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english, pdf - Albanian Media Institute
Albanian Media Institute Instituti Shqiptar i Medias Internet development and social media in Albania Internet development and social media in Albania Albanian Media Institute Instituti Shqiptar i Medias Tirana 2015 Internet development and social media in Albania Publisher: Albanian Media Institute Instituti Shqiptar i Medias Albanian Media Institute Rr. Gjin Bue Shpata, nr.8, Tirana, albania Tel/Fax: +355 42229800 E-mail: info@institutemedia.org www.institutemedia.org © ISHM EUROPEAN UNION EUROPEAN REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT FUND INVESTING IN YOUR FUTURE This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of Albanian Media Institute and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union. 2 Internet development and social media in Albania After a slow start of the process of adopting the internet technology, Albania has witnessed a remarkable growth during the last decade. The privatization of Albtelecom in 2007, the main operator in telecommunication sector, along with some stimulating governmental policies and the boost of private sector investments were the main factors that brought about this growth by producing an evident progress in the road of changing the society into a “network society”, a terminology widely used nowadays by researchers for the societies in the internet era. 1. Internet penetration in Albania Based on the data from the International Telecommunication Union quoted by internetworldstats. com on June 30th 2014 the access to internet in the country 3 reached 60.10% of population1. This figure ranked Albania to a higher level compared to some countries in the region and also to its EU neighbours like Greece or Bulgaria. The following table shows data in internet access in neighbouring countries in the region: Percentage of population with internet access in Albania and its neighbouring countries N0 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Country Percentage of population with internet access Bosnia and Herzegovina Croatia Albania Greece Italy Montenegro Bulgaria Serbia 67.90 % 66.75 % 60.10 % 59.87 % 58.46 % 56.80 % 53.60 % 51.50 % Source: ITU, Internet World Stats and the World Bank. (The respective links are found in footnotes) These data are confirmed by the World Bank as well2. Based on these sources the internet users in Albania during this period reached 1,815,145 out of 3,020,209 inhabitants in total. The global average access to internet http://www.internetworldstats.com/stats4.htm accessed on 06.02.2015 2 http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/IT.NET.USER.P2 accessed on 06.02.2015 1 4 during this period was estimated to be 42.3% of entire world population, while the average in Europe reached 70.5%. This means that the country has to work harder to reach this figure or to aim for higher European level of internet access like that in Scandinavian countries, Germany or other developed European countries. 1.1 The history of internet penetration in Albania. The real boom of internet in global scale came as a result of the implementation of the World Wide Web project on May, 1991. This project converted internet into a medium easily accessed for massive usage by making it very popular rapidly. Only two years after the establishment of World Wide Web, Albania would carry out the first test of internet connection. The test started in 1993 and was undertaken by the Information Department of Tirana University in cooperation with the EARN Centre in Pisa, Italy3. The internet connection was carried out through land lines (dial up) but due to technical difficulties it was operational only for some months. In 1995 UNDP invested on offering free internet access mainly to NGO-s and some state institutions in Tirana. Soros Foundation followed this example two years later by offering internet services not only for NGO-s but also for media employees. 3 Speech of Albanian representative at the International Telecommunication Union conference, Moscow, 2001. Available at: http:// www.itu.int/ITU-D/__e-strategy/internet/Seminars/Moscow/ Docs/Albania%20TRA%20note.pdf Accessed on: 02.02.2015 5 The first private ISP named Intellectual Communication Centre was established in 19984. Shortly after three other ISP-s entered the market: ADA-net, AbissNet and ABCom. It has to be pointed out that two out of the four ISP-s were established by companies that owned media outlets. So, in the case of AbissNet the owner also controlled Shekulli newspaper. Similarly, in the ADA-Net case, the owner also controlled KLAN media group, too. This shows that actors active in the media sector were among the first to be keen to enter the internet market, too. In 1998 the Parliament approved the law ”On Telecommunications in the Republic of Albania.” On the same year the Telecommunication Regulatory Unit was established, which set up the institutional foundation for new developments in this sector and preceded the strategic privatisations and issuing of new internet, telephone and mobile licenses5. After 2000 a wider portion of the public started to have access to internet, due to extension of ISP services to Albanian family customers and the set up of private unit services called “Internet cafes”. The access to internet was slow due to the high costs applied for the service. Thus, in early 2000s, ALBtelecom offered internet services with an advanced payment for the installation equal to 500 USD (VAT excluded), while the monthly bill was worth 400 USD (VAT excluded) for 64 kbps internet and 600 USD monthly for 2 Mbps internet services6. Ibid. Tartari, Alban, Interneti në Shqipëri dhe përdorimi nga media –histori dhe aktualitet, Studime Albanologjike, Botimi 5 “Historia e medias dhe mediatizimi i historisë”, Tiranë 2012 4 Ibid. 4 5 6 As mentioned above, the real growth of internet in Albania started after the privatization of ALBtelecom company in 2007, which brought about the liberalisation the market andtëreduction for2012, internet services. tëofçmimeve të shërbimit internetit. Deriof nëprices fund të vitit kompania kishte investuar rreth 150 euroof dhe2012 vazhdon të investojë për zëvendësimin apo zgjerimin e rrjetit, Bymilionë the end the company had invested around 150për shtimin e kapaciteteve në të gjithë territorin e vendit, për përgatitjen e infrastrukturës, për shërbimet më të mln tëEuros and keeps up investing to improvesëor expand fundit teknologjisë, si dhe për përmirësimin e infrastrukturës shërbimit etj. the Map of broadband infrastructure Harta e infrastrukturës së lidhjes broadband në Shqipëri in Albania Burimi: AKEP, 2012 Source: APEC, 2012, Link: www.akep.al Rrjeti Backbone i Fibrës Optike të Albtelecom ka shtrirje dhe mbulim territorial në të gjitha qytetet e Shqipërisë. Të gjitha pajisjet e transmetimit të Albtelecom janë të lidhura me fibër optike në rrjetin unazor Ring Topology, për të garantuar dhe mundësuar transmetimin e të 7 Data IPTV, xDSL etj. Rrjeti Unazor shërben për dhënave për shërbime të telefonisë, Internetit, të lidhur një pajisje aktive transmetimi me dy drejtime të ndryshme fibrash optike fizike (FO). network or multiply the capacities in the whole country for preparing the infrastructure of latest technology services and also improving the services infrastructure. The Backbone network of Albtelecom optic fibre has a territorial coverage for all cities of Albania. All Albtelecom transmission equipments are connected through optic fibre with Ring Topology network in order to guarantee and enable transmitting the data for telephone, internet, Data IPTV, xDSL services. The Ring Topology serves to connect an active transmitting into two different optic fibres directions (FO). If there is a physical damage in one direction FO, then the information being transmitted changes direction into second reserve direction in order to reach the destination. Now the Albtelecom optic fibre network is extended to over 3,000 km in country’s territory, out of which 600 km is international network connected with neighbouring countries. In 2007 when company got privatised there were only 500 km optic fibre7. The number of ISP has increased significantly and has reached 116 in 20128. Mobile companies like Vodafone, AMC and Eagle, which after 2010 offered 3G technology for their customers, have also had a considerable impact in spreading out and increasing broadband internet penetration. Based on a report from the Authority of Postal and Electronic Communication (APEC) the number of the 3G http://www.albtelecom.al/al/treguesit/87-rreth-albtelecom/ historiku/134-historiku 8 International Telecommunication Union, Strategies for the promotion of broadband services and infrastructure: a case study on Albania, September 2012. 