August 2010 - AHSAA | Alabama High School Athletic Association
August 2010 - AHSAA | Alabama High School Athletic Association
ALABAMA HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Executive Director Steve Savarese “In this difficult economic climate, I find the sound fiscal practice of the AHSAA to be exemplary. I know the young people attending member schools will benefit from this stewardship. The NFHS congratulates the AHSAA on its good management and support of the member schools of Alabama” … AHSAA August Update AHSAA Update Newsletter August, 2010 Central Board Approves $1.2 Million Payout In Landmark Revenue Sharing Plan Bob Gardner, NFHS Executive Director The Alabama Inside this issue: Savarese Comments 2 Revenue Sharing details 1, 3-4 Middle/JH Conference 5 Coaches Study Concussions 6 Officials Honored 7-8 By AHSAA Press To Meet Challenge Teams 9 AHSAA Audit 1013 High School Athletic Association’s Central Board of Control approved at its annual summer meeting a payout of $1.2 million ($1,200,000) to member schools as the first installment of the AHSAA’s landmark Revenue Sharing program. The formula for the distribution of funds is based on a differential between classes and the number of sports played by non-football playing schools. Every high school that has been a member of the AHSAA for at least five years will receive the special payout this fall. The eight high schools with less than t five years of member- ship will become eligible to receive future payouts as soon as the five-year requirement has been met. ―This is a godsend for our schools,‖ said Mo Smith, former president of the Central Board. Smith, retired principal at Glencoe High School, said it is a credit to the leadership of the AHSAA, especially See Revenue, Page 3 AHSAA Update Newsletter Page 2 Welcome To The 2010-11 School Year Member Schools I want to welcome each of you back to school and thank you for all that you do for the student -athletes we represent in Alabama. Every year we are faced with many challenges that provide opportunities for us to make a difference in the lives of each and every one we encounter. I truly appreciate your continued commitment to the NFHS and AHSAA concept of educationalbased athletics. I thank you for embracing our mission of regulating and coordinating interscholastic athletic competition while promoting the values of interscholastic athletics as an integral part of the student’s educational experience. The AHSADCA in conjunction with the AHSAA wishes to express our sincere appreciation for your marvelous attendance during our recent professional development sessions provided within our Summer Conference (All-Star Sports Week). As we enthusiastically prepare for another great year for our member schools in 2010-11, the entire staff of the AHSAA reminds you that we are always available to serve you. We suggest proactive Executive Director Steve Savarese correspondence that includes, but is not limited to, letters, emails or phone calls. We encourage you to contact any member of this Association staff any time. It is important that each year we continue to work toward the same athletic goals, good sportsmanship, safe athletic training, fair play, and encouraging coaches to demonstrate leadership characteristics that reveal them as role models. Beginning immediately, all coaches are required to complete the online NFHS concussion course before being allowed to coach. We face many challenges with the new NFHS Concussion Rule–challenges that I am pleased to see embraced by you, the member schools. I urge each school to be ever cognizant of the heat dangers that all our teams face– especially our fall sports teams. Medical and safety information is available online at the AHSAA website ( This year, the AHSAA’s Central Board of Control integrates the first installment of our new Revenue Sharing program to the member schools, beginning with each school’s accurate completion of their online Form 1 information. As we discussed in Huntsville, the integrity of the data provided by the membership to our Association is imperative to the communication process. We thank so many for making the revenue-sharing plan possible including past executive directors Bubba Scott and Dan Washburn, past and present Central Boards of Control, the Finance Committee, our Corporate Sponsors and the Alabama Sports Foundation, just to name a few. And most of all I thank the member schools and the student-athletes and coaches that comprise our great athletic programs. I thank you once again for all you do for so