Accroissements de la Bibliothèque FONDS


Accroissements de la Bibliothèque FONDS
Royaume de Belgique
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van de Bibliotheek
MAI 2009
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ISSN: 0005-8521
Editeur responsable/verantwoordelijke uitgever: Lambert Verjus, Vooruitgangstraat 50, 1210 Brussel
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
Constructing futures: a social constructionist perspective
on foresight methodology / Fuller, Ted & Loogma, Krista
(Futures : the journal of policy, planning and futures studies,
2009 vol 41 no 2, pp. 71- 79)
The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the relationship
between a particular epistemological perspective and foresight
P 00863 GRBR 2009 vol 41 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 33 E II
Extending the perimeter of reflexive debate on futures
research: an open framework / Mermet, Laurent (Futures :
the journal of policy, planning and futures studies, 2009 vol 41
no 2, pp. 105- 115)
This paper proposes an "open" framework as a guide for
each study on futures to make explicit and fundamental
choices it rests on. It is meant as an invitation to step back and
consider new beginnings in a workspace open to the widest
possible diversity and scale of approaches, as will be
necessary if studies on futures are to rise to the challenges of
research for sustainable development.
P 00863 GRBR 2009 vol 41 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 33 E II
Extending the perimeter of reflexive debate on futures
research: an open framework / Mermet, Laurent (Futures :
the journal of policy, planning and futures studies, 2009 vol 41
no 2, pp. 105- 115)
This paper proposes an "open" framework as a guide for
each study on futures to make explicit and fundamental
choices it rests on. It is meant as an invitation to step back and
consider new beginnings in a workspace open to the widest
possible diversity and scale of approaches, as will be
necessary if studies on futures are to rise to the challenges of
research for sustainable development.
P 00863 GRBR 2009 vol 41 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 33 E II
Knowledge management supporting education and
research at a university cleanroom / Nowack, Linda & Maul,
Thomas & Kraus, Werner & Hansch, Walter (Knowledge
Management Research and Pratice, 2009 vol 7 no 1, pp. 100112)
This paper shows how education at a university
semiconductor laboratory can be improved by using a content
management system to build a knowledge management
P 01003 GRBR 2009 vol 7 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 A II
001.891 (100)
Les besoins en science et technologie - Une prospective
scientifique et technologique guidée par la demande : le
projet québécois "Perspectives STS" / Bergeron, Alain
(Futuribles : Analyse et Prospective, 2009 no 350, pp. 27- 44)
gouvernement du Québec, Hélène Tremblay et Alain Bergeron
évoquaient le lancement au printemps 2003 d'un ambitieux
excercice de prospective en science et technologie, en lien
avec les demandes de la société: le project Perspectives STS.
Presque six ans plus tard, ce projet est devenu un pilier
essentiel de la réflexion sur l'avenir de la science et la
technologie au Québec, en articulation étroite avec d'une part
les aspirations des citoyens, d'autre part les chercheurs et les
décideurs publics.
P 00819 FR 2009 no 350 SALLE/ZAAL: 33 E III
001.891 (100) (63)
Global engagements with global assessments : The case
of the international assessment of agricultural knowledge,
science and technology for development (IAASTD) /
Scoones, Ian (IDS Working Paper,no 313, pp. 3- 47)
The IAASTD - the International Assessment of Agricultural
Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development - which
ran between 2003 and 2008, involving over 400 scientists
worldwide, was an ambitious attempt to encourage local and
global debate on the future of agricultural science and
P 00960 GRBRno 313
001.891 (4-15)
Research for Europe : a selection of EU success stories /
Brussels: European Commission ; 2008, 107 p.
Agriculture and food. Energy. Environment. Life sciences
and health. Fundamental research, industrial research, and
nanotechnologies. Transport and aeronautics. Science,
economy and society. Research policy, regons and SMEs.
International cooperation.
152 162
001.891 (439)
OECD reviews of innovation policy : Hungary / Paris: ;
2008, 228 p.
Economic performance and level of innovative activity.
International trade and foreign direct investment. Structural
change. Framework conditions for innovation. Innovation
actors. The business sector. Higher education institutions.
Human resources for S&T and innovation. ICT in the
Hungarian economy. The evolution of Hungary's science,
technology and innovation policy. Governance and the policy
mix. Funding
151 790
001.891 (493=393)
Co- creating nano- imaginaries. / Deblonde, Marian & Evers,
Johan & Van Oudheusden, Michiel & Goorden, Lieve
Economische Wetenschappen, Universiteit Antwerpen, 2008
no 15, pp. 1- 27)
This paper describes the first of four "action" phases of the
interdisciplinary research project nanotechnologies for
tomorrow's society, nanosoc (, that engages
innovation networks in the region of Flanders, Belgium, to
discuss and influence futur nanotech developments in three
fields of nanotechnology developement : smart environment,
bio-on-chip and new materials.
P 03100 BG 2008 no 15
En décembre 2003, à la fin d'un article présentant
l'originalité du Conseil de la science et de la technolgogie du
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
Luhmann ontmoet 'the Matrix' : uitwisselen en delen van
informatie in netcentrische omgevingen / van Lier, Albertus
Franciscus Delft: Uitgeverij Eburon ; 2009, 205 p.
wetenschappelijk onderzoek in het algemeen en het
ontwikkelen van kennis en kennisclaims over de werkelijkheid
in het bijzonder. Het proces van versmelting of hybridisering
van mens en technologie. Het begrip interoperabiliteit en de
toepassing daarvan in domeinen zoals defensie en de
overheid. De algemene systeemtheorie van Luhmann. De
mogelijkheden die ontstaan wanneer systemen of entiteiten
als vanzelfsprekend informatie met elkaar kunnen uitwisselen
en delen.
152 153
Informatie-analyse volgens NIAM : In theorie en praktijk /
WINTRAECKEN, Schoonhoven: Academic Service ; 1985,
540 pp
objectsysteem-analyse naar informatie-analyse. De structuur
van informatie. Grafische beperkingsregels met betrekking tot
één feittype. Grafische beperkingsregels met betrekking tot
combinaties van rollen. Feittypen bestaande uit meer dan
151 823
New business models for the knowledge economy /
Hampshire, Burlington: Gower ; 2007, 146 p.
What is a business model? Innovation, customisation and
authenticity. The chameleon model. The innovator model. The
foyer model. Business dynamics.
152 203
Making knowledge visible : communicating knowledge
through information products / Orna, Elizabeth Aldershot,
Burlington: Gower ; 2005, 212 p.
No business without information products. The value that
IPs add (and subtract). The stakeholders and their interests.
Knowledge and information management in support of IPs.
Infrastructure for IPs: information systems, technology tools.
Information design, reconciler of conflicting needs. Into action
for value from IPs.
152 202
A "new approach" to standards and consumer protection
/ Winn, Jane & Jondet, Nicolas (Journal of Consumer Policy,
2008 vol 31 no 4, pp. 459- 472)
In order to protect consumer interests in markets for ICT
products, effectively, another "New Approach" is needed to
coordinate the work of global ICT standard-developing
organizations with the goals of national and regional consumer
protection laws, but the institutional challenges facing such a
strategy are daunting. The French DADVSI legislation
represents progress in this direction; further progress may be
possible by adopting "better regulation" strategies.
P 00710 ALL 2008 vol 31 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 49 H III
Tels parents, tels enfants ? Une approche de la
transmission culturelle / Octobre, Sylvie & Jauneau, Yves
(Revue française de Sociologie, 2008 vol 49 no 4, pp. 695722)
Comment se construisent les habitudes et les
transmissions culturelles entre générations, comment se
reproduisent ou se produisent les comportements culturels
d'une génération à l'autre ?
P 00395 FR 2008 vol 49 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 07 J II
008 (100)
La diversité culturelle / Sägesser, Caroline Bruxelles: Centre
de Recherche et d'Information Socio-politiques ; 2008, 97 p.
L'émergence de l'idée de diversité culturelle. La convention
de l'UNESCO. La diversité culturelle dans les autres instances
152 163
017.2 (4-15) (493)
Europees handvest voor kleine ondernemingen. Verslag
2004 / Brussel: Editions PME-KMO Uitgeverijen ; 2004, 60 p.
Algemene vragen van de Europese Commissie. Opleiding in
ondernemerschap, met name in het secundair onderwijs.
Betere wetgeving, met name de faillissementswet en de
impactanalyse. Tekort aan geschoolde arbeidskrachten, meer
bepaald maatregelen om het tekort aan geschikte technici en
ingenieurs op te vangen. Andere delen van het handvest.
152 276
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
Information exchange and competition in communications
networks / Cambini, Carlo & Valletti, Tommaso M (Journal of
Industrial Economics, 2008 vol 56 no 4, pp. 707- 728)
This paper represents the first attempt to introduce
interdependencies between incoming and outgoing calls in a
network competition framework
P 00563 GRBR 2008 vol 56 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 43 G II
Informatie-analyse volgens NIAM : In theorie en praktijk /
WINTRAECKEN, Schoonhoven: Academic Service ; 1985,
540 pp
objectsysteem-analyse naar informatie-analyse. De structuur
van informatie. Grafische beperkingsregels met betrekking tot
één feittype. Grafische beperkingsregels met betrekking tot
combinaties van rollen. Feittypen bestaande uit meer dan
151 823
033.72 (492)
Industrielinqs catalogus 09 : het handboek voor de
industriële Delta / AN Etten-Leur: ABB ; 2009, 249 p.
Een korte introductie in de petrochemische industrie,
biochem, utilities en industrieel onderhoud. Van de winning
van olie en gas via raffinage en de belangrijkste
basischemicaliën tot een beschrijving van verschillende
polymeren en van opwekking tot instandhouding.
Branche-organisaties. Bedrijfsprofielen. Rubrieksregister.
151 983
The changing position of society journals in geography /
Bosman, Jeroen (Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale
Geografie (TESG), 2009 vol 100 no 1, pp. 20- 32)
The paper concludes that although the conditions for
non-UK and non-US society journals in geography have
become favourable, there are viable routes forward.
P 00217 PB 2009 vol 100 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 17 E II
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
Multilingual dictionary of fish and fish products / Paris:
OECD ; 2008, 360 p.
Democracy and reforms. / Giuliano, Paola & Mishra, Prachi
& Spilimbergo, Antonio (CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7194,
pp. 1- 41)
Croatian, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German,
Greek, Icelandic, italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian,
Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish,
Turkish. Allemand, anglais, coréen, croate, danois, danois,
espagnol, finnois, français, grec, islandais, italien, japonais,
néerlandais, norvégien, polonais, portugais, russe, serbe,
suédois, turc.
This paper studies the impact of democracy on the adoption
of economic reforms using a new dataset on reforms in the
financial, capital, public and banking sezctors, product and
labor markets, agriculture, and trade for 150 countries over the
period 1960-2004.
P 00834 GRBRno 7194
151 875
Vault guide to the top 25 banking employers / s.n. New
York: ; 2007, 285 p.
Prestige rankings. The Vault 25. The best of the rest.
152 125
033.72 (435.9)
luxembourgeoises / Luxembourg: Service Central de la
Statistique et des Etudes Economiques ; 2009, 422 p.
061.2 (493)
Bedrijfsmecenaat : iedereen wint! Akten van het
colloquium, Brussel, 15 november 2007 / Kortrijk: UGA ;
2008, 108 p.
De private stichting: een juridisch instrument voor uw
mecenaatproject. De wetsvoorstellen die zijn ingediend bij de
Senaat. Het bedrijfsmecenaat in België: stand van zaken,
strategie en vooruitzichten. Mecenaat en sponsoring: de grens
tussen gift en beroepsuitgave. Hoe kiest u uw
mecenaatproject? Het belang van het mecenaat voor het
verenigingsleven. Bedrijfsinitiatieven.
151 989
152 143
033.72 (435.9)
luxembourgeoises / Luxembourg: Service Central de la
Statistique et des Etudes Economiques ; 2009, 448 p.
152 144
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
1 (100.3) (5-11) (5-12) (5-13)
The impact of foreign R&D on total factor productivity in
the east Asian manufacturing / Liao, Hailin & Liu, Xiaohui &
Holmes, Mark & Weyman-Jones, Tom (The Manchester
School of Economic and Social Studies, 2009 vol 77 no 2, pp.
244- 270)
We use fMRI to investigate the neurological correlates of
two factors that are known to enhance cooperative strategies
in social dilemmas : the provision of extrinsic cooperative
incentives, and the intrinsic motivation to cooperate.
Applying a stochastic production frontier we examine the
extent to which industrial countries' R&D contributes to East
Asian economies' total factor productivity (TFP) growth in
manufacturing sectors, via foreign trade as the channel for
technological spillovers, based on a sample of nine
manufacturing sectors for eight East Asia economies from
1973 to 1998.
Popper, Hayek and the Open Society / London, New York:
Routledge ; 2009, 284 p.
P 00565 GRBR 2009 vol 77 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 I II
152:658.155 (493)
Handboek financieel beheer / Laveren, Eddy & Engelen,
Peter-Jan & Limère, Arthur Antwerpen, Oxford: Intersentia ;
2009, 647 p.
De ondernemingsdoelstelling: het creëren van waarde.
Financiële analyse. Financiële planning. De waardering van
obligaties, aandelen en opties. Beoordeling, selectie en
risicoanalyse van investeringsprojecten. De optimale
kapitaalstructuur. Dividendpolitiek en de waarde van de
onderneming. De kapitaalkost van de onderneming.
Alternatieve NPV-modellen. Debiteurenbeheer. Beheer van
het netto bedrijfskapitaal. Beursintroducties en risicokapitaal.
Financiering van KMO's in België.
152 302
Principles of financial engineering / Neftci, Salih N.
Burlington, San Diego, London: Elsevier ; 2008, 679 p.
Cash flow engineering and forward contracts. Engineering
simple intrest rate derivatives. Swap engineering. Repo
market strategies. Dynamic replication methods and
synthetics. Mechanics of options. Convexity positions. Options
engineering with applications. Pricing tools. Fixed-income
engineering. Tols for volatility engineering, volatility swaps and
volatility trading. Credit markets: CDS engineering. Essentials
of structured product engineering. Credit indices and their
tranches. default correlation pricing an trading. Principal
protection techniques. Caps/floors and swaptions with an
application to mortgages.
152 342
P 03100 BG 2008 no 16
epistemology/ethics enigma. From epistemology and
methodology to ethics and meta-ethics. The achilles heel of
the Popper-Hayek meta-theory. Liberal individualism, the
Enlightenment Project, justice and the Open Society.
151 767
2 (540)
Hinduising India : Secularism in practice / Khalidi, Omar
(Third World Quarterly, 2008 vol 29 no 8, pp. 1545- 1562)
The paper argues that, far from being a state practising
neutrality between the religious affiliations of Indian society or
equidistance from all religions, the Indian state is actually and
directly involved in Hinduisation of the country. The notion of
India as a Hindu state pre-dates the creation of the
postcolonial state in 1947, and was inherent in the militant
right wing of the Congress Party, which perceived Christians
and Muslinm as foreignerts. There is, the paper demonstrates,
major continuity between the educational, cultural and
employment policies pursued by the Indian state regardless of
the party in power.
P 00841 GRBR 2008 vol 29 no 8 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 F I
2/.5 (4-11) (4-15) (4-191.2)
Do drinkers pay their way in the European Union ? /
Cnossen, Sijbren (Finanzarchiv, 2008 vol 64 no 4, pp. 508539)
Animal spirits : how human psychology drives the
economy, and why it matters for global capitalism /
Akerlof, George A. & Shiller, Robert J. Princeton, Oxford:
Princeton University Press ; 2009, 230 p.
Fifty-eight million people-approximately the population of the
UK-'drink too much' in the Eurpean Union.
Confidence and its multipliers. Corruption and bad faith.
Why do economies fall into depression ? Why do central
bankers have power over the economy ? Why is saving for the
future so arbitrary ? Why do real estate markets go through
cycles ?
297 (460) (469)
Muslim Elites and Ideologies in Portugal and Spain /
Gould, Andrew C (West European Politics, 2009 vol 32 no 1,
pp. 55- 76)
151 976
Comparing the neutral basis of mixed-motive versus
coordination games in people with different social
preferences, an fMRI study. / Emonds, Griet & Declerck,
Carolyn H. & Boone, Christophe & Vandervliet, Everhard J.M.
& Parizel, Paul M. (Onderzoeksrapport van de Faculteit
Toegepaste Economische Wetenschappen, Universiteit
Antwerpen, 2008 no 16, pp. 1- 31)
P 00525 ALL 2008 vol 64 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 D III
This article reports the results of interviews with Muslim
leaders in Portugal and Spain. The main finding of the article
is that key Muslim leaders and principal Islamic organisations
are seeking to spread views about how Islam and western
democracy ought to thrive together
P 00774 GRBR 2009 vol 32 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 20 J III
297 (5-15)
The ascendence of political islam : Hamaz and
consolidation in the Gaza Strip / Milton-Edwards , Beverley
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
(Third World Quarterly, 2008 vol 29 no 8, pp. 1585- 1599)
This article outlines the means by which the Palestinian
Islamic movement Hamas has developed and implemented a
consolidation of power strategy that is inexorably driving it to a
state of increasingly authoritarian control in the Gaza Strip.
P 00841 GRBR 2008 vol 29 no 8 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 F I
Gender differences in risk behaviour : does nurture matter
? / Booth, Alison L. & Nolen, Patrick (CEPR Discussion
Papers,no 7198, pp. 1- 25)
Suggests that observed gender differences in behaviour
under uncertainty found in previous studies might reflect social
learning rather than inherent gender traits.
P 00834 GRBRno 7198
Reference points and effort provision. / Abeler, Johannes &
Falk, Armin & Götte, Lorenz & Huffman, David (CEPR
Discussion Papers,no 7221, pp. 1- 37)
We find that effort provision is significantly different between
treatmens in the way predicted by models of
expectation-based reference-dependent preferences : if
expectations are high, subjects work longer and earn more
money than if expectations are low.
P 00834 GRBRno 7221
Tels parents, tels enfants ? Une approche de la
transmission culturelle / Octobre, Sylvie & Jauneau, Yves
(Revue française de Sociologie, 2008 vol 49 no 4, pp. 695722)
Comment se construisent les habitudes et les
transmissions culturelles entre générations, comment se
reproduisent ou se produisent les comportements culturels
d'une génération à l'autre ?
P 00395 FR 2008 vol 49 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 07 J II
30 (44)
Le travail pénitentiaire: sens et articulation des temps
vécus des travailleurs incarcérés / Guilbaud Fabrice (Revue
française de Sociologie, 2008 vol 49 no 4, pp. 763- 791)
Dans une perspective de sociologie du travail sont
analysées les incidences sociales(pratiques et symboliques)
de l'exercice d'une activité de travail sur le rapport au temps
des personnes détenues. Le travail contribue à la sécurité de
la prison. Pour les détenus, il est une ressource forte de
réappropriation spatiale et temporelle dans un contexte de
privation de liberté
P 00395 FR 2008 vol 49 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 07 J II
30 (6)
Mémoires de l'esclavage / NETTLEFORD, REX & Holiday,
Anthony & de Silva Jayasurya, Shihan & Khalifa, Aisha
Bilkhair & Trabelsi, Salah & Deveau, Jean-Michel & Dawyndt,
Peter & Dedeurwaerdere, Tom & Swings, Jean & Brahy,
Nicolas & Polski, Margaret & Cook-Deegan, Robert & Ravi
Srinavas, Krishna & Hess, Charlotte & Ostrom, Elinor &
Himmelreich, Uwe & Daniel, Heide-Marie (Revue
internationale des Sciences sociales, 2006 no 188, pp. 201262)
Du devoir de mémoire au droit de mémoire. Le projet La
route de l'esclave de l'UNESCO. La Révolution haïtienne et la
lutte contre l'esclavage: la connaissance face à l'ignorance et
au silence. Esclavage et négationnisme. Un réseau
thalassique d'échanges: les migrations africaines dans l'océan
Indien. L'influence africaine dans la culture et la musique à
Dubaï. Mémoire et esclavage: les enjeux de l'historiographie.
Silence et réparations. Comment la bio-informatique et les
droits de propriété intellectuelle contribuent au partage de
l'information biologique. La contribution des bases de données
et du droit coutumier à la protection des savoirs traditionnels.
L'organisation économique de la recherche biomédicale aux
Etats-Unis. "Biens communs scientifiques" et recherche en
sciences de la vie: structure, fonction et valeur de l'accès à la
diversité génétique. La propriété intellectuelle et le domaine
commun en biologie: la source libre et au-delà. Cadre
d'analyse du bien commun microbiologique. L'economie
institutionnelle du partage de l'information, biologique.
L'intégration de différentes manières d'appréhender la réalité:
un défi socio-économique et institutionnel pour les collections
de cultures microbiennes. Les numéros parus.
P 00521 GX 2006 no 188 SALLE/ZAAL: 07 L II
Oxytocin and cooperative behavior in social dilemmas :
the moderating role of explicit incentives, social cues and
individual differences. / Declerck, Carolyn H. & Boone,
Christophe & Kiyonari, Toko (Onderzoeksrapport van de
Universiteit Antwerpen, 2008 no 14, pp. 1- 21)
The data indicate that for prosocials, OT and social cues
appear to be substitutes, wqith either one being sufficient to
overcome fear of betraval and elicit cooperation. For proselfs,
OT and social cues appear to be complements : their
concurrence is essential to overcome greediness in situations
with weak cooperative incentives.
P 03100 BG 2008 no 14
Bringing the context back in : Settings and the search for
syndicate partners in venture capital investment networks
/ Sorenson, Olav & Stuart, Toby E. (Administrative Science
Quarterly, 2008 vol 53 no 2, pp. 266- 294)
In an empirical analysis of our thesis in the formatioin of
syndicate relations between U.S. venture capital firms from
1985 to 2007, we find that the probability that geographically
and industry distant ties will form between venture capital firms
increases with several attributes of the target-company
investment setting.
P 00425 EU 2008 vol 53 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 19 F I
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
301.162.1 (100)
Power tools for negotiating international business deals /
Austin, Boston, Chicago: Kluwer Law International ; 2008, 220
The basics of international business deals. Negotiating
international sales of goods and services, agency and
consulting deals, distribution deals, license deals. International
joint ventures and consortium deals.
152 126
Tels parents, tels enfants ? Une approche de la
transmission culturelle / Octobre, Sylvie & Jauneau, Yves
(Revue française de Sociologie, 2008 vol 49 no 4, pp. 695722)
Comment se construisent les habitudes et les
transmissions culturelles entre générations, comment se
reproduisent ou se produisent les comportements culturels
d'une génération à l'autre ?
P 00395 FR 2008 vol 49 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 07 J II
301.185 (493=393)
Gezondheid en gezondheidsgedrag in het Vlaamse
Gewest : verschillen naargelang het huishoudtype / Corijn,
Martine Brussel: Vlaamse Overheid ; 2008, 54 p.
Huishoudens in het Vlaamse Gewest. De subjectieve
gezondheid. De fysieke gezondheid. De psychische
gezondheid. De sociale gezondheid. Risicogedrag. Preventief
gedrag. Gebruik van gezondheidsvoorzieningen.
152 149
Libéralisation et desserte des territoires : le cas du
transport aérien européen / Bruxelles, Bern, Berlin:
P.I.E.-Peter Lang ; 2008, 285 p.
De la souveraineté nationale à la libéralisation européenne.
Aspects méthodologiques. L'action résiduelle des Etats.
Libéralisation et stratégies des compagnies. Libéralisation et
desserte des territoires. Une croissance intenable? Carte des
aéroports européens.
151 918
Competitive sprawl / Heubeck, Steven (Economic Theory,
2009 vol 39 no 3, pp. 443- 460)
Sprawl and low urban density are often considered
challenges to the vitality and efficiency of metropolitan areas.
Utilizing a difference equation approach to endogenize density
choices, this paper examines how competition between new
cities causes development to occur too quickly compared to
welfare maximizing development.
151 626
301.185.3-053.89 (493)
Evaluation des budgets 2007 et 2008 et du nouveau
programme de stabilité 2008-2011 / Bruxelles: Conseil
supérieur des Finances ; 2008, 115 p.
Les incidences cycliques et non récurrentes sur les soldes
budgétaires 2007. Evolution du solde primaire et de ses
principaux déterminants. Le compte de la sécurité sociale. Les
pouvoirs locaux. Le financement et les perspectives à moyen
terme du fonds de vieillissement.
151 625
301.185.3-053.89 (494)
Santé, travail et séniors / Bury, Jacques A. (Revue
économique et sociale, 2008 vol 66 no 3, pp. 7- 63)
Santé et travail pour les 50 ans et plus: à propos du
programme 50 + santé de la CLASS. Conditions de travail des
45 ans et plus dans l'Aministration Cantonale Vaudoise. Santé
au travail 50 ans+: Quels facteurs protecteurs? Administration
cantonale de Fribourg. Projet jurassien d'un catalogue
d'actions exemplaires de santé au travail. Elaboration d'un
cadre normatif de sensibilisation et de prévention: gestion des
risques de mobbing. Responsabilité sociale des entreprises:
indicateurs pour compléter la notation sur la dimension santé
à l'usage des investisseurs institutionnels. Synthèse du suivi
de la litérature + 50 ans et plus Santé. Prévention des effets
néfastes du chômage sur la santé des personnes engagées
dans les mesures de réinsertion. Analyse critique des
différentes dispositions cantonales relatives à la (ré)insertion
professionnelle des personnes. Plan stratégique pour
l'élaboration et la diffusion de recommendations "Santé
Chômage 50+" à l'endroit des instances responsables de
l'application de la LACI. Amélioration de l'impact des
séminaires de préparation à la retraite.
P 00550 SS 2008 vol 66 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 J III
Intergenerational transmissions: cultivating agency? /
Moncrieffe, Joy & Hossain, Naomi & Kabeer, Naila & Mahmud,
Simeen & Sumner, Andy & Haddad, Lawrence & Gomez
Climent, Laura & Tariquzzaman, Sheikh & Sengupta, Anasuya
& Edström, Jerker & Khan, Nichola & Gayle, Herbert &
Honwana, Alcinda & Greig, Alan & Tadros, Mariz & Bivens,
Felix & Moriarty, Kathleen & Taylor, Peter & Sabates-Wheeler,
Rachel & Devereux, Stephen & Hodges, Anthony (IDS
Bulletin, 2009 vol 40 no 1, pp. 1- 119)
This IDS Bulletin explores the question of intergenerational
transmissions and, particularly, whether and how states,
societies, development actors and parents, among others, are
building the conditions under which children can imagine and
realise better futures.
P 00961 GRBR 2009 vol 40 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 H I
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 39 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
301.185.3-053.89 (493)
Evaluatie van de begrotingen 2007 en 2008 en het nieuwe
stabiliteitsprogramma 2008-2011 / Brussel: Hoge Raad van
Financiën ; 2008, 115 p.
Cyclische en eenmalige invloeden op de begrotingssaldi
van 2007. Evolutie van het primair saldo en van zijn
belangrijkste determinanten. De rekening van de sociale
zekerheid. De lokale overheden. De financiering en de
middellangetermijnvooruitzichten van het zilverfonds.
Popper, Hayek and the Open Society / London, New York:
Routledge ; 2009, 284 p.
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
epistemology/ethics enigma. From epistemology and
methodology to ethics and meta-ethics. The achilles heel of
the Popper-Hayek meta-theory. Liberal individualism, the
Enlightenment Project, justice and the Open Society.
151 767
Ou va-t-on? Comment on y va... : théorie du changement
par recomposition des invariances / Kahn, Jean-François
Paris: Fayard ; 2008, 369 p.
La crise du progressisme. Pensée réactionnaire,
conservatrice et progressiste. La pression sélective interne.
De l'invariance des discours politiques stéréotypés. De la
continuité évolutive de l'histoire sociale. Le cas du religieux. La
preuve par l'indestructibilité de l'épicurisme. De la
recomposition des mensonges de référence. Des invariances
féodales et tribales. De l'invariance capitaliste.
with other EU foreign policy goals.
152 132
304 (4-15) (417)
The politics of migration to western Europe: Ireland in
comparative perspective / Messina, Anthony M. (West
European Politics, 2009 vol 32 no 1, pp. 1- 26)
This article locates Ireland's relatively recent experience
with mass immigration within a comparative West European
context. It poses two questions: to what degree has Ireland
become a 'normal' country of immigration ? What does the
Irish case reveal about the contemporary politics of migration
to Western Europe ? The article's main finding is that Ireland's
experience with mass immigration since the 1990s appears to
be following a political trajectory similar to that of the traditional
immigration-receiving states, despite being separated from the
latter by as many as four decades
P 00774 GRBR 2009 vol 32 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 20 J III
152 081
Social influences on individual decision making
processes / Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit ; 2009, 144 p.
Causes of ambiguity aversion : known versus unknown
preferences. Preference reversals under ambiguity. The effect
of accountability on risk attitude : probability weighting, utility
curvature, and loss aversion. Separating real incentives and
152 146
Tels parents, tels enfants ? Une approche de la
transmission culturelle / Octobre, Sylvie & Jauneau, Yves
(Revue française de Sociologie, 2008 vol 49 no 4, pp. 695722)
Comment se construisent les habitudes et les
transmissions culturelles entre générations, comment se
reproduisent ou se produisent les comportements culturels
d'une génération à l'autre ?
304 (410) (430)
Power resources of parliamentary executives: Policy
advice in the UK and Germany / Fleischer, Julia (West
European Politics, 2009 vol 32 no 1, pp. 196- 215)
This article compares the institutionalisation of policy advice
inside offices which service chief executives in the UK and
Germany. It focuses on the institutionalisation of 'policy units'
during the early 1970s and late 1990s which reveals different
P 00774 GRBR 2009 vol 32 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 20 J III
304 (460) (469)
Muslim Elites and Ideologies in Portugal and Spain /
Gould, Andrew C (West European Politics, 2009 vol 32 no 1,
pp. 55- 76)
This article reports the results of interviews with Muslim
leaders in Portugal and Spain. The main finding of the article
is that key Muslim leaders and principal Islamic organisations
are seeking to spread views about how Islam and western
democracy ought to thrive together
P 00774 GRBR 2009 vol 32 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 20 J III
P 00395 FR 2008 vol 49 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 07 J II
304 (100)
Le monde d'après : une crise sans précédent /
Saint-Amand -Montrond: Plon ; 2009, 230 p.
La crise financière a été brutale. Elle est aujourd'hui globale.
Au-delà même des conséquences économiques et sociales,
des risques majeurs apparaissent pour demain - perte de
contrôle de nos entreprises et faillite des états menacés par
l'endettement public. Si l'on ne veut pas danser sur un volcan,
un nouveau monde est à inventer.
152 309
304 (4-15)
The European Union and the social dimension of
globalization : how the EU influences the world / Orbie,
Jan London, New York: Routledge ; 2009, 249 p.
This volume provides a comprehensive account of the
European Union's social role in the world, assessing the EU's
ability to shape the social aspect of globalization from both law
and political science perspectives. Focusing explicitly on the
EU, the authors address the extent of coherence between the
Union's international social objectives compared with the
activities of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and
304 (72) (73)
What can we learn about financial access from
U.S.immigrants ? The role of country of origin institutions
and immigrant beliefs. / Okonkwo Osili, Una & Paulson,
Anna (The World Bank Economic Review, 2008 vol 22 no 3,
pp. 431- 456)
Immigrants from countries with more effective institutions
are more likely than other immigrants to have a relationship
with a bank and to use formal financial markets more
extensively. The evidence that a country's institutional
environment shapes beliefs-and by extension the use of
financial services-provides support for policies that focus on
institutional reforms in promoting financial access.
P 01132 GX 2008 vol 22 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 59 D I
304 (73)
La troisième révolution américaine / Mistral, Jacques Paris:
Perrin ; 2008, 245 p.
Le déclin et la chute de la présidence Bush. La fuite en
avant dans l'endettement. Le rêve américain ébréché.
Réinventer la classe moyenne. Sauver la planète. Recréer
une industrie compétitive. Le dollar, un problème pour
l'Amérique ?
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
152 210
152 058
304 (73)
The political and economic forces shaping concentrated
poverty. / Wilson, William Julius (Political Science Quarterly,
2008 vol 123 no 4, pp. 555- 572)
304:338.23 (729.1)
Cuba and the "Battle of ideas" : A jump ahead / Mendes,
Aquilas & Marques, Rosa Maria (Review of Radical Political
Economics (RRPE), 2009 vol 41 no 1, pp. 62- 78)
Through the second half of the 1990s and into the early
years of the twenty-first century, public attention to the plight of
poor black Americans seemed to wane. There was scant
media attention to the problem of concentrated urbzn proverty
(neighborhoods in which a high percentage of the residents
fall beneath the federally designated poverty line), little or no
discussion of inner-city challenges by mainstream political
This article describes the social and economic policies in the
2000s, the strategies chosen by the government to confront
the economic crisis and the social programs which became
part of the "Battle of Ideas". It is argued that the economic and
social aspects were pursued in an integrated fashion in Cuba
without the traditional submission of the latter to the former, as
it has been done in other Latin American countries.
P 00799 EU 2009 vol 41 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 K I
P 00196 EU 2008 vol 123 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 20 E II
Ou va-t-on? Comment on y va... : théorie du changement
par recomposition des invariances / Kahn, Jean-François
Paris: Fayard ; 2008, 369 p.
La crise du progressisme. Pensée réactionnaire,
conservatrice et progressiste. La pression sélective interne.
De l'invariance des discours politiques stéréotypés. De la
continuité évolutive de l'histoire sociale. Le cas du religieux. La
preuve par l'indestructibilité de l'épicurisme. De la
recomposition des mensonges de référence. Des invariances
féodales et tribales. De l'invariance capitaliste.
152 081
La méthode IDEA : indicateurs de durabilité des
exploitations agricoles, guide d'utilisation / Dijon: Educagri
éditions ; 2008, 184 p.
L'échelle de durabilité agroécologique : la diversité;
l'aménagement de l'espace; les pratiques agricoles. L'échelle
de durabilité socioterritoriale : qualité des produits et du
territoire; emploi et services; éthique et développement
humain. L'échelle économique : les quatre composantes; les
coûts économiques.
152 226
Access to European Union : law, economics, policies /
Moussis, Nicholas Rixensart: European Study Service ; 2008,
557 p.
European treaties. The structure and functions of European
institutions. Common market. Economic and monetary union.
Citizen's rights and participation. Consumer policy. Regional
development policy. Social progress policies. Taxation policy.
Competition policy. Environment policy. Industrial and
enterprise policies. Research and technology policy. Energy
policy. Transport policy. Agricultural policy. Fisheries policy.
Commercial policy. Development aid policy. External relations.
152 089
304:338.23 (493)
De l'aide à l'économie sociale / Brogniet, Philippe &
Jacquemart, Cécile Liége: Editions Luc Pire ; 1997, 182 p.
ISBN: 2-930088-86-9
Société à finalité sociale : cadres de référence et outils
adaptés aux CPAS. L'esprit "economie sociale", une longue
histoire. La société à finalité sociale : raisons d'être et
conditions d'un succès. Les pistes de l'économie sociale, du
secteur non-marchand et des services de proximité.
On extreme value statistics / Zhou, Chen Rotterdam:
Erasmus Universiteit ; 2008, 205 p.
Existence and consistency of the maximum likelihood
estimator for the extreme value index. A 2-stem estimator of
the extreme value index. Portfolio selection with secondary
risk indicators of heavy tailed distributions. On spatial
extremes : with application to a rainfall problem. The extent of
internet auction markets. The expected payoff to internet
152 112
The future of statistics : an international prespective /
Kenessey, Zoltan Voorburg: ED. ISI ; 1994, 296 p. ISBN:
Long term international data needs. Challenges of
methodological innovation in governmental statistical
agencies. A producer's perspective on future data needs.
International statistical organization. Changes in statistical
technology. Expected changes in record keeping.
Requirements of policy makers. Business developments and
information requirements.
152 077
31 (415)
Statement of strategy 2004-2006 : statistics for a modern
Ireland / Dublin: Central Statistics Office ; 2004, 75 p. ISSN:
Overview of the office. Our mission, values and goals.
Environmental analysis. Developing the Irish statistical
system. Our statistical programmes. Our organisational
support programmes.
151 660
31 (540)
Economic survey 2007-08 / Oxford, New York: Oxford
University Press ; 2008, 263 p.
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
State of the economy. Fiscal developments and public
finance. Prices and monetary management. Financial
management. Industry. Infrastructure. Social sectors.
152 130
Advances in monitoring the economy / Rotterdam:
Erasmus University ; 2009, 143 p.
Panel design effects on response rates and response
quality. Monitoring weekly consumer confidence. Do leading
indicators lead peaks more than troughs? Evaluating the
consistency and timeliness of leading indicators
151 936
The future of statistics : an international prespective /
Kenessey, Zoltan Voorburg: ED. ISI ; 1994, 296 p. ISBN:
Long term international data needs. Challenges of
methodological innovation in governmental statistical
agencies. A producer's perspective on future data needs.
International statistical organization. Changes in statistical
technology. Expected changes in record keeping.
Requirements of policy makers. Business developments and
information requirements.
152 077
311.17 (493.5) (493=40)
La province de Hainaut en quelques chiffres / Mons:
Province du Hainaut ; 2005, 15 p.
Comme chaque année le service "Statistiques - Banques de
données" de Hainaut Développement, édite un document
donnant un aperçu de l'évolution économique et sociale en
Hainaut. Démographie. Revenus. Emploi. Entreprises.
152 260
311.171 (100.3)
Understanding economic statistics : an OECD perspective
/ Giovannini, Enrico Paris: OECD ; 2008, 195 p.
Economic agents. Economic aggregates. The main
producers of economic statistics. An overview of OECD
economic statistics. Agriculture and fishery. Energy. Industry
and services. Science, technology and innovation.
Globalisation. Short-term economic indicators. Labour. Income
distribution and households' conditions. Monetary and financial
statistics. National accounts. OECD economic forecasts.
Territorial statistics. Economic history.
151 884
Repenser la géographie économique : rapport sur le
développement dans le monde / Bruxelles: De Boeck ;
2009, 383 p.
L'intégration économique devrait être un concept central
dans les débats concernant l'urbanisation, le développement
territorial et l'intégration régionale. Pourtant, ces débats font
une place excessive aux interventions localisées. Ce rapport,
Repenser la géographie économique, recadre ces débats pour
inclure tous les instruments de l'intégration - les institutions,
l'infrastructue et les interventions. En jouant sur un ensemble
bien calibré de mesures intéressant ces trois éléments, les
spécialistes du développement peuvent remodeler leur
géographie économique.
152 306
311.217 (415)
Ireland : north and south : a statistical profile / Cork,
Dublin, Belfast: Central Statistics Office ; 2000, 117 p. ISBN:
Population & households. Health & vital statistics. Industry &
finance. Education. Labour market. Agriculture. Transport &
tourism. European Union.
151 662
311.217 (485)
Development and improvement of economic statistics /
Stockholm: ; 2003, 329 p. ISBN: 91-38-21869-0
Economic statistics in twelve countries. International
assessment of Swedish economic statistics. Revisions of
Swedish national accounts 1980-1998 and an international
152 076
311.217 (493.4) (493=393)
Sociaal-economische situatieschets van Oost-Vlaanderen
/ Gent: Huis van de Economie ; 2002, 56 p.
gehanteerde begrippen.
152 261
311.171 (493=393)
Sociaal-economisch rapport Vlaanderen 2008 / Gent:
Academia Press ; 2008, 128 p.
311.217 (493.5) (493=40)
La province de Hainaut en quelques chiffres / Mons:
Province du Hainaut ; 2005, 15 p.
Zuurstof voor de Vlaamse arbeidsmarkt. Risicokapitaal als
instrument in het bevorderen van ondernemerschap en
risicokapitaalmarkt. Het Vlaamse overheidsinstrumentarium
ten behoeve van risicokapitaal. De belangrijkste Europese
Comme chaque année le service "Statistiques - Banques de
données" de Hainaut Développement, édite un document
donnant un aperçu de l'évolution économique et sociale en
Hainaut. Démographie. Revenus. Emploi. Entreprises.
152 024
152 260
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
The future of statistics : an international prespective /
Kenessey, Zoltan Voorburg: ED. ISI ; 1994, 296 p. ISBN:
Demographic and labour-market impacts of migration on
Poland / Okolski, Marek & Kaczmarczyk, Pawel (Oxford
Review of Economic Policy, 2008 vol 24 no 3, pp. 599- 624)
Long term international data needs. Challenges of
methodological innovation in governmental statistical
agencies. A producer's perspective on future data needs.
International statistical organization. Changes in statistical
technology. Expected changes in record keeping.
Requirements of policy makers. Business developments and
information requirements.
Post-2004 labour migration from Poland turned out to be
one of the most spectacular migratory movements in
contemporary European history. This outflow on a massive
scale is surmised to impact on demographic, economic, and
social phenomena both in Poland and in the receiving
countries. The aim of this paper is to assess the demographic
and labour-market impacts of the recent migration of Poles
152 077
P 00830 GRBR 2008 vol 24 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 K III
311.3 (415)
Statement of strategy 2004-2006 : statistics for a modern
Ireland / Dublin: Central Statistics Office ; 2004, 75 p. ISSN:
Overview of the office. Our mission, values and goals.
Environmental analysis. Developing the Irish statistical
system. Our statistical programmes. Our organisational
support programmes.
151 660
312.0 (493)
Recensement de la population et des logements au 1er
mars 1991. Recensement de la population. Tome 1 A.
Tome 1 : Chiffres de la population. A : Généralités /
Bruxelles: I.N.S. ; 1996, 142 p.
Etendue territoriale. Population totale du Royaume.
Répartition de la population par région, province,
arrondissement, commune, sexe. Densité de la population.
151 640
The demographic transition and the sexual division of
labor. / Soares, Rodrigo R. & Falcao, Bruno L.S. (Journal of
Political Economy (JPE), 2008 vol 116 no 6, pp. 1058- 1104)
This paper presents a theory in which increases in female
labor force participation and reductions in the gender-wage
gap are generated as part of a single process of demographic
transition, initially characterized by reductions in mortality and
fertility. The paper suggests a relationship between gains in
life expectancy and changes in the role of women in society
that has not been identified before in the literature.
312.2 (410)
Annuity markets / Cannon, Edmund New York: Oxford
University Press ; 2008, 295 p.
Description of annuity markets. A short history of annuities.
Modelling life expectancy. Annuity markets around the world.
Money's worth calculations. Annuity demand theory. Reasons
for the annuity puzzle. Evidence on the workings of annuity
markets. Supply of annuities.
151 990
P 00197 EU 2008 vol 116 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 J III
312 (100.3)
The fiscal impact of immigration on the advanced
economies / Rowthorn, Robert (Oxford Review of Economic
Policy, 2008 vol 24 no 3, pp. 560- 580)
This paper is concerned with the advanced economies. It
begins with a discussion of the demographic issues that have
played such a large role in the debate on immigration. This is
followed by a section on the main problems involved in
estimating the fiscal impact of immigration and then a
summary of the international evidence on this topic, mostly
from Europe and America. Separate sections on the UK and
on low-fertility countries follow
P 00830 GRBR 2008 vol 24 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 K III
312 (4)
The demographic effects of international migration in
Europe / Coleman, David (Oxford Review of Economic Policy,
2008 vol 24 no 3, pp. 452- 476)
This paper evaluates the effects of migration on the
population dynamics of European countries, emphasizing the
diversity of experience between different countries. It reviews
the extent to which international migration can be regarded as
a solution to the population ageing, and the prospective
decline in numbers, that arises from persistent low levels of
P 00830 GRBR 2008 vol 24 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 K III
312 (438)
The demographic transition and the sexual division of
labor. / Soares, Rodrigo R. & Falcao, Bruno L.S. (Journal of
Political Economy (JPE), 2008 vol 116 no 6, pp. 1058- 1104)
This paper presents a theory in which increases in female
labor force participation and reductions in the gender-wage
gap are generated as part of a single process of demographic
transition, initially characterized by reductions in mortality and
fertility. The paper suggests a relationship between gains in
life expectancy and changes in the role of women in society
that has not been identified before in the literature.
P 00197 EU 2008 vol 116 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 J III
314.8 (100.3)
The fiscal impact of immigration on the advanced
economies / Rowthorn, Robert (Oxford Review of Economic
Policy, 2008 vol 24 no 3, pp. 560- 580)
This paper is concerned with the advanced economies. It
begins with a discussion of the demographic issues that have
played such a large role in the debate on immigration. This is
followed by a section on the main problems involved in
estimating the fiscal impact of immigration and then a
summary of the international evidence on this topic, mostly
from Europe and America. Separate sections on the UK and
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
on low-fertility countries follow
P 00830 GRBR 2008 vol 24 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 K III
314.8 (4)
The demographic effects of international migration in
Europe / Coleman, David (Oxford Review of Economic Policy,
2008 vol 24 no 3, pp. 452- 476)
This paper evaluates the effects of migration on the
population dynamics of European countries, emphasizing the
diversity of experience between different countries. It reviews
the extent to which international migration can be regarded as
a solution to the population ageing, and the prospective
decline in numbers, that arises from persistent low levels of
P 00830 GRBR 2008 vol 24 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 K III
Oxytocin and cooperative behavior in social dilemmas :
the moderating role of explicit incentives, social cues and
individual differences. / Declerck, Carolyn H. & Boone,
Christophe & Kiyonari, Toko (Onderzoeksrapport van de
Universiteit Antwerpen, 2008 no 14, pp. 1- 21)
The data indicate that for prosocials, OT and social cues
appear to be substitutes, wqith either one being sufficient to
overcome fear of betraval and elicit cooperation. For proselfs,
OT and social cues appear to be complements : their
concurrence is essential to overcome greediness in situations
with weak cooperative incentives.
P 03100 BG 2008 no 14
New business models for the knowledge economy /
Hampshire, Burlington: Gower ; 2007, 146 p.
What is a business model? Innovation, customisation and
authenticity. The chameleon model. The innovator model. The
foyer model. Business dynamics.
316.4.003.1 (410) (73) (94)
Enabling 'managed activisl': the adoption of call centres
in Australian, British and US trade unions / Lund, John &
Wright, Christopher (New Technology, Work and Employment,
2009 vol 24 no 1, pp. 43- 59)
This article examines how trade unions in different country
settings have utilised call centre technologies. Rather than
viewing union call centres as simply a means of service
delivery, our research suggests they can also enable a more
strategic approach to workplace organising.
P 00896 GRBR 2009 vol 24 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 23 D I
316.4.003.1 (540)
Indian call centres and business process outsourcing: a
study in union formation / Taylor, Phil & D'Cruz, Premilla &
Noronha, Ernesto & Scholarios, Dora (New Technology, Work
and Employment, 2009 vol 24 no 1, pp. 19- 42)
In this exploratory study of union formation in the Indian call
centre/business process outsourcing sector, the authors draw
upon evidence from the first detailed survey of members of the
recently formed UNITES, and from extensive interviews. This
paper engages with mobilisation theory and analyses of trade
union formation.
P 00896 GRBR 2009 vol 24 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 23 D I
Uncertainty in the scope of copyright : The case of illegal
file sharing in the United Kingdom / Larusson, Haflidi Krist
Jan (European Intellectual Property Review (EIPR) : a journal
concerning the management of technology, copyrights and
trade names, 2009 vol 31 no 3, pp. 124- 134)
Digital technology reduces production and transaction costs
and provides authors, right-holders and users with a wide
range of new means to create, market and share content,
means which "old" media (such as books, vinyl records and
video tapes) do not offer.
P 00949 GRBR 2009 vol 31 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 K I
152 203
Making knowledge visible : communicating knowledge
through information products / Orna, Elizabeth Aldershot,
Burlington: Gower ; 2005, 212 p.
No business without information products. The value that
IPs add (and subtract). The stakeholders and their interests.
Knowledge and information management in support of IPs.
Infrastructure for IPs: information systems, technology tools.
Information design, reconciler of conflicting needs. Into action
for value from IPs.
152 202
Prudent expectations equilibrium in economies with
uncertain delivery. / Correia-da-Silva, João & Hervés-Beloso,
Carlos (Economic Theory, 2009 vol 39 no 1, pp. 67- 92)
In an economy with private information, we introduce the
notion of objects of choice as lists of bundles out of which the
market selects one for delivery. This leads to an extension of
the model of Arrow-Debreu that is used to study trade ex ante
with private state verification.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 39 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
32 (4-15)
The politics of the Lisbon strategy: The changing role of
the commission / Borras, Susana (West European Politics,
2009 vol 32 no 1, pp. 97- 118)
This article examines the politics of the Lisbon strategy
before and after its major watershed reform in 2005, with
particular attention to the role of the European Commission.
Operating in an ambiguous partial delegation of power, the
Commission changed from performing a strong administrative
role in the 2000-04 period to performing a political role after
P 00774 GRBR 2009 vol 32 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 20 J III
32 (410)
Deepening democracy in the UK : Rhetoric and reality /
Conyers, Diana (IDS Working Paper,no 314, pp. 1- 63)
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
Increasing concern about the quality of democracy has
prompted efforts in many countries, 'developed' and 'less
developed', to 'deepen democracy' by increasing the
opportunities for citizen participation. One such country is the
De Aziatisering van de wereld in de eenentwingste eeuw.
duurzaamheid. De identiteit van het eenentwingste-eeuwse
Japan. Veranderingen in politiek, economie en technologie
van Japan. Naar een nieuwe Aziatische wereldorde.
P 00960 GRBRno 314
152 331
32 (460) (469)
Muslim Elites and Ideologies in Portugal and Spain /
Gould, Andrew C (West European Politics, 2009 vol 32 no 1,
pp. 55- 76)
This article reports the results of interviews with Muslim
leaders in Portugal and Spain. The main finding of the article
is that key Muslim leaders and principal Islamic organisations
are seeking to spread views about how Islam and western
democracy ought to thrive together
P 00774 GRBR 2009 vol 32 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 20 J III
Popper, Hayek and the Open Society / London, New York:
Routledge ; 2009, 284 p.
epistemology/ethics enigma. From epistemology and
methodology to ethics and meta-ethics. The achilles heel of
the Popper-Hayek meta-theory. Liberal individualism, the
Enlightenment Project, justice and the Open Society.
151 767
Democracy and reforms. / Giuliano, Paola & Mishra, Prachi
& Spilimbergo, Antonio (CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7194,
pp. 1- 41)
This paper studies the impact of democracy on the adoption
of economic reforms using a new dataset on reforms in the
financial, capital, public and banking sezctors, product and
labor markets, agriculture, and trade for 150 countries over the
period 1960-2004.
P 00834 GRBRno 7194
321 (410) (430)
Power resources of parliamentary executives: Policy
advice in the UK and Germany / Fleischer, Julia (West
European Politics, 2009 vol 32 no 1, pp. 196- 215)
This article compares the institutionalisation of policy advice
inside offices which service chief executives in the UK and
Germany. It focuses on the institutionalisation of 'policy units'
during the early 1970s and late 1990s which reveals different
P 00774 GRBR 2009 vol 32 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 20 J III
321 (5) (510) (520)
Japan en de onontkoombare aziatisering van de wereld /
Segers, Rien T. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Balans ; 2009, 347 p.
321 (540)
Hinduising India : Secularism in practice / Khalidi, Omar
(Third World Quarterly, 2008 vol 29 no 8, pp. 1545- 1562)
The paper argues that, far from being a state practising
neutrality between the religious affiliations of Indian society or
equidistance from all religions, the Indian state is actually and
directly involved in Hinduisation of the country. The notion of
India as a Hindu state pre-dates the creation of the
postcolonial state in 1947, and was inherent in the militant
right wing of the Congress Party, which perceived Christians
and Muslinm as foreignerts. There is, the paper demonstrates,
major continuity between the educational, cultural and
employment policies pursued by the Indian state regardless of
the party in power.
P 00841 GRBR 2008 vol 29 no 8 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 F I
Corruption and democracy / Rock, Michael T. (The Journal
of Development Studies, 2009 vol 45 no 1, pp. 55- 75)
By drawing on a panel data set covering a large number of
countries between 1982-1997, substantial empirical support is
found for an inverted U relationship between the durability
(age) of democracy and corruption. Fortunately, the turning
point in corruption occurs rather early in the life of new
democracies - between 10-12 years.
P 00712 GRBR 2009 vol 45 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 I II
321.7 (410)
Deepening democracy in the UK : Rhetoric and reality /
Conyers, Diana (IDS Working Paper,no 314, pp. 1- 63)
Increasing concern about the quality of democracy has
prompted efforts in many countries, 'developed' and 'less
developed', to 'deepen democracy' by increasing the
opportunities for citizen participation. One such country is the
P 00960 GRBRno 314
321.7 (492)
The impact of EU referenda on national electoral politics:
the dutch case / De Vries, Catherine E (West European
Politics, 2009 vol 32 no 1, pp. 142- 171)
This study deals with the issue of increasing contention
regarding European matters in national arenas. Specifically, it
focuses on the impact of European Union referenda on
national elections. EU referenda have two important
consequences for national politics: they increase inter-party
conflict over Europe and gear up voters' salience to EU
P 00774 GRBR 2009 vol 32 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 20 J III
321.7 (510)
Wat denkt China? : de nieuwe wereldorde volgens
Chinees model / Leonard, Mark Amsterdam, Antwerpen:
Uitgeverij de arbeiderspers ; 2008, 190 p.
Leonard maakt aanschouwelijk hoe China zich opstelt
tegenover de landen waarnaar het zijn producten in steeds
grotere mate exporteert, wat het aandeel is van de denkende
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
elite binnen een maatschappij zonder parlementaire traditie en
hoe China zich verhoudt tot de imperialistische wereldmacht
van de Verenigde Staten.
152 136
321.7 (8=6)
Long live democracy : The determinants of political
instability in Latin America / Blanco, Luisa & Grier, Robin
(The Journal of Development Studies, 2009 vol 45 no 1, pp.
76- 95)
We investigate the underlying causes of political instability in
a panel of 18 Latin American countries from 1971-2000. We
test whether regime type, regime durability, factionalism,
income inequality, ethnic diversity, ethnic discrimination,
regional spillover effects, urban growth and macroeconomic
variables matter for instability.
P 00712 GRBR 2009 vol 45 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 I II
323 (675.98)
On the danger and necessity of democratisation :
Trade-offs between short-term stability and long-term
peace in post-genocide Rwanda / Silva-Leander, Sebastian
(Third World Quarterly, 2008 vol 29 no 8, pp. 1601- 1620)
This paper argues that the Rwandan government's
reconciliation strategy will need to be accompanied by a
process of democratisation if it is to achieve its objective of
fostering long-term peace.
P 00841 GRBR 2008 vol 29 no 8 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 F I
323 (73)
La troisième révolution américaine / Mistral, Jacques Paris:
Perrin ; 2008, 245 p.
Le déclin et la chute de la présidence Bush. La fuite en
avant dans l'endettement. Le rêve américain ébréché.
Réinventer la classe moyenne. Sauver la planète. Recréer
une industrie compétitive. Le dollar, un problème pour
l'Amérique ?
152 210
323 (410)
Deepening democracy in the UK : Rhetoric and reality /
Conyers, Diana (IDS Working Paper,no 314, pp. 1- 63)
Increasing concern about the quality of democracy has
prompted efforts in many countries, 'developed' and 'less
developed', to 'deepen democracy' by increasing the
opportunities for citizen participation. One such country is the
P 00960 GRBRno 314
323 (493)
Regeringen die niet regeren : het malgoverno van de
Belgische politiek (1977-1981) / Heylen, Wim & Van Hecke,
Steven Leuven: LannooCampus ; 2008, 271 p.
Egmontpact en Egmontplan. Overgangskabinet in crisistijd.
De langverwachte eerste minister. Ook zonder het FDF houdt
de crisis aan. Regering van 'nationale eenheid'. 'De
onmogelijkheid van het noodzakelijke'. Chronische instabiliteit.
323 (8=6)
Long live democracy : The determinants of political
instability in Latin America / Blanco, Luisa & Grier, Robin
(The Journal of Development Studies, 2009 vol 45 no 1, pp.
76- 95)
We investigate the underlying causes of political instability in
a panel of 18 Latin American countries from 1971-2000. We
test whether regime type, regime durability, factionalism,
income inequality, ethnic diversity, ethnic discrimination,
regional spillover effects, urban growth and macroeconomic
variables matter for instability.
P 00712 GRBR 2009 vol 45 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 I II
Wage differential, discrimination and inequality: a
cautionary note on the Juhn, Murphy and Pierce
decomposition method / Yun, Myeong-Su (Scottish Journal
of Political Economy, 2009 vol 56 no 1, pp. 114- 122)
This paper shows how difficult it is to study the roles of
discrimination and unobserved skills when studying changes
in racial and gender wage gaps over time by examining merits
and shortcomings of a popular decomposition method by
Juhn, Murphy and Pierce (JMP).
P 00706 GRBR 2009 vol 56 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 J I
152 018
323 (540)
Hinduising India : Secularism in practice / Khalidi, Omar
(Third World Quarterly, 2008 vol 29 no 8, pp. 1545- 1562)
The paper argues that, far from being a state practising
neutrality between the religious affiliations of Indian society or
equidistance from all religions, the Indian state is actually and
directly involved in Hinduisation of the country. The notion of
India as a Hindu state pre-dates the creation of the
postcolonial state in 1947, and was inherent in the militant
right wing of the Congress Party, which perceived Christians
and Muslinm as foreignerts. There is, the paper demonstrates,
major continuity between the educational, cultural and
employment policies pursued by the Indian state regardless of
the party in power.
P 00841 GRBR 2008 vol 29 no 8 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 F I
323.18 (100)
Gender, culture, and corruption: insights from an
experimental analysis / Alatas, Vivi & Cameron, Lisa &
Chaudhuri, Ananish & Erkal, Nisvan & Gangadharan, Lata
(Southern Economic Journal, 2009 vol 75 no 3, pp. 663- 680)
A substantial body of recent research looks at differences in
the behavior of men and women in diverse economic
transactions. We contribute to this literature by investigating
gender differences in behavior when confronted with a
common bribery problem.
P 00261 EU 2009 vol 75 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 G III
Enterprise 2.0 : how social software will change the future
of work / Farnham, Burlington: Gower ; 2008, 164 p.
The social media explosion. The birth of social software.
Social software in the enterprise. Communication.
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
Cooperation. Collaboration. Connection. Models for success
(and failure). Implementation and adoption.
152 201
The paper assesses the trade-creating impact of
foreign-born residents on the international imports and exports
of the French regions where they are settled.
P 00834 GRBRno 7192
324 (492)
The impact of EU referenda on national electoral politics:
the dutch case / De Vries, Catherine E (West European
Politics, 2009 vol 32 no 1, pp. 142- 171)
This study deals with the issue of increasing contention
regarding European matters in national arenas. Specifically, it
focuses on the impact of European Union referenda on
national elections. EU referenda have two important
consequences for national politics: they increase inter-party
conflict over Europe and gear up voters' salience to EU
P 00774 GRBR 2009 vol 32 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 20 J III
The oxford handbook of economic inequality / Salverda,
Wiemer & Nolan, Brian & Smeeding, Timothy M. New York:
Oxford University Press ; 2009, 736 p.
Wealth. The labor market. Poverty. Time use in the
household. Happiness. Health. Education. Demographic
transformation. International migration. Intergeneration income
Globalization. The welfare state
152 055
The labour market impact of immigration / Frattini,
Tommaso & Glitz, Albrecht & Dustmann, Christian (Oxford
Review of Economic Policy, 2008 vol 24 no 3, pp. 477- 494)
In the first part of this paper, we present a stylized model of
the labour market impact of immigration. We then discuss
mechanisms through which an economy can adjust to
immigration: changes in factor prices, output mix, and
production technology. In the second part, we explain the
problems of empirically estimating how immigration affects
labour market outcomes of the resident population and review
some strategies to address these
Iraqi refugees in Syria : Causing a spillover of the Iraqi
conflict? / Leenders, Reinoud (Third World Quarterly, 2008
vol 29 no 8, pp. 1563- 1584)
This article explores the implications of the Iraqi refugee
crisis for Syria, which is believed to host up to 1.5 million Iraqi
refugees. Socioeconomic destitution among refugees and the
failure to provide adequate humanitarian assistance and
protection are and will be causing tensions between them and
the host state and host communities.
P 00841 GRBR 2008 vol 29 no 8 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 F I
325 (100.3)
The fiscal impact of immigration on the advanced
economies / Rowthorn, Robert (Oxford Review of Economic
Policy, 2008 vol 24 no 3, pp. 560- 580)
This paper is concerned with the advanced economies. It
begins with a discussion of the demographic issues that have
played such a large role in the debate on immigration. This is
followed by a section on the main problems involved in
estimating the fiscal impact of immigration and then a
summary of the international evidence on this topic, mostly
from Europe and America. Separate sections on the UK and
on low-fertility countries follow
P 00830 GRBR 2008 vol 24 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 K III
325 (100.3) (66)
Mobilités ouest-africaines et politiques migratoires des
pays de l'OCDE / Paris: OCDE ; 2008, 145 p.
Politiques migratoires en Canada, l'Allemagne, la Belgique,
l'Espagne, les Etats-Unis, la France, l'Italie, les Pays-Bas, le
Portugal, le Royaume-uni. La mise en oeuvre de l'approche
européenne et les perspectives avec le continent africain. Le
renforcement du dialogue et de la coopération avec les pays
africains d'origine et de transit. Approche africaine des
151 791
325 (4)
The demographic effects of international migration in
Europe / Coleman, David (Oxford Review of Economic Policy,
2008 vol 24 no 3, pp. 452- 476)
This paper evaluates the effects of migration on the
population dynamics of European countries, emphasizing the
diversity of experience between different countries. It reviews
the extent to which international migration can be regarded as
a solution to the population ageing, and the prospective
decline in numbers, that arises from persistent low levels of
P 00830 GRBR 2008 vol 24 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 K III
325 (4)
Migration in an enlarged EU : a challenging solution ? /
Kahanec, Martin & Zimmermann, Klaus F. (CEPR Discussion
Papers,no 7200, pp. 1- 56)
Product complexity, quality of institutions and the
pro-trade effect of immigrants. / Briant, Anthony & Combes,
Pierre-Philippe & Lafourcade, Miren (CEPR Discussion
Papers,no 7192, pp. 1- 26)
The 2004 and 2007 enlargements of the European Union
were unprecedented in a number of economic and policy
aspects. This essay provides a broad and in-depth account of
the effects of the post-enlargement migration flows on the
P 00830 GRBR 2008 vol 24 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 K III
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
receiving as well as sending countries in three broader areas :
labour markets, welfare systems, and growth and
countries. The aim of this paper is to assess the demographic
and labour-market impacts of the recent migration of Poles
P 00830 GRBR 2008 vol 24 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 K III
P 00834 GRBRno 7200
325 (4-11) (4-15) (4-191.2)
Scale, diversity, and determinants of labour migration in
Europe / Zimmermann, K.F. & Zaiceva, Anzelika (Oxford
Review of Economic Policy, 2008 vol 24 no 3, pp. 427- 451)
While global migration is increasing, internal EU migration
flows have only increased slowly. This paper contributes to a
better understanding of the determinants and scale of
European migration. It surveys previous historical experiences
and empirical findings including the recent Eastern
P 00830 GRBR 2008 vol 24 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 K III
325 (410)
EU accession and public service performance / Andrews,
Rhys & Boyne, George A. & Meier, Kenneth J. & O'Toole,
Laurence J. & Walker, Richard M. (Policy and Politics, 2009
vol 37 no 1, pp. 19- 37)
This article explores the effects of immigration on the
service achievements of English local authorities between
2006 and 2007, and citizen satisfaction in 2006. The statistical
results suggest that high levels of worker migration from EU
A8 countries are associated with lower service performance,
but that this negative relationship may be moderated by prior
experience of dealing with European immigrants.
P 00794 GRBR 2009 vol 37 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 21 B II
325 (410)
Economic research and labour immigration policy / Ruhs,
Martin (Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 2008 vol 24 no 3,
pp. 403- 426)
Recognizing the inherent inter-disciplinarity of the subject,
this paper focuses on the implications of economic theories
and research for regulating the number, selection, and rights
of migrant workers in high-income countries
P 00830 GRBR 2008 vol 24 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 K III
325 (437.1/.2)
Ukrainian middleman system of labour organisation in the
Czech Republic / Cermakova, Dita & Nekorjak, Michal
(Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie (TESG),
2009 vol 100 no 1, pp. 33- 43)
Since the arly 1990s, due to increasing immigration to the
Czech Republic, a middleman system has been established in
order to organise (irregular) labour of migrants mostly from
Ukraine. The paper tries to explain the causes for the
establishment of the middleman system of labour organisation,
to describe its operation, and the roles and mutual links
among individual actors.
325 (44)
Upstream transfers and the donor's labour supply:
evidence from migrants living in France / Wolff,
François-Charles & Dimova, Ralitza (The Manchester School
of Economic and Social Studies, 2009 vol 77 no 2, pp. 204224)
With the use of data on migrants living in France, we study
the pattern of transfers of time and money made to parents.
P 00565 GRBR 2009 vol 77 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 I II
325 (45)
Labour-market assimilation of foreign workers in Italy /
Villosio, Claudia & VENTURINI, ALESSANDRA (Oxford
Review of Economic Policy, 2008 vol 24 no 3, pp. 517- 541)
This is the first paper to analyse the labour-market
assimilation of foreign(i.e. non-citizen) workers in Italy. It
considers the daily wages and the days of employment of
male workers in WHIP, a matched employer-employee panel
dataset, from 1990 to 2003
P 00830 GRBR 2008 vol 24 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 K III
325 (6)
Return migration and entrepreneurship in Ghana and Côte
d'Ivoire : The role of capital transfers / Black, Richard &
Castaldo, Adriana (Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale
Geografie (TESG), 2009 vol 100 no 1, pp. 44- 58)
This paper explores the relationship between international
migration and entrepreneurship, drawing on data on around
300 return migrants to two West African states, Ghana, and
Côte d'Ivoire. The analysis suggests that work experience
abroad is the most significant predictor of entrepreneurial
activity among the return migrants interviewed.
P 00217 PB 2009 vol 100 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 17 E II
325 (72) (73)
What can we learn about financial access from
U.S.immigrants ? The role of country of origin institutions
and immigrant beliefs. / Okonkwo Osili, Una & Paulson,
Anna (The World Bank Economic Review, 2008 vol 22 no 3,
pp. 431- 456)
Immigrants from countries with more effective institutions
are more likely than other immigrants to have a relationship
with a bank and to use formal financial markets more
extensively. The evidence that a country's institutional
environment shapes beliefs-and by extension the use of
financial services-provides support for policies that focus on
institutional reforms in promoting financial access.
P 01132 GX 2008 vol 22 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 59 D I
P 00217 PB 2009 vol 100 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 17 E II
325 (438)
Demographic and labour-market impacts of migration on
Poland / Okolski, Marek & Kaczmarczyk, Pawel (Oxford
Review of Economic Policy, 2008 vol 24 no 3, pp. 599- 624)
Post-2004 labour migration from Poland turned out to be
one of the most spectacular migratory movements in
contemporary European history. This outflow on a massive
scale is surmised to impact on demographic, economic, and
social phenomena both in Poland and in the receiving
Product complexity, quality of institutions and the
pro-trade effect of immigrants. / Briant, Anthony & Combes,
Pierre-Philippe & Lafourcade, Miren (CEPR Discussion
Papers,no 7192, pp. 1- 26)
The paper assesses the trade-creating impact of
foreign-born residents on the international imports and exports
of the French regions where they are settled.
P 00834 GRBRno 7192
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
325.14 (4-15) (417)
The politics of migration to western Europe: Ireland in
comparative perspective / Messina, Anthony M. (West
European Politics, 2009 vol 32 no 1, pp. 1- 26)
This article locates Ireland's relatively recent experience
with mass immigration within a comparative West European
context. It poses two questions: to what degree has Ireland
become a 'normal' country of immigration ? What does the
Irish case reveal about the contemporary politics of migration
to Western Europe ? The article's main finding is that Ireland's
experience with mass immigration since the 1990s appears to
be following a political trajectory similar to that of the traditional
immigration-receiving states, despite being separated from the
latter by as many as four decades
P 00774 GRBR 2009 vol 32 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 20 J III
325.14 (410)
EU accession and public service performance / Andrews,
Rhys & Boyne, George A. & Meier, Kenneth J. & O'Toole,
Laurence J. & Walker, Richard M. (Policy and Politics, 2009
vol 37 no 1, pp. 19- 37)
d'analyse du bien commun microbiologique. L'economie
institutionnelle du partage de l'information, biologique.
L'intégration de différentes manières d'appréhender la réalité:
un défi socio-économique et institutionnel pour les collections
de cultures microbiennes. Les numéros parus.
P 00521 GX 2006 no 188 SALLE/ZAAL: 07 L II
EU-EC external competences after the small arms
judgment. / Van Vooren, Bart (European Foreign Affairs
Review, 2009 vol 14 no 1, pp. 7- 24)
This article explores the effects of immigration on the
service achievements of English local authorities between
2006 and 2007, and citizen satisfaction in 2006. The statistical
results suggest that high levels of worker migration from EU
A8 countries are associated with lower service performance,
but that this negative relationship may be moderated by prior
experience of dealing with European immigrants.
On 20 may 2008, the court of justice handed down its
long-awaited judgment in the small arms and light weapons
(SALW) case, in which it was asked to resolve a dispute
between the commission and the council on whether an
anticipated financing measure for West Africa had to be
undertaken within the community's development policy, or
rather within the Union's common foreign and security policy
P 00794 GRBR 2009 vol 37 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 21 B II
P 00807 PB 2009 vol 14 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 21 C III
Iraqi refugees in Syria : Causing a spillover of the Iraqi
conflict? / Leenders, Reinoud (Third World Quarterly, 2008
vol 29 no 8, pp. 1563- 1584)
327 (567) (73)
Multilateral miltary interventions : theory and practice. /
Kreps, Sarah E. (Political Science Quarterly, 2008 vol 123 no
4, pp. 573- 605)
This article explores the implications of the Iraqi refugee
crisis for Syria, which is believed to host up to 1.5 million Iraqi
refugees. Socioeconomic destitution among refugees and the
failure to provide adequate humanitarian assistance and
protection are and will be causing tensions between them and
the host state and host communities.
This article therefore seeks to remedy that problem by
offering conceptual clarity on theoretical and policy debates
over multilateralism and military intervention. It proposes a
new measure of multilateralism and applies that measure to
the post-cold war empirical record of U.S. interventions,
leading to the argument that any obituaries on U.S.
multilateralism may be premature.
P 00841 GRBR 2008 vol 29 no 8 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 F I
P 00196 EU 2008 vol 123 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 20 E II
326 (6)
Mémoires de l'esclavage / NETTLEFORD, REX & Holiday,
Anthony & de Silva Jayasurya, Shihan & Khalifa, Aisha
Bilkhair & Trabelsi, Salah & Deveau, Jean-Michel & Dawyndt,
Peter & Dedeurwaerdere, Tom & Swings, Jean & Brahy,
Nicolas & Polski, Margaret & Cook-Deegan, Robert & Ravi
Srinavas, Krishna & Hess, Charlotte & Ostrom, Elinor &
Himmelreich, Uwe & Daniel, Heide-Marie (Revue
internationale des Sciences sociales, 2006 no 188, pp. 201262)
Du devoir de mémoire au droit de mémoire. Le projet La
route de l'esclave de l'UNESCO. La Révolution haïtienne et la
lutte contre l'esclavage: la connaissance face à l'ignorance et
au silence. Esclavage et négationnisme. Un réseau
thalassique d'échanges: les migrations africaines dans l'océan
Indien. L'influence africaine dans la culture et la musique à
Dubaï. Mémoire et esclavage: les enjeux de l'historiographie.
Silence et réparations. Comment la bio-informatique et les
droits de propriété intellectuelle contribuent au partage de
l'information biologique. La contribution des bases de données
et du droit coutumier à la protection des savoirs traditionnels.
L'organisation économique de la recherche biomédicale aux
Etats-Unis. "Biens communs scientifiques" et recherche en
sciences de la vie: structure, fonction et valeur de l'accès à la
diversité génétique. La propriété intellectuelle et le domaine
commun en biologie: la source libre et au-delà. Cadre
327 (73)
War, intelligence, and honesty : a review essay. / Jervis,
Robert (Political Science Quarterly, 2008 vol 123 no 4, pp.
645- 677)
The problem is that when dealing with cases like the war in
Iraq, he also has to defend without sounding defensive, and to
use enough hindsight to enrich the narrative without allowing it
to be skewed by how things turned out. Because so much
depends on the faith the reader develops in the author, false
moves spoil the efect.
P 00196 EU 2008 vol 123 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 20 E II
The Lisbon treaty and the foreign, security and defence
policy : reforms, implementation and the consequences of
(non-)ratification. / Whitman, Richard & Juncos, Ana
(European Foreign Affairs Review, 2009 vol 14 no 1, pp. 2546)
The article examines the Lisbon treaty and asserts that the
treaty's effects would be to revamp rather than revolutionize
the existing arrangements for the CFSP/ESDP. In most
instances the reforms introduced by the Lisbon treaty (or
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
through part of a "cherry picking" process) will still require
further substantive decisions to determine the form of their
P 00807 PB 2009 vol 14 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 21 C III
EU border assistance mission : Beyond border monitoring
? / Kurowska, Xymena & Tallis, Benjamin (European Foreign
Affairs Review, 2009 vol 14 no 1, pp. 47- 64)
On 1 december 2005, the EU deployed its border
assistance mission to Moldova and Ukraine (EUBAM), an
innovative concept merging border monitoring and
capacity-building. Trough analysis of the mission's
development so farit tries to map EUBAM's role in, and impact
on, the regional situation. Grasping the mission's position and
positioning, it also aims to put the project in context and
pinpoint lessons.
P 00807 PB 2009 vol 14 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 21 C III
The European Union : a normative or normal power ? /
Wood, Steve (European Foreign Affairs Review, 2009 vol 14
no 1, pp. 113- 128)
Energy represents a more serious test of the EU's capacity
and commitment as a normative power than asymmetric
relationships in which it is by far the stronger party or when the
issue does not threaten its vital interests.
P 00807 PB 2009 vol 14 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 21 C III
327.111 (497.13)
Path dependency in EU enlargement : Macedonia's
candidate status from a historical institutionalist
perspective. / Giandomenico, Jessica (European Foreign
Affairs Review, 2009 vol 14 no 1, pp. 89- 112)
This article argues that EU enlargement policy and actions
within that field are guided by the logic of path dependency. By
studying the decision to confer candidate status onMacedonia
2005 which was granted despite important shortcomings
regarding democracy and rule of law, we can reveal key
aspects of the decision-making process regarding the
enlargement policy.
P 00807 PB 2009 vol 14 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 21 C III
327.111 (564.3)
The Cyprus problem in the European parliament : a case
of successful or superficial europeanization ? / Stavridis,
Stelios & Tsardanidis, Charalambos (European Foreign Affairs
Review, 2009 vol 14 no 1, pp. 129- 156)
After reviewing briefly the existing literature on
Europeanization, and on the external relations of the EP, the
article considers in more detail the EP's empirical record on
the Cyprus problem. It concludes by arguing that a shifting EP
stance on the Cyprus problem shows signs not of a succesful
Europeanization, but rather of a superficial one, which
depends largely on changing circumstances and national
Understanding national e-government: the role of central
government / Mofleh, Samer & Wanous, Mohammed &
Strachan, Peter (Electronic Government, 2009 vol 6 no 1, pp.
1- 18)
This paper presents a generic framework for explaining
e-government focusing on the role of the state throughout its
P 00648 SS 2009 vol 6 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 05 B I
328.132 (100)
International comparisons of public sector performance /
Van de Walle, Steven (Public Management Review, 2009 vol
11 no 1, pp. 39- 56)
I first deal with the question what is government, and then
proceed to the question what should government do. In a
further section, 1 focus on the problem of attribution and
causality in measuring government performance, and in the
final sections 1 discuss implications of these questions for
performance internationally
P 00986 GRBR 2009 vol 11 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 19 E III
328.132 (100-77)
Identifying critical factors for adoption of e-government /
Dwivedi, Yogesh K. & Kumar, Vinod & Kumar, Uma
(Electronic Government, 2009 vol 6 no 1, pp. 70- 96)
The objective of this current study is to identify the critical
factors that contribute to the intention by citizens of developing
countries to adopt an EG system.
P 00648 SS 2009 vol 6 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 05 B I
328.132 (410) (430)
Power resources of parliamentary executives: Policy
advice in the UK and Germany / Fleischer, Julia (West
European Politics, 2009 vol 32 no 1, pp. 196- 215)
This article compares the institutionalisation of policy advice
inside offices which service chief executives in the UK and
Germany. It focuses on the institutionalisation of 'policy units'
during the early 1970s and late 1990s which reveals different
P 00774 GRBR 2009 vol 32 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 20 J III
328.132 (493)
Regeringen die niet regeren : het malgoverno van de
Belgische politiek (1977-1981) / Heylen, Wim & Van Hecke,
Steven Leuven: LannooCampus ; 2008, 271 p.
Egmontpact en Egmontplan. Overgangskabinet in crisistijd.
De langverwachte eerste minister. Ook zonder het FDF houdt
de crisis aan. Regering van 'nationale eenheid'. 'De
onmogelijkheid van het noodzakelijke'. Chronische instabiliteit.
152 018
P 00807 PB 2009 vol 14 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 21 C III
328.132 (597)
E-government evaluation: the case of Vietnam's provincial
websites / Tsai, Wen-Hsien & Purbokusumo, Yuyun & Cheng,
Julian Ming-Sung (Electronic Government, 2009 vol 6 no 1,
pp. 41- 53)
In this research, an attempt is made to evaluate
e-government performances in Vietnam. Four types of website
contents are used for the evaluation. The results show that, in
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
general, more developed provinces/cities where IT
infrastructure is relatively well constructed provide better and
more website content and thus their e-government
performances are better.
expliquer que des partis paysans forts et structurés
émergèrent dans certains Etats - jusqu'à participer au
gouvernement - mais ne réussirent jamais à percer ailleurs ?
Comment évolue le clivage urbain/rural ?
P 00648 SS 2009 vol 6 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 05 B I
152 124
Les partis agrariens et paysans en Europe / De Waele,
Jean-Michel & Seiler, Daniel-Louis Bruxelles: Editions de
l'Université de Bruxelles ; 2009, 228 p.
329 (5-15)
The ascendence of political islam : Hamaz and
consolidation in the Gaza Strip / Milton-Edwards , Beverley
(Third World Quarterly, 2008 vol 29 no 8, pp. 1585- 1599)
De toutes les familles politiques, les agrariens ou partis
paysans sont les plus méconnus. Peu étudiés par les
politologues, ils sont quasi absents des médias. L'ouvrage
vise à combler le vide de la littérature sur ces formations
partisanes. Il répond à une série de questions : comment
expliquer que des partis paysans forts et structurés
émergèrent dans certains Etats - jusqu'à participer au
gouvernement - mais ne réussirent jamais à percer ailleurs ?
Comment évolue le clivage urbain/rural ?
This article outlines the means by which the Palestinian
Islamic movement Hamas has developed and implemented a
consolidation of power strategy that is inexorably driving it to a
state of increasingly authoritarian control in the Gaza Strip.
152 124
Trade policy of a free trade agreement in the presence of
foreign lobbying / Stoyanov, Andrey (Journal of International
Economics, 2009 vol 77 no 1, pp. 37- 49)
This paper studies the effect of foreign lobbies on trade
policy of a country which is a member of a Free Trade
Agreement(FTA). It uses a monopolistically competitive
political economy model in which the government determines
external tariffs endogenously. The effect of foreign lobbying
under the FTA is examined empirically usin Canadian
industry-level trade data that allow differentiating of lobby
groups by the country of origin
P 00474 PB 2009 vol 77 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 B II
328.184 (4-15) (44)
La PAC : son histoire, ses réformes / Dijon: Educagri
éditions ; 2005, 102 p.
L'histoire de l'agriculture de 1700 à 1975. Les premiers
effets de la PAC de 1975 à 1988. La réforme de 1992. La
réforme de 1999 : le "paquet Santer". Les accords de
Luxembourg (26 juin 2003). Panorama de l'agriculture
française au début du 21e siècle. L'élargissement à dix
nouveaux membres. La cadre institutionnel communautaire.
Les organisations professionnelles agricoles.
152 228
Les partis agrariens et paysans en Europe / De Waele,
Jean-Michel & Seiler, Daniel-Louis Bruxelles: Editions de
l'Université de Bruxelles ; 2009, 228 p.
De toutes les familles politiques, les agrariens ou partis
paysans sont les plus méconnus. Peu étudiés par les
politologues, ils sont quasi absents des médias. L'ouvrage
vise à combler le vide de la littérature sur ces formations
partisanes. Il répond à une série de questions : comment
P 00841 GRBR 2008 vol 29 no 8 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 F I
Hayek, Samuelson, and the logic of the mixed economy? /
Farrant, Andrew & McPhail, Edward (Journal of Economic
Behavior and Organization, 2009 vol 69 no 1, pp. 5- 17)
In 1980 Friedrich Hayek wrote to Paul Samuelson
complaining about the role that Economics had played in
discrediting the thesis of Hayek's The Road to Serfdom. In the
11th edition of Economics, Samuelson had written that "each
step away from the market system and towards the social
reform of the welfare state is inevitably a journey that must
end in totalitarian state." Given the apparent prevalence of this
reading of Hayek's thesis, we assess the dispute over Hayek's
'inevatibility thesis' and whether Hayek's complaints were
P 00544 PB 2009 vol 69 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 E II
330 (73)
Food product composition, consumer health, and public
policy. / Golan, Elise & Unnevehr, Laurian & Alston, Julian M.
& Sumner, Daniel A. & Vosti, Stephen A. & Beghin, John C. &
Jensen, Helen H. & Mancino, Lisa & Küchler, Fred & Leibtag,
Ephraim & Unnevehr, Laurian J. & Jagmanaite, Evelina (Food
Policy, 2008 vol 33 no 6, pp. 465- 503)
Food product composition, consumer health, and public
policy. Farm subsidies and obesity in the United States :
national evidence and international comparisons. Farm
policies and added sugars in US diets. Getting consumers to
eat more whole-grains : the role of policy, information, and
food manufacturers. Getting rid of trans fats in the US diet :
policies, incentives and progress.
P 00899 GRBR 2008 vol 33 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 I I
Democracy and reforms. / Giuliano, Paola & Mishra, Prachi
& Spilimbergo, Antonio (CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7194,
pp. 1- 41)
This paper studies the impact of democracy on the adoption
of economic reforms using a new dataset on reforms in the
financial, capital, public and banking sezctors, product and
labor markets, agriculture, and trade for 150 countries over the
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
period 1960-2004.
P 00834 GRBRno 7194
Keynes and the market / Hoboken: John Wiley ; 2008, 213 p.
John Maynard Keynes - acclaimed economist, statesman,
and writer - was one of the few men to master the financial
markets in practice as well as in theory. His six key investment
principles, refined over decades of investing, represent a
straightforward and time-tested system for exploiting the
periodic irrationality of stock markets. Keynes and the market
examines the secrets behind Keynes'incredible stock market
152 140
Game theory evolving : a problem-centered introduction
to modeling strategic interaction / Gintis, Herbert New
Jersey: University Press ; 2009, 390 p.
Probability theory. Game theory: basic concepts.
Pure-strategy nash equilibria. Signaling games. Repeated
games. Evolutionarily stable strategies. Markov economies
and stochastic dynamical systems.
152 300
Game theory evolving : a problem-centered introduction
to modeling strategic interaction / Gintis, Herbert New
Jersey: University Press ; 2009, 390 p.
Méthode de la recherche : réussir son mémoire ou sa
thèse en sciences de gestion / Gotteland, David & Jolibert,
Alain & Haon, Christophe Paris: Pearson Education ; 2008,
383 p.
Probability theory. Game theory: basic concepts.
Pure-strategy nash equilibria. Signaling games. Repeated
games. Evolutionarily stable strategies. Markov economies
and stochastic dynamical systems.
Mener à bien un travail de recherche, qu'il s'agisse d'un
mémoire, d'une thèse ou d'un projet de publication, est un
exercice de longe haleine qui exige beaucoup de rigueur et de
méthode. Cet ouvrage offrira à tous, étudiants et chercheurs,
un précieux soutien à toutes les étapes de ce travail. Les
auteurs illustrent systématiquement leur propos par des
exemples tirés de thèses ou d'articles de recherche issus des
différents champs des sciences de gestion (GRH,
management, marketing, stratégie, finance d'entreprise.
Theory of negative consumption externalities with
applications to the economics of happiness / Yang, Liyan
& Tian, Guoqiang (Economic Theory, 2009 vol 39 no 3, pp.
399- 424)
152 305
Economics / Parkin, Michael Boston, Columbus, Indianapolis:
Pearson ; 2010, 784 p.
How markets work. Households' choice. Firms and markets.
Market failure and government. Factor markets, inequality,
and uncertainty. Monitoring macroeconomic trends and
fluctuations. Macroeconomic policy.
152 236
Macroeconomics : A European text / Burda, Michael &
Wyplosz, Charles New York: Oxford University Press ; 2009,
543 p.
The fundamentals of economic growth. Labour markets and
unemployment. Borrowing, lending and budget constraints.
Private sector demand: consumption and investment. Money
and monetary policy. International capital flows and
macroeconomic equilibrium. Output, employment and inflation.
Asset markets. The exchange rate. fiscal policies, debt and
seignorage. The architecture of the international monetary
system. Demand management policies.
152 300
This paper investigates the problem of obtaining Pareto
efficient allocations in the presence of negative consumption
externalities. In contrast to the conventional wisdom, we show
that even if consumers' preferences are monotonically
increasing in their own consumption, one may have to dispose
of resources to achieve Pareto efficiency when negative
consumption externalities exist.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 39 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Learning to play 3 X 3 games: neural networks as
bounded-rational players / Sgroi, Daniel & Zizzo, Daniel
John (Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2009
vol 69 no 1, pp. 27- 38)
We present a neural network methodology for learning
game-playing rules in general. Existing research suggests
learning to find a Nash equilibrium in a new game is too
difficult a task for a neural network, but says little about what it
will do instead. We observe that a neural network trained to
find Nash equilibrium in a known subset of games will use
self-taught rules developed endogenously when facing new
P 00544 PB 2009 vol 69 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 E II
152 298
330.101.541 (73)
Fluctuating macro policies and the fiscal theory / Davig,
Troy & Leeper, Eric M. (Macroeconomics Annual, 2006 vol 21,
pp. 247- 315)
This paper estimates regime-switching rules for monetary
policy and tax policy over the post-war period in the United
States and imposes the estimated policy process on a
calibrated dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model with
nominal rigidities.
P 00745 EU 2006 vol 21 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 D II
Comparing the neutral basis of mixed-motive versus
coordination games in people with different social
preferences, an fMRI study. / Emonds, Griet & Declerck,
Carolyn H. & Boone, Christophe & Vandervliet, Everhard J.M.
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
& Parizel, Paul M. (Onderzoeksrapport van de Faculteit
Toegepaste Economische Wetenschappen, Universiteit
Antwerpen, 2008 no 16, pp. 1- 31)
We use fMRI to investigate the neurological correlates of
two factors that are known to enhance cooperative strategies
in social dilemmas : the provision of extrinsic cooperative
incentives, and the intrinsic motivation to cooperate.
Le capital ou la révolution permanente. L'abolition du
salariat et du patronat. Le dépérissement de l'État. La
social-démocratie ou le mythe du parti ouvrier. L'écroulement
du communisme historique du XXe siècle. Retour sur l'URSS.
Le communisme a une histoire et une raison d'être. Un
communisme non utopique. Forces et stratégie pour une
alternative radicale.
152 204
P 03100 BG 2008 no 16
An new integral for capacities. / Lehrer, Ehud (Economic
Theory, 2009 vol 39 no 1, pp. 157- 176)
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 39 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Strategy-proofness of the plurality rule over restricted
domains / Sanver, M. Remzi (Economic Theory, 2009 vol 39
no 3, pp. 461- 471)
In case strategy-proofness is required to hold under all
tie-breaking rules, strategy-proof domains coincide with
top-trivial ones where the range of the plurality rule admits at
most two alternatives.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 39 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Reference points and effort provision. / Abeler, Johannes &
Falk, Armin & Götte, Lorenz & Huffman, David (CEPR
Discussion Papers,no 7221, pp. 1- 37)
We find that effort provision is significantly different between
treatmens in the way predicted by models of
expectation-based reference-dependent preferences : if
expectations are high, subjects work longer and earn more
money than if expectations are low.
Let them eat junk : how capitalism creates hunger and
obesity / Albritton, Robert New York: Pluto Press ; 2009, 259
Capitalism may promise cheap, nutritious food for all, but it
has failed to deliver on that promise. This is the first book to
explore the economics of our food system, and to explain why
a quarter of the world's population go hungry despite the fact
that enough food is produced worldwide to feed us all.
152 301
Hayek, Samuelson, and the logic of the mixed economy? /
Farrant, Andrew & McPhail, Edward (Journal of Economic
Behavior and Organization, 2009 vol 69 no 1, pp. 5- 17)
In 1980 Friedrich Hayek wrote to Paul Samuelson
complaining about the role that Economics had played in
discrediting the thesis of Hayek's The Road to Serfdom. In the
11th edition of Economics, Samuelson had written that "each
step away from the market system and towards the social
reform of the welfare state is inevitably a journey that must
end in totalitarian state." Given the apparent prevalence of this
reading of Hayek's thesis, we assess the dispute over Hayek's
'inevatibility thesis' and whether Hayek's complaints were
P 00544 PB 2009 vol 69 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 E II
Le cauchemar de Marx : le capitalisme est-il une histoire
sans fin ? / Collin, Denis Paris: Max Milo Editions ; 2009, 318
P 00834 GRBRno 7221
Animal spirits : how human psychology drives the
economy, and why it matters for global capitalism /
Akerlof, George A. & Shiller, Robert J. Princeton, Oxford:
Princeton University Press ; 2009, 230 p.
Confidence and its multipliers. Corruption and bad faith.
Why do economies fall into depression ? Why do central
bankers have power over the economy ? Why is saving for the
future so arbitrary ? Why do real estate markets go through
cycles ?
151 976
Le cauchemar de Marx : le capitalisme est-il une histoire
sans fin ? / Collin, Denis Paris: Max Milo Editions ; 2009, 318
Le capital ou la révolution permanente. L'abolition du
salariat et du patronat. Le dépérissement de l'État. La
social-démocratie ou le mythe du parti ouvrier. L'écroulement
du communisme historique du XXe siècle. Retour sur l'URSS.
Le communisme a une histoire et une raison d'être. Un
communisme non utopique. Forces et stratégie pour une
alternative radicale.
152 204
The effect of outward foreign direct investment on
home-country employment in a low-cost transition
economy / Masso, Jaan & Varblane, Urmas & Vahter, Priit
(Eastern European Economics, 2008 vol 46 no 6, pp. 25- 59)
The current extensive literature on the home-country
employment effect of foreign direct investment(FDI)focuses
almost exclusively on investments from high-income and high
labor-cost home countries. Our paper analyzes the
home-country employment effect in Estonia as a low-cost,
medium-income transition economy. The data from the
population of Estonian firms between 1995 and 2002 are
studied with regression analysis and propensity score
matching to construct an appropriate counterfactual for firms
that have invested abroad
P 00333 EU 2008 vol 46 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 B I
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
Trade, foreign direct investment, and growth: evidence
from transition economies / Nath, Hiranya K. (Comparative
Economic Studies, 2009 vol 51 no 1, pp. 20- 50)
Using a fixed effects panel data approach, this paper
empirically examines the effects of trade and foreign direct
investment (FDI)on growth of per capita real GDP in 13
transition economies of Central and Eastern Europe, and the
Baltic region from 1991 to 2005
P 00790 EU 2009 vol 51 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 K II
Vers une croissance pro-pauvres : orientations
l'intention des donneurs / Paris: OCDE ; 2007, 369 p.
La responsabilisation politique et le processus d'élaboration
des politiques. Elimination des obstacles à l'intégration dans
l'économie formelle. La contribution du secteur financier.
Faciliter l'accés des femmes au marché. Les raisons d'un
nouveau plan d'action pour l'agriculture. Promouvoir la
diversification des activités rénumératrices. Développer et
améliorer les infrastructures. Les infrastructures au service de
la pauvreté. L'appréciation préalable de l'impact sur la
151 615
330.342.15PET (4-11) (4-15) (4-191.2) (497.12)
environments in EU 27 + candidate country Croatia: the
current determinants and patterns / Dabic, Marina & Pejic
Bach, Mirjana (International Journal of Entrepreneurship and
Innovation Management (IJEIM), 2008 vol 8 no 3, pp. 254171)
Our paper provides an explicit analysis of the extent FDIs
depnd on technological preconditions and macroeconomical
factors with a sample of three groups of countries (EU 15, EU
25, and EU 27 + Croatia). The paper presents the factors that
have the greatest impact on the FDI in some countries/sectors
of the economy, followed by a discussion of the previous
P 00637 SS 2008 vol 8 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 E II
330.342.15PET (4-11) (4-191.2)
Location attractiveness for foreign direct investment of
EU New Member-Countries in comparison with old ones /
Anastassopoulos, George & Georgiu, Christos & Maroudas,
Leonidas (International Journal of Entrepreneurship and
Innovation Management (IJEIM), 2008 vol 8 no 5, pp. 506523)
This paper examines the determinants of distribution of
inward Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) stock, in 6 new EU
Member Countries (NMCs) in comparison with five old
Member-Countries (OMCs) from 2000 to 2004. Evidence
suggests a heterogeneous response of FDI towards the two
EU regions - considered as country groups - in the processes
of globalisation and enlargement.
P 00637 SS 2008 vol 8 no 5 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 E II
330.342.15PET (497.11)
The determinants of entrepreneurship and small business
growth in Kosova: evidence from new and established
firms / Krasniqi, Besnik A. & Shiroka-Pula, Justina & Kutllovci,
Enver (International Journal of Entrepreneurship and
Innovation Management (IJEIM), 2008 vol 8 no 3, pp. 320342)
This paper aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the
important factors explaining small firm growth contextualised
in a very unique transition economy - Kosova.
It presents scenarios showing numerical results of changes
to individual policies as well as policy packages implemented
simultaneously by OECD and developing countries. The
scenarios also show how policy combinations could
substantially improve both economic and environmental
outcomes together, confirming the need for policy coherence
151 876
Energieslank leven met klimaatdukaten : stapsgewijs
minder energieverbruik voor allemaal nodig vanwege
klimaatverandering en peakoil / Fleming, David Utrecht: Van
Arkel ; 2008, 159 p.
Klimaatverandering. Oplossingen en hun beperkingen. De
rol van energie in economische groei. Ecosystemen. Is een
klimaatwet de oplossing? De belangrijkste uitgangspunten.
Mogelijke bezwaren
151 972
In evenwicht : inzichten en aanwijzingen voor strategisch
duurzaam ondernemen / Soumillion, Marc Roeselare:
Roularta, Books ; 2009, 126 p.
Vlaanderen, België en Europa doen het behoorlijk als het op
technologische innovatie rond duurzaamheid aankomt. Maar
met het vermarkten van duurzame proposities is het slechter
gesteld. In dit boek wordt de complexiteit van duurzaamheid
en duurzaam ondernemen niet uit de weg gegaan.
Integendeel, het is de bedoeling deze te doorgronden en
hanteerbaar te maken. Dat gebeurt aan de hand van de zes
basisvoorwaarden - '6 in-woorden' om tot duurzaam
ondernemen te komen : interdependentie, incorporeren,
inzicht, integratie, innovatie en integriteit.
152 294
Macroeconomics : A European text / Burda, Michael &
Wyplosz, Charles New York: Oxford University Press ; 2009,
543 p.
P 00637 SS 2008 vol 8 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 E II
Reconciling development and environmental goals :
measuring the impact of policies / Paris: OECD ; 2008, 120
The fundamentals of economic growth. Labour markets and
unemployment. Borrowing, lending and budget constraints.
Private sector demand: consumption and investment. Money
and monetary policy. International capital flows and
macroeconomic equilibrium. Output, employment and inflation.
Asset markets. The exchange rate. fiscal policies, debt and
seignorage. The architecture of the international monetary
system. Demand management policies.
152 298
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
2008 vol 64 no 4, pp. 403- 421)
Forum public de l'OMC : "comment l'OMC peut-elle aider à
maîtriser la mondialisation ?" / Genève: Organisation
mondiale du Commerce ; 2008, 391 p.
Gouvernance mondiale. Cohérence.
économique. Développement durable.
This paper develops an endogenous growth model in which
the government finances its public investment using both
income taxation and seigniorage.
P 00525 ALL 2008 vol 64 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 D III
151 627
Globalization,R&D and the ipod cycle / Sener, Fuat & Zhao,
Laixun (Journal of International Economics, 2009 vol 77 no 1,
pp. 101- 108)
We study the impact of globalization by considering an
increase in the efficiency of outsourcing-targeted R&D
triggered by reduced transportation and communication costs.
We find that such a change raises the aggregate rate of
outsourcing-targeted R&D intensities) while reducing the
North-South wage gap. The rate of innovation in
outsourcing-targeted-R&D increases, whereas that in
local-sourcing targeted R&D moves in an ambiguous direction.
These findings imply that the intensified outsourcing-targeted
R&D efforts and the resulting surge in the frequency of ipod
cycles play a robust role in boosting aggregate innovation
P 00474 PB 2009 vol 77 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 B II
Public capital, taxation and endogenous growth in a finite
horizons model / Tamai, Toshiki (Metroeconomica, 2009 vol
60 no 1, pp. 179- 197)
This paper presents development of an endogenously
growing finite horizons model with public capital, and
investigates macroeconomic effects of fiscal policy and a
change in life expectancy. Specifically regarding novel results,
a growth-maximizing income tax rate exists that is less than
the elasticity of public capital to output
P 00501 GX 2009 vol 60 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 B III
Spending natural resource revenues in an altruistic
growth model / Frederiksen, Elisabeth Hermann
(Environment and Development Economics, 2008 vol 13 no 6,
pp. 747- 773)
This paper examines how natural resources revenues
interact with growth and welfare in an overlapping generations
model with altruism.
P 00928 GRBR 2008 vol 13 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 45 C II
convergence or divergence? / Fung, Michael K. (Journal of
International Money and Finance, 2009 vol 28 no 1, pp. 5667)
This study tests for convergence in financial development
and economic growth by incorporating the interaction between
the real and financial sectors into an otherwise traditional test
for convergence.
P 00847 GRBR 2009 vol 28 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 E I
Fiscal and monetary policy in an endogenous growth
model with public capital. / Tamai, Toshiki (Finanzarchiv,
Growth, inter-industry and intra-industry competition and
welfare / Minniti, Antonio (The Japanese Economic Review,
2009 vol 60 no 1, pp. 110- 132)
In this paper we introduce strategic interaction between
firms in an R&D growth model which captures both the
intra-industry competition between firms operating within an
industry and the inter-industry competition between firms in
different industries
P 00965 GRBR 2009 vol 60 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 28 D I
Regional growth and exposure to nearby coal fired power
plant emissions / Kahn, Matthew E. (Regional Science and
Urban Economics, 2009 vol 39 no 1, pp. 15- 23)
This paper uses data on the population of all electric utilities
in the United States and evidence on population growth across
regions to document that; pollution levels are higher in
countries with coal fired plants, and that the population is
moving away from regions such as the Midwest where the
dirtiest coal fired power plants are located. Population growth
is taking place in the South and West.
P 00516 PB 2009 vol 39 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 I II
Trade, foreign direct investment, and growth: evidence
from transition economies / Nath, Hiranya K. (Comparative
Economic Studies, 2009 vol 51 no 1, pp. 20- 50)
Using a fixed effects panel data approach, this paper
empirically examines the effects of trade and foreign direct
investment (FDI)on growth of per capita real GDP in 13
transition economies of Central and Eastern Europe, and the
Baltic region from 1991 to 2005
P 00790 EU 2009 vol 51 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 K II
330.35 (100)
Les besoins en science et technologie - Une prospective
scientifique et technologique guidée par la demande : le
projet québécois "Perspectives STS" / Bergeron, Alain
(Futuribles : Analyse et Prospective, 2009 no 350, pp. 27- 44)
En décembre 2003, à la fin d'un article présentant
l'originalité du Conseil de la science et de la technolgogie du
gouvernement du Québec, Hélène Tremblay et Alain Bergeron
évoquaient le lancement au printemps 2003 d'un ambitieux
excercice de prospective en science et technologie, en lien
avec les demandes de la société: le project Perspectives STS.
Presque six ans plus tard, ce projet est devenu un pilier
essentiel de la réflexion sur l'avenir de la science et la
technologie au Québec, en articulation étroite avec d'une part
les aspirations des citoyens, d'autre part les chercheurs et les
décideurs publics.
P 00819 FR 2009 no 350 SALLE/ZAAL: 33 E III
330.35 (4-15)
The economic performance of the European Union :
issues, trends and policies / Rusek, Antonin & Fidrmuc,
Jarko New York: Palgrave Macmillan ; 2009, 262 p.
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
The Swedish economic model. The European Central Bank
inflation target and economic growth in the Eurozone. Real
effective exchange rate for the euro. Exchange rate policy
strategy in large currency areas. Euro areas enlargement and
European Central Bank reform. Fiscal convergence in
monetary union. Business cycles similarity and EMU
enlargement. Monetary policy before euro adoption. Fiscal
performance and economic growth in the old and new member
states of the EU
Equilibrium yield curves / Piazzesi, Monika & Schneider,
Martin (Macroeconomics Annual, 2006 vol 21, pp. 389- 472)
152 209
P 00745 EU 2006 vol 21 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 D II
This paper considers how the role of inflation as a leading
business-cycle indicator affects the pricing of nominal bonds.
We examine a representative agent asset pricing model with
recursive utility preferences and exogenous consumption
growth and inflation. With comments by Pierpaolo Benigno
and John Y. Campbell.
330.35 (4-15)
Roepke lecture in economic geography regional context
and global trade / Storper, Michael (Economic Geography,
2009 vol 85 no 1, pp. 1- 21)
An empirical model of growth through product innovation.
/ Lentz, Rasmus & Mortensen, Dale T. (Econometrica, 2008
vol 76 no 6, pp. 1317- 1373)
How should we think of the role of regions in relation to the
global economy? First, the relationship between geographic
concentration and the regional economic specialization it
underpins and globalization should be theorized as a dynamic
process. Second, the missing element in all theories of
geographic concentration and locally specialized development
in an element labeled "context" here.
The purpose of this paper is to estimate the structure of an
equilibrium model of growth through innovation designed to
identify and quantity the role of resource reallocationin the
growth process. The estimated model implies that more
productive firms in each cohort grow faster and consequently
crowd out less productive firms in steady state.
P 00193 EU 2008 vol 76 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 J I
P 00295 EU 2009 vol 85 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 17 E III
330.35 (66/67)
Understanding long-run African growth: colonial
institutions or colonial education? / Bolt, Jutta & Bezemer,
Dirk (The Journal of Development Studies, 2009 vol 45 no 1,
pp. 24- 54)
In this paper we test the 'colonial human capital explanation
for sub-Saharan Africa, controlling for legal origin and
geography. Utilising data on colonial era education, we find
that instrumented human capital explains long-term growth
better, and shows greater stability over time, than
instrumented measures for extractive institutions.
A note on inflation, economic growth, and income
inequality / Jin, Yi (Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2009 vol 13 no
1, pp. 138- 147)
This paper develops a monetary endogenous growth model
with capital and skill heterogeneity to analyze the relationship
among inflation, growth, and income inequality. We show that
an increase in the long-run money growth rate raises inflation
and reduces growth, but its effect on income inequality
depends on the relative importance of the two types of
P 00818 EU 2009 vol 13 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 G I
P 00712 GRBR 2009 vol 45 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 I II
330.35 (66/67)
Stock market development and economic growth:
evidence from seven sub-Sahara African countries /
Enisan, Akinlo A & Olufisayo, Akinlo O (Journal of Economics
and Business, 2009 vol 61 no 2, pp. 162- 171)
The paper examines the long run and causal relationship
between stock market development and economic growth for
seven countries in sub-Saharan Africa
P 00691 EU 2009 vol 61 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 39 F II
330.35 (73)
Volatility and dispersion in business growth rates :
Publicly traded versus privately held firms / Davis, Stephen
J. & Haltiwanger, John & Jarmin, Ron & Miranda, Javier
(Macroeconomics Annual, 2006 vol 21, pp. 107- 179)
We study the variability of business growth rates in the U.S.
private sector from 1976 onwards. To carry out our study, we
exploit the recently developed Longitudinal Business
Database (LBD), which contains annual observations on
employment and payroll for all U.S. businesses. Our central
finding is a large secular decline in the cross sectional
dispersion of firm growth rates and in the average magnitude
of firm level volatility. With comments by Christopher Foote
and Eva Nagypal.
P 00745 EU 2006 vol 21 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 D II
Bridging the gap between growth theory and the new
economic geography: the spatial ramsey model /
Boucekkine, Raouf & Camacho, Carmen & Zou, Benteng
(Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2009 vol 13 no 1, pp. 20- 45)
Using explicit representations of the solutions to the PDEs,
we first show that the resulting dynamic system gives rise to
an ill-posed problem in the sense of Hadamard. We then turn
to the spatial Ramsey problem with linear utility. The obtained
properties are significantly different from those of the
nonspatial linear Ramsey model due to the spatial dynamics
induced by capital mobility
P 00818 EU 2009 vol 13 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 G I
330.35.001.57 (73)
Volatility and dispersion in business growth rates :
Publicly traded versus privately held firms / Davis, Stephen
J. & Haltiwanger, John & Jarmin, Ron & Miranda, Javier
(Macroeconomics Annual, 2006 vol 21, pp. 107- 179)
We study the variability of business growth rates in the U.S.
private sector from 1976 onwards. To carry out our study, we
exploit the recently developed Longitudinal Business
Database (LBD), which contains annual observations on
employment and payroll for all U.S. businesses. Our central
finding is a large secular decline in the cross sectional
dispersion of firm growth rates and in the average magnitude
of firm level volatility. With comments by Christopher Foote
and Eva Nagypal.
P 00745 EU 2006 vol 21 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 D II
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
330.35.001.57 (73)
Fluctuating macro policies and the fiscal theory / Davig,
Troy & Leeper, Eric M. (Macroeconomics Annual, 2006 vol 21,
pp. 247- 315)
This paper estimates regime-switching rules for monetary
policy and tax policy over the post-war period in the United
States and imposes the estimated policy process on a
calibrated dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model with
nominal rigidities.
P 00745 EU 2006 vol 21 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 D II
An extension of the multi-output state-contingent
production model. / Briec, Walter & Cavaignac, Laurent
(Economic Theory, 2009 vol 39 no 1, pp. 43- 64)
This paper presents new developments on the
state-contingent theory of production under uncertainty with
stochastic prices. Our main purpose is to generalize the usual
finite discrete state-contingent production model to infinite
dimensional, possibly uncountable spaces which look like a
more realistic framework.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 39 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
It and beyond: the contribution of heterogeneous capital
to productivity / Wilson, Daniel J. (Journal of Business and
Economic Statistics, 2009 vol 27 no 1, pp. 52- 70)
This article explores the relationship between capital
composition and productivity using a unique, detailed dataset
on firm investment in the United States in the late 1990s
P 00712 EU 2009 vol 27 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 E III
Equilibrium yield curves / Piazzesi, Monika & Schneider,
Martin (Macroeconomics Annual, 2006 vol 21, pp. 389- 472)
This paper considers how the role of inflation as a leading
business-cycle indicator affects the pricing of nominal bonds.
We examine a representative agent asset pricing model with
recursive utility preferences and exogenous consumption
growth and inflation. With comments by Pierpaolo Benigno
and John Y. Campbell.
P 00745 EU 2006 vol 21 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 D II
The probability approach to general equilibrium with
production. / Magill, Michael & Quinzii, Martine (Economic
Theory, 2009 vol 39 no 1, pp. 1- 41)
We develop an alternative approach to the general
equilibrium analysis of a stochastic production economy when
firm's choices of investment influence the probability
distributions of their output. If firms do not know agents utility
functions, and are restricted to using the information conveyed
by prices then they can construct an approximate criterion
which leads to a second-best choice of investment which, in
examples, is found to be close to the first best.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 39 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Prudent expectations equilibrium in economies with
uncertain delivery. / Correia-da-Silva, João & Hervés-Beloso,
Carlos (Economic Theory, 2009 vol 39 no 1, pp. 67- 92)
In an economy with private information, we introduce the
notion of objects of choice as lists of bundles out of which the
market selects one for delivery. This leads to an extension of
the model of Arrow-Debreu that is used to study trade ex ante
with private state verification.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 39 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Equilibria in incomplete assets economies with infinite
dimensional spot markets / Aliprantis, Charalambos D. &
Tourky, Rabee (Economic Theory, 2009 vol 38 no 2, pp. 221262)
In this paper we investigate the existence of equilibrium in
the two period incomplete markets economy studies by Duffie
and Shafer (1985) and Magil and Shafer (1190) allowing for an
infinite number of commodities in each spot market.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 38 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Equilibrium theory with asymmetric information and
infinitely many states / Hervés-Beloso, Carlos &
Martins-da-Rocha, V.F. & Monteiro, Paulo K. (Economic
Theory, 2009 vol 38 no 2, pp. 295- 320)
The main purpose of this paper is to extend the existence
result in Arrow and Debreu (1954) by considering both
asymmetric information and infinitely many states of nature.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 38 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
A market game approach to differential information
economies / Fugarolas-Alvarez-Ude, Guadalupe &
Hervés-Beloso, Carlos & Moreno-Garcia, Emma &
Torres-Martinez, Juan Pablo (Economic Theory, 2009 vol 38
no 2, pp. 321- 330)
In this paper we recast a differential information economy as
a strategic game in which players propose net trades and
prices. Pure strategy Nash equilibria are strong and determine
both consumption plans and commodity prices that coincide
with the Walrasian Expectations equilibria of the underlying
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 38 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
The measure of blocking coalitions in differential
information economies / Bimonte, Giovanna & Graziano,
Maria Gabriella (Economic Theory, 2009 vol 38 no 2, pp. 331350)
We provide an evaluation of the measure of privately
blocking coalitions in differential information economies. From
a different point of view, the paper can be considered as a
contribution showing private core equivalence theorems under
restrictions on coalition formation.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 38 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
On non-revealing rational expectations equilibrium /
Glycopantis, Dionysius & Muir, Allan & Yannelis, Nicholas C.
(Economic Theory, 2009 vol 38 no 2, pp. 351- 369)
It is shown that a non-revealing rational expectations
equilibrium may not be coalitionally Bayesian incentive
compatible, may not be implementable as a perfect Bayesian
equilibrium and may not belong to the weak fine core and thus
may not be fully Pareto optimal.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 38 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
Existence of Edgeworth equilibria for economies with
asymmetric information / Meo, Claudia (Economic Theory,
2009 vol 38 no 2, pp. 371- 383)
We analyze a general equilibrium model with a
asymmetrically informed agents. A basic and well-known
consequence of asymmetric information is the failure of equal
treatment property. Despits of this, we show that in every
replica economy a private core allocation, which treats of the
same type equally, exists.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 38 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Bayesian-Walrasian equilibria : Beyond the rational
expectations equilibrium / Balder, Erik J. & Yannelis,
Nicholas C. (Economic Theory, 2009 vol 38 no 2, pp. 385397)
We introduce a new concept called 'Baeysian-Walrasian
equilibrium (BWE) which has Bayesain features. In particular,
agents try to predict the market-clearing prices using Bayesian
updating and evaluate their consumption in terms of Bayesian
price estimates, which are different for each individual.
This paper investigates the problem of obtaining Pareto
efficient allocations in the presence of negative consumption
externalities. In contrast to the conventional wisdom, we show
that even if consumers' preferences are monotonically
increasing in their own consumption, one may have to dispose
of resources to achieve Pareto efficiency when negative
consumption externalities exist.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 39 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Learning to play 3 X 3 games: neural networks as
bounded-rational players / Sgroi, Daniel & Zizzo, Daniel
John (Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2009
vol 69 no 1, pp. 27- 38)
We present a neural network methodology for learning
game-playing rules in general. Existing research suggests
learning to find a Nash equilibrium in a new game is too
difficult a task for a neural network, but says little about what it
will do instead. We observe that a neural network trained to
find Nash equilibrium in a known subset of games will use
self-taught rules developed endogenously when facing new
P 00544 PB 2009 vol 69 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 E II
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 38 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Debreu's social equilibrium theorem with asymmetric
information and a continuum of agents / Yannelis, Nicholas
C. (Economic Theory, 2009 vol 38 no 2, pp. 419- 432)
We provide several different generalizations of Debreu's
social equilibrium theorem by allowing for asymmetric
information and a continuum of agents.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 38 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Financial (in)stability, supervision and liquidity injections
: a dynamic general equilibrium approach. / de Walque,
Grégory & Pierrard, Olivier & Rouabah, Abdelaziz (CEPR
Discussion Papers,no 7202, pp. 1- 34)
We develop a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model
with an heterogeneous banking sector. We introduce
endogenous default probabilities for both firms and banks, and
allow for bank regulation and liquidity injection into the
interbank market. Our aim is to understand the interactions
between the banking sector and the rest of the economy, as
well as the importance of supervisory and monetary authorities
to restore financial stability.
P 00834 GRBRno 7202
Markov perfect industry dynamics with many firms. /
Weintraub, Gabriel Y. & Lanier Benkard , C & Van Roy,
Benjamin (Econometrica, 2008 vol 76 no 6, pp. 1375- 1411)
We define a new equilibrium concept that we call oblivious
equilibrium, in which each firm is assumed to make decisions
based only on its own state and knowledge of the long-run
average industry state, but where firms ignore current
information about competitors' states.
P 00193 EU 2008 vol 76 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 J I
Theory of negative consumption externalities with
applications to the economics of happiness / Yang, Liyan
& Tian, Guoqiang (Economic Theory, 2009 vol 39 no 3, pp.
399- 424)
Equilibrium in fiscal competition games from the point of
view of the dual / Petchey, Jeffrey D. & Shapiro, Perry
(Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2009 vol 39 no 1,
pp. 97- 108)
Papers that examine fiscal competition for mobile factors of
production commonly employ simultaneous move games
between two states and focus on the efficiency of the
equilibria. Most often, the existence of the equilibrium is left
P 00516 PB 2009 vol 39 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 I II
Les aides financières au secteur de la pêche : leurs
répercussions sur le développement durable / Paris:
OECD ; 2006, 415 p.
Les concours publics. Evaluation des effets des concours
publics. Analyse de certaines catégories. Données historiques
(1996-2003). Répercussions économiques des subventions.
Incidences sociales. Capital social et réformes des
subventions. Dispositions prises au Canada après la
fermeture de la pêche a la morue intervenue en 2003. Analyse
de l'accord de pêche entre les Seychelles et l'union
Européenne. Subventions à la pêche en Norvège. Analyse de
subventions au désarmement de navires et retrait de license
en Australie
151 902
Reconciling development and environmental goals :
measuring the impact of policies / Paris: OECD ; 2008, 120
It presents scenarios showing numerical results of changes
to individual policies as well as policy packages implemented
simultaneously by OECD and developing countries. The
scenarios also show how policy combinations could
substantially improve both economic and environmental
outcomes together, confirming the need for policy coherence
151 876
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
Genoeg : moderne gids voor duurzaam leven / Petherick,
Tom Utrecht, Antwerpen: Kosmos uitgevers B.V. ; 2009, 287
Hoe je je eigen organische voedsel kunt maken - het maakt
niet uit of je dat in een volkstuin doet, in je voor- of achtertuin
of zelfs in een plantenbak; kleindierhouderij; recyclend,
151 988
Entrepreneurship, sustainable growth and performance :
frontiers in European entrepreneurship research /
Landström, Hans & Crijns, Hans & Laveren, Eddy
Cheltenham, Northampton: Edward Elgar ; 2008, 365 p.
