ENTIDAD DE CONSERVACIÓN DE LA URBANIZACIÓN “LLORET BLAU” (actually PAU 21) LLORET DE MAR Copy of the MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Of the 3rd. Of AUGUST 2013 ASISTENTES D. N. Vergeau (1) L. Llamas (2) J. M. Villanueva (30) Mª.I. Pérez Pardo (55) J. Clari López (60) Mª. C. De Diego (61) J. Vidal (62) H. Arstah (82+257+600) M. Oliver (97) J. Mª. Torres (113) W. Lubbe (114) A. Petit (125+126) J. Dacasa Lago (155) E. Herreros (159+160+172) F. López Royo (162) J. Mª. Tomey Tomey (177+178) M. Celigüeta (201) C. Medel Cañas (220) J. Fabrega (237) K. R. Dutton (238) B. E. Johannsen (260) J. Yarnoz (271+273+283+284) C. Roch (301) J. Roca (310) I. Gómez (328) A. García Ruiz (332+332B) J. M. Iniesta (338) R. Sarri (350) G. R. De La Fuente (358) D. González (392+498) A. Pérez (400) W. Bartsch (433) E. Van Beek (450) A. Español (454) Pañemar, S.L. (469+624) Las Fuentes de Fuerteventura (470+476) A. Ribas (486) E. Colomer (497) Ibers 02008, S.L. (621+627+628+685) M. Moreno (652) A. Mejias (676+677) Mª. C. Ruiz Alonso (679) REPRESENTADOS B. Vanderbeke (35) C. Nicholls (53) A. Muñoz (59) C. Curieses (66) D. González (127) G. Muñoz Ruiz (161) H. Gómez (187) N. Batllori (209) M. J. Peubez (222+223) Mª. T. Custo Puig (227) H. Punjer (233) O. Bilousova (252) Mª. T. Torrecilla (331) G. González (361) J. Pesaferrer (406+411+303B) C. V. Peters (430) J. Soler Grau (528+532) D. Ortiz (535) In Lloret de Mar on August 3rd. 2013, those above mentioned met in order to hold the Ordinary Annual General Meeting of the LLORET BLAU URBANIZATION and those indicated duly represented, all proprietors having been duly advised in advance for the meeting held in the Hotel Selva Mar situated in Av. Vila de Tossa, s/n in Lloret de Mar. The meeting is held at the second calling at 10.30am as there having been insufficient to form a quorum at the first calling, to deal with the following matters: ORDEN DEL DÍA 1º. Exposition by the Association President Mr. Miguel Moreno of the actions and activities undertaken since the last a.g.m. held on August 4th. 2012 above all and specifically relating to those which refer to the installation of street lighting. 2º. Approval, if agreed upon, of the expenses incurred during the 01.07.12 to 30.06.13 period. 3º. State of the accounts and balances on the date of closure of the exercise. 4º. Proprietor’s outstanding accounts. Information regarding legal actions in progress and approval of future actions to be taken for the recovery of outstanding balances. Approval of the cancellation of debts following the appropriate complaint. 5º. Renewal of the offices of the governing committee, if approved. 6º. Drawing-up and approval of the ordinary Budget for the 01.07.13 to 30.06.14 period. 1 7º. Matters of interest for the urbanization and various maintenance works. Economic means. Equipment area granted to the Association. Clean-up of the peripheral section of the urbanization in accordance with the law 5/2003 for the Prevention of Forest Fires. Dirty plots and unclear undergrowth. Obligation to clean these in accordance with the law 5/ 2003. Cess Pits. Proprietor’s obligation to empty and ensure no discharges spill onto the public highway. The road access area to the urbanization, from the Lloret side. 8º. Motions and queries. PUNTO 1º.- Mr. Miguel Moreno Martínez, president of the Conservation Association, initiated the session welcoming those present, thanking them for their attendance and introducing the points of order on the agenda. Since the constitution of the Conservation Association, thanks to the introduction of a series of issues, the quality of life of the co-proprietors is comparable to that of any other citizen living in the city centre: Reception of the water works by the City Council, maintenance and conservation being their responsibility. The City Council took charge of the roadways and public green areas. Refuse collection and collection of vegetable remains depends on the municipal service. An economic agreement, the equivalent to the urban deficiencies was reached with the developer. With this deposit an economic fund was created, making it possible to meet large investments, for example the street lighting. Collection of unwanted articles is organized. The maintenance of the urbanization, with the contribution of everyone concerned, has placed Lloret Blau in the same position as the best urbanizations in the area. WASTE CONTAINERS, JUNCTION OSONA-BARCELONES At the behest of several proprietors, the change of situation of the containers, to place them next to those at the entrance, in front of the bar. The refuse collection and container distribution is responsibility of the municipal council and they have rejected the proposal made by the Association, considering the distance to be excessive for the coproprietors of the Osona-Barcelones Sector. With the refusal given by the local council the Association has proceeded to condition the space destined for the containers appropriately. The Association feels that they provided a positive solution, avoiding the possibility that the containers slip out of the area destined for their use –which is visualised in the photographs presented. Nevertheless, it remains in the hands of the proprietors to ensure that areas remain spotless. This is a subject that has been broached on previous occasions, even figuring in chapter 1 of last years Assembly, which we repeat below: Before starting on the first point of the order of the day, the president proceeded to read a document which one of the proprietors had handed him, the content