many. Your dedication to the educational mission will provide our students the tools to face the many challenges that life presents. May God bless you for all you have done and all you are going to do for our children. AHSAA Update Newsletter Page 3 Revenue Sharing Plan — continued from Page 1 its past executive directors and current executive director. Steve Savarese, Executive Director since 2007, introduced the plan two years ago. The plan was simple. The AHSAA would be required to have one year’s budgeted funding in place plus one additional year’s budget in reserve. Once that financial goal is met, the AHSAA would return any remaining revenue back to member schools. The total to be paid out this fall is actually half of the total. The plan pays onehalf to the schools this year and one-half to the schools next year – insuring a total of $2.4 million to be paid out to member schools over the next two years. ―I was hoping we might be able to return maybe $1,000 per school, maybe $500,000 total,‖ Mr. Savarese said. ―This is just wonderful that the payout this first year is $1.2 million. This is a credit to Mr. (Dan) Washburn and Mr. (Herman L.) Scott, my two predecessors who operated the AHSAA with such sound business practices. It is also a tribute to this Central Board that approved this plan and past Central Boards that took their roles seriously and provided such sound leadership as well.‖ Mr. Savarese also praised the work of the AHSAA’s Finance Committee, the AHSAA’s Corporate Partners, the Alabama Sports Foundation and the AHSAA’s staff. ―This wouldn’t be possible at all if not for all these contributors – and of course our member schools,‖ he said. Several steps were taken that led to the landmark payout, which may be the largest of its kind among high school athletic associations in the U.S., said NFHS Executive Director Bob Gardner. ―I am aware of other states having a revenue sharing program. Some states are mandated by organization constitutional provisions to return excess funds to schools,‖ Gardner said. ―However, I am not aware of anyone returning the amount you detailed in a single year. This is a terrific accomplishment and one that all of Alabama should take pride. Waiving of dues is also a worthy aid to member schools. ―In this difficult economic climate, I find the sound fiscal practice of the AHSAA to be exemplary. I know the young people attending member schools will benefit from this stewardship. The NFHS congratulates the AHSAA on its good management and support of the member schools of Alabama.‖ Smith said the payout was made possible in part when the AHSAA approved construction of its new building. ―We added a dollar to the price of playoff tickets and earmarked that money directly toward paying off the mortgage as quickly as possible,‖ he said. Washburn, the executive director to unveil that plan, said no one could foresee just how effective this plan would be. ―We were able to pay off the building in three years,‖ Washburn said. ―I thought it would take longer.‖ Once that mortgage note was burned, the Central Board of Control decided to leave the $1.00 surcharge on the tickets, said current Central Board president Ed Lathan of Mobile. ―Mr. Savarese presented a plan that would allow that dollar to go back to the schools,‖ he said. ―Once the Revenue Sharing plan was approved, the Finance Committee studied how to pay that dollar back. Some argued it should go to just those schools that made the playoffs. Some argued it should go to all schools. The Finance Committee spent close to three months discussing all kinds of payout plans before finally settling on this one. ―I am thrilled that all schools will reap the benefits. This is an historic moment for the AHSAA. I thank Mr. Savarese for bringing the revenue sharing idea to fruition.‖ The formula provides a payout differential of approximately 2 percent in each classification. Schools that have football, the biggest sport contributor to the net total, will receive the largest installments. Schools that do not play football but have at least five boys and five girls sports (14 schools) will receive a smaller percentage of the payout and schools with no football and without a minimum of five girls and five boys sports (6 schools) will also receive a smaller payout. The 64 schools in the AHSAA’s largest classification, Class 6A, will receive just over $3,600 each and a total of $235,000 this year. That is 19.584 percent of the total revenue share for 6A schools. The 62 football-playing schools in Class 5A will receive a 17.7320% share -- approximately $3,400 each and a total slice of almost $213,000. Class 4A’s 63 football-playing schools’ share is 16.758% of the total (approximately $201,000) and just over $3,100 each. Class 3A’s 63 football-playing schools will get a 15.498% percent share (approximately $186,000) and a per-school share totaling just over $2,900. Class 2A’s 64 football-playing schools will receive a 14.464% share (approximately $173,000) with each school receiving just over $2,700. And in Class 1A, the 64 footballplaying schools will receive a 13.184% share (approximately $158,000) with each school receiving just over $2,400. Continued on Page 4 AHSAA Update Newsletter Page 4 Revenue Sharing, Continued from Page 3 the 14 schools with no football and at least five boys and girls sports will divide approximately $26,000 (2.17% share) with each school receiving just over $1,800. The six schools with no football and less than five boys and girls sports will receive a share of 0.61% (approximately $7,300) – an individual school share of $1,200). The AHSAA has actually had a smaller revenue sharing plan of sorts for the last 18 years as the Central Board waived payment of school dues each year. That total, more than $70,000 per year for high schools, comes to $1.25 million over that period that has been saved by all member schools. ―The Alabama Sports Foundation is proud to have assisted AHSAA in this school revenue sharing concept,‖ Gene Hallman of the Alabama Sports Foundation said. ― In these difficult economic times, schools can certainly use these contributions to benefit their student athletes. ―We applaud Coach Savarese for this novel revenue sharing concept and the Alabama Sports Foundation is fully committed to doing its part to make sure the school allocations grow every year. This year’s financial success would not have been possible without the tremendous support of all of our AHSAA corporate partners.― Savarese called the plan coming to fruition ―a great moment for AHSAA’s member schools.‖ New AHSAA lobby is home to the AHSAA Hall of Fame IMPORTANT DATES IN AHSAA HISTORY 1921 AHSAA organized 1924 Joined NFHS 1925 First state basketball tournament 1948 State Office established in Montgomery 1948 Cliff Harper became 1st full-time Executive Director 1966 Herman L. Scott named Executive Director 1966 First Football playoffs 1968 AHSAA merges with AIAA 1980 Opened new offices 1991 Dan Washburn named Executive Director 1994 First Final 48 state tourney in Birmingham 1996 First Super 6 finals at Legion Field 2001 First Baseball Championship series finals 2006 AHSAA opens new office building 2006 $1 added to playoff tickets for building 2007 Steve Savarese named Executive Director 2009 AHSAA building mortgage note paid off 2010 Revenue Sharing Plan becomes reality Central Board Approves Baseball Pitching Rule Revision · The Central Board of Control approved the Baseball Coaches Committee recommendation to amend the AHSAA Pitching Rule at its July Board meeting. The revised rule states a player may pitch in a maximum of seven innings or make two appearances in one day or over two consecutive calendar days but then must rest for three calendar days before pitching again. The total innings allowed per calendar week remains at 14. In other board action: The Board approved a clarification to the Eligibility Verification Requirements Rule. If a school fails to submit an eligible student on its on-line eligibility report and that student participates in a contest, the school will be fined $500 for the reporting error. No forfeits will be assessed. It also approved financial reports for spring sports championships and the AHSAA and AHSADCA Audits. · A change in the 6A soccer playoffs was also approved for 2011 that advances four teams from each section, adds one additional sub-state round and reduces regular season matches from 20 to 18. Classes 1A-4A and 5A will remain the same as 2010. · Other action included approving the elimination of post-season play in softball and baseball once a team’s regular season ends; approved three days conditioning in helmets prior to spring football practice; approved a reclassification adjustment in basketball for Class 6A that moved Grissom from Area 16 to Area 14; approved the establishment of on-line rules tests for high school and junior high/middle school head coaches, beginning in the 2011-12 school year. New member Lamar Brooks of Dale County was also welcomed. AHSAA Update Newsletter Page 5 Still Time To Register For Middle/Junior High Conference The new school year is upon us once