Creating Assessments in itslearning


Creating Assessments in itslearning
Creating Assessments in itslearning
A teacher can build a test or quiz in itslearning for their students to take online. The test
questions can be aligned to course standards in order to pull reports on student mastery of
standards. The following directions will assist in creating a test within one’s itslearning course.
Setting up the Test & Selecting Options:
1. Go to your course and click +Add in the navigation tree. If
you want the test in a particular folder, click +Add in the
folder you wish to add the test.
2. From the list of elements to add, click Add test. Test is the
very last choice at the bottom of the Activities column.
3. On the Test information page, enter the following
information about the test.
a. Title: Type the title of the test.
b. Introduction: Type the direction for the test. It is
recommended that you use the font colors, size, and
style to make the directions stand out. You can also
insert any reference materials, reading passages, video
clips, etc. here using the Insert or Source buttons.
c. Learning Objectives: Click on Add learning objectives
and select any standards which will be used on the test.
d. Deadline: From the deadline, you can set when the
test will close. You can also check the box to allow
students to submit the test after the deadline.
e. Assessment: Change the Assessment drop down to
Score and if using the gradebook, check the Add to
Gradebook box.
f. Mandatory: Check whether or not the test is
4. Before hitting the Save button, click the
Options tab to the right of the Test
information tab.
5. On this page, there are several testing options that you can select if you would
like to use them.
a. Scoring method: It is recommended that you leave this on Without penalty
so students gain points for correct answers.
b. Criteria for completion:
i. You can set a percentage requirement for the test.
ii. You can have the questions displayed in random order.
c. Question navigation: Set how students are allowed to move through and
see the test questions.
d. Attempts: Set how many times student can take the test. If you select more
than one attempt, you can then select which attempt counts. At this time, it
is recommended that you don’t use the time allowed since it does not
automatically submit student responses if time runs out.
e. Show result to participant: From the show result to participant dropdown, it
is recommended that you select the choices When the teacher decides,
Never, or After deadline. Students will see their scores when they finish the
assessment, but the answers will not be revealed.
f. Use Feedback: Set whether or not you want to provide feedback for
6. Once you have finished selecting your options, click the Save button.
Adding Questions to a Test:
1. If you just completed setting up the test and are ready to add questions, on the
page displayed after hitting Save, click the Add questions link.
OR, if you set up the test previously and are now ready to add questions, click on
the test in your course tree and then click on the Questions tab.
2. If you just clicked the Questions tab, now click the +Add button to see the list of
possible question types. You should see the following 10 question types displayed.
Click on a question type to add that question.
3. Itslearning has 7 general question types and 3 interactive question types. Please
note that the interactive questions do not work on mobile devices at this time.
See directions below about how to create each of the following question types.
Either/or Question: This question is used when there are only two answer choices.
1. Step 1—Type the question.
2. Step 2—From the Choice dropdown, select the template that you wish to
use (Yes/No, True/False, agree/disagree, custom). Click the correct box
to the right of the correct answer choice.
3. Step 3—If you are aligning questions to standards, check the box in front
of the appropriate standard.
4. Step 4—Enter point value for question.
5. Click Save or Save and add new question of this type.
Multiple Choice:
1. Step 1—Type the question.
2. Step 2—In each of the Alternative boxes, type the answer choices for the
question. By default, there are three alternative boxes, but more can be
added by clicking the Add alternative link. Click the correct box to the
right of the correct answer choice.
3. Step 3—If you are aligning questions to standards, check the box in front
of the appropriate standard.
4. Step 4—Enter point value for question.
5. Click Save or Save and add new question of this type.
Multiple Response: This question is a multiple choice question with multiple
correct answers.
1. Step 1—Type the question.
2. Step 2—In each of the Alternative boxes, type the answer choices for the
question. By default, there are three alternative boxes, but more can be
added by clicking the Add alternative link. Click the correct boxes to the
right of the correct answer choices.
3. Step 3—If you are aligning questions to standards, check the box in front
of the appropriate standard.
4. Step 4—Enter point value for question.
5. Click Save or Save and add new question of this type.
Short Answer: This question allows for an answer up to 90 characters in length.
Short answer questions are best if graded by the teacher instead of by the
1. Step 1—Type the question.
2. Step 2—If you want, type in the correct answer to the question.
3. Step 3—If you want, type additional options for correct answers. It is
recommended that teachers do not use automatic assessment since you
cannot edit the question and give students points if the computer marks
the question wrong.
4. Step 4-- If you are aligning questions to standards, check the box in front
of the appropriate standard.
5. Step 5—Enter point value for question.
6. Click Save or Save and add new question of this type.
Open Answer: This question is also called an essay question. Open answer
questions are best if graded by the teacher instead of by the
1. Step 1—Type the question.
2. Step 2—If you want, type in the correct answer to the question. You can
also set a maximum number of words in the answer.
3. Step 3—If you want, type
additional options for correct
answers. It is recommended that
teachers do not use automatic
assessment since you cannot edit
the question and give students
points if the computer marks the
question wrong.
4. Step 4-- If you are aligning
questions to standards, check the
box in front of the appropriate
5. Step 5—Enter point value for
6. Click Save or Save and add new
question of this type.
Select from a List Question: This question allows you give a bank of answers from
which the student selects.
1. Step 1—If you have directions or additional information for the
question, enter it here.
