October 2011 - AHSAA | Alabama High School Athletic Association


October 2011 - AHSAA | Alabama High School Athletic Association
2011 AHSAA
October Update
October, 2011
Clay Bowl
Plays Its
Last Game
Clay County takes
a 7-6 win over
county rival Lineville as the historic series concludes after 101
Inside This Issue
Steve Savarese
Partner Spotlight
Salutes al.com
Joe Evans
Steve Bailey
Wanda Gilliland
Greg Brewer
Schools, Officials
Executive Director Addresses
The Reclassification Conundrum
Mr. Harper’s dictionary defines conundrum as
“an intricate and difficult problem.” Come to
think of it, conundrum sounds like the perfect
synonym for reclassification. SEE PAGE 2.
October, 2011
Page 2
RECLASSIFICATION: Doing What Is Best For All
e have an old Web-
ster’s dictionary here at the AHSAA that I occasionally use. Its
copyright says 1965 and the name
written in the front cover says
Cliff Harper, who was the first
full-time executive director of the
Mr. Harper’s dictionary defines
conundrum as ―an intricate and
difficult problem.‖ Come to think
of it, conundrum sounds like the
perfect synonym for reclassification.
Indeed, reclassification is an
intricate and difficult problem –
one the AHSAA undertakes every
two years in order to maintain a
competitive balance among our
member schools. It’s an intricate
and difficult problem because
there are so many variables that
must be considered in the process.
I often hear from superintendents, principals, athletic directors
and coaches who offer their
thoughts on reclassification. It’s
clear from their input what our
member schools feel are the top
priorities in reclassification:
Shorter travel
Keeping traditional rivalries
The AHSAA formed a committee of superintendents, principals
and coaches that discovered the
complexities and intricacies associated with reclassification. Their
consensus was to have the AH-
proposals to the Central Board at
its Nov. 16 meeting unless there
is a delay in the accurate reporting of data.
During the development of the
proposals, the AHSAA spent numerous hours assessing and
evaluating the classification systems used in other state associations. It’s interesting to note that
our neighboring association in
Georgia has recently adopted a
six classification system very
similar to ours.
Georgia faces some of the same
challenges we do. The southern
half of Alabama is much more
Steve Savarese
sparsely populated than the northExecutive Director
ern half. That makes reclassification more difficult for the smaller
SAA and the Central Board
classifications and for the larger
look at a number of possible
schools located in Mobile and
classification systems – while
not being afraid to think outAnother important factor that
side the box – and understand
must be considered is the importhat there is not a system that is
tance of football to our member
perfect for every member
schools. Football generates much
of the revenue used to support
We will present several difother sports and its importance
ferent proposals to the Central
can’t be understated with the ecoBoard of Control. The proposnomic challenges our member
als could include such systems
schools are facing.
as our current traditional sysReclassification is one of the
tem with six classifications
most critical responsibilities the
with regional play and an equal
AHSAA has. As we move further
percentage of schools in each
into the process, rest assured that
class, the same system but with
we will do whatever is best for
area play, an expanded system
everyone involved.
that includes a seventh class,
Thank you for your input reand a number of other possible
garding reclassification and for all
you do to help the student-athletes
Our goal is to present these
in our state.
October, 2011
P.O. Box 242367
Montgomery, AL
Zip: 36124-2367
Phone: 334-263-6994
Fax: 334-387-0075
E-mail: staff@ahsaa.com
Page 3
AHSAA Corporate Partner Spotlight
is in its fifth year as an AHSAA corporate sponsor, and
we are pleased to be working closely again with the
Alabama High School Athletic Association. The partnership helps us bridge the gap between sports news
and the high school athletes and coaches in our stories.
AHSAA events like All-Star Sports Week and the al.com Champions Challenge allow us to get to know the coaches and the players, and they become
much more to us than just names printed in articles.
Our site highschoolsports.al.com is about news, but it’s also about community – the sports community that is especially tight-knit in Alabama.
And that community is growing with highschoolsports.al.com seeing a 40percent increase in traffic since last year, and al.com is always working on
new ideas to build that number even more.
