ENTIDAD DE CONSERVACIÓN DE LA URBANIZACIÓN “LLORET BLAU” (Actually PAU 21) LLORET DE MAR COPY OF THE MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE 9th AUGUST 2014 ASISTENTES D. Vergeau (1) L. Llamas (2) M. Lunas (17) M. Pérez Pardo (55) A. Navarro (56) M. De Diego (61) J. Vidal (62) C. Martín (84) A. Morcillo (91) J. Torres (113) W. Lubbe (114) L. Corretja (121) M. Hernández (143) E. Pardo Roig (148) L. Klomfass-Meier (153) J. Dacasa Lago (155) E. Herreros (159+160+172) F. López Royo (162) M. Bartrés (203+204) W. Munz (213+215) C. Medel Cañas (220) F. Hofmann (236) J. Fábrega (237) C. Roch (301) I. Gómez (328) A. García Ruiz (332+332B) R. Sarri (350) G. de la Fuente (358) D. González (392+498) J. Carrasco (418) M. Amayra (439) J. Rocavert (447) E. Van Beek (450) J. Rubio (489) M. Trigo Díaz (636+638) C. Alsina (642) M. Moreno (652) A. Mejías (676+677) M. Ruiz Alonso (679) REPRESENTADOS B. Vanderbeke (35) C. Nicholls (53) C. Curieses (66) A. Petit (125+126) D. González (127) M. Sotos (129) H. Gómez (187) N. Batllori (209) M. Peubez (222+223) M. Custó Puig (227) N.E. Hellawell (303A) J. Pesaferrer (303B-406-411) G. González (361) A. Puig (370) C. Peters (430) E. Claasen (452) A. Español (454) J. Soler Grau (528+532) R. Barriga (633) At Lloret de Mar on the 9th august two thousand and fourteen the above mentioned joined together to hold the ordinary annual general meeting of the urbanisation Lloret Blau and those indicated duly represented, all proprietors having been duly advised in advance for the meeting held in the rooms of the HOTEL SELVAMAR situated on the Av. Vila de Tossa in Lloret de Mar. The meeting was celebrated at the second calling at 10h30am, there having been insufficient to form a quorum at the first calling, to deal with the following matters: AGENDA 1º. Explanation given by the President of the Entity, Mr Miguel Moreno, about the actions and initiatives taken since the last general meeting held on 03.08.13. 2º. Approval, if applicable, of expenses incurred during the 01.07.13 to 30.06.2014 exercise. 3º. Statement of accounts and balances up to the closing date of the exercise. Owners in arrears. Information about on-going lawsuits and approval of the initiatives to be taken to realize the debts pending payment. Approval of the debt for the purpose of settlement of relevant claims. Application of a surcharge of 8% on the debtors balance at the end of the exercise, if applicable. 4º. Drawing up and approval of the budget for expenses for the 01.07.14 to 30.06.15 period. 5º. Installation of video surveillance and traffic control cameras at different points of the urbanization, if applicable. Economic means. 6º. Subjects of interest for the urbanization and diverse maintenance work Cleaning of the perimeter strip in accordance with the Law 5/2003 for Prevention of Forest Fires. 1 Dirty plots with undergrowth. The obligation to clean these, according to the Law 5/2003. Septic tanks. Owner’s obligation to empty these and ensure they do not leak onto the public highway. 7º. Questions and answers. POINT 1º.- The session is initiated by Mr Miguel Moreno Martinez, the president of the Conservation Entity, welcoming those present, thanking them for their assistance and initiating the list of topics contained in the order of the day. MAIN CHALLENGES SINCE THE 2013 ASSEMBLY PETITION TO THE LOCAL COUNCIL FOR MAJOR WORKS TO BE FORBIDDEN It was unanimously agreed upon to propose to the city council that the byelaw which forbids major works from June to September be included in the sphere of the development of Lloret Blau On 29.01.2014 the Town Hall communicates that our proposal, dated 14.10.2013, will be under review just as soon as article 67 of the municipal byelaws, regulator of Urban Licences and Supervision and Control is revised. On the 17.06.14, with the Assembly in sight, we insisted once more to the Town Hall. They informed us that it was necessary to hold a plenary session, an exposition to the public…they have it in mind, they are working on it, and they will keep us informed, which means that it will not arrive in time for summer 2014. ROAD SIGNS AND ACCESS RAMP IMPROVEMENT The obligatory direction and restored road surface has been sign posted in both directions. As is common knowledge, the official access to the urbanization is via the old Vidreres road. The access ramp is the property of the Passarell family and therefore the Entity does not intervene in its state of cleanliness and general reconditioning. Nevertheless, its present state, repaired by the Town Hall, at their cost, is good especially if it is reached at a maximum speed of 30 Km. hour, the limit for the whole area. WASTE CONTAINER PLATFORM Five spaces have been set up for waste containers, taking into consideration that construction works are not permitted on the public