June 2016 Association Newsletter
June 2016 Association Newsletter
NEWS FROM OUR CHURCHES 5875 W. 70th St Shreveport LA 71129 318/686.5736 FAX: 687.9701 Staff Updates Anniversaries Robert Cole John McDonald Buddy Hankins Robert Beadle Harrell Shelton Larry Black Shaun Armstrong Mark Crook Shane Nugent 1986 1992 1993 1993 1994 2002 2009 2010 2012 Non-Profit Org US Postage Paid Shreveport LA Permit 37 E-mail: nwlba@nwlba.org Website: www.nwlba.org www.Facebook.com/NWLBA Twitter.com/nwlba Hours: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm/Mon-Thur 8:30 am - 3:00 pm/Friday Camp Bethany Westlake/Pastor Southside/Pastor FBC Benton/Pastor Airline/Assoc. Pastor Faith Fellowship/Pastor Grace/Pastor Trees/Pastor Cross Point/Pastor Baptist News WHY DO CHURCH MEMBERS CRITICIZE THE PASTOR? If you have served on a church staff, criticism comes with the territory. I’ve never met anyone that enjoyed it. But, we must deal with it in a God -honoring way. Here are a few reasons why church members criticize the pastor or a staff member. Return Service Requested New Staff Staff Changes Eastwood: Don Francis, Music, to Assoc. Pastor Northwoods: Matt Power, Music, from Interim Broadmoor: Tim Magill, Assoc. Music, to FBC Millington, Millington, TN, as Music Church News & Calendar Life Journey: Meeting at Mall St. Vincent, Suite 270 , Shreveport Clarion: Meeting at 5300 Barksdale Blvd., Studio B, Bossier City Covenant: Meeting at Providence Classical Academy, 4525 Old Brownlee Rd., Bossier City Calvary: Pastor Emeritus, Step Martin, prays for newly installed pastor, John Lary. Equipment June 9 Linda Lay Simple Faith in concert 6:30pm Love offering 25 FBC Oil City VBS Block Party (pre-registration) 4-6pm VBS-June 26-30 5:45-8:30pm Fellowship Trips Cypress: Christmas in New York City, Nov. 28-Dec.2. (4 nights) Collette Travel Agency. $3,099 per person. Call Sherry at Cypress Baptist Church-318.965.2296 Staff StaffOpportunities Opportunities Contact Amy Butler For your counseling needs. 318.773.5539 Bethsaida Plain Dealing Waller Pilgrim Home New Bethel MUSIC Airline - FT YOUTH Barksdale - PT Ferry Lake - PT Mission Pt - PT Oil City - PT Pilgrim Home - PT Princeton FBC - PT Providence Rd - PT Trinity Heights -FT CHILDREN Children Bethany - Nursery - PT Clarion - Children - PT N. Keithville - Children’s Worker - PT Regroup –small group training In the past, many of our churches have participated in Ridgecrest on the Red. This is our new Sunday School Training. A Cooperative Program Event by the Evangelism/Church Growth Team of the Louisiana Baptist Convention just assume it’s in their job description to criticize. “After all, we sure wouldn’t want our pastor to get prideful, and a dose of criticism will keep him humble.” 2. THEY FEAR LOSING THE CHURCH THEY ONCE KNEW. As we all get older, we must deal with the inevitable results of seeing changes happen to us personally and also the changes that may bring us discomfort within our church. Pastors, we need to do our best to give a listening ear to their concerns coming from a different perspective. 3. THEY DON’T FEEL THEY HAVE A VOICE ANY LONGER. Church members can feel their opinion doesn’t matter and Haynes Ave: Richard Price, Ordination into the Ministry PASTOR Northwest Louisiana Baptist Association 1. THEY LACK SPIRITUAL MATURITY. Some members Staff Congratulations New Birth: (2) 12 foot padded pews, free Allen and Hammond organs, donations accepted Ellerbe: Clavinova, old, needs repairs, free. Rob Sharp @ 318-798-1988 Grawood: For sale: Complete set of Schulmerich Handbells. Call 318.925.9508. Price is negotiable. Northwoods: If your church is going on Mission Trips this summer, we have boys, girls, ladies clothes. Multiple sizes available. Also, backpacks and various baby items. Contact 318.686.5736. Volume 46, Number 6 June, 2016 Lane Moore, Director of Missions Haynes Avenue: Richard Price, Min. of Counseling, from Broadmoor (Wife: Tricia) FBC Blanchard: James Franklin, Youth, from New Orleans Seminary (Wife: Hyuna) “This Association exists to assist our family of churches in reaching and OTHER Pianist North Shreve e Do not wish to receiv this publication? Please contact us at nwlba@nwlba.org or 318.686.5736 so criticism will get them heard. Pastors, many times members will ultimately support you if they believe they’ve gotten an audience with you. 4. THEY DON’T DEAL WITH CHANGE VERY WELL. As the old saying goes, “Babies are the only ones who like to be changed,” is more true than we think. Some members are more adverse to change than others. The uncertainty of change sets off the fear circuits inside them and the results can be messy. # 5 can be tricky to pick up 5. DUE TO SOME OTHER ANGER OR HURT IN THEIR LIFE, THEY VENT CRITICISM AT THE PASTOR. Some For more information visit LouisianaBaptist.org/ChurchGrowth or call Sunday School/Discipleship Office at 800.622.6549 or 318.448.3402 Bruce Parrish , Honoree At last month’s Executive Board Meeting, Lane Moore presented former Director of Missions, Bruce Parrish with a framed photo of the newly named Parrish Pavilion at Camp Bethany. church members will project their personal hurts though criticism. In the short term, they believe this eases their angst. 