Grade 2 Grade 2
Grade 2 Grade 2
In InInthe the thesame same sameway, way, way,subtraction subtraction subtractioncan can canbe be beshown shown shown on on onaaanumber number numberline. line. line.This This Thisstudent student studentstarted started startedat atat37 37 37 and and counted up toto63 63 totofind find difference ofof andcounted countedup upto 63to findaaadifference differenceof 26. 26. 26. Adding Adding Addingand and andsubtracting subtracting subtractingcan can canbe be beunderstood understood understoodby by by using using usingexpanded expanded expandednotation. notation. notation. 63 63 63–––37 37 37===26 26 26 Students Students Studentsuse use useplace place placevalue value valueunderstanding understanding understandingto toto solve solve solvethese these theseproblems. problems. problems. The The Thehundreds hundreds hundredschart chart chartcan can canbe be beused used usedfor for forstudents students students to totodemonstrate demonstrate demonstrateboth both bothaddition addition additionand and and subtraction. subtraction. This example shows the subtraction.This Thisexample exampleshows showsthe the problem problem problem82 82 82–––39. 39. 39. Parent Parent Roadmap Roadmap Grade Grade 22 Second Second Secondgraders graders gradersuse use usetheir their theirknowledge knowledge knowledgeof ofof addition addition additionand and andsubtraction subtraction subtractionto totosolve solve solveoneoneone-and and and two-step word problems. The sample two-step two-stepword wordproblems. problems.The Thesample sample below shows two-step problem. below belowshows showsaaatwo-step two-stepproblem. problem. AAAfarmer farmer farmerhad had had888cows cows cowsand and andsome some somehorses horses horsesinininaaa field. field. field.There There Therewere were were45 45 45animals animals animalsinininthe the thefield. field. field. Later, Later, Later,the the thefarmer farmer farmersent sent sent666more more morehorses horses horsesinto into into the thefield. field.What Whatisisisthe thetotal totalnumber numberof the field. What the total number ofof horses horsesinininthe thefield? field? horses the field? 888+++ 45 45 ===45 The The Thestudent student studentwould would wouldstart start startby by bysubtracting subtracting subtracting888 (cows) (cows) (cows)from from fromthe the thetotal total total45 45 45(animals). (animals). (animals). 45 45 45–––888 This This Thisstudent student studentstarted started startedat atat82 82 82and and andmoved moved movedback back back30 30 30 to totoland land landon on on52. 52. 52.The The Thenext next nextstep step stepwas was wasto totocount count count back back back999and and andland land landon on on43. 43. 43. 82 82 82–––39 39 39===43 43 43 In InInthe the thesame same sameway, way, way,subtraction subtraction subtractioncan can canbe be beshown shown shown on on onaaanumber number numberline. line. line.This This Thisstudent student studentstarted started startedat atat37 37 37 and and counted up toto63 63 totofind find difference ofof andcounted countedup upto 63to findaaadifference differenceof 26. 26. 26. 555 333 45 45 45–––555===40 40 40 40 40–––333===37 37 There 40 37 There Thereare are are37 37 37horses. horses. horses. IfIfIf666more morehorses horseswere wereadded addedinto intothe thefield field more horses were added into the field that thatwould wouldmean meanthere therewas wasaaatotal totalof 43 that would mean there was total ofof43 43 horses. horses. horses. 37 37 37+++666===43 43 43 Adding Adding Addingand and andsubtracting subtracting subtractingcan can canbe be beunderstood understood understoodby by by using using usingexpanded expanded expandednotation. notation. notation. 63 63 63–––37 37 37===26 26 26 Students Students Studentsuse use useplace place placevalue value valueunderstanding understanding understandingto toto solve solve solvethese these theseproblems. problems. problems. The The Thehundreds hundreds hundredschart chart chartcan can canbe be beused used usedfor for forstudents students students to totodemonstrate demonstrate demonstrateboth both bothaddition addition additionand and and subtraction. subtraction. subtraction.This This Thisexample example exampleshows shows showsthe the the problem problem problem82 82 82–––39. 