happy easter - Kings Charter
happy easter - Kings Charter
clubhouse@kingscharter.net http//www.kingscharter.net March 2005 Volume 17, Issue 3 HAPPY EASTER Egg Hunt Social Committee Coordinator Mary Franz 550-1327 The annual Easter Egg Hunt will be Saturday, March 19. Peter Cotton Tail will be hopping around on the Clubhouse grounds. Be sure to bring a basket for the eggs. The Egg Hunt will start promptly at 3:00 P.M. with the youngest group: 0 - 3 year olds 3:00 - 3:10 P.M. 4 - 6 year olds 3:10 - 3:20 P.M. 7 - 10 year olds 3:20 - 3:30 P.M. Following the Egg Hunt, Peter Cottontail will be on hand to greet your children and share cookies and a drink with them. In the event of rain, please come to the Clubhouse. 2005 Pool Season Board Briefs he Board of Directors is considering several changes to the 2005 Pool Rules that they feel would improve the operation of the pools. Before making any final decisions, the Board wanted to share the following proposed changes with you. Limiting the number of nonresident guests to 5 per family per visit. Increasing the guest fee to $2 per guest (each family would still receive 10 free guest passes for the season). Groups consisting of 10 or more would be requested to register by calling in advance to the Clubhouse staff. This would be done as a courtesy to ensure that adequate lifeguard staffing is on duty. The Board would be happy to receive input from the members for these changes. Please feel free to contact the Clubhouse or attend the March Board meeting. The KCOA Board of Directors met on Thursday, February 3 at 7:00 P.M. to take up the following items for discussion. Clubhouse Administrator Barbara Mautte reported that the Clubhouse will be closed the week of February 28 through March 6, and that the tennis benches will be installed soon. Community Manager Kris VanBenschoten reported that the Dam Safety report should be completed by February 18 and that Community Group has been acquired by Associa but that there will be no adverse changes to the Association. Several pieces of unfinished business were acted on including the ratification of Williamsburg Environmental Groups’ engineering proposal to complete the Dam Safety report and approval to repair the retaining wall at the Clubhouse tennis courts. Larry Shaia and Linda Shaia St. George, who manage The Manor House in Kings Charter, gave a presentation regarding the privacy fence that was erected behind The Manor House. They believe that the fence deters noise complaints, vandalism, and possible injury on The Manor T Directory Forms Due The deadline to turn in your directory form is March 31 if you wish to be listed in the 2005 Kings Charter Neighborhood Directory. If you have no changes, you do not need to return the form. (See Briefs on page 2) The Kings Review March 2005 MARCH EVENTS BOARD Member Services · Garden Club meeting Tuesday, March 8 - 7:00 P.M. · PlayGroup “special event” meets at the Ashland Library Tuesday, March 8 - 10:00 A.M. · ACC meeting Monday, March 14 - 7:00 P.M. · Board of Directors meeting Thursday, March 17 - 7:00 P.M. · Social Committee Egg Hunt Saturday, March 19 - 3:00 P.M. Please note that any assessment payment coupons mailed will be forwarded to the Innsbrook office. The address is as follows: Community Group, Inc. 4222 Cox Road, Suite 110 Glen Allen, VA 23060 804-270-1800 FAX 346-8640 email@communitygroup.com Briefs from page 1 Vandalism Report House grounds, and would like the Board to issue a statement in favor of the fence. Two homeowners who are directly impacted by the fence spoke against the fence and would like to see it taken down. The Board has as of yet taken no action regarding this matter. A proposal by Brian Mason of Kids Choice of Virginia to hold a 5K road race at King Charter on April 2, 2005 was approved pending some changes in the insurance provisions to protect Kings Charter from any liability. The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 P.M. The community has experienced a number of break-ins at the Lakeview Pool. The locks had to be re-keyed on the pool house and dead bolts installed on the pool shed. The lattice has been ripped away from around the pool on two occasions and had to be repaired. The volleyball net was also destroyed and will have to be replaced. A large hole was cut in the chain link fence around the Lakeview