 am 12.30 pm Age 16 and over Age 6–15 £4.15 £2.05 Wednesday 1st in the month SOUTHAMPTON (John Lewis) 9.15 am 2.30 pm Age 16 and over Age 6–15 £5.25 £2.60 WINCHESTER (Bus Station) 1.00 pm 3.45 pm Age 16 and over Age 6–15 £4.90 £2.45 9.40 am 12.15 pm Age 16 and over Age 6–15 £4.05 £2.00 9.30 am 12 noon Age 16 and over Age 6–15 £3.75 £1.85 1.00 pm 3.30 pm Age 16 and over Age 6–15 £3.75 £1.85 Wednesday 2nd in the month Wednesday 4th in the month Thursday Friday ANDOVER (Bus Station) ROMSEY (Bus Station, via Waitrose) ROMSEY (Bus Station, via Waitrose) (*) Stops: The Hollow, South Road, Village Hall, The Square, Chapel Lane, North End, School Lane, The Pound 29 Houghton Village: Groups & Activities If you would like to add/amend information to this list, please contact the Editors at houghtonnews@yahoo.co.uk If you are a neighbour of a newcomer it maybe worthwhile lending this magazine to highlight some of the things available in our village. All Saints Church, Houghton: Monthly services in the Benefice and other church news is published in Houghton News. See Village Directory for contacts for further information. Postal Deliveries: Steve is our regular Postie and his ‘relief’ is Nick. There are 4 post boxes: almost opposite Bossington Estate offices, by Village Hall, outside Houghton Lodge and on the road into Stockbridge, just beyond Dairy Barn. Good Neighbours: Houghton is part of the Stockbridge Good Neighbours scheme, offering free transport to doctor/hospital and other important appointments to those unable to drive. See p28 of this magazine for details. HAHA - Houghton Allotment Holders Association: there are 10 allotments in the village. Please contact Philip Page (HAHA Chair); or Lucy Gosse (Secretary) for more Information - spindle.berry@btinternet.com Village Coffee Mornings: run by the Village Hall Committee usually on the 3rd Saturday of the month from 10.30 to 12 noon, in the Village Hall . A relaxed and friendly way to meet up and catch up over a coffee and cake or bacon buttie! Details sent out via village email group and in Houghton News each month. Houghton News: our monthly parish Village Directory: a list of useful names, magazine provides information on village events, church services and other local area news plus a wide range of local advertisers. If you would like to receive a copy (10 editions annually, for £7), please contact Maureen Stephens (see Village Directory). Profits go to All Saints Church PCC. phone numbers, email, for organisations relevant to Houghton; published each month on the last but one page of Houghton News. Houghton Parish Council: public meetings held every other month, usually on the 1st Monday of alternate months, in the Village Hall. Councillors are listed in the Village Directory; future meeting dates and informal notes of meetings are usually included in this magazine Formal Minutes are circulated via the e-mail group and posted on the village noticeboard. Village e-mail group: a quick ,simple way to send messages and reminders to others in the village about events or if you are looking for an item/household service, etc., Contact rosiecardoe@aol.com to have your email added to the group. Village Hall: Lots of village events happen here! Available to hire p15 of this magazine) and more contacts in the Village Directory. Oil Syndicate: members of this village syndicate, run by Bob Gosse, use their bulk purchasing power to get the lowest price per litre. Details on p28 of this magazine or contact Bob spindle.berry@btinternet.com 30 WI: meets monthly in