CARLTON RIVER BRIDGE (No 706) REPLACEMENT CONTRACT NO. C-17-BR-001 SORELL COUNCIL Design & Construct Tender Documents IS156000 | FINAL 16 August 2016 Project no: Project Name: Revision: Document Title Date: Client name: Project manager: Author: File name: IS156000 CARLTON RIVER BRIDGE REPLACEMENT D Design & Construct Tender Document 16 August 2016 Sorell Council Jon Elliott Robert Hayes Carlton River Bridge Replacement – Tender Documents Jacobs Group Australia Pty Ltd ABN 37 001 024 095 Ground Floor, 100 Melville Street Hobart, TAS 7000 GPO Box 1725, Hobart, TAS 7001 T + 61 3 6221 3711 F + 61 3 6221 3766 COPYRIGHT: The concepts and information contained in this document are the property of Jacobs. Use or copying of this document in whole or in part without the written permission of Jacobs constitutes an infringement of copyright. Jacobs® is a trademark of Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. Document history and status Revision Date Description By Review Approved A 01/8/16 Revision A RH JE JE B 02/8/16 Technical / DPE Review RH RS JE C 03/8/16 Draft Issued to Client for review RH / JE JE RS D 16/8/16 Final JE RS RS i Contents 1 Conditions of Tendering ...................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Nature of Contract .................................................................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Tender Documents ................................................................................................................................................................. 1 1.3 Construction Programme ........................................................................................................................................................ 1 1.4 Concept Design...................................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.5 Contents of Tender................................................................................................................................................................. 1 1.6 Schedule of Lump Sum Prices ................................................................................................................................................ 2 1.7 Tenderers to Inform Themselves ............................................................................................................................................ 2 1.8 Anomalies, Interpretation and Omitted Items ........................................................................................................................... 2 1.9 Alternative Tenders ................................................................................................................................................................ 3 1.10 Enquiries................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 1.11 Lodgement of Tenders ........................................................................................................................................................... 3 1.12 Late Tenders.......................................................................................................................................................................... 3 1.13 Opening of Tenders................................................................................................................................................................ 3 1.14 Informal Tenders .................................................................................................................................................................... 3 1.15 Errors in Tenders ................................................................................................................................................................... 3 1.16 Selection Criteria .................................................................................................................................................................... 4 1.17 Completion Time .................................................................................................................................................................... 6 1.18 Validity Period ........................................................................................................................................................................ 6 1.19 Awarding of Contract .............................................................................................................................................................. 6 1.20 Annexure ............................................................................................................................................................................... 7 1.21 Tender Form ........................................................................................................................................................................ 14 1.22 Schedule of Proposed Subcontractors .................................................................................................................................. 15 1.23 Schedule of Non-Compliance ............................................................................................................................................... 16 1.24 Schedule of Previous Experience.......................................................................................................................................... 17 1.25 Schedule of Lump Sum Prices .............................................................................................................................................. 18 2 Principal’s Project Requirements ...................................................................................................................................... 19 2.1 General................................................................................................................................................................................ 19 2.1.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................................... 19 2.1.2 Objectives and Requirements ............................................................................................................................................... 19 2.1.3 Scope .................................................................................................................................................................................. 20 2.2 Concept Drawings ................................................................................................................................................................ 21 2.3 Bridge Technical Parameters ................................................................................................................................................ 21 2.3.1 Bridge Design Loading ......................................................................................................................................................... 21 2.3.2 Alignment............................................................................................................................................................................. 21 2.3.3 Carriageway......................................................................................................................................................................... 21 2.3.4 Hydrology and Hydraulics ..................................................................................................................................................... 21 2.3.5 Span Configuration............................................................................................................................................................... 21 2.3.6 Barriers ................................................................................................................................................................................ 22 2.3.7 Abutments............................................................................................................................................................................ 22 2.3.8 Piers / Piles .......................................................................................................................................................................... 22 2.3.9 Geotechnical Information ...................................................................................................................................................... 22 2.3.10 Deck Expansion Joints ......................................................................................................................................................... 22 ii 2.3.11 Surfacing ............................................................................................................................................................................. 22 2.3.12 Lighting ................................................................................................................................................................................ 22 2.3.13 Durability.............................................................................................................................................................................. 22 2.3.14 Services............................................................................................................................................................................... 23 2.3.15 Survey Information ............................................................................................................................................................... 23 2.3.16 Traffic Management ............................................................................................................................................................. 23 2.3.17 Use of Existing Bridge .......................................................................................................................................................... 23 2.3.18 Maintaining the Existing Bridge Condition.............................................................................................................................. 23 2.4 Roadworks Technical Parameters......................................................................................................................................... 23 2.4.1 Alignment............................................................................................................................................................................. 23 2.4.2 Road Cross-Section ............................................................................................................................................................. 23 2.4.3 Match-in Controls ................................................................................................................................................................. 24 2.4.4 Treatment of Redundant Road.............................................................................................................................................. 24 2.4.5 Pavement Design ................................................................................................................................................................. 24 2.4.6 Surfacing ............................................................................................................................................................................. 24 2.4.7 Line Marking ........................................................................................................................................................................ 24 2.4.8 Signage ............................................................................................................................................................................... 24 2.4.9 Landscaping ........................................................................................................................................................................ 24 2.4.10 Property Acquisition ............................................................................................................................................................. 25 2.4.11 Fencing................................................................................................................................................................................ 25 2.4.12 Services............................................................................................................................................................................... 25 2.5 Removal of Existing Bridge ................................................................................................................................................... 25 2.5.1 Scope of Demolition Works................................................................................................................................................... 25 2.5.2 Demolition Methods.............................................................................................................................................................. 25 2.6 Management Systems .......................................................................................................................................................... 25 2.6.1 Hold Points .......................................................................................................................................................................... 25 2.6.2 Management Plans .............................................................................................................................................................. 26 2.6.3 Design Check....................................................................................................................................................................... 26 2.6.4 Design Documentation ......................................................................................................................................................... 26 2.6.5 Design Review Meetings ...................................................................................................................................................... 26 2.6.6 Permits ................................................................................................................................................................................ 27 2.6.7 Aboriginal Cultural Heritage .................................................................................................................................................. 27 3 Geotechnical Report 4 Concept Drawings iii 1 Conditions of Tendering 1.1 Nature of Contract The Contract for which a Tender in accordance with these conditions is to be made will be a Lump Sum Contract. The Lump Sum Tender is for the completion of the whole of the Works described and intended in the Tender Documents (described below) and executed in accordance therewith. No adjustments will be made to the Contract price to cover rise and fall in labour, material and other costs. 1.2 Tender Documents The Tender Documents shall be these Conditions of Tendering, AS4902-2000 General conditions of contract for design and construct, the Tender Form, the Schedules, the Specification including Schedule of Lump Sums, the Drawings and any drawings and written statements required by any of the aforesaid documents to be submitted by the Tenderer. 