manual - SpitFire Help Desk - 972-406-0851


manual - SpitFire Help Desk - 972-406-0851
(Access and MySQL versions)
Please note: The Spitfire X pro version requires ‘Mysql’ to be installed and configured in order to
use. Access and MySQL are trademarks of their respective Companies.
Installation Process
Spitfire X Users Manual (MySQL and Access Versions)
Campaign Display
Installation Process
Copyright, Compliance and Liability Information
Spitfire X Security Key
Campaign Display
Installation Requirements
Digital Lines/T1
Hardware & Software Installation
(Software and Board Customers only)
Configuration of the Spitfire X
Scriptmaker X
Listmaker X
Importing (MySQL version)
Importing (Access version)
Exporting (MySQL version)
Exporting (Access version)
Importing into the Nocalls (MySQL –DNC Scrubber)
Importing into the Nocalls (Access version)
Creating a new list to run a test (MySQL version)
Creating a new list to run a test (Access version)
Creating a template for importing
Reworking records (MySQL version)
Reset utility (MySQL version)
Reworking records (Access version)
Retrieving leads by Hit-Warm-Cold
Jobmaker X
Launching a Campaign (MySQL & Access)
Reportmaker X
Spitfire X F.A.Q.
Copyright, Compliance and Liability Information
COPYRIGHT . 1997-2006 by OPC Marketing. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of
1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a
database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of OPC Marketing. All other product names
are trademarks of their respective companies.
OWNERSHIP AND COPYRIGHT OF SOFTWARE: The software is copyrighted and is protected by
United States copyright laws, international treaty provisions, and all other applicable national laws. Any
duplication of the software other than for backup or archival purposes is a violation of law. You may not copy,
reproduce, transcribe, store in a retrieval system or translate, in whole or in part, the help files or written copies
of the help files accompanying the software without prior consent in writing from OPC Marketing, and you
agree to prevent any unauthorized copying of the software.
LIMITED WARRANTY: OPC Marketing or its distributor, depending on which party produced the software,
warrants that the media on which the software is furnished will be free from defects in materials and
workmanship under normal use for a period of 90 days from the date of receipt. OPC Marketing or its
distributor's entire liability and your exclusive remedy shall be the replacement of the software if the media on
which the software is furnished proves to be defective. This warranty is void if failure of the software has
resulted from accident, abuse, or misapplication. Any replacement software will be warranted for the remainder
of the original warranty period or 30 days, whichever is longer.
DISCLAIMER: The software and accompanying help files and/or written documentation are provided AS IS
without warrant of any kind, except as provided above.
LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The above warranties are the only warranties of any kind, either expressed or
implied, including warranties or merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Neither OPC Marketing
or its distributors shall be liable for any other damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for
loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other indirect, special, incidental
damages of any kind) arising out of the use or inability to use OPC Marketing’s product, even if OPC
Marketing has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In any case, OPC Marketing entire liability
under any provision of this agreement shall be limited to the amount actually paid by you for the software.
JURISDICTION: This agreement and this disclaimer of warranty and limited warranty is governed by the
laws of the State of Texas, USA without regard to or application of choice of laws or principles.
COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS: You agree to use the Product in accordance with local, state, and federal
laws, and you acknowledge that compliance with such laws may limit your use of the Product for certain
applications, including, but not limited to direct marketing and telemarketing applications. Federal and state law
may impose restrictions on the ability to solicit by telephone, email or facsimile. Laws vary from jurisdiction to
jurisdiction. A violation of such laws may result in significant penalties and other sanctions. Any person
intending to use OPC Marketing products for solicitation purposes should consult with their own counsel to
determine the extent, if any, of permissible solicitation activities.
This equipment may be operated within California only in accordance with Article 1 of Chapter 10 of Part 2 of
Division 1 of the Public Utilities Code.
UPDATE POLICY: OPC Marketing may create, from time to time, an updated version of the software and its
accompanying help files and/or written documentation. At its option, OPC Marketing will make such update
available to the Licensee who has paid the update fee.
OPC Marketing assumes no responsibility for any error omission in the help files and/or written materials.
SpitFire-MyList, SpitFire, WaveMaker, and other brand names associated with OPC Marketing Inc. Other
referenced brands and products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective manufacturers.
Copyright 2006 OPC Marketing.
OPC Marketing
208.545.8846 Fax
When purchasing SpitFireX system software, you will receive a SpitFireX Security Key, also called a “dongle”. SpitFireX system
software will not run without the Security Key, pictured below.
If you have purchased a turnkey system with computer included, the SpitFireX server software has been installed. The Security Key
pictured below is packed with the dialer and needs to be plugged into the parallel port. This is the printer port.
If you have a printer plugged into the parallel port, take out the printer cable, insert the Security Key and then plug the printer cable
into the Security Key. This should not interfere with your printer.
The Security Key will be specific for the number of boards and the number of lines you have on that particular SpitFire system. If you
change boards or upgrade the software, the Security Key will have to be returned to OPC Marketing to be re-programmed. The reprogramming charge is $25.00 plus shipping.
If the Security Key is lost or stolen, the replacement price is the full price of the software license.
SpitFireX Security Key
Campaign Display
In order for the SpitFireX Dialer to perform correctly, each component, whether installed
by OPC Marketing or not, must conform to our installation requirements. The minimum
requirements are detailed below. For any questions regarding this form, please contact
us at (972) 406-0851.
1) Dialer
(provided by OPC)
Hardware: Rack-mount Server, Pentium IV 2.4 GHZ, 80 GB Hard Drive, 1GB RAM,
Network Card, 52X CDRW-ROM, 3 Cooling Fans, 10 ISA slots, Mouse, Keyboard, Dialogic
Telephony Boards.
Software: Windows 2000 Pro, Windows XP Pro.
Customer must supply a Monitor, unless ordered from OPC.
Software: Windows 2000Pro, SpitFire X, and CoolEdit 96 (shareware version).
4 to 16 LINE SYSTEMS (Minimum requirements)
Hardware: Intel Pentium III 800MHZ to 1.8GHZ Celeron processor, 256MB DDRSDRAM, 30GB Hard Drive, integrated Intel Extreme 3D graphics, 48X Max CD-ROM
Drive, Integrated Audio,
Software: Windows 2000Pro, Windows XP home or XP Pro. (Windows XP requires
512mb ram)
Customer must supply a Monitor, unless ordered from OPC
Support: We provide 3 hours of remote technical support and a training session with
each SpitFire X system. Support maintenance packages are available for $250 per 3hour increment. Systems that are 24 lines or greater include 6 months tech support.
Digital Lines
The T1 line must be installed and successfully tested per our specifications. The T1 line
is one of the most critical portions of the installation and must be turned up and
provisioned correctly (the turn-up must be coordinated with the OPC Installation Team).
We also require that on the day(s) the OPC Installation Team is there to perform the
installation, the T1 provider must have a dedicated technician available to resolve any
issues regarding the T1 line. You can find the T1 specifications for the SpitFire Dialer at
the end of this Section.
ALSO -- The customer must have either a "smart" jack or CSU at the location of the
Analog Lines
If this is an analog system, there needs to be RJ-11 analog POTS lines that terminate in
a jack which will plug into the Breakout Box (box supplied by OPC).
Network Minimum Performance Requirements: 10/100MBS (megabytes per
second) Hub, and 10/100MBS NIC cards on server and agents stations.
4) Cabling Requirements (supplied by customer)
T1 Cabling
There must be a Category 5 cable with RJ45 connectors from the Smart Jack or CSU to
the OPC Server.
All specifications are subject to change without notice.
All customers are required to supply a high speed Internet connection to the telephony
server. The server must have the router and firewall configured to allow access from an
outside address. It is also necessary to have a licensed copy of PcAnywhere installed on
the server for technical support. On systems of less than 8 lines an Analog line is
T1 Requirements
When ordering T1 service from a carrier, you must provide them enough information
about the equipment at your installation site for them to give you the proper service.
The following table lists information that you will need to provide to your carrier when
ordering service.
Dialogic 240SC-T1 Requirements
Model Number
Framing Type
T-1 Signaling
Supervisory Signal
Internal Clock Stratum Level
T-Span support
Voice coding
Channel order
Other equipment
D240SC-T1, D/240PCI-T1
D4 Super frame (not extended Super
Robbed bit
2- or 4- wire E&M
Loop timing
Stratum 4
Full (24 timeslots)
Wink and double wink
CSU – required in most cases when
connecting to public
T-1 network.