Pool. These items added up to several hundred dollars. If you see or hear anything around any of the community properties, please call the Sheriff’s Office, 730-6140. The KCOA does offer a reward up to $500. See article Reward Offered Related To Vandalism. Swim Team News Registration Dates Set Nadine Keene nicholask4@comcast.net The Swim Team Board of Directors is back in action! In planning the upcoming season, we want to share some important dates with you. Early Registration will be held at the Kings Charter Clubhouse from 6:30-8:00 P.M. on Sunday, April 10 and Thursday, April 21. After these dates, there is an additional fee for sign up. So register early!!! Also, remember to look on line at the web site for up to date Swim Team information. See you at Registration!!!!!!!!!!!. Page 2 Congratulations Hannah Kings Charter resident and swimmer, Hannah Brinks won the State High School AAA Swimming Championship in the 100 fly with a time of 57.25 seconds in February. Hannah is a junior at Atlee High School and the daughter of Paul Bodenstine and Lindsay Brinks Bodenstine. Congratulations and keep up the good work! Member Services, QuestionsExt. 401 Resale Packages-Ext. 159 Managing Agent Kris VanBenschoten Ext. 157 Account Associate Carol White-Ext. 106 Clubhouse Email Address: clubhouse@kingscharter.net Reward Offered Related To Vandalism Up to $500 will be awarded by KCOA to any person or persons providing information leading to the arrest and conviction of anybody responsible for crimes committed against Kings Charter Owners Association property. The amount of the reward will be determined by the Board of Directors of KCOA on a case-by-case basis, and will depend on the degree of damage caused by the perpetrators, the number of people involved in providing information and other factors. Call the Hanover County Sheriff’s Office, 730-6140 or the Clubhouse, 550-2507 with any information. Clubhouse Closed The Clubhouse will be closed for Spring cleaning and will reopen Monday, March 7 at 9:00 A.M. During this time the residents are to leave any mail in the drop box located outside the front door. The aerobics program will continue their regular workouts during the closing as scheduled. The Kings Review Sunday March 2005 Monday MARCH 2005 Tuesday March 1 Step/Sculpt 9:30am Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 2 3 4 Strength Training 5:30am Step 5:30am 5 Clubhouse Closed For Cleaning thru March 6 - Reopens March 7 At 9:00am Pilates 7:00pm 6 7 8 9 10 Step 5:30am Step/Sculpt 9:30am Strength Training 5:30am Step 5:30am Yoga 7:00pm 13 20 PlayGroup “Special Event” 10:00am Ashland Library 14 15 16 17 Step/Sculpt 9:30am Strength Training 5:30am Step 5:30am 10:30am-12:00pm Yoga 7:00pm Newsletter Deadline 12 Pilates 7:00pm Step 5:30am ACC Mtg 7:00pm 11 18 19 Egg Hunt 3:00pm Board Meeting 7:00pm Play Group Pilates 7:00pm 21 22 23 24 Step 5:30am Step/Sculpt 9:30am Strength Training 5:30am Step 5:30am 25 26 April 1 2 8 9 PlayGroup 10:30am-12:00pm Pilates 7:00pm Yoga 7:00pm 27 28 Easter Step 5:30am 29 30 31 Strength Training 5:30am Step 5:30am ACC Deadline Pilates 7:00pm Yoga 7:00pm 3 4 5 6 7 Daylight Savings Time Begins Step 5:30am Step/Sculpt 9:30am Strength Training 5:30am Step 5:30am Play Group 10:30am-12:00pm Yoga 7:00pm Garden Club Mtg. 7:00pm Pilates 7:00pm All locations are at the Clubhouse unless otherwise stated. Page 3 The Kings Review March 2005 Kings Charter Commercial Owner or Tenant Articles & Advertising * The primary purpose of the Kings Review is to communicate Association news and information to the membership. The secondary purpose is to enable members to convey their family-oriented goods and services to each other. Advertising is available to Association members in good standing, according to their membership, and on a first-come, first-served basis. Commercial members may insert display ads on a first-come, first-served basis and of business card size. Ads must be camera-ready as determined by staff. * Kings Charter Owners Association does not take responsibility for information submitted nor does it promote any particular business or service. Classified Ads Any Association member may advertise goods or services available for sale. Each such entry may be up to three columnar lines. For Rent: Office space available in KC. Different lease options