At the beginning of football season, al.com introduced its High School
Sports app, a free download available for iPhone and Android. Users can submit scores and notes for the game they are attending, and they can also keep
up with other games across the state. The app has experienced great success
with more than 4,000 downloads and more than 1,000 score submissions by
Week 5 from users on their smartphones in the stands.
Another new venture for al.com this fall is our Game of the Week. Our affiliate newspapers – the Mobile Press-Register, Birmingham News and Huntsville Times – do a good job of reporting on the football games in their coverage areas, but that still leaves a lot of high schools in the state needing exposure. And although we can’t attend every single game each Friday, al.com
tries to choose a Game of the Week that wouldn’t otherwise get coverage on
our website. An al.com team travels to the games to provide photos and videos, and so far, a game recap has been provided each week by a local newspaper.
al.com’s first five Games of the Week were Hackleburg at Marion County
(Week 1), Central-Phenix City at Opelika (Week 2), Winterboro at Talladega
County Central (Week 3), Mountain Brook at Homewood (Week 4) and Lineville at Clay County (Week 5). We can’t wait to see where five more weeks of
football will take us.
We encourage parents, coaches, students and fans to sign up to report for
their high schools to ensure their teams are getting maximum coverage on
al.com. Almost 900 trusted community users have registered for accounts to
submit game previews and recaps, stats, photos and more. You can request
an account at highschoolsports.al.com/reporter.
October, 2011
Page 4
2011-12 AHSAA Central Board of Control
2011-12 State Championship Schedule
Oct. 26-27: Elite Eight Volleyball Championships, Pelham
Nov. 12: State Cross Country Championships, Moulton
Dec. 1-2: Super 6 Football Championships, Tuscaloosa
Dec. 2-3: State Swim Championships, Auburn
Feb. 3-4: Indoor Track Championships, Birmingham
Feb. 16-18: State Wrestling Championships, Huntsville
Feb. 28-Mar. 3: Final 48 State Basketball Tourney, B’ham
Apr. 23-27: State Tennis Championships (3 sites)
May 4-5: Outdoor Track Championships, Gulf Shores,
May 11-12: State Soccer Championships, Huntsville
May 14-15: State Golf Championships, TBA
May 16-19: State Baseball Finals, Montgomery
May 17-19: State Softball Tourney, Montgomery
Page 5
Final Clay Bowl Sets Tone For New Clay County School
in the series and Lineville
averaged 12.8. Principal
nally come to an end.
Billy Walker said 2,600
Clay County High
advance tickets were sold
School’s 7-6 football win
and the crowd was estiSeptember 23 at Hornmated at more than 5,000 in
White Stadium in Ashland
a stadium that can seat
over Lineville will be the
maybe 3,500.
final game in the rivalry
The stadium was full by
that has been called one of
4:30 in the afternoon with
the nation’s top 10 prep
later arrivals standing 30football rivalries.
deep around the fence and
The rivalry began in 1922
even deeper overlooking
Former Gov. Bob Riley flips the coin
and has now spanned 101
the field. Several TV stafor the 101st Clay Bowl
games with Clay County
tions and media outlets
winning 43 and Lineville
were on hand.
winning 54. The two
County. The Panthers and series that began with LineFormer governor Bob
schools tied four times.
Aggies fade as the new
ville winning by the same 7 Riley, who is a Clay
Both schools are being
school’s nickname becomes -6 score over Ashland. One County grad himself, admerged into a new school
hundred games later, Clay
the Volunteers.
to be known as Central
ministered the ceremonial
It was a classic finish to a County averaged 11.8 ppg
High School of Clay
coin toss before the game.
The Clay Bowl has fi-
Above: Clay County Coach Kris Herron
and Lineville Coach Steve Giddens enjoy the
moment prior to the game.
At left: The Lineville Aggies’ self-proclaimed
No. 1 fan “Z Z” attends the Clay Bowl.
At Right: Clay County’s team rushes the
field before kickoff.
October, 2011
Page 6
Schools Must Sanction Most Multi-Team Events
AHSAA member
schools are required to
sanction certain events,
either with the AHSAA
or with the NFHS, depending on the make-up
of the teams competing
in the event. That is why
this month’s AHSAA
rule of emphasis is contest sanctioning.