DSU – usually not required
CSU-to-D240SC-T1 Cable must be
provided by customer
Application Considerations/Requirements
Line coding/Framing
Digit Signaling
AMI/Super frame
Application needs to know the
Signaling Protocol
Application needs to know signaling for
the following:
Wink Definition
Digit signaling – DTMF or MF
What signal to send to the CO to
indicate we’re ready to receive
the digit string – usually wink.
The format of the incoming
ANI/DID string
Incoming call
Line drop
Inbound pickup (accept call)
Outbound pickup (seize line to
make call)
Get both Transmit and Receive Wink
definitions from your T-1 provider
Hardware & Software Installation
This is for Software & Board customers only.
The first thing to do is to make sure that you all the components that are required for
this installation. Please check the minimum requirements listed below before you
process. MySQL will need to be installed prior to installing the Spitfire X Pro software.
Please call tech support at 972-406-0851.
The computer that you are installing the board and software into needs to have
the following minimum requirements.
Pentium IV computer with 600mhz processor of higher
40 GB of available hard drive
Available PCI or ISA slot depending on the board that is to be installed
Windows 2000 Pro
VGA monitor capable of displaying minimum of 1024 x 768
Sound blaster or compatible sound card
Microphone and Speakers
56K modem
Pc Anywhere (Required for support)
Phone line or IP connection (DSL/Broadband) for Support.
Dialogic Installation
The boards listed below need to have the jumpers set prior to installation.
The above boards are all ISA type boards and require the jumpers to be set in place
before putting the card in the computer. Important if these jumpers are not set the
board will not start when installed. (Please refer to the table below)
The recommended setting is IRQ7. If this is the only dialogic board in the system JP7
must have a jumper installed. All boards that are installed need to have the same IRQ.
The boards listed below do not need to have the jumpers set prior to installation.
D/240 SC T1
D/480 SC T1
All PCI and ESC boards do not have jumpers that need to be set for the specific IRQ
ports, these can be set from the Dialogic DCM software. It is important to note that on
all ESC cards if you are using more than one, an SC bus cable is required to connect the
boards together. ESC boards also need to have a different board ID# set.
Once the jumpers have been configured and the board/s are installed in the computer,
you are ready to proceed with the installation.
The next step is to load the CD with the installation software in your CD Rom.
Put your mouse on the ‘My Computer’ icon and right click with your mouse.
This will open up an option tab as shown above.
This will open up a window that will show the contents of your computer. Take your
mouse and put the arrow on the (D) drive or the drive letter of your CD-Rom.
This will display the contents of the CD that contains your software for the installation.
The first program to be installed is the Dialogic software. Take your mouse and select
the Dialogic 5.11folder and left double click to open this folder.
The next step is to select the setup.exe file.
Put your mouse on the ‘Setup.exe’ file and left click on the ‘Open’ menu from the drop
down window to start the installation of the software.
The next screenshots will take you thru the installation windows of the Dialogic software.
Insert your Name and Company in the above windows.
Select the typical option above.
Deselect the check marks in the above boxes.
Click on the ‘Finish’ button to restart the computer.
Once the Dialogic 5.11 has been installed, the next step is to install the service pack for
Dialogic. Select the ‘DialogicSP1’ folder as shown above.
Select the ‘Open’ option to begin the install process of the service pack.
Continue the installation as shown in the following screens.
This completes the installation of the service pack software.
When the computer has rebooted, select the start button as shown above on your
computers desktop. Select the ‘Intel Dialogic System Software’ option from the menu as
shown above. Select the Dialogic Configuration Manager-DCM as shown above, and
select the ‘Send to Desktop (create shortcut)’ option.
To configure the Dialogic cards, select the ‘Configuration Manager-DCM’ icon that was
just sent to the desktop.
To launch the Configuration manager right click on the icon above and left click on the
‘open’ tab from the drop down window.
This will open up the box that you see above, the detection process may take several
minutes. If this is an ESC card or PCI the system will detect the boards automatically if
these are the ISA non ESC technology the card/s will need to be added manually.
The example shown above is not an ‘ESC card’, therefore we need to add the board
manually. If this was an ‘ESC board’ Dialogic would automatically detect the board in
the Configuration Manager.
The next step is to add the device. Select the Add Device from the action tab as shown
This will open up the current view. Select the D/x1D as shown on the left, and than
select the particular Model that you have installed in the computer as shown in the
screen above.
In the above example the board that is installed is the Dialog/4.
The next screen will ask you for a name of the card. This just has to be different for
each board that is installed.
The next step is to select the next tab at the bottom of the screen.
The next step is to set the IRQ value that was set on the board (If this is a non-ESC
board). Leave the memory address at d0000.
Take your mouse and put it on the ‘D41Dinterupt under ‘Parameter’.
Change the value by clicking on the arrow as shown in the picture above. If IRQ 7 is not
shown in the drop down window just add it manually.
The next step is to click on the apply button to save the settings, and than the ok
The screen above is the view that will be displayed next.
The next step is to start the board/s. This is accomplished by selecting the green circle
with your mouse and left double clicking which will start the board/s.
If everything is set correctly the bottom of the Dialogic screen will display the words
running. This means that you have completed the installation of your Dialogic board/s.
The last step for installation of the Dialogic card/s is to set the boards to start-up
automatically every time you restart the computer. This is set by clicking on the action
tab as shown on the above screen.
This will open a window to select Automatic or Manual start sequence.
Select the Automatic option by clicking on it with your mouse.
The next step is to exit out of the Dialogic Configuration Manager by clicking on the exit
at the far right corner as shown above.
The next step is to install the cool edit software for the wave files. Select the
c96setup.exe file and left double click to begin the installation.
Select the OK button with your mouse to begin.
Stay with the default setting and continue with the installation as shown in these
When Cool Edit has been installed the screen that you are viewing will display, select ok with your mouse and
it will play a sample wave file.
Click on the play button and you should hear the sample wave file. Make sure that you
have the speakers attached to the sound card of your computer.
The final installation is the ‘SpitfireX’ software. Left double click on the executable as
and follow all the default settings. Please note that during the installation if your
computer does not have MDAC loaded the system will prompt you to reboot after it has
installed this in your computer, and than will continue with the installation.
Click on the ‘finish’ button as shown above to complete the installation.
The first step is to make sure the Dialogic boards are running. These are the telephony
boards installed in the server. The software must not be launched prior to verifying
the boards are running as shown in the setup.
Select the icon as shown above
The message that is displayed above is normal and will always be shown when opening
the configuration screen. Click on the ‘ok’ box and this will allow you to view the
configuration manager.
It is very important that the boards be in a running state as shown above before
launching any campaigns. If the computer has just been started, the status may be in a
‘pending’ mode. Click on the blue semi-circle and this will refresh the service.
When the boards have started than it is ok to exit out of the configuration manager, this
is accomplished by clicking on the ‘x’ on the top right of the above box. This will bring
The first step is to open “Spitfire X Instance 1” by selecting the ‘Spitfire X Instance 1’
Using your mouse right click and select the ‘open’ option with the left mouse button.
The ‘Disclosure of Responsibility/Liability’ will than appear on the display.
When the ‘Disclosure of Responsibility/Liability’ has been accepted, click on the ‘I Agree’
to continue.
This will launch the Spitfire X Instance 1.
Click on the ‘Lines’ option and select the ‘Line Activity’ from the drop down tab display
the line activity on the desktop.
The above screen will be displayed on your desktop. Depending on your system will
depend on how many lines you have available.
The next step is to configure the preferences in the Campaign if this is the first time that
the Campaign is being used. Select the ‘Options’ tab as shown above.
Click on the ‘Preferences’ from the drop down window.
The first screen that is displayed is the Company Tab. (MySQL version)
The first screen that is displayed is the Company Tab. (Access version)
The next step is to configure the lines. Select the ‘Lines’ from tab as shown above
“Local area code (s) 7” is where you will enter any local area codes (area codes that
don’t need to be dialed to make a local call).
If all local calls require area codes, and there are no local area codes that DON’T need to
be dialed, place a “999” in the “Local area code (s) 7” line.
“Local Prefix” is used if, in order to access an outside line, a number needs to be dialed
“9” in order to get an outside line. This usually applies when connecting thru a phone
In the “Long Distance Prefix” option, place a “1” if you are going to make long distance
In the “International Prefix” option, this is used for International dialing. In this option
the system ignores the ‘Local 7’ and ‘Local 10’ setting and inserts the ‘International
Prefix’ in front of the number.