of which referred to the current anti- social behaviour on the part of a group ,which the proprietor in question complained about in general terms and more specifically about the constant and continued breach of agreement, accepted by an overwhelming majority, which forbids depositing organic and other waste products out of those areas designated for their collection. This is to say that organic waste should be placed inside the containers provided; the vegetable remains should be bagged and placed next to the containers; the container lids should always remain closed; no construction materials should be left either inside or outside of the containers; This missive gives rise to a debate among the assistants who unanimously agree with its content and ends with a final call upon the whole collective in general to scrupulously fulfil that established and to respect the well-being of the whole group. In a word, to act with civility. Nevertheless, the photographs projected, taken in July 2013, indicate that the situation remains the same: rubbish containers over- flowing with vegetable remains. Even the president drew the attention to one of the co proprietors who was flagrantly caught in the act- emptying vegetable remains (that is to say that waste 2 from garden cuttings etc) directly into the rubbish container-, his excuse was “I don’t have any industrial rubbish bags” .Well ¡!…CIVILITY;CIVILIY AND CIVILITY is the only solution to the problem. If this problem persists we run the risk that the municipal services opt for leaving all the remains that they find outside of the containers behind, and decide to bypass this collection including even the closed bags. If this occur each co proprietor would themselves be responsible for taking the organic remains to the refuse depot. AVOIDING THIS IS IN OUR OWN HANDS! ENTRY AND EXIT RAMP Responding to the numerous complaints of the Association, the City Council has finally acceded to negotiate directly with the Passarell family and the much deteriorated ascent has been asphalted. PATCHING OF THE ASFALT Owing to the temporary paralysation of the drainage work, asphalt patching has been realized in those sections where considered necessary, either because of deterioration due to traffic or because of roots which needed to be extracted. Additionally on the part of the local council and the water company, areas of asphalt whose level had lowered with repairs carried out due to breakages or the substitution of some of the road network with respect to the public highway, have been restored. At the present time, we can assure that the urbanization is absolutely 100% accessible. BUS TIMETABLE This has been adapted to suit school timetables. CURBS IN MONTSIA Curbs which were petitioned by the proprietor of the plot number 353 have been built, in this way closing the square where the water deposits are located, in an attempt to avoid, according to the proprietor, that in the event of torrential rain occur, the water would flow freely over the green area, impacting against the containing wall of his plot. PUBLIC STREET LIGHTING 2013 The Public Street Lighting Agreement with the City Council was signed various days before the Assembly 2012. The summary of the agreement was: The Association will contribute 225.000€ for all concepts. The Association will deposit 500€ every month to the Council coffers, in concept for expenses for street lighting, until the reception of the work. .In the event that the quantity consumed is greater, the difference will be assumed by the City Council. Since the assembly ratification of the Association agreement or which is the same, from today onwards (August 12)within the maximum period of one year (August 2013) the first and the second phase, that is to say, projects Q4+Q1+Q3 respectively., will have been realized and received by the City Council. From the reception of the projects Q1;Q3 and Q4 (maximum August 2013) and in the maximum time frame of one year (August2013) the third and fourth phase will have been realized and received by the City Council ,which is to say: projects Q5 and Q2 respectively.. THE TIME FRAME HAS BEEN FULFILLED!! And since last week projects Q4; Q1 and Q3 light up the corresponding public highway. At last part of the urbanization is able to enjoy street lighting, finally coming out of the shadows. And so…..THE TIME FRAME AGREED UPON FOR PROJECTS Q5 AND Q2 IS BROUGHT FORWARD ¡! Starting this very month the installation work will be renewed and at present the prevision is that all phases will have been finalized before the end of 2013 and with this, the public highway will shine brightly under its own illumination. 3 The initiative to immediately initiate the second phase of the public street lighting is thanks to: Jordi Aulet Corney (Municipal engineer - Head of Public Services) to whom we transfer our gratitude for having accelerated the second phase of the street lighting. Instant photos taken of the public highway are projected, demonstrating the streets now brightly illuminated. All those present agree that this installation has made a very important change. ANNUAL YEARLY EXPENSE AVERAGE (9 YEARS – 2005 to 2013) The annual yearly expense average, since the year 2005 has been 80.253 euros. Of this amount, 8.626euros (10,7%) corresponds to public street lighting which from this year onwards will not be spent, as the City Council has received street lighting and therefore will be responsible for the maintenance and use. In fact those co proprietors who already had public street lighting and who paid the corresponding