A couple if key items
schools must remember
when putting together a
school team schedule is
multi-team competition.
Joe Evans
AHSAA rules state that
no interscholastic athletic
events involving more
than two teams shall be
permitted without the official sanction of the AHSAA.
There are some exceptions. Volleyball, wrestling,
track tri-matches, golf and cross country tri- and quadmatches, swimming tri-meets and track four-way meets
do not have to be sanctioned during regular season
However, if a school hosts an event with more than
two teams that does not fall under the exemptions, the
school is required to go on line to the AHSAA website’s member section and follow the simple instructions for requesting sanction.
There are basically three types of sanctions. The
first is an event that consists of all Alabama schools.
The second is one that includes Alabama schools and
schools from bordering states. And the third is events
including schools from non-bordering states. The National Federation of State High School Associations
(NFHS) requires its approval when an event includes
schools from outside Alabama and its bordering states.
It is important to remember that any AHSAA member school that goes to an event outside the state must
make sure the event has been sanctioned by the NFHS
and all AHSAA rules and regulations concerning contest restrictions must still be followed.
That means currently no interscholastic contest may
be scheduled on Sunday for AHSAA member schools
without prior approval of the AHSAA Central Board.
This includes summer play as well.
AHSAA member schools are only allowed to
play other member schools. Contests with out-ofstate teams are prohibited with schools that are not
members of their state association affiliated with
the NFHS or with schools that are under suspension. Violation of these regulations could result in
fines and other penalties and are sufficient grounds
for suspension from the AHSAA. Member high
schools may not engage in practice contests between schools at any time during the school year,
which begins when with the first fall practice date
each year.
It also behooves schools going to events at other
AHSAA member schools to insure that those
events have been sanctioned by the AHSAA. Any
schools participating in an unsanctioned event are
subject to fines and other penalties.
Remember too that all events must be sanctioned
by a host school even when outside groups are putting on the event.
A list of sanctioned events is available for viewing at www.ahsaa.com . Just go to the sanction link
on the front page and then follow the prompts to
check out the events, by sport, that have currently
been approved by the AHSAA .
The AHSAA Sanction Rule (Rule III – Contests
– Section 3) can be found in the 2011-12 AHSAA
Handbook on page 37.
The process is simple and listed below.
SECTION 3. SANCTIONING REQUIREMENTS. No interscholastic athletic event involving more than two teams shall be permitted without
the official sanction of the AHSAA. Volleyball,
wrestling and track tri-matches, golf and cross
country tri and quad-matches, swimming tri-meets
and track four-way meets do not have to be sanctioned during regular season play.
Sanction request procedures:
(1) Event with only Alabama Schools—Request
online (AHSAA member section).
(2) Event with schools from bordering states:
Print Form 9, complete and fax or mail to the AHSAA office at least 30 days prior to the date of the
(3) Event with schools from non-bordering
states that needs NFHS approval: Request online
at www.nfhs.org under Sports, then Sanctioning.
Page 7
AHSADCA 4th Annual Coaches
Mini-Clinic Series Set To Begin In October
The Alabama
High School Athletic Directors &
Coaches Association will commence its fourth
annual MiniClinic Coaching
Series this month.
Basketball will
begin the series
Oct. 6 featuring
clinicians John
Brannen, assistant
coach at the UniSteve Bailey
Director, AHSADCA
versity of Alabama, and Barry
Mohun, Shelton State Community College
basketball coach. The mini-clinic series will
once again be held at the AHSAA office located at 7325 Halcyon Summit Drive in Montgomery. Attendees will be treated to lectures
and on-court demonstrations at Auburn University at Montgomery in the afternoon session.
The series will continue on Oct. 20 with the
Wrestling Mini-Clinic. Highly regarded Jamie
Milkovich from Maple Heights (Ohio) High
School will be with us for a morning of teaching. His session will be followed by on-themat demonstrations at Saint James High
Hall of Fame Nominations Due
We want to remind AHSAA member schools
the deadline for submitting AHSAA Sports
Hall of Fame nominations is Oct. 15. Selections will take place in November and the
Class of 2012 will be inducted next March.