Entrepreneurs and their role. Entrepreneurship in family
firms. Performance of new ventures. Processes and
151 969
La méthode IDEA : indicateurs de durabilité des
exploitations agricoles, guide d'utilisation / Dijon: Educagri
éditions ; 2008, 184 p.
L'échelle de durabilité agroécologique : la diversité;
l'aménagement de l'espace; les pratiques agricoles. L'échelle
de durabilité socioterritoriale : qualité des produits et du
territoire; emploi et services; éthique et développement
humain. L'échelle économique : les quatre composantes; les
coûts économiques.
152 226
Food fears : from industrial to sustainable food systems /
Aldershot, Burlington: Ashgate ; 2008, 185 p.
With escalating rates of diabetes, cancer and obesity,
excessive food miles and the consequences for global climate
change, farm crises, food insecurity and the "fast food" culture,
the industrial food system of the West is increasingly
perceived als problematic. The physical, social and intellectual
distance between consumers and their food stems from a food
system that privileges quantity and efficiency over quality, with
an underlying assumption that food is a commodity, rather
than a source of nourishment and pleasure.
152 186
Two billion cars : driving toward sustainability / Sperling,
Daniel New York: Oxford University Press ; 2009, 304 p.
The roots of the problem - the resistant auto industry,
dysfunctional oil markets, short-sighted government policies,
and unmotivated consumers. They zero in on reforming our
gas-guzzling culture, expanding the search for low-carbon
fuels, environment-friendly innovations in transportation
152 205
Packaging sustainability : tools, systems, and strategies
for innovative package design / Hoboken: John Wiley &
Sons ; 2009, 346 p.
The book enables the designer to make smart, informed
decisions at all points throughout the packaging design
process; offers a comprehensive overview of sustainable
packaging design issues from leading practitioners, designers,
engineers, marketers, psychologists, and ecologists; describes
materials and processes in current use and helps the reader
understand how they interconnect.
152 232
Forum public de l'OMC : "comment l'OMC peut-elle aider à
maîtriser la mondialisation ?" / Genève: Organisation
mondiale du Commerce ; 2008, 391 p.
Gouvernance mondiale. Cohérence.
économique. Développement durable.
151 627
330.366 (100)
The global governance of food / London, New York:
Routledge ; 2009, 225 p.
Global complexities and local dynamics. Responses to
global complexity: branding and certification, ethical trade.
152 127
330.366 (100)
Energy efficiency and sustainable consumption : the
rebound effect / Sorrell, Steve London: Palgrave Macmillan ;
2009, 266 p.
Most governments seek to improve energy efficiency in
order to reduce carbon emissions. But this may not be as
effective as is generally assumed. Various 'rebound effects'
may take back some or all of the energy savings. It is even
possible that improvements in energy efficiency will lead to
increases in energy demand over the long term. This is the
first book to provide a detailed analysis of these rebound
effects and to highlight their far-reaching implications for
energy and climate policy. It combines economic studies of the
rebound effect with broader analyses of the socio-cultural and
political implications.
152 303
330.366 (100.3)
Le développement durable dans les pays de l'ocde :
mettre au point les politiques publiques / Paris: O.C.D.E. ;
2004, 220 p. ISBN: 92-64-01694-5
Cette publication présente les enseignements tirés de 30
examens par pays qui ont été publiés depuis 2002 dans le
cadre des Études economiques de l'OCDE. Cet ouvrage se
penche sur les mesures concrètes que les États ont mises en
oeuvre afin de promouvoir le développement durable.
152 060
330.366 (439)
Examens environnementaux de l'OCDE : Hongrie / Paris:
OCDE ; 2008, 248 p.
Gestion de l'air. Gestion de l'eau. Nature et biodiversité.
Développement durable. Interface environnement- économie.
Environnement et agriculture. Interface environnement- social.
Coopération internationale
151 797
330.366 (493=393)
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
Pact 2020 : een nieuw toekomstpact voor Vlaanderen, 20
doelstellingen / Brussel: Vlaamse Regering ; 2009, 19 p.
Meer welvaart en welzijn. Een competitieve en duurzame
economie. Meer mensen aan de slag, in meer werkbare jobs
en in gemiddeld langere loopbanen. Levenskwaliteit van hoog
niveau. Een efficiënt en doeltreffend bestuur.
152 159
330.366 (510)
Urban environmental performance in China: a
sustainability divide ? / Liu, Lee (Sustainable Development,
2009 vol 17 no 1, pp. 1- 18)
This paper explores a sustainability divide in urban
environmental protection in China with its 72 model cities, 113
key cities, and 43 most polluted cities. It investigates factors
that help understand such a divide, the applicability of the
environmental Kuznets curve(EKC), and policies for
sustainable urban development
P 00935 GRBR 2009 vol 17 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 45 E II
330.366 (560)
Sustainability in the Turkish retailing industry / Erol, Ismail
& Cakar, Nigar & Erel, Derya & Sari, Ramazan (Sustainable
Development, 2009 vol 17 no 1, pp. 49- 67)
In this paper, given the importance of grocery retailers in
sustainable development and the need for further
investigation, we develop a tool to measure and evaluate
progress in sustainability performances of grocery retailers in
P 00935 GRBR 2009 vol 17 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 45 E II
Do higher rents discourage fertility? Evidence from U.S.
cities, 1940-2000 / Simon, Curtis J. & Tamura, Robert
(Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2009 vol 39 no 1,
pp. 33- 43)
This paper documents the existence of a negative
cross-sectional correlation between the price of living space as
measured by rent per room and fertility using U.S Census data
over the period 1940-2000, the effect strenghtening from 1940
to 1970 and weakening thereafter. The negative correlation
does not merely reflect the tendency of larger families to
locate within less-expensive areas of a given metropolitan
P 00516 PB 2009 vol 39 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 I II
330.52 (100)
Arm en rijk : waarom sommige landen erg rijk zijn en
andere erg arm / Landes, David S. DK Houten: Spectrum ;
2009, 703 p.
De ongelijke bedeling door de natuur. Europa's eigen weg.
Van ontdekkingen tot wereldmacht. Heerschappij in de Oost.
De aard van de industriële revolutie. Waarom Europa?
Waarom toen? Engeland en de rest. De rijkdom aan kennis.
De Zuid-Amerikaanse manier. De Meiji-restauratie. Overzeese
rijken en hun nasleep.
152 208
330.5 (100.3)
Understanding economic statistics : an OECD perspective
/ Giovannini, Enrico Paris: OECD ; 2008, 195 p.
Economic agents. Economic aggregates. The main
producers of economic statistics. An overview of OECD
economic statistics. Agriculture and fishery. Energy. Industry
and services. Science, technology and innovation.
Globalisation. Short-term economic indicators. Labour. Income
distribution and households' conditions. Monetary and financial
statistics. National accounts. OECD economic forecasts.
Territorial statistics. Economic history.
151 884
Fiscal and monetary rules for a currency union / Ferrero,
Andrea (Journal of International Economics, 2009 vol 77 no 1,
pp. 1- 10)
This paper addresses the optimal joint conduct of fiscal and
monetary policy in a two-country model of a currency union
with staggered price setting and distortionary taxes
P 00474 PB 2009 vol 77 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 B II
Monetary policy and welfare in a small open economy / De
Paoli, Bianca (Journal of International Economics, 2009 vol 77
no 1, pp. 11- 22)
This paper analyzes optimal monetary policy in a small open
economy featuring monopolistic competition and nominal
rigidities. It shows that the utility-based loss function for this
economy can be written as a quadratic expression of domestic
inflation, output gap and real exchange rate
P 00474 PB 2009 vol 77 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 B II
330.5 (485)
Development and improvement of economic statistics /
Stockholm: ; 2003, 329 p. ISBN: 91-38-21869-0
Economic statistics in twelve countries. International
assessment of Swedish economic statistics. Revisions of
Swedish national accounts 1980-1998 and an international
This paper examines how natural resources revenues
interact with growth and welfare in an overlapping generations
model with altruism.
152 076
330.5 (73)
Spending natural resource revenues in an altruistic
growth model / Frederiksen, Elisabeth Hermann
(Environment and Development Economics, 2008 vol 13 no 6,
pp. 747- 773)
P 00928 GRBR 2008 vol 13 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 45 C II
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
Statistical inference with generalized Gini indices of
inequality, poverty, and welfare / Barrett, Garry F. & Donald,
Stephen G. (Journal of Business and Economic Statistics,
2009 vol 27 no 1, pp. 1- 17)
This article considers statistical inference for consistent
estimators of generalized Gini indices of inequality, poverty,
and welfare. Our method does not require grouping the
population into a fixed number of quantiles. The empirical
indices are shown to be asymptotically normally distributed
using functional limit theory
P 00712 EU 2009 vol 27 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 E III
Fiscal and monetary policy in an endogenous growth
model with public capital. / Tamai, Toshiki (Finanzarchiv,
2008 vol 64 no 4, pp. 403- 421)
This paper develops an endogenous growth model in which
the government finances its public investment using both
income taxation and seigniorage.
P 00525 ALL 2008 vol 64 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 D III
Growth, inter-industry and intra-industry competition and
welfare / Minniti, Antonio (The Japanese Economic Review,
2009 vol 60 no 1, pp. 110- 132)
In this paper we introduce strategic interaction between
firms in an R&D growth model which captures both the
intra-industry competition between firms operating within an
industry and the inter-industry competition between firms in
different industries
La responsabilisation politique et le processus d'élaboration
des politiques. Elimination des obstacles à l'intégration dans
l'économie formelle. La contribution du secteur financier.
Faciliter l'accés des femmes au marché. Les raisons d'un
nouveau plan d'action pour l'agriculture. Promouvoir la
diversification des activités rénumératrices. Développer et
améliorer les infrastructures. Les infrastructures au service de
la pauvreté. L'appréciation préalable de l'impact sur la
151 615
The oxford handbook of economic inequality / Salverda,
Wiemer & Nolan, Brian & Smeeding, Timothy M. New York:
Oxford University Press ; 2009, 736 p.
Wealth. The labor market. Poverty. Time use in the
household. Happiness. Health. Education. Demographic
transformation. International migration. Intergeneration income
Globalization. The welfare state
152 055
Statistical inference with generalized Gini indices of
inequality, poverty, and welfare / Barrett, Garry F. & Donald,
Stephen G. (Journal of Business and Economic Statistics,
2009 vol 27 no 1, pp. 1- 17)
This article considers statistical inference for consistent
estimators of generalized Gini indices of inequality, poverty,
and welfare. Our method does not require grouping the
population into a fixed number of quantiles. The empirical
indices are shown to be asymptotically normally distributed
using functional limit theory
P 00712 EU 2009 vol 27 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 E III
P 00965 GRBR 2009 vol 60 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 28 D I
Trade, markup heterogeneity and misallocations. / Epifani,
Paolo & Gancia, Gino A. (CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7217,
pp. 1- 29)
In this paper, we study how the entire distribution of
markups affects resource misallocation and welfare in a
general equilibrium framework encompassing a large class of
models with imperfect competition. We then identify conditions
under which trade opening, by changing the distribution of
markups, may reduce welfare.
P 00834 GRBRno 7217
How successful have trade unions been? A utility-based
indicator of union well-being / Pencavel, John (Industrial
and Labor Relations Review, 2009 vol 62 no 2, pp. 147- 156)
In this paper, a general indicator of union welfare is
proposed and particular expressions for the wage and
employment objectives of unions are rearranged to derive
measures of union success or welfare. These indicators
combine two measures: union density and the relative
union-nonunion wage gap
P 00294 EU 2009 vol 62 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 23 A I
Vers une croissance pro-pauvres : orientations
l'intention des donneurs / Paris: OCDE ; 2007, 369 p.
Intergenerational transmissions: cultivating agency? /
Moncrieffe, Joy & Hossain, Naomi & Kabeer, Naila & Mahmud,
Simeen & Sumner, Andy & Haddad, Lawrence & Gomez
Climent, Laura & Tariquzzaman, Sheikh & Sengupta, Anasuya
& Edström, Jerker & Khan, Nichola & Gayle, Herbert &
Honwana, Alcinda & Greig, Alan & Tadros, Mariz & Bivens,
Felix & Moriarty, Kathleen & Taylor, Peter & Sabates-Wheeler,
Rachel & Devereux, Stephen & Hodges, Anthony (IDS
Bulletin, 2009 vol 40 no 1, pp. 1- 119)
This IDS Bulletin explores the question of intergenerational
transmissions and, particularly, whether and how states,
societies, development actors and parents, among others, are
building the conditions under which children can imagine and
realise better futures.
P 00961 GRBR 2009 vol 40 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 H I
330.521 (667)
The economy of Ghana : analytical perspectives on
stability, growth and poverty / Aryeetey, Ernest & Kanbur,
Ravi Suffolk, New York: James Currey ; 2008, 424 p.
Ghana's post-independance economic growth 1960-2000.
Persistant public sector deficits. Exchange rate volatility.
Balance of trade. Export performance and investment
behaviour of firms. Houdsehold savings. Banking competition
and efficiency. Rural and microfinance regulation.
Census-based poverty map. Decentralization and poverty
reduction. Secondary education. Health-care provision.
152 138
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
330.521 (681)
Rates of return to education in Botswana: results from the
2002/2003 household income and expenditure survey data
set / Siphambe, H.K. (The South African Journal of
Economics, 2008 vol 76 no 4, pp. 641- 651)
The purpose of this paper is to look at the link between
earnings and education using the latest Household Income
and Expenditure Survey (HIES) data of Botswana. We also
measure the profitability of the different levels of education
with a view not to only guide education financing policy but
also to assess whether education in Botswana has been
income equalising and whether it has led to significant poverty
152 308
Green to gold : how smart companies use environmental
strategy to innovate, create value, and build competitive
advantage / Esty, Daniel C. Hoboken: John Wiley and sons ;
2006, 380 p.
Eco-advantage. Natural drivers of the green wave.
Managing the downside. The eco-advantage mindset.
Eco-tracking. Inspiring an eco-advantage culture. Why
environmental initiatives fail.
152 335
P 00006 SAF 2008 vol 76 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 28 I III
330.521 (73)
The political and economic forces shaping concentrated
poverty. / Wilson, William Julius (Political Science Quarterly,
2008 vol 123 no 4, pp. 555- 572)
Through the second half of the 1990s and into the early
years of the twenty-first century, public attention to the plight of
poor black Americans seemed to wane. There was scant
media attention to the problem of concentrated urbzn proverty
(neighborhoods in which a high percentage of the residents
fall beneath the federally designated poverty line), little or no
discussion of inner-city challenges by mainstream political
P 00196 EU 2008 vol 123 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 20 E II
Planeet op drift? : een wetenschappelijke kijk op
klimaatverandering en global change / Vanderborght, Oscar
& Verheyden, Peter & Commers, Ronald Brussel: Academic
and Scientific Publishers ; 2008, 632 p.
De bepalende factoren van het klimaat. Temperatuur als
signaal. De verstoorde stralingsbalans. Globl change en
verandering van het landgebruik. De rol van de oceanen in het
klimaat en in de koolstofcyclus. Paleoklimaat: een blik in het
verleden. Water(s)nood: te weinig versus te veel water.
Verwoestijning. Het ozongat. Biodiversiteit. De eindigheid van
energie en grondstoffen.
152 141
Food fears : from industrial to sustainable food systems /
Aldershot, Burlington: Ashgate ; 2008, 185 p.
With escalating rates of diabetes, cancer and obesity,
excessive food miles and the consequences for global climate
change, farm crises, food insecurity and the "fast food" culture,
the industrial food system of the West is increasingly
perceived als problematic. The physical, social and intellectual
distance between consumers and their food stems from a food
system that privileges quantity and efficiency over quality, with
an underlying assumption that food is a commodity, rather
than a source of nourishment and pleasure.
Spending natural resource revenues in an altruistic
growth model / Frederiksen, Elisabeth Hermann
(Environment and Development Economics, 2008 vol 13 no 6,
pp. 747- 773)
This paper examines how natural resources revenues
interact with growth and welfare in an overlapping generations
model with altruism.
P 00928 GRBR 2008 vol 13 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 45 C II
330.524 (100)
Energy efficiency and sustainable consumption : the
rebound effect / Sorrell, Steve London: Palgrave Macmillan ;
2009, 266 p.
Most governments seek to improve energy efficiency in
order to reduce carbon emissions. But this may not be as
effective as is generally assumed. Various 'rebound effects'
may take back some or all of the energy savings. It is even
possible that improvements in energy efficiency will lead to
increases in energy demand over the long term. This is the
first book to provide a detailed analysis of these rebound
effects and to highlight their far-reaching implications for
energy and climate policy. It combines economic studies of the
rebound effect with broader analyses of the socio-cultural and
political implications.
152 303
330.524 (100-77) (675)
"Nouveau voyage au Congo : Les défis de la
reconstruction" / Vircoulon, Thierry & Pourtier, Roland &
Mazalto, Marie & Trefon, Théodore & Mukanga, Raphaël
Diumasumbu & Moufflet, Véronique & Renard, Yves (Afrique
contemporaine, 2008 no 227, pp. 17- 152)
Introduction thématique; La République démocratique du
Congo : questions autour de la reconstruction post-conflit.
Reconstruire le territoire pour reconstruire l'Etat. La réforme du
secteur minier. La réforme du secteur forestier. Réforme
administrative. La Chine, nouvel acteur de la reconstruction
congolaise. Le paradigme du viol comme arme de guerre. Des
médias entre prolifération anarchique, impunité et pauvreté.
P 00647 FR 2008 no 227 SALLE/ZAAL: 28 H II
152 186
Wind energy - the facts / London: Earthscan ; 2009, 568 p.
This new book, the result of an ambitious project
coordinated by the European Wind Energy Association, aims
to present the facts about wind energy. It includes six sections
discussing : technology; grid integration; economics of wind;
industry and markets; environmental impacts; scenarios and
Planeet op drift? : een wetenschappelijke kijk op
klimaatverandering en global change / Vanderborght, Oscar
& Verheyden, Peter & Commers, Ronald Brussel: Academic
and Scientific Publishers ; 2008, 632 p.
De bepalende factoren van het klimaat. Temperatuur als
signaal. De verstoorde stralingsbalans. Globl change en
verandering van het landgebruik. De rol van de oceanen in het
klimaat en in de koolstofcyclus. Paleoklimaat: een blik in het
verleden. Water(s)nood: te weinig versus te veel water.
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
Verwoestijning. Het ozongat. Biodiversiteit. De eindigheid van
energie en grondstoffen.
152 141
induced by preferences for relative income, for the evolution of
income inequality. We also explore the implications for
long-run growth and inequality, in the existence of both KUJ
and RAJ agents.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 39 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Hubbert's Peak : the impending world oil shortage /
Princeton, Oxford: Princeton University Press ; 2009, 208 p.
The origin of oil. Oil reservoirs and oil fields. Finding it.
Drilling methods. Size and discoverability of oil fields. Rate
plots. The future of fossil fuels. Alternative energy sources
152 234
Trends in neighborhood income inequality in the U.S.:
1980-2000 / Wheeler, Christopher H. & La Jeunesse,
Elizabeth A. (Journal of Regional Science, 2008 vol 48 no 5,
pp. 879- 891)
This paper reports evidence on the geographic pattern of
income inequality, both within and between neighborhoods,
across a sample of 359 U.S. metropolitan areas between 1980
and 2000.
P 00406 EU 2008 vol 48 no 5 SALLE/ZAAL: 30 A I
The oxford handbook of economic inequality / Salverda,
Wiemer & Nolan, Brian & Smeeding, Timothy M. New York:
Oxford University Press ; 2009, 736 p.
Wealth. The labor market. Poverty. Time use in the
household. Happiness. Health. Education. Demographic
transformation. International migration. Intergeneration income
Globalization. The welfare state
152 055
Growth and distribution in an AK-model with endogenous
impatience. / Borissov, Kirill & Lambrecht, Stéphane
(Economic Theory, 2009 vol 39 no 1, pp. 93- 112)
This paper combines the classical approach to inequality,
based on the division of society into classes with different
saving propensities, and the social conflictapproach, in which
inequality inflicts costs to growth. We assume that each
consumer's discount factor is endogenously determined
through two channels : (1) it is positively related to the
consumer's relative wealth, and (2) negatively affected by an
aggregate measure of social conflict.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 39 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Status-seeking behavior, the evolution of income
inequality, and growth / Kawamoto, Koichi (Economic
Theory, 2009 vol 39 no 2, pp. 269- 289)
Using an overlapping generations model, this paper
investigates the implications of status-seeking behavior,
Statistical inference with generalized Gini indices of
inequality, poverty, and welfare / Barrett, Garry F. & Donald,
Stephen G. (Journal of Business and Economic Statistics,
2009 vol 27 no 1, pp. 1- 17)
This article considers statistical inference for consistent
estimators of generalized Gini indices of inequality, poverty,
and welfare. Our method does not require grouping the
population into a fixed number of quantiles. The empirical
indices are shown to be asymptotically normally distributed
using functional limit theory
P 00712 EU 2009 vol 27 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 E III
330.564 (100)
Arm en rijk : waarom sommige landen erg rijk zijn en
andere erg arm / Landes, David S. DK Houten: Spectrum ;
2009, 703 p.
De ongelijke bedeling door de natuur. Europa's eigen weg.
Van ontdekkingen tot wereldmacht. Heerschappij in de Oost.
De aard van de industriële revolutie. Waarom Europa?
Waarom toen? Engeland en de rest. De rijkdom aan kennis.
De Zuid-Amerikaanse manier. De Meiji-restauratie. Overzeese
rijken en hun nasleep.
152 208
330.564 (44)
Des salaires aux dividendes: les changements de la
répartition de richesse en France depuis 1970 / Clerc,
Denis (L' Economie politique, 2009 no 41, pp. 8- 29)
Oui ou non, la part des salaires dans la valeur ajoutée c'est-à-dire dans la richesse produite par l'ensemble des
travailleurs au sein de l'économie nationale - est-elle orientée
à la baisse ?
P 00932 FR 2009 no 41 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 I I
330.564 (519.5)
Globalization and economic inequality in the short and
long run: the case of South Korea 1975-1995 / Sato, Sumie
& Fukushige, Mototsugu (Journal of Asian Economics, 2009
vol 20 no 1, pp. 62- 68)
We analyse the determinants of the Gini coefficient for
income and expenditure in South Korea between 1975 and
1995. These results suggest that the effect of economic
globalization on income inequality has two routes and two
different speeds
P 00776 EU 2009 vol 20 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 28 B III
330.564 (680)
Local institutional innovation and pro-poor agricultural
growth : the case of small-woolgrowers'associations in
South-Africa / Vink, Nick Antwerpen, Apeldoorn: Garant
Uitgevers ; 2003, 370 p. ISBN: 90-441-1432-8
Agriculture and poverty: does globalisation matter?
Institutions, markets, policies for pro-poor agricultural growth.
The impact of migration on rural development. The South
African wool industry and smallholder wool producers in the
Transkei homeland. Effect of the instuitutional environment on
the production of wool. A comparison of technical efficiency
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
and the return on investment. Demand reponse: the
composition and value of the expenditure basket of rural
households. Supply reponse: the multiplier effects of
intervention in agriculture
152 179
330.564 (681)
Rates of return to education in Botswana: results from the
2002/2003 household income and expenditure survey data
set / Siphambe, H.K. (The South African Journal of
Economics, 2008 vol 76 no 4, pp. 641- 651)
The purpose of this paper is to look at the link between
earnings and education using the latest Household Income
and Expenditure Survey (HIES) data of Botswana. We also
measure the profitability of the different levels of education
with a view not to only guide education financing policy but
also to assess whether education in Botswana has been
income equalising and whether it has led to significant poverty
P 00006 SAF 2008 vol 76 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 28 I III
effective as is generally assumed. Various 'rebound effects'
may take back some or all of the energy savings. It is even
possible that improvements in energy efficiency will lead to
increases in energy demand over the long term. This is the
first book to provide a detailed analysis of these rebound
effects and to highlight their far-reaching implications for
energy and climate policy. It combines economic studies of the
rebound effect with broader analyses of the socio-cultural and
political implications.
152 303
330.567.2 (480)
Governance and political consumerism in Finnish energy
policy-making / Ruostetsaari, Ilkka (Energy Policy, 2009 vol
37 no 1, pp. 102- 111)
The research task in the study was, firstly, to analyse
citizens' perceptions of the power structure underlying Finnish
energy policy-making. Secondly, we analysed the role of civil
society in the energy sector, addressing the question whether
Finns feel that they can influence energy policy-making as
citizens through general elections (civic participation) or as
consumers via their own consumption choices (political
P 00780 GRBR 2009 vol 37 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 44 B I
Demand threshold, zero expenditure and hierarchical
model of consumer demand / Chattopadhyay, Nachiketa &
Majumder, Amita & Coondoo, Dipankor (Metroeconomica,
2009 vol 60 no 1, pp. 91- 119)
Consumer expenditure surveys often show households
reporting zero consumption of some commodities. Three
reasons for this are recognized in the literature: (i)infrequency
of purchase,(ii)a strong brand preference for differentiated
products and (iii)misreporting. However, sometimes the
number of households reporting zero consumption is seen to
decline with income
P 00501 GX 2009 vol 60 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 B III
Housing wealth, financial wealth, and consumption: new
evidence from micro data / Bostic, Raphael & Gabriel, Stuart
& Painter, Gary (Regional Science and Urban Economics,
2009 vol 39 no 1, pp. 79- 90)
Fluctuations in the stock market and in house values over
the course of recent years have led to renewed
macroeconomic policy debate as regards the effects of
financial and housing wealth in the determination of consumer
spending. This research assembles a unique matched sample
of household data from the Survey of Consumer Finance and
the Consumer Expenditure Survey to estimate the
consumption effects of financial and housing wealth.
P 00516 PB 2009 vol 39 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 I II
330.567.2 (100)
Energy efficiency and sustainable consumption : the
rebound effect / Sorrell, Steve London: Palgrave Macmillan ;
2009, 266 p.
Most governments seek to improve energy efficiency in
order to reduce carbon emissions. But this may not be as
330.567.2 (493) (493=40)
La boulangerie-patisserie en Wallonie : situation
économique et perspectives / Louvain: Université catholique
de Louvain - Faculté des sciences agronomiques ; 1996, p.m.
Consommation. Marchés. Problèmes recents et perspectives.
Synthèse, perspectives et strategies.
152 263
330.567.2 (73) (83)
Financial frictions and business cycles in middle income
countries / Guajardo, Jaime (IMF Working Papers, 2008 no
20, pp. 4- 61)
Empirical analyses reveals three regularities among
middle-income countries: consumption is highy procyclical and
more volatile than output, investment is highly procyclical and
three to four times as volatile as output. Standard dynamic
stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) small open economy
models have failed to match these regularities, as they predict
excessive consumption smoothing, low procyclicality and
volatility of investment, and procyclical real net exports. This
study approaches the problem by considering market
imperfections relevant for middle-income countries; a limited
access to the foreign capital market, identified as an external
borrowing constraint; and asymmetric financing opportunities
across tradable and nontradable firms, identiefies as a
sector-specific labor-financing wedge.
P 01384 GX 2008 no 20
Animal spirits : how human psychology drives the
economy, and why it matters for global capitalism /
Akerlof, George A. & Shiller, Robert J. Princeton, Oxford:
Princeton University Press ; 2009, 230 p.
Confidence and its multipliers. Corruption and bad faith.
Why do economies fall into depression ? Why do central
bankers have power over the economy ? Why is saving for the
future so arbitrary ? Why do real estate markets go through
cycles ?
151 976
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
Essays on consumer search and interlocking directorates
/ Non, Maria Cornelia Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit ; 2008,
141 p.
Advertising and consumer search in a duopoly model. On
high advertised prices and searching where to buy. Clusters of
shops in a consumer search model. Interlocking boards and
firm performance.
152 109
Best nonparametric bounds on demand responses. /
Blundell, Richard & Browning, Martin & Crawford, Ian
(Econometrica, 2008 vol 76 no 6, pp. 1227- 1262)
This paper uses revealed preference inequalities to provide
the tightest possible (best) nonparametric bounds on predicted
consumer responses to price changes using consumer-level
data over a finite set of relative price changes.
financiers et de procédures de règlement d'insolvabilité se
rapportant à l'année 2006. Het jaarboek biedt een selectie van
rechterlijke beslissingen en diverse informatie over financiële
diensten en insolventieprocedures van het jaar 2006.
151 982
Access to European Union : law, economics, policies /
Moussis, Nicholas Rixensart: European Study Service ; 2008,
557 p.
European treaties. The structure and functions of European
institutions. Common market. Economic and monetary union.
Citizen's rights and participation. Consumer policy. Regional
development policy. Social progress policies. Taxation policy.
Competition policy. Environment policy. Industrial and
enterprise policies. Research and technology policy. Energy
policy. Transport policy. Agricultural policy. Fisheries policy.
Commercial policy. Development aid policy. External relations.
152 089
P 00193 EU 2008 vol 76 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 J I
Why do people keep their promises ? An experimental
test of two explanations. / Vanberg, Christoph
(Econometrica, 2008 vol 76 no 6, pp. 1467- 1480)
A "new approach" to standards and consumer protection
/ Winn, Jane & Jondet, Nicolas (Journal of Consumer Policy,
2008 vol 31 no 4, pp. 459- 472)
Numerous psychological and economic experiments have
shown that the exchange of promises greatly enhances
cooperative behavior in experimental games. This paper
seeks to test two theories to explain this effect. The first posits
that individuals have a preference for keeping their word. The
second assumes that people dislike letting down others' payoff
In order to protect consumer interests in markets for ICT
products, effectively, another "New Approach" is needed to
coordinate the work of global ICT standard-developing
organizations with the goals of national and regional consumer
protection laws, but the institutional challenges facing such a
strategy are daunting. The French DADVSI legislation
represents progress in this direction; further progress may be
possible by adopting "better regulation" strategies.
P 00193 EU 2008 vol 76 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 J I
P 00710 ALL 2008 vol 31 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 49 H III
Informedness and customer-centric revenue management
/ Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit ; 2009, 166 p.
330.567.2:351.82 (4)
Fundamental rights and the European regulation of
iConsumer contracts / Mak, Chantal (Journal of Consumer
Policy, 2008 vol 31 no 4, pp. 425- 439)
The recent pervasive adoption of advanced information
technologies profoundly changes the availability of information
to customers and firms. This improved information endowment
has affected consumer behavior and poses new challenges for
corporate strategy.
This paper addresses the question of how fundamental
rights affect European legislation and adjudication on
contracts regarding digital information services (iConsumer
151 933
P 00710 ALL 2008 vol 31 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 49 H III
330.567.22 (540)
Patterns of rainfall insurance participation in rural India. /
Giné, Xavier & Townsend, Robert & Vickery, James (The
World Bank Economic Review, 2008 vol 22 no 3, pp. 539566)
Take-up of an innovative rainfall assurance policy offered to
smallholder farmers in rural India decreases with basis risk
between insurance payouts and income fluctuations,
increases with household wealth, and decreases with binding
credit constraints.
P 01132 GX 2008 vol 22 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 59 D I
330.567.25 (493)
Annuaire juiridique du crédit et du réglement collectif de
dettes 2006 : crédit hypothécaire, crédit à la
consommation et réglement collectif de dettes /
Marchienne-au-Pont: Observatoire du Crédit et de
l'Endettement ; 2006, 708 p.
Vous y retrouverez une sélection de décisions judiciaires
ainsi que diverses informations en matière de services
330.567.2:351.82 (73)
Food product composition, consumer health, and public
policy. / Golan, Elise & Unnevehr, Laurian & Alston, Julian M.
& Sumner, Daniel A. & Vosti, Stephen A. & Beghin, John C. &
Jensen, Helen H. & Mancino, Lisa & Küchler, Fred & Leibtag,
Ephraim & Unnevehr, Laurian J. & Jagmanaite, Evelina (Food
Policy, 2008 vol 33 no 6, pp. 465- 503)
Food product composition, consumer health, and public
policy. Farm subsidies and obesity in the United States :
national evidence and international comparisons. Farm
policies and added sugars in US diets. Getting consumers to
eat more whole-grains : the role of policy, information, and
food manufacturers. Getting rid of trans fats in the US diet :
policies, incentives and progress.
P 00899 GRBR 2008 vol 33 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 I I
330.59 (493=393)
Pact 2020 : een nieuw toekomstpact voor Vlaanderen, 20
doelstellingen / Brussel: Vlaamse Regering ; 2009, 19 p.
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
Meer welvaart en welzijn. Een competitieve en duurzame
economie. Meer mensen aan de slag, in meer werkbare jobs
en in gemiddeld langere loopbanen. Levenskwaliteit van hoog
niveau. Een efficiënt en doeltreffend bestuur.
Retour sur le monétarisme Le nouveau consensus de la
politique monétaire Comprendre la crise des subprimes
P 00932 FR 2009 no 41 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 I I
152 159
Le cauchemar de Marx : le capitalisme est-il une histoire
sans fin ? / Collin, Denis Paris: Max Milo Editions ; 2009, 318
Le capital ou la révolution permanente. L'abolition du
salariat et du patronat. Le dépérissement de l'État. La
social-démocratie ou le mythe du parti ouvrier. L'écroulement
du communisme historique du XXe siècle. Retour sur l'URSS.
Le communisme a une histoire et une raison d'être. Un
communisme non utopique. Forces et stratégie pour une
alternative radicale.
Paul Krigman ou la théorie au service de la politique
économique / Coissard, Steven (L' Economie politique, 2009
no 41, pp. 46- 57)
152 204
De la nouvelle théorie du commerce international au prix de
la Banque de Suède
P 00932 FR 2009 no 41 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 I I
The Wealth of Nations van Adam Smith / O'Rourke, P.J.
Amsterdam: Mets & Shilt ; 2008, 220 p.
In de augiasstal van het menselijk bestaan probeert Adam
Smith de hokken uit te mesten. Laat Adam Smith je
marktgoeroe zijn. De welvaart tijdens verschillende periodes
en waarom we die te danken hebben aan de domheid der
machthebbers. Adam Smith als eerste raadgever van jong
Amerika. Het verloren boek van Adam Smith. Adam Smith
pakt de handelsdreiging uit China aan.
152 299
Democracy and reforms. / Giuliano, Paola & Mishra, Prachi
& Spilimbergo, Antonio (CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7194,
pp. 1- 41)
This paper studies the impact of democracy on the adoption
of economic reforms using a new dataset on reforms in the
financial, capital, public and banking sezctors, product and
labor markets, agriculture, and trade for 150 countries over the
period 1960-2004.
P 00834 GRBRno 7194
Keynes and the market / Hoboken: John Wiley ; 2008, 213 p.
John Maynard Keynes - acclaimed economist, statesman,
and writer - was one of the few men to master the financial
markets in practice as well as in theory. His six key investment
principles, refined over decades of investing, represent a
straightforward and time-tested system for exploiting the
periodic irrationality of stock markets. Keynes and the market
examines the secrets behind Keynes'incredible stock market
152 140
La faillite du monétarisme et l'illusion du nouveau
consensus monétaire / Galbraith, James K. (L' Economie
politique, 2009 no 41, pp. 31- 43)
A market game approach to differential information
economies / Fugarolas-Alvarez-Ude, Guadalupe &
Hervés-Beloso, Carlos & Moreno-Garcia, Emma &
Torres-Martinez, Juan Pablo (Economic Theory, 2009 vol 38
no 2, pp. 321- 330)
In this paper we recast a differential information economy as
a strategic game in which players propose net trades and
prices. Pure strategy Nash equilibria are strong and determine
both consumption plans and commodity prices that coincide
with the Walrasian Expectations equilibria of the underlying
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 38 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
The measure of blocking coalitions in differential
information economies / Bimonte, Giovanna & Graziano,
Maria Gabriella (Economic Theory, 2009 vol 38 no 2, pp. 331350)
We provide an evaluation of the measure of privately
blocking coalitions in differential information economies. From
a different point of view, the paper can be considered as a
contribution showing private core equivalence theorems under
restrictions on coalition formation.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 38 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
On non-revealing rational expectations equilibrium /
Glycopantis, Dionysius & Muir, Allan & Yannelis, Nicholas C.
(Economic Theory, 2009 vol 38 no 2, pp. 351- 369)
It is shown that a non-revealing rational expectations
equilibrium may not be coalitionally Bayesian incentive
compatible, may not be implementable as a perfect Bayesian
equilibrium and may not belong to the weak fine core and thus
may not be fully Pareto optimal.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 38 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Existence of Edgeworth equilibria for economies with
asymmetric information / Meo, Claudia (Economic Theory,
2009 vol 38 no 2, pp. 371- 383)
We analyze a general equilibrium model with a
asymmetrically informed agents. A basic and well-known
consequence of asymmetric information is the failure of equal
treatment property. Despits of this, we show that in every
replica economy a private core allocation, which treats of the
same type equally, exists.
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 38 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
331 (494)
Santé, travail et séniors / Bury, Jacques A. (Revue
économique et sociale, 2008 vol 66 no 3, pp. 7- 63)
Santé et travail pour les 50 ans et plus: à propos du
programme 50 + santé de la CLASS. Conditions de travail des
45 ans et plus dans l'Aministration Cantonale Vaudoise. Santé
au travail 50 ans+: Quels facteurs protecteurs? Administration
cantonale de Fribourg. Projet jurassien d'un catalogue
d'actions exemplaires de santé au travail. Elaboration d'un
cadre normatif de sensibilisation et de prévention: gestion des
risques de mobbing. Responsabilité sociale des entreprises:
indicateurs pour compléter la notation sur la dimension santé
à l'usage des investisseurs institutionnels. Synthèse du suivi
de la litérature + 50 ans et plus Santé. Prévention des effets
néfastes du chômage sur la santé des personnes engagées
dans les mesures de réinsertion. Analyse critique des
différentes dispositions cantonales relatives à la (ré)insertion
professionnelle des personnes. Plan stratégique pour
l'élaboration et la diffusion de recommendations "Santé
Chômage 50+" à l'endroit des instances responsables de
l'application de la LACI. Amélioration de l'impact des
séminaires de préparation à la retraite.
Le droit du travail australien n'a pas subi de modification
importante jusqu'au début des années 1990. L'adoption d'une
loi de 2005, 'Workplace Relations Amendment (Work Choices)
Act 2005. Une réforme intervenue en 2008 témoigne de la
volonté de la nouvelle majorité politique de mettre un terme à
la libéralisation du droit du travail. En outre une autre réforme
est prévue pour 2010.
P 00374 FR 2008 vol 60 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 53 E I
Social Capital and Social Influence on the Board of
Directors / Stevenson, William B. & Radin, Robert F. (Journal
of Management Studies, 2009 vol 46 no 1, pp. 16- 44)
In this study we took a multi-method approach to address
the question of who gains power in the boardroom in terms of
the use of human and social capital by board members
P 00945 GRBR 2009 vol 46 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 B II
Intellectual Capital Architectures and Ambidextrous
Learning: A Framework for Human Resource Management
/ Kang, Sung-Choon & Snell, Scott A. (Journal of Management
Studies, 2009 vol 46 no 1, pp. 65- 92)
Both researchers and managers are increasingly interested
in how firms can pursue ambidextrous learning; that is,
simultaneously exploring new knowledge domains while
exploiting current ones. Ambidextrous learning is derived from
intellectual capital architectures that underlie unique
configurations of human, social, and organizational capital. We
identified two distinctive architectures of intellectual capital that
facilitate ambidextrous learning
P 00945 GRBR 2009 vol 46 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 B II
P 00550 SS 2008 vol 66 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 J III
331 (681)
Rates of return to education in Botswana: results from the
2002/2003 household income and expenditure survey data
set / Siphambe, H.K. (The South African Journal of
Economics, 2008 vol 76 no 4, pp. 641- 651)
331.024 (4-11) (4-15)
The role of human capital and managerial skills in
explaining productivity gaps between east and west /
Steffen, Wolfgang & Stephan, Johannes (Eastern European
Economics, 2008 vol 46 no 6, pp. 5- 24)
The purpose of this paper is to look at the link between
earnings and education using the latest Household Income
and Expenditure Survey (HIES) data of Botswana. We also
measure the profitability of the different levels of education
with a view not to only guide education financing policy but
also to assess whether education in Botswana has been
income equalising and whether it has led to significant poverty
This paper assesses the determinants of productivity gaps
between firms in the European transition countries and regions
and firms in West Germany. The analysis is conducted at the
firm level using a unique database constructed by fieldwork.
P 00006 SAF 2008 vol 76 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 28 I III
Ramsey fiscal policy and endogenous growth / Park, Hyun
(Economic Theory, 2009 vol 39 no 3, pp. 377- 398)
This paper examines the effects of fiscal policies on capital
accumulation and economic performance in a simple
endogenous growth model with elastic labor supply for
focusing on the implementability of a competitive equilibrium
with productive public spending and distortionary taxation.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 39 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
331.011.2 (94)
L'évolution contemporaine du droit du travail australien
entre mondialisation économique et protection sociale /
Fiorentino, Allison (Revue internationale de Droit comparé,
2008 vol 60 no 4, pp. 975- 1022)
P 00333 EU 2008 vol 46 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 B I
An empirical model of growth through product innovation.
/ Lentz, Rasmus & Mortensen, Dale T. (Econometrica, 2008
vol 76 no 6, pp. 1317- 1373)
The purpose of this paper is to estimate the structure of an
equilibrium model of growth through innovation designed to
identify and quantity the role of resource reallocationin the
growth process. The estimated model implies that more
productive firms in each cohort grow faster and consequently
crowd out less productive firms in steady state.
P 00193 EU 2008 vol 76 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 J I
331.024.3 (4-11) (4-15)
The role of human capital and managerial skills in
explaining productivity gaps between east and west /
Steffen, Wolfgang & Stephan, Johannes (Eastern European
Economics, 2008 vol 46 no 6, pp. 5- 24)
This paper assesses the determinants of productivity gaps
between firms in the European transition countries and regions
and firms in West Germany. The analysis is conducted at the
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
firm level using a unique database constructed by fieldwork.
P 00333 EU 2008 vol 46 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 B I
331.024.3 (73)
Service offshoring and productivity: evidence from the US
/ Amiti, Mary & Wei, Shang-Jin (The World Economy, 2009 vol
32 no 2, pp. 203- 220)
The data are aggregated up from 450 SIC manufacturing
industries to 96 manufacturing industries in order to match the
level of aggregation of the input/output (I/O) tables, which
provides details of service inputs. It is important to net out
service inputs when calculating productivity in order to avoid
conflating measures due to missing inputs. Labour productivity
in manufacturing grew at an annual average rate of 4 per cent
between 1992 and 2000.
P 00773 GRBR 2009 vol 32 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 F I
331.116.3 (493)
La concertation sociale / Arcq, Etienne Bruxelles: Centre de
Recherche et d'Information Socio-politiques ; 2008, 134 p.
La négociation. La consultation. La concertation tripartite.
Les accords non marchands. Les commissions paritaires du
secteur non marchand. Le statut syndical des agents des
services publics. Les organes de négociation et de
152 164
Des salaires aux dividendes: les changements de la
répartition de richesse en France depuis 1970 / Clerc,
Denis (L' Economie politique, 2009 no 41, pp. 8- 29)
Oui ou non, la part des salaires dans la valeur ajoutée c'est-à-dire dans la richesse produite par l'ensemble des
travailleurs au sein de l'économie nationale - est-elle orientée
à la baisse ?
P 00932 FR 2009 no 41 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 I I
331.2 (45)
Labour-market assimilation of foreign workers in Italy /
Villosio, Claudia & VENTURINI, ALESSANDRA (Oxford
Review of Economic Policy, 2008 vol 24 no 3, pp. 517- 541)
This is the first paper to analyse the labour-market
assimilation of foreign(i.e. non-citizen) workers in Italy. It
considers the daily wages and the days of employment of
male workers in WHIP, a matched employer-employee panel
dataset, from 1990 to 2003
P 00830 GRBR 2008 vol 24 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 K III
331.2 (485)
The aggregate labor market effects of the Swedish
knowledge lift program / Albrecht, James & van den Berg,
Gerard J. & Vroman, Susan (Review of Economic Dynamics,
2009 vol 12 no 1, pp. 129- 146)
The Swedish adult education program known as the
Knowledge Lift (1997-2002) was unprecedented in its size and
scope, aiming to raise the skill level of large numbers of
low-skill workers. This paper evaluates the potential effects of
this program on aggregate labor market outcomes
Wage differential, discrimination and inequality: a
cautionary note on the Juhn, Murphy and Pierce
decomposition method / Yun, Myeong-Su (Scottish Journal
of Political Economy, 2009 vol 56 no 1, pp. 114- 122)
This paper shows how difficult it is to study the roles of
discrimination and unobserved skills when studying changes
in racial and gender wage gaps over time by examining merits
and shortcomings of a popular decomposition method by
Juhn, Murphy and Pierce (JMP).
P 00812 EU 2009 vol 12 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 G II
Understanding sectoral differences in downward real
wage rigidity : workforce composition, institutions,
technology and competition / Du Caju, Philip & Fuss,
Catherine & Wintr, Ladislav (Working paper, National Bank of
Belgium, 2009 no 156, pp. 1- 33)
This paper examines whether differences in wage rigidity
across sectors can be explained by differences in workforce
composition, competition, technology and wage-bargaining
institutions. We find that wages are more rigid in more
competitive sectors, in labour-intensive sectors, and in sectors
with predominant centralised wage-setting at the sector level
as opposed to firm-level wage agreements.
P 03125 BG 2009 no 156
P 00706 GRBR 2009 vol 56 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 J I
The demographic transition and the sexual division of
labor. / Soares, Rodrigo R. & Falcao, Bruno L.S. (Journal of
Political Economy (JPE), 2008 vol 116 no 6, pp. 1058- 1104)
This paper presents a theory in which increases in female
labor force participation and reductions in the gender-wage
gap are generated as part of a single process of demographic
transition, initially characterized by reductions in mortality and
fertility. The paper suggests a relationship between gains in
life expectancy and changes in the role of women in society
that has not been identified before in the literature.
P 00197 EU 2008 vol 116 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 J III
331.2 (44)
Sequential bargaining in a New Keynesian model with
frictional unemployment and staggered wage negotiation /
de Walque, Grégory & Pierrard, Olivier & Sneessens, Henri &
Wouters, Raf (Working paper, National Bank of Belgium, 2009
no 157, pp. 1- 29)
We consider a model with frictional unemployment and
staggered wage bargaining where hours worked are
negotiated for each period. The workers' bargaining power in
the working time negotiations affects both unemployment
volatility and inflation persistence. Distinguishing the
probability to bargain the wage rate for existing and new jobs,
we show that the intensive margin helps reduce the new
entrants' wage rigidity required to match observed
unemployemnt volatility.
P 03125 BG 2009 no 157
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
Rewarding effort / Cappelen, Alexander W. & Tungodden,
Bertil (Economic Theory, 2009 vol 39 no 3, pp. 425- 441)
According to liberal egalitarian ethics, individuals should be
rewarded for factors under their control (the principle of
responsibility), but not for factors outside their control (the
principle of equalization). The paper analyses the effects of
two requirements on how to reward effort within a liberal
egalitarian framework.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 39 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Wage differential, discrimination and inequality: a
cautionary note on the Juhn, Murphy and Pierce
decomposition method / Yun, Myeong-Su (Scottish Journal
of Political Economy, 2009 vol 56 no 1, pp. 114- 122)
This paper shows how difficult it is to study the roles of
discrimination and unobserved skills when studying changes
in racial and gender wage gaps over time by examining merits
and shortcomings of a popular decomposition method by
Juhn, Murphy and Pierce (JMP).
P 00706 GRBR 2009 vol 56 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 J I
Rewarding effort / Cappelen, Alexander W. & Tungodden,
Bertil (Economic Theory, 2009 vol 39 no 3, pp. 425- 441)
According to liberal egalitarian ethics, individuals should be
rewarded for factors under their control (the principle of
responsibility), but not for factors outside their control (the
principle of equalization). The paper analyses the effects of
two requirements on how to reward effort within a liberal
egalitarian framework.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 39 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
331.215 (73)
CEO compensation : trends, market changes, and
regulation. / Jarque, Arantxa (Economic Quarterly of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, 2008 vol 94 no 3, pp.
265- 300)
The average pay of a chief executive officer (CEO) in a top
U S. firm has increased six-fold in the last three decades.
Simultaneously, the composition of pay has moved away from
salary-based and increasingly toward performance-based
compensation in the form of stock grants. This has
strengthened the link between CEO pay and firm performance.
Anecdotal evidence on the recent corporate fraud scandals
suggests that some incentive problems remain unsolved.
P 00702 EU 2008 vol 94 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 37 J III
Wage differential, discrimination and inequality: a
cautionary note on the Juhn, Murphy and Pierce
decomposition method / Yun, Myeong-Su (Scottish Journal
of Political Economy, 2009 vol 56 no 1, pp. 114- 122)
This paper shows how difficult it is to study the roles of
discrimination and unobserved skills when studying changes
in racial and gender wage gaps over time by examining merits
and shortcomings of a popular decomposition method by
Juhn, Murphy and Pierce (JMP).
P 00706 GRBR 2009 vol 56 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 J I
The labour market impact of immigration / Frattini,
Tommaso & Glitz, Albrecht & Dustmann, Christian (Oxford
Review of Economic Policy, 2008 vol 24 no 3, pp. 477- 494)
In the first part of this paper, we present a stylized model of
the labour market impact of immigration. We then discuss
mechanisms through which an economy can adjust to
immigration: changes in factor prices, output mix, and
production technology. In the second part, we explain the
problems of empirically estimating how immigration affects
labour market outcomes of the resident population and review
some strategies to address these
P 00830 GRBR 2008 vol 24 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 K III
Understanding sectoral differences in downward real
wage rigidity : workforce composition, institutions,
technology and competition / Du Caju, Philip & Fuss,
Catherine & Wintr, Ladislav (Working paper, National Bank of
Belgium, 2009 no 156, pp. 1- 33)
This paper examines whether differences in wage rigidity
across sectors can be explained by differences in workforce
composition, competition, technology and wage-bargaining
institutions. We find that wages are more rigid in more
competitive sectors, in labour-intensive sectors, and in sectors
with predominant centralised wage-setting at the sector level
as opposed to firm-level wage agreements.
P 03125 BG 2009 no 156
331.2:330.564 (5-12) (5-13) (549)
Public-private sector segmentation in the Pakistani labour
market / Aslam, Monazza & Kingdon, Geeta (Journal of Asian
Economics, 2009 vol 20 no 1, pp. 34- 49)
This study investigates public-private sector wage
differentials for male and female waged employees in Pakistan
P 00776 EU 2009 vol 20 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 28 B III
331.2:330.564 (549) (549.3)
Returns to private and public education in Bangladesh
and Pakistan: a comparative analysis / Asadullah,
Mohammad Niaz (Journal of Asian Economics, 2009 vol 20 no
1, pp. 77- 86)
This paper documents wage differentials between private
and public school graduates in Bangladesh and Pakistan
P 00776 EU 2009 vol 20 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 28 B III
Openness, exchange rate regimes and the Phillips curve /
Bowdler, Christopher (Journal of International Money and
Finance, 2009 vol 28 no 1, pp. 148- 160)
In this paper I provide new evidence on the relationship
between openness to trade and the slope of the short-run
Phillips curve.
P 00847 GRBR 2009 vol 28 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 E I
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
Les grandes mutations qui transforment l'éducation /
Paris: OECD ; 2008, 86 p.
life expectancy and changes in the role of women in society
that has not been identified before in the literature.
Le vieillissement des sociétés de l'OCDE. Les grands défis
mondiaux. Le nouveau visage de l'économie mondiale.
Évolution du monde du travail et de l'emploi. La société de
l'apprentissage. TIC : la nouvelle génération. Les citoyens et
l'État. Liens sociaux et valeurs sociales. Une prospérité
durable ?
P 00197 EU 2008 vol 116 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 J III
151 881
The oxford handbook of economic inequality / Salverda,
Wiemer & Nolan, Brian & Smeeding, Timothy M. New York:
Oxford University Press ; 2009, 736 p.
Wealth. The labor market. Poverty. Time use in the
household. Happiness. Health. Education. Demographic
transformation. International migration. Intergeneration income
Globalization. The welfare state
152 055
Essays on labour markets : worker-firm dynamics,
occupational segregation and workplace conditions /
Buhai, Sebastian Ioan Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit ;
2008, 176 p.
Tenure profiles and efficient separation in a stochastic
productivity model. Returns to tenure or seniority? A social
network analysis of occupational segregation. The impact of
workplace conditions on firm performance.
152 110
The labour market impact of immigration / Frattini,
Tommaso & Glitz, Albrecht & Dustmann, Christian (Oxford
Review of Economic Policy, 2008 vol 24 no 3, pp. 477- 494)
In the first part of this paper, we present a stylized model of
the labour market impact of immigration. We then discuss
mechanisms through which an economy can adjust to
immigration: changes in factor prices, output mix, and
production technology. In the second part, we explain the
problems of empirically estimating how immigration affects
labour market outcomes of the resident population and review
some strategies to address these
P 00830 GRBR 2008 vol 24 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 K III
Job chains and wage curves : Workers mobility and
Marshallian surpluses in evaluating regional employment
growth / Persky, Joseph & Felsenstein, Daniel (Journal of
Regional Science, 2008 vol 48 no 5, pp. 921- 940)
This paper integrates a chain model with a modified
Marshallian model based on "wage curves".
P 00406 EU 2008 vol 48 no 5 SALLE/ZAAL: 30 A I
The demographic transition and the sexual division of
labor. / Soares, Rodrigo R. & Falcao, Bruno L.S. (Journal of
Political Economy (JPE), 2008 vol 116 no 6, pp. 1058- 1104)
This paper presents a theory in which increases in female
labor force participation and reductions in the gender-wage
gap are generated as part of a single process of demographic
transition, initially characterized by reductions in mortality and
fertility. The paper suggests a relationship between gains in
Resource-augmenting R&D with heterogeneous labor
supply / Amigues, Jean-Pierre & Moreaux, Michel & Ricci,
Francesco (Environment and Development Economics, 2008
vol 13 no 6, pp. 719- 745)
The effect labor possibilities frontier (ELPF) is defined as the
set of statically effecient allocations of labor inputs in the
competing tasks of production and R&D. It is concave if labor
is heterogeneous. In an R&D-based growth model with an
essential non-renewable natural resource, the shape of the
ELPF affects the optimal speed of the transition.
P 00928 GRBR 2008 vol 13 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 45 C II
Labor market reforms, job instability, and the flexibility of
the employment relationship / Matouschek, Niko &
Ramezzana, Paolo & Robert-Nicoud, Frédéric (European
Economic Review, 2009 vol 53 no 1, pp. 19- 36)
We endogenize separation in a search model of the labor
market and allow for bargaining over the continuation of
employment relationships following productivity shocks to take
place under asymmetric information.
P 00548 EU 2009 vol 53 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 J I
331.52 (100-77)
Labor markets and productivity in developing countries /
Satchi, Mathan & Temple, Jonathan (Review of Economic
Dynamics, 2009 vol 12 no 1, pp. 183- 204)
In middle-income countries, the informal sector often
accounts for a substantial fraction of the urban labor force. We
develop a general equilibrium model with matching frictions in
the urban labor market, the possibility of self-employment in
the informal sector, and scope for rural-urban migration. We
investigate the effects of labor market institutions, different
types of growth, and company taxes on labor market
outcomes and aggregate productivity
P 00812 EU 2009 vol 12 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 G II
331.52 (4)
European labour markets and the cultural-economic
geography of flexwork / Pijpers, Roos (Tijdschrift voor
Economische en Sociale Geografie (TESG), 2009 vol 100 no
1, pp. 121- 126)
P 00217 PB 2009 vol 100 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 17 E II
331.52 (410)
Productivity and labour demand effects of inward and
outward foreign direct investment on UK industry /
Driffield, Nigel & Love, James H. & Taylor, Karl (The
Manchester School of Economic and Social Studies, 2009 vol
77 no 2, pp. 171- 203)
We relate the technological and factor price determinants of
inward and outward foreign direct investment (FDI) to its
potential productivity and labour market effects on both host
and home economies.
P 00565 GRBR 2009 vol 77 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 I II
331.52 (415)
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
Ireland : north and south : a statistical profile / Cork,
Dublin, Belfast: Central Statistics Office ; 2000, 117 p. ISBN:
Population & households. Health & vital statistics. Industry &
finance. Education. Labour market. Agriculture. Transport &
tourism. European Union.
151 662
331.52 (438)
Demographic and labour-market impacts of migration on
Poland / Okolski, Marek & Kaczmarczyk, Pawel (Oxford
Review of Economic Policy, 2008 vol 24 no 3, pp. 599- 624)
Post-2004 labour migration from Poland turned out to be
one of the most spectacular migratory movements in
contemporary European history. This outflow on a massive
scale is surmised to impact on demographic, economic, and
social phenomena both in Poland and in the receiving
countries. The aim of this paper is to assess the demographic
and labour-market impacts of the recent migration of Poles
P 00830 GRBR 2008 vol 24 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 K III
331.52 (44)
Upstream transfers and the donor's labour supply:
evidence from migrants living in France / Wolff,
François-Charles & Dimova, Ralitza (The Manchester School
of Economic and Social Studies, 2009 vol 77 no 2, pp. 204224)
With the use of data on migrants living in France, we study
the pattern of transfers of time and money made to parents.
P 00565 GRBR 2009 vol 77 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 I II
331.52 (45)
Labour-market assimilation of foreign workers in Italy /
Villosio, Claudia & VENTURINI, ALESSANDRA (Oxford
Review of Economic Policy, 2008 vol 24 no 3, pp. 517- 541)
This is the first paper to analyse the labour-market
assimilation of foreign(i.e. non-citizen) workers in Italy. It
considers the daily wages and the days of employment of
male workers in WHIP, a matched employer-employee panel
dataset, from 1990 to 2003
P 00830 GRBR 2008 vol 24 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 K III
331.52 (485)
The aggregate labor market effects of the Swedish
knowledge lift program / Albrecht, James & van den Berg,
Gerard J. & Vroman, Susan (Review of Economic Dynamics,
2009 vol 12 no 1, pp. 129- 146)
The Swedish adult education program known as the
Knowledge Lift (1997-2002) was unprecedented in its size and
scope, aiming to raise the skill level of large numbers of
low-skill workers. This paper evaluates the potential effects of
this program on aggregate labor market outcomes
P 00812 EU 2009 vol 12 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 G II
331.52 (493=393)
Sociaal-economisch rapport Vlaanderen 2008 / Gent:
Academia Press ; 2008, 128 p.
Zuurstof voor de Vlaamse arbeidsmarkt. Risicokapitaal als
instrument in het bevorderen van ondernemerschap en
risicokapitaalmarkt. Het Vlaamse overheidsinstrumentarium
ten behoeve van risicokapitaal. De belangrijkste Europese
152 024
331.52 (493=393)
Pact 2020 : een nieuw toekomstpact voor Vlaanderen, 20
doelstellingen / Brussel: Vlaamse Regering ; 2009, 19 p.
Meer welvaart en welzijn. Een competitieve en duurzame
economie. Meer mensen aan de slag, in meer werkbare jobs
en in gemiddeld langere loopbanen. Levenskwaliteit van hoog
niveau. Een efficiënt en doeltreffend bestuur.
152 159
331.52 (5-12) (5-13) (549)
Public-private sector segmentation in the Pakistani labour
market / Aslam, Monazza & Kingdon, Geeta (Journal of Asian
Economics, 2009 vol 20 no 1, pp. 34- 49)
This study investigates public-private sector wage
differentials for male and female waged employees in Pakistan
P 00776 EU 2009 vol 20 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 28 B III
331.52 (560)
The 2001 economic crisis, its impacts and evaluations :
The case of workers and small employers in Ankara /
Erbas, Hayriye & Turan, Feryal (Review of Radical Political
Economics (RRPE), 2009 vol 41 no 1, pp. 79- 106)
This article examines primarily the social impacts of the
2001 economic crisis on small employers and workers and
their evaluation of the crisis in Ankara, Turkey.
P 00799 EU 2009 vol 41 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 K I
Macroeconomics : A European text / Burda, Michael &
Wyplosz, Charles New York: Oxford University Press ; 2009,
543 p.
The fundamentals of economic growth. Labour markets and
unemployment. Borrowing, lending and budget constraints.
Private sector demand: consumption and investment. Money
and monetary policy. International capital flows and
macroeconomic equilibrium. Output, employment and inflation.
Asset markets. The exchange rate. fiscal policies, debt and
seignorage. The architecture of the international monetary
system. Demand management policies.
152 298
Delegating and developing power: a case study of
engaged employees / Pech, Richard J. (Journal of Business
Strategy, 2009 vol 30 no 1, pp. 27- 33)
Key determinants for employee engagement are a sense of
trust between employees and their managers as well as a
sense of personal control. Restructuring efforts in the past
may have contributed to employee disengagement. Trust must
be communicated through the firm's culture and it must start
from the top of the organization. Managerial reluctance to
delegate authority and devolve power may create a
dysfunctional organization.
P 00732 EU 2009 vol 30 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 H III
Development impact fees and employment / Burge,
Gregory & Ihlanfeldt, Keith (Regional Science and Urban
Economics, 2009 vol 39 no 1, pp. 54- 63)
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
Development impact fees have sparked considerable
controversy as they have spread rapidly in usage throughout
the United States. One contentious issue is the effect that
these fees have on local economic development. While some
scholars have argued that impact fees attract jobs by reducing
developers'uncertainty, the development community maintains
that they operate as an excise tax, reducing commercial
development and driving away jobs.
P 00516 PB 2009 vol 39 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 I II
331.526 (493)
De l'aide à l'économie sociale / Brogniet, Philippe &
Jacquemart, Cécile Liége: Editions Luc Pire ; 1997, 182 p.
ISBN: 2-930088-86-9
Société à finalité sociale : cadres de référence et outils
adaptés aux CPAS. L'esprit "economie sociale", une longue
histoire. La société à finalité sociale : raisons d'être et
conditions d'un succès. Les pistes de l'économie sociale, du
secteur non-marchand et des services de proximité.
152 058
331.526 (510)
Foreign firms and Chinese employment / Karlsson, Sune &
Lundin, Nannan & Sjöholm, Fredrik & He, Ping (The World
Economy, 2009 vol 32 no 1, pp. 178- 201)
This paper aims at examining the effect of FDI on
employment in China, based on firm-level information from the
Chinese manufacturing sector during the period 1998-2004.
We examine both a direct employment effect, i.e. jobs created
in foreign MNEs, and an indirect employment effect, i.e. the
effect of FDI on jobs created in domestically-owned firms.
P 00773 GRBR 2009 vol 32 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 F I
331.526 (540) (548.7) (549)
Globalization, employment and mobility : the South Asian
Experience / Sato, Hiroshi Jetro: Palgrave Macmillan ; 2008,
319 p.
Job loss and job opportunities of factory workers in
Ahmedabad. Female garment workers in India and
Bangladesh in the post-MFA Era. Competitiveness of the
garment industry in Pakistan with particular focus on piece
rate workers. Economic liberalization and labour law reform in
India. Revision of the termination of employment of workmen
act and its implications. Indian debate on employment
reservation in the private sector. Labour demand in India's
textile and garment industries. Effects of the minimum wage
regulations on employment level and efficiency. Migration and
well-being at the lower echelons of the economy. The impact
of labour migration on household well-being.
152 206
331.526 (73)
Inward FDI, value added and employment in US states : A
panel cointegration approach / Ajaga, Elias & Nunnenkamp,
Peter (Aussenwirtschaft : Schweizerische Zeitschrift für
internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen. The Swiss review of
international economic relations, 2008 vol 63 no 4, pp. 347367)
This study investigates the long-run relationships between
inward FDI and economic outcomes in terms of value added
and employment at the level of the US states. JOHANSEN'S
(1980) co-integration technique and Toda and YAMAMOTO'S
(1995) Granger causality tests are applied to data for the
period of 1977 to 2001.
P 00506 SS 2008 vol 63 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 49 A II
The labour market impact of immigration / Frattini,
Tommaso & Glitz, Albrecht & Dustmann, Christian (Oxford
Review of Economic Policy, 2008 vol 24 no 3, pp. 477- 494)
In the first part of this paper, we present a stylized model of
the labour market impact of immigration. We then discuss
mechanisms through which an economy can adjust to
immigration: changes in factor prices, output mix, and
production technology. In the second part, we explain the
problems of empirically estimating how immigration affects
labour market outcomes of the resident population and review
some strategies to address these
P 00830 GRBR 2008 vol 24 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 K III
331.52:338.23 (100)
International labor standards and the political economy of
child labor regulation. / Doepke, Matthias & Zilibotti, Fabrizio
(CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7196, pp. 1- 12)
Child labor is a persistent phenomenon in many developing
countries. In recent years, support has been growing among
rich-country governments and consumer groups for the use of
trade policies, such as product boycotts and the imposition of
international labor standards, to reduce child labor in poor
countries. In this paper, we discuss research on the long-run
implications of such policies.
P 00834 GRBRno 7196
331.52:338.23 (4-11) (4-15) (4-191.2)
Scale, diversity, and determinants of labour migration in
Europe / Zimmermann, K.F. & Zaiceva, Anzelika (Oxford
Review of Economic Policy, 2008 vol 24 no 3, pp. 427- 451)
While global migration is increasing, internal EU migration
flows have only increased slowly. This paper contributes to a
better understanding of the determinants and scale of
European migration. It surveys previous historical experiences
and empirical findings including the recent Eastern
P 00830 GRBR 2008 vol 24 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 K III
331.52:338.23 (410)
Economic research and labour immigration policy / Ruhs,
Martin (Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 2008 vol 24 no 3,
pp. 403- 426)
Recognizing the inherent inter-disciplinarity of the subject,
this paper focuses on the implications of economic theories
and research for regulating the number, selection, and rights
of migrant workers in high-income countries
P 00830 GRBR 2008 vol 24 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 K III
331.52:338.23 (494)
Sequential causal models for the evaluation of labor
market programs / Lechner, Michael (Journal of Business
and Economic Statistics, 2009 vol 27 no 1, pp. 71- 83)
This article reviews inverse selection probability weighting to
estimate dynamic causal effects. A distribution theory based
on sequential generalized method of moments estimation is
proposed and the method is applied to a reevaluation of some
parts of the Swiss active labor market policy to obtain new
results and discuss several issues about the implementation of
the estimation procedure
P 00712 EU 2009 vol 27 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 E III
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
Optimal unemployment insurance in an estimated job
search model with savings / Lentz, Rasmus (Review of
Economic Dynamics, 2009 vol 12 no 1, pp. 37- 57)
This paper estimates a job search model with savings on
Danish micro data that include observations on wealth and
wages. Controlling for extensive observed and unobserved
worker characteristics heterogeneity, the estimation relates
observed unemployment spells to the model implied hazard
rate for each worker
Bangladesh in the post-MFA Era. Competitiveness of the
garment industry in Pakistan with particular focus on piece
rate workers. Economic liberalization and labour law reform in
India. Revision of the termination of employment of workmen
act and its implications. Indian debate on employment
reservation in the private sector. Labour demand in India's
textile and garment industries. Effects of the minimum wage
regulations on employment level and efficiency. Migration and
well-being at the lower echelons of the economy. The impact
of labour migration on household well-being.
P 00812 EU 2009 vol 12 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 G II
152 206
Labor market reforms, job instability, and the flexibility of
the employment relationship / Matouschek, Niko &
Ramezzana, Paolo & Robert-Nicoud, Frédéric (European
Economic Review, 2009 vol 53 no 1, pp. 19- 36)
We endogenize separation in a search model of the labor
market and allow for bargaining over the continuation of
employment relationships following productivity shocks to take
place under asymmetric information.
P 00548 EU 2009 vol 53 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 J I
331.547 (485)
The aggregate labor market effects of the Swedish
knowledge lift program / Albrecht, James & van den Berg,
Gerard J. & Vroman, Susan (Review of Economic Dynamics,
2009 vol 12 no 1, pp. 129- 146)
The Swedish adult education program known as the
Knowledge Lift (1997-2002) was unprecedented in its size and
scope, aiming to raise the skill level of large numbers of
low-skill workers. This paper evaluates the potential effects of
this program on aggregate labor market outcomes
P 00812 EU 2009 vol 12 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 G II
331.55 (100.3)
Les personnels de santé dans les pays de l'OCDE :
comment répondre à la crise imminente? / Paris: OCDE ;
2008, 104 p.
Politiques de recrutement international et de formation
nationale des travailleurs de santé: mieux comprendre les
interactions. Améliorer l'utilisation et la mobilisation des
internationale des travailleurs de la santé: interdépendance et
défis d'ordre éthique. La marche à suivre.
151 792
331.55 (438)
Worker mobility within Polish agriculture / Ingham, Hilary &
Ingham, Mike (Comparative Economic Studies, 2009 vol 51 no
1, pp. 51- 74)
Poland's entry into the EU and attendant commitment to the
achievement of a range of ambitious labour market and social
targets have served merely to re-emphasise the need for the
rationalisation of its most conspicuous socialist paradox: a
private agricultural sector that, on one count, employs over
one-quarter of the country's workers
P 00790 EU 2009 vol 51 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 K II
331.55 (540) (548.7) (549)
Globalization, employment and mobility : the South Asian
Experience / Sato, Hiroshi Jetro: Palgrave Macmillan ; 2008,
319 p.
Job loss and job opportunities of factory workers in
Ahmedabad. Female garment workers in India and
331.55 (72) (73)
What can we learn about financial access from
U.S.immigrants ? The role of country of origin institutions
and immigrant beliefs. / Okonkwo Osili, Una & Paulson,
Anna (The World Bank Economic Review, 2008 vol 22 no 3,
pp. 431- 456)
Immigrants from countries with more effective institutions
are more likely than other immigrants to have a relationship
with a bank and to use formal financial markets more
extensively. The evidence that a country's institutional
environment shapes beliefs-and by extension the use of
financial services-provides support for policies that focus on
institutional reforms in promoting financial access.
P 01132 GX 2008 vol 22 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 59 D I
331.56 (4)
Do taxes explain European employment? : Indivisible
labor, human capital, lotteries, and savings / Ljungqvist,
Lars & Sargent, Thomas J. (Macroeconomics Annual, 2006
vol 21, pp. 181- 246)
This paper compares aggregate outcomes for economies
with two arrangements for coping with indivisible labor : (1)
employment lotteries plus complete consumption insurance,
and (2) individual consumption smoothing via borrowing and
lending at a risk-free interest rate. With comments by Oliver
Blanchard and Edward C. Prescott.
P 00745 EU 2006 vol 21 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 D II
331.572.24 (510)
Foreign firms and Chinese employment / Karlsson, Sune &
Lundin, Nannan & Sjöholm, Fredrik & He, Ping (The World
Economy, 2009 vol 32 no 1, pp. 178- 201)
This paper aims at examining the effect of FDI on
employment in China, based on firm-level information from the
Chinese manufacturing sector during the period 1998-2004.
We examine both a direct employment effect, i.e. jobs created
in foreign MNEs, and an indirect employment effect, i.e. the
effect of FDI on jobs created in domestically-owned firms.
P 00773 GRBR 2009 vol 32 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 F I
Efficient tournaments within teams / Gershkov, Alex & Li,
Jianpei & Schweinzer, Paul (The Rand Journal of Economics,
2009 vol 40 no 1, pp. 103- 119)
We analyze incentive problems in team and partnership
structures where the only available information to condition a
contract on is a partial and noisy ranking which specifies who
comes first in efforts among the competing partners. This
enables us to ensure both first-best efficient effort levels for all
partners and the redistribution of output only among partners
P 00642 EU 2009 vol 40 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 L II
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
Urban labour, voice and legitimacy : economic
development and the emergence of community unionism.
/ Symon, Graham & Crawshaw, Jonathan (Industrial Relations
Journal, 2009 vol 40 no 2, pp. 140- 155)
Community unionism has emerged in the past decade as a
growing strand of industrial relations research and is
influencing trade union strategies for renewal. This article
seeks to further develop the concept, while exploring the
potential roles for unions in communities subjects of urban
P 00895 GRBR 2009 vol 40 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 23 B I
How successful have trade unions been? A utility-based
indicator of union well-being / Pencavel, John (Industrial
and Labor Relations Review, 2009 vol 62 no 2, pp. 147- 156)
In this paper, a general indicator of union welfare is
proposed and particular expressions for the wage and
employment objectives of unions are rearranged to derive
measures of union success or welfare. These indicators
combine two measures: union density and the relative
union-nonunion wage gap
This article examines how trade unions in different country
settings have utilised call centre technologies. Rather than
viewing union call centres as simply a means of service
delivery, our research suggests they can also enable a more
strategic approach to workplace organising.
P 00896 GRBR 2009 vol 24 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 23 D I
331.881 (540)
Indian call centres and business process outsourcing: a
study in union formation / Taylor, Phil & D'Cruz, Premilla &
Noronha, Ernesto & Scholarios, Dora (New Technology, Work
and Employment, 2009 vol 24 no 1, pp. 19- 42)
In this exploratory study of union formation in the Indian call
centre/business process outsourcing sector, the authors draw
upon evidence from the first detailed survey of members of the
recently formed UNITES, and from extensive interviews. This
paper engages with mobilisation theory and analyses of trade
union formation.
P 00896 GRBR 2009 vol 24 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 23 D I
Diversity in trade union membership : a typology based
on the study of a Spanish trade union. / Alós, Ramon &
Jódar, Pere & Marti, Joel & Martin-Artiles, Antonio & Ortiz,
Luis (Industrial Relations Journal, 2009 vol 40 no 2, pp. 100121)
While existing literature on the changing nature of trade
union membership concentrates on unidimensional differences
between members, this article proposes a multi-dimensional
typology, which considers demographic characteristics as well
as labour market position and length of union membership.
P 00895 GRBR 2009 vol 40 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 23 B I
P 00294 EU 2009 vol 62 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 23 A I
331.881 (410) (71)
Institutional environments, work and human resource
practices, and unions: Canada versus England / Godard,
John (Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 2009 vol 62 no
2, pp. 173- 199)
This analysis of data from a 2003-2004 telephone survey of
750 Canadian and 450 English workers finds that work
practices and human resource (HR) practices had important
implications for unions
P 00294 EU 2009 vol 62 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 23 A I
331.881 (410) (73)
Financial reporting and disclosure requirements for trade
unions : a comparison of UK and US public policy. / Lund,
John (Industrial Relations Journal, 2009 vol 40 no 2, pp. 122139)
The underlying policy objectives and the degree to which
they are served by current trade union financial reporting and
disclosure regimes in the US and the UK are examined in this
article, along with a detailed comparison of the government
over-sight agencies, annual disclosure forms and member
access to union financial records.
P 00895 GRBR 2009 vol 40 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 23 B I
331.881 (410) (73) (94)
Enabling 'managed activisl': the adoption of call centres
in Australian, British and US trade unions / Lund, John &
Wright, Christopher (New Technology, Work and Employment,
2009 vol 24 no 1, pp. 43- 59)
331.883.5 (493)
La concertation sociale / Arcq, Etienne Bruxelles: Centre de
Recherche et d'Information Socio-politiques ; 2008, 134 p.
La négociation. La consultation. La concertation tripartite.
Les accords non marchands. Les commissions paritaires du
secteur non marchand. Le statut syndical des agents des
services publics. Les organes de négociation et de
152 164
331.89 (510)
Strike and changing workplace relations in a Chinese
global factory / Chan, Chris King-Chi (Industrial Relations
Journal, 2009 vol 40 no 1, pp. 60- 77)
This article engages with the debate around global
capitalism and labour politics in the context of China. Data
were drawn from fieldwork on a Taiwanese-invested factory,
where a strike was stagedin 2004.
P 00895 GRBR 2009 vol 40 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 23 B I
331:30 (437.1/.2)
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
Ukrainian middleman system of labour organisation in the
Czech Republic / Cermakova, Dita & Nekorjak, Michal
(Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie (TESG),
2009 vol 100 no 1, pp. 33- 43)
Since the arly 1990s, due to increasing immigration to the
Czech Republic, a middleman system has been established in
order to organise (irregular) labour of migrants mostly from
Ukraine. The paper tries to explain the causes for the
establishment of the middleman system of labour organisation,
to describe its operation, and the roles and mutual links
among individual actors.
P 00217 PB 2009 vol 100 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 17 E II
331:30 (44)
Le travail pénitentiaire: sens et articulation des temps
vécus des travailleurs incarcérés / Guilbaud Fabrice (Revue
française de Sociologie, 2008 vol 49 no 4, pp. 763- 791)
Dans une perspective de sociologie du travail sont
analysées les incidences sociales(pratiques et symboliques)
de l'exercice d'une activité de travail sur le rapport au temps
des personnes détenues. Le travail contribue à la sécurité de
la prison. Pour les détenus, il est une ressource forte de
réappropriation spatiale et temporelle dans un contexte de
privation de liberté
P 00395 FR 2008 vol 49 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 07 J II
Housing wealth, financial wealth, and consumption: new
evidence from micro data / Bostic, Raphael & Gabriel, Stuart
& Painter, Gary (Regional Science and Urban Economics,
2009 vol 39 no 1, pp. 79- 90)
Fluctuations in the stock market and in house values over
the course of recent years have led to renewed
macroeconomic policy debate as regards the effects of
financial and housing wealth in the determination of consumer
spending. This research assembles a unique matched sample
of household data from the Survey of Consumer Finance and
the Consumer Expenditure Survey to estimate the
consumption effects of financial and housing wealth.
P 00516 PB 2009 vol 39 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 I II
La méthode IDEA : indicateurs de durabilité des
exploitations agricoles, guide d'utilisation / Dijon: Educagri
éditions ; 2008, 184 p.
L'échelle de durabilité agroécologique : la diversité;
l'aménagement de l'espace; les pratiques agricoles. L'échelle
de durabilité socioterritoriale : qualité des produits et du
territoire; emploi et services; éthique et développement
humain. L'échelle économique : les quatre composantes; les
coûts économiques.
convergence or divergence? / Fung, Michael K. (Journal of
International Money and Finance, 2009 vol 28 no 1, pp. 5667)
This study tests for convergence in financial development
and economic growth by incorporating the interaction between
the real and financial sectors into an otherwise traditional test
for convergence.
P 00847 GRBR 2009 vol 28 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 E I
336. (493)
Bank- en beurswezen in België / De Muynck, Harald Gent:
Academia Press ; 2008, 318 p.
Indeling van de financiële instellingen volgens hun
voornaamste bedrijvigheid. De wettelijke regeling van en het
toezicht op het Belgische bankwezen. De kredietbronnen.
Giraal geld. De kredietverlening. Aandelen. Obligatieleningen.
Schatkistcertificaten. Kasbons/spaarbons. De staatsbon. De
verzekeringsbon. Instellingen voor collectieve belegging.
Pensioensparen (wet van 22.12.1986). Vastgoedcertificaten.
Afgeleide of derivatieve producten. De MiFID-richtlijn.
Structuur en organisatie van de Belgische secundaire markten
voor financiële instrumenten. De markten van de
effectenbeurs van Brussel (Euronext Brussels). Beursindexen
op Euronext Brussels.
152 025
Petit manuel de la crise financière et des autres / Paris:
Syllepse ; 2009, 190 p.
Le scénario d'une crise annoncée. Le processus de
mondialisation dans le contexte d'une nouvelle période
économique à tendance récessionniste. Refuser le libéralisme
pour comprendre le monde et pouvoir le changer.
Perspectives, réponses possibles, propositions.
152 168
336.03 (100)
De meltdown van 2 biljoen dollar / Morris, Charles R.
Amsterdam, Antwerpen: Business Contact ; 2009, 207 p.
Morris analyseert de bredere politieke en economische
oorzaken en de aanloop van de crisis. Vervolgens verklaart hij
de politiek van 'goedkoop geld' die door Greenspan en de Fed
werd uitgedragen, en de buitenzinnige leningen van de hedgeen private equityfondsen en investeringsbanken. Uiteindelijk
leidde de wijze waarop de leningen op financiële markten
werden verhandeld ertoe dat deze praktijken als in een
piramidespel vastliepen, met de verdamping van vele
miljarden dollars als gevolg
152 207
152 226
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
New dynamic public finance : A user's guide / Golosov,
Mikhail & Tsyvinski, Aleh & Werning, Ivan (Macroeconomics
Annual, 2006 vol 21, pp. 317- 387)
This paper reviews recent advances in the theory of optimal
policy in an dynamic Mirrlees setting, and contrasts this
approach to the one based on the representative-agent
Ramsey framework. In particular, we illustrate, using a simple
two period economy, the implications for capital taxation, tax
smoothing, and time inconsistency. With comments by Peter
Diamond and Kenneth L. Judd.
P 00745 EU 2006 vol 21 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 D II
336.1/.5 (493=393)
Advies over het begrotingsbeleid van de Vlaamse
gemeenschap (juli 2008) / Brussel: SERV ; 2008, 64 p.
De raming van de ontvangsten (2009-2014). De raming van
de uitgaven (2009-2014). De begrotingsdoelstellingen voor de
jaren 2009-2014. De netto beleidsruimte voor de volgende
151 828
336.1/.5:352 (493)
Evaluatie van de begrotingen 2007 en 2008 en het nieuwe
stabiliteitsprogramma 2008-2011 / Brussel: Hoge Raad van
Financiën ; 2008, 115 p.
Cyclische en eenmalige invloeden op de begrotingssaldi
van 2007. Evolutie van het primair saldo en van zijn
belangrijkste determinanten. De rekening van de sociale
zekerheid. De lokale overheden. De financiering en de
middellangetermijnvooruitzichten van het zilverfonds.
151 626
336.1/.5:352 (493)
Evaluation des budgets 2007 et 2008 et du nouveau
programme de stabilité 2008-2011 / Bruxelles: Conseil
supérieur des Finances ; 2008, 115 p.
Les incidences cycliques et non récurrentes sur les soldes
budgétaires 2007. Evolution du solde primaire et de ses
principaux déterminants. Le compte de la sécurité sociale. Les
pouvoirs locaux. Le financement et les perspectives à moyen
terme du fonds de vieillissement.
151 625
Financial markets' behavior around episodes of large
changes in the fiscal stance / Ardagna, Silvia (European
Economic Review, 2009 vol 53 no 1, pp. 37- 55)
Using a panel of OECD countries from 1960 to 2002, this
paper shows that interest rates, particularly those of long-term
government bonds, decrease when countries' fiscal position
improves and increase around periods of budget
P 00548 EU 2009 vol 53 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 J I
336.12 (4)
The excess power puzzle of the EU budget. / Kauppi, Heikki
& Widgrén, Mika (CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7220, pp. 124)
This paper supports the idea that the EU budget battle
involves one-shot games that have persistent impacts on the
budget allocations. In one way or the other, the member states
are able to establish rules or contracts that restrict the budget
allocation in advance. In the current status quo, France and
Spain are the clearest winners of these restrictions, while
Austria, Finland and Sweden, not to mention the new member
states, suffer largest losses.
P 00834 GRBRno 7220
336.12 (493)
Evaluatie van de begrotingen 2007 en 2008 en het nieuwe
stabiliteitsprogramma 2008-2011 / Brussel: Hoge Raad van
Financiën ; 2008, 115 p.
Cyclische en eenmalige invloeden op de begrotingssaldi
van 2007. Evolutie van het primair saldo en van zijn
belangrijkste determinanten. De rekening van de sociale
zekerheid. De lokale overheden. De financiering en de
middellangetermijnvooruitzichten van het zilverfonds.
151 626
336.12 (493)
Evaluation des budgets 2007 et 2008 et du nouveau
programme de stabilité 2008-2011 / Bruxelles: Conseil
supérieur des Finances ; 2008, 115 p.
Les incidences cycliques et non récurrentes sur les soldes
budgétaires 2007. Evolution du solde primaire et de ses
principaux déterminants. Le compte de la sécurité sociale. Les
pouvoirs locaux. Le financement et les perspectives à moyen
terme du fonds de vieillissement.
151 625
336.12 (493)
Avis sur les perspectives budgetaires en préalable au
programme de stabilité 2009-2014 / Bruxelles: Conseil
supérieur des Finances ; 2009, 70 p.
Deux scénarios comparés de "retour à l'équilibre".
Hypotheses macro-economiques a court-moyen terme et
trajectoire budgetaire à politique inchangée. Fiche technique
de la simulation de référence. Efforts comparés et analyse
couts/bénéfices des deux trajectoires.
152 155
336.12 (493)
Advies over de begrotingsvooruitzichten voorafgaand aan
het stabiliteitsprogramma 2009-2014 / Brussel: Hoge Raad
van Financiën ; 2009, 72 p.
Vergelijking van twee scenario's van een "terugkeer naar
begrotingstraject 2009-2019-2050 bij "ongewijzigd beleid".
betreffende het referentiescenario. Vergelijking van de
inspanningen en kosten baten-analyse van beide trajecten.
152 154
336.12 (493=393)
Rapport : begroting Vlaamse gemeenschap 2009 / Brussel:
SERV ; 2009, 59 p.
Ontvangstenramingen in onzekere tijden. De uitgaven. De
budgettaire impact van de crisismaatregelen (Herstel het
vertrouwen). Het vorderingensaldo in 2008 en 2009 : extra
inspanningen ? Uitvoering begroting 2007.
151 691
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
Politique économique / Bénassy-Quéré, Agnès & Coeuré,
Benoît & Jacquet, Pierre & Pisany-Ferry, Jean Bruxelles: De
Boeck ; 2009, 729 p.
The geometry of optimal taxation : a primal approach. /
Barbie, Martin & Hermeling, Claudia (Economic Theory, 2009
vol 39 no 1, pp. 129- 155)
Les fondements. La politique économique dans un monde
imparfait. La politique budgétaire, fiscale, monétaire et de
l'emploi. Intégration financière internationale et politique de
change. Politiques de croissance.
We characterize zero tax results geometrically as a
condition on indifference curves and the implementability
constraint. Many zero taxation results in dynamic
macroeconomics can be derived from our characterization;
thus it provides a unified framework for a systematic study of
these phenomena.
152 067
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 39 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Fiscal and monetary rules for a currency union / Ferrero,
Andrea (Journal of International Economics, 2009 vol 77 no 1,
pp. 1- 10)
Multinationals, tax holidays, and technology transfer /
Miyagiwa, Kaz & Ohno, Yuka (The Japanese Economic
Review, 2009 vol 60 no 1, pp. 82- 96)
This paper addresses the optimal joint conduct of fiscal and
monetary policy in a two-country model of a currency union
with staggered price setting and distortionary taxes
Host country governments often grant investment incentives
to foreign firms located in their territories. We show that such
preferential treatment of foreign firms can induce transfer of
foreign technology, facilitate entry by the local firm, and
improve host country welfare
P 00474 PB 2009 vol 77 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 B II
Fiscal and monetary policy in an endogenous growth
model with public capital. / Tamai, Toshiki (Finanzarchiv,
2008 vol 64 no 4, pp. 403- 421)
This paper develops an endogenous growth model in which
the government finances its public investment using both
income taxation and seigniorage.
P 00525 ALL 2008 vol 64 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 D III
P 00965 GRBR 2009 vol 60 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 28 D I
336.2 (100.3)
Coopération fiscale : vers l' établissement de règles du
jeu équitables / Paris: OCDE ; 2008, 249 p.
Echange de renseignements. Accès aux informations
bancaires. Accès aux renseignements relatifs à la propriété, à
l'identité et d'ordre comptable.
151 879
336.12:338.23 (4)
The excess power puzzle of the EU budget. / Kauppi, Heikki
& Widgrén, Mika (CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7220, pp. 124)
This paper supports the idea that the EU budget battle
involves one-shot games that have persistent impacts on the
budget allocations. In one way or the other, the member states
are able to establish rules or contracts that restrict the budget
allocation in advance. In the current status quo, France and
Spain are the clearest winners of these restrictions, while
Austria, Finland and Sweden, not to mention the new member
states, suffer largest losses.
P 00834 GRBRno 7220
336.2 (100.3)
The fiscal impact of immigration on the advanced
economies / Rowthorn, Robert (Oxford Review of Economic
Policy, 2008 vol 24 no 3, pp. 560- 580)
This paper is concerned with the advanced economies. It
begins with a discussion of the demographic issues that have
played such a large role in the debate on immigration. This is
followed by a section on the main problems involved in
estimating the fiscal impact of immigration and then a
summary of the international evidence on this topic, mostly
from Europe and America. Separate sections on the UK and
on low-fertility countries follow
P 00830 GRBR 2008 vol 24 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 K III
336.12:338.23 (493=393)
Advies over het begrotingsbeleid van de Vlaamse
gemeenschap (juli 2008) / Brussel: SERV ; 2008, 64 p.
De raming van de ontvangsten (2009-2014). De raming van
de uitgaven (2009-2014). De begrotingsdoelstellingen voor de
jaren 2009-2014. De netto beleidsruimte voor de volgende
151 828
This paper considers the key economic considerations in
tobacco tax policy and its interaction with regulation.
P 00525 ALL 2008 vol 64 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 D III
336.2 (4-11) (4-15) (4-191.2)
Restraining the golden weed : taxation and regulation of
tobacco. / Smith, Stephen (Finanzarchiv, 2008 vol 64 no 4,
pp. 476- 507)
336.2 (4-11) (4-15) (4-191.2)
Do drinkers pay their way in the European Union ? /
Cnossen, Sijbren (Finanzarchiv, 2008 vol 64 no 4, pp. 508539)
Fifty-eight million people-approximately the population of the
UK-'drink too much' in the Eurpean Union.
P 00525 ALL 2008 vol 64 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 D III
336.2 (430)
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
La problèmatique de la fiscalité des coopératives en
Allemagne aujourd'hui / Münkner, Hans-H (Revue
internationale de l'économie sociale, 2009 vol 88 no 311, pp.
72- 81)
Dans les sociétés coopératives, les conditions spéciales ou
les avantages exclusifs accordés aux membres ne constituent
pas une distribution cachée de bénéfices.
P 00316 FR 2009 vol 88 no 311 SALLE/ZAAL: 23 L III
336.2 (494)
Strategic tax competition in Switzerland: evidence from a
panel of the Swiss cantons / Feld, Lars P. & Reulier,
Emmanuelle (German Economic Review, 2009 vol 10 no 1,
pp. 91- 114)
Tax competition is discussed as a source of inefficiency in
international taxation and in fiscal federalism. In this paper,
empirical results on strategic tax setting by cantonal
governments are presented for a panel of the Swiss cantons
from 1984 to 1999. Completing the evidence on Swiss tax
competition, income tax rates in cantons are the lower, the
lower the tax rates of their neighbors.
P 00473 ALL 2009 vol 10 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 I III
The geometry of optimal taxation : a primal approach. /
Barbie, Martin & Hermeling, Claudia (Economic Theory, 2009
vol 39 no 1, pp. 129- 155)
We characterize zero tax results geometrically as a
condition on indifference curves and the implementability
constraint. Many zero taxation results in dynamic
macroeconomics can be derived from our characterization;
thus it provides a unified framework for a systematic study of
these phenomena.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 39 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
336.2.027.74 (493)
Hoe minder personenbelasting betalen? : alles over
aftrekbare kosten, aftrekbare bestedingen en andere
belastingverminderingen in de personenbelasting / Maes,
Steven Mechelen: Kluwer ; 2009, 689 p.
In dit werk trachten we een overzicht te geven van de
diverse uitgaven in de personenbelasting die een
belastingvermindering tot gevolg kunnen hebben.
152 384
336.215 (493)
Hoe minder personenbelasting betalen? : alles over
aftrekbare kosten, aftrekbare bestedingen en andere
belastingverminderingen in de personenbelasting / Maes,
Steven Mechelen: Kluwer ; 2009, 689 p.
In dit werk trachten we een overzicht te geven van de
diverse uitgaven in de personenbelasting die een
belastingvermindering tot gevolg kunnen hebben.
152 384
336.215 (494)
Strategic tax competition in Switzerland: evidence from a
panel of the Swiss cantons / Feld, Lars P. & Reulier,
Emmanuelle (German Economic Review, 2009 vol 10 no 1,
pp. 91- 114)
Tax competition is discussed as a source of inefficiency in
international taxation and in fiscal federalism. In this paper,
empirical results on strategic tax setting by cantonal
governments are presented for a panel of the Swiss cantons
from 1984 to 1999. Completing the evidence on Swiss tax
competition, income tax rates in cantons are the lower, the
lower the tax rates of their neighbors.
P 00473 ALL 2009 vol 10 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 I III
336.222 (680)
Alcohol taxes vs. preventative measures: a theoretical
note / Black, Pa & Black, Pa (The South African Journal of
Economics, 2008 vol 76 no 4, pp. 607- 611)
The purpose of this note is to compare the efficiency of
excise taxes on alcohol consumption with that of direct
measures aimed at eliminating or reducing the negative
externalities caused by excessive drinking.
P 00006 SAF 2008 vol 76 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 28 I III
Equilibrium in fiscal competition games from the point of
view of the dual / Petchey, Jeffrey D. & Shapiro, Perry
(Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2009 vol 39 no 1,
pp. 97- 108)
Papers that examine fiscal competition for mobile factors of
production commonly employ simultaneous move games
between two states and focus on the efficiency of the
equilibria. Most often, the existence of the equilibrium is left
P 00516 PB 2009 vol 39 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 I II
336.271 (493)
Les prix de transfert / Vanwelkenhuyzen, Thierry Bruxelles: ;
2009, 263 p.
Ce livre rassemble pour la première fois une analyse
approfondie des dispositions fiscales belges des prix de
multinationaux ainsi qu'une description des principes
fondamentaux des prix de transfert dont le maître d'oeuvre est
152 033
336.271 (493)
Règles communes à toutes les entreprises - impôt des
personnes physiques - fiscalité du dirigeant d'entreprise procédure fiscale. / Coppens, Pierre-François Bruxelles: ;
2008, 807 p.
La déterminiation de la base imposable. Les revenus et les
avantages fiscaux immobiliers. Les revenus de capitaux et de
biens immobiliers. Les éléments constitutifs du bénéfice. Le
régime fiscal des plus-values professionelle. Les provisions
pour risques et charges. Les conditions de déduction des frais
professionelles. Le forfait légal de charges. Le régime fiscal
des amortissements. Les dépenses non admises. Les revenus
imposables d'un dirigeant d'entreprise. Les revenus divers.
Les revenus taxables à l'occassion de la cessation. Les règles
des procédures fiscale.
152 036 /I
336.271.1 (493)
Le contrôle T.V.A. : évitez les erreurs ! Maximisez vos
déductions T.V.A. / Ceulemans, Michel & Govers, Marc
Liège: Edipro ; 2008, 269 p.
Le contrôle T.V.A. La procédure administrative. La
procédure judiciaire. Un mot sur les amendes. Un mot sur les
intérêts de retard. Écritures comptables de rectification.
Contrôle des taux.
151 699
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
externalities caused by excessive drinking.
336.271.1 (493)
Guide TVA 2006 / Lejeune, Ine Bruxelles: Wolters Kluwer ;
2006, 585 p. ISBN: 90-5938-967-0
Le guide TVA offre au lecteur, point par point, un aperçu
succinct et clair des éléments pertinents de la législation en
matière de T.V.A., éventuellement complété de références
utiles. La matière fait l'objet d'une approche systématique.
Dans cet ouvrage, les règles applicables en matière de T.V.A.
sont exposées selon un ordre identique à celui du code de la
T.V.A. Bien entendu, le lien avec la sixième directive T.V.A.
est mis en exergue.
336.282 (493)
Nieuwigheden op het stuk van de registratie- en
successierechten / Ruysseveldt, J Mechelen: Kluwer ; 2006,
74 p. ISBN: 90-465-0806-4
Schenking. Inbreng vennootschappen. Vrijstelling registratierechten. Aanwas - roerende goederen. Tarieven,
vrijstellingen en verminderingen inzake successierechten.
Huwelijkscontract. Aankoop met vruchtgebruik.
151 609
151 683
336.271.1 (493)
BTW-gids 2006 / Lejeune, Ine Brussel: Wolters Kluwer ; 2006,
611 p. ISBN: 90-465-0747-5
De BTW-gids biedt de lezer beknopt en overzichtelijk, mede
door de puntsgewijze benadering, een overzicht van de
relevante elementen van de B.T.W.-wetgeving, waar nodig
aangevuld met nuttige referenties. Gekozen werd voor een
systematische benadering. In dit zakboekje worden de regels
inzake B.T.W. uitgelegd in de volgorde van het W.B.T.W.
Uiteraard wordt de link gelegd met de zesde B.T.W -richtlijn.
151 682
336.272.7 (493)
Nieuwigheden op het stuk van de registratie- en
successierechten / Ruysseveldt, J Mechelen: Kluwer ; 2006,
74 p. ISBN: 90-465-0806-4
Schenking. Inbreng vennootschappen. Vrijstelling registratierechten. Aanwas - roerende goederen. Tarieven,
vrijstellingen en verminderingen inzake successierechten.
Huwelijkscontract. Aankoop met vruchtgebruik.
151 609
336.272.7 (493)
P 00006 SAF 2008 vol 76 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 28 I III
Nieuwigheden op het stuk van de registratie- en
successierechten / Ruysseveldt, J Mechelen: Kluwer ; 2007,
59 p.
Vrijstelling huurrecht. Schenking bouwgrond. Aanwijzing
lastgever. Wettelijk vermoeden van eigendomsverandering.
Levensverzekeringen. Vrijstelling gezinswoning.
151 624
336.272.7 (493)
De nieuwste wetenswaardigheden inzake registratie,
successie en schenkingen binnen de 3 gewesten /
Ruysseveldt, Jos Mechelen: Kluwer ; 2008, 53 p.
Vrijstelling huurrecht. Opstalrecht. Bankgift. Teruggave
vruchtgebruik. Tewerkstellingsvoorwaarde. Vordering op
familiale holding. Participatievoorwaarde.
151 623
336.28 (680)
Alcohol taxes vs. preventative measures: a theoretical
note / Black, Pa & Black, Pa (The South African Journal of
Economics, 2008 vol 76 no 4, pp. 607- 611)
The purpose of this note is to compare the efficiency of
excise taxes on alcohol consumption with that of direct
measures aimed at eliminating or reducing the negative
336.282 (493)
Nieuwigheden op het stuk van de registratie- en
successierechten / Ruysseveldt, J Mechelen: Kluwer ; 2007,
59 p.
Vrijstelling huurrecht. Schenking bouwgrond. Aanwijzing
lastgever. Wettelijk vermoeden van eigendomsverandering.
Levensverzekeringen. Vrijstelling gezinswoning.
151 624
336.282 (493)
De nieuwste wetenswaardigheden inzake registratie,
successie en schenkingen binnen de 3 gewesten /
Ruysseveldt, Jos Mechelen: Kluwer ; 2008, 53 p.
Vrijstelling huurrecht. Opstalrecht. Bankgift. Teruggave
vruchtgebruik. Tewerkstellingsvoorwaarde. Vordering op
familiale holding. Participatievoorwaarde.
151 623
Politique économique / Bénassy-Quéré, Agnès & Coeuré,
Benoît & Jacquet, Pierre & Pisany-Ferry, Jean Bruxelles: De
Boeck ; 2009, 729 p.
Les fondements. La politique économique dans un monde
imparfait. La politique budgétaire, fiscale, monétaire et de
l'emploi. Intégration financière internationale et politique de
change. Politiques de croissance.
152 067
Monetary and fiscal interactions: short-run and long-run
implications / Isaac, Alan G. (Metroeconomica, 2009 vol 60
no 1, pp. 197- 223)
We model policy interactions in a growing economy.
Unemployment can persist and matters for the real wage;
conflicting claims underpin inflation outcomes; and aggregate
demand determines capacity utilization and unemployment.
Monetary policy is characterized by a Taylor rule. Fiscal policy
is characterized by a marginal tendency to run deficits or
P 00501 GX 2009 vol 60 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 B III
Fiscal policy effectiveness in the banking crisis / Barrell,
Ray & Fic, Tatiana & Liadze, Iana (National Institute Economic
Review, 2009 no 207, pp. 43- 50)
We consider two cases where the net present value of the
effects of fiscal policy on output would be positive.
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
P 00663 GRBR 2009 no 207 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 K I
336.2:338.23 (4-15)
Les entraves fiscales dans le marché intérieur. / Maitrot De
La Motte, Alexandre & Buisson, Jacques & Talon,
Jean-François & Delaunay, Benoît & Heydt, Volker & Molinier,
Joël (Revue des Affaires Européennes, 2007/ 2008 no 1, pp.
7- 94)
Les entraves fiscales dans le marché intérieur. La notion
d'entrave fiscale. Les entraves fiscales "à l'entrée" et le
principe communautaire de non-discrimination. La justification
des entraves fiscales. Les entraves fiscales au sein des
groupes de sociétés. Les méthodes d'élimination des entraves
P 00895 FR 2007/ 2008 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 53 H II
336.2:338.23 (493)
Le contrôle T.V.A. : évitez les erreurs ! Maximisez vos
déductions T.V.A. / Ceulemans, Michel & Govers, Marc
Liège: Edipro ; 2008, 269 p.
Le contrôle T.V.A. La procédure administrative. La
procédure judiciaire. Un mot sur les amendes. Un mot sur les
intérêts de retard. Écritures comptables de rectification.
Contrôle des taux.
336.2:338.23 (73)
Fluctuating macro policies and the fiscal theory / Davig,
Troy & Leeper, Eric M. (Macroeconomics Annual, 2006 vol 21,
pp. 247- 315)
This paper estimates regime-switching rules for monetary
policy and tax policy over the post-war period in the United
States and imposes the estimated policy process on a
calibrated dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model with
nominal rigidities.
P 00745 EU 2006 vol 21 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 D II
336.2:339.922 (493)
Le contrôle T.V.A. : évitez les erreurs ! Maximisez vos
déductions T.V.A. / Ceulemans, Michel & Govers, Marc
Liège: Edipro ; 2008, 269 p.
Le contrôle T.V.A. La procédure administrative. La
procédure judiciaire. Un mot sur les amendes. Un mot sur les
intérêts de retard. Écritures comptables de rectification.
Contrôle des taux.
151 699
151 699
336.2:338.23 (493)
Guide TVA 2006 / Lejeune, Ine Bruxelles: Wolters Kluwer ;
2006, 585 p. ISBN: 90-5938-967-0
Le guide TVA offre au lecteur, point par point, un aperçu
succinct et clair des éléments pertinents de la législation en
matière de T.V.A., éventuellement complété de références
utiles. La matière fait l'objet d'une approche systématique.
Dans cet ouvrage, les règles applicables en matière de T.V.A.
sont exposées selon un ordre identique à celui du code de la
T.V.A. Bien entendu, le lien avec la sixième directive T.V.A.
est mis en exergue.
151 683
336.2:338.23 (493)
BTW-gids 2006 / Lejeune, Ine Brussel: Wolters Kluwer ; 2006,
611 p. ISBN: 90-465-0747-5
De BTW-gids biedt de lezer beknopt en overzichtelijk, mede
door de puntsgewijze benadering, een overzicht van de
relevante elementen van de B.T.W.-wetgeving, waar nodig
aangevuld met nuttige referenties. Gekozen werd voor een
systematische benadering. In dit zakboekje worden de regels
inzake B.T.W. uitgelegd in de volgorde van het W.B.T.W.
Uiteraard wordt de link gelegd met de zesde B.T.W -richtlijn.
151 682
336.2:338.23 (494)
Strategic tax competition in Switzerland: evidence from a
panel of the Swiss cantons / Feld, Lars P. & Reulier,
Emmanuelle (German Economic Review, 2009 vol 10 no 1,
pp. 91- 114)
Tax competition is discussed as a source of inefficiency in
international taxation and in fiscal federalism. In this paper,
empirical results on strategic tax setting by cantonal
governments are presented for a panel of the Swiss cantons
from 1984 to 1999. Completing the evidence on Swiss tax
competition, income tax rates in cantons are the lower, the
lower the tax rates of their neighbors.
P 00473 ALL 2009 vol 10 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 I III
Macroeconomics : A European text / Burda, Michael &
Wyplosz, Charles New York: Oxford University Press ; 2009,
543 p.
The fundamentals of economic growth. Labour markets and
unemployment. Borrowing, lending and budget constraints.
Private sector demand: consumption and investment. Money
and monetary policy. International capital flows and
macroeconomic equilibrium. Output, employment and inflation.
Asset markets. The exchange rate. fiscal policies, debt and
seignorage. The architecture of the international monetary
system. Demand management policies.
152 298
336.3 (100)
Debt enforcement around the world. / Djankov, Simeon &
Hart, Oliver & McLiesh, Caralee & Shleifer, Andrei (Journal of
Political Economy (JPE), 2008 vol 116 no 6, pp. 1105- 1149)
Insolvency practitioners from 88 countries describe how
debt enforcement will proceed against an identical hotel about
to default on its debt. We use the data on time, cost, and the
likely disposition of the assets (preservation as a going
concern vs. piecemeal sale) to construct a measure of the
efficency of debt enforcement in each country.
P 00197 EU 2008 vol 116 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 J III
336.32 (493)
Kredietwezen in België / De Muynck, Harald Gent: Academia
Press ; 2007, 142 p.
Het consumentenkrediet. Het hypothecair krediet. Het
Documentaire kredieten. Het investeringskrediet. Het
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
acceptkrediet. Het kaderkrediet. Krediet van staat tot staat. De
wisseltrekking. De uitgifte van een obligatielening. Leasing.
Factoring. Commercial paper. Klassieke leningen. Lineaire
obligaties. Schatkistcertificaten. Belgian treasury bills.
Staatsbons. De zakelijke waarborgen. De persoonlijke of
morele waarborgen. Het kredietrisico. Ratings. De
kredietverzekering. De centrale voor kredieten. De collectieve
schuldenregeling. Effectisering.
152 027
Public capital, taxation and endogenous growth in a finite
horizons model / Tamai, Toshiki (Metroeconomica, 2009 vol
60 no 1, pp. 179- 197)
This paper presents development of an endogenously
growing finite horizons model with public capital, and
investigates macroeconomic effects of fiscal policy and a
change in life expectancy. Specifically regarding novel results,
a growth-maximizing income tax rate exists that is less than
the elasticity of public capital to output
P 00501 GX 2009 vol 60 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 B III
Financial (in)stability, supervision and liquidity injections
: a dynamic general equilibrium approach. / de Walque,
Grégory & Pierrard, Olivier & Rouabah, Abdelaziz (CEPR
Discussion Papers,no 7202, pp. 1- 34)
We develop a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model
with an heterogeneous banking sector. We introduce
endogenous default probabilities for both firms and banks, and
allow for bank regulation and liquidity injection into the
interbank market. Our aim is to understand the interactions
between the banking sector and the rest of the economy, as
well as the importance of supervisory and monetary authorities
to restore financial stability.
P 00834 GRBRno 7202
Banking services for everyone ? Barriers to bank access
and use around the world. / Beck, Thorsten &
Demirgüç-Kunt, Asli & Martinez Peria , Maria Soledad (The
World Bank Economic Review, 2008 vol 22 no 3, pp. 397430)
Information from 209 banks in 62 countries is used to
develop new indicators of barriers to banking services around
the world, show their correlation with measures of out-reach,
and explore their association with bank and country
characteristics suggested by theory as potential determinants.
P 01132 GX 2008 vol 22 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 59 D I
How should we conceive the continued resilience of the
U.S. Dollar as a reserve currency? / Morgan, Jamie (Review
of Radical Political Economics (RRPE), 2009 vol 41 no 1, pp.
43- 61)
In the following paper I explore the issue of the dollar as the
unofficial reserve currency of the global finance system. I look
at arguments for its "resilience" or continued use and how
there is an inbuilt mechanism in liberalized capital that tends to
reinforce the use of the dollar, and how this is to the
advantage of the United States.
P 00799 EU 2009 vol 41 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 K I
336.7 (5) (510)
The Asian economy and Asian money / Dutta, M Bingley:
Emerald ; 2009, 328 p.
The economic map of Asia. Optimum currency areas: U.S.
Dollar, Euro, and Asian money. Changing economic structures
of the Asian economies. The Asian economic integration:
intra-regional trade. Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific
151 785
336.7 (72)
Experimental evidence on returns to capital and access to
finance in Mexico. / McKenzie, David & Woodruff,
Christopher (The World Bank Economic Review, 2008 vol 22
no 3, pp. 457- 483)
A trong theoretical argument for focusing on access to
finance is that financial market imperfections can result in
large inefficiencies, as firms with productive investment
opportunities underinves. Lack of access to finance is a
frequent complaint of microenterprises, which account for a
large share of employment in developing countries.
P 01132 GX 2008 vol 22 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 59 D I
336.7 (73) (83)
Financial frictions and business cycles in middle income
countries / Guajardo, Jaime (IMF Working Papers, 2008 no
20, pp. 4- 61)
Empirical analyses reveals three regularities among
middle-income countries: consumption is highy procyclical and
more volatile than output, investment is highly procyclical and
three to four times as volatile as output. Standard dynamic
stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) small open economy
models have failed to match these regularities, as they predict
excessive consumption smoothing, low procyclicality and
volatility of investment, and procyclical real net exports. This
study approaches the problem by considering market
imperfections relevant for middle-income countries; a limited
access to the foreign capital market, identified as an external
borrowing constraint; and asymmetric financing opportunities
across tradable and nontradable firms, identiefies as a
sector-specific labor-financing wedge.
P 01384 GX 2008 no 20
Does online relationship marketing enhance customer
retention and cross-buying? / Liang, Chiung-Ju & Chen,
Hui-Ju & Wang, Wen-Hung (The Service Industries Journal,
2008 vol 28 no 5/ 6, pp. 769- 787)
Using survey data form 766 online customers of a securities
corporation, the results demonstrate the effectiveness of
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
relationship marketing as it positively influences online
customers' perception then their loyalty, and ultimately, their
actual purchase behavior.
P 00856 GRBR 2008 vol 28 no 5/ 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 43 H II
Innovation behaviour in financial services: an empirical
analysis / Sarkar, Soumodip & Pires, Cesaltina & Carvalho,
Management, 2008 vol 3 no 3/ 4, pp. 223- 242)
In this paper, using standardised data for over 7000 service
sector firms, we test different hypotheses to understand to
what extent innovation output and activity in financial sector
firms is different from other service firms.
P 00654 SS 2008 vol 3 no 3/ 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 D I
Stress testing by financial intermediaries : Implications
for portfolio selection and asset pricing / Alexander,
Gordon J. & Baptista, Alexandre M. (Journal of Financial
Intermediation, 2009 vol 18 no 1, pp. 65- 92)
Financial intermediaries often use stress testing to set risk
exposure limits. Accordingly, we examine a model with an
agent who faces stress testing constraints and another who
does not.
P 00784 EU 2009 vol 18 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 C II
How to run a bank : the essential reference guide for
senior bank management around the globe / London:
Financial Times Business Ltd ; 2008, 140 p.
Organic growth versus M&A. The right formula for Eastern
Europe. High-growth niche markets. The pertinence of
branding. Managing credit risk through segmentation.
Strategic partnerships for sustained growth. The three waves
of offshoring. The shape of today's credit portfolio. Social
responsibility in a shariah context. An accurate valuation of
152 106
Green issue. / Lambe, Geraldine & Hart, Joanna & Price,
Michelle (The Banker, 2008 vol 158 no 988, pp. 42- 57)
Innovation has moved beyond clean energy funds into
advisory services and structured products, but can market
participants counter scepticism that market mechanisms are
the best way to cut emissions ? Instability in many of the
regions supplying oil and gas, coupled with escalating costs in
the fissil fuel market, has caused the financial markets to look
towards the renewable energy sector. It operations are
operations-banks' most IT-intensive functions-increasingly
unsustainable. But some improvements are being made.
P 00543 GRBR 2008 vol 158 no 988 SALLE/ZAAL: 36 C III
Innovation behaviour in financial services: an empirical
analysis / Sarkar, Soumodip & Pires, Cesaltina & Carvalho,
Management, 2008 vol 3 no 3/ 4, pp. 223- 242)
In this paper, using standardised data for over 7000 service
sector firms, we test different hypotheses to understand to
what extent innovation output and activity in financial sector
firms is different from other service firms.
P 00654 SS 2008 vol 3 no 3/ 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 D I
Assessing and differentiating the quality of Internet-based
services: a case of online banking in Taiwan / Yu,
Chian-Son (The Service Industries Journal, 2008 vol 28 no 5/
6, pp. 581- 602)
This study investigates the assesment of differentiation of
the quality of online banking services. A hypothesis is
developed, followed by the presentation of a methodology that
combines a service quality measurement model and an
importance-performance matrix to help banks differentiate
service quality and thus effectively increase the satisfaction of
existing customers (old consumers).
P 00856 GRBR 2008 vol 28 no 5/ 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 43 H II
Vault guide to the top 25 banking employers / s.n. New
York: ; 2007, 285 p.
Prestige rankings. The Vault 25. The best of the rest.
152 125
L'année du krach 2008 / Colmant, Bruno & Samson, Chantal
Bruxelles: De Boeck & Larcier ; 2009, 138 p.
S'il impose des réflexions économiques, le krach de 2008
offre également l'opportunité de réfléchir aux architectures
financières de demain et au rôle disciplinant que les marchés
boursiers réglmentés peuvent continuer de jouer à l'avenir
grâce à la transparence et à la liquidité qu'ils ont fournies.
152 128
Financial (in)stability, supervision and liquidity injections
: a dynamic general equilibrium approach. / de Walque,
Grégory & Pierrard, Olivier & Rouabah, Abdelaziz (CEPR
Discussion Papers,no 7202, pp. 1- 34)
We develop a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model
with an heterogeneous banking sector. We introduce
endogenous default probabilities for both firms and banks, and
allow for bank regulation and liquidity injection into the
interbank market. Our aim is to understand the interactions
between the banking sector and the rest of the economy, as
well as the importance of supervisory and monetary authorities
to restore financial stability.
P 00834 GRBRno 7202
Measuring the operational efficiency of commercial banks
in Namibia / Ikhide, Sylvanus I. (The South African Journal of
Economics, 2008 vol 76 no 4, pp. 586- 595)
This paper examines the efficiency of commercial banks in
Namibia using the standard econometric frontier approach.
Although two aspects of efficiency (scale and scope) receive
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
our attention, the emphasis is on the latter which pertains to
whether a firm produces as efficiently as it possible can, given
its size.
P 00006 SAF 2008 vol 76 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 28 I III
Afgeleide of derivatieve producten. De MiFID-richtlijn.
Structuur en organisatie van de Belgische secundaire markten
voor financiële instrumenten. De markten van de
effectenbeurs van Brussel (Euronext Brussels). Beursindexen
op Euronext Brussels.
152 025
Mobile-banking: can elephants and hippos tango? /
Goswami, Divakar & Raghavendran, Satish (Journal of
Business Strategy, 2009 vol 30 no 1, pp. 14- 21)
Banks and mobile providers have profoundly different
business models and capabilities but their futures are deeply
entwined. They have to figure out how huge industries with
developed and divergent business practices shoud partner to
introduce mobile banking to their customers. Making banks
omnipresent and transforming cell phones from mere
communication devices into pocket-sized bank branches will
help skilled players become well-positioned to establish brand
leadership and leave fast-followers in the dust.
336.71 (493)
Synthèse de droit bancaire et financier / Bruyneel, André
Bruxelles: Etablissements Emile Bruylant ; 2008, 697 p.
Droit européen. Les sanctions et le droit financier interne.
Aspects de l'intermédiation financière en droit belge
post-MIFID. Opérations de banque et crédit. OPA et aspects
financiers du droit des sociétés. Droit des assurances. Le
contentieux. Regards non juridiques sur le droit bancaire et
152 134
P 00732 EU 2009 vol 30 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 H III
Lending relationships in the interbank market / Cocco,
João F. & Gomes, Francisco J. & Martins, Nuno C. (Journal of
Financial Intermediation, 2009 vol 18 no 1, pp. 24- 48)
336.71 (529)
Efficiency and productivity growth in Taiwanese banking /
Yeh, Tsai-Lien (International Journal of Financial Services
Management, 2008 vol 3 no 3/ 4, pp. 269- 282)
We use a unique dataset to show that relationships are an
important determinant of banks' ability to access interbank
market liquidity.