‘No Dial Area Codes’ is used to exclude certain area codes in a file.
‘No Dial Prefix’s’ is used to exclude certain prefix’s in a file.
The “Target Area Codes’’ option is used to select only specific area codes for the
The ‘AM Sensitivity (1-9) is to allow the tweaking of the Answering Machine sensitivity.
The standard setting is 3; this can be adjusted to a lower number if the detection needs
to be more sensitive.
The ‘Dedicated Transfer Lines’ is feature that allows the allocation of specific lines to be
available for transfers.
The Access version will include a ‘Retry No Answers and Busy Numbers’ and a ‘Max
Retries’ option.
The next option to configure is the ‘General’ tab. Select the ‘General’ option from the
window as shown above.
There are two No calls lists that the system looks at prior to dialing. They are divided
into two tiers. These files are located in the Lists directory of the Spitfire X software.
The ‘Nocalls’ file is inserted into both the ‘Tier 1 and Tier 2 No Calls’ file. This is the
location that the system scrubs against on import and dialing.
The Spitfire X Access version has the same two tier ‘Nocalls’ files. The extension will be
an ‘mdb’ format.
The ‘Toolkit Type’ is defaulted to ‘Visual Voice’. The ‘CTI32’ option is used only for
systems that are configured for PRI circuits.
The ‘SC Bus and Call Accounting’ option are checked automatically and don’t need to be
changed. The ‘Detect fast busy for disconnect’ is only used for PBX integration that
provides a fast busy for hang-ups. The ‘EAgent Script’ is used in conjunction with the
‘EAgent option’ of Spitfire X. The script that is entered is displayed on the Agent screen.
The Access version will have the above display. When using “EAgent’ with the Access
version, a database will need to be selected.
Click on the ‘Apply’ option to save the changes.
The “T1 Configuration” tab is only for T1 systems. IMPORTANT -- The settings in this
section must not be changed. This setting is only used when configured with T1 cards
and connecting to a digital interface. The provisioning used with Spitfire Predictive
software is (D4, AMI, Superframe with Wink start). Please review the T1 provisioning
sheet requirements.
When connected with digital cards the ‘Digital Lines (T1 or T2) will be selected.
Click on the ‘Apply’ option to save the changes.
In the ‘MySql’ version the next tab to configure is the ‘Database Settings’.
The ‘MySql Server’ is the IP Address or name of the computer that has the database
software installed. The ‘User Name’ and ‘Password’ is the authorized name and
password set in the database. The ‘Record Buffer Size’ is the amount of records that is
being pulled from the database from each campaign. The ‘Dialer ID’ needs to be
different fro each Campaign.
Click on the ‘Apply’ option to save the changes.
The next tab is the ‘Fail Safe Schedule’.
These are the hours in which the system will operate. These are set by default as shown
above. If regulations in the areas in which you are dialing are different, or if you wish to
dial different times, you will need to reset these. The dialer will not operate outside
these times.
Click on the ‘Apply’ option to save the changes.
The next tab is the ‘Fail Safe Schedule’. (MySql version)
The ‘Time Zone’ option is used if there are combined regions in one list. By defining
specific times to call by time zone, the system will bypass the Time Zones that are not
To enable the ‘Time Zone’ option the check box must be marked prior to selecting a list.
Click on the ‘Apply’ option to save the changes.
The ‘Support’ tab displays the technical support and sales number of OPC Marketing. To
find out your external IP Address click on the ‘What’s my external IP’. If you are
updating your license this is where the License manager is launched.
To run the License manager click on the ‘Update License’ box as shown above. The
‘License Manager’ is used to update features on the system. To open this option click on
the tab as shown above and this will launch the license Manager to the taskbar on your
This will open up the ‘Spitfire License manager’ minimized on the taskbar. Click on
taskbar as shown above.
This will launch the ‘Spitfire License Manager’ as shown above.
When updating a lease date or additional lines, click on the ‘Update License’ box, and
than a box will appear as shown above. The code that will be given by Opc Marketing,
needs to be entered into this box and than the ‘ok’ tab needs to be selected. The license
is now updated.
When all the configurations have been entered and tested, hit “Ok” to save these
When the license is updated, click on the ‘X’ as shown above to close ‘License Manager’.
The support window will return to the screen.
Click on the ‘OK’ option to save and exit out of the preferences window and back to the
Campaign screen.
Please locate the icon shown above on your computer's Desktop and open it with your
mouse (place your mouse on the picture and left-double-click to open). This will open
the ScriptMaker Pro script set-up window shown below.
The main window will appear.
Than click on the "Scripts" tab at the top of the window, and select the "New Script"
option. This will open the following screen.
Name your script. For our purposes here, we have named it "Sample". Click on the
‘save’ tab. This will open up the "Script" template as shown below, and you can now
choose the format of the script.
The box will appear as shown above.
Select the template that will be used in the script.
The template chosen will be displayed.
Select the ‘Ok’ tab to accept the template.
The first step is to set up the "Dial-Answer" function. Begin by selecting the "DialAnswer" option. Move your cursor over that line as shown below, and left-double-click.
This will open up the "Dial-Answer" screen.
The first decision to be made is whether or not you will be leaving a message if an
answering machine answers. If the decision is "Yes", then select the "Tape" tab to the
right of the empty line as shown below.
This will open up an empty wave file to create a recording.
Make sure that you have a microphone and speakers attached to the sound card of your
computer (refer to your computer's manual).
The next step is to record a wave file. This first one will be the message you will leave if
an answering machine answers. When you are ready, click on the red "Record" button
on as shown above and start recording the message (this is only for the message to be
left on answering machines. You will repeat this process for other parts of the script in
future steps).
When you have completed your message, select the "Stop" button on the screen as
shown above.
You will than have a screen as shown above. Press the "Play" button as shown below to
listen to the message you have recorded. If you are unsatisfied and wish to re-record,
simply repeat the process.
When you are satisfied with the recording, select the "File" tab on the top left of the
screen. Than left-click on the "Save As" option as shown below. This will save the
recording you have just made. IMPORTANT - If you do not save the file, all the work will
be lost.
After you have saved the file, exit out of the "WaveMaker" screen by clicking on the "X"
in the upper right-hand corner as shown below.
This will bring you back to the "Dial-Answer" screen.
The next step is to select the number of "Dial Rings." This refers to the number of rings
the system will wait before it hangs up and then calls the next number. The default is
set to 5 rings. "Answer Rings" is used only if you are receiving inbound calls to the
system. The default for that is set to 0 rings, and a normal setting would be 2 rings.
The next step is to click on the "Save" button in the lower right-hand corner to save all
the work that you have just completed. IMPORTANT - If you do not save this data, all
the work you just did will be lost.
When the Dial-Answer set-up has been saved, you will be taken back to the Main
Template window.
The next part of the set-up is the "Statement 1". Select the "Statement 1" option with
your mouse as before. This will open up the "Statement 1" screen as shown below.
The next step is to create the "Statement 1" message. This is your introductory
message, such as, "Hi, this is John with the XYZ Company." Begin creating the
"Statement 1" message by clicking on the "Tape" tab next to the empty line. Then,
simply repeat the steps as you did in creating the "Dial-Answer" message.
When the above steps have been completed, the file name "Statement1.wav" will
appear in the Statement 1 window.
Click on the "Save" button as shown above to save all the work you have just
completed. IMPORTANT - If you do not save this data, all the work you have just done
will be lost.
When the "Statement 1" message has been saved, you will be taken back to the Main
Template window.
Now, double-click on the "Question 1" option to begin that configuration. The "Question
1" script follows the "Statement 1" script, and this is where you will set up the decisiontree based on how you want to handle the call. The message you will record here can
give the person that is listening the option to press 1 to leave a message (to request
more information or have a salesperson contact them), press 9 to speak to a live person
(if you have an ESC board), or press 8 if they want to be added to your Do Not Call list,
for example.
This is what the "Question 1" screen looks like (above).
This is where you begin setting up the first part of the "Question 1" script. Click on the
"Tape" button next to the blank line just like you did before. Then, repeat the steps to
record your message.
The above picture is what it will look after you have recorded the message.
The ‘Parameters’ option is where the configuration is set for the various sequences of
the call. The ‘Hit’ option can be selected in order to filter the calls that reach this part of
the script. The ‘Points’ option can also be used for this function and is mainly used for a
survey script. Please make sure that "Hang-Up after this card" is not checked. If you are
using a transfer only or polling script, than this option should be checked
To setup the various touch tones used in the script, select the ‘Touch Tone Config’ tab.