highway or on privately owned spaces nor property of any co-proprietor. The conditioning has been made in: Baix Llobregat / Osona-Barcelonés / Cerdanya / Segrià-Tarragonés y Segrià-Baix Camp. The base, sides and the bottom made of brick prevent the containers from moving from their place and aesthetically it is an improvement. In the same way, the refuse collection services have easy access to the containers. PUBLIC LIGHTING. The estimated periods for installation have more than sufficiently been fulfilled. Since the month of February 2014, the urbanization has public lighting in all the streets. The reception by the Town Hall, though strictly speaking unofficial, we can call official in every respect, as the only thing pending is the signature on the reception document, between the Town Hall and the President of the Entity, which will take place as quickly as possible. Cualquier anomalía …. It is an achievement that we should congratulate ourselves on, representing an extraordinarily relevant chapter which has given existence to nightlife in the area, besides giving greater security and confidence to both pedestrians and motorists. It has taken many years of hard work to finally make it a reality, but it has certainly been worth. The reception by the Town Hall represents a financial saving for all co-owners of the urbanization, as the expense of energy consumption, repairs, light bulb replacements, is now completely assumed by the Town Hall. Those present in the assembly are invited to communicate any query or clarification regarding public lighting. There is no pronouncement which makes this a closed subject. 2 THIEVES AND ROBBERS IN LLORET BLAU From March to July there was a notable increase in the visits from thieves and robbers in dwellings in the area. Contact with the Lord Mayor, the Police Chiefs of the Mossos d’Esquadra and Local Police chiefs. A special system of monitoring- both uniformed and camouflaged- was put into practice which a priori has given rise to positive results, as the number of complaints had decreased substantially. Apparently a group of these lives in the area or very close to it. The material damage is of consequence because of the destruction they cause by breaking in, even though what they actually steal is of greater or lesser value Photos are projected showing one of the dwellings that suffered a visit from the burglar called “Bonifacio” and they comment: Thieves violently broke through the brick window of the swimming pool junk room. They didn’t take anything because there was nothing there of value to take, and not because it was just a junk room but also because in the case of this co-proprietor, visits occur only on the weekends and in this house there is nothing of value worth re-selling. These burglars, not content with the visit they had already made, returned the following week and disconnected one of the electricity meter wires of the same house. One supposes that their intention was to test whether there really was an alarm installed as announced on the outside of the dwelling and whether it was in working order, The security guards from the alarm company contacted the house owner to let him know about the cut in electrical fluid, even though nothing untoward had been seen from the exterior. This house owner has had to put armouring on the fuse boxes and electricity meters on the front of the building, which gives onto the highway, in order to avoid this happening again. This representing more and more expense in order to prevent these undesirables from violating their property. It is not the first time that we have had to endure similar situations, therefore is it convenient to take precautions to avoid their recurrence. It is possible that some of the co-proprietors may concede that” everyone should be responsible for their own problem” a respectable point of view, though not one shared by this Board, whose duty it is to safeguard the property of the group, by proposing measures. The members of the Board believe that brave measures should be adopted to protect the urbanization area from undesirables. An efficient measure is to monitor the traffic entering and leaving which permits detecting unusual or unwanted visits. This control, connected at the same time to the police database permits the cross- checking of licence plates and the identification of those already on file. When this occurs the police force automatically come into its own. The system by itself is sufficient to dissuade these burglars, and one supposes that they will forget about Lloret Blau and if they continue to live in the vicinity….they will do so like law abiding citizens. THIS IS WHAT WE PROPOSE: System of recognition of registration numbers and closed circuit surveillance television cameras. Different price estimates have been requested. Different