quota will now stop doing so, from this exercise 2013-2014. PAINTING OF HORIZONTAL ROAD SIGNS Natural erosion, due to time and vehicle use, makes it necessary to repaint the horizontal road signs. An estimate is available and given to the assistants and the Board is authorized to take care of this horizontal painting. As usual other estimates will be petitioned and the work will be assigned to the industrialist best suited to the economy of the Association. CO-PROPRIETORS MAILBOXES All assistants are reminded that by right they may direct their complaints/and or suggestions in writing to Fincas Lloret. Nevertheless, those missives containing repetitions to which answers have already been provided, either directly to the question asked or because the subject had already been brought up in the Assembly or of insolent content, will be dismissed. The idea is to not waste time nor to make anybody waste their time. EVOLUTION OF PAYMENT DELAYING In order to illustrate to some co-proprietors who presumably confuse the dates which are provided annually about this chapter, a table which extends from the year 2005 up to 2013 has been elaborated. In this period a level of debt of 189.933 euros and payment of 125.174 has been received. Therefore the difference is 64.759 euros of increased debt. The result of 2005-6 began at 42.811 euros of debt. Adding to this amount the difference of 2005-2013 between that owed and paid (64.759 euros) situates the present debt in the amount of 107.570 euros. It is important to point out that 16,3 % of the plots debt (29 plots) concentrate 54,6 % of the debt (59.345 euros) In this way, and in spite of the debt quantity of 107,570 euros which is of mention, it should be taken into account that it only represents 6,9 % of what should have been paid since 1996-2013 (1,549.809 euros) and the amount actually received: 1,442.238 euros (93,1%) WARNING FOR NAVEGATORS!! YES !!! Many legal negotiations are being realized, as shown by the important amount paid. Nevertheless the legal process stretches the time due to causes absolute beyond the control of the inimitable negotiations of our legal team, leader of which is our lawyer Jordi Orobitg, who once more explained to the assistants, point by point, all the legal process. It is observed that the level of debt has experimented a notable increase coinciding with the beginning of the crisis which has affected everybody in general and to some, in particular, to a greater degree. From the Board we hope that those co-proprietors with bad debts overcome their economic precarity as soon as possible, and are able to catch up with their delayed payments to the Association. 4 POINTS 2nd and 3rd. - As usual a file is distributed to the assistants at the entrance to the Assembly containing the order of the day and the subjects to be dealt, documentation with details of the expenses and the distribution of the same, with precise information regarding which proprietors are up to date with their payments and which maintain debts with the Association, etc. Mr. Carreras, representative of the administrator in this act, gives a resume of the most relevant parts of the economic exercise: Chapters which are repeated annually, whose amount fits in with the previsions: Maintenance personal + social charges (21.961,01 €) Legal advice (7.237,35 €) Administration procedures (13.336,78 €) Warehouse rental (504 €) Civil responsibility insurance (1.181,50 €) Reclaiming unpaid quotas: The denouncements require a fee of 150 euros for each demand as a provision of funds for the procurator. The Lawyer’s fees are included in the retainer agreement with our lawyer Mr. Orobitg. In any case all these costs can be considered recoverable, as on each occasion the demand is resolved we collect the principal and the costs. General expenses: Notices of meetings, minutes, translations, notes of registry, hire of this hall, etc. (4.240,77 €) Conservation and maintenance: various repairs on the urbanization, maintenance and petrol for the dumper truck, diverse materials, removal of earth accumulation from the streets, etc. (2.962,67 €) In extraordinary expenses the asphalting of those streets with deep roots, dips and/or deteriorated surfaces. There were other asphalt repairs but they were made by the Water Services when restoring gullies or repairing. Fire Prevention Measures: This last Spring Fire prevention measures were realized, consisting of the revision of the perimeter strips. The work was under the auspices of the Town Hall and the part not financed by the Generalitat was the economic participation of the E.C.U. (4.525 euros). Street Lighting: Up until the time that the new lighting was implanted, the Association attended to those repair notices of the existing installation (2.096,20 euros). In accordance to the agreement subscribed with the City Council, the Association continued to make the payment of 500 € monthly in concept of electric lighting (6.000 €).On 30.06.13 this economic chapter was closed. Particular expenses: All that which is related to a particular proprietor, for whatever reason. Return of receipts, payment demands, register copies to discover ownership, creation of petition expedients, etc... State of accounts and balances at the close of the exercise. The last two pages contain the account balances. We still maintain important balances after having paid 211.260 € in order to fulfil our part of the street lighting agreement. As regards the rest we will try to continue to make a profit through fixed term deposits in various solvent Banks, with