The ‘Transfer Touchtone’ is the digit that is required to enable the transfer of a call. The
‘Add to NoCalls Touchtone’ is the digit that is required to have the phone number added
to the NoCalls file. "TT-1" is the key the customer presses if they want more
information. This will take them to the "Record Message" function (to be set up shortly)
where they will be prompted to leave their name and number. "TT-1" should be set to 1.
“Retry" is the number of times that the customer can attempt to select a number as
instructed by the script. If they push the wrong button three times consecutively, they
will hear an "Invalid Response" message (to be set up in upcoming steps), and the call
will be disconnected. ‘Range’ is used for polling scripts.
Next, record the "Invalid Msg" script. This is the message that will play if the customer
hits a key that is not defined in the script, and it will play for the number of times that is
selected in the "Retry" box. Start by selecting the "Tape" button next to the blank line,
and then repeat steps for recording the message. When finished, the screen above is
what you will see.
Next, the "NoCalls Addition (TT 8)" box must be selected in order to give the customer
the option to be removed from your calling list by pressing the 8 key.
Next, record the "NoCalls Msg" script. This is the message (such as, "Thank you. You will
be removed from our contact list.") That will play when the customer presses the 8 key.
Begin by clicking the "Tape" button next to the blank line, and then repeat the recording
steps as before. When finished, the screen above is what you will see.
Next, set up the "Agent Transfer (TT 9)" options. NOTE - this allows the customer to
connect to a live agent, and applies only if you have an SC board, or 3-Way
Calling or Centrex Service from your carrier. If you wish to use this option, check
the box next to "Agent Transfer (TT 9)". If not, leave it blank and skip to the ‘Save’ tab.
If you have selected this option and are using an ESC board, select the "On Board 3Way Calling" option. If you are using the carrier's 3-way calling, then select the "Phone
Company 3-Way Calling" option, and if you have Centrex lines, then select the "Phone
Company Centrex Service" option.
The next step is to record the "Transfer Msg". This is the message (such as "Your call is
being transferred"). The hold message applies only if you have an SC board, not
3-Way Calling or Centrex Service from your carrier. That will play when the 9 key
is pressed during the "Question 1" script. To record, start by pressing the "Tape" button
next to the "Hold Msg" line and then repeat the steps as shown earlier. The screen
shown above is what you will see when finished.
The next step is to put in the number to which the system will transfer the customer. It
is imperative that you put all the digits in this box that the system needs to dial. If you
are going through a key system where, for instance, you must first dial 9 to access an
outside line to make a call, then you must first put a 9 and a comma in the "Call
Number" line, followed by the complete number.
The next item that needs to be selected is the "Agent Message" box. This will announce
to the agent (before the call is transferred) either the phone number that is being
transferred or the client ID number, depending on which you choose below "Agent Msg".
Next, record the "NoAgent Msg" by clicking the "Tape" button next to that line and
repeating the steps as before. This is the message that will play to the customer if no
agent is available and the call has not been transferred after approximately 40 seconds.
After playing this message, the system will automatically transfer the customer to the
"Record 1" message (to be set up shortly), and their corresponding response will be
saved in the "Messages" folder.
Next, it is vital that you click on the "Save" button before exiting. IMPORTANT - If you
do not hit "Save", all the work done in this portion will be lost.
When you hit "Save", it will bring you back to the Main Template.
The next part of the set-up is the "Record 1" function. Select "Record 1" on the template
with your mouse.
This will open the "Record 1" screen as shown above.
Next, record the "Record 1" message. This is the message that is played if the customer
presses the 1 key in "Question 1" and where, for instance, they can be prompted to
leave their name and number in order to be contacted by a salesperson. At the end of
the "Record 1" message a tone (inserted automatically by the system) will be played,
and then the caller can leave their message. To begin recording the "Record 1"
message, hit the "Tape" button and repeat the steps as before. This will open the
"Record 1" screen as shown above.
The next step is to set up the "Parameters" field. The "Hit" box must be checked, so that
you are notified every time a message is left. It is suggested that "Record Time" be set
at 60 seconds, so that the line is not tied up too long. On the right of this screen there is
an option for "Serial" or "Phone #". If you select "Phone #", it will assign the customer's
phone number as the name of the saved file that is their message.
The next step is to select the "Msg Prefix" folder. Click on the yellow folder to the right
of this line, and it will automatically create a folder when a customer leaves a message.
To allow the customer to edit the message the ‘Allow Editing’ box needs to be checked.
There needs to be a message recorded in the ‘Edit Msg’ section. To allow for an invalid
message recording the ‘Invalid Msg’ needs to be completed.
To setup the email option, the ‘Email Recording’ box needs to be checked. This will
allow the wave files to be emailed to a specific email account.
The ‘Email Settings’ tab needs to be filled out with the email information.
Now, hit "Save". This will bring you back to the main template. IMPORTANT - If you do
not "Save", all the work done will be lost.
The next step is to set up the "Hangup 1" function.
Double-click on "Hangup1" as shown above.
Next, record the "Hangup 1" message. This is the message that is played after the
customer has left their message in the "Record 1" portion. Begin by clicking on the
"Tape" button next to the empty line, and then repeat the steps as shown earlier. The
screen above is what you will see when finished.
Now, hit "Save". This will bring you back to the main template. IMPORTANT - If you do
not "Save", all the work done in this portion will be lost.
When you hit "Save", it will bring you back to the Main Template.
At this point the script is essentially complete, but there is one final step that must be
done or all your hard work up to now will be lost. The entire script has to be saved
before you exit ScriptMaker X.
Select the "Scripts" tab at the top of the ScriptMaker X Main Template. This will then
give you a drop down menu. Select the "Save Script" option.
This will bring up the window shown above, and will display the name you gave the
script. Hit "Save". IMPORTANT - If you do not hit "Save" before exiting, ALL your work
will be lost.
CONGRATULATIONS! Your script is now complete, and you can exit ScriptMaker Pro.
To start the import of a database, select the “SpitfireX ListmakerPro” icon as shown
above. Left click on the icon on select the “open” tab from the drop down window.
Select the “Utilities” from the menu as shown above. (Mysql Version)
Select the “Import” from the drop down menu. (Mysql Version)
This will open up the “ASCII import” window. (Mysql Version)
Select the File folder as shown above. (Mysql Version)
Select the text file that you want to import. The default window is the lists folder. If the
files that are being imported are in a different location, browse to the location and select
the files to be imported.
Select the file to import as shown above.
The types of files that can be imported are:
ASCII Comma delimited text files.
Tab Delimited text files.
CSV files.
Once the file is selected, click on the “Open” tab as shown above.
If the text file is Tab delimited, the “Tab Delimited” option needs to be selected prior to
opening the text file.
The “ASCII Data” will be displayed on the Left of the window as shown above. (Mysql
Select the item to be imported as shown above. (Mysql Version)
Select the corresponding field under the “Field Definitions” on the right side of the
window. Click on the box directly next to the field name. (Mysql Version)
The information will be inserted into the field that is selected. Continue this process for
the rest of the fields to be imported. When selecting the ‘Telephone Number’ a box will
appear to select the format of the phone number. (Mysql version)
Select the format that the phone number is configured in the original text file.
Click on the ‘Ok’ tab after the format has been selected. (Mysql version)
To save the new file, select the disk as shown above. (Mysql version)
The ‘Create new/Add to existing list’ box allows the user to create a new list, or add to
an existing list. (Mysql version)
To create a new list, click on the ‘create New’ tab as shown above. (Mysql version)
The next step is to type in the name of the new database, and than click on the ‘OK’
button to create. (Mysql version)
This will back the ASCII import window. (Mysql version)
To start the import, select the green traffic light as shown in the above screen. This will
begin the import process. (Mysql version)
The “Import Results” window will display the total number of records imported. This
completes the import. (Mysql version)
Select the item to be imported as shown above. (Access Version)
Select the corresponding field under the “Field Definitions” on the right side of the
window. Click on the box directly next to the field name. (Access Version)
The information will be inserted into the field that is selected. Continue this process for
the rest of the fields to be imported. When selecting the ‘Telephone Number’ a box will
appear to select the format of the phone number. (Access version)
Select the corresponding field under the “Field Definitions” on the right side of the
window. Click on the box directly next to the field name.
