TH Ramblings Archive - Trembling Hills Wine Tasters Club


TH Ramblings Archive - Trembling Hills Wine Tasters Club
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
3 A Frayed Knot
5 patrick hill
6 BaroloDude
7 ludd1te
8 A Frayed Knot
10 A Frayed Knot
11 waitinginmanassas
12 castello2
13 castello2
14 castello2
15 A Frayed Knot
16 brooksrivers
Welcome Cindies!
2010‐11‐05 13:16:20
I used to play that game as well , broke a nose I think , plenty of blood,but we called it "kill the piggy ".So count me in. Welcome to all in advance........
2010‐11‐06 00:27:01
icicles, bicycles, 1‐2‐3
2010‐11‐06 04:59:32
Works for me. Thanks for picking up the ball for us!
2010‐11‐06 08:52:58
Just so you all understand...I don't know what the hell I'm doing. My shins hurt from kicking the computer desk and I've got a headache.......It's the same way I felt when I tried to ride my son's unicycle!!
Go Rangers!!!!!
I may have set my clock back a little too far.
Hi, everyone! Hope we can figure out a way to make this work for us!
Am I really here? I'm selling some 09 Coffaro Petite Sirah for 13.88 free shipping for 3!?
2010‐11‐06 09:04:08
2010‐11‐07 10:22:53
2010‐11‐07 20:28:58
2010‐11‐07 23:24:49
@AFk: This looks pretty cool. I guess the word didn't get out to all the cindies but this spot has potential. Who you callin a cindi?
Sorry about your Rangers but the Giants were hungry and apparently destiny was on our side.
BaroloDude: That was a great tasting!
@Patrick: We need a date for your visit. Our local and not so local Vayniacs will have a grand tasting at the Four Seasons in Palo Alto if we can pull it together with our lurker buddy who works there. :)
2010‐11‐07 23:43:56
We're going to need a sober moderator for the late shift. I volunteer! My comments are still in moderation 3 hours later eastern daylite savings time. Where is DR unk?
2010‐11‐08 00:43:38
@castelloaught2~Sorry but the inmates here at Trembling Hills have an early curfew!
2010‐11‐08 08:34:41
Nurse Mildred Ratched: Dear Lord they are back!!!!!!!!!!
Ho1y Cr4p....look to the left look to the of us is missing
Coupe 60....was found dead today of blow hot smoke up his/her 4$$.....
Thanks for putting this together
2010‐11‐08 08:47:52
18 Gary Vaynerchuk
The community that would never die! I like it. Get out the doritos and naugahyde bean bag chairs!
I hope one day i can explain myself to you guys 1 by 1.. I am super sorry if I hurt anyone and the last thing I am worried about is me or WL or our business, I want you guys to know who we are as a collective group, again I am sorry
19 A Frayed Knot
@Gary~Under normal circumstances, apologies are neither encouraged nor allowed here at Trembling Hills (very old rules)........however.....these being extraordinary circumstances. I'm sure we can make an exception!!
2010‐11‐08 11:23:45
20 WineBabyWine
I'm so confused! Where am I? Who am I? Where am I supposed to be? Where did I come from? What the heck is Trembling Hills? Why do they tremble? I wanted privacy & now I'm signed up on every website imaginable! Who needs a Coach Outlet coupon? Oh, wrong website. :)))
2010‐11‐08 12:06:07
17 landshark928
2010‐11‐08 09:47:29
2010‐11‐08 11:18:48
22 winebabywhine
@WBW~Just a temporary haven (did I say Haven....good juice!) to avoid e‐mail tag....lots of Cindies (myself included) have been using the WL forum (am sure someone there can help with the avatar thing), but all are not yet comfortable there......Trying to keep from losing anyone!!
Look how easy this was to get an avatar up here... I spent an hour last night on WL... still couldn't do it... and I was WATCHING Avatar on HBO!!! I don't get the resizing stuff. and i don't have a MAC. Oh well.. EVERYONE knows what I look like anyway, right?!
23 A Frayed Knot
This pretty much sums up the last few days........
2010‐11‐08 13:16:08
24 patrick hill
@castello, about my date , blonde ,brunett, I'm not that picky. Does she have a nice cheek, I like a nice cheek,
2010‐11‐08 14:02:06
21 A Frayed Knot
25 BaroloDude
26 castello2
27 BaroloDude
2010‐11‐08 12:15:06
2010‐11‐08 12:28:08
Castello and i hit a great tasting at K&L RWC on Saturday. About 6 Chiantis and Supertuscans from Rocca di Montegrossi, poured by the Baron Marco Ricasoli Firindolfi himself. And then a set of 7 Ca Del Baio barbarescos from Piedmonte! A moscato (only 5.5%) and a Rocca Di M Vin Santo that was OUT OF THIS WORLD to cap it off. The Baron even brought some olive oil from the estate that was the creamiest stuff i have ever had in olive oil. It was cool that some of the chiantis and supertuscans were early samples and not released yet. the 2007s are going to be GREAT from this estate. Even better than the 06s (more elegance less power)...the 07s were more power with complexity and some elegance. More of those tastings K&L!!!!
2010‐11‐08 14:46:58
Patrick, the cheeks will be fine cheeks indeed. BYOCheeks!
BDude did you get any Vin Santo? Olive Oil?
2010‐11‐08 14:50:35
had to buy the Vin Santo. I will get in trouble for that....
2010‐11‐08 15:11:35
1 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
28 BaroloDude
29 patrick hill
30 patrick hill
last night, ate at my first Michelin TWO star restaurant, Manresa in Los Gatos.
Good food, incredible service. Some of the choices a bit funky for me, but i tried them anyway. Special 7th anniversary dinner for me and the mrs. We brought one of our best Pinot Noirs, a Lynmar 2005 Five Sisters.. which is their highest end PN made only in special years. outstanding. one of the best PNs I have ever had easily. Went with the food well too. Cheers all.
@bdude , happy anniversary
@castello, I'm narrowing it down , sending my little girl and middle guy to disney over the thanksgiving week with their aunt and uncle .......
Speaking of Havens AFK, that's what I drank this weekend, yum! As an aside, in my LWS they had lot 120 there.. no sale.. somewhere around $18 if I remember correctly.
32 winebabywhine
Congrats BDude & Mrs. BDude!
I didn't get an email from cindy or WL today about offers... is that going to start happening again?!!! Aaaaggghhhh~!
33 brooksrivers
BD wow happy 7.........bless you for many more!!!
WBW Lot 120 is like Lot 172 Atlas Cab which just sold out. I have 4 of Lot 172...picked up during the 20$ off for 4 hours.. For you hoarders they still have the large format 1.5 liter of the 2006 and 2007 Havens Merlot Reserve 28 bones..Lot 202....I am so tempted to grab more to store for 2014 and beyond..179 is still me if you need help with odering..Mrs Brooks is going to check me in to the above...with all the Havens wines I have
What exactly is this blog and who has been invited.....I like the ease of this
I thought I would be (Mel) Brooks/(Joan) Rivers on this blog
31 winebabywhine
34 castello2
35 luddite
36 BaroloDude
37 johnrtheantishill
38 A Frayed Knot
39 Mig
40 SCKen
41 castello2
42 castello2
43 BrunelloBob
BRivers: Clever. Did the mass email that was going around include this site?
I think I got invited to be a moderator by AFK but not sure how to go about it. The late night folks need to be live! Maybe you can disable the moderator stuff till we find a threat, or figure out how to do it.
@BaroloDude: Congratulations to you and the Mrs. on reaching the infamous 7 year itch milestone! It only gets better now!
Re: Rocca di Montegrossi Vin Santo: White dessert wine? Last vintage 2001?
Sounds like a perfect evening!
2010‐11‐08 15:14:09
2010‐11‐08 15:26:44
2010‐11‐08 15:44:46
2010‐11‐08 16:21:52
2010‐11‐08 16:32:51
2010‐11‐08 17:14:40
2010‐11‐08 17:27:05
2010‐11‐08 19:43:52
yes white dessert wine, usually very light colored, but this stuff had a whiskey/amber color, due to oak and no filtering. Much richer, caramel influences than a normal Vin Santo. Insane stuff. 2001 is the vintage. Only a few bottles left at K&L. 80 bucks‐ish for 375ml. The Baron was a very friendly guy. Makes you want to buy his stuff. His basic CHianti CLassico for just under 20 bucks was a real winner with me and Castellini‐o.
2010‐11‐08 20:08:58
Seems I must be late?
2010‐11‐08 20:44:53
Whoa!!! The anti‐shill rises from the ashes!
2010‐11‐08 20:59:59
Hello all. I'll probably get tired of everybody calling everybody a douche over there and start posting here. In any case, this is a nice effort. Regards,
2010‐11‐08 22:20:22
AFK ‐ Nice job setting this up. You guys are killing me! How many different sites am I going to have to check out to keep up with everything? Can someone explain to me why Gary keeps apologizing, but has yet to post a good explanation for taking away our forum on the Cindy site? Does anyone here know the real reason? It can't just be about transparency.
2010‐11‐08 22:48:40
No free shipping?
2010‐11‐08 23:04:48
Welcome SC, JohnR, Mig and even the Lude Dude! Agree Ken, all we need is a real explanation!
Can I get and anagram here?
Hey Boys & Girls!
(If I'm dead, this must be heaven)
If this flys, AFK is a shoe in for the Winos Hall of Fame!
Any chance at getting these links added?
The Empire sit has been "sputtering"‐you never know when deals will show up and whether they'll be any good, but it's worth watching. The uncork site has had some really good wines, including the Castello Banfi Sant' Antimo Excelsus that I think BDude was promoting (expires 9AM eastern today). Looks like they are going to 6 bottle minimums though.
2 of 958
2010‐11‐09 00:34:03
2010‐11‐09 06:17:30
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
46 luddite
Re: the Rocca Di M Vin Santo, I've not been wowed by the 2‐3 Vin Santos I've had. Was this one much better than average?
Do you mind sharing the cost? I cringe, if it got you in trouble...
2010‐11‐09 07:47:40
BTW: I love being able to come here and just run down the list of discount sites.
Cripes, I'm turning into BuffaloLou. When do I get promoted to "Super‐Poster"?
(need smiley face‐‐Love ya BLou!)
2010‐11‐09 07:50:18
@BrunelloBob: Welcome, so glad that reports of your death have been greatly exaggerated!
2010‐11‐09 09:46:55
47 BrunelloBob
@Luddite: It's a Miracle!
Though I seem to have been transported to an alternate universe...Is this where Mobius comes from??
(Can we do "@" here or will the friggin' moderators rain down upon us???
44 BrunelloBob
45 BrunelloBob
49 BrunelloBob
@BrunelloBob and all~ In browsing through other wordpress sites/blogs, there is a lot that can be done with these things. The problem is, I'm pretty low tech and it would take me a long time to figure it all out. I may be the biggest luddite of us all (I don't even own a cell phone or have cable television haha). I can add anyone as a moderator/editor and they can add/ edit things on here. If anyone wants to do that, send me an e‐mail (knotbillthecat at gmail dot com) and I'll let you drive the Wilkerson bus. Hurry, before I put this thing in the ditch!!!
AFK: You're not gonna kill me again are you :(
I thought I was the last one in America that didn't own a cell phone...
50 A Frayed Knot
@BrunelloBob~I once spent over an hour driving around looking for a pay phone......finally found one but it just stole my money. I decided, or my wife decided for me, to buy a cell phone.......couldn't keep up with it, forgot to charge it, never remembered to turn it on.......gave it to my wife and told her, "If you want to talk to me, you are going to have to find me!" I haven't owned one since!
48 A Frayed Knot
51 BrunelloBob
52 luddite
53 castello2
54 luddite
I miss payphones(and outhouses, and whale oil lamps, and horse drawn carriages).
Now, if I hafta make a call, I have to ask someone to borrow Their cellphone. It is cheaper, however....
@BB: Moderators, we don't need no stinking moderators ;‐)
Cell phones are a pain in the butt although mine does come in handy because it has a led flashlight.
@all: Anyone spotting good deals on wine sites please post your recommendations as I am under a GVIWBM for the foreseeable future!
57 BrunelloBob
I would really like to see this take off as the official Cindy posting site!!! GV you don't need to apologize, we all understand its about biz, I hope that you can write a Chapter in the next book about loyality, as I am sure you have learned that loyality in biz is the most important relationship! You guys really need to get on JJBuckleys insiders deals, 90& of my buys are there, really nice stuff.
@Johnr: Thanks for the recommendation and I am on Buckley's list. Only bought twice so far as shipping to the right coast takes a week and can be dicey during hot or cold times. Also last I checked they didn't ship to VA so have had to make other arrangements...
Bring your fiance over, we'll buy her a drink!
Whatever happened to: "We'll never sell lower than the first time a wine is on Cindy"
Not minding that they're doing it (lower is always better), just that they said they wouldn't. Making up the rules as we go along, I guess.
58 BrunelloBob
johnr: What do I need to do to get on Buckley's insider list? Will just signing up on the website do it?
BTW, did you just shill for JJ Buckley???
55 johnrtheantishill
56 luddite
2010‐11‐09 10:04:34
2010‐11‐09 10:11:59
2010‐11‐09 10:16:34
2010‐11‐09 10:29:33
2010‐11‐09 10:37:41
2010‐11‐09 11:21:50
2010‐11‐09 11:26:48
2010‐11‐09 11:34:52
2010‐11‐09 11:49:48
2010‐11‐09 12:16:20
2010‐11‐09 12:24:00
2010‐11‐09 12:30:20
BBob‐send me your email and I will sent it to Buckley, it is a referral only service. * the only person I shill for is my lovely wife
luddite, you need to come to the NC cindy tasting in Dec, you can't be too far, we are only 30 from the VA line!
I was thinking, maybe some of the wineries were refusing to sell to WL/Cindy because of the comment/Community section? WTSO has much better offers since March and April, when most people agree that Cindy started to throw up shit.
59 johnrtheantishill
2010‐11‐09 12:44:04
3 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
60 BrunelloBob
@JR: I'll drop you an email later from home. I can't link off this page from work.Thanks. Hope you get something out of the referral? :)
RE: The discussion assignment, I keep saying there's something we're not being told. My current, operative theory is that the Cindy board just didn't pan out the way the demigod wanted it too. It was supposed to be a spot to discuss (read: help sell) the current Cindy offer. It degenerated into a discussion about hokey, baseball (how the Yankees Suck), deals on other sites etc. I think the motivation for the change is an effort to "tame" the run away discussion.
But ask me again tomorrow, I'll have a new theory....
2010‐11‐09 12:52:20
61 BaroloDude
hey BBob... this Vin Santo is somewhat "atypical" in that it was so dialed up... so if you don't like Vin Santo traditionally styled, then this is the one to try. But its not cheap (80 for a 375ml)... and the vintage is running out online... 2001. K&L might still have one. I think they direct import RdiM
2010‐11‐09 12:53:36
62 luddite
@Johnr: Thanks! Keep me posted on the date for the NC Cindy tasting in December. Appreciate the invite...
2010‐11‐09 15:36:21
64 castello2
@ Bbob, how would moving to a Social Networking site (Facebook) tame the discussions? Since that was the intent of shutting down Cindy in the first place, not moving us to WL. To me, FAcebook would completely disrupt ANY type of wine discussion b/c most people wouldn't contribute & thus fade away as they don't want their bosses, coworkers, family, exes, noseybody acquaintances, and friends to know how much & what they are drinking at any given time. And if anything, the WL forum is 100 times more offensive than anything ever posted on Cindy. In fact, it's moderators are actively breaking many of the terms of agreement... and in theory, would much quicker dissuade wineries from selling to WL. Just sayin'
2010‐11‐09 15:58:57
Gary, can you hear us? Good one Winebaby!
2010‐11‐09 16:09:42
65 BrunelloBob
Hi! How are You? I am fine... :)
I'm assuming, for purposes of this discussion, that the demigod Vaynerchuk is not evil incarnate and that he has a reason for what he does, other than simply smashing the hopes and dreams of the Cinderella forum members.
So, let's call it "eliminate", rather than "tame", the runaway discussion. Once the forum is moved to facebook, it's off the Cindy offer page. From there, it's easy enough to eliminate the link and sever the community completely from the business end of Cinderella. What happens from there is of little consequence.
Heck, this is a conspiracy theory based on incomplete facts, not scientific law...
BTW: I did not mean to imply that the Cindy discussion was offensive, just that it got away from it's original purpose. I had as much to do with that as anybody. Yankees Suck is my line, repeaded ad nauseum.
63 WineBabyWine
2010‐11‐09 17:29:17
I really can't fathom any reason worth alienating thousands of loyal customers over a "transparancy" or taming a board. Demigod is a profits guy, you don't risk profits unless you cornered by larger circumstance. IF Winery A, B and C refuse to sell to you because you might liquate THEIR brand on Cindy for half and then have dumbass JohnR publicly destroy your wine, Who would want to sell too you. They would bounce to WTSO, which have had great deals. We all know peeps used to shill for WL, this could be the ultimate shill move, corner everyone on the WL forum. I do like the MASSIVE CINDY SALE which has NOTHING I would remotely consider buying. The silence from WL is really interesting.
66 johnrtheantishill
67 BrunelloBob
68 johnrtheantishill
So JR: How do I email you on this Buckley thing?
2010‐11‐09 17:57:05
2010‐11‐09 18:01:42
2010‐11‐09 18:19:19
4 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
69 A Frayed Knot
Space Truckin
performed by Deep Purple with a Ruby Rim
We had a lot of fun on Cindy
We always had a ball at nine
Meeting all the groovey people
We've rocked the internet so far
We danced around the fire with Lou
We're space truckin' round the web
Come on, Come on, Come on
Let's go Space Truckin'
Come on, Come on, Come on,
Space Truckin'
Remember when we rode the bus
And Mobius led the way
We'd move to that well known reststop
And everynaut would dance and sway
We got music in our solar system
We're space truckin' round the stars
Come on, Come on, Come on
Let's go Space Truckin'
Come on, Come on, Come on,
Space Truckin'
The Cruiser that we rode was moving
2010‐11‐09 19:19:47
70 luddite
@A Frayed Knot: Ah the memories, the Molly Pitcher rest stop on the way to the Temple. Good times...
2010‐11‐09 19:27:07
71 patrick hill
@ bdude , check out uncorked if you will, I know it's not high end , but is it any good , is it a go ?
2010‐11‐09 19:57:50
I guess I really meant Bbob ,but take either rec. . thanks
2010‐11‐09 20:03:39
I wouldn't do it. WL was pushing that stuff a month or so ago, I forget the price. It's pretty much a no name. You can get very good, rated 04s for another $15 or so, or wait on the '05 deals that are coming. Great RdM is available for $20‐$25 that I would trust more.
2010‐11‐09 20:50:03
Thanks C2~!
You guys rock btw...and thanks AFK for this forum... I like the links posted at the top... kinda like having a menu to choose from.
And I'm so glad BBob is alive in this world at least! I think he should make a comeback... how about a nice Michael Jackson Thriller video?!! :)))
2010‐11‐09 21:27:16
Thank You , Mr. Bbob , I remember seeing that label floating around somewhere.
2010‐11‐09 21:46:40
BrunelloBob is dead, has been found to be a hoax by Scotland Yard. BrunelloBob is the author of the best selling book" The Golden Road of Unlimited Devotion for Brunello Lovers" . The left‐handed drinking brunello lover was recently found on CellarTracker and at a LWS. Although over the weekend, clues of empty brunello bottles were found by his home. Clue hunting proved infectious and within a few days had become an international phenomenon. One recent WLTV episode played backwards revealed “Yankees suck forever" in Bob's voice. On the Cindy album, Sangiovese Fields Forever...the record albums reveals BrunelloBob dressed as Grand Duke Leopold II, in bear feet, however his toes were purple from a labor intensive feet stomping of grapes. Detectives were able to piece together another important discovery tonight that BrunelloBob last post was written during an anxiety attack. While unknown to his friends, BrunelloBob, due to the CW midnight relocation controversy (See Cleveland Browns ‐ 1995) had experienced a "New Coke" flashback from his childhood.
Well known Cindy poster Barolo Dude claimed that while sitting in a Piedmont vineyard while waiting for UPS truck deliver, that he in fact was the Grapeman. BaroloDude had experienced a Governor Sanford moment walking aimlessly in the Italian Alps. BaroloDude experienced an identity crisis due to a hoax reported to him, that the San Francisco Giants were moving back to Harlem in NYC.
2010‐11‐09 23:27:08
snap... bare feet
2010‐11‐09 23:30:43
2010‐11‐09 23:35:47
hey wbw..hope all is well....I just came back from a business trip...i must have had about 10 diet cokes..can't sleep..I have gained like 5 lbs. over this CW change and BD and BB missing....mobius is on a roll....i almost fell outta my chair tonight
2010‐11‐09 23:41:50
72 patrick hill
73 BrunelloBob
74 WineBabyWine
75 patrick hill
76 Brooksrivers
77 Brooksrivers
78 WineBabyWine
79 Brooksrivers
5 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
80 castello2
Space Truckin! Music in our solar system,,,,oh yeh. round the stars......Come ON! Makes me feel young again. Do I have any wild lettuce?
I thought it was BBob got ran over by Ups truck, was it Bdude? Purple toes is a good sign?
Del Dotto Merlot was singing tonight. Or is that me? Thanks loud red boa
2010‐11‐10 01:50:03
81 BaroloDude
Castellio... knew it would ring your bell. The Plumpjack will be solid too, but that Del D is at its peak. Let me know when you buy a few Sammarcos and I will trade again... ;‐)
Keep on rockin' in the free world people. Neil lost a warehouse full of old memorabilia today in a fire. Sad.
Tonight: opened a 2005 Lynmar QUail Hill Chard. Deeeeeelightful! Headed to RRV on FRI. Cannot wait to pick up my first Williams Selyem allocation, visit Littorai and Lynmar. Cheers all.
2010‐11‐10 03:10:16
83 castello2
Brooks... too funny! Like Sanford, I have wandered to South America (Chile though) for a month once, but before I was married or last committed in any way. And I came within feet of the Italian Alps several times, but stayed on the Swiss side of the passes because the switchbacks were much more fun to drive on the Swiss side and i had a good rental car. ;‐) Someday I hope to get to the Alto Adige! Love the post!
2010‐11‐10 03:22:28
BDude: I thought I told you I didn't get any Castello Dei Rampolla Sammarco! Just because my name is on the bottle big time. You're right, I shoulda bought a case!
2010‐11‐10 03:56:03
84 BrunelloBob
I gotta get on West Coast time, you guys are cracking me up,
@Brooks: Good to hear from you, whatever the nom du jour is! Thanks, as always, for the attention!
82 BaroloDude
85 BrunelloBob
86 Brooksrivers
87 A Frayed Knot
88 luddite
89 BrunelloBob
RE: Uncork Deals
After sending a couple of emails looking for shipping info on an order placed 11/2 (Tinazzi Amarone della Valpolicella Doc 2005), I got the following response:
This item is back ordered and somehow label was printed.Sorry about that.
This item will be coming again within 2 weeks.You can either wait or ask us to refund and we will do.
Just letting everyone know this can happen with them. They're pretty much just starting up, so I'm not writing them off yet. gv wants to be a comedian!!!!
@Brooks: Thanks good stuff... By the way Art Modell sucks!
:) he‐he‐he :)
Is the demigod developing a bald spot in back?
Inquiring minds want to know!
Here's a stick it to ya offer, from my new friends at UnCorked:
2010‐11‐10 06:05:34
2010‐11‐10 07:31:00
2010‐11‐10 07:52:41
2010‐11‐10 08:43:08
2010‐11‐10 09:07:54
2010‐11‐10 09:23:49
Chateau Mont Redon Chateauneuf Du Pape Rouge 2004
Suggested Retails: $49.99
Corked Competitors: $32.59 (with shipping)
Uncork Deals: $19.97
Free shipping on 6
90 BrunelloBob
Of course, it may be on back order...
2010‐11‐10 09:26:40
6 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
91 A Frayed Knot
92 BaroloDude
93 Brooksrivers
94 luddite
95 WineBabyWine
96 A Frayed Knot
97 johnrtheantishill
OK boys and girls.......I've opened a new page for wine related articles that you, the inmates, have written. You may notice that there is currently nothing on the page!
Sooooo, here are your assignments:
BB and BD~I'll need an essay on Brunello and‐haste!!!
Sir Brookrivers~I'll need an article on the unfortunate demise of Havens wines!!
Luddite~Your assignment will be a treatise on the dangers of modern technology on the wine world!
WBW~You are in charge of grammar and spell‐check!
Castelloaughtdos~An essay on choosing champagne for wedding celebrations!
JohnR~Just keep fighting off the shills!!
‐ can write what ever you please and e‐mail it to me knotbillthecat at gmail dot com!
Any questions about assignments can be directed to Nurse Ratchet at
FYI~There have been quite a few lurkers these last few days, traffic is through the roof.....we may need to move the
bus to make room for more parking!!
2010‐11‐10 09:36:58
Hey Castellooooo oh you told me you didn't buy any....yet. its still there at the special price i think. We can start calling you Sam Marco.
2010‐11‐10 11:01:15
yes King Friday...Havens wines from Havens B to Lot 202...Uncle Albert to WBW...the burden of buying great wines at 3.99 to $20
2010‐11‐10 11:08:21
Whoa @Mobius works for a bank in the area of consumer loans. Good to know... I'm a consumer and may need to borrow additional funds to keep my wine buying addiction going ;‐)
2010‐11‐10 11:59:29
A blank page? Spelling & grammar check done, no mistakes! Go Team!
... hey...
can we get CH Wine website link added to this above?
2010‐11‐10 13:02:18
Update on "SEARCHER"code for free shipping at Wine Anthology. Just tried it....still active!!
2010‐11‐10 18:14:42
@AFK....I've fighting the shill NYpete hand to hand in a phone both!
2010‐11‐10 18:53:49
2010‐11‐10 18:59:52
102 BrunelloBob
@JohnR~Wow!!!! You found a payphone? Check and see if it really works......then let me know the location!!!
when GV said he'd like to talk face to face about his reasons for shutting down the board , all I could think about was, ONE of us was going to have to stand on a wine box.
I hear 5'3 is the new 6 foot!!!!! I am 6'1, I'd gladly kneel in the presence of the DemiGod, to hear him verbally assault adjectives and pronouns...JR
wow another uninteresting super cindy week offer. yawn.
What was the last Cindy offer you guys got excited about?
just curious
103 BrunelloBob
For me, it was probably the Loring Pinot. OK savings but only 3 for free shipping, and a wine I really like.
2010‐11‐10 21:14:54
98 A Frayed Knot
99 patrick hill
100 johnrtheantishill
101 BaroloDude
104 A Frayed Knot
105 johnrtheantishill
106 johnrtheantishill
107 patrick hill
108 BrunelloBob
2010‐11‐10 19:18:35
2010‐11‐10 20:27:53
2010‐11‐10 21:04:30
2010‐11‐10 21:07:54
I set up a new page "Wine Review AKA Disclosure". Tell me what you guys and gals tell me what you want on here and I'll try my best to make it promises, but I'll try! I'm going to start a new comment page at 100 posts.......may make it easier to browse through.
2010‐11‐10 21:16:26
shit my last Cindy purchase was Jan 14, the Rudi Pichler.
2010‐11‐10 21:18:28
This just in.........another forum move in the works.....4th in 9 days.....but you can pre‐order the demigods new book, the F%$^&‐You Economy, or How I destroyed a Community.
2010‐11‐10 21:21:00
@Bbob, just got my shipment of Sea Smoke P.N. today. Have you ever had this ? Kinda pricey, but so is the Loring , right ?
2010‐11‐10 21:22:44
Johnr: The Pilcher WAS a Good buy.
AFK: If you click on Inmates File 101 under recent posts, it will take you to the last post on this file. Sure you want to start a new file rather than let it keep flowing?
2010‐11‐10 21:23:26
7 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
109 BrunelloBob
110 johnrtheantishill
111 A Frayed Knot
112 BrunelloBob
113 johnrtheantishill
114 BrunelloBob
115 johnrtheantishill
116 patrick hill
117 patrick hill
118 johnrtheantishill
119 BrunelloBob
120 johnrtheantishill
121 BrunelloBob
122 BrunelloBob
123 johnrtheantishill
125 A Frayed Knot
126 patrick hill
127 patrick hill
128 castello2
129 BaroloDude
PHill: The high water mark on the Loring is $45 from the winery. They put out sample packs 1‐2x per year, the last worked out to like $20/bottle but you took what they gave you as opposed to picking your vineyard.
I'm really not a pinot guy, but I'm dying to try the Sea Smoke. Hear so much about it.
What vintage sea smoke 08.....I didn't take my allocation due to smoke taint issues, grabbed some lillian and bedrock instead.
@BB~Yea, I may keep it running the way it is right now......a lot of things I haven't figured out how to do the way I would like to..........just feeling my way around in the dark.....
Is the 2008 Sea Smoke Confirmed to be smoke tainted?
Ironic... :)
I heard that most if not all RRV and north had some smoke taint, closer to the ocean was less of an issue. Some declassified whole vineyard close to Healdsburg.
Don't some people like a little smoke?
Any chance some of these wines could be really interesting, once in a lifetime experiences?
Or is that wishful thinking? I really don't have a horse in the race, just curious.
Considering 08 Napa is probably better than 07, and confirmed by my experiences barrel tasting, why chance it on over priced Pinot? Someone just called out Cindy "LOWEST PRICE" mantra on the HVD tonight, Cindy is getting shitty.
Sea Smoke is in Santa Barbara County .St. Rita Hills
Once he runs thru all the retreads ,he'll shut down Cindy too..... It hurts the BRAND ,it's all about the BRAND , mini trump
I didn't pissing off the customers was a brand thing?
PHill: First into the lifeboats?
DemiGod's first;then women and children!
2010‐11‐10 21:25:43
2010‐11‐10 21:25:58
2010‐11‐10 21:26:36
2010‐11‐10 21:27:33
2010‐11‐10 21:30:06
2010‐11‐10 21:34:23
2010‐11‐10 21:36:39
2010‐11‐10 21:37:08
2010‐11‐10 21:40:26
2010‐11‐10 21:41:33
2010‐11‐10 21:42:24
Now he is refusing to honor the notso Secret Price of 29.99 FS on 3 price!
2010‐11‐10 21:43:53
That site has always needed a dedicated manager. Someone that can chase deals, coordinate, answer postings. Splitting the job up among 5 people causes problems. The demigod should call me and ask me how to run his $60M business :)
2010‐11‐10 21:50:14
@JR: That kind stuff causes loss of credibility...
oh, wait...
2010‐11‐10 21:51:36
GV: I know the solution to our problems, Facebook!
KMurph: Facebook, Right!
Sasha: Vat ist Faceeebooch?
Sasha: Juss Liike Sincidallar Vine?
GV: Yup, Over‐Hype Crappy Wines for no profit!
2010‐11‐10 21:54:10
I just put up a link for Artisan Wine Depot's Last Call section........I've only purchased from them the Havens 2005 Merlot for $6.99........looks like they still have some left (till Brooks buys it all).......shipping was kind of pricey.....besides that, no problems!
2010‐11‐10 23:01:20
I don't really mean disrespect to GV , it was more of a joke ,a crack at his expence.I just think it was shity the way the forum was yanked ( Yankee's suck) out from under us all. I wish him well in his VanerMedia thing , I'm sure he'll do well. This brand thing though , I've never bought a f%$#ing tie , book , colonge, or vodka by some branded celeb. I know it's more of a consulting thing , but you have to PROTECT THE BRAND. I wasn't a big buyer of cw/wl , but I have been for buying for about 5 years. I live in Chicago and there's plenty of competion for my wine dollars 2010‐11‐10 23:34:35
Castelooooooo, what does the week after thanksgiving look like ? Less l's and more O's? like a tues. tru fri. Whaddya tink ?
2010‐11‐10 23:44:31
Every year is smoky at smoking loon, I mean see some smoke. At least the edumucated one knows of where he speaks. Thanks PHill! That sounds like a good week. Where is my calendar?
Pino is overated! Merlow all the way!
Good point BBob!
Lighten up JR! We're trying to talk to folks and have a little fun.
I like the HDV! This price is right in a Giant fans wheelhouse! If I order 2 tonite and 3 on Friday can I get free shipping on the second batch?
nice article about CA wines in NYC‐bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2010/11/07/FD0S1G6MQS.DTL
8 of 958
2010‐11‐11 01:03:29
2010‐11‐11 02:01:40
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
130 BrunelloBob
131 patrick hill
132 BrunelloBob
133 A Frayed Knot
134 Brooks
135 A Frayed Knot
136 luddite
137 BaroloDude
138 A Frayed Knot
139 johnR
140 BrunelloBob
Good article Dude.
A couple of points that I think it's missing:
1) Until recently, people (myself included) wrote off California wines based on QPR. The wines I want are crazy expensive and frequently allocated. It's just not worth the cost/hassle. With the economic downturn and the rise of the internet sales sites, that has changed somewhat.
2)Compared to the rest of the U.S., New Yorkers are more "aware" of Europe . It's easier to get to France or Italy out of JFK than just about anywhere else. East coasters are more likely to vacation in Europe. To get to Europe, you SanFran guys need to fly across the US first, but you have Napa in your backyard, New Yorkers don't...
2010‐11‐11 07:38:20
for anyone who cares, uncorked has the Havens MERLOW up now
2010‐11‐11 09:51:55
@AFK: Far be it from me to give anyone any homework assignments... :)
I really like the banner with the links to all the discount sites. I'm wondering if it would make sense to add a second banner with other useful sites (non‐sales sites). These come to mind:
Wine Searcher‐
Cellar Tracker
Robert Parker’s Vintage Chart
Wine Enthusiast’s Vintage Chart
I'm sure people can think of others...
In Flanders Fields
By: Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD (1872‐1918)
Canadian Army
In Flanders Fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
Take the time to thank a veteran today!
2010‐11‐11 11:17:40
2010‐11‐11 11:43:37
How do I post a wine article that i would write on Haves Wines on this blog link to the right hand side............thanks 2010‐11‐11 12:08:09
@Brooks~Just e‐mail it to me and I'll put it in there............after I grade it of course!
2010‐11‐11 12:23:28
Under useful links, Wine Enthusiast Online Buying Guide:
2010‐11‐11 12:31:23
another good link to post would be
2010‐11‐11 12:37:23
Where's Mott? it up!
2010‐11‐11 12:43:21
@AKF...I just used that in my US History class yesterday, World War I ended 11/11/18 at 11am. And yes, the generals were ordering attacks at 10:59am. Last american combat death was 10:59am in the Argonne Forest, shot by a sniper. sad
2010‐11‐11 13:01:15
AFK: RE: Flanders Fields, Amen.
One of the most moving experiences I've ever had was standing in the American cemetary in Normandy. There I am, twice the age of most of the deceased, coming off an unbelievable week in Paris‐‐an experience they never got to have.
2010‐11‐11 13:05:47
9 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
142 BrunelloBob
My grandfather was a paratrooper. He met my grandmother and they were married in Dijon during the war. My mother was born there. I have yet to visit.......but hope to someday! My grandfather is now 91 and my grandmother is 87. Thank you Hubert!
2010‐11‐11 13:11:46
Was your mother a paratrooper too? :) he‐he‐he!
Nice job on the "useful links", Thanks.
Mott and I aren't on the best of terms. I wouldn't count on him for much...
2010‐11‐11 13:15:46
143 A Frayed Knot
@BB~No, but I'm sure there were a few times when she would have liked to push him out of a plane!
2010‐11‐11 13:18:34
144 BrunelloBob
Hey! Someone tell Corkscrew we're doing "links", that's right up his alley! (
We gotta find a way to get more people to check this site out/post. Maybe the demigod will do something stupid...
oh, wait...
Was anyone quick enough to get any of the Silver Oak from Winery Insider?‐collections/#Scroll
2010‐11‐11 13:29:43
2010‐11‐11 20:30:55
147 A Frayed Knot have created the ultimate wine web site...this could be dangerous....this is great...I will need to have all my credit cards locked away from me...thanks again...PS did not buy any SO, I was helping my daughter with her hw when I got two emails and a cell phone txt..hahahah this is all great fun.
On the subject of really don't want to turn yours in know how Nurse Ratchet
is..........shock therapy and all that!
148 BrunelloBob
Is Nurse Ratchet Hot?
Saw the Silver Oak, but I missed the Napa offer. I've never had it and chickened out on the second offer.
I suck.
141 A Frayed Knot
145 A Frayed Knot
146 Brooks
149 WineBabyWine
150 BrunelloBob
151 A Frayed Knot
152 BrunelloBob
153 A Frayed Knot
2010‐11‐11 19:07:43
2010‐11‐11 20:37:32
2010‐11‐11 20:49:28
Ok, I am stumped... how do you "like" this page? I don't see any link to do that, yet 4 people have.
WBW: Believe it or not, and I may be wrong, but i think it's a "facebook thing"
2010‐11‐11 21:10:11
No it's not a facebook's an "I messed up something earlier today" thing! Let me see if I can fix it.
Thank goodness...
OK....I give up on the like thing.......note to self: Consult with "self‐declared high tech genius son" when he gets home from work! In the mean time...........I like you too WBW!
2010‐11‐11 21:15:16
2010‐11‐11 21:11:56
2010‐11‐11 21:16:59
2010‐11‐11 21:45:50
Ok sick as dog....Flu...etc....I sit on a large exercise ball at my desk...keeps my back straight and works the muscles....yup..i guess it can do all as I am typing about 20 minutes ago...I hear a hiss sound for 1/50th second...and pop the ball explodes...I fall on the wooden floor like a bag of wife rushes in as she hears a loud crash....gets me ice...advil ....and them links up the following. Mrs Brooks will be at the House of Laughs for two shows on Thursday and will be at Chuckle Butts on Saturday...good night all
154 Brooks
2010‐11‐11 21:59:13
:) AFK!
HOpe you feel better soon Brooks! You have had your share this year, haven't you? I think you've had your 3 now.
ONe more question on CH... so I said that my LWS has LOT 120 in stock for $18, it's a Cab... but I can't find info on it on the website... there's no mention of that Lot number at all... and I called today to confirm it with my LWS that that was the lot number. I may try to pick one up this weekend to try it out. But I'd like to know more about it. Any ideas where I could find this?
155 WineBabyWine
156 A Frayed Knot
157 A Frayed Knot
158 luddite
Night all!
2010‐11‐11 22:41:55
@WBW~Try this
2010‐11‐11 22:56:01
Hey,'s a Texas campfire! Enjoy!!
2010‐11‐12 00:26:02
@all: To get to the latest comments first, go into the archives "November 2010." Then again, maybe I was the only one to come here and hit newer comments... repeatedly!
@Brooks: Even sick as a dog your sense of humor is alive and well...
2010‐11‐12 09:47:45
10 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
159 Johnny C
160 BaroloDude
Elio Grasso barolo alert on wine access ‐ all‐in delivered about $62/bottle for a four‐pack delivered (two from each of their main vineyards) ‐ not bad, vs. $69 for pick‐up at WL...
2010‐11‐12 10:26:54
johnny C, when i go to wineaccess, i don't see that deal. is there a link? do i have to be registered with them to see it?
2010‐11‐12 10:31:28
You're right ‐ not up on the main site. I can email it to you right now if you can get me your email.
Just remembered I have your yahoo email ‐ will shoot it now...
(2) 2005 Elio Grasso Barolo Gavarini Vigna Chiniera AG 92 points
(2) 2005 Elio Grasso Barolo Ginestra Vigna Casa Mate AG 92 points
2010‐11‐12 10:33:45
163 luddite
30% coupon = GIANLUCA30
2010‐11‐12 11:09:04
164 BrunelloBob
Anyone have any experience with deals like the "Good Wine Cheap, Party Box" on Winery Insider?
B squared...nope sorry but if it leads to a toga party...count me in
Gotta have some cheap stuff for the in‐laws... :)
but no, they aren't Greek
Toga! Toga!
Trader Joe's....for the outlaws...and my cheap wine guzzling friends...they have a i am redman..not the eggman
it works for like 10 good
Welcome to my cellar. Help yourself, not very crowded in there!
No Trader Joes in Connecticut, but I'll keep an eye open on my next trip to Boston. Thanks
B squared..
2010‐11‐12 11:58:25
161 Johnny C
162 Johnny C
165 Brooks
166 BrunelloBob
167 Brooks
168 BrunelloBob
170 BrunelloBob
Brunello di Montalcino
WTSO good or bad deal please thanks
Good deal. Absolutely Legit producer, a good one to know.
Not the greatest vintage, but not hosrrible
171 A Frayed Knot
@BB~Here's a good cheeper and keeper.......‐3253‐raoul‐clerget‐cotes‐du‐
rhone.aspx great for the holidays, and the outlaws! Finished off a bottle last night!
169 Brooks
172 BrunelloBob
173 A Frayed Knot
174 A Frayed Knot
Thanks AFK
The Rhone's a recent discovery for me. It may singlehandedly change my opinion that you can't get decent red, cheap, out of France.
Had this a wesk or two ago:, really liked it
@BB~That sounds like a good one ,too. I'll have to try it!
Coupon alert!!!!........Cameron Hughes....20%off till the 16th..........code SHARE2010
2010‐11‐12 10:35:40
2010‐11‐12 12:04:27
2010‐11‐12 12:08:08
2010‐11‐12 12:27:29
2010‐11‐12 12:39:04
2010‐11‐12 13:02:27
2010‐11‐12 13:11:05
2010‐11‐12 13:12:01
2010‐11‐12 13:19:59
2010‐11‐12 13:22:28
2010‐11‐12 14:07:28
179 Brooks you are fast...thank you
I just grabbed 4 each of the 1.5L lot 175. (2007) ..1.5L lot 202 (2006)...1.5L lot 202 (2007) and 12 of the 375ml merlots just to fill up two cases for FS..the 375 ML are like 5.6 net .I had the bottles delivered to my frined in NYC area so I can bring the 1.5 liters for a taste off...Merlot night with the NYC cindies when we take over that Elks Club or Summit Hotel again....the little guys are a steal at 5.6 net
obtw the Lot 202 2007 reserve has 9 bottles left....see i left some...
2010‐11‐12 14:27:42
I can't keep up with you big spenders but I do need to try the lot 200. In for three!
2010‐11‐12 15:14:13
if in for three of lot 200 you will need coupon "1service1" or if first order "insideclub" getting only 10% off...however no fs...try "2revisit" for 20% and see if it still works for you
2010‐11‐12 15:21:10
Thanks Brooks! I thought it was too late but I called them and they let me use the 2revisit code. I think that's 20% or 16 bones off of the 3x28=$84. Bam! Still gotta pay the tax and shipping I guess but what the hell. What was the scuttlebutt about who has nothing under $100 with 100 points? There can't be more than a few or two or one. Screaming deal?
2010‐11‐12 15:35:39
great hahaha....sorry..the code is "2revisit2" u r just a good man to get it
2010‐11‐12 15:52:16
180 castello2
Next time just tell them Castello sent you..not.... I got lucky I think. She was saying no discount for those three new wines,,I said what about the 1st timer deal,,no,,, then she said what code do you have and I picked from the three you mentioned,,,, 2revisit and she said yep that works!
2010‐11‐12 16:00:15
181 luddite
@AFK, @Brooks: Appreciate the CH coupon codes, now accepting advice for what lots are the best to buy?
175 Brooks
176 castello2
177 Brooks
178 castello2
11 of 958
2010‐11‐12 18:31:26
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
186 Brooks
fwiw , did you notice there isn't a comment section under WLTV anymore , it's probally been missing for days ,I don't keep up with it.
@Patrick! Hit some more buttons! You'd better keep up
I've been hitting buttons all F@#$ing day , and they all seem to be the wrong ones !!! Time for a couple pints I tink.......
Patrick: You Deserve some Brunello!
if you buy two cases free shipping
My ranking for 750ml bottles
Lot179 750ml is the Havens Black and Blue for 12/net for 2007 it is a steal
Lot 178 750ml is the Havens Hudson Syrah for 9 net is a steal also
Lot 193 750ml is the Havens Hyde Vinyard Merlot 11.20 a good deal
Lot 169 750 is the Napa Valley Merlot is a good deal too
If you want to cellar for a while grab a bottle of each 1.5 liter
Lot 202 (2006) Lot 202 (2007) and Lot 175 2007 my ranking order
To get to two cases add as many Lot 175 375ml at 5$5.6 net
the key is the 375 mlwhich are stupid at 5.6 delivered to get free shipping
they cant make money shipping the 375ml at $5.6
187 BrunelloBob
Given the Havens bankruptcy, how confident are you guys that the 2007s will be as good as the 2006s? Did quality go down as the end appeared? Has anyone had any yet?
Does anyone know if there's a 2007 reserve carneros merlot? If that fruit was rolled into the regular bottling...
182 patrick hill
183 castello2
184 patrick hill
185 BrunelloBob
188 Brooks
189 castello2
190 Brooks
191 Brooks
192 BrunelloBob
193 Brooks
194 BrunelloBob
195 Brooks
196 luddite
197 johnR
198 castello2
All St Suprey 3.o Liter alert on WTSO I grabbed one as a Christmas Bigt for my Biz partner 99.o 1 for fs
How do I get on your Xmas list? that's a big ass bottle!
BB...Havens Left in March of 2008...Havens is old world wine
Lot 202 (2006) 1.5 Liter and Lot 202 (2007) are both advertised as Havens Merlot Reserve
Sourced from both Beau Terroir and Hyde Vineyards. If you appreciate the great wines of Bordeaux's Right Bank but love the explosion of Napa Valley fruit, you will find these wine's right up your alley
I have enjoyed Havens Reserve Merlot 2006 from the 375ml bottle 88‐89 IMHO
Lot 179 Black and Blue is the real deal...I was shocked to see how approachable it concern is that it was a 50/50 blend as opposed to 62% Syrah and 38% Cabernet Sauvignon for the 2005 and guess the new owner had a hand in this.
Lot 193 is a bit more tannic than the Lot 202....but still solid Havens Merlot. I have had the Lot 175 Napa Merlot which is a bit smoother but less deep than the other two merlots.
Lot 178 I did have one bottle thst sang but one that was off...for $9.80 the wine still worked.
Mr. C...hahah..I store all my wine in his wine cellar...and I have worked with him over 20 years!!! The best biz partner on the planet! Brooks score 100!!
Heck of a thorough answer Brooks, Thanks.
You should be President of the HSC.
rush chairman of HSC
2010‐11‐12 19:41:53
2010‐11‐12 19:45:12
2010‐11‐12 19:49:58
2010‐11‐12 19:57:05
2010‐11‐12 20:01:48
2010‐11‐12 20:05:44
2010‐11‐12 20:12:37
2010‐11‐12 20:16:02
2010‐11‐12 20:21:49
2010‐11‐12 20:24:03
2010‐11‐12 20:26:21
I have to say I have over 275 bottles of Havens...all different sizes, years and grapes they cost from 3.99 to 19.99 except for 3 bottles of 2005 b and b from CW at 35...I love the little bottles for a glass for me and a glass for me....hahahahah....a great QPR but not for everyone...I think I will grab a 375ml of the 2004 Syrah for tonight. I am watching "Pride of the Yankees" :)
2010‐11‐12 20:30:46
Love that the most expensive stuff you got came from The Library...
Nice try baiting me. As much as I HATE the Yankees, Lou Gehrig will Never be mocked by this author. He's the one, legitimate thing they have in their history to be proud of. Absolutely humbling to see that kind of courage.
Leftover night here. Finishing off a BV coastal cab lovely wife started last night. Not bad for the price I paid but not a Havens deal. Next is the last of a Peachy Canyon PS. Again, not bad but not terribly inspired. Gonna have to be something special tomorrow.
2010‐11‐12 20:37:02
heading out to CVS for drugs....The syrah costs 3.99 with ship of 2 was 6 bucks...the orange juice at au bon pain costs more ;)
2010‐11‐12 20:40:15
Agree with @BB and second @Brooks for President! Thanks. Grabbed 12 Lot 175 375s, 6 lot 193, and 6 lot 178 all under $200 with the friends and family coupon. On a side note Citibank declined my purchase of the Ondarre from WL saying they suspected fraud since my card had been used to buy too much wine today. So now I'm under a BIWBM LOL!
2010‐11‐12 22:14:34
I couldn't buy ondarre today, WL's system refused to give me the Cindy price.
2010‐11‐12 22:28:33
@ludedude: I wish my bank would do that. :)
2010‐11‐12 22:45:25
12 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
201 BrunelloBob
@johnr: Well I "got" the Cindy price OK (only bought it because I saw you were in, always a strong buy signal for me :‐) ) but the charge was from Steklen & Walker vs. Wine Library and Citibank, ever vigilant, declined it. I only found out when WL emailed me that my card had been declined...
Johnr...that is such worked in my cart...they did not answer your email request to change.that is wrong...i was joking obviously about the pavie..if that was the spelling
"BIWBM" : Line of the weekend? LMAO
202 johnR
I highly doubt that WL was purposely trying to screw me, probably a unique event in their system. JJ buck's private deal was better, 1997 Merryville @ $37, so I am not heartbroken, its just thats its been a long time since I bought from WL and was excited to grab the reserve, I have the regular to taste. Phredd and I split two cases of lot 200 and lot 189, so I am kinda in limbo land at home.
2010‐11‐13 10:32:54
199 luddite
200 Brooks
203 BaroloDude
204 A Frayed Knot
205 Brooks
206 luddite
207 BaroloDude
208 BrunelloBob
BEST weather ever experienced in Russian River Valley this weekend. Friday we went to Littorai to pick up wine, and get a tour and tasting (acidic PN, made for aging for sure... the Heintz CHard and the Haven PN were the best for 08)... then to Rochioli for a picnic lunch, with a GREAT bottle of their Ranch Red (60% Syrah, 20% Petite Sirah, 20% Zin)...wish i had bought some of this, it is GREAT stuff. Then on to Williams Selyem to pick up my first allocation, but frankly it was an odd and a bit put offish experience. I think these guys are a little too full of themselves. Then off to Lynmar for a late tasting and hanging out on the comfy furniture on the porch out back. Great day overall. Wish you all were here. Cheers.
Wine is Poetry
Wine is poetry in a book made of glass.
It begins life all tannic, astringent, and bitter.
Like words thrown together, disjointed and crass.
But lain on its' side, with time for thought,
Words become phrases and these become lines.
Lines take on order and meanings are sought.
When all is complete and time is just right,
The book, it is opened. The poem is released.
Then aromas flow forth to great delight.
The poem is poured out for all to take part.
Rhymes may develop, while stanzas stay neat.
The poem is consumed then taken to heart.
Inspired by this quote from Robert Louis Stevenson, "Wine is bottled poetry."
@AFK: Here's to the new poet laureate of Trembling Hills!
2010‐11‐12 22:56:22
2010‐11‐13 00:01:20
2010‐11‐13 06:57:28
2010‐11‐15 00:08:53
2010‐11‐15 00:51:36
2010‐11‐15 09:52:36
2010‐11‐15 11:00:39
OK, on the old forum, there were a few Riesling freaks out there.. here is a question... I might serve one of the nice Pichler rieslings at Thanksgiving... do you decant it? and if so, how long etc...
2010‐11‐15 12:25:24
Bdude: Good question. I don't see why not, but I've never done it. Any help in the cellar tracker notes? Anyone mentioning decanting?
2010‐11‐15 12:35:16
13 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
THis article is cracking me up. Astrology as a guide for choosing which wine to drink?
For those of you with birthdays at this time of year, here is what the article states:
October 23–November 21
Passion, desire and danger all feature prominently in the lives of most Scorpios (after all, the sign is modeled after the scorpion!). Intense, sometimes brooding and blessed with a lust for life, Scorpios are attracted to the big, bold flavors often found in South African Shiraz like the 2006 Muratie Ronnie Melck A Tribute ($60).
209 BaroloDude
210 luddite
211 patrick hill
November 22–December 21
Outgoing, exuberant and generous (sometimes to a fault), Sagittarius is an excellent party planner, and is often the go‐to person for advice (or a shoulder to cry on). The Sagittarian has a naughty sense of humor, and is amused by novel things and ideas. Rosé wines, like the 91‐point Château les Valentines 2009 Rosé from the Cotes de Provence ($25) is a great pick for this fire sign.
2010‐11‐15 12:58:57
@BaroloDude, Re Riesling: @Chippewa comes to mind but unfortunately I haven't seen him around since "The day the Cindy wine forum died" :‐( Perhaps someone here has his email?
2010‐11‐15 13:48:35
I fear that we'll never hear from chippy again , unless we bump into him at Binny's ...
2010‐11‐15 15:16:32
218 patrick hill
Bummer...does anyone have his email about Kurt and Chitown DOTG??? what other chi/wis Cwers we are missing....binnys is a great place and have gotten some nice stuff from them
2010‐11‐15 15:44:39
Brooks, after a long exhausting search by my computer assistant, voila.
Kurt ,
Ben, (chitown DOCG )
Now if I knew how to add them I would, help somebody ?
2010‐11‐15 16:17:46
@ BBob and Bdude , here's the short list of what I picked up this weekend let me know what you think , producers, price , vintage , ageing , etc......
06 Uccelliera BdM 50$
06 Villia Antinori Toscona Rosso 16 $
06 Castello di Bossi Chianti Classico 16$ (that's my buddy's name )
I won't bore you with the rest , mostly cheap stuff and uhmmm BEER
2010‐11‐15 16:31:35
PH great work!!!!
2010‐11‐15 16:43:05
Calling @BaroloDude: Corino Barolo 2005 WS92 on uncork deals @$24.97 with FS on 6. Believe the general rule of thumb is to buy Barolo under $25? Still would value your opinion!
2010‐11‐15 16:56:56
I am not familiar with Corino ... :‐( I am usually weary of Barolo below 40bucks... the description looks good though. Is it worth getting 6 though for FS, or can you just buy one or two and pay reasonable shipping? Do you really have that much occasion to drink Barolo? Those are the bits of advice i would have. Maybe Joe G can lend some advice...
2010‐11‐15 17:26:19
I've never ordered from uncorked yet , but isn't their premise that you can try the wine before you pay ( 15 days before you get charged) and they will pay shipping on unopened returned bottles. Worse case senario is that open one and find out . Sounds too simple .
2010‐11‐15 17:35:47
219 luddite
@BaroloDude: Thanks! Always appreciate your input. Found a review by Mr. Stingy:
2005 Giovanni Corino Barolo
"By Stephen Tanzer
Stephen Tanzer's International Wine Cellar, Nov/Dec 09
($45) Good deep red. Expressive aromas of currant, plum and coffee. Suave and perfumed, with a saline suggestion giving this wine a distinctly savory character. Has the fruit intensity to support its firm tannins. 89 points"
2010‐11‐15 17:36:47
212 Brooks
213 patrick hill
214 patrick hill
215 Brooks
216 luddite
217 BaroloDude
my stingy makes it sound like its a barolo worth 25 bucks... but 6? It will be good, but it won't blow you away. Here is another good deal, prob a better wine, but yes you are paying a bit more (from Wine House):
2006 Vietti Barolo Castiglione
Release Price $67.00
Wine House Price $38.99
Robert Parker 92+ Points
220 BaroloDude
or my perennial "cheap" favorite Ratti Marcenasco...
14 of 958
2010‐11‐15 17:42:00
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
221 luddite
@Loud Red Boa: (Yes I miss the grams among many other things) Thanks, I will check out the Vietti Barolo Castiglione. Interesting that Uncork Deals left off the part of the WS review that states: "best after 2013." Guess they didn't want to dissuade buyers that are not inclined to cellar for 3+ years! But they also left off the best part: "Designation: Highly Recommended."
2010‐11‐15 17:56:00
223 patrick hill
Mr. Hill:
Home Run on the 06 Uccelliera BdM. Is that a future? 50$ is a good price for a great producer in what's supposed to be a great vintage. I haven't seen it reviewed yet, got anything?
I'm not a Villa Anntinoro fan but it's a respected wine and, again, you're buying into a good vintage.
I don't know the chiant,i but would pick it blind over the Antinori.
@ Mr Bob , please, no need to be so formal , unless that's your sense of humor, which I welcome . After closer inspection BdM is in fact an 05 and thanks for the reveiw I could go broke buying anything with @ Castelloooooo's name on it !!!
224 BrunelloBob
It's the hat, dude.
Commands respect.... :)
Nothing wrong with beer, BTW, though I've got expensive tastes. If you ever run into Celebrator Doppelbok...
222 BrunelloBob
225 Brooks
2010‐11‐15 18:46:38
2010‐11‐15 19:30:43
2010‐11‐15 19:41:48
AFK....hey thanks again for pulling this together...a very nice place to drop in...How many former CWers are aware of this slice of heaven on earth..we gotta get them to post here...hahahahahahah....i just saw the Molly Pitcher stamp is the only rest area in the world that I know by name
2010‐11‐15 20:07:51
Hello Cindies! Thanks for the invite AFK! I am swamped with work and am going to have a baby in the next two weeks, but it's nice to say hello to you all. I have decided to stay up late doing a very belated Q3 report because my boss just told me I need to hire a finance guy. One by one he is taking away all my menial tasks. Eventually all I will do is yell at people on the phone, travel, and engage in long term planning. That sound hard and stressful. I like the drudgery. If I don't spend my days working on spreadsheets, hanging our on hold with American Express, and shopping for laptops, how will I have time to research wine?
As for disclosure, I'm drinking the CH Lot 202 right now. Interesting nose, definitely a Havens merlot, but it is very acidic right now. This puppy needs some time. I was more excited about the 202 than the 193, but after trying both, I think the 193 has more potential. That guy is a beast. It could be one of the biggest Havens Merlots I've had. So much going on, but a little bit locked down at the moment. It took three hours to really start to show. I think the 178 and 179 are showing much better right now. I just don't know how long I'll be able to hold off on drinking all those cute little splits. I have them in my office and I'm just tempted to grab them like a juice box.
226 Jovino
227 luddite
Since there was some riesling discussion I need to make a pitch for the wine I had last night, Clusserath‐Weiler Trittenheimer Apotheke Riesling Spatlese 2005. Very dry, great nose, all the tropical fruits without anything @Jovino: Welcome, looking forward to your WineAccess recommendations in particular. Glad you're here!
Hey all,
Sent an e‐mail to Cameron Hughes......told him who we were and where we came from.......even told him how crazy the inmates were! I invited him to submit something for the site if he was so inclined. Here is his response.....
Hey Tim,
2010‐11‐15 21:57:12
2010‐11‐15 22:52:32
Let's stay in touch for sure and many thanks for your support. Buried
right now but if I think of something I have to get out then I'll write
something up for your forum. If there is anything in particular you think
your readers/members would like to hear about then let me know.
228 A Frayed Knot
229 BrunelloBob
230 BrunelloBob
231 luddite
You heard the man........give him an assignment!
Jovino Lives! And he's pregnant!
Welcome to the underground...and lay off the booze a bit until you deliver, 'k?
( I can still do queer little smiley faces!)
Dedicated to Mott:‐9F_z0B2TA
15 of 958
2010‐11‐16 01:15:55
2010‐11‐16 07:29:50
2010‐11‐16 07:30:21
2010‐11‐16 08:17:24
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
Dear Cameron,
Hi. Please let me introduce myself. I am Rush Chairman of the Havens Sluts Club. I received this title when Wine Library was "giving" away Havens Bourriquot 2005. I am also an inmate at Trembling Hills; a place where the insane enjoy wine and knit humorous cumberbuns. I have over 350 bottles of Havens/CH Havens bottles; as such, I am getting professional help. If your travels take you to Chicago or Boston please let us know, we can get a group together and make a dent in the stash.
I love CH Wine Lot 60 Stags Leap Cab; what a steal. A very nice Cab which I have played several blind tasting sessions with neighbors vs. Stags Leaps Wine Cellar Artemis. After the neighbors get over wearing blind flolds, it is a fun event. :)
Ok. I went a little nuts on the CH Wine Havens wine 225 bottles with my college roommate. I love the 375ml bottles. Ok Is lot 179 Black and Blue or Velvet? I have both 2005 vintages of Black and Blue and Velvet. The blend is 50/50 (like the velvet) not the 62%/38% of the 2005/2006 for Black and Blue. Also please share with us if there are any signs or other Havens collectors items that we can purchase from you. I would love a 3L or 6L bottles for the grand kids. Please note, I do not have any grand children but I do need to think about wine estate planning.
Winos of the World Unite,
Glenn aka as Brooks
232 Brooks
233 luddite
2010‐11‐16 08:38:25
Just received an email from Hookedonwine (thanks goes to @Brooks) they are offering a Camus vertical going back to 1974 (not all years are included):
Other verticals include Silver Oak, Shafer, Dunn, Groth, Stag's Leap, Cakebread, Diamond Creek, Whitehall Lane, Jordan, Jarvis, Kenwood, Far Niente, Heitz, Spottwoode, Lewis Cellars, Turley; and the list goes on and on.
2010‐11‐16 08:39:19
If you did not have a chance to drink a coffee this morning:
234 Brooks
now you are up!!!! :)
2010‐11‐16 08:41:14
239 luddite
Luddite...thanks goes to WineMagnet....he turned me on ....Hey where is Carl, did we invite him...I love that guy...FL
wine slut (and closet HSC member like Schmitty) for sure...guys...I just had three cups of coffee..I am trying to break the BuffLou posting record....more coffee..plse pass the machine...
2010‐11‐16 08:46:42
2010‐11‐16 08:47:04
2010‐11‐16 08:49:42
Anyone have any experience with the "Magic Packs" on Cellar Thief?
Deal or No Deal?
@Brooks: You are now a "wine Newbie", congratulations...
2010‐11‐16 08:59:02
@BB what say you? Podere Salicutti Brunello Di Montalcino Piaggioni 2003
Price: $59.99
2010‐11‐16 11:06:51
240 Johnny C
Barolo Dude ‐ why did you have to call my attention to Vietti? I feel like I wound my way through their entire US distribution this morning... Found a nice price on 2003 Barbaresco Masseria ($50) at a usually high‐charging place (Grapes of Norwalk)... Gonna be all Vietti'd up here in a week or so...
235 Brooks
236 Brooks
237 Brooks
238 BrunelloBob
16 of 958
2010‐11‐16 11:20:53
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
241 BrunelloBob
242 BaroloDude
243 BaroloDude
244 BrunelloBob
245 BaroloDude
246 BaroloDude
247 BrunelloBob
Sorry Ludds, I got nothing on that wine.
I stole this, though:
Wine Advocate
Salicutti’s 2003 Brunello di Montalcino Piaggione is simply gorgeous. Delicate, perfumed aromatics emerge from the glass, followed by suggestions of sweet red cherries, tobacco, smoke and underbrush. Medium in body, the wine possesses superb length and finessed tannins, in an understated style that relies more on finesse than sheer power. The use of oak is subtle and masterful. The Piaggione was fermented in stainless steel, where it subsequently underwent malolactic fermentation. The wine was then racked into 5‐hectoliter French oak barrels, then 10‐hectoliter Slavonian oak casks and finally a 40‐hectoliter Slavonian oak cask. In 2003 the wine spent two years in oak as opposed to the standard three years as proprietor Francesco Leanza thought the warm vintage had yielded a wine that was best bottled sooner rather than later. That certainly looks like a wise decision as the Piaggione is without a doubt one of the vintage’s high points. Unfortunately total production is just above 5,000 bottles. Anticipated maturity: 2008‐2018.
Score: 93. —Antonio Galloni, April 2008.
I'm not really buying the 2003s. There's so many great 2004s, 2005s will/are discounting hard, 2006s are supposed to be Great, 2007s...But a quick wine searcher check suggests that's a very good price and that's a good score from AG..
I'm waffling on this one. I guess if you drink a lot of Brunello and want something different, not easily found, go for 2010‐11‐16 11:59:23
@johnny C... the best value Vietti makes is there Barbera d Asti Tre Vigne... WL has it for 15 bucks and the 2007 is KILLER. The La Crena is good too...
2010‐11‐16 12:05:13
*their ..... for all you spellcheckers out their (Sic) ;‐)
2010‐11‐16 12:06:09
"I’m not really buying the 2003s."...though I did buy the Altesino the other day...more of a value play though. :)
2010‐11‐16 12:06:55
2010‐11‐16 12:15:16
uh oh Brooks, on that link provided just below, if you click through to California, i spy some 05 Havens‐states‐california‐c‐1_2_9_15.html
2010‐11‐16 12:43:44
If anyone's interested (and a cheapskate like me) Wine Spectator is allowing access to their entire site for Free through 11/28. Nice chance to check out their wine ratings, including drinking windows, on anything you're holding or interested in.‐2010
2010‐11‐16 13:13:01
252 luddite
@BB~Thanks for the heads up!! Like an old Ukrainian friend used to tell me, "Free is a pretty good price!"
"Bad Poor; Desiring a Port" (also gram)
from Wine Magnet we got an email offer of 144/case for Havens Velvet 2005...i can dig up old email to see if still works....where is WM...i miss the big lug!!!
@Brooks: I still have that hooked on wine email for the Havens Velvet deal and can forward it to you if you can't locate it.
253 Brooks
Prof Luddite.thank you..I am all set as I grabbed 12...I did not know if others needed it. At 144 for a case free two day was a solid deal...heading to a meeting with President Obama
249 A Frayed Knot
250 luddite
251 Brooks
2010‐11‐16 13:20:52
2010‐11‐16 13:44:09
2010‐11‐16 13:58:06
2010‐11‐16 14:53:46
2010‐11‐16 15:26:08
257 Johnny C
I'm supposed to get my lot 200 today! It ships from Fairfield, Ca., 50 miles away, so I don't think travel shock should be a problem. CH says it's very tight and may still be in bottle shock but patience is not my virtue. I may pop one tonight to see if it indeed has the pedigree to get more.
2010‐11‐16 15:35:28
Anyone have an opinion on the PN (Robert Storey) on WTSO right now?
2010‐11‐16 17:03:48
BDude ‐ picked up the Vietti Barbera ‐ thanks for the rec...
2010‐11‐16 17:58:25
WBW ‐ beware the Newman‐only scored wines...!
2010‐11‐16 18:02:16
258 johnR
Actually Newman offered some decent stuff as Chairman of the PLCB. Anybody grab the Bedrock mailer today?
2010‐11‐16 18:27:27
259 BaroloDude
@Johnny C... Vietti would be probably the best producer to create my oft‐requested Piedmontese Three Pack from... but alas no three pack. THey have the right Barbera, and the Barolo and Barbaresco are there to get.... maybe the Barbaresco is too hard to get in volume, i don't know. But one producer, good vintage, making representative wines... Vietti would be a no brainer. Maybe Vietti doesn't like the CW concept or their distributor doesn't....
2010‐11‐16 18:39:21
260 BaroloDude
and re the Vietti Barbera Tre Vigna... not sure how long they decanted it at the dinner i went to, but should not have required too much of that... I think this wine tasted ready to drink young... man it was good.
2010‐11‐16 18:40:49
254 castello2
255 WineBabyWine
256 Johnny C
17 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
261 luddite
@BB: Thanks for your input and the WA review on the Podere Salicutti Brunello Di Montalcino. In for 1 with FS.
@BaroloDude: Re: '07 Barbera d Asti Tre Vigne, thanks for sharing.
@johnr: Signed up to be on the Bedrock mailing list... What did I miss today?
2010‐11‐16 19:37:38
263 luddite
what a dumb name for a wine. "I'm Pinot Noir"... yikes.
@Brooks, email for the Wine Magnet: carl <
264 WineBabyWine
Castello, did you pop it yet? what say you? BTW.. I bought a bottle of the CH Lot 120 over the weekend for the not so cheap (for them) price of 18.99 at my lws... was nice, probably needed some decanting. Can't get very specific as was with a bunch of people talking & socializing so not paying attention to giving a disclosure. Can say I liked the B & B much better, but that needed some decant time as well.
2010‐11‐16 22:57:32
262 BaroloDude
265 Brooks
266 patrick hill
267 castello2
268 castello2
269 patrick hill
270 luddite
271 Brooks
272 luddite
273 castello2
274 luddite
275 WineBabyWine
2010‐11‐16 21:18:20
2010‐11‐16 21:45:36
WBW.....of course you can say you like Lot 179 better...cause you are good enough, smart enough, and doggone it, Cindies like you....and and it was Havens Wines for $12/bottle with free delivery. Ok when is the holiday party...I will bring more Havens....who is coordinating the right coast year end "Eat, Drink and be Merry" holiday party?
2010‐11‐16 23:20:53
@ Brooks , I hope you saw our friend Wine Magnet floating around out there.
@ Castello, HOWZ DAT CAB ?
2010‐11‐17 01:30:38
Reporting in from middle California on the CH Lot 200, celebrating 10 years of CH wines with the most expensive lot they've offered. Not overdone but as the video says it may take a little more time in the bottle to mellow out. Not overly fruity and nicely dries out the pallet with pretty strong tannins. The pedigree? is very good and for now I'd give it a big score of 90 with room to rise to as high as 93 in a month or two. I think I will order 6 more right now. @Brooks: How much is left? @AFK: Can I still get a discount? @BDude: Do you want to trade for 2 or three? @Patrick: Will there be any left by the time you get here? @Ludedude: I just like to say lude dude! @WBW: You'd go gaga for this wine!
pallletd‐ palate I'm a pharmassist not a linguist
I love ya baby , not you de udder guy
@Castello: @Brooks posted a code that will give you 10% on lot 200 "1service1"
@ Mr. C 187 bottles
Calling @Jovino and anyone that may have had it:
'06 Jocelyn Lonen Winery Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley. WineAccess $22.99 with FS on 6
@Luddite: Yes I tried it last night and it seemed to work.
@Brooks: Thanks! It may go fast. It still tastes good this morning.
Castello's namesake now up on Last Call Wines!
Hey Guys, if you ever see any of the Sarah's Vineyard 2005 Besson syrah... or any of their red wines on sale anywhere, let me know... I love that wine... but don't want to pay $25 a bottle if I can help it.
CIndy is making it really easy to pazzzzzzzzzzz.
2010‐11‐17 02:44:30
2010‐11‐17 03:58:06
2010‐11‐17 06:20:01
2010‐11‐17 07:10:10
2010‐11‐17 07:13:07
2010‐11‐17 10:46:13
2010‐11‐17 12:24:27
2010‐11‐17 14:24:40
2010‐11‐17 15:36:38
276 BaroloDude
WBW... Castello and i live near that winery... will keep my eye out for that wine and a good deal on it. Keep checking your wine‐searcher results too.
2010‐11‐17 21:40:07
277 WineBabyWine
I am so jealous... I want to live out there. Well, except for that fault line! hahaha. I agree... I have not been very interested in what they've been offering as well. I actually need more daily drinkers.... looks like it's my LWS for a while. Though there's nothing much there that I want either on sale lately... they've had this kick on Barefoot.
2010‐11‐17 22:19:05
18 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
278 A Frayed Knot
279 luddite
280 BrunelloBob
281 Brooks
282 WineBabyWine
283 WineBabyWine
284 luddite
285 WineBabyWine
286 luddite
287 BaroloDude
The Adventures of Mobi Bear and Buffalo BooLou
It’s early morning and we find Mobi Bear and BooLou standing on the edge of a cliff outside of their cave. Mobi Bear is looking down the cliff at the campgrounds of the Mollystone rest stop in the valley below.
Mobi Bear ~ Hey Boo Lou! Look at all of the Cindies camping down at the rest stop. I’m thinking of all of those pic‐
a‐nic baskets full of jammy goodness!
Boo Lou ~ Oh……..Ranger Gary won’t like us stealing pic‐nic baskets, Mobi. Besides, I’ve got to keep posting on Ranger Gary’s new forum. He wants to know where we are at all times.
Mobi Bear ~ Forget the forum BooLou. I’ve got a plan. A basket for me and one for you!
BooLou ~ What’s your plan Mobi?
Mobi Bear ~ Come back in the cave and I’ll show you the way. We can have pic‐a‐nic baskets to enjoy all day!
They walk back into the cave, which is littered with empty wine bottles, overturned pic‐nic baskets, and piles of cardboard boxes and Styrofoam wine shippers. Near the mouth of the cave are three cases of Les Cretes wine.
Mobi Bear ~ Hey BooLou! You put on your Boy Scout uniform. Then you can sell the campers this Les Cretes wine, while I steal their pic‐a‐nic baskets!
BooLou ~ Mobi, no one will buy this wine. It tastes awful!
Mobi Bear ~ We can disguise it BooLou. See, if we rearrange the letters on the label, they won’t know what it really is until after we get away.
2010‐11‐18 02:37:47
@AFK: Thanks! Always knew that Mobi Bear is smarter than the aver‐age bear ;‐)
2010‐11‐18 07:12:50
"Boo Lou",
"two of the most notorious crime families. LoanShark and Tony O aka T‐vicious,"
"Ah‐ my‐ ba‐low‐nay"
" I’ll double your pay and give you free shipping!"
2010‐11‐18 07:38:53
Gold *****
2010‐11‐18 07:51:08
Coughed up my milk through my nose laughing! (well not really, but that was hilarious!)
2010‐11‐18 08:06:36
Good morning, just woke up to some reasonably priced pinot noir from oregon that I needed on wtso so... sold!
@WBW: I previously bought that '07 Coelho Pinot Noir from WTSO and thought it was a good QPR @$15. Let us know how you like it...
2010‐11‐18 08:40:49
2010‐11‐18 10:36:58
Good to hear... it sounded good, wanted to try more Oregon/Washington wines, need some pinot desperately & an everyday drinker b/c now of course it has been discovered that women who drink a daily glass of red wine *(in moderation of course ‐ is that redundant?) are less prone to gain weight. And I like to have a complete toning regimen in addition to the Disco Abs that I do at lunchtime. ;)
2010‐11‐18 11:21:12
@WBW: Gotta love science!
Well this guy drinks 2 glasses daily for heart health and because I like it. For me, the extra 200 calories mandate an additional 2 miles of walking to compensate. But 2 hours of walking on the beach is not really all that tough a job is it?
2010‐11‐18 11:49:02
Corison email says 25% off their 2001 Cab Sauvignon through DEC. Great stuff. Fully ready to go and still has aging potential. Gonna be waaaay better than this Hunt stuff.
2010‐11‐18 12:31:00
19 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
288 Brooks
289 BrunelloBob
290 A Frayed Knot
291 BrunelloBob
292 BaroloDude
293 BrunelloBob
294 Brooks
295 WineBabyWine
296 BrunelloBob
297 Brooks
298 Brooks
Ratings for WL Banner 94 point Cab
Food and Beverage Intl. 94
Guns and Beverage Intl. 93 time buy your beer and ammo here
Food and Road Kill 4 paws
Random Wine Ratings Generator 92
Wine Color Ratings ...Purple
Big Sal the Finger: you dont wanna know
Five Letter Rating Service; Yummy
Warren Buffett: Charlie, please past me Barron's, Wall Street Journal, the Rolling Stone Magazine and that letter from the Treasury Secretary
Charlie Munger: Sure Warren
Warren Buffett; Snap ..please also pass me the Food and Beverage Intl Magazine swimsuit wine crushing issue. You know I love the articles........
2010‐11‐18 12:49:21
yeah, but what does Jonathan Neuman rate it?
2010‐11‐18 14:05:54
Hello, Neuman.
2010‐11‐18 14:10:53
2010‐11‐18 14:14:32
Vile Weed! Jambalayaaaaa!
2010‐11‐18 14:18:16
Isn't Jambalayaaaaa a moderator on the WLTV boards?
2010‐11‐18 15:22:05
OK when I am in my 80s.....My goal is to be able to get around to the wine cellar in my walker....what college do these two attend....that must be that new dirty dancing I heard about....unbelievable...the host could not keep a straight face...
Hopefully you won't be on any meds in your 80's that prevent you from drinking what's in your wine cellar Brooks! That's the challenge! I wanna be dancing like that old couple in my 80s as well... except I'll be wearing a leather skirt.... and dancing better! hahaha
Is Clemente' = Mobius?
bb...hahaha....could be, or perhaps his parents....lets vote for this sweet crazy couple...I can't wait to see the give them twenty seconds..
WBW...agree a leather skirt to match the black can be their manager
Sir you have any relatives that dance in a "wedding night fox trot"....
Here is the link to vote them it..i voted three times
lets light this candle up..if they win, we can invite them to our holiday year end guess we would all be dancing...hahahha
Disclosure: overserved
Attitude: loose‐cannon
2010‐11‐18 16:02:47
2010‐11‐18 20:05:09
2010‐11‐18 20:08:00
2010‐11‐18 20:13:39
2010‐11‐18 20:16:39
Question for the group: Has WL/Cindy jumped the shark?
Pros: Banner's, Cindy Fraticide, 2 weeks of repeats.
301 BrunelloBob
Cons" BLou
Jump the landshark = Definition.... a term to describe a moment when a bean bag that was once great.... has reached a point where it will now decline in quality and popularity.
I think that once you start rewarding people with Titles Like "Wine Newbie", "Wine Librarian", and "Official Vayniak" for the Number of times that they post, as opposed to the Quality of those posts then, yeah, you've jumped the shark.
"+1" does not make the world a better place,
302 WineBabyWine
My ex & I were out with some friends in a nightclub a number of years ago, back when I was married, and we were on the dancefloor. And there was this old couple, had to be around 70 or so, on the dance floor with all of us young people, dancing just like us, as well as they could... I remembered the lady had a red leather skirt on... and thinking she's got spunk! .... looking just as cool as all of us. I pointed them out & said "I want to be dancing like her when I am her age, leather skirt and all."
I'm depressed, I became a Wine Newbie tonight. I wanted to be a Rookie forever.
299 johnR
300 Brooks
20 of 958
2010‐11‐18 21:44:28
2010‐11‐18 22:00:31
2010‐11‐18 22:06:00
2010‐11‐19 00:07:56
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
303 Johnny C
304 Johnny C
305 BaroloDude
306 Brooks
307 Johnny C
308 BrunelloBob
309 BrunelloBob
BBob ‐ I gotta agree. Hate to say it but quality of the blogging on WLTV (insightful or informational per # of comments) is way below what we used to have. And reading through 30 lines of text to get to a +1 or a smiley face is less than satisfying. And obviously the makeup of commenters is completely different (not griping about the new strong voices, just bemoaning the old ones gone). It ain't what it used to be. End of Whine
2010‐11‐19 11:09:20
I just waded through the Roriz blog ‐ maybe not so bad as I indicated ‐ not so many +1s and smiley‐only comments; besides the "good old days" were never as good as we imagined anyway, right? Why am I philosophizing without some wine in front of me?
Anyone here purchase from Premier Cru? Though they focus mostly on pricier wines, their pricing is not half bad, and selection is good...
2010‐11‐19 11:39:28
occasionally i skim on that forum and i agree, too much wading through crap to find the one or two comments that are good. Sure the old Cindy forum had its non‐wine postings, and how, but it was easy to skim past those and find the meat.
awfully easy to ignore Cindy deals lately (jeez i am starting to sound like JohnR).
Wish i had bought a bottle of the Sammarco though, sold out now, but thats ok. Castello hooked me up with an Oreno. And besides, all my Garagiste arrived and i have nowhere to put any of this. Cellar full. I will catch hell for this. Will need to create some closet space this weekend...
Go Cal Bears. Beat Stanfurd. (sic)
2010‐11‐19 11:51:16
bb and bd.....any thoughts on current cw deal...thanks
2010‐11‐19 12:12:43
Battle of Italian 3‐packs ‐ Last Call is running a Banfi 2004 assortment ‐ pricing not a home run though. CW deal looks like pricing home run ‐ though I haven't had any of these...
2010‐11‐19 12:24:33
Brooks: A lot of good wine for the money, but is it for you?
I'd love the Orma and I hope it shows up again
I've got the barolo and am looking forward to it, but I don't want more.
The pinot is a real deal killer for me. Really not my thing.
2010‐11‐19 12:26:11
That's some Serious wine on last call.
I've only had the normale Brunello and Banfi's rosso. Those two were really not my style. Somewhat lacking in fruit. 2010‐11‐19 12:29:54
B squared Grazie mille!
PH Grazie mille!
312 patrick hill
Who is this person Gracie Millie?
I've seen Gracie Millie. she's HOT!
I think @ castello was gunna call her for a date .....?
313 patrick hill
@ brooks , I need your help , what kinda wine do you drink when your in over your head with plumbing probelms ? I've aready started with the pre‐noon eye opener, I'll be HAMMERED before I can open the yellow pages.
2010‐11‐19 12:50:19
314 Brooks
A quick offering
1999 Miranda The Drainings (Australia, South Australia, Barossa, Barossa Valley)
2007 Blasted Church The Dam Flood (Canada, British Columbia, Okanagan Valley, Okanagan Valley VQA)
2004 Water Wheel Cabernet Sauvignon (Australia, Victoria, Central Victoria, Bendigo)
2005 Overflow Merlot Reserve (Flushing, Queens, New York, USA)
310 Brooks
311 BrunelloBob
21 of 958
2010‐11‐19 12:30:52
2010‐11‐19 12:34:58
2010‐11‐19 12:45:36
2010‐11‐19 13:22:02
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
315 Brooks
Mobius is on fire!!!!!!!!! He just posted this..
Conference call…Jaimelualua, NJDrew, Anti‐Chris and Finger60.
NJDREW. Things are getting out of contrrroll. Fingersixty6060 you’ve got to moderate better, this guy has me wearing a vest only and wrestling in the nude with Mott boy here. Cut him off, and that afraidnot dude too he’s not even from Union County.
FINGER60. Hey NJD can you see this? Yeah this, what does it look like, middle finger you say WOW! Smart employee, don’t you have some cars to park?
NJDREW. I am part time.
JAIMELUALUA. I hate that WBW bitch!
NJANDREW. Don’t forget Jaimelualua you friggin rule too.
ANTICHRIS. Now Finger are you telling me I can do an advance search and read all about WineEcon disclosures. That’s not the guy who talked about the Doritos right.
FINGER60. No Econ is the one that cures insomnia, the other guy, there is no cure for.
NJDREW. I know these peeps (how cool) from the old Cindy site, that afraidnot is some talent even Gary says so and you know it’s got to be write (right) damn! Gary is God!
ANTICHRIS. When did you start working for Gary again
FINGER60. Too long to remember
ANTICHRIS. Not you d‐bag him!
NJDREW. I am not on the payroll per se, but I do report to him from time to time, we’ree cool it’s chill.
JAIMELUALUA. WOW no wonder JohnR is taking up the “community RIP” thing to the forum, he must really hate people that chill.
FINGER60. I hate the damn Flyers and that city.
NJDREW. Finger being too rough on Buffalo aren’t you I mean what the hell, it’s not Union County but I hear they’re real careful drivers up there.
JAIMELUALUA. You NJD do not friggin rule, who the hell are you anyway and what the F@ck do you know about Buffalo, next you’ll be an expert on Seattle you D
2010‐11‐19 13:53:45
That's it , wrench is down . Gotta get some of that Overflow merlot, and stay outta mobius 's way.
316 patrick hill
317 BrunelloBob
318 BaroloDude
319 BrunelloBob
320 A Frayed Knot
wrench remains down.........
I have to go to the emergency room.
I'm laughing so friggin' hard that I can't breath!
2010‐11‐19 14:16:35
2010‐11‐19 14:22:09
funny indeed, but i haven't been reading the WLTV forum enough to understand who all the characters really are... sadly. The finger one and the lualua one in particular. I am outside all the inside jokes now!
a broad assortment of discount packs on WL right now. Not Cindy, WL. Interesting development. Not selling enough of these wines through Cinderellawine, so moving the pack deals to WL and getting more expansive....
2010‐11‐19 14:26:26
Ya need to know who the finger one and the lualua one are to get the full effect of this.
Finger 60 = Coupe60, one of the "moderators" on the WLTV board. His avatar is some fat dude (may have something to do with football) that is giving everybody the finger.
Lualua = Jamiela (SP?), the other moderator. Her signature includes the line "I friggin' rule". Her avatar is some comic book slut in leather. I think she'd cry if she read this, either because her feelings were hurt or tears of joy because she loves the attention
2010‐11‐19 14:34:57
Hmmm.....very interesting Brooks. Let me see if I can spell this right........H01Y CR4P!!
2010‐11‐19 15:18:12
OK, I almost peed myself laughing at that one! that was too funny. WIM emailed me it was on there.
BTW... Coupe's avatar is an NFL football coach who is known for being brash, I think its the Jets coach, but I might be wrong... I remember reading somewhere in the Forum that that is who it was, dont' ask me where. (I know it's NOT the Eagles or the Rams coach for sure! lol)
321 WineBabyWine
YOu know guys, it WOULD be more interesting to read in the Cindy section if YOU GUYS actually posted. Just sayin'.
Though I must say I enjoy coming here for respite.
2010‐11‐19 15:33:01
322 luddite
@Brooks: Thanks for making us feel at home here!
@WBW, Re Coupe60's Avatar:
22 of 958
2010‐11‐19 16:11:45
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
323 BaroloDude
see the BLACKFRIDAY sale banner now on WL? another banner, another super low price event...
2010‐11‐19 18:08:53
324 patrick hill
@ wBABYw, at your philly dinner tell Beth I said Hello , and I'm watching out for your bullies. Thanks
2010‐11‐19 18:09:59
oh yeah , wrench continues to remain downnnnn.................... @#$%^& it
2010‐11‐19 18:12:09
someone tell BuffaloLou that Collectors Pack B has an Amarone in it.
2010‐11‐19 18:12:10
RueLaLa has some great Lancaster Estate napa cab deals now.... if you are not already a member, use this link
2010‐11‐19 18:24:53
@BaroloDude: Thanks for the invite!
2006 Lancaster Estate Cabernet Sauvignon Estate Alexander Valley
By Stephen Tanzer
Stephen Tanzer's International Wine Cellar, May/Jun 09
($70) Bright ruby‐red. Black raspberry, chocolatey oak and smoky minerality on the nose. Silky in texture, with a restrained sweetness to the flavors of currant, graphite and chocolate. Finishes a bit low‐toned, with building dusty tannins and plum and chocolate notes. 87 points
2010‐11‐19 19:16:42
325 patrick hill
326 BaroloDude
327 BaroloDude
328 luddite
334 patrick hill
I refuse to acknowledge the existence of banner adds. The lead to nothing but disappointment...
Disclosure: Sutter Homes White Zin: Second Bottle. Tastes like pink marshmellows.
@ Patrick... I will tell Beth... have you two met before? You are welcome to join us... but you live near Brooks, right?
Just back from the NC Cindy tasting......WINEKNURD IS COMING!!!!!
@JohnR~ Great knews! Bring on the KaNurd!..............Please deposit all tasting notes in their proper locations!!‐reviews‐aka‐disclosure/ all seats and trays in their upright positions and fasten all seat belts!
I got a BIG MOUTH..........
335 patrick hill
@wBw, I've never had the pleasure to meet Beth personally , but we had a long back and forth last year about hockey. We made alot of people mad , mostly I made people made at me . It was revealed after a long time that FlyerFan was a .........LADY........ nobody knew. What a gas for everyone .She's prolly even sweeter in person. At the dinner , if you can ,I think it might fun to sit next to Roxy
329 BrunelloBob
330 WineBabyWine
331 johnR
332 A Frayed Knot
336 Brooks
337 castello2
338 brunellobob
339 Brooks
340 brunellobob
341 Brooks
342 patrick hill
2010‐11‐19 19:23:39
2010‐11‐19 20:33:14
2010‐11‐19 23:01:53
2010‐11‐19 23:13:22
2010‐11‐20 01:08:25
2010‐11‐20 01:31:02
Disclosure: 2004 Poggio San Polo Brunello di Montalcino $65 Menu Price Decanted 1 hour
Venue: Lafamiglia Giorgio's Salem Street Boston
After Dinner: Orpheum Theatre Boston..The Allman Brothers Band
Smells: California sensimilla
Sounds: Wake up mama, turn your lamp down low...
Amazing what a trip through the past..Greg Allman is still Greg Allman....Warren Haynes Friggin Rules...Derek Trucks Friggin Rules...I typically don't like thoses that rule....turn your lamp down low....Second Disclosure 24 ounce large format Bud....not recommended...this will leave a
Hey A$$hole...please please sit are the only ones standing up in the joint.
Hey some great posting going on here....I have been exercising some selective diligence in posting....I would offer a slight apology but the rules don't permit
2010‐11‐20 02:04:54
Allman bros rocked the house? Brings back the good ole days. Disclosure: 2003 Rafanelli Cab. Awesome but not as good as I remember. Alto aldige(sp) Sav Blanc was pretty tasty too.
2010‐11‐20 02:10:25
So? How was the San Polo?
2010‐11‐20 12:30:33
B squared... Just Amazing.... the nose was delicious...we entered the orgy zone of fruit, spice, some crispy smoke...after an hour opened to a concentrated joy with a long finish...very very nice two bottles four of us...would definately buy about the 375ml Vitanza 2001 Brunello on WL for 19.98...i am thinking about grabbing a 6 pack
2010‐11‐20 12:36:13
Nice catch on the Vitanza. Not east to find those mini‐Bs!
2010‐11‐20 12:54:14
I love this blog..AFK...take a bow
I grabbed a six pack‐‐‐twice :)
2010‐11‐20 13:02:31
Bdude , Bbob , what about what's up on WTSO ? Deal or No deal ?
2010‐11‐20 13:39:59
23 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
343 brooks5
Sports Saturday at Trembling Hills
World Cup Soccer Play Scores
All Final Scores
Greece Stains 2 Peking Toms 1 Final
Turkish Taffies 3 Brussels Sprouts 0 Final
Bolivia Newton Johns 1 Argentina Turners 0 Final
Partial Scores
Bermuda Triangles 2
Wine Pong Matching
Windsor Knots 2 Hammond Ryes 2
Utah PuddyCats 3 Alma Fudds 1
2010‐11‐20 14:59:13
344 brunellobob
The Montosoli is a KILLER wine in a good year and you'll never see it discounted for 2001, 2004, 2006 etc.
2003 isn't a great year, but this is one of those opportunities to try a legendary wine on the cheap.
So, if (like me) cost is an isuue and you've never had it before and you're not likely to pay $140 for it in the future, then go for it.
If money is no object and you only buy the best, this isn't it.
2010‐11‐20 14:59:58
@BBob, which deal is better, the Montosoli, or the small format 2001 Vitanza? Not sure I'm ready to give WL any of my money either. Still think we are owed the real reason why he killed our forum. Maybe he's going to sell WL and the new owners weren't happy with our free flowing commentary.
@all I can't access this site from work, and have been insanely busy trying to reorganize my wine cellar. With approx 1200 bottles, I feel like BLou, NTTAWWT!
Glad to see familiar faces here that aren't on WLTV forum. Love the organization of this site, AFK! Thank you so much for figuring out a home for the disenfranchised Cindies where we are free to comment and enjoy each other in peace.
You all are a terrible influence, however, all it seems you do is buy wine every day. What crazy temptation! But, I sure do appreciate the discussions of the various offers and am grateful for the pointers.
345 waiting in Manassas
346 brunellobob
347 luddite
I think we may see more Cindies over here as times goes on. I think CW has definitely "jumped the shark" and the forum has both good and bad points. So happy I got my single vineyard Albarella from my LWS at a great price without the need to be stuck with others in a pack.
2010‐11‐20 17:03:10
@WIM: What's up Girl!
If it's me, and I don't hate the seller, I'm buying the Vitanza.
RE: getting more Cindies over here, we gotta find a way to get the word out. Do you think the demigod will sell us a banner ad? :)
2010‐11‐20 17:35:51
@all: Did WL just raise their shipping rates? Just put a case of the 375s in the cart and noticed shipping was 38 vs. 30...
2010‐11‐20 19:30:48
They must have raised shipping, I was actually going to buy some Barolos and they wanted $19 for 2 bottles to NC. Past was $14 and per Fedex on my account was $11.
@WIM....We are all owed an explaination why they nuked the forum. I suspect that the negative comments were hurting sales. I know peps point the finger at me, honestly, the bigger issue was the decline in quality. WTSO is much much better on quality offerings since April. WL is using Cindy as a dump site.
348 johnR
349 WineKnurd
350 waiting in Manassas
@Knurd, The peeps want you my friend!
2010‐11‐20 20:41:17
JohnR gave me the link, now I'm back in business. This site is great! All the legendary CW posters and I love the links at the top! No need to be site specific. Whoever started this site I raise my glass to you!
@BB Thanks for the info! Bought a case of the Vitanza 375s this morning to split with Luddite. Showed up with FS, too. Hey, Brooksie, did you get FS also? Wonder if it was a mistake...
Getting ready for the game of the week, Eagles vs. Giants. Hope we do to them what we did to the Deadskins last week!
So, where did everyone else go? Haven't checked the forum at all this weekend. Miss having all us Cindies in one place.
24 of 958
2010‐11‐21 11:35:34
2010‐11‐21 12:06:23
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
@JohnR Agree the problem wasn't us, it was the quality of the offers. The Cindy offers seem to be all retreads and non‐inspired offers. The 375 ml Vitanza I just got was my first purchase in months at WL. Haven't bought from CW in forever, nothing to get excited about.
I find it interesting that apparently WTSO was reading and listening to our comments, but CW didn't pay attention. I guess with $60 million in sales, they don't need us, just need to keep expanding their reach to get to new folks who aren't already jaded with the quality of the offers.
351 waiting in Manassas
352 luddite
353 luddite
Glad to see Da Knurd is here! Welcome to Trembling Hills!
@WineKnurd: Welcome to @AFN's humble abode. Glad you are here!
2010‐11‐21 12:13:08
2010‐11‐21 12:16:20
@WIM: Thanks for having my back! Yes I believe your FS was a mistake but the kind I like. When I put 12 of those splits in my cart showed up as $37 vs. $26 (old price) shipping to VA. Interestingly 11 bottles was only $26 vs. $25. Experimenting I found some quantities were less now while some were more. Perhaps the IT department has been drinking their own dog food this weekend ;‐)
2010‐11‐21 12:23:09
Thanks for the welcome back all and thanks to AFK for this great site! I decided that my first meaningful post would be on Food & Beverage International since we all bought multiple cases of the Hunt Cellars Cab. The review and rating is for the wine paired with chocolate, not for the wine alone. Its like GV isn't even reading the reviews:
"Great reds made by intuitive wine maker David Hunt of Hunt Cellars are finding their way to the public through their tasting room located in Paso Robles, California. Looking for the ultimate chocolate pairing experience for these complex reds, we landed ourselves in the kitchen of Chicago chocolatier Katrina Markoff, who creates an intense culinary experience with chocolate that would compare to the artistry of a wine maker. Her infusions of rare spices and flowers combined with premium chocolate give Vosges Haut‐Chocolat the edge we were looking for when it came to creating the ultimate pairing with these exceptional red wines.
We offer you now the ultimate in chocolate and wine pairing. Our favorite reds with our favorite chocolate.
Hunt Cellars 2004 Cabernet Sauvignon "Cab 9"
Paso Robles
Opening with a lovely California nose of violets and lavender mingling with highlights of spice, when sipped slowly, the wine unfurls rich fruit layers of currants, cherry, and blackberry. Deeper notes of chocolate and truffles give the wine a very nice depth. Full‐bodied and warm on the palate, the finish is soft and lingering. Savor a single bite of a rich, dark creamy chocolate Vosges Budapest truffle laced with sweet Hungarian paprika made from the mild capsicum pepper for the ultimate wine and chocolate sensation.
Score: 94"
354 WineKnurd
Oddly enough, the lowest score of the 3 wine‐chocolate pairings was a 90, while the second highest was a 93. 2010‐11‐21 12:59:32
WK...Welcome Back!!!...we need the complete set of NC Cindies!!!! and the rest of the inmates....JohnR...hahah we can all share the u think GV enjoyed the insane ramblings of this group.....the WTSO hotline....we are kinda of the bar scene from Star Wars....but in a good way...Yes winos of the world unite....AFK...gets the Eddie Gumbo Trembling Hills Annual Caddy Scholarship fAward for pulling this all together now.............
355 Brooks
2010‐11‐21 13:07:42
@WIM.....We really need to face the fact the GV doesn't care about the people here or the hardcore regulars. GV and WL are banking on the uneducated public watching WLTV and buying the stuff he puts out. Hunt Cab may be a decent Cab but the hype was incredibly over the top. GV/WL reminds me of a used care lot/salesman. RP said it best, in a interview with decanter last march. "I seen Gary speak, he is a great speaker, really interesting, however remember Gary is selling you wine."
356 johnR
@Knurd...Great to see you, we need to get Bill here. Maybe Phredd, even thought he is a "dirty forumite" :)
25 of 958
2010‐11‐21 14:19:43
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
@johnR Funny, my original comment was going to be that GV has all his sheep lined up to buy, so he doesn't need us. Apparently he can make enough money from folks who buy blindly without a palate of their own or the ability to discriminate. Glad those of us with palates and minds of our own have found our way here and are trying to unite the band again!
357 waitinginManassas
358 WineKnurd
359 A Frayed Knot
360 WineKnurd
361 WineKnurd
362 Brooks
363 johnR
364 patrick hill
365 patrick hill
366 luddite
367 WineBabyWine
Love the links here to all the offers, plus the research links all in one handy screen!
Spread the word, we've invited as many Cindies as AFK and I had email addresses for initially, hope the rest of the gang knows how to get to the others. You're all welcome here!
Was that really GV who posted / apologized very early on? He said he was going to explain something but never posted again. Oh well I guess we might never know the truth (if we can even handle it)...
Thanksgiving potluck at church!
No problem.
Tooo much food!
Packed by weight, not volume!
Some settling may occur during shipping!
Current WTSO: 2007 Domaine Drouhin Chardonnay Arthur Dundee Hills
2010‐11‐21 16:58:28
2010‐11‐21 21:11:53
2010‐11‐21 21:12:54
Thinking about biting on this offer (reg $55, now $19.99, min 3). Has anyone had this or more experience with Drouhin in Oregon?
2010‐11‐21 21:24:09
@AFK, a small glass of port will help things settle!
2010‐11‐21 21:28:04
@WK..........sold out
long day of working outside....also enjoying life conversations with my son the U‐Boat hanging Jello on a wall with a nail.........
AFK....a "food baby"....
nite all
2010‐11‐21 21:38:21
sold out pretty fast.
2010‐11‐21 22:14:49
@ Mr. Ludy Ludy ", drinking their own dog food ."... I thought the old "I hope someday to be the person my Dog thinks I am." was the best ever . I'm just glad to witness this one. THanks
2010‐11‐22 01:44:01
@CaStElLOoOooo, what youz got nuttin to sayz ?
sorry , a little outa hand , YES ,I'll say it again SoRrOy , ain;t got no Tony O ,
2010‐11‐22 02:06:24
@Patrick Hill: Hope all is well my friend... and your plumbing problems are behind you.
2010‐11‐22 07:19:00
@Brooks, I love your description of all of us as from the bar scene in Star Wars... perfect.... though when we actually meet in person, we all seem relatively normal....
2010‐11‐22 08:39:18
Put a nice little hit on the wine cellar Saturday night. Day of recovery yesterday...I think I'm going to live...
The Highlights:
2006 Ciacci Piccolomini d'Aragona Rosso di Montalcino
2006 Bolla Amarone della Valpolicella Classico
2005 Produttori del Barbaresco Barbaresco
2007 Loring Wine Company Pinot Noir Rosella's Vineyard
2007 Reichsgraf von Kesselstatt Scharzhofberger Riesling Spätlese
The rosso is drinking very well and was absolutely correct for the varietal. The Riesling was probably WOTN, good QPR from the Temple. The others I've had before, all solid for the $. Even the Bolla. The Barbaresco is a little young but drinkable with a 2 hour decant.
368 BrunelloBob
Resuming cruising of the internet for replacements...
26 of 958
2010‐11‐22 09:09:40
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
369 Brooks
370 Brooks
371 BrunelloBob
372 WineKnurd
B for your next wine love fest...plse invite your closest 40 CW winos ;)
Get Social, Give Gifts, and Be Appy with
Be appy?? not certain of that one they read their emails before they go out
WTSO face book??? hahahhaha
I had mentioned to GV in email that after the CW blog "New Coke" Incident that if I were WTSO I would have created a blog in the AM
However WTSO can't spell...makes me look like a spelling bee champion
or they were being cute about their Applications...if so that is so lame omg...
Brooks: You didn't get your invite!?!
Have you guys seen this: ... ine‐wines/
Damn BB looks like you picked wines higher than usual in alcohol (Amarone, Barbaresco, new world Pinot). I hope you had help with all of those!
2010‐11‐22 10:01:51
2010‐11‐22 10:21:06
2010‐11‐22 11:01:44
2010‐11‐22 11:11:45
From the DeLong wine website (, makers of some really great wine maps (the Spanish wine map really helped me with my CSW exam). Last day to take advantage though.
It's not very original, but we're having our own pre‐Black Friday sale.
373 WineKnurd
374 BrunelloBob
375 johnr
376 BrunelloBob
Everything in our online shop is 25% off. To get the discount, just enter noir8 (all lower case) when checking out in the online shopping cart. This offer ends Monday, Nov. 22.
Sir Knurd: Welcome to the Underground!
The Riesling was only 7‐8%, helped balance things out... :)
Of course, I think the damage was done by then... NC cindy tasting is Dec 17, you should come!
Signed off forever JR?
Strong words... :)
Not that I lurk or anything...
VISCIOUS dump jobs by Cindy lately...
BTW: I'm getting those JJ Buckley emails. Thanks for the hookup.
2010‐11‐22 11:18:44
2010‐11‐22 11:22:49
2010‐11‐22 12:14:09
2010‐11‐22 12:18:36
Yea, I am out forever. The atmosphere has changed. Most the peeps that I respected aren't their anymore, and I am tired of those forum bums. We made Cindy successful. The deals are just as horrible as the forum bums. I remember when I wasn't so hard on the place, when I bought a ton of stuff, that was a while ago.
377 johnr
*I am guessing that the bums are having fun ripping on my. Thats kinda why I am leaving. This is much better.
looky looky
2010‐11‐22 12:44:50
Bertani Amarone della Valpolicella 2001
Color: Deep garnet red Bouquet: Generous aroma of freshly‐picked cherries mingled with notes of sour cherries, vanilla and an agreeable trace of spiciness Taste: Dry, full‐bodied and amply structured; cherries, red berries and a hint ... more
378 johnr
379 johnr
380 Gary Vaynerchuk
381 BaroloDude
On Sale $79.99
Carlo Russo's Wine and Spirit World
Sorry to lose u JohnR....I hope everyone here has a really awesome thanksgiving and I wish u nothing but health this holiday ... I know many of you will blame me for what happened and I am so sorry, I wish it was different and I am open to suggestions, sorry again
('gram for today's Nugan offer... where is SNF? someone invite him here?)
27 of 958
2010‐11‐22 12:50:20
2010‐11‐22 12:50:57
2010‐11‐22 13:08:10
2010‐11‐22 13:09:20
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
382 johnr
383 BaroloDude
384 Brandon
385 Gary Vaynerchuk
386 luddite
GV....Its the atmosphere, I really like your barolo's in the new fine wine section of the WL website
did someone say Barolos? fine wine section? be right back.... ;‐)
@Johnr have you ever met GV?
2010‐11‐22 13:24:22
2010‐11‐22 13:27:57
2010‐11‐22 13:44:49
Do u think there is any reason to start a cindy only forum like the WLTV but only cindy all new sign ins, looks like cindy int he design, the software is good for us, a place to call cindies own maybe good for the communtiy, some of you may have saw it as it went love for a second, I had worked on it after FB looked like a no go...thoughts?
2010‐11‐22 13:45:12
@Brooks: Message received stealth mode now operative!
2010‐11‐22 13:48:20
As I've said before, there was a particular tone, a particular culture, on the Cindy board. Just like there's a particular tone/culture on the WLTV board. I'm not trying to say one is inherently better than the other. I depends on who you are and what you want to get out of it.
The Cindy board/tone/culture has been effectively destroyed. People are scattered. Some are mad and will never come back. I briefly saw the "mislaunched" forum. Whether it would "work" or not depends on the "culture" that develops there. If enough of the crew comes back, it will work. If it's run by the WLTV crew, with joeg and NJAndrew scolding people for not loving every offer, with Mott and the moderators trying to prove who's boss, etc.
Then no, it won't work.
Maybe what happens is something in the middle with a third mix of people and a third culture, I don't know. The crapstorm that will come if you try it will be fun to watch, though.
387 BrunelloBob
388 castello
389 WineKnurd
390 BrunelloBob
391 WineKnurd
392 WineKnurd
393 GVaD
And put an Amarone up for crying out loud! :)
That sounds like a good idea Gary!
2010‐11‐22 14:01:21
Lets all chip in and get a few ml's of the Quinta Do Noval Nacional 63 1963 Vintage port. Only $2349 a bottle!
I'm in as long as it's shipped to me. :)
@GV do you really want us to come back?
2010‐11‐22 14:10:04
@BB I can see it now. Your mL allotment was at the bottom, so you had to drink through the rest to get to it!
hey Vaynerchuk, stop apologizing will ya.
2010‐11‐22 14:18:50
2010‐11‐22 14:01:54
2010‐11‐22 14:10:57
2010‐11‐22 14:17:40
2010‐11‐22 14:21:15
396 WineKnurd
hey JohnR and Bbob... re barolos... my favorite set of webpages to educate myself, and to see pix of the actual winemakers and their facilities is here : You have to keep clicking through to "more piemontese wines" etc. at the bottom of each page. A bit crude re webdesign etc, but chocked full o' great info and great pix and vignettes of each winery,winemaker, etc... a few good deals too! This was my LWS before i moved to the south bay. Great institution near SF aiport. They only have a tiny shop, and can be a bit cranky at times, but they are ultimately very cool and i love popping in on occasion. Looks like they have started to carry Virna too now...
Well I'm the first one to say "yes", don't you fill the bottle from the bottom up?
JJ Buck has the 2008 Oreno at thier private client price‐ $54 / bottle if anyone is interested
397 BrunelloBob
BDude: Thanks!
I get more "homework" out of this site...
Is that TonyO aka T'Licious, aka GVaD, or some poser preaching the gospel of "no apologies? Let's find out:
398 SCKen
Sorry ‐ I haven't checked this site out in several weeks, but when I saw JohnR say he was leaving the WLTV forum forever in favor of this site, I had to come back over to see what was happening. Looks like some of my favorite Cindy posters are all here, including the NC gang. I agree the culture of the WLTV forum just isn't the same as what we used to have. I expressed my displeasure with the moderators when that Coupe 60 guy rubbed me the wrong way a week or two ago. I'll definitely be making my way over here more often from now on!
2010‐11‐22 14:33:57
394 BaroloDude
395 BrunelloBob
2010‐11‐22 14:21:54
2010‐11‐22 14:21:56
2010‐11‐22 14:22:22
2010‐11‐22 14:27:15
This is the freest expression of wine knowledge and wine love on the net current. IT was Cindy.
399 johnr
@GV...I don' t think you can put the toothpaste back in the tube. I was an asshole at times, but those bums on the forum take assholeness to a new level.
28 of 958
2010‐11‐22 14:55:22
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
2010‐11‐22 14:57:45
401 castello
@Brandon. actually GV told me that he was going to come to NC and he never showed. I like GV as a person and salesman, but he dropped the ball on this one. Knurd will back me up on that one
@JohnR: We will miss the name calling.
402 WineKnurd
I back JohnR up on the GV visit to NC as well as his guess as to the true identity of the CH lot 200!
2010‐11‐22 15:13:52
400 johnr
2010‐11‐22 15:07:00
408 BrunelloBob
First off Its always great to find a new wine discussion site.
Some good links here, thanks
Second.... to the poster known as GVaD.... remove my post which you copied and pasted (w/o credit to the author)
You all are some of the saddest people on earth!
Sadder than someone who comes to a forum to judge its members?
If you all posted over at the new forum you may be able to change the tone that you dislike. You also might get some of the old Cindy crew to post.
Instead you take the ball and leave the playground.
Actually the people here at Trembling Hills are not sad quite the contrary:
Decent Brunello over on last call.
One of numerous deals I think we'll be seeing on the 2003s and 2005s
409 Brandon
@johnr I have no doubt you feel Gary dropped the ball and there are plenty to back you up. I've met Gary plenty of times in person and a used car salesman he is not. He'll admit when he drops the ball, it has happened before, but instead of name calling and jabbing at the man, how about celebrating what he's brought to the table and uniting all of the Cindy crew. Seems to me you guys have quite a tight knit group here. Would that have happened without CW?
2010‐11‐22 16:18:27
403 smokenmirrors
404 Cooley
405 WineKnurd
406 Lurker
407 luddite
410 Cooley
411 WineKnurd
412 Brooks
413 WineKnurd
414 Brandon
415 SCKen
2010‐11‐22 15:14:45
2010‐11‐22 15:24:49
2010‐11‐22 15:30:59
2010‐11‐22 15:45:09
2010‐11‐22 16:03:50
2010‐11‐22 16:04:33
You all are probably the ones why we have to now give trophies to the 8th place team in a 7 team t‐ball league, teachers can't put a red "F" on your child’s test because little Johnny and Suzi will get their feelings hurt and you’re insulted on a 100 different levels. The saddest people I have ever met.
2010‐11‐22 16:21:34
My child gets straight A's.
2010‐11‐22 16:26:13
Ladies and Gentlemen....This is America...last time I checked...I may be wrong but folks are free to post where and when they, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (unless they get uninvited by the host!!!!) guess wine helps with the happiness...I must confess, I do not know which way is up or down most of the times, but I will say that negative posts or name calling is sad by anyone. We are dealing with this at our middle school....12‐13 year olds...I also dont't think we need a review of story telling and finger one wins....we had enough of
that in high school too...i would like to bring to the floor a modest proposal....that we all goes over to BuffLou's house and help him "inventory" his seriously...that we come to this blog with no fist held up in the air and no malice towards another....we all lost some great posters during this transaction period...would be a shame to lose more....unfortunately this is not a zero‐sum game...we would all lose in some way....please find your peace and hold fast to it....I have enough stress in my life on many fronts, that I will not share here...I came to CW ( and the WL ‐CW blog ) and this blog to hide from the demons....OK who is with me....lets forget about life for a while....
2010‐11‐22 16:28:27
@Brandon, why do you really care if we have our own forum apart from WL? Why does GV care? You are welcome to post here if you like as well. Its not like we are boycotting WL and I am sure all of us will still buy from WL. Nothing personal against GV or WL or CW.
2010‐11‐22 16:29:22
@WineKnurd where did I say I cared where you conduct online conversations? I think you're reading a little too much into my post. I only noticed a lot of GV bashing going on and wondered why the animosity? Isn't he the reason you guys are together? You guys found a common ground in wine and started your own thing, cool, I just don't get all the negative comments.
@JohnR ‐ I missed it, what was your guess as to the true identity of the CH Lot 200. I just got my order in last week. Letting them settle some from the travel before I try one. May try this weekend and if any good, order a few more.
29 of 958
2010‐11‐22 16:42:09
2010‐11‐22 16:42:20
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
Lurker, many of us have been over there posting, and trying to get back some of the old Cindy spirit. However, we are being forced like square pegs into round holes to follow the WLTV forum rules, and many are not happy.
Personally, I now wish everyone would come here, then we can have free and open discussions without worrying that out host will get mad and close the playground again. This site is by Cindies, for Cindies, comments flow like everyone is used to, and it's a lot simpler. And, the wine discussions have been great and free‐flowing to all offers. The only drawback for me is I can't access it from work.
As to GV posting here today, if he really cared we would've found out the real reason for the dump of our former home by now . And we would've seen the promised but never delivered Amarone offer, at least as a peace offering to the wounded masses. Empty promises don't make for a good relationship.
And, there are so many screaming good deals out there now, why should anyone settle for less than getting exactly what we want? I've got at least 5 years of wine in the cellar at home, so I am going to be very selective from here on.
416 waitinginManassas
Rock on Cindies! JohnR, you may have started a revolution!
Cheers to all!
417 Lurker
Brooks, you have good taste in music. I didn't come here to name call. I know that some of you have valuable information to share and you chooses to do it here and not at the Cindy forum where more would be able to see it. Kind of running away instead of changing the world.
2010‐11‐22 16:42:58
418 WineKnurd
@Brandon & Lurker‐ We aren't trying to change the world or protest against GV. It's pretty simple, GV didn't offer us what we want so we took our conversation elsewhere. He can aplogize and you guys can post here that we are sad but its just that simple. We liked CW, GV didn't, so he took the ball away from us. GV may have broght us together on CW but he is also the one who changed it. So thanks and thanks for nothing GV. Life now goes on here at Trembling Hills.
2010‐11‐22 16:49:08
419 Brandon
420 castello
@WineKnurd sounds like you want to look at the glass half empty, whatever, but if calling GV a used car salesman and using f‐bombs to describe the title of his new book isn't protesting the man, then I'm not sure what is.
Please stop bashing!
2010‐11‐22 16:42:26
2010‐11‐22 16:52:14
2010‐11‐22 16:52:25
Thanks BBob, I grabbed 4 of the BdM. I paid $50 per btl for the 04s, so even if I drink these sooner, this is a deal.
Brandon, Cooley and Lurker, we didn't ask to lose our meeting place, but when we did, we scrambled to find some way to "keep the band together". Since some valuable peeps chose not to go the WLTV forum route, this was a way for us all to hang out and keep that family feeling that we developed. Yes, it may have started on CW, but our off‐sites cemented those relationships.
We were all in email contact during the transition phase (about 30 of us), and we really wanted a place to hang together where we all felt welcome. This appears to be the solution, and anyone is welcome to join our happy band. Why are you so concerned about pushing us to use someplace where all were not made to feel welcome or comfortable?
If we don't like the CW deals, we won't buy them. I was a WL customer before buying from CW, but only on those deals where I thought there was value, even if I had to pay for shipping.
421 waitinginManassas
422 WineKnurd
423 WineKnurd
Think it's time to give the whole issue a rest and let everyone migrate to where they are most comfortable.
2010‐11‐22 16:56:26
@Brandon. Used car salesman just means that one does not feel that they can trust GV. I agree that the term is inflamatory and a better description could have been used. As for the fbombs, not sure who was dropping them or even what they were about, but in this forum such is the excpetion and not the rule. Our postings here are civil and I/this forum has never once attacked you or the WL forum nor have we put words in your mouth or assumed anything about you. You are welcome to post here and as long as you show respect and maturity the same will be granted. Wanting us to post again at the WL forum is probably not going to happen, especially when the "goodwill" ambassador uses jibes subtle insuts.
2010‐11‐22 17:00:08
@BBob & WIM. Where di dyou guys see the Brunello? I could't find it on the last call page. WIM are you in VA?
2010‐11‐22 17:01:34
30 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
427 Cooley
OK, Where's Quit Ur Bitchin?
@All ~I created this site just to try to keep everyone together. It wasn't meant as a replacement for what we had before nor as a protest against Gary. I have no ill will against Gary. He made a business decision concerning HIS business. I post/lurk here and on the Cindy forum and enjoy both just in different ways. Why don't we let sleeping dogs lay and all enjoy each others company?
2010‐11‐22 17:04:43
28 bottles left
Refresh your browser?
2010‐11‐22 17:07:56
@WineKnurd "You are welcome to post here and as long as you show respect and maturity the same will be granted. Wanting us to post again at the WL forum is probably not going to happen, especially when the “goodwill” ambassador uses jibes subtle insuts.
I should point out WineKnurd that Brandon is perhaps one of the nicest people you could possibly ever meet. Re‐
read what the man said then come back and say he was disrespectful or lacked maturity just isnt in any of his words
@ Frayed Knot thanks for the PM I really do think this is a great place and appreciate your removing the plagiarized post
2010‐11‐22 17:17:31
When is BLou going to start his insightful postings here
2010‐11‐22 17:20:03
428 luddite
IWC on the last call Brunello:
"Rated: 88 by Ian D'Agata, Jul 10
Stephen Tanzer's International Wine Cellar
Medium red with an amber edge. Red berries, dried cherry and sweet spices on the enticing nose. Enters smooth, fleshy and sweet, with ripe red cherry, licorice and milk chocolate flavors. A rather politely styled Brunello, finishing with smooth tannins and a note of ripe red cherry. This will offer considerable early drinking pleasure."
2010‐11‐22 17:21:45
424 A Frayed Knot
425 BrunelloBob
426 smokenmirrors
@Brandon~ Thanks for coming over here! I would really like to have winemakers and internet wine retailers come over here and mingle with us. (Maybe the subjects can even relate to wine occasionally.)
I have an empty page for wine related articles. If you ever have anything you would like to post, feel free to e‐mail to knotbillthecat at gmail dot com!
The same goes for you Gary!
429 A Frayed Knot
430 luddite
If there is one thing we can all agree upon here, it is that we love wine!
@All: Uncork deals, Casali di Bibbiano Argante Toscana Red Blend 2006 @$16.97 FS on 6...
2010‐11‐22 17:28:36
2010‐11‐22 17:39:21
431 Brandon
432 A Frayed Knot
433 waitinginManassas
434 Brandon
435 GVaD
436 GVaD
437 NY Pete
438 A Frayed Knot
Of course, any wine board with great wine talk is a plus in my book...I'll try to post as often as possible!
@Brandon ~.........And if you have any of that Pinot lying around getting in the way, I'll give you an address you can send it
2010‐11‐22 17:40:19
2010‐11‐22 17:58:06
WineKnurd I am indeed in VA, not far from Luddite when he's not down in Myrtle. I do indeed live in Manassas, VA, and am still waiting for the bus with Mobius and all you NC Cindies to swing by to pick me up!
2010‐11‐22 17:59:11
@Frayed :‐) I have no doubt you would take care of it...thanks for offering your services.
2010‐11‐22 18:09:10
I love wine.
2010‐11‐22 18:11:31
to all concern, I did a cut n paste job on my good friend smokenmirrors spoof in response to a cut n paste job done by brooksie ... you know the one bashing the 3 blind mice ... and fwiw, I see that post was not removed ... peace.
nice site you have here ... big props to A Frayed Knot.
@GVaD ~ If the original writer complains, then I remove it. For all I knew, you were smokenmirrors. I had no way of knowing till he said something and I then contacted him.
31 of 958
2010‐11‐22 18:15:00
2010‐11‐22 18:17:58
2010‐11‐22 18:25:22
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
@ Brandon & Smoke‐ this is the subtle insult I was referring to (from Brandon):
"@WineKnurd sounds like you want to look at the glass half empty, whatever"
439 WineKnurd
440 castello
Of course there is no way to know a tone of voice or sincerity from a post, and for making an assumption I apologize, though my point on respect and maturity still stands. You should not see any bashing of anyone on this forum, by myself or others, and if both of you choose to become regular posters (looks that way) I welcome you and hope that we can have many great discussions, wine or otherwise!
Welcome Pete and others! AFK did ok for a Ranger fan :) I know it's early so I'm popping a young 09 Cab from Coffaro just to check the bottle shock factor and celebrate my new 40 inch LCD flat screen. It tastes fruity and fresh. Hope I can make it to halftime of MNF!
2010‐11‐22 18:41:15
2010‐11‐22 18:41:19
Apparently many have taken my comments out of context or meant more than what I expected them to be. MY comments were a simple good bye to the Community at large, as I felt WLTV wasn't working for me. SIMPLE AS THAT. I came here because I felt the place was better suited to me. I respect GV/WL, I disagree with his handling of the site since Jan and the closing of the comments Nov 5th. I doubt GV is still involved the day‐to‐day opperation of Cindy, but he is the brand, so he was addressed. I wish and invite all CINDY's to come and taste with me and the NC cindy group. We are meeting Dec 17th. I really hope that this is the last time we as "Tremblers" address this. ITs really getting old as I am concerned. I would love to see the situation get address tonight or tommorrow. ITs not, and I am moving on. I will still buy for GV when it meets my liking and would love for him to come to NC, you are invited buddy, but the forum wasn't for me for my own reasons. LETS ALL JUST GET ON WITH OUR WINE INSPIRATED LIVES. Everyone is welcome, and lets build a "trembler" Community perhaps as nice as we had with Cindy.
441 johnR
442 WineKnurd
443 castello
444 NY Pete
445 NY Pete
446 BaroloDude
447 BaroloDude
448 johnR
449 BrunelloBob
450 castello
SCken......lot 200 has to be Beckstoffer. They are the only guys with 58 acres of premium juice that was Oakville and Rutherford.
Castello you are a left coaster right? And a GWAR fan?
2010‐11‐22 18:43:05
2010‐11‐22 18:43:36
Yes WK, silycon valley. GWAR RULES! They come from your neck of the tremblin hills right? Maybe Virginia?
2010‐11‐22 19:10:21
WineKnurd ... regarding bashing and maturity, had you read most of JR's post here?
2010‐11‐22 19:27:59
castello ... thanks for the welcome Ed!
2010‐11‐22 19:29:51
@Castello... your new 40inch TV tastes fruity and fresh? Dang! I better re read that post one more time.... High Zinfandelity indeed. What brand is it? Chateau Panasonic?
2010‐11‐22 19:31:07
cooley, lurker... i can only speak for myself... CW lost me at the Facebook fiasco, which was a complete nonstarter. I don't need coworkers seeing my post about wine and how much i am buying or drinking. When the move to WLTV forums occurred, i registered and tried it (you can check). Didn't like it. Other than the rude moderators and a few regulars who love to sling adorable insults at posters, i found the layout much more time consuming to wade through. I don't have that kind of time most days. So occasionally i lurk there to see if the tone is shifting, if the format is changed, etc. but otherwise i like it here better, with all the links above too its very useful. Nothing against GV, nothing against WL, and BW rocks. I didn't "take my ball and go home" and i hate the whole trophies for participating thing. What a ridiculous labelling of people exercising their posting freedom, you are missing the point of this little site... cheers and i look forward to seeing posts from you guys on wine or deals or....
2010‐11‐22 19:39:35
Pete...if you are coming here to start problems with me, call me at 919 623 3222, seriously. I left WLTV forums because of bullshit like this. Those post are 2 weeks old
2010‐11‐22 19:40:56
"High Zinfandelity"‐‐That's More Like it!
he‐he‐he :)
2010‐11‐22 19:46:29
BDude: Yes, I coulda worded that better. No apolojesus! I was exited :) Zinfandelity could/may be a great name for a wine.
2010‐11‐22 19:46:33
32 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
451 Brooks
@ Mr G....I do not mean to pry but you don't by any chance have this so call three blind mice post...I must confess, I have mis‐placed some brain cells along this journey...but I don't remember writing (or copying) a piece about the three blind mice..I normally do not have animals in my posts...I operate more in the hospital, recovery centers, court room, labs and NJ Trpke....if there is demand for such a piece on mice or say alpacas, I can throw one together...I will tell you I am working on two other pieces right now for the holidays so I like... the other I just not liking
Luddite as always great rating thinks the 2004 was the pic of the vintage litter....still a BB draft pick must be considered
Heading over to a friend's house for MNF and wine tasting....all walking such generous wine pouring may and I occur
2010‐11‐22 19:46:52
453 GVaD
@BaroloDude most people on the forum think the trophy names are silly also and we used to make fun of it all the time but when it all started there was fun in not knowing what the next level would be. That's all it is. I can see how it would be VERY difficult for a new wine lover to come in and understand all of the inside jokes we regularly sling but I can assure you most of the time we are directing those jokes directly at ourselves. It is an extremely open community and the moderators are just there to provide a cooler head when things get heated. The moderators are not nameless / faceless people they are normal wine geeks who were asked to moderate because they were very well respected on the forum. I never saw a rude comment to anyone from them but I know, without a doubt, if you PM'd them with a concern, any misconceptions would be straightened out in a heart beat. Other than that, bring on the wine chat here! As with most wine boards the majority of the people here seem genuinely interested in learning and / or sharing! Cheers
2010‐11‐22 19:59:14
Brooksie ... you don't remember a cut and paste job you did with Bruce's moderator tale ... :)
2010‐11‐22 20:16:48
454 David T
Wow, after the first move here I stuck my head in a couple of times and didn''t stick around much because things were slow to take off, but WOW this place has blossomed‐ almost more posts here than on the wltv forums in the past couple of hours! I've bookmarked the site and will definitely be checking back & hopefully joining in the conversation more frequently! I still hate to see the Cindys divided, but between here & there I think it will be a good way to keep in touch with just about everyone.
2010‐11‐22 20:20:16
452 Brandon
455 A Frayed Knot
456 SCKen
Has anyone ever tasted wine from the grape Chambourcin? I stopped at a winery (don't even recall at the moment which one) in Missouri last year and tasted my way through all their terrible wines (and they were terrible). I then tried a 100% Chambourcin. Wow this stuff was so aromatic and spicy. Almost like a Cabernet Franc.
