december 2006 - Kings Charter


december 2006 - Kings Charter
December 2006
Volume 18, Issue 12
Happy Holidays
Kings Charter Board Votes to Stop Offering
Monthly Direct Debit For New Users
At their November meeting, the Kings Charter Board
of Directors voted to discontinue offering the monthly
direct debit program to new users after December 31,
2006. This change allows Kings Charter to save thousands of dollars in costs each year. All homeowners
who are currently enrolled in the monthly direct
debit program and anyone who enrolls prior to December 31, 2006 will be able to continue making
their assessment payments in that manner for as
long as they wish to do so. If you are not currently enrolled in the monthly direct debit program but would
like to do so before the opportunity ends, please feel
free to pick up a form at the Clubhouse or download it
Quarterly direct debit payment options will continue
to be available. 
1st Annual Celebration of Lights
On Friday, December 22 at 6:00 PM join our community by lining your streets with luminaries. Our
spirit and unity will shine through the evening. Luminaries packages are available through the Kings Charter
Swim Team…each kit contains 8 white bags and candles for only $10.
Place one bag every 3 feet on your street front. To
place an order, call or email Tammy Brooker at 5501099 or Checks should be
written to KC Swim Team and are being collected at
the Clubhouse. Luminaries will be delivered to your
home on Wed, Dec 20th by neighborhood swimmers. 
Board Briefs
The KCOA Board of Directors met on November
2, 2006 at 7:00 PM. The following is a summary of
the business conducted at the meeting.
Minutes of the October 5, 2006 meeting were
Election of officers is as follows:
President: Doug Johnson
Vice President: Chris Bazemore
Secretary: Bonnijean Boggess
Treasurer: Teresa Earles
Director: David Johnson
 Charters, officers and members of community
committees were approved with the exception of
the Community Watch committee. Community
Watch will be revisited at the December meeting.
 Installation of mulch at Midway Park was approved.
 The Board approved amending the management
agreement with Community Group to eliminate
escalation of the accounting fee. In order to do
this, the Board approved elimination of the
monthly debit option for payment of assessments for new members effective January 1,
2007. Existing users will still have that option.
For a complete explanation of the business conducted at this or any meeting, please feel free to review a copy of the minutes at the Clubhouse.
The Kings Charter Board of Directors is seeking
a Chairperson for the Community Watch committee.
If you can help us fill this important position, please
contact the Clubhouse. 
The Kings Review
December 2006
· Holiday Gala Saturday, December 2 at 7:30 PM.
· Board of Directors meeting on Thursday,
December 7 at 7:00 PM.
· ACC meeting Monday, December 11 at 7:00 PM.
· Clubhouse closes at 5:00 PM on Christmas Eve
and will be closed on Christmas Day in
observance of the holiday.
A Puppy’s Prayer LLC
Personalized Professional Pet Pampering
Kathie Farley
9377 Pecan Tree Court
Mechanicsville VA 23116
804-307-3485 (cell)
Holiday Gala
Co-Chairs Sherin Ferguson · 550-3573
Kathy Barber · 550-1223
The Holiday Gala will be held at The Manor House
on Saturday, December 2 from 7:30 PM-Midnight.
There will be heavy hor d'oeuvres throughout the
evening and drinks of your choice will be provided.
You must bring your ticket, as they will be
collected at the door. The DJ will be Lou Wright and
we want you to request your favorite tunes for him to
Dress code is holiday semi-formal. Food will be
provided by Catering By Jill. 
Please Check
As you are pulling out your holiday attire, please
check to see if you mistakenly picked up the wrong
shawl at the Christmas party last year. I am looking
for a black shawl that is satin on one side and velveteen on the other. If you have it, please contact Tami
Wilkerson at 730-5995 or 
Page 2
The Kings Review
December 2006
Be Respectful Of Your Neighbors Cars
Sink Holes
The Clubhouse has received several telephone calls
about kids playing baseball/softball/football in the
streets and hitting residents cars. If your children play
ball in the street and your neighbor has their car
parked where it could possibly be damaged, please ask
them to move it out of the way. They would rather
move it than have it damaged by a ball. 