professionals have visited the urbanization in order to make a study/estimate for the installation of CCTV to control car registrations on the principal vehicle accesses, and optionally cameras capable of obtaining full shot scenes. The camera signal should be emitted through WI-MAX to the Lloret de Mar Guardia Urbana through the communication infrastructure held by the Town Hall in the area. A plan of the urbanization has been provided, and also the situation of the control points. The offer contemplates the installation of five principal cameras for licence plate control and five auxiliary units for full shot scenes. The latter being contemplated optionally, depending on whether the Town Hall will be able to provide these as a support for the detection of licence plates on the black list. Obviously the Guardia Urbana has the software for the development of these applications. Camera locations: • Cerdanya • Segrià 3 • Barcelonés (next to the Lloret to Vidreres highway) • Osona • Baix Llobregat The installation was suggested after a study on the terrain of the area where the urbanization is located, placing repeaters to connect to the existing base station located in Roca Grossa. The cameras are IP 4 Megapixel units, with 4, 7 to a-84 optic zoom incorporated. They provide infrared night time illumination. The installation will be aerial in order to protect the equipment from burglars. The best option, choosing between network connections or incorporated solar panels will be applied. We are waiting for the study and regulations from the Town Hall, to channelize the project through these parameters. Various estimates will be assessed in order to decide the most convenient, not only looking at the adaptation system but also at the price. The estimate fluctuates between 50.000 y 70.000€ + I.V.A. Payment will be made using the Entity’s own economic funds. Subjected the presented project to vote: System of licence plate recognition and closed circuit television cameras is completely approved by the overwhelming majority, authorizing the Board to go ahead and put whatever necessary in place for its immediate set up. EVOLUTION OF DEFAULT PAYMENTS In order to provide general information on this important issue, some tables have been drawn up which will be projected and commented on. The synthesis is the following: The amount of 209.932 euros of default payment has been produced since the year 2006, 138.602 euros of which has been paid. The difference between the amount owing and the amount paid of 71.330 euros, added to the unpaid balance from the year 2005, gives an unpaid total of 42.811 euros, projecting the present unpaid amount of 114.141 euros. 83, 2% (94.924 euros) of the unpaid total is concentrated on 112 plots (17% of the total area), whose ownership is 80 proprietors. Taking into account the historic debt amount since the year 1996, amounting to 1.620.389 euros, 1,506.48 euros of which has been paid (93%), the final result of 114.141 euros (7%) debt is an amount that is acceptable, one to be continued to process, but that qualifies the management realized by the Entity administration and its legal advisors as satisfactory and professional, all the more since 83.2% of the unpaid balance is concentrated on eighty proprietors. Straightaway afterwards the Entity lawyer Mr. Jordi Orobitg presents the vicissitudes followed with the legal proceedings for the claiming of the debt being managed, once this is resolved by the Conservation Entity assembly and drawing up the corresponding documentation. Regarding the default payments, the profile of the defaulter in ECU Lloret Blau is described as generally corresponding to a commercial enterprise, owning various or multiple plots acquired in the past due to real estate development promotion and then as a result of the housing bubble and the resulting crisis situation and lack of credit have found their business viability compromised. The data projected matches this description ,as long as the localized debt increase is concentrated on the years of the crash of the real estate bubble, noting the profile of defaulter to those incorporated in the file which was handed to all those assisting The Entity lawyer gives details of the compromise and energy of the governing Board regarding the fight against defaulting, an elementary sense of equality and solidarity among the Entity members, urging for prosecution proceedings until, if necessary, the execution of judicial title proceedings for the debt claimed. 