Do mergers promote efficiency in the banking industry? A
Data Envelopment Analysis in this study revealed that
technical efficiency and productivity in Taiwanese banks
increased more during the ex-post period (2003-2004) of the
Merger Act than during the ex-ante periods (1999-2000).
P 00784 EU 2009 vol 18 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 C II
P 00654 SS 2008 vol 3 no 3/ 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 D I
Banking services for everyone ? Barriers to bank access
and use around the world. / Beck, Thorsten &
Demirgüç-Kunt, Asli & Martinez Peria , Maria Soledad (The
World Bank Economic Review, 2008 vol 22 no 3, pp. 397430)
336.71 (540)
Meta analysis of banking services in India: a customer
centric approach / Verma, Sanjee & Chaudhuri, Ranjan
(International Journal of Financial Services Management,
2008 vol 3 no 3/ 4, pp. 216- 222)
Information from 209 banks in 62 countries is used to
develop new indicators of barriers to banking services around
the world, show their correlation with measures of out-reach,
and explore their association with bank and country
characteristics suggested by theory as potential determinants.
As a result of the growing level of competition and the rapid
pace of change, customer orientation is emerging as an
important element in the banking sector. This paper
encapsulates the changing paradigm of banking services
towards customers in India and the resultant impact on
banking performance.
P 01132 GX 2008 vol 22 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 59 D I
P 00654 SS 2008 vol 3 no 3/ 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 D I
336.71 (4-15)
Cross-country comparisons of competition and pricing
power in European banking / Carbo, Santiago & Humphrey,
David & Maudos, Joaquim & Molyneux, Philip (Journal of
International Money and Finance, 2009 vol 28 no 1, pp. 115134)
In trying to assess the relative competitive position of
banking markets in 14 European countries, existing indicators
of competition are found to give conflicting predictions across
countries, within countries, and over time.
P 00847 GRBR 2009 vol 28 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 E I
336.71 (493)
Bank- en beurswezen in België / De Muynck, Harald Gent:
Academia Press ; 2008, 318 p.
Indeling van de financiële instellingen volgens hun
voornaamste bedrijvigheid. De wettelijke regeling van en het
toezicht op het Belgische bankwezen. De kredietbronnen.
Giraal geld. De kredietverlening. Aandelen. Obligatieleningen.
Schatkistcertificaten. Kasbons/spaarbons. De staatsbon. De
verzekeringsbon. Instellingen voor collectieve belegging.
Pensioensparen (wet van 22.12.1986). Vastgoedcertificaten.
336.71 (540)
Customer satisfaction with usage of banks distribution
channels: an empirical investigation / Jham, Vimi & Khan,
Kaleem M. (International Journal of Financial Services
Management, 2008 vol 3 no 3/ 4, pp. 283- 294)
Satisfaction with banking services is an area of growing
interest to researchers and managers. This research
examined the survey responses of 560 bank customers who
provided information regarding their satisfaction towards
financial distribution channels with respect to five banks. The
study found that there were distinctive segments within the
financial market that had significantly different levels of usage
of financial distribution channels.
P 00654 SS 2008 vol 3 no 3/ 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 D I
336.71 (593)
The structural model of competition in the Thai banking
industry / Wonglimpiyarat, Jarunee (International Journal of
Financial Services Management, 2008 vol 3 no 3/ 4, pp. 255268)
This paper presents the structural model of competition in
the Thai banking system. The increased competition after the
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
financial crisis has made it necessary for Thai banks to adapt
and improve all their operations.
P 00654 SS 2008 vol 3 no 3/ 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 D I
336.71 (667)
Explaining the market power of Ghanaian banks /
Aboagye, Q.Q. Anthony & Akoena, S.K. & Antwi-Asare, T.O. &
Gockel, A.F. (The South African Journal of Economics, 2008
vol 76 no 4, pp. 569- 585)
A competitive banking system helps lower transaction costs
and risks. It also helps make financial markets more efficient.
In Ghana however, observers believe that the banking industry
is not competitive and point to the huge spread between bank
lending and borrowing rates as evidence.
P 00006 SAF 2008 vol 76 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 28 I III
Transparency of central bank preferences / Hahn, Volker
(German Economic Review, 2009 vol 10 no 1, pp. 32- 49)
Schatkistcertificaten. Kasbons/spaarbons. De staatsbon. De
verzekeringsbon. Instellingen voor collectieve belegging.
Pensioensparen (wet van 22.12.1986). Vastgoedcertificaten.
Afgeleide of derivatieve producten. De MiFID-richtlijn.
Structuur en organisatie van de Belgische secundaire markten
voor financiële instrumenten. De markten van de
effectenbeurs van Brussel (Euronext Brussels). Beursindexen
op Euronext Brussels.
152 025
Asset prices as indicators of euro area monetary policy:
an empirical assessment of their role in a Taylor rule /
Siklos, Pierre L. & Bohl, Martin T. (Open Economies Review,
2009 vol 20 no 1, pp. 39- 59)
This paper estimates forward-looking and forecast-based
Taylor rules for France, Germany, Italy, and the euro area.
Performing extensive tests for over-identifying restrictions and
instrument relevance, we find that asset prices can be highly
relevant as instruments in policy rules.
P 00747 PB 2009 vol 20 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 E I
In this paper, we examine whether the transparency of the
central bank's preferences is desirable.
P 00473 ALL 2009 vol 10 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 I III
Financial (in)stability, supervision and liquidity injections
: a dynamic general equilibrium approach. / de Walque,
Grégory & Pierrard, Olivier & Rouabah, Abdelaziz (CEPR
Discussion Papers,no 7202, pp. 1- 34)
We develop a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model
with an heterogeneous banking sector. We introduce
endogenous default probabilities for both firms and banks, and
allow for bank regulation and liquidity injection into the
interbank market. Our aim is to understand the interactions
between the banking sector and the rest of the economy, as
well as the importance of supervisory and monetary authorities
to restore financial stability.
The Swedish economic model. The European Central Bank
inflation target and economic growth in the Eurozone. Real
effective exchange rate for the euro. Exchange rate policy
strategy in large currency areas. Euro areas enlargement and
European Central Bank reform. Fiscal convergence in
monetary union. Business cycles similarity and EMU
enlargement. Monetary policy before euro adoption. Fiscal
performance and economic growth in the old and new member
states of the EU
152 209
336.714 (493)
Bank- en beurswezen in België / De Muynck, Harald Gent:
Academia Press ; 2008, 318 p.
P 00834 GRBRno 7202
Lending relationships in the interbank market / Cocco,
João F. & Gomes, Francisco J. & Martins, Nuno C. (Journal of
Financial Intermediation, 2009 vol 18 no 1, pp. 24- 48)
We use a unique dataset to show that relationships are an
important determinant of banks' ability to access interbank
market liquidity.
P 00784 EU 2009 vol 18 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 C II
336.711.6 (410)
Retail banking / Pond, Keith London: ; 2008, 184 p.
336.711ECB (4-15)
The economic performance of the European Union :
issues, trends and policies / Rusek, Antonin & Fidrmuc,
Jarko New York: Palgrave Macmillan ; 2009, 262 p.
The UK banking environment. How do banks work? Banks
and the economy. Banking legislation. The banker-customer
relationship. The operation of bank accounts. Payment
systems. Elementary lending. Banking securities.
152 123
336.711.6 (493)
Bank- en beurswezen in België / De Muynck, Harald Gent:
Academia Press ; 2008, 318 p.
Indeling van de financiële instellingen volgens hun
voornaamste bedrijvigheid. De wettelijke regeling van en het
toezicht op het Belgische bankwezen. De kredietbronnen.
Giraal geld. De kredietverlening. Aandelen. Obligatieleningen.
Indeling van de financiële instellingen volgens hun
voornaamste bedrijvigheid. De wettelijke regeling van en het
toezicht op het Belgische bankwezen. De kredietbronnen.
Giraal geld. De kredietverlening. Aandelen. Obligatieleningen.
Schatkistcertificaten. Kasbons/spaarbons. De staatsbon. De
verzekeringsbon. Instellingen voor collectieve belegging.
Pensioensparen (wet van 22.12.1986). Vastgoedcertificaten.
Afgeleide of derivatieve producten. De MiFID-richtlijn.
Structuur en organisatie van de Belgische secundaire markten
voor financiële instrumenten. De markten van de
effectenbeurs van Brussel (Euronext Brussels). Beursindexen
op Euronext Brussels.
152 025
Principles of financial engineering / Neftci, Salih N.
Burlington, San Diego, London: Elsevier ; 2008, 679 p.
Cash flow engineering and forward contracts. Engineering
simple intrest rate derivatives. Swap engineering. Repo
market strategies. Dynamic replication methods and
synthetics. Mechanics of options. Convexity positions. Options
engineering with applications. Pricing tools. Fixed-income
engineering. Tols for volatility engineering, volatility swaps and
volatility trading. Credit markets: CDS engineering. Essentials
of structured product engineering. Credit indices and their
tranches. default correlation pricing an trading. Principal
protection techniques. Caps/floors and swaptions with an
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
application to mortgages.
Betaalmiddelen in België : zicht op je rekening / De
Muynck, Harald Gent: Academia Press ; 2008, 206 p.
152 342
336.717 (4-11)
Linking Managerial Behaviour to Cost and Profit
Efficiency in the Banking Sectors of Central and Eastern
European Countries / Rossi, Stefania P. S. & Schwaiger,
Markus S & Winkler, Gerhard (Kredit und Kapital, 2008 vol 41
no 4, pp. 589- 629)
This paper investigates the state and evolution of banking
efficiency in Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs)
with a focus on countries that have recently acceded the
European Union
P 00654 ALL 2008 vol 41 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 D II
Innovation behaviour in financial services: an empirical
analysis / Sarkar, Soumodip & Pires, Cesaltina & Carvalho,
Management, 2008 vol 3 no 3/ 4, pp. 223- 242)
In this paper, using standardised data for over 7000 service
sector firms, we test different hypotheses to understand to
what extent innovation output and activity in financial sector
firms is different from other service firms.
P 00654 SS 2008 vol 3 no 3/ 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 D I
336.717.1 (44)
Upstream transfers and the donor's labour supply:
evidence from migrants living in France / Wolff,
François-Charles & Dimova, Ralitza (The Manchester School
of Economic and Social Studies, 2009 vol 77 no 2, pp. 204224)
With the use of data on migrants living in France, we study
the pattern of transfers of time and money made to parents.
Opnemingen. De rente. De kosten. Waarborgen ten voordele
van de kredietinstellingen. De opzegging. De overschrijving.
De permanente opdracht en het bericht van domiciliëring. De
cheque. De betaalkaarten. Het elektronisch bankieren.
Internationale betalingen. Speciale betalingstechnieken bij
internationale transacties. Wisselkoersrisico's.
152 026
Energy markets : price risk management and trading /
Chichester: John Wiley and sons ; 2007, 363 p.
Risk management in energy markets. The energy
derivatives markets. Emissions trading - towards a global
carbon market. Operational risk and its management.
Accounting for energy derivatives trades.
151 843
Principles of financial engineering / Neftci, Salih N.
Burlington, San Diego, London: Elsevier ; 2008, 679 p.
Cash flow engineering and forward contracts. Engineering
simple intrest rate derivatives. Swap engineering. Repo
market strategies. Dynamic replication methods and
synthetics. Mechanics of options. Convexity positions. Options
engineering with applications. Pricing tools. Fixed-income
engineering. Tols for volatility engineering, volatility swaps and
volatility trading. Credit markets: CDS engineering. Essentials
of structured product engineering. Credit indices and their
tranches. default correlation pricing an trading. Principal
protection techniques. Caps/floors and swaptions with an
application to mortgages.
152 342
P 00565 GRBR 2009 vol 77 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 I II
336.717.1 (493)
Betaalmiddelen in België : zicht op je rekening / De
Muynck, Harald Gent: Academia Press ; 2008, 206 p.
Opnemingen. De rente. De kosten. Waarborgen ten voordele
van de kredietinstellingen. De opzegging. De overschrijving.
De permanente opdracht en het bericht van domiciliëring. De
cheque. De betaalkaarten. Het elektronisch bankieren.
Internationale betalingen. Speciale betalingstechnieken bij
internationale transacties. Wisselkoersrisico's.
Efficient pricing algorithms for exotic derivatives / Lord,
Roger Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit ; 2008, 208 p.
Affine models. Complex logarithms in Heston-like models.
Optimal fourier inversion in semi-analytical option pricing. A
fast and accurate FFT-based method for pricing early-exercise
options under Levy processes. A comparison of biased
simulation schemes for stochastic volatility models. Partially
exact and bounded approximations for arithmetic Asian
options. Level-slope-curvature - fact or artefact ?
152 108
152 026
336.717.4 (493)
Betaalmiddelen in België : zicht op je rekening / De
Muynck, Harald Gent: Academia Press ; 2008, 206 p.
Opnemingen. De rente. De kosten. Waarborgen ten voordele
van de kredietinstellingen. De opzegging. De overschrijving.
De permanente opdracht en het bericht van domiciliëring. De
cheque. De betaalkaarten. Het elektronisch bankieren.
Internationale betalingen. Speciale betalingstechnieken bij
internationale transacties. Wisselkoersrisico's.
152 026
336.717.41 (493)
336.717.5 (540)
Impact of derivatives trading on emerging stock markets:
some evidence from India / Bhaumik, Sumon Kumar & Bose,
Suchismita (Comparative Economic Studies, 2009 vol 51 no 1,
pp. 118- 137)
In this paper, building on Vipul (2005), we examine the
expiration day effects of equity index derivatives at the
National Stock Exchange (NSE) in India, the second fastest
growing (emerging) economy in the world
P 00790 EU 2009 vol 51 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 K II
336.717:658.628 (410)
Retail banking / Pond, Keith London: ; 2008, 184 p.
The UK banking environment. How do banks work? Banks
and the economy. Banking legislation. The banker-customer
relationship. The operation of bank accounts. Payment
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
systems. Elementary lending. Banking securities.
152 123
Vault guide to the top 25 banking employers / s.n. New
York: ; 2007, 285 p.
Why pay? An introduction to payments economics / Kahn,
Charles M. & Roberds, William (Journal of Financial
Intermediation, 2009 vol 18 no 1, pp. 1- 23)
This paper surveys the growing literature on payments.
P 00784 EU 2009 vol 18 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 C II
Prestige rankings. The Vault 25. The best of the rest.
152 125
Optimal unemployment insurance in an estimated job
search model with savings / Lentz, Rasmus (Review of
Economic Dynamics, 2009 vol 12 no 1, pp. 37- 57)
This paper estimates a job search model with savings on
Danish micro data that include observations on wealth and
wages. Controlling for extensive observed and unobserved
worker characteristics heterogeneity, the estimation relates
observed unemployment spells to the model implied hazard
rate for each worker
P 00812 EU 2009 vol 12 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 G II
Precautionary saving in the presence of other risks: a
comment / Menegatti, Mario (Economic Theory, 2009 vol 39
no 3, pp. 473- 476)
Courbage and Rey (Econ Theory 32:417-424 2007) analyse
precautionary saving in the presence of a background risk
under specific sets of assumptions on the form of income risk
and background risk.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 39 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Monetary and fiscal interactions: short-run and long-run
implications / Isaac, Alan G. (Metroeconomica, 2009 vol 60
no 1, pp. 197- 223)
We model policy interactions in a growing economy.
Unemployment can persist and matters for the real wage;
conflicting claims underpin inflation outcomes; and aggregate
demand determines capacity utilization and unemployment.
Monetary policy is characterized by a Taylor rule. Fiscal policy
is characterized by a marginal tendency to run deficits or
P 00501 GX 2009 vol 60 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 B III
How should we conceive the continued resilience of the
U.S. Dollar as a reserve currency? / Morgan, Jamie (Review
of Radical Political Economics (RRPE), 2009 vol 41 no 1, pp.
43- 61)
In the following paper I explore the issue of the dollar as the
unofficial reserve currency of the global finance system. I look
at arguments for its "resilience" or continued use and how
there is an inbuilt mechanism in liberalized capital that tends to
reinforce the use of the dollar, and how this is to the
advantage of the United States.
P 00799 EU 2009 vol 41 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 K I
Admissible monetary aggregates for the euro area /
Binner, Jane M. & Bissoondeeal, Rakesh K. & Elger, C.
Thomas & Jones, Barry E. & Mullineux, Andrew W. (Journal of
International Money and Finance, 2009 vol 28 no 1, pp. 99114)
We use the Fleissig and Withney (Fleissig, A.R. Withney,
G.A; 2003. A new PC-based test for Varian's weak separability
conditions. Journal of Business and Economics Statistics 21
(1), 133-144 weak separability test to determine admissible
levels of monetary aggregation for the Euro area. We find that
the Euro area monetary assets in M2 and M3 are weakly
separable and construct admissible Divisia monetary
aggregates for these assets.
P 00847 GRBR 2009 vol 28 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 E I
336.741 (44)
Capital risque dans les scteurs innovants et performance
des FCPI (Fonds communs de placements dans
l'innovation / Sahut, Jean-Michel & Mnejja, Anis (Gestion
2000, 2009 vol 26 no 1, pp. 119- 137)
L'objectif de cet article consiste à s'interroger sur l'avenir de
l'industrie du capital risque en France au travers de ses
évolutions, des secteurs financés et de ses problèmes
P 02637 BG 2009 vol 26 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 L II
336.741.237 (4-15)
Money demand stability and inflation prediction in the
four largest EMU countries / Carstensen, Kai & Hagen, Jan
& Hossfeld, Oliver & Neaves, Abelardo Salazar (Scottish
Journal of Political Economy, 2009 vol 56 no 1, pp. 73- 93)
In this paper, we analyze the money demand functions of
the four largest EMU countries and the four-country (EMU-4)
aggregate. We identify reasonable and stable money demand
relationships for Germany, France and Spain as well as the
EMU-4 aggregate. For the case of Italy, results are less clear.
P 00706 GRBR 2009 vol 56 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 J I
State prices, liquidity, and default / Espinoza, Raphaël A. &
Goodhart, Charles A.E. & Tsomocos, Dimitrios P. (Economic
Theory, 2009 vol 39 no 2, pp. 177- 194)
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
We show, in a monetary exchange economy, that asset
prices in a complete markets general equilibrium are a
function of the supply of liquidity by the Central Bank, through
its effect on default and interest rates.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 39 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
La faillite du monétarisme et l'illusion du nouveau
consensus monétaire / Galbraith, James K. (L' Economie
politique, 2009 no 41, pp. 31- 43)
Retour sur le monétarisme Le nouveau consensus de la
politique monétaire Comprendre la crise des subprimes
P 00932 FR 2009 no 41 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 I I
William Poole in der offenen Volkswirtschaft / VON
FRIEDRICH, SELL L. & Kermer, Silvio (Kredit und Kapital,
2008 vol 41 no 4, pp. 465- 500)
Milton Friedmans Aussage,wonach inflation stets und
überall als ein monetäres Phänomen anzusehen sei, wird
nach wie vor durch eine überwältigende empirische Evidenz
gestützt. Daher erscheint es verfehlt, das Verhalten und die
Entwicklung monetärer Aggregate einfach zu ignorieren. Die
erzielten Resultate bestätigen die Vermutung, dass der
Einschluss von Geldmarktgleichgewichten sehr wohl die
Vergleichbarkeit von Kosten und Nutzen verschiedener
geldpolitischer Strategien verbessert
P 00654 ALL 2008 vol 41 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 D II
Monetary persistence, imperfect competition, and
staggering complementarities / Merkl, Christian & Snower,
Dennis (Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2009 vol 13 no 1, pp. 81106)
This paper explores the influence of wage and price
staggering on monetary persistence. We show that, for
plausible parameter values, wage and price staggering are
complementary in generating monetary persistence. We do so
by proposing the new measure of"quantitative inertia," after
discussing weaknesses of the "contract multiplier," a standard
measure of monetary persistence
P 00818 EU 2009 vol 13 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 G I
Determinants of exchange rate regime switching / Fiess,
Norbert & Shankar, Rashmi (Journal of International Money
and Finance, 2009 vol 28 no 1, pp. 68- 98)
Exchange rate policy in many emerging markets shifts
between a stronger and weaker commitment to peg. This
observation raises the following questions, which we address
in our paper.
P 00847 GRBR 2009 vol 28 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 E I
336.747.1 (73)
La troisième révolution américaine / Mistral, Jacques Paris:
Perrin ; 2008, 245 p.
Le déclin et la chute de la présidence Bush. La fuite en
avant dans l'endettement. Le rêve américain ébréché.
Réinventer la classe moyenne. Sauver la planète. Recréer
une industrie compétitive. Le dollar, un problème pour
l'Amérique ?
152 210
Admissible monetary aggregates for the euro area /
Binner, Jane M. & Bissoondeeal, Rakesh K. & Elger, C.
Thomas & Jones, Barry E. & Mullineux, Andrew W. (Journal of
International Money and Finance, 2009 vol 28 no 1, pp. 99114)
We use the Fleissig and Withney (Fleissig, A.R. Withney,
G.A; 2003. A new PC-based test for Varian's weak separability
conditions. Journal of Business and Economics Statistics 21
(1), 133-144 weak separability test to determine admissible
levels of monetary aggregation for the Euro area. We find that
the Euro area monetary assets in M2 and M3 are weakly
separable and construct admissible Divisia monetary
aggregates for these assets.
P 00847 GRBR 2009 vol 28 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 E I
The dynamics of trade and competition / Chen, Natalie &
Imbs, Jean & Scott, Andrew (Journal of International
Economics, 2009 vol 77 no 1, pp. 50- 62)
We estimate a version of the Melitz and Ottaviano model of
international trade with firm heterogeneity
P 00474 PB 2009 vol 77 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 B II
La faillite du monétarisme et l'illusion du nouveau
consensus monétaire / Galbraith, James K. (L' Economie
politique, 2009 no 41, pp. 31- 43)
Retour sur le monétarisme Le nouveau consensus de la
politique monétaire Comprendre la crise des subprimes
P 00932 FR 2009 no 41 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 I I
Openness, exchange rate regimes and the Phillips curve /
Bowdler, Christopher (Journal of International Money and
Finance, 2009 vol 28 no 1, pp. 148- 160)
In this paper I provide new evidence on the relationship
between openness to trade and the slope of the short-run
Phillips curve.
P 00847 GRBR 2009 vol 28 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 E I
336.748.12 (100.3)
Oil price pass-through into inflation / Chen, Shiu-Sheng
(Energy Economics, 2009 vol 31 no 1, pp. 126- 133)
This paper uses data from 19 industrialized countries to
investigate oil price pass-through into inflation across
countries and over time. A time-varying pass-through
coefficient is estimated and the determinants of the recent
declining effects of oil shocks on inflation are investigated
P 00778 GRBR 2009 vol 31 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 44 A II
336.748.12 (100.3)
The hypothesis of a unit root in OECD inflation revisited /
Romero-Avila, Diego & Usabiaga, Carlos (Journal of
Economics and Business, 2009 vol 61 no 2, pp. 153- 161)
This paper investigates the hypothesis of a unit root in
inflation for 13 OECD countries over the period 1957-2005,
taking into account cross-sectional dependence and multiple
mean shifts. We conduct unit root testing with the more
powerful unit root tests with cross-dependence proposed by
Smith et al
P 00691 EU 2009 vol 61 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 39 F II
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
336.748.12 (4-15)
Money demand stability and inflation prediction in the
four largest EMU countries / Carstensen, Kai & Hagen, Jan
& Hossfeld, Oliver & Neaves, Abelardo Salazar (Scottish
Journal of Political Economy, 2009 vol 56 no 1, pp. 73- 93)
In this paper, we analyze the money demand functions of
the four largest EMU countries and the four-country (EMU-4)
aggregate. We identify reasonable and stable money demand
relationships for Germany, France and Spain as well as the
EMU-4 aggregate. For the case of Italy, results are less clear.
P 00706 GRBR 2009 vol 56 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 J I
336.748.12 (410)
UK inflation: persistence, seasonality and monetary
policy / Osborn, Denise R. & Sensier, Marianne (Scottish
Journal of Political Economy, 2009 vol 56 no 1, pp. 24- 44)
In the light of the changes to UK monetary policy since the
early 1980s, we study the existence and nature of changes in
the properties of retail price inflation over this period.
P 00706 GRBR 2009 vol 56 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 J I
336.748.12 (430)
L' inflation en Allemagne 1914-1923 : causes et
conséquences au regard du contexte international /
Holtfrerich, Carl-Ludwig Paris: Comité pour l'histoire
économique et financière de la France ; 2002, 437 p.
Les différentes types d'inflation. Évolution des prix et du
pouvoir d'achat. Les facteurs d'évolution de la masse
monétaire. Conjoncture, croissance et emploi. Les effets sur la
distribution du revenu national. Mesures mises en oeuvre pour
mettre un terme à l'inflation et correction de quelques-uns de
ses effets.
her inflation record over the past decade has been far better.
Not only has average inflation been lower, its variability has
also been lower too. From a policy perspective the critical
question is: How did this shift come about? And, more
importantly, under current institutional arrangements for
conducting monetary policy in India, will it last ?
P 00776 EU 2009 vol 20 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 28 B III
336.748.12 (73)
Changing inflation dynamics and uncertainty in the United
States / Miles, William & Vijverberg, Chu-Ping C. (Southern
Economic Journal, 2009 vol 75 no 3, pp. 736- 749)
We will accordingly investigate changes in U.S. inflation,
inflation persistence, and inflation uncertainty over time with
two estimation strategies. We will first employ a
Markov-switching model that allows for shifts in the mean,
persistence, and variance. Results will indicate that
uncertainty has indeed increased in the present decade.
P 00261 EU 2009 vol 75 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 G III
Which news moves the euro area bond market? /
Andersson, Magnus & Overby, Lars Jul & Sebestyén,
Szabolcs (German Economic Review, 2009 vol 10 no 1, pp. 131)
The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, to examine the
effects of macroeconomic data releases and of the ECB's
monetary policy statements on five-minute intraday German
government bond returns from the beginning of 1999 until the
end of December 2005. Second, allowing for the fact that
long-term bond yields in theory should be affected by the
expected monetary policy path, the paper examines whether
the German bond price sensitivity differs depending on the
monetary policy stance taken by the ECB.
P 00473 ALL 2009 vol 10 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 I III
152 030
336.748.12 (438)
Modeling inflation in Poland / Kim, Byung-Yeon (Eastern
European Economics, 2008 vol 46 no 6, pp. 60- 69)
This paper uses cointegration and error-correction models
to analyze the relative effects of the monetary, labor, and
external sectors on polish inflation from 1990 to 1999. We use
a structural system approach in which cointegration relations
are used to derive deviations from steady-state levels
P 00333 EU 2008 vol 46 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 B I
336.748.12 (438)
Is inflation perceived by Polish consumers driven by
prices of frequently bought goods and services? / Lyziak,
Tomasz (Comparative Economic Studies, 2009 vol 51 no 1,
pp. 100- 117)
This study tests the relationship between price changes of
different baskets of goods and services and consumer inflation
perception in Poland
Transparency of central bank preferences / Hahn, Volker
(German Economic Review, 2009 vol 10 no 1, pp. 32- 49)
In this paper, we examine whether the transparency of the
central bank's preferences is desirable.
P 00473 ALL 2009 vol 10 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 I III
Some benefits of cyclical monetary policy / de O.
Cavalcanti, Ricardo & Nosal, Ed (Economic Theory, 2009 vol
39 no 2, pp. 195- 216)
Two fundamental ideas emerge: (i) the reflux of money back
to the hands of those making current expenditures can be
inefficient, and (ii) expansionary policy may accomodate more
trade during high-demand seasons, at the expense of less
trade in low-demand seasons and a less valuable currency.
The paper provides a foundation for the optimality of a cyclical
monetary policy.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 39 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
P 00790 EU 2009 vol 51 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 K II
336.748.12 (540)
Monetary policy and the behaviour of inflation in India: Is
there a need for institutional reform ? / Srinivasan, Naveen
& Jain, Sumit & Ramachandran, M (Journal of Asian
Economics, 2009 vol 20 no 1, pp. 13- 24)
The Indian economy endured a persistent inflation episode
that lasted from the early 1960s to the mid-1990s. In contrast
William Poole in der offenen Volkswirtschaft / VON
FRIEDRICH, SELL L. & Kermer, Silvio (Kredit und Kapital,
2008 vol 41 no 4, pp. 465- 500)
Milton Friedmans Aussage,wonach inflation stets und
überall als ein monetäres Phänomen anzusehen sei, wird
nach wie vor durch eine überwältigende empirische Evidenz
gestützt. Daher erscheint es verfehlt, das Verhalten und die
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
Entwicklung monetärer Aggregate einfach zu ignorieren. Die
erzielten Resultate bestätigen die Vermutung, dass der
Einschluss von Geldmarktgleichgewichten sehr wohl die
Vergleichbarkeit von Kosten und Nutzen verschiedener
geldpolitischer Strategien verbessert
P 00654 ALL 2008 vol 41 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 D II
Oil price shocks, systematic monetary policy, and the
"great moderation" / Herrera, Ana Maria & Pesavento, Elena
(Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2009 vol 13 no 1, pp. 107- 137)
P 00818 EU 2009 vol 13 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 G I
Fiscal and monetary rules for a currency union / Ferrero,
Andrea (Journal of International Economics, 2009 vol 77 no 1,
pp. 1- 10)
This paper addresses the optimal joint conduct of fiscal and
monetary policy in a two-country model of a currency union
with staggered price setting and distortionary taxes
P 00474 PB 2009 vol 77 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 B II
Monetary policy and welfare in a small open economy / De
Paoli, Bianca (Journal of International Economics, 2009 vol 77
no 1, pp. 11- 22)
This paper analyzes optimal monetary policy in a small open
economy featuring monopolistic competition and nominal
rigidities. It shows that the utility-based loss function for this
economy can be written as a quadratic expression of domestic
inflation, output gap and real exchange rate
P 00474 PB 2009 vol 77 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 B II
Admissible monetary aggregates for the euro area /
Binner, Jane M. & Bissoondeeal, Rakesh K. & Elger, C.
Thomas & Jones, Barry E. & Mullineux, Andrew W. (Journal of
International Money and Finance, 2009 vol 28 no 1, pp. 99114)
We use the Fleissig and Withney (Fleissig, A.R. Withney,
G.A; 2003. A new PC-based test for Varian's weak separability
conditions. Journal of Business and Economics Statistics 21
(1), 133-144 weak separability test to determine admissible
levels of monetary aggregation for the Euro area. We find that
the Euro area monetary assets in M2 and M3 are weakly
separable and construct admissible Divisia monetary
aggregates for these assets.
P 00847 GRBR 2009 vol 28 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 E I
A note on inflation, economic growth, and income
inequality / Jin, Yi (Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2009 vol 13 no
1, pp. 138- 147)
This paper develops a monetary endogenous growth model
with capital and skill heterogeneity to analyze the relationship
among inflation, growth, and income inequality. We show that
an increase in the long-run money growth rate raises inflation
and reduces growth, but its effect on income inequality
depends on the relative importance of the two types of
P 00818 EU 2009 vol 13 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 G I
Satisficing solutions to a monetary policy problem /
Krawczyk, Jacek B. & Kim, Kunhong (Macroeconomic
Dynamics, 2009 vol 13 no 1, pp. 46- 80)
There is no unique way in which a central bank can achieve
a desired inflation(unemployment,etc.)path. We think that it is
viability theory, which is a relatively young area of
mathematics, that rigorously captures the essence of
satisficing. We aim to use viability analysis to analyze a simple
macro policy model and show how some robust adjustment
rules can be endogenously obtained
P 00818 EU 2009 vol 13 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 G I
Instrument rules in monetary policy under heterogeneity
in currency trade / Bask, Mikael (Journal of Economics and
Business, 2009 vol 61 no 2, pp. 97- 111)
We embed different instrument rules into Gali and
Monacelli's new Keynesian model for a small open economy
that is augmented with technical trading in currency trade to
examine the prerequisites for monetary policy
P 00691 EU 2009 vol 61 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 39 F II
Asset prices as indicators of euro area monetary policy:
an empirical assessment of their role in a Taylor rule /
Siklos, Pierre L. & Bohl, Martin T. (Open Economies Review,
2009 vol 20 no 1, pp. 39- 59)
This paper estimates forward-looking and forecast-based
Taylor rules for France, Germany, Italy, and the euro area.
Performing extensive tests for over-identifying restrictions and
instrument relevance, we find that asset prices can be highly
relevant as instruments in policy rules.
P 00747 PB 2009 vol 20 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 E I
Fiscal and monetary policy in an endogenous growth
model with public capital. / Tamai, Toshiki (Finanzarchiv,
2008 vol 64 no 4, pp. 403- 421)
This paper develops an endogenous growth model in which
the government finances its public investment using both
income taxation and seigniorage.
P 00525 ALL 2008 vol 64 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 D III
336.74:338.23 (4-15)
The economic performance of the European Union :
issues, trends and policies / Rusek, Antonin & Fidrmuc,
Jarko New York: Palgrave Macmillan ; 2009, 262 p.
The Swedish economic model. The European Central Bank
inflation target and economic growth in the Eurozone. Real
effective exchange rate for the euro. Exchange rate policy
strategy in large currency areas. Euro areas enlargement and
European Central Bank reform. Fiscal convergence in
monetary union. Business cycles similarity and EMU
enlargement. Monetary policy before euro adoption. Fiscal
performance and economic growth in the old and new member
states of the EU
152 209
336.74:338.23 (410)
UK inflation: persistence, seasonality and monetary
policy / Osborn, Denise R. & Sensier, Marianne (Scottish
Journal of Political Economy, 2009 vol 56 no 1, pp. 24- 44)
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
In the light of the changes to UK monetary policy since the
early 1980s, we study the existence and nature of changes in
the properties of retail price inflation over this period.
P 00706 GRBR 2009 vol 56 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 J I
336.74:338.23 (540)
Monetary policy and the behaviour of inflation in India: Is
there a need for institutional reform ? / Srinivasan, Naveen
& Jain, Sumit & Ramachandran, M (Journal of Asian
Economics, 2009 vol 20 no 1, pp. 13- 24)
The Indian economy endured a persistent inflation episode
that lasted from the early 1960s to the mid-1990s. In contrast
her inflation record over the past decade has been far better.
Not only has average inflation been lower, its variability has
also been lower too. From a policy perspective the critical
question is: How did this shift come about? And, more
importantly, under current institutional arrangements for
conducting monetary policy in India, will it last ?
P 00776 EU 2009 vol 20 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 28 B III
336.74:338.23 (73)
Understanding monetary policy implementation. / Ennis,
Huberto M. & Keister, Todd (Economic Quarterly of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, 2008 vol 94 no 3, pp.
235- 263)
The change and recent events in financial markets have
renewed interest in the process of monetary policy
implementation. This article presents a simple analytical
framework for understanding this process. We use the
framework to illustrate the main factors that influence a central
bank's ability to keep the market interest rate close to a target
P 00702 EU 2008 vol 94 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 37 J III
Vers une croissance pro-pauvres : orientations à
l'intention des donneurs / Paris: OCDE ; 2007, 369 p.
La responsabilisation politique et le processus d'élaboration
des politiques. Elimination des obstacles à l'intégration dans
l'économie formelle. La contribution du secteur financier.
Faciliter l'accés des femmes au marché. Les raisons d'un
nouveau plan d'action pour l'agriculture. Promouvoir la
diversification des activités rénumératrices. Développer et
améliorer les infrastructures. Les infrastructures au service de
la pauvreté. L'appréciation préalable de l'impact sur la
152 059
Which news moves the euro area bond market? /
Andersson, Magnus & Overby, Lars Jul & Sebestyén,
Szabolcs (German Economic Review, 2009 vol 10 no 1, pp. 131)
The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, to examine the
effects of macroeconomic data releases and of the ECB's
monetary policy statements on five-minute intraday German
government bond returns from the beginning of 1999 until the
end of December 2005. Second, allowing for the fact that
long-term bond yields in theory should be affected by the
expected monetary policy path, the paper examines whether
the German bond price sensitivity differs depending on the
monetary policy stance taken by the ECB.
P 00473 ALL 2009 vol 10 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 I III
Democracy and reforms. / Giuliano, Paola & Mishra, Prachi
& Spilimbergo, Antonio (CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7194,
pp. 1- 41)
This paper studies the impact of democracy on the adoption
of economic reforms using a new dataset on reforms in the
financial, capital, public and banking sezctors, product and
labor markets, agriculture, and trade for 150 countries over the
period 1960-2004.
P 00834 GRBRno 7194
Market crashes, speculation and learning in financial
markets / Leoni, Patrick L. (Economic Theory, 2009 vol 39 no
2, pp. 217- 229)
A natural conjecture is that if agents' beliefs are almost
correct then equilibrium prices could be close to rational
expectations prices. We consider a standard General
Equilibrium model with large but finite horizon and complete
markets. We show that, for almost every such economy, if
conditional beliefs eventually become correct almong a path of
events then equilibrium prices of assets traded along this path
converge to rational expectation equilibria in the sup-norm.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 39 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Make a guess: a robust mechanism for King Solomon's
dilemma / Qin, Cheng-Zhong & Yang, Chun-Lei (Economic
Theory, 2009 vol 39 no 2, pp. 259- 268)
We introduce endogenous fees for participating in
second-price auction which we use for a two-stage
mechanism to solve King Solomon's dilemma. They are
positive for all agents. They are nonetheless shown to
maintain the agents' incentives for truthful bidding and
guarantee participation by the highest-value agent.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 39 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
151 615
La bourse ou la vie : la grande manipulation des petits
actionnaires / Labarde, Philippe & Maris, Bernard Paris: Albin
Michel ; 2000, 200 p. ISBN: 2-226-11546-3
L'avenir radieux de la nouvelle économie. L'explosion des
services. Privatisations. Qui fixe le prix des privatisées ? Les
fonds de pension. La bourse. Actionnaire et citoyen. Au-delà
du profit.
Are stocks really less volatile in the long run ? / Pastor,
Lubos & Stambaugh, Robert F. (CEPR Discussion Papers,no
7199, pp. 1- 44)
We use a predictive system and 206 years of data to
compute long-horizon variance of annual real stock returns
from the perspective of an investor who recognizes that
parameters are uncertain and predictors are imperfect.
P 00834 GRBRno 7199
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
Hierarchy and opportunism in teams / Elbittar, Alexander
(Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2009 vol 69
no 1, pp. 39- 80)
Nolinearities in the dynamics of the euro area demand for
M1 / Calza, Alessandro & Zaghini, Andrea (Macroeconomic
Dynamics, 2009 vol 13 no 1, pp. 1- 19)
Review of Economic Design 6, 461-480 identified optimal
bidder behavior in first-price private-value auctions when the
ranking of valuations is common knowledge, and they derived
comparative-statics predictions regarding the auctioneer's
expected revenue and the efficiency of the allocation. The
experiment reported here tests the behavioral components of
these comparative-statics predictions.
This paper finds evidence of nonlinearities in the dynamics
of the euro area demand for the narrow aggregate M1. The
empirical findings of the paper are consistent with theoretical
predictions of nonlinearities in the dynamics of adjustment to
"target-threshold" models and with analogous empirical
evidence for European countries and the United States
P 00544 PB 2009 vol 69 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 E II
P 00818 EU 2009 vol 13 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 G I
Impact of valuation ranking information on bidding in
first-price auctions: a laboratory study / Elbittar, Alexander
(Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2009 vol 69
no 1, pp. 75- 85)
Review of Economic Design 6, 461-480, identified optimal
bidder behavior in first-price private-value auctions when the
ranking of valuations is common knowledge, and they derived
comparative-statics predictions regarding the auctioneer's
expected revenue and the efficiency of the allocation. The
experiment reported here tests the behavioral components of
these comparative-statics predictions.
P 00544 PB 2009 vol 69 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 E II
convergence or divergence? / Fung, Michael K. (Journal of
International Money and Finance, 2009 vol 28 no 1, pp. 5667)
This study tests for convergence in financial development
and economic growth by incorporating the interaction between
the real and financial sectors into an otherwise traditional test
for convergence.
P 00847 GRBR 2009 vol 28 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 E I
Mobile-banking: can elephants and hippos tango? /
Goswami, Divakar & Raghavendran, Satish (Journal of
Business Strategy, 2009 vol 30 no 1, pp. 14- 21)
Banks and mobile providers have profoundly different
business models and capabilities but their futures are deeply
entwined. They have to figure out how huge industries with
developed and divergent business practices shoud partner to
introduce mobile banking to their customers. Making banks
omnipresent and transforming cell phones from mere
communication devices into pocket-sized bank branches will
help skilled players become well-positioned to establish brand
leadership and leave fast-followers in the dust.
P 00732 EU 2009 vol 30 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 H III
Financial markets' behavior around episodes of large
changes in the fiscal stance / Ardagna, Silvia (European
Economic Review, 2009 vol 53 no 1, pp. 37- 55)
Using a panel of OECD countries from 1960 to 2002, this
paper shows that interest rates, particularly those of long-term
government bonds, decrease when countries' fiscal position
improves and increase around periods of budget
P 00548 EU 2009 vol 53 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 J I
Financial foreign direct investment: the role of private
equity investments in the globalization of firms from
emerging markets / Agmon, Tamir & Messica, Avi
(Management International Review, 2009 vol 49 no 1, pp. 1126)
This paper provides a multidimensional analysis and
discussion on the role of private equity funds in the
globalization process of firms from emerging markets.
P 00774 GX 2009 vol 49 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 B III
336.76 (4-15) (410) (44)
The origins of Europe's new stock markets / Cambridge,
London: Harvard University Press ; 2009, 242 p.
Europe's new stock markets. Markets, politics, and
bureaucrats. The early history of a Brussels initiative. Creating
feeder markets in the United Kingdom and France. Taking
stock of the European Union's financial transformation.
152 037
336.76 (410) (73)
The origins and development of financial markets and
institutions : from the seventeenth century to the present /
Atack, Jeremy & Neal, Larry Cambridge, New York,
Melbourne, Madrid: Cambridge University Press ; 2009, 472 p.
Financial innovations and crisis: The view backwards from
Nothern Rock. Was John Law's system a bubble? The
Mississipi bubble revisited. Comparing the UK and US
financial systems, 1790-1830. Regulatory changes and the
development of the US banking market, 1870-1914: A study of
profit rates and risk in national banks. Central bank reaction
functions during the inter-war gold standard: A view from the
periphery. Lessons from history for the twenty-first century.
152 295
336.76 (44)
The deep pocket effect of internal capital markets. / Boutin,
Xavier & Cestone, Giacinta & Fumagalli, Chiara & Pica,
Giovanni & Serrano-Velarde, Nicolas (CEPR Discussion
Papers,no 7184, pp. 1- 26)
This paper provides evidence that incumbents' access to
group deep pockets has a negative impact on entry in product
markets. Relying on a unique French data set on business
groups, the paper presents three major findings.
P 00834 GRBRno 7184
336.76 (510) (540) (81) (82)
Financial liberalization and economic performance in
emerging countries / Arestis, Philip New York: Palgrave
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
Macmillan ; 2008, 221 p.
Financial liberalization and domestic policy space: theory
and practice with reference to Latin America. Capital account
management or laissez-faire of capital flows in development
countries. Financial liberalization, exchange rate regime and
economic performance in BRICs countries. The liberalization
of capital outflows in Brazil, India and South Africa since the
early 1990s. Financial liberalization in Brazil and Argentina.
Capital controls and economic development in China.
De-regulated finance and impact on corporate investments:
the case of industry and labour in India. Does ownership
explain bank M&A? The case of domestic banks and foreign
banks in Brazil
151 991
336.76 (529)
Why is there no momentum in the Taiwan stock market? /
Du, Ding & Huang, Zhaodan & Liao, Bih-Shuang (Journal of
Economics and Business, 2009 vol 61 no 2, pp. 140- 152)
Momentum strategies usually do not produce significant
profits in emerging stock markets. In this paper, we look at one
of the largest emerging markets, the Taiwan stock market
P 00691 EU 2009 vol 61 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 39 F II
336.76 (540)
Impact of derivatives trading on emerging stock markets:
some evidence from India / Bhaumik, Sumon Kumar & Bose,
Suchismita (Comparative Economic Studies, 2009 vol 51 no 1,
pp. 118- 137)
In this paper, building on Vipul (2005), we examine the
expiration day effects of equity index derivatives at the
National Stock Exchange (NSE) in India, the second fastest
growing (emerging) economy in the world
P 00790 EU 2009 vol 51 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 K II
336.76 (66/67)
Stock market development and economic growth:
evidence from seven sub-Sahara African countries /
Enisan, Akinlo A & Olufisayo, Akinlo O (Journal of Economics
and Business, 2009 vol 61 no 2, pp. 162- 171)
The paper examines the long run and causal relationship
between stock market development and economic growth for
seven countries in sub-Saharan Africa
P 00691 EU 2009 vol 61 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 39 F II
336.76 (72)
Experimental evidence on returns to capital and access to
finance in Mexico. / McKenzie, David & Woodruff,
Christopher (The World Bank Economic Review, 2008 vol 22
no 3, pp. 457- 483)
A trong theoretical argument for focusing on access to
finance is that financial market imperfections can result in
large inefficiencies, as firms with productive investment
opportunities underinves. Lack of access to finance is a
frequent complaint of microenterprises, which account for a
large share of employment in developing countries.
P 01132 GX 2008 vol 22 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 59 D I
336.76 (73)
The deregulatory effects of the Telecommunications Act
of 1996 on the broadcasting industry : Expectations vs.
reality / Zhong, Ke & Cao, Yong & Ning, Yixi (Journal of
Accounting and Public Policy, 2008 vol 27 no 3, pp. 238- 261)
The broadcasting industry experienced drastic deregulation
with the passage of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. This
study examines the capital market reactions to the passage of
the Act and aftermath changes in profitability and efficiency in
the broadcasting industry.
P 00593 EU 2008 vol 27 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 41 B III
L'année du krach 2008 / Colmant, Bruno & Samson, Chantal
Bruxelles: De Boeck & Larcier ; 2009, 138 p.
S'il impose des réflexions économiques, le krach de 2008
offre également l'opportunité de réfléchir aux architectures
financières de demain et au rôle disciplinant que les marchés
boursiers réglmentés peuvent continuer de jouer à l'avenir
grâce à la transparence et à la liquidité qu'ils ont fournies.
152 128
Keynes and the market / Hoboken: John Wiley ; 2008, 213 p.
John Maynard Keynes - acclaimed economist, statesman,
and writer - was one of the few men to master the financial
markets in practice as well as in theory. His six key investment
principles, refined over decades of investing, represent a
straightforward and time-tested system for exploiting the
periodic irrationality of stock markets. Keynes and the market
examines the secrets behind Keynes'incredible stock market
152 140
La bourse ou la vie : la grande manipulation des petits
actionnaires / Labarde, Philippe & Maris, Bernard Paris: Albin
Michel ; 2000, 200 p. ISBN: 2-226-11546-3
L'avenir radieux de la nouvelle économie. L'explosion des
services. Privatisations. Qui fixe le prix des privatisées ? Les
fonds de pension. La bourse. Actionnaire et citoyen. Au-delà
du profit.
152 059
Kimball's Prudence and Two-Fund Separation as
Determinants of Mutual Fund Performance Evaluation /
Breuer, Wolfgang & Gürtler, Marc (Kredit und Kapital, 2008 vol
41 no 4, pp. 501- 539)
In our theoretical section, we derive and discuss several
performance measures for the investor's decision problems
with a central role of Kimball's(1990) prudence and of several
variants of Sharpe and Treynor measures. In our empirical
section, we show that the distinction between exogenous and
endogenous stock holding is less important than the issue of
skewness preferences
P 00654 ALL 2008 vol 41 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 D II
336.761 (100.3)
The macroeconomics of stock prices in the medium term
and in the long run / Madsen, Jacob B. (The Manchester
School of Economic and Social Studies, 2009 vol 77 no 2, pp.
127- 152)
In this paper we develop a macro-model of stock prices that
predicts that the growth rates in real stock prices and real
dividends gravitate towards predictable constants in the long
run, but fluctuate on approximately decennial frequencies due
to movements in capital's income share. Using
macroeconomic data over 130 years for 22 OECD countries,
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
the data give support for the model.
P 00565 GRBR 2009 vol 77 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 I II
336.761 (4-15) (410) (44)
The origins of Europe's new stock markets / Cambridge,
London: Harvard University Press ; 2009, 242 p.
Europe's new stock markets. Markets, politics, and
bureaucrats. The early history of a Brussels initiative. Creating
feeder markets in the United Kingdom and France. Taking
stock of the European Union's financial transformation.
152 037
336.761 (430)
Vorteilhaftigkeit des börslichen Abendhandels aus
Anlegersicht / Goodfellow, Christiane & Bohl, Martin T. &
Schiereck, Dirk (Kredit und Kapital, 2008 vol 41 no 4, pp. 541556)
In dieser Studie werden die Effekte der Vorverlegung des
Börsenhandelssystem Xetra am 3. November 2003 von 20.00
uhr auf 17.30 uhr auf den nicht-anonymen Parketthandel der
Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse untersucht
P 00654 ALL 2008 vol 41 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 D II
336.761 (430)
Universal Banks, Corporate Control, and Equity
Carve-Outs in Germany / Elsas, Ralf & Löffler, Yvonne
(Kredit und Kapital, 2008 vol 41 no 4, pp. 557- 587)
Our main conjecture is that the degree of pre-event
corporate control affects market reactions to the
announcement of carve-outs. We test two contradictory
implications. We find that a higher degree of pre-event
ownership concentration leads to lower abnormal returns
P 00654 ALL 2008 vol 41 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 D II
336.761 (493)
Bank- en beurswezen in België / De Muynck, Harald Gent:
Academia Press ; 2008, 318 p.
Indeling van de financiële instellingen volgens hun
voornaamste bedrijvigheid. De wettelijke regeling van en het
toezicht op het Belgische bankwezen. De kredietbronnen.
Giraal geld. De kredietverlening. Aandelen. Obligatieleningen.
Schatkistcertificaten. Kasbons/spaarbons. De staatsbon. De
verzekeringsbon. Instellingen voor collectieve belegging.
Pensioensparen (wet van 22.12.1986). Vastgoedcertificaten.
Afgeleide of derivatieve producten. De MiFID-richtlijn.
Structuur en organisatie van de Belgische secundaire markten
voor financiële instrumenten. De markten van de
effectenbeurs van Brussel (Euronext Brussels). Beursindexen
op Euronext Brussels.
152 025
Designing realized kernels to measure the ex post
variation of equity prices in the presence of noise. /
Barndorff-Nielsen, Ole & Reinhard Hansen, Peter & Lunde,
Asger & Shephard, Neil (Econometrica, 2008 vol 76 no 6, pp.
1481- 1536)
This paper shows how to use realized kernels to carry out
efficient feasible inference on the ex post variation of
underlying equity prices in the presence of simple models of
market frictions.
P 00193 EU 2008 vol 76 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 J I
336.761.5 (100.3)
The macroeconomics of stock prices in the medium term
and in the long run / Madsen, Jacob B. (The Manchester
School of Economic and Social Studies, 2009 vol 77 no 2, pp.
127- 152)
In this paper we develop a macro-model of stock prices that
predicts that the growth rates in real stock prices and real
dividends gravitate towards predictable constants in the long
run, but fluctuate on approximately decennial frequencies due
to movements in capital's income share. Using
macroeconomic data over 130 years for 22 OECD countries,
the data give support for the model.
P 00565 GRBR 2009 vol 77 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 I II
Designing realized kernels to measure the ex post
variation of equity prices in the presence of noise. /
Barndorff-Nielsen, Ole & Reinhard Hansen, Peter & Lunde,
Asger & Shephard, Neil (Econometrica, 2008 vol 76 no 6, pp.
1481- 1536)
This paper shows how to use realized kernels to carry out
efficient feasible inference on the ex post variation of
underlying equity prices in the presence of simple models of
market frictions.
P 00193 EU 2008 vol 76 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 J I
Managerial hedging, equity ownership, and firm value /
Acharya, Viral V. & Bisin, Alberto (The Rand Journal of
Economics, 2009 vol 40 no 1, pp. 47- 77)
Optimal managerial contracts induce a relationship between
managerial ownership and (i) aggregate risk in the firm's cash
flows, as well as (ii) firm value. We show that this can help
explain the shape of the empirically documented relationship
between ownership and firm performance
P 00642 EU 2009 vol 40 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 L II
336.763.2 (493)
Bank- en beurswezen in België / De Muynck, Harald Gent:
Academia Press ; 2008, 318 p.
Indeling van de financiële instellingen volgens hun
voornaamste bedrijvigheid. De wettelijke regeling van en het
toezicht op het Belgische bankwezen. De kredietbronnen.
Giraal geld. De kredietverlening. Aandelen. Obligatieleningen.
Schatkistcertificaten. Kasbons/spaarbons. De staatsbon. De
verzekeringsbon. Instellingen voor collectieve belegging.
Pensioensparen (wet van 22.12.1986). Vastgoedcertificaten.
Afgeleide of derivatieve producten. De MiFID-richtlijn.
Structuur en organisatie van de Belgische secundaire markten
voor financiële instrumenten. De markten van de
effectenbeurs van Brussel (Euronext Brussels). Beursindexen
op Euronext Brussels.
152 025
336.763.3 (493)
Bank- en beurswezen in België / De Muynck, Harald Gent:
Academia Press ; 2008, 318 p.
Indeling van de financiële instellingen volgens hun
voornaamste bedrijvigheid. De wettelijke regeling van en het
toezicht op het Belgische bankwezen. De kredietbronnen.
Giraal geld. De kredietverlening. Aandelen. Obligatieleningen.
Schatkistcertificaten. Kasbons/spaarbons. De staatsbon. De
verzekeringsbon. Instellingen voor collectieve belegging.
Pensioensparen (wet van 22.12.1986). Vastgoedcertificaten.
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
Afgeleide of derivatieve producten. De MiFID-richtlijn.
Structuur en organisatie van de Belgische secundaire markten
voor financiële instrumenten. De markten van de
effectenbeurs van Brussel (Euronext Brussels). Beursindexen
op Euronext Brussels.
We define risky arbitrages as sezlf-financing trading
strategies that have a strictly positive market price but a zero
expected cumulative payoff. A continuous time cointegrated
system is used to model risky arbitrages as arising from a
mean-reverting mispricing component.
152 025
P 00834 GRBRno 7188
336.763.36 (73)
Empirical essays on debt, equity, and convertible
securities / Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit ; 2008, 173 p.
On extreme value statistics / Zhou, Chen Rotterdam:
Erasmus Universiteit ; 2008, 205 p.
This dissertation consists of four empirical studies on firms'
financing decisions. In the first two studies, we investigate the
debt-equity choice for a large number of U.S. firms. We find
that firms prefer debt financing over equity financing in case a
debt issue allows the firm to keep its investment grade rating.
When the financing requirement becomes sufficiently large,
firms are more likely to choose equity financing.
Existence and consistency of the maximum likelihood
estimator for the extreme value index. A 2-stem estimator of
the extreme value index. Portfolio selection with secondary
risk indicators of heavy tailed distributions. On spatial
extremes : with application to a rainfall problem. The extent of
internet auction markets. The expected payoff to internet
152 119
152 112
Comment utiliser les marchés à terme agricoles et
alimentaires / Dijon: Educagri éditions ; 2007, 271 p.
New insights into behavioral finance / Rotterdam: Erasmus
Universiteit ; 2008, 242 p.
Besoins des opérateurs sur les marchés physique.
Principes d'utilisation des marchés à termes. La couverture
sur marché à terme. Le principe des options. Stratégies
fondées sur une anticipation du prix du sous-jacent, de la
volativité, sur un raisonnement d'arbitrage. Les opérateurs
intérieurs et extérieurs. Des stratégies de couverture de risque
de prix
Violations of CPT in mixed gambles with moderate
probabilities. Deal or no deal? Decision making under risk in a
large-payoff game show. Risky choice and the relative size of
stakes. Irrational diversification: an experimental examination
of portfolio construction. Loss aversion and the value premium
152 107
152 223
Principles of financial engineering / Neftci, Salih N.
Burlington, San Diego, London: Elsevier ; 2008, 679 p.
Cash flow engineering and forward contracts. Engineering
simple intrest rate derivatives. Swap engineering. Repo
market strategies. Dynamic replication methods and
synthetics. Mechanics of options. Convexity positions. Options
engineering with applications. Pricing tools. Fixed-income
engineering. Tols for volatility engineering, volatility swaps and
volatility trading. Credit markets: CDS engineering. Essentials
of structured product engineering. Credit indices and their
tranches. default correlation pricing an trading. Principal
protection techniques. Caps/floors and swaptions with an
application to mortgages.
152 342
Comment utiliser les marchés à terme agricoles et
alimentaires / Dijon: Educagri éditions ; 2007, 271 p.
Besoins des opérateurs sur les marchés physique.
Principes d'utilisation des marchés à termes. La couverture
sur marché à terme. Le principe des options. Stratégies
fondées sur une anticipation du prix du sous-jacent, de la
volativité, sur un raisonnement d'arbitrage. Les opérateurs
intérieurs et extérieurs. Des stratégies de couverture de risque
de prix
152 223
Risky arbitrage strategies : optimal portfolio choice and
economic implications. / Liu, Jun & Timmermann, Allan G.
(CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7188, pp. 1- 41)
Stress testing by financial intermediaries : Implications
for portfolio selection and asset pricing / Alexander,
Gordon J. & Baptista, Alexandre M. (Journal of Financial
Intermediation, 2009 vol 18 no 1, pp. 65- 92)
Financial intermediaries often use stress testing to set risk
exposure limits. Accordingly, we examine a model with an
agent who faces stress testing constraints and another who
does not.
P 00784 EU 2009 vol 18 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 C II
Animal spirits : how human psychology drives the
economy, and why it matters for global capitalism /
Akerlof, George A. & Shiller, Robert J. Princeton, Oxford:
Princeton University Press ; 2009, 230 p.
Confidence and its multipliers. Corruption and bad faith.
Why do economies fall into depression ? Why do central
bankers have power over the economy ? Why is saving for the
future so arbitrary ? Why do real estate markets go through
cycles ?
151 976
La bourse ou la vie : la grande manipulation des petits
actionnaires / Labarde, Philippe & Maris, Bernard Paris: Albin
Michel ; 2000, 200 p. ISBN: 2-226-11546-3
L'avenir radieux de la nouvelle économie. L'explosion des
services. Privatisations. Qui fixe le prix des privatisées ? Les
fonds de pension. La bourse. Actionnaire et citoyen. Au-delà
du profit.
152 059
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
Efficient pricing algorithms for exotic derivatives / Lord,
Roger Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit ; 2008, 208 p.
Affine models. Complex logarithms in Heston-like models.
Optimal fourier inversion in semi-analytical option pricing. A
fast and accurate FFT-based method for pricing early-exercise
options under Levy processes. A comparison of biased
simulation schemes for stochastic volatility models. Partially
exact and bounded approximations for arithmetic Asian
options. Level-slope-curvature - fact or artefact ?
152 108
Risky arbitrage strategies : optimal portfolio choice and
economic implications. / Liu, Jun & Timmermann, Allan G.
(CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7188, pp. 1- 41)
We define risky arbitrages as sezlf-financing trading
strategies that have a strictly positive market price but a zero
expected cumulative payoff. A continuous time cointegrated
system is used to model risky arbitrages as arising from a
mean-reverting mispricing component.
P 00834 GRBRno 7188
Asset prices as indicators of euro area monetary policy:
an empirical assessment of their role in a Taylor rule /
Siklos, Pierre L. & Bohl, Martin T. (Open Economies Review,
2009 vol 20 no 1, pp. 39- 59)
This paper estimates forward-looking and forecast-based
Taylor rules for France, Germany, Italy, and the euro area.
Performing extensive tests for over-identifying restrictions and
instrument relevance, we find that asset prices can be highly
relevant as instruments in policy rules.
P 00747 PB 2009 vol 20 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 E I
Stress testing by financial intermediaries : Implications
for portfolio selection and asset pricing / Alexander,
Gordon J. & Baptista, Alexandre M. (Journal of Financial
Intermediation, 2009 vol 18 no 1, pp. 65- 92)
Financial intermediaries often use stress testing to set risk
exposure limits. Accordingly, we examine a model with an
agent who faces stress testing constraints and another who
does not.
P 00784 EU 2009 vol 18 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 C II
L'année du krach 2008 / Colmant, Bruno & Samson, Chantal
Bruxelles: De Boeck & Larcier ; 2009, 138 p.
S'il impose des réflexions économiques, le krach de 2008
offre également l'opportunité de réfléchir aux architectures
financières de demain et au rôle disciplinant que les marchés
boursiers réglmentés peuvent continuer de jouer à l'avenir
grâce à la transparence et à la liquidité qu'ils ont fournies.
152 128
How to run a bank : the essential reference guide for
senior bank management around the globe / London:
Financial Times Business Ltd ; 2008, 140 p.
Organic growth versus M&A. The right formula for Eastern
Europe. High-growth niche markets. The pertinence of
branding. Managing credit risk through segmentation.
Strategic partnerships for sustained growth. The three waves
of offshoring. The shape of today's credit portfolio. Social
responsibility in a shariah context. An accurate valuation of
152 106
336.77 (100)
De meltdown van 2 biljoen dollar / Morris, Charles R.
Amsterdam, Antwerpen: Business Contact ; 2009, 207 p.
Morris analyseert de bredere politieke en economische
oorzaken en de aanloop van de crisis. Vervolgens verklaart hij
de politiek van 'goedkoop geld' die door Greenspan en de Fed
werd uitgedragen, en de buitenzinnige leningen van de hedgeen private equityfondsen en investeringsbanken. Uiteindelijk
leidde de wijze waarop de leningen op financiële markten
werden verhandeld ertoe dat deze praktijken als in een
piramidespel vastliepen, met de verdamping van vele
miljarden dollars als gevolg
152 207
336.77 (410)
Retail banking / Pond, Keith London: ; 2008, 184 p.
The UK banking environment. How do banks work? Banks
and the economy. Banking legislation. The banker-customer
relationship. The operation of bank accounts. Payment
systems. Elementary lending. Banking securities.
152 123
336.77 (493)
Kredietwezen in België / De Muynck, Harald Gent: Academia
Press ; 2007, 142 p.
Het consumentenkrediet. Het hypothecair krediet. Het
Documentaire kredieten. Het investeringskrediet. Het
acceptkrediet. Het kaderkrediet. Krediet van staat tot staat. De
wisseltrekking. De uitgifte van een obligatielening. Leasing.
Factoring. Commercial paper. Klassieke leningen. Lineaire
obligaties. Schatkistcertificaten. Belgian treasury bills.
Staatsbons. De zakelijke waarborgen. De persoonlijke of
morele waarborgen. Het kredietrisico. Ratings. De
kredietverzekering. De centrale voor kredieten. De collectieve
schuldenregeling. Effectisering.
152 027
336.777 (493)
Kredietwezen in België / De Muynck, Harald Gent: Academia
Press ; 2007, 142 p.
Het consumentenkrediet. Het hypothecair krediet. Het
Documentaire kredieten. Het investeringskrediet. Het
acceptkrediet. Het kaderkrediet. Krediet van staat tot staat. De
wisseltrekking. De uitgifte van een obligatielening. Leasing.
Factoring. Commercial paper. Klassieke leningen. Lineaire
obligaties. Schatkistcertificaten. Belgian treasury bills.
Staatsbons. De zakelijke waarborgen. De persoonlijke of
morele waarborgen. Het kredietrisico. Ratings. De
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
kredietverzekering. De centrale voor kredieten. De collectieve
schuldenregeling. Effectisering.
152 027
336.777 (493)
Betaalmiddelen in België : zicht op je rekening / De
Muynck, Harald Gent: Academia Press ; 2008, 206 p.
Opnemingen. De rente. De kosten. Waarborgen ten voordele
van de kredietinstellingen. De opzegging. De overschrijving.
De permanente opdracht en het bericht van domiciliëring. De
cheque. De betaalkaarten. Het elektronisch bankieren.
Internationale betalingen. Speciale betalingstechnieken bij
internationale transacties. Wisselkoersrisico's.
152 026
336.77:330.567.2 (493)
Annuaire juiridique du crédit et du réglement collectif de
dettes 2006 : crédit hypothécaire, crédit à la
consommation et réglement collectif de dettes /
Marchienne-au-Pont: Observatoire du Crédit et de
l'Endettement ; 2006, 708 p.
Vous y retrouverez une sélection de décisions judiciaires
ainsi que diverses informations en matière de services
financiers et de procédures de règlement d'insolvabilité se
rapportant à l'année 2006. Het jaarboek biedt een selectie van
rechterlijke beslissingen en diverse informatie over financiële
diensten en insolventieprocedures van het jaar 2006.
Het consumentenkrediet. Het hypothecair krediet. Het
Documentaire kredieten. Het investeringskrediet. Het
acceptkrediet. Het kaderkrediet. Krediet van staat tot staat. De
wisseltrekking. De uitgifte van een obligatielening. Leasing.
Factoring. Commercial paper. Klassieke leningen. Lineaire
obligaties. Schatkistcertificaten. Belgian treasury bills.
Staatsbons. De zakelijke waarborgen. De persoonlijke of
morele waarborgen. Het kredietrisico. Ratings. De
kredietverzekering. De centrale voor kredieten. De collectieve
schuldenregeling. Effectisering.
152 027
336.77:658.11.017.2 (493)
Handboek financieel beheer / Laveren, Eddy & Engelen,
Peter-Jan & Limère, Arthur Antwerpen, Oxford: Intersentia ;
2009, 647 p.
De ondernemingsdoelstelling: het creëren van waarde.
Financiële analyse. Financiële planning. De waardering van
obligaties, aandelen en opties. Beoordeling, selectie en
risicoanalyse van investeringsprojecten. De optimale
kapitaalstructuur. Dividendpolitiek en de waarde van de
onderneming. De kapitaalkost van de onderneming.
Alternatieve NPV-modellen. Debiteurenbeheer. Beheer van
het netto bedrijfskapitaal. Beursintroducties en risicokapitaal.
Financiering van KMO's in België.
152 302
151 982
336.77:330.567.2 (493)
Kredietwezen in België / De Muynck, Harald Gent: Academia
Press ; 2007, 142 p.
Het consumentenkrediet. Het hypothecair krediet. Het
Documentaire kredieten. Het investeringskrediet. Het
acceptkrediet. Het kaderkrediet. Krediet van staat tot staat. De
wisseltrekking. De uitgifte van een obligatielening. Leasing.
Factoring. Commercial paper. Klassieke leningen. Lineaire
obligaties. Schatkistcertificaten. Belgian treasury bills.
Staatsbons. De zakelijke waarborgen. De persoonlijke of
morele waarborgen. Het kredietrisico. Ratings. De
kredietverzekering. De centrale voor kredieten. De collectieve
schuldenregeling. Effectisering.
Instrument rules in monetary policy under heterogeneity
in currency trade / Bask, Mikael (Journal of Economics and
Business, 2009 vol 61 no 2, pp. 97- 111)
We embed different instrument rules into Gali and
Monacelli's new Keynesian model for a small open economy
that is augmented with technical trading in currency trade to
examine the prerequisites for monetary policy
P 00691 EU 2009 vol 61 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 39 F II
152 027
336.77:347.27 (493)
Annuaire juiridique du crédit et du réglement collectif de
dettes 2006 : crédit hypothécaire, crédit à la
consommation et réglement collectif de dettes /
Marchienne-au-Pont: Observatoire du Crédit et de
l'Endettement ; 2006, 708 p.
Vous y retrouverez une sélection de décisions judiciaires
ainsi que diverses informations en matière de services
financiers et de procédures de règlement d'insolvabilité se
rapportant à l'année 2006. Het jaarboek biedt een selectie van
rechterlijke beslissingen en diverse informatie over financiële
diensten en insolventieprocedures van het jaar 2006.
151 982
336.77:347.27 (493)
Kredietwezen in België / De Muynck, Harald Gent: Academia
Press ; 2007, 142 p.
338 (5) (510) (520)
Japan en de onontkoombare aziatisering van de wereld /
Segers, Rien T. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Balans ; 2009, 347 p.
De Aziatisering van de wereld in de eenentwingste eeuw.
duurzaamheid. De identiteit van het eenentwingste-eeuwse
Japan. Veranderingen in politiek, economie en technologie
van Japan. Naar een nieuwe Aziatische wereldorde.
152 331
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
P 00506 SS 2008 vol 63 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 49 A II
Institutions économiques internationales
Philippe Bruxelles: Larcier ; 2009, 347 p.
Tout le monde a, un jour ou l'autre, entendu parler de
l'Organisation mondiale du commerce, du Fonds monétaire
international et de la Banque mondiale. Peu nombreux en
revanche, sont ceux qui en connaissent les mécanismes. À
travers son ouvrage, Philipe Vincent a voulu familiariser le
lecteur avec les institutions économiques internationales, leur
fonctionnement et les règles qui leur sont propres.
152 184
Commodity price volatility and world market integration
since 1700. / Jacks, David S. & O'Rourke, Kevin H. &
Williamson, Jeffrey G. (CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7190, pp.
1- 36)
This paper explores commodity and manufactures price
over the past three centuries to answer three questions : has
commodity price volatility increased over time ? Have
commodities always shown greater price volatility than
manufactures ? Does world market integration breed more or
less commodity price volatility ?
P 00834 GRBRno 7190
Financial (in)stability, supervision and liquidity injections
: a dynamic general equilibrium approach. / de Walque,
Grégory & Pierrard, Olivier & Rouabah, Abdelaziz (CEPR
Discussion Papers,no 7202, pp. 1- 34)
We develop a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model
with an heterogeneous banking sector. We introduce
endogenous default probabilities for both firms and banks, and
allow for bank regulation and liquidity injection into the
interbank market. Our aim is to understand the interactions
between the banking sector and the rest of the economy, as
well as the importance of supervisory and monetary authorities
to restore financial stability.
P 00834 GRBRno 7202
Prospects for skills-based export growth in a
labor-abundant, resource-rich developing economy /
Coxhead, Ian & Li, Muqun (Aussenwirtschaft : Schweizerische
Zeitschrift für internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen. The
Swiss review of international economic relations, 2008 vol 63
no 4, pp. 391- 429)
In an integrated global economy, specialisation in trade is
an increasingly prominent strategy. A labor-abundant,
resource-rich economy like Indonesia faces stiff competition in
labor-intensive manufactures; meanwhile, rapid growth in
demand for resources from China and India exposes it to the
'curse' of resource wealth. This diminishes prospects for more
diversified growth based on renewable resources wealth,
foreign direct investment and human capital on the share of
skill-intensive products in exports.
Development impact fees and employment / Burge,
Gregory & Ihlanfeldt, Keith (Regional Science and Urban
Economics, 2009 vol 39 no 1, pp. 54- 63)
Development impact fees have sparked considerable
controversy as they have spread rapidly in usage throughout
the United States. One contentious issue is the effect that
these fees have on local economic development. While some
scholars have argued that impact fees attract jobs by reducing
developers'uncertainty, the development community maintains
that they operate as an excise tax, reducing commercial
development and driving away jobs.
P 00516 PB 2009 vol 39 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 I II
338.1 (100)
Uneven economic development / Vos, Rob New York:
United Nations ; 2008, 229 p.
Inequality in the world is high and rising. The problem of
global uneven development is central to, and inseparable
from, the international development agenda. In Uneven
Economic Development, leading economists and development
experts examine the causes and implications of international
economic divergences. This comprehensive and timely book
reviews economic growth and structural change patterns since
the 1960s.
152 311
338.1 (100)
The WTO and global governance : future directions /
Sampson, Gary P. Tokyo, New York, Paris: ; 2008, 277 p.
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is mandated by
governments to achieve full employment, a steady growth in
real income, and higher standards of living for its 150-plus
member countries. Its role is also to ensure the optimal use of
the world's resources in accordance with sustainable
152 312
338.1 (100-77)
Policy space: what, for what, and where? / Mayer, Jörg
(UNCTAD Discussion Papers, 2008 no 191, pp. 1- 20)
The paper examines how developing countries can use
existing policy space, and enlarge it, without opting out of
international commitments.
P 01276 GX 2008 no 191
338.1 (100.3)
Financer le développement 2008 : appropriation? / Paris:
OCDE ; 2008, 123 p.
Va-t-on vers une appropriation des politiques de
développement par les pays bénéficiaires ? Cette question,
toute simple, appelle des réponses complexes. Les bailleurs
de fonds et les dirigeants des pays en développement tentent
de traduire ce principe dans la réalité, sans faire hélas
beaucoup de progrès. Cet ouvrage ouvre d'utiles perspectives
à tous ceux dont l'ambition est de rendre le financement du
développement plus efficace.
151 513
338.1 (439)
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
OECD reviews of innovation policy : Hungary / Paris: ;
2008, 228 p.
Economic performance and level of innovative activity.
International trade and foreign direct investment. Structural
change. Framework conditions for innovation. Innovation
actors. The business sector. Higher education institutions.
Human resources for S&T and innovation. ICT in the
Hungarian economy. The evolution of Hungary's science,
technology and innovation policy. Governance and the policy
mix. Funding
151 790
338.1 (493) (493=40)
La boulangerie-patisserie en Wallonie : situation
économique et perspectives / Louvain: Université catholique
de Louvain - Faculté des sciences agronomiques ; 1996, p.m.
Consommation. Marchés. Problèmes recents et perspectives.
Synthèse, perspectives et strategies.
152 263
338.1 (493.4) (493=393)
Sociaal-economische situatieschets van Oost-Vlaanderen
/ Gent: Huis van de Economie ; 2002, 56 p.
gehanteerde begrippen.
152 261
Financial liberalization and economic performance in
emerging countries / Arestis, Philip New York: Palgrave
Macmillan ; 2008, 221 p.
Financial liberalization and domestic policy space: theory
and practice with reference to Latin America. Capital account
management or laissez-faire of capital flows in development
countries. Financial liberalization, exchange rate regime and
economic performance in BRICs countries. The liberalization
of capital outflows in Brazil, India and South Africa since the
early 1990s. Financial liberalization in Brazil and Argentina.
Capital controls and economic development in China.
De-regulated finance and impact on corporate investments:
the case of industry and labour in India. Does ownership
explain bank M&A? The case of domestic banks and foreign
banks in Brazil
151 991
338.1 (83)
Grounding geographies of economic globalisation :
Globalised spaces in Chile's non-traditional export sector,
1980-2005 / Barton, Jonathan R. & Murray, Warwick E.
(Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie (TESG),
2009 vol 100 no 1, pp. 81- 100)
This paper argues that an appreciation of the contingent
economic geography and political economy of any given local
and regional transformation is essential for understanding the
outcomes of economic globalisation. In order to illustrate this,
the paper analyses two regional non-traditional agricultural
export (NTAX) complexes in the highly globalised Chilean
P 00217 PB 2009 vol 100 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 17 E II
338.1 (493.5) (493=40)
La province de Hainaut en quelques chiffres / Mons:
Province du Hainaut ; 2005, 15 p.
Comme chaque année le service "Statistiques - Banques de
données" de Hainaut Développement, édite un document
donnant un aperçu de l'évolution économique et sociale en
Hainaut. Démographie. Revenus. Emploi. Entreprises.
152 260
338.1 (5) (510) (520)
Japan en de onontkoombare aziatisering van de wereld /
Segers, Rien T. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Balans ; 2009, 347 p.
De Aziatisering van de wereld in de eenentwingste eeuw.
duurzaamheid. De identiteit van het eenentwingste-eeuwse
Japan. Veranderingen in politiek, economie en technologie
van Japan. Naar een nieuwe Aziatische wereldorde.
152 331
338.1 (510)
Forest management policies and resource balance in
China: an assessment of the current situation / Démurger,
Sylvie & Yuanzhao, Hou & Weiyong, Yang (The Journal of
Environment & Development, 2009 vol 18 no 1, pp. 17- 41)
Using the latest forest inventory, this article provides a
detailed analysis of China's changing forest sector by focusing
on new forest trends, forest policy changes, and challenges to
achieving a sustainable forest management.
P 00940 GRBR 2009 vol 18 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 45 B I
338.1 (8=6)
Long live democracy : The determinants of political
instability in Latin America / Blanco, Luisa & Grier, Robin
(The Journal of Development Studies, 2009 vol 45 no 1, pp.
76- 95)
We investigate the underlying causes of political instability in
a panel of 18 Latin American countries from 1971-2000. We
test whether regime type, regime durability, factionalism,
income inequality, ethnic diversity, ethnic discrimination,
regional spillover effects, urban growth and macroeconomic
variables matter for instability.
P 00712 GRBR 2009 vol 45 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 I II
Economics / Parkin, Michael Boston, Columbus, Indianapolis:
Pearson ; 2010, 784 p.
How markets work. Households' choice. Firms and markets.
Market failure and government. Factor markets, inequality,
and uncertainty. Monitoring macroeconomic trends and
fluctuations. Macroeconomic policy.
152 236
Are stocks really less volatile in the long run ? / Pastor,
Lubos & Stambaugh, Robert F. (CEPR Discussion Papers,no
7199, pp. 1- 44)
We use a predictive system and 206 years of data to
compute long-horizon variance of annual real stock returns
from the perspective of an investor who recognizes that
parameters are uncertain and predictors are imperfect.
P 00834 GRBRno 7199
338.1 (510) (540) (81) (82)
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
What's news in business cycles. / Schmitt-Grohé, Stephanie
& Uribe, Martin (CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7201, pp. 1- 51)
In this paper, we perform a structural Bayesian estimation of
the contribution of anticipated shocks to business cycles in the
postwar United States.
Le scénario d'une crise annoncée. Le processus de
mondialisation dans le contexte d'une nouvelle période
économique à tendance récessionniste. Refuser le libéralisme
pour comprendre le monde et pouvoir le changer.
Perspectives, réponses possibles, propositions.
152 168
P 00834 GRBRno 7201
Real rigidities and real exchange rate volatility / Craighead,
Christopher W. (Journal of International Money and Finance,
2009 vol 28 no 1, pp. 135- 147)
This paper shows that certain real rigidities can help explain
high volatility of real exchange rates relative to other
macroeconoic aggregates. The introduction of intersectoral
adjustment and distribution costs substantially increases the
real exchange rate volatility generated by the model.
P 00847 GRBR 2009 vol 28 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 E I
The world economy / Holland, Dawn & Barrell, Ray & Fic,
Tatiana & Hurst, Ian & Liadze, Iana & Orazgani, Ali & Pillonca,
Vladimir (National Institute Economic Review, 2009 no 207,
pp. 10- 38)
The global cost of delaying bank stability. We are now
facing the deepest global recession in post-war history, with
global growth of just 1/2 per cent expected this year.
Assessing structural VARs / Christiano, Lawrence J. &
Eichenbaum, Martin & Vigfusson, Robert (Macroeconomics
Annual, 2006 vol 21, pp. 1- 105)
This paper analyzes the quality of VAR-based procedures
for estimating the response of the economy to a shock. We
focus on two key issues. First, do VAR-based confidence
intervals accurately reflect the actual degree of sampling
uncertainty associated with impulse response functions?
Second, what is the size of bias relative to confidence
intervals, and how do coverage rates of confidence intervals
compare with their nominal size? With comments by Patrick
J.Kehoe and Mark W. Watson.
P 00745 EU 2006 vol 21 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 D II
Oil price shocks, systematic monetary policy, and the
"great moderation" / Herrera, Ana Maria & Pesavento, Elena
(Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2009 vol 13 no 1, pp. 107- 137)
P 00818 EU 2009 vol 13 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 G I
P 00663 GRBR 2009 no 207 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 K I
338.12 (5-11)
Business cycle synchronisation in East Asia / Moneta,
Fabio & Rüffer, Rasmus (Journal of Asian Economics, 2009
vol 20 no 1, pp. 1- 12)
Against the background of the rapid inter-and intra-regional
integration of East Asia, we examine the extent and nature of
synchronisation of business cycles in the region. We estimate
a dynamic common factor model for output growth of 10 East
Asian countries
P 00776 EU 2009 vol 20 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 28 B III
338.124.4 (100)
De meltdown van 2 biljoen dollar / Morris, Charles R.
Amsterdam, Antwerpen: Business Contact ; 2009, 207 p.
Morris analyseert de bredere politieke en economische
oorzaken en de aanloop van de crisis. Vervolgens verklaart hij
de politiek van 'goedkoop geld' die door Greenspan en de Fed
werd uitgedragen, en de buitenzinnige leningen van de hedgeen private equityfondsen en investeringsbanken. Uiteindelijk
leidde de wijze waarop de leningen op financiële markten
werden verhandeld ertoe dat deze praktijken als in een
piramidespel vastliepen, met de verdamping van vele
miljarden dollars als gevolg
152 207
338.12 (73)
Common and spatial drivers in regional business cycles. /
Artis, Michael J. & Dreger, Christian & Kholodilin, Konstantin
(CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7206, pp. 1- 11)
We examine real business cycle convergence for 41 euro
area regions and 48 US states.
P 00834 GRBRno 7206
L'année du krach 2008 / Colmant, Bruno & Samson, Chantal
Bruxelles: De Boeck & Larcier ; 2009, 138 p.
S'il impose des réflexions économiques, le krach de 2008
offre également l'opportunité de réfléchir aux architectures
financières de demain et au rôle disciplinant que les marchés
boursiers réglmentés peuvent continuer de jouer à l'avenir
grâce à la transparence et à la liquidité qu'ils ont fournies.
152 128
Petit manuel de la crise financière et des autres / Paris:
Syllepse ; 2009, 190 p.
338.124.4 (100)
Le monde d'après : une crise sans précédent /
Saint-Amand -Montrond: Plon ; 2009, 230 p.
La crise financière a été brutale. Elle est aujourd'hui globale.
Au-delà même des conséquences économiques et sociales,
des risques majeurs apparaissent pour demain - perte de
contrôle de nos entreprises et faillite des états menacés par
l'endettement public. Si l'on ne veut pas danser sur un volcan,
un nouveau monde est à inventer.
152 309
338.124.4 (4-15) (73)
The transatlantic economy 2009 : annual survey of jobs,
trade and investment between the United States and
Europe / Hamilton, Daniel S. & Quinlan, Joseph P.
Washinton: Center for transatlantic relations ; 2009, 132 p.
A year of living dangerously: the transatlantic economy and
the global economic crisis. The transatlantic economy today:
the eight ties that bind. European commerce and the 50
states: a state-by-state comparison. U.S. commerce and
Europe: a country-by-country comparison.
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
152 307
338.124.4 (560)
The 2001 economic crisis, its impacts and evaluations :
The case of workers and small employers in Ankara /
Erbas, Hayriye & Turan, Feryal (Review of Radical Political
Economics (RRPE), 2009 vol 41 no 1, pp. 79- 106)
This article examines primarily the social impacts of the
2001 economic crisis on small employers and workers and
their evaluation of the crisis in Ankara, Turkey.
P 00799 EU 2009 vol 41 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 K I
Economics / Parkin, Michael Boston, Columbus, Indianapolis:
Pearson ; 2010, 784 p.
How markets work. Households' choice. Firms and markets.
Market failure and government. Factor markets, inequality,
and uncertainty. Monitoring macroeconomic trends and
fluctuations. Macroeconomic policy.
152 236
Advances in monitoring the economy / Rotterdam:
Erasmus University ; 2009, 143 p.
Panel design effects on response rates and response
quality. Monitoring weekly consumer confidence. Do leading
indicators lead peaks more than troughs? Evaluating the
consistency and timeliness of leading indicators
151 936
Pooling versus model selection for nowcasting with many
predictors : an appication to German GDP. / Kuzin, Vladimir
& Marcellino, Massimiliano & Schumacher, Christian (CEPR
Discussion Papers,no 7197, pp. 1- 37)
This paper discusses pooling versus model selection for
now-and forecasting in the presence of model uncertainty with
large, unbalanced datasets.
P 00834 GRBRno 7197
Constructing futures: a social constructionist perspective
on foresight methodology / Fuller, Ted & Loogma, Krista
(Futures : the journal of policy, planning and futures studies,
2009 vol 41 no 2, pp. 71- 79)
The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the relationship
between a particular epistemological perspective and foresight
P 00863 GRBR 2009 vol 41 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 33 E II
Extending the perimeter of reflexive debate on futures
research: an open framework / Mermet, Laurent (Futures :
the journal of policy, planning and futures studies, 2009 vol 41
no 2, pp. 105- 115)
This paper proposes an "open" framework as a guide for
each study on futures to make explicit and fundamental
choices it rests on. It is meant as an invitation to step back and
consider new beginnings in a workspace open to the widest
possible diversity and scale of approaches, as will be
necessary if studies on futures are to rise to the challenges of
research for sustainable development.
P 00863 GRBR 2009 vol 41 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 33 E II
338.12:311.141 (100.3)
Understanding economic statistics : an OECD perspective
/ Giovannini, Enrico Paris: OECD ; 2008, 195 p.
Economic agents. Economic aggregates. The main
producers of economic statistics. An overview of OECD
economic statistics. Agriculture and fishery. Energy. Industry
and services. Science, technology and innovation.
Globalisation. Short-term economic indicators. Labour. Income
distribution and households' conditions. Monetary and financial
statistics. National accounts. OECD economic forecasts.
Territorial statistics. Economic history.
151 884
338.12:311.141 (485)
Development and improvement of economic statistics /
Stockholm: ; 2003, 329 p. ISBN: 91-38-21869-0
Economic statistics in twelve countries. International
assessment of Swedish economic statistics. Revisions of
Swedish national accounts 1980-1998 and an international
152 076
338.12:311.141 (493)
Avis sur les perspectives budgetaires en préalable au
programme de stabilité 2009-2014 / Bruxelles: Conseil
supérieur des Finances ; 2009, 70 p.
Deux scénarios comparés de "retour à l'équilibre".
Hypotheses macro-economiques a court-moyen terme et
trajectoire budgetaire à politique inchangée. Fiche technique
de la simulation de référence. Efforts comparés et analyse
couts/bénéfices des deux trajectoires.
152 155
338.12:311.141 (493)
Advies over de begrotingsvooruitzichten voorafgaand aan
het stabiliteitsprogramma 2009-2014 / Brussel: Hoge Raad
van Financiën ; 2009, 72 p.
Vergelijking van twee scenario's van een "terugkeer naar
begrotingstraject 2009-2019-2050 bij "ongewijzigd beleid".
betreffende het referentiescenario. Vergelijking van de
inspanningen en kosten baten-analyse van beide trajecten.
152 154
338.12:311.141 (493) (493=393)
kortetermijnprognose / Festraets, Dirk & Vergeynst, Thierry
Brussel: Vlaamse overheid ; 2008, p.m.
Evolutie van de Belgische buitenlandse handel van
goederen en diensten. Structuur van de Vlaamse invoer en
uitvoer in vergelijking met deze van de buurlanden en andere
Europese landen. Handelspartners. Verhandelde goederen.
151 669
338.12:311.141 (540)
Economic survey 2007-08 / Oxford, New York: Oxford
University Press ; 2008, 263 p.
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
State of the economy. Fiscal developments and public
finance. Prices and monetary management. Financial
management. Industry. Infrastructure. Social sectors.
152 130
The Wealth of Nations van Adam Smith / O'Rourke, P.J.
Amsterdam: Mets & Shilt ; 2008, 220 p.
In de augiasstal van het menselijk bestaan probeert Adam
Smith de hokken uit te mesten. Laat Adam Smith je
marktgoeroe zijn. De welvaart tijdens verschillende periodes
en waarom we die te danken hebben aan de domheid der
machthebbers. Adam Smith als eerste raadgever van jong
Amerika. Het verloren boek van Adam Smith. Adam Smith
pakt de handelsdreiging uit China aan.
periphery. Lessons from history for the twenty-first century.
152 295
338.1:93 (430)
L' inflation en Allemagne 1914-1923 : causes et
conséquences au regard du contexte international /
Holtfrerich, Carl-Ludwig Paris: Comité pour l'histoire
économique et financière de la France ; 2002, 437 p.
Les différentes types d'inflation. Évolution des prix et du
pouvoir d'achat. Les facteurs d'évolution de la masse
monétaire. Conjoncture, croissance et emploi. Les effets sur la
distribution du revenu national. Mesures mises en oeuvre pour
mettre un terme à l'inflation et correction de quelques-uns de
ses effets.
152 030
152 299
Commodity market disintegration in the interwar period. /
Hynes, William & Jacks, David S. & O'Rourke, Kevin H.
(CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7189, pp. 1- 32)
Using data collected by the international institute of
agriculture, we document the disintegration of international
commodity markets between 1913 and 1938.
P 00834 GRBRno 7189
338.1:93 (66/67)
Understanding long-run African growth: colonial
institutions or colonial education? / Bolt, Jutta & Bezemer,
Dirk (The Journal of Development Studies, 2009 vol 45 no 1,
pp. 24- 54)
In this paper we test the 'colonial human capital explanation
for sub-Saharan Africa, controlling for legal origin and
geography. Utilising data on colonial era education, we find
that instrumented human capital explains long-term growth
better, and shows greater stability over time, than
instrumented measures for extractive institutions.
P 00712 GRBR 2009 vol 45 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 I II
Commodity price volatility and world market integration
since 1700. / Jacks, David S. & O'Rourke, Kevin H. &
Williamson, Jeffrey G. (CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7190, pp.
1- 36)
This paper explores commodity and manufactures price
over the past three centuries to answer three questions : has
commodity price volatility increased over time ? Have
commodities always shown greater price volatility than
manufactures ? Does world market integration breed more or
less commodity price volatility ?
P 00834 GRBRno 7190
338.1:93 (667)
The economy of Ghana : analytical perspectives on
stability, growth and poverty / Aryeetey, Ernest & Kanbur,
Ravi Suffolk, New York: James Currey ; 2008, 424 p.
Ghana's post-independance economic growth 1960-2000.
Persistant public sector deficits. Exchange rate volatility.
Balance of trade. Export performance and investment
behaviour of firms. Houdsehold savings. Banking competition
and efficiency. Rural and microfinance regulation.
Census-based poverty map. Decentralization and poverty
reduction. Secondary education. Health-care provision.
152 138
338.1:93 (100)
Arm en rijk : waarom sommige landen erg rijk zijn en
andere erg arm / Landes, David S. DK Houten: Spectrum ;
2009, 703 p.
De ongelijke bedeling door de natuur. Europa's eigen weg.
Van ontdekkingen tot wereldmacht. Heerschappij in de Oost.
De aard van de industriële revolutie. Waarom Europa?
Waarom toen? Engeland en de rest. De rijkdom aan kennis.
De Zuid-Amerikaanse manier. De Meiji-restauratie. Overzeese
rijken en hun nasleep.
152 208
338.1:93 (410) (73)
The origins and development of financial markets and
institutions : from the seventeenth century to the present /
Atack, Jeremy & Neal, Larry Cambridge, New York,
Melbourne, Madrid: Cambridge University Press ; 2009, 472 p.
Financial innovations and crisis: The view backwards from
Nothern Rock. Was John Law's system a bubble? The
Mississipi bubble revisited. Comparing the UK and US
financial systems, 1790-1830. Regulatory changes and the
development of the US banking market, 1870-1914: A study of
profit rates and risk in national banks. Central bank reaction
functions during the inter-war gold standard: A view from the
Politique économique / Bénassy-Quéré, Agnès & Coeuré,
Benoît & Jacquet, Pierre & Pisany-Ferry, Jean Bruxelles: De
Boeck ; 2009, 729 p.
Les fondements. La politique économique dans un monde
imparfait. La politique budgétaire, fiscale, monétaire et de
l'emploi. Intégration financière internationale et politique de
change. Politiques de croissance.
152 067
338.22 (100)
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
Uneven economic development / Vos, Rob New York:
United Nations ; 2008, 229 p.
Inequality in the world is high and rising. The problem of
global uneven development is central to, and inseparable
from, the international development agenda. In Uneven
Economic Development, leading economists and development
experts examine the causes and implications of international
economic divergences. This comprehensive and timely book
reviews economic growth and structural change patterns since
the 1960s.
152 311
338.22 (729.1)
Cuba and the "Battle of ideas" : A jump ahead / Mendes,
Aquilas & Marques, Rosa Maria (Review of Radical Political
Economics (RRPE), 2009 vol 41 no 1, pp. 62- 78)
This article describes the social and economic policies in the
2000s, the strategies chosen by the government to confront
the economic crisis and the social programs which became
part of the "Battle of Ideas". It is argued that the economic and
social aspects were pursued in an integrated fashion in Cuba
without the traditional submission of the latter to the former, as
it has been done in other Latin American countries.
P 00799 EU 2009 vol 41 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 K I
Uncertainty in individual and social decisions : theory and
experiments / Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit ; 2008, 187 p.
Economic decisions under uncertainty are often influenced
by psychological factors. The studies reported in this thesis
empirically identify psychological influences on decisions and
suggest theoretical models to incorporate them into formal
economic analyses. Effects on individual, strategic and market
decisions are considered.
151 931
Economics / Parkin, Michael Boston, Columbus, Indianapolis:
Pearson ; 2010, 784 p.
How markets work. Households' choice. Firms and markets.
Market failure and government. Factor markets, inequality,
and uncertainty. Monitoring macroeconomic trends and
fluctuations. Macroeconomic policy.
152 236
Hayek, Samuelson, and the logic of the mixed economy? /
Farrant, Andrew & McPhail, Edward (Journal of Economic
Behavior and Organization, 2009 vol 69 no 1, pp. 5- 17)
In 1980 Friedrich Hayek wrote to Paul Samuelson
complaining about the role that Economics had played in
discrediting the thesis of Hayek's The Road to Serfdom. In the
11th edition of Economics, Samuelson had written that "each
step away from the market system and towards the social
reform of the welfare state is inevitably a journey that must
end in totalitarian state." Given the apparent prevalence of this
reading of Hayek's thesis, we assess the dispute over Hayek's
'inevatibility thesis' and whether Hayek's complaints were
P 00544 PB 2009 vol 69 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 E II
338.23 (410)
A realistic evaluation of practice-based commissioning /
Greener, Ian & Mannion, Russell (Policy and Politics, 2009 vol
37 no 1, pp. 57- 74)
This article utilises the work of Pawson and Archer by
exploring how context from previous and current periods can
be compared and separated from generic policy mechanisms
that underping reforms in order to be able to show how
outcomes from the past might be reproduced or transformed in
current policy.
P 00794 GRBR 2009 vol 37 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 21 B II
338.23 (729.1)
Cuba and the "Battle of ideas" : A jump ahead / Mendes,
Aquilas & Marques, Rosa Maria (Review of Radical Political
Economics (RRPE), 2009 vol 41 no 1, pp. 62- 78)
This article describes the social and economic policies in the
2000s, the strategies chosen by the government to confront
the economic crisis and the social programs which became
part of the "Battle of Ideas". It is argued that the economic and
social aspects were pursued in an integrated fashion in Cuba
without the traditional submission of the latter to the former, as
it has been done in other Latin American countries.
P 00799 EU 2009 vol 41 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 K I
338. (100-77)
The politics of decision making in developing countries /
Conteh, Charles & Ohemeng, Frank L.K. (Public Management
Review, 2009 vol 11 no 1, pp. 57- 77)
Using privatization as a case study, the article examines
policy making in Botswana and Ghana
P 00986 GRBR 2009 vol 11 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 19 E III
338. (498)
The impact of privatisation on the restructuring of large
companies: evidence from Romania / Trif, Aurora
(International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Management (IJEIM), 2008 vol 8 no 5, pp. 565- 580)
This study investigates whether privatised companies are
more advanced than State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in the
restructuring process. It compares the experiences of four
large companies in the chemical sector in Romania two of
which have been privatised and two SOEs.
P 00637 SS 2008 vol 8 no 5 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 E II
338.246.062.1 (4-15)
EU emissions trading : initiation, decision-making and
implementation / Birger Skjaerseth, Jon & Wettestad, Jorgen
Farnham: Ashgate ; 2008, 216 p.
The EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) has been
characterized as one of the most far-reaching and radical
environmental policies for many years. Given the EU's earlier
resistance to this market-based and US-flavoured programme,
the development and implementation of the EU ETS has been
152 185
Les aides financières au secteur de la pêche : leurs
répercussions sur le développement durable / Paris:
OECD ; 2006, 415 p.
Les concours publics. Evaluation des effets des concours
publics. Analyse de certaines catégories. Données historiques
(1996-2003). Répercussions économiques des subventions.
Incidences sociales. Capital social et réformes des
subventions. Dispositions prises au Canada après la
fermeture de la pêche a la morue intervenue en 2003. Analyse
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
de l'accord de pêche entre les Seychelles et l'union
Européenne. Subventions à la pêche en Norvège. Analyse de
subventions au désarmement de navires et retrait de license
en Australie
2030 : une revanche de l'économie de l'offre ? Les dimensions
sociales et culturelles des enjeux.
152 176
151 902
338.246.062.2 (439)
OECD reviews of innovation policy : Hungary / Paris: ;
2008, 228 p.
Economic performance and level of innovative activity.
International trade and foreign direct investment. Structural
change. Framework conditions for innovation. Innovation
actors. The business sector. Higher education institutions.
Human resources for S&T and innovation. ICT in the
Hungarian economy. The evolution of Hungary's science,
technology and innovation policy. Governance and the policy
mix. Funding
151 790
338.246.062.2 (493) (493=40)
Les aides de la région wallonne aux P.M.E. : synthèse et
évaluation / Louvain: Université catholique de Louvain Faculté des sciences agronomiques ; 1995, p.m.
Notion de P.M.E. Analyse de la politique d'aide de la région
wallonne en matière d'aide aux P.M.E. Les activités visées par
les aides. Efficacité des aides aux P.M.E. Résultats obtenus
en Wallonie. les orientations de la politique industrielle
La localisation des services / Mérenne-Schoumaker,
Bernadette Paris: Editions Nathan ; 1996, 190 p.
En moins de trente ans, la plupart des économies sont
devenues des économies de services. L'emploi s'est fortement
tertiarisé et les services interviennent de plus en plus dans les
échanges internationaux. Cet ouvrage offre tout d'abord une
synthèse des principales tendances, des grands principes et
modèles généraux qui sous-tendent la localisation de tous les
services dans le monde. Il analyse ensuite plus
particulièrement quatre grands sous-secteurs : le commerce
de détail, les services publics, le tourisme et les loisirs, ainsi
que les services aux entreprises.
152 056
152 264
338.246.062.2 (493=393)
Sociaal-economisch rapport Vlaanderen 2008 / Gent:
Academia Press ; 2008, 128 p.
Zuurstof voor de Vlaamse arbeidsmarkt. Risicokapitaal als
instrument in het bevorderen van ondernemerschap en
risicokapitaalmarkt. Het Vlaamse overheidsinstrumentarium
ten behoeve van risicokapitaal. De belangrijkste Europese
Essays on labour markets : worker-firm dynamics,
occupational segregation and workplace conditions /
Buhai, Sebastian Ioan Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit ;
2008, 176 p.
Tenure profiles and efficient separation in a stochastic
productivity model. Returns to tenure or seniority? A social
network analysis of occupational segregation. The impact of
workplace conditions on firm performance.
152 110
152 024
338.27 (100.3)
The macroeconomics of stock prices in the medium term
and in the long run / Madsen, Jacob B. (The Manchester
School of Economic and Social Studies, 2009 vol 77 no 2, pp.
127- 152)
In this paper we develop a macro-model of stock prices that
predicts that the growth rates in real stock prices and real
dividends gravitate towards predictable constants in the long
run, but fluctuate on approximately decennial frequencies due
to movements in capital's income share. Using
macroeconomic data over 130 years for 22 OECD countries,
the data give support for the model.
P 00565 GRBR 2009 vol 77 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 I II
The effect of outward foreign direct investment on
home-country employment in a low-cost transition
economy / Masso, Jaan & Varblane, Urmas & Vahter, Priit
(Eastern European Economics, 2008 vol 46 no 6, pp. 25- 59)
The current extensive literature on the home-country
employment effect of foreign direct investment(FDI)focuses
almost exclusively on investments from high-income and high
labor-cost home countries. Our paper analyzes the
home-country employment effect in Estonia as a low-cost,
medium-income transition economy. The data from the
population of Estonian firms between 1995 and 2002 are
studied with regression analysis and propensity score
matching to construct an appropriate counterfactual for firms
that have invested abroad
P 00333 EU 2008 vol 46 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 B I
338.27 (4-15) (44)
La fin des paysans n'est pas pour demain / la
Tour-d'Aigues: De L'Aube ; 2009, 175 p.
Géopolitique et agriculture. Agriculture : une perception
brouillée. Repères et interrogations pour l'agriculture du futur
et sa mondialisation. Dix pistes pour l'avenir. France 2030 :
pour une stratégie de croissance avec l'agriculture. L'éclosion
de l'agriculture au XXIe siècle. Agriculture et culture :
réflexions pour un avenir humaniste de la production agricole
mondiale. Les enjeux de l'agriculture européenne a l'horizon
The productivity advantages of large cities :
distinguishing agglomeration from firm selection. /
Combes, Pierre-Philippe & Duranton, Gilles & Gobillon,
Laurent & Puga, Diego & Roux, Sébastien (CEPR Discussion
Papers,no 7191, pp. 1- 41)
Our main objective in this paper is to distinguish between
agglomeration and firm selection in explaining why average
productivity is higher in larger cities.
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
P 00834 GRBRno 7191
generated by their place in the country's political economy.
P 00960 GRBRno 306
Innovation and institutional ownership. / Aghion, Philippe &
Van Reenen, John & Zingales, Luigi (CEPR Discussion
Papers,no 7195, pp. 1- 59)
This paper is a first attempt analyzing the corporate
governance of innovation and more specifically the role of
institutional owners in fostering (or retarding) innovation.
P 00834 GRBRno 7195
The dynamics of trade and competition / Chen, Natalie &
Imbs, Jean & Scott, Andrew (Journal of International
Economics, 2009 vol 77 no 1, pp. 50- 62)
We estimate a version of the Melitz and Ottaviano model of
international trade with firm heterogeneity
P 00474 PB 2009 vol 77 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 B II
It and beyond: the contribution of heterogeneous capital
to productivity / Wilson, Daniel J. (Journal of Business and
Economic Statistics, 2009 vol 27 no 1, pp. 52- 70)
This article explores the relationship between capital
composition and productivity using a unique, detailed dataset
on firm investment in the United States in the late 1990s
P 00712 EU 2009 vol 27 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 E III
338.31 (100-77)
Labor markets and productivity in developing countries /
Satchi, Mathan & Temple, Jonathan (Review of Economic
Dynamics, 2009 vol 12 no 1, pp. 183- 204)
In middle-income countries, the informal sector often
accounts for a substantial fraction of the urban labor force. We
develop a general equilibrium model with matching frictions in
the urban labor market, the possibility of self-employment in
the informal sector, and scope for rural-urban migration. We
investigate the effects of labor market institutions, different
types of growth, and company taxes on labor market
outcomes and aggregate productivity
P 00812 EU 2009 vol 12 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 G II
338.31 (100.3) (5-11) (5-12) (5-13)
The impact of foreign R&D on total factor productivity in
the east Asian manufacturing / Liao, Hailin & Liu, Xiaohui &
Holmes, Mark & Weyman-Jones, Tom (The Manchester
School of Economic and Social Studies, 2009 vol 77 no 2, pp.
244- 270)
Applying a stochastic production frontier we examine the
extent to which industrial countries' R&D contributes to East
Asian economies' total factor productivity (TFP) growth in
manufacturing sectors, via foreign trade as the channel for
technological spillovers, based on a sample of nine
manufacturing sectors for eight East Asia economies from
1973 to 1998.
P 00565 GRBR 2009 vol 77 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 I II
Measuring the operational efficiency of commercial banks
in Namibia / Ikhide, Sylvanus I. (The South African Journal of
Economics, 2008 vol 76 no 4, pp. 586- 595)
This paper examines the efficiency of commercial banks in
Namibia using the standard econometric frontier approach.
Although two aspects of efficiency (scale and scope) receive
our attention, the emphasis is on the latter which pertains to
whether a firm produces as efficiently as it possible can, given
its size.
P 00006 SAF 2008 vol 76 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 28 I III
338.31 (4-11) (4-15)
The role of human capital and managerial skills in
explaining productivity gaps between east and west /
Steffen, Wolfgang & Stephan, Johannes (Eastern European
Economics, 2008 vol 46 no 6, pp. 5- 24)
This paper assesses the determinants of productivity gaps
between firms in the European transition countries and regions
and firms in West Germany. The analysis is conducted at the
firm level using a unique database constructed by fieldwork.
P 00333 EU 2008 vol 46 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 B I
Imports and TFP at the firm level : the role of absorptive
capacity. / Augier, Patricia & Cadot, Olivier & Dovis, Marion
(CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7218, pp. 1- 26)
This paper estimates the effect of the decision to import
intermediate goods and capital equipment on total factor
productivity (TFP) at the firm level on a panel of Spanish firms
covering the period between 1991 and 2002.
P 00834 GRBRno 7218
Where are 'pockets' of effective agencies likely in weak
governance states and why? : A propositional inventory /
Leonard, David K. (IDS Working Paper,no 306, pp. 1- 31)
It is well established that even in countries that have poor
governance and weak public sectors exceptional,
well-functioning government and government-supported
agencies do exist. What has not been established is how and
why these 'pockets of productivity' are able to emerge. Some
attribute their existence to exceptional leadership and good
management. Others, while not doubting the importance of
these internal factors, believe that these 'pockets' are
338.31 (410)
Productivity and labour demand effects of inward and
outward foreign direct investment on UK industry /
Driffield, Nigel & Love, James H. & Taylor, Karl (The
Manchester School of Economic and Social Studies, 2009 vol
77 no 2, pp. 171- 203)
We relate the technological and factor price determinants of
inward and outward foreign direct investment (FDI) to its
potential productivity and labour market effects on both host
and home economies.
P 00565 GRBR 2009 vol 77 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 I II
338.31 (520)
Overseas R&D activities and home productivity growth:
Evidence from Japanese firm-level data / Todo, Yasuyuki &
Shimizutani, Satoshi (Journal of Industrial Economics, 2008
vol 56 no 4, pp. 752- 777)
This paper investigates the impact of overseas subsidiaries'
R&D activities on the productivity growth of parent firms using
firm-level data for Japanese multinational enterprises
P 00563 GRBR 2008 vol 56 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 43 G II
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
338.31 (529)
Efficiency and productivity growth in Taiwanese banking /
Yeh, Tsai-Lien (International Journal of Financial Services
Management, 2008 vol 3 no 3/ 4, pp. 269- 282)
Do mergers promote efficiency in the banking industry? A
Data Envelopment Analysis in this study revealed that
technical efficiency and productivity in Taiwanese banks
increased more during the ex-post period (2003-2004) of the
Merger Act than during the ex-ante periods (1999-2000).
P 00654 SS 2008 vol 3 no 3/ 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 D I
338.31 (73)
Service offshoring and productivity: evidence from the US
/ Amiti, Mary & Wei, Shang-Jin (The World Economy, 2009 vol
32 no 2, pp. 203- 220)
The data are aggregated up from 450 SIC manufacturing
industries to 96 manufacturing industries in order to match the
level of aggregation of the input/output (I/O) tables, which
provides details of service inputs. It is important to net out
service inputs when calculating productivity in order to avoid
conflating measures due to missing inputs. Labour productivity
in manufacturing grew at an annual average rate of 4 per cent
between 1992 and 2000.
P 00773 GRBR 2009 vol 32 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 F I
338.31 (83)
Temporary increases in tariffs and investment: the chilean
experience / Kasahara, Hiroyuki (Journal of Business and
Economic Statistics, 2009 vol 27 no 1, pp. 113- 127)
This article develops a structural dynamic programming
model of investment and estimates the model using panel data
on Chilean manufacturing plants for 1980-1996. The estimates
are used to examine the impact of a temporary increase in
import tariffs imposed in Chiles taking account of endogenous
initial conditions and unobserved heterogeneity. The model
replicates the observed investment patterns at both plant and
aggregate levels well
P 00712 EU 2009 vol 27 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 E III
Cet article montre que la théorie économique analyse les
effets de ces remèdes de façon opposée selon que l'on traite
du risque d'effets unilatéraux ou d'effets coordonnés. La
théorie économique soulève également quelques problèmes
liés à la détermination de ces remèdes.
P 00951 FR 2008 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 54 I II
338.4 (481)
Managing petroleum resources : the "Norwegian model"
in a broad perspective / Oxford: Oxford Institute for Energy
Studies ; 2006, 264 p. ISBN: 1-901795-45-4
This book provides a welcome discussion of petroleum
resource management with the Norwegian model as a rich
illustration. It reviews the evolution of government policies, the
subsequent operational results and the impact of the outcome
on economic and social development. Important prerequisites
for successful resource management are then discussed to
show that Norway has been privileged as a host country.
151 784
338.4 (569.4)
Local and non-local prefounding experience and new
organizational form penetration : The case of the Israeli
wine industry / Simons, Tal & Roberts, Peter W.
(Administrative Science Quarterly, 2008 vol 53 no 2, pp. 235265)
This paper presents a theory of how new organizational
forms penetrate local populations. We evaluate these
predictions in an analysis of the transformation of the
population of Israeli wineries between 1983 and 2004, when
five existing organizations witnessed the arrival of 138 new
P 00425 EU 2008 vol 53 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 19 F I
338.4 (593)
The structural model of competition in the Thai banking
industry / Wonglimpiyarat, Jarunee (International Journal of
Financial Services Management, 2008 vol 3 no 3/ 4, pp. 255268)
This paper presents the structural model of competition in
the Thai banking system. The increased competition after the
financial crisis has made it necessary for Thai banks to adapt
and improve all their operations.
The productivity advantages of large cities :
distinguishing agglomeration from firm selection. /
Combes, Pierre-Philippe & Duranton, Gilles & Gobillon,
Laurent & Puga, Diego & Roux, Sébastien (CEPR Discussion
Papers,no 7191, pp. 1- 41)
Our main objective in this paper is to distinguish between
agglomeration and firm selection in explaining why average
productivity is higher in larger cities.
P 00834 GRBRno 7191
Les remèdes structurels dans le cadre du contrôle des
concentrations / Flochel, Laurent (Concurrences : Revue des
droits de la concurrence, 2008 no 3, pp. 28- 33)
P 00654 SS 2008 vol 3 no 3/ 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 D I
Commodity market disintegration in the interwar period. /
Hynes, William & Jacks, David S. & O'Rourke, Kevin H.
(CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7189, pp. 1- 32)
Using data collected by the international institute of
agriculture, we document the disintegration of international
commodity markets between 1913 and 1938.
P 00834 GRBRno 7189
Commodity price volatility and world market integration
since 1700. / Jacks, David S. & O'Rourke, Kevin H. &
Williamson, Jeffrey G. (CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7190, pp.
1- 36)
This paper explores commodity and manufactures price
over the past three centuries to answer three questions : has
commodity price volatility increased over time ? Have
commodities always shown greater price volatility than
manufactures ? Does world market integration breed more or
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
less commodity price volatility ?
P 00834 GRBRno 7190
338.45 (100.3)
Foreign direct investment, competition and industry
performance / Bitzer, Jürgen & Görg, Holger (The World
Economy, 2009 vol 32 no 2, pp. 221- 233)
Our paper uses data for 10 manufacturing sectors for 17
OECD countries covering the period 1973 to 2001. This long
time window allows us to construct country-level FDI stocks
which we use in the empirical estimation. This is a novelty of
our paper, as most previous studies use FDI flows rather than
stocks. Using FDI stocks allows us to pick up medium- and
long-term effects rather than just short-run effects that may be
identified using FDI flows.
P 00773 GRBR 2009 vol 32 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 F I
338.45 (415)
Ireland : north and south : a statistical profile / Cork,
Dublin, Belfast: Central Statistics Office ; 2000, 117 p. ISBN:
Population & households. Health & vital statistics. Industry &
finance. Education. Labour market. Agriculture. Transport &
tourism. European Union.
151 662
338.45 (44)
L'avenir de l'industrie française : entre concurrence et
compétitivité / Paris: Documentation française ; 2008, 182 p.
État des lieux, une industrie à la recherche de compétitivité.
L'industrie : moteur essentiel de la croissance en France. Une
prise de conscience au niveau communautaire. Adapter les
modèles organisationnels des entreprises. Équilibrer les
relations donneurs d'ordre/sous-traitants.
provides details of service inputs. It is important to net out
service inputs when calculating productivity in order to avoid
conflating measures due to missing inputs. Labour productivity
in manufacturing grew at an annual average rate of 4 per cent
between 1992 and 2000.
P 00773 GRBR 2009 vol 32 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 F I
338.45 (83)
Temporary increases in tariffs and investment: the chilean
experience / Kasahara, Hiroyuki (Journal of Business and
Economic Statistics, 2009 vol 27 no 1, pp. 113- 127)
This article develops a structural dynamic programming
model of investment and estimates the model using panel data
on Chilean manufacturing plants for 1980-1996. The estimates
are used to examine the impact of a temporary increase in
import tariffs imposed in Chiles taking account of endogenous
initial conditions and unobserved heterogeneity. The model
replicates the observed investment patterns at both plant and
aggregate levels well
P 00712 EU 2009 vol 27 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 E III
338.45.011.8 (471.1) (510) (73)
Charbon, les métamorphoses d'une industrie : la nouvelle
géopolitique du XXIe siècle / Martin-Amouroux, Jean-Marie
Paris: Editions Technip ; 2008, 420 p.
Entrer dans le XXIe siècle avec la source d'énergie du
XIXe? Croissance des consommations : de nouvelles
trajectoires. Etats-Unis: l'Arabie Saoudite du charbon. La
renaissance inattendue du charbon en Russie. La Chine, en
tête de l'industrie charbonière mondiale. L'Inde et le Sud-Est
asiatique entrent dans la course. L'essor des industries
exportatrices. Marchés internationaux et dynamique
concurrentielle des industries. Atouts et handicap du charbon
au cours des prochaines décennies. Les clean coal
technologies arriveront-elles à temps?
152 229
151 912
338.45 (493.3)
Schering en inslag : textiel in West-Vlaanderen / Oostende:
Provincie West-Vlaanderen ; 2008, 84 p.
Vlaamse wollen 'lakens' als succesvol exportproduct. De
vlasnijverheid. Bezoldigde tewerkstelling. Omzet, export en
investeringen. Financiële analyse. Het textielonderwijs
152 082
338.45 (540)
Economic survey 2007-08 / Oxford, New York: Oxford
University Press ; 2008, 263 p.
State of the economy. Fiscal developments and public
finance. Prices and monetary management. Financial
management. Industry. Infrastructure. Social sectors.
152 130
338.45 (73)
Service offshoring and productivity: evidence from the US
/ Amiti, Mary & Wei, Shang-Jin (The World Economy, 2009 vol
32 no 2, pp. 203- 220)
The data are aggregated up from 450 SIC manufacturing
industries to 96 manufacturing industries in order to match the
level of aggregation of the input/output (I/O) tables, which
338.45:304 (4-11) (4-15) (4-191.2) (497.12)
environments in EU 27 + candidate country Croatia: the
current determinants and patterns / Dabic, Marina & Pejic
Bach, Mirjana (International Journal of Entrepreneurship and
Innovation Management (IJEIM), 2008 vol 8 no 3, pp. 254171)
Our paper provides an explicit analysis of the extent FDIs
depnd on technological preconditions and macroeconomical
factors with a sample of three groups of countries (EU 15, EU
25, and EU 27 + Croatia). The paper presents the factors that
have the greatest impact on the FDI in some countries/sectors
of the economy, followed by a discussion of the previous
P 00637 SS 2008 vol 8 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 E II
338.45:304 (4-11) (4-191.2)
Infrastructure endowment and corporate income taxes as
determinants of foreign direct investment in Central and
Eastern European countries / Bellak, Christian & Leibrecht,
Markus & Damijan, Joze P. (The World Economy, 2009 vol 32
no 2, pp. 267- 290)
The aim of this paper is to shed some light on the role of
infrastructure and taxes as determinants of FDI in CEECs and
on the possible interaction effects between these location
factors. Specifically, we test the conditional hypothesis that the
tax-rate sensitivity of FDI decreases with an increase in a
country's infrastructure endowment.