Many individuals have made and continue to
make outstanding contributions to the schools
of Alabama through their extraordinary efforts
as coaches, administrators, officials, news media,
or supporters. Because their extra efforts, dedication and desire have enabled them to excel in
achievement, this excellence should stand out as
shining examples for others to emulate. In order
to recognize this excellence, the Alabama High
School Sports Hall of Fame was established with
the first class being selected in 1991.
The Hall of Fame induction banquet has continued to be one of the high points of the AHSADCA
each year. We look forward to seeing another outstanding class enshrined and encourage schools to
nominate candidates they deem worthy of this
Alabama All-Star Team Selected
The Alabama football team for the 25th annual
Alabama / Mississippi All-Star Game to be held
on December 10 at Cramton Bowl in Montgomery
has been selected and will be announced in the
coming weeks once all details have been finalized.
Alabama’s head coach is Jere Adcock of Decatur.
Mini-Clinic Coaching
Oct. 6, 2011
Oct. 20, 2011
Nov. 17, 2011
Nov. 29, 2011
Jan. 6, 2012
Jan. 12, 2012
Jan. 19, 2012
Feb. 7, 2012
Feb. 8, 2012
Feb. 9, 2012
Page 8
October, 2011
Volleyball Season Gearing For Post Season
My how the 2011 volleyball season has flown by. We
are now about to move into the
post-season phase as teams
prepare for area tournaments,
regional tournaments, the substate playoff round and, of
course, the Elite Eight State
It is important for each
coach to go on line and make
sure your roster for post-season
play has been finalized and that
all fields on that roster are
filled out properly, including
jersey number, student name,
student grade in school, student
position and student height.
Volleyball coaches who advance their teams to regional
tournament play will also need
to send a team photograph in a
jpeg format via email to Elite
Eight Souvenir Program editor
Dennis Victory as well as a
correct roster. Just email to Mr.
Victory at
dv@dennisvictory.com by
Monday, Oct. 17, 10 a.m.
All hotel and rooming information will be posted on the
Volleyball page of the AHSAA
website. Hotel assignments
will be posted on the website
after the sub-state match. The
head coach of each participating team MUST attend the dinner meeting at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 25, at the Pelham
Civic Complex.
We wish all of you much
success in the playoffs and
good luck in the final weeks.
October 15
For the
14th consecutive year, Wilson Sporting
Goods will
provide six
Wanda Gilliland
Wilson VolAssistant
leyball Grants
member schools. Wilson has
awarded these need-based grants
worth a total of $39,000 since
The grants, totaling $3,000 annually, have provided a ball cart
and volleyballs for 78 high
schools. One school in each of
the AHSAA’s six classifications
is selected to receive a grant each
Schools may apply on line at
www.ahsaa.com using the application found in the member section. Deadline for application is
Oct. 15.
These grants have been very
important in helping some of our
member schools develop volleyball programs for their studentathletes. We can’t thank Wilson
enough for their dedication to
helping the game of volleyball in
our state and for all that they do
for our member schools.
Anyone with questions or
needing assistance can contact
the AHSAA at 334-263-6994 or
by email at wgilland@ahsaa.com.
Entry Fees Waived
For Some Sports
We are happy to report that
entry fees are no longer required for state cross country
and swimming meets under a
new Central Board policy approved earlier this summer. The
Central Board approved eliminating entry fees for state
championship events (finals)
that require an admission
charge, a tremendous savings to
our member schools. Only golf
and tennis state finals now continue to require entry fees.
That means the 2011 AHSAA
State Cross Country Championships to be held at Oakville Indian Mounds Park & Museum
near Moulton on Nov. 12 will
be entry fee free to participating schools for the first time.
Admission to the championships will be $8 per ticket at
this year’s State Cross Country
Oct. 4: Last day for area volleyball
Oct. 5: Area volleyball tournament
brackets draws
Oct. 6: Area volleyball tournament
brackets submitted online to AHSAA
Oct. 10-11: Area volleyball tourneys
Oct. 15: Deadline for submitting AHSAA Hall of Fame Nominations
Oct. 15: Regional volleyball tourneys
Oct. 20: Sub-state volleyball round
Oct. 26-27: Elite Eight Volleyball State
October, 2011
Page 9
2011 Football Playoff Officials To Be Assigned By District
We are about to enter
week seven of regularseason football and that
means the playoffs are
just around the corner.