returns at present at around 2.25 %. The return of these accounts has supposed a profit of 6.258,07 € Concluding this preamble and after replying to questions which have arisen, the expenses and accounting balances for the period 01.07.12 to 30.06.13 are submitted below for the perusal of the assembly. These were unanimously approved by those present and represented in the following form and allocation of costs: 5 CONCEPT Personnel and social security Legal assessment fees Administration fees General expenses Conservation and maintenance Warehouse rental Civil responsibility insurance Fire prevention measures Street lighting Extraordinary work Particular expenses TOTAL ORDINARY EXPENSES Movement of reserves GENERAL TOTAL IMPORTE 21.961,01 7.237,35 13.336,78 4.240,77 2.962,67 504,00 1.181,50 4.525,00 8.096,20 5.632,13 4.095,95 73.773,36 22.202,59 95.975,95 Opening balance B. Sabadell (our favour) Opening balance la Caixa (our favour) Opening balance Caja Madrid (our favour) Opening balance Caixa Laietana (our favour) Opening balance Caixa Girona (our favour) Fixed term deposit B. Sabadell Fixed term deposit la Caixa Fixed term deposit la Caixa (Ex C. Girona) Fixed term deposit Bankia (Ex-C. Laietana) RECEIPTS FROM PROPRIETORS Judicial deposits pending payment Compensation claims resolved in previous periods Town Hall payment street lighting agreement Received post boxes Interest bank accounts (reserves) EXPENSES FOR PERIOD Transfer to reserves ENTRADAS 35.774,48 13.049,79 18.486,10 7.056,69 4.186,47 230.000,00 45.075,91 100.000,00 110.000,00 82.578,08 1.436,73 217,60 211.260,00 240,00 6.258,07 95.975,95 22.202,59 675.125,78 Closing balance B. Sabadell (our favour) Closing balance la Caixa (our favour) Closing balance Bankia Ex-C. Madrid (our favour) Closing balance Bankia Ex-C. Laietana our favour) Closing balance la Caixa Ex-C. Girona (our favour) Fixed term deposit la Caixa Fixed term deposit la Caixa (Ex C. Girona) Fixed term deposit Bankia (Ex-C. Laietana) 675.125,78 ACCOUNTING BALANCE Reserves quotas Reserves bank interests Reserves Council subsidies Reserves asphalt exercise. 2001 a 2006 Reserves water supply system: * Restitution of sum paid * Restitution water system repairs water works * Freeing outstanding balance 6 SALIDAS ACTIVOS 308.672,68 51.795,61 0,00 0,80 2.170,40 2.486,29 100.000,00 100.000,00 110.000,00 675.125,78 PASIVOS 208.045,69 81.446,23 61.593,48 27.155,02 45.075,91 6.364,41 45.075,91 Reserves urbanistic deficiencies Balance post box account Executive – Payments to be liquidated or compensation date receipts Judicial deposits pending liquidation Pending recuperation " Fire prevention measures " Pending recuperation prov. lawyer claims quotas Closing balance B. Sabadell (our favour) Closing balance La Caixa (our favour) Closing balance Bankia Ex-C. Laietana (our favour) Closing balance la Caixa Ex-C. Girona (our favour) Closing balance Caixa Girona (our favour) Fixed term deposit la Caixa Fixed term deposit la Caixa (Ex C. Girona) Fixed term deposit Bankia (Ex-C. Laietana) BALANCE PROPRIETORS * Debtors *Creditors 14.590,00 50,46 157,96 1.436,73 9.400,00 4.694,41 51.795,61 0,00 0,80 2.170,40 2.486,29 100.000,00 100.000,00 110.000,00 108.607,44 -1.036,61 489.555,07 489.555,07 PUNTO 4º.-The following pages of the file refer to the division of expenses among the proprietors where it demonstrates those who are up to date, the vast majority, and those who owe money. Since the closing of the balances and the preparation of these tables there are some proprietors who have caught up with their payments, recovery of payments pending of 1.733,16 €, as is seen in the updated debtors table (blue page). On these pages it is specified whether the debt in legal course or whether it is a balance from the closing exercise. Those that refer to quotas from the closing year (2012-13), will be susceptible to legal reclamation after this date, agreeing unanimously to set the final date at 31.08.13 for getting up to date, after this date the pertinent legal actions will come into force. It should be pointed out that during the 2012-13 exercise, earlier contributions of 14.674 € have been received. Mr. Orobitg provides more extensive information, especially regarding the state of the law suits against the five proprietors who owe the largest quantity (Bruno Tanner, Llob 2002 S.L., Subministres Energètics Ind. S.L., Limasetra y R.S. 999 S.L.) making a total, just from these, of more than 37.000 €, some of these estates, which have already been confiscated by the Entidad de Conservación and await tendering. Plot. 4 5 14 17 20 22 25 33 38 40 41 42 43 44 45 48 50 54 55 65 67 71 80 81 Proprietor Harris Jean Paul Stokman, Pieter / Birsen Nesrin Stokman Valcarce Vazquez, Jose A. / Veer, Esther Pino Chumilla, Miguel / Blanco Orozco, Manuela Castillo, David Juve Esteve, Jose Juve Esteve, Jose Mens, Emmanuel Mcdonald, Lorna F. / McDonald, Penelope Tanner, Bruno Alberto / Tanner, Marie Gertrud Tanner, Bruno Alberto / Tanner, Marie Gertrud Tanner, Bruno Alberto / Tanner, Marie Gertrud Terrenys Catalans Jami SL Brias Garcia Bravo, Maria / Escola Brias, Maria Escola Brias, Ignacio / Valls Seron, Mª C. Roca Fernandez, Francisco Villar Guillen, Oscar / Navarro Garcia, Aurora Rubira Trujillo, Manuel Perez Pardo, Mª Isabel Carreras Recasens, Alejandro Klein, Marie Louise Pasarell Bacardit, Wenceslao Aveiro Marenco, Juan Carlos Garcia Pichel, Oscar Amounts Demand Executive Receipts 906,42 Overdue/ Pending 30/06/12 Quota 12/13 881,10 374,06 1.058,97 1.875,54 808,94 931,00 210,62 238,80 263,39 103,80 121,04 317,45 539,42 