1.3 Construction Programme Tenderers are required to provide a chart with their Tender which indicates their delivery of the various components of the Works, all within the specified timeframe. The nominated time for Practical Completion is 28 weeks. The Tenderer is to note that there is a TasNetworks pole located in the works at the northern approach. The relocation of this pole is currently being arranged by Council. At this stage the pole is not expected to be relocated until late December 2016. The Tenderer should allow for this constraint in their Construction Program. Tenders requiring alterations to the proposed timetable must offer an alternative and give reasons for the alterations. 1.4 Concept Design Tenderers are required to provide a concept design with their Tender. The concept design is to provide sufficient information to demonstrate compliance with the Principal’s Project Requirements including: 1.5 n General arrangement for bridge and road approaches n Typical sections n Abutment details n Pier details n Scour protection Contents of Tender The Tender submitted shall be prepared in accordance with the following requirements. (i) The Tender shall be submitted upon the Tender Form provided and all the Tender Documents shall be deemed to form part of the Tender. The Tenderer shall sign the Tender, or if the Tenderer be a Corporation, affix its common seal in the manner prescribed by its Articles of Association or otherwise have the Tender signed appropriately and formally. Carlton River Bridge (No 706) Replacement PAGE 1 (ii) Each Tender shall contain an address for service of any notice required to be given to the Tenderer in connection with their Tender. Notwithstanding any other Conditions of Tendering the following documents shall be submitted with the Tender: n Signed Tender Form n Completed Schedule of Prices n Signed Schedule of any proposed sub-contractors n Signed Schedule of non-compliance for any alternative Tender including relevant drawings n Signed Schedule of previous experience on similar work n Construction programme n Concept design, including methodology statement These shall be completed and signed in original ink. 1.6 Schedule of Lump Sum Prices The Schedule of Lump Sum Prices has been prepared to assist Tenderers in the preparation of their Tender but will not form part of the Contract. The items and quantities are not warranted as correct and any bids submitted must be based on the Tenderer’s own investigation and enquiries. In particular, Tenderers must allow for all work shown on the Concept Drawings and included in the Specification including all work necessarily arising therefrom and should revise or amend, before tendering, the quantities and/or items contained in the Schedule of Lump Sum if, in the opinion of the Tenderer the Schedule does not correctly or fully represent all of the Works. 1.7 Tenderers to Inform Themselves Tenderers are required to be aware of all matters relating to the Contract, including the availability of all necessary materials, prior to submitting their Tender. The Principal will not accept claims for extra costs or extensions of time for delays caused by the unsuitability of material resources. Tenderers shall be deemed to have inspected the site, to have assessed the conditions relating to the site, and to have allowed for such conditions in their Tender. This shall include investigation of suitable access roads for the safe transport of all materials and components required for the completion of the Works. 1.8 Anomalies, Interpretation and Omitted Items All items either indicated on the Concept Drawings or written in the Specification form part of the Contract. Where a Tenderer has any doubt about the meaning of any portion of the Tender Documents or where a discrepancy exists between the Drawings and Specification, the Tenderer shall either: (i) Ask for clarification, which shall only be valid if issued to the Tenderer in writing, or (ii) Include a statement of interpretation upon which the Tender has been prepared. Carlton River Bridge (No 706) Replacement PAGE 2 Any clarification given in (i) may be issued to all prospective Tenderers as an addendum. Provided that the Schedule of Lump Sum Prices omits an item(s), which should reasonably have been anticipated by an experienced and competent Tenderer, necessary for the satisfactory completion and performance of the Works, the Tenderer shall insert such omitted item(s) in the Schedule with a price for each item. In the event of the failure of the Tenderer to do so, the cost of such item(s) will be deemed to be included within other items. 1.9 Alternative Tenders Tenderers may submit proposals for alternatives to the designs as documented or for other specified items. 1.10 Enquiries All enquiries during the Tender period shall be directed to Mr Leon Ashlin (03) 6269 0025, Mobile 0417 951 736 at Sorell Council. 1.11 Lodgement of Tenders Tenders in writing are invited and will be received at the Sorell Council Office, 47 Coles Street, Sorell, Tasmania, up until 2pm, Wednesday 14 September 2016. Tenders must be submitted in a sealed envelope and clearly marked “Tender for Carlton River Bridge Replacement” and lodged in the Tender Box provided in the foyer of Sorell Council or forwarded through Australia Post for delivery prior to the above date and time. Late tenders or tenders submitted by facsimile machine or e-mail will not be accepted. The lowest (nor any) tender will not necessarily be accepted. Tenders forwarded through Australia Post shall be addressed as follows: “Tender for Carlton River Bridge Replacement” Sorell Council PO Box 126 Sorell, TAS 7172 1.12 Late Tenders Late Tenders will not be accepted. 1.13 Opening of Tenders Tenders will be opened as soon as possible after the closing time. Tenderers may not be present at the opening. 1.14 Informal Tenders Any Tender which does not comply with the requirements of the Tender Documents is likely to be rejected. 1.15 Errors in Tenders Any errors in extension or addition (or both) discovered in the Schedule of Lump Sum Prices at evaluation of Tenders shall be corrected in a manner agreed to between the Principal and the Tenderer so that the total in the Bill of Quantities continues to equal the tendered Lump Sum. Failure to reach agreement shall result in the Tender being rejected. Carlton River Bridge (No 706) Replacement PAGE 3 1.16 Selection Criteria The evaluation process will be undertaken with the aim of determining the lowest price acceptable conforming tender, or an acceptable alternative tender that demonstrates best value for money. Tender will be assessed against the following evaluation criteria: Stage 1: (acceptable / unacceptable) Qualitative Criteria: Experience, capacity and capability (40%) Complying tenders will be assessed by scoring and weighting of the following criteria: 1. Team (40%) - Tenderers are to provide details of the qualifications and experience of all design and supervisory personnel to be utilised on the Contract. This includes the Bridge Design Engineer, Bridge Design Checking Engineer, Road Design Engineer, Project Manager and Work Supervisor(s). Tenderers with more extensive experience in work similar to that described in the specification and drawings will be more favourably scored. Details of relevant projects completed by the Tenderer, and/or individual staff, will enable the level of experience to be more accurately assessed. 2. Methodology (40%) – Tenderers are to provide a concept design with sufficient information such that the appearance and the functionality of the design can be determined and to demonstrate compliance with the Principal’s Project Requirements. Tenders are also to provide a Construction Program to demonstrate that all works can be completed within the contract period and programmed to meet Specification requirements. 3. Quality Assurance (10%) – Tenderers with third party ISO 9002 accreditation will be more favourably scored. In the absence of such accreditation details of any quality scheme in place to aid in achieving compliance with the Contract should be provided, including detail of projects where the Tenderer has successfully utilised the quality scheme previously. 4. Workplace Health & Safety (W.H.S.) (10%) - Documented procedures to identify and exercise all necessary precautions for the health and safety of all personnel on site and be aware of and discharge its obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 1998 and the related Regulations currently in force. The Qualitative Criteria will be assessed using the scoring system below. The Tenderer will be required to achieve a total score of 6 or greater to proceed to Stage 2. Where sub-criteria are scored separately, no less than 6 can be scored for the Workplace Health & Safety subcriteria. Carlton River Bridge (No 706) Replacement PAGE 4 The following scores will be used to assess this Stage: Score Description Full Description 9-10 Superior Demonstrated strengths in all issues and few if any weaknesses. Offers many benefits. Low risk and/or risks can be managed with low cost. 6-8 Good Demonstrated strengths in most issues and few weaknesses. Offers many benefits. Low-moderate risk and/or risks can be managed with low-moderate cost. 4-5 Adequate Demonstrated strengths in some issues and some weaknesses. Offers some benefits. Moderate risk and/or risks can be managed with moderate cost. 1-3 Poor to deficient Demonstrated little strength and many weaknesses. Offers few benefits. Moderate-high risk and/or risks can be managed with moderate-high cost. 0 Unacceptable Provides little if any information that can be assessed. Contains many errors and/or omissions. Doesn’t address criteria. Tenderers are requested to provide sufficient additional information in their tender submission to enable detailed assessment of the above-mentioned criteria. Failure to provide such information will be interpreted as acknowledgment that the Tenderer has not reached a satisfactory standard in that area, and may incur the minimum score. There is no obligation on the Principal to pursue the Tenderer to provide additional information to that included in the tender. Stage 2: Price (60%) Qualitative scores and Fee structures will be assessed to determine the likely value for money offered by tenders. Value for money is a measure of how effectively and efficiently the business is likely to apply its capability and capacity to this Project and therefore the likely benefits, costs and risk offered. A weighting price score is calculated from using the average price, the tenderers price and the price percentage. Stage 1 & 2 are added together to give the overall evaluated outcome During the period of the evaluation process, we may negotiate with individuals or businesses quoting to vary their quotes either on the grounds of technical capability, cost, effectiveness, or matters relating to the combination of one part of the quote with another part of the quote. We also reserve the right to negotiate with several individuals or businesses to finalise the commercial terms to form a contract. A debriefing will be provided if requested. Carlton River Bridge (No 706) Replacement PAGE 5 1.17 Completion Time The period for completion of the works is stated in the Annexure to the Design and Construct Contract Conditions, AS4902- 2000. The tenderer may submit different prices for different completion times. 1.18 Validity Period Tenders shall remain valid for a period of 90 days after the date of closing of Tenders. 1.19 Awarding of Contract Before accepting a Tender, the Principal may require the Tenderer to submit any or all of the following: n proof of his resources and ability to carry out the Works n an estimated monthly cash flow n details of the method of construction proposed to be used in executing the Works n evidence of safety, environmental and quality systems of work Should the Tenderer fail to submit any of the required information in the time specified by the Principal, the Tender may be rejected. A Tender shall be deemed to be accepted when a notice in writing of such acceptance is delivered to the successful Tenderer. The Contract shall come into force on the date of acceptance of the Tender as the written acceptance constitutes the Contract until a formal agreement is executed. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Principal shall not be bound to accept the lowest or any other Tender. Carlton River Bridge (No 706) Replacement PAGE 6 1.20 Annexure PART A Annexure to the Australian Standards General Conditions of Contract for Design and Construct AS 4902– 2000 This Annexure shall be completed and issued as part of the tender documents and, subject to any amendments to be incorporated into the Contract, is to be attached to the General Conditions of Contract and shall be read as part of the Contract. Item 1 Principal Sorell Council (clause 1) ........................................................................................... ACN………………………………. ABN 2 Principal’s address Municipal Offices 47 Coles Street Sorell TAS 7172 3 Contractor (clause 1) ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................... ACN………………………………. ABN............................... 4 Contractor’s address ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................... Phone…………………….……… Fax ................................. 5 Superintendent (clause 1) Russel Fox ......................................................................... ........................................................................................... ACN………………………………. ABN............................... 6 Superintendent’s address 47 Cole Street .................................................................... Sorell TAS 7172 ................................................................. Phone (03) 6269 0066……… Fax (03) 6269 0014 .............. 7 a) Date for practical completion (clause 1) OR b) period of time for practical completion (clause 1) Carlton River Bridge (No 706) Replacement 28 weeks after date of acceptance of tender PAGE 7 8 Governing law (clause 1(h) Tasmania 9 (a) Currency (clause 1 (g)) AUD (b) Place for payments (clause 1(g)) Sorell, Tasmania (c) Place of business of bank (clause 1 (d)) Sorell, Tasmania The Principal’s project requirements 1 Concept design 2 Sections 2 10 Are described in the following documents (clause 1) 11 Preliminary design (clause 1) (a) A preliminary design is included (b) The preliminary design documents are: 1. Survey Drawings: IS156000-00-1 2. Concept Design Drawings: IS156000-01 IS156000-02 IS156000-03 IS156000-04 IS156000-05 12 Quantities in schedules of rates, Limits of accuracy (subclause 2.5) NA 13 Provisional sum, Percentage for profit and attendance (clause 3) 15% Carlton River Bridge (No 706) Replacement PAGE 8 14 15 Contractor’s security a) Form (clause 5) Bank guarantee b) Amount or maximum percentage of contract sum (clause 5) 5% of the contract sum c) If retention money’s, percentage of each payment certificate (clause 5 and subclause 37.2) ………………………..