the Village Hall; see contacts in Village Directory for more information. Village Directory All Saints Church Parochial Church Council Friends of All Saints Hampshire County Council Test Valley District Council MP Houghton Parish Council Please let the Editors know about updates to this Directory. Thank you! Rector Reader Curate Church Wardens Rev. Ron Corne Gina Livermore Gill Nobes Richard James 01794 301287 01794 388433 01794 341010 01794 388534 CRonandrew@aol.com dliver@btinternet.com nobes@guernsey.net richardljames@btinternet.com Organist Secretary Treasurer Cleaning Rota Michael Woodhall Dawn Williams Dawn Williams James Allport Anna Allport 01264 810500 01264 810724 01264 810724 01794 388328 01794 388328 Michael.woodhall1@btinternet.com dawney542@btinternet.com dawney542@btinternet.com jamesandannaallport@gmail.com annaallport@yhahoo.co.uk Flower Rota Chairman Secretary Treasurer Jill Harding 01794 388325 - Julie Moldon Julie Moldon 01794 388204 jmmoldon@googlemail.com 01794 388204 jmmoldon@googlemail.com Councillor Andrew Gibson 01264 861138 andrew.gibson@hants.gov.uk 01264 861087 Main Switchboard Councillor Councillor Daniel Busk Peter Boulton 03005551375 01794 388389 danielbusk@btopenworld.com 01794 301212 pjboulton@btopenworld.com Chairman Clerk Caroline Nokes MP Philip Page Amy Taylor 01794 512132 caroline@romseyconservatives.co.uk 01794 388512 pjpagehoughton@gmail.com houghtonparishcouncil@gmail.com 01794 388070 01794 388831 01794 388305 01794 301013 01794 388612 01264 810928 Vice Chair Councillors WI President Ingrid Burt Geoff Butler Claudia Bradby Peter Kennesion Alan Young Jane Anderton Village Hall Secretary Treasurer Bookings Julie Harwood Julie Moldon Maureen Stephens 01264 810314 Harwood_house@hotmail.com 01794 388204 jmmoldon@googlemail.com 01794 389696 houghtonvillagehall@gmail.com Chairman Secretary Rosie Cardoe Lucy Gosse 01794 388771 rosiecardoe@aol.com 01794 388617 spindle.berry@btinternet.com Treasurer Ingrid Burt 01794 388070 ingridburt@btinternet.com Neighbourhood Watch Peter Kennesion Llyn Adams 01794 301013 01794 389690 houghtonnhw@gmail.com Houghton Fishing Club tba tba Doctor’s Surgery Police Reception EMERGENCY 999 ingridburt@btinternet.com claudia@claudiabradby.com young303@btinternet.com Jane.anderton@btinternet.com tba 01264 810524 Non-urgent 101 catherine.bonter@hampshire.pnn.police.uk Stockbridge Neighbour Care Citizens Advice Bureau Community Bus Broughton/Mottisfont Village Bus 0845 094 3713 01264 365534 01794 301045 - Houghton News parish magazine Advertising Lucy Gosse Fiona Evans Fiona Evans 01794 388617 houghtonnews@yahoo.co.uk 01794 389237 01794 389237 fiona2.evans@talktalk.net Distribution Maureen Stephens 01794 389696 maureens51@yahoo.co.uk 31 Editors Church Services - February TIME 7 FEB Next before Lent 8.00 BROUGHTON Holy Communion CW 9.30 BOSSINGTON Holy Communion BCP 14 FEB LENT 1 - 21 FEB LENT 2 BROUGHTON Holy Communion BCP BROUGHTON Holy Communion CW & Sunday Club BROUGHTON Family Service HOUGHTON Family Communion CW 11.00 HOUGHTON No Service MOTTISFONT “Messy Church” 6.00 MOTTISFONT Evensong HOUGHTON Evensong MOTTISFONT Holy Communion BCP - 28 FEB LENT 3 BROUGHTON Family Communion CW & Sunday Club MOTTISFONT Family Communion CW HOUGHTON Evensong Wednesday 10 February - Holy Communion for Ash Wednesday will be at 7.30 pm, NOT 9.30 am Holy Communion with the Imposition of Ashes All other Wednesdays in February, Holy Communion on at 9..30 am St. Mary’s Church, Broughton Holy Communion BCP 32
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