again and so is the second annual Middle/ Junior High School Conference. The conference is set for Wednesday, August 25, at Oliver Dunn Acadome on the campus of Alabama State University in Montgomery. The feedback from last year’s conference was informative and appreciated. We think we have lined up another strong group of speakers and will address topics I know are of a concern to our middle schools and junior high schools. If you haven’t registered, please go on line at and do so as soon as possible. Deadline for the pre-registration is August 13. You can still register after that time. Early registration helps us plan more efficiently, however. The conference will get underway at 8 a.m., with the welcome. We move quickly into the first session, “Rules and Regulations,” which will be presented by the AHSAA’s Executive Director Steve Savarese, from 8:35 a.m.-9:30 a.m. Montgomery attorney Donald Jackson will speak at 9:30 will be extremely helpful and enlightening, I think. During that same time period a special one-on-one computer session will be conducted by some of the AHSAA staff. This session will address eligibility forms, rosters, schedules and any other questions some of you might have concerning the middle and junior high schools’ on-line requirements. The forums and presenters include: Associate Executive Director Joe Evans on “How To Make A Difference In A Child’s Life.” Jackson, who is president of The Sports Group, has a lot to share on this subject. Other speakers in the morning session will include Craig Pouncey of the Alabama State Department of Education (Finance) and Dr. Lawrence Lemak (Medical Advisory). After lunch, from 1:30 to 3 p.m., we will break out into several sport-specific forums. These small-group discussions Baseball – Coach Stu Miller, Fairhope High School Basketball – Coach Nigel Card, Saint James School Cross Country and Track – Coach Devon Hind, Hoover High School Football – Coach Larry Ware, Robert E. Lee High School Softball – Coach Denise Ainsworth, Alabama Christian Academy Volleyball – Julie Sinclair, Montgomery Academy This will be an excellent opportunity for professional development at very little cost. I hope to see each of you at the Middle/Junior High School Conference on August 25. “The feedback from last year’s conference was informative and appreciated. We think we have lined up another strong group of speakers and will address topics I know are of a concern to our middle schools and junior high schools.” RULE OF THE MONTH: COACHES CERTIFICATION This month’s Rule Spotlight is Coaches Certification, or Rule V. It can be found starting on page 49 of the new 2010-11 AHSAA Handbook. RULE V - Coaches SECTION 1. COACHING REQUIREMENTS. A coach or persons responsible for the immediate training of athletes or athletic teams must be employed or approved by the Board of Education as a certified teacher under the supervision of the school principal. Note: ―Coach‖ refers to any person who is given direct responsibility by the school and/or the Board of Education for the training or instructing of any athletes or athletic teams. A school team may not participate in an interscholastic contest unless the team is accompanied by a certified teacher (faculty member). Note: Completion of the online STAR Sportsmanship and NFHS Concussion courses is mandatory for all coaches (faculty and nonfaculty). Note: Coaches may coach their own children during the school year and summer (the seven days of competition is allowed) if none of the coach’s other players are on the child’s team. Non-Faculty Coach: Schools may use a nonfaculty coach in any sport when that person is serving directly under the supervision of a coach See Coaches Rule, Page 13 AHSAA Update Newsletter Page 6 AHSAA Coaches Lead U.S. In Concussion Course Study More than 1,000 administrators and coaches attended the AHSAA mandatory Medical Meeting at the Von Braun Center in Huntsville during All-Star Sports Week last month. I personally want to thank all of you who attended. The AHSAA is committed to the health and welfare of our student-athletes, and this is one important way we have to educate our member schools. The National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) has placed major emphasis on concussion awareness by developing its new Concussion Rule. I am so proud that our member schools are leading the nation in embracing this new rule. A total of just over 10,000 coaches nationwide have taken the Concussion Awareness course on line at Alabama leads the nation with more than 3,000 coaches and