While you are out and about in the neighborhood
walking your dog or running, be on the lookout for
sink holes on common property. Please call the
Clubhouse, 550-2507 with the location so that we
can contact the proper people to make repairs. 
I Resolve to . . .
“Your One Stop Shop”
License # 2705028061A
Do your New Year’s Resolutions include getting
back into shape?
What about shedding a few pounds or a few
Do you need some incentive to hold you accountable to this goal?
Would you be interested in joining a group of
Mom’s with the same goals?
How about if it didn’t cost you anything?
How about if you only had to walk across the street?
(OK, so you might have to drive 2 miles, depending on where you live in Kings Charter!)
If you answered “YES” to any of these questions,
then you should consider joining us (beginning January 4th) on Thursday mornings at 9:00 am in the
Kings Charter workout room.
We are just a group of Moms getting together to
exercise. We are not professional “Personal Trainers” – we plan to bring exercise videos to “lead” our
sessions. But we can become “Personal Encouragers” to support each other as we turn our resolutions
into GOOD HABITS for the New Year! 
Proudly serving the residential and
business community for over 20 years
Karen Kalita
9555 Kings Charter Dr., Suite I
Ashland, VA 23005
Ph: 804-550-PUMP (7867)
9400 Charter Crossing
Mechanicsville, VA 23116
(804) 550-0020
(804) 550-0855 FAX
Page 3
The Kings Review
December 2006
Kings Charter PlayGroup
The Kings Charter PlayGroup meets every
Tuesday from 10:30 AM until noon. It is a great
place to connect with other parents and toddlers in
our community. When the weather is nice, we meet
at the “Kings Swings” playground, just behind the
KC Clubhouse. When it’s yucky outside (rain,
cold, or generally nasty), we meet inside the
Clubhouse where there are lots of toys to share.
For further information, please contact Wendy
Malamphy at 559-8966. 
Ruth Anne Carreras
Sandy Carroll
Santa Claus Is Coming To Town!
Santa will be visiting the KC playgroup on Tuesday, December 12. The playgroup will begin at
10:30 AM and Santa will be arriving at 11:00 AM.
We will start off our playtime with some singing
and dancing to the Wiggles "Wiggly Christmas"
video until Santa arrives. Then please stay and join
us for some cookies and juice. Don't forget your
cameras! And for an extra special surprise, you may
call me with your child's name and favorite present
that he or she wants from Santa so that I can make
"Santa's List" ahead of time. Santa will then be able
to amaze our little ones with what he already
knows, helping us to encourage them "to be good
for goodness sake!"
Please call Wendy Malamphy @ 559-8966 (also
so we know how much cookies and juice to provide). 
9539 Kings Charter Shopping Center
Ashland, VA 23005
Tel: 804-550-5760
Fax: 804-550-5760
Social Committee Planning Meeting
The Social Committee will hold its first planning
meeting on Thursday, January 19, 2007 at 7:00 PM.
The committee will be signing up volunteers for the
2007 year. Please come and join in the planning of
activities for the children and adults. Refreshments
will be served.
Some of the yearly events are the Wine Tasting,
Children’s Easter Egg Hunt, Adult Pool Party, July
4th Celebration, Kid’s Pool Parties (3), Halloween
Parade and the Holiday Gala. New ideas are always
Please contact the Clubhouse if you are planning
on attending.
9555 Kings Charter Drive, Suite M
Ashland, VA 23005
Phone 804-550-3601
Fax 804-550-3603
Page 4
The Kings Review
December 2006
Vandalism Report
A speed limit sign on Kings Charter was egged.
The Sheriff’s office has requested if you have vandalism, to please telephone them immediately so they can
take your report. These reports can lead to arrests.
They are sometimes related to other acts of vandalism or
Remove any valuables from your cars, lock your car
doors, close your garage door and turn on the exterior
lights of your home.
If you see anyone doing damage to KCOA property
or to an individual’s personal property, please call the
Hanover Sheriff’s Office, 730-6140. 