7 8 broadband internet users in 2013 reached 1,231,259 out of 283,249 in 2011. Meanwhile the number of customers in broadband fix reached to 182,5569. Due to certain initiatives of the Albanian government during the last decade we have witnessed an increasing of the scale of internet penetration in state institutions. Based on the National Strategy of Technology of Information and Communication drafted in 2003 and on Inter Sectorial Strategy for the Information Society 20082013, programmes and projects like Gov-net1, Gov-net2, E-government, E-schools etc were implemented, which have brought about an improvement of infrastructure of communication and information technology in state administration and in public schools all over the country. In the framework of Gov-net project, realised with the support of UNDP and European Commission, the ministries, state departments and some units of public services (all together 26 institutions) were connected through a network of optic fibre of high speed. Also every institution has its own website and a number of services are carried out online. E-government program has brought about an upgrade of public services through on line system for a number of services like business registration, license issuing, tax declarations or the digitalization of the address system and population register which paved the way for issuing electronic ID cards and biometric passports for the 9 AKEPAuthority on Electronic and Postal Communication), Annual Report 2013, Available at: http://www.akep.al/images/stories/ AKEP/publikime/raporte/RAPORTI-VJETOR-2013.pdf 9 citizens. E-school project, undertaken in cooperation between UNDP and MES, aimed at equipping the schools with info labs and with access to internet. In January 2009 the Ministry of Education bought 2,000 laptops for computer labs. The aim was to reach the level of 1 computer for 25 students, with the starting ratio in 2009 being 1 computer for 45 students. The subject of the technology of information and communication is incorporated in the programs of elementary schools and the programs of secondary schools are improved in accordance with EU standards. Albania has joined the Agenda for the Development of Information Society, signed in October 2002, the Memorandum for Broadband South Eastern Europe, the Action Plan and the Declaration of the World Summit of information Society in 2003, the eEuropa Action Plan and e-SEE plus, signed on October 2007, and EU’s i2010 initiative. 1.2. Actual internet data of current capacities in Albania One of internet’s most important technical indicators is its speed, which, according to its web site specialists, is further divided in two aspects: internet speed in downloading materials and internet speed in uploading materials. The factors which affect the increase or the decrease of this speed vary: slow internet services offered by ISP, limited system capabilities, obsolete technology applied, websites overload, etc. However, the main factor that affects the internet speed is the level of speed offered by the internet companies. In order to have a panorama of the offered internet speed parameters in Albania, below we can refer to a well 10 nga specialistët e teknologjisë së webit ndahet në dy plane: a. shpejtësia e internetit në shkarkimin e informacionit (download) dhe b. shpejtësia e internetit në ngarkimin e informacionit (upload). Faktorët që ndikojnë në rritjen apo zvogëlimin e kësaj shpejtësie janë të ndryshëm: shërbimi i ngadaltë i internetit i ofruar nga ISP, aftësitë e kufizuara të sistemit, aplikimi i teknologjive të vjetëruara, ngarkesa e tepruar e vetë websajteve, etj. Gjithsesi rolin më të rëndësishëm në këtë kuadër e luan niveli i shpejtësisë i ofruarAccording nga kompanitëto e shërbimit të known platform of statistics called Netindex. internetit. the renowned portal pcworld.al, NetIndex offers data on Për krijuar një panoramë rreth parametrave të shpejtësisë që ofrohet në Shqipëri, thetë download speed and upload speed insë internetit local, national po thërrasim në ndihmë një platformë të njohur statistikore në web, dhe pikërisht Ookla and international The Netindex graphic below shows Netindex, e njohur shkurt level. me emrin Netindex. Sipas portalit dinjitoz pcworld.al, NetIndex ofron të dhëna për shpejtësinë në of shkarkim (download) ngarkim (upload) on në nivel lokal, the maximum speed download for dhe thenëwhole country kombëtar dhe botëror. Në grafikën e mëposhtme të Netindex, paraqitet shpejtësia maksimale e 25 October 2014, was approximately 8 eMbps. shkarkimit (download) përwhich të gjithë vendin në datën 25 tetor 2014, cila ishte rreth 8 Mbps. Print-screen of netindex.com, date 25.10.2014 Print-screen i netindex.com, datë 25.10.2014 Në rang shpejtësia e shkarkimit (download) speed për internetin në të njëjtën datë Atglobal, a global level, the download for broadband broadband ishte 21.2 Mbps, kurse shpejtësia e ngarkimit (upload) ishte 9.7 Mbps. Ndërsa shpejtësia e internet on the same date was 21.2 Mbps, while the upload speed was 9.7 Mbps. The download speed of internet for mobile unit of this date was 10.4 Mbps, while upload speed was 4.2 Mbps. If we compare these global values, we see clearly that Albania is still lagging behind from the global average in relation to the internet speed. As we can see in the above print screen, in Albania the download speed of broadband internet on this date is 8.0 Mbps, while the upload speed was 4.7 Mbps. Meanwhile the download speed of internet for mobile units on this date was 4.7, while the upload speed was 1.5. 11 Po të bëjmë krahasimin me këto vlera globale, atëhere shohim qartë se Shqipëria është ende larg mesatares globale përsa i takon shpejtësisë së internetit. Siç e shihni në print-screen-in më sipër, për Shqipërinë shpejtësia e shkarkimit (download) për internetin broadband në këtë datë ishte 8.0 Mbps, kurse shpejtësia e ngarkimit (upload) ishte 4.7 Mbps. Ndërsa shpejtësia e shkarkimit (download) për internetin në pajisjet celulare në këtë datë ishte 4.7 Mbps, kurse shpejtësia e Netindex shows ngarkimit (upload) ishte 1.5. comparative data for various towns of Albania. In the below print screen we have data of the Netindex sjell tëfor dhëna krahasuese për qytetet e ndryshme Shqipërisë. Në print-screen-in download four main edhe cities: Tirana, Vlora,tëShkodra and më poshtë kemi një paraqitje të të dhënave të shpejtësisë së shkarkimit për katër qytete kryesore Durresi. As we can see in Tirana is offered the highest në Shqipëri: Tirana, Vlora, Shkodra dhe Durrësi. Siç shihet në Tiranë ofrohet shpejtësia më e speed andzbritur thengradualisht movingnëgradually madhe, duke qytetet e tjera.to other cities. Print-screen i netindex.com, datë 25.10.2014 Print-screen of www.netindex.com, date 25.10.2014 Pavarësisht nga këto vlera relativisht të ulëta krahasuar me vlerat maksimale globale, duhet thënë Irrespective se megjithatë, shpejtësiaof vjenthese në rritjevalues, nga muajiwhich në muaj. are Portalirelatively pcworld.al kalow publikuar matjet compared maximum global it bërë haskrahasimin to be said, that të matjes së e Netindex përto Shqipërinë në datën 8 prill values, 2014. Duke e vlerave shpejtësisë në këtë datë meisvlerat e datës 25 tetor 2014, monthly. duket qartë se ka një rritje edhe brenda 6 the speed offered increasing almost muajve. Në tabelën më poshtë, paraqiten të dhënat për të dyja këto data si dhe rritja që rezulton: Data on internet speed increase Nr Shërbimi 1 2 N0 Service Broadband Download Broadband Upload 08.04.2014 25.10.2014 Rritja 6.7 8 19.4 % 4.4 4.7 6.8 % 08.04.2014 25.10.2014 Increase Broadband 6.7 % 3 1. Mobile Download 3.5 4.7 8 3419.4 % Download 4 Mobile Upload 1.2 1.5 25 % 4.4 4.7 6.8 % 2. Broadband Siç del edhe nga kjo tabelë, rritjen më të madhe e ka patur shpejtësia e internetit të ofruar përmes Upload telefonisë celulare mobile, e cila për 64.7 muaj është rritur34përkatësisht me 34 % % 3. Mobile dhe pajisjeve 3.5 (Mobile Download) dhe 25 % (Mobile Upload) duke reflektuar edhe trendin e përgjithshëm të shtimit Download gjithnjë e më të madh të numrit të përdoruesve që e aksesojnë internetin përmes pajisjeve mobile. 1.2 1.5 25 % 4. Mobile 2. Legjislacioni Upload për komunikimin elektronik 12 The portal pcworld.al has published the Netindex findings for Albania on April 8th, 2014 and it clearly shows that there is an increase even within 6 month period. The table below shows this. As we can see the biggest increase belongs to internet speed offered through mobile telephones and mobile equipments, which during 6 months period has gone up respectively 34% for mobile download and 25 % for mobile upload by reflecting the general trend of increasing number of users who access internet through the mobile phones. 