With that in mind, it is
important for everyone to
understand exactly how
contest officials for playoff games are assigned.
At the Saturday morning meeting for the first
round of the playoffs, the
Greg Brewer
AHSAA Director of OffiAHSAA
cials will collect a scratch
Director of Officials
list of officials from the
playoff coaches and a master list will be compiled and emailed to all district directors.
Playoff games will then be assigned to district
officials’ directors. These assignments will be
emailed to the directors no later than the Monday
morning prior to the playoff game. The district
directors will assign individuals, by crew, to
work the assigned games. A scratched official
will not be assigned to a game involving a school
that has exercised their option to scratch that official. Also, no official will be assigned to a game
involving the same school (home or visitor) in
back-to-back weeks.
Each assigned official in all rounds of the playoffs, including the Super Six, must have worked
a minimum of six AHSAA varsity games during
the regular season with at least four of the games
being at the assigned position.
The assigned officials (or their designee) will
be responsible for contacting the host school of
each game assigned to them by the Tuesday
morning prior to the playoff game, notifying the
school of the names of the officials working the
contest. Payment must be made to each individual official according to the fee list below. A
mileage allowance will be included in the game
fee payment.
The host school will pay the officials on-site
by check or online via RefPay/Arbiter and account for those payments in the game report
submitted to the state office.
All chain crews will be assigned based on the
host school contract (no mileage allowance).
The required electric clock operator (ECO) will
also be assigned based on the host school contract (no mileage allowance).
The game fee per official for the first four
rounds will be $65 plus the mileage allowance.
The game fee per official for the Super Six will
be $70 plus the mileage allowance.
The mileage allowance for contest officials
for first- and second-round playoff games is $10
per official. For quarter-final playoff games, the
mileage allowance is $15. Semi-final playoff
games are $20 and the Super Six is $30. The
mileage allowances are the same for fivemember or seven-member crews.
Geographic location will be used in the selection process for the first two rounds. Subsequent
rounds will also take this factor into consideration. All individuals assigned will be placed in
five-member crews for the first four rounds,
plus an ECO. If both schools agree, a sevenmember crew may be assigned plus an
ECO. The Super Six will use seven-member
crews plus an ECO.
Our goal for the future is to assign sevenmember crews and an ECO for all playoff
rounds, possibly as early as 2012.
Game Communication Experiment
During the Oak Mountain vs. Thompson
football game Sept. 30, 2011, the AHSAA
tested a crew communication system for contest
officials. If the system proves to be useful and is
affordable, it may be used in the AHSAA Super
Six and other events. We hope it allows crew
members to alert each other to potential conduct
-related activities on the field as well as the penalty administration of the game itself.
October, 2011
Page 10
High Schools To Receive Revenue Shares This Month
School Revenue Sharing Checks
To Be Mailed In October
For the second straight year, the AHSAA will be
mailing revenue sharing checks to member schools
totaling approximately $1.2 million. The program,
approved by the Central Board prior to the 2010-11
school year, will have paid out $2.4 million to member schools once this year’s payments are received.
The checks are scheduled to be mailed sometime
this month.
The formula for the distribution of funds includes a
differential between classes and the number of sports
played by non-football playing schools.
―This is another great moment for AHSAA member schools,‖ said Executive Director Steve Savarese,
who proposed the Revenue Sharing Plan to the Central Board last year. The plan returns excess funds
back to the schools when the AHSAA has at least one
year’s working capital in reserve.
―Once again this will bring some welcome help to
our member schools,‖ Savarese said.
Dr. James Robinson Being Honored
by UA Community Health Services
Longtime AHSAA Medical Advisory Board
member Dr. James B. Robinson will be named by the
University of Alabama’s College of Community
Health Services on Oct. 7 as The University of Alabama Endowed Chair in Sports Medicine for Family
The ceremony will take
place at 3 p.m., under the
tent at the College of Community Health Sciences on
the campus of UA in Tuscaloosa. Dr. Robinson, who
has practiced medicine for
more than 26 years, has a
family practice in Tuscaloosa.