Reward Offered
Related To Vandalism
Up to $500 will be awarded by KCOA to any person
or persons providing information leading to the arrest
and conviction of anybody responsible for crimes committed against Kings Charter Owners Association property. The amount of the reward will be determined by
the Board of Directors of KCOA on a case-by-case basis, and will depend on the degree of damage caused by
the perpetrators, the number of people involved in providing information and other factors.
Call the Hanover County Sheriff’s Office, 730-6140
or the Clubhouse, 550-2507 with any information. 
Join us for our
Special Christmas Eve Services
December 24, 2006
11:00 AM
5:00 PM
7:00 PM
Childcare for Infants–Kindergarten available
7171 Verdi Lane, Mechanicsville, VA 23116
(804) 730-3676
Newsletter Advertising
As you see in the community newsletter we are
getting an array of vendors advertising. The Clubhouse has received calls from them and they want
you to know they are happy that you are using
their services.
If you would like to advertise your business or
service, the fee is very reasonable. Business card
size ads are $25 and a quarter page ad is $50
monthly. If you wish to advertise, it is first come,
first served. Advertising space is limited. 
Page 5
The Kings Review
December 2006
December 1
Holiday Gala
The Manor House
PlayGroup 10:30am
Stroller Strides
Leaf Pickup
Board Meeting
PlayGroup 10:30am
Stroller Strides
PlayGroup 11:00am
Clubhouse closed
Christmas Day
Clubhouse closed
Stroller Strides
PlayGroup 10:30am
Stroller Strides
January 1
Clubhouse closed New Year’s Day PlayGroup 10:30am
ACC Deadline Clubhouse closed
Stroller Strides
Board Meeting
Page 6
All locations are at the Clubhouse unless otherwise stated.
The Kings Review
December 2006
Kings Charter Commercial Owner or Tenant Articles & Advertising
* The primary purpose of the Kings Review is to communicate Association news and information to the membership. The secondary
purpose is to enable members to convey their family -oriented goods and services to each other. Advertising is available to Asso ciation
members in good standing, according to their membership, and on a first -come, first-served basis. Commercial members may insert
display ads on a first -come, first-served basis and of business card size. Ads must be camera -ready as determined by staff.
* Kings Charter Owners Association does not take responsibility for information submitted nor does it promote any particular busin ess
or service.
Classified Ads
Any Association member may advertise goods or services available for
sale. Each such entry may be up to three columnar lines.
For Sale: Karaoke Machine -singing machine SMG -199. GC, in box with
manual. $25 Karaoke CD’s for $2 ea. Call 221 -1630.
For Sale: Entire Mary Kay inventory at wholesale prices. Please call Emily
Hagen, 804-916-9684 for more info or to schedule a time to come & shop.
For Sale: Blk Rockwell drum set/symbols/ EC-$350 obo, women’s SM blk
leather jacket w/liner, EC -$300 obo, sz 6 lace up boots w/zipper-$75 obo,
XS pearl white helmet, removable visor & neck curtain -$75 obo. 550-7133.
For Sale: 2 Heavy twin pine captains beds. Each with 4 drawers & a
cubbie-$400 for both. Dbl white antique iron bed -$150. Call 550 -2551 /
For Sale By Owner: 4500 Sq ft house in cul -de-sac in Ivy Banks. Call
730-7466 for more info.
Found: Ladies Laura Busch silk scarf. Call the Clubhouse 550 -2507 to ID. is a FREE online directory of businesses serving the Atlee
area. List your business/find a local merchant by going to!
Attention: All working Moms in Kings Charter. If you are interested in
joining a Working Mom’s playgroup please call 730 -6727.
Creative Memories Storybooks : High quality, stitch -bound books of
photos/stories w/FREE desktop software. 20 page book-$39.95., Jody Hedstrom 569-6385 (CM
Gourmet Your Way, Personal Chef Service: Custom, healthy meals made
in your home every week or two gives you the gift of health & time!
Personal Chef Laura Payne, 514 -6812/
Hedstrom Tile & Paint: Licensed, insured, w/references & free estimates,
High School Junior will tutor math, baby sit or pet sit. Exp. & ref. Call
Kathryn Wene at 550 -4761.
Kings Charter Paper Boxes: Need a new paper box, this solidly con structed paper box requires less than 10 min. to replace, by slipping it over
your existing post. Adheres to all KC specifications. Kevin 723 -3135.