To save the new file, select the disk as shown above. (Access Version)
The ‘Append to existing list’ box allows the user to append to an existing list. (Access
The ‘Ascii Import’ box will than be displayed. The next option will be the ‘scrubbing
feature’ against the internal no calls list. Click on the green traffic light.
To begin scrubbing the file simply click on the ‘Yes’ tab as shown above. (Access
The “Import Results” window will display the total number of records imported. This
completes the import. (Access Version)
The first step is to select the file to be used.
Once the database has been selected, click on the “Open” box as shown above.
This will open the database in ListmakerPro.
Select the funnel tab as shown above.
The funnel will open up a “Lookup” window that will allow for the sorting of a database.
Select the criteria that will be used for the search, and insert the specific information in
the corresponding field.
Click on the “Lookup” tab as shown above.
The results of the search will be displayed as shown above.
Selecting the “Work” option will bring on the searched criteria to the screen.
The selected search will than be displayed on the screen.
The next step is to export the filtered information to a new or existing database, click on
the ‘Utilities’ tab as shown above.
Select the “Export” from the drop down window.
The ‘Export’ box will appear as shown above.
Select the items to be exported, by clicking on the name of the field to be exported.
The next step is to click on the ‘OK’ tab.
To export to an existing list, click on the ‘Export to existing list’ option.
Select the list to be appended to by clicking on the arrow as shown above.
To begin the export, click on the ‘Export’ box as shown above.
The amount of records appended will be displayed.
To export to a text file, select the ‘Export to text file’ option.
Select the box as shown above to create a new text file to export.
Select the ‘Save’ tab to be returned to the export box.
To begin the export, click on the ‘Export’ box as shown above.
The total records exported will be displayed on the bottom right of the export box.
The ‘All Records’ option should only be selected if all the records from the file are to be
The first step is to select the file to be used.
Once the database has been selected, click on the “Open” box as shown above.
This will open the database.
Select the funnel tab as shown above.
The funnel will open up a “Lookup” window that will allow for the sorting of a database.
Select the criteria that will be used for the search, and insert the specific information in
the corresponding field.
Click on the “Lookup” tab as shown above.
The results of the search will be displayed as shown above.
Selecting the “Work” option will bring on the searched criteria to the screen.
To expand on the search criteria click on the ‘Advanced’ tab.
The selected search will than be displayed on the screen.
The next step is to export the filtered information to a new or existing database, click on
the ‘Utilities’ tab as shown above. Select the “Export List” from the drop down window.
The ‘Export’ box will appear as shown above. Click on the folder as shown above.
To export to a new text file, click on the disk as shown above. Select the type of file
“ASCII-Comma delimited or Listmaker format’
Type the name of the file and click on the ‘Save’ box as shown above.
The next step is to click on the ‘Export’ tab.
The above box will appear if the filename already exists.
The total records exported will be displayed on the export box.
To begin importing a database, select the "ListMakerPro" icon on your desktop as shown
above. Left click on the icon and select the "Open" tab from the drop-down window.
Listmaker can also be launched from the Campaign menu if the Campaign is not in use.
The ‘ListmakerPro’ module can be accessed directly from the main campaign window, as
long as the campaign has not started.
Click on the ‘Listmaker’ option.
The ‘ListmakerPro’ module will open up as shown above.
To import from a flat text file from the Federal do not call list and or State do not call
list, follow the following steps. Select the ‘Utilities’ option as shown above.
Click on the ‘Import NoCalls’ from the drop down menu.
To select the flat text file, click on the yellow folder as shown above.
This will open the folder displaying the text files to import. If the list is in a different
folder, browse to the folder thru the ‘MyComputer’ option. It is important to select the
‘Files of type’ option for the correct file type to be imported.
Select the ‘NoCalls’ file for import as shown above. The file shown above is in the flat
text file as provided from the Federal Do not call website. The ‘files of type’ needs to be
the ‘All Files (*.*)’ format.
Select the file as shown above.
Click on the ‘Open’ box open the import window.
The next step is to select the ‘Next’ tab as shown above.
The ‘Import NoCalls’ window will appear.
Select the ‘Migrate to existing list’ option and the ‘nocalls’ file will appear.
Start the process by clicking on the ‘Import’ box as shown above.
The total import will display upon completion.
Click on the ‘Finish’ box to return to the ‘ListmakerPro’ module.
If the file is in a regular ‘.txt or .csv format’, select the file and click the ‘open’ tab.
Click on the yellow folder to select the file for import. Select the ‘Separate area code’
option if the area code is separated from the phone number.
The next step is to select the ‘Next’ tab as shown above.
Select the ‘Choose Area Code Field’ and click on the ‘Next’ tab to continue.
Select the ‘Choose Phone Number Field’ and click on the ‘Import’ tab to continue.
The total import will display upon completion.
Click on the ‘Finish’ box to return to the ‘ListmakerPro’ module
To import from an ‘ASCII Comma Delimited text file or csv file into the Do not call list,
follow the following steps. Select the ‘Utilities’ option as shown above.
Click on the ‘Import NoCalls’ from the drop down menu.
The import screen will than be displayed.
If the file is in a regular ‘.txt or .csv format’, select the file and click the ‘open’ tab.
This will return the import screen window.
The next step is to select the phone number that is to be imported. (Important: this
needs to be a 10-digit number.) Click on the phone number with your mouse.
Click on the box to the right of the ‘Voice #’, this will insert the area code number in the
‘voice #’ field. Continue the same process for the phone number. (Applies if the area
code and phone number are separated)
Select the ‘Yes’ tab to join the area code and phone number to the voice field.
Click on the ‘Disk’ as shown above.
The next step is to select the select the Nocalls list to append this file to, and than click
on the ‘Save’ box.
The ‘File already exists, Append’ box will than appear. Click ‘Yes’ to append to the
Nocalls.mdb file.
Click on the ‘green traffic light’ as shown above to begin the import.
The box above will appear, select ‘No’ as this is to be added to the ‘nocalls.mdb’ file.
The ‘Import Results’ will display with the ‘Total Records Imported’ as shown above.
Click on the ‘exit’ box to exit the screen.
To create a new list, select the “SpitfireX ListmakerPro” icon as shown above. Left click
on the icon on select the “open” tab from the drop down window.
The “ListmakerPro’ screen will appear.
Select the ‘Lists’ from the menu above, and than ‘Create List’ from the drop down
The ‘Create New Database’ box will than appear.
Type the name of the list as shown in the box above. If there will be duplicate numbers
imported (For a test list), the ‘Allow Duplicate Voicephone’ box needs to be selected.
Click on the ‘OK’ box to proceed.
The ‘Listmaker Pro’ window will display the list that was just created.
The first step is to open the file to be used. Click on the ‘Open List’ tab as shown above.
Once the database has been selected, click on the “Open” box as shown above.
This will open the database in ‘ListmakerPro’.
Click on the ‘Add’ tab to create a new record.
The information needs to be inserted in the fields above. The phone number must be
inserted into the Primary Phone field. Click the ‘save’ tab to add the record to the
database. Repeat the above process to add additional records.
To exit out of Listmaker simply click on the ‘Exit’ option as shown above. The test list is
now ready to use.
To create a new list, select the “SpitfireX Listmaker” icon as shown above. Left click on
the icon on select the “open” tab from the drop down window.
The “Listmaker’ screen will appear.
Select the ‘Lists’ from the menu above, and than ‘Create List’ from the drop down
The ‘Create New Database’ box will than appear. Type the name of the list as shown in
the box above.
Click on the ‘Save’ box, this will return the import screen to the display.
The ‘Listmaker’ window will display the list that was just created.
Click on the ‘Add’ tab to create a new record.
The information needs to be inserted in the fields above. The phone number must be
inserted into the Office field. Click the ‘save’ tab to add the record to the database.
Repeat the above process to add additional records.
To exit out of ‘Listmaker’ simply click on the ‘Exit’ option as shown above. The test list
is now ready to use.
To eliminate the need to map the same fields every time a list is imported, the template
option can be used. Select the ‘Template’ tab on the top of the import window as shown
Select the ‘Save’ option as shown above, Make sure that the fields are mapped prior to
saving the ‘Template’. There is no limitation of how many templates can be saved.
Type in a file name to be used for the template, click the ‘Save’ box to continue.
The ‘ASCII Import’ window will be returned.
To select a predefined template, select the ‘Open’ option from the drop down window.