Dr. Robinson is the Fellowship Director of the University of Alabama Primary
Dr. James Robinson Care Sports Medicine Program. He is also a Professor
of Family Medicine at the University of Alabama
School of Medicine in Tuscaloosa. He also serves as
the Head Team Physician for the University of Alabama and has taken care of athletes of all ages and
skill levels for the past 22 years in Tuscaloosa. He
can be seen on Friday nights on the sidelines at high
school football games.
He works with numerous high school, collegiate,
professional and international athletes and has served
as a team physician for the United States Olympic
Team in 2000 in Sydney, Australia.
Dr. Robinson has served as a member of the
teaching faculty at the University Medical Center
since 1989 where he has helped teach numerous residents and medical students the art of being a team
physician as well as a family physician.
The AHSAA congratulates Dr. Robinson on this
important recognition and thanks him for his many
years of service to the AHSAA’s member schools
and to the AHSAA Medical Advisory Board. He has
been a major contributor to the formation of the current AHSAA medical policies including designing
the pre-participation physical form that is used by all
member schools.
October, 2011
Page 11
Musco Sports Lighting Technology Going Green
Innovative sportslighting systems can
be a key opportunity
for state high school
organizations interested in satisfying
environmental concerns and saving
THEN: Sports
lighting involves projecting light over long distances. In prior generation systems, this resulted in about 25 percent of
the total light generated by the luminaires landing on the playing surface. The rest went into the
sky or on adjacent property as wasted spill light
and light pollution. To compensate for the
wasted light, additional luminaires were necessary to achieve the desired light levels for play.
NOW: Today, thanks to advances in the reflector system efficiencies and aiming design, as
much as 70 percent of the light generated can be
directed onto the playing surface with state-ofthe-art Musco Lighting systems. As a result
fewer fixtures are needed to purchase, install,
and operate.
All sports lighting systems differ, so consider
environment, playability and budget to help ensure you’re getting a lighting system that fits
your needs.
PLAYABILITY: Balancing energy efficiency, environmental concerns, and costs are
big considerations, but determining the quantity
and quality of light necessary for your facility is
just as important. Desired amount and quality of
light can be determined by considering several
factors including sport type, player skill level,
field size, spectator capacity and any videotaping
It’s important to make sure your system is designed to provide target footcandles to ensure the
light you purchased is maintained over the life of
your lighting system. Maintaining
both quality and quantity of light
on the field over time is impacted
by equipment design as well as
maintenance practices. With
Musco’s Constant 25™ warranty,
proper maintenance and the overall
performance of the lighting installation can be greatly improved.
Sports lighting budget considerations should include the capital cost and longterm costs of operating, maintaining, and managing the system. Routine maintenance and unexpected repair costs can add up if the lighting
system is poorly designed from an electrical and
structural standpoint. However, a system that is
energy efficient and easy to operate and maintain
can become part of a program’s success story.
efficiency presents the largest opportunity for
cost savings. By choosing environmentally
friendly Musco sports lighting for their Warhill
Sports Complex, James County (VA) predicts it
will save about $404,000 in energy and operating costs over the next 25 years. Another factor
contributing to these savings is the purchase of
the control and monitoring system along with the
With Musco’s Control-Link®, lights can be
scheduled via web, phone, fax, or email to be
turned on only when the field is in use. If a game
is unexpectedly rained out, officials can simply
phone into the control center to have the lights
turned off instantly.
Balancing your lighting needs with environmental concerns doesn’t have to be difficult.
Thanks to advancements in sports-lighting technology that Musco has spent millions of dollars
developing, lighting that provides ideal playing
conditions for your team can also help to preserve the environment for tomorrow’s athletes.