6. SOME CHURCH MEMBERS ARE TRULY CANTANKEROUS AND COMMITTED TO THE DEMISE OF THE PASTOR. Their numbers may be few, but they do exist. Titus 3:10 says, “Reject a factious man after a first and second warning.” In some cases, church discipline is needed. Preteen camp Pastor or Staff member #7 can be unpleasant 7. THEIR CRITICISM IS RIGHT ON TARGET. Sometimes the criticism is valid and we need to hear it. When it reflects a valid issue, listen and learn from it. Proverbs 27:6 says, “Faithful are the wounds of a friend.” Criticism is never pleasant, but sometimes necessary. Blessings, Lane Your PreTeens need to go to Kids Camp! There’s a cool one at Camp Bethany! Camp Bethany 318/938.1221 Fax:318/938.1220 www.campbethany.co exhibits, prayer reminders for us to take home, and delicious food samples. Thank you, Mary Ann Cole and Joyce Hevrin, for your love for children and making sure that missions education is a part of their lives. The 2016-2017 WMU Council was elected at our May quarterly meeting thank you, Brookwood WMU, for hosting. Please be in prayer for these women: Music Leader-Diane Reeder; Mission Action Leader – Glenda Hofius; Prayer The Children’s Missions groups Support – Cathy Jenkins; Mission Study from First Baptist Benton and Ida Leader-Joyce Hevrin; Mission Friends Baptist Church presented their Director-Kathy Chrietzberg; Children’s Parade of Nations Mission Director- Jennifer Maddox; Youth projects to their respecMission Director – Carol Gregory; Secretive churches this month. tary/Treasurer-Deloris Reaves; Associate They had detailed Director- Bettye Ann McQueen and Director-Rhonda Berry. Your Council is already making plans for an exciting year. WMU Training will be held again in August. Cindy Walker, from First Baptist Minden, will be our speaker. While the basics of WMU do not change – learning about missions, praying for missions, giving to missions, doing missions— 35th Annual May-Him Senior Adult Choir Festival. Twenty churches were represented. C ommu ni t y Minis tri es Allan Taylor with Lifeway talks to Ministers of Education about Sunday School Be in prayer for our churches and ministers who need both financial and spiritual help these coming months. Summer months are always a "down" time. From the Ark-La-Tex Crisis Pregnancy Center comes these words from a hurting mom “God put my client advocate in my path at exactly the right time. My advocate told me that GOD loves me. When I got home after visiting I put worship music on and prayed . I have been seeing GOD move in numerous ways since that time. God is putting my life together as I continue to pray and seek Him.” Volunteers are always needed! Just a kind word or deed can help someone find God. Many times we can point someone to the One who can truly help them in time of need. Everyone seems to recognize we have a huge problem today with waste, fraud and abuse of our taxpayer dollars. After flooding and other weather problems in our area some are willing to talk about the problem. MIKE JOHNSON, of Freedom Guard and LA. State Representative, is working hard to fix it. Did you know that the food stamp program in March handed out approximately $6 million in benefit cards in seven parishes without adequate safeguards in place to ensure the eligibility of those receiving the cards? The House Committee on Civil Law and Procedure voted unanimously to support Mike Johnson’s key legislation aimed at reducing fraud and abuse in government. Mike Johnson (R-Bossier City) also sponsored HB 597, which is known as the Pastor Protection Act, which passed the La. House of Representatives by 80-18 vote. However, on the Senate side, it has now been assigned to the Judiciary B Committee, where we believe a minority of members may be hostile to the bill. Glenda Hofius Robert Cole Camp Be tha ny David Melber, Vice President of NAMB SEND RELIEF visits with Disaster Relief workers at First Baptist Haughton " If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Galatians 5:25... May Him was once again a great event! We had close to 400 wonderful senior adults. There was lots of good singing as each group lifted their voices in praise to our Lord! We also had some food and fellowship, and NO RAIN!!! It was a good day. We are in high gear trying to finish up a few very important projects. The camp manager got a crazy idea to get a concession stand building and we have to do a lot of work in a hurry to get it ready for summer. .. What was I thinking??? Anyway, it will be a good addition and help our office area to be a little less noisy this summer. Speaking of summer, IT IS HERE! God has brought us a great group of high school and college kids to help us out and I think we are ready for another energy packed camp full of kids excited to be here and learn about Jesus. Hopefully they will enjoy all of the improvements we have made and each child will have a safe and wonderful experience. Please pray for us as we work hard for Jesus. approaches may change. We will look at ways to get Out of the Box. This is for anyone who is interested in missions. August 5, 2016, 6:00 pm; Woodridge Baptist Church, $5.00. To register, please call the Association office. 