1317012804717news letter new


1317012804717news letter new
Vol 1 No 1 January 2011
Indian Chamber ushers in the New Year in Grand Style!
ICCI welcomed the New Year in a Grand
parents wh o assembled in large numbers to take
Style… with lively entertainment programs arranged part in the inaugural function and a lively enterat the newly renovated Children’s Park, which was tainment programme followed.They were treated with
pleasing visuals of
and is being
dances and songs
maintained by
thrown in a well
packaged show
Chamber for
hosted by profesmany years. The
sionals for two
days. The park
were kicked off
wore a festive look
by the Past
illuminated with
President and
decorative lights
founder member
and stars, which
of the Park
continued till the
committee Mr.
dawn of 2011.
N.P. Ouseph,
The President,
Mr N.P. Ouseph, Past Presdient of the chamber inaugurating New
who along with year celebrations.
Mr. P. Prathapachandran presided over the funcother office bearers was instrumental in conceivtion. Thanking the local Resident’s associations in the
ing a n d c o n st r u c t i n g t h e c h i l dr e n park de- area including Sujatha Residents Association and its
cades back, in a glittering function attended by
office bearers for bringing back the glorious past the
Mr. Ebrahim Kunju, MLA, Mr.TK Babu, local coun- park enjoyed in the minds of the residents in the locillor, Mr.TK Ashraf, M r. K J S o h a n , S t a n d i n g cality, Mr. Prathapachandran announced that
C o m m i t t e e Chairmen o f C o c h i n C o r - arrangments have been made to present culp o r a t i o n , a m o n g o t h ers.The Park played host tural programmes in the park on all second Satto numerous enthusiastic kids and their joyful urdays of every month. Any upcoming artiste can utilize the venue, free of cost, to showcase their talents by contacting the chamber officials. The play
equipments of the park is open to young adults upto
12 years of age from 4 pm till 8.30 pm on all days.
Indian Chamber ready to spread its
wings……………. and take off !
A scene from colorful and lively dance
p e r f o r m a n c e during Newyear programme at
the Children’s Park.
Negotiations are in the final
stages for starting a new office of the Chamber
at the Cochin International Airport area at
the CHA buildings near the Air Cargo Complex
with a view to provide better service to its
constituents. More details will follow.
The President joins the Committee Members in wishing all the Members of the IndianChamber and their families
jA joyous and prosperous New Year. j
View from the Top
From the President’s Desk
The corporate culture has imbibed the
theory of pyramid structure in heirarchy and it is
accepted that as you go up the pyramid, the view
becomes clearer. It is lonely at the top, is what
one hears in the corridor of CEO conclaves, and
that is the price one pays for ascendency.
Even in normal lives, one could see that
at the top the vision becomes clearer. In a bi-lane
traffic, the bus driver can see clearly ahead of him,
better than the person in the car in front of him.
The car following the bus could be in a favourble
position even if the driver can see only the bus
in front, and if he/she follows the bus, the result
is that most often, he/she reaches faster than the
rest. But does this apply to the person who looks
down from the top of the world, like the Mt
Everest for us. What could he/she be seeing from
there? Is the vision clear down on earth? or has
he/she lost touch with reality? Could it be
myopia or is it the real view? and how long can
one survive there? Minutes or may be seconds.
That takes us to some ground realities.
The view from the top need not always be clear
and the touch with realitycould be lost, if the climb
is higher than deserved. Also,it will be difficult to
hang on at the top for long. Translated to corporate
world, it could end up in disaster and Peter
principle takes over (In a hierarchy every
employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence).
In the present day context,we find many
breaking this principle, and the result is disastrous
for all. Should we find a self inflicting balance
imposed voluntarily. Any takers to lead?
Dear member,
It is with immense pleasure that
we present the first newsletter of
the chamber for the year. It's been
over three months since I took over
the reigns of the Chamber and the days have
been very hectic since then.
