The Communicator - The Episcopal Church of the Covenant


The Communicator - The Episcopal Church of the Covenant
The Communicator
APRIL 2016
The Episcopal Church of the Covenant
314 N Adams (4th & Adams)
Junction City, KS 66441
785-238-2897 Fax 785-238-2317
Weekly Service Schedule
Sunday Mornings
8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rt. I
9:15 a.m. Adult Study Class
10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rt. II
10:00 a.m. Sunday School for
Children and Youth
No Sunday School the last Sunday of
each month
Noonday Healing Prayer
Centering Prayer 12:00 Noon
Fr. David Jenkins –
The good news of Easter is that
Jesus is alive! The empty tomb is a
reality that invites us find the Risen
Savior in daily life. Jesus invites us
to come out of the dark “tombs” of
our lives. Don’t worry about the
boulder that is blocking the way out,
don’t be concerned with trying to
figure out how to get around the
roadblocks in your life. God rolls
those stones away!
Jesus is waiting on the other side of
the tomb’s entrance: he is the
gardener; he is stranger along the
road to Emmaus; he is in the faces
of each person who has
experienced resurrection.
This is the season of Easter! The
stones in our lives have been rolled
away. Come out and experience
the Easter warmth on your face.
Now go, as Jesus commanded his
disciples, into all of the Galilees of
the world and spread the news that
Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen,
In Celebration of the Resurrection!
Father David
Church of the Covenant Mission Statement
“ A Covenant for the future nurturing the spiritual and
social needs of our community.”
Remember to pray for each of these persons on their special day.
Watch over your children, O Lord, as their days increase; bless and guide them
wherever they may be. Strengthen them when they stand; comfort them when
discouraged or sorrowful; raise them up if they fall; and in their hearts may your
peace which passes understanding abide all the days of their lives; through Jesus
Christ our Lord. Amen
April 3 Paige (Roesler) Kraus
Joseph Pinaire
April 4 Bryan Farrington
April 7 David Young
April 8 Raegan Morris (Nancy H. niece)
Tom Drew
April 10 Dawn Babcock
April 11 Melinda Bozarth
April 13 Libby Mitchell
April 14 Carmen Hicks
April 16 Carmina Platt
April 30 Tammie Hunt (Cohen)
A big thank you to Growing Concerns
for the beautiful landscaping at the
Discretionary Fund Sunday
First Sunday of Each Month
(Loose Offerings)
We also thank Ray Evans for all of his
landscaping work and the congregation
for their help during the church cleanup day.
A big thank you to everyone who
assisted with all of the Easter festivities.
April 3rd is our next offering.
ATTENDANCE: Month to Date 2015-339
Month to date 2016-306
If you have any questions or concerns about the parish, call Keith Collett, Senior
Warden at 785-223-3560(cell) and Keith’s email is
Please call Father David Jenkins for Pastoral needs. Fr. David is at the church on
Fridays and Sundays and is willing to come to visit you at your home upon request.
You can reach him at his cell number, 785-438-9145 or the church at 238-2897. His
email is If Fr. David is unavailable, please call, Deacon Rex
Matney for Pastoral Care needs. Cell # is 785-226-2543 or email him at
Upcoming Events
Every Wednesday, Noonday Healing Prayer
Every Friday, Centering Prayer 12:00 noon.
Men of the Covenant Meeting on SATURDAY, April 2 @ 8:00 for breakfast
and study; at 9:00 Junior Warden Ray will have a project for all the men
who are able to stay for a couple of hours to work on as we continue to
catch up on maintenance around the church.
Vestry Meeting Sunday, April 3 at about 11:15 following the 10:00 service.
Convocation wide Activity, April 16
Our Convocation Activities Committee has planned a Convocation wide
activity during the Tulip Festival in Wamego. This is also the same day as
our next Convocation meeting. Please spread the word! Contact Laura if you plan on attending.
Women’s Summit will be held Saturday, April 23 at the St. Michael and All
Angels Episcopal Church in Mission, Kansas. The summit will begin Friday
evening, April 22 at 5:30 PM and run through 4:00 PM on Saturday
afternoon, April 23. This year’s theme is As the Spirit Moves. The
registration deadline is April 8. Please see Shelley Kite with any questions.
Mother's Day Reception, Sunday, May 8 Please mark your calendars.
Graduates: We would like to recognize Church of the Covenant members
who will be high school or college graduates in May. Please call the church
office or send us an email with their name, school and future plans by April
Pentecost is May 15...something special is happening you won't want to
We extend our sympathy to the family of Anne
Collett who mother Ruth Gray passed away March
23, 2016. May Ruth's soul and the souls of all the
departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. 3
Seder Dinner 2016
Seder Dinner 2016 continued
Acolyte, Chalice Bearer, and Lay Reader Schedule
April 2016
Jolana Matney
Shelley Kite
Jolana Matney
Shelley, Jed, Mikhyla
Chalice Bearer (10:00)
Lay Reader (8:00)
Richard Pinaire
Melanie Laster
Gery Schoenrock
Joe Mitchell
Anne Collett
Vicky Budinas
Shelley Kite
Melanie Laster
Lay Reader (10:00)
Cory Brown
Melanie Laster
Shelley Kite
Lucy Collett
Mark Edwards
Shelley Kite
Patti Schoenrock
Melanie Laster
Altar Guild Schedule
April 2016
April 3
Altar servers
Sally Edwards
Anne Collett
April 17
Altar servers
Margie Pinaire
Julia Adams
Vicky Budinas
April 10
Altar servers
Shelley Kite
Nancy Hubbard
Melanie Laster
April 24
Altar servers
Sally Edwards
Anne Collett
New Secretary Office Hours
Greetings! The new church secretary, Sarah
Diamond will have office hours on
Tuesday’s from 8:30 AM-12:00 PM,
Thursday’s from 2:30-5:30 PM, and Friday’s
from 8:30 AM-12:00 PM. Please note,
Sarah will be out of town
Thursday, April 7 and Friday, April 8.
Highlights from the Vestry
As the clerk of the vestry, it is my responsibility to publish the highlights
of our monthly meetings.
During the month of March, the vestry met for 2 short meetings to discuss the secretary
recommendation and contracts for yard work for the upcoming season.
Sarah Diamond was selected to replace Barb and is currently working in the church office. Thanks
to Shelley, Nancy, and Patti for coordinating the hiring process.
Ray Evans received contracts from 5 lawn and garden businesses and Mr. Boland was chosen to
mow our church and rectory lawns this spring through the fall. The mulching contract was given to
Growing Concerns and the fertilizer contractor will be discussed at our April 3rd vestry meeting.
Thanks to all parishioners who were present at the March 6th potluck following the 10:00 service.
Everyone enjoyed a delicious lunch and worked hard planning activities for all of the ministry
teams. The following vestry members will report back to the vestry on April 3rd about the progress
each team is making.
Worship – Shelley Kite
Hospitality – Patti Schoenrock
Education – Melanie Laster
Outreach – Vicky Budinas
Building and Grounds – Ray Evans
A special thanks to the:
Worship Team for planning inspiring Holy Week and Easter services.
Altar Guild for beautifully decorating the church for Easter Sunday.
Hospitality for providing a reception following the Easter services.
Building and Grounds for beautifying the outside of the church during
the work day in March.
And . . . the Easter Bunny for providing the baskets for our most important
Respectively submitted,
Melanie Laster
Clerk of the Vestry