% until the limit in Item 14(b) d) Time for provision (except for retention moneys) (clause 5) within…………..days after date of acceptance of tender e) Additional security for unfix plant and material (subclauses 5.4 and 37.3) Nil f) Contractor’s security upon certificate of practical completion is reduced by (subclause 5.4) 50% of amount held Principal’s security a) Form (clause 5) If nothing stated, 10% until the limit in Item 14(b) If nothing stated, 28 days Nil b) Amount or maximum percentage of contract sum (clause 5) Nil c) Time for provision (clause 5) N/A d) Principal’s security upon certificate N/A of practical completion is reduced by (subclause 5.4) 16 17 Principal-supplied documents (subclause 8.2) Documents, numbers of copies, and The times or stages at which they are To be supplied by the Contractor (subclause 8.3) Carlton River Bridge (No 706) Replacement Document No of Copies 1. Principal’s project requirements 1 electronic copy Document Time/stage CMP – 1 copy 14 days prior to POS Design drawings – 1 copy 14 days prior to POS Design certification – 1 copy 14 days prior to POS Traffic Management Plan – 1 copy 14 days prior to POS Demolition Plan – 1 copy 14 days prior to POS As-constructed documents – 1 copy Prior to practical completion PAGE 9 18 Time for Superintendent’s direction as 14 days To about documents: (Subclause 8.3) 19 Subcontracting: (subclause 9.2) As listed in Tender Schedule of Sub-contracting 20 Novation: (Subclause 9.4) N/A 21 Intellectual property rights granted to the Principal – Alternative applying: Alternative 1 (Clause 10.2) 22 Legislative requirements (a) Those excepted (subclause 11.1) Nil (b) Identified WUC (subclause 11.2 (a) (iii)) 23 Insurances of the Works (clause 16A) (a) Alternative applying If Alternative 1 applies (b) Provision for demolition and Removal of debris (c) Provision for consultants’ fees and Principal’s consultants’ fees (d) Value of materials or things to be supplied by the Principal (e) Additional amount or percentage 24 Nil Alternative 1 $80,000 $50,000 N/A 10% Professional indemnity insurance (clause 16B and subclause 9.2(d)) (a) Levels of cover of Contractor’s professional indemnity insurance shall not be less than $5,000,000 (b) Period for which Contractor’s professional indemnity insurance shall be maintained after issue of the final certificate 6 years (c) Categories of consultants and levels of cover of consultants’ professional indemnity Insurance Category Bridge Design Road Design Level of cover $5,000,000 $5,000,000 (d) Period for which each consultant’s 6 years professional indemnity insurance shall be maintain after issue of the final certificate Carlton River Bridge (No 706) Replacement PAGE 10 25 26 Public liability insurance (clause 17) (a) Alternative applying Alternative 1 If Alternative 1 applies (b) Amount per occurrence shall be not less than $20,000,000 (a) Time for giving access (subclause 24.1 within 14 days of date of acceptance of tender (b) Time for giving procession (subclause 24.1) Upon acceptance of CEMP, design drawings, design certification, traffic management plans, demolition plan 27 The information, material, documents or instructions and the times by, or periods within which they are to be given to the Contractor (clause 32) 14 days 28 Qualifying causes of delay, causes of delay for which EOTs will not be granted (paragraph 9b)(iii) of clause 1 and Subclause 34.3) Nil 29 Liquidated damages, rate (subclause 34.7) $500/day 30 Bonus for early practical completion (subclause 34.8) (a) Rate (b) Limit Nil Nil 31 Other compensable causes (paragraph (b) of clause 1 and Subclause 34.9) Nil 32 Defect Liability period (clause 35) 52 weeks 33 Progress Clams (subclause 37.1) (a) Times for progress claims 30th day of each month OR (b) Stages of WUC for progress Claims 34 Unfixed plant and material for which Carlton River Bridge (No 706) Replacement Nil PAGE 11 payment claims may be made (subclause 37.3) 35 Interest rate on overdue payment (subclause 37.5) 8% 36 (a) Time for Principal to rectify inadequate access (subclause 39.7(a) (iii)) 14 days (c) Time for Principal to rectify Inadequate possession (subclause 39.7(a) (iv)) 14 days 37 Arbitration (subclause 42.3) (a) Person to nominate an Arbitrator Chairperson, Tasmanian Division, Institution of Engineers Australia (b) Rules for arbitration Rules 5-18 of the Rules of The Institute of Arbitrators & Mediators Australia for the Conduct of Commercial Arbitrations (c) Appointing Authority under UNCITRAL Arbitration Rule The President of the Institute of arbitrators & Mediators Australia Carlton River Bridge (No 706) Replacement PAGE 12 PART E Annexure to the Australian Standard General Conditions of Contract for Design and Construct AS 4902-2000 Deletions, amendments and additions The following changes have been made to AS 4902-2000 .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. Carlton River Bridge (No 706) Replacement PAGE 13 1.21 Tender Form CONTRACT TITLE: Tender for Carlton River Bridge Replacement Returnable by: 2pm, Wednesday 14 September 2016 Location of Tender Box: Municipal Offices 47 Coles Street Sorell, TAS 7172 TO: Sorell Council Under and subject to the Conditions of Tendering in the Tender Documents I/WE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................................................................... the undersigned do hereby tender to perform the above named Works as described in and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Tender Documents, as defined in Clause 2 of the Conditions of Tendering, at the rates stated in the attached Schedule of Lump Sum Prices and/or the total of the Lump Sum stated in the attached Schedule of Lump Sum Prices as applicable for the amount set out below: TENDER SUM (including GST) Dated this . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Signature or Common Seal of Tenderer: Designation of Authorised Signatory: Address of Tenderer: $_____________ Day of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2016 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................. ................................ ......................... Telephone Number: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Witness to Signature: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Facsimile Number: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Designation/Position: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If the Tenderer is not a registered company then the name of each principal member of the firm shall be stated here: Carlton River Bridge (No 706) Replacement PAGE 14 1.22 Schedule of Proposed Subcontractors The tenderer shall submit hereunder full details of all sub-contractors he proposes to employ for the execution of the works under this contract: DESCRIPTION OF WORKS PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTOR Bridge Design Engineer ..................... ............................................................. Bridge Design Checking Engineer ...... ............................................................. Road Design Engineer ....................... ............................................................. Piling Contractor ................................ ............................................................. Supplier of Precast Elements ............. ............................................................. .......................................................... ............................................................. .......................................................... ............................................................. .......................................................... ............................................................. .......................................................... ............................................................. .......................................................... ............................................................. .......................................................... ............................................................. .......................................................... ............................................................. TENDERER: ............................................................................................. SIGNATURE: ............................................................................................. DATE: ............................................................................................. Carlton River Bridge (No 706) Replacement PAGE 15 1.23 Schedule of Non-Compliance List a description of all items where the alternative Tender varies from the requirements of the Tender Documents. .......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... TENDERER: ................................................................................................................... SIGNATURE: ................................................................................................................... DATE: ................................................................................................................... (This form only applies to alternative Tenders) Carlton River Bridge (No 706) Replacement PAGE 16 1.24 Schedule of Previous Experience List and briefly describe previous projects completed by the Tenderer which are at least comparable to this project in terms of construction skills and cost. Also indicate their approximate Contract value. ............................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................... TENDERER: ........................................................................................................................ SIGNATURE: ........................................................................................................................ DATE: ........................................................................................................................ Carlton River Bridge (No 706) Replacement PAGE 17 1.25 Schedule of Lump Sum Prices PROJECT: Tender for Carlton River Bridge Replacement ITEM DESCRIPTION 1.0 SITE PREPARATION 1.01 Preparation for approval of the design drawings, Construction Environment Management Plan (CEMP), method of construction and all other preconstruction documentation and Engineering Certifications required under the contract. Item 1.02 Establishment including traffic management, supply and erect all necessary temporary barriers and warning signs. Item 1.03 Relocation of any services that interfere with the new works (excluding relocating the TasNetworks pole) Item 2.0 BRIDGE WORKS 2.01 Construction of bridge substructure including abutments, piers and scour protection Item 2.02 Construction of bridge superstructure including beams, deck & barrier fences Item 2.03 Construction of culvert extension Item 3.0 ROADWORKS 3.01 Construction of road approaches including earthworks, pavement, surfacing, safety barriers, embankment protection, landscaping and all associated works. 4.0 SITE RESTORATION & DE-MOBILISATION 4.01 4.02 4.03 5.0 Demolition and disposal of existing bridge Rehabilitation of the redundant road corridor Provision of As-Constructed Documentation OMITTED ITEMS INCLUDED BY TENDERERS (Condition of Tendering – Clause 1.6) 6.0 GOODS & SERVICE TAX (%10) QTY UNIT RATE AMOUNT Item Item Item Item TOTAL $......……............ (Transfer to Tender Form) Carlton River Bridge (No 706) Replacement PAGE 18 2 Principal’s Project Requirements 2.1 General 2.1.1 Introduction This design and construct documentation is for the replacement of the Carlton River Bridge (no. 706) on Sugarloaf Road and realignment of approximately 360m of road. The bridge is located near the Primrose Sands Road intersection, approximately 6.5km south of the junction with the Arthur Highway. Sorell Council requires the replacement of the existing single lane timber bridge as it is near the end of its service life. The intention is to build the new bridge alongside the existing bridge on the upstream side and realign the road to suit so that traffic can still use the existing bridge during the construction period. Extension of the Primrose Sand Road intersection will also provide better sight distances for traffic entering onto Sugarloaf Road. Site Location: Carlton River Bridge (No. 706) 2.1.2 Objectives and Requirements The primary objective of the project is to provide a new structure which will increase the load carrying capacity of the bridge and improve the road geometry of the approaches. The replacement bridge is required to ensure continued access for general and permit vehicles to the Primrose Sands and Connellys Marsh areas. The specific objectives of the Principal with regard to the contract are as follows: a) Provide a durable replacement bridge, with minimum maintenance requirements during its service life b) Improve vertical and horizontal road alignment c) Improve road safety d) Construction works to have minimal environmental impact and conform to current legislative and regulation requirements, and any environmental protection notices issued by relevant authorities e) To carry out the construction works with zero harm to workers engaged on the project f) Minimal disruption to the public during construction activities g) Safe removal of the old bridge. Carlton River Bridge (No 706) Replacement PAGE 19 The Principal is seeking a functional, cost effective design for the replacement of the bridge and associated roadworks. The bridge will be replaced based on the following requirements: n n n n n n n n n The bridge shall be designed in accordance to the requirements of Australian Standard AS5100 - Bridge Design and Department of State Growth Standard Bridge Specifications The bridge shall be designed to SM1600 traffic loading as per AS5100 Bridge barriers shall be designed to Low Performance level in accordance with AS5100 A two lane bridge with traffic lane widths of 3.0 m and 1.0m width sealed shoulders Realignment of road for improved vertical and horizontal geometry Road approaches designed in accordance with Austroads Guidelines and Department of State Growth Road specifications The bridge to be designed with a view to minimising ongoing maintenance costs and is to have a 100 year design life All existing services to be reinstated into conduits attached to the bridge and allow for new services The removal of the old bridge. 