2010‐11‐22 20:39:34
@JohnR ‐ I thought Beckstoffer was just a vineyard, not a winery. According to CH, the Lot 200 comes from a winery that has had multiple 100 pt scores. Could it be Schrader who has a couple of 100 pt scores on their Beckstoffer To Kalon?
2010‐11‐22 20:48:34
SCken.....follow the logic, per CH
1) Multiple 100 pt scores
2) Nothing under $100
3) Oakville, RutherFord, Stags Leap
4) Must have 6000 cases to meet the 7800 requirement.
458 johnR
Lets look at the case size, that is the key. What winery has the size to have 6000‐7000 cases of juice unused and have property in Oakville, Rutherford and or Stags Leap. Harlan, Shafer, BV, Mondavi, Cakebread and Pine Ridge. Crossing off from what we know. 1st, Pine Ridge, Cake Bread and Mondavi haven't had a 100pt in 10 years. Shafer has 1.5 which is 15000 cases, and 100pts, 2001 HSS, but doesn't blend with Oakville. Harlan has the maiden, 100pts 2004, 2005 with the estate, but doesn't blend with Stags Leap so we just elimated all the options. Schrader, although banging wine, I am on the mailing list, doesn't have 7000 cases, roughly 1240 barrels or 58 acres of ground. The only other producer with that kind of ground is Beckstoffer, and CH does have a winemaker on staff and does do projects. My guess is the the blend is mostly Oakville and Rutherford, with stags leap for lot 189 as the filler. The key is 7800 cases. No one in 08 was banking that much, even in Napa.
2010‐11‐22 21:04:28
Bdude, comment on the Cindy offer, looks interesting, need Barolos. No FS so add 16+
2010‐11‐22 21:07:20
459 Johnny C
Little bit'o'thunder on CW... I loved this Barbaresco... Barolow sounds promising also... In for 3 packs...
457 johnR
33 of 958
2010‐11‐22 21:10:50
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
460 SCKen
461 johnR
462 SCKen
463 smokenmirrors
464 luddite
465 SCKen
466 johnR
467 David T
468 A Frayed Knot
469 BaroloDude
470 castello
471 A Frayed Knot
@JohnR ‐ your logic makes sense to me, but I don't understand the need for all the secrecy if all he was doing was buying grapes from Beckstoffer. Tons of wineries advertise Beckstoffer, many under $100. Am I right that Beckstoffer isn't a winery? If so, then I'm not sure how that could be the answer as he clearly says he bought the juice from a winery. But I do agree with you that all the other options don't seem to fit. My guess is CH, due to the NDA, hasn't given us completely accurate information.
2010‐11‐22 21:16:53
sc ken....beckstoffer is notorious for cloak and dagger. You can buy bulk from them, but can't use the name. My guess is its Dr. Crane, George III, To kalon sells so prob not. They have like 2000 acres in Napa alone, Check the website.
2010‐11‐22 21:19:56
The Cindy offer looks good, but no FS could be costly. I placed an order last week with WL for 4 bottles that cost me $19 for shipping. Not sure if WL or Fed Ex is to blame, but either way, if that keeps up, I won't be buying much without FS.
2010‐11‐22 21:21:33
At JohnR.... you still running that pay for porn phone thing?
I'll call next time I'm lonely
2010‐11‐22 21:31:30
@SCKen, FWIW: Shipping for 4 bottles should have cost you $18 per chart under shipping tab on CW. I know the $1 difference isn't a big deal unless you used it to hit the lottery...
2010‐11‐22 21:37:42
JohnR ‐ What about the Stags Leap? Don't see where Beckstoffer has a Stags Leap vineyard. CH says the 200 is 85% base blend from the source. I guess the Stags Leap could be in the 15%, but I still don't see where Beckstoffer actually blends anything that would account for the 85%.
sc ken....stags leap was the filler, problem from lot 189
@AFK I have, it was a local (Ohio) winery though I'm not sure where they got their grapes from. The stuff was undrinkable. Very earthy, brambly, green. I'd be curious to try it from elsewhere, but my first experience was not pleasant.
@DavidT ~I didn't get that at all. My first thought was they should have blended some in with their Norton which was kind of one dimensional.
Maybe the Ohio season isn't long/warm enough for Chambourcin.......don't know that for sure, just thinking out loud.
2010‐11‐22 21:38:20
2010‐11‐22 21:43:58
2010‐11‐22 21:48:27
2010‐11‐22 22:10:24
hey BW.,, its not the "Official Vayniac" and "Rookie" designations that i was referring to, i don't care about those. Its the "..aD" crap and the GFY garbage that you get greeted with. I am no puritan by any means, not even close, but it just had the atmosphere of some frat house that i wouldn't want to be a member of. Its a totally different vibe, and even if you want to suffer through the different vibe, it takes significantly longer to browse through and find any nuggets of useful info or funny banter than the old forum.. I still contemplate offers and will buy again if the offer is right... i am not protesting WL at all. While i would like a clear, direct, SPECIFIC and not vague explanation of why the old cindy forum was closed, it do not feel entitled to one...
The thing is, now with the forums separated from the cindy offer (be it this forum OR the WLTV ones), I don't even check out the offer some days! Having them both on the same page was smart... in separate places not so smart. Cheers.
2010‐11‐22 22:28:02
Frayed! How do I get this site to quit emailing me on every post. It was good early on but now that I've got 462 emails I think yahoo is going to implode!
2010‐11‐22 22:32:17
@castello ~ I think I took care of that. Let me know if it didn't work!
2010‐11‐22 22:35:47
@AFK, I have tried chambourcin as well, from a local winery here in NJ. This weekend actually... now, of course, it's not France or Ca, but it's a very nice winery & they do have some wines I do like including a syrah I just picked up that got the silver medal at the Finger Lakes Intl wine competition. The chambourcin blend I tried this time was mixed with merlot and was actually 2/3 merlot, & I didn't care for it much but I'm not a total merlot nut. Now, they do have a 100% Chambourcin that won 90 pts & the Gold Medals at the World Wine Competition & the NJ Wine competition but I did not get a chance to try that. Next time I will for your benefit. (Whether those competitions mean anything I don't know, I'm not up on the wine competitions!)
472 WineBabyWine
@all... it is very well known that using "whatever", usually at the end of a sentence in a dismissive way, is a polite F‐U. Which of course, equals cursing someone. Up until today, there was none of that on here, and I expect there won't be from today on, because those who want to can just ignore it and talk about wine, etc. till it goes away. I enjoy this forum because it began & evolved as a no‐pressure, no judgement, no mudslinging peaceful blog, I like the unbiased links to all sites which I'm sure everyone who comes here will come to appreciate, because this site is unbiased & without prejudice towards any particular wine outlet, something that GV, with all due 473 David T
@AFK Perhaps. I'll have to try some chambourcin from other Ohio wineries at some wine festivals next summer. This winery is just that‐ they don't have their own vineyards but they are Ohio grapes for this wine. All their website says about it is "The color is classic Chambourcin, a deep almost garnet red. Slightly higher in acid, this dry wine features a lush aroma and earthy overtones." It appears they're currently out.
2010‐11‐22 22:49:37
34 of 958
2010‐11‐22 22:38:52
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
474 BaroloDude
475 Brooks
476 BaroloDude
477 A Frayed Knot
@johnr et al... offer tonight is right down my alley, but proof of the forum not being on the page being a bad thing... i visited this forum three times, and never checked the evening offer until someone posted i should go look .... its two thirds of my oft requested piemontese three pack (except from different producers), and already RUNNING OUT.
My take: I paid nearly 5o for the Cigliuti and liked it, but wasn't bowled over by it. These are two GOOD wines. Not great. Great price for both though.
If i was more paranoid or full of myself or... i would think they were baiting me back in... ;‐) NTTAWWT.
2010‐11‐22 22:57:33
Mobius is on fire!!!!!!!!! He just posted this.. (copyright Brooks November 19, 2010 at 1:53 pm)
Conference call…Jaimelualua, NJDrew, Anti‐Chris and Finger60................................................. Blah blah blah...(copy right Mobius November 19, 2010 at 12:54pm)
^ above, I create reference citations for posts if created by others. Please get your facts straight, we pride ourselves in this controlled chaos ( I don't keep score for others, but we can put this on AFK's to do list)...while I do struggle with the written word...I always consult my old high school book
Strunk, William, Jr. 1918. The Elements of Style ( checking the checker)
Sir Mobius has not found this site as a public service for the little people, I shared his masterpiece......hey Mobius...get your lazy a$$ to this web site...and bring that TonyO with ya please.....too much good material being created here!!!!
Mr.G. Please I do not need any more new material ideas, as I shared earlier I am working on a couple of posts..and I can get easily distracted....however thank you for your concern and interest.
Yours sincerely,
Rush Chairman HSC & Citations Expert & Yahtzee Champion
P.S. Have a nice day.
P.S.S. OBTW If you were trying to hit on me, I am flattered, but I am already spoken for
P.S.S.S . If you try this again, I will get out a restraining order on you ;)
OK Disclosure..Havens Syrah 2004 this has aged very gracefully.....just a though...CH Lot 178 is Havens Syrah Hudson $12.00...the next time they have the 20% off coupon and putting two cases together for fs to share with friends this is a steal at 9.60 net IMHO. MNF...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
2010‐11‐22 23:11:33
hey AFK... same request/comment as Castello... can you stop me from getting emails with every post? I am not seeing a place where i can do that myself. Thank you in advance.
2010‐11‐22 23:18:13
@BB and castello ~ All of your e‐mail notices have now been forwarded to Brooks! haha
2010‐11‐22 23:23:54
35 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
Brooksie ... my good friend smokenmirrors has kindly given me permission to cut and paste his story ... as far as hitting on you, you're definitely not my cup of tea. cheers.
Fade from black to: A sunny cheerful Thrill Hill
Dissolve to: Slippers on the floor panning up and widening to a couple in pajamas at the kitchen Table.
Patty (looking online at WLTV Forums)
Big changes over at the WL Bruce, seems that there is this Mobius guy writing a lot of smack talk
Bruce (looking quite disheveled)
He aint saying nuthin about my main man Mott is he?
He's bustin Motts chops kind of like the way Miami Steve was on your case a few years back.
Bruce ( face wrinkled in concern)
That just aint right
PattyWhats more he is picking on your ex‐girlfriend Jaimelia!
Bruce (exploding in anger)
Jaimelia is a sweet kid! She deserves better than this.
Why that two bit hack! I've seen better prose coming from Justin Bieber
478 GVaD
479 A Frayed Knot
480 johnr
481 WineKnurd
482 johnr
483 Brandon
484 SCKen
485 luddite
486 WineKnurd
487 WineKnurd
Patty (comforting Bruce with a shoulder rub)I know honey it is just so wrong! You need to do something here Bruce.... YOU are the Boss you have the brains and the talent not to mention a Band. Betcha that Mobius doesnt even have a band. Get into the barn and start recording your response to this mean spirited mobius!
GVaD ~ smokie's stuff is welcome here......long as you have his OK! The man's got talent!
bDude......probably the most interesting offer since the summer time. I pazzed, not out of not wanting, but of the shipping. Basically, $76 to NC. I would loved to try the Barb.
98 Clos du Val from Buckly? Interesting, Stag's Leap, might get 1 or 2 to compare with my late 90's Burgess releases.
Knurd...I would grab the other bottle to taste against the 97 Merryvale.
@BaroloDude are you mistaken me for Warnke? I am not he.
Another pack on Cindy, and another offer with no FS. Great deal for locals, but with shipping costs going up over the holidays, it is killing those of us that have to ship. I'd have to pass on this one anyway. Stopped by Costco earlier to pick up a few things for T‐day dinner and ended up walking out with $250 in wine along with the $125 in food items. Got to love Costco! They had gotten in more of the Hall Cab for $29, which is easily the best deal of cab out there right now.
Some insight into how @GV thinks and why he is so successful:
AKA "Ready, Fire, Aim"
@Luddite did you see Gary's blurb on the left sidebar?
@JohnR about to get 2 bottles of the 98 Clos du Val.
2010‐11‐23 00:04:53
2010‐11‐23 00:22:23
2010‐11‐23 08:59:03
2010‐11‐23 09:35:08
2010‐11‐23 10:37:48
2010‐11‐23 11:01:30
2010‐11‐23 13:36:13
2010‐11‐23 13:52:56
2010‐11‐23 14:02:56
2010‐11‐23 14:52:06
Hi All! Haven't checked this site in a while and WOW, things have certainly picked up! I'm definately going to need to check in more often!
AFK ‐ the MobiBear/BLou story was hysterical! That ranks right up there as an all time great post!
As I spent the hour or so it took to catch up I noticed that the tone of this site was nothing short of harmonius! Well, that is until a few people who's names I don't recall seeing on Cindy started getting surly. Hopefully that was an anomoly and will not be a constant factor. Then again, we had a few "battles" rage on Cindy from time to time too! :) Other than that, this is turning into the wonderful place CW once was. Nice job AFK!
488 Landshark
489 BrunelloBob
I saw a few BLou requests, I'll see what I can do to have him committed here at Trembling Hills.
Landshark in The House!
Pass the Doritos!!
36 of 958
2010‐11‐23 15:18:10
2010‐11‐23 15:33:45
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
490 luddite
491 Landshark
492 Brooks
493 BrunelloBob
494 WineKnurd
@Landshark: Welcome to the asylum ;‐)
@Knurd, re @GV's thinking. Sure did see his comment that's part of why I posted that particular link. Remember reading Tom Peters in school and the "Ready, Fire, Aim" philosophy seems to describe Gary to a tee. One other note, remember Peters recommending that businesses "fire" their least profitable customers guessing that's how we were perceived..
2010‐11‐23 15:40:30
Added the Trembling Hills link in my favorites (right above Cinderella wine!).
2010‐11‐23 15:46:49
WTSO Barolo Alert...BD where are you !!!!!!!!!!! Thanks
2010‐11‐23 16:10:42
Brooks: I know you didn't ask me, but I have a problem keeping my mouth shut some times...and time is usually of the escence with these things....
FWIW, I'm not a fan of Chiarlo's barolo (or his barbera). Not to put words in anyone's mouth, but I think BDude will tell you the same thing....
I find the barolo weak, thin, and not terribly complex. But that's me. And I'm probably drinking them too young anyway, though it's hard to see much of an upside.
2010‐11‐23 16:18:36
@Brooks‐ that WTSO deal is really tempting. I just bought 2 of the 98 CdV off JJ though...
2010‐11‐23 16:19:10
498 luddite
@BB I have found his Piedmontese wines to be on the lighter side myself but I had not tried the 05 yet. If any vintage will show some oomph it would have to be the 05... Plus $26 is a much more reasonable price considering. 2010‐11‐23 16:21:00
Knurd: you're right re: '05 being cause for optimism and I guess it's a can't miss price. Will probably be as good as a lot of other $25 wines, I just don't expect great "Barolo".
2010‐11‐23 16:24:24
As always thank you Team Cindies...I mean slacker!!! ;)
OMG we had a "jumped the landshark" experience...a term paraphased from means when a bean bag chair is in the twilight of its life
2010‐11‐23 16:31:44
Well here's one thing the WTSO Barolo offer has going for it. It's $3 a bottle less than the last time it was offered on 5/26...
2010‐11‐23 16:48:44
499 barolodude
Agreed re the Chiarlo. Meh. Not bad, not great. Just don't have high expectations. For the price its a fair deal.
Sorry Brooks... was at the vet with little Moose all morning. All is well, but i wasn't checking the deals or the THills while waiting. Slacker indeed.
495 WineKnurd
496 BrunelloBob
497 Brooks
500 barolodude
Hey AFK, i am still getting emails with every post. Tried logging in and looking at settings etc., but don't see anything to turn this off. When it was one or two a day, that was fine. But dem peeps is a comin back and postin!, GV fired us...
2010‐11‐23 17:07:42
2010‐11‐23 17:12:06
@daknurd.. nice on the clos du val
502 johnR
@landshark....great to see you!! bring over lou....wait, he will post so fast he will break the server, still bring him over!
some one get Vinmoet over here!
503 BrunelloBob
We get vinmoet for his technical knowledge and TonyO for his comedy and, it's "game over".
(Not that T.O. doesn't know what he's talking about or VM isn't funny,,,ya know what I mean...)
shutting up now.
504 luddite
@johnr: What say you, do many of the Cindies fit this description?
Many consultants to accounting firms estimate the average firm contains between 10 and 40 percent of D and F customers. It is never easy, but it is necessary, to remove these customers from your firm. I would suggest removing those customers whose personalities clash with the culture of your firm, or whose characters are in question. Once that is completed, then you can focus on removing other low‐valued customers (such as the Cs and Ds). These customers are usually the ones who complain most vociferously about your price and the debilitating effect is we tend to listen to them the most and this negatively influences how we price our A and B customers.
2010‐11‐23 18:56:35
501 johnR
37 of 958
2010‐11‐23 17:50:27
2010‐11‐23 17:51:48
2010‐11‐23 17:59:29
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
505 johnR
506 BrunelloBob
507 Brooks
508 BrunelloBob
@luddite: "Be sure you have done everything within your power to turn a low‐value customer into a high value customer. The fact of the matter is your customers are not going to get better until you do." I would argue, as many, would that the bigger concern was the lack of quality. Sure, everyone including myself was in love Last fall and winter, the Lede, Riserva Barolos, I mean I was getting my tail handed to me by my wife with weekly Fedex deliveries. Soon, the frequency of quality deals eroded, and the complaints began. As WIM said wtso started to fill the gap with quality offerings that WE are asking for. So my cash, which was 80% WL/CW started to migrate to wtso and JJB. To qoute Phredd, The Hype, The Hussle, The Pazz, was that not Spring Summer 2010 Cindy?
Quite Personally, I don t think any biz in 2010 in this economic environment can afford to fire any customers. Eventually, like all biz, you reach an inflection point where price/quality ratio erodes. I think that those overhyped banners are one. I wish GV best, and hope the biz well, but the forums are obnoxious. I like the flavor of this site, but it was nasty with those forum bums coming over and starting trouble. Many of this forum peeps are entrenched forum regulars with no ties to Cindy or our community. Their sole intent was to call trouble. Thats why I curry no favor with them. I suspect BBob and Bdude harbor similar feels, knurd also. IF that is the A/B Ohhhh it's a Good night to be a UCONN Huskies fan.... :)
500 Inmate Status
Do I get an assist?
510 A Frayed Knot
Disclosure: Havens Black and Blue 2006....much more approachable than last longer a wrestling match..the tannis no longer overpower...cigar, chocolate blueberry/blackberry a gentle dose of smooth with a long finish...bought at $19 from Union Square Wine and Spirits during a biz trip to NYC...i must confess the custy service from mgt was sub‐par IMHO...I would not shop there again
OK who is writing the Harvard Business School Case Study on Wine Library....if not...let's move on from the regular dead horse beating...let's be upbeat...there is so much pain and suffering in the world without Nico....some much wine to talk little time
Wow, how did all of this happen?
511 Brooks
Wow built it .....they will come...I just dropped an email to Sir M, TonyO and FF...who else needs to get an email...see the new blog...same as the old blog
AFK...capacity issues when Blou come on line?...BB...assist for you...
"Scotty give it full power, BuffLou will be posting"
"I am sorry captain, we are already at full capacity"
"Full power damn you"
"I dont' mean to pry captain, but do you by any chance need a check up from the neck up from Dr. McCoy"
"It is high illogical that the captain needs a ..."
A loud sound of a crash is be continued
509 Brooks
512 barolodude
513 BaroloDude
514 A Frayed Knot
515 BaroloDude
516 A Frayed Knot
2010‐11‐23 19:48:23
2010‐11‐23 21:26:17
2010‐11‐23 21:27:26
2010‐11‐23 21:29:26
2010‐11‐23 21:38:14
2010‐11‐23 21:46:27
2010‐11‐23 22:00:24
Hey AFK... i know you are not a master blogmaster here... but i cannot figure out how to stop the emails everytime someone posts. I see only one thing, that stops wordpress from emailing all together, that i can click. The advice in the Support FAQ didn't help me (i couldnt find the menu of choices that they talk about !)... i feel so lame! Let me know if you figure it out.
2010‐11‐23 22:00:43
hey if i am still getting emails for every post, and BLou starts up here, i am doomed. ;‐)
2010‐11‐23 22:06:23
B‐dude~ Argggggg...............I thought I stopped that. Will keep trying on this end
If BuffaloLou comes we may need our own server!
2010‐11‐23 22:06:58
one thing i have learned, is that if you formally LOG IN to wordpress, your experience changes on this blog. You don't need to enter your Name and Email everytime you post (or even need the browser to remember it for you), in fact those boxes do not even appear, and neither do boxes below where you can check "notify me...". And you see bunch of menus at the top of the browser window... but the Settings menu they refer to in the FAQ eludes me (maybe only for the moderator!?)... and you get a lot more options if you log in. Just lettin' folks know. But i still don't see the solution to my problem in all those menus.
2010‐11‐23 22:10:50
OK about now!
2010‐11‐23 22:17:47
38 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
Hello Everyone!
@Brooks ‐ Thanks for sending me the email. I recall attempting to "sign‐up" when AFK got the ball rolling for this sight, but "flyerfan" was already taken. The got involved in the other, "new", CW site, which is still not the same as our beloved old one. Thank you, again, AFK, for putting this together...........Haven't viewed the "new" CW forum since last week; too busy with work and school right now.
Just wanted to say "hi" to everyone, and wish you and your families a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving holiday. Safe travels for those who are doing so!
517 flyerfan
518 A Frayed Knot
519 TonyO
520 A Frayed Knot
521 TonyO
522 WineBabyWine
523 TonyO
524 Johnny C
525 castello
526 Cooley
Will try to check in over the course of the next few days!
2010‐11‐23 22:19:06
Welcome flyerfan, the more the merrier...............Have a great Thanksgiving!
BDude~ If you are actually signed in to wordpress, you should be able to use the My Account drop down menu and then choose Manage Subscriptions to opt out of the e‐mail thing.
2010‐11‐23 22:42:43
Hey Hey ! Returned last night from a weekend in Minneapolis. Cancelled flights (United f$%&%&ing sucks !!!), lost luggage, and bad weather, and the Vikings getting a beatdown, yet we somehow managed to have a GREAT time !! Minneapolis has a kick ass food scene ! I hope all is well and think my time and efforts will be more directed towards this forum. Not to be negative, but I just don't really like to "busyness" of the WL/CW new forum. I won't mince words (yeah, that comes as a shock) but I DESPISE that whole "requoting" BS. Redundant and really ridiculous if you ask me. Currently about 80% of the way through a 2009 Owen Roe Abbot's table.....nice vintage after a couple off years. Hope life finds you all in good spirits and great health.......
2010‐11‐23 23:04:02
TonyO aka T‐vicious at airport security...........can you picture that?
Don't touch my junk!
2010‐11‐23 23:15:07
Yeah, quite a scene.................when you combine an incompetent industry with the Federal Government, it's a perfect storm of inefficiency...........our luggage just showed up......23 hours after us and it had a 6 hour headstart...... I thought I was going to get patted down so I stripped down to a Speedo, stuck a few bills in, and started "busting a move" at 11.......
@Brooks... Star Trek is too slow.... we're going to have to go straight to... Ludicrous Speed!!!
Hooray FF! Glad you made it!
Is it me, or is it time for David Letterman to call it quits?? B‐O‐R‐I‐N‐G !!! Still making GW Bush jokes and still afraid to take a poke at Obama. You're tired old man, collect your gold watch and head for Naples, Florida......
I like Ricky Minor's band on Jay's show... But then I'm a bass player, so there you go...
Bdude. Did the emails stop? I think they may have. I shouldn't have let that foxy Som talk me into that old wine. I think I got neutered! Drinkable but not real good. Old wine tastes old?
Where is Blou???? I get the feeling he is not welcomed here.....
39 of 958
2010‐11‐23 23:19:22
2010‐11‐23 23:59:04
2010‐11‐24 00:18:15
2010‐11‐24 00:56:10
2010‐11‐24 01:05:47
2010‐11‐24 01:24:54
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
527 Brooks
528 WineKnurd
529 luddite
530 BrunelloBob
Major Tom to ground control....where is BLou?.....GPS reading.... upstate NY
I came upon a post that was odd,
He missed that we were a busload,
And I shared "we are easy going"
And we rather have chablis
BuffLou was last seen at Yasgur's Farm
With PS in hand did not want to get scanned
He's gonna camp out on the land
Campfire and glass by a fig tree
In BLou we trust,
He is beholden,
He's got to get back to Trembling Hills Garden,
Can we blog next to you,
Did we lose our ufpog
It is bout wine and friends we are yearning
Well maybe it's tax time of the year
or maybe he needs more bran,
I don't know roxanne
But you know wine is for sharing,
In BLou we trust,
He is beholden,
He's got to get back to Trembling Hills Garden,
2010‐11‐24 06:11:09
@TonyO‐ was out in Minneapolis myself back in May. Did you have a "juicy lucy"? not sure what wines I would pair with such a dish, probably a zin, cab, or wine made with antacid :)
2010‐11‐24 07:40:38
Welcome @TonyO and @FF! Half a million strong @Brooks? Josie's gonna need some more wine...
Happy Thanksgiving to all, we're looking forward to spending it with our daughter...
FF (again) ant TonyO in da House!
Yankees Suck my old friend!
AFK: Let me know when the demigod calls and wants to buy back his Cinderella Blog. I do a fair amount of negotiating for a living...
missing upfrog...
2010‐11‐24 07:44:29
2010‐11‐24 07:49:49
2010‐11‐24 09:29:25
533 WineKnurd
JohnR, WineKnurd and the rest of the NC gang ‐ you guys still planning a tasting on Dec. 17th? Would you allow a SC boy (though born and bred a Tar Heel) to join you? I'm planning on coming up for the UNC/Texas game in Greensboro on the 18th anyway, so not a big deal for me to come up a night early. Would love to finally meet you guys in person and share a few bottles of good wine!
SCKen we would love to have you! If you are coming from Greensboro it should be pretty much a straight shot down 85 then to 70.
JohnR maybe we should switch back to NCWino's if SCKen is coming?
534 SCKen
WineKnurd ‐ Thanks! Shoot me an email with details, shawgolf at aol dot com. And let me know what I can bring.
2010‐11‐24 10:03:14
531 SCKen
532 WineKnurd
535 johnR
2010‐11‐24 09:49:38
2010‐11‐24 09:55:21
@Knurd....I am fine with him coming to the Le Petite Chateau Anti‐Shill. Bill's hosted 3 times in a row, kinda asking a lot. I am sure Ken could met up with you and you can both drive together if neccessary.
2010‐11‐24 10:05:09
Hello Cindies! Rec'd a note from Brooks that I have to come join the party. How can one refuse or ignore a personal invite from the HSC Rush Chair? ROFL!
Story: When I first tried to sign on, 3 weeks ago, I found that someone already had my handle, "BuffaloLou", so I just back‐burnered it. Just checked it out... The fool that had my handle was ME! I dunno... Must have signed‐up at one time and forgot! Twit! LOL!
536 buffalolou
537 buffalolou
So, to use the phrase that drives the forum members nuts, "whats goin on?"
Oh, BTW, only read two pages of comments. Did anyone upgrade that server? LOL!
40 of 958
2010‐11‐24 10:29:58
2010‐11‐24 10:30:41
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
538 johnR
my computer is blinking red..Lou's here!
2010‐11‐24 10:31:35
Things are getting interesting on the forum... It appears some don't like the Cindies treading on their turf:
539 buffalolou
540 BrunelloBob
"As for why some of the old timers are no longer posting here, it's because the content is boring. There is a ton of boring, wine‐less ranting on this board. I used to come here to read wine related content. Now, it seems there are plenty of newbies that feel the need to comment on every post, which some of us don't care to read." ‐
I thought we had Rules Against "Official Vayniacs"!
Welcome buddy!
@BB: ROFLMAO! Touche'! And thanks!
2010‐11‐24 10:39:06
2010‐11‐24 10:45:09
I can burn up two boards at once! If you're interested:
541 buffalolou
542 johnR
2010‐11‐24 10:58:11
Lou your welcome to post as much as you want, we are non‐judgemental, actually, up until Monday, but hey you need to get Vinmoet over here! That one poster was totally hostile towards you for no reason. Apparently there is still some issues for "there".
2010‐11‐24 11:05:32
It happens, John. I just take a deep breath, count to 10 (OK, I waited over an hour... ) and respond. Kitty is harmless. He's a good guy that sticks his foot in his mouth on occasion (who hasn't... ) I know he meant no harm... Others on that post... well, you can make your own decision...
544 johnR
I have to admit, joe's a stand‐up guy for sticking‐up for me. Then again, I'd expect nothing less from joe...
No, not kitty that other guy, the forum regular. Get Kitty over here too!
545 BrunelloBob
Anyone else notice that when the Michelle Chiarlo Barolo offer came up (WTSO?) yesterday, an inquiry was made on this board and there were at least three timely, value added responses. OK, one of them was mine, but the other two responses were "value added"... I noticed a simialar inquiry was made on the WLTV Cindy Topic of the moment, and it went unanswered...
To me, one of the greatest values of these sites is bouncing around offers like that and getting feedback from people that know the wine. I guess, for that purpose, this was the place to be yesterday... :)
543 buffalolou
546 johnR
547 luddite
548 WineBabyWine
549 buffalolou
550 johnR
551 WineBabyWine
552 WineBabyWine
553 buffalolou
554 Lurker
@BBob, remember, that before the demise of the Community, few people really understood the 800lb Gorilla in the room. We made the community what it was, but the site was always directed to sales. This site is unique because is an evolution of the community away from Cindy. IF I were employed at WL, I'd be upset because the community that Cindy created, and had loyality too, just up and walked away. All the loyality left. And quite frankly, these are the members of the Community that I respected and valued, not those other jokers. I would fly to the west coast in a ny minute if the group ever did a tasting on the left coast.
Barolo "Castello" now up on CW!
yes, so not being very familiar with these yet, is it a good one? (Looks like they want Bdude & Castello back!)
#BBob: unless you're markjahnke... Then it wasn't the place to be! LOL!
Seriously, I agree. That's what made the CW community so great and in all fairness, the forum, too. There are more topics than you can imagine. Negative is that you end up following many topics. Positive is you can find a topic...
I am in...Grimaldi is a serious producer!
Why does the review say "it isnt' the most typical barolo out there?" What does that mean?
Hey Lou, welcome!!! We are now on Ludicrous Speed! :)))
"Ripe fruit, with hints of tar and spices. Full‐bodied, with chewy tannins, along with blackberry and dark chocolate. Mouthpuckering. Powerful... " Sounds great!
Some name calling going on, I thought that wasn't done around here. For the record, the guy that posted about Lou's posts count is NOT a form regular, he drops in once a month and sometimes less then that. Saying that the regulars are annoyed with Lou is ridiculous, the regulars like having him around and post one‐liners and off topic stuff just like Lou.
41 of 958
2010‐11‐24 11:19:14
2010‐11‐24 11:22:05
2010‐11‐24 11:33:42
2010‐11‐24 12:01:57
2010‐11‐24 12:04:31
2010‐11‐24 12:07:54
2010‐11‐24 12:08:41
2010‐11‐24 12:09:08
2010‐11‐24 12:13:46
2010‐11‐24 12:15:12
2010‐11‐24 12:15:35
2010‐11‐24 12:18:01
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
555 BrunelloBob
556 luddite
557 buffalolou
558 buffalolou
559 buffalolou
WBW: BDude would answer with more certainty (JR?), but the "ripe fruit" comment may suggest this is fruiter than a typical barolo. Maybe more new world than traditional old world earthy.
Does sound interesting though.
Grammy winner for this wine last time around:
Perhaps that should be "Lou‐dicrous Speed"! LOL!
@Lurker: I've been receiving PMs saying exactly what you're saying. That's cool. Nearly everyone on the forum is happy to have the Cindies there. In fact, they usually say "it's good to have new blood" or "we needed new blood" as it was pretty much the same peeps for a while. That's why I enjoy it. That, and I can post day and night about every topic under the sun! LOL!
@luddite: Sadly, it was "No goal!" LOL!
Hey, do I get forum credit for my posts over here? Just askin'...
2010‐11‐24 12:19:50
2010‐11‐24 12:20:49
2010‐11‐24 12:50:38
2010‐11‐24 12:54:25
2010‐11‐24 12:55:26
hey AFK, seems to be working now! I tried that settings pulldown menu and I kept getting emails, but whatever you did works!
Castello is on the label of this mornings Barolo offer on Cindy. DOes this mean a round of bottles on him?
Not familiar with Grimaldi... BBob or others, you had anything from this maker?
Cooley, you have no idea, do you. Pls explain why in your mind that our friend BLou would "not be welcome here". Absurd.
560 BaroloDude
561 BrunelloBob
TonyO... Brett Favre is no longer "ow‐some". That descent was sudden and now very pitiful. In your mind, how much of it is Childress and how much the old geezer himself?
Hey Dude,
Much of my Barolo knowledge comes from books. I've had a few really good ones, in restaurants, and a few "crappy" ones bought on the cheap. I'm aging a case +/‐ but they're all pretty much recent purchases. The age needed on these things is really holding me back. If I've had Grimaldi, I don't remember it and I don't have notes. The write up on Cindy suggests this Grimaldi is a fairly new player. I think there's more than one Grimaldi knocking about Piedmont, though.
JohnR ‐ I've gotten so accustomed to you dissing the Cindy offer, that I almost fell out of my chair when I read you were buying this one!
564 BrunelloBob
I think I picked up a couple of bottles of this the last time it was offered, so that, combined with my lack of funds, equals a pass for me.
Cool to see BLou finally made it over here. Who are we missing now?
Ken: We need a "frenchie", Vinmoet would be a good pick up.
Corkscrew and upfrog also come to mind as missing links...
565 luddite
@BuffaloLou: Welcome, and you are hereby awarded the honorary title of "Cindy Poster Summa Cum Laude."
562 SCKen
563 SCKen
42 of 958
2010‐11‐24 12:57:08
2010‐11‐24 13:04:29
2010‐11‐24 13:10:30
2010‐11‐24 13:12:19
2010‐11‐24 13:13:57
2010‐11‐24 13:18:03
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
566 buffalolou
A post from Mobius:
It is hard to believe that another year has passed by and we’re upon the Holiday Season. Wow! How time flies when one is getting old.
This Day of Thanks snuck up on me this year, as I have been battling flu‐like‐symptoms since last Thursday, my days/nights have become a blur similar to a “Dead Arm” binge.
As we approach a time for giving thanks we all here must consider ourselves rather fortunate that we can argue/debate monumental issues such as shipping costs, drinking windows, wine/turkey pairings, guitar riffs, blog malls, pan seared popped corn etc..
We have that right to enjoy life and the finer things in life as we have worked hard and earned them. Along the way we had some help I’m sure, I know I did, and also we must have had some good luck on our side.
On the Day of Thanks this year, let us just look around and take in the things that really matter, the friends and family that surround us like a lucky blanket, let us look at the empty chairs at the table, and remember these loved ones that are with us only in spirit, let us pay homage to their memory by loving those around us, as we did the departed ones. Let us give thanks for the good fortune we all enjoy, let us enjoy our successes and learn from failures. Let us this Holiday season remember those less fortunate, let us remember those beautiful children standing strong in the face of terminal diseases, let us hope the ill, the homeless, the elderly have shelter and clean water, let us hope that as we feast, the less fortunate can find some shelter from the elements and some bread to eat.
Let us not just hope that these less fortunate beings are remembered, let us, each one of us, dedicate ourselves to comfort someone this Holiday Season. Let us give to a food shelter, let us be part of a coat drive, let us donate money and goods to a charity, let us be there for the less fortunate. Mankind is always at its best when giving; let us be at our best this season. Regardless of which “Good Book” you subscribe to, one thing is common to all faiths, 2010‐11‐24 13:21:12
ALL ‐ I think that the great Mobius should, from this day forward, be called "The Prophet" or simply, "Prophet".
567 buffalolou
This it is written. This it is done.
2010‐11‐24 13:22:04
568 WineKnurd
@BrunelloBob‐ I have had a few of the "modern" fruit forward style Barolos lately, really more than I would like, mostly from 2005. I will admit that they aren't bad and more ready to drink now, but it wasn't what I expected or wanted from a Barolo (especially when I was paying $40+). Very little tar or floral components though still some bitter chocolate tannins on the finish. As a wine I liked it but as a trend I want my old Barolo's back!
We're still missing Josie , Blou there's a wine that I can't say on Last Call Wines now.
oh yeah , I'd be good to find @ chippy
@ castello, everybody's looking for you ,will you please turn that TV off
2010‐11‐24 13:25:05
@BLou‐ going to bring an Amarone to our next NC tastinng in honor of you joining us here at Trembling Hills! The first 5 mL will be poured out as a sacrificial libation to the almighty BLOU!
@Knurd: I appreciate the gesture, but please, do not waste the nectar!
2010‐11‐24 13:27:12
569 patrick hill
570 WineKnurd
571 buffalolou
2010‐11‐24 13:25:42
2010‐11‐24 13:46:59
@PH: Just posted on the other forum about it. It depends on what you want in an Amarone... "This is a fairly restrained style for Amarone."
Several month's back, I picked up a case of the 2003 Bussola Amarone Classico from WL:
"The 2003 Amarone della Valpolicella Classico is a highly unusual wine of freakish dimensions. This is an exotic Amarone that captures an almost port‐like expression of fruit while remaining light on its feet." $52
572 buffalolou
I know what I want, but you have to make the call for your palate...
43 of 958
2010‐11‐24 13:49:13
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
Hi everyone! Glad to see BLou here posting with the Cindy crew. The band is almost back together.
I agree with JohnR that at times the tone on the WLTV forum can be harsh and it is overwhelming with all the threads. I really like this place, and this format of one‐stop shopping for offers. And we can talk about anything we want, self police, and not have to worry about losing our home.
Thanks to AFK for making our new home possible.
Thanks to all of you for being there and welcoming and becoming my "virtual family"
. Hope we get to do more in person tasting events, and can meet more of the crew.
Believe it or not, got my 375 ml case of 2001 Vitanza BdM today! So tempting to crack one open, but that violates my own personal travel shock rule, so I'll wait.
573 waitinginmanassas
574 johnR
575 castello
576 waitinginmanassas
577 SCKen
578 buffalolou
579 buffalolou
580 buffalolou
581 johnR
582 johnR
583 buffalolou
584 smokenmirrors
585 TonyO
586 TonyO
587 BrunelloBob
Happy Thanksgiving to all, and hope you all have a wonderful time with your real families. Can't wait to see the Cindies in Philly Sat nite!
@WIM I insist you open a baby bottle to test the travel shock theory!
The Cindy wine must be good if they named it after me.
I may have to propose to Josie again! I mean to get her to post here. Somebody snuck me her edress so I have the capability but don't want to seem tooooo forward!
@castello I may have to do that with lunch! I'll let you know if I do. After all, it was shippied out on Monday, so how shook up could it be?
We'll see Josie Sat nite and will try to get her to join the band over here.
Saw she was pining for you over on WLTV a little while ago...
Getting ready to leave the office and start preparing for company tomorrow. In case I don't get a chance to check back in, I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving. I second the thoughts of Mobius. I am very thankful to have been blessed with many things including being able to share good wine with great friends.
@JohnR: Sent vinmoet a PM.
@castello: Whew! For a second there I thought you said you "snuck up Josie's dress"! Close call... may have to moderate this forum! LOL!
Hope you all have a happy and safe Thanksgiving!
my 1st cindy buy in 6 feel tingly inside, or is that the Amarone!
1st 07 Bordeaux dump on WTSO...I am sure the 1st of many!
@JohnR: It's the AH MA RO NAY... it has that effect!
at JohnR
You just cant let it go can you..
As was mentioned here by Lurker, that markjahnke guy is not a regular poster on WL.
His post was as insulting to all good people as was your post to NYPete. I mean really ‐ giving out your phone number, how far removed are you from grammar school?
Your prejudicial demeanor is starting to wear thin.
@wineknurd: no Juicy Lucy's (also a song by Nazareth) but did hit some great spots: Bar La Grassa, Travail, Piccolo, and Sea Change. Plenty of Foie Gras, Grilled Octopus, Pork Cheeks, and other treats. Hard to imagine a better food scene for a city that size.
2010‐11‐24 14:05:00
2010‐11‐24 14:08:12
2010‐11‐24 14:09:26
2010‐11‐24 14:16:51
2010‐11‐24 14:19:43
2010‐11‐24 14:52:14
2010‐11‐24 14:55:20
2010‐11‐24 15:01:33
2010‐11‐24 15:11:54
2010‐11‐24 15:15:53
2010‐11‐24 15:32:50
2010‐11‐24 15:38:18
2010‐11‐24 16:06:39
@BaroloDude; I always believe that ultimate repsonsibility to perform falls on the shoulders of the players. That being said, Childress could suck the life out of a free All You Can Drink tasting of Havens wines. The guy is just awful. Favre should not have come back and I think in the back of his mind, he knows that. It would have been great to see him go out on top (that's what she said........), but such is life onboard the Viking ship.......some coaches maximize talent and create synergy (Belichick is a MASTER at this) quote pre2004 Sawks fans, "Maybe Next Year".......
2010‐11‐24 16:13:06
@John Entwistle: PRE 2004?
2010‐11‐24 16:32:06
44 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
588 TonyO
589 hinrgman
590 johnR
591 johnR
592 BrunelloBob
593 BaroloDude
594 BaroloDude
595 BrunelloBob
that thread that BufLou is EXACTLY why I am done on the "new" forum. There are posters that take a f#$&Ing bottle of wine so seriously that it becomes almost hilarious. IT IS F#$*ING GRAPE JUICE !! (yes, the upper case letters are meant to represent shouting in this case). Maybe I go off topic a bit, but you know what, to me, it's who you are with, where you are, and what you are doing when you drink a bottle of wine that really counts. Call me a "d" or whatever the insult du jour is, but I'll take a f$%&* 87 point wine in the company of family and friends over some 100 point pretentious, overpriced, overhyped bottle with a bunch of elitist EVERY time. More to come.......................................May the Joy of the Holidays be with you all unless you are an a$$, in which case may your turkey be dry and wishes that you get the short side of the wishbone.....................
2010‐11‐24 16:37:24
Hi everyone. Glenn was concerned that he didn't see me here so here I am. I've been reading (lurking) from time to time. Glad to see all the people here. Happy Thanksgiving.
2010‐11‐24 17:09:41 have posted 4 times here. All of which were negative. You have no affliation with Cindy, as you have 2800+ on the forums. Your ilk are why many of us left the forums. You have brought nothing here, as it is America, you are free to post as you like, leave my name out your mouth!
2010‐11‐24 17:17:24
excuse me, you have 6800+ posts
2010‐11‐24 17:22:19
I'm using this as "Grace" tomorrow:
"May the Joy of the Holidays be with you all unless you are an a$$, in which case may your turkey be dry and wishes that you get the short side of the wishbone…………………"
2010‐11‐24 17:26:02
"Just when i think I am out... they PULL me back in" Whats up with all these piemontese offers lately? I have been strong so far, but i may need to cave today.
But, i cannot even get to load in my browser now. Wonder if its my crappy computer or the site.
GREAT GREAT barbaresco article in the NYT... Asimov and gang taste many, and comment about the 2005 vintage, and discuss the key (supposed) differences between Barolo and Barbaresco. A must read. And AFK, maybe a link‐worthy article?
Very happy to see 4 of my favorites in the top 10...
2010‐11‐24 17:26:38
oh, and the article echoes advice that I and others have offered on our forum(s) before... Barolo is starting to be ready to open after 10 yrs typically, barbaresco a bit less... but if you can wait... wait 8+ there too... looks like Asimov feels same way after tasting the 05s. WHile they are starting to be ok, a few more years would be better... and that the best "value" was still 45 bucks... 40+ is usually where i have found good Barolo, and occasionally near 30 for Barb. (Prod Del B being the most reliable 25‐33 buck bottle... of course if you can ever grab a Rabaja from them for more, its worth the premium...)
2010‐11‐24 17:32:23
Produttori del Barbaresco, killer QPR.
2010‐11‐24 17:38:25
JohnR... just ignore it all dude. You are welcome here.
Wish Mobius would post here! (unless he is under a different alias) He sent me an email, i really need to reply. I just haven't found the right words... you want to reply prosaically (is that a word? you see what i mean?) or profoundly, and i just havent' crafted that reply in my head yet. I was just literally loading up a bag of clothes to go to Goodwill with, and i stopped to check in on Tremblers here, and there was the mobius repost... nice.
596 BaroloDude
597 TonyO
598 TonyO
I hope you all have a great Turkey day tomorrow. I am planning to open so much wine (i usually open up 600+ dollars worth of wine on Thanksgiving, given 15 visitors come, and all of those of drinking age love wine... the special occasion stuff comes out!)
THis year, i am thinking about some Agrapart & Fils Champagne, a Corison Dry Gewurz or a DuMol Chard, a DuMOL PN, potentially a DuMOL Magnum of Syrah, maybe a Noon Grenache... better get working on that plan and make sure i can find everything i want to open... cheers all.
2010‐11‐24 17:38:33
I have seen that markjahnke post on other forums like Chowhound. I don't know him and as a habit, don't like to judge people I have not met face to face, but my instincts tell me that 5 minutes with that dude would seem like 5 years of waterboarding. Maybe I'm wrong, but his lack of humility and constant bragging are a bit much. Hey, we all like a great bottle of wine and sharing our experiences. However, to do so in a manner that seems to establish a hierarchy and class system has no place in my personal wine discussions. I'm just a common man that feels blessed to be able to enjoy a few niceties along the journey called life. That blessing, I will never take for granted.................................
2010‐11‐24 17:41:52
@BB; come on, we all know what happened in 2004..........I thought you were asking if that pic of Entwistle was pre 2004 for a minute !
2010‐11‐24 17:45:14
45 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
599 TonyO
600 johnR
@baroloDude: nice lineup, good of you to share ! Not sure what the lineup will be here maybe some Argyle Brut, Ridge Zin, Sineann Pinot, ...........
2010‐11‐24 17:48:39
Cindy is down..502 error
2010‐11‐24 17:52:47
Tell me what you think of that Sineann .. i haven't had any of their PN yet, and would like to hear your thoughts on it. My list is getting too dominated by DuMOL, but some of that stuff needs to be drank, and i know its a crowd favorite.
I still cannot get to load.
601 BaroloDude
602 johnR
603 BrunelloBob
604 TonyO
605 BrunelloBob
606 BrunelloBob
607 A Frayed Knot
I hope CASTELLO saw the free shipper today... its sold out now. It was the Kermit Lynch CdR, which i know he is a BIG fan of... having shared a bottle with him in the RV (a.k.a. the mobile tasting room) a few months back.
As expected, that 07 Bordeaux is sitting on WTSO like lump of coal.
I've got no catcher, It's not even spring training yet and I'm talkin' about "next year...
Disclosure: 2006 Il Corzano Toscano IGT. A wine I told my wife not to buy...Pleasant surprise, rhough I'm not sold on the QPR (discounted to $28, I think). Sangio and cab blend, the cab must be just over the max for chianti. Comes off like a fruitier rdm, after some air.
@BB: Victor Martinez was a tough loss........... I heard Jeter can catch a little and he may be available.......
@BD: Sineann makes some GREAT Pinots: look for the Resonance, Schindler, and Wyeast but I have enjoyed them all. Had a bottle of Williams Selyem in Minnesota ($88 in a restaurant, I thought that was far), nice wine.........
Jeter's too old to catch...wait...Varitek is 39 in April...
Sox'll throw Jeter an offer just to drive up the price. We need a third baseman...
JR: $25 gets me mowhere in Bordeaux
B‐dude ~ Got your article link up!
2010‐11‐24 17:53:51
2010‐11‐24 17:54:16
2010‐11‐24 18:24:49
2010‐11‐24 18:40:03
2010‐11‐24 18:44:36
2010‐11‐24 18:45:56
2010‐11‐24 18:46:43
At johnr
first my apologies to all the good people here.
608 smokenmirrors
John your facts are as far off as your brain appear s to be. I have been a follower of cindy wines since itd
2010‐11‐24 19:35:13
609 smokenmirrors
Its inception. Great that you took the time to look up the number of posts i have on wl. You johnny are no better than markjahnke,you are both pompous assholes. As for me keeping your name out of my mouth, no problemo,i never plan to call your gay sex line. What kind of punk publishes his telephone number on the internet anyways. If you care to continue this tough guy i can easily be reached.
i do apologize to all but this punk neededd a verbal slapdown. I will not be posting here again unless numbnuts johnny continues.
thank you and have a pleasant thanksgiving.
2010‐11‐24 19:46:25
610 WineKnurd
611 A Frayed Knot
@BaroloDude. Just popped the Prinsi 04 Barbaresco, one of only 3 Barbaresco offered at my LWS and a single vineyard wine (<600 cases). After our discussion regarding the "thin" Chiarelos (sp), this Prinsi is kicknig some serious azz. Its got the fruit, the tar, the roses, the bitter chocolate tannins, some orange peel, loam, and after 6 years looks like it could lay down for a bit longer. Great acid and structure. Its probably the best Barbaresco, and even Barolo, I have had in quite some time.
@KNurd and all ~ Feel free to post tasting notes here to keep conversations going and then repost in the Wine Reviews link so that they will be easier to find later.
46 of 958
2010‐11‐24 20:02:07
2010‐11‐24 20:24:54
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
I do believe that lot 189 Stags leap is pretty nice..
Tuesday, November 30 at 11:30pm ‐ December 2 at 12:00am Cameron Hughes Wine's FB page
Created By
Cameron Hughes Wine
More InfoHey Folks, this will be our LAST Facebook Sale for 2010, December 1st for 24 hours!
So, as our Holiday present to all of our Facebook Fans, we're giving you 15% off and free shipping on our TOP Cabernets for 24 hours! Want a GREAT gift for you coworkers, friends, or golf partners? Check out these Ultimate Cabs below!
Lot 200 2008 Napa Valley (Rutherford/Oakville/Stags Leap) Cabernet Sauvignon
Lot 189 2008 Stags Leap, Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon
Lot 188 2008 Chalk Hill Cabernet Sauvignon
612 johnR
Lot 190 2007 Alexander Valley, Sonoma County Cabernet Sauvignon
2010‐11‐24 20:28:24
613 WineKnurd
AFK once I post to CT I will have my notes linked here in the review section. Thanks for letting me know!
2010‐11‐24 20:35:25
614 BaroloDude
TO: Hey nice restaurant that has WSelyem on its list! I have had one bottle of the 08 SOnoma Coast WS PN (their basic bottling along with a RRV cuvee)... it was good, but a bit acidic and clearly would be great with a few years of cellaring. I put it right in between Littorai (VERY acidic, needs time, but you can tell goodness is underneath, esp the Haven and the Summa) and Lynmar (my fave RRV PN) which is much more approachable in youth, but good balance of acid, complexity, fruit etc. Williams Selyem is almost like a 50/50 blend of Littorai and Lynmar to my limited palate. 88 at a restaurant is a good deal on WS, was probably either their basic Sonoma Coast or RRV (which lists for 50ish). CHeers!
2010‐11‐24 20:51:31
615 Lurker
Kind of funny, all are welcome here as long as you don't also have a history on WLTV, kind of forming a clique that you complain so much about on the other forum. You want to pull the old Cindies from there but they are all that matters. You are what you complain about, the circle is complete.
2010‐11‐24 21:33:51
@BaroloDude: it was a restaurant called Piccolo and it was really great. I believe it was one of the entry lever bottlings (Sonoma or Central Coast). They had about 15 different bottlings, most between $88 and $150. They also had the O'Shaughnessy Cab for $105, a great deal (although I think that wine was a bit to big for their cuisine).
616 TonyO
617 TonyO
618 A Frayed Knot
619 johnR
620 AccaDacca
621 johnR
622 A Frayed Knot
623 AccaDacca
624 A Frayed Knot
625 accadacca19
626 accadacca19
627 TonyO
628 NY Pete
What a shock, another repeat/ CdP on Cinderella ............Cindy has really lost that lovin' feeling !
A new holiday tradition: A Lurkturducken: you stuff a chicken inside a duck inside a turkey and then you cram the whole thing up Lurkers poopchute ! Happy Thanksgiving !
@Lurker ~ I'm the only here with the ability to ban someone and I never have!
@tonyO...ignore them, they are like stray cats, you feed them and keep coming back.
Hi Everybody. Regular lurker, sometimes contributor (as AK) on the old Cindy site. Enjoyed the old format and the general ramblings, so have started following here. AFK, thanks for putting this together. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Andrew
welcome to the nutthouse!
2010‐11‐24 21:35:10
Welcome Andrew...............don't mind the inmates...................they haven't all had their meds yet!
Its all good guys (and gals). Just looking to learn more about wine and find the occasional Youtube concert video I havent seen! Now how does this avatar thing work again???
Ok think I got the hang of it
or not
Maybe the Argyle "Nuthouse" Pinot Noir can be the "house wine of Trembling Hills".....the name fits and the juice is mighty tasty................
hope all you guys and gals have a great Thanksgiving.
2010‐11‐24 21:48:43
47 of 958
2010‐11‐24 21:40:48
2010‐11‐24 21:41:11
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2010‐11‐24 21:46:52
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2010‐11‐24 21:51:45
2010‐11‐24 22:01:36
2010‐11‐24 22:01:49
2010‐11‐24 22:02:02
2010‐11‐24 22:02:47
2010‐11‐24 22:03:34
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
Good evening, folks!
Wow, what stupid &*^($% virus has found its way and infected the "official" CW forum and this one??!! What has gotten into people??.......Well, I'm happy to be here, and again, a big "thank you" to AFK for putting it all together. I admit, I'm one who tends to post "off‐topic" about things other than wine, especially about sports (hockey in particular), and I thank all of you for indulging me. I have learned quite alot about wine, and about life, from many of you. I am thankful for each and every one of you......Good to see you hear, BrunelloBob and BaroloDude. Missed you guys over at the other place.
Looking forward to getting together with some of the Philly Cindies Saturday evening. (Gee, I hope we're not going to an all‐you‐can‐eat Thanksgiving leftovers buffet!!!) ;‐)
629 flyerfan
630 A Frayed Knot
631 TonyO
633 A Frayed Knot
634 luddite
635 luddite
636 BaroloDude
637 TonyO
I wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving, filled with the love of family and the laughter of friends.
Tony ~Since you seem to be the expert on pea‐ nut newer..........have you ever had Foris? Have an 07 I was planning on popping this weekend.
@AFK; never indulged in Foris PN but I say, let it flow !!!! PN is nice with the roasted bird and most side dishes (can get a little overwhelmed by stuffing if really savory with sausage and sage). Great job here, glad to be part of the "incarcerated". Glad we are granted furloughs to go out and make purchases that are shared as long as we promise to return !
Thanks Tony!
@all ~ FYI ~ Here are a few coupon codes for
NOV75 ~ $5 off $75 or more
NOV300 ~ $20 off $300 or more
NOVGIFT ~ 5% off gift basket
All expire 11/25
@NY Pete: Welcome and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours as well!
Link to coupon codes:
@BB and @TonyO: Speaking of tough losses how about CC Sabathia, Cliff Lee, and Victor Martinez. Go Tribe!
Hey @vinmoet get your '06 Chateau Petrus Pomerol for less than a Grand @ WTSO!
Wine Woot has a nice deal on Corison Kronos two pack for 165. A 2000 and a 2006.
THese "retail" for 90+ on the 06 and 100+ i think on the 2000... so OK discount but not overwhelming. Still, its great cab.
@luddite: gotta have character to be an Indian fan !
2010‐11‐24 22:05:03
2010‐11‐24 22:08:46
2010‐11‐24 22:18:50
2010‐11‐24 22:50:37
2010‐11‐24 23:50:37
2010‐11‐25 00:11:31
2010‐11‐25 00:18:30
2010‐11‐25 08:44:50
645 AccaDacca
@TonyO: Tribe last won the World Series when I was born. My goal is to live long enough to see them win another. My uncle, born in Boston in 1909, died a happy man earlier this year having lived long enough to see them win twice so maybe there is hope for me yet. If not there's always all this wine...
@luddite: anyone can root for a winning team ! Happy Thanksgiving !
@TonyO: Thanks! Right back at you...
It's no fun rooting for a loosing team. I know(Mets fan)
Just ran a 5K. Thankful that it's over! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!
So whats being opened today? Think I am going with 91 Dunn Howell Mtn, 01 Bisou to start. Maybe 07 Whitehall Lane SB to kick things off.
In‐Laws are here, code name for beer!
@ johnR Same here, but I gotta drink something! Its one of those events where I realize few will truly appreciate it, but certainly I will.
646 Schmitty
Thanks, Brooks, for pointing out this site! Happy Thanksgiving to you All!
I will spend it at home, with a fire going, making my Christmas wreath, and traditional 'Adventsgesteck', to celebrate the four sundays before Christmas. Later in the day, early evening, I will open a Masi Costasera Amarone, enjoy a little pate with bastone bread, and very un‐traditionally‐ pasta with tomato/cream sauce with italian sausage, and grated fresh parmesan cheese.........try to catch a movie, before the kids come home.........on second thought‐ wait with the movie, until the kids come home, and then snuggle up on the couch with them!
2010‐11‐25 11:35:46
638 luddite
639 TonyO
640 luddite
641 hinrgman
642 WineKnurd
643 AccaDacca
644 johnR
48 of 958
2010‐11‐25 09:46:10
2010‐11‐25 10:10:32
2010‐11‐25 10:20:36
2010‐11‐25 10:24:53
2010‐11‐25 10:42:44
2010‐11‐25 10:56:01
2010‐11‐25 11:01:35
2010‐11‐25 11:09:01
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
647 BrunelloBob
648 WineBabyWine
649 luddite
650 Johnny C
651 Brooks
652 Schmitty
653 A Frayed Knot
654 castello
655 castello
Happy Thanksgiving All!
more and more "new" faces, this is good!
Starting with The Roederer Anderson Valley Brut, NICE QPR!
Happy Thanksgiving to you all! 2006 Aman Cara Pinot Noir with the turkey today. Actually, beginning with preparing the bird this morning around 10:30... is that wrong?
662 SCKen
Hope everyone is having a great Thanksgiving. Full disclosure could take a while! Started the day with the Do Ut Des. Then moved on to the Patrick Lesec Les Galets Blonds CdP before having a 1997 Villalta Amaraone with dinner. Don't need it but now working on a Nyers Syrah Cuvee. Thanks Brooks for another great story. Now back to football. I need Brees and NO to score here as my fantasy team is tanking today.
658 TonyO
659 winebabywhine
660 Johnny C
2010‐11‐25 12:04:42
In the fall of 1620, a wagon called the Wilkerson left Springfield carrying 103 wine lovers. In all there were 74 men and 28 women and a Lurker that no one knew who he/she was or what he/she was doing. They all hoped the Lurker would find peace. These people had come from all walks of life, including French wine lovers. They were seeking a new home where they could freely exchange tasting notes, discount codes/coupons and talk about non‐
wine topics such a mischievous children and hot looking Buffalo‐based tax‐accountants. They were leaving a place they loved very much but their leader King Gary, had expanded his kingdom beyond the beliefs that his loyal followers could face (book). After a long and uncomfortable 6 day journey they came upon a new world.
Governor William Bradford AFK: Once the fumes dissipate and the repeating emails after each post stop, I believe we can call this our new nation.
Squire BaroloDude: Great place sir, I agree Gov., my mail box will be over flowing when BuffLou Standish posts….why there he is now walking towards us with Costello Hopkins. They have many jugs of wine in their hands…
BrunelloBob: Why is the ground starting to shake, this can cause some bad bottle shock… this may change the wine menu for sure.
Costello Hopkins: Pop that bottle and see if bottle shock is a tale told by the wives.
Squire BaroloDude: Yes it appears the hills are also moving (my goodness, I always have to worry about tremors..even in tales)…but this is more of a trembling than a shaking.
Governor William Bradford AFK: Trembling Hills!!! OMG..
BuffLou Standish: Trembling Hills… Governor that is a most wonderful name for our new nation.
Costello Hopkins: We can only hope that all the name calling stops as we have reached the promise land.
WIM Chilton; (singing) I left my home in Manassas Virginia, California on my mind, straddled that Wilkerson, rode him past Raleigh across Carolina….
WineKnurd Wilder: Ms. Chilton, I do not mean to pry, but do you by any chance know of the promise land of which you speak?
2010‐11‐25 12:57:37
Brooks! Epic!
Have a great Thanksgiving with your family!
2010‐11‐25 13:02:57
Thanks Brooks!!!.............Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!!!!!
2010‐11‐25 13:10:05
Great story for our Cindy Thanksgiving Brooks! Good thing we have Buffalo soldier. We're going to need a lot of wine!
2010‐11‐25 13:51:16
2010‐11‐25 14:25:33
661 johnR
657 johnR
2010‐11‐25 11:57:06
2007 Domaine Tour Saint Michel Chateauneuf du Pape La Tour du Lion
By Josh Raynolds
Stephen Tanzer's International Wine Cellar, Jan/Feb 10
($51) Saturated ruby. Exotic, expansive bouquet of black raspberry and cherry liqueur, potpourri and spicecake. Lush and creamy in texture, offering sweet red fruit flavors that gain power with air and take a turn to boysenberry on the back. Seamless, alluring and on the jammy side, finishing with very good punch and lingering sweetness. This could be drunk without guilt now. While the 2007 Feminessance is packed with sweet raspberry fruit, it's also extremely ripe, with too much roasted character for me. Fans of superripe Chateauneuf might go for it, though.) 90 points
2010‐11‐25 12:26:08
Happy day all...! We're doing $15 grocery store wine at my mother's house (best they had!), but the food will be good! And maybe we'll be lucky with the wine...
2010‐11‐25 12:49:19
The First Cindies Thanksgiving
Hmmmm, I like bein' a rebel. Fun that you guys are meeting here. Go old school Cindies. Where's the Pavie?
now we need karlB and I think we are all here.....05 Pavie or 00 Pavie?
KarlB and Winex are certainly missed at the table..............
You mean Stevex...
And don't forget Chippewa...
Chippewa's being MIA since the move. I have Karlb's email, he knows about trembling Hills in my email blast to daKnurd.
656 vinmoet
49 of 958
2010‐11‐25 15:02:31
2010‐11‐25 15:36:18
2010‐11‐25 16:22:15
2010‐11‐25 18:12:17
2010‐11‐25 19:17:39
2010‐11‐25 19:41:49
2010‐11‐25 19:43:45
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
663 johnR
Ken are you coming Dec 17th to Raleigh? Luddite you wanna too? anyone in NC is welcome!
2010‐11‐25 19:51:35
664 WineKnurd
Just posted a TN over in the disclosures section. CH 179 for the HSC members. Good idea for the notes section. I tweet my wine purchases/consumptions (@WineKnurd if anyone wants to follow) and will likely add them to the disclosure forum as well. AFK let me know if I post too many there. I will also try and post notes if I have them on a wine that is offered on CW, WTSO, etc.
2010‐11‐26 09:07:10
666 WineKnurd
Hi Everyone! Hope you've all come out of your turkey induced stupors. Had a great Thanksgiving with my VA "family". We had a blast, drank too much wine then everyone passed out on the couch watching football. Today I'm headed for Philly for the rest of the weekend. Hope to catch up with you later. Wanted to check in here first, Mom's house only has dial up. Sigh...
WIM are you meeting up with any of the Philly Cindies?
667 Brooks
Good friday, black sabbath, black holes, black swan, black board...back to the WL list...just one sticks out for me...fs included‐2005+Mas+Mallola+750ML
anyone have this CT note best $15/bottle....mmm 29/ free
Disclosure: missed my flight....Turkey hash ‐ chopped turkey, potatoes, onions, peppers, s and p....burn it bfast...Castello...I am goin to kill you...i can't get that tune out of my head this driving... 2010‐11‐26 09:46:14
665 waiting in Manassas
2010‐11‐26 09:16:27
2010‐11‐26 09:30:50
WineKnurd Yes, that is my reason for going up to Philly this weekend to see the PA/NJ Cindies. The DC/NoVA Cindies aren't as numerous, and haven't seemed to want to get together for a dinner or event. Also, VA doesn't have BYOB restaurants like they do in PA/NJ. I go to them with my mom whenever I go up to Philly. There are so many wonderful ones to choose from.
668 waiting in Manassas
669 WineKnurd
670 WineKnurd
671 SCKen
672 BrunelloBob
673 Brooks
674 BrunelloBob
675 johnR
676 Brooks
We drank Mumm Cuvee Napa to start yesterday, and both 2004 and 2005 Crozes Hermitage from Domaine de la Remizieres. The 05 was drinking beautifully and was preferred over the 04. The 04 had notes of cherry dominating then chocolate, the 05 had notes of chocolate dominating over cherry. Interesting comparison. They went well with the turkey and dressing. This is not a sweet potato crowd, so we didn't have to worry about that overwhelming the wine.
2010‐11‐26 09:53:43
@Brooks‐ black rain, black lightning, black bastard (negroamaro) and black pazzz on the wine; I know too many Spainairds (I give you my word).
2010‐11‐26 10:18:50
@WIM‐ sounds like you are in the wrong state! We would love to have you visit in NC. Maybe we can whip those VA Cindies into shape and make them more sociable :) Drive safe and give the NE Cindies best wine wishes from us SE Cindies!
2010‐11‐26 10:22:00
JohnR ‐ Unless something comes up, I plan to be there on the 17th. Shoot me an email with the details, shawgolf at aol dot com. My plan is to leave G'ville Friday afternoon and head straight there.
Cheers All
scratchin' my belly and eatin' leftovers today...
Anyone buying off the "Black Friday" sale or is this another dead end banner sale?
@Brooks: fs= free shipping? Where are you seeing that?
Did you really miss a flight? Refusing to be body scanned? :)
Alarm not set correctly....i am not pointing any fingers just yet....Alarmgate 2010
yeah Brooks, I'm getting shipping on the sales stuff. Deal killer at these prices.
@brooks, there were some banging Burgs early @9am, the majority were 1st run Cindy prices with out fs. But even the Burgs were $$$$$. Some decent Barolo's, no reislings or Sauteres. I looked for the 07 Climens but it was $81.81 Cindy price, so I pazzz on everything. They had a A. Rousseu Gervey Chamb for $145, but just 1 bottle.
B squared.....Code is "bFriday" .....for free shipping
Free foot messages at LuLulemon for all men... Code at store is"imhigh"
50 of 958
2010‐11‐26 10:36:40
2010‐11‐26 10:39:47
2010‐11‐26 10:46:50
2010‐11‐26 10:50:05
2010‐11‐26 11:02:01
2010‐11‐26 11:04:12
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
679 winebabywhine
@Knurd...WIM, FF, Josie, myself & Nursing a Hangover are having dinner in Philly tomorrow night. Possibly was supposed to be Mobius & Roxy as well but we have not gotten confirmation from him & he's been sick. Anyone is welcome!
Btw... looks like I might be the imposter WBW... or is WineBabyWine the imposter? Hmmm... sounds like me either way... seems that I can post under both names... not sure how it is that it changed, except that I was trying to "like' this site & had to re‐sign in... this Wordpress /gravatar link is a but confusing, but I was finally able to "like" this site... or do I? Which one of me is it???!!! ;)
2010‐11‐26 11:05:10
Massage ...sorry i gotta get back to woek
2010‐11‐26 11:06:04
@JohnR... that Climens is at the best price it's been all year at $81.81.. it was 82.50 on Cindy which I missed out on and got it for 89.95 /FS during a WL summer sale w/FS, which sucks now but oh well. So why not get it if you want it?
2010‐11‐26 11:18:45
680 Schmitty
Hi to All! I am local, and will pass on the WL sale‐ the wines, I love, I already have‐ and I did not have anything, that really caught my eyes.........however, I may stop in a little later, to get some cheeses and charcuterie for company tonight! They also advertised a special item in store, whatever that may be. If it is still there, when I get there, I will post it here, for other locals, just in case. I will not be able to make the dinner tomorrow night‐ sorry‐ but I have a friend flying in from Colorado today‐ she is staying until Sunday morning. We have a lot of catching up to do‐ but hopefully next time? Have fun everyone!
2010‐11‐26 11:21:47
677 winebabywhine
678 Brooks
681 luddite
682 vinmoet
683 WineKnurd
684 WineKnurd
685 WineKnurd
686 vinmoet
687 vinmoet
688 winebabywhine
689 A Frayed Knot
690 WineKnurd
691 Schmitty
692 AccaDacca
693 johnR
694 AccaDacca
Courtesy of my daughter, today's groupon is $75 wine from Barclay's for $25 (good for 1 year)
Hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving day with friends and family as much as we did. Truly blessed.
Last Sunday night I attended a hardcore Bordeaux dinner at a restaurant w/group of 10 guys. Each brought a bottle. We blind tasted everything and then did an unveiling. I could call right or left bank but did not identify any of the wines other than getting the appellation right on the best wine which was a '78 Haut Brion and nailing a '96 Cheval Blanc which I had had before. The smoke in the HB gave it away right off. Truly a brilliant wine now in its prime drinking window. I brought an '82 Pontet‐Canet which I had never had before. Where the HB, for me, was 98++ points, the PC was about 90 which is where I would rate the CB. PC was an excellent bottle but maybe reaching the end of its drinking window. I have one more bottle and intend to drink it within the next couple of years. Are any of you guys HB guru's? Its priced out of my range and I've only had it a few times but have yet to be disappointed.
I tend to have a photographic memory of what I have had before but don't do so well in the blind tastings where you have no clue what you are drinking (especially with older wines). At such dinners, folks will let me taste up front and then try to stump me with blind taste afterwards and I have yet to be stumped under those conditions. How does that relate to your experience?
SCKen & JohnR I just sent each of you an email so we can start planning for the 17th.
@VinMoet. Sounds like a great line up! I have a small vertical of HB, 05 ‐ 07. Though I am no where near an HB expert, the smoke is dead on. When I tasted the 07, it was pure smoke and toast; nothing else yet had the chance to pierce the oak and tannin veil.
@BrunelloBob & BaroloDude‐ I posted my 04 Barbaresco notes on the disclosure page
I haven't ordered from Sokolin for some time. They sent me a mailer enticing me to order again with a 20% off promo on my first wine order up to 2,500 bones through 12/31/10. The promotion code is Fall10vB
Also, I understand that WTSO had Petrus the other day. What vintage and how much?
@vinmoet: 2006 $999
Thanks for the reviews Knurd! I put up a page for coupons and codes! If there is anything that you guys and gals want to see on here or anything that you think should be taken off or done differently, let me know and I'll see what I can do!
@vinmoet, if you have to ask then you can't afford it :)
to all local peeps‐ the Black Friday in Store special is‐ Andrew Geoffrey Cabernet Sauvignon 2003 for 26.26. I grabbed 2, and am seriously debating on whether to go back sometime today, and take 4 more........enjoy!
Just got my AG delivered this week ‐ @ 37.95 per! mrgh
2010‐11‐26 11:39:49
2010‐11‐26 11:43:34
2010‐11‐26 11:48:26
2010‐11‐26 11:50:47
2010‐11‐26 11:53:47
2010‐11‐26 12:09:40
2010‐11‐26 12:11:30
2010‐11‐26 12:13:47
2010‐11‐26 12:31:28
2010‐11‐26 12:33:27
2010‐11‐26 13:06:42
2010‐11‐26 14:00:14
@WBW....I remember seeing $81.81 on the Cindy page saying it was the price going back to full price. If you want 07 Climens, someone has a full 750ml for $120, try WS, but for $104, go 97 D'yquem on JJB.
2010‐11‐26 14:30:01
on another note, for opening older bottles, what do you generally use? had a crumbled cork on a 91 dunn last night (wine was fine, actually terrific). i dont have an AH‐SO, or twistup puller. that the best option? any thoughts appreciated
2010‐11‐26 14:55:07
51 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
695 winebabywhine
I have the best corkscrew there is. I got it years ago from.... you'll never believe this, unless you're a woman... Tupperware! It is awesome & so simple. It almost does all the work for you, is idiot‐proof, & it was so cheap compared to all these expensive, impressive looking pieces of machinery out there that are much prettier but lighten your wallet. Personally, I just want to get to the wine, not put on a show. All you have to do is turn it. I don't know if they make them anymore or in the same way, but it is indestructable & easy! Now I don't know if it would make a difference on a very old cork or not. If I remember, I'll bring it on Sat night for the Philly peeps to see.
2010‐11‐26 15:43:14
696 waitinginmanassas
Knurd If you give me the details on your Dec 17 tasting, I will try and see if I can manage to drive down. Will travel for good company and wine. LOL! You can pm me from the WLTV forum. Still haven't updated my wine inventory, but it's going to be done soon. No wine for me today, with over (est) 1200 bottles, think I'm good for a while.
2010‐11‐26 17:04:26
@Knurd: Saw your note. I envy you 1) for the wine and 2) for the ability to write such a quality note....
To assuage my pain, I popped a 1997 Il Poggione Riserva Brunello di Montalcino. The CT drinking window suggested this one was winding down and i had one about 15 years ago that seemed to be fading. Not True! My effort at a note:
P‐N‐P. Grilled meat, huge chocolate, and sweet smoke on the nose. Red fruit in the background develops quickly on
the palate with 10‐15 min of air. The acidity is there, still some good tannins. Full‐bodied, long, chewey. Very good aged Brunello
697 BrunelloBob
698 BrunelloBob
699 NY Pete
700 castello
I had one of these about 15 mos ago and it was more subdued.This is much more outgoing and complex. Bottle variation or is it opening up? .
15 months, not years.
Drinking speeds up time...
AccaDacca ... buy an Ah‐So for those older bottles ... :)
@WIM, Sheila! You've been a busy girl, or you credit card has. We need to travel to your area and help you out with the inventory. :)
2010‐11‐26 19:53:56
2010‐11‐26 19:54:43
2010‐11‐26 20:15:11
2010‐11‐26 20:33:29
@AccaDacca: (did I spell that right?). Re: old corks,
Per the Burgess Cellars site:
Tips for opening a 10+ year old bottle of wine:
Using a two pronged extractor, a.k.a. the butlers friend (ah‐so), wine opener, is usually the best bet for premium length corks, used in all Burgess Cabernets.
If you choose to use a classic cork screw, make sure the auger punctures the bottom of the cork.
Also if you choose to use a classic cork screw, make sure the auger is longer than the cork
701 BrunelloBob
In my experience, try a long corkscrew. If the cork goes to dust, break out the ah‐so.
2010‐11‐26 20:41:02
702 winebabywhine
@castello... the girls are going to try to help WIM out at some point by having a slumber party in her cellar!
@WBW: Pillow fights and super Tuscans!
Whew!! Finally got all the lights up!!‐jPcVM&feature=fvst
AFK: That's nice, but a movie with pillow fights would be better... :) :)
2010‐11‐26 21:11:54
703 castello
704 A Frayed Knot
705 BrunelloBob
2010‐11‐26 21:51:03
2010‐11‐26 21:58:10
2010‐11‐26 22:11:47
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and has survived Black Friday with only minimal bruises and scarring!! Hey Brooks, loved your Thanksgiving tale; it will replace the traditional "Pilgrams and Indians" story forevermore!!!.......
Looking forward to meeting up with WBW, WIM, NAH, JOSIE, and, hopefully, Sir Mobius and Roxy tomorrow evening where we plan on eating, drinking, and being merry!! The "girls" will also discuss potential dates for a "sleepover" at WIMs' house, where we plan on helping her make more room in that 1200+ bottle cellar.
706 flyerfan
712 AccaDacca
713 SCKen
Still debating some purchases from WL's Black Friday sale (is it only until midnight tonight?). Anyone have any thoughts on the '05 Massolino Barolo for $30.00?
Thanks everyone for the comments/suggestions on openers. Looks like Ah‐So is on the holiday list this year.
@AFK ‐ I showed that TSO video to my 5 year old daughter, whose immediate reaction was, "Daddy, can we do that to our house?" I replied, "Only if you find a way to pay the electric bill." She is now on her way to ask her mom for money!
52 of 958
2010‐11‐26 23:19:10
2010‐11‐27 07:32:46
2010‐11‐27 10:30:54
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
714 Brooks
FF and Philly/NJ Cindies have a blast... food and wine pairing too...please obey all laws....I have checked the PA statutes and at a BYOB..."being over‐served" not a defense for streaking around downtown Philly wearing nothing but the smile on your face..avoid any offers of a million dollars from.. billionaire Alki David ...I wonder if that guy will get the $$$$
OBTW TonyO...why are you keeping this from us... according to Sean Keefer "apparently the State of Vermont doesn’t have any laws, not even weird laws, prohibiting public nudity. A few towns have banned public nudity, but most don’t seem to care if you wear clothes. Currently one town is experiencing a surge, as it were, in public nudity. In Brattleboro, Vermont public nudity has not been unusual, but is has usually been subtle – the occasional protest, or bare breast. However, earlier this summer, a woman decided to sit naked on a park bench. Then a woman started taking her top off downtown. A summer festival celebrating nudity saw a number of nude hula hoopers. Then the nude teenagers started showing up and just, well, hanging out around stores, parking lots and coffee shops"....mmm can you say summer Cindies road trip to VT...
Over charge alert!!!!!!!!!!! Get the pitch forks charging $73.47 vs $68.97 for the Fattoria Viticcio Chianti Classico Riserva 2007 93 WS. I bought three this September 30th...send them an email and ask for the lower price...sure that will work....this is why I like to do biz with WL...they are stand up and while they can't always work magic...they have made it up to me in the long shill here cause...I may have solved the promised missing wristband from the 2 thesis is that the funds were funnelled for elevator shoes for GV..understood the final issue on wristbandgate may now be "lifted" from us.....also the free shipping item...the Spanish table wine from the black friday list...sitting in my cart now cost 6.99...mmm.....
2010‐11‐27 10:40:14
715 Brooks
snap typos ..mis spelled words...incorrect word usage...wonder why I got fired from the student newspaper staff..i always thought it was from releasing two guinea pigs numbered with magic marker..Pig #2 and Pig #3 in the office....maybe i should proof read before hitting Post Comment..
2010‐11‐27 10:47:32
@WIM‐ not on the WLTV forums, so email me cmsironman AT mindspring DOT com. Will fill you in on all the details. Looks like its me, JohnR, NCWino from the old CW forum, and SCKen. It would be great to have you, awesome to have a VA, NC, SC super group, and can promise it will be pillow fight free!
@AccaDacca‐ Invest the $10 in the 2 prong opener! Its very easy to use and no matter the cork condition it will bring it out whole without any fragments or dust! Make sure you get one with steel prongs. I had one with plastic prongs and snapped it off in a bottle. Had to filter both the corks particles and plastic off the wine.
716 WineKnurd
@BrunelloBob‐ Your note is the kind of note I like. Reviewers often times get carried away with their aroma and flavor descriptors, which are all pretty subjective. The one part they usually lack is with texture‐ acidity, tannin, body, depth, etc. Great note about the wine being chewy. No matter what our palate differences are, I know the "chewy" sensation as compared to a thin or lighter wine and that's exactly what I want from a Brunello! So go ahead and send me a few bottles so I can confirm your note :)
2010‐11‐27 10:48:36
717 A Frayed Knot
@Brooks ~ Tire treads look just like grill marks!
2010‐11‐27 11:21:01
718 waitinginmanassas
Knurd, check your email. Thanks for the invite, looking forward to meeting all the NC/SC gang!
BBob, I would also like to experience a few bottles of chewy wine from your cellar. (I love that descriptor, as once you've had that type of wine you totally get it)
Off to go have brunch with Mom.
Brooks, will do what we can to post. I've got my netbook here, may try and see if we can feed off a local wifi connection to make posting easier than from someones phone.
2010‐11‐27 11:21:35
719 TonyO
@Brooks: Apparently you have never been to Brattelboro ! Let me just say, the residents are not exactly "the beautiful people" you might encounter in say, South Beach. That being said, I do remember it being a nude hangout (pun intended). I alos remember a few years ago that New York State parks were nude friendly. At about that same time, I played in a golf tournament at Saratoga State Park and encountered a few ladies that decided to "multi‐task" by tanning and golfing at the same time. Quite a sight..............
2010‐11‐27 11:26:50
720 BrunelloBob
@Brooks: Sounds like you're feeling better, that's good.
@Knurd and WIM: Inventory of '97 Brunelli running low. Down to two bottles, Poggione gone...
@TonyO: Naked is naked, Will take anything female, beautiful not a necessary requirement... :) :)
2010‐11‐27 11:53:34
53 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
721 TonyO
722 WineKnurd
723 BrunelloBob
724 johnR
725 BrunelloBob
@BB: I respectfully disagree as I have bore witness to some nudity that still haunts my memory.......................I would elaborate but it is noon and full disclosure is a couple cups of Sumatran coffee...............perhaps at a later time I shall pontificate on the virtues of "good nudity" and "bad nudity"......................until then, picture Kathy Bates
catching for the Sawks with nothing but a catchers mitt and a facemask.....let's hope she doesn't have to throw to second..................
2010‐11‐27 12:10:32
TonyO, for that comment, yer outta here!!!!!
2010‐11‐27 13:54:35
mmmmm....Kaaaathy Baaaates.....
Can she catch? Really?
2010‐11‐27 16:15:35
well she is great with a sledgehammer.
2010‐11‐27 17:39:34
Good point, she can hit.
Sawks Need to give her a call.
2010‐11‐27 17:40:43
Actually, according to some friends of mine that lived in Van Nuys, CA and did some work on here house, she is really nice. She invited them in for lunch one day and sitting at the table was Dom Deluise. They proceeded to laugh their a$$es off for the next hour.
726 TonyO
Nice cava for $10 on WTSO.....perfect for holiday gatherings
2010‐11‐27 17:49:38
727 WineKnurd
@TonyO. 3+ years for a Cava isn't ideal but for $9.99 why not right? I wonder if they got it from TotC...
2010‐11‐27 17:58:22
WLFS is pretty interesting. If you have never had a Sagrantino, $24 is a great price. Its one of the most tannic wines on the market and usually needs an hour or so in the decanter to fully open up. I am in for 2.
CT link:
728 WineKnurd
729 TonyO
734 WineKnurd
735 Brooks
736 Hinrgman
737 Josie
738 patrick hill
739 patrick hill
740 BrunelloBob
741 BrunelloBob
742 johnR
743 patrick hill
WLFS link:
2010‐11‐27 18:25:11
@Wineknurd: I was thinking the same thing about the cava being a 2007......worse comes to worse, mimosas..............
2010‐11‐27 18:48:37
Too late now TonyO, the offer has changed!
2010‐11‐27 20:03:32
@ WineKnurd...I grabbed two of this tannic beast you spoke highly of...Thanks...I will let let you know in 2016 if we enjoyed we have a camera at the Philly Cindy event?
2010‐11‐27 20:21:33
@Brooks ‐ some info on the FS@WL‐
Trembling Hills‐I am requesting admittance!
what about the 'Whaleboner' on WTSO ? anybody ....
Welcome JOSIE , how was dinner with the gang ?
Josephine: By Order of the Court, you are Committed to The Trembling Hills Asylum for a period not to exceed 100 years.
Subject to verification by Chief Justice A Frayed Knot II
Mr. Hill: Buy the Whalebone Just Because it's the Only wine ever with a "Jeremy Oliver" Review.
Collector's Item...
Thats WTSO's Food and Beverage Mag review!!!
and I thought it was Jamie Oliver , thanks for the tip
2010‐11‐27 20:48:19
2010‐11‐27 21:54:07
2010‐11‐27 21:54:10
2010‐11‐27 21:55:12
2010‐11‐27 22:11:38
2010‐11‐27 22:13:12
2010‐11‐27 22:16:05
2010‐11‐27 22:17:27
PH ‐ bought a couple of 2005 Whaleboners a while back. Not bad, left a good CT TN, but I do recall when I went back the next day for the 2nd half it seemed to lose a little composure ‐ so drink it all in one night!
744 Johnny C
745 Flyerfan
746 flyerfan
747 brunellobob
748 patrick hill
749 patrick hill
Josie ‐ as if you have to ask for admittance... Get on in here girl...!
NaH, WIM, WBW, Josie, 2 guests of Josie's and I are enjoying a wonderful evening of food, wine and conversation this evening. Ten bottles of wine and eight have been drunk. NaH will post about them later. A great Cindy gathering. Those photos rated MA will not be posted.
Disclosure ‐ I have just learned that the handprint on Josie's a$$may not belong to Castello! The FBI, NSA, and CIA have been notified and a federal investigation has been launched. I suggest the virtual wedding be placed on hold until we get some definitive answers.
Poor Castelooooo...
to be doubted in one's love...
until somebody contacts Luddite , I still believe it
@ Johnny C , thanks , lately I don't seem to have that 2nd day probelm
54 of 958
2010‐11‐27 22:18:23
2010‐11‐27 22:22:45
2010‐11‐27 22:54:05
2010‐11‐27 22:55:59
2010‐11‐27 23:16:29
2010‐11‐27 23:19:31
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
Had a wonderful evening in Philly!!! Don't worry, no running naked in the streets, but the "help" was beginning to give us dirty looks as they were eating their dinners and wanting to close the place to outsiders. Who would have thought a restaurant in Center City Philly would close at 10pm on a Saturday night? We did stay until well thereafter, 1.) because we still had wine to finish, and 2.) on principle, alone!! Didn't they know they had a group of Cindies for the evening? ............Very disturbing news regarding the handprint on Josie's butt! Am very concerned for Castello! Josie is pleading the 5th; had to call in multiple agencies to assist with the investigation, as they have the latest interrogation techniques. I voted for "water boarding" which is still under consideration. Don't worry Castello; I got your back!!!
750 flyerfan
751 luddite
752 WineKnurd
753 castello
754 WineKnurd
755 patrick hill
756 luddite
757 AccaDacca
758 AccaDacca
759 patrick hill
760 patrick hill
761 NY Pete
762 TonyO
763 Josie
764 Johnny C
Hey PHill ‐ How are you? Flyers have lost two games in a row, both in OT shootouts! They still received a point for each game, but still!! WTF?? How are your 'Hawks doing?
@Josie: Welcome to the Trembling Hills Wine Tasters Club such a lovely place...
We are programmed to receive. You can checkout any time you like, but you can never leave!
Elementary my dear @PH, if you can get a used wine glass away from @Castello, then we will dust it for fingerprints...
Welcome Josie! Now get to work!
2010‐11‐28 00:29:49
2010‐11‐28 07:00:20
Brooks, I believe you are a coffee nerd? I am drinking a "rasined" style from Brazil, where they let the berry dry out on the tree before picking. Its like the Amarone of coffee.
2010‐11‐28 08:53:04
2010‐11‐28 09:35:16
Hey all, here is a pretty cool link to a downloadable and printable wine map of Sicily. I have the full Italian map and its really well done!‐map‐of‐sicily/
2010‐11‐28 09:46:42
Hey you EYEtalians , what about 'Casanova Della Spinetta Colorino Di Casanova ' sounds like a deal at 16 bucks on , whaddaya think ?
2010‐11‐28 10:26:24
@PH: no TNs on the '06 but here is the '05:
2010‐11‐28 11:21:56
@ PH and others ‐ how is Wine Legend? Seem to have attractive pricing on some Spanish wines, including free shipping. I'm orig from NJ, but havent bought from them.
2010‐11‐28 11:36:52
ugh, they cannot ship to CT.....
2010‐11‐28 11:39:54
Thank you Sir, how come I always get the impossible part of this job , prying a wine glass from Castello's hand ,and You get to do the fun stuff , matching fingerprints ?
Bears v Eagles 3:00 6th row behind the players . I'd bring the banner ,but with all these unresolved issuse's.... I think my middle guy has it at Disney .... my wife and my big guy don't really like to put up with my $hit.... plus those PHILLY fans are NUTS
2010‐11‐28 11:50:51
@ AccaDacca, never ordered from winelegend before , can't speak to their service but they seem to have interesting offers.
2010‐11‐28 12:40:13
I can not tell a lie ... that handprint is not Castello's.
2010‐11‐28 13:02:23
Kunde Reserve Chard.......$12.99 w free this rate Cindy might as well stay home from the ball and clean toilets..................
2010‐11‐28 14:30:45
Dear Board of Directors,
It is with great pleasure that I read of the acceptance of my application for admittance to your superior establishment. In accordance with the generally accepted practices, I will review the entirety of previous TH history, and promise to abide by your excellent standards of tolerance, sharing of wine info, disclosure, and late night overserved ramblings, and graphic descriptions of any and all bruises generally or specifically imposed by another member. I hereby agree to maintain my previously known Josieness and host a memorable Garden Party on the hottest day of the year, for the benefit of all Trembling Hills inmates who deem it worthy to attend. Thank you for the opportunity to rejoin the community which I have missed lo these several weeks, and to which I am most happy to return. Viva the Wilkerson!!
Here's to her Josieness...
WineKnurd ‐ thanks for the Sicily map. I've been enjoying Etna wines a lot recently ‐ does anyone know of another region in Sicily I might try with similar results, or is Etna unique?
55 of 958
2010‐11‐28 15:33:22
2010‐11‐28 16:25:39
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
@Ms. Josie: It has been directed by the Board that, as your first act of initiation, you shall be responsible for the design, production, and distribution of the first Trembling Hills Wristband. Said wristband shall be designated de rigueur formal wear for All T.H. activities, whether domestic or foreign. Please acknowledge acceptance of this sacred assignment.
765 BrunelloBob
766 Brooks
767 BrunelloBob
768 BrunelloBob
(We Have a Board f Directors?)
Professional Landscape Architect Board Certified
HSC Member ‐ Certfication pending tasting notes
Trembling Hills ‐ Certifiable by Family and Friends
Interests: Playing hide and seek at WL tasting events, reading tales on PDA while driving, and overstaying at family Italian places.
Educated guess here: Given issues of elevation and the volcanic soil composition, I'm pretty sure Etna is a unique region within Sicily. I'm unaware of ant other significant volcanoes on the island.
I'd be interested to hear of any similar regions elsewhere in the world but I suspect that, while the soil and elevation can be matched, different grapes are planted...
ok, do the research first next time Bob, Stromboli and other volcanoes exist on Sicily...
Is that Josie? It s so hard to tell without the flowers in her hair! That may be Fatima!
2010‐11‐28 16:37:26
2010‐11‐28 16:39:14
2010‐11‐28 16:43:16
2010‐11‐28 16:45:03
Castello the Fellow
Let me tell you 'bout Castello the fellow
The Sheik of the interstate
He had emeralds and rubies just dripping off 'a him
And every finger of his hand was stained
He wore a big ol' turban wrapped around his head
And a bottle of wine by his side
And every evening about midnight
He'd jump in his rv named Clyde...and ride
769 A Frayed Knot
770 AccaDacca
Noisily through the night to the sultan's tent
where he would secretly meet up with Josie
of the Seven Veils, swingingest grade "A" number
one U.S. choice landscaper in the Sultan's whole harem,
'cause, heh, him and her had a thing going. You know,
and they'd been carrying on for some time now behind
the Sultan's back and you could hear him talk to his rv
as he rode out across the interstate, his voice would cut
through the still night desert air and he'd say
(imitate Arabian speech)
which is arabic for, "stop, Clyde!" and Clyde would say,
(imitate a worn out rv).
@johnR ‐ any thoughts on the o2 Gruaud Larose for $34.99 at Invino (the artist formerly known as Winery Insider)?
@BBob ‐ Assignment accepted ‐ this will be my winter job as I leave the garden to the snow and cuddle up on my Leopard Skin fur ...past...huge...rings....
2010‐11‐28 17:30:47
2010‐11‐28 17:53:13
@Brooks ‐ didn't you know there is no such thing as 'overstaying' at ANY Italian abode? They just hate it when you stop eating and drinking and leave the room....
@AFK ‐ when I can stop laughing and catch my breath I will address YOUR latest tome...OMG...Castello, can we possibly live up to this hype??? ;‐)
771 Josie
772 castello
773 luddite
Xoxoxo to you all, thanks for the incredible welcome back!!!
AFK ! No way we can live up to that story but we'll have a hell of a time trying. Josie and her Zebra skin rug will make the rv look brand new!
@PH, Re how come I get to do the fund stuff: "Ay, there's the rub"
56 of 958
2010‐11‐28 17:58:56
2010‐11‐28 18:46:54
2010‐11‐28 18:55:20
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
774 NJJ
775 waitinginmanassas
776 A Frayed Knot
777 WineKnurd
778 A Frayed Knot
Nice to find this site, feels like the good old days...thanks AFK
2010‐11‐28 19:00:28
AFK ‐Well done, my friend! Hope evereyone had a great weekend! We had a great time at the PA/NJ Cindies dinner. We missed those who couldn't be with us. Mobius, hope you're feeling bettter! Can't wait for our next get together. Josie, glad you found your way here, Castello's pining for you could be heard all the way across the country!
2010‐11‐28 19:30:33
Hey everyone! I'm eventually going to move this site to here
It looks and works the same. It is just hosted by Bluehost instead of Wordpress. This free wordpress site has limitation on space and what can be done. It's not live yet (meaning you can't post there yet). I'm just giving everyone a heads‐up so you can put the new url in your bookmarks in case something bad happens during the transition. The old url is supposed to redirect you to the new one automatically once I activate it, but some browsers won't redirect (due to cookies turned off etc.). You can go there and check it out you just can't post there
yet! Discuss!
2010‐11‐28 20:13:47
@AFK‐ bookmarked and ready to go! Is there a way to search on the site, especially for TN on the disclosure forum?
2010‐11‐28 20:35:07
@WineKnurd ~ I'll see if I can do that.
2010‐11‐28 20:40:15
Hello all!
Just stopped in to see what's happening... Took a while to catch up from my last visit. (I had to dig up the link Brooks emailed me... ) Anyway, seems like lots going on... The Philly connection had a nice gathering; Joe G had a gathering on Friday night, too (but unfortunately I could not make it... )
Been a busy weekend. The tree is up and trimmed. (ScoutAlex did much of the trimming this year!) Decorations are mostly up. Mrs. BLou is after me to clean up all my crap around the house (it's almost all Scouting stuff... )
So, did anyone pick‐up anything from the Black Friday WL sale? Still working on that SIWBM, but the last CW offering is causing me difficulties... ;‐)
Also, I just found this out from Joe G: Did anyone else know that chelois (CW blog) and Coupe 60 (forum moderator) are the same person? Maybe I missed something (would be the first time... ) but it was news to me!
779 BuffaloLou
780 WineKnurd
781 BrunelloBob
782 WineKnurd
783 A Frayed Knot
784 BrunelloBob
Oh, one more thing... Brooks, I'm only allowed limited high‐test, too. Mrs. BLou says I bounce off the walls when I have too much. She can actually tell when I've had extra coffee at work or at a Scouting meeting! (BTW, great story!!)
Hey BLou, welcome to Trembling Hills Sunday night edition. I pazzed on WL Black Friday. Picked up some Buckley deals, two of the WLFS, and helped the local economy by hitting the LWS sales. Might bite on a few of the Cyber Monday packs, depends on how many retreads they have. Now I have to convince Mrs Knurd that I need another 100 bottle storage unit...
2010‐11‐28 20:47:10
2010‐11‐28 20:57:51
yeah, Coupe60 = Chelios is part of the beauty of it all.
The Cindy board was ostensibly killed because of transparency issues, people posting under multiple names etc, and the WLTV forum moderator was part of the game playing. Makes me want to give someone the finger...
2010‐11‐28 21:01:42
BrunelloBob, where are you located? East Coast, West Coast, somewhere in da middle?
2010‐11‐28 21:19:46
Hey Knurd go to "The Hills" and try the comment search under the wine smilie. It searches all the comments on all pages not just disclosure but it seperates them by page.
2010‐11‐28 21:22:15
I'm in Connecticut, Home of the UCONN Huskies Baby!
2010‐11‐28 21:24:31
57 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
785 Brooks
786 A Frayed Knot
787 Brooks
788 BrunelloBob
789 Brooks
790 BrunelloBob
791 AccaDacca
792 BrunelloBob
793 WineKnurd
794 WineKnurd
795 AccaDacca
Well if this is confession Sunday..... other names I have used to post on CW:
Pope John Paul
John Paul Jones
Paul McCartney
Morphine (Just once)
Just Jack (Never)
I am just waiting for my man
WTF...Chelios this sow sawks that smell...very disturbing..If you thought Kahunagate was ugly....the Chelios/Coupe60 contra cover up affair will linger for years. I want I promise from each and everyone of you...the next WL tasting event with name tags....please write in "Chelios"...if you thought we were going to have a Spartacus moment with ThinMan and the Havens "B" drop off.
^ to hear from you as always...but this was a bombshell for me...I am very fragile after the New Cindy FB website, David Hasselhoff eating a cheeseburger and MObius being sick this is baby steps for me...get that tomato outta there..
Never mind Knurd.............seems to have some quirks........I'll work on it
"comment search"‐‐nice
Further outstanding work by Chairman of the Board, AFK.
This will be remembered during your year end performance evaluation, sir.
I just wrote a tale that did not go thru...rat farts...I should always cut and paste..
rats get gas?
@BBob, where in CT? I'm in Westport
I'm in Manchester‐‐Me and Geno Auriemma.
You didn't post under another name previously, did you Acca Dacca?
There were a couple of guys in and out of the Cindy board down your way, but don't ask me to name names.
So our two big eye‐talian heavy hitters are in CT?
Never mind, I got BaroloDude and BrunelloBob confused. BBob is in CT, where is BDude?
chimed in from time to time as AK on the original Cindy board. changed to AccaDacca when Cindy was shifted to forum. If there is interest in a CT get together, count me in.
2010‐11‐28 21:24:40
2010‐11‐28 21:25:37
2010‐11‐28 21:25:57
2010‐11‐28 21:26:43
2010‐11‐28 21:26:59
2010‐11‐28 21:28:45
2010‐11‐28 21:28:53
2010‐11‐28 21:30:46
2010‐11‐28 21:33:16
2010‐11‐28 21:34:27
2010‐11‐28 21:40:23
2010‐11‐28 21:43:53
802 WineKnurd
We need a map that has everyone's locations on it. Maybe 2011 we can organize a national meetup!
@Knurd: BDude is West Coast, SanFran I think
@AK: That name I recognize! Too bad you aren't closer, shipping opportunities ya know.
Now all we need is BarberaChica in St Loius and we can have all 3 Italian B's covered!
Thanks BBob ‐ I'll note that one volcano per island was a reasonable assumption...
Anyone else get the Altocedro Malbec / Poesia 2 pack back in August? I thought the Malbec was a throw‐in b/c I wanted the Poesia, but the Malbec seriously packs big nose/taste. This was a meaningful 92 point score from WS. Nice surprise...
@JC, clearly BBob was way out of his league on that Sicily question. Its sooo not Tuscany :)
Anyone else watching Peyton getting victimized by San Diego?
803 WineKnurd
Ok ladies and gents, I am off for the night. Good luck getting back into the swing of things Monday morning!
2010‐11‐28 22:31:27
796 WineKnurd
797 BrunelloBob
798 WineKnurd
799 Johnny C
800 Johnny C
801 WineKnurd
804 BaroloDude
805 castello
806 BaroloDude
807 BaroloDude
808 BaroloDude
ok, a bit last minute to resurface here.. but i was laid out with food poisoning or the likes all freaking weekend... just looked at 's Black Friday deals, and there are a few nice ones there. Termes Numanthia 07, Napanook 07 and my personal daily drinker fave from 07, "75 The Sum" Beckstoffer red blend (for 18 a bottle). No 99cent shipping, no extra case discounts here, but only good until midnight tonight. I may need to grab a few of each... These are not the lowest prices in the world necessarily, but they are good prices and there is availability, and shipping ain't bad (approx 2 bucks a bottle). I have been searching for more of that Beckstoffer blend for a while... RP loved it too i think.. FWIW.
BDude and I are within a few miles of each other. Cupertino, Ca. We've done a couple tastings/bottle swapping in the now famous rv.
just reading the chains below... I am in the Sillycon Valley, near San Jose CA. So is Castello and at least one lurker out there....
KahNURD! great Barb TN. THanks for posting. Fits with my theory that Barbs need 6‐7+ years, and Barolos 10+ to start to shine... and agreed that paying extra using pays off...
58 of 958
2010‐11‐28 21:44:12
2010‐11‐28 21:49:20
2010‐11‐28 21:56:24
2010‐11‐28 22:04:04
2010‐11‐28 22:17:39
2010‐11‐28 22:19:31
2010‐11‐28 22:44:40
2010‐11‐28 22:45:10
2010‐11‐28 22:46:19
2010‐11‐28 22:46:55
2010‐11‐28 23:44:04
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
809 Brooks
AK...BB...rein's new york style deli for lunch with a Tappan Zee Sandwich...pepe's 1/2 clam..1/2 shrimp with garlic pizza...for 2nd lunch...walk it all off back to Manchester...finish a case of Havens in Bob'b backyard...discuss....june 2011
2010‐11‐29 00:01:18
@Knurd: Yeah, I didn't pull the trigger, either. I was considering a few, but I really shouldn't.
810 BuffaloLou
811 BuffaloLou
812 BuffaloLou
813 BuffaloLou
814 A Frayed Knot
815 A Frayed Knot
Another 100 bottle unit? Ouch! How many storage units do you have? You might be able to build a cellar (if you have the room, then again, those storage units aren't small!) for what you could get by selling some of those units!
@Brooks: rat farts? LOL!
@Brooks: You planning an offline in June '11? If so, where?
Re: Chelios ‐ Beyond the surprise that he's Coupe 60, am I mistaken or no, wasn't he a pretty popular guy on the CW blog?
@Lou ~ Like your link! Yea, Chelios/Coupe developed a pretty good following on the CW site.
I think there were a few Sybils on the old site. For all of those multiple personalities out there, come on over. I'll never tell!! ;)
2010‐11‐29 00:11:14
2010‐11‐29 00:11:37
2010‐11‐29 00:18:41
2010‐11‐29 00:39:08
2010‐11‐29 00:43:10
2010‐11‐29 00:47:12
@AFK ‐ re: chelois. That's what I thought. FWIW, I've had some PM exchanges with him. He's not a bad guy...
816 BuffaloLou
Don't worry... I'll be posting more now that I've bookmarked the sites. Speaking of, when are you making the change over?
2010‐11‐29 02:11:48
2010‐11‐29 02:12:45
818 BrunelloBob
@AFK: We need to find a way to have posts here count toward the post count on the WL forum. LOL!
@Brooks: Holy Crap, ya know da hood! Are you up this way often? I sense children in New England colleges, perhaps? June 2011 is a date, if not sooner. Remind me in May.
@JC: BBob has much to learn about Sicilian geography...almost went there last fall though. OK, that doesn't really count...
819 Hinrgman
If anyone is interested in Bodegas Ondarre Rioja Reserva 2004 750ML for $10.87 and free shipping.
2010‐11‐29 07:19:35
820 BuffaloLou
2010‐11‐29 08:19:11
821 WineKnurd
Just tried viewing comments on my iPod Touch and can only see one page of comments. Prob is, there is no way to navigate to another page (there was on a computer, just not the iPod.)
BLou maybe your iPod has given up since you are a posting maniac :)
822 Brooks
Cyber Monday....zzzzzzz.....go to an account...fs over $25 and great $20 off $75 purchase...I just picked up a portable massage table for the Wilkerson ..Castello does the RV have room....$95 net after taxes "cyber20"...GPS for U‐Boat commander ???...can't does not have the major water ways..
B squared I was at a super market in your hood a while back had a big banner "mid night madness 6 to 10pm" ...him...I guess it gets late early by you
2010‐11‐29 09:10:03
817 BuffaloLou
823 Josie
824 A Frayed Knot
825 WineKnurd
2010‐11‐29 06:26:15
2010‐11‐29 08:46:51
@BLou ‐ I had the same issue with my iPhone, but there is a button on the bottom of my iPhone screen allowing me to turn 'Mobile' on or off. When I turned it Off I was able to access the 'Older Comments'. Maybe your iPod has that?
@Hinrgman ‐ isn't that a pretty good price for the Reserva? I'm not sure if that's the same wine I missed recently at WL ‐ it can't be....
@BBob ‐ NAH is trying to organize a major offline in the Philly area, actually something started by one of the WLTV forumers, but even so, would you come to Philly to share some vino? Perhaps there will be a newly designed wristband in it for sounds like early spring 2011 is the favored time, but no definite date yet...
2010‐11‐29 09:28:32
Hey the mobile thing fixed now..........or did I really muck it up?
2010‐11‐29 09:52:10
Hey Josie, the Ondarre at gwine is the same one from WL and WTSO a few months back.
2010‐11‐29 09:53:43
59 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
830 BrunelloBob
I am just thinking out loud here as NAH kicked of the discussion and Josie mentions again..and I am clearly not the most responsible adult way someone is going to take the liability to rent a bus to head down/Up to Philly for a wine tasting road trip (if I am wrong...please go ahead and do it ...sounds like a great idea)....Amtrak regional train to Philly 30th street...we "take over a car"...the train starts in Boston or DC 9:30am...TonyO (will provide entertainment), late ‐start, who ‐else in Boston arear and me set the table....Buff Lou and NYStaters fly to Buff/Boston $29 and join the party early plus Jet Blue allows one bag of wine checked free...../ .I will bring a case of assorted Havens... no dupes....BB...AK..CT wino...who else is with me get on board in CT...major pick up in NYC area....Dirty Jersey pick ups along the this what you had in mind....why limit this left coasters..central coaster, texas....^meeting place Boston or DC....I will buy Irish coffees or Guiness at the starting line at 8am...Boston Financial district...
Amtrak gives AAA discounts if you buy in advance like 3 days...they serve wine on board...we buy one bottle from cafe car and the rest gets poured..mmmm..I am sure you can fill in the blanks....
It may be worst than hearding cats...but this is the trip we wrote about...but without the wilkerson...
2010‐11‐29 09:54:14
@Brooks ~ Considered buying one of those GPS gadgets for the Star Cruiser, but they don't have an altimeter on them either!
2010‐11‐29 09:55:19
CH wines 15% off plus FS on 12 bottles 24 hours
2010‐11‐29 10:05:19
code is cybermonday
2010‐11‐29 10:06:38
Busy morning around here!
@ALL: The Ondarre comes in a Riserva (cheaper) and a Mayor Riserva (The one on Cindy). I've only had the Mayor. Good wine, good (not great) deal at the $20+ Cindy price.
@Josie: appreciate the invite. As much as I like you guys, Philly is a long way to go...
Maybe something up here in June if Brooks shows up?
@Brooks: Yeah, we're pretty far east. The sun goes down early. You should see the deserted street of Hartford around 6 PM...
2010‐11‐29 10:11:22
831 WineKnurd
BBob & Josie, the Ondarre Reserva (not Mayor) was on WTSO a few months ago, and someone on the old CW forum asked JParadise about it and got them to match the WTSO price and FS offer. Not sure if it was offered beyond that, though the Mayor was also offered from WL. I was really impressed by the "not Mayor" Reserva, especially for under $12. I posted my note to the disclosures page.
2010‐11‐29 10:21:48
826 Brooks
827 A Frayed Knot
828 Fran Taylor
829 Fran Taylor
From JJ Buckley‐
<b>2008 Sette Ponti 'Oreno' Super Tuscan<b>
96 Points Wine Advocate &amp; Wine Spectator
"...stunningly beautiful...These superb releases from Sette Ponti include a fabulous version of the Oreno, perhaps the finest vintage ever made...utterly exquisite in its beguiling beauty." —Robert Parker's Wine Advocate
2008 Sette Ponti 'Oreno' (Tuscany) 750ml ‐ PRE‐ARRIVAL SALE $59.99 (Reg. $74.99)
2008 Sette Ponti 'Oreno' (Tuscany) 1500ml ‐ PRE‐ARRIVAL SALE $124.99 (Reg. $159.99)
If anyone receives livingsocial offers, got one today for Pay $30 to receive $60 credit. Similar to JJ Buckley deal out last week.
We could move that meet up to Branson, Missouri (Misery)........middle of the states...........maybe catch a Ray Stevens show (Castello the Fellow)..............possibly talk that Arkansas trooper from the bus trip into meeting us there!........Hillbilly Heaven!
The price difference on the Ondarre Reserva is $0.09 but gwine is FS any quantity. So if you can get WL to FS then you're probably better off dealing with them.
What do you guys ( and gals) think? Anything out there today that I shouldn't pass on? The 6 pack on WL is interesting, but not wowing me. I really should be saving some money, but I am willing to drop $50 to $100 on a great deal, but only a great deal.
Had the Ondarre, from TSO, not bad, Check my TN, I ll bring one to the 17th Dec tasting.
Thoughts on the WTSO offer? ‐
2010‐11‐29 10:31:05
838 SCKen
Bodegas Uvaguilera Ribera del Duero Palomero 2005 ‐ $39.99 FS/3.
JohnR you stole my thunder. I was going to bring the Ondarre Reserva, but now I am too hurt!
2010‐11‐29 10:57:20
839 WineKnurd
SCKen, pazz on the RDD so you can buy a Petrus for the 12/17 tasting :)
SCKen, if you want that RDD, I would be interested in 1 bottle. I can give you $40.00 cash when you visit 12/17. That would help ease the $120 price for FS if you didn't want all 3.
2010‐11‐29 11:05:54
832 WineKnurd
833 AccaDacca
834 A Frayed Knot
835 Hinrgman
836 SCKen
837 johnr
840 WineKnurd
60 of 958
2010‐11‐29 10:37:04
2010‐11‐29 10:37:24
2010‐11‐29 10:50:25
2010‐11‐29 10:50:46
2010‐11‐29 10:52:53
2010‐11‐29 11:14:03
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
I believe that I used "bordeauxpirate" as an alias once on Cindy, but only to write like a pirate for fun. I tied it together with my normal email address which otherwise matched up with vinmoet. There was a 5 minute delay but they ended up posting it. Assumed that all of the multi‐personality types were using multiple addresses to post. I have no problem with any of it. Time gives transparency.
841 vinmoet
Opened a 2000 Rauzan Segla on Saturday night. Decanted for an hour and a half. Have a full case but bought an extra bottle to taste early. Older world style, slight bit of earth, on the verge of its drinking window but I suggest waiting another couple of years. Should drink for another 20, easily. Very, very pleasant wine. Forgot what Parker gave it. I gave it a 93+.
2010‐11‐29 11:26:00
"BuffaloLou says:
November 29, 2010 at 2:12 am
@AFK: We need to find a way to have posts here count toward the post count on the WL forum. LOL!"
843 BrunelloBob
The funny thing is, you are serious and want to play it off like you are not. What a unfulfilling life you live that this is a major objective for you.
@SCKen: Iknow nothing about the WTSO wine but, based on the scores, it looks like a good deal for the price. I suspect a tad over‐priced to begin with, however...
844 johnr
I will defer to you then. I have only one bottle remaining and it would bring my rule of drinking the last bottle.
842 Cooley
2010‐11‐29 11:31:58
2010‐11‐29 11:37:02
2010‐11‐29 11:43:40
@Josie ‐ re: button on the bottom of my iPhone screen allowing me to turn ‘Mobile’ on or off. When I turned it Off I was able to access the ‘Older Comments’. Maybe your iPod has that?
Yes it does. I did not turn it off figuring I was on a mobile device. I'll try it tonight when I get home (I do not use it at work as I do not have WiFi set‐up here.)
845 buffalolou
846 johnr
847 Don Quixote
848 BrunelloBob
849 johnr
850 WineKnurd
big money today over at Cindy!
@ cooley...back off
The war is over
Peace is upon us
yeah John but, according to the WA and WS, you only have 2016 to drink it!
ill probably grab some of those 02 Gruard Laroses. 02 is getting prime about now and had a Pavie bout 5 months ago that was singing, over valued vintage comped to 00 and 05. GV code for buy!
I can't get Cindy at work. Are they really offering an 02 2nd growth?
2010‐11‐29 11:51:20
2010‐11‐29 12:04:42
2010‐11‐29 12:06:31
2010‐11‐29 12:06:37
2010‐11‐29 12:10:46
2010‐11‐29 12:55:11
If Vermont is not too far, the annual Stowe Wine and Food Festival will be June 24th ‐ 26th at the Trapp Family Lodge in Stowe, VT. This is a GREAT event with plenty to eat and drink all set in the mountains of Vermont. Arcadian is the featured winery this year, but there will be dozens present. The rates are very reasonable. For more information, check out
851 TonyO
@Brooks: that train ride sounds like a great idea........................
2010‐11‐29 13:08:26
852 Schmitty
@WineKnurd‐ Cindy is offering Vina De Andres Romeo 07‐ I don't know, where JohnR saw the 02 .........
@Knurd ‐ the 02 Gruaud is at Invino, the artist formerly known as Winery Insider.
Anyone else have issues with CH wine checkout? Keep getting an error message...
Prof. Luddite...I tried to buy 12 bottles of the 375ml havens merlot and 2 bottles of lot 200 and it was charging shipping...I don't have time to follow up but me thinks the IT could be off today unless I goofed...Cyber monday... zzzzzzzzz
2010‐11‐29 13:13:48
853 AccaDacca
854 luddite
855 Brooks
856 A Frayed Knot
857 patrick hill
2010‐11‐29 13:14:08
2010‐11‐29 13:16:56
2010‐11‐29 13:25:11
From Artisan Wine Depot e‐mail.
50% OFF ShippingSave huge today only! We are giving 50% off your total shipping costs for Cyber Monday. Place your online order and include the texts "50% off shipping" in the order notes field on the 1‐page checkout. We will adjust your order and email you your updated receipt with 50% off your shipping costs!
Offer Expires: 11/30/2010
Sorry Brooks..........they have no more Havens!
2010‐11‐29 13:44:11
Leslie Nielsen R.I.P. and don't call me Shirley..........
2010‐11‐29 13:47:48
61 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
2010‐11‐29 13:54:21
859 A Frayed Knot
@Brooks: 2 get the FS must order in increments of 6. So even with the cybermonday code that's FS on 12 vs. 24 you would need to order 18 vs. 14... Also the free bags count as an item so 17 wine + 1 free bag = FS
Right you are Luddite............I just tried it and it worked!!!.........renew my HSC membership
860 SCKen
WineKnurd ‐ I passed on the RdD, but only because I got caught up doing work (imagine that!) and missed pulling the trigger. Oh how I wish I could bring a Petrus to the tasting! It is probably my number 1 fantasy wine, but I have never been fortunate enough to taste one. Though, I'm afraid it would not live up to my expectations.
2010‐11‐29 14:12:44
861 SCKen
Tried to resist, but you guys talking about it proved too much for me. I went in for 6 of the Havens 375's plus 3 of Hyde Vineyard Merlot even though I don't know much about it. Rounded out the order with 2 of the Lot 189 Stags Leap Cab and 1 more of the Lot 200. CH is starting to see more of my money than WL.
2010‐11‐29 14:31:47
858 luddite
2010‐11‐29 14:03:04
863 Brooks
Prof Luddite...tee hee...amazing your is just a post to the right......
AFK...agree... I just picked up some stocking stuffer juice boxes and some Lot 200 with FS.....
TonyO...Thank you for the second!!!!!!!!! Snap.... it is the journey ladies and germs...Damn it Janet....Amtrak $53 net with AAA Bos to Phil....The Velvet Underground Peace Train will be leaving 9:45am one saturday morn at 9:45am with a case of Havens making all stops all the way...WIM...I assume you will coordinate all travel south of the Mason Dixon Line....NAH is this what you have in mine? BLou and team NYS...Jet Blue 29/ Buff to Bos...Purple Shamrock Iris Coffee 9am...I will be buying...gotta track down :Late‐Start.........
SCKen...HSC membership.... pending tasting notes
864 WineKnurd
No worries SCKen, on the RDD or the Petrus :) We should have a pretty good line up on the 17th!
2010‐11‐29 14:35:55
865 WineKnurd
SCKen I was thinking of the CH lot 200 for the 17th. I think I have 3 bottles and can sacrifice one for tasting.
2010‐11‐29 14:38:09
862 Brooks
2010‐11‐29 14:34:43
2010‐11‐29 14:35:46
Pretty good Cru Beaujolais offer from WL, though Chiroubles is lighter in style than what I like from Cru Beaujolais like Morgon or MaV. $15 for a cru is really good in this market. From wikipedia:
868 WineKnurd
869 Fran Taylor
Chiroubles ‐ This cru has vineyards at some of the highest altitudes among the Cru Beaujolais. Chiroubles cru are noted for their delicate perfume that often includes aromas of violets
SCKen ‐ Hyde Vineyard Merlot was a good choice. It is my favorite of the several I've tried.
2010‐11‐29 15:10:13
2010‐11‐29 15:15:31
Brooks ‐ I figured I was already a HSC member! I must have picked up at least 2 or 3 cases of Havens juice over the past year thanks to you and all the CW bloggers.
870 SCKen
871 SCKen
872 Brooks
873 luddite
874 Josie
875 Josie
876 A Frayed Knot
Wineknurd ‐ why don't you let me bring the 200. With today's order, I'll have one more than you, so it only seems fair to sacrifice mine. I could also bring one of the 179's (Havens B&amp;B).
2010‐11‐29 16:08:27
Thanks Fran. That makes me feel better about throwing those 3 bottles into the order.
2010‐11‐29 16:10:24
I had a day dream today
4:04 PM Today we are offering La Rasina
Brunello di Montalcino 2005
93 Score WS!
originally priced at $50.00 and available now for only $22.99. Ground shipping is free with your purchase of 4 bottle(s).
4:17 pm We sold the 4 bottles we had more callers please
Cyber Monday...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
2010‐11‐29 16:24:24
@Knurd: On 11/20 JJ Buckley offered the '08 Sette Ponti ‘Oreno’ for $53.81 (vs. $59.99) as a "private client sale." If you're on their list, I'm pretty sure that price is still good. If not, and you're interested in buying, I can refer you by sending them your email address.
2010‐11‐29 16:32:27
@Brooks ‐ The Velvet Underground Peace Train ‐ I believe this is exactly what smokenmirrors had in mind when he first broached the gathering of Cindies &amp; WLTVers on the forum....sounds like an excellent plan and I almost want to drive to Jersey to jump aboard and join that travelling band! The sooner we can all settle on a date, the DavidT can book his midwestern flight and Castello can juice up Clyde and hit the road...although knowing my virtual man the way I do, I'd say he may want to join you all in Beantown!
2010‐11‐29 16:47:20
Oh, BTW, of the 12 bottles I ordered from the WL BF sale, only 2 (bottles!!) were I 'happy' with my Black Friday shopping experience? NOooooo....
2010‐11‐29 16:49:23
Hmmm........ Amtrak Texas Eagle leaves Texarkana headed north on a daily basis........Hey! Boop!........have we made vacation plans yet?!!
2010‐11‐29 17:00:16
62 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
877 luddite
878 Hinrgman
879 Hinrgman
880 Brooks
881 BaroloDude
882 A Frayed Knot
@BaroloDude: Sorry to hear about your bout with food poisoning. Been there and done that :‐( It was the most intense pain I've ever experienced (while stuck in a car driving back from Florida to our hotel in Georgia to boot!).
Thanks for the tips on Picked up a couple of your recommendations. FWIW: Received an email from them which stated: "Cyber Monday Exclusive: All Wines Ship Free for 24 Hours (First Time Ever!)" Expires 11/30 @12PM EST... Here's the promotion code they placed in my cart: XCYB2010
When I go on my Internet device the first place I come is here.
Oh BTW my head is spinning from all the cyber monday emails that have been flying around today. The only thing for sure is my reservation for the Borgata.
AFK....I don't know the terrain ....down by guess the way to go is fly to BWI flights on southwest and other booked in advance like 59 dollars outta Dallas ( baggage free...and meet up with WIM and team for onward transmission on Amtrak to Philly.....I have a verizon card for wi‐fi on my laptop so the Boston Train southbound (Well, I'm Southbound ... Cindy I'm comin' home to you
Cindy, I'm Southbound, baby ... Cindy I'm comin' home to you
I got that old lonesome feelin' that's sometimes called the blues)
... we will be live on the world wide web....we have to send out invitations but so glad NAH is taking the lead on logistics....also will need media coverage for Mobius....
not seeing much chat here about the 4 6 and 12 packs on WL.... anyone? seems to me the 4 and 6 pack are good deals... but i just cannot afford right now. That 12 pack is a real mess! Talk about the kitchen sink...
Brooks ~ Thinking of avoiding airports from now on after the mental picture of TonyO aka T‐vicious dancing through airport security in a speedo!
2010‐11‐29 17:15:53
2010‐11‐29 17:24:25
2010‐11‐29 17:26:07
2010‐11‐29 17:37:04
2010‐11‐29 17:53:04
2010‐11‐29 18:09:16
FLASH FLASH FLASH.......GARY's WINE SHOP 04 Yquem FULL 750, back for $179 1 Bottle FS!!!!!!!!!!!
JohnR you need to link to something like that or its not real!
2010‐11‐29 18:45:58
884 WineKnurd
885 johnR
Cheapest 750ml is well into $250ish.
2010‐11‐29 19:55:03
886 WineKnurd
@BaroloDude, maybe its just the rebel in me, but I like to pick my own wine. I kind of bristle at the idea that someone chooses my wine for me. So I pazzed on principle, didn't even look at the full pack lineups. Plus it seems like he is still trying to dump the La Reserves and that Hunt Cellars Cab with the "94" rating but not sure what else he ha sin there. Also, you a 49ers fan? I a their biggest fan on the east coast. Please don't say you are a Raiders fan or its 3 cases of Les Cretes sent to your house :)
2010‐11‐29 19:59:46
887 WineKnurd
JohnR check your email. I say we get a bottle and split it 3 ways with Phredd. That's 250 ml's apiece!
2010‐11‐29 20:01:33
883 johnR
888 WineKnurd
889 johnR
890 WineKnurd
891 A Frayed Knot
892 WineKnurd
893 WineKnurd
894 BaroloDude
895 johnR
896 BuffaloLou
So this offline meetup is tentatively when and where? I can't decipher any information from Brooks‐ I assume he wikileaked something sensitive in his post just haven't consumed enough for it to make sense :) it out with Phredd. From experience, its not going to last, like by tomorrow, sold out. It lasted 3 hours before. I doubt Meta will approve any purchases currently.
JohnR I am in if you want to split it halvsies. We can talk to Phredd after the purchase and if he wants in fine if not we each get 375 ml's. Do you want to go ahead and pull the trigger? At 8:30 pm I will be offline to watch the 9ers.
@K‐nerd~ As best I can tell, the meet will be at a Buffalo style campfire in a Hobo jungle near the railroad tracks outside of Philly sometime in the future. Wine will be served in brown paper bags along with pork and beans served in the can .......bring your own fork.
2010‐11‐29 19:51:43
2010‐11‐29 20:07:07
2010‐11‐29 20:10:35
2010‐11‐29 20:19:45
2010‐11‐29 20:21:26
AFK wouldn't a spoon work better for beans from a can? Either way I will try and make it up there!
2010‐11‐29 20:23:08
ok JohnR I am out for the game, a bottl eof Carmignano, and a split of Auslese. I am in on the Yquem if you want to order and split.
2010‐11‐29 20:24:36
KahNurd... hate the Raiders. Niners fan for pro ball (and a packers fan as long as Cal Bear Aaron Rodgers is at the helm). Its hard to be a niners fan this year. I must admit i am kinda rooting for them to fail so we replace the lousy coach and get a real GM.
2010‐11‐29 21:07:57
Another move :)
2010‐11‐30 03:15:40
Re: Ondarre Rioja – I brought a bottle to Joe Gs a couple weeks ago. Here are the TNs:
’04 Bodegas Ondarre Rioja Mayor de Ondarre Reserva – Current Cinderella Wine offering – Nose: green vegi, pepper on nose; Juicy and plummy on the palate. Little tannic on the back end; would benefit from some cellaring. 94‐95. Solid bargin at $20.
63 of 958
2010‐11‐30 03:16:30
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
897 BuffaloLou
898 Brooks
899 BuffaloLou
900 Brooks
901 BuffaloLou
902 flyerfan
903 BuffaloLou
904 Brooks
905 A Frayed Knot
906 BuffaloLou
907 flyerfan
908 A Frayed Knot
Did someone say “campfire”?!!
@BDude: There was some chatter about the packs on the forum. The 4 pack is actually a good deal. Two of the bottles alone pay for the deal. That is, if you want the four wines...
BuffLou you posting at 3:16am again :)
Why is the posting time all messed up? I think it's posting UTC.
