March 2106 Newsletter - Bethany Lutheran Church
March 2106 Newsletter - Bethany Lutheran Church
Bethany Bells The monthly newsletter of BETHANY LUTHERAN CHURCH 110 West Austin St. Fredericksburg, Texas Phone 830-997-2069 Fax 830-990-8916 “Being, Living as, and Making Disciples of Jesus Christ” MARCH 2016 Entering Bethany at Easter by Pastor Casey You may think it looks like home, all warm & cozy & friendly, but a church building can look fairly mysterious & foreboding to folks who have never been inside. Like a castle or a fortress, perhaps. Unchurched folks may have the same sorts of questions you have as you drive by a Muslim mosque or a Mormon temple: “wonder what goes on inside there?” Or they may have had a bad experience with church folks or have found themselves appalled by “turn-or-burn” preachers on TV & say, “I’ll never go there.” What folks unfamiliar with church need, of course, is a well-known hand to lead them inside & assure them everything is okay. That hand may in fact be yours & the time to invite someone to worship with you may be this month. Easter is the Sunday on which, throughout the world, church is most highly attended. Studies show that even folks not normally interested in such things are open to an invitation to worship on Easter. And if they come without an invitation, what they’ll remember more than the sermon is someone who said “hello” in the parking lot or pew. Easter is the day celebrating the resurrection of Jesus, who is life & light for a world that could certainly use some life & light. How can you invite someone to know Jesus? It’s hard to improve on Philip’s words to Nathanael: “Come and see.” (Jn 1:46) Wednesday Series The Bartimaeus Effect: Jesus Building Community & Calling Us to Follow Week 3: Mark 5:1-20 The Otherside: The Storms of Kingdom Expansion Week 4: Mark 6:30-44; 8:1-10 Table Fellowship: Sharing Bread as Communal Transformation Week 5: Mark 10:46-52 The Bartimaeus Effect March Wednesdays in Lent 12:05 12:35 6:00 7:00 Noon Worship Soup Lunch Supper Evening Worship Meals on Wednesday Evening Evening meals begin Ash Wednesday, Feb 10 (soup lunch begins Feb 25) Mar 2 Soup, Sandwiches Mar 9 Open Casserole, Salad, Bread Mar 16 King Ranch Chicken, Salad Would you help with food? See signup sheets in narthex & foyer! TLU President @ Bethany Sunday, March 6, 10:30 a.m. Dr. Stuart Dorsey, president of Texas Lutheran University, and his wife Michelle will visit both of Bethany’s 10:30 worship services on Sunday, March 6th. Bethany is one of 11 congregations that established an Endowed Scholarship at TLC. In July 2011 Dr. Dorsey became the 15th President of the university. Previously an economics professor and university president, he was once chief economist for the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance under its Chairman, former Sen. Robert Dole. 2 There’s always time to sit on the porch! Bethany Lutheran Foundation Report The Bethany Foundation of Fredericksburg report from December 1, 2015- February 12, 2016 is as follows: Memorials were given in memory of Juanita Sweatt, Nancy Dearing, Carolyn Rose, & Mary Bachmayer. Generous memorials were given by Gary & Denise Stehling, Heide & Dieter Kemper, Jim Green, Melvin & Jeanette Beckmann, Terence & Jennie Needham, Marc & Camille Williamson & Sandra Kammlah, Karen & Ernie Loeffler, Victor & Isabell Meier, Larry & Violet Ottmers, FHS Class of 1964. The donation amount for this time period was $445.00. The Frost Investment value as of 2/12/2016 is $557,294.01 Global Leadership Summit Aug 11 – 12, 2016 This year, the Global Leadership Summit is coming to Fredericksburg! This event is a world-class experience designed to help you get better & embrace your grander vision—the reason God called you to lead. Holy Ghost Lutheran Church is hosting