available. Call Alan 405-2641. For Rent: Move your office close to home. The Manor House has offices available. Call Linda, 338-6096. For Sale: Cherry dining table 42” round w/18” leaf & 4 matching chairs in ex. cond. Call 550-0971. For Sale: Sears 5 HP chipper/shredder, EC-$200 OBO. Kenneth, 363-1077 For Sale: Yamaha trumpet-$400, Yamaha clarinet-$350, Armstrong flute$250. Call 550-5241. For Sale: Round off-white table w/5 chairs, formal LR sofa-rose damask, Thomasville fruitwood triple dresser w/mirror, canvas vinyl type floor covering, hand painted, 8’ round, blues w/red. Call 550-0425. For Sale: 15’ Bass boat w/Johnson 50 HP trolling motor, depth finder, garage kept-$3300. Call 368-0400. For Sale: Designer futon cover-purple & green-$10, Evenflo infant car seat w/3 bases-$30, Graco infant swing-$10, Evenflo megasaucer-$15, Kolcraft double stroller-$25, Gracy easy seat high chair-$25. Great cond. 550-4895 AtleeBiz.com is a FREE on line director of businesses serving the Atlee area. List your business or find a local merchant by going to AtleeBiz.com Child Care: Looking for 1st yr. college student (major/minor in Child Psych) for 10 yr. old after school M-F 2:30-5:pm. Start in Mar. w/potential to add hours in summer. Call 550-9507 for more info. Creative Memories: Home classes/workshops & photo-safe albums. Jody Barnocky, 569-6385 or creativememories.com/jodybarnocky Handiman: Painting, ceramic tiling, electrical, plumbing, etc. Professional quality & half the price, John Swierczewski. 550-1432. Hedstrom Tile & Paint: Free estimates, references, licensed & insured. Call 874-3054. Moving Sale: Porch furniture-6 piece wicker set-$500, off-white contemporary sofa & chair-$400, traditional cherry bedroom set/night stand/dresser$300. Email for pictures or appt.-keithelisa@comcast.net, 559-1728. Murals: How would you like a mural painted in your baby or toddlers room? Very reasonable rates, references & portfolio. Call Carl, 550-2022. Nanny: Available for the summer. Call 746-8713. Pet Care: TLCC-Tender Loving Critter Care-Quality in-home pet care. Let an experienced neighbor care for your pet(s) in the comfort of their own home. Licensed/insured, over 4 yrs. exp. Call Debbi, 550-0261. Real Estate: Bookmark www.PickPatrick.com & search the 1000s for MLS listings for your next property! Patrick McCrerey, Long & Foster, 5504528 or Patrick@PickPatrick.com. Real Estate: Don’t pay 6% to list your home! Experience professional service & save money with Balducci Realty. Call Kathleen, 986-2816. Southern Living at HOME: Call for a free copy of our Spring catalog, Michele Slagley your Director/Independent Consultant at 559-3611 or www.southern livingathome.com/micheleslagley. Teen looking to raise money for People to People Trip this summer. Will babysit, tutor math or pet sit. Kathryn, 550-4761. Tutor: Former Henrico teacher can tutor grades 1-6. If your child is struggling in school or just needs extra help-$30 hr. Call Becca, 550-2022. Tutor: Former Atlee math teach avail. for tutoring. Call Brett, 550-9762. Your Personal Designer: Paint consultation a specialty. Full service interior designing including space planning, window treatments, furniture, area rugs, & faux painting. Barbara Tomorowitz 740-3124/550-4762. Your Personal Painter: Interior specialist making the inside of your home more beautiful. Neat, clean & professional. Special rates for KC residents. Call David Johnson, 550-1478. Page 4 DURON PAINTS & WALLCOVERINGS *NOW OPEN TO SERVICE YOU* ●Quality interior and exterior paints● ●Full selection of tools, from brushes to ladders● 9555 Kings Charter Drive, Suite A (804) 550-5789 ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● Present this ad at the store and receive $5 off on your next purchase of Duron paint. Store employee use allowance code 920 VWA Virginia Wellness Associates This certificate entitles new patients to: -FREE 1/2 HOUR FULL BODY MASSAGE -FREE CHIROPRACTIC CONSULTATION Please call for an appointment 804-550-0780 Hanover (The patient must be seen by the doctor prior to receiving a massage.) 