Gee, I thought it felt later, but didn't think it was the middle of the night just yet!!
@Brooks: Why? Is there a setting? I can't find anything...
2010‐11‐30 03:16:48
2010‐11‐30 03:17:46
2010‐11‐30 03:18:19
2010‐11‐30 03:18:34
2010‐11‐30 03:19:20
2010‐11‐30 03:24:03
2010‐11‐30 03:24:27
WTF...You may ask yourself, where is that beautiful wilkerson
You may ask your self, where is that over ripe banana
You may ask your self, Where is that handsome knight
You may say to your self, my god where is the postage stamp
AFK...thanks we owe you ...get your butt to philly and we will enjoy many a good night all
2010‐11‐30 03:24:43
Damn watch stopped!
2010‐11‐29 22:26:41
It didn't stop... it was ahead! 5 hours... UTC!
2010‐11‐29 22:27:40
AFK ‐ Gratefully appreciate and acknowledge all your efforts in attempts to keep the Cindies together and giving us all a "home".........a place where we feel wanted, needed, and where we can stroll the grounds of our lovely asylum as we please.
2010‐11‐29 22:28:03
Yea Brooks, I've been saying WTF for the last ten minutes! Whew! I need a glass of wine........where is that Ripasso (Repunzel)?
2010‐11‐29 22:29:21
WirelessWine just posted: I actually thought the 4‐pack was a very good deal.
909 BuffaloLou
910 castello
911 BuffaloLou
912 johnR
913 BuffaloLou
914 BuffaloLou
915 BuffaloLou
916 A Frayed Knot
917 BuffaloLou
918 NY Pete
919 BuffaloLou
920 BuffaloLou
921 A Frayed Knot
922 BuffaloLou
923 A Frayed Knot
Obviously the Hunt Cabernet is somewhat controversial, but here's how I looked at it. That Albarino is solid, something I always spend around $12 on. So assuming I were willing to buy that "full price," then that leaves $44 for the 3 reds. I can see the "meh's" based on the wines being repeats, but $44 for that cab, the Dulcamara, and the Bruzzico is seriously cheap, any way you break it out: Let's crudely estimate $20 for the Hunt, $20 for the Dulcamara and $4 for the Bruzzico.
What time is it? Where is my Puglia IGT?
Does anybody really know what time it is?
Are you sure? In what dimension? In which universe?
Am I getting credit for these posts?
Son of a $^%&amp;! I just received a "You are posting comments too quickly. Slow down."!! That makes this the third forum!
This was about as fun as trying to program my universal remote control..............let me know if there is anything here that doesn't work like it should!
2010‐11‐29 22:30:42
2010‐11‐29 22:39:02
2010‐11‐29 22:44:10
2010‐11‐29 22:46:42
2010‐11‐29 22:50:01
2010‐11‐29 22:50:24
2010‐11‐29 22:51:00
2010‐11‐29 23:08:31
I can tell you what's not working the way it should, but I don't think you want to get that personal... LOL!
hey hey
gettin' around tonight, Pete?
Oooo! That was post #900! Almost to 1,000!
I see you're talking to yourself again Lou!
Old habbits are hard to quit...
2010‐11‐29 23:41:07
Besides, it's too darn quite!
Those old farts go to bed too early.
Well, you're the think this old crate will fly?
2010‐11‐30 00:29:16
2010‐11‐30 00:03:07
2010‐11‐30 00:07:13
2010‐11‐30 00:12:43
2010‐11‐30 00:22:57
2010‐11‐30 00:32:14
I think you've done a great job with the site, but more importantly, you've given a home to those that are not comfortable with the change, with some of the members of the forum, or just the size and manageability of it.
I look at it like a computer... some need simplicity and ease of use. Then there are the power users... It's good to have resources for each. And, as before, there will be those that cross between the two platforms (just like I do with my PC at work and my Mac (yea!) at home.) (I just saw NY Pete on the last page, 45.)
Just for managability, I'd like to see buttons not just for previous or next page, but for "go to beginning" and "go to end". Perhaps a "go to page" and select a number.
925 BuffaloLou
That is about the only improvement I'd say would be nice. OWOK! Nice job!!
64 of 958
2010‐11‐30 00:49:22
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
Well, just about 1:20AM and no one seems to be around, neither here nor the forum, so I think I'll get me some shut eye... I hope you're all sleeping well dreaming of killer wine deals! 926 BuffaloLou
927 castello
928 castello
929 castello
930 WineKnurd
931 castello
932 Hinrgman
933 luddite
934 BaroloDude
2010‐11‐30 01:19:15
Can you hear me now? I may have been cut off for a while or maybe just overserved?
If I had as many AH‐mAY‐RoNEies as BLou I'd build a cellar to the rv and back several times over, Alas my only um(wine not to be) is the famed/or not Les Regose 03. It may be ready to kuaff now.
As it is I'm driven to drink a tempranillo from Clarksdale Cali.
I haven't seen this site on hear but I'm sure it should be?
2010‐11‐30 02:44:00
You're doing a hell of a job AFK! I'll pick you up on the way. Can U meat me in Okie‐homa? Misery aint too far form thear
2010‐11‐30 02:47:53
Picking up AFK here!?
2010‐11‐30 03:30:24
No one has posted this morning?
2010‐11‐30 11:29:15
Are we still here?
2010‐11‐30 11:56:27
I'll post something. Wine.Woot is having a woot‐off
2010‐11‐30 12:15:59
@Hinrgman: Thanks! '08 Ty Caton Red up now!
2010‐11‐30 12:34:07
where is WBW to "break in" our new home? ;‐)
wasn't it WBW with the great plan for breaking in new homes?
2010‐11‐30 12:36:31
Ok, vinmoet and other BORD freaks... here is what K&amp;L is emailing about today... is this a good deal or worthy wine? its an expensive experiment still....:
The '07 Pape Clement (92 RP, 92 ST, 91 WE, 90 WS) is being sold around the country for $120 to $140, but we just got an unreal deal on it, allowing us to blast it out at $59.99. This is delicious Bordeaux from one of its most respected producers, at a price reduction that puts it squarely in your holiday plans. Parker calls it "one of the stars of the vintage."
2007 Pape‐Clément, Pessac‐Léognan (Previously $140) ($59.99)
92 points Robert Parker: "One of the stars of the vintage, this blend of 55% Cabernet Sauvignon, 40% Merlot, and the rest Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot reveals sweet burning ember, charcoal, barbecue smoke, black currant, plum, and graphite notes. This opulent, impressively endowed, medium to full‐bodied 2007 possesses sweet tannin and a long finish. It can be drunk now or cellared for 12‐15 years." (04/10)
92 points Stephen Tanzer: "Medium ruby‐red. Exotic aromas of currant, plum, tobacco, minerals, smoke and spices, complicated by hints of cherry‐cola and pepper. At once generous and juicy, with lovely inner‐mouth aromatic character and a strong impression of soil to the flavors of candied redcurrant, tobacco and spices. Finishes broad and long, with a fine dusting of sweet tannins. Very strong for the year." (Jul/Aug 10)
935 BaroloDude
91 points Wine Enthusiast: "A wine that is dominated by wood at this stage in its development. But the structure and the fruit are all there, waiting to slot into place in the next 2‐3 years. Spice and bright black berry flavors layer 936 vinmoet
The problem is that its 2007. My general impression of the vintage is Yuk. That said, you can't ignore the reviews, particularly Parker reviews. That, combined with the price, and you have a very good deal. If you are not a regular Bordeaux drinker, my guess is that you may not be happy with this wine, at least not for another 5 or 10 years. A better value would be to find the 2005 Lascombes which still exists at the same price with some hunting. It has a ton of fruit, is sophisticated, can be decanted, and can be drunk young while still lasting 30++ years. For those reasons, it represents a better value. If you are a regular Bordeaux drinker then this is a deal which will give you a different flavor profile from what you already have. I liken 2007 to 2002. A very lean vintage with wines that have limited fruit but can age gracefully to a nice wine but not a great wine. 07 was overpriced and is difficult to sell.
2010‐11‐30 13:16:42
938 WineKnurd
07 is a crappy vintage. I would wait as most 07 are unsold and when the real unloading begins, prices are going to be much much better. 05 Lascombes was a stunner, and very reasonable, under 110 for a mag.
JohnR did you get that Y'quem?
939 BaroloDude
@ johnr and vinmoet... gracias. I grabbed some 05 Lascombes on that first WTSO deal a long time ago... will be grateful with that and not pursue this deal any further. FWIW, 97 had a similar rep as 07 seems to have... and a few 97s i have had in the last year are great right now (Langoa Barton, du Tertre,....), so maybe what i will do is buy a 2007 in the year 2016 or so and see how they are doing. I have a feeling, like the 97s today, they will still be around then. Cheers!
937 johnr
65 of 958
2010‐11‐30 12:38:04
2010‐11‐30 13:19:20
2010‐11‐30 13:26:44
2010‐11‐30 14:48:30
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
Ahhhh... the blog is back up and running... Me thinks me crashed it last night! I posted a few and poof! it was a gonner!
Well, certainly a whole lot more friendly here today! I'll leave it at that... 940 BuffaloLou
941 Hinrgman
942 johnr
943 WineKnurd
944 Schmitty
945 A Frayed Knot
946 Josie
947 A Frayed Knot
948 WineBabyWine
949 NY Pete
Thanks for the tip on the woot‐off, Hinrgman! Sorry I missed the Ty Canton! :(
@BLou ‐ keep watching ‐ with a woot‐off you never know what might come up next
@Knurd: Houston, tranquility base here, the eagle has landed.
Looks like Phredd will cough up the $60 for his share.
@AFK‐ first off ‐ thank you for all your work to keep us all together in a format, that seems to work for nearly everyone! Just have a question‐ is there a way, to stop the thread, once a new offer is being posted? Or after a day? With the older comments still being able to be read, like in an archive? Not sure what is involved, and if it even possible‐ or how other peeps feel about that! Just throwing it out as an idea.
Schmitty ~ I'm working on an archive. Trying out different ways to make it work so that we can search through things easier.
@AFK ‐ excellent work my friend ‐ for being not a computer geek you are doing an amazing job! I wouldn't have the guts to even attempt this.....
Josie ~ Thanks!.......... Now where is that iconic headpiece?...............Speaking of icons............I think we're still
missing a certain Turkish knight!!
Hey Inmates! How are you all? Been very busy past few days! WL Forum looking boring tonight... What's going on here? I'm not sure what the link change is about here but sounds like a new home needs some breaking in! I'm layin' in my bed here next to my laptop, so I 'm ready to go.... Let's do it!;feature=related
boring? what's you're idea of excitement?
And here' s one for Brooks...;feature=related
2010‐11‐30 14:52:43
2010‐11‐30 15:23:47
2010‐11‐30 15:51:56
2010‐11‐30 16:53:56
2010‐11‐30 17:16:19
2010‐11‐30 17:27:03
2010‐11‐30 19:16:00
2010‐11‐30 21:21:15
2010‐11‐30 22:55:02
2010‐11‐30 23:08:55
One of my most favorite local singer songwriters... 950 WineBabyWine
Nite All!
@WBW ‐ ROFLMAO! Can't believe you found a song "Black and Blue"!!
2010‐11‐30 23:10:46
951 BuffaloLou
@SS ‐ FYI: posts here don't count to your total... Just sayin' LOL!
2010‐11‐30 23:13:10
952 BuffaloLou
Darn it, did it again! That was suppose to be: @NY Pete, not @SS. They're twins, you know... LOL!
2010‐11‐30 23:13:52
So, how's everyone tonight? What about tonight's offer? Pretty steep, but nice juice! I didn't order as I just ordered a case of: 2007 Torre Quarto Bottaccia Nero Di Troia 750ML today. Rick Hudak (RDHudak) recommended. CT and the forum have some great TNs! An this is an $11 bottle! I have not had, but from what I've been told, and what I've read, I recommend you try!
953 BuffaloLou
That's my PSA for tonight.
2010‐11‐30 23:16:15
Black and Blue: A concert tour in the late 1970's or early 80's that featured Black Sabbath and Blue Oyster Cult. "Black and Blue" : a serviceable song by Van Halen 954 TonyO
Black and Bleu Burger: plenty of cracked black pepper and bleu cheese
2010‐11‐30 23:22:53
@NYPete.... miss me? 955 WineBabyWine
Yes, Lou... my GF's &amp; I used to follow this local Phila band called Four Way Street... 4 local songwriters including Jim Boggia, Ben Arnold,etc. joined together to make some wonderful music. They were only together a few years, and I still miss them. They did some cool stuff. They're still around but separate... I really loved them together. But... Change Gonna Come....;feature=related
66 of 958
2010‐11‐30 23:26:46
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
956 Brooks
Black and Blue = What the Velvet Underground Peace Train will be carrying ...2004 2005 2006 and biz partner has 2003...he will trade me ^
Just got home from food to NYC in afternoon...TonyO....never misses with his quick picks...WBW thanks..I am so tired I haven't slept a wink.........
@TonyO: "Black and Bleu Burger: plenty of cracked black pepper and bleu cheese"
2010‐11‐30 23:29:18
Now we're TALKIN'! Rare to Med‐Rare. Mayo. Lettuce. Hold onions, tomato, pickle, ketchup, mustard, and anything else to ruin it!
Note, bacon and cheddar (combo) is a perfect alternative to the Blue Cheese.
957 BuffaloLou
958 BuffaloLou
959 WineBabyWine
960 BuffaloLou
961 BuffaloLou
962 BaroloDude
963 Brooks
Let's face it, the all American Cheeseburger is perfection!
Yo Brooks! How ya doin' my friend? Haven't heard from you in a bit...
Brooks I am so tired too.. dont' forget about Black &amp; blue Salad TonyO.. yum one of my favorites.... But now I must shut my light &amp; my eyes..... Ssshhhhh..... Wine Baby's going to sleep...
That would be: Hush Baby, hush.
Just wanted to publicly announce that my pride and joy, Alex, earned his "First Class" Boy Scout rank tonight. He's half way to Eagle! I am very proud of him. Can you tell?
@WBW... there you are on the new link... i posted the other day that we needed you and your "new house breaking in skills" here. Nice links.
NYP... thanks for the great Zevon post. In his honor I enjoyed my sandwich tonight.
Good morning all....I crashed last night... Congrats Scout Alex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2010‐11‐30 23:29:19
2010‐11‐30 23:30:35
2010‐11‐30 23:35:10
2010‐11‐30 23:48:36
2010‐12‐01 00:01:21
2010‐12‐01 00:49:46
2010‐12‐01 07:35:27
Morning all!
Brooks‐ about to start my day with that Brazilian "raisined" style coffee.
964 WineKnurd
966 luddite
967 Hinrgman
968 SCKen
970 A Frayed Knot
971 WineKnurd
974 vinmoet
975 johnr
976 WineKnurd
977 Hinrgman
978 WineKnurd
979 A Frayed Knot
980 WineKnurd
981 Hinrgman
982 A Frayed Knot
983 A Frayed Knot
984 BaroloDude
985 A Frayed Knot
986 Hinrgman
987 A Frayed Knot
988 Brooks
989 Brooks
990 johnr
991 Brooks
BLou‐ Congratulations on Alex's achievement! I know you are a camp leader, but are you also an Eagle Scout?
2010‐12‐01 07:42:31
@BuffaloLou: Congratulations to scout Alex! Your future Eagle is halfway to landing...
2010‐12‐01 08:39:18
BLou ‐ congrats on Alex ‐ quite an achievement
2010‐12‐01 09:16:40
For those who may not have seen it, HookedOnWine just got in a really nice Cali collection. Even a 99pt Screaming Eagle in there if someone wants to cough up the $2500 to buy it. Hey JohnR and WineKnurd ‐ why don't you guys pony up for that one for the tasting on the 17th!
2010‐12‐01 09:23:29
@Lou ~My congrats to Alex the Eaglet! Half way home!!!!!
2010‐12‐01 09:39:20
SCKen I think I can afford 1 ml :)
2010‐12‐01 09:46:12
FYI: Binny's in Chicago has a sale... 2005 Numanthia Termanthia $140 and 2005 Numanthia $51. Nothing else in the sale is interesting.
2010‐12‐01 10:39:03
@SCken, I was offered 07 DRC RSV for under $600, and I am thinking hard..
2010‐12‐01 11:04:40
2004 Barolo for $19 at Wine Chateau, FS on a case
2010‐12‐01 11:11:57
I saw that $19 barolo. Is it any good. I could go pick it up.
2010‐12‐01 11:18:15
Hringman, I have been burned lately with the "deal" Barolo's. But if you can pick up a few w/o having to buy the whole case then I don't think its a bad oppurtunity!
2010‐12‐01 11:25:41
Trying out a numbered comment plug‐in.............let me know what you think.
2010‐12‐01 11:26:50
Holy cow the page changed on me!
2010‐12‐01 11:27:05
It takes a lot of work to get it the way you like it. Mostly trial and error.
2010‐12‐01 11:32:17
Amen to that Hinrgman!
2010‐12‐01 11:36:20
Do you guys want the comment box at the top (like it is now) or the bottom of the page (like before)?
at the bottom. i like to see the most recent post at the top. can the comment box go on the side just below the happy yellow ball dude?
It's a top or bottom thing right now................I'm thinking bottom too
I like comment box on top. It saves scrolling to the bottom to comment. I usually comment on some of the most recent posts which are near the top.
I can reduce the number of comments showing, so that you don't have to scroll down so far.
I just changed it from 20 to 10.........does that help?
WSTO alert Ciabot Berton Barolo Roggeri 2004 2 for fs !!! $35
this is the real mccoy rated 92 not the ws 90 non‐roggeri that WL sells
B squared????
BD help!!!!!!!!!!
I would be all in for the Ciabot, but firewall isn't letting me buy....damn!
thanks grabbed two..this deal looks outstanding if it is the real one
67 of 958
2010‐12‐01 11:40:54
2010‐12‐01 11:51:08
2010‐12‐01 11:55:48
2010‐12‐01 12:01:44
2010‐12‐01 12:06:35
2010‐12‐01 12:11:02
2010‐12‐01 12:11:59
2010‐12‐01 12:27:18
2010‐12‐01 12:36:41
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
992 WineBabyWine
993 BaroloDude
AFK!!! Great job! I love the page numbering at the top. I am on the fence about the comments on top or bottom, doesn't matter much to me.... can we try it on top &amp; see if we like it better? (To paraphrase TonyO, that's what I said.) Can it be changed back if we don't? If not, leave it the way it is, it's just fine. *
BLou congrats to your son... what did he have to do to get that honor?
BDude... yes, I had seen your House Breaking In comment so I obliged. That song brings back some funny college memories. I lived off campus with 3 other girls in an apt above an apt. of guys who, well, basically were nerds. Never partied or socialized much, as opposed to the apt of guys below them who had a special keg refrig, or the apt. of girls above us who were fun. So every so often as a joke we'd get out that Donna Summer song, usually late at night, turn it all the way up, &amp; all 4 of us would start dancing &amp; moaning loudly to it, knowing they could hear it below us. They did get a kick out of us. I think. Sometimes.
Yayyy! Glad to see Josie girl on here! So much fun meeting you (&amp; your friends) on Saturday! Funny how you can already feel like friends with people you haven't met before. And she can validate my bottle opener.... said a friend has one just like it &amp; uses it to open older bottles.
2010‐12‐01 12:40:16
@WBW... that is hilarious. That song just takes me back to the bizarre scene in zoolander when zoolander falls for matilda " There was a moment last night... when she was between the two Finnish dwarves and the Maori tribesman...Where I thought..."Wow, I could really spend the rest of my life with this woman"'
re the Ciabot Roggeri... its going to be ok stuff. probably won't disappoint you. the low qty for FS is key. For a few bucks more you can get a Ratti Marcenasco that should be nicer (if you age these things for 4 more years or so minimum). See the article that AFK posted....
2010‐12‐01 13:22:28
Captain's Log....testing..... testing....Scotty we need more power...a mission from Cindie
Venue: Velvet Underground Peace Train...test run ( snap...someone had to do this....)
Disclosure: Thank goodness someone "left" a 375ml bottle of Havens Reserve Merlot 2006 in the magazine another one here...being decanter until 4PM...H01Y Cr4p!!
Food: Green Sky Valley Fruit &amp; Nut Mix $ fruit, almond , under brush, smoke...I will leave this open for a while...nice bag with zip lock....pinch me
Scene: large blue seats...two to a customer...I guess Dom DeLuise and Jet coach would feel at home...a large napkin placed over the head rest as a lice protector ( 3% of world population has head lice)...outlets for cell phone and laptop...large rest room...tmi
People: while in cafe car getting my mix (and a plastic cup) I ran into a woman ordering
two 375ml white wine bottles....i gotta come here more often... (cell phone ringing...oh hi sweetie...yes doing this darn biz trip....yeah coffee...yes yes)
Sounds: Pretty quiet but hard to hear anything with Europe 72 blasting on this Ipod
Luggage: Free and spacious room for wine racks but I have not looked
Internet connection: hello
Brooks rating: 7 outta 10...however with the right company...this could be a 9‐10
\This may be better than the Wilkerson
994 brooks
Hey BD what tasting note please on the Barolo...2 for FS...Fidgettaboutit...
johnr if you missed the barolo...i will bring to philly or where ever when NAH firms up a date venue time...
Back to reading emails....
68 of 958
2010‐12‐01 15:25:56
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
Afternoon Winos! Anyone else being deluged? ....we are having a monsoon in NJ/NY/ home from NJ (skipped wine shopping today ‐ too worried about soggy boxes) and found puddles in my basement, but was just in time to pick up and rearrange the wines before a major mess occurred. @BLou ‐ you should be proud, it's quite an achievement for Souter Alex, and we all know you &amp; Mrs. BLou give him a ton of support! @AFK ‐ I'll be working on that new avatar, gotta check out my collection of interesting headpieces....
995 Josie
996 WineKnurd
997 Josie
@ WBW ‐ yes indeed, my wine friends use an opener like your's for their really old bottles ‐ that extra long screw is best for those fragile corks. Of course, their's is Not Tupperware.....I wonder if they used it on the two Heitz Cabs I saw on the counter yesterday morning (1968 &amp;1969, oh, maybe not old enough) ....(the bottles were only half empty, and I was assured that they were great, but I couldn't try any as someone forgot to cork them back up!! AArrrgggggg)
2010‐12‐01 15:54:09
@Josie‐ you are late to the dance. NC was hit by the monsoons last night. Damn near washed away all my xmas lights!
2010‐12‐01 16:27:55
Oops, sorry Knurd, I hope Santa can still find his way to your house! I haven't been paying any attention to recent weather events, obviously....
2010‐12‐01 16:34:38
on Wired 4 Wine...
Castello di Briolo Chianti Classico 2006 half bottle (375ml)
96 points from Wine Spectator
#5 in "Top 100 of 2009" from Wine Spectator
998 BaroloDude
999 BaroloDude
1000 WineKnurd
1001 luddite
1002 A Frayed Knot
Reg Price: $39.99
Sale Price: $29.97
Free Shipping on 4 bottles
2010‐12‐01 16:40:30
hey AFK
1) nicely done on the pagination Next/Prev buttons! just started showing up for me
2) in the last day or two,when i hit POST COMMENT, i get a nice little red lettered "thank you for your comment" under the button, which is nice confirmation so i don't hit the button again... because....
3) the comment/post doesn't show up at the top of page until i refresh the page. So if that little "thank you" wasn't there, i would probably keep hitting the post button over and over. Are we supposed to hit refresh in order for our post to appear?
2010‐12‐01 16:49:23
now my comments are at the bottom of the page, even after a refresh...
2010‐12‐01 16:53:06
@BaroloDude, re the '06 Baron Ricasoli Chianti Classico on WFW @ $30:
Seems like a premium price for the 375s when the bottles can be had for $50...
2010‐12‐01 17:04:13
@B‐dude ~ This pagination thing seems to have a few quirks...........not supposed to have to hit refresh after commenting.............I'm having the same problem.........working on it!
2010‐12‐01 18:57:40
If you want a few laughs and possibly some interesting reading, visit and check out the forum "Food Media and News" and look for the subject/thread : Diners, Drive‐Ins, Dives, and Disgusting. Things are heating up on this two year old thread. I would be interested in hearing what the Cindy's have to say. I have been placed on "double secret probation" more than once by the Chowhound Nazis. 1003 TonyO
1004 A Frayed Knot
1006 TonyO
1007 TonyO
1008 johnR
Full disclosure: a 375 CH Lot 175 (2007 Merlot) down the hatch with some homemade for me !! What's Next ?????????????
I just added a link above for Worthwhile Wine. They sell only South African wines. I don't have much experience with SA wines, however they have a coupon code for free shipping on your first order.......FREESHIPPING..........there doesn't appear to be a minimum order for that.
WINDY here ! Many trees down, a few roads closed, some power outages.....gotta love Mother Nature that fickle old ho....................
@WBW: nice use of "that's what she said " I LIKE IT !!!! this in the wine articles‐fest/
69 of 958
2010‐12‐01 19:37:30
2010‐12‐01 19:38:49
2010‐12‐01 19:40:32
2010‐12‐01 19:41:43
2010‐12‐01 19:49:30
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1009 TonyO
1010 A Frayed Knot
1011 johnR
1012 johnR
1013 TonyO
1014 johnR
1015 johnR
1016 TonyO
1017 johnR
@JohnR: the only downside of that "Night of Barolo" would be the high probability of a raging hangover.....................well worth it I might add
2010‐12‐01 20:05:42
Done deal, Sir Anti‐Shill
2010‐12‐01 20:05:52
After Bordeaux, Barolo is my go too wine......but reisling is inching up...
2010‐12‐01 20:26:10
good ode days on cindy...........$180 on a unknown PN to get FS....sheesh. $5 off per bottle???
2010‐12‐01 21:14:21
@JohnR: and is there any wonder why there is little conversation and even less least my local wine merchants are happy !
2010‐12‐01 21:16:09
not that I've been lurking, but it seems that the posts and posters are wayyyy down, expect of Blou, who just celebrated his 10,000 post yesterday!
2010‐12‐01 21:22:55
@Tony...GV would never admit to lower sales since the divorce.
2010‐12‐01 21:23:49
I heard BLou was accused of "bogarting" the forum........Ahe yes, "bogarting"....I can remeber finding my father's 8 ‐
Track of the soundtrack to "Easy Rider" which featured some great tunes including "Born to be Wild", "The Pusher", 'The Weight", and a lesser known ditty by The Fraternity of Man called "Don't Bogart Me"....If I remember correctly it went like this, "Don't boagrt that joint, my freind, pass it over to me" and another part of the lyrics went "Roooooooooooool another one, just like the other one"...Hippy Lettuce indeed.........
2010‐12‐01 21:39:33
I think Jovino just threw in the towel on Cindy.
2010‐12‐01 21:44:23
From the Prince of Pinot:
2005 Inman Family OGV Olivet Grange Vineyard Russian River Valley Pinot Noir
1018 luddite
13.2% alc., 750 cases, $45, screw cap. 2005 was a long, cool, even growing year. The wine is a blend of all clones grown in the vineyard. Aged 11 months in 35% new French oak. ∙ This wine shows great purity of fruit. It is softer, lighter and “prettier” than the above wine with more red fruits evident, especially red raspberry. There are attractive spice and sandalwood notes. Beautifully balanced and a joy to drink.
2010‐12‐01 22:41:19
Where did my post go? I posted right after dinner, had to go snowblow the driveway (we had 6" of snow today) and now I check back and it's gone! Anyway, I'll try to repeat:
First, thanks to everyone for the congrats for Alex. He is a very driven young man (he's almost 12) and really enjoys Scouts. He had his board of review last night (where a youth is interviewed by a panel of at least three adult Scout leaders). I was informed afterword by a fellow leader that he did great and that he has no problem talking to adults. In fact, he is very comfortable when most Scouts are very nervous. When he (Alex) was asked about it, he said that he was shy when he first started Scouts, but selling SCOUT POPCORN helped him learn to talk with people! So cool! Someting to be learned with EVERY activity in Scouts!
1019 BuffaloLou
1020 BuffaloLou
1021 BaroloDude
1022 BaroloDude
1023 BaroloDude
1024 BaroloDude
1025 BaroloDude
1026 Hinrgman
@Knurd ‐ Yes, I am an Eagle Scout. Ditto my father. This is a common thing in Scouts... Once someone joins and goes far in the program (not necessarily Eagle) he learns the value of the program. He then gets his son(s) involved. Often (and hopefully) this trend repeats. Another thing is that former Scouts, like myself, get involved as leaders. This helps further a Scout's participation in the program.
2010‐12‐02 00:45:36
Yes, Tony, I was accused of "bogarting" the forum, but only by a couple of dud spuds. Some old timers are having a problem because an "outsider" is stealing some of their thunder... Pathetic. Childish. Funny thing is, I'm receiving PMs from other forum users telling me to ignore them. With the exception of one kind hearted soul that suggested that I 'slow down a little' to stop making waves. Stop making waves... Hmmm... Not sure if that's my style! LOL! Seriously, a few good points were made, so I cut back a little... from 150 posts to 100. Per day. (Brooklyn Paul even started a thread about how much I post! (It was not mean spirited.)) I didn't know, but he pointed out that out of 5,973 registered users (I looked it up), I am now ranked 57. (Not that I care... Like I said, I didn't even know about it... ) In case you're wondering, I have, at the present, 2689 posts in a day over 5 weeks. AREN'T YOU GLAD I DON'T POST HERE EXCLUSIVELY? ROFL!!!
2010‐12‐02 00:57:14
2010‐12‐02 03:04:17
2010‐12‐02 03:04:55
2010‐12‐02 03:05:33
2010‐12‐02 03:06:06
1000! Great Barolo tasting at K&amp;L in Redwood CIty today. Importer brought E Grasso and some Germano Barolos and Nebbiolo langhe to taste from 2006 2005 and 2004. LOTS and LOTS of tannin and acid. These will be great someday, but not for a LONG time.
@BLou ‐ it's a form of Cyber‐Bullying
70 of 958
2010‐12‐02 03:07:53
2010‐12‐02 06:47:46
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1027 brooks
BD did you "Bogart" post #1000
BLou the only name we will call you is Mr.Amarone. ;)
NYC looking very good with lights and decor
2010‐12‐02 08:15:08
JohnR ‐ that unknown PN for $180 actually pumpkined! Must have only had a few cases in stock.
1028 SCKen
1029 SCKen
1030 WineKnurd
So, did you get the DRC RSV? I'm not a huge PN fan, but then again, I've never had anything near the quality of DRC.
2010‐12‐02 08:45:08
Speaking of PN's, anyone had the Flying Goat being offered on Invino? Like I said, I'm not a big PN fan, but my wife is, and I learned a long time ago that it serves me well to do nice things for her every now and then!
2010‐12‐02 08:49:08
Woo hoo the 1000 barrier has been broken!
2010‐12‐02 09:26:52
You guys have certainly continued the spirit of the CW blog! BDude... I love it! Brings back a lot of good memories and laughs!
Hinrgman, what's a form of cyber‐bullying?
Brooks, how about Mr. Amarone, HSCM? I always wanted letters after my name! LOL!
2010‐12‐02 09:44:33
1033 Phredd
Presently at home... More snow overnight. I‐90 is closed in the Buffalo area. Vehicles have been stuck on it since 7PM last night! Not sure what happened... All I know is I have to snowblow the driveway again... Getting close to a foot on the deck in the backyard.
Just got my shipment of CH wines, lots 179 and 200. Has anyone here tried these yet?
Hi, all. Finally checking in over here. Looks like a pretty nice group, here, too.
1034 BuffaloLou
Just heard, South Buffalo/Lackawanna (where my office is located) is just shy of 20" of snow... Yikes!
2010‐12‐02 10:31:01
1031 BuffaloLou
1032 WineKnurd
1035 Fran Taylor
1036 WineKnurd
WineKnurd‐opened the CH lot 200 last night. The description on website describes it perfectly. If you like Cali Cab you will love this wine. Decanted for 1 hr and the aroma filled the room.
Phredd tell 'em how good the sliders at Six Plates are :)
BTW ‐ one from a night or two ago that got overlooked:
2010‐12‐02 09:47:41
2010‐12‐02 10:21:24
2010‐12‐02 10:39:48
2010‐12‐02 10:44:10
Black and Blue = a pretty interesting Rolling Stones album
1037 Johnny C
1038 BuffaloLou
1039 BuffaloLou
1040 Phredd
1041 David T
1042 Fran Taylor
1043 WineKnurd
1044 Schmitty
1045 johnr
1046 Phredd
1047 Johnny C
1048 johnr
[Tony O how could you forget that one!] 2010‐12‐02 10:57:39
@Knurd: check here for review of Lot 200:;t=34952&amp;hilit=Lot+200&amp;start=0
@Fran: Would you say it was it worth the price, a good deal, or a steal?
Sliders at Six Plates. Mmm. And Lamby Joe's (Sloppy Joe's made with lamb). And truffle fries. And wines hand‐
selected by Matt to go with them. Very nice! Meta said she wants to go, too, next time. Gotta make time for that for sure.
@Lou Wow, shows you what just a short distance can do‐ here in Cleveland we just busted a 2nd‐longest‐on‐
record 251 day stretch of NO snow when Hopkins Airport reported a whopping 1/10" on the ground!
@BuffaloLou‐Nothing's a steal unless it's free so I would say it is a great deal at the reg price. I bought with 20% disc. and FS so it was a really great deal. My husband thinks all cali cab is overpriced but for lot 200 said I hope you bought several cases.
Actually I hate high heat cali cab so if the notes I have seen on the CH 200 are true, I might need to find a new home for my remaining bottles. Grow your grapes on mountains people :)
2010‐12‐02 10:58:44
2010‐12‐02 11:02:06
2010‐12‐02 11:25:41
2010‐12‐02 11:58:58
2010‐12‐02 12:00:44
2010‐12‐02 12:28:10
I have my Lot 200 waiting at another Cindy's house........will pick up soon..........probably will try one bottle, out of curiosity, but then refrain from having more for a while. Everyone seems to agree on having to age this wine more‐ but if I like what I taste, will most likely try to wait for the next sale, and get one more case.........
@BuffaloLou‐ did you try the 2005 Bussola Amarone? the 2003 is not available anymore‐ lucky you for having bought a few months back
2010‐12‐02 12:31:01
DaKnurd: Chateau Le Petite Anti‐Shill is always available for your orphan bottles.
2010‐12‐02 12:33:44
Yeah, Knurd, I think we can find places for those, if you are concerned. Which I think you definitely should be.
2010‐12‐02 12:40:15
Schmitty, I'm like you on CH 200 ‐ I just pinged jovino to see if he's around this afternoon, since I'm coming through the area. Are you in NYC? If so I can grab yours also...
2010‐12‐02 12:55:10
Phredd, I was thinking, that Yquem could wash in our CH deal if neccessary?
2010‐12‐02 13:04:44
71 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1049 Phredd
@JohnR: Dude, cut it out! It's a no on the Yquem, already. I can't do it right now. Really.
1050 WineKnurd
Why do people think that age will help a high alcohol fruit bomb? Wines only lose tannins and acidity with age. Not directed at anyone in particular, just curious in general. Maybe its a hope that thier investment will get better?
2010‐12‐02 13:24:35
1051 ctwino
1052 BuffaloLou
Hi everybody. I finally found you all. Although I did not post much on the old cindy, I was a big fan and avid lurker. I do not have much knowledge to share but I promise I will try to be more active going forward.
2010‐12‐02 15:22:05
Joe G is streaming winetasting now:
2010‐12‐02 15:25:29
1059 johnR
@David T: And how about Chardon? That's in the snow belt and can get plenty when Cleveland gets a dusting...
@ctwino: Welcome and thanks for previously posting valuable CH coupon codes!
Welcome CTWino!
Thanks BLou, that was pretty cool. Too bad the wine sucked!
What do you guys think about the CH lot 169 Merlot?
@Johnny C: nice catch on the Stones "Black and Blue" album ! "Memory Motel" is a truly great Stones tune that they seemed to play live quite a bit on recent tours........... "Fool to Cry" was an interesting song on that album as well......................... have my Lots from Phredd??
1060 luddite
RP 93, available now on ship4free @ $59.95, deal or no deal?
From Connoisseurs' Guide to California Wine
SHAFER One Point Five Cabernet Sauvignon
Stags Leap District. Napa Valley. 2007
Generally AvailableDrink Now or AgeBeef/Lamb
Following in the Shafer tradition of very ripe and expressive wines, this one smells of black cherries, cola, graphite and an unusual suggestion of green leaves. It is full and supple on the palate, and its ripeness shows here as well, but the wine also comes with plenty of primary fruit and a good bit of range, all of which give it lots to like.
Reviewed: August 2010
1053 luddite
1054 luddite
1055 WineKnurd
1056 castello
1057 WineKnurd
1058 TonyO
1061 Schmitty
1062 johnR
1063 BuffaloLou
1064 BuffaloLou
1065 luddite
2010‐12‐02 13:17:34
2010‐12‐02 15:25:48
2010‐12‐02 15:27:32
2010‐12‐02 15:27:45
2010‐12‐02 16:28:04
2010‐12‐02 18:42:42
2010‐12‐02 18:46:44
2010‐12‐02 18:49:42
2010‐12‐02 18:53:37
JohnnyC‐ thanks for the nice offer‐ just read it. No, I am actually local, so had I known that Jovino was so daring as to go to the Temple this close to delivery of his baby, I could have hooked up with him there. I told him, he should let me know, when he wants me to come by‐ with a new baby the first days/weeks are a blur.............hope you got yours, though‐ and let us all know, if you like it!
2010‐12‐02 19:00:15
@luddite, WSpro lowest price 59.85@ryebrook, deal NO, Wine Yes. Tasted at the Winery in June, very very nice, balanced. I am waiting for the discount as their are 14000 cases made.
2010‐12‐02 19:05:00
@ctwino ‐ Welcome! I am curious, though... several 'lurkers' have come forward recently. My questions are: "Why did you lurk before, i.e. why didn't you post?" and "What made you come forward now?" I'm only curious because of the change and because several have come 'out of hiding' so to speak... I never understood why peeps didn't post before.
That said, I do hope you continue to post. We have some great peeps!
@luddite : I'll concur with John R. Shafer makes nice wine. Their HSS (Hill Side Select) is amazing. This 'deal' just isn't a 'deal'.
@johnr/@Blou: Thanks appreciate the input. Plenty of wine so I will wait...
Time to watch the King's return to Cleveland should be interesting...
72 of 958
2010‐12‐02 19:18:31
2010‐12‐02 19:20:51
2010‐12‐02 19:59:39
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
All: This wine: 2007 Torre Quarto Uva di Troia Bottaccia Puglia IGT is getting some seriously good reviews. I just ordered a case w/o even trying it (OK, I've done that before, but only when I'm confident... with one or two very sad exceptions... ). Date
GeneV on the forum wrote: "Definitely one of the best deals of the year." Def worth consideration.
Anyway, you can read up on this here:;t=33838
Here is the WL page on it:‐2007+Torre+Quarto+Bottaccia+Nero+Di+Troia+750ML (You can view GVs WLTV vid at this webpage, too!)
CTwino.hey welcome back. Yes your coupons on CH were great. I paid my daughters college semester with the savings (20%). Ok this is organized chaos here thanks to afk. V
For those of you not keeping up with the lastest on the Velvet Underground Peace Train....I took a test run from Beantown to NYP. This is better than the Wilkerson. Amtrak works. BB we will stop in New Haven to pick you up. CT wino you would be stamford with other sw nutmegers. Then NYC Cindies for onward trip to Philly to meet up with FF wbw josie nah and friends Spring 2011. NAH plse grab a date and invite Mobius. Hey has he found this site yet ? Blou. You missed post #1000. BD bogarted it ?
Schmitty. Lot 193 is a tannic beast but I love it
Everytime I disappear for a couple of days, there's BIG Changes.
BLou is using the "A" word
BDude learned how to count... :)
Phredd in the House (Cool!)
johnr is buying d'Yquem for everybody for Christmas...
CTWino? another Connecticut player???
2010‐12‐02 20:07:00
2010‐12‐02 21:04:31
1073 BaroloDude
BLou you were very convincing about the Puglia, so watched the GV video and bought 4. Thanks
Brooks: Crazy Train?
Did you come through Hartford? Not that it matters, I've been in Calif‐‐Sacramento/Stockton.
BORING paleo again on CW. Aargh. Thank you for once again saving my cc.
04 Paleo is the really deal! however, only when Cindy adheres to the law of economics. why the heck aren't more people bitchin when they re‐offer at higher prices?
@johnr... honestly, if i was in their shoes, and trying to move wine, I would have a similar policy, otherwise everyone would just wait for it to come around again.
1074 WineBabyWine
Thanks JohnR for the Christmas present! PM me on WL &amp; I'll send you my mailing address. *
I think it was a brilliant idea of S &amp; M to suggest Philly as a meeting point... it's def in the center of the transportation system from north to south &amp; easily accessible from all points west via air. Glad t0 hear your test run was a success Brooks. *
Hey let's all take bets on who Rick James is on the Forum. I think it's either JohnR's new alias or Coupe 60 aka Chelios now aka Rick James. ;)
1066 BuffaloLou
1067 brooks
1068 BrunelloBob
1069 sydu
1070 BrunelloBob
1071 BaroloDude
1072 johnR
2010‐12‐02 20:46:56
2010‐12‐02 20:54:49
2010‐12‐02 21:11:45
2010‐12‐02 21:18:03
2010‐12‐02 21:22:17
2010‐12‐02 21:25:15
2010‐12‐02 21:34:45
@sydu: Happy to help! Figured I'd share the wealth, so to speak! I hope you like it. (Me too! LOL!)
1075 BuffaloLou
@Brooks: I saw it, my friend! It touched me to see the group hit 1,000, even if BD bogarted it! (Hey, who am I to complain!)
73 of 958
2010‐12‐02 21:34:50
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
@luddite I haven't heard that Chardon's any different than anywhere else in the region‐ just a dusting everywhere
1076 David T
1077 BuffaloLou
1078 BuffaloLou
1079 BuffaloLou
1080 johnR
@lou I just got two bottles of that in the shipment that arrived today‐ looking forward to trying it but want to let it rest for a bit first, hopefully WL will still have some left assuming I like it as much as everyone else!
@WBW ‐ What makes you think Rick James is an alias for another poster?
@WBW ‐ What makes you think Rick James is an alias for another poster? That said, you may be right. Just a hunch, it might be Cabdrinker. I have my reasons...
I have no idea what just happened...
not me....
2010‐12‐02 21:35:33
2010‐12‐02 21:36:27
2010‐12‐02 21:41:24
2010‐12‐02 21:42:21
2010‐12‐02 21:53:59
1082 WineBabyWine
@BLou... Just a hunch.... seemed like an imposter to me. I did not yet follow the path &amp; see what his 6 other posts were at the time. Like I said, just guessing &amp; having a little fun. I might be totally wrong. *
Me wrong? Naaaaahhhh!
So why do you think Calicab? I don't know these boys like you do.
Sorry, meant to say cabdrinker...
1083 BuffaloLou
@WBW ‐ Careful.. not Calicab, Cabdrinker. Diff peeps. Why... Just look at his posts and read my email...
2010‐12‐02 22:18:50
1084 WineKnurd
JohnR I have your wine hostage. Can you wait till the 17th? If not we can arrange something after work one day.
@AFK‐ odd thing happening when I post. The post doesn't show up until I refresh the page and the post stays in the comment box even when the post has been accepted to the forum. I am using Firefox on a Mac if anyone knows of any glitches.
@BLou‐ do you think that Cabdrinker enjoys drinking Calicabs? Tough call...
poor Lou ...
2010‐12‐02 22:22:23
2010‐12‐02 22:31:09
1081 WineBabyWine
1085 WineKnurd
1086 WineKnurd
1087 NY Pete
1088 brooks
1089 BaroloDude
1090 SNF
1091 SNF
1092 ctwino
BB..."Crazy Train" it shall be renamed....
Train stops Boston Providence Westerly Mystic New Haven (there is the connection from Hartford train) Bridgeport ....Stamford..some place in Westchester i think...then NYP.....dirty jersey stops...philly 30th street...
I got this CW wine for like 55 based on johnr...he was buying one..."GV I am buying one ...this better be worth it" was during a turn back Cindy....
same thing happens to me Knurd on firefox on PC
Hey I found my peeps‐= thanks dudlite and Josie. Missed you all ‐ LoudRedBoa‐ what up?
and a shout out to David T as well ‐ thanks all!
Thank you all for the welcome!
@BB i am in ct, Fairfield county to be exact. I wonder if we are the only ct peeps?
@Buffalolou to answer you question. I did post, just not often. Partially because I feel I have little wine knowledge to add to the conversation. Partially due to the fact that i generally have to read on my droid and it is hard to post from there. That being said I have been here since day one (in fact I purchased day one) and have learned a lot from all of you. I have a 1500 bottle cellar that runneth over at the moment so I should probably focus on TN's instead of purchasing. :)
74 of 958
2010‐12‐02 21:58:29
2010‐12‐02 21:59:55
2010‐12‐02 22:25:05
2010‐12‐02 22:31:06
2010‐12‐02 22:31:52
2010‐12‐03 03:25:31
2010‐12‐03 06:41:20
2010‐12‐03 06:51:29
2010‐12‐03 08:47:03
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
Joy to the World
Moebius wasn’t ufpog
Was a good friend of mine
Josie never understood a single word he said
But we helped him a‐drink his wine
And he always had some mighty fine wine
Joy to the world
All the Cindy peeps
Joy to the mates at Trembling Hills
Joy to the anti‐shills
If I were the king of the web
Tell you what I'd do
I'd throw away all the shipping fees
And share my wine with you
Sing it now...
Joy to the world
All the Cindy peeps
Joy to the mates at Trembling Hills
Joy to the anti‐shills
1093 A Frayed Knot
1094 WineBabyWine
1095 A Frayed Knot
1096 johnr
You know I love the Rhones
Love to have my fun
I'm a Star Cruiser flyer and a big Cindy buyer
2010‐12‐03 09:22:09
Welcome to CTWino... yay, another girl! And finally SNF. And SNF, I feel slighted that although I have provided much comic relief on all the forums (at least I think so), I have never been honored with one of your acronyms. I feel left out and sad, and would be honored &amp; humbled to have one.... that I might possibly regret like LoudRedBoa, but what the hey. Can you do me up?
Knurd &amp; Dude~ It appears to be a problem between the new numbering plugin and firefox. There are other numbering plugins that I haven't tried yet. When I have the time, I'll try out another one to see if it has the same problem or not.
@Knurd....we could meet up Saturday, improptu tasting, bring a bottle?
2010‐12‐03 09:26:05
2010‐12‐03 09:27:27
2010‐12‐03 09:34:20
A little bird told me about this site and that I was being talked about here.
BuffaloLou writes ‐ "@WBW – What makes you think Rick James is an alias for another poster? That said, you may be right. Just a hunch, it might be Cabdrinker. I have my reasons…"
"@WBW – Careful.. not Calicab, Cabdrinker. Diff peeps. Why… Just look at his posts and read my email…"
Sorry to disappoint you all, but I have no need to create an alias over at WL. If I have something to say, and I do, it is and always will be what it has been for over 4 years there as Cabdrinker. 1097 Cabdrinker
1098 WineKnurd
1099 A Naked Forty
1100 WineKnurd
1101 Nursing a Hangover
1102 luddite
1103 ctwino
1104 WineKnurd
1105 AccaDacca
Don’t worry, and I’m sure you’re not, this will be my one and only post here. I'm not craving hugs and attention like BLou. Have a lovely day and beautiful weekend all.
2010‐12‐03 09:36:31
JohnR this weekend is bad for me. Maybe during next week?
2010‐12‐03 09:47:42
@NSF ~ I here by declare you "King of Anogramphia"! (A small country just this side of Acronymia)
@AFK‐ no need to do too much. It doesn't stop me from posting and I can always open Safari or Chrome and try it there.
Woo Hoo...finally made it over here!! Hi to everyone I know and will soon know!!
@SNF: Welcome let the grams begin!
@ctwino: The party's at your house!
@Luddite. I am more than Happy to Host a party. How many can make it to CT?
CTWino what are you doing in your avatar picture?
@ctwino ‐ I'm in fairfieldcty as well. Sounds like we need to put together a gathering
75 of 958
2010‐12‐03 09:48:24
2010‐12‐03 09:49:21
2010‐12‐03 09:54:06
2010‐12‐03 09:58:48
2010‐12‐03 10:08:25
2010‐12‐03 10:12:24
2010‐12‐03 10:21:17
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
Beckstoffer just bought another great Napa vineyard‐
1106 WineKnurd
1107 WineKnurd
1108 Hinrgman
1109 Hinrgman
1110 SNF
1111 Mobius
1112 ctwino
1113 luddite
1114 A Frayed Knot
1115 Mobius
1116 johnr‐fde0‐11df‐9e61‐001cc4c03286.html
CTWino &amp; WBW‐ from an article about women in the world of wine. I wonder if there is an accredited shoemmelier program :)
"Hamilton Shaffer, from Davis, is a marketing specialist and a lady who knows her way around nonprofits. She was a manager for Big Brothers, Big Sisters and is the “master shoemmelier” for the Napa‐based company, “Wine, Women and Shoes.”
Does anyone have any info on "Serradenari Barolo 2005 Piedmont 750ml"
from Morrell with FS. Is the juice any good? Price is OK. FS and no Sales tax makes it a good buy if the wine is good.
@BrunelloBob saw your TN on CT
@A Naked Forty‐ thank you sir
@dudlite‐ let the games begin!
2010‐12‐03 10:24:07
2010‐12‐03 10:28:18
2010‐12‐03 10:29:09
2010‐12‐03 10:32:50
2010‐12‐03 10:36:03
Ah yes, young lady that's one hat pastrami on rye and two corned beef and tongue specials to go. Thank You, oh and if you don't mind me saying you look just like Jaimelualua from the Blog‐Mall.
2010‐12‐03 10:41:19
@Wineknurd my avatar is actually a picture of my daughter taking a bite of her meal at Per Se. She is a gourmond in training.
@Accadacca we should do a get together....anybodyelse from CT want to come out and play?
2010‐12‐03 10:43:13
@ctwino: You and @WIM should hold reciprocal inventory reduction parties over the holidays to get your cellars in shape for the new year...
@WBW: I'm sure that @SNF will produce the (winner) but here goes:
"Win By A Newbie"
2010‐12‐03 10:44:00
Oh Lord, do not let it be him!!!!!!
2010‐12‐03 10:48:47
@AFK..What, you don't like hat pastrami? Now let me get this right, is this a disclosure free zone? and more importantly, are middle finger avatars allowed here at the Hills?
2010‐12‐03 10:55:28
Damn, the band is getting back together. Just plug in the guitars and riff alittle Kashmir..
2010‐12‐03 10:58:43
1119 A Frayed Knot
Happy Friday, everyone! I've been in a conference at work and had meetings in the evenings‐ no wine drinking or posting for the past few days.
CTWino, welcome! Your cellar is bigger than mine at +/‐ 1200 bottles. We should chat more, and we're both off the Amtrak line! Yes, the train actually stops in Manassas once a day northbound and once a day southbound!
Thanks for the info on the Shafer 1.5 also. Like the wine, but always willing to wait for a better deal. Really need to focus on consumption, not procurement, but I do love a good deal, especially on those wonderful Brunellos!
2010‐12‐03 10:59:08
Mobius‐ How are you feeling? Glad to see you posting here!
SNF‐ Welcome home, we missed your wonderful anagrams. Don't think you can do anything with my name, I already tried, but you are welcome to give it a shot!
Glad we're getting more and more of the old gang here. Thanks again, AFK for putting this wonderful haven together for us!
2010‐12‐03 11:02:37
On the issue of disclosures...........(and keep in mind.........I've been working the graveyard shift, so it's bedtime for me!)
Two biscuits with leftover Kentucky fried chicken and brown gravy with 2008 Joel Gott 815 Cabernet......(nothing over powers the Colonels 11 herbs and spices)!
FYI Cabdrinker is Cooley!!!!
2010‐12‐03 11:09:38
1120 ctwino
@Wineknurd‐ regarding the shoemellier.... My husband alsways teases me and says he wishes I had a shoe buying problem. It would be so much cheaper. I could own dozens of pairs of Monolo's and Choo's for what I spend on wine every year. Wine is a dangerous hobby for a women. especially in these days of WBW said, I can not resist a good sale!
2010‐12‐03 11:25:26
1117 Waiting in Manassas
1118 Waiting in Manassas
76 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
Cabdrinker... hang around! Keep on Postin'.
SNF!!! OK, I gotta rally and fire up the 'grammin' node in the brain again. I only did one in your absence, but it was a good one
Waiting In Manassas = Insist a Swig Manana (no tilde, sorry), or Maintains a Swig Sin
1121 BaroloDude
1122 BaroloDude
1123 David T
1124 BaroloDude
WineBabyWine = Win A Weeny Bib (but wasn't there an 'H" in your alias at some point, 'whine'???)
oh and WIM.... "Giants Win!" is in your alias there, but i can do nothing 'polite' and gentlemanly with the rest of the letters...
It's high noon! First/Bottomrock/Bazinga!!
hey SNF...
1128 SCKen
re the wine, the Alpha Omega... i visited this place and met the lead owner, the winemaker while they were still building the tasting room, etc. I found the wine 'ok' and them a bit full of themselves. THey were going for cult/premium pricing when they hadn't earned that right yet, imho. The wine was not at that level, or even near it to me. For the money, a Corison or even a Del Dotto is a much better buy (at the AO full price). This Cindy deal is about right for what should be this wine's regular price.... so the CIndy deal should go down from here.
OK I'm here shillin' for Etna wines again. I love these things. If you haven't tried Sicily/Etna lately, check out now ‐ the TDTN Etna Rossos I've had we're great ‐ I just jumped in for four of those. Oh did I tell you they're good?
Its got the Holy Spirit ‐it has to be good
Wow, Cindy has a rare Napa Cab offer, and it sells out in less than an hour! Being magnums, I doubt they had much in stock, but still, that quick of a pumpkin should tell them something about the kinds of wines people are looking for.
1129 vinmoet
Am flying into Madrid on 12/16 with family. Be there 1 or 2 nights. First time there. Have many travel guides but wondering if you guys have suggestions for Madrid? Heading up to Rioja for a couple. Rioja suggestions? After that, going to Bordeaux the City for one night then near Saint Emilion for 3. Going to Burgundy a couple of days, Christmas in Paris and then a couple of days in Epernay for New Years. The France part I kind of have down, the Spain part is still pretty new to me.
1125 BaroloDude
1126 Johnny C
1127 Hinrgman
1130 johnr
1131 WineKnurd
1132 WineBabyWine
1133 SCKen
1134 SCKen
1135 WineKnurd
1136 johnr
1137 Hinrgman
@BDude, I agree with you abouth the Alpha. It was good, but wasn't bangin. I found it on the level of good, not great. Wtso ran 4 Round Pounds for $90, that seems to be a better deal than 2 mags for $140. This not Cult, it is good. I thought Elizabeth Spencer has a better wine for the same price, but thats personal taste. I feel that this is actually priced a little high, $59.00 sounds a bit more fair, but the mag is going to appeal to the average buyer. This wine isn't going to 20 years + so why spend the premium to get the larger format.
@JohnnyC aka EtnaShill aka VolcanoBoy‐ notes man, post some notes on those Etna's!
2010‐12‐03 11:45:13
2010‐12‐03 11:50:08
2010‐12‐03 12:00:09
2010‐12‐03 12:17:51
2010‐12‐03 12:21:59
2010‐12‐03 12:36:58
2010‐12‐03 12:41:26
2010‐12‐03 12:45:36
2010‐12‐03 12:45:38
2010‐12‐03 12:50:28
2010‐12‐03 13:04:02
2010‐12‐03 13:05:50
Just to be clear, my statement about it being the kind of offer Cindy should make more of was not an endorsement of the Alpha itself, as I have never actually tried that wine. I have no idea whether it was a good deal, but I would trust the comments of JohnR, BDude and others that it probably wasn't a great deal. All I was saying is that Cindy should clearly offer more Napa Cabs. Of course, I, and others, have been saying that for over a year now and it appears to be falling on deaf ears. For example, why couldn't WL put the Shafer 1.5 on Cindy for around $50 with FS on 4? I would think that would be possible since another site was offering it for $59 with FS on 4. I would possibly break my SIWBM for that offer.
2010‐12‐03 13:08:26
vinmoet ‐ Can I be part of your family?! That sounds like a great trip.
2010‐12‐03 13:11:58
SCKen you are bringing the CH lot 200 on the 17th correct? I will send an official email out this weekend about the gathering. Also I am first in line to be adopted by Vinmoet :)
2010‐12‐03 13:13:47
@SCken......I know man, thats my point also. Cindy sells you what they want you to buy, not what you want. Shafer 1.5 at $39.00 is a smoken deal. But Cindy is never going to sell you that. They can sell that on a OVER‐
HYPED caps Banner. Cindy is the inventory mover, not quality mover. Why the heck haven't they dropped an AM‐
A‐RON‐IE for Blou, or a White Burg for KarlB if they are actually listening?
Hear the news Cindy is making several offers all weekend. New one after one sells out.
77 of 958
2010‐12‐03 13:14:41
2010‐12‐03 13:15:30
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1138 WineKnurd
sounds like Cindy is becoming like another site that we seem to do more business with hmmm...
2010‐12‐03 13:18:05
1139 WineBabyWine
@dudlite: thanks for the arachnoidogram! Faster than the Master, but I love it! Win By a Newbie! (winner!)
@Bdude... yours, not so much, sorry. ;) lol .... yes, I had the H in the name back on the old Cindy forum, but decided to change it to what I really wanted it to be when the forum was demolished.
@Mobius ‐ welcome... hope you are all better by now &amp; Roxy got home safely!
2010‐12‐03 13:18:10
1140 Nursing a Hangover
1141 luddite
1142 Lurker
1143 AccaDacca
1144 castello
1145 sydu
1146 BaroloDude
1147 luddite
1148 WineKnurd
1149 BrunelloBob
1150 sydu
1151 johnr
1152 Schmitty
anyone ever use Hooked on Wine?? They have a few bottles I'm interested in but have reservations??
@NAH: Welcome! Yes, Hooked On Wine recommended to me by @Brooks, great deal on Havens Velvet. FWIW: They also sell wine on eBay.
2010‐12‐03 13:20:24
2010‐12‐03 13:37:28
Why would WL sell the Shafer 1.5 @ $39 when they will have no problem selling all of the stock at $59? Also, that other deal on 1.5 is hardly a deal, it is a free ship on 4 at the going price, if Cindy did that you would be up in arms.
2010‐12‐03 13:40:16
Actually, what is mindblowing to me is the free holiday shipping list. 03 Andrew Geoffrey on there for $75. But hey, get it shipped for free. Now if someone didnt know it was offered in store last week for $26, or $37 a few weeks back.....
2010‐12‐03 14:07:59
Welcome Mobius, CTwino, vinmoet and other newbs! Like the good ole days I had to do some serious catching up here. Had bottle 2 of the Lot 200 last night and it was much better than the first, bottle/travel shocked, one. Tasted like a great deal at $28. I see it is available at some costcos? I like to boycott the big stores but I know folks love Sams etc.
2010‐12‐03 14:14:20
Johnny C have you tried the Etna Rosso Guardiola at WL?
2010‐12‐03 14:17:06
didn't Godzilla defeat Garganega with the help of tiny little palmsized twins?
2010‐12‐03 14:26:00
This gram for @WIM reminds me of the picture at Josie's garden:
"Amiss A Waning Stain"
2010‐12‐03 14:26:08
@BaroloDude‐ Garganega? I didn't know Godzilla was a Soave fan :)
2010‐12‐03 14:28:25
I could access the "old" Trembling Hills site from work but not this one...
Anyone else havethis problem?
2010‐12‐03 14:39:05
Any interest in the Brunello on TSO?
2010‐12‐03 14:43:22
05 Brunello is like 04 Brunello, overpriced since release.
2010‐12‐03 14:49:02
Brooks‐ sounds good to me! Still on the fence with the Magnums..........better make up my mind soon, as one vintage sold out.........
2010‐12‐03 14:50:53
sydu ‐ I don't think I have had the Guardiola before (I have their Calderara Sottana (love it) and just picked up the SS). Maybe I'll pick one up and compare. There are a lot of good makers in that area. I'm going to have to pay a visit...
1153 Johnny C
1154 BrunelloBob
1155 sydu
1156 BrunelloBob
1157 WineKnurd
1158 brooks
1159 WineKnurd
Knurd ‐ I thought I had some notes up on CT ‐ maybe I left them on in the alternate universe....
I had the Scoppone in a prior vintage, probably 2003.
Not worth $29.99 as a 2005, there'll be better deals.
johnr thanks. Asked though cause thought $29 was reasonable
2010‐12‐03 14:53:54
JR: gotta disagree with you on the 2004s and the prices will/are already coming down on the 2005s
@JohnnyC‐ post them here on the disclosures page please :)
fs alert on gift packs jump ball the piedmont sampler two for fs
H0ly Cr4p....Sir M...SNP...NAH...who did I miss???
Brooks, you missed me and JohnR. We really miss you.
2010‐12‐03 15:00:21
1164 WineKnurd
Knurd ‐ Cindy just popped a Rhone Syrah (replacing a too‐early pumpkin), and I checked the notes and you HATED it! "73" !! I actually admire someone who can break out of the 87‐94 prison cell... I'm bailing on basis of your note. Funny I opened a St. Joseph Syrah last night that I got from Garagiste (Jean Michel Gerin 2007) that I actually enjoyed, though it was a meat‐bomb as well... I just posted my note on it in the notes section JUST FOR YOU...!
ummmm... yeh I need a little help on note formatting...
Garagiste has the '06 Nicholas Cole Cabernet @ $16.71 plus shipping...
@JohnnyC‐ my "favorite" CT notes are "one dimensional with noticeable heat on short finish, did not enjoy‐ rating 88".
1165 johnR
Garagiste just offered Nicholas Cole Michael for $16.60, Cindy offered 11/26 for $25.99 if any one missed out.
1160 Johnny C
1162 Johnny C
1163 luddite
78 of 958
2010‐12‐03 14:59:05
2010‐12‐03 14:59:11
2010‐12‐03 15:03:43
2010‐12‐03 15:42:00
2010‐12‐03 16:20:16
2010‐12‐03 16:32:13
2010‐12‐03 16:40:58
2010‐12‐03 17:05:05
2010‐12‐03 17:05:26
2010‐12‐03 17:10:04
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1166 WineKnurd
1167 Hinrgman
1168 brooks
1169 Hinrgman
1170 brooks
1171 johnR
1172 David T
1173 accadacca
1174 accadacca
1175 BrunelloBob
Love the note JohnnyC! Gives us all agood idea of the main components, body and texture. Sounds like a serious effort, prime rib anyone?
If anyone is interested in Rufino Modus '07 96pts. $28.99 and FS coupon.
WK and johnr....i believe your welcomes to THWTC was historic and well documented...glad you guys are on our team :) .... snap where the heck is ufpog.. MIA also we seem to be missing Michael ;)... Just Jack and and Eddie Gumbo.... ^
Ouch the ’06 Nicholas Cole Cabernet @ $16.71 plus shipping… I hope we do not have any window jumpers from this
WL is offering fs on the gifts there one that sticks out as an exceptional value if free ship thanks...the barolo / barbaresco twosome????
@brooks ‐ I agree that WL Italian 2 pack is best. Picked up 2 last week.
Hinrgman thank you very, I grabbed a pack...fs two bottles..WTF this barbaresco from the CT TNs could be better than the orgasmatron .....
@brooks, we need KarlB, resident white burg Professor!
@Knurd I completely agree re the CT notes. I've also seen "This is fantastic, smooth, the finish goes on forever I can't wait to get a case because it will age for a decade" 88pts
@johnr the Nicholas Cole Michael from Cindy was the 05, Garagiste has the 06.
whoops, the Nicholas Cole Michele, not Michael. Anyone have thoughts on the Clio presale?
he‐he‐he :) :)
where can I get one???
2010‐12‐03 17:10:17
2010‐12‐03 17:44:24
2010‐12‐03 17:47:08
2010‐12‐03 17:53:37
2010‐12‐03 18:16:40
2010‐12‐03 18:22:11
2010‐12‐03 18:42:31
2010‐12‐03 18:48:48
2010‐12‐03 18:49:52
2010‐12‐03 19:00:20
1177 brooks
@BB, re orgasmatron: Ask Woody Allen, but he may not be willing to part with it after all these years ;‐)
2010‐12‐03 19:05:48
Just catching up...on my bb is hard to go back to see old notes..FF is always diligent to go back and answer posts...FF sign in please;; :) .I am on the Crazy Train to Beantown...
WIM...are you going to organize the southern crazy train to Philly this spring?
Schmitty no hurry on Lot 193...they have like 1492 bottle left...if you want to know how many CH wines have left...typo in 5000 for amount and it will update the amount in your cart they have in inventory....if you miss...i have a friggin arsenal....they messed up an order and they made it up to me big time...i will bring a case to philly or to a NYC gathering...OBTW...while this is not like beating SNF to an Anagram...the WL listing of wines if sorted by popularity...ranking in order of inventory...mmmmm...H0ly Cr4p...i feel like I am an Ohio State fan with all these fun facts....I am now in Rhode Island...not a road nor an island... discuss.... Is PC ...PC? only the catholics may discuss
NAH...hooked on wine....first class online wine magnet..introduced me to it...WTF is wine magnet...he has come up with some amazing luddite mentioned we got a solid deal with fs on havens velvet 2005 wine like 144 for a case fs or 6 bottles for like 79 fs..I know this was a wine woot for like 10 need to get on their mailist to get these email only offers sign up...the owner Michael is a nice guy...i bought two cases of Havens B 2004 for like 24/bottle and he upgraded cross country 2 day air shipping during the winter...they have some great him directly...from my experience they will work with you.
CT wino
2010‐12‐03 19:13:56
1178 Nursing a Hangover
Brooks...thanks for the info. There are many wine on that site I would like...but alas, 'tis the season to give to others (and I just spent over $500 from WL this week) so I'll have to wait until 2011 when the bonus $$ come in...
1176 luddite
1179 TonyO
1180 BrunelloBob
1181 BrunelloBob
@Brooks: Ah, The Northend......................Mamma Maria's, Giacomo's, Antico Forno..............what a neighborhood..........Cheers to a wonderful evening with your daughter !
Brooks: North End Boston: Prezza.
Good food, good wine. TAKES RESERVATIONS. There are better joints, but it's too cold to stand in the street until they're ready to feed you...
Brooks: North End Boston: Prezza.
Good food, good wine. TAKES RESERVATIONS. There are better joints, but it's too cold to stand in the street until they're ready to feed you...
79 of 958
2010‐12‐03 19:19:33
2010‐12‐03 19:37:11
2010‐12‐03 20:01:42
2010‐12‐03 20:01:42
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1183 vinmoet
OK. Trying to be open to mediocre vintages. Tonight opened 2002 Ch. Giscours Grand Cru Margaux and 2002 Ch. Branaire Ducru St Julien also a Grand Cru. Both blown away by a bottom barrel 2000 Ch. Beaumont Haut Medoc Cru Bourgeois . Great vintages are great. Period.
2010‐12‐03 21:26:52
1184 johnR
@vinmoet: Reignac syndrome. Why can prime reignac repeatly beat off vintaged classified cru's?
2010‐12‐03 21:28:52
1185 BrunelloBob
wow, good "vintages" conversation...
I like the middle ground: GREAT producers (&lt; top 10%) make great wines in &lt; mediocre years.
Almost anyone can make Good wines in Great years.
If I&#039;m buying producers I don&#039;t have first hand tasting experience with, and spending real money, I&#039;m buying Great vintages.
The gospel according to Bob... :)
2010‐12‐03 22:14:56
Holy cow! I disappear for a day (busy at work, cleaning up after the big snow day, etc.) and we get three peeps back! Welcome NaH, CTWino, and SNF!
1186 BuffaloLou
1187 vinmoet
1188 Brooks
1189 WineKnurd
1190 joe g
1191 NY Pete
1192 WineBabyWine
1193 WineBabyWine
1194 Ctwino
1195 luddite
1196 luddite
1197 luddite
1198 AccaDacca
1199 TonyO
1200 AccaDacca
1201 AccaDacca
1202 johnR
Re: clio ‐ I ordered some before they ran out. I have not tried this vintage, but I had the '03 at Joe Gs. Great juice! Massive wine. Extracted. But balanced. The '03 had very strong pipe tobacco on the palate from barrel aging. That said, you tasted the effects of the oak, but no oak. Very nice. If you haven't had it, and like big wines, I suggest you try it. If you don't like them big, bold, and in your face, then pass.
2010‐12‐03 22:21:00
@Bbob: Great producers make good wine in bad vintages...never great ones. JohnR...still thinkin'
2010‐12‐03 22:53:01
yes...and some guy named Mobius...BuffLou we better check him out ;)
Thank you for the recommedations but the girls had the placed selected. Artu... 6 Prince Street...we ate til we stopped..nice wine though....Mike's Pastry for a lobster weighed like 5 daughter and her two friends could not eat anymore food...I did and finished the pastry and now have a food baby....great espresso... night all
2010‐12‐03 22:56:37
North End of Boston‐ love Marco's, great list with a Gattanara, plus the cigar bar across the street. Can't wait to get back!
2010‐12‐03 22:58:04
vinmoet.. come to my house and i will do a tasting for you ... 02 langoa barton, 03 lagrange, 02 travaglini gattinara, 03 per cristina barolo, 03 monprivato barolo, 02 le stanze, 03 collazzi, 03 cabreo... the theme? GREAT wines in off vintages
2010‐12‐04 00:04:09
vintage zevon ...;feature=related
2010‐12‐04 02:17:53
Tasted some Copain Syrah at the store tonight.... or, I guess I should technically say last evening... and found it very enjoyable, well ‐integrated &amp; smooth. Everything the note says on WL, which has it on sale now. Too bad I'm not close enough to walk in &amp; buy it at their price.
2010‐12‐04 05:23:42
Hopefully I can get back to sleep now...
2010‐12‐04 05:24:57
@Brooks. As luck would have it I do not have a pizza oven but i do have 2 commercial grade ovens (which work almost as well). They are carryover from the days when I used to cater. Pick up those pizza's and come on down! Better yet could you bring some leftovers from the North End. I have not lived in Boston for 20 years but I still miss Pat's Pushcart.
2010‐12‐04 07:42:03
@Brooks sounds like you had some great father/daughter bonding time!
2010‐12‐04 07:50:22
@BaroloDude: I found your missing tilde, mañana
. Feel free to cut and paste ;‐)
2010‐12‐04 08:16:10
Hat Trick
JJ Buckley has the '05 Fuligni BdM @ $36.91 for private client sale...
2010‐12‐04 10:13:04
Amazing Grapes has 15% off store thru today using code AG45. And Cameron Hughes still has WSJ special on the Lot 200. Code is WS1. Think its 20% off.
2010‐12‐04 12:00:08
I think the CH coupon (WS1) expired on 11/30.....maybe there is another option ???
2010‐12‐04 12:11:56
I havent gone to the site yet, but the ad is in today's WSJ just below the McInerney article. "WS1"
I emailed CHWINE to ask
Vinmoet: Speaking of the devil, 05 Reignac $18.39 JJBuckley, in for 3!!
80 of 958
2010‐12‐04 12:16:33
2010‐12‐04 12:25:42
2010‐12‐04 12:52:58
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1203 TonyO
Ch Wines getting a lot of love in the December issue of Wine Enthusiast.....Lot 157 @92pts ($15), Lot 175 @91 pts ($13), Lot 177 @ 90pts ($15).........agree that if you but wisely, hard to beat CH wines especially when coupled with discount codes and free shipping........................
2010‐12‐04 13:16:04
@JohnR..that's a pretty sweet price. I think that Reignac tends to drink earlier too. I have a number of value wines that I bought in big format for kids weddings way down the road. I have nine 3 litre of the 05 and a few 750ml so that I can taste its progress over time. That wine is made by Yves Vatelot who also brought success to our beloved Lascombes.
There is a great interview with him on where he says that he entered the 01 Reignac in a blind tasting of 2001's before the "European Grand Jury." the wines included Petrus, Ausone, Cheval Blanc and Angelus. There were 11 total. Reignac took second place.
1204 vinmoet
1205 Brooks
I'm kind of suspect about that story but will not argue with the fact that its a great value wine.
@ Ctwino mmmm...south west CT.....former catering biz....commercial grade ovens lover....Champion of social etiquette ...mmmm
I don't mean to pry about your identity but...there are a couple of loose ends I'd like to tie up. Nothing important you understand
Do you know Samuel D. Wakasl?
One more thing..Have you ever traded with material non‐public info in the stock of ImClone?
I just don't understand..but whlie "attending camp" in Alderson, WV was your nickname "M Diddy"?
Have you ever worn WineLibrary wristbands and/or electronic monitoring bracelet in your home?
Do you fine the urge to paint your empty wine bottles gold and put ribbons on them as centerpieces?
Well, it's better than a gallstone. Did ya ever have a gallstone ?
Was it you I saw as a host a major TV show in NYC?
"One more thing, , can you read my mind?" ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
2008 Chateau St Michelle Eroica Riesling ‐ Had this last night and loved it! Peach with lime peal. Not as stony and thin as NY Rieslings. If you're interested:
2010‐12‐04 13:37:07
2010‐12‐04 13:39:23‐2008+Chateau+St+Michelle+Eroica+Riesling+750ML
bought a case of the 07 modus last night.. gonna open one tonight to see if it is as good as the press it got... if it is even close this can be one of the best values of all time!
@Brooks: and that's a good thing.......................
Blou: 2006 Zenato Amarone 750 ml for 45 bones at Sokolin. Use code "Fall10vB" to get 20% off. 93 points WS, top 100 wine.
Hey TonyO....gotta meet in the NorthEnd with our college scholars!!! too much was goes the battle
@joe g ‐ how much did you pay for the '07 modus if I might ask.
@Brooks: that sounds like a fine idea !
How astute of you. My cover has been blown. Let me address your questions one by one.
1. I actually do not know Samuel but strangely enough we share the same birthday. Thank god he has a few years on me.
2. I have traded on material non‐public information (I am in that biz) but I swear IMCLONE was not one of them. SHHHHHH do not tell the SEC.
3. I did go to "Anderson Camp" in Colorado for 5 years when I was a tween. (does that count?)
4. No anklets (my mother told me they were tacky when i was younger). However, I did wear my wristbands in a pinch playing tennis at the club with the Ladies.
5. No Gallstones just knee replacements for me.
6. My alter ego and I do have houses near one another in a certain summer community. Hers is decorated much better than mine.
2010‐12‐04 13:42:32
1214 Ctwino
PS. I am a better cook. :)
2010‐12‐04 17:11:46
1215 AccaDacca
@ TonyO ‐ WS1 is now working for 15% discount off Lot200 only. Are there any free shipping codes?
Duckhorn Merlot 2007 on Empire 29.95
RUN It's Flying
2010‐12‐04 17:12:49
1206 BuffaloLou
1207 joe g
1208 TonyO
1210 vinmoet
1211 Brooks
1212 Hinrgman
1213 TonyO
1216 BrunelloBob
81 of 958
2010‐12‐04 13:45:45
2010‐12‐04 13:53:07
2010‐12‐04 13:57:38
2010‐12‐04 14:01:40
2010‐12‐04 14:26:12
2010‐12‐04 15:10:59
2010‐12‐04 17:30:21
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1217 luddite
@BB: Unfortunately, the duck has left the building!
@ctwino: More wine and a better cook than Martha, party's definitely at your house not hers...
2010‐12‐04 18:09:05
1218 SCKen
Knurd ‐ sorry, got busy at work yesterday and never got a chance to get back here, but yes, I will bring the Lot 200. Was thinking either a Kanzler PN or a Hall Cab as a 2nd bottle. You or JohnR have a preference?
2010‐12‐04 18:24:23
1219 SCKen
Watching Cocks try to take down Auburn and Cam "My Dad requested $180k for my services, but NCAA says I can play" Newton, and trying to decide what bottle of wine I'm going to take to a friends x‐mas party tonight. Not sure if they are big wine drinkers, so I don't know if I want to take a really nice bottle.
2010‐12‐04 18:29:12
1220 Brooks
@ ctwine....Gold *****
AccaDacca try 1service1...2revisit2...or if first time your are buying time on chwine they give you a code like firstclub or something...good luck...don't be the boy...don't be the boy...........IMHO they will offer free shipping just before year end and like 15% offer wait them out...time is our side..yes it is..
2010‐12‐04 18:46:27
1221 johnR
@SCken.....I am thinking that the 17th is going to be banging, I would say kanzler as we are Cab driven most of the time, but I ll wait till Knurd checks in. I am bringing Bordeaux and Sticky, I am waiting on few others to check in.
2010‐12‐04 19:40:39
1222 vinmoet
Well, Mrs. vinmoet is making a baked honey ham with some sort of french potato dish from the Jacques Pepin book that was just republished. Desert is a simple apple crisp. Since we're slummin' it tonight, am decanting the 07 Paul Autard CDP and a Dampierre NV rose Champagne for dessert. Snow on the ground. Fire in the fireplace. Kids laying about. Illinois smacked Gonzaga in B‐Ball in Washington. Love Saturday night. There are so many wonderful 07 CDP and concede that the Autard is not a rock star, but I think it represents a true value for the money.
2010‐12‐04 20:15:49
1223 AccaDacca
1224 BrunelloBob
1225 johnR
1226 BuffaloLou
1227 sydu
1228 sydu
1229 WineBabyWine
1230 BrunelloBob
1231 Mobius
1232 A Frayed Knot
1233 WineKnurd
1234 WineKnurd
1235 TonyO
1236 BuffaloLou
1237 WineKnurd
1238 Brooks
1239 BuffaloLou
1240 Phil Oxera
Cant recall if here or on Cindy blog, someone had mentioned winebid. Unfortunately, they dont ship to CT. Do you any of you take a shot at other auctions, like Zachys, etc? I've had some luck buying some mixed cases of older cabs, some Spanish wines etc. Even with the vig, think some good buys can be had.
2010‐12‐04 20:23:10
@Ken: 56‐17 ain't that bad....
If you want, Jump on the UCONN bandwagon as they take on USF... ok, maybe not the Same thing...
2010‐12‐04 21:08:20
snowing here in NC....Doing a 07 Brewer Clifton Santa Rita, will post disclosure later.
2010‐12‐04 21:15:18
@vinmoet ‐ Thanks for the tip! I'll check it out now.
2010‐12‐04 22:06:21
John R Have you ever visited the Childress Vineyard in Lexington, NC? Do not know how this bottle made its way onto my rack but am actuallly enjoying a 2004 Syrah from Childress.
2010‐12‐04 22:23:15
vinmoet, would enjoy hearing what you thought of all the wines you have had the past two nites. Was surprised that you were drinking a 2007 CdP. I keep putting those in the cellar.
2010‐12‐04 22:24:45
Oh FF!!! Where are you? Flyers beat the Devils today 5‐3!
2010‐12‐04 22:57:10
2010‐12‐04 23:19:31
Good Morning;feature=related
Happy Sunday to All.
2010‐12‐05 07:47:04
Very Nice! Sir Mobius!
2010‐12‐05 08:28:11
@sydu‐ Childress doesn't make bad wines when they buy grapes from California. We do not grow much Syrah in NC. I believe they make an NC Chardonnay and Cab Franc.
2010‐12‐05 10:08:49
JohnR, WIM, SCKen‐ sending an email out now to organize the 12/17 tasting.
2010‐12‐05 10:30:01
Maybe Brad Childress can get a job at Childress Vineyard....he can make "Chilly's Chardonnay": not much substance our character, very acidic, drink now as it will not last very long................
Really nice, Mobius! Thanks for the intro to Nigel! Awesome stuff!
BLou might be popping an A‐Bomb (Amarone) at our 12/17 tasting!
The world may have never been ready for Jim....but we are stilling trying to understand....another piece to his puzzle and how it gets interpreted ...amazing all the young people since his passing join the search....peace
"A‐bomb" LOL! Good one! Be sure to post TNs!
What are you Bozos doin over here...Yea left me on me own over there ....Whats goin on?
82 of 958
2010‐12‐05 10:30:22
2010‐12‐05 11:10:18
2010‐12‐05 11:37:32
2010‐12‐05 12:55:10
2010‐12‐05 13:30:40
2010‐12‐05 14:30:37
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1241 vinmoet
1242 BuffaloLou
1243 Brooks
@sydu: The 07 Autard is still very young. Decanted about an hour and a half. Needs another 3 or 4 years, easily. Is definitely a value CDP and not the most complex but, hey, at 25 bones+/‐ its less than half the price of everything else. I had an itch and was the least expensive way for me to drink an 07 CDP. Worked just fine with the baked ham. For the vintage, its shy on fruit and pepper and you can taste the alcohol just a bit. All the same, a very presentable CDP. Have a number of high end CDP from the vintage and will not open those for another 5 years or so. Most memorable is the 07 Clos des Papes which is a benchmark wine for CDP. Truly a big time rock star to judge the others by but really needs time to bring out all of what it can offer. Balanced fruit, strong pepper, no detection of alcohol even though its 15%abv. If you can land a bottle or two and sit on it a few years you will be rewarded.
2010‐12‐05 15:04:38
Yo Oxera! Good to have you here. This is the one place where there are peeps that are def as wacky as you! ROFLMAO!
Cindies ‐ Phil Oxera (aka "Barry" in some circles) is a good peep from over at the forum. He's one of the 'good guys' that have been sticking up for us!
2010‐12‐05 15:13:36
Snap...Phil...welcome to TH...belts, sharp instuments, non slip‐on shoes and apologies are not permitted...
OK, so my more elevated buddies let me in on a Bordeaux dinner a couple of weeks ago. We blind tasted 11 wines 2010‐12‐05 15:29:21
which were unveiled later. Problem was, with all of the festivities, we did not keep the glasses straight. My blind notes for the ones I know were correct were as follows:
78 Haut Brion: Light floral red berry &amp; a bit of earth. Older wine that is still young. Soft blackberry/dark cherry notes with modes tar and tobacco. Love the smoke. A graves. 95 points.
82 Bouscaut: Medium nose, fades at end. Medium fruit, dark cherry and some funk. Older wine inside but towards end of window. '82 or '86? 91 points. Left bank.
82 Lafite: Homerun. Left bank soft, elegant fruit...complex cherries, blackberry, leather, tobacco. Pauillac or Margaux. One of the best wines I've ever tasted. 99 points.
1986 Clerc Milon: Tar, blackberry and cherries. Elegant on the front, nice mid palate but fades and almost tart at the end. Older wine tasting quite young. Pauillac? 91 points
95 Montrose: no notes
01 Bellevue Mondotte: Big nose and fruit. Blackberries, black currant, full bodied. Very young wine but drinking with authority. Saint Emilion? 97 points
82 La Lagune (Magnum): Dark red. Big nose. Lots of blackberry. An older wine still tasting young. Really like this. A left banker but where? 93 points.
03 Pontet Canet: no notes
82 Pontet Canet: no notes (my own wine, but never had before)
1244 vinmoet
2010‐12‐05 15:29:51
Hey all! Someone was asking for a map to tell where people are that are on here. Check out the "Who's Online, Visitors Map" pages!
1245 A Frayed Knot
1246 johnR
1247 sydu
1248 BuffaloLou
1249 AccaDacca
1250 WineKnurd
1251 Brooks
1252 SCKen doesn't track wine shipments!
very nice
vinmoet: Thanks very much for your last few days notes. Really enjoyed reading about your tasting night....what a treat.
2010‐12‐05 17:42:11
2010‐12‐05 18:17:30
2010‐12‐05 18:20:12
Just had an '07 Enamore: Supposedly Argentinian "Amarone" ‐ Not quite. Not by a long shot. Definitely extracteda and tannic. This bottle is extremely tight. Huge mouthfeel. Going to have to let this breathe for a while. It will need years, if ever, to get that creaminess that Amarone exhibits.
2010‐12‐05 19:33:54
that map is terrific
2010‐12‐05 19:39:05
@ vinmoet‐ great line up! I always, and I mean always, get smoke from Haut Brion! I have an 06 that is as smoky as Texas style ribs!
2010‐12‐05 19:50:53
Maps gone wild!!! the northern light is really TonyO in VT....It is hard to tell but the Buffalo area lights looks brighter than the that a campfire gone wild??...
NC gang ‐ our lineup on the 17th is starting to look very good, but I'm thinking it might fall a little short of vinmoet's tasting! 82 Lafite...all I can say is "wow!"
83 of 958
2010‐12‐05 20:09:55
2010‐12‐05 20:13:09
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1253 Ctwino
1254 BuffaloLou
1255 A Frayed Knot
1256 WineKnurd
1257 WineKnurd
1258 WineKnurd
1259 johnR
1260 sydu
1261 A Frayed Knot
1262 Hinrgman
1264 WineKnurd
Well a little update. My husband and his brother went to the Giants/Redskins game today. Knowing they would be cold I had a warm dinner waiting for them. Porcini crusted filet of beef with and herb butter reduction. Twice baked potatoes with gruyere and bacon. roasted brussel sprouts with pancetta and garlic. Dessert, apple and raspberry crumble with vanilla bean ice cream. Dinner we had a bottle of Termes 2006
(baby Numanthia) followed by Ochoa Reserva 2001. Both were delicious. I am really bad at TN's but they are very juicy spanish wines. I loved them both! I hope everybody is having a great Sunday night.
2010‐12‐05 20:23:34
I'll second it... the map is terrific!
2010‐12‐05 20:44:30
A little translation tool for our friend on the map in Japan.....(and Mobius)!
2010‐12‐05 20:47:25
SCKen, that 81 Grange is of the same caliber. NCWino popped a 95 Grange for us a few months back and it was monumental!
2010‐12‐05 20:48:52
We have a friend in Japan? Ohayo Gozaimasu!
2010‐12‐05 20:52:31
And who is in Seattle?
2010‐12‐05 20:53:37
Who's in Ireland? nice play Dorghega.
2010‐12‐05 21:36:46
Anyone had the Feudi on WTSO? Isn't the Serpico supposed to be terrific?
2010‐12‐05 21:42:41
I think Phil Oxera is in Ireland.
2010‐12‐05 21:43:08
This map is fantastic!
2010‐12‐05 22:07:45
@CTWino I hope your husband and BIL weren't Skins fans... If so I am not sure you want to pair Spanish reds with a devastating loss :)
2010‐12‐05 22:37:50
1267 WineKnurd
I love translated Italian wine labels. "It reconciles structure and fruit with the freshness typical of a wine to be enjoyed young". I was worried that structure and fruit would never reconcile :)
Looks like I am pulling a BLou here. BLou where in fact are you?
Really cool, I could check the map and sure enough I was the only light active. All alone watching the Steelers and Ravens.
1269 WineKnurd
BrunelloBob &amp; BaroloDude. Not sure which one of you was looking for a good Rosso, maybe both? Just posted
a TN on the disclosure page. Second 08 RdM I have tried so far from my LWS, liked this one much better than the first. Had everything I look for in a Rosso. Have you guys tried any 08's and have any suggestions?
2010‐12‐05 23:03:13
1265 WineKnurd
1266 WineKnurd
1270 vinmoet
1271 WineKnurd
1272 vinmoet
1273 BaroloDude
1274 BuffaloLou
1275 BaroloDude
1276 WineKnurd
1277 WineKnurd
1279 WineKnurd
1280 brooks
1281 johnR
1283 BaroloDude
How come nobody asks "who's in central Illinois?" Feeling neglected out here. Will try to log on last couple of weeks in December when we go to Spain and France to light up the map some more.
Vinmoet, nothing good has ever come from asking "who is in central Illinois?"
@wineKnurd: You don't hear me arguing with you...
interesting map AFK! all the "translate" links reduce the number of posts you get per page though, is the translate feature necessary?
Knurd ‐ I was watching a movie, so I signed‐off for a while. If you talking about 'where am I on the map', there are two lights in western NY. I'm the one farthest to the left, the one that says "East Aurora"
hey KahNurd... i am still trippin on the 07 ROsso dMs. Haven't really moved on yet to 08s. I had a 04 Rosso the other night, nice, a bit more traditional styled but relatively mellow and complex relative to the 04s i had more close to their original release. I believe it was a Castiglion del Bosco 04 for 15 bucks. Good deal. Needed food though.
Morning all! BDude, I didn't have much success w/ 07 RdM's so I moved on to 08. I can't decide if I would rather have a producer who intentionally makes an RdM or a producer who just declassifies his BdM juice for early release. I guess both methods have their merits, though the latter seems to be more expensive.
JohnR you going to bite on any of that WL email Champagne?
Am I the only one posting now?
12 degrees this morning coming to you BuffLou and NYS team...
WK...I am here and I am listening....please realize that I’m doing what I can, and what that is is listening. I’m listening to you, WK. I hear you. And I understand. ;)
Da Knurd...I am not really buying from WL unless it is a Bordeaux Legends pack, 2005 Petrus and 2007 Yquem for $99.99, FS 1 pack.
Kahnurd... my fave 07 RdMs were La Fortuna and PianCornello and Canalicchio Di Sopra (so far). Other good ones are Ferrero and Valdicava (although its more a BdM to me in style)... still trying to get my hands on an Il Poggione (which I am told rocks).
84 of 958
2010‐12‐05 22:46:26
2010‐12‐05 22:47:18
2010‐12‐05 22:54:53
2010‐12‐05 23:10:25
2010‐12‐05 23:14:50
2010‐12‐06 00:15:43
2010‐12‐06 01:42:50
2010‐12‐06 01:51:31
2010‐12‐06 02:04:48
2010‐12‐06 07:18:02
2010‐12‐06 10:32:21
2010‐12‐06 12:26:37
2010‐12‐06 15:01:38
2010‐12‐06 17:56:16
2010‐12‐06 18:02:52
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1284 brooks
BD... the PianCornello was on WSTO..if it reappears is this a buy?? Thanks
Rosso di Montalcino DOCG 2008 originally priced at $33.99 and available now for only $16.99...i passed as 4 bottles and the 2008
2010‐12‐06 18:14:42
1285 BrunelloBob
I swear I just posted most of this and it never appeared:
@Knurd: Saw your note on the rdM, Thanks. I'd absolutely recommend Il Poggione. They kind of make rdM a priority and it's very consistent. Using their younger vines, I think
@Phil: As one Irishman to another: Welcome. A good sense of humor is always welcome around here. @AFK: Love the map idea, but unless we're suddenly very popular in Outer Mongolia, somethin's off...
If anyone's in the area, The New Hampshire Liquor Commish is offering Duckhorn's 2004 Howell Mountain Red for $34.99. The winery wants $75 for the 2005. The demigod's got the 2004 as a future for $ 49.98. Wine Enthusiast layed 95 points on this one. They had a couple of other Duckhorns at similar discounts, check the website for availability at individual stores. I was on I95 headed North.
I also picked up a 2006 Burgess for 28.99.
Finally, Yankee Spirits in Sturbridge has got Orin Swift's "The Prisoner" for $29.98. I haven't had it, but it's been talked up in the past on the WLTV boards.
2010‐12‐06 18:38:53
1286 brooks
I swear I just posted most of this and it never appeared:
@Knurd: Saw your note on the rdM, Thanks. I’d absolutely recommend Il Poggione. They kind of make rdM a priority and it’s very consistent. Using their younger vines, I think
@Phil: As one Irishman to another: Welcome. A good sense of humor is always welcome around here.
@AFK: Love the map idea, but unless we’re suddenly very popular in Outer Mongolia, somethin’s off…
If anyone’s in the area, The New Hampshire Liquor Commish is offering Duckhorn’s 2004 Howell Mountain Red for $34.99. The winery wants $75 for the 2005. The demigod’s got the 2004 as a future for $ 49.98. Wine Enthusiast layed 95 points on this one. They had a couple of other Duckhorns at similar discounts, check the website for availability at individual stores. I was on I95 headed North.
I also picked up a 2006 Burgess for 28.99.
Finally, Yankee Spirits in Sturbridge has got Orin Swift’s “The Prisoner” for $29.98. I haven’t had it, but it’s been talked up in the past on the WLTV boards.
from K&amp;L... ok vinmoet johnr and others... the second one looks like "BLou Bord"? is this a good deal?
2010‐12‐06 19:18:16
2006 Magrez Fombrauge, St‐Emilion (Elsewhere $149) ($59.99)
92 points Robert Parker: "Carved from a six‐acre parcel of the Fombrauge estate, there are only around 360‐500 cases of this luxury cuvee from Bernard Magrez. Barrel‐fermented with the Burgundy‐styled punching down, called pigeage, it is a blend of 80% Merlot and 20% Cabernet Franc. The formidable 2006 is a full‐bodied, powerful, opaque purple‐hued effort offering notes of graphite, blueberries, blackberries, chocolate, and hints of smoke and kirsch. Sexy, opulent, and fleshy, it is surprisingly approachable for a young vintage of this cuvee, and should drink beautifully for 15 or more years." (02/09) 91 points Stephen Tanzer: "Bright ruby‐red. Brooding, pure aromas of blackberry, dark cherry, bitter chocolate, mocha, menthol and minerals. Then almost surprisingly opulent and sweet, with very rich and fully ripe dark fruit and bitter chocolate flavors spreading out to saturate the palate. This is very sexy right now but has the stuffing and fine‐grained, toothcoating tannins to support a decade‐plus of life in bottle. In fact, some time in the cellar may bring additional complexity." (May/June 09) 90 points Wine Spectator: "Coffee bean, toasty oak and berry jam notes follow through to a full body, with cola and berry flavors and a long finish. Stylish. Almost New World in character. Much better than from barrel. Best after 2012." (Web only, 2009)
2005 Magrez Fombrauge, St‐Emilion (Elsewhere $139) ($79.99)
1287 BaroloDude
95 points Robert Parker: "The quintessential garagiste offering from proprietor Bernard Magrez, this blend of 80% 85 of 958
2010‐12‐06 19:58:52
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1294 BrunelloBob
@Bdude....arbitage the 04, 05 and 06 it seems like a very nice deal. I believe that 06 was over‐priced since eP, so I would agree that the discount seems large, but that mostly is markup. If it were me, I would go 05 as 05 you are paying .84 per point for a superior vintage. From my CT cellar, I am paying 1.23‐1.65 average in $50‐$100 class, and topping out to $1.69 to $4.64 per point in $100‐$400 range. The 06 is running you .64 per point, however on ave, CT is .57‐.74 per point on 06. SO you are getting a superior vintage and better cost with 05. Reading a little more into the situation. 04 which I would say is the least attractive is 74.99 for 91 Parker, which is .82 per point. You are a paying a very small premium to owe the better of the 3 bottles.
2010‐12‐06 20:40:11
JohnR ‐ Why don't you email GaryV about your Bordeaux Pack suggestion. I would love to hear his reaction to that one!
2010‐12‐06 20:49:04
gary stopped talking to me when I called him the Britney Spears of the wine world. Then I cursed his house with La Reserves.
2010‐12‐06 20:50:49
brooks is givin' me vertigo.....
2010‐12‐06 21:00:39
1295 WineBabyWine
So did any of you see the Chateau Haut Brion 2006 Pessac‐Leognan on sale for $299.95 on Wine Express? What do you think of the wine, the price? I have never bought a bottle that expensive, but it's my daughter's birth year, &amp; although I've bought some things already that weren't cheap, they weren't in the $300 range. I need honest opinions &amp; feedback. The cellar tracker notes look good, given cellar time. Please discuss, I'd appreicate a nice discussion on this, thanks!
1291 johnR
1292 SCKen
1293 johnR
2010‐12‐06 22:44:11
Quite a night here in Vermont.................20 degrees, snowing like hell and whipping winds.......should we stay home ? Hell no ! We went to the James Beard Foundation Dinner at the Kitchen Table Bistro. Here is a synapsis:
Blue Cheese Souflfle w/ Candied Walnuts and Preserved Figs : Dr. Konstantin Frank Dry Reisling
Seared Scallop w/ Forest mushroom Veloute and herb salad: Morgan Un‐Oaked Chardonnay
Slow Roasted Pork Cheek, Mustard Creme Fraiche, Candied Bacon: Adelsheim Pinot Noir
Venison (Sausage, Tongue, Heart) w/ Brussel Sprouts, Dates, and Rutabaga: Chappellet Mountain Cuvee
Braised Vermont Veal Breast w/ Pumpkin Jam and creamy spaetzle: Turley "Juvenile" Zinfandel
Heirloom Apple Cake, Butterscotch apples, sea salt vanilla ice cream: Eden Ice Cider (West Charleston, VT)
1296 TonyO
Quite a meal on a snowy night in Vermont ! Hope all is well !
Hello Cindies! Just stopping in to say 'hi'!
2010‐12‐06 22:48:17
1297 BuffaloLou
2010‐12‐06 23:03:20
1298 WineBabyWine
John R, sounds like quite a meal for a Monday night!
and now I am going to sleep assuming there will be a flurry of discussion overnight on my Haut Brion question that I can wake up to read tomorrow morning. :)
1299 luddite
@Win By a Newbie: Will have to defer to our expert @vinmoet but here is what WS has to say: CHÂTEAU HAUT‐
BRION Pessac‐Léognan 2006
Score: 94
Release Price: $575
Current Auction Price: $267
Country: France
Region: Bordeaux
Issue: Mar 31, 2009
Offers subtle and complex aromas, with violet, cedar and blackberry. Full‐bodied, with ultrafine tannins and a very long finish. Tight and curled up in a ball. Best after 2015. 11,000 cases made. –JS
86 of 958
2010‐12‐06 23:44:58
2010‐12‐07 07:14:02
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1300 luddite
1301 brooks
And here is what Tanzer has to say:
By Stephen Tanzer
Stephen Tanzer's International Wine Cellar, May/Jun 09
($370‐$750) Medium ruby‐red. Inviting aromas of plum, warm stones, red licorice and menthol. Suave, gentle and elegantly styled; distinctly sweeter and lusher today than the La Mission, with even more mid‐palate depth. Showing more red fruits today as well, with pungent minerality giving the wine lift and juiciness. Finishes with suave but substantial building tannins. Last year this wine was showing its spine while La Mission was more opulent; in bottle it's the other way around. 95 points
Hope this helps some and qualifies as a "flurry."
B did you get my logon???
2010‐12‐07 07:24:13
2010‐12‐07 07:44:31
@BDude and Brooks. Thanks for the RdM suggestions and feedback. There are a few wines that I do not generally order online, mostly the "every night" drinkers and the quick and easy poppers when guests come over. There isn't a "huge" leap in quality from the best RdM to the worst, much like my beloved NZ Sauvignon Blancs. These I prefer to buy from my LWS and help them stay in business (especially if privately owned). I will keep an eye out for the Il Pogg.
1302 WineKnurd
@WineBaby‐ When I worked at a wine store, I always told people who were making an "emotional buy", like an anniversary wine or birth year wine, just spend what you are comfortable with and be sure that you buy a wine that can age that long enough to be good when you plan on opening it. Bordeaux is a good bet, so is Barolo &amp; Rioja (and are usually cheaper). Its going to be good no matter what you get, but once you get prices over $100, in my opinion, all value is lost. You just want to make sure that the wine will be drinkable when you plan on opening it in the future. I hope that helps, even though it doesn't help on that 06 HB (which I think will drop in price and we will see on WTSO for $60 / bottle in '11).
2010‐12‐07 07:58:41
rooksie Jones
1303 A Frayed Knot
Riding that train, high on Souverain,
Brooksie Jones YOU BETTER, watch your speed.
Tastings ahead, tastings behind,
And you know that Havens just crossed my mind.
This crazy Amtrak makes it on time,
Leaves Back Bay 'bout a quarter to nine,
Hits New Haven at seventeen to,
At eleven ten you know it's DRIVIN' again.
Riding that train, high on Souverain,
Brooksie Jones YOU BETTER, watch your speed.
Tastings ahead, tastings behind,
And you know that Havens just crossed my mind.
Tastings ahead, Waitings’ in red,
Take my advice, believe what I said.
Drinking up splits and feelin' so fine.
Don’t be overserved before Nursings’ offline.
Riding that train, high on Souverain,
Brooksie Jones YOU BETTER, watch your speed.
Tastings ahead, YOU KNOW, tastings behind,
And you know that Havens just crossed my mind.
Trouble with you is the trouble with me,
2010‐12‐07 09:50:07
1304 WineKnurd
Wired for Wine has the 06 Silver Oak AV for $54. Not a bad price if you like SO. FS on 3 though.
2010‐12‐07 11:03:50
1305 vinmoet
Am leaving next week for Spain. First time in Madrid. Walk that line between being a tourist and not getting too touristy. Madrid is home to Botin, reputed to be the world's oldest restaurant (1725). Made reservations for a Saturday night. Checked it out ( and looks kind of huge. Am not sure if any locals have eaten there in the past 100 years...suspect that even under Franco that it was reserved for the few tourists that visted, but will go anyway. Seems like a must do. Anybody familiar with it?
2010‐12‐07 12:00:45
87 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1306 vinmoet
1307 Phil Oxera
1308 BuffaloLou
1309 Phil Oxera
1310 BuffaloLou
wtso is offering Chateau Haut Gravet St. Emilion Grand Cru 2008
90 WS, 91 RP. Have never had it or heard of it. Not a big 08 fan but it was a very good year for right bank. Under 20 bones delivered? Sounds like a great house wine.
2010‐12‐07 12:03:50
Just looked in to day hello to all you Bozos.....BrunelloBob has risen....It is too quiet back at the forum these are missed :‐(
2010‐12‐07 12:12:03
I'll second that, PO!
2010‐12‐07 12:18:32
According to the visitor map somebody else is posting from Ireland....Identify yourself yea Bozo?
@PO ‐ One in Dublin (you?) and one in Drogheda... H0w far away from you is that?
2010‐12‐07 12:18:50
2010‐12‐07 12:29:34
Who is from Depew, NY? Someone is listed as "Buffalo", which could be the generic for anyone in the area. Is "Buffalo" Joe? Chuck?
1311 BuffaloLou
AFK ‐ Is there a way to have a "members" section like on the forum so we can ID peeps (that wish to be ID'd).
1312 Waiting in Manassas
Funny, I show up as Stafford, VA when I'm in the office, but that's not where my office is located. AFK, never fear, the splits are intact, at least for now. Too firm a believer in travel shock to try and drink something the day I get it, no matter what it is, or how badly I want to try it. Of course it would be fine tonite... ;‐)
2010‐12‐07 12:42:54
1315 Phil Oxera
AFK GOLD *****.....Bass great Lesh playing....Eat Drink and See Jerry...roll over and play dead...if you get confused listen to the music play...
TonyO the music selection will be key on the train...I am thinking various DVD playing into laptop with multiple ear hook only concern is if we become "delay" at the purple Shamrock...
Guess my PC must be in stealth mode since I've never shown up on the map...
Any comments on the WL pinot price break "deal."
with a handle like luddite you must have broken the machine....usin a proxy from Ireland so yea can't be seen??? lol
1316 luddite
@PO: Probably has more to do with my distrust of everything Google, as I don't allow their scripts to run...
1313 brooks
1314 luddite
2010‐12‐07 12:32:38
2010‐12‐07 12:48:58
2010‐12‐07 12:55:05
2010‐12‐07 13:04:17
2010‐12‐07 13:08:15
1) the pinot deal.... Arista is literally right down the street from a few of the biggest names in RRV, like Rochioli and Williams Selyem. having said that, i haven't visited them or tasted their wine yet. Supposed to be good stuff.
1317 BaroloDude
1318 WineKnurd
1319 WineKnurd
1320 SCKen
2) Oh how cruel WTSO is right now with that nice Prunotto Bussia Barolo deal. Too bad i am in total SIWBM and CapacityIWBM.
Pretty sweet 04 Barolo deal on WTSO
2010‐12‐07 13:21:22
2010‐12‐07 13:22:31
BaroloDude I have a half case of Barbaresco coming or I would jump on that WTSO offer! Want to split it :)
2010‐12‐07 13:23:55
vinmoet ‐ I know Botin gets credited by Guiness as the oldest, but I've never understood how that honor doesn't go to La Tour d'Argent in Paris. It has supposedly been around since the late 1500's. I ate there last time I was in Paris, but wasn't impressed.
2010‐12‐07 13:24:10
Dear Phil Oxera
How is Brett A. Nomyces doing these days?
1321 BaroloDude
1322 BuffaloLou
1323 SCKen
1324 WineKnurd
Yours truly,
Barry Rot
"Guess my PC must be in stealth mode since I’ve never shown up on the map…"
2010‐12‐07 13:26:01
You know, I was thinking that it was from our registration, but maybe you're correct... It could be picking it up from the IP address. In that case, "Buffalo, NY" is my office! Still wonder who is Depew... Joe's office is in Orchard Park, home in Clarence, so it's not him; Landshark works out of his house in Williamsville, so it's not him... Who is this masked Depew ranger?
2010‐12‐07 13:33:25
Thinking I will pick up 3 of the Arista PN's. Thoughts on the Stump Jump Shiraz? I've heard good things, but have never actually tried it. I was thinking about ordering 3 of those to spread the shipping costs out some.
SCKen, if you like bad Aussie Shiraz, you will lie the Stump Jump. If you like bad Aussie Shiraz, you won't after you taste the 81 Grange. It will ruin you for Shiraz.
88 of 958
2010‐12‐07 13:45:27
2010‐12‐07 13:47:38
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1325 SCKen
1326 WineKnurd
Knurd ‐ Actually all I have ever had is bad Aussie Shiraz. Generally, I stay clear of Australia, but the TN's on the Stump Jump sounded pretty good and at $8, how bad can it be? So if not Stump Jump, do you suggest another ~$10 wine to round out my order. I'm really looking for a good Tuesday night pizza wine.
Hey Ken, Stump Jump for $8 is a pretty good deal. It retails for around $12 and I have seen it as high as $15 here in NC. Why not right?
2010‐12‐07 13:54:27
2010‐12‐07 13:58:20
Vinmoet ‐ yeh I'd be a little suspicious of "the oldest" anything as well. My knowledge is 12 years old, but I bounced around a couple of weeks enjoying some amazing comida tipica pretty much wherever I was. One idea ‐ you may want to bring a dictionary of some sort to the restaurant. I'm not bad on my spanish, had done a lot of latin america, but I remember when I got to spain I had no idea what 60%+ of the menu items were ‐ heavily relied on my dictionary and enjoyed some great dishes because of it ‐ big help. Enjoy.
1327 Johnny C
1328 AccaDacca
1329 BaroloDude
1330 WineKnurd
1331 SCKen
1332 WineKnurd
1333 BrunelloBob
1334 BaroloDude
1335 vinmoet
1336 vinmoet
1337 Johnny C
1338 BaroloDude
1339 WineBabyWine
Prunotto ‐ in for 2.
Cameron Hughes special right now for 6hrs. 20% off selected cabs (incl 200). 2rockstar10
Johnny C... give those Prunottos at least 4 years... then open the first one. Lucky man. I like the Prunottos i have had so far... even the cheap Barberas (served one at my wedding!)
Check this review out if you bit on the WTSO Prunotto Barolo:
2010‐12‐07 14:14:46
2010‐12‐07 15:06:06
2010‐12‐07 16:06:58‐barolo‐bussia.html
2010‐12‐07 16:16:39
Knurd ‐ did you bite on the Barolo? If you picked up two or more and you want to offset your cost some, I'd be willing to take one off your hands at the tasting. My CC and ultimately my wife wouldn't allow me to pull the trigger on two of them right now.
2010‐12‐07 16:43:02
Ken, I have half a case of Barbarescos coming my way so I had to decline on the WTSO offer. I think its expired now or I would split :(
2010‐12‐07 17:00:02
This sucks not being able to access from the office, but I'm glad you guys don't have that problem! @Phil: Wanna liven things up on the forum? Change your birthday every few days. Mott LOVES that !! :) :)
2010‐12‐07 17:20:59
who were the riesling freaks on the old forum? i hope they are subscribed to garagiste emails. wow. too much to type. but a monster of a deal.
2010‐12‐07 18:25:36
Johnny C‐great tip on the dictionary for the restaurant. Last time I was in Spain a majority of the menu evaded me. Since I primarily ate in tapas bars it was no big deal. Won't be that way this time since I will have my dictionary. Gracias.
2010‐12‐07 18:55:22
SCKen: I think you might have spent some serious bucks there. Sorry it wasn't as good as billed. Too rich for my blood. We have gone to the Ducasse restaurant on the second floor of the Eifel tower for lunch. Dinner not a financial possibility. Kind of high end restaurant that only tourists go to. You get a private elevator and no lines. Food was great. I think its still called the Jules Verne. Would recommend.
2010‐12‐07 19:01:10
BDude ‐ thanks for the advice ‐ soon as I get them they go to deep sleep... BTW I still have that 99 Einaudi Cannubi ‐ do you think that one is safe to tap?
2010‐12‐07 20:26:23
johnny C.... the 99 Einaudi i had was outstanding now. Give it at least 30min of decanting time, and watch it open up in front of your nose over the next hour plus...
2010‐12‐07 20:32:27
Thanks for the Haut Brion info WKnurd &amp; Dudlite! Appreciate it. *
Watching a Charlie Brown Christmas w/my little Elf now. And the Coelho PN. I like it.
2010‐12‐07 20:33:03
Hey Knurd...Mollydocker on WTSO, 16% ABV!!!!!! prob closer to 17% in reality, right up your alley!!!
1340 johnR
1341 Johnny C
1342 BaroloDude
1343 johnR
1344 NY Pete
1345 johnR
1346 BrunelloBob
Hey Vinmoet, not that I was lurking, but heard some of the "new" regulars were giving you a hard time over Italian Super Tuscans. I really don't consider them Italian either, and partial because the Italian government doesn't either.
Great ‐ now Mrs. Johnny C and I will have to put together a worthy menu and work that 99 ‐ thanks again.
Dudes... the big deal button. Hilarious. And its the dang Bug‐eye 03 again, only lower priced than the original CW offer (19.99 now vs 22 bucks then).
2010‐12‐07 20:33:16
2010‐12‐07 20:35:09
2010‐12‐07 20:37:30
Prob make you pay for shipping too. I am sure that every one realizes that was the same price last time, plus $3 for the FS. So basically a repeat.....PAZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
2010‐12‐07 20:42:25
admit it JR, you're a lurker.
2010‐12‐07 20:48:02
NYpete Phredd told me :&gt;
2010‐12‐07 20:51:39
Pete: Pot callin' the kettle...? :)
2010‐12‐07 20:53:46
89 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1347 NY Pete
1348 WineKnurd
1349 johnR
1350 BrunelloBob
1351 WineKnurd
1352 BrunelloBob
1353 WineKnurd
1354 johnR
1355 WineKnurd
1356 WineKnurd
1357 johnR
1358 WineKnurd
1359 BrunelloBob
1360 johnR
1361 BrunelloBob
1362 WineKnurd
1363 johnR
1364 WineKnurd
hey Bob, no birthdays lately ... :)
JohnR I use the Molydooker as aftershave to disinfect cuts!
2010‐12‐07 20:57:39
2010‐12‐07 20:59:53
I think I am going to troll over to the Cindy site and....wait.....its Tuesday, that means Repeats!!!!!
@Pete: I'm dead. I don't have birthdays anymore.
Even if I were alive, I wouldn't want to ruin mott's life by over celebrating,
I can;t get CW to load. They must be censoring the KNURD!!!!
@JR: They troll here. Let's be bigger than that and not troll there.
Looks like an Etna for JohnnyC.
I know, I wanted to defend our boy Vin from the mongol hordes.
Damn 92+ by AG but 85 by WS. Looks like they didn't pay the extra fee to be "retatsed".
Er, retasted...
Well played JohnR
Let the mongols prove their superiority by ganging up on the "new guy". Then they can wonder why they can't attract any new blood.
And yeah, NJAndrew, I lurk from time to time. But when I post, I do it under my own name.
Eh, BBob your right, but it prob isn't worth putting out the challenge for any of the Mongols cuz then they come over here and AFK doesn't need that headache, and when I am at work, I don't get much done having to keeping checking in. And besides, look at the 30 posts per offer as proof that Cindy is toast since the beginning of this place. 2010‐12‐07 21:02:16
*I do like the increased patting on the back to the newbies to buy crappy wine!
Well put JR&gt; I've unwisely violated my own poliy re: ignoring ____.
We might need to attract some Newbies ourselves
Proposed rules
2010‐12‐07 21:15:59
2010‐12‐07 21:03:12
2010‐12‐07 21:05:59
2010‐12‐07 21:06:10
2010‐12‐07 21:06:51
2010‐12‐07 21:07:44
2010‐12‐07 21:09:06
2010‐12‐07 21:09:37
2010‐12‐07 21:10:45
2010‐12‐07 21:11:41
2010‐12‐07 21:11:44
2010‐12‐07 21:22:05
2010‐12‐07 21:22:28
2010‐12‐07 21:25:59
2010‐12‐07 21:27:01
#1 No apologizing
#2 Wine that shall not be named is offically designated: WTSNBN
#3 No feeding the Mongol Hordes from rival forums
1365 johnR
1366 WineKnurd
I liked A‐Bomb as a nickname for the WTSNBM
Proposed rules
2010‐12‐07 21:28:43
2010‐12‐07 21:31:42
#1 No apologizing
#2 Wine that shall not be named is offically designated: A‐Bomb *noted
#3 No feeding the Mongol Hordes from rival forums
1367 johnR
1368 BrunelloBob
1369 johnR
1370 BrunelloBob
I'm sorry I fed the mongol hordes amarone
rules are meant to be broken!
See rule #1, no apologizing!
I SAID I'm Sorry!
2010‐12‐07 21:33:38
2010‐12‐07 21:34:06
2010‐12‐07 21:34:54
2010‐12‐07 21:37:05
1371 johnR
2010‐12‐07 21:38:18
1372 johnR
The code is law!
2010‐12‐07 21:39:41
1373 johnR
The code is law! see if works now
2010‐12‐07 21:40:44
1374 johnR
The code is law! see if works now
Personally, before I'm on the job, I like to give my undercarriage a bit of a 'how's your father'!
2010‐12‐07 21:41:29
1375 BrunelloBob
1376 WineKnurd
1377 johnR
90 of 958
2010‐12‐07 21:41:48
2010‐12‐07 21:46:39
2010‐12‐07 21:48:55
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1378 johnR
1379 WineKnurd
1380 WineKnurd
1381 johnR
1382 WineKnurd
1383 brooks
1384 johnR
1385 WineKnurd
1386 WineKnurd
1387 WineKnurd
1388 johnR
1389 NY Pete
1390 WineKnurd
Cinderella Board meeting 11.23.10
Looks like nothing much is going on on either forum tonight
JohnR did you see that 05 Pomerol JJB email?
no, what was it?
Chateau Plince
I think the blogs are going through a dumb phase....need more air and time in cellar
Acca Dacca ....mmmm...Lot 200 20% off...thanks for heads up...we will see this again
Disclosure office gathering
lot 179
burgess 1997 cab
Poesia 2003
smoke bones take out....lots of water
Friggin 8 degrees of my best friends knows one of the original members from the grateful dead...we had the chance to go back stage at the forum in LA and in Boston.... night all...siwbm in full force and effect...I may be done for 2010 :)
Binder offered that? Only email was for a 1cru Burg, pazzzzzz. I am out unless its a no‐brainer....this month....2 99 Climens, 1 Yquem, case of Reigac and 2 barolos from wtso.
Thats a pretty worthy purchase line up JohnR. I did alot of local wine buying and hit up some of the local restaraunts for big $ meals. Have you been to Revolution in Durham?
Well I did buy half a case of some great Barbaresco. Might pop one 12/17 but I hate to; even the 04 could use another year or two in the crib.
2010‐12‐07 21:53:46
2010‐12‐07 22:13:11
2010‐12‐07 22:15:12
2010‐12‐07 22:17:56
2010‐12‐07 22:22:51
2010‐12‐07 22:23:39
2010‐12‐07 22:24:12
2010‐12‐07 22:29:47
2010‐12‐07 22:31:20
Night Brooks! you still in Boston? Its cold as balls her ein NC, I can imagine its even worse in Bahstahn.
2010‐12‐07 22:32:22
No, haven't been to Durham in a while. O and I have 43 pending at JJbuckley....Wife is leaving for NJ and then I will go to Fedex and pray for mercy.
2010‐12‐07 22:32:52
hope your wife isn't a lurker JR ... :)
2010‐12‐07 22:35:42
NYPete Mrs. JohnR doesn't need to lurk, she has the credit card bill (ouch)
2010‐12‐07 22:37:39
1394 johnR
vine2home, the site I bought my Barbaresco from, has a shipping deal‐ $21 per case (that's right, per case)
2010‐12‐07 22:40:14
hey Knurd ... ouch is right.
2010‐12‐07 22:42:20
I totally appreciated the primarily Vinmoet/Joe G discussion on varietal nationalities if you will over on WL. It was very interesting among most who voiced opinions, and save for one or two A$$e$ who felt the need to be sarcastic, throw in oneliners, or try to gang up on Vinmoet, that is what I used to enjoy about the Cindy true wine discussions, and what kept me reading, and finally bought into and introduced myself on the Cindy forum. There was always something to learn, or a new viewpoint to hear. Everyone felt able to discuss anything, and there was no "this one is a Cindy, this one is a WL". That is where the true learning moments are. There are many on WL with much wine knowledge, like many of you, and I appreciate that. I categorize myself as a continuous newbie, since I don't have the time for classes, or even books, etc. right now. I'm lucky if I get through a magazine article during my hair salon appt! I'm trying to get through a book on child behavior right now to deal with some 4yo kid issues, and yet it seems to apply to many on our forums! What i think is unique &amp; valuable about this site is that this is totally objective... there is no investment in any particular store or winery here, and therefore the opinions are totally objective, &amp; is amazing that more people from any forum don't get that... yet! I think they will as they continue to monitor it, and hopefully they will join in. Though I hope that those of you on both sides with more knowledge won't look down on us continous learners. I am a single mom... with a budget (that I've blown this year thanks to Cindy for the most part!). I cannot open a bottle or two of different wines a night... my bottles last me 2010‐12‐07 22:46:24
and those were all 750ml bottles!
2010‐12‐07 22:46:44
1395 WineKnurd
Well said WBW! As an accredited wine professional (though no longer in the wine profession), I can tell you there is no definitive answer to any subjective wine question and always, always something else to learn about our favorite beverage! You don't win by using more descriptors in your TN or being able to recite every Italian grape varietal, you win by enjoying the wine you are drinking!
1391 WineKnurd
1392 NY Pete
1393 WineBabyWine
2010‐12‐07 22:56:36
hey real Mongols are cool I spent a month in Mongolia and loved it. Let's not sully a proud kind people by labelling " others" as such. ;‐). 1396 BaroloDude
1397 NY Pete
2002 Pecota Syrah Monterey County... Incredible on fire now. VERY Rhone styled... Moreso than Big Basin And yet I like it a lot (I usually like tweener styled syrahs the most, part CA part Rhone style) Awesome. Pepper, some green notes and a massive leathery smoked meats thing going on. I fear I wasted this gem on leftovers...
Judy ... great post. cheers.
91 of 958
2010‐12‐07 23:14:23
2010‐12‐07 23:16:07
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1398 BuffaloLou
1399 BuffaloLou
@Knurd: I liked "A‐Bomb", too! sort of describes it, too!
2010‐12‐07 23:26:57
@Judy: That was a really good discussion between Vinmoet &amp; Joe G. Then again, a discussion with Joe is always good. Just be prepared 'cause he knows his stuff!
2010‐12‐07 23:32:57
not sure if i would classify it as a "gang up" as implied.. i was genuinely interested in why he felt that way.. he explained and just cause i dont agree with it doesnt make him wrong and doesnt make me right... he actually was even happy that the conversation was taking place..
1401 BuffaloLou
john... i am not surprised you dont consider super tuscans to be italian.. lol but unfortunately the italian consolate does... it now has its' own IGT status and bolgheri is DOC
Joe, with super tuscans having their own IGT status, does that mean more regulation? Also, does that mean that "super tuscan" is an 'official' term like "BdM"?
1402 David T
Lou, IGT was created in response to Super Tuscans (from Wikipedia: "This appellation was created in 1992 for wines that were considered to be of higher quality than simple table wines, but which did not conform to the strict wine laws for their region."), but given the plethora of IGTs now in existence, it's no longer unique to them. And it's actually LESS regulation, as the IGT wines do not have to fall within the confines of DOC/G rules. The only way it is more strict than Vino da Tavola (which is how Super Tuscans were labeled prior to the creation of IGT) is that all of the grapes have to come from the IGT region on the label. In my personal opinion (but feel free to disagree) that does not make "Super Tuscan" an official term, as it just means all of the grapes in a wine labeled Toscana IGT are from Tuscany, just like all of the grapes in a wine labeled "Napa Valley" are from Napa. BdM is a DOCG status, so it's two steps up the ladder of Vino da Tavola ‐‐&gt; IGT ‐‐&gt; DOC ‐‐&gt; DOCG.
2010‐12‐08 01:23:15
1400 joe g
1403 castello
1404 BrunelloBob
2010‐12‐08 00:07:01
2010‐12‐08 00:39:18
@DavidT: Nice job! Just a little confusing. Thank Zeus for Wiki‐‐wine. That could be our calling........Wiki‐wine leaks!
Vinmoay: Excellent discussion w JoeG and others about the semi super Tuscans!
WBW: You are the Queen of diplomacy! Rule number IV should be NO name calling! Punishable by MAJOR name calling.
2010‐12‐08 03:16:10
Castello is a Mongol!
(just stirring up s@#t as FlyerFan used to say‐‐Where are ya girl!)
2010‐12‐08 06:11:28
The IGT designation was created for "other international" wines that were made in areas of a DOC or DOCG. For example, growing Merlot and Syrah in DOCG Chianti or other regulated areas of Toscana. DOCG Carmignano in Tuscany has been a blend of Sang and Cab for decades, I consider it the original Super Tuscan.
Being the cynic that I am, the real reason IGT exists is most likely so that the Italian Government can tax the Super Tuscan's at a rate higher than VdT.
1405 WineKnurd
Did anyone on here ever get my quiz question about who coined the term Super Tuscan and when?
2010‐12‐08 07:46:19
For all the HSC members, don't know if you got the email, but HookedOnWine is getting in 56 cases of B&amp;B and is offering it for $23.00/btl:
1407 joe g‐havens‐black‐blue‐proprietary‐red‐napa‐valley‐p‐7117.html
knurd... well done on the carmignano docg and the inclusion of cab in it! just shows that these grapes have been here longer than the whole "super tuscan" movement
1408 johnr
Not know you, I would say that your post was condescending somewhat, but as Knurd pointed out, the whole DOCG/DOC system is to classify Italian wine based on traditional grapes not transplants. IGT was created to carve out a tax structure. So you can accurately state the even the Italian govt doesn't consider IGT "italian"
2010‐12‐08 09:50:19
1409 Phredd
I know it was mentioned yesterday, but wow on Garagiste. $40/bottle for 6‐pack of 20‐year Auslese with perfect provenance. Too bad I can't afford it, 'cause that's one I'd leap on if I could.
2010‐12‐08 10:15:57
1406 SCKen
2010‐12‐08 08:58:27
2010‐12‐08 09:29:51
john sorry you felt my post was condescending.. it wasnt meant that way and as i said vinmoet was happy for the wine convo.. i just stated my case as he did his.. i really appreciated the fact that he had justifications behind his reasons, even if they differed from mine. just cause 2 people differ on something it doesnt mean it is mean spirited... honestly if you come out and make a statement like he did that is very different than popular belief you should expect some of this.. a while back on the board i got ripped cause i said i didnt think brunello ages as well as it is reputed to.. i also expected to get ripped for that as i know it is not popular consensus... 1410 joe g
i went back and reread last night after you mentioned that he was "ganged up on".. people were just differing with him on his stance.. no malice
2010‐12‐08 10:23:30
92 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1411 joe g
john... also as knurd pointed out, carmignano is docg with the inclusion of cab.. so by your definition it IS a traditional grape
2010‐12‐08 10:25:20
1412 A Frayed Knot
New sidelink......... Dove Marketplace...
Found this pigeon in a pear tree!
Gifts for everyone on the list.........Use code VIP for 10% off!
@Brooks ~ Search the innards of a dove for "Cellar Picnic Tote with Trolley"
Six bottle rolling carry‐on ..............perfect for planes, trains, automobiles, and narrow hallways of mental institutions! Has side pocket .........perfect size for Yahtzee‐Amtrak Edition! We may need more than one!