269,36 451,17 5,00 473,20 7 103,68 103,66 242,27 196,13 103,66 185,00 100,00 105,36 238,64 238,64 103,64 103,64 123,63 238,63 238,64 173,63 92,50 185,00 185,66 103,66 103,66 23,65 238,63 185,00 Total Pending 1.891,20 103,66 616,33 196,13 103,66 185,00 100,00 315,98 1.536,41 2.377,57 1.016,38 1.155,68 441,08 778,05 508,00 624,80 92,50 190,00 185,66 103,66 103,66 23,65 711,83 185,00 95 96 99 101 104 105 112 127 132 137 149 156 158 161 165 171 183 184 188 189 190 192 199 205 226 228 230 231 232 245 246 247 248 251 253 254 255 259 262 264 266 268 276 293 296 305 306 307 308 309 320 322 324 335 341 376 381 384 385 386 389 404 405 414 416 419 421 426 431 434 Losquiño Quinta, Jose B. / Pozo Cabezas, Mª Ang. Rubio Crespo, Jose Antoni Martin Alvaro, Mª Natividad / Garcia Lopez, Eugenio Rubira Trujillo, Manuel Lombardo, Cristian / Zamora Vadorpa, Alicia Falla De León, Victor / Martin Ferreiro, Rodrigo Escaro, Margarita Gonzalez Iglesias, Diego Gallego de la Rosa, Sandra Marquez Díaz, Francisco / Albertelli, Silvana Von Deschwanden, Rosalia Limasetra S.L. Limasetra S.L. Muñoz Ruiz, Guillermo / Barret, Claire Rodriguez Cortiñas, Hector / Clar Barragan, Angela Alos Ribes, Rosana Navarro Navío, Tomás / Prat, Kim Ametller Salvador, Mª Mer Promollar Grup 2006, S.L. Orchidaceae Plantarium, S.L. Rghioui, Mohammed Rghioui, Mohammed Amallouk Lahssan ** **Titular Registral: Wenceslao Passarell Bacardit y Mª. A. Passarell Bacardit. Colomer Eisenführ, Natalia Van Steenweghen, Pierre / Ackermann, Lutgart Van Steenweghen, Pierre / Ackermann, Lutgart Van Steenweghen, Pierre / Ackermann, Lutgart Bogliolo, Stefano / Anjuscha, M.H. Quaedvlieg Dolgolopolov, Aleksey / Dolgolopova, Olga Rubira Trujillo, Manuel Rubira Trujillo, Manuel Rubira Trujillo, Manuel Garcia Silla, Daniel / Justyna Klimas, Patrycja Buchi, Otto Rubira Trujillo, Manuel Rubira Trujillo, Manuel Rubira Trujillo, Manuel Linde, Steve Alkhalili, Firas Cordoba, Joaquim Ramirez Camacho, Ariel / Ramirez Camacho, J.M. Rubira Trujillo, Manuel Ramirez Bolaños, Mª Guadalupe Langenakker, Robert Gea Gran, Enrique / Lopez Serrano, Estrella Ramirez Burgada, Josep Mª / Coll Bosch, Josefa Cannizzaro, Giovanni / Giacobane, Eliane Silva Pascua Cortes, Mª Rosa Pascua Cortes, Mª Rosa Limasetra S.L. Nebenfuhr, Erwin / Nebenfuhr, Renate Suministres Energètics Ind. S.L. Suministres Energètics Ind. S.L. Lassarange, Roger / Lassaragne, Marie Martine Zapata Peñalver, Gaspar Tolmachev, Oleg / Tolmachova, Oxana Rubira Trujillo, Manuel Actprom Comercial Dayamon Pool SL Actprom Comercial Pérez Hernández, Jorge / Pauliina Kallio, Noora Souquet Breesand, Ricard Souquet Breesand, Ricard Catay Disseny S.L. Constr. Modden Díaz SL. Lopez Nadal, Sergio Espetrini, Patricio Jose Victorica Tordera Estudio S.L. Ziegle-Kuron, Eleonore Petrescu, Sorin Vasile 377,47 327,07 418,39 479,51 359,11 269,51 696,24 385,87 11,37 907,99 741,58 602,64 153,80 103,80 590,79 213,81 304,86 581,41 514,26 890,25 613,46 153,81 103,81 290,60 1.004,86 238,65 473,17 15,00 30,00 100,00 100,00 100,65 320,65 63,55 312,54 373,41 200,00 939,01 370,57 1.698,24 2.830,05 331,95 352,07 327,07 290,76 103,64 160,00 159,06 284,12 282,36 100,00 188,80 456,96 894,04 460,76 410,50 100,00 123,64 427,60 320,57 150,57 150,00 303,81 367,10 379,17 399,81 409,99 335,57 8 103,64 380,76 294,18 203,80 417,40 610,78 804,59 447,34 3,66 1.112,65 238,63 185,00 213,64 100,00 238,64 238,64 174,17 196,17 238,63 238,64 114,40 153,64 103,64 95,28 190,57 171,12 213,64 80,00 170,26 213,64 153,64 103,64 173,63 616,10 185,00 959,10 100,00 987,66 1.293,99 174,17 196,17 250,00 1.532,50 114,40 1.049,02 810,08 95,28 190,57 171,12 1.018,24 80,00 170,26 1.131,96 888,86 721,71 1.354,48 238,64 110,26 195,26 110,26 185,00 238,63 185,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 196,24 100,00 160,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 180,00 123,63 100,00 153,64 164,30 183,55 160,66 183,63 242,27 107,28 188,64 238,64 184,30 163,64 243,99 238,64 213,64 100,00 130,62 153,63 103,63 243,64 153,64 103,64 240,62 213,64 238,63 233,64 265,64 185,00 238,64 0,00 1.482,15 110,26 195,26 110,26 185,00 711,80 200,00 130,00 100,00 100,00 196,24 200,00 160,00 200,00 200,65 100,00 500,65 187,18 100,00 756,94 267,94 343,55 319,72 467,75 898,04 407,28 1.316,45 1.066,17 1.882,54 2.993,69 1.469,98 1.051,47 951,21 200,00 254,26 581,23 207,27 944,97 598,39 457,44 961,83 1.191,52 617,80 1.438,04 1.122,97 188,66 1.686,86 435 441 442 446 448 458 483 484 490 491 492 493 494 512 538 540 544 601 602 605 606 608 609 612 613 614 620 630 631 634 637 639 640 643 645 646 649 651 656 659 662 664 665 666 667 669 674 680 682 684 102A 102B 103B 116B 202B 207A 300C 322-B 382-B 383A 383B 432A 432B LLOB 344-EX 368-EX 414-EX 631-EX 636-EX 638-EX Bestman Den Brader Veruijn, Richard C.G. / Veruijn, J. Gerda Inmobles Lloret S.L. Mejías Alonso, Antoni / Gabalda Vidal, Teresa De Boer, Gerit / De Boer, Sylvia Barnés Paltre, Margarida Serrano-Gutierrez, CB Serrano-Gutierrez, CB R.S. 999 S.L. Llob 2002, S.L. Pamies Garriga, Jaume Llob 2002, S.L. Llob 2002, S.L. Garcia Rodriguez, Antonio Rubira Trujillo, Manuel Hanningan. Christopher Afanis Fincas, S.L. Al Khalili , Jewed Jaafar Al Khalili , Jewed Jaafar Al Khalili , Jewed Jaafar Al Khalili , Jewed Jaafar Al Khalili , Jewed Jaafar Al Khalili , Jewed Jaafar Al Khalili , Jewed Jaafar Al Khalili , Jewed Jaafar Al Khalili , Jewed Jaafar Roldan García, Carolina / Rebollo Islan, Jose F. Rubio Rodriguez, Felix / Coll Alberich, Montserrat Catay Disseny S.L. González García , José / Arcos Rodriguez, Cancep. Van Roony, Jacobus / Van Roony, Rosa M. Lusavida