- Ethiopian Fine Coffees


- Ethiopian Fine Coffees
Ethiopian Coffee Produc2on, Trading & Quality SCAA 2013 Boston, MA -­‐ USA What is Ethiopian Fine Coffees?
Ethiopian Fine Coffees is a collaborative partnership which
links producers, exporters and international buyers of
Ethiopian coffees, promotes coffee lots and enhances the
quality and delivery of these coffees.
This initiative brings together key players of the Ethiopian
coffee sector including Ethiopia Coffee Exporters
Association, Ethiopia Coffee Growers and Exporters
Association, Ethiopian Commodities Exchange, Ministry of
Trade and USAID’s Agribusiness and Market Development
Promotion Mechanism
EFC created a web based sales catalogue featuring
selected coffee lots.
Samples for promotion campaigns were made available
through program partners, producers and exporters
associations, cooperative unions in Ethiopia.
EFC and the industry partners targeted interested buyers to
match these with the available lots.
EFC provides business facilitation services in order to help
promote the export of the coffee lots.
EFC acts as an independent promoter towards industry
partners as well as towards new markets.
WEST – Nekemte & Wellega, Jimma, Limu
SOUTHWEST - Kaffa, Tepi, Bebeka
SOUTH – Sidama, Yirgachefe, Borena, Guji,
Welayta, Kambata, Omo, Gamu Gofa, Amaro
EAST – East & West Harrar
SOUTH EAST - Bale, Arsi
Regional Differences
•  Multitude of Varieties grow in each micro climate
•  Forest areas are home to thousands of varieties
•  Each variety within each micro climate has a
different taste
Creating seedlings
Smallholder farmers
Smallholder farmers
Forest (near Bonga)
Processing Styles
•  Traditional washed, mechanical mucilage removal
process, natural sundried, pulped natural, honey
•  The processing style affects the flavor
•  Ripe, selectively picked cherries are crucial
Coffee trading from farmer to export
Distribu2on of Export 2012 •  Coopera2ves and Coop. Unions 10 % •  Private Exporters (ECX) 85 % •  Large scale commercial farms 4 % •  Small scale commercial farms 1 % •  Roasted coffee export < 1% Washed process
Washing after fermentation
Ready to dry after soaking
Picking to improve quality
Picking to improve quality
Sundried Natural Process
Cherry drying
Picking to improve quality
baersh nov2012
Keep moving
Dried cherry (sundried natural process)
Parchment (washed process)
ECX Services for the Ethiopian Coffee Industry:
•  Sophisticated warehouse services
•  Seven regional warehouses around the country
•  Transparent price information to farmers and
system for price discovery
•  Quality inspection services
•  Certified Q-graders
•  Quality grading and cupping of lots
ECX Trading Floor
ECX Trading Floor
Perceptions about Ethiopia
Sorting prior to export
Sorting prior to export
Final cupping by CLU
Summary •  Smallholder yield and quality support to farmers are essen2al for rural development •  Private estates have poten2al to expand produc2on and improve quality •  Traceable coffees now through coopera2ves and private estates; soon through ECX •  ECX has major focus on quality improvement Amasegenalo! Thank You! www.ethiopianfinecoffees.com