@BuffaloLou ~ Search the nest for these golden eggs.............picnic baskets and fire pits......large selection!
@TonyO ~ Search under the wing for handmade sleds............with minimal alterations they can be towed behind trains!
@JohnR ~ It's my web site and I'll shill if I want to. Shill if I want to
@Gary ~ Payment for above links is over due! Please send case of Pavie ASAP!
Use Louisiana address on file............please include gift receipt to appease Uncles Sam and Big Tex!
Love these stray wifi signals.........currently standing on busy street corner, holding empty wine glass and wearing homemade cardboard sign around neck that reads........."Will Shill for Wine"
@Mobius ~ Oh Brother! Where Art Thou?
@all ~ Tis the Season...........Merry Christmas!!!
2010‐12‐08 10:28:05
1413 WineKnurd
I do have to make one retraction to my IGT statement, since I posted before I had any coffee. It wasn't created just for "international" varietals, but for quality wines of any grapes that did not meet DOC/G requirements but who's winemakers did not want to be labeled with the lesser quality VdT. I believe there are some IGT Tuuscan's that are 100% Sangiovese that do not meet DOC/G Chianti requirements due to aging and Gaja IGT's his Barolo's because he blends Barbera (or Bonarda) with his Nebbiolo. I believe its Barbera but not 100% sure, I know Bonarda is "legal" for DOCG's Gattinara and Ghemme.
2010‐12‐08 10:28:14
"with malace towards none and charity for all." I don't you you are a mean‐spirited person at all, watching you and all. But their were a few shots take, but hey, we are all Big boys and Girls. I told you are always welcome at the NC cindy's tasting as well as Blou and even Pete. Actually, I would really enjoy hearing your thoughts on Brunello's as well. It trigger a memory on the last few mature Brunellos I had weren't that great. We had one last month that total blew out after 3‐4 hours, and it was a young 04.
1414 johnr
*Buckley Private deal is really worth looking at today, for those on the JJBuck's Private list.
2010‐12‐08 10:31:29
1415 WineKnurd
SCKen I thought Havens was kaput and the B&amp;B was all CH 179? How can there be 56 more cases?
2010‐12‐08 10:32:37
1416 joe g
knurd, in response to your quiz.. marchese di rochetta in 1968? he was growing cab and merlot back then
2010‐12‐08 10:36:08
@JohnR, I was just about to post to you regarding the Chapellet. Want to split some? Maybe we can get a case order together and save on shipping, I just can't buy until next Friday when I get paid again.
1417 WineKnurd
1418 joe g
1419 joe g
@JoeG‐ I think Brunello aging potential depends on the producer. I had a 2000 that was fantastic that I paid close to $80 for (Pertimali/Livio Sassetti). The 99's, 01's, and even the 04 I had recently were "discount" bottles at $30 and under and couldn't hold up.
2010‐12‐08 10:39:30
knurd.. exactly right on the igt... as the super tuscan craze grew in popularity and quality they had to include it into igt status... bolgheri is recognized so well as a region for bordeaux varietals it was elevated to DOC
2010‐12‐08 10:39:40
knurd... in your case of the "cheapie" brunellos not holding up i wonder if it is not as much the producer as it is those wines... the entry level of all the major wine regions do not have the long term potential as the bigher level ones
2010‐12‐08 10:41:43
93 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1420 joe g
knurd again.. lol.. you could make the same point about gaja, since you bring him up.. you are correct that he blends some barbera into his wines thus making them exempt from docg labeling... you could call these a "super piemonte" for lack of better term.. does this mean it is not italian??
Hey Frayed Knot You mentioned Hot Toddies lately somewhere. Have you got the recipe???
2010‐12‐08 10:44:20
Here is the Irish one:
Hot Toddy:
a measure of Whiskey (Irish)
1 tablespoon of honey
juice of half a lemon....Make two toddys and you will use up the lemon
Hot Water
a couple of cloves (optional)
Get yourself a nice thick of them fancy coffee ones with a handle would be ideal.
Put the whiskey, lemon juice and the cloves into the glass. Leave the cold spoon in the glass and then pour in the hot water
Great for cold weather or a bad dose of the chills
1421 Phil Oxera
Me grennie swore by it....and boy could she sware when she had a mind to.
2010‐12‐08 10:48:42
@wineknurd: It appears from the email from that this is some of the '06 B&amp;B. CH wine bought the '07 and distributed it as Lot 179. I think (operative word!) that these two sellers bought most if not all of the last liquidation, some of which was in barrels and some of which was in shiners. This offer is tempting for a HSC member like myself, but I have cases of several Havens releases which are yet to be cataloged and stored in my coolers. Carl Plaskett aka wine 1422 magnet
1423 A Frayed Knot
BTW, to whomever has established this site (AFK?), you might add and to the links at the top of the page. They both send out email offers and sometimes have some pretty attractive offers. They are respectively located in Sarasota and Orlando, FL, but ship almost everywhere.
Phil~ Yea that's the one! Maybe I've got some of that Irish blood...........they used to call my granddad Red.........well back when he still had hair!
Thanks for the links magnet!
@JoeG‐ I am not sure that Rochetta called his wine a "Super Tuscan", even though he was making that style. Suckling first used the term in the 80's, but he may have gotten it from Rochetta or other Italian producers in Tuscany. So here is the official answer:
2010‐12‐08 10:50:42
2010‐12‐08 10:54:00
Rochetta made Super Tuscans in the 60's, debateable if he called his wines such
1424 WineKnurd
Suckling made the term Super Tuscan internationally popular in the 80's
94 of 958
2010‐12‐08 10:58:00
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1425 Mobius
@AFK (Insert a smiley face here) ;) :) ;) :) ;)
One evening as the sun went down
And the jungle fires were burning,
Down the track came a hobo hiking,
And he said, 'Boys, I'm not turning
I'm headed for a land that's far away
Besides the crystal fountains
So come with me, we'll go and see
The Big Rock Candy Mountains
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains,
There's a land that's fair and bright,
Where the handouts grow on bushes
And you sleep out every night.
Where the boxcars all are empty
And the sun shines every day
And the birds and the bees
And the cigarette trees
The lemonade springs
Where the bluebird sings
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains.
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
All the cops have wooden legs
And the bulldogs all have rubber teeth
And the hens lay soft‐boiled eggs
The farmers' trees are full of fruit
And the barns are full of hay
Oh I'm bound to go
2010‐12‐08 10:59:45
I think IGT are Italian wines, I never made that argument. I had a Merlot / Montepulciano IGT blend from the Marches that I was calling a "Super Marches".
1426 WineKnurd
1427 WineKnurd
1428 Waiting in Manassas
1429 luddite
1430 A Frayed Knot
1431 WineKnurd
1432 Waiting in Manassas
1433 luddite
Agreed on the Brunello, just because its a BdM, Bordeaux, Burgundy, Napa Cab, etc doesn't mean it was meant to age for a decade. That fact was hard to get across to customers when I worked in retail.
2010‐12‐08 11:04:28
@Wine Magnet‐ thanks for the clarification on the 06/07 B&amp;B. That 06 seems suspect because ot its quantity. Did they have 672 bottles sitting somewhere? They couldn't have been aging longer if the 07's had already been released.
2010‐12‐08 11:06:18
Phredd‐ I took the plunge (or at least put my request in). I want to learn more about riesling and thought this was a tremendous opportunity. Maybe I can bring one for a spring NC tasting next year? (Assuming you are willing to invite me back again)
2010‐12‐08 11:08:47
A good day indeed for the TH inmates. Welcome @wine magnet and thanks as always to @Mobius!
@Mobius ~In the words of Sir Brooks.........H :) ly Cr4p........GOLD!
WIM I can't decide after looking at your inventory and what you should bring. Surprise us!
JohnR, if you want to part with a few of the Reigac and you'll get it before next Fri, I'd be willing to give them a try based on your recommendation.
@WIM check your email re 2005 Reignac Bordeaux Blend ;‐)
2010‐12‐08 11:10:16
2010‐12‐08 11:11:41
2010‐12‐08 11:26:40
2010‐12‐08 11:35:27
2010‐12‐08 11:45:00
1435 BaroloDude
Hey guys. I'm back. Things got a little feisty on Cindy over the modern Italian wine thing. I appreciate anyone who cared enough to have an opinion. Have the highest regard for Joe G and was entertained by the whole thing. For those who have been following wine discussion from the early Cindy days, you know that John R happens to know a thing or two himself. An online community like this is about sharing knowledge as a resource and exchanging ideas. The ideas part usually means opinions, different opinions. ie. Giving an explanation of how micro oxygenation works is different from saying why its good or bad for wine. Just because I might turn my nose up at it doesn't mean that I can't explain how it works. Those are the two things that discussion like this brings to the table. I don't think that there has been any serious discussion back at Cindy since the "conversion" until yesterday. As long as things don't get too personal, its all good. At least for me, they didn't get too personal. It was kind of neat to see people get stirred up and it probably got people who knew nothing about the wine (other than it was rated and from Italy) to actually think about what they were buying. Keep the faith.
2010‐12‐08 12:18:07
A________e on CW ( in a pack). Blou?
2010‐12‐08 13:13:27
1436 Phil Oxera
Seems like a great deal....You would want to be insane...or on another continent or both to passs on this one.
1434 vinmoet
95 of 958
2010‐12‐08 13:16:51
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1437 johnr
@Knurd...I bit for 2 Chappellet and I am shipping this week :) If you want some email Binder and I am sure that you could jump in my case, er cases being shipped.
@WIM...Reignac always beats the Classified Cru's in Blind tasting. Whether it will have the legs to go 20+ I don't know, but the price was right, so let me know if you want some.
Boy, you guys have been busy this morning! Date
2010‐12‐08 13:19:11
Sir M ‐ always a pleasure to read your tomes.
I'll second the mention on the Buckley offer today ‐ aged Cali Cabs. Nice deals. Summary:
1998 Chappellet Cabernet 'Signature' 750ml ‐ SALE $34.99 (Reg. $64.99)
1999 Chappellet Cabernet 'Signature' 750ml ‐ SALE $39.99 (Reg. $64.99)
1998 Clos du Val Cabernet 750ml ‐ SALE $36.99 (Reg. $49.99)
1999 Clos du Val Cabernet 750ml ‐ SALE $39.99 (Reg. $49.99)
1999 Clos Pegase Cabernet 750ml ‐ SALE $34.99 (Reg. $49.99)
2000 Clos Pegase Cabernet 750ml ‐ SALE $33.99 (Reg. $49.99)
2001 Girard Proprietary Red 750ml ‐ SALE $19.99 (Reg. $30.99)
1998 Jordan Cabernet 750ml ‐ SALE $39.99 (Reg. $64.99)
2002 Jordan Cabernet 750ml ‐ SALE $42.99 (Reg. $54.99)
1997 Merryvale Cabernet 750ml ‐ SALE $34.99 (Reg. $49.99)
1998 Merryvale Cabernet 'Reserve' 750ml ‐ SALE $37.99 (Reg. $59.99)
1438 BuffaloLou
1439 BuffaloLou
1440 Waiting in Manassas
1441 SCKen
1442 johnr
1443 Waiting in Manassas
1444 WineKnurd
1445 WineKnurd
1446 joe g
1447 johnr
1448 BuffaloLou
1449 Schmitty
2010‐12‐08 13:24:02
@BDude: IMO, anyone who wants to try Amarone, or wants to put a few bottles in their cellar, this is a good deal, providing you don't already have a stockpile of the Sansonnet. (I haven't heard anyone say it wasn't good wine... ) My situation is different as I have plenty of both... (Although you can never have enough Amarone... ) I already have a 1/2 case of the Sansonnet and about 5 cases of (mix) Amarone. I'm debating...
@JohnR‐ I may take one to try but for more for the cellar... Luddite's got me covered.
@Luddite‐ thanks for having my back again
All‐ just talked to Garagiste and my Aged Riesling order has been confirmed! Woo‐hoo!
Glad you all mentioned what a deal it was! That's why I love this group! Thanks, guys!
What do you know, an Amarone finally shows up on Cindy. Love the email use of "the wine that shall not be name." Feel certain that someone on here probably coined that term. I like the Masi, but Cindy being Cindy, they had to make it part of a pack with the Sansonnet with no FS. Since I don't want another bottle of the Sansonnet and it would cost me $12‐15 to ship the order, I think I'll have to pass.
I saw that pack, figures they'd nickel and dime you to get it, shame. I saw some of the posters trying to dampen any dissention. kinda sad in a way.
That's typical... they give us what we've wanted forever, but on their own terms and with the Sansonnet shoved down our throats to boot!
Is CW not doing FS anymore?
Ugh the WLFS is a Pinot Grigio. In the middle of winter?
dissention is one thing... never being able to please someone is another
2010‐12‐08 13:28:20
2010‐12‐08 13:30:04
2010‐12‐08 13:31:21
2010‐12‐08 13:45:38
2010‐12‐08 13:46:24
2010‐12‐08 13:56:55
2010‐12‐08 13:57:46
2010‐12‐08 14:00:04
c'mon joe, they pimped the Amarone, them make you buy a La Reserve to get it. Even you see the problem, forget the FS, they just add that to the price, but don't pimp the wine, then put strings to get it.
2010‐12‐08 14:10:53
Good catch, Ken. I missed the no FS. NOT wanting to get into the entire discussion about it, just mentioning that I missed it...
2010‐12‐08 14:11:45
I bought 2 packs‐ I do have a case of Masi already, but only had 1 bottle of the La Reserve, which I tried with friends.............this combination works for me, so that I can put 2 bottles of the La Reserve in the cellar, to Amarone. I am local, so no shipping‐ it works for me. However, I do also have to say, I would have very much preferred for an Amarone to show just by itself‐ like the La Ragose a while ago.........that was a sweet deal
2010‐12‐08 14:15:26
96 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1450 Schmitty
and yes, I do know, that was a secret WL e‐mail.........but that does not really make a lot of difference, or does it?
2010‐12‐08 14:17:36
1451 castello
@JohnR: Stop bashing, name calling etc...Cindy is what got us together and they still have some of the best deals in the market. Your negativity is what keeps many folks away from here!
2010‐12‐08 14:31:40
1453 joe g
@Coupe60 er Castello: When Have I alled anyone a name? Tell me buddy? hmmm never.....and as for me keeping people away, I highly doubt that is remotely true, in fact more people have come over here since I left Cindy Forum. I am honest to a point, that not bashing thats REALITY. You are correct Cindy brought us together, but equally true, Cindy pushed us apart.
john.. was it not you who called us mongols yesterday?? just keeping it real bro
1454 castello
You just called GV a pimp. You said one of his La Reserves tastes like goat piss. Let me do some research and I'll find the rest of your name calling. I thought you took credit for killing the original forum.
1455 WineKnurd
I tell you guys, once you meet JohnR in person you realize this is just how he is. Blunt and to the point. He is the GV of critics, hyped about deals, hyped about poor value deals, and hyped about shills. He never insults anyone, except for eBob since he started requiring a subscription.
2010‐12‐08 14:43:59
1456 WineKnurd
@JoeG‐ to be fair BaroloDude did say that Mongols were very nice people, so in fact JohnR complimented you :) Actually he was sticking up for vinmoet who he though was getting ganged up on. So lets put the "Mongol" in context, such as when Genghis and his boys routinely ganged up on the chineese countryside.
1452 johnr
2010‐12‐08 14:36:39
2010‐12‐08 14:41:35
2010‐12‐08 14:43:26
2010‐12‐08 14:46:58
john... whether you like the deals i think comes down to what you expect from cindy.. the reason this stuff doesnt bother me is i expect NOTHING from cindy.. i am smart enough to realize that only selling one wine at a time means the amount of offers i like are going to be minimal... as long as they are giving me the chance to buy wines at a lower price than i can get them for elsewhere (which is almost ALWAYS the case) then i am happy even if i dont buy them.. i use these discount sites as an opportunity to cherry pick and grab wines i know i like at a lower than normal price.. win win in my book.. i dont like the packs personally as i rarely want all the wines in them but if they say that they cant put a single wine up at big discount cause a rep will get mad then i buy that... we had a local case here recently where one wine store was selling well below all the other local stores.. the rep pulled the producet from there saying it was "hurting the brand"
1457 joe g
it seems people look at cindy as a price line type place and want to call their own shots... those are the people who are never gonna be satisfied.
2010‐12‐08 14:47:38
Here is some of johnrs name calling from heavy research. Yesterday?
"Eh, BBob your right, but it prob isn’t worth putting out the challenge for any of the Mongols cuz then they come over here and AFK doesn’t need that headache, and when I am at work, I don’t get much done having to keeping checking in. And besides, look at the 30 posts per offer as proof that Cindy is toast since the beginning of this place.
1458 castello
*I do like the increased patting on the back to the newbies to buy crappy wine!"
2010‐12‐08 14:50:03
No, Knurd, since they want to start drama. Mongol Hordes was an attempt at humor to illustrate an historical metaphor to illustriate the relationship between both Boards. I figured a "cold war" was in fact to academic for the boards. Castello, the term "pimp" was used as a propostion, not noun, to illustriate a person, place or thing. Example, GV "pimped" the Amarone. High School English 1, lastly, the La Reserve I tasted was flawed, ergo, tasted like goat piss. 1459 johnr
1460 joe g
1461 WineKnurd
1462 johnr
1463 WineKnurd
Now, scroll down to some of the lovely posts your "friends" made last week and tell me, you are all so nice.
2010‐12‐08 14:50:16
knurd... lame excuse for giving john a reason to call us mongols.. vin moet himself said he didnt feel attacked.. as i have a good friend with a downs syndrome child i find it quite distasteful tbh... maybe he should talk about that in the ethics course he teaches
2010‐12‐08 14:50:32
JoeG, I know what vinmoet said, but only after the discussion had finished. JohnR made his comment before it was done, at what he percieved was happenning to vinmoet.
2010‐12‐08 14:55:48
@Joe....Are you Freaking kidding? How the hell do you get Mongol and Retarded in the same sentence? Dude, stop, You might bully people on Cindy, you aren't going to bully me. Stop the offended bullshit and get into reality.
and I believe that he meant Mongol in terms of the asiatic raiders, not the derogatory term for Downs Syndrome. JohnR is not that type of person so lets put an end to that.
97 of 958
2010‐12‐08 14:56:26
2010‐12‐08 14:58:32
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
john nice of you to drop a "retard" blast here ... funny tho i cause i never said it... but mongolism is the lay person term for trisomy 21 and that can be offensive to people who know someone afflicted with it.
1465 Phredd
didnt realize i was "bullying" vinmoet by having a discussion with him
@WIM: If you're bringing 20‐year‐old auslese, you're invited back anytime!
1466 johnr
Joe: Nice drive‐by, come over, stir up shit. Just bring Drama with you. I teach high school and I don't like drama. Thats the 2nd time you've accused me of insulted your daughter. I find it puzzling that you think all my posts related to you personally? I had chicken for lunch today, I wonder how that affected you, did you feel offended?
2010‐12‐08 15:08:39
1467 Waiting in Manassas
@Phredd I've got to come back, I won't get to meet you next week to see what you really look like!
2010‐12‐08 15:11:03
1468 Phredd
@JoeG: Just for future reference, the expression is "child with Down syndrome" not "Down syndrome child". They are a child first. It is secondary how many chromosomes they have. JohnR did not for one second mean "Mongol" in any way as a substitute for "retarded". I'm sure he knows that if he went that route he'd never be welcome in my house again. He's met my son.
2010‐12‐08 15:12:42
1464 joe g
2010‐12‐08 15:01:26
2010‐12‐08 15:03:36
Thought we were all commenting over here to get away from the negativity and name calling... just saying.
@WIM: Trust me, the avatar is better looking. But I do hope you'll come back, anyway.
@phredd, you don't have to say anything, anyone who read the post knows what I was saying and meaning. Joe is just causing trouble.
2010‐12‐08 15:15:37
1471 johnr
And for disclosure: I teach 3 children with Downs Syndrome.
2010‐12‐08 15:17:30
1472 Phredd
@JohnR: It's all good. I just wanted Joe G to understand that he is really barking up the wrong tree in his assessment of you. Anyway, I think it would be best if this entire line of discussion ended about now.
phredd.. sorry for mixing up the order of the wording..
2010‐12‐08 15:28:59
1469 Waiting in Manassas
1470 Phredd
1473 joe g
1474 luddite
1475 joe g
1476 WineKnurd
1477 Nursing a Hangover
1478 Nursing a Hangover
unfortunately in written text the intent is unclear to meaning.. i was not aware of the intention of johns terminology.. if i mistook it then i apologize for that.. just took it how i took it.. john, i promise i didnt come here to start trouble, just to talk about wine..
65 bottles of 2007 Louis Latour Chassagne Montrachet Cailleret 1er Cru @$29.99 sold out on Last Call in 34 minutes...
john... i am offended you had chicken today as i am vegan!! (please realize that is a joke lol)
WIM just sent you an email regarding 12/17
@ludd....I was just about to get some when it turned...I'm pissed...Latour 1er for &lt;$30...
You're all "retarded" for letting this get out of hand....
Come to the Spring 2011 Offline and all will be forgiven.... (shameless plug (or shill))
1482 NY Pete
@JoeG: No sweat about the wording, of course. I know you're a good guy. I just wanted you to know that people who have kids with Down syndrome do notice it sometimes, and I was guessing you had never considered that there might be a difference. That tidbit was offered for information, not as criticism.;t=34932
While we should never give up our principles, we must also realize that we cannot maintain our principles unless we survive.
what is going on?
hey AFK ... can you cut and paste WineBaby's post from last night ... thanks.
1483 WineKnurd
Hank K‐ I am also interested in an offline in the spring. I am sure BLou et al will let us know if that gets organized.
1479 Phredd
1480 Henry Kissinger
1481 NY Pete
98 of 958
2010‐12‐08 15:16:23
2010‐12‐08 15:30:23
2010‐12‐08 15:38:28
2010‐12‐08 15:44:04
2010‐12‐08 16:00:55
2010‐12‐08 16:02:48
2010‐12‐08 16:04:58
2010‐12‐08 16:29:39
2010‐12‐08 16:51:12
2010‐12‐08 16:56:37
2010‐12‐08 16:58:41
2010‐12‐08 17:01:17
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1484 BrunelloBob
"@Gary ~ Payment for above links is over due! Please send case of Pavie ASAP!" FIRST RUNNERUP "Thought we were all commenting over here to get away from the negativity and name calling… just saying."
"You’re all “retarded” for letting this get out of hand…."
"but Cindy being Cindy, they had to make it part of a pack with the Sansonnet "
"to be fair BaroloDude did say that Mongols were very nice people, so in fact JohnR complimented you"
"Stop the offended bullshit and get into reality"
I love this place... :) ... but I'm concerned that, from now on, we won't be able to talk about chicken or people from Mongolia without worrying about offending.... :( I like chicken...
2010‐12‐08 18:11:22
1485 joe g
phredd.. i didnt take it as criticism and i truly see your message... thank you for the clarification
2010‐12‐08 18:20:21
hey look, i am on the map in Las Vegas now. That map really works well. Cool. 1486 BaroloDude
1487 BrunelloBob
1488 vinmoet
1489 vinmoet
1490 TonyO
1491 TonyO
Looks like we had our first TH spat. I am getting weepy eyed...feels like home again now. Looks like we are back down off of Defcon 5 and back to Defcon 1 again (or is it the other way around?) Wish i was back on the camel train in the Gobi Desert in Mongolia again... no offense meant to anyone named Gobi!
I knew a girl named "Gobi"....
Our chicken is vegan and is named Gobi.
2010‐12‐08 18:35:01
@Luddite: I'm not sure that I am sorry I missed the burgundy sale. I have been unimpressed with 2007. I appreciate that there was a brilliant start and great harvest weather, but the summer was pretty tough and the wines I've tasted are too lean, and I like them lean. Am I wrong?
30 years since John Lennon's death stole countless works of art form us all................
odd that John Lennon died on Jim Morrison's birthday................................
2010‐12‐08 19:00:32
2010‐12‐08 18:38:19
2010‐12‐08 18:55:34
2010‐12‐08 19:13:19
2010‐12‐08 19:16:25
I believe it has become necessary for me to clarify a few things.
First of all, this is not an "anything goes" board. It is an "almost anything goes" board. Any derogatory remarks about another person's race, religion, or character will not be allowed. Anyone and everyone is welcome here. However, if you cross that line, I will toss you out on your ass. I have a high tolerance for bullshit. But, I do have a limit and I don't give a damn who you are. I built this for everyone, but this is my house and here I friggin'rule!
It is a shame that I even need to say these things to grown people. 1492 A Frayed Knot
Good day all!
2010‐12‐08 19:19:18
1498 TonyO
In reviewing the posts from last night, I am again reminded that sometimes wine is just taken too's great to be passionate, informed, and enlightened as long as it is in the quest to share enjoyment. When drinking wine becomes so cerebral and caustic, I say it's time to put a f#$^ing cork in it !
2010‐12‐08 19:25:03
well said Tony. now pass the bottle please.
2010‐12‐08 19:55:56
Yes Tony..........quit bogartin' and pass that bottle.......and one of those fine Cuban cigars that sometimes cross that northern border!
2010‐12‐08 20:04:36
one more thing ... castello is the man.
2010‐12‐08 20:23:27
"I friggin’rule!"
WTF are you, Mongolian?
2010‐12‐08 20:24:38
nice to walk around Montreal blowin' cuban smoke into the air !
2010‐12‐08 20:27:33
1499 Johnny C
AFK ‐ why do you have to own the place? isn't it better to donate it to the inmates, and then just caretake it? :) Better if it's "our" house, no? One vote for self‐governance here... Love ‐ Johnny C
2010‐12‐08 20:35:52
1500 Johnny C
...and notwithstanding that, great job building this board! Shouldn't we add Garagiste to the names at the top. Also, I'm penning my comments on a internet accessed flight ‐ wonder where I am on the map...?? [Further woes: Sutter Home is the only wine available on my flight (Alaska Airways) ‐ even though Brunello Bob loves the stuff :) I've resorted to some tasty Alaska Amber Ale...
2010‐12‐08 20:39:01
1493 TonyO
1494 NY Pete
1495 A Frayed Knot
1496 NY Pete
1497 BrunelloBob
99 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1501 Schmitty
1502 flyerfan
1503 flyerfan
1504 Schmitty
1505 Johnny C
1506 flyerfan
Gentlemen‐ I was just going to post on this forum, how I thought there was a lot of bashing going on the WL Forum, and that I am happy to be on this board, just to stumble into these last few pages..........and will be calling it an evening. I would think that no one wanted to insult anyone........the written word is sometimes easy to misunderstand.........let's get back into a little more holiday spirit.........oh by the way, spirit.........I will not be opening a nice bottle of wine...........I will go astray, and will have a glas of Bowmore Double Wood, no ice
2010‐12‐08 20:40:53
Been busy so haven't had time to even lurk in a while, but what the heck has happened? I just read the posts from last evening up through now, and I kinda get the idea of what's been going on..........Whew!! Feels like things sort of got "Scrooged" in our little wine world!!! Thought WBW's post from last evening was the best!! (You go girl!!)..........Hey BrunelloBob, thanks for thinkin' of me!!! Other than getting a little "testy" with one another, I hope all else has been well for everyone!! I know jovino and family are quite happy, as they welcomed their precious "Jack" into the world about 10 days or so ago. Was emailing with him about picking up the Lot 200 order for myself, WBW, WIM, and NaH..........Cindy opened up my world and provided me a terrific venue by which I could stoke my passion for wine with wonderful opportunities to learn from all of you, not to mention getting to know you on the forum, and creating opportunities to meet some of you wonderful people in person. Differences of opinion are educational, but I believe no information should ever be taken as gospel. There's too much gray in the world to ever make the mistake of only seeing it in black &amp; white. Keep talking, keep debating, keep stimulating the minds of one another......But don't forget to keep respecting one another. There's entirely too much of the opposite going on in this world, and life is just too precious and too short to do anything less..........Be 2010‐12‐08 20:41:12
Schmitty ‐ Neat rules!! A "Cindy" after my own heart!!!
2010‐12‐08 20:43:53
Flyerfan‐ always neat!
2 Pack just long do you think the La Reserve should be put into the cellar? Will check back later...........thanks
2010‐12‐08 20:45:49
BBob ‐ I hope you took my comments about you being a Sutter Home lover as being derogatory toward your character... :) Oops I mean "didn't take"...!
2010‐12‐08 20:46:52
Johnny C ‐ How are you my wine drinkin' musician friend? Cold in these parts!!! Think I'm goin' the way of Schmitty and will pour myself some Talisker 18!!
2010‐12‐08 20:49:42
1508 NY Pete
Schmitty ‐ Bowmore is pure candy... Surprised it's legal... You probably like Lagavulin as well...;feature=related
1509 joe g
drinking 05 renato corino barolo tonight. great expression at under $40... tannin is presnt as expected, but so ripe and voluptuous it doesnt affect the drinking of it now at all.. i have found so many wines from this vintage drinkable right now... beautiful juicy tart fruit and cinnamon layered on asphalt.. great balance and better value! i paid $32 and have almost finished my 6 pack.. time for more!
2010‐12‐08 20:59:08
1510 Johnny C
FLYERFAN...!! My favorite golf‐partner‐I‐haven't‐yet‐golfed‐with‐wine‐lover‐who‐brings‐$150+‐wines‐to‐tastings‐
nothing‐but‐amazing‐positive‐energy‐for‐all‐her‐cohabitants‐on‐this‐planet ‐ (not to mention major fun as the party gets better) ‐ friend ‐ HOW THE HECK ARE YOU?? Sorry I missed the Philly dinner ‐ would absolutely have driven over for that if I wasn't in Kentucky at the time (a/k/a magic bourbon land)... Miss you my friend, and look forward to next gathering I can make... Question to a professional ‐ if I'm going to start following hockey, what team should I root for? I assume Rangers or Islanders (I live in Brooklyn), but would weight your advice heavily...
1507 Johnny C
1512 joe g
@FF: Good to hear from you, I think we Need your "calming influence"
@JC: Long flight, boring, nightime flight, plenty of Sutter Home, internet access, the posting possibilities are only limited by battery life...BTW: My character is such that it can Not be derogated (a word?) :)
anyone have any experience with the pinot on wtso?
1513 Johnny C
Brunello Bob ‐ you are totally right about my flight ‐ feel like I'm just getting warmed up... Another Amber please... Hope folks understand if right in the middle of a post my battery gives out and I don
1511 BrunelloBob
100 of 958
2010‐12‐08 20:50:41
2010‐12‐08 20:52:42
2010‐12‐08 21:00:07
2010‐12‐08 21:02:54
2010‐12‐08 21:04:39
2010‐12‐08 21:12:21
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
@Johnny C ‐ Sorry to tell ya, bud, but you're gonna have to do your own "work" in figuring out which hockey team you want to root for! I can only say your choice should not be limited by proximity! Look at NYPete.....He's a NJ Devils fan! (Sorry to say! ;‐) ) What you really need to do is attend a game and go from there. I believe we each pick team allegiances for different reasons. I'm originally a Philly girl who grew up playing street hockey when the Broad Street Bullies reigned and won two Cups in a row! No matter where I have been or where I will go, I will forever be a loyal fan of my Flyers. You will pick your own team to root for based upon your own reasons and experiences. Now, have at it!!!..........And if I can ever get some free time, I'd love to come to your neck of the woods and attend a game with you!! (Perhaps next season when I'm not so busy with school.) I don't have to only watch the Flyers play in order to be happy!! 1514 flyerfan
1515 BrunelloBob
BrunelloBob ‐ I may occasionally profess a "calming influence," but I can sure as heck rabble rouse with the best of 'em from time to time! ;‐)
Two Hockey words: Hartford Whalers
That is all.
2010‐12‐08 21:14:54
2010‐12‐08 21:24:15
@joe g ‐ Not familiar with that particular pinot, but love the guy in the barrel!! The description sounds pretty good, and for the price, what can you lose really? I'd be in if I didn't already have my fill of pinot noir at the moment. Need to start drinking some of it................
1516 flyerfan
1517 flyerfan
1518 BaroloDude
1519 BrunelloBob
1520 flyerfan
1521 Hinrgman
1522 flyerfan
1523 A Frayed Knot
Anyone know how the current Cindy offer, 2007 Studert‐prum Riesling Spatlese compares to the 2008 Seebrich Hipping Spatlese? Have had the Seebrich and find it enjoyable. Is the Studert‐prum a bit drier?
2010‐12‐08 21:24:46
BBob ‐ LOL!! Loved the Whalers when Gordie Howe was still hangin' in there with 'em!!!
2010‐12‐08 21:26:24
humdinger of a Flyers Sharks game. wow. the goalkeepers need to wake up.
2010‐12‐08 21:27:47
Gordie Howe would still be playing for them if they didn't leave Hartford....
2010‐12‐08 21:28:28
BDude ‐ The NHL front office ordered the Philly netminder to let the other team catch up!!...........See, and now you guys have a 4 minute PP!!! It's called parity!! ;‐)
BBob ‐ I believe that!!!! He hated having to hang up his skates!!! If he had his druthers, he would have played until they buried him!!
2010‐12‐08 21:32:13
@Joe G ‐ I've been looking for 1/2 hour and can't find much info on that pinot. Its the kind of crap shoot that I usually don't try.
2010‐12‐08 21:33:12
AFK ‐ Where are the Trembling Hills bathrobes? I thought they'd be available for purchase by Christmas!! Did Brooks pre‐order all of them??
2010‐12‐08 21:38:19
@flyerfan ~I'm currently having the "Members Only" logo embroidered on them.
2010‐12‐08 21:44:24
AFK ‐ Whew!! I was worried!! Thought I missed the purchasing window before it ever opened!!
BDude: Can you believe this game????!!!!
Where'd every body go? I'm on the board once in a blue moon these days and nobody's playin'!! Do I need to change my deodorant??
2010‐12‐08 21:47:23
1527 flyerfan
Well, nobody wants to play with me and the Flyers just laid an egg, so I'm goin' to bed!!! 'Nite!!
TonyO just forwarded to me this forum. Great to see so many familiar names. Hope to join you frequently &amp; often!!
2010‐12‐08 21:58:27
1528 winex
Nice job AFK
2010‐12‐08 22:09:13
@FlyerFan: Always enjoy reading your words of wisdom, you seem to be so close in spirit to our missing mentor @Uncle Albert...
@AFK: No nonsense approach to running the TH facility, good for you. I'm sure both @TonyO and the Duke would approve ;‐)
@vinmoet: The (wine related) opinions of my favorite Illini backer are always appreciated!
2010‐12‐08 22:10:12
Welcome winex!
2010‐12‐08 22:32:20
1524 flyerfan
1525 flyerfan
1526 flyerfan
1529 luddite
1530 A Frayed Knot
1531 Schmitty
1532 winex
2010‐12‐08 21:52:46
2010‐12‐08 21:55:31
Johnny C‐ you know me apparently too well! YES‐ I love Lagavulin! It is just annoyingly expensive in the it is a rare treat. Laphroig is another favorite........but tonight I wanted something a little more 'tame' 2010‐12‐08 22:53:17
@AFK ‐ great to be back here will all the peeps.
2010‐12‐08 22:54:24
101 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1533 Schmitty
1534 BuffaloLou
1535 BuffaloLou
1536 BuffaloLou
1537 BuffaloLou
1538 NY Pete
1539 BuffaloLou
1540 brooks
1541 BuffaloLou
1542 A Frayed Knot
1543 castello
1544 BrunelloBob
Winex‐ I just had to laugh. Being German myself, I am allowed. I sent an e‐mail to Schmitt Soehne on your behalf, just asking for information about the wine, that you posted on WL. I know Ian already answered very well, but I just
figured, what the heck? Guess, what came back‐ an e‐mail stating that the president of Schmitt Soehne is out of the office, until Dec 13, with limited access to e‐mails............have to love that Germans still take their time off seriously‐ however, for Americans that is unheard of, not to check e‐mails all the time............will let you know, what I can find out‐ Congrats to an interesting bottle! Let us know, if you will drink it‐ and how it was!
2010‐12‐08 23:20:42
If WIM is bringing 20‐year‐old auslese, I just want to know, is she blonde? LOL!
2010‐12‐08 23:32:02
@Knurd ‐ re: Spring. It's early yet, but after the holidays I'll coordinate with Joe G and we'll get something organized for Spring/early Summer. Try to keep things from bunching‐up too close together.
Is AFK really Jaime? Is Jaime really AFK. After all, they both “friggin’rule!" LOL!
FWIW, I think this forum is receiving more posts than the 'official' CW offering forum... As I posted on the other forum, "I think this says a lot... "
You're following me again, Pete!
HOly Cr4p....I am basking in the afterglow from seeing all these posts...
Please Please keep this place kind...respect others....thanks
My guess is that my office is Gurnee, IL on the AFK space ship of earth photo
Just a thought... AFK, is it possible to have more posts per page? Not complaining, just thought it would be easier to read..
2010‐12‐08 23:37:04
2010‐12‐08 23:42:58
2010‐12‐08 23:48:37
2010‐12‐09 00:04:59
2010‐12‐09 00:11:21
2010‐12‐09 00:12:54
2010‐12‐09 00:24:36
Yea Lou......I made it 10 per page so that you wouldn't need to scroll so far to reach the comment box. But I can set it for any amount............I made the gravatars a little you can tell that The Duke is Genghis Khan!
2010‐12‐09 00:28:51
If Buffalo Looo wants 22 posts per page,,,make it so #1... You are the Buddha in charge. If he asks for the wine that should not be mentioned, make him wait a while....or 2
2010‐12‐09 01:41:34
"Genghis Khan"
he‐he‐he :)
maybe you can get an avatar with Genghis giving the finger?
2010‐12‐09 06:07:57
Just to keep the discussion on Super Tuscan's going, I found this blog post without any sources to back up the information. Sounds reasonable for the most part:
I believe the term "Supertuscan" first gained recognition when James Suckling used it in a Wine Spectator story on Antinori's wine Tignanello. Suckling almost certainly did not originate the term even though it is often attributed to him.
The Antinori winery had played around with "international" varieties, meaning Cab, Merlot and Cab Franc. But in the early 70s, I believe, Antinori released Tignanello, a wine far different from the Chianti of the day, and one that boldly violated the blending laws of the region because it used Cabernet and Cabernet Franc. Tignanello was a "bigger" wine than Chianti ‐‐ bigger in flavor, bigger from oak aging, hence the use of the word "super."
Antinori's Tignanello and other Super‐Tuscan wines (the first Super‐Tuscan was Sassacaia, IIRC) were so good that the the only category they fit into ‐‐ the "lowly" vino di tavola category ‐‐ was deemed inappropriate and a brand new catch‐all category of wines ‐‐ the IGT, the wines designated Indicazione Geographica Tipica ‐‐ was created.
1545 WineKnurd
By the way, I've read several places that the term was first coined in Italian as Supra‐Tuscan ‐‐ meaning "outside" or "beyond" the Tuscan blending laws, which makes perfect sense.
2010‐12‐09 07:22:55
Mornin' all!
1546 BuffaloLou
1547 BuffaloLou
If you guys are happy with 10 posts / page, that's fine with me. I just find that I'm waiting almost as long for the new page to load as it takes me to read the entire page (The header seems to take a while to load, and when it finally finishes, it resets the page to the top. (even though you're trying to get to the bottom and read... ) That's why I thought it would be easier.)
@Knurd ‐ re: "Supra‐Tuscan" — it does perfect sense! Unfortunately sometimes things 'develop' and it becomes hard to track down the source.
2010‐12‐09 07:45:10
2010‐12‐09 07:47:24
@Schmitty What's also different about that (unless you somehow had their personal email) is if you email a company &amp; get the president's auto‐reply, as opposed to some low level staff member first!
1548 David T
I would also prefer more a few more posts per page, FWIW
102 of 958
2010‐12‐09 08:18:45
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1549 WineKnurd
1550 WineKnurd
1551 A Frayed Knot
As if the Uncork'd guys were reading our humble board, they are offering a Bolgheri Super Tuscan right now!
Pretty good deal too, $17 / bottle with a case FS
@Buffy~ Well, 20 posts per page was too much and 10 was not enough so lets try 15.............or maybe 3 shall be the number........
2010‐12‐09 08:39:35
2010‐12‐09 08:53:21
2010‐12‐09 09:06:08
1553 luddite
knurd... i am intrigued by this maremma on uncorked.. i have never been a big fan of the guado al tasso tho and have never seen this 2nd label before.. i jumped on the tuscan offer there a couple days ago at the same price tho... this sounds like a great one to use the "try it and return the rest if you dont like it" policy they advertise
@winex: Glad to see you made it to TH. Always room for one more inmate!
1554 vinmoet
A few months back I bought half a dozen inexpensive but 90+ rated bottles of Chianti from one of the discount sites. Because of the price I really did not look at what I was buying. We cracked one open and Mrs. Vinmoet and I took a drink and looked at each other and agreed that it didn't taste like Chianti, it tasted like Cabernet. I went online and checked it out and it had a significant amount of Cabernet in it. That is the crux of my issue with these kinds of blends.
2010‐12‐09 09:49:25
1552 joe g
1555 vinmoet
1556 Nursing a Hangover
Who is our Ribera del Duero expert? I know it was formalized in '82. It makes white but doesn't export it. They make "rosados" which is made with Garnacha. It exports red made primarily from Tempranillo but can include Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Malbec. I appreciate that there are "standards" but what are they? Does Tempranillo have to be a certain percentage of the blend? Is there minimum aging and oak? If so, what? I don't have a clue what the other minimum standards are. Can our expert enlighten us a bit? Thanks...
testing avatar
2010‐12‐09 09:26:38
2010‐12‐09 09:35:39
2010‐12‐09 10:05:24
2010‐12‐09 10:11:13
moet... tempranillo is the standard for the region and if not solely that varietal then it is usually the bulk of it.. many old vines (100 yrs) and low yields from this region.. very high elevations give massive temp swings during the day.. can be 100+ F during day and 50F at nights... this unique climate give massive physiologic and phenolic ripeness yet leaves higher acid levels due to cool evenings... also the soil is highly chalk, limestone, and organic substrate.. in the baking days heat it can form a literal crust (known as the duero bake) that helps keep moisture in the soilbeds (same principle as searing the outside of a steak)... these wines see new, small, and extended (up to 24 mo) oak treatment... alot of american oak, but even if french it is very aggressive... 1557 joe g
1559 BuffaloLou
the wines aromatics may remind you of many cali or auz offerings in its dark fruit and oak make up... the big difference is the structure which has major tannin and acid. this is the region i urge staunch new world drinkers to explore
Pan seared, Joe?
2010‐12‐09 10:16:05
2010‐12‐09 11:36:07
No comments over here on the nooner? I just posted this at the other site:
Based on prior CW pricing and proportional cost distribution, these wines are costing, before shipping:
2003 Clos Des Fees Les Clos ‐ prev CW price: $29.88 &gt;&gt; $22.03
2006 Pinord Priorat +7 ‐ prev CW price: $29.91 &gt;&gt; $22.05
2005 Novelty Hill Syrah ‐ prev CW price: $15.55 &gt;&gt; $11.47
1560 BuffaloLou
1561 Nursing a Hangover
1562 BuffaloLou
That's $20/3pack less; just under $7/bottle. Shipping is, for me, $22/case, so this, on a case basis, represents a savings of $58 from the prior CW offerings!
any comments on the BdM from uncork??
40 minutes into the nooner and where is everyone?
103 of 958
2010‐12‐09 12:24:33
2010‐12‐09 12:30:06
2010‐12‐09 12:40:13
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1563 Mobius
1564 Schmitty
1565 Nursing a Hangover
1566 luddite
1567 Phil Oxera
1568 Waiting in Manassas
1569 luddite
Good Evening. (Applause)
Welcome to Actors Studio, I’m James Lipton. I was contacted by Mr. Brooks and Mr. Mobius recently, some may remember them from a show we did this summer past, and may I remind you that Mr. Mobius has given to this school and to this show his time and a small fortune to insure that young and not so young artists realize their potential. Now the interesting fact that I was made aware of is that Mr. Brooks who apparently amassed a small fortune when he auctioned off his Leslie Nielson “White Phone” decided to donate 100% of the monies to the Actors Studio and the School of the Arts. (Applause) We thank both gentlemen. In light of their generosity and humanitarianism we acquiesced to their wish that a show be dedicated to “A Night with the Ladies of Cindy” Before I introduce our guests some housekeeping as always. Tonight in our audience once again is the members of the Kearny NJ Chapter of the Johnny Deep Fan Club, seated in the back are members of the Mongolian delegation to the United Nations here in NYC, and just to the left of our esteemed friends is NJDrew representing Vander Chaak Enterprises as spokesperson and Valet. We also have several executives from WLTV Mr. Finger, Mr. Pete from NY, and a man who has at numerous venues won the Bruce Springsteen look‐alike contest, Mr. Smokee. I understand Ms. Jamielualua missed her connection on the way in from Seattleish. You may also notice on my desk to my immediate right, your left, the stack of cards are about half of the usual volume (Why do I point that out? because I had nothing clever to write at this point).
Ladies and Gentlemen in no particular order may I welcome using their Cindy names, Waiting in Manassas, Josie, FlyerFan, and the better half of Mr. Mobius Roxanne AKA Roxy, Wine Baby Wine called to let us know she’ll be late, baby sitter issues (Huge Applause) I should point out that NavyJ was invited but she’s on a shopping spree with a Brooklyn Sports Car racer JohnnyC at Morrells, Rose was invited but she has not been seen since she went out for a walk after 2 bottles of semi‐dry in the mean streets of Koblenz Germany, K is for Kate is at home trying to figure out if it is indeed for Kate, Schmitty injured her back packing the car with the cases of Amarone wine earmarked for a Buffalo delivery. Now we can start, well not yet remember there will be questions from the audience and please note 10 minutes in to the show and no mention of the word “Hence”.
Ladies welcome may I start with you Roxy I must say I am surprised to see you, I had no idea you were involved 2010‐12‐09 12:41:56
@ Mobius‐ excellent post!
2010‐12‐09 12:51:24
@Mobius CLASSIC yet again!!
2010‐12‐09 12:52:41
@Mobius: Thanks! Many great lines but especially this one:
"What profession would you like not to attempt?
FF. FedEx person in Buffalo"
2010‐12‐09 13:03:40
BLou is a Bozo.......that's it
2010‐12‐09 13:06:34
@Mobius Excellent post! ROFLMAO! Correction‐ Favorite word: TripleD!
2010‐12‐09 13:44:56
To: @all high rollers: From WTSO
2010‐12‐09 14:16:36
104 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
AFK~ Who the heck could that be? Hello, hello!
Yes, are you A Frayed Knot?
AFK~I'm afraid so.
Are you the owner of a web site titled Trembling Hills Wine Tasters Club?
AFK~Well, not actually the owner.......more like the caretaker. Sort of like a trustee.
I see. The reason that I'm calling is that your site is starting to take up way too much space on our server. I'm afraid you will need to pay for your own dedicated server to handle the excess amount of data.
AFK~Damn........BuffaloLou must be chatting with himself again.
No, I believe it has to do with excessively long posts from a certain Mobius character.
AFK~Oh......really! Well, in that case, hook me up with that server. On second thought better make that two. Once that gentleman gets started there's no telling where it will all end up. By the way, what do they serve? Wine I hope!
No, different kind of server. Data storage and traffic handling on your web site.
AFK~Oh, I see. Kind of like cattle guards. This high tech stuff is kinda new to me.
1570 A Frayed Knot
1571 winex
You pay people to guard your cattle?
2010‐12‐09 14:18:07
@Luddite ‐ glad to be in the cellblock with my wine addicts!
@BuffaloLou ‐ I will be happy to inform you of the hair color on WIM's date should we have a Jersey offline
@Schmitty ‐ Love your style, amazing that the Pres of Schmitt Sohne would be the place where your e‐mail goes, not suprised that he has an out of the office reply. Lastly, I am getting a case of the 1976 so I will be drinking it. I don't buy wine as an investment or to resell, I drink it &amp; I share it!!
a wine shop in NY:
2010‐12‐09 14:32:12
The Wines:
Ruffino Modus
Our 4pk Sampler of Two Bottles Each of the 2006 &amp; 2007 Ruffino Modus.
Modus is a blend of 50% Sangiovese, 25% Cabernet Sauvignon &amp; 25% Merlot
The Value is good at 91 Pts. for $19.75, but an unbelievable value at 96 Pts. for the same price!!!
We have to limit this offer to only one 4pk sampler per customer. 1572 Nursing a Hangover
1573 Nursing a Hangover
2010‐12‐09 14:35:16
never mind on the Modus offer...can get it cheaper else where...sorry!!
105 of 958
2010‐12‐09 14:37:43
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1574 Schmitty
@Winex‐ no idea, if it actually end up with the president of Schmitt Sohne‐ but I figured sending an e‐mail in german inquiring about this wine could not hurt........let's see what happens‐ will let you know, if I get an answer. Also wrote to the president of Schmitt Sohne in the States‐ someone should respond hopefully. I am intrigued myself, I have to admit.
2010‐12‐09 14:59:56
1575 SCKen
Classic Mobius! I'm honored to be included in one of your masterpieces. Do you take notes or something? How you remember some of the things that are said on this board is amazing. I think I made the comment about God loving a certain shade of blue (which was a true statement by the way) one time, months ago!
2010‐12‐09 15:54:20
1576 Waiting in Manassas
@BLou and @Winex Won't know for sure when my auslese will arrive until sometime in the spring shipping window. Thought it was an awesome opportunity to try some aged rieslings. The NC group had already put in dibs for 1. That way I'll really get to see who Phredd looks like since he won't be joining us next week (unfortunately for all). Depending on the duplicate possibilities I wind up with, I might consider sacrificing another to the cause at a NJ/PA Cindy wine dinner. The humungous event would be way too large for enough people to try the wine, depending on how many actually show up.
2010‐12‐09 16:17:08
@SC Ken: GV may be a demi‐god, but Mobius is a real god(send), part of the glue which is slowly curing and cementing former Cindies to this new blog. I first visited it when it had probably fewer than ten posts and the Facebook fiasco was obvious. I tried the WLTV blog which I joined over 2 years ago but rarely posted to because it did not seem like a friendly place.
Thanks to Brooks for sending me a reminder to revisit this site while I was in CA for Thanksgiving. I remembered his email and checked it out a day or so ago. I think I will stick around and hope that more former Cindies will find their way here, where the conversations are random but polite and often informative.
1577 wine magnet
1578 luddite
BTW, is there a way to include attachments (photos, for example)?
I have a chance for the '05 El Puntido for $34. As I remember @Powderfinger was a big fan of this. What say you thumbs up or down?
UPDATE: Philly Offline 2011 Event
2010‐12‐09 16:18:00
2010‐12‐09 16:26:21
Date/Time/Place= UNKNOWN
Email acct to show interest=
1579 Nursing a Hangover
1580 castello
1581 Nursing a Hangover
1582 BaroloDude
1583 BaroloDude
1584 A Frayed Knot
Thanks. JIM
Let's see if this works.
2010‐12‐09 16:34:27
@castello I can see BLou's house in that pic. It's the brightest star in the center...from the glow of his keyboard...
@vinnymoet. That wine should never have been sold as or labelled as chianti. Odd.
As I sit here in a faux Venetian palace and a faux Piazza San Marco happily eating early dinner at a faux Italian restaurant looking up at a faux Venetian sunset... I am slapped back into reality that this is not Venice, but Las Vegas, by the dang map on THIS SITE. Thanks AFK.
B‐Dude~ Just stay out of the faux bordellos! Not everything stays in Vegas!
Mobius ‐ ROFLMAO!! How the heck do you know me so well??!! Tremendous!!!
2010‐12‐09 17:46:08
2010‐12‐09 17:01:09
2010‐12‐09 17:59:09
2010‐12‐09 18:09:04
2010‐12‐09 18:41:42
Luddite ‐ I am humbled by last evening's comparison to Uncle Albert, but don't feel I could ever come close! God Bless Uncle Albert!!
WIM ‐ Would LOVE to try the auslese!! Perhaps during the raid on your cellar??
2006 Montevetrano on WTSO for $49.99 FS/2
2010‐12‐09 19:06:43
1586 Nursing a Hangover
1587 David T
I thought it was just the wltv forums but it looks like everywhere is dead tonight. HAPPY THURSDAY!!!
2010‐12‐09 21:16:00
1585 flyerfan
1588 BrunelloBob
1589 BrunelloBob
1590 Mobius
@AFK: Acne practice? If we're gonna advertise, can you get some lingerie adds or something? @NAH: Love the new avatar, so does the kid in my avatar x
Cindy's having a good day, not a fan of the "no free shipping", but a couple of legit deals on good wine
@NAH: a lot of gouging going on with the 2007 Modus, that's not a bad deal.
@AFK. Love the map, so many more lights in Mongolia today, must be the interest in John Paul R and his black head remover lotion. LAND HO! Left hook!
106 of 958
2010‐12‐09 20:47:56
2010‐12‐09 21:23:06
2010‐12‐09 21:25:13
2010‐12‐09 21:32:46
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1591 BrunelloBob
I'm nominating Mobius for a Pulitzer, Friggin' Brilliant:
"NJDrew representing Vander Chaak Enterprises as spokesperson and Valet",
" but I do know he knows more about business then that Vander Chaak fellow just ask him he’ll tell you."
BTW The Ox = John Entwistle, deceased basist for the Who. Or am I barking up the wrong tree on the reference?
2010‐12‐09 21:44:12
wow, just stopped by the cindy/wl forum.............BOOOOOOOORING ! The sizzle has left the steak....... 2010‐12‐09 21:49:55
1593 BrunelloBob
Maybe we should start offering wine for sale from our cellars on Trembling Hills .......
T'Licious, The "Ox", in the house!
My cellar is for sale, but you gotta pay for shipping dammit!
And there Better NOT be ANY complaints!
1594 TonyO
@BB: John "Thunder Fingers" Entwistle is most certainly The Ox in my world (as per my bitchin' avatar.....)
2010‐12‐09 21:55:44
1595 BuffaloLou
Just got in from a Scout meeting. I see it's dead here as well as over on the forums. Everyone must be shopping!
Here's a Classic, email received today from WTSO:
I am sorry to say I have made an error in pricing the Molly Dooker Boxer 2008.
We have sold it below cost.
We are not allowed by law to ship any wine below cost.
Unfortunately we will not be shipping you the wine.
We have released the hold on your credit card already.
In the near future, I will email you a special opportunity to only you
to make up for this very troubling error.
My apologies for the inconvenience I have caused.
2010‐12‐09 21:58:00
1592 TonyO
1596 BrunelloBob
2010‐12‐09 21:53:22
Joe Arkin‐CEO
Three points I'd like to make from this:
1) Follow through by WTSO is KEY here . I'll keep you posted
2) Nice to know I recognize a deal when I see one :)
3) Before anyone says something silly like "This wouldn't happen with Wine Library", yes it would. They've screwed up several of my orders (OK, maybe not in an "illegal" way). As I've said before, WL has always made it right. Pressure now on WTSO to do the same...
2010‐12‐09 21:58:41
1598 BrunelloBob
@BB: you got it ! I entered my cellar on and it appears that it can be viewedas I have received email offers about some of my goods. Kind of odd but I like the layout and ease of entering / consuming bottles and it gives you drinking windows as well as some valuation info.
2010‐12‐09 22:02:33
T.O. : You like Vincellars better than Cellartracker?
I spent three days a couple of months ago finally getting most of the inventory on C.T. I can't see my going through that again anytime soon...
"“Thunder Fingers”. I'm a pretty big fan and never heard that one. Did you just make it up?
2010‐12‐09 22:07:30
1599 Mobius
@BrunelloBob. I will do this once, and only once, to respond to a post from another Cindy directly (actually I might have done it before but I can't recall) because, well, because you were dead and I respect the dead, but I am so glad that you are not dead. Any way Ox is Phil Oxera and he actually is a pretty creative guy in that SPECIAL "yea bozo" type of way. He is not Kristoff Simmons Knutt who'll just wax poetic about how he is all things wine/attorney/sarcastic chemist/stock boy in a wine store, but the Ox seems like a good guy..... Smokee (Smokenmirrors), Trembling Hills is ready for you...Please no "Glory Days" please, please.
Unrelated topic, does any one know A) If Landshark was a Bra model and B) If BufLou hit the 100,000 posts on WLTV? just wondering, and C) How much do you tip NJDrew for parking your car in the Taco Bell lot during the Holidays, I'm thinking 2 bucks should do it, I know GV pays him well, but you know it is Xmas after all, so tip the boy.
2010‐12‐09 22:17:18
1600 TonyO
@BB: I have heard that term for The Ox a few times. Had the pleasure of meeting him a few years ago and watched his soundcheck ........simply amazing how fast his fingers move while he stands as still as a statue.......the musical genius of The Who is incredible.................chaotic live performances, symphonic pieces, generational classics....a simply amazing band and the role of Entwistle was huge........
2010‐12‐09 22:21:20
1597 TonyO
107 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1601 BrunelloBob
1602 BrunelloBob
1603 Mobius
1604 BrunelloBob
1605 Mobius
1606 Mobius
@Mobius: I am humbled, Sir, by your acknowledgement of my existence. I apologive for my obtuseness (I love makin' up words) in not catching the reference. I was distracted by the Led Zeppelin and Mongolian allusions.
Agree re: Phil: intelligent, xxxx‐buster without being degrading, an Undiscovered Cinderella soul methinks.
Lou one and done tonight? His house must be on fire...
2010‐12‐09 22:25:50
T.O.: One must be a true fan to recognize the genius of Entwistle. The bass isn't usually an instrument that makes that much of a difference, but the Who was markedly better to have had him. You didn't sell him any coke, did ya ye bozo? :)
BTW: Any way I can get in and snoop around in your on line cellar? Just curious. I'm easily accessable on CT
Oh by the way I love this
WTF, in the words of NYPete, what the hell is that?
So if something sucks one must post
counts toward my post count.
Am I promoted to a "Wine Whackadoodle" now? Please? x
Mobius in a dark mood tonight, sending FF over to adjust your attitude. Me? I'm a prick from time to time so people are used to it....
2010‐12‐09 22:30:43
2010‐12‐09 22:35:57
2010‐12‐09 22:42:58
2010‐12‐09 22:45:37
2010‐12‐09 22:55:12
@BBob ‐ No one and done yet! Had step away for a few. So BB, what's new? Good to see you here!
1607 BuffaloLou
1608 BuffaloLou
1609 BrunelloBob
@ Mobius ‐ A) If Landshark was a Bra model ‐ I don't think so... I have larger cups than he does... LOL!
B) 100,000 posts ‐ Not yet. 3100+ at the moment, will be in top 50 before the weekend is over
C) How much do you tip NJDrew for parking your car in the Taco Bell ‐ I think he works for food! Just sayin'...
@BBob ‐ who's the handsome young chap in your avatar? Grandson?
@Mobius: 'Bout time Morrison got equal billing with Lennon. His poetry was more my style, but it may be a generational thing!
@BLou: The kid's some random dude I poached off a micro‐winery's website. If I throw out the name, it'll probably double their advertising for the year! I hesitate to do that though. It comes "recommended, but I haven't had the wine yet. One of those delusions of grandeur Napa joints, glass stopper in the bottle et al. It would be funny if someone could i.d. it! Hey: You, LS, and your 4 cups puttin' out a calendar this year? Can I get in ? :)
2010‐12‐09 22:57:45
2010‐12‐09 23:00:12
2010‐12‐09 23:13:56
1610 BrunelloBob
The kids supposed to be an idealized reflection of myself: pure, innocent, unabashed love of grapes!
hey Mobius ... WTF
2010‐12‐09 23:18:07
1611 NY Pete
2010‐12‐09 23:22:47
1612 NOTdylan
@BB re:WTSO. I bought some Cameron Hughes Chards from them. The first bottle I opened was clearly corked. I zapped off an e‐mail that I was concerned about the other 3 bottles. Within 1/2 an hour, I received a reply that the charge was being removed from my credit card ‐ with no questions asked about the other 3 bottles (1 was I will say "flawed," the other 2 were fine). Never had a bad time with them.
2010‐12‐09 23:24:43
1613 BuffaloLou
@BBob ‐ re: "Hey: You, LS, and your 4 cups puttin’ out a calendar this year? Can I get in?" You lost me...
108 of 958
2010‐12‐09 23:31:19
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1614 BrunelloBob
1615 David T
Gotta say, I gave you up for lost! Good to hear from you and glad to see you back in the game!
I've got no reason to doubt WTSO. I buy from them with some regularity and, other than some Bizarre shipping schedules, I've got no complaints. I've heard a couple of tales similar to yours, and my impression is that, while a bit slow, their hearts are in the right place. First I've heard of a screw up like this, though. It could have some "breadth" to it too, so I'm interested to see what comes of it. They could hide behind "sorry, it's illegal" and do nothing, but that would be disappointing and a bit of a PR disaster. They aren't doing that, but this trick is to come up with some offer that a majority of the ""victims"" would consider useful...
2010‐12‐09 23:33:26
I'm just going to throw this out there and see what folks have to say, because I think it could generate some interesting discussion. I'm posting a thread over at wltv just to see what folks there have to say about it, because it kind of stumps me.
I just headed over to just out of sheer curiosity to see what he has on his site. It's free in beta form for the next few days, but I had to laugh what I saw when he was charging for his content‐‐ $15/month or $143.90/year!!! ARE YOU KIDDING?!? I know the guy has to make a buck now that this is his only gig, but that's just for access to some videos, a blog, and some tasting notes. As a comparison, it's $50/year to access Spectator's online premium content (including electronic versions of the magazine archives), $95/year to get both an electronic IWC subscription &amp; online access, and $12/month or $99/year to E‐Bob. And free to all of GaryVee's content. What on earth does Suckling think he's contributed or contributing to the wine world that makes his content worth 50% more than anyone else's, especially when they're paying a whole team of people and his appears to be just himself, a cameraman, and a website admin? I've seen many of his WS vids &amp; he seems to be very good in front of the camera with good interview skills, though his scores tend to be a bit high (he says 2010‐12‐09 23:36:27
1621 A Frayed Knot
@Lou: "If Landshark was a Bra model – I don’t think so… I have larger cups than he does… LOL!"
Sorry if I offend (somehow I doubt that, you seem to have pretty thick skin :) ), but I thought I was being funny. Then again I'm drinking...Robert Sinsky's merlot and I are havin' a little party for ourselves in preparation for tomorrow's all day Christmas shopping Not funny if no one gets the joke...
@BB Thanks for the welcome. To paraphrase the guy who really is Dylan, "I was lost, then I was found, now I'll just be ramblin' around..." Cheers.
DT: You hit it on the head when you talk about how he "appears to be just himself". At least Parkers got Galloni in his stable (ignoring jay Miller for the moment...) :)
OK, I hung 'till midnight, I've seen the WTSO banner offer (has there Ever been a Good Banner offer? Anywhere?), the Sinskey is done, I'm starting to talk to myself....
As Babcia would say, time to go spać....
Peace, anyone that's left, I'm out.
@BBob ‐ no offense taken... I was joking, too!
Bro or Manssiere? Landshark? BuffaloLou? Discuss;feature=related
1622 brooks
Coming soon to this have asked and we will deliver...!
Wines sold below cost until they sell out...we will make it up on volume
Custom Bro fittings for men who don't enjoy hearing "That must be jello cause jam don't shake"
Welcome to TH post cards for new members with Scratch and Sniff .....that comes on the card....gentlemen please do not adjust yourself
The new and improved "Binford 2000 I am posting and I can't stop".....this has been both UL and BuffLou tested ;)
That best seller...Mobius...The Man...The Myth...and Dreams of Sugar Plums with Drums...Keith Moon may be dead Forward by Brunello Bob (who is not dead......just yet)
2010‐12‐10 00:55:33
1616 BrunelloBob
1617 NOTdylan
1618 BrunelloBob
1619 BrunelloBob
1620 BuffaloLou
109 of 958
2010‐12‐09 23:37:33
2010‐12‐09 23:40:48
2010‐12‐09 23:47:36
2010‐12‐10 00:06:28
2010‐12‐10 00:07:36
2010‐12‐10 00:29:58
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1623 BaroloDude
just to add to the Entwhistle discussion, what was so unique about him was that he effectively took a "lead" guitar role in many songs (with his bass). Townsend was never a real "lead guitarist" (NTTAWWT) , in fact Jimmy Page did session work on their first hit "I Can't Explain" before JP joined the Yardbirds. THis allowed Entwhistle to play far flashier than most bassists, as there was no flashy guitar to step on. Best example is the first song on Quadrophenia, "The Real Me". Townsend is effectively the engine room of the song, a role typically held by the bass and drum in rock and roll, while Entwhistle (and Moon) just jam and go all over the place, but the song holds together beautifully because Townsend stays in his role and provides a great foundation for them to jump off of. Entwhistle and Moon rarely repeat themselves from bar to bar, from verse to verse, its an incredible piece of music as a result. CHeers.
2010‐12‐10 02:38:12
Morning world. I like all the music chatter from last night, but I will need to spend the next few weeks in deep contemplation or/and therapy after reading Brunello Bob's soul‐ripping statement:
"The bass isn’t usually an instrument that makes that much of a difference"
1624 Johnny C
1625 BrunelloBob
1626 Phredd
Resuming my trudge through ignominy ‐ JC
JC: Play it like The Ox and you, too, can be Famous!
BDude: Great post. I've got less than zero musical talent (failed mandatory glee club tryouts 5 years in a row in grammar school, teacher thought I was doing it on purpose), so I could never come up with that analysis. I Can See for Miles now, though...
JC and BDude: a pretty good start for the Trembling Hills Band. Do we have a drummer??? AFK to manage.
I get 15%
I'm a timpanist, does that count?
2010‐12‐10 08:01:15
2010‐12‐10 08:26:38
2010‐12‐10 08:52:57
Wow, it appears the glory days have returned. I checked in briefly around 10:00 last night before heading to bed, but as was the case on the old Cindy forum, that was about the time the best discussion began. The back and forth on Entwistle was fascinating to read. That conversation would have never been allowed on the wltv forum, unless you took it off the Cindy forum and started it in one of those other random forums they have over there. That's why I came over here. The people whose posts I like reading are all here, and I can get them all in one spot. Thanks again AFK for making this possible.
1627 SCKen
1628 vinmoet
1629 vinmoet
1630 luddite
1631 vinmoet
1632 vinmoet
1633 BuffaloLou
1634 BuffaloLou
1635 BuffaloLou
On to wine. Any comments on the WTSO offer? Seems like a great deal, but I don't know the wine and I am always suspect of JN ratings.
2010‐12‐10 08:58:43
I am wondering about the WTSO offer. Read up on the producer, like the vintage, like the area, know nothing about the wine. Jancis Robinson says that 4 out of 5 burgundies disappoint but the 5th one makes it all worth while. That's been my experience and I'm not so sure I want to shell out 60 bones without a BH review. A different importer gave his view on it at but they are all in the business of selling. Any burghounds out there want to give us advice?
2010‐12‐10 09:26:26
The '05 Cos on Last Call is an OK deal. Not a barnburner price, but a very good one on a rock star wine that will be harder and harder to get. Am tempted...
2010‐12‐10 09:29:35
For those that don't always get WL emails, 180 wines on FS until 11:45 AM Eastern.
Want to pull the trigger on WTSO but am holding back. Found it elsewhere where nobody is bidding on it...makes you wonder if the burg experts haven't touched it at 35 bones: . If someone knows something, pass it along.
Just realized that my prior bid link is to the winemaker's wine from another bad. Sorry for the confusion. Politely ignore and move on.
Where is TonyO? I'm witnessing a lot of apologizing! Isn't that still banned?
BTW, Goodmorning, all!
@BBob ‐ I too, have no musical abilities, with the exception of turning on the sound system...
@Brooks ‐ Where and when can I get my Binford 2000? Have to get one of those babies!
110 of 958
2010‐12‐10 09:35:56
2010‐12‐10 09:38:51
2010‐12‐10 09:47:03
2010‐12‐10 10:31:50
2010‐12‐10 10:35:20
2010‐12‐10 10:38:59
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
Prof holiday shipping for mother‐in‐laws included?...also I know you don't live there but I have biz trip to Columbus, OHIO this Mon/Tues...looking very forward to visit...fav eating place suggestions? ^
SCKen....yes agree like old times but we have some new additions and reconnections which is very nice...
1636 Brooks
1637 Brooks
1638 BuffaloLou
I got "invite" to a neighborhood poker game tonight...mmm...who do I make the check out to???....Havens 2004 Syrah Hudson...Havens 2002 Syrah (base model)... and and Lot 200...obtw...Prof amazing...I got just two Lot 200s with free shipping...had to order 12 bottles of Lot 179 375ml at like $6 bucks/each and "order" 10 free gift bags...tee hee to get to 24 items for free shipping on 24 items...
2010‐12‐10 10:44:37
Hey BuffLou...
2010‐12‐10 10:45:38
@AFK ‐ re: Bro or Manssiere? The Mrs tells me all the time how uncomfortable it is to wear one, so why should we even go down that path? No, in fact, I think we should abolish the brassiere to make things fair... :snicker: :snicker:
2010‐12‐10 10:49:14
@Brooks: How's it going my friend? Nice job on the FS! Clever fellow! Let us know what you think of the Lot 200!
1639 BuffaloLou
If you're going to Columbus, not sure how you're getting there, but maybe you and David T can meet... He's in Cleveland
2010‐12‐10 10:52:54
@BLou~ I know the refresh rate is still a little slow here.....working on that. That being should see what happens when you post too fast at the Hills. Did it just for you!!!
@SCKen~ Thanks........didn't really think this would work.....Glad it has!
1640 A Frayed Knot
1641 BuffaloLou
1642 BaroloDude
1643 luddite
@Brooks~ Know when to hold'em.....know when to fold'em....know when to walk away........know when to run!!!! 2010‐12‐10 10:53:33
@AFK ‐ refresh rate isn't that bad. What I do like is when I'm responding/posting, but I am NOT on page 1, it keeps me on the page I'm reading. Over at the forum it brings me to the current page and I have to go back and find where I was. Very inconvenient!
2010‐12‐10 11:13:58
one of this weeks "golden deals" will be an 'ultimate three pack, enuff said' and will be extremely limited. We shall see. Will it be the oft dreamed of Piemontese three pack?
@ Phredd... i cannot believe you just insulted the fine Timpani race of people by dragging their name into the forum in such a way. You truly are a Timpani Racist, or a Timpanist! ;‐) If the TH Band ever play the Olympic theme, we will need your services.
@Brooks: Haven't been to Columbus in quite some time. But our favorite place used to be:
Schmidt's Sausage Haus
240 E Kossuth St
Columbus, OH 43206
Neighborhood: German Village
(614) 444‐6808 .
Check with @David T to see if it's still open/worth going to.
2010‐12‐10 11:34:20
2010‐12‐10 11:41:28
@BuffLou: Oh, like Santa, I am here and I see all. Let me just say, Santa's got a brand new bag and it is full of a$$ kickings. If this plethora (there's a word you don't hear enough) of apologies does not cease, I'll be firing up the sleigh (domestically made I might add) and coming done yur chimney blasting "Screaming for Vengeance" by Judas Priest while I yell "Who's sorry now ^^#&amp;*^*&amp; %$&amp;*&amp;*&amp; !!!!!"
1644 TonyO
1646 BuffaloLou
1647 Brooks
Please hold the milk and cookies in favor of a a freshly baked baguette, some nice olives, goat cheese, and a big glass of Zinfandel ! To all a good night indeed................
@Tony O ‐ If Santa was given a big glass of Zinfandel at every house, he'd be pretty schnockered by morning!
Sorry typo lot 175 375ml merlot below....
111 of 958
2010‐12‐10 11:46:49
2010‐12‐10 11:57:34
2010‐12‐10 12:14:46
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1648 BrunelloBob
1649 BrunelloBob
1650 Hinrgman
1651 Phredd
1652 SCKen
"timpanist"? I hafta look that up....Is that like a tamborine?
Is there one on “Screaming for Vengeance” by Judas Priest ???
I think you have to be a hot chick to play the tamborine; not sure Phredd qualifies....but I definately think the band should have one!
2010‐12‐10 12:58:56
OH,a Timpanist plays the kettle drums!
I Like it! The Trembling Hills Rock and Marching Band, featuring_______on tamborine!
Fill in the blank. Volunteers please provide photo :)
2010‐12‐10 13:11:04
@Brooks ‐ I opened one of those 375ml last night and I had to open a second one. It was soooo good I couldn't stop at just 1.
2010‐12‐10 13:23:50
@BDude: I used to be a Timpani Racist, but I've given it up now that I'm middle‐aged. Timpani Racing is for the young and reckless.
2010‐12‐10 13:24:45
Hinrgman ‐ Glad to hear the Lot 175 is good. I picked up 6 of those 375's myself to help reach the FS min. Anyone tried that $50 Hughes Wellman Cab? I'm considering order that CH sampler pack that contains 3 bottles of it along with 3 of the Lot 200. The CH sample packs appear to be pretty good deals as it basically just works out to be FS on 6 bottles instead of 24.
2010‐12‐10 14:02:01
Lagos, Nigeria
In the hills above Lagos
opening shot:
barefoot Trembling Villagers playing spin the wine bottle
cut to exterior of ramshackle recording studio
Dissolve to
Studio Engineer booth
Pull back and reveal smokenmirrors:
smokenmirrors: feet up on console (with alook of annoyance) gazing through the glass
soft reflected focus into studio where
Paul McCastello, Linda and Mobius McLaine sit in a haze of ganja
smokenmirrors: yo McCastello put down the the hookah and start singing
Paul McCastello: you're a slave driver smoke, you make George Martin look like Phil Oxera
Linda: Why didnt John R McCullough make the trip ?
Mobius McLaine: He had to supervise a detention at school
1653 smokenmirrors
1654 A Frayed Knot
1655 smokenmirrors
1656 BrunelloBob
1657 smokenmirrors
1658 Mobius
Linda : oh
Ah........a new knight at the wine table..........Sir Smokenmirrors!!
heads up on the wtso offer
Robert Storey Cellars Napa Valley Chardonnay 2008
an exceptional qpr @ 14.00
THAT'S how we do it S‐n‐M!
Thats how I have been rolling for years...
BRAVO! SirSmoke
112 of 958
2010‐12‐10 14:04:39
2010‐12‐10 14:13:38
2010‐12‐10 14:22:55
2010‐12‐10 14:24:52
2010‐12‐10 14:28:50
2010‐12‐10 14:30:08
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
Woot has Red Zeppelin Winery Black Zeppelin ‐ 2 Pack for $45, $5 shipping. This is 100% Petite Sirah. I like Red Zep wines. Winery price is $42, each!
2009 Black Zeppelin, Monterey
100% Petite Sirah; 90% Monterey, 10% Brady Vineyard, Paso Robles
14.5% alcohol, pH 3.68, R.S. .04%, 253 cases bottled
California suggested retail price, $42
1661 Hinrgman
From the winery:
"A new varietal of flagship wine, nine barrels of this Black Zeppelin were made from a vineyard of clone 3 Petite Sirah in the Hames Valley in southwestern Monterey County, and was blended with a single barrel from the Brady Vineyard in Paso Robles. The Hames Valley is normally one of the warmer sub‐appellations of Monterey; however the 2009 vintage was cooler, enabling the fruit to keep more of its blackberry and plum flavors. The Brady wine added structure and a different type of oak flavor; the finished wine shows dark fruit, pepper and spices, and a variety of oak and cedar flavors that contribute to the structure and long finish. We expect to win a bunch of awards for this wine. After it’s all gone, of course."
@SNM: Always room for another Bard in the TH, well done!
That's what is nice about this place. It aint just wine!!
SnM nice lyrics
1662 BrunelloBob
BLou, I know you're da man on P.S.‐‐how much age do these baloon‐thingys need? pretty recent vintage...
1659 BuffaloLou
1660 luddite
2010‐12‐10 14:47:48
2010‐12‐10 14:53:30
2010‐12‐10 14:59:28
2010‐12‐10 15:16:57
@BBob ‐ Most are big and benefit with some cellaring. Few are ready to drink upon release. Haven't had one in years, but Peach Canyon used to make a basic bottling that sold, on sale, for $8.88/btl. That was buy, pop, and pour. Simple, one dimensional, PS. Same with Concannon's PS. I'm sure other inexpensive examples are the same. With the rest, you will be rewarded for your patience, like Bdx, big Cali Cab, etc. (Just not the same... ) Many believe that PS goes through a 'dumb phase' about 4‐5‐6 years out. So my rec is to drink within 3 years, or let it age a bit. You may (will... ) need to decant for a bit, but they're nice. At this price, it's a perfect opportunity for someone to pick up 2 nice bottles for $50, with shipping. (essentially a 2‐fer; from the winery, $42 each, plus shipping, will be $100.)
1663 BuffaloLou
1664 BuffaloLou
1665 SCKen
1666 BrunelloBob
1667 Hinrgman
1668 David T
1669 David T
1670 BrunelloBob
1671 Brooks
1672 SCKen
1673 BuffaloLou
I've had Red Zep wines. In fact, I found a couple of cases of mixed bottlings in the cellar when I moved it. They were from back in my winex club days.
@SnM ‐ AWESOME! I always loved that song! Nice play!
Nice job SnM! Once again I humbled and amazed by the creative minds on the forum.
Why does every Christmas present that I wrap look like it was done by a four year old?
Do the rest of you have 6 fingers? Because today I counted, and I clearly have 6 fingers on my left hand...
@BrunelloBob ‐ I just finished reading this article;hp
2010‐12‐10 15:32:38
2010‐12‐10 15:35:39
2010‐12‐10 16:44:43
2010‐12‐10 16:47:10
2010‐12‐10 17:01:29
I concur with Luddite, Schmidts is very good. Another nice dinner option is and just a couple miles from their Gahanna location is Wyandotte Winery ( No food there, but amazing people (had my rehearsal dinner there); the wines won't blow your mind but are some of the better I've had from Ohio wineries. I wish I could head down but I work Monday/Tuesday... I lived in Columbus the first 24 years of my life &amp; my parents are still there.
2010‐12‐10 17:28:35
PS Luddite, just curious as to your Ohio connection? I admire your Brutus.
2010‐12‐10 17:29:46
But H‐Man, I don't have any sisters!
2010‐12‐10 17:35:50
smokenmirrors ...welcome to the asylum!!! I see you have already broken into the happy juice...Let the good times roll.......
B squared I do not mean to pry, but you don't by any chance happen to have six fingers on your right hand? or is it your left hand?
Dave T and Luddite...thank you Schmidts is a must!!!
2010‐12‐10 17:41:39
DavidT ‐ What part of Columbus are you from? Not that I know it well, but my wife is an Upper Arlington girl. She spent her entire life there until leaving for college only never to return. She lived close to Scioto, which is one of my favorite golf courses anywhere.
2010‐12‐10 17:42:09
@BBob: 6 fingers? No. Two thumbs per hand? Yes. LOL!
2010‐12‐10 18:05:01
113 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
"Once again I humbled and amazed by the creative minds on the forum." ‐SCKen
1675 BrunelloBob
I concur. I've been in awe with the talents of peeps in this forum. Kudos to you all! (As I've stated in the past, as an engineer, I'm happy I can construct sentences!)
Brooks: Just my left hand. Advice??
strange I never noticed it until now...
1676 luddite
@David T: Ohio native (well from age 6 through 30), worked in Cleveland, not an Ohio State graduate (Akron U), but always a big fan! Got engaged to my wife in Columbus on an OSU football weekend. Remember being angry with my brother for getting married on the day of the Michigan game! He still lives in Northern Ohio as did my parents before they passed away...
1674 BuffaloLou
1677 vinmoet
1678 vinmoet
In high school I worked as a stock boy for a large department store. Near Xmas they sent me to gift wrap to wrap presents during peak season. I received no training. I had never wrapped before. After 10 minutes of horror, I never wrapped again. I have preserved those same skills to date.
Luddite...its that time of year...check out the highlights my friend:‐
2010‐12‐10 18:21:25
2010‐12‐10 18:26:42
2010‐12‐10 18:40:51
2010‐12‐10 18:49:48
2010‐12‐10 18:53:16
@BuffaloLou, Re Red Zeppelin Wines:
The owner Stillman ( is quite a character to say the least! I have attached my latest email dated 11/23.
A new varietal for our flagship wine, nine barrels of the 2009 Black Zeppelin were made from a vineyard of clone 3 Petite Sirah in the Hames Valley in southwestern Monterey County, and was blended with a single barrel from the Brady Vineyard in Paso Robles. The Hames Valley is normally one of the warmer sub‐appellations of Monterey, but the 2009 vintage was cooler, enabling the fruit to keep more of its concentrated blackberry and plum flavors. The Brady wine added structure and a different type of oak flavor; the finished wine shows dark fruit, pepper and spices, and a variety of oak and cedar flavors that contribute to the structure and long finish. Like its predecessor, we expect to win a bunch of awards for this wine; after it’s all gone, of course. How does it compare to the previous, multi‐award winning Black Zeppelin? Well, the Highwood St. Drinking Society in Henderson, NV rated it better (6 out of 7 panelists, and the seventh had passed out on the couch.) I could express an opinion in agreement, but I'm the winemaker, and since I have to sell the swill there'd be a conflict of interest here. Which, by the way, I intend to help overcome with this:
California suggested retail price, $42/bottle
"Friends, Family, Fans and Stalkers" (that's you) price, $299 per case of 12, including shipping.
Let me know, and thanks!
@FF the Auslese won't arrive until the spring so it will have to wait for another event to be tried. Don't worry, there's plenty for you to choose from.
2010‐12‐10 18:59:48
2010‐12‐10 19:21:52
1682 David T
Amex has extended the Small Business Saturday promotion thru the end of the year. Once you register your card, spend $25 or more at a local business, and you will receive a $25 credit. Not a bad deal, go hit up the LWS..... here's the registration link
@SCKen Westerville. But I have spent plenty of time in UA!
@Brooks Do you always begin conversations this way?
1683 castello
I can see I'll have to learn to play bass with my left hand. Schmoke and mirrors, the band is back together!
2010‐12‐10 20:36:54
1684 BaroloDude
To all other giftwrap‐challenged folks, buy a nice gift bag, tape it shut, put a bow and tag on it... bobs your uncle. Less fun to open for the recipient, but if they complain then they don't deserve the gift in the first place... ;‐)
2010‐12‐10 20:50:45
1679 luddite
1680 Waiting in Manassas
1681 AccaDacca
1685 BuffaloLou
1686 SCKen
1687 BuffaloLou
2010‐12‐10 19:05:21
2010‐12‐10 20:28:10
Gift wrapping story: I'll keep it short. My parents, specifically my father, always took pride in his gift wrapping techniques. Over the years it developed into an obsession. He would buy ribbons, decorations, and widgits to decorate the gift. Each gift would take 20, 30 minutes, or more to decorate. They were works of art. for a while, I learned the 'art'. It was cool to see what you could do. Then, over the years, it just seemed to take forever. These days, I keep it simple, but I do miss the sight of all those beautifully wrapped gifts under the tree. One of these days, when I have more time...
2010‐12‐10 21:52:10
Disclosure ‐ CH Lot 193 ‐ formerly Havens Los Carneros Merlot. Part of the shipment I got in earlier this week. For $14, a very nice wine. Not overly complex, but silky smooth, and easy to drink. So much so that I may finish the bottle on my own tonight!
2010‐12‐10 21:58:05
@SCKen ‐ Nice job! I'm surprised it was smooth given it's so young...
2010‐12‐10 22:01:53
114 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1688 SCKen
1689 SCKen
1690 BuffaloLou
1691 luddite
1692 castello
1693 BuffaloLou
1694 Inigo Montoya
1695 castello
1696 castello
1697 BuffaloLou
1698 BuffaloLou
1699 Vezzini
1700 Inigo Montoya
1701 castello
1702 Fezzik
1703 castello
1704 A Frayed Knot
1705 BrunelloBob
1706 WineKnurd
1707 WineKnurd
1708 BaroloDude
1709 Johnny C
1710 Johnny C
1711 BaroloDude
True Romance starting on Encore. Written by Quintin Tarantino, and one of his best. Everything from how pretty Elvis was to what it means to be Sicilian. A true classic!
2010‐12‐10 22:09:35
BLou ‐ Yea, CH says it should be decanted for an hour, but I popped and poured. Been opened now for about 3 hours, and it has opened up some, but it was pretty good from the first glass. There are some tannins, but nothing harsh. It may get better in a year or two, but I wouldn't wait too long to consume.
2010‐12‐10 22:16:03
@SCKen – I have the 193 in Mags. I'm hoping it will last longer than a couple of years...
2010‐12‐10 22:44:48
Calling @BB: Uncork has the Fattoria dei Barbi Brunello di Montalcino DOCG 2004
(WS 93, WA90) for $37 with FS on 6. Not much of a price break as wine searcher shows it for $41, but what say you?
2010‐12‐11 00:46:49
@SC and BLou: What year is the merloww?
2010‐12‐11 00:55:44
Hey castello! Got derailed over on the other forum... Brooklyn Paul was posting a storm! Anyway in checking this for you, I see that I errored... I do not have the 193, rather the 198, 2007 Los Carneros, Napa Valley Meritage, aka, Haven's "B".
2010‐12‐11 01:08:40
@BrunelloBob~ HELLO, my name is Inigo Montoya..........You killed my father..............
.............................PREPARE TO DIE!
2010‐12‐11 01:12:30
BLou: Good help is hard to find around here. Disclosing Neyers 06 Cuvee d' Honneur Syrah from St Helena or it might be Chilean!? Pretty meaty and jammy. Maybe it'll show more later.
2010‐12‐11 01:13:12
That was almost an apology Buffalo!
2010‐12‐11 01:17:32
@ castello! No dear sir, it was an admonition of fault. No apology was ever rendered. ;)
2010‐12‐11 01:34:34
Damn, that was supposed to be "admission"!
2010‐12‐11 01:36:08
My dear Inigo, unfortunately you were bested by this silly man calling himself a pirate, wearing a black mask. He is exceptionally smart. Unfortunately for us he has also bested my giant, meaning he is exceptionally strong. Right now I'm about to drink some wonderful wine while he goes on and on about some poison he tried to do me in with that I cannot smell or taste, etc etc. I know he put the poison in my glass so while he was babbling on and on so in the meantime I distracted him and switched our glasses so he won't be a nuisance any longer. Although you failed me once, I should be able to use you on the rest of our task. I shall meet you in Florin so we can continue our plan with Prince Humperdinck. Haaahahahaha, hahahaa, ha.......
2010‐12‐11 01:38:01
@Vezzini ~ This place Trembling Hills looks a lot like that other place........
The Cliffs of Insanity!!!!
2010‐12‐11 01:46:13
Venzini: Are you Ron Howards brother?
2010‐12‐11 02:03:03
I don't even exercise!
2010‐12‐11 02:06:45
2010‐12‐11 02:18:21
Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!
2010‐12‐11 02:42:14
HELLO Inigo Montoya.
I'd be worried, but I'm already dead. Try to keep up,,, ;)
@ Ludds: sorry I missed your post. I saw the Barbi offer, now gone, and almost commented figuring someone would ask. One thing led to another...I would have grabbed a bottle or two myself, but didn't want six. Barbi is a respected old school producer. I normally wouldn't expect a fruit bomb, though the WS notes suggested good fruit and the 2004 Brunelli seem to be running that way. I last had the 1997 Barbi: earthy, suble fruit. I still have a bottle and am interested to see how it's developed over the last few years. If you really want it, as of yesterday, Wine Chateau (the Wine Library behind Uncorked) had it for a few dollars more and had some shipping deals going on. It was/is a good price for a good, respected Brunello from a good vintage.
(all this would have been more help 10 hours ago...)
2010‐12‐11 08:50:47
AFK‐ Love the SNOW!
2010‐12‐11 09:39:50
Does anyone on here subscribe to the "For the Love of Port"? Was thinking about it, mainly to get the review channel on CT, but wanted to see what you guys thought.
2010‐12‐11 09:41:06
never heard of For THe Love of Port. Sounds like a James Bond movie title.
Back on the old forum, someone mentioned a very expensive but fantastic wine publication (comes out quarterly?) and a great place to get a good price on it. Anyone?
2010‐12‐11 11:22:01
BDude ‐ that is World of Fine Wine ‐ a lot of good writing in that mag. Best price was a cellar‐tracker related link. I'll take a quick look...
2010‐12‐11 11:44:51
Here you go ‐ this is the best price you can get:;mag=QUARWFW&amp;cmp=CT2008
johnny C, many thanks, merky bucket, muchos garcias, veal and dank
115 of 958
2010‐12‐11 11:48:42
2010‐12‐11 12:09:07
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1712 David T
1713 Hinrgman
1714 BaroloDude
1715 vinmoet
1716 Johnny C
1717 A Frayed Knot
1718 Schmitty
@BDude I was the one who mentioned World of Fine Wine, it is a fantastic publication. Even though it only comes out quarterly, it takes me nearly that long to digest each issue. Each issue is 216 pages, about 50 of which are reviews, the rest content. Looking at the current issue, topics include Parker's changing influence, the emerging German grand cru system, Paso Robles, how the price of wine affects our perception, 2006 Bordeaux, 1997 vs 1998 Champagne, etc etc. A quick scan of the contributors includes Hugh Johnson, David Schildknecht, Jancis, Clive Coates, Neal Martin, and others. A quick scan shows 8 with the MW certification. I should also point out that each review is done by a panel of four tasters, each with their own notes and scores (using the 20‐point scale), so you really get a good feel for a wine as opposed to just one person's opinion, and many times the scores do vary between reviewers, just like one would see on CT. And JohnnyC is correct with that link being the best price to subscribe.
2010‐12‐11 12:14:57
Like the snow. It reminds me of western NY.
2010‐12‐11 12:42:44
thanks David T and JoC... i will be putting this on the list for Santa...
2010‐12‐11 12:58:53
I've got to echo that the World of Fine Wine truly is the finest wine publication in print. Its pricey but the quality is intense and if you compare that to what you spend on wine, its a no brainer. The price also reflects that its thick, heavy and shipped from England. Its the thinking person's wine magazine.
2010‐12‐11 13:35:06
[As vinmoet's comment causes all the WS and WE subscribers to begin questioning what kind of person they are...] :)
2010‐12‐11 13:42:06
Sounds like we need a permanent link for that!
2010‐12‐11 13:46:02
@AFK‐ you made me smile‐ the snow is a nice touch! I am sure we will see some soon...........
2010‐12‐11 13:56:29
1723 flyerfan
Sommelier's Journal and Wines &amp; Vines are twp pretty good magazines as well. Wines &amp; Vines is more technical but explains details about wine‐making and grape‐growing for those of a more technical nature. Its also US centric. Somm Journal is for novice and Mater Somm's alike. Its educational and serves to keep a Somm up to date on current wine and hospitality events.
2010‐12‐11 14:06:36
@AFK ‐ if you create an archive for the postings for November and each month after that this page would load or refresh quicker because it would reduce the size of the file.
Just a thought.
2010‐12‐11 14:26:08
be werry, werry qwiet!
2010‐12‐11 17:33:37
Hi all! Just catching up on the last couple days of posts........First, as to the Entwhistle discussion, he was simply awesome. I have to take up for bassists such as Johnny C......Bassists are the backbone of any and every song. I love when bassists play part of the melody.....simply awesome. A band without a bassist is like Abbott without Castello, Laurel without Hardy, Lucy without Ethel, Harry without David.........Get my drift?
...........When are tryouts for the Trembling Hills band? Played trumpet, then the bass drum, in marching band, all the while fitting in basketball and choir. I was a "singing‐band nerd‐jock" in high school. Please let me know where to submit resume' and dates for tryouts. I'll bring my basketball...........
SnM ‐ Loved your version of "Band on the Run". One of my favorite songs!! the way, I did pick up 6 of the '98 Storey Chard yesterday from 'TSO. Thought the price was too good to pass up!..............
BuffaloLou ‐ get to wrappin' the way your papa taught you. Enjoy the process, and the view, now. Before you know it, our time will be past. There is never as good a time as the present (pardon the pun), anyway!!............
Was very humbled and honored as I spent time today laying wreaths on the graves of our fallen heroes at Arlington National Cemetary, along with 7,000 other people including some of my JHU classmates and professors. Was honored to be able to go into the private quarters of and meet some of the Elite Guard who are charged with guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. They are truly a very special group of young men and women!!
AFK ‐ Thank you for the snow! Love the holiday touch!! Helps to make this place even a bit more special and 2010‐12‐11 18:20:45
2006 D‐Cubed Napa Valley Zin on 'TSO for $14 with FS on 4. Who's playin'?
2010‐12‐11 18:34:20
1724 Brooks
F D cubed 4 me....hope all is well...Great to hear the update...
Disclosure Havens Cabernet 2006 Napa Valley....11 bucks WTSO...back to proof reading college applications
OBTW Poker update from last night....$9.60 winnings....very nice evening..first time I played poker since guess they are getting ready to red spray paint 'AMF" on my white shirt ;)
1719 WineKnurd
1720 Hinrgman
1721 BrunelloBob
1722 flyerfan
1725 castello
1726 Miso Horni
Can we get the World of fine wine online? I guess I could googlize it. Maybe Bdude and I could go halvsies on a script. WS is overrated! I still get Wine and Spirits mag and it's ok but not going to re‐enlist.
FF: You are correct, I haven't had any luck getting lucky without Abbott. If you bring the Bball I'll bring my old Bose replica speakers so we can drown out the tympani?
What is this place ?
116 of 958
2010‐12‐11 18:42:07
2010‐12‐11 19:32:06
2010‐12‐11 21:35:03
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1727 smokenmirrors
1728 luddite
1729 Mobius
1730 David T
1731 BeachBoy
1732 Mobius
1733 Mobius
1734 WineKnurd
1735 BURGHen Boy
1736 WineKnurd
1737 WineKnurd
1738 WineKnurd
1740 WineKnurd
1741 WineKnurd
1742 WineKnurd
1743 Hinrgman
1744 BrunelloBob
1745 AccaDacca
1746 AccaDacca
1747 BrunelloBob
Big Big ups to Flyerfan! Your volunteering in Arlington today is one of the most meaningful things that anyone could do during the holiday season.
If you liked my Band on the Run watch SNL tonight and watch the real Sir Paul perform it live (along with Jet, A Day in the Life / Give Peace a Chance)
2010‐12‐11 21:43:39
Props to @DavidT for original posting of the deal on World of Fine Wine. Got the 8 for $179. Enjoying the current issue!
@BB no worries. Taking into consideration that you are mort a response, coming from the netherworld, is bound to take longer..
2010‐12‐11 22:32:57
With your indulgence as wish you a peaceful night.;feature=related‐‐D0SpiGqqo
"Yes dear I'm listening to Eno. Yes dear I'll turn it down a bit"
2010‐12‐11 23:11:27
I just got back from a LWS tasting. Overall the lineup the store set up was from the Writer's Block wines, but another regular brought a magnum of the Frank Family 04 CS Reserve from his cellar to finish things off with . Great way to end the evening :)
2010‐12‐11 23:36:10
Sir Paul is a liberal nut!
2010‐12‐12 00:22:25
Hey Roxy come here and read this......So what do you think?.... Not much? Well... OK.... But in your your opinion which is the best nut, liberal, conservative or North Carolina?
Good Night you beautiful liberal nut.
2010‐12‐12 00:51:23
And of course good night to OBX
2010‐12‐12 01:07:55
quick to judge
quick to anger
slow to understand
2010‐12‐12 01:23:35
Sounds like a Witch Hunt Knurd
2010‐12‐12 01:54:44
well played Burghen!
2010‐12‐12 02:00:43
Has anyone yet had the CH lot 169 aka Havens Merlot? ~11$ / bottle; ok, very oaky. Thoughts?
2010‐12‐12 02:06:38
@ Mobuis‐ what know ye of fair North Carolina? Mayhaps you will be traveling this way come Dec 17th?
2007 Oreno $53 / bottle @ Uncork Deals, FS on a case
Sorry, free shipping on 6, but you can only buy in 6's / cases
2010‐12‐12 02:15:30
I see there are 4 visitors online. Come on guys don't make me feel like BLou posting to myself :)
You don't want to buy 6?
2010‐12‐12 10:17:55
Uncorkdeals is a Wine Chateau front. The Tenuta Sette Ponti Oreno 2007 is $54.97 through the Chateau and they've got a deal with $14.97 shipping for your entire order. So, if you don't want 6 of the Oreno, buy it through Wine Chateau, buy a few bottles of something else to average down the shipping costs, and Voila!
uncorked had the same oreno deal at the very beginning. i bought some then, split w/some friends. service was sharp and wine came quickly.
WL just sent out a free shipping/lower px offer for 24hrs on 4 wines:
07 Lesec Bargeton CdP $51.99
04 Hunt Cellars Cab $23.88
06 Balthus La Reserve $69.99
06 Haut Brisson La Reserve $41.99
I've seen (and grabbed a few) some real good deals from Uncork'd. They'ed thrown out some great deals on daily drinkers‐‐stuff cheap enough that I don't mind buying 6.
117 of 958
2010‐12‐12 09:23:23
2010‐12‐12 09:24:32
2010‐12‐12 10:22:36
2010‐12‐12 10:52:01
2010‐12‐12 12:03:14
2010‐12‐12 12:17:36
2010‐12‐12 12:17:47
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1748 Brooks
1749 BaroloDude
1750 WineKnurd
1751 Nursing a Hangover
1753 TonyO
1754 WineKnurd
1755 Hinrgman
1756 WineKnurd
1757 WineKnurd
1758 BuffaloLou
1759 BuffaloLou
@ siberian husky training
Please do not open link til monday....Thank you
PS...Have a nice day ....while you spam some where this what GV was talking about...AFK..please share email address so we can sign this spammer up for
Road Kill Weekly
Coupons..Coupons and more coupons
Capital One credit card offers
Wine Library banner emails
Rachael Rae and Wendy Williams show(s) special email lists
Wow...remember when "avg1" was posting on CW with Wine Woot as their website....when I challenge him, I was accused of "being strange" by him...mmmm...i guess we can find that spammer in the "where are they now" list
2010‐12‐12 12:54:19
theory... Brett Favre collapsed the metrodome roof so that he could stall for time and get better before his next start...? (or are the vikes on the road)... TonyO?
2010‐12‐12 14:51:37
@ BDude, got to keep that streak alive by any means necessary...
2010‐12‐12 14:53:09
05 Havens Merlot Napa
Let's hope it's good. CT notes are poor for 2010 drinking.
2010‐12‐12 15:53:18
@BaroloDude: The Vikings are home, and what a mess...........glad when did not pick this game to travel to...........will be interesting to see if Favre plays............Bears/Patriots game is going to be interesting....
2010‐12‐12 16:25:10
@ Nursing, just had the CH Lot 169, which I believe was the 2007 Havens Merlot. I didn't enjoy it at all, and I do not have any hope for the 05.
2010‐12‐12 16:46:05
@WineKnurd ‐ is the '05 from Carneros also?
2010‐12‐12 16:56:24
I am not sure where the 05 or 07 fruit is from other than Napa.
2010‐12‐12 17:11:50
My 9ers are killing the Seahawks! BDude are you watching the massacre?
2010‐12‐12 17:35:53
I like the snow, too! Guess I don't have much choice! LOL!
2010‐12‐12 17:39:34
Sir M ‐ Nice selection! T Y for the rec!
Personally, I like cashews and pecans. They're my fav nuts!
@everyone.... 05 Havens Merlot Napa
2010‐12‐12 17:43:30
P&amp;P Nose‐ BRETT with mild camphor
After vigorously swirling...still the same nose
Mouth had good tannin and acid structure but NO fruit.
The bottle is open on the counter...I will revist later and post
1760 Nursing A Hangover
1761 luddite
1762 Nursing a Hangover
Doesn't look good!!!
Good Sunday evening fellow inmates are you ready some ... resistance?
follow up on the 05 Havens Merlot...
2010‐12‐12 18:05:40
2010‐12‐12 19:04:07
118 of 958
2010‐12‐12 18:57:45
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
Knurd ‐ What did you not like about the CH Lot 169? I had the 193 on Friday night and enjoyed it. Don't think I have tried the 169. I have 6 of the 375 ml Lot 175 and if they are as good as the 193, I'll be fine with that.
1763 SCKen
Nursing ‐ The Lot 179 (Havens B&amp;B) had a very similar nose. I did not like the wine 1st night it was open, but it improved greatly the 2nd night. Maybe the Merlot will do the same.
2010‐12‐12 19:10:49
I normally do not like posting notes where I pan a wine so that A) I do not influence others opinions, and B) I am not publicly slamming the efforts of someone's profession, but I will make an exception in this case:
1764 WineKnurd
1765 TonyO
Drank over two days. Artificial candied red fruit on the nose, tons of oak and flabby, palate is dead by the second day. Overall wasn't very impressed with this wine. Tastes manipulated and artificial. Average at best, overall rating C.
@NAH: that just may be the worst music video I have ever viewed (unless it got better after the first 11 seconds I watched). Actually, it is a draw with "I Ran" by Flock of Seagulls............................
@ Knurd...are those notes for the 07 169?? 2010‐12‐12 19:20:37
2010‐12‐12 19:22:55
@TonyO..LOL. I just wanted a video with "tainted" in the song. It was either that video or the remake of same song by Marilyn
1766 Nursing a Hangover
1767 SCKen
1768 luddite
1769 BrunelloBob
1770 TonyO
1771 BuffaloLou
1772 BrunelloBob
1773 luddite
@Ken I hope so. I recorked it and will try it tomorrow. fingers crossed
Knurd ‐ I may actually like the 169. If I'm looking for an inexpensive bottle to drink w/o food, I generally prefer that flavor profile. The oak and candied fruit help hide the flaws that you are almost certain to have in a sub $15 btl and make the wine easy to drink.
On invino:
2007 Konzelmann Medium Dry Riesling Niagra Peninsula
@BLou, this is your neighborhood any insight?
T.O. : I'm going bald and was going to get a "Flock of Seagulls" wig for Christmas.
Do I surmise that you advise against it ??
2010‐12‐12 19:27:39
@BB: just make sure you complete the look with some parachute pants and maybe a WHAM ! t‐shirt...............
@luddite ‐ Never had any of Konzelmann's wines. I've heard of them, but never tried. The Niagara area does a good job, overall, with Riesling.
Call me an "elitist", but I'm highly sceptical about any red coming out of the Northeast Us. Riesling: yes, Chardonnay maybe. I just don't see the terroir for red, even merlot.
SNF QOTD: "He's been a rock star and he's been at the bottom of the bird cage."
2010‐12‐12 20:41:52
2010‐12‐12 19:58:19
2010‐12‐12 20:16:03
2010‐12‐12 20:18:19
2010‐12‐12 20:42:41
2010‐12‐12 21:27:49
2010‐12‐12 21:36:49
@ Nursing‐ yes those TN's were for the 2007 CH lot 179
1774 WineKnurd
1775 WineBabyWine
1776 BaroloDude
1777 BaroloDude
1778 WineKnurd
1783 WineKnurd
1784 luddite
1785 vinmoet
1786 luddite
@ SCKen‐ I generally find that the high oak candied style doesn't work well with food at all for my palate. I paid about $10/bottle for the 169 and have 2 bottles left. If you want to trade on Friday feel free to bring me a bottle ~20 bones in value and you can be the proud owner of lot 169 twins :)
Hi Inmates! Just wanted to jump on to wish WIM a very happy Birthday! You'll need to post what wine went well with your birthday Girlfriend! Now to sleep for me!
2010‐12‐12 22:04:10
2010‐12‐12 22:50:19
the ONLY amusing bit of the Flock of Seagulls video I Ran , if you look closely, you will see the camera and tripod ‐‐ covered in tin foil‐like material in a lame attempt to camouflage it ‐‐ in the mirrors behind the musicians... yikes. 2010‐12‐12 23:12:41
see it for yourself... i would apologize for even posting this link, but rules are rules.
2010‐12‐12 23:14:40
I didn't know it was your birthday WIM! Happy 21st :)
2010‐12‐13 07:23:40
Just posted TN's for the 1996 Burgess Cab. It was a library release; offered for $25 on WTSO back in the spring. The good ol' days, back when CA wines were under 14% abv :)
2010‐12‐13 08:27:17
2010‐12‐13 08:44:18
WTSO CDP deal looks pretty tempting. Anyone familiar with the 07 Domaine du
Grand Tinel? Have a good inventory of 07 CDP but at this price could be a nice frequent drinker...
@vinmoet: Bought the Grand Tinel from WTSO in June for $2 more than now. Haven't popped it yet, and it's a little early in the day even for me ;‐)
119 of 958
2010‐12‐13 09:01:46
2010‐12‐13 09:15:05
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1803 Hinrgman
@Vinmoet &amp; Luddite‐ I think that 07 CdP from WTSO has been on a few times. I have never had it, but it looks like WTSO's version of the "La Reserve", a wine they are trying to move thier total inventory of. Maybe its a good value though?
2010‐12‐13 10:00:05
@Knurd: WTSO has offered 3 versions of the '07 Grand Tinel. The basic, the Alexis Establet, and the Heres and yes several times each.
2010‐12‐13 10:11:40
I bought the WTSO offer. Had an 07 CdP at a restaurant last week and it was terriffc. Thought the price was too good to pass on.
2010‐12‐13 10:33:01
Any thoughts on the Cindy nooner? I know they have offered these in the past, but this seems like a good deal. I just don't think I can afford anymore high end wine right now.
2010‐12‐13 12:07:23
Happy B‐day WiM!
2010‐12‐13 12:09:30
Anyone have any comments on today's nooner?
2010‐12‐13 12:11:18
I'll keep them for at least 5 years.
2010‐12‐13 12:17:47
1804 joe g
wtso is offering repeats, uncorked has a $456 free ship buy in... must only be a problem when cindy does it :)
2010‐12‐13 12:29:53
1807 johnr
Damn Joe, And you said that you weren't coming here to start trouble??? Oh well, that ends that.
WTSO repeats are never priced higher than their original offer. Quite often they are priced lower. That's fine with me.
2010‐12‐13 12:40:50
1792 WineKnurd
1793 luddite
1794 sydu
1800 SCKen
1801 BuffaloLou
1802 BuffaloLou
1811 Hinrgman
1812 WineKnurd
1813 joe g
1814 WineKnurd
1815 luddite
1818 WineKnurd
1819 luddite
1820 luddite
1821 TonyO
1824 WineKnurd
1830 vinmoet
1834 WineKnurd
1836 castello
1838 BrunelloBob
1842 luddite
1851 WineKnurd
1853 BrunelloBob
1856 Hinrgman
2010‐12‐13 13:03:59
Repeats are fine. I think CW's problem as compared to WTSO is that they A) gave us a message board and asked for feedback and B) they came right out and said it would be higher (which goes back to A). If WTSO can't move it at $25 the first time, next time its at $23. No real problem there. Its not that its wrong when CW does a repeat, they just gave us a forum for feedback.
2010‐12‐13 13:28:14
sorry guys.. it was a joke, i had hoped the smiley emoticon took care of that..
2010‐12‐13 13:31:57
Hey Joe no offense taken. I just think it backfired for CW because they gave a forum for feedback. We all look at WTSO offers and mumble to ourselves; then move on about our day. We don't post about how awful thier wines are; just the good ones.
2010‐12‐13 13:49:58
Lunch and wine swap with @WIM and yes I did take 4 Prisoners! Now I'm all set for the holidays, nice...
Luddite I though the saying went "take no Prisoners"...
@Knrud: Now that would have been foolish...
So CW 2 pack costs $6 more than previously offered individually ($38.88 + $44.99). Easy pass.
2010‐12‐13 14:01:04
2010‐12‐13 14:03:21
2010‐12‐13 14:05:04
2010‐12‐13 14:13:37
@SNF: the apology ban could almost be lifted in all things related to Flock of Seagulls....simply terrifying in every way..........if I owned that record I would kick my own a$$...........As a side note, how do you folks attach the videos ?
After Soft Cell and Flock, I think we may need to have something hand selected by TonyO to regain some degree of musical integrity ....................
2010‐12‐13 14:26:54
@Luddite what vintage Prisoner did you get?
2010‐12‐13 14:41:55
OK, you guys have permission to hate me, but Wednesday we leave for our Spain/France trip and I can't wait to get out of here. Have finalized the various stops and came up with this one: http://www.hotel‐ There is a famous apple tart in France known as the tart tatin. Kind of an upside down apple tart heavy on fruit, sugar and butter. This is the location where it was first made and we will be driving through the area so I plan on staying at the mom and pop style hotel and eating there. This is in Loire country. The trivia question (which I do not know the answer to and have yet to research) is what will they serve to drink with the tart tatin given that its Loire country?
2010‐12‐13 16:18:32
@Vinmoet‐ They make a sweeter style Sancerre vinfied to leave residual suagr, possibly some noble rot as well depending on the vintage (Sancerre is made with Sav Blanc for those not in the know). My guess is a dessert style Sav Blanc; they grow Sav Blanc in most areas of the Loire around Tours and Anjou as well (not sure if you will be in Sancerre or not).
2010‐12‐13 16:32:38
@Vinmoet: I'm thinking extra rich fresh milk right out of the udder.
2010‐12‐13 17:07:50
Ha Ha!
He said "udder" !
2010‐12‐13 17:23:41
@Knurd: I received the '09 Prisoner but had to release Chad and Loring in exchange. I believe @David T's are still being held for ransom...
2010‐12‐13 18:11:05
@Vinmoet, lets not forget a demi sec Vouvray, already full of apple flavor would have to pair well with the tart!
udderly underbelievable!
Is anyone going to the Wine Chateau for the Banfi tasting on Wednesday?
120 of 958
2010‐12‐13 19:41:16
2010‐12‐13 20:03:18
2010‐12‐13 20:08:05
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1863 waiting in Manassas
Thank you WBW, Da Knurd and BLou for the birthday wishes! Thanks to my pal Luddite for divulging my true age, even if you do have to be able to add to figure it out! As to the QOTD, what wine goes with a birthday, I opened a 2006 Kosta Browne Russian River Valley Pinot Noir (my favorite varietal) and am enjoying the last of the bottle as I write. I spent part of the day at Pearmund Cellars to check on my barrel (currently has Merlot in it again this year) and also tasted at Vint Hill Farms Winery on the way back home. I usually open a splurge bottle every year for my birthday. I am also holding DavidT's Prisoners and Barolos and Rich P's Barolos locked up until they are ransomed. Well, in DavidT's case just till I see him, as he's already ransomed his share. And the perfect end to the day was the Eagles defeat of the Cowboys. Luddite and Mrs. Luddite were very grateful today at lunch that my team won last nite. Thanks to them both for the birthday lunch and my first chance to try a Tojkai. Looking forward to meeting the NC gang Fri eve, along with SCKen! Oh, and FYI the Verbena Brunello is the Riserva. Went for 6, 2 of which are for NAH.
2010‐12‐13 20:35:31
Info on tonight's offer:
When these were offered on CW solo:
2006 Gorman Zachary's Ladder $24.93
2004 Ciabot Berton Barolo $32.29
2006 Red Head Studios Esule $36.66
Total: $93.88
Today: $65.99
Savings: $27.89
Shipping (1‐pack, to NY): $12.00
Net savings: $15.89
1880 BuffaloLou
1881 BrunelloBob
1882 BrunelloBob
Anyone have any input?
Happy B‐day WIM. Lookin' Good in Black and White!
Drink More Brunello. :)
Lou: If you're gonna start shillin' ...
2010‐12‐13 21:14:01
2010‐12‐13 21:14:07
2010‐12‐13 21:15:32
@WIM If Mrs David T will allow, I may have to include some winery visits on our DC trip! I'd love to explore more VA wine. The CT notes for the 09 Prisoner scare me a bit, but I'm hoping it's just too young.
1883 David T
1884 johnR
1885 flyerfan
I have two bottles of the 07 Grand Tinel Alexis CdP in my cellar, it was my first WTSO purchase, but I passed on today's offer b/c my cellar is bursting at the seams and this was a &gt;$100 buy‐in, which is high for them. I was impressed to see them offer a $9 wine FS/4 yesterday or earlier today‐ I'd love to see the day Cindy offers FS for $36 worth of wine :P I suppose you can occasionally get it on a bottle or two of a offer, but still no Cindy
*lou its the 03 barolo, o4 was wtso.
@WIM ‐ A belated Happy Birthday to you! Sorry I missed the actual day. Sounds like you had a wonderful lunch today courtesy of the ever‐gracious Mr. &amp; Mrs, Luddite.
121 of 958
2010‐12‐13 21:15:39
2010‐12‐13 21:23:27
2010‐12‐13 21:28:09
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1887 brooks
@ WIM...They say it's your birthday....We're gonna have a good time..I'm glad it's your birthday...Happy birthday to
Prof. Luddite and David T..Thank you great call..I entered the buck Buckeye State weighing 170 lbs...I am now at 175...OMG...
First Watch ‐ triathlon breakfast
Iggy's in Cincinnati .... corned beef...cabbage soup...home fries..Cheese Cake
Schmidt's Sausage Haus in Columbus..very nice old time neighborhood..
OMG Dinner Buffet...Brauts...Sausage...Sausage Stew...Brats...Meatloaf...Sweet potatoes...Mashed...German potato ... Brauts...Hot Sausage...Cream Puff ‐ the size of a 16 lbs. bowling ball....OMG...Monday was packed...Brauts
SIWBM in tact...
SCKen CH wine IMHO Havens Merlot rankings Lot 202 2007...Lot 202 2006...Lot 193....Lot 175 juice boxes....I have not had Lot 169...
Vino Volo at Philly Airport...friendly wine bar or over‐priced...discuss
2010‐12‐13 21:29:58
1888 David T
@Brooks Glad to hear you enjoyed! I could probably put down several pounds of food at the buffet as well, it's the only way to go at the restaurant. And yes, their cream puffs are still the best I've ever had, and believe me I've had them from many other places. They have a stand set up at most of the festivals in Columbus, always amongst the most popular whever they are, and I always get a brat &amp; cream puff if I run across them
2010‐12‐13 21:42:14
Not sure if it's been corrected or not but previous WL offers for the Barolo in tonight's pack were not exactly as described (to their credit they offered full refunds). Here is the email in part:
Dear Customer,
You are on our records as having purchased some of the Ciabot Berton Barolo Roggeri 2004 we offered. It has come to our attention that the this Barolo that we advertised and shipped was actually the 2004 Ciabot Berton Barolo "La Morra," as opposed to the Roggeri Vineyard.
The label on the bottle you purchased does in fact say Vigneti Roggeri, however, the wine is in fact the regular Barolo which Wine Spectator lists as "Barolo" but the Wine Advocate lists as "La Morra Barolo". It's a little confusing on the label but after doing some additional research, we realized it was incorrect. We had advertised this wine with a highest score of 92 Pts Wine Spectator. However, the highest rating for this bottle is actually 90 Pts from the Wine Advocate, as reviewed by Antonio Galloni. We sold this wine between $29.99 and $32.29 ... still a great price for a 90 Point rated Barolo, and far below the list price of $60 as is stated in the Wine Advocate. However, it is not exactly the same wine we should have received. 1908 luddite
We want to be sure you are 100% satisfied with your order, so if you'd like to return this for a full refund, please let me know
Clarification: The Ciabot Berton Barolo Roggeri in tonight's pack is the '03 and not the '04 (where the problem between the Roggeri vs. La Morra occurred). Also the previous CW offer for the '03 was priced at $35.35 vs. $32.29 for the '04.
1909 WineKnurd
@Brooks‐ was at the Philly VinoVolo about 2 months ago. Had an Israeli white that tasted like raspberry jam. Never had that varietal before and would have brought a bottle home if they didn't charge $40 USD.
2010‐12‐13 22:28:06
1890 luddite
1910 brooks
1911 brooks
1912 TonyO
AFK....mmmm....can't recall the Cindy from Viet Nam....what was the name again?....OMG...mmm...I noticed someone signed in from ...what country is that...I wonder if 12 PhDs are trying to hi jack this web you invite them?...i was worried about visitors from Staten Island but can you give an update here...1040
. . . ‐ ‐ ‐ . . . .‐‐ ‐ ..‐.
^ that you in Dublin , Ohio...?
OK...who is signed in from the Falkland Islands? ... please introduce yourself please...
quiet night, hope all is well.................typical Viking News; stadium roof collapses the day before a 297 game streak ends..................the Chi Cubs of the NFL
122 of 958
2010‐12‐13 22:00:09
2010‐12‐13 22:20:16
2010‐12‐13 22:29:11
2010‐12‐13 22:36:26
2010‐12‐13 22:44:03
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
1927 Johnny C
@ Winex‐ I actually got an answer to the inquiry of you wine. Will see, if you are online tomorrow, and post it for you! Don't have your e‐mail, or I would mail it.
One more happy day to WIM ‐ did I know PN is your favorite varietal...? Noted for the future ‐ best for you and thanks for being part of the Cindy/TH backbone...
1935 A Frayed Knot
Ah yes appears that the spammers of the world have found our secret hiding place. My filters have caught almost 100 of them in two days. If any of this crap gets through while I'm at work, just ignore it and please don't click their links........God only knows what they're up to! I'll clean it up and ban the bastards when I get home!............It does look pretty cool on the map though!
1924 Schmitty
1942 A Frayed Knot
To all, thanks again for the many birthday wishes! The best present of all for me is that Cliff Lee is coming back to where he belongs, home to Philly! Welcome back, Cliff! We missed you and we love you! Ruben Amaro, all is forgiven! Woo‐hoo! I'll never get back to sleep now, but it's oh so worth it!
Logging in from antfrickinartica! I had to open the Gorman Zachary merlow blend tonight to see if you should buy more. It's still pretty tasty! Sorry, sold out,,,, but a good deal at 26ish.
@fraidK: the snow started to build up at the bottom of the scrreen, so i snorted it.
@castello ~Me too! Instant brain freeze!
@WIM ~Happy belated birthday!!!!!
1943 castello
Sheila! Happy bday plus a day or two! Let me be the first to give you a virtual handprint(bruise) on your left cheek.
The GIANTS can beat Clifford Lee wherever he makes his billions!
1940 waiting in Manassas
1941 castello
1945 castello
1952 castello
Afk: We lost WIM but we may have gained Vinmoet from northern France. The map works good! I can barely lurk without somebody knowing. Good job chasing spammers, Even ggooogle can't find them all.
hattrick/pattrick I'd better call him. Knot: somebody is looking in from Texarkana!
2010‐12‐13 23:07:24
2010‐12‐13 23:57:56
2010‐12‐14 00:43:04
2010‐12‐14 01:25:48
2010‐12‐14 01:28:10
2010‐12‐14 01:31:41
2010‐12‐14 01:31:44
2010‐12‐14 01:46:54
2010‐12‐14 02:00:39
1981 BrunelloBob
Castelloooo... just wait till baseball season starts, you'll see! I'm so excited I can't sleep and I have to get up for work in slightly more than 1 hour!
Thanks, guys for the birthday wishes! Very quiet tonite. BTW, Gary V tweeted a negative comment about pitchers and too big salaries... guess he's mad that the Phils and Sawks beat out the Damn Yankees!
It's 9.00 am over here where is everybody?????????
I Hate the Yankees
1990 brooks
AFK....Thank you Sir
Phil Good Morning...sorry no disclosure nor morning jokes but...history to share
Later today, I fly outta Akron, Ohio...Akron comes from the Greek word ἄκρον meaning "summit"..hence Summit City ...."The Rubber Capital of the World" in the 1930s... birth place of Former Yankees Captain...Thurman Munson (June 7, 1947 – August 2, 1979) , and Ferdinand Schumacher, The Oatmeal King...unfortunately I will be unable to stay for the National Hamburger Ohio was/is the home of some of many great in the states must learn some great local did the Bengals end up here...also the Browns‐lite....and the TH favorite sports team The NHL Columbus Straight Jackets....OSU rules here!!!
Congrats Phillie Phans....your ticket and food prices may be going up...if the NYY signed Cliff Lee...@ Yankees Stadium the price of the little pencil to keep score would have been raised to $29.99...
2010‐12‐14 06:19:03
1999 luddite
@WIM: Ah yes the icing on your birthday cake. Mrs. Luddite says I told you the mystery team was the Phillies!
2010‐12‐14 07:29:12
2001 luddite
@Brooks: Now you are in my home court. Akron is of course in Summit County and home to Labron James, the Soapbox Derby, and the Akron Aeros a class A minor league baseball team. I graduated from Akron University and my brother from Kent State. My dad worked for Goodyear Aerospace for 30 years. To learn more about the history of the area, I recommend "Akron and Summit County" by Karl H. Grismer. Safe travels my friend...
2010‐12‐14 07:57:02
1956 waiting in Manassas
1979 Phil Oxera
123 of 958
2010‐12‐14 02:48:18
2010‐12‐14 04:40:53
2010‐12‐14 04:55:54
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
2007 David T
@brooks Let's not forget that Ohio has contributed more citizens to presidency than any other state... most of which I forgot the day I left 4th grade history because they had such unremarkable terms!
William Henry Harrison (9th)
Ulysses S. Grant (18th)
Rutherford B. Hayes (19th)
James A. Garfield (20th)
Benjamin Harrison (23rd)
William McKinley (25th)
William H. Taft (27th)
Warren G. Harding (29th)
Garfield is actually buried just a couple of miles from me‐ the cemetary he's in also holds JD Rockefeller and Eliot Ness amongst many others, really a hidden gem on the outskirts of Cleveland proper many locals don't even know about.
2010‐12‐14 08:56:13
2008 David T
Golden Deal 3‐pack at WL. I only went in for 1 due to budget/space issues, although I wish I could get a couple more... 99.99 for the 3.
2010‐12‐14 09:11:00
2010 Phredd
2011 Phredd
2012 ctwino
2013 flyerfan
2015 flyerfan
2019 vinmoet
2020 SCKen
2023 SCKen
2025 WineKnurd
2030 ctwino
2036 Phredd
2038 johnr
2040 SCKen
2050 BuffaloLou
2059 BaroloDude
'03 Montelena Estate, '06 Conn Valley Reserve, and '06 Balthus La Reserve all for $100 at WL. I don't have $100 to spend on premium juice at the moment, but $33/bottle for those three is a pretty dang good deal. Golden Deal #2 looks awfully nice, IMO, even with the La Reserve included.
2010‐12‐14 09:21:31
Guess I should refresh before I post, huh?
2010‐12‐14 09:22:26
I went in for a 2 pack!
2010‐12‐14 09:35:00
Wow! The stars must be aligning properly..........Cliff Lee is coming HOME to Philadelphia in a surprise to all, beating out the Yanks and Rangers in the contest for his services!! Must have loved the cheese steaks when he was first in town!!.......Hey Brooks, I bring my own pencil when I keep score.....Have to sneak it in.....Kinda like when
you sneak your own snacks into the movie theater..............And now we have a 3‐pack of premium wines for $100 from WL. Is this not the best 3‐pack in terms of quality AND value WL/CW has ever offered??? Did Gary hit his head??? Is he lamenting the breakdown and seasonal demise of his beloved J‐E‐T‐S??!! Do we need to offer a free weekend stay at Trembling Hills?? Discuss........
Hey AFK, thanks for taking care of those spammers!! No good bas&amp;*%ds!!.................Castello, I'm concerned we haven't seen PHill here very often. Have you been in touch with him? Do we need to send out a TH search party? Let me know when the bus for CHI‐CAW‐GO is leaving.
2010‐12‐14 09:38:15
CTWino ‐ I believe WIM wanted to get in touch with you but didn't have your email address. It concerns an invitation to a certain all‐female gathering of Cindies at her place to raid her 1200+ bottle cellar. If interested, let me know and we'll work out the email logistics, etc.
2010‐12‐14 09:43:44
Its all about the map. Am still in central Illinois so anyone from France on the map right now is not me. I leave Wednesday and will be in Madrid Thu, Fri &amp; Sa. Will try to check in then to get on the map. Will be in Bordeaux Su, Mon, Tues, &amp; Wed, either the Loire or Burgundy Thu. , then Paris F ‐ Wed, parts unknown Thu and the Epernay Fri &amp; Sat. Access will not always convenient so my map appearances may be limited.
Wow, WL wasn't kidding when they said there were limited supplies of today's deal. Already sold out! I guess I shouldn't have wavered on whether I could afford to pick up a pack. Oh well, as my wife tells me all the time, "there will always be another great deal."
Anyone here have any experience with Just discovered the site.