administrators having completed the course. This Assistant Director Wanda Gilliland is truly outstanding. The AHSAA’s Central Board of Control has mandated that all coaches, head and assistant, must take this free course as part of the coaches’ certification program. Please remember that ALL COACHES must take this course before being allowed to coach. The policy simply states that when a student-athlete appears to have the signs and symptoms of a concussion, the student should be held out of competition (practice or contests) until cleared by a medical doctor. I also want to remind principals to pay close attention to the heat information in the packet they should be receiving this week. The weather is indeed hot, even hotter than normal for August, and we all must be aware of the dangers of working out in such intense heat. There are specific instructions in the packet so all coaches and administrators please take note. More information can be found at as well. Also, the AHSAA has a more clearly defined IV policy (intravenous fluid rehydration) as well as a revised pre-participation Physical Form. All students must use the revised form. It can be found and downloaded from the member section of It is the recommendation UMS-Wright’s Wyatt Fires Best Golf Round Ever with 57 Four-time defending 4A state golf champion Bobby Wyatt caused quite a stir last week when he fired the best competitive round of golf in Alabama state history. His second-day total of 57, which included a 26 on the front nine with seven birdies and an eagle, helped him win his record-setting fourth consecutive Alabama Golf Association State Boys Junior Golf Championships at Mobile. His 57 drew him world – wide acclaim and earned him a spot on the ESPN and CNN highlight reels. He finished with a 70 on the third day to finish at an unbelievable 18-undrer 195. Wyatt, a University of Alabama signee, won his age division seven times in the AGA Junior Championships. He also led UMS-Wright to three state championships in the last four years. He was medalist in his division for al1 three state championships. He closed out his junior career on the 18th hole, fittingly, with a birdie to claim last week’s AGA Jr. title. “Alabama leads the nation with more than 3,000 coaches and administrators having completed the course. This is truly outstanding.” of the Medical Advisory Committee of the AHSAA the use of intravenous fluid hydration/ rehydration be used in athletes only in the case of medical emergency. Under AHSAA policy, an athlete requiring intravenous fluid therapy will not be allowed to participate in any athletic activity until cleared by a medical doctor and approved by the parents or guardian. A direct verbal or written order from a medical doctor is required. AHSAA Update Newsletter Page 7 AHSAA OFFICIALS BANQUET HONORS STATE’S REFS I am very proud of how dedicated our AHSAA contest officials across Alabama are. They go through extensive ongoing training to hone their skills and stay on pace with the games they officiate. Nationally, we have had three of our officials who have been recognized this summer. First, Houston Greg Brewer Young, a long-time track AHSAA official who has worked in Director of Officials various other sports as well, was awarded the NFHS Citation Award as the national officials recipient at the NFHS annual summer meetings in San Diego in July. Mr. Young has been instrumental in the development of the AHSAA’s strong track program. We are appreciative that his dedication and many years of service were recognized by others outside our state. Also, two of our officials, Patsy Burke and Mike Swinson, have been chosen to serve on the NFOA Rules Committees for volleyball and football, respectively. Both will serve four-year terms beginning with the 2010-11 school year. Congratulations to both. Our officials have been very busy this summer at various camps across the state as we strive to continue our extensive training program. We did take some time on August 1 to honor the AHSAA’s officials at the fourth annual AHSAA Officials Awards banquet at Montgomery. More than 300 attended, making it the largest in the event’s four-year history. Several officials were honored at the banquet, including eight for distinguished service totaling 276 years of service between them. EIGHT OFFICIALS HONORED FOR LONG YEARS OF SERVICE Highlighting the fourth annual AHSAA Officials Awards banquet at Montgomery’s Renaissance Hotel and Convention Center was the Distinguished Service Award. Eight recipients were honored in the Class of 2010. David