2. The legislation on electronic communication Based on a general evaluation, the Albanian legislation guarantees the freedom of expression, including the freedom of media, to a satisfactory degree. However, in practice the implementation of legislation needs to improve in relation to the general observance of these laws by the state and public institutions and also judicial practice has to comply with the principles of freedom of expression.10 In relation to the legal adjustment of internet services, Albania has undertaken special steps in accordance with 10 Balkan Media Barometer – Albania 2013. Available at: http://www. institutemedia.org/Documents/PDF/FES%20-%20BMB%20 Albanian%202013%20book%20SHQIP%2007_12_2013.pdf, Aksesuar date 15.01.2015 13 the demands coming from EU, mainly demands in terms of meeting the conditions in order to become EU member. One of these steps has to do with the approval of law no 9918, dt 19.05.2008 “On Electronic Communications in the Republic of Albania” which is based on the regulatory framework adopted by EU since 2003. This law stipulates the establishment of e regulatory unit in the sector of electronic communication, which was named “Authority of Postal and Electronic Communication (APEC)”. This institution has the legal obligation to observe the principles of net neutrality in the field of electronic communication in order to prevent the deformations of competitions and to achieve the objectives of this law. Besides the law on electronic communication, the Albanian Parliament has approved some other laws that regulate directly or indirectly the activity that goes through the internet. In adherence with the European Convention on Cybernetic Crimes based on law no. 10023 of dt. 27.11.2008 some amendments are applied to the Penal Code which supplements the legal framework on the fight against this kind of crime. Other laws that operate in the field of electronic communication or internet are also the law no. 10278 of 2010 “On Electronic Documents”, law no 9880 of 2008 “ On Electronic Certification”, law no 10128 “On Electronic Commerce” and also a number of bylaws. Regarding the institutional framework besides APEC, in Albania there are other institutions which are responsible for the development of internet. For some years now the Ministry of Technology and Innovation operates, but its influence in the development of new technologies has been modest. One of the institutions that have a saying in drafting short term and long term strategies in the field of 14 which is based on the regulatory framework adopted by EU since 2003. This law stipulates the establishment of e regulatory unit in the sector of electronic communication, which was named “Authority of Postal and Electronic Communication (APEC)”. This institution has the legal obligation to observe the principles of net neutrality in the field of electronic communication in order to prevent the deformations of competitions and to achieve the objectives of this law. technology of information beenParliament the National Besides the law on electronic communication,has the Albanian has approved Agency some other laws that regulate directly or indirectly the activity that goes through the internet. In of the Information Society set up in 2007. However, adherence with the European Convention on Cybernetic Crimes based on law no. 10023 of the dt. 27.11.2008 some are applied to the whichof supplements the legal objectives ofamendments the strategies in Penal theCode field internet have framework on the fight against this kind of crime. Other laws that operate in the field of been accomplished partly in Albania, as it has happened electronic communication or internet are also the law no. 10278 of 2010 “On Electronic Documents”, law no 9880 of 2008 “ On Electronic Certification”, law no 10128 “On with the goal of covering Electronic Commerce” and also a number ofwith bylaws.internet access all schools in the country. Regarding the institutional framework besides APEC, in Albania there are other institutions Balkan (BMB) which The are responsible for theMedia developmentBarometer of internet. For some years now stresses the Ministry of that Technology and Innovation operates, but its influence in the development of new in Albania themodest. internet blogs notshort obliged technologies has been One of thepages institutionsand that have a sayingare in drafting term and long term strategies the field of technology of informationor has been National their to register to inthe state authorities to the receive Agency of the Information Society set up in 2007. However, the objectives of the strategies permission. there havepartly been no moves on the part in the field of internetAlso have been accomplished in Albania, as it has happened with the goal of covering with internet access all schools in the country. of the state to hinder or filter the contents of internet, The Balkanthe Medialaws Barometer (BMB) stresses in Albania the interneton pages blogs are except that limit thethatcontent based a and legitimate not obliged to register to the state authorities or to receive their permission. Also there have public interest. experts offilter the been no moves on the part The of the state to hinder or the Barometer contents of internet,give except a thehigh laws that limit the content based on a legitimate public interest. The experts of the Barometer evaluation to Albania in this aspect: give a high evaluation to Albania in this aspect: Source: Balkan Media– Albania Barometer Source: Balkan Media Barometer 2013 – Albania 2013 The experts of the BMB notice the positive effect of the media and social networks on the freedom of expression recently, by pointing out that many journalists and citizens express their views freely in these networks, in contrast with traditional media where certain unwritten rules are applied. 15 3. The spectrum of social media in Albanian online environment The expanded capacities of broadband internet and of Web 2.0 have reinforced and further developed the characteristics and potential of internet and the web itself. Web sites with Web 2.0 have the participation as one of their innate features, which urges the internet users to add values to one application, while they use it. The capacities of Web 2.0 give the users the opportunity to go beyond the consumption or receiving the information; they assist the users to interact with the published content and to create by themselves new content. Currently the personalization of the website pages in adjustment with the requests and individual tastes has become an irreversible trend. The developments of the last decade have brought about a wider embrace of collective intelligence and a boom of social media even in Albania. In this review we will tackle the main platforms of social media by dividing them in these main groups: 1. Social networks, 2. Content sharing platforms, 3. Blogs and, 4. Wiki platforms or collaboration projects. This division is widely accepted by the researchers of social media. But there are authors that in social media category include virtual games and sites of virtual world. However, these last are excluded from this study. 3.1. Social networks Due to the relative delay in internet penetration, the world of social networks entered relatively late in Albania, 16 compared to many western countries. Because of this delay the first networks like Classmate, Friendster, Hi5, My space etc., could not be widely used by the Albanian users. However, with the introduction of the Facebook in the Albanian online space, the social networks soon boosted their presence. The so far existing void was filled in by the broad participation in Facebook. At present Facebook is the most popular network in Albania. Based on a search carried out inside the platform itself (on the section “Advertise on Facebook”) the number of Facebook Nga një kërkim i kryeratbrenda vetë platformës (te seksioni për krijimin users in Albania the beginning of 2015 reached arounde reklamës n rezultonte se numri e përdoruesve të Facebook në fillim të vitit 2015, arrinte në rreth 1,340,000. Out of these users, 860,000 are males, while Nga këta, rreth 860 000 janë 11meshkuj, kurse rreth 480 000 janë femra,11 duke nxjerrë 480,000 aretë females . The number ofNumri malei meshkujve users in përdorues të lloj mbizotërimi numrit të përdoruesve meshkuj. Facebook is almost two times more than those of është gati sa dyfishi i numrit të femrave. Edhe pse i referohetfemales. pjesëmarrjes online, Thoughedhe it is based on online