P 00773 GRBR 2009 vol 32 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 F I
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
338.45:338.23 (44)
L'avenir de l'industrie française : entre concurrence et
compétitivité / Paris: Documentation française ; 2008, 182 p.
État des lieux, une industrie à la recherche de compétitivité.
L'industrie : moteur essentiel de la croissance en France. Une
prise de conscience au niveau communautaire. Adapter les
modèles organisationnels des entreprises. Équilibrer les
relations donneurs d'ordre/sous-traitants.
151 912
Understanding national e-government: the role of central
government / Mofleh, Samer & Wanous, Mohammed &
Strachan, Peter (Electronic Government, 2009 vol 6 no 1, pp.
1- 18)
This paper presents a generic framework for explaining
e-government focusing on the role of the state throughout its
P 00648 SS 2009 vol 6 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 05 B I
338.45:658.012.1 (410)
Productivity and labour demand effects of inward and
outward foreign direct investment on UK industry /
Driffield, Nigel & Love, James H. & Taylor, Karl (The
Manchester School of Economic and Social Studies, 2009 vol
77 no 2, pp. 171- 203)
We relate the technological and factor price determinants of
inward and outward foreign direct investment (FDI) to its
potential productivity and labour market effects on both host
and home economies.
P 00565 GRBR 2009 vol 77 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 I II
La localisation des services / Mérenne-Schoumaker,
Bernadette Paris: Editions Nathan ; 1996, 190 p.
En moins de trente ans, la plupart des économies sont
devenues des économies de services. L'emploi s'est fortement
tertiarisé et les services interviennent de plus en plus dans les
échanges internationaux. Cet ouvrage offre tout d'abord une
synthèse des principales tendances, des grands principes et
modèles généraux qui sous-tendent la localisation de tous les
services dans le monde. Il analyse ensuite plus
particulièrement quatre grands sous-secteurs : le commerce
de détail, les services publics, le tourisme et les loisirs, ainsi
que les services aux entreprises.
152 056
Where are 'pockets' of effective agencies likely in weak
governance states and why? : A propositional inventory /
Leonard, David K. (IDS Working Paper,no 306, pp. 1- 31)
It is well established that even in countries that have poor
governance and weak public sectors exceptional,
well-functioning government and government-supported
agencies do exist. What has not been established is how and
why these 'pockets of productivity' are able to emerge. Some
attribute their existence to exceptional leadership and good
management. Others, while not doubting the importance of
these internal factors, believe that these 'pockets' are
generated by their place in the country's political economy.
P 00960 GRBRno 306
338.465 (100)
International comparisons of public sector performance /
Van de Walle, Steven (Public Management Review, 2009 vol
11 no 1, pp. 39- 56)
I first deal with the question what is government, and then
proceed to the question what should government do. In a
further section, 1 focus on the problem of attribution and
causality in measuring government performance, and in the
final sections 1 discuss implications of these questions for
performance internationally
P 00986 GRBR 2009 vol 11 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 19 E III
Assessing and differentiating the quality of Internet-based
services: a case of online banking in Taiwan / Yu,
Chian-Son (The Service Industries Journal, 2008 vol 28 no 5/
6, pp. 581- 602)
This study investigates the assesment of differentiation of
the quality of online banking services. A hypothesis is
developed, followed by the presentation of a methodology that
combines a service quality measurement model and an
importance-performance matrix to help banks differentiate
service quality and thus effectively increase the satisfaction of
existing customers (old consumers).
P 00856 GRBR 2008 vol 28 no 5/ 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 43 H II
338.46.02 (493)
Mécénat d'entreprise : un win-win pour tous! / Dubois,
François-Xavier & Hermant, Pierre & Van Echelpoel, Koen
Heule: Editions UGA ; 2008, 108 p.
Le mécénat d'entreprise - qui peut être défini comme un don
sans contrepartie d'une entreprise à un but sociétal - n'est pas
encore très connu dans la société belge. Convaincu de la
plus-value sociétale que peut offrir le mécénat d'entreprise,
Excellence for non profit a organisé un congrès afin de mettre
en perspective la problématique et les opportunités du
mécénat d'entreprise.
152 183
338.465 (100.3) (493)
The senior civil service : a comparison of personnel
development for top managers in fourteen OECD member
countries / Maastricht: European Institute of Public
Administration ; 1998, 99 p ISBN: 90-6779-120-2
Country overview : Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark,
Finland, France, Germany, New Zealand, Portugal, Sweden,
The Netherlands, United Kingdom, United States of America.
Country comparison per aspect : senior civil service,
appointment, mobility, intake, career development and leave,
training and courses.
151 654
338.465 (410)
The implications of public sector small business advisers
becoming strategic sounding boards: England and
Scotland compared / Mole, Kevin F. & Keogh, WIlliam
(Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 2009 vol 21 no
1, pp. 77- 97)
We review three streams of the literature on business
advice: small firm policy, critical management consulting, and
organisational development consulting. We introduce a triad of
producer, process, and client to understand the implications of
changes to the business adviser's role. The paper examines
two case studies where public policy has changed to shift
business advisers into this sounding board role: England and
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
P 00884 GRBR 2009 vol 21 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 30 B III
338.465 (493)
La concertation sociale / Arcq, Etienne Bruxelles: Centre de
Recherche et d'Information Socio-politiques ; 2008, 134 p.
La négociation. La consultation. La concertation tripartite.
Les accords non marchands. Les commissions paritaires du
secteur non marchand. Le statut syndical des agents des
services publics. Les organes de négociation et de
152 164
338.48 (100)
Positionnement et stratégies prix des acteurs de
l'e-tourisme / Hikkerova, Lubica & Sahut, Jean-Michel
(Gestion 2000, 2009 vol 26 no 1, pp. 51- 64)
L'effet le plus marquant lorsqu'on s'intéresse à l'impact des
TIC sur le secteur touristique est celui sur la distribution, car
elle implique des échanges croisés à tous les stades de la
vente entre les fournisseurs, les intermédiaires et les clients
qui peuvent être dématérialisés. Ce nouveau schéma de la
distribution a amené les acteurs à revoir leurs stratégies de
prix afin de rester compétitifs, et ce phénomène est d'autant
plus exacerbé avec la présence des infomédiaires qui
permettent une meilleure comparaison des offres
P 02637 BG 2009 vol 26 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 L II
338.465 (493) (493=40)
public-privé en région wallonne et en communauté
française / Moïses, François Bruxelles: ; 2009, 365 p.
338.48 (519.5)
Hotel management contract: impact on performance in
the Korean hotel sector / Kim, Soo Y. (The Service
Industries Journal, 2008 vol 28 no 5/ 6, pp. 701- 718)
Les opérations soumises à la réglementation sur les
marchés publics. Les possibilités de financement public.
Traitement fiscal de l'opération. Le choix du cocontractant.
Respect des règles de compétences et de tutelle - incidence
sur le contrat. Les domaines du logement, des infrastructures
touristiques et sportives ou de la revitalisation urbaine.
This study investigates the influence of hotel management
contract on the performance of super-deluxe levels in Korea
and identifies how the 1996-1997 tourism recessions affected
the relationship between management contract and the
performance of the hotels.
152 035
P 00856 GRBR 2008 vol 28 no 5/ 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 43 H II
338.465:658 (4-15)
Les partenariats public-privé : le choix du partenaire privé
au regard du droit communautaire / Bruxelles: ; 2009, 264
338.481 (100)
Positionnement et stratégies prix des acteurs de
l'e-tourisme / Hikkerova, Lubica & Sahut, Jean-Michel
(Gestion 2000, 2009 vol 26 no 1, pp. 51- 64)
Répondant à l'intérêt croissant des pouvoirs publics et des
investisseurs privés pour ce nouvel outil de développement
des politiques publiques que constitue le PPP, cet ouvrage
étudie les règles et principes qui gouvernent le choix du
partenaire privé par les pouvoirs publics souhaitant mettre en
place un PPP.
L'effet le plus marquant lorsqu'on s'intéresse à l'impact des
TIC sur le secteur touristique est celui sur la distribution, car
elle implique des échanges croisés à tous les stades de la
vente entre les fournisseurs, les intermédiaires et les clients
qui peuvent être dématérialisés. Ce nouveau schéma de la
distribution a amené les acteurs à revoir leurs stratégies de
prix afin de rester compétitifs, et ce phénomène est d'autant
plus exacerbé avec la présence des infomédiaires qui
permettent une meilleure comparaison des offres
152 034
P 02637 BG 2009 vol 26 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 L II
Opening markets for trade in services : countries and
sectors in bilateral and WTO negotiations / Marchetti, Juan
A. & Roy, Martin Cambridge: University Press ; 2008, 759 p.
Services trade and growth. Services liberalization in the
WTO and in PTAs. Doha and the liberalization of distribution
services. Air transport liberalization. Financial services
liberalization. Audiovisual services in the PTAs. The
liberalization of postal and courier services. The liberalization
of energy services. Market access for the government
procurement of services. Access for natural persons under
PTAs. GATS plus or minus? Opening services markets at the
regional level under the CAFTA-DR. The experiences of India
and Singapore. The domestic dynamics of preferential
services liberalization: the experience of Austria and Thailand.
The Chilean experience
151 978
The dynamics of trade and competition / Chen, Natalie &
Imbs, Jean & Scott, Andrew (Journal of International
Economics, 2009 vol 77 no 1, pp. 50- 62)
We estimate a version of the Melitz and Ottaviano model of
international trade with firm heterogeneity
P 00474 PB 2009 vol 77 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 B II
Hierarchy and opportunism in teams / Elbittar, Alexander
(Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2009 vol 69
no 1, pp. 39- 80)
Review of Economic Design 6, 461-480 identified optimal
bidder behavior in first-price private-value auctions when the
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
ranking of valuations is common knowledge, and they derived
comparative-statics predictions regarding the auctioneer's
expected revenue and the efficiency of the allocation. The
experiment reported here tests the behavioral components of
these comparative-statics predictions.
P 00544 PB 2009 vol 69 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 E II
This paper analyses horizontal and vertical price dynamics
in the EU petroleum markets. The results indicate that the
cross-country price differentials have significant impact on the
local price adjustements
P 00778 GRBR 2009 vol 31 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 44 A II
Impact of valuation ranking information on bidding in
first-price auctions: a laboratory study / Elbittar, Alexander
(Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2009 vol 69
no 1, pp. 75- 85)
Review of Economic Design 6, 461-480, identified optimal
bidder behavior in first-price private-value auctions when the
ranking of valuations is common knowledge, and they derived
comparative-statics predictions regarding the auctioneer's
expected revenue and the efficiency of the allocation. The
experiment reported here tests the behavioral components of
these comparative-statics predictions.
P 00544 PB 2009 vol 69 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 E II
338.5 (510)
Economic analysis of energy-saving renovation measures
for urban existing residential buildings in China based on
thermal simulation and site investigation / Ouyang, Jinlong
& Ge, Jian & Hokao, Kazunori (Energy Policy, 2009 vol 37 no
1, pp. 140- 150)
Energy-saving renovations of existing residential buildings
have proven to be very helpful in alleviating the pressure of
energy shortages and CO2 emission, but an economic
analysis of the measures by using a life cycle cost (LCC)
method is very important and necessary to determine whether
to implement them or not.
P 00780 GRBR 2009 vol 37 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 44 B I
Housing wealth, financial wealth, and consumption: new
evidence from micro data / Bostic, Raphael & Gabriel, Stuart
& Painter, Gary (Regional Science and Urban Economics,
2009 vol 39 no 1, pp. 79- 90)
Fluctuations in the stock market and in house values over
the course of recent years have led to renewed
macroeconomic policy debate as regards the effects of
financial and housing wealth in the determination of consumer
spending. This research assembles a unique matched sample
of household data from the Survey of Consumer Finance and
the Consumer Expenditure Survey to estimate the
consumption effects of financial and housing wealth.
P 00516 PB 2009 vol 39 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 I II
338.5 (100.3)
Les prix des médicaments sur un marché global / Paris:
OECD ; 2008, 233 p.
Principales caractéristiques du secteur pharmaceutique des
pays de l'OCDE. L'industrie pharmaceutique et ses activités.
Prix et remboursement des produits pharmaceutiques dans le
contexte plus large de la politique pharmaceutique. Impact des
politiques de prix pharmaceutiques sur les performances
obtenues au regard des objectifs de la politique de santé.
Impact des politiques nationales de prix et de remboursement
sur les prix et la disponibilité des médicaments dans d'autres
pays. Impact de politiques de prix pharmaceutiques sur
l'innovation pharmaceutique.
151 880
338.5 (100.3)
Oil price pass-through into inflation / Chen, Shiu-Sheng
(Energy Economics, 2009 vol 31 no 1, pp. 126- 133)
This paper uses data from 19 industrialized countries to
investigate oil price pass-through into inflation across
countries and over time. A time-varying pass-through
coefficient is estimated and the determinants of the recent
declining effects of oil shocks on inflation are investigated
P 00778 GRBR 2009 vol 31 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 44 A II
338.5 (4)
Price dynamics in European petroleum markets /
Wlazlowski, Szymon & Giulietti, Monica & Binner, Jane &
Milas, Costas (Energy Economics, 2009 vol 31 no 1, pp. 99-
Price discrimination in input markets / Inderst, Roman &
Valletti, Tommaso (The Rand Journal of Economics, 2009 vol
40 no 1, pp. 1- 19)
We analyze the short-and long-run implications of
third-degree price discrimination in input markets. In our
model, the more efficient buyer receives a discount. A ban on
price discrimination thus benefits smaller but hurts more
efficient, larger firms. It also stifles incentives to invest and
P 00642 EU 2009 vol 40 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 L II
Markov perfect industry dynamics with many firms. /
Weintraub, Gabriel Y. & Lanier Benkard , C & Van Roy,
Benjamin (Econometrica, 2008 vol 76 no 6, pp. 1375- 1411)
We define a new equilibrium concept that we call oblivious
equilibrium, in which each firm is assumed to make decisions
based only on its own state and knowledge of the long-run
average industry state, but where firms ignore current
information about competitors' states.
P 00193 EU 2008 vol 76 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 J I
Oligopoly with a large number of competitors: asymmetric
limit result / Ino, Hiroaki & Kawamori, Tomohiko (Economic
Theory, 2009 vol 39 no 2, pp. 331- 352)
We address how profitable innovation is in competitive
market by investigating the asymmetric oligopoly model in
which 1 firm (innovator) has a cost advantage that is not
drastic enough for her to become a monipolist, adn by
inducing asymmetric limit outcomes when the number of the
other firms (laggard firms) goes to infinity.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 39 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Vertical restraints and horizontal control / Innes, Robert &
Hamilton, Stephen F. (The Rand Journal of Economics, 2009
vol 40 no 1, pp. 120- 143)
This article considers vertical restraints in a setting in which
duopoly retailers each sell more than one manufactured good.
Applications are developed for supermarket retailing, where
the manufacturer of a national brand seeks to control the retail
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
pricing of a supermarket's private label, and for convenience
stores, where a gasoline provider seeks to control the retail
pricing of an in-store composite consumption good
P 00642 EU 2009 vol 40 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 L II
kostprijsberekeningen voor managementbeslissingen /
Bruggeman, Werner & Everaert, Patricia & Hoozée, Sophie
Antwerpen, Oxford: Intersentia ; 2008, 214 p.
resultaatbepaling bij massaproductieen bij productie op order.
gemeenscjappelijke producten, bijproducten, uitval en afval.
Full costing versus direct costing. Break-evenanalyse.
Speciale orders met lage verkoopprijs. de make or buy
beslissing. De verkoopprijsbeslissing. De productmixbeslissing
en de theory of constraints. De investeringsbeslissing.
151 921
An empirical investigation of the welfare effects of
banning wholesale price discrimination / Villas-Boas, Sofia
Berto (The Rand Journal of Economics, 2009 vol 40 no 1, pp.
20- 46)
Economic theory does not provide sharp predictions on the
welfare effects of banning wholesale price discrimination: if
downstream cost differences exist, then discrimination shifts
production inefficiently, toward high-cost retailers, so a ban
increases welfare; if differences in price elasticity of demand
across retailers exist, discrimination may increase welfare if
quantity sold increases, so a ban reduces welfare
P 00642 EU 2009 vol 40 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 L II
Fifty-eight million people-approximately the population of the
UK-'drink too much' in the Eurpean Union.
P 00525 ALL 2008 vol 64 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 D III
Commodity market disintegration in the interwar period. /
Hynes, William & Jacks, David S. & O'Rourke, Kevin H.
(CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7189, pp. 1- 32)
Using data collected by the international institute of
agriculture, we document the disintegration of international
commodity markets between 1913 and 1938.
P 00834 GRBRno 7189
Product complexity, quality of institutions and the
pro-trade effect of immigrants. / Briant, Anthony & Combes,
Pierre-Philippe & Lafourcade, Miren (CEPR Discussion
Papers,no 7192, pp. 1- 26)
The paper assesses the trade-creating impact of
foreign-born residents on the international imports and exports
of the French regions where they are settled.
P 00834 GRBRno 7192
Best nonparametric bounds on demand responses. /
Blundell, Richard & Browning, Martin & Crawford, Ian
(Econometrica, 2008 vol 76 no 6, pp. 1227- 1262)
This paper uses revealed preference inequalities to provide
the tightest possible (best) nonparametric bounds on predicted
consumer responses to price changes using consumer-level
data over a finite set of relative price changes.
P 00193 EU 2008 vol 76 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 J I
338.532 (100)
The global governance of food / London, New York:
Routledge ; 2009, 225 p.
Global complexities and local dynamics. Responses to
global complexity: branding and certification, ethical trade.
152 127
338.58 (4-11) (4-15) (4-191.2)
Do drinkers pay their way in the European Union ? /
Cnossen, Sijbren (Finanzarchiv, 2008 vol 64 no 4, pp. 508539)
Fifty-eight million people-approximately the population of the
UK-'drink too much' in the Eurpean Union.
P 00525 ALL 2008 vol 64 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 D III
Trade, markup heterogeneity and misallocations. / Epifani,
Paolo & Gancia, Gino A. (CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7217,
pp. 1- 29)
In this paper, we study how the entire distribution of
markups affects resource misallocation and welfare in a
general equilibrium framework encompassing a large class of
models with imperfect competition. We then identify conditions
under which trade opening, by changing the distribution of
markups, may reduce welfare.
P 00834 GRBRno 7217
339 (4-11) (4-15) (4-191.2) (497.12)
environments in EU 27 + candidate country Croatia: the
current determinants and patterns / Dabic, Marina & Pejic
Bach, Mirjana (International Journal of Entrepreneurship and
Innovation Management (IJEIM), 2008 vol 8 no 3, pp. 254171)
Our paper provides an explicit analysis of the extent FDIs
depnd on technological preconditions and macroeconomical
factors with a sample of three groups of countries (EU 15, EU
25, and EU 27 + Croatia). The paper presents the factors that
have the greatest impact on the FDI in some countries/sectors
of the economy, followed by a discussion of the previous
P 00637 SS 2008 vol 8 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 E II
338.584 (4-11) (4-15) (4-191.2)
Do drinkers pay their way in the European Union ? /
Cnossen, Sijbren (Finanzarchiv, 2008 vol 64 no 4, pp. 508-
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
Economics / Parkin, Michael Boston, Columbus, Indianapolis:
Pearson ; 2010, 784 p.
How markets work. Households' choice. Firms and markets.
Market failure and government. Factor markets, inequality,
and uncertainty. Monitoring macroeconomic trends and
fluctuations. Macroeconomic policy.
152 236
Economics / Parkin, Michael Boston, Columbus, Indianapolis:
Pearson ; 2010, 784 p.
How markets work. Households' choice. Firms and markets.
Market failure and government. Factor markets, inequality,
and uncertainty. Monitoring macroeconomic trends and
fluctuations. Macroeconomic policy.
152 236
Equilibria in incomplete assets economies with infinite
dimensional spot markets / Aliprantis, Charalambos D. &
Tourky, Rabee (Economic Theory, 2009 vol 38 no 2, pp. 221262)
western as well as domestic firms could compete in EMs was
overdue. Also overdue was a much needed fundamental
rethinking about drivers of successful as well as unsuccessful
firm conduct in these markets.
152 049
339.146.4 (4-15) (410) (44)
The origins of Europe's new stock markets / Cambridge,
London: Harvard University Press ; 2009, 242 p.
Europe's new stock markets. Markets, politics, and
bureaucrats. The early history of a Brussels initiative. Creating
feeder markets in the United Kingdom and France. Taking
stock of the European Union's financial transformation.
152 037
339.146.4 (493)
Les petites et moyennes entreprises face à la
mondialisation des marchés / Sohy, Francoise Bruxelles:
Ministère des Classes Moyennes et de l'Agriculture ; 1998, 41
In this paper we investigate the existence of equilibrium in
the two period incomplete markets economy studies by Duffie
and Shafer (1985) and Magil and Shafer (1190) allowing for an
infinite number of commodities in each spot market.
La mondialisation des entreprises et des marchés. Le
commerce exterieur. Les investissements directs à l'étranger.
La création de filiales d'entreprises belges à l'étranger. La
sous-traitance à l'étranger. Les consequences de la
mondialisation des entreprises sur l'emploi. La mondialisation
au travers des filiales en Belgique de sociétés mères
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 38 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
152 274
339.137.42 (4-15) (493)
Internationale handelspolitiek / Cuyvers, Ludo & Dumon,
Michel Antwerpen: Garant Uitgevers ; 2007, 345 p.
Douanerechten. Kwantitatieve beperkingen (contingenten).
gemeenschappelijke invoerregeling. De bescherming van de
internationale rechten van de EU en de EU-producenten.
Antidumping en antisubsidiemaatregelen. De communautaire
procedure voor het beheer van de kwantitatieve contingenten.
Het schema van algemene tariefprefenties (SAP) van de
Europese Unie. Exportpromotie en protectie. Instellingen ter
bevordering van de internationale handel van België.
152 028
Energy markets : price risk management and trading /
Chichester: John Wiley and sons ; 2007, 363 p.
Risk management in energy markets. The energy
derivatives markets. Emissions trading - towards a global
carbon market. Operational risk and its management.
Accounting for energy derivatives trades.
339.146.4 (510)
Analysis of the market penetration of clean technologies
and its impacts in China's electricity sector / Wang, Hao &
Nakata, Toshihiko (Energy Policy, 2009 vol 37 no 1, pp. 338352)
This paper discusses policy instruments for promoting the
market penetration of clean coal technologies (CCTs) into
China's electricity sector and the evaluation of corresponding
P 00780 GRBR 2009 vol 37 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 44 B I
339.146.4 (510)
Towards the restructuring and co-ordination mechanisms
for the architecture of Chinese transport logistics /
Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit ; 2009, 184 p.
The fundamental framework for the architecture of Chinese
transport logistics. Analysis of market structure of Chinese
transport logistics. Building a sustainable intermodal transport
chain in China. An IMG model for the Chinese tranport
logistics market.
151 927
151 843
Competing in emerging markets : cases and readings /
New York, London: Routledge ; 2008, 251 p. ISBN:
The phenomenon of emerging markets (EMs) - in relation to
both competing in these markets and competition from these
markets - does not warrant much introduction, if any at all.
Indeed, it is now common to find cover stories about various
aspects of these markets in leading business periodicals, for
example. The era of EMs has arrived. It is widely expected to
prevail, at least for the foreseeable future. This book was born
out of a personal conviction that a serious study of how
On extreme value statistics / Zhou, Chen Rotterdam:
Erasmus Universiteit ; 2008, 205 p.
Existence and consistency of the maximum likelihood
estimator for the extreme value index. A 2-stem estimator of
the extreme value index. Portfolio selection with secondary
risk indicators of heavy tailed distributions. On spatial
extremes : with application to a rainfall problem. The extent of
internet auction markets. The expected payoff to internet
152 112
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
339.174 (417) (931)
Role of international trade shows in small firm
internationalization: a network perspective / Evers,
Natasha & Knight, John (International Marketing Review, 2008
vol 25 no 5, pp. 544- 562)
The impact of trade shows on the internationalization of
participating small exporting firms in terms of growth and
expansion has gone largely unstudied, as has their
effectiveness in network-building activities. Using the network
model of internationalization, the purpose of this paper is to
investigate the role international trade shows play in the
internationalization process of small exporting firms in Ireland
and New Zealand (NZ).
P 00852 GRBR 2008 vol 25 no 5 SALLE/ZAAL: 50 G I
Product complexity, quality of institutions and the
pro-trade effect of immigrants. / Briant, Anthony & Combes,
Pierre-Philippe & Lafourcade, Miren (CEPR Discussion
Papers,no 7192, pp. 1- 26)
The paper assesses the trade-creating impact of
foreign-born residents on the international imports and exports
of the French regions where they are settled.
P 00834 GRBRno 7192
Paul Krigman ou la théorie au service de la politique
économique / Coissard, Steven (L' Economie politique, 2009
no 41, pp. 46- 57)
De la nouvelle théorie du commerce international au prix de
la Banque de Suède
P 00932 FR 2009 no 41 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 I I
Opening markets for trade in services : countries and
sectors in bilateral and WTO negotiations / Marchetti, Juan
A. & Roy, Martin Cambridge: University Press ; 2008, 759 p.
Services trade and growth. Services liberalization in the
WTO and in PTAs. Doha and the liberalization of distribution
services. Air transport liberalization. Financial services
liberalization. Audiovisual services in the PTAs. The
liberalization of postal and courier services. The liberalization
of energy services. Market access for the government
procurement of services. Access for natural persons under
PTAs. GATS plus or minus? Opening services markets at the
regional level under the CAFTA-DR. The experiences of India
and Singapore. The domestic dynamics of preferential
services liberalization: the experience of Austria and Thailand.
The Chilean experience
151 978
Institutions économiques internationales
Philippe Bruxelles: Larcier ; 2009, 347 p.
This article examines the scale of counterfeiting and piracy,
its measurement and impacts. The principal policy responses
to this growing trade have been the proposed strengthening of
criminal enforcement of IPRs and this article considers the
current negotiations for a plurilateral anti-counterfeiting trade
agreement (ACTA).
P 00755 GRBR 2009 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 K III
What legal framework for promoting the cross-border flow
of intellectual assets (trade secrets and music) ? A view
from Europe towards Asia (China and Japan). / de Werra,
Jacques (Intellectual Property Quarterly, 2009 no 1, pp. 2776)
The analysis concludes that, beyond the potential
differences in the substantive level of protection of trade
secrets and of music (as resulting from the substantive
intellectual property laws) which may exist between national or
regional intellectual property regimes, hurdles to the
cross-border flow of intellectual assets may also-and perhaps
more importantly-result from other legal fields.
P 00755 GRBR 2009 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 K III
Tout le monde a, un jour ou l'autre, entendu parler de
l'Organisation mondiale du commerce, du Fonds monétaire
international et de la Banque mondiale. Peu nombreux en
revanche, sont ceux qui en connaissent les mécanismes. À
travers son ouvrage, Philipe Vincent a voulu familiariser le
lecteur avec les institutions économiques internationales, leur
fonctionnement et les règles qui leur sont propres.
152 184
Commodity market disintegration in the interwar period. /
Hynes, William & Jacks, David S. & O'Rourke, Kevin H.
(CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7189, pp. 1- 32)
Using data collected by the international institute of
agriculture, we document the disintegration of international
commodity markets between 1913 and 1938.
P 00834 GRBRno 7189
International proposals for the criminal enforcement of
intellectual property rights : international concern with
counterfeiting and piracy. / Blakeney, Michael (Intellectual
Property Quarterly, 2009 no 1, pp. 1- 26)
Trade, markup heterogeneity and misallocations. / Epifani,
Paolo & Gancia, Gino A. (CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7217,
pp. 1- 29)
In this paper, we study how the entire distribution of
markups affects resource misallocation and welfare in a
general equilibrium framework encompassing a large class of
models with imperfect competition. We then identify conditions
under which trade opening, by changing the distribution of
markups, may reduce welfare.
P 00834 GRBRno 7217
Trade, foreign direct investment, and growth: evidence
from transition economies / Nath, Hiranya K. (Comparative
Economic Studies, 2009 vol 51 no 1, pp. 20- 50)
Using a fixed effects panel data approach, this paper
empirically examines the effects of trade and foreign direct
investment (FDI)on growth of per capita real GDP in 13
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
transition economies of Central and Eastern Europe, and the
Baltic region from 1991 to 2005
P 00790 EU 2009 vol 51 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 K II
Foreign languages and trade. / Fidrmuc, Jan & Fidrmuc,
Jarko (CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7222, pp. 1- 28)
We combine traditional gravity models
in the main languages used in EU and
We show that widespread knowledge
important determinant for foreign trade,
an especially important role.
with data on fluency
candidate countries.
of languages is an
with English playing
P 00834 GRBRno 7222
339.5 (100)
The global governance of food / London, New York:
Routledge ; 2009, 225 p.
Global complexities and local dynamics. Responses to
global complexity: branding and certification, ethical trade.
152 127
de la concurrence, 2008 no 3, pp. 59- 66)
Parallel trade in the pharmaceuticals market, which mainly
concerns pharmaceuticals under patent protection, exists due
to the pecularities of the sector and prescription conditions
among EC Member States. Through analyzing the
Commission's, the European Court of First Instance's and the
European Court of Justice's policies on parallel trade in
pharmaceuticals, the study first solves the technical and legal
questions arising from the application of Article 81 and 82 EC.
P 00951 FR 2008 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 54 I II
339.5 (4-15)
European responses to globalization : resistance,
adaptation and alternatives / Amsterdam, Boston,
Heidelberg: Elsevier ; 2006, 222 p.
Europe and globalization: recasting the dynamics of the
relationship. Can the European Union control the agenda of
globalization? Global markets, global corporations: how
european competition policy responds to globalization. Europe
: space, territory and identity. The world trading system : in the
fog of uncertainty. Globalization vs. development: is there a
european perspective?
151 766
339.5 (100)
The WTO and global governance : future directions /
Sampson, Gary P. Tokyo, New York, Paris: ; 2008, 277 p.
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is mandated by
governments to achieve full employment, a steady growth in
real income, and higher standards of living for its 150-plus
member countries. Its role is also to ensure the optimal use of
the world's resources in accordance with sustainable
152 312
339.5 (4-15) (73)
The transatlantic economy 2009 : annual survey of jobs,
trade and investment between the United States and
Europe / Hamilton, Daniel S. & Quinlan, Joseph P.
Washinton: Center for transatlantic relations ; 2009, 132 p.
A year of living dangerously: the transatlantic economy and
the global economic crisis. The transatlantic economy today:
the eight ties that bind. European commerce and the 50
states: a state-by-state comparison. U.S. commerce and
Europe: a country-by-country comparison.
152 307
339.5 (100) (4-15)
Free movement of goods and limits of regulatory
autonomy in the EU and WTO / The Hague: T.M.C. Asser
Press ; , 238 p.
The present book deals with this broad topic in the specific
context of the EU and WTO rules on non-pecuniary
restrictions on the free movement of goods and seeks to
establish how to optimally interpret them. Furthermore, it
demonstrates that the EU internal market rules have strong
external effects which can be felt within the WTO.
152 310
339.5 (491.1)
Internationalization from a small domestic base: an
empirical analysis of foreign direct investments of
Icelandic firms / Dis Oladottir, Asta (Management
International Review, 2009 vol 49 no 1, pp. 61- 80)
The overall objective of this paper is to describe the key
characteristics of Icelandic multinational corporations (MNCs)
and to gain a deeper understanding of the internationalization
processes of firms with a small domestic base.
P 00774 GX 2009 vol 49 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 B III
339.5 (100.3) (5-11) (5-12) (5-13)
The impact of foreign R&D on total factor productivity in
the east Asian manufacturing / Liao, Hailin & Liu, Xiaohui &
Holmes, Mark & Weyman-Jones, Tom (The Manchester
School of Economic and Social Studies, 2009 vol 77 no 2, pp.
244- 270)
339.5 (493)
Les petites et moyennes entreprises face à la
mondialisation des marchés / Sohy, Francoise Bruxelles:
Ministère des Classes Moyennes et de l'Agriculture ; 1998, 41
Applying a stochastic production frontier we examine the
extent to which industrial countries' R&D contributes to East
Asian economies' total factor productivity (TFP) growth in
manufacturing sectors, via foreign trade as the channel for
technological spillovers, based on a sample of nine
manufacturing sectors for eight East Asia economies from
1973 to 1998.
La mondialisation des entreprises et des marchés. Le
commerce exterieur. Les investissements directs à l'étranger.
La création de filiales d'entreprises belges à l'étranger. La
sous-traitance à l'étranger. Les consequences de la
mondialisation des entreprises sur l'emploi. La mondialisation
au travers des filiales en Belgique de sociétés mères
P 00565 GRBR 2009 vol 77 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 I II
152 274
339.5 (4)
Pharmaceutical parallel trade : A controversial EC
approach / Sukosd, Peter (Concurrences : Revue des droits
339.5 (510)
Evaluating China's integration in world trade with a
gravity model based benchmark / Bussiere, Matthieu &
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
Schnatz, Bernd (Open Economies Review, 2009 vol 20 no 1,
pp. 85- 111)
This paper assesses China's "natural" place in the world
economy with a new set of trade integration indicators, which
are used as a benchmark in order to examine whether China's
share in international trade is consistent with fundamentals
such as economic size, location and other relevant factors.
P 00747 PB 2009 vol 20 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 E I
339.5 (540)
Economic survey 2007-08 / Oxford, New York: Oxford
University Press ; 2008, 263 p.
State of the economy. Fiscal developments and public
finance. Prices and monetary management. Financial
management. Industry. Infrastructure. Social sectors.
152 130
339.5 (667)
The economy of Ghana : analytical perspectives on
stability, growth and poverty / Aryeetey, Ernest & Kanbur,
Ravi Suffolk, New York: James Currey ; 2008, 424 p.
Ghana's post-independance economic growth 1960-2000.
Persistant public sector deficits. Exchange rate volatility.
Balance of trade. Export performance and investment
behaviour of firms. Houdsehold savings. Banking competition
and efficiency. Rural and microfinance regulation.
Census-based poverty map. Decentralization and poverty
reduction. Secondary education. Health-care provision.
152 138
339.5.01 (100)
Introduction to international economics / Salvatore,
Dominick Hoboken: John Wiley and sons ; 2010, 492 p.
This new edition seeks to make otherwise difficult economic
principles easy to understand, from discussion of widespread
downsizing and job insecurity in the United States of the
globalization of capital markets and resource scarcity and
environmental degradation. This text is easily accessible for
economics, business, and political science majors alike
152 343
Monetary policy and welfare in a small open economy / De
Paoli, Bianca (Journal of International Economics, 2009 vol 77
no 1, pp. 11- 22)
This paper analyzes optimal monetary policy in a small open
economy featuring monopolistic competition and nominal
rigidities. It shows that the utility-based loss function for this
economy can be written as a quadratic expression of domestic
inflation, output gap and real exchange rate
339.5.015.24 (4)
EU trade barriers in the agri-food sector : when protection
breeds dependence. / Cadot, Olivier & Suwa-Eisenmann ,
Akiko & Gallezot, Jacques (CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7219,
pp. 1- 25)
This paper looks for firm-level evidence that high rates of
protection breed concentration of firm activities into highly
protected sectors, endogenously generating vested interests
in the maintenance of protection. We combine data on the
EU's trade protection for food and agricultural products
measured by ad-valorem equivalents (AVEs) with survey data
on France's agri-food sector to show that indeed, small and
mid-size firms and cooperatives in that sector are heavily
concentrated in product lines protected by tariff-rate quotas
(TRQs)at high rates.
P 00834 GRBRno 7219
Democracy and reforms. / Giuliano, Paola & Mishra, Prachi
& Spilimbergo, Antonio (CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7194,
pp. 1- 41)
This paper studies the impact of democracy on the adoption
of economic reforms using a new dataset on reforms in the
financial, capital, public and banking sezctors, product and
labor markets, agriculture, and trade for 150 countries over the
period 1960-2004.
P 00834 GRBRno 7194
infrastructure of the Brazilian gas industry / de Mello Sant
Ana, Paulo Henrique & de Martino Jannuzzi, Gilberto & Valdir
Bajay, Sergio (Energy Policy, 2009 vol 37 no 1, pp. 308- 318)
For the last 20 years, countless countries have been
carrying out structural reforms in the natural gas industry,
trying to achieve efficiency and economic rationality with the
introduction of competition. The objective of the paper is to
present an approach to the development of competition and
infrastructure of the Brazilian natural gas industry.
P 00780 GRBR 2009 vol 37 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 44 B I
339.5.015.28 (100)
Uneven economic development / Vos, Rob New York:
United Nations ; 2008, 229 p.
Inequality in the world is high and rising. The problem of
global uneven development is central to, and inseparable
from, the international development agenda. In Uneven
Economic Development, leading economists and development
experts examine the causes and implications of international
economic divergences. This comprehensive and timely book
reviews economic growth and structural change patterns since
the 1960s.
152 311
P 00474 PB 2009 vol 77 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 B II
Openness, exchange rate regimes and the Phillips curve /
Bowdler, Christopher (Journal of International Money and
Finance, 2009 vol 28 no 1, pp. 148- 160)
In this paper I provide new evidence on the relationship
between openness to trade and the slope of the short-run
Phillips curve.
P 00847 GRBR 2009 vol 28 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 E I
339.5.015.28 (100)
The WTO and global governance : future directions /
Sampson, Gary P. Tokyo, New York, Paris: ; 2008, 277 p.
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is mandated by
governments to achieve full employment, a steady growth in
real income, and higher standards of living for its 150-plus
member countries. Its role is also to ensure the optimal use of
the world's resources in accordance with sustainable
152 312
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
mondiale du Commerce ; 2008, 391 p.
339.5.015.28 (100) (4-15)
Free movement of goods and limits of regulatory
autonomy in the EU and WTO / The Hague: T.M.C. Asser
Press ; , 238 p.
The present book deals with this broad topic in the specific
context of the EU and WTO rules on non-pecuniary
restrictions on the free movement of goods and seeks to
establish how to optimally interpret them. Furthermore, it
demonstrates that the EU internal market rules have strong
external effects which can be felt within the WTO.
152 310
Gouvernance mondiale. Cohérence.
économique. Développement durable.
151 627
The dynamics of trade and competition / Chen, Natalie &
Imbs, Jean & Scott, Andrew (Journal of International
Economics, 2009 vol 77 no 1, pp. 50- 62)
We estimate a version of the Melitz and Ottaviano model of
international trade with firm heterogeneity
P 00474 PB 2009 vol 77 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 B II
Firm heterogeneity and Ricardian comparative advantage
within and across sectors. / Okubo, Toshihiro (Economic
Theory, 2009 vol 38 no 3, pp. 533- 559)
Heterogeneous-firm trade model in the Ricardian model of
comparative advantage with a continuum of sectors introduced
by Dornbusch et al. In particular, we characterise the
equilibrium outcomes when neither sectors nor countries are
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 38 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
This paper provides the first cross-section estimates of
long-run treatment effects of free trade agreements on
(nonparametric) matching econometrics
P 00474 PB 2009 vol 77 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 B II
Marginal contributions and externalities in the value. / de
Clippel, Geoffroy & Serrano, Roberto (Econometrica, 2008 vol
76 no 6, pp. 1413- 1436)
The approach determines the direction and maximum size
of Pigouvian-like transfers among players, transfers based on
the specific nature of externalities that are compatible with
basic normative principles. Examples are provided to illustrate
the approach and to draw comparisons with previous
P 00193 EU 2008 vol 76 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 J I
Estimating the effects of free trade agreements on
international trade flows using matching econometrics /
Baier, Scott L. & Bergstrand, Jeffrey H. (Journal of
International Economics, 2009 vol 77 no 1, pp. 63- 76)
Monetary policy and welfare in a small open economy / De
Paoli, Bianca (Journal of International Economics, 2009 vol 77
no 1, pp. 11- 22)
This paper analyzes optimal monetary policy in a small open
economy featuring monopolistic competition and nominal
rigidities. It shows that the utility-based loss function for this
economy can be written as a quadratic expression of domestic
inflation, output gap and real exchange rate
P 00474 PB 2009 vol 77 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 B II
The Wealth of Nations van Adam Smith / O'Rourke, P.J.
Amsterdam: Mets & Shilt ; 2008, 220 p.
In de augiasstal van het menselijk bestaan probeert Adam
Smith de hokken uit te mesten. Laat Adam Smith je
marktgoeroe zijn. De welvaart tijdens verschillende periodes
en waarom we die te danken hebben aan de domheid der
machthebbers. Adam Smith als eerste raadgever van jong
Amerika. Het verloren boek van Adam Smith. Adam Smith
pakt de handelsdreiging uit China aan.
152 299
Forum public de l'OMC : "comment l'OMC peut-elle aider à
maîtriser la mondialisation ?" / Genève: Organisation
339.50 (100)
Sécurité alimentaire et échanges internationaux - Quelle
place pour le principe de précaution? / Cazala, Julien
(Revue européenne de Droit de la Consommation, 2009 no 1,
pp. 67- 83)
Le principe de précaution apparaît aujourd'hui comme une
arme protectionniste à la disposition des Etats pour limiter la
libre circulation des marchandises. Les différents de l'O.M.C.
ont montré que le rôle joué par celui-ci restait relativement
marginal dans la mesure où la reconnaissance du principe est
limitée et que les membres de l'organisation respectent
rarement les éléments mis à leur charge par le recours au
régime de précaution.
P 02721 BG 2009 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 54 K II
339.50 (4-15)
Roepke lecture in economic geography regional context
and global trade / Storper, Michael (Economic Geography,
2009 vol 85 no 1, pp. 1- 21)
How should we think of the role of regions in relation to the
global economy? First, the relationship between geographic
concentration and the regional economic specialization it
underpins and globalization should be theorized as a dynamic
process. Second, the missing element in all theories of
geographic concentration and locally specialized development
in an element labeled "context" here.
P 00295 EU 2009 vol 85 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 17 E III
Trade policy of a free trade agreement in the presence of
foreign lobbying / Stoyanov, Andrey (Journal of International
Economics, 2009 vol 77 no 1, pp. 37- 49)
This paper studies the effect of foreign lobbies on trade
policy of a country which is a member of a Free Trade
Agreement(FTA). It uses a monopolistically competitive
political economy model in which the government determines
external tariffs endogenously. The effect of foreign lobbying
under the FTA is examined empirically usin Canadian
industry-level trade data that allow differentiating of lobby
groups by the country of origin
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
P 00474 PB 2009 vol 77 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 B II
339.54 (4-15) (493)
Internationale handelspolitiek / Cuyvers, Ludo & Dumon,
Michel Antwerpen: Garant Uitgevers ; 2007, 345 p.
Douanerechten. Kwantitatieve beperkingen (contingenten).
gemeenschappelijke invoerregeling. De bescherming van de
internationale rechten van de EU en de EU-producenten.
Antidumping en antisubsidiemaatregelen. De communautaire
procedure voor het beheer van de kwantitatieve contingenten.
Het schema van algemene tariefprefenties (SAP) van de
Europese Unie. Exportpromotie en protectie. Instellingen ter
bevordering van de internationale handel van België.
152 028
Trade policy of a free trade agreement in the presence of
foreign lobbying / Stoyanov, Andrey (Journal of International
Economics, 2009 vol 77 no 1, pp. 37- 49)
This paper studies the effect of foreign lobbies on trade
policy of a country which is a member of a Free Trade
Agreement(FTA). It uses a monopolistically competitive
political economy model in which the government determines
external tariffs endogenously. The effect of foreign lobbying
under the FTA is examined empirically usin Canadian
industry-level trade data that allow differentiating of lobby
groups by the country of origin
P 00474 PB 2009 vol 77 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 B II
Estimating the effects of free trade agreements on
international trade flows using matching econometrics /
Baier, Scott L. & Bergstrand, Jeffrey H. (Journal of
International Economics, 2009 vol 77 no 1, pp. 63- 76)
This paper provides the first cross-section estimates of
long-run treatment effects of free trade agreements on
(nonparametric) matching econometrics
P 00474 PB 2009 vol 77 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 B II
Transnational capital, the US state and Latin American
trade agreements / Cox, Ronald W. (Third World Quarterly,
2008 vol 29 no 8, pp. 1527- 1544)
This paper examines the role of US-based transnational
corporations in advancing trade, investment, regulatory and
intellectual property rights provisions within NAFTA and
DR-CAFTA. I explore the linkages between US firms, the US
state and investment patterns in Mexico, Central America and
the Dominican Republic in order to develop a framework for
understanding the political economy in these regional trade
P 00841 GRBR 2008 vol 29 no 8 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 F I
339.542.2 (100.3)
Financer le développement 2008 : appropriation? / Paris:
OCDE ; 2008, 123 p.
Va-t-on vers une appropriation des politiques de
développement par les pays bénéficiaires ? Cette question,
toute simple, appelle des réponses complexes. Les bailleurs
de fonds et les dirigeants des pays en développement tentent
de traduire ce principe dans la réalité, sans faire hélas
beaucoup de progrès. Cet ouvrage ouvre d'utiles perspectives
à tous ceux dont l'ambition est de rendre le financement du
développement plus efficace.
151 513
339.542.2 (4-15) (493)
Europees handvest voor kleine ondernemingen. Verslag
2004 / Brussel: Editions PME-KMO Uitgeverijen ; 2004, 60 p.
Algemene vragen van de Europese Commissie. Opleiding in
ondernemerschap, met name in het secundair onderwijs.
Betere wetgeving, met name de faillissementswet en de
impactanalyse. Tekort aan geschoolde arbeidskrachten, meer
bepaald maatregelen om het tekort aan geschikte technici en
ingenieurs op te vangen. Andere delen van het handvest.
152 276
Opening markets for trade in services : countries and
sectors in bilateral and WTO negotiations / Marchetti, Juan
A. & Roy, Martin Cambridge: University Press ; 2008, 759 p.
Services trade and growth. Services liberalization in the
WTO and in PTAs. Doha and the liberalization of distribution
services. Air transport liberalization. Financial services
liberalization. Audiovisual services in the PTAs. The
liberalization of postal and courier services. The liberalization
of energy services. Market access for the government
procurement of services. Access for natural persons under
PTAs. GATS plus or minus? Opening services markets at the
regional level under the CAFTA-DR. The experiences of India
and Singapore. The domestic dynamics of preferential
services liberalization: the experience of Austria and Thailand.
The Chilean experience
151 978
Libéralisation et desserte des territoires : le cas du
transport aérien européen / Bruxelles, Bern, Berlin:
P.I.E.-Peter Lang ; 2008, 285 p.
De la souveraineté nationale à la libéralisation européenne.
Aspects méthodologiques. L'action résiduelle des Etats.
Libéralisation et stratégies des compagnies. Libéralisation et
desserte des territoires. Une croissance intenable? Carte des
aéroports européens.
151 918
Opening markets for trade in services : countries and
sectors in bilateral and WTO negotiations / Marchetti, Juan
A. & Roy, Martin Cambridge: University Press ; 2008, 759 p.
Services trade and growth. Services liberalization in the
WTO and in PTAs. Doha and the liberalization of distribution
services. Air transport liberalization. Financial services
liberalization. Audiovisual services in the PTAs. The
liberalization of postal and courier services. The liberalization
of energy services. Market access for the government
procurement of services. Access for natural persons under
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
PTAs. GATS plus or minus? Opening services markets at the
regional level under the CAFTA-DR. The experiences of India
and Singapore. The domestic dynamics of preferential
services liberalization: the experience of Austria and Thailand.
The Chilean experience
151 978
Opening markets for trade in services : countries and
sectors in bilateral and WTO negotiations / Marchetti, Juan
A. & Roy, Martin Cambridge: University Press ; 2008, 759 p.
Services trade and growth. Services liberalization in the
WTO and in PTAs. Doha and the liberalization of distribution
services. Air transport liberalization. Financial services
liberalization. Audiovisual services in the PTAs. The
liberalization of postal and courier services. The liberalization
of energy services. Market access for the government
procurement of services. Access for natural persons under
PTAs. GATS plus or minus? Opening services markets at the
regional level under the CAFTA-DR. The experiences of India
and Singapore. The domestic dynamics of preferential
services liberalization: the experience of Austria and Thailand.
The Chilean experience
151 978
Institutions économiques internationales
Philippe Bruxelles: Larcier ; 2009, 347 p.
Tout le monde a, un jour ou l'autre, entendu parler de
l'Organisation mondiale du commerce, du Fonds monétaire
international et de la Banque mondiale. Peu nombreux en
revanche, sont ceux qui en connaissent les mécanismes. À
travers son ouvrage, Philipe Vincent a voulu familiariser le
lecteur avec les institutions économiques internationales, leur
fonctionnement et les règles qui leur sont propres.
152 184
Forum public de l'OMC : "comment l'OMC peut-elle aider à
maîtriser la mondialisation ?" / Genève: Organisation
mondiale du Commerce ; 2008, 391 p.
Gouvernance mondiale. Cohérence.
économique. Développement durable.
demonstrates that the EU internal market rules have strong
external effects which can be felt within the WTO.
152 310
Trade policy of a free trade agreement in the presence of
foreign lobbying / Stoyanov, Andrey (Journal of International
Economics, 2009 vol 77 no 1, pp. 37- 49)
This paper studies the effect of foreign lobbies on trade
policy of a country which is a member of a Free Trade
Agreement(FTA). It uses a monopolistically competitive
political economy model in which the government determines
external tariffs endogenously. The effect of foreign lobbying
under the FTA is examined empirically usin Canadian
industry-level trade data that allow differentiating of lobby
groups by the country of origin
P 00474 PB 2009 vol 77 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 B II
Estimating the effects of free trade agreements on
international trade flows using matching econometrics /
Baier, Scott L. & Bergstrand, Jeffrey H. (Journal of
International Economics, 2009 vol 77 no 1, pp. 63- 76)
This paper provides the first cross-section estimates of
long-run treatment effects of free trade agreements on
(nonparametric) matching econometrics
P 00474 PB 2009 vol 77 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 B II
Access to European Union : law, economics, policies /
Moussis, Nicholas Rixensart: European Study Service ; 2008,
557 p.
European treaties. The structure and functions of European
institutions. Common market. Economic and monetary union.
Citizen's rights and participation. Consumer policy. Regional
development policy. Social progress policies. Taxation policy.
Competition policy. Environment policy. Industrial and
enterprise policies. Research and technology policy. Energy
policy. Transport policy. Agricultural policy. Fisheries policy.
Commercial policy. Development aid policy. External relations.
152 089
151 627
339.542.2WTO (100)
The WTO and global governance : future directions /
Sampson, Gary P. Tokyo, New York, Paris: ; 2008, 277 p.
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is mandated by
governments to achieve full employment, a steady growth in
real income, and higher standards of living for its 150-plus
member countries. Its role is also to ensure the optimal use of
the world's resources in accordance with sustainable
152 312
339.542.2WTO (100) (4-15)
Free movement of goods and limits of regulatory
autonomy in the EU and WTO / The Hague: T.M.C. Asser
Press ; , 238 p.
The present book deals with this broad topic in the specific
context of the EU and WTO rules on non-pecuniary
restrictions on the free movement of goods and seeks to
establish how to optimally interpret them. Furthermore, it
Foreign languages and trade. / Fidrmuc, Jan & Fidrmuc,
Jarko (CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7222, pp. 1- 28)
We combine traditional gravity models
in the main languages used in EU and
We show that widespread knowledge
important determinant for foreign trade,
an especially important role.
with data on fluency
candidate countries.
of languages is an
with English playing
P 00834 GRBRno 7222
339.543.62EEC (4)
Migration in an enlarged EU : a challenging solution ? /
Kahanec, Martin & Zimmermann, Klaus F. (CEPR Discussion
Papers,no 7200, pp. 1- 56)
The 2004 and 2007 enlargements of the European Union
were unprecedented in a number of economic and policy
aspects. This essay provides a broad and in-depth account of
the effects of the post-enlargement migration flows on the
receiving as well as sending countries in three broader areas :
labour markets, welfare systems, and growth and
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
P 00834 GRBRno 7200
339.543.62EEC (4)
Does Europe need a single European telecom regulator? /
De Muyter, Laurent (European Competition Journal, 2008 vol
4 no 2, pp. 561- 578)
Leaving aside the political reasons that may lay behind
those statements, as well as the conceptual arguments
supporting the creation of an EU regulator, this paper will
focus on the following points: - wheter, in practice, the history
of regulation in the EU level by the Commission justifies
submitting its activities to the principles of the EU framework
on electronic communication, and in particular to judicial
control; and - whether the Draft 2010 Framework establishes a
EU regulator and, if so, under which judicial control.
are able to establish rules or contracts that restrict the budget
allocation in advance. In the current status quo, France and
Spain are the clearest winners of these restrictions, while
Austria, Finland and Sweden, not to mention the new member
states, suffer largest losses.
P 00834 GRBRno 7220
339.543.62EEC (4-11) (4-15) (4-191.2)
Restraining the golden weed : taxation and regulation of
tobacco. / Smith, Stephen (Finanzarchiv, 2008 vol 64 no 4,
pp. 476- 507)
This paper considers the key economic considerations in
tobacco tax policy and its interaction with regulation.
P 00525 ALL 2008 vol 64 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 D III
P 01005 GRBR 2008 vol 4 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 G II
339.543.62EEC (4)
Pharmaceutical parallel trade : A controversial EC
approach / Sukosd, Peter (Concurrences : Revue des droits
de la concurrence, 2008 no 3, pp. 59- 66)
Parallel trade in the pharmaceuticals market, which mainly
concerns pharmaceuticals under patent protection, exists due
to the pecularities of the sector and prescription conditions
among EC Member States. Through analyzing the
Commission's, the European Court of First Instance's and the
European Court of Justice's policies on parallel trade in
pharmaceuticals, the study first solves the technical and legal
questions arising from the application of Article 81 and 82 EC.
P 00951 FR 2008 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 54 I II
339.543.62EEC (4)
Fundamental rights and the European regulation of
iConsumer contracts / Mak, Chantal (Journal of Consumer
Policy, 2008 vol 31 no 4, pp. 425- 439)
This paper addresses the question of how fundamental
rights affect European legislation and adjudication on
contracts regarding digital information services (iConsumer
P 00710 ALL 2008 vol 31 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 49 H III
339.543.62EEC (4)
EU trade barriers in the agri-food sector : when protection
breeds dependence. / Cadot, Olivier & Suwa-Eisenmann ,
Akiko & Gallezot, Jacques (CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7219,
pp. 1- 25)
This paper looks for firm-level evidence that high rates of
protection breed concentration of firm activities into highly
protected sectors, endogenously generating vested interests
in the maintenance of protection. We combine data on the
EU's trade protection for food and agricultural products
measured by ad-valorem equivalents (AVEs) with survey data
on France's agri-food sector to show that indeed, small and
mid-size firms and cooperatives in that sector are heavily
concentrated in product lines protected by tariff-rate quotas
(TRQs)at high rates.
P 00834 GRBRno 7219
339.543.62EEC (4)
The excess power puzzle of the EU budget. / Kauppi, Heikki
& Widgrén, Mika (CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7220, pp. 124)
This paper supports the idea that the EU budget battle
involves one-shot games that have persistent impacts on the
budget allocations. In one way or the other, the member states
339.543.62EEC (4-11) (4-15) (4-191.2)
Do drinkers pay their way in the European Union ? /
Cnossen, Sijbren (Finanzarchiv, 2008 vol 64 no 4, pp. 508539)
Fifty-eight million people-approximately the population of the
UK-'drink too much' in the Eurpean Union.
P 00525 ALL 2008 vol 64 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 D III
339.543.62EEC (4-11) (4-15) (4-191.2)
The European Food Safety Authority: judicial review by
community courts / Gabbi, Simone (Revue européenne de
Droit de la Consommation, 2009 no 1, pp. 171- 189)
The purpose of the present work is to provide the reader
with some reflections concerning the intensity of the judicial
review applied by the European judicature on operations and
outputs of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).
P 02721 BG 2009 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 54 K II
339.543.62EEC (4-15)
The European Union and the social dimension of
globalization : how the EU influences the world / Orbie,
Jan London, New York: Routledge ; 2009, 249 p.
This volume provides a comprehensive account of the
European Union's social role in the world, assessing the EU's
ability to shape the social aspect of globalization from both law
and political science perspectives. Focusing explicitly on the
EU, the authors address the extent of coherence between the
Union's international social objectives compared with the
activities of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and
with other EU foreign policy goals.
152 132
339.543.62EEC (4-15)
The politics of the Lisbon strategy: The changing role of
the commission / Borras, Susana (West European Politics,
2009 vol 32 no 1, pp. 97- 118)
This article examines the politics of the Lisbon strategy
before and after its major watershed reform in 2005, with
particular attention to the role of the European Commission.
Operating in an ambiguous partial delegation of power, the
Commission changed from performing a strong administrative
role in the 2000-04 period to performing a political role after
P 00774 GRBR 2009 vol 32 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 20 J III
339.543.62EEC (430)
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
The analyses of market dominance and restrictive
practices under German antitrust law in light of EC
antitrust law / Chirita, Anca Daniela (European Competition
Journal, 2008 vol 4 no 2, pp. 415- 441)
This paper estimates the effect of the decision to import
intermediate goods and capital equipment on total factor
productivity (TFP) at the firm level on a panel of Spanish firms
covering the period between 1991 and 2002.
The main divergence between German and EC antitrust law
is the time perspective, wherein the competition authorities
may interfere or intervene. The proposed EC approach allows
for intervention when negative market effects have already
emerged, but requires actual or likely effects upon consumer
welfare to be proven, while for the German approach the likely
harm to the structure of the market is paramount. Therefore,
the German advantage of the likelihood of effects if preventing
abuse at "the earliest stage".
P 00834 GRBRno 7218
P 01005 GRBR 2008 vol 4 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 G II
Une authorité monétaire commune : La chimère du
Mercosure / Otto, Samira (Revue internationale de Droit
comparé, 2008 vol 60 no 4, pp. 957- 974)
Réflexions concernant l'adoption d'une autorité monétaire
commune au Mercosur à partir du modèle européen.
Evolutie van de Belgische buitenlandse handel van
goederen en diensten. Structuur van de Vlaamse invoer en
uitvoer in vergelijking met deze van de buurlanden en andere
Europese landen. Handelspartners. Verhandelde goederen.
151 669
P 00374 FR 2008 vol 60 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 53 E I
339.544 (4-15) (493)
Internationale handelspolitiek / Cuyvers, Ludo & Dumon,
Michel Antwerpen: Garant Uitgevers ; 2007, 345 p.
Douanerechten. Kwantitatieve beperkingen (contingenten).
gemeenschappelijke invoerregeling. De bescherming van de
internationale rechten van de EU en de EU-producenten.
Antidumping en antisubsidiemaatregelen. De communautaire
procedure voor het beheer van de kwantitatieve contingenten.
Het schema van algemene tariefprefenties (SAP) van de
Europese Unie. Exportpromotie en protectie. Instellingen ter
bevordering van de internationale handel van België.
152 028
339.544 (83)
Temporary increases in tariffs and investment: the chilean
experience / Kasahara, Hiroyuki (Journal of Business and
Economic Statistics, 2009 vol 27 no 1, pp. 113- 127)
This article develops a structural dynamic programming
model of investment and estimates the model using panel data
on Chilean manufacturing plants for 1980-1996. The estimates
are used to examine the impact of a temporary increase in
import tariffs imposed in Chiles taking account of endogenous
initial conditions and unobserved heterogeneity. The model
replicates the observed investment patterns at both plant and
aggregate levels well
P 00712 EU 2009 vol 27 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 E III
339.562 (493) (493=393)
kortetermijnprognose / Festraets, Dirk & Vergeynst, Thierry
Brussel: Vlaamse overheid ; 2008, p.m.
Imports and TFP at the firm level : the role of absorptive
capacity. / Augier, Patricia & Cadot, Olivier & Dovis, Marion
(CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7218, pp. 1- 26)
Prospects for skills-based export growth in a
labor-abundant, resource-rich developing economy /
Coxhead, Ian & Li, Muqun (Aussenwirtschaft : Schweizerische
Zeitschrift für internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen. The
Swiss review of international economic relations, 2008 vol 63
no 4, pp. 391- 429)
In an integrated global economy, specialisation in trade is
an increasingly prominent strategy. A labor-abundant,
resource-rich economy like Indonesia faces stiff competition in
labor-intensive manufactures; meanwhile, rapid growth in
demand for resources from China and India exposes it to the
'curse' of resource wealth. This diminishes prospects for more
diversified growth based on renewable resources wealth,
foreign direct investment and human capital on the share of
skill-intensive products in exports.
P 00506 SS 2008 vol 63 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 49 A II
339.564 (417) (931)
Role of international trade shows in small firm
internationalization: a network perspective / Evers,
Natasha & Knight, John (International Marketing Review, 2008
vol 25 no 5, pp. 544- 562)
The impact of trade shows on the internationalization of
participating small exporting firms in terms of growth and
expansion has gone largely unstudied, as has their
effectiveness in network-building activities. Using the network
model of internationalization, the purpose of this paper is to
investigate the role international trade shows play in the
internationalization process of small exporting firms in Ireland
and New Zealand (NZ).
P 00852 GRBR 2008 vol 25 no 5 SALLE/ZAAL: 50 G I
339.564 (430)
Competition effects and terms of trade effects of
exchange rates and international prices : Evidence for
Germany / Stahn, Kerstin (Aussenwirtschaft : Schweizerische
Zeitschrift für internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen. The
Swiss review of international economic relations, 2008 vol 63
no 4, pp. 431- 454)
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
The effects of the latest period of Euro appreciation from
2006 to 2007 on the German economy, especially on exports,
are cushioned, in the short run, by the regional pattern of
foreign buyers, invoicing practices and hedging activities,
enterprises' favorable cost development and their currently
comfortable profit situation. In the longer run, volume effects
(competition effects) may be expected to occur owing to the
incomplete pricing-to-market of exporters and importers.
P 00506 SS 2008 vol 63 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 49 A II
339.564 (493) (493=393)
kortetermijnprognose / Festraets, Dirk & Vergeynst, Thierry
Brussel: Vlaamse overheid ; 2008, p.m.
Evolutie van de Belgische buitenlandse handel van
goederen en diensten. Structuur van de Vlaamse invoer en
uitvoer in vergelijking met deze van de buurlanden en andere
Europese landen. Handelspartners. Verhandelde goederen.
151 669
339.564 (497.12)
Export strategies as a factor of SME growth in Croatia /
Racic, Domagoj & Aralica, Zoran & Redzepagic, Denis
(International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Management (IJEIM), 2008 vol 8 no 3, pp. 286- 304)
The paper explores the main processes and determinants of
the internationalisation of the Small- and Medium-sized
Enterprises (SMEs) in Croatia and empirically explores the
data generated through the SME Exporters Survey covering
the period between 1999 and 2004.
P 00637 SS 2008 vol 8 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 E II
339.564 (5-11) (510)
The rise of China and East Asian export performance: is
the crowding-out fear warranted? / Athukorala,
Prema-Chandra (The World Economy, 2009 vol 32 no 2, pp.
234- 266)
Ever since China began to emerge as a major trading nation
in the late 1970s, there has been growing concern in policy
circles in East Asian countries that competition from China
could crowd-out their export opportunities.
P 00773 GRBR 2009 vol 32 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 F I
339.564 (510)
The effects of foreign acquisition on domestic and export
markets dynamics in China / Du, Jun & Girma, Sourafel
(The World Economy, 2009 vol 32 no 1, pp. 164- 177)
China has achieved a stupendous transformation from a
near autarchic economy to one that is at the heart of the global
production network. The country is now the most attractive
destination of export-oriented foreign direct investment (FDI),
earning it the epithet of 'export processing zone of the world'.
P 00773 GRBR 2009 vol 32 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 F I
339.564:338.246.062.2 (4-15) (493)
Internationale handelspolitiek / Cuyvers, Ludo & Dumon,
Michel Antwerpen: Garant Uitgevers ; 2007, 345 p.
Douanerechten. Kwantitatieve beperkingen (contingenten).
gemeenschappelijke invoerregeling. De bescherming van de
internationale rechten van de EU en de EU-producenten.
Antidumping en antisubsidiemaatregelen. De communautaire
procedure voor het beheer van de kwantitatieve contingenten.
Het schema van algemene tariefprefenties (SAP) van de
Europese Unie. Exportpromotie en protectie. Instellingen ter
bevordering van de internationale handel van België.
152 028
339.564:338.246.062.2 (73)
Factor prices, factor substitution and exporting in US
manufacturing affiliates abroad / Borga, Maria & Lipsey,
Robert E. (The World Economy, 2009 vol 32 no 1, pp. 30- 48)
Us manufacturing multinationals employed over a third of
their labour force in countries outside the United States in
2004. What distinguishes the parts of their operations that they
place in foreign countries? How do they respond to different
factor prices and market characteristics in these locations?
How do differences among the investing firms affet their
methods of production?
P 00773 GRBR 2009 vol 32 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 F I
La concurrence sur les marchés de l'industrie nucléaire /
Paris: OECD ; 2008, 133 p.
Evaluation de la compétitivité des marchés. Concurrence
dans les secteurs de la conception, de l'ingénierie et de la
construction des centrales nucléaires. Concurrence dans
l'industrie de l'amont du cycle du combustible nucléaire.
Concurrence dans l'industie de l'aval du cycle du combustible
nucléaire. Concurrence dans le secteur des services
maintenance et rénovation des centrales nucléaires.
Incidences sur la concurrence des mécanismes multilatéraux
de fourniture de combustible.
151 878
Access to European Union : law, economics, policies /
Moussis, Nicholas Rixensart: European Study Service ; 2008,
557 p.
European treaties. The structure and functions of European
institutions. Common market. Economic and monetary union.
Citizen's rights and participation. Consumer policy. Regional
development policy. Social progress policies. Taxation policy.
Competition policy. Environment policy. Industrial and
enterprise policies. Research and technology policy. Energy
policy. Transport policy. Agricultural policy. Fisheries policy.
Commercial policy. Development aid policy. External relations.
152 089
How to run a bank : the essential reference guide for
senior bank management around the globe / London:
Financial Times Business Ltd ; 2008, 140 p.
Organic growth versus M&A. The right formula for Eastern
Europe. High-growth niche markets. The pertinence of
branding. Managing credit risk through segmentation.
Strategic partnerships for sustained growth. The three waves
of offshoring. The shape of today's credit portfolio. Social
responsibility in a shariah context. An accurate valuation of
152 106
competition / Sand, Jan Y. (Managerial and Decision
Economics (MDE), 2009 vol 30 no 1, pp. 57- 70)
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
The objective of this paper is to show how efficiency can be
implemented in a market with strictly complementary inputs
when the productive firms undertake unobservable effort.
P 00792 GRBR 2009 vol 30 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 C III
The dynamics of trade and competition / Chen, Natalie &
Imbs, Jean & Scott, Andrew (Journal of International
Economics, 2009 vol 77 no 1, pp. 50- 62)
We estimate a version of the Melitz and Ottaviano model of
international trade with firm heterogeneity
P 00474 PB 2009 vol 77 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 B II
Innovation and competition policy / Goto, Akira (The
Japanese Economic Review, 2009 vol 60 no 1, pp. 55- 62)
This paper is organized as follows. The second section
reviews the theoretical and empirical discussion of the issue,
which is the relationship between competition and innovation.
The third section summarizes how Japan's Anti-Monopoly
Policy has treated technology related cases. The last section
concludes the paper
P 00965 GRBR 2009 vol 60 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 28 D I
Growth, inter-industry and intra-industry competition and
welfare / Minniti, Antonio (The Japanese Economic Review,
2009 vol 60 no 1, pp. 110- 132)
In this paper we introduce strategic interaction between
firms in an R&D growth model which captures both the
intra-industry competition between firms operating within an
industry and the inter-industry competition between firms in
different industries
P 00965 GRBR 2009 vol 60 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 28 D I
Trade, markup heterogeneity and misallocations. / Epifani,
Paolo & Gancia, Gino A. (CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7217,
pp. 1- 29)
In this paper, we study how the entire distribution of
markups affects resource misallocation and welfare in a
general equilibrium framework encompassing a large class of
models with imperfect competition. We then identify conditions
under which trade opening, by changing the distribution of
markups, may reduce welfare.
P 00834 GRBRno 7217
Competing in emerging markets : cases and readings /
New York, London: Routledge ; 2008, 251 p. ISBN:
The phenomenon of emerging markets (EMs) - in relation to
both competing in these markets and competition from these
markets - does not warrant much introduction, if any at all.
Indeed, it is now common to find cover stories about various
aspects of these markets in leading business periodicals, for
example. The era of EMs has arrived. It is widely expected to
prevail, at least for the foreseeable future. This book was born
out of a personal conviction that a serious study of how
western as well as domestic firms could compete in EMs was
overdue. Also overdue was a much needed fundamental
rethinking about drivers of successful as well as unsuccessful
firm conduct in these markets.
152 049
339.6 (100) (4-15)
Free movement of goods and limits of regulatory
autonomy in the EU and WTO / The Hague: T.M.C. Asser
Press ; , 238 p.
The present book deals with this broad topic in the specific
context of the EU and WTO rules on non-pecuniary
restrictions on the free movement of goods and seeks to
establish how to optimally interpret them. Furthermore, it
demonstrates that the EU internal market rules have strong
external effects which can be felt within the WTO.
152 310
339.6 (100.3)
Foreign direct investment, competition and industry
performance / Bitzer, Jürgen & Görg, Holger (The World
Economy, 2009 vol 32 no 2, pp. 221- 233)
Our paper uses data for 10 manufacturing sectors for 17
OECD countries covering the period 1973 to 2001. This long
time window allows us to construct country-level FDI stocks
which we use in the empirical estimation. This is a novelty of
our paper, as most previous studies use FDI flows rather than
stocks. Using FDI stocks allows us to pick up medium- and
long-term effects rather than just short-run effects that may be
identified using FDI flows.
P 00773 GRBR 2009 vol 32 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 F I
339.6 (4-15)
EC competition law handbook / Van Der Woude, Marc &
Jones, Christopher London: Sweet & Maxwell ; 2008, 612 p.
Conditions for the application of both articles 81 and 82.
Horizontal agreements. Vertical agreements. Industrial and
intellectual property agreements. Joint ventures. State
intervention. Sectoral application of EC competition rules.
Procedure and remedies. Jurisdiction : cases and references.
Chronological list of commission decisions.
151 992
339.6 (4-15)
Cross-country comparisons of competition and pricing
power in European banking / Carbo, Santiago & Humphrey,
David & Maudos, Joaquim & Molyneux, Philip (Journal of
International Money and Finance, 2009 vol 28 no 1, pp. 115134)
In trying to assess the relative competitive position of
banking markets in 14 European countries, existing indicators
of competition are found to give conflicting predictions across
countries, within countries, and over time.
P 00847 GRBR 2009 vol 28 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 E I
339.6 (4-15) (493)
Mededingingsrecht in kort bestek / Montangie, Yves &
Camerlinckx, Francis & De Bauw, Herman & Van den
Bossche, Anne-Marie & Van Calster, Geert & Stuyck, Jules &
Ponet, Béatrice & Vandenberghe, Wim & Verdonck, Carmen
Antwerpen, Oxford: Intersentia ; 2006, 182 p. ISBN:
Mededingingsregels voor ondernemingen naar Europees en
Belgisch recht, achtergrond en rechtsvergelijkend overzicht.
Horizontale overeenkomsten, relaties met concurrenten.
Verticale overeenkomsten, relaties met leveranciers en
afnemers. Misbruik van machtspositie en concentratiecontrole.
mededingingsautoriteiten en nationale rechterlijke instanties:
enige procedureaspecten. Mededingingsrecht als instrument
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
van herstel en verweer in geschillenbeslechting. 'Compliance'
152 022
Private labels, brands, and competition policy : the
changing landscape of retail competition / Ezrachi, Ariel &
Bernitz, Ulf Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press ; 2009,
418 p.
Develop hypotheses on the influence of foreign competition
dynamics on vertical scope changes and present our research
methodology. We test our hypoteses with panel data for 407
US and 95 German firms from 1987 to 2003. We conclude
with a discussio of our results, acknowledge limitations, and
suggest avenues for future research.
Recent decades have witnessed a distinct increase in the
sales and popularity of private labels. The growing market
share of private labels has transformed the landscape of retail
competition in developed countries. Major retailers are no
longer confined to their traditional roles of purchasers and
distributors of branded goods. By selling their own label
products within their outlet they compete with their upstream
brand suppliers on sales and shelf space. This book sets out
to explore the effects and the different variables which shape
brand competition. It assembles seventeen chapters, authored
by leading academics, practitioners, and competition officials,
producing a comprehensive picture of the law, policy, and
economics in this area.
P 00945 GRBR 2009 vol 46 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 B II
152 131
339.6 (430) (73)
Changing vertical integration strategies under pressure
from foreign competition : The case of US and German
multinationals / Hutzschenreuter, Thomas & Gröne, Florian
(Journal of Management Studies, 2009 vol 46 no 2, pp. 269307)
339.6 (493=393)
Pact 2020 : een nieuw toekomstpact voor Vlaanderen, 20
doelstellingen / Brussel: Vlaamse Regering ; 2009, 19 p.
Meer welvaart en welzijn. Een competitieve en duurzame
economie. Meer mensen aan de slag, in meer werkbare jobs
en in gemiddeld langere loopbanen. Levenskwaliteit van hoog
niveau. Een efficiënt en doeltreffend bestuur.
152 159
339.6 (569.4)
Local and non-local prefounding experience and new
organizational form penetration : The case of the Israeli
wine industry / Simons, Tal & Roberts, Peter W.
(Administrative Science Quarterly, 2008 vol 53 no 2, pp. 235265)
339.62 (4-15)
European responses to globalization : resistance,
adaptation and alternatives / Amsterdam, Boston,
Heidelberg: Elsevier ; 2006, 222 p.
Europe and globalization: recasting the dynamics of the
relationship. Can the European Union control the agenda of
globalization? Global markets, global corporations: how
european competition policy responds to globalization. Europe
: space, territory and identity. The world trading system : in the
fog of uncertainty. Globalization vs. development: is there a
european perspective?
151 766
339.62 (44)
L'avenir de l'industrie française : entre concurrence et
compétitivité / Paris: Documentation française ; 2008, 182 p.
This paper presents a theory of how new organizational
forms penetrate local populations. We evaluate these
predictions in an analysis of the transformation of the
population of Israeli wineries between 1983 and 2004, when
five existing organizations witnessed the arrival of 138 new
État des lieux, une industrie à la recherche de compétitivité.
L'industrie : moteur essentiel de la croissance en France. Une
prise de conscience au niveau communautaire. Adapter les
modèles organisationnels des entreprises. Équilibrer les
relations donneurs d'ordre/sous-traitants.
P 00425 EU 2008 vol 53 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 19 F I
151 912
339.6 (593)
The structural model of competition in the Thai banking
industry / Wonglimpiyarat, Jarunee (International Journal of
Financial Services Management, 2008 vol 3 no 3/ 4, pp. 255268)
This paper presents the structural model of competition in
the Thai banking system. The increased competition after the
financial crisis has made it necessary for Thai banks to adapt
and improve all their operations.
P 00654 SS 2008 vol 3 no 3/ 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 D I
339.6 (73)
La troisième révolution américaine / Mistral, Jacques Paris:
Perrin ; 2008, 245 p.
Le déclin et la chute de la présidence Bush. La fuite en
avant dans l'endettement. Le rêve américain ébréché.
Réinventer la classe moyenne. Sauver la planète. Recréer
une industrie compétitive. Le dollar, un problème pour
l'Amérique ?
152 210
Information technology and competitive advantage in
small firms / London, New York: Routledge ; 2007, 288 p.
IT and economic theory. IT and management theory. IT and
the creation of Ricardian rents. IT and the creation of
Shumpeterian rents.
151 707
Large economies with differential information and without
free disposal / Angeloni, Laura & Martins-da-Rocha, V. Filipe
(Economic Theory, 2009 vol 38 no 2, pp. 263- 286)
We adapt the incentive compatibility property introduced in
Krasa and Yannelis (Econometrica 62, 881-900, 1994) and we
prove that every Pareto optimal exact feasible allocation is
incentive compatible, implying that contracts of competitive or
core allocations are enforceable.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 38 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
Come close and co-create : proximities in pharmaceutical
innovation networks / Phlippen, Sandra Magdalena
Wilhelmina Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit ; 2008, 173 p.
Access to relevant external knowledge is crucial for a firms'
competitiveness in innovation-driven industries. This thesis
focuses on how different forms of proximity affect a firm's
ability to access such knowledge. We consider the influence of
being co-located in space, of being embedded in a network,
and of being active in similar knowledge domains.
152 111
Competing in emerging markets : cases and readings /
New York, London: Routledge ; 2008, 251 p. ISBN:
The phenomenon of emerging markets (EMs) - in relation to
both competing in these markets and competition from these
markets - does not warrant much introduction, if any at all.
Indeed, it is now common to find cover stories about various
aspects of these markets in leading business periodicals, for
example. The era of EMs has arrived. It is widely expected to
prevail, at least for the foreseeable future. This book was born
out of a personal conviction that a serious study of how
western as well as domestic firms could compete in EMs was
overdue. Also overdue was a much needed fundamental
rethinking about drivers of successful as well as unsuccessful
firm conduct in these markets.
152 049
339.63 (4-11) (4-191.2)
Location attractiveness for foreign direct investment of
EU New Member-Countries in comparison with old ones /
Anastassopoulos, George & Georgiu, Christos & Maroudas,
Leonidas (International Journal of Entrepreneurship and
Innovation Management (IJEIM), 2008 vol 8 no 5, pp. 506523)
This paper examines the determinants of distribution of
inward Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) stock, in 6 new EU
Member Countries (NMCs) in comparison with five old
Member-Countries (OMCs) from 2000 to 2004. Evidence
suggests a heterogeneous response of FDI towards the two
EU regions - considered as country groups - in the processes
of globalisation and enlargement.
Price discrimination in input markets / Inderst, Roman &
Valletti, Tommaso (The Rand Journal of Economics, 2009 vol
40 no 1, pp. 1- 19)
We analyze the short-and long-run implications of
third-degree price discrimination in input markets. In our
model, the more efficient buyer receives a discount. A ban on
price discrimination thus benefits smaller but hurts more
efficient, larger firms. It also stifles incentives to invest and
P 00642 EU 2009 vol 40 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 L II
An empirical investigation of the welfare effects of
banning wholesale price discrimination / Villas-Boas, Sofia
Berto (The Rand Journal of Economics, 2009 vol 40 no 1, pp.
20- 46)
Economic theory does not provide sharp predictions on the
welfare effects of banning wholesale price discrimination: if
downstream cost differences exist, then discrimination shifts
production inefficiently, toward high-cost retailers, so a ban
increases welfare; if differences in price elasticity of demand
across retailers exist, discrimination may increase welfare if
quantity sold increases, so a ban reduces welfare
P 00642 EU 2009 vol 40 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 L II
Market participation in delegated and intrinsic
common-agency games / Martimort, David & Stole, Lars
(The Rand Journal of Economics, 2009 vol 40 no 1, pp. 78102)
We study how competition in nonlinear pricing between two
principals (sellers)affects market participation by a privately
informed agent (consumer). The two games have distinct
predictions for participation. Intrinsic agency always induces
more distortion in participation relative to the monopoly
outcome, and equilibrium allocations are discontinuous for the
marginal consumer
P 00642 EU 2009 vol 40 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 L II
P 00637 SS 2008 vol 8 no 5 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 E II
339.63 (44)
L'avenir de l'industrie française : entre concurrence et
compétitivité / Paris: Documentation française ; 2008, 182 p.
État des lieux, une industrie à la recherche de compétitivité.
L'industrie : moteur essentiel de la croissance en France. Une
prise de conscience au niveau communautaire. Adapter les
modèles organisationnels des entreprises. Équilibrer les
relations donneurs d'ordre/sous-traitants.
151 912
339.63 (667)
Explaining the market power of Ghanaian banks /
Aboagye, Q.Q. Anthony & Akoena, S.K. & Antwi-Asare, T.O. &
Gockel, A.F. (The South African Journal of Economics, 2008
vol 76 no 4, pp. 569- 585)
A competitive banking system helps lower transaction costs
and risks. It also helps make financial markets more efficient.
In Ghana however, observers believe that the banking industry
is not competitive and point to the huge spread between bank
lending and borrowing rates as evidence.
P 00006 SAF 2008 vol 76 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 28 I III
La bourse ou la vie : la grande manipulation des petits
actionnaires / Labarde, Philippe & Maris, Bernard Paris: Albin
Michel ; 2000, 200 p. ISBN: 2-226-11546-3
L'avenir radieux de la nouvelle économie. L'explosion des
services. Privatisations. Qui fixe le prix des privatisées ? Les
fonds de pension. La bourse. Actionnaire et citoyen. Au-delà
du profit.
152 059
Financial (in)stability, supervision and liquidity injections
: a dynamic general equilibrium approach. / de Walque,
Grégory & Pierrard, Olivier & Rouabah, Abdelaziz (CEPR
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
Discussion Papers,no 7202, pp. 1- 34)
We develop a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model
with an heterogeneous banking sector. We introduce
endogenous default probabilities for both firms and banks, and
allow for bank regulation and liquidity injection into the
interbank market. Our aim is to understand the interactions
between the banking sector and the rest of the economy, as
well as the importance of supervisory and monetary authorities
to restore financial stability.
P 00834 GRBRno 7202
How should we conceive the continued resilience of the
U.S. Dollar as a reserve currency? / Morgan, Jamie (Review
of Radical Political Economics (RRPE), 2009 vol 41 no 1, pp.
43- 61)
In the following paper I explore the issue of the dollar as the
unofficial reserve currency of the global finance system. I look
at arguments for its "resilience" or continued use and how
there is an inbuilt mechanism in liberalized capital that tends to
reinforce the use of the dollar, and how this is to the
advantage of the United States.
P 00799 EU 2009 vol 41 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 K I
339.7 (410) (73)
The origins and development of financial markets and
institutions : from the seventeenth century to the present /
Atack, Jeremy & Neal, Larry Cambridge, New York,
Melbourne, Madrid: Cambridge University Press ; 2009, 472 p.
Financial innovations and crisis: The view backwards from
Nothern Rock. Was John Law's system a bubble? The
Mississipi bubble revisited. Comparing the UK and US
financial systems, 1790-1830. Regulatory changes and the
development of the US banking market, 1870-1914: A study of
profit rates and risk in national banks. Central bank reaction
functions during the inter-war gold standard: A view from the
periphery. Lessons from history for the twenty-first century.
152 295
The process map as an instrument to standardize
processes: design and application at a financial service
provider / Heinrich, Bernd & Henneberger, Matthias & Leist,
Susanne & Zellner, Gregor (Information systems and
e-business management, 2009 vol 7 no 1, pp. 81- 103)
The standardization of processes and the identification of
shared business services in a service-oriented architecture
(SOA) are currently widely discussed. Above all in practice,
however, there still is a lack of appropriate instruments to
support these tasks. In this paper an approach for a process
map is introduced which allows for a systematic
presentation-as complete as possible-of the processes in an
enterprise (division)
P 00866 ALL 2009 vol 7 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 04 K I
Determinants of exchange rate regime switching / Fiess,
Norbert & Shankar, Rashmi (Journal of International Money
and Finance, 2009 vol 28 no 1, pp. 68- 98)
Exchange rate policy in many emerging markets shifts
between a stronger and weaker commitment to peg. This
observation raises the following questions, which we address
in our paper.
P 00847 GRBR 2009 vol 28 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 E I
Banking services for everyone ? Barriers to bank access
and use around the world. / Beck, Thorsten &
Demirgüç-Kunt, Asli & Martinez Peria , Maria Soledad (The
World Bank Economic Review, 2008 vol 22 no 3, pp. 397430)
Information from 209 banks in 62 countries is used to
develop new indicators of barriers to banking services around
the world, show their correlation with measures of out-reach,
and explore their association with bank and country
characteristics suggested by theory as potential determinants.
P 01132 GX 2008 vol 22 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 59 D I
How should we conceive the continued resilience of the
U.S. Dollar as a reserve currency? / Morgan, Jamie (Review
of Radical Political Economics (RRPE), 2009 vol 41 no 1, pp.
43- 61)
In the following paper I explore the issue of the dollar as the
unofficial reserve currency of the global finance system. I look
at arguments for its "resilience" or continued use and how
there is an inbuilt mechanism in liberalized capital that tends to
reinforce the use of the dollar, and how this is to the
advantage of the United States.
P 00799 EU 2009 vol 41 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 K I
Instrument rules in monetary policy under heterogeneity
in currency trade / Bask, Mikael (Journal of Economics and
Business, 2009 vol 61 no 2, pp. 97- 111)
We embed different instrument rules into Gali and
Monacelli's new Keynesian model for a small open economy
that is augmented with technical trading in currency trade to
examine the prerequisites for monetary policy
P 00691 EU 2009 vol 61 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 39 F II
339.72 (5) (510)
The Asian economy and Asian money / Dutta, M Bingley:
Emerald ; 2009, 328 p.
The economic map of Asia. Optimum currency areas: U.S.
Dollar, Euro, and Asian money. Changing economic structures
of the Asian economies. The Asian economic integration:
intra-regional trade. Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific
151 785
339.72.053 (494)
The significance of Switzerland's enourmous current
account surplus / Jarrett, Peter & Letremy, Céline
internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen. The Swiss review of
international economic relations, 2008 vol 63 no 4, pp. 369389)
Switzerland has had a long standing surplus on its current
account. But over the past 15 years that surplus has surged to
levels unmatched by nearly and any other OECD country at
any point. This paper looks at the surplus from a balance of
payments vantage points as well as from the optic of the
excess of national saving over domestic investment.
P 00506 SS 2008 vol 63 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 49 A II
Characterising euro area multinationals / Geishecker, Ingo
& Görg, Holger & Taglioni, Daria (The World Economy, 2009
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
vol 32 no 1, pp. 49- 76)
The transfer of production activities from one country to
another has become an important issue in the public debate
on globalisation, especially in those countries that have seen a
number of high-profile cases of outward relocation over recent
P 00773 GRBR 2009 vol 32 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 F I
Nolinearities in the dynamics of the euro area demand for
M1 / Calza, Alessandro & Zaghini, Andrea (Macroeconomic
Dynamics, 2009 vol 13 no 1, pp. 1- 19)
This paper finds evidence of nonlinearities in the dynamics
of the euro area demand for the narrow aggregate M1. The
empirical findings of the paper are consistent with theoretical
predictions of nonlinearities in the dynamics of adjustment to
"target-threshold" models and with analogous empirical
evidence for European countries and the United States
P 00818 EU 2009 vol 13 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 G I
339.721:336.76 (4-15)
Les entraves fiscales dans le marché intérieur. / Maitrot De
La Motte, Alexandre & Buisson, Jacques & Talon,
Jean-François & Delaunay, Benoît & Heydt, Volker & Molinier,
Joël (Revue des Affaires Européennes, 2007/ 2008 no 1, pp.
7- 94)
Les entraves fiscales dans le marché intérieur. La notion
d'entrave fiscale. Les entraves fiscales "à l'entrée" et le
principe communautaire de non-discrimination. La justification
des entraves fiscales. Les entraves fiscales au sein des
groupes de sociétés. Les méthodes d'élimination des entraves
P 00895 FR 2007/ 2008 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 53 H II
339.727.1 (510) (540) (81) (82)
Financial liberalization and economic performance in
emerging countries / Arestis, Philip New York: Palgrave
Macmillan ; 2008, 221 p.
Financial liberalization and domestic policy space: theory
and practice with reference to Latin America. Capital account
management or laissez-faire of capital flows in development
countries. Financial liberalization, exchange rate regime and
economic performance in BRICs countries. The liberalization
of capital outflows in Brazil, India and South Africa since the
early 1990s. Financial liberalization in Brazil and Argentina.
Capital controls and economic development in China.
De-regulated finance and impact on corporate investments:
the case of industry and labour in India. Does ownership
explain bank M&A? The case of domestic banks and foreign
banks in Brazil
151 991
FDI, productivity and financial development / Alfaro, Laura
& Kalemli-Ozcan, Sebnem & Sayek, Selin (The World
Economy, 2009 vol 32 no 1, pp. 111- 135)
Recently, the special merits of FDI and the incentives
offered to foreign firms have begun to be questioned. Fuelling
this debate is the fact that the empirical evidence for FDI
generating positive effects for host countries is ambiguous at
both micro and macro levels.
P 00773 GRBR 2009 vol 32 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 F I
In search of environmental spillovers / Albornoz, Facundo
& Cole, Matthew A. & Elliott, Robert J.R. & Ercolani, Marco G.
(The World Economy, 2009 vol 32 no 1, pp. 136- 163)
In this paper we identify a complementary strand of the FDI
spillover literature that deserves attention: the relationship
between FDI and the environmental performance of firms.
Instead of total factor productivity we now investigate the
influence of a foreign presence, and the role of spillovers, on
the extent to which firms have implemented environmental
management systems.
P 00773 GRBR 2009 vol 32 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 F I
The effect of outward foreign direct investment on
home-country employment in a low-cost transition
economy / Masso, Jaan & Varblane, Urmas & Vahter, Priit
(Eastern European Economics, 2008 vol 46 no 6, pp. 25- 59)
The current extensive literature on the home-country
employment effect of foreign direct investment(FDI)focuses
almost exclusively on investments from high-income and high
labor-cost home countries. Our paper analyzes the
home-country employment effect in Estonia as a low-cost,
medium-income transition economy. The data from the
population of Estonian firms between 1995 and 2002 are
studied with regression analysis and propensity score
matching to construct an appropriate counterfactual for firms
that have invested abroad
P 00333 EU 2008 vol 46 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 B I
Foreign direct investment and environmental taxes / De
Santis, Roberto A. & Stähler, Frank (German Economic
Review, 2009 vol 10 no 1, pp. 115- 135)
This paper studies the effect of foreign direct investment
(FDI) on environmental policy stringency in a two-country
model with trade costs, where FDI could be unilateral and
bilateral and both governments address local pollution through
environmental taxes.
P 00473 ALL 2009 vol 10 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 I III
The effect of tax treaties on multinational firms: new
evidence from microdata / Davies, Ronald B. & Norbäck,
Pehr-Johan & Tekin-Koru, Ayça (The World Economy, 2009
vol 32 no 1, pp. 77- 110)
Financial foreign direct investment: the role of private
equity investments in the globalization of firms from
emerging markets / Agmon, Tamir & Messica, Avi
(Management International Review, 2009 vol 49 no 1, pp. 1126)
Inline with the OECD's (1997) model treaty - treaties are
intended to increase FDI, the empirical work generally finds no
evidence for this. Instead, researchers generally find either an
insignificant or a weakly negative effect of treaty formation on
This paper provides a multidimensional analysis and
discussion on the role of private equity funds in the
globalization process of firms from emerging markets.
P 00774 GX 2009 vol 49 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 B III
P 00773 GRBR 2009 vol 32 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 F I
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
Trade, foreign direct investment, and growth: evidence
from transition economies / Nath, Hiranya K. (Comparative
Economic Studies, 2009 vol 51 no 1, pp. 20- 50)
Using a fixed effects panel data approach, this paper
empirically examines the effects of trade and foreign direct
investment (FDI)on growth of per capita real GDP in 13
transition economies of Central and Eastern Europe, and the
Baltic region from 1991 to 2005
P 00790 EU 2009 vol 51 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 K II
339.727.2 (100.3)
Foreign direct investment, competition and industry
performance / Bitzer, Jürgen & Görg, Holger (The World
Economy, 2009 vol 32 no 2, pp. 221- 233)
Our paper uses data for 10 manufacturing sectors for 17
OECD countries covering the period 1973 to 2001. This long
time window allows us to construct country-level FDI stocks
which we use in the empirical estimation. This is a novelty of
our paper, as most previous studies use FDI flows rather than
stocks. Using FDI stocks allows us to pick up medium- and
long-term effects rather than just short-run effects that may be
identified using FDI flows.
P 00773 GRBR 2009 vol 32 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 F I
339.727.2 (100.3) (5-11) (5-12) (5-13)
The impact of foreign R&D on total factor productivity in
the east Asian manufacturing / Liao, Hailin & Liu, Xiaohui &
Holmes, Mark & Weyman-Jones, Tom (The Manchester
School of Economic and Social Studies, 2009 vol 77 no 2, pp.
244- 270)
Applying a stochastic production frontier we examine the
extent to which industrial countries' R&D contributes to East
Asian economies' total factor productivity (TFP) growth in
manufacturing sectors, via foreign trade as the channel for
technological spillovers, based on a sample of nine
manufacturing sectors for eight East Asia economies from
1973 to 1998.
P 00565 GRBR 2009 vol 77 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 I II
339.727.2 (4-11) (4-191.2)
Location attractiveness for foreign direct investment of
EU New Member-Countries in comparison with old ones /
Anastassopoulos, George & Georgiu, Christos & Maroudas,
Leonidas (International Journal of Entrepreneurship and
Innovation Management (IJEIM), 2008 vol 8 no 5, pp. 506523)
This paper examines the determinants of distribution of
inward Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) stock, in 6 new EU
Member Countries (NMCs) in comparison with five old
Member-Countries (OMCs) from 2000 to 2004. Evidence
suggests a heterogeneous response of FDI towards the two
EU regions - considered as country groups - in the processes
of globalisation and enlargement.
P 00637 SS 2008 vol 8 no 5 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 E II
country's infrastructure endowment.
P 00773 GRBR 2009 vol 32 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 F I
339.727.2 (4-11) (4-191.2) (495)
Foreign direct investment in Central, Eastern and South
Eastern Europe: an 'eclectic' approach to Greek
investments / Stoian, Carmen & Filippaios, Fragkiskos
(International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Management (IJEIM), 2008 vol 8 no 5, pp. 542- 564)
During the last decade Greece has emerged as one of the
largest investors in the Central and Eastern and South Eastern
European Countries (CESEEC). This is the first paper to
empirically evaluate the determinants of this investment and of
the entry mode decisions of Greek firms participating in the
Athens Stock Exchange.
P 00637 SS 2008 vol 8 no 5 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 E II
339.727.2 (410)
Productivity and labour demand effects of inward and
outward foreign direct investment on UK industry /
Driffield, Nigel & Love, James H. & Taylor, Karl (The
Manchester School of Economic and Social Studies, 2009 vol
77 no 2, pp. 171- 203)
We relate the technological and factor price determinants of
inward and outward foreign direct investment (FDI) to its
potential productivity and labour market effects on both host
and home economies.
P 00565 GRBR 2009 vol 77 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 I II
339.727.2 (491.1)
Internationalization from a small domestic base: an
empirical analysis of foreign direct investments of
Icelandic firms / Dis Oladottir, Asta (Management
International Review, 2009 vol 49 no 1, pp. 61- 80)
The overall objective of this paper is to describe the key
characteristics of Icelandic multinational corporations (MNCs)
and to gain a deeper understanding of the internationalization
processes of firms with a small domestic base.
P 00774 GX 2009 vol 49 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 B III
339.727.2 (493)
Les petites et moyennes entreprises face à la
mondialisation des marchés / Sohy, Francoise Bruxelles:
Ministère des Classes Moyennes et de l'Agriculture ; 1998, 41
La mondialisation des entreprises et des marchés. Le
commerce exterieur. Les investissements directs à l'étranger.
La création de filiales d'entreprises belges à l'étranger. La
sous-traitance à l'étranger. Les consequences de la
mondialisation des entreprises sur l'emploi. La mondialisation
au travers des filiales en Belgique de sociétés mères
152 274
339.727.2 (4-11) (4-191.2)
Infrastructure endowment and corporate income taxes as
determinants of foreign direct investment in Central and
Eastern European countries / Bellak, Christian & Leibrecht,
Markus & Damijan, Joze P. (The World Economy, 2009 vol 32
no 2, pp. 267- 290)
The aim of this paper is to shed some light on the role of
infrastructure and taxes as determinants of FDI in CEECs and
on the possible interaction effects between these location
factors. Specifically, we test the conditional hypothesis that the
tax-rate sensitivity of FDI decreases with an increase in a
339.727.2 (520)
Overseas R&D activities and home productivity growth:
Evidence from Japanese firm-level data / Todo, Yasuyuki &
Shimizutani, Satoshi (Journal of Industrial Economics, 2008
vol 56 no 4, pp. 752- 777)
This paper investigates the impact of overseas subsidiaries'
R&D activities on the productivity growth of parent firms using
firm-level data for Japanese multinational enterprises
P 00563 GRBR 2008 vol 56 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 43 G II
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
339.727.3 (100)
Debt enforcement around the world. / Djankov, Simeon &
Hart, Oliver & McLiesh, Caralee & Shleifer, Andrei (Journal of
Political Economy (JPE), 2008 vol 116 no 6, pp. 1105- 1149)
Insolvency practitioners from 88 countries describe how
debt enforcement will proceed against an identical hotel about
to default on its debt. We use the data on time, cost, and the
likely disposition of the assets (preservation as a going
concern vs. piecemeal sale) to construct a measure of the
efficency of debt enforcement in each country.
P 00197 EU 2008 vol 116 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 J III
Principles of financial engineering / Neftci, Salih N.
Burlington, San Diego, London: Elsevier ; 2008, 679 p.
Cash flow engineering and forward contracts. Engineering
simple intrest rate derivatives. Swap engineering. Repo
market strategies. Dynamic replication methods and
synthetics. Mechanics of options. Convexity positions. Options
engineering with applications. Pricing tools. Fixed-income
engineering. Tols for volatility engineering, volatility swaps and
volatility trading. Credit markets: CDS engineering. Essentials
of structured product engineering. Credit indices and their
tranches. default correlation pricing an trading. Principal
protection techniques. Caps/floors and swaptions with an
application to mortgages.
instances the reforms introduced by the Lisbon treaty (or
through part of a "cherry picking" process) will still require
further substantive decisions to determine the form of their
P 00807 PB 2009 vol 14 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 21 C III
Institutions économiques internationales
Philippe Bruxelles: Larcier ; 2009, 347 p.
Tout le monde a, un jour ou l'autre, entendu parler de
l'Organisation mondiale du commerce, du Fonds monétaire
international et de la Banque mondiale. Peu nombreux en
revanche, sont ceux qui en connaissent les mécanismes. À
travers son ouvrage, Philipe Vincent a voulu familiariser le
lecteur avec les institutions économiques internationales, leur
fonctionnement et les règles qui leur sont propres.
152 184
Fiscal and monetary rules for a currency union / Ferrero,
Andrea (Journal of International Economics, 2009 vol 77 no 1,
pp. 1- 10)
This paper addresses the optimal joint conduct of fiscal and
monetary policy in a two-country model of a currency union
with staggered price setting and distortionary taxes
P 00474 PB 2009 vol 77 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 B II
152 342
How should we conceive the continued resilience of the
U.S. Dollar as a reserve currency? / Morgan, Jamie (Review
of Radical Political Economics (RRPE), 2009 vol 41 no 1, pp.
43- 61)
Access to European Union : law, economics, policies /
Moussis, Nicholas Rixensart: European Study Service ; 2008,
557 p.
In the following paper I explore the issue of the dollar as the
unofficial reserve currency of the global finance system. I look
at arguments for its "resilience" or continued use and how
there is an inbuilt mechanism in liberalized capital that tends to
reinforce the use of the dollar, and how this is to the
advantage of the United States.
European treaties. The structure and functions of European
institutions. Common market. Economic and monetary union.
Citizen's rights and participation. Consumer policy. Regional
development policy. Social progress policies. Taxation policy.
Competition policy. Environment policy. Industrial and
enterprise policies. Research and technology policy. Energy
policy. Transport policy. Agricultural policy. Fisheries policy.
Commercial policy. Development aid policy. External relations.
P 00799 EU 2009 vol 41 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 K I
152 089
EU-EC external competences after the small arms
judgment. / Van Vooren, Bart (European Foreign Affairs
Review, 2009 vol 14 no 1, pp. 7- 24)
On 20 may 2008, the court of justice handed down its
long-awaited judgment in the small arms and light weapons
(SALW) case, in which it was asked to resolve a dispute
between the commission and the council on whether an
anticipated financing measure for West Africa had to be
undertaken within the community's development policy, or
rather within the Union's common foreign and security policy
P 00807 PB 2009 vol 14 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 21 C III
Which news moves the euro area bond market? /
Andersson, Magnus & Overby, Lars Jul & Sebestyén,
Szabolcs (German Economic Review, 2009 vol 10 no 1, pp. 131)
The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, to examine the
effects of macroeconomic data releases and of the ECB's
monetary policy statements on five-minute intraday German
government bond returns from the beginning of 1999 until the
end of December 2005. Second, allowing for the fact that
long-term bond yields in theory should be affected by the
expected monetary policy path, the paper examines whether
the German bond price sensitivity differs depending on the
monetary policy stance taken by the ECB.
P 00473 ALL 2009 vol 10 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 I III
The Lisbon treaty and the foreign, security and defence
policy : reforms, implementation and the consequences of
(non-)ratification. / Whitman, Richard & Juncos, Ana
(European Foreign Affairs Review, 2009 vol 14 no 1, pp. 2546)
The article examines the Lisbon treaty and asserts that the
treaty's effects would be to revamp rather than revolutionize
the existing arrangements for the CFSP/ESDP. In most
Admissible monetary aggregates for the euro area /
Binner, Jane M. & Bissoondeeal, Rakesh K. & Elger, C.
Thomas & Jones, Barry E. & Mullineux, Andrew W. (Journal of
International Money and Finance, 2009 vol 28 no 1, pp. 99114)
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
We use the Fleissig and Withney (Fleissig, A.R. Withney,
G.A; 2003. A new PC-based test for Varian's weak separability
conditions. Journal of Business and Economics Statistics 21
(1), 133-144 weak separability test to determine admissible
levels of monetary aggregation for the Euro area. We find that
the Euro area monetary assets in M2 and M3 are weakly
separable and construct admissible Divisia monetary
aggregates for these assets.
P 00847 GRBR 2009 vol 28 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 E I
339.73EMU (4-15)
Money demand stability and inflation prediction in the
four largest EMU countries / Carstensen, Kai & Hagen, Jan
& Hossfeld, Oliver & Neaves, Abelardo Salazar (Scottish
Journal of Political Economy, 2009 vol 56 no 1, pp. 73- 93)
In this paper, we analyze the money demand functions of
the four largest EMU countries and the four-country (EMU-4)
aggregate. We identify reasonable and stable money demand
relationships for Germany, France and Spain as well as the
EMU-4 aggregate. For the case of Italy, results are less clear.
P 00706 GRBR 2009 vol 56 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 J I
Real rigidities and real exchange rate volatility / Craighead,
Christopher W. (Journal of International Money and Finance,
2009 vol 28 no 1, pp. 135- 147)
This paper shows that certain real rigidities can help explain
high volatility of real exchange rates relative to other
macroeconoic aggregates. The introduction of intersectoral
adjustment and distribution costs substantially increases the
real exchange rate volatility generated by the model.
P 00847 GRBR 2009 vol 28 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 E I
Openness, exchange rate regimes and the Phillips curve /
Bowdler, Christopher (Journal of International Money and
Finance, 2009 vol 28 no 1, pp. 148- 160)
In this paper I provide new evidence on the relationship
between openness to trade and the slope of the short-run
Phillips curve.
P 00847 GRBR 2009 vol 28 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 E I
Determinants of exchange rate regime switching / Fiess,
Norbert & Shankar, Rashmi (Journal of International Money
and Finance, 2009 vol 28 no 1, pp. 68- 98)
Exchange rate policy in many emerging markets shifts
between a stronger and weaker commitment to peg. This
observation raises the following questions, which we address
in our paper.
P 00847 GRBR 2009 vol 28 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 E I
Politique économique / Bénassy-Quéré, Agnès & Coeuré,
Benoît & Jacquet, Pierre & Pisany-Ferry, Jean Bruxelles: De
Boeck ; 2009, 729 p.
Les fondements. La politique économique dans un monde
imparfait. La politique budgétaire, fiscale, monétaire et de
l'emploi. Intégration financière internationale et politique de
change. Politiques de croissance.
152 067
Macroeconomics : A European text / Burda, Michael &
Wyplosz, Charles New York: Oxford University Press ; 2009,
543 p.
The fundamentals of economic growth. Labour markets and
unemployment. Borrowing, lending and budget constraints.
Private sector demand: consumption and investment. Money
and monetary policy. International capital flows and
macroeconomic equilibrium. Output, employment and inflation.
Asset markets. The exchange rate. fiscal policies, debt and
seignorage. The architecture of the international monetary
system. Demand management policies.
152 298
339.743 (4-15)
The economic performance of the European Union :
issues, trends and policies / Rusek, Antonin & Fidrmuc,
Jarko New York: Palgrave Macmillan ; 2009, 262 p.
The Swedish economic model. The European Central Bank
inflation target and economic growth in the Eurozone. Real
effective exchange rate for the euro. Exchange rate policy
strategy in large currency areas. Euro areas enlargement and
European Central Bank reform. Fiscal convergence in
monetary union. Business cycles similarity and EMU
enlargement. Monetary policy before euro adoption. Fiscal
performance and economic growth in the old and new member
states of the EU
152 209
339.743 (430)
Competition effects and terms of trade effects of
exchange rates and international prices : Evidence for
Germany / Stahn, Kerstin (Aussenwirtschaft : Schweizerische
Zeitschrift für internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen. The
Swiss review of international economic relations, 2008 vol 63
no 4, pp. 431- 454)
The effects of the latest period of Euro appreciation from
2006 to 2007 on the German economy, especially on exports,
are cushioned, in the short run, by the regional pattern of
foreign buyers, invoicing practices and hedging activities,
enterprises' favorable cost development and their currently
comfortable profit situation. In the longer run, volume effects
(competition effects) may be expected to occur owing to the
incomplete pricing-to-market of exporters and importers.
P 00506 SS 2008 vol 63 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 49 A II
Evaluating policy reactions to the financial crisis / Barrell,
Ray & Fic, Tatiana & Holland, Dawn (National Institute
Economic Review, 2009 no 207, pp. 39- 42)
P 00663 GRBR 2009 no 207 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 K I
Fiscal policy effectiveness in the banking crisis / Barrell,
Ray & Fic, Tatiana & Liadze, Iana (National Institute Economic
Review, 2009 no 207, pp. 43- 50)
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
We consider two cases where the net present value of the
effects of fiscal policy on output would be positive.
P 00663 GRBR 2009 no 207 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 K I
Popper, Hayek and the Open Society / London, New York:
Routledge ; 2009, 284 p.
epistemology/ethics enigma. From epistemology and
methodology to ethics and meta-ethics. The achilles heel of
the Popper-Hayek meta-theory. Liberal individualism, the
Enlightenment Project, justice and the Open Society.
151 767
Institutions économiques internationales
Philippe Bruxelles: Larcier ; 2009, 347 p.
Tout le monde a, un jour ou l'autre, entendu parler de
l'Organisation mondiale du commerce, du Fonds monétaire
international et de la Banque mondiale. Peu nombreux en
revanche, sont ceux qui en connaissent les mécanismes. À
travers son ouvrage, Philipe Vincent a voulu familiariser le
lecteur avec les institutions économiques internationales, leur
fonctionnement et les règles qui leur sont propres.
152 184
339.9 (100)
Uneven economic development / Vos, Rob New York:
United Nations ; 2008, 229 p.
Inequality in the world is high and rising. The problem of
global uneven development is central to, and inseparable
from, the international development agenda. In Uneven
Economic Development, leading economists and development
experts examine the causes and implications of international
economic divergences. This comprehensive and timely book
reviews economic growth and structural change patterns since
the 1960s.
152 311
339.9 (100)
Introduction to international economics / Salvatore,
Dominick Hoboken: John Wiley and sons ; 2010, 492 p.
This new edition seeks to make otherwise difficult economic
principles easy to understand, from discussion of widespread
downsizing and job insecurity in the United States of the
globalization of capital markets and resource scarcity and
environmental degradation. This text is easily accessible for
economics, business, and political science majors alike
152 343
339.9 (100.3)
Financer le développement 2008 : appropriation? / Paris:
OCDE ; 2008, 123 p.
Va-t-on vers une appropriation des politiques de
développement par les pays bénéficiaires ? Cette question,
toute simple, appelle des réponses complexes. Les bailleurs
de fonds et les dirigeants des pays en développement tentent
de traduire ce principe dans la réalité, sans faire hélas
beaucoup de progrès. Cet ouvrage ouvre d'utiles perspectives
à tous ceux dont l'ambition est de rendre le financement du
développement plus efficace.
151 513
339.9 (4-15) (73)
The transatlantic economy 2009 : annual survey of jobs,
trade and investment between the United States and
Europe / Hamilton, Daniel S. & Quinlan, Joseph P.
Washinton: Center for transatlantic relations ; 2009, 132 p.
A year of living dangerously: the transatlantic economy and
the global economic crisis. The transatlantic economy today:
the eight ties that bind. European commerce and the 50
states: a state-by-state comparison. U.S. commerce and
Europe: a country-by-country comparison.
152 307
339.9 (5) (510)
The Asian economy and Asian money / Dutta, M Bingley:
Emerald ; 2009, 328 p.
The economic map of Asia. Optimum currency areas: U.S.
Dollar, Euro, and Asian money. Changing economic structures
of the Asian economies. The Asian economic integration:
intra-regional trade. Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific
151 785
339.9 (5) (510) (520)
Japan en de onontkoombare aziatisering van de wereld /
Segers, Rien T. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Balans ; 2009, 347 p.
De Aziatisering van de wereld in de eenentwingste eeuw.
duurzaamheid. De identiteit van het eenentwingste-eeuwse
Japan. Veranderingen in politiek, economie en technologie
van Japan. Naar een nieuwe Aziatische wereldorde.
152 331
339.9 (5) (6)
La dérive des continents: l'Asie et l'Afrique / Chaponnière,
Jean-Raphaël (Futuribles : Analyse et Prospective, 2009 no
350, pp. 5- 25)
Quelle est la réalité de cette coppération afro-asiatique? De
quand date-t-elle, sur quoi repose-t-elle, quelles sont ses
perspectives d'évolution? Après un rappel historique montrant
que les pays d'Asie ne sont pas de nouveaux venus dand le
paysage africain, Jean-Raphaël Chaponnière présente la
nature des relations, en particulier économiques et
commerciales, qui unissent les deux continents, ne se limitant
pas à la Chine ou à l'Inde.
P 00819 FR 2009 no 350 SALLE/ZAAL: 33 E III
L'espace des multinationales : atlas mondial des
multinationals. Tome I / Grou, Pierre & GARNIER,
JEAN-PIERRE Paris: RECLUS ; 1990, 168 p. ISBN:
Les polarisations économiques avant les multinationales.
L'émergence d'un espace multinational. Les grand groupes et
leurs empires. Un espace multipolaire.
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
152 061
Characterising euro area multinationals / Geishecker, Ingo
& Görg, Holger & Taglioni, Daria (The World Economy, 2009
vol 32 no 1, pp. 49- 76)
The transfer of production activities from one country to
another has become an important issue in the public debate
on globalisation, especially in those countries that have seen a
number of high-profile cases of outward relocation over recent
P 00773 GRBR 2009 vol 32 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 F I
339.9.001 (100)
Introduction to international economics / Salvatore,
Dominick Hoboken: John Wiley and sons ; 2010, 492 p.
This new edition seeks to make otherwise difficult economic
principles easy to understand, from discussion of widespread
downsizing and job insecurity in the United States of the
globalization of capital markets and resource scarcity and
environmental degradation. This text is easily accessible for
economics, business, and political science majors alike
152 343
Are the antiglobalists right ? Gains-from-trade without a
Walrasian auctioneer. / Calvo-Pardo, Hector (Economic
Theory, 2009 vol 38 no 3, pp. 561- 592)
We show that the "fear" of globalisation can be rationalised
by economic theory in the standard AD/AS equilibrium model,
if we substitute the coordinational role of the auctioneer by an
implementation device based on learning. A standard open
economy exercise shows that the efficiency gains triggered by
increased competition have to be traded-off against higher
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 38 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
339.9.001.7 (510)
Wat denkt China? : de nieuwe wereldorde volgens
Chinees model / Leonard, Mark Amsterdam, Antwerpen:
Uitgeverij de arbeiderspers ; 2008, 190 p.
Leonard maakt aanschouwelijk hoe China zich opstelt
tegenover de landen waarnaar het zijn producten in steeds
grotere mate exporteert, wat het aandeel is van de denkende
elite binnen een maatschappij zonder parlementaire traditie en
hoe China zich verhoudt tot de imperialistische wereldmacht
van de Verenigde Staten.
Financial foreign direct investment: the role of private
equity investments in the globalization of firms from
emerging markets / Agmon, Tamir & Messica, Avi
(Management International Review, 2009 vol 49 no 1, pp. 1126)
This paper provides a multidimensional analysis and
discussion on the role of private equity funds in the
globalization process of firms from emerging markets.
P 00774 GX 2009 vol 49 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 B III
Competing in emerging markets : cases and readings /
New York, London: Routledge ; 2008, 251 p. ISBN:
The phenomenon of emerging markets (EMs) - in relation to
both competing in these markets and competition from these
markets - does not warrant much introduction, if any at all.
Indeed, it is now common to find cover stories about various
aspects of these markets in leading business periodicals, for
example. The era of EMs has arrived. It is widely expected to
prevail, at least for the foreseeable future. This book was born
out of a personal conviction that a serious study of how
western as well as domestic firms could compete in EMs was
overdue. Also overdue was a much needed fundamental
rethinking about drivers of successful as well as unsuccessful
firm conduct in these markets.
152 049
339.9.001.8 (510)
Does country-of-origin matter in the relationship between
brand personality and purchase intention in emerging
economies? Evidence from China's auto industry / Wang,
Xuehua & Yang, Zhilin (International Marketing Review, 2008
vol 25 no 4, pp. 458- 474)
The purpose of this paper aims to investigate the
relationship between brand personality, country-of-origin
(COO) image and purchase intention. Specifically, it is
suggested that COO image exerts both main and interaction
impact on purchase intention.
P 00852 GRBR 2008 vol 25 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 50 G I
339.9.001.8 (529)
Why is there no momentum in the Taiwan stock market? /
Du, Ding & Huang, Zhaodan & Liao, Bih-Shuang (Journal of
Economics and Business, 2009 vol 61 no 2, pp. 140- 152)
Momentum strategies usually do not produce significant
profits in emerging stock markets. In this paper, we look at one
of the largest emerging markets, the Taiwan stock market
P 00691 EU 2009 vol 61 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 39 F II
152 136
Entry into emergent and uncertain product-markets : The
role of associative rhetoric / Lee, Gwendolyn K. &
Paruchuri, Srikanth (The Academy of Management Journal,
2008 vol 51 no 6, pp. 1171- 1188)
339.9.001.8 (540)
Impact of derivatives trading on emerging stock markets:
some evidence from India / Bhaumik, Sumon Kumar & Bose,
Suchismita (Comparative Economic Studies, 2009 vol 51 no 1,
pp. 118- 137)
We analyze how firms use media-associative rhetoric in
their decisions to enter emergent and uncertain
product-markets. In the context of our study, this type of
rhetoric associates the logics of firms' existing markets with
the not-yet-legitimated logics of a newly emerging market.
In this paper, building on Vipul (2005), we examine the
expiration day effects of equity index derivatives at the
National Stock Exchange (NSE) in India, the second fastest
growing (emerging) economy in the world
P 00790 EU 2009 vol 51 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 K II
P 00426 EU 2008 vol 51 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 G III
339.92 (100)
Power tools for negotiating international business deals /
Austin, Boston, Chicago: Kluwer Law International ; 2008, 220
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
The basics of international business deals. Negotiating
international sales of goods and services, agency and
consulting deals, distribution deals, license deals. International
joint ventures and consortium deals.
This paper explores commodity and manufactures price
over the past three centuries to answer three questions : has
commodity price volatility increased over time ? Have
commodities always shown greater price volatility than
manufactures ? Does world market integration breed more or
less commodity price volatility ?
152 126
P 00834 GRBRno 7190
339.92 (100.3)
Coopération fiscale : vers l' établissement de règles du
jeu équitables / Paris: OCDE ; 2008, 249 p.