9535 Kings Charter Drive, Ashland, Virginia 23005 Ask Dr. Bird Q. A. Eliot W. Bird, D.D.S. · 804-550-1222 9568 Kings Charter Drive, Suite 102 · Ashland, VA 23005 Which are better the silver, or the tooth colored fillings? The choice of materials for restoring a tooth has become more complex as the number of materials available have become greater. The two major advantages for “tooth colored” restorations are esthetics and the ability to bond with the tooth. There are many different types of restorations. The type of “tooth colored” restoration which is best is indicated by the size and location of the defect and the needs of the patient. The Kings Review March 2005 MARIO’S Italian Restaurant Pizza, Subs & More 550-0819 Kings Charter Village Shopping Center 9551 Kings Charter Drive Ashland, Virginia Major credit cards accepted Jody Harlow Manager Sandy Carroll Owner 9539 Kings Charter Shopping Center Ashland, VA 23005 Tel: 804-550-5760 Fax: 804-550-5760 Karen Pellegrino FACILITY MANAGER 9400 Charter Crossing Mechanicsville, VA 23116 (804) 550-0020 (804) 550-0855 FAX Website: themanorhouseva.com DVDS, VHS, PS2, XBOX & GAMECUBE WE HAVE THEM ALL El Rio Lempa Mon - Fri 10:00 am - 7:30 pm Saturday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm MEXICAN RESTAURANT 550-0128 Electrolysis by appointment only 9523-B Kings Charter Dr. Ashland, Virginia 23005 804-550-4744 Page 5 The Kings Review March 2005 Junior And Adult Tennis Clinics Youth Tennis Team News Charles Gray · charlesgrayg@peoplepc.com Margaret Davis · 550-0913 Charles Gray (USPTA and USPTR certified) is excited to begin his third year as the Kings Charter Tennis Professional. Charles has over 15 years teaching experience with players of all levels and ages. Whether it’s your first time ever hitting a ball or looking to play tournaments, Charles has a clinic for you. Junior Clinics Session I (5 Weeks) Thursdays March 17 - April 21* 5 - 7 year olds 3:30 - 4:00 P.M. 8 - 11 year olds 4:00 - 5:00 P.M. 12 - 16 year olds 5:00 - 6:00 P.M. Fridays March 18 - April 22* 5 - 7 year olds 3:30 - 4:00 P.M. 8 - 11 year olds 4:00 - 5:00 P.M. 12 - 16 year olds 5:00 - 6:00 P.M. *Please note that clinics will not be held during Spring Break week. Junior Clinics Session II (5 Weeks) Thursdays May 5 - June 2 Fridays May 6 - June 3 Same times as above Session I Adult Clinics Beginner Thursdays March 17 - April 21 6:15 - 7:15 P.M. Session II Adult Clinics Beginner Thursdays May 5 - June 2 6:15 - 7:15 P.M. Session I Adult Clinics Intermediate Thursdays March 17 - April 21 7:15 - 8:15 P.M. Session II Adult Clinics Intermediate Thursdays May 5 - June 2 7:15 - 8:15 P.M. Cost of clinics are $40 per session for hour clinics and $20 per session for 1/2 hour clinics. Payment is due the first day of class. Please make the check payable to Charles Gray. The minimum number of students necessary to hold a clinic is 4. Sign up by calling Charles at 2480231 or email him the clinic you wish to be in. All clinics are held at the Clubhouse Court #1. See you at the courts! Page 6 I t is time to start the Spring Season! Matches are tentatively scheduled to begin the week after Spring Break. Packets with information concerning registration can be picked up at the Clubhouse between March 7 and March 18. The packets will contain information for signing up to play in the Junior Suburban League matches as well as the information on parent representatives. All paper work for the team will need to be completed and returned to the Clubhouse by Friday, March 18. Parents will need to consider being a team representative. Teams that do not have a parent representative can not be registered with the league. PlayGroup: Storytime In Ashland Karen Davis · 559-5896 · karentdavis@comcast.net The Kings Charter PlayGroup meets every Tuesday from 10:30 until noon. It’s a great place to connect with other parents and toddlers in our community. When the weather is nice, we meet at the “Kings Swings” playground, just behind the Clubhouse. When it’s yucky outside, we meet inside the Clubhouse where there are lots of toys to share. The PlayGroup usually has a “Special Event” on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. This month we will meet on Tuesday, March 8 at the Ashland Library for their Story Time at 10:00 A.M. (note the earlier time). Afterwards, we can take them out to the big train table for some free play if we’re lucky, we might even be able to see a train come by! Just a reminder: the Clubhouse will be closed for renovations for the first week of March, so we won’t be able to meet inside on Tuesday, March 2. If the weather is