The global village has been witnessing
some of the diverse acts of nature. while we have
floods in Australia, the western world is covered
in knee deep snow, with a tremor in Haiti and
drought in someAfrican villages.
Not to be left behind, in India, we have
rollercoaster drive in double digit inflation
hovering back and forth to single digits, price
rise of essentials north bound than ever before,
petroleum prices and bank rates seeing upwards
revision on fortnightly basis, we are in for
dynamic changes than before. 'Change' being the
only constant, is itself witnessing dynamism in
every sphere of life.
Down in Kochi- from a moderate sleepy
haven we have woken up to multifarious
activities seen around. With the Vallarpadom
project becoming a reality next month to Kochi
imprinting a map in cricket world through IPL,
the city has never been a better place to live in.
At the Indian Chamber, we have
undertaken quite a few developmental activities in the past couple of months and have lined
up a host of action plans ahead. I am ecstatic in
sharing the info that the chamber is on the
threshold of attaining a membership of 500 on
its rolls for the first time, and a functional office
at Nedumbasserry airport also becoming a
reality in February.
Dear members, I request you all to be
part of our activities and join in your area
of interest. We welcome your suggestions.
It is my pleasure to wish all the members
and their families a fruitful New year ahead.
S. Ramakrishnan, COO
Quotable Quotes :
Dream is not what you see in sleep, Dream is
the thing which does not let you sleep.
If a man empty his purse into his head, no
man can take it away from him. An investment in
knowledge always pays the best dividends - Benjamin
Franklin, an American statesman and inventor
Visit Indian Chamber Website
P. Prathapachandran, President
West Kochi – Best Kochi
the central theme
M ayo r o f Ko c h i v i s i t s I n d i a n
Indian Chamber initiated a project to make the
‘west Kochi – the best Kochi’ in the coming months
by undertaking developmental activities and
associating with any organization in this regard. As
a first step towards realizing this objective, Indian
Chamber organized a ‘Mass Cleaning’ programme at
the Fort Kochi beach to clear the area of accumulated
weeds.This was inaugurated by Mr.P.Prathapachandran,
President, Indian Chamber of Commerce and
Industry, and included participation from Residents
Associations, Heritage Society, Tourism Dept, Ice
Cream vendors Association, Indian Navy among
others. Mr. Antony Kureethara, local Councillor also
took part. A meeting was held at the behest of the
Chamber with RDO, Police , Councillor, and
Representatives of the ResidentsAssociation at the
Chamber hall on 17 December 2010 to chalk out
future plans. A meeting with the District Collector
was also held by the President and the Chief
Operating Officer of the Chamber in this regard. The
Chamber has mooted the idea of making the Beach
area to be Plastic Free Zone and has assured all
s u p p o r t i n t he venture to any like minded
A warm reception was accorded to the newly
elected Mayor of the Kochi Corporation Mr. Tony
Chamany at the Chamber hall on November 24, 2010.
The Chamber Auditorium witnessed large gathering
including 24 Councillors representing various
d i v i s i o n s o f t h e C o r p o r a t i o n . T h e M ayo r
lauded the developmental role played by the
Indian Chamber to promote trade and commerce.
He also distributed about 500 CFL lamps, sponsored
by the Chamber, to local residents to inculcate the
Mayor Mr. Tony Chammany addressing the
member s of the Chamber. Also seen are M/s KJ
Sohan, Prathapachandran, JS Chawla & Bharat Khona
habit of conserving scarce energy resources. MK
Mehta MemorialAward to winners of Essay competition
held for the SSLC students was given away by the
Mayor. Mr. P. Prathapachandran, President, Indian
Chamber presided over the function and
M r. B h arat Khona proposed vote of thanks.