Select the template to be used and click the ‘Open’ tab.
The ‘Phone Number Select’ option will appear when the template is selected.(MySQL
Version) only. Than the ‘ASCII Import’ window will be returned.
To rework records in a database, a list needs to be selected. Click on the ‘Lists’ tab as
shown on the above screen, and click on the ‘Open List’ tab.
Select the list to be reworked.
Click on the ‘Open’ tab to open the list to be reworked.
Select the ‘Utilites’ from the menu as shown above.
Click on the ‘Rework List’ from the drop down window.
A ‘rework’ box will appear with a number of options to enable certain dispositions to be
When the records to be reworked have been checked, click on the ‘Rework’ box to begin
the process. A summary of the ‘Reset’ records will appear upon completion.
This utility needs to be used prior to reworking a list. When using the Time Zone option,
the reset utility needs to be used prior to running the list again. The ‘MySQL Reset’
utility will also give the count of available records in a file.
In order to open the ‘MySQLReset’ utility, right click the icon and left click on the open
option from the drop down window.
This will open the utility window.
Select the list to be reset, with the drop down arrow as shown above.
Click on the ‘Execute’ to run the utility.
When the reset is complete a summary will be displayed.
To exit out of the utility, click on the ‘x’ as shown above.
To rework records in a database, a list needs to be selected. Click on the ‘Lists’ tab as
shown on the above screen, and click on the ‘Open List’ tab.
Select the list to be reworked.
The ‘Listmaker’ window will display the list that was just opened.
Select the ‘Utilities’ from the menu as shown above. Click on the ‘Rework List’ from the
drop down window.
A ‘rework’ box will appear with a number of options to enable certain dispositions to be
A ‘rework’ box will appear with a number of options to be reworked.
When the records to be reworked have been checked, click on the ‘Rework’ box to begin
the process. A summary of the ‘Reset’ records will appear upon completion.
To filter records in a database, a list needs to be selected. Click on the ‘Lists’ tab as
shown on the above screen, and click on the ‘Open List’ tab. The ‘Hit’, ‘Warm’ and ‘Cold’
results can be filtered out of the list, thru ‘ListmakerPro’.
Select the list to be filtered.
This will display the detailed information of the call list.
Click on the ‘Bulls-eye’ to retrieve all the Hits for this list.
Click on the ‘Half Bulls-eye’ to retrieve all the Warm leads for this list.
Click on the ‘Quarter Bulls-eye’ to retrieve all the Cold leads for this list.
To filter the ‘Hits’ by date, select the ‘Reports’ tab as shown above.
Click on the ‘Hits by date’ option to open a search date box.
First enter the start date in the format as shown above, and than click on the ‘OK’ box.
Complete the filter by entering the ‘End Date’ and than click on the ‘OK’ box.
The results will be displayed on the ‘ListmakerPro’ window.
There are two ways to access JobMakerPro. If a campaign is NOT running, open
JobMaker directly from the main SpitFireX Pro window. Select the "Jobs" tab as shown
Select "JobMaker" from the drop-down window as shown above.
If a campaign is already running, JobMaker can only be accessed from the desktop icon
as shown above.
This will open the "JobMakerPro Campaign-1" screen as shown above.
Select the time the job is to start by highlighting it as shown on the above screen.
In order to set up a schedule, a description needs to be typed in as shown above. The
name will be displayed with the start time on the bottom of the campaign.
Select the white background as shown in the screen above and left double click on it to
open the "Schedule Job" window.
"Schedule Job" will be displayed as shown above.
Select the "Start" time that the job is to start. The up and down arrows will change the
time. The "End" time also needs to be selected, as this is the time the job will end.
Next, open the "Script" folder by clicking on the icon next to that line.
The "Script" folder will display all the available scripts listed. Select the script that will be
used in the job.
Open the folder you wish to access by double-clicking on it.
This will return the ‘Schedule Job’ window to the screen.
Next, select the "List" to be called by clicking on the folder next to that line.
Select the database to be used in the schedule.
Then, hit "Open" as shown above.
This will return to the "Schedule Job" window. "Start Type" will default to "Auto Start."
"Job Type" will default to "Answer." This is only for inbound calls. To change the
schedule to outbound, select the "Dial" option.
The Schedule is now ready. The final step is to select the "Ok" button as shown above.
This will bring the main "JobMaker" window back up.
There will be a box inside a blue and red stripe, in which you will see "Dial" and the
name of the schedule.
The days that have been scheduled will be in bold.
To duplicate a schedule over a number of days, select "Weekly" from the tabs on the
side as shown above.
This will open up a weekly schedule as shown above.
Select the schedule that will be duplicated as shown above. It will show a blue bar on
the top of the scheduled event.
Place the mouse on the blue bar so that cursor will change to an up and down arrow as
shown above. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the arrow over to the next
This will duplicate the schedule in the same time slot on the next day. This step can be
repeated for each day you wish to schedule.
Let's take a look now at some of the other useful features of JobMaker. The "Planner"
tab gives a grid of the scheduled events.
The "Monthly" tab will display a calendar of scheduled events.
The "Monthly" tab will display a calendar of scheduled events.
The "Yearly" tab displays the year as shown above.
The last tab on the scheduler is "To Do." This is a convenient To-Do list, which you can
use to make notes on tasks and projects
To exit out of "JobMakerPro", hit the red "X" as shown above.
To activate the schedule, hit the "Off" button on the bottom right-hand side of the
window, and the selection will change from "Off" to "On."
The schedule will be displayed on the bottom along with the start time of the event.
When the job is activated, the stop time will be displayed. Schedules that are set for the
next day will not be displayed till 12:00AM the next day. The scheduler will not activate
if the job "instance" is not open.
CONGRATULATIONS! Your schedule is now activated.
The first step is to make sure the Dialogic boards are running. These are the telephony
boards installed in the server. The software must not be launched prior to verifying
the boards are running as shown in the setup.
Select the icon as shown above
The message that is displayed above is normal and will always be shown when opening
the configuration screen. Click on the ‘ok’ box and this will allow you to view the
configuration manager.
It is very important that the boards be in a running state as shown above before
launching any campaigns. If the computer has just been started, the status may be in a
‘pending’ mode. Click on the blue semi-circle and this will refresh the service.
When the boards have started than it is ok to exit out of the configuration manager, this
is accomplished by clicking on the ‘x’ on the top right of the above box. This will bring
you back to the desktop screen.
The first step is to open “Spitfire X Instance 1” by selecting the ‘Spitfire X Instance 1’
Using your mouse right click and select the ‘open’ option with the left mouse button.
The ‘Disclosure of Responsibility/Liability’ will than appear on the display.
When the ‘Disclosure of Responsibility/Liability’ has been accepted, click on the ‘I Agree’
to continue.
This will launch the Spitfire X Instance 1.
Click on the ‘Lines’ option and select the ‘Line Activity’ from the drop down tab display
the line activity on the desktop.
The above screen will be displayed on your desktop. Depending on your system will
depend on how many lines you have available.
The first step is to select the ‘Line1’ tab on the main campaign screen to select the
amount of lines to be used for this campaign. The above screen will be displayed on your
desktop. Depending on your system will depend on how many lines you have available.
To select the lines for use, simply left click on the number of the line and ‘Green’ is
active and yellow’ is inactive.
The above screen shows 4 lines selected as active.
The next step is to click on the ‘Action’ tab, to select the Script and list for the campaign.
To select the script simply click on the yellow folder as shown above.
Place the mouse on the script to be selected as shown above.
When the folder is open the name of the script will be displayed as a ‘ini’ file. Select this
file with your mouse.
Click on the ‘open’ box as shown above.
This main campaign screen will than be returned to the screen.
The next step is to select the database, simply click on the folder as shown above.
When the list folder is selected the above window will be displayed and all the lists that
are available will be displayed. Select the list to be inserted into the campaign.
When the ‘open’ tab is selected the main campaign window will be displayed.
The above screen will be displayed.
To start the campaign, click on the ‘Outbound’ tab as shown above, than click on the
Green ‘SPX button’ to launch the campaign.
The progress will b displayed next to the ‘Status’ window as shown above.
To stop a campaign in progress, simply click on the red ‘Stop Job’ button as shown
When the list folder is selected the above window will be displayed and all the lists that
are available will be displayed. Select the list to be inserted into the campaign.
When the ‘open’ tab is selected the main campaign window will be displayed.
To start the campaign, click on the ‘Outbound’ tab as shown above, than click on the
Green ‘SPX button’ to launch the campaign.