nice that day, come join us outside at the Kings Swings playground. If you have questions, please contact Karen. Swim Team Registration Dates Sunday, April 10 Thursday, April 21 6:30 - 8:00 P.M. Kings Charter Clubhouse The Kings Review March 2005 HANOVER COUNTRY CLUB Beautiful Setting…Wonderful Times Golf…Tennis…Family Dining… Swimming Pool Family & Single Memberships are available as well as our New Business Membership Contact us to schedule a tour and receive Membership information @ 804.798.8381 or www.hanovercountryclub.com 14314 Country Club Drive, Ashland, Virginia 23005 Behavior Counseling Page 7 The Kings Review March 2005 Vendor Signs KC Committees Are Run By Volunteers Architectural Control Committee Karen O’Neil · 550-2507 Architectural Control Committee · Bert Wilson · 550-3246 This committee is required by the governing documents for enforcement of architectural standards and is intrinsic and critical to the preservation of property values. Budget Committee · Eric Winfrey · 550-3551 Work with the Treasurer and Manag- W hen you are having work done on the interior or exterior of your home, the vendor doing the work should not place his business sign in your yard. The documents state: 28.1 With the exception of a professional temporary sign not more than three (3) square feet or a sign no larger than ten (10) square feet belonging to a builder or realtor to advertise a lot and residence for sale or rent, no temporary or permanent sign or other advertising device of any nature shall be placed upon any property without the written approval of the ACC. 28.6 If a sign remains standing in violation of the above regulation, the sign may be removed by the Association. If you wish to have a vendor sign, you must submit with the ACC application 1. A description of the size and color of the sign and the materials to be used for its construction. 2. A drawing of the sign showing the message and any graphics to be displayed. 3. A description of where the sign will be located and how long it is to be displayed. For more information on signs, see Section 28 SIGNS in your document notebook. The deadline to submit ACC applications is the last day of the month. Guideline Note: Making changes to your yard, or to the exterior of your home without prior written approval from the ACC may violate the Covenants governing Kings Charter. You may have to pay fines, pay to undo the changes you made, or both. ing Agent to prepare and then review the budget for the Association. Community Watch Committee · David Johnson · 550-1478 Solicit owner participation in a community Crime Watch Program. Grounds Committee · Rob Roszkowski · 368-0061 Responsible for ensuring that the Association’s grounds contractor operates within the terms specified in the grounds contract, assisting in the development of specifications for grounds related contracts for bidding purposes, and suggesting ways to improve Kings Charter common areas. Nominating Committee · Bob Hughes · 550-3954 Nominate as many people as are interested in running for vacant Board of Director positions. Recreation Committee · David Johnson · 550-1478 Plan, coordinate and carry out events of a physical exercise or sport nature. Social Committee · Sherin Ferguson · 550-3573 Plan, coordinate, and carry out activities and events of a social or recreational nature for all members. Swim Team Committee · Nadine Keene · 730-7018 Plan, coordinate and carry out activities and events related to the swim team. Web Site Committee · Steve Butler · 559-2347 Design and maintain an internet web site in support of the spirit and activities of the community. Wet Lands Committee · Vacant Promote the ecologically sound use of land surrounding the lakes and wetland areas of Kings Charter and the cleanliness of the bodies of water. Get Involved!!! Volunteer! The Kings Review 15TH OF THE MONTH DIRECT DEPOSIT IF YOU NEED A DIRECT DEPOSIT FORM FOR YOUR ASSESSMENT PAYMENT, PLEASE STOP BY THE CLUBHOUSE Sweet Monday A sweet time of fellowship for all women, held the third Monday of the month from 7:30-9:00 P.M. at Bess Kirks’ home, 550-0274, 9373 Pecan Tree Court. We will meet on March 21 and the topic is “Spring Cleaning Jump Start”. Who will be crowned “Queen of Clean”? No RSVP’s…Don’t miss the fun and bring a friend. Each time is a new theme, devotion and sweet treat. Produced