39. 39. Cobb Cobb CobbCounty County CountySchools Schools Schools Strategies Strategiesfor for foraddition addition additionand and and Strategies subtraction subtraction subtraction 2013-2014 2013-2014 2013-2014 Parent Parent Roadmap Roadmap Grade Grade 22 Second Second Secondgraders graders gradersuse use usetheir their theirknowledge knowledge knowledgeof ofof addition addition additionand and andsubtraction subtraction subtractionto totosolve solve solveoneoneone-and and and two-step two-stepword wordproblems. problems.The Thesample sample two-step word problems. The sample below below belowshows shows showsaaatwo-step two-step two-stepproblem. problem. problem. AAAfarmer farmer farmerhad had had888cows cows cowsand and andsome some somehorses horses horsesinininaaa field. field. field.There There Therewere were were45 45 45animals animals animalsinininthe the thefield. field. field. Later, Later, Later,the the thefarmer farmer farmersent sent sent666more more morehorses horses horsesinto into into the thefield. field.What Whatisisisthe thetotal totalnumber numberof the field. What the total number ofof horses horsesinininthe thefield? field? horses the field? 888+++ 45 45 ===45 The The Thestudent student studentwould would wouldstart start startby by bysubtracting subtracting subtracting888 (cows) (cows) (cows)from from fromthe the thetotal total total45 45 45(animals). (animals). (animals). 45 45 45–––888 This This Thisstudent student studentstarted started startedat atat82 82 82and and andmoved moved movedback back back30 30 30 to totoland land landon on on52. 52. 52.The The Thenext next nextstep step stepwas was wasto totocount count count back back back999and and andland land landon on on43. 43. 43. 82 82 82–––39 39 39===43 43 43 555 333 45 45 45–––555===40 40 40 40 40–––333===37 37 There 40 37 There Thereare are are37 37 37horses. horses. horses. IfIfIf666more morehorses horseswere wereadded addedinto intothe thefield field more horses were added into the field that thatwould wouldmean meanthere therewas wasaaatotal totalof 43 that would mean there was total ofof43 43 horses. horses. horses. 37 37 37+++666===43 43 43 Cobb Cobb CobbCounty County CountySchools Schools Schools Strategies Strategiesfor for foraddition addition additionand and and Strategies subtraction subtraction subtraction 2013-2014 2013-2014 2013-2014 Math Math Math MathFact FactStrategies Strategies Below Belowisisa astrategy strategythat thatmight mightbebeused usedtoto assist assistsecond secondgraders gradersininthinking thinkingabout about subtraction subtractionwhen whenworking workingwith withfacts. facts. 24 24−−99== Students Studentsiningrade grade2 2continue continuewith with strategies strategieslearned learnediningrade grade1.1. 88++66== 22 44 10 10++44==14 14 This Thisexample exampleshows showshow howmaking makinga aten ten makes makesititeasier easiertotoquickly quicklyadd. add. Second Secondgraders gradersalso alsoadd addusing usingthe thedoubles doubles strategy. strategy.This Thisexample exampleshows showstwo twoways waysinin whicha astudent studentcan canadd add6 6+ +8.8. which ++ 44 55 24 24––44==20 20 20 20––55==15 15 This Thisstudent studentadjusted adjustedthese thesefacts factstotoquickly quickly add addthem. them. 235 235 Working Workingwith withBase BaseTens Tens Place Placevalue valueisisa aprimary primaryfocus focusfor forsecond second graders. graders.Students Studentsneed needtotounderstand understandthat that numbers numbersrepresent representamounts amountsofofhundreds, hundreds, tens tensand andones. ones.This Thisbegins begins workingwith with 126 126 bybyworking base basetens. tens. 128 128== 22tens tens 88ones ones Students Studentsneed needtotounderstand understandthe themeaning meaninginin numbers. numbers. 