it at the Hill Country University Center. Cost is $189 or $149 if ten or more Bethany people attend. Speak with Pastor Casey or Pastor Travis or check out the website: Holiness is not something we do or attain; it is the communication of the divine life, the inbreathing of the divine nature, the power of the divine presence resting on us.” Andrew Murray 3 FIRST COMMUNION INSTRUCTION Class will be held at Bethany for our 4th graders & above on Sunday, March 6, 11:45 to 2:45. Celebration of First Communion will take place on Maundy Thursday Service, March 24 @ 7PM [4:30 making bread]. Parents are encouraged to attend with their child. Bible Study & Catechism instruction. Our time will be very interactive with a big of fun! THANK YOU Thank you to Kiesha & her youth group for putting together the materials for the Layettes. Thanks to Bethany for allowing us to gather in the fellowship hall. It was the perfect venue for the training. We appreciate so much your openness to host our group. Blessings, The Big Give Thank you to the church council for answering our appeal & gifting The Quilting Ladies of Bethany ELCA Women financial assistance. Your aid helps our Quilt & Kit Ministry reaching out to those in need around the world through LWR. In gratitude & appreciation we sincerely thank you. The Quilting Ladies & Bethany ELCA Women Thank you for all the kind thoughts & prayers during the recent illness & death of my wife Nancy. Your deeds of kindness, good, cards, visitation & special services rendered by Pastor Zesch, Pancoast & Meier were a comfort to me & my family. The Bethany Church family was a blessing. Willard Dearing PALM SUNDAY- March 20 Worship Times 8:00, 10:25 & 10:30 HOLY WEEK BREAKFAST SCHEDULE Mon, Mar 21 – Holy Ghost 7AM Tues, Mar 22 – Zion 7AM Wed, Mar 23 – Bethany7AM MAUNDY THURSDAY-March 24 Worship Times 12:05 & 7:00PM GOOD FRIDAY-March 25 Worship Times 12:05 & 7:00PM NOTE: Personal use of any church property (i.e. tables), you must give the church notification & gain approval by pastors, Layne Perry or John Stafford. To the Blessed people of Bethany. Our heartfelt thanks to each of you for your thoughts and prayers at the passing of our mother. Pastors Casey, Travis & Elliott, your words comforted each of us over the past days as we dealt with our loss. To Pastor Elliott & those who over the years visited mom in the nursing home, please accept our sincere appreciation for the time you spent with her. She always cherished your visits. To the ladies of Bethany thank you for sharing your time as you provided a meal for our family & friends after the funeral service. The Family of Lorine Bruns 4 5 HYMNS & BEER Saturday, March 5 Beer & Hymns is a monthly event hosted by the Pedernales Brewing Company. Located on Highway 87 south, the Brewery opens up its tasting room for an additional hour on the first Saturday of every month for a hymn sing starting at 5:00pm. In March, Beer & Hymns will be led by members of Bethany. Bill and Suzy Kreitz, Aaron Steger & Pastor Travis will lead those gathered in a number of classic hymns. We hope to see you at Pedernales Brewing Company at 5pm on Saturday, March 5th! Sunday School Teachers “NEEDED” On Mar 13 & 20 (2 Sundays) On Apr 10, 17 & 24 (3 Sundays) On May 8, 15 & 22 (3 Sundays) AWESOME ATTENDANCE FOR JANUARY Kindergarten Thomas Flink Cohl Hartmann Bailee Treibs 1st Grade- Dario Jaimes Gema Thiele 2nd Grade- Jayecee Treibs Jacob White Dawson Holland 3rd Grade – Kristen Hartmann 4th Grade Nathan White 5th Grade Ella Hartmann Avery Holland Thank You to Laurie Jenschke for teaching in January. 