Ray of Florence was recognized for his 41 years of service as a football and basketball official, longest tenure of the 2010 recipients. Ken Corbin of Brewton followed with 38 years as a basketball official. Others receiving the special plaques included: volleyball official Deb Lipscomb (35 years) of Anniston; basketball, football and baseball official Sidney James (34 years) of Montgomery; baseball and basketball official Ralph Muskett (34 years) of Gadsden; basketball official Irene Antone (32 years) of Mobile; basketball and football official Vincent Ellison (31 years) of Birmingham; and soccer, baseball and basketball official Dr. Joe Manjone (31 years) of Baldwin County. AHSAA Honors State And District Officials Of The Year Eight active AHSAA contest officials have been selected AHSAA Officials of the Year in their respective sports. The eight were nominated by their own districts. The state honoree was then chosen from that group. The 2009-10 officials of the year include: George Cavender of Huntsville (Baseball); Eddie Gray of Birmingham (Basketball); Charles McKinney of Tuscaloosa (Football); Scott Sweeney of Birmingham (Soccer); Terry Cagle of Tuscaloosa (Softball); Randy Yarbrough of Birmingham (Track); Cynthia Ellis of Baldwin County (Volleyball); and Steve Thomas of Oxford (Wrestling). AHSAA District Officials Of Year Southwest District: J.T. Cooper (Baseball); Sonny Scyphers (Basketball); Robert Lose (Football); Griffin Shreves (Soccer); Hayward Andrews (Softball); Tom Ritchie (Track); Cynthia Ellis (Volleyball). Southeast District: Matt Raiti (Baseball); Yolanda Terry (Basketball); Jason Howell (Football); Ken Staton (Soccer); Chuck Glanton (Softball); Ronnie Glover (Track); Eunice Knight (Volleyball). Continued, Page 8 AHSAA Update Newsletter Page 8 AHSAA OFFICIALS OF YEAR HONORED—CONTINUED FROM Page 7 Continued from Page 7 South Central District: Jeff Wilson (Baseball); Wayne Watford (Basketball); Charles Smith (Football); Talha Dikgitmez (Soccer); John Killough (Softball); Darryl Woods (Track); Harold Lockett (Volleyball); Josh Bierman (Wrestling). West Central District: Terry Jackson (Baseball); Pat Donovan (Basketball); Charles McKinney (Football); Rusty Yerkes (Soccer); Terry Cagle (Softball); Stephanie Grimes (Volleyball); Jeremy Brown (Wrestling). East Central District: Cecil Garrison (Baseball); Nick Hall (Basketball); Bill Boos (Football); Tyler Daffron (Softball); Matthew Livingston (Track); Kathy Odom (Volleyball); Steve Thomas (Wrestling). North Central District: Lance Weems (Baseball); Eddie Gray (Basketball); Anthony Johnson (Football); Scott Sweeney (Soccer); Willie Moore IV (Softball); Randy Yarbrough (Track); Willie Moore III (Volleyball); Mike Swinson (Wrestling). Northeast District: George Cavender (Baseball); Wayne Manord (Basketball); DeWayne Barrentine (Football); Otto Mueller (Soccer); Georgia Walker (Softball); Tim Wigley (Track); Allen Cone (Volleyball); Daniel Featherston (Wrestling). Northwest District: Dan Glossner (Baseball); Brian McCollum (Basketball); Todd Burbank (Football); Steve Walker (Soccer); Dale Simmons (Softball); Joey Kyles (Track); Walter Young (Volleyball). 2009-10 State Championship Contest Officials Recognized AHSAA officials who officiate in a state championship event were also honored at the banquet. Among the approximately 200 officials selected to work in state tournament events, Joe Pike, Sonja Hard and Eddie Newell were chosen in two different sports. Hard officiated in the Elite Eight State Volleyball Tournament at Pelham and also called in the Final 48 State Basketball Championships at Birmingham. Newell officiated in the Super 6 State Football Championships at Tuscaloosa and also worked the State Softball Tournament at Montgomery. And Pike officiated at the State Softball Tournament and Final 48 Basketball Championships. Another state championship official, Mike Culpepper, worked the State Baseball Championship Series in May at Montgomery and is now currently serving in the military on active duty in Afghanistan. The complete list of officials recognized include: Volleyball (Elite Eight State Tournament) Kenith Booker, Patsy Burke, Nakesha Coleman, Clyde Cross, Melanie Davis, Cindy Dyess, Cynthia Ellis, Lessie Gaddis, Sonja Hard, Bob Harris, Margaret Helm, Debbie Laymon, Wanishea Leonard, Kathy Odom, Wanda Weeks, Walter Young. Football (Super 6 Championships) Randy Adair, DeWayne Barrentine, Don Becton, Avon Bosarge, Sam Burkhalter, Billie Campbell, Tim Clark, Cecil Copeland, Riley Copeland, Jeff Corley, Willie Crabtree, Ron Craddock, Brian