4 POINTS 2º & 3º. - At the entrance to the Assembly, a file containing the order of the day and issues to be treated, documentation with expense details and the distribution of the same, precise information of which proprietors are up to date with payments and which maintain debts with the Entity etc., is given out to all assistants, Mr Carreras, representative of the administrator in this act, makes a summary of the most relevant points of the economic exercise: Chapters which are repeated annually whose amount remains within the prevision made: Maintenance personnel + social charges (21.736,12 €) Legal assessment (7.420,30 €) Administrative management (13.392,12 €) Warehouse rental (504 €) Civil responsibility insurance (1.181,50 €) Reclaiming fees: Taking legal steps supposes an expense of 150 each one, as a prevision of funds for the procurator. The lawyer’s expenses are included in the agreement with our lawyer Mr. Orobitg. In any event, this expense should be considered recoverable, as each time the petition is resolved, the principal and costs are charged. General expenses: Notification of the general assembly, minutes, translations, registry annotations, rental of the meeting hall, etc. (4.670, 19 €) Conservation and maintenance: diverse repairs on the urbanization, maintenance and fuel of the guard’s vehicle, diverse material, road signs, etc. (3.209, 15 €) Extraordinary work: Painting of horizontal road signs (bands etc.) (4.416, 50 €) Building and/or amplification of refuse container platforms (3.919, 49 €) Personal expenses: All that is ascribable to a particular proprietor, for whatever reason. Receipt returns, outstanding fees, registry copies to discover ownership, files for legal action, etc. (2.528, 39 €) Balance sheet on the date of the close of the exercise The differential between real expenses and the approved budget was a surplus of 8.335, 99€ € which will passed on to the reserve fund. The same salaries as last year practically are being maintained: 300.000 € in Fixed Term deposits (IPF) and 72.707,50 € in current accounts. All extraordinary expenses were financed by the funds regular resources from the exercise. The efficiency of these I.P.F. accounts has supposed a yield of 5.510,01 €. Having given this prologue and after the explanations relating to the questions which have arisen, we submit below the expenses for the 01.07.13 period to 30.06.14 and the accounting balances for the perusal of the assembly, being unanimously approved by those present and represented in the following way: CONCEPT Personnel and social security Legal assessment Administrative management General expenses Conservation and maintenance Warehouse rental Civil responsibility insurance Extraordinary work Personal expenses TOTAL ORDINARY EXPENSES AMOUNT 21.736,12 7.420,30 13.392,12 4.670,19 3.209,15 504,00 1.181,50 8.174,63 2.528,39 62.816,40 5 Movement of reserves GENERAL TOTAL 8.335,99 71.152,39 Final balance in B. Sabadell (our/favour) Final balance in la Caixa (our/favour) Final balance in Bankia Ex-C. Madrid (our/favour) Final balance in Bankia Ex-C. Laietana (our/favour) Final balance in la Caixa Ex-C. Girona (our/favour) Fixed term deposit in la Caixa Fixed term deposit in la Caixa (Ex C. Girona) Fixed term deposit in Bankia (Ex-C. Laietana) COLLECTED FROM PROPRIETORS Recuperated lawyers s claims amounts previous exercises Previsions lawyer legal proceedings in the exercise Town Hall subsidy agreement 2014 (reserves) Pending subsidy payment Town Hall 2014 Received Post boxes Performance bank accounts (reserves) EXPENSES FOR THE PERIOD Transfer to reserves Expense prevision ENTRADAS 51.795,61 0,00 0,80 2.170,40 2.486,29 100.000,00 100.000,00 110.000,00 64.009,37 102,00 1.350,00 3.844,35 3.844,35 180,00 5.510,01 71.152,39 8.335,99 619,42 449.054,24 Final balance in B. Sabadell (our/favour) Final balance in la Caixa (our/favour) Final balance in la Caixa Ex-C. Girona (our/favour) Fixed term deposit in B. Sabadell Fixed term deposit in la Caixa Fixed term deposit in la Caixa (Ex C. Girona) 449.054,24 ACCOUNTS BALANCE Reserves quotas Reserves bank account performances Reserves Town Hall subsidies Reserves asphalting Exerc. 2001 to 2006 Reserves water network: * Restitution amount paid * Restitution water network repairs * Release balance pending Reserves urbanistic deficiencies Balance post box account Town Hall –pending payment 2014 subsidy Executive – payments to be liquidated or compensation date receipts Legal consignments pending payment Pending recovery " Fire Prevention Measures " Pending recovery legal claims quotas Provision Expenses Final balance in B. Sabadell (our/favour) Final balance in La Caixa (our/favour) Final balance in Caixa Girona (our/favour) Fixed term deposit in B. Sabadell Fixed term deposit in la Caixa Fixed term deposit in la Caixa (Ex C. Girona) 6 SALIDAS ASSETS 76.346,74 65.774,51 4.917,79 2.015,20 100.000,00 100.000,00 100.000,00 449.054,24 LIABILITIE S 216.381,68 86.956,24 65.437,83 27.155,02 45.075,91 6.364,41 45.075,91 14.590,00 230,46 3.844,35 157,96 1.436,73 9.400,00 5.942,41 619,42 65.774,51 4.917,79 2.015,20 100.000,00 100.000,00 100.000,00 