2.1.3 Scope The scope of works under this Contract shall consist of all work necessary for the Design and Construction for the replacement of Carlton River Bridge No. 706 and realignment of road approaches, including, but not limited to: a) Undertake any further site investigation and/or additional survey work necessary to complete the project objectives and requirements. b) Undertake hydrology and hydraulic assessments as required for the design of the replacement bridge. c) Carry out the design of the new two lane bridge to AS5100 design loads, including SM1600 vehicle loads, and the required design checks. d) Carry out the design of approximately 360m of road realignment, in accordance with Austroads standards, including the necessary design checks. e) All temporary works and associated design that may be required to carry out the construction activities. f) Preparation, implementation and maintenance of all required temporary traffic management required to carry out and complete the construction activities. g) All construction activities associated with the construction of the new bridge, including: foundations, abutments, piers, decks, fences, and guardrail transitions to approach rails. h) All works associated with the approximate 360m of new road approaches on improved alignment including the extension of a box culvert. i) Complete removal and disposal of the existing bridge including the foundations to a level of at least 300mm below the existing ground or riverbed surface. j) The removal and rehabilitation of the redundant road. k) As constructed drawings and QA documentation in line with the requirements of the contract. l) Any other works as required to fulfil the requirements of the project objectives and requirements. m) Clean up of site including make good of any disturbed areas, and reinstatement of any damaged infrastructure. Use of the existing bridge structure for the construction of the new bridge shall not be permitted at any time without the approval of the Superintendent. Carlton River Bridge (No 706) Replacement PAGE 20 2.2 Concept Drawings The concept design for the site is for a new bridge to the upstream (northern) side of the existing bridge with an improved horizontal and vertical geometry. Refer to Section 4 for the Concept Drawings. Key concept details include: § Bridge length of approximately 60m § Length of road realignment of approximately 360m 2.3 2.3.1 Bridge Technical Parameters Bridge Design Loading The bridge design loads shall be in accordance with the relevant clauses of AS5100 and this Specification. The bridge shall be designed for SM1600 traffic loading. HLP loadings in accordance with AS5100 are not required. 2.3.2 Alignment The required alignments are defined in the Concept Design Drawings. The new bridge shall be located to the upstream (northern) side of the existing bridge as shown on the Drawings. The horizontal alignment for the bridge is at an angle of approximately 75 degrees to the river flow. The bridge deck will drain to the southern end of the structure. Minimum longitudinal grade at any point on the bridge deck shall be 1.0%. Refer to the Concept Drawings for detail of the vertical profile across the bridge deck. The bridge deck cross-section is to have a crown and 3% crossfall in either direction. 2.3.3 Carriageway The new bridge shall have two 3.0m wide lanes with 1.0m wide sealed shoulders. Provision for pedestrian access is not required. 2.3.4 Hydrology and Hydraulics The Tenderer is to undertake detailed hydrology and hydraulic assessments as a part of the design of the replacement bridge (including any required site investigations). A report detailing the outcomes of the hydrology and hydraulic analysis, and associated bridge design recommendations, shall be provided to the Principal for review and approval. The new bridge is required to provide a minimum waterway area and soffit level that matches the existing bridge. Any decrease in waterway area shall not be acceptable, unless hydraulic analysis of the site demonstrates sufficient hydraulic capacity shall be maintained. The design loading forces due to water flow shall be as per AS5100. Floating logs are possible, and forces due to log impacts shall be taken into account. 2.3.5 Span Configuration The span configuration for the bridge structure shall be at the discretion of the Contractor and subject to approval from the Principal through the design review process. Carlton River Bridge (No 706) Replacement PAGE 21 2.3.6 Barriers Traffic barriers are required at the bridge and shall be designed to AS5100 Low Performance level requirements. The safety barrier shall have transition guardrail extending beyond the bridge as per the requirements of AS5100. 2.3.7 Abutments A suitable designed foundation system shall be provided for the replacement bridge. Batter protection shall be provided for abutments (including any wing walls). Any rock pitching shall include rock sizes sufficient for predicted river flows. The abutment foundations and batter protection shall be designed and constructed to protect the structure from potential scour effects based on the requirements of AS5100 for maximum flow rates determined from hydraulic analysis. 2.3.8 Piers / Piles The location and design of piers is at the discretion of the Contractor, and subject to approval from the Principal through the design review process. The design of pier foundations shall allow for potential scour of the river bed based on hydrology and hydraulic assessments undertaken by the Tenderer. Piling records shall be maintained and provided to the Superintendent prior to the completion of any piling works. 2.3.9 Geotechnical Information The Principal has undertaken a geotechnical investigation that comprised drilling of boreholes on either side of the proposed bridge replacement location. No overwater drilling was undertaken as part of this work. The aim of the geotechnical investigation was to provide geotechnical information on the ground conditions at the site of the proposed bridge replacement. A factual geotechnical investigation report is provided in Section 3. Australian Standard AS 5100 – “Bridge Design” recommends boreholes be drilled at the location of each of the proposed piers. The Contractor shall undertake any additional site investigations required to facilitate the design of the replacement bridge piers. 2.3.10 Deck Expansion Joints Expansion joints shall be of a type which offers minimum maintenance. Site construction tolerances and installation procedures shall be such as to minimise noise from the installed joint. 2.3.11 Surfacing Bridge deck surfacing may be concrete or dense graded asphalt. If concrete, it should have a broom finish. 2.3.12 Lighting There is no requirement for the provision of lighting. 2.3.13 Durability As part of the design documentation deliverables, the Contractor is to demonstrate compliance with AS5100 durability requirements to meet a design service life of 100 years. The principal structural components shall be designed, detailed, selected, specified, procured and constructed to meet the durability objectives. Carlton River Bridge (No 706) Replacement PAGE 22 2.3.14 Services The Contractor is responsible for accurately locating, protecting and / or relocation of any utility services in consultation with the relevant utility owner’s requirements and standards. The relocation of a TasNetworks pole located in the works at the northern approach will be arranged by Council. 2.3.15 Survey Information The Principal has undertaken a survey of the site. The survey drawing is included in Section 4. Electronic files can be provided on request. The Contractor shall confirm the coordinates and levels of the existing survey. Where existing survey control marks are within the limits of the works, new survey control marks shall be established by the Contractor clear of the works. The Contractor shall be responsible for setting out the works and for all additional survey which is required for design purposes. A copy of all additional survey information is to be provided to the Superintendent. 2.3.16 Traffic Management The Contractor shall plan, implement and maintain all signage and traffic management required and is to note the following requirements: § At least one lane of traffic shall remain open at all times during working hours, of minimum width 3.0m. § The full closure of Sugarloaf Road is not permitted. § Two lanes of traffic shall be open at all times outside of working hours on roads, with one lane open on the existing bridge. The Contractor shall submit a Traffic Management Plan to the Superintendent for approval as a condition of possession of the site. 2.3.17 Use of Existing Bridge If the Contractor elects to use the existing bridge structure as part of the construction process, the Contractor shall be responsible for the integrity of the existing structure, including any modifications to facilitate the replacement structure, during all phases of the construction, until such time as the new structure is fully trafficable. 2.3.18 Maintaining the Existing Bridge Condition If additional time is required by the Contractor to complete the replacement bridge past the nominated time in the Contract, it will be the Contractor's responsibility to maintain the existing bridge at Legal State Load Limit until the replacement bridge is operational. Any repairs required to the existing bridge to maintain Legal State Load Limit will be at the Contractor's expense. 2.4 Roadworks Technical Parameters 2.4.1 Alignment The Principal required road vertical and horizontal alignments are defined in the Concept Design Drawings attached in Section 4. Road design shall be in accordance with Austroads Guidelines and Department of State Growth Road specifications. The design speed shall be 80 km/h. 2.4.2 Road Cross-Section The cross-sections for the road are shown in the Concept Design Drawings and shall comply with the following: § § 3.0m wide sealed traffic lanes 1.0m wide sealed shoulders Carlton River Bridge (No 706) Replacement PAGE 23 § § § 0.5m wide verges (where safety barrier is not required, 1.0m verges where safety barriers are required) Provision for pedestrian access is not required. Fill batters to be at 1 vertical to 2 horizontal. Cut batters to be at 1 vertical to 1 horizontal. 2.4.3 Match-in Controls The centreline of the new road approaches shall match into the locations and line (horizontally and vertically) of that of the existing road at Ch. 0 for the southern end and Ch. 398 for the northern end. Primrose Sands Road to be matched as indicated on the Concept Drawings. Lane width transitions shall not be less than 1 in 40. 2.4.4 Treatment of Redundant Road The existing road pavement within the limits of works and outside the new earthworks footprint shall be considered to be redundant. Redundant road shall be treated in accordance with the Department of State Growth Standard Roadworks Specification. In addition, the redundant road shall be top soiled and grassed. Existing surface drains that will become redundant shall be filled in to natural surface contours and any culverts removed. 2.4.5 Pavement Design The Contractor shall undertake any additional site investigations required to facilitate the final design of the pavement. The Contractor shall design the pavement in accordance with Austroads Guidelines and Department of State Growth Road specifications. The pavement design shall be based on the following minimum requirements: § § § § § § § Subgrade – Minimum CBR of 5% required for pavement depths shown below without stabilisation Sub-base 1 course 200mm Base A course 175mm Surface course 2 coat prime and seal 14/10 Pavement materials to be as per Department of State Growth Specification R40 Surface course to be as per Department of State Growth Specification R51 Seal binder to be Class 170 Residual Bitumen in accordance with AS 2008 2.4.6 Surfacing Road pavement surfacing (excluding the bridge deck) shall be a two coat spray seal 14/10. 2.4.7 Line Marking The pavement line marking shall be in thermoplastic paint. Line marking shall include edge and barrier lines as required by Department of State Growth Specification R64. 2.4.8 Signage All existing relevant road signs shall be relocated to suit the new roadworks. 2.4.9 Landscaping All fill batters and redundant road shall be topsoiled and seeded with Type A seed mix in accordance with Department of State Growth Standard Specification R70. Carlton River Bridge (No 706) Replacement PAGE 24 2.4.10 Property Acquisition All property acquisition matters will be completed by Council. 2.4.11 Fencing Council will arrange any new property fencing with affected land owners where applicable. 2.4.12 Services The Contractor is responsible for accurately locating, protecting and / or relocation of any utility services in consultation with the relevant utility owner’s requirements and standards. 2.5 Removal of Existing Bridge 2.5.1 Scope of Demolition Works Total demolition and removal of the existing bridge structure, including the abutments and piers to 300mm below ground or river bed level is required. 2.5.2 Demolition Methods Demolition methods shall minimise falling rubble and consequent environmental pollution. Methods which remove large assemblies to a place of breaking-up shall be used when feasible. The demolition shall generally comply with AS2601 – the Demolition of Structures. The use of explosives is not permitted without the approval of the Superintendent. The Contractor is fully liable for any structural or safety consequences arising from placement of equipment on the existing bridge for the purposes of demolition. The Contractor shall obtain the approval of the Superintendent prior to operating any heavy machinery on the existing structure. An application for such approval shall include a rigorous structural analysis, independently certified by a suitably qualified structural engineer. The Contractor shall develop a Demolition Plan which shall be submitted to the Superintendent for approval as a condition of possession of the site. 2.6 Management Systems 2.6.1 Hold Points The Superintendent shall review and release the following Hold Points before any further works shall take place: n n n n n n n n n n n Contract Management Plan Traffic Management Plan Design Checks Design Documentation All precast work, with reinforcement and prestressing tendons in place, prior to pouring Excavation of footings Erection of precast items Prior to pouring of insitu concrete Placement of base course Completion of all works prior to placing on Defect Liability Period During any other stages or section of works as directed by the Superintendent The release of a Hold Point does not represent the approval of the works. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that works are constructed in accordance with the design and this specification. Where the giving of notice for inspection or testing is specified, the Superintendent is to be advised at least 24 hours in advance of the intention to perform or to cover up a section of the Works to enable inspection to be Carlton River Bridge (No 706) Replacement PAGE 25 made and approval given. The Superintendent reserves the right to order the demolition of any component within these inspection categories if the Contractor fails to give notice. 2.6.2 Management Plans The Contractor shall develop a Contract Management Plan, which shall include but is not limited to; n n n Quality Plan Safety Management Plan Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) The Contract Management Plan shall be submitted to the Superintendent for approval as a condition of possession of the site. 2.6.3 Design Check The Contractor shall provide an independent check of the bridge design, including structural check calculations and durability requirements to confirm compliance with the Specification and accepted engineering practice. The check shall be undertaken by an independent Professional Engineer experienced in the field of bridge engineering and qualified for Corporate Membership of the Institution of Engineers Australia, referred to hereafter as the “Bridge Checking Engineer”. Design certification, including confirmation of a design check, shall be submitted with the design documentation. This engineer can be from the same firm as the designer but shall not have worked on the design. It shall be demonstrated that the Bridge Checking Engineer has not been involved in the actual design process for the bridges. 