October, 2011
Page 12
Issued monthly by the Alabama High School Athletic Association
P.O. Box 242367, Montgomery, AL 36124-2367
7325 Halcyon Summit Dr., Montgomery, AL 36124
Phone: 334-263-6994; Fax: 334-387-0075;
Web: www.ahsaa.com
OFFICE HOURS: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday
- AHSAA STAFF STEVE SAVARESE (ssavarese@ahsaa.com)
- Executive Director Overall AHSAA Administration
JOE EVANS (jevans@ahsaa.com)
- Associate Executive Director Administration, Eligibility, Investigations, School Audits, Championship
WANDA GILLILAND (wgilliland@ahsaa.com)
- Assistant Director Girls Program Director, Volleyball, Basketball, Softball, Eligibility, Investigations, Championship Events, Declaration Forms, Foreign Exchange
ALAN MITCHELL (amitchell@ahsaa.com)
- Assistant Director Publications, Publicity, Championship Program Formats, AHSAA Handbook, Website Coordinator, AHSAA Records, AHSAA Hall of Fame
Coordinator, Awards, Computer Operations
GREG BREWER (gbrewer@ahsaa.com)
- Assistant Director Director of Officials for All Sports, Officials Guide, Officials Camps,
Classification, Playing Rules Implementation, Championship Events,
Computer Operations
STEVE BAILEY (sbailey@ahsaa.com)
- Director of Alabama High School Athletic Directors & Coaches Association Director of All-Star Sports Week, Player and Coaches Selection for AllStar Games, Sports Committees, Sports Mini-Clinics, Champions Challenge, Community Involvement, Fund Raising Activities
JIM TOLBERT (jtolbert@ahsaa.com)
- Director of Publications Publications, Publicity, Championship Program Formats, AHSAA Handbook, Editing and writing copy,
RON INGRAM (ringram@ahsaa.com)
- Director of Communications Communications with Schools, Coaches, Media, Website Update and
Development, Publications, Publicity, Records Updates, Cham-pionship
Events, STAR Sportsmanship
SANDY LOGAN (slogan@ahsaa.com)
- Office Manager Bookkeeper for AHSAA and AHSADCA, Coaches Registration,
Catastrophic Insurance Premiums, Championship Programs, All-Star
Sports Week, Mini-Clinics, Principal/AD Conference and Junior High/
Middle School Conference registration
CHARLOTTE DAVIES (cdavies@ahsaa.com)
- Administrative Secretary Correspondence of Official AHSAA Letters for Executive
and Associate Directors, Sanction Approval, AHSAA Hall of
Fame Coordinator, Legislative Proposals, Bryant-Jordan contact
ELVIA HENDERSON (ehenderson@ahsaa.com)
- Secretary (Eligibility) Computer Data Coordinator for AHSAA Eligibility, Volleyball and Basketball Rosters, Member school correspondence,
Telephone Receptionist, Facsimile Coordinator, Fines and
ALAINE DAVIS (adavis@ahsaa.com)
- Secretary (Finance) Championship Programs, Football Regional Standings and
Playoffs, Ticket Distribution
VANDA PEPPERS (vpeppers@ahsaa.com )
- Secretary (AHSAA, AHSADCA) Player and Coaches Coordinator and Coaches Registration
for All-Star Sports Week, School Ads for All-Star Sports
Week, Financial Secretary for Officials, Ala.-Miss. All-Star
EULA MILNER (emilner@ahsaa.com)
- Secretary (AHSADCA) General Assignments, Program Ads and Exhibits for All-Star
Sports Week, All-Star Sports Week Golf Tourney, Tickets
and Programs for All-Star Sports Week
RODNEY MILLS (rmills@ahsaa.com)
- IT Coordinator Technology Coordinator, Online Procedures, New Software
Education, Technology Equipment Upkeep
DENISE AINSWORTH (dainsworth@ahsaa.com)
- Assistant to AHSADCA Director All-Star Sports Week Coordinator, Sports Mini-Clinic Coordinator, Champions Challenge
- Programmer Website Programming, Website
Meet The
4th Year
Rodney Mills
Technology Coordinator
October, 2011
Page 13
School Fines and Ejections For September, 2011
Continued on Page 14
October, 2011
Page 14
School Fines and Ejections For September, 2011
Continued on Page 15
October, 2011
Officials Disciplinary
For September, 2011
Page 15