6 MARCH 2016 ASSISTED LIVING NURSING HOME COMMUNION Location Day Knopp Care Ctr Knopp #2 Heritage Place Paige House Wed Mar 2 Wed Mar 2 Thur Mar 3 Thur Mar 3 Time 9:30 10:00 9:30 10:00 Location Windcrest FBG Knopp RC Knopp #1 Day Time Wed Mar 9 Wed Mar 9 Thur Mar 10 Thur Mar 10 9:30 10:30 9:30 10:30 Bethany: January/April/July/October Holy Ghost: March/June/September/December Zion: February/May/August/November FBG NURSING HOME *Verna Mae Engel *Harriett Whitehead HERITAGE PLACE *Marialyce Dittmar *Joanne Collins *Lib Mohr *Marge Clifton KNOPP HEALTHCARE & REHAB CTR (#1) *Jerry Evans *Dulcie Klein *Harriett Klett *Marilyn Ottmers *Bob Linka *Rubye Wolfe *Opal Schnelle *Cellie Dietel *Charles Sagebiel KNOPP Care (#2) *Pauline Enderlin *Melvin Beckmann *Louis Dietrich *Evelyn Rose KNOPP (Rehab & Assisted Living) *Doris Petsch KNOPP RETIREMENT *Marilyn Treptow *Dorothy Weitz *Roseda Itz MORNING STAR MEMORY CTR *Adeline Carter *Ron McCready WINDCREST NURSING & REHAB-No One VA NURSING *Richard Parsons RIVER HILLS/KERRVILLE *Karen Leyendecker Sims ALPINE TERRACE NURSING/Kerrville, TX *Louise Jung SAN ANTONIO: *Lucille Knirsch ORCHARD PARK OF KYLE, TX *Lorene Avant Norma Grace 2525 Lillian Miller Parkway, Apt 211 Denton, TX 76210 1-940-218-6588 Nelda Simonsen 23 Leonard Trail, Apt 3115 Westworth, TX 76114 1-817-377-3961 7 DATES TO REMEMBER BETHANY CHURCH ELECTIONS President: Randy Busch Vice President: Paul Hartmann Secy: Karen Loeffler MEMBERS Mar 2, 9 & 16: Wednesdays in Lent. Services at 12:05 & 7:00PM. Mar 6: First Communion Class & Lunch 11:45-2:45 Mar 10: VIP Breakfast & Chapel Mar 12: Time Change – Set Clocks Ahead! Mar 14-18: Spring Break Mar 16: Nursing Home Devotions Mar 20: Palm Sunday-Presentation of First Bibles Mar 21: Holy Week Breakfast @ Holy Ghost Mar 22: Holy Week Breakfast @ Zion Mar 23: Holy Week Breakfast @ Bethany Mar 24: Maundy Thursday Services 12:05 & 7:00PM Mar 25: Good Friday Services 12:05 & 7:00PM Mar 26: Easter Egg Hunt @ 10:00AM Mar 27: Easter Sunday-Services-7:00AM Sunrise 10:25 Praise & Worship 10:30 Traditional Tammy Keener Shelba Fenimore Erik Iverson Monica Jinright Brittany Durst Wilfried Mazanke DeAnne Peterson Paul Hartmann Marc Williamson Jean Weber Property & Management Traditional Worship Praise & Worship CYFM BPS Social Concerns Fellowship Finance Evangelism Stewardship BETHANY LUTHERAN CHURCH Ministers: All Members of Bethany *Rev. Casey Zesch *Rev. Travis Meier Pastor of Visitation: Pastor Elliott Pancoast Director of Youth & Children’s Ministries: Kiesha Priem Office Administrator: Layne Perry Financial Clerk: Berta Allen Worship Coordinator: Marjorie Ottmers Staff Assistant & Bells Editor: Suzanne Mitchell Caretakers: John Stafford, Jim Green Dieter Kemper, Tom Swearingen Preschool Director: Stephanie Sanchez Council President: Randy Busch Wine & the Word @ Lost Draw Sunday, March 6th 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. Wine and the Word will be held on Sunday, Mar 6. We will meet at Lost Draw Cellars from 4 to 6pm. Join us for fellowship, faith conversation & great wine! 8 Apr 17: Heritage Sunday – New Braunfels Village Brass Band Apr 23: “Faith Conversation” Retreat at Ebert Ranch 9AM-3PM 8th grade & parents May 1: Synod Assembly May 15: Pentecost & Confirmation Day May 27-28: Youth Parking Lot Fundraiser/Crawfish Theology on Tap with Pastor Travis We have reached the 2nd anniversary of Theology on Tap here at Bethany! Thanks for all the support over the last two years. We will gather on March 10th at West End Pizza (232 W. Main) at 7:00PM and March 20th at 4:00PM. Join us for a wide variety of tap options, delicious pizza, fellowship & conversation. 