Brainstorming session with the
An informal gathering of the Past Presidents of the
Chamber was held on November 11, 2010 aimed
to seek suggestions and strategies, which could be
implemented, to restore the past glory enjoyed
by the Chamber in the vicinity for many decades. The
well-attended meeting spurned out many ideas worth
M r. P. P ra t h a p a c h a n d ra n , P re s i d e n t I n d i a n
Chamber inaugurating Mass cleaning drive at
Fort kochi beach initiated by the chamber.
The floating weeds accumulate daily hindering
cleaning operations.Though the result is not tangible
as of now, it is expected to be an ongoing process. A
separate committee under RDO will evaluate the
action plan in due course.
Session with Past Presidents in progress
pursuing, some of which will be put to practice in the
coming period. So, if you happen to notice healthy
changes in the functioning of the Chamber, you know
very well who to thank!!
G re e n Aw a r d a n d f re e S e e d Trade related news
Meeting with the Commissioner,
Green Award – instituted by the Chamber for Commercial Taxes, Kerala:
the first time will be awarded to an individual for the
best eco friendly project run by him/her. The criteria
and the selection process have already been
A meeting with Mr. Suman Billa IAS,
Commissioner, Commercial Taxes, Kerala was held
on November 12, 2010 at the Chamber auditorium,
based on a detailed memorandum submitted by the
chamber citing the hardships faced by various trade
bodies with regard to VAT. Representatives from
various trade bodies participated and interacted with
the Commissioner during the occasion. As an off
shoot of this meet, the Commissionerate organised
a seminar on November 30,2010 atTrivandrum where
representatives of the Cochin Rubber Merchants
Association were invited to present their views.
District Level VAT Consultative
Committee Meeting:
Vice President, Mr. PL Prakash James addressing the
intimated to all our members through separate
communication. All members are requested to utilize
the opportunity to go green and bag the Award.
Hon’ble Ministers Mullakara Ratnakaran and Benoy
Viswam have consented to participate in the
program scheduled in February 2011.
Some of the points discussed at the District
Level VAT Consultative Committee Meeting held on
13th October 2010, include Detention of vehicle
without valid and proper reasons, Non publication
of Departmental Circulars and Notification on the
Website and through Print media,Detention of goods
on the basis of Circular No.C2-13255/06/CT,
Sudden Departure from existing procedures
without prior discussions and giving breathing time
to the Trade for evolving the same, and problems
in E Declarations.
Meeting with Road Safety
Commissioner :
The Chamber initiated a meeting with the Road
Safety Commissioner on October 24, 2010 at the
Guest House, Ernakulam to discuss matters related to
movement of containers. Mr. Prathapachandran,
President and Mr. P L Prakash James,Vice-President
were present. On the basis of the discussions,
detailed submissions have been forwarded to the
Road Safety Commissioner, Trivandrum. It also
highlighted the difficulties faced by the exporters, if
the proposal to restrict the movement of containers
between 8.a.m. and 8.p.m, is implemented.
A cross section of the audience during the organic
farming meeting.
To promote organic terrace farming and
effective waste disposal among the residents, a
booklet outlining the scientific approach to be
inculcated is being distributed. The chamber places
on record the contributions of Mr. Rangdasa Prabhu,
President EDRAAC and Mr. A R S Vadyar, Director
Yasoram Charitable Trust in this project.A follow-up
meeting is being organized in coming days with
representatives of ResidentAssociations.For further
details, kindly contact the Chamber Secretariat.
shared by Bhavan’s Royal Institute of Management, and
Albertian Institute of Management. Panel of judges
included Ms.Christina (Project Coordinator,UNESCO),
Mr. Chvb Chari (Regional Manager, Central Bank
of India), and Mr.RV Kilikar (Prinicpal, SRBS, Cochin).
News and Events
MK Mehta Memorial Essay
Competition for School Students:
The Chamber conducted M K Mehta
Memorial Essay Competition for SSLC Students
from the Schools inWest Kochi on October 20,2010.
Twenty two Students from various schools participated in the competition.The winners were awarded
prizes by worshipful Mayor of Cochin Corporation.