The progress will b displayed next to the ‘Status’ window as shown above.
To stop a campaign in progress, simply click on the red ‘Stop Job’ button as shown
Click on the ‘Session Stats’ to get real-time statistics as the campaign is running.
To get real-time transfer stats click on the ‘Transfer Stats’ as shown above.
To verify available records of a list, click on ‘List Stats’.
To view ‘real-time line session stats’, click on the ‘Line Stats’ tab.
Viewing the line activity from the actual campaign screen is accomplished by clicking on
the ‘activity’ tab.
The first step is to open “ReportMakerPro” by selecting the ‘ReportMaker’ icon. Using
your mouse, right click and select the ‘open’ option with the left mouse button.
Click on the yellow folder to select the list to run the report on.
Select the list to be used to run the report.
Click on the ‘Open’ tab to select the list.
The first tab is the ‘Lists’ tab. This section provides the complete call detail and
complete list report.
To run a report of the complete list, click on the printer as shown above.
This will display detailed list information as shown above. To run a report of the
complete list detail, click on the printer as shown above
To print labels select the ‘Labels’ tab as shown above.
To print the complete list in a (1x 2) label format, click on the printer as shown above.
The above is a sample printout of the (1x2) label.
To print the complete list in a (2x4) label format, click on the printer as shown above.
To print or save to a file select the ‘Last Time Calls’ tab as shown above.
To select a specific date, insert the date in the box as shown above.
The above is a sample printout of the ‘Last Time Called-All Results’ by specific date.
To save the report simply type in the file name, and click on the ‘save’ tab. This will
save the file as a new ‘pdf’ document.
To print the ‘Last Time Called-Hits’ click on the printer icon as shown
To save the report in a ‘pdf ‘file, click on the disk as shown.
To print the ‘Last Time Called-Hot Leads’ click on the printer icon as shown
To save the report in a ‘pdf ‘file, click on the disk as shown on the above screen.
To print the ‘Last Time Called-Warm Leads’ click on the printer icon as shown.
To save the report in a ‘pdf ‘file, click on the disk as shown.
To print the ‘Last Time Called-Warm Leads’ select the printer icon as shown.
To save the report in a ‘pdf ‘file, click on the disk as shown.
To print or save to a file select the ‘Last Time Calls’ tab as shown above.
To run a report of the ‘Complete call detail’, click on the printer as shown above.
To save the report in a ‘pdf ‘file, click on the disk as shown on the above screen.
To print or save to a file, select the ‘Poll Details’ tab as shown above.
To select a specific date, insert the date in the box as shown above.
To run a report of the ‘List Question dispositioned with Touch Tone’, click on the printer
as shown above.
To save the report in a ‘pdf ‘file, click on the disk as shown on the above screen.
To exit out of the application simply click on the ‘exit’ tab as shown above.
Spitfire X F.A.Q.
A. Started Spitfire dialing and it just says, “Starting Line 1” in
Status and nothing else is happening.
B. Start Spitfire X dialing and it just goes through the list, stops
and you hear a ding.
C. The dialer is dialing but the calls are all going to other in the
Line Stats tab.
D. I set up a job in Jobmaker but it didn’t start.
E. The dialer dials the number, the phone rings, I pick up but
there is nothing on the other end of the line. It hangs up.
F. There are a large number of messages recorded by the dialer
but almost all of them are blank or are not actual people
leaving a message.
G. Cannot get call transfers to work.
H. How do I take a large area code list and split it up by city or
zip code?
I. Spitfire X doesn't seem to be leaving messages on answering
J. The Spitfire X software seems to be stuck, is not dialing and
will not close.
K. The Spitfire X software seems to be stuck, is not dialing and
will not close.
L. How do I check my messages or I don't know where the
messages are?
M. How do I put the National No Calls files into my dialer?
(Access Version)
A) Q: Started Spitfire dialing and it just says, “Starting Line 1” in Status and
nothing else is happening.
A: This could be because of any of the following:
a) You may have had two of the same Instances open when you started your
campaign, which would lock up the Voice Service. Close the Spitfire X software by
clicking on the Stop sign. If it does not close the Spitfire X software, then you will
have to go into Task Manager and close it there. Right click on the yellow
telephone icon in the bottom right hand corner of the screen and click “Stop”. If an
error message comes up, go into Task Manager/Processes and look for something
called SSVL.exe that is running and end that process. Try to start another
b) If you are not using an SC bus card (i.e. a D/41 ESC), make sure that SC bus
Board is not checked in Spitfire X/Options/Preferences.
c) The Dialogic card(s) may not be running. Open Configuration Manager. If there is
not a shortcut on the Desktop for this than click on Start/Programs/Intel Dialogic
System Software/Configuration Manager. If the System Service Status at the
bottom of the screen says “Stopped”, then click on the green button at the top.
Make sure that in Service/Startup it is set to “Automatic”.
d) Something has been installed on the computer that has corrupted certain files
used by the Spitfire X software. You may be able to fix the problem by uninstalling
and reinstalling both the Dialogic and the Spitfire X software.
e) If you do need to reinstall the software, The Spitfire X Quick-Start Guide explains
the installation process. However, it may be that the corrupted files will not be
restored and you may have to reformat the computer’s hard drive to get it back to
its’ original state.
f) If you are using an Operating System other than Windows 2000 Professional or if
you have upgraded from an older Operating System without totally reformatting
the computer’s hard drive, you will have this issue.
B) Q: Started Spitfire X dialing and it just goes through the list quickly and
A: There is a problem with your list. Please check the following:
1. Make sure that the phone numbers have been put into the Office Phone field. This
is the field that corresponds to the Voice Phone column and is the only number the
dialer will dial.
2. The list may need to be reworked in Listmaker. Open the list in Listmaker and
Click on List/Rework List. Here is where you can reset the records to be called
3. Make sure that the phone numbers in the list are 10 digits, no dashes or spaces
and that each record has a phone number in it. Check to make sure the number
you are dialing is not in your Nocalls.mdb or DMANocalls.mdb files.
C) Q: The dialer is dialing but the calls are all going to ‘Other’ in the Line Stats
A: This is either a line problem, your Preferences are not set up correctly, or there is
something wrong with the Script you are using.
1. The most common issue is a phone line problem. Remove the phone line from the
back of the computer and plug that end into a telephone. Try to make a call on the
phone like you normally would and see if it goes through. Don’t just listen for a dial
tone because the line could have dial tone but still not be a working line.
2. Know how you would dial the numbers you are having the dialer call. Go into
Options/Preferences in Spitfire X and look at the Lines tab. any area codes that
require 7-digit dialing (meaning you do not dial the are code, 555-1234) should be
in Local Area Codes 7. Any area codes that require 10-digit dialing (meaning you
have to dial the area code but not a 1) should be in Local Area Codes 10. Any area
codes that are not in either of these fields will be dialed with 11 digits (meaning 1214-555-1234). Always have a 1 in Long Distance and nothing should be in Local
Prefix or Long Distance Prefix unless you have to dial a 9 to or something similar to
get an outside line.
3. For a script problem, open up Scriptmaker and then try to open the script you are
using. If nothing happens when you open the script, i.e. the parts of the script,
Dial, Dial-Answer, Hang-up, Statement 1, Question 1, don’t come up, then the
script.vbs file is corrupted. You will have to create a new script.
D) Q: I set up a job in Jobmaker but it didn’t start.
A: You have to make sure you follow the instructions for creating a Job exactly. Please
look at the Jobmaker Quick-Start Guide
Also make sure that the list you have assigned to the job(s) still has records that can
be called in it. Select the list in Spitfire X Instance 1 and click on the List Stats tab to
see how many available records are in the list.
E) Q: The dialer dials the number. The phone rings and I pick up but there is
nothing on the other end of the line. It hangs up.
A: There are usually two reasons for this:
1. Make sure that when you answer the phone you say “Hello”. This lets the dialer
know a person has answered.
2. The script you are using may not have a wav file in it or it may be in the wrong
format. Open the script in Scriptmaker and make sure the wav file(s) is there.
If it is, then open the file in Wavemaker (click on the cassette tape icon) and if
the file is not in 8000 kHz, Mono, 16-bit, then it is in the wrong format. Click on
the File/Edit From Menu and select the 8000 kHz, Mono, 26-bit format. Then
click the save icon.