Office Space Available: 1100 sq ft front of The Manor House. Reasonable
monthly fee. Front door parking. Call Alan, 405 -2641 or Linda, 338-6096.
Painting: Interior, murals, ex ref & great prices. Call Carl Schieber at 550 2022 or
Pet Care: Vacationing? Business trip? Or just one on one walks while
you’re at work. Call a Puppy’s Prayer LLC for all your in home pet needs.
Lic. & Insured. Call Kathie, 550 -9507 or email
Reset Your Life! Join local vendors for a wellness event w/complimentary
massages, nutrition info, free samples & door prizes. Jan. 7th & 21st at
3:00 PM, KC Clubhouse. Call 651 -8576 for your free ticket.
Southern Living at Home: Call Michele Slagley, 559 -3611 for a copy of
the holiday magazine or see for
beautiful gifts and lovely decorating items for your home.
Tutor: Former 5th grade teacher specializing in LD, ADHD, avail. to tutor
elementary students. Becca Schieber, 550 -2022/
Your Personal Designer: Paint consultation a specialty, full service
interior design including floor plans, window treatments, faux painting,
carpets, area rugs & more. Barbara Tomorowitz 550-4762 or 740-3124.
Your Personal Painter: Interior specialist making the inside of your home
more beautiful. Neat, clean & professional. Special rates for KC residents.
Temple Womack
Personal Banker
9665 Sliding Hill Road
Ashland, VA 23005
phone (804) 550-2300
fax (804) 550-3202
9555 Kings Charter Dr.
Suite G
Ashland, VA 23005
(804) 550-1233
Jason Taylor
This Certificate entitles new patients to:
Dr. Renée A. Stauffacher
Call for an appointm ent today!
(804) 550-0780
9535 Kings Charter Dr. - Ashland, VA 23005
9555 Kings Charter Drive, Suite K
P.O. Box 6727
Ashland, VA 23005-6727
Jerry Cantrilli
Project Manager
Phone 804-550-4881
Fax 804-550-4889
Page 7
The Kings Review
December 2006
KC Web Site
804-550-AUTO (2886)
804-550-0516 fax
Servicing Foreign
& Domestic
Steve Butler ·
Have you registered for the Kings Charter Members'
web site yet? If not, what are you waiting for? It's easy
and better yet it's FREE!!! Just complete the Web Site
Access Request Form (you can obtain one at the KC
Clubhouse) and leave it with the Clubhouse staff. Your
userid and password will be emailed to you.
The KC Members' web site has many features that
were requested by residents like you! Here are just
some of these features:
The Community phone directory (with google maps
and directions)
Baby-sitters lists
All past and present KC Newsletters
Online Trading Post
ePages Online Business Directory
Community News
Board Briefs
Up to the minute Community Announcements
Swim Team information and web site
Tennis Teams Information and team links
ACC Exterior Alteration Application Form
Community Calendar
Parents' Corner
Local Weather
Community Activities and Events
Online Tennis court reservations (in 2006)
and much more to be available in 2006!
So register today! 
10383 Leadbetter Road · Ashland, VA 23005
Hello, I would like to introduce myself to the
community. Our business, Ferber’s Tire and Auto
Service is behind Sheetz on Leadbetter Road. Growing
up in Hanover, I’m the 3rd generation following in the
footsteps of my Uncle, Jim Armstrong and my
Grandfather, Jim Sr. We are a “Full Service” auto/light
truck repair shop with fair prices and personal service.
We have been busy remodeling and upgrading our shop,
so please come in and take a look.
We handle Fleet Maintenance/Company Car Programs
and work with most Warranty companies.
I look forward to meeting you, so please stop by and
try our “Work & Wait” Broadband Wireless Internet.
Robert W. Ferber, Owner
The Clubhouse will be closed on
Sunday, December 24 and Monday, December 25 for the
Christmas holiday. The Clubhouse staff and the Board of Directors wish the community a safe
holi- day season while visiting
family and friends.