Donation of Books to Iqubal
Librar y:
The Chamber in association with Lions Club
donated books to Iqubal Library on October 23, 2010
at a function inaugurated by.Mr.Anwar Hashim. Mr. P.
Prathapachandran, Chamber President donated
the books on behalf of the Chamber.
Elocution Contest for College
The 46th A D Shroff Memorial Inter-Collegiate Elocution Contest was conducted by the Chamber on behalf of the Forum of Free Enterprise, Mumbai
on October 20, 2010. The contest open to college
students was to encourage the young generation to
present their views on current topics of interest
therby improving public speaking skills. The topics for
this year included The Telecom revolution in India,
Emergency of India as a hub for global Automobile
industry, Industrial disasters – Lessons from Bhopal
tragedy, Educational reforms – significance to right to
education.The keenly fought contest saw Ms Asna M
Nesrin, U C College, Aluva, Ms Nithya Ramesh,
Maharajas College,Ernakulam,and Ms DeepaVenugopal,
Cochin College, Cochin, emerging as winners.
A trip to remember:
The chamber organized a pleasure trip for the
students and family members of the students of DISHA,
an institution for specially abled children on
December 12, 2010 toVeegaland.Teachers and staff
members accompanied them. Some of the students and
parents narrated the experience they had at the
amusement park during the X-Mas function organized
by DISHA. It is heartening to note that DISHA,
promoted by the Chamber is running successfully for
the past many years in the chamber premises.
Members are welcome to forward their suggestions
for the improvement of this project.
Blood Donation Camp:
All Kerala Bank Employees Federation,Cochin
Town Committee organized a Blood Donation Camp
at the Chamber Auditorium in association with the
Chamber on November 11, 2010. President,
Mr. P. Prathapachandran, presided over the function
which was inaugurated by the Asst Commissioner of
Police,Mattancherry,Mr.Mohammed Rafeeq.
Presentation contest for B School
The Chamber in association with Forum of free
Enterprises, Mumbai organised the Presentation
Contest for Management Students. B school students
Chamber Halls on rent
Chamber has two air-conditioned halls
with matching facilities to offer to hold your
b u s i n e s s m e e t i n g s a t n o m i n a l re n t . T h e
a u d i t o rium has a capacity of 125 pax and the
Board room can accommodate about 25
So, the next time you plan to organize any
event, think of the Chamber Halls!!!!!
Please dropin/contact the chamber
office for further details.
Presentation by B School Students in progress
from various colleges participated. Team from SCMS
School of Technology and Management,Cochin bagged
the first place, followed by Rajagiri Centre for
Business Studies at second place.The third place was
Forthcoming Programmes
Members Directory
January 25, 2011:
The Chamber is bringing out a directory
of members which will have all contact details etc.
The members are requested to update their
current details with the Chamber office at the
earliest. Advertisement support is essential in
this venture and it is gratifying to note that some
members have responded positively to our
request in this regard. Members are once again
requested to come forward to contribute by way
of advertisement or by referring other
potential clients, to make the publication of
directory a success.
Clients Meet – A meeting with the clients
of the Indian Chamber of Commerce and
Industry will be held at the Durbar Hall, Hotel
Casino, Wellington Island on Tuesday, January 25,
February 2011
Inauguration of Nedumbassery Airport
office of the Indian Chamber at Airport Cargo
Complex, CHA Buildings, CIAL. Details will be
intimated soon.
February 4, 2011:
Seminar on INCOTERMS 2010 RULES &
SCHEMES in association with Federation of Indian
Export Organisations at Grand Ball Room, Hotel
Abad Plaza, Ernakulam on Friday, February, 4, 2011.
February 2011
Indian Chamber of Commerce and
Industry has been issuing Certificates of Origin,
Quality,Weighment-Measurement as well asAttesting
Commercial Documents, which are internationally
accepted. This service is made use of by the
expor ting community. The Chamber also
disseminates important information-data of
concern and interest to the business community.