9 COUNCIL HIGHLIGHTS – 2/18/16 FIRST COMMUNION INSTRUCTION Class will be held at Bethany for our 4th graders & above on Sunday, March 6, 11:45 to 2:45. Celebration of First Communion will take place on Maundy Thursday Service, March 24 @ 7PM [4:30 making bread]. Parents are encouraged to attend with their child. Bible Study & Catechism instruction. Our time will be very interactive with a big of fun! First Communion Class and lunch is Sunday, March 6 from 11:452:45pm. They will be eating together and baking communion bread before participating in their first communion on Maundy Thursday, March 24. A bulletin board will soon be put up across the hall from the pastors' offices upstairs, and we welcome everyone to write a card for our participating kids. First Bibles will be presented on Palm Sunday, March 20 to our 2 year olds and 3rd graders. The 3rd grade Bibles will be displayed outside of the Fellowship Hall again this year for people to hi-light and share their favorite verses with the kids. This is a way to celebrate God's story with each other and for the kids to know that they are a part of something much bigger than themselves. Bethany & Holy Ghost will be having an Easter Egg Hunt at Bethany for ages 0-5th grade on Saturday, March 26 from 10:00-11:00am. Jr. High & High School will be meeting at 9:00am for breakfast & to hide eggs. We will be collecting candy donations for the Easter Egg Hunt! Please bring small, individually wrapped candies in front of Kiesha’s office, the Fellowship Hall, or outside of the Sanctuary by March 13! Thank you! Upper Elementary Spring Retreat, April 1-3 at Camp Chrysalis in Kerrville, TX. 3rd-5th graders will be learning about the story of Samuel while experiencing a weekend at camp. 10 *Pastor Travis shared information about the three aspects of understanding congregational dynamics. *Gary McCready gave a report about the progress of repairs for the Hennig Haus porch. We are waiting to hear back from the Texas Historic Commission. *Council approved request from Kiesha Priem for $3,050 for Day Camp and $1,500 for National Youth Gathering. This money comes from the Bethany Foundation 2016 funds. *Paul Hartmann shared information about the use of Google Groups & other communication tools. *The Council approved the reappointment of Ron Borchers as Treasurer & Lynette Cornehl as assistant treasurer. *The Council designated who all would be allowed to sign checks for Bethany Lutheran Church. *Tammy Keener shared information on the current gun laws & how they apply to churches/schools. Pastor Zesch shared open-carry information from the Ministerial Association meeting. *The Council approved not posting signs in Bethany Church in regard to handguns. *Council approved Paul Hartmann as the third SWT Synod Assembly voting member to represent BLC at the up-coming meeting. *Council approved designating funds for 4 organizations recommended by the Stewardship committee. These funds come from the 10% No ELCA Benevolence. Sunday Breakfast Bar @ 9:00! ADULT STUDIES @ 9:15 LENTEN CLASS: In conjunction with the Wednesday worship theme of “The Bartimaeus Effect: Jesus Building Community and Calling us to Follow,” we will engage the Gospel of Mark, exploring how the ministry of Jesus builds community. This class will not cover the same topics as the Wednesday sermons, but will supplement the overall theme. This study comes out of the Biblical devotions I have written as a part of the CICBA task force. I have led various parts of this study for CICBA retreats & meetings. I am excited to finally be able to teach the whole series & bring them to the whole congregation. The class will meet at 9:15 in the Sanctuary. Peace, Pastor Travis LEGACY BUILDERS CLASS with Williamsons & Keeners in room #115. Through mid-February the Legacy Builders Class will continue study of Andy Stanley's In the Meantime. During the 6 weeks of the Lenten season, the class will study & discuss Adam Hamilton's series Final Words. 