Echange de renseignements. Accès aux informations
bancaires. Accès aux renseignements relatifs à la propriété, à
l'identité et d'ordre comptable.
151 879
Mondialisation : la montée des périls. La mondialisation,
perte ou nouvelle intelligence du monde ? Soft Power
américain et diversité culturelle. Justice sociale et utopies
nouvelles dans la mondialisation. Les transformations des
normes du travail et des relations de travail face à la
mondialisation de l'économie.
152 032
Petit manuel de la crise financière et des autres / Paris:
Syllepse ; 2009, 190 p.
Le scénario d'une crise annoncée. Le processus de
mondialisation dans le contexte d'une nouvelle période
économique à tendance récessionniste. Refuser le libéralisme
pour comprendre le monde et pouvoir le changer.
Perspectives, réponses possibles, propositions.
152 168
The oxford handbook of economic inequality / Salverda,
Wiemer & Nolan, Brian & Smeeding, Timothy M. New York:
Oxford University Press ; 2009, 736 p.
Wealth. The labor market. Poverty. Time use in the
household. Happiness. Health. Education. Demographic
transformation. International migration. Intergeneration income
Globalization. The welfare state
152 055
Forum public de l'OMC : "comment l'OMC peut-elle aider à
maîtriser la mondialisation ?" / Genève: Organisation
mondiale du Commerce ; 2008, 391 p.
Globalization,R&D and the ipod cycle / Sener, Fuat & Zhao,
Laixun (Journal of International Economics, 2009 vol 77 no 1,
pp. 101- 108)
We study the impact of globalization by considering an
increase in the efficiency of outsourcing-targeted R&D
triggered by reduced transportation and communication costs.
We find that such a change raises the aggregate rate of
outsourcing-targeted R&D intensities) while reducing the
North-South wage gap. The rate of innovation in
outsourcing-targeted-R&D increases, whereas that in
local-sourcing targeted R&D moves in an ambiguous direction.
These findings imply that the intensified outsourcing-targeted
R&D efforts and the resulting surge in the frequency of ipod
cycles play a robust role in boosting aggregate innovation
P 00474 PB 2009 vol 77 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 B II
Globalisation of internal venture capital opportunities in
developing small and medium enterprises' relationships /
Kiessling, Timothy & Harvey, Michael (International Journal of
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management (IJEIM), 2008
vol 8 no 3, pp. 233- 253)
High-tech SMEs are now turning towards strategic alliances
and the networks of these alliances to compete effectively.
This paper views the importance of the network of alliances
from a dynamic capabilities perspective, which builds on the
Resource-Based Views (RBV) of the SME.
P 00637 SS 2008 vol 8 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 E II
Financial foreign direct investment: the role of private
equity investments in the globalization of firms from
emerging markets / Agmon, Tamir & Messica, Avi
(Management International Review, 2009 vol 49 no 1, pp. 1126)
This paper provides a multidimensional analysis and
discussion on the role of private equity funds in the
globalization process of firms from emerging markets.
P 00774 GX 2009 vol 49 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 B III
151 627
We estimate a version of the Melitz and Ottaviano model of
international trade with firm heterogeneity
P 00474 PB 2009 vol 77 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 B II
Mondialisation : utopie, fatalité, alternatives? / Bruxelles:
Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis ; 2008, 196 p.
Gouvernance mondiale. Cohérence.
économique. Développement durable.
The dynamics of trade and competition / Chen, Natalie &
Imbs, Jean & Scott, Andrew (Journal of International
Economics, 2009 vol 77 no 1, pp. 50- 62)
Commodity price volatility and world market integration
since 1700. / Jacks, David S. & O'Rourke, Kevin H. &
Williamson, Jeffrey G. (CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7190, pp.
1- 36)
339.922 (100)
International labor standards and the political economy of
child labor regulation. / Doepke, Matthias & Zilibotti, Fabrizio
(CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7196, pp. 1- 12)
Child labor is a persistent phenomenon in many developing
countries. In recent years, support has been growing among
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
rich-country governments and consumer groups for the use of
trade policies, such as product boycotts and the imposition of
international labor standards, to reduce child labor in poor
countries. In this paper, we discuss research on the long-run
implications of such policies.
P 00834 GRBRno 7196
PAGE 100
This paper assesses China's "natural" place in the world
economy with a new set of trade integration indicators, which
are used as a benchmark in order to examine whether China's
share in international trade is consistent with fundamentals
such as economic size, location and other relevant factors.
P 00747 PB 2009 vol 20 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 E I
339.922 (100)
A year of dramatic change brings opportunity to rethink
the value of environmental taxes / Clémençon, Raymond
(The Journal of Environment & Development, 2009 vol 18 no
1, pp. 3- 16)
339.922 (519.5)
Globalization and economic inequality in the short and
long run: the case of South Korea 1975-1995 / Sato, Sumie
& Fukushige, Mototsugu (Journal of Asian Economics, 2009
vol 20 no 1, pp. 62- 68)
The economic crisis is a historic opportunity to wean the rich
world from its unsustainable resource consumption and help
poor and emerging economies to adopt sustainable
development practices. The advantage of economic
downturns is that they tend to force necessary structural
change that is otherwise difficult to accomplish politically.
We analyse the determinants of the Gini coefficient for
income and expenditure in South Korea between 1975 and
1995. These results suggest that the effect of economic
globalization on income inequality has two routes and two
different speeds
P 00940 GRBR 2009 vol 18 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 45 B I
P 00776 EU 2009 vol 20 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 28 B III
339.922 (100.3)
Understanding economic statistics : an OECD perspective
/ Giovannini, Enrico Paris: OECD ; 2008, 195 p.
Economic agents. Economic aggregates. The main
producers of economic statistics. An overview of OECD
economic statistics. Agriculture and fishery. Energy. Industry
and services. Science, technology and innovation.
Globalisation. Short-term economic indicators. Labour. Income
distribution and households' conditions. Monetary and financial
statistics. National accounts. OECD economic forecasts.
Territorial statistics. Economic history.
151 884
339.922 (4-15)
European responses to globalization : resistance,
adaptation and alternatives / Amsterdam, Boston,
Heidelberg: Elsevier ; 2006, 222 p.
Europe and globalization: recasting the dynamics of the
relationship. Can the European Union control the agenda of
globalization? Global markets, global corporations: how
european competition policy responds to globalization. Europe
: space, territory and identity. The world trading system : in the
fog of uncertainty. Globalization vs. development: is there a
european perspective?
151 766
339.922 (4-15)
The European Union and the social dimension of
globalization : how the EU influences the world / Orbie,
Jan London, New York: Routledge ; 2009, 249 p.
This volume provides a comprehensive account of the
European Union's social role in the world, assessing the EU's
ability to shape the social aspect of globalization from both law
and political science perspectives. Focusing explicitly on the
EU, the authors address the extent of coherence between the
Union's international social objectives compared with the
activities of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and
with other EU foreign policy goals.
152 132
339.922 (510)
Evaluating China's integration in world trade with a
gravity model based benchmark / Bussiere, Matthieu &
Schnatz, Bernd (Open Economies Review, 2009 vol 20 no 1,
pp. 85- 111)
339.922 (540) (548.7) (549)
Globalization, employment and mobility : the South Asian
Experience / Sato, Hiroshi Jetro: Palgrave Macmillan ; 2008,
319 p.
Job loss and job opportunities of factory workers in
Ahmedabad. Female garment workers in India and
Bangladesh in the post-MFA Era. Competitiveness of the
garment industry in Pakistan with particular focus on piece
rate workers. Economic liberalization and labour law reform in
India. Revision of the termination of employment of workmen
act and its implications. Indian debate on employment
reservation in the private sector. Labour demand in India's
textile and garment industries. Effects of the minimum wage
regulations on employment level and efficiency. Migration and
well-being at the lower echelons of the economy. The impact
of labour migration on household well-being.
152 206
339.922 (94)
L'évolution contemporaine du droit du travail australien
entre mondialisation économique et protection sociale /
Fiorentino, Allison (Revue internationale de Droit comparé,
2008 vol 60 no 4, pp. 975- 1022)
Le droit du travail australien n'a pas subi de modification
importante jusqu'au début des années 1990. L'adoption d'une
loi de 2005, 'Workplace Relations Amendment (Work Choices)
Act 2005. Une réforme intervenue en 2008 témoigne de la
volonté de la nouvelle majorité politique de mettre un terme à
la libéralisation du droit du travail. En outre une autre réforme
est prévue pour 2010.
P 00374 FR 2008 vol 60 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 53 E I
339.922EU (4)
Migration in an enlarged EU : a challenging solution ? /
Kahanec, Martin & Zimmermann, Klaus F. (CEPR Discussion
Papers,no 7200, pp. 1- 56)
The 2004 and 2007 enlargements of the European Union
were unprecedented in a number of economic and policy
aspects. This essay provides a broad and in-depth account of
the effects of the post-enlargement migration flows on the
receiving as well as sending countries in three broader areas :
labour markets, welfare systems, and growth and
P 00834 GRBRno 7200
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
339.922EU (4-15)
The economic performance of the European Union :
issues, trends and policies / Rusek, Antonin & Fidrmuc,
Jarko New York: Palgrave Macmillan ; 2009, 262 p.
The Swedish economic model. The European Central Bank
inflation target and economic growth in the Eurozone. Real
effective exchange rate for the euro. Exchange rate policy
strategy in large currency areas. Euro areas enlargement and
European Central Bank reform. Fiscal convergence in
monetary union. Business cycles similarity and EMU
enlargement. Monetary policy before euro adoption. Fiscal
performance and economic growth in the old and new member
states of the EU
152 209
339.922EU (438)
Demographic and labour-market impacts of migration on
Poland / Okolski, Marek & Kaczmarczyk, Pawel (Oxford
Review of Economic Policy, 2008 vol 24 no 3, pp. 599- 624)
Post-2004 labour migration from Poland turned out to be
one of the most spectacular migratory movements in
contemporary European history. This outflow on a massive
scale is surmised to impact on demographic, economic, and
social phenomena both in Poland and in the receiving
countries. The aim of this paper is to assess the demographic
and labour-market impacts of the recent migration of Poles
P 00830 GRBR 2008 vol 24 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 K III
339.922EU (438)
Worker mobility within Polish agriculture / Ingham, Hilary &
Ingham, Mike (Comparative Economic Studies, 2009 vol 51 no
1, pp. 51- 74)
Poland's entry into the EU and attendant commitment to the
achievement of a range of ambitious labour market and social
targets have served merely to re-emphasise the need for the
rationalisation of its most conspicuous socialist paradox: a
private agricultural sector that, on one count, employs over
one-quarter of the country's workers
P 00790 EU 2009 vol 51 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 K II
Honwana, Alcinda & Greig, Alan & Tadros, Mariz & Bivens,
Felix & Moriarty, Kathleen & Taylor, Peter & Sabates-Wheeler,
Rachel & Devereux, Stephen & Hodges, Anthony (IDS
Bulletin, 2009 vol 40 no 1, pp. 1- 119)
This IDS Bulletin explores the question of intergenerational
transmissions and, particularly, whether and how states,
societies, development actors and parents, among others, are
building the conditions under which children can imagine and
realise better futures.
P 00961 GRBR 2009 vol 40 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 H I
339.96 (6)
Return migration and entrepreneurship in Ghana and Côte
d'Ivoire : The role of capital transfers / Black, Richard &
Castaldo, Adriana (Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale
Geografie (TESG), 2009 vol 100 no 1, pp. 44- 58)
This paper explores the relationship between international
migration and entrepreneurship, drawing on data on around
300 return migrants to two West African states, Ghana, and
Côte d'Ivoire. The analysis suggests that work experience
abroad is the most significant predictor of entrepreneurial
activity among the return migrants interviewed.
P 00217 PB 2009 vol 100 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 17 E II
Vers une croissance pro-pauvres : orientations à
l'intention des donneurs / Paris: OCDE ; 2007, 369 p.
La responsabilisation politique et le processus d'élaboration
des politiques. Elimination des obstacles à l'intégration dans
l'économie formelle. La contribution du secteur financier.
Faciliter l'accés des femmes au marché. Les raisons d'un
nouveau plan d'action pour l'agriculture. Promouvoir la
diversification des activités rénumératrices. Développer et
améliorer les infrastructures. Les infrastructures au service de
la pauvreté. L'appréciation préalable de l'impact sur la
151 615
Development made sexy : How it happened and what it
means / Cameron, John & Haanstra, Anna (Third World
Quarterly, 2008 vol 29 no 8, pp. 1475- 1489)
The article argues that the ways in which development
organisations represent the global South and development
work play an important role in the construction of social power
relations between people in the global North and the global
P 00841 GRBR 2008 vol 29 no 8 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 F I
The stop climate chaos coalition : Climate change as a
development issue / Saunders, Clare (Third World Quarterly,
2008 vol 29 no 8, pp. 1509- 1526)
339.961 (5) (6)
La dérive des continents: l'Asie et l'Afrique / Chaponnière,
Jean-Raphaël (Futuribles : Analyse et Prospective, 2009 no
350, pp. 5- 25)
The extent to which SCC member organisations address
climate change as a global justice issue is explored through a
content analysis of their websites, and a survey of participants
in the SCC I-Count march, London, 3 November 2006.
Quelle est la réalité de cette coppération afro-asiatique? De
quand date-t-elle, sur quoi repose-t-elle, quelles sont ses
perspectives d'évolution? Après un rappel historique montrant
que les pays d'Asie ne sont pas de nouveaux venus dand le
paysage africain, Jean-Raphaël Chaponnière présente la
nature des relations, en particulier économiques et
commerciales, qui unissent les deux continents, ne se limitant
pas à la Chine ou à l'Inde.
P 00841 GRBR 2008 vol 29 no 8 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 F I
Intergenerational transmissions: cultivating agency? /
Moncrieffe, Joy & Hossain, Naomi & Kabeer, Naila & Mahmud,
Simeen & Sumner, Andy & Haddad, Lawrence & Gomez
Climent, Laura & Tariquzzaman, Sheikh & Sengupta, Anasuya
& Edström, Jerker & Khan, Nichola & Gayle, Herbert &
P 00819 FR 2009 no 350 SALLE/ZAAL: 33 E III
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
Development made sexy : How it happened and what it
means / Cameron, John & Haanstra, Anna (Third World
Quarterly, 2008 vol 29 no 8, pp. 1475- 1489)
The article argues that the ways in which development
organisations represent the global South and development
work play an important role in the construction of social power
relations between people in the global North and the global
P 00841 GRBR 2008 vol 29 no 8 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 F I
339.961:33 (100.3)
Financer le développement 2008 : appropriation? / Paris:
OCDE ; 2008, 123 p.
Va-t-on vers une appropriation des politiques de
développement par les pays bénéficiaires ? Cette question,
toute simple, appelle des réponses complexes. Les bailleurs
de fonds et les dirigeants des pays en développement tentent
de traduire ce principe dans la réalité, sans faire hélas
beaucoup de progrès. Cet ouvrage ouvre d'utiles perspectives
à tous ceux dont l'ambition est de rendre le financement du
développement plus efficace.
151 513
339.961:33 (493) (493=40)
Les aides de la région wallonne aux P.M.E. : synthèse et
évaluation / Louvain: Université catholique de Louvain Faculté des sciences agronomiques ; 1995, p.m.
Notion de P.M.E. Analyse de la politique d'aide de la région
wallonne en matière d'aide aux P.M.E. Les activités visées par
les aides. Efficacité des aides aux P.M.E. Résultats obtenus
en Wallonie. les orientations de la politique industrielle
152 264
34 (4-15) (493)
Code de l'égalité : recueil de législation en matière
d'égalité des chances entre hommes et femmes /
Bruxelles: Ministère Fédéral de l'Emploi et du Travail ; 1999,
479 p.
Législation internationale et européenne. Législation belge.
Jurisprudence de la Cour de Justice des Communautés
européennes. Jurisprudence belge. Publications de la
Commission du Travail des femmes et du Conseil de l'Egalité
des chances entre hommes et femmes. Publications
151 940
PAGE 102
340.1 (493)
Hommage à Jan Corbet : la loi belge sur le droit d'auteur
(commentaire par article) / Brison, Fabienne & Vanhees,
Hendrik Gent: Larcier ; 2008, 529 p.
In deze tweede editie van het Huldeboek Jan Corbet
worden door vooraanstaande auteursrechtspecialisten de
verschillende artikelen van de Belgische auteurswet
becommentarieerd. Ieder artikel wordt grondig besproken en
ontleed in de taal van de auteur. Dans cette seconde édition
de l'Hommage à Jan Corbet, de grands spécialistes du droit
d'auteur commentent les articles de la loi belge sur le droit
d'auteur. Chaque article est analysé et commenté de manière
détaillée dans la langue de l'auteur.
152 139
340.132.2 (4-15)
EC competition law handbook / Van Der Woude, Marc &
Jones, Christopher London: Sweet & Maxwell ; 2008, 612 p.
Conditions for the application of both articles 81 and 82.
Horizontal agreements. Vertical agreements. Industrial and
intellectual property agreements. Joint ventures. State
intervention. Sectoral application of EC competition rules.
Procedure and remedies. Jurisdiction : cases and references.
Chronological list of commission decisions.
151 992
340.132.2 (4-15)
Les partenariats public-privé : le choix du partenaire privé
au regard du droit communautaire / Bruxelles: ; 2009, 264
Répondant à l'intérêt croissant des pouvoirs publics et des
investisseurs privés pour ce nouvel outil de développement
des politiques publiques que constitue le PPP, cet ouvrage
étudie les règles et principes qui gouvernent le choix du
partenaire privé par les pouvoirs publics souhaitant mettre en
place un PPP.
152 034
340.132.2 (4-15)
Les entraves fiscales dans le marché intérieur. / Maitrot De
La Motte, Alexandre & Buisson, Jacques & Talon,
Jean-François & Delaunay, Benoît & Heydt, Volker & Molinier,
Joël (Revue des Affaires Européennes, 2007/ 2008 no 1, pp.
7- 94)
Les entraves fiscales dans le marché intérieur. La notion
d'entrave fiscale. Les entraves fiscales "à l'entrée" et le
principe communautaire de non-discrimination. La justification
des entraves fiscales. Les entraves fiscales au sein des
groupes de sociétés. Les méthodes d'élimination des entraves
P 00895 FR 2007/ 2008 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 53 H II
340.14 (4-15) (493)
Code de l'égalité : recueil de législation en matière
d'égalité des chances entre hommes et femmes /
Bruxelles: Ministère Fédéral de l'Emploi et du Travail ; 1999,
479 p.
Législation internationale et européenne. Législation belge.
Jurisprudence de la Cour de Justice des Communautés
européennes. Jurisprudence belge. Publications de la
Commission du Travail des femmes et du Conseil de l'Egalité
des chances entre hommes et femmes. Publications
151 940
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
340.14 (493)
Annuaire juiridique du crédit et du réglement collectif de
dettes 2006 : crédit hypothécaire, crédit à la
consommation et réglement collectif de dettes /
Marchienne-au-Pont: Observatoire du Crédit et de
l'Endettement ; 2006, 708 p.
Vous y retrouverez une sélection de décisions judiciaires
ainsi que diverses informations en matière de services
financiers et de procédures de règlement d'insolvabilité se
rapportant à l'année 2006. Het jaarboek biedt een selectie van
rechterlijke beslissingen en diverse informatie over financiële
diensten en insolventieprocedures van het jaar 2006.
151 982
340.14 (493)
Hommage à Jan Corbet : la loi belge sur le droit d'auteur
(commentaire par article) / Brison, Fabienne & Vanhees,
Hendrik Gent: Larcier ; 2008, 529 p.
In deze tweede editie van het Huldeboek Jan Corbet
worden door vooraanstaande auteursrechtspecialisten de
verschillende artikelen van de Belgische auteurswet
becommentarieerd. Ieder artikel wordt grondig besproken en
ontleed in de taal van de auteur. Dans cette seconde édition
de l'Hommage à Jan Corbet, de grands spécialistes du droit
d'auteur commentent les articles de la loi belge sur le droit
d'auteur. Chaque article est analysé et commenté de manière
détaillée dans la langue de l'auteur.
152 139
relevante elementen van de B.T.W.-wetgeving, waar nodig
aangevuld met nuttige referenties. Gekozen werd voor een
systematische benadering. In dit zakboekje worden de regels
inzake B.T.W. uitgelegd in de volgorde van het W.B.T.W.
Uiteraard wordt de link gelegd met de zesde B.T.W -richtlijn.
151 682
340.5 (410) (44) (73)
Les maux des mots en droit comparé : L'avant-projet de
réforme du droit des obligations en anglais / Levasseur,
Alain A. (Revue internationale de Droit comparé, 2008 vol 60
no 4, pp. 819- 859)
Le système mixte de la Louisiane invite le comparatiste à
participer à une expérience unique vécue depuis deux cents
ans exactement par une culture juridique fermement ancrée
dans les droits romain, espagnol et français, droits du
continent européen, et reproduite, en surface, dans la langue
de la common law née en Angleterre.
P 00374 FR 2008 vol 60 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 53 E I
340.5 (430) (44)
Vers une convergence des droits allemand et français des
sociétés? / Jung, Peter (Revue internationale de Droit
comparé, 2008 vol 60 no 4, pp. 861- 884)
Une convergence des droits français et allemand des
sociétés, encore très divisés sur de nombreux points, se
montre d'une part indirectement à travers le droit
communautaire et d'autre part spontanément grâce à
l'introduction de structures juridiques communes.
P 00374 FR 2008 vol 60 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 53 E I
340.14 (493)
Règles communes à toutes les entreprises - impôt des
personnes physiques - fiscalité du dirigeant d'entreprise procédure fiscale. / Coppens, Pierre-François Bruxelles: ;
2008, 807 p.
La déterminiation de la base imposable. Les revenus et les
avantages fiscaux immobiliers. Les revenus de capitaux et de
biens immobiliers. Les éléments constitutifs du bénéfice. Le
régime fiscal des plus-values professionelle. Les provisions
pour risques et charges. Les conditions de déduction des frais
professionelles. Le forfait légal de charges. Le régime fiscal
des amortissements. Les dépenses non admises. Les revenus
imposables d'un dirigeant d'entreprise. Les revenus divers.
Les revenus taxables à l'occassion de la cessation. Les règles
des procédures fiscale.
152 036 /I
340.14 (493)
Guide TVA 2006 / Lejeune, Ine Bruxelles: Wolters Kluwer ;
2006, 585 p. ISBN: 90-5938-967-0
Le guide TVA offre au lecteur, point par point, un aperçu
succinct et clair des éléments pertinents de la législation en
matière de T.V.A., éventuellement complété de références
utiles. La matière fait l'objet d'une approche systématique.
Dans cet ouvrage, les règles applicables en matière de T.V.A.
sont exposées selon un ordre identique à celui du code de la
T.V.A. Bien entendu, le lien avec la sixième directive T.V.A.
est mis en exergue.
151 683
340.14 (493)
BTW-gids 2006 / Lejeune, Ine Brussel: Wolters Kluwer ; 2006,
611 p. ISBN: 90-465-0747-5
De BTW-gids biedt de lezer beknopt en overzichtelijk, mede
door de puntsgewijze benadering, een overzicht van de
341.1 (73)
War, intelligence, and honesty : a review essay. / Jervis,
Robert (Political Science Quarterly, 2008 vol 123 no 4, pp.
645- 677)
The problem is that when dealing with cases like the war in
Iraq, he also has to defend without sounding defensive, and to
use enough hindsight to enrich the narrative without allowing it
to be skewed by how things turned out. Because so much
depends on the faith the reader develops in the author, false
moves spoil the efect.
P 00196 EU 2008 vol 123 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 20 E II
341.111 (4-15)
The politics of the Lisbon strategy: The changing role of
the commission / Borras, Susana (West European Politics,
2009 vol 32 no 1, pp. 97- 118)
This article examines the politics of the Lisbon strategy
before and after its major watershed reform in 2005, with
particular attention to the role of the European Commission.
Operating in an ambiguous partial delegation of power, the
Commission changed from performing a strong administrative
role in the 2000-04 period to performing a political role after
P 00774 GRBR 2009 vol 32 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 20 J III
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
The fallacy of the 'Failed state' / Call, Charles T. (Third
World Quarterly, 2008 vol 29 no 8, pp. 1491- 1507)
The article details six serious problems with the term 'state
failure' and related terms like 'fragile' or 'troubled' states,
concluding that analysts should abandon these terms. It
concludes with a modest attempt to develop alternative
concepts and principles for thinking about diverse states that
pose varied challenges for academic analysis and policy
P 00841 GRBR 2008 vol 29 no 8 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 F I
341.7 (430) (44)
Vers une convergence des droits allemand et français des
sociétés? / Jung, Peter (Revue internationale de Droit
comparé, 2008 vol 60 no 4, pp. 861- 884)
Une convergence des droits français et allemand des
sociétés, encore très divisés sur de nombreux points, se
montre d'une part indirectement à travers le droit
communautaire et d'autre part spontanément grâce à
l'introduction de structures juridiques communes.
P 00374 FR 2008 vol 60 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 53 E I
342.4 (410)
Vers une constitution britannique fondée sur des
principes normatifs / Oliver, Dawn (Revue internationale de
Droit comparé, 2008 vol 60 no 4, pp. 807- 818)
Analyse d'une évolution importante que s'est produite au
Royaume-Uni, depuis trois décennies environ, et qui a vu la
Constitution, qui était originairement une constitution
simplement politique, se transformer en une constitution
essentiellement normative.
P 00374 FR 2008 vol 60 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 53 E I
342.7 (100-77) (675)
"Nouveau voyage au Congo : Les défis de la
reconstruction" / Vircoulon, Thierry & Pourtier, Roland &
Mazalto, Marie & Trefon, Théodore & Mukanga, Raphaël
Diumasumbu & Moufflet, Véronique & Renard, Yves (Afrique
contemporaine, 2008 no 227, pp. 17- 152)
Introduction thématique; La République démocratique du
Congo : questions autour de la reconstruction post-conflit.
Reconstruire le territoire pour reconstruire l'Etat. La réforme du
secteur minier. La réforme du secteur forestier. Réforme
administrative. La Chine, nouvel acteur de la reconstruction
congolaise. Le paradigme du viol comme arme de guerre. Des
médias entre prolifération anarchique, impunité et pauvreté.
P 00647 FR 2008 no 227 SALLE/ZAAL: 28 H II
342.70 (100)
International labor standards and the political economy of
child labor regulation. / Doepke, Matthias & Zilibotti, Fabrizio
(CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7196, pp. 1- 12)
PAGE 104
Child labor is a persistent phenomenon in many developing
countries. In recent years, support has been growing among
rich-country governments and consumer groups for the use of
trade policies, such as product boycotts and the imposition of
international labor standards, to reduce child labor in poor
countries. In this paper, we discuss research on the long-run
implications of such policies.
P 00834 GRBRno 7196
342.721 (569.4)
Privacy : proprietary or human right ? An Israeli law
perspective. / Schreiber, Arye (Intellectual Property Quarterly,
2009 no 1, pp. 99- 138)
The legislature and the courts would do well to consider the
nature of the right they are protectinf, so that the right to
privacy may evolve in a manner consistent with the doctrinal
underpinnings of the right.
P 00755 GRBR 2009 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 K III
Wage differential, discrimination and inequality: a
cautionary note on the Juhn, Murphy and Pierce
decomposition method / Yun, Myeong-Su (Scottish Journal
of Political Economy, 2009 vol 56 no 1, pp. 114- 122)
This paper shows how difficult it is to study the roles of
discrimination and unobserved skills when studying changes
in racial and gender wage gaps over time by examining merits
and shortcomings of a popular decomposition method by
Juhn, Murphy and Pierce (JMP).
P 00706 GRBR 2009 vol 56 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 J I
Gender differences in risk behaviour : does nurture matter
? / Booth, Alison L. & Nolen, Patrick (CEPR Discussion
Papers,no 7198, pp. 1- 25)
Suggests that observed gender differences in behaviour
under uncertainty found in previous studies might reflect social
learning rather than inherent gender traits.
P 00834 GRBRno 7198
The demographic transition and the sexual division of
labor. / Soares, Rodrigo R. & Falcao, Bruno L.S. (Journal of
Political Economy (JPE), 2008 vol 116 no 6, pp. 1058- 1104)
This paper presents a theory in which increases in female
labor force participation and reductions in the gender-wage
gap are generated as part of a single process of demographic
transition, initially characterized by reductions in mortality and
fertility. The paper suggests a relationship between gains in
life expectancy and changes in the role of women in society
that has not been identified before in the literature.
P 00197 EU 2008 vol 116 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 J III
Intergenerational transmissions: cultivating agency? /
Moncrieffe, Joy & Hossain, Naomi & Kabeer, Naila & Mahmud,
Simeen & Sumner, Andy & Haddad, Lawrence & Gomez
Climent, Laura & Tariquzzaman, Sheikh & Sengupta, Anasuya
& Edström, Jerker & Khan, Nichola & Gayle, Herbert &
Honwana, Alcinda & Greig, Alan & Tadros, Mariz & Bivens,
Felix & Moriarty, Kathleen & Taylor, Peter & Sabates-Wheeler,
Rachel & Devereux, Stephen & Hodges, Anthony (IDS
Bulletin, 2009 vol 40 no 1, pp. 1- 119)
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
This IDS Bulletin explores the question of intergenerational
transmissions and, particularly, whether and how states,
societies, development actors and parents, among others, are
building the conditions under which children can imagine and
realise better futures.
P 00961 GRBR 2009 vol 40 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 H I
By drawing on a panel data set covering a large number of
countries between 1982-1997, substantial empirical support is
found for an inverted U relationship between the durability
(age) of democracy and corruption. Fortunately, the turning
point in corruption occurs rather early in the life of new
democracies - between 10-12 years.
P 00712 GRBR 2009 vol 45 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 I II
342.722.1 (100)
Gender, culture, and corruption: insights from an
experimental analysis / Alatas, Vivi & Cameron, Lisa &
Chaudhuri, Ananish & Erkal, Nisvan & Gangadharan, Lata
(Southern Economic Journal, 2009 vol 75 no 3, pp. 663- 680)
A substantial body of recent research looks at differences in
the behavior of men and women in diverse economic
transactions. We contribute to this literature by investigating
gender differences in behavior when confronted with a
common bribery problem.
P 00261 EU 2009 vol 75 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 G III
343.352 (100)
Gender, culture, and corruption: insights from an
experimental analysis / Alatas, Vivi & Cameron, Lisa &
Chaudhuri, Ananish & Erkal, Nisvan & Gangadharan, Lata
(Southern Economic Journal, 2009 vol 75 no 3, pp. 663- 680)
A substantial body of recent research looks at differences in
the behavior of men and women in diverse economic
transactions. We contribute to this literature by investigating
gender differences in behavior when confronted with a
common bribery problem.
P 00261 EU 2009 vol 75 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 G III
342.722.1 (4-15) (493)
Code de l'égalité : recueil de législation en matière
d'égalité des chances entre hommes et femmes /
Bruxelles: Ministère Fédéral de l'Emploi et du Travail ; 1999,
479 p.
Législation internationale et européenne. Législation belge.
Jurisprudence de la Cour de Justice des Communautés
européennes. Jurisprudence belge. Publications de la
Commission du Travail des femmes et du Conseil de l'Egalité
des chances entre hommes et femmes. Publications
343.52 (510)
Strike and changing workplace relations in a Chinese
global factory / Chan, Chris King-Chi (Industrial Relations
Journal, 2009 vol 40 no 1, pp. 60- 77)
This article engages with the debate around global
capitalism and labour politics in the context of China. Data
were drawn from fieldwork on a Taiwanese-invested factory,
where a strike was stagedin 2004.
P 00895 GRBR 2009 vol 40 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 23 B I
151 940
342.722.1 (5-12) (5-13) (549)
Public-private sector segmentation in the Pakistani labour
market / Aslam, Monazza & Kingdon, Geeta (Journal of Asian
Economics, 2009 vol 20 no 1, pp. 34- 49)
This study investigates public-private sector wage
differentials for male and female waged employees in Pakistan
P 00776 EU 2009 vol 20 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 28 B III
Corporate fraud and investment distortions in efficient
capital markets / Kumar, Praveen & Langberg, Nisan (The
Rand Journal of Economics, 2009 vol 40 no 1, pp. 144- 172)
Inefficient investment allocation induced by corporate fraud,
where informed insiders strategically manipulate outside
investors' beliefs, has been endemic historically and has
recently attracted much attention. Our framework helps
explain why easy access to external capital appears to
facilitate corporate fraud
P 00642 EU 2009 vol 40 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 L II
343 (680)
Alcohol taxes vs. preventative measures: a theoretical
note / Black, Pa & Black, Pa (The South African Journal of
Economics, 2008 vol 76 no 4, pp. 607- 611)
The purpose of this note is to compare the efficiency of
excise taxes on alcohol consumption with that of direct
measures aimed at eliminating or reducing the negative
externalities caused by excessive drinking.
P 00006 SAF 2008 vol 76 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 28 I III
Corruption and democracy / Rock, Michael T. (The Journal
of Development Studies, 2009 vol 45 no 1, pp. 55- 75)
343.81 (44)
Le travail pénitentiaire: sens et articulation des temps
vécus des travailleurs incarcérés / Guilbaud Fabrice (Revue
française de Sociologie, 2008 vol 49 no 4, pp. 763- 791)
Dans une perspective de sociologie du travail sont
analysées les incidences sociales(pratiques et symboliques)
de l'exercice d'une activité de travail sur le rapport au temps
des personnes détenues. Le travail contribue à la sécurité de
la prison. Pour les détenus, il est une ressource forte de
réappropriation spatiale et temporelle dans un contexte de
privation de liberté
P 00395 FR 2008 vol 49 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 07 J II
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
347 (44) (698.2)
Les limites d'adaptation-interprétation du code civil
français dans la synthèse du droit mixte mauricien /
Gunputh, Rajendra Parsad (Revue internationale de Droit
comparé, 2008 vol 60 no 4, pp. 885- 925)
Le droit mauricien est une étrange alchémie. Malgré son
indépendence en 1968, le droit mauricien continue de
s'inspirer des sources étrangères dont principalement le droit
civil français et le droit anglais qui cohabitent en parfaite
PAGE 106
Jacques (Intellectual Property Quarterly, 2009 no 1, pp. 2776)
The analysis concludes that, beyond the potential
differences in the substantive level of protection of trade
secrets and of music (as resulting from the substantive
intellectual property laws) which may exist between national or
regional intellectual property regimes, hurdles to the
cross-border flow of intellectual assets may also-and perhaps
more importantly-result from other legal fields.
P 00755 GRBR 2009 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 K III
P 00374 FR 2008 vol 60 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 53 E I
347 (569.4)
Privacy : proprietary or human right ? An Israeli law
perspective. / Schreiber, Arye (Intellectual Property Quarterly,
2009 no 1, pp. 99- 138)
The legislature and the courts would do well to consider the
nature of the right they are protectinf, so that the right to
privacy may evolve in a manner consistent with the doctrinal
underpinnings of the right.
P 00755 GRBR 2009 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 K III
Intellectual property shall be protected!? - Article 17 (2) of
the charter of fundamental rights of the European Union :
A mysterious provision with an unclear scope / Geiger,
Christophe (European Intellectual Property Review (EIPR) : a
journal concerning the management of technology, copyrights
and trade names, 2009 vol 31 no 3, pp. 113- 117)
Can contracts solve the hold-up problem ? experimental
evidence. / Hoppe, Eva I. & Schmitz, Patrick W. (CEPR
Discussion Papers,no 7205, pp. 1- 24)
In the contract-theoretic literature, there is a vital debate
about whether contracts can mitigate the hold-up problem
when renegotiation cannot be prevented.
P 00834 GRBRno 7205
347.4 (100)
Power tools for negotiating international business deals /
Austin, Boston, Chicago: Kluwer Law International ; 2008, 220
The basics of international business deals. Negotiating
international sales of goods and services, agency and
consulting deals, distribution deals, license deals. International
joint ventures and consortium deals.
152 126
On December 7, 2000, intellectual property (IP) entered the
"Pantheon" of European fundamental rights protection.
347.4 (493)
Gebruykt dese mynen arbeit tot uwen besten / Kalmthout:
Biblo ; 2009, 670 p.
P 00949 GRBR 2009 vol 31 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 K I
Where is the What is the What is in Why? : A rough guide
to the maze of geographical indicaions / Jokuti, Andras
(European Intellectual Property Review (EIPR) : a journal
concerning the management of technology, copyrights and
trade names, 2009 vol 31 no 3, pp. 118- 123)
Instead of being a genuine intellectual property (IP) item, the
provisions concerning geographical indications are rather a
policy-inspired set of rules which are arching over several
fields of law such as competition rules, consumer protection,
agriculture-related regulatory tools, and of course, IP, with a
special relationship to trade mark law.
152 073
Can contracts solve the hold-up problem ? experimental
evidence. / Hoppe, Eva I. & Schmitz, Patrick W. (CEPR
Discussion Papers,no 7205, pp. 1- 24)
In the contract-theoretic literature, there is a vital debate
about whether contracts can mitigate the hold-up problem
when renegotiation cannot be prevented.
P 00949 GRBR 2009 vol 31 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 K I
International proposals for the criminal enforcement of
intellectual property rights : international concern with
counterfeiting and piracy. / Blakeney, Michael (Intellectual
Property Quarterly, 2009 no 1, pp. 1- 26)
This article examines the scale of counterfeiting and piracy,
its measurement and impacts. The principal policy responses
to this growing trade have been the proposed strengthening of
criminal enforcement of IPRs and this article considers the
current negotiations for a plurilateral anti-counterfeiting trade
agreement (ACTA).
P 00755 GRBR 2009 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 K III
Verzameling van de in memoriam over Jan Ronse. Een
aantal van zijn publicaties betreffende onderwijs, onderzoek
verbintenissenrecht en vennootschapsrecht.
What legal framework for promoting the cross-border flow
of intellectual assets (trade secrets and music) ? A view
from Europe towards Asia (China and Japan). / de Werra,
P 00834 GRBRno 7205
Not all responses to breach are the same : The
interconnection of social exchange and psychological
contract processes in organizations / Dulac, Tanguy &
Henderson, David J. & Coyle-Shapiro, Jacqueline A.-M &
Wayne, Sandy J. (The Academy of Management Journal,
2008 vol 51 no 6, pp. 1079- 1098)
We examined psychological contract breach and violation
as they occur within social exchange relationships to account
for employee outcomes. Results of a longitudinal study
suggested that contract breach partially mediated the effects
of perceived organizational support (POS) and leader-member
exchange (LMX) (time 1 measures on intentions to quit (time 2
P 00426 EU 2008 vol 51 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 G III
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
Can contracts solve the hold-up problem ? experimental
evidence. / Hoppe, Eva I. & Schmitz, Patrick W. (CEPR
Discussion Papers,no 7205, pp. 1- 24)
In the contract-theoretic literature, there is a vital debate
about whether contracts can mitigate the hold-up problem
when renegotiation cannot be prevented.
P 00834 GRBRno 7205
347.7 (4)
Fundamental rights and the European regulation of
iConsumer contracts / Mak, Chantal (Journal of Consumer
Policy, 2008 vol 31 no 4, pp. 425- 439)
This paper addresses the question of how fundamental
rights affect European legislation and adjudication on
contracts regarding digital information services (iConsumer
P 00710 ALL 2008 vol 31 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 49 H III
347.7 (493)
Guide droit des sociétés 2007 / Bruxelles: Wolters Kluwer ;
2007, 936 p.
Le "Guide droit des sociétés" a été adapté aux données
actuelles disponibles et aux modifications survenues en droit
des sociétés et en droit fiscal. La dernière mise à jour date du
1 février 2007. Une attention particulière a été accordée aux
nouvelles dispostions concernant le protocole XBRL pour
l'établissement de comptes annuels par voie informatique, la
société coopérative européenne, les diverses modifications
apportées au code des sociétés, la circulaire TVA sur la
livraison intercommunautaire, la coordination de la déduction
pour investissement.
151 697
347.7 (529)
La nouvelle loi chinoise du 27 août 2006 sur la faillite
d'entreprises et quelques réflexions critiques / Ren,
Junmin (Revue internationale de Droit comparé, 2008 vol 60
no 4, pp. 929- 955)
La nouvelle loi contient bien des perfectionnements,
notamment concernant l'introduction des mécanismes de
réorganisation et du rôle d'administrateur. Au niveau de
protection des salariés, se manifeste un recul considérable qui
serait contraire à la tendance des actitivités législatives des
pays industriels dont la France. Il nécessite que le législateur
chinois prenne en considération ces défauts afin d'envisager
une modification législative éventuelle.
P 00374 FR 2008 vol 60 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 53 E I
347.72 (493)
Gebruykt dese mynen arbeit tot uwen besten / Kalmthout:
Biblo ; 2009, 670 p.
Verzameling van de in memoriam over Jan Ronse. Een
aantal van zijn publicaties betreffende onderwijs, onderzoek
verbintenissenrecht en vennootschapsrecht.
152 073
347.72 (493)
Les prix de transfert / Vanwelkenhuyzen, Thierry Bruxelles: ;
2009, 263 p.
Ce livre rassemble pour la première fois une analyse
approfondie des dispositions fiscales belges des prix de
multinationaux ainsi qu'une description des principes
fondamentaux des prix de transfert dont le maître d'oeuvre est
152 033
347.72 (493)
Guide droit des sociétés 2007 / Bruxelles: Wolters Kluwer ;
2007, 936 p.
Le "Guide droit des sociétés" a été adapté aux données
actuelles disponibles et aux modifications survenues en droit
des sociétés et en droit fiscal. La dernière mise à jour date du
1 février 2007. Une attention particulière a été accordée aux
nouvelles dispostions concernant le protocole XBRL pour
l'établissement de comptes annuels par voie informatique, la
société coopérative européenne, les diverses modifications
apportées au code des sociétés, la circulaire TVA sur la
livraison intercommunautaire, la coordination de la déduction
pour investissement.
151 697
Innovation and institutional ownership. / Aghion, Philippe &
Van Reenen, John & Zingales, Luigi (CEPR Discussion
Papers,no 7195, pp. 1- 59)
This paper is a first attempt analyzing the corporate
governance of innovation and more specifically the role of
institutional owners in fostering (or retarding) innovation.
P 00834 GRBRno 7195
347.72.023 (861)
Corporate ownership and control contestability in
emerging markets: the case of Colombia / Gutiérrez, Luis
H. & Pombo, Carlos (Journal of Economics and Business,
2009 vol 61 no 2, pp. 112- 139)
This study examines the structure of voting control and
blockholders' contestability for a sample of 233 non-financial
listed firms in Colombia during 1996-2004.
P 00691 EU 2009 vol 61 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 39 F II
Social Capital and Social Influence on the Board of
Directors / Stevenson, William B. & Radin, Robert F. (Journal
of Management Studies, 2009 vol 46 no 1, pp. 16- 44)
In this study we took a multi-method approach to address
the question of who gains power in the boardroom in terms of
the use of human and social capital by board members
P 00945 GRBR 2009 vol 46 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 B II
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
An empirical analysis of the relationship between capital
acquisition and bankruptcy laws / Van Auken, Howard &
Kaufmann, Jeffrey & Herrmann, Pol (Journal of Small
Business Management (JSBM), 2009 vol 47 no 1, pp. 23- 37)
Data from a sample of small firms confirm our hypothesis by
showing that as the level of initial capital acquisition increases,
owners embark on activities intended to reduce firm risk.
However, capital acquisition is not associated with the owner's
familarity with bankruptcy regulations. As a result,
governmental objectives in establishing these regulations may
not be achieved.
P 00759 EU 2009 vol 47 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 39 K I
347.736 (4-15) (493)
Charte européenne des petites entreprises / Bruxelles: SPF
Economie, PME, Classes moyennes et Energie ; 2004, 60 p.
Questions generales de la Commission europeenne.
Education à l'esprit d'entreprise, en particulier l'enseignement
secondaire. Meilleure législation, en particulier la loi en
matière de faillite et l'analyse d'impact. Penurie de
main-d'oeuvre qualifiée, en particulier les mesures visant à
surmonter le manque de techniciens et d'ingenieurs qualifiés.
Autres volets de la Charte.
PAGE 108
Conditions for the application of both articles 81 and 82.
Horizontal agreements. Vertical agreements. Industrial and
intellectual property agreements. Joint ventures. State
intervention. Sectoral application of EC competition rules.
Procedure and remedies. Jurisdiction : cases and references.
Chronological list of commission decisions.
151 992
347.77 (540)
Pruning the evergreen tree : Section 3(d) of the Indian
Patents Act 1970 / Ramanujan, Adarsh & Sen, Rajarshi
(European Intellectual Property Review (EIPR) : a journal
concerning the management of technology, copyrights and
trade names, 2009 vol 31 no 3, pp. 135- 140)
This article critically examines the controversial s.3(d) of the
Patents Act 1970 (hereinafter "the Act") in light of the decision
of the Madras High Court in a recent writ petition, filed by
Novartis India Ltd, the Indian subsidiary of a Swiss-based
pharmaceutical company.
P 00949 GRBR 2009 vol 31 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 K I
152 275
347.736 (529)
La nouvelle loi chinoise du 27 août 2006 sur la faillite
d'entreprises et quelques réflexions critiques / Ren,
Junmin (Revue internationale de Droit comparé, 2008 vol 60
no 4, pp. 929- 955)
La nouvelle loi contient bien des perfectionnements,
notamment concernant l'introduction des mécanismes de
réorganisation et du rôle d'administrateur. Au niveau de
protection des salariés, se manifeste un recul considérable qui
serait contraire à la tendance des actitivités législatives des
pays industriels dont la France. Il nécessite que le législateur
chinois prenne en considération ces défauts afin d'envisager
une modification législative éventuelle.
P 00374 FR 2008 vol 60 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 53 E I
347.736 (73)
The housing crisis and bankruptcy reform : the
prepackaged chapter 13 approach. / Posner, Eric A. &
Zingales, Luigi (CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7204, pp. 1- 22)
In this paper, we propose a plan that will help reduce the
costs from foreclosure by, in effect, giving the homeowner the
option to force a renegotiation on the owner or owners of the
loan. This option takes the form of what we call a prepackaged
chapter 13 bankruptcy, in which the motgage is automatically
readjusted in line with the decline of housing prices in the
homeowner's ZIP code.
P 00834 GRBRno 7204
Uncertainty in the scope of copyright : The case of illegal
file sharing in the United Kingdom / Larusson, Haflidi Krist
Jan (European Intellectual Property Review (EIPR) : a journal
concerning the management of technology, copyrights and
trade names, 2009 vol 31 no 3, pp. 124- 134)
Digital technology reduces production and transaction costs
and provides authors, right-holders and users with a wide
range of new means to create, market and share content,
means which "old" media (such as books, vinyl records and
video tapes) do not offer.
P 00949 GRBR 2009 vol 31 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 K I
A "new approach" to standards and consumer protection
/ Winn, Jane & Jondet, Nicolas (Journal of Consumer Policy,
2008 vol 31 no 4, pp. 459- 472)
In order to protect consumer interests in markets for ICT
products, effectively, another "New Approach" is needed to
coordinate the work of global ICT standard-developing
organizations with the goals of national and regional consumer
protection laws, but the institutional challenges facing such a
strategy are daunting. The French DADVSI legislation
represents progress in this direction; further progress may be
possible by adopting "better regulation" strategies.
P 00710 ALL 2008 vol 31 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 49 H III
347.77 (4-15)
EC competition law handbook / Van Der Woude, Marc &
Jones, Christopher London: Sweet & Maxwell ; 2008, 612 p.
347.78 (493)
Hommage à Jan Corbet : la loi belge sur le droit d'auteur
(commentaire par article) / Brison, Fabienne & Vanhees,
Hendrik Gent: Larcier ; 2008, 529 p.
In deze tweede editie van
worden door vooraanstaande
verschillende artikelen van
becommentarieerd. Ieder artikel
het Huldeboek Jan Corbet
auteursrechtspecialisten de
de Belgische auteurswet
wordt grondig besproken en
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
ontleed in de taal van de auteur. Dans cette seconde édition
de l'Hommage à Jan Corbet, de grands spécialistes du droit
d'auteur commentent les articles de la loi belge sur le droit
d'auteur. Chaque article est analysé et commenté de manière
détaillée dans la langue de l'auteur.
Van Ryzin, Gregg G. & van Stolk, Christian & Wegrich, Kai &
Kim, Pan Suk & Vukovic, Goran & Zavrsnik, Bruno & Rodic,
Blaz & Samaratunge, Ramanie & Coghill, Ken & Herath,
H.M.A. (Revue internationale des sciences administratives,
2008 vol 74 no 4, pp. 559- 749)
152 139
Introduction au numéro spécial sur la mesure de la
performance. Mesurer et contrôler les résultats dans les soins
sociaux: le problème de la mesure de la qualité. L'efficacité
perçue et les attitudes des citoyens à l'égard de la réforme de
l'Etat Providence. Le revêtement des routes vu par les
citoyens Observation à New York et implications pour les
analyses comparatives de la performance. La convergence
sans diffusion? Analyse comparative du choix des indicateurs
de performance dans l'administration fiscale et la securité
sociale. La mise en oeuvre complexe des systèmes de
mesure de la performance: Analyse des évolutions dans les
organisations de service professionnel dans le secteur à but
non lucratif aux Pays-Bas. Comment attirer et retenir les
meilleurs éléments aus sein de l'administration publique? La
formation des fonctionnaires dans l'administration publique
slovène. La gouvernance sri-lankaise envahie par le tsunami.
347.78 (94)
Unfixed works, performers' protection, and beyond : does
the Australian copyfright act always require material form
? / Adeney, Elizabeth (Intellectual Property Quarterly, 2009 no
1, pp. 77- 98)
This article asks whether the Australian copyright act 1968
reflects the same assumptions as its UK counterpart.
P 00755 GRBR 2009 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 K III
Elimination of arbitrage states in asymmetric information
models / Cornet, Bernard & De Boisdeffre, Lionel (Economic
Theory, 2009 vol 38 no 2, pp. 287- 293)
In a financial economy with asymmetric information and
incomplete markets, we study how agents, having no model of
how equilibrium prices are determined, may still refine their
information by eliminating sequentially "arbitrage state(s),
namely the state(s) which would grant the agent an arbitrage,
if realizable.
P 00313 BG 2008 vol 74 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 19 C I
35.08 (493) (493=40)
public-privé en région wallonne et en communauté
française / Moïses, François Bruxelles: ; 2009, 365 p.
Les opérations soumises à la réglementation sur les
marchés publics. Les possibilités de financement public.
Traitement fiscal de l'opération. Le choix du cocontractant.
Respect des règles de compétences et de tutelle - incidence
sur le contrat. Les domaines du logement, des infrastructures
touristiques et sportives ou de la revitalisation urbaine.
152 035
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 38 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
35.07 (100-77) (675)
"Nouveau voyage au Congo : Les défis de la
reconstruction" / Vircoulon, Thierry & Pourtier, Roland &
Mazalto, Marie & Trefon, Théodore & Mukanga, Raphaël
Diumasumbu & Moufflet, Véronique & Renard, Yves (Afrique
contemporaine, 2008 no 227, pp. 17- 152)
Introduction thématique; La République démocratique du
Congo : questions autour de la reconstruction post-conflit.
Reconstruire le territoire pour reconstruire l'Etat. La réforme du
secteur minier. La réforme du secteur forestier. Réforme
administrative. La Chine, nouvel acteur de la reconstruction
congolaise. Le paradigme du viol comme arme de guerre. Des
médias entre prolifération anarchique, impunité et pauvreté.
P 00647 FR 2008 no 227 SALLE/ZAAL: 28 H II
35.07 (4-15)
Numéro spécial de GEAP sur la mesure de la performance
/ van Dooren, Wouter & Van de Walle, Steven & Malley,
Juliette & NETTEN, ANN & Calzada, Inés & del Pino, Eloisa &
351 (4-15)
Les partenariats public-privé : le choix du partenaire privé
au regard du droit communautaire / Bruxelles: ; 2009, 264
Répondant à l'intérêt croissant des pouvoirs publics et des
investisseurs privés pour ce nouvel outil de développement
des politiques publiques que constitue le PPP, cet ouvrage
étudie les règles et principes qui gouvernent le choix du
partenaire privé par les pouvoirs publics souhaitant mettre en
place un PPP.
152 034
351.761.1 (680)
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
Alcohol taxes vs. preventative measures: a theoretical
note / Black, Pa & Black, Pa (The South African Journal of
Economics, 2008 vol 76 no 4, pp. 607- 611)
The purpose of this note is to compare the efficiency of
excise taxes on alcohol consumption with that of direct
measures aimed at eliminating or reducing the negative
externalities caused by excessive drinking.
P 00006 SAF 2008 vol 76 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 28 I III
Food fears : from industrial to sustainable food systems /
Aldershot, Burlington: Ashgate ; 2008, 185 p.
With escalating rates of diabetes, cancer and obesity,
excessive food miles and the consequences for global climate
change, farm crises, food insecurity and the "fast food" culture,
the industrial food system of the West is increasingly
perceived als problematic. The physical, social and intellectual
distance between consumers and their food stems from a food
system that privileges quantity and efficiency over quality, with
an underlying assumption that food is a commodity, rather
than a source of nourishment and pleasure.
152 186
351.773 (100)
Sécurité alimentaire et échanges internationaux - Quelle
place pour le principe de précaution? / Cazala, Julien
(Revue européenne de Droit de la Consommation, 2009 no 1,
pp. 67- 83)
Le principe de précaution apparaît aujourd'hui comme une
arme protectionniste à la disposition des Etats pour limiter la
libre circulation des marchandises. Les différents de l'O.M.C.
ont montré que le rôle joué par celui-ci restait relativement
marginal dans la mesure où la reconnaissance du principe est
limitée et que les membres de l'organisation respectent
rarement les éléments mis à leur charge par le recours au
régime de précaution.
P 02721 BG 2009 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 54 K II
351.773 (4-11) (4-15) (4-191.2)
The European Food Safety Authority: judicial review by
community courts / Gabbi, Simone (Revue européenne de
Droit de la Consommation, 2009 no 1, pp. 171- 189)
The purpose of the present work is to provide the reader
with some reflections concerning the intensity of the judicial
review applied by the European judicature on operations and
outputs of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).
P 02721 BG 2009 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 54 K II
351.773 (73)
United States food law: consumers, controversies,
current issues / Fortin, Neal D. (Revue européenne de Droit
de la Consommation, 2009 no 1, pp. 15- 42)
United States food law is in a state of change. This article
offers an overview of issues and developments in United
States food law in recent years. The author identifies trends
that fit into broader historical currents in United States food
PAGE 110
P 02721 BG 2009 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 54 K II
Biocarburants : cinq questions qui dérangent / Paris:
Editions Technip ; 2008, 160 p.
Les carburants : bilan actuel et perspectives. Les
biocarburants, une énergie propre? Affament-ils le monde?
Aggravent-ils la déforestation? Sont-ils économiquement
viables? les biocarburants de "seconde génération" sont-ils
prêts? Les biocarburants, vraie-fausse solution?
152 231
Let them eat junk : how capitalism creates hunger and
obesity / Albritton, Robert New York: Pluto Press ; 2009, 259
Capitalism may promise cheap, nutritious food for all, but it
has failed to deliver on that promise. This is the first book to
explore the economics of our food system, and to explain why
a quarter of the world's population go hungry despite the fact
that enough food is produced worldwide to feed us all.
152 301
351.778.2 (73)
Food product composition, consumer health, and public
policy. / Golan, Elise & Unnevehr, Laurian & Alston, Julian M.
& Sumner, Daniel A. & Vosti, Stephen A. & Beghin, John C. &
Jensen, Helen H. & Mancino, Lisa & Küchler, Fred & Leibtag,
Ephraim & Unnevehr, Laurian J. & Jagmanaite, Evelina (Food
Policy, 2008 vol 33 no 6, pp. 465- 503)
Food product composition, consumer health, and public
policy. Farm subsidies and obesity in the United States :
national evidence and international comparisons. Farm
policies and added sugars in US diets. Getting consumers to
eat more whole-grains : the role of policy, information, and
food manufacturers. Getting rid of trans fats in the US diet :
policies, incentives and progress.
P 00899 GRBR 2008 vol 33 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 I I
351.82 (4)
Does Europe need a single European telecom regulator? /
De Muyter, Laurent (European Competition Journal, 2008 vol
4 no 2, pp. 561- 578)
Leaving aside the political reasons that may lay behind
those statements, as well as the conceptual arguments
supporting the creation of an EU regulator, this paper will
focus on the following points: - wheter, in practice, the history
of regulation in the EU level by the Commission justifies
submitting its activities to the principles of the EU framework
on electronic communication, and in particular to judicial
control; and - whether the Draft 2010 Framework establishes a
EU regulator and, if so, under which judicial control.
P 01005 GRBR 2008 vol 4 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 G II
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
351.82 (4)
Fundamental rights and the European regulation of
iConsumer contracts / Mak, Chantal (Journal of Consumer
Policy, 2008 vol 31 no 4, pp. 425- 439)
This paper addresses the question of how fundamental
rights affect European legislation and adjudication on
contracts regarding digital information services (iConsumer
Droit européen. Les sanctions et le droit financier interne.
Aspects de l'intermédiation financière en droit belge
post-MIFID. Opérations de banque et crédit. OPA et aspects
financiers du droit des sociétés. Droit des assurances. Le
contentieux. Regards non juridiques sur le droit bancaire et
152 134
P 00710 ALL 2008 vol 31 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 49 H III
351.82 (4-11) (4-15) (4-191.2)
Restraining the golden weed : taxation and regulation of
tobacco. / Smith, Stephen (Finanzarchiv, 2008 vol 64 no 4,
pp. 476- 507)
This paper considers the key economic considerations in
tobacco tax policy and its interaction with regulation.
351.83 (493)
Schijnzelfstandigheid / Dooms, Vincent & Messiaen, Tom
Gent: Larcier ; 2008, 235 p.
P 00525 ALL 2008 vol 64 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 D III
351.82 (4-15) (493)
Public versus private venture capital : cross-spawning or
crowding out ? a pan-european analysis / Leleux, Benoit &
Surlemont, Bernard Lausanne: IMD ; , 30 p.
The paper analyzes the relationship between public and
private sources of venture capital in Europe and the
development of the industry, controlling for characteristics of
the legal systems, in 15 European countries over the period
1990-1996. Large public participation is correlated with smaller
VC industries, but panel data analyses do not support the view
that public venture capitalists seed the industry.
152 259
351.820 (73)
The deregulatory effects of the Telecommunications Act
of 1996 on the broadcasting industry : Expectations vs.
reality / Zhong, Ke & Cao, Yong & Ning, Yixi (Journal of
Accounting and Public Policy, 2008 vol 27 no 3, pp. 238- 261)
The broadcasting industry experienced drastic deregulation
with the passage of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. This
study examines the capital market reactions to the passage of
the Act and aftermath changes in profitability and efficiency in
the broadcasting industry.
P 00593 EU 2008 vol 27 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 41 B III
351.824.5 (430)
The analyses of market dominance and restrictive
practices under German antitrust law in light of EC
antitrust law / Chirita, Anca Daniela (European Competition
Journal, 2008 vol 4 no 2, pp. 415- 441)
The main divergence between German and EC antitrust law
is the time perspective, wherein the competition authorities
may interfere or intervene. The proposed EC approach allows
for intervention when negative market effects have already
emerged, but requires actual or likely effects upon consumer
welfare to be proven, while for the German approach the likely
harm to the structure of the market is paramount. Therefore,
the German advantage of the likelihood of effects if preventing
abuse at "the earliest stage".
Een moeizame poging tot begripsbepaling. De initiatieven
tot probleemoplossing. De herkwalificatie van een zelfstandige
overeenkomst. Socialezekerheidspositie. De gevolgen van de
herkwalificatie. Gevolgen op het vlak van de sociale zekerheid
151 975
351.853 (510)
Urban environmental performance in China: a
sustainability divide ? / Liu, Lee (Sustainable Development,
2009 vol 17 no 1, pp. 1- 18)
This paper explores a sustainability divide in urban
environmental protection in China with its 72 model cities, 113
key cities, and 43 most polluted cities. It investigates factors
that help understand such a divide, the applicability of the
environmental Kuznets curve(EKC), and policies for
sustainable urban development
P 00935 GRBR 2009 vol 17 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 45 E II
352 (410)
Local government and structural crisis: an interpretive
approach / ORR, KEVIN (Policy and Politics, 2009 vol 37 no
1, pp. 39- 55)
This article examines ideas of local government crisis in the
UK aiming to apply macro-level political economy debates to
this sector.
P 00794 GRBR 2009 vol 37 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 21 B II
P 01005 GRBR 2008 vol 4 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 G II
351.825 (493)
Synthèse de droit bancaire et financier / Bruyneel, André
Bruxelles: Etablissements Emile Bruylant ; 2008, 697 p.
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
353.11 (493=393)
Rapport : begroting Vlaamse gemeenschap 2009 / Brussel:
SERV ; 2009, 59 p.
Ontvangstenramingen in onzekere tijden. De uitgaven. De
budgettaire impact van de crisismaatregelen (Herstel het
vertrouwen). Het vorderingensaldo in 2008 en 2009 : extra
inspanningen ? Uitvoering begroting 2007.
151 691
PAGE 112
International perspectives on quality in mixed economies
of childcare / Penn, Helen (National Institute Economic
Review, 2009 no 207, pp. 83- 89)
This paper explores the particular features of the childcare
market and suggests that conventional economic rationales do
not apply in such a market. Competition in the private for-profit
childcare sector does not lead to 'quality' childcare.
P 00663 GRBR 2009 no 207 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 K I
355.013 (567) (73)
Multilateral miltary interventions : theory and practice. /
Kreps, Sarah E. (Political Science Quarterly, 2008 vol 123 no
4, pp. 573- 605)
This article therefore seeks to remedy that problem by
offering conceptual clarity on theoretical and policy debates
over multilateralism and military intervention. It proposes a
new measure of multilateralism and applies that measure to
the post-cold war empirical record of U.S. interventions,
leading to the argument that any obituaries on U.S.
multilateralism may be premature.
P 00196 EU 2008 vol 123 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 20 E II
355.018 (567) (73)
Multilateral miltary interventions : theory and practice. /
Kreps, Sarah E. (Political Science Quarterly, 2008 vol 123 no
4, pp. 573- 605)
This article therefore seeks to remedy that problem by
offering conceptual clarity on theoretical and policy debates
over multilateralism and military intervention. It proposes a
new measure of multilateralism and applies that measure to
the post-cold war empirical record of U.S. interventions,
leading to the argument that any obituaries on U.S.
multilateralism may be premature.
P 00196 EU 2008 vol 123 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 20 E II
355.018 (73)
War, intelligence, and honesty : a review essay. / Jervis,
Robert (Political Science Quarterly, 2008 vol 123 no 4, pp.
645- 677)
The problem is that when dealing with cases like the war in
Iraq, he also has to defend without sounding defensive, and to
use enough hindsight to enrich the narrative without allowing it
to be skewed by how things turned out. Because so much
depends on the faith the reader develops in the author, false
moves spoil the efect.
P 00196 EU 2008 vol 123 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 20 E II
362.7 (100)
International labor standards and the political economy of
child labor regulation. / Doepke, Matthias & Zilibotti, Fabrizio
(CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7196, pp. 1- 12)
Child labor is a persistent phenomenon in many developing
countries. In recent years, support has been growing among
rich-country governments and consumer groups for the use of
trade policies, such as product boycotts and the imposition of
international labor standards, to reduce child labor in poor
countries. In this paper, we discuss research on the long-run
implications of such policies.
P 00834 GRBRno 7196
362.7 (410)
Good quality childcare for all? : Progress towards
universal provision / La Valle, Ivana & Smith, Ruth (National
Institute Economic Review, 2009 no 207, pp. 75- 82)
A decade after its introduction, this article considers what
the childcare strategy has achieved in relation to early years
and what remains to be done meet its key aim, that is : to
provide good quality childcare for all parents who need it and
all children who can benefit from it.
P 00663 GRBR 2009 no 207 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 K I
362.7 (689.7)
Determinants of child nutrition in Malawi / Chirwa, Ephraim
W. & Ngalawa, Harold Pe (The South African Journal of
Economics, 2008 vol 76 no 4, pp. 628- 640)
This paper investigates factors that determine child
malnutrition in Malawi. Measuring child nutrition using
anthropometric measures, the study finds that child
malnutrition worsens with age until a certain critical age
beyond which it starts to improve and that boys are more at
risk than girls.
P 00006 SAF 2008 vol 76 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 28 I III
362.7 (72)
Child care provision : semiparametric evidence from a
randomized experiment in Mexico. / Dubois, Pierre &
Rubio-Codina, Marta (CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7203, pp.
1- 38)
We semiparametrically estimate the impact of the Mexican
conditional cash transfer program oportunidades on the time
mothers and older sisters spend taking care of children aged
under 3, using the randomization of the program placement
and the methodology in Lewbel (2000).
P 00834 GRBRno 7203
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
Leveraging logistics partnerships : lessons from
humanitarian organizations / Samii, Ramina Rotterdam:
Erasmus Universiteit ; 2008, 508 p.
The factors that contribute to their performance.
Humanitarian organizations need to engage in at least three
partnership arrangements - temporary supply networks, a
logistics coordination platform and a series of business and
CSO partnerships - and build and strengthen a number of
related capabilities. The relevance and benefits of
humanitarian partnership structures to commercial supply
chains in specific scenarios.
152 113
schuldenregeling. Effectisering.
152 027
368.382 (44)
La nouvelle logique d'action des mutuelles de santé: la
mise en place de "priorité santé mutualiste" / Caire, Gilles
(Revue internationale de l'économie sociale, 2009 vol 88 no
311, pp. 22- 35)
Les difficultés de contrôle des dépenses d'assurance
maladie, la crise de représentation des acteurs et le maintien
de significatives inégalités de santé conduisent les mutuelles à
revendiquer une place accrue dans la régulation du système
de santé.
P 00316 FR 2009 vol 88 no 311 SALLE/ZAAL: 23 L III
Lending relationships in the interbank market / Cocco,
João F. & Gomes, Francisco J. & Martins, Nuno C. (Journal of
Financial Intermediation, 2009 vol 18 no 1, pp. 24- 48)
We use a unique dataset to show that relationships are an
important determinant of banks' ability to access interbank
market liquidity.
368.382.07 (44)
La nouvelle logique d'action des mutuelles de santé: la
mise en place de "priorité santé mutualiste" / Caire, Gilles
(Revue internationale de l'économie sociale, 2009 vol 88 no
311, pp. 22- 35)
Les difficultés de contrôle des dépenses d'assurance
maladie, la crise de représentation des acteurs et le maintien
de significatives inégalités de santé conduisent les mutuelles à
revendiquer une place accrue dans la régulation du système
de santé.
P 00316 FR 2009 vol 88 no 311 SALLE/ZAAL: 23 L III
P 00784 EU 2009 vol 18 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 C II
368 (410)
Annuity markets / Cannon, Edmund New York: Oxford
University Press ; 2008, 295 p.
Description of annuity markets. A short history of annuities.
Modelling life expectancy. Annuity markets around the world.
Money's worth calculations. Annuity demand theory. Reasons
for the annuity puzzle. Evidence on the workings of annuity
markets. Supply of annuities.
151 990
368 (493)
Synthèse de droit bancaire et financier / Bruyneel, André
Bruxelles: Etablissements Emile Bruylant ; 2008, 697 p.
Droit européen. Les sanctions et le droit financier interne.
Aspects de l'intermédiation financière en droit belge
post-MIFID. Opérations de banque et crédit. OPA et aspects
financiers du droit des sociétés. Droit des assurances. Le
contentieux. Regards non juridiques sur le droit bancaire et
152 134
368. (493)
Kredietwezen in België / De Muynck, Harald Gent: Academia
Press ; 2007, 142 p.
Het consumentenkrediet. Het hypothecair krediet. Het
Documentaire kredieten. Het investeringskrediet. Het
acceptkrediet. Het kaderkrediet. Krediet van staat tot staat. De
wisseltrekking. De uitgifte van een obligatielening. Leasing.
Factoring. Commercial paper. Klassieke leningen. Lineaire
obligaties. Schatkistcertificaten. Belgian treasury bills.
Staatsbons. De zakelijke waarborgen. De persoonlijke of
morele waarborgen. Het kredietrisico. Ratings. De
kredietverzekering. De centrale voor kredieten. De collectieve
368.4 (46)
Delaying retirement in Spain / Diaz-Giménez, Javier &
Diaz-Saavedra, Julian (Review of Economic Dynamics, 2009
vol 12 no 1, pp. 147- 167)
We study the reform of the Spanish public pension system
in a multiperiod, general equilibrium, overlapping generations
model economy populated by heterogeneous house-holds
P 00812 EU 2009 vol 12 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 G II
368.4 (493)
Evaluatie van de begrotingen 2007 en 2008 en het nieuwe
stabiliteitsprogramma 2008-2011 / Brussel: Hoge Raad van
Financiën ; 2008, 115 p.
Cyclische en eenmalige invloeden op de begrotingssaldi
van 2007. Evolutie van het primair saldo en van zijn
belangrijkste determinanten. De rekening van de sociale
zekerheid. De lokale overheden. De financiering en de
middellangetermijnvooruitzichten van het zilverfonds.
151 626
368.4 (493)
Evaluation des budgets 2007 et 2008 et du nouveau
programme de stabilité 2008-2011 / Bruxelles: Conseil
supérieur des Finances ; 2008, 115 p.
Les incidences cycliques et non récurrentes sur les soldes
budgétaires 2007. Evolution du solde primaire et de ses
principaux déterminants. Le compte de la sécurité sociale. Les
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
PAGE 114
pouvoirs locaux. Le financement et les perspectives à moyen
terme du fonds de vieillissement.
Management Research and Pratice, 2009 vol 7 no 1, pp. 100112)
151 625
This paper shows how education at a university
semiconductor laboratory can be improved by using a content
management system to build a knowledge management
368.4 (94)
L'évolution contemporaine du droit du travail australien
entre mondialisation économique et protection sociale /
Fiorentino, Allison (Revue internationale de Droit comparé,
2008 vol 60 no 4, pp. 975- 1022)
Le droit du travail australien n'a pas subi de modification
importante jusqu'au début des années 1990. L'adoption d'une
loi de 2005, 'Workplace Relations Amendment (Work Choices)
Act 2005. Une réforme intervenue en 2008 témoigne de la
volonté de la nouvelle majorité politique de mettre un terme à
la libéralisation du droit du travail. En outre une autre réforme
est prévue pour 2010.
P 00374 FR 2008 vol 60 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 53 E I
Optimal unemployment insurance in an estimated job
search model with savings / Lentz, Rasmus (Review of
Economic Dynamics, 2009 vol 12 no 1, pp. 37- 57)
This paper estimates a job search model with savings on
Danish micro data that include observations on wealth and
wages. Controlling for extensive observed and unobserved
worker characteristics heterogeneity, the estimation relates
observed unemployment spells to the model implied hazard
rate for each worker
P 01003 GRBR 2009 vol 7 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 A II
37 (4-15) (493)
Charte européenne des petites entreprises / Bruxelles: SPF
Economie, PME, Classes moyennes et Energie ; 2004, 60 p.
Questions generales de la Commission europeenne.
Education à l'esprit d'entreprise, en particulier l'enseignement
secondaire. Meilleure législation, en particulier la loi en
matière de faillite et l'analyse d'impact. Penurie de
main-d'oeuvre qualifiée, en particulier les mesures visant à
surmonter le manque de techniciens et d'ingenieurs qualifiés.
Autres volets de la Charte.
152 275
37 (415)
Ireland : north and south : a statistical profile / Cork,
Dublin, Belfast: Central Statistics Office ; 2000, 117 p. ISBN:
Population & households. Health & vital statistics. Industry &
finance. Education. Labour market. Agriculture. Transport &
tourism. European Union.
151 662
P 00812 EU 2009 vol 12 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 G II
37 (44)
Créer une ferme pédagogique : de l'idée à la réalisation /
Dijon: Educagri éditions ; 2007, 281 p.
Les grandes mutations qui transforment l'éducation /
Paris: OECD ; 2008, 86 p.
Le vieillissement des sociétés de l'OCDE. Les grands défis
mondiaux. Le nouveau visage de l'économie mondiale.
Évolution du monde du travail et de l'emploi. La société de
l'apprentissage. TIC : la nouvelle génération. Les citoyens et
l'État. Liens sociaux et valeurs sociales. Une prospérité
durable ?
151 881
152 029
37 (549) (549.3)
Returns to private and public education in Bangladesh
and Pakistan: a comparative analysis / Asadullah,
Mohammad Niaz (Journal of Asian Economics, 2009 vol 20 no
1, pp. 77- 86)
This paper documents wage differentials between private
and public school graduates in Bangladesh and Pakistan
Gender differences in risk behaviour : does nurture matter
? / Booth, Alison L. & Nolen, Patrick (CEPR Discussion
Papers,no 7198, pp. 1- 25)
Suggests that observed gender differences in behaviour
under uncertainty found in previous studies might reflect social
learning rather than inherent gender traits.
P 00834 GRBRno 7198
Les fermes pédagogiques en France. Définitions et état des
lieux. Les publics des fermes pédagogiques. Typologie et
demandes. Identifier les ressources. Réaliser un diagnostic de
territoire. Réaliser un diagnostic de site. Définier les moyens
:cheptel, cultures et occupation des sols. les aspects
juridiques. La fiscalité. L'aspect économique. Le statut et les
compétences du personnel. Prendre une assurance.
Développer l'activité d'accueil, communication et pédagogie
Knowledge management supporting education and
research at a university cleanroom / Nowack, Linda & Maul,
Thomas & Kraus, Werner & Hansch, Walter (Knowledge
P 00776 EU 2009 vol 20 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 28 B III
37 (667)
The economy of Ghana : analytical perspectives on
stability, growth and poverty / Aryeetey, Ernest & Kanbur,
Ravi Suffolk, New York: James Currey ; 2008, 424 p.
Ghana's post-independance economic growth 1960-2000.
Persistant public sector deficits. Exchange rate volatility.
Balance of trade. Export performance and investment
behaviour of firms. Houdsehold savings. Banking competition
and efficiency. Rural and microfinance regulation.
Census-based poverty map. Decentralization and poverty
reduction. Secondary education. Health-care provision.
152 138
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
37 (681)
Rates of return to education in Botswana: results from the
2002/2003 household income and expenditure survey data
set / Siphambe, H.K. (The South African Journal of
Economics, 2008 vol 76 no 4, pp. 641- 651)
The purpose of this paper is to look at the link between
earnings and education using the latest Household Income
and Expenditure Survey (HIES) data of Botswana. We also
measure the profitability of the different levels of education
with a view not to only guide education financing policy but
also to assess whether education in Botswana has been
income equalising and whether it has led to significant poverty
P 00006 SAF 2008 vol 76 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 28 I III
Learning in hybrid-project systems : The effects of project
performance on repeated collaboration / Schwab, Andreas
& Miner, Anne S. (The Academy of Management Journal,
2008 vol 51 no 6, pp. 1117- 1149)
performance-outcome learning in hybrid-projects systems, in
which both project participants and superordinate
organizations influence the formation of project ventures. Our
findings imply distinct patterns of network evolution and
unfolding adaptation of hybrid-project systems through
slow-moving, local adjustments.
P 00426 EU 2008 vol 51 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 G III
Een halve eeuw vakblad voor groen onderwijs / PK
Helmond: Silo ; 2008, 47 p. ISSN: 0925-837x
Maandblad voor het Land- en Tuinbouwonderwijs, Agrarisch
Onderwijs en Vakblad Groen Onderwijs. Het zijn de
achtereenvolgende titels van het vakblad voor de docenten,
managers, ondersteuners, bestuurders, beleidsmakers en
andere belangstellenden in het groene onderwijs dat in 2008
een halve eeuw bestaat.
Intergenerational transmissions: cultivating agency? /
Moncrieffe, Joy & Hossain, Naomi & Kabeer, Naila & Mahmud,
Simeen & Sumner, Andy & Haddad, Lawrence & Gomez
Climent, Laura & Tariquzzaman, Sheikh & Sengupta, Anasuya
& Edström, Jerker & Khan, Nichola & Gayle, Herbert &
Honwana, Alcinda & Greig, Alan & Tadros, Mariz & Bivens,
Felix & Moriarty, Kathleen & Taylor, Peter & Sabates-Wheeler,
Rachel & Devereux, Stephen & Hodges, Anthony (IDS
Bulletin, 2009 vol 40 no 1, pp. 1- 119)
This IDS Bulletin explores the question of intergenerational
transmissions and, particularly, whether and how states,
societies, development actors and parents, among others, are
building the conditions under which children can imagine and
realise better futures.
P 00961 GRBR 2009 vol 40 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 H I
392.3 (4-15)
Family types and the persistence of regional disparities in
Europe / Duranton, Gilles & Rodriguez-Pose, Andrés
(Economic Geography, 2009 vol 85 no 1, pp. 23- 47)
Using Emmanuel Todd's classification of medieval
European family systems, we identify potential links between
family types and regional disparities in household size,
educational attainment, social capital, labor participation,
sectoral structure, wealth and inequality. The results indicate
that medieval family structures seem to have influenced
European regional disparities in virtually every indicator that
we considered.
P 00295 EU 2009 vol 85 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 17 E III
152 120
377 (493.3)
Schering en inslag : textiel in West-Vlaanderen / Oostende:
Provincie West-Vlaanderen ; 2008, 84 p.
Vlaamse wollen 'lakens' als succesvol exportproduct. De
vlasnijverheid. Bezoldigde tewerkstelling. Omzet, export en
investeringen. Financiële analyse. Het textielonderwijs
152 082
Knowledge management supporting education and
research at a university cleanroom / Nowack, Linda & Maul,
Thomas & Kraus, Werner & Hansch, Walter (Knowledge
Management Research and Pratice, 2009 vol 7 no 1, pp. 100112)
This paper shows how education at a university
semiconductor laboratory can be improved by using a content
management system to build a knowledge management
Assessing structural VARs / Christiano, Lawrence J. &
Eichenbaum, Martin & Vigfusson, Robert (Macroeconomics
Annual, 2006 vol 21, pp. 1- 105)
This paper analyzes the quality of VAR-based procedures
for estimating the response of the economy to a shock. We
focus on two key issues. First, do VAR-based confidence
intervals accurately reflect the actual degree of sampling
uncertainty associated with impulse response functions?
Second, what is the size of bias relative to confidence
intervals, and how do coverage rates of confidence intervals
compare with their nominal size? With comments by Patrick
J.Kehoe and Mark W. Watson.
P 00745 EU 2006 vol 21 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 D II
P 01003 GRBR 2009 vol 7 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 A II
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
Pooling versus model selection for nowcasting with many
predictors : an appication to German GDP. / Kuzin, Vladimir
& Marcellino, Massimiliano & Schumacher, Christian (CEPR
Discussion Papers,no 7197, pp. 1- 37)
This paper discusses pooling versus model selection for
now-and forecasting in the presence of model uncertainty with
large, unbalanced datasets.
PAGE 116
In this paper we develop a macro-model of stock prices that
predicts that the growth rates in real stock prices and real
dividends gravitate towards predictable constants in the long
run, but fluctuate on approximately decennial frequencies due
to movements in capital's income share. Using
macroeconomic data over 130 years for 22 OECD countries,
the data give support for the model.
P 00565 GRBR 2009 vol 77 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 I II
P 00834 GRBRno 7197
Market crashes, speculation and learning in financial
markets / Leoni, Patrick L. (Economic Theory, 2009 vol 39 no
2, pp. 217- 229)
A natural conjecture is that if agents' beliefs are almost
correct then equilibrium prices could be close to rational
expectations prices. We consider a standard General
Equilibrium model with large but finite horizon and complete
markets. We show that, for almost every such economy, if
conditional beliefs eventually become correct almong a path of
events then equilibrium prices of assets traded along this path
converge to rational expectation equilibria in the sup-norm.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 39 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Constructing futures: a social constructionist perspective
on foresight methodology / Fuller, Ted & Loogma, Krista
(Futures : the journal of policy, planning and futures studies,
2009 vol 41 no 2, pp. 71- 79)
The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the relationship
between a particular epistemological perspective and foresight
P 00863 GRBR 2009 vol 41 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 33 E II
Extending the perimeter of reflexive debate on futures
research: an open framework / Mermet, Laurent (Futures :
the journal of policy, planning and futures studies, 2009 vol 41
no 2, pp. 105- 115)
This paper proposes an "open" framework as a guide for
each study on futures to make explicit and fundamental
choices it rests on. It is meant as an invitation to step back and
consider new beginnings in a workspace open to the widest
possible diversity and scale of approaches, as will be
necessary if studies on futures are to rise to the challenges of
research for sustainable development.
P 00863 GRBR 2009 vol 41 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 33 E II
What's news in business cycles. / Schmitt-Grohé, Stephanie
& Uribe, Martin (CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7201, pp. 1- 51)
In this paper, we perform a structural Bayesian estimation of
the contribution of anticipated shocks to business cycles in the
postwar United States.
P 00834 GRBRno 7201
Longitudinal Surveys / Vieira, Marcel D.T. & Skinner, Chris
J. & Plewis, Ian & Ketende, Sosthenes C & Joshi, Heather &
Hughes, Gareth & Callegaro, Mario (Journal of Official
Statistics (JOS), 2008 vol 24 no 3, pp. 341- 409)
Estimating models for panel survey data under complex
sampling. The contribution of residential mobility to sample
loss in a birth cohort study: Evidence from the first two waves
of the UK millennium cohort study. Seam effects in
Longitudinal Surveys
P 00306 SD 2008 vol 24 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 B I
Pooling versus model selection for nowcasting with many
predictors : an appication to German GDP. / Kuzin, Vladimir
& Marcellino, Massimiliano & Schumacher, Christian (CEPR
Discussion Papers,no 7197, pp. 1- 37)
This paper discusses pooling versus model selection for
now-and forecasting in the presence of model uncertainty with
large, unbalanced datasets.
P 00834 GRBRno 7197
What's news in business cycles. / Schmitt-Grohé, Stephanie
& Uribe, Martin (CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7201, pp. 1- 51)
In this paper, we perform a structural Bayesian estimation of
the contribution of anticipated shocks to business cycles in the
postwar United States.
P 00834 GRBRno 7201
Reference points and effort provision. / Abeler, Johannes &
Falk, Armin & Götte, Lorenz & Huffman, David (CEPR
Discussion Papers,no 7221, pp. 1- 37)
We find that effort provision is significantly different between
treatmens in the way predicted by models of
expectation-based reference-dependent preferences : if
expectations are high, subjects work longer and earn more
money than if expectations are low.
P 00834 GRBRno 7221
519.216.3 (100.3)
The macroeconomics of stock prices in the medium term
and in the long run / Madsen, Jacob B. (The Manchester
School of Economic and Social Studies, 2009 vol 77 no 2, pp.
127- 152)
Statistical inference with generalized Gini indices of
inequality, poverty, and welfare / Barrett, Garry F. & Donald,
Stephen G. (Journal of Business and Economic Statistics,
2009 vol 27 no 1, pp. 1- 17)
This article considers statistical inference for consistent
estimators of generalized Gini indices of inequality, poverty,
and welfare. Our method does not require grouping the
population into a fixed number of quantiles. The empirical
indices are shown to be asymptotically normally distributed
using functional limit theory
P 00712 EU 2009 vol 27 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 E III
519.23 (100.3)
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
The hypothesis of a unit root in OECD inflation revisited /
Romero-Avila, Diego & Usabiaga, Carlos (Journal of
Economics and Business, 2009 vol 61 no 2, pp. 153- 161)
This paper investigates the hypothesis of a unit root in
inflation for 13 OECD countries over the period 1957-2005,
taking into account cross-sectional dependence and multiple
mean shifts. We conduct unit root testing with the more
powerful unit root tests with cross-dependence proposed by
Smith et al
P 00691 EU 2009 vol 61 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 39 F II
519.23 (494)
Sequential causal models for the evaluation of labor
market programs / Lechner, Michael (Journal of Business
and Economic Statistics, 2009 vol 27 no 1, pp. 71- 83)
This article reviews inverse selection probability weighting to
estimate dynamic causal effects. A distribution theory based
on sequential generalized method of moments estimation is
proposed and the method is applied to a reevaluation of some
parts of the Swiss active labor market policy to obtain new
results and discuss several issues about the implementation of
the estimation procedure
P 00712 EU 2009 vol 27 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 E III
519.23 (510)
Evaluating China's integration in world trade with a
gravity model based benchmark / Bussiere, Matthieu &
Schnatz, Bernd (Open Economies Review, 2009 vol 20 no 1,
pp. 85- 111)
This paper assesses China's "natural" place in the world
economy with a new set of trade integration indicators, which
are used as a benchmark in order to examine whether China's
share in international trade is consistent with fundamentals
such as economic size, location and other relevant factors.
P 00747 PB 2009 vol 20 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 E I
Manipulability of future-independent tests. / Olszewski,
Wojciech & Sandroni, Alvaro (Econometrica, 2008 vol 76 no 6,
pp. 1437- 1466)
The article shows that it is difficult to dismiss false, but
strategic, experts who know how theories are tested. This
result also shows an important role that can be played by
predictions contingent on data not yet observed.
P 00193 EU 2008 vol 76 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 J I
519.237.7 (73)
Factor prices, factor substitution and exporting in US
manufacturing affiliates abroad / Borga, Maria & Lipsey,
Robert E. (The World Economy, 2009 vol 32 no 1, pp. 30- 48)
Us manufacturing multinationals employed over a third of
their labour force in countries outside the United States in
2004. What distinguishes the parts of their operations that they
place in foreign countries? How do they respond to different
factor prices and market characteristics in these locations?
How do differences among the investing firms affet their
methods of production?
Probability theory. Game theory: basic concepts.
Pure-strategy nash equilibria. Signaling games. Repeated
games. Evolutionarily stable strategies. Markov economies
and stochastic dynamical systems.
152 300
generalized bidding approach / Ju, Yuan & Wettstein, David
(Economic Theory, 2009 vol 39 no 2, pp. 307- 330)
This paper provides a framework for implementing and
comparing several solution concepts for transferable utility
cooperative games. We construct bidding mechanims where
players bid for the role of the proposer. The mechanisms differ
in the power awarded to the proposer.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 39 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
On purification of measure-valued maps / Podczeck,
Konrad (Economic Theory, 2009 vol 38 no 2, pp. 399- 418)
This paper presents new methods to obtain purification
results for continuum games, which don't make use of the
"many more players than strategies" assumption or of Loeb
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 38 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Evolution in games with a continuous action space / van
Veelen, Matthijs & Spreij, Peter (Economic Theory, 2009 vol
39 no 3, pp. 355- 376)
Allowing for games with a continuous action space, we
investigate how evolutionary stability, the existence of a
uniform invasion barrier, local superiority and asymptotic
stability relate to each other. This is done without restricting
the populations of which we want to investigate the stability to
monomorphic population states or to strategies with finite
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 39 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Social influences on individual decision making
processes / Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit ; 2009, 144 p.
Causes of ambiguity aversion : known versus unknown
preferences. Preference reversals under ambiguity. The effect
of accountability on risk attitude : probability weighting, utility
curvature, and loss aversion. Separating real incentives and
152 146
An new integral for capacities. / Lehrer, Ehud (Economic
Theory, 2009 vol 39 no 1, pp. 157- 176)
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 39 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
P 00773 GRBR 2009 vol 32 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 F I
Game theory evolving : a problem-centered introduction
to modeling strategic interaction / Gintis, Herbert New
Jersey: University Press ; 2009, 390 p.
Coordination and delay in hierarchies / Patacconi, Andrea
(The Rand Journal of Economics, 2009 vol 40 no 1, pp. 190208)
This article studies hierarchical organizations where
concerns for fast execution are important and employees must
be coordinated to avoid wasteful duplications of effort. The
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
model suggest that concerns for fast execution may be key in
explaining recent trends toward decentralization and
delayering in firms
P 00642 EU 2009 vol 40 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 L II
Uncertainty in individual and social decisions : theory and
experiments / Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit ; 2008, 187 p.
Economic decisions under uncertainty are often influenced
by psychological factors. The studies reported in this thesis
empirically identify psychological influences on decisions and
suggest theoretical models to incorporate them into formal
economic analyses. Effects on individual, strategic and market
decisions are considered.
151 931
Longitudinal Surveys / Vieira, Marcel D.T. & Skinner, Chris
J. & Plewis, Ian & Ketende, Sosthenes C & Joshi, Heather &
Hughes, Gareth & Callegaro, Mario (Journal of Official
Statistics (JOS), 2008 vol 24 no 3, pp. 341- 409)
Estimating models for panel survey data under complex
sampling. The contribution of residential mobility to sample
loss in a birth cohort study: Evidence from the first two waves
of the UK millennium cohort study. Seam effects in
Longitudinal Surveys
P 00306 SD 2008 vol 24 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 B I
Pooling versus model selection for nowcasting with many
predictors : an appication to German GDP. / Kuzin, Vladimir
& Marcellino, Massimiliano & Schumacher, Christian (CEPR
Discussion Papers,no 7197, pp. 1- 37)
This paper discusses pooling versus model selection for
now-and forecasting in the presence of model uncertainty with
large, unbalanced datasets.
P 00834 GRBRno 7197
What's news in business cycles. / Schmitt-Grohé, Stephanie
& Uribe, Martin (CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7201, pp. 1- 51)
PAGE 118
Statistical inference with generalized Gini indices of
inequality, poverty, and welfare / Barrett, Garry F. & Donald,
Stephen G. (Journal of Business and Economic Statistics,
2009 vol 27 no 1, pp. 1- 17)
This article considers statistical inference for consistent
estimators of generalized Gini indices of inequality, poverty,
and welfare. Our method does not require grouping the
population into a fixed number of quantiles. The empirical
indices are shown to be asymptotically normally distributed
using functional limit theory
P 00712 EU 2009 vol 27 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 E III
519.86 (100.3)
The hypothesis of a unit root in OECD inflation revisited /
Romero-Avila, Diego & Usabiaga, Carlos (Journal of
Economics and Business, 2009 vol 61 no 2, pp. 153- 161)
This paper investigates the hypothesis of a unit root in
inflation for 13 OECD countries over the period 1957-2005,
taking into account cross-sectional dependence and multiple
mean shifts. We conduct unit root testing with the more
powerful unit root tests with cross-dependence proposed by
Smith et al
P 00691 EU 2009 vol 61 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 39 F II
519.86 (510)
Evaluating China's integration in world trade with a
gravity model based benchmark / Bussiere, Matthieu &
Schnatz, Bernd (Open Economies Review, 2009 vol 20 no 1,
pp. 85- 111)
This paper assesses China's "natural" place in the world
economy with a new set of trade integration indicators, which
are used as a benchmark in order to examine whether China's
share in international trade is consistent with fundamentals
such as economic size, location and other relevant factors.
P 00747 PB 2009 vol 20 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 E I
The geometry of optimal taxation : a primal approach. /
Barbie, Martin & Hermeling, Claudia (Economic Theory, 2009
vol 39 no 1, pp. 129- 155)
In this paper, we perform a structural Bayesian estimation of
the contribution of anticipated shocks to business cycles in the
postwar United States.
We characterize zero tax results geometrically as a
condition on indifference curves and the implementability
constraint. Many zero taxation results in dynamic
macroeconomics can be derived from our characterization;
thus it provides a unified framework for a systematic study of
these phenomena.
P 00834 GRBRno 7201
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 39 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Demand threshold, zero expenditure and hierarchical
model of consumer demand / Chattopadhyay, Nachiketa &
Majumder, Amita & Coondoo, Dipankor (Metroeconomica,
2009 vol 60 no 1, pp. 91- 119)
Asset trading volume in a production economy / Espino,
Emilio & Hintermaier, Thomas (Economic Theory, 2009 vol 39
no 2, pp. 231- 258)
Consumer expenditure surveys often show households
reporting zero consumption of some commodities. Three
reasons for this are recognized in the literature: (i)infrequency
of purchase,(ii)a strong brand preference for differentiated
products and (iii)misreporting. However, sometimes the
number of households reporting zero consumption is seen to
decline with income
This paper explores asset trading volume in production
economies with heterogeneous agents and dynamically
complete market structures. We establish a recursive version
of the Negishi approach to prove the existence of a
competitive equilibrium. Furthemore, we develop a general
method to solve for equilibrium portfolios in production
economies within a fairly general set of complete market
P 00501 GX 2009 vol 60 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 B III
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 39 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
Existence and efficiency of a stationary subgame-perfect
equilibrium in coalitional bargaining models with
nonsuperadditive payoffs / Miyakawa, Toshiji (Economic
Theory, 2009 vol 39 no 2, pp. 291- 306)
We provide the existence theorem of stationary
subgame-perfect equilibrium (SSPE) in a noncooperative
coalitional bargaining game model with random proposers.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 39 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Satisficing solutions to a monetary policy problem /
Krawczyk, Jacek B. & Kim, Kunhong (Macroeconomic
Dynamics, 2009 vol 13 no 1, pp. 46- 80)
There is no unique way in which a central bank can achieve
a desired inflation(unemployment,etc.)path. We think that it is
viability theory, which is a relatively young area of
mathematics, that rigorously captures the essence of
satisficing. We aim to use viability analysis to analyze a simple
macro policy model and show how some robust adjustment
rules can be endogenously obtained
P 00818 EU 2009 vol 13 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 G I
519.863 (4)
Do taxes explain European employment? : Indivisible
labor, human capital, lotteries, and savings / Ljungqvist,
Lars & Sargent, Thomas J. (Macroeconomics Annual, 2006
vol 21, pp. 181- 246)
This paper compares aggregate outcomes for economies
with two arrangements for coping with indivisible labor : (1)
employment lotteries plus complete consumption insurance,
and (2) individual consumption smoothing via borrowing and
lending at a risk-free interest rate. With comments by Oliver
Blanchard and Edward C. Prescott.
P 00745 EU 2006 vol 21 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 D II
From business to software: a B2B survey / Dorn, Jürgen &
Grün, Christoph & Werthner, Hannes & Zapletal, Marco
(Information systems and e-business management, 2009 vol 7
no 2, pp. 123- 142)
We propose-in line with the services science approach-to
integrate business modeling with process modeling in order to
make the transformation from business services to Web
services more transparent
P 00866 ALL 2009 vol 7 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 04 K I
Aligning goals and services through goal business
modelling / Andersson, Birger & Johannesson, Paul &
Zdravkovic, Jelena (Information systems and e-business
management, 2009 vol 7 no 2, pp. 143- 169)
On a strategic level, the success of e-services depends on
their ability to work as a medium for the exchange of business
values. In this paper, we present an approach that utilizes goal
and business models as the foundation for designing
In this paper we define a strategic modeling framework to
help understand and analyze the goals, intentions, roles, and
the rationale behind the strategic actions in a business
environment. This understanding is necessary in order to
improve existing or design new services.
P 00866 ALL 2009 vol 7 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 04 K I
Existence and efficiency of a stationary subgame-perfect
equilibrium in coalitional bargaining models with
nonsuperadditive payoffs / Miyakawa, Toshiji (Economic
Theory, 2009 vol 39 no 2, pp. 291- 306)
We provide the existence theorem of stationary
subgame-perfect equilibrium (SSPE) in a noncooperative
coalitional bargaining game model with random proposers.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 39 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Why do people keep their promises ? An experimental
test of two explanations. / Vanberg, Christoph
(Econometrica, 2008 vol 76 no 6, pp. 1467- 1480)
Numerous psychological and economic experiments have
shown that the exchange of promises greatly enhances
cooperative behavior in experimental games. This paper
seeks to test two theories to explain this effect. The first posits
that individuals have a preference for keeping their word. The
second assumes that people dislike letting down others' payoff
P 00193 EU 2008 vol 76 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 J I
Costly participation and heterogeneous preferences in
informational committees / Cai, Hongbin (The Rand Journal
of Economics, 2009 vol 40 no 1, pp. 173- 189)
I show that when effort costs are sufficiently high,
preference heterogeneity can provide members additional
incentives to gather information, and thus the optimal
committee size and the principal's expected payoff can
increase in the heterogeneity of committee member's policy
P 00642 EU 2009 vol 40 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 L II
Learning to play 3 X 3 games: neural networks as
bounded-rational players / Sgroi, Daniel & Zizzo, Daniel
John (Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2009
vol 69 no 1, pp. 27- 38)
We present a neural network methodology for learning
game-playing rules in general. Existing research suggests
learning to find a Nash equilibrium in a new game is too
difficult a task for a neural network, but says little about what it
will do instead. We observe that a neural network trained to
find Nash equilibrium in a known subset of games will use
self-taught rules developed endogenously when facing new
P 00544 PB 2009 vol 69 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 E II
P 00866 ALL 2009 vol 7 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 04 K I
Strategic reasoning about business models: a conceptual
modeling approach / Samavi, Reza & Yu, Eric & Topaloglou,
Thodoros (Information systems and e-business management,
2009 vol 7 no 2, pp. 171- 198)
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
PAGE 120
klimaatwet de oplossing? De belangrijkste uitgangspunten.
Mogelijke bezwaren
The design of climate policy / Guesnerie, Roger & Tulkens,
Henry Cambridge: The MIT Press ; 2008, 397 p.
Improving on Kyoto : greenhouse gas control as the
purchase of a global public good. A discussion of the GPGP
approach of Bradford and Guesnerie. Untying the
climate-development gordian knot : economic options in a
politically constrained world. Transfer schemes and
institutional changes for sustainable global climate treaties.
Incentives to cooperation in international climate negotiations.
Economics versus climate change. Optimal sequestration
policy with a ceiling on the stock of carbon in the atmosphere.
Why the rate of global climate change matters, and how much.
Leakage from climate policies and border-tax adjustment.
152 135
The stop climate chaos coalition : Climate change as a
development issue / Saunders, Clare (Third World Quarterly,
2008 vol 29 no 8, pp. 1509- 1526)
151 972
574 (439)
Examens environnementaux de l'OCDE : Hongrie / Paris:
OCDE ; 2008, 248 p.
Gestion de l'air. Gestion de l'eau. Nature et biodiversité.
Développement durable. Interface environnement- économie.
Environnement et agriculture. Interface environnement- social.
Coopération internationale
151 797
The extent to which SCC member organisations address
climate change as a global justice issue is explored through a
content analysis of their websites, and a survey of participants
in the SCC I-Count march, London, 3 November 2006.
P 00841 GRBR 2008 vol 29 no 8 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 F I
The design of climate policy / Guesnerie, Roger & Tulkens,
Henry Cambridge: The MIT Press ; 2008, 397 p.
Improving on Kyoto : greenhouse gas control as the
purchase of a global public good. A discussion of the GPGP
approach of Bradford and Guesnerie. Untying the
climate-development gordian knot : economic options in a
politically constrained world. Transfer schemes and
institutional changes for sustainable global climate treaties.
Incentives to cooperation in international climate negotiations.
Economics versus climate change. Optimal sequestration
policy with a ceiling on the stock of carbon in the atmosphere.
Why the rate of global climate change matters, and how much.
Leakage from climate policies and border-tax adjustment.
152 135
Technology sourcing and performance of foreign
subsidiaries in Greece: the impact of MNE and local
environment contexts / Manolopoulos, Dimitris & Dimitratos,
Pavlos & Young, Stephen & Lioukas, Spyros (Management
International Review, 2009 vol 49 no 1, pp. 43- 60)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of
two categories of sources of technology on subsidiary
performance. These technology sources can be associated
either with the internal Multinational Enterprise (MNE) system;
or, the local environment in which the subsidiary is based.
P 00774 GX 2009 vol 49 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 B III
Planeet op drift? : een wetenschappelijke kijk op
klimaatverandering en global change / Vanderborght, Oscar
& Verheyden, Peter & Commers, Ronald Brussel: Academic
and Scientific Publishers ; 2008, 632 p.
De bepalende factoren van het klimaat. Temperatuur als
signaal. De verstoorde stralingsbalans. Globl change en
verandering van het landgebruik. De rol van de oceanen in het
klimaat en in de koolstofcyclus. Paleoklimaat: een blik in het
verleden. Water(s)nood: te weinig versus te veel water.
Verwoestijning. Het ozongat. Biodiversiteit. De eindigheid van
energie en grondstoffen.
152 141
Energieslank leven met klimaatdukaten : stapsgewijs
minder energieverbruik voor allemaal nodig vanwege
klimaatverandering en peakoil / Fleming, David Utrecht: Van
Arkel ; 2008, 159 p.
Klimaatverandering. Oplossingen en hun beperkingen. De
rol van energie in economische groei. Ecosystemen. Is een
60 (100)
Les besoins en science et technologie - Une prospective
scientifique et technologique guidée par la demande : le
projet québécois "Perspectives STS" / Bergeron, Alain
(Futuribles : Analyse et Prospective, 2009 no 350, pp. 27- 44)
En décembre 2003, à la fin d'un article présentant
l'originalité du Conseil de la science et de la technolgogie du
gouvernement du Québec, Hélène Tremblay et Alain Bergeron
évoquaient le lancement au printemps 2003 d'un ambitieux
excercice de prospective en science et technologie, en lien
avec les demandes de la société: le project Perspectives STS.
Presque six ans plus tard, ce projet est devenu un pilier
essentiel de la réflexion sur l'avenir de la science et la
technologie au Québec, en articulation étroite avec d'une part
les aspirations des citoyens, d'autre part les chercheurs et les
décideurs publics.
P 00819 FR 2009 no 350 SALLE/ZAAL: 33 E III
60 (100) (63)
Global engagements with global assessments : The case
of the international assessment of agricultural knowledge,
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
science and technology for development (IAASTD) /
Scoones, Ian (IDS Working Paper,no 313, pp. 3- 47)
The IAASTD - the International Assessment of Agricultural
Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development - which
ran between 2003 and 2008, involving over 400 scientists
worldwide, was an ambitious attempt to encourage local and
global debate on the future of agricultural science and
Scenarios. Technology roadmaps. Research, development
and demonstration. Deployment and technology learning.
Investment issues. Fossil fuel-fired power plants and CO2
capture and storage. Nuclear. Biomass and bioenergy. Wind.
Solar. Hydro, geothermal and ocean energy. Electricity
systems. Methane mitigation. Transport. Industry. Buildings
and appliances.
151 516
P 00960 GRBRno 313
60 (493=393)
Co- creating nano- imaginaries. / Deblonde, Marian & Evers,
Johan & Van Oudheusden, Michiel & Goorden, Lieve
Economische Wetenschappen, Universiteit Antwerpen, 2008
no 15, pp. 1- 27)
This paper describes the first of four "action" phases of the
interdisciplinary research project nanotechnologies for
tomorrow's society, nanosoc (, that engages
innovation networks in the region of Flanders, Belgium, to
discuss and influence futur nanotech developments in three
fields of nanotechnology developement : smart environment,
bio-on-chip and new materials.
P 03100 BG 2008 no 15
608.3 (540)
Pruning the evergreen tree : Section 3(d) of the Indian
Patents Act 1970 / Ramanujan, Adarsh & Sen, Rajarshi
(European Intellectual Property Review (EIPR) : a journal
concerning the management of technology, copyrights and
trade names, 2009 vol 31 no 3, pp. 135- 140)
This article critically examines the controversial s.3(d) of the
Patents Act 1970 (hereinafter "the Act") in light of the decision
of the Madras High Court in a recent writ petition, filed by
Novartis India Ltd, the Indian subsidiary of a Swiss-based
pharmaceutical company.
P 00949 GRBR 2009 vol 31 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 K I
60:658.012. (100.3) (5-11) (5-12) (5-13)
The impact of foreign R&D on total factor productivity in
the east Asian manufacturing / Liao, Hailin & Liu, Xiaohui &
Holmes, Mark & Weyman-Jones, Tom (The Manchester
School of Economic and Social Studies, 2009 vol 77 no 2, pp.
244- 270)
Applying a stochastic production frontier we examine the
extent to which industrial countries' R&D contributes to East
Asian economies' total factor productivity (TFP) growth in
manufacturing sectors, via foreign trade as the channel for
technological spillovers, based on a sample of nine
manufacturing sectors for eight East Asia economies from
1973 to 1998.
P 00565 GRBR 2009 vol 77 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 I II
Energy technology perspectives : scenarios and
strategies to 2050 / Paris: IEA ; 2008, 643 p
New business models for the knowledge economy /
Hampshire, Burlington: Gower ; 2007, 146 p.
What is a business model? Innovation, customisation and
authenticity. The chameleon model. The innovator model. The
foyer model. Business dynamics.
152 203
Retailer brands and the impact on innovativeness in the
grocery market / Anselmsson, Johan & Johansson, Ulf
(Journal of Marketing Management, 2009 vol 25 no 1/ 2, pp.
75- 95)
The purpose of the paper is to examine the degree of
innovation in the grocery category and analyse to what extent
the presence and growth of retailer brands influence
innovativeness in different grocery categories from a customer
perspective. Using the Swedish grocery market, 34 grocery
categories were studied from 2000 to 2004. Data from Gfk
household panel data, Mintel database of product releases
and face-to-face interviews with consumers are used. The
paper uses four alternative measures of category
innovativeness capturing different levels of consumer
P 00842 GRBR 2009 vol 25 no 1/ 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 50 G III
Innovation and institutional ownership. / Aghion, Philippe &
Van Reenen, John & Zingales, Luigi (CEPR Discussion
Papers,no 7195, pp. 1- 59)
This paper is a first attempt analyzing the corporate
governance of innovation and more specifically the role of
institutional owners in fostering (or retarding) innovation.
P 00834 GRBRno 7195
Offshoring and product innovation. / Naghavi, Alireza &
Ottaviano, Gianmarco (Economic Theory, 2009 vol 38 no 3,
pp. 517- 532)
We propose an endogenous growth model with offshoring to
investigate its effects on product innovation and growth in the
country of origin. Production and transport cost parameters
affect the static decision to telocate plants but not R & D.
Hence, offshoring may be chosen by firms when it damages
the growth rate of their countries of origin. In particular, if
offshoring reduces the feedback from plants to labs, it is likely
to bring dynamic losses when the countries of origin are large.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 38 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Oligopoly with a large number of competitors: asymmetric
limit result / Ino, Hiroaki & Kawamori, Tomohiko (Economic
Theory, 2009 vol 39 no 2, pp. 331- 352)
We address how profitable innovation is in competitive
market by investigating the asymmetric oligopoly model in
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
which 1 firm (innovator) has a cost advantage that is not
drastic enough for her to become a monipolist, adn by
inducing asymmetric limit outcomes when the number of the
other firms (laggard firms) goes to infinity.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 39 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Globalization,R&D and the ipod cycle / Sener, Fuat & Zhao,
Laixun (Journal of International Economics, 2009 vol 77 no 1,
pp. 101- 108)
We study the impact of globalization by considering an
increase in the efficiency of outsourcing-targeted R&D
triggered by reduced transportation and communication costs.
We find that such a change raises the aggregate rate of
outsourcing-targeted R&D intensities) while reducing the
North-South wage gap. The rate of innovation in
outsourcing-targeted-R&D increases, whereas that in
local-sourcing targeted R&D moves in an ambiguous direction.
These findings imply that the intensified outsourcing-targeted
R&D efforts and the resulting surge in the frequency of ipod
cycles play a robust role in boosting aggregate innovation
P 00474 PB 2009 vol 77 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 B II
An empirical model of growth through product innovation.
/ Lentz, Rasmus & Mortensen, Dale T. (Econometrica, 2008
vol 76 no 6, pp. 1317- 1373)
The purpose of this paper is to estimate the structure of an
equilibrium model of growth through innovation designed to
identify and quantity the role of resource reallocationin the
growth process. The estimated model implies that more
productive firms in each cohort grow faster and consequently
crowd out less productive firms in steady state.
P 00193 EU 2008 vol 76 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 J I
Resource-augmenting R&D with heterogeneous labor
supply / Amigues, Jean-Pierre & Moreaux, Michel & Ricci,
Francesco (Environment and Development Economics, 2008
vol 13 no 6, pp. 719- 745)
The effect labor possibilities frontier (ELPF) is defined as the
set of statically effecient allocations of labor inputs in the
competing tasks of production and R&D. It is concave if labor
is heterogeneous. In an R&D-based growth model with an
essential non-renewable natural resource, the shape of the
ELPF affects the optimal speed of the transition.
P 00928 GRBR 2008 vol 13 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 45 C II
Globalisation of internal venture capital opportunities in
developing small and medium enterprises' relationships /
Kiessling, Timothy & Harvey, Michael (International Journal of
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management (IJEIM), 2008
vol 8 no 3, pp. 233- 253)
High-tech SMEs are now turning towards strategic alliances
and the networks of these alliances to compete effectively.
This paper views the importance of the network of alliances
from a dynamic capabilities perspective, which builds on the
Resource-Based Views (RBV) of the SME.
P 00637 SS 2008 vol 8 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 E II
Innovation and competition policy / Goto, Akira (The
Japanese Economic Review, 2009 vol 60 no 1, pp. 55- 62)
PAGE 122
This paper is organized as follows. The second section
reviews the theoretical and empirical discussion of the issue,
which is the relationship between competition and innovation.
The third section summarizes how Japan's Anti-Monopoly
Policy has treated technology related cases. The last section
concludes the paper
P 00965 GRBR 2009 vol 60 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 28 D I
Growth, inter-industry and intra-industry competition and
welfare / Minniti, Antonio (The Japanese Economic Review,
2009 vol 60 no 1, pp. 110- 132)
In this paper we introduce strategic interaction between
firms in an R&D growth model which captures both the
intra-industry competition between firms operating within an
industry and the inter-industry competition between firms in
different industries
P 00965 GRBR 2009 vol 60 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 28 D I
Technology sourcing and performance of foreign
subsidiaries in Greece: the impact of MNE and local
environment contexts / Manolopoulos, Dimitris & Dimitratos,
Pavlos & Young, Stephen & Lioukas, Spyros (Management
International Review, 2009 vol 49 no 1, pp. 43- 60)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of
two categories of sources of technology on subsidiary
performance. These technology sources can be associated
either with the internal Multinational Enterprise (MNE) system;
or, the local environment in which the subsidiary is based.
P 00774 GX 2009 vol 49 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 B III
Managing technological transitions through R&D alliances
/ Riccaboni, Massimo & Moliterni, Rocco (R&D Management,
2009 vol 39 no 2, pp. 124- 135)
Technological and market transitions are difficult to manage,
and collaborations can be viewed as either resources or
constraints in dynamic settings. In the biopharmaceutical
industry, a paradigmatic shift in the relevant knowledge bases
occurred in the mid-1990s, inducing a structural change in the
network of R&D collaborations. Search and relational
strategies oriented toward exploration have prevailed in
different phases of the network evolution
P 00731 GRBR 2009 vol 39 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 B II
Mergers and innovation in big pharma / Ornaghi, Carmine
(International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2009 vol 27
no 1, pp. 70- 79)
The aims of this paper are to study the effects of mergers on
the R&D activity of consolidated firms and to explore the
relationship between ex-ante relatedness of merging parties
and their ex-post performance. The analysis is conducted
using data of the pharmaceutical industry for the period
P 00832 PB 2009 vol 27 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 43 H I
Technological innovation in the airline industry: the
impact of regional jets / Brueckner, Jan K. (International
Journal of Industrial Organization, 2009 vol 27 no 1, pp. 110120)
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
This paper explores the impact of the regional jet (RJ), an
important new technological innovation in the airline industry,
on service patterns and service quality.
P 00832 PB 2009 vol 27 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 43 H I
The role of alliance network redundancy in the creation of
core and non-core technologies / Vanhaverbeke, Wim &
Gilsing, Victor & Beerkens, Bonnie & Duysters, Geert (Journal
of Management Studies, 2009 vol 46 no 2, pp. 215- 244)
This paper studies the effect of a local firm, and its partners'
local alliance actions, on the creation of technological
innovations by the former. More specifically, we study how two
types of redundancy in a focal firm's ego network affect its
ability to create new technologies in its technology core areas
(exploitation) and/or non-core areas (exploration).
P 00945 GRBR 2009 vol 46 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 B II
This article examines how the seemingly diametrically
opposed dynamics of high-tech markets, in part as raised by
the Sonaecom and Portugal Telecom merger, impact on
merger analysis in the US and the European Union. In
particular, we review several transactions in which the
agencies in both jurisdictions analysed markets that were both
susceptible to rapid change yet also exhibited substantial entry
barriers. These markets include internet products and
services, as well as networked software and hardware.
P 01005 GRBR 2008 vol 4 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 G II
60:658.012.1 (410)
North of England, UK / Paris: OECD ; 2008, 246 p.
What is the North of England? Innovation performance of
the North. Productivity growth and regional innovation policy.
Strengthening regional institutions. Regional strategies.
Pan-northern support of innovation.
151 877
The knowledge dimension of innovation management /
Asimakou, Theodora (Knowledge Management Research and
Pratice, 2009 vol 7 no 1, pp. 82- 90)
The paper critically examines the literature of innovation
management - the assumptions and the limitations of each
dominant approach. The paper suggests that innovation
management theorists have been late to embrace the
theoretical progress of the knowledge management field
P 01003 GRBR 2009 vol 7 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 A II
60:658.012.1 (100)
Les besoins en science et technologie - Une prospective
scientifique et technologique guidée par la demande : le
projet québécois "Perspectives STS" / Bergeron, Alain
(Futuribles : Analyse et Prospective, 2009 no 350, pp. 27- 44)
En décembre 2003, à la fin d'un article présentant
l'originalité du Conseil de la science et de la technolgogie du
gouvernement du Québec, Hélène Tremblay et Alain Bergeron
évoquaient le lancement au printemps 2003 d'un ambitieux
excercice de prospective en science et technologie, en lien
avec les demandes de la société: le project Perspectives STS.
Presque six ans plus tard, ce projet est devenu un pilier
essentiel de la réflexion sur l'avenir de la science et la
technologie au Québec, en articulation étroite avec d'une part
les aspirations des citoyens, d'autre part les chercheurs et les
décideurs publics.
P 00819 FR 2009 no 350 SALLE/ZAAL: 33 E III
60:658.012.1 (100) (63)
Global engagements with global assessments : The case
of the international assessment of agricultural knowledge,
science and technology for development (IAASTD) /
Scoones, Ian (IDS Working Paper,no 313, pp. 3- 47)
The IAASTD - the International Assessment of Agricultural
Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development - which
ran between 2003 and 2008, involving over 400 scientists
worldwide, was an ambitious attempt to encourage local and
global debate on the future of agricultural science and
P 00960 GRBRno 313
60:658.012.1 (4) (73)
Antitrust merger analysis in high-technology markets /
Knable Gotts, Ilene & Sher, Scott & Lee, Michelle (European
Competition Journal, 2008 vol 4 no 2, pp. 463- 483)
60:658.012.1 (439)
OECD reviews of innovation policy : Hungary / Paris: ;
2008, 228 p.
Economic performance and level of innovative activity.
International trade and foreign direct investment. Structural
change. Framework conditions for innovation. Innovation
actors. The business sector. Higher education institutions.
Human resources for S&T and innovation. ICT in the
Hungarian economy. The evolution of Hungary's science,
technology and innovation policy. Governance and the policy
mix. Funding
151 790
60:658.012.1 (44)
Capital risque dans les scteurs innovants et performance
des FCPI (Fonds communs de placements dans
l'innovation / Sahut, Jean-Michel & Mnejja, Anis (Gestion
2000, 2009 vol 26 no 1, pp. 119- 137)
L'objectif de cet article consiste à s'interroger sur l'avenir de
l'industrie du capital risque en France au travers de ses
évolutions, des secteurs financés et de ses problèmes
P 02637 BG 2009 vol 26 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 L II
60:658.012.1 (45)
Software innovativeness. A comparison between
proprietary and Free/Open Source solutions offered by
Italian SMEs / Rossi Lamastra, Cristina (R&D Management,
2009 vol 39 no 2, pp. 153- 169)
Based on a sample of 134 software solutions, produced by
Italian Small and Medium Enterprises and using a
methodology frequently applied in technology management to
evaluate innovativeness of products and services, this
exploratory study provides initial insights into what happens
when alternative metrics are used to observe complex
innovation processes in the software market.