Accion Inmobiliaria, S.L. Lusavida Accion Inmobiliaria, S.L. Lusavida Accion Inmobiliaria, S.L. Lusavida Accion Inmobiliaria, S.L. Lusavida Accion Inmobiliaria, S.L. Lusavida Accion Inmobiliaria, S.L. Lusavida Accion Inmobiliaria, S.L. Galindo Santaren, Mª C. / Flores Rodriguez, Maximo Arquilau-05 S.L. Arquilau-05 S.L. Hames, Peter Colins / Hames, Sharon Eaton, Ronald Cornejo Martinez, David / Rodriguez Lopez, Lorena Hernandez Siles, Raimundo / Morales Monereo, Rosario Roldan Pacheco, Oscar Fernández Besnard, Blas / Galisteo Pavob, Franc. Famicasa 2006 SL Prieto Carro, Eloy / Salarichs Marine, Cristina Llob 2002, S.L. Rubira Trujillo, Manuel Rubira Trujillo, Manuel Crespo Martin, Fernando Santana Robles, Franc. / Lopez Rodriguez, Magdalena Noguero Villar, Josefa Van Moll, Franciscus Sopira&Hausherr Develop Suministres Energètics Ind. S.L. Actprom Comercial Eroles Saez, Pedro Abel Raurich-Planas, S.L. Tordera Estudio S.L. Tordera Estudio S.L. Llob 2002, S.L. Rovira Costa, Arnau Cotiñas Rodriguez, M. Proyectos Inmobiliarios Ava Proyectos Inmobiliarios Ava Eljade, S.A. Eljade, S.A. 384,72 370,63 185,00 243,92 75,76 682,59 13,08 560,85 590,84 907,30 490,84 490,84 362,65 233,81 80,00 410,76 507,67 326,96 429,12 320,57 197,20 103,65 103,64 103,65 103,65 103,65 103,65 722,43 444,14 590,76 820,99 327,20 410,76 120,65 643,13 580,98 158,92 168,54 290,77 213,65 213,65 60,08 310,84 100,00 100,00 100,00 103,42 2.914,71 103,64 209,98 209,98 15.252,86 532,99 942,85 260,12 293,24 739,40 442,18 9 240,75 200,00 185,66 242,28 100,66 238,64 244,00 185,66 100,00 100,00 233,64 213,63 213,64 183,63 163,64 100,00 100,00 213,64 160,66 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 233,63 100,00 163,63 153,63 213,64 153,64 103,64 103,65 103,64 103,64 103,64 103,63 160,66 153,63 103,63 158,99 160,66 160,00 370,66 870,92 176,42 1.291,86 244,00 185,66 113,08 100,00 794,49 804,47 1.354,75 674,47 654,48 100,00 180,00 987,05 160,66 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 741,30 100,00 817,79 582,75 944,97 350,84 207,29 207,29 207,29 207,29 207,29 207,28 281,31 796,76 684,61 1.040,34 329,20 160,00 160,00 153,63 213,64 221,59 100,66 103,64 100,00 100,00 100,66 160,00 888,54 1.018,05 1.256,23 160,74 414,48 200,00 200,00 200,66 185,00 100,00 185,66 85,00 160,00 103,63 103,68 23,63 103,64 100,00 2.997,28 185,00 100,00 289,08 85,00 3.074,71 207,27 103,68 23,63 554,37 509,98 18.250,14 532,99 942,85 260,12 293,24 739,40 442,18 TOTAL 56.373,80 906,42 21.770,15 27.528,52 106.578,89 The assembly unanimously approves the liquidation of balances which figure as debts among the details presented and agree to facilitate that the board of directors are able to act with extreme rigour in order to collect payment pending, this being the only way to reach those objectives set by the community assemblies. In this way agreement is made to set the date at 31 of August of 2013 as the latest date for proprietors to get up to date with their debts of any amount, after which date legal actions will be begun and accumulation proceedings in those cases where it already has been begun will be instigated. POINT 5th.- This year the partial renewal of the governing committee is scheduled (alternative years). The team lead by Mr. Moreno offers itself for re-election for a further period being unanimously agreed to reelect all the members in the persons and office as shown below: President: Secretary: Treasurer: Members: Sr. Miguel Moreno Martínez Sr. Ramón Sarri Ferrer Sr. Joan Pesaferrer Casacuberta Sr. Diego González Hernández Members: Sr. Evaristo Pardo Roig Sra. Mónica González Redondo Representative of the Town Council Mr. Xavier Verdalet Gelpí, professional administrator with an office in Fincas Lloret was ratified and will fulfil the functions of secretary of the Entidad de Conservación. Mr. Verdalet is represented by Mr. Carreras in this act. It is unanimously agreed to facilitate the president of the Entidad de Conservación, Mr. Miguel Moreno Martínez, enabling him to appear before the public notary in order to grant power of attorney in favour of the lawyers and procurators that he deems fit, to defend the interests of the Entidad de Conservación if this were necessary. POINT 6th - The balance for the exercise 01.07.13 to 30.06.14 is presented for consideration to those present, receiving unanimous approval in the following way, with the following observations: Suppression of the charge of 25 € per plot with lighting in the street. The yearly quotas are reduced in 20% in a unique and exceptional way and exclusively for the year 2013. The reason is the difference in the estimate for 2012 in respect to the least expense produced that uniquely and exceptionally, will be applied to reduce the quotas 2013 instead of passing them to reserves, which has been habitual in previous exercises and will be in future exercises, if it were the case, as is determined and approved in the proceedings. The quotas will be 128€ (developed plots) and 80€ (plots not developed) Personnel (wages + ins.) Conservation and improvement work Conservation and regular maintenance Warehouse rental Fire prevention measures Administration fees Reserves and fund for unseen events General expenses Civil responsibility insurance Legal assessment and judicial fees Plots not developed: Plots developed: GENERAL 22.000,00 € 5.000,00 € 3.000,00 € 504,00 € 6.000,00 € 13.392,00 € 4.228,00 € 6.000,00 € 1.200,00 € 7.300,00 € 68.624,00 € 237 x 80,00 € 388 x 128,00 € TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 18.960,00 € 49 664,00 € 68.624,00 € Various considerations are made regarding this point and the following agreements are made: a).