11 FIRST BIBLES PRESENTED ON PALM SUNDAY 2 year olds 3rd Graders Grayson Durst Willow Elrod Wade Giles Calen Holland Jase Marshall Paycen Merritt Ravis Parker Jackson Petmecky Christopher Stableford Escar Thiele Abigail Warriner Harper Zesch Aiden Bashrum Kyla Bruns Gage Collier Calvin Grobe Kirsten Hartmann Austin Ottmers Jacob Petmecky Addison Schoessow BLC Dollars & Cents General Fund Year-to-Date 2016 January 2016 Income $ 50,285.44 Income $ 50,285.44 Expenses $ 46,569.20 Expenses $ 46,569.20 (2015) Year to Date Surplus: $3,716.24 Other Funds Hennig Improvement Fund – Year to Date for 2016 Income: $ 1,300.00 Expenses: $2,532.50 Hennig Fund Balance: $19,110.12 Capital Improvement Fund - Year 2016 Income-Year: $ 207.66 Expenses-Year $5,000.00 Balance Capital Improvement Fund: $42,368.70 BBVA/Compass–Money Market Account Balance $105,921.83 ELCA Loan Fund (Investment Account) $35,000.00 Special January Offering for Der Stadt Friedhof - $2350 THANK YOU - A heartfelt thanks & appreciation to the wonderful people of Bethany & to those who prepared & served the wonderful food after the funeral. Thanks to Pastor Elliott & all those who visited Mary in the hospital. All your cards, calls, thoughts & prayers were comforting & will always be with us. The Family of Mary (Friedrich) Bachmayer 12 Disciple Crosswalks Do you like surprises? Surprises can be great fun! A surprise gift or a surprise birthday party or a surprise trip to a fun place would be great! But not all surprises are good ones or what we expect them to be. Jesus’ friends were surprised when they saw Jesus die on a cross. That was not what they expected, and they wept over the death of Jesus. Mary and some women were surprised at Jesus’ tomb. Jesus was not there! He was alive! That was a joyful surprise! Jesus died upon the cross to take away our sins and then rose again. He lives! It was God’s best surprise of all and one we can share with everyone! Come celebrate God’s greatest surprise in March! “What if you woke up today with only the things that you thanked God for yesterday.” 13 1 Dayton E. Hayes Raymond Klaehn Danny McQuay Jessica Petmecky Trey Schnelle 5 Donald Eckhardt Shea Seip 8 Bill Allen Kenneth Hoffmann Gary McCready Jena Ottmers Mary Perry Monkhuse Ron Ross Christy Williams 11 Lucinda Zesch 14 Brooklyn Grobe Mary Lou Loudon Sharon Millsap 17 Carl Schoessow Corine Schulz 20 Chris Schoessow Sarah Whited 23 Genevieve Ketron Amanda Ottmers 27 Walt Grinke Pat Laughlin Shirley Meier Katlin Millsap Doris Petsch 31 Garet Itz Kaden Ottmers Cassy Schoessow 14 3 Seth Bonillas Diana Clifton Judy Enderlin Kaitlyn Evans JR Hartmann Courtney Ottmers Karen Roesch 6 Ethan Flink Sandra Hohmann Daniel Stehling 9 Danielle Danz Kiesha Priem Eric Williams 4 Parker Beem 12 Westin Brydson Luke Oestreich Rick Slaughter 16 Zander Maner Bailee Treibs 13 Judy Koch 18 Evan Bell Stacy Rush 21 Kyla Atkins David Blank Eston Epton Kendra Ottmers 24 Mary Evans Margie Hohmann Allen Marshall Melanie Moellendorf Janet Rode 28 Kyle Kneese 19 Shannon Smith 22 Elizabeth Dulaney Leland Geistweidt Heinz Roesch 25 Deanna Christensen Ellen Cleaton Carlene Grobe Gayle McQuay Sydney Windham 30 Jacob Brown Ida Crenwelge Anton Loest Jane Perry 7 Fred Eilers Donny Moellendorf Sidney Nixon Kenneth Treibs 10 Kristopher Grobe Dawson Holland Eunice Pape McKenzie Robison Mike Sagebiel 16 Sebastian Castaneda Sandy Schumann HOSPITAL/CLINIC/ER: Carol Baethge, Gloria Brooks, Diana Clifton, Verna Mae Engels, Opal Schnelle, Dick Stuewe, Jean Weber ONGOING: Rick Burgess, Diana Clifton, Bob Linka, Dick Stuewe OUR SYMPATHY: To the family of Lorine Bruns, who died Jan 30. Funeral was at Bethany Feb 3; To Monica Jinright & family at the death of her father, Rick Thompson. CONGRATULATIONS To Misty & Grant Giles on the birth of West Bryan Giles. To J.B. & Maggie Neans on the birth of August James Neans born Feb 15. Bethany grandparents are Terry & Nancy Neans. To Chris & Gayle Schoessow on the birth