The Chamber has also been taking keen interest in
the overall economic development of the State.The
Chamber also organises periodical interactive
meetings for exchange of views between the
representatives of the Government and the
business community on matters connected with
promotion of industry and trade. The Chamber
provides support to facilitate the EXIM sector in
getting Export related documents legalized from all
Arab and Foreign Embassies/Consulates.Anyone
interested in getting our services are welcome to
contact the chamber office.
Nani A. Palkhivala memorial elocution
contest for law students: In association with
Forum for Free Enterprises, Mumbai. Details will
be shared in due course.
Mr. S Ramakrishnan appointed
as COO
February 17, 2011
Indian Fisheries ’2011: A Seminar in
association with Infrastructure and Logistics
Federation of India and Confederation of Indian
Small and Medium Enterprises on Thursday,
F e b r u a r y 1 7 , 2 011 at Hotel Le Meridien,
Kundanoor, Cochin.
February 18/19, 2011:
A Catalogue Exhibition of Taiwanese
Machinery in association with Taiwan Chamber
of Commerce will be held at Ramavarma Club,
Ernakulam from 10 am to 7pm on Friday and
Saturday, February 18 and 19 2011. All members
are requested to participate.
February 2011.
A national trade meet in association with
Forwards Markets Commission and national
commodity exchanges viz. NMCE, NCDEX and
MCX.The details will be shared in due course.
Mr S. Ramakrishnan took charge as
the Chief Operating Officer of the
Chamber. He is a graduate mechanical
engineer and is also a post graduate
in Business Administration. He
brings with him more than 25 years of professional
experience in varied fields. Please join the
President in welcoming Mr Ramakrishnan on
The website of the chamber is getting a facelift with
many interactive features being added. Kindly visit
the website regularly www.iccicochin.com
for updated information on the activities of the
chamber and other related news and information.
operate an International Container Transhipment
Terminal (ICTT) atVallarpadam, the person who laid
the foundation stone,Dr.Manmohan Singh,is expected
to declare open the Terminal in February 2011.Thus
Vallarpadom finds its place in the maritime map of India
as the largest single operator terminal in India to
operate in SEZ. Strategically located on the main
east-west global shipping lines and offering a draft of
14.5 m, Cochin is expected to free India's dependence
on foreign ports like Sri Lanka, Dubai and Singapore, to
handle transhipment.
Citizens Forum Meeting:
Mr. P. Prathapachandran, President
represented the chamber in two meetings convened
by the District Collector on November 2, and 4, .2010
to discuss matters related to city development. It was
decided to form joint ventures with Chambers of
Commerce, CREDAI, Residents Associations and
various trade bodies to provide support to the
Meet with the Fourth Estate:
The President addressed a media meet
organized by the Chamber at the Auditorium on
November 8, 2010. He discussed the plans and
roadmap of the chamber in the coming year to
address issues of development activities charted out.
Representatives from Press and Media participated in
the meeting.
Chat with CEO, India Gateway Terminal
The man at the helm of overseeing the
transition to Vallarpadom is Mr.
Krishnadas, the new CEO of IGTL, a subsidiary of DP World. We are ready to
shift and are awaiting the dates of Dr.
Singh, he says.The first phase will have a
capacity of 1 millionTEUs consisting of 600 metres of
quay out oftotal 1800 meters planned. Eleven RT Gantries and fourTwin lift quay cranes (ship to shore) are
ready and operational, quips Mr Krishnadas. This will
improve yard handling, truck turnaround time and
quayside operations. Ro-Ro ship facility will be used
between Vallarpadom and the present RGCT, which
will be reduced to stuffing centre for EXIM activities.