●Quality interior and exterior paints●
●Full selection of tools, brushes & ladders●
9555 Kings Charter Drive, Suite A
(804) 550-5789
Present this ad at the store and receive $5 off
on your next purchase of Duron paint.
Store employee use allowance code 920
Page 8
The Kings Review
December 2006
Reserving The Great Room
When reserving the Great Room at the Clubhouse,
please be considerate of your time and other parties.
Clubhouse staff leaves 30 minutes between each reservation. You can reserve the Great Room for three
hours and the fee is $25 and the fee for three hours or
more is $50. You must factor in your set up and clean
up time when reserving. If you reserve for three hours
and you go over the allotted time, you will have to pay
an additional $25. You cannot bring food items or
supplies in the night before your function.
Non-secured reservations will not be held for more
than 24 hours. After this time your name is removed
from the reservation book.
The weight room and aerobic room will be locked
when staff leaves for the day and these rooms cannot
be reserved. 
KC Committees Are Run By Volunteers
Architectural Control Committee · Michael Hancock · 559-3079
This committee is required by the governing documents for enforcement
of architectural standards and is intrinsic and critical to the preservation
of property values.
Budget Committee · Teresa Earles · 550-2309 Work with the Treasurer
and Managing Agent to prepare and then review the budget for the Association.
Midway Park Mulch
Thanks to the group of Chesapeake Y Indian
Guides and their dads who met at the Midway Park to
spread mulch last month. It was a great day for the
younger kids to be involved in a community project.
The little ones will not hurt their knees now if they fall
at the park, and we thank the volunteers very much for
their effort. 
Community Watch Committee · VACANT Solicit owner participation in a community Crime Watch Program.
Grounds Committee · Rob Roszkowski · 368-0061 Responsible for
ensuring that the Association’s grounds contractor operates within the
terms specified in the grounds contract, assisting in the development of
specifications for grounds related contracts for bidding purposes, and
suggesting ways to improve Kings Charter common areas.
Nominating Committee · Doug Johnson · 550-1520 Nominate as
many people as are interested in running for vacant Board of Director
Recreation Committee · Steve Butler · 559-2347 Plan, coordinate
and carry out events of a physical exercise or sport nature.
Social Committee · Sherin Ferguson · 550-3573 Plan, coordinate,
and carry out activities and events of a social or recreational nature for all
Swim Team Committee · Bonnijean Boggess · 550-5491 Plan, coordinate and carry out activities and events related to the swim team.
Web Site Committee · Steve Butler · 559-2347 Design and maintain
an internet web site in support of the spirit and activities of the community.
Get Involved!!! Volunteer!
Page 9
The Kings Review
December 2006
Protect Your Home From
Holiday Burglaries
Please be aware that the holiday season provides
tempting opportunities for criminals to burglarize
your home. The Sheriff’s Office recommends:
 All outside doors should be made of solid wood
or metal. Inspect your doors for good fit, check
wooden doors for any cracks and install a wideangle door viewer. All exterior doors need to be
well-lit on the outside.
 Select strong, reliable locks for your home. Always lock your doors when leaving. No matter
how short or long the trips, lock all deadbolt
 Windows and glass doors need special care to
make sure they are locked. Check the manufacturer’s special instructions for securing windows
and sliding glass doors.
 Use your lights effectively on the outside and
inside your home. Set your lights on times so
they will come on and go off at different times.
This could include your TV for more noise.
 Talk to a trusted neighbor if you are leaving for a
long time. You may want to tell them where you
can be contacted.
 Don’t display gifts where they can be seen from
the outside.
 When strangers come to your door, be cautious.
Criminals sometimes pose as couriers delivering
gifts. 
Ashcake Animal Clinic
Steven A. Olberding, D.V.M.
Linda T. Olberding, D.V.M.
Robert C. Edwards, D.V.M.
9553 Kings Charter Drive
Ashland, Virginia 23005
Ph. 804-550-2458
Italian Restaurant
Pizza, Subs & More
Kings Charter Village Shopping Center
9551 Kings Charter Drive
Ashland, Virginia 23005
All Major Credit Cards Accepted
Mi Jalisco
Member Services
The Best Food & Friendly Service
Kings Charter Village Shopping Center
9523-B Kings Charter Drive
Page 10
Please note that any assessment payment coupons
mailed will be forwarded to the Innsbrook office. The
address is as follows:
Community Group, Inc.