2.6.4 Design Documentation The Contractor shall provide the following documents to the Superintendent prior to commencement of construction for individual elements: a) Certificate of Design b) Certificate of Design Check c) A set of drawings for construction fully describing the detailed design of the element. The drawings shall be signed by the Contractor and Design Engineer as complying with design documentation and certifying that any notices of non-compliant work arising during the design stage have been addressed and resolved. d) A drawing register shall be kept by the Contractor and supplied to the Superintendent with each update or issue of new drawings. Prior to Practical Completion the Contractor must supply: a) A full set of titled, bound and indexed design calculations for the structure complete with computer models and outputs. b) A full set of “As Constructed” Drawings in both hard copy and digital in PDF and DXF or DWG format. The drawings shall be signed by the Contractor and Design Engineer as complying with design documentation and certifying that any notices of non-compliant work arising during the execution of the works have been addressed and resolved. c) A completion report giving details of the bridge, including materials used and statistical summaries to demonstrate their compliance with specifications. 2.6.5 Design Review Meetings The Contractor shall convene design coordination meetings to be held throughout the design phase at intervals not exceeding 2 weeks to review the status and progress of the designs. The meetings shall be attended by representatives of the Contractor, Design Consultant, Superintendent, Project Manager and the Principal. Carlton River Bridge (No 706) Replacement PAGE 26 The Contractor shall prepare the meeting minutes and forward to the Superintendent within 3 days of the meeting. 2.6.6 Permits The Contractor shall obtain any necessary permits for the delivery of all components to the site. Environmental Impacts Water quality in the Carlton River and its ecosystem shall not be compromised as a result of the construction works on the replacement bridge and road approaches and the demolition of the existing bridge. Preventative measures shall be undertaken wherever practicable to minimise turbidity and water pollution from construction activities and these measures should be detailed in the CMP. Runoff and erosion controls shall be installed prior to any work activities that are likely to cause erosion, turbidity or pollution. Disturbance to river channel banks and bed deposits shall be minimised to that necessary for construction of the new bridge and removal of the existing bridge. The runoff of silt from earthworks shall be minimised by appropriate construction techniques including but not limited to: § § § § § Shaping temporary construction surfaces away from the river edge Use of temporary berms and drainage channels across disturbed areas Diversion of flow around disturbed areas Use of silt settlement basins Use of silt traps within open drains. The river and surrounding runoff areas shall be protected from: § § § Vegetation removal Erosion and sediment control to avoid air and water pollution General construction impacts, incidents and mitigation During bridge construction and demolition, procedures shall be implemented to contain any concrete spillages, other wastes, spoils from saw cutting and the like. During dewater of any coffer facilities, containment and/or filtering measures shall be used to minimise the discharge of turbid water directly into the river. The use of explosives is not permitted without prior approval of the Superintendent. 2.6.7 Aboriginal Cultural Heritage If any sites of Aboriginal significance or Aboriginal relics are discovered during construction the Contractor must stop work and immediately inform the Superintendent. Any site containing evidence of Aboriginal occupation or use is protected by the Aboriginal Relics Act 1975 and it is an offence to disturb an Aboriginal site without the written permission of the Minister. Carlton River Bridge (No 706) Replacement PAGE 27 3 Geotechnical Report Carlton River Bridge (No 706) Replacement Carlton River Bridge Replacement Geotechnical Investigation Factual Report Sorell Council IS156000-0001-GE-RPT-0001 0001 | A 25 July 2016 Sor ell Council IS156000-0001-GE-RPT- 0001 IS156000-0001-GE-RPT-0001 Carlton River Bridge Replacement –Geotechnical Investigation Factual Report Project No: IS156000 Document Title: IS156000-0001-GE-RPT-0001 Document No.: 0001 Revision: A Date: 25 July 2016 Client Name: Sorell Council Project Manager: Jonathon Elliot Author: Seamus Hart File Name: I:\WCMS\110\GEM_02_03\Geotechnical\@Projects\@Projects 2016\Carlton River Bridge Replacement - Hobart\Report\Final\IS156000-0001-GE-RPT-0001.docx Jacobs Group (Australia) Pty Limited ABN 37 001 024 095 Floor 11, 452 Flinders Street Melbourne VIC 3000 PO Box 312, Flinders Lane Melbourne VIC 8009 Australia T +61 3 8668 3000 F +61 3 8668 3001 © Copyright 2016 Jacobs Group (Australia) Pty Limited. The concepts and information contained in this document are the property of Jacobs. Use or copying of this document in whole or in part without the written permission of Jacobs constitutes an infringement of copyright. Limitation: This report has been prepared on behalf of, and for the exclusive use of Jacobs’ Client, and is subject to, and issued in accordance with, the provisions of the contract between Jacobs and the Client. Jacobs accepts no liability or responsibility whatsoever for, or in respect of, any use of, or reliance upon, this report by any third party. Document history and status Revision Date Description By Review Approved A 25 July 2016 Geotechnical Investigation Factual Report SH DG JE 0001 i IS156000-0001-GE-RPT-0001 Contents 1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 2 2. Site Description ......................................................................................................................................... 3 3. Geological Setting ..................................................................................................................................... 5 3.1 Regional Geology ........................................................................................................................................ 5 4. Subsurface Conditions ............................................................................................................................. 6 4.1 Field Investigation ........................................................................................................................................ 6 4.2 Groundwater ................................................................................................................................................ 7 4.3 Unit 2A Cobbles Fill ..................................................................................................................................... 7 5. Laboratory Testing .................................................................................................................................. 10 6. Summary .................................................................................................................................................. 11 7. References ............................................................................................................................................... 12 Appendix A. Site Location Map Appendix B. Borehole Logs Appendix C. Laboratory Certificates 0001 ii IS156000-0001-GE-RPT-0001 Important note about your report The sole purpose of this report is to present the findings of a geotechnical investigation carried out by Jacobs for Sorell Council (‘the Client’) in connection with proposed Carlton River Bridge Replacement. This report was produced in accordance with and is limited to the scope of services set out in the contract between Jacobs and the Client. This report is based on assumptions that the site conditions as revealed through sampling are indicative of conditions throughout the site. The findings are the result of standard assessment techniques used in accordance with normal practices and standards, and (to the best of Jacobs’ knowledge) they represent a reasonable interpretation of the current conditions on the site. Sampling techniques, by definition, cannot determine the conditions between the sample points and so this report cannot be taken to be a full representation of the sub-surface conditions. This report only provides an indication of the likely sub surface conditions. Conditions encountered when site work commences may be different from those inferred in this report, for the reasons explained in this limitation statement. If site conditions encountered during site works are different from those encountered during Jacobs’ site investigation, Jacobs reserves the right to revise any of the findings, observations and conclusions expressed in this report. The passage of time, manifestation of latent conditions or impacts of future events may require further examination of the project and subsequent data analysis, and re-evaluation of the data, findings, observations and conclusions expressed in this report. In preparing this report, Jacobs has relied upon, and presumed accurate, any information (or confirmation of the absence thereof) provided by the Client and from other sources. Except as otherwise stated in the report, Jacobs has not attempted to verify the accuracy or completeness of any such information. If the information is subsequently determined to be false, inaccurate or incomplete then it is possible that our observations and conclusions as expressed in this report may change. Jacobs has prepared this report in accordance with the usual care and thoroughness of the consulting profession, for the sole purpose described above and by reference to applicable standards, guidelines, procedures and practices at the date of issue of this report. For the reasons outlined above, however, no other warranty or guarantee, whether expressed or implied, is made as to the data, observations and findings expressed in this report, to the extent permitted by law. This report does not address environmental or geo-environmental issues including the presence of any contaminants or hazardous materials at the site unless Jacobs was specifically and expressly retained to do so. This report should be read in full and no excerpts are to be taken as representative of the findings. No responsibility is accepted by Jacobs for use of any part of this report in any other context. This report has been prepared on behalf of, and for the exclusive use of, the Client, and is subject to, and issued in accordance with, the provisions of the contract between Jacobs and the Client. Jacobs accepts no liability or responsibility whatsoever for, or in respect of, any use of, or reliance upon, this report by any third party. 0001 1 IS156000-0001-GE-RPT-0001 1. Introduction Jacobs has been engaged by Sorell Council to undertake a geotechnical investigation and factual reporting for tender design phase of the Carlton River Bridge Replacement project in Carlton River. The Carlton River Bridge is located outside the township of Carlton River, about 15 km south-east of Sorell. The current bridge is a timber multi-span bridge which spans approximately 60 m across the Carlton River. It should be noted that the replacement bridge design was unknown at the time of the geotechnical investigation. That said, we understand that it is likely that piers will be constructed within the Carlton River to support the new superstructure (i.e. a multi span bridge). Australian Standard AS 5100 – “Bridge Design” recommends boreholes be drilled at the location of each of the proposed piers. The scope of work approved for this geotechnical investigation comprised drilling of boreholes on either side of the proposed bridge location. No overwater drilling was undertaken as part of this work. The aim of the geotechnical investigation was to provide geotechnical information on the ground conditions at the site of the proposed bridge replacement. Jacobs undertook a field investigation on 24 and 25 May, 2016 which comprised the drilling of two (2) boreholes adjacent to the existing bridge abutments on either side of the Carlton River. Following the investigation selected samples collected as part of the investigation were submitted for geotechnical laboratory testing. This report presents the findings of the geotechnical investigation. 0001 2 IS156000-0001-GE-RPT-0001 2. Site Description The location of the Carlton River Bridge and photographs taken can be seen within the site location map in Appendix A. The Carlton River Bridge is located outside the township of Carlton River, about 15 km south-east of Sorell. The terrain grades gradually from the north and south towards the low point at the banks of the Carlton River. The river runs in a predominantly north-east to south-west direction at the location of the existing bridge which crosses the river approximately perpendicular to the banks of the river. Some outcropping of rock is visible on the southern slope of the river banks however the site is predominantly covered by grassed vegetation. Photo 2.1 and Photo 2.2 show the conditions at the site. Photo 2.1: Carlton River Bridge looking to the north 0001 3 IS156000-0001-GE-RPT-0001 Photo 2.2: Carlton River Bridge looking to the south 0001 4 IS156000-0001-GE-RPT-0001 3. Geological Setting 3.1 Regional Geology The Geological Survey of Tasmania (1982), Sorell Map sheet (1:50 000 scale) describes the surface geology within the site. The map indicates that the project area comprises Jurassic Age Dolerite. Nearby some Tertiary age Igneous basalt flows and dykes and Quaternary Age alluvium deposits are noted. An extract from the Sorell Map sheet is shown (not to scale) in Figure 3.1 below. The approximate location of the bridge site is shown in the figure. The geological units shown in Figure 3.1 are as follows: - Jurassic Igneous Rocks (Jdl); Dolerite - Tertiary Igneous Rocks (Tb); Basalt flows and dykes - Quaternary River Alluvium (Qha); Swamp, marsh, beach and spit deposits - Quaternary Windblown (Qhw); Sand deposits - Quaternary Talus of Dolerite (Qtd); Figure 3.1: Extract from Geological Map of Sorell (Geological Survey of Tasmania, 1982) The findings of the field investigation are generally consistent with the information presented on the geological map. 0001 IS156000-0001-GE-RPT-0001 4. Subsurface Conditions 4.1 Field Investigation Two (2) boreholes were drilled at the Carlton River Bridge site adjacent to the existing bridge abutment. Borehole BH1 was drilled on the southern bank while Borehole BH2 was drilled on the northern bank. Table 4.1 provides a summary of the geotechnical drilling conducted during the field investigation. A site location map showing the location of boreholes is included in Appendix A The boreholes were proposed to be drilled to a depth of at least 15 m below ground surface. Time restraints as a result of difficult drilling conditions in the fill material at Borehole BH01 and shorter daylight hours in winter meant this borehole was terminated at 12 m below ground surface level. The borehole drilling was coordinated by a geotechnical engineer from Jacobs who described the materials encountered, directed in-situ testing and selected samples for classification and strength testing. The borehole locations were positioned using a hand-held GPS device, with nominal accuracy of +/- 10m. No surface elevation was recorded the site. Table 4.1: Summary of boreholes drilled during the geotechnical investigation Hole ID Location Easting Northing Inferred Surface RL (mAHD) Termination depth (m bgl) BH01 Southern bank 557207 5253261 N/A 12.0 BH02 Northern bank 557259 5253203 N/A 15.46 Ground conditions at the Carlton River Bridge site are presented on the borehole logs together with photographs of the rock core provided in Appendix B. The ground conditions at the site generally comprise the following units: Unit 1 – FILL: Silty GRAVEL Loose and moist fill was encountered from the surface in both boreholes. The fill comprised Silty GRAVEL, brown, fine to medium gravel and was approximately 0.4 m thick. The gravel was typically of loose density at the locations investigated. Unit 2A – FILL: COBBLES Beneath the Unit 1 fill another layer of fill was encountered. This material comprised highly to slightly weathered dolerite COBBLES, dark grey in colour, with some coarse dolerite gravel. Unit 2B – FILL: Sandy CLAY In Borehole BH2 a layer of stiff and moist sandy CLAY was encountered interbedded with the cobble fill material. The clay was of high plasticity, brown & grey/brown, fine to medium sand. Unit 3 – DOLERITE Beneath the various layers of fill material Dolerite rock was encountered. The rock is described as being moderately weathered to fresh and dark grey to blue/grey in colour. The depths of each unit type are summarised in Table 4.2 below. 