@SCKen‐ dod you see my post about trading for the CH 169 (aka 07 Havens Merlot)?
@flyerfan. I am never one to turn down a cellar raid. My email is lkenyon at Knight dot com.
Anyone had the Nugan Chard from Cindy? Concerned it might be fading, but I need a decent budget white.
Cloud View 06 is up on TSO. $32x2FS aint bad. Berserkers gave thumbs up and its Prichard Hill. Mondavi owes it now. Knurd??
Knurd ‐ saw your post about the trade and was contemplating what I have that I would want to trade for it. I'll have to see what my current inventory looks like. I don't know that I have anything around $20 that I would want to trade. I know I have a Les Cretes that was about $20, but I want to keep that to try at some point just to see what all the fuss was about. Let me check my inventory, and I'll let you know.
So who missed the first 3 pack? Are you going in on the second? I thought the first was nice, but the Chilean substitute just meh.
i missed it due to long meetings. And i have been trying to find a cheap way to try the AndConnValley cab, and i love me some Chat Mont. too bad. Win some lose some.
What is the group's thoughts on Balthus. Is this good stuff?
124 of 958
2010‐12‐14 10:00:11
2010‐12‐14 10:00:35
2010‐12‐14 10:08:16
2010‐12‐14 10:57:28
2010‐12‐14 11:22:43
2010‐12‐14 12:17:42
2010‐12‐14 12:50:47
2010‐12‐14 12:58:40
2010‐12‐14 14:28:10
2010‐12‐14 15:24:19
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
2060 luddite
2062 BaroloDude
2063 Hinrgman
2064 Hinrgman
2065 flyerfan
2067 CTwino
2075 brooks
2076 johnR
2077 luddite
2078 luddite
2079 brooks
FWIW: Tip for anyone running the Firefox browser and the NoScript extension (@BaroloDude?). Disabling the script will eliminate the page breaks. This comes in handy for searching for a wine you remember being mentioned (just did it for the Ondarre) but you don't remember when...
so you got all 140+ pages of posts on one page? how long did that take to load?
It also stops the snow fall.
It loads quicker. The script applies the pagination after all the comments load.
2010‐12‐14 15:39:23
2010‐12‐14 15:56:19
2010‐12‐14 15:57:06
2010‐12‐14 15:58:25
CTWino ‐ Am sending your email address to WIM so she can send you a proper invitation with details.
2010‐12‐14 16:01:51
thanks flyerfan. I hope I can make it. I love the idea of a girls get‐together.
2010‐12‐14 16:12:31
jump ball the wtso offering??? thanks
2010‐12‐14 17:15:31
pazz on 06, parker tastes most of bord, either it sucks or they aren't worth Parker tasting.
2010‐12‐14 17:18:15
@BaroloDude: Concur with what @Hinrgman said...
2010‐12‐14 18:01:58
Calling @WineKnurd?: Are you the one with the Hachette Guide? If so does it have anything to say re the current WTSO offer?
2010‐12‐14 18:24:15
@johnr...thanks...from 22,000 feet...AirTran free wifi thru y/e on flights
Coming to pay per view....
WIM's Winter Wonderland Wineathon Find out does WIM have 1199 or 1203 bottles of wines
Also is it true they only serve those who stand and wait (in Manasses)
Does FlyerFan have cute feetie Flyer PJs? Does she have a Dan Carcillo snuggle blanket?
Is CTWino really Martha Stewart? Chateau Briand ...a Bordeaux or a main course?
Josie...a pretty princess with crown or an outlaw
WBW and Lady Gaga separated at birth? I like your hat...or is that your hair?
K is for Kate....Hollywood or Manasses?
Schmitty...Havens Merlot Reserve Wine pairings Toblerone or Dove or........ both
See Landshark dressed as Roseanne Barr try to crash party?
Date and time to be announced
A crown web‐cam will be worn as a direct feed to this event....
Also on pay per view....
It is rumored that BuffaloLou will be throwing a competing same night all‐man event in his wine cellar...Wine and Web Posting event where BuffLou will be going for a new world's record....
Details still being worked out with his handlers....the requirement of camping in his back yard appear to be the biggest sticking point...also polar bear jog and dip into Lake Erie has some of the "older" guys very concerned about permanent shrinkage. Name that constellation will be played
2010‐12‐14 18:46:21
2083 flyerfan
@Brooks ‐ ROFLMAO!! Where do you come up with this stuff? I guess we give you enough material!!
Many of these were insider deals, same price as offered.
2010‐12‐14 19:07:22
2084 johnR
@ Phredd‐ Wine Authorities carries the Nugan if you want to give it a try.
2010‐12‐14 19:29:54
2086 WineKnurd
2093 WineKnurd
2095 WineKnurd
2010‐12‐14 19:44:18
@JohnR and all. Was booted off the net at work today so I couldn't get to the boards or get any emails about wines today. Need to wait until '11 before getting anymore though. JohnR has Mrs JohnR left for Jersey yet?
2010‐12‐14 19:46:39
@Brooks‐ what's it going to take before us NC guys get mentioned in your posts? Don't make us turn this car around...
2010‐12‐14 19:54:37
@Brooks lacking any other input, here is the WS TN on the WTSO offer:
St.‐Emilion 2006
Score: 88
Country: France
Region: Bordeaux
Issue: Web Only ‐ 2009
2097 luddite
2099 WineKnurd
2104 johnR
2118 WineKnurd
A chewy wine, with dried flowers and berry character. Full‐bodied, with pronounced tannins and a medium finish. Needs time to mellow. Best after 2012. 500 cases made. –JS
@Luddite, that 06 St Emillion is 14.5% abv!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Unheard of!
@Knurd....Wifey is staying leaving Saturday. Actually, many of the 09 St Emilions are north of 15.0%abv, rumor is that Pavie (shhhhh vinmoet) is 16.0%abv
@JohnR‐ but you love Pavie...
125 of 958
2010‐12‐14 20:07:39
2010‐12‐14 20:14:15
2010‐12‐14 20:31:42
2010‐12‐14 20:58:16
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
2119 johnR
@DaKnurd....who doesn't love pavie?? Climens again
2010‐12‐14 21:06:11
2142 joe g
the 04 pavie rocks and is drinking fantastic now! bought 6, already drank 3 tho. need to replace them
2010‐12‐14 22:18:58
2153 Brooks
2156 flyerfan
2158 castello
2226 castello
2255 WineKnurd
Prof always thank you for wine info...Akron new fav place to visit!!
Joe G...only adult drinking on this 2pk...hey is BuffLou having a sausage fest on WLTV...???...mmm...but if that means rading his wine cellar plse put me biz partner lives in Buff second fav city to visit...can't get enough of Duff's hot wings ...I also love to pass "Am I Gone funeral home"...cant make up
^ home to watch a nice finish buy your Flyers....well played
^ know I really don't have that much material on you NC guys are all very quiet, with excellent penmanship, very punctual and kinda blend with the wallpaper...but if you insist, I will keep a closer on you pantloads... ;) ...normally I don't do requests but an exception can be made for your birthday..I may ask Sir M and Sir AFK for a little help.......stay tune
WineKnurd ‐ Just been reading around the blog here......sorry to hear of Buster's passing!! I often like my animals much better than I like people!! To Buster!!!........
@Joe G: Where do you get your Pavie? Is 04 cheaper.....details etc.. Never had it prolly never will but if blou has it in his cellar we'll be there.
edit. Bad question. 04 is half the price of 05 but what about 06,07?03
How do I stop the snow. It's making my little computer heat up.
I know you folks back east love the white stuff but this is rediculi.
@FF‐ Thank you for the kind words regarding Buster!
12/17 NC Offline Gathering (semi‐) Official Tasting Line Up!
2010‐12‐14 22:42:22
2010‐12‐14 22:53:58
2010‐12‐14 23:04:59
2010‐12‐15 04:03:55
2010‐12‐15 07:22:52
LWS Sanceree Taste Off‐
2009 Michel Girard (13.5%) vs 2009 Merlin Cherrier (14%)
Which will be my house pour?
2007 Jack Piret "Granits des Moriers" Fleurie (Beaujolias)
Knurd/WIM Mini‐Vertical Collaboration:
2003 ‐ 2004 Verbena Brunello di Montalcino
2008 CH Lot 200 Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon
2003 Amarone (jealous BLou?)
Last but definitely not least‐
1981, the year I was 6, Penfolds Grange!!!!!!!!
2258 WineKnurd
2264 Phredd
*But that's not all‐ JohnR and SKen are bringing more wine! Guys can you add your wines here so I can make a full lineup? Thanks!
2010‐12‐15 07:38:34
@Knurd, et al.: You folks better post some TNs somewhere. That's an amazing lineup I'm going to miss, and I want to know details!
2010‐12‐15 08:14:14
2010‐12‐15 08:21:53
2269 joe g
@Knurd: Thanks for the tip on the Nugan. I decided to pass on the Cindy offer, but the '09 for $13 is worth a shot.
castello.. i got it out here at one of my LWS.. there is a place in cali with a good price too.. (sorry, forgot the name. wine searcher should pull it up tho)
2270 joe g
brooks... i am not aware (nor not sure if i want to be) of any sausage fest info going on here!!!
2010‐12‐15 08:55:29
2271 luddite
@FF, Re: liking our pets better than some people, agreed! @Knurd, may your Buster rest in peace...
@joeg... I made a comment to BLou re: a sausage fest in Upstate NY on the boards 2010‐12‐15 08:56:25
2266 Phredd
2010‐12‐15 08:53:22
a new member joined from NY and BLou asked where he was from...
2276 Nursing a Hangover
I made the joke "...add +1 to the sausage fest in Buffalo"
126 of 958
2010‐12‐15 09:35:05
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
12/17 NC Offline Gathering (semi‐) Official Tasting Line Up!
LWS Sanceree Taste Off‐
2009 Michel Girard (13.5%) vs 2009 Merlin Cherrier (14%)
Which will be my house pour?
2007 Jack Piret “Granits des Moriers” Fleurie (Beaujolias)
Knurd/WIM Mini‐Vertical Collaboration:
2003 – 2004 Verbena Brunello di Montalcino
2008 CH Lot 200 Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon
2003 Amarone (jealous BLou?)
2005 Chanson Beaune 1cru Les des Feves Monopoly
2008 Hans Schiller Peisporter Michelsburg Spatese
Last but definitely not least‐
2277 johnr
1981, the year I was 6, Penfolds Grange!!!!!!!!‐‐‐‐‐&gt;I was less than a year old
NaH... EW!!! that is all
2010‐12‐15 09:36:54
2279 joe g
any of you nc guys know anything about the verbena bdm? i have never heard of it
2010‐12‐15 09:49:00
2282 Phil Oxera
2286 WineKnurd
2290 joe g
2293 WineKnurd
@ JoeG‐ I have had the 03 Verbena BdM but the LWS that carried it did not bring in the 04 vintage. It was a shop tasting and it was good enough for me to buy a bottle. Will post the notes once we taste it on Friday!
knurd.. is it more trad or modern?
@JoeG‐ more traditional. Abv for the 03 was only 13%, pretty sure the old style slovenian casks for most of the aging. Not sure on the 04.
2010‐12‐15 09:49:48
2010‐12‐15 10:23:23
2010‐12‐15 10:31:52
2010‐12‐15 11:02:32
@luditte: re: Firefox browser and the NoScript extension. Disabling the script…
2307 BuffaloLou
How do you do that?
@Brooks: Are you going to be like Santa and "comin' to town" anytime soon?
@AFK ‐ WOW! What did you do? This site is loading blisteringly fast! Awesome!
@Brooks: I do make, IMHO, an awesome brot with onions caramelized in beer, then grilled. We also have some pretty tasty Polish and Italian sausage here!
2308 David T
Lou, in firefox go to tools ‐‐&gt; add‐ons, click 'get add‐ons', search for 'noscript' (no spaces) for me it's the second on the list. Click 'add to firefox' I don't have it installed at work so I can't give you specifics beyond that...
2303 BuffaloLou
2305 BuffaloLou
2306 BuffaloLou
2310 luddite
2311 SCKen
2313 Hinrgman
2314 Hinrgman
2322 johnr
2323 luddite
@BuffaloLou: To disable a script, go to the bottom right corner of your screen and click on the options button. You should then see a list, click on the last one that says "forbid"
For anyone who's interested in trying NoScript here's the download link:
JohnR ‐ Don't forget we'll also have the 2008 Kanzler PN. Unfortunately, it looks like the Grange will not be joining us.
Antinori Tignanello '07 $38.95 with FS on WA. Is this a good price in todays market?
Correction $78.90
@nc cindy tasting group et al: I am going to bring a 97 Diamond Creek Lake as well.
@Hinrgman: I bought the '06 Antinori Tignanello for $70 and that looks like about the best price for the '07 as well. So $78 with FS seems fair.
127 of 958
2010‐12‐15 12:14:49
2010‐12‐15 12:18:25
2010‐12‐15 12:19:53
2010‐12‐15 12:21:16
2010‐12‐15 12:25:40
2010‐12‐15 12:28:34
2010‐12‐15 12:33:30
2010‐12‐15 12:43:07
2010‐12‐15 12:44:27
2010‐12‐15 13:04:50
2010‐12‐15 13:12:06
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
2326 Brooks
2329 Brooks
Mobius and guys on jury duty or something? Witness protection program? Hey AFK too...we
have been asked by WineKnurd to write a tale about the NCWinos...mmmm....just asking you know for ideas...I was initially thinking a nativity scene (without the baby Jesus of course)...then a Deliverance type settings....too messy....maybe just a brain storming sesssion would be good....A tale where we have to use the following words
lovely gentlemen...Pantloads...sandpaper..overserved..Mount Pilot...exam..high alcohol content....rectal...too much wood....Wendy Williams Show....tooth Fairy...vice grip....passion fruit..bourricrap...and Shirley Booth as Hazel....did I leave out anything....anybody?...andybody...I open this to our new members from Lagos, Mekong Delta and Serbia.....back at 9pm
2010‐12‐15 13:37:55
AMARONE ON WTSO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I already sent BLOU email
2010‐12‐15 14:08:48
2342 SCKen
I wish i could join the NC tasting! I could bring a '64 Pichon Lalande... and or a 64 Yon Figeac (i have been waiting to open these with someone who would appreciate the experience... my birth year wines) Pls tell us the verdict(s)! I also have never had Verbena and am interested in your TNs there.
2010‐12‐15 14:14:02
@Joe G... WIM brought the Verbena to our first NJ/PA wine gathering &amp; it was delicious. I believe the TN notes are back on the old Cindy board.
2010‐12‐15 14:15:51
Hooray FLyers, Hooray Cliff Lee.... condolences Knurd, I understand... NAH is just gloating as he has the Princess fest in Phila... right Prince Ass? ;)
So what say you all on this Amarone on WTSO? Thumbs up? Down? Couldn't find the exact one on Cellar Tracker.... I think!?!
So how you all be? I'm Christmas busy now.
2010‐12‐15 14:27:04
Thanks luddite &amp; David!
2010‐12‐15 14:29:13
I would love to pull the trigger on the Amarone, but I promised my wife no more purchases until the 1st of the year.
2010‐12‐15 14:37:26
2344 BaroloDude
hey all you Philly Freaks... did you see on RueLaLa (no wine right now) the Fathead boutique? Gigantic wall art of FLyers logo, Chase Utley, Phillies and eagles stuff etc. FIgured you might appreciate that. ;‐)
2330 BaroloDude
2331 WineBabyWine
2336 WineBabyWine
2338 BuffaloLou
2347 flyerfan
2349 Wine Cutter
2010‐12‐15 14:47:41
Bdude ‐ You have found someone who can appreciate your '64's......they are my birth year wines, as well!! :‐) Now, just gotta book a flight to the left coast......Thanks for the heads‐up on Ruelala (fathead). However, if I put anymore sports‐related items on my walls, might as well just make me an in‐patient at Trembling Hills!!!...........I echo WBW's sentiments regarding the '04 Verbena WIM brought to the Philly/SJ "Cindy" gathering in October. Of the reds we tasted, that one, by far, was my favorite. I would have asked WIM to pick me up some, but just can't spend that much on wine right now, although I have no doubt it would have been well worth it.......Will just have to make up for it during the impending "WIM Cellar Raid".........Same situation with that Amarone up on 'TSO right now. Would have loved to grab a couple bottles.....Ah, the things we must do in sacrifice for an oxygen sensor for one's vehicle!!!!
2010‐12‐15 15:20:09
Late to the party here...just learned about this site. Holy S**t, this is awesome. All of the great drug dealers consolidated into one spot! I would like to say that this will help me save money, but I think we all know that is not the case. Whom do we have to thank for creating this collective crack‐den?
2010‐12‐15 15:22:55
@WBW...of all the things to remember what they call me at work LOL
2350 Nursing a Hangover
but it is very fitting to call the Philly event "the Princess fest..."
2010‐12‐15 15:24:37
2352 SCKen
Cutter ‐ Welcome, better late than never! You can thank AFK for bringing all of the crazies together.
2010‐12‐15 15:43:44
2358 flyerfan
Wine Cutter ‐ Good to see you here!! When's the "crack den" gathering at your place?........When the "little one" starts sleeping through the night??.....When your wife is out of town?......Don't forget the brat, wurst, and sausage for Brooks and Buffalo Lou!!......Glad you've found the "secret door" to the insane asylum!!!
2010‐12‐15 15:55:50
128 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
Dueling "fests" : Princess Fest in Philly vs. Sausage Fest in Buffalo......
AP Wire: In a snowy Western, NY bedroom community, several inebriated wine afficianados joined together at Sausage Fest. Now before your mind turns to all things phallic, this is more about the virtues of the porcine critter that has given us such treats as bacon, fat back, pork cheeks, and cracklin's in addition to the aforementioned sausage (or as some like to call it SAW SEEGE !). At this gathering, size really does matter whether it is a knockwurst, bratwurst, Eye‐talian sausage, or a high quality tube steak (not technically a sausage, but close enough). The biggest dilemma is trying to find the proper wine pairings for this pork centric event. The set list for the music has been selected and includes:
"Night of the Iron Sausage" (Frank Zappa): seriously, is there a better song title than that ???
"Tube Steak Boogey" (ZZ Top)
"Goodbye Pork Pie Hat" (Jeff Beck)
"Hot Dog" (Led Zeppelin)
The only rule here is to keep the flame low as no one wants to char their sausage. 2359 TonyO
2360 luddite
2376 John O'
In reference to the Princess Fest taking place in Philly, I was unable to secure any details beyond an arrest report for a "Castello" that tried to crash the party dressed up as Delta Burke.
@Wine Cutter: Let me also welcome you to the TH loony bin! .
@Brooks: Alert, WTSO is using your name, once again, to sell wine...
1st time here. saw the reference on the Cindy site. was wondering where everyone went.
2010‐12‐15 15:58:30
2010‐12‐15 16:01:48
2010‐12‐15 18:24:32
we come here often...some more than others... but we come for the love of the vine!!
2379 Nursing a Hangover
2387 luddite
2388 BrunelloBob
2398 TonyO
2405 BrunelloBob
CR$P!!! I'm getting soft...must be those LifeTime holiday movies I'm watching....
@JohnO: Welcome to TH where @AFN is changing the inmate world one peep at a time!
For those in the century club (@WIM and @DavidT), Garagiste is featuring a 3 magnum vertical of the Caberlot grape assuming you can afford the $735 buy in!
2010‐12‐15 18:29:03
2010‐12‐15 19:36:25
"Lifetime: Television for Women"
Glad they got rid of that line, especially when most of the movies involved some poor lady taking a beating then murdering her "man" two hours later...
Disclosure: 2004 Corte Riva Merlot. A Cindy offer from September. Good merlot, but reading the older cellar tracker notes and the references to all the fruit, I'm wondering if we're late on this one. When the bottle comes to me with a Wine Library bar code label on it, I wonder if they were cleaning out the shelves with that offer, as opposed to providing a new offer direct from the distributor. But, of course, "Cindy is NOT a dump site..."
2010‐12‐15 19:39:37
"Lifetime Movie Channel: Providing a steady source of employment for Judith Light and Meredith Baxter Birney for over 20 years"............their new tagline
2010‐12‐15 19:46:06
Need to do a movie with Judith giving Tony Danza a beating...rating Winner!
2010‐12‐15 19:47:36
@BBob........*glancing in the rear view*
Officer:License, Registration, proof of insurance sir. BBob:What have I done, officer? Officer:Internet Communication Control, Officer N.J. Andrew. Mr Bob, I clocked you doing 2 complaints in a posting. Did you know that Cindy is an anti‐complaint zone
2406 johnR
2408 BrunelloBob
2409 johnR
2410 BrunelloBob
2411 BrunelloBob
Be afraid, they might start trouble again
2010‐12‐15 19:49:58
JR: True story: I took the case to trial the last time someone gave me a ticket. BrunelloBob is 1‐0 lifetime as trial counsel.
2010‐12‐15 19:58:59
@Bbob....well you have better luck than I. Usually whatever I say gets dissected, manipulated and confiscated into making me look like Dr. Evil in his Mongolian Liar.
2010‐12‐15 20:05:01
Just to balance things out:
The Temple has got 6 (SIX) 2006 Barolo scoring 95 points or better on "This just in"
BDude: What's up with that??
2010‐12‐15 20:13:38
well JR, if you're gonna use words like "Mongolian", you're gonna offend civilized folks...
2010‐12‐15 20:18:28
129 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
2413 Nursing a Hangover
2414 johnR
2415 BaroloDude
2417 johnR
2419 BrunelloBob
2424 johnR
2426 johnR
2427 BrunelloBob
2428 johnR
2429 BrunelloBob
2431 johnR
2432 BrunelloBob
2434 flyerfan
2436 BrunelloBob
2440 WineBabyWine
@BBob...I had an 05 Havens Merlot from Napa...had no life in it...just Brett!!
RE: Tickets....I get out of ALL my tickets because I pull the Nurse card...whether I'm on my way to the hospital or not!! Actually the police respect the profession and offer reciprocity...they don't want to be on the stretcher and staring up at the nurse they just gave a ticket to.
Mongolia is a great county, filled with wonderful people.
2006 seems to be a good vintage all around Italy.... i will have to look.
@Bbob........Dude, thats my point, I actually was referring to Mongolia the county, that whole mess was another example the bullcrap they start here. Drive by hit not knowing what the hell they were saying.
JR: Trust me, I get it.
Any purchases with the JJBuck "Friends and Family sale"?
2001 Mondavi Reserve ToKalon
They had a small lot of Copain's too, but I messed those.
JR: I had the To Kalon in the cart, was vetoed by the wife. RARE Occurence (OK, I rarely "give" her the opportunity....
I told the love of my life that i wouldn't buy it because I assumed she was buying it for me for Christmas.
All I wantfor Christmas is new underpants and wine, so I'm hopeful.... :)
I got a six‐pack, you want one?
underwear or cab?
both if you want?
One stop shopping.
Save it. Next time you get a ticket, I'll rep you, and take the Mondavi in trade.
BBob ‐ Instead of wristbands, the next great offer will include a 3‐pack of your favorite Hanes with every bottle purchased!..........Hmmm, wine and per a previous governor's motto in the Dirty Jerz, "Perfect Together!"
FF: Hmmmm.... Why isn't the demigod Paying Us to market for him???
Todays Two pack: Boxers and Napa Cab
Tomorrow: Bordeaux and men's bikinis Friday: Chardonnay and thongs...
Hey John O'.... are you the insane but amazing, hot dude I dated earlier this year? Oh cr@p, this is the TH insane asylum, you must be. Great. Just great. No wait, all men who buy wine are married according to the laws of these forums. Nevermind, you're not him. Phew.
I just looked at the map...there are 3 dots in Absecon/Egg Harbor Twp NJ
2010‐12‐15 20:22:39
2010‐12‐15 20:23:31
2010‐12‐15 20:26:04
2010‐12‐15 20:32:59
2010‐12‐15 20:38:36
2010‐12‐15 20:42:09
2010‐12‐15 20:47:03
2010‐12‐15 20:52:41
2010‐12‐15 20:54:30
2010‐12‐15 20:57:18
2010‐12‐15 20:58:08
2010‐12‐15 21:01:54
2010‐12‐15 21:22:40
2010‐12‐15 21:32:53
2010‐12‐15 21:45:41
Who is from there? I work down there.
2442 Nursing a Hangover
2444 WineBabyWine
2446 smokenmirrors
2456 johnR
2459 BaroloDude
2460 johnR
2462 WineBabyWine
2463 WineBabyWine
2465 joe g
2467 joe g
or is it me when I log into the site from work??
2010‐12‐15 21:58:15
Those sound like some very interesting wine gift baskets to market for the holiday season BB! Brassieres &amp; Bordeaux... the French Collection
Corsets &amp; Corvina.... a Taste of Italy... Boxers &amp; Barbarossa...
C'mon g ive it up JohnR. You are not a non combatant here.
let's get over it. I for one appreciate both the people here as well
as the other place. Try and get over it.
@smokee....I the spirit of the holidays and character assassination, I accept your truce..
on the map page, set the timeframe to 10minutes, and see if those NJ dots in your worktown go away. Then you will know whether it was you or not... the default timeframe might be days long...
Did anyone else notice that CH lot 200 is sold out?
2010‐12‐15 22:09:14
2010‐12‐15 22:24:15
2010‐12‐15 22:34:11
2010‐12‐15 22:36:46
2010‐12‐15 22:43:09
Gift baskets to JohnR &amp; Schmike! Snoopy dancing all around! :)) Now I can sleep... nite nite all!
2010‐12‐15 22:54:22
Where oh where is my Flyerfan? Where oh where can she be? She has 3 coveted bottles of (the now sold out) CH Lot 200 for me... Oh where, oh where can she be?
2010‐12‐15 23:00:09
interesting wine on wtso.. i have had this toro in previous vintages and it has been very solid.. i have paid not that much more for it here locally tho..
2010‐12‐15 23:13:14
my good friend is in barolo now and has been reporting back to me... he has been very impressed with the 06 he has had while there
2010‐12‐15 23:19:28
130 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
2468 Brooks
2478 smokenmirrors
2528 John O'
2529 John O'
2533 John O'
2534 BrunelloBob
2535 Waiting in Manassas
2539 luddite
2540 Brooks
Lot 200 not dead just is in the below Wellman like La Reserve...
Holiday Gold $234.00 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
Holiday Gold ‐ Free Shipping!!! 3 OF EACH
The two cabernets in this sampler are considered our very best ‐ Lot 200 and 06 Hughes Wellman. Both offer pedigree, cult Napa juice, and incredible complexity for the serious wine drinker. While these wines could age for many years, you can enjoy now without guilt ‐ the price is amazing and both wines can seriously outdance the competition. Enjoy!
Sampler includes three bottles each of:
Lot 200 2008 Napa Valley (Rutherford/Oakville/Stags Leap) Cabernet Sauvignon ‐ Lot 200 2008 Napa Valley Cabernet is primarily a blend of cabernet from three of Napa's greatest sub‐districts: Stags Leap, Oakville, and Rutherford. Dense garnet in the glass with a perfectly ripe and elegant nose. Vibrant aromas of crushed plums and creme de cassis are elegantly framed by dark chocolate and black licorice notes. The wine is firm across the palate with exceptional balance and a powerful structure that is just beginning to develop in the bottle.
Hughes Wellman 2006 St. Helena Cabernet Sauvignon ‐ Classic Cabernet, full of power and grace, showing deep, dark, rich mid‐palate blackberry and cassis fruit with exceptionally integrated tannins. This wine has a density and 2010‐12‐15 23:22:40
My Dear Johnnyar,
If you remain north of the 38th parallel I shall stay here in the south,
in the spirit of the holidays and? political assassination? your pal,
2010‐12‐15 23:54:51
Regarding Lot 200 ‐ They reported recently that they sold a couple of trailer loads to a retailer so they would run out soon. Sounds like it was Costco in TX
2010‐12‐16 05:25:24
Caveat Emptor with WTSO. Their current offerring seemed like an ideal Christmas gift for a wine aficianado. 2007 Diadema Super Tuscan. Marked down from an "original" price of $140 to $50, Wine Spectator 95, and fancy crystals embedded in the label for a neat look. Having been burned before by WTSO, I looked up the review on Wine Spectator and it shows a release price of $78.
Nope, just another lunch‐box Irish dude feeding his wine jones.
@John O': Good advice to be careful re: WTSO prices. I usually cross reference vs. Wine Searcher before buying, not only to verify the price but to see how widely available it is. WTSO (and Cindy) sell a lot of stuff that's not widely available. If only one or two stores have it, I have less confidence in the "discount".
FWIW, those Wine Spectator release prices can be highly variable too. Sometimes they review wines prior to release, sometimes it's released at dift prices. I guess the bottom line is: Is the wine worth $50 to you and can you get it cheaper elsewhere?
Thanks for the WTSO comments. Usually with them if it seems too good to be true it probably is, but I was wondering about how good the wine actually is. Of course, it's a Suckling review, which means you have to automatically takes points off for his shill factor...
@Brooks, FWIW a small sample of '06 Hughes Wellman Cab TNs:
Have a great day!!!! wake up call love,
Trembling Hills Suite 179
Rush Chairman HSC
"Never trust NY Peter when he is drinking, only when he is tasting" unknown
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) "God made the grapes....Welch's made the jam"
Local 72 ‐ Wine Spillers Union Intl. _________________
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
131 of 958
2010‐12‐16 05:32:33
2010‐12‐16 05:56:17
2010‐12‐16 06:17:50
2010‐12‐16 07:03:48
2010‐12‐16 08:08:42
2010‐12‐16 08:19:07
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
2541 Brooks
2546 joe g
2548 johnR
2549 Brooks
Prof. Luddite always thank you...sounds interesting ....mmmm...with 10% off 1service1 coupon 210.60 net or about $35/ each for 6 napa cabs there a better coupon floating around at 20%...if so a lay up...15% a push...10% a pazz...thoughts...what is Lot 200 selling for at Costco stores? Thanks
BaroloDud post # 2000 coming up ;)
2010‐12‐16 08:40:16
re wtso discounting... i was just referencing that last night with the caro dorum offer.. many times they have 60% discounted wines at the same price i get here locally..
2010‐12‐16 08:58:32
WTSO is famous for the super discount, that actually really is a nice average bottle. Yes there are many * with TSO, Inflated Prices, Newman Reviews and questionable conditions, but honestly there service is good, and if you use WS pro and other informational resources, they provide a nice product. I only buy the no‐brainers from wtso, but also, wtso gives a wider variety that Cindy in the past year.
2010‐12‐16 09:23:06
BrunelloBob...plse email me havenswines at gmail dot com you may be interested in an "event" in your region on Dec 26th..
2010‐12‐16 09:34:35
WS review and TN for the current WL Golden Deal:
Pinot Noir Willamette Valley Athena 2006
Score: 88
Release Price: $34
Country: Oregon
Region: Oregon
Issue: Web Only ‐ 2009
2552 Hinrgman
Ripe and peppery, with a spicy edge to the muscular dark berry flavors, lingering on the firm‐textured finish. Drink now through 2013. 800 cases made. –HS
2010‐12‐16 09:43:01
john.. i agree with everything you say with exception to the greater variety part.. now i dont have any data to back this up but it seems to me that wtso is the graveyard where california wine goes to die.. it is the odd offer that is outside of this region.. knowing that i have cherry picked some beauties from there and have bever had a prob with their service
2010‐12‐16 10:08:29
WL never mentioned the WS review of the Boedecker. I guess it would have turned the golden deal into a lead baloon.
2010‐12‐16 10:29:57
2553 johnR
@JoeG....WTSO:2006 Round Pound, CloudView, Burgess Library Releases???Going to die??? Cindy: Hunt, Bugay and Geoffrey esp the Bugay seems to be at least a tad better quality on TSO. I agree that with no data its a moot point, and given that TSO offers more it kinda moves the discussion in another way, but look at the totality of the sites, Bordeaux (Lascombes, yquem, Petrus), Cali (Burgess, Round, St. Supry) Size (mags, D‐Mags, 6.0's) AMARONE. It seems cindy has at least lost sight of their original goal. We all know that Cindy has at some level, dumped stuff on us. I don't care, but be real, the deals were better last year. Will they ever put up a Sparkler??
2010‐12‐16 10:30:04
2550 luddite
2551 joe g
@joeg......the opposite, Cindy destroys Wtso on CdP and Italians, I buy most of my barolo's and brunellos and CdP from Cindy. Just a matter of how you fit them into your buying strategies. 2554 johnR
*Disclosure, JJbuck has a smoken deal on JJ Prum's today!
2010‐12‐16 10:37:17
Prince of Pinot on current Cellar Thief offer:
2006 Inman Family Wines Thorn Road Ranch Russian River Valley Pinot Noir
13.7% alc., $52. The first release from will vineyard located on a Sebastopol hillside farmed by the Klopp family. A field blend of Pommard, Swan, 667 and 777 clones. ∙ Dreamy perfume of Bing cherries, sandalwood and ripe plum. Rich and full‐bodied darker fruits. A little brooding but still retaining respectable elegance with silky tannins and a velvety mouth feel. A well‐crafted wine that seduces with its aromatics. 2558 luddite
2010‐12‐16 11:02:34
132 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
2559 SCKen
2560 johnR
2561 Hinrgman
2562 Hinrgman
2563 David T
JoeG and JohnR ‐ You know I used to buy a lot more from Cindy because of the forum and the fact that I could get unbiased instant feedback on the offer. That was the main thing to me that separated Cindy from WTSO. Both sites tend to offer a lot of wines that I either haven't tried or in many cases haven't even heard of. I rely on you guys to give me the real scoop. Now that Cindy has gotten rid of the forum, I will probably buy more from WTSO, because frankly they offer more US wines that I have at least heard of. Plus, I like the fact that even though they don't have a forum, they seem to be following this forum (or WL forum) and responding to our requests. When was the last time GV responded to one of our requests? He promised us an Amarone, but never delivered (at least not offered by itself). These days all of Cindy's deals seem to be directed more toward locals as most don't include FS. I haven't bought from Cindy in at least two months. That is by far the longest stretch I have had since I first found the site over a year ago. That has to tell you something.
2010‐12‐16 11:06:22
I think many of us need to watch GV's speech at LeWeb, that is linked on Facebook, he talks about that Scken and the forum move and Cindy. It seemed very frank, but also very cold in the reality that Cindy was and is about cash, and not really want we the community wanted. Its about 15 mins in.
2010‐12‐16 11:19:45
@johnR ‐ can you post a link for that here?
2010‐12‐16 11:24:18
I found it. LeWeb GV's 45 minute talk/interview
2010‐12‐16 11:37:48
@johnR Interesting... Hinrgman, thanks for the link. GV's been posting on twitter the past two days for people to watch &amp; give him their two cents. I will be sure to do so after getting home from work.
Heads up
If you just want the Sassicia
2010‐12‐16 11:53:36
Sassicia for $140+ 12 to ship
2564 johnR
2565 johnR
Your basically paying full rate on the La Reserve and lowest price on Sassicia
But, If you want save some cash, go for the 2nd wine of Sassicia, Guildaberto 2007 was very nice 92pts JR. JJbuck had for $28, now $35. I left a tasting note under disclosure.
2010‐12‐16 12:06:18
2010‐12‐16 12:10:45
2575 joe g
I watched about the first 20 minutes or so. Interesting, he doesn't actually say he took the forum off Cindy. In fact, he speaks in the present tense when talking about the forum, as though it was still there. What I don't understand is how he says that you have to have tough skin to have a forum like that associated with your business, but he believes that in the end it is beneficial to your site. He says that, but yet, he took the forum off Cindy because of the problems he talks about. It seems to me that he is saying one thing, but doing the other. The fact is though, I agree with what he said; I believe it should be beneficial for the business despite the sometimes negative comments. I know I, for one, have spent less money at Cindy since they took the forum away, and I'm sure I am not the only one. GV is a smart business man, and I have little doubt that if Cindy were doing better with the forum, he would bring it back. The fact that he hasn't tells me that Cindy must be doing better without the forum. 2010‐12‐16 12:13:33
@Scken.....It was interesting to watch because, until GV, has never publicly addressed the issue. Maybe I am ready to much between the lines, but I am getting the sense that the Community was more focused on being the community, and not selling the wines as offered. I agree with you, the its a moot point now, but it seems that the decision was to move was driven a whole lot more by dollars and sense, that what was told to us in the follow days.
2010‐12‐16 12:21:55
ken... there still is a cindy forum...
2010‐12‐16 12:26:06
2576 Wine Cutter
Regarding the LeWeb speech, Gary talks a lot about the value of having real human profiles behind on‐line comments and how mush sh*t takes place when people can post anonymously. I know that the suggestion was made multiple times (at least 2x by me) to do that on the old Cindy forum. Wonder why that was never done. From what I heard through the grapevine is that one of the reasons Gary took down the old Cindy forum is that competitors were posting there. Requiring a real name would have prevented that (imagine the reaction to a "JNewman" posting). That said, why can't a competitor post on the current Cindy forum? Not sure what issues the current forum solves vs. the old forum. Since Cindy/WL/GV have decided to remain silent on the issue, I guess we will never know.
2010‐12‐16 12:53:25
2566 SCKen
2569 johnR
2577 johnR
2578 luddite
You are Correct Joe, their is a Cindy Forum, but as evidenced, you are posting here, to the Cindy Community exiled from the Cindy Forum. I for one, contrary to the comments posted here I am sad as to what happened to the Cindy Community at large, but am happy that we were able to grow into what we are now, here at TH.
2010‐12‐16 12:54:08
Wonder how many Jets fans want GV to own the team. They wouldn't have a game plan they would have a 5 minute plan and change it every 2 ;‐)
2010‐12‐16 12:56:24
133 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
2579 Wine Cutter
2580 johnR
2581 BuffaloLou
2582 BuffaloLou
2588 BaroloDude
2589 David T
2605 SCKen
For what its worth, Robert Parker tweeting about Cameron Hughes "CHECK‐OUT Cameron Hughes‐very tasty,well‐
made winesfor $12‐$20,and mostly from Napa!"
2010‐12‐16 12:56:38
And honestly, lets make the point that GV probably is nearly totally removed from WL/Cindy. I think that GV is the face, but most of the nuts and bolts decisions are have been made by others for sometime. At is evident by the lack of content generated by WLTV, he hasn't made a new video since before thanksgiving. He is long gone.
2010‐12‐16 13:01:15
John O ‐ The lot 200 was bought by Costco. It was confirmed in an email from CH.
2010‐12‐16 13:12:00
@SCKen ‐ I have been spending less at CW, but it has nothing to do with the forum. FWIW, it's pretty dead over on the CW offer link pages.
2010‐12‐16 13:17:03
If BuffLou is buying less, then i am selling my UPS shares pronto.
2010‐12‐16 13:29:05
@johnR I could see WLTV trickling in through ep 1000 &amp; that being the end. They'll say if you want videos, watch those released with Behind the Vine. But even those have been few &amp; far between recently, though I can understand w/ the consultants being slammed during the holiday season.
2010‐12‐16 13:40:27
joe g ‐ I was referring to the fact that there is no longer a forum on the Cindy site. You have to go elsewhere if you wish to talk about the offering. Cindy chooses to link up the WLTV Forum, but they could just as easily link up this forum. Of course, they would never do that for all the reasons they took the forum off Cindy to begin with. GV said he didn't like people hiding behind screen names, but screen names are still used at WLTV. Besides, as I recall, the majority of people who would tell it as it was on the old Cindy forum weren't hiding behind a screen name. JohnR was one of the most openly critical voices on the old forum (providing both positive and negative critques), and he certainly wasn't hiding behind a screen name. GV can say what he wants, but it seems to me that he took the forum off Cindy because the negative comments that became more and more prevalent as the Cindy deals became less and less interesting were hurting sales. Sometimes I wonder if GV realizes the site has changed. In the video, he talks about moving the offer from midnight to 9 as though that just happened. He also suggests that there is only one offer a day. That hasn't been the case for almost a year now, and frankly ever since they went to more than one offer a day, the quality has gone down hill greatly. GV has criticized WTSO in the past, but it seems to me that there really isn't a big difference between the two anymore.
2010‐12‐16 14:23:02
received this from my cousin in oston, hope @ will appreciate:
For those of you who have never been to"Bawstin", this is a good guideline. I hope you will consider coming to "Beantown" in the near future.
Information on Boston and the surrounding area:
There's no school on School Street , no court on Court Street, no dock on Dock Square , no water on Water Street . Back Bay streets are in alphabetical "oddah": Arlington , Berkeley , Clarendon, Dartmouth , etc. So are South Boston streets: A, B, C, D, etc. If the streets are named after trees (e.g. Walnut, Chestnut, Cedar), you're on Beacon Hill . If they're named after poets, you're in Wellesley . Massachusetts Avenue is Mass Ave ; Commonwealth Avenue is Comm Ave ; South Bostonis Southie. The South End is the South End. East Boston is Eastie. The North End is east of the former West End . The West End and Scollay Square are no more; a guy named Rappaport got rid of them one night. Roxbury is The Burry, Jamaica Plain is J.P.
2628 luddite
2629 BeachBoy
How to say these Massachusetts city names correctly:
**Say it wrong, be shunned**
Worcester: Wuhsta (or Woostah)
Gloucester : Glawsta
Leicester Lesta
Woburn : Woobin
Dedham : Dead‐um
Revere : Ra‐vee‐ah
Quincy : Quinzee
Tewksbury : Tooks berry
Leominster : Lemin‐sta
2010‐12‐16 16:21:48
GV has always been full of himself. Simply put, the offerings on Cindy are much less interesting than on other sites. Thanks for creating this forum.
2010‐12‐16 16:27:51
134 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
Question(s) for those in the frozen North: Today I received a shipment of Nicholas Cole Camille '04 from Garagiste (mystery wine #6). While they had written that it would be shipped 12/1, it apparently shipped a week later and was obviously exposed to the extreme cold as it traversed the US from Seattle to FL. All bottles had corks pushed through the foil capsules. Fortunately they were long corks and not a drop of wine or staining is evident in the shipping case, even though most of the corks were up well over 1"to 1‐1/2". Having never knowingly had frozen wine, I am wondering if the wine has suffered by this exposure? CT reviews are very nice and for the price of $16/btl, delivered, was a no‐brainer to me. 2633 wine magnet
I would love to try one (when they warm up a little), but am inclined to think that if there is such a thing as travel shock, this would qualify as such. Thoughts please?
2010‐12‐16 16:35:28
2634 johnR
I like GV...he's privately said he wants to come down to NC to taste with me and daBoy's is that going to happen? NO, why? Cuz most of the stuff GV says is hype. I understand that, its part of the package. Example in todays deal. Basically, you can buy the Sassicia for $140 plus shipping elsewhere. If you look at the price, its $149+$40. So you are basically paying WL cost for the La Reserve. IS that a fair deal? Heck no, pay you to take a problem of your hands? Thats been the game since last spring. I for one like to buy on my terms not someone elses. Thats why TSO has rise ALOT on the forum because they sell 1 bottle per deal, Buy or move one to the next. I for one didn't enjoy all the padding on the backs of the newbies.
2010‐12‐16 16:42:04
2635 johnR
oh, Knurd made the comment to me last tasting, that WL/Cindy gear most of their offers to the wine novices and cronies. and really didn't believe him, but I recently started to understand his point.
2010‐12‐16 16:44:57
2661 WineKnurd
@WineMagnet‐ while freezing your wine certainly isn't desirable, its the least damaging of any of the "shipping" hazards. As long as the cork hasn't been compromised it should be fine. Now this assumes that the only adverse condition to your wine was in fact temperature, but if you can get Nicki to replace these bottles or credit you I would do that just in case. I had 4 bottles of 97 Burgess shipped in hot weather with high ullage and clear indication that the wine had reached the level of the cork. I emailed WTSO and we agreed to split the cost and they refunded me half the purchase. I am sure Nicki &amp; Jon will help you out somehow.
2010‐12‐16 18:22:05
No one ever believes me :( 2663 WineKnurd
Thanks JohnR
2010‐12‐16 18:24:18
2664 johnR
@knurd...tomorrow nite is going to rock....JJbuck arrived today. I hope your wife can talk mine off the roof.
2010‐12‐16 18:26:38
2666 John O'
Boy, a lot of Cindy and GV hating. I don't get it.
They are by far the most transparent Wine purveyor on the Interweb. Their customer service is also world class.
2010‐12‐16 18:46:22
2669 BrunelloBob
2670 johnR
2671 BeachBoy
2678 johnR
2683 WineKnurd
2686 BrunelloBob
2687 WineKnurd
2688 BaroloDude
2689 BrunelloBob
2690 BaroloDude
2691 WineKnurd
2693 BaroloDude
2694 WineKnurd
@Brooks: Email on it's way boss. Sorry for the delay, I can't access this during the day since T. Hills "moved". No idea why...Love the DOCG credential by the way.
@J.R.: agree re: the Prum. I'm in. That Brunello deal was nice too. Good analysis on the Sassicia. I almost bit until I started thinking about it. Biggest "Name" wine ever on Cindy?
@Ludds: CRACKING UP on the Bawstin thing. Hotels should give that out. Much wisdom in there: "Don’t wear Orange in Southie on St. Patrick’s Day"‐‐‐that could save someone's life! one is hating on GV/WL this is the evolution of sales in the 21st Century.
2010‐12‐16 19:12:31
2010‐12‐16 19:14:11
Because someone points out the obvious about Cindy and GV doesn't mean they're hated. I also disagreed that they are the most transparent retailer on the net. There are many fine retailers out there. GV is a shrill for many of the wines Cindy is hawking. Much like Newman on WTSO.
2010‐12‐16 19:14:20
@Bbob: Climens was a big name too. I have 2 99's in the cellar. Lede was a big name, tasted their in June, big name. Sasssicia was the biggest in terms of per bottle $$$.
2010‐12‐16 19:16:00
12/17 will be MONUMENTAL!!!!!
2010‐12‐16 19:36:07
"Sassicia, Biggest 'Name' wine ever on Cindy?"‐‐showin my Italian bent... :)
2010‐12‐16 19:58:14
BBob what are you doing on Friday? Come on down to NC for our tasting!
2010‐12‐16 20:04:54
oy Castello... the latest CHughes email says Lot 200 Cab is at our local Sunnyvale COstco! Race you to it. What was the speculation on the juice? who's was it and has anyone cracked one open yet? (sorry if repeat question there)
2010‐12‐16 20:10:08
Will the demigod be there? ;)
2010‐12‐16 20:11:34
oooops poor editing there, meant to write "(NOT sorry if repeat question there)" ;‐)
2010‐12‐16 20:12:27
@BDude‐ JohnR thinks the 200 is Beckstoffer.
2010‐12‐16 20:12:33
Beckstoffer as in To Kalon? or the other vineyards on the east side of the valley (near plumpjack etc.)?
@BDude‐ dunno, JohnR has it all figured out based on the vineyards and scores. Not sure why Beckstoffer would need to dump through CH though.
135 of 958
2010‐12‐16 20:18:21
2010‐12‐16 20:28:27
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
Hey NC Dudes, what's the weather like down there? It took me 6 hours to go the normal 3 hour 180 mile trip from Philly to Manassas. Hoping I can work at home tomorrow AM or else I'm going to wind up taking the day off and sleeping in.
2710 waiting in Manassas
I agree with the comments, I also think GV/WL is now catering to the sheep that will buy anything they say to with no thought to developing their individual palate. I think that's the real reason they took the forum off, we were too opinionated and contradicted what they were trying to do. For Pete's sake, how many more La Reserves/Les Cretes/Bugays are there in their inventory? However, they do have decent prices and the store has items I can't find elsewhere but over the past 6 months, my LWS has been getting 5 times the business that WL has. And I don't see that changing in the future as my LWS does try to get in for me what I am looking for, and at a good price, too! 2010‐12‐16 20:59:25
2711 SCKen
JohnO ‐ I for one was not hating on GV and WL. More just calling it as I see it. I have a lot of respect for GV. I think most of us on here feel that way. But for those of us that have been following Cindy from the beginning, there is little doubt that the site has changed. From my point of view (which is by no means an absolutely correct view), the site has become more about quantity than quality. How many wines in the last 6 months have pumpkined? Not that many. A year ago, the offer would go up at 9, and if you waited until the morning to purchase, there was a good chance it would be gone. That is rarely a concern anymore.
2712 johnR
2727 WineKnurd
#WIM....Was driving around much today as school was and is canceled for tomorrow, roads were fine...
Hey WIM the roads are pretty clear here. We had some rain tonight that melted most of the ice. Still would love to have you here!
Yesterday the city of Cleveland lost an icon:
2010‐12‐16 21:05:01
2010‐12‐16 21:14:42
2010‐12‐16 21:39:02
2729 luddite
"I would rather beat the Yankees regularly than pitch a no hit game." ‐ Bob Feller (November 3, 1918 – December 15, 2010)
2010‐12‐16 21:57:10
2741 waiting in Manassas
Still planning on heading down tomorrow guys. Got the wine ready to go. Hope the body is up to more time behind the wheel. Not as young as I used to! Besides, I'm supposed to report back to the PA/NJ crowd. Maybe Mobius/AFK/Brooks would write about you guys if there were pictures (or moving stains...)
2010‐12‐16 22:29:58
Re Tonight's CW offer, from the Prince on Pinot:
Coleman Nichole Wines
A new producer with the 2008 vintage producing a Pinot Noir from the Sonoma Coast. Proprietor Brandon Miller grew up in a family where wine was usually on the dinner table. A Burgundy first hooked him on Pinot Noir and a 2002 Truckee River Winery Garys' Vineyard Pinot Noir was his epiphany. In early 2008, he formulated a business plan, obtained some Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir grapes, and with the help and encouragement of family and friends, launched Coleman Nicole Wines. The winemaker is Jason Moore.
2742 luddite
2748 BuffaloLou
2766 vinmoet
2767 Louas
The first wine is sold through a mailing list.* ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
*And now WL!
2010‐12‐16 22:31:57
@JohnR ‐ Did you get a trace of snow? LOL!
2010‐12‐16 22:56:48
Well, there's a spot on the map from the Plaza Mayor in Madrid. Its just before 7:am here. 7 hours ahead of you guys. Ate at the Museo de Jamon for lunch yesterday and a local tapas restaurant last night. We are talking some amazing ham here. We had some Iberico Jamon that sells for 60 euros a kilo. Will confess that I drank one delicious litre of beer with that lunch. At dinner I drank an 02 Rioja Reserva. A really bad year for Rioja. Parker gave it a 76. The waiter and I got along great and he knew that I knew a little something but he was determined that I drink that particular bottle. So I did, horrible decade and all. OK, the man was right. It eally was a wonderful bottle. plenty of fruit, nice age, soft but a bit punchy. Perfect with the food. Purchased an extra to take with me. He was laughing. All that and I don't have the label to post here now. The tapas were incredible. My bad high school Spanish is just good enough to get me around just fine. Mrs. Vinmoet is happy 'cause the food is good and she's not cooking it. Kids are happy and my 86 year old mother is happy. Been here less than 24 hours and it already feels like home. Its cold here (for them) but that means 30's and 40's. Sounds like I'm missing plenty of weather in the midwest and you guys have plenty to complain about in the northeast. Just means more reason 2010‐12‐17 01:02:19
@Vinmoet: I am so envious! Can anyone provide any input re: the WTSO Remick Ridge/Smothers offering?
Glad I found where all you Cindy exiles have landed!
2010‐12‐17 01:16:59
136 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
@vinmoet~Wonderful to have you there and here at the same time.........enjoy your trip and keep us posted throughout! Have a great time!
2768 A Frayed Knot
2769 A Frayed Knot
2794 BrunelloBob
2803 johnR
2805 SCKen
2807 luddite
Drinking a 2003 Ribera de Duero as we speak.........chose a Spanish wine tonight without even realizing you were going to be there. I raise my glass to you! Here's to wishing you many safe travels through the holidays! Cheers!! 2010‐12‐17 01:25:51
@Louas ~ Welcome...........did you post under another name at the old Cindy board or were you one of the lurkers? Either way glad to have you here!
2010‐12‐17 01:30:10
Louas: Welcome. I haven't had it, but there are some good cellartracker notes on the 2001 vintage. The winery has (had?) a decent reputation
Very jelous of Vinmoet. Tapas Rock
Post # 2000 coming up. I'll take BuffaloLou vs the Field. Takers?
I Love Bob Feller.
2010‐12‐17 07:02:47
@Blou: We got "snow" yesterday. As a transplanted Yankee, snow to me means at least 5‐6 inches, down here in NC, it means a dusting any everyone freaking out like its 2012 and the world is ending, quite funny watching news folks.
2010‐12‐17 08:21:44
NC gang and WIM ‐ Looking forward to tonight. I plan to leave here around 2:00, which should give me plenty of time to get there, get checked into the hotel, and be at Knurd's house by 7:00. We're still planning on 7:00, right?
@vinmoet: Sounds wonderful. Manaña mi amigo manaña!
2010‐12‐17 08:39:10
2010‐12‐17 08:48:12
2819 luddite
johnR the same thing happens here in NoVA and MD. That's why it took me 6 hours to drive what should have been a 3‐ 3 1/2 hour trip. And why I asked the question about your weather. I am also a transplanted Yankee who learned to drive in the snow, something that apparently is a lost art. Never fear, NC Cindies, I am packed and ready to roll out of here in a couple of hours. Looking forward to meeting you all later!
2010‐12‐17 09:02:30
@WIM: Safe travels and good times with the NC crew!
We will be getting together with our daughter, after all she's the reason we left MB and came north to the cold and snow for the holidays...
2010‐12‐17 10:12:15
2822 wine magnet
I recently recycled some wine shippers by taking them to in Sarasota (a link for which is at the top of this page). In talking with Mitch, the owner and former wholesale distributor in NJ, I suggested that he come up with a special discount code for participants on this page, especially if he comes up with one of his special buys. He is in the middle of completely revamping his currently rudimentary website, so perhaps when he is done he will come up with something special for the former Cindy loyalists. I know he is considering offering some kind of "rebate"/credit for returned foam wine shippers which ought to make some of us who can't bring ourselves to dispose of these things somewhat happy about seeing them recycled a few times.
2010‐12‐17 10:50:02
2808 Waiting in Manassas
2000 posts!!!!!!
2824 johnR
HEADING TO 3,000 by jan, unless B‐lou starts posting to fast again, and we'll hit that by christmas!
2010‐12‐17 11:01:20
2826 A Frayed Knot
JohnR wins the prize for the 2000th post. What do you win? Well, in the words of Steve Martin..........
Anything in this general area right in here.
Anything below the stereo and
on this side of the bicentennial glasses.
Anything between the ashtrays
and the thimble
Anything in this three inches
right in here, in this area.
That includes the Chiclets,
but not the erasers.
2010‐12‐17 11:12:44
137 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
2827 Brooks
2830 johnR
2831 Hinrgman
2837 WineBabyWine
2839 David T
2840 BuffaloLou
2841 johnR
2842 Hinrgman
2845 castello
2856 A Frayed Knot
2862 BuffaloLou
2863 BuffaloLou
2866 Brooks
2867 WineBabyWine
2878 BaroloDude
2879 johnR
2880 johnR
2881 luddite
2883 BrunelloBob
2884 Nursing a Hangover
2885 castello
2886 WineKnurd
2903 Louas
2919 johnR
2930 Louas
Congrats to johnr....mmmm...originally from Yankee country.....NYC???....I sensed we were your upcoming tasting sounds great ...we all await photos, tasting notes and photo copies of the DWIs
Congrats to the Steve Martin second favorite for winning a prize...steak knives
@Brooks....born and bred in NJ..
wine.woot has Iron Horse bubbly.
Hey over 2000 posts... do we become Official Lunatics or something? ;)
Congrats and thank you to AFK for bringing us this venue and getting &gt;2,000 posts in 43 days!
@JohnR ‐ That's what I figured! I'm surprised a bit 'cause there should be a lot of transplanted Northerners in the Carolinas!
@Blou, when are you coming to one of our NC Cindy tastings?
Who is from Pennsville, NJ
2010! BDude, I still have seven of my lot 200 but that could be a good deal at Costco if you're a stinkin member.
How do I stop the snow? On the computer that is..
@Castello ~ You just can't control the weather!! lol
@WBW ‐ I think there is little doubt that we're all lunatics!
@JohnR ‐ I don't get to travel much these days. :‐(
On this slow Friday after....I thought I would share with you all what my old college roommate and I did last summer....Perhaps we can raise the bar for the upcoming philly trip this spring‐bYEvc
Um, yeah, Brooks.... that would be a Big NOOOO for me.
anyone get the last golden deal email? i haven't. a 16.98 red wine with a big score?
and people say JohnR doesn't love you? Enjoy‐353687‐.aspx
@BDude....heads‐up, that last golden deal is a future..
@BaroloDude, as requested:
2010‐12‐17 11:31:19
2010‐12‐17 11:38:35
2010‐12‐17 12:01:10
2010‐12‐17 12:20:39
2010‐12‐17 12:24:25
2010‐12‐17 12:39:01
2010‐12‐17 12:40:17
2010‐12‐17 12:59:47
2010‐12‐17 13:10:39
2010‐12‐17 13:13:53
2010‐12‐17 13:16:01
2010‐12‐17 13:50:42
2010‐12‐17 14:01:14
2010‐12‐17 14:14:31
2010‐12‐17 14:14:48
2010‐12‐17 14:17:02
2010‐12‐17 14:17:59
Brooks: NICE, given my love for authority...
JR: Are you sure that's the red? Do you care? I've recently been seeing the white discounted locally
2010‐12‐17 14:31:22
@Hinrgman That would be me from Pennsville, NJ
2010‐12‐17 14:45:36
Red or white the CdP is sold out.
2010‐12‐17 14:51:20
@Blou‐ I think I am the only natural Southener left in NC!
2010‐12‐17 14:57:07
just came back from Trader Joe's here in Tucson. 2006 Alexander Valley Silver Oak is available at $49.99!! My how the wine world is flattening out!
@Frayed Knot: was not a lurker, I posted under the same name on Cindy, in fact was one of the few, (only?) people who actually enjoyed my 2 bottle of Les Cretes. really!
2010‐12‐17 15:45:49
@Bbob: If you want the white CdP, JJbuck had a insider deal bout a month ago for the 06 for under $40 750ml. JJB always honors the insider price even after the offer goes out.
2010‐12‐17 16:06:51
Speaking of Lot 200, not only does Costco have it, but it is a couple of bucks less than at CH Website and of course no shipping!
2010‐12‐17 17:04:39
ohhhhhh THAT louas. Of course!!! You'll fit in the TremHills asylum perfectly. ;‐)
2938 John O'
I saw a bottle of Les Cretes at a LWS and i almost laughed outloud.
got my Lot 200 today. Came as a mixed case of 6 different wines as part of their wine Club.
Read here you have the inside skinny on the provenance of Lot 200.
Would you mind e‐mailing it to me at: osullfam at aol dot com
2939 John O'
heads up ‐ Wine Library has the Schild 2008 Shiraz. # 7 on Wine Spectator top 100 and a 94 for $19.
Bought the 2007 for $13 from Uncorked (WS 92 and in that year's top 100) and it was one of the best QPR's I've found.
2937 BaroloDude
2010‐12‐17 11:22:58
138 of 958
2010‐12‐17 17:06:31
2010‐12‐17 17:26:05
2010‐12‐17 17:59:48
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
2947 flyerfan
@Brooks ‐ I echo the sentiments of WBW...........Umm......NOOOOO!!! You jump, I'll drink!!.........BTW, if for some reason your 'chute fails to open, can you please will me your entire Havens stash? (Morbid thought, I know, but these things must be addressed, preferably ahead of time.)
@WBW ‐ Don't worry, the Lot 200 will be obtained from jovino next week, and you will have it Thursday evening.
@Louas ‐ Congratulations on successfully navigating the maze to the TH asylum. Good to see you again!!!
2010‐12‐17 18:45:51
2961 WineBabyWine
Hey FF... problem is, I might be at Longwood Gardens on Thursday evening to see the beautiful flowers &amp; light displays.... interested in an exchange there?!?! But you can meet me at my hair salon appt. at 12noon! Actually, I think if Brooks knew what the Delaware River actually contains at the point of the Walt Whitman &amp; Ben Franklin Bridges of Phila, he probably would balk at jumping &amp; landing in it! hahaha!
Looking forward to hearing about the NC wine tasting tonight! Hope WIM got there without a hitch.
2010‐12‐17 19:59:49
2992 WineBabyWine
Nice article in the Wall St. Journal about Barbera wines from Italy.
Geez, did everyone go to the NC tasting but me? If so, you better have one he!! of a birthday party for me in March!
@WBW ‐ Judy... what day? I'm 3/2.
Why yes Pete.... Scorpio?
now Judy, what makes you say Scorpio?
you didn't answer my question
Blou, 3/14
3035 castello
When the moon is in the seventh blah blah and Jupiter aligns with mars. llllloooove,,,,, this is the dawning of the age of the internet or is it the age of the intern‐ette? WBM: We want pics of your hair doo!
hungerman: Great article on the futeur of Barbera, Inspired me to finish off last nights wines and pop a Lagrein from Sonoma.?
I guess I should post this on the disclosure page but cant find it.
Vinmoet......where r u now?
Has anyone been to the Live from Daryl's house website? I wasted many hours there today for some pop/soul music from the day.
2965 Hinrgman
2976 WineBabyWine
2977 NY Pete
2988 BuffaloLou
2989 WineBabyWine
2990 NY Pete
2991 WineBabyWine
3049 John O'
3056 flyerfan
You never know what you're going to pick up on these boards.
Playing the Daryl's House Todd Rundgren episode in the background. The site is up on the favorites bar.
thx for the tip
WBW &amp; BLou ‐ Another Piscean, here!! 3/3!! Fish rule!!
2010‐12‐17 20:52:12
2010‐12‐17 23:57:57
2010‐12‐18 00:10:04
2010‐12‐18 00:44:59
2010‐12‐18 00:59:45
2010‐12‐18 01:10:18
2010‐12‐18 01:20:28
2010‐12‐18 01:21:32
2010‐12‐18 04:45:35
2010‐12‐18 06:08:46
2010‐12‐18 08:47:00
Forgot to ask, what does the TH community think about the current Cindy 6‐pack at that price? Has some of the ones I was thinking about purchasing separately, so it may be a good deal for me if I can swing a pack......
3057 flyerfan
Hey, NC Cindies (and SCKen &amp; WIM) ‐ How did you guys fare last evening? Do tell, do tell.........
2010‐12‐18 08:49:55
3062 BrunelloBob
Okay........I'm sitting in class, multi‐tasking by checking out this forum while still participating in class discussion, and wondering where the he?? everybody is........Holiday shopping? Recovering from last evening's office parties? Wine tastings (NC gathering)? Where are you all????
FF: pay attention to the professor and stop fantasizing about wine!
RE: Cindy's latest: Very nice discount, but the scope is too broad for a lot of people. Not everyone wants port, kosher bordeaux, shiraz, BdM etc. Maybe if you're just starting out and trying to figure out what you like, this is a great deal. BTW, while I haven't had it, the BdM is unimpressive vs. it's contemporaries...
Now do your homework!
3064 WineKnurd
Whew, just now up and working on cleaning all my stemware and decanters! Thanks to WIM and SCKen for making the trip last night! It was great to meet fellow wine enthusiasts and more importantly for you to meet the infamous JohnR. Will try and post the line up and what notes I can remember here soon. Stay tuned!
2010‐12‐18 10:44:58
3058 flyerfan
139 of 958
2010‐12‐18 09:25:51
2010‐12‐18 10:00:27
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
3065 flyerfan
2002 Cristal on 'TSO....1 bottle FS.........Doesn't seem like much of a discount, and if you live in CA, you can pick it up at a number of places for up to about $13 less, not including tax, of course.........Have 2 bottles of the '97 I'm sitting on. Plan on opening one in May.........graduation celebration!
Bbob‐ Thanks for the input on the Cindy 6‐pack. I'm still undecided, but may just splurge for what I want individually.......But as far as '04 BdM's, what do you suggest to try that's reasonably priced? Loved the '04 Verbena WIM brought to a Philly offline, but at $50, can't afford that right now, much to my chagrin. Plus, her LWS is the only one that carries it.
2010‐12‐18 10:45:28
3066 Brooks
FF....chewing gum....bothering the others in class....dreaming of wine....what's else am I missing...OBTW...was there
an undeclared hat trick...FF slipping?...mmmm....must be an imposter ...I have a bumper stick on my car....Our Straight A Grad Student FF can beat your student anytime!.....
So I wake up this morning....after reading chapter 17 of "The Golden Road of Unlimited Devotion of Brunello BrunelloBob....and and and I find out that the 2004 Piancornello Brunello di Montalcino ( of which I have 6 at 29.99 fs from CW) is "is unimpressive vs. it’s contemporaries" there no Santa Claus? about the Easter Bunny?...OMG...I may have a WP888 moment!!!....Ground control to Major Tom we may have a jumper!!!! Calling Doctor Bombay...Dr. Bombay...wait that is not Dr. Bombay...that is Uncle Arthur ...I feel like Patrick McGoohan on the table at the end of the movie...
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ...the 2004 Piancornello Brunello di Montalcino CT link for the CW sex pack is for the Riserva..does this mean the pack has the resirva???..OMG I bought two of those from WTSO for 39.99 FS......snap now 8 bottles of unimpressive wines....any thing else folks want to share with me this morning...
On a positive note, we were able to sneak a man purse cam into the NC wine tasting events....details later today... 2010‐12‐18 10:50:11
Re: high end 6 pack ‐ Ottawa Bruce just posted this: meh .......... over‐rated Barolo producer IMO ....... kosher Bordeaux, pazzzzzzzzzzzz ........... fruit bomb Auzzie, ewwwwwwww ........... big fruit, big oak, big alc. on the Wash. State vino , meh ............... Port and BdM are the only ones holding my interest .... and I do enjoy Noval .... but enough port in my cellar to last through the apocalypse.
3067 BuffaloLou
Me, I'm agreeing with BBob... "the scope is too broad for a lot of people. Not everyone wants port, kosher bordeaux, shiraz, BdM etc." Then again, it is a nice discount! I think I'm going to be buying more specific deals. I haven't been happy with the packs overall. There have been one or two, but the pairings have not been to my liking.
Elderton Command Single Vineyard Shiraz 2005 on Last Call, $70, FS on 1.
2010‐12‐18 10:54:29
Wine Advocate 97 points
"Elderton’s flagship is the single vineyard Command Shiraz, a wine with serious aging potential, and one with which all other South Australia Shiraz must be compared. The opaque purple/black 2005 Command Shiraz was aged in French and American oak puncheons (500‐liter barrels). It offers up a sexy/kinky bouquet of wood smoke, lavender, leather, game, mineral, black raspberry, and blueberry pie. Voluptuous on the palate, complex, and dense, it demands a decade of cellaring after which it should offer hedonists much pleasure through 2035." Jay Miller, #181 Feb 2009
Wine Spectator 94 points
"Firm in texture, with beautifully poised blackberry, licorice and pepper flavors that seem to hover weightlessly over fine tannins, lingering enticingly on the long, expressive finish. Best from 2011 through 2017. 1,400 cases imported." –HS Aug 31, 2009
Stephen Tanzer's
3068 BuffaloLou
International Wine Cellar 94 points
"($99) Inky ruby color. Vibrant raspberry, cherry‐vanilla and coconut aromas are complemented by candied licorice and smoky minerals. Pliant, palate‐coating red and dark berry preserve flavors are perked up by Asian spices and smoky minerals. Pretty exotic but not over the top, with gentle tannins adding shape and focus to the long, sweet 2010‐12‐18 10:58:40
140 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
3070 David T
We need a March b‐day bash! I'm 3/23. I had initially high enthusiasm for the pack last night but after reading other comments I'm reconsidering. I'm itching to try the Schild Shiraz (would love to get a couple bottles of the Elderton but it's a bit pricey for me at the moment although it sounds amazing) and try the 09 Garrigue Romaine JP emailed about yesterday. CT not quite as high as Parker, but still makes it sound like a great QPR at $13.
2010‐12‐18 11:13:29
Brooks: DON'T JUMP!
At $29.99 I suspect you did just fine. It's just not one of the "must haves" from a very good vintage.
FF: "reasonably priced" is in the eye of the beholder :) and the 2004s are going to start drying up... Looking at the Temple's current offerings: The La Serena is a good play at $47.98 as is the Vitanza at $45.98. I'll just about guarantee you'll love the Altesino Riserva, but it's pricey ($79.98). Banfi and La Lecciaia are respected, but I'm not a fan. I'd stay away from the Del Piano despite the price.
I'm holding, and am optimistic about:
2004 Castelgiocondo (Marchesi de' Frescobaldi) Brunello di Montalcino 2004 Piancornello Brunello di Montalcino Riserva 2004 Uccelliera Brunello di Montalcino Riserva 2004 Poggio il Castellare Brunello di Montalcino 2004 San Filippo Brunello di Montalcino Le Lucere 2004 Argiano Brunello di Montalcino 2004 La Rasina Brunello di Montalcino 2004 Uccelliera Brunello di Montalcino 2004 La Serena Brunello di Montalcino 2004 Poggio Antico Brunello di Montalcino Altero 3075 BrunelloBob
3076 BuffaloLou
I've also got, as Value plays:
2004 Pietranera Brunello di Montalcino 2004 Terre di Bo Brunello di Montalcino not sure what I was thinking on the Terre di Bo...
I checked into the Command Shiraz. It's not a great deal. Better price than elsewhere when you include shipping, but it's about $68‐$69 other places.
2010‐12‐18 12:50:05
2010‐12‐18 12:51:54
My son never ceases to amaze... Just earned his 1st degree Jr Black Belt in Kempo Karate this week. Here are the pix:;id=1598126155&amp;l=62d64a6c2d (Should be viewable to all.)
3077 BuffaloLou
3078 flyerfan
3079 Hinrgman
3080 flyerfan
3081 flyerfan
3082 BaroloDude
3083 John O'
3084 flyerfan
(You'll also see a few pix of my dressed as Santa from last night. Visiting one of my Cub Scout Packs. It was a blast being Santa! The best part was at the end of the evening when I was taking a peak to see if the hallway was clear, I was spotted by a 3 year old. His reaction was priceless! A HUGE gasp, followed by "Mama, it's Santa!" The look on his face... Well, let's just say that he made my night, and that say's a lot!
Any thoughts on today's "Secret Deal" barolo from WL?........Oh, and if someone can post the link to it here, I'd appreciate it. I just mistakenly deleted the email. Thanks! :‐)
nice Santa!
BBob ‐ Thanks so much for the input. I appreciate it! After the '04's, what are the next couple of vintages you recommend looking at?
Congratulations to BLou, Jr.!!! A great accomplishment.............BLou, may I sit on Santa's lap.......with Mrs. BLou's permission, of course! Great Santa!! I commend your service to our youth!!
I am 3/17. My little girl is 3/14 Fish!
2010‐12‐18 12:54:35
2010‐12‐18 13:06:06
2010‐12‐18 13:08:16
2010‐12‐18 13:13:36
2010‐12‐18 13:20:58
2010‐12‐18 13:23:48
Have you had the Command? It knocks you on your a$$. Elderton is a quality producer. Their base Shiraz is terrific and easier in the wallet. Bought some '04 splits for $11 each from WL. Great call when you want 2 glasses.
2010‐12‐18 13:27:46
BDude ‐ Both my dad and one of my nieces are 3/19!!
2010‐12‐18 13:35:56
141 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
N.C. Cindys tasting 12.17.10 with new member SC. Ken and WIM
Disclosure and general comments Nice to meet Scken and WIM, great people, can't wait to drink again.
Impressive lineup including:
2009 Michel Girard (13.5%) vs 2009 Merlin Cherrier (14%)
2007 Jack Piret “Granits des Moriers” Fleurie (Beaujolias)
2003 – 2004 Verbena Brunello di Montalcino
2008 CH Lot 200 Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon
2003 Amarone 2005 Chanson Beaune 1cru Les des Feves Monopoly
2008 Hans Schiller Peisporter Michelsburg Spatese
Few thoughts:
Lot 200‐ 2 thoughts, 1) still very primary 2) 1 dimensional. Given all the hype and secret pedigree I was very unimpressed by the lack of any 2nd tier flavors including Oak. This was totally fruit driven with nothing else giving character. Now, was it bottle shock? Dunno, Youth? perhaps, but given the top billing and secret pedigree, I would honestly feel a significant disappointment if this doesn't deliver down the road. Given the price but $24.00 it is a value, but given the hype, it would merit a JohnR pazzzzz 85pts.
2003 Peby‐Very impressive. Inital was Dark and Red fruit, cherry, cedar, chasis. Impressive balance, only 13.5%abv, especially given 03 and its 100% Merlot. Oak was nice, not cakey. 92pts
2005 Chanson‐ WOTN for me. This is Burg! Tart Strawberry and Cranberry, medium acid, hint of oak, finish was a burst then a gentle fade over a long minute to 2, the opposite of the Kanzler SCken brought, made us think for 5‐6 over what we were tasting, a hint of dry approcot, really really impressive, a wine drinkers wine. 95pts. It was a shame the we drink this so early as many forgot how good this was.
3085 johnR
2010‐12‐18 13:41:29
3087 BrunelloBob
FF: The 2004 riservas are still trickling out. Will be some great wines but few QPR winners. 2006 will be great, but isn't here yet.
2005? Not as good as 2004 or 2006, but shaping up to be a classic "sandwich" vintage. Buy smart, and I think there will be some great QPR opportunities, at least by BdM standards. I'd buy the top tier producers (starting with the "affordable" ones) and look for opportunities where the winery doesn't make their single vineyard brunelli, or their riservas, but plows all the good fruit into the normales.
2010‐12‐18 13:50:45
WTSO needs to slash the price on the Cristal, I just bought it locally for that.
2010‐12‐18 13:52:41
3088 Brooks
ff..2006 Bruna Grimaldi Camilla Barolo . ...29.99..steak knives and shipping not included... BD and BB any thoughts for FF... Joe G?
Coming soon to a Mall Blog by you...Santa BuffLou and Paul "Mall Santa"
"I saw Mommy Serving Santa a Petite Syrah"
" Silver and Gold...but Scout Alex has a Black Belt"
"Santa Claus is coming to a Bandits game soon"
"All I want for Christmas is Amarone"
"Here comes Santa down the Silverado Trail"
"Who spiked the Egg Nog"
"What will Santa say if no free shipping"
"I am making a wine list and checking it twice"
"Mele Kalikimaka ‐Landshark Mistletoe and Hula Skirts"
3086 BrunelloBob
2010‐12‐18 13:54:07
2010‐12‐18 14:13:35
3102 John O'
Brooks: I got nothing on that Barolo.
Ian's endorsement counts for something, but those vines are awfully young. Great vintage by all accounts...At that price and with the limited pedigree, I'd expect a decent wine but not GREAT Barolo. Would consider it as a QPR play, but wouldn't load up and lay it down without trying first.
BTW, what's the deal with these Big Button things? Is that an email link only? As we know, I am apparantly banned from receiving WL emails...
@bb ‐ here's the link ‐
BBob ... nice lineup of 04 BdMs
WL has a deal button for Colonial Estate John Speke 2006 GSM for $30.
Looks like KL has for $20.
Thoughts on this wine?
3124 A Frayed Knot
I put up a new page numbering system for the seems to load faster without the firefox issues.
2010‐12‐18 21:09:29
3092 BrunelloBob
3093 Hinrgman
3098 NY Pete
142 of 958
2010‐12‐18 14:42:34
2010‐12‐18 16:57:50
2010‐12‐18 17:05:12
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
I love brunello ... these 04's are in my possession ... Date
3125 NY Pete
Argiano Casanova di Neri Brunello di Montalcino Tenuta Nuova Casisano‐Colombaio Castelgiocondo (Marchesi de' Frescobaldi) Col d'Orcia (Cinzano) La Colombina Il Poggione (Proprietá Franceschi) Fattoria La Gerla Podere La Vigna Brunello di Montalcino Riserva Piancornello Pietranera
Poggio il Castellare La Rasina Val di Suga (Angelini) Valdicava
2010‐12‐18 21:11:23
3126 BrunelloBob
AFK: It is loading faster, Thanks.
Pete: Nice lineup yourself. We could put together a pretty solid tasting between the two of us.
2010‐12‐18 22:00:06
3128 David T
3129 A Frayed Knot
3141 flyerfan
3143 brooks
3155 BaroloDude
@AFK I can't speak for others, but I never had any issues with slow loading on Firefox, and now the most recent comments page is at the end, not the beginning. As I post this, being the last page, it only has 3 comments, so you have to click back a page to follow the flow of comments, rather than having a full first page to scroll down to where you left off. It may load a bit faster but is not nearly as user friendly, plus having to click back pages, forcing a whole new page to load to follow things must be at least as slow in the end. Anyone else now having the same issue? If it's easier for everyone else, though, I can live with it.
2010‐12‐18 22:47:59
@DavidT ~ Before the partial page was always the first page and the comments were continually shifting down a page, so they weren't always on the same page number. The way it is now, the comments always stay on the same page number so you can bookmark where you left off reading and when you come back you can start reading right where you left off.
2010‐12‐18 23:04:30
@AFK ‐ New page‐numbering system works for me. Thanks so much for maintaining this site so well!! NY Pete &amp; BBob ‐ Can I be invited to your '04 BdM tasting? Between the two of you, I'm quite jealous. BBob, thanks again for the info today!! WineKnurd &amp; JohnR ‐ What did you think of WIM's '04 Verbena?.........Also, did she develop any "moving stains" on her shirt? It's one of her trademarks, you know.
2010‐12‐18 23:42:28
BB and NY Pete You guys need to get a room. ;). Nttawwt.
2010‐12‐19 00:01:35
Pete, that La Gerla is the winner for me. Love their std BdM and the de Angeli too. Valdicava ain't so bad either ;‐
2010‐12‐19 00:52:29
@FF ‐ One of the Cub Leaders came and sat on Santa's lap! He's a great guy and really knows how to get into it and have some fun! BTW, thanks! Trust me, I think I enjoyed it more than they did! It's a blast, especially with the little ones!
Lot's o' fishies!
@John O ‐ Never had the Command. I have had their lesser bottlings. I'd love to try it, but the 'deal' was just meh!
3213 BuffaloLou
3214 BuffaloLou
@AFK ‐ Page #s work great! Thanks!!
meeting notice: B3 (BuffaloBoiseBrad) will be stopping by the BLou home tonight for a F2F and some tasting. Should be fun!
143 of 958
2010‐12‐19 10:01:45
2010‐12‐19 10:04:35
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
After finally getting back to G'ville last night after the UNC/TX game, I pretty much headed straight to bed. It had been a long 24 hours! The tasting Friday night was fantastic. Knurd makes an Italian peasant soup that is to die for! We tasted so many wines that honestly I don't remember everything we opened. I recall the Burg toward the beginning being very nice. It had lots of subtle flavors but I distinctly recall apricot on the finish. I believe everyone but me hated the Kanzler. It is a huge PN with a ton of alcohol, but gets better as the alcohol burns off some. We had an 03 and 04 BdM that were both very good, but I remember thinking the 04 was a little better. The wine of the evening for me was the Lot 200. Not because it was necessarily the best of the evening, but because there was so much anticipation for it. I personally liked the 200 a lot. JohnR's earlier notes on it were pretty much spot on. If you open the bottle hoping to try a $200 wine, you will be disappointed, but if you remember that you only paid $28 for it, and you don't have unrealistic expectations, it is a very good deal. I have had plenty of $50+ Cabs that were not as good, and I can't think of any Cabs that I have paid less for that I would put ahead of the 200.
3216 SCKen
WIM ‐ Haven't seen a post from you. Hope you made it back safely!
2010‐12‐19 10:50:53
Hey FF‐ the 04 Verbena was really good, better than the 03 we compared it to. Makes sense, same producer, same wine better vintage. They had the same flavor profile, classic BdM, but the 04 had more depth and concentration of these flavors. Oddly enough, both were 14% abv but weren't "modern style".
3217 WineKnurd
3218 David T
Wine of the Night? It was tough, I think the 05 pebey from JohnR was my fav, followed closely by his 05 Chanson prem cru Burg. The Pebey had these really great tobacco and pomegranate flavors that was surprising since its 100% Merlot.
@AFK That makes sense‐ good to know!
a Knurd s Famous Italian Peasant Soup:
2010‐12‐19 10:53:02
2010‐12‐19 11:25:47
Easy to make, the secret is the broth. Once made, you just add whatever you have around in your pantry and fridge! For an entire pot‐
64 oz beef broth
2 stalks fresh Rosemary, each cut in half
6 cloves of garlic, peeled and cut in half
1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
10 whole, dried bay leaves
1 cup sliced mushrooms
1 cup course chopped celery (3 stalks)
1 can Diced Tomatoes
1 can Cannelloni beans
1 cup frozen, cut spinach
1 lb ground Turkey (or 1/2 lb Turkey, 1/2 lb ground Italian Sausage)
1 cup pasta shells (I use tri colored shells myself)
Olive oil and grated Parmesan
Wine, preferably Italian
Bring broth, whole stalks of rosemary, cut garlic cloves, bay leaves, and red pepper to a boil then simmer on med low heat for 30 min.
While simmering broth, brown turkey and/or sausage in a pan with plenty of olive oil. Once brown, do not drain or remove from the pan. Chop celery and mushrooms (if necessary) but do not add to the pan (I usually set aside in a bowl). Have a glass of wine.
3220 Hinrgman
Once the broth has simmered, use a slotted spoon to remove garlic cloves, rosemary stalks, and bay leaves. Add @WineKnurd ‐ that looks great will try it with venison or rabbit.
3221 WineBabyWine
Page numbers work for me, thanks AFK! Went to a Christmas Cookie tasting last night... and swap. We enjoyed a C Cubed evening. Chicks, Champagne, and Cookies. Lemon cookies, almond glazed cookies, dark &amp; light mint chocolate chip cookies, Russian Tea Cakes, Peanut Butter Chocolate chip, and Skillet cookies. Count me in for the BdM tasting with FF!... I'd like to learn more about the Italians. So when are the '04's drinkable?
2010‐12‐19 11:50:38
3219 WineKnurd
144 of 958
2010‐12‐19 11:26:06
2010‐12‐19 11:46:11
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
3222 WineKnurd
@ Hringman, the beauty of that soup is that you can add anything to to it! I have added orzo instead of shells, ground bison instead of turkey, mini meatballs, etc etc. My advice for substitutions is to stay away from onions and green peppers (at least not a whole cup of them) and to not add more ingredients than listed. Any more and you would need more broth and a bigger pot!
2010‐12‐19 11:55:22
3224 WineBabyWine
For those using the search feature, the soup recipe is on page 139. Page 140 is for loading and unloading only...
@Knurd, that recipe sounds very tasty! Thanks for sharing!
3225 waiting in Manassas
To all, I made it back safely from NC, but was totally wiped out from 3 straight days of long drives. Had a wonderful time, and it was great to meet the Knurd, JohnR and SCKen in person. The soup was worth the trip itself! I was sworn to not divulge personal details, but to bring any of the PA/NJ group along to the next NC tasting so you can meet them for yourselves. My favorite wines of the evening were (surprisingly) the o5 pebey since I am not a merlot fan, and the 05 Chanson prem cru Burg. Of course, the 04 Verbena BdM was also one of my favorites. I'll post my BdM list once I go downstairs, as I also have a bunch. Thanks again to DaKnurd and JohnR for making us feel welcome and to SCKen for coming north to meet us. You made me feel very welcome and I also learned a lot from our conversation. Hope to meet the rest of the NC gang next time.
2010‐12‐19 12:26:50
3223 WineKnurd
3226 waiting in Manassas
3227 waiting in Manassas
3229 Schmitty
3233 BuffaloLou
3234 Schmitty
3235 NY Pete
OK, here's what I've got in BdMs in my cellar. Yes, I've got a bit of an obsession.
2001 Vitanza (375 ml)
2003 Piancornello
2004 Piancornello
2003 Tenuta di Sesta
2001 Tenuta Oliveto Riserva
2003 Canneta
2004 Poggio il Castellare
2005 Uccelliera
2003 Fattoria La Lecciaia Riserva
2004 Pietra Nera
2004 Ciacci Piccolomini d'Aragona
2004 Verbena
2004 Verbena Riserva
2004 Fattoria La Lecciaia
2003 La Gerla Vigna gli Angeli
2004 PianCornello Riserva
I also have 2007 Valdicava Rosso diM, Verbena 2008 RdM, and 2007 PianCornello RdM. Whew! Now I'm thirsty!
Opps, forgot a few. Also have 01 Solaria BdM, 04 La Gerla BdM, 04 La Poderina BdM, 04 Donatella Cinelli BdM, 04 Argiano BdM and 04 Il Poggio BdM. Willing to participate with BBob and NYPete in a tasting. Italy is my new favorite area for wine exploration. Hattrick!
Have not been posting for a while‐ too busy this time of year‐ but a good kind of busy. Oldest son returned from college, so some catching up to do! I am a pisces, too‐ but not a march one! 02/27...............I am currently in the process of setting up 2 new wine fridges ( my kids teased me mercilessly), and since I was impressed by Sheila's inventory list, decided to use that opportunity to also create one. Just getting started‐ but it is fun. Heavy on the Italian side‐ no surprise there, that's just how I like it. Happy Fourth of Advent to everyone!
OMG Sheila! Nice!
Why is it, that there is still not enough space in coolers? Just filled the 2 new ones, with italian wines, from Super Tuscans, Barolo, BdM to Amarone‐ and still have bottles on the rack, and my entire case of Do Ut Des, which will not see the inside of a cooler yet. Lucky for me, part of my basement is cold‐ so this lovely wine will sit there in the box for a while one point in time part of my basement will have to become a wine cellar..............
WineBaby .... imo, it depends on the producer as far as 04 drinkability
WiM .... I love brunello
FF ... the more the merrier
BBob ... if you have a fave producer, who is it?
and if I missed anyone ... cheers!
so when are we going to do this BdM marathon?
and will BDude and Castello fly in for it?
145 of 958
2010‐12‐19 11:56:46
2010‐12‐19 12:01:01
2010‐12‐19 12:41:29
2010‐12‐19 12:45:57
2010‐12‐19 13:25:17
2010‐12‐19 14:15:39
2010‐12‐19 14:26:38
2010‐12‐19 14:33:25
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
3236 BrunelloBob
Pete: I've had some great bottles from Talenti, Pogionne, Lisini, Uccelliera and a few others. I haven't been drinking long enough to annoint a favorite producer, but those are on the current list of contenders. Haven't had most of the real expensive guys. It also seems like a producer who is "great" one year is "good" the next while the guy up the road (to the north or at higher elevation) is just the opposite.
2010‐12‐19 15:08:57
3257 WineKnurd
I love Brunello too! It's my new favorite after Pinot Noir! Still need to finish updating my inventory then figure out how to import it into Cellar Tracker. I've already been drinking some of my 04s, but usually decant them first. I really want to let them sit for a few more years at least.
2010‐12‐19 16:18:20
Now I have to make a list of my Italian wines. I haven't found my sweet spot in Italy yet as my palate seems stuck in Cab/Merlow land. nttawwt.
2010‐12‐19 17:04:18
hey Ed ... I got a few Oreno's that I think you would like.
2010‐12‐19 17:22:24
Calling Brunello Gurus:
'04 Fattoria dei Barbi (Colombini) Brunello di Montalcino 375s for $19.99 FS on 4
Thumbs up or down?
2010‐12‐19 17:58:12
@Wineknurd~Hmmmm Peasant Soup...........I'll try to remember that the next time it's peasant season! I put up a recipe your fave recipes!
2010‐12‐19 18:05:52
Ludds: Thumbs up
2010‐12‐19 18:07:11
luddite ... never had this producer but the price is right, if that helps.
2010‐12‐19 18:10:50
prof luddite you have link please thanks
2010‐12‐19 18:25:05
Brooks~I believe that's Wine Shopper.
2010‐12‐19 18:47:46
@Brooks, @AFN is correct! Thanks @NY Pete and @BB!
2010‐12‐19 19:05:10
thank you all and Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year
2010‐12‐19 20:10:19
AFK‐ Its always peasant season! The peasants are revolting. They certainly are...
2010‐12‐19 21:03:19
3258 flyerfan, usually I'm waxing poetic about my hockey team, but today, my football team MUST get all the kudos!! Down 24‐3 at the half to the Giants, and then 31‐10 with less than 8 minutes left in the game, they come back to score 4 touchdowns in that period of time, winning the game on a punt return with no time left.............Who does that!!!! To all you Giants fans.......I have no idea what to say except today's game must go down in annals as one of the worst meltdowns in team history...........Now, on to wine.........
Luddite ‐ Thanks for bringing up that Brunello on Wine Shopper. I was wondering about it myself. More intrigued since BBob and others have given it a thumbs‐up!
3240 waiting in Manassas
3241 castello
3242 NY Pete
3243 luddite
3244 A Frayed Knot
3245 BrunelloBob
3246 NY Pete
3248 Brooks
3249 A Frayed Knot
3250 luddite
3254 Brooks
3260 WineKnurd
@FF: Who's your team? The Redskins? :)
Re: the Barbi: Generally a traditional producer, meaning more earth and less fruit than "modern" BdM producers. That said, the reviews I've seen (and the vintage) suggest plenty of fruit in the 2004.
WINE PAIRING REVELATION OF THE WEEKEND: unshelled peanuts and Marlborogh Sauvignon Blanc. TRY IT.
OK, maybe I should have seen that coming, but I don't eat a lot of Thai food...
I just lurked over at WL/CW page, ouch! BLou my man you are keeping them going!
3261 WineKnurd
@BBob. Are you seriously asking FF if her team is the skins? Forfeit your BdM's to my cellar now!
3259 BrunelloBob
3262 waiting in Manassas
3263 BrunelloBob
3264 BrunelloBob
3266 luddite
3267 waiting in Manassas
@BBob Eagles, baby, Philadelphia EAGLES! What an awesome finish! Wish we saw the game here, we were stuck with the Deadskins and the Boys. At least I got to see the last 3 TDs on replay.
:) just startin'....
Knurd: "you can have my Brunello when you pry it from my cold, dead hand"
@WIM &amp; FF: Congrats! Love the passion
@all: NBC SNF halftime: The miracle at the Meadowlands!
Yes we sure are hard core Philly sports girls! What a great week! Still can't believe we got Cliff Lee, too! And, I'm going for the BdM 375s as well. Thanks for the thumbs up!
146 of 958
2010‐12‐19 21:12:31
2010‐12‐19 21:31:33
2010‐12‐19 21:39:34
2010‐12‐19 21:43:36
2010‐12‐19 21:45:01
2010‐12‐19 21:45:43
2010‐12‐19 21:47:00
2010‐12‐19 22:02:41
2010‐12‐19 22:10:37
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
3270 flyerfan
3271 flyerfan
3272 flyerfan
3273 joe g
3274 WineKnurd
3275 WineKnurd
3276 WineKnurd
3277 joe g
3278 WineKnurd
3279 joe g
@BBob ‐ Glad to know someone is acknowledging their revelations. Most of us go on oblivious.........
@WineKnurd ‐ Forgot to tell you, nice recipe for Peasant S0up. I'm going to have to try it........Anytime I hear "Peasant Soup", I think of Hank Azaria in "Bird Cage" with Robin Williams and Nathan Lane. Did you, per chance, serve it in the same bowls as in the movie?? ;‐)
@WIM ‐ Was in MD til this afternoon, and got the Eagles game on the radio as soon as I could. Dad had taped the last 4 minutes of the game when he realized the potential of what was happening at the time, so I got to watch that when I arrived at my parents' house, and then the rest of the scoring highlights on the post‐game show. Truly unbelievable!!
@Luddite ‐ Can't wait to listen to NY sports radio tomorrow morning.......(snicker, snicker!!)
WIM ‐ How many of the BdM's are you going in for? Want to just combine orders?
knurd... nice sounding soup.. i love the simplicity of italian food!
question about the peby you had... i am always intrigued when pwople say they are surprised by stuff as to what they are thinking.. what about the tobacco and pomegranite surprised you about this wine?
working off and on today on Friday's tasting line up with WIM, SCKen, and JohnR. Still not done! Hope to finish it up tomorrow but damn 12 wines! I have 8 done and I am revisiting ones that I still have in bottle to take additional notes. Oh the sacrifices I make :)
2010‐12‐19 22:29:21
2010‐12‐19 22:30:13
2010‐12‐19 22:31:09
2010‐12‐19 22:47:18
2010‐12‐19 22:49:21
Joe G‐ surprised that it was 100% Merlot. Went back today and got a little menthol as well. First Peby for me; expecting less vegetal / earth and more red fruits but really have no experience as to what Peby's normal style is. 2010‐12‐19 22:53:32
@ FF I did not serve it in the same bowls but I did start crying when I pierced the toast. How did you feel about the Eagles win? Bemused? Betrayed? Bewildered :)
2010‐12‐19 22:56:27
knurd... what about it being all merlot surprised you? any bordelaise varietal regardless of origin can be pyrazine (vegetal) dominant.. you expected red fruit and got pomegranite... and the tobacco and mentol are oak influences which the peby is not shy on
2010‐12‐19 23:05:07
JoeG‐ surprised that I got tobacco, menthol, black olive, black tea, and pomegranate from 100% Merlot even in Bord. Was expecting red currants and vanilla maybe hints of green pepper and some toast or smoke. Never had Peby before. Not sure what I was going to get but pleasantly surprised. Capice?
knurd.. capito! grazie ;)
Just finished up a little bit ago with a visit from uffalo oise rad and his lovely girlfriend. njoyed their company.
2010‐12‐19 23:12:49
2010‐12‐19 23:17:20
It's not everyday foggies like us are in the company of such young peeps! It was an interesting and fresh perspective! B3's knowledge on wine is quite impressive for such a young man!
Started with a red tail ridge Estate Bubbles '08 Sparkling Teroldogo (Finger Lakes). OMG, what a surprise! This was a fruit forward sparkling red. Color was amazing! Only sad part, is this is available winery direct only. Bummer! I'd love a case of these bubbles! Never seen Mrs. BLou flip over bubbles like she did with this!
Did not rate, I was too busy enjoying it!
The twins, Ella and Brianna, made an appearance for a comparison tasting.
Ella ‐ 90.5% Merlot, 6.2% Cab Sauv, 2% Petite Verdot, 1.3% Cab Franc. 14.5% ABV
n: Black Berries, worstishire sauce, hint of smoke
p: fruit forward with all sorts of black fruits, tobacco wrapper came out later. This wine is drinking beautifully now. Probably want to consume over the next year as I don't see it improving any more. (i.e., it wouldn't improve with any more cellaring... it's great now!)
90 pts
Brianna ‐ 93% Cab Sauv, 7% Cab Franc 14.6% ABV
n: a little more alcohol on the nose. It blew off after a bit. Loads of leather, hint of green pepper/veggis.
p: black fruits; there was something else here, it was more dominant, but I could not put my finger on what it was. Felt it was a bit rough on the finish and would benefit with another 1‐2 years on it's side.
3280 BuffaloLou
3281 WineKnurd
Standing Stone Vineyards "Riesling Ice" '08 ‐ This is made by letting the Riesling grapes hang longer, then after the 'regular' harvest, they are put into large commercial freezers and frozen. They are later removed, pressed, and made into wine.
c: liquid gold
JoeG‐ just read my last post while watching the end of the Pats/Packers. Wasn't intending to be a d!ck, just trying to type while watching football. Wow what a finish!
147 of 958
2010‐12‐19 23:25:15
2010‐12‐19 23:27:12
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
3286 WineKnurd
@Knurd ‐ Were you wearing pink socks when you pierced the toast?? :‐) for the game, was amused, amazed............can't come up with anything to rhyme with "bewildered" that begins with "am‐"............tired......heading to bed......
Have a good night!
2010‐12‐19 23:27:45
knurd... wasnt even thinking that when i read your last post! i just always like people to be able to justify what they are talking about... you did and thats fine... the only reason i brought it up is that all the elements that surprised you about the wine are ones that can be commonly found from that region. btw, i am not trying to be a d!ck either ;)
2010‐12‐19 23:41:51
JoeG‐ I guess I was expecting it to be different from the Cab F blends; it was, but not how I was expecting. Really enjoyed it!
2010‐12‐20 00:04:22
night all!
2010‐12‐20 00:04:48
3287 wine magnet
The conversation re: bordeaux, bordeaux‐like reds reminds me that (one of my semi‐LWS) sent me an email this afternoon for an email only special on the '07 Dominus Napanook, of which I have only had a taste but am hopeful some local friends might help me share a case at $26.99Btl, which appears to be much better than the lowest price on WS Pro. Those with a taste for this might write Mitch, the owner or call him tomorrow AM at: 941.926‐9463. Tell him you saw it on this blog and perhaps he might be further motivated to come up with some special offers on limited pre‐orders such as this.
2010‐12‐20 00:09:21
3282 flyerfan
3283 joe g
3285 WineKnurd
3288 castello
3289 castello
3295 waiting in Manassas
3300 ctwino
3301 ctwino
3303 luddite
3306 ctwino
Ok, here is my Italian Wine list. I know most are from the temple and that is a little embarrassing and not very adventuresome. I trust GV for most stuff. What can I say.
2004 Orlando Abrigo Barbaresco Vigna Montersino
2004 Marion Valpolicella Classico Superiore
2006 Masi Amarone della Valpolicella Classico Costasera
2005 Azienda Agricola Meroi Colli Orientali del Friuli Merlot Ros di Buri
2004 Piancornello Brunello di Montalcino
2003 Le Ragose Amarone della Valpolicella Classico
2005 Cantina di Santadi Shardana Valli di Porto Pino IGT
2006 Tenuta Sette Ponti Oreno Toscana IGT
2007 Torre Quarto Uva di Troia Bottaccia Puglia IGT
2004 Vitanza Brunello di Montalcino
I've enjoyed some of these already but mostly the inexpensive Piancornello, Shardana, Merio and the Marion. The rest most say need more time execpt maybe the La Rogose. I had it once but wasn't bowled over.
I've also heard most are much better with food but I don't cook much so it should be worthy alone or it gets put on the elegant/austere/acidic shelf. I'd rather drink something else.
Yes, after trying many, I'm still a pinotphobe,
2010‐12‐20 00:53:59
@Magnet: That does seem like a pretty good deal. I'm going to need a free shipping code :)
2010‐12‐20 00:57:05
@FF Bought 6 of the BdM. Started to get 4. Let me know if you want 2.
Happy Monday, all!
2010‐12‐20 06:16:55
Hi All‐‐
Any locals around that can go to the Temple and figure out the secret 4 pack? :)
2010‐12‐20 08:59:01
@wine magnet. I saw that email too and was going to call today. Would anybody in Ct or Westchester like to split a case? BTW they also have The Prisoner on special for $22.99/bottle on a case.
2010‐12‐20 09:02:10
@ctwino: This is the secret 4 pack according to @Julius:
'06 Conn Valley Reserve, '07 Monteviejo Lindaflor Malbec, '06 Chateau Haut Brisson La Reserve and the '06 Samuel's Gorge Grenache
2010‐12‐20 09:20:21
Thank you Luddite!
2010‐12‐20 09:34:00
WIM ‐ Being the PN lover that you are, you may really like this offer on the site mentioned by Wine Magnet,
3307 SCKen
Kosta Browne Six Pack
1 bottle 2004 Koplen Vineyard WS 96 Rating
1 bottle 2005 Gary's Vineyard WS 93 Rating
2 bottle 2005 Amber Ridge Vineyard WS 95 Rating
1 bottle 2004 Amber Ridge Vineyard WS 93 Rating
1 bottle 2005 Sonoma Coast WS 93 Rating
$ 699.99
2010‐12‐20 09:49:22
3308 SCKen
Alright, I hope luddite is correct about the secret pack because I went in for 1 after reading the post.
2010‐12‐20 10:08:03
148 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
3310 Brooks
3311 ctwino
3315 Wine Cutter
Martha...aka CTWino...Prisoner 2005‐ 2007 are the vintages I seek...I have not had 2009...2008 was &lt; or = to 2007..... but a great price if fs for sure...for me I will wait for CT TNs
If you grab too many ’07 Dominus Napanook 26.99 a bottle with FS and need to unload a few 2‐3 I would take biz has an office in midtown...I get there atleast once a month...right by Grand Central Station...not mission critical is you are undersubscribed..thanks
My Brunello Collection
2004 Pietranera Brunello di Montalcino
2004 Corleone Brunello di Montalcino 2004 Capone Brunello di Montalcino 2004 Fonzerelli Brunello di Montalcino 2004 Moonstruck Brunello di Montalcino 2004 Astoria Brunello di Montalcino 2004 Mulberry St. Brunello di Montalcino 2004 Vanyiac Il Riserva Brunello di Montalcino
2010‐12‐20 10:20:38
@Brooks I will let you know how it all shakes out! Regardless, next time you are in NYC and you have a free evening, we should get a group together for a drink. I am 40 min by train and go in pretty frequently for work. I will bring homemade cookies, place cards and a centerpiece for the occasion. :)
2010‐12‐20 10:26:03
Very tempting secret pack, if Luddite &amp; Julius are correct. Was intending to pass, but might have to reconsider.
2010‐12‐20 11:09:16
Good Morning Friends! I just can't seem to be able to keep up with you all these days, Trembling Hills is moving too fast for me. Or is anyone else suffering from the constant head spins due to time flying &amp;/or holiday party overserving issues? Whatever the cause, I do thank you for being here when I have something to contribute.....So, my latest offering is a new wine blog started by a man I know who is seriously into Burgundy wines, has a very respected palate, and the assets/connections to taste and drink some major French juice. If anyone is interested he catalogues his recent 2009 tasting experiences in Beaune and adjacent hillsides, offering rather detailed notes. I've dined with Doug on several occassions, and he is constantly writing his impressions; I've never sat to table with him minus his notebook. His new blog can be found here:
3317 Josie
3318 luddite
3319 luddite
3320 waiting in Manassas
If I don't see you again before the end of the week, I wish you all a lovely holiday celebration!
@SCKen and Wine Cutter, I take neither credit nor blame ;‐) for the contents of the secret 4 pack and was only relating what @Julius posted on the WLTV forums...
@Josie, happy holidays and thank you! After all the wonderful dinners and wines you have told us about previously, I'm definitely reading his blog!
@SCKen, Ah, if only I didn't have presents to buy for others...
One of the LWS in Vienna, VA (not one I frequent) will be selling CH Lot 200 as of Wed for $40 per btl. Wonder what people will think. May stop by after work Wed to see if they decanted it and what everyone is saying just for curiousity.
We have an Amarone spotting:
2010‐12‐20 11:23:41
2010‐12‐20 11:25:40
2010‐12‐20 11:30:30
2010‐12‐20 11:31:45;utm_campaign=22c955baf4‐
3322 SCKen
2010‐12‐20 11:49:17
@Luddite ‐ I hope you enjoy his tasting notes ‐ I started reading them but the list is quite long...overall, of course, 2009 is going to be a stellar vintage for France. Doug is not actually the Host of my weekly 'dinner with friends', but is a frequent enough visitor, and given free reign to pull whatever he likes from that cellar, as he has the experience to do so knowledgably. I nearly hyperventilate each time I'm sent to the cellar!
3324 Josie
3327 BuffaloLou
3328 BuffaloLou
3329 BuffaloLou
3331 Wine Cutter
3332 SCKen
Merry Merry! J
2010‐12‐20 12:01:03
Checking it out now, Ken. Appears to be a solid offer.
2010‐12‐20 12:06:40
Well, that Amarone just disappeared! Drat!
2010‐12‐20 12:10:54
Now the deal is up, but no stock... seems like they're having problems!
2010‐12‐20 12:12:28
Wonder if this Amarone was just a tease deal...only had a few cases of the wine and, as a result, it sold out in 15 min?
2010‐12‐20 12:24:18
BLou ‐ I'm having the same problem. Maybe its the wine gods' way of telling me that I dont need to order anymore wine today!
2010‐12‐20 12:25:07
149 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
3334 BuffaloLou
Ken ‐ it's a goner! We needed to be faster on the draw. Now offering a Ridge East Bench Zin. Never had that bottling from Ridge. Must investigate.
3337 johnr
We are a very fragile group of winos...teasing us with like 12 bottles to sell of the wine that may not be 7pm tonight bring your water balloons, spits balls and Milli Vanilli albums to Wired For Wine 177 Washington Valley Rd Warren, NJ 07059 U.S.A....ouch...You know, it's just that people like this... you know... they get all they want so they really don't understand, you know... about a wine like Amarone. I mean, when you are a wine lover and lost the way we have , then you, uh, you know what life's about.
I do not, for one, think that the problem is that we have insatiable appetites for Amarone wine. I think that the problem MAY have been, that there was an Amarone on offer, the amount available of which was in danger of being consumed by a teetotaller. Alright?
You guys are looking at this the wrong way, now you have more reason to buy yet another La Reserve offering from Cindy!
3338 BuffaloLou
I just want to go on the record saying that I did NOT purchase the entire allotment of Amarone from W4W!
3335 Brooks
3336 Wine Cutter
3339 Brooks
3340 Brooks
3342 Wine Cutter
2010‐12‐20 12:34:56
2010‐12‐20 12:38:53
2010‐12‐20 12:55:42
2010‐12‐20 13:09:30
2010‐12‐20 13:13:56
"The Teetotaller" ‐ Irish (Gaelic) Music by Kiernan Fahy ‐ Duration 2:44 ‐ Appropriate for Irish Jigs
American rock musical mockumentaries for $200
(buzzer) Landshark ....and please make sure it is in the form question
2010‐12‐20 13:18:35
BLou...challenge... ;)
2010‐12‐20 13:20:59
What wine should I serve with a maple glazed spiral cut ham at Christmas? One red and one white. Thinking a CdP and a dry Riesling...suggestions?
2010‐12‐20 13:42:42
If I did, I would have cut you in, Brooks! [img]‐
Let's see if I got that right...
Apparently not...
2010‐12‐20 13:47:19
3346 BuffaloLou
OK, Brooks, how did you imbed the image?
2010‐12‐20 13:50:15
3347 Johnny C
BLou / SCKen ‐ WFW put that same Amarone up a couple of months ago as well, though it was $5 cheaper back then. I happened to be sitting at my PC that day, immediately jumped on a couple of bottles, then immed posted to the still‐living CW forum (following proper TonyO procedure of buy first then tell others). I got my bottles, but the offer was only up for like 15 mins then also ‐ the nerve of those teasers...
2010‐12‐20 14:10:21
3343 BuffaloLou
3344 BuffaloLou
2010‐12‐20 13:47:59
3345 BuffaloLou
3348 luddite
3349 BuffaloLou
3350 Brooks
3351 BaroloDude
3352 BuffaloLou
2010‐12‐20 13:49:00
@Wine Cutter: I'm the Sargent Schultz of food and wine pairing so I usually Google it and found this:
FWIW: The book mentioned above was also recommended by @D‐Rod and is available on for $23.10 (See Title Below)
What to Drink with What You Eat: The Definitive Guide to Pairing Food with Wine, Beer, Spirits, Coffee, Tea ‐ Even Water ‐ Based on Expert Advice from America's Best Sommeliers [Hardcover] @Johnny C ‐ (rhetorically) I wonder why such short offer times...
yes Virginia there are Christmas miracles...I just got the below email from WFW..I sent them an email asking how many they have left when SCKen gave the heads up..BLou/SCKen get first dibs of course...after that jump ball who wants the Amarone?
2010‐12‐20 14:17:10
2010‐12‐20 14:31:33
"We have 2 remaining bottles. To process, I would just need to get your credit card and address information. Is there a number I may call?"
Wired For Wine
877.806.1235 tel
908.292.1069 fax
2010‐12‐20 14:37:04
re pairings... reminder that we have a convenient link to the right of this page that takes you to a great site to get a wine suggestion based on food, or vice versa...
2010‐12‐20 14:37:04
Ken mentioned it first, so if he want's it, give him first dibs. If he does not, I'll take it (that is, unless you want it my friend!)
2010‐12‐20 14:43:45
150 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
3353 SCKen
3354 WineBabyWine
3355 Brooks
3356 WineKnurd
3357 Wine Cutter
3358 WineKnurd
3359 WineBabyWine
Brooks ‐ thanks for the offer, but you or BLou can have those last two bottles. I think I am going to pick up 4 of the Coelho PN's from WTSO. My wife is a fan, and I need to make sure I keep her happy!
2010‐12‐20 14:49:18
Here's a cool wine &amp; food pairing site:
2010‐12‐20 15:15:19
Lou check your email AH‐MA‐RO‐NAY 4 u ..SCKen you are a gentleman
The next time I am in Buff I will share with you the story of three bottles of 2003 Le Ragose Amarone della Valpolicella got misappropriated for a pizza gathering ;) the names will need to be changed to protect the ................
2010‐12‐20 15:15:43
Wine Cutter, why don't you serve the CdP and Riesling then post about how well it paired?
2010‐12‐20 15:17:57
Sounds like the Riesling should be a good pairing bet, but based on what I found on the links posted here I'm thinking I might swap out the CdP for a Pinot Noir or Rioja. Maybe I should do a little "research" this week to prepare!
2010‐12‐20 15:36:43
Barolo and pork, can't beat it!
2010‐12‐20 16:04:17
I was looking myself as we will be having beef wellington... so I was thinking Cab or CdP, but looks like I have many other options! I shouldn't have checked the chart... now I went from decision to indecision! Hmmm... malbec? Syrah? Rioja? Bordeaux?
PN might be good with the ham... but I am a PN fan, think it's very versatile &amp; can complement a lot of dishes... it has a tad bit of sweetness &amp; is not overpowering which I would think would complement glazed 2010‐12‐20 16:09:23
came upon a child of Gary
He was walking along the road
And I asked him, where are you going
And this he told me
Im going on up to Philly‐delph ‐ i ‐ a
Im going to join in a wine and food offline
Im going to camp out in the Four Seasons
Im going to try an get my soul free
We are Y'quem
We are golden
And weve got to get ourselves
Back to the wi i i ne dinner
Then can I walk beside you
I have come here to search for Bordeaux
And I feel to be a grape in something fermen ting
Well maybe it is just the time of the harvest
Or maybe its the time for an offline
I dont know who l am
But you know April 30th is for partaying
We are Y'quem
We are golden
And weve got to get ourselves
Back to the wi i i ne dinner
3360 smokenmirrors
2010‐12‐20 16:14:01
Let's see if this works: This is a test of the emergency smiley system:
3364 BuffaloLou
2010‐12‐20 16:58:44
Ken, you are indeed a gent! Thank you! And special thanks to Brooks! He's da man!
2 bottles of AH MA RO NAY on their way to Buffalo!
3365 BuffaloLou
3368 WineBabyWine
3369 BuffaloLou
3370 WineBabyWine
@Brooks ‐ Say it isn't so! AH MA RO NAY and pizza! Oh noooo!
BLou: did you know that karate originated in India?
@WBW ‐ I did not know. I will mention it to Alex's Sensei tonight. Pretty interesting!
Snapple fact #817.
151 of 958
2010‐12‐20 16:59:02
2010‐12‐20 17:14:10
2010‐12‐20 17:24:02
2010‐12‐20 17:24:43
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
3371 BrunelloBob
" Fonzerelli Brunello "‐ he he he :)
I gotta get access to this site during the day. I think the snow may be clouding my reception at work...
Re: Ham pairings: Love the dry riesling and PN ideas. I think I'd go with something fruit forward on the pinot. Loring?
But, have you considered rose'? I can't stand the stuff, but...
2010‐12‐20 17:26:16
@Knurd: I've been reading the TNs from the Friday night bash. Sounds like fun. A few misses, but more good than bad, especially the Chanson Clos des Feves. Sorry I had to miss it. I had bulk chardonnay out of a plastic cup that night.
3372 Phredd
3373 BrunelloBob
3374 Phredd
In other news, we popped the 2004 Cuvee du Vatican Reserve Sixtine the other night. I had a different wine from the one you had. I think you made a decanting mistake. We popped and poured, and the wine was singing from the moment we opened it. Smooth fruit, good herbal undertones, and a nice mineral core. Good aged smoothness without having lost its liveliness. Really good stuff, I thought. We still have some in the open bottle, and I'll be interested to see if it has held up.
Sansonnet is like those packing peanuts‐‐throw a few in every box...
@WBW: I love a good PN with ham! Get one with a little structure and a good mineral core to both hold up against and complement the saltiness. Just yum.
2010‐12‐20 17:28:39
2010‐12‐20 17:28:51
2010‐12‐20 17:31:26
To the NC Crew, Mrs David T &amp; I are planning a trip during our scheduled time off for December next year that will take us through much of NC (I am a sucker for Lexington BBQ &amp; need a fix!) so I will certainly be in touch then so we can plan a get‐together, although I know it's a ways off...
3376 Johnny C
In the mean time, I just got a text from her that scares me a little... we'll see when she gets home what happened &amp; how much of I can follow up on here: "I don't think I'll be leaving [work] anytime soon. We'll be doing an intervention &amp; it could get ugly. Not joking." Yikes...
Brunello lovers (and now we know there are many): 2003 Terralsole Brunello di Montalcino on Garagiste ‐ $26.83. You heard it here first (maybe)... GO!
3377 David T
Looking at the Wired for Wine offer of the Ridge East Bench mentioned earlier today (&amp; still up), It's on WL, same vintage, for $3 less ($22) so weigh that vs the higher price but FS on 4 on Wired. I had purchased a bottle for my brother for his b‐day &amp; one for myself a few months ago, but I have not opened mine &amp; checked with him &amp; he has not opened his either, although the CT scores on it look pretty good.
2010‐12‐20 18:26:43
3375 David T
3379 TonyO
Old school Viking / Bear game tonight.....did anyone really think that Favre would sit this out ? SKOL
Calling @BB and @NY Pete and any other sages, we have another Brunello alert:
2010‐12‐20 18:08:20
2010‐12‐20 18:20:34
2010‐12‐20 18:50:55
2003 Terralsole Brunello di Montalcino ‐ $26.83
3383 David T
Thumbs up or down?
As much as it kills me I think I have to root for the Vikings tonight, just because the Bears are one win/two losses ahead of the Packers...
3384 BrunelloBob
re: 2003 Terralsole, I wouldn't do it. The price is good, but BdM should be special and this one, I think, will just be ok. The vintage is "meh", the producer "average". Get a good $20‐$25 RdM instead.
2010‐12‐20 19:39:06
3392 Johnny C
BBob ‐ sounds like good advice, and the sage thing is all relative anyway... :) Go with it! I'm currently getting deep in a serious relationship with Barolo/Barbaresco anyway, so I leave the Brunello to the "super tuscans" among us...
2010‐12‐20 20:22:23
3393 luddite
AKA @Sage one: Thanks I will pass based on your wisdom and experience!
@DavidT: What line of work is your wife in. Hopefully the intervention went down peacefully...
2010‐12‐20 20:33:37
3382 luddite
152 of 958
2010‐12‐20 19:11:24
2010‐12‐20 19:31:16
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
3394 flyerfan
3396 flyerfan
3397 flyerfan
3400 BrunelloBob
3402 flyerfan
@DavidT ‐ Sorry to hear your wife is having a long day....She's in the same field as you, correct? One of the members in my cohort at school is a major administrator for one of the hospitals in the Hopkins network. (She's in our program so she can stay in her current position, as she was promoted but doesn't have a Master's Degree. They told her to go and get one.) She's also a registered nurse, but wears a number of hats administratively, and has often told us of some of the "interventions" she's had to perform. Not fun!!! I don't envy her, the least, and I certainly am not envying your wife at this moment. I hope she gets home at a reasonable hour! Perhaps a nice bottle of wine should be waiting for her, courtesy of you.
2010‐12‐20 20:38:54
BBob ‐ aka "Sage" ‐ based on today's conversations concerning the BdM offers, and your most recent comments, what RdM's are high on your list in that $20‐$25 price range?
WBW ‐ LOVE those Snapple caps, and supplementing my knowledge base with their trivia!! You never know when you're going to be at a family event and a game of Trivial Pursuit breaks out!!
JohnnyC ‐ Congratulations on grabbing post # 2200 for the Trembling Hills forum. AFK will be sending your ginsu knives shortly!!!
Hat Trick!!!
@FF: Can't miss with Il Pogionne, Altesino, Ucceliera.
There are other good ones, but those pop to mind first
Thanks very much, BBob! :‐)
New JJ Buckley '04 Brunello offers for those with deeper pockets than me!
2010‐12‐20 20:44:56
2010‐12‐20 20:46:46
2010‐12‐20 21:02:48
2010‐12‐20 21:18:54
2004 Valdicava Brunello Normale (36 bottles) List $83.99 / Your Preferred $78.75
∙ Wine Advocate 94‐ The 2004 Brunello di Montalcino is simply beautiful. Now that the wine is in bottle it is even better than when I tasted it from barrel. Firm but silky tannins frame a core of ripe dark fruit as this powerful yet elegant Brunello opens up in the glass. Smoke, cured meats, earthiness and graphite develop in the glass, adding further complexity. Sweet roses and spices linger on the long, refined finish. This is a big, structured Brunello, and like all of Abbruzzese’s wines, it needs at least a few years of bottle age before it offers its finest drinking. Anticipated maturity: 2014‐2024.
∙ ∙ Wine Spectator 95‐ Displays complex aromas of blackberry and cherry, with a hint of licorice. Full‐bodied, with silky tannins and a delicious finish of wonderful yet subtle fruit. Well‐integrated and beautiful. Everything is in the right place. Best after 2011. 5,000 cases made. –JS
2004 Valdicava Brunello Riserva 'Madonna del Piano' (12 bottles) List $179.99 / Best JJB sale price $149.99
3403 luddite
∙ Wine Advocate 96‐ The 2004 Brunello di Montalcino Riserva Madonna del Piano continues to develop very positively. This huge, concentrated Madonna del Piano dazzles for the richness of its fruit and the delineation of its aromas. The clean, vibrant finish suggests many years of cellaring potential. The Valdicava Brunellos are often misunderstood when young because they possess so much richness, but with time in bottle the wines turn more delicate and complete. Anticipated maturity: 2014‐2029.
2010‐12‐20 21:27:49
Thanks, FF! I am humbled to leave my cairn at THWTC #2200...
Good game on MNF tonight... Sorry TonyO, I'd like to see the bears ice the postseason tonight...
3404 Johnny C
3405 Johnny C
3406 flyerfan
Still recovering from the Giants debacle yesterday...
2010‐12‐20 21:28:26
Luddite ‐ I looked at the reviews of the Brunelli you mention ‐ looks like Sir Brooks has had some of the Madonna Del Piano... the 96‐pt review by "ews3" starts off with"holy crap!" :)
2010‐12‐20 21:39:09
JohnnyC ‐ Looks like the Bears are in control now, especially with Favre out. He went down hard!!! Hit his head!! I think he's done......for good......but I thought the same thing after he retired and unretired for the zillionth time!!............Snowing in Minnesota.........field is hard as a rock and slippery as ice.........anyone for a pick‐up game of hockey?
2010‐12‐20 21:54:38
153 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
3409 NY Pete
@FF/Luddite Thanks for your concerns... She was told to leave at 7:30 after just over 12 hours at work, with things still not completely resolved. She is indeed also a pharmacist. I can't share a lot but she has a co‐worker who is having a psychiatric episode and everyone is concerned for the co‐worker's well‐being. She got home and said 'I need a drink'... this coming from someone who in general doesn't drink a thing because she claims any form of alcohol tastes like gasoline. Not having any OJ to make a Mimosa for her with bubbly wine (one thing she doesn't mind) I gave her a glass of the 09 Elio Perrone Clarte Moscato d'Asti that was in WLTV Ep 946. At only 5.5%ABV she actually kind of liked it! (*mental note... get more moscato!) It was indeed very good wine, too bad it's sold out from WL. I already have a TN on CT, but if you can find some, I recommend it!
2010‐12‐20 21:56:27
regarding 2003 BdM's ... choose wisely my friends.
2010‐12‐20 22:01:32
3411 WineBabyWine
So after my Snapple mango, (and why is it that the first thing I thought of was BLou when I read the karate fact?!?), wrapping some presents, picking up my daughter (thank goodness for Grandfathers), getting her ready for bed &amp; finishing up some Chirstmas cards after washing the dinner dishes, I caved for the Do Ut Des Deal Button tonight on WL. Since I won't be able to drink it for a few years, think WL will hold it for me till 2015? Did anyone see the Dom Perignon /Andy Warhol collection on Wine Express?! It was rated 96, (92 of which was for the Warhol graphics on the bottle.) jk hahaha!
2010‐12‐20 22:03:49
3407 David T
3413 WineBabyWine
3414 Nursing a Hangover
3415 A Frayed Knot
3416 Nursing a Hangover
3417 A Frayed Knot
3418 TonyO
3419 TonyO
3420 BuffaloLou
3423 Josie
3424 BaroloDude
@David T...sorry your wife had such a rough day. I have been there myself similarly in her shoes when I was in nursing management. Hopefully your wife's co‐workers' episode will begin to wane after tomorrow night's full moon. But that is a whole other conversation for say... a Philadelphia wine offline in April!
Thanks to S &amp; M for the Philly Offline promo...
and to WBW for the shameless plug...
Nah~Has a date been set yet?
Not officially set with the restaurant. but it seems everyone is accepting of April 30th.
Nah ~ I've posted a sign‐up list...........since you are in charge, I'll forward the list to you and you can e‐mail everyone updates. If that sounds good to everyone.
2010‐12‐20 22:23:28
2010‐12‐20 22:33:09
2010‐12‐20 22:36:47
2010‐12‐20 23:01:27
2010‐12‐20 23:07:55
@Johnny C: penalty for illegal use of "sorry"..........I can't wait for this f#%%&amp;^ football season to end....
2010‐12‐20 23:09:18
@FF: I think that's a wrap for least he didn't go out throwing another pick...
2010‐12‐20 23:10:38
@Johnny C ‐ Sir Brooks seems to have everything! :D
2010‐12‐20 23:27:50
@NAH ‐ wow, super‐bummer, 4‐30‐2011 is Definitely a date I cannot make. And I won't even be that far from Philly, but that weekend is already booked. :‐(
2010‐12‐21 00:59:31
Oooooo the lunar eclipse is cool. ( except when the clouds block it)
2010‐12‐21 01:47:52
Pair this ‐ please! Christmas Eve dinner coming up. The Feast of The Seven Fishes ‐ it's Italian but we are going there by way of Japan and France. Sashimi to start (scallops/myer lemon/truffle salt)
Then Bouillabaisse (the other 6 fishes)
I'm thinking, champagne, champagne and champagne for
Walking to The Table
Then...Alsatian pinot gris? Alternatives from the natives? Or specifics from the natives?
And we're drinking zins for dessert. Ridge. Just typing this I am in the Christmas spirit!
3427 NOTdylan
Best Christmas song ever: "Santa Claus Wants Some Loving" ‐ Tinsley Ellis
154 of 958
2010‐12‐21 05:17:11
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
@NOT Dylan: Champ for apertif and sashimi is great or in combo with the gris. Bouillabaisse has a tomato base in it so you can pair a rose or heartier white such as White Burg or Bordx blanc, even a white from the Rhone
3428 Nursing a Hangover
@AFK: That's a BIG help and thanks for doing that. Hope to see many of you there!!
2010‐12‐21 05:56:48
3429 Nursing a Hangover
@Josie: I knew that day was bad for you, I'm sorry!!
2010‐12‐21 05:57:49
3434 WineKnurd
All you Brunello lovers out there (WIM, BBob, etc)‐ what do you think of the La Gerla Brunello's? A LWS in my area will be tasting one this evening; just wanted to get your thoughts. Thanks!
2010‐12‐21 07:28:18
3435 Waiting in Manassas
Knurd‐ Get the to thy LWS this evening! You will not be sorry!
2010‐12‐21 07:38:32
3436 Waiting in Manassas
That should be get Thee to thy LWS... full disclosure, no wine at all yesterday, made rum balls last nite, hands too busy. Drinking Trader Joe's Vanilla &amp; Cinnamon Black tea this morning.
2010‐12‐21 07:39:51
3437 Waiting in Manassas
Woke up at 3 AM, looked outside and saw the lunar eclipse. Way cool! OBTW, Hat trick!