of Elise Marie on Feb 19. Bethany grandparents are Carl & Cristol Schoessow. To Mark & Katherine (Cox) Johnston on the birth of son Carter Jay on Feb 17. Grandparents are Peggy Cox & Gary Geistweidt. BAPTISM: Rhett James & Evan Scott Barnard were baptized on Feb 38. Parents are Scott & Megan (Brundridge) Barnard & sister is Avery. Bethany grandparents are Scott & Judy Brundridge. Sponsors are Tyler Brundridge, Brittany Rosen, Bryan & Sarah Barnard. April 17 is Heritage Sunday Bethany Birthday 129 The New Braunfels Village Brass Band BBQ Meal with Trimmings 1966 Confirmation Class Reunion I am Strong because I know my weaknesses. I am Beautiful because I am aware of my flaws. I am Fearless because I can tell reality from illusion. I am Wise because I learn from my mistakes. I can Love because I have felt hate. I can Laugh because I have known sadness. 15 MARCH SPECIAL OFFERING New Horizons/Living Well College You may write a check payable to Bethany & mark “Special Offering”. Place in your February special offering envelopes or a pew envelope on any Sunday morning or mail to the church. WELCA Board will meet Mar 1 at 9:00 a.m. at the home of Constance Schultz. Circles: Leah: March 3 @ 9:30 off campus Hope: March 8 @ 6PM at church. Lydia: March 10 @ 9:15 at church Crafters meet @ 9:30AM at Hennig Haus on March 16 @ Hennig Haus. Quilting Ladies will meet March 9 @ 9:00AM. Fair Trade Coffee Sales will be March 20. April 16 is the WELCA Hill Country Conference to be held at Christ Lutheran church in Cherry Springs; information & registration are available in The Grapevine. Contact Annabel Wilkinson for more information Bethany Spring Retreat on April 23 at the Pancoast home. The theme is “Jesus, Others, You.” Signup with Circle Leaders or on the Bulletin Board. Combined Circle Gathering is scheduled for Sunday, May 1st. The speaker will be Nikki Zesch & the topic will be “Human Trafficking.” First Baptist Church 10:00. “Focus on “Cuba 16 Council Thursday@ 6:00 p.m. President- Randy Busch; VP- Paul Hartmann; Secy-Karen Loeffler MEMBERS: Jean Weber, Marc Williamson, Deanne Peterson, Wilfried Mazanke, Brittany Durst, Monica Jinright, Erik Iverson, Shelba Fenimore, Tammy Keener, Pastors Casey & Travis EVANGELISM (Meets 1st Thursday @ 5:30 p.m.) Rose Marie Mazanke (Chair & Secy) Marc Williamson (Rep) Elsie Burrer, Bubba Schnelle, Pastor Travis FELLOWSHIP (Meets 1st Thursday @ 6:00 p.m.) Karen Oestreich (Chair), Joyce Richey (Secy), Deanne Peterson (Rep) Jonathan Baethge, Carol Seminara, Dee Dahlstrom, Shelba Fenimore, LouAnn Fletcher, Jim Green, Winnie Griffin, Ann Hosteter, Dieter & Heide Kemper, Dave & Pat Laughlin, Pat McCready, Sandi & Gary McCready, Pat Maenius, Dan & Donna Mittel, Larry & Violet Ottmers, Barb & Wil Rathke, Jean Renfro, Constance Schultz, Curvey Weber, Jynnette Shuldham, Pastors Casey & Travis (as needed) FINANCE (Meets 2nd Wednesday before Council @ 5:30 p.m.) TBD (Chair), Paul Hartmann (Rep), Brad Holland, Kay Stech, Dick Stuewe, Layne Petty, Tammy Keener, Jean Weber, Pastor Casey CYFM (Meets 2nd Sunday @ 12:00) Children, Youth & Family Ministries Kathy Marquart (Chair), LeAnn Myers (Secy), Monica Jinright (Rep) Mike/LeAnn Myers, Kami & Curtis Coolidge, Danielle Geistweidt, Al & Sissy Andrichyn, Danny & Cheryl Flink, Tammy Keener, Kiesha Priem PRESCHOOL BOARD (Meets 3rd Tuesday @ 6:00 p.m. Teri Ewing (Chair), Sheila Donovan (Vice-Chair) Amanda Soloman (Secy), Joyce Thiele (Treasurer) Ginny Stehling, Stephanie Sanchez, Joyce Richey, Jason Holland, Mark Geistweidt, Dwight Oestreich, Joyce Thiele, Dee Dahlstrom, Brittany Durst, Pastor Casey PROPERTY & MGMT (Meets 2nd Thursday @ 5:30) Tammy Keener (Chair), Ralph Rode, Layne Petty, Mark Geistweidt, Todd Keener, John Stafford SOCIAL CONCERNS (Meets 4th Sunday after services 11:45) Joanne