participation division reflekton natyrën maskiliste të shoqërisë shqiptare. this Ndarja paraqitet në përqind grafikën e mëposhtme: demonstrates the masculine nature of the Albanian society. The division is also shown in the chart below. Përqindja e përdoruesve meshkuj dhe femra në Facebook Percentage of male and female Facebook users in Albania (January 2015) Male Female Source: Facebook.com Burimi: Facebook.com 11 Source: Facebook.com Nga i njëjti burim dalin të dhëna edhe lidhur me moshën e përdoruesve. Kështu, n madh i përdoruesve, rreth 980 000 janë të moshës 18 – 34 vjeç. Kjo grupmoshë zë rre 17 numrit të përgjithshëm të përdoruesve të Facebook në Shqipëri. Një zhbalancim i til flet edhe për një shkallë të lartë të “digital divide” mes grupmoshave të reja dhe a vjetra. The same source provides data related to the users’ age. The biggest number of users, around 980,000, falls in the 18-34 years old age group. This age group occupies 73% of the total number of Facebook users in Albania. This imbalance in age shows a high level of digital divide among young and older population. Facebook mania is a distinguished trait for most of the young population. This explains the fact that the Facebook website is the most visited one in Albania according to Alexa index. The rate of penetration to this web site compared to the number of inhabitants is closer to the average of EU countries and higher than countries like Germany, France or Italy. The factors that have influenced this penetration are many, but a great influence is played by the need for socialisation and the opening of the Albanian society and the tendency of the youth to follow up the new technologies and media. The most popular Facebook pages are those of movie actors, politicians, media, fashion, entertainment pages and also some pages of IT companies. Thus according to Socialbakers, the page with the highest number of fans (1,760,182 fans) is the page of a computer company followed by that of Ermal Mamaqi (artist) with 1,684,322 fans. Socialbakers submits data on the classification according to categories. Thus in the “Brand” category, the Facebook pages with more fans in Albania are those of some computer companies followed by the pages of mobile companies like Vodafone and AMC. In the category “Celebrities” prevail pages of well-known singers like Ermal Mamaqi, Genta Ismajli, Bleona Qerreti, Alban Skenderaj and Elvana Gjata. In the category “Community” tops the 18 chart a page titled “Jeta osht qef” with entertainment and amusement content, followed by some fashion pages and patriotic groups. In this category a rapid growth has witnessed a page called “Cudira Shqiptare” that denounces through photos and sketches, different aspects of the Albanian reality. The “entertainment” category is headed by three well known TV shows like “Apartamenti 2XL”, “Big Brother Albania”, and “Xfactor”. The media category is headed by Top Channel TV website, followed by the online news agencies NOA, Klan TV, the portal “Lajmi i Fundit”, etc. The “society” category is headed by the pages of wellknown politicians like Sali Berisha, Edi Rama, and Lulzim Basha12. An analysis based on the page order according to categories helps to point out the tendencies of the Albanian users in Facebook, the preferences that motivate them, the interests and the topics on which they spend more time. From this angle we can say that some of the fields of information that attract more users in Facebook are the new technologies, entertainment, humour, fashion trends and political activities. The next most popular social network is Twitter. Twitter web site is ranked 34th among the most visited web sites by the Albanians according to Alexa. It has to be said that Twitter is considered by some research studies more as a platform for micro blogging, than as a social network. However, the perception for this social media in Albania is more on a social network focus. For this reason we are analyzing it in the framework of social networks. 12 http://www.socialbakers.com/statistics/facebook/pages/total/ albania/ 19 tre politikanëve të njohur në vend, sipas radhës: Sali Berisha, Edi Rama dhe Lulëzim Basha. Një analizë e bazuar në renditjen e faqeve sipas kategorive do të ndihmonte shumë për të nxjerrë në pah prirjet e përdoruesve shqiptarë të Facebook, preferencat që i motivojnë ata, interesat që i bashkojnë më shumë dhe tematikat për të cilat ata shpenzojnë më shumë kohë. Në këtë këndëvshtrim mund të themi se disa nga fushat e informacionit që tërheqin më shumë përdoruesit shqiptarë të Facebook janë: teknologjitë e reja, argëtimi dhe humori, aktivizmi politik, trendi i modës,Below etj. is presented the index of ten most popular Më poshtë paraqitet renditja e përgjithshme e dhjetë faqeve që kanë më shumë fansa siç paraqitej pages on07February 7, 2015, according to the Social Bakers: ajo në datën shkurt 2015 në renditjen e Social Bakers: Burimi: Socialbakers.com Source: Socialbakers.com, accessed on February 7, 2015 12 http://www.socialbakers.com/statistics/facebook/pages/total/albania/ Even if it comes after Facebook, based on level of usage by the Albanian people, Twitter remains with limited penetration level in Albania. The most visited page is that of prime minister Edi Rama and it does not exceed 150,000 followers, a small figure if you compare it with the most visited page in Facebook. The success of the diffusion of the social networks is closely related to the characteristics of each of the social networks and also country’s cultural context. Thus Twitter functions as a communication network, somehow vertically, which means, in a sense, it is against the stream of the social media typology, in general. The individual is searching for its followers by being at an advanced point. 20 On the other hand this individual follows the others, whom he chooses as leading point. The practice of twitting eases somehow this verticality in relation and online communication through Twitter, but does not eliminate it. Twitter has a bigger audience in countries with more advanced democracy, according to statistics. This is explained to a greater extent due to the fact that in these societies there exists a higher level of reaction and idealization, and also a more developed culture of following role models, including politicians. Meanwhile, in excommunist countries, people seem tired of being followers and they prefer a more horizontal communication, like a round table where there are no leaders. This explains the fact that Twitter in Albania is less diffused compared to Facebook. On the other hand, Facebook, even though it often is reduced to a personal level of communication, by creating a network of friends, it becomes more horizontal and offers to the individual more balance and convenience. Among the other social networks, Linkedln is being widely used recently and is considered more as a platform to exchange information related to employment and other professional interests. People register at Google + network, too. But in both these networks the number of fans with most visited pages does not surpass 1,000 people, making these networks with low penetration in Albanian society and consequently having only a slight influence on it. 3.2. Content sharing platforms Capacities of Internet and of Web 2.0 have enabled among others a broader public engagement in producing 21 content, which is delivered or exchanged online. This participation has brought about the emerging of a new information content known as “user generated content”. The most outstanding platforms of exchanging content generated by the users or professional media are those of video-sharing and photo-sharing. Among them the most renowned in Albania are YouTube, Instagram and Flickr. After Facebook, the most used social media in Albania is YouTube. The YouTube web site is ranked fifth among the most visited web sites in Albania according to Alexa. The prevailing content in Albania in YouTube includes content created and delivered by professional media, such as the TV channels of Klan TV and Top Channel TV. TV Top channel in YouTube has the highest number of subscribers reaching 108, 923, followed by Klan TV channel, with 60,083 subscribers, but Klan TV leads with the number of uploaded video views and on February 7th, 2014 it had around 70 million views, followed by Top Channel with around 48 million views13. In addition, channels of special programs or shows have managed to reach a considerable audience. Among them stands out Xfactor show of TV Klan, which reaches 48 million views.14 The following table depicts the ranking of main Albanian YouTube channels according to Social Bakers on Feb 7th, 2015: Source: Socialbakers.com. Linku: http://www.socialbakers.com/ statistics/youtube/channels/albania/page-1-2/ 14 http://www.socialbakers.com/statistics/youtube/channels/ albania/ 13 22 një audiencë të konsiderueshme, mes të cilëve bie në sy spektakli “XFactor” i TV Klan që arrin në rreth 48 milionë shikime.14 Më poshtë paraqitet renditja e kanaleve kryesuese shqiptare të videove në YouTube sipas SocialBakers në datën 07 shkurt 2015: Burimi: Socialbakers.com Source: Socialbakers.com, accessed on February 7, 2015 Pavarësisht nga numri i lartë i abonentëve apo i shikimeve në kanalet e mediave tradicionale, vështruar në total, kontribuesit të mëdhenj nëofYouTube mbeten qytetarët videot e in tyre Despite the bigmënumber subscribers or meviews origjinale apo me ripostimet e videove të shumta që ata shkëmbejnë me të tjerët. Në listën e channels of traditional media, theprejbiggest contributors kanaleve kryesuese shqiptare të YouTube shihen still edhe disa këtyre kanaleve të qytetarëve si: EndriM91 që ka mbi 870 mijë shikime, Romario Tila, Endri Kasmi dhe të tjerë nuk shfaqen in YouTube site remain the citizens with their qëgenuine me emrin e tyre, por videot e të cilëve arrijnë në qindra mijëra shikime. Por mbetet problem postimi ngaor qytetarët që janë të mbrojtura nga evideos drejta e autorit, cenuar shpesh videos withi videove the reposting of their thatduke they share këtë të drejtë. with one another. The leading list of the Albanian YouTube channels also include some channels belonging to citizens like EndriM91, which has 870 000 views, Romario Tila, Burimi: Socialbakers.com. Linku: http://www.socialbakers.com/statistics/youtube/channels/albania/page-1-2/ http://www.socialbakers.com/statistics/youtube/channels/albania/ Endri Kasmi and others who do not use their names, but their videos reached thousands of views. Citizens posting copyright-protected videos remain a problem, as they often violate this right. The practice of posting YouTube videos is also applied by Albanian marketing companies and businesses, who also use the posting of videos in YouTube as public relations channel. In this respect the channels that most stand out are those of mobile companies. During the last three years the usage of ads at the beginning of YouTube 13 14 23 videos as a marketing channel has become a common phenomenon. This practice is similar with the usage of ads by the traditional media, which, to a certain extent, have become exhausting to the audience. The researchers point out that the application of this method by the YouTube channels might cause visitors to abandon them. Regarding the photo-sharing platforms, Instagram is considered as the most used in Albania. One of the reasons for this trend is also the increase of Internet access through mobile phones. In a short period, the website of Instagram has managed to rank 28th among the most used websites by Albanians, according to Alexa. The most frequent Instagram users are new age groups and well-known artists and musicians. Even Flickr has managed to have a certain popularity in the country, but this platform is used mainly by businesses and less by individuals. 3.3. Albanian Blogosphere The largest number of blogs is created and hosted by Wordpress and Blogspot platforms. According to Alexa at the beginning of 2015 the Blogspot web site was ranked 41st among the most visited web sites by Albanians, which shows that this platform is being widely used by Albanian bloggers. Wordpress on the other hand is ranked 54th but is growing rapidly, especially after launching its platform in Albanian language. Some of the most well known blogs in Albania have been set up by journalists and media analysts, who are using their blogs as a meeting point with their fans and 24 the rest of the audience. Among them the most renowned is resplublica.al. This blog has been established on January 1st by distinguished media analyst Mustafa Nano. From the legal point of view the web site functions as an activity of NGO Respublica. Going beyond the nature of a blog, the web site publishes information on the latest development. Most of the readers’ comments go for the media analysis, opinions and articles of OPED style. Another active Well-known blogs and forums blog in the Albanian in Albania blog space is peizazhe. www.respublica.al com (formerly known as xhaxhai.wordpress. www.peizazhe.com com) established by the www.peshkupaujë.com researcher and media analyst Ardian Vehbiu. www. perpjekja.blogspot.com Besides Vehbiu’s own www.forumishqiptar.com, writing, this blog also www.lapsi.al posts publications of other contributors, who sometimes do not use their real name. The blog is very engaged in political and social debates and is known for civic engagement, too. One of the first blogs in Albanian language which enabled the establishment of the Albanian blogosphere is also peshkupauje.com. It was set up on December 2003 by Penar Musaraj and Blendi Salaj. Part of its published content is created by the staff’s blog and the rest from articles and media analyses taken from other media outlets online. Currently the blog is kept running by its founders and other part-time contributors. 25 Also the well known media analyst Fatos Lubonja has his own blog located at htpp://perpjekja.blogspot.com. The blog publishes mainly articles and analysis of the publisher posted in various media or written especially for the blog. On September 2014, two well known media analysts Andi Bushati and Armand Shkullaku established their blog, lapsi.al. The publishers consider it more as a news portal, but in many ways it is similar to a news blog. 3.4. Wiki platforms and collaboration projects The category of websites with user generated content also includes the collaboration projects, which apply file sharing method and enable the users not only to share the content with the others, but also provide everyone with the possibility to assist in editing or complementing the published material. Of course among the Wiki platforms the most well-known is Wikipedia. For nearly a decade in Wikipedia there is a space in Albanian language. Until February 7th 2015 a total of 52,154 articles in Albanian were published in this space. All these articles are contributions of Albanian citizens’ and institutions, who want to enrich the content of Wikipedia in Albanian language. In relation to the contributors in Albanian language Wikipedia notes: The Wikipedia community in Albanian language consists of 70,192 registered users, and 256 of them have contributed at least with one editing during the last month, while 12 of them enjoy the privilege of the 26 administrator. The users are part of an association where all the members coordinate their actions to improve the articles often by consulting in the convention, discussing with one another but also by cooperating in various projects15. However, the information in Albanian language in Wikipedia in some cases is not accurate and certain events are covered not professionally. Even the contribution to improve this content is limited as it is asserted by Wikipedia newsroom itself, which confirms that during one month period only 256 participants were involved in editing. 4. Social media and journalism Albanian news media are increasingly appreciating the role of the social media as an important channel to boost the audience, through increasing the referral traffic which derives from this media. During a survey with 39 representatives or media managers, organized by the Albanian Media Institute, the interviewees were asked: “How do social media contribute to raise the number of visitors of your web site”. Most answers indicate that in many cases the influence of social media in increasing the audience is significant, as we can see from the graphic below: 15 http://sq.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faqja_kryesore 27 the Albanian Media Institute, the interviewees were asked: “How do social media contribute to raise the number of visitors of your web site”. Most answers indicate that in many cases the influence of social media in increasing the audience is significant, as we can see from the graphic below: How helpful have social media been in increasing the number of visitors to your website? 15 Source: Questionnaire-interviews with managers or representatives of 39 Albanian online media, organized by AMI in March-April 2014 http://sq.