My kids (9 and 6yo) woke up at 2:30 and made us look at the eclipse. 2010‐12‐21 07:40:43
3438 Nursing a Hangover
Too friggin cold out there... anyone figure out what is in the new "Secret 2‐Pack" $69.99 for:
91 Pt Brunello ‐ Retails for $48.98 93 Pt Right Bank Bordeaux ‐ Retails for $49.98 2010‐12‐21 08:01:56
3439 Wine Cutter
3440 SCKen
3441 Phredd
3442 Wine Cutter
3443 Brooks
3445 BuffaloLou
3446 SCKen
3447 BuffaloLou
3448 Louas
3449 Waiting in Manassas
3450 AccaDacca
3451 BuffaloLou
3452 BuffaloLou
My guess: Pian Cornello Brunello Di Montalcino 2004
Chateau Haut Brisson La Reserve 2006
2010‐12‐21 09:20:27
Wine Cutter ‐ I just got done looking at that myself, and came to the same conclusion. If I had known, I would have just waited and gotten this two pack rather than ordering the 4 pack yesterday.
2010‐12‐21 09:32:09
@Knurd: Which LWS is tasting La Gerla? I can't make it to the tasting no matter where it is, but I'm always interested. Post your impressions from the tasting, would you?
2010‐12‐21 09:39:53
This has to be the most ridiculous wine gimmick I have ever seen. $500 (normally over $1,200) for a bottle of Champagne. The review talks a lot about the stupid bottle but is very generic with regards to the actual wine, which makes me think it probably sucks. Why not buy a good bottle of Champagne for $50‐75 and spend the difference on some actual, tasteful jewelry instead of a tacky bottle that you will never be able to use again? Who buys this s**t?‐CHAMPAGNE‐BRUT‐750ML
WC...I agree great find... this could be the winner of the year... BTW who is Mariah Carey?
Anyone have any comments on today's nooner? I'm in. I just love Oz Shiraz. 3 ‐ 2 packs for me!
Blou ‐ I'm tempted, if for no other reason than there is FS and would cost me less than $40.
@Ken ‐ it is a nice deal! I'd love to pop one over the Christmas‐New Year's holiday, but I have my order scheduled for 4/4. I can pull it in, but it's getting too cold. This way I can watch the forecast and release when I think it's safe.
any thoughts regarding today's wine woot offering of Medlock Ames horizontal 3 pack?
2010‐12‐21 09:52:16
2010‐12‐21 10:10:18
2010‐12‐21 12:12:13
2010‐12‐21 12:18:22
2010‐12‐21 12:23:07
2010‐12‐21 12:30:25
Da Knurd‐ please post tasting notes if you go, I'm curious to see your impressions, and which one you tasted. Was debating about the Tokaji Aszu on Cellar Thief, but it must've disappeared in a nanosecond!
2010‐12‐21 12:30:56
RueLaLa has L'Ecole No. 41 offers today
2010‐12‐21 12:34:03
@WiM ‐ I was looking at the Tokaji as well. It went fast!
2010‐12‐21 12:43:32
The L’Ecole No. 41 offers on Rue La La don't offer that much of a discount. Other's have said that the Magnum is a descent offer, but when I compared prices, unless you want a Mag for laying down, you can buy 2 ‐ 750s elsewhere for less.
2010‐12‐21 12:44:36
155 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
Anyone out there actually a James Suckling fan? If these two links are any indication, it seems like he may have some trouble getting his new business off the ground.
"‘He, for me, is not a freak…he is, for me, just a little bit too pure [an] embodiment of how the system itself pushed you to function"
3453 Wine Cutter
3454 David T
3455 AccaDacca
2010‐12‐21 12:51:46
@Wine Cutter As I posted here a week or so ago, I'm pretty neutral about him as a person (he put some good vids up on the WS site although I feel in general his scores are a bit high and I hate his drinking window format), but the price he's going to be charging once the preview period for his site is over,something like $140/year‐ higher than WS, EBob, etc is a joke. I don't know who would pay that.
2010‐12‐21 13:01:44
The L'Ecole magnum is a good deal. The others, not so much.
2010‐12‐21 13:10:51
@Wine Cutter Following up once more,‐do‐not‐
3456 David T
I also think the fact that he's only going to post on wines that he scores 90+ points is elitist and turns a blind eye on many good wines and good QPR offerings out there.
2010‐12‐21 13:22:43
3457 Brooks
Did you punt Baxter??
Free Shipping Any Amount...2005 Napa Cab....WE 91 points. Best Value....$15... mmmm I stumbled into this by chance ...I want to be in the discount email writing biz
From a LWS I bought two years ago 2001 PHILIPPE‐LORRAINE Napa Cab for $19/ as I bought 6 .... unfiltered small second production...IMHO a solid value and a brooks 90 points. I was reading WE and saw the 2005 release with ratings.
I went to Baxter ( is she in the where are they now file) Winery website and found the 2005 release along with a "BNEWS" coupon for free shipping...I grabbed 4 for 60 total...They also have an unrated 2004 Napa Cab Reserve for $25 ...The 2004 base model Cab was rated 93 by WE it does not appear they have any....Baxter also has some other wines offerred at 50% off but need to buy a mixed case... in any case yet another winner in our search for free shipping!!!! I am basing my decision to buy based on the 2001 production and the CT TNs... your tax dollars working harder
2010‐12‐21 13:55:39
3458 David T
@Brooks Yes, he ate a whole wheel of cheese which, while amazing, pissed me off. That's how I roll.
2010‐12‐21 14:09:42
Wine Anthology: "For the next 3 hours we have just released a 5% off coupon on all wine purchases!
All orders of 750ml wine will receive 5% Off for the next 5 hours. Just use the coupon code: "NewYear" This is a great chance to save some money. Get 5% off all our prices on wine both on sale and regular priced. This coupon code will only apply to wine. Any spirits will not be discounted. This offer will only last 5 hours! Expiring, 12/21/10 @ 6:45pm"
3459 BuffaloLou
3460 luddite
3461 Hinrgman
3462 castello
3467 BuffaloLou
3468 Schmitty
3471 Hinrgman
3472 NY Pete
My guess is the "3 hours" is a typo and that you have 5 hours, or until 6:45PM, EST.
3 Lot 200 and 3 Lot 189 in CH Cabernet Comparison Sampler $150 (SAMPLER2010 ‐ 10% coupon makes it $135) with free shipping...
wineanthology free shipping code SEARCHER
@BLou: 5% seems like a proverbial drop in the rv tank.
@castello ‐ Yeah, I laughed when I saw only 5%, but I figured I had to pass it along!
Re La Gerla Brunello‐ I absolutely love the 2004! Tried it at a tasting at WL, and bought 6 bottles, with another 6 bottles, when they had them back in stock. It drinks very well now, but I am determined to hold a few bottles. Let us know, what you think!
Why is it that every bottle of 07 rhone wine starts with the fact that parker rated the vintage a 98 even though the actually wine being sold is likely not even 90 pts?
Knurd ... La Gerla is a solid producer ... enjoy!
156 of 958
2010‐12‐21 14:11:25
2010‐12‐21 14:29:11
2010‐12‐21 14:36:37
2010‐12‐21 14:50:43
2010‐12‐21 16:08:13
2010‐12‐21 16:21:17
2010‐12‐21 17:21:10
2010‐12‐21 17:26:44
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
3473 vinmoet
3474 Johnny C
OK guys. Am back. Passports, big money, laptop stolen in Madrid airport. Now struggling w/euro keyboard to communicate. Am in Duras, adjcent to Bdx. Amazing food here, OK but CHEAP wine. Madrid, other than crime, great. San Sebastian had wonderful seafood and great wine. That said, bdx is home. Very safe. La Tupina is Parkers fav. With reason. Old school, not expensive, great wine list, superior service, food cooked on old wine roots, whats not to love? Tonight, small village with local wines; 14 euros a botl for 2000 vintage: am very happy. Have been blessed to travel most parts of the world. Love all wines but guys, this really is the best. Still watching the deals from here. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Mrs vinmoet still happy cause shes still not cookin.
2008 Galardi now out on Garagiste ‐ $60 for a WA 97+ wine...
@ KahNURD... La Gerla rocks. Might be my favorite BdM...
2010‐12‐21 18:00:16
2010‐12‐21 18:05:11
3475 BaroloDude
@vinmoet... OH NO! Do i need to wire cash to your nigerian bank account? So sad to hear... but, sounds like you are handling it well in Bdx. Cheers. What do you make of Pre de la lande 09? Its the third wine of PLL? It cost 10 bucks...
2010‐12‐21 20:03:44
3479 Ctwino
I am so excited! We are leaving tomorrow for Christmas to go skiing for 2 weeks. I am so bad though. During the last free shipping event at WL I shipped 2 cases of wine out to the the resort. I do not even remember what I ordered but I do not even care. Full disclosure i am drinking a WesMar Pinot ...yummy.
2010‐12‐21 21:16:31
3480 flyerfan
@CTWino ‐ Have a great Christmas vacation skiing!! Sounds like you'll have a blast. Where are you headed? The two cases of wine shipped directly to the resort is the supreme icing on the cake!!......I am most impressed!! :‐)
vinmoet ‐ Sorry about your laptop. Bdude is seem to be taking it very well. But kept in perspective, it's only a material item, right? Enjoy the rest of your trip, and safe travels the rest of the way!!
2010‐12‐21 21:22:42
3481 Ctwino
3484 Ctwino
Hi Flyerfan‐‐ We are headed to Sun Valley, Idaho. We are not beach people. We are skiers On a side note, any other cindies going to be out there? We actually rented a house so i needed to have a wine stash.....right? I am just biased enough that i am not going to buy bad wine from a LWS. I actually have to than Buffaloboisebrad who gave me some restaurant recommendations for New Years Eve in Boise. (alas he will not be trip). I hope everybody has a Merry Everything and Happy Always.
2010‐12‐21 21:34:26
By the way, my two favorite things besides my family are....drumroll .....Powder and wine.
2010‐12‐21 22:13:15
@CTWino – Have a great trip! Sounds awesome! I admire your forethought to ship wine to the resort! Very cleaver! I must say that I just met Buffaloboisebrad F2F Sunday night. A very nice young man. Quite knowledgeable for such a young age! I hope you get the chance to meet him!
3485 BuffaloLou
@vinmoet ‐ OH NO! I cannot believe your misfortune! That's just terrible! I hope the rest of the trip works out better! Enjoy!
2010‐12‐21 22:47:23
To all: Anyone traveling over the Christmas/New Year's Holiday, I wish you safe travels!
3486 BuffaloLou
3487 BuffaloLou
Also, please remember to be responsible drivers! We all love our vino, but no vino is worth the risk...
Where did everybody go?
2010‐12‐21 22:49:52
2010‐12‐21 23:16:28
3500 luddite
@vinmoet: Your story sounds all to familiar, my cousin saved up forever for a trip to Germany and they were robbed on the train. Hope you did not have any sensitive information on that laptop that might cause you future $$ losses. As others have said, you seem to be bucking up rather well under the circumstances. Best wishes for better times my friend...
@Ctwino: Smart, enjoy your skiing trip and vino!
The wisdom of children: for all pet loving winos
@Knurd, hope this brings a smile to your face, @FF perhaps this explains why we like our pets better than some people (you know like the ones who are having trouble learning this!).
3501 Wine Cutter
@Luddite (I think)...can you post your marinated/BBQ rib recipe in the "Inmate Recipes" section (while I say "BBQ", if I recall correctly they were actually oven baked)? I printed it out from the old CW postings, but I think I lost the paper. I was going to try to cook that up over the holidays...maybe for New Years Eve/Day.
2010‐12‐22 09:41:51
3488 luddite
157 of 958
2010‐12‐21 23:55:49
2010‐12‐22 08:29:29
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
I actually have a copy of the recipe. 3502 ctwino
3503 Wine Cutter
3504 ctwino
4 pounds baby back pork ribs, but into individual ribs
6 garlic cloves, chopped fine
1.5 cups dry red wine
.5 cup water (sub beef stock)
2 tablespoons sweet paprika
3 tablespoons sherry vinegar (to do it right vinagre de Jerez de la Frontera)
1.5 tablespoons firmly packed brown sugar
1 tablespoon salt
Divide ribs between two large heavy sealable plastic bags. In a bowl stir together and pepper to taste. Pour over ribs, seal bags while pressing out excess air. Put in fridge and occasionally turn bags. Let marinade minimum one night, can go for two.
Preheat oven to 375f. Transfer ribs and marinade to a roasting pan large enough to hold ribs in one layer and roast ribs, turning occasionally, 2 hours, or until marinade is reduced to about 1 cup, about 50 minutes.
NOTE THAT THESE CAN BE COOKED IN ADVANCE, REFRIGERATED, AND REHEATED. They will still taste great (and I am picky). Perfect party food. To reheat, just toss them in the oven for 12 minutes at 375f or until hot.
Serve with a tempranillo, zin or hearty spainish red
2010‐12‐22 09:43:39
@CTWino...enjoy SV! Though its been a while, I used to ski there a lot...back when they had the old Limelight chairlift. Always enjoyed going to the Pioneer Saloon for a huge slab of Prime Rib (though too damn crowded during the holidays). I think its awesome that you got some cases of wine shipped out there ahead of time. Excellent planning!
2010‐12‐22 09:47:44
@wine cutter. I grew up there so I loved (and hated on a really cold days) the Limelight lift. The "Pio" is one of my favorites too. You may remember the Christiania Restaurant. We are going to have Xmas eve dinner there and then
Xmas day we were going to brave the crowds at the Pio. I will let you know how well that works for us :) Happy Holidays again to all.
2010‐12‐22 10:02:37
Today's "CW" 2‐pack is being very well received on the WLTV forums. For me, it seems to be a "push" at best.
On 8/26 WTSO had '06 Tua Rita Giusto Di Notri for $55 with FS on 2, and on 10/21 CW offered the '06 Seven Hills Klipsun Cabernet Sauvignon for $27.70 with FS on 3 (so $82.70 for comparison to today's deal). Today's pack is $70 and it costs me $12 to ship two bottles so once again $82 (and no I don't want to play build a case to bring down shipping costs because for one thing I'm limited in VA to 24 bottles in any 30 day period and I'm not buying much from WL these days anyway ).
3510 luddite
3511 johnr
3512 johnr
3513 Hinrgman
3515 TonyO
3516 luddite
3517 johnr
Anyone else have another perspective?
2010‐12‐22 15:37:33
@Luddite: I saw that as well. Personally, I really haven't had much Super Tuscan success outside of two wines, Albertguido and that 100%Cab Franc wine, the name escapes me, so I am really suspect on any ST offering. Also, it seems that the last 2 weeks before the New Year is dump mode at the WL, their hasn't been anything new in a while. As for the reception on the forum, its the same 5‐10 people commenting, and expect for Kyle who I appreciate, for keeping it real. Cindy has become the Crazy Harry's of the wine world. Too many gimmicks, Hide‐A‐
Crap Packs and FS Hoaxes.
2010‐12‐22 15:49:35
*Before the insults start, I haven't bought off any of other sites either, and those deals equally have sucked recently.
2010‐12‐22 15:59:58
@johnr ‐ no insults from me ‐ keep it up. There are a lot of people out there listening.
2010‐12‐22 16:08:34
I just posted a recipe I think many of you would enjoy. I have been making this for many years. It is simple and delicious. Happy Holidays !!!
2010‐12‐22 16:28:01
@johnr: Thanks! Since I'm trying to buy, versus sell, wine I value your input :‐)
Wondering if the Cab Franc Le Macchiole Paleo Rosso is considered to be a Super Tuscan?
@luddite.....Yes, Le Mach is a BANGING wine. Its from Bolgeri, and I would say its a Super Tuscan. I'll let daKnurd make the final determination as he is the resident ST expert.
158 of 958
2010‐12‐22 16:43:37
2010‐12‐22 16:53:42
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
3522 flyerfan
3523 flyerfan
3526 BrunelloBob
3527 flyerfan
3528 BrunelloBob
3529 johnr
3530 joe g
Good evening, all!
@AFK, TonyO, &amp; Wine Cutter ‐ Thanks for posting those recipes over in the "Inmate Recipes" section (and to CTWino for posting one here). I'm trying out a recipe from a co‐worker for Christmas. It's a dessert recipe and, man‐o‐man, is it addictive!!! (Definitely can't eat just one!!!) If all fares well for me, I'll post it here over the weekend. If people start dropping like flies, I'll save all of you the angst won't post it. I'm remaining positive..........
Met jovino in‐person for the first time today to pick up the Lot 200 orders for myself, WBW, WIM, and NaH. What a super‐nice guy!! We're both looking forward to getting together with more Cindies to taste and talk wine. Gotta love a guy who refers to the Havens 375's he purchased from Cameron Hughes as "juice boxes," perfect for one person. Looking forward to getting together with jovino again!
@Luddite ‐ Yes, I've seen that story before. A few people I know have it posted in their workplaces. Truly touching!!!
2010‐12‐22 20:12:04
For all you syrah lovers, 'TSO currently offering the 2005 Clarendon Hills Astralis Syrah for $146....15% off....6 for FS.........Would love to try that wine, but it's way beyond my price range. Wish I was independently wealthy!!....... Have had some more affordable Clarendon Hills offerings in the past and been very happy with them.
FF: If you want to get me the Astralis for Christmas, that would be acceptable. :)
BTW: Cindy needs to get a second job. Maybe cashier at the gas staion/cigarette‐mart on the corner. She ain't gonna sell much wine with offers like this...
BBob ‐ Assist me in my search for independent wealth and I'll buy you a whole case!!! :‐)
FF: buy cases of Brunello, hold on to them for 10 years, sell at a profit.
If no buyers, drink the Brunello.
How can you loose??
@Bbob: Cindy hasn't been interesting since maybe April?? The closing of the community was just license to viciously dump on the unsuspecting masses. I am kinda waiting for JoeG to spin this one. Basically get a whole $1.00 off. vicious
2010‐12‐22 20:33:10
2010‐12‐22 21:08:50
2010‐12‐22 21:15:16
2010‐12‐22 21:36:39
Great quote by Amaronie "I think I'd rather lurk at ttrembbling hills."
2010‐12‐22 22:08:30
im just here for the wine talk... ill leave the analysis to you ;0)
had the 04 ondarre mayor tonight.. very solid wine but to be honest i like the cheaper reserva that was offered just as much
2010‐12‐22 23:13:33
Hello Cindies!
I'd apologize if it were allowed, but as it's not, I'll just say that I was distracted today...
FWIW, I liked the nooner today. I like super Tuscans, and I love Cab from WA. True, it works out to be approx the same as the best price on the Cab from CW and the best price from TSO on the Tuscan, but what's wrong with that? Two wines (that I want... ) for the best price around. Remember, not every deal is for every person. Many liked today's deal. Some didn't. Nothing wrong with that!
3531 BuffaloLou
3532 Gary vaynerchuk
3533 joe g
3535 johnr
3536 NY Pete
3537 BuffaloLou
3538 BuffaloLou
AFAIC, until tonight's deal, CW has had some nice offers the past few days. True, as someone mentioned on the forum, they've been on and off for some time now. But hey, do you really want the perfect deal for you, twice a day, everyday? I can't afford that! LOL!
Just wanted to say Happy holidays to everyone.... u 2 Johnr ;) seriously I mean it, thank you to ALL of you and have a healthy holiday!
2010‐12‐22 23:16:34
2010‐12‐22 23:20:05
also had an 05 bricco magno tonight.. cheapie $10 nebbiolo from piedmont... absolut stunning typicity and the best
nebbiolo not labeled barolo/barbaresco that i have ever had!
2010‐12‐22 23:23:22
@joeG....LOL, I actually fell out my chair laughing. That dog don't hunt
@GaryV...I love you too man! Why haven't you come to NC?
2010‐12‐22 23:27:25
JR ... just a fwiw ... don't hold your breath while waiting for an answer from GV.
2010‐12‐22 23:35:24
Whoa! A post from the man himself! GV, you rock! That was a classy move!
2010‐12‐22 23:41:51
@NY Pete ‐;t=4370&amp;p=638023&amp;hilit=just+go+away#p6380
There's never a reason to be mean...
2010‐12‐22 23:47:08
159 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
3539 BURGHen Boy
3540 A Frayed Knot
Love and Happiness
Peace All‐‐
@gv~ And a very Merry Christmas to you! Good to hear from you Sir Vaynerchuk!
happy holidays BLou.
2010‐12‐22 23:49:56
2010‐12‐22 23:54:49
are there any emoticoms here BLou?
are u stalking me BLou?
did you find your vayniac cab yet BLou?
3541 NY Pete
happy holidays BLou.
2010‐12‐22 23:58:43
NY Pete:
happy holidays BLou. ‐ And to you, too. It's always nice to be nice...
are there any emoticoms here BLou? ‐ Actually, yes, there is. ;)
are u stalking me BLou? ‐ No, I post here somewhat regularly... I should post more often, but I'm usually on the forum, but then you know that already... did you find your vayniac cab yet BLou? ‐ Not yet. It's only one bottle in 3,000. I don't know where it is at the moment... I need to get CT up and running, not to mention getting the boxes off the floor (but that would require expanding the room or drinking a whole lot more. Maybe Christmas week...
3542 BuffaloLou
happy holidays BLou. ‐ Again, you too, Pete.
Now there you go again, Pete! You were nice, and 9 minutes later you're nasty again:
2010‐12‐23 00:13:57;t=27305&amp;p=639457&amp;hilit=hey+Don%2C+what+
3543 BuffaloLou
3544 A Frayed Knot
3545 BuffaloLou
Perhaps you need a New Year's resolution to be nice? Is Santa bringing you coal this year? I bet he'd bring you a nice bottle of wine if you'd be nice... :)
@NYPete &amp; BuffaloLou~ Don't make me stop this car!!! ;)
@AFK ‐ I've been nice!
poor BLou
2010‐12‐23 00:19:04
2010‐12‐23 00:34:43
2010‐12‐23 00:44:42
3546 NY Pete
Better be nice, Pete:
2010‐12‐23 00:58:27
3547 BuffaloLou‐a0es8
The last page or so is a waste , take it elsewhere pls boys. 2010‐12‐23 01:06:10
Joe g. Thanks for the tip on the B Magno. !
3549 BaroloDude
BBob: lots of big name deals at Wine House on BdMs. "lowest price in country" on some.
2010‐12‐23 03:10:03
visited Wine Library yesterday...first time there...what a crazy place...a police officer directing traffic in and out of the parking lot...employees directing parking in the least 2 dozen employees in the store helping shoppers with questions and even acting like personal shoppers. WOW!! that is customer service!! They have a sh$t load of Lindaflor and some other wines I can't remember so I expect many different packs to be made so they can offload these in the new year.
3552 Nursing a Hangover
Speaking of which...enjoy the holiday spirit and I'll post soon. JIM
160 of 958
2010‐12‐23 05:31:18
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
BBC reporting that BrunelloBob's passing was not only a hoax but a very bad effort to artificially lower brunello prices so B squared could corner the Tuscany market. In conversations with other bloggers, the King of Brunello has been in collusion with other winos to corner the 2004 brunello market. "I buy brunello as opposed to EE savings bonds for my children" he secretly shared "it is one of the best investment now the the precious metal market has gotten away from me" TMZ reporting that Arthur Herbert Fonzarelli has joined B squared in this effort. "Hey" said the Fonz "I kinda like the labels on this bottles, the women adore them so hey" he also shared "Mrs. B. makes a great manicotti with marinara sauce recipe from Santa's Secret Italian Cookbook"
3553 Brooks
3554 Brooks
3555 Waiting in Manassas
3556 Brooks
3557 Hinrgman
3558 Brooks
Once again calls to BrunelloBob were referred to his agent Friedemann Paul Erhardt aka Chef Tell. While Chef Tell died while eating green pasta sauce he threathened "Just try to say one bad word about BrunelloBob. I'm not asking, I'm telling you this" From his Philadelphia resting place, he went on to wish everyone " I mish you ale a mary Christmaz an ah Hippie Neu Yere
2010‐12‐23 06:31:49
H01y Cr4p
Rolling Stone Magazine reporting that on WLTV Forum "Oh Lord do not let it be him" thread was merged "where are they now" which can be found here
Women and children were in tears from this great injustice.
Anonomus Art collector: "If you don't develop a succession plan for your masterpiece threads, your works of art could ultimately be carved up at an auction or worst disappear into eBay’s" BrunelloBob, Investment Sage: “The Oh Lord thread should go to a museum, but now it will be a bargain‐basement sale. It’s very, very sad, but.... I will be a buyer at the bottom" ;)
Frank Sinatra: I know better than these other putzes, how to have loved and lost...
The world stands and waits praying to see if "Weird scenes inside The Blog Mall" thread gets mergered with thread "Declaring wine at customs"....
2010‐12‐23 07:03:02
@GV Thanks for stopping by. I've been to NC already to taste with the guys down there, why haven't you? And, I'm going back for more! They are a blast and have great insight.
2010‐12‐23 07:14:57
Christmas Hattrick
I thought it was so ironic the song sung by Maroon 5 at the National Tree Lighting in DC. this month My guess the "new" White House Social Director was not a fan of Rock and Roll..history is important boys and girl.."let's see the attendee list" at the WH ..... Michaele Salahi ....mmmm..I don't see it here but hey let's have more wine....John Lennon let's check the 2387 page FBI file on this "radical" guy who opposed Viet Nam War...mmm...Happy Christmas (War is over)...must be about can't make this up.... President O...(who I will admit in a weak moment I voted for)..was sitting in the front row...the lyrics repeat "war is over ‐ if you want it" like 50 looked like a hostage scene...John Lennon is smiling someplace :)
OK please erase the was a poor attempt at humor by making fun of people who don't do their job....but...does the social director actually get paid by US tax dollars...mmm...I rather bailout European Banks via the IMF with my tax me I am blogging and can't stop...yes honey...what?...just doing some christmas good wishes...take out the garbage? I am not on the #*&amp;#ing blog created by the nice fellow AFK from Texas...yes pick up your to....get off the computer and wish all the winos A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New travel....hug your family and friends for an extra moment or two...Hold fast to that 2010‐12‐23 07:23:06
@NaH ‐ Yes WL does get crazy this time of year. I have put off my pickup until after the New Year. It is interesting to see such large amounts of certain bottles. Sometimes a preview of what is to come on Cindy.
snap WIM...all I wanted for Christmas was a hattrick...glad to hear the NC gang are lots of fun....yes sweetie...I am still on the blog....say good bye brooks...good bye brooks
2010‐12‐23 07:25:45
2010‐12‐23 07:29:10
BRocks: LOL!
If you'll recall the prices of decent BdM 3‐4 years ago, I'd say that any efforts to "drive down the price" have met with some success. Wait and see what happens to the 2005s! @Pete &amp; Lou: Can you guys leave the forum fights on the forum? Think of this as a nature preserve: No Hunting. 3559 BrunelloBob
BDude: Thanks for the heads up. I'm pretty stocked up on BdM for the moment... :) What to drink for Christmas... hmmmmmm.....
161 of 958
2010‐12‐23 07:41:48
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
3563 luddite
Busy morning....
FF: Astrales still available... :)
Longshot: Anyone got anything on the WTSO offer: Chateau Graves de Pez Saint Estephe 2009?
For some reason I'm intrigued, probably because of the small production. I'm way over my head in Bordeaux, and have had lousy luck with the "affordable" stuff...
"all I wanted for Christmas was a hattrick"
@BB, LOL! "Come to the TH, a nature preserve where the lunatics are allowed to run free."
3564 BrunelloBob
Vision of slightly overweight crazy person running across manicured lawn, au natural, arms waiving in the air... :)
2010‐12‐23 08:09:37
3565 Waiting in Manassas
@Brooks‐ sorry, man, didn't mean to break up the hat trick. Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah (belated), Happy New Year and safe travels to all! May your wine choices be inspired and delicious! @BBob‐ great, now I'll have nightmares about crazed streakers! LOL!
2010‐12‐23 09:16:21
3561 BrunelloBob
3562 BrunelloBob
2010‐12‐23 07:53:05
2010‐12‐23 07:53:34
2010‐12‐23 08:04:47
2010‐12‐23 09:18:50
3568 Waiting in Manassas
Luddite is an evil influence. Every day he tempts me with luscious offers trying to get me to break my SIWBM.
@BBob That offer intrigued me for some reason as well.
Sorry Brooks, but HAT TRICK!
3569 Waiting in Manassas
Some one go wake up Mobius. Dead Arm on presale at WL!
2010‐12‐23 09:41:04
3567 Waiting in Manassas
3570 SCKen
3571 BuffaloLou
3572 BuffaloLou
3573 johnr
3574 luddite
3575 BuffaloLou
3576 Wine Cutter
3577 Hinrgman
3579 luddite
Wow, GV actually stopped by last night. I'll give the guy a lot of credit for that. How many CEO types do you know that would take the time to post a friendly note on a blog where the bloggers spend much of their time criticizing the CEO and his company? GV goes the extra mile and works his butt off. I haven't been happy with the direction Cindy has been taken in the last 6 months, but at the end of the day, I will continue to buy from WL because GV and his staff go out of their way to exhibit great customer service. That is something you just don't find very much anymore in today's world.
@BBob: I wasn't fightin'! I was nice the entire time!
@WiM ‐ Re: Dead Arm. That's darn good juice! Sadly, if I buy anymore, I may be in trouble!
@scken, check your email, JJBuck's deal is for you!!!!!
@WIM: Today's offer is for a vintage port, didn't know you were such a fan. Guess I'll just have to buy and hold until your SIWBM is over. Pretty soon I'll be able to foreclose on your townhouse :‐)
@luddite ‐ Vintage port, where?
2010‐12‐23 09:19:41
2010‐12‐23 09:48:23
2010‐12‐23 09:48:29
2010‐12‐23 09:51:54
2010‐12‐23 09:57:14
2010‐12‐23 10:03:22
2010‐12‐23 10:20:02
Cracked open a bottle of Mayor De Ondarre Rioja Reserva 2004 last night to do a little "research" to see if that would be the right wine to serve to the family with a maple baked spiral cut ham at Christmas dinner. I quickly came to the conclusion that it is NOT the right wine. Not because it might overpower the rest of the meal, but its just too damn good for the in‐laws! Decant that bottle for an hour and its damn good! Thinking I might go with a Cameron Hughes Lot 110 Pinot Noir instead.
Nice to see GV stop by! Good man. I am going to try to stop by "The Temple" next week. Need to pick up a few back orders and want to try to drop off about 20 old CW delivery containers...just so they can send them all back to me, one at a time, throughout 2011.
2010‐12‐23 10:46:23
@WineCutter ‐ if you can wait until after the New Year. Next week wil be crazy there too.
2010‐12‐23 11:12:02
@BLou: Should have known that would get your attention :‐)
JJ Buckley Private Client '00 Warre's @ $39.61 for a 750ML
2010‐12‐23 11:23:04
Are there any CdP fans who are familiar with the '05 Patrick LeSec Marquis CdP? I have had and have in stock, several of the les Blondes and Bargeton, but have not had this one and it is not reviewed on CT. The email referenced a RP90 rating.
I received an email only offer from this AM, offering it at $22.99/btl for six packs. I have ordered some which I may pick up tomorrow so I can try it. 3580 wine magnet
3581 SCKen
The FL distributor had about 50 cases in stock this morning. If anyone would like me to forward this email offer, send your email to spcentsp at knology dot net.
JohnR ‐ I saw it, but I hate buying 750's of Port b/c my wife doesn't really care for it and it is hard for me to finish it off before it starts to go bad. By the way, thanks for whatever you did to get me on the mailing list. Emails just started showing up a couple of days ago.
162 of 958
2010‐12‐23 11:37:09
2010‐12‐23 11:54:07
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
3586 SCKen
@Hinrgman ‐ ya, I'm sure it will be a zoo, but next week is probably the only time I'll be able to fit the trip into my schedule over the next few months, so I'm just going to just have to bite the bullet. FWIW ‐ One Kings Lane is offering Freeman Pinot Noir and Myuge Cabernet Sauvignon. I've never heard of either of them, so no idea if they are any good, but thought I would pass it along just in case one of these happens to be someones favorite wine in the world.
2010‐12‐23 11:58:48
@BLou ‐ I saw this and instantly thought of you
Someone finds a forgotten 1947 bottle of Chateau Latour in the cellar of Bern's Steakhouse.
2010‐12‐23 12:02:14
yes honey...I picked up mom...yes honey the basement is clean...yup doing work at home...that window for cellartracker was open from last night..........ok ^
WM..thanks for heads up ..I am holding out for Havens B and B 2006
2010‐12‐23 12:08:26
Anyone here from Jersey City?
2010‐12‐23 12:16:18
Cutter ‐ How did a Sacramento station pick up that story? As someone who lived about a mile down the street from Bern's for about 6 years, I can easily say that the restaurant helped develop my interest in wine. Even though I do believe the son has let the restaurant slip some since he took over, it is still one of my favorite restaurants anywhere.
2010‐12‐23 12:17:11
3587 luddite
@Wine Cutter: So very close to being my birth year wine! Oh well, guess that's a good thing since I might have flown to Tampa to buy it from Bern's (after taking out a second mortgage on my house!).
3582 Wine Cutter
3583 Wine Cutter
3584 Brooks
3585 Hinrgman
3592 NY Pete
Calling Cali Cab wizards:
'05 St. Supery Dollarhide Limited Edition Cabernet Sauvignon @$49.99 with FS on 2
Thumbs up or down?
@luddite: JohnR Thumbsup...actually in for 2. $49.99 is lowest price, lowest WSPRO is $67.99 so, its about 33%, plus FS, with Cindy's FS model, its closer to 40%. That would be a screaming deal. 92pts CT score with 5 tasters, not 1. St Supery is a nice producer, one heck a deal.
BBob ... after work today I'll send you a PM. you can read it if you wish ... and fwiw, it was never my intention to start any nonsense here.
I think this site is great for wine discussion
3593 luddite
@johnr: Thanks! Well you grabbed 2 and so did I so there's at most 146 left. Let's go inmates wipe them out!
3590 luddite
3591 johnr
3595 luddite
3598 johnr
3600 AccaDacca
3601 SCKen
3602 nursing a hangover
WL: FS on all Burghound rated wines till 10:00 Eastern tonight
anyone notice the the W4W offer, Clinet for a Cnote.
Parker's new issue posted today. Loves the 07/08 Napa Cabs
Don't know if anyone has tried it, but I decided to open Costco's Kirkland brand Oakville Cab tonight. For $19, it was a very solid bottle of wine. Easily the best Kirkland wine I have had.
@luddite... I picked up 4 Burgs from the FS sale on WL. I originally had a case,then saw the total balance and shit my pants thinking my wife would beat me senseless so I removed a majority of them. Some good wines were offered.
2010‐12‐23 12:28:50
2010‐12‐23 13:14:27
2010‐12‐23 13:42:43
2010‐12‐23 13:52:37
2010‐12‐23 14:13:03
2010‐12‐23 15:29:05
2010‐12‐23 19:04:22
2010‐12‐23 20:34:45
2010‐12‐23 21:25:01
2010‐12‐23 21:34:52
BBob ‐ Still working on that independent wealth idea, so the case of the Astralis will continue to have to wait......Was having a discussion with my dad this evening about how things are gonna get real bad 2‐3 years down the road when the U.S. dollar is devalued (it's already started). Alliances with the U.S. by other countries are shrinking. He believes gold and silver are the way to go as far as investments!! Started breaking out in hives at the thought of selling off the contents of my cellar for the sake of purchasing precious metals!!.......
What the heck happened here between BLou and NYPete last night???!!! Was it something that started over on the WL forums and carried over to TH? Was it Rex Ryan's foot fetish? The fact that the Devils are practically the worst team in the NHL this season? What??!!
3603 flyerfan
Any thoughts on tonight's Cindy 2‐pack consisting of the '05 San Roman Toro and the '07 Rudi Pichler Riesling Kirchweg Smaragd? For $69.99, a pretty good deal, I'd say. No FS for the out‐of‐towners, though. Good deal for the locals. Thoughts?
163 of 958
2010‐12‐23 21:58:24
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
FF: this is what KM said about the Riesling when it was offered solo:
Here's the definition of Smaragd from :
"Smaragd. Definition: the highest of the three quality categories in the Wachau. Description for dry, unchaptalized wines, made from physiologically ripe grapes with an alcohol level of 12.5% by volume. The description resembles the emerald‐green lizard, that feels quite at home on the vineyard terraces of the Wachau. See also Steinfeder and Federspiel."
Lou, this is a dry wine and Smaragd wines from Austria are the top flight. The reason you'd want to age these is not unlike aging white Burgundy or even red wines‐ it will develop secondary flavors, the sugars will break down and create a fleshier and smoother wine, etc.
3604 BuffaloLou
And yes, Riesling is much more approachable than a young and tannic red, but there's so much more it can develop into. Aged Riesling is a very cool thing. :)
2010‐12‐23 22:12:14
@FF: This is some info I gathered on the overall deal:
3605 BuffaloLou
3606 Gary vaynerchuk
More info for your decision making: When these were offered solo, they totaled: $78.83. This deal is $9 less, but no FS. A really good deal for locals. A good deal for non‐locals with a multi‐pack purchase.
2010‐12‐23 22:12:51
@johnR Will be in NC in 2011 .........1000000000000000000%
2010‐12‐23 22:47:45
Guys its the night before X‐mas Eve, I am in the mood to do something, I am beyond thankful for all of your business in 2010 and all the comments and sweat and tears you put into the cindy community, I have a special opportunity, pls email me gary@vaynermedia .com personally for the offer, I will take emails tomorrow 12/24 only....shhhhhhhhhh DON'T pass it on
3607 Gary vaynerchuk
3608 TonyO
3609 luddite
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas ....................... and a Happy one to one and all !
@NAH: Too funny. Goes to show you that behind every good man is a woman...
with a club!
So what 4 Burgs did you buy?
2010‐12‐23 22:49:16
2010‐12‐23 23:01:28
2010‐12‐23 23:02:56
Thanks for your thoughts on the Cindy offer, BLou! I went in for two, as I loved the San Roman. I drank one of the three I had, and just went in for two more with this current pack. I'm a sucker for good rieslings, too, and this one really seemed like a no‐brainer for me with the two paired together! Thanks again! I wish you, Mrs. BLou, and Scouter Lou a wonderful Christmas!!
For those of you who have a Macy's near you and are not yet done your holiday shopping, the store is staying open continously from today through to Christmas Eve!! So, if you're an insomniac and worried that you've forgotten someone on your holiday list, take advantage of those shorter lines at 3:00am and get some shopping done!!
3610 flyerfan
GV ‐ Thanks for stopping by. Nice to see you visiting the inmates here at Trembling Hills. Wishing you and yours the peace and beauty of this holiday season, and only good things in 2011........By the way, nice offer on Cindy this evening; I grabbed a couple. Would have liked to take advantage of some recent pack offers, but funds are limited! Keep it rollin'!!
2010‐12‐23 23:11:17
3611 TonyO
Due to to "no apologies" policy, I think it would be a good practice to avoid nastiness. Civility is an honorable trait and can be somewhat contagious. However, if you should decide to act like a cranky a$$%^&amp;#, I will be more than happy to pour you an eggnog to adjust your attitude. If that fails, well, we will just leave it at that.......
2010‐12‐23 23:19:21
164 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
3615 A Frayed Knot
I would like to wish every inmate a glorious and joyous holiday season. I am thrilled that Gary V and the young ones from NC will finally have that get together as guaranteed 1000000000000000000% . Will NJDrew be tagging along, will there be hugs and kisses for Gary from John Paul R and his attorney Knut. Will Brooks ever include the NC boys in one of his posts, will we have Smoke as a regular on this site (that would be cool), will NYPete admit he's from Alpine NJ? Who knows..... I do know that folks like Brooks, Tony, FF, AFK, WBW, Josie, BB, BaroloD, Castello, Luddite, WiM, Greenpea, Bottomrock, SCKen, MCML, ThinMan, JohnnyC, Brianscrew, Landshark, Burghenboy (no hunting of witches) PHill, Kite, Powderfinger, 909, BLou,WCutter, WLou, Joe, NavyJ, Jovino, Ike, JerseyMark, David and some others that escape my Dead Arm Pre‐sale‐occupied mind made/make this a great place to visit. To you all I wish PEACE and JOY, and a special greetings to Uncle Albert you are a sweet man who is missed, and I hope you are a healthy man, as we know you are the answer to Econ's question as to who was the SAGE of the Cindy blog, it was you good Uncle, it was you. God Bless you sir. God bless you all.
2010‐12‐23 23:39:26
Very nice Sir Mobius...............very nice indeed!
2010‐12‐23 23:45:37
3616 WineBabyWine
@Mobius... Merry Christmas to you and to all! And when the craziness of Christmas is past, I am going to go to the darn merged thread &amp; save all your posts to a new thread. So Brooks &amp; I can rest in peace again. I guess it wasn't understood that we were providing elevator music intervals until you posted again. ;) Unless of course someone else wants to begin that task... all help is appreciated!
@GV... thanks and a Happy to you too! Awesome of you to stop by. Now... will you be coming to the Phila gathering in 2011 is what Inquiring minds want to know?!
@AFK... once again want to reiterate thank you for all your hard work on this site!
3613 Mobius
2010‐12‐23 23:57:03
As I write this, it is now Christmas Eve. The eve of the 2nd holiest of days in the Christian calendar. For those that are Christian, our Lord and Savior taught us to be loving, kind, compassionate, and above all, to honor the "golden rule". Many like to use New Year's as a re‐birth. To forgive and forget. To live life. I choose Christmas because it is this day that affects our lives more than any other; for without this day, we would not be reborn on Easter Sunday. It is this day that I wish you all, no matter your creed, color, or gender, peace. It is on this day I wish you the strength and wisdom to be better than you were this past year. None of us are perfect, but we can strive to be; and it is that struggle that makes us human; it is that struggle that will save us.
3617 BuffaloLou
God bless you all.
OK, a show of hands... who was surprised and impressed that GV stopped by?
2010‐12‐24 00:25:31
3618 BuffaloLou
I am!
2010‐12‐24 00:41:57
3619 flyerfan
I'm definitely surprised that GV said "hello"! Was nice of him, as busy as I'm sure he is, especially at this time of year, to take the time.........I did shoot him an email about 15 minutes ago regarding the "special opportunity" offer he wrote about. Received an automated reply video back. I guess he is sleeping and will address it when the sun comes up!........Not sending my season's greetings to everyone just yet. Will do so tomorrow evening..........Bet WBW is dreaming of the Lot 200 I will be delivering to her tomorrow......either that or she's wrapping presents!!
2010‐12‐24 00:47:33
3620 flyerfan
'TSO offering the 2007 BV Tapestry Reserve for $29.99, 4 for FS. No great shakes, as WL has it at the same price. A few places in NY and NJ have it around that price, as well, if you're local, according to Wine Searcher. Of course, the FS is good for those who don't have it locally at that decent a price.
2010‐12‐24 01:02:35
3624 wine magnet
3625 John O'
3626 luddite
RE: '07 BV Tapestry Reserve, I will be happy to provide the name of a FL LWS which has been selling this for $20/btl since at least October, when I last bought some, but first I must get another couple of cases today for myself and others. Send an email to me with Tapestry as the subject and I will send the contact info for this store in NE FL.
I have no info on their shipping policy/pricing as mine have been picked up by a friend.
email: spcentsp at knology dot net.
2010‐12‐24 06:41:15
nive value play on tso.
WS top 100 chianti under $12
2010‐12‐24 07:24:16
@BLou: Yes I was surprised that GV stopped by...
2010‐12‐24 07:35:03
165 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
3627 BrunelloBob
3628 WineKnurd
3629 WineKnurd
3630 flyerfan
3631 flyerfan
gonna/has been busy around here..."ground zero" for all family festivities...should be fun, can't wait to get into the good stuff!
Wishin' you all the Best, Enjoy the season!
2010‐12‐24 07:42:12
Da' Knurd has been under the weather the past few days with a severe head cold. No wine and didn't get to finish the tasting line up the NC guys had with SCKen and WIM, but will be back working on both now that I am feeling better. But more importantly, Da' Knurd wishes everyone at Trembling Hills a Merry Christmas!
5th Growth Dauzac, 06, $25 / bottle, FS on 3 WTSO
2006 Chateau Dauzac on wtso, $24.99, 3 for FS. Thoughts?
Happy you're feeling better, 'Knurd. Thoughts on the 'TSO offer? I'm intrigued. Good price? Seems like it, especially with fs on 3.
Just got 3, nothing like some last minute shopping :)
2010‐12‐24 08:49:38
2010‐12‐24 09:44:57
2010‐12‐24 09:47:46
2010‐12‐24 09:50:18
From the Wine Doctor‐
3632 WineKnurd
3634 flyerfan
3637 Johnny C
3638 luddite
3639 John O'
3640 John O'
3641 David T
3642 David T
3643 John O'
3644 BuffaloLou
3645 BURGHen Boy
3646 BURGHen Boy
3647 BrunelloBob
3648 Hinrgman
3649 John O'
Chateau Dauzac (Margaux) 2006: An expressive nose of red fruits, cream and vanilla, with fresh new oak too. A gentle palate, quite appealing, balanced and as fresh as the nose suggested. Good fruit, ripe texture, ripe tannins. This is a lively wine with an interesting and crisp flavour. From a tasting of 2006 Bordeaux at two years of age. 16+/20 (October 2008)
2010‐12‐24 10:02:41
Nice job, 'Knurd. I'm really trying to practice some self‐restraint, but it's tough. Emailed GV before bed last night about the "special opportunity" offer he put out on the TH forum last night. Haven't received an email yet with the offer. Anyone?
2010‐12‐24 10:22:33
Hey FF/all ‐ see uncorked's Veglio Barolo 2004 offer? I'm not really thinking cheap Barolo is the way to go, but after carefully reading the twin‐90pt reviews on WS/WE and the CT notes, I actually felt OK about committing to six of these. Barolo Dude, you may feel free to expel me from the Barolo Lovers Club ‐ and after I crack a bottle, I may expel myself... but I'm in for a block...
2010‐12‐24 11:35:39
@JohnnyC: I bought the Veglio Michelino e Figlio Barolo on 10/14 when it was first offered on Uncork but haven't popped any yet. Perhaps someone else here has?
2010‐12‐24 11:46:41
I bought the Veglio on the last go‐round. The scores are accurate.
Hard to beat a good Barolo for $20 delievred.
2010‐12‐24 11:51:47
Question for the cogniscenti
TSO 2007 Martini Napa Cab (Parker 91?) for $20
or Samuel's Gorge 2006 Grenache for $20 (+ shiping)
The Martini was apparently popular on WL... they just sent an email about it earlier this week &amp; it's already sold out. The CT notes on the Grenache aren't that great (though there are only two) so if it were my money I'd go with the cab, but that's just me.
Overall I haven't been too impressed with their offers, but I just got an email that Lot18 is offering shipping for a penny on any purchase from now thru 12/31
Very nice Cindy offerring. The trouble with packs is there always seems to be one for which you have no interest. All in this pack are beautiful
As I mentioned B4, the Louis Martini wines tend to be good QPR as their operational costs are lower than most in Napa Valley.
2010‐12‐24 11:53:50
Glad to see last night's offer off my radar... It was a good one and tempting!
Inmates ‐ Merry Christmas to all the good people here
enjoy the holidays with family &amp; friends and a good bottle.
2010‐12‐24 13:12:14
AFK ‐ Majestic Chicken, sounds great. What's the connection in the name to you? Also, I believe the recipe Wine Cutter posted is Mrs vinmoet's so we should give her the props on that one.
Anyone heard from the demigod re: the "special opportunity"?
@BLou ‐ what about that Barolo offer for $17.97 FS on 6
Nope, not yet
2010‐12‐24 12:02:54
2010‐12‐24 12:11:52
2010‐12‐24 12:47:57
2010‐12‐24 13:33:44
2010‐12‐24 13:49:53
2010‐12‐24 13:50:18
2010‐12‐24 13:51:26
2010‐12‐24 13:51:42
@Burghen~ HaHa I guess that could be read the wrong daughter didn't name it after me........she just named it for me........she said it tasted majestical!
3650 A Frayed Knot
@BB~No word from gv........hype ‐ follow through = ?.......hmmmm seems like we've seen this equation before.
166 of 958
2010‐12‐24 13:58:09
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
3651 castello
3652 BrunelloBob
3653 castello
3654 BrunelloBob
3655 TonyO
Thanks folks for the holiday wishes. I'm a bit of a humbugger but this thread has lightened my spirit. Probably because I don't have to go shopping for my virtual friends:) My sister and I celebrated a bit last night with some live Crab and Tattinger nv bubbles. She is usually a half glass and done kind of gal but she was chuggin right along with me. Very viscous Champagne with some fairly nice complexity. Not a great qpr @45 bones but very tasty and will be looking for more for New Years. Hope you folks have a great holiday and any bubble suggestions will be appreciated.
2010‐12‐24 14:05:33
Punked by GV at Christmas...Nahhhh....let's give him the benefit of the doubt for now... :)
gotta go shread cheese, unskilled kitcjen help that I am...
2010‐12‐24 14:05:48
Maybe GV will ship us some nice bubbs in time for the big night!
2010‐12‐24 14:06:55
Castello: Are crabs fun at parties??
Sparker rec: Roederer Estate: LOVE the QPR on this one.‐Roederer+Estate+Sparkling+750ML
2010‐12‐24 14:08:17
I have a feeling GV is gonna perform a "random act of kindness".......
2010‐12‐24 14:15:09
I generally do not like to share moments of giving as I feel they are best kept anonymous, but sometimes small acts of kindness can inspire others to do the same. So, a couple hours ago I was in the spuermarket and an elderly woman in front of me appeared quite distraught. She told me how her well pump had just broken and her 80 year old husband was in the hospital with a compound fracture in his arm, not exactly the recipe for a joyous Christmas. The gentlemen in front of us had lobsters and she said, "I love lobster" with a faint sign of a smile. As she walked away, I placed an offering in her purse and told her to make sure she and her husband enjoy a nice lobster dinner together to start the New Year. She began to cry, hugged and kissed me and asked my name. I said, "I'm Tony O from Vermont, Merry Christmas". 3656 TonyO
3657 A Frayed Knot
3658 castello
3659 BuffaloLou
3660 luddite
3661 castello
Wow did that feel good.....................................Merry Christmas indeed.................
Good on you! TonyO Good on you!!
@BBob: Crabs are messy either way you look at it perv ;) How can GV get my Cali bubbles shipped from here to there and back cheaper than I can buy it here? Turn up the volume! Roedederererer is some tasty stuff.
@Hinrgman ‐ I am clueless when it comes to Barolo. You need to ask Joe G!
Let's see now, who at TH would I ask about Barolo? I seem to remember some Dude here but his name escapes me now...
BarbarescoBill or Ah‐may‐rho‐neyLou?
2010‐12‐24 14:25:21
2010‐12‐24 14:38:35
2010‐12‐24 14:48:11
2010‐12‐24 14:50:08
2010‐12‐24 15:00:39
2010‐12‐24 15:05:11
I must have gotten the last of the TSO Louis Martini Napa Cab offer, because within a couple of minutes of my order being confirmed they posted a new offer. Couldn't resist that deal. Sold out on WL for $.50 more and no FS.
Two GV postings in as many days. Impressive! Very interested to see what his special offer will be. I will have to make sure I make it back up to NC when he (if) comes down.
About 12 family members over tonight for Christmas Eve dinner. I have an Andrew Geoffry Cab decanting. Not sure what the next bottle will be.
3662 SCKen
3664 wine magnet
3665 SCKen
3666 Gary vaynerchuk
3667 Gary vaynerchuk
3668 A Frayed Knot
I second Mobius' comments. It is amazing how a passion and the internet can bring good people together. Getting to know each of you has made this a very special year. Merry Christmas everyone!
2010‐12‐24 16:26:05
GV's "special opportunity" ROCKS! (at least for Jan &amp; Feb). Darn, just when I finally finished cramming all my recently arrived 300+ btls into spaces in several coolers, temptation is threatening to rule again (after 2+ months of non‐buying on WL/CW). Final prices remain to be seen, but it is certainly a nice gesture on GV's part.
2010‐12‐24 17:12:52
I heard back from GV and he did indeed make a very nice offer! Jan. and Feb. could be very expensive wine months!
2010‐12‐24 17:15:49
@wine magnet shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
2010‐12‐24 17:16:09
@SCKen shhhhhhhhhhhh no secrets! no hints
2010‐12‐24 17:16:50
Thank you Gary!!!!
2010‐12‐24 17:21:49
Gary, I just sent you an email. I am making Da Knurd's wonderful Italian Peasant Soup for this cold winter nite and drinking a Cameron Hughes Lot 17 2004 Sierra Foothills Barbera. Wow this was some serious juice and unfortunately the last bottle I had. Should've bought another case but it sold out in a nanosecond.
3669 Waiting in Manassas
To all my wonderful co‐residents of TH, I wish you a Wonderful Holiday Season filled with good times, good friends and family, and of course, good wine! Here's to a terrific 2011 and to meeting even more of my fellow inmates in person! Please be safe in your travels.
2010‐12‐24 17:29:54
167 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
@johnny C... no one gets kicked out of the Barolo Lovers CLub for buying Barolo at any price! Fingers crossed you bought a nice QPR. THey are a rarity with Barolo. Pls post a TN ... I don't know that maker.
3670 BaroloDude
3671 WineKnurd
3672 flyerfan
3673 Wine Cutter
3674 Wine Cutter
To anyone putting a bottle in a stocking this Xmas, pls reinforce the hook that holds the stocking to the fireplace/hearth before you drop 750ml in there. ;‐)
2010‐12‐24 17:59:37
@ BaroloDude. The BLC! I love it and want in :)
2010‐12‐24 18:31:15
Hello fellow inmates! The magic of Christmas Eve has begun, at least for the inmates here on the east coast. My cats are circling their stockings, which I are hung high up on a staircase. They smell the catnip and are going crazy!! I think I'll have to put the stockings in the fridge just prior to going to bed, as I don't know what I may find in the morning. Found one of them trying to negotiate the bannister's steep angle. Now I know why cats have nine lives........
GV ‐ thank you so much for the "special opportunity" offer. Very generous of you, and very much appreciated. You are a class act, my friend! You follow up your words with action. In this day and age, that is a rarity for many. Thank you, again, and please do have a wonderful holiday season. JohnnyC ‐ Was very tempted by the '04 Barolo on uncorked today, but I really have to try and control myself with the wine purchases. My funds are not unlimited at this point, and I've been purchasing recently which I probably should not have done. However, I know I won't be sorry. Picked up two of the San Roman/Rudi Pichler two‐packs from Cindy last evening, and have two of the 3‐packs which contain the Chateau Montelena waiting for me also. As I told NaH when I dropped his Lot 200 order to him earlier today, some of the deals have been too good to pass up. I managed restraint with some, but not with others......By the way, he showed me the cellar he built. Very nice!! I think I'm gonna have to check into those IKEA racks as a more cost‐effective alternative when I have the space and am ready to build my own cellar.
2010‐12‐24 18:35:21
What am I missing? Was there a special Garyvee email that I missed?
2010‐12‐24 19:38:13
Just saw the posting. I was in time:$)
2010‐12‐24 19:57:53
@GaryV, honestly I was inpressed that you would walk into the lion's den and address the community in such a honorable way, it shows you are a person of character. You are always welcome in NC, and hope you will come.
3675 johnr
3676 luddite
@TH, I wish all you the happiest of holidays and many you have a blessed 2011. Now, in keeping with the celebration of Festivus, the Airing of Grievences. First, DaKnurd for _______!!!!!
Not a very Merry Christmas for Buckeye fans I'm afraid...
To all TH members:
2010‐12‐24 20:15:32
2010‐12‐24 21:46:56
Merry Christmas!! May you be blessed with health and love this holiday season.
Be safe everyone!
3678 Nursing a Hangover
GV...Thank You very much!!
3679 joe g
i bought the veglio barolo last time it was on uncorked. i may be mistaken but i thought it was $15 and change last time.. i opened one up after a major tasting we did here where we had 5 classic wines including a 100pt one.. we were looking at our barolo trip pics so i opened one just for kicks and grabbed this one... i was not expecting greatness from this as i have had poor luck from barolo in the under $30 range, but was very happily surprised!! it did not have the depth, weight, or complexity that great baroli can have but was very varietally correct and a really juicy, easy drinking wine that you could have at a fraction of the price that it costs you to play in this region
2010‐12‐24 22:24:54
3680 WineBabyWine
3681 Landshark
3682 NY Pete
3683 A Frayed Knot
3684 BaroloDude
2010‐12‐24 22:22:54
Santa is in Da House Peeps! Just left some rockin'gifts for my little girl. Tomorrow morning should be as magical for her as Christmas eve was opening some presents from Dzia Dzia (Grandfather) and her uncles after our Polish Wigilia dinner of the 12 dishes.... though we were counting things like tartar sauce &amp; the 3 different kinds of pierogies as dishes as we weren't that hungry! The 2007 Finca de Arentei went well wiht the cod we had. Kinda disappointed, wanted to open a 1999 Quinto de Roriz port but I'm the only one who is a port drinker. Maybe what the hey, I'll open it tomorrow &amp; sip over the next couple days off!.. OK, off to bed to let sugar plums dance in my head &amp; awake to watch her precious 4yo expressions of excitement on finding her gifts under the tree!
Merry Christmas &amp; good will to all !
2010‐12‐25 00:13:55
Hi All, just wrapping up night one of the holiday season and thought I'd drop in and wish everyone the happiest of holidays! Gotta go stuff the stockings now! Take care everyone.
2010‐12‐25 00:16:01
2010‐12‐25 00:18:09
I thank you all for taking part in this crazy experiment that is Trembling Hills!
Have a very merry Christmas!!! :)
2010‐12‐25 00:43:01
Merry Christmas to all Tremblers. AFK.... Job well done here.
2010‐12‐25 03:44:45
168 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
3685 castello
3686 BuffaloLou
3687 BuffaloLou
AFK, you've done some fine work here... Thanks. Have a great day inmates.
I talked to Patrick and he's doing good and will be back soon....
May all your wine be in it's prime!
@wine magnet ‐ Yes, it does rock. The man deserves to have a successful biz. His ideas are tremendous! Think about it... Jan &amp; Feb what are you usually doing? Paying off Christmas card bills.
Merry Christmas inmates!
Merry Christmas to all! Hope you enjoy the day with your family and friends...
2010‐12‐25 03:57:49
2010‐12‐25 08:00:16
2010‐12‐25 08:07:28
3688 luddite
PS ‐ Very nice Pinot Noir over on WTSO!
3690 flyerfan
A very Happy Holiday and Merry Christmas to all Tremblers and Cindies!!!
During this season of giving and good will, I'd like to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for the knowledge, opinion, and humor you've shared. I'm humbled to be part of such a wonderful virtual community, and
very blessed to have met some of you wonderful people in person. My wishes for 2011 are to meet even more of you. Thank you for having touched my life in whatever manner you have; I have truly been blessed. May you and your families experience all the beauty, joy, and peace the season has to offer.
2010‐12‐25 09:01:08
3691 flyerfan
AFK ‐ A special "thank you" for taking the lead and building the Cindies a new "home" after our old one was dismantled. I'm as comfortable here as I was on our old forum. I even like this one better, what with all the different categories and links you've built into it. The snow is just the icing on the cake! Thank you so very, very much. I wish you and Mrs. AFK, and your family, a wonderful, wonderful Christmas!
3692 winex
2010‐12‐25 08:38:04
Merry Christmas to all! Thank you AFK for this blog. May everyone have a happy, healthy, &amp; prosperous New Year so that we may all continue our journey.....and drink copious quantities of wine!‐nq‐X0
2010‐12‐25 09:05:10
2010‐12‐25 09:49:12
the first 30 seconds of this scene is usually me at a restaurant...LOL
3693 Nursing a Hangover
Merry Christmas to everyone!!!
2010‐12‐25 09:51:58
3694 Hinrgman
Merry Christmas to everyone and remeber today is one of those days to "Open That Bottle Now" and enjoy.
Merry Christmas one and all !
Best of holidays to all...
CW: Mini TBTC 13 wines original prices FS on 6...
2010‐12‐25 10:21:57
3696 TonyO
3697 Johnny C
2010‐12‐25 11:00:27
2010‐12‐25 12:07:26
3698 luddite
2010‐12‐25 13:29:00
@Hinrgman ‐ re: "Merry Christmas to everyone and remeber today is one of those days to “Open That Bottle Now” and enjoy." 3699 BuffaloLou
3700 BuffaloLou
As they say over on 'the other site', "+1"
I, too, want to extend my personal thanks to AFK for all his hard work and dedication on this site! Hey, if GV came to make an appearance, you know it's good!
3701 Schmitty
A very merry Christmas to All! I only had time to skim all the comments‐ they did pile up since I last checked in. After wrapping for quite a while last night, and putting Santa's footprints in front of the mantle, with the ashes from last night's fire, and the help of my oldest son boot‐ I enjoyed a few moments of solitude‐ feeling grateful for the magic of this season. And enjoying this morning, when four children of various ages unwrapped their gifts‐ smiles lighting up their faces. My youngest still wants to believe, desperately‐ so the footprints, the cookie crumbles, and empty glas of milk were for her. Knowing that in a few weeks from now, she will tell me point blank, that I am Santa‐ as she did the past 2 years. But when Christmas comes around‐ all is forgotten‐ and the magic is still there. May there always be magic in all of our lives!
2010‐12‐25 14:36:51
169 of 958
2010‐12‐25 13:41:21
2010‐12‐25 13:50:53
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
Dear Boys and Girls,
Santa Claus is really Mommy and Daddy....
3702 brooks
Merry Christmas,
WikiLeaks ^
Wow Schmitty....keep the miracle of Christmas going as long as you can..wear those angel wings.......What began as
an online wine website........who knew what could develop...I would have bet against what guess wine talk is less than 50% of comments.....what a wonderful place to stop in where everybody knows your name....Sir AFK please take a took the ball and ran with it..If you are incurring some costs, we should share with you ....Christmas Dinner will take place soon...I have so very much to be thankful for...I look forward to finally meeting some of the inmates....let's put on our to do list for 2011...something fun involving wine where we can do something for others less fortunate...even if it is only a small effort...A wine auction...let's try something...I am willing on taking a co‐lead but would need other responsible adults to pull off...Merry Christmas...Perhaps the best Yuletide decoration is being wreathed in smiles. Unknown
2010‐12‐25 15:38:08
3703 SCKen
Merry Christmas everyone! The snow on here is finally appropriate for me as we are getting snow here in SC! As far as I can remember, this is the first time it has snowed here on Christmas day in my lifetime.
2010‐12‐25 15:47:29
I've been completely separated from the online world for the last 24 hours as I was nusy traveling to, then spending time with family, but I too would like to say a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone here. I hope it is filled with enjoyable times with family, relaxation, and nothing but the best food and wine. I also must extend my thanks to AFK for this wonderful site &amp; GV for his holiday surprise.
As far as wine, my family is not nearly as into it as myself, but we will be doing an ice wine as a pre‐cookie dessert with dinner &amp; I am cooking a meal tomorrow of 3‐dishes all of which are supposed to go well with Cab Sauv that I will be pairing with the Andrew Geoffrey &amp; if more is needed, some Stefania that I recently got.
3704 David T
3706 luddite
3707 A Frayed Knot
3710 BrunelloBob
As far as wine gifts, in addition to the wine fridge I requested from my wonderful wife, I got (unrequested from other family) a Vinturi aerator, a Wine Lover's Cookbook with pairings for each dish‐‐ something I don't do a lot of, and Mrs David T even said she will try them when I cook them which is a huge step for her, I'll be having a lot of fun! and... a wine journal (after I joked with BLou on the wltv forums just this past week about them being antiquated in the world of Cellartracker. Karma does have its ways of being a b!tch!)
2010‐12‐25 16:26:19
@AFK: Second what @Brooks said re helping out if you are incurring costs. I've seen many a web site put up a link for donations using a PayPal account. IMHO this site is well worth paying for...
2010‐12‐25 17:44:56
@Brooks &amp; luddite~ It costs very little to run this site and those expenses are far exceeded by the educational and entertainment value received. Donations are neither needed nor accepted, but I do thank you for your generosity!
2010‐12‐25 19:11:56
Since you're Not accepting donations, I Too would like to offer my support. :)
2010‐12‐25 20:21:46
Let me also add my thanks to AFK for providing us a wonderful home when we suddenly lost ours and thought we had lost our community as well. I really feared we had lost a place for all of us to go, and I for one love that we are all going in together on cases of wine to expand our palates and horizons.
SCKen, glad you got your White Christmas, ours is apparently on it's way, although a little late for the big day.
Hope everyone had a great day spent with family and friends and wonderful wine! What a blessing all of you have been, especially those of you I've had the pleasure to meet. Hope to meet more of the inmates in 2011. 3711 Waiting in Manassas
Cheers to you all!
2010‐12‐25 20:53:22
170 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
My Christmas in Morris Plains with my Brother and his family from Chicago.
My son and his beautiful cousins, the oldest girl being 12 years old had some sort of a ball game in my yard, and as it turns out my son lost this contest to his cousins, and the following is his admission of defeat and his acceptance that he was dominated by three little girls. He read this at the dinner table and I still have tears in my eyes from the joy I experienced from having my family under one roof.
This is my son's "Speech of shame" as dictaded by the three little cousins as part of his defeat of the make up ball game.
A Date That Will Live In Infamy
Big Adam vs. Team Bia: The War of 2010
3712 Mobius
The rules were simple. The terrain – blood and water balloon stained from epic battles of wars past. The competition ‐ fierce as ever. However, I was filled with high hopes and knew that deep down inside I was mentally and physically prepared for battle. This was the moment I had been waiting for for the majority of my life. There we were, waiting on the rugged, frost‐bitten grasslands known to many around Morris Plains as, “The Point of No Return.” My hands were trembling, eagerly waiting for the first toss of the ball. Tempers were flaring, trash talking left and right. At one point, the youngest of my vicious cousins taunted me as she screamed “I’m gonna come at you like a spider monkey!” That was followed immediately by “I’m gonna butter yo bread, boy!” The third followed up with “I’m gonna toss you around this battlefield like a ragdoll!!!!” Harsh words, I know. Either way, I knew that I had to concentrate on not letting this band of Outlaw Chicago Girls getting the upper hand.
Before I knew it, the first toss was up. As the ball fell back down to Earth, I felt I was in position, ready to make the grab and hold on for dear life. It fell perfectly into my frozen hands. This feeling of joy lasted for milliseconds, 2010‐12‐25 21:57:26
@Mobius~ Tell Big Adam that having been raised with four sisters, two older and two younger, I feel his pain. Girls never fight fair! Thankfully they grow up into beautiful women and I was lucky enough to spend my Christmas with all four of them!
3714 A Frayed Knot
Great story that brings back many memories of getting out numbered and outwitted by my sisters! Thank you!
me the meaning of the word
Show me the meaning of the word
'Cause I've heard so much about it
They say, "Hey, you can't live without it"
2010‐12‐25 22:14:16
Welcome to the human race
With its wars, disease and brutality
You with your innocence and grace
Restore some pride and dignity
To a world in decline
Welcome to a special place
In a heart of stone that's cold and gray
You with your angel face
Keep the despair at bay
Send it away, and
Show me the meaning of the word
Show me the meaning of the word
'Cause I've heard so much about it
I don't want to live without it
I don't want to live without it
Oh, I want love
I want love
I want love
3715 BURGHen Boy
Welcome here from outer space
The Milky Way is still in your eyes
2010‐12‐25 23:17:49
171 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
3720 WineKnurd
Disclosure: too many to list....lets keep it very of course
Sir M........... apple does not fall far from the it!!!
BURGHen Boy that the Back Steet BoyZ
WIM...agree...Like the Pilgrims we found a place to to call home.
So a tale with NC johnr...Phredd...Wineknurd...NC wino?... who else is in your group?
nice 13 pick 'em for fs ship...thanks cindy...Say good night Brooks...Good night Brooks
Thanks to AFK and I hope all Tremblers had a Merry Christmas!
3721 TonyO
AFK: Might want to turn up the snow making affect as it looks to be a BLIZZARD here on the East Coast ! Heop everyone survived the festivities. WOW, the Vikings are getting 14.5 points in tonights game. Haven't seen that in awhile .................looks like snow in Philly for the game tonight............................
3716 brooks
2010‐12‐26 00:02:42
2010‐12‐26 09:41:15
2010‐12‐26 10:01:29
Hope everyone at TH had a great Christmas. I certainly enjoyed reading the story by @Mobius.
We spent an enjoyable Christmas with our daughter. When she was getting ready to leave she headed down to the basement to take pictures of "all that wine." When I asked her why, she told me that she wanted to have proof of her dowry because none of her friends would believe her!
So I am now under a DIWBM ;‐)
@ AFK, I posted the NC Offline tasting line up on the disclosures page but it didn't show up. Maybe its in moderation? Or too much text / hyperlinking?
2010‐12‐26 10:09:42
2010‐12‐26 11:27:19
3727 A Frayed Knot
Merry Christmas to all. I just wanted to pop in before hitting the slopes. Everybody back East stay warm and safe.
@WineKnurd~I got it approved for you. Any post with three or more links goes into moderation to keep the spammers out. Thanks for posting that for us!
3728 WineKnurd
Thanks AFK! If you click on the wines, JohnR has his notes posted as well, he is Viking60 on CT.
2010‐12‐26 13:27:41
3729 Wine Cutter
Hope everyone had a great Christmas. Ours was good, though a bit more eventful than I would have liked. Hosted 12 in‐law family members for Christmas dinner. Of the 12, only one...ONE...drank wine!! That left a lot for me, but damn...what's Christmas dinner without some wine??!! 3 month old baby had some sort of stomach issues all morning and was crying her head off and spitting up everything that she ate. Our 3 year old picked up the bug just in time for dinner. So my wife and I were corralling puking kids while our guests were enjoying dinner and desert. Needless to say, though my guests didn't drink, I did my part to make up for it. I'm happy to say that everyone is feeling good this morning and we are enjoying lots of leftovers by the fire in the snow.
2010‐12‐26 13:49:25
Knurd ‐ appreciate the thorough notes. Sounds like a great burgundy and a good time...
2010‐12‐26 14:17:41
roasting a boneless leg of lamb and it will be accompanies by a 2006 Anam Cara reserve Pinot Noir. Glasses in the air in about 1.5 hours.
Anyone had it? Opinions?
2010‐12‐26 14:34:24
@Wine Cutter
You need a new family
2010‐12‐26 14:35:32
@ludd is that a "Divorce Imminent Wine Buying Moratorium"??? LOL
3722 luddite
3724 WineKnurd
3725 Ctwino
3731 Johnny C
3732 John O'
3733 John O'
3735 Nursing a Hangover
3736 WineKnurd
I've been under that for 3 months now. Luckily she doesn't know about the wines I ship to my mother who lives in NY...
2005 Montirius Gigondas with my 49ers leading the Rams at the half! A perfect pairing :)
172 of 958
2010‐12‐26 11:00:24
2010‐12‐26 12:21:03
2010‐12‐26 14:37:46
2010‐12‐26 14:39:50
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
3737 flyerfan
Happy Snowy Sunday to all!! Eagles‐Vikings game postponed to Tuesday evening!! :‐( Most disappointing!! ............What the hell? Football is supposed to be played in below freezing temperatures and whiteout conditions!! Who's afraid of a little blizzard!!! Go talk to the peeps in Green Bay, Minnesota (before the dome), Chicago....... Darn prima donna athletes who get paid millions of dollars!! They should be ready to play in ANY conditions!!...................Okay, Ill stop now! (But I'm just sayin'.................)
Hope everyone had a nice Christmas, for those who celebrate! For those who don't, how was the Chinese food and the movie (my parents, for example)? @Mobius ‐ Your son is a chip off the old block!! I smiled as I read his tale; brought back memories of my brothers and I squaring off against our out‐ot‐town cousins at many a family gathering. Thank you for sharing.............BTW, I was in Morris Plains twice last week.
To those who are traveling, please be cautious and safe. On the east coast, if you don't have to go anywhere, DON'T!!!
2010‐12‐26 15:04:02
3738 BrunelloBob
@Cutter: 18 here for Christmas, though many of them drink no one can agree on what: Chard, riesling, red wine, vodka, dark beer, light beer, tequila, vodka, bourbon...there are liquor stores not stocked as well as we are! My father‐in‐law's buying wine based on Consumer Reports recommendations, God bless him, but No pukin' kids (this year)....
Early stages of being snowed in. Guests out early to beat the storm. Fire, Sunday paper, cheap bottle of Barolo lasting the wife and I four is done, now it's "our Christmas" :) x
That Montirius Gigondas Rocks BTW, one of Cindy's better "suggestions"...
3739 SCKen
3740 WineKnurd
I had 11 adults here for Christmas Eve and Christmas dinners. Mostly in‐laws (yeah!). Most all of the adults drank, and most like wine, but few appreciate it. First, an appropriate pour for them is about 10 ounces instead of 6, so I had to make sure I did all of the pouring or one bottle wouldn't have made it half way around the table. Second, though they all thought the Andrew Geoffrey was the best wine of the night, none appreciated just how good it was. It is rumored (he denies it) that one cousin topped his glass off with a $10 Pinot while there was still about 2 or 3 ounces of AG left in his glass. I could have saved a lot of money by just opening a bunch of $10 bottles, but that would have been no fun for me, and even if they didn't truly appreciate it, everyone should be exposed to good wine. That what the holidays are all about, right!
@BBob‐ Montirius rocks, 49ers blow :( At least the coaching does...
2010‐12‐26 15:09:21
2010‐12‐26 15:31:59
2010‐12‐26 16:05:12
@SCKEN...that's why I save the good stuff for the offlines and get togethers with people I know appreciate wine. Family members tend to drink wine just for the alcohol benefit, not the beauty in the bottle.
3744 BrunelloBob
I had 37 at my house...of which 30 were adults. One drank vodka on the rocks, another had beer. 28 drank all my Rudi Pichler, Rias Baixas, and the local NJ rose. Only my wife appreciated the Pichler. I could have served Charles Shaw whites and reds and they would have been happy...
Dear Santa, please get the niners a new f@cking head coach, that's all I want this year.
Ken: Drank the Andrew Geoffrey myself Christmas eve, it Was Good!
3745 BuffaloLou
@John O': I've had the 2006 Anam Cara reserve Pinot Noir. I'm not a PN fan, mind you, but I enjoyed it. More extracted and bigger in the mouth than most PN that I've tried previously. Didn't get that nasty metallic‐y iodine finish that I dislike in most PN. It's not really saying much...
3741 Nursing a Hangover
3742 WineKnurd
2010‐12‐26 16:08:53
2010‐12‐26 16:16:51
2010‐12‐26 17:01:58
2010‐12‐26 17:03:59
@NiH &amp; @SCKEN ‐ Re: "that’s why I save the good stuff for the offlines and get togethers with people I know appreciate wine. Family members tend to drink wine just for the alcohol benefit, not the beauty in the bottle."
3746 BuffaloLou
3747 Nursing a Hangover
3748 BrunelloBob
3749 luddite
3752 johnr
DITTO! I do not pop anything above a $15 bottle. It's a waste. I'll enjoy the evening, come home, and pop something nice for the Mrs and me.
2010‐12‐26 17:08:36
my wife NEVER liked red wine. Our trip to central Cali this past Aug, she toughed it out with some heavy Syrahs and she can drink them...sort of...LOL
2010‐12‐26 17:59:23
Does everybody's Vinituri make a disturbing sucking sound, or is it just me?
2010‐12‐26 19:53:18
Over 100 accidents on the NJ Turnpike tonight! Perhaps a good thing the Eagles game was postponed after all...
2010‐12‐26 20:02:27
There is 10inches here in Cherry Hill, bout 20 mins east of philly. Had an late present from the neighbors, 89 Lafite, bow wow!!!
2010‐12‐26 20:37:11
173 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
3753 brooks
Date December 26th 2010..Big annoucement....I had a breaking of the bread with TonyO in New England.....NOT A TYPO!!!....H01y Cr4P!!!...what a great guy...I was very impressed that he drove to the restaurant in an antique Harley with the famed 1000cc "Knucklehead" engine...snow tires and all in a blizzard...He looks more like the bass player for the Foghat than anything else...I saw a little Steve McQueen in his smile...we spent hours debating wine acid levels and concerns about "old" vs. "new world" wines...I did notice a hospital band on his wrist...could not tell if from TH...
Ouch disclosure I had two Diet Cokes as I was amazingly overserved at the after dinner wine course at my house on Christmas the day before...A very bad showing for brooks..sorry....almost a small dogs and boys performance....notwithstanding my showing...after our lunch TonyO gave me as a gift a great *#&amp;$ing bottle of wine which we will enjoy with steaks at my house during his next visit.....he is a first class guy who I look forward to spending time with along with our better halves...I have yet to meet someone from upstate NY that I didn't feel like I knew for years...I guess Winex could break this record...just travels
2010‐12‐26 20:46:29
3755 BuffaloLou
@BB ‐ Yes, they 'suck in' air through the two vents on the side. This is how the air gets mixed into the wine.
2010‐12‐26 21:10:24
3757 BrunelloBob
@Lou"" How am I supposed to "sneak" a glass of wine using that thing? The "authorities" will be on to me for sure...
Scary night in New England...snow blowin' and driftin'...T.O. on the motorcycle...Brooks drinkin' soda...
friggin' Armagedon...
@BBob, not to be a smart ass, but if you want to sneak a glass of wine, how about not using the vinturi when you pour ;)
@BB ‐ guess you'll have to do your pouring in the basement! LOL!
2010‐12‐26 21:30:21
3758 WineKnurd
3759 BuffaloLou
3760 WineKnurd
3761 WineKnurd
3762 WineBabyWine
2010‐12‐26 22:13:46
BTW, did you see the new Vinturi? It's pocket sized! My father just received one for Christmas. Slick revolving "dark room" door!
2010‐12‐26 22:21:12
BLou we got 6" here in NC, how does that compare with Buffalo?
2010‐12‐26 22:28:17
BLou, re‐ pocket vinturi; I tried one at my LWS and must have poured too fast because I spilled win all over the counter. Tell your dad to pour slowly!
2010‐12‐26 22:30:28
Happy Blizzard to all! Looks like it was an Andrew Geoffrey Christmas for many. I opened it with the Beef Wellington my brother made, of which I had leftovers tonight &amp; which was fabulous. We both enjoyed the AG,
&amp; it went well with the BW. BLou/JohnO, enjoyed the Anam Cara myself for Thanksgiving. Was given a 2005 Domaine Roger Perrin CdP from my bro as one of my Christmas gifts. Daughter loved the snow we started to get today, she "cleaned" off my car for me much earlier, now there's another 10 inches or so on it! She can't wait to make a snowman tomorrow, and I am glad to have one more day off to do it! I heard on the news that they canceled the Eagles game b/c of concern for the safety of the fans getting &amp; leaving from there... plus Phila declared a state of emergency much earlier, so only qualified personnel allowed on the roads anyway... people would have had numerous accidents &amp; been stranded there I think if they had the game, definitely think it was the right call. Looks like lots of babies will be being born 9 months from this Christmas all along the East Coast! And Brooks/TonyO meeting in the mountains in the last days of 2010... one for the books, eh? Sounds like a song ready for composition by our literary/musical geniuses. ;) Hey Johnr, want help with that 89 Lafite? I'm just a few doors down in Gloucester county when the roads get plowed...!
2010‐12‐26 22:32:11
"there is 10 inches in Cherry Hill"...........IS that what she said ??
3763 TonyO
3764 WineKnurd
As referenced by Brooks in an earlier posting, Yes Virginia, there was a Cindy meeting during the blizzard of 2010 ! Great to meet the man behind the posts and with the exception of his choice of beverages during our meeting (IS THAT A F$&amp;$^% DIET COKE BROOKS ??!!!???!!), it was a great time and was qite an experince to meet one of the most prolofic TH / Cindy posters ! I highly recommend it ! Amazing how through discussions we learned it is likely that our paths likely crossed in the past 25 years ! A class act ! Hopefully we can our act on the road and to a town near some of you soon (sans that f^%^^* Diet Coke !!!!).
2010‐12‐26 22:34:44
@ Tony O, what wine would you pair with Diet Coke?
2010‐12‐26 22:36:15
@Knurd: We only received about a 1/2" today. 6" is a good snowfall here. Traffic slows a bit so you're doing 50 on the expressway, not 75+. Of course, it depends on if you receive the 6" over the course of a day or over 3‐6 hours. If it's a general snowfall, it's over the course of a day. The 3‐6 hours is lake effect. That makes a big difference because receiving 1‐2" per hour limits visibility and causes the snow to build up on roads before plows get a chance to clear it away. That's what happened during that last snowfall we had, but instead of 1‐2" per hour and a total of 6", we received 24‐36" (depending on area) in less than 24 hours.
3765 BuffaloLou
Will do on the pocket sized Vinturi. Thanks for the heads‐up!
174 of 958
2010‐12‐26 22:37:51
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
3766 WineKnurd
3767 WineKnurd
BLou, 6" in NC is a huge deal, like no school or work tomorrow deal, and its not even snowing right now!
I bid the Trembling Hills a good night! Try and stay warm everyone!
2010‐12‐26 22:39:31
2010‐12‐26 22:43:30
We could receive 6" overnight and maybe a few school would be closed, but usually that's because of other issues like water main breaks, loss of power, flooding, etc. The city of Buffalo is a bit different because of the higher density of population, the amount of vehicles on the street, and the sheer number of streets. It's just impossible to clear away enough to get buses through. 3768 BuffaloLou
3769 BuffaloLou
We have enough snow fighting equipment that 6" overnight can be cleared away enough. That, and most peeps have snow tires (or at least all season tires at the least) on their vehicles.
Sleep well, Knurd!
2010‐12‐26 22:44:43
2010‐12‐26 22:45:35
3774 M Upah
Blizzard pummeling Brooklyn just now... wow... Brooks I hope you make it back to the friendly confines OK... johnr ‐ what did you do to win your neighbors over like that?? nice bottle...
2010‐12‐26 22:48:22
@wineknurd: hmmmmm wine with Diet Coke: something acidic, tart, peppery, with a hint od driveway sealer....sounds like our old friend Les Cretes to me !!
2010‐12‐26 22:58:29
@BBob You can also always cover the two little holes on the side with your fingers as you pour‐ makes it nearly silent, but also kind of defeats the purpose, though I suppose you still get a bit of aeration just through the funnel action.
2010‐12‐26 23:56:41
Wine with Diet Coke... well, they made Chocovine.... maybe they'll make Cocavine. You heard it here first, I want royalties when it comes out.
2010‐12‐27 00:14:58
Is anyone familiar with the WTSO Ondarre?
2010‐12‐27 00:17:19
3775 Landshark
Hi All, back from the slopes (where my daughter and nephew dragged my sorry a$$ down the mountain 32 times in just over 4 hours! I may be getting too old to hang with them) and wanted to say what a great bunch of postings! From Mobius's sons declaration of defeat that had me smiling all the way to Brooks and Tony O's meet and greet, awesome but diet coke? Say it ain't so Brooks, say it ain't so! Hey, if you gents take your act on the road think Niagara Peninsula and the Ice Wine festival. B Lou's been talking about getting a group together for some time now and, a couple of weeks ago while tasting at Darioush (had to kill 8 hours before a red eye so naturally I rented a car and drove to Napa for the afternoon!), I met a manager at Inniskillin who was on vaca. We got to talking and he gave me his card and said to call in advance for a little hookup. Not sure what that means but I'm willing to find out! It is coming up fast though, Jan 14 ‐ 30. If not then, anytime is a good time for ice wine! Just contact your travel agent (BLou) and he'll make the arrangements! :)
2010‐12‐27 00:33:07
3776 Landshark
Hey David T, you wouldn't happen to be in the Buffalo area for the holidays? If so, let me know, there are a few bottles in my basement with your name on them. Yes, I haven't drank them nor did I sell them to Lou! :)
2010‐12‐27 00:35:25
3777 Landshark
And AFK, let me join the others in saying thanks for building this home for wayward Cindies. I don't post as often as I wish (I blame my wife as she took my naugahyde bean bag chair and put it out to the curb! I did my best blogging from that chair!) but I do like to pop in occasionally to read the great stuff everyone here contributes.
Nite all.
2010‐12‐27 00:44:36
3778 BaroloDude
‐ BaroloClaus.
2010‐12‐27 02:14:45
3779 A Frayed Knot
@M Upah~I believe WineKnurd reviewed this on page one of disclosure/review page. If I'm not mistaken, I believe JoeG preferred this over the 04 Ondarre Mayor! Great QPR! Thanks for the heads up and welcome to the Hills!! ;) 2010‐12‐27 02:19:21
3770 Johnny C
3771 TonyO
3772 David T
3773 WineBabyWine
M Upah welcome to the asylum! Thanks for the heads up, 4 very drinkable bottles for under $50? It's a no‐brainer! 3783 Hinrgman
Hope everyone on the east coast is surviving the (hopefully) final Blizzard of 2010. We only got a dusting here in Manassas, but that's ok with me. Hoping to get the rest of my wine inventory done today. Happy Monday to all, and for those who have to work today, I'm sorry!
I'm looking at 30" of snow in my driveway and streets.
3784 Johnny C
Morning after the blizzard in Brooklyn:
3782 waiting in Manassas
175 of 958
2010‐12‐27 05:53:27
2010‐12‐27 06:50:20
2010‐12‐27 08:36:34
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
3785 brooks
3786 flyerfan
3787 WineKnurd
3788 WineKnurd
3789 Hinrgman
3790 luddite
This message brought to you by Diet Coke:
When ever I seen 10" or is it 10' , I think of Spinal Tap...enjoy
Ian: This looks absolutely perfect. I mean it's, uh, the right proportions. It'll be this color right? Artist: Yeah. Yeah. Ian: Yeah. That's...that's...that's just terrific. It almost looks like the real thing. Artist: You got it.
Ian: When we get the actual, uh, set, when we get the piece, it''ll follow exactly these specifications. I mean even these contours and everything? Artist: Um, I'm not understanding it. What do you mean "the actual piece?" Ian: Well I mean...I mean when you build the actual piece. Artist: But this is what you asked for, isn't it? Ian: What? Artist: Well this is the piece. Ian: This is the piece? Artist: Yes. Ian: Are you telling me that this is it? This is scenery? Have you ever been to Stonehenge? Artist: No, I haven't been to Stonehenge. Ian: The triptychs are...the triptychs are twenty feet high. You can stand four men up them! Artist: Ian, I was...I was...I was supposed to build it eighteen inches high. Happy Monday, all! NJ government offices shut down so I'm off for the day....Good thing because I'm currently stuck 2 states away. Streaming NJ radio station on my laptop and listening to motorists who've been stranded in their cars on the highways of the Dirty Jerz for upwards of 12+ hours!............1 to 2 feet of snow! Governor is at Disney with his family. Lt. Governor also out of state... Yikes!! ... (And why was the position of Lt. Governor created in the first place??)....Happy to hear of the TonyO/Brooks meet‐up............Hmmm, Diet Coke and wine.........Nahhhh!!..........For those traveling today, please be safe and take your time!!
Where the demons dwell,
And the Banshees live
And they do live well!
Thank you Santa BaroloDude!
@Johnny C ‐ where bouts in Bklyn r u? Looks like Park Slope.
@BLou: '05 Canoe Ridge Cab on the Cellar Thief $15.99...
2010‐12‐27 09:02:11
2010‐12‐27 09:55:47
2010‐12‐27 10:03:58
2010‐12‐27 10:08:05
2010‐12‐27 10:53:56
2010‐12‐27 11:04:51
3794 A Frayed Knot
@Landshark No, we spent the holidays with my parents in Columbus &amp; are back in Cleveland now. Believe me I will be letting you, Lou &amp; Joe know the next time I will be traveling through, although if y'all are planning a get‐together any time before that should occur, let me know and I would be happy to travel up to Buffalo on a moment's notice to join you and pick up my wine! The trip to Buffalo is only ~45 minutes longer than to Columbus... not bad considering you're two states away vs 1/2 way across one!
2010‐12‐27 11:26:41
Brooks ~Why have a Diet Coke?.........when you could have a Flaming Dr. Pepper!!;NR=1
2010‐12‐27 11:40:28
AFK...ouch...thanks for the work work assignment...snap I don't need any distractions at work. ;) ..comments suggestions sly remarks??? amend as appropriate..great idea...
2010‐12‐27 12:24:21
Ho1y Cr4p!!! ***** GOLD!!!!!
2010‐12‐27 12:31:35
3795 Landshark
David T, no worries, thought I recalled you saying you'd be in our neck of the woods in December.
Love the flaming Dr. Peppers AFK! It looked like professionals pulling that off, maybe a disclaimer like don't try this at home after overserving yourself would be advisable.
2010‐12‐27 12:44:56
3796 admin
Courtesy of Sir Brooks and recommended by Nurse Ratchet as a way of pacifying the inmates..............we present to
you <a href="‐review‐game.php?gamefile=1293418294" rel="nofollow">Trembling Hills Jeopardy</a> !
2010‐12‐27 12:46:13
3791 David T
3792 A Frayed Knot
3793 brooks
3797 Landshark
3798 Johnny C
3799 castello
TH Jeopardy, HYSTERICAL!!! The 500 dollar City of Good Neighbors question brought me to tears!
Hinrgman ‐ Bedford‐Stuyvesant...
I'll take Vanna White/Josie for 500
176 of 958
2010‐12‐27 12:59:08
2010‐12‐27 13:03:37
2010‐12‐27 13:58:34
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
3801 David T
Landshark, that was the original plan, then our Thanksgiving work schedules changed so Mrs David T was able to go home then &amp; her parents came down here two weeks ago. Her grandmother has her 90th birthday in early April &amp; she's in Buffalo, so that will be the absolute latest we'll be up... I have a hunch we might be up at least once before then too, work &amp; weather depending.
2010‐12‐27 15:24:54
3804 SCKen
Enjoying a relaxing day off. Recovering from a hectic Christmas. Making pasta sauce with the Coleman's Chipotle Meatballs from Costco. Really good if you haven't tried them. Needed a bottle of wine for the sauce, so I opened a Chateau Beaumont. I think I paid about $12 for it. Pretty good Bordeaux for that price.
2010‐12‐27 17:01:56
3806 flyerfan
To Brooks, AFK, and anyone else who may have had involvement in creating TH Jeopardy ‐ GREAT FUN!!! LMAO!!! Love the creative, and fun, minds on this forum!!!.........How 'bout Trembling Hills Monopoly with all of our hometowns, next?? "Go directly to WTSO....Do not pass go.....Do not collect your bottle of '82 Petrus!!! The "Temple" = Boardwalk, Cinderella Wine is Park Place!! Gourmet Library can = a railroad.......And then there's the Taco Bell next door!!! The possibilities are endless!!!
2010‐12‐27 17:06:58
@SCKen ‐ Post the recipe for that pasta sauce!!!
2010‐12‐27 17:08:20
3809 winex
@Brooks...I have no doubt, when we meet, &amp; we will someday (hopefully soon) that we will be amazed at how well we know one another. Maybe I will be fortunate enough to join both you &amp; TonyO in the near future. I typically travel quite a bit throughout the northeast, New England, New Jersey, &amp; Ohio. I am taking a break from that at the moment, but hope to resume in the next 2 months. &gt;
I think every person on the site is awesome &amp; when any of us are fortunate enough to share a glass of vino together for the first time, we find a person who will be a friend for life. &gt;
of course you do have to be careful of the Buffalo contingency, they have large cellars &amp; it might just go to their heads :) (only kidding of course) I hope to join you guys as well some day!
3810 BaroloDude
FWIW... the Le Cupole on Garagiste is one of my favorite all time supertuscans, and the price for the 07 at sub 20 is great. Past vintages have been among my all time favorite wines. Lots o Cab Franc in the blend.
2010‐12‐27 20:20:47
3805 flyerfan
3811 SCKen
3812 brooks
3813 David T
2010‐12‐27 19:53:40
FF ‐ I would post a recipe, but I rarely use recipes, so I'm not sure of the exact amounts of anything. That said, the sauce is real simple. Start with olive oil. Saute onions, garlic, red and green peppers. Add about a cup of red wine. I then add the 29 oz cans of chopped tomatoes and tomato puree. Add the Coleman's meatballs and let simmer for an hour or so, and there you go.
2010‐12‐27 20:29:16
Winex...I look forward to visiting upstate New York....A matter of fact..TonyO brought up your name specifically as someone he was looking forward to sharing great wine and listening to rock and roll... No doubt we will all get arrested together one day....also as we discussed one night long ago when I was overserved, you attended high school with some folks I knew in college...small guess when I was at Washington's Tavern or the Long Branch in Albany during the early 1980s i will bet TonyO was sneeking in with fake ID...wait was there a wing's place in Utica called Woody's wings and things?..Discuss
After an over dose of Diet Coke yesterday..I am back in the saddle..I am finishing the remains from too many bottles being opened Christmas night...Havens B 2005 and Lot 179 standing strong two days later only refrigerated with air the sustain on these wines 19.99 and 12 bucks seriously ...WTF...
FF...I can't wait for your CW/TH Monopoly game to be a professional game board player....I look forwad to new challenges...
Dave T...I am still recovering from Schmidts Sausage Haus in Columbus....the table next to us had a very large man ( 400lbs = or ‐) who was very friendly...he heard we drove down fron line..."hey I love to visit Chicago...cause when I am there I don't stand out as fat cause everyone there is fat"...mmmmm....scale please
2010‐12‐27 20:46:13
Brooks, apparently that gentleman has never been to an Ohio State game!
2010‐12‐27 21:15:13
177 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
3814 winex
@Brooks ‐ Woody's Wings &amp; Things...OMG talk about a blast from the past! They are no longer in business, but back in the day, they were the place for wings in Utica, NY. I also lived in Albany from 1988 to 2000 (Guilderland actually), &amp; at times miss it terribly. I still have a house there &amp; visit when necessary. The house we lived in had a 6' x 20' walk in wine cellar, but at the time I had a tiny collection of wines. Now I live in a house we built sans the wine cellar &amp; I could really use it. I may build one in the basement this winter, as I will have the time. I'm sure there are plenty of peeps here that can give me ideas...BUFFALO LOU!!!
I am also back into the vino this evening, enjoying a very inexpensive yet enjoyable Santa Ema Merlot from Chili. Pretty awesome wine for $8.99/bottle. I picked it up at BJ's in Albany last week. If you are anywhere CLOSE to upstate don't hesitate to contact me, I will make myself available. I recall our discuss regarding the High School friends in common, that will make great conversation, I was a real character back then. Some say I still am, I just don't streak anymore!
2010‐12‐27 21:16:41
3815 flyerfan
@SCKen‐ As you don't usually use recipes, the posting of your sauce‐making method, and the ingredients, is appreciated.......My mother has no quantities in her recipes, and only recalls the ingredients from memory, just as she learned from my grandmother......
@Brooks ‐ If you, TonyO and winex get arrested, can't help you with the bail money. I'm a poor college student who will probably have to work the rest of my life to pay off my grad school loans. Perhaps some Havens will be accepted in lieu of cash. Now there I can help you!!!
2010‐12‐27 21:17:52
3816 winex
@FF ‐ no bail $$ problem..just be there with the Havens when we get sprung. We will need a glass of juice after our incarceration. I have an inclination that even the popo will not want the three of us in their facility for long. I can hear it now, the jailhouse trio of Brooks&amp;TonyO&amp;Winex singing Sweet Home Alabama over &amp; over until there ears are bleeding, bail should be about $5/guy by then. If that doesn't get them then I'm certain "Tie a Yellow Ribbon" will!! :) They will pay you to take us after that.
2010‐12‐27 21:30:49
3817 WineKnurd
If anyone has that 2007 Lamy Pilot Chassagne Montrachet (Pot Bois vineyard) from CW in inventory, pair it with a pesto sauce. I was surprised how well it went. Its really one of the wines that are much better with food. Had 3 bottles, 1 alone, 1 w/ shrimp, 1 w/ pesto and its a completely different wine each time. The magic of Burgundy!
3818 winex
3819 WineKnurd
Speaking of's a real unique one...I think.
I paired the Kuenhof Veltliner (from CW couple of weeks ago) with freakin Carmel corn, it was excellent together. Of course I was hammered when I did this on Thursday night, but as best as I can recall, it worked. I would have tried it with Doritos but they were already all gone.
Ha Winex, the hammered pairing :)
2010‐12‐27 21:41:03
2010‐12‐27 21:48:33
2010‐12‐27 21:56:01
hammered pairings, there is a topic worth discussion (and a belated Merry Christmas to Winex !!!). Here we go:
10:00p.m. , bac 2.0: Pringles and 1996 Krug
11:00 p.m. , bac 2.5: Doritos Nacho Cheese and San Roman 12:00 Midnight, bac 2.75: Hot Pockets and 1990 Caymus Special Selection
1:00 a.m. , bac 3.0 : McRib and 1997 Allegrini AH MA RO NAY
2:00 a.m., bac 3.25 : Chia Pet growth (we all need our vegetables), random crumbs on the Snuggie, and the contents of any CW 3 pack
3823 WineKnurd
3:00 a.m. , bac 3.5 : vomit with a Les Cretes chaser.................
TonyO I couldn't drink enough to ever make me drink a Les Cretes again.
3824 TonyO
Our oldest was telling us about a college "ritual" called "icing": someone hands you a Smirnoff Ice and you have to drink it. Hmmmmmmmmmmm perhaps this can be slightly modified to become "creted", someone hands you a glass of Les Craps and you have to drink it........
2010‐12‐27 22:18:09
3825 David T
Given a choice between Smirnoff Ice, Bud Light, &amp; Les Cretes, it's Ice Ice Baby all the way!
2010‐12‐27 22:31:34
3821 TonyO
178 of 958
2010‐12‐27 22:12:45
2010‐12‐27 22:15:31
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
Hello inmates! Met with Joe G and his Monday night tasting group. Can't remember the last time we laughed that much! Great time! Our wines:
'01 Paleo ‐ 100% Cab Franc ‐ a little green vegi, leather, cedar, dark cherry. Med minus on the tannin, Med plus on the acid Rated JG91
'06 Crozes Hermitage (sorry, I did not get the name) ‐ menthol (nose) P: Ludens cough drop, bitter tannins
Note: This was tasted blind and was not given enough time to be decanted. We let this sit for another 60+ minutes and it was much, much better!
'97 Araujo Cab Sauv Napa Valley ‐ N: vegetal, P: dark fruit, blueberry. Finish was all tannin and acid. Wine was tired. Was not scored
3826 BuffaloLou
3827 castello
'05 San Roman Toro ‐ WOTN! ‐ Sensational! N: coconut, Creme' brulee. P: Creme' brulee, tobacco ‐ The wine was smashing! JG95
@Buffalo: TORO!
@BDude: That sounds too good to be true. Get me three and I'll cover you with something special. Maybe even some money :)
2010‐12‐27 23:21:20
2010‐12‐28 01:04:09
@winex I love Santa Ema wines!! Great QPR but inconsistent year to year. I enjoy their Reseve Merlot...been drinking them since 2001 vintage.
also, since I recently built my cellar this past spring...I can offer advice if needed.
1‐ determine the size of the cellar then which racks you will use. build the cellar around the rack size. ie: I had IWA draw schematics for racks of a cellar that was 6X8. $2500 for the redwood racks. I studded out the walls for 6X8, had spray foam insulation done, greenboard up, purchased the cooling unit, put in the unit based on the drawings of the custom racks. I then decided that $2500 is WAY too much to spend on a utilitarian cellar (I wasn't building the cellar to show off the collection, just store it. JoeG has a beautiful cellar to display his wines and a tasting room...I just wanted a storage place) so I went to IKEA and spent $600 on their racks...but I was off by 5 inches for the racks to fit perfectly in the space built. It works, but I would have built the wall dimensions to fit the racks...
3828 Nursing a Hangover
I hope my long babblings didn't bore you...just wanted to explain the situation
3831 winex
@Nursing ‐ thanks for the info. I am also just building to store the wines, not showcase them &amp; will not have a tasting room. This info helps alot &amp; I never thought of IKEA for racks, maybe because I don't have one near my hometown. But I do travel to areas with an IKEA, so I will check them out next time, &amp; will build the walls based on the size of the racks.
Thanks for the ramble...I do it too!
@ TonyO ‐ belated Merry Christmas to you &amp; an early Happy New Year! Love the hammered pairings, especially the crumbs from the snuggie. Now if I can just figure out what will go with all that stuff under the seat of my car...Hmmmmmm
2010‐12‐28 07:06:07
3832 winex
3833 WineKnurd
3834 TonyO
2010‐12‐28 03:52:06
@Nursing ‐ one more note, the Santa Ema was their Reserve Merlot for $8.99, that is a great QPR.
2010‐12‐28 07:37:18
Morning Hills! First cup of coffee to start the week and a new years question‐ good bubbly's reasonably priced that you could find on a restaurant wine list. Any suggestions?
2010‐12‐28 07:42:45
WineKnurd: I think that it is hard to beat Gruet (WL @ $10.49 is a GREAT price). I have to have anyone not like their Brut bottling.
2010‐12‐28 08:59:04
179 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
@winex &amp; NiH ‐ That is what I did... got the dims of the racking I choose, then dim'd the cellar to fit the racks. A rough outline:
3835 BuffaloLou
3836 brooks
3838 Johnny C
1) determine capacity of cellar
2) double it if you have the room 'cause you will be wrong
3) choose racking &amp; cooling unit to be used (if any)
4) select any amenities desired, lighting, special door, windows, etc (You may need to make accommodations)
5) if going premium, you can get places like Wine Enthusiast or IWA to lay it out for you. I did my own.
6) Frame the room. This should include any supplemental supports and framing for racking and cooling.
7) Wiring, vapor barrier, insulation
8) walls &amp; floor
9) racking travels you crazy bastard....loved the pairings...
BuffLou...great wines!!!! but ouch...’97 Araujo Cab Sauv Napa Valley – "Wine was tired. Was not scored"....bummer...seems like we will need to coordinate a wine protection task force to "visit: cellars to make sure no wine is entering its twilight...I nominate C0‐Chairs winex and TonyO to lead the guess is that they would waive their fees for you ;)
the best bottle of California Cab I enjoyed was Araujo 2001 at "The Press" in Napa...I was a guest for an event so maybe that influenced my opinion...I did not order it and can only imagine what it cost.
Anyone on Long Island/Queens/Brooklyn give a quick driving on the streets update please...thanks
Brooklyn update: larger arteries clear (as with a stent), but side/residential streets more easily crossed with snowshoes or dogsled team (def NOT cleared)...
2010‐12‐28 09:38:39
2010‐12‐28 09:59:45
2010‐12‐28 10:12:10
@BLou...LOL, it's NaH not're getting me confused with the National Institute for Health...
I agree with BLou..there is alot of planning to do when building the cellar.
Location..basement? slab concrete floor? Vapor barrier? I chose spray foam for the best insulation. get the type that limits moisture penatration. It's better than fibergls bats and having to wrap the box in 6mil poly plastic.
3839 Nursing a Hangover
Chose a good wine chiller. They can be costly. I bought mine from Canada...they shipped and it was cheaper than buying it from the state stores that sold it.
Bubbly choices for the restaurant I am going to for New Years‐
2010‐12‐28 10:17:45
Vueve Clicquot Brut NV
Raymond Henriot Brut NV
Tattinger Brut NV "La Francaise"
Roederer Estate Brut NV (CA)
Mastroberardino Greco di Tufo (Italy)
3840 WineKnurd
3841 Nursing a Hangover
3842 brooks
The Greco looks interesting, never had a spumante version of it before but admittedly I do not drink much bubbly. Anyone had these wines and like / dislike?
also agree with the capacity. If you want 1000 btls, plan for 2000. I planned/built for 1000...I'm half way filled and it's been under a year since I built it....I also have 2 wine fridges of which hold a total of 60 btls.
Johnny C....thank you ....I will avoid my trip for at least another day
180 of 958
2010‐12‐28 10:19:41
2010‐12‐28 10:19:54
2010‐12‐28 10:27:24
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
3843 TonyO
3844 brooks
3845 WineKnurd
3846 BrunelloBob
3847 A Frayed Knot
3848 BrunelloBob
3849 luddite
3850 WineKnurd
3851 BrunelloBob
3852 David T
On a Wilkerson just over the border of Dirty Jerz and heading NW:
NYPete; so long Dirty Jerz !
Brooks: better step on it, we are down to 278 bottles of Lot 179, make that 139 as they are 375 ml, aka juiceboxes
WIM: how long before we stop ?
Busdriver (identity a mystery): If one more person asks that f$%^&amp; question, I'm pulling over and and all f$^%%^ hell will break loose.......
Kittysafe: has anyone seen my "Feline Fancy" magazine ??
BuffaloLou: I used it to start a campfire last night
BB: I hate the Yankees....
Busdriver: Don't make me pull the yellow f$^%^^ dragon "ovah" BB
GV: Why don't we cut the tension a little bit, everybody " 99 bottles of Les Cretes in the warehouse, 99 bottles of Les Cretes, you mark one down you sell to an unsuspecting clown, 98 bottles of Les Cretes in the warehouse"
winemagnet: is there free shipping on those last 98 bottles ?
Mobius: hey busdriver, would you be so kind as to pop in this mix tape I made ?
Busdriver: sure, but if I hear anything about "shiny boots of f$^&amp;%^&amp; leather", it will be off the bus quicker than that guy that made a spritzer out of the last bottle of 2005 San Roman Toro
* notes from a 1970's Hot Tuna live bootleg fill the Wilkerson.....
Landshark: Hot Tuna, man that makes me hungry, any Doritos left ?
JohnR: quite shilling for Frito‐lay will you !
Landshark: well excuse a brother for being hungry
Josie: I think there is some of the Italian Peasant Soup left
busdriver: if I smell gahlic from that Eye‐Talian soup cauldron, it's gonna get ugly John O': don't we have any good Irish food on this bus ?
wine cutter: Good Irish Food, now there's an oxymoron
Schmitty: I once had a great reuben, is that Irish ?
Phredd: I like a high mineral PN with my reuben....
Mobius: I once met Reuben Kincaid, I think it was on a bus similar to this during the Partridge Family tour of 1974. Roxy always reminded my of Susan Dey aka Lori Partridge.
2010‐12‐28 10:28:50
H01y Cr4p!!! Batman!!!
2010‐12‐28 10:39:14
@DavidT thanks for splitting the ice with me, I can't drink a whole one myself :)
2010‐12‐28 10:43:41
Christmas miracle! I can access again!
You've probably heard it from me before, but I'm a huge fan of the Roederer. One of the Great worldwide QPR buys. I'm not a fan of the Vueve Clicquot, grossly overpriced in my opinion.
2010‐12‐28 10:44:38
Oh TonyO~ What the f%$^&amp; was that?............Excellent.....that's what it was!!!!
2010‐12‐28 10:48:07
I Hate the Yankees.
The "H" should be capitalized. :)
I thought the bus driver was Mott, at first, until the Paplebon comment. Well done T.O.
2010‐12‐28 10:50:30
@TonyO: Thanks for reminding me!
2010‐12‐28 11:19:29
BBob‐ The Roederer is $40 for a 750 ml, not a bad restaurant price IMO.
2010‐12‐28 11:25:57
Knurd: That is a good restaurant price.
The demigod's got it for $17.99 last time I looked, but it never gets below $22 or so in Connecticut, even on sale.
@Knurd I'll second that the Gruet is a good value for the price, but not seeing it on your list, I personally would go nerdy &amp; try the Greco, although I too have never had a sparkling version. And my pleasure on splitting the Ice :)
@TonyO That's priceless. I do own a pair of scrubs...
2010‐12‐28 11:34:31
2010‐12‐28 11:54:40
Brooks ‐ I'll be on assignment in CT the rest of the week, but enjoy Brooklyn/LI/surrounding environs...
3853 Johnny C
3854 BrunelloBob
3855 BrunelloBob
Tony O ‐ thanks for your holiday week tome (1st part) ‐ Phredd's comment, the vinmoet and Papelbon comments and others had me rolling... part 2...?
2006 CHATEAU SANSONNET packed on Cinderella!!!!
Hurry!!!! Before it sells out!!!!
JC: Where in CT?
181 of 958
2010‐12‐28 11:59:32
2010‐12‐28 12:04:10
2010‐12‐28 12:04:44
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
Well done, TonyO! I'm glad to see that the bus is back on the road (hopefully for more adventures). Date
Full disclosure from anniversary dinner last night: A grower's champagne at home, provided by my son (unknown at the moment because btl is still on kitchen counter at home). At our favorite restaurant, where I am not charged corkage (but leave significant gratuity), we consumed all of a '91 Leoville las Cases, which continues to be sublime. Loads of cedar/graphite nose upon opening, quickly turning to lovely fruit/floral/lavender. Very silky mouth feel along with pleasant fruit still hanging in there after 19+ years. Cork was wet almost to the top, but wine was well up into the bottle neck. Should I open some more of my remaining 4, to make certain they are OK? Decisions, decisions...
Second bottle opened with fresh glasses while we could compare to the Leoville: '96 Burgess Cab Library Release from TSO. Nose was very, very similar to that of the Leoville, with a hint of menthol IMHO. A little more robust style but a darned good replication of a classic Bordeaux. I have experienced some bottle variation with the '96s but this was the best so far. I would have taken an '05 to dinner, but my backup stock was all stored at work. This afternoon I will have to finish the Burgess (well, SOMEONE has to do it!)
Upon returning home, we finished the champagne, which was quite nice (disclosure will follow this PM). Bedtime was calling by 11:15 and I think I was fast asleep before my head hit the pillow.
3856 wine magnet
Tonight I will have some super pot roast we have made for years. My wife got the recipe out of a novel she read 2010‐12‐28 12:05:22
Wine Magnet‐ I popped a 96 Burgess not too long ago and posted the notes on the disclosures page. Check it out; we have very similar comparisons; especially that menthol aspect.
3857 WineKnurd
3858 brooks
3859 brooks
3860 WineKnurd
3862 BrunelloBob
I haven't had much luck with some 8+ year Gigondas recently, they seem to die off around 6 years for me. Let us know how those hold up!
BB are you thinking what I am thinking??? Snap admit it....Road trip with Johnny C to Pepe's at the Mall in Manchester for 1/2 clam 1/2 shrimp garlic olive oil white sauce extra extra large is interstate 84??? Also would need to sneak in a 6 pack of 375ml Vitanza 2001 Brunello.... this would make the Great Escape look like a cake walk...mmm...TonyO??? B squared or were you thinking about trading needle point tips?
wine magnet ...congrats on you celebrate you celebrate...need to work on your secong
half game plan though...send us some sun...
DavidT‐ I will probably will knurd out on that Greco, at least finagle a taste, but want to make sure I get something that both Mrs Knurd &amp; I will enjoy.
Brooks: If you ever drink Brunello with white clam sauce, you and I are through. :)
Besides, I thought you only drank Coke???
I‐84 is Wide open. Side roads will melt clean in the sun today. I got Thursday off. Let me know!
Hmm, I have Thursday off too. If only I could make it East &amp; back in a day...
2010‐12‐28 12:13:27
2010‐12‐28 12:18:25
2010‐12‐28 12:20:55
2010‐12‐28 12:21:03
2010‐12‐28 12:25:55
3863 David T
@Knurd A couple months ago I had the 2001 Domaine Saint‐Damien Gigondas which was still drinking beautifully. Granted it's the only older Gigondas I've had given that I'm still pretty new to this all things considered, but it made a good first impression as to their potential.
2010‐12‐28 12:39:53
3864 Johnny C
BB ‐ less than an hour away from you in Essex/Old Saybrook. I'm up for Thursday ‐ I like the clam 1/2...
2010‐12‐28 12:43:39
3865 WineKnurd
Its pretty well established that diet coke and clams match perfectly, y'all quit picking on Brooks!
2010‐12‐28 12:57:46
3866 Johnny C
Rescue plow just came through... may live after all... eggs, bread, milk, bacon, 2004 Bruno Giacosa Barolo Riserva Le Rocche del Falletto di Serralunga d'Alba, that's a list, everything I need, let's go...
2010‐12‐28 12:58:37
182 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
@da Knurd: I was not aware of the reviews/disclosure page, but I just read your notes, which pretty much mirror my thoughts (your notes were much, much better). Still, for under $25, I wish I had bought LOTS more of the Burgess Library Releases from TSO. As for the older Gigondas, almost all of my older ones (more than 5‐6 yrs old) are Domaine du Cayron and have aged very well. I took a '98 to a regular Saturday tasting a couple months ago (in the usual brown bag) and most folks thought I had brought one of my old Beaucastel CdPs, for which they were grateful. I almost had to slip the bag off to make certain that I had not brought the wrong bottle. Now I KNOW I will open some older du Cayron tonight, perhaps even some les Pallieres from '01 as well. 3867 wine magnet
@Brooks, when you've been married 46 years (the same spouse, BTW), you tend to go full bore with celebrations. Last night my wife said that it seems like 100 years, but that's probably influenced by her disdain for my continued wine purchasing, which she feels I will never consume in my lifetime, which is likely true. Sharing it (especially the "finds" or purchases from the old, cheaper '90s) in brown bags at tastings is especially fun.
2010‐12‐28 12:59:07
3870 Johnny C
Wine Magnet thanks for the Gigondas producer, will have to find some and see how they age.
Now you guys have me paranoid about my gigondas wasting away... I think I remember a television commercial about that...
3873 WineKnurd
Does any on here smoke cigars? Any brands you particularly enjoy? I am big on the Hoyo y Monterrey Excalibur 1066 series, which have the cameroon wrapper (and I don't mean Koppo)
3868 WineKnurd
3874 Johnny C
3875 johnr
3876 WineKnurd
3877 winex
H&amp;Ms are good ‐ haven't had those. Right now I have trouble buying anything that isn't Tatuaje...
Cohiba Robustos
I force johnr to smoke cigars when he comes over to the knurd cave
@WineMagnet ‐ I have 2 bottles of the '95 Du Cayron, They are still drinking extremely well. Glad to hear I'm not the only one sitting on some well aged Gigondas!
I finished my last '96 Burgess from TSO over Christmas weekend, I too wish I had bought more then 3 bottles. I thought is was terrific for the price..
2010‐12‐28 13:43:18
2010‐12‐28 14:17:57
2010‐12‐28 15:00:33
2010‐12‐28 15:08:28
2010‐12‐28 15:14:58
2010‐12‐28 15:19:41
2010‐12‐28 15:23:46
@Wine Magnet: First of all congratulations on being married to one woman for 46 years, rare indeed these days!
3878 luddite
3879 winex
Second re buying wine and then living long enough to drink it all, my wife has expressed similar sentiments stating she refuses to move it after I'm gone. So I just look at it as my life insurance policy...
2010‐12‐28 15:33:56
@BLou ‐ thanks for the insight on the cellar. I knew you would have some helpful tips. I plan to build it for 2000 bottles...maybe I better go for 3???? &gt;
@Brooks ‐ I graciously accept your nomination to Co‐Chair with TonyO. It will be an honor to check peeps cellars &amp; assure that no one has to drink a wine that has gone past its prime especially something as great as an Araujo should be. I hope JoeG &amp; the Buffalo Boys went to confession for that one!
2010‐12‐28 15:35:21
@winex: Darn, I wish that I still had some '95! I "discovered" Gigondas (du Cayron) and Bandol (Tempier) about 17 years ago when I stumbled upon a wine tasting ("stumble" referring to an unexpected event, NOT my ability to navigate on two legs) the theme of which was "wines from an allegedly bad year", which in this case was 1991. Proal Perry,then of Augustan Wines in S. FL, was conducting the tasting in which participants scored the wines through a flight of at leas ten wines. At the end of the tasting, I discovered that my 4 favorites were all imported by Kermit Lynch, and at that time I decided that we had similar tastes and that I would go to considerable lengths to taste as many of his selections as possible, a decision which has served me well as I have had some pretty "offbeat" wines mature nicely, thanks to buying them young and cheap. I started by buying a case each of the '91 du Cayron and Tempier, and a few of a Chambolle Musigny, the producer of which escapes me, probably because it was in the '90s when I last drank any of it, because it was just so darned good! I have really never looked at CT ratings of either of the above wines because they have always pleased me, mostly after the passage of time. I just looked for Domaine du Cayron and see fairly recent ratings of some as far back as '89 (aver. score from 3 folks of 92.3), and a couple nice reviews on the '85s from 2004 &amp; 2005, written by Doug House (Manager of Cecile's Wines in VA?). All in all, I think Gigondas from good producers will age as well as CdPs and a host of other Rhones (my biggest weakness since there are soooo many to try). 3881 wine magnet
3882 WineKnurd
2010‐12‐28 16:17:29
Does anyone here have any McPrice Myers in their cellar? The L'Ange Rouge is a favorite cold weather wine of mine, but I have not had his 08 yet.
183 of 958
2010‐12‐28 16:27:02
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
3883 TonyO
3884 SNF
Safely made the trek back to VT. Roads were clear, sun was bright, and all is good. @Brooks: til we meet again, be well
@all others: I'll be comin' to a town near you in 2011 so be ready !
LOVE the comment from the PA Governor that the USA is becoming a bunch of wusses. Don't fully agree, but a good reminder that we shouldn't get too soft (tooeasy, oh what the hell....That's what she said.........)
@winex: please send me a list of cellar inspections so I can plan accordingly. Should we bring our own stemware ???
SNF returns!...........Welcome back!
2010‐12‐28 16:43:21
2010‐12‐28 16:57:09
A little two part Christmas story that I thought might take up too much room here!
3885 A Frayed Knot;t=35046
2010‐12‐28 17:00:44
99 bottles of Les Cretes in the warehouse, 99 bottles of Les Cretes, you mark one down you sell to an unsuspecting clown, 98 bottles of Les Cretes in the warehouse”
Castello: I once burned a fatty with Lincecum at at Phil Lesh show
3886 BaroloDude
3887 SNF
3888 A Frayed Knot
3889 brooks
3892 Westley
@A Naked Forty‐ that's a brilliant piece of writing, however, I just can't picture BLou and his mature palate eating Doritos.......
The Grohnch is the latest edition! ;)
2010‐12‐28 17:04:23
2010‐12‐28 17:17:15
2010‐12‐28 17:21:06
Inmate SNF welcome...*$#&amp;ing amazing, the locker next to BaroloDude has been reserved for you...
Tonyo...great fun...agree til we crack a few in the future...
B squared and JC if Diet Coke is being served, I will make the drive on Thursday ...late afternoon thur dinner works for me......I love Pepe's pizzas.. IMHO better than Deep dish, NYC or North End.....OBTW I know someone that lived very close to Pizza Regina...the rats were like the one's in the Princess Bride
For those snowed in Brooklyn...enjoy‐5V3PJ90E&amp;feature=related
2010‐12‐28 17:47:19
Brooks: Rodents Of Unusual Size? I don't think they exist.
2010‐12‐28 18:30:29
I had the 08 at the tasting room and at home for thanksgiving....wonderful!!
3893 Nursing a Hangover
3895 NY Pete
Needs some air time, but it is great afterwards. Don't recall notes taken...sorry.
Tony O ... good stuff ... don't keep us waiting too long for part 2.
2010‐12‐28 18:51:20
2010‐12‐28 20:12:16
3898 Johnny C
JohnnyC: I'm good all day Thursday, what works for you?
Is this strictly a pizza and coke outing or are we "better off" working some grapejuice into the mix?
Idears: This is a small joint, I'll call for a reservation if that's the play This place is new, but promising. Actually further south (West) on I84
BBob ‐ for you and Brooks?? I'll make it work... late afternoon idea is fine. I'll throw out 4:30 pm ET for starters ‐ and we can't have Brooks' NE tour totally vino‐free ‐ I'm good for either of those places as a warm‐up / cool‐
3899 SCKen
Knurd ‐ I made the Peasant Soup tonight. Added Coleman Basil Chicken Meatballs to your stock recipe. Fantastic! Mrs. SCKen gave it two thumbs up. The only thing I was missing was some fellow winos and a dozen or so bottles of vino. Of course it made a ton, so I'll be eating it for days. Does it freeze well?
2010‐12‐28 22:17:45
3900 SCKen
Isn't someone on here a Rutgers grad? If so, I'm sorry, but my Tar Heels have braved the weather to travel up to NY to kick a little Scarlet Knight butt. MSG has generally always been good to the Heels.
3896 BrunelloBob
184 of 958
2010‐12‐28 20:14:57
2010‐12‐28 21:19:15
2010‐12‐28 22:22:39
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
3901 AccaDacca
@BBob would love to join but can't this Thurs. Will make the trek up from Fairfield Cty next time.
2010‐12‐28 23:21:39
3904 brooks
B squared and JC .....Thursday it is 4:30pm...any other CT based riff raff?
AccaDacca will be missed...but when CTWino comes back...try to coordinate a 1Q2011 Fairfield (pre‐Philly Trip outing). She is a gourmet chef...others can bring the wine and well
Where is Vinmoet now?
Attn: @TonyO, @Brooks
2010‐12‐29 00:10:42
3908 castello
2010‐12‐29 01:32:18
Win: Trip to CA wine country and Bass Guitar autographed by Sting
3913 luddite
3914 BrunelloBob
3915 SNF
AccaDacca: yeah, kind of short notice, sorry. We'll drink a glass in your honor.!
RID NOSE HINT; THRILL TO PALATE (winner) @skroob‐ cut me in on the road trip to Pepe's next time except I want an all clam pie
@skroob‐ I don't get the locker next to LoudRedBoa comment‐ like Ricky said to Lucy, please 'splain'
hello inmates!
2010‐12‐29 07:25:23
2010‐12‐29 07:39:12
2010‐12‐29 07:40:57
I stopped in last night after my Scout meeting, started reading, and couldn't finish. Darn cold is killing me! Haven't slept in days due to a lung congestion &amp; coughing. Argh!
TonyO ‐ Where did you come up with that? F‐ing amazing work!
3916 BuffaloLou
3920 brooks
3921 WineBabyWine
3923 SCKen
3924 BrunelloBob
Winex ‐ Pleasure's mine. 2K... 3K... Hey, is it ever big enough? (That's what she said!) Ask if you have any more questions!
2010‐12‐29 07:56:45
Blou...get better soon
SNF...the Anagram Expert section of our Inmate Locker BaroloDude...yes we will telegraph the next gig to Pepes in advance...the white claim garlic pizza...extra crispy is just simple guess CTWino makes a better one ;)
2010‐12‐29 09:03:19
Yes SNF.... BDude gave me my anagram after you left, since I didn't have one: Win By A Newbie! So you &amp; he have that locker section.
2010‐12‐29 10:01:58
Planning a golf trip to Bandon Dunes in Oregon for the first week in August. Thinking about driving down the coast to Napa for a few days afterwards. It's been about 7 years since I have been out there. Any recommendations on places to stay? Doesn't have to be fancy; just looking for the best bang for the buck.
2010‐12‐29 10:32:23
It's in Sonoma, just off the square, but we liked:
We had the same goal: bang for the buck. Loved the convenient location.
2010‐12‐29 10:44:53
3927 WineKnurd
@SCKen: I don't know if you want something basic for yourself or something more interesting, but I like the Harvest Inn on Main St. right as you enter St. Helena. There are a variety of rooms, complimentary breakfast, wine tastings, etc. It has been some time since I visited and I don't know the current room rates but the service, hospitality, and facility were first class and it was very reasonable during the week before Christmas when we stayed there, which of course was probably the lowest price of the year since it is often cold/rainy at that time.
2010‐12‐29 10:54:55
@ NaH‐ thanks for the tip on the 08 L'AR. I need to pop one open soon; I got 4 bottles back in Nov from the wine club.
2010‐12‐29 10:57:46
3928 wine magnet
@BLou: Here's hoping you recover enough to enjoy either (or both) some Champagne or the wine‐which‐should‐
not‐be‐mentioned come Friday evening. I know what that cough feels like, but have had much luck reducing it since I started using MucinexDM, which for my body is pretty amazing stuff. Good luck!
3926 wine magnet
3929 Ctwino
3931 BrunelloBob
3932 SNF
3933 Hinrgman
3934 joe g
3935 Hinrgman
I am so bummed I am going to miss the Connecticut get together Thurs. Have a great time. We will put something together for 1q2011. We got a foot of new snow last night so I am off to the slopes. Enjoy all.
Sounds like you're "suffering" CT!
Anybody got anything on the Cindy Nooner??
Any recs on the Uncorked deal ‐ Fattoria La Lecciaia Brunello di Montalcino DOCG 2004 for $27.97.
was just about to ask the same thing hin!
@joe g ‐ a while back you mentioned the '07 Modus. Have you had a chance to try it?