Davis, Allen Duhon, Jonathan Gibson, Willie Jackson, Ron Jones, Mark Kelly, Kevin Kidd, Brad Money, Keiron Morkin, Rod Moss, Eddie Newell, Vic Platt, Jeff Reese, David Rogers, Jeff Rolling, Jim Rosenfield, Tim Rutledge, Jeff Shaddix, Frank Sport, Scott Taylor, Glenn Wilson. Basketball (Final 48 Championships) Ron Alexander, Kelly Armstrong, Wes Brackett, Karl Burns, Elliott Carr, Melissa Clarke, Shane Corbitt, Gerald Debardelaben, Stan Dixon, Marius Dockery, Pat Donovan, Allen Gilbert, David Gregg, Sonja Hard, Darrell Hargreaves, Rickey Henderson, Jason Hill, Carol Hughes, Joe Kyles, Eddie Loggins, Vincent McCaskey, Brian McCollum, Rip Nabors, Joe Pike, Rickey Powell, Jay Reyes, Kim Salter, Sonny Scyphers, Ernest Shears, Bobby Stewart, William Taylor, Ed Teague, Yolanda Terry, Wayne Watford, Chuck Willis, Bill Young. Wrestling (State Championships) Doug Baxter, Josh Bierman, Dwight Buzbee, Dan Featherston, Ryan Hagan, Derek Henry, Justin Miller, Ken Nixon, Erick Pratt, David Relf, Jeff Saxon, Willie Staggs, Mike Swinson, Steve Thomas, Tim Thomas. Soccer (Final 4 State Finals) Tim Ashcom, Celeste Boydston, Richonne Clark, John Curran, Pete Dakis, Jonathan Deal, A.J. Hicks, Thai Huynh, Bob Johnson, Joe Kovacs, Jeremy Massa, Patrick Murray, Nathaniel Patton, Wanda Porter, Ken Staton, Jeff Unger, Gustavo Vargas, Steve Walker. Track (State Championship Meet) David Bahakel, John Bahakel, Whitney Baird, Muskingum Barnes, Steve Bedsole, Gini Bell, Richard Bell, Walt Bell, Idral Bowen, Arthur Brown, Courtney Busch, Gene Busch, Jim Carlo, Kay Carlo, Lyle Coleman, Rod Coleman, Sheila Crenshaw, Melanie Dutton, Lauren Estes, William Evans, Jack Gibson, Chris Gillum, William Goyne, Dawn Guin, Toby Hamner, Lauretta Horn, Joey Kyle, Teresa Kyle, Al Landwehr, Reid Laporte, Matthew Livingston, Rodney Majure, Amanda Miller, Charles Miller, Albert Moore, Martha Moran, Lauren Murdock, Bill Murray, Jim Pugh, William Quina, Mitch Rector, Tim Ritchie, Paul Roberts, George Slone, William Spear, Charles Thompson, Ben Vail, Vail, Lissa Walker, Marcia Westry, Robert Wheatley, Timothy Wigley, Joe Williams, Chris Wisham, Randy Yarbrough, David York. Baseball (State Championship Series) Ricky Bryan, George Cavender, Doyce Colvin, Mike Culpepper, Tony Endress, Jesse Foster, Michael Gladden, Eric Goshay, Roderick Holloway, Derius Lewis, Jack Phillips, Alton Smith, Scott Summerlin, Greg Tanner, Shane Thibodeaux, Lance Weems, Tommy Young. Softball (State Tournament) Rodney Arrant, Terry Cagle, Veronia Campbell, Donny Finlayson, Chuck Glanton, Mike Greenlee, Kim Guy, Karen Hackshaw, Mike Heath, David Hill, Sonny Jackson, Andy Latham, Willie Moore, Marlon Murray, Eddie Newell, Joe Pike, Nancy Price, Casey Rager, Dewayne Roden, Keith Thrasher, Tommy Wallace, Sam Weeks, Ron White. AHSAA Update Newsletter Page 9 AHSAA Update Newsletter Champions Challenge Set For Cramton Bowl August 20-21 The fifth annual Champions Challenge Preseason Prep Football Classic will feature three games for the second year in a row. The Classic will be held at Montgomery’s Cramton Bowl Aug. 20 and Aug. 21 with a a single game on Friday night at 7 p.m. between Greenville and Opelika high schools, followed on Saturday with a double-header beginning at 5 p.m. featuring Trinity Presbyterian of Montgomery and Jackson and followed at 7:30 with Spain Park taking on Auburn. All these teams have great tradition, come from great communities and have tremendous football programs. The Champions Challenge will again be a great way to kick off the football season for our schools. All three games will be televised and streamed live over the internet. NBC affiliate WSFA TV-12 in Montgomery will broadcast the Friday night game with Opelika and Greenville AHSADCA Director Steve Bailey while WIAT TV CBS-42 of Birmingham will televise the two Saturday games. Greenville posted an 11-1 record last season in Ben Blackmon’s second year as head coach including a perfect 10-0 regular season. Brian Blackmon’s Opelika squad finished 6-3. Trinity, coached by Randy Ragsdale, was 11-1 after reaching the Class 3A quarterfinals. Jackson (13-2), coached by Jeff Kelly, reached the Class 4A state finals before falling in a close 32-27 final to Cherokee County. Spain Park (10-3), coached by David Shores, reached the Class 6A quarterfinals last season. Auburn, coached by Tim Carter, posted its second straight 10-0 regular season and finished 13-1. While the games will not figure in the records of any of the participants, expect nothing short of three great games. A press conference with all six