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faqja_kryesore Most of media representatives (22 out 39) declare that social media help a lot in increasing the audience of a news web site. No one of them is sceptical in this judgement. The only difference is noted in those media which have not taken full advantage in profiting from social media, and their representative’s answer is “somehow.” Albanian main media have their institutional pages in Facebook or Twitter and part of them have their pages in other social media like YouTube, Google+, Linkledln, Flicker, etc. The pages established by news media in social networks are the meeting point of these media with their fans, followers or friends. The media in the their web sites lack the mechanisms to identify or collect in a common space the readers and friends, as it happens in their pages in social networks. Based on the monitoring by the author of this survey 28 in August 2014 of six news portals, the following table shows the establishment of media pages in different social media. News media and their presence in social media by August 2014 N0 Website 1 2 3 4 5 6 top-channel.tv balkanweb.com shekulli.com.al panorama.com.al shqiptarja.com albeu.com Social media √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Source: Monitoring conducted by the author of this report in August 2014 The pages of news websites in social media have been an ideal tool to increase the audience of these websites. Igli Gjelishti, web master of Top-channel.tv said in early November 2014 that about 30 percent of the audience of this website originates from social networks and the recommendations or comments these networks make on articles or video and audio materials present in the website. However, a problem of the social media pages is their update, as it usually takes place slower than the update of the respective website information. There are also cases when less used social media in Albania, such as Linkedln or Google+, the update might be delayed for weeks or months in a row, losing the meaning of establishing such pages. 29 Besides setting up their own institutional pages in social networks, the online news media are urging the users to share with others articles or different materials. Most of the websites offer the button “share” for the users, which serves as a bridge to move from the website to their individual profile and to share the article or the material they were reading with the network of their personal friends. On this case we have to point out a problem, which is present in part of the Albanian online media: some of them do not properly divide the role and function of pages of media in the social networks and the role and function of the “share” option. In the case of news media pages in social networks, are precisely these media which share with the friends network news or the latest info. On the other hand, the “share” button that is offered for the users in these web sites aims that the users share news or materials with their friends. This distribution helps in increasing the numbers of those being informed, related to a news or material published on news web site. Print-screen nga shekulli.com.al, datë 13.06.2010 Print-screen of www.shekulli.com.al, date 13.06.2010 Por me dizajnin e ri të aplikuar pak kohë më pas, këto opsione u pakësuan dhe tashmë në këtë media online ekziston vetëm opsioni “share” në Facebook, Twitter dhe Google +. Ndoshta një reduktim i tillë mund të shpjegohet edhe me 30faktin se praktikisht dy të tretat e mediave sociale që ofroheshin për “share” në vitin 2010 nuk njiheshin asokohe dhe nuk përdoren as sot nga përdoruesi shqiptar. Për këtë arsye në këtë websajt kanë mbetur vetëm tre rrjetet sociale që përdoren më shumë sot në Shqipëri. At the beginning, when this interactive technique was offered by the Albanian media for its users, the enthusiasm was high and windows to make “share” were countless. As we can see in print screen below, in 2010 shekulli.com. al offered share opportunities to 12 social media, part of which the broad public was not familiar with at all. However, with the change of design applied recently these options were reduced and now in this online media exists only “share” option in Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Such a reduction can be explained by the fact that at present 2/3 of social media offered for “share” in 2010 were known at that time and are not applied by int-screen nga shekulli.com.al, datë not 13.06.2010 the Albanian users. For this reason in this web site have or me dizajnin e ri të aplikuar pak kohë më pas, këto opsione u pakësuan dhe tashmë në këtë remained only “share” three nësocial networks edia online ekziston vetëm opsioni Facebook, Twitter dhemore Google frequently +. Ndoshta një duktim i tillë mund shpjegohet edhe me faktin se praktikisht dy të tretat e mediave sociale që usedtëin Albania. roheshin për “share” në vitin 2010 there nuk njiheshin asokohepages dhe nukthat përdoren as sotthe nga Meanwhile, are also offer rdoruesi shqiptar. Për këtë arsye në këtë websajt kanë mbetur vetëm tre rrjetet sociale që opportunity to use a great number rdoren më shumë sot në Shqipëri. of channels for “share”. Thus, topdërkohë vazhdon të ekzistojë edhe përvoja e përdorimit të një channel.tv and panorama.com. umri të madh të kanaleve për “share”. Kështu, top-channel.tv al beside the channels for për ‘share” he panorama.com.al, përveç kanaleve më të njohura “share”, Facebook, Twitter dhe Google +, që ofronin deri në vitin 2010, through Facebook, Twitter and vjeshtën e vitit 2014 ofronin edhe një numër shumë më të Google+ offered till 2010, starting adh kanalesh të tjera, gjithsej 294 kanale apo mundësi të in autumne2014 theyapo areinformacioni offering anë dryshme për shpërndarjen një lajmi ternet (shih figurën në krah – printscreen nga top-channel.tv). bigger number of other channels, andprirje a variety oftë jatë viteve të altogether fundit vihet re294, edhe një e përdorimit to deliver news or ediave socialeopportunities si burim për informacionin e mediave të lajmit. në shtuar rastetinformation kur në mediat profesioniste publikohen foto apo in internet. (see print deo të qytetarëve nga aktivitete apo ngjarje të ndryshme që screene from top-channel.tv) jnë nga platformat shkëmbimit të përmbajtjes siç është ouTube. Kështu, në Recently rastin e përmbytjeve në Jug të Shqipërisë the tendency of usingnë fillim të shkurtit 2015, mediat ansmetuan në disa raste video të qytetarëve nga skenat e përmbytjeve. for news media social media as a source of information the rise. The in the professional media or përdorimin is mëon të madh si burim për cases mediat when profesioniste të lajmit mediat sociale e kanë tur në lidhje me që vjen nga apo statuset e politikanëve areinformacionin posted photos or politika. videosDeklaratat of citizens from differenttë dryshëm në Facebook apo Twiter, tashmë shërbejnë shpesh si burime për lajmin politik. formacioni që vjen nga profilet e politikanëve në rrjetet sociale po zëvendëson informacionin e klaratave të shtypit të partive politike. Shumë politikanë, po e shmangin median si 31 dërmjetësuese në komunikimin me publikun dhe po krijojnë kanale të komunikimit të ejtpëdrejtë në mediat sociale. Në këto kanale ata përcjellin reagimin apo qëndrimin e tyre për activities deriving from the content exchange platforms like YouTube have increased. Thus during the floods in southern Albania recently, the media in some cases broadcasted videos recorded by the inhabitants of the flooded areas. However, the social media are more frequently used as a source of information by the professional media in cases when the news was coming from the politics. The declarations or the statuses of different politicians in Facebook and Twitter, now often serve as sources for political news. Information coming from the politicians’ profiles in social networks is substituting the information coming from news conferences of political parties. Many politicians are avoiding media as a means of communication with the public and are setting up in social media direct channels of communication. Through these channels they give their reactions or attitude on different daily political issues. Thus the practice of using as source of information the status of politicians in social media is forming a kind of journalism detached from field reporting and being generated in front of the computers screens, instead. The reliability and standards of this practice in journalism are a cause for concern. 