185 of 958
2010‐12‐29 11:16:24
2010‐12‐29 11:48:45
2010‐12‐29 12:10:48
2010‐12‐29 12:47:46
2010‐12‐29 12:54:56
2010‐12‐29 12:56:52
2010‐12‐29 12:58:47
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
3938 Johnny C
hinrg... yes, on 4 different occasions now!! lol at no point has it even come near the score it got (96pts), but it is a very delicious, fantastic wine and i have been in the 92‐93 pt range on it all times i have had it. this reminds me of some other wines that i have had from this area at this point of early drinking (03 collazzi, 02 le stanze) that have really taken off with 2‐4 yrs after this point.. all of this combined with the $21 i got them at made it a 3 case buy for me.
2010‐12‐29 13:16:26
hinrg/Joe ‐ had the 04 Lecciaia at a restaurant last week... it was sufficient, and next day (took 1/3 bottle home) opened up nicely. At that price point you won't go wrong. Read the CT reviews and I think the more positive ones are where I would land...
2010‐12‐29 13:31:21
3939 BrunelloBob
Re: the La Lecciaia, I suspect JC nailed it and I'd put a lot of faith in his current tasting note: "it was sufficient, ,,, At that price point you won’t go wrong. ".
I had a 99 riserva a couple of months ago:
Decanted and drank over the next three hours.
Legitimate, classic, old‐world Brunello. Good red fruit on the nose that doesn't really translate to the palate. Good earth, mineral components. Olive tapenade. Pretty tannic. Would like to see more fruit.
Hard to argue with the price, but still not looking to load up on this one..
88‐89pts. x
I'm also holding a 2003 that I bought before drinking the riserva. Paid $32.99 if that helps.
Finally, I've noticed WS seems to like this producer year in and year out. FWTW
3936 joe g
2010‐12‐29 13:39:42
Hinrgman says: December 29, 2010 at 12:54 pm Any recs on the Uncorked deal – Fattoria La Lecciaia Brunello di Montalcino DOCG 2004 for $27.97.
3940 sydu
3941 luddite
3942 sydu
3943 joe g
3944 joe g
I bought this a few weeks ago at $ not real pleased. Opened one and it was okay. I think the Vitanza at WL is better but is $45, but kept it non the less.
2010‐12‐29 13:42:46
WL 100 FS until 3:10 PM Eastern ‐ code 100FREE;start=0
Is anyone familiar with this on WTSO?
Celler Laurona 6 Vinyes de Laurona Monsant 2004 $30
i went in for the la lecciaia.. if it is legitimately that good it is a steal!! if it is just ok then i have a "brunello" to serve to people who know what that means but dont necessarily know about wine ;)
the laurona on wtso must be a new label, but i have had it in the past.. always have really enjoyed it, but i looks as tho wtso is using most creative pricing on it.. it is anywhere between $27‐30 here on the shelves locally, and i get 20% discount off of those prices
2010‐12‐29 13:44:54
2010‐12‐29 13:45:32
2010‐12‐29 13:45:39
2010‐12‐29 13:48:19
Bought the '03 Fattoria La Lecciaia Brunello di Montalcino Reserva @ $24.95 from Empire ship4free on 10/21. Haven't tried it yet. The Empire price is still good but no longer FS...
3945 luddite
3946 sydu
3947 BrunelloBob‐la‐lecciaia‐riserva‐brunello‐di‐montalcino‐2003/
Joe completely agree with your thinking. Also good for gifts.
Having tasted neither, and just playing the vintage, buy the 2004 over the 2003...
sorry Ludds...
Had this last night at Gramercy Tavern...$ was good
WL 100FS list
45. Domaine Moulin‐tacussel Chateauneuf‐du‐pape Rouge 2007
Type: Chateauneuf Du Pape Rouge
2010‐12‐29 13:53:12
2010‐12‐29 13:58:25
2010‐12‐29 13:59:07
Size|750ML Vintage|2007 Library Code|52825 Email this 3948 sydu
3949 Wine Cutter
90 Points ‐ Wine Spectator
Can anyone shed any light on what Gary's "special deal" was for Christmas Eve? I sent him an email as instructed, but I never got a response. I sent the email to him on Christmas Eve, which based on his posting here I thought satisfied the requirements, but maybe I was too late? I sent him another one this week to follow‐up, but still no response. I really don't need any more wine for a while, but I have the feeling that I missed out on something good.
186 of 958
2010‐12‐29 14:02:54
2010‐12‐29 14:13:15
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
3950 A Frayed Knot
3951 luddite
3952 BrunelloBob
3953 BrunelloBob
@winecutter~ Try e‐mailing KM kmurphy at winelibrary dot com . She can probably return your e‐mail quicker than Gary can.
@BB: No worries, I see you have one of the '03s as well...
2010‐12‐29 14:23:43
2010‐12‐29 14:26:50
Ludds: When I bought the 2003, I thought it was quite the deal. Economy was still riding high, the 2002 vintage had been a disaster. 2000 hadn't been that great either . The 2001s were all but sold out.
Now: The economy is in the toilet. 2004 is looking like the front end of a long run of great/good Brunello vintages, prices coming way down... If I had a crystal ball... Fortunately, I didn't buy that heavy into the 2003s. I think I have a Fanti lying around‐‐GV hung a 97 on that one but the boys on CT seem to like it. :)
2010‐12‐29 14:34:46
GV hung a 87 (EIGHTY SEVEN) on that one but the boys on CT seem to like it.
may the demigod forgive me!
2010‐12‐29 14:36:09
Just got Internet up and running (again... Verizon! Ugh!) a little bit ago at the office. Playing catch‐up.
All, tanks for the get‐well wishes!
3956 BuffaloLou
@wine magnet ‐ I've been using MucinexDM. Usually it works really well. The only problem I find is that the 12 hour ("max") only lasts 10 hours and the 4 hour about 3. So it's either take too soon, or cough! Presently my diaphragm and back muscles are killing me from coughing!
2010‐12‐29 15:32:45
3958 David T
@BLou ‐ drink some Les Cretes in between that is like cough syrup! Be well &amp; I hope it hasn't affected your taste buds. If it has then TonyO &amp; I can make you our 1st stop on the cellar tour.
@Wine Cutter I got a reply from BW saying he would be emailing out further info around the turn of the year. I would check with him about it since he followed up with me.
3959 David T
@BLou Pharmacist's instructions: you can take up to 120mg of the dextromethorphan (DM) component &amp; 2400mg of the guaifenecin (Robitussin) component per day, so check the strength of the 12‐hour tablets. I think some are a true 1/2 of those daily limits but some are 1/4 saying to take 1‐2 every 12 hours. If they're the lower dose, try taking just 1 &amp; supplementing with the 4‐hour when they start to wear off, or if they're scored, cut them in half. It's also only recommended to use for a 'dry' cough, if it's a 'productive' cough (mucus) it's better to cough it up to get rid of it.
2010‐12‐29 15:51:20
3960 BuffaloLou
@David T: They're the max strenth, so they have 1200mg/60mg. What perplexes me is that, isn't medication based on body weight, specifically of an "average" adult of like 140‐160 pounds? I know Drs/Pharm advise petite women (say under 100 lbs) not to take a full adult dose as it's too much for their body mass. What happens to we big guys that are twice the size of the "average"? Do we take more?
2010‐12‐29 17:06:30
3961 John O'
@SC ken
re the bandon / napa question.
Suggest you play golf at Bandon until your fingers are numb. Bring or buy some quality napa vino and drink it with a good steak at night by the courses. Arguably the finest series of golf courses in the World.
2010‐12‐29 18:23:00
3962 A Frayed Knot
Welcome to joeg make house calls?...........I've got a bum tooth :(
2010‐12‐29 18:23:21
3964 David T
@BLou That's a question that would require the time of drinking at least one full bottle of wine to explain in its entirety... the short answer is for some drugs yes but for most no. 95% of the time an adult dose is an adult dose no matter the weight. Completely different story for kids.
David T what is the adult dose of Smirnoff Ice?
@AFK: ‐ LOL!
2010‐12‐29 19:28:39
3957 winex
3965 WineKnurd
2010‐12‐29 15:36:23
2010‐12‐29 15:40:11
2010‐12‐29 20:12:19
@David T: I look forward to the day we can discuss it over a bottle, or two...
3966 BuffaloLou
@Knurd: Two bottles the first hour, one bottle every hour on the hour thereafter.
2010‐12‐29 20:32:45
3968 SCKen
John O' ‐ I am beginning to believe that may be the best idea. Getting to Bandon is not easy, and I'm not sure I want to make the 9 hr drive from Bandon to Napa. May just have to make this a golf only trip.
2010‐12‐29 20:49:00
187 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
Just got back to NC....lots to ready...if anyone is interested, the Cindy deal tonight is pretty nice. Astrales made the rounds on the other sites at 85+ and the Syrah is a tossup. If I didnt just get my Saxum allocation, I'd be in....
3969 johnR
3970 joe g
3971 BrunelloBob
3972 David T
3973 Nursing a Hangover
3974 Nursing a Hangover
3975 BrunelloBob
Knurd whats up the hood?
AFK.... i work for wine! ;)
Right behind you JR...or in front of you if you posted before you bought...
@Knurd a full 6‐pack with a chaser of espresso to get rid of the taste... all to take the place of Four Loco which the government decided the public isn't capable of consuming responsibly even though my bartender can make me a Long Island Iced Tea with no problem. Or an Irish Coffee. Or a Jaeger Bomb. Or a bottle of Les Cretes with a shot of 5‐hour energy. Yeah, my CKC days aren't that far behind me yet!
@ and drink a Napa wine...problem solved!! LOL
BTW That CW deal is great. Pharaohmaons is an excellent wine. Stephan Asseo is a great producer...does L'Aventure in Paso Robles. Visited the winery this past August....great stuff. French varietal with a Cali kick.
Now if I can just get the $9 "free shipping" charge backed out...
Welcome back to the south JohnR! Not much going on here; broke my "till 2011" WBM for the WTSO Dauzac but have to pazz on the CW pack. I have tried the "pharoahmoans" before and I found the wine as bad as the name; can't see myself spending $50 for that one.
2010‐12‐29 21:06:32
2010‐12‐29 21:18:32
2010‐12‐29 21:20:35
2010‐12‐29 21:21:10
2010‐12‐29 21:22:46
2010‐12‐29 21:26:52
2010‐12‐29 21:27:57
3979 BuffaloLou
Still haven't heard anything from Phredd or NCWino about our next meeting; hopefully NCWino and his family is doing ok.
Ha looks like NaH and I will have to agree to disagree on the Pharoahmoans :)
That Joe G... He's just a wine slut! ;)
@Knurd: re:Pharoahmoans ‐ please do tell more!
3980 WineKnurd
Hey BLou, I never want to publicly pan a wine that I do not like but I am a certified old world guy and this is definitely new world Rhone Ranger type wine. I found it to be too much for me‐ extract, oak, body, and burn.
2010‐12‐29 21:38:17
3981 BrunelloBob
Knurd: I woulda guessed that, despite never having had the wine're gettin' predictable old man! ;)
2010‐12‐29 21:40:18
3982 WineKnurd
Basically not my preferred style, not that its flawed; though I might suggest that the oak and alcohol are out of balance. If you like new world Rhone's I think you will like this wine, just not my cup of tea.
2010‐12‐29 21:41:25
3976 WineKnurd
3977 WineKnurd
3978 BuffaloLou
3983 WineKnurd
3984 BrunelloBob
3985 WineKnurd
Am I getting predictable, or are CA wines getting predictable. Take another sip of port and ponder that one BBob...
BBob you are in CT right? I am watching Man vs Food and he went to a place in central CT where they steam cook burgers. Ever been there?
2010‐12‐29 21:29:32
2010‐12‐29 21:31:20
2010‐12‐29 21:31:29
2010‐12‐29 21:32:17
2010‐12‐29 21:43:19
2010‐12‐29 21:45:50
2010‐12‐29 21:48:48
@SCKen ‐ I'm the Rutgers grad.........and the Seton Hall grad........and a soon‐to‐be (but not soon enough) Johns Hopkins grad........Nice win by your 'Heels last evening; kind of embarrassing for the b‐ball team to lose by 23 points! Don't really follow the men's team much.....too busy right now to even follow my hockey team very closely.....working on a 20‐page case study due by midnight, New Year's Eve!! Can't wait to get my life back!!.........Last class, April 29th..........Will be partying hearty at the Philly off‐line, tentatively scheduled, I believe, for the following day.......dancing naked on a table only wearing a hockey mask........who was that, again?!........I second the motion for you to golf and bring along a bottle of wine!! out in CA!!
@BLou ‐ Feel better soon! Those types of coughs and colds so suck!!! I believe Les Cretes would help; better than Mucinex DM or any other cold/cough remedy!!! Let me know; I have two bottles left......Could overnight them to you!!
@AFK ‐ IT!!...........I believe it calls for its own page listing here on the forum...........Make DavidT the resident pharmacist who makes "web calls" to the inmates...........
3986 flyerfan
3987 flyerfan
Like this evening's CW offer, but still too much for my blood right now............
@BBob ‐ Don't worry; you're not the only one sipping port this time of year.......
188 of 958
2010‐12‐29 21:58:49
2010‐12‐29 22:01:31
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
On 9/29 I bought the '05 San Roman Toro / '06 Astrales Christina Ribera Del Duero 2pk for $69.99 (no FS) from WL. Seems to me like a much better deal than tonight's pack!
3991 BrunelloBob‐
@Knurd: Yes on CT, no on Ted's in Meriden, never heard of it. There's a Ted's in Storrs, but that's a whole different story.
@FF Whas'up? Isn't Josie (where is She anyway?) also a Rutgers girl?
BBob and FF I raise my glass of tawny northward to you!
Ludds: You Win.
That wasn't a Cindy Pack though??
3992 WineKnurd
did anyone get that white burg that was on WTO earlier today? Luckily it passed before I could cave in!
3988 luddite
3989 BrunelloBob
3990 WineKnurd
2010‐12‐29 22:01:33
2010‐12‐29 22:01:40
2010‐12‐29 22:03:25
2010‐12‐29 22:05:40
2010‐12‐29 22:08:41
@'Knurd ‐ Yes, that 'TSO burg was VERY tempting......However, self‐restraint won out and SIWBM intact..........for the time being, at least..........Yes, I'm a port girl, tawny and all, and proud of it!! :‐)
3993 flyerfan
3994 WineKnurd
3995 BuffaloLou
3996 WineKnurd
3997 luddite
3998 WineKnurd
3999 WineBabyWine
4000 BuffaloLou
4001 BuffaloLou
4002 BURGHen Boy
@BBob ‐ Wassup, my port‐drinking compadre??!!........Haven't heard from Josie in a while........She has been MIA, hasn't she?..........May have to give her a buzz tomorrow and advise her to post here before AFK sends out a search party..........
2010‐12‐29 22:13:07
SCKen my WOLFPACK pulled out the bowl win last night! Go State!
2010‐12‐29 22:16:28
@FF ‐ thanks for the offer Beth, but unfortunately I have FIVE of them left! Maybe I can clean the floor with hem...
BLou are you a tawny or ruby man?
@BB: Correct it wasn't a CW offer, it was a WL email:
Night all! Its lights out in D‐block
Enjoy port here too FF.... if you're ever in the area at your parents, drop by &amp; we'll share some. I think it's made for cold winter nights.
@luddite ‐ Thanks for that reminder about the 9/29 offer. I, too, bought in on it. That saves me tonight! I knew the Astrales sounded familiar!
@Knurd: Tawny or vintage.
Sing Ta na na
@BURGHen Boy ‐ "A‐Wa A‐Wa"
2010‐12‐29 22:21:52
2010‐12‐29 22:23:29
2010‐12‐29 22:29:39
2010‐12‐29 22:31:02
2010‐12‐29 22:44:33
2010‐12‐29 23:13:13
2010‐12‐29 23:14:04
2010‐12‐29 23:21:43
4008 WineKnurd
@WBW ‐ You got it! I'll let you know........Waddya like? I got vintage......I got tawny.....I got chocolate (this one goes well on vanilla ice cream).......
2010‐12‐30 00:47:17
@ludd Damn you..I forgot about that deal..I didn't do my homework, just got excited and rushed in thinking it was a good deal. once again jumped on it without consulting the board members... I guess I could cancel the order... let
me check prices again.
2010‐12‐30 02:10:10
Mornin' Hills!
2010‐12‐30 07:05:22
4010 BuffaloLou
Mornin' Knurd! I'm a bit later than you today. Slept in. Feel MUCH better today! Lungs are surprisingly clear. Now it's a head cold. With the exception of imbibing, I'd much rather the head congestion vs the chest congestion.
4003 flyerfan
4005 Nursing a Hangover
2010‐12‐30 09:00:32
4012 luddite
BLou sometime sit takes a week or two to fully shake the effects of a cold, hopefully yours won't last that long!
2010‐12‐30 09:43:06
OK, the map says that someone that visits TH is from Indianapolis. Hope all is well just heard about the earthquake this morning (4.2) out your way...
2010‐12‐30 09:58:55
4014 luddite
@BLou: Glad to hear you're on the mend and hopefully will be able to fully celebrate New Year's Eve...
4011 WineKnurd
2010‐12‐30 10:07:14
@Knurd: Yeah, my colds usually last a couple of weeks, start to finish. "Usually", it's sore throat, head congestion, chest congestion, back to head congestion, a finish of sore throat, and then recovery. That said, I haven't caught as many colds in the past decade or two as in my youth (I assume typical as you can catch a particular virus only once, thus elimination.) Also, they have not been as lengthy.
4015 BuffaloLou
@luddite ‐ I'm sure the head cold won't be gone by New Year's, so I won't be opening anything really good as it would only be a waste.
189 of 958
2010‐12‐30 11:21:10
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
4016 wine magnet
BLou: Perhaps our resident pharmacist, David T might like to chime in w/thoughts, but for head/nasal conjestion, I use the Neilmed nasal flushing system at the first sign of head conjestion. (NOT the Neti‐pot, which seems very cumbersome IMHO). A couple of flushings with the warm saline solution over a few hours does wonders for relieving pressure and the post nasal drip which is so troublesome when you are prone. I suspect it is even worse for those of us who are dimensionally challenged from being over‐served both wine and food (despite our protestations!). You can find the Neilmed Sinus Rinse kits at some Costco/Sam's/BJ's and always at Walgreens, CVS, etc.
2010‐12‐30 11:46:19
@Blou, Wine and head cold pairing: Les Cretes...
You would have to catch a lot of colds...
4017 luddite
4018 Gary vaynerchuk
4019 BuffaloLou
4020 BuffaloLou
4021 BuffaloLou
4022 johnR
4023 BrunelloBob
4024 BrunelloBob
The common cold, also known as a viral upper respiratory tract infection, is a self‐limited contagious illness that can be caused by a number of different types of viruses. More than 200 different types of viruses are known to cause the common cold. Because so many different viruses can cause a cold and because new cold viruses constantly develop, the body never builds up resistance against all of them :‐(
trying a value approach with Cindy for a week or so ( starting right now ), let us know your thoughts
Today's nooner... A Cali PN. Easy pass for me.
@GV: a value approach sounds nice. I think many peeps have been asking for this.
Interesting... my comment about today's offer is in moderation, yet my reply to GV is not... long as its quality versus, inferior inventory super‐blow out, its a good deal. Also, can we seek 2011 to be less retreds and less hide a crap packs?
Ya know V‐Chuck, the forum guys are gonna poop themselves if they find out you're posting here.... :)
Liked last night's 2‐pack by the way. The value thing can work too, especially with reasonable bottle #s for free shipping. Hard to buy anything in big volume that I haven't tried...
"hide a crap pack",,, he‐he‐he :0
JR's new year's resolution might be to be more politically correct...
2010‐12‐30 11:48:17
2010‐12‐30 12:01:58
2010‐12‐30 12:02:43
2010‐12‐30 12:06:36
2010‐12‐30 12:07:19
2010‐12‐30 12:09:23
2010‐12‐30 12:10:24
2010‐12‐30 12:12:19
@wine mag ‐ I've used the Neti‐pot. I like it, it's just inconvenient to use. 4025 BuffaloLou
4026 johnR
4027 BuffaloLou
4028 Gary vaynerchuk
4029 BrunelloBob
I wonder if using Les Cretes instead of the warm water/saline solution would cleanse any better?
@GV is it true that the Nooner, the sharpshooter is a House Blend, exclusively made for WL?
2010‐12‐30 12:12:36
@BBob ‐ They're already not very happy about the special offer that was made here vs. the forum...
Yes JohnR a long time private label, maybe 10 vintages now
Well Lou, you might remind them of all the Forum Exclusive Deals etc. that they never bothered to tell the Cindy crowd about,,,
Everyone wants what the other guy has...way of the world I guess...
2010‐12‐30 12:13:53
2010‐12‐30 12:13:17
2010‐12‐30 12:14:33
2010‐12‐30 12:16:17
Both Lou and Luddite are correct regarding cold transmission. Yes you'll be immune to what you've had before, but chances are some of those are not around anymore &amp; new versions come out every year. It's the same reason you need a new flu shot every year as opposed to a 'one and done' like the polio vaccine.
4030 David T
4031 BuffaloLou
4032 luddite
WM: Ironic that an informational packet arrived in the mail from Neilmed just the other day, although it's addressed to the previous tenant who was an ENT doc as opposed to myself. Their products look good, I have not talked to anyone else who has used them since I work in a hospital as opposed to retail, but if they work well for you than I say by all means keep using it. Personally Sudafed works great for me when I'm congested, but I know it's a bit of a pain to get now thanks to meth makers. One thing I strongly advise staying away from is anything over‐
the‐counter marked "‐PE" for congestion. It contains phenylephrine which is the manufacturer's workaround for the PSE being pulled behind the counter (&amp; prescription only in some states) but it doesn't work very well, if it works it only works for a very short time, and can cause dangerous blood pressure increases in folks with high blood pressure.
2010‐12‐30 12:17:56
@JohnR ‐ that's what grape_ape said. Have you been lurking over there? LOL!
2010‐12‐30 12:18:14
OK so '03 was not a good vintage for Cali Cabs but (Attn: @Brooks) Beringer Private Reserve juice boxes on Invino @ $34.99 (plus flat $10 shipping). Additional 10% off cases...
2010‐12‐30 12:23:46
190 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
4033 BuffaloLou
@David T ‐ I've suffered from non‐allergic sinusitis for years. I used to pop Sudafed like candy. It worked, well. (As you prob remember, you could buy it in small bottles of 100 tabs! I was buying several at a time. They're not even available any more... ) Then I went to my Dr for a physical. After taking my BP, twice, he asked me if I was feeling OK. I said "other than popping Sudafed like candy for my sinus', I feel fine." He said my BP was through the roof and I needed to stop taking it immediately. He sent me to an E.N.T. and the rest is history.
2010‐12‐30 12:24:10
@Blou...No, looking at CT notes, the only retailer was WL, 4036 luddite this to kanzler, sea smoke and BC, I ve not had much success with CV Pinots, lots of success with CV Syrah/GSM blends.
Just busting on you, JohnR!
@Blou: Hard to buy original Sudafed, cause it was used to make crystal meth. Last I heard it was still available behind the counter...
4037 brooks
Brooks (Mobile) @RugenickEl ..... Thanks for your kind words and for posting December 29, 2010 at 8:39 pm ... we will block your ability to post spam in the future...unless you share your real name... zodiac sign...weight...blood pressure...favorite
color....and guess AFK favorite number between 1 and 2 million.
PS Have a nice day
Locator Point..Mass Turnpike Auburn Service Wilkerson buses......heading to insurance vending for the magnetic black and white poodles...novelty High Karate After Shave... CT offline wine tasting with B squared and Johnny C.... Just doing a quick scan of photos of most wanted by FBI and details to follow...gotta attend if you want the truth
BLou back in saddle!!!
Luddite thank you but no more jiuce boxes for me...I am at like 120...
NAH...can you plse post the attendes for the April 30th event...thank you
2010‐12‐30 13:03:17
4034 johnR
4035 BuffaloLou
4038 Nursing a Hangover
@ Brooks I think you are the only one attending... actually I don't have a list. There is one on WL forums that SmokenMirrors put together if you need to see it. I am waiting for everything to be confirmed with a restaurant. Once I post the info, I can list those who commit to it. Sorry for not being any help..but so far about 2 dozen
@BLou and anyone else who is sick :
2010‐12‐30 12:31:33
2010‐12‐30 12:36:09
2010‐12‐30 12:49:19
2010‐12‐30 13:54:43
Most colds are created by viruses. Antibiotics should not be taken for those types of infections. The best"medicine" for a viral infection is::
SLEEP, Hydration (water, warm teas, chicken soup), SLEEP
Your body will heal itself (unless you are immuno compromised)
4039 Nursing a Hangover
It typically takes 7‐14 days for a viral infection to be defeated by the body.
Over the counter drugs help relieve symptoms so you can take them, but in moderation.
***Bosun's whistle***
2010‐12‐30 13:58:17
Attention on Deck
I want to publicly thank one, Gary Vaynerchuk. I break your stones, but I really respect your game, I appreciate the effort and thank you for the ******.
4040 johnR
4041 Gary vaynerchuk
4043 luddite
4045 David T
4046 BURGHen Boy
JohnR aka John Russick
2010‐12‐30 14:04:22
means a lot JohnR thank you, i want everyone to know here that as I get to the end of the year one of the biggest agendas I have for 2011 is to bring you better quality wines on the beloved Cindy web site and to establish it as the #1 source of deal a day sites, not only because I believe in the service we provide but in the selections we choose, we will be working very hard for u guys
2010‐12‐30 14:11:04
@GV: Wanted to welcome to @AFK's TH facility. Don't expect any special treatment and remember to take your meds like everyone else ;‐)
2010‐12‐30 15:09:19
I noticed WL just got some Cherry Pie PN in‐ I seem to remember on the old CW boards someone loving it. Any thoughts/worth dropping 45 bones/btl? The CT notes have me quite tempted.
T‐ I loved the 07 Stanly Ranch Cherry Pie. I think I paid $30 or $35. I would pay that again but not sure about $45 for the 08. I will buy a few bottles if they put a deal on it.
191 of 958
2010‐12‐30 15:28:26
2010‐12‐30 15:43:30
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
The holidays must be a slow time in the public speaking arena, as GV sure seems to be stopping by here a lot lately! As I said before though, I really appreciate his doing that.
As to GV's question, I prefer more value plays. While I buy a few bottles that cost $40 or more, most of my cellar is bottles I picked up for under $30, and many were $10‐20. IMHO WTSO has come to the table this year with more quality offers in the $20 price range and they never require more than 4 for FS. I prefer buying from WL, so I hope GV does work on improving the quality of the wines offered on Cindy.
4048 SCKen
Speaking of WTSO, the current offer, 2005 St. Francis Anthem, is a very nice wine, and a great deal at $29.99. I have been a member of their wine club for years, and have always felt the Anthem was the best wine they made. Of course, I have always paid much more than $29.99 for it!
2010‐12‐30 16:21:46
FF ‐ So when you are a grad of that many schools, whom do you pull for? Of course, it sounds as though you have little time to follow college sports. Between finishing your degree and following Philly teams, you seem to have your plate full!
4049 SCKen
4050 A Frayed Knot
4051 johnR
4052 WineKnurd
Knurd ‐ Yes, your Pack did pull off a nice bowl win, and I'm hoping my Heels can do the same tonight. I pull for the Pack except against UNC, but I got to tell you, I'm hoping that Wilson decides to pursue his baseball career and does not return to NCSU for his final year of football. That guy has singlehandedly beat UNC the past 2 years!
From the latest Garagiste e‐mail...........funny $^&amp;......."you could find yourself painting toenails on the ferry!"‐grow‐better‐in‐the‐south‐west
@ken et al....1/28/11 looking like a go for NC cindy's.
BdM on WTSO! In mt best Homer Simpson voice‐ "mmmmm Brunelloooo"
“mmmmm Cherry Pie” from the Prince of Pinot:
2010‐12‐30 16:27:00
2010‐12‐30 16:47:33
2010‐12‐30 16:47:49
2010‐12‐30 16:54:35
2008 Cherry Pie Stanly Ranch Napa Valley Pinot Noir
4054 luddite
4055 Ctwino
4057 WineKnurd
4058 SCKen
14.5% alc., $45. Great label. ∙ Very shy fruit on the nose with prominent scents of oak, pine pitch and varnish. Hearty and full‐flavored with copious amounts of black cherry and black raspberry essence set off by brown spice and oak. Generous and fruity rather than classy or complex. The flavors clearly trump the aromas at this stage. Good.
At the risk of sounding like Buffalolou.....My father just "found" a 1982 Chateau Talbot magnum. He wants to open it tonight. Anybody have any thoughts about how long we should open and let breath (if at all). How come I never find anything like this at my house? :) We are going to have tenderlion with bernaise, twice baked potatoes, arugala salad.
@CTWino‐ Definitely decant to eliminate any sediment that might have formed but I wouldn't let it "breath" for too long before trying! Maybe 10 ‐ 15 minutes, then keep coming back to see how it develops.
JohnR ‐ 1/28 could work. Does Knurd realize the UNC/NCSU game is the next day?
2010‐12‐30 17:08:59
2010‐12‐30 18:45:40
2010‐12‐30 19:09:58
2010‐12‐30 19:16:12
@CTwino: ditto what Knurd said......... yeah, that's npt something I have ever stumbled across in our cellar....
Mrs. TonyO :"Honey, can you go get Sit n' Spin for the garage sale" ?
TonyO: "Sure be right back"
3 minutes later...............
TonyO: "For the love of GOOOOOOOOOOOD"
Mrs. TonyO: "Did you find it" ?
TonyO: "Yeah, if by "it" you mean my collection of concert ticket stubs form my formative years" Mrs. TonyO: Why can't you ever find a jeroboam of 1945 Lafite like those folks you talk with a Mumbling Meadows"??
TonyO: "It's Trembling Hills and this kicks the a$$ off any bottle of wine"
4059 TonyO
4060 WineKnurd
And so the evening begins. Over the next several hours stories are retold of being in the front row of various concerts and 30 seconds of songs by the artists of said concerts are played until the moon rises high in the winter sky. Yes, this has happened (more than once I might add..............and I am sure there are many that can relate.......) 2010‐12‐30 19:20:34
SCKen‐ I can see it now, we will disagree about every wine that night :)
2010‐12‐30 19:27:35
192 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
4061 BuffaloLou
4062 BuffaloLou
@Ctwino ‐ It's not a problem... I could use some company!
Knurd posted about the BdM on TSO. Any thoughts?
Oh yeah... AFK ‐ What happened to the nifty buttons at the top that let you navigate directly to a page? I liked those!
2010‐12‐30 19:42:50
2010‐12‐30 19:43:36
4063 WineKnurd
Did anyone get any of that 2006 Meroi Ros di Buri from WL/CW? Its Italian Merlot from Friuli in NE Italy. Just popped my 2nd bottle for some meatball sliders; curious to see if anyone else has tried it.
TonyO don't leave us hanging!!!!!!!
2010‐12‐30 19:47:35
4064 WineKnurd
Did you find the sit n spin?
2010‐12‐30 19:48:33
4065 A Frayed Knot
4068 BURGHen Boy
@Lou~Thanks for pointing that got lost during an update.............should be back now!
2010‐12‐30 19:52:36
Knurd ‐ We would probably do that anyway given our different taste in wine!
2010‐12‐30 20:04:56
Thanks! I really like them. It makes navigating fast and easy!
2010‐12‐30 20:06:35
Knurd‐ I had two of the 2005 Meroi Ros di Buri over the summer. I enjoyed them and then bought two of the 2006. Haven't tried the 06 yet.
2010‐12‐30 20:24:48
4069 Waiting in Manassas
@NCWinos 1/28/11 works for me, too. I will need lodging advice again. Hoping to get some of the Northern crew to come along for the ride. Trying to get caught up at home this week, there's always something else that needs to be done. Hoping to get to the basement tomorrow after breakfast with Luddite and Mrs. Luddite. Time for another wine swap, got 4 deliveries this week alone! SIWBM for Jan 2011 (well that's the plan, anyway). Need inventory reduction, and have been working on that this week. Helps make the chores more bearable!
4066 SCKen
4067 BuffaloLou
4071 brooks
4072 SCKen
12/30/10. Cindy offsite meeting notes
West Hartford, CT USA. Earth. State: Overserved
Johnny C opening the meeting with a New Year Pledge to drink Sulfate free wine in 2011. Also that he wanted to schedule a golf outing the weekend on April 30th. BrunelloBob promised to be a kindler gentler brunello drinker in 2011. Bob is a former Olympic Curler. Brooks: who seemed totally disoriented and was confused that the parking meter was not a one armed Jack inserted 35 dollars of quarters. Dinner details forthcoming.
I like that GV is putting value plays on Cindy, but I would like it even more if they were value plays that I had heard of or at least had been reviewed by a reputable critic.
2010‐12‐30 20:48:05
2010‐12‐30 21:29:00
2010‐12‐30 21:37:15
My only issue with tonight's offer is that it's low cost Bdx. I've had terrible luck with low cost Bdx. Low cost Oz Shiraz? It may be a fruit bomb, but it's something. Low cost Bdx, in my experience, has been rough, tannic, and just overall nasty. Not saying that tonight's offer is, just my past experience...
@Brooks: be sure to take a couple of aspirin or Ibuprofen and plenty of water before hitting the pillow! You'll thank me in the AM!
4076 WineKnurd
So, just where is everybody tonight??
SCKen‐ I do like some new world and I know you like some old world, but UNC still needs to beat the Vols! ACC or bust!
WIM it would be fantastic if you can come down again! I know its a drive though so don't worry about Jan; us NC‐
Wino's meet every month!
4077 WineKnurd
@Burghen‐ 06 Ros di Buri was oaky and vegetal (smoke and green pepper); had to rate it a C, especially for 27 bones. Interested to know what you think of the 05. Still have one bottle of the 06 left to share with Phredd.
4073 BuffaloLou
4074 WineKnurd
4078 SCKen
4079 WineKnurd
4080 WineKnurd
4081 WineKnurd
4082 WineKnurd
4083 WineKnurd
4084 luddite
4085 SCKen
4086 WineKnurd
2010‐12‐30 21:43:02
2010‐12‐30 21:56:10
2010‐12‐30 21:57:19
2010‐12‐30 22:03:23
Knurd ‐ unless we have a miracle, it looks as though UNC will lose their 3rd straight bowl game by 3 points or less. 2010‐12‐30 22:11:35
Miracle time SCKen! Forced the punt!!!!
2010‐12‐30 22:13:21
Holy cow +15 yards personal foul!!!
2010‐12‐30 22:14:52
SCKen, that was a catch!
2010‐12‐30 22:18:17
SCKen what just happened?
2010‐12‐30 22:22:03
2010‐12‐30 22:25:56
One second, no big deal right? Wrong...
2010‐12‐30 22:26:00
Well I guess I believe in miracles! Don't know how many of you are watching the UNC/TN game, but that was the craziest last minute of a game I think I have ever seen. Going to OT!
2010‐12‐30 22:28:31
Just broke my "till 2011 WBM" for 3 of the Muscadet WL free shipper. If you have never had a Muscadet, you can't go wrong at $12 for 1 bottle FS!
2010‐12‐30 22:29:59
193 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
4087 WineKnurd
4088 WineKnurd
4089 WineKnurd
4090 AccaDacca
4091 WineKnurd
4092 SCKen
4093 WineKnurd
4094 WineKnurd
4095 luddite
4096 AccaDacca
4097 AccaDacca
4098 Gary vaynerchuk
4099 johnR
4100 SCKen
4101 Gary vaynerchuk
4102 Gary vaynerchuk
SCKen that last 16 seconds just sobered me up :)
Does TN know the rules of how to play football? They might as well just shoot someone.
@knurd ‐ that muscadet is a good deal, have a case already, tempted right now.......
Damn, just damn.
YES! God must be a Tar Heel! How else can you explain that victory!
AccaDacca you like the Muscadet? Do you have the 09? Please give me your thoughts on it!
SCKen‐ Congratulations!! The Vols gave it away and the Heels certainly took it from them!!! The Wolfpack and Heels showing what we can do on a national stage!
@SCKen: Congratulations! Now time to watch the newest Big Ten team in the Holiday Bowl...
I have had the 07 and 08, haven't opened the 09 yet. Terrific muscadet at great px.
This muscadet is regular daily drinker at my house, esp in summer
@SCKen they are coming.............
Vanyerchuk must be burning out the internet lines in NJ/NYC tonight....Hows Mischa?
GV ‐ I'm going to hold you to that! :)
2010‐12‐30 22:30:33
2010‐12‐30 22:33:03
2010‐12‐30 22:42:05
2010‐12‐30 22:45:26
2010‐12‐30 22:45:50
2010‐12‐30 22:46:23
2010‐12‐30 22:46:45
2010‐12‐30 22:47:47
2010‐12‐30 23:04:45
2010‐12‐30 23:09:26
2010‐12‐30 23:11:06
2010‐12‐30 23:16:08
2010‐12‐30 23:18:21
2010‐12‐30 23:19:21
@SC whatya think? How much? be reasonable
2010‐12‐30 23:23:35
@johnR she is great, I am actually on vacation ( this I have time to burn em up ‐LOL ) thnx for asking oh and no C its Misha ;)
2010‐12‐30 23:24:20
Well.. a Syrah from Chile. Never had one let alone heard of one. And, I never had a Syrah I didn't like... Worth a try!
And GV, do you EVER read your PMs?
read em BL and thank you and I responded from my heart in the forums...
2010‐12‐30 23:25:37
2010‐12‐30 23:31:26
4107 TonyO
GV ‐ I second BLou's comments. But, if you can offer it for &lt;$13 FS on 4, I&#039;d be willing to give it a shot.
Syrah and Chili go together, why not Chilean Syrah ???? Here comes 2011, get f$%^%ing ready to kick it hard ladies and gents!!!!!!!
4108 Gary vaynerchuk
btw ‐ OMG! this is sick sick sick wine, who has had it?
2010‐12‐30 23:35:45
4109 johnR no...think‐2005+Chateau+Pavie+750ML
lol @TonyO ...its still 2010 ;)
@GV ‐ That sounds really good! $19.99 FS on 1? (JUST BUSTIN'!)
2010‐12‐30 23:36:49
4103 BuffaloLou
4105 Gary vaynerchuk
4106 SCKen
4110 Gary vaynerchuk
2010‐12‐30 23:29:20
2010‐12‐30 23:34:31
2010‐12‐30 23:38:21
4116 BuffaloLou
@TonyO: Dude, you are whack! Chili + Syrah = Chilean Syrah... LOL!
2010‐12‐30 23:38:39
Oh dear Lord... Enough with the freaking Pavie!
2010‐12‐30 23:39:24
@Blou....apparently you never had a pavie!
2010‐12‐30 23:39:53
@JohnR: out of my price range! That's too much, IMO. I can have a nice dinner and a a bottle of vino at my fav restaurant for less than a bottle of Pavie!
2010‐12‐30 23:42:27
@blou....make you an offer........jump on a plane, BUF to RDU.....and Ill open a 03 Pavie, the wine that started RP VS
JR feud.
2010‐12‐30 23:44:29
Quite an offer, JR, thanks, but I think the Mrs may string me up if I do! LOL!
2010‐12‐31 00:00:27
4117 joe g
lou... lets get the nc crew up here for their next tasting... they can bring the 03 pavie and ill open an 04!
4119 BuffaloLou
Oooo! Joe G! Heavyweight offer to NC Cindies! Works for me! If they do, I'll throw in an '07 Dominus!
2010‐12‐31 00:16:32
Coq dastley! That's what she said?
2010‐12‐31 00:31:16
If we're serious, I'll have BW send me the 06 from Wine Library &amp; bring it. As long as everyone chips in equally for it, I'll order/bring the 05 as well.
2010‐12‐31 00:55:09
Hey GV.. Is that Oliveto the same as the BdM producer you have in the discount packs?
2010‐12‐31 01:02:54
4111 BuffaloLou
4112 BuffaloLou
4113 johnR
4114 BuffaloLou
4115 johnR
4120 BaroloDude
4121 David T
4122 BaroloDude
2010‐12‐31 00:06:55
I also happen to have the 09 2009 Pavie Macquin Rosé I bought from a LWS I could bring too ;)
4123 David T
4128 WineKnurd
4129 Hinrgman
On a note unrelated to wine, I bought a bottle of Grand Marnier tonight because I've wanted to try it &amp; it was on sale. WOW is it good. I had some straight &amp; you'd never know it was 80 proof.
2010‐12‐31 01:04:06
@BLou and JoeG‐ there is no way my southern azz is going anywhere near Bufallo until May at least! Its going to be 65 deg here on NYD :)
2010‐12‐31 07:35:45
WineKnurd ‐ please don't rub it in
2010‐12‐31 07:44:54
194 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
4133 BrunelloBob
4134 winex
4135 luddite
4137 WineBabyWine
4138 winex
4140 BuffaloLou
Lots of wisdom on here last night:
"My only issue with tonight’s offer is that it’s low cost Bdx. I’ve had terrible luck with low cost Bdx. Low cost Oz Shiraz? It may be a fruit bomb, but it’s something. Low cost Bdx, in my experience, has been rough, tannic, and just overall nasty"
‐‐‐one of the guiding principals of my own wine buying philosophy
"I like that GV is putting value plays on Cindy, but I would like it even more if they were value plays that I had heard of or at least had been reviewed by a reputable critic." ‐‐‐Agreed!
BTW, thanks Johnny C for bailing me out of jail last night. Expense reimbursement check is in the mail!
2010‐12‐31 08:42:21
JoeG ‐ If I can join the NC/Buff tasting I'll bring a '91 Harlan. Just to get a US in the mix!!
2010‐12‐31 08:47:00
@AFK: Fi fie fo fum, I smell a spammer!
2010‐12‐31 08:49:02
Any comments on the burgundy on TSO? Sounds delicious, seems like a great deal though too $$ for me right now... but although sparse, the CT notes are good for other vintages. Vinmoet? Where are our French experts?
@BuffaloLou‐ (or anyone else with knowledge) ‐ have you had '07 Luigi Righetti Amarone or any other vintage, or '05 Terre Molin Amarone. Found some in the low $20's so it has my interest, but not familiar with it?????
@Knurd: It's going to be 50 deg here today!!
2010‐12‐31 09:27:11
2010‐12‐31 09:31:50
2010‐12‐31 10:33:47
I have the Luigi Righetti, but have not popped one yet. Letting it gather some dust for a few years...
@BBob ‐ Were you serious or just busing my chops?
@WineBaby‐ Burg looks real tempting but I have to be strong...
2010‐12‐31 10:34:27
4142 BuffaloLou
4143 WineKnurd
@BLou‐ Even at 50 deg I bet it still snows in Buffalo :)
2010‐12‐31 10:37:17
4141 BuffaloLou
2010‐12‐31 10:36:33
JoeG, BLou and Winex ‐ You guys are throwing some great offers out there, but I second Knurd's comment, ain't (good Southern word!) no way my butt is going to Buffalo anytime soon. You guys should plan to come to NC. In addition to the great wine that will be served, I'll be sure to pick up some of the finest NC bbq so that you can get a little taste of what NC does best (besides college bball of course).
4144 SCKen
And GV ‐ since we're hearing from you a lot lately, can you make it to NC on 1/28?
2010‐12‐31 10:41:53
NC BBQ is second to none, I will agree! Lexington in particular. With a nice glass of sweet tea, mmmmm!! Mrs David T &amp; I are planning a trip that will include the Outerbanks next December, then probably making a slow trip through the rest of NC for some BBQ/sightseeing on the way back, so if everyone's schedules work out we'll have to plan a wine gathering then as well!
4145 David T
Not to shill too much, but I've got to send kudos to Justin at Gourmetlibrary. He mentioned they had some winter black truffles flown in fresh from Italy and I couldn't help but splurge (and big splurge it was). I emailed him at 5:30 last night and at 10:00 this morning it was sitting at my doorstep, overnight shipping at no added cost (can't say a certain four‐letter F‐word after the shipping discussions of late), along with a pound of this cheese, which is some of the best cheese I've had. I'll be making traditional black‐eyed pea soup for the New Years, then using my truffle on some eggs &amp; in some risotto.
2010‐12‐31 10:52:00
4146 BrunelloBob
No Lou, I'm serious. Dig through comments over the last year; I've said it before. Cheap Bordeaux is a dead end for me. I can buy cheap Chianti with some success and have had drinkable cheap cab, shiraz etc. Those wines are usually simple, fruity, but taste dood. Cheap Bordeaux‐‐fohgetabautitt!
2010‐12‐31 10:57:18
4147 wine magnet
@winex: In FL, I have 2 LWS which have the 07 Luigi Righetti Amarone Capitel De' Roari for $23 &amp; $25 btl. I have some '06 from TSO, for which I paid $20 delivered earlier this year. It is certainly good for the price and I would consider a bit more at the WTSO price. I didn't post CT notes but recall that at pop and pour, it was delightful on the nose and drank pretty well. Hmmm, perhaps I will prepare something suitable this weekend and open another bottle.
2010‐12‐31 10:57:51
4150 joe g
knurd.. it is going to be 55 here NYD.. besides, the weather is always the same in my tasting room ;)
david t.. i am always serious about tastings.
winex.. you are more than welcome to join in!
2010‐12‐31 11:19:36
195 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
4151 winex
4152 Phil Oxera
4153 winex
4154 SNF
4155 winex
4156 winex
Thanks all!! has it for $23/btl with free shipping on a case. Seems like a pretty good deal.
Hey where's the GV offer Bozos?....What's goin on?
@Winemagnet ‐ are you near B‐21?
joeg ‐ Thank so much, if it gets put together, I would be honored to join you. You guys are a short 2.5 hours away straight East on the Thruway &amp; snow doesn't scare me!
joe g ‐ I am East of you!!
2010‐12‐31 11:20:02
2010‐12‐31 11:20:09
2010‐12‐31 11:20:35
2010‐12‐31 11:22:41
2010‐12‐31 11:24:50
2010‐12‐31 11:25:22
Brunello Bob is out of jail, and narrowly avoids an additional item on his FBI dossier...
Notwithstanding his cryptic late‐night post, Brooks is clearly still recovering/sleeping in an undisclosed location...
4157 Johnny C
4158 BuffaloLou
4160 BuffaloLou
4161 SNF
Johnny C's hand reaches out from under the blanket and for his first action of the day types this post one‐handed...
@BBob ‐ Cool. The forum has more sarcasm than TH and it's hard to tell sometimes. Like I always say, 'the written word... '
Turn Back The Clock on CW!!
2010‐12‐31 11:26:35
Had to pick up 6 x San Roman Toro 2005. Awesome bottle!
2010‐12‐31 12:09:23
2010‐12‐31 11:39:16
2010‐12‐31 12:20:06
Deals abound today.
Turn Back the Cindy Clock‐ Volnay looks good, 2005 Premier Cru $55. Low inv alert, hope I got in under the wire
@Knurd ‐ I thought the 05 Meroi was oaky but not in a bad way, went will with up north BBQ. Didn't get any vegetal elements. Balance of alch to fruit was good and solid finish. I may pick up another today to compare to the 06. the 05 is on Turnback
WTSO ‐ $60 for the Corton, very solid deal but 2007 is not a great year but I will go for 1 with the FS
Invino has a good 07 Cote de Nuits for $20, gonna pick up a few as well as some Pinot's
4165 WineKnurd
CC says, OUCH!!
T‐ what bev are you going to pair with the truffle risotto?
@Burghen‐ Do they even know how to do BBQ up north? :)
4166 TonyO
cheap bdx is just plain A‐W‐F‐U‐L !!! It's like someone put some crappy wine in a glass with a ceadr branch and let the baranch absorb the wine and then they wrung it out. Just dreadful.............certain varietals just can not be decent on the cheap and bdx is at the TOP of that list. I'm not sure where the cellar price is for purchasing a bdx that is enjoyable, but in my experience, anything under $30 is not good. I can hardly think of any other varietal/blend that has such a restriction. Maybe that is why I purchase little to no I told the dude at our LWS, I like my wines the way I like my cars: muscular, sexy, loud, and domestic............Oregon Pinots, Cali Zins, Washington Cabs, NY Riesling, Niagara Ice Wines, Paso Robles Syrahs, Russian River Chards, Northwest Pinot Gris, hell even Heitz makes a great Ink Grade Port. I guess the one exception would be the "eye‐talian" varietals which really seem to struggle outside of their homeland (have had some decent Sangiovese from Miner but it was double the price of like quality form Italy). Call me American‐centric or any other barb (yeah, we all remember the 4th of July battle when some jacka$$ called me a "faux‐patriotic" for requesting a domestic wine on Independence Day...WHERE ARE YOU KNOW HOMER ??????).
2010‐12‐31 13:22:46
4162 BURGHen Boy
4163 BURGHen Boy
4167 TonyO
4168 luddite
4169 johnR
2010‐12‐31 12:53:56
2010‐12‐31 13:00:37
2010‐12‐31 13:16:05
@wineKnurd: I make brisket and ribs that will compare to any. Additionally, the BBQ team featuring a friend of mine from VT and several others from New England won the International Jack Daniel's Competition in Memphis last year. Granted, most cue in this region is not very good, but it can be done. Rub, smoke, wood, heat, and meat can be done anywhere in the right hands. Just as finding a decent pizza south of the Union states can be difficult, it's not impossible.
2010‐12‐31 13:28:04
@TonyO, the exception to the rule?‐2006+Chateau+Beaumont+750ML
JohnR aint going anywhere near buffalo until May 15
196 of 958
2010‐12‐31 13:38:30
2010‐12‐31 13:40:36
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
4170 winex
4171 TonyO
CC is screaming in my wallet. Too much friction making it hot. Bought 2 cases CdP from Wine Access on Thursday, One case of Amarone from wine anthology this am. Then the WL deal hits &amp; I plow though a case of San Roman &amp; Pichler with them. I hope GV doesn't bring too much thunder until February now! There are a few other wines on the WL deal I would like as well, but I'll wait until tomorrow to see what is left, maybe I can show SOME RESTRAINT! Mrs. winex is not helping at all...she saw the list &amp; asked "oh, what about that...oh are we low on that...ect"
2010‐12‐31 13:41:07
@luddite: if the wine delivers as described, it just may be ! I will buy a couple and report back. Thanks for the info !
2010‐12‐31 13:41:12
@TonyO: Hope you enjoy it! FWIW the price listed is $16.98 but should be $12.81. Here's a note from our old forum:
4172 luddite
"slamplat: Love the[Chateau] Beaumont. It’s a classic bordeaux…not new school. Lots of vegetal and terroir driven notes on the nose. Not going to blow you away like some other high priced Bordeaux, but it’s a great bottle that sells for @ $12. I always have a case of it on hand for gifting, introducing people to what a Bordeaux should taste like, and for emergencies. At the winelibrary grand tasting a couple years ago the 2005 Beaumont was my second favorite wine behind the 2005 beychevelle that I tried. don’t know much on the other wine, but if it was just the Beaumont, I’d be in for a case."
2010‐12‐31 13:58:17
I went in for 3 of the San Roman Toro plus 3 of the Firriato Etna Rosso and 6 of the FS offer of Delhommeau Muscadet Harmonie based on everyone's recommendations. I have a friend who will only drink Muscadet and I missed this before (think it was an earlier vintage). Had breakfast with Luddite and the Mrs. this morning for another wine swap. This time we only traded 6 for 3 but more is on order and waiting for later delivery windows.
The bubbly is chilling in the wine fridge and I am starting to work on my contributions to the neighbors party. Happy New Year to all of you my friends near and far. If you have to drive tonite, please be careful. I want to see all of you in person in the New Year! I may be lurking for a while but not later unless I bring my netbook along to the party, but that could get dangerous.
4173 Waiting in Manassas
Has anyone heard from Brooks yet? Has Johnny C moved anything but his one arm? What was BBob in jail for??? Inquiring minds want to know...
2010‐12‐31 13:59:52
@Knurd ‐ Backyard BBQ in the north is just grillin &amp; mostly with propane. An insult to real BBQ but that's what we call BBQ in the burbs of NJ. Most real BBQ restauants go out of business up here.
4174 BURGHen Boy
4175 BuffaloLou
Couple of good ones in Montclair but nothin like KC, Memphis or the Carolinas.
Burgh: truffle risotto = amarone!
BTW, I add a wild mushroom mix to my truffle risotto... Yummy!
Before all you inmates sign off for your New Year's Eve festivities, I want to chime in and wish you all a Happy and Healthy New Year! Enjoy your night, but if you must leave home tonight (it's always safest at home!) please use a DD.
2010‐12‐31 14:01:41
2010‐12‐31 14:05:23
Remember, plenty of water and couple of aspirin before bed, too!
4176 BuffaloLou
4177 TonyO
4178 TonyO
4179 David T
@luddite: where are you finding the $12.81 price ????
@luddite; all set.............. KM responded and fixed my order ! Well done team CW/WL! Looks like the thunder is back ! Plenty of great deals and LOTS of positive comments as of late. Cheers to all !!
+1 to BLou's comments. I have the pleasure of having primary responsibility for all of the emergency room's drug orders until 10:30 tonight, and am really hoping it's slow. I know NAH will know what this means‐ I'll keep count of how many banana bags I see.
197 of 958
2010‐12‐31 14:10:50
2010‐12‐31 14:11:33
2010‐12‐31 14:31:55
2010‐12‐31 14:33:52
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
4180 WineBabyWine
There is some good BBQ to be had in South Jersey, which to me (growing up in central Jersey) is the North of the South ‐ lol! There is a little restaurant a block from me that only makes it in the summer and sells it at the weekly farm market next door as well... which my daughter &amp; I are hooked on. Then there's a little makeshift BBQ stand that sets up on Sundays only in the summer in the parking lot of this ice cream place... second best, but a little pricier as well... and further... so I have the jackpot a block away. You really have to look to find the good BBQ... it's not advertised or found in a major restaurant here. *
WL got me for the Etna, San Roman, &amp; Neyers Syrah... sigh.... poor CC... *
Happy New Year to all too! We'll be gone later so have a great midnight! Hope you feel better Lou!
2010‐12‐31 14:36:22
Just got this New Year's wish from Mobius. Since I am also missing some email addresses, thought it would be faster to just post it here for all:
Allow me to wish all of you the best 2011 has to offer. I hope your hearts are always in synch with what is good and decent in the world. My wish for all of you and your extended families is the best of health in the new year.
Peace Bruce aka Mobius
4184 brooks
I'm sorry I cannot find e‐mail address for Landshark, BBob, Castello, Corkscrew or BLou. Please share with them. Thanks.
2010‐12‐31 14:41:51
@WBW: enjoy that Neyers Syrah....I think it is very good (and sold out quickly....)
2010‐12‐31 14:46:01
Roll Call: Brooks!...Brooks!... Brooks!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vital signs 99.6 (FM stereo Rock all Day‐Party all night)
BP: Flowing a little slower
Beverage: Brita filtered water...Diet Coke would be too strong
Food: Tylendol Brunch Buffet
Locator Point: North by Northwest
Attendees BrunelloBob (Real name John) and Johnny C (real name Bob)
Wine tasting at Uncorked in West Hartford, Very nice recently opened wine bar. Our server was hitting on B squared...
Carmenere, Errazuriz – 2008 Carmenere; Aconcaqua Valley, Chile ‐‐ nose of college room closet with taste of panther piss (Brooks how do you know how.....cut the comedy)
2008 Sangiovese, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot; Tuscany, Italy; very young Tuscan
more wine tasting which Johnny C and B squared can fill in
Next..great Prime Bone‐In Ribeye/salad at Flemings...more wine.. 2007 Hall Cab Napa, Amarone...two cups of coffee at greasy spoon...walked to old friend/neighbors house in West Hartford for evening ( This was back up plan but not shared)...left car at meter.. .Glad to make donation to West Hartford Parking Fund...snap
Great time with BrunelloBob (actually a big time Yanks fan) and JohnnyC (former soy bean farmer). Two great guys who put up with me for the evening. Thank you for coordinating.
2010‐12‐31 14:56:12
4185 WineBabyWine
Hey David T... you may be lucking out just under the wire... since the serious ETOH‐ers won't start coming in till after mn! Are you taking bets on levels or # of banana bags you have to make up?! lol Maybe ER's should just stock up on some good ole cheesesteaks to give out on New years eve to absorb all the alcohol that comes in!
2010‐12‐31 14:59:07
4181 Waiting in Manassas
4183 TonyO
4186 sydu
4187 WineBabyWine
4188 brooks
4190 wine magnet
I went in for a few of the Neyers Zins 07. I recall someone tasted at the winery and said it was really good
Great to hear re: Neyers syrah, TonyO... I need some good syrah that's not too pricey. If only they had the Sarah's back in...
Happy Healthy New Year to all...hold fast to that which is good
BuffLou glad to hear u r better...yes agree...DD is always the way to go...if not get a hotel or crash with an old friend or neighbor...
@winex: The B‐21 delivery van has turned into my office parking lot more times than my wife would like. The store is probably 25 miles from my home or office, but it is a &gt;45 minute drive. We have been to a number of their vintner dinners, which are always nicely done.
198 of 958
2010‐12‐31 14:59:48
2010‐12‐31 15:00:19
2010‐12‐31 15:00:39
2010‐12‐31 15:14:25
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
Thanks Brooks! Feeling a whole lot better! Good to hear you had a nice time. Nothing like sharing a nice bottle (or two... ) with friends. It's what it's all about!
WiM ‐ Sent you and Mobius an email.
4191 BuffaloLou
4192 BrunelloBob
4193 TonyO
4194 Waiting in Manassas
4196 Gary vaynerchuk
4197 AccaDacca
4198 AccaDacca
4200 David T
4201 johnR
4202 Gary vaynerchuk
4203 Gary vaynerchuk
What is a "Banana Bag"?
2010‐12‐31 15:24:17
Brooks reports 50% correctly...description of the company accurate and mutual...could have provided ride to flop house of choice after release from prison...
The carminere was my call. Fumble! Balk! Personal foul! Very bad choice. Note to self to avoid said wine bars happy hour offerings in the future.
Brancaia Tre Rosso not much better
Johnny C reporting better luck with an obscure? RdM and an interesting nebbiolo that proved to be wine‐of‐the‐
The 2006 Hall Cab proved to be all it claims. Great steak wine, great fruit load. Buy this if found on any discount.
Mystery wine Masi something or other. Originally thought to be Amarone, subsequent analysis imparts doubts. Enjoyed anyway.
Glad are are well and home safe. HAPPY NEW YEAR to all Cindies around the world, wristband wearing Yankees fans or not!
2010‐12‐31 15:25:00
Let's get this mother started..........parmesan crisps in the oven to be topped with local goat cheese and a garnish of parsley bubbly ? YES I DO ! Paella a bit later (chipotle sausgae, prawns, scallops, chicken, little necks are tonights proteins). CHEERS !
2010‐12‐31 15:36:26
On my way out now..neighbors reporting a great thirst developing... may check back in later on if I come back for more supplies...
2010‐12‐31 16:04:09
THIS! will start the year off right :)‐button‐deal.asp
2010‐12‐31 16:38:01
Happy New Year to all! Anyone try the Seven Hills Klipsun? Been looking for some Washington wines, have not tried this.
2010‐12‐31 16:39:16
@ GV how 'bout some additional hints?
2010‐12‐31 16:39:59
@GV The 18th is a long time to wait!
@BLou Check the Topics to Taste on the WLTV forums re the Banana Bags
@WBW That's true, except some tend to overdo it early. I've never actually checked an etoh level in our lab system, just read from notes. Highest I recall reading in our substance‐abuse recovery unit (separate from the ED) is .26. Two hours in &amp; so far the rest of the hospital is slower than normal, ED about the same as normal.
@GV....vintage???? most of your Banner deals have been older vintages, provenance?
2006 Napa, thats it
@johnR we will be commended across the board on this one, PERIOD! And if not it would be only out of snarky's just a no brainer, I mean 94 pt RP at 29.99 is LEGIT!
2010‐12‐31 16:42:57
2010‐12‐31 16:45:01
2010‐12‐31 16:46:24
2010‐12‐31 16:47:45
4204 johnR
2006 Conn Valley Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML
2010‐12‐31 16:49:51
4205 Gary vaynerchuk
@johnR Wayyyyyyyyyyy to obvious, not in stock yet .... and MAN I WISH! :( not thaaaaaaaaaaaat hot
2010‐12‐31 16:50:24
4206 Gary vaynerchuk
@AccaDacca havent had the 7 hills but BRO... the‐
2007+Waters+Pepperbridge+Syrah++750ML is one of the best wines I had this last month.. INSANE good!
2010‐12‐31 16:51:30
4207 winex
4208 johnR
4209 Hinrgman
4210 Gary vaynerchuk
@TonyO &amp; Luddite ‐ I have had several vintages of Chateau Beaumont‐even have aged it up to 12 years &amp; it never dissapoints, esp for the price!
@Winemagnet ‐ I have a cousin who lives in Navarre &amp; travel to B‐21 a few times a year. Loves the place. I orderedd my 2008 futures from them, looking forward to the Spring deliveries.
@ALL ‐ it is a shear honor &amp; priviledge to participate with each of you on this forum. I learn much from many of you &amp; hope I contribute when I have the knowledge to do so.
I wish all of you a safe, happy, &amp; prosperous New Year. &amp; +2 on BLOU ‐ advice, if you should go out please use a DD. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
Hell i'd back up Blou's truck for that one.....not a bad price anyway
I'll be away on vacation on the 18th
@Hinrgman That is a HUGEEEEEEEEEEEEE mistake
199 of 958
2010‐12‐31 16:52:09
2010‐12‐31 16:52:13
2010‐12‐31 16:53:44
2010‐12‐31 16:57:05
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
It's already known...but I have to say this myself:
The Wine Library Team is AWESOME!!!!
With GV's gift and how they've responded...
to a special request that Brandon and Kristen pulled through for me...
EXCELLENCE at it's best.
@Nursing a Hangover We work really hard for a post like that......... THANK YOU
to all who frequent the hills ...
2010‐12‐31 16:57:17
have a healthy and happy year!
Happy Nwe Year everyone!
2010‐12‐31 17:17:50
4215 Hinrgman
4216 Schmitty
Happy New Year to All! May every day have a moment that will make you smile in the coming year!
@Winex‐ aka Steve T‐ I received an answer from the president of the German wine company‐ did not see you for a while on this forum. If you like me to forward the answer ( in english) to you, shoot me an e‐mail at piamueller at gmx dot com at your convenience.
2010‐12‐31 18:20:46
4211 Nursing a Hangover
4212 Gary vaynerchuk
4213 NY Pete
2010‐12‐31 16:58:32
2010‐12‐31 17:53:22
New photo page for inmate "meet and greet", "wanted posters", and "post office mug shots"........ <a href="" rel="nofollow">Great Escapes!</a>
Hope everyone has a safe and Happy New Year!!!
4217 A Frayed Knot
4218 Nursing a Hangover
2010‐12‐31 18:50:36
@schmitty Post it here!! many of us are interested in what the German producer had to say...
HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!!!
2010‐12‐31 19:04:04
I'm stuck in a house with 8 Girls Scouts to celebrate NYE !!!
4219 Nursing a Hangover
4220 TonyO
4221 winex
4222 winex
4223 TonyO
4224 winex
and I'm not partaking any juice tonight!!! actually saving it for tomorrow...
Gotta say, in the "Hartford Hangout" photo, Johnny C looks like he senses that things are about to get ugly while Brooks and BB are looking like they are about to cause a commotion that would have been deleted from "The Hangover".......
@Schmitty ‐ I send you an e‐mail...tkx
@Schmitty ‐ just noticed NaH comment...go right ahead &amp; post it here if you like, these peeps are awesome &amp; certainly can see the reply.
2010‐12‐31 19:05:24
@winex: Happy New Year (almost...............) see you and Mrs. Winex in VT soon my brother !
@TonyO ‐ Back at you brother...look forward to a VT trip! Mrs X &amp; I are enjoying a nice evening at home, fireplace a roaring, assorted soft &amp; hard cheeses, chacruterie, olive tempanade, and a terrific bottle of 1986 Chateau Montalena, haven't chosen bottle # 2 yet but am leaning toward a 1991 Dominus. Want to bring in the New Year right!
2010‐12‐31 19:43:34
2010‐12‐31 19:22:55
2010‐12‐31 19:27:42
2010‐12‐31 19:29:45
2010‐12‐31 19:51:28
4230 castello
@winex: sounds similar here: cheeses, fireplace, 2005 San Roman (just whacked a bottle of 2006 Argyle with some goat cheese/parmesan crisps), paella is cooking ! Looking forward to seeing you both soon !!
2010‐12‐31 19:59:21
@TonyO ‐ Love to hear about the San Roman, I just bought 6 more from the WL deal today. I already had 3 but the peeps were so pumped that I couldn't resist adding more at that price.
2010‐12‐31 20:01:19
Wishing everyone a happy new year!
2010‐12‐31 20:04:54
about 1/2 wat through the San Roman....very nice....using a Vinturi and the air helps although this wine is not "closed" $39 it is great, at $70, I'll take Own Roe !!
2010‐12‐31 20:06:32
@TonyO ‐ very good to know. Either you are typing REAL fast or you now have 15 fingers on one hand, because you have been popping &amp; pouring for awhile :)
Hope you enjoy the rest of the evening with your family!
2010‐12‐31 20:10:07
Happy New Years everyone! Let the bubbly flowwwwww
2010‐12‐31 20:19:50
4231 TonyO
Paella was a HUGE success (a great dish for 2 ‐20 as it has something for everyone and stays hot for a long time...ok, one last time in 2010........ That's What She Said)......hope the evening is off to a good start for all !!!!
4225 TonyO
4226 winex
4227 johnR
4228 TonyO
4229 winex
200 of 958
2010‐12‐31 21:11:45
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
4232 Wine Cutter
4233 BURGHen Boy
It's midnight somewhere and I, for one, am taking my beat a** to bed in about 5 min. Maybe I'll open a bottle of bubbly for breakfast tomorrow. Been one heck of a house, new baby, new job for the wife. Checking in with the inmate ramblings, whether here or on the old CW site, certainly helped to escape the outside world for a few minutes every now and then...and I actually learned something every now and then. Now, for that 2011 SIWBM Resolution...
Cheers and may everyone have a wonderful 2011!!
2010‐12‐31 21:33:18
@Wine Cutter ‐ Its beef jerky time!
@buff lou ‐ amarone, why didn't i think opf that
@brooks ‐ is that an imperial you're holding or are BBob &amp; JohnnyC holding picolos?
To all here at the Hills‐ A joyous &amp; prosperous 2011
2010‐12‐31 22:05:19
4241 BuffaloLou
BuffaloLou reporting back! Dinner is in the books. Great success and I didn't have to do much more than shop, plate, and serve! We did Italian cold cuts (wild boar salami, hard wood cooked pork, Westphalian ham, Proscuitto di Parma, Parm Regg, 5 year aged gouda, brie, Ital. truffle cheese, Ital. peppercorn cheese, some gruyere for my F‐I‐
L who loves it, bean salad, butter beans, roasted garlic, hot peppers marinated in EVOO and garlic, roasted red peppers, sun dried tomatoes in EVOO, mozzerella balls, fresh mini‐chibatta rolls. Forth year doing this and it's a huge success every year. Plenty of left‐overs so that the family will be lovin' life for a few days.
2010‐12‐31 22:19:40
@Burgh ‐ What more would you expect from me? I certainly wouldn't rec PN! LOL!
2010‐12‐31 22:21:50
@BuffaloLou: did I miss the announcement that Westphalia (and their infamous ham) became part of Italy (and their cold cuts) ?? Viva Deutschland !
2010‐12‐31 23:04:15
@TonyO ‐ no, they're just sold at the Italian deli where I shop. I just love that ham! They also sell Jamon Serano. They had one Jamon that was $98/lb. My son was begging me to get it. If you saw the way this boy eats Proscuitto, you'd understand my reluctance...
2010‐12‐31 23:12:45
4243 BuffaloLou
@TonyO ‐ I forgot to mention, my son informed me tonight that he likes something better than Proscuitto di Parma... The wild boar salami at $32/LB. Great... This is an 11 year old that likes Proscuitto, wild boar salami, crab, sushi, exotic imported fish (like Baramundi from Australia), lobster, Parmigiano‐Reggiano, 5 year old aged Gouda, essentially anything with a hefty price tag. I told him he'd better get a good education and get a great job!
2010‐12‐31 23:17:04
4234 BuffaloLou
4235 BuffaloLou
4240 TonyO
Since no one else appears to have posted after midnite, let me be the first to say HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 4248 David T
@BLou If your son likes Parm, I'll again shill for the Red Cow Parm on GL, which I first tried today. Much better than any other Parm I've had, easily worth the 2x the price of their plain offering.
2011‐01‐01 01:45:51
the Girl Scouts are finally asleep...
4250 Nursing a Hangover
Happy New Year to all!!!
2011‐01‐01 02:00:37
4251 BURGHen Boy
Don't lose harmony‐player/mediaPlayer2.html?type=video&amp;id=mb080929chrissie_hynde
02.The Nothing Maker
03.Love's A Mystery
04.Don't Lose Faith In Me
05.Talk Of The Town
07.One Thing Never Changed
08.Almost Perfect
11.Don't Cut Your Hair
2011‐01‐01 02:51:05
4257 castello
4261 luddite
pinotboi/burghenhead! awesome link!
goood test for my bandwidth,,, rvcampin in my buddies driveway silycon valley..... heavy disclosnesssss
hapi frikin new decade,,,,,,,comma,,,,, discuss
What @Castello said! Hope everyone is safe and will feel better soon...
Role call please...
2011‐01‐01 06:28:41
2011‐01‐01 08:14:38
201 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
4262 winex
4263 Louas
4264 TonyO
4265 BrunelloBob
Top of the morning Luddite &amp; the rest of the TH gang. Survived the evening remarkably well. Hope everyone else is feeling well.
2011‐01‐01 09:13:27
Happy New Year to all from FROZEN Tucson, AZ! Paired veal chops (spectacular I must say) with a 2005 Heitz Cellars Napa Cabernet (Under performer I must say)
I've always had great luck with Heitz, but this really disappointed. Smooth, yes. Almost no back end, taste was gone in flash. No depth etc. Now please join me in rooting for the Mighty Mighty Badgers in the Rose Bowl!
2011‐01‐01 10:41:24
2‐0‐1‐1 !! Here we go ! Good morning Trembling Hills !!
2011‐01‐01 10:51:05
BrunelloBob lives...
2011‐01‐01 10:52:13
Happy to see TH inmates are reporting for duty...
4268 Hinrgman
If anyone's able to think about buying more wine yet, there are Fess Parker juicebox ports on Woot...
@BLou ‐ I noticed on CW, you posted that the San Roman was now sold out. It is still there but in spot #53 on page #3 now. So you can still buy more!
Article about PA liquor stores. Glad I don't live in PA. Makes NJ look pretty good.
4269 Waiting in Manassas
I am alive and well and making my traditional pot of 15 bean soup with ham for NYD. Had a great NYE, ate Alaskan King Crab legs, Brie en Croute, assorted cheeses and salamis and appetizers. Managed to stay up till midnight, then drank a rose Grower Champagne. Happy New Year to all the inmates!
4266 luddite
4267 winex
2011‐01‐01 11:22:42
2011‐01‐01 11:23:42
2011‐01‐01 11:24:37
2011‐01‐01 11:40:08
@Hinrgman: the arguements presented to keep the liquor stores state run are just plain bull$hit:
1. An intoxicated potential patron walks into the state run store where the union employees have no incentive to grow sales so they deny the drunk another fix. Sure, I bet that happens all the time. What about the potential lawsuit that the store owner would face if the village drunk jumps in his car and kills someone. A lot easier to sue a business owner than a state.........
2. The state would lose 90 million dollars a year so they should forego a sure 1‐2 BILLION DOLLAR windfall from the sale of the liquor business. Why not take the 1‐2 BILLION dollars and impose a small sales tax on liquor sales. Sounds like a winner to me.
3. Typical government philosophy of "the hell with the customer". Visit a post office or Dept. of Motor Vehicles if you need further evidence of the total lack of customer focus in government run agencies that deal directly with the public.
It's time to SHRINK GOVERMENT for the good of ALL AMERICANS !!!!!!!!!!!
4270 TonyO
I'm TonyO and I approve this message...........................
TonyO ‐ please run for office...
2011‐01‐01 12:01:01
WIM ‐ you're making me hungry ‐ %&amp;@# that sounds good...!
4271 Johnny C
HNY all...
2011‐01‐01 12:02:55
202 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
Re 1976 Schmitt Sohne Brauneberger Juffer Auslese
reply from Christopher Klau, President Schmitt Sohne
This was a mail I wrote after reading that Winex had received this wine, and requested information. To all who are curious, and with permission from Winex, this is the reply.
Happy New Year to All!
Brauneberger Juffer is an excellent single vineyard site in the Mosel valley
and Auslese wines tend to have more longevity then Kabinett or Spatlese
level wines. Also, 1976 was an excellent vintage year meaning the grapes
developed very well and produced wines with a good amount of fruit extract
as well as enough acidity to allow for ageing and development in the bottle.
Having said all that, 34 years may be stretching the bounds for an Auslese's
ageing ability. The noble sweet wines, Beerenauslese and
Trockenbeerenauslese, and even Eiswein, tend to be the German White wines
that people age and will increase in value.
The only way to truly find out if the wine you have is still drinkable is to
open it. Aged German White wines will change dramatically and taste
completely different then their younger counterparts. They will become much
darker in color and take on a nutty, almost Sherry like characteristic.
As for the value, like everything else in the World, it is worth as much as
the owner is willing to accept and a prospective buyer is willing to spend.
Best of Luck and Happy Holidays.
4272 Schmitty
4273 Schmitty
4274 winex
4280 Nursing a Hangover
Christopher R. Klau
Winex, I took a little liberty with the 'a friend of mine'‐ but somehow we all know each other probably better than we sometimes think.
Hope this info is interesting to others‐ I for one would love to hear about you tasting this wine.........or better yet‐ taste it myself...........jk
My house was quiet yesterday for New Year's‐ my college age son spent the evening with me, which is rare, and very much appreciated. We had an assortment of cheeses from WL, fresh baked bread, and truffle mousse pate, along with duck rillette. I splurged on Bussola, an excellent amarone..........savored every sip.
We then moved on to Perrier Jouet shortly before midnight, correction, I should say, I moved on, my son is not of age yet‐ with caviar. This is my midnight splurge ever since I was introduced to caviar many many years ago..............unfortunately I always miss the, in Germany traditional, fireworks, that everyone seems to be so fond of, and partakes in very liberally. One of these years I have to take my children back home to my parents, so they can enjoy my dad setting up his fireworks for hours before it gets started, adjusting, and adjusting again, my mom nearly getting a heart attack, because she just worries about safety, with us 'children' always having a blast just watching. A spectacle that stayed with me for life.
I hope everyone got into the New Year's with much joy in their hearts. May every day have a moment that will @Schmitty ‐ thanks, I will update you when I get the wine later this month.
@Pia (Schmitty) Thanks for the post. JIM
2011‐01‐01 12:19:40
2011‐01‐01 12:32:04
2011‐01‐01 13:22:06
2011‐01‐01 14:33:18
My son (First Class Boy Scout) an I just returned home from paining with many of the boys in his Troop. Eagle project painting the entire inside of a house that will be used for counseling for battered women. No less than 20 peeps there today. (They have been working all week, and more tomorrow.)
@winex ‐ Thanks (I think!) for the info on the San Roman! Wonder why it moved?
@TonyO ‐ "Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one." ‐
Thomas Paine 4284 BuffaloLou
I'm all for small, limited, govt. Unfortunately it seems to be growing without bound lately...
2011‐01‐01 15:22:56
4285 winex
BLou ‐ I think they move the wines that are close to sell out down towards the end. It had a comment line that stated "low inventory alert , you may only order 7 bottles" It has since sold out, so if you just caught the message, your CC may be saved.....for another deal, maybe as soon as tomorrow:).
2011‐01‐01 15:33:53
203 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
Happy New Year to the Tremblers!!
@Knurd.....saw you post asking about the steamed burgers at Ted's in Meriden, CT. While I live in NJ, my work takes me thoughouth CT and parts of NY State. So, I saw that same show and made a pitstop while on Rt 91. It's a pretty teeny place...and my experience was dissappointing....although I think it was just a bad day for them. If you recall, besides the "blanket of steamed cheese" on top, the main selling point was how juicy the burger would be...and it did look REALLY juicy on the show. Well, the one I had was quite dry.....and the potatos were way overcooked. 4286 SS Chris
4290 SCKen
4291 BuffaloLou
BUT, I can see potential.....I had stopped by during a slow time (around 4pm) and there were only 2 teenagers working with no other patrons. The 2 kids were chatting and distracted while making my food..which I think led to the overcooked burger....and the potatoes (which definitely could be good) I think may have been on the griddle for a long time. So, I may give it another chance...and will report back then.
2011‐01‐01 15:47:18
Happy New Year everyone! Watching the Rose Bowl and putting the finishing touches on NYD's dinner. Going with the very traditional meal of pork tenderloins with a port reduction sauce, black eyed peas and collard greens. The peas and greens have been cooking for hours now in chicken broth with large ham hocks adding more flavor. Been drinking a few 2 Below Ales from New Belgium (make Fat Tire), but may switch to wine for dinner. Still haven't decided what to open.
2011‐01‐01 17:25:02
Nice to see SS posting again! You were missed, Chris!
@winex ‐ Yeah, I caught that. CC is safe!
2011‐01‐01 17:26:24
@SCKen ‐ Sounds great! I love black eyed peas and collard greens. Never had them together. Will have to try!
4292 BuffaloLou
4293 Schmitty
4294 BrunelloBob
4295 Schmitty
4296 BrunelloBob
4298 TonyO
4299 luddite
4300 winex
4302 winex
4303 TonyO
4304 BrunelloBob
4305 winex
4306 BuffaloLou
4307 SCKen
4308 winex
4309 BuffaloLou
Do you use dehydrated b.e. peas or canned? If you use the dehydrated, what method do you use to re‐hydrate? Overnight or the 'fast' method?
looks like I may have ordered my 3 bottle of San Roman still at the right the confirmation e‐mail, but not the 'it is ready to pick up'. I also ordered 3 bottles of the Vitanza........and that is it for me for a while. I hope.
time to fix dinner‐ a simple pasta dinner of carbonara filled fresh pasta, with alfredo cream sauce, with tomato reduction, fresh bread, and the leftovers of the Perrier Jouet from yesterday. Despite the Mythbuster's claim, that a silver spoon in a champagne bottle does not keep the bubbles alive‐ it seems to work for me, thank goodness for that.
Time to move past the hangover...
2003 Fanti through the vinituri and sitting in the decanter. Hoping strength of the producer carries us through a weak vintage. Initial returns...not encouraging...but it's young...
@AFK‐ do you think you may start a new thread, so we don't have to download 194 pages first? Maybe put a complete month into an archive, and start 'fresh' with every first of the month? I don't know how much would be involved to do it that way, but it may be a good way to not get bogged down by too many pages.
$6.99 Bordeaux on WTSO Lou: What do we say to that?? ;)
@BB: my guess is that $6.99 Bdx is just this side of horrid...............
Getting ready to enjoy some of Chef Da Knurd's Italian Peasant Soup paired with Lot 179 :‐)
Re the $6.99 Bordeaux: Spend another $6 and get the Beaumont!
@BBob ‐ don't do it. Go for the Beaumont if you must but a cheap Bdx.
the chateau la Nauze..ia will do you in for sure!
steamed lobsters with Hunter III Suavignon Blanc, a really delicious Napa Sav Blanc....should be winner, winner, Lobster dinner (especially at $4.99 / pound for lobsters !!!!)
Lou and I had a conversation the other day. Consesus is cheap bordeaux is a no‐go!
BBob ‐ ok my pulse just came down..tkx &amp; I like Bdx, just not Cheap BdX.
TonyO ‐ Hope you got about 20 lbs of Lobster at that price.
For me, it is a plate of asst meats, &amp; cheeses with a 2005 Domaine La Jasse Red French country wine, very nice, soft, fruit, &amp; a little earthy for $15/btl.
@BBob ‐ missed your post as we were eating dinner. $6.99 Bdx = :puke:
BLou ‐ I use the dehydrated peas. I normally soak them overnight, but I forgot to put them in water last night, so I had to do the quick method today. Still turned out pretty good.
BLou ‐ AKA Nauze ia just like its name!!
@winex ‐ Good one, Steve! "Nauze"! LOL!
204 of 958
2011‐01‐01 17:28:48
2011‐01‐01 17:32:04
2011‐01‐01 17:34:47
2011‐01‐01 17:35:45
2011‐01‐01 17:38:06
2011‐01‐01 17:52:23
2011‐01‐01 17:57:30
2011‐01‐01 18:14:05
2011‐01‐01 18:15:25
2011‐01‐01 18:27:04
2011‐01‐01 18:36:15
2011‐01‐01 18:47:04
2011‐01‐01 18:50:27
2011‐01‐01 18:53:22
2011‐01‐01 18:53:48
2011‐01‐01 19:04:31
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
4310 winex
I knew YOU would like that one!!
2011‐01‐01 19:06:48
@SCKen ‐ I, too, have used both methods. I try the overnight as it more energy efficient, but I have used the quick method with good success as well.
4311 BuffaloLou
4313 winex
4315 BuffaloLou
4318 winex
4319 BuffaloLou
4320 SCKen
4321 winex
4322 winex
I told the Mrs about it and she wants to try it, too. We've done black eyed peas with swiss chard, so substituting another leafy green should work well, too. And I love collard greens! (We've done them with onion, diced tomato, cayenne (lots) and some honey. The spicy‐sweet combo is terrific!)
2011‐01‐01 19:07:35
Want to try something awesome ‐ We know it here as Utica Greens.
saute some spinach or escarole in oil &amp; garlic, once it is reduced add, hot peppers, grated parmasian cheese, proscuitto, (don't use the $95/lb stuff) &amp; Italian bread crumbs and continue to saute until nice &amp; hot. Voila and incredible side dish!!
2011‐01‐01 19:14:44
@winex ‐ Can't believe you mentioned Utica Greens! We were in Syracuse two years ago (I think it was Grimaldi's) and had them there. They were awesome! Mrs flipped over them! We'll have to give a try. Thanks!!
2011‐01‐01 19:18:37
@BLou ‐ simple to make &amp; Grimaldi's makes them just right! My wife has it down!! The ingredients I mentioned can be adjusted in any quantity, want them drier..add more bread crumbs...hotter..add more hot peppers..etc.
Sometimes they ARE the meal.
2011‐01‐01 19:27:26
@winex ‐ Steve, when you say "hot peppers", do you mean the dried pepper flakes or the pepper rings in vinegar, or other?
2011‐01‐01 19:30:35
winex ‐ those greens sound great! I'll give that a try.
BLou ‐ My recipe for collards is real simple. Saute some onions and garlic in olive oil until translucent. Add ham hock and apple cider vinegar. Then add collards. Once they wilt, add chicken broth. Simmer for a couple of hours. Add some tobasco, and your done.
2011‐01‐01 19:32:39
@BLou ‐ cherry pepper rings, either Cora, or Progresso
2011‐01‐01 19:34:31
@SCKen, ‐ we have an outstanding pulled pork BBQ here too. Called Piggy Pats, they are from South Carolina &amp; it is one of the mose popular restaurants in the area. Hope you enjoy the greens..they are truely outstanding!!
2011‐01‐01 19:36:51
@SCKen ‐ when do you add the black eyed peas?
4323 BuffaloLou
@winex ‐ Thanks Steve!
2011‐01‐01 19:44:06
4324 SCKen
winex ‐ where are you? Kind of weird, but SC not really known for bbq. There is Maurice's in Columbia, which has a mustard base, but that is about the only well‐known bbq place in SC. There are some good bbq joints here, but they don't have their own style of bbq. Most make one of the 3 NC styles or Memphis style. I don't go out that often for bbq since I make my own bbq and sauce, which is a blend of the 3 NC styles, since I like all 3.
2011‐01‐01 19:44:19
4325 BuffaloLou
@SCKen ‐ are you in Columbia? Visited a friend there once (he no longer lives there). Nice city!
2011‐01‐01 19:48:48
4326 winex
SCKen ‐ Utica NY ‐ about 50 miles East of Syracuse. They advertise it as Carolina Pulled Pork, not really a BBQ, that is my term. They pile it on a roll &amp; it is awesome. They also have a Pig pile which is the pulled pork &amp; cole slaw all piled high. Barely can get my choppers around it.
2011‐01‐01 19:49:25
4329 BuffaloLou
BLou ‐ I don't cook the peas and greens together, but I suppose you could. They both cook for about the same amount of time, so if you cook together, add the peas right after you add the broth to the greens.
BLou ‐ No, I'm Greenville. You couldn't pay me to live in Columbia. Might be the worst place on the face of the earth in the summer!
@SCKen ‐ why Summer?
4330 SCKen
Columbia sits in a bowl. Average temp in summer is about 100 with about 90% humidity, and absolutely no breeze. I lived in Florida for 9 years, but it doesn't come close to Columbia in the summer.
2011‐01‐01 19:59:15
4331 BuffaloLou
@SCKen ‐ re: temp/humidity in Columbia ‐ That's what my friend said... he said it was hell on Earth! LOL!
2011‐01‐01 20:01:19
4332 WineBabyWine
Happy 2011 to all! Hope it's a good one &amp; that you all had as much fun escorting it in as I did! Sleepover w/friends/kids, appetizers &amp; sushi, Viognier, Mumm at midnight, Vitaminwater at 3am, laughs till 3:30am... kids of course still woke up early... ugh... going to bed early tonight! All of your recipes are sounding delicious... even though I don't even care for collard greens!
2011‐01‐01 20:26:43
4333 BuffaloLou
@WBW ‐ Did you have the Viognier with the sushi? How well did it pair? If well, what Viognier did you have?
2011‐01‐01 20:32:17
4327 SCKen
4328 SCKen
205 of 958
2011‐01‐01 19:50:25
2011‐01‐01 19:51:51
2011‐01‐01 19:55:50
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
4336 BrunelloBob
4341 BrunelloBob
4346 David T
How 'bout them Huskies!
shoot me...gonna be a long night...
At least the Brunello came around!
OK, could be worse,,,,
2011‐01‐01 20:55:40
2011‐01‐01 22:10:28
So I literally just fell down an entire flight of stairs, which is something I haven't done sine I was probably 3. I've only had one glass of wine, too, so I'm completely sober. Don't know exactly what happened other than I'm wearing slippery socks. Apparently it was loud enough to get Mrs David T out of bed to check on me even though she's just getting over a migraine. At least the only damage appears to be a carpet burn on my elbow, &amp; I'm glad none of our cats were in the way. *sigh* I'm going to bed.
please view pictures from my dinner party tonight. 2011‐01‐01 23:29:23
The line up of wines were fantastic.
4347 Nursing a Hangover
4349 WineBabyWine
4358 John O'
4359 John O'
4361 winex;id=1379648556
@Lou... Bridlewood viognier... it was very sweet to me and I would have preferred it a bit less so, but then I do not have experience with viognier so can't really gauge yet whether this is the norm or not...???... but I enjoyed it, and it was nice with the sashimi.
Just catching up. Saw the discussion on Utica Greens. Really like it with diced ham from one of the small hams from Hapanowicz Polish butchers in Utica Mills.
regarding the conversation on size of government, saw the following quote in a NYT article today that pretty well sums it up.
2011‐01‐01 23:29:53
2011‐01‐01 23:32:39
2011‐01‐02 07:20:21
Fred Siegel, a historian at the conservative‐leaning Manhattan Institute, has written of the “New Tammany Hall,” which he describes as the incestuous alliance between public officials and labor. “Public unions have had no natural adversary; they give politicians political support and get good contracts back,” Mr. Siegel said. “It’s uniquely dysfunctional.”
2011‐01‐02 07:22:48
@JohnO ‐ Hapanowitz Meat Market ‐ just another one of the little "gems" we have here in the Utica area. I have not had the greens with their ham, but same idea as proscuitto. Thanks for adding this on.
@David T ‐ Dear Lord! Hope you're alright!
2011‐01‐02 07:50:30
@winex ‐ Not Utica, but nearby Rome, did you ever had Turkey Joints? OMG! Heaven!
@winex II ‐ So many nice things from Utica. Excellent Lebanese bakeries, that unique grind of hot pepper flakes (ground into fine flakes, available only in Utica).
@John O ‐ And you wonder why NY State is so messed‐up! I'm actually surprised that the NYT printed such an article. They're usually "left of left!"
4362 BuffaloLou
4364 luddite
4365 A Frayed Knot
4366 Mobius
4367 Nursing a Hangover
Utica Mills ‐ That's where me great‐great grandma used to live and work. (She emigrated from England to settle in Utica Mills with her parents and brother.)
2011‐01‐02 08:17:12
Preliminary reports indicate that the TH inmates survived the New Year unscathed with only one non‐alcohol related incident involving @DavidT and some stairs. Well wishers can visit him in the infirmary from 9 AM ti 5 PM. Bottles of leftover Champagne most appreciated...
2011‐01‐02 08:35:51
@NaH~ Love the pics.............looks like you had a great party!
2011‐01‐02 08:36:17;feature=related
2011‐01‐02 08:50:45
@AFK THANKS. We Sure did. a 1975 Auslese and 1975 Ch. Cheval Blanc AMAZING!!
2011‐01‐02 09:25:10
@BLou ‐ have had the turkey joints awesome is right. Lebanese bakeries, Karam's is the absolute best! Grape leaves, kibbe, sfia's (sp) etc.
Some other Utica goodies:
Hemstraught half moon's
Napoli's Tomato Pie
Chicken Riggies
Chicken Riggies with vodka sauce
Roma Sausage
Florentine Italian Pastries
Symeons Greek Restaurant
4368 winex
Now if we had a specialty wine shop that carried someting besides Yellow Tail, box wines, Beringers white zin etc!!! 2011‐01‐02 09:36:44
206 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
4370 BuffaloLou
@winex ‐ You don't need a LWS as long as you have WL/CW! Besides, you already have a wine buying problem. A kickin' LWS would lead you to divorce court! LOL!
2011‐01‐02 09:56:37
@winex ‐ I need to visit... You're getting me hungry just reading!
2011‐01‐02 09:57:52
4371 winex
BLou ‐ Anytime! Hungary, Mrs. Winex is making her lasagne which is the best ever, along with her Utica greens. The smells in this house along with our food topic have me ready for a meal &amp; a glass of juice (only 10am though)
As for Mrs. Winex &amp; my wine buying problem...she has the same bug and no cure in site for either of us!! She is significantly more practical then I am though. If I want to buy an expensive bottle, she will point to something else and say " well, you could get 6 bottles of this $30/btl instead of that one $200/btl????" LOL
2011‐01‐02 10:04:55
4369 BuffaloLou
4374 TonyO
David T ‐ I can relate. Already dressed to go out for a NY's party, I was playing with my dog in our backyard. We have a creek that cuts through the middle. The creek bed is about 10 feet deep. In an attempt to scale down to get a ball out of the creek, I slipped and slid down the creek bank. I found myself lying flat on my back in the creek. Thank goodness the creek is only about 4‐6 inches deep, but that was plenty to soak me from head to toe. Needless to say that water was a little chilly and didn't exactly smell very good! No major injuries. Just a couple of bruises, mainly to my ego.
2011‐01‐02 10:06:18
@NAH; thanks for sharing ! @winex: sounds like you are heading for a great Sunday, enjoy !
2011‐01‐02 10:31:25
@SCKen: quite a way to send out 2010 !
2011‐01‐02 10:39:01
4379 BuffaloLou
@winex ‐ re: "you could get 6 bottles of this $30/btl instead of that one $200/btl" ‐ That's what I say to my self all the time. While I love wine, I do have issues with spending a lot on a single bottle. We all agree that there is (typically) an increase in quality in relation to price, but, just how much better is a $200 bottle than a $100 bottle? I agree that I don't want 20 ‐ $10 bottles of Cab in place of a $200 bottle, but 4 x $50 or 5 x $40 seems a much better use of funds, IMO.
4380 winex
BLou ‐ I agree with you, I just can't let Mrs. Winex see that I do, she will never live it down! I have had very expensive btl's &amp; often say "that was really good" but not THAT good. Some of the most expensive wines I drink are because of price appreciation, ie: cellared BdX &amp; cult Ca, but not because I paid large sumd for them. Example; '91 Harlan paid $60/btl now sell for $600/btl, I would not even think of spending that for a btl of wine, but I will certainly enjoy drinking the 3 of them I have someday. another '90 Cheval Blanc pd $78/btl now around $1000/btl. Say WHAT!!
2011‐01‐02 11:16:41
4372 SCKen
4373 TonyO
4381 David T
4382 luddite
4383 winex
Thanks for the well‐wishes. The only other damage appears to be a small bruise on my leg &amp; somehow oversleeping my alarm ‐‐&gt; late to work. At least things are pretty slow since it's still a holiday weekend. Very much looking forward to cooking a nice dinner with a nice bottle of wine &amp; some football this evening!
WTSO glitch?
2011‐01‐02 10:51:24
2011‐01‐02 11:52:50
Current CdP offer says free shipping on 3 or more, yet you have to order in multiples of 4...
2011‐01‐02 12:02:00
@TonyO ‐ we are headed for a GREAT Sunday. Have my great niece &amp; nephews coming over for dinner &amp; they are the joy of our lives!
DavidT‐ Happy to hear you are doing ok! We built our current house all on one level, just so I won't take a tumble. Of course going to the basement is NOT a problem, I would never trip with a btl of my precious juice. Enjoy your day in the Rx &amp; the games later as well :)
2011‐01‐02 12:17:10
207 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
4385 brooks
@ David T....Thank God you are fine...that being should get the Wine Alert in case of need..infomercial
Man seen on the ground with tin of virgin olive oil, 10 bag of Arborino rice and sack of sun‐dried tomatoes....smoke and cured meats seen in the background
Dave T: I've fawlin and I can't get up ( a beeping sound is heard)
Operator (a man answers the phone wearing uniform with WL wrist bands): Are you ok? You have triggered the wine alert call
Dave T: I think so...I may have some turf I will miss my grape stomping class
Operator: Are you having any guests over for wine tasting today.
Dave T: Yes but not until 7pm...
Operator: Do you need us to come over and decant any wine for you
Dave T: No thanks I am serving mostly pop and pours...thank heavens
Operator: Do you have any wine deliveries today that you will need help with
Dave T. Thanks but I am holding off shipments until April Operator: Great idea...I have alerted your family and guests to bring the food pairings for tonight
Dave T: Thank you wine alert...OBTW...I am concerned about a 1993 BV Rutherford Napa Valley Caberent I have in my wine cellar
Operator: Ouch...I will connect you with our Wine Cellar Busters...TonyO or Winex will be with you shortly.....please please don't allow wine to pass its drinking window
Dave T: Wine alert what would I do with out you!
2011‐01‐02 12:38:37
ing............ ong (sound of a doorbell)....
from inside the residence ....
4386 TonyO
4387 winex
4388 BuffaloLou
4390 David T
DaveT: "can you get that honey, I'm still incapacitated"
Mrs. DaveT: "Ummm, it's two somewhat ominous, yet very attractive men"
DaveT: "I think they are from Cellar Busters, a free service of Cinderella wine for their best customers, not that I buy a lot of wine or cheese for that matter"
Cellar Busters: "Good afternoon Ma'am, we understand you may have a wine related issue needing attention"
Mrs. DaveT: "maybe "stumbles" over on the couch can answer that for you, please come in"
Cellar Buster 1; "Good afternoon, we understand you have a wine cellar that needs inspection"
DaveT: "don't you call for an appointment before coming"?
Cellar Buster @: "Hey Gimpy, just point us to the f$#^%&amp;ing cellar"
DaveT: "2nd door on the left, just be careful, the stairs are slippery, that's what landed me in this condition"
Cellar Buster 1: "Thank You"
Cellar Buster 2 : "Packers Suck"
Mrs. Dave T: "should they be down there without supervision"?
DaveT: "well I sure can't go down there, do you want to keep an eye on them"?
Cellar Buster 1: "I think the Mrs. is coming down to watch us , say something quick to keep her upstairs while I pop this 1945 LaFite"
Cellar Buster 2: "It rubs the lotion on itself" !!!
Cellar Buster 1: "really, that's the best you could come up with "?
Cellar Buster 2: "after seeing that movie, I couldn't go in my cellar for months"
Cellar Buster 1: " pour me some of that"
a loud swooshing noise rises from the cellar
DaveT: "why are they using a Vinturi, I thought this was simply an inventory service"?
Mrs. Dave T: "Is everythong ok, do you need anythong down there"?
Cellar Buster 1: "It's all good"
@TonyO ‐freakin hilareous!!! One question, am I Cellar Buster #1 or #2 or doesn't it matter???
Look out Buffalo here we come!!!
@TonyO, AFK, &amp; Brooks ‐ You guys have to be the most creative and imaginative peeps I've ever known! Freaking hilarious!
@TonyO I LOVE IT!!!!! Haven't had that good of a laugh in a while!
208 of 958
2011‐01‐02 13:06:05
2011‐01‐02 13:45:18
2011‐01‐02 13:54:12
2011‐01‐02 14:32:19
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
Happy New Year to everyone! I've been lurking here a bit, but figured the new year was a good time to say hello. I recently got back from visiting family for almost week who have no wireless, so I am way behind. I did, however, get to visit some wineries on the West side of Seneca Lake in the Finger Lakes region. I particularly enjoyed the Rieslings at Hermann J. Wiemer and am eagerly awaiting the bottles they're shipping to me. I also brought back 8 other bottles from various wineries in my suitcases.
4391 K is for Kate
4393 BuffaloLou
4394 John O'
4395 K is for Kate
4396 TonyO
4397 BuffaloLou
4398 K is for Kate
4399 Hinrgman
4400 TonyO
4401 K is for Kate
@winex ‐ my mom has for the past several years put Chicken Riggie sauce in my siblings' stockings, but apparently this is the last year since they stopped bottling it (and my folks are moving to Massachusetts tomorrow anyway). I wish I could have met you while I was out there, but it was a pretty packed trip as it was and I was trying to spend as much time as possible with my siblings whom I haven't seen in years.
2011‐01‐02 14:33:44
Hello Kate! Good to year you enjoyed your trip to the Finger Lakes. I had a Wiemer Riesling on Thanksgiving at my father's house. My first Wiemer and it was excellent! Stunning QPR! I need to get there one of these days!
2011‐01‐02 15:00:45
Grilled Marinated Strip steaks
Roasted potato's, w/ butter, garlic, salt and rosemary
roasted brussel sprouts w/ EVOO and garlic
07 Seghessio Sonoma Zin (have had many times and it deserves it's WS top 10)
06 Gary's Vineyard Antiqv's Syrah (Have not had, but a Parker 95 and a nice find from Wine Exchange on the left coast)
New Year's resolutions start the first Monday of the new year, right?
2011‐01‐02 15:14:15
@BLou‐ I would recommend going when it won't be too busy‐ it's a lovely space but small. They didn't have a tasting bar, just a barrel set up with one person serving, though maybe they set things up differently during peak season. The woman working there when we went was a retired schoolteacher who was so sweet and kept exclaiming things like "bless your heart". The acid was not as evident in their wines as I sometimes prefer, but there was such a wonderful underlying vitality that I found irresistible and also a definite sense of place. I am glad that they ship to Wisconsin!
@John O': sounds close to my plans here: roasted striploin roast with shallots and a red wine pan suace, spinach gratin, garlic roasted fingerlings, wine TBD............
@Kate ‐ Thanks for the heads up! I will probably wait for Summer as the Finger Lakes are just beautiful then. I'd like to go in Sept or Oct, but 1) it's insanity season for me in Scouts and 2) it's crazy busy there in the Fall, esp Columbus Day Weekend.
@BLou, it was beautiful when the sun briefly came out, so I can imagine it would be amazing in the Summer. When I was there it was what my stepbrother informed me is locally referred to as "Ithicating". I think Fox Run was my second favourite stop in the area. We had a tasty lunch there as well as sampling some enjoyable wine.
Finger lakes is beautiful almost anytime of the year and there are so many wineries. It would take weeks to see them all.
I think Wiemer may be the first Eastern US winery to crack the WS Top 100......
@Hinrgman, I was *shocked* at the number and density of wineries! I think someone said there are over 50 on Seneca alone. The only other wine country I've visited is in Michigan and I think both peninsulas and the southern Lake Michigan AVA together only have around 50.
tonight's dinner is:
2011‐01‐02 15:22:04
2011‐01‐02 15:23:26
2011‐01‐02 15:26:52
2011‐01‐02 15:35:36
2011‐01‐02 15:40:17
2011‐01‐02 15:43:37
2011‐01‐02 16:00:00
Venison roast, roasted taters, tarragon buttered carrots
4402 Nursing a Hangover
4403 TonyO
4404 John O'
4405 TonyO
what to drink with venison...maybe the wine I had it marinating in...Cab Franc??
@NAH; Cab Franc sounds great to me....
Sounds like a big wine is in order.
GEM? Carver Sutro PS?
@John O'; I am about to open a 2008 Sineann Columbia Valley Cab Sav
@Winex: I think Cellar Buster 1 &amp; 2 are interchangeable roles !
209 of 958
2011‐01‐02 16:14:09
2011‐01‐02 16:18:21
2011‐01‐02 16:20:52
2011‐01‐02 17:00:16
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
@NAH....where is the venison from? Did one of Santa's reindeer "pull a David T" over Christmas &amp; have to be put down? David T got run over by a reindeer... walking down the stairs on Christmas eve...
you can say there's no such thing as Santa Chuk, but as for me &amp; Mrs. David T. we believe
NOw we're all so proud of Mrs. David T.
SHe's been taking this so well
see her in there watching figure skating, drinking spritzer &amp; playing cards with cousin Mel
It's not Christmas without David T
All the Cindies dressed in black and we just can't help but wonder
should we open up his Les Cretes
Or send it back? &lt;&lt;&gt;&gt;
David T got run over by a reindeer... walking home from our house Christmas eve...
you can say there's no such thing as Santa Chuk, but as for me &amp; Mrs. David T. we believe!!! 4406 WineBabyWine
4407 WineBabyWine
Happy New Year~!‐tR8 song got modified.... &lt;&gt;
2011‐01‐02 17:08:31
2011‐01‐02 17:08:51
inside what was supposed to be the quotes at the end was the Cindies screaming:
4408 WineBabyWine
4409 Hinrgman
4410 BrunelloBob
4411 A Frayed Knot
3,000 posts coming up ‐ WOW!
I'm having spaghetti‐Os with those little hot dogs.
Wine suggestions? :)
Wow!! I think Nurse Ratchet doubled up on the meds today!
Sir TonyO &amp; Lady WBW ~ Excellent stuff!!
Ha ‐ 50 great dinners going on on the blog and BBob is touting his spaghetti‐o's ‐ love it... Sounds like one of those making‐room‐in‐the‐cellar nights...
2011‐01‐02 17:10:49
2011‐01‐02 17:16:45
2011‐01‐02 17:35:57
2011‐01‐02 17:41:35
I cooked all weekend, so it's my wife's turn tonight (I think she's got some prime ribeye going ‐ been a good week for me with steak)... Cracking open a couple: (a) my only bottle of the famous 2003 Bugay, and (b) one of my age‐
endangered Gigondas (2007 Les Pallieres)...
4412 Johnny C
Go Giants... [and ergo Go Bears... DT we're squaring off tonight... if you'd gotten more than a carpet burn I may have relented...] 2011‐01‐02 17:50:33
4414 brooks
WBW....word squared....H01y Cr4p!!!!!......TonyO making a house call!!!!
BB....Macaroni Grill Sangiovese Chianti Navelle Vineyards (USA, California, Central Valley, Madera) or Riunite Lambrusco (1.5 LTR)
New TH Jeopardy will be post Monday night
Disclosure: 2005 Tertre du Moulin Cuvée Millésimée..a gift from a guest of a guest during .....Avoid like your ex‐
spouse/significant other/IRS...nose of gas stabilizer....ouch finishes like Afrin...switching to a Havens 2006 Merlot Reserve juice box....snap I just misplaced the clicker
watching football games after taking down Christmas lights. I was at supermarket earlier in 12 items express lane behind shopper with 18 items ..two items did not scan correctly..10 coupons...personal check without address printed on it...I was looking around to see if I was on Candid Camera... ;)
2011‐01‐02 18:19:52
210 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
4415 Landshark
4416 johnR
4417 johnR
4418 johnR
4419 johnR
4420 johnR
4421 David T
Stopped in for a quick lurk and had to comment at the hilarious posts of Brooks, TonyO and WBW, just too damn funny!
BBob, spaghetti‐O's with little hot dogs huh? Sounds like a 2005 Les Cretes is in order. I still have several, would you like me to send you one? :)
JohnR down town for 3...........GOT IT 3000!
Ok, now that I can breathe again... congrats AFK on 3,000 posts &amp; WBW, that was wonderful! I'm glad my blunder has caused so many good laughs here!
@Brooks: surprised the a$$hole didn
t need a pack of smokes (which of course would have been wrong 3 2011‐01‐02 18:22:51
2011‐01‐02 18:26:55
2011‐01‐02 18:27:22
2011‐01‐02 18:27:49
2011‐01‐02 18:28:14
2011‐01‐02 18:28:40
2011‐01‐02 19:06:54
Brooks: "This line is for 12 or less"
A$$: "Oh, I didn't see the sign"
Brooks: "So you just assumed that everyone with a basket instead of a cart decided to use the line ALL THE WAY TO THE LEFT !!"
A$$: "no worries"
A$$: "young lady, this coupon for Fancy Feast is slightly outdated will that be ok"?
Cashier: "Ummmm, like I dunno, what is today's date" ?
Brooks: "it's the second day 2011, what else do you need to know" ?
Cashier: ""the like date, is like cutoff and there is a phone number written on the barcode"
Brooks: "here's 50 f%$^&amp;^&amp; cents, will you just hurry it up"
a$$: "oh, I almost forgot, Edwin needs some cigarettes"
cashier: "uh, my supervisor light is like trashed, so I'm gonna need to get a manager that has keys"
Brooks: "I got some hippy lettuce in my car that Edwin can have, can you just move it along" ??!!
5 minutes later......
cashier: "Uh, like waht kind of cigs do you need"
a$$: "Virginia Slim, New and Improved, More Flavor, Less Nicotine, Soft Pack"
cashier: " can you like write that down"
a$$: "Oh actually, I think I have a coupon in the car"
4422 TonyO
4424 BrunelloBob
4425 Johnny C
a voice is heard from further back in the line.....
cashier: "That was like soo funny" a$$: "why I never"
@Sharkster: I think I'm the only one in these parts that didn't fall for the Les Cretes trap...planning on keeping it that way! :) @Brooks: I've had the Macaroni Grill Chianti!
Conversation started with (me to waitress): "You know chianti doesn't come from California, right?" and went downhill from there...I ordered it anyway, Only "sweet" sangiovese I've ever had...needed spaghetti O's...strangley similar to Riunite Lambrusco!
...always liked those lambrusco bubbles...
4427 BuffaloLou
Go Aaron Rodgers! (Cal Bear!) now the Pack faces Eagles Sunday and I will miss it being on a plane. I will have to wear my Rodgers Packers jersey on the flight. Used to like the Eagles but with Vick, no way. Go Packers.
Landshark... "BBob, spaghetti‐O’s with little hot dogs huh? Sounds like a 2005 Les Cretes is in order. " Freaking hysterical!!
4428 winex
Man this whole forum is lit right up tonight!! What a bunch of characters.
&gt;Kate ‐ too bad we didn't get to meet. Family is much more important, so glad you were able to see them. &gt;
TonyO ‐ Your freakin killin me...r u smokin somethin funny on that bean bag chair, or is the wind blowing North from the UVM dorms???
I do recall the feminine hygiene topic, that was quite humorous.
4426 BaroloDude
211 of 958
2011‐01‐02 19:08:25
2011‐01‐02 19:38:01
2011‐01‐02 19:41:34
2011‐01‐02 19:56:58
2011‐01‐02 20:02:55
2011‐01‐02 20:09:32
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
4429 winex
4430 BuffaloLou
4431 TonyO
4432 BrunelloBob
4433 AccaDacca
4436 winex
4438 BrunelloBob
4439 brooks
4440 johnR
4442 AccaDacca
4443 winex
4444 winex
4445 A Frayed Knot
4446 BuffaloLou
4449 WineBabyWine
4450 BuffaloLou
4451 K is for Kate
BBob ‐ spaghetti O's with piggmie dicks??? Really hope you had that with some of Brooks diet coke! &gt;
Just finished an incredible Lasagne made by Mrs. Winex...I think Bobby Flay should do a throw down with her. I would put her's up against him &amp; Bove's in Burlington..
we skipped the piggmie sausages though!
Steve, is that Mrs Winex on the left in your Avatar?
@winex: my friend was a judge for the lasagna throdown episode. He said Flay's was really good. Bove's is ok, in my opinion, but I do not like cottage cheese in lasagna Ione of their ingredients)
oh the Poor piggmies..... :(
Tonights dinner ‐ roast rabbit, with some grilled veggies. Finally opened the 04 Ondarre Reserva Rioja. Quite nice for &lt; $15 per.... My kids were a little freaked out when we went shopping and I put the skinned critter in the cart.
2011‐01‐02 20:14:09
2011‐01‐02 20:19:55
2011‐01‐02 20:21:54
2011‐01‐02 20:26:10
2011‐01‐02 20:36:13
@BLou ‐ no that is Elio Altare's daughter in Barolo Italy. I tried to change my avatar to include a pic of her, but couldn't seem to get it to change. My bride has jet black hair.
@TonyO ‐ cottage cheese in're kidding right? I have had Bove's too &amp; it's only ok.
@AccaDacca ‐ that Ondare is a terrific QPR, bet it was a good match for the bunny!
2011‐01‐02 20:42:23
ACDC: shoulda had spaghetti‐O's and lambrusco
2011‐01‐02 20:44:51
Bogart: (slang verb) To keep something all for oneself, thus depriving anyone else of having any. A slang term derived from the last name of famous actor Humphrey Bogart because he often kept a cigarette in the corner of his mouth, seemingly never actually drawing on it or smoking it. Often used with weed or joints but can be applied to anything.
"Don't bogart that fat one man, pass that over here!"
"Did Johnr bogart the blog to be post #3000?"
"I bogart therefore I am"
"I would like to bogart that Naugahyde bean bag"
"Bogart this, that is what she said"
"Don't bogart the San Roman"
Is it a full moon? WTF...WBW comes outta now where to take the lead...a true Cinderella story...... soon to become inmate of the month and it is only the 2nd day.
Winex...does Utica Club still offer a tour of its brewery with two free beers? ^
2011‐01‐02 20:45:24
I was totally bogarting that one.....
@Blou....what was that dust up between you and Pete all bout?
@winex ‐ is terrific w/the bunny. and on its own at this point....
@Brooks ‐ Utica Club, now Saranac Brewery does indeed still host brewery tours, but the two beer thing, well I have been 4 times in the past year &amp; they never cut me off tiafter two. For $5.00 I must have had 5 ‐ 16oz beers.
Lets just say I was bogarting the beers at the brewery...but then again so were the other 10 peeps I was with. Can 10 peeps bogart all at the same time...discuss...
It seems that all we're missing tonight is a Sir Mobius dream sequence!!!
@JohnR ‐ email me at scouterlou at gmail
My goodness, you boys are just pillaging the forest tonight... first Vixen, then Peter... Is Yogi next? (All tasty though, I might add.) Can you guys come down &amp; cook some of the geese that cr4p all over the banks of the lake I live on?
I had some awesome, award‐winning, chili verde from my brother's friend for dinner tonight. Then some truffle cheese with a CH Lot 200... OMG... I felt guilty realizing how good it was and just opening it on a lazy Sunday night and all to myself. Bad me. Oh well... gonna be a lazy Monday night, and Tuesday night... *
BDude gets the real 3000... that was MAJOR Bogarting by JR~!
@WBW ‐ I've been enjoying a black truffle cheese from Italy every night starting NYE! It's been fantastic! In fact, on NYD, I used some in my scrambled eggs. Fantastic!
It must be the year of the truffle! I don't have any truffle cheese, but I had squash ravioli with white truffle butter for dinner.
212 of 958
2011‐01‐02 20:46:41
2011‐01‐02 20:53:44
2011‐01‐02 20:54:28
2011‐01‐02 20:55:49
2011‐01‐02 21:05:35
2011‐01‐02 21:10:12
2011‐01‐02 21:47:35
2011‐01‐02 21:55:02
2011‐01‐02 22:15:34
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
4452 Johnny C
4453 Hinrgman
4455 David T
4456 BaroloDude
While we're at it ‐ why did I not realize what a great actor Bogart was until I was this old??? Finally saw "The Big Sleep" last week, and a few months ago, "To Have and To Have Not" ‐ def want to be Bogart when I grow up...
I had Some black truffle cheese also. It's called Perlagrigia from the Vento region of Italy
2011‐01‐02 22:15:56
I also had black truffle tonight. Used in/on a risotto. Very nice, though probably a bit pricey for what I got out of it. Have a bit left that I'll shave on eggs &amp; pasta when I'm off Tuesday. Paired with the 2007 Torre Quarto Uva di Troia which I know BLou has praised. Fantastic steal at $11. Terroir shines. It was an Italian earth night all around, between the truffle, wine, and rice/Parm for the risotto.
It's ok WBW. I bogarted 1000 in a similar fashion, john can have 3000. It's posting karma. ;‐). Last night: pahlmeyer 95 or 96 bord blend. Deeeelicious. So was the 2000 Sassoalloro.
2011‐01‐02 22:16:13
2011‐01‐02 22:42:32
2011‐01‐02 22:51:49
@David T ‐ Enjoying the 2007 Torre Quarto Uva di Troia as I type!
4457 BuffaloLou
4459 BaroloDude
4460 sydu
Had an Edgewood Estate '01 Napa Valley Tradition. It was amazing!! Sadly, it was my last bottle of Tradition. :(
2011‐01‐02 23:31:04
2004 Nicholas Cole Camille ... Best bottle of Washington cab I have ever had. On wine searcher for 40s and 50s a bottle. Garagiste mystery deal was 16 bucks. Best QPR ever? ( one WSr seller has it for 24 bucks but I bet they bought a lot from garagiste in order to do that). Great ba lance of the fruit and earthy terroir elements. And the nose is outstanding. Thanks for the great deal Joe! I can't wait to try the other mystery deals ( even though I will never know the real label... The QPR supposed to be even more extreme)
2011‐01‐03 00:24:49
WBW did you aerate/decant the CH 200? My brother has me so brainwashed that everything has to age....cabs at least 10 years?
2011‐01‐03 01:02:00
@sydu: I've had a couple of the lot 200s. The first one was probably suffering from bottle and travel shock, but it didn't seem aeration was the answer. The second bottle, about a month ago, was better but still not very complex. It will prolly evolve a bit with a couple years but as some folks here have stated it's a fairly simple but well balanced effort at a big a$$ Cali Cab. I'm tempted to open one now to revisit but I have two bottles open already and not sure my palate is yada yada. If you have more than 1, open one soon and another in a year or so. discuss WBW JohnR and other North Caroliniansesess It sounds like it was good enough for WBW to feel guilty or put her in the mood. Don't listen to your siblings about drinking windows, 86 to 88 percent of wines made these days are ready to drink in a couple years. Some get better but some don't even try. @Bdude: Who is Joe and how do you know it was a Washington Cab if it was a big secret? Yes, that is about 4 questions in 2 but email me if it is two/too/to/2 complicated. That Gariste dude(ette) has me flummoxed and now you with you thanking Joe or Niki or JoeG, Joe O?
4466 castello
4469 vinmoet
@Tremblers: Great tales and recipes the last couple days. Y'all got me so hungry I had to go get some grub. Sushi with the 05 Poderi Aldo Conterno Barolo. Too much like a pinot but better with edamame comma raw tuna, soy sauce n wasabi....... Then, a weird Cedar Ridge Tempranillo from Paso Robles fruit. Quaff‐able but goes better with 2011‐01‐03 03:58:04
Back in the USA. Laptop, passports, and big cash money stolen at Madrid airport so I only got on the "map" here once. Having that laptop stolen probably saved me thousands in buying wine with you guys. That said, Madrid lovely and San Sebastian magical. I was in Rioja on a limited basis but it was very pleasant. Ate at the Botin in Madrid (world's oldest restaurant). Much less touristy than I would have guessed. Definitely recommend it. Ate at La Tupina in Bordeaux. Its Parker's favorite restaurant. Serves regional food (duck breast &amp; fois gras) prepared in a classic manner. Low key atmosphere, high level of service, very good wine list. Price was much more modest than I anticipated. Reservations a must have. Chairs are named after celebrities who dine there. Noticed that a lot of famous chefs have eaten there. Presidents too. Mrs. Vinmoet got Alain Ducasse's chair (our favorite chef). Parker does not have a named chair but then neither do I for that matter. Thus, anyone going to Bordeaux must eat there. Also spent some marvelous time in the Loire. Stumbled on a classic village with a great restaurant sporting a marvelous wine list. Spent XMas with family in Paris and repeated many mandatory tourist stops with enthusiasm. Tasted a lot of low profile but serious wines. Enjoy the conservative pricing of restaurants 2011‐01‐03 07:05:45
Welcome back to the hills @vinmoet! Misfortunes aside sounds like trip not to have been missed.
4470 luddite
4472 SCKen
4473 luddite
Note to self: Any confessions of accidents, incidents, and or misdeeds can and will be used against you in the TH Kangaroo Court so proceed accordingly...
2011‐01‐03 08:52:41
Didn't get a chance to stop by yesterday, but glad to see we passed 3000 posts. I also found the comments about Riunite Lambrusco (1.5 ltr) freaking hilarious, especially since my best friend's wife brought a bottle of that to drink this weekend while they were visiting from Atlanta. I was tempted to try it, but just couldn't get myself to do it!
2011‐01‐03 08:59:53
@BaroloDude: Happy to report that I picked up a case of the Nicholas Cole Camille (Mystery Wine #6). Did you buy any others and if so what did you think of them?
2011‐01‐03 09:05:11
213 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
4474 vinmoet
4475 A Frayed Knot
4476 WineBabyWine
Take a baked potato, slice it in half, cover it with duck, sausages, and or smoked ham, cover it with multiple high end stinky cheeses, bake, then serve with big green salad and Champagne. Oh, and charge 10 Euros:
@BuffaloLou ~ I think SNF may have had something to do with this!‐2008+Bodegas+Renacer+Enamore+++750ML
4480 johnr
4481 SCKen
Well, I have to go in for 4 on the Cindy nooner. Back on December 30th, GV posted a link on here to that wine and asked me what I thought the deal should be. I told him I wasn't a huge fan of Syrah, but if he could get the price below $13 with FS on 4, I'd give it a try. Well, I'm a man of my word!
4484 WineBabyWine
4485 BrunelloBob
4486 brooks
4487 BrunelloBob
2011‐01‐03 09:05:43
2011‐01‐03 09:30:14
@sydu... I did not aerate or decant the Lot 200 though I was ready to, I just PnP'd and it was delicious! Had to keep sipping to make sure! Started to eat the cheese which accompanied it nicely. Then oddly, when I just drank it alone, maybe an hour later, it seemed a little tart so I ate a little more cheese with it for a while which improved the taste significantly. Then it drank nicely alone again as the evening wore on. Guess it was evolving. Except for that one blip on the radar, I really enjoyed it. *
Welcome back VMoet! Can I go on your next trip to France/Spain with you? Sounds like you had an awesome time. I did see pics on CNN of France celebrating the New Year, they showed this American family with their French compatriots at midnight wearing party hats &amp; blowing party horns, dancing &amp; spelling out Y‐M‐C‐A, high‐
fiving &amp; pouring champagne all over each other like sports stars. I said to myself, that must be Vinmoet &amp; his family.
2011‐01‐03 09:40:16
BDude ‐ I was likewise wowed by that 04 Camille ‐ gave it my highest score (95) of any wine since I started keeping notes on CT...
Vinmoet ‐ welcome back ‐ glad you survived getting Shanghai'd in Madrid... sounds like the joys of the trip will outweigh the pains. Thanks for the travel notes as well...
And Cindy starts of the New Year with a whimper.......I was hoping for a spashly 1st offer!!!
4477 Johnny C
2011‐01‐03 10:42:27
2011‐01‐03 12:16:45
2011‐01‐03 12:26:39
@SCKen.... well you now have another duty: report back here with TN once you try the Syrah. I am starting to become a Syrah fan and would like to find some reasonably priced ones like this 4 everyday drinking. I'm not biting on this one from Chile, but if people end up liking it, I might hit a turn back the clock sale in the future! Oh... and if anyone else has reasonably priced Syrah recs, I'm listening!
2011‐01‐03 13:05:17
@WBW: If you haven't found it yet, try D'Arenburg's The Stump Jump. Widely available, usually $10‐$12. Simple, fruity, but pleasant.
Just make sure you get the Shiraz and not the kitchen sink blend (mouvedre, shirz, etc) that they do. That one's lousy.
2011‐01‐03 13:10:50
Lunch break....WBW...Lot 178 $12 Havens Hudson Syrah 2007...needs 30 mins time CHWine has a special with free shipping grab $9.6 net with 20% off coupon a QPR steal IMHO..I do not have anymore valid coupons....maybe LWS has a bottle for $12...if not I will bring some to Philly April 30th..CHWine if you are lurking here please take care of WBW....
2011‐01‐03 13:17:07
Well Ken, shoot Lower next time...‐Syrah‐2007‐
2011‐01‐03 13:18:46
@AFK ‐ Not sure what you meant by "@BuffaloLou ~ I think SNF may have had something to do with this!", but I've had the Enamore. It's no Amarone, but it's nice. Here's my notes on it:
4488 BuffaloLou
4489 BuffaloLou;t=35251&amp;p=633004&amp;hilit=Enamore#p633004
@WBW: I'll concur with BBob ‐ D’Arenburg’s The Stump Jump Shiraz is a nice value. I know it's available at WL. Be careful... they also offer a white which I accidentally ordered thinking I was getting the Shiraz! (I only ordered a couple of bottles and it wasn't worth returning... )
2011‐01‐03 13:34:11
2011‐01‐03 13:36:18
@BLou What BP said to you on the forums was out of line!! Yes we are "the new bloods" and we may not know all the inside jokes, but they could take the time to explain or include us in on their jokes.
That's why TH is here. They have their boards that they post on, we have ours.
4490 Nursing a Hangover
I hate the fact that we have to be seperate, but that comment just lends itself to the split.
214 of 958
2011‐01‐03 13:41:23
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
4491 WineBabyWine
4492 WineBabyWine
4493 sydu
4494 BuffaloLou
4495 BuffaloLou
4496 luddite
4497 luddite
4498 Hinrgman
@BBob.... thanks! I assume that wine is down under.. I knew I should have clarified further... I have never liked anything from Aust'lia/NZ save some Nobilo w/sushi.... think I'd really like it? I tend to enjoy west coast stuff... how does it compare?
@Brooks... I think i have a 178 I haven't opened yet... was saving it a little... but I might bend under the pressure of you reminding me now... thanks, you're so sweet for thinking of me w/ CH! They can't deliver to NJ direct though, can they? :(.... I may need assistance on that one!
2011‐01‐03 13:45:46
PS... I like my syrah with a nice pepper kick at the end.
2011‐01‐03 13:48:41
Thanks WBW for your feedback.
Vinmoet your trip sounded wonderful.
Did you bring any wine back?
Sorry about Madrid. How did it happen: someone ran off with a bag or it happened in the cellars of the airport?
@NaH ‐ Thanks Jim. Fitting in certainly hasn't been easy, but we'll keep chugging along. There are many good peeps on the forum, and many good topics, one just wants to participate. I know you know what I mean 'cause you're participating, too. Then again, I attract more flack 'cause I'm more active than most (all? LOL!) so I try to be understanding.
2011‐01‐03 13:49:45
2011‐01‐03 14:00:05
@Vinmoet ‐ Welcome back! Sorry to hear about your troubles, but good to hear your trip was fun none the less.
@Boa Foul Flu: Re the Enamore (anagram for Amarone) @AFK was making a joke since SNF is the king of the grams...
And while we're at it Enamore (with 1 A) is not an anagram for Amarone (which has 2 As)
2011‐01‐03 14:01:15
It would have to be Enamora...
@WineBabyWine ‐ CHWine ships to NJ. I have received many shipments from there.