3 3hundreds hundreds 4 4tens tens 8 8ones ones 3434tens tens 8 8ones ones 348 348ones ones 348 348 300 300+ +4040+ +8 8 69 69 == 304 304 26 26++37 37== 26 26++37 37== 26 26++37 37 26 26++40 40==66 66 66 66––33==63 63 11hundred hundred ++ AAgoal goalininsecond secondgrade gradeisisfor forstudents studentstotoadd add mentally mentallyusing usingstrategies. strategies.One Onestrategy strategyisis makinga afriendly friendlynumber. number. making + +3 3 66++88== 66++66++22== 66++22++88== OR 66++66==12 12 OR 88++88==16 16 12 12++22==14 14 16 16−−22==14 14 Second Secondgraders gradersmove moveinto intoaddition additionusing using base basetens tenstotorepresent representthe theproblem. problem.They They then thenmove movetotousing usingnumbers. numbers. OR OR − −3 3 + +3 3 26 26++37 37 23++40 40=63 =63 23 64 64++19 19==83 83 64 64 Another Anotherstrategy strategytotohelp help students studentsunderstand understand ++19 19 addition additioninvolves involvesworking working 13 13 with withpartial partialsums. sums. 70 70 83 83 Students Studentsininsecond secondgrade gradecan canuse usea anumber number line linetotoshow showaddition additionproblems. problems. 26 26++37 37==63 63 For Forinformation informationononopen open Second Secondgrade gradestudents studentswill willadd addand andsubtract subtract within within20. 20.They Theywill willknow knowtheir theiraddition additionfacts facts from frommemory memorybybythe theend endofofsecond secondgrade. grade. Math Math Math MathFact FactStrategies Strategies Below Belowisisa astrategy strategythat thatmight mightbebeused usedtoto assist assistsecond secondgraders gradersininthinking thinkingabout about subtraction subtractionwhen whenworking workingwith withfacts. facts. 22 44 10 10++44==14 14 This Thisexample exampleshows showshow howmaking makinga aten ten makes makesititeasier easiertotoquickly quicklyadd. add. Second Secondgraders gradersalso alsoadd addusing usingthe thedoubles doubles strategy. strategy.This Thisexample exampleshows showstwo twoways waysinin which whicha astudent studentcan canadd add6 6+ +8.8. This Thisstudent studentadjusted adjustedthese thesefacts factstotoquickly quickly add addthem. them. Second Secondgraders gradersmove moveinto intoaddition additionusing using base basetens tenstotorepresent representthe theproblem. problem.They They then thenmove movetotousing usingnumbers. numbers. ++ 44 55 24 24––44==20 20 20 20––55==15 15 235 235 Working Workingwith withBase BaseTens Tens Place Placevalue valueisisa aprimary primaryfocus focusfor forsecond second graders. graders.Students Studentsneed needtotounderstand understandthat that numbers numbersrepresent representamounts amountsofofhundreds, hundreds, tens tensand andones. ones.This Thisbegins begins workingwith with 126 126 bybyworking base basetens. tens. 128 128== 22tens tens 88ones ones Students Studentsneed needtotounderstand understandthe themeaning meaninginin numbers. numbers. 3 3hundreds hundreds 4 4tens tens 8 8ones ones 3434tens tens 8 8ones ones 348 348ones ones 348 348 300 300+ +4040+ +8 8 Second Secondgrade gradestudents studentswill willadd addand andsubtract subtract within within20. 20.They Theywill willknow knowtheir theiraddition additionfacts facts from frommemory memorybybythe theend endofofsecond secondgrade. grade. 69 69 == 304 304 26 26++37 37== 26 26++37 37== 26 26++37 37 26 26++40 40==66 66 66 66––33==63 63 11hundred hundred ++ AAgoal goalininsecond secondgrade gradeisisfor forstudents studentstotoadd add mentally mentallyusing usingstrategies. strategies.One Onestrategy strategyisis making makinga afriendly friendlynumber. number. + +3 3 66++88== 66++66++22== 66++22++88== OR 66++66==12 12 OR 88++88==16 16 12 12++22==14 14 16 16−−22==14 14 3737 resume, resume,please pleasevisit visitour ourWeb Web site siteat: at: 4747 5757585859596060616162626363 24 24−−99== Students Studentsiningrade grade2 2continue continuewith with strategies strategieslearned learnediningrade grade1.1. 