Leifeste (Chair), Joyce Robertson (Secy) Wilfried Mazanke (Rep) Keith Whited, Corine Schulz, Bernice Reaves, Pastor Travis STEWARDSHIP (Meets 2nd Thursday @ 5:30 p.m.) Jean Weber (Chair), Caroline Stafford, Max Beckmann, Linda Davis, Lee Miller, Pastor Casey Traditional Team meets as needed on a 3rd Thursday (3PM): Annabel Wilkinson (Chair) Shelba Fenimore (Rep) Marjorie Ottmers, Pat WORSHIP McCready, Eileen Whited, Pastors Casey & Travis P&W Team 1st Sunday – after worship Matt White & Kyle Treibs (Chairs) Beth Iverson (Rep), Karen Rode, Paul Hartmann, Merrily Hartmann, Pastors Casey & Travis Pastors on Special Boards, Committees, Teams & Task Forces Executive Cmte-Pastors Casey & Travis; CICBA-Pastor Travis; Bethany Foundation-Pastor Casey; Long Range Planning-Pastors Casey & Travis; Human Resources Team- Pastors Casey & Travis; Nominating (fall)-TBA Prayer is not a ‘spare wheel’ that you pull out when in trouble; it’s a ‘steering wheel’ that directs us to the right path throughout life. 17 GIFT OF FAITH GALA March 5 * 5:00-9:00 p.m. Boulder Springs *1723 Herbelin Rd, New Braunfels, TX 78132 Enjoy an amazing evening of great food, entertainment, live & silent auctions, music, dancing & fellowship. Help raise funds to keep camp affordable for all & make sure no one misses out because of the cost! Tickets are $100 each. Sponsorships & donations are available & needed. For more information visit, email or call 830-257-6340 Camp Chrysalis & Ebert Ranch Camp Junior High in Colorado June 11-18! High School in Oklahoma July 7-11! Like many congregations, Bethany invites baptized children to begin communing around the age 10. This invitation is extended to them after a time of preparation. Martin Luther, in his Large Catechism, said, “Those who claim to be Christian should prepare themselves to receive this Blessed Sacrament.” The time for preparation has arrived for Bethany fourth graders. Preparation is accomplished through a partnership between pastors, the youth director, parents & children. Pastor Casey, Pastor Travis & Kiesha Priem will be offering First Communion Class on Sun, Mar 6, Triple Room (#207), 11:45am - 2:45pm. Lunch will be provided! 10 Ways to Love: LISTEN without interrupting; SPEAK without accusing; GIVE with sparing; PRAY without ceasing; ANSWER without arguing; SHARE without pretending; ENJOY without complaint; TRUST without wavering; FORGIVE without punishing; PROMISE without forgetting. 18 A teacher takes a hand, opens a mind & touches a heart. February was a month filled with celebration. We hosted our annual Art Show & Fajita dinner on the 21st & it was a great success. Awe hope you got a chance to stop by & see what the children had created & to enjoy the beauty & talent that God has blessed upon our young students. Not only is the final product beautiful but art is an important subject for preschoolers because it encompasses al the developmental domains in child development. Art lends itself to physical development & the enhancement of fine & gross motor skills as well as social, emotion & cognitive development. As always, this event could not have been a success with the help of a large group of generous donors. The teachers & staff would like to thank the entire congregation from the bottom of our hearts for your continuing commitment to our program. No matter how big or small your contribution was, please know that your willingness to support our ministry is a blessing. We would like to recognize the following companies & individuals for their work & donations to this event: Hill Country Pest Control-Steve & Mary Evans Gatti’s Pizza-Jeremy & Kendra Ottmers Century 21-Dwight & Karen Oestreich HEB Bethany Preschool Board Sem & Danielle Geistweidt, CoChairman Rabke’s Table Ready MeatsReagan & Hillary Rabke BPS parents