BALANCE PROPRIETORS * Debtors * Creditors 115.718,20 -1.004,35 508.044,84 508.044,84 POINT 4º. - Proprietors in debt. Information supplementary to the explanation given by Sr. Orobitg in Point 1º. In the file given out, there is a cost distribution list between proprietors, showing those who are up to date the great majority- and those who owe money. Since the closing of the balances and elaboration of this table, there are proprietors who have already settled their debts, monies for the amount of 5.707,18 € having been received, as shown on the present table of debtors. (blue sheet) On this sheet it is specified whether these debts are already in legal proceedings or whether this is the balance at the close of the exercise. Those that are quotas from the closing year (2013-14), will be susceptible to legal proceedings from today onwards. It should be emphasized that during the 2013-14 exercise, quotas from previous exercises amounting to 13.428 € have been paid. Plot 4 8 14 33 38 40 41 42 43 45 48 67 71 80 95 96 99 101 104 105 112 137 149 156 158 165 171 183 184 188 189 190 191 192 199 202 205 226 228 230 232 242 246 248 253 255 259 264 266 Proprietor Amounts Demanded Receipts Exec. 906,42 Harris Jean Paul Morgan, Willis Eric Valcarce Vázquez, José A. / Veer, Esther Mens, Emmanuel Mcdonald, Lorna F. / McDonald, Penelope Tanner, Bruno Alberto / Tanner, Marie Gertrud Tanner, Bruno Alberto / Tanner, Marie Gertrud Tanner, Bruno Alberto / Tanner, Marie Gertrud Terrenys Catalans Jami SL Escolá Brias, Ignacio / Valls Serón, Mª C. Roca Fernández, Francisco Klein, Marie Louise Pasarell Bacardit, Wenceslao Aveiro Marenco, Juan Carlos Losquiño Quinta, José B. / Pozo Cabezas, Mª Ángeles Rubio Crespo, José Antoni Martin Álvaro, Mª Natividad / García López, Eugenio Rubira Trujillo, Manuel Lombardo, Cristian / Zamora Vadorpa, Alicia Falla De León, Víctor / Martín Ferreiro, Rodrigo Escaro, Margarita Márquez Díaz, Francisco / Albertelli, Silvana Von Deschwanden, Rosalia Limasetra S.L. Limasetra S.L. Rodríguez Cortiñas, Héctor / Clar Barragán, Ángela Alos Ribes, Rosana Navarro Navío, Tomás / Prat, Kim Ametller Salvador, Mª Mer Promollar Grup 2006, S.L. Orchidaceae Plantarium, S.L. Rghioui, Mohammed Vadillo Sorroche, Josefa Rghioui, Mohammed Amallouck bcn, S.L. Stevens, Philip Colomer Eisenführ, Natalia Van Steenweghen, Pierre / Ackermann, Lutgart Van Steenweghen, Pierre / Ackermann, Lutgart Van Steenweghen, Pierre / Ackermann, Lutgart Dolgolopolov, Aleksey / Dolgolopova, Olga Banco Popular Español, S.A. Rubira Trujillo, Manuel García Silla, Daniel / Justyna Klimas, Patrycja Rubira Trujillo, Manuel Rubira Trujillo, Manuel Linde, Steve Córdoba Garcia, Joaquim / Serra Rocher, Mª Dolores Ramírez Camacho, Ariel / Ramírez Camacho, Joan M. 615,04 1.183,16 498,42 613,72 451,17 473,20 327,07 479,51 359,11 Pending Expired 30/06/13 Exer 13/14 984,78 216,33 315,98 921,37 1.194,41 517,96 541,96 441,08 508,00 173,63 103,66 238,63 616,10 185,00 632,03 471,13 395,62 508,15 934,88 48,01 1.146,63 114,40 577,89 414,46 304,86 303,81 171,12 1.018,24 80,00 170,26 827,10 585,05 303,81 442,66 417,90 911,82 339,08 1.143,07 473,17 238,63 385,87 100,65 500,65 7 83,94 139,16 135,47 123,24 165,47 165,47 83,64 83,64 117,58 165,58 117,47 128,67 24,32 165,47 165,47 131,94 165,47 80,00 165,47 165,47 170,32 165,47 128,67 117,47 83,64 194,51 131,94 165,47 128,67 131,94 165,47 117,47 30,00 83,64 94,94 70,64 165,47 89,60 131,64 83,63 165,47 95,74 80,00 80,67 80,00 80,00 80,00 165,58 21,12 Total Pending 1.975,14 139,16 351,80 439,22 1.701,88 2.543,04 1.100,02 1.239,32 558,66 673,58 742,27 232,33 24,32 877,30 781,57 316,94 1.124,57 80,00 1.153,13 1.459,46 218,33 1.697,97 243,07 1.166,49 893,72 194,51 303,06 1.183,71 208,67 302,20 1.297,43 1.006,33 30,00 805,35 1.449,42 70,64 1.647,62 89,60 131,64 83,63 877,27 95,74 80,00 80,67 80,00 80,00 180,65 666,23 21,12 268 276 282 296 305 306 307 308 309 320 322 324 335 341 376 380 381 384 385 386 389 404 405 414 415 416 419 421 426 434 441 442 446 448 458 483 484 490 491 492 493 494 521 538 540 544 610 620 631 634 656 659 662 664 665 666 667 669 673 674 680 681 682 684 102A 102B 103B 207A 322-B 382-B 383A 432A Rubira Trujillo, Manuel Ramírez Bolaños, Mª Guadalupe Pons Martínez, Manuel Gea Gran, Enrique / López Serrano, Estrella Ramírez Burgada, Josep Mª / Coll Bosch, Josefa Cannizzaro, Giovanni / Giacobane, Eliane Silva Pascua Cortes, Mª Rosa Pascua Cortes, Mª Rosa Limasetra S.L. Nebenfuhr, Erwin / Nebenfuhr, Renate Suministres Energètics Ind. S.L. Suministres Energètics Ind. S.L. Lassarange, Roger / Lassaragne, Marie Martine Zapata Peñalver, Gaspar Tolmachev, Oleg / Tolmachova, Oxana Caro Nieto, Anna María Rubira Trujillo, Manuel Actprom Comercial, S.L. Dayamon Pool SL Actprom Comercial, S.L. Pérez Hernández, Jorge / Paulina Kallio, Noora Souquet Breesand, Ricard Souquet