P 00731 GRBR 2009 vol 39 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 B II
60:658.012.1 (481)
Innovation, path dependency and policy : the Norwegian
case / Fagerberg, Jan & Mowery, David C. & VERSPAGEN,
BART New York: Oxford University Press ; 2009, 387 p.
The historical evolution and current structure of the
Norwegian national innovation system. Sectoral innovation
systems - old and new paths. Innovation policy and
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
PAGE 124
P 00425 EU 2008 vol 53 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 19 F I
152 296
60:658.012.1 (481)
The performance of the Norwegian carbon dioxide,
capture and storage / van Alphen, Klaas & van Ruijven,
Jochem & Kasa, Sjur & Hekkert, Marko & Turkenburg, Wim
(Energy Policy, 2009 vol 37 no 1, pp. 43- 55)
In order to take up Norway's twin challenge of reducing CO2
emissions, while meeting its growing energy demand with
domestic resources, the deployment of carbon capture and
storage (CCS) plays an important role in Norwegian energy
policies. This study uses the Functions of Innovation Systems
approach to identify key policy issues that need to be
addressed in order to prolong Norway's international
leadership position in the development of CCS.
P 00780 GRBR 2009 vol 37 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 44 B I
Multinationals, tax holidays, and technology transfer /
Miyagiwa, Kaz & Ohno, Yuka (The Japanese Economic
Review, 2009 vol 60 no 1, pp. 82- 96)
Host country governments often grant investment incentives
to foreign firms located in their territories. We show that such
preferential treatment of foreign firms can induce transfer of
foreign technology, facilitate entry by the local firm, and
improve host country welfare
P 00965 GRBR 2009 vol 60 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 28 D I
60:658.012.1 (493=393)
Nieuwe vormen van werkorganisatie bij ondernemingen
met minder dan tien werknemers : trends 2004-2007 /
Brussel: SERV ; 2008, 32 p.
De trends worden onderverdeeld in vier groepen :
technologie, innovatie, organisatiestructuur en de inzet van
arbeid. Tot slot bekijken we de motieven voor en hindernissen
bij organisatieverandering.
61 (100.3)
Les personnels de santé dans les pays de l'OCDE :
comment répondre à la crise imminente? / Paris: OCDE ;
2008, 104 p.
152 346
60:658.012.1 (497.12)
Export strategies as a factor of SME growth in Croatia /
Racic, Domagoj & Aralica, Zoran & Redzepagic, Denis
(International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Management (IJEIM), 2008 vol 8 no 3, pp. 286- 304)
The paper explores the main processes and determinants of
the internationalisation of the Small- and Medium-sized
Enterprises (SMEs) in Croatia and empirically explores the
data generated through the SME Exporters Survey covering
the period between 1999 and 2004.
P 00637 SS 2008 vol 8 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 E II
60:658.012.1 (520)
Overseas R&D activities and home productivity growth:
Evidence from Japanese firm-level data / Todo, Yasuyuki &
Shimizutani, Satoshi (Journal of Industrial Economics, 2008
vol 56 no 4, pp. 752- 777)
This paper investigates the impact of overseas subsidiaries'
R&D activities on the productivity growth of parent firms using
firm-level data for Japanese multinational enterprises
P 00563 GRBR 2008 vol 56 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 43 G II
60:658.012.1 (73)
Swimming with sharks : Technology ventures, defense
mechanisms and corporate relationships / Katila, Riitta &
Rosenberger, Jeff D. & Eisenhardt, Kathleen M.
(Administrative Science Quarterly, 2008 vol 53 no 2, pp. 295332)
This paper focuses on the tension that firms face between
the need for resources from partners and the potentially
damaging misappropriation from partners and the potentially
damaging misappropriation of their own resources by
corporate "sharks". Taking an entrepreneurial lens, we study
this tensioin at tie formation in corporate investment
relationships in five U.S. technology-based industries over a
25-year period.
Politiques de recrutement international et de formation
nationale des travailleurs de santé: mieux comprendre les
interactions. Améliorer l'utilisation et la mobilisation des
internationale des travailleurs de la santé: interdépendance et
défis d'ordre éthique. La marche à suivre.
151 792
61 (37) (680)
Does mother's education matter in child's health?
Evidence from South Africa / Medrano, Patricia &
Rodriguez, Catherine (The South African Journal of
Economics, 2008 vol 76 no 4, pp. 612- 627)
Using the 1993 South Africa Integrated Household Survey,
this paper studies the effect that mother's education through
the knowledge channel has on children's health using height
for age Z-scores as health measure.
P 00006 SAF 2008 vol 76 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 28 I III
61 (493=393)
Gezondheid en gezondheidsgedrag in het Vlaamse
Gewest : verschillen naargelang het huishoudtype / Corijn,
Martine Brussel: Vlaamse Overheid ; 2008, 54 p.
Huishoudens in het Vlaamse Gewest. De subjectieve
gezondheid. De fysieke gezondheid. De psychische
gezondheid. De sociale gezondheid. Risicogedrag. Preventief
gedrag. Gebruik van gezondheidsvoorzieningen.
152 149
61 (494)
Santé, travail et séniors / Bury, Jacques A. (Revue
économique et sociale, 2008 vol 66 no 3, pp. 7- 63)
Santé et travail pour les 50 ans et plus: à propos du
programme 50 + santé de la CLASS. Conditions de travail des
45 ans et plus dans l'Aministration Cantonale Vaudoise. Santé
au travail 50 ans+: Quels facteurs protecteurs? Administration
cantonale de Fribourg. Projet jurassien d'un catalogue
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
d'actions exemplaires de santé au travail. Elaboration d'un
cadre normatif de sensibilisation et de prévention: gestion des
risques de mobbing. Responsabilité sociale des entreprises:
indicateurs pour compléter la notation sur la dimension santé
à l'usage des investisseurs institutionnels. Synthèse du suivi
de la litérature + 50 ans et plus Santé. Prévention des effets
néfastes du chômage sur la santé des personnes engagées
dans les mesures de réinsertion. Analyse critique des
différentes dispositions cantonales relatives à la (ré)insertion
professionnelle des personnes. Plan stratégique pour
l'élaboration et la diffusion de recommendations "Santé
Chômage 50+" à l'endroit des instances responsables de
l'application de la LACI. Amélioration de l'impact des
séminaires de préparation à la retraite.
P 00550 SS 2008 vol 66 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 J III
Totaal kwaliteitsmanagement : handleiding voor het
systematisch werken aan kwaliteit in de gezondheids- en
welzijnsvoorzieningen / Leuven, Apeldoorn: Garant
Uitgevers ; 2000, 133 p. ISBN: 90-5350-735-3
De geschiedenis en de grondgedachte van kwaliteitszorg.
Werken aan een kwaliteitsgerichte cultuur als voedingsbodem
voor kwaliteitsmanagement. Technieken voor het verbeteren
van kwaliteit van zorg. Het uitwerken van een kwaliteitsbeleid.
De kwaliteitsplanning. Keuzemogelijkheden bij de invoering
152 180
614 (100.3)
Les prix des médicaments sur un marché global / Paris:
OECD ; 2008, 233 p.
Principales caractéristiques du secteur pharmaceutique des
pays de l'OCDE. L'industrie pharmaceutique et ses activités.
Prix et remboursement des produits pharmaceutiques dans le
contexte plus large de la politique pharmaceutique. Impact des
politiques de prix pharmaceutiques sur les performances
obtenues au regard des objectifs de la politique de santé.
Impact des politiques nationales de prix et de remboursement
sur les prix et la disponibilité des médicaments dans d'autres
pays. Impact de politiques de prix pharmaceutiques sur
l'innovation pharmaceutique.
151 880
614 (73)
Food product composition, consumer health, and public
policy. / Golan, Elise & Unnevehr, Laurian & Alston, Julian M.
& Sumner, Daniel A. & Vosti, Stephen A. & Beghin, John C. &
Jensen, Helen H. & Mancino, Lisa & Küchler, Fred & Leibtag,
Ephraim & Unnevehr, Laurian J. & Jagmanaite, Evelina (Food
Policy, 2008 vol 33 no 6, pp. 465- 503)
Food product composition, consumer health, and public
policy. Farm subsidies and obesity in the United States :
national evidence and international comparisons. Farm
policies and added sugars in US diets. Getting consumers to
eat more whole-grains : the role of policy, information, and
food manufacturers. Getting rid of trans fats in the US diet :
policies, incentives and progress.
P 00899 GRBR 2008 vol 33 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 I I
614.31 (100)
Sécurité alimentaire et échanges internationaux - Quelle
place pour le principe de précaution? / Cazala, Julien
(Revue européenne de Droit de la Consommation, 2009 no 1,
pp. 67- 83)
Le principe de précaution apparaît aujourd'hui comme une
arme protectionniste à la disposition des Etats pour limiter la
libre circulation des marchandises. Les différents de l'O.M.C.
ont montré que le rôle joué par celui-ci restait relativement
marginal dans la mesure où la reconnaissance du principe est
limitée et que les membres de l'organisation respectent
rarement les éléments mis à leur charge par le recours au
régime de précaution.
P 02721 BG 2009 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 54 K II
614.31 (4-11) (4-15) (4-191.2)
The European Food Safety Authority: judicial review by
community courts / Gabbi, Simone (Revue européenne de
Droit de la Consommation, 2009 no 1, pp. 171- 189)
The purpose of the present work is to provide the reader
with some reflections concerning the intensity of the judicial
review applied by the European judicature on operations and
outputs of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).
P 02721 BG 2009 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 54 K II
Let them eat junk : how capitalism creates hunger and
obesity / Albritton, Robert New York: Pluto Press ; 2009, 259
Capitalism may promise cheap, nutritious food for all, but it
has failed to deliver on that promise. This is the first book to
explore the economics of our food system, and to explain why
a quarter of the world's population go hungry despite the fact
that enough food is produced worldwide to feed us all.
152 301
Reconciling development and environmental goals :
measuring the impact of policies / Paris: OECD ; 2008, 120
It presents scenarios showing numerical results of changes
to individual policies as well as policy packages implemented
simultaneously by OECD and developing countries. The
scenarios also show how policy combinations could
substantially improve both economic and environmental
outcomes together, confirming the need for policy coherence
151 876
Genoeg : moderne gids voor duurzaam leven / Petherick,
Tom Utrecht, Antwerpen: Kosmos uitgevers B.V. ; 2009, 287
Hoe je je eigen organische voedsel kunt maken - het maakt
niet uit of je dat in een volkstuin doet, in je voor- of achtertuin
of zelfs in een plantenbak; kleindierhouderij; recyclend,
151 988
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
Entrepreneurship, sustainable growth and performance :
frontiers in European entrepreneurship research /
Landström, Hans & Crijns, Hans & Laveren, Eddy
Cheltenham, Northampton: Edward Elgar ; 2008, 365 p.
Entrepreneurs and their role. Entrepreneurship in family
firms. Performance of new ventures. Processes and
PAGE 126
Two billion cars : driving toward sustainability / Sperling,
Daniel New York: Oxford University Press ; 2009, 304 p.
The roots of the problem - the resistant auto industry,
dysfunctional oil markets, short-sighted government policies,
and unmotivated consumers. They zero in on reforming our
gas-guzzling culture, expanding the search for low-carbon
fuels, environment-friendly innovations in transportation
152 205
151 969
Planeet op drift? : een wetenschappelijke kijk op
klimaatverandering en global change / Vanderborght, Oscar
& Verheyden, Peter & Commers, Ronald Brussel: Academic
and Scientific Publishers ; 2008, 632 p.
De bepalende factoren van het klimaat. Temperatuur als
signaal. De verstoorde stralingsbalans. Globl change en
verandering van het landgebruik. De rol van de oceanen in het
klimaat en in de koolstofcyclus. Paleoklimaat: een blik in het
verleden. Water(s)nood: te weinig versus te veel water.
Verwoestijning. Het ozongat. Biodiversiteit. De eindigheid van
energie en grondstoffen.
152 141
In evenwicht : inzichten en aanwijzingen voor strategisch
duurzaam ondernemen / Soumillion, Marc Roeselare:
Roularta, Books ; 2009, 126 p.
Vlaanderen, België en Europa doen het behoorlijk als het op
technologische innovatie rond duurzaamheid aankomt. Maar
met het vermarkten van duurzame proposities is het slechter
gesteld. In dit boek wordt de complexiteit van duurzaamheid
en duurzaam ondernemen niet uit de weg gegaan.
Integendeel, het is de bedoeling deze te doorgronden en
hanteerbaar te maken. Dat gebeurt aan de hand van de zes
basisvoorwaarden - '6 in-woorden' om tot duurzaam
ondernemen te komen : interdependentie, incorporeren,
inzicht, integratie, innovatie en integriteit.
152 294
La méthode IDEA : indicateurs de durabilité des
exploitations agricoles, guide d'utilisation / Dijon: Educagri
éditions ; 2008, 184 p.
L'échelle de durabilité agroécologique : la diversité;
l'aménagement de l'espace; les pratiques agricoles. L'échelle
de durabilité socioterritoriale : qualité des produits et du
territoire; emploi et services; éthique et développement
humain. L'échelle économique : les quatre composantes; les
coûts économiques.
Wind energy - the facts / London: Earthscan ; 2009, 568 p.
This new book, the result of an ambitious project
coordinated by the European Wind Energy Association, aims
to present the facts about wind energy. It includes six sections
discussing : technology; grid integration; economics of wind;
industry and markets; environmental impacts; scenarios and
152 308
152 226
environnementale - diagnostic / Bron, Gilbert & Duclaud,
Eric & Toussaint, Jean-Paul Dijon: Educagri éditions ; 2004,
381 p.
L'entreprise horticole, un système ouvert, un système
finalisé et piloté, l'entreprise horticole, un système social
organisé. L'horticulture durable : mythe ou réalité? Approche
des problèmes environnementaux. La recherche des pratiques
respectueuses de l'environnement. La conduite du diagnostic.
Green to gold : how smart companies use environmental
strategy to innovate, create value, and build competitive
advantage / Esty, Daniel C. Hoboken: John Wiley and sons ;
2006, 380 p.
Eco-advantage. Natural drivers of the green wave.
Managing the downside. The eco-advantage mindset.
Eco-tracking. Inspiring an eco-advantage culture. Why
environmental initiatives fail.
152 335
152 224
Food fears : from industrial to sustainable food systems /
Aldershot, Burlington: Ashgate ; 2008, 185 p.
With escalating rates of diabetes, cancer and obesity,
excessive food miles and the consequences for global climate
change, farm crises, food insecurity and the "fast food" culture,
the industrial food system of the West is increasingly
perceived als problematic. The physical, social and intellectual
distance between consumers and their food stems from a food
system that privileges quantity and efficiency over quality, with
an underlying assumption that food is a commodity, rather
than a source of nourishment and pleasure.
152 186
In search of environmental spillovers / Albornoz, Facundo
& Cole, Matthew A. & Elliott, Robert J.R. & Ercolani, Marco G.
(The World Economy, 2009 vol 32 no 1, pp. 136- 163)
In this paper we identify a complementary strand of the FDI
spillover literature that deserves attention: the relationship
between FDI and the environmental performance of firms.
Instead of total factor productivity we now investigate the
influence of a foreign presence, and the role of spillovers, on
the extent to which firms have implemented environmental
management systems.
P 00773 GRBR 2009 vol 32 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 F I
Green issue. / Lambe, Geraldine & Hart, Joanna & Price,
Michelle (The Banker, 2008 vol 158 no 988, pp. 42- 57)
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
Innovation has moved beyond clean energy funds into
advisory services and structured products, but can market
participants counter scepticism that market mechanisms are
the best way to cut emissions ? Instability in many of the
regions supplying oil and gas, coupled with escalating costs in
the fissil fuel market, has caused the financial markets to look
towards the renewable energy sector. It operations are
operations-banks' most IT-intensive functions-increasingly
unsustainable. But some improvements are being made.
P 00543 GRBR 2008 vol 158 no 988 SALLE/ZAAL: 36 C III
Eco-efficiency and firm value / Sinkin, Charlene & WRIGHT,
CHARLOTTE J. & Burnett, Royce D. (Journal of Accounting
and Public Policy, 2008 vol 27 no 2, pp. 167- 176)
This study empirically examines the proposition that
implementation of eco-efficient business strategies is
associated with higher firm value.
P 00593 EU 2008 vol 27 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 41 B III
614.7 (100)
Energy efficiency and sustainable consumption : the
rebound effect / Sorrell, Steve London: Palgrave Macmillan ;
2009, 266 p.
Most governments seek to improve energy efficiency in
order to reduce carbon emissions. But this may not be as
effective as is generally assumed. Various 'rebound effects'
may take back some or all of the energy savings. It is even
possible that improvements in energy efficiency will lead to
increases in energy demand over the long term. This is the
first book to provide a detailed analysis of these rebound
effects and to highlight their far-reaching implications for
energy and climate policy. It combines economic studies of the
rebound effect with broader analyses of the socio-cultural and
political implications.
152 303
Farnham: Ashgate ; 2008, 216 p.
The EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) has been
characterized as one of the most far-reaching and radical
environmental policies for many years. Given the EU's earlier
resistance to this market-based and US-flavoured programme,
the development and implementation of the EU ETS has been
152 185
614.7 (430)
A climate protection strategy for Germany - 40% reduction
of CO2 emissions by 2020 compared to 1990 / Erdmenger,
Christoph & Lehmann, Harry & Müschen, Klaus & Tambke,
Jens & Mayr, Sebastian & Kuhnhenn, Kai (Energy Policy,
2009 vol 37 no 1, pp. 158- 166)
This paper presents measures and instruments for Germany
to achieve the goal of 40% CO2-emission reduction until 2020
by reducing energy-related emissions by 224 million tonne
(Mt). The most important measures in this regard are cuts in
electricity generation (savings of 40 Mt), fuel switching and
increased energy conversion efficiency.
P 00780 GRBR 2009 vol 37 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 44 B I
614.7 (471.1) (510) (73)
Charbon, les métamorphoses d'une industrie : la nouvelle
géopolitique du XXIe siècle / Martin-Amouroux, Jean-Marie
Paris: Editions Technip ; 2008, 420 p.
Entrer dans le XXIe siècle avec la source d'énergie du
XIXe? Croissance des consommations : de nouvelles
trajectoires. Etats-Unis: l'Arabie Saoudite du charbon. La
renaissance inattendue du charbon en Russie. La Chine, en
tête de l'industrie charbonière mondiale. L'Inde et le Sud-Est
asiatique entrent dans la course. L'essor des industries
exportatrices. Marchés internationaux et dynamique
concurrentielle des industries. Atouts et handicap du charbon
au cours des prochaines décennies. Les clean coal
technologies arriveront-elles à temps?
152 229
614.7 (100)
A year of dramatic change brings opportunity to rethink
the value of environmental taxes / Clémençon, Raymond
(The Journal of Environment & Development, 2009 vol 18 no
1, pp. 3- 16)
The economic crisis is a historic opportunity to wean the rich
world from its unsustainable resource consumption and help
poor and emerging economies to adopt sustainable
development practices. The advantage of economic
downturns is that they tend to force necessary structural
change that is otherwise difficult to accomplish politically.
614.7 (73)
La troisième révolution américaine / Mistral, Jacques Paris:
Perrin ; 2008, 245 p.
Le déclin et la chute de la présidence Bush. La fuite en
avant dans l'endettement. Le rêve américain ébréché.
Réinventer la classe moyenne. Sauver la planète. Recréer
une industrie compétitive. Le dollar, un problème pour
l'Amérique ?
152 210
P 00940 GRBR 2009 vol 18 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 45 B I
614.7 (100.3)
Le développement durable dans les pays de l'ocde :
mettre au point les politiques publiques / Paris: O.C.D.E. ;
2004, 220 p. ISBN: 92-64-01694-5
Cette publication présente les enseignements tirés de 30
examens par pays qui ont été publiés depuis 2002 dans le
cadre des Études economiques de l'OCDE. Cet ouvrage se
penche sur les mesures concrètes que les États ont mises en
oeuvre afin de promouvoir le développement durable.
152 060
614.7 (4-15)
EU emissions trading : initiation, decision-making and
implementation / Birger Skjaerseth, Jon & Wettestad, Jorgen
614.7 (73)
Energy / Dukert, Joseph M. Westport, London: Greenwood
Press ; 2009, 217 p.
Energy in the balance. How much is enough ? How much
does it cost ? Reliability of supply. Environmental factors.
Time, the often overlooked factor. National energy policy and
its economic implications. Looking ahead to "sustainable
152 235
614.7 (73)
Biofuels / Southern gate: John Wiley and sons ; 2009, 242 p.
Biofuels in perspective. Sustainable production of cellulosic
feedstock for biorefineries in the USA. Process technologies
for biodiesel production. Bio-based Fisher-Tropsch diesel
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
production technologies. Plant oil biofuel: rationale, production
and application. Enzymatic production of biodiesel. Biomass
digestion to methane in agriculture: A successful pathway for
the energy production and waste treatment worldwide.
PAGE 128
cover 50 % of the earth's surface, are as important as forests
for the sequestration of carbon.
152 133
152 066
614.70 (100.3)
Le développement durable dans les pays de l'ocde :
mettre au point les politiques publiques / Paris: O.C.D.E. ;
2004, 220 p. ISBN: 92-64-01694-5
Cette publication présente les enseignements tirés de 30
examens par pays qui ont été publiés depuis 2002 dans le
cadre des Études economiques de l'OCDE. Cet ouvrage se
penche sur les mesures concrètes que les États ont mises en
oeuvre afin de promouvoir le développement durable.
152 060
614.70 (73)
Greenhouse gas reduction benefits and costs of a
large-scale transition to hydrogen in the USA / Dougherty,
William & Kartha, Sivan & Rajan, Chella & Lazarus, Michael &
Bailie, Alison & Runkle, Benjamin & Fencl, Amanda (Energy
Policy, 2009 vol 37 no 1, pp. 56- 68)
Hydrogen is an energy carrier able to be produced from
domestic, zero-carbon sources and consumed by
zero-pollution devices. A transition to a hydrogen-based
economy could therefore potentially respond to climate, air
quality, and energy security concerns.
P 00780 GRBR 2009 vol 37 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 44 B I
The design of climate policy / Guesnerie, Roger & Tulkens,
Henry Cambridge: The MIT Press ; 2008, 397 p.
Improving on Kyoto : greenhouse gas control as the
purchase of a global public good. A discussion of the GPGP
approach of Bradford and Guesnerie. Untying the
climate-development gordian knot : economic options in a
politically constrained world. Transfer schemes and
institutional changes for sustainable global climate treaties.
Incentives to cooperation in international climate negotiations.
Economics versus climate change. Optimal sequestration
policy with a ceiling on the stock of carbon in the atmosphere.
Why the rate of global climate change matters, and how much.
Leakage from climate policies and border-tax adjustment.
152 135
Energieslank leven met klimaatdukaten : stapsgewijs
minder energieverbruik voor allemaal nodig vanwege
klimaatverandering en peakoil / Fleming, David Utrecht: Van
Arkel ; 2008, 159 p.
Klimaatverandering. Oplossingen en hun beperkingen. De
rol van energie in economische groei. Ecosystemen. Is een
klimaatwet de oplossing? De belangrijkste uitgangspunten.
Mogelijke bezwaren
151 972
Foreign direct investment and environmental taxes / De
Santis, Roberto A. & Stähler, Frank (German Economic
Review, 2009 vol 10 no 1, pp. 115- 135)
This paper studies the effect of foreign direct investment
(FDI) on environmental policy stringency in a two-country
model with trade costs, where FDI could be unilateral and
bilateral and both governments address local pollution through
environmental taxes.
P 00473 ALL 2009 vol 10 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 I III
614.70:336.2 (100)
A year of dramatic change brings opportunity to rethink
the value of environmental taxes / Clémençon, Raymond
(The Journal of Environment & Development, 2009 vol 18 no
1, pp. 3- 16)
The economic crisis is a historic opportunity to wean the rich
world from its unsustainable resource consumption and help
poor and emerging economies to adopt sustainable
development practices. The advantage of economic
downturns is that they tend to force necessary structural
change that is otherwise difficult to accomplish politically.
P 00940 GRBR 2009 vol 18 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 45 B I
614.70:338.23 (100)
A year of dramatic change brings opportunity to rethink
the value of environmental taxes / Clémençon, Raymond
(The Journal of Environment & Development, 2009 vol 18 no
1, pp. 3- 16)
The economic crisis is a historic opportunity to wean the rich
world from its unsustainable resource consumption and help
poor and emerging economies to adopt sustainable
development practices. The advantage of economic
downturns is that they tend to force necessary structural
change that is otherwise difficult to accomplish politically.
P 00940 GRBR 2009 vol 18 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 45 B I
614.70:338.23 (4-15)
EU emissions trading : initiation, decision-making and
implementation / Birger Skjaerseth, Jon & Wettestad, Jorgen
Farnham: Ashgate ; 2008, 216 p.
The EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) has been
characterized as one of the most far-reaching and radical
environmental policies for many years. Given the EU's earlier
resistance to this market-based and US-flavoured programme,
the development and implementation of the EU ETS has been
152 185
Carbon sequestration in tropical grassland ecosystems /
Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Pubishers ; 2008, 221 p.
The increasing scientific consensus on global warming,
together with the precautionary principle and the fear of
non-linear climate transitions is leading to increasing action to
mitigate global warming. To help mitigate global warming,
carbon storage by forests is often mentioned as the only or the
best way to reduce the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere.
This book presents evidence that tropical grasslands, which
614.70:338.23 (492)
Environmental negotiated agreements in the Netherlands /
Bressers, Hans & de Bruijn, Theo & Lulofs, Kris
(Environmental Politics, 2009 vol 18 no 1, pp. 58- 77)
We seek to answer two central questions : - First, what is
the degree of success (criteria for effectiveness, efficiency and
positive side effects) of the use of negotiated environmental
agreements in the Netherlands, and with what background
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
factors is the degree of success related? - Second, what role
is played by follow-up implementation after the agreements
are signed and what is the interaction with other instruments?
P 00886 GRBR 2009 vol 18 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 45 D III
carbon storage by forests is often mentioned as the only or the
best way to reduce the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere.
This book presents evidence that tropical grasslands, which
cover 50 % of the earth's surface, are as important as forests
for the sequestration of carbon.
152 133
614.70:338.23 (492)
The transitions storyline in Dutch environmental policy /
Smith, Adrian & Kern, Florian (Environmental Politics, 2009 vol
18 no 1, pp. 78- 98)
In 2001 the Dutch government adopted a new policy in its
Fourth National Environmental Policy Plan. Its transitions
approach seeks radically more sustainable socio-technical
systems, and represents an attempt to reinvigorate ecological
modernisation. To explain the rise of this distinct policy
storyline, a coalition of researchers and policy-makers forming
the transition storyline is analysed.
P 00886 GRBR 2009 vol 18 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 45 D III
614.70:338.23 (510)
Urban environmental performance in China: a
sustainability divide ? / Liu, Lee (Sustainable Development,
2009 vol 17 no 1, pp. 1- 18)
This paper explores a sustainability divide in urban
environmental protection in China with its 72 model cities, 113
key cities, and 43 most polluted cities. It investigates factors
that help understand such a divide, the applicability of the
environmental Kuznets curve(EKC), and policies for
sustainable urban development
P 00935 GRBR 2009 vol 17 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 45 E II
614.70:338.23 (540)
Carbon abatement potential of solar home systems in
India and their cost reduction due to carbon finance /
Chaurey, A. & Kandpal, T.C. (Energy Policy, 2009 vol 37 no 1,
pp. 115- 126)
About 78 million rural households in India reportedly lack
access to grid electricity. About 67 million of them use
kerosene for lighting. Government of India is promoting the
use of solar home systems (SHS) as one of the options for
meeting lighting requirements in households in remote and
less inhabited villages. About 363.399 SHS were reportedly
disseminated across the country by December 2007.
P 00780 GRBR 2009 vol 37 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 44 B I
614.70:34 (492)
Environmental negotiated agreements in the Netherlands /
Bressers, Hans & de Bruijn, Theo & Lulofs, Kris
(Environmental Politics, 2009 vol 18 no 1, pp. 58- 77)
We seek to answer two central questions : - First, what is
the degree of success (criteria for effectiveness, efficiency and
positive side effects) of the use of negotiated environmental
agreements in the Netherlands, and with what background
factors is the degree of success related? - Second, what role
is played by follow-up implementation after the agreements
are signed and what is the interaction with other instruments?
P 00886 GRBR 2009 vol 18 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 45 D III
Carbon sequestration in tropical grassland ecosystems /
Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Pubishers ; 2008, 221 p.
The increasing scientific consensus on global warming,
together with the precautionary principle and the fear of
non-linear climate transitions is leading to increasing action to
mitigate global warming. To help mitigate global warming,
The design of climate policy / Guesnerie, Roger & Tulkens,
Henry Cambridge: The MIT Press ; 2008, 397 p.
Improving on Kyoto : greenhouse gas control as the
purchase of a global public good. A discussion of the GPGP
approach of Bradford and Guesnerie. Untying the
climate-development gordian knot : economic options in a
politically constrained world. Transfer schemes and
institutional changes for sustainable global climate treaties.
Incentives to cooperation in international climate negotiations.
Economics versus climate change. Optimal sequestration
policy with a ceiling on the stock of carbon in the atmosphere.
Why the rate of global climate change matters, and how much.
Leakage from climate policies and border-tax adjustment.
152 135
Planeet op drift? : een wetenschappelijke kijk op
klimaatverandering en global change / Vanderborght, Oscar
& Verheyden, Peter & Commers, Ronald Brussel: Academic
and Scientific Publishers ; 2008, 632 p.
De bepalende factoren van het klimaat. Temperatuur als
signaal. De verstoorde stralingsbalans. Globl change en
verandering van het landgebruik. De rol van de oceanen in het
klimaat en in de koolstofcyclus. Paleoklimaat: een blik in het
verleden. Water(s)nood: te weinig versus te veel water.
Verwoestijning. Het ozongat. Biodiversiteit. De eindigheid van
energie en grondstoffen.
152 141
Biocarburants : cinq questions qui dérangent / Paris:
Editions Technip ; 2008, 160 p.
Les carburants : bilan actuel et perspectives. Les
biocarburants, une énergie propre? Affament-ils le monde?
Aggravent-ils la déforestation? Sont-ils économiquement
viables? les biocarburants de "seconde génération" sont-ils
prêts? Les biocarburants, vraie-fausse solution?
152 231
Internalizing carbon costs in electricity markets: using
certificates in a load-based emissions trading scheme /
Gillenwater, Michael & Breidenich, Clare (Energy Policy, 2009
vol 37 no 1, pp. 290- 300)
Several western states have considered developing a
regulatory approach to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions from the electric power industry, referred to as a
load-based (LB) cap-and-trade scheme. A LB approach differs
from the traditional source-based (SB) cap-and-trade
approach in that the emission reduction obligation is placed
upon Load Serving Entities (LSEs), rather than electric
P 00780 GRBR 2009 vol 37 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 44 B I
Regional growth and exposure to nearby coal fired power
plant emissions / Kahn, Matthew E. (Regional Science and
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
Urban Economics, 2009 vol 39 no 1, pp. 15- 23)
This paper uses data on the population of all electric utilities
in the United States and evidence on population growth across
regions to document that; pollution levels are higher in
countries with coal fired plants, and that the population is
moving away from regions such as the Midwest where the
dirtiest coal fired power plants are located. Population growth
is taking place in the South and West.
P 00516 PB 2009 vol 39 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 I II
614.71 (4-15)
EU emissions trading : initiation, decision-making and
implementation / Birger Skjaerseth, Jon & Wettestad, Jorgen
Farnham: Ashgate ; 2008, 216 p.
The EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) has been
characterized as one of the most far-reaching and radical
environmental policies for many years. Given the EU's earlier
resistance to this market-based and US-flavoured programme,
the development and implementation of the EU ETS has been
152 185
PAGE 130
152 150
614.74 (73)
Spatial hedonic models of airport noise, proximity, and
housing prices / Cohen, Jeffrey P. & Coughlin, Cletus C.
(Journal of Regional Science, 2008 vol 48 no 5, pp. 859- 878)
We compare various spatial econometric models and
estimation methods in a hedonic price framework to examine
the impact of noise on 2003 housing prices near the Atlanta
P 00406 EU 2008 vol 48 no 5 SALLE/ZAAL: 30 A I
Energy markets : price risk management and trading /
Chichester: John Wiley and sons ; 2007, 363 p.
Risk management in energy markets. The energy
derivatives markets. Emissions trading - towards a global
carbon market. Operational risk and its management.
Accounting for energy derivatives trades.
151 843
614.71 (430)
A climate protection strategy for Germany - 40% reduction
of CO2 emissions by 2020 compared to 1990 / Erdmenger,
Christoph & Lehmann, Harry & Müschen, Klaus & Tambke,
Jens & Mayr, Sebastian & Kuhnhenn, Kai (Energy Policy,
2009 vol 37 no 1, pp. 158- 166)
This paper presents measures and instruments for Germany
to achieve the goal of 40% CO2-emission reduction until 2020
by reducing energy-related emissions by 224 million tonne
(Mt). The most important measures in this regard are cuts in
electricity generation (savings of 40 Mt), fuel switching and
increased energy conversion efficiency.
Green to gold : how smart companies use environmental
strategy to innovate, create value, and build competitive
advantage / Esty, Daniel C. Hoboken: John Wiley and sons ;
2006, 380 p.
Eco-advantage. Natural drivers of the green wave.
Managing the downside. The eco-advantage mindset.
Eco-tracking. Inspiring an eco-advantage culture. Why
environmental initiatives fail.
152 335
P 00780 GRBR 2009 vol 37 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 44 B I
614.71 (439)
Examens environnementaux de l'OCDE : Hongrie / Paris:
OCDE ; 2008, 248 p.
614.7:338.58 (100.3)
Le développement durable dans les pays de l'ocde :
mettre au point les politiques publiques / Paris: O.C.D.E. ;
2004, 220 p. ISBN: 92-64-01694-5
Gestion de l'air. Gestion de l'eau. Nature et biodiversité.
Développement durable. Interface environnement- économie.
Environnement et agriculture. Interface environnement- social.
Coopération internationale
Cette publication présente les enseignements tirés de 30
examens par pays qui ont été publiés depuis 2002 dans le
cadre des Études economiques de l'OCDE. Cet ouvrage se
penche sur les mesures concrètes que les États ont mises en
oeuvre afin de promouvoir le développement durable.
151 797
152 060
614.71 (5) (73)
CO2 emissions from electricity generation in seven
decomposition analysis / Malla, Sunil (Energy Policy, 2009
vol 37 no 1, pp. 1- 10)
The Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index (LMDI) method of
complete decomposition is used to examine the role of three
factors (electricity production, electricity generation structure
and energy intensity of electricity generation) affecting the
evolution of CO2 emissions from electricity generation in
seven countries.
P 00780 GRBR 2009 vol 37 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 44 B I
614.74 (493=393)
Beleving van geluidshinder in Vlaanderen / Beyst, Veerle &
Pauwels, Guy Brussel: Vlaamse Overheid ; 2009, p.m.
Algemene versus specifieke geluidshinder. Gevoeligheid
voor geluid. Verklaring van geluidshinder. Geluidshinder in de
tijd. Tevredenheid met de leefkwaliteit.
614.7:338.58 (439)
Examens environnementaux de l'OCDE : Hongrie / Paris:
OCDE ; 2008, 248 p.
Gestion de l'air. Gestion de l'eau. Nature et biodiversité.
Développement durable. Interface environnement- économie.
Environnement et agriculture. Interface environnement- social.
Coopération internationale
151 797
Stockage définitif des déchets de haute activité :
calendrier de mise en oeuvre / Paris: OCDE ; 2008, 144 p.
Facteurs techniques, facteurs sociaux et politiques, facteurs
économiques. Participation des parties prenantes. Résumé
des rapports par pays. Quelques exemples d'expérience
acquise dans la pratique
151 736
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
Elisabeth & Lin, Stephen W.-J. & Prakash, Arun J. & Chang,
Chun-Hao (Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 2008 vol
27 no 3, pp. 195- 216)
Come close and co-create : proximities in pharmaceutical
innovation networks / Phlippen, Sandra Magdalena
Wilhelmina Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit ; 2008, 173 p.
Access to relevant external knowledge is crucial for a firms'
competitiveness in innovation-driven industries. This thesis
focuses on how different forms of proximity affect a firm's
ability to access such knowledge. We consider the influence of
being co-located in space, of being embedded in a network,
and of being active in similar knowledge domains.
152 111
Mergers and innovation in big pharma / Ornaghi, Carmine
(International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2009 vol 27
no 1, pp. 70- 79)
The aims of this paper are to study the effects of mergers on
the R&D activity of consolidated firms and to explore the
relationship between ex-ante relatedness of merging parties
and their ex-post performance. The analysis is conducted
using data of the pharmaceutical industry for the period
P 00832 PB 2009 vol 27 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 43 H I
615 (100.3)
Les prix des médicaments sur un marché global / Paris:
OECD ; 2008, 233 p.
Principales caractéristiques du secteur pharmaceutique des
pays de l'OCDE. L'industrie pharmaceutique et ses activités.
Prix et remboursement des produits pharmaceutiques dans le
contexte plus large de la politique pharmaceutique. Impact des
politiques de prix pharmaceutiques sur les performances
obtenues au regard des objectifs de la politique de santé.
Impact des politiques nationales de prix et de remboursement
sur les prix et la disponibilité des médicaments dans d'autres
pays. Impact de politiques de prix pharmaceutiques sur
l'innovation pharmaceutique.
151 880
615 (4)
Pharmaceutical parallel trade : A controversial EC
approach / Sukosd, Peter (Concurrences : Revue des droits
de la concurrence, 2008 no 3, pp. 59- 66)
Parallel trade in the pharmaceuticals market, which mainly
concerns pharmaceuticals under patent protection, exists due
to the pecularities of the sector and prescription conditions
among EC Member States. Through analyzing the
Commission's, the European Court of First Instance's and the
European Court of Justice's policies on parallel trade in
pharmaceuticals, the study first solves the technical and legal
questions arising from the application of Article 81 and 82 EC.
P 00951 FR 2008 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 54 I II
615 (410)
Voluntary disclosure and its impact on share prices :
Evidence from the UK biotechnology sector / Dedman,
Using a sample of firms from the high-R&D UK
biotechnology pharmaceutical sector, we find that earnings
announcements have a much lower price impact than drug
development announcements.
P 00593 EU 2008 vol 27 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 41 B III
Knowledge management supporting education and
research at a university cleanroom / Nowack, Linda & Maul,
Thomas & Kraus, Werner & Hansch, Walter (Knowledge
Management Research and Pratice, 2009 vol 7 no 1, pp. 100112)
This paper shows how education at a university
semiconductor laboratory can be improved by using a content
management system to build a knowledge management
P 01003 GRBR 2009 vol 7 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 A II
kostprijsberekeningen voor managementbeslissingen /
Bruggeman, Werner & Everaert, Patricia & Hoozée, Sophie
Antwerpen, Oxford: Intersentia ; 2008, 214 p.
resultaatbepaling bij massaproductieen bij productie op order.
gemeenscjappelijke producten, bijproducten, uitval en afval.
Full costing versus direct costing. Break-evenanalyse.
Speciale orders met lage verkoopprijs. de make or buy
beslissing. De verkoopprijsbeslissing. De productmixbeslissing
en de theory of constraints. De investeringsbeslissing.
151 921
Electronic waste management / Hester, R.E. & Harrison,
R.M. Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry ; 2009, 263 p.
Materials used in manufacturing electrical and electronic
products. Dumping, burning and landfill. Recycling and
recovery. Integrated approach to e-waste recycling. European
recycling platform (ERP) : a pan-European solution to WEEE
compliance. Liquid crystal displays : form devices to recycling.
The role of collective versus individual producer responsibility
in e-waste management. Rapid assessment of electronics
enclosure plastics.
151 973
Economie des déchets : des préoccupations croissantes,
de nouvelles règles, de nouveaux marchés / Bertolini,
Gérard Paris: Editions Technip ; 2005, 188 p. ISBN:
Outils d'analyse et base de théorie économique du déchet.
prévention, Récupération et recyclage. L'incinération. Les
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
marchés, les grands opérateurs privés dans différents pays,
l'emploi. Valorisations: métaux ferreux, métaux non-ferreux,
papiers-cartons, verre, matières plastiques, équipements
électriques et électroniques, textiles, caoutchouc, pneux,
valorisations en cimenteries
152 230
Energy markets : price risk management and trading /
Chichester: John Wiley and sons ; 2007, 363 p.
Risk management in energy markets. The energy
derivatives markets. Emissions trading - towards a global
carbon market. Operational risk and its management.
Accounting for energy derivatives trades.
151 843
Energy technology perspectives : scenarios and
strategies to 2050 / Paris: IEA ; 2008, 643 p
Scenarios. Technology roadmaps. Research, development
and demonstration. Deployment and technology learning.
Investment issues. Fossil fuel-fired power plants and CO2
capture and storage. Nuclear. Biomass and bioenergy. Wind.
Solar. Hydro, geothermal and ocean energy. Electricity
systems. Methane mitigation. Transport. Industry. Buildings
and appliances.
151 516
Wind energy - the facts / London: Earthscan ; 2009, 568 p.
This new book, the result of an ambitious project
coordinated by the European Wind Energy Association, aims
to present the facts about wind energy. It includes six sections
discussing : technology; grid integration; economics of wind;
industry and markets; environmental impacts; scenarios and
152 308
PAGE 132
Gillenwater, Michael & Breidenich, Clare (Energy Policy, 2009
vol 37 no 1, pp. 290- 300)
Several western states have considered developing a
regulatory approach to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions from the electric power industry, referred to as a
load-based (LB) cap-and-trade scheme. A LB approach differs
from the traditional source-based (SB) cap-and-trade
approach in that the emission reduction obligation is placed
upon Load Serving Entities (LSEs), rather than electric
P 00780 GRBR 2009 vol 37 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 44 B I
Energy technology learning through deployment in
competitive markets / WENE, CLAS-OTTO (The Engineering
Economist : a journal devoted to the problems of capital
investment, 2008 vol 53 no 4, pp. 340- 363)
Technology learning as observed in experience and learning
curves shows that government deployment programs can be
efficient tools for technology-led strategies to manage the risk
of climate change. But better theoretical understanding is
needed to explain observed learning rate and make reliable
P 00500 EU 2008 vol 53 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 L I
620.9 (4-15)
Research for Europe : a selection of EU success stories /
Brussels: European Commission ; 2008, 107 p.
Agriculture and food. Energy. Environment. Life sciences
and health. Fundamental research, industrial research, and
nanotechnologies. Transport and aeronautics. Science,
economy and society. Research policy, regons and SMEs.
International cooperation.
152 162
620.9 (480)
Greenhouse gas balances of transportation biofuels,
electricity and heat generation in Finlan - Dealing with the
uncertainties / Soimakallio, S. & Mäkinen, T. & Ekholm, T. &
Pahkala, K. & Mikkola, H. & Paappanen, T. (Energy Policy,
2009 vol 37 no 1, pp. 80- 91)
One way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the
transportation sector is to replace fossil fuels by biofuels.
However, production of biofuels also generates greenhouse
gas emissions. Energy and greenhouse gas balances of
transportation biofuels suitable for large-scale production in
Finland have been assessed in this paper.
P 00780 GRBR 2009 vol 37 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 44 B I
Trends in renewable energy strategy development and the
role of CDM in Bangladesh / Uddin, SK Noim & Taplin, Ros
(Energy Policy, 2009 vol 37 no 1, pp. 281- 290)
This article analyses and discusses trends in renewable
energy strategy development in Bangladesh and the
prospective role of the clean development mechanism (CDM)
under the Kyoto Protocol. Use of renewables for electricity
generation results in less greenhouse gas emissions
compared with fossil fuel energy systems and often offers
additional synergistic benefits.
P 00780 GRBR 2009 vol 37 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 44 B I
Internalizing carbon costs in electricity markets: using
certificates in a load-based emissions trading scheme /
620.9 (480)
Governance and political consumerism in Finnish energy
policy-making / Ruostetsaari, Ilkka (Energy Policy, 2009 vol
37 no 1, pp. 102- 111)
The research task in the study was, firstly, to analyse
citizens' perceptions of the power structure underlying Finnish
energy policy-making. Secondly, we analysed the role of civil
society in the energy sector, addressing the question whether
Finns feel that they can influence energy policy-making as
citizens through general elections (civic participation) or as
consumers via their own consumption choices (political
P 00780 GRBR 2009 vol 37 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 44 B I
620.9 (481)
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
The performance of the Norwegian carbon dioxide,
capture and storage / van Alphen, Klaas & van Ruijven,
Jochem & Kasa, Sjur & Hekkert, Marko & Turkenburg, Wim
(Energy Policy, 2009 vol 37 no 1, pp. 43- 55)
Energieslank leven met klimaatdukaten : stapsgewijs
minder energieverbruik voor allemaal nodig vanwege
klimaatverandering en peakoil / Fleming, David Utrecht: Van
Arkel ; 2008, 159 p.
In order to take up Norway's twin challenge of reducing CO2
emissions, while meeting its growing energy demand with
domestic resources, the deployment of carbon capture and
storage (CCS) plays an important role in Norwegian energy
policies. This study uses the Functions of Innovation Systems
approach to identify key policy issues that need to be
addressed in order to prolong Norway's international
leadership position in the development of CCS.
Klimaatverandering. Oplossingen en hun beperkingen. De
rol van energie in economische groei. Ecosystemen. Is een
klimaatwet de oplossing? De belangrijkste uitgangspunten.
Mogelijke bezwaren
P 00780 GRBR 2009 vol 37 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 44 B I
620.9 (5) (73)
CO2 emissions from electricity generation in seven
decomposition analysis / Malla, Sunil (Energy Policy, 2009
vol 37 no 1, pp. 1- 10)
The Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index (LMDI) method of
complete decomposition is used to examine the role of three
factors (electricity production, electricity generation structure
and energy intensity of electricity generation) affecting the
evolution of CO2 emissions from electricity generation in
seven countries.
151 972
Green issue. / Lambe, Geraldine & Hart, Joanna & Price,
Michelle (The Banker, 2008 vol 158 no 988, pp. 42- 57)
Innovation has moved beyond clean energy funds into
advisory services and structured products, but can market
participants counter scepticism that market mechanisms are
the best way to cut emissions ? Instability in many of the
regions supplying oil and gas, coupled with escalating costs in
the fissil fuel market, has caused the financial markets to look
towards the renewable energy sector. It operations are
operations-banks' most IT-intensive functions-increasingly
unsustainable. But some improvements are being made.
P 00543 GRBR 2008 vol 158 no 988 SALLE/ZAAL: 36 C III
P 00780 GRBR 2009 vol 37 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 44 B I
620.9 (540)
Carbon abatement potential of solar home systems in
India and their cost reduction due to carbon finance /
Chaurey, A. & Kandpal, T.C. (Energy Policy, 2009 vol 37 no 1,
pp. 115- 126)
About 78 million rural households in India reportedly lack
access to grid electricity. About 67 million of them use
kerosene for lighting. Government of India is promoting the
use of solar home systems (SHS) as one of the options for
meeting lighting requirements in households in remote and
less inhabited villages. About 363.399 SHS were reportedly
disseminated across the country by December 2007.
P 00780 GRBR 2009 vol 37 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 44 B I
620.9.004.4 (100)
Energy efficiency and sustainable consumption : the
rebound effect / Sorrell, Steve London: Palgrave Macmillan ;
2009, 266 p.
Most governments seek to improve energy efficiency in
order to reduce carbon emissions. But this may not be as
effective as is generally assumed. Various 'rebound effects'
may take back some or all of the energy savings. It is even
possible that improvements in energy efficiency will lead to
increases in energy demand over the long term. This is the
first book to provide a detailed analysis of these rebound
effects and to highlight their far-reaching implications for
energy and climate policy. It combines economic studies of the
rebound effect with broader analyses of the socio-cultural and
political implications.
152 303
620.9 (73)
Energy / Dukert, Joseph M. Westport, London: Greenwood
Press ; 2009, 217 p.
Energy in the balance. How much is enough ? How much
does it cost ? Reliability of supply. Environmental factors.
Time, the often overlooked factor. National energy policy and
its economic implications. Looking ahead to "sustainable
152 235
Genoeg : moderne gids voor duurzaam leven / Petherick,
Tom Utrecht, Antwerpen: Kosmos uitgevers B.V. ; 2009, 287
Hoe je je eigen organische voedsel kunt maken - het maakt
niet uit of je dat in een volkstuin doet, in je voor- of achtertuin
of zelfs in een plantenbak; kleindierhouderij; recyclend,
151 988
Energy technology perspectives : scenarios and
strategies to 2050 / Paris: IEA ; 2008, 643 p
Scenarios. Technology roadmaps. Research, development
and demonstration. Deployment and technology learning.
Investment issues. Fossil fuel-fired power plants and CO2
capture and storage. Nuclear. Biomass and bioenergy. Wind.
Solar. Hydro, geothermal and ocean energy. Electricity
systems. Methane mitigation. Transport. Industry. Buildings
and appliances.
151 516
Hubbert's Peak : the impending world oil shortage /
Princeton, Oxford: Princeton University Press ; 2009, 208 p.
The origin of oil. Oil reservoirs and oil fields. Finding it.
Drilling methods. Size and discoverability of oil fields. Rate
plots. The future of fossil fuels. Alternative energy sources
152 234
Wind energy - the facts / London: Earthscan ; 2009, 568 p.
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
This new book, the result of an ambitious project
coordinated by the European Wind Energy Association, aims
to present the facts about wind energy. It includes six sections
discussing : technology; grid integration; economics of wind;
industry and markets; environmental impacts; scenarios and
152 308
Green issue. / Lambe, Geraldine & Hart, Joanna & Price,
Michelle (The Banker, 2008 vol 158 no 988, pp. 42- 57)
Innovation has moved beyond clean energy funds into
advisory services and structured products, but can market
participants counter scepticism that market mechanisms are
the best way to cut emissions ? Instability in many of the
regions supplying oil and gas, coupled with escalating costs in
the fissil fuel market, has caused the financial markets to look
towards the renewable energy sector. It operations are
operations-banks' most IT-intensive functions-increasingly
unsustainable. But some improvements are being made.
P 00543 GRBR 2008 vol 158 no 988 SALLE/ZAAL: 36 C III
Are biofuels a feasible option? / Goldemberg, José &
Guardabassi, Patricia (Energy Policy, 2009 vol 37 no 1, pp.
10- 15)
Recently a number of objections have been raised against
the use of ethanol produced from agricultural products such as
maize, sugarcane, wheat or sugar beets as a replacement for
gasoline, despite some of their advantages such as being
cleaner and to some extent renewable. We address these
objections in this paper.
P 00780 GRBR 2009 vol 37 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 44 B I
PAGE 134
Pahkala, K. & Mikkola, H. & Paappanen, T. (Energy Policy,
2009 vol 37 no 1, pp. 80- 91)
One way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the
transportation sector is to replace fossil fuels by biofuels.
However, production of biofuels also generates greenhouse
gas emissions. Energy and greenhouse gas balances of
transportation biofuels suitable for large-scale production in
Finland have been assessed in this paper.
P 00780 GRBR 2009 vol 37 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 44 B I
620.97 (481)
The performance of the Norwegian carbon dioxide,
capture and storage / van Alphen, Klaas & van Ruijven,
Jochem & Kasa, Sjur & Hekkert, Marko & Turkenburg, Wim
(Energy Policy, 2009 vol 37 no 1, pp. 43- 55)
In order to take up Norway's twin challenge of reducing CO2
emissions, while meeting its growing energy demand with
domestic resources, the deployment of carbon capture and
storage (CCS) plays an important role in Norwegian energy
policies. This study uses the Functions of Innovation Systems
approach to identify key policy issues that need to be
addressed in order to prolong Norway's international
leadership position in the development of CCS.
P 00780 GRBR 2009 vol 37 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 44 B I
620.97 (73)
Biofuels / Southern gate: John Wiley and sons ; 2009, 242 p.
Biofuels in perspective. Sustainable production of cellulosic
feedstock for biorefineries in the USA. Process technologies
for biodiesel production. Bio-based Fisher-Tropsch diesel
production technologies. Plant oil biofuel: rationale, production
and application. Enzymatic production of biodiesel. Biomass
digestion to methane in agriculture: A successful pathway for
the energy production and waste treatment worldwide.
152 066
Trends in renewable energy strategy development and the
role of CDM in Bangladesh / Uddin, SK Noim & Taplin, Ros
(Energy Policy, 2009 vol 37 no 1, pp. 281- 290)
This article analyses and discusses trends in renewable
energy strategy development in Bangladesh and the
prospective role of the clean development mechanism (CDM)
under the Kyoto Protocol. Use of renewables for electricity
generation results in less greenhouse gas emissions
compared with fossil fuel energy systems and often offers
additional synergistic benefits.
P 00780 GRBR 2009 vol 37 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 44 B I
620.97 (73)
Greenhouse gas reduction benefits and costs of a
large-scale transition to hydrogen in the USA / Dougherty,
William & Kartha, Sivan & Rajan, Chella & Lazarus, Michael &
Bailie, Alison & Runkle, Benjamin & Fencl, Amanda (Energy
Policy, 2009 vol 37 no 1, pp. 56- 68)
Hydrogen is an energy carrier able to be produced from
domestic, zero-carbon sources and consumed by
zero-pollution devices. A transition to a hydrogen-based
economy could therefore potentially respond to climate, air
quality, and energy security concerns.
P 00780 GRBR 2009 vol 37 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 44 B I
620.97 (44)
Energies et agriculture : de la maîtrise de l'énergie aux
énergies renouvelables, un guide pour l'analyse / Dijon:
Educagri éditions ; 2003, 202 p.
Les consommations d'énergie et les enjeux, en France et
dans le monde. Des actions individuelles pour une
consommation maîtrisée. L'analyse énergétique d'un itinéraire
technique. L'analyse énergétique appliquée aux filières.
L'énergie solaire et ses applications. L'énergie issue de la
biomasse et ses applications. Le vent et l'eau pour la
production d'électricité.
152 227
620.97 (480)
Are biofuels a feasible option? / Goldemberg, José &
Guardabassi, Patricia (Energy Policy, 2009 vol 37 no 1, pp.
10- 15)
Recently a number of objections have been raised against
the use of ethanol produced from agricultural products such as
maize, sugarcane, wheat or sugar beets as a replacement for
gasoline, despite some of their advantages such as being
cleaner and to some extent renewable. We address these
objections in this paper.
P 00780 GRBR 2009 vol 37 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 44 B I
Greenhouse gas balances of transportation biofuels,
electricity and heat generation in Finlan - Dealing with the
uncertainties / Soimakallio, S. & Mäkinen, T. & Ekholm, T. &
Trends in renewable energy strategy development and the
role of CDM in Bangladesh / Uddin, SK Noim & Taplin, Ros
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
(Energy Policy, 2009 vol 37 no 1, pp. 281- 290)
This article analyses and discusses trends in renewable
energy strategy development in Bangladesh and the
prospective role of the clean development mechanism (CDM)
under the Kyoto Protocol. Use of renewables for electricity
generation results in less greenhouse gas emissions
compared with fossil fuel energy systems and often offers
additional synergistic benefits.
P 00780 GRBR 2009 vol 37 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 44 B I
infrastructure of the Brazilian gas industry / de Mello Sant
Ana, Paulo Henrique & de Martino Jannuzzi, Gilberto & Valdir
Bajay, Sergio (Energy Policy, 2009 vol 37 no 1, pp. 308- 318)
For the last 20 years, countless countries have been
carrying out structural reforms in the natural gas industry,
trying to achieve efficiency and economic rationality with the
introduction of competition. The objective of the paper is to
present an approach to the development of competition and
infrastructure of the Brazilian natural gas industry.
P 00780 GRBR 2009 vol 37 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 44 B I
Energy technology learning through deployment in
competitive markets / WENE, CLAS-OTTO (The Engineering
Economist : a journal devoted to the problems of capital
investment, 2008 vol 53 no 4, pp. 340- 363)
Technology learning as observed in experience and learning
curves shows that government deployment programs can be
efficient tools for technology-led strategies to manage the risk
of climate change. But better theoretical understanding is
needed to explain observed learning rate and make reliable
P 00500 EU 2008 vol 53 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 L I
620.9:338.23 (100)
Energy efficiency and sustainable consumption : the
rebound effect / Sorrell, Steve London: Palgrave Macmillan ;
2009, 266 p.
Most governments seek to improve energy efficiency in
order to reduce carbon emissions. But this may not be as
effective as is generally assumed. Various 'rebound effects'
may take back some or all of the energy savings. It is even
possible that improvements in energy efficiency will lead to
increases in energy demand over the long term. This is the
first book to provide a detailed analysis of these rebound
effects and to highlight their far-reaching implications for
energy and climate policy. It combines economic studies of the
rebound effect with broader analyses of the socio-cultural and
political implications.
152 303
620.9:338.23 (430)
A climate protection strategy for Germany - 40% reduction
of CO2 emissions by 2020 compared to 1990 / Erdmenger,
Christoph & Lehmann, Harry & Müschen, Klaus & Tambke,
Jens & Mayr, Sebastian & Kuhnhenn, Kai (Energy Policy,
2009 vol 37 no 1, pp. 158- 166)
This paper presents measures and instruments for Germany
to achieve the goal of 40% CO2-emission reduction until 2020
by reducing energy-related emissions by 224 million tonne
(Mt). The most important measures in this regard are cuts in
electricity generation (savings of 40 Mt), fuel switching and
increased energy conversion efficiency.
P 00780 GRBR 2009 vol 37 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 44 B I
620.9:338.23 (480)
Greenhouse gas balances of transportation biofuels,
electricity and heat generation in Finlan - Dealing with the
uncertainties / Soimakallio, S. & Mäkinen, T. & Ekholm, T. &
Pahkala, K. & Mikkola, H. & Paappanen, T. (Energy Policy,
2009 vol 37 no 1, pp. 80- 91)
One way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the
transportation sector is to replace fossil fuels by biofuels.
However, production of biofuels also generates greenhouse
gas emissions. Energy and greenhouse gas balances of
transportation biofuels suitable for large-scale production in
Finland have been assessed in this paper.
P 00780 GRBR 2009 vol 37 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 44 B I
620.9:338.23 (480)
Governance and political consumerism in Finnish energy
policy-making / Ruostetsaari, Ilkka (Energy Policy, 2009 vol
37 no 1, pp. 102- 111)
The research task in the study was, firstly, to analyse
citizens' perceptions of the power structure underlying Finnish
energy policy-making. Secondly, we analysed the role of civil
society in the energy sector, addressing the question whether
Finns feel that they can influence energy policy-making as
citizens through general elections (civic participation) or as
consumers via their own consumption choices (political
P 00780 GRBR 2009 vol 37 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 44 B I
620.9:338.23 (481)
Managing petroleum resources : the "Norwegian model"
in a broad perspective / Oxford: Oxford Institute for Energy
Studies ; 2006, 264 p. ISBN: 1-901795-45-4
This book provides a welcome discussion of petroleum
resource management with the Norwegian model as a rich
illustration. It reviews the evolution of government policies, the
subsequent operational results and the impact of the outcome
on economic and social development. Important prerequisites
for successful resource management are then discussed to
show that Norway has been privileged as a host country.
151 784
620.9:338.23 (510)
Economic analysis of energy-saving renovation measures
for urban existing residential buildings in China based on
thermal simulation and site investigation / Ouyang, Jinlong
& Ge, Jian & Hokao, Kazunori (Energy Policy, 2009 vol 37 no
1, pp. 140- 150)
Energy-saving renovations of existing residential buildings
have proven to be very helpful in alleviating the pressure of
energy shortages and CO2 emission, but an economic
analysis of the measures by using a life cycle cost (LCC)
method is very important and necessary to determine whether
to implement them or not.
P 00780 GRBR 2009 vol 37 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 44 B I
620.9:338.23 (510)
Analysis of the market penetration of clean technologies
and its impacts in China's electricity sector / Wang, Hao &
Nakata, Toshihiko (Energy Policy, 2009 vol 37 no 1, pp. 338352)
This paper discusses policy instruments for promoting the
market penetration of clean coal technologies (CCTs) into
China's electricity sector and the evaluation of corresponding
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
P 00780 GRBR 2009 vol 37 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 44 B I
620.9:338.23 (73)
Energy / Dukert, Joseph M. Westport, London: Greenwood
Press ; 2009, 217 p.
Energy in the balance. How much is enough ? How much
does it cost ? Reliability of supply. Environmental factors.
Time, the often overlooked factor. National energy policy and
its economic implications. Looking ahead to "sustainable
152 235
620.9:338.23 (73)
Biofuels / Southern gate: John Wiley and sons ; 2009, 242 p.
Biofuels in perspective. Sustainable production of cellulosic
feedstock for biorefineries in the USA. Process technologies
for biodiesel production. Bio-based Fisher-Tropsch diesel
production technologies. Plant oil biofuel: rationale, production
and application. Enzymatic production of biodiesel. Biomass
digestion to methane in agriculture: A successful pathway for
the energy production and waste treatment worldwide.
152 066
Energieslank leven met klimaatdukaten : stapsgewijs
minder energieverbruik voor allemaal nodig vanwege
klimaatverandering en peakoil / Fleming, David Utrecht: Van
Arkel ; 2008, 159 p.
Klimaatverandering. Oplossingen en hun beperkingen. De
rol van energie in economische groei. Ecosystemen. Is een
klimaatwet de oplossing? De belangrijkste uitgangspunten.
Mogelijke bezwaren
151 972
620.9:339.133 (44)
Energies et agriculture : de la maîtrise de l'énergie aux
énergies renouvelables, un guide pour l'analyse / Dijon:
Educagri éditions ; 2003, 202 p.
Les consommations d'énergie et les enjeux, en France et
dans le monde. Des actions individuelles pour une
consommation maîtrisée. L'analyse énergétique d'un itinéraire
technique. L'analyse énergétique appliquée aux filières.
L'énergie solaire et ses applications. L'énergie issue de la
biomasse et ses applications. Le vent et l'eau pour la
production d'électricité.
152 227
620.9:339.133 (73)
Energy / Dukert, Joseph M. Westport, London: Greenwood
Press ; 2009, 217 p.
Energy in the balance. How much is enough ? How much
does it cost ? Reliability of supply. Environmental factors.
Time, the often overlooked factor. National energy policy and
its economic implications. Looking ahead to "sustainable
152 235
PAGE 136
Energy technology perspectives : scenarios and
strategies to 2050 / Paris: IEA ; 2008, 643 p
Scenarios. Technology roadmaps. Research, development
and demonstration. Deployment and technology learning.
Investment issues. Fossil fuel-fired power plants and CO2
capture and storage. Nuclear. Biomass and bioenergy. Wind.
Solar. Hydro, geothermal and ocean energy. Electricity
systems. Methane mitigation. Transport. Industry. Buildings
and appliances.
151 516
La concurrence sur les marchés de l'industrie nucléaire /
Paris: OECD ; 2008, 133 p.
Evaluation de la compétitivité des marchés. Concurrence
dans les secteurs de la conception, de l'ingénierie et de la
construction des centrales nucléaires. Concurrence dans
l'industrie de l'amont du cycle du combustible nucléaire.
Concurrence dans l'industie de l'aval du cycle du combustible
nucléaire. Concurrence dans le secteur des services
maintenance et rénovation des centrales nucléaires.
Incidences sur la concurrence des mécanismes multilatéraux
de fourniture de combustible.
151 878
Stockage définitif des déchets de haute activité :
calendrier de mise en oeuvre / Paris: OCDE ; 2008, 144 p.
Facteurs techniques, facteurs sociaux et politiques, facteurs
économiques. Participation des parties prenantes. Résumé
des rapports par pays. Quelques exemples d'expérience
acquise dans la pratique
151 736
Internalizing carbon costs in electricity markets: using
certificates in a load-based emissions trading scheme /
Gillenwater, Michael & Breidenich, Clare (Energy Policy, 2009
vol 37 no 1, pp. 290- 300)
Several western states have considered developing a
regulatory approach to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions from the electric power industry, referred to as a
load-based (LB) cap-and-trade scheme. A LB approach differs
from the traditional source-based (SB) cap-and-trade
approach in that the emission reduction obligation is placed
upon Load Serving Entities (LSEs), rather than electric
P 00780 GRBR 2009 vol 37 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 44 B I
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
Economic analysis of electric power transmission
expansion / Sozer, Sevin & Park, Chan S. & Valenzuela,
Jorge (The Engineering Economist : a journal devoted to the
problems of capital investment, 2008 vol 53 no 4, pp. 293317)
Economic analysis of electric power transmission
expansion / Sozer, Sevin & Park, Chan S. & Valenzuela,
Jorge (The Engineering Economist : a journal devoted to the
problems of capital investment, 2008 vol 53 no 4, pp. 293317)
When transmission congestion reaches a high level,
short-term congestion management tools become more
expensive than capital cost investments such as generation or
transmission expansion. In such cases, an economics-based
investment plan should be developed for the power system.
When transmission congestion reaches a high level,
short-term congestion management tools become more
expensive than capital cost investments such as generation or
transmission expansion. In such cases, an economics-based
investment plan should be developed for the power system.
P 00500 EU 2008 vol 53 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 L I
P 00500 EU 2008 vol 53 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 L I
Short-term electric power trading strategies for portfolio
optimization / Wang, Chung-Hsiao & Min, K.Jo (The
Engineering Economist : a journal devoted to the problems of
capital investment, 2008 vol 53 no 4, pp. 365- 379)
A component replacement model for electricity
distribution systems / Espiritu, Jose F. & Coit, David W. (The
Engineering Economist : a journal devoted to the problems of
capital investment, 2008 vol 53 no 4, pp. 318- 339)
There have been significant expansions of the wholesale
electricy market where a utility can sell its excess power
day-ahead or real-time. In spite of these expansions, traders
still in practice make often subjective and haphazard trading
decisions. Within our framework, the optimal trading decisions
are obtained from maximizing the profit while minimizing the
financial risk of the portfolio.
A new replacement analysis methodology is developed and
demonstrated to determine system-level component
replacement schedules for electricity distribution systems
composed of sets of heterogeneous assets.
P 00500 EU 2008 vol 53 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 L I
621.31 (46)
Congestion management rules and trading strategies in
the Spanish electricity market / Furio, Dolores & Lucia, Julio
J (Energy Economics, 2009 vol 31 no 1, pp. 48- 60)
P 00500 EU 2008 vol 53 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 L I
Short-term electric power trading strategies for portfolio
optimization / Wang, Chung-Hsiao & Min, K.Jo (The
Engineering Economist : a journal devoted to the problems of
capital investment, 2008 vol 53 no 4, pp. 365- 379)
This paper analyses the economic incentives embodied in
the rules governing the resolution of transmission constraints
in the Spanish wholesale electricity market and the way these
incentives may have influenced on the trading behaviour of
both the generators and the demand side.
There have been significant expansions of the wholesale
electricy market where a utility can sell its excess power
day-ahead or real-time. In spite of these expansions, traders
still in practice make often subjective and haphazard trading
decisions. Within our framework, the optimal trading decisions
are obtained from maximizing the profit while minimizing the
financial risk of the portfolio.
P 00778 GRBR 2009 vol 31 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 44 A II
P 00500 EU 2008 vol 53 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 L I
621.31 (510)
Economic analysis of energy-saving renovation measures
for urban existing residential buildings in China based on
thermal simulation and site investigation / Ouyang, Jinlong
& Ge, Jian & Hokao, Kazunori (Energy Policy, 2009 vol 37 no
1, pp. 140- 150)
Energy-saving renovations of existing residential buildings
have proven to be very helpful in alleviating the pressure of
energy shortages and CO2 emission, but an economic
analysis of the measures by using a life cycle cost (LCC)
method is very important and necessary to determine whether
to implement them or not.
P 00780 GRBR 2009 vol 37 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 44 B I
621.31 (510)
Analysis of the market penetration of clean technologies
and its impacts in China's electricity sector / Wang, Hao &
Nakata, Toshihiko (Energy Policy, 2009 vol 37 no 1, pp. 338352)
This paper discusses policy instruments for promoting the
market penetration of clean coal technologies (CCTs) into
China's electricity sector and the evaluation of corresponding
P 00780 GRBR 2009 vol 37 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 44 B I
Electronic waste management / Hester, R.E. & Harrison,
R.M. Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry ; 2009, 263 p.
Materials used in manufacturing electrical and electronic
products. Dumping, burning and landfill. Recycling and
recovery. Integrated approach to e-waste recycling. European
recycling platform (ERP) : a pan-European solution to WEEE
compliance. Liquid crystal displays : form devices to recycling.
The role of collective versus individual producer responsibility
in e-waste management. Rapid assessment of electronics
enclosure plastics.
151 973
Knowledge management supporting education and
research at a university cleanroom / Nowack, Linda & Maul,
Thomas & Kraus, Werner & Hansch, Walter (Knowledge
Management Research and Pratice, 2009 vol 7 no 1, pp. 100112)
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
PAGE 138
This paper shows how education at a university
semiconductor laboratory can be improved by using a content
management system to build a knowledge management
P 01003 GRBR 2009 vol 7 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 A II
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
Information exchange and competition in communications
networks / Cambini, Carlo & Valletti, Tommaso M (Journal of
Industrial Economics, 2008 vol 56 no 4, pp. 707- 728)
This paper represents the first attempt to introduce
interdependencies between incoming and outgoing calls in a
network competition framework
P 00563 GRBR 2008 vol 56 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 43 G II
621.39 (4)
Does Europe need a single European telecom regulator? /
De Muyter, Laurent (European Competition Journal, 2008 vol
4 no 2, pp. 561- 578)
Leaving aside the political reasons that may lay behind
those statements, as well as the conceptual arguments
supporting the creation of an EU regulator, this paper will
focus on the following points: - wheter, in practice, the history
of regulation in the EU level by the Commission justifies
submitting its activities to the principles of the EU framework
on electronic communication, and in particular to judicial
control; and - whether the Draft 2010 Framework establishes a
EU regulator and, if so, under which judicial control.
Energy technology perspectives : scenarios and
strategies to 2050 / Paris: IEA ; 2008, 643 p
Scenarios. Technology roadmaps. Research, development
and demonstration. Deployment and technology learning.
Investment issues. Fossil fuel-fired power plants and CO2
capture and storage. Nuclear. Biomass and bioenergy. Wind.
Solar. Hydro, geothermal and ocean energy. Electricity
systems. Methane mitigation. Transport. Industry. Buildings
and appliances.
151 516
621.472 (44)
Energies et agriculture : de la maîtrise de l'énergie aux
énergies renouvelables, un guide pour l'analyse / Dijon:
Educagri éditions ; 2003, 202 p.
Les consommations d'énergie et les enjeux, en France et
dans le monde. Des actions individuelles pour une
consommation maîtrisée. L'analyse énergétique d'un itinéraire
technique. L'analyse énergétique appliquée aux filières.
L'énergie solaire et ses applications. L'énergie issue de la
biomasse et ses applications. Le vent et l'eau pour la
production d'électricité.
152 227
P 01005 GRBR 2008 vol 4 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 G II
621.39 (73)
The deregulatory effects of the Telecommunications Act
of 1996 on the broadcasting industry : Expectations vs.
reality / Zhong, Ke & Cao, Yong & Ning, Yixi (Journal of
Accounting and Public Policy, 2008 vol 27 no 3, pp. 238- 261)
The broadcasting industry experienced drastic deregulation
with the passage of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. This
study examines the capital market reactions to the passage of
the Act and aftermath changes in profitability and efficiency in
the broadcasting industry.
P 00593 EU 2008 vol 27 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 41 B III
621.399 (493)
Media in beweging : handboek voor de professional /
Musschoot, Iris & Lombaerts, Bart Leuven: LannooCampus ;
2008, 487 p.
Maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen met impact op de
verdienmodellen. Strategische hefbomen. De rol van de
overheid. Van fundamentele bedrijfsstrategie tot tactische
actie op de winkelvloer. Strategische marketingplanning.
nieuwsmanagement. Media meten. Advertentiemogelijkheden.
151 667
Energy technology perspectives : scenarios and
strategies to 2050 / Paris: IEA ; 2008, 643 p
Scenarios. Technology roadmaps. Research, development
and demonstration. Deployment and technology learning.
Investment issues. Fossil fuel-fired power plants and CO2
capture and storage. Nuclear. Biomass and bioenergy. Wind.
Solar. Hydro, geothermal and ocean energy. Electricity
systems. Methane mitigation. Transport. Industry. Buildings
and appliances.
151 516
Wind energy - the facts / London: Earthscan ; 2009, 568 p.
This new book, the result of an ambitious project
coordinated by the European Wind Energy Association, aims
to present the facts about wind energy. It includes six sections
discussing : technology; grid integration; economics of wind;
industry and markets; environmental impacts; scenarios and
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
152 308
152 234
621.548 (44)
Energies et agriculture : de la maîtrise de l'énergie aux
énergies renouvelables, un guide pour l'analyse / Dijon:
Educagri éditions ; 2003, 202 p.
Les consommations d'énergie et les enjeux, en France et
dans le monde. Des actions individuelles pour une
consommation maîtrisée. L'analyse énergétique d'un itinéraire
technique. L'analyse énergétique appliquée aux filières.
L'énergie solaire et ses applications. L'énergie issue de la
biomasse et ses applications. Le vent et l'eau pour la
production d'électricité.
152 227
622.333 (471.1) (510) (73)
Charbon, les métamorphoses d'une industrie : la nouvelle
géopolitique du XXIe siècle / Martin-Amouroux, Jean-Marie
Paris: Editions Technip ; 2008, 420 p.
Entrer dans le XXIe siècle avec la source d'énergie du
XIXe? Croissance des consommations : de nouvelles
trajectoires. Etats-Unis: l'Arabie Saoudite du charbon. La
renaissance inattendue du charbon en Russie. La Chine, en
tête de l'industrie charbonière mondiale. L'Inde et le Sud-Est
asiatique entrent dans la course. L'essor des industries
exportatrices. Marchés internationaux et dynamique
concurrentielle des industries. Atouts et handicap du charbon
au cours des prochaines décennies. Les clean coal
technologies arriveront-elles à temps?
152 229
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
Packaging sustainability : tools, systems, and strategies
for innovative package design / Hoboken: John Wiley &
Sons ; 2009, 346 p.
The book enables the designer to make smart, informed
decisions at all points throughout the packaging design
process; offers a comprehensive overview of sustainable
packaging design issues from leading practitioners, designers,
engineers, marketers, psychologists, and ecologists; describes
materials and processes in current use and helps the reader
understand how they interconnect.
152 232
Economic analysis of electric power transmission
expansion / Sozer, Sevin & Park, Chan S. & Valenzuela,
Jorge (The Engineering Economist : a journal devoted to the
problems of capital investment, 2008 vol 53 no 4, pp. 293317)
When transmission congestion reaches a high level,
short-term congestion management tools become more
expensive than capital cost investments such as generation or
transmission expansion. In such cases, an economics-based
investment plan should be developed for the power system.
P 00500 EU 2008 vol 53 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 L I
Planeet op drift? : een wetenschappelijke kijk op
klimaatverandering en global change / Vanderborght, Oscar
& Verheyden, Peter & Commers, Ronald Brussel: Academic
and Scientific Publishers ; 2008, 632 p.
De bepalende factoren van het klimaat. Temperatuur als
signaal. De verstoorde stralingsbalans. Globl change en
verandering van het landgebruik. De rol van de oceanen in het
klimaat en in de koolstofcyclus. Paleoklimaat: een blik in het
verleden. Water(s)nood: te weinig versus te veel water.
Verwoestijning. Het ozongat. Biodiversiteit. De eindigheid van
energie en grondstoffen.
152 141
Analyse en evaluatie van reductiemogelijkheden voor het
gebruik van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen en nutriënten
in de niet-grondgebonden teelt van glasgroenten / Cools,
Anne-Marieke & Vandenberghe Anneleen & Van Lierde, Dirk
Merelbeke: Instituut voor Landbouw- en Visserijonderzoek ;
2008, 100 p. ISSN: 1784-3197
Telen van ziekte- of plaagresistente rassen. Ontsmetten van
middelenkeuze. Keuze uitgangswater. Watergift op basis van
continue drainmeting.
152 160
Hubbert's Peak : the impending world oil shortage /
Princeton, Oxford: Princeton University Press ; 2009, 208 p.
The origin of oil. Oil reservoirs and oil fields. Finding it.
Drilling methods. Size and discoverability of oil fields. Rate
plots. The future of fossil fuels. Alternative energy sources
Analyse en evaluatie van reductiemogelijkheden voor het
gebruik van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen en nutriënten
in de grondgebonden teelt van glasgroenten /
Vandenberghe Anneleen & Cools, Anne-Marieke & Van
Lierde, Dirk Merelbeke: Instituut voor Landbouw- en
Visserijonderzoek ; 2009, 85 p. ISSN: 1784-3197
Grondontsmetting door middel van grondstomen. Vermijden
fytoproducten. Watergift via verdampingsmodellen. Opvang en
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
hergebruik van het drainagewater.
PAGE 140
Maandblad voor het Land- en Tuinbouwonderwijs, Agrarisch
Onderwijs en Vakblad Groen Onderwijs. Het zijn de
achtereenvolgende titels van het vakblad voor de docenten,
managers, ondersteuners, bestuurders, beleidsmakers en
andere belangstellenden in het groene onderwijs dat in 2008
een halve eeuw bestaat.
152 161
Two billion cars : driving toward sustainability / Sperling,
Daniel New York: Oxford University Press ; 2009, 304 p.
The roots of the problem - the resistant auto industry,
dysfunctional oil markets, short-sighted government policies,
and unmotivated consumers. They zero in on reforming our
gas-guzzling culture, expanding the search for low-carbon
fuels, environment-friendly innovations in transportation
152 205
152 120
63 (4)
EU trade barriers in the agri-food sector : when protection
breeds dependence. / Cadot, Olivier & Suwa-Eisenmann ,
Akiko & Gallezot, Jacques (CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7219,
pp. 1- 25)
This paper looks for firm-level evidence that high rates of
protection breed concentration of firm activities into highly
protected sectors, endogenously generating vested interests
in the maintenance of protection. We combine data on the
EU's trade protection for food and agricultural products
measured by ad-valorem equivalents (AVEs) with survey data
on France's agri-food sector to show that indeed, small and
mid-size firms and cooperatives in that sector are heavily
concentrated in product lines protected by tariff-rate quotas
(TRQs)at high rates.
P 00834 GRBRno 7219
629.113 (44)
Louis Renault / Paris: Gallimard ; 2009, 379 p.
Biographie de Louis Renault (1877-1944), fondateur du
marque d'automobile Renault.
152 177
Access to European Union : law, economics, policies /
Moussis, Nicholas Rixensart: European Study Service ; 2008,
557 p.
European treaties. The structure and functions of European
institutions. Common market. Economic and monetary union.
Citizen's rights and participation. Consumer policy. Regional
development policy. Social progress policies. Taxation policy.
Competition policy. Environment policy. Industrial and
enterprise policies. Research and technology policy. Energy
policy. Transport policy. Agricultural policy. Fisheries policy.
Commercial policy. Development aid policy. External relations.
152 089
The atlas of food : who eats what, where and why / Lang,
Tim London: Earthscan ; 2008, 128 p.
Contemporary challenges. Farming. Trade. Processing,
retailing and consumption. Data tables.
152 304
Een halve eeuw vakblad voor groen onderwijs / PK
Helmond: Silo ; 2008, 47 p. ISSN: 0925-837x
63 (4-15) (44)
La fin des paysans n'est pas pour demain / la
Tour-d'Aigues: De L'Aube ; 2009, 175 p.
Géopolitique et agriculture. Agriculture : une perception
brouillée. Repères et interrogations pour l'agriculture du futur
et sa mondialisation. Dix pistes pour l'avenir. France 2030 :
pour une stratégie de croissance avec l'agriculture. L'éclosion
de l'agriculture au XXIe siècle. Agriculture et culture :
réflexions pour un avenir humaniste de la production agricole
mondiale. Les enjeux de l'agriculture européenne a l'horizon
2030 : une revanche de l'économie de l'offre ? Les dimensions
sociales et culturelles des enjeux.
152 176
63 (4-262)
Agricultures méditerranéennes : agronomie et paysages
des origines à nos jours / Arles: Actes Sud ; 2009, 358 p.
La végétation méditerranéenne. Les débuts de l'agriculture
méditerranéenne. Les céréales. Les légumineuses. Les
cultures fourragères. Les matières textiles. Les arbres fruitiers.
La vigne. Les paysages ruraux.
152 169
63 (415)
Ireland : north and south : a statistical profile / Cork,
Dublin, Belfast: Central Statistics Office ; 2000, 117 p. ISBN:
Population & households. Health & vital statistics. Industry &
finance. Education. Labour market. Agriculture. Transport &
tourism. European Union.
151 662
63 (438)
Worker mobility within Polish agriculture / Ingham, Hilary &
Ingham, Mike (Comparative Economic Studies, 2009 vol 51 no
1, pp. 51- 74)
Poland's entry into the EU and attendant commitment to the
achievement of a range of ambitious labour market and social
targets have served merely to re-emphasise the need for the
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
rationalisation of its most conspicuous socialist paradox: a
private agricultural sector that, on one count, employs over
one-quarter of the country's workers
P 00790 EU 2009 vol 51 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 K II
63 (439)
Examens environnementaux de l'OCDE : Hongrie / Paris:
OCDE ; 2008, 248 p.
Gestion de l'air. Gestion de l'eau. Nature et biodiversité.
Développement durable. Interface environnement- économie.
Environnement et agriculture. Interface environnement- social.
Coopération internationale
Comment utiliser les marchés à terme agricoles et
alimentaires / Dijon: Educagri éditions ; 2007, 271 p.
Besoins des opérateurs sur les marchés physique.
Principes d'utilisation des marchés à termes. La couverture
sur marché à terme. Le principe des options. Stratégies
fondées sur une anticipation du prix du sous-jacent, de la
volativité, sur un raisonnement d'arbitrage. Les opérateurs
intérieurs et extérieurs. Des stratégies de couverture de risque
de prix
152 223
151 797
63 (44)
Energies et agriculture : de la maîtrise de l'énergie aux
énergies renouvelables, un guide pour l'analyse / Dijon:
Educagri éditions ; 2003, 202 p.
Les consommations d'énergie et les enjeux, en France et
dans le monde. Des actions individuelles pour une
consommation maîtrisée. L'analyse énergétique d'un itinéraire
technique. L'analyse énergétique appliquée aux filières.
L'énergie solaire et ses applications. L'énergie issue de la
biomasse et ses applications. Le vent et l'eau pour la
production d'électricité.
152 227
63 (493=393)
De boer op : een verrassende kijk op de landbouw en de
voedingsindustrie in Vlaanderen / Peeters, Kris Gent:
Borgerhoff & Lamberigts ; 2009, 159 p.
Verslag van de bezoeken aan : Case New Holland,
Fikoplant - Konaplant, Delinco, Aveve, Familie Gille-Vermeire,
Familie Lenaerts, T.B.M.P., Profruco, Lucas Van Dessel,
Muyshondt-Gerona, Belki, Familie Van Gils-Guns, Ardo.
Interview met Eric Tollens, landbouweconoom.
Carbon sequestration in tropical grassland ecosystems /
Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Pubishers ; 2008, 221 p.
The increasing scientific consensus on global warming,
together with the precautionary principle and the fear of
non-linear climate transitions is leading to increasing action to
mitigate global warming. To help mitigate global warming,
carbon storage by forests is often mentioned as the only or the
best way to reduce the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere.
This book presents evidence that tropical grasslands, which
cover 50 % of the earth's surface, are as important as forests
for the sequestration of carbon.
152 133
Biocarburants : cinq questions qui dérangent / Paris:
Editions Technip ; 2008, 160 p.
Les carburants : bilan actuel et perspectives. Les
biocarburants, une énergie propre? Affament-ils le monde?
Aggravent-ils la déforestation? Sont-ils économiquement
viables? les biocarburants de "seconde génération" sont-ils
prêts? Les biocarburants, vraie-fausse solution?
152 231
151 687
630 (510)
63 (493=393)
Lara : landbouwrapport 2008 / Brussel: Vlaamse Overheid ;
2008, 310 p.
Forest management policies and resource balance in
China: an assessment of the current situation / Démurger,
Sylvie & Yuanzhao, Hou & Weiyong, Yang (The Journal of
Environment & Development, 2009 vol 18 no 1, pp. 17- 41)
Internationaal landbouwbeleid (WTO). EU-landbouwbeleid.
Gebruik van en impact op de omgeving van landbouw. Markt
Pluimvee. Grondgebonden veeteelt. Tuinbouw. Akkerbouw.
Visserij. Agrobusinesscomplex.
Using the latest forest inventory, this article provides a
detailed analysis of China's changing forest sector by focusing
on new forest trends, forest policy changes, and challenges to
achieving a sustainable forest management.
151 937
63 (680)
Local institutional innovation and pro-poor agricultural
growth : the case of small-woolgrowers'associations in
South-Africa / Vink, Nick Antwerpen, Apeldoorn: Garant
Uitgevers ; 2003, 370 p. ISBN: 90-441-1432-8
Agriculture and poverty: does globalisation matter?
Institutions, markets, policies for pro-poor agricultural growth.
The impact of migration on rural development. The South
African wool industry and smallholder wool producers in the
Transkei homeland. Effect of the instuitutional environment on
the production of wool. A comparison of technical efficiency
and the return on investment. Demand reponse: the
composition and value of the expenditure basket of rural
households. Supply reponse: the multiplier effects of
intervention in agriculture
152 179
P 00940 GRBR 2009 vol 18 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 45 B I
Produits "bio" : de quelle qualité parle-t-on? / Dijon:
Educagri éditions ; 2001, 191 p.
Les attentes de chacun face aux produits alimentaires. Une
qualification basée sur un mode de production: l'agriculture
biologique. Cahiers des charges biologiques et qualification
des produits. L'approche "santé".
152 225
Analyse en evaluatie van reductiemogelijkheden voor het
gebruik van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen en nutriënten
in de sierteelt / Cools, Anne-Marieke & Vandenberghe
Anneleen & Van Lierde, Dirk Merelbeke: Instituut voor
Landbouw- en Visserijonderzoek ; 2008, 139 p. ISSN:
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
PAGE 142
Ontsmetten van drainwater. Visueel waarnemen of scouten.
Correcte diagnose van gewasbeschadigers. Deelname aan
het Vlaams Milieuplan Sierteelt (VMS). Vermijden
puntvervuiling. Uitzetten van gekweekte natuurlijke vijanden
(biologische bestrijding). Algemene bedrijfshygiëne. Opvolgen
van waarschuwingssystemen. Bevorderen van spontaan
voorkomende natuurlijke vijanden. Behandelen van het
plantgoed vòòr uitplanten of uitzetten. Fysische afdekking van
het teeltmedium voor onkruidwering. Recirculatie van
drainwater. Zuivering van restwater op het bedrijf zelf.
adviessystemen voor bijmestsystemen (geleide bemesting).
Ontsmetten van drainwater. Visueel waarnemen of scouten.
Correcte diagnose van gewasbeschadigers. Deelname aan
het Vlaams Milieuplan Sierteelt (VMS). Vermijden
puntvervuiling. Uitzetten van gekweekte natuurlijke vijanden
(biologische bestrijding). Algemene bedrijfshygiëne. Opvolgen
van waarschuwingssystemen. Bevorderen van spontaan
voorkomende natuurlijke vijanden. Behandelen van het
plantgoed vòòr uitplanten of uitzetten. Fysische afdekking van
het teeltmedium voor onkruidwering. Recirculatie van
drainwater. Zuivering van restwater op het bedrijf zelf.
adviessystemen voor bijmestsystemen (geleide bemesting).
152 020
152 020
Analyse en evaluatie van reductiemogelijkheden voor het
gebruik van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen in de fruitteelt /
Cools, Anne-Marieke & Vandenberghe Anneleen & Van
Lierde, Dirk Merelbeke: Instituut voor Landbouw- en
Visserijonderzoek ; 2008, 114 p. ISSN: 1784-3197
Opvolgen van waarschuwingen. Goede toepassingspraktijk
fytoproducten. Vermijden puntvervuiling. Visueel waarnemen
gewasbeschadigers. Gebruik selectieve middelen met
Verwijderen van witziektepluimen en/of bacterievuurinfecties.
Uitsnijden en ontsmetten van kankers. Versnipperen van blad
en/of vruchten. Bevorderen van spontaan voorkomende
natuurlijke vijanden. Na-oogstbehandeling. Aanpakken van de
verwaarloosde percelen. Mening van de fruittelers over het
stimuleren van de reductietechnieken.
152 021
Analyse en evaluatie van reductiemogelijkheden voor het
gebruik van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen en nutriënten
in de sierteelt / Cools, Anne-Marieke & Vandenberghe
Anneleen & Van Lierde, Dirk Merelbeke: Instituut voor
Landbouw- en Visserijonderzoek ; 2008, 139 p. ISSN:
Ontsmetten van drainwater. Visueel waarnemen of scouten.
Correcte diagnose van gewasbeschadigers. Deelname aan
het Vlaams Milieuplan Sierteelt (VMS). Vermijden
puntvervuiling. Uitzetten van gekweekte natuurlijke vijanden
(biologische bestrijding). Algemene bedrijfshygiëne. Opvolgen
van waarschuwingssystemen. Bevorderen van spontaan
voorkomende natuurlijke vijanden. Behandelen van het
plantgoed vòòr uitplanten of uitzetten. Fysische afdekking van
het teeltmedium voor onkruidwering. Recirculatie van
drainwater. Zuivering van restwater op het bedrijf zelf.
adviessystemen voor bijmestsystemen (geleide bemesting).
152 020
Analyse en evaluatie van reductiemogelijkheden voor het
gebruik van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen en nutriënten
in de niet-grondgebonden teelt van glasgroenten / Cools,
Anne-Marieke & Vandenberghe Anneleen & Van Lierde, Dirk
Merelbeke: Instituut voor Landbouw- en Visserijonderzoek ;
2008, 100 p. ISSN: 1784-3197
Telen van ziekte- of plaagresistente rassen. Ontsmetten van
middelenkeuze. Keuze uitgangswater. Watergift op basis van
continue drainmeting.
152 160
Analyse en evaluatie van reductiemogelijkheden voor het
gebruik van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen en nutriënten
in de grondgebonden teelt van glasgroenten /
Vandenberghe Anneleen & Cools, Anne-Marieke & Van
Lierde, Dirk Merelbeke: Instituut voor Landbouw- en
Visserijonderzoek ; 2009, 85 p. ISSN: 1784-3197
Grondontsmetting door middel van grondstomen. Vermijden
fytoproducten. Watergift via verdampingsmodellen. Opvang en
hergebruik van het drainagewater.
152 161
Analyse en evaluatie van reductiemogelijkheden voor het
gebruik van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen en nutriënten
in de sierteelt / Cools, Anne-Marieke & Vandenberghe
Anneleen & Van Lierde, Dirk Merelbeke: Instituut voor
Landbouw- en Visserijonderzoek ; 2008, 139 p. ISSN:
Analyse en evaluatie van reductiemogelijkheden voor het
gebruik van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen in de fruitteelt /
Cools, Anne-Marieke & Vandenberghe Anneleen & Van
Lierde, Dirk Merelbeke: Instituut voor Landbouw- en
Visserijonderzoek ; 2008, 114 p. ISSN: 1784-3197
Opvolgen van waarschuwingen. Goede toepassingspraktijk
fytoproducten. Vermijden puntvervuiling. Visueel waarnemen
gewasbeschadigers. Gebruik selectieve middelen met
Verwijderen van witziektepluimen en/of bacterievuurinfecties.
Uitsnijden en ontsmetten van kankers. Versnipperen van blad
en/of vruchten. Bevorderen van spontaan voorkomende
natuurlijke vijanden. Na-oogstbehandeling. Aanpakken van de
verwaarloosde percelen. Mening van de fruittelers over het
stimuleren van de reductietechnieken.
152 021
Analyse en evaluatie van reductiemogelijkheden voor het
gebruik van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen en nutriënten
in de niet-grondgebonden teelt van glasgroenten / Cools,
Anne-Marieke & Vandenberghe Anneleen & Van Lierde, Dirk
Merelbeke: Instituut voor Landbouw- en Visserijonderzoek ;
2008, 100 p. ISSN: 1784-3197
Telen van ziekte- of plaagresistente rassen. Ontsmetten van
middelenkeuze. Keuze uitgangswater. Watergift op basis van
continue drainmeting.
152 160
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
Analyse en evaluatie van reductiemogelijkheden voor het
gebruik van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen en nutriënten
in de grondgebonden teelt van glasgroenten /
Vandenberghe Anneleen & Cools, Anne-Marieke & Van
Lierde, Dirk Merelbeke: Instituut voor Landbouw- en
Visserijonderzoek ; 2009, 85 p. ISSN: 1784-3197
Grondontsmetting door middel van grondstomen. Vermijden
fytoproducten. Watergift via verdampingsmodellen. Opvang en
hergebruik van het drainagewater.
152 161
Analyse en evaluatie van reductiemogelijkheden voor het
gebruik van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen in de fruitteelt /
Cools, Anne-Marieke & Vandenberghe Anneleen & Van
Lierde, Dirk Merelbeke: Instituut voor Landbouw- en
Visserijonderzoek ; 2008, 114 p. ISSN: 1784-3197
Opvolgen van waarschuwingen. Goede toepassingspraktijk
fytoproducten. Vermijden puntvervuiling. Visueel waarnemen
gewasbeschadigers. Gebruik selectieve middelen met
Verwijderen van witziektepluimen en/of bacterievuurinfecties.
Uitsnijden en ontsmetten van kankers. Versnipperen van blad
en/of vruchten. Bevorderen van spontaan voorkomende
natuurlijke vijanden. Na-oogstbehandeling. Aanpakken van de
verwaarloosde percelen. Mening van de fruittelers over het
stimuleren van de reductietechnieken.
152 021
634 (4-262)
Agricultures méditerranéennes : agronomie et paysages
des origines à nos jours / Arles: Actes Sud ; 2009, 358 p.
La végétation méditerranéenne. Les débuts de l'agriculture
méditerranéenne. Les céréales. Les légumineuses. Les
cultures fourragères. Les matières textiles. Les arbres fruitiers.
La vigne. Les paysages ruraux.
152 169
635 (493=393)
Lara : landbouwrapport 2008 / Brussel: Vlaamse Overheid ;
2008, 310 p.
Internationaal landbouwbeleid (WTO). EU-landbouwbeleid.
Gebruik van en impact op de omgeving van landbouw. Markt
Pluimvee. Grondgebonden veeteelt. Tuinbouw. Akkerbouw.
Visserij. Agrobusinesscomplex.
151 937
Analyse en evaluatie van reductiemogelijkheden voor het
gebruik van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen en nutriënten
in de niet-grondgebonden teelt van glasgroenten / Cools,
Anne-Marieke & Vandenberghe Anneleen & Van Lierde, Dirk
Merelbeke: Instituut voor Landbouw- en Visserijonderzoek ;
2008, 100 p. ISSN: 1784-3197
Telen van ziekte- of plaagresistente rassen. Ontsmetten van
middelenkeuze. Keuze uitgangswater. Watergift op basis van
continue drainmeting.
152 160
Analyse en evaluatie van reductiemogelijkheden voor het
gebruik van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen en nutriënten
in de grondgebonden teelt van glasgroenten /
Vandenberghe Anneleen & Cools, Anne-Marieke & Van
Lierde, Dirk Merelbeke: Instituut voor Landbouw- en
Visserijonderzoek ; 2009, 85 p. ISSN: 1784-3197
Grondontsmetting door middel van grondstomen. Vermijden
fytoproducten. Watergift via verdampingsmodellen. Opvang en
hergebruik van het drainagewater.
152 161
635.1/.8 (4-262)
Agricultures méditerranéennes : agronomie et paysages
des origines à nos jours / Arles: Actes Sud ; 2009, 358 p.
Genoeg : moderne gids voor duurzaam leven / Petherick,
Tom Utrecht, Antwerpen: Kosmos uitgevers B.V. ; 2009, 287
Hoe je je eigen organische voedsel kunt maken - het maakt
niet uit of je dat in een volkstuin doet, in je voor- of achtertuin
of zelfs in een plantenbak; kleindierhouderij; recyclend,
151 988
environnementale - diagnostic / Bron, Gilbert & Duclaud,
Eric & Toussaint, Jean-Paul Dijon: Educagri éditions ; 2004,
381 p.
L'entreprise horticole, un système ouvert, un système
finalisé et piloté, l'entreprise horticole, un système social
organisé. L'horticulture durable : mythe ou réalité? Approche
des problèmes environnementaux. La recherche des pratiques
respectueuses de l'environnement. La conduite du diagnostic.
152 224
La végétation méditerranéenne. Les débuts de l'agriculture
méditerranéenne. Les céréales. Les légumineuses. Les
cultures fourragères. Les matières textiles. Les arbres fruitiers.
La vigne. Les paysages ruraux.
152 169
Analyse en evaluatie van reductiemogelijkheden voor het
gebruik van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen en nutriënten
in de sierteelt / Cools, Anne-Marieke & Vandenberghe
Anneleen & Van Lierde, Dirk Merelbeke: Instituut voor
Landbouw- en Visserijonderzoek ; 2008, 139 p. ISSN:
Ontsmetten van drainwater. Visueel waarnemen of scouten.
Correcte diagnose van gewasbeschadigers. Deelname aan
het Vlaams Milieuplan Sierteelt (VMS). Vermijden
puntvervuiling. Uitzetten van gekweekte natuurlijke vijanden
(biologische bestrijding). Algemene bedrijfshygiëne. Opvolgen
van waarschuwingssystemen. Bevorderen van spontaan
voorkomende natuurlijke vijanden. Behandelen van het
plantgoed vòòr uitplanten of uitzetten. Fysische afdekking van
het teeltmedium voor onkruidwering. Recirculatie van
drainwater. Zuivering van restwater op het bedrijf zelf.
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
adviessystemen voor bijmestsystemen (geleide bemesting).
152 020
636 (493=393)
Lara : landbouwrapport 2008 / Brussel: Vlaamse Overheid ;
2008, 310 p.
Internationaal landbouwbeleid (WTO). EU-landbouwbeleid.
Gebruik van en impact op de omgeving van landbouw. Markt
Pluimvee. Grondgebonden veeteelt. Tuinbouw. Akkerbouw.
Visserij. Agrobusinesscomplex.
151 937
636.5 (493=393)
Lara : landbouwrapport 2008 / Brussel: Vlaamse Overheid ;
2008, 310 p.
Internationaal landbouwbeleid (WTO). EU-landbouwbeleid.
Gebruik van en impact op de omgeving van landbouw. Markt
Pluimvee. Grondgebonden veeteelt. Tuinbouw. Akkerbouw.
Visserij. Agrobusinesscomplex.
151 937
Produits "bio" : de quelle qualité parle-t-on? / Dijon:
Educagri éditions ; 2001, 191 p.
Les attentes de chacun face aux produits alimentaires. Une
qualification basée sur un mode de production: l'agriculture
biologique. Cahiers des charges biologiques et qualification
des produits. L'approche "santé".
PAGE 144
Croatian, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German,
Greek, Icelandic, italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian,
Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish,
Turkish. Allemand, anglais, coréen, croate, danois, danois,
espagnol, finnois, français, grec, islandais, italien, japonais,
néerlandais, norvégien, polonais, portugais, russe, serbe,
suédois, turc.
151 875
Access to European Union : law, economics, policies /
Moussis, Nicholas Rixensart: European Study Service ; 2008,
557 p.
European treaties. The structure and functions of European
institutions. Common market. Economic and monetary union.
Citizen's rights and participation. Consumer policy. Regional
development policy. Social progress policies. Taxation policy.
Competition policy. Environment policy. Industrial and
enterprise policies. Research and technology policy. Energy
policy. Transport policy. Agricultural policy. Fisheries policy.
Commercial policy. Development aid policy. External relations.
152 089
639.2 (493=393)
Lara : landbouwrapport 2008 / Brussel: Vlaamse Overheid ;
2008, 310 p.
Internationaal landbouwbeleid (WTO). EU-landbouwbeleid.
Gebruik van en impact op de omgeving van landbouw. Markt
Pluimvee. Grondgebonden veeteelt. Tuinbouw. Akkerbouw.
Visserij. Agrobusinesscomplex.
151 937
152 225
636:338.45 (73)
Biofuels / Southern gate: John Wiley and sons ; 2009, 242 p.
Biofuels in perspective. Sustainable production of cellulosic
feedstock for biorefineries in the USA. Process technologies
for biodiesel production. Bio-based Fisher-Tropsch diesel
production technologies. Plant oil biofuel: rationale, production
and application. Enzymatic production of biodiesel. Biomass
digestion to methane in agriculture: A successful pathway for
the energy production and waste treatment worldwide.
Croatian, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German,
Greek, Icelandic, italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian,
Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish,
Turkish. Allemand, anglais, coréen, croate, danois, danois,
espagnol, finnois, français, grec, islandais, italien, japonais,
néerlandais, norvégien, polonais, portugais, russe, serbe,
suédois, turc.
151 875
152 066
Multilingual dictionary of fish and fish products / Paris:
OECD ; 2008, 360 p.
Les aides financières au secteur de la pêche : leurs
répercussions sur le développement durable / Paris:
OECD ; 2006, 415 p.
Les concours publics. Evaluation des effets des concours
publics. Analyse de certaines catégories. Données historiques
(1996-2003). Répercussions économiques des subventions.
Incidences sociales. Capital social et réformes des
subventions. Dispositions prises au Canada après la
fermeture de la pêche a la morue intervenue en 2003. Analyse
de l'accord de pêche entre les Seychelles et l'union
Européenne. Subventions à la pêche en Norvège. Analyse de
subventions au désarmement de navires et retrait de license
en Australie
Les partis agrariens et paysans en Europe / De Waele,
Jean-Michel & Seiler, Daniel-Louis Bruxelles: Editions de
l'Université de Bruxelles ; 2009, 228 p.
De toutes les familles politiques, les agrariens ou partis
paysans sont les plus méconnus. Peu étudiés par les
politologues, ils sont quasi absents des médias. L'ouvrage
vise à combler le vide de la littérature sur ces formations
partisanes. Il répond à une série de questions : comment
expliquer que des partis paysans forts et structurés
émergèrent dans certains Etats - jusqu'à participer au
gouvernement - mais ne réussirent jamais à percer ailleurs ?
Comment évolue le clivage urbain/rural ?
152 124
151 902
63:338.23 (4-15) (44)
Multilingual dictionary of fish and fish products / Paris:
OECD ; 2008, 360 p.
La PAC : son histoire, ses réformes / Dijon: Educagri
éditions ; 2005, 102 p.
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
L'histoire de l'agriculture de 1700 à 1975. Les premiers
effets de la PAC de 1975 à 1988. La réforme de 1992. La
réforme de 1999 : le "paquet Santer". Les accords de
Luxembourg (26 juin 2003). Panorama de l'agriculture
française au début du 21e siècle. L'élargissement à dix
nouveaux membres. La cadre institutionnel communautaire.
Les organisations professionnelles agricoles.
152 228
La méthode IDEA : indicateurs de durabilité des
exploitations agricoles, guide d'utilisation / Dijon: Educagri
éditions ; 2008, 184 p.
L'échelle de durabilité agroécologique : la diversité;
l'aménagement de l'espace; les pratiques agricoles. L'échelle
de durabilité socioterritoriale : qualité des produits et du
territoire; emploi et services; éthique et développement
humain. L'échelle économique : les quatre composantes; les
coûts économiques.
152 226
64 (540)
Patterns of rainfall insurance participation in rural India. /
Giné, Xavier & Townsend, Robert & Vickery, James (The
World Bank Economic Review, 2008 vol 22 no 3, pp. 539566)
Take-up of an innovative rainfall assurance policy offered to
smallholder farmers in rural India decreases with basis risk
between insurance payouts and income fluctuations,
increases with household wealth, and decreases with binding
credit constraints.
P 01132 GX 2008 vol 22 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 59 D I
environnementale - diagnostic / Bron, Gilbert & Duclaud,
Eric & Toussaint, Jean-Paul Dijon: Educagri éditions ; 2004,
381 p.
L'entreprise horticole, un système ouvert, un système
finalisé et piloté, l'entreprise horticole, un système social
organisé. L'horticulture durable : mythe ou réalité? Approche
des problèmes environnementaux. La recherche des pratiques
respectueuses de l'environnement. La conduite du diagnostic.
152 224
64.024.1 (519.5)
Hotel management contract: impact on performance in
the Korean hotel sector / Kim, Soo Y. (The Service
Industries Journal, 2008 vol 28 no 5/ 6, pp. 701- 718)
This study investigates the influence of hotel management
contract on the performance of super-deluxe levels in Korea
and identifies how the 1996-1997 tourism recessions affected
the relationship between management contract and the
performance of the hotels.
P 00856 GRBR 2008 vol 28 no 5/ 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 43 H II
The atlas of food : who eats what, where and why / Lang,
Tim London: Earthscan ; 2008, 128 p.
Contemporary challenges. Farming. Trade. Processing,
retailing and consumption. Data tables.
152 304
63:338.45 (44)
Créer une ferme pédagogique : de l'idée à la réalisation /
Dijon: Educagri éditions ; 2007, 281 p.
Les fermes pédagogiques en France. Définitions et état des
lieux. Les publics des fermes pédagogiques. Typologie et
demandes. Identifier les ressources. Réaliser un diagnostic de
territoire. Réaliser un diagnostic de site. Définier les moyens
:cheptel, cultures et occupation des sols. les aspects
juridiques. La fiscalité. L'aspect économique. Le statut et les
compétences du personnel. Prendre une assurance.
Développer l'activité d'accueil, communication et pédagogie
651.72 (410) (44) (493)
Administratieve vereenvoudiging voor de zelfstandigen
en KMO : een stand van zaken / Brussel: Vlaams Instituut
voor het Zelfstandig Ondernemen ; 1996, 54 p.
De commissie Conform. Het project Auditform. De situatie in
Frankrijk en Groot-Brittanië. De praktijk van de Europese
152 167
152 029
63PAC (4-15) (44)
La PAC : son histoire, ses réformes / Dijon: Educagri
éditions ; 2005, 102 p.
L'histoire de l'agriculture de 1700 à 1975. Les premiers
effets de la PAC de 1975 à 1988. La réforme de 1992. La
réforme de 1999 : le "paquet Santer". Les accords de
Luxembourg (26 juin 2003). Panorama de l'agriculture
française au début du 21e siècle. L'élargissement à dix
nouveaux membres. La cadre institutionnel communautaire.
Les organisations professionnelles agricoles.
152 228
Leveraging logistics partnerships : lessons from
humanitarian organizations / Samii, Ramina Rotterdam:
Erasmus Universiteit ; 2008, 508 p.
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
The factors that contribute to their performance.
Humanitarian organizations need to engage in at least three
partnership arrangements - temporary supply networks, a
logistics coordination platform and a series of business and
CSO partnerships - and build and strengthen a number of
related capabilities. The relevance and benefits of
humanitarian partnership structures to commercial supply
chains in specific scenarios.
152 113
PAGE 146
Libéralisation et desserte des territoires : le cas du
transport aérien européen / Bruxelles, Bern, Berlin:
P.I.E.-Peter Lang ; 2008, 285 p.
De la souveraineté nationale à la libéralisation européenne.
Aspects méthodologiques. L'action résiduelle des Etats.
Libéralisation et stratégies des compagnies. Libéralisation et
desserte des territoires. Une croissance intenable? Carte des
aéroports européens.
151 918
656 (4-15)
Research for Europe : a selection of EU success stories /
Brussels: European Commission ; 2008, 107 p.
Agriculture and food. Energy. Environment. Life sciences
and health. Fundamental research, industrial research, and
nanotechnologies. Transport and aeronautics. Science,
economy and society. Research policy, regons and SMEs.
International cooperation.
152 162
Technological innovation in the airline industry: the
impact of regional jets / Brueckner, Jan K. (International
Journal of Industrial Organization, 2009 vol 27 no 1, pp. 110120)
This paper explores the impact of the regional jet (RJ), an
important new technological innovation in the airline industry,
on service patterns and service quality.
P 00832 PB 2009 vol 27 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 43 H I
656 (510)
Towards the restructuring and co-ordination mechanisms
for the architecture of Chinese transport logistics /
Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit ; 2009, 184 p.
The fundamental framework for the architecture of Chinese
transport logistics. Analysis of market structure of Chinese
transport logistics. Building a sustainable intermodal transport
chain in China. An IMG model for the Chinese tranport
logistics market.
151 927
656.073 (510)
Towards the restructuring and co-ordination mechanisms
for the architecture of Chinese transport logistics /
Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit ; 2009, 184 p.
The fundamental framework for the architecture of Chinese
transport logistics. Analysis of market structure of Chinese
transport logistics. Building a sustainable intermodal transport
chain in China. An IMG model for the Chinese tranport
logistics market.
151 927
656.2 (4-11) (4-15)
Testing for economies of scope in European railways: an
efficiency analysis / Growitsch, Christian & Wetzel, Heike
(Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 2009 vol 43 no 1,
pp. 1- 24)
656.71 (73)
Spatial hedonic models of airport noise, proximity, and
housing prices / Cohen, Jeffrey P. & Coughlin, Cletus C.
(Journal of Regional Science, 2008 vol 48 no 5, pp. 859- 878)
We compare various spatial econometric models and
estimation methods in a hedonic price framework to examine
the impact of noise on 2003 housing prices near the Atlanta
P 00406 EU 2008 vol 48 no 5 SALLE/ZAAL: 30 A I
Opening markets for trade in services : countries and
sectors in bilateral and WTO negotiations / Marchetti, Juan
A. & Roy, Martin Cambridge: University Press ; 2008, 759 p.
Services trade and growth. Services liberalization in the
WTO and in PTAs. Doha and the liberalization of distribution
services. Air transport liberalization. Financial services
liberalization. Audiovisual services in the PTAs. The
liberalization of postal and courier services. The liberalization
of energy services. Market access for the government
procurement of services. Access for natural persons under
PTAs. GATS plus or minus? Opening services markets at the
regional level under the CAFTA-DR. The experiences of India
and Singapore. The domestic dynamics of preferential
services liberalization: the experience of Austria and Thailand.
The Chilean experience
151 978
In this paper, we conduct a pan-European efficiency
analysis to investigate the performance of European railways
with a particular focus on economies of vertical integration.
P 00555 GRBR 2009 vol 43 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 51 A I
656.2 (410)
The British passenger rail privatisation - Conclusions on
subsidy and efficiency from the first round of franchises /
Cowie, Jonathan (Journal of Transport Economics and Policy,
2009 vol 43 no 1, pp. 85- 104)
The paper examines the issue of subsidy cuts and efficiency
gains arising from the first round of franchises from the British
passenger rail privatisation.
P 00555 GRBR 2009 vol 43 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 51 A I
kostprijsberekeningen voor managementbeslissingen /
Bruggeman, Werner & Everaert, Patricia & Hoozée, Sophie
Antwerpen, Oxford: Intersentia ; 2008, 214 p.
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
resultaatbepaling bij massaproductieen bij productie op order.
gemeenscjappelijke producten, bijproducten, uitval en afval.
Full costing versus direct costing. Break-evenanalyse.
Speciale orders met lage verkoopprijs. de make or buy
beslissing. De verkoopprijsbeslissing. De productmixbeslissing
en de theory of constraints. De investeringsbeslissing.
151 921
Handboek consolidatie : IFRS en BGAAP / Plateau,
Siebrecht & Van Herck, Gustaaf Leuven, Den Haag: Acco ;
2009, 613 p.
Het wetboek van vennootschappen verplicht een aantal
ondernemingen om een geconsolideerde jaarrekening op te
stellen en openbaar te maken. Voornoemd wetboek en het
uitvoeringsbesluit ervan bevatten heel wat bepalingen inzake
die geconsolideerde jaarrekening. Kennis hiervan is echter
lang niet meer voldoende. Beursgenoteerde ondernemingen
moeten immers hun geconsolideerde jaarrekening opstellen in
overeenstemming met de internationale standaarden voor
jaarrekeningen die via een verordening in het Europese recht
geïntroduceerd werden.
152 137
657 (493)
jaarrekening 2008 / Tiest, R. Antwerpen, Oxford: Intersentia ;
2008, 961 p.
Met betrekking tot de jaarrekening wordt per rubriek van het
volledige schema vermeld : wat de inhoudelijke betekenis en
boekhoudschema; welke de wettelijke teksten zijn; welke
waarderingsregels gelden; de toepasselijke normen en
adviezen; welke andere rubrieken in de jaarrekening een
verband vertonen en waarmee de rubriek eventueel moet
overeenstemmen; welke de controles zijn die bij de
neerlegging kunnen worden uitgevoerd; welke fiscale of
vennootschapsrechtelijke aspecten aan de rubriek zijn
verbonden; en welke inhoudelijke commentaren kunnen
worden geformuleerd.
152 023
and less defensive in explicit causal framing. They are also
more extensive and formal in their explanations, relying more
heavily on accounting-technical language. We establish that
causal defensiveness and attributional extensiveness are
negatively associated with analyst forecast dispersion.
P 03100 BG 2008 no 10
Does auditor tenure influence the reporting of
conservative earnings? / Jenkins, David S. & Velury, Uma
(Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 2008 vol 27 no 2, pp.
115- 132)
In this study, we examine the relation between auditor
tenure and the reporting of conservative earnings.
P 00593 EU 2008 vol 27 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 41 B III
657.012.4 (410)
Voluntary disclosure and its impact on share prices :
Evidence from the UK biotechnology sector / Dedman,
Elisabeth & Lin, Stephen W.-J. & Prakash, Arun J. & Chang,
Chun-Hao (Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 2008 vol
27 no 3, pp. 195- 216)
Using a sample of firms from the high-R&D UK
biotechnology pharmaceutical sector, we find that earnings
announcements have a much lower price impact than drug
development announcements.
P 00593 EU 2008 vol 27 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 41 B III
The effect of institutional setting on attributional content
in management commentary reports. / Aerts, Walter &
Tarca, Ann (Onderzoeksrapport van de Faculteit Toegepaste
Economische Wetenschappen, Universiteit Antwerpen, 2008
no 10, pp. 1- 39)
Compared to their counterparts in the UK and Australia,
firms from the USA and Canada are generalyy less assertive
and less defensive in explicit causal framing. They are also
more extensive and formal in their explanations, relying more
heavily on accounting-technical language. We establish that
causal defensiveness and attributional extensiveness are
negatively associated with analyst forecast dispersion.
P 03100 BG 2008 no 10
kostprijsberekeningen voor managementbeslissingen /
Bruggeman, Werner & Everaert, Patricia & Hoozée, Sophie
Antwerpen, Oxford: Intersentia ; 2008, 214 p.
resultaatbepaling bij massaproductieen bij productie op order.
gemeenscjappelijke producten, bijproducten, uitval en afval.
Full costing versus direct costing. Break-evenanalyse.
Speciale orders met lage verkoopprijs. de make or buy
beslissing. De verkoopprijsbeslissing. De productmixbeslissing
en de theory of constraints. De investeringsbeslissing.
151 921
The effect of institutional setting on attributional content
in management commentary reports. / Aerts, Walter &
Tarca, Ann (Onderzoeksrapport van de Faculteit Toegepaste
Economische Wetenschappen, Universiteit Antwerpen, 2008
no 10, pp. 1- 39)
Compared to their counterparts in the UK and Australia,
firms from the USA and Canada are generalyy less assertive
Does auditor tenure influence the reporting of
conservative earnings? / Jenkins, David S. & Velury, Uma
(Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 2008 vol 27 no 2, pp.
115- 132)
In this study, we examine the relation between auditor
tenure and the reporting of conservative earnings.
P 00593 EU 2008 vol 27 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 41 B III
657.3 (493)
Handboek financiële analyse van de onderneming :
theorie en toepassing op de jaarrekening. Vol. 1 / Ooghe,
Hubert & Van Wijmeersch, Charles Antwerpen, Oxford:
Intersentia ; 2008, 453 p.