318.686.5736 .You can pay at the door. Looking forward to RefresHer on September 16-17. Be in prayer for this brave man of God.... On May 5, the BCM hosted our annual Volunteer Appreciation Lunch. At this event, we had students and our departing intern share a bit about what the BCM has meant to them. These stories are just a sampling of the stories within our ministry. Thanks to all who help make it possible. I grew up in a small town where everyone cared about each other and looked out for one another. In Shreveport, I was able to find a place like home at the BCM, where I have community and belonging. I have many ‘Paul’s’ to look up to and, as a group leader, I have found some ‘Timothy’s.’ I love the BCM, and being a group leader is one of the highlights of my college career. Leann Bennett, Simpson I wish I had gotten into BCM sooner. It was a great place to find a community with believers of the same age. Going on the Vancouver trip took me out of my comfort zone, allowing me to experience what it means to trust in God fully and to live life on mission. Now I know how to do that better here at home. Clint Meleton, Shreveport My time (at BCM as an intern) was a time of growth, preparation, and humility. It was a time of preparation because I got to exercise the spiritual gifts God gave to serve others and prepare me for future ministry. It was a time of growth because I was able to invest in the spiritual growth of others. And lastly, it was a humbling time in my life because I got to be a part of something God was doing in the lives of college students. Andrew Irwin, BCM Intern Fall ‘14-Spring ‘16 Please pray for all of our students who will be serving in mission or ministry positions this summer. We have at least 11 students serving in some sort of full-time position for the summer and at least another 11 who will participate in a short-term experience. CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER John Anderson By All Means is the new 20162018 WMU Emphasis. This will be a challenge to Christians to follow Christ’s example, to step outside of the church doors and into the world, to cultivate relationships that will lead to opportunities to share Jesus, and to create opportunities to demonstrate His love. We invite you to come along with us on this journey. Compassion Ministries Rhonda Berry W MU / M I S S I O N S DISCOVERING GOD’S VISION REACHING UNREACHED BUILDNG ACROSS ETHNIC LINES PROMOTING PARTNERSHIP AND NETWORKING RESPONDING TO KEY CRISIS ISSUES NEEDS VOLUNTEERS Ark-La-Tex Crisis Pregnancy Center has volunteer opportunity openings for Client Advocates (we will train you) or to teach at the Learning Center. Volunteers are needed for: Teaching Parenting Classes Personal Development Basic Finances Nurses are needed for Prenatal Care Labor & Delivery Summer volunteer work available for teens. Contact John Anderson at 318.230.3446 or Vickie Brumley at 318.861.4600,vickie@altcpc.com ASSOCIATION UPCOMING DATES Special EVENTS to Mark on Your Calendars: June 12-15 June 20-24 June 27-July 1 July 5-8 July 11-15 Full July 18-22 Full Southern Baptist Convention, St Louis, MO Pre-Teen Camp #1 Pre-Teen Camp #2 Pre-Teen Camp #3 Camp Fuego#1 Camp Fuego #2 Registration-www.campbethany.com ReGroup Conference Sunday School Small Group Annual Training August 13 Sept. 12 October 10 Host Location-Summer Grove Baptist Men’s Fish Fry Camp Bethany Annual Meeting Host Location-First Baptist Blanchard Branson at Bethany October 18-19 LBC UPCOMING DATES August 20 August 26-27 Pre-Teen Invasion, North Connected, Tall Timbers (WMU) UPCOMING Monthly EVENTS June 6 Bi-Vocational Pastors 6:30 pm Association Office 28 Pastor & Retirees Prayer 9:00 am Association Office Bible Drill Harry Forester We had just over a 100 children/youth to register for our annual District drill at Broadmoor Baptist on April 10. Eighty -Five percent of these participants passed to the State drills. First, I want to thank Gail Hankins, children’s director at Broadmoor, as a splendid host for our drill. NLBA Churches were: FBC Haughton, Woodridge, Heritage, Trinity Heights, Cypress, Benton, FBC Blanchard, Airline, and Broadmoor. I want to thank these leaders for participation in the drills: Theresa Small, Andrea Spinney, Kevin Brown, Scott Schober, Emily Haines, Amy Hood, Nicole Willhite, Jerrett Thomas, Robin Thomas, Agnes Forester and Stacy Loe. I couldn’t have done the drill without them! I must also thank my friends from Minden and FBC Ruston for their participation in the drill and the preparation. The overwhelming support of the drills from the leaders, parents, grandparents, and staff of the churches filled the chapel at Broadmoor. What a sight…Standing room only!!! I also want to thank the Lord for giving me strength after a bout with vertigo to be there, prepare the drill, and see it through. A big PTL!!!! I am looking forward to next year!
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