F) Q: There are a large number of messages recorded by the dialer but almost
all of them are blank and/or are recordings of disconnect tones, busy signals,
A: The issue is with the script. Open the script in Scriptmaker and click on Question1.
Click the box next to Hang Up On Max Retry Exceeded. Without this checked, every
time the dialer detects a voice (even if it is not a voice) it will go to the Record1 part
of the script and record a message. Also be aware that you will get a certain
percentage of blank messages even when your script is set up properly. This will
happen whenever someone presses the 1 key but then decides not to leave a
G) Q: I cannot get agent transfers to work.
A: The configuration of the Single Question Single Record script is very import for call
transfers to work successfully: The Scriptmaker Quick-Start Guide actually describes the
process to create this type of script. The following information will explain the specifics
on how to make sure to set up the script correctly for call transfers.
1. The 9 key is the button that must be pressed for a transfer to be initiated. Make
sure you check the Agent Transfer (TT 9) box on the right hand side.
2. There are 3 types of transfer processes to choose from. Phone Company Centrex
Service is a generic term for a PBX system. If the lines you are using are going
through a PBX, then this type of transfer will work best. It simulates the Switch,
Hook, Flash process that is done on a PBX phone system. Phone Company 3-Way
calling means that you must have 3-Way calling installed on the phone lines that
the dialer is using. You can test this by using those lines to do a regular 3-Way call
on regular phones. On Board 3-Way calling requires that you have a particular type
of Dialogic card called and SC bus card. Examples of this are the D/41 ESC, D/160
SC and the D/240 SC.
3. All three of these types of transfers require that you record a Transfer Msg that
should inform the customer that they are being transferred to a live agent and to
stay on the line. Also, all three types of transfer process require that the phone
number the customers will be transferred to is put into the Call Number field. This
phone number should be entered exactly as it needs to be dialed. No dashes or
4. For On Board 3-Way Calling there are some other very important parameters: The
Hold Msg must be recorded and this will repeat while the customer is on hold as
many times as is entered into the Hold Msg Loop Times. Also make sure that you
check the Agent Msg, Speak Phone Number box and record a NoAgent Msg. The
Speak Phone box will speak a phone number to the agent before the customer is
transferred to the agent. The NoAgent Msg is played if no agent answers the
transferred call by the time the Hold Msg has played the number of times in the
Hold Msg Loop.
5. The Hold Msg, No Agent Msg and Speak Phone Number Msg only if you have one of
the SC bus board type of dialogic cards.
6. Unless you are using a digital Dialogic card (D/240 SC for example), the agent
must hit the # key on their phone before hanging up the call. If they do not, it will
not release one of the lines used in this type of transfer and the line will be frozen
until you reboot the computer.
H) Q: How do I take a large area code list and split it up by city or zip code?
A: Listmaker can sort the list by several different criteria, including city, zip code or even
street address. Below is the basic process:
1. Open the list in Listmaker and click on the All Contacts tab.
2. Click on the Search button (it is shaped like a funnel). Select the field that you want
to search by enter the information and then click Lookup.
3. Once it has finished finding matches for the information you entered, then click the
Work button.
4. Now Listmaker will display only those records that you told it to search for. Click on
List/Export List to bring up the Export window.
5. You can create a new file to export to(white paper icon) or select an existing
file(yellow folder icon). Once the file is selected, click Save and then Export.
6. Now you can go back to the original list by clicking on the Restore button in All
Contacts, click on All Contacts again and click the Search button again to start
another search.
I) Q: Spitfire X is not leaving messages on answering machines.
a) A: Look at the following reasons for this issue with the understanding that
answering machine detection is not perfect. The following advice will assumes that
your phone lines are working and you are able to send a message to a live person.
b) First, make sure your script actually has an answering machine message and that
it is working properly. Open the script in Scriptmaker, click on Dial-Answer (or
Dial, depending on the type of script) and make sure that there is a wav file
selected in the script. Click on the cassette icon to open the file in Wavemaker and
click play to hear it.
c) Make sure that the Dial Rings is set to 4 or 5.
d) The other setting is the AM detection that can be changed in the Spitfire X
software under Options/Preferences/Lines tab. The default setting is 3 and the
range is between 1 and 4.(not 1 and 9 as it says). The lower the number is set,
the more liberally the software will accept that it is connected to an answering
machine. Note: This setting is design to make adjustments because of the
variability of phone carriers phone lines and answering machines. It would only be
necessary to make an adjustment if the vast majority of calls are either going to
voice or answering machine instead of being somewhat evenly distributed between
the two.
J)Q: The Spitfire X software seems to be stuck, is not dialing and will not close.
A: The voice logic is frozen and it and the lines have to be reset. This is usually because
of a bad phone line causing errors that lead to the voice logic freezing up. Take the
following steps to reset the software and lines.
g) If the Spitfire X software won't close, will have to end the task in Task Manager.
Hit the "CTRL, ALT, DELETE" keys on the keyboard and then click on Task
h) Click on the Applications tab, click on any instances of Spitfire X and then click
End Task.
i) Click on the Processes tab and click on Image Name. Look for a process called
ssVL.exe, click on it and then click on End Process. If a question pops up, click
Yes. Close out of Task Manager.
j) Now we must clear the lines on the Dialogic card. Open Configuration Manager,
click OK if a question pops up and then click the red Stop sign button. After a few
seconds the dialogic card will come to a stop. Then click the green circle button
and wait for the Dialogic cards to start again. Note: If it does not stop and restart
or you get an error then just re-boot the computer and continue on to step 5.
k) Open the Spitfire X software again and start a campaign. It may also be a good
idea to double check the lines with a regular telephone to make sure they are
K)Q: How do I listen to the customer's messages? Where are the messages?
A: Each script has it's own folder for storing message files. It is the MSGS folder and the
pathing to this folder is: C:\Spitfire X\Scripts\YourScript\MSGS. If the folder doesn't
exist, take the following steps to create it.
l) Open the script in Scriptmaker and click on the Record 1 part of the script.
m) Click on the yellow folder to the right of the Msg Prefix box. This will tell the
software to create a MSGS folder for that script.
n) Click on the Save button in the bottom right of the window. Then click
Scripts/Save Script/Save to save the changes you just made.
o) The next time you get a message, the MSGS folder will be created and all future
messages will be in that folder. If you right click on that folder and then click Send
To/Desktop, this will create a Shortcut on your Desktop, which you can use to
listen to the messages.
p) To listen to a message, first go to the MSGS folder for that script.
q) Double click on the file you want to listen to and click OK on the Unregistered Copy
r) Make sure that the settings are 8000, 16 bit, Mono and click OK. Make sure the
last screen's setting are mu-Law 8bit and click OK.
s) The message will be playing and from then on you just click OK 3 times to listen to
the messages.
Note: It is best to not use the Listen button in the top right hand corner of the Spitfire X
software because this only stores message for a particular campaign you are running.
L) Q: How do I put the National No Calls files into my dialer? (Access version)
A: National Do Not Call file instructions:
The file will be in a zip format, unzip it to your hard drive to a place you can find it. For
example, My Documents.
Because the file name is so long and does not have a .txt extension, it has to be
renamed. Go to the file, right click on it and click on "Rename".
Change the name to represent which area code it is for. For example, if the file name
was “205_18_9_2003_wk12mFEHGQ6vdsePJ0zl6w==” then change it to
“205_18_9_2003.txt” (without the quotation marks). When finished renaming, press
Enter on your keyboard.
Now that the file has been renamed, we need to open it in WordPad
Right click on the file you just renamed and left click on "Open With".
Now click on "Choose Program" and scroll down until you see "WordPad". It is going to
near the bottom of the list of programs.
After the file is open, click "File" and then "Save". Answer Yes to any questions it asks
you. Close WordPad. Continue with the next file, if necessary.
The new file is ready to import in Listmaker.
Open Listmaker and click on Lists/Import List
Click on the yellow folder icon in the top right hand corner to select the file you want to
import. Find the folder that you saved the nocalls file in and double click on that file.
You will see the area code and phone number of the first record in the ASCII Data
window, on the right hand side.
Click on the area code first and then click on the small field to the left of Voice#. Then
click on the phone number and again click into the field next to Voice#. It will ask if you
want to Add to Current field, click yes.
Click on the save button to the right of List Filename, go to the C:\Spitfire X\Lists folder
and select the DMANocalls.mdb file.
When it asks if you want to append to this file, click Yes.
Lastly, click on the green light button and it will begin importing. When it is finished you
will have a window telling you how many records were imported.