Enkelvoudige jaarrekening volgens de vennootschapswet.
Herwerking van de balans en de resultatenrekening volgens
het volledig schema, horizontale en verticale analyse.
kasstromenanalyse. Liquiditeitsratio's. Solvabiliteitsratio's.
Rendabiliteitsratio's. Toegevoegde waarderatio's. Analyse van
de sociale balans. Interpretatie en beoordeling van financiële
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
ratio's. Jaarrekening volgens het verkort schema: ratioanalyse
en analyse van de sociale balans. Geconsolideerde
jaarrekening. Geconsolideerde jaarrekening volgens de
moeilijkheden en faillissementen. Modellen voor succes en
151 923/ I
657.3 (493)
jaarrekening 2008 / Tiest, R. Antwerpen, Oxford: Intersentia ;
2008, 961 p.
Met betrekking tot de jaarrekening wordt per rubriek van het
volledige schema vermeld : wat de inhoudelijke betekenis en
boekhoudschema; welke de wettelijke teksten zijn; welke
waarderingsregels gelden; de toepasselijke normen en
adviezen; welke andere rubrieken in de jaarrekening een
verband vertonen en waarmee de rubriek eventueel moet
overeenstemmen; welke de controles zijn die bij de
neerlegging kunnen worden uitgevoerd; welke fiscale of
vennootschapsrechtelijke aspecten aan de rubriek zijn
verbonden; en welke inhoudelijke commentaren kunnen
worden geformuleerd.
152 023
A note on budget balance under interim participation
constraints: the case of independent types / Börgers,
Tilman (Economic Theory, 2009 vol 39 no 3, pp. 477- 489)
We provide a simple proof of the equivalence between ex
ante and ex post budget balance constraints in Bayesian
mechanism design with independent types when participation
decisions are made at the interim stage.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 39 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Handboek consolidatie : IFRS en BGAAP / Plateau,
Siebrecht & Van Herck, Gustaaf Leuven, Den Haag: Acco ;
2009, 613 p.
Het wetboek van vennootschappen verplicht een aantal
ondernemingen om een geconsolideerde jaarrekening op te
stellen en openbaar te maken. Voornoemd wetboek en het
uitvoeringsbesluit ervan bevatten heel wat bepalingen inzake
die geconsolideerde jaarrekening. Kennis hiervan is echter
lang niet meer voldoende. Beursgenoteerde ondernemingen
moeten immers hun geconsolideerde jaarrekening opstellen in
overeenstemming met de internationale standaarden voor
jaarrekeningen die via een verordening in het Europese recht
geïntroduceerd werden.
152 137
PAGE 148
152 137
657.375.6 (493)
Handboek financiële analyse van de onderneming :
theorie en toepassing op de jaarrekening. Vol. 1 / Ooghe,
Hubert & Van Wijmeersch, Charles Antwerpen, Oxford:
Intersentia ; 2008, 453 p.
Enkelvoudige jaarrekening volgens de vennootschapswet.
Herwerking van de balans en de resultatenrekening volgens
het volledig schema, horizontale en verticale analyse.
kasstromenanalyse. Liquiditeitsratio's. Solvabiliteitsratio's.
Rendabiliteitsratio's. Toegevoegde waarderatio's. Analyse van
de sociale balans. Interpretatie en beoordeling van financiële
ratio's. Jaarrekening volgens het verkort schema: ratioanalyse
en analyse van de sociale balans. Geconsolideerde
jaarrekening. Geconsolideerde jaarrekening volgens de
moeilijkheden en faillissementen. Modellen voor succes en
151 923/ I
657.375.6 (493)
jaarrekening 2008 / Tiest, R. Antwerpen, Oxford: Intersentia ;
2008, 961 p.
Met betrekking tot de jaarrekening wordt per rubriek van het
volledige schema vermeld : wat de inhoudelijke betekenis en
boekhoudschema; welke de wettelijke teksten zijn; welke
waarderingsregels gelden; de toepasselijke normen en
adviezen; welke andere rubrieken in de jaarrekening een
verband vertonen en waarmee de rubriek eventueel moet
overeenstemmen; welke de controles zijn die bij de
neerlegging kunnen worden uitgevoerd; welke fiscale of
vennootschapsrechtelijke aspecten aan de rubriek zijn
verbonden; en welke inhoudelijke commentaren kunnen
worden geformuleerd.
152 023
Cash-back rewards versus equity-based electronic loyalty
programs in e-commerce / Altinkemer, Kemal & Ozcelik,
Yasin (Information systems and e-business management,
2009 vol 7 no 1, pp. 39- 57)
Loyalty is a crucial part of today's business because
retaining a customer is generally less expensive than
attracting a new one. This relationship also holds true in
e-commerce. Most of the e-loyalty programs available on the
Internet utilize cash-back rewards. A new type of e-loyalty
program in which customers are offered a fraction of merchant
firm's equity is emerging recently
P 00866 ALL 2009 vol 7 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 04 K I
Handboek consolidatie : IFRS en BGAAP / Plateau,
Siebrecht & Van Herck, Gustaaf Leuven, Den Haag: Acco ;
2009, 613 p.
Het wetboek van vennootschappen verplicht een aantal
ondernemingen om een geconsolideerde jaarrekening op te
stellen en openbaar te maken. Voornoemd wetboek en het
uitvoeringsbesluit ervan bevatten heel wat bepalingen inzake
die geconsolideerde jaarrekening. Kennis hiervan is echter
lang niet meer voldoende. Beursgenoteerde ondernemingen
moeten immers hun geconsolideerde jaarrekening opstellen in
overeenstemming met de internationale standaarden voor
jaarrekeningen die via een verordening in het Europese recht
geïntroduceerd werden.
The contribution of transaction cost theory and other
network-oriented techniques to digital markets /
Rossignoli, Cecilia (Information systems and e-business
management, 2009 vol 7 no 1, pp. 57- 80)
The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship
between information and communication technology (ICT) and
the development of organizational forms, showing in particular
how ICT is able to promote new forms of cooperation among
enterprises. The research question is to understand the role
played by ICT in the development of an electronic marketplace
(EMP), from an organizational standpoint
P 00866 ALL 2009 vol 7 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 04 K I
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
Wayne & KEUN YOU, JONG (Journal of Accounting and
Public Policy, 2008 vol 27 no 5, pp. 357- 373)
Time-driven activity-based costing : inspiratiebron voor
prestatieverbetering en winstverhoging / Bruggeman,
Werner & Hoozée, Sophie & Moreels, Kris & Bruyneel, Thierry
Antwerpen, Oxford: Intersentia ; 2007, 200 p.
Dit boek behandelt een nieuwe doorbraak in management
accounting, namelijk time-driven activity-based costing. Deze
kostprijscalculatietechniek is ontstaan als antwoord op de
tekortkomingen van het eerder ontwikkelde activity-based
costing (ABC). Daarnaast biedt het gebruik van time-driven
ABC ook veel meer mogelijkheden op het vlak van
capaciteitsbezetting in complexe en dynamische omgevingen.
151 920
kostprijsberekeningen voor managementbeslissingen /
Bruggeman, Werner & Everaert, Patricia & Hoozée, Sophie
Antwerpen, Oxford: Intersentia ; 2008, 214 p.
resultaatbepaling bij massaproductieen bij productie op order.
gemeenscjappelijke producten, bijproducten, uitval en afval.
Full costing versus direct costing. Break-evenanalyse.
Speciale orders met lage verkoopprijs. de make or buy
beslissing. De verkoopprijsbeslissing. De productmixbeslissing
en de theory of constraints. De investeringsbeslissing.
The purpose of this study is to investigate whether firms'
auditor choice relates to national culture.
P 00593 EU 2008 vol 27 no 5 SALLE/ZAAL: 41 B III
Handboek waarderen van onderneminigen : due diligence
en waarderingstechnieken / Tiest, Roger Antwerpen, Oxford:
Intersentia ; 2008, 440 p.
Juridische, interne financiële, administratieve, commerciële,
technische, sociale, fiscale informatie. Milieu-informatie.
Diverse rechten en verplichtingen. Risicoanalyse en
materialiteit. Checklist due diligence. Waardecorrecties.
Budgetten en prognoses. Geherwaardeerd eigen vermogen.
Rendementswaarde. Actualisering. Rentevoet. Discount en
premie. Restwaarde. Vermogenswaarde. Kasstroommethode
(D.C.F.). Gemengde methode. Alternatieve methodes.
Gemengde bedrijven. Internationale bedrijven. Financiële
ondernemingen. Geconsolideerde groepen. Beursgenoteerde
151 919
Handboek bedrijfsfinanciering : theorie en praktijk /
Deloof, Marc & Manigart, Sophie & Ooghe, Hubert & Van
Hulle, Cynthia Antwerpen, Oxford: Intersentia ; 2008, 514 p.
Ce livre rassemble pour la première fois une analyse
approfondie des dispositions fiscales belges des prix de
multinationaux ainsi qu'une description des principes
fondamentaux des prix de transfert dont le maître d'oeuvre est
Doelstellingen en functies van het financieel beleid.
(obligatie)leningen en aandelen. De relatie tussen het vereist
rendement en risico. Waarderen van opties. Beoordeling van
investeringsprojecten. Kapitaalkost. Heeft de kapitaalstructuur
enig belang ? Dividendpolitiek. Uitgifte van aandelen.
(Middel)langetermijnschulden. Leasing. Beheer van het
ondernemingen. Fusies en overnames. Internationaal
financieel beleid. Financiering van groeigeoriënteerde starters.
Ondernemingen in moeilijkheden en reorganisatie.
152 033
151 922
151 921
657.474.5 (493)
Les prix de transfert / Vanwelkenhuyzen, Thierry Bruxelles: ;
2009, 263 p.
Does auditor tenure influence the reporting of
conservative earnings? / Jenkins, David S. & Velury, Uma
(Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 2008 vol 27 no 2, pp.
115- 132)
Eco-efficiency and firm value / Sinkin, Charlene & WRIGHT,
CHARLOTTE J. & Burnett, Royce D. (Journal of Accounting
and Public Policy, 2008 vol 27 no 2, pp. 167- 176)
In this study, we examine the relation between auditor
tenure and the reporting of conservative earnings.
This study empirically examines the proposition that
implementation of eco-efficient business strategies is
associated with higher firm value.
P 00593 EU 2008 vol 27 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 41 B III
P 00593 EU 2008 vol 27 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 41 B III
Culture and auditor choice : A test of the secrecy
hypothesis / Hope, Ole-Kristian & Kang, Tony & Thomas,
Wayne & KEUN YOU, JONG (Journal of Accounting and
Public Policy, 2008 vol 27 no 5, pp. 357- 373)
657.792 (861)
Corporate ownership and control contestability in
emerging markets: the case of Colombia / Gutiérrez, Luis
H. & Pombo, Carlos (Journal of Economics and Business,
2009 vol 61 no 2, pp. 112- 139)
The purpose of this study is to investigate whether firms'
auditor choice relates to national culture.
This study examines the structure of voting control and
blockholders' contestability for a sample of 233 non-financial
listed firms in Colombia during 1996-2004.
P 00593 EU 2008 vol 27 no 5 SALLE/ZAAL: 41 B III
Culture and auditor choice : A test of the secrecy
hypothesis / Hope, Ole-Kristian & Kang, Tony & Thomas,
P 00691 EU 2009 vol 61 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 39 F II
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
Luhmann ontmoet 'the Matrix' : uitwisselen en delen van
informatie in netcentrische omgevingen / van Lier, Albertus
Franciscus Delft: Uitgeverij Eburon ; 2009, 205 p.
wetenschappelijk onderzoek in het algemeen en het
ontwikkelen van kennis en kennisclaims over de werkelijkheid
in het bijzonder. Het proces van versmelting of hybridisering
van mens en technologie. Het begrip interoperabiliteit en de
toepassing daarvan in domeinen zoals defensie en de
overheid. De algemene systeemtheorie van Luhmann. De
mogelijkheden die ontstaan wanneer systemen of entiteiten
als vanzelfsprekend informatie met elkaar kunnen uitwisselen
en delen.
152 153
Informedness and customer-centric revenue management
/ Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit ; 2009, 166 p.
The recent pervasive adoption of advanced information
technologies profoundly changes the availability of information
to customers and firms. This improved information endowment
has affected consumer behavior and poses new challenges for
corporate strategy.
général de l'entreprise en développant de façon précise, à
chaque chapitre (ou leçon), une fonction particulière :
production, marketing, ressources humaines, finance,
stratégie... Il y analyse également le comportement
stratégique de l'entreprise - tant dans le domaine commercial
que dans le domaine financier - et les relations de pouvoir
dont elle est l'enjeu.
152 062
Méthode de la recherche : réussir son mémoire ou sa
thèse en sciences de gestion / Gotteland, David & Jolibert,
Alain & Haon, Christophe Paris: Pearson Education ; 2008,
383 p.
Mener à bien un travail de recherche, qu'il s'agisse d'un
mémoire, d'une thèse ou d'un projet de publication, est un
exercice de longe haleine qui exige beaucoup de rigueur et de
méthode. Cet ouvrage offrira à tous, étudiants et chercheurs,
un précieux soutien à toutes les étapes de ce travail. Les
auteurs illustrent systématiquement leur propos par des
exemples tirés de thèses ou d'articles de recherche issus des
différents champs des sciences de gestion (GRH,
management, marketing, stratégie, finance d'entreprise.
152 305
151 933
Informatie-analyse volgens NIAM : In theorie en praktijk /
WINTRAECKEN, Schoonhoven: Academic Service ; 1985,
540 pp
objectsysteem-analyse naar informatie-analyse. De structuur
van informatie. Grafische beperkingsregels met betrekking tot
één feittype. Grafische beperkingsregels met betrekking tot
combinaties van rollen. Feittypen bestaande uit meer dan
151 823
Data mining and market intelligence for optimal marketing
returns / Chiu, Susan Amsterdam, Boston, Heidelberg:
Elsevier ; 2007, 280 p.
Marketing spending models and optimization. Metrics
overview. Multi-channel campaign performance reporting and
optimization. Understanding the market through marketing
research. Audience segmentation. Data mining for customer
acquisition, retention, and growth. Data mining for
cross-selling and bundled marketing. Web analytics. Search
marketing analytics.
151 703
PAGE 150
L'entreprise en 20 leçons / Conso, Pierre Paris: Dunod ;
1995, 403 p. ISBN: 2-10-002845-6
L'entreprise en 20 leçons est d'abord un manuel dont
l'objectif est pédagogique. L'auteur y décrit le fonctionnement
Groupthink : collective delusions in organisations and
markets. / Bénabou, Roland (CEPR Discussion Papers,no
7193, pp. 1- 49)
This paper examines how collective beliefs and delusions
arise persist in organizations such as teams, firms,
bureaucracies and markets. In the aftermath of corporate and
public-policy disasters, it often emerges that participants fell
prey to a collective form of overconfidence and willful
blindness : mounting warning signals were systematically
ignored or met with denial, evidence avoided, cast aside or
selectively reinterpreded, dissenters discouraged and
shunned. Market bubbles and manias exhibit the same pattern
of investors acting "color-blind in a sea of red flags", followezd
by a crash.
P 00834 GRBRno 7193
658. (493)
Handboek financieel beheer / Laveren, Eddy & Engelen,
Peter-Jan & Limère, Arthur Antwerpen, Oxford: Intersentia ;
2009, 647 p.
De ondernemingsdoelstelling: het creëren van waarde.
Financiële analyse. Financiële planning. De waardering van
obligaties, aandelen en opties. Beoordeling, selectie en
risicoanalyse van investeringsprojecten. De optimale
kapitaalstructuur. Dividendpolitiek en de waarde van de
onderneming. De kapitaalkost van de onderneming.
Alternatieve NPV-modellen. Debiteurenbeheer. Beheer van
het netto bedrijfskapitaal. Beursintroducties en risicokapitaal.
Financiering van KMO's in België.
152 302
Libéralisation et desserte des territoires : le cas du
transport aérien européen / Bruxelles, Bern, Berlin:
P.I.E.-Peter Lang ; 2008, 285 p.
De la souveraineté nationale à la libéralisation européenne.
Aspects méthodologiques. L'action résiduelle des Etats.
Libéralisation et stratégies des compagnies. Libéralisation et
desserte des territoires. Une croissance intenable? Carte des
aéroports européens.
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
151 918
New business models for the knowledge economy /
Hampshire, Burlington: Gower ; 2007, 146 p.
What is a business model? Innovation, customisation and
authenticity. The chameleon model. The innovator model. The
foyer model. Business dynamics.
152 203
Entrepreneurship, sustainable growth and performance :
frontiers in European entrepreneurship research /
Landström, Hans & Crijns, Hans & Laveren, Eddy
Cheltenham, Northampton: Edward Elgar ; 2008, 365 p.
Entrepreneurs and their role. Entrepreneurship in family
firms. Performance of new ventures. Processes and
151 969
International business strategy : rethinking the
foundations of global corporate success / Verbeke, Alain
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press ; 2009, 481 p.
Conceptual foundations of international business strategy.
Combining dirm-specific advantages and location advantages
in a multinational framework. International innovation.
International marketing. Managing managers in the
multinational enterprise. International strategies of coporate
social responsibility. International strategies of corporate
environmental sustainability.
chaque chapitre (ou leçon), une fonction particulière :
production, marketing, ressources humaines, finance,
stratégie... Il y analyse également le comportement
stratégique de l'entreprise - tant dans le domaine commercial
que dans le domaine financier - et les relations de pouvoir
dont elle est l'enjeu.
152 062
Green to gold : how smart companies use environmental
strategy to innovate, create value, and build competitive
advantage / Esty, Daniel C. Hoboken: John Wiley and sons ;
2006, 380 p.
Eco-advantage. Natural drivers of the green wave.
Managing the downside. The eco-advantage mindset.
Eco-tracking. Inspiring an eco-advantage culture. Why
environmental initiatives fail.
152 335
Valuation, capital structure decisions and the cost of
capital / Schauten, Marc B.J. Rotterdam: ERIM ; 2008, 199 p.
Corporate governance and the value of excess cash
holdings of large European firms. Corporate governance and
the cost of debt of large European firms. Optimal capital
structure : reflections on economic and other values. Optimal
capital structure decision in a multi-criteria framework;
solutions for an M&A case as proposed by practicing financial
experts. Cost of capital of government's claim and the present
value of tax shields. The discount rate for discounted cash
flow valuations of intangible assets.
151 680
151 970
Greep op de zaak : instrumenten voor risicomanagement /
Bouman, Francis H.C. & Van Ast, René & van Dijk, M.F.
Amsterdam, Antwerpen: Business Contact ; 2009, 288 p.
Projectmanagement. Informeren en communiceren. Bewaken.
151 977
Van strategie naar uitvoering / Kaplan, Robert S. & Norton,
David P. Amsterdam, Antwerpen: Business Contact ; 2008,
352 p.
Ontwikkeling van de strategie. Planning van de strategie.
organisatie-eenheden en werknemers op de strategie.
Planning van de bedrijfsvoering. Evaluatievergaderingen over
de bedrijfsvoering en de strategie. Vergaderingen voor het
testen en aanpassen van de strategie. Het office of strategy
Transparency of central bank preferences / Hahn, Volker
(German Economic Review, 2009 vol 10 no 1, pp. 32- 49)
In this paper, we examine whether the transparency of the
central bank's preferences is desirable.
P 00473 ALL 2009 vol 10 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 I III
Groupthink : collective delusions in organisations and
markets. / Bénabou, Roland (CEPR Discussion Papers,no
7193, pp. 1- 49)
This paper examines how collective beliefs and delusions
arise persist in organizations such as teams, firms,
bureaucracies and markets. In the aftermath of corporate and
public-policy disasters, it often emerges that participants fell
prey to a collective form of overconfidence and willful
blindness : mounting warning signals were systematically
ignored or met with denial, evidence avoided, cast aside or
selectively reinterpreded, dissenters discouraged and
shunned. Market bubbles and manias exhibit the same pattern
of investors acting "color-blind in a sea of red flags", followezd
by a crash.
P 00834 GRBRno 7193
152 211
L'entreprise en 20 leçons / Conso, Pierre Paris: Dunod ;
1995, 403 p. ISBN: 2-10-002845-6
Innovation and institutional ownership. / Aghion, Philippe &
Van Reenen, John & Zingales, Luigi (CEPR Discussion
Papers,no 7195, pp. 1- 59)
L'entreprise en 20 leçons est d'abord un manuel dont
l'objectif est pédagogique. L'auteur y décrit le fonctionnement
général de l'entreprise en développant de façon précise, à
This paper is a first attempt analyzing the corporate
governance of innovation and more specifically the role of
institutional owners in fostering (or retarding) innovation.
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
P 00834 GRBRno 7195
PAGE 152
P 00945 GRBR 2009 vol 46 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 B II
Power in the multinational corporation in industry
equilibrium. / Marin, Dalia & Verdier, Thierry (Economic
Theory, 2009 vol 38 no 3, pp. 437- 464)
Where are 'pockets' of effective agencies likely in weak
governance states and why? : A propositional inventory /
Leonard, David K. (IDS Working Paper,no 306, pp. 1- 31)
This paper focuses. On the internal organization of the
multinational corporation by examining the power allocation
between headquarters and subsidiaires. We provide a
framework to analyse the interaction between the decision to
serve the local market by exporting or FDI, market access and
the optimal mode organization of the multinational corporation.
It is well established that even in countries that have poor
governance and weak public sectors exceptional,
well-functioning government and government-supported
agencies do exist. What has not been established is how and
why these 'pockets of productivity' are able to emerge. Some
attribute their existence to exceptional leadership and good
management. Others, while not doubting the importance of
these internal factors, believe that these 'pockets' are
generated by their place in the country's political economy.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 38 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Strategic business planning and success in small firms /
Kaus, Sascha & Harms, Rainer & Schwarz, Erich
(International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Management (IJEIM), 2008 vol 8 no 4, pp. 381- 396)
This paper attempts to identify the degree and the methods
of strategic business planning in small enterprises.
P 00637 SS 2008 vol 8 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 E II
Informedness and customer-centric revenue management
/ Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit ; 2009, 166 p.
The recent pervasive adoption of advanced information
technologies profoundly changes the availability of information
to customers and firms. This improved information endowment
has affected consumer behavior and poses new challenges for
corporate strategy.
151 933
differentiated products / Peeters, Ronald & Strobel, Martin
(International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2009 vol 27
no 1, pp. 24- 32)
We experimentally test Bertrand-Nash equilibria in markets
with differentiated products. In contrast to the existing
literature, we choose asymmetric market settings in which
pure strategy equilibria do not exist.
P 00960 GRBRno 306
658.011.1 (410)
Voluntary disclosure and its impact on share prices :
Evidence from the UK biotechnology sector / Dedman,
Elisabeth & Lin, Stephen W.-J. & Prakash, Arun J. & Chang,
Chun-Hao (Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 2008 vol
27 no 3, pp. 195- 216)
Using a sample of firms from the high-R&D UK
biotechnology pharmaceutical sector, we find that earnings
announcements have a much lower price impact than drug
development announcements.
P 00593 EU 2008 vol 27 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 41 B III
658.011.1 (410)
The implications of public sector small business advisers
becoming strategic sounding boards: England and
Scotland compared / Mole, Kevin F. & Keogh, WIlliam
(Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 2009 vol 21 no
1, pp. 77- 97)
We review three streams of the literature on business
advice: small firm policy, critical management consulting, and
organisational development consulting. We introduce a triad of
producer, process, and client to understand the implications of
changes to the business adviser's role. The paper examines
two case studies where public policy has changed to shift
business advisers into this sounding board role: England and
P 00884 GRBR 2009 vol 21 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 30 B III
P 00832 PB 2009 vol 27 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 43 H I
Eco-efficiency and firm value / Sinkin, Charlene & WRIGHT,
CHARLOTTE J. & Burnett, Royce D. (Journal of Accounting
and Public Policy, 2008 vol 27 no 2, pp. 167- 176)
This study empirically examines the proposition that
implementation of eco-efficient business strategies is
associated with higher firm value.
P 00593 EU 2008 vol 27 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 41 B III
Subsidiary strategy : The embeddedness component /
Garcia-Pont, Carlos & Canales, Ignacio J. & Noboa, Fabrizio
(Journal of Management Studies, 2009 vol 46 no 2, pp. 182214)
This article develops the concept of internal subsidiary
embeddedness as the canvas within which subsidiary strategy
takes place. Developing an inductive model, we identify three
hierarchical levels of embeddedness.
658.011.1 (491.1)
Is knowledge management losing ground ? Developments
among Iceland SMEs / Edvardsson, Ingi Runar (Knowledge
Management Research and Pratice, 2009 vol 7 no 1, pp. 9199)
This paper presents findings from a survey on knowledge
management (KM) in small and medium-sized firms(SMEs) in
Iceland conducted in 2007 and was a follow-up of a similar
survey from 2004. The paper analyses whether the extent,
strategy and effects of KM in SMEs in Iceland has changed in
the period
P 01003 GRBR 2009 vol 7 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 A II
658.011.1 (493)
Media in beweging : handboek voor de professional /
Musschoot, Iris & Lombaerts, Bart Leuven: LannooCampus ;
2008, 487 p.
Maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen met impact op de
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
verdienmodellen. Strategische hefbomen. De rol van de
overheid. Van fundamentele bedrijfsstrategie tot tactische
actie op de winkelvloer. Strategische marketingplanning.
nieuwsmanagement. Media meten. Advertentiemogelijkheden.
Excellence for non profit a organisé un congrès afin de mettre
en perspective la problématique et les opportunités du
mécénat d'entreprise.
152 183
151 667
658.011.1 (593)
The structural model of competition in the Thai banking
industry / Wonglimpiyarat, Jarunee (International Journal of
Financial Services Management, 2008 vol 3 no 3/ 4, pp. 255268)
This paper presents the structural model of competition in
the Thai banking system. The increased competition after the
financial crisis has made it necessary for Thai banks to adapt
and improve all their operations.
658.011.14 (560)
Sustainability in the Turkish retailing industry / Erol, Ismail
& Cakar, Nigar & Erel, Derya & Sari, Ramazan (Sustainable
Development, 2009 vol 17 no 1, pp. 49- 67)
In this paper, given the importance of grocery retailers in
sustainable development and the need for further
investigation, we develop a tool to measure and evaluate
progress in sustainability performances of grocery retailers in
P 00935 GRBR 2009 vol 17 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 45 E II
P 00654 SS 2008 vol 3 no 3/ 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 D I
658.011.1 (861)
Corporate ownership and control contestability in
emerging markets: the case of Colombia / Gutiérrez, Luis
H. & Pombo, Carlos (Journal of Economics and Business,
2009 vol 61 no 2, pp. 112- 139)
This study examines the structure of voting control and
blockholders' contestability for a sample of 233 non-financial
listed firms in Colombia during 1996-2004.
P 00691 EU 2009 vol 61 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 39 F II
L'entreprise en 20 leçons / Conso, Pierre Paris: Dunod ;
1995, 403 p. ISBN: 2-10-002845-6
L'entreprise en 20 leçons est d'abord un manuel dont
l'objectif est pédagogique. L'auteur y décrit le fonctionnement
général de l'entreprise en développant de façon précise, à
chaque chapitre (ou leçon), une fonction particulière :
production, marketing, ressources humaines, finance,
stratégie... Il y analyse également le comportement
stratégique de l'entreprise - tant dans le domaine commercial
que dans le domaine financier - et les relations de pouvoir
dont elle est l'enjeu.
152 062
Social influences on individual decision making
processes / Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit ; 2009, 144 p.
Causes of ambiguity aversion : known versus unknown
preferences. Preference reversals under ambiguity. The effect
of accountability on risk attitude : probability weighting, utility
curvature, and loss aversion. Separating real incentives and
152 146
Transparency of central bank preferences / Hahn, Volker
(German Economic Review, 2009 vol 10 no 1, pp. 32- 49)
In this paper, we examine whether the transparency of the
central bank's preferences is desirable.
P 00473 ALL 2009 vol 10 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 I III
Eco-efficiency and firm value / Sinkin, Charlene & WRIGHT,
CHARLOTTE J. & Burnett, Royce D. (Journal of Accounting
and Public Policy, 2008 vol 27 no 2, pp. 167- 176)
This study empirically examines the proposition that
implementation of eco-efficient business strategies is
associated with higher firm value.
658.011.2 (4-15)
Numéro spécial de GEAP sur la mesure de la performance
/ van Dooren, Wouter & Van de Walle, Steven & Malley,
Juliette & NETTEN, ANN & Calzada, Inés & del Pino, Eloisa &
Van Ryzin, Gregg G. & van Stolk, Christian & Wegrich, Kai &
Kim, Pan Suk & Vukovic, Goran & Zavrsnik, Bruno & Rodic,
Blaz & Samaratunge, Ramanie & Coghill, Ken & Herath,
H.M.A. (Revue internationale des sciences administratives,
2008 vol 74 no 4, pp. 559- 749)
Introduction au numéro spécial sur la mesure de la
performance. Mesurer et contrôler les résultats dans les soins
sociaux: le problème de la mesure de la qualité. L'efficacité
perçue et les attitudes des citoyens à l'égard de la réforme de
l'Etat Providence. Le revêtement des routes vu par les
citoyens Observation à New York et implications pour les
analyses comparatives de la performance. La convergence
sans diffusion? Analyse comparative du choix des indicateurs
de performance dans l'administration fiscale et la securité
sociale. La mise en oeuvre complexe des systèmes de
mesure de la performance: Analyse des évolutions dans les
organisations de service professionnel dans le secteur à but
non lucratif aux Pays-Bas. Comment attirer et retenir les
meilleurs éléments aus sein de l'administration publique? La
formation des fonctionnaires dans l'administration publique
slovène. La gouvernance sri-lankaise envahie par le tsunami.
P 00313 BG 2008 vol 74 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 19 C I
P 00593 EU 2008 vol 27 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 41 B III
658.011.14 (493)
Mécénat d'entreprise : un win-win pour tous! / Dubois,
François-Xavier & Hermant, Pierre & Van Echelpoel, Koen
Heule: Editions UGA ; 2008, 108 p.
Le mécénat d'entreprise - qui peut être défini comme un don
sans contrepartie d'une entreprise à un but sociétal - n'est pas
encore très connu dans la société belge. Convaincu de la
plus-value sociétale que peut offrir le mécénat d'entreprise,
Time-driven activity-based costing : inspiratiebron voor
prestatieverbetering en winstverhoging / Bruggeman,
Werner & Hoozée, Sophie & Moreels, Kris & Bruyneel, Thierry
Antwerpen, Oxford: Intersentia ; 2007, 200 p.
Dit boek behandelt een nieuwe doorbraak in management
accounting, namelijk time-driven activity-based costing. Deze
kostprijscalculatietechniek is ontstaan als antwoord op de
tekortkomingen van het eerder ontwikkelde activity-based
costing (ABC). Daarnaast biedt het gebruik van time-driven
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
ABC ook veel meer mogelijkheden op het vlak van
capaciteitsbezetting in complexe en dynamische omgevingen.
151 920
How does relationship management infrastructure
influence performance? / Jarratt, Denise G. & Katsikeas,
Constantine S. (Journal of Marketing Management, 2009 vol
25 no 1/ 2, pp. 51- 74)
The contribution of Relationship Management Infrastructure
(RM) to positional advantage, customer, market and financial
performance was tested in major, organisational customer
relationships through structural equation modelling.
P 00842 GRBR 2009 vol 25 no 1/ 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 50 G III
The effect of outward foreign direct investment on
home-country employment in a low-cost transition
economy / Masso, Jaan & Varblane, Urmas & Vahter, Priit
(Eastern European Economics, 2008 vol 46 no 6, pp. 25- 59)
The current extensive literature on the home-country
employment effect of foreign direct investment(FDI)focuses
almost exclusively on investments from high-income and high
labor-cost home countries. Our paper analyzes the
home-country employment effect in Estonia as a low-cost,
medium-income transition economy. The data from the
population of Estonian firms between 1995 and 2002 are
studied with regression analysis and propensity score
matching to construct an appropriate counterfactual for firms
that have invested abroad
P 00333 EU 2008 vol 46 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 B I
competition / Sand, Jan Y. (Managerial and Decision
Economics (MDE), 2009 vol 30 no 1, pp. 57- 70)
The objective of this paper is to show how efficiency can be
implemented in a market with strictly complementary inputs
when the productive firms undertake unobservable effort.
P 00792 GRBR 2009 vol 30 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 C III
Measuring the operational efficiency of commercial banks
in Namibia / Ikhide, Sylvanus I. (The South African Journal of
Economics, 2008 vol 76 no 4, pp. 586- 595)
This paper examines the efficiency of commercial banks in
Namibia using the standard econometric frontier approach.
Although two aspects of efficiency (scale and scope) receive
our attention, the emphasis is on the latter which pertains to
whether a firm produces as efficiently as it possible can, given
its size.
P 00006 SAF 2008 vol 76 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 28 I III
Strategic business planning and success in small firms /
Kaus, Sascha & Harms, Rainer & Schwarz, Erich
(International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Management (IJEIM), 2008 vol 8 no 4, pp. 381- 396)
This paper attempts to identify the degree and the methods
of strategic business planning in small enterprises.
PAGE 154
Accounting fundamentals and CEO bonus compensation /
Jackson, Scott B & Lopez, Thomas J. & Reitenga, Austin L.
(Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 2008 vol 27 no 5, pp.
374- 393)
The purpose of this study is to further illuminate the
pay-performance debate by expanding the traditional
executive bonus compensation model to include a set of
accounting fundamentals that prior research indicates are
related to both current and future firm performance.
P 00593 EU 2008 vol 27 no 5 SALLE/ZAAL: 41 B III
Technology sourcing and performance of foreign
subsidiaries in Greece: the impact of MNE and local
environment contexts / Manolopoulos, Dimitris & Dimitratos,
Pavlos & Young, Stephen & Lioukas, Spyros (Management
International Review, 2009 vol 49 no 1, pp. 43- 60)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of
two categories of sources of technology on subsidiary
performance. These technology sources can be associated
either with the internal Multinational Enterprise (MNE) system;
or, the local environment in which the subsidiary is based.
P 00774 GX 2009 vol 49 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 B III
The suitability of the configuration approach in
entrepreneurship research / Harms, Rainer & Kraus, Sascha
& Schwarz, Erich (Entrepreneurship and Regional
Development, 2009 vol 21 no 1, pp. 25- 49)
The aim of this paper is to discuss the configuration
approach as applied in the context of new ventures. A key
topic in entrepreneurship research is the analysis of new
venture performance (NVP) and change. Taking into account
variations in the populations of new ventures and considering
the complex nature of NVP and development, the
configuration approach may be helpful for these analyses.
P 00884 GRBR 2009 vol 21 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 30 B III
Performance of national competition authorities : A
method for assessment / MATEUS, ABEL & Gonçalves,
Paulo & Rodrigues, Jorge (Concurrences : Revue des droits
de la concurrence, 2008 no 3, pp. 40- 54)
As public and regulatory institutions, National Competition
Authorities are increasingly under the scrutiny of democratic
bodies in order to assess their performance. We present a
simple methodology that could be widely applied and a case
P 00951 FR 2008 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 54 I II
Mergers and innovation in big pharma / Ornaghi, Carmine
(International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2009 vol 27
no 1, pp. 70- 79)
The aims of this paper are to study the effects of mergers on
the R&D activity of consolidated firms and to explore the
relationship between ex-ante relatedness of merging parties
and their ex-post performance. The analysis is conducted
using data of the pharmaceutical industry for the period
P 00832 PB 2009 vol 27 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 43 H I
P 00637 SS 2008 vol 8 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 E II
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
Does auditor tenure influence the reporting of
conservative earnings? / Jenkins, David S. & Velury, Uma
(Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 2008 vol 27 no 2, pp.
115- 132)
In this study, we examine the relation between auditor
tenure and the reporting of conservative earnings.
P 00593 EU 2008 vol 27 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 41 B III
Subsidiary strategy : The embeddedness component /
Garcia-Pont, Carlos & Canales, Ignacio J. & Noboa, Fabrizio
(Journal of Management Studies, 2009 vol 46 no 2, pp. 182214)
This article develops the concept of internal subsidiary
embeddedness as the canvas within which subsidiary strategy
takes place. Developing an inductive model, we identify three
hierarchical levels of embeddedness.
P 00945 GRBR 2009 vol 46 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 B II
Imports and TFP at the firm level : the role of absorptive
capacity. / Augier, Patricia & Cadot, Olivier & Dovis, Marion
(CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7218, pp. 1- 26)
This paper estimates the effect of the decision to import
intermediate goods and capital equipment on total factor
productivity (TFP) at the firm level on a panel of Spanish firms
covering the period between 1991 and 2002.
long-term effects rather than just short-run effects that may be
identified using FDI flows.
P 00773 GRBR 2009 vol 32 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 F I
658.011.4 (4-15)
Numéro spécial de GEAP sur la mesure de la performance
/ van Dooren, Wouter & Van de Walle, Steven & Malley,
Juliette & NETTEN, ANN & Calzada, Inés & del Pino, Eloisa &
Van Ryzin, Gregg G. & van Stolk, Christian & Wegrich, Kai &
Kim, Pan Suk & Vukovic, Goran & Zavrsnik, Bruno & Rodic,
Blaz & Samaratunge, Ramanie & Coghill, Ken & Herath,
H.M.A. (Revue internationale des sciences administratives,
2008 vol 74 no 4, pp. 559- 749)
Introduction au numéro spécial sur la mesure de la
performance. Mesurer et contrôler les résultats dans les soins
sociaux: le problème de la mesure de la qualité. L'efficacité
perçue et les attitudes des citoyens à l'égard de la réforme de
l'Etat Providence. Le revêtement des routes vu par les
citoyens Observation à New York et implications pour les
analyses comparatives de la performance. La convergence
sans diffusion? Analyse comparative du choix des indicateurs
de performance dans l'administration fiscale et la securité
sociale. La mise en oeuvre complexe des systèmes de
mesure de la performance: Analyse des évolutions dans les
organisations de service professionnel dans le secteur à but
non lucratif aux Pays-Bas. Comment attirer et retenir les
meilleurs éléments aus sein de l'administration publique? La
formation des fonctionnaires dans l'administration publique
slovène. La gouvernance sri-lankaise envahie par le tsunami.
P 00313 BG 2008 vol 74 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 19 C I
P 00834 GRBRno 7218
How successful have trade unions been? A utility-based
indicator of union well-being / Pencavel, John (Industrial
and Labor Relations Review, 2009 vol 62 no 2, pp. 147- 156)
In this paper, a general indicator of union welfare is
proposed and particular expressions for the wage and
employment objectives of unions are rearranged to derive
measures of union success or welfare. These indicators
combine two measures: union density and the relative
union-nonunion wage gap
P 00294 EU 2009 vol 62 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 23 A I
658.011.4 (100)
International comparisons of public sector performance /
Van de Walle, Steven (Public Management Review, 2009 vol
11 no 1, pp. 39- 56)
I first deal with the question what is government, and then
proceed to the question what should government do. In a
further section, 1 focus on the problem of attribution and
causality in measuring government performance, and in the
final sections 1 discuss implications of these questions for
performance internationally
658.011.4 (4-15) (493)
Europees handvest voor kleine ondernemingen. Verslag
2004 / Brussel: Editions PME-KMO Uitgeverijen ; 2004, 60 p.
Algemene vragen van de Europese Commissie. Opleiding in
ondernemerschap, met name in het secundair onderwijs.
Betere wetgeving, met name de faillissementswet en de
impactanalyse. Tekort aan geschoolde arbeidskrachten, meer
bepaald maatregelen om het tekort aan geschikte technici en
ingenieurs op te vangen. Andere delen van het handvest.
152 276
658.011.4 (45)
Software innovativeness. A comparison between
proprietary and Free/Open Source solutions offered by
Italian SMEs / Rossi Lamastra, Cristina (R&D Management,
2009 vol 39 no 2, pp. 153- 169)
Based on a sample of 134 software solutions, produced by
Italian Small and Medium Enterprises and using a
methodology frequently applied in technology management to
evaluate innovativeness of products and services, this
exploratory study provides initial insights into what happens
when alternative metrics are used to observe complex
innovation processes in the software market.
P 00731 GRBR 2009 vol 39 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 B II
P 00986 GRBR 2009 vol 11 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 19 E III
658.011.4 (100.3)
Foreign direct investment, competition and industry
performance / Bitzer, Jürgen & Görg, Holger (The World
Economy, 2009 vol 32 no 2, pp. 221- 233)
658.011.4 (491.1)
Is knowledge management losing ground ? Developments
among Iceland SMEs / Edvardsson, Ingi Runar (Knowledge
Management Research and Pratice, 2009 vol 7 no 1, pp. 9199)
Our paper uses data for 10 manufacturing sectors for 17
OECD countries covering the period 1973 to 2001. This long
time window allows us to construct country-level FDI stocks
which we use in the empirical estimation. This is a novelty of
our paper, as most previous studies use FDI flows rather than
stocks. Using FDI stocks allows us to pick up medium- and
This paper presents findings from a survey on knowledge
management (KM) in small and medium-sized firms(SMEs) in
Iceland conducted in 2007 and was a follow-up of a similar
survey from 2004. The paper analyses whether the extent,
strategy and effects of KM in SMEs in Iceland has changed in
the period
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
PAGE 156
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, 2008 vol 94 no 3, pp.
265- 300)
P 01003 GRBR 2009 vol 7 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 A II
658.011.4 (492)
Environmental negotiated agreements in the Netherlands /
Bressers, Hans & de Bruijn, Theo & Lulofs, Kris
(Environmental Politics, 2009 vol 18 no 1, pp. 58- 77)
We seek to answer two central questions : - First, what is
the degree of success (criteria for effectiveness, efficiency and
positive side effects) of the use of negotiated environmental
agreements in the Netherlands, and with what background
factors is the degree of success related? - Second, what role
is played by follow-up implementation after the agreements
are signed and what is the interaction with other instruments?
P 00886 GRBR 2009 vol 18 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 45 D III
658.011.4 (5-11) (510)
The rise of China and East Asian export performance: is
the crowding-out fear warranted? / Athukorala,
Prema-Chandra (The World Economy, 2009 vol 32 no 2, pp.
234- 266)
Ever since China began to emerge as a major trading nation
in the late 1970s, there has been growing concern in policy
circles in East Asian countries that competition from China
could crowd-out their export opportunities.
P 00773 GRBR 2009 vol 32 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 F I
658.011.4 (519.5)
Hotel management contract: impact on performance in
the Korean hotel sector / Kim, Soo Y. (The Service
Industries Journal, 2008 vol 28 no 5/ 6, pp. 701- 718)
This study investigates the influence of hotel management
contract on the performance of super-deluxe levels in Korea
and identifies how the 1996-1997 tourism recessions affected
the relationship between management contract and the
performance of the hotels.
The average pay of a chief executive officer (CEO) in a top
U S. firm has increased six-fold in the last three decades.
Simultaneously, the composition of pay has moved away from
salary-based and increasingly toward performance-based
compensation in the form of stock grants. This has
strengthened the link between CEO pay and firm performance.
Anecdotal evidence on the recent corporate fraud scandals
suggests that some incentive problems remain unsolved.
P 00702 EU 2008 vol 94 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 37 J III
Outsourcing of innovation. / Lai, Edwin L.-C. & Riezman,
Raymond & Wang, Ping (Economic Theory, 2009 vol 38 no 3,
pp. 485- 515)
This paper looks at the outsourcing of research and
development (R & D)activities. We consider cost reducing R &
D and allow manufacturing firms to decide whether to
outsource the project to research subcontractors or carry out
the research in-house. We use a principal-agent framework
and consider fixed and revenue-sharing contracts. We solve
for the optimal contract under these constraints.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 38 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Energy technology learning through deployment in
competitive markets / WENE, CLAS-OTTO (The Engineering
Economist : a journal devoted to the problems of capital
investment, 2008 vol 53 no 4, pp. 340- 363)
Technology learning as observed in experience and learning
curves shows that government deployment programs can be
efficient tools for technology-led strategies to manage the risk
of climate change. But better theoretical understanding is
needed to explain observed learning rate and make reliable
P 00500 EU 2008 vol 53 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 L I
P 00856 GRBR 2008 vol 28 no 5/ 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 43 H II
658.011.4 (529)
Efficiency and productivity growth in Taiwanese banking /
Yeh, Tsai-Lien (International Journal of Financial Services
Management, 2008 vol 3 no 3/ 4, pp. 269- 282)
Come close and co-create : proximities in pharmaceutical
innovation networks / Phlippen, Sandra Magdalena
Wilhelmina Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit ; 2008, 173 p.
Do mergers promote efficiency in the banking industry? A
Data Envelopment Analysis in this study revealed that
technical efficiency and productivity in Taiwanese banks
increased more during the ex-post period (2003-2004) of the
Merger Act than during the ex-ante periods (1999-2000).
Access to relevant external knowledge is crucial for a firms'
competitiveness in innovation-driven industries. This thesis
focuses on how different forms of proximity affect a firm's
ability to access such knowledge. We consider the influence of
being co-located in space, of being embedded in a network,
and of being active in similar knowledge domains.
P 00654 SS 2008 vol 3 no 3/ 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 D I
152 111
658.011.4 (560)
Sustainability in the Turkish retailing industry / Erol, Ismail
& Cakar, Nigar & Erel, Derya & Sari, Ramazan (Sustainable
Development, 2009 vol 17 no 1, pp. 49- 67)
658.012.12 (492)
Topbedrijven van de toekomst / Busato, Vittorio & Conijn,
Jeroen & Misset, Marcel Amsterdam: Wolters-Noordhoff ;
2002, 301 p. ISBN: 90-01-60507-9
In this paper, given the importance of grocery retailers in
sustainable development and the need for further
investigation, we develop a tool to measure and evaluate
progress in sustainability performances of grocery retailers in
De topbedrijven van de toekomst zijn beoordeeld aan de
hand van de volgende criteria, waarvoor sterren (maximaal
vijf) zijn toegekend : flexibiliteit in planning en organisatie;
human-resourcesbeleid; kwaliteit van het management;
performance op de beurs (indien beursgenoteerd);
verwachtingen toekomst.
P 00935 GRBR 2009 vol 17 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 45 E II
152 243
658.011.4 (73)
CEO compensation : trends, market changes, and
regulation. / Jarque, Arantxa (Economic Quarterly of the
658.012.12 (560)
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
Entrepreneurs in Turkey: a factor analysis of motivations,
success factors, and problems / Benzing, Cynthia & Manh
Chu, Hung & Kara, Orban (Journal of Small Business
Management (JSBM), 2009 vol 47 no 1, pp. 58- 91)
One hundred and thirty-nine entrepreneurs in Ankara,
Turkey were surveyed to determine their motivations for
business ownership, the factors contributing to their success,
and their problems.
P 00759 EU 2009 vol 47 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 39 K I
658.012.125 (4-11)
Linking Managerial Behaviour to Cost and Profit
Efficiency in the Banking Sectors of Central and Eastern
European Countries / Rossi, Stefania P. S. & Schwaiger,
Markus S & Winkler, Gerhard (Kredit und Kapital, 2008 vol 41
no 4, pp. 589- 629)
This paper investigates the state and evolution of banking
efficiency in Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs)
with a focus on countries that have recently acceded the
European Union
P 00654 ALL 2008 vol 41 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 D II
658.012.1:061 (481)
Innovation, path dependency and policy : the Norwegian
case / Fagerberg, Jan & Mowery, David C. & VERSPAGEN,
BART New York: Oxford University Press ; 2009, 387 p.
gemeenscjappelijke producten, bijproducten, uitval en afval.
Full costing versus direct costing. Break-evenanalyse.
Speciale orders met lage verkoopprijs. de make or buy
beslissing. De verkoopprijsbeslissing. De productmixbeslissing
en de theory of constraints. De investeringsbeslissing.
151 921
Grenzeloos leiderschap : zeven dilemma's van
servant-leadership in beeld gebracht / Trompenaars, Fons
& Voerman, Ed Amsterdam, Antwerpen: Business Contact ;
2008, 159 p.
In dit boek komen zeven leiderschapsdilemma's aan de
orde : controle of passie, korte of lange termijn, regels of
uitzonderingen, enzovoort; een succesvolle leider weet die
of/of-keuzes om te buigen naar en/en-oplossingen.
Dienend-leiderschap is gebaseerd op de gemeenschappelijke
basis onder alle cultuurverschillen : het mens-zijn.
152 233
How to run a bank : the essential reference guide for
senior bank management around the globe / London:
Financial Times Business Ltd ; 2008, 140 p.
The historical evolution and current structure of the
Norwegian national innovation system. Sectoral innovation
systems - old and new paths. Innovation policy and
Organic growth versus M&A. The right formula for Eastern
Europe. High-growth niche markets. The pertinence of
branding. Managing credit risk through segmentation.
Strategic partnerships for sustained growth. The three waves
of offshoring. The shape of today's credit portfolio. Social
responsibility in a shariah context. An accurate valuation of
152 296
152 106
Strategic business planning and success in small firms /
Kaus, Sascha & Harms, Rainer & Schwarz, Erich
(International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Management (IJEIM), 2008 vol 8 no 4, pp. 381- 396)
How does relationship management infrastructure
influence performance? / Jarratt, Denise G. & Katsikeas,
Constantine S. (Journal of Marketing Management, 2009 vol
25 no 1/ 2, pp. 51- 74)
This paper attempts to identify the degree and the methods
of strategic business planning in small enterprises.
The contribution of Relationship Management Infrastructure
(RM) to positional advantage, customer, market and financial
performance was tested in major, organisational customer
relationships through structural equation modelling.
P 00637 SS 2008 vol 8 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 E II
Time-driven activity-based costing : inspiratiebron voor
prestatieverbetering en winstverhoging / Bruggeman,
Werner & Hoozée, Sophie & Moreels, Kris & Bruyneel, Thierry
Antwerpen, Oxford: Intersentia ; 2007, 200 p.
Dit boek behandelt een nieuwe doorbraak in management
accounting, namelijk time-driven activity-based costing. Deze
kostprijscalculatietechniek is ontstaan als antwoord op de
tekortkomingen van het eerder ontwikkelde activity-based
costing (ABC). Daarnaast biedt het gebruik van time-driven
ABC ook veel meer mogelijkheden op het vlak van
capaciteitsbezetting in complexe en dynamische omgevingen.
151 920
kostprijsberekeningen voor managementbeslissingen /
Bruggeman, Werner & Everaert, Patricia & Hoozée, Sophie
Antwerpen, Oxford: Intersentia ; 2008, 214 p.
resultaatbepaling bij massaproductieen bij productie op order.
P 00842 GRBR 2009 vol 25 no 1/ 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 50 G III
Groupthink : collective delusions in organisations and
markets. / Bénabou, Roland (CEPR Discussion Papers,no
7193, pp. 1- 49)
This paper examines how collective beliefs and delusions
arise persist in organizations such as teams, firms,
bureaucracies and markets. In the aftermath of corporate and
public-policy disasters, it often emerges that participants fell
prey to a collective form of overconfidence and willful
blindness : mounting warning signals were systematically
ignored or met with denial, evidence avoided, cast aside or
selectively reinterpreded, dissenters discouraged and
shunned. Market bubbles and manias exhibit the same pattern
of investors acting "color-blind in a sea of red flags", followezd
by a crash.
P 00834 GRBRno 7193
Coordination and delay in hierarchies / Patacconi, Andrea
(The Rand Journal of Economics, 2009 vol 40 no 1, pp. 190208)
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
This article studies hierarchical organizations where
concerns for fast execution are important and employees must
be coordinated to avoid wasteful duplications of effort. The
model suggest that concerns for fast execution may be key in
explaining recent trends toward decentralization and
delayering in firms
P 00642 EU 2009 vol 40 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 L II
Understanding national e-government: the role of central
government / Mofleh, Samer & Wanous, Mohammed &
Strachan, Peter (Electronic Government, 2009 vol 6 no 1, pp.
1- 18)
This paper presents a generic framework for explaining
e-government focusing on the role of the state throughout its
P 00648 SS 2009 vol 6 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 05 B I
Accounting fundamentals and CEO bonus compensation /
Jackson, Scott B & Lopez, Thomas J. & Reitenga, Austin L.
(Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 2008 vol 27 no 5, pp.
374- 393)
The purpose of this study is to further illuminate the
pay-performance debate by expanding the traditional
executive bonus compensation model to include a set of
accounting fundamentals that prior research indicates are
related to both current and future firm performance.
PAGE 158
E-government evaluation: the case of Vietnam's provincial
websites / Tsai, Wen-Hsien & Purbokusumo, Yuyun & Cheng,
Julian Ming-Sung (Electronic Government, 2009 vol 6 no 1,
pp. 41- 53)
In this research, an attempt is made to evaluate
e-government performances in Vietnam. Four types of website
contents are used for the evaluation. The results show that, in
general, more developed provinces/cities where IT
infrastructure is relatively well constructed provide better and
more website content and thus their e-government
performances are better.
P 00648 SS 2009 vol 6 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 05 B I
New insights into behavioral finance / Rotterdam: Erasmus
Universiteit ; 2008, 242 p.
Violations of CPT in mixed gambles with moderate
probabilities. Deal or no deal? Decision making under risk in a
large-payoff game show. Risky choice and the relative size of
stakes. Irrational diversification: an experimental examination
of portfolio construction. Loss aversion and the value premium
152 107
658. (100-77)
The politics of decision making in developing countries /
Conteh, Charles & Ohemeng, Frank L.K. (Public Management
Review, 2009 vol 11 no 1, pp. 57- 77)
Using privatization as a case study, the article examines
policy making in Botswana and Ghana
P 00593 EU 2008 vol 27 no 5 SALLE/ZAAL: 41 B III
P 00986 GRBR 2009 vol 11 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 19 E III
Eco-efficiency and firm value / Sinkin, Charlene & WRIGHT,
CHARLOTTE J. & Burnett, Royce D. (Journal of Accounting
and Public Policy, 2008 vol 27 no 2, pp. 167- 176)
This study empirically examines the proposition that
implementation of eco-efficient business strategies is
associated with higher firm value.
P 00593 EU 2008 vol 27 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 41 B III
Energy markets : price risk management and trading /
Chichester: John Wiley and sons ; 2007, 363 p.
Risk management in energy markets. The energy
derivatives markets. Emissions trading - towards a global
carbon market. Operational risk and its management.
Accounting for energy derivatives trades.
151 843
658.012.4 (4-11) (4-15)
The role of human capital and managerial skills in
explaining productivity gaps between east and west /
Steffen, Wolfgang & Stephan, Johannes (Eastern European
Economics, 2008 vol 46 no 6, pp. 5- 24)
This paper assesses the determinants of productivity gaps
between firms in the European transition countries and regions
and firms in West Germany. The analysis is conducted at the
firm level using a unique database constructed by fieldwork.
P 00333 EU 2008 vol 46 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 29 B I
Greep op de zaak : instrumenten voor risicomanagement /
Bouman, Francis H.C. & Van Ast, René & van Dijk, M.F.
Amsterdam, Antwerpen: Business Contact ; 2009, 288 p.
Projectmanagement. Informeren en communiceren. Bewaken.
151 977
658.012.4 (519.5)
Hotel management contract: impact on performance in
the Korean hotel sector / Kim, Soo Y. (The Service
Industries Journal, 2008 vol 28 no 5/ 6, pp. 701- 718)
This study investigates the influence of hotel management
contract on the performance of super-deluxe levels in Korea
and identifies how the 1996-1997 tourism recessions affected
the relationship between management contract and the
performance of the hotels.
P 00856 GRBR 2008 vol 28 no 5/ 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 43 H II
658.012.4 (597)
Principles of financial engineering / Neftci, Salih N.
Burlington, San Diego, London: Elsevier ; 2008, 679 p.
Cash flow engineering and forward contracts. Engineering
simple intrest rate derivatives. Swap engineering. Repo
market strategies. Dynamic replication methods and
synthetics. Mechanics of options. Convexity positions. Options
engineering with applications. Pricing tools. Fixed-income
engineering. Tols for volatility engineering, volatility swaps and
volatility trading. Credit markets: CDS engineering. Essentials
of structured product engineering. Credit indices and their
tranches. default correlation pricing an trading. Principal
protection techniques. Caps/floors and swaptions with an
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
application to mortgages.
theoretical progress of the knowledge management field
152 342
P 01003 GRBR 2009 vol 7 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 A II
Social influences on individual decision making
processes / Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit ; 2009, 144 p.
Causes of ambiguity aversion : known versus unknown
preferences. Preference reversals under ambiguity. The effect
of accountability on risk attitude : probability weighting, utility
curvature, and loss aversion. Separating real incentives and
152 146
Knowledge management supporting education and
research at a university cleanroom / Nowack, Linda & Maul,
Thomas & Kraus, Werner & Hansch, Walter (Knowledge
Management Research and Pratice, 2009 vol 7 no 1, pp. 100112)
This paper shows how education at a university
semiconductor laboratory can be improved by using a content
management system to build a knowledge management
P 01003 GRBR 2009 vol 7 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 A II
Stress testing by financial intermediaries : Implications
for portfolio selection and asset pricing / Alexander,
Gordon J. & Baptista, Alexandre M. (Journal of Financial
Intermediation, 2009 vol 18 no 1, pp. 65- 92)
Financial intermediaries often use stress testing to set risk
exposure limits. Accordingly, we examine a model with an
agent who faces stress testing constraints and another who
does not.
P 00784 EU 2009 vol 18 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 C II
658.012.41 (593)
The structural model of competition in the Thai banking
industry / Wonglimpiyarat, Jarunee (International Journal of
Financial Services Management, 2008 vol 3 no 3/ 4, pp. 255268)
This paper presents the structural model of competition in
the Thai banking system. The increased competition after the
financial crisis has made it necessary for Thai banks to adapt
and improve all their operations.
P 00654 SS 2008 vol 3 no 3/ 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 D I
Enterprise 2.0 : how social software will change the future
of work / Farnham, Burlington: Gower ; 2008, 164 p.
The social media explosion. The birth of social software.
Social software in the enterprise. Communication.
Cooperation. Collaboration. Connection. Models for success
(and failure). Implementation and adoption.
152 201
Knowledge creation in strategic alliances based on an
evolutionary perspective: a mathematical representation /
Huang, Jih-Jeng (Knowledge Management Research and
Pratice, 2009 vol 7 no 1, pp. 52- 64)
In this paper, the process of knowledge creation in strategic
alliances is explained and clarified based on an evolutionary
P 01003 GRBR 2009 vol 7 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 A II
The knowledge dimension of innovation management /
Asimakou, Theodora (Knowledge Management Research and
Pratice, 2009 vol 7 no 1, pp. 82- 90)
The paper critically examines the literature of innovation
management - the assumptions and the limitations of each
dominant approach. The paper suggests that innovation
management theorists have been late to embrace the
658.012.45 (491.1)
Is knowledge management losing ground ? Developments
among Iceland SMEs / Edvardsson, Ingi Runar (Knowledge
Management Research and Pratice, 2009 vol 7 no 1, pp. 9199)
This paper presents findings from a survey on knowledge
management (KM) in small and medium-sized firms(SMEs) in
Iceland conducted in 2007 and was a follow-up of a similar
survey from 2004. The paper analyses whether the extent,
strategy and effects of KM in SMEs in Iceland has changed in
the period
P 01003 GRBR 2009 vol 7 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 A II
Comparing the neutral basis of mixed-motive versus
coordination games in people with different social
preferences, an fMRI study. / Emonds, Griet & Declerck,
Carolyn H. & Boone, Christophe & Vandervliet, Everhard J.M.
& Parizel, Paul M. (Onderzoeksrapport van de Faculteit
Toegepaste Economische Wetenschappen, Universiteit
Antwerpen, 2008 no 16, pp. 1- 31)
We use fMRI to investigate the neurological correlates of
two factors that are known to enhance cooperative strategies
in social dilemmas : the provision of extrinsic cooperative
incentives, and the intrinsic motivation to cooperate.
P 03100 BG 2008 no 16
658.012.7 (430)
Universal Banks, Corporate Control, and Equity
Carve-Outs in Germany / Elsas, Ralf & Löffler, Yvonne
(Kredit und Kapital, 2008 vol 41 no 4, pp. 557- 587)
Our main conjecture is that the degree of pre-event
corporate control affects market reactions to the
announcement of carve-outs. We test two contradictory
implications. We find that a higher degree of pre-event
ownership concentration leads to lower abnormal returns
P 00654 ALL 2008 vol 41 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 D II
International business strategy : rethinking the
foundations of global corporate success / Verbeke, Alain
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press ; 2009, 481 p.
Conceptual foundations of international business strategy.
Combining dirm-specific advantages and location advantages
in a multinational framework. International innovation.
International marketing. Managing managers in the
multinational enterprise. International strategies of coporate
social responsibility. International strategies of corporate
environmental sustainability.
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
151 970
Van strategie naar uitvoering / Kaplan, Robert S. & Norton,
David P. Amsterdam, Antwerpen: Business Contact ; 2008,
352 p.
Ontwikkeling van de strategie. Planning van de strategie.
organisatie-eenheden en werknemers op de strategie.
Planning van de bedrijfsvoering. Evaluatievergaderingen over
de bedrijfsvoering en de strategie. Vergaderingen voor het
testen en aanpassen van de strategie. Het office of strategy
152 211
Power in the multinational corporation in industry
equilibrium. / Marin, Dalia & Verdier, Thierry (Economic
Theory, 2009 vol 38 no 3, pp. 437- 464)
This paper focuses. On the internal organization of the
multinational corporation by examining the power allocation
between headquarters and subsidiaires. We provide a
framework to analyse the interaction between the decision to
serve the local market by exporting or FDI, market access and
the optimal mode organization of the multinational corporation.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 38 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
658.014 (430) (73)
Changing vertical integration strategies under pressure
from foreign competition : The case of US and German
multinationals / Hutzschenreuter, Thomas & Gröne, Florian
(Journal of Management Studies, 2009 vol 46 no 2, pp. 269307)
Develop hypotheses on the influence of foreign competition
dynamics on vertical scope changes and present our research
methodology. We test our hypoteses with panel data for 407
US and 95 German firms from 1987 to 2003. We conclude
with a discussio of our results, acknowledge limitations, and
suggest avenues for future research.
P 00945 GRBR 2009 vol 46 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 B II
Greep op de zaak : instrumenten voor risicomanagement /
Bouman, Francis H.C. & Van Ast, René & van Dijk, M.F.
Amsterdam, Antwerpen: Business Contact ; 2009, 288 p.
Projectmanagement. Informeren en communiceren. Bewaken.
151 977
Van strategie naar uitvoering / Kaplan, Robert S. & Norton,
David P. Amsterdam, Antwerpen: Business Contact ; 2008,
352 p.
Ontwikkeling van de strategie. Planning van de strategie.
organisatie-eenheden en werknemers op de strategie.
Planning van de bedrijfsvoering. Evaluatievergaderingen over
de bedrijfsvoering en de strategie. Vergaderingen voor het
testen en aanpassen van de strategie. Het office of strategy
152 211
PAGE 160
Markov perfect industry dynamics with many firms. /
Weintraub, Gabriel Y. & Lanier Benkard , C & Van Roy,
Benjamin (Econometrica, 2008 vol 76 no 6, pp. 1375- 1411)
We define a new equilibrium concept that we call oblivious
equilibrium, in which each firm is assumed to make decisions
based only on its own state and knowledge of the long-run
average industry state, but where firms ignore current
information about competitors' states.
P 00193 EU 2008 vol 76 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 J I
Totaal kwaliteitsmanagement : handleiding voor het
systematisch werken aan kwaliteit in de gezondheids- en
welzijnsvoorzieningen / Leuven, Apeldoorn: Garant
Uitgevers ; 2000, 133 p. ISBN: 90-5350-735-3
De geschiedenis en de grondgedachte van kwaliteitszorg.
Werken aan een kwaliteitsgerichte cultuur als voedingsbodem
voor kwaliteitsmanagement. Technieken voor het verbeteren
van kwaliteit van zorg. Het uitwerken van een kwaliteitsbeleid.
De kwaliteitsplanning. Keuzemogelijkheden bij de invoering
152 180
Quality management in service ecosystems / Riedl,
Christoph & Böhmann, Tilo & Rosemann, Michael & Krcmar,
Helmut (Information systems and e-business management,
2009 vol 7 no 2, pp. 199- 221)
This paper addresses the question of how quality
management can be performed in such service ecosystems.
Service quality management is a key challenge when services
are composed of a dynamic set of heterogeneous
sub-services from different service providers. This paper
contributes to this important area by developing a reference
model of quality management in service ecosystems
P 00866 ALL 2009 vol 7 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 04 K I
Exploring nonlinearity in employee voice : The effects of
personal control and organizational identification /
Tangirala, Subrahmaniam & Ramanujam, Rangaraj (The
Academy of Management Journal, 2008 vol 51 no 6, pp. 11891203)
We investigated the relationship between personal control employees' perceptions of autonomy and impact at work - and
voice - employees' expression of challenging but constructive
work-related opinions, concerns, or ideas. Specifically, we
developed and tested an explanation that integrates two
conceptual perspectives (i.e., dissatisfaction-based vesus
expectancy-based) on the effects of personal control.
P 00426 EU 2008 vol 51 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 G III
658.11 (4-15) (493)
Europees handvest voor kleine ondernemingen. Verslag
2004 / Brussel: Editions PME-KMO Uitgeverijen ; 2004, 60 p.
Algemene vragen van de Europese Commissie. Opleiding in
ondernemerschap, met name in het secundair onderwijs.
Betere wetgeving, met name de faillissementswet en de
impactanalyse. Tekort aan geschoolde arbeidskrachten, meer
bepaald maatregelen om het tekort aan geschikte technici en
ingenieurs op te vangen. Andere delen van het handvest.
152 276
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
658.11.016.1 (44)
Créer une ferme pédagogique : de l'idée à la réalisation /
Dijon: Educagri éditions ; 2007, 281 p.
Les fermes pédagogiques en France. Définitions et état des
lieux. Les publics des fermes pédagogiques. Typologie et
demandes. Identifier les ressources. Réaliser un diagnostic de
territoire. Réaliser un diagnostic de site. Définier les moyens
:cheptel, cultures et occupation des sols. les aspects
juridiques. La fiscalité. L'aspect économique. Le statut et les
compétences du personnel. Prendre une assurance.
Développer l'activité d'accueil, communication et pédagogie
152 029
658.11.016.1 (493=393)
Geen brug te ver ? De startende ondernemer :
beschrijving en analyse van een peterschapsproject /
Saerens, Ivan Gent: NCMV ; 1997, 181 p.
De starter. Slagen of falen. Succesfactoren. Nataliteit en
kmo-peterschap., gestart-ondernemers voor ondernemers.
Gestart-OVO in de praktijk.
L'espace des multinationales : atlas mondial des
multinationals. Tome I / Grou, Pierre & GARNIER,
JEAN-PIERRE Paris: RECLUS ; 1990, 168 p. ISBN:
Les polarisations économiques avant les multinationales.
L'émergence d'un espace multinational. Les grand groupes et
leurs empires. Un espace multipolaire.
152 061
Globalisation of internal venture capital opportunities in
developing small and medium enterprises' relationships /
Kiessling, Timothy & Harvey, Michael (International Journal of
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management (IJEIM), 2008
vol 8 no 3, pp. 233- 253)
High-tech SMEs are now turning towards strategic alliances
and the networks of these alliances to compete effectively.
This paper views the importance of the network of alliances
from a dynamic capabilities perspective, which builds on the
Resource-Based Views (RBV) of the SME.
P 00637 SS 2008 vol 8 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 E II
152 265
658.11.016.7 (498)
The impact of privatisation on the restructuring of large
companies: evidence from Romania / Trif, Aurora
(International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Management (IJEIM), 2008 vol 8 no 5, pp. 565- 580)
This study investigates whether privatised companies are
more advanced than State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in the
restructuring process. It compares the experiences of four
large companies in the chemical sector in Romania two of
which have been privatised and two SOEs.
P 00637 SS 2008 vol 8 no 5 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 E II
An empirical analysis of the relationship between capital
acquisition and bankruptcy laws / Van Auken, Howard &
Kaufmann, Jeffrey & Herrmann, Pol (Journal of Small
Business Management (JSBM), 2009 vol 47 no 1, pp. 23- 37)
Data from a sample of small firms confirm our hypothesis by
showing that as the level of initial capital acquisition increases,
owners embark on activities intended to reduce firm risk.
However, capital acquisition is not associated with the owner's
familarity with bankruptcy regulations. As a result,
governmental objectives in establishing these regulations may
not be achieved.
P 00759 EU 2009 vol 47 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 39 K I
658.11.016.8:347.736 (73)
The housing crisis and bankruptcy reform : the
prepackaged chapter 13 approach. / Posner, Eric A. &
Zingales, Luigi (CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7204, pp. 1- 22)
In this paper, we propose a plan that will help reduce the
costs from foreclosure by, in effect, giving the homeowner the
option to force a renegotiation on the owner or owners of the
loan. This option takes the form of what we call a prepackaged
chapter 13 bankruptcy, in which the motgage is automatically
readjusted in line with the decline of housing prices in the
homeowner's ZIP code.
P 00834 GRBRno 7204
Strategic business planning and success in small firms /
Kaus, Sascha & Harms, Rainer & Schwarz, Erich
(International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Management (IJEIM), 2008 vol 8 no 4, pp. 381- 396)
This paper attempts to identify the degree and the methods
of strategic business planning in small enterprises.
P 00637 SS 2008 vol 8 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 E II
Financial planning in business venturing / Gansel,
Benjamin B. (International Journal of Entrepreneurship and
Innovation Management (IJEIM), 2008 vol 8 no 4, pp. 436450)
The literature provides limited methods that aid
entrepreneurs in understanding the financial magnitude of
their decisions. Conventional planning approaches are
adopted from large scale international companies. The primary
aim is the creation of pro-forma financial statements. The
paper proposes a financial planning framework that goes
beyond existing approaches.
P 00637 SS 2008 vol 8 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 E II
658.11.017.2 (4-15) (493)
Charte européenne des petites entreprises / Bruxelles: SPF
Economie, PME, Classes moyennes et Energie ; 2004, 60 p.
Questions generales de la Commission europeenne.
Education à l'esprit d'entreprise, en particulier l'enseignement
secondaire. Meilleure législation, en particulier la loi en
matière de faillite et l'analyse d'impact. Penurie de
main-d'oeuvre qualifiée, en particulier les mesures visant à
surmonter le manque de techniciens et d'ingenieurs qualifiés.
Autres volets de la Charte.
152 275
658.11.017.2 (410)
The implications of public sector small business advisers
becoming strategic sounding boards: England and
Scotland compared / Mole, Kevin F. & Keogh, WIlliam
(Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 2009 vol 21 no
1, pp. 77- 97)
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
We review three streams of the literature on business
advice: small firm policy, critical management consulting, and
organisational development consulting. We introduce a triad of
producer, process, and client to understand the implications of
changes to the business adviser's role. The paper examines
two case studies where public policy has changed to shift
business advisers into this sounding board role: England and
P 00884 GRBR 2009 vol 21 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 30 B III
658.11.017.2 (417) (931)
Role of international trade shows in small firm
internationalization: a network perspective / Evers,
Natasha & Knight, John (International Marketing Review, 2008
vol 25 no 5, pp. 544- 562)
The impact of trade shows on the internationalization of
participating small exporting firms in terms of growth and
expansion has gone largely unstudied, as has their
effectiveness in network-building activities. Using the network
model of internationalization, the purpose of this paper is to
investigate the role international trade shows play in the
internationalization process of small exporting firms in Ireland
and New Zealand (NZ).
P 00852 GRBR 2008 vol 25 no 5 SALLE/ZAAL: 50 G I
658.11.017.2 (45)
Software innovativeness. A comparison between
proprietary and Free/Open Source solutions offered by
Italian SMEs / Rossi Lamastra, Cristina (R&D Management,
2009 vol 39 no 2, pp. 153- 169)
Based on a sample of 134 software solutions, produced by
Italian Small and Medium Enterprises and using a
methodology frequently applied in technology management to
evaluate innovativeness of products and services, this
exploratory study provides initial insights into what happens
when alternative metrics are used to observe complex
innovation processes in the software market.
P 00731 GRBR 2009 vol 39 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 B II
658.11.017.2 (481) (489)
The importance of the internet in international
business-to-business markets / Moen, Øystein & Madsen,
Tage Koed & Aspelund, Arild (International Marketing Review,
2008 vol 25 no 5, pp. 487- 503)
The purpose of this paper is to provide empirical evidence
on the actual use and market performance effects of
information and communication technologies (ICT) with regard
to international business-to-business marketing activities of
small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
P 00852 GRBR 2008 vol 25 no 5 SALLE/ZAAL: 50 G I
658.11.017.2 (491.1)
Is knowledge management losing ground ? Developments
among Iceland SMEs / Edvardsson, Ingi Runar (Knowledge
Management Research and Pratice, 2009 vol 7 no 1, pp. 9199)
PAGE 162
658.11.017.2 (493)
Handboek financieel beheer / Laveren, Eddy & Engelen,
Peter-Jan & Limère, Arthur Antwerpen, Oxford: Intersentia ;
2009, 647 p.
De ondernemingsdoelstelling: het creëren van waarde.
Financiële analyse. Financiële planning. De waardering van
obligaties, aandelen en opties. Beoordeling, selectie en
risicoanalyse van investeringsprojecten. De optimale
kapitaalstructuur. Dividendpolitiek en de waarde van de
onderneming. De kapitaalkost van de onderneming.
Alternatieve NPV-modellen. Debiteurenbeheer. Beheer van
het netto bedrijfskapitaal. Beursintroducties en risicokapitaal.
Financiering van KMO's in België.
152 302
658.11.017.2 (493)
Les petites et moyennes entreprises face à la
mondialisation des marchés / Sohy, Francoise Bruxelles:
Ministère des Classes Moyennes et de l'Agriculture ; 1998, 41
La mondialisation des entreprises et des marchés. Le
commerce exterieur. Les investissements directs à l'étranger.
La création de filiales d'entreprises belges à l'étranger. La
sous-traitance à l'étranger. Les consequences de la
mondialisation des entreprises sur l'emploi. La mondialisation
au travers des filiales en Belgique de sociétés mères
152 274
658.11.017.2 (493=393)
Nieuwe vormen van werkorganisatie bij ondernemingen
met minder dan tien werknemers : trends 2004-2007 /
Brussel: SERV ; 2008, 32 p.
De trends worden onderverdeeld in vier groepen :
technologie, innovatie, organisatiestructuur en de inzet van
arbeid. Tot slot bekijken we de motieven voor en hindernissen
bij organisatieverandering.
152 346
658.11.017.2 (497.11)
The determinants of entrepreneurship and small business
growth in Kosova: evidence from new and established
firms / Krasniqi, Besnik A. & Shiroka-Pula, Justina & Kutllovci,
Enver (International Journal of Entrepreneurship and
Innovation Management (IJEIM), 2008 vol 8 no 3, pp. 320342)
This paper aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the
important factors explaining small firm growth contextualised
in a very unique transition economy - Kosova.
P 00637 SS 2008 vol 8 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 E II
658.11.017.2 (497.12)
Export strategies as a factor of SME growth in Croatia /
Racic, Domagoj & Aralica, Zoran & Redzepagic, Denis
(International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Management (IJEIM), 2008 vol 8 no 3, pp. 286- 304)
This paper presents findings from a survey on knowledge
management (KM) in small and medium-sized firms(SMEs) in
Iceland conducted in 2007 and was a follow-up of a similar
survey from 2004. The paper analyses whether the extent,
strategy and effects of KM in SMEs in Iceland has changed in
the period
The paper explores the main processes and determinants of
the internationalisation of the Small- and Medium-sized
Enterprises (SMEs) in Croatia and empirically explores the
data generated through the SME Exporters Survey covering
the period between 1999 and 2004.
P 01003 GRBR 2009 vol 7 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 A II
P 00637 SS 2008 vol 8 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 E II
658.11.017.2 (560)
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
The 2001 economic crisis, its impacts and evaluations :
The case of workers and small employers in Ankara /
Erbas, Hayriye & Turan, Feryal (Review of Radical Political
Economics (RRPE), 2009 vol 41 no 1, pp. 79- 106)
This article examines primarily the social impacts of the
2001 economic crisis on small employers and workers and
their evaluation of the crisis in Ankara, Turkey.
P 00799 EU 2009 vol 41 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 K I
Information technology and competitive advantage in
small firms / London, New York: Routledge ; 2007, 288 p.
IT and economic theory. IT and management theory. IT and
the creation of Ricardian rents. IT and the creation of
Shumpeterian rents.
151 707
Implementing a market orientation in small manufacturing
firms from cognitive model to action / Martin, James H. &
Martin, Beth Ann & Minnillo, Paul R. (Journal of Small
Business Management (JSBM), 2009 vol 47 no 1, pp. 92- 115)
Using in-depth interviews of the CEO/Presidents of 21 small
manufacturing firms, this research explored how leaders with a
high market-oriented cognitive model have intentionally
pursued the implementation of that model and how their
activities differed from leaders with a low market-oriented
cognitive model.
658.11.017.2:338.23 (493=393)
Geen brug te ver ? De startende ondernemer :
beschrijving en analyse van een peterschapsproject /
Saerens, Ivan Gent: NCMV ; 1997, 181 p.
De starter. Slagen of falen. Succesfactoren. Nataliteit en
kmo-peterschap., gestart-ondernemers voor ondernemers.
Gestart-OVO in de praktijk.
152 265
Repenser la géographie économique : rapport sur le
développement dans le monde / Bruxelles: De Boeck ;
2009, 383 p.
L'intégration économique devrait être un concept central
dans les débats concernant l'urbanisation, le développement
territorial et l'intégration régionale. Pourtant, ces débats font
une place excessive aux interventions localisées. Ce rapport,
Repenser la géographie économique, recadre ces débats pour
inclure tous les instruments de l'intégration - les institutions,
l'infrastructue et les interventions. En jouant sur un ensemble
bien calibré de mesures intéressant ces trois éléments, les
spécialistes du développement peuvent remodeler leur
géographie économique.
152 306
P 00759 EU 2009 vol 47 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 39 K I
658.11.017.2:338.23 (4-15) (493)
Charte européenne des petites entreprises / Bruxelles: SPF
Economie, PME, Classes moyennes et Energie ; 2004, 60 p.
Questions generales de la Commission europeenne.
Education à l'esprit d'entreprise, en particulier l'enseignement
secondaire. Meilleure législation, en particulier la loi en
matière de faillite et l'analyse d'impact. Penurie de
main-d'oeuvre qualifiée, en particulier les mesures visant à
surmonter le manque de techniciens et d'ingenieurs qualifiés.
Autres volets de la Charte.
152 275
658.11.017.2:338.23 (4-15) (493)
Europees handvest voor kleine ondernemingen. Verslag
2004 / Brussel: Editions PME-KMO Uitgeverijen ; 2004, 60 p.
Algemene vragen van de Europese Commissie. Opleiding in
ondernemerschap, met name in het secundair onderwijs.
Betere wetgeving, met name de faillissementswet en de
impactanalyse. Tekort aan geschoolde arbeidskrachten, meer
bepaald maatregelen om het tekort aan geschikte technici en
ingenieurs op te vangen. Andere delen van het handvest.
152 276
658.11.017.2:338.23 (493) (493=40)
Les aides de la région wallonne aux P.M.E. : synthèse et
évaluation / Louvain: Université catholique de Louvain Faculté des sciences agronomiques ; 1995, p.m.
Notion de P.M.E. Analyse de la politique d'aide de la région
wallonne en matière d'aide aux P.M.E. Les activités visées par
les aides. Efficacité des aides aux P.M.E. Résultats obtenus
en Wallonie. les orientations de la politique industrielle
152 264
658.114 (435.9)
luxembourgeoises / Luxembourg: Service Central de la
Statistique et des Etudes Economiques ; 2009, 422 p.
152 143
658.114 (435.9)
luxembourgeoises / Luxembourg: Service Central de la
Statistique et des Etudes Economiques ; 2009, 448 p.
152 144
Entrepreneurship, sustainable growth and performance :
frontiers in European entrepreneurship research /
Landström, Hans & Crijns, Hans & Laveren, Eddy
Cheltenham, Northampton: Edward Elgar ; 2008, 365 p.
Entrepreneurs and their role. Entrepreneurship in family
firms. Performance of new ventures. Processes and
151 969
competition / Sand, Jan Y. (Managerial and Decision
Economics (MDE), 2009 vol 30 no 1, pp. 57- 70)
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
The objective of this paper is to show how efficiency can be
implemented in a market with strictly complementary inputs
when the productive firms undertake unobservable effort.
P 00792 GRBR 2009 vol 30 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 C III
Strategic business planning and success in small firms /
Kaus, Sascha & Harms, Rainer & Schwarz, Erich
(International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Management (IJEIM), 2008 vol 8 no 4, pp. 381- 396)
This paper attempts to identify the degree and the methods
of strategic business planning in small enterprises.
PAGE 164
P 00637 SS 2008 vol 8 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 E II
658.114.2 (560)
Entrepreneurs in Turkey: a factor analysis of motivations,
success factors, and problems / Benzing, Cynthia & Manh
Chu, Hung & Kara, Orban (Journal of Small Business
Management (JSBM), 2009 vol 47 no 1, pp. 58- 91)
One hundred and thirty-nine entrepreneurs in Ankara,
Turkey were surveyed to determine their motivations for
business ownership, the factors contributing to their success,
and their problems.
P 00759 EU 2009 vol 47 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 39 K I
P 00637 SS 2008 vol 8 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 E II
Financial planning in business venturing / Gansel,
Benjamin B. (International Journal of Entrepreneurship and
Innovation Management (IJEIM), 2008 vol 8 no 4, pp. 436450)
The literature provides limited methods that aid
entrepreneurs in understanding the financial magnitude of
their decisions. Conventional planning approaches are
adopted from large scale international companies. The primary
aim is the creation of pro-forma financial statements. The
paper proposes a financial planning framework that goes
beyond existing approaches.
P 00637 SS 2008 vol 8 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 E II
658.114.5 (4)
EU trade barriers in the agri-food sector : when protection
breeds dependence. / Cadot, Olivier & Suwa-Eisenmann ,
Akiko & Gallezot, Jacques (CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7219,
pp. 1- 25)
This paper looks for firm-level evidence that high rates of
protection breed concentration of firm activities into highly
protected sectors, endogenously generating vested interests
in the maintenance of protection. We combine data on the
EU's trade protection for food and agricultural products
measured by ad-valorem equivalents (AVEs) with survey data
on France's agri-food sector to show that indeed, small and
mid-size firms and cooperatives in that sector are heavily
concentrated in product lines protected by tariff-rate quotas
(TRQs)at high rates.
P 00834 GRBRno 7219
Efficient tournaments within teams / Gershkov, Alex & Li,
Jianpei & Schweinzer, Paul (The Rand Journal of Economics,
2009 vol 40 no 1, pp. 103- 119)
We analyze incentive problems in team and partnership
structures where the only available information to condition a
contract on is a partial and noisy ranking which specifies who
comes first in efforts among the competing partners. This
enables us to ensure both first-best efficient effort levels for all
partners and the redistribution of output only among partners
P 00642 EU 2009 vol 40 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 L II
The suitability of the configuration approach in
entrepreneurship research / Harms, Rainer & Kraus, Sascha
& Schwarz, Erich (Entrepreneurship and Regional
Development, 2009 vol 21 no 1, pp. 25- 49)
The aim of this paper is to discuss the configuration
approach as applied in the context of new ventures. A key
topic in entrepreneurship research is the analysis of new
venture performance (NVP) and change. Taking into account
variations in the populations of new ventures and considering
the complex nature of NVP and development, the
configuration approach may be helpful for these analyses.
P 00884 GRBR 2009 vol 21 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 30 B III
658.114.2 (497.11)
The determinants of entrepreneurship and small business
growth in Kosova: evidence from new and established
firms / Krasniqi, Besnik A. & Shiroka-Pula, Justina & Kutllovci,
Enver (International Journal of Entrepreneurship and
Innovation Management (IJEIM), 2008 vol 8 no 3, pp. 320342)
This paper aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the
important factors explaining small firm growth contextualised
in a very unique transition economy - Kosova.
658.114.5 (4-15) (493)
Mededingingsrecht in kort bestek / Montangie, Yves &
Camerlinckx, Francis & De Bauw, Herman & Van den
Bossche, Anne-Marie & Van Calster, Geert & Stuyck, Jules &
Ponet, Béatrice & Vandenberghe, Wim & Verdonck, Carmen
Antwerpen, Oxford: Intersentia ; 2006, 182 p. ISBN:
Mededingingsregels voor ondernemingen naar Europees en
Belgisch recht, achtergrond en rechtsvergelijkend overzicht.
Horizontale overeenkomsten, relaties met concurrenten.
Verticale overeenkomsten, relaties met leveranciers en
afnemers. Misbruik van machtspositie en concentratiecontrole.
mededingingsautoriteiten en nationale rechterlijke instanties:
enige procedureaspecten. Mededingingsrecht als instrument
van herstel en verweer in geschillenbeslechting. 'Compliance'
152 022
658.114.511 (4-15)
Les entraves fiscales dans le marché intérieur. / Maitrot De
La Motte, Alexandre & Buisson, Jacques & Talon,
Jean-François & Delaunay, Benoît & Heydt, Volker & Molinier,
Joël (Revue des Affaires Européennes, 2007/ 2008 no 1, pp.
7- 94)
Les entraves fiscales dans le marché intérieur. La notion
d'entrave fiscale. Les entraves fiscales "à l'entrée" et le
principe communautaire de non-discrimination. La justification
des entraves fiscales. Les entraves fiscales au sein des
groupes de sociétés. Les méthodes d'élimination des entraves
P 00895 FR 2007/ 2008 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 53 H II
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
Trade, markup heterogeneity and misallocations. / Epifani,
Paolo & Gancia, Gino A. (CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7217,
pp. 1- 29)
In this paper, we study how the entire distribution of
markups affects resource misallocation and welfare in a
general equilibrium framework encompassing a large class of
models with imperfect competition. We then identify conditions
under which trade opening, by changing the distribution of
markups, may reduce welfare.
P 00834 GRBRno 7217
L'espace des multinationales : atlas mondial des
multinationals. Tome I / Grou, Pierre & GARNIER,
JEAN-PIERRE Paris: RECLUS ; 1990, 168 p. ISBN:
Les polarisations économiques avant les multinationales.
L'émergence d'un espace multinational. Les grand groupes et
leurs empires. Un espace multipolaire.
152 061
658.114.512 (4-15) (493)
Mededingingsrecht in kort bestek / Montangie, Yves &
Camerlinckx, Francis & De Bauw, Herman & Van den
Bossche, Anne-Marie & Van Calster, Geert & Stuyck, Jules &
Ponet, Béatrice & Vandenberghe, Wim & Verdonck, Carmen
Antwerpen, Oxford: Intersentia ; 2006, 182 p. ISBN:
Mededingingsregels voor ondernemingen naar Europees en
Belgisch recht, achtergrond en rechtsvergelijkend overzicht.
Horizontale overeenkomsten, relaties met concurrenten.
Verticale overeenkomsten, relaties met leveranciers en
afnemers. Misbruik van machtspositie en concentratiecontrole.
mededingingsautoriteiten en nationale rechterlijke instanties:
enige procedureaspecten. Mededingingsrecht als instrument
van herstel en verweer in geschillenbeslechting. 'Compliance'
152 022
658.114.512 (667)
Explaining the market power of Ghanaian banks /
Aboagye, Q.Q. Anthony & Akoena, S.K. & Antwi-Asare, T.O. &
Gockel, A.F. (The South African Journal of Economics, 2008
vol 76 no 4, pp. 569- 585)
A competitive banking system helps lower transaction costs
and risks. It also helps make financial markets more efficient.
In Ghana however, observers believe that the banking industry
is not competitive and point to the huge spread between bank
lending and borrowing rates as evidence.
P 00006 SAF 2008 vol 76 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 28 I III
658.114.513 (492)
Capital structure determinants and governance structure
variety in franchising / Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit ;
2009, 123 p.
Strategic debt in vertical relations. The determinants of
leverage and maturity in franchising : evidence in the
Netherlands. An incomplete contracting model of governance
structure variety.
152 147
International business strategy : rethinking the
foundations of global corporate success / Verbeke, Alain
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press ; 2009, 481 p.
Conceptual foundations of international business strategy.
Combining dirm-specific advantages and location advantages
in a multinational framework. International innovation.
International marketing. Managing managers in the
multinational enterprise. International strategies of coporate
social responsibility. International strategies of corporate
environmental sustainability.
151 970
Adapting the knowledge-capital model of the multinational
enterprise to trade and investment in business services /
Markusen, James R. & Strand, Bridget (The World Economy,
2009 vol 32 no 1, pp. 6- 29)
Trade and foreign direct investment (FDI) in business
services as received a lot of attention from economists,
politicians and business journalists. It is not quite clear why
this is the case, but we suspect that there is a concern about
the loss of skilled and semi-skilled white-collar jobs to
developing countries.
P 00773 GRBR 2009 vol 32 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 F I
Characterising euro area multinationals / Geishecker, Ingo
& Görg, Holger & Taglioni, Daria (The World Economy, 2009
vol 32 no 1, pp. 49- 76)
The transfer of production activities from one country to
another has become an important issue in the public debate
on globalisation, especially in those countries that have seen a
number of high-profile cases of outward relocation over recent
P 00773 GRBR 2009 vol 32 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 F I
The effect of tax treaties on multinational firms: new
evidence from microdata / Davies, Ronald B. & Norbäck,
Pehr-Johan & Tekin-Koru, Ayça (The World Economy, 2009
vol 32 no 1, pp. 77- 110)
Inline with the OECD's (1997) model treaty - treaties are
intended to increase FDI, the empirical work generally finds no
evidence for this. Instead, researchers generally find either an
insignificant or a weakly negative effect of treaty formation on
P 00773 GRBR 2009 vol 32 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 F I
Foreign direct investment and environmental taxes / De
Santis, Roberto A. & Stähler, Frank (German Economic
Review, 2009 vol 10 no 1, pp. 115- 135)
This paper studies the effect of foreign direct investment
(FDI) on environmental policy stringency in a two-country
model with trade costs, where FDI could be unilateral and
bilateral and both governments address local pollution through
environmental taxes.
P 00473 ALL 2009 vol 10 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 I III
Power in the multinational corporation in industry
equilibrium. / Marin, Dalia & Verdier, Thierry (Economic
Theory, 2009 vol 38 no 3, pp. 437- 464)
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
This paper focuses. On the internal organization of the
multinational corporation by examining the power allocation
between headquarters and subsidiaires. We provide a
framework to analyse the interaction between the decision to
serve the local market by exporting or FDI, market access and
the optimal mode organization of the multinational corporation.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 38 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Cultural differences, insecure property rights and the
mode of entry decision. / Che, Jiahua & Facchini, Giovanni
(Economic Theory, 2009 vol 38 no 3, pp. 465- 484)
We develop a theory of a multinational corporation's optimal
mode of entry in a new market. The foreign firm can choose
between a licensing agreement, a wholly owned subsidiary or
shared control (joint venture). In an environment in which
property rights are insecure, opportunism is possible, and the
identification of new business opportunities is costly, we show
that the relationship between the quality of the institutional
environment and the mode of entry decision is non-monotonic.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 38 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Technology sourcing and performance of foreign
subsidiaries in Greece: the impact of MNE and local
environment contexts / Manolopoulos, Dimitris & Dimitratos,
Pavlos & Young, Stephen & Lioukas, Spyros (Management
International Review, 2009 vol 49 no 1, pp. 43- 60)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of
two categories of sources of technology on subsidiary
performance. These technology sources can be associated
either with the internal Multinational Enterprise (MNE) system;
or, the local environment in which the subsidiary is based.
P 00774 GX 2009 vol 49 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 B III
658.114.513.024 (430) (73)
Changing vertical integration strategies under pressure
from foreign competition : The case of US and German
multinationals / Hutzschenreuter, Thomas & Gröne, Florian
(Journal of Management Studies, 2009 vol 46 no 2, pp. 269307)
Develop hypotheses on the influence of foreign competition
dynamics on vertical scope changes and present our research
methodology. We test our hypoteses with panel data for 407
US and 95 German firms from 1987 to 2003. We conclude
with a discussio of our results, acknowledge limitations, and
suggest avenues for future research.
Internationalization from a small domestic base: an
empirical analysis of foreign direct investments of
Icelandic firms / Dis Oladottir, Asta (Management
International Review, 2009 vol 49 no 1, pp. 61- 80)
The overall objective of this paper is to describe the key
characteristics of Icelandic multinational corporations (MNCs)
and to gain a deeper understanding of the internationalization
processes of firms with a small domestic base.
P 00774 GX 2009 vol 49 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 B III
Cultural differences, insecure property rights and the
mode of entry decision. / Che, Jiahua & Facchini, Giovanni
(Economic Theory, 2009 vol 38 no 3, pp. 465- 484)
We develop a theory of a multinational corporation's optimal
mode of entry in a new market. The foreign firm can choose
between a licensing agreement, a wholly owned subsidiary or
shared control (joint venture). In an environment in which
property rights are insecure, opportunism is possible, and the
identification of new business opportunities is costly, we show
that the relationship between the quality of the institutional
environment and the mode of entry decision is non-monotonic.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 38 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Technology sourcing and performance of foreign
subsidiaries in Greece: the impact of MNE and local
environment contexts / Manolopoulos, Dimitris & Dimitratos,
Pavlos & Young, Stephen & Lioukas, Spyros (Management
International Review, 2009 vol 49 no 1, pp. 43- 60)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of
two categories of sources of technology on subsidiary
performance. These technology sources can be associated
either with the internal Multinational Enterprise (MNE) system;
or, the local environment in which the subsidiary is based.
P 00774 GX 2009 vol 49 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 B III
Subsidiary strategy : The embeddedness component /
Garcia-Pont, Carlos & Canales, Ignacio J. & Noboa, Fabrizio
(Journal of Management Studies, 2009 vol 46 no 2, pp. 182214)
This article develops the concept of internal subsidiary
embeddedness as the canvas within which subsidiary strategy
takes place. Developing an inductive model, we identify three
hierarchical levels of embeddedness.
P 00945 GRBR 2009 vol 46 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 B II
P 00945 GRBR 2009 vol 46 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 B II
658.114.513.024 (438) (471.1)
Market driving multinationals and their global sourcing
network / Ghauri, Pervez N. & Tarnovskaya, Veronika & Elg,
Ulf (International Marketing Review, 2008 vol 25 no 5, pp. 504519)
The purpose of this paper is to explore how a global supplier
network can support and contribute to a market driving
strategy. Theoretically, the paper contributes by integrating the
market driving strategy and the network approach. IKEA is
considered one of the leading market driving firms. The paper
studies its activities in establishing supplier networks in Russia
and Poland.
658.114.513.024.1 (4-15)
EC competition law handbook / Van Der Woude, Marc &
Jones, Christopher London: Sweet & Maxwell ; 2008, 612 p.
Conditions for the application of both articles 81 and 82.
Horizontal agreements. Vertical agreements. Industrial and
intellectual property agreements. Joint ventures. State
intervention. Sectoral application of EC competition rules.
Procedure and remedies. Jurisdiction : cases and references.
Chronological list of commission decisions.
151 992
658.114.513.024.1 (73)
P 00852 GRBR 2008 vol 25 no 5 SALLE/ZAAL: 50 G I
658.114.513.024 (491.1)
PAGE 166
Swimming with sharks : Technology ventures, defense
mechanisms and corporate relationships / Katila, Riitta &
Rosenberger, Jeff D. & Eisenhardt, Kathleen M.
(Administrative Science Quarterly, 2008 vol 53 no 2, pp. 295-
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
This paper focuses on the tension that firms face between
the need for resources from partners and the potentially
damaging misappropriation from partners and the potentially
damaging misappropriation of their own resources by
corporate "sharks". Taking an entrepreneurial lens, we study
this tensioin at tie formation in corporate investment
relationships in five U.S. technology-based industries over a
25-year period.
Efficiency and productivity growth in Taiwanese banking /
Yeh, Tsai-Lien (International Journal of Financial Services
Management, 2008 vol 3 no 3/ 4, pp. 269- 282)
Do mergers promote efficiency in the banking industry? A
Data Envelopment Analysis in this study revealed that
technical efficiency and productivity in Taiwanese banks
increased more during the ex-post period (2003-2004) of the
Merger Act than during the ex-ante periods (1999-2000).
P 00654 SS 2008 vol 3 no 3/ 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 D I
P 00425 EU 2008 vol 53 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 19 F I
658.114.513.024.2 (493)
Les petites et moyennes entreprises face à la
mondialisation des marchés / Sohy, Francoise Bruxelles:
Ministère des Classes Moyennes et de l'Agriculture ; 1998, 41
La mondialisation des entreprises et des marchés. Le
commerce exterieur. Les investissements directs à l'étranger.
La création de filiales d'entreprises belges à l'étranger. La
sous-traitance à l'étranger. Les consequences de la
mondialisation des entreprises sur l'emploi. La mondialisation
au travers des filiales en Belgique de sociétés mères
152 274
Multinationals, tax holidays, and technology transfer /
Miyagiwa, Kaz & Ohno, Yuka (The Japanese Economic
Review, 2009 vol 60 no 1, pp. 82- 96)
Host country governments often grant investment incentives
to foreign firms located in their territories. We show that such
preferential treatment of foreign firms can induce transfer of
foreign technology, facilitate entry by the local firm, and
improve host country welfare
658.114.513:658.8.03 (493)
Les prix de transfert / Vanwelkenhuyzen, Thierry Bruxelles: ;
2009, 263 p.
Ce livre rassemble pour la première fois une analyse
approfondie des dispositions fiscales belges des prix de
multinationaux ainsi qu'une description des principes
fondamentaux des prix de transfert dont le maître d'oeuvre est
152 033
Leveraging logistics partnerships : lessons from
humanitarian organizations / Samii, Ramina Rotterdam:
Erasmus Universiteit ; 2008, 508 p.
The factors that contribute to their performance.
Humanitarian organizations need to engage in at least three
partnership arrangements - temporary supply networks, a
logistics coordination platform and a series of business and
CSO partnerships - and build and strengthen a number of
related capabilities. The relevance and benefits of
humanitarian partnership structures to commercial supply
chains in specific scenarios.
152 113
P 00965 GRBR 2009 vol 60 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 28 D I
Mergers and innovation in big pharma / Ornaghi, Carmine
(International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2009 vol 27
no 1, pp. 70- 79)
The aims of this paper are to study the effects of mergers on
the R&D activity of consolidated firms and to explore the
relationship between ex-ante relatedness of merging parties
and their ex-post performance. The analysis is conducted
using data of the pharmaceutical industry for the period
P 00832 PB 2009 vol 27 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 43 H I
658.114.513.03 (4) (73)
Antitrust merger analysis in high-technology markets /
Knable Gotts, Ilene & Sher, Scott & Lee, Michelle (European
Competition Journal, 2008 vol 4 no 2, pp. 463- 483)
This article examines how the seemingly diametrically
opposed dynamics of high-tech markets, in part as raised by
the Sonaecom and Portugal Telecom merger, impact on
merger analysis in the US and the European Union. In
particular, we review several transactions in which the
agencies in both jurisdictions analysed markets that were both
susceptible to rapid change yet also exhibited substantial entry
barriers. These markets include internet products and
services, as well as networked software and hardware.
P 01005 GRBR 2008 vol 4 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 G II
658.114.513.03 (529)
competition / Sand, Jan Y. (Managerial and Decision
Economics (MDE), 2009 vol 30 no 1, pp. 57- 70)
The objective of this paper is to show how efficiency can be
implemented in a market with strictly complementary inputs
when the productive firms undertake unobservable effort.
P 00792 GRBR 2009 vol 30 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 C III
Globalisation of internal venture capital opportunities in
developing small and medium enterprises' relationships /
Kiessling, Timothy & Harvey, Michael (International Journal of
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management (IJEIM), 2008
vol 8 no 3, pp. 233- 253)
High-tech SMEs are now turning towards strategic alliances
and the networks of these alliances to compete effectively.
This paper views the importance of the network of alliances
from a dynamic capabilities perspective, which builds on the
Resource-Based Views (RBV) of the SME.
P 00637 SS 2008 vol 8 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 E II
Toward an integrative perspective on alliance governance
: Connecting contract design, trust dynamics, and
contract application / Faems, Dries & Janssens, Maddy &
Madhok, Anoop & Van Looy, Bart (The Academy of
Management Journal, 2008 vol 51 no 6, pp. 1053- 1078)
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
On the basis of a case study of two sequential alliances
between the same firms, we develop a more integrative
perspective on alliance governance, providing insights into the
interactions between structural and relational aspects, both
within and between transactions.
PAGE 168
In this paper, the process of knowledge creation in strategic
alliances is explained and clarified based on an evolutionary
P 01003 GRBR 2009 vol 7 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 A II
P 00426 EU 2008 vol 51 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 G III
Come close and co-create : proximities in pharmaceutical
innovation networks / Phlippen, Sandra Magdalena
Wilhelmina Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit ; 2008, 173 p.
Access to relevant external knowledge is crucial for a firms'
competitiveness in innovation-driven industries. This thesis
focuses on how different forms of proximity affect a firm's
ability to access such knowledge. We consider the influence of
being co-located in space, of being embedded in a network,
and of being active in similar knowledge domains.
658.114.516 (493)
Mécénat d'entreprise : un win-win pour tous! / Dubois,
François-Xavier & Hermant, Pierre & Van Echelpoel, Koen
Heule: Editions UGA ; 2008, 108 p.
Le mécénat d'entreprise - qui peut être défini comme un don
sans contrepartie d'une entreprise à un but sociétal - n'est pas
encore très connu dans la société belge. Convaincu de la
plus-value sociétale que peut offrir le mécénat d'entreprise,
Excellence for non profit a organisé un congrès afin de mettre
en perspective la problématique et les opportunités du
mécénat d'entreprise.
152 183
152 111
The suitability of the configuration approach in
entrepreneurship research / Harms, Rainer & Kraus, Sascha
& Schwarz, Erich (Entrepreneurship and Regional
Development, 2009 vol 21 no 1, pp. 25- 49)
The aim of this paper is to discuss the configuration
approach as applied in the context of new ventures. A key
topic in entrepreneurship research is the analysis of new
venture performance (NVP) and change. Taking into account
variations in the populations of new ventures and considering
the complex nature of NVP and development, the
configuration approach may be helpful for these analyses.
P 00884 GRBR 2009 vol 21 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 30 B III
658.114.516 (73)
Swimming with sharks : Technology ventures, defense
mechanisms and corporate relationships / Katila, Riitta &
Rosenberger, Jeff D. & Eisenhardt, Kathleen M.
(Administrative Science Quarterly, 2008 vol 53 no 2, pp. 295332)
This paper focuses on the tension that firms face between
the need for resources from partners and the potentially
damaging misappropriation from partners and the potentially
damaging misappropriation of their own resources by
corporate "sharks". Taking an entrepreneurial lens, we study
this tensioin at tie formation in corporate investment
relationships in five U.S. technology-based industries over a
25-year period.
P 00425 EU 2008 vol 53 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 19 F I
Bringing the context back in : Settings and the search for
syndicate partners in venture capital investment networks
/ Sorenson, Olav & Stuart, Toby E. (Administrative Science
Quarterly, 2008 vol 53 no 2, pp. 266- 294)
In an empirical analysis of our thesis in the formatioin of
syndicate relations between U.S. venture capital firms from
1985 to 2007, we find that the probability that geographically
and industry distant ties will form between venture capital firms
increases with several attributes of the target-company
investment setting.
Les remèdes structurels dans le cadre du contrôle des
concentrations / Flochel, Laurent (Concurrences : Revue des
droits de la concurrence, 2008 no 3, pp. 28- 33)
Cet article montre que la théorie économique analyse les
effets de ces remèdes de façon opposée selon que l'on traite
du risque d'effets unilatéraux ou d'effets coordonnés. La
théorie économique soulève également quelques problèmes
liés à la détermination de ces remèdes.
P 00951 FR 2008 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 54 I II
P 00425 EU 2008 vol 53 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 19 F I
The role of alliance network redundancy in the creation of
core and non-core technologies / Vanhaverbeke, Wim &
Gilsing, Victor & Beerkens, Bonnie & Duysters, Geert (Journal
of Management Studies, 2009 vol 46 no 2, pp. 215- 244)
This paper studies the effect of a local firm, and its partners'
local alliance actions, on the creation of technological
innovations by the former. More specifically, we study how two
types of redundancy in a focal firm's ego network affect its
ability to create new technologies in its technology core areas
(exploitation) and/or non-core areas (exploration).
Performance of national competition authorities : A
method for assessment / MATEUS, ABEL & Gonçalves,
Paulo & Rodrigues, Jorge (Concurrences : Revue des droits
de la concurrence, 2008 no 3, pp. 40- 54)
As public and regulatory institutions, National Competition
Authorities are increasingly under the scrutiny of democratic
bodies in order to assess their performance. We present a
simple methodology that could be widely applied and a case
P 00951 FR 2008 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 54 I II
P 00945 GRBR 2009 vol 46 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 B II
Knowledge creation in strategic alliances based on an
evolutionary perspective: a mathematical representation /
Huang, Jih-Jeng (Knowledge Management Research and
Pratice, 2009 vol 7 no 1, pp. 52- 64)
658.114.5:338.23 (4)
Does Europe need a single European telecom regulator? /
De Muyter, Laurent (European Competition Journal, 2008 vol
4 no 2, pp. 561- 578)
Leaving aside the political reasons that may lay behind
those statements, as well as the conceptual arguments
supporting the creation of an EU regulator, this paper will
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
focus on the following points: - wheter, in practice, the history
of regulation in the EU level by the Commission justifies
submitting its activities to the principles of the EU framework
on electronic communication, and in particular to judicial
control; and - whether the Draft 2010 Framework establishes a
EU regulator and, if so, under which judicial control.
P 01005 GRBR 2008 vol 4 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 G II
60 no 1, pp. 179- 197)
This paper presents development of an endogenously
growing finite horizons model with public capital, and
investigates macroeconomic effects of fiscal policy and a
change in life expectancy. Specifically regarding novel results,
a growth-maximizing income tax rate exists that is less than
the elasticity of public capital to output
P 00501 GX 2009 vol 60 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 B III
658.114.5:338.23 (4) (73)
Antitrust merger analysis in high-technology markets /
Knable Gotts, Ilene & Sher, Scott & Lee, Michelle (European
Competition Journal, 2008 vol 4 no 2, pp. 463- 483)
This article examines how the seemingly diametrically
opposed dynamics of high-tech markets, in part as raised by
the Sonaecom and Portugal Telecom merger, impact on
merger analysis in the US and the European Union. In
particular, we review several transactions in which the
agencies in both jurisdictions analysed markets that were both
susceptible to rapid change yet also exhibited substantial entry
barriers. These markets include internet products and
services, as well as networked software and hardware.
P 01005 GRBR 2008 vol 4 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 G II
658.114.5:338.23 (430)
The analyses of market dominance and restrictive
practices under German antitrust law in light of EC
antitrust law / Chirita, Anca Daniela (European Competition
Journal, 2008 vol 4 no 2, pp. 415- 441)
The main divergence between German and EC antitrust law
is the time perspective, wherein the competition authorities
may interfere or intervene. The proposed EC approach allows
for intervention when negative market effects have already
emerged, but requires actual or likely effects upon consumer
welfare to be proven, while for the German approach the likely
harm to the structure of the market is paramount. Therefore,
the German advantage of the likelihood of effects if preventing
abuse at "the earliest stage".
P 01005 GRBR 2008 vol 4 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 G II
658.114.7 (430)
La problèmatique de la fiscalité des coopératives en
Allemagne aujourd'hui / Münkner, Hans-H (Revue
internationale de l'économie sociale, 2009 vol 88 no 311, pp.
72- 81)
Dans les sociétés coopératives, les conditions spéciales ou
les avantages exclusifs accordés aux membres ne constituent
pas une distribution cachée de bénéfices.
P 00316 FR 2009 vol 88 no 311 SALLE/ZAAL: 23 L III
658.114.7 (44)
Propositions pour un contrôle de la filialisation dans les
groupes coopératifs / Gros, Laurent (Revue internationale de
l'économie sociale, 2009 vol 88 no 311, pp. 36- 45)
Les sociétés coopératives, à l'instar des autres sociétés
sont soumises au libre jeu de la concurrence et aux enjeux du
développement économique et industriel. Dès lors, pour faire
face aux défis de l'économie d'aujourd'hui, celles-ci ont une
propension à la recherche d'une taille critique pour le
regroupement, l'union et la concentration; d'où la constitution
de véritables "groupes coopératifs".
P 00316 FR 2009 vol 88 no 311 SALLE/ZAAL: 23 L III
Public capital, taxation and endogenous growth in a finite
horizons model / Tamai, Toshiki (Metroeconomica, 2009 vol
658.115:338.465 (492)
Visualising the effect of private-sector involvement on
redeveloped public spaces in the Netherlands / Van Melik,
Rianne (Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie
(TESG), 2009 vol 100 no 1, pp. 114- 120)
P 00217 PB 2009 vol 100 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 17 E II
Handboek bedrijfsfinanciering : theorie en praktijk /
Deloof, Marc & Manigart, Sophie & Ooghe, Hubert & Van
Hulle, Cynthia Antwerpen, Oxford: Intersentia ; 2008, 514 p.
Doelstellingen en functies van het financieel beleid.
(obligatie)leningen en aandelen. De relatie tussen het vereist
rendement en risico. Waarderen van opties. Beoordeling van
investeringsprojecten. Kapitaalkost. Heeft de kapitaalstructuur
enig belang ? Dividendpolitiek. Uitgifte van aandelen.
(Middel)langetermijnschulden. Leasing. Beheer van het
ondernemingen. Fusies en overnames. Internationaal
financieel beleid. Financiering van groeigeoriënteerde starters.
Ondernemingen in moeilijkheden en reorganisatie.
151 922
A soft budget constraint explanation for the venture
capital cycle / Gebhardt, Georg (German Economic Review,
2009 vol 10 no 1, pp. 71- 90)
Why do venture capitalists commit themselves contractually
not to raise additional capital for a particular fund? This
commitment forces entrepreneurs to seek financing from
multiple investors thereby multiplying agency problems. In this
paper, we argue that there is an advantage in bringing in
ill-informed new investors because a well-informed investor
may ex post have an incentive not to liquiditate an unsuccesful
venture although ex ante he would like to commit to do so.
P 00473 ALL 2009 vol 10 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 I III
Hierarchy and opportunism in teams / Elbittar, Alexander
(Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2009 vol 69
no 1, pp. 39- 80)
Review of Economic Design 6, 461-480 identified optimal
bidder behavior in first-price private-value auctions when the
ranking of valuations is common knowledge, and they derived
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
comparative-statics predictions regarding the auctioneer's
expected revenue and the efficiency of the allocation. The
experiment reported here tests the behavioral components of
these comparative-statics predictions.
P 00544 PB 2009 vol 69 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 E II
Impact of valuation ranking information on bidding in
first-price auctions: a laboratory study / Elbittar, Alexander
(Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2009 vol 69
no 1, pp. 75- 85)
Review of Economic Design 6, 461-480, identified optimal
bidder behavior in first-price private-value auctions when the
ranking of valuations is common knowledge, and they derived
comparative-statics predictions regarding the auctioneer's
expected revenue and the efficiency of the allocation. The
experiment reported here tests the behavioral components of
these comparative-statics predictions.
P 00544 PB 2009 vol 69 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 E II
Financial planning in business venturing / Gansel,
Benjamin B. (International Journal of Entrepreneurship and
Innovation Management (IJEIM), 2008 vol 8 no 4, pp. 436450)
The literature provides limited methods that aid
entrepreneurs in understanding the financial magnitude of
their decisions. Conventional planning approaches are
adopted from large scale international companies. The primary
aim is the creation of pro-forma financial statements. The
paper proposes a financial planning framework that goes
beyond existing approaches.
P 00637 SS 2008 vol 8 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 E II
658.14 (4-15) (493)
Public versus private venture capital : cross-spawning or
crowding out ? a pan-european analysis / Leleux, Benoit &
Surlemont, Bernard Lausanne: IMD ; , 30 p.
The paper analyzes the relationship between public and
private sources of venture capital in Europe and the
development of the industry, controlling for characteristics of
the legal systems, in 15 European countries over the period
1990-1996. Large public participation is correlated with smaller
VC industries, but panel data analyses do not support the view
that public venture capitalists seed the industry.
152 259
658.14 (44)
Histoire et gestion : vingt ans après. / Hernandez,
Emile-Michel & MARCO, LUC & Marchesnay, Michel &
Labardin, Pierre & Robic, Paulette & Lamendour, Eve &
Cailluet, Ludovic & Scranton, Philip & Deroy, Xavier &
Delaplace, Marie & Seiffer, Marc-Daniel & Agid, Philippe &
Tarondeau, Jean-Claude & Noumen, Robert & Nikitin, Marc &
Alcouffe, Simon & Berland, Nicolas & Levant, Yves & Degos,
Jean-Guy & Prat dit Hauret, Christian & Combes, Monique &
Lethielleux, Laëtitia & Coquery, Natacha & Praquin, Nicolas &
Touchelay, Béatrice & Fabre, Pascal (Revue française de
Gestion, 2008 no 188/ 189, pp. 1- 430)
Salariéz et entrepreneurs, des faits aux représentations.
Richesse et diversité des stratégies en action. Permanences
et mutations des organisations sur la longue durée.
L'approche historique de l'échec en gestion.
P 00674 FR 2008 no 188/ 189 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 L I
PAGE 170
658.14 (493)
Handboek financieel beheer / Laveren, Eddy & Engelen,
Peter-Jan & Limère, Arthur Antwerpen, Oxford: Intersentia ;
2009, 647 p.
De ondernemingsdoelstelling: het creëren van waarde.
Financiële analyse. Financiële planning. De waardering van
obligaties, aandelen en opties. Beoordeling, selectie en
risicoanalyse van investeringsprojecten. De optimale
kapitaalstructuur. Dividendpolitiek en de waarde van de
onderneming. De kapitaalkost van de onderneming.
Alternatieve NPV-modellen. Debiteurenbeheer. Beheer van
het netto bedrijfskapitaal. Beursintroducties en risicokapitaal.
Financiering van KMO's in België.
152 302
658.14 (72)
Experimental evidence on returns to capital and access to
finance in Mexico. / McKenzie, David & Woodruff,
Christopher (The World Bank Economic Review, 2008 vol 22
no 3, pp. 457- 483)
A trong theoretical argument for focusing on access to
finance is that financial market imperfections can result in
large inefficiencies, as firms with productive investment
opportunities underinves. Lack of access to finance is a
frequent complaint of microenterprises, which account for a
large share of employment in developing countries.
P 01132 GX 2008 vol 22 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 59 D I
658.14 (73)
Empirical essays on debt, equity, and convertible
securities / Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit ; 2008, 173 p.
This dissertation consists of four empirical studies on firms'
financing decisions. In the first two studies, we investigate the
debt-equity choice for a large number of U.S. firms. We find
that firms prefer debt financing over equity financing in case a
debt issue allows the firm to keep its investment grade rating.
When the financing requirement becomes sufficiently large,
firms are more likely to choose equity financing.
152 119
A soft budget constraint explanation for the venture
capital cycle / Gebhardt, Georg (German Economic Review,
2009 vol 10 no 1, pp. 71- 90)
Why do venture capitalists commit themselves contractually
not to raise additional capital for a particular fund? This
commitment forces entrepreneurs to seek financing from
multiple investors thereby multiplying agency problems. In this
paper, we argue that there is an advantage in bringing in
ill-informed new investors because a well-informed investor
may ex post have an incentive not to liquiditate an unsuccesful
venture although ex ante he would like to commit to do so.
P 00473 ALL 2009 vol 10 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 I III
Globalisation of internal venture capital opportunities in
developing small and medium enterprises' relationships /
Kiessling, Timothy & Harvey, Michael (International Journal of
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management (IJEIM), 2008
vol 8 no 3, pp. 233- 253)
High-tech SMEs are now turning towards strategic alliances
and the networks of these alliances to compete effectively.