5. Social media and political communication In order to upgrade the political communication, part of the Albanian politicians have become active in social media networks. The Albanian politicians are using the web as a new channel of sending out the information and the messages, as a tool to communicate with their 32 supporters to promote new ideas and projects, to reply to the accusations of the opponents and also to call upon their supporters to attend different political campaigns. Internet also is assisting the politics to penetrate certain layers of the society considered as difficult to reach out, for example the youth. Directly or indirectly the political message is penetrating on line youth networks as well, especially in Facebook. At the same time the internet is expanding in encompassing in the political debate other layers of the society, contributing in this way to the process of democratization of the politics. In Albanian political communication, social networks are widely used and are being considered as an alternative way to communicate the daily message or to enlarge the ranks of supporters. By recognizing the capabilities of the online communities, the two major parties, Democratic Party and Socialist Party, have created their own profiles in Facebook. In DP’s Facebook profile till February 8th 2015 some 311,683 fans are included; while in SP’s Facebook profile on the same date there are some 157,685 fans. Even though the two main political parties have a considerable number of fans in Facebook, still this number is smaller compared to the number of fans the two party leaders have. The former leader of DP has in his Facebook profile more than 1 million fans, while the current Premier has 854,117 fans, and the leader of the opposition Lulzim Basha has 549,813 fans. The other social network – Twitter - is rarely used by the DP and its leaders, while the leader of SP Edi Rama has the largest number of followers in the country in Twitter, with more than 150,493 followers. However Twitter remains a network not widely used by Albanians, and 33 probably the popularity it has is due to the activity of Edi Rama in this network. In cases of electoral campaigns, the political parties activate their channels in YouTube, Instagram and Flickr. But their usage is relatively limited. So, DP’s channel in YouTube contains only 240 video uploads. The Albanian political parties in general use the social networks to convey their daily political message. Through the social political media they accuse their political opponents, denounce their activity or decision making process. Besides the reactions and constructive messages, through social media networks, especially Facebook are also offered insults and untrue accusations, or the social networks are used for denigrated ads towards political opponents. In this Facebook battle, media and journalists are looking after political prey to fill in later the news casts. 6. Social media and social activism Following the global trend of increasing participatory culture through internet, even in Albania online communities are getting bigger and are playing an important role in raising public awareness on important social causes. The typical case can be illustrated with the setting up of a social network in Facebook: “One million Albanians against the dismantling of chemical weapons in Albania” in November 2013. At that time the Albanian government received a proposal from the USA to allow the destruction of chemical weapons coming from Syria, in its territory. This proposal caused some 34 kind of collective panic and revolt, based on the possible risks deriving from this operation. On November 3rd the Alliance Against the Import of Hazardous Waste and some environmental associations staged the first protest. The protest was significantly echoed in social networks. On the same day in Facebook a page was established for the movement “One million Albanians against the dismantling of chemical weapons in Albania”. Within two weeks of its establishment the movement managed to collect 136,751 fans, meanwhile more than 150,000 people discussed about it and some 543 photos live from the protest were published which were distributed in several thousands online profiles16. Under the pressure of this movement, which became popular through social networks coverage, the government was forced to refuse the US proposal to destroy the chemical weapons in its territory. Also some campaigns in protecting the environment received coverage from social networks, like the campaign against waste import from Italy and other campaigns serving important social causes. However, social activism in Albanian cyberspace is still in its initial stages and its organizations are sporadic and temporary. 16 Observatori Europian i Gazetarisë, Linku: http://al.ejo-online. eu/1665/mediat-e-reja-dhe-web-2-0/protesta-per-lendet-kimikedhe-revolucioni-i-mediave-sociale 35 7. Ethical problems of online media Some of the main ethical problems that the social networks and online media are facing nowadays in Albania are related to invasion of privacy and personal data, and with the usage of hate speech and verbal violence and also the personal attacks or slander often taking advantage of the opportunities offered by internet to remain anonymous in online communication. It has to be underlined that the space where these ethical violations are more frequent are the spaces devoted to comments in blogs, social networks and news websites. The main problems to the comments remain their content moderation and the filtering of unethical messages appearing in social media and news websites. Nowadays there is a debate in relation to the practice of the so-called “News blogging”. Some authors view the comments that come after the news as a way of blogging. For example, according to Axel Bruns “news blogging is the practice of commenting news through blogging, being it comment on a genuine report or commenting news being reported from other sources.”17 If we are going to consider the practice of news commenting as a means of blogging, than we can say this kind of blogging is widely used in Albania and is being applied both in social media and in all news websites. Online Albanian media use several methods to handle the comments and their publication. Based on a questionnaire with 39 directors and online media representatives we have the following situation regarding publication of comments: 17 Bruns, Axel, The practise of news blogging, Në: Bruns, Axel & Jacobs, Joanne, Uses of blogs, Peter Lang Publishing, New York, 2007 36 Regarding the publishing of comments do you apply … A immediate automatic publishing without moderating 5 C publishing only after reading and approval from moderator or editor 18 B D immediate automatic publishing followed by moderating we don’t have a comment section 12 4 Source: Questionnaire-interviews with managers or representatives of 39 Albanian online media, organized by AMI in March-April 2014 As we can see, the methods vary, but the majority of media admit that they moderate the comments and only five of them said they did not use any moderation, while four others do not have any space for comments at all.” But, it has to be said that despite of these declarations, ethical problems are present every day in a great deal of comments published in the Albanian news websites. Only top-channel.tv maintains the ethical approach and moderates each published comment. A situation where unethical comments are allowed and there is a lack of filtering becomes even more concerning if we take into consideration that these comments appear also in most visited online news sites in Albania. This negligence generates a very negative effect in public. There is no justification on the regress made on this topic by some media like shekulli.com.al or balkanweb.com, which until a few years ago have been more cautious and used to 37 follow a strict policy of filtration against cases of violation of ethics. For example, in 2010, shekulli.com.al in cases of unethical comments published only the name of the commentator and in the comment space highlighted the editorial note:”the comment has been deleted on ethical grounds”. (see print-screen below) Print-screen nga shekulli.com.al, datë 17.10.2010 Print-screen of www.shekulli.com.al, date 17.10.2010 Kjo media ka qenë ndër të paktat media në Shqipëri që ka patur në redaksi edhe një ombudsman Thispormedia fewmëinnëAlbania that had njerëzore të për etikën, prej disawas viteshamong ky post nukthe ekziston organigramën e burimeve kompanisë. an ombudsman for the ethics, but for some time now this Në debatin lidhur me këtëabolished. problematikë In shqetësuese përsa i takon komenteve, paraqiten arsye të position has been relation to the debate about ndryshme, të përmbledhura më poshtë: this concerning issue,online the comments, various reasons Së pari, shumica e redaksive nuk kanë krijuar ende asnjë lloj kodiare etike apo kornize put forth as below: vetërregulluese për websajtin e tyre. Së dyti, një pjesëthe e redaksive nukofkanë burimenewsrooms njerëzore të angazhuara - Firstly, majority online have notposaçërisht me moderimin e komenteve. established