ICTT - an update
ICTT took several years in the making and
went through three rounds of auction.The Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co.Ltd (P&O Ports),
the British port operating company had successfully
bid for the Vallarpadam project in 1999. The Union
government later scrapped the bid because it felt that
given the involvement of P&O in Colombo, Vallarpadam
would not be developed to its full potential. As fate
would have it, DP World, the world’s fourth biggest
container port operator majority owned by the Dubai
Committee Members of the
Indian Chamber for the year
Shri P Prathapachandran* - President
Shri P L Prakash James*
- Vice-President,
Shri Jasbir Singh Chawla* - Imm. Past President
Shri A A Abdul Azeez, Shri Abraham Philip, Shri
Amar Bahadur Singh, Shri Anwar Hashim*, Shri
Arvind P Patel, Shri Baiju Ramachandran, Shri
Bakul V Shah, Shri Balagopala B Pai*, Shri
Benzy Jose, Shri Bharat N Khona*, Shri Divij
R Agarwal , Shri G P Goyal, Shri Malaykumar
Ratilal, Shri M Prabhaker Kini, Shri Nishesh Shah*,
Shri P M Muraleedharan, Shri P M Premkumar, Shri
Raj Kumar Gupta , Shri R Mohandas*, Shri Sadiq H
Kapasi*, ShriTA Kaleelur Rahman, ShriVikash Kumar
Singhal*, Shri V F Pious, Shri Viresh D Khona &
ShriViswanath Agarwal are members.
government, won a 30-year contract in a public
auction in 2004 for developing and operating the
Vallarpadam terminal.It was allowed to operate the
existing Rajiv Gandhi container terminal (RGCT) at
Cochin port for eight years or till it constructed and
shifted operations toVallarpadam. Soon after in 2006
DP world bought P&O in a global takeover. DPWorld
later sold its stake in the Colombo terminal , 16% which
P&O had, to avoid a possible conflict of interest.
Nearly six years after signing the agreement
(16th February 2005) to construct, develop and
*Standing Committee Members
Cochin - The fastest growing
maritime gateway
the first of August, 1936.Simultaneously, the harbour
administration was taken over by the Government of
India and Sir.Robert Bristow was appointed as the first
administrative officer of the Port.The administration
is now vested with the board of trustees appointed
by Government of India.
The Queen of Arabian Sea- Cochin, enjoying
its ecstatic backwaters. silhouetted with the beauty of
palm trees. known for its tourist fascination, is also
known for being one of the major seaports of India.The
first e-port of India,administered by Cochin PortTrust
compliments uniquely with the largest shipyard in
India,the Cochin Shipyard.Apart from the two tough
pillars - Cochin port and shipyard,the city of Cochin
vows much more with World's finest international
cruise terminal, an eco-friendly marina - between
Marine Drive and Bolgatty Island will accommodate
50 luxury yachts, Asias largest oceanarium - spread
over 44acres on PPP model with Rs. 300 crores at
New Vypeen, the Vallarpadam ICTT project, the
mega reactor in Kochi Refinery and a regional campus
at Cochin port from Indian Maritime University (IMU)
- making Cochin the dream come true Maritime Hub.
Cochin is topping the maritime list.
The modern port of Cochin was developed
during the period 1920 to 1940. Sir Robert Bristow
was the visionary harbour engineering chief, responsible for the modernisation of Cochin Port.He was
responsible for the daring engineering feat of cutting
the rock like barriers of sand and silt at the mouth of
harbour to open up the present Port at theWillingdon
Island.The Cochin Port was declared a Major Port on
With Best Compliments from :
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1st Floor,
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Tel : (O) : 0484-2666206/3013087
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Fax : 0484-2669275
E-mail :jainarayana@eth.net
Web :www.jainarayana.com
Licenced Custom House Agents, Freight
Forwarding, Warehousing,Transporting etc.
Edited, printed and published by The President for Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Mattancherry Kochin-682 002. Tel: 0484-2225966,
2224335, Fax: 484-2224203 Email: info@ iccicochin.com Website : www.iccicochin.com , For private circulation only.