Kenneth& Kyle Tribes & the meat cooking crew Knopp Healthcare-Jane Perry Jason & Melissa Holland, CoChairman WELCA women I would also like to say thank you to The Foundation who provided us with a very generous donation. We are planning on using these funds to enrich & expand our current programs. The preschool also received a grant from PCAA to be used to develop musical skills & appreciation in our students & we are excited to carrying out those goals by buying new instruments for the students to use in our classrooms & during special performance. Awe are so proud to be a part of the ministry of Bethany & to work towards our church mission of “Being, Living as & Making Disciples of Christ.” Thank you again for this opportunity. Our school is truly blessed by the support of our congregation & community. In His Service, Stephanie Sanchez 19 MARCH 2016 TRADITIONAL WORSHIP (8:00 & 10:30) Date Time Wed Mar 2 7:00PM Mar 6 Sun 8:00 10.30 Wed Mar 9 Mar 13 Sun Wed Mar 16 Mar 20 Sun COMMUNION Assistants Noon No Communion Jeanette Beckmann & Jonathan Baethge Sun Mar 6 No Communion 7:00PM Thurs Mar 24 Fri Mar 25 Sun Mar 27 12:05 7:00 12:05 7:00 7:00 10:30 No Communion KIDS MESSAGE Sun Erik Iverson Mar 6 Beth Iverson Sun Ken Smith Mar 13 Ken Smith No Communion PALM SUNDAY Beth Luckenbach & Joyce Thiele Pat McCready, Debbie Tiemann, Katy Meier MAUNDY THURSDAY Pastors Zesch & Meier GOOD FRIDAY No Communion EASTER SUNDAY Audrey Gold, Jonathan Baethge, May Eilers Judy Dittmar, Leland Geistweidt, Jim McAfee/Sharon Joseph HOSTS Communion 2nd & 4th Sundays Sem Geistweidt, Adam Geistweidt Al/Sissy Andrichyn Ed/Judy Kramer Todd/Dalton Keener Sun Donna Bryant Mar Camille 20 Marc Williamson, Terry Neans Stanley/Shirley Meier Sun Mary Evans Mar 27 Mary Evans EASTER SUNDAY Brian Maenius, Krystal Geistweidt Carlie/Lexi Cole Communion Assistants Prayer Minister No Communion Beth Iverson Pastor, Ken Smith, Danny/Gayle McQuay Dee/Tim Dahlstrom Ken Smith No Communion Stanley/Shirley Meier Williamson 20 Noon 7:00PM 8:00 10:30 MARCH 2016 PRAISE & WORSHIP (10:25) LEADER Wed Mar 2 Time May Eilers, John/Caroline Stafford Noon 8:00 10.30 8:00 10.30 8:00 10.30 MARCH 2016 TRADITIONAL WORSHIP (8:00 & 10:30) Date Pastor, Rocki Hartmann Jaye/Kenneth Treibs Curtis/Cami Coolidge Rocki Hartmann Wed Mar 9 Sun Mar 13 Wed Mar 16 Sun Mar 20 Mar 24 Mar 25 Sun Mar 27 Noon 7:00PM 8:00 10:30 Noon 7:00PM 8:00 10:30 12:05 7:00 12:05 7:00 7:00 10:30 USHERS GREETERS Will Pressler, Capt. Connie Pressler Joyce Robertson Leland Geistweidt, Capt., Judy/Scott Brundridge Pat/Guenther Maenius Audrey Gold, Capt. Kermit Gold Clinton/Charlotte Deike Beth Luckenbach Kenneth Treibs, Capt., Jaye Treibs, Jennifer Jenschke, Jacob Jenschke, James Jenschke Eldon Ray Feller, Capt. Helen Feller Sandra Kammlah, Jim Green Jim McAfee, Capt., Tom Roarick Ernie Loeffler Dan Mittel, Capt. Donna Mittel Gerald/Trish Schmidt Gary McCready, Capt. Sandi McCready Kyle/Jacki Kneese, Don Weeks, Jody Donovan Gerald/Trish Schmidt, Capts., Jerald Klett Gary Stehling, Capt., Jody Donovan Sandra Hohmann Vonnie Maner, Capt. Zander Maner Jerry Luckenbach, Joyce Robertson Dean/Delores Jorgenson Joyce Thiele Maurice Hohmann Eldon Ray/Helen Feller DeAnne Peterson Clara Kozielski Heide Kemper James Hartmann Judy Jones Donnie Schuch, Capt. Jim Schultz Jody Donovan, Don weeks MAUNDY THURSDAY Leland Geistweidt, Capt., Lois/Randy Busch Beth Weeks GOOD FRIDAY Eldon Ray/Helen Feller, Jeanette Beckmann Joyce Thiele EASTER SUNDAY Dwight Oestreich, Capt. Brad/Autumn Holland Avery Holland, Dawson Holland Gary Stehling, Capt., Shelba Fenimore Pat Maenius, Dayton Eckhardt Jet Itz Joyce Robertson Joyce Thiele MARCH ALTAR GUILD Traditional: Chrissy Stuewe, Roxanne Bruns, Marjorie Ottmers, Pat McCready Praise & Worship: Jay Treibs & Krystal Geistweidt 21