2. Step 2—
a. Type the statement for the question.
b. Highlight the text which will be the answer to the question and click
the Create blank button.
c. To add other answers to the list of choices, click the Add one more
alternative link. Type an answer choice and click the Add button.
Repeat for additional answer choices.
3. Step 3—If you are aligning questions to standards, check the box in front
of the appropriate standard.
4. Step 4—Enter point value for question.
5. Click Save or Save and add new question of this type.
Fill in the Blank Question: These questions are best if graded by the teacher
instead of by the computer.
1. Step 1—If you have directions or additional information for the
question, enter it here.
2. Step 2—
a. Type the statement for the question.
b. Highlight the text which will be the answer to the question and click
the Create blank button. It is recommended that teachers do not use
automatic assessment since you cannot edit the question and give
students points if the computer marks the question wrong.
3. Step 3—If you are aligning questions to standards, check the box in front
of the appropriate standard.
4. Step 4—Enter point value for question.
5. Click Save or Save and add new question of this type.
Match Question: This is an interactive question where the students click and drag
items to match them.
1. Step 1—Type the question.
2. Step 2—Enter the choices and their corresponding matches. You can
enter text, images, audio clips, or video clips. Click the Add matching
pair link to add additional pairs.
3. Step 3—If you are aligning questions to standards, check the box in front
of the appropriate standard.
4. Step 4—Enter point value for question. It is recommended that you
make the point value equal to the number of matches.
5. Click Save or Save and add new question of this type.
Order Question: This is an interactive question where students drag and drop
items in a correct order.
1. Step 1—Type the question.
2. Step 2—In each separate text box, type in the answers in the correct
order. Click Add an answer item to add additional answers.
3. Step 3—If you are aligning questions to standards, check the box in front
of the appropriate standard.
4. Step 4—Enter point value for question. It is recommended that you
make the point value equal to the number of answers.
5. Click Save or Save and add new question of this type.
Hotspot Question: This is an interactive question where students click on an
image to answer a question.
1. Step 1—Type the question.
2. Step 2—Click the Upload a new image link.
3. In the My files page which opens, click the +Upload and insert button at
the top of the page.
4. Click the Browse button to find and select your
picture file.
5. If you would like, select the position of the picture,
add a border, and add text.
6. Click Upload and insert.
7. Once the picture is uploaded, use the selection tools to highlight the
“hotspot” on the picture. You can have multiple hot spots.
8. Step 3-- If you are aligning questions to standards, check the box in front
of the appropriate standard.
9. Step 4—Enter point value for question.
10. Click Save or Save and add new question of this type.
Viewing the Test:
1. In the test, click on the Test tab.
2. Click on the Review Test button.
3. Go through your test.
Editing a Question:
If you need to edit a test question, it can only be done prior to students taking the test.
1. Open the test, click on the
Questions tab.
2. Once the questions tab opens, click on the text of the question to open the
3. Edit the question and click
Activating Test:
By default, an itslearning test is inactive.
To activate the test, on the test tab of the test, click the Activate link. This makes
the test live as soon as you click activate and only closes the test when you click
If you wish to set the exact date and time for the test to be active, you need to go
into the edit test settings. See below.
Editing Test Settings:
Open the test.
Hover over the wheel in the upper right hand corner of the page.
From the dropdown choice, select Edit test settings.
Change Test information and Options settings as needed.
To set the exact time for the test to be opened and closed, scroll to the bottom
of the Test information page and click the Set time span option. Set activate
and deactivate date and time.
Taking the Test:
1. To take an itslearning test, students click on the test link (this could be in the
course tree, in the planner, or wherever teacher wishes to link it in the course)
to open it.
2. Once the test opens, student should read any given directions and then click
Start test button.
3. Student completes the test.
4. After answering the last question, student clicks Complete test button.
Depending on test set-up and types of questions on the test, students may see
their test results.
Grading Students’ Test/Looking at Results:
As students complete the test, their submissions will begin appearing at the
bottom of the Test tab page of the test.
If all questions were graded by the computer, you will see students’ scores.
You may filter the test results by class period by clicking the Group dropdown
Currently, students’ scores appear as points earned out of points possible. We have
asked for this to be changed to percentages.
Currently, teachers cannot edit a test once students have begun taking the test.
Currently, teachers cannot go in and override answers which are counted as
If some questions need to be assessed by the teacher, you will see Not assessed
displayed for the score. To assess questions, complete the following steps.
1. Click the Show button at the end of the row for the student submission.
2. On the page that opens, find the question which needs graded and click on
the Need assessment link.
3. This will open all of the responses from that student, and for any question
which needs the teacher to grade, there will be an Add score box in which
to type a score.
4. After entering scores for those questions, scroll to the bottom of the page
and click Ok and next student to move to the next submission to grade.
Helpful Test Features:
Send Reminders—On the test tab page of the test, there is a send reminders link
that will send out an email to any students who haven’t taken the test reminding
them to take it.
Importing Questions—Questions from itslearning tests can be copied into other
itslearning tests.
a. On the questions tab page of the test, click the import button.
b. Select the course and test which contain the question that you wish to
c. Click Import.
d. From the list of questions which opens, check the questions to copy.
e. Click Import.
Examview Import—Tests created in examview can be imported into itslearning.
See Importing Examview Assessments into itslearning directions within staff
Deleting Student Submission—In the results table, check the box in front of the
student submission which you wish to delete and click the Delete answer button.