0001 IS156000-0001-GE-RPT-0001 Table 4.2 : Summary of geological units encountered in boreholes BH1 and BH2 Material Unit Description Unit 1 – Fill FILL: Silty GRAVEL Unit 2A – Fill FILL: COBBLES Depths encountered in each borehole (m bgl) BH01 BH02 0 to 0.4 0 to 0.4 0.4 to 4.53 0.4 to 1.3 And 2.18 to 5.5 Unit 2B – Fill FILL: Sandy CLAY Unit 3 – Dolerite DOLERITE N/A 1.3 to 2.18 4.73 to 12.3* 5.5 to 15.46* N/A –unit not encountered * – Borehole termination depth 4.2 Groundwater Groundwater was not encountered to the depths at which auger drilling was undertaken (bottom of Unit 1). Water was added as a drilling fluid to core the cobbles (Unit 2) and dolerite rock (Unit 3) and as such no observation on the presence of water was made below the depth of the auger drilling at each location. 4.3 Unit 2A Cobbles Fill Photographs of the existing bridge abutment and embankments and surrounding area are included as Photos 4.1 to 4.3 in this section of the report. The photos show the presence of the cobbles fill within and adjacent to the existing bridge abutments and have been provided for information only. The Unit 2A fill material was also visible from the southern bridge abutment, upslope to the intersection at Sugarloaf and Primrose Sands Roads (see Photo 4.2). The slopes of the Carlton River Bridge fill embankments were observed to be steeper than slope of the regions terrain. The location of the photographs taken at the Carlton River Bridge site can be seen in a map within Appendix A. 0001 IS156000-0001-GE-RPT-0001 Photo 4.1: Carlton River Bridge southern abutment Photo 4.2: Carlton River Bridge southern abutment taken from Primrose Sands Road 0001 IS156000-0001-GE-RPT-0001 Photo 4.3: Carlton River Bridge northern abutment 0001 IS156000-0001-GE-RPT-0001 5. Laboratory Testing Samples from the geotechnical investigation were consigned for laboratory testing at the NATA accredited Bamford Rock Testing Services rock laboratory based in North Melbourne, Victoria. Table 5.1 summarises the results of the laboratory testing. The laboratory test certificates are provided in Appendix C. Table 5.1 : Summary of laboratory test results Borehole ID Sample Depth Axial Point-Load Index IS(50) Moisture Content Density: Wet Density: Dry Uniaxial Compressive Strength (UCS) (m) MPa (%) kg/m3 kg/m3 MPa BH01 6.43 - 6.50 BH01 7.11 - 7.21 BH01 7.73 - 7.87 BH01 9.48 - 9.58 BH01 10.86 - 11.00 BH01 11.78 - 11.93 BH01 8.18 - 8.36 BH01 9.82 - 10.00 BH01 11.18 - 11.38 BH02 5.77 - 6.00 BH02 6.67 - 6.77 BH02 10.32 - 10.47 BH02 11.55 - 11.65 BH02 12.06 - 12.21 BH02 13.0 - 13.22 BH02 8.22 - 8.47 BH02 9.11 - 9.41 BH02 13.97 - 14.18 ‘- ’ laboratory test not undertaken 0001 UCS (Standardised for 50mm diameter & 1:1 shape) MPa Mode of Failure Inferred Strength Class (AS1726) - - 2.01 - - - - - H 13.64 - - - - - 11.55 - - - - - EH EH 0.02 - - - - - EL 0.11 - - - - - VL to L 6.93 - - - - - VH Rough shear at 42° to axis. Rough shear at 20° to axis. Rough shear at 25° to axis. 18.11 2353 1992 17.47 23.08 29.59 1968 1518 1.00 1.17 29.92 2042 1572 0.42 0.42 3.79 - - - - - VH 4.93 - - - - - VH 7.43 - - - - - VH 4.41 - - - - - VH 6.07 - - - - - VH 6.89 - - - - - - 3.46 2670 2581 42.44 55.06 - - 1.96 2742 2690 128.52 174.64 0.77 2838 2816 44.94 60.90 M to H L EL VH Axial cleavage. Shear at 22° to axis. Axial cleavage. H VH H IS156000-0001-GE-RPT-0001 6. Summary A geotechnical Investigation was undertaken adjacent to the existing Carlton River Bridge site proposed for future bridge replacement. Two (2) boreholes were drilled at the Carlton River Bridge site adjacent to the existing bridge abutments. The boreholes (BH1 and BH2) were drilled to depths of 12 m and 15.4 m below ground surface respectively. Ground conditions at the site comprised a layer of sandy gravel fill over, cobbles fill (highly to slightly weathered dolerite), overlying natural moderately weathered to fresh dolerite rock. The presence of cobbles fill was observed on the surface within and adjacent to the existing bridge abutment. Samples from the geotechnical investigation were consigned for laboratory testing Bamford Rock Testing Services. Rock strengths of generally high to very high with some extremely high rock strength have been inferred based on Axial Point-Load Strength Index Is(50) and Uniaxial Compressive Strength testing. 0001 IS156000-0001-GE-RPT-0001 7. References Geological Survey of Tasmania (1982), 1:50,000 Sorell Map sheet 0001 IS156000-0001-GE-RPT-0001 Appendix A. Site Location Map 0001 Carlton River Bridge Location Map Legend [ Site Investigation Boreholes Site Investigation Photos BH01 r Photo 2.1 Ca rlto nR ive Photo 4.3 Ä Photo 2.1 Å Photo 2.2 Ä Photo 4.1 Å Photo 4.2 Å Photo 4.3 Su rlo ga af ad Ro Photo 4.1 Photo 2.2 Re ar do ns Ro ad BH02 Photo 4.2 0 5 10 oa a Ro Pr i mr os eS d an d Locality Map 0 5 10 20 1:500 Metres GDA 1994 MGA Zone 55 am sR ± lh Fu d kilometres COPYRIGHT: This document is the property of Sorell Council. Use or copying of the document in whole or in part without the written permission of Sorell Council constitutes an infringement of copyright. This document was prepared for Sorell Council by Jacobs Group (Australia) Pty. Ltd. Jacobs Group (Australia) Pty. Ltd. does not warrant that this document is definitive, nor free of error and does not accept liability for any loss caused or arising from reliance upon information provided herein. Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AEX, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, swisstopo, and the GIS User Community, Sources: Esri, DeLorme, USGS, NPS Document Path: I:\WCMS\110\GEM_02_03\Geotechnical\@Projects\@Projects 2016\Carlton River Bridge Duplication - Hobart\Spatial\ArcGIS\Carlton_River_Bridge_Location_Map_V2.mxd Date Published: 25 Jul 2016 IS156000-0001-GE-RPT-0001 Appendix B. Borehole Logs 0001 HOLE NO: BH01 SOIL LOG JOB NO : IS156000 PAGE : 1 OF 4 SURFACE ELEVATION : LOCATION : Sugarloaf Road RIG TYPE : Hydrapower Scout CONTRACTOR : KMR Drilling DIP / AZIMUTH : 90° DATE DRILLED : 24/5/16 to 24/5/16 LOGGED BY : SH STANDARD : AS1726-1993 CHECKED BY : DG AD/T FILL: Silty GRAVEL (GM): Brown, fine-medium gravel (3-10mm), well graded, low sphericity, angular, low liquid limit silt, with some medium-coarse sand MOISTURE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Soil Type, Colour, Plasticity or Particle Characteristic Secondary and Minor Components CONSISTENCY / DENSITY GRAPHIC LOG RL (m) DEPTH (m) SAMPLES & SPT DATA % Fines Atterberg Limits Dry Density LAB DATA Moisture Content DRILLING & WATER DETAIL PROJECT : Calton CarltonRiver River Bridge Duplication Calton Bridge Replacement River Bridge POSITION : Replacement E: 557207, N: 5253261 (55 MGA94) M L COMMENTS Field Test Data & Other Observations With some moderately weathered fine-medium dolerite gravel (3-10mm), low sphericity, angular, black, slightly vesicular (1-5mm) 0.40m Continued as Cored Borehole 0.5 1.0 1.5 JACOBS AGS REV04 (WORKING).GLB Log SKM SOIL LOG CARLTON RIVER BRIDGE GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION.GPJ <<DrawingFile>> 22/07/2016 12:31 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 HA SFA WB RR AH DRILLING Hand Auger HQ HQ Coring Solid Flight Auger NQ NQ Coring Washbore PQ PQ Coring Rock Rolling NMLC NMLC Coring Air Hammer GROUNDWATER SYMBOLS = Water level (static) = Water level (during drilling) = Water inflow = Water outflow SAMPLES & FIELD TESTS D Disturbed Sample SPT SPT Sample B Bulk Sample U Undisturbed Tube Sample ES Env Soil Sample W Water Sample EW Env Water Sample PP Hand Penetrometer MOISTURE CONDITION SV Hand Vane Shear D = Dry M = Moist W = Wet (P: Peak Su R: Residual Su) N SPT blows per 300mm HW SPT penetration by hammer weight RW SPT penetration by rod weight VL L MD D VD DENSITY (N-value) Very Loose 0-4 Loose 4 - 10 Medium Dense 10 - 30 Dense 30 - 50 Very Dense 50 - 100 CONSISTENCY (Su) {N-value} VS Very Soft < 12 kPa {0-2} S Soft 12 - 25 {2-4} F Firm 25 - 50 {4-8} St Stiff 50 - 100 {8-15} VSt Very Stiff 100 - 200 {15-30} H Hard > 200 kPa {>30} File: IS156000 BH01 Page 1 OF 4 HOLE NO: BH01 ROCK LOG DIP / AZIMUTH : 90° DATE DRILLED : 24/5/16 to 24/5/16 DRILLING LOGGED BY : SH STANDARD : AS1726-1993 CHECKED BY : DG type, orientation, planarity, roughness, coating, thickness and additional observations 1000 100 10 Is(50) NATURAL FRACTURE (mm) 1 -3 -1 -0.3 -0.1 -10 EH VH H M L VL -0.03 - Axial - Diametral EL Weathering DEFECTS & COMMENTS DEFECTS ESTIMATED STRENGTH Is(50) UCS (ITS) MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ROCK TYPE : Colour, Grain size, Structure (texture, fabric, mineral composition, hardness alteration, cementation, major defect type) GRAPHIC LOG DRILL DEPTH RL (m) CONTRACTOR : KMR Drilling DEPTH (m) LOCATION : Sugarloaf Road RIG TYPE : Hydrapower Scout FIELD TESTS PAGE : 2 OF 4 SURFACE ELEVATION : TCR/RQD JOB NO : IS156000 DRILLING & WATER DETAIL PROJECT : Calton Carlton River Bridge Duplication River Bridge POSITION : Replacement E: 557207, N: 5253261 (55 MGA94) START CORING AT 0.40m Run 1 100% TCR FILL: COBBLES: Moderately weathered dolerite cobbles, low sphericity, sub-angular to angular, dark grey & black, dense (negligible vesicles), with some coarse dolerite gravel, low sphericity, sub-angular to angular Dark grey & brown, dense (negligible vesicles), trace iron staining 0.5 0% RQD 0.60 Run 2 72% TCR 0% RQD 1.0 CORE LOSS 0.07m (1.00-1.07) FILL: COBBLES: Slightly weathered dolerite cobbles, low sphericity, angular, dark grey, dense (negligible vesicles), with some coarse dolerite gravel, low sphericity, angular 1.20 CORE LOSS 0.50m (1.20-1.70) 1.5 Run 3 37% TCR 0% RQD 2.00 Run 4 FILL: COBBLES: Slightly weathered dolerite cobbles, low sphericity, sub-angular to angular, dark grey, dense (negligible vesicles), trace iron staining, with some coarse dolerite gravel, low sphericity, sub-angular to angular 2.0 100% TCR 0% RQD HQ3 JACOBS AGS REV04 (WORKING).GLB Log SKM ROCK CARLTON RIVER BRIDGE GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION.GPJ <<DrawingFile>> 22/07/2016 12:28 2.50 Run 5 2.5 2.60 100% TCR CORE LOSS 0.80m (2.60-3.40) 0% RQD Run 6 11% TCR 3.0 0% RQD 3.50 Run 7 FILL: COBBLES: Slightly weathered dolerite cobbles, low sphericity, angular, dark grey, dense (negligible vesicles), trace iron staining, with some coarse dolerite gravel, low sphericity, angular 3.5 38% TCR SPT 150/100/12/22*/- *HB 0% RQD 3.90 Run 8 Run 9 4.00 100% TCR FILL: COBBLES: Slightly weathered dolerite cobbles, low sphericity, sub-angular, dark grey, dense (negligible vesicles), trace iron staining, with some coarse dolerite gravel, low sphericity, sub-angular 4.0 CORE LOSS 0.53m (4.00-4.53) 0% RQD 0% TCR 0% RQD 4.40 4.5 FILL: COBBLES: Slightly weathered dolerite cobbles, low sphericity, sub-angular, dark grey, dense (negligible vesicles), trace iron staining, with some coarse dolerite gravel, low sphericity, sub-angular 89% TCR 0% RQD DRILLING HQ NMLC NMLC Coring PQ NQ NQ Coring DOLERITE: Dark grey, dense (negligible vesicles), trace of iron staining on joint surfaces HQ Coring PQ Coring TCR % core run recovered RQD % core run > 100mm long (rock fraction only measured) GROUNDWATER SYMBOLS = Water level (static) = Water level (during drilling) = Water inflow = Water outflow WEATHERING DEFECT ABBREVIATIONS F Fresh SW Slightly weathered MR Moderatley weathered EW Extremely weathered PHOTOGRAPHS NOTES YES SW NO TYPE CS Crushed Seam CZ Crushed Zone DB Drill Break JT Joint IS Infilled Seam SZ Shear Zone VN Vein BP Bedding Plane COATING CN Clean CT Coating SN Stain VR Veneer PLANARITY CU Curved IR Irregular PR Planar ST Stepped UN Undulated ROUGHNESS POL POLISHED RF Rough SM Smooth SL Slickensided ROCK STRENGTH (Is50 MPa) 0-0.03 Extremely Low (EL) 0.03-0.1 Very Low (VL) 0.1-0.3 Low (L) 0.3-1.0 Medium (M) 1.0-3.0 High (H) 3.0-10 Very High (VH) > 10 Extremely High (EH) File: IS156000 BH01 2 OF 4 HOLE NO: BH01 ROCK LOG DIP / AZIMUTH : 90° DATE DRILLED : 24/5/16 to 24/5/16 DRILLING LOGGED BY : SH STANDARD : AS1726-1993 Run 10 CHECKED BY : DG HB 40° HB 0° JT 10° Fe SN PR RF JT 0° Fe SN PR RF Healed joint JT 10° Fe SN PR RF JT 0° Fe SN PR RF 4 JT, 1-3mm spacing JT 0° Fe SN ST RF JT 0° Fe SN PR RF 4 JT, 0-30 degrees, 2-4mm spacing JT 50° Fe SN IR RF CS 0° Fe SN IR RF CS 0° Fe SN IR RF SW 89% TCR 0% RQD 5.5 5.60 Run 11 type, orientation, planarity, roughness, coating, thickness and additional observations 1000 100 10 Is(50) NATURAL FRACTURE (mm) 1 -3 -1 -0.3 -0.1 -10 EH VH H M L VL -0.03 - Axial - Diametral EL Weathering DOLERITE: Dark grey, dense (negligible vesicles), trace of iron staining on joint surfaces (continued) DEFECTS & COMMENTS DEFECTS ESTIMATED STRENGTH Is(50) UCS (ITS) MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ROCK TYPE : Colour, Grain size, Structure (texture, fabric, mineral composition, hardness alteration, cementation, major defect type) GRAPHIC LOG DRILL DEPTH RL (m) CONTRACTOR : KMR Drilling DEPTH (m) LOCATION : Sugarloaf Road RIG TYPE : Hydrapower Scout FIELD TESTS PAGE : 3 OF 4 SURFACE ELEVATION : TCR/RQD JOB NO : IS156000 DRILLING & WATER DETAIL PROJECT : Calton Carlton River Bridge Duplication River Bridge POSITION : Replacement E: 557207, N: 5253261 (55 MGA94) 100% TCR 0% RQD 6.00 Run 12 Run 13 CS 0° Fe SN IR RF 0% RQD 6.30 100% TCR 0% RQD 6.50 Run 14 6.0 100% TCR 6.5 60% TCR 0% RQD 7.00 Run 15 Is(50) a=2.01 MPa CORE LOSS 0.20m (6.50-6.70) DOLERITE: Dark grey & brown, dense (negligible vesicles), trace iron staining on joint surfaces MW to SW Dark grey, dense (negligible vesicles) SW Becoming brown, trace iron staining on joint surfaces MW CS 0° Fe SN IR RF 7.0 100% TCR JT 0° CN PR RF Is(50) a=13.64 MPa JT 0° CN PR RF JT 80° CN PR RF 20% RQD JACOBS AGS REV04 (WORKING).GLB Log SKM ROCK CARLTON RIVER BRIDGE GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION.GPJ <<DrawingFile>> 22/07/2016 12:28 HQ3 7.50 JT 0° CN PR RF 7.5 CS 0° Clay CT IR RF Dark grey, highly vesicular (1-5mm vesicles), trace calcite in vesicles JT 45° CN PR RF JT 45° CN PR RF Is(50) a=11.55 MPa SW JT 10° CN PR RF JT 45° CN IR RF 8.0 Run 16 UCS 17.47 MPa 95% TCR Yellow/brown, non-vesicular (1mm vesicles) 44% RQD CS 0° Clay CT IR RF EW CS 0° Clay CT IR RF 8.5 CORE LOSS 0.08m (8.52-8.60) EW to HW DOLERITE: Yellow/brown, non-vesicular (1mm vesicles) Brown, dense (negligible vesicles) Yellow/brown, non-vesicular (1mm vesicles) Dark red/brown, slightly vesicular (1mm vesicles) CS 45° Clay CT IR RF HW EW CS 75° CN IR RF HW 9.0 9.20 Yellow/brown, non-vesicular (1mm vesicles) CS 30° Clay CT IR RF EW Extremely weathered seam, breaks when handled, soil like properites Is(50) a=0.02 MPa 9.5 85% TCR DOLERITE: Dark green, non-vesicular (1mm vesicles), inferred weathered olivine mineral 27% RQD HW JT 45° CN PR RF JT 10° CN PR RF UCS 1 MPa Run 17 DRILLING HQ NMLC NMLC Coring PQ NQ NQ Coring HQ Coring PQ Coring TCR % core run recovered RQD % core run > 100mm long (rock fraction only measured) GROUNDWATER SYMBOLS = Water level (static) = Water level (during drilling) = Water inflow = Water outflow WEATHERING DEFECT ABBREVIATIONS F Fresh SW Slightly weathered MR Moderatley weathered EW Extremely weathered PHOTOGRAPHS NOTES YES NO TYPE CS Crushed Seam CZ Crushed Zone DB Drill Break JT Joint IS Infilled Seam SZ Shear Zone VN Vein BP Bedding Plane COATING CN Clean CT Coating SN Stain VR Veneer PLANARITY CU Curved IR Irregular PR Planar ST Stepped UN Undulated ROUGHNESS POL POLISHED RF Rough SM Smooth SL Slickensided ROCK STRENGTH (Is50 MPa) 0-0.03 Extremely Low (EL) 0.03-0.1 Very Low (VL) 0.1-0.3 Low (L) 0.3-1.0 Medium (M) 1.0-3.0 High (H) 3.0-10 Very High (VH) > 10 Extremely High (EH) File: IS156000 BH01 3 OF 4 HOLE NO: BH01 ROCK LOG DATE DRILLED : 24/5/16 to 24/5/16 DRILLING LOGGED BY : SH STANDARD : AS1726-1993 CHECKED BY : DG JT 10° Clay CT IR RF CS 80° Clay CT IR RF CORE LOSS 0.22m (10.21-10.43) 85% TCR 27% RQD DOLERITE: Dark green & brown, slightly vesicular (1mm vesicles), inferred weathered olivine mineral 10.5 CS 60° Clay CT IR RF JT 45° CN IR RF HW CS 0° Clay FILLED IR RF 10.70 Non-vesicular (1mm vesicles) 11.0 100% TCR JT 40° CN PR RF JT 0° CN PR RF JT 50° CN PR RF Is(50) a=0.11 MPa Dark grey & dark green, slightly vesicular (1mm vesicles), trace calcite in vesicles HQ3 Run 18 HW to MW JT 15° CN IR RF JT 0° CN PR RF UCS 0.42 MPa JT 30° CN IR RF JT 70° CN CU RF Healed joint CS 30° Clay VR PR RF JT 40° CN PR RF 11.5 16% RQD Dark grey & green, highly vesicular (1mm vesicles), trace calcite in vesicles, with some olivine and pyroxene minerals Dark green, non-vesicular (1mm vesicles), inferred weathered olivine mineral 12.0 SW JT 10° CN IR RF JT 40° Clay CT IR RF CS 15° Clay CT IR RF JT 45° CN PR RF Is(50) a=6.93 MPa JT 45° CN PR RF JT 45° CA CT IR RF JT 0° CA CT IR RF JT 35° CA CT IR RF CS 0° CN IR RF HW to MW CS 0° CN IR RF 12.30 Borehole terminated at 12.30m. Target depth. Groundwater not observed. 12.5 JACOBS AGS REV04 (WORKING).GLB Log SKM ROCK CARLTON RIVER BRIDGE GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION.GPJ <<DrawingFile>> 22/07/2016 12:28 type, orientation, planarity, roughness, coating, thickness and additional observations 1000 100 10 Is(50) NATURAL FRACTURE (mm) 1 -10 -3 -1 -0.3 -0.1 UCS (ITS) EH VH H M -0.03 SW - Axial - Diametral L DOLERITE: Dark grey & green, highly vesicular (1mm vesicles), with some olivine and pyroxene minerals DEFECTS & COMMENTS DEFECTS ESTIMATED STRENGTH Is(50) VL DESCRIPTION ROCK TYPE : Colour, Grain size, Structure (texture, fabric, mineral composition, hardness alteration, cementation, major defect type) Weathering MATERIAL EL DRILL DEPTH GRAPHIC LOG DIP / AZIMUTH : 90° RL (m) CONTRACTOR : KMR Drilling DEPTH (m) LOCATION : Sugarloaf Road RIG TYPE : Hydrapower Scout FIELD TESTS PAGE : 4 OF 4 SURFACE ELEVATION : TCR/RQD JOB NO : IS156000 DRILLING & WATER DETAIL PROJECT : Calton Carlton River Bridge Duplication River Bridge POSITION : Replacement E: 557207, N: 5253261 (55 MGA94) 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 DRILLING HQ NMLC NMLC Coring PQ NQ NQ Coring HQ Coring PQ Coring TCR % core run recovered RQD % core run > 100mm long (rock fraction only measured) GROUNDWATER SYMBOLS = Water level (static) = Water level (during drilling) = Water inflow = Water outflow WEATHERING DEFECT ABBREVIATIONS F Fresh SW Slightly weathered MR Moderatley weathered EW Extremely weathered PHOTOGRAPHS NOTES YES NO TYPE CS Crushed Seam CZ Crushed Zone DB Drill Break JT Joint IS Infilled Seam SZ Shear Zone VN Vein BP Bedding Plane COATING CN Clean CT Coating SN Stain VR Veneer PLANARITY CU Curved IR Irregular PR Planar ST Stepped UN Undulated ROUGHNESS POL POLISHED RF Rough SM Smooth SL Slickensided ROCK STRENGTH (Is50 MPa) 0-0.03 Extremely Low (EL) 0.03-0.1 Very Low (VL) 0.1-0.3 Low (L) 0.3-1.0 Medium (M) 1.0-3.0 High (H) 3.0-10 Very High (VH) > 10 Extremely High (EH) File: IS156000 BH01 4 OF 4 1.0m 2.0m 0.0m 1.0m 3.0m 2.0m 4.0m 3.0m 7.0m 8.0m 6.0m 7.0m 5.0m 6.0m 4.0m 5.0m BH01, Box 1, 0.4 to 4.0m 12.0m 11.0m 11.0m 10.0m 9.0m 10.0m 8.0m 9.0m BH01, Box 2, 4.0 to 8.0m BH01, Box 3, 8.0 to 12.0m Sorrel Carlton River Bridge Tender CarltonCouncil River Bridge Replacment Sorrel Council Geotechnical Investigation IS156000 24/05/2016 to 24/05/2016 BH01 13.0m 12.0m BH01, Box 4, 12.0 to 12.3m Sorrel Carlton River Bridge Tender CarltonCouncil River Bridge Replacment Sorrel Council Geotechnical Investigation IS156000 24/05/2016 to 24/05/2016 BH01 HOLE NO: BH02 SOIL LOG JOB NO : IS156000 PAGE : 1 OF 5 SURFACE ELEVATION : LOCATION : Sugarloaf Road RIG TYPE : Hydrapower Scout CONTRACTOR : KMR Drilling DIP / AZIMUTH : 90° DATE DRILLED : 25/5/16 to 25/5/16 LOGGED BY : SH STANDARD : AS1726-1993 CHECKED BY : DG MOISTURE CONSISTENCY / DENSITY GRAPHIC LOG RL (m) DEPTH (m) SAMPLES & SPT DATA % Fines Atterberg Limits Dry Density Moisture Content LAB DATA FILL: Silty GRAVEL (GM): Brown, fine-medium gravel (3-10mm), well graded, low sphericity, angular, low liquid limit silt, with fine-coarse sand M L FILL: COBBLES Slightly weathered dolerite cobbles, low sphericity, sub-angular, dark grey, dense (negligible vesicles), trace low plasticity clay, trace iron staining D MD to D MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Soil Type, Colour, Plasticity or Particle Characteristic Secondary and Minor Components AD/T DRILLING & WATER DETAIL PROJECT : Calton CarltonRiver RiverBridge BridgeReplacement Duplication POSITION : E: 557259, N: 5253203 (55 MGA94) 0.40: Sudden auger refusal 0.40: to 1.3: Casing advanced to 1.3m to reduce cave in PQ 0.5 COMMENTS Field Test Data & Other Observations 1.0 1.30m Continued as Cored Borehole 1.5 JACOBS AGS REV04 (WORKING).GLB Log SKM SOIL LOG CARLTON RIVER BRIDGE GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION.GPJ <<DrawingFile>> 22/07/2016 12:31 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 HA SFA WB RR AH DRILLING Hand Auger HQ HQ Coring Solid Flight Auger NQ NQ Coring Washbore PQ PQ Coring Rock Rolling NMLC NMLC Coring Air Hammer GROUNDWATER SYMBOLS = Water level (static) = Water level (during drilling) = Water inflow = Water outflow SAMPLES & FIELD TESTS D Disturbed Sample SPT SPT Sample B Bulk Sample U Undisturbed Tube Sample ES Env Soil Sample W Water Sample EW Env Water Sample PP Hand Penetrometer MOISTURE CONDITION SV Hand Vane Shear D = Dry M = Moist W = Wet (P: Peak Su R: Residual Su) N SPT blows per 300mm HW SPT penetration by hammer weight RW SPT penetration by rod weight VL L MD D VD DENSITY (N-value) Very Loose 0-4 Loose 4 - 10 Medium Dense 10 - 30 Dense 30 - 50 Very Dense 50 - 100 CONSISTENCY (Su) {N-value} VS Very Soft < 12 kPa {0-2} S Soft 12 - 25 {2-4} F Firm 25 - 50 {4-8} St Stiff 50 - 100 {8-15} VSt Very Stiff 100 - 200 {15-30} H Hard > 200 kPa {>30} File: IS156000 BH02 Page 1 OF 5 HOLE NO: BH02 ROCK LOG DIP / AZIMUTH : 90° DATE DRILLED : 25/5/16 to 25/5/16 DRILLING LOGGED BY : SH STANDARD : AS1726-1993 CHECKED BY : DG type, orientation, planarity, roughness, coating, thickness and additional observations 1000 100 10 Is(50) NATURAL FRACTURE (mm) 1 -3 -1 -0.3 -0.1 -10 EH VH H M L VL -0.03 - Axial - Diametral EL Weathering DEFECTS & COMMENTS DEFECTS ESTIMATED STRENGTH Is(50) UCS (ITS) MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ROCK TYPE : Colour, Grain size, Structure (texture, fabric, mineral composition, hardness alteration, cementation, major defect type) GRAPHIC LOG DRILL DEPTH RL (m) CONTRACTOR : KMR Drilling DEPTH (m) LOCATION : Sugarloaf Road RIG TYPE : Hydrapower Scout FIELD TESTS PAGE : 2 OF 5 SURFACE ELEVATION : TCR/RQD JOB NO : IS156000 DRILLING & WATER DETAIL PROJECT : Calton Carlton River Bridge Duplication River Bridge POSITION : Replacement E: 557259, N: 5253203 (55 MGA94) 0.5 1.0 START CORING AT 1.30m FILL: Sandy CLAY (CH): High plasticity, stiff, moist, brown & grey/brown, fine-medium sand, trace extremely weathered fine dolerite gravel (3mm), low sphericity, angular 1.5 Run 1 100% TCR 0% RQD 2.0 FILL: COBBLES Highly to moderately weathered dolerite cobbles, low sphericity, sub-rounded, brown & grey/brown, dense (negligible vesicles), with some iron staining, with some high plasticity clay 2.30 CORE LOSS 0.29m (2.30-2.59) 65% TCR FILL: COBBLES: Highly to moderately weathered dolerite cobbles, low sphericity, sub-angular, brown & dark grey, dense (negligible vesicles), with some iron staining, with some coarse dolerite gravel, low sphericity, sub-angular 0% RQD 2.90 CORE LOSS 0.50m (2.90-3.40) 3.0 HQ3 JACOBS AGS REV04 (WORKING).GLB Log SKM ROCK CARLTON RIVER BRIDGE GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION.GPJ <<DrawingFile>> 22/07/2016 12:28 2.5 Run 2 Run 3 37% TCR 0% RQD FILL: COBBLES: Highly to moderately weathered dolerite cobbles, low sphericity, sub-angular, brown & dark grey, dense (negligible vesicles), with some iron staining, with some coarse dolerite gravel, low sphericity, sub-angular 3.5 3.70 CORE LOSS 0.68m (3.70-4.38) 4.0 Run 4 38% TCR 0% RQD FILL: COBBLES: Highly to moderately weathered dolerite cobbles, low sphericity, sub-angular, brown & dark grey, dense (negligible vesicles), with some iron staining, with some coarse dolerite gravel, low sphericity, sub-angular 4.5 4.80 100% TCR 0% DRILLING HQ NMLC NMLC Coring PQ NQ NQ Coring HQ Coring PQ Coring TCR % core run recovered RQD % core run > 100mm long (rock fraction only measured) GROUNDWATER SYMBOLS = Water level (static) = Water level (during drilling) = Water inflow = Water outflow WEATHERING DEFECT ABBREVIATIONS F Fresh SW Slightly weathered MR Moderatley weathered EW Extremely weathered PHOTOGRAPHS NOTES YES NO TYPE CS Crushed Seam CZ Crushed Zone DB Drill Break JT Joint IS Infilled Seam SZ Shear Zone VN Vein BP Bedding Plane COATING CN Clean CT Coating SN Stain VR Veneer PLANARITY CU Curved IR Irregular PR Planar ST Stepped UN Undulated ROUGHNESS POL POLISHED RF Rough SM Smooth SL Slickensided ROCK STRENGTH (Is50 MPa) 0-0.03 Extremely Low (EL) 0.03-0.1 Very Low (VL) 0.1-0.3 Low (L) 0.3-1.0 Medium (M) 1.0-3.0 High (H) 3.0-10 Very High (VH) > 10 Extremely High (EH) File: IS156000 BH02 2 OF 5 HOLE NO: BH02 ROCK LOG DIP / AZIMUTH : 90° DATE DRILLED : 25/5/16 to 25/5/16 DRILLING LOGGED BY : SH STANDARD : AS1726-1993 Run 5 0% RQD Run 6 5.5 1000 100 10 Is(50) 1 -10 -3 -1 -0.3 -0.1 -0.03 UCS (ITS) EH VH H M L VL Weathering EL type, orientation, planarity, roughness, coating, thickness and additional observations JT 45° Fe SN PR SM IS 45° Clay FILLED PR RF JT 45° Clay CT IR RF DOLERITE: Dark grey, highly vesicular (1-5mm vesicles) SW CS 0° CN IR RF CORE LOSS 0.15m (5.60-5.75) DOLERITE: Dark grey, highly vesicular (1-5mm vesicles) 50% RQD Run 7 - Axial - Diametral NATURAL FRACTURE (mm) Highly becoming moderately weathered, brown & grey becoming dark grey, dense (negligible vesicles) 70% TCR 6.00 DEFECTS & COMMENTS DEFECTS ESTIMATED STRENGTH Is(50) FILL: COBBLES: Highly to moderately weathered dolerite cobbles, low sphericity, sub-angular, brown & dark grey, dense (negligible vesicles), with some iron staining, with some coarse dolerite gravel, low sphericity, sub-angular (continued) 100% TCR 5.50 CHECKED BY : DG MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ROCK TYPE : Colour, Grain size, Structure (texture, fabric, mineral composition, hardness alteration, cementation, major defect type) GRAPHIC LOG DRILL DEPTH RQD RL (m) CONTRACTOR : KMR Drilling DEPTH (m) LOCATION : Sugarloaf Road RIG TYPE : Hydrapower Scout FIELD TESTS PAGE : 3 OF 5 SURFACE ELEVATION : TCR/RQD JOB NO : IS156000 DRILLING & WATER DETAIL PROJECT : Calton Carlton River Bridge Duplication River Bridge POSITION : Replacement E: 557259, N: 5253203 (55 MGA94) 6.0 Dark blue/grey, slightly vesicular (1-5mm vesicles), trace olivine in vesicles and joints 100% TCR Is(50) a=3.79 MPa SW F JT 0° CN PR RF JT 15° CN PR RF JT 0° CN PR RF JT 55° Clay CT PR RF 30% RQD 6.33 Slightly vesicular (1-5mm vesicles), trace calcite and olivine in vesicles and joints JT 30° Clay CT IR RF JT 10° CN IR RF 6.5 JT 10° CN PR RF Run 8 Is(50) a=4.93 MPa 100% TCR JT 40° CN IR RF 81% RQD HB 25° HB 75° HB 0° 7.0 DB 5° JACOBS AGS REV04 (WORKING).GLB Log SKM ROCK CARLTON RIVER BRIDGE GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION.GPJ <<DrawingFile>> 22/07/2016 12:28 HQ3 7.35 7.5 7.60 to 7.70: Iron staining on core surface JT 40° CN IR RF JT 0° CA CT IR RF Healed joint JT 0° CN PR RF JT 80° CN IR RF MW F 8.0 Run 9 HB 0° CS 0° CN IR RF JT 90° CN PR RF JT 0° CN PR RF JT 0° Fe SN PR RF Slightly vesicular (1-15mm vesicles), trace calcite in vesicles and joints 100% TCR UCS 55.06 MPa 78% RQD JT 15° CN PR RF 8.5 JT 10° CN IR RF JT 5° CN PR RF DB 0° 9.00 9.0 JT 0° CN PR RF JT 10° CN PR RF UCS 174.64 MPa 100% TCR JT 25° CN PR RF JT 60° CN PR RF JT 0° CN IR RF JT 45° CN PR RF 9.5 Run 10 30% RQD JT 5° CN PR RF JT 35° CN PR RF JT 0° CN PR RF JT 0° CN PR RF JT 75° CN PR RF DRILLING HQ NMLC NMLC Coring PQ NQ NQ Coring HQ Coring PQ Coring TCR % core run recovered RQD % core run > 100mm long (rock fraction only measured) GROUNDWATER SYMBOLS = Water level (static) = Water level (during drilling) = Water inflow = Water outflow WEATHERING DEFECT ABBREVIATIONS F Fresh SW Slightly weathered MR Moderatley weathered EW Extremely weathered PHOTOGRAPHS NOTES YES NO TYPE CS Crushed Seam CZ Crushed Zone DB Drill Break JT Joint IS Infilled Seam SZ Shear Zone VN Vein BP Bedding Plane COATING CN Clean CT Coating SN Stain VR Veneer PLANARITY CU Curved IR Irregular PR Planar ST Stepped UN Undulated ROUGHNESS POL POLISHED RF Rough SM Smooth SL Slickensided ROCK STRENGTH (Is50 MPa) 0-0.03 Extremely Low (EL) 0.03-0.1 Very Low (VL) 0.1-0.3 Low (L) 0.3-1.0 Medium (M) 1.0-3.0 High (H) 3.0-10 Very High (VH) > 10 Extremely High (EH) File: IS156000 BH02 3 OF 5 HOLE NO: BH02 ROCK LOG DIP / AZIMUTH : 90° DATE DRILLED : 25/5/16 to 25/5/16 DRILLING LOGGED BY : SH STANDARD : AS1726-1993 CHECKED BY : DG type, orientation, planarity, roughness, coating, thickness and additional observations 1000 100 10 Is(50) NATURAL FRACTURE (mm) 1 -3 -1 -0.3 -0.1 -10 EH VH H M L VL -0.03 - Axial - Diametral EL Weathering DOLERITE: Dark grey, highly vesicular (1-5mm vesicles) (continued) 10.10 DEFECTS & COMMENTS DEFECTS ESTIMATED STRENGTH Is(50) UCS (ITS) MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ROCK TYPE : Colour, Grain size, Structure (texture, fabric, mineral composition, hardness alteration, cementation, major defect type) GRAPHIC LOG DRILL DEPTH RL (m) CONTRACTOR : KMR Drilling DEPTH (m) LOCATION : Sugarloaf Road RIG TYPE : Hydrapower Scout FIELD TESTS PAGE : 4 OF 5 SURFACE ELEVATION : TCR/RQD JOB NO : IS156000 DRILLING & WATER DETAIL PROJECT : Calton Carlton River Bridge Duplication River Bridge POSITION : Replacement E: 557259, N: 5253203 (55 MGA94) JT 0° CN PR RF CS 0° CN IR RF JT 80° CN PR RF F JT 0° CN CU RF JT 40° CN PR RF Is(50) a=7.43 MPa JT 0° CA CT PR RF 10.5 JT 10° CN PR RF Run 11 JT 0° CN IR RF 100% TCR JT 20° CN PR RF JT 25° CN PR RF 65% RQD 11.0 HB 10° Slightly vesicular (1-10mm vesicles), trace calcite in vesicles JT 0° CN PR RF JT 0° CN IR RF JT 20° CN PR RF JT 55° CA CT PR RF Healed joint 11.40 11.5 JT 15° CN PR RF Is(50) a=4.41 MPa JT 25° CN PR RF 3 JT, 1-2mm spacing JT 50° CN PR RF JT 30° CN PR RF JT 60° CN PR RF 12.0 Run 12 CS 45° CN IR RF Is(50) a=6.07 MPa 100% TCR JT 45° CN PR RF Healed joint VN 45° CA CT PR RF JACOBS AGS REV04 (WORKING).GLB Log SKM ROCK CARLTON RIVER BRIDGE GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION.GPJ <<DrawingFile>> 22/07/2016 12:28 HQ3 46% RQD 12.5 JT 45° CN PR RF VN 70° CA CT PR RF 13.00 13.0 Is(50) a=6.89 MPa VN 0° CA CT IR RF VN 60° CA CT PR RF JT 0° CA CT IR RF Run 13 100% TCR 73% RQD 13.5 13.90 HB 0° UCS 60.9 MPa 14.0 JT 0° CN PR RF 100% TCR 98% RQD 14.5 VN 10° CA CT PR RF Run 14 VN 20° CA CT PR RF HB 0° DRILLING HQ NMLC NMLC Coring PQ NQ NQ Coring HQ Coring PQ Coring TCR % core run recovered RQD % core run > 100mm long (rock fraction only measured) GROUNDWATER SYMBOLS = Water level (static) = Water level (during drilling) = Water inflow = Water outflow WEATHERING DEFECT ABBREVIATIONS F Fresh SW Slightly weathered MR Moderatley weathered EW Extremely weathered PHOTOGRAPHS NOTES YES NO TYPE CS Crushed Seam CZ Crushed Zone DB Drill Break JT Joint IS Infilled Seam SZ Shear Zone VN Vein BP Bedding Plane COATING CN Clean CT Coating SN Stain VR Veneer PLANARITY CU Curved IR Irregular PR Planar ST Stepped UN Undulated ROUGHNESS POL POLISHED RF Rough SM Smooth SL Slickensided ROCK STRENGTH (Is50 MPa) 0-0.03 Extremely Low (EL) 0.03-0.1 Very Low (VL) 0.1-0.3 Low (L) 0.3-1.0 Medium (M) 1.0-3.0 High (H) 3.0-10 Very High (VH) > 10 Extremely High (EH) File: IS156000 BH02 4 OF 5 HOLE NO: BH02 ROCK LOG DIP / AZIMUTH : 90° DATE DRILLED : 25/5/16 to 25/5/16 DRILLING LOGGED BY : SH STANDARD : AS1726-1993 CHECKED BY : DG HQ3 type, orientation, planarity, roughness, coating, thickness and additional observations 1000 100 10 Is(50) NATURAL FRACTURE (mm) 1 -3 -1 -0.3 -0.1 -10 EH VH H M L VL -0.03 - Axial - Diametral EL Weathering DOLERITE: Dark grey, highly vesicular (1-5mm vesicles) (continued) DEFECTS & COMMENTS DEFECTS ESTIMATED STRENGTH Is(50) UCS (ITS) MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ROCK TYPE : Colour, Grain size, Structure (texture, fabric, mineral composition, hardness alteration, cementation, major defect type) GRAPHIC LOG DRILL DEPTH RL (m) CONTRACTOR : KMR Drilling DEPTH (m) LOCATION : Sugarloaf Road RIG TYPE : Hydrapower Scout FIELD TESTS PAGE : 5 OF 5 SURFACE ELEVATION : TCR/RQD JOB NO : IS156000 DRILLING & WATER DETAIL PROJECT : Calton Carlton River Bridge Duplication River Bridge POSITION : Replacement E: 557259, N: 5253203 (55 MGA94) F JT 0° CA CT PR RF 100% TCR 98% RQD 15.46 JT 45° CA CT PR RF Borehole terminated at 15.46m. Target depth. Groundwater not observed. 15.5 16.0 16.5 17.0 JACOBS AGS REV04 (WORKING).GLB Log SKM ROCK CARLTON RIVER BRIDGE GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION.GPJ <<DrawingFile>> 22/07/2016 12:28 17.5 18.0 18.5 19.0 19.5 DRILLING HQ NMLC NMLC Coring PQ NQ NQ Coring HQ Coring PQ Coring TCR % core run recovered RQD % core run > 100mm long (rock fraction only measured) GROUNDWATER SYMBOLS = Water level (static) = Water level (during drilling) = Water inflow = Water outflow WEATHERING DEFECT ABBREVIATIONS F Fresh SW Slightly weathered MR Moderatley weathered EW Extremely weathered PHOTOGRAPHS NOTES YES NO TYPE CS Crushed Seam CZ Crushed Zone DB Drill Break JT Joint IS Infilled Seam SZ Shear Zone VN Vein BP Bedding Plane COATING CN Clean CT Coating SN Stain VR Veneer PLANARITY CU Curved IR Irregular PR Planar ST Stepped UN Undulated ROUGHNESS POL POLISHED RF Rough SM Smooth SL Slickensided ROCK STRENGTH (Is50 MPa) 0-0.03 Extremely Low (EL) 0.03-0.1 Very Low (VL) 0.1-0.3 Low (L) 0.3-1.0 Medium (M) 1.0-3.0 High (H) 3.0-10 Very High (VH) > 10 Extremely High (EH) File: IS156000 BH02 5 OF 5 2.0m 1.0m 3.0m 2.0m 4.0m 3.0m 5.0m 4.0m 8.0m 9.0m 7.0m 8.0m 6.0m 7.0m 5.0m 6.0m BH02, Box 1, 1.0 to 5.0m 13.0m 12.0m 12.0m 11.0m 10.0m 11.0m 9.0m 10.0m BH02, Box 2, 5.0 to 9.0m BH02, Box 3, 9.0 to 13.0m CarltonCouncil River Bridge Replacment Sorrel Council Sorrel Carlton River Bridge Tender Geotechnical Investigation IS156000 25/05/2016 to 25/05/2016 BH02 14.0m 15.0m 13.0m 14.0m 16.0m 15.0m BH02, Box 4, 13.0 to 15.46m Sorrel Carlton River Bridge Tender CarltonCouncil River Bridge Replacment Sorrel Council Geotechnical Investigation IS156000 25/05/2016 to 25/05/2016 BH02 IS156000-0001-GE-RPT-0001 Appendix C. Laboratory Certificates 0001 Bamford Rock Testing Services : NATA Accredited Facility No. 19523 239 Arden Street, North Melbourne, Vic 3051 Australia Telephone : (03) 9329 2818 email : ABN : 78 167 341 693 REPORT ON ROCK TESTING (BRTS JOB NUMBER 182) Client : Project : Jacobs Carlton River Bridge Replacment Duplication Location: Cnr Sugarloaf & Primrose Sand Roads 1st July, 2016 Page 1 of 26 01.07.16 239 ARDEN STREET, NORTH MELBOURNE, NATA Accredited Facility No. 19523 3051 AUSTRALIA River Bridge BridgeDuplication Replacment PROJECT : Carlton River BRTS Sample Number B16-285 B16-286 B16-287 B16-294 B16-295 B16-296 Borehole BH01 BH01 BH01 BH02 BH02 BH02 Depth from 8.18 9.82 11.18 8.22 9.11 13.97 Depth to 8.36 10 SERPENTINE / DOLERITE 11.38 SERPENTINE / DOLERITE 8.47 9.41 14.18 DOLERITE DOLERITE DOLERITE H H 55 Rock Type DOLERITE Degree of Weathering Sklerograf Hardness 10 0 0 37 50 Shore Hardness 18 14 14 36 49 56 Brinell Hardness 35 0 0 223 333 390 Rockwell C Hardness 3 0 0 22 34 40 Rockwell B Hardness 34 0 0 100 117 122 Rockwell A Hardness 46 41 41 61 67 70 Mohs Hardness (Approximate) 2.5 2.1 2.1 3.5 4.1 4.4 Density (kg/m3) : Wet 2353 1968 2042 2670 2742 2838 Density (kg/m3) : Dry 1992 1518 1572 2581 2690 2816 Moisture Content (%) - As Tested 18.11 29.59 29.92 3.46 1.96 0.77 Static Secant E (GPa) 20.21 0.15 69.35 46.02 Static Mid-Third E (GPa) 23.33 0.33 83.24 37.95 Static Poisson's Ratio (Secant) 0.36 0.03 0.36 0.57 Static Poisson's Ratio (Mid-Third) 0.46 0.13 0.36 0.26 17.47 1.00 42.44 128.52 44.94 23.08 1.17 0.42 55.06 174.64 60.90 18.09 0.96 0.36 43.41 135.56 47.32 E E E D B D Low strength Extremely low strength Extremely low strength Medium strength Very high strength Medium strength Axial cleavage. Shear @ 22o to axis. Axial cleavage. Axial Point-Load Strength Index IS(50) (MPa) Uniaxial Compressive Strength (MPa) Uniaxial Compressive Strength (MPa) (standardised for 50mm diameter & 1:1 shape) Uniaxial Compressive Strength (MPa) (standardised for 50mm diameter & 2.5:1 shape) STRENGTH CLASS (Deere & Miller) Strength Description (I.S.R.M.) Mode of Failure Deduced cohesion (MPa) Angle of Shearing Resistance (inferred) E/Compressive Strength Ratio MODULUS RATIO CLASS 0.42 Rough shear @ 42o to Rough shear @ 20o to Rough shear @ 25o to axis. axis. axis. 7.87 0.18 0.10 25.96 40 o 46 o 6o 50 o 1335 332 648 844 H M H H High modulus ratio Medium modulus ratio High modulus ratio High modulus ratio Specific Energy (kJ/m3) 1.48 2.30 99.73 32.87 Rock Toughness Index 0.08 2.29 0.78 0.73 Maximum Distortional Strain Energy (kJ/m3) 6.36 1.14 89.82 22.36 Fracture Energy (Nm) 0.61 0.60 45.99 15.01 Specific Fracture Energy (Nm/MPa) 0.03 0.60 0.36 0.33 Fracture Energy (Nm) STANDARDIZED 0.15 0.23 9.79 3.23 Specific Fracture Energy (Nm/MPa) STANDARDIZED 0.01 0.22 0.08 0.07 Failure Load (kN) 50.68 2.89 367.02 129.73 Specimen Diameter (mm) 60.73 60.55 60.52 60.57 Specimen Length (mm) 142.36 90.56 160.31 158.48 Length:Diameter ratio 2.34 1.50 2.65 2.62 Applied Deformation Rate (mm/min) 0.12 0.64 0.13 0.13 Strain at Initial Failure (microstrain) 1297 5627 1401 1168 11 Min 4.3 Sec 2 Min 35 Sec 13 Min 9.9 Sec 4 Min 33.3 Sec 26.30 1.95 6.47 36.30 162.71 1.77 164.44 4.27 Modulus ratio Description Time to Failure Stress Rate (kPa/sec) Strain Rate (microstrain/second) Page 2 of 26 01.07.16 239 ARDEN STREET, NORTH MELBOURNE, NATA Accredited Facility No. 19523 3051 AUSTRALIA Carlton River PROJECT : Carlton RiverBridge BridgeReplacment Duplication BRTS Sample Number Borehole Depth from Depth to Rock Type Axial Point-Load Strength Index IS(50) (MPa) B16-288 BH01 10.86 11.00 SERPENTINE / DOLERITE 0.11 B16-289 BH01 11.78 11.93 PERIDOTITE / DOLERITE 6.93 B16-290 BH01 9.48 9.58 DOLERITE 0.02 B16-291 BH01 7.73 7.87 DOLERITE 11.55 B16-292 BH01 7.11 7.21 DOLERITE 13.64 B16-293 BH01 6.43 6.50 DOLERITE 2.01 B16-297 BH02 5.77 6.00 DOLERITE 3.79 B16-298 BH02 6.67 6.77 DOLERITE 4.93 B16-299 BH02 10.32 10.47 DOLERITE 7.43 B16-300 BH02 11.55 11.65 DOLERITE 4.41 B16-301 BH02 12.06 12.21 DOLERITE 6.07 B16-302 BH02 13.00 13.22 DOLERITE 6.89 Page 3 of 26 01.07.16 B16-285BH018.18-8.36 Page 4 of 26 01.07.16 B16-285BH018.18-8.36UCS Page 5 of 26 01.07.16 Page 6 of 26 01.07.16 Page 7 of 26 01.07.16 Page 8 of 26 01.07.16 B16-286BH019.82-10 Page 9 of 26 01.07.16 B16-286BH019.82-10UCS Page 10 of 26 01.07.16 Page 11 of 26 01.07.16 Page 12 of 26 01.07.16 Page 13 of 26 01.07.16 B16-287BH0111.18-11.38 Page 14 of 26 01.07.16 B16-287BH0111.18-11.38UCS Page 15 of 26 01.07.16 B16-294BH028.22-8.47UCS Page 16 of 26 01.07.16 B16-295BH029.11-9.41 Page 17 of 26 01.07.16 B16-295BH029.11-9.41UCS Page 18 of 26 01.07.16 Page 19 of 26 01.07.16 Page 20 of 26 01.07.16 Page 21 of 26 01.07.16 B16-296BH0213.97-14.18 Page 22 of 26 01.07.16 B16-296BH0213.97-14.18UCS Page 23 of 26 01.07.16 Page 24 of 26 01.07.16 Page 25 of 26 01.07.16 Page 26 of 26 01.07.16 4 Concept Drawings Survey Drawing IS156000-00-1 Concept Design Drawings IS156000-01 IS156000-02 IS156000-03 IS156000-04 IS156000-05 Carlton River Bridge (No 706) Replacement 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A A 5 WARNING 1 2 3 4 / BEWARE OF UNDERGROUND SERVICES The location of underground cables are approximate only and their exact position should be checked on site. No guarantee is given that all existing cables and services are shown. Locate all underground cables and services before commencement of work. DIG Refer to Worksafe Regulation 3.21. DIAL1100 1 BEFORE YOU / D 1 D / / B D B -0 1 2 -0 9/ D D / 8 / D / X D / / D D D / / D D X / > / / X 5 / / 6 / / / D D X D D D D / D D / / D D D D D D D D D D 7 > 3 2 > 8 10 9 1 8 / -0 9 D / 12 11 7 / X 6 EP D > > / / 1 / D X 5 2 2 > > > 4 -0 EP > > / 2 EP 3 4 5 6 7 D D / 10 BP D > X X / > X / 8 4 / D C D D / > X / 33/ / 11 X / > X 3/ 3 4/ / / / / 7 -2 > / / / > / EP > / / 9 > X IN 37 5 > X / Dia > X 6 > X 5 > 4 > X EP > X X BH > X X X > > > X -1 > > X -2 > -1 > > X -2 > > X -2 > > -2 > > X -2 > > / / / > X -1 > > -1 > > BH > > 4 / > > Dia >/ > > TC > > / / / > IN 37 5 > / > DBiPa / > BP / > Dia / C > > IN 22 5 > > / > > Dia > > SS > IN 22 5 > > 3 / 5 > / > X / / / > > > 5 IN 22 5 > > X IN 12 00 > / > Dia / > > X EP > > Dia > IN 22 5 > / 7 EP / X D / / D Dia Dia D / 12 IN 37 5 IN 37 5 10 / D / 13 / 12 13 11 14 E E EP F F G G DATE: 15/08/2016 8:59:57 AM LOGIN NAME: YOSHIDA, MARI LOCATION: CONCEPT ISSUE : P1 DATE : 26/07/16 CLIENT H PROJECT P1 REV 26/07/16 MY DATE RJH DRAWN 1 REV'D ABN 37 001 024 095 and ACN 001 024 095 Jacobs Group (Australia) Pty Ltd Ground Floor, 100 Melville Street HOBART, TAS 7000 AUSTRALIA CONCEPT ONLY APP'D REVISION 2 DRAWING NUMBER 3 REFERENCE DRAWING TITLE 4 5 6 7 Tel: +61 3 6221 3711 Fax: +61 3 6224 2325 Web: 8 TITLE SORELL COUNCIL CARLTON RIVER BRIDGE (No.706) REPLACEMENT ON SUGARLOAF RD CONCEPT - GENERAL ARRANGEMENT CARLTON RIVER BRIDGE REPLACEMENT DRAWN DRAWING CHECK MY RJH DESIGNED DESIGN REVIEW 9 REVIEWED APPROVED DATE DATE 10 SCALE DRAWING No AS SHOWN IS156000-01 H REV 11 P1 12 A1 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A A B B C C D D E E F F G G DATE: 15/08/2016 8:59:58 AM LOGIN NAME: YOSHIDA, MARI LOCATION: CONCEPT ISSUE : P1 DATE : 26/07/16 CLIENT H PROJECT P1 REV 26/07/16 MY DATE RJH DRAWN 1 REV'D ABN 37 001 024 095 and ACN 001 024 095 Jacobs Group (Australia) Pty Ltd Ground Floor, 100 Melville Street HOBART, TAS 7000 AUSTRALIA CONCEPT ONLY APP'D REVISION 2 DRAWING NUMBER 3 REFERENCE DRAWING TITLE 4 5 6 7 Tel: +61 3 6221 3711 Fax: +61 3 6224 2325 Web: 8 TITLE SORELL COUNCIL CARLTON RIVER BRIDGE (No.706) REPLACEMENT ON SUGARLOAF RD CONCEPT - LONGITUDINAL SECTIONS CARLTON RIVER BRIDGE REPLACEMENT DRAWN DRAWING CHECK MY RJH DESIGNED DESIGN REVIEW 9 REVIEWED APPROVED DATE DATE 10 SCALE DRAWING No AS SHOWN IS156000-02 H REV 11 P1 12 A1 DATE: 15/08/2016 9:00:01 AM LOGIN NAME: YOSHIDA, MARI LOCATION: I:\PINT\Projects\IS010900 - Sorell Council Misc Jobs\Sorell Council\Carlton River Bridge\DRAWING\CIVIL\CROSS SECTIONS.dwg 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A A B B C C D D E E F F CONCEPT G CLIENT H PROJECT P1 REV 26/07/16 MY DATE RJH DRAWN 1 REV'D ABN 37 001 024 095 and ACN 001 024 095 Jacobs Group (Australia) Pty Ltd Ground Floor, 100 Melville Street HOBART, TAS 7000 AUSTRALIA CONCEPT ONLY APP'D REVISION 2 DRAWING NUMBER 3 REFERENCE DRAWING TITLE 4 5 6 7 Tel: +61 3 6221 3711 Fax: +61 3 6224 2325 Web: 8 DRAWING CHECK RJH DESIGNED DESIGN REVIEW DATE : CARLTON RIVER BRIDGE (No.706) REPLACEMENT ON SUGARLOAF RD CONCEPT - CROSS SECTIONS (1 OF 3) CARLTON RIVER BRIDGE REPLACEMENT MY P1 26/07/16 TITLE SORELL COUNCIL DRAWN ISSUE : G 9 REVIEWED APPROVED DATE DATE 10 SCALE DRAWING No AS SHOWN IS156000-03 H REV 11 P1 12 A1 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 CONCEPT DATE: 15/08/2016 9:00:02 AM LOGIN NAME: YOSHIDA, MARI LOCATION: I:\PINT\Projects\IS010900 - Sorell Council Misc Jobs\Sorell Council\Carlton River Bridge\DRAWING\CIVIL\CROSS SECTIONS.dwg A ISSUE : P1 DATE : 26/07/16 A B B C C D D E E F F G G CLIENT H PROJECT P1 REV 26/07/16 MY DATE RJH DRAWN 1 REV'D ABN 37 001 024 095 and ACN 001 024 095 Jacobs Group (Australia) Pty Ltd Ground Floor, 100 Melville Street HOBART, TAS 7000 AUSTRALIA CONCEPT ONLY APP'D REVISION 2 DRAWING NUMBER 3 REFERENCE DRAWING TITLE 4 5 6 7 Tel: +61 3 6221 3711 Fax: +61 3 6224 2325 Web: 8 TITLE SORELL COUNCIL CARLTON RIVER BRIDGE (No.706) REPLACEMENT ON SUGARLOAF RD CONCEPT - CROSS SECTIONS (2 OF 3) CARLTON RIVER BRIDGE REPLACEMENT DRAWN DRAWING CHECK MY RJH DESIGNED DESIGN REVIEW 9 REVIEWED APPROVED DATE DATE 10 SCALE DRAWING No AS SHOWN IS156000-04 H REV 11 P1 12 A1 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 CONCEPT DATE: 15/08/2016 9:00:03 AM LOGIN NAME: YOSHIDA, MARI LOCATION: I:\PINT\Projects\IS010900 - Sorell Council Misc Jobs\Sorell Council\Carlton River Bridge\DRAWING\CIVIL\CROSS SECTIONS.dwg A ISSUE : P1 DATE : 26/07/16 A B B C C D D E E F F G G CLIENT H PROJECT P1 REV 26/07/16 MY DATE RJH DRAWN 1 REV'D ABN 37 001 024 095 and ACN 001 024 095 Jacobs Group (Australia) Pty Ltd Ground Floor, 100 Melville Street HOBART, TAS 7000 AUSTRALIA CONCEPT ONLY APP'D REVISION 2 DRAWING NUMBER 3 REFERENCE DRAWING TITLE 4 5 6 7 DRAWN Tel: +61 3 6221 3711 Fax: +61 3 6224 2325 Web: 8 TITLE SORELL COUNCIL CARLTON RIVER BRIDGE (No.706) REPLACEMENT ON SUGARLOAF RD CONCEPT - CROSS SECTIONS (3 OF 3) CARLTON RIVER BRIDGE REPLACEMENT DRAWING CHECK MY RJH DESIGNED DESIGN REVIEW 9 REVIEWED APPROVED DATE DATE 10 SCALE DRAWING No AS SHOWN IS156000-05 H REV 11 P1 12 A1