- It is agreed that the quota for the exercise 2013-2014 may be paid in two installations, 50% up until the 31 of August 2013 and the remaining 50 % before the 31 of January 2014. b).- It is recommended that annual quotas should be made by standing order, requesting that those proprietors who still have not done so, should proceed to fill in the form to be sent to them and return it to the administrator’s office so that it may be processed. c).- Those who desire, may direct the payment of the quotas to the administrator’s office (personally or by post) situated in Av. de América núm. 36 de Lloret de Mar, or they may make payment to the bank account number ES29-0081-0256-6500-0104-1806 which the Entidad de Conservación has opened in the branch of the Banc Sabadell-Atlántico, Av. Vila de Blanes núm. 101-103 de Lloret de Mar, clearly indicating the number of the plot and the name of the owner. d) It is mentioned that, as with every year, the revision of the census is in process, in order to incorporate new constructions into the 2013-14 list, remembering that those constructions that have been started pass to being regarded as developed as is stipulated in the association statutes. Those plots that have been object of segregation are also incorporated. POINT 7thº.- Subjects of interest to the urbanization and diverse maintenance work. Economic means. Area of equipment assigned to the Association. It remains to be decided which types of equipments are required to be installed on this site. Last year the acquisition and installation of recreation games for children, fitness elements for adults, etc were suggested. Recently these have been introduced in the Font de Sant Llorenc urbanization with a cost of 6.950 €, with installation assigned to the municipal brigade. The idea to invest in equipments is dismissed for the moment. The board is entrusted to take charge of the land-scalping or at least for the levelling, in order to take advantage of the site. Clearing of the perimeter strip in accordance to the law 5/2003 Fire Prevention Measures. As was explained in expenses in point 2nd., this year the perimeter strip was cleaned and this represented an economic dispense of 4.525 €. This should be realized once more in 2015. Dirty Plots and undergrowth. Obligation for their clearance in accordance with the Law 5/2003. Various missives have been despatched to the town hall condemning the dirty plots and those in a state of abandon, in spite of the warnings given to us by the proprietors. Even though there are some orders of execution expedients opened, in fact the municipal inability to solve the problem and enforce the Law is more obvious. Those assistants present tell of different plots which do not fulfil this obligation (92, of 106 to 111, 235, 300, 357, 426, 432A and 432B), agreeing to send a letter reiterating to the City council so that they open the corresponding expedient of execution. Any further information regarding dirty plots may be forwarded in writing to the administrator for the posterior forwarding to the City Council. Cess pits. The proprietor’s obligation to empty them and to avoid discharges onto the public highway. Until it is possible to carry out the Works on the main drainage system, the Project deferred in accordance with the agreement reached during the assembly meeting two years ago, the dispersal of residual waters will be through the cess pits of every individual plot. It is essential that each one ensures the regular emptying of these cess pits in order to avoid discharges onto the public highway. Complaints have been made by the association to the Town Hall, the latest of which refers to a house on Cerdenya Street, which it has been possible to eradicate. A general call is made to all the proprietors advising that pertinent actions will be taken to avoid this unhealthy action. At the behest of the proprietors present, a reminder is made of the reason for the deferment of this project- due to the unitary cost it represents and in the present economic moment. If a large enough group of proprietors now 11 wishes to initiate the project, then the corresponding petition should be subscribed and once again the project will be put forward for consideration. This work and probably others are an indispensable condition when thinking of a future reception and acceptance of the urbanization on the part of the Town Hall. Road area of Access to the urbanization from the Lloret aspect. Apart from the information given by the president Mr. Moreno in point 1st. of the order of the day, it is indicated that the Town Hall is being approached regarding the installation of three or four lamps in this area, which at present is totally dark at night, this installation could now be connected to the new street lighting in Lloret Blau. POINT 8TH.