88++66== + +1010 + +1010or+or+1to1tosubmit positions positions +submit +1 1+ +1 1your +your +1 1+ +1 1 + +1 1 OR OR − −3 3 + +3 3 26 26++37 37 23++40 40=63 =63 23 64 64++19 19==83 83 64 64 Another Anotherstrategy strategytotohelp help students studentsunderstand understand ++19 19 addition additioninvolves involvesworking working 13 13 with withpartial partialsums. sums. 70 70 83 83 Students Studentsininsecond secondgrade gradecan canuse usea anumber number line linetotoshow showaddition additionproblems. problems. 26 26++37 37==63 63 + +1010 + +1010 + +1 1 + +1 1+ +1 1+ +1 1+ +1 1 + +1 1 3737 4747 5757585859596060616162626363 De la misma manera, la resta se puede mostrar en una recta numérica. Este estudiante comenzó a las 37 y contó hasta 63 para encontrar una diferencia de 26. Sumando y restando se puede entender mediante el uso de la notación expandida. 63 – 37 = 26 Los estudiantes usan el valor posicional entendimiento para resolver estos problemas. El cartel de centenas se puede utilizar para que los estudiantes demuestren tanto la suma y la resta. Este ejemplo muestra el problema 82-39. Guía de ruta para Padres Grado 2 Alumnos de segundo grado usan su conocimiento de la suma y la resta para resolver problemas de palabras de una y dos etapas. El siguiente ejemplo muestra un problema de dos pasos. Un granjero tenía 8 vacas y algunos caballos en un campo. Había 45 animales en el campo. Más tarde, el granjero envió 6 caballos más en el campo. ¿Cuál es el número total de caballos en el campo? 8+ = 45 El estudiante comenzará restando 8 (vacas) del total de 45 (animales). 45 – 8 Este estudiante comenzó a los 82 y regresó 30 para llegar a 52. El siguiente paso fue contar hacia atrás 9 y llegar a 43. 82 – 39 = 43 5 3 45 – 5 = 40 40 – 3 = 37 Escuelas del Condado de Cobb Hay 37 caballos. Si se agregaron 6 caballos más en ese campo significaría que había un total de 43 caballos. 37 + 6 = 43 Estrategias para la adición y la resta 2013-2014 Matemáticas Estrategias Informativas Matemáticas A continuación se muestra una estrategia que podría utilizarse para ayudar a los estudiantes de segundo grado en la reflexión sobre la resta cuando se trabaja con hechos. 24 − 9 = Los estudiantes de grado 2 continúan con las estrategias aprendidas en el grado 1. Este ejemplo muestra cómo hacer un diez lo hace más fácil para agregar rápidamente. Valor Place es un foco principal de segundo grado. Los estudiantes deben entender que los números representan cantidades de centenas, decenas y unidades. Esto comienza 126 por trabajar con decenas de bases 128 = Alumnos de segundo grado también agregan utilizando la estrategia de dobles. Este ejemplo muestra dos formas en las que un estudiante puede añadir 6 + 8. 6+6+2= 6 + 6 = 12 12 + 2 = 14 OR 235 Trabajar con decenas de Base 10 + 4 = 14 6+8= + 4 5 24 – 4 = 20 20 – 5 = 15 8+6= 2 4 Alumnos de segundo grado siguen en adición con decenas de base para representar el problema. A continuación, pasaran a la utilización de números. 6+2+8= 8 + 8 = 16 16 − 2 = 14 Este estudiante ajusta estos hechos para agregar rápidamente. 2 decenas 3 ciens 4 decenas 8 unidades 8 unidades 34 decenas 8 unidades 348 unidades = 304 26 + 37 = 26 + 37 = +3 Los estudiantes necesitan entender el significado de los números. 69 Un objetivo en el segundo grado es que los estudiantes añaden mentalmente utilizando estrategias. Una estrategia es hacer una serie amistosa. 26 + 37 26 + 40 = 66 66 – 3 = 63 1 cien + OR −3 +3 26 + 37 23 + 40 =63 64 + 19 = 83 Otra estrategia para ayudar a estudiantes a entender Además implica trabajar con sumas parciales. 64 + 19 13 70 83 348 300 + 40 + 8 Los estudiantes de segundo grado comienzan a sumar y restar hasta 20. Ellos sabrán de memoria sus operaciones de suma al final de segundo grado. Los estudiantes de segundo grado pueden usar una línea numérica para mostrar problemas de suma. 26 + 37 = 63 + 10 37 + 10 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 47 57 58 59 60 61 62 63