2011‐01‐03 14:21:19
2011‐01‐03 14:08:28
2011‐01‐03 14:35:56
FYI: I was just checking out the invino Oz Shiraz deal (they're offering some '98‐'00 Shiraz), and see that they are offering an '04 Rosenblum Cellars Syrah Camp 4 Vineyard, Santa Barbara County for $12.99. Rosenblum wines (they make a lot of Petite Sirah, Zin, and Syrah) tend to be 'in your face' wines.
4499 BuffaloLou
@diluted ‐ It's like talking with my wife... she asks a question, and before I can answer it, she's answers it herself! LOL! 2011‐01‐03 14:36:24
4500 BuffaloLou
BTW, Thanks for the clarification "diluted"!
@Diluted thanks! I'm liking that better than the old @Dud Lite... Not sure I like being compared to your wife though...
2011‐01‐03 14:38:54
2011‐01‐03 15:07:08
4503 WineBabyWine
thanks Hinrgman... might have mixed up my wine sites! What area in NJ are you if I might ask?
OHHHH!!! Insertexpletivebyaladyhere!.... Just got an email... WL doens't have any of the Neyer's Syrah I ordered!!!! The SYRAHS!!! What was I just talking about!! Insertexpletivebyaladyhere! .... Insertexpletivebyaladyhere!....
4504 BuffaloLou
@Diluted ‐ Not to fear, you could be compared to worse... Mrs. BLou is a champ. She just talks to herself! LOL!
2011‐01‐03 15:34:11
4505 SCKen
BBob ‐ Yea, but when you include shipping, Saratoga would be more than Cindy, plus they are offering the '07, not the '06. Not sure if the '07 has been rated yet. But, you're probably right, I should have shot lower. GV said to be reasonable; maybe I was too reasonable since he gave me exactly what I asked for.
2011‐01‐03 15:43:40
4501 luddite
4502 WineBabyWine
4506 Nursing a Hangover
4507 Hinrgman
4508 brooks
@BLou Tell your wife that "they have medicine for that condition" when she talks to herself...
@WineBabyWine ‐ Middletown/Red Bank area
Prof. Luddite have you opened any of the Vitanza juice boxes yet?
WBW...I am not a crisis management specialist but I have played one at home....OK no need to worry here...I am the one they send in Step One: go to the closest supermarket... a Whole Foods will do. Head directly to the produce department..."accidentially" place a carton of brussels sprouts into the carriages that do not look like they have enough fiber. Obviouly only the unattended ones... ;) Step Two: go to the meats department and ask if they have wild boar imported from Madagascar... if they say no...tell them Dairy Queen (only the ones with Braziers) are now serving wild boar from Madagascar grilled sandwiches with onions and peppers
Step Three: finish day at health food section of store asking for Medicinal herbs like Marijuana...once again if no, inform them McDonalds now has a McMunchie Burger with cannabis in the mix..will then be stocking it in near future..a very straight face is required
or you can wait for April 30th for a much better QPR Syrah.. Havens
215 of 958
2011‐01‐03 14:58:26
2011‐01‐03 15:11:04
2011‐01‐03 16:10:56
2011‐01‐03 16:16:31
2011‐01‐03 16:21:34
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
4509 johnR
@Blou....that was a pretty sheety bunch of posts bout you...They don't know what they have over at the forums....sad
2011‐01‐03 17:43:44
@Brooks, Re the Vitanza juice boxes: Haven't opened one yet but it's in the "on deck circle." Thought it only fitting for an HSC member to start the new year with Lot 179.
4510 luddite
4511 John O'
4512 John O'
@BLou: No reflection on your Mrs. and I'm sure she is, as you say, a champ. But would you like being compared to say Sarah Palin, no matter how much you might admire her political views. Yes it's a sexist thing...
2011‐01‐03 18:05:41
If it comes back around on the WTSO wheel, I highly recommend:
Domaine Familie Ligneres Notre Dame 2005 Syrah
$12 (they say it retails for $30) and a very well made wine.
2011‐01‐03 18:50:31
On the subject of Syrah, Wine Exchange recently commented on the Syrah glut by saying the joke in the biz is:
What's easier to get rid of, a case of Clap or a case of Syrah?
@WBW: Fully concur with @John O' re the '05 Domaine Lignères Corbières Notre Dame
4515 TonyO
No offense to CW, but there a good many jacka$$es on that forum..............................
4516 johnR
@TonyO...Its really only a few, and they seem to be upset with the GV offer. Given that they've had forum exclusive deals in the past, and many of us TH don't get any WL emails, it looks like crying over spilled milk.
4513 luddite
2011‐01‐03 18:52:08
2011‐01‐03 19:07:05
2011‐01‐03 19:55:08
2011‐01‐03 20:42:37
4518 johnR
@johnr: I agree that it is not the majority, but I prefer TH which is basically a$$hole free ! Are you referring to the Christmas Deal GV offered here ? Why should that upset them ? TFB is what I say !
@Tony...agreed about azzhole free, but why pick on Lou? He's like your Uncle that everyone loves, granted he's a little strange, but always breaks out the obscene jokes at Thanksgiving.
4519 Gary vaynerchuk
wanna get one a VERY hot and upcoming wines mailing list ‐&gt; thank me in 5 years!
2011‐01‐03 20:59:31
4520 SCKen
So GV, do you have some Hayfork to offer us? I am assuming you tasted it recently? You going to post a review?
its sold out.......
2011‐01‐03 21:11:19
4517 TonyO
4521 johnR
2011‐01‐03 20:46:54
2011‐01‐03 20:50:53
2011‐01‐03 21:11:51
4523 Gary vaynerchuk
Thanks for the tips guys... but when I tried wine searcher none of the Domaine Familie Ligneres Notre Dame 2005 Syrah came up anywhere... in the world. ??? Has anyone had the Qupe Syrah Central Coast 2008 on WL? I think that was one of the weekend deals that I might be able to substitute. It's a bit cheaper elsewhere, but once the shipping charges go in, it will be a wash. I'm trying to resist buying a case of Sarahs 2005 Besson direct as I prefer to spend less, but God I really loved that syrah. Myabe I'll have to open the CH Syrah next &amp; try it out. I'm enjoying the Lot 200 on Day 2, though it's forcing me to eat more truffle cheese to get that tinge of sweetness it had when I first popped it, which is not good for my New Year's diet. But what the hey, the cheese must be eaten, the wine must be drunk. *
@HiNRGman... beautiful area you live in... if you see The Boss, Bon Jovi or The Big Man, tell them I said "Hey". *
Thanks for the intervention Brooks, couldnt' get to a Whole Foods tonight since I had to take my daughter to her ballet lesson, so I bought some Megamillions lottery tix instead. Cross your fingers I win the 330 million it's up to. So if I won, what wine(s) should I buy? Think I'll have to go on a tour &amp; find out first hand for myself. Discuss. 2011‐01‐03 21:15:13
Just had em ...have none to sell, Just want to look good in years when the wines become really hot :) and U can say u are on the list because of me
2011‐01‐03 21:21:07
4524 David T
@WBW Two words if you win the lottery: Wine. Auctions. For that amount, you could probably get verticals of all five first growths as far back as they go plus futures for the rest of your life, along with D'Yquem, Grange, Scarecrow, Turley, Harlan, La Tache, Romanee Conti, etc etc... :)
2011‐01‐03 21:25:10
4525 luddite
Regarding our uncle @BLou: Interesting that a while ago some of the WLTV forum folks were posting that the inmates didn't want him here, and now they're the ones dissing him I guess the "truth will out."
2011‐01‐03 21:26:50
4522 WineBabyWine
4526 A Frayed Knot
4527 Nursing a Hangover
4528 Nursing a Hangover
Gary ~ Post a review of it for us <a href="" rel="nofollow">Wine Reviews aka Disclosure</a>
2011‐01‐03 21:32:11
@WBW Anything Qupe is good. I visited the winery and had dinner with Bob L. a few months ago. Great stuff. (am I a SHILL??) LOL
2011‐01‐03 21:37:07
@AFK Thanks for the info
2011‐01‐03 21:37:29
216 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
@WBW: Well here's the website:
4529 luddite
The '05 Notre Dame last offered on WTSO on 11/24 @ $11.99 FS on 4
2011‐01‐03 21:44:17
Wow lots of posting here today and a long'un from castelliooyo. @ Castello: did the Barolo go with the sushi? I woulda never thunk it, but if it was a lighter Barolo I suppose there was a chance... @ diluted... Sadly I only have one bottle of Camille left. I split a foursome with a friend and might need to go and steal those back... I bought mysteries 1, 2, 5, and 6. Only a few of each. Tonight is Camille bottle continued...
4530 BaroloDude
4531 TonyO
4534 WineBabyWine
4535 K is for Kate
4536 winex
4537 K is for Kate
4538 BuffaloLou
@ WBW... Is Finca Sandoval outof the price range for a daily drinker? Incredible Syrah blend year after year.
2011‐01‐03 21:49:08
I have one bottle of the Nicolas Cole Camille left....might have to pop it like it's hot.........
2011‐01‐03 21:57:54
And David T, if I buy that yacht I want I can have the winery owners sell cases to me in the middle of the ocean where it will be duty free as well. Who's in? I'll name the yacht The Wilkerson. (SNF must do the anagram for it.) Complete with naughahyde bean bag chairs. Truffles for everyone. Cooked by Mrs. fact everything will be cooked by Mrs. Vinmoet, except collards by Mrs. Winex &amp; breakfast by BLou.... BBQ &amp; New Years Day specialties by SCKen, steaks &amp; drugs by TonyO; WIM, BDude, BBob can be my Italian wine experts, Flyerfan will keep me on track with the Flyers and Phillies games (don't worry honey, we'll have a club box in between cruises)... I need a nanny. Who's my Nanny? (Yes that's a play on words) Volunteers? Vinmoet is captain, Brooks co‐captain... ooh, maybe I better think that second part out. Cabana boy... NYPete is of course my cabana boy... and you'll all just have to accept &amp; get along. Schmoke organizes my parties (along with one of my BFF's Micki, you all don't know her but she's too much fun), Burghen Boy is my DJ, Late Start provides the entertainment &amp; arranges the best SNL skits in the theatre, Mobius will of course pen the adventures &amp; do my biography, Brooks will be my stream‐of‐consciousness counterpart &amp; CH dealer (gotta have a dealer)... Josie (where are you Josie, miss you girl!) can design &amp; plant my rooftop deck gazebo garden, Castello can be my Cali tour guide (and Josie's escort) and David T is only allowed on the main level for his own safety, where his pharmacy for hangover remedies will be centrally located. We have several doctor's in this 2011‐01‐03 22:21:38
Am I interpreting correctly that Nicolas Cole Camille is Mystery Wine #6? If so, I am really looking forward to finally getting my 3 bottles in the Spring based on the positive reviews here! For some reason even though it was unseasonably mild in Wisconsin they ended shipping to the Midwest early which was just days before enough of what I had ordered arrived in their warehouse to make a case. I love their e‐mails and their deals, but do not love their shipping policy so far. *sigh* Though I suppose it's less wine to take up space in my basement at the moment. Maybe by the time they ship I will have made a dent in what I already have down there.
2011‐01‐03 22:30:14
@WBW ‐ just checked w/ Mrs Winex..she would love to cook greens on y0ur floating wine cellar, if she can bring me :) I do dishes!!!
Great post...hope you win girl
2011‐01‐03 22:34:16
@WBW ‐ I must warn you that my ex‐husband used to refer to me as "oh no‐navigating one", but I do love areas involving wine and lakes and I have a dear friend who is a cartographer (with a particular interest in water‐lining), so he could probably help me out with some excellent maps. I'd also like to volunteer to open the bubbly!
@NiH ‐ She tells me that she talks to herself because she likes the answers she gets better than the answers I give her! LOL!
@JohnR ‐ Thanks for the support.
2011‐01‐03 22:39:03
2011‐01‐03 22:58:32
@luddite ‐ Ah, Sarah... I'd better just keep my mouth shut and my fingers had better behave! Ewe... that didn't come out right... er... Oh damn, I'll stop while I'm behind.
4539 BuffaloLou
4540 WineBabyWine
4541 WineBabyWine
@TonyO ‐ "a$$hole free" ‐ ROFLMAO!!
2011‐01‐03 23:02:46
Kate you're bubbly opener (good call) &amp; still in charge of the Finger lakes region ‐ just tell your cartographer where the best wine &amp; food is there &amp; s/he can chart the course. Winex, any wives I mentioned automatically means the husbands are on board. Galley duty it is! Diluted can help you, there will be lots of crystal to hand wash. Besides, I need you &amp; Vinmoet to line up &amp; invite winery owners on board for parties. We'll need the Canadian &amp; Irish tourguides Ottawa B &amp; Phil Oxera. I still need a nanny... Winecutter?
Talk amongst yourselves... peace out Peeps!
217 of 958
2011‐01‐03 23:23:03
2011‐01‐03 23:23:59
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
4542 David T
@WBW I'm liking it! Just be sure the kitchen is on the level I'm restricted to... I'm told I can cook a mean dish or two as well! (I do all of the cooking for Mrs David T and I...)
@WBW ‐ re: The Wilkerson:
2011‐01‐03 23:31:39
‐ St. N. Whorelike
‐ N. Whorelike St.
‐ Shrewlike, not.
‐ Hornlike Stew
‐ Heel Skin Wort (ewe!)
‐ Wheel Sir Knot (AFK should like this!)
‐ Whits Or Kneel
‐ Sleek Throw In
4543 BuffaloLou
4544 NY Pete
4545 NY Pete
My fav's:
‐ Keen Ho's Twirl
‐ Lit Horns Week
hey Wine Baby ... your paragraph on page 200 was the best post of the day here ... peace.
check that ... page 206 ... :)
2011‐01‐03 23:31:53
2011‐01‐03 23:45:20
2011‐01‐03 23:45:55
4551 SNF
We never know how fleeting life is. My husband, who used to also be my best friend for a long time, father of our four children, having just celebrated his 50th birthday 2 days ago, had also at times seemed like my adversary, after I moved out and we were separated, passed away suddenly this evening. The past 3 years had been difficult for us, but this is too much. All I can think of is how we wasted precious time. I am not even sure if he knew that I never stopped caring.
So sorry Schmitty. Our thoughts are with you.
@Schmitty (Pia) My heart goes out to you and your family...truly sorry to hear that.
Schmitty ‐ Hold fast to that which is good. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
@Schmitty (Pia)‐ so sorry to hear that. You never know what's around the next corner. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
@dudlite. the official anagram for Blou is BfoulULoaf
4552 winex
@Schmitty ‐ thoughts &amp; prayers. Hold steadfast to the good memories, be thankful for the children you have &amp; find strength in that bond. It is when we are faced with life's most difficult moments that we are made stronger &amp; come to realize all that is really important to us.
2011‐01‐04 07:53:47
4553 vinmoet
@Schmitty: You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. Love your children that much more.
2011‐01‐04 08:10:36
4546 Schmitty
4547 castello
4548 Nursing a Hangover
4549 brooks
4550 Waiting in Manassas
4554 vinmoet
4555 A Frayed Knot
4556 luddite
4557 WineBabyWine
4558 Wine Cutter
4559 vinmoet
2011‐01‐04 01:55:55
2011‐01‐04 02:06:00
2011‐01‐04 05:20:16
2011‐01‐04 05:27:57
2011‐01‐04 06:43:50
2011‐01‐04 07:32:20
@sydu: Spent couple of days in Madrid then took cab back to airport to get rental car. The rental parking lot is unsecured and there is a hut where an employee should be but wasn't. Did paperwork in airport and went to parking space with wife, 3 kids &amp; elderly mom. While I was loading car, a man got into rental car next to ours. After all was loaded, that car was still there, he was gone,and so was my briefcase full of everything important. Felt pretty stupid seeing as I have always been pretty savvy traveler. That said, it is the most unsecure rental lot ever and the company left their cars unlocked. I've been on the Parisian metro and had young guys try to rob me and I successfully screamed at them, freaked them out and chased them away. Thus, this was a major surpise. Thankful that I had spare credit cards and cash spread around all of us so the trip was still saved. I also print out a detailed itinerary which lists addresses, phone numbers and reservation numbers for all known trip hotels etc. plus flight info. We all carry this with us. This made it much easier to keep the flow of the trip going. Got new passports in Paris a week later. That process took 4 hours and was pretty manageable.
2011‐01‐04 08:18:40
@Schmitty ~ Sorry to hear of your loss. Will keep you and yours in my prayers.
2011‐01‐04 08:42:00
@Schmitty: Would like to add my condolences to those already expressed here. May your family and friends sustain you during this difficult time.
2011‐01‐04 08:51:08
Pia, so sorry for your loss, you are in my prayers... my mom died 3 years ago yesterday... still miss her... but I know she sees all now, she is not in anymore pain &amp; she can watch her granddaughter grow &amp; learn everyday now, without being confined to her home, chair &amp; walker. Don't worry, he knows.
2011‐01‐04 08:54:27
@Schmitty ‐ What a shock. I hope you and your children are holding up as well as possible. My wife and I have had some pretty big curve balls thrown our way over the last 3 years, but nothing like that. Helps to put everything in perspective.
On another note, I wanted to pass this article along to the inmates. Story about some of the recent investments being made in ultra high end wine producers, such as Kosta Brown.‐01‐04/six‐bottles‐of‐wine‐at‐7‐170‐validates‐tpg‐founder‐s‐bet‐on‐fine‐
The New Year's restaurant in Epernay: http://www.brasserie‐
218 of 958
2011‐01‐04 08:55:29
2011‐01‐04 09:47:45
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
4560 ctwino
@Schmitty. You and your children are in our thoughts and prayers. May you all find peace.
2011‐01‐04 09:50:17
4561 vinmoet
La Tupina link in Bordeaux. Click on the Brit flag upper right hand corner to get English version. You walk in, they have fireplace cooking food with old fines. Chickens roasted there, duck breast, steak, all cooking when you walk in. Easy to understand why Parker likes it so much. Price was great.
2011‐01‐04 09:51:42
4562 Johnny C
Schmitty ‐ we're thinking of you, and thanks for your reminder on important things in life as well...
2011‐01‐04 09:53:59
4563 joe g
schmitty... god bless you and your family in this difficult time. my thoughts are with you.. what a good time for everyone to just take a break and send their loved ones a text letting them know how important they are
Schmitty‐ sorry to hear about your loss! :(
2011‐01‐04 09:55:30
4564 WineKnurd
2011‐01‐04 10:10:11
For all of those/us under a S(spouse)IWBM, this might help. Next time you open a bottle of wine, you can honestly say that you are doing it because you care about her/him and the marriage.
4565 Wine Cutter
4566 BuffaloLou
4567 BuffaloLou
4569 Hinrgman
4570 vinmoet
4571 SNF
Wine or Women? Monogamy and Alcohol.
Historically, we find a correlation between the shift from polygyny to monogamy and the growth of alcohol consumption.
@Schmitty ‐ What a shock... so young! I'm sure it is difficult for you, and more so your children. It is never easy loosing a spouse or parent. Find comfort in prayer and family. You will be in my prayers. God bless.
@WBW – re: my anagrams ‐ after I posted I said to my self, gee, that will be taken wrong! So, please don't take offense to my anagrams. Didn't mean anything by them, just ones I thought were funny in my slightly overserved condition.
2011‐01‐04 10:45:22
2011‐01‐04 10:46:10
Thought ‐ AFK ‐ is there a way to edit or delete your own post? That is a feature I really like! (For gaffs just like the aforementioned!)
2011‐01‐04 10:49:59
@Schmitty ~ Sorry to hear of your loss. My prayers are with you and yours.
2011‐01‐04 12:06:24
Wiredforwine still has inventory of the 07 E. Guigal CDR for about 14 bones delivered. This is a house CDR for us. Very serviceable, pleasant wine from a great vintage. Its Guigal's entry level, mass marketed wine but its very very good. With plenty of 06 out there retailers have been slow to stock the much better 07. Already went through a case and just ordered another. "recent deals" is at the bottom of the W4W page. Click on it, find the Guigal to buy it.
2011‐01‐04 12:07:07
2011‐01‐04 12:33:58
@Schmitty So sorry for your loss. A terrible loss at such a young age.
Vinmoet. Thanks for your story of what happened. Have a file of similar stories in my head, a huge assortment of events that always lead to the same event. So glad you were able to proceed with what seems like pretty good spirits.
4572 sydu
4573 castello
4574 SNF
4575 sydu
4576 sydu
4577 sydu
4578 Hinrgman
4579 castello
4580 castello
4581 TonyO
4582 sydu
Do you have a comment on the chianti that is on WfW today?
Anyone about the Volnay on WTSO? Why does it seem that Joanthan Newman always loves everthing?
Ipad wine lists. Pretty cool.;SECTION=
@Schmitty‐ I'm very sorry to hear about your loss. That hits home with me as I will be turning 50 this year. May God bless you and your family.
Vinmoet just saw your post to Tiger, ths
Castello, Our last 3 dinners in NY, I have gone to the restaurants sites and looked at their wine lists and researched them a bit and knew what we were ordering before we went.....worked out so well not to sit there and agonize over the list.
Vinmoet guess you got the end of Guigal....cannot find it on their list
@sydu ‐ you are lucky ‐ for me quite often the online wine list differs greatly from the restaurant. Many restaurants do not update their website details as often as they should.
@sydy: Wise choice but if you're not prepared in advance it would be cool. I ordered 4 of the Guigal and haven't heard back from them for and hour or so.
Just heard from W4W and it's all good.
@Schmitty: he knows now, which may seem like small consolation, but may it bring you comfort in knowing. May the healing process be swift and the memories provide smiles for all............
Castello..Why can't I see it on the list? Am feeling blind!
219 of 958
2011‐01‐04 12:45:43
2011‐01‐04 12:46:06
2011‐01‐04 12:46:06
2011‐01‐04 12:49:09
2011‐01‐04 12:51:37
2011‐01‐04 12:56:49
2011‐01‐04 13:12:53
2011‐01‐04 13:38:56
2011‐01‐04 13:58:54
2011‐01‐04 14:15:39
2011‐01‐04 14:34:32
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
Hello my friends.....2011, it's finally here!
4583 Josie
4584 BuffaloLou
So much going on, but first things first....
@Schmitty ‐ I can't even imagine how your heart must hurt. Such an incredible matter the angst of a difficult relationship, at a time like this it's the love and friendship that shine through via memories. Hold tight to the love that surrounds you, accept the hugs and companionship of your close friends, and know that we are out here, in your virtual world...we care about your pain, we're thinking about you and offering what we can...use us as a distraction (it does help!). I, for one, know the healing power of this community, the laughter, the comraderie. I'm terribly sorry for your loss, for your children's loss. Please feel the big hug I'm sending out to you....
2011‐01‐04 14:35:48
Hey Josie!
2011‐01‐04 14:54:01
@BLou ‐ Hi to you! I've not meant to be a stranger, it seems I've been in solitary for a while over here at TH...those damn doctors didn't like my poisonous garden and locked me away for a while. I had to promise to stop propogating the mind‐altering perennials before they would let me back out...well, being Irish and a Taurus to boot I dug my heels in and refused to change position...some kind of stubbornness, eh? They finally relented when I offered to set them up with a fabulous Eyetalian Syrah, from the famous sub‐region Valle D'Aosta. I wired my sommelier instructions to bring the goods (two bottles) from the Vault, and finally made the trade at exactly 12:01pm New Year's Eve Day. That left me the afternoon to ready myself for NYE dinner with event not to be missed and from which I have been recovering since. 4585 Josie
4586 BrunelloBob
4587 BuffaloLou
@WBW ‐ I'm pleased to note my potential new position aboard The Wilkerson yacht...I would think that open water laws would not restrict my gardening prowess? Count me IN please, I'm am all aboard for cruising detail!!
"propogating the ....perennials"!
he‐he‐he :)
you said "propogating"!
@Josie ‐ "an event not to be missed and from which I have been recovering since. " Four days?! Yikes! You are a party animal!!
CH Wines: Last call (15% off) for Havens Merlot Juice Boxes lot 175 @$5.95 in increments of 6
2011‐01‐04 15:23:23
2011‐01‐04 15:34:13
2011‐01‐04 15:49:09
@WBW: Lot 178 Havens Syrah @ $10.20 and many others... 4588 luddite
FS on 24 or more
2011‐01‐04 16:07:44
Oops, sorry BBb, I meant 'propagating'...hate spelling errors too!
4589 Josie
@BLou ‐ I was invited to NYE dinner with my wine friends...there were six of us for dinner and the wine bill was significantly larger than the dinner tab. A lovely French restaurant close to The Temple in NJ. I lost count, but I know there were at least six vintages on the table, we each had five glasses at any given time (five courses), and that's not counting the three champagnes we had at the house. I took some pics of the bottles...nice wines but we've probably had better at my host's own table. However, the wine list at the French place is good enough that he does not bring his own to dinner there. Yes, as such things go, my brain still doesn't feel quite right...Oh, that might be due to the outrageous Calvados that closed down our evening...I just can't mix!
2011‐01‐04 16:14:27
4590 luddite
@Josie, I'm so glad you were able to finally work out a deal with the docs here! Great to have you back with us...
2011‐01‐04 16:25:11
4591 vinmoet
@sydu: You're right. Its gone. But even when a wine is sold out it should stay on the list. I double checked and my order went through. Its a wine that they should be able to get tons of. I wonder if they aren't going to put it back on the offer page which is why they took it off recent deals? Will double check later. Also note that it was listed under the "e's" since the brand is known as E. Guigal.
2011‐01‐04 16:25:41
@dudlite ‐ "Juiceboxes" ‐ That just kills me! I told the Mrs the other night. We both had a good chuckle!
@Josie ‐ I can't mix either, and bubbles goes straight to my head! It's no wonder you were in rough shape! Next time, let me know and I'll come down and take 1/2 that wine for you. The things one has to do for friends... :D
yeah Joze‐‐not reelly goin' fer spellin' their!
2011‐01‐04 16:26:54
4593 BrunelloBob
4594 luddite
@BLou: @Brooks owns the patent on the term "juice boxes" used by me without permission...
2011‐01‐04 16:33:12
4592 BuffaloLou
2011‐01‐04 16:28:30
220 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
Hahaahaa BBob, does your wife know you giggle at that word?
4595 Josie
@Luddite ‐ thanks, it's good to be back in the regular ward!
2011‐01‐04 16:35:15
4596 brooks
Wow I am taken back by the love and thoughts shared by our group... if we could box it and gift away, it would make the world a better place...a "Box of Rain" .. A box of rain will ease the pain and love will see you through‐o&amp;feature=related (for Dead heads only) or;feature=related (version for the other ones)
Hey alt..thanks for op cit...however WP888 coined the phrase "juice boxes" or was it Jovino?? Yes Prof L....CHWine was listening to WBW about discounting Lot 178 Hudson Syrah 2007 and the juice boxes this is a solid deal even with no coupons else "insideclub" for first time buyers...but coupon does not work for discounted items...i guess to build for 24 for fs...strip the last call list and samplers for parts and back fill with "juice boxes" ;)
Heading to work‐out as part of my New Year's pledge
2011‐01‐04 17:19:51
4598 luddite
4599 BrunelloBob
4601 NY Pete
4602 winex
4604 BrunelloBob
4605 WineKnurd
4606 luddite
4607 winex
@Brooks: I was able to use the coupon you provided earlier (1service1) for an additional 10% off the discounted CH wines making my total for 12 each of Lots 175 and 178 with FS $174.42 :‐)
My beautiful wife knows that I giggle at a lot of things!
he‐he‐he :)
Schmitty ... my sincere condolences ... I wish you and your children peace.
@Luddite ‐ thanks alot pal...tried to order #178 &amp; they replied that Luddite got the last 12 &amp; we are all out!!
@Josie ‐ GREAT to have you back with us..avatar please!!
@ Brooks ‐ this is certainly a great place to go if you want to feel the love.
@BBob ‐ your beautiful wife sounds just like my beautiful wife :)
We're Lucky men, Winex!
David Byrne agrees with me, that was not your beautiful wife...
@winex: You poor poor man, I'd be willing to help you out in exchange for just a molehill of that mountain of Bordeaux your sitting on ;‐)
@BBob ‐ Amen to that brother
@WK ‐ Oh but it the beautiful house..
@Luddite ‐ Ok, I'll stop with the complaints :)
@Winex, no really any of the following will do nicely in exchange for my Lot 178:
2011‐01‐04 17:32:38
2011‐01‐04 17:41:32
2011‐01‐04 17:52:02
2011‐01‐04 18:02:49
2011‐01‐04 18:12:41
2011‐01‐04 18:18:29
2011‐01‐04 18:20:37
2011‐01‐04 18:32:42
And I quote:
4608 luddite
In my view futures are a way to purchase wines less than on release. I have purchased 13 different 2008 Bordeaux futures. Prices as follows:
Lanessan $13.98
Haut Bergey $24.98
LaConfession $32.99
Beycheville $36.98
Branaire Ducru $39.98
Clos Fourtet $39.99
LaCroix St. George $44.99
Smith Haut Lafite $44.99
Leoville Poyferre$44.99
Lascombes $47.99
Pontet Canet $79.99
Montrose $79.99
221 of 958
2011‐01‐04 18:40:50
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
4609 WineBabyWine
4610 vinmoet
4611 brooks
4612 brooks
4613 brooks
4614 WineBabyWine
4615 luddite
4616 luddite
4617 BrunelloBob
4618 A Frayed Knot
4619 A Frayed Knot
4620 brooks
4621 A Frayed Knot
4622 winex
4623 A Frayed Knot
4624 sydu
4625 sydu
Love? You all suck. You all bought out the Syrahs I wanted on every site that I go to while I was busy working. How selfish. What have I been talking about for 2 days? Who's the one who made the remark comparing a Syrah to the Clap? WRONG! I'm going back to the padded cell... AFK, where's the key, I'll let myself in.
But when I come out, I need a sommelier for the yacht... Wineknurd? And BLou.... I'm not upset with you about the content of your anagrams, I'm upset because you took SNF's job!!! You were on food detail... Sounds like you need more to do on the yacht, so you'll also be helping JohnR bartend...think we can use more than one, and you like to chat anyway, so it'll be a good fit. So I've decided to rename the yacht The Floating Wilkerson. There SNF, you have some work, till the bottles start rolling in. BTW, thanks Pete.... I've decided you can do double duty as my cabana boy and LoveBoat Julie &amp; greet everyone since you're good at that... or I should say, Loveboat Pete. And Johnny C is in charge of finding happy hours &amp; wine tastings. Jovino is in charge of tracking the wine cellar. PS... before reading all this, I just opened the Lot 178 to try it to see if I wanted to buy it BTW... arghhhh... where's my cell...
2011‐01‐04 18:58:58
Revisited a book that I read a couple of years ago. Don't completely agree with the author but appreciate her humor. Great insight. Great read. "The Battle for Wine and Love: or How I Saved the World from Parkerization" ‐ Alice Feiring.
2011‐01‐04 19:02:39
Just back from working out..3 miles....sand jacket and 100 upside down crunches...not...did someone grab some Lot
179 for WBW...if not, a LWS has some for $12 net fs to philly for April 30th, I will run out later tonight and grab a case in case of need...OBTW I will open a bottle tonight too.... ;)
2011‐01‐04 19:06:44
hahahah lot 178
2011‐01‐04 19:07:09
178 trick
2011‐01‐04 19:07:34
OK, I'm feelin' the love again... just opened an email from WL saying they ordered more of the Neyers Syrah &amp; will be coming in soon! How nice! And now to start taking these Christmas decs down!
2011‐01‐04 19:17:22
@WBW: Whatever happened to the slumber/inventory reduction party with @WIM? That would make you feel better and I bet @WIM and the other participants could find some excess Syrah to tide you over in your hour of need...
2011‐01‐04 19:24:06
Calling @JohnnyC et al: Michele Satta Cavaliere IGT 2001 on Last Call @ $39.99
Thumbs up or down?
2011‐01‐04 19:42:39
"Loveboat Pete"‐‐NICE
Ludds: My impression re: Last Call: Good wines that you want to own, but never priced at quite the bottom of the market unless (sometimes) you factor shipping. I don't factor shipping, I just complain until I get it for free. ;)
Anyone want to bet the Neyers shows up on Cindy again??
@Wineknurd~ Peasant Soup = Pleasant Soup.........Delish!!!
@Alex ~ I'll take "Famous Nicknames" for $100.......thanks again Brooks!
AFK shhhhhhhhhh not finished yet
That's what she said............
@Luddite ‐ man you must have a steal trap for a memory, or you knew where to go back to find that post! At least you aren't looking to exchange for any of my well aged Bordeaux from the late 80's &amp; early 90's whewww. Of course I don't believe I ever posted that inventory...did I??
@WBW~ Follow the yellow brick road behind the Trembling Hills, down into the Lost Valley until you reach the Emerald City of WaTSOp. There you will find the Shirazard of Oz...............ask him if I can have a brain while you're there.
Vinmoet I got an email from GIGI about another order so figured I would just ask her and she wrote back that they had '06 E Guigal at $129 !!! (So guess the 07 is really out!!)
Josie where is The Temple in NJ? Is that its name?
@winex: Unfortunately not :‐( although you did post this:
2011‐01‐04 19:59:25
2011‐01‐04 20:05:55
2011‐01‐04 20:15:01
2011‐01‐04 20:17:25
2011‐01‐04 20:18:40
2011‐01‐04 20:33:56
2011‐01‐04 20:37:00
2011‐01‐04 20:41:23
2011‐01‐04 20:42:13
I own several 1989 &amp; 1990 Bordeaux &amp; Calif cabs, I could never buy them at today's prices &amp; they are drinking great!
4626 luddite
@AFK: Don't believe @WBW is a big fan of Aussie Shiraz...
2011‐01‐04 20:43:38
4627 NJJ
Schmitty, I am so sorry to hear the news about your husband. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
@Luddite~ Me neither..............but I was hoping to get a brain out of the deal!
Pryor fumbles :‐( OSU recovers in the end zone for a TD. Better to be lucky than good...
@AFK: You put this gig together from scratch, you ain't no Scarecrow!!
2011‐01‐04 20:44:01
4628 A Frayed Knot
4629 luddite
4630 luddite
222 of 958
2011‐01‐04 20:46:36
2011‐01‐04 20:48:58
2011‐01‐04 20:56:58
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
4631 A Frayed Knot
I still have nightmares about flying monkeys!
did I hear love mentioned?
2011‐01‐04 21:00:25
4632 NY Pete;feature=related
2011‐01‐04 21:02:52
4633 Nursing a Hangover
@sydu The "Temple" is Wine Library..the brick and mortar building that Gary V rules our world from...LOL
2011‐01‐04 21:17:42
4634 Louas
4635 johnR
4636 winex
4637 BuffaloLou
4638 BuffaloLou
4639 David T
FWIW: in the midst of really enjoying a 2006 st. Joseph offerus that I got from WL a while back. I think it is syrah and it is delicious. Would be interested if any of you could expand my knowledge of this wine.
I don't think GV goes to the Temple much anymore. There is civil unrest over at WLTV over the long tardiness between WLTV shows.
2011‐01‐04 21:24:56
2011‐01‐04 21:26:10
@Luddite ‐ Damn!!!!
Does anyone have experience with WL sending an e‐mail stating they cannot fill your order? I placed two orders over the weekend 1st one was filled &amp; I got it today with my San Roman. I ordered more about 4 hours later along with some other stuff. They state they cannot fill the order because the San Roman is out of stock. Asked if I want to replace w/ something else, which I did. I did notice that my CC was already charged for the original order, but it does not appear in my orders, or pending files...I'm confused. I replied to the e‐mail sent from the WL order dept, was this the best way to handle it or should I call tomorrow??
2011‐01‐04 21:31:22
@dudlite – Very big of you to give credit to Brooks for “Juiceboxes”. You're a stand‐up buy, no matter what your mother says about you! :D
2011‐01‐04 21:43:06
@WBW ‐ HaHaHaHa! Bar detail! If you only knew! The last time I bartended I was in college. I did not drink in those days (even though I was legal). Seeing as I and my co‐bartender had no idea what we were doing, we'd mix a picture of rum daiquiris, and taste, repeat, over and over. Ewe, it was a nasty night (I was dancing on the couch... ), and an even nastier morning!
2011‐01‐04 21:53:55
@luddite :) :) BIG 10 FTW!!! (for a change!)
2011‐01‐04 22:03:58
4641 winex
@winex: I think almost everyone has experience with WL sending an email stating they cannot fill your order AKA the dreaded email. I also made a substitution for the San Roman Toro. Believe you should be OK and they will credit your CC card for the difference (assumes your substitution costs less). Give it a couple of days and then call or email if the refund does not show up.
2011‐01‐04 22:17:19
@Luddite ‐ thanks...I also posted on the CW deal tonight &amp; Brandon had me e‐mail him the confirmation I had received. I won't be getting any credit though because I ordered 4 bottles to replace the one. Figured I was getting free shipping, so what the heck!
2011‐01‐04 22:21:12
4642 brooks
Wow just got an email from WL saying that they were able to get me the four bottles of San Roman missing from my turn back the CW order this weekend....I can not say enough of the great custy service and committment for the customer. Apparently they need to take the four bottles from customers...just amazing how they will go to any length to care care of great customers like they didn't.........winex put down the phone... did I get you swing at this offering.... come on admit it, I had you going ...tee hee. Not to worry WL will take care of your order by either email or phone...and no they will not take bottles from other orders... ( Except if a great great Toro... ;) )
2011‐01‐04 22:27:28
4643 luddite
@DavidT: With a 28‐10 halftime score, Pryor looking as good as I've ever seen him, and OSU a good second half team, I'm cautiously optimistic (given OSU's 0‐9 bowl record against the SEC)...
4640 luddite
2011‐01‐04 22:28:13
4645 BURGHen Boy
@Brooks ‐ I was right at WTF when you fessed up!! Very good, my right leg is now longer then my left. :)
A Case of You;feature=related
4646 vinmoet
@sydu: Guigal makes a number of wines. One of their more famous rock stars is the Guigal Cote Rotie la Landonne which would sell in the $300‐$400 range for '06. The 07 I referred to is their cheapest wine, a Cotes du Rhone. It should retail in the $14 range. The 06 should sell for that or less. The 06 that you are referring to cannot be the CDR. The cheap '07 Cotes du Rhone should start to be available everywhere soon. My excitement was that they had it before anyone else and it was at a good price. We'll see it elsewhere or perhaps back at W4W and you will buy it and love it for the inexpensive value that it represents.
2011‐01‐04 23:04:43
4644 winex
223 of 958
2011‐01‐04 22:30:47
2011‐01‐04 22:49:54
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
Date is what she said.
Thanks I will watch for your 07!
2005 / Guigal / Cote Rotie / Chateau d'Ampuis / Rhone / France / Red Wine / 750ml
This is a macho, masculine‐styled effort. Dense, concentrated, and powerful, with gamy black currant, spice box, bacon fat, and herb notes, this chewy, tannic, enormously promising requires 3‐4 years of cellaring, and should drink well over the following two decades or more.
Wine Advocate Rating: (94‐96)
4647 sydu
[Issue: #182 / Apr 09] I'm fascinated with all this love... 2011‐01‐04 23:21:47
4648 WineBabyWine;feature=related
2011‐01‐04 23:40:28
Luddite... very lucky to win that game. ARK played like Cal and gave the game away in every way possible down the stretch. Dropped passes, failing to scoop up the blocked punt, etc. wow. 4649 BaroloDude
Are they finally out of the San Roman? An era has ended. Now someday to end the Sansonnet era....
2011‐01‐05 01:17:25
4652 BuffaloLou
the 04 Ciabot Berton Barolo (the mistakenly sold as Roggeri bottles)... NOT READY YET. And maybe will never be that "tasty ready"imho. Very tart and acidic still.
Needs years to mellow and will likely be a very light barolo then... but what did I expect for 20ish bucks?!!!
quite night tonight... I'm calling it quits. G'nite all!
4655 vinmoet
Here's E. Guigal's link to the wine she referenced:;rub=4&amp;id=62&amp;millesime=8 Here is the link for the overall site. You can see that they have a serious variety of Rhone wines. Arguably the best.;rub=1&amp;srub=1
2011‐01‐05 06:57:28
4656 vinmoet
sydu: this is the link to the CDR we want, except its for the 03 vintage. I like that vintage a lot and love the 05 as well. They only list up through the 06 on their site. I think its because 07 is so good that they are holding it back trying to get the 06 sold out. Their main competitor is Perrin which released this wine almost a year ago. That's a really good value play too, selling for about 10 bones. Like this much better though. These wines are entry level Rhone wines to be drunk now but can last 7 or 8 years. I recall Parker giving the 07 90 points. For me not a complex wine, but a really good value wine.;rub=4&amp;id=53&amp;millesime=4
2011‐01‐05 07:04:39
4657 vinmoet
I bought a half dozen of the Chianti on W4W. Its cheap enough and doesn't have that cab/merlot/syrah infusion that I don't like in Italian wines. 12 bones delivered, 90 WS, 07 a good Italian year, can't see how you can go wrong for a plate of pasta on a week night. Would buy more but have no storage space. None.
2011‐01‐05 07:11:11
4659 luddite
@BLou: Best thing about my mom was that she was kind enough to not always say what she thought about me! My dad played "the heavy" and was the one designated to punish me but, if you were as fortunate as I, your mom loved you unconditionally. That's not to say that I couldn't tell when she thought I'd screwed up or wasn't living up to her expectations. By the way, she was another women I wouldn't want to be compared to but only because there is no comparison. She was the most honest (we're talking Abe Lincoln) caring (think @Mobius) person I ever have known. If a tiny shred of her character has rubbed off, I would be ahead of most...
2011‐01‐05 07:26:45
4660 winex
BLou is a night is kind of quiet tonight???? It was 2:25 AM!!!! Do you put Benadryl in your wine? Drink coffee at 10PM? Go for a jog at midnight? How do you stay up so early into the AM?
4661 luddite
@BaroloDude: Yes OSU was indeed fortunate to win the Sugar Bowl. Coach Tressel is well know for playing conservatively with the lead and is usually able to eke out the victory. I did think they had lost when the Razorbacks recovered that blocked punt near the end of the game. Had they not been out of time outs (forced to use them by Tressel bleeding the game clock) they could have run the ball versus thrown the final interception that gave OSU their first bowl victory in 10 tries against the SEC...
2011‐01‐05 07:59:24
4651 BaroloDude
224 of 958
2011‐01‐05 01:42:58
2011‐01‐05 02:25:01
2011‐01‐05 07:56:53
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
@BaroloDude, Re the Ciabot Berton Barolo: Yikes bad tidings indeed. Looks like I should have taken WL up on their offer to return it for a refund...
"You are on our records as having purchased some of the Ciabot Berton Barolo Roggeri 2004 we offered. It has come to our attention that the this Barolo that we advertised and shipped was actually the 2004 Ciabot Berton Barolo "La Morra," as opposed to the Roggeri Vineyard."
4662 luddite
4663 vinmoet
4664 SNF
And by the way, I paid $30ish each for 4 bottles :‐(
@luddite: congrats on the victory! BUT Tressel drives me nuts in the second half. I have that play to win attitude and believe that you should push that much harder in the second half. That said, I think he has played (and won) more championship games than I have so there's a reason he's coaching and I'm not. BUT STILL Oh St. should have won by 21...Oh well, its still some redemption for the Big 10.
@WBW‐ The Floating Wilkerson= WINE KNOT FORGET A SHILL (winner)
2011‐01‐05 08:52:52
2011‐01‐05 08:54:42
2011‐01‐05 08:55:10
GOOD MORNING TREMBLING HILLS !! So, can someone give me a quick tutorial on how to attach a YouTube video so I can share some appropriate (that will be subject to interpretation......) clips. I am sure it is not very difficult and your efforts to educate me will be rewarded (or at least you can say "WTF was that"......). If anyone is ever in the Adirondack region of New York, I highly recommend the Friends Lake Inn (Chestertown, NY...just above Lake George and only about 1.5 hours from Cohoes, NY (remember, I am the honorary Chamber of Commerce Ambassador for the "Collar City"). This is a great inn with a 20,000 + bottle wine cellar (which my wife and I were married in !), excellent food, and really nice rooms (especially the Adirondack rooms with full wall fireplaces). It can be a bit pricey, but they do run specials (certain nights in January are $299 which includes choice of any available room, dinner/breakfast for 2 which is a GREAT deal). I think their website is . We are heading over in a couple weeks and will report back. 4665 TonyO
Received my WL shipment yesterday (San Roman, Chateau Beaumont, Neyers Zin) and WTSO Ondarre. Will post notes as consumed.
4666 vinmoet
I had mentioned an inexpensive restaurant in Epernay. Check out what 18 Euros gets you. On the home page click on "Entrer" lower right hand. Then select "Le Restaurant" at the top. Choose "menu sympa" on the left side. Use the arrows at the bottom to scroll the entire menu. The restaurant seats less than 30. We just don't see how they do it.‐cave‐a‐
2011‐01‐05 09:08:40
2011‐01‐05 09:07:35
@SNF: "wine knot": an appropriate term for a floating wine vessel, used in a sentence:
4667 TonyO
4668 ctwino
4669 TonyO
"We are coming in to shore to reload our nearly depleted vino so please make sure the wine knot is properly tied so we do not drift off into waters occupied by those f%&amp;*(*&amp; Somali Pirates".
@TonyO. Thank you for the Inn recommendation. We travel upto Westport NY (on Lake Champlain) 2x each summer to drop‐off and pick up from summer camp. I dislike the Honky‐tonk Lake George Area and we have been looking for a nice place to stay. Thank you!
2011‐01‐05 09:11:03
2011‐01‐05 09:14:39
@ctwino: Lake George, the T‐Shirt Capital on NY ! Great place when you are a teenager (or Canadian tourist......). I can not think of a single great restaurant on Canada Street. George's (about 10 minutes from the "strip") is pretty decent. Also, be sure to visit Oscar's Smokehouse (in Warrensburg, just above Bolton Landing). As I think of other suggestions, I'll post them.
2011‐01‐05 09:34:23
@vinmoet and @sydu: Is this the E. Guigal CDR you're talking about?‐2007+Guigal+Cotes+Du+Rhone+Red+750ML
4670 luddite
4671 TonyO
4672 BrunelloBob
2011‐01‐05 09:37:01
@ctwino: the other place is The Inn at Erlowest. I have not stayed there but have heard great things. Unfortunately, Dale Miller is no longer there (a great chef that opened his own place in Albany, NY). The Inn looks really incredible (and I am sure it is priced accordingly during "high season" from Memorial Day ‐ Labor Day).
Ridge Vineyards Lytton Springs
Zinfandel 2006 375ml
"juice boxes"
on Empire Wine
These offers sometimes move Fast
225 of 958
2011‐01‐05 09:37:57
2011‐01‐05 09:43:17
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
4673 BrunelloBob
4674 A Frayed Knot
4675 Hinrgman
4676 ctwino
4677 TonyO
$9.95 ea
@TonyO~Just copy and paste the youtube link!
Luddite the Professor strikes me some good Cotes du Rhone!!
@BrunelloBob ‐ thanks
@TonyO. We usually stop in Bolton's Landing for a day to do a big ropes course ( Adirondack Extreme for anybody who likes that type of thing). I will be sure to check out Oscar’s Smokehouse. Thank you again.
@BB: nice deal on the Ridge. The juice box, pony, nips, stocking stuffer, chasers, whistle wetters, teasers, "that's what I drink on the way to the cellar", " training bottle, movie theater sneak‐in , bottles are great and that seems to be a super price.
Ludds – was on the road last night – just saw your query. Had the Cavaliere last week – was more syrah‐like than I expected. Not that I don’t like syrah, I just wasn’t in love with so much syrah notes in my sanjo. Was ready to love the wine, and while it is well made and sustains well, wasn’t a home run for me. Did you hit the bid? Oh – and congrats again on last night…!
2011‐01‐05 09:43:39
2011‐01‐05 09:45:47
2011‐01‐05 09:55:06
2011‐01‐05 10:08:28
2011‐01‐05 10:21:09
WBW – I’m on it – if I can’t find any tastings / happy hours, we’ll make ‘em up…
4678 Johnny C
Brooks – your 10:27 last night was a SCREAM…
2011‐01‐05 10:25:16
@BB: Thanks for the heads up on the ship4free deal!
'07 La Tour Coste CdR Les Trencats : Someone on the old Cindy forum recommended this to me (@wine magnet?). I purchased at $8.98 from my LWS Cecile's (no longer available from them but see below for information). Anyone else tried this? 4679 luddite
4680 luddite
4681 johnr
4682 SNF‐tour‐coste‐stephane‐vedeau‐cdr‐les‐trencats‐2007‐8411.cfm
@JohnnyC: Thanks for your notes on the Cavaliere good to know for future reference. I passed this time mainly due to having just bought 2 cases from CH wines (well technically 1 and 1/2 since the second was juice boxes)...
check out empires deal today....
@Nooty‐ I knew I ccould count on you to bail me out. thanks (Wine Knot= Why not)
2011‐01‐05 10:27:03
2011‐01‐05 10:33:00
2011‐01‐05 10:35:21
2011‐01‐05 10:35:37
4684 BrunelloBob
Well, I won the Megamillions! Total: $9.00
Looks like we'll have to shrink down &amp; take a Fantastic Voyage on my daughter's $9.00 Polly Pocket yacht... Back to work everyone....
“that’s what I drink on the way to the cellar”
4685 Johnny C
johnny r ‐ I hit the bid on the ridge juice boxes... nice price... I like the IWC review: "...long, sappy finish..."
2011‐01‐05 11:00:08
4686 ctwino
WBW with your megamillions earnings you can almost pay for 1 Ridge "sippy‐cup." I went in for a case :)
2011‐01‐05 11:02:57
4683 WineBabyWine
4687 brooks
CHWine Juice Boxes are gone..thank you ..can someone please buy the last 3 bottles of Lot 169.....ex Lot 193 Merlot (which they have a LOT of ‐ tee hee) the Havens Stash is mostly in private cellars at great prices..3.99 to IMHO Lot 179 at $12 and Havens B 2005 19.99 both with free shipping
Thanks Ridge Juice Boxes shipped to IL biz address... is this extra 2 dollars for residential...TonyO...can we get Form 18US/674 on these guys...thanks
Anyone ever try the Internet Way Back Machine?
2011‐01‐05 10:40:52
2011‐01‐05 10:55:19
2011‐01‐05 11:04:12
Wine Library dating back to 1998...
4688 luddite*/
226 of 958
2011‐01‐05 11:22:40
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
@dudlite ‐ your mother sounds like a wonderful person; you are blessed. (As I truly think most of us are... )
4689 BuffaloLou
@winex ‐ you should know me by now... I don't sleep much. Add to that I thought I slept wrong the other night as I had a sore neck when I woke up in the AM. As the day progressed, it got worse. Now, a few days later, and it's still killing me! It's like I pulled a muscle that extends from the base of my neck/trap, down into the left side of my right shoulder blade. Yesterday at work, I was typing and went to move the mouse. OMG, a shot of pain just killed me! Been like that all morning today. Anyway, point is, I'm so uncomfortable, I was just relaxing on the couch last night with a heating pad on my neck/shoulder/back. Ibuprofen helps for a bit, but not enough. Lucky me gets to go camping this weekend, too! I hope it's better by then!
2011‐01‐05 11:25:13
@TonyO ‐ I do not recall the "wine knot" in the Boy Scout handbook. I think we'll need a new revision!
4690 BuffaloLou
@TonyO, pt 2 ‐ “that’s what I drink on the way to the cellar” ‐ ROFLMAO! still trying to figure out the old copy/paste routine......
what am I doing wrong?
2011‐01‐05 11:39:21
1. go to Youtube
2. Select video
3. right click and select "paste"
now how do I get this to appear in the TH comment box for posting ? 4691 TonyO
4692 Waiting in Manassas
4693 WineBabyWine
4694 sydu
4695 WineBabyWine
Wow am I technically challenged..............
2011‐01‐05 11:46:58
@BBob Thanks for the heads up on the Ridge! Broke my SIWBM for the year, had to get 6! There seem to be better deals this week than over the holidays. Of course, I need to ramp up my drinking to stick with my inventory reduction plan!
@vinmoet‐ put the E. Guigal on my WL wish list as it is sold out. Sounds like a wonderful everyday drinker. At that price, and with my FS deal it will be a no‐brainer if it comes back in stock in time.
@Brooks‐ you were hysterical. Thought you were kidding about the SRT, but stranger things have happened before. Glad mine is already on it's way.
@luddite‐ check your email.
@WBW sorry about the lottery. Haven't checked my numbers yet, but the most I've had so far were 2 out of 6 and not the one that pays. BTW, once we figure out a date for the sleepover (which looks now like Feb/Mar due to scheduling for the women) I've got a surprise for you in the cellar!
2011‐01‐05 11:52:27
@TonyO.... right click on the address box address up on top.... for example, right now, your address box says: ‐ if it were YouTube you'd right click on that &amp; hit Copy. Then paste it into your Comment here. :)
2011‐01‐05 11:54:08
BL get yourself to a chiropractor...find one in your area that does Active Release Technique and you will be like new 2011‐01‐05 11:55:09
I second Sydu, Blou.
2011‐01‐05 11:56:47
I think I got it ! Let's start with a tribute to the late great Phil Lynott (passed 25 years ago yesterday). A talent that should be shared and enjoyed with so many more......
4696 TonyO
And a bit of Rosalie for you.....(Bob Seger is should be proud of this cover of his tune...)
2011‐01‐05 12:00:56
4697 TonyO;feature=related
The demigod is getting behind a CT 84 pointer on Cindy?
Neuman would be proud!
2011‐01‐05 12:13:16
4698 BrunelloBob
2011‐01‐05 12:19:02
OMG! A Lafite bubble?! Say it ain't so! And I just bought those bottles of 1969 for $230,000...each. Damn! 4699 Wine Cutter
4700 AccaDacca
Dealers Warn of Lafite Bubble as Auctions Double on Asia Demand;sid=aX7zzL54H4hs
Thanks for the heads up on the Ridge. For some reason I never get the Empire emails. Always have a bid for some juice boxes, esp reds as Mrs AccaDacca not a huge red fan. Does like some of the 2009 cru beaujolais. And, painfully, Aubert chardonnay.
227 of 958
2011‐01‐05 12:44:04
2011‐01‐05 12:53:35
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
4701 john o'
4702 BURGHen Boy
4703 joe g
4704 johnr
4705 BrunelloBob
4706 Hinrgman
4707 Wine Cutter
4708 john o'
4709 john o'
Have has two bottles now of the Ondarra Mayor Reserva 2004 and have been very dissapointed. Wine spectator 93, good Cellar Tracker reviews. Good price at $20 each.
I really enjoy a good Rioja, but it just tasted blah.
2011‐01‐05 12:57:37
@TonyO ‐ out of the box with two great Lizzy tunes. Keep em comin!!
Glad you are technically unchallanged.
2011‐01‐05 13:00:32
john o... that is too bad about the ondarre mayor!! what about them didnt you like? i have had a few and thought them to be very solid (even tho i liked the cheaper reserva as well as this)
2011‐01‐05 13:00:57
I could have swore the GV railed against TSO for using Newman's tasting notes to sell wine, hmmmmm Newmanchuk????
2011‐01‐05 13:09:15
john O': You are not alone...
I thought it was good, not great, reasonable at the discounted price, but I wasn't looking to get more. Others seemed to like it more than I did...
2011‐01‐05 13:10:35
@AccaDacca ‐ I think Empire wine ship4free sometimes does not send out emails. Gives their attentive customers a chance. Then after initial sales slow down then emails go out. At least that is what I have observed.
John O ‐ I have also had a couple of bottles of the Ondarra Mayor Reserva 2004, but I have to say I was very happy with it. Definitely needed to be properly decanted for an hour or two, but I thought it was damn good. Just goes to show, you got to trust your own palate.
@ joe g
have to say the Ondarre just tasted blah. Very muted fruit.
There has been some mention of Century‐Pittsford wines in the Rochester, NY area. Signed up for a 6 week wine class given by Sherwood Deutsch that starts last Monday this month.
Has anyone taken it?
If you look up a$$ kickin rock in the dictionary, this is what you should find....RIP Ronnie.........
2011‐01‐05 13:13:27
2011‐01‐05 13:14:24
2011‐01‐05 13:14:44
2011‐01‐05 13:16:23
4710 TonyO;feature=related
4711 joe g
john o... i have not taken the class, but it is a righteous wine store and i knew sherwood back in the day... he is not there as much now as his nephew runs most of it.. i go there once a month to shop.. are you located in roch?
also sounds like there might be alot of bottle variation on the mayor rioja... the bottles i have had were loaded with dark blue and black fruits.. i just did not think the overall quality was as high as spectator... i enjoyed it, but thought the reserva was a much better buy
2011‐01‐05 13:29:08
john o... based on that one bottle you described it could have very easily been corked...
2011‐01‐05 13:30:17
@luddite. Your E. Guigal link is the correct wine. Its just that they have been so slow to release it that nobody has it. WL is sold out. Zachy's has it for $12.75. I did find stock for $9.99 but you have to pay for shipping:
2011‐01‐05 13:47:12
IMO, the greatest living guitar player.........enjoy a truly incredible song 4712 joe g
4713 vinmoet
4714 TonyO
4715 vinmoet
4716 brooks
4717 TonyO
4718 TonyO
Binny's in Chicago now has it in stock for $10.99:
TonyO agree 123%....I have actually met Warren Haynes back stage at the Forum in LA. Poor guy looked like 5 miles of bad road...have seen him play with the Dead, the Bros. (at the Orpheum 2010) and Govt Mule...he seems to play every summer by the pier in Boston....what was that?...North End wine bar crawl...early dinner at Giacomos...double espresso, no pastries for me at Mike's....well Ok maybe we can split dessert...just order two Cannolis...walk to pier for Govt Mule or or have my friend take out his sail boat...sit in harbor and listen to concert...snap back to work;feature=related
A band that bridged 1970's rock to the present............well done boys !
@brooks: sounds like a night that wil need a few days to recover from !
2011‐01‐05 13:26:42
2011‐01‐05 13:47:56
2011‐01‐05 13:55:46
2011‐01‐05 14:05:56
2011‐01‐05 14:11:29
2011‐01‐05 14:13:02
@TonyO &amp; Brooks ‐ Must concur about Warren Haynes. Awesome guitarist! Don't forget about all his work with the Allman Bros.
Here is a great live acoustic track with Derek Trucks (who was a prodigy and played with Allman Bros (his uncle is the drummer), now has his own band, the Derek Trucks Band, along with his wife, Susan Tedeschi):
4719 BuffaloLou
2011‐01‐05 15:04:18
228 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
Here's some Derek Trucks performing with the Allman Bros in '93 (he was only 14!) Poor quality video...
4720 BuffaloLou
4722 NJJ
4724 luddite
4725 ctwino
@BLou ‐ Thats pretty impressive. I saw him a couple times at the Beacon Theater with the Allman Bros. Check out this video, its unbelievable how good he is.
Garagiste has the '08 Tua Rita Toscana Perlato del Bosco for $19.99 plus shipping...
Luddite. I went in for a six pack.
Here are some tasting notes from Binny's on the 2008 Tua Rita
2011‐01‐05 15:17:04
2011‐01‐05 15:25:45
2011‐01‐05 16:35:31
2011‐01‐05 16:39:05
"After a short car ride South from Bolgheri, near the town of Suvereto, we found Azienda Agricola Tua Rita. The vineyards here are much more flat, gently sloping away from the Mediterranean coast. Binny's hasn't carried many of these wines lately. They are marvelous, and worth seeking out. The theme here is pure, vibrant fruit. These wines balance freshness with structure and acidity in a very monolithic way.
Our tasting began with the 2009 Rosso dei Notri. Though this is an entry‐level wine, it reflects the theme we would taste throughout the lineup: pure, beautiful fruit. The nose is bright, fresh, super‐fruity. The same on the palate, the 2009 has notes of bing cherry and orange peel, almost like sangria, but balanced with racy acidity. Binny's currently has the 2008, which I tasted just yesterday – it's much darker, with heavier notes of raspberry and plum. I hope the '09 stays fresh on its journey here.
We also tasted the 2008 Tua Rita Perlato del Bosco, Giusto di Notri and Redigaffi. These wines all show notes of fresh and sweet fruit, with increasing acidic and tannic structure. These are lean, sleek, racy wines that are absolutely stunning for their pure fruit. I hope that Binny's can offer more from the Tua Rita portfolio in the future."
Hope that helps.
EEK. I think i just talked myself into ordering more.
@ joe g
had two bottles, same both times.
2011‐01‐05 17:03:26
4728 john o'
live in Skaneateles, the Eastern gateway to the Finger Lakes;feature=related
2011‐01‐05 17:06:17
4729 TonyO
and for those that love the Blues...............Mr. Frank Marino.......
2011‐01‐05 17:08:24
4730 TonyO
A little PT from 1976........and he is still out there doing it neary 35 years later.....
Italian wine lovers...familiar with this, what do you think?
@ctwino: thanks for the review! very helpful. I went in too!‐0‐tN0T0
2011‐01‐05 17:11:25
2011‐01‐05 18:31:57
4734 A Frayed Knot
and shall we not forget Robin Trower......
On the subject of Guigal...........How long will a 2000 Guigal CdR juicebox keep? guess is this is teetering on the edge......‐guigal‐cotes‐du‐rhone‐375‐ml‐rp88‐p‐7159.html
4736 joe g
moet.. i have never heard nor had that wine, but if it is as good as its' press then it is a very good buy... based on our discussions of your preferences of italian wines tho, this does not seem like your style
2011‐01‐05 20:23:43
4737 luddite
Well since my order was partially filled, it appears I got the last 2 of the '07 Guigal CdR from WL before they sold out this morning. Good to know that posting the link had nothing to do with it :‐)
2011‐01‐05 20:29:36
4726 ctwino
4727 ctwino
4731 vinmoet
4732 Louas
4733 TonyO
4738 Johnny C
4739 johnR
4740 David T
2011‐01‐05 17:04:11
2011‐01‐05 18:17:34
2011‐01‐05 18:18:24
2011‐01‐05 19:33:17
Speaking of CdR, anyone but me crack the Chateau Signac (Cuvee Terra Amata) 2007 from Cindy yet? Just cracked mine ‐ good stuff, and for once RP hit the nail on the head with his review...
2011‐01‐05 20:33:07
Anyone on the Cindy deal tonight?...Gary Newmanchuk is shilling it pretty hard...
2011‐01‐05 21:20:31
The singer of a band I follow on Twitter just posted this overheard in a record shop and it immediately made me think of wine! " "This is awesome! Where can I get it?" "You can't. It was never released here and it's too expensive for you." "
2011‐01‐05 21:22:52
229 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
4741 TonyO
4742 johnR
4743 TonyO
4744 Josie
@johnr; didn't gary newmanchuk used to be a "musician" ?? Date
Did he play the fiddle?
I have a hard time thinking of a worse song than "Cars" by G. Newman.....
2011‐01‐05 21:30:05
I just bit on tonight's Cindy. How bad can it be, for 15 bones and FS? If it's awful I'll just blame my purchase on the ton of drugs I'm taking for this $#%^$$##!!! chest cold that's ringing in the new year for me...complete with fever, chills, and an unending appetite...Where is the BEACH when you need it????!!!!!
@josie: a good remedy for a chest cold is a bit of Barenjager. You can make a Beehive:
2011‐01‐05 21:31:43
2011‐01‐05 21:40:42
2011‐01‐05 21:50:08
1 part barenjager
1 part whiskey
fresh lemon juice to taste
(or just a big shot out of the bottle)
4745 TonyO
Wow, a post without a music video !
@Josie way to get in on a Wine that Pumpkin'd within an hour.....
Hope everyone is well 2011‐01‐05 21:56:14
4746 Gary vaynerchuk
@TonyO.... Cars? No way. How about Rico Suave. Achey Breaky Heart. And.... The Chicken Dance. Hands down worst tune, song, whatever it is.
2011‐01‐05 22:00:32
4747 WineBabyWine
2011‐01‐05 22:07:47
@GV ‐ well, I HOPE I got in on hadn't pumpkin'd by the time I hit Submit Order, but I guess time will tell. Funny, there was so little chatter about it on the Forum or here, but I do like the Burgundies....
@TonyO ‐ I don't actually know what Barenjager is, but my Irish mom's remedy was always a nice big serving spoon full of some whiskey, right before bedtime, and there were usually a few hot toddies throughout the day too. Of course, in those days sick little kids actually stayed in bed all day, at least in my house you did, and as much as I'd love to do that now, it seems impossible. Sooo, Dr Jamison is on duty tonight, as well as Sir Crown Royal, and since I am nearly prone on the kitchen table at this point from the drugs, I should have just enough time to climb the stairs &amp; jump in bed after emptying the big silver spoon....wish me luck! Thx for the remedy though, I'll lay in some Barenjager for the next nasty virus week!
4749 Josie
Josie out....
2011‐01‐05 22:12:57
4750 Josie
Oh BTW, WBW I cast my vote for that inane Chicken Dance song....makes me run from the room every time....
@WBW: Ricooooooo ! Wow that was bad !
After all of the talk about black truffle cheese the other night, I had to pick some up. Yum! My excuse was that I wanted some to take to a Southern Italian themed local wine meetup (I got both a genuine Italian version and a Wisconsin version), but I had to get some for myself, too. Now I am wondering if I under‐bought for the gathering and should just keep what I have for myself and buy bigger pieces for the event. ;)
2011‐01‐05 22:14:06
4751 TonyO
2011‐01‐05 22:17:10
I also picked up the Ridge offer‐ thanks for sharing the deal, BBob! I was particularly busy at work today with no time to even look at my email for deals, but I think as someone suggested they didn't actually mail that one out anyway. I was so glad it was available when I got home and saw the post! I have been desperate to try more Ridge ever since I had a taste of the Pagani Ranch at a LWS and haven't stopped thinking about it.
4752 K is for Kate
Now back to agonizing over what wine to bring to the meetup. Considering a Montepulciano d'Abruzzo even though it's more central because I have a special fondness for it and suspect some people have never had one. Also pondering the 2006 Petrale, also partly because people may never have tried the grape (Aglianico), but worried because of the serious bottle variation noted in the CT reviews. Another possibility would be the Torre Quarto Bottaccia I have been hearing such good things about lately, but I worry because I've never met these Worst song, I vote for The Archies: Sugar, Sugar 2011‐01‐05 22:18:19
4753 luddite
@Josie: Hope you will be feeling better soon!
2011‐01‐05 22:20:28
4754 K is for Kate
@WBW‐ I was scarred for life by the Chicken Dance. I had never heard it until I went to my then‐boyfriend's brother's wedding and had to watch his father doing it. There is just something not right about that!
2011‐01‐05 22:20:40
230 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
4755 K is for Kate
4756 TonyO
4757 TonyO
4758 K is for Kate
4759 K is for Kate
4760 WineBabyWine
4761 keef
4762 WineBabyWine
4763 TonyO
4764 K is for Kate
4765 BuffaloLou
@TonyO, I do find it difficult to understand how "Cars" became Gary Numan's big hit when he has other songs that are actually enjoyable. I prefer his newer stuff to the 80's incarnation, though. I admit to playing "Dead Heaven" when DJing at a goth/industrial club.
2011‐01‐05 22:24:23
And let's not forget this musical "gem":
@K is for Kate: wow, Numan is still at it ??!!! That is truly hard to believe !
2011‐01‐05 22:26:05
2011‐01‐05 22:27:29
Disclosure is probably in order. I've drunk most of a glass of a Zinfandel that is rather too over the top for me, and though it claims to be only 14.4% alcohol, just the one glass seems to be quite enough to get me a bit loquacious. I am too easily tipsy to own as much wine as I do! My goal is to clear out at least a couple of cases by Spring, but I will have to enlist the help of my friends.
2011‐01‐05 22:28:16
@TonyO, I saw him in concert at House of Blues in Chicago in probably 2001 or so (and he puts on a good show), but his most recent album was 2006.
2011‐01‐05 22:30:25
@TonyO... ROFLMAO on that last one!!
2011‐01‐05 22:35:10
Dead Heaven and the Dominion Day track were awesome! I still pull them out from time to time and definitely remember sweating to Dead Heaven at the EBM nights in DC.
...yes, new here. Guess that was a bit of insight into my musical tastes. :)
2011‐01‐05 22:38:08
Yes, Kate, I too first heard it of course at a wedding... and whenever you hear it it's like fungus &amp; sticks in your head for about a week... even the mention of it can do that... !!
Hope you feel better Josie! Get rest, liquids (including the hydrating kind!), and chicken soup!
Nite all!
2011‐01‐05 22:42:32
@keef: welcome to TH ! All musical and wine tastes are fine here although I would not advise pairing Les Cretes with:‐Hhqu3frUQ
2011‐01‐05 22:43:22
@keef‐ Yes, "Dominion Day" is a good one, too! I grew up in the DC area, but moved away when I was just starting HS, so wasn't old enough to ever hit any clubs there.
2011‐01‐05 22:45:30
@NJJ ‐ Great performance by Derek Trucks! Too bad that vid ended before the end of the song! Thanks for the rec!
2011‐01‐05 22:46:26
Oh, I forgot the other contender to take to the meetup‐ Falanghina. I have a bottle I've been intending to try for a while. I expect lots of people will bring reds, so perhaps I should be different and go with white.
4766 K is for Kate
4767 K is for Kate
It's hard being an aspiring wine geek; so many tough choices. ;)
@WBW‐ I think the only cure for the Chicken Dance is the Bunny Hop!
2011‐01‐05 22:54:17
2011‐01‐05 22:55:30
@Josie ‐ Hope you feel better! Best thing for a chest cold: Muscinex Maximum Strength. Always helps me!
4768 BuffaloLou
@dudlite ‐ Awe... I always liked "Sugar, Sugar"!
2011‐01‐05 23:01:46
@JohnnyC, re: The '07 Chateau Signac Cotes du Rhone Villages Terra Amata. I bought this from WineAccess. Saw your TN on CT any additional notes you might have would be appreciated. 4769 luddite
4770 luddite
4771 WineBabyWine
@BLou: Since you were only 7 when Sugar, Sugar came out I will have to give you a pass...
Just had to say... I love Sugar Sugar too.
2011‐01‐05 23:06:27
2011‐01‐05 23:16:48
2011‐01‐05 23:19:54
How can you not smile at this? C'mon Duds... watch this &amp; you'll crack a smile... Sugar Candy Kisses to all! 4772 WineBabyWine
4773 BuffaloLou
@dudlite ‐ 7. Wow, that was a long time ago! I didn't realize it was that long ago! I just had to listen to it. It still is a 'cute' tune! BTW, Ron Dante was the voice behind the song. Also, back up and co‐written by Andy Kim, "Rock me Gently" fame. Another good tune, IMO. Andy reminds me a lot of Neil Diamond.
2011‐01‐05 23:32:39
As TonyO would say: NO BUBBLE GUM MUSIC
2011‐01‐05 23:50:46
I like sugar ... kisses
4774 luddite
4775 NY Pete
4776 BuffaloLou;feature=related
Good tune, Pete! Saw Echo &amp; the Bunnymen at Darian Lake back in the late 80s, perhaps very early 90s. "Unique" concert...
231 of 958
2011‐01‐05 23:24:55
2011‐01‐06 00:05:21
2011‐01‐06 00:25:49
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
4777 BuffaloLou
Scratch that... late 80s.
2011‐01‐06 00:27:16
@ K is for Kate: blow off that event, fly to SF, and bring ALL those bottles with you. I will throw a party for you and Castello might be invited...
I beg to differ with all of you re worst ever song... Especially from the last few decades... It is CLEARLY " @h Sherry" by STeve Perry solo. Try horrid in every way. Even has the WORST guitar solo EVER in it. Then after that you can throw in all that human league and Thompson twins garbage. I had to use an @ in the spelling of itd name or I would have burned in hell. As it is I have to go wash my hands for even typing the unmentionable song title that much...
4778 BaroloDude
4779 BaroloDude
4782 Nursing a Hangover
4783 SNF
4784 SNF
Back to wine. Tonight it's Novy (Siduri) Syrah Garys vineyard 2006. Excellent now, would have been even better in another year or two. A big wine with lots of smokiness and fruit. Chewy and delicious for this style of Syrah. A relative deal in the world of highly rsted CA syrahs too.
2011‐01‐06 00:34:35
BTW nice deal on WTSO right now. 60 bucks FS for 4 nice bottles of chianti
2011‐01‐06 00:36:46
@luddite RE: 07 Guigal...always purchase first, then post the link for everyone to buy!!!
2011‐01‐06 05:19:22
2011‐01‐06 07:08:22
How about a little love from the board for my Jets this weekend???
2011‐01‐06 07:10:14
@NAH: Exactly, I believe that's Newton's first law of buying wine... @SNF: Great gram! Reminds me of someone @Mobius refers to as Drew.
4786 brooks
@BaroloDude: Thanks for the WTSO tip.
J ‐ Jump
E ‐ Everyone
T ‐ This
S‐ Saturday
and Pray that no Jets coaches tackle opposition players from the sidelines And hope that the quarterback is not sex‐txting. That shoe fettishes will not be introduced. Stop interviewing overserved retired QBs during the game. ( Sorry, I love Bway Joe ‐ got his autograph when I was 12...lets forget about the pantyhose ad)
4787 Waiting in Manassas
Y'all are killing me... went for both the WTSO Chianti and the Garagiste offer. I do love Italian wines... got to buy less and drink more...sigh. Well at least I'll be happy drinking while I try and reduce spending this year.
4785 luddite
4788 K is for Kate
4789 luddite
@BaroloDude‐ Hey, if you pay for the plane ticket I am *there*. ;) Visiting anywhere with temperatures above freezing sounds pretty darn good right about now‐ I'm actually considering giving myself a short trip somewhere non‐freezing for my birthday next month, but I've probably procrastinated too long to get decent plane fares.
@BaroloDude: Good thing I didn't buy this song based only on these 2 reviews :‐) Just like CT reviews you can't trust music reviews unless you know the reviewers...‐Perry‐Oh‐Sherrie‐
2011‐01‐06 07:55:40
2011‐01‐06 07:58:19
2011‐01‐06 08:08:35
2011‐01‐06 08:42:45
2011‐01‐06 08:48:16
The only time I've been to SF was in December 3 years ago when my then‐girlfriend took me after I got laid off. I don't recall what temperature it was, but definitely above freezing, though I did need a coat and there were some Japanese tourists looking at me like I was crazy for going barefoot into the water.
4790 K is for Kate
2011‐01‐06 08:54:36
4791 joe g
barolo dude.. i second the chianti on wtso.. i am not a huge chianti fan but really like this producer.. the 03 was stellar and the 05 super solid! this is a great price too as i usually pay $20‐25 here
For all you Archies fans, this is what I was listening to in 1969...
2011‐01‐06 09:01:02
4792 luddite
2011‐01‐06 09:04:45
I was listening to my mother's heart beat in utero in 1969...LOL
4793 Nursing a Hangover
I hope I didn't make you feel TOO OLD...LOL
2011‐01‐06 09:14:24
232 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
4794 vinmoet
4795 luddite
4796 WineBabyWine
@A Frayed Knot: 8 years is kind of considered the outside window for a good vintage Cotes du Rhone. The other problem is that you're talking a small format bottle so it won't age as long. I am confident that the wine will be drinkable but it just won't have much flavor and will likely have lost much of its fruit. Waiting too much longer will lose the remaining fruit and you'll have an alcohol tasting orange tinged disappointment. I'm high on the 07 because it is such a profound vintage, so inexpensive and finally becoming available. 90 WA points from Rhone for less than 15 bones? Possibly 10 bones? Crazy good value.
2011‐01‐06 09:16:28
@NAH: Not at all...
Youth is wasted on the young.
‐ George Bernard Shaw
I love Lips Like Sugar, Pete... was wondering if anyone was going to get that reference... I was Youtubing that song after I put up the Archies myself. Good times.
2011‐01‐06 09:26:01
2011‐01‐06 09:29:32
This is really bad too...........(and I will NOT APOLOGIZE to anyone that likes this lame tune...............)
4797 TonyO
After that, I had to restore musical order. Enjoy this with your latte.................
2011‐01‐06 09:31:03
4798 TonyO
@Kate: What a great time to go. Where did you stay, where did you go, what did you do, how long were you there. Any wine finds?
2011‐01‐06 09:33:17
4799 vinmoet
4800 Johnny C
4801 TonyO
Ludds ‐ RP really was a definitive review for me. It was a wine that makes you smile from first drink, great on the pop‐n‐pour, and why you like good CdRs (plus they're cheap!)... Definitely had the Syrah expression (I would have guessed 60% syrah / 40% grenache instead of the opposite, but in the end its general liveliness (i.e., slightly forward acidity) and absolutely nothing off in the flavor profile, plus a little herbal complexity (don't get the wrong idea Brooks) made it a smile‐inducer... wife liked it also...
No words needed to explain this:
Ravenswood Old Hill Sonoma Zinfandel 2007 on W4W, $39.97, FS on 2+
2011‐01‐06 09:46:43
2011‐01‐06 09:48:20
2011‐01‐06 09:54:07
Bottle Top: cork
Varietal: 76% Zinfandel, 24% Mixed Blacks
Alcohol: 14.8%
Ageing: 20 months in 100% French oak, 34%; New: 30% 1 year old
Region: Sonoma, California
Limited production: 990 dozen For those that want ratings:
4802 BuffaloLou
4803 luddite
4804 luddite
4805 TonyO
* Connoisseurs' Guide 96
* Wine Enthusiast 95
* Stephen Tanzer 94‐95
@TonyO: Thanks! Latte and air guitar, just not at the same time ;‐)
@JohnnyC: Thanks sounds great! Putting one Signac CdR "on deck" to try soon...
A dedication to all that have or will climb aboard The Wilkerson..........;feature=related
233 of 958
2011‐01‐06 09:57:13
2011‐01‐06 10:04:48
2011‐01‐06 10:11:40
2011‐01‐06 10:16:21
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
@BLou: If the '06 is anywhere near as good as the '07 this might be a great deal:
Receive an Additional 5% Discount for Cash Payment. Prices and Vintages subject to change.
All Availability and Pricing is at the Smith street location. Availability and prices may vary by location.
Each Case Case Description Size Price Price Size RAVENSWOOD ZINFANDEL OLD HILL 750ML 19.15 105.16 [ 6]
6/CS 2006 [USA]
@AFK: Please verify and report back!
2001 Chateau Pavie Decesse for $90 from JJ Buck special order. Just FYI
Criminey, This place is turning into MTV...
Re: the Jets, Does it matter if they win? The Patriots are UNSTOPABLE
@ TonyO... Order? by the inmates on Trembling Hills? Ha! There will never be order here...‐jM8CcQIQ
2011‐01‐06 10:21:17
4809 WineBabyWine
and I was seriously tempted by that chianti... decisions...
2011‐01‐06 10:41:03
4810 K is for Kate
@vinmoet ‐ It was definitely the perfect time of year for me to go since I like cooler weather. We stayed at the Galleria Park Hotel near Union Square, which was nice and very convenient to public transit. Unfortunately it was before the wine bug really bit me, so I'm not sure if I even had any at all on that trip. We were there for almost a week and the highlight for me was the seaaaaafooooood (and the ocean in general‐ I need to move back to a coast one of these days)! We went to Fisherman's Wharf and had incredible fresh crabs. I am pretty biased towards the blue crabs I grew up with in Maryland, but I have to admit that fresh Dungeness are just as good. And we had as much sushi as possible since the stuff we can get in Wisconsin just doesn't compare. We also went to the best burlesque show I have ever seen. *swoon* Oh yeah, and I am somewhat obsessed with light rail, so I loved getting to ride the Muni and BART. The cable car was pretty great, too. And we bought incredible citrus‐infused olive oil and white balsamic at a little place in Berkley. Ack, I want to go back!
2011‐01‐06 10:41:56
4806 luddite
4807 Nursing a Hangover
4808 BrunelloBob
4811 David T
4812 BuffaloLou
4813 Hinrgman
Also for the Pavie fans. I know it's not Pavie itself but the price seems about right (1/3 that of the '05!) and CT scores seem solid. I'm tempted to give it a try myself given the love
@dudlite ‐ that is a really good price! Unfortunately they won't ship to NY! Very strange because everyone else does! (I called them to confirm... ) Major bummer!
That's a first for me. A online store(Specs) that will ship tp NJ but not NY.
Hooked on Wine
This is the inaugural release of the second wine of Chateau Pavie. The wine is made from younger vines that are actually 10 years old. The reality is a 10 year old vine state‐side is considered mature already and has produced amazing wine. Les Aromes de Pavie is a wine produced from the same top vineyard and terroir as Pavie in the St. Emilion Cote region.
2011‐01‐06 10:22:38
2011‐01‐06 10:40:32
2011‐01‐06 11:08:04
2011‐01‐06 11:14:52
2011‐01‐06 11:22:10
The wine is a blend of 70% Merlot; 20% Cabernet Sauvignon and 10% Cabernet Franc; a classic Bordeaux blend. This is a young wine showing a lot of promise. In the glass it shows long legs with rich and consistent dark red‐
purple color to the rim. On the nose the wine comes across as quite impressive to me with seductive dark tone that carries over to the palate which offers dark berry fruit and sweet firm tannins. The wine is highly structured that has the potential to become a massive wine, especially for the first vintage produced. I think when Robert Parker was scoring this wine he was thinking in the back of his mind how wonderful the 2005 Pavie St Emilion is and how young the 2005 Aromes is. The reality is I think this wine should have earned 92‐‐93 points!!!
4814 brooks
4815 Johnny C
Robert Parker: 90 Points
Made from the estate's younger vines (under 10‐years of age), the 2005 Les Aromes de Pavie is a blend of 70% Merlot, 20% Cabernet Franc, and 10% Cabernet Sauvignon aged in primarily old oak for two years. Deep ruby/purple‐hued, soft, fruity, medium to full‐bodied, and spicy with hints of high class cigar tobacco mixed with cassis and sweet cherries, it possesses some of its bigger sibling's personality, and is capable of lasting 10‐12 years.
@Luddite ‐ let me know how you like it...
234 of 958
2011‐01‐06 11:23:08
2011‐01‐06 11:33:05
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
4816 sydu
4817 Johnny C
4818 Johnny C
4819 K is for Kate
4820 TonyO
4822 David T
4823 john o'
4824 john o'
Uncorked has an 07 Syrah for 14.87 from Chile ...anyone heard of it?
Is anyone else kicking themselves for not grabbing more 2006 Rinaldi Brunate Le Coste when it first came around on Garagiste?? Looks like wine of the century, and now that it grabbed a 97 from RP, it will never ever be cheap...
Not to mention it has the absolute best old‐school wine label ever:
2011‐01‐06 11:34:52
2011‐01‐06 11:35:46
@Johnny C‐ that is a great label! Unfortunately I didn't go in on the Garagiste offer since even that price was a little out of my current range.
The J‐E‐T‐S are a J‐O‐K‐E ! 2011‐01‐06 11:37:53
BB: I think I just saw Martha Quinn checking in to TH........
I successfully used my GV X‐mas offer for the first time on Cindy today. $27 for 3‐bottles delivered? Mmmmm yes please!
@ david t
If we taking a role, used mine yesterday to get the 2005 Cape Barren Old Vine Shiraz (futures). 93 WA, 94 Halliday for $20 delivered.
@ david T
that gives me an idea. b4 Feb is up, have to load up on everyday whites for the summer using the GV hall pass on shipping.
2011‐01‐06 11:52:51
2011‐01‐06 11:50:28
2011‐01‐06 12:15:34
2011‐01‐06 12:18:13
2011‐01‐06 12:19:22
My first, and thus far, only, use of the Christmas gift was delivered today: 2 cases of the '07 Torre Quarto Bottaccia Nero Di Troia and 3 Bodegas Muga Reserva (Been wanting to try this, and he was my opportunity!)
I will definitely be using it again. Eying a few items...
4825 BuffaloLou
4826 Wine Cutter
AFA today's offer, I could go in on 3 like David to try, but if it's descent juice for $9 delivered, I'll be kicking myself for not picking up at least a case for daily quaffing.
That January 18th "Big Button" Cab deal is getting A LOT of hype. Hawking it on Twitter, Facebook, and of course on every Cindy email. And we all know about the relationship between the hype and the actual product/deal. Hmmmm.
2011‐01‐06 12:22:58
2011‐01‐06 12:31:19
@ john o' I definitely need inexpensive whites for this summer!
4827 David T
@BLou so it does work on ANY 3‐btl order? The whole WL site? HOLY CRAP! The email KM sent and the message I got when I entered it today made it sound like it was just Cindy offers. This could be bad...
THE HYPE, THE HUSSLE, THE PAZZZ.....GV all but said that it wasn't going to be a show‐stoper. Prob going to be another Hunt Cellars type deal, low risk for WL, high returns. 4831 BrunelloBob
My email from GV said anything in WL is 3 to fs. I was planing to grab some Phil Togni Spring Mount and Giacosa BaRB.
CLASSIC BLou: Been wanting to try this, bought 2 CASES...
you're gonna be on "Hoarders"...
@BB: I hope BufLou is not on the "Hoarders" episode next week that I saw in a promo for last night. Complete rat infestation that the hoarder treats as pets. Looked like thousands of them everywhere. I almost puked on the couch.................
naaaah T.O., a scout is.
...clean.... buzzed, but clean :)
4832 A Frayed Knot
Hmmmm........vinmoet.........that name has a nice ring to reminds me of something..........maybe a song!
4828 johnr
4829 BrunelloBob
4830 TonyO
235 of 958
2011‐01‐06 12:33:39
2011‐01‐06 12:38:33
2011‐01‐06 12:43:55
2011‐01‐06 12:51:23
2011‐01‐06 12:53:28
2011‐01‐06 13:02:17
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
The Wine Sleeps Tonight
Vinmoet, vinmoet, vinmoet, vinmoet
Vinmoet, vinmoet, vinmoet, vinmoet
Vinmoet, vinmoet, vinmoet, vinmoet
Vinmoet, vinmoet, vinmoet, vinmoet
In the cellar, the mighty cellar
The wine sleeps tonight
In the cellar, the quiet cellar
The wine sleeps tonight
Vinmoet, vinmoet, vinmoet, vinmoet
Vinmoet, vinmoet, vinmoet, vinmoet
Vinmoet, vinmoet, vinmoet, vinmoet
Vinmoet, vinmoet, vinmoet, vinmoet
Near the village, the peaceful village
The wine sleeps tonight
Near the village, the quiet village
The wine sleeps tonight
4833 A Frayed Knot
4834 Johnny C
4835 BuffaloLou
4836 BuffaloLou
2011‐01‐06 13:02:51
Whoa ‐ I thought we weren't supposed to publicize the gift from Gary V...! Boo‐boo voice: "I don't think the ranger's gonna like this, Yogi..." :)
@David T ‐ ANYTHING!
@David T ‐ ANYTHING!
Correction: ANYTHING so long as it's 3 bottles minimum.
vinmoet, reminds me of a song as well.............
2011‐01‐06 13:09:46
2011‐01‐06 13:16:09
2011‐01‐06 13:16:33
4837 TonyO
4838 BuffaloLou
4839 BuffaloLou
4840 NY Pete
4841 A Frayed Knot
4842 Johnny C
4843 TonyO
4844 Johnny C
4845 A Frayed Knot
4846 Johnny C
I sincerely hope these clips have helped at least one member of TH realize the musical contribution that Phil Lynott made to the world.................
2011‐01‐06 13:16:34
@BBob ‐ In my defense, "I've been wanting to try this" was for the Muga, not the Torre Quarto Bottaccia. I only bought 1 case of that to try, previously. And again, in my defense, it was highly recommended by several peeps and many of the peeps on the forum have been going gaga over it. The Mrs and I have already killed 1/2 of the first case. It's darn good juice!
2011‐01‐06 13:19:11
@BBob ‐ re:
"naaaah T.O., a scout is.
buzzed, but clean :)"
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
2011‐01‐06 13:20:37
fwiw ... without the right code(s) that xmas eve offer is useless.
2011‐01‐06 13:21:10
@TonyO~I like your choice better!!!!
2011‐01‐06 13:22:57
Any of you Jerseyites going to that Taste of Madison on Jan 18? Looks like a potentially worthy event... (it's a Gary's Wines thing)
2011‐01‐06 13:23:44
@AFK: that is truly an incredible piece of music. Not much of a fan of Gary Moore's "Gary Numanesque" jumpsuit, but the lad can play guitar with the best of them.............
2011‐01‐06 13:26:01
Pete ‐ it wasn't that others could use it ‐ was that he didn't want others to know what deal only some people got... just sayin'...!
2011‐01‐06 13:26:28
In total agreement TonyO, on the music..........and the jumpsuit!
2011‐01‐06 13:28:51
And who died and made me hall monitor today anyway (exit stage left)...??
GO [JETS]...!! (bracketed space to be filled in with currently successful NYC team)
236 of 958
2011‐01‐06 13:29:28
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
hey Johnny C... i had to pass on the Rinaldi at the time due to xIWBM reasons. Yes it hurts. Guess i just need to go bury my tears in one of the many other nice Barolos i have... ;‐)
4847 BaroloDude
Paid 48 bucks for the 05 Aromes de Pavie from Garagiste a long time ago... any direct experience from a TH resident re how long to cellar...?
2011‐01‐06 13:29:30
4848 john o'
@Buff Lou When you say it's darn good juice, are you referring to the Torre Quarto Bottaccia or the Muga?
2011‐01‐06 13:32:36
4853 David T
@ Johnny C
I think you're right. Should keep on the down‐low, so as not to bollox up future offerrings. (e.g. Searcher).
@john 'o: the Torre Quarto Bottaccia ‐ killer QPR! (and really nice... after a 15‐20 breather.)
@BL I bought the Torre Quarto Bottaccia Nero Di Troia yesterday on your recommendation. I cannot wait to get it. If i love it I too will buy 2 cases. Thank you.'s Uva di Troia not nero. I believe it is labeled wrong on the site
@NAH They're the same grape, but you are correct‐ the WL title says Nero but on the label it says Uva
4854 Hinrgman
This is the wine ‐‐2007+Torre+Quarto+Bottaccia+Nero+Di+Troia+750ML
4849 john o'
4850 BuffaloLou
4851 ctwino
4852 Nursing a Hangover
4855 K is for Kate
Ok, with everyone going on about the Torre Quarto Bottaccia that is going to have to go with me to the meetup tomorrow so I can try it and see if I need more before BLou buys them out. I'm taking a friend with me (well, he's the one with the car, so I guess he's taking me), so I can still agonize over what to bring for a second bottle. ;)
re: Torre Quarto Bottaccia Nero Di Troia 2011‐01‐06 13:33:34
2011‐01‐06 13:58:37
2011‐01‐06 14:05:17
2011‐01‐06 14:06:35
2011‐01‐06 14:12:30
2011‐01‐06 14:12:42
2011‐01‐06 14:13:08
4856 john o'
They have 6 less than they did 15 minutes ago.
You gotta love Celtic folk songs done like this........ladies and gentlemen, it just doesn't get nay better (maybe we can have them play a night on the Floating Wilkerson....)
4857 TonyO;feature=related
2011‐01‐06 14:27:40
Everyone needs an armadillo.
2011‐01‐06 14:49:53
The Thin Lizzy Black Rose tune, the catchy celtic jig and reel element, is i think based on the traditional tune Rakish Paddy and you will find that in many medleys.
The most notable (and really famous first one that ever electrified and rocked it out) is by Fairport Convention, and was featured on the Lark In the morning/rakish paddy medley on their groundbreaking Liege and Lief album in 1970. You will hear it kick in in the 1:00 minute mark in the song.... I am confident Lizzy plucked the arrangement from Fairport (Richard Thompson and Simon Nicol guitars), as Phil was a HUGE Sandy Denny fan (LZepp fans think Battle of Evermore female vocals and then lead vocalist for FC) and even wrote a tribute song to her (which can be heard on youtube as well). I will spare you all the youtube links. Just look it up ("Fairport Convention Lark in the morning" will show many posts, including the original studio masterpiece and more recent live performances). The orignal fiddler Dave Swarbrick is absolutely masterful on this, so are RT and SN on guitars. The more recent fiddlers like Ric Sanders kick it darn well too, but with a bit more of a jazzy element mixed in.
4858 vinmoet
4859 BaroloDude
4861 SCKen
4862 K is for Kate
4863 ctwino
4864 castello
4865 vinmoet
You are right down my alley here as I am a bit of a geek re all things electric folk, and trad celtic folk and folk rock, esp FConvention. Even was a DJ on university radio with a weekly program focusing on this topic. I think TL did an incredible job with Black Rose too, and love all their stuff... Sorry if TMI.
Thanks to you guys I finally broke down and used GV's gift for the first time. Picked up 4 of the Torre Quarto Bottaccia Nero Di Troia. Between the talk on here and GV's video, it sounded too good to pass up.
@vinmoet‐ I really like this cover of it:
And apparently Mick Jones did, too:
Wow! Mr Ctwino just called and my Torre Quarto Bottaccia Nero Di Troia just arrived. I may be ordering more tonight.
Apologies not acceptable Bdude. That is a lot of info and we were talking about Eyetalian wine! I too think the Bottaccia is a great qpr and will be checking it out.
Please enlighten me re: GV's gift. ‐ domo arigato gozaimasu
2011‐01‐06 14:19:54
2011‐01‐06 14:56:40
2011‐01‐06 14:58:45
2011‐01‐06 15:01:34
2011‐01‐06 15:06:14
2011‐01‐06 15:12:17
2011‐01‐06 15:23:21
237 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
4866 castello
Just popped and poured the Bottacia with brunch(Castello eggamuffin with black forest ham/cheddar and one of my buddies home lain eggs on Pugliese). I think I need more of these Uva di Troiaseses for breakfasts while rockin the Casbah, followed by a nap.
2011‐01‐06 15:24:25
@Wine Cutter re:
I am planning on setting the TONE for a big year and I think this one will not disappoint :) 4869 vinmoet
"That January 18th “Big Button” Cab deal is getting A LOT of hype. Hawking it on Twitter, Facebook, and of course on every Cindy email. And we all know about the relationship between the hype and the actual product/deal. Hmmmm."
and there was to be no talk of the "Gift"
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh or it will be taken away!
Not talkin' GV, just askin'
4870 Gary vaynerchuk
Oh I know @vinmoet email me gary @ winelibrary .com I was talking about others before you post :)
4867 Gary vaynerchuk
4868 Gary vaynerchuk
4872 castello
For anyone visiting Paris I want you to splurge for lunch. Alain Ducasse is probably our favorite chef (next to Mrs. Vinmoet) and we hate lines. How to combine these things? The Tour Eiffel. But wait, aren't there long lines of people there? Yep. About an hour and a half to get to go up. at the restaurant on the second floor. Private elevator, no lines and food by Alain Ducasse. When the President of US blew off the President of France, he and the wife went to the Jules Verne for dinner. You and I don't want to waste THAT much money on dinner which is why you go there for lunch. Voila. http://www.alain‐‐lundi‐au‐vendredi‐le‐
@vinmoet: Tell him we haven't heard thunder for weeks!
4873 luddite
@AFK: Sounds like you might do some inmates a favor by removing their posts that mentioned the G word...
4871 vinmoet
4874 TonyO
4875 BrunelloBob
2011‐01‐06 15:27:34
2011‐01‐06 15:29:30
2011‐01‐06 15:31:23
2011‐01‐06 15:38:21
2011‐01‐06 15:39:08
2011‐01‐06 15:40:31
@BaroloDude: great info ! I am sure by now, many have about had it with my posts, however, I expend energy on such matters as to hopefully have someone listen to songs as a current fan or in a manner that will make them say, wow !, that was cool. However, if such music is not someones bag, that's cool too. There are plenty of tunes out there that I could live without never hearing again ("Take the Long Way Home" by Supertramp comes to mind.................). As a side note, Scott Gorham who was one of the guitarists in the Black Rose video is married to the sister of Supertramps drummer and he actually wanted to be in that band originally.
2011‐01‐06 15:43:40
@BLou: No defense necessary, I'm just jealous!
@Vinmoet: Good advice re: Le Tour Eifel. Been there, done that (pre‐renovation)
2011‐01‐06 15:47:50
Hey's a tune for you brother..........
4877 vinmoet‐A
Is it possible that GV considers Pavie to be a cab? That would certainly set the tone.
4878 vinmoet
@bbob: We had eaten there before Ducasse took it over, just after he took it over pre‐renovation, and post renovation. The day he took over the restaurant the menu took off. Much, much better now.
4876 TonyO
2011‐01‐06 15:27:02
2011‐01‐06 15:47:57
2011‐01‐06 15:49:18
2011‐01‐06 15:51:07
With all the talk about the Torre Quarto Bottaccia today, I thought it very timely that an article about wines from Puglia just showed up in my inbox from Snooth (with the subject "New and Exciting: Nero di Troia", no less):
4879 K is for Kate
4880 K is for Kate
4881 BuffaloLou
4882 john o'‐reviews/wines‐from‐puglia‐italy/
@vinmoet ‐ if it is still there by the time I make it to Paris who‐knows‐when, that sounds like an excellent suggestion.
Thanks for the link to the article, Kate!
good call on the post deletes.
2011‐01‐06 16:14:10
2011‐01‐06 16:23:51
2011‐01‐06 16:15:09
2011‐01‐06 16:18:58
One last tune before heading out ...............I could listen to this song 24/7 and never get tired of it........
4883 TonyO
4884 Louas
@vinmoet. had lunch there in the mid 80's when the dollar was mighty! 9.3 francs to the dollar. So not only was the food and drink (and view) spectacular, it turned out to be one one of the great QPRs as well. Great memory. Thank for stoking the flame
238 of 958
2011‐01‐06 17:06:48
2011‐01‐06 17:10:30
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
4886 Louas
4887 K is for Kate
4888 SCKen
4890 vinmoet
4891 TonyO
4892 johnR
does anyone have any free shipping codes for WL?
2011‐01‐06 17:23:17
TonyO‐ Great song, but since I'm a sucker for female vocals, this is the cover version I used to listen to on repeat:
2011‐01‐06 17:23:59
I hate to say it, but I agree with you Kate. I have always preferred The Sundays version, but the Stones' Stripped version is killer. Speaking of The Sundays, whatever happened to them? Or The Cranberries for that matter? Fond memories of college and my early 20's!
2011‐01‐06 17:42:51
Cranberries had a US tour in '09 and a European tour in '10 canceled part way because Dolores had some sort of vocal nodule. Of course both '09 and '10 were brilliant years for Bordeaux. Coincidence? I think not.
2011‐01‐06 17:54:33
The Stones, at their best, have a haunting quality that is really incredible............
2011‐01‐06 18:00:39
nope, no free shipping codes here
2011‐01‐06 18:15:34
4896 John O'
I must say the WLTV forums have taken a turn for the better, now that Coupe 60 has a new Avatar!
@SCKen‐ Apparently according to Wikipedia what happened to the Sundays is that they've been on hiatus since their most recent album in 1997 just focusing on raising their 2 kids.
Liege and Lief came out in 1969, not 70. I do not apologize for my error.
Read about one of the "top 100 albums that changed the world" and the "most influential folk album of all time" on wikipedia...
Polkura Syrah Marchigue Colchagua Valley 2007 0n uncorked for $14
91 WA. But Syrah, which you can't give away.
Any thoughts?
4897 A Frayed Knot
<a href="" rel="nofollow">2005 Cantina Tudernum Colli Martani Sangiovese</a> ( <a href="‐2005+Tudernum+Sangiovese+750ML" rel="nofollow">WL $9.98</a> great QPR for a daily drinker) with leftover Knurds Peasant Soup........great combo!!!
4893 luddite
4894 K is for Kate
4895 BaroloDude
2011‐01‐06 18:16:34
2011‐01‐06 18:30:08
2011‐01‐06 19:37:16
2011‐01‐06 20:43:21
2011‐01‐06 20:51:41
One of the greatest live performances I have ever witnessed......another huge loss the musical world..................
4898 TonyO
4899 WineBabyWine
4900 brooks
4901 brooks
4902 Nursing A Hangover
4903 TonyO
Flyers 3 Devils 2 courtesy of Danny Briere! 17 min of the 3rd...
Disclosure: 2003 Château Desmirail (France, Bordeaux, Médoc, Margaux) ...I am not going to rate this as it is developing very nicely in my 1/2 bottle decanter. ^
With all the music, I am going to combine this thread with one of the following:
1) Just driving my pick up Route 66 with the radio volume on "11"
2) Dinners, Dives and Drive‐In for Vegans and White White Drinkers
3) Oh Lord Please Get Me Away from the Ramblings and Back to the Mall Blog
4) San Roman...There is no Substitute
Tonights Wine Anagram : Aoxomoxoa Shill is Here (Peace)
@Brooks I can always count on you to remind me of the times I spent traveling with the Dead. I was only able to enjoy them from 1987 to which time the scene turned into a melee of crime and drug induced teens out of hand. The Jerry died and I had to grow up!!!
@NAH: saw The Dead in Glens Falls, NY on May 5, 1981................ticket price...............$10.50're killin me. I never saw prices THAT low. 2011‐01‐06 20:57:14
2011‐01‐06 20:58:11
2011‐01‐06 21:06:59
2011‐01‐06 21:10:11
2011‐01‐06 21:20:07
2011‐01‐06 21:30:57
I really do miss the unshaven girls twirling around in the parking lot...
4904 Nursing A Hangover
and the hiss of NO2 tanks, the smell of fallafals frying and I really miss sleeping in my tent using a 2 1/2 gallon water jug to shower from.... I'm actually being serious, I do!!!
4905 brooks
NAH....My introduction to the Grateful Dead was sorta a Baptism by Water Fall....when my parents drove me to undergrad...they got to met my two Deadhead roommates. I will hit fast forward, my mother did not enter the room but heard loud music coming outta the room...I learned very quickly it was Europe 72. As we walked back to the car, my mom mentioned that my new roommates must be musicians and that she saw a large bassoon in the room. I shared with her when I had a free minute away from my dad that the four foot object was not a musically instrument ;) ....that being said, I was lucky to avoid any violence or bad times from the favorite is just walking around the parking lots and talking with all the people.
2011‐01‐06 21:40:00
239 of 958
2011‐01‐06 21:35:18
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
I remember a show up in Saratoga,NY. We actually drove up in my friends VW sleeper van that died half way there. fixed it and coninued on the journey. AFter the show, stumbling back to the lot...we can across mounted police. after my friend asked the 2 officers which way back to LOT 2, I was staring at the horse and said to it...
4906 Nursing A Hangover
4907 brooks
4908 Nursing A Hangover
"so...we're pretty far away, aren't we..." at which time my friend grabbed me and dragged me down the road. 4 hits will do that to a newbie...
H01y of my housemates and I had tickets for that show!!!....since we won some stupid softball semi‐final game at Albany, we sold our tickets ...and played the final cause the team would have forfit....PS we lost the game like 272‐3 and missed the show....we went back to the house and played botleg tapes all 10.50!! Minimum wage was like 2.15 was the show? What did they played? H01y Cr4p!!
the parking lots were the best scenes. food, crafts, food, musicians
2011‐01‐06 21:43:27
2011‐01‐06 21:46:33
2011‐01‐06 21:46:50
Bittersweet memories from the Dead show. Went with quite a few friends, some hard rockers and others more into jam music. One of my friends, Chris, was a Dead Head and was really looking forward to the show. After high school, Chris kind of faded out of touch with us. Many years later I was reading the paper while visting Albany, NY. There was a story that mentioned the beating death of a homeless man in Washington Park (Albany). The next day his identity was revealed to be my old friend Chris. One of the saddest moments I can ever recall. The gravity of finding out who this "homeless person" was became a surreal experience a have not and will never forget. RIP my friend..............
4910 brooks
OMG so sad...sorry to hear
4911 TonyO
the real travesty is not only the loss of life but the 6 month sentence that was given to the POS that killed Chris.......................I wonder what the sentence would have been if Chris was a prominent lawyer/doctor etc.
4909 TonyO
4912 BuffaloLou
4913 TonyO
4914 luddite
4915 brooks
4916 TonyO
4917 WineBabyWine
4918 BuffaloLou
4919 WineBabyWine
4920 Nursing a Hangover
4921 johnR
@TonyO ‐ W0w! We agree on music! Freddie Mercury was fantastic! His passing was a great loss.
brooks: I don't recall a lot of the show but do remeber them closing with one of my favorites, "U.S. Blues" ............wave that flag indeed !
@vinmoet: The Illini appear to be on cruise control tonight...
Last Dead Show I went to had the same happy ending (That is what she said)
09‐28‐93 Boston Garden, Boston, Ma. (TUE)
1: Touch&gt; Greatest, Row Jimmy, Minglewood, So Many Roads, Masterpiece, Bird Song
2: China Cat&gt; I Know You Rider, Samson, Uncle John&gt; Playin&gt; Drumz&gt;
Attics&gt; Throwing Stones&gt; Good Lovin E: U. S. Blues
2011‐01‐06 21:52:21
2011‐01‐06 21:53:56
2011‐01‐06 22:05:54
2011‐01‐06 22:08:35
2011‐01‐06 22:09:47
2011‐01‐06 22:14:47
2011‐01‐06 22:16:56
@BuffalLou: I recall seeing Queen in 1980....none of us were huge fans but we recognized the talent and liked some of their tunes. WOW were we blown away by the show. We were right up front (actually had our elbows on the stage) when these giant flashpots went off and the giant light panels lit up. The heat was intense and the energy of Freddie and the band were amazing. He was a showman on the highest level and when they rocked, they did it very well. Brian May's guitar has a sound like no other........
2011‐01‐06 22:18:10
Very sad story about your friend TonyO, that is a shame. But to comment on something earlier, I'm so glad that you actually like music that doesn't just rely on a stage full of guitars! yeah Queen! (Though I really enjoyed your Gary/Phil video too, save the orange jumpsuit... was that real or a sock stuffed in it?) And just to completely prove that you don't always need a stage full of guitars to make great music &amp; fill up a concert hall with amazing sound, all it might take is some drums, a piano, and a great voice... so here is one dedicated to AFK... I think this one personifies Trembling Hills, from the song to the video. I love this band of 3 awesomely talented guys...‐m8&amp;feature=channel
@TonyO ‐ That must have been one heck of a show! "Showman" certainly describes Freddie. It seems as though so many great talents are taken too early... :(
And just to prove they are only a voice, drums, and piano... here they are live, doing one of my favorite songs of theirs....;feature=related
And for a really amazing song... my favorite...;feature=fvsr
Tony sorry that happened.
The Hills are alive tonight!
240 of 958
2011‐01‐06 22:20:59
2011‐01‐06 22:24:10
2011‐01‐06 22:24:37
2011‐01‐06 22:25:57
2011‐01‐06 22:26:07
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
4922 BuffaloLou
4923 johnR
With the sound of muuuuusic!
I am soo pretty, I am soo pretty
2011‐01‐06 22:27:22
2011‐01‐06 22:30:45
Well inmates, I have a physical in the morning (with blood draw) so I can't drink, can't eat, and of course, it's all I'm thinking about, so I'm going to bed. Not sure if I know what my bed looks like this early, but I'm going to find out...
Catch y'all in the mornin'
And did you know the eldest Von Trappe daughter died recently on Dec 28, at the ripe old age of 96... but her name was not Liesl as in the movie, it was Agathe... true fact.
If your going to have a keyboard player in your band, this would be my choice......
2011‐01‐06 22:33:03;feature=fvw
JohnR what should we focus on for the 1/28 tasting?
2011‐01‐06 22:48:27
4927 WineKnurd
4928 TonyO
great wine event at The Trapp Family Lodge in Stowe, VT this coming June.....stay tuned for details....
2011‐01‐06 22:58:00
4924 BuffaloLou
4925 WineBabyWine
4926 TonyO
2011‐01‐06 22:38:02
2011‐01‐06 22:49:57
wbw: "was that real or a sock stuffed in it" ? (that's what she said)...Apparently Gary Moore does not suffer from the Irish Curse (or he did in fact place a piece of hoisery in a place it was not intended !)
4929 TonyO
thanks all for the kind words.....this is a great group of people here............
2011‐01‐06 23:01:43
4930 SS Chris
@ WBW, I didn't see that about AgatheVon Trapp....I actually met her one time in Stowe, elegant woman. On a related note, me and my family are huge "It's a Wonderful Life" fans. A couple of years ago I read something about the fact that the actress who played Zuzu (the youngest child) was still alive and it provided her email address. So I sent her an email explaing how we loved the movie and how it was a Christmas tradition to watch it every year and how the 3 boys (ages 22, 18 &amp; 15) loved the tradition. It took about 2 weeks, but she did reply with a very thoughtful response. It was pretty cool....
2011‐01‐06 23:04:38
4931 SS Chris
4932 TonyO
4933 SS Chris
@ John O....I see your from Skaneateles......I know some peeps know Ben Carter, Scotty Palmer or Keifer (can't remember his last name, but his first name is unique enough) ?
who wants to bet that if Mrs. BuffalLou placed a glass of AH MAR RONE AY and some proscuitto/roasted peppers/sharp provolone on BLous' nightstand the first call he would be making in the morning would be to reschedule his doctors appointment....
@ condolences on your loss. My thoughts are with you and your children.
2011‐01‐06 23:06:46
2011‐01‐06 23:07:40
2011‐01‐06 23:08:17
whne I think of a man and his piano, this is what comes to mind............what a moving song............
4934 TonyO
4935 WineBabyWine‐QztE&amp;feature=fvw
2011‐01‐06 23:17:17
@TonyO/SSChris... had dinner at the Trapp Lodge in Stowe a few years ago... beautiful place &amp; good food... wasn't lucky enough to meet a family member though! Yes, SS... true about Agathe... it was on the news online last week. And you can also Wiki it.
Geez I gotta go to bed earlier. Nitey nite!
2011‐01‐06 23:18:26
Everyone here is great. I just have to throw that out there. I may not always have a reply to type and I haven't really jumped on the song bandwagon, but I read and love every word. Keep it up!
Here's my Wish he was still here
4936 David T
4937 TonyO
4938 BURHen Boy
4939 K is for Kate
4940 K is for Kate
I saw the current lineup in Vegas a year ago, epic show
@DaveT: "Man in the Box" is about as kick a$$ of a song as it gets.......if I was an MMA fighter, that would be my entrance song !
I've been putting out a fire, with gasoline‐43GIdY
@TonyO‐ Billy Joel was the first concert I ever went to during his Piano Man tour in 1984. I just brought the program back from my mom's house as she found it when she was packing.
@BURHen Boy‐ Yay, Bowie! I used to know someone with a phone number that reminded me of that song and I would know by sound if I pressed a wrong key somewhere.
241 of 958
2011‐01‐06 23:19:33
2011‐01‐06 23:23:53
2011‐01‐06 23:26:05
2011‐01‐06 23:27:55
2011‐01‐06 23:29:51
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
Oh, and of course I have a cover of that, too.
4941 K is for Kate
4942 BURHen Boy
4943 K is for Kate
However, nothing tops Bowie.
K‐ dig it Cover Girl
2011‐01‐06 23:33:36
2011‐01‐06 23:39:02
With all the joking about "juice boxes", I find it amusing that there is a product that could make actual fruit juice boxes alcoholic within 48 hours.
Here are we, one magical moment, such is the stuff
From where dreams are woven
Bending sound, dredging the ocean, lost in my circle
Here am I, flashing no colour
Tall in my room overlooking the ocean
2011‐01‐06 23:39:35
Here are we, one magical movement from Kether to Malkuth
There are you, you drive like a demon from station to station
4944 BURHen Boy
4945 David T
Once there were mountains on mountains
And once there were sunbirds to soar with
And once I could never be down
I got to keep searching and searching
Oh, what will I be believing and who will connect me with love?
@TonyO Here's my keyboardist
2011‐01‐06 23:51:30
2011‐01‐06 23:58:27
@davidT... Bravo with the AIC video. I don't know why, but I relate so strongly to those early heroin inspired and themed albums. I think BJoel is an east coast thing ;‐). I never got it. I am more of a Zevon and Brubeck guy when it comes to piano men ( and JPJ on No Quarter live if I may...) Enjoy every sandwich, indeed.
Tonight was part two of the Novy Garys Syrah 06. Still good but lost some of the nose. I am going to have to buy more...
4946 BaroloDude
4950 castello
4958 John O'
4962 SNF
4963 SNF
4966 BrunelloBob
4968 brooks
4969 BrunelloBob
4971 brooks
Waiting for CW to give me a reason to buy, but lately Garagiste and even TSO have been far more tempting.
We're gonna need some truckdrivin music on the Wilkerson bus/yacht. I'm missing a bottle of Bottaccia. CT says I have 2 left and I only drrrank one today. I see some of you have been partaking, so you're all suspects!
@ss Chris
quite well, quite well and no (but it rings a bell)
@A Naked Forty‐ nice job on the vinmoet tune!
I'm pulling together a Trembling Hills "Greatest Hits" album. Available by mail order only, $19.99. Look for the adverts on late night TV.
Anyone know Anything about copyright laws??
BB...will there be a free shipping code?
@Brooks: yes, but only to members of the WLTV forum ;)
+1 1/8
anyone one else buy on the Cabot mailer this morning? Nice prices.
2011‐01‐07 00:16:12
2011‐01‐07 01:52:40
2011‐01‐07 05:20:05
2011‐01‐07 06:42:37
2011‐01‐07 06:49:00
2011‐01‐07 07:39:02
2011‐01‐07 08:00:57
2011‐01‐07 08:05:04
2011‐01‐07 08:40:10
4972 johnr
@Knurd...First Growths???
2011‐01‐07 08:40:28
4973 brooks
for those who continue to ask, snow or not, the buses will pick us all up at noon lunches and juice boxes will be provided... spear guns and surf boards must be put in the storage container at bottom of will be on request only ... and back by popular demand, The Shining will be the in‐flight movie....Billy Joel (that one hot wonder) will be joining us today for those from the mid‐west... ;)
2011‐01‐07 08:52:45
let's start the morning off with a great American musician telling a great story of the American Highway .............
4974 TonyO
4976 BrunelloBob‐YMBeQ
"Billy Joel (that one HOT wonder)
Freudian slip??
242 of 958
2011‐01‐07 08:55:52
2011‐01‐07 09:06:02
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
My take on Billy Joel: 1. Wrote some incredibly cheesy songs: "Uptown Girl" comes to mind first
2. Wrote some classics: "Piano Man" comes to mind first
3. He is a legend in the greater NY area
4. Gotta give him credit for "bedding" (for lack of a "better" term) Christie Brinkley
5. His live shows are much better than his studio work
6. His touring band is loaded with talent
7. "Scenes from an Italian Restaurant" is a very cool song
8. "We didn't Start the Fire" is kind of annoying
9. "Anthony's Song" was not written about me although I did once work in a grocery store, I have traded in a Chevy for a Cadillac, and I did know a bartender named Tiny.......
10. He ends all his shows with the line " Don't take any $shit from anybody" a very sound piece of advice...........
4978 TonyO
2011‐01‐07 09:29:12
4981 BuffaloLou
@luddite: I appreciate that shooting 70% kind of catches your attention but it was the defense, particularly in the first half, that was really very impressive. Since that horrible loss to UIC they have been playing with intensity. Inside game is not going to look like that against an OH St. but the above 50% 3 point shooting for the season is kind of hard to defend. Much more fun to watch than last year. We go to Penn St. on 1.11 and WI 1.15. Then MI St. here on 1.18 and we play you here on 1.22.11. If you want tickets let me know. We at OH St. on 2.22.11. I think that we are a top 3 certainly top 4 big ten team.
@TonyO: I like the late Billy Powell of Lynyrd Skynyrd. The man was amazing on the ivories!
4982 WineBabyWine
Good morning all! @TonyO... totally agree w/you on BJ... except #8 is not "kind of", it's Definitely annoying. I respect his many musical talents, but his songs dont' always "get me going" or impress, though the Broadway show on him was very enjoyable. I'm sure live is a totally different story &amp; amazing. Maybe KI4K can give us a DJ twist!
For you TO.... my favorite Bob Seger song.... has lots of famous guitarists in the vid so thought you'd appreciate... Love this song...
2011‐01‐07 09:52:12
4980 vinmoet
4983 Wine Cutter
4984 WineBabyWine
4985 BuffaloLou
4986 sydu
4987 sydu
4988 johnr
4989 BrunelloBob
4990 Nursing a Hangover
2011‐01‐07 09:37:53
2011‐01‐07 09:44:02
Was looking at the WTSO Burgundy Grand Cru offering this morning. Was shocked to see a Grand Cru for $50/bottle. Was also a bit surprised to see a Grand Cru with no independent tasting notes or scores. Then I remembered buying a few Burgundy Grand Cru wines from my LWC about 5 years ago and being very excited that I got them for $45/bottle. Then I opened them and they were, well, less than satisfactory to say the least. I showed a bottle to a friend who is "in the business" and he had never heard of the producer. Lesson learned...not all Grand Cru wines are created equal and, just because its a Grand Cru doesn't mean its any good. Seems a shame that someone sitting on the gold mine that is a Grand Cru Burgundy vineyard wouldn't utilize it to its potential.
2011‐01‐07 09:54:33
Thanks for the info Winecutter... I saw that &amp; wondered the same thing.
2011‐01‐07 10:08:20
@TonyO ‐ Goodnight Saigon... great song!
@Kate ‐ Piano Man tour... I was there in Buffalo! Great concert!
Has anyone mentioned the Amarone on uncorked?
Luigi Righetti Amarone della Valpolicella DOC 2007
Suggested Retails: $42.99 Corked Competitors: $26.99 (with shipping) Uncork Deals: $20.97
2011‐01‐07 10:10:21
2011‐01‐07 10:15:43
2011‐01‐07 10:17:28
@Wine Cutter, what year was the sGrand Cru? While I agree that some burgs do suck, remember that most 1st Cru and Grand cru need 10+ years to mellow out. Perhaps you caught a hollow point, or a dumb phase. Most of my 2000's grand cru are just now opening. 05
2011‐01‐07 10:17:37
@Cutter: I'm reaching the limits of my french "knowledge" here, but I don't think "Grand Cru" means the same thing in Burgundy as it does in Bordeaux...
Others can expound?
2011‐01‐07 10:18:24
@winecutter Newman reviewed the wines. It is probably one of his that he created and is trying to sell. After his PLCB stint, he now takes extra juice and slaps a label on it, reviews it and sells it. ie:Kingsford Manor...that is his creation
2011‐01‐07 10:21:05
243 of 958
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
@WC, one TN does not constitute a recommendation for the WTSO offer but FWIW:
4991 luddite
Lacking a @vinmoet or @winex seal of approval that is...
2011‐01‐07 10:21:47
4992 David T
2011‐01‐07 10:22:39
4993 Nursing a Hangover
@BBob In Bordeaux, typically it's only used for Saint‐Émilion which they created as a system for themselves in 1955 since none of their properties made the 1855 cut. If you trust Wikipedia ;)
4994 Wine Cutter
@BBob ‐ Grand Cru in Burgundy means that the grapes came from a vineyard that was designated as such. The designations came from 100's of years of tasting and experimentation by the monks in the area 100s of years ago. Theory is, the Grand Cru vineyards are supposed to be the most superior plots of grape growing land in Burgundy and, as such, should produce the best wines. My theory is that there are some folks who inherited their Grand Cru vineyard from daddy and don't have the initiative to do much with it. So, even though they can still use the Grand Cru name on the label because the grapes came from a vineyard with that designation, the wines may not live up to the name.
2011‐01‐07 10:28:03
4995 Wine Cutter
4996 sydu
4997 Nursing a Hangover
4998 Nursing a Hangover
4999 keef
@Nursing ‐ did Newman also create "Thumbprint Cellars"? That one seems to come around at least 1x a week.
Sorry that I am unfamiliar with who is so wild about Amarone but there are a lot of TN's on the one I posted. I am too shy to post on Cindy about it.
2011‐01‐07 10:23:07
2011‐01‐07 10:30:21
2011‐01‐07 10:38:04
@cutter I don't know all of him wines. sorry. I just know Kingsford Manor because I had a discussion with a friend of mine on this particular wine. The 2007 cab wasn't that bad. For $14 fruit forward med tannins everyday drinker if that's what you like. I actually drank 1/2 case of this during the summer for BBQ's
2011‐01‐07 10:40:33
@sydu Shy is good. The folks on the cindy boards tend to eat the young, so stay here, post here but lurk over there to learn as well.
2011‐01‐07 10:41:47
Has anyone picked up one of the CellarThief magic packs before? A mixed bag of stuff sounds enticing after watching some of their previous offers...just wondering if the value is there.
Calling @Jovino, you are missed! Also the go‐to‐peep on WineAccess offers
2011‐01‐07 10:42:06
'07 Robert Keenan Winery Cabernet Franc Spring Mountain @ $44.25 on bottles and $38.25 on 12 or more (includes 25% off private sale)
5000 luddite
5001 K is for Kate
Thumbs up or down?
On the topic of Billy Joel: I was 8 when I went to that concert, so I didn't really have much to evaluate it based on. :) He certainly does have some annoying songs, but also some classics.
2011‐01‐07 10:46:35
There was another concert involving piano that I was a little older for and remember going into expecting nothing (it was free and I had no friends) and wound up being blown away by: Bruce Hornsby. The music wasn't exactly my style, but it was incredible to watch him play.
2011‐01‐07 10:54:54
I will be making DaKnurds peasant soup today!!! Anyone who has made it...can I double the recipe without a problem??
5002 Nursing a Hangover
5003 BaroloDude
5004 Wine Cutter
5005 BaroloDude
BTW...just got a WL shipment via FedEx. This was the earliest I've ever been delivered. and the fact that I requested from WL that it be delivered today on Wednesday is the ultimate display of customer service!!
2011‐01‐07 11:23:43
@ dudlite... i like all Keenan wines. the 07s will be awesome and that looks like a good price. From the winery? My favorite is their merlot... and their 'Mernet'
2011‐01‐07 11:33:36
@Nursing ‐ people can say what they want about the quality of CW offerings and/or whether or not Gary V is still focused on WL/CW/WLTV, but WineLibrary's customer service is still head and shoulders above the rest.
Ladera wines on RueLaLa today. Howell Mtn Cab and Sauv B. I do not have experience with the wines... anyone?
If you need an invite link to see the wines, here is one... i do not mean to shill for them, but its their dang biz model...
244 of 958
2011‐01‐07 11:34:58
2011‐01‐07 11:36:28
Trembling Hills Inmate Ramblings
In Burgundy Grand Cru is top dog, then there is Premiere Cru (1er cru) which is the next tier down, then there are the rest. In Bordeaux Premiere Cru is top dog, then Grand Cru is next. Then there are some variations depending upon the appellation in Boardeaux.
Bordeaux is generally divided between left bank (Margaux, Pauillac etc.) and right bank (Saint Emilion, Castillion etc.) with kind of a third region including 1er Cotes de Bordeaux and Entre Deux Mers in a triangle between the Garonne and Dordogne rivers. 62 wines were put into the 1855 classification with 5 tiers including Premiere Cru at the top (the first growths) ranging down to 5th Growths. So if you see 1er Cru that's theoretically better than a 2, 3, 4 or 5. But of course there are many variations depending upon the appellation.
Sauternes and Barsac are also classified. Chateau d’Yquem (where I was early November) has the highest ranking of 1er Grand Cru with 11 chateaux being listed as 1er Cru with 12 more were rated as 2ieme Cru. Below that are about 30 (I think) Grand Cru and below that they just list the appellation.
Saint Emilion (where I was eating lunch 3 weeks ago next Monday) divides wines into four categories (in order of importance) Premier Grand Cru A, Premier Grand Cru B, Grand Cru, and then regular Saint Emilion. The best get to add the word Classe to the label (ie Grand Cru Classe).
Pomerol (one of my favs) does not classify at all.
With the exception of Haut‐Brion, Graves were classified in 1959. 13 red producers and 8 white producers qualify as Cru Classe. Other appellations, particularly Medoc, use the term Cru Bourgeois which is a step up from the bottom. That's a short recap and I think I got it basically right. If not, I'm sure I'll hear about it.
5006 vinmoet
2011‐01‐07 11:37:32
5007 vinmoet
I am not a fan of Billy Joel music but I have huge respect for his body of work. I attended two of his concerts. One in the late seventies and one in the early eighties. His live performance was energetic and heart felt. Truly amazing. Really one of the best.
5008 Wine Cutter
@Vinomet ‐ I think one other important distinction is that, in Burgundy, the Grand Cru or 1er Cru status is given to the vineyard land, not the producer. In Bordeaux, the title is awarded to the producer, not the land. This is