4222 Cox Road, Suite 110
Glen Allen, VA 23060
804-270-1800 FAX 346-8640
Member Services, Questions-Ext. 401
Resale Packages-Ext. 159
Managing Agent, Kris VanBenschoten Ext. 157
Account Associate, Carol White-Ext. 106
Clubhouse Email Address:
The Kings Review
December 2006
Holiday Decorations
The Kings Review
Architectural Control Committee (ACC)
Please take a drive throughout the community to see
the beautifully decorated homes. If you see a home
that you would like to be nominated, please call the
Clubhouse and give staff the addresses. The committee
will be looking for the “Most Original”, “Most Creative” and the “Most Festive”. The winners will each
receive a $50 gift certificate.
Guideline Note: Making changes to your yard, or to
the exterior of your home without prior written approval from the ACC may violate the Covenants governing Kings Charter. You may have to pay fines, pay
to undo the changes you made, or both. 
ACC Deadline
The last day of each month is the last day to submit
Architectural Control Committee applications. The
committee meets on the second Monday of the following month to review submitted applications. If you are
applying for a change, all affected residents surrounding your property must sign the application. You are
notifying your neighbors of your intent, not seeking
their approval.
If you are adding an addition to your home, shed,
deck, play set, fence, or landscaping, it would be best if
you attend the ACC meeting. We ask that you come to
the meeting, in the event the committee has questions.
The Clubhouse staff only collects the applications,
makes copies for the committee members and delivers
them to their homes. If you have any questions please
call the Clubhouse, 550-2507. 
Produced by
Kings Charter Owners Association, Inc.
c/o Community Group
4222 Cox Road Suite #110
Glen Allen, Virginia 23060
Published Monthly
Deadline Date: 15th of each month
Association members are invited to submit photos
or articles of general interest to the Clubhouse.
The Association reserves the right to accept, reject,
or condense articles.
Board of Directors
President - Doug Johnson
Vice President - Chris Bazemore
Secretary - Bonnijean Boggess
Treasurer - Teresa Earles
Director - David Johnson
Managing Agent
Kris VanBenschoten
(804) 270-1800 Ext. 157 · FAX 346-8640
The Association takes no responsibility for the quality
of items or services advertised in the classified section.
Clubhouse Telephone (804) 550 -2507
FAX (804) 550-9079
Kitchen Telephone (804) 550 -3640
Clubhouse Hours
M-Th 9:00 A.M. - 8:30 P.M.
Fri. 9:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M.
Sat. 11:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M.
Sun. 1:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.
Remember: If you sell your house, you
must let the Managing Agent know!
If you did not receive your Governing
Documents during the closing process, please
call the Managing Agent.
Page 11
The Kings Review
December 2006
· Holiday Gala tickets will be taken up the door.
· When walking your dog, please walk him on a
leash and clean up after him.
· No bicycles, skateboards or roller blades
permitted on the tennis courts at any time.
Welcome New Homeowners
Leaf Pickup
Agecroft Manor Court
Timothy Myers
Aynhoe Court
Gregory & Kathryn Collins
Hunter & Julie Cross
Marlbourne Way
Kevin Moss & Katie Newman
Stephens Manor Drive
David & Tiffany Virost
It has been noted that some residents are blowing leaves in the street and down gutters. Please
bag your leaves for the trash service that the Association has hired.
There will be a community wide leaf pickup on
Saturday, December 9 starting at 7:00 AM. Please
put your bagged leaves at the curb. Do not put
your leaves out before Friday evening as they interfere with mail delivery and traffic. 
Recycled Plastic Mailbox Posts
Complete $195
Vinyl Mailbox Posts
Celebrating A New
Site Opening
Complete $150
 12/1/06 to 12/10/06
 Offer Available Both Locations
Give Gift Cards
Call 750 -2046 to Order
(15% Discount on Cards of $40 or more)
Sliding Hill Road ¼ Mile East
of Kings Charter &
Meadowbridge Rd. at Atlee Rd!
Page 12

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