This paper views the importance of the network of alliances
from a dynamic capabilities perspective, which builds on the
Resource-Based Views (RBV) of the SME.
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
P 00637 SS 2008 vol 8 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 E II
The suitability of the configuration approach in
entrepreneurship research / Harms, Rainer & Kraus, Sascha
& Schwarz, Erich (Entrepreneurship and Regional
Development, 2009 vol 21 no 1, pp. 25- 49)
The aim of this paper is to discuss the configuration
approach as applied in the context of new ventures. A key
topic in entrepreneurship research is the analysis of new
venture performance (NVP) and change. Taking into account
variations in the populations of new ventures and considering
the complex nature of NVP and development, the
configuration approach may be helpful for these analyses.
P 00884 GRBR 2009 vol 21 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 30 B III
Bringing the context back in : Settings and the search for
syndicate partners in venture capital investment networks
/ Sorenson, Olav & Stuart, Toby E. (Administrative Science
Quarterly, 2008 vol 53 no 2, pp. 266- 294)
In an empirical analysis of our thesis in the formatioin of
syndicate relations between U.S. venture capital firms from
1985 to 2007, we find that the probability that geographically
and industry distant ties will form between venture capital firms
increases with several attributes of the target-company
investment setting.
P 00425 EU 2008 vol 53 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 19 F I
658.147 (73)
Empirical essays on debt, equity, and convertible
securities / Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit ; 2008, 173 p.
This dissertation consists of four empirical studies on firms'
financing decisions. In the first two studies, we investigate the
debt-equity choice for a large number of U.S. firms. We find
that firms prefer debt financing over equity financing in case a
debt issue allows the firm to keep its investment grade rating.
When the financing requirement becomes sufficiently large,
firms are more likely to choose equity financing.
152 119
Handboek bedrijfsfinanciering : theorie en praktijk /
Deloof, Marc & Manigart, Sophie & Ooghe, Hubert & Van
Hulle, Cynthia Antwerpen, Oxford: Intersentia ; 2008, 514 p.
Doelstellingen en functies van het financieel beleid.
(obligatie)leningen en aandelen. De relatie tussen het vereist
rendement en risico. Waarderen van opties. Beoordeling van
investeringsprojecten. Kapitaalkost. Heeft de kapitaalstructuur
enig belang ? Dividendpolitiek. Uitgifte van aandelen.
(Middel)langetermijnschulden. Leasing. Beheer van het
ondernemingen. Fusies en overnames. Internationaal
financieel beleid. Financiering van groeigeoriënteerde starters.
Ondernemingen in moeilijkheden en reorganisatie.
151 922
658.147 (4-15) (493)
Public versus private venture capital : cross-spawning or
crowding out ? a pan-european analysis / Leleux, Benoit &
Surlemont, Bernard Lausanne: IMD ; , 30 p.
The paper analyzes the relationship between public and
private sources of venture capital in Europe and the
development of the industry, controlling for characteristics of
the legal systems, in 15 European countries over the period
1990-1996. Large public participation is correlated with smaller
VC industries, but panel data analyses do not support the view
that public venture capitalists seed the industry.
152 259
658.147 (44)
Capital risque dans les scteurs innovants et performance
des FCPI (Fonds communs de placements dans
l'innovation / Sahut, Jean-Michel & Mnejja, Anis (Gestion
2000, 2009 vol 26 no 1, pp. 119- 137)
L'objectif de cet article consiste à s'interroger sur l'avenir de
l'industrie du capital risque en France au travers de ses
évolutions, des secteurs financés et de ses problèmes
P 02637 BG 2009 vol 26 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 L II
658.147 (493=393)
Sociaal-economisch rapport Vlaanderen 2008 / Gent:
Academia Press ; 2008, 128 p.
Zuurstof voor de Vlaamse arbeidsmarkt. Risicokapitaal als
instrument in het bevorderen van ondernemerschap en
risicokapitaalmarkt. Het Vlaamse overheidsinstrumentarium
ten behoeve van risicokapitaal. De belangrijkste Europese
152 024
Valuation, capital structure decisions and the cost of
capital / Schauten, Marc B.J. Rotterdam: ERIM ; 2008, 199 p.
Corporate governance and the value of excess cash
holdings of large European firms. Corporate governance and
the cost of debt of large European firms. Optimal capital
structure : reflections on economic and other values. Optimal
capital structure decision in a multi-criteria framework;
solutions for an M&A case as proposed by practicing financial
experts. Cost of capital of government's claim and the present
value of tax shields. The discount rate for discounted cash
flow valuations of intangible assets.
151 680
It and beyond: the contribution of heterogeneous capital
to productivity / Wilson, Daniel J. (Journal of Business and
Economic Statistics, 2009 vol 27 no 1, pp. 52- 70)
This article explores the relationship between capital
composition and productivity using a unique, detailed dataset
on firm investment in the United States in the late 1990s
P 00712 EU 2009 vol 27 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 E III
658.147/.148 (492)
Capital structure determinants and governance structure
variety in franchising / Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit ;
2009, 123 p.
Strategic debt in vertical relations. The determinants of
leverage and maturity in franchising : evidence in the
Netherlands. An incomplete contracting model of governance
structure variety.
152 147
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
658.147/.148 (493)
Handboek financiële analyse van de onderneming :
theorie en toepassing op de jaarrekening. Vol. 1 / Ooghe,
Hubert & Van Wijmeersch, Charles Antwerpen, Oxford:
Intersentia ; 2008, 453 p.
Enkelvoudige jaarrekening volgens de vennootschapswet.
Herwerking van de balans en de resultatenrekening volgens
het volledig schema, horizontale en verticale analyse.
kasstromenanalyse. Liquiditeitsratio's. Solvabiliteitsratio's.
Rendabiliteitsratio's. Toegevoegde waarderatio's. Analyse van
de sociale balans. Interpretatie en beoordeling van financiële
ratio's. Jaarrekening volgens het verkort schema: ratioanalyse
en analyse van de sociale balans. Geconsolideerde
jaarrekening. Geconsolideerde jaarrekening volgens de
moeilijkheden en faillissementen. Modellen voor succes en
151 923/ I
658.147/.148 (493)
Handboek financieel beheer / Laveren, Eddy & Engelen,
Peter-Jan & Limère, Arthur Antwerpen, Oxford: Intersentia ;
2009, 647 p.
De ondernemingsdoelstelling: het creëren van waarde.
Financiële analyse. Financiële planning. De waardering van
obligaties, aandelen en opties. Beoordeling, selectie en
risicoanalyse van investeringsprojecten. De optimale
kapitaalstructuur. Dividendpolitiek en de waarde van de
onderneming. De kapitaalkost van de onderneming.
Alternatieve NPV-modellen. Debiteurenbeheer. Beheer van
het netto bedrijfskapitaal. Beursintroducties en risicokapitaal.
Financiering van KMO's in België.
PAGE 172
The literature provides limited methods that aid
entrepreneurs in understanding the financial magnitude of
their decisions. Conventional planning approaches are
adopted from large scale international companies. The primary
aim is the creation of pro-forma financial statements. The
paper proposes a financial planning framework that goes
beyond existing approaches.
P 00637 SS 2008 vol 8 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 E II
Comment utiliser les marchés à terme agricoles et
alimentaires / Dijon: Educagri éditions ; 2007, 271 p.
Besoins des opérateurs sur les marchés physique.
Principes d'utilisation des marchés à termes. La couverture
sur marché à terme. Le principe des options. Stratégies
fondées sur une anticipation du prix du sous-jacent, de la
volativité, sur un raisonnement d'arbitrage. Les opérateurs
intérieurs et extérieurs. Des stratégies de couverture de risque
de prix
152 223
New insights into behavioral finance / Rotterdam: Erasmus
Universiteit ; 2008, 242 p.
Violations of CPT in mixed gambles with moderate
probabilities. Deal or no deal? Decision making under risk in a
large-payoff game show. Risky choice and the relative size of
stakes. Irrational diversification: an experimental examination
of portfolio construction. Loss aversion and the value premium
152 107
152 302
Valuation, capital structure decisions and the cost of
capital / Schauten, Marc B.J. Rotterdam: ERIM ; 2008, 199 p.
Corporate governance and the value of excess cash
holdings of large European firms. Corporate governance and
the cost of debt of large European firms. Optimal capital
structure : reflections on economic and other values. Optimal
capital structure decision in a multi-criteria framework;
solutions for an M&A case as proposed by practicing financial
experts. Cost of capital of government's claim and the present
value of tax shields. The discount rate for discounted cash
flow valuations of intangible assets.
151 680
658.148 (73)
Empirical essays on debt, equity, and convertible
securities / Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit ; 2008, 173 p.
This dissertation consists of four empirical studies on firms'
financing decisions. In the first two studies, we investigate the
debt-equity choice for a large number of U.S. firms. We find
that firms prefer debt financing over equity financing in case a
debt issue allows the firm to keep its investment grade rating.
When the financing requirement becomes sufficiently large,
firms are more likely to choose equity financing.
152 119
Financial planning in business venturing / Gansel,
Benjamin B. (International Journal of Entrepreneurship and
Innovation Management (IJEIM), 2008 vol 8 no 4, pp. 436450)
Risky arbitrage strategies : optimal portfolio choice and
economic implications. / Liu, Jun & Timmermann, Allan G.
(CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7188, pp. 1- 41)
We define risky arbitrages as sezlf-financing trading
strategies that have a strictly positive market price but a zero
expected cumulative payoff. A continuous time cointegrated
system is used to model risky arbitrages as arising from a
mean-reverting mispricing component.
P 00834 GRBRno 7188
Gender differences in risk behaviour : does nurture matter
? / Booth, Alison L. & Nolen, Patrick (CEPR Discussion
Papers,no 7198, pp. 1- 25)
Suggests that observed gender differences in behaviour
under uncertainty found in previous studies might reflect social
learning rather than inherent gender traits.
P 00834 GRBRno 7198
Uncertainty in individual and social decisions : theory and
experiments / Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit ; 2008, 187 p.
Economic decisions under uncertainty are often influenced
by psychological factors. The studies reported in this thesis
empirically identify psychological influences on decisions and
suggest theoretical models to incorporate them into formal
economic analyses. Effects on individual, strategic and market
decisions are considered.
151 931
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
It and beyond: the contribution of heterogeneous capital
to productivity / Wilson, Daniel J. (Journal of Business and
Economic Statistics, 2009 vol 27 no 1, pp. 52- 70)
This article explores the relationship between capital
composition and productivity using a unique, detailed dataset
on firm investment in the United States in the late 1990s
P 00712 EU 2009 vol 27 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 E III
application to mortgages.
152 342
Handboek bedrijfsfinanciering : theorie en praktijk /
Deloof, Marc & Manigart, Sophie & Ooghe, Hubert & Van
Hulle, Cynthia Antwerpen, Oxford: Intersentia ; 2008, 514 p.
Inefficient investment allocation induced by corporate fraud,
where informed insiders strategically manipulate outside
investors' beliefs, has been endemic historically and has
recently attracted much attention. Our framework helps
explain why easy access to external capital appears to
facilitate corporate fraud
Doelstellingen en functies van het financieel beleid.
(obligatie)leningen en aandelen. De relatie tussen het vereist
rendement en risico. Waarderen van opties. Beoordeling van
investeringsprojecten. Kapitaalkost. Heeft de kapitaalstructuur
enig belang ? Dividendpolitiek. Uitgifte van aandelen.
(Middel)langetermijnschulden. Leasing. Beheer van het
ondernemingen. Fusies en overnames. Internationaal
financieel beleid. Financiering van groeigeoriënteerde starters.
Ondernemingen in moeilijkheden en reorganisatie.
P 00642 EU 2009 vol 40 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 L II
151 922
Corporate fraud and investment distortions in efficient
capital markets / Kumar, Praveen & Langberg, Nisan (The
Rand Journal of Economics, 2009 vol 40 no 1, pp. 144- 172)
658.152 (510) (540) (81) (82)
Financial liberalization and economic performance in
emerging countries / Arestis, Philip New York: Palgrave
Macmillan ; 2008, 221 p.
The probability approach to general equilibrium with
production. / Magill, Michael & Quinzii, Martine (Economic
Theory, 2009 vol 39 no 1, pp. 1- 41)
Financial liberalization and domestic policy space: theory
and practice with reference to Latin America. Capital account
management or laissez-faire of capital flows in development
countries. Financial liberalization, exchange rate regime and
economic performance in BRICs countries. The liberalization
of capital outflows in Brazil, India and South Africa since the
early 1990s. Financial liberalization in Brazil and Argentina.
Capital controls and economic development in China.
De-regulated finance and impact on corporate investments:
the case of industry and labour in India. Does ownership
explain bank M&A? The case of domestic banks and foreign
banks in Brazil
We develop an alternative approach to the general
equilibrium analysis of a stochastic production economy when
firm's choices of investment influence the probability
distributions of their output. If firms do not know agents utility
functions, and are restricted to using the information conveyed
by prices then they can construct an approximate criterion
which leads to a second-best choice of investment which, in
examples, is found to be close to the first best.
151 991
658.152 (83)
Temporary increases in tariffs and investment: the chilean
experience / Kasahara, Hiroyuki (Journal of Business and
Economic Statistics, 2009 vol 27 no 1, pp. 113- 127)
This article develops a structural dynamic programming
model of investment and estimates the model using panel data
on Chilean manufacturing plants for 1980-1996. The estimates
are used to examine the impact of a temporary increase in
import tariffs imposed in Chiles taking account of endogenous
initial conditions and unobserved heterogeneity. The model
replicates the observed investment patterns at both plant and
aggregate levels well
P 00712 EU 2009 vol 27 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 E III
Principles of financial engineering / Neftci, Salih N.
Burlington, San Diego, London: Elsevier ; 2008, 679 p.
Cash flow engineering and forward contracts. Engineering
simple intrest rate derivatives. Swap engineering. Repo
market strategies. Dynamic replication methods and
synthetics. Mechanics of options. Convexity positions. Options
engineering with applications. Pricing tools. Fixed-income
engineering. Tols for volatility engineering, volatility swaps and
volatility trading. Credit markets: CDS engineering. Essentials
of structured product engineering. Credit indices and their
tranches. default correlation pricing an trading. Principal
protection techniques. Caps/floors and swaptions with an
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 39 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
State prices, liquidity, and default / Espinoza, Raphaël A. &
Goodhart, Charles A.E. & Tsomocos, Dimitrios P. (Economic
Theory, 2009 vol 39 no 2, pp. 177- 194)
We show, in a monetary exchange economy, that asset
prices in a complete markets general equilibrium are a
function of the supply of liquidity by the Central Bank, through
its effect on default and interest rates.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 39 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Financial planning in business venturing / Gansel,
Benjamin B. (International Journal of Entrepreneurship and
Innovation Management (IJEIM), 2008 vol 8 no 4, pp. 436450)
The literature provides limited methods that aid
entrepreneurs in understanding the financial magnitude of
their decisions. Conventional planning approaches are
adopted from large scale international companies. The primary
aim is the creation of pro-forma financial statements. The
paper proposes a financial planning framework that goes
beyond existing approaches.
P 00637 SS 2008 vol 8 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 E II
Corporate fraud and investment distortions in efficient
capital markets / Kumar, Praveen & Langberg, Nisan (The
Rand Journal of Economics, 2009 vol 40 no 1, pp. 144- 172)
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
Inefficient investment allocation induced by corporate fraud,
where informed insiders strategically manipulate outside
investors' beliefs, has been endemic historically and has
recently attracted much attention. Our framework helps
explain why easy access to external capital appears to
facilitate corporate fraud
P 00642 EU 2009 vol 40 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 L II
658.152:658.155 (73)
Swimming with sharks : Technology ventures, defense
mechanisms and corporate relationships / Katila, Riitta &
Rosenberger, Jeff D. & Eisenhardt, Kathleen M.
(Administrative Science Quarterly, 2008 vol 53 no 2, pp. 295332)
This paper focuses on the tension that firms face between
the need for resources from partners and the potentially
damaging misappropriation from partners and the potentially
damaging misappropriation of their own resources by
corporate "sharks". Taking an entrepreneurial lens, we study
this tensioin at tie formation in corporate investment
relationships in five U.S. technology-based industries over a
25-year period.
P 00425 EU 2008 vol 53 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 19 F I
Handboek waarderen van onderneminigen : due diligence
en waarderingstechnieken / Tiest, Roger Antwerpen, Oxford:
Intersentia ; 2008, 440 p.
PAGE 174
Essays on labour markets : worker-firm dynamics,
occupational segregation and workplace conditions /
Buhai, Sebastian Ioan Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit ;
2008, 176 p.
Tenure profiles and efficient separation in a stochastic
productivity model. Returns to tenure or seniority? A social
network analysis of occupational segregation. The impact of
workplace conditions on firm performance.
152 110
658.155 (44)
Capital risque dans les scteurs innovants et performance
des FCPI (Fonds communs de placements dans
l'innovation / Sahut, Jean-Michel & Mnejja, Anis (Gestion
2000, 2009 vol 26 no 1, pp. 119- 137)
L'objectif de cet article consiste à s'interroger sur l'avenir de
l'industrie du capital risque en France au travers de ses
évolutions, des secteurs financés et de ses problèmes
P 02637 BG 2009 vol 26 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 L II
Handboek bedrijfsfinanciering : theorie en praktijk /
Deloof, Marc & Manigart, Sophie & Ooghe, Hubert & Van
Hulle, Cynthia Antwerpen, Oxford: Intersentia ; 2008, 514 p.
Juridische, interne financiële, administratieve, commerciële,
technische, sociale, fiscale informatie. Milieu-informatie.
Diverse rechten en verplichtingen. Risicoanalyse en
materialiteit. Checklist due diligence. Waardecorrecties.
Budgetten en prognoses. Geherwaardeerd eigen vermogen.
Rendementswaarde. Actualisering. Rentevoet. Discount en
premie. Restwaarde. Vermogenswaarde. Kasstroommethode
(D.C.F.). Gemengde methode. Alternatieve methodes.
Gemengde bedrijven. Internationale bedrijven. Financiële
ondernemingen. Geconsolideerde groepen. Beursgenoteerde
Doelstellingen en functies van het financieel beleid.
(obligatie)leningen en aandelen. De relatie tussen het vereist
rendement en risico. Waarderen van opties. Beoordeling van
investeringsprojecten. Kapitaalkost. Heeft de kapitaalstructuur
enig belang ? Dividendpolitiek. Uitgifte van aandelen.
(Middel)langetermijnschulden. Leasing. Beheer van het
ondernemingen. Fusies en overnames. Internationaal
financieel beleid. Financiering van groeigeoriënteerde starters.
Ondernemingen in moeilijkheden en reorganisatie.
151 919
151 922
Valuation, capital structure decisions and the cost of
capital / Schauten, Marc B.J. Rotterdam: ERIM ; 2008, 199 p.
Corporate governance and the value of excess cash
holdings of large European firms. Corporate governance and
the cost of debt of large European firms. Optimal capital
structure : reflections on economic and other values. Optimal
capital structure decision in a multi-criteria framework;
solutions for an M&A case as proposed by practicing financial
experts. Cost of capital of government's claim and the present
value of tax shields. The discount rate for discounted cash
flow valuations of intangible assets.
151 680
La localisation des services / Mérenne-Schoumaker,
Bernadette Paris: Editions Nathan ; 1996, 190 p.
We use a unique dataset to show that relationships are an
important determinant of banks' ability to access interbank
market liquidity.
En moins de trente ans, la plupart des économies sont
devenues des économies de services. L'emploi s'est fortement
tertiarisé et les services interviennent de plus en plus dans les
échanges internationaux. Cet ouvrage offre tout d'abord une
synthèse des principales tendances, des grands principes et
modèles généraux qui sous-tendent la localisation de tous les
services dans le monde. Il analyse ensuite plus
particulièrement quatre grands sous-secteurs : le commerce
de détail, les services publics, le tourisme et les loisirs, ainsi
que les services aux entreprises.
P 00784 EU 2009 vol 18 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 C II
152 056
Lending relationships in the interbank market / Cocco,
João F. & Gomes, Francisco J. & Martins, Nuno C. (Journal of
Financial Intermediation, 2009 vol 18 no 1, pp. 24- 48)
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
Essays on consumer search and interlocking directorates
/ Non, Maria Cornelia Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit ; 2008,
141 p.
Advertising and consumer search in a duopoly model. On
high advertised prices and searching where to buy. Clusters of
shops in a consumer search model. Interlocking boards and
firm performance.
We propose an endogenous growth model with offshoring to
investigate its effects on product innovation and growth in the
country of origin. Production and transport cost parameters
affect the static decision to telocate plants but not R & D.
Hence, offshoring may be chosen by firms when it damages
the growth rate of their countries of origin. In particular, if
offshoring reduces the feedback from plants to labs, it is likely
to bring dynamic losses when the countries of origin are large.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 38 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
152 109
Foreign direct investment and environmental taxes / De
Santis, Roberto A. & Stähler, Frank (German Economic
Review, 2009 vol 10 no 1, pp. 115- 135)
This paper studies the effect of foreign direct investment
(FDI) on environmental policy stringency in a two-country
model with trade costs, where FDI could be unilateral and
bilateral and both governments address local pollution through
environmental taxes.
P 00473 ALL 2009 vol 10 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 I III
Come close and co-create : proximities in pharmaceutical
innovation networks / Phlippen, Sandra Magdalena
Wilhelmina Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit ; 2008, 173 p.
Access to relevant external knowledge is crucial for a firms'
competitiveness in innovation-driven industries. This thesis
focuses on how different forms of proximity affect a firm's
ability to access such knowledge. We consider the influence of
being co-located in space, of being embedded in a network,
and of being active in similar knowledge domains.
152 111
Groupthink : collective delusions in organisations and
markets. / Bénabou, Roland (CEPR Discussion Papers,no
7193, pp. 1- 49)
This paper examines how collective beliefs and delusions
arise persist in organizations such as teams, firms,
bureaucracies and markets. In the aftermath of corporate and
public-policy disasters, it often emerges that participants fell
prey to a collective form of overconfidence and willful
blindness : mounting warning signals were systematically
ignored or met with denial, evidence avoided, cast aside or
selectively reinterpreded, dissenters discouraged and
shunned. Market bubbles and manias exhibit the same pattern
of investors acting "color-blind in a sea of red flags", followezd
by a crash.
P 00834 GRBRno 7193
658.21 (4-11) (4-191.2)
Infrastructure endowment and corporate income taxes as
determinants of foreign direct investment in Central and
Eastern European countries / Bellak, Christian & Leibrecht,
Markus & Damijan, Joze P. (The World Economy, 2009 vol 32
no 2, pp. 267- 290)
The aim of this paper is to shed some light on the role of
infrastructure and taxes as determinants of FDI in CEECs and
on the possible interaction effects between these location
factors. Specifically, we test the conditional hypothesis that the
tax-rate sensitivity of FDI decreases with an increase in a
country's infrastructure endowment.
P 00773 GRBR 2009 vol 32 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 F I
Outsourcing of innovation. / Lai, Edwin L.-C. & Riezman,
Raymond & Wang, Ping (Economic Theory, 2009 vol 38 no 3,
pp. 485- 515)
This paper looks at the outsourcing of research and
development (R & D)activities. We consider cost reducing R &
D and allow manufacturing firms to decide whether to
outsource the project to research subcontractors or carry out
the research in-house. We use a principal-agent framework
and consider fixed and revenue-sharing contracts. We solve
for the optimal contract under these constraints.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 38 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Offshoring and product innovation. / Naghavi, Alireza &
Ottaviano, Gianmarco (Economic Theory, 2009 vol 38 no 3,
pp. 517- 532)
Intellectual Capital Architectures and Ambidextrous
Learning: A Framework for Human Resource Management
/ Kang, Sung-Choon & Snell, Scott A. (Journal of Management
Studies, 2009 vol 46 no 1, pp. 65- 92)
Both researchers and managers are increasingly interested
in how firms can pursue ambidextrous learning; that is,
simultaneously exploring new knowledge domains while
exploiting current ones. Ambidextrous learning is derived from
intellectual capital architectures that underlie unique
configurations of human, social, and organizational capital. We
identified two distinctive architectures of intellectual capital that
facilitate ambidextrous learning
P 00945 GRBR 2009 vol 46 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 B II
Delegating and developing power: a case study of
engaged employees / Pech, Richard J. (Journal of Business
Strategy, 2009 vol 30 no 1, pp. 27- 33)
Key determinants for employee engagement are a sense of
trust between employees and their managers as well as a
sense of personal control. Restructuring efforts in the past
may have contributed to employee disengagement. Trust must
be communicated through the firm's culture and it must start
from the top of the organization. Managerial reluctance to
delegate authority and devolve power may create a
dysfunctional organization.
P 00732 EU 2009 vol 30 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 H III
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
658.3 (100.3) (493)
The senior civil service : a comparison of personnel
development for top managers in fourteen OECD member
countries / Maastricht: European Institute of Public
Administration ; 1998, 99 p ISBN: 90-6779-120-2
Country overview : Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark,
Finland, France, Germany, New Zealand, Portugal, Sweden,
The Netherlands, United Kingdom, United States of America.
Country comparison per aspect : senior civil service,
appointment, mobility, intake, career development and leave,
training and courses.
151 654
PAGE 176
P 00702 EU 2008 vol 94 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 37 J III
658.3-052.3 (493=393)
Informatiedossier : wat maakt werk werkbaar 2004-2007 ?
Onderzoek naar determinanten van werkbaar werk op
basis van de Vlaamse Werkbaarheidsmonitor 2004-2007
voor loontrekkenden / Brussel: SERV ; 2009, 57 p.
De globale context van de Vlaamse werkbaarheidsmonitor.
Psychische vermoeidheid. Welbevinden in het werk.
Leermogelijkheden. Werk-privé-balans.
152 156
Managerial hedging, equity ownership, and firm value /
Acharya, Viral V. & Bisin, Alberto (The Rand Journal of
Economics, 2009 vol 40 no 1, pp. 47- 77)
658.3-052.3 (560)
The 2001 economic crisis, its impacts and evaluations :
The case of workers and small employers in Ankara /
Erbas, Hayriye & Turan, Feryal (Review of Radical Political
Economics (RRPE), 2009 vol 41 no 1, pp. 79- 106)
Optimal managerial contracts induce a relationship between
managerial ownership and (i) aggregate risk in the firm's cash
flows, as well as (ii) firm value. We show that this can help
explain the shape of the empirically documented relationship
between ownership and firm performance
This article examines primarily the social impacts of the
2001 economic crisis on small employers and workers and
their evaluation of the crisis in Ankara, Turkey.
P 00799 EU 2009 vol 41 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 25 K I
P 00642 EU 2009 vol 40 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 L II
658.3-052.2 (415)
Partnership structures and agendas and managers'
assessments of stakeholder outcomes / O'Dowd, John &
Roche, William K. (Industrial Relations Journal, 2009 vol 40 no
1, pp. 17- 39)
The theory of workplace partnership suggests that
partnership structures combining strategic and operational
arrangements and addressing substantively significant
agendas of broad scope should lead to positive outcomes for
the main stakeholder groups: employers, employees and
unions. Data from a survey of managers involved in all known
partnerships in unionised companies in the Republic of Ireland
in 2000 are used.
P 00895 GRBR 2009 vol 40 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 23 B I
658.3-052.22 (100.3) (493)
The senior civil service : a comparison of personnel
development for top managers in fourteen OECD member
countries / Maastricht: European Institute of Public
Administration ; 1998, 99 p ISBN: 90-6779-120-2
Country overview : Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark,
Finland, France, Germany, New Zealand, Portugal, Sweden,
The Netherlands, United Kingdom, United States of America.
Country comparison per aspect : senior civil service,
appointment, mobility, intake, career development and leave,
training and courses.
151 654
658.3-052.22 (73)
CEO compensation : trends, market changes, and
regulation. / Jarque, Arantxa (Economic Quarterly of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, 2008 vol 94 no 3, pp.
265- 300)
The average pay of a chief executive officer (CEO) in a top
U S. firm has increased six-fold in the last three decades.
Simultaneously, the composition of pay has moved away from
salary-based and increasingly toward performance-based
compensation in the form of stock grants. This has
strengthened the link between CEO pay and firm performance.
Anecdotal evidence on the recent corporate fraud scandals
suggests that some incentive problems remain unsolved.
How do I assess if my supervisor and organization are
fair? Identifying the rules underlying entity-based justice
perceptions / Hollensbe, Elaine C. & Khazanchi, Shalini &
Masterson, Suzanne S. (The Academy of Management
Journal, 2008 vol 51 no 6, pp. 1099- 1116)
Utilizing a qualitative design, we asked new job entrants to
assess the fairness of their supervisor and organization, and
to elaborate on the reasons underlying their assessments. Our
results reveal that, although individuals did use rules reflecting
the four traditional justice dimensions in assessing
entity-based fairness, they more frequently used other rules.
P 00426 EU 2008 vol 51 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 G III
Good fences make good neighbors : A longitudinal
ananlysis of an industry self-regulatory institution /
Barnett, Michael L. & King, Andrew A. (The Academy of
Management Journal, 2008 vol 51 no 6, pp. 1150- 1170)
We extend theories of self-regulation of physical commons
to analyze self-regulation of intangible commons in modern
industry. We posit that when the action of one firm can cause
"spillover" harm to others, firms share a type of commons.
P 00426 EU 2008 vol 51 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 G III
658.3.054.8 (493=393)
Informatiedossier : wat maakt werk werkbaar 2004-2007 ?
Onderzoek naar determinanten van werkbaar werk op
basis van de Vlaamse Werkbaarheidsmonitor 2004-2007
voor loontrekkenden / Brussel: SERV ; 2009, 57 p.
De globale context van de Vlaamse werkbaarheidsmonitor.
Psychische vermoeidheid. Welbevinden in het werk.
Leermogelijkheden. Werk-privé-balans.
152 156
658.3.054.8 (493=393)
Informatiedossier : wat maakt werk werbaar bij
determinanten van werkbaar werk op basis van de
ondernemers 2007 / Brussel: SERV ; 2009, 43 p.
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
De globale context van de Vlaamse werkbaarheidsmonitor.
Psychische vermoeidheid. Welbevinden in het werk.
Leermogelijkheden. Werk-privé-balans.
152 344
Politiques de recrutement international et de formation
nationale des travailleurs de santé: mieux comprendre les
interactions. Améliorer l'utilisation et la mobilisation des
internationale des travailleurs de la santé: interdépendance et
défis d'ordre éthique. La marche à suivre.
151 792
Mondialisation : utopie, fatalité, alternatives? / Bruxelles:
Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis ; 2008, 196 p.
Mondialisation : la montée des périls. La mondialisation,
perte ou nouvelle intelligence du monde ? Soft Power
américain et diversité culturelle. Justice sociale et utopies
nouvelles dans la mondialisation. Les transformations des
normes du travail et des relations de travail face à la
mondialisation de l'économie.
152 032
Labor market reforms, job instability, and the flexibility of
the employment relationship / Matouschek, Niko &
Ramezzana, Paolo & Robert-Nicoud, Frédéric (European
Economic Review, 2009 vol 53 no 1, pp. 19- 36)
We endogenize separation in a search model of the labor
market and allow for bargaining over the continuation of
employment relationships following productivity shocks to take
place under asymmetric information.
P 00548 EU 2009 vol 53 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 J I
658.31 (410) (71)
Institutional environments, work and human resource
practices, and unions: Canada versus England / Godard,
John (Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 2009 vol 62 no
2, pp. 173- 199)
This analysis of data from a 2003-2004 telephone survey of
750 Canadian and 450 English workers finds that work
practices and human resource (HR) practices had important
implications for unions
P 00294 EU 2009 vol 62 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 23 A I
658.31 (510)
Strike and changing workplace relations in a Chinese
global factory / Chan, Chris King-Chi (Industrial Relations
Journal, 2009 vol 40 no 1, pp. 60- 77)
Not all responses to breach are the same : The
interconnection of social exchange and psychological
contract processes in organizations / Dulac, Tanguy &
Henderson, David J. & Coyle-Shapiro, Jacqueline A.-M &
Wayne, Sandy J. (The Academy of Management Journal,
2008 vol 51 no 6, pp. 1079- 1098)
We examined psychological contract breach and violation
as they occur within social exchange relationships to account
for employee outcomes. Results of a longitudinal study
suggested that contract breach partially mediated the effects
of perceived organizational support (POS) and leader-member
exchange (LMX) (time 1 measures on intentions to quit (time 2
P 00426 EU 2008 vol 51 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 G III
Essays on labour markets : worker-firm dynamics,
occupational segregation and workplace conditions /
Buhai, Sebastian Ioan Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit ;
2008, 176 p.
Tenure profiles and efficient separation in a stochastic
productivity model. Returns to tenure or seniority? A social
network analysis of occupational segregation. The impact of
workplace conditions on firm performance.
152 110
658.313:658.325 (46)
Delaying retirement in Spain / Diaz-Giménez, Javier &
Diaz-Saavedra, Julian (Review of Economic Dynamics, 2009
vol 12 no 1, pp. 147- 167)
We study the reform of the Spanish public pension system
in a multiperiod, general equilibrium, overlapping generations
model economy populated by heterogeneous house-holds
P 00812 EU 2009 vol 12 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 G II
658.315.23 (415)
Partnership structures and agendas and managers'
assessments of stakeholder outcomes / O'Dowd, John &
Roche, William K. (Industrial Relations Journal, 2009 vol 40 no
1, pp. 17- 39)
This article engages with the debate around global
capitalism and labour politics in the context of China. Data
were drawn from fieldwork on a Taiwanese-invested factory,
where a strike was stagedin 2004.
The theory of workplace partnership suggests that
partnership structures combining strategic and operational
arrangements and addressing substantively significant
agendas of broad scope should lead to positive outcomes for
the main stakeholder groups: employers, employees and
unions. Data from a survey of managers involved in all known
partnerships in unionised companies in the Republic of Ireland
in 2000 are used.
P 00895 GRBR 2009 vol 40 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 23 B I
P 00895 GRBR 2009 vol 40 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 23 B I
658.311.5 (100.3)
Les personnels de santé dans les pays de l'OCDE :
comment répondre à la crise imminente? / Paris: OCDE ;
2008, 104 p.
Accounting fundamentals and CEO bonus compensation /
Jackson, Scott B & Lopez, Thomas J. & Reitenga, Austin L.
(Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 2008 vol 27 no 5, pp.
374- 393)
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
The purpose of this study is to further illuminate the
pay-performance debate by expanding the traditional
executive bonus compensation model to include a set of
accounting fundamentals that prior research indicates are
related to both current and future firm performance.
P 00593 EU 2008 vol 27 no 5 SALLE/ZAAL: 41 B III
658.317.4 (73)
CEO compensation : trends, market changes, and
regulation. / Jarque, Arantxa (Economic Quarterly of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, 2008 vol 94 no 3, pp.
265- 300)
The average pay of a chief executive officer (CEO) in a top
U S. firm has increased six-fold in the last three decades.
Simultaneously, the composition of pay has moved away from
salary-based and increasingly toward performance-based
compensation in the form of stock grants. This has
strengthened the link between CEO pay and firm performance.
Anecdotal evidence on the recent corporate fraud scandals
suggests that some incentive problems remain unsolved.
P 00702 EU 2008 vol 94 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 37 J III
PAGE 178
A multivariate analysis of work-life balance outcomes
from a large-scale telework programme / Maruyama, Takao
& Hopkinson, Peter G. & James, Peter W. (New Technology,
Work and Employment, 2009 vol 24 no 1, pp. 76- 88)
A multivariate analysis identified six predictors to explain
positive work-life balance (WLB) among 1,566 teleworkers.
Time flexibility variables were found to be most dominant.
Gender or having dependent children was not significant.
P 00896 GRBR 2009 vol 24 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 23 D I
Work-unit absenteeism : Effects of satisfaction,
commitment, labor market conditions, and time /
Hausknecht, John P. & Hiller, Nathan J. & Vance, Robert J.
(The Academy of Management Journal, 2008 vol 51 no 6, pp.
1223- 1245)
We developed and tested a model of unit-level absenteeism
using five waves of data collected over six years from 115
work units in a large state agency. Unit-level job satisfaction,
organizational commitment, and local state agency. Unit-level
job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and local
unemployment were modeled as time- varying predictors of
P 00426 EU 2008 vol 51 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 G III
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
658.323.1 (73)
CEO compensation : trends, market changes, and
regulation. / Jarque, Arantxa (Economic Quarterly of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, 2008 vol 94 no 3, pp.
265- 300)
The average pay of a chief executive officer (CEO) in a top
U S. firm has increased six-fold in the last three decades.
Simultaneously, the composition of pay has moved away from
salary-based and increasingly toward performance-based
compensation in the form of stock grants. This has
strengthened the link between CEO pay and firm performance.
Anecdotal evidence on the recent corporate fraud scandals
suggests that some incentive problems remain unsolved.
Essays on labour markets : worker-firm dynamics,
occupational segregation and workplace conditions /
Buhai, Sebastian Ioan Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit ;
2008, 176 p.
Tenure profiles and efficient separation in a stochastic
productivity model. Returns to tenure or seniority? A social
network analysis of occupational segregation. The impact of
workplace conditions on firm performance.
152 110
P 00702 EU 2008 vol 94 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 37 J III
658.325 (46)
Delaying retirement in Spain / Diaz-Giménez, Javier &
Diaz-Saavedra, Julian (Review of Economic Dynamics, 2009
vol 12 no 1, pp. 147- 167)
We study the reform of the Spanish public pension system
in a multiperiod, general equilibrium, overlapping generations
model economy populated by heterogeneous house-holds
P 00812 EU 2009 vol 12 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 G II
658.382 (410) (71)
Institutional environments, work and human resource
practices, and unions: Canada versus England / Godard,
John (Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 2009 vol 62 no
2, pp. 173- 199)
This analysis of data from a 2003-2004 telephone survey of
750 Canadian and 450 English workers finds that work
practices and human resource (HR) practices had important
implications for unions
P 00294 EU 2009 vol 62 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 23 A I
658.382 (493=393)
Informatiedossier : wat maakt werk werkbaar 2004-2007 ?
Onderzoek naar determinanten van werkbaar werk op
basis van de Vlaamse Werkbaarheidsmonitor 2004-2007
voor loontrekkenden / Brussel: SERV ; 2009, 57 p.
De globale context van de Vlaamse werkbaarheidsmonitor.
Psychische vermoeidheid. Welbevinden in het werk.
Leermogelijkheden. Werk-privé-balans.
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
152 156
658.382 (493=393)
Informatiedossier : wat maakt werk werbaar bij
determinanten van werkbaar werk op basis van de
ondernemers 2007 / Brussel: SERV ; 2009, 43 p.
De globale context van de Vlaamse werkbaarheidsmonitor.
Psychische vermoeidheid. Welbevinden in het werk.
Leermogelijkheden. Werk-privé-balans.
152 344
658.382 (493=393)
Werkbaar werk bij werknemers (2004-2007) en
zelfstandige ondernemers (2007) / Brussel: SERV ; 2009, 40
Wat wordt gemeten met de werkbaarheidsmonitor ? Hoe
wordt in de werkbaarheidsmonitor de kwaliteit van de arbeid
gemeten ? Wat kunt u doen met de resultaten ? Bestaan in
andere landen ook dergelijke monitors ?
152 345
perceptions / Hollensbe, Elaine C. & Khazanchi, Shalini &
Masterson, Suzanne S. (The Academy of Management
Journal, 2008 vol 51 no 6, pp. 1099- 1116)
Utilizing a qualitative design, we asked new job entrants to
assess the fairness of their supervisor and organization, and
to elaborate on the reasons underlying their assessments. Our
results reveal that, although individuals did use rules reflecting
the four traditional justice dimensions in assessing
entity-based fairness, they more frequently used other rules.
P 00426 EU 2008 vol 51 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 G III
Exploring nonlinearity in employee voice : The effects of
personal control and organizational identification /
Tangirala, Subrahmaniam & Ramanujam, Rangaraj (The
Academy of Management Journal, 2008 vol 51 no 6, pp. 11891203)
We investigated the relationship between personal control employees' perceptions of autonomy and impact at work - and
voice - employees' expression of challenging but constructive
work-related opinions, concerns, or ideas. Specifically, we
developed and tested an explanation that integrates two
conceptual perspectives (i.e., dissatisfaction-based vesus
expectancy-based) on the effects of personal control.
P 00426 EU 2008 vol 51 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 G III
Werken en leren : leren op de werkplek in de praktijk /
Brussel: SERV ; 2009, 44 p.
To infinity and beyond?: workspace and the multi-location
worker / Hislop, Donald & Axtell, Caroline (New Technology,
Work and Employment, 2009 vol 24 no 1, pp. 60- 75)
The paper examines the spatial implications of multi-location
work considering how the spaces such workers travel through
and work in shape the type of tasks they conduct, how they
act to create a workspace in such locations and the
implications that this type of working has for how the
workplace is conceptualised.
P 00896 GRBR 2009 vol 24 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 23 D I
Wat is leren op de werkplek ? De praktijk. Leren op de
werkplek versterken. Sleutelbegrippen.
152 347
Les grandes mutations qui transforment l'éducation /
Paris: OECD ; 2008, 86 p.
Le vieillissement des sociétés de l'OCDE. Les grands défis
mondiaux. Le nouveau visage de l'économie mondiale.
Évolution du monde du travail et de l'emploi. La société de
l'apprentissage. TIC : la nouvelle génération. Les citoyens et
l'État. Liens sociaux et valeurs sociales. Une prospérité
durable ?
151 881
Enterprise 2.0 : how social software will change the future
of work / Farnham, Burlington: Gower ; 2008, 164 p.
The social media explosion. The birth of social software.
Social software in the enterprise. Communication.
Cooperation. Collaboration. Connection. Models for success
(and failure). Implementation and adoption.
A multivariate analysis of work-life balance outcomes
from a large-scale telework programme / Maruyama, Takao
& Hopkinson, Peter G. & James, Peter W. (New Technology,
Work and Employment, 2009 vol 24 no 1, pp. 76- 88)
A multivariate analysis identified six predictors to explain
positive work-life balance (WLB) among 1,566 teleworkers.
Time flexibility variables were found to be most dominant.
Gender or having dependent children was not significant.
P 00896 GRBR 2009 vol 24 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 23 D I
658.387 (493=393)
Nieuwe vormen van werkorganisatie bij ondernemingen
met minder dan tien werknemers : trends 2004-2007 /
Brussel: SERV ; 2008, 32 p.
De trends worden onderverdeeld in vier groepen :
technologie, innovatie, organisatiestructuur en de inzet van
arbeid. Tot slot bekijken we de motieven voor en hindernissen
bij organisatieverandering.
152 346
152 201
How do I assess if my supervisor and organization are
fair? Identifying the rules underlying entity-based justice
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
2009 vol 24 no 1, pp. 43- 59)
Méthode de la recherche : réussir son mémoire ou sa
thèse en sciences de gestion / Gotteland, David & Jolibert,
Alain & Haon, Christophe Paris: Pearson Education ; 2008,
383 p.
Mener à bien un travail de recherche, qu'il s'agisse d'un
mémoire, d'une thèse ou d'un projet de publication, est un
exercice de longe haleine qui exige beaucoup de rigueur et de
méthode. Cet ouvrage offrira à tous, étudiants et chercheurs,
un précieux soutien à toutes les étapes de ce travail. Les
auteurs illustrent systématiquement leur propos par des
exemples tirés de thèses ou d'articles de recherche issus des
différents champs des sciences de gestion (GRH,
management, marketing, stratégie, finance d'entreprise.
152 305
Greep op de zaak : instrumenten voor risicomanagement /
Bouman, Francis H.C. & Van Ast, René & van Dijk, M.F.
Amsterdam, Antwerpen: Business Contact ; 2009, 288 p.
Projectmanagement. Informeren en communiceren. Bewaken.
151 977
Packaging sustainability : tools, systems, and strategies
for innovative package design / Hoboken: John Wiley &
Sons ; 2009, 346 p.
The book enables the designer to make smart, informed
decisions at all points throughout the packaging design
process; offers a comprehensive overview of sustainable
packaging design issues from leading practitioners, designers,
engineers, marketers, psychologists, and ecologists; describes
materials and processes in current use and helps the reader
understand how they interconnect.
152 232
Globalization,R&D and the ipod cycle / Sener, Fuat & Zhao,
Laixun (Journal of International Economics, 2009 vol 77 no 1,
pp. 101- 108)
We study the impact of globalization by considering an
increase in the efficiency of outsourcing-targeted R&D
triggered by reduced transportation and communication costs.
We find that such a change raises the aggregate rate of
outsourcing-targeted R&D intensities) while reducing the
North-South wage gap. The rate of innovation in
outsourcing-targeted-R&D increases, whereas that in
local-sourcing targeted R&D moves in an ambiguous direction.
These findings imply that the intensified outsourcing-targeted
R&D efforts and the resulting surge in the frequency of ipod
cycles play a robust role in boosting aggregate innovation
P 00474 PB 2009 vol 77 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 B II
658.512.3 (410) (73) (94)
PAGE 180
This article examines how trade unions in different country
settings have utilised call centre technologies. Rather than
viewing union call centres as simply a means of service
delivery, our research suggests they can also enable a more
strategic approach to workplace organising.
P 00896 GRBR 2009 vol 24 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 23 D I
658.512.3 (438) (471.1)
Market driving multinationals and their global sourcing
network / Ghauri, Pervez N. & Tarnovskaya, Veronika & Elg,
Ulf (International Marketing Review, 2008 vol 25 no 5, pp. 504519)
The purpose of this paper is to explore how a global supplier
network can support and contribute to a market driving
strategy. Theoretically, the paper contributes by integrating the
market driving strategy and the network approach. IKEA is
considered one of the leading market driving firms. The paper
studies its activities in establishing supplier networks in Russia
and Poland.
P 00852 GRBR 2008 vol 25 no 5 SALLE/ZAAL: 50 G I
658.512.3 (540)
Controlling offshore knowledge workers: power and
agency in India's software outsourcing industry /
Upadhya, Carol (New Technology, Work and Employment,
2009 vol 24 no 1, pp. 2- 18)
The paper describes the modes of organisational control
employed in the Indian software services outsourcing industry,
highlighting the combination of subjective and panoptical
managerial techniques.
P 00896 GRBR 2009 vol 24 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 23 D I
658.512.3 (540)
Indian call centres and business process outsourcing: a
study in union formation / Taylor, Phil & D'Cruz, Premilla &
Noronha, Ernesto & Scholarios, Dora (New Technology, Work
and Employment, 2009 vol 24 no 1, pp. 19- 42)
In this exploratory study of union formation in the Indian call
centre/business process outsourcing sector, the authors draw
upon evidence from the first detailed survey of members of the
recently formed UNITES, and from extensive interviews. This
paper engages with mobilisation theory and analyses of trade
union formation.
P 00896 GRBR 2009 vol 24 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 23 D I
658.512.3 (73)
Service offshoring and productivity: evidence from the US
/ Amiti, Mary & Wei, Shang-Jin (The World Economy, 2009 vol
32 no 2, pp. 203- 220)
The data are aggregated up from 450 SIC manufacturing
industries to 96 manufacturing industries in order to match the
level of aggregation of the input/output (I/O) tables, which
provides details of service inputs. It is important to net out
service inputs when calculating productivity in order to avoid
conflating measures due to missing inputs. Labour productivity
in manufacturing grew at an annual average rate of 4 per cent
between 1992 and 2000.
P 00773 GRBR 2009 vol 32 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 F I
Enabling 'managed activisl': the adoption of call centres
in Australian, British and US trade unions / Lund, John &
Wright, Christopher (New Technology, Work and Employment,
Produits "bio" : de quelle qualité parle-t-on? / Dijon:
Educagri éditions ; 2001, 191 p.
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
Les attentes de chacun face aux produits alimentaires. Une
qualification basée sur un mode de production: l'agriculture
biologique. Cahiers des charges biologiques et qualification
des produits. L'approche "santé".
152 225
Genoeg : moderne gids voor duurzaam leven / Petherick,
Tom Utrecht, Antwerpen: Kosmos uitgevers B.V. ; 2009, 287
Hoe je je eigen organische voedsel kunt maken - het maakt
niet uit of je dat in een volkstuin doet, in je voor- of achtertuin
of zelfs in een plantenbak; kleindierhouderij; recyclend,
151 988
Electronic waste management / Hester, R.E. & Harrison,
R.M. Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry ; 2009, 263 p.
Materials used in manufacturing electrical and electronic
products. Dumping, burning and landfill. Recycling and
recovery. Integrated approach to e-waste recycling. European
recycling platform (ERP) : a pan-European solution to WEEE
compliance. Liquid crystal displays : form devices to recycling.
The role of collective versus individual producer responsibility
in e-waste management. Rapid assessment of electronics
enclosure plastics.
The purpose of the paper is to examine the degree of
innovation in the grocery category and analyse to what extent
the presence and growth of retailer brands influence
innovativeness in different grocery categories from a customer
perspective. Using the Swedish grocery market, 34 grocery
categories were studied from 2000 to 2004. Data from Gfk
household panel data, Mintel database of product releases
and face-to-face interviews with consumers are used. The
paper uses four alternative measures of category
innovativeness capturing different levels of consumer
P 00842 GRBR 2009 vol 25 no 1/ 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 50 G III
Globalization,R&D and the ipod cycle / Sener, Fuat & Zhao,
Laixun (Journal of International Economics, 2009 vol 77 no 1,
pp. 101- 108)
We study the impact of globalization by considering an
increase in the efficiency of outsourcing-targeted R&D
triggered by reduced transportation and communication costs.
We find that such a change raises the aggregate rate of
outsourcing-targeted R&D intensities) while reducing the
North-South wage gap. The rate of innovation in
outsourcing-targeted-R&D increases, whereas that in
local-sourcing targeted R&D moves in an ambiguous direction.
These findings imply that the intensified outsourcing-targeted
R&D efforts and the resulting surge in the frequency of ipod
cycles play a robust role in boosting aggregate innovation
P 00474 PB 2009 vol 77 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 B II
151 973
Economie des déchets : des préoccupations croissantes,
de nouvelles règles, de nouveaux marchés / Bertolini,
Gérard Paris: Editions Technip ; 2005, 188 p. ISBN:
Outils d'analyse et base de théorie économique du déchet.
prévention, Récupération et recyclage. L'incinération. Les
marchés, les grands opérateurs privés dans différents pays,
l'emploi. Valorisations: métaux ferreux, métaux non-ferreux,
papiers-cartons, verre, matières plastiques, équipements
électriques et électroniques, textiles, caoutchouc, pneux,
valorisations en cimenteries
152 230
658.6 (94)
Country-of-origin: competing perspectives on product
familiarity and product involvement / Josiassen, Alexander
& Lukas, Bryan A. & Whitwell, Gregory J. (International
Marketing Review, 2008 vol 25 no 4, pp. 423- 440)
This study was undertaken to clarify how product familiarity
and product involvement can moderate the importance that
consumers place on COO image when they evaluate products
for purchase or consumption. The authors adopted a
contingency approach and empirically examined, by way of
competing hypotheses, the alternative possibilities by which
product familiarity and product involvement may influence the
importance that consumers place on COO image when they
evaluate products.
P 00852 GRBR 2008 vol 25 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 50 G I
Retailer brands and the impact on innovativeness in the
grocery market / Anselmsson, Johan & Johansson, Ulf
(Journal of Marketing Management, 2009 vol 25 no 1/ 2, pp.
75- 95)
Private labels, brands, and competition policy : the
changing landscape of retail competition / Ezrachi, Ariel &
Bernitz, Ulf Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press ; 2009,
418 p.
Recent decades have witnessed a distinct increase in the
sales and popularity of private labels. The growing market
share of private labels has transformed the landscape of retail
competition in developed countries. Major retailers are no
longer confined to their traditional roles of purchasers and
distributors of branded goods. By selling their own label
products within their outlet they compete with their upstream
brand suppliers on sales and shelf space. This book sets out
to explore the effects and the different variables which shape
brand competition. It assembles seventeen chapters, authored
by leading academics, practitioners, and competition officials,
producing a comprehensive picture of the law, policy, and
economics in this area.
152 131
Retailer brands and the impact on innovativeness in the
grocery market / Anselmsson, Johan & Johansson, Ulf
(Journal of Marketing Management, 2009 vol 25 no 1/ 2, pp.
75- 95)
The purpose of the paper is to examine the degree of
innovation in the grocery category and analyse to what extent
the presence and growth of retailer brands influence
innovativeness in different grocery categories from a customer
perspective. Using the Swedish grocery market, 34 grocery
categories were studied from 2000 to 2004. Data from Gfk
household panel data, Mintel database of product releases
and face-to-face interviews with consumers are used. The
paper uses four alternative measures of category
innovativeness capturing different levels of consumer
P 00842 GRBR 2009 vol 25 no 1/ 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 50 G III
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
Asymmetric effects of brand origin confusion: evidence
from the emerging market of China / Zhuang, Guijun &
Wang, Xuehua & Zhou, Lianxi & Zhou, Nan (International
Marketing Review, 2008 vol 25 no 4, pp. 441- 457)
The purpose of this study investigates the asymmetric
effects of brand origin confusion (BOC) on consumer
preference and the purchase of local versus foreign brands in
China. This study intends to help to explain from a new angle
the decreasing competitiveness of foreign brands in emerging
ùarkets, such as China.
P 00852 GRBR 2008 vol 25 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 50 G I
PAGE 182
Kotler over marketing : over het creëren, winnen en
domineren van markten / Kotler, Philip Schoonhoven:
Academic Service ; 1999, 308 p. ISBN: 90-5261-306-0
Winstgevend zakendoen door marketing van wereldklasse.
Marketing gebruiken als middel om waarde te creëren, te
begrijpen, over te brengen op anderen en te leveren.
Marktkansen onderkennen en het ontwikkelen van
doelgerichte waardeaanbiedingen. Waardevolle producten
ontwikkelen en merkkapitaal opbouwen. Marktintelligentie
ontwikkelen en toepassen. Een marketingmix ontwerpen.
Klanten werven, vasthouden en groter maken. Meer
klantwaarde creëren en leveren. Planning en organisatie voor
een effectievere marketing. Het evalueren en controleren van
marketingverrichtingen. Aanpassing aan het nieuwe tijdperk
van elektronische marketing
152 241
658.626 (510)
Does country-of-origin matter in the relationship between
brand personality and purchase intention in emerging
economies? Evidence from China's auto industry / Wang,
Xuehua & Yang, Zhilin (International Marketing Review, 2008
vol 25 no 4, pp. 458- 474)
How does relationship management infrastructure
influence performance? / Jarratt, Denise G. & Katsikeas,
Constantine S. (Journal of Marketing Management, 2009 vol
25 no 1/ 2, pp. 51- 74)
The purpose of this paper aims to investigate the
relationship between brand personality, country-of-origin
(COO) image and purchase intention. Specifically, it is
suggested that COO image exerts both main and interaction
impact on purchase intention.
The contribution of Relationship Management Infrastructure
(RM) to positional advantage, customer, market and financial
performance was tested in major, organisational customer
relationships through structural equation modelling.
P 00852 GRBR 2008 vol 25 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 50 G I
P 00842 GRBR 2009 vol 25 no 1/ 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 50 G III
International proposals for the criminal enforcement of
intellectual property rights : international concern with
counterfeiting and piracy. / Blakeney, Michael (Intellectual
Property Quarterly, 2009 no 1, pp. 1- 26)
Retailer brands and the impact on innovativeness in the
grocery market / Anselmsson, Johan & Johansson, Ulf
(Journal of Marketing Management, 2009 vol 25 no 1/ 2, pp.
75- 95)
This article examines the scale of counterfeiting and piracy,
its measurement and impacts. The principal policy responses
to this growing trade have been the proposed strengthening of
criminal enforcement of IPRs and this article considers the
current negotiations for a plurilateral anti-counterfeiting trade
agreement (ACTA).
The purpose of the paper is to examine the degree of
innovation in the grocery category and analyse to what extent
the presence and growth of retailer brands influence
innovativeness in different grocery categories from a customer
perspective. Using the Swedish grocery market, 34 grocery
categories were studied from 2000 to 2004. Data from Gfk
household panel data, Mintel database of product releases
and face-to-face interviews with consumers are used. The
paper uses four alternative measures of category
innovativeness capturing different levels of consumer
P 00755 GRBR 2009 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 K III
P 00842 GRBR 2009 vol 25 no 1/ 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 50 G III
Packaging sustainability : tools, systems, and strategies
for innovative package design / Hoboken: John Wiley &
Sons ; 2009, 346 p.
The book enables the designer to make smart, informed
decisions at all points throughout the packaging design
process; offers a comprehensive overview of sustainable
packaging design issues from leading practitioners, designers,
engineers, marketers, psychologists, and ecologists; describes
materials and processes in current use and helps the reader
understand how they interconnect.
Groupthink : collective delusions in organisations and
markets. / Bénabou, Roland (CEPR Discussion Papers,no
7193, pp. 1- 49)
This paper examines how collective beliefs and delusions
arise persist in organizations such as teams, firms,
bureaucracies and markets. In the aftermath of corporate and
public-policy disasters, it often emerges that participants fell
prey to a collective form of overconfidence and willful
blindness : mounting warning signals were systematically
ignored or met with denial, evidence avoided, cast aside or
selectively reinterpreded, dissenters discouraged and
shunned. Market bubbles and manias exhibit the same pattern
of investors acting "color-blind in a sea of red flags", followezd
by a crash.
P 00834 GRBRno 7193
152 232
Democracy and reforms. / Giuliano, Paola & Mishra, Prachi
& Spilimbergo, Antonio (CEPR Discussion Papers,no 7194,
pp. 1- 41)
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
This paper studies the impact of democracy on the adoption
of economic reforms using a new dataset on reforms in the
financial, capital, public and banking sezctors, product and
labor markets, agriculture, and trade for 150 countries over the
period 1960-2004.
overheid. Van fundamentele bedrijfsstrategie tot tactische
actie op de winkelvloer. Strategische marketingplanning.
nieuwsmanagement. Media meten. Advertentiemogelijkheden.
151 667
P 00834 GRBRno 7194
differentiated products / Peeters, Ronald & Strobel, Martin
(International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2009 vol 27
no 1, pp. 24- 32)
We experimentally test Bertrand-Nash equilibria in markets
with differentiated products. In contrast to the existing
literature, we choose asymmetric market settings in which
pure strategy equilibria do not exist.
P 00832 PB 2009 vol 27 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 43 H I
658.8 (569.4)
Local and non-local prefounding experience and new
organizational form penetration : The case of the Israeli
wine industry / Simons, Tal & Roberts, Peter W.
(Administrative Science Quarterly, 2008 vol 53 no 2, pp. 235265)
This paper presents a theory of how new organizational
forms penetrate local populations. We evaluate these
predictions in an analysis of the transformation of the
population of Israeli wineries between 1983 and 2004, when
five existing organizations witnessed the arrival of 138 new
P 00425 EU 2008 vol 53 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 19 F I
Dynamic targeted pricing with strategic consumers /
Chen, Yuxin & Zhang, Z. John (International Journal of
Industrial Organization, 2009 vol 27 no 1, pp. 43- 50)
We investigate in this paper whether dynamic targeted
pricing based on consumer purchase history could benefit a
practicing firm even when consumers are "strategic" in that
they actively seek to avail themselves of low price in the
future. Such strategic behavior on the part of consumers has
been shown in the literature to render such dynamic targeted
pricing unprofitable, even for a monopoly firm.
P 00832 PB 2009 vol 27 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 43 H I
Data mining and market intelligence for optimal marketing
returns / Chiu, Susan Amsterdam, Boston, Heidelberg:
Elsevier ; 2007, 280 p.
Marketing spending models and optimization. Metrics
overview. Multi-channel campaign performance reporting and
optimization. Understanding the market through marketing
research. Audience segmentation. Data mining for customer
acquisition, retention, and growth. Data mining for
cross-selling and bundled marketing. Web analytics. Search
marketing analytics.
151 703
658.8 (410)
Voluntary disclosure and its impact on share prices :
Evidence from the UK biotechnology sector / Dedman,
Elisabeth & Lin, Stephen W.-J. & Prakash, Arun J. & Chang,
Chun-Hao (Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 2008 vol
27 no 3, pp. 195- 216)
Using a sample of firms from the high-R&D UK
biotechnology pharmaceutical sector, we find that earnings
announcements have a much lower price impact than drug
development announcements.
P 00593 EU 2008 vol 27 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 41 B III
658.8 (493)
Media in beweging : handboek voor de professional /
Musschoot, Iris & Lombaerts, Bart Leuven: LannooCampus ;
2008, 487 p.
Maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen met impact op de
verdienmodellen. Strategische hefbomen. De rol van de
Private labels, brands, and competition policy : the
changing landscape of retail competition / Ezrachi, Ariel &
Bernitz, Ulf Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press ; 2009,
418 p.
Recent decades have witnessed a distinct increase in the
sales and popularity of private labels. The growing market
share of private labels has transformed the landscape of retail
competition in developed countries. Major retailers are no
longer confined to their traditional roles of purchasers and
distributors of branded goods. By selling their own label
products within their outlet they compete with their upstream
brand suppliers on sales and shelf space. This book sets out
to explore the effects and the different variables which shape
brand competition. It assembles seventeen chapters, authored
by leading academics, practitioners, and competition officials,
producing a comprehensive picture of the law, policy, and
economics in this area.
152 131
Dynamic targeted pricing with strategic consumers /
Chen, Yuxin & Zhang, Z. John (International Journal of
Industrial Organization, 2009 vol 27 no 1, pp. 43- 50)
We investigate in this paper whether dynamic targeted
pricing based on consumer purchase history could benefit a
practicing firm even when consumers are "strategic" in that
they actively seek to avail themselves of low price in the
future. Such strategic behavior on the part of consumers has
been shown in the literature to render such dynamic targeted
pricing unprofitable, even for a monopoly firm.
P 00832 PB 2009 vol 27 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 43 H I
658.8.011.1 (100)
Positionnement et stratégies prix des acteurs de
l'e-tourisme / Hikkerova, Lubica & Sahut, Jean-Michel
(Gestion 2000, 2009 vol 26 no 1, pp. 51- 64)
L'effet le plus marquant lorsqu'on s'intéresse à l'impact des
TIC sur le secteur touristique est celui sur la distribution, car
elle implique des échanges croisés à tous les stades de la
vente entre les fournisseurs, les intermédiaires et les clients
qui peuvent être dématérialisés. Ce nouveau schéma de la
distribution a amené les acteurs à revoir leurs stratégies de
prix afin de rester compétitifs, et ce phénomène est d'autant
plus exacerbé avec la présence des infomédiaires qui
permettent une meilleure comparaison des offres
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
PAGE 184
P 02637 BG 2009 vol 26 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 L II
658.8.011.1 (410)
Voluntary disclosure and its impact on share prices :
Evidence from the UK biotechnology sector / Dedman,
Elisabeth & Lin, Stephen W.-J. & Prakash, Arun J. & Chang,
Chun-Hao (Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 2008 vol
27 no 3, pp. 195- 216)
Using a sample of firms from the high-R&D UK
biotechnology pharmaceutical sector, we find that earnings
announcements have a much lower price impact than drug
development announcements.
P 00593 EU 2008 vol 27 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 41 B III
658.8.011.1 (438) (471.1)
Market driving multinationals and their global sourcing
network / Ghauri, Pervez N. & Tarnovskaya, Veronika & Elg,
Ulf (International Marketing Review, 2008 vol 25 no 5, pp. 504519)
The purpose of this paper is to explore how a global supplier
network can support and contribute to a market driving
strategy. Theoretically, the paper contributes by integrating the
market driving strategy and the network approach. IKEA is
considered one of the leading market driving firms. The paper
studies its activities in establishing supplier networks in Russia
and Poland.
P 00852 GRBR 2008 vol 25 no 5 SALLE/ZAAL: 50 G I
658.8.011.1 (497.12)
Export strategies as a factor of SME growth in Croatia /
Racic, Domagoj & Aralica, Zoran & Redzepagic, Denis
(International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Management (IJEIM), 2008 vol 8 no 3, pp. 286- 304)
The paper explores the main processes and determinants of
the internationalisation of the Small- and Medium-sized
Enterprises (SMEs) in Croatia and empirically explores the
data generated through the SME Exporters Survey covering
the period between 1999 and 2004.
P 00637 SS 2008 vol 8 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 E II
Gids bij marktonderzoek : op weg naar betere
beleidsbeslissingen / Mertens, Sarah & Van Campenhout,
Rudi Antwerpen, Apeldoorn: Garant Uitgevers ; 2008, 195 p.
Hoe analyseer ik mijn data ? Welke vragen moet ik stellen ?
Hoe groot moet mijn steekproef zijn ? Wat is het verschil
tussen kwantitatief en kwalitatief marktonderzoek ? Hoe kies ik
een marktonderzoeksbureau ? Schoenen, witloof en
zonnepanelen. Wat is hun probleem ? Drie gevalstudies. Hoe
stel ik de resultaten van mijn marktonderzoek voor ?
152 178
Data mining and market intelligence for optimal marketing
returns / Chiu, Susan Amsterdam, Boston, Heidelberg:
Elsevier ; 2007, 280 p.
Marketing spending models and optimization. Metrics
overview. Multi-channel campaign performance reporting and
optimization. Understanding the market through marketing
research. Audience segmentation. Data mining for customer
acquisition, retention, and growth. Data mining for
cross-selling and bundled marketing. Web analytics. Search
marketing analytics.
151 703
658.8.012.1 (493.1)
Gegevens voor een marktstudie in de sector van de
kleinhandel in voedingsprodukten : Provincie Antwerpen /
Brussel: Ministerie van Middenstand en Landbouw ; 2002,
Opname van de hypermarkten en supermarkten.
Cartografie: situering per deelgemeente. Opname van de
superettes. Bevolkingsevolutie in elke gemeente.
152 256
658.8.012.1 (493.21)
Quelques données pour une étude de marché dans le
secteur du commerce de détail en alimentation : région de
Bruxelles-Capitale / Bruxelles: Ministère des Classes
Moyennes et de l'Agriculture ; 2002, p.m.
Relevé des hypermarchés et des supermarchés.
Cartographie : localisation par section de commune. Relevé
des supérettes. Evolution démographique de chaque
152 247
658.8.012.1 (493.21)
Gegevens voor een marktstudie in de sector van de
Hoofdstedelijk Gewest / Brussel: Ministerie van Middenstand
en Landbouw ; 2002, p.m.
Opname van de hypermarkten en supermarkten.
Cartografie: situering per deelgemeente. Opname van de
superettes. Bevolkingsevolutie in elke gemeente.
152 258
658.8.012.1 (493.23)
Quelques données pour une étude de marché dans le
secteur du commerce de détail en alimentation : province
du Brabant Wallon / Bruxelles: Ministère des Classes
Moyennes et de l'Agriculture ; 2002, p.m.
Relevé des hypermarchés et des supermarchés.
Cartographie : localisation par section de commune. Relevé
des supérettes. Evolution démographique de chaque
152 248
658.8.012.1 (493.3)
Gegevens voor een marktstudie in de sector van de
West-Vlaanderen / Brussel: Ministerie van Middenstand en
Landbouw ; 2002, p.m.
Opname van de hypermarkten en supermarkten.
Cartografie: situering per deelgemeente. Opname van de
superettes. Bevolkingsevolutie in elke gemeente.
152 255
658.8.012.1 (493.3)
Gegevens voor een marktstudie in de sector van de
Vlaams-Brabant / Brussel: Ministerie van Middenstand en
Landbouw ; 2002, p.m.
Opname van de hypermarkten en supermarkten.
Cartografie: situering per deelgemeente. Opname van de
superettes. Bevolkingsevolutie in elke gemeente.
152 257
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
658.8.012.1 (493.4)
Gegevens voor een marktstudie in de sector van de
Oost-Vlaanderen / Brussel: Ministerie van Middenstand en
Landbouw ; 2002, p.m.
Opname van de hypermarkten en supermarkten.
Cartografie: situering per deelgemeente. Opname van de
superettes. Bevolkingsevolutie in elke gemeente.
152 254
658.8.012.1 (493.5)
Quelques données pour une étude de marché dans le
secteur du commerce de détail en alimentation : province
de Hainaut / Bruxelles: Ministère des Classes Moyennes et
de l'Agriculture ; 2002, p.m.
Relevé des hypermarchés et des supermarchés.
Cartographie : localisation par section de commune. Relevé
des supérettes. Evolution démographique de chaque
152 249
658.8.012.1 (493.6)
Quelques données pour une étude de marché dans le
secteur du commerce de détail en alimentation : province
de Liège / Bruxelles: Ministère des Classes Moyennes et de
l'Agriculture ; 2002, p.m.
Relevé des hypermarchés et des supermarchés.
Cartographie : localisation par section de commune. Relevé
des supérettes. Evolution démographique de chaque
152 250
658.8.012.1 (493.7)
Gegevens voor een marktstudie in de sector van de
kleinhandel in voedingsprodukten : Provincie Limburg /
Brussel: Ministerie van Middenstand en Landbouw ; 2002,
Opname van de hypermarkten en supermarkten.
Cartografie: situering per deelgemeente. Opname van de
superettes. Bevolkingsevolutie in elke gemeente.
152 253
658.8.012.1 (493.8)
Quelques données pour une étude de marché dans le
secteur du commerce de détail en alimentation : province
de Luxembourg / Bruxelles: Ministère des Classes Moyennes
et de l'Agriculture ; 2002, p.m.
Relevé des hypermarchés et des supermarchés.
Cartographie : localisation par section de commune. Relevé
des supérettes. Evolution démographique de chaque
152 252
Efficient pricing algorithms for exotic derivatives / Lord,
Roger Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit ; 2008, 208 p.
Affine models. Complex logarithms in Heston-like models.
Optimal fourier inversion in semi-analytical option pricing. A
fast and accurate FFT-based method for pricing early-exercise
options under Levy processes. A comparison of biased
simulation schemes for stochastic volatility models. Partially
exact and bounded approximations for arithmetic Asian
options. Level-slope-curvature - fact or artefact ?
152 108
differentiated products / Peeters, Ronald & Strobel, Martin
(International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2009 vol 27
no 1, pp. 24- 32)
We experimentally test Bertrand-Nash equilibria in markets
with differentiated products. In contrast to the existing
literature, we choose asymmetric market settings in which
pure strategy equilibria do not exist.
P 00832 PB 2009 vol 27 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 43 H I
Dynamic targeted pricing with strategic consumers /
Chen, Yuxin & Zhang, Z. John (International Journal of
Industrial Organization, 2009 vol 27 no 1, pp. 43- 50)
We investigate in this paper whether dynamic targeted
pricing based on consumer purchase history could benefit a
practicing firm even when consumers are "strategic" in that
they actively seek to avail themselves of low price in the
future. Such strategic behavior on the part of consumers has
been shown in the literature to render such dynamic targeted
pricing unprofitable, even for a monopoly firm.
P 00832 PB 2009 vol 27 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 43 H I
658.8.03 (100)
Positionnement et stratégies prix des acteurs de
l'e-tourisme / Hikkerova, Lubica & Sahut, Jean-Michel
(Gestion 2000, 2009 vol 26 no 1, pp. 51- 64)
L'effet le plus marquant lorsqu'on s'intéresse à l'impact des
TIC sur le secteur touristique est celui sur la distribution, car
elle implique des échanges croisés à tous les stades de la
vente entre les fournisseurs, les intermédiaires et les clients
qui peuvent être dématérialisés. Ce nouveau schéma de la
distribution a amené les acteurs à revoir leurs stratégies de
prix afin de rester compétitifs, et ce phénomène est d'autant
plus exacerbé avec la présence des infomédiaires qui
permettent une meilleure comparaison des offres
P 02637 BG 2009 vol 26 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 L II
152 251
658.8.012.1 (493.9)
Quelques données pour une étude de marché dans le
secteur du commerce de détail en alimentation : province
de Namur / Bruxelles: Ministère des Classes Moyennes et de
l'Agriculture ; 2002, p.m.
Relevé des hypermarchés et des supermarchés.
Cartographie : localisation par section de commune. Relevé
des supérettes. Evolution démographique de chaque
658.8.031.2:658.155 (73)
Employee attitudes, customer satisfaction, and sales
performance : Assessing the linkages in US grocery
stores / Simon, Daniel H. & Gomez, Miguel I. & McLaughlin,
Edward W. & Wittink, Dick R. (Managerial and Decision
Economics (MDE), 2009 vol 30 no 1, pp. 27- 41)
Using store-level panel data for a major supermarket
company, we investigate the linkages between employee
attitudes, customer satisfaction, and sales performance, while
controlling for observed and unobserved differences across
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
P 00792 GRBR 2009 vol 30 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 C III
PAGE 186
financial market that had significantly different levels of usage
of financial distribution channels.
P 00654 SS 2008 vol 3 no 3/ 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 D I
Strategic reasoning about business models: a conceptual
modeling approach / Samavi, Reza & Yu, Eric & Topaloglou,
Thodoros (Information systems and e-business management,
2009 vol 7 no 2, pp. 171- 198)
In this paper we define a strategic modeling framework to
help understand and analyze the goals, intentions, roles, and
the rationale behind the strategic actions in a business
environment. This understanding is necessary in order to
improve existing or design new services.
P 00866 ALL 2009 vol 7 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 04 K I
658.818 (73)
Employee attitudes, customer satisfaction, and sales
performance : Assessing the linkages in US grocery
stores / Simon, Daniel H. & Gomez, Miguel I. & McLaughlin,
Edward W. & Wittink, Dick R. (Managerial and Decision
Economics (MDE), 2009 vol 30 no 1, pp. 27- 41)
Using store-level panel data for a major supermarket
company, we investigate the linkages between employee
attitudes, customer satisfaction, and sales performance, while
controlling for observed and unobserved differences across
P 00792 GRBR 2009 vol 30 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 C III
Assessing and differentiating the quality of Internet-based
services: a case of online banking in Taiwan / Yu,
Chian-Son (The Service Industries Journal, 2008 vol 28 no 5/
6, pp. 581- 602)
This study investigates the assesment of differentiation of
the quality of online banking services. A hypothesis is
developed, followed by the presentation of a methodology that
combines a service quality measurement model and an
importance-performance matrix to help banks differentiate
service quality and thus effectively increase the satisfaction of
existing customers (old consumers).
P 00856 GRBR 2008 vol 28 no 5/ 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 43 H II
658.818 (519.5)
Hotel management contract: impact on performance in
the Korean hotel sector / Kim, Soo Y. (The Service
Industries Journal, 2008 vol 28 no 5/ 6, pp. 701- 718)
This study investigates the influence of hotel management
contract on the performance of super-deluxe levels in Korea
and identifies how the 1996-1997 tourism recessions affected
the relationship between management contract and the
performance of the hotels.
P 00856 GRBR 2008 vol 28 no 5/ 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 43 H II
658.818 (540)
Meta analysis of banking services in India: a customer
centric approach / Verma, Sanjee & Chaudhuri, Ranjan
(International Journal of Financial Services Management,
2008 vol 3 no 3/ 4, pp. 216- 222)
As a result of the growing level of competition and the rapid
pace of change, customer orientation is emerging as an
important element in the banking sector. This paper
encapsulates the changing paradigm of banking services
towards customers in India and the resultant impact on
banking performance.
P 00654 SS 2008 vol 3 no 3/ 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 D I
658.818 (540)
Customer satisfaction with usage of banks distribution
channels: an empirical investigation / Jham, Vimi & Khan,
Kaleem M. (International Journal of Financial Services
Management, 2008 vol 3 no 3/ 4, pp. 283- 294)
Satisfaction with banking services is an area of growing
interest to researchers and managers. This research
examined the survey responses of 560 bank customers who
provided information regarding their satisfaction towards
financial distribution channels with respect to five banks. The
study found that there were distinctive segments within the
Kotler over marketing : over het creëren, winnen en
domineren van markten / Kotler, Philip Schoonhoven:
Academic Service ; 1999, 308 p. ISBN: 90-5261-306-0
Winstgevend zakendoen door marketing van wereldklasse.
Marketing gebruiken als middel om waarde te creëren, te
begrijpen, over te brengen op anderen en te leveren.
Marktkansen onderkennen en het ontwikkelen van
doelgerichte waardeaanbiedingen. Waardevolle producten
ontwikkelen en merkkapitaal opbouwen. Marktintelligentie
ontwikkelen en toepassen. Een marketingmix ontwerpen.
Klanten werven, vasthouden en groter maken. Meer
klantwaarde creëren en leveren. Planning en organisatie voor
een effectievere marketing. Het evalueren en controleren van
marketingverrichtingen. Aanpassing aan het nieuwe tijdperk
van elektronische marketing
152 241
How does relationship management infrastructure
influence performance? / Jarratt, Denise G. & Katsikeas,
Constantine S. (Journal of Marketing Management, 2009 vol
25 no 1/ 2, pp. 51- 74)
The contribution of Relationship Management Infrastructure
(RM) to positional advantage, customer, market and financial
performance was tested in major, organisational customer
relationships through structural equation modelling.
P 00842 GRBR 2009 vol 25 no 1/ 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 50 G III
Retailer brands and the impact on innovativeness in the
grocery market / Anselmsson, Johan & Johansson, Ulf
(Journal of Marketing Management, 2009 vol 25 no 1/ 2, pp.
75- 95)
The purpose of the paper is to examine the degree of
innovation in the grocery category and analyse to what extent
the presence and growth of retailer brands influence
innovativeness in different grocery categories from a customer
perspective. Using the Swedish grocery market, 34 grocery
categories were studied from 2000 to 2004. Data from Gfk
household panel data, Mintel database of product releases
and face-to-face interviews with consumers are used. The
paper uses four alternative measures of category
innovativeness capturing different levels of consumer
P 00842 GRBR 2009 vol 25 no 1/ 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 50 G III
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
Assessing and differentiating the quality of Internet-based
services: a case of online banking in Taiwan / Yu,
Chian-Son (The Service Industries Journal, 2008 vol 28 no 5/
6, pp. 581- 602)
This study investigates the assesment of differentiation of
the quality of online banking services. A hypothesis is
developed, followed by the presentation of a methodology that
combines a service quality measurement model and an
importance-performance matrix to help banks differentiate
service quality and thus effectively increase the satisfaction of
existing customers (old consumers).
P 00856 GRBR 2008 vol 28 no 5/ 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 43 H II
Demand threshold, zero expenditure and hierarchical
model of consumer demand / Chattopadhyay, Nachiketa &
Majumder, Amita & Coondoo, Dipankor (Metroeconomica,
2009 vol 60 no 1, pp. 91- 119)
Consumer expenditure surveys often show households
reporting zero consumption of some commodities. Three
reasons for this are recognized in the literature: (i)infrequency
of purchase,(ii)a strong brand preference for differentiated
products and (iii)misreporting. However, sometimes the
number of households reporting zero consumption is seen to
decline with income
P 00501 GX 2009 vol 60 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 B III
Informedness and customer-centric revenue management
/ Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit ; 2009, 166 p.
The recent pervasive adoption of advanced information
technologies profoundly changes the availability of information
to customers and firms. This improved information endowment
has affected consumer behavior and poses new challenges for
corporate strategy.
151 933
658.818.1 (540)
Meta analysis of banking services in India: a customer
centric approach / Verma, Sanjee & Chaudhuri, Ranjan
(International Journal of Financial Services Management,
2008 vol 3 no 3/ 4, pp. 216- 222)
As a result of the growing level of competition and the rapid
pace of change, customer orientation is emerging as an
important element in the banking sector. This paper
encapsulates the changing paradigm of banking services
towards customers in India and the resultant impact on
banking performance.
P 00654 SS 2008 vol 3 no 3/ 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 D I
658.818.1 (540)
Customer satisfaction with usage of banks distribution
channels: an empirical investigation / Jham, Vimi & Khan,
Kaleem M. (International Journal of Financial Services
Management, 2008 vol 3 no 3/ 4, pp. 283- 294)
Satisfaction with banking services is an area of growing
interest to researchers and managers. This research
examined the survey responses of 560 bank customers who
provided information regarding their satisfaction towards
financial distribution channels with respect to five banks. The
study found that there were distinctive segments within the
financial market that had significantly different levels of usage
of financial distribution channels.
P 00654 SS 2008 vol 3 no 3/ 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 D I
658.818.1 (73)
Employee attitudes, customer satisfaction, and sales
performance : Assessing the linkages in US grocery
stores / Simon, Daniel H. & Gomez, Miguel I. & McLaughlin,
Edward W. & Wittink, Dick R. (Managerial and Decision
Economics (MDE), 2009 vol 30 no 1, pp. 27- 41)
Using store-level panel data for a major supermarket
company, we investigate the linkages between employee
attitudes, customer satisfaction, and sales performance, while
controlling for observed and unobserved differences across
P 00792 GRBR 2009 vol 30 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 C III
Kotler over marketing : over het creëren, winnen en
domineren van markten / Kotler, Philip Schoonhoven:
Academic Service ; 1999, 308 p. ISBN: 90-5261-306-0
Winstgevend zakendoen door marketing van wereldklasse.
Marketing gebruiken als middel om waarde te creëren, te
begrijpen, over te brengen op anderen en te leveren.
Marktkansen onderkennen en het ontwikkelen van
doelgerichte waardeaanbiedingen. Waardevolle producten
ontwikkelen en merkkapitaal opbouwen. Marktintelligentie
ontwikkelen en toepassen. Een marketingmix ontwerpen.
Klanten werven, vasthouden en groter maken. Meer
klantwaarde creëren en leveren. Planning en organisatie voor
een effectievere marketing. Het evalueren en controleren van
marketingverrichtingen. Aanpassing aan het nieuwe tijdperk
van elektronische marketing
152 241
Dynamic targeted pricing with strategic consumers /
Chen, Yuxin & Zhang, Z. John (International Journal of
Industrial Organization, 2009 vol 27 no 1, pp. 43- 50)
We investigate in this paper whether dynamic targeted
pricing based on consumer purchase history could benefit a
practicing firm even when consumers are "strategic" in that
they actively seek to avail themselves of low price in the
future. Such strategic behavior on the part of consumers has
been shown in the literature to render such dynamic targeted
pricing unprofitable, even for a monopoly firm.
P 00832 PB 2009 vol 27 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 43 H I
What happens when wal-mart comes to town : an
empirical analysis of the discount retailing industry. / Jia,
Panle (Econometrica, 2008 vol 76 no 6, pp. 1263- 1316)
This paper develops an empirical model to assess the
impact of chain stores on otherdiscount retailers and to
quantity the size on the scale economies within a chain. The
model has two key features . First, it allows for flexible
competition patterns among all players. Second, for chains, it
incorporates the scale economies that arise from operating
multiple stores in nearby regions.
P 00193 EU 2008 vol 76 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 J I
658.84 (540)
Customer satisfaction with usage of banks distribution
channels: an empirical investigation / Jham, Vimi & Khan,
Kaleem M. (International Journal of Financial Services
Management, 2008 vol 3 no 3/ 4, pp. 283- 294)
Satisfaction with banking services is an area of growing
interest to researchers and managers. This research
examined the survey responses of 560 bank customers who
provided information regarding their satisfaction towards
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
financial distribution channels with respect to five banks. The
study found that there were distinctive segments within the
financial market that had significantly different levels of usage
of financial distribution channels.
PAGE 188
enterprises. The research question is to understand the role
played by ICT in the development of an electronic marketplace
(EMP), from an organizational standpoint
P 00866 ALL 2009 vol 7 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 04 K I
P 00654 SS 2008 vol 3 no 3/ 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 D I
Does online relationship marketing enhance customer
retention and cross-buying? / Liang, Chiung-Ju & Chen,
Hui-Ju & Wang, Wen-Hung (The Service Industries Journal,
2008 vol 28 no 5/ 6, pp. 769- 787)
Using survey data form 766 online customers of a securities
corporation, the results demonstrate the effectiveness of
relationship marketing as it positively influences online
customers' perception then their loyalty, and ultimately, their
actual purchase behavior.
P 00856 GRBR 2008 vol 28 no 5/ 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 43 H II
From business to software: a B2B survey / Dorn, Jürgen &
Grün, Christoph & Werthner, Hannes & Zapletal, Marco
(Information systems and e-business management, 2009 vol 7
no 2, pp. 123- 142)
We propose-in line with the services science approach-to
integrate business modeling with process modeling in order to
make the transformation from business services to Web
services more transparent
P 00866 ALL 2009 vol 7 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 04 K I
Aligning goals and services through goal business
modelling / Andersson, Birger & Johannesson, Paul &
Zdravkovic, Jelena (Information systems and e-business
management, 2009 vol 7 no 2, pp. 143- 169)
On a strategic level, the success of e-services depends on
their ability to work as a medium for the exchange of business
values. In this paper, we present an approach that utilizes goal
and business models as the foundation for designing
P 00866 ALL 2009 vol 7 no 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 04 K I
Cash-back rewards versus equity-based electronic loyalty
programs in e-commerce / Altinkemer, Kemal & Ozcelik,
Yasin (Information systems and e-business management,
2009 vol 7 no 1, pp. 39- 57)
Loyalty is a crucial part of today's business because
retaining a customer is generally less expensive than
attracting a new one. This relationship also holds true in
e-commerce. Most of the e-loyalty programs available on the
Internet utilize cash-back rewards. A new type of e-loyalty
program in which customers are offered a fraction of merchant
firm's equity is emerging recently
The process map as an instrument to standardize
processes: design and application at a financial service
provider / Heinrich, Bernd & Henneberger, Matthias & Leist,
Susanne & Zellner, Gregor (Information systems and
e-business management, 2009 vol 7 no 1, pp. 81- 103)
The standardization of processes and the identification of
shared business services in a service-oriented architecture
(SOA) are currently widely discussed. Above all in practice,
however, there still is a lack of appropriate instruments to
support these tasks. In this paper an approach for a process
map is introduced which allows for a systematic
presentation-as complete as possible-of the processes in an
enterprise (division)
P 00866 ALL 2009 vol 7 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 04 K I
The imperatives of e-business: case study of a failed
project / McLaughlin, Stephen (Journal of Business Strategy,
2009 vol 30 no 1, pp. 40- 49)
This paper examines a recent e-business initiative (eCRM)
undertaken by a global technology solutions organization.
After extensive time and money were invested in the initiative,
management cancelled the project. The author identifies
factors that the organization should have considered as part of
the development and deployment of the initiative and suggests
a framework based on survey and reserach findings.
P 00732 EU 2009 vol 30 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 H III
658.843 (4)
Fundamental rights and the European regulation of
iConsumer contracts / Mak, Chantal (Journal of Consumer
Policy, 2008 vol 31 no 4, pp. 425- 439)
This paper addresses the question of how fundamental
rights affect European legislation and adjudication on
contracts regarding digital information services (iConsumer
P 00710 ALL 2008 vol 31 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 49 H III
658.843 (493=393)
Het certificatieprobleem bij de elektronische handel /
Bartsoen, Wim Antwerpen: Universiteit Antwerpen ; 1999, 98
Algemene technische aspecten. Enkele populaire
publieke-sleutelinfrastructuur (PKI). Juridisch kader.
152 273
P 00866 ALL 2009 vol 7 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 04 K I
The contribution of transaction cost theory and other
network-oriented techniques to digital markets /
Rossignoli, Cecilia (Information systems and e-business
management, 2009 vol 7 no 1, pp. 57- 80)
The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship
between information and communication technology (ICT) and
the development of organizational forms, showing in particular
how ICT is able to promote new forms of cooperation among
658.843 (597)
E-government evaluation: the case of Vietnam's provincial
websites / Tsai, Wen-Hsien & Purbokusumo, Yuyun & Cheng,
Julian Ming-Sung (Electronic Government, 2009 vol 6 no 1,
pp. 41- 53)
In this research, an attempt is made to evaluate
e-government performances in Vietnam. Four types of website
contents are used for the evaluation. The results show that, in
general, more developed provinces/cities where IT
infrastructure is relatively well constructed provide better and
more website content and thus their e-government
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
performances are better.
P 00648 SS 2009 vol 6 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 05 B I
bidders: when there is enough competition, revelation benefits
the auctioneer.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 38 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
An optimal auction for capacity constrained bidders : a
network perspective. / Malakhov, Alexey & Vohra, Rakesh V.
(Economic Theory, 2009 vol 39 no 1, pp. 113- 128)
This paper examines the problem of a seller with limited
supply selling to a group of agents whose private information
is two-dimensional. A novel feature of the analysis is an
interpretation of an optimal auction design problem in terms of
linear program that is an instance of a parametric shortest
path problem on a lattice.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 39 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Optimal sale across venues and auctions with a buy-now
option / Bose, Subir & Daripa, Arup (Economic Theory, 2009
vol 38 no 1, pp. 137- 168)
We characterize the optimal selling mechanism for a seller
who faces demand demarcated by a high and a low end who
can access an (online) auction site (by paying an access cost)
in addition to using his own store that can be used as a posted
price selling venue.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 38 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Auctions with a buy price / Reynolds, Stanley S. & Wooders,
John (Economic Theory, 2009 vol 38 no 1, pp. 9- 39)
Biased procurement auctions / Rezende, Leonardo
(Economic Theory, 2009 vol 38 no 1, pp. 169- 185)
eBay and Yahoo allow sellers to list their auctions with a buy
price at which a bidder may purchase the item immediately.
On eBay, the buy-now option disappears once a bid is placed,
while on Yahoo the buy-now option remains in effect
throughout the auction. We show that when bidders are risk
averse, both types of auctions raise seller revenue for a wide
range of buy prices.
In a complex procurement a buyer may consider biasing the
auction rules in order to account for differences in product
characteristics offered by the sellers. This paper studies the
gathering, disclosure and use of information about this bias.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 38 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Auctions with costly information acquisition / Crémer,
Jacques & Spiegel, Yossi & Zheng, Charles Z. (Economic
Theory, 2009 vol 38 no 1, pp. 41- 72)
We characterize optimal selling mechanisms in auction
environments where bidders must incur a cost to learn their
valuations. These mechanisms specify for each period, as a
function of the bids in previous periods, which new potential
buyers should be asked to bid.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 38 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Auction design with opportunity cost / Lu, Jingfeng
(Economic Theory, 2009 vol 38 no 1, pp. 73- 103)
This paper studies revenue-maximizing auctions in an
independent private value setting where potential bidders have
known positive opportunity cost of bidding.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 38 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Commitment in sequential auctioning : Advance listings
and threshold prices / Zeithammer, Robert (Economic
Theory, 2009 vol 38 no 1, pp. 187- 216)
This paper models sequential auctioning of two perfect
substitutes by a strategic seller, who learns about demand
fromt he first-auction price. The seller hodls the second
auction only when the remaining demand is strong enough to
cover her opportunity cost.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 38 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
658.849.11 (492)
Capital structure determinants and governance structure
variety in franchising / Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit ;
2009, 123 p.
Strategic debt in vertical relations. The determinants of
leverage and maturity in franchising : evidence in the
Netherlands. An incomplete contracting model of governance
structure variety.
152 147
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 38 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Simultaneous ascending auctions with complementarities
and known budget constraints / Brusco, Sandro & Lopomo,
Guiseppe (Economic Theory, 2009 vol 38 no 1, pp. 105- 124)
We study simultaneous ascending auctions of two identical
objects when bidders are financially constrained and their
valuations exhibit complementarities.
P 00853 ALL 2009 vol 38 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 A III
Revealing information in auctions : The allocation effect /
Board, Simon (Economic Theory, 2009 vol 38 no 1, pp. 125135)
When there are two bidders, releasing independent
information in an English auction with private values makes
the seller worse off. However, this is no longer true with more
Retailer brands and the impact on innovativeness in the
grocery market / Anselmsson, Johan & Johansson, Ulf
(Journal of Marketing Management, 2009 vol 25 no 1/ 2, pp.
75- 95)
The purpose of the paper is to examine the degree of
innovation in the grocery category and analyse to what extent
the presence and growth of retailer brands influence
innovativeness in different grocery categories from a customer
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
perspective. Using the Swedish grocery market, 34 grocery
categories were studied from 2000 to 2004. Data from Gfk
household panel data, Mintel database of product releases
and face-to-face interviews with consumers are used. The
paper uses four alternative measures of category
innovativeness capturing different levels of consumer
P 00842 GRBR 2009 vol 25 no 1/ 2 SALLE/ZAAL: 50 G III
What happens when wal-mart comes to town : an
empirical analysis of the discount retailing industry. / Jia,
Panle (Econometrica, 2008 vol 76 no 6, pp. 1263- 1316)
This paper develops an empirical model to assess the
impact of chain stores on otherdiscount retailers and to
quantity the size on the scale economies within a chain. The
model has two key features . First, it allows for flexible
competition patterns among all players. Second, for chains, it
incorporates the scale economies that arise from operating
multiple stores in nearby regions.
P 00193 EU 2008 vol 76 no 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 16 J I
658.87 (493)
Schijnzelfstandigheid / Dooms, Vincent & Messiaen, Tom
Gent: Larcier ; 2008, 235 p.
Een moeizame poging tot begripsbepaling. De initiatieven
tot probleemoplossing. De herkwalificatie van een zelfstandige
overeenkomst. Socialezekerheidspositie. De gevolgen van de
herkwalificatie. Gevolgen op het vlak van de sociale zekerheid
151 975
PAGE 190
658.87 (493.23)
Quelques données pour une étude de marché dans le
secteur du commerce de détail en alimentation : province
du Brabant Wallon / Bruxelles: Ministère des Classes
Moyennes et de l'Agriculture ; 2002, p.m.
Relevé des hypermarchés et des supermarchés.
Cartographie : localisation par section de commune. Relevé
des supérettes. Evolution démographique de chaque
152 248
658.87 (493.3)
Gegevens voor een marktstudie in de sector van de
West-Vlaanderen / Brussel: Ministerie van Middenstand en
Landbouw ; 2002, p.m.
Opname van de hypermarkten en supermarkten.
Cartografie: situering per deelgemeente. Opname van de
superettes. Bevolkingsevolutie in elke gemeente.
152 255
658.87 (493.3)
Gegevens voor een marktstudie in de sector van de
Vlaams-Brabant / Brussel: Ministerie van Middenstand en
Landbouw ; 2002, p.m.
Opname van de hypermarkten en supermarkten.
Cartografie: situering per deelgemeente. Opname van de
superettes. Bevolkingsevolutie in elke gemeente.
152 257
658.87 (493.1)
Gegevens voor een marktstudie in de sector van de
kleinhandel in voedingsprodukten : Provincie Antwerpen /
Brussel: Ministerie van Middenstand en Landbouw ; 2002,
Opname van de hypermarkten en supermarkten.
Cartografie: situering per deelgemeente. Opname van de
superettes. Bevolkingsevolutie in elke gemeente.
152 256
658.87 (493.4)
Gegevens voor een marktstudie in de sector van de
Oost-Vlaanderen / Brussel: Ministerie van Middenstand en
Landbouw ; 2002, p.m.
Opname van de hypermarkten en supermarkten.
Cartografie: situering per deelgemeente. Opname van de
superettes. Bevolkingsevolutie in elke gemeente.
152 254
658.87 (493.21)
Quelques données pour une étude de marché dans le
secteur du commerce de détail en alimentation : région de
Bruxelles-Capitale / Bruxelles: Ministère des Classes
Moyennes et de l'Agriculture ; 2002, p.m.
Relevé des hypermarchés et des supermarchés.
Cartographie : localisation par section de commune. Relevé
des supérettes. Evolution démographique de chaque
152 247
658.87 (493.5)
Quelques données pour une étude de marché dans le
secteur du commerce de détail en alimentation : province
de Hainaut / Bruxelles: Ministère des Classes Moyennes et
de l'Agriculture ; 2002, p.m.
Relevé des hypermarchés et des supermarchés.
Cartographie : localisation par section de commune. Relevé
des supérettes. Evolution démographique de chaque
152 249
658.87 (493.21)
Gegevens voor een marktstudie in de sector van de
Hoofdstedelijk Gewest / Brussel: Ministerie van Middenstand
en Landbouw ; 2002, p.m.
Opname van de hypermarkten en supermarkten.
Cartografie: situering per deelgemeente. Opname van de
superettes. Bevolkingsevolutie in elke gemeente.
152 258
658.87 (493.6)
Quelques données pour une étude de marché dans le
secteur du commerce de détail en alimentation : province
de Liège / Bruxelles: Ministère des Classes Moyennes et de
l'Agriculture ; 2002, p.m.
Relevé des hypermarchés et des supermarchés.
Cartographie : localisation par section de commune. Relevé
des supérettes. Evolution démographique de chaque
152 250
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
658.87 (493.7)
Gegevens voor een marktstudie in de sector van de
kleinhandel in voedingsprodukten : Provincie Limburg /
Brussel: Ministerie van Middenstand en Landbouw ; 2002,
Opname van de hypermarkten en supermarkten.
Cartografie: situering per deelgemeente. Opname van de
superettes. Bevolkingsevolutie in elke gemeente.
152 253
658.87 (493.8)
Quelques données pour une étude de marché dans le
secteur du commerce de détail en alimentation : province
de Luxembourg / Bruxelles: Ministère des Classes Moyennes
et de l'Agriculture ; 2002, p.m.
Relevé des hypermarchés et des supermarchés.
Cartographie : localisation par section de commune. Relevé
des supérettes. Evolution démographique de chaque
152 251
658.87 (493.9)
Quelques données pour une étude de marché dans le
secteur du commerce de détail en alimentation : province
de Namur / Bruxelles: Ministère des Classes Moyennes et de
l'Agriculture ; 2002, p.m.
Relevé des hypermarchés et des supermarchés.
Cartographie : localisation par section de commune. Relevé
des supérettes. Evolution démographique de chaque
152 252
658.87 (493=393)
Informatiedossier : wat maakt werk werbaar bij
determinanten van werkbaar werk op basis van de
ondernemers 2007 / Brussel: SERV ; 2009, 43 p.
De globale context van de Vlaamse werkbaarheidsmonitor.
Psychische vermoeidheid. Welbevinden in het werk.
Leermogelijkheden. Werk-privé-balans.
152 344
658.87 (493=393)
P 00935 GRBR 2009 vol 17 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 45 E II
658.87 (73)
Employee attitudes, customer satisfaction, and sales
performance : Assessing the linkages in US grocery
stores / Simon, Daniel H. & Gomez, Miguel I. & McLaughlin,
Edward W. & Wittink, Dick R. (Managerial and Decision
Economics (MDE), 2009 vol 30 no 1, pp. 27- 41)
Using store-level panel data for a major supermarket
company, we investigate the linkages between employee
attitudes, customer satisfaction, and sales performance, while
controlling for observed and unobserved differences across
P 00792 GRBR 2009 vol 30 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 C III
658.871.6 (493.1)
Gegevens voor een marktstudie in de sector van de
kleinhandel in voedingsprodukten : Provincie Antwerpen /
Brussel: Ministerie van Middenstand en Landbouw ; 2002,
Opname van de hypermarkten en supermarkten.
Cartografie: situering per deelgemeente. Opname van de
superettes. Bevolkingsevolutie in elke gemeente.
152 256
658.871.6 (493.21)
Quelques données pour une étude de marché dans le
secteur du commerce de détail en alimentation : région de
Bruxelles-Capitale / Bruxelles: Ministère des Classes
Moyennes et de l'Agriculture ; 2002, p.m.
Relevé des hypermarchés et des supermarchés.
Cartographie : localisation par section de commune. Relevé
des supérettes. Evolution démographique de chaque
152 247
658.871.6 (493.21)
Gegevens voor een marktstudie in de sector van de
Hoofdstedelijk Gewest / Brussel: Ministerie van Middenstand
en Landbouw ; 2002, p.m.
Opname van de hypermarkten en supermarkten.
Cartografie: situering per deelgemeente. Opname van de
superettes. Bevolkingsevolutie in elke gemeente.
Werkbaar werk bij werknemers (2004-2007) en
zelfstandige ondernemers (2007) / Brussel: SERV ; 2009, 40
Wat wordt gemeten met de werkbaarheidsmonitor ? Hoe
wordt in de werkbaarheidsmonitor de kwaliteit van de arbeid
gemeten ? Wat kunt u doen met de resultaten ? Bestaan in
andere landen ook dergelijke monitors ?
152 345
658.87 (560)
Sustainability in the Turkish retailing industry / Erol, Ismail
& Cakar, Nigar & Erel, Derya & Sari, Ramazan (Sustainable
Development, 2009 vol 17 no 1, pp. 49- 67)
In this paper, given the importance of grocery retailers in
sustainable development and the need for further
investigation, we develop a tool to measure and evaluate
progress in sustainability performances of grocery retailers in
152 258
658.871.6 (493.23)
Quelques données pour une étude de marché dans le
secteur du commerce de détail en alimentation : province
du Brabant Wallon / Bruxelles: Ministère des Classes
Moyennes et de l'Agriculture ; 2002, p.m.
Relevé des hypermarchés et des supermarchés.
Cartographie : localisation par section de commune. Relevé
des supérettes. Evolution démographique de chaque
152 248
658.871.6 (493.3)
Gegevens voor een marktstudie in de sector van de
West-Vlaanderen / Brussel: Ministerie van Middenstand en
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
PAGE 192
Landbouw ; 2002, p.m.
et de l'Agriculture ; 2002, p.m.
Opname van de hypermarkten en supermarkten.
Cartografie: situering per deelgemeente. Opname van de
superettes. Bevolkingsevolutie in elke gemeente.
Relevé des hypermarchés et des supermarchés.
Cartographie : localisation par section de commune. Relevé
des supérettes. Evolution démographique de chaque
152 255
152 251
658.871.6 (493.3)
Gegevens voor een marktstudie in de sector van de
Vlaams-Brabant / Brussel: Ministerie van Middenstand en
Landbouw ; 2002, p.m.
Opname van de hypermarkten en supermarkten.
Cartografie: situering per deelgemeente. Opname van de
superettes. Bevolkingsevolutie in elke gemeente.
152 257
658.871.6 (493.9)
Quelques données pour une étude de marché dans le
secteur du commerce de détail en alimentation : province
de Namur / Bruxelles: Ministère des Classes Moyennes et de
l'Agriculture ; 2002, p.m.
Relevé des hypermarchés et des supermarchés.
Cartographie : localisation par section de commune. Relevé
des supérettes. Evolution démographique de chaque
152 252
658.871.6 (493.4)
Gegevens voor een marktstudie in de sector van de
Oost-Vlaanderen / Brussel: Ministerie van Middenstand en
Landbouw ; 2002, p.m.
Opname van de hypermarkten en supermarkten.
Cartografie: situering per deelgemeente. Opname van de
superettes. Bevolkingsevolutie in elke gemeente.
152 254
658.871.6 (493.5)
Quelques données pour une étude de marché dans le
secteur du commerce de détail en alimentation : province
de Hainaut / Bruxelles: Ministère des Classes Moyennes et
de l'Agriculture ; 2002, p.m.
Relevé des hypermarchés et des supermarchés.
Cartographie : localisation par section de commune. Relevé
des supérettes. Evolution démographique de chaque
152 249
658.871.6 (493.6)
Quelques données pour une étude de marché dans le
secteur du commerce de détail en alimentation : province
de Liège / Bruxelles: Ministère des Classes Moyennes et de
l'Agriculture ; 2002, p.m.
Relevé des hypermarchés et des supermarchés.
Cartographie : localisation par section de commune. Relevé
des supérettes. Evolution démographique de chaque
152 250
658.871.6 (73)
Employee attitudes, customer satisfaction, and sales
performance : Assessing the linkages in US grocery
stores / Simon, Daniel H. & Gomez, Miguel I. & McLaughlin,
Edward W. & Wittink, Dick R. (Managerial and Decision
Economics (MDE), 2009 vol 30 no 1, pp. 27- 41)
Using store-level panel data for a major supermarket
company, we investigate the linkages between employee
attitudes, customer satisfaction, and sales performance, while
controlling for observed and unobserved differences across
P 00792 GRBR 2009 vol 30 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 C III
Vertical restraints and horizontal control / Innes, Robert &
Hamilton, Stephen F. (The Rand Journal of Economics, 2009
vol 40 no 1, pp. 120- 143)
This article considers vertical restraints in a setting in which
duopoly retailers each sell more than one manufactured good.
Applications are developed for supermarket retailing, where
the manufacturer of a national brand seeks to control the retail
pricing of a supermarket's private label, and for convenience
stores, where a gasoline provider seeks to control the retail
pricing of an in-store composite consumption good
P 00642 EU 2009 vol 40 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 24 L II
Why pay? An introduction to payments economics / Kahn,
Charles M. & Roberds, William (Journal of Financial
Intermediation, 2009 vol 18 no 1, pp. 1- 23)
This paper surveys the growing literature on payments.
658.871.6 (493.7)
Gegevens voor een marktstudie in de sector van de
kleinhandel in voedingsprodukten : Provincie Limburg /
Brussel: Ministerie van Middenstand en Landbouw ; 2002,
Opname van de hypermarkten en supermarkten.
Cartografie: situering per deelgemeente. Opname van de
superettes. Bevolkingsevolutie in elke gemeente.
152 253
P 00784 EU 2009 vol 18 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 34 C II
658.88 (410)
Retail banking / Pond, Keith London: ; 2008, 184 p.
The UK banking environment. How do banks work? Banks
and the economy. Banking legislation. The banker-customer
relationship. The operation of bank accounts. Payment
systems. Elementary lending. Banking securities.
152 123
658.871.6 (493.8)
Quelques données pour une étude de marché dans le
secteur du commerce de détail en alimentation : province
de Luxembourg / Bruxelles: Ministère des Classes Moyennes
Data mining and market intelligence for optimal marketing
returns / Chiu, Susan Amsterdam, Boston, Heidelberg:
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
Elsevier ; 2007, 280 p.
Marketing spending models and optimization. Metrics
overview. Multi-channel campaign performance reporting and
optimization. Understanding the market through marketing
research. Audience segmentation. Data mining for customer
acquisition, retention, and growth. Data mining for
cross-selling and bundled marketing. Web analytics. Search
marketing analytics.
151 703
Does online relationship marketing enhance customer
retention and cross-buying? / Liang, Chiung-Ju & Chen,
Hui-Ju & Wang, Wen-Hung (The Service Industries Journal,
2008 vol 28 no 5/ 6, pp. 769- 787)
Using survey data form 766 online customers of a securities
corporation, the results demonstrate the effectiveness of
relationship marketing as it positively influences online
customers' perception then their loyalty, and ultimately, their
actual purchase behavior.
P 00856 GRBR 2008 vol 28 no 5/ 6 SALLE/ZAAL: 43 H II
Informedness and customer-centric revenue management
/ Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit ; 2009, 166 p.
The recent pervasive adoption of advanced information
technologies profoundly changes the availability of information
to customers and firms. This improved information endowment
has affected consumer behavior and poses new challenges for
corporate strategy.
151 933
This study tests the relationship between price changes of
different baskets of goods and services and consumer inflation
perception in Poland
P 00790 EU 2009 vol 51 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 26 K II
658.89.013 (510)
Does country-of-origin matter in the relationship between
brand personality and purchase intention in emerging
economies? Evidence from China's auto industry / Wang,
Xuehua & Yang, Zhilin (International Marketing Review, 2008
vol 25 no 4, pp. 458- 474)
The purpose of this paper aims to investigate the
relationship between brand personality, country-of-origin
(COO) image and purchase intention. Specifically, it is
suggested that COO image exerts both main and interaction
impact on purchase intention.
P 00852 GRBR 2008 vol 25 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 50 G I
658.89.013 (94)
Country-of-origin: competing perspectives on product
familiarity and product involvement / Josiassen, Alexander
& Lukas, Bryan A. & Whitwell, Gregory J. (International
Marketing Review, 2008 vol 25 no 4, pp. 423- 440)
This study was undertaken to clarify how product familiarity
and product involvement can moderate the importance that
consumers place on COO image when they evaluate products
for purchase or consumption. The authors adopted a
contingency approach and empirically examined, by way of
competing hypotheses, the alternative possibilities by which
product familiarity and product involvement may influence the
importance that consumers place on COO image when they
evaluate products.
P 00852 GRBR 2008 vol 25 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 50 G I
Product-country images in the arts: a multi-country study
/ d'Astous, Alain & Giraud Voss, Zannie & Colbert, François &
Carù, Antonella & Caldwell, Marylouise & Courvoisier,
François H. (International Marketing Review, 2008 vol 25 no 4,
pp. 379- 403)
The objective of this study is to examine the impact that
country of origin may have on consumer perceptions of artistic
and cultural products and to explore the variables that explain
how consumers form their perceptions of countries as
producers of cultural products.
P 00852 GRBR 2008 vol 25 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 50 G I
Product-country images in the arts: a multi-country study
/ d'Astous, Alain & Giraud Voss, Zannie & Colbert, François &
Carù, Antonella & Caldwell, Marylouise & Courvoisier,
François H. (International Marketing Review, 2008 vol 25 no 4,
pp. 379- 403)
The objective of this study is to examine the impact that
country of origin may have on consumer perceptions of artistic
and cultural products and to explore the variables that explain
how consumers form their perceptions of countries as
producers of cultural products.
P 00852 GRBR 2008 vol 25 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 50 G I
Asymmetric effects of brand origin confusion: evidence
from the emerging market of China / Zhuang, Guijun &
Wang, Xuehua & Zhou, Lianxi & Zhou, Nan (International
Marketing Review, 2008 vol 25 no 4, pp. 441- 457)
The purpose of this study investigates the asymmetric
effects of brand origin confusion (BOC) on consumer
preference and the purchase of local versus foreign brands in
China. This study intends to help to explain from a new angle
the decreasing competitiveness of foreign brands in emerging
ùarkets, such as China.
P 00852 GRBR 2008 vol 25 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 50 G I
Asymmetric effects of brand origin confusion: evidence
from the emerging market of China / Zhuang, Guijun &
Wang, Xuehua & Zhou, Lianxi & Zhou, Nan (International
Marketing Review, 2008 vol 25 no 4, pp. 441- 457)
The purpose of this study investigates the asymmetric
effects of brand origin confusion (BOC) on consumer
preference and the purchase of local versus foreign brands in
China. This study intends to help to explain from a new angle
the decreasing competitiveness of foreign brands in emerging
ùarkets, such as China.
P 00852 GRBR 2008 vol 25 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 50 G I
658.89.013 (438)
Is inflation perceived by Polish consumers driven by
prices of frequently bought goods and services? / Lyziak,
Tomasz (Comparative Economic Studies, 2009 vol 51 no 1,
pp. 100- 117)
658.8:339.564 (417) (931)
Role of international trade shows in small firm
internationalization: a network perspective / Evers,
Natasha & Knight, John (International Marketing Review, 2008
vol 25 no 5, pp. 544- 562)
Accroissements Bibliothèque FONDS QUETELET: 5-2009
The impact of trade shows on the internationalization of
participating small exporting firms in terms of growth and
expansion has gone largely unstudied, as has their
effectiveness in network-building activities. Using the network
model of internationalization, the purpose of this paper is to
investigate the role international trade shows play in the
internationalization process of small exporting firms in Ireland
and New Zealand (NZ).
P 00852 GRBR 2008 vol 25 no 5 SALLE/ZAAL: 50 G I
658.8:339.564 (481) (489)
The importance of the internet in international
business-to-business markets / Moen, Øystein & Madsen,
Tage Koed & Aspelund, Arild (International Marketing Review,
2008 vol 25 no 5, pp. 487- 503)
The purpose of this paper is to provide empirical evidence
on the actual use and market performance effects of
information and communication technologies (ICT) with regard
to international business-to-business marketing activities of
small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
P 00852 GRBR 2008 vol 25 no 5 SALLE/ZAAL: 50 G I
658.8:339.564 (510)
Does country-of-origin matter in the relationship between
brand personality and purchase intention in emerging
economies? Evidence from China's auto industry / Wang,
Xuehua & Yang, Zhilin (International Marketing Review, 2008
vol 25 no 4, pp. 458- 474)
The purpose of this paper aims to investigate the
relationship between brand personality, country-of-origin
(COO) image and purchase intention. Specifically, it is
suggested that COO image exerts both main and interaction
impact on purchase intention.
P 00852 GRBR 2008 vol 25 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 50 G I
658.8:339.564 (94)
Country-of-origin: competing perspectives on product
familiarity and product involvement / Josiassen, Alexander
& Lukas, Bryan A. & Whitwell, Gregory J. (International
Marketing Review, 2008 vol 25 no 4, pp. 423- 440)
This study was undertaken to clarify how product familiarity
and product involvement can moderate the importance that
consumers place on COO image when they evaluate products
for purchase or consumption. The authors adopted a
contingency approach and empirically examined, by way of
competing hypotheses, the alternative possibilities by which
product familiarity and product involvement may influence the
importance that consumers place on COO image when they
evaluate products.
P 00852 GRBR 2008 vol 25 no 4 SALLE/ZAAL: 50 G I
PAGE 194
658.8:658.2 (481) (489)
The importance of the internet in international
business-to-business markets / Moen, Øystein & Madsen,
Tage Koed & Aspelund, Arild (International Marketing Review,
2008 vol 25 no 5, pp. 487- 503)
The purpose of this paper is to provide empirical evidence
on the actual use and market performance effects of
information and communication technologies (ICT) with regard
to international business-to-business marketing activities of
small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
P 00852 GRBR 2008 vol 25 no 5 SALLE/ZAAL: 50 G I
Adapting the knowledge-capital model of the multinational
enterprise to trade and investment in business services /
Markusen, James R. & Strand, Bridget (The World Economy,
2009 vol 32 no 1, pp. 6- 29)
Trade and foreign direct investment (FDI) in business
services as received a lot of attention from economists,
politicians and business journalists. It is not quite clear why
this is the case, but we suspect that there is a concern about
the loss of skilled and semi-skilled white-collar jobs to
developing countries.
P 00773 GRBR 2009 vol 32 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 27 F I
Technology sourcing and performance of foreign
subsidiaries in Greece: the impact of MNE and local
environment contexts / Manolopoulos, Dimitris & Dimitratos,
Pavlos & Young, Stephen & Lioukas, Spyros (Management
International Review, 2009 vol 49 no 1, pp. 43- 60)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of
two categories of sources of technology on subsidiary
performance. These technology sources can be associated
either with the internal Multinational Enterprise (MNE) system;
or, the local environment in which the subsidiary is based.
P 00774 GX 2009 vol 49 no 1 SALLE/ZAAL: 40 B III
658:304 (497.11)
The determinants of entrepreneurship and small business
growth in Kosova: evidence from new and established
firms / Krasniqi, Besnik A. & Shiroka-Pula, Justina & Kutllovci,
Enver (International Journal of Entrepreneurship and
Innovation Management (IJEIM), 2008 vol 8 no 3, pp. 320342)
This paper aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the
important factors explaining small firm growth contextualised
in a very unique transition economy - Kosova.
P 00637 SS 2008 vol 8 no 3 SALLE/ZAAL: 42 E II
658.8:658.2 (438) (471.1)
Market driving multinationals and their global sourcing
network / Ghauri, Pervez N. & Tarnovskaya, Veronika & Elg,
Ulf (International Marketing Review, 2008 vol 25 no 5, pp. 504519)
Culture and auditor choice : A test of the secrecy
hypothesis / Hope, Ole-Kristian & Kang, Tony & Thomas,
Wayne & KEUN YOU, JONG (Journal of Accounting and
Public Policy, 2008 vol 27 no 5, pp. 357- 373)
The purpose of this paper is to explore how a global supplier
network can support and contribute to a market driving
strategy. Theoretically, the paper contributes by integrating the
market driving strategy and the network approach. IKEA is
considered one of the leading market driving firms. The paper
studies its activities in establishing supplier networks in Russia
and Poland.
The purpose of this study is to investigate whether firms'
auditor choice relates to national culture.
P 00852 GRBR 2008 vol 25 no 5 SALLE/ZAAL: 50 G I
P 00593 EU 2008 vol 27 no 5 SALLE/ZAAL: 41 B III
Aanwinsten Bibliotheek QUETELETFONDS: 5-2009
659 (493)
Media in beweging : handboek voor de professional /
Musschoot, Iris & Lombaerts, Bart Leuven: LannooCampus ;
2008, 487 p.
Maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen met impact op de
verdienmodellen. Strategische hefbomen. De rol van de
overheid. Van fundamentele bedrijfsstrategie tot tactische