head coaches is set for Wednesday, Aug. 11 at 1 p.m. at the AHSAA Office. The press conference, which also will include some selected players from the schools, is part of the AHSAA’s second annual Media Day. Close to 100 media representatives from across the state will gather at 11 a.m. for a special Media Day program. The coaches press conference kicks off the afternoon session at 1 p.m. Greg Hicks, the athletic director of the Huntsville Schools, was named AD of the Year by the AHSADCA. He is shown here at the July AllStar Week luncheon with Steve Savarese and AHSADCA 2009-10 president Lymos McDonald. University of Alabama head football coach Nick Saban, left, addresses the AHSAA member schools’ coaches at 2010 All-Star Sports Week in Huntsville in July. A crowd of close to 1,000 attended Saban’s nearly two-hour presentation. AHSAA Update Newsletter 2009-10 AHSAA Financial Statement Page 10 AHSAA Update Newsletter 2009-10 AHSAA Financial Statement—Continued Page 11 AHSAA Update Newsletter 2009-10 AHSAA Financial Statement — Continued Page 12 AHSAA Update Newsletter ALABAMA HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 242367 7325 Halcyon Summit Drive Montgomery, AL 36124-2367 Phone: 334-263-6994 Fax: 334-387-0075 E-mail: Page 13 Rule Spotlight: Coaches Certification … Continued From Page 5 Continued From Page 5 (faculty member) employed by the Board of Education and is also employed by the school and/or the Board of Education. Note: A non-faculty coach is a person with any coaching responsibility at a member school, is certified or working toward certification under the Coaches’ Education Program course requirements, is CPR certified and has completed the STAR Sportsmanship and NFHS Concussion courses. Non-faculty coaches may be disqualified and discontinued by the Executive Director or Central Board at any time it appears that their instruction is not in the best interests of the statewide athletic program. A school that uses a nonfaculty coach that is not employed or approved by the school and/or the Board of Education is subject to penalty from the AHSAA. A non-faculty coach must be accompanied at all contests by a faculty member or full-time employee of the school. SECTION 2: COACHES EDUCATION PROGRAM: Non-faculty coaches and first-time coaches in the AHSAA are required to take two courses— Coaching Principles (NFHS or ASEP) and Sports First Aid (ASEP or PREPARE)—in the Coaches Education Program, after which they are eligible to apply for a coaches’ card. The courses are recom- Associate Executive Director Joe Evans mended for all other coaches. Courses may be taken for Continuing Education Units (CEUs). All coaches must have an active CPR Certification each year. Note: Each member school must keep on file in the principal’s office a verification for each coach that has been certified from 2001-02 to the present (course requirements) and a verification of all coaches’ CPR certification plus STAR and Concussion courses. Coaches at member schools prior to 2001-02 are exempt from the Coaching Principles and Sports First Aid course requirements. A coach’s certification will be checked at all championship events. Program requirements for each of three categories are as follows: 1. Non-Faculty Coaches • Must complete Coaching Principles and Sport First Aid courses. One course must be completed by the end of the first year and both courses completed by the end of the second year. (If one of the courses is not completed during the first year, the coach cannot continue coaching the second year.) • Must be CPR certified. Certification must be active each year. • Must have completed the STAR Sportsmanship and Concussion courses one time. 2. First Time Coaches in the AHSAA • Will have two years after being hired to complete Coaching Principles and Sport First Aid courses. Coaches will be exempt if these courses were taken during undergraduate or graduate programs and approved by the AHSAA office. • Must be CPR certified. Certification must be active each year. Note: A school using a noncertified coach that is not involved in the Coaches Education Program as described above will be fined $300 and the coach will be suspended. • Must have completed the STAR Sportsmanship and Concussion courses one time. 3. All Other Coaches • Are recommended to take the Coaching Principles and Sports First Aid courses for professional development or personal development. Must be CPR certified. Must have completed the STAR Sportsmanship and Concussion courses one time.
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