- Collecting the interventions of various proprietors throughout the assembly, these are mentioned below with the conclusions and/or agreements reached: a) The prohibition of letting dogs loose along the streets of the urbanization is ratified, this should be notified to the Local Police (972 361736).All animals should be correctly registered and have the corresponding identification chip. b) It is absolutely forbidden to feed stray cats. c) It is indicated that the street signs indicating Les Masies de Lloret have been placed by the Town Hall, as these streets are public highways. d) In the same way it is mentioned that the Town Hall forbids construction work in the town centre from June to September but the urbanizations are not included. The times of authorized days and times for these Works are regulated by municipal byelaws (from 09.0 to 20 hrs. from Monday to Friday, and from 10 to 20 hrs. on Saturdays). Title IV –Period for construction work- Art.67, those proprietors who feel that actions are to their detriment are able to make a direct complaint to the Local Police. It is decided unanimously to propose to the Town Hall that the Lloret Blau urbanization be included in this regulation thereby forbidding large construction work from June to September. e) Agreements on petitions and notes to the Town Hall in relation to the Street lighting : Resolve the separation of lighting cables which are at hand level in number 22 Zorrilla Street. Posts only anchored by earth, without cement. This should be verified. Removal of unused posts, for example those erected by Llob 2002, S.L. Post badly erected in Maresma Street, in the middle of the pedestrian area, access to Bergadá Street. Four houses in Roselló Street where illumination is apparently connected to public street lighting. No lighting at the end of Roselló Street. e) Agreements about various petitions made to the Town Hall. Substitution of a broken rubbish container on the corner of Tarragonés Street. Remark with a double sign of forbidden to pass and obligatory direction on the downward slope on the entrance to the Lloret highway, behind the cabin for lawyers, as there are vehicles that take the left lane. Complain to the Town Hall regarding the dirty and abandoned state of the private equipment area situated in Provença Street, property of the developer, behind the plots 0-1-2 in Osona Street f) Agreements on residents anti-social behaviour: All those vegetable remains that cannot be placed in rubbish bags must be taken directly to the municipal tip (this is free), not allowing them to be placed in the domestic containers. Those neighbours guilty of anti-social behaviour must be reported. In the same way, residents should avoid allowing the liquid from their cess pits to overflow onto the highway or other plots, repairing and emptying them regularly. For general information the following telephone is indicated 972-366044 (Pallares company) for emptying of cess pits and for the collection of vegetable and any other objects: 972-364525 (Rabassa Trans company). 12 g) From now on, breakdowns in the newly installed Street lighting should be directly communicated to the Town Hall, telephone: 972-361736 (local police) and/or 972-371538 (municipal services). This information and the telephone numbers will be published on the Association web page. If all else fails calls may be made to the offices of the administrator F.LL. h) As a result of letters received by the board, from one proprietor in particular -saying he represents various others- the suggestion is made not to insist on recurring subjects that have already been brought up and explanations given in recent meetings, as for instance, squatters and the debt table. Everything that can be done legally is being done, with preciseness. i) It is agreed to request that the proprietor of plot 182, the junction of Cerdanya Street and Ruben Dario Street, improve the access ramp to the property, to avoid land sliding onto the public highway, which apart from dirtying the area, obstructs the rainwater drains on this corner. j) The comments made by Mr. Español, informing of his discomfort with the administration offices, because he was not attended to when he complained about the fallen electric cables, which could represent a danger for the neighbours. Notice was given by F.LL. to Fecsa and the Town Hall but the problem was not solved until this week. The board apologise if there was a lack of co-ordination. k) The board propose as maintenance work, the repainting of the triangles on the speed reduction bands and remaining horizontal signs, having received an estimate from El Vilar company of 5.012 €. Those present unanimously agreed to have this work done and soon as possible, but other estimates will be petitioned to see whether this amount could be reduced, always referring to homologized paint specifically for highways. l) At the Assembly’s suggestion it is agreed to try-depending on the space- to protect the place where the rubbish containers are at the entrance of the Baix Llobregat Street, with a cement base, the same that has been done in Barcelonés Street. The Board is empowered to realize this improvement, if it is possible and necessary, in other areas where there are containers, so that they may be tidier. m) A reminder is made that Demba will only heed those instructions received by the president or the administrator. If any proprietor wishes to make a suggestion regarding their work, this should be sent to the administrator who will transfer it to the board for its consideration. During the Demba holiday period, there will be no substitution by any other person or service. n) Demba advises the administrator of incidents or deterioration observed when going around the urbanization. However, proprietors are reminded that those deficiencies detected that are responsibility of the Association should be forwarded to the Board through the Entidad de Conservación web page (contactoweb@lloretdemar-lloret.com) or to the administrator (admin@fincaslloret.com),including photographs if possible. And there being no further business, the session was duly ended at 13.15 hrs. At the place and date indicated at the commencement. 13
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