by Kings Charter Owners Association, Inc. c/o Community Group 4222 Cox Road Suite #110 Glen Allen, Virginia 23060 Published Monthly Deadline Date: 15th of each month Association members are invited to submit photos or articles of general interest to the Clubhouse. The Association reserves the right to accept, reject, or condense articles. Board of Directors President - Chris Pellegrino Vice President - Bob Hughes Secretary - Daniel Andersen Treasurer - Eric Winfrey Director - Bonnijean Boggess Managing Agent Kris VanBenschoten (804) 270-1800 Ext. 157 · FAX 346-8640 The Association takes no responsibility for the quality of items or services advertised in the classified section. Clubhouse Telephone (804) 550-2507 FAX (804) 550-9079 Kitchen Telephone (804) 550-3640 Clubhouse Hours M-Th 9:00 A.M. - 8:30 P.M. Fri. 9:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. Sat. 11:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. Sun. 1:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M. Remember: If you sell your house, you must let the Managing Agent know! If you did not receive your Governing Documents during the closing process, please call the Managing Agent. Page 8 The Kings Review March 2005 · Directory Form deadline, March 31. · When walking your dog, please walk him on a leash and clean up after him. · No bicycles, skateboards or roller blades permitted on the tennis courts at any time. · Swim Team registration Sunday, April 10 & Thursday, April 21 6:30-8:30 P.M. New Homeowners Aynhoe Court John & Regina Kuchta Burkes Garden Place Joan Baru Charter Lake Drive William & Diane Jones Kings Charter Drive Nelson & Kellie Liptrap Manorwood Drive Christopher & Kimberly Fulcrod Radford Mill Terrace Robert & Christine Poles Spring Yard Sale It is not to late to start pricing your “for sale” items for the Annual Spring Yard Sale. It will be held at the Clubhouse and throughout the neighborhood on Saturday, April 23 from 7:00 A.M.-Noon. The sale will be advertised in all the local newspapers. Atlee Library The friends of the Atlee Library are looking for new members. The mission of this group is to assist in the development, operation and maintenance of the Atlee Branch. The groups goals are to raise funds from private sources to provide financial support, special programs or projects. The next meeting is on Wednesday, March 6 at 7:00 P.M. at the Atlee Library. Page 9 Step M & TH 5:30 A.M. Step TU 9:30 A.M. Strength Training W 5:30 A.M. Yoga M 7:00 P.M. Pilates TH 7:00 P.M. Garden Club Fitness News Scholarships Update Bonnijean Boggess · 550-9451 The Garden Club will be donating two scholarships this year to Seniors at Atlee High School. Each scholarship is for $350 and will be given to a student planning to study horticulture at either a two or four year program next year. The other scholarship will be given to a Senior in good standing that lives in Kings Charter. Thanks to your continued support we have been able to give scholarships each of the past five years and this year we have added a second. The Garden Club has raised this money at our yearly Craft Fair given each Fall. Once again thank you to our crafters, to everyone who donated items for the Silent Auction, and all of you who come out each year to shop. March is FREE MAN MONTH! Sorry ladies, we’re not giving them away. We are encouraging the ones we have to improve their strength and flexibility by offering all classes to men free of charge for the month of March. Dana Hurst challenges stamina and strength in the 5:30 A.M. cardio and strength training. Bonnijean challenges strength and improves flexibility in the evening Yoga and Pilates classes. This is your chance to give it a try. The 9:30 A.M. Tuesday stepn-sculpt class is filling up. Moms are working out while kids play with a child care provider. Afterwards many moms join their children in the Great Room for fun and friendship with the PlayGroup. This class is a great way to shape up for summer with your friends and neighbors. Garden Club The Garden Club will not meet in March due to the Spring cleaning of the Clubhouse. Our next scheduled meeting will be Tuesday, April 5 at 7:00 P.M. at the Clubhouse. At the April meeting, the topic will be on herbs. Everyone is welcome, and please bring a friend.
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