yet any code of ethics or a self regulating Së treti, një pjesë e lejojnë me vetëdije këtë situatë, me argumentin se komentet rrisin numrin e framework for their web site; vizitorëve të websajtit. Por ky argument i fundit bie, po të kemi parasysh faktin se websajti i - më Secondly, parts of top-channel.tv, newsroomsderihave lajmeve i vizituar nga shqiptarët, në verënnot e vitithuman 2014 nuk ka patur fare resources committed to moderate comments. hapësirë për koment. Zgjidhja më efektivesome në këtoofraste ështëdo hartimi i kodeve të etikës për mediat online. Një - Thirdly, them it on purpose byedhe claiming shembull në këtë drejtim sjell shqiptarja.com, e cila është e para media online që ka krijuar një that the comments increase the number of visitors in kod etike të plotë dhe bashkëkohor. Por, po kaq i rëndësishëm sa hartimi i kodeve të etikës, the web site. iBut this claim falls down, if we take into mbetet edhe zbatimi tyre në praktikën e përditshme. consideration that the most visited web site news by the 8. Përmbledhje ekzekutive 38shënuar një rritje mbresëlënëse e nivelit të aksesit në Gjatë dekadës së fundit në Shqipëri është internet. Sipas të dhënave të ITU (Internation Telecommunication Union) të cituara nga internetworldstats.com dhe Banka Botërore, më 30 qershor të vitit 2014 aksesi në internet në vend arriti në 60.10 % të popullsisë. Kjo shifër e vendos Shqipërinë në një nivel më të lartë se Albanians, top-channel.tv till summer 2014 did not have space for comments. The most effective solution in these cases is the drafting of the code of ethics for online media. An example in this respect is shqiptarja.com, which is the first online media that has created a comprehensive code of ethics. Even the implementation of the code of ethics in the daily routine is important, alongside having one. 8. Executive summary During the last decade Albania has witnessed a remarkable level of access to internet. According to data from the International Telecommunication Union, quoted by internet worldstats.com and the World Bank on June 30th 2014 the access to internet in Albania reached 60.10 percent of its population. This figure ranks Albania to a higher level than some countries in the region, even further than some EU countries like Italy, Greece and Bulgaria. A great impact to internet access growth is related to the increased number of users that access internet through mobile phones. According to an AECP report the number of users of broadband internet 3G in 2013 reached 1,231,259, while in 2011 there were only 283,249 users. While the number of users with internet access is augmented, the speed of internet service is lagging behind the global average, and even further behind to the average of developed countries. However the rise of the internet access level in the country and of Web 2.0 capacities have brought about increasing popularity of the social media in Albania. 39 Among the social networks the most used one is Facebook with 1,340, 000 users at the beginning of 2015. Around 860,000 were male users and 480,000 were female ones, showing the prevalence of the male users, nearly two times more. This division reflects the masculine nature of the Albanian society. The majority of Facebook users are 18-34 years old. This age group holds around 73 percent of the total number of Facebook users in Albania. This kind of age imbalance shows a high level of digital divide among young age group and older ones. The most popular Facebook pages are those of artists, politicians, media, entertainment and fashion pages and also pages of some computer trade companies. Thus, according to social bakers the page with more fans (1,760,182 fans) is the page of a computer company followed by that of artist Ermal Mamaqi (1,684,322 fans). Leaders of the main political parties, SP and DP, also have a considerable number of fans. Some of the information fields that attract more users in Facebook are: new technologies, entertainment and humour, political activities, fashion trends, etc. The other social networks like Twitter, Google + or LinkedIn have a relatively low penetration to Albania society and as a result a low influence, too. Among the platforms of content exchange the most used one in Albania is YouTube. The YouTube website is ranked fifth among the most visited web sites in the country according to Alexa. In the Albanian space in YouTube prevails content created and delivered by professional media like Top Channel and Klan TV. Recently an expansion is noticed by the platform of photo and video 40 sharing like Instagram. Both in YouTube and Instagram the publication of photos and videos without the authors’ copyright remains a problem. With the expansion and extension of internet, the number of blogs and online forums in Albania went up. The greatest number of blogs is created and posted to Wordpress and BlogSpot platforms. The most visited and distinguished blogs are set up by journalist or well known media analysts, whom are using their blogs as a meeting venue with fans and the rest of the audience. Among the platforms known as Wiki platforms the most distinguished one in Albania is Wikipedia. Nearly a decade now in Wikipedia there is a space in Albanian language, in which till February 7th 2014 were published 52,154 articles by 70,192 registered users. Sometimes the information in Albanian language in Wikipedia is inaccurate and events are not professionally treated. Albanian news media evaluate the role of the social media as an important means to boost the audience through the referral traffic deriving from these media. A tendency has been noticed during the last years of using the social media as a source of information for news media. The bigger use as a source for professional media of social media news has to do mainly with information coming from the political activities. However, the habit of using as a source of information the statuses of politicians in social media is forming a kind of journalism detached from field reporting and generated through computers screens. The credibility and the standards of this kind of journalism are not satisfactory. Regarding social activism, there have been some peaks, like in the case of setting up in the social network Facebook, 41 the movement “One million Albanians against the dismantling of chemical weapons in Albania” in November 2013. A kind of impact in social networks is exercised by some awareness campaigns online towards environment protection, like the campaign against the hazardous waste import from Italy and other campaigns serving important social causes. However the social commitment in Albanian cyberspace is still in its initial phase and its organization is sporadic. Ethical issues remain a great challenge for social media in Albania. They are present especially in the comments’ space, but also in various posts. Some of the most acute ethical issues with which social networks and online media are faced in Albania are those related with the violation of privacy and personal data, hate speech, personal attacks, slander and often taking advantage of the opportunity offered by the internet to remain anonymous in online communication. The most effective solution in this case is drafting the code of ethics even for the online media. An example in this direction is shqiptarja.com, which is the first online media to set up a contemporary code of ethics. However, it is equally important to implement such codes in daily practice. 42 Sources • Authority of Postal and Electronic Communication (APEC) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • website: www.akep.al International Telecommunication Union website: http// www. itu.int/en/ Balkan Media Barometer – Albania 2013, AMI, Tirana Internet World Stats Linkup www.internetworldstats.com/stat4. htm World Bank stats link: http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/ IT.NET.USER.P2 Albanian representative speech in the ITU conference in Moscow in 2001: http://www.itu.int/ITU-D/__e-strategy/internet/ Seminars/Moscow/Docs/Albania%20TRA%20note.pdf Tartari, Alban. Interneti në Shqipëri dhe përdorimi nga media – histori dhe aktualitet, Studime Albanologjike, Botimi 5 “Historia e medias dhe mediatizimi i historisë”, Tiranë 2012 Facebook website www.facebook.com Social Bakers website www.socialbakers.com European Observatory of Journalism: http://al.ejo-online. eu/1665/mediat-e-reja-dhe-web-2-0/protesta-per-lendetkimike-dhe-revolucioni-i-mediave-sociale Wikipedia: http://sq.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faqja_kryesore www.respublica.al www.peizazhe.com www.peshkupaujë.com www.perpjekja.blogspot.com www.forumishqiptar.com www.lapsi.al 43