Breesand, Ricard Catay Disseny S.L. Banc Sabadell, S.A. Constr. Modden Díaz SL. López Nadal, Sergio Espetrini, Patricio José Victorica Tordera Estudio S.L. Petrescu, Sorin Vasile Veruijn, Richard C.G. / Veruijn, J. Gerda Inmobles Lloret S.L. Mejías Alonso, Antoni / Gabaldá Vidal, Teresa De Boer, Gerit / De Boer, Sylvia Barnés Paltré, Margarida Serrano-Gutiérrez, CB Serrano-Gutiérrez, CB R.S. 999 S.L. Llob 2002, S.L. Pámies Garriga, Jaume Llob 2002, S.L. Llob 2002, S.L. Langa Portella, Sebas / Tubau Vital, Mari Carmen Rubira Trujillo, Manuel Hanningan. Christopher Afanis Fincas, S.L. Llorens López, Joaquim Roldan García, Carolina / Rebollo Islan, José F. Catay Disseny S.L. González García , José / Arcos Rodríguez, Concepción Galindo Santaren, Mª Carmen / Flores Rodríguez, Máximo Arquilau-05 S.L. Arquilau-05 S.L. Hames, Peter Colins / Hames, Sharon Eaton, Ronald Cornejo Martínez, David / Rodríguez López, Lorena M. Hernández Siles, Raimundo / Morales Monereo, Rosario Roldan Pacheco, Oscar Banc Sabadell, S.A. Fernández Besnard, Blas / Galisteo Pavob, Francisca Famicasa 2006 SL Technical Transfer Europa Prieto Carro, Eloy / Salarichs Marine, Cristina Llob 2002, S.L. Rubira Trujillo, Manuel Rubira Trujillo, Manuel Crespo Martin, Fernando Van Moll, Franciscus Suministres Energètics Ind. S.L. Actprom Comercial, S.L. Eroles Sáez, Pedro Abel Tordera Estudio S.L. 312,54 444,40 373,41 200,00 558,49 370,57 1.574,44 2.666,25 331,95 352,07 327,07 343,55 19,72 467,75 524,63 207,28 757,96 695,60 308,10 327,44 214,63 699,40 624,14 320,57 150,57 150,00 303,81 254,26 153,63 207,27 624,40 447,82 307,44 658,02 367,10 379,17 399,81 191,50 335,57 384,72 824,42 238,63 1.038,23 931,47 1.351,29 486,20 370,63 921,23 244,00 185,66 160,00 160,00 320,00 160,00 160,00 634,49 644,47 1.034,75 514,47 494,48 362,65 624,40 160,66 507,67 326,96 429,12 233,63 490,83 153,63 121,31 796,76 684,61 745,00 329,20 427,60 295,34 444,14 160,00 444,40 590,76 820,99 427,29 435,24 16,00 160,74 398,48 2.754,71 106,50 8 289,08 320,00 207,27 103,68 447,87 80,00 117,47 128,00 165,57 135,58 165,58 165,47 83,64 131,64 165,47 117,47 131,64 141,13 169,11 165,47 64,00 80,00 117,58 117,47 83,64 165,47 117,47 83,64 165,47 64,00 165,47 165,47 165,47 169,30 165,46 165,46 60,36 165,46 133,66 131,94 37,03 20,00 169,09 169,29 165,46 131,63 131,63 40,00 80,00 165,46 131,95 128,00 165,46 135,46 117,46 131,95 117,58 83,63 123,12 171,13 131,95 128,00 117,46 64,00 165,46 165,46 139,16 83,95 83,63 80,00 80,00 83,95 131,95 131,64 83,63 80,67 83,63 80,00 874,41 128,00 509,12 155,30 633,33 1.063,51 490,92 1.448,09 1.231,64 2.000,01 3.125,33 687,71 1.220,58 1.116,68 64,00 80,00 371,84 698,70 290,91 1.110,44 715,86 541,08 1.127,30 64,00 1.356,99 783,27 1.603,51 1.292,27 1.852,32 1.036,38 60,36 1.457,32 377,66 317,60 37,03 20,00 963,58 973,76 1.520,21 806,10 786,11 40,00 80,00 1.152,51 292,61 128,00 906,76 953,25 700,21 253,26 914,34 768,24 1.163,46 500,33 131,95 288,00 1.006,00 64,00 1.183,51 1.421,69 139,16 244,69 498,11 80,00 80,00 83,95 421,03 3.206,35 290,90 184,35 638,00 432B LLOB 344-EX 368-EX 414-EX 631-EX 636-EX 638-EX TOTAL 106,50 3.700,00 431,27 260,03 260,12 293,24 463,66 283,69 32.681,60 Tordera Estudio S.L. Llob 2002, S.L./ R.S. 999, S.L. Rovira Costa, Arnau Cotiñas Rodríguez, M. Proyectos Inmobiliarios Ava Proyectos Inmobiliarios Ava Eljade, S.A. Eljade, S.A. 403,48 14.550,14 101,72 682,82 906,42 275,74 158,49 59.237,53 83,63 2.365,13 17.180,78 593,61 20.615,27 532,99 942,85 260,12 293,24 739,40 442,18 110.006,33 The assembly unanimously approves settlement of the balance sheets which show receivable amounts and agree to empower the board of directors to act with the utmost rigour regarding actions to recover quotas pending payment, which is the only route to follow to achieve the objectives agreed upon by the community assemblies. It is agreed to set the date of August 31 of 2014 as the deadline for beginning legal proceedings, and the proceedings of debt accumulation in those cases where it has already been initiated. POINT 5º. - The expense Budget for the 01.07.14 to 30.06.15 exercise is submitted for the consideration of those present, receiving unanimous approval as shown: Personnel (salary + s.s.) Improvement and conservation Works. Regular conservation and maintenance Warehouse rental Fire prevention measures Administration fees Reserve and miscellaneous funds General expenses Civil responsibility insurance Legal assess. and various Plots not built on: Plots built on: GENERAL 22.000,00 € 5.000,00 € 3.000,00 € 504,00 € 6.000,00 € 13.392,00 € 4.078,00 € 6.000,00 € 1.200,00 € 7.450,00 € 68.624,00 € 237 x 80,00 € 388 x 128,00 € TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.960,00 € 49.664,00 € 68.624,00 Within this same point various considerations are made, resulting in the following agreements: a) It is agreed that the quota for the 2014-15 exercise may be paid in two instalments, 50% up to 31 August 2014 and 50% before the 31.01.15. b) Setting up direct debit for the annual quotas is recommended, requiring of all those proprietors who have not already done so to fill in the form which will be sent to them for this purpose and return it to the administrators office in order to ensure that it is in place for the coming course. c) Whoever so wishes may address the payment of the quotas to the administrators office, in person or by post, located in Av. América, number 36, Lloret de Mar, or a deposit may be made in the current account IBAN no. ES29-0081-0256-6500-0104-1806 which the Conservation Entity has in the Banco Sabadell-Alántico branch (Code BIC: BSABESBB), Av. Vila de Blanes no. 101-103Lloret de Mar, indicating clearly the plot number and name of the plot owner. d) It is reminded that, as is customary every year ,the census revision to incorporate new buildings into the 2014-5 list , is in the process of being updated, making emphasis that as the Entity Statutes states ,all those plots where building work has been started are passed on to the list of built- on plots. Those that have been object of segregation will also be incorporated. e) By means of the article 33º of the Conservation Entity Statutes, which determine the application of surcharges to those owners who do not meet the payments by the dateline given, it is unanimously approved to apply a 8% surcharge to those debit balances at the end of the 14-15 exercise and in the future, unless agreed otherwise. 9 POINT 6º. - Installation of video surveillance and traffic control cameras in different points of the urbanization, if applicable. Economic means. This subject has already been debated and approved in the explanation of Point 1. of the order of the day. POINT 7º. - Subjects of interest for the urbanization and diverse maintenance work. Economic means. Cleaning of the perimetral strip as agreed in Law 5/2003 of Forestry Fire Prevention. This past Winter-Spring the cleaning of the perimetral strip was not mandatory (alternate years), 2015 being the next year for this to be realized. The contribution from the ECU is usually 4-5 thousand €, which is financed from the funds from the exercise or if necessary by the reserve fund. The remaining amount is financed by the Generalitat subsidy. Dirty plots and undergrowth. Obligation to clean these according to the Law 5/2003 Various letters have been sent to the Town Hall reporting the dirty plots and those in an abandoned state, in response to the notices sent by proprietors. Even though from time to time an administrative enquiry is initiated, in actual fact this emphasizes the municipal incapacity to fulfil the law. It is convenient nevertheless to continue to report those proprietors who do not fulfil this obligation. Septic tanks. Proprietor’s obligation to empty these and to avoid their spilling onto the public highway. Until the waterworks network construction is able to be put into practice, a project postponed three years ago as agreed by the assembly, the purification of raw sewage has to be maintained through the septic tanks on each plot. It is an indispensable requirement that each owner is responsible for regularly emptying these to avoid liquids spilling onto the public highway. Reports have been made to the Town Hall on behalf of the Entity, the latest referring to dwellings in calle Zorrilla and calle Cerdanya. A general summonsing is made to all the proprietors, advising that pertinent measures to avoid this unhealthy condition will be enforced. For general knowledge: the Pallares company (telephone 972-366044) is able to take charge of septic tanks. POINT 8º. - Collecting the interventions of different proprietors during the assembly, we enumerate topics and subjects treated, with the conclusions and/or agreements reached: Agreements about diverse petitions made to the E.C.U. Repair of a crack in the road surface next to the rainwater drainpipe grating, in front of number 13 of calle la Selva. Repair/substitution of a broken rainwater drainpipe grating, in front of number 21 of the calle Zorilla. Try to give an exit to the rainwater that accumulates in front of number 5 calle Maresme, as various gutters were covered up by the builders of different houses. Install a kerb to box in the containers in the square at the beginning of calle Osona, in front of the bar. The installing of a wooden fence 1,50m. high to enclose the sides and bottom of the containers platform of calle Baix Llobregat. In order to see how it looks and to see if this prevents rubbish scattering around, next year it will be suggested to install fences on other platforms. Plant trees on the equipment area plot on calle Osona and try to improve its appearance, but without a big investment, until it is decided what to do or to plant there. Agreements about various petitions made to the Town Hall: Cleaning of Plot number 33( calle Osona number 50) Cleaning of Plot number 680 (calle Reuben Dario number 20 Cleaning of Plot number 367 (calle Cerdanya number 35) Increase the number of days allocated for refuse collection during July and August, because three days is insufficient. Increase the number of rubbish containers in calle Baix Llobregat. Reiterate the report (04.02.14) of the spilling of sewage water onto the equipment area plot at the beginning of calle Osona. 10 Last year the state of abandon and dirtiness found on a private equipment area, situated in calle Provença, owned by a developer, behind plots 0-1-2 in calle Osona. The petition was attended to, but leaving all the debris created, in a heap on the same plot. Request this is removed. Request authority to Carreteres de la Generalitat, for the creation of a third stop road Lloret Vidreres highway, in front of the entrance to the urbanization, as a help to enter (coming from Vidreres) or an exit (going into Lloret), similar to the one implanted in the entrance to Lloret Residential. Evidently a roundabout would be the ideal solution, because there is more than enough space. In the same way request to Carreteres de la Generalitat that they clear the shrubs more frequently from the margins of the Lloret Vidreres highway, at present full of overgrown weeds. Restore the paving tiles on the pavement where there used to be a street lighting post, in front of number 44 of calle Cerdanya. Restore the paving tiles on the pavement of the new street lighting post, in front of number 8 of calle Baix Camp. The petition to the Town Hall to get a closed space to centralize the containers for domestic rubbish, specific collection, materials, etc. similar in style to the one in Los Pinares Urbanization has not prospered. Request the building of a bus shelter, in front of the lawyer’s, the same as the one in Aiguaviva. Reminders/requirements to proprietors: The prohibition to allow dogs to roam around the streets of the urbanization is reiterated, proprietors must insist on reporting this circumstance to the Local Police (972-361736). All dogs must be properly equipped with an implanted chip and be correctly registered. It is absolutely forbidden to feed wild street cats. All remains of plant debris that cannot be placed inside rubbish bags must be taken directly to the Municipal rubbish dump (it is free), it is not permitted to leave these inside the rubbish containers. Those neighbours that behave in this antisocial way must be reported. As general information, the Rabassa Trans Company (telephone 972-364525) is able to take care of collecting plant debris and any other type of debris. Any electrical breakdowns should be communicated directly to the Town Hall, to the telephones 972361736 (Local police) and/or 972-371538 (Municipal services). On the Entity web page you will find these instructions and numbers. As a last resort, calls may be made to the administrator’s offices at F.LL. Diverse subjects. There is no evidence that Gas Natural has any plans to introduce their product on the urbanization. At present the general network supplies gas as far as the Mas Romeo urbanization At different times, especially at lunch time, the parking in front of the restaurant is absolute chaos. See if it possible to organize this. A proprietor has offered to hang Christmas lights at the entrance, without the assembly protesting. Maintenance work. Dema’s cleaning commitment is to make a round of all the urbanization streets once a month, a commitment fulfilled except under extraordinary circumstances. Logically, if there are gale-force winds, the streets will be untidy and filled with pine needles and leaves, which will be collected the next time around. It is reminded that Demba only attends to instructions issued by the President or the administrator. If any proprietor has any suggestion to make regarding their work, this should be filtered through the administrator who will take it to board for consideration. During the Demba holiday period there is no substitute by any other person or service. Demba informs the administrator of those incidents or deteriorations that appear while making their rounds of the urbanization. It is reminded that, it is nevertheless the duty of the proprietors, to advise the Board, through the Conservation Entity Web (contactoweb@lloretdemar-lloret.com) or the administrator (admin@fincaslloret.com), of those deficiencies detected that are responsibility